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November 12 - 18, 2024

The Crux of Jesus
Kari Lake Hasn't Conceded, and Shouldn't

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

John 14: "Let not your hearts be troubled, trust in God, trust also in Me. In My Father's house, there are many rooms." This is figurative language. God doesn't live in a house, as we know them, nor will the apostles be living in rooms, as we know them. The King James Version uses "mansions," but this is irresponsible. My interlinear translates the word, "abodes." The last thing Christians should be desiring for their place in Heaven is the very thing we should not be striving for here, a mansion. If mansions, as we know them, are dandy in Heaven, then Christians could get the impression that chasing worldly wealth is dandy. If our reward in Heaven is a mansion, why not be a Benny Hinn now? But Jesus is not recommending we put on desires as do thieving prosperity gospelites.

In the next verse, Jesus uses "a place," instead of the "abode" in the previous verse. And there we learn that the emphasis is on Jesus returning to get them, after He goes away. The emphasis is not on the type of luxurious living there will be, but on winning the prize of partaking in eternal life. And in verse six, He tells them the way to go there: "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me."

We are reading here the most-important conversation for mankind, told in a room far from Roman headquarters, where nobody but the apostles hear of it. And John has recorded the words for us to read. How fortunate are we to have them? Nobody can count how any times men have repeated the words in verse six above. They have got to be amongst the most-quoted words. They are revolutionary words, yet most of the world doesn't want them. Jesus started a revolution without weapons of war, a new way to think, with new hopes and dreams that go far beyond having a castle in this world for the mere comforts of the ego.

Is the best you want from God for conquering this world the prize of baking bread, or reclining in a lazy boy, in a big house? But your new body won't need a roof, or walls to keep you warm and protected from wild animals. Is all you want is a big bedroom? Are you nuts? Were the translators of the KJV nuts? And do you really want flapping wings when God can make your soul soar without them?

Most of the world just thinks we're into a false hope, but, at times, there are men and their societies that become brutal against His message, and seek to stop it from circulating with brutality. I suppose that one of the by-products of the Crucifixion is that Jesus became the first example of dying for God from that brutality. It was precisely due to His spreading the Promise of Eternal Life in Himself that even the "religious leaders" murdered Him. And so there have been many men who risked their lives to continue spreading the Word in places where societies were brutal against them. That sort of society is festering in globalism right now, and the globalist message is spreading to anti-Christs, that all people should hate Jesus...which fulfills the words of Jesus told to his disciples, that all nations will hate us in the end times even though we do no evil against them.

We do "evil" against Globalism by warning people not to adhere to it. We preach that the nations belong to Jesus, and that they should all follow Him. By "follow" is meant "obedience." We can't understand the failure to recognize the high values and potentials of His moral system for creating a healthy society. Being appointed by God as king of the planet, He will uproot the disobedient, because He follows God. Only the All-Powerful can maintain a healthy society, and the reason for all the ills and terrors of this world is that God needs to expose to the peoples and angels alike, that humans can't create healthy societies without Him.

We can all see that leading globalists all want more than one mansion each for themselves while they make life miserable for the regular people and the poor. In their eyes, I am speaking evil against them, yet in God's eyes I speak righteousness. What I'm saying is right, correct, meaningful, helpful. It is not harmful but to the rats who seek to usurp their own Creator. They now know that, in the elementary parts of a human, at conception, there exists all the PROGRAMS not only to form all the body parts, but to maintain them as a "healthy society," all working together to allow souls to travel, work, enjoy life, and overcome their troubles. But they are SO STUPID that they don't credit a GENIUS GOD who created the programs. Try to imagine how super-intelligent God is. You can't. It's beyond you. Who are these little nothings who shake their fist against Him? The arrogance.

Globalists now have the Shroud of Jesus, which has the image of a crucified man upon it that is not formed by paint nor any other material thing. Instead, scientists have shown that the image is made by something like radiation. Nobody in ancient times had access to a radiation machine. Nobody can form a similar image on cloth by sunlight or by heat. Sunlight strikes the entire cloth, and heat invades the entire cloth. How can it form an image on the cloth, therefore, to form the outer shape of a human body, and in the meantime show interior details such as eye sockets, beard and nose? Besides, the image on the Shroud is not charred by heat. It's merely discolored cloth.

Doesn't it behoove globalists to consider this thing? Shouldn't they be the first to spread this message, since it can show that the evolutionists have been wrong to oppose the existence of God? People who care about others want to spread this message: the Shroud looks authentic. It's got evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus, and the whole world should hearken. Instead, Globalists desire the ownership of the world for themselves, thieves who, with infinitely-less intelligence, would rob God of the most-precious thing in His kingdom: the position and role of His appointed King of the World. Is this just a small robbery? Is it just a small sin?

In a quiet place that nobody knew of, a secret was told: "Philip says to the Lord: 'show us the Father, and it will suffice for us." We are still in John 14. After Jesus tells them that he's COMING BACK from th place where they know not, he answers Philip: "I've been with you so long yet you've not known Me, Philip. The one seeing Me has seen the Father." Talk about revolutionary. Nobody is going to thwart Jesus. He will succeed in what God has planned for Him.

In what way did the apostles see the Father when they saw Jesus? Not from his physical eyes or other bodily features, but in His attitudes and words. Jesus was the funnel through which God could communicate to the people. Yet Jesus has life of His own, a separate person. It's of course miraculous, we can't grasp how it was done, but this is the crux of all Creation. Everything stands or falls in Jesus. Some Christian cults won't rise to grasp this Trinity. They argue that, if God is in Jesus, then Jesus is not God. Yet if the Spirit of God "controls" the whole Man, then Jesus is effectively God acting through a human body.

By "control," I don't mean that God operates Jesus by a remote-control instrument. He's not a robot. He's somehow a Living God with the whole personality of God. Personality has no bigness. You don't need a universe to fit the personality of God into. A human body is more than big enough. When we look at Jesus, we look into the mirror, and, not liking what we see, we may either wish that Jesus were not so superior to us, or we shrink before Him in open confession of our sins. Perhaps the cults have chosen to reduce Jesus more to their level because they don't want to confess their full sinfulness. Perhaps that's what makes the cults. Unless we admit our full illness, we won't start treating it.

A Christians, we don't rush out the door in the morning with all sorts of evil agendas. We have, in a sense, become the righteousness of God. Yet, deep inside, we feel the old man lingering or brewing. We are unable to match the attitude of Jesus for very long, and we do only when the Spirit acts in us. When He's not operating, we become naked and dirty again. Therefore, we understand that the Holy Spirit is tasked with making us more like Jesus, from the internal works. God's not operating us from the outside, but has put on his detox suit, and is working right in the dirty places, spraying us with detox spray where needed, whenever some mold begins to grow again. I'm just using figurative language, of course.

Jesus recognized that He is the "second" God, not the original. This is what He meant when He said that the Father is greater than He (verse 28). Jesus is the second God, the reproduction of God, a literal Son, not adopted as we are, but, as the Bible puts it, the "ONLY BEGOTTEN son."

Prior to becoming a Christian, we may have had a lousy view of God, and so, when we come to believe that Jesus is God, we might entertain that Jesus is like that lousy or fearful God we had envisioned. This is why Jesus portrayed God as a kind and rational Father. In all of his mannerisms, Jesus exposed the Creator to us, one who will be dangerous only to those who reject Him, but kind to those who love Him. Therefore, Jesus should change the way we view God. Let it happen. What do you think is the just reward for people who think they are greater the more they war against God, who anger Him to His face, who lie to the human race with false gods or evolution? DEATH. They are making, with their own hands, their own destiny an irreversible death. The blame is not God's.

The universe is what it is. It has a God, and people must conform or die. It's not torture to be obedient to God, and the rewards are great. What's the problem, globalists? What do you have stuck in your souls that you can't come around to your senses? The "ugly" or terrifying God of the Old Testament was the reaction of a kind God against those who spoil God's kind earth. Do we take God out of context and conclude that God is cruel by nature just because He needed to exterminate the Amalekites and similar pagan groups? If you, Christian, need to change your thinking, because you still have the impression that God is harsh, then work on it with priority, and stop listening to His enemies who never address the kindnesses of God when they rail against Him.

Jesus did not intend to say that He is less than the Father in Spiritual "stuff," as the Jehovah's Witnesses teach. They have enmity with God to downgrade Jesus to a mere creation of God. Jesus is the Holy Spirit in a separate Being. In this way, one can say that Jesus always existed, or that Jesus created the universe. The Bible does make these claims. It treats Jesus as though he were God, yet He is a second God (or second Spirit of God), who appeared in the early stages of the Roman empire, His arch-enemy that gets a new phase of rule and activity in the end-times, in phase two of the showdown with the devil's kingdoms.

Verse 16: "I will request of the Father for another Comforter He will give you, that He may be with you forever." This Comforter was not given yet, in times prior to Jesus, and yet men of God before Jesus did speak with the Spirit in them. The difference is, I think, that the Comforter is now the Crucified Jesus. God can be at peace in souls who have the Comforter because He has paid the price for their sins. God saw that we were hopeless without forgiveness, and, to show His kindness in a marked way, He Himself died for us to show the love He's capable of, that we might rid ourselves of all negative views of Him. This is the greatest story ever told, yet the globalist pigs reject it that they might rule the world. Treason.

Elon Musk is an evolutionist who wants mankind to rule the solar system. God gets in his way. He wants what he wants rather than what God wants. He will not submit himself to God if it means sacrificing his dream$. And now he's teaming up with a Trump who thinks he needs no forgiveness, who teaches his base that he'll pass on the Forgiveness of Jesus. What do you predict will be the fruit of this partnership? Snake eggs come to mind.

Verse 17: "the Spirit of Truth which the world cannot receive, because it neither sees nor knows Him, but you know Him because in you He will be and remain." Verse 24: "Those not loving Me My words keep not." There you see the difference between people who see no evidence of God, and those who do.

Although it discomforts Him, Jesus did not fear being rejected by people who reject God. Jesus was all-in for God, and our obedience includes having this same attitude, not being ashamed of Jesus...because His ways are the best. Landing a rocket on Mars is totally a waste of time, a stroking of the ego, and NASA uses Mars projects to teach that there is no Creator. Musk partners just dandily with NASA. Musk is merely a wooden Pinocchio, he's not going anywhere. He's giving up eternal rewards, for what? Is He that stupid? He prefers praise from men alone, but not nearly as much as Trump. It is men like this whom God declares chaff in the wind. They will be gone, blown away, as the nothings that they are.

From the things that go on in their souls do Christians remain in the Vine of Jesus, not giving up, with evidence of God's very love and faithfulness operating in their secret place that nobody else has. Without this operation, people mock God, say He doesn't exist. And they do so because they have not bowed the knee to God, have not asked forgiveness of their sinful selves, to put on the "new man" in obedience. Obedience is more than keeping rules. It's performing like Jesus. And we can't do it on our own volition. We are indeed cripples who need the Crutch of God, but at least were far beyond those who won't admit it. We are evolving and progressing while they devolve and regress. Be very happy for your choice of Jesus. Carry it like your proud crown. Others spit on you, but you are the one with the treasure, who is always beside you, above you, beneath you, within you.

There are wayward Christians. If they start to feel cold of Spirit, rather than cuddling up with God requesting comfort from His Spirit, they stop caring about it. They wander away. Deep-rooted Christians pray to be one with God, to have His Truth within, and to have a clean mind. We stay in the Vine until the end. You just close your eyes and ask God to be with you like it means everything to you. If it doesn't mean much to us, God will react accordingly, hoping to retrieve / revive us. But there is a line that we can cross where He just gives up as His response. Be very glad if you are too poor in money to stray. Be very concerned if you have opportunity to make money such that you stray while chasing it, or if you just enjoy being free to do as you please without concern for being profitable with Jesus.

I'm not speaking as one who is a magnificent follower of Jesus. I try to speak only what Jesus would, regardless of my failures. I put the target before us, that I myself am to aim for. We should be concerned with bearing fruit for Jesus, and this requires the proper link to Jesus so that he can work through us. Be a Grape-Vine stem. Ask God to bear fruit through you, what else? Be concerned, and ask, then think appropriately. Isn't that the target of our Faith? But if you're stuck waiting for God to give you gifts of the type that prosperity gospelites seek, you have abandoned the field having the target.

We've got to learn to stick our necks out to suffer rejection from others by telling them their need for Jesus, or to inform them of their sins, or dark hearts. Ask me, a timid one, all about that. Fortunately, my anger against God's enemies breaks through my timidity. I can be a hissing turtle, with the whole neck stuck out when confronted with His enemies. They like to make it as difficult as possible for us by the mean things they say as we stick our necks out.

The apostle Paul was amazing because his neck was always sticking out, he never put it into the shell. And he had racing stripes on his shell. "Woe, Paul," God had to say to him, "you're going too hard." Paul responded, "I don't care I'm loving it. Bring me more enemies."

Jesus did say, "Do not give what is holy to dogs, or throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them with their feet and, turning, may tear you to pieces." Does this mean that we should judge beforehand whether people are open to receiving Jesus, before we share our faith with them? That's what it looks like. I don't think it's a commandment, but a warning. That is, if you like sharing the Word with the pigs, and don't mind them chewing you over for it, go ahead and have a time of it. But there could be a price to pay if they are close to you, for example fellow workers, a tenant, a landlord, a next-door neighbor, even a family member.

Timidity caused me not to speak to a hitchhiker I picked up. I wanted to, but failed, worried about how he would react. Years later, remembering me, he came up to me to say he had become a Christian. It was dark out, and dark in the van, I have no idea how he remembered me. I told him that I was thinking of speaking to him about Jesus...but I failed. Therefore, this thing about not tossing the Pearl to the swine could have us choosing the wrong thing at times. But don't worry, because not one name will be missing from the Book of Life whom God has chosen for it.

If you start telling someone that you're a Christian to test the mud, and if they say immediately, "that's okay for some but don't force it down my throat," that's probably a pig. About the only option you have is to warn them about condemnation, but I remember that when someone said that to me, I didn't respond at all. Maybe I should have with something like, "don't you even care about your own soul?" That way, we show concern for their souls. Deep-rooted Christians do have concern for the souls of others, which is why we shouldn't be afraid to speak. We're not just trying to obey the rules for Jesus to chalk up points, but are concerned for others knowing how things will end for people who reject the Kingdom. Jesus has opened the door wide open for it. I suppose we can say that, after many assaults against us by enemies, we tend to keep our heads in the shell, only peeking out.

Most people are not enemies as much as they reflect on the 2,000 years which have passed since Jesus. They consider it very unlikely that Jesus is authentically who He claimed to be. Or, they probably have no idea what Jesus said, having been educated about Him only from the weeds or the wolves. It seems that when I pray for God to open my mouth with people I'm about to meet, He answers if only for my benefit, as reward for asking. I like it. I want more. I'd like to be a firebrand with lightning coming out my fingernails, or, I'd like to be a stork dropping a New Birth into their laps from out of their cloudy skies. But what I'd like to be in my dreams is not the way I perform ordinarily. On our own, we are pathetic. The battle turns out to be much harder than we would have liked, but Jesus implies, take heart, I am your overcomer; I am your trophy in the Day of Rest.

We could say that we should be pig-headed with pigs. Don't do as they wish, but speak up, anyway, knowing it will upset them. Why? Because we are the sons of the King, we are superior, because we have the Authority with us. I think that this is the way Paul was, but God did, at one point, warn him not to go amid the Jewish pigs, yet he went anyway, unafraid, only to get jailed by them, and who knows what happened to him after that. Therefore, I think, when the people who have power over you to jail you are inspecting you, pray/desire that you speak what the Spirit will speak on your behalf.

Verse 21: "The one having My commandments and keeping them is the one who loves me. And the one loving Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him." This is The Calling. This is what it's all about, in a nutshell. Remain in Jesus with proper obedience, and He will remain in us as our first step to an eternal agenda in a New Universe. There are different levels of obedience, some hot, some cold. As we don't know what level is sufficient, and as we shouldn't even be asking what is sufficient, we should keep it on the safe side.

I trust that if the Spirit is in us hotly, He should also keep us in proper obedience. Half or more of obedience is resisting the things that counter the Spirit in us. Keep things clean. If you use cuss words, apologize to God each time the words come out. Don't let it become integral to your personality. Don't drink too much. Don't lust for money. DO NOT WATCH PORN. If youtube feeds you too much provocative material in ads, use an ad-blocker. Protect your mind from evil pictures and worldly desires that nudge you continually off the Path, and that means don't watch much on youtube, and put on your shield when you do. Despise anti-Christian attitudes in those you see on online.

Youtube now blocks computers from watching if they have an ad-blocker. But it gives you something like 20 videos before blocking you. You can restart the process by deleting your cookies. Youtube then gives you another batch of videos before blocking you. Youtube doesn't need a production studio, or its employees, to make shows day in and day out. Instead, it gets all of its shows for free, uploaded to its system by others even, but then wants to make more money than whole-scale news shows. GREEDY. POWER HUNGRY too. Google and youtube are together a globalist tool that censors / shadow-bans online Christian works. It allows some of it so as not to look too bad, but it will never promote Christian works such that Christianity becomes the world norm because of it.

Instead, youtube is an anti-Christ educator while seeking billion$ upon billion$. NASTY. These are the attackers who teach their followers to attack us when we open our mouths, for when we open our mouths, we attack them rightfully. You may have noted that Jesus, even when having dinner at the home of a religious leader, would say something helpful, yet people took it as an attack on their character. This is the way "liberals" are, always on-guard against Christian speech, always ready to tear it apart.

Nor is it right for video owners to be making millions of dollars by providing a daily youtube show. Some do it from their own homes. GREEDY and RUINOUS. If Christians chase this wealth, that to me looks like straying from God. My belief is that Christian youtubers, sharing Christianity, should make zero money, if possible, otherwise God may frown, and/or the works get compromised. If a person wants to spread Christian messages such that they can't work a second job, maybe they could reduce the youtube load while keeping a job, because safer / better are two shows weekly for zero money made, than five shows or more weekly with money made, in my opinion. When viewers see that you're sharing Christian principles while making money, doesn't it cheapen the work? God may be asking a person who has daily shows: would you do even one show per week for no money, or no money requested?

The one who does regular and free Christian service online looks to be hot-hot-hot. Even if the Internet shadow-bans you, God will see it, and appreciate it. That's all that matters.

Here's the most-important message, and Internetland cares not to spread it: "If anyone loves me, My word he will keep, and My Father will love him, and to Him WE will come, and WE will make our abode with him." Is that not beautiful? Is that not a conquering? Is that not a personal treasury? If you owned a mansion, with green grass and gardeners all working it, pristine throughout, it would be nice for a time, though the niceties would wear off, but how can that compare with the Majesty living with you, with the promise of eternal things to come nobody yet knows of? And why did God not reveal what, exactly, lies ahead?

Don't ask me how God abides within us. I can tell you this, I wouldn't want to be inside your body. Yuck. I don't even know how I'm inside mine. To what is your soul attached? What does the soul look like? How does the soul get unlocked, to slip away upon death? Why does it do so at death? Why can't I fly around right now, having my own key to unlock it? What propels the soul into motion once released from the body? I can imagine a spirit, but I probably have it wrongly imagined. It's got to be made of something. How does it get through the flesh? How impossible is it for us to understand the things God has made?

Will he make something worse than this world for those He loves, those who conquer with charging bulls in their midst? This world's land is predominantly hard-cold rock covered in a skin of dirt with random sticks growing out of it. Could God do better in the next universe? Do you think? How many new universes will there be?

We are not called to conquer the snakes and scorpions, but to conquer amid them. We let God deal with conquering them. To conquer means to protect our faith while buzzards seek to pluck it away. Once they pluck out our eyes, we stray not knowing where. The Light disappears. If not for an emergency called by the Father, if not for the Good Trio doing fast work to save us, the Light would not come back on. But the smallest flicker of faith in us can be made into a flowing flame once again. But not if you are happy in your darkness. Our enemies are happy in this darkness, replacing it with black light which they purchase on the black market. Therefore, blackness will be their reward, of the kind they won't like.

Capture the Kingdom of God. Seize it. You are permitted to latch onto it, to grab it, to feed on it. When Jesus said, "the Kingdom of God is within you," He revealed that the Kingdom is not about mansions or homes or rooms. God is the Kingdom. We are permitted to keep Him within us, how profound is that? What kind of a world dictator becomes our servant in this way? Why does God love serving? He loves it when we appreciate His services to us, just as you like it when someone appreciates something good you've done them. God is not after a bigger kingdom, as world dictators are, to feed themselves with more grandeur; what selfish snakes, feeding on your labors. God is a Gentleman with His Bride, exactly the reason He's lightning bolts to those pigs who would drag her through the mud.

Put God's wrath in context, pigs, and understand that you are the ones who give birth to God's wrath. Instead of learning from past examples of God's wrath, you walk right into it like fools. What's wrong with you? God's been saying forever: get soft hearts. Soften your own heart, because the devil won't do it for you. Speak to God in gentleness and respect. That's the definition of a softened heart.

If God puts us to work building a society, it's for the benefit of the whole. God does not want our labors that He might be the sole benefactor, as tax-heisting dictators are. God does not wish to rule over a society pitted with selfish self-seekers. Ultimately, after this earth has passed away, there will be no divisive connivers in His Kingdom. No conspiracies, no desires to rob God's throne, and therefore no punishments. What will new earth be like without frustrations from His curses? As the Bible says, no more suffering or death. Don't you want to now what that looks like by standing in it? Or do you want to look at it from afar in Hell? What's wrong with you? Do you love your place amongst friends so much as to destroy your own treasure in God's kingdom? How can your friends be worth that much who are worthless before God? Have you no understanding?

If God wants to speak to you, you will hear it. Make sure you don't confuse God's voice with some concoction of God's ongoing voice you create in your spirit. I've always been careful in that regard, because I saw Pentecostals seemingly concocting God's voice, because they fervently desired to be powerful in God, so exciting. But, God makes converts much more slowly than we would like, and it's not usually through us performing some miraculous thing. But, as you may know, if you love God and obey, you will find yourself doing some interesting things by the subtle power of God that you don't see coming until it happens.

I wouldn't want you to think that I'm some super-obedient Christian just because I'm sharing the things of Jesus. To know Jesus' words has nothing to do with my performance in Jesus. If it seems I'm aiming you toward perfection in God, it's because Jesus is my topic. He would never tell us, "don't worry about it if you don't obey very well." He wants us to obey because God wants it. Jesus always gives us perfection as the target. We are forgiven so that we don't stop trying due to feeling defeated. Some people call "trying" by the phrase, "I'm a work in progress." Others use "growing." Don't give up, for the one who presses on is forgiven.

If you can't get God to flow in you, speak with more passion, more sincerity, but speaking what He wants to hear. What does He want me to become? I'll tell Him that I'll try. How happy will He be if I succeed? How can He resist flowing in me to express his pleasure, if I do well? I sense the flow when I say the right things in sincerity. This was the "food" that the apostles knew nothing about, prior to their receiving the Holy Spirit. God flowing in you is your strength, your power to conform.

Don't let lust for being powerful in miracles and works ruin your walk. Don't let pentecostals convince you that, unless you're performing miracles, you're not being obedient enough. If you're crawling, so long as it's toward God, you're good. Pick up the pace at your own pace, and stay the course. God decides whether you will perform a miracle. When God speaks to someone right through you, whether you know it or not, that's classified as a miracle too.

Capitalism is not Christian. Capitalism doesn't necessarily rule out generosity / charity, but it is a self-feeding institution. How can that be Christian? The purpose of capitalism is to make money, and there's no limit in how much to make, as if money doesn't belong to the societal pool, as though the billionaires are oblivious to money siphoned off into their bank accounts not being your money. Capitalism doesn't allow corporations to reduce their prices in generosity because the shareholders would then complain or sue. You cannot love both God and capitalism, and if you try, your service to God becomes the wart of a witch. Let Caesar treasure his capitalism, but let us treasure the Spirit of God within us.

In the video below, you can learn that an American government body/agency is permitted to pay off a piece of the U.S. debt in return for receiving interest payments. Who pays the interest? The government. The government agency pays the interest to the government treasury. See anything criminal about this?

Most money "borrowed" is printed by the government, and then billed to the people. The latter are made to believe that they must pay it back with interest, even though the money was made on a printing press. Then, any government body that has too much tax intake, more than needed to accomplish their mandates, instead of paying it back to tax payers, uses it to pay off part of the debt that the people don't truly owe. Therefore, the treasury gives that government body even more money i.e. the interest for the "loan," even though the agency already had to much to begin with, given in the first place by the treasury. The treasury gets paid back, for distributing the printed money, by government agencies that were given YOUR money by the treasury, meaning that the money printers collect YOUR money (if you're an American) to pay for the printed money. Should we assume that all Western nations are doing this?

The more the treasury "borrows" and distributes to government agencies, the more the latter pay for the debt because it's lucrative. Yet, when the agencies pay some of the debt, the debt doesn't go down, because the treasury owes the money to the agencies. This is a gangster giving money with one hand to the other hand that then gives it back to the first hand, and in the meantime, taxes are increased a little, "justified" because the debt is put on the backs of the people.

The people cannot afford to pay the full interest "owed," and the gangsters don't rock the boat by forcing them to pay the whole interest, because the gangsters are very happy apart from interest payments...keeping the people in the dark as to what's been going on. And if the politician you love doesn't reveal this to the people, that politician must be at least passively complicit. Trump the outspoken one has not spoken out about this.

Plus, this video below is probably created by a friend of the government, and the speaker is probably feeding you cow patties when saying that other countries are responsible for 30-percent of the national debt. Where do other countries get to the tune of $10T to lend to the United States? It's always said that China is the biggest bank from which the U.S. government borrows, but, a few years ago, the total amount received from China was said to be only $1.1T. How could poorer nations than China have forked over the rest of the $10T when other nations are themselves in debt? Are all Western nations paying off each others' debts to rake interest off of the backs of the workers?

Susie Wiles Could Enforce White House Vaccines

If you missed it in the last update, see this video to see how Trump may have betrayed his voter base, already, with Susie Wiles. Note how Alex Jones plays the hypocrite to his base too, in the 15th minute, due to his need to support Trump for he sake of keeping pro-Trumpers in his audience:

Before this video came out on Monday of this week, I had shown how heraldry seemed to point to Susie Wiles centuries ago, by what I assume is God's arrangements. I knew nothing of Susie Wiles' political positions, until seeing the video above, after the entire update of last week was finished and loaded to the Internet. It seems that Susie Wiles could be a spy in the White House for some bad actors. It's not a wonder that she came to despise DeSantis after he turned against vaccines.

In the last update, Miss Hicks on the Leakey road was mentioned again, and I even went to Wrench's/Rench's and German Rench's while the Leakey road is officially Ranch road (Camp Wood, Texas). It turns out, from the video above, that Tom Renz, warned about Susie earlier this year, while on Alex Jones, but Jones scrubbed that show with Renz. The point here is that Renz's are listed with German Rench's who share the lone fleur-de-lys of Leakeys.

You can load Wrench's now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames to follow better.

But that's not all, for here's a click from the last update: "Wiles' must be sharing the five arrows of CAMERA's/Camerons, now looking like a pointer to 'five eyes,' the name of the five Western nations that spy on everyone, suggesting the all-seeing-eye of Rothschilds who likewise have five, bunched arrows."

Miss Hicks and I were at a 9-11 memorial, mentioned in the last two updates, in Camp Wood's park, and it was minutes after this memorial ended that she got her a knee symbol (from me, more than a decade later), for various good reasons, when she was at the Get'n Go corner store at the Ranch road to Leakey. I talked about this memorial many times before, and usually included the Camera's/Camerons because, a minute before I saw her sandals while passing her to take my seat beside her, I had set up her video camera at the front of this affair. Here's more from the lst update:

...I took the seat a minute after I set up her video CAMERA at the front of the affair...More than a decade later, when doing heraldic work, I noted the following in the Sandal write-up: "Further to the north in Scotland, John de Sandall or de Sandele, appears as CAMERAarius SCOCie, c. 1361"...The Shoe surname has variations like "Scocie," and Shoe's use a "knight issuing from the KNEES"...

It was about two hours after I saw her sandals that I gave her the knee symbol, especially as Leakeys share the engrailed Knee bend, and moreover Leakeys use a leg bent at the knees. After I got up from my seat, I didn't return to it, but instead Stanley sat beside her, holding the American flag on a pole, which he momentarily brought up to the stage. STANleys, first known in Cambridgeshire with Wrench's/Rench's, have a bend in the colors of the Knee and Leakey bends, and Stands/Stains share the double fesses of Flags/Flacks who were in turn first known in Norfolk with Pratts, and with BARKs (show "larks") and their Lark kin while Larks look related to the Flys of Flagi.

I trace both the Flys in Flagi of FLAVIUS and Pratts to imperials (emperors) of Rieti partly because Wikipedia once showed a "pratus" (or similar) motto term for the Arms of Rieti. Something in this city, probably the line of Vespasia POLLa, traces to Reeds and Roets, the latter easily connectable to other Polla liners at Rothes, where POLLocks built a castle who named themselves after Pollok, a location in Wren(ch)-like RENfrewshire, where Roet-related Speers are first known along with Pollocks. The Fly martlets are in colors reversed with both Plocks (Oxfordshire with Leak-like Lake's and Renfrew-connectable Ships) and Pullens/Pullys while the latter share the scallops of Sabine's (Norfolk again) because Vespasia Polla was wife to FLAVIUS Sabinus. Fly's share the fleur-de-lys of the Arrows/Arras' while Rothschilds loved Arrows.

I was able to glean that Stanley was a pointer to Morgan-Stanley bankers because they had multiple floors in one of the Twin Towers, all floors immediately beneath two adjacent maintenance floors where, no doubt, men kept their tools and equipment for fixing the building with explosives to bring it down on 9-11. The memorial at Camp Wood, exactly one year after this horrible disaster, was put on by our church in Barksdale, which is why I went to Barks above. After telling this story quite a few times, I discovered that the Barksdale surname shares the five, bunched arrows in this Arms of Rothschild, in the same colors. It tends to expose to me that Rothschild bankers took down the Twin Towers...and Trump may know it.

As per the five arrows of Wiles', Susie Wiles may be a Rothschild plant into the White House, therefore.

Rothwells are also Rosswells while Ross' have a "SUCcessus" motto term while Such's are first known at Ormskirk with Barksdale's. GORsuch's are first known in Lancashire with Ormskirk, and Gore's share the Wrench/Rench and Wren crosslets. They are in the colors of the Wiles fitchee crosslets, and the latter are colors reversed from the fitchees of Darlene's while the latter's Darlington branch, first known in Durham with Wrens, have the Wrench and Wren crosslets in colors reversed. Yet, Durham is also where Bows/Bough's were first found who not only share the Roet motto, but have five, bunched arrows.

The Bow/Bough arrows have "points DOWNward" while Knee's were first found in County Down while Downs were first found in Sussex with Wiles', and with the Acorns and Vice's/Vise's both on whom share the Knee stag head. Thus, the five arrows of Bows/Bough's can be close to the same of Wiles'. We can get to Trumps in this picture easily where Downs have a giant stag in the colors of the Trump stag head while Tromps use acorns. Roets and Reeds share the Bough-like book with Darlene's, and as it's the "female FIGURE" of Darlene's which holds the book, note that Vice- and figure-like Vickers/Vicers share a red fitchee with Darlene's.

This recalls my girlfriend, in my teens, Darlene Ray/Wray, whom I dated after Allison BAUER. I dated them both (one after the other) when they worked with me at KNOB Hill Farms grocers. Arrow-loving Knobs look like kin of Rothschilds/Roddensteins, and the first Rothschild banker was Mayer Bauer. Scottish Bowers have five, bunched arrows, meaning that Rothschilds owned their five arrows because their blood went back into their Bauer/Bower ancestry...meaning they lie if they inform the public as to how they got their arrow symbol, if they don't tell that it belonged to the line of Mayer Bauer.

The leopards in the Darlington Coat are first known in Sussex with Wiles'. The Spears/SPEYers/Spire's, twice in the Darlington motto, were of the Spey river, location of Rothes, where Pollocks, first known in Renfrew with Speers/Speyers/Spire's, built a castle, explaining why Pollocks, Bowers, Bauers/Bowers and Burleys/Bourleys all have green Shields, and why Mayer Bower called in home in Frankfurt, "Green Shield." Jewish Pollocks use a red Shield with only a bend upon it, in the colors of the bend of Jewish Rothchilds (not "Rothschild"). Burleys/Bourleys and Scottish Pollocks share the boar (different colors), and Pollocks stick an arrow into their boar, which they have also called a "dart," which can explain why Darts are first known in Devon with English Burys (and Darlene's) while Irish Burys have a Coat looking like a version of the Scottish Pollock Coat.

Rothschilds/RoddenSTEINs have the eight-pointed stars of Dutch Steins, and while the eight-pointed star was the ancient symbol of Ishtar, Istria has a Pola/Pula location that almost has the Pollock saltire when Pollocks used it green-on-gold. The boar head of Irish Burys is pierced with a spear to show Pollock-Speer relations. Official heraldic symbols can be passed on only by marriages. Rothschilds wouldn't be able to use the Barksdale or Bower symbol unless Rothschilds had Barksdale's and Bowers in their ancestry.

Irish Burys put "a spear THROUGH the neck" of the boar head. "Through" is the motto of Hamiltons, first known in Renfrewshire with Pollocks and Spears. Follow not only the symbols, but motto codes, as well as codes in the particular choice of words used the describe the symbols. The Bury boar head is "couped," and Coupers/Coppers are first known in Sussex with Wiles'. The neighboring Sturs, a branch of Istria-like Isters, have the Camera/Cameron Coat in colors reversed who share five, bunched arrows with Wiles'.

Rothschilds are FOR global and forever vaccines, as is Susie Wiles, apparently. Trump is SWAMP ROT who works hard to make conservatives trust him. He uses them to wield political power, then offers the deep state positions in his government.

You can expect deep-state snakes to enter conservative video and conservative-video comments to promote certain fellow snakes who have been commissioned to appear conservative but are in fact infiltrators. This promotion is for the purpose of getting Trump supporters to clamor for these snakes, to urge Trump to choose them, and then he chooses them because he's being worked over, by the snakes in his own meetings, for to hire them. These infiltrators don't pop up out of the woodwork only at election time, but begin warming up to Trump voters as much as years in advance.

One of the people being highly flattered in video comments is ex-liberal Tulsi Gabbard. The question is, who's flattering her, and why? Can a Democrat quit the Democrat party, and two years later he's / she's got a White House job for a Republican president?

Kari Lake "Loses" Again

The last update surprised me with heraldry predicting a tie score between Kari Lake and Ruben Gallego, thanks to the Tie variation of Thigh's/Thys. But after that, another prediction, based on the Cheater surname and variations of Cheats, was that she would be cheated out of a win. A tie score (it's never a perfect tie) could end up to be a win. A pointer to a tie can indicate what we saw, that while Gallego had a 52-48 score after 50-percent of the ballots were counted, his score came down to as low as 49.6 - 48.4 with about 82-percent counted. I think one can see possible cheating in that alone because, if Gallego goes down from 52 to 49.6, Kari should pull ahead by as many points as he went down, meaning she should have had over 50 at that time. Just look at that. How did Gallego go down 2.4-percent while Lake went up only .4-percent? Shouldn't the bulk of that 2.4 percent have gone to Lake since the Green party was receiving virtually nil in comparison?

The fact that it took five or six days to count from 50-percent reported to 85-percent strongly suggests an effort to find ways to salvage Gallego from losing, for if the cheat house and Democrat election experts knew that he was on track to be the true winner, the count house would have finished the count immediately. Kari was on track to at least tie it, judging by the trend up to 80-percent counted, but it was just then when Gallego started to inch ahead, reaching 50-percent by about 90-percent reporting. It's to be expected that cheats save the heavily-Democrat regions for the final parts of the count so that they can explain away extra but fraudulent votes at that time.

Republican states were able to count big cities just as fast as their country regions, and they all finished the count on election night to about 95-99 percent, but Arizona and cheating California both took their sweet time knowing they needed to cheat to turn losses into wins. That's the obvious truth.

In case you missed it, the following insert was added to the last update:

What I don't understand is how a pant stain obtained on a walk with a married man has anything to do with the supreme court.

[Insert -- It wasn't until Wednesday of the week after this update that I realized she was cheating. When I arrived to her balcony, with stairs to the ground, her dinner guest was there, and said Lorraine was on a walk with her husband. I thought it was odd that the wife didn't go with them. So, after Lorraine got back with a grass stain, knowing she wouldn't put pants on like that for entertaining guests, I knew she had been on freshly mown grass. So, it appears that the husband and she had a "thing" going on, and that's called, CHEATING." I get it.

Like I said, I pointed to the stain in accusing her, and Babe's with Brady's have a hand pointing to the sun. A few days earlier, Joe Oullette's brother, Mike, upon seeing her for the first time, blurted, "what a BABE," and I heard it. Oullette's have a Coat like the one of Babe's and Babe-related Beaks. I now see that God was setting Lorraine up to point to election cheating, because that's what Joe points to in the snow-on-bumper dream [explained last update]. As I don't know why the snow was in the dream aside from a pointer, now, to Sonne's, note that they have a giant sun. Suns/Sinclairs owned Russell-like Roslin, and Lorraine turned out to be a Russellite (Jehovah's Witness).

Lorraine's (and Perins of Lorraine) even use beakless eagles, what are the chances? They are called, allerions, and Allers, sharing the escutcheon of allerion-using Holdens, are first known in Westphalia with Pansys/PANTzers and DUCKs, which is what her pant stain pointed to because the Arms of Bar-le-DUC, a location in Lorraine, use the pansy.

A couple of weeks after the pant-stain event, Joe invited me to see a friend in downtown Toronto, and, being rush hour when we went, he opted to take the bus in order to take the subway. When I stepped off the bus to the Finch bus-subway station, Lorraine, coming home from work, was the first in line to get on, and, surprised to see me, but with an evil eye she couldn't hide, we looked at each other as I passed by her (I said nothing).

A few years ago, I had pointed this Finch station to Mark Finchem of Arizona, who was cheated out of a political position, the secretary of state, in 2022. The corrupt courts in Arizona denied both he and Miss Lake fair trials. Finchems share the triple-Beak fesses, almost the triple bar-gemel fesses of Oullette's. Finch's/Vince's are first known in Hertfordshire with the Childs who share the Lorraine eagle, and, a couple of years after this subway event, Lorraine walked by me (she may not have seen me) in a restaurant holding an infant child.

OH WOW. Mark Finchem ran in 2022 against Adrian Fontes, and Adrians, first known in Middlesex with Stains/Stands, almost share the double fesses of Stains/Stands (!!), but do share the triple fesses of Finchems!!! The third Adrian fesse in mainly under the checkered Chief. Fontes' could easily have been of the Fonts/Fountains, not only because they share the Rise/Rye Coat, but because Fonts/Fountains and Rise's/Rye's are first known in Norfolk with Finchems!!! LOOK AT THAT.

Finchem is badly slandered by Wikipedia and the Arizona Mirror, etc. End insert]

It's as though heraldry has eyes to see Arizona election fraud. It can be added that Babe's were once said to be first known in Dorset with Beaks and ChafFINCH's. You see, heraldry has eyes to see Mark Finchem centuries before his birth, for heraldry is centuries old. Finchem's (same place as Hollys) have "A hind's head HOLDING a branch of holly", and Holdings are listed with Holdens who use allerions, eagles without beaks as code for Beaks who in turn share the triple Finchem fesses. Hinds have the Parry Coat (one of the double Parr fesses) in colors reversed while Parrs and Furness', both sharing the black border, are first known in Lancashire with Holdings/Holdens and Holds. Furness' share the giant and black dog with Chaffinch's.

I'm wondering why Hinds, first known in Essex with Snowdens, are in Snow colors and format. How could Hinds be a make-sense part of the snow that Joe shoveled into the box (topic of last update)? Holds have a squirrel while Square's/Squirrels are first known in Worcestershire with Snows. The box was on the BUMPer when he put the snow into it, and while the last update shows why the bumper points to Bumps, When I'm on the Snows, I often think about Danny Snow of my early teens, who was dating Patty Rice. German Rice's have variations like the Rise's/Rye's above, and Patty's are first known in the same place with Snows. Dannys/Dance's are first known in Wiltshire with Box's while Snowdens are first known in Yorkshire with English Dance's and Rice-branch Reesors/Reasons, suspect as a branch of Risings/Risons (Norfolk with Rise's/Rye's). Box-like Books are first known in Berwickshire with were Battle's sharing the giant griffin of Chaffs (Dorset with ChafFINCH's), and Chaffs add the lozenges of Hinds. Welsh Rice's are first known in Wales with Hind-connectable Parrys. I'm struggling, however, on why this teen couple should point to Arizona fraud.

Perrys (not "Parry") share the hind with Finchems. Perrys are traced to "Hugo Parcarius", and while Hugo's are first known in Switzerland with Snow-like Sonne's, Hugs (Languedoc with Font-de-Ville's) were kin of Fonts/Fountains (same place as Finchems). Hugo's share the mermaid with German Babe's/Babels while English Babels/Babwells are first known in Sussex with early Rise's/Rye's who in turn share the Fontes Coat. See that? Mark Finchem was cheated out of the election win by cheats working the cheat machines on behalf of Adrian Fontes. We got here by way of the Finchem hind.

As Diane Oullette was with Joe and I on the bus to the Finch station, and as she was also in the van in the snow-in-box dream (before Arizona fraud became a topic), I think it means that the Dein/Dene variation of Diane's named SnowDENs, for Deins/Dene's are first known in Sussex with Sadducee-like Saddocks, and the latter have "ears of rye" to explain why Rise's/Rye's were once said to be first known in Sussex too, even with Diane's/Dene's and Dance-like Danes'/Dans. Dannys/Dance's are first known in Wiltshire with the Box's in the snow-in-box dream, and Dannys pointed me to Danny Snow.

English Marks (Essex with Hinds and Snowdens) share the giant Dein/Dene lion! MARK Finchem. This is tending to show that the snow-in-the box points in particular to Mark Finchem. Trump backed Finchem against Fontes. My hug with Mamie, part of the last update, pointed to Kari Lake, but the Hugs are now pointing to Mark Finchem too.

WOW: Andy BIGGS "was president of the ARIZONa Senate from 2013 to 2017. In 2016, he was elected to Congress." Biggs (Essex with Marks) share the fleured border of English Marks, tending to show that it's acceptable to use the Marks in pointing to Mark Finchem. German Marks look related to the Dutch Tromp Coat.

As I said, I went to Mamie's party because Lorraine was busy with dinner guests. I had never met Mamie before, but she took my hands at her party and DANCED with me. I left the party immediately after the dance because I wanted to be with Lorraine, and that's when I climbed the balcony stairs for the grass-stain event, where I pointed to her pants. So, a few weeks later, I was with Mamie at a camp site where she pointed to Trump and Lake.

I told why Babe's and Beaks, along with mermaid-using Laps, are from PodeBRADY of Bohemia, and while the Arms of Bohemia has a two-tailed lion, so do the Wells in the "I mean well" motto of Scottish Shaws. English Shaws/SHEAVES are first known in the same place as pointing Points/Pointers. Comyns/Comine's use wheat sheaves but call then Crab-like garbs, and while Grabs are also Garps, Crabs are also Crail while balcony-like Balcons/Balcome's are first known at Crail.

Point-like Ponts/Ponds essentially share the Coat of Ponders/Ponters (Cambridgeshire with Crabs/Crails and Chapmans), both using PATEE crosses. Ponders/Ponters are expected in the motto of Chaff-connectable Chapmans. Chaffs share the Chief-Shield colors of Capes', the latter first known in London with Stains/Stands (Middlesex is in London). I pointed at her BUTT stain on her balcony, and Balcons/Balcome's look like kin of Italian Botters while English Botters and BUTTons/Bidens/BUDINs are first known in Hampshire with Ponts/Ponds. Italian Points use bridges, and Bridge's use "crabs." BUDINI were near/at Kiev, and Lorraine's descend from Maria of Kiev. The heraldry all appears arranged to go with her stain.

Point-like Ponts/Ponds are first known in Hampshire with Hinds, and I trace Parrs, Parrys and Furness'/Furnace's to king PHARNACes of the PONTus. The Mine's/Menne's to which Mamie points (last update) are the Means in the motto of Scottish Shaws. The latter were related to Comyns/Comine's (Norfolk with Finchems), both of whom share the dagger while Decks/Daggers share the red squirrel with Square's/Squirrels.

Her grass stain was from grass freshly MOWEd, and MowBRAYs definitely use the Montfort lion, because Monforte is beside Bra. Montforts have the two-tailed lion of Bohemia in both colors. I can link Montforts to the Boii founders of Bohemia, and here we should add that Boys/Bie's (Berwickshire with Chaffinch-connectable Battle's) use bees, which we can find in the Crest of needle-using Pettys. Bee's are first known in Oxfordshire with Lake's probably because the latter are in the format of, and colors reversed from, bee-using Bessins.

While Italian Deans/Diano's share the Dein/Dene crescents, Italian Diana's are listed with Natale's, which could have named the Needle's who share the Sonne Coat. The Soans are first known in Suffolk with English Babe's to whom Lorraine pointed in combination with a pointer to Mr. Finchem. A "needle" is used by Irish Pettys, first known in Warwickshire with DILE's, and Scottish Pettys use parrots while Parrots (Wales with Hind-related Parrys) share the pear with the one in the mouth of the Perry hind. Dile's share the giant lion of Deins/Dene's because Irish Dene's use a "crocoDILE" Coincidence? A Pattys are first known in Worcestershire with the Wings/WINKs in the wings of the other Irish Dene's, both Dene's are first known in Galways with Babe-branch Bradys (share sun with Sonne's).

It's amazing that English Pettys share the Yardley Shield while Yardleys have another gold hind (no antlers) but call it a "deer's head." This can connect that the "deer" of mallets, first known in Suffolk with mallet-using Sone's. Suffolk is beside the first-known Snowdens. Scottish Pettys are first known in Perthshire with hind-using Shaws while Sheaves'/Shaws are first known in Berkshire with the Points/Pointers who share a hand pointing with babe's and Bradys. Lorraine got her cheating grass stain in a YARD! Yardleys!

Pettys are first known in Warwickshire with Camps who in turn share the griffin heads of Yard-like Gardners. These griffin heads are in the colors of the giant griffin of Marble's (Cheshire with Bessins) who in turn share the Lake fitchees.

The thing I remember most with Patty Rice is our having backs against the school doors, sitting outside on the concrete together waiting for the school but. We had a close conversation, and were never that close before. The English Doors use Lake-connectable bees while Bee's (Oxfordshire with Lake's) share the Hind quadrants, and thus that event with Patty Rice, who loved Danny Snow, can point to the hind in the Finchem Crest.

I'm perplexed at this time thinking that God would do this "crazy" thing, point to peoples' election-fraud woes,centuries ago, then prepare me to learn heraldry, a thing I never dreamed of doing for Christian service, and a thing I would have dropped long ago had I not thought that God wants me to continue with it. The only reason I can think of for pointing to election fraud is that it's the thing that will empower our anti-Christ enemies for the 666 system. Otherwise, apart from election fraud, the people would vote the anti-Christs out, especially the "Democrat" types who praise election fraud if it can keep power for them.

The Quintana's have a 666 on three die (dice), and Eduardo Quintana (Green Party) just ran against Kari Lake for the U.S. senate seat. Is God sending us a message? Quints share the gold fitchee with Halps and Halperins, and Kari Lake is married to Mr. Halperin.

A couple of hours before uploading this update, the following paragraph was added to the last update:

While Thigh's/Thy's list Tie's, English Tie's were at Wakefield/WACHefeld while Wakefields share the sheaves of Walks/Wachs, and of Waistells of nearby WASdale, near the first-known Washingtons. Wassa's are also Wace's. The Wakefield Chief is in the colors and format of the Chief of Hip-like Heptons (Yorkshire with Wakefield) of Skipton while Walks/Wachs have a "Robert Waugh of Heap". Heaps (Hips' colors) look related to the Coat of Mustans/Mussins (Yorkshire). Hips' were first found in Norfolk with Hobbs-like Hobbits/HobBERTs (Hobbs colors) and Bert-branch Burts. See that? And Burtons were first found in Shropshire with Hobbs'. Hobbits/Hobberts share the red bull in Crest with English Daggers, yet a red bull is with Bearts/Beards too while Hobbits are also HobBARTs.

Katie Hobbs not only cheated Miss Lake out of the governorship of Arizona, but Hobbs is still the governor able to pull strings for Gallego at this time. The Prets (Staffordshire with Duce's/Duceys) suspect in the "pretiosa" motto term of Hobbits/Hobberts have the Duce/Ducey lion in colors reversed while Doug Ducey (Republican) was the former Arizona governor who oversaw 2020 election fraud, but did not expose it or even insinuate that cheating could be in progress. It took extraordinary days to finish the count in 2020 too.

The giant Hobbit/Hobbert estoile can be partly for English Este's, first found in Essex with Hobsons/Hopsons while the latter love the Hurts, first found in Oxfordshire with the Oileys/OWLeys expected in "estoile," and with Lake's. Hurts are in Hobbs, Hobbit/Hobbert, and Owl colors and format. The Arrows (Hobbs colors again) in the Hurt Crest were first found in Staffordshire with Duceys.

Hurts are said to have been part of the Templars, and the latter can be expected in the bloodline of Godfrey de Bouillon, son of Eustace II, and so note that Eustace's and Stacys can be gleaned as a Stagg/Stage branch while the Hurts, in Godfrey colors, have their arrow in a "stag."


I didn't know how Kari Lake's court cases were going against Katie Hobbs until this month, when there was a headline: "AZ Supreme Court rejects Kari Lake’s last remaining bid to overturn her 2022 loss".The article has Kari's foe claiming that the rejection by the state supreme court case cannot be appealed to the U.S. supreme court. No reason was given for that claim. As far as I've been educated on U.S. court cases, all of them can have applications filled to as far as the top-most court in the country.

As of this week's end, Miss Lake has not yet conceded to Gallego. With 98-percent of the ballots revealed, Gallego has beaten Kari Lake 50.1 to 47.7, and later reports have a slightly-closer score. I think this case needs to go to court to discover why it took so long to count the ballots. When the count house gives the answer to that question, in court, it should become open for plugging vast holes into it by Kari's lawyers. If no justifiable reason can be given to the extra days it took to count the final 50-percent of the ballots, then this is cause for suspicion, obviously.

The Lake team can then request a step-by-step review, or day-by-day, of the count to see how best to show the judge that the delay was unnecessary, wherefore it stands as suspicious activity deserving the Lake team to see the ballots. ALL OF THEM if they wish. The ballots are public property, and when there's justified suspicions, no judge should refuse an open inspection of the ballots for any excuse, especially if the excuse comes from the opposing side. The ballots need to be looked at, inspected with eyes, not merely re-counted.

In another article: "...Lake's campaign sent to officials in Pima County, a Democratic stronghold, asking for the total number of outstanding votes and alleging 'discrepancies' in the county's reporting of ballots on Friday after an error led to the reporting of an incorrect number of untallied ballots last week." In other words, Pima reported a contradictory number of remaining ballots, to be expected in a last-minute cheat situation. And Gallego's last-minute pull-away included, mainly, ballots from Pima.

Why would a judge refuse Lake's team to inspect the Pima county ballots, if only them alone? How could such a thing turn the world upside-down, unless cheating were caught? Once caught there, it's justification to inspect Maricopa's ballots.

There's been a slew of evidence that NASA fakes Mars shots somewhere on earth, and now a fly has been captured on Mars. I doubt that this is a faked picture because we expect it, because it's cheaper to fake Mars landings and Mars-rover activity than to fly there.

Look at how many anti-Liberal comments are at a CNN video on Trump's pick for Defence chief:

To everyone's surprise, Matt Gaetz is on his way to becoming Trump's attorney general, very surprising to me. It's possible that this is a ruse from Trump in that he has confirmation already that Gaetz won't be approved by the senate. Certainly, war hawks don't like this. Gaetz might just have the courage to cleanse the FBI deep state, or, Trump made a deal with him to nominate him so long as Matt agreed not to make too many waves with the established order. Or, Trump is sincerely angry with the deep state and wants a total wipe out; that's what we want to see:

The senate may also refuse to approve Fox journalist, Pete Hegseth, for secretary of defence. Trump can then say, oh well, I tried to get men my voters like, but it looks like the senate wants "moderates," another name for hypocrites. The political "middle is the hypocrisy zone. Swing voters will vote for the sin party, at times, to keep "far righters" from winning. The "far right" is far-more normal than the far left, and "far right" is used by the far left to insinuate something like "crazy / extreme / not normal." The true meaning of "far right," as used by Democrat lunatics, are those people who most oppose the sinful / lunatic values of Democrats.

The Republicans won both the Senate and the House. The House has no say to vote for Trump nominees to manage government offices. The Senate alone does, and it's stacked with RINOs, the traitors.

Trump has nominated John Ratcliffe to direct the CIA, a job he shouldn't have trouble getting, unless the senate is stacked with secret, CIA shadowmen. The problem could be, Trump made Tulsi Gabbard (who?) the director of National Intelligence, one of the worst-possible picks. Why did he do this? Who demanded it of him? Will she be Ratcliffe's boss to a degree? Will she confound him? I've never trusted her. From the Democrat party to overseer over all 17 spy agencies, in no time at all, that looks sinister to me. She now gets to spy on all the spy agencies. Who will she report to?

The Gabbards, listed with Gibbards, have a "Facta" motto term looking like code for Faucets, who can be shown to be a Fauci branch. She left the democrat party only in 2022, and had been an army product in highly-Democrat Hawaii. Is she a safe bet to run Intelligence? She has all kinds of friends in the Democrat swamp, some of whom she may her her political career. It would be just like Trump to choose the enemy of his base for government leadership. She was the vice-chair of the DNC.

As is typical from the Sin Party to keep nominees from being accepted by the Senate: "Gaetz is currently facing a House ethics investigation over allegations of sexual misconduct and illicit drug use." Even if Gaetz et-al get refused, all those senators who vote against him will have a harder time being re-elected in 2026. Some senators don't want to take that chance, and the RINO team can pre-decide who votes against him, or just enough to keep him from getting confirmed so as to minimize the number of RINOs who get stained by voting against him.

The NY Times (Sin Party media) is using "stunned" that Trump would pick Gaetz, which is a warning to RINOs not to confirm, or there will be a price to pay from Democrats. This is why the United States is hopeless. Gaetz spearheaded the removal of MacCarthy RINO, only to get MacCarthy RINO II due to the RINOs.

All the hookers, drinkers, partiers, hedonists, faggots, spouse swappers, gamblers, drug addicts, criminals and evolutionists vote for the Sin Party, and they all hate Christians in power who would seek better lifestyles and better culture. That's why the list above calls Christians in power "nazis" or "tyrants," and use fear tactics, in hopes of keeping their social aberrations intact. Everytime Republicans win the White House, the list above starts to cause trouble, starts to slander, and it doesn't stop until they retake the White House. Sinners are attracted to cities, which may explain why the cities of the earth collapse on the Day of the Lord.

This video wants to remind people that Trump was, and still is unrepentant, a murderer:

Do you think Trump picked even one anti-vaxxer for his team? Do you think he specially picked avid pro-vaxxers? Something to think about.

In the video below, Gaetz is called a "buffoon," but is considered a better choice for Attorney General than Ken Paxton, the Christian voice. See that? It's verbal poison, fresh out of the taps daily, what the liberal media do decade after decade non-stop. They tell sinners how to think, who to reject and who to accept.

As of Thursday evening, the House race is 218 for the Republicans, the minimum number of seats needed to control the House. However, at least two house seats are being vacated by Republicans who've been nominated to the Trump government. I don't know how this works for sure, but often, at least, new elections need to be called. This means that Trump's choices could give House control to Democrats, and his choosing some congressmen so early could cause Democrat count houses to cheat to get as many of the remaining House seats to go Democrat. Bad move, Mr. Trump, like gambling with your own power to get done what you promised to do.

One of the congressmen is Elise Stefanik, and she vacates a New York seat that could easily be swallowed by a Democrat. Should she have refused to vacate? Did she serve self and risk the House at this important time when the country badly needs a U-turn? The only good news is that Stefanik beat her Democrat opponent 62.3% to 37.7%. The bad news is that New Yorkers see an opportunity here to remove the House from Trump while he has a Senate majority to boot. If Democrats succeed, it makes Trump a lame duck in altering the polarized, bad policies and laws under Biden and Obama. Stefanik has been nominated to UN ambassador, the perfect place for her to become corrupted. If suddenly she becomes super-rich, we'll know why. Her net worth at this time is, my estimate, under $600,000. There's no shortage of billionaires overseas who would try to bribe her.

Democrats continue to bury themselves as they slander Robert Kennedy as one who will make Americans less healthy just because he wants to rid cereals of toxins. This is a losing battle for the Lunatic Party, but I welcome more of it, keep it up. Keep on supporting the WEF lunatics, and keep on become more fringe in the process. Fools never learn. If confirmed, Kennedy will be the boss of th NIH, the CDC, and the FDA.

If you're like me, you have prayed to God to keep the globalists from poisoning us going forward. Kennedy could get rid of all sorts of toxins in farming, but, in the process, we could have a food shortages due to crop destruction from pests and weeds. And before long, Democrats could win the government to overturn it all. Here he is saying that the "vaccines" were made by the military, not the vaccine companies, and I think he's correct:

Trump will probably succeed in bringing fuel prices back down, which will lower prices all-around, with time. This is a big deal for the poor and over-stretched. However, he's on track to giving the FBI and DoJ back to RINO swamp creatures when RINO senators refuse Matt Gaetz. The latter got on the bad side of RINOs when he ousted Kevin MacCarthy as the House Speaker. With the DoJ back in swamp hands, the next election could easily tilt Democrat because the DoJ won't want Trump's successor.

Unless the power structures of the Democrats are vanished, they will come back to power even if they need to give a false, "moderate" image of themselves again, as was done by Obama. American moderates are stained hypocrites and media fools, did I tell you that? They can't see that the left is the devil (I'm not saying that the right is purely righteous). They are the swingers i.e. of the "swing states." If the Democrats do a good talk in their election machinery, the moderates will vote for the Sin Party.

Here's a dodo-brain writing from canada's state-media, CTV:

During a 2017 Harvard University talk, Schwab also declared that Trudeau and more than “half of his cabinet” were Young Global Leaders(opens in a new tab) of the World Economic Forum: a program that promotes promising leaders aged 30 to 40. Other Canadian alumni include Chrystia Freeland, Jagmeet Singh, Andrew Scheer.

“We penetrate the cabinets,” Schwab boasted at Harvard.

Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Emmanuel Macron, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Ivanka Trump have also participated in the program.

...John Baird, another Conservative MP and former cabinet minister, was also a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader who later attended meetings in Davos. Baird currently serves as Poilievre’s campaign co-chair. ...CONCLUSION

An argument can be made that the World Economic Forum is elitist and detached, but there’s no credible evidence it controls world governments.

Say what, dodo? But you just wrote what the WEF leader said, that he infiltrates governments, and then you are so stupid as to say there's no evidence that WEF seeks to control governments. ARE YOU STUPID? If not, then you must be afraid to be labeled a "conspiracy theorist," meaning: YOU ARE STUPID. Become a conspiracy nut today, be glorified tomorrow for being at the cutting edge of sound intelligence. I'm not going to say "super intelligence" because it only takes common sense to see that WEF is involved in a conspiracy to affect Western governments. But you, dodo, have a job to hold, and too bad that your boss forces you to look STUPID in your writing. Your job is to be an example of stupidity in order to breed stupidity, and you even receive money for it, to put food on your table, shame, great shame.

I don't think we should necessarily condemn all people who have been at a WEF meeting, or two or three, because it wasn't always known what WEF was up to. Perhaps Poilievre's co-campaign manager was more a fly that got trapped in a WEF fly trap, but has since escaped. However, Poilievre disappoints greatly because he was an avid COVID-vaccine pusher, and was, at least in those days, STUPID.

Good news. A jury judged Blue Cross in Michigan guilty for firing a women for refusing vaccination based on her religious position not to receive aborted baby parts in the making of the "vaccines." Her lawyer has at least 170 other people from that same Blue Cross company, and this woman alone received a whopping $13M for her troubles. This judgment should reduce tyranny in the next plandemic, but, the problem is, we can never know for sure how today's lunatics will behave even in the face of such punishment.

Rand Paul thinks Trump will hand him over all government documents showing the Fauci conspiracy with Wuhan. But what about Rand Paul asking for documents exposing the murderous nature of the vaccines? What sort of hypocrite would Paul be if he cares about deaths by a faked virus (it was mainly a typical flu) but cares not for deaths by vaccines? Headline this week: " Rand Paul SCORCHES Fauci For Wild Spending". What about the MILLIONS of deaths by vaccines, and TENS OF MILLIONS of critical ailments??

Will anti-vaxxer medical people at the charge of opposing vaccines get their documents from the CDC et-al under Trump, or will Trump try to cover his arse for his part in the mass-murder program? Who will bring the military to court for its part in the mass-murder program? Trump's not going to chose an anti-vaxxer director for the defence department, is he? Trump will be punished for his part. Have no mercy, for he had no mercy, and will do nothing to help those he maimed because he doesn't want to admit that he maimed millions.

Did Trump get Robert Kennedy to promise he wouldn't go after COVID "vaccine" makers if he's nominated to head the Health ministry? That nomination was made this week on Thursday.

I've just learned that Pete Hegseth has the Templar flag of Jerusalem at a tattoo on his chest. This makes me suspicious. It seems he was chosen by Trump to be the secretary of Defence to do the will of Israel, which could spark the fulfillment of prophecy. The Templar flag is NOT a symbol of Christianity, don't be deceived:

The Trump team now going forward is not a Christian team, and never will be no matter how it develops. Christians are in a position to be the most sane, respectable and reliable people, but not all Christians are exemplary. We can sink pretty low at times. But more so non-Christians. And that's my point, that, on a general level, Christians would run this world far better than others. The reason this world is a glorified junk heap is that Christians are absent, rejected or persecuted in politics. Christians gave the world home-schooling, and non-Christians are now starting to see the needs and benefits in it, doing it themselves. Morality hinges on EVERYTHING well done, and Christians are supposed to be experts in knowing morality. If Christians were not conflicted by anti-Christs in politics, good things would get done.

Tulsi Gabbard is featured on a webpage for the Young Global Leaders at the WEF. I don't know how committed she is to WEF, however. Trump wants her in charge of the Spy Machine. Doesn't that make you nervous, American Christian? A California Democrat at one time, with possible ties to China-loving California Democrats, at the head of the Spy Machine, whose job is to assure that all spy agencies are run well. What does that mean, to be run well? She's for gun confiscation, if she told the truth (but she won't now). Gabbard is in the 24th minute of David Knight, and in the 25th minute, he shows that she was part of a psy-op unit of the military, which means, "liar,"a perfect character to support another round of forced vaccines:

If you want an example of how Christians are mired in Trump fantasia, read the comments section:

The video below challenges those who say that the "work was finished" on the Cross. For Jesus, that stage of the work was done, but He has eternal work to do afterward, and our work has only begun at the Cross. Step one for Christians is to change. There's a lot of work to be done, especially for those who strayed the most, but they are compensated by the reception of more grace, translating in more determination to make amends to God. Although this is an Adventist production, I see nothing amiss in the preaching, an everything good. The preacher even looks a little sloppy with his shirt showing under the blazer, perfect because it's not a slick look (which I don't like for church):

The video above is in this news section because the words spoken over a half-hour are millions of times more important and meaningful than the words Trump speaks at a half-hour rally. Nobody in the pews cheers wildly as they do at a Trump rally for various reasons, one of them being that a Trump rally has many inglorious personalities not seeking to improve themselves before God, but more out for a good time with a "clown" and a false-promiser as their entertainer. The church service above is an educational setting, not intended to spread political flames. Politics has become much like a feverish sport, or a civil war. Church is more "reserved," meaning more restrained from impulsive disruptions from the audience. Besides, it's weekly or more for some, not a one-time thing as it could be for most who attend Trump rallies. It would be best if we don't attack church services with disdain, even if we find some faults with them, at least until we discover how Jesus feels about them. Never paint all churchgoers with a broad brush, as some do, especially our enemies, or the cults. You may never know for sure which churchgoer is a Church pillar, beam, floor or roof in God's sight.

I've shown in the past how Trump chooses mainly catholics as his Christian picks, and JD Vance can be exposed as a potential snake by his conversion to the vaticanites:


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
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