November 5 - 11, 2024
Mamie Predicts, in the 1980s, a Tie Score in Kari Lake's 2024 Election
But the Cheat Surname Predicts She'll be Cheated Out
Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.In continuing from the Templar-bloodline discussions over the past two updates, somewhat centered on a Fox-connectable Fossa location in Abruzzo, Italy, I'll start on the service that houseofnames forces me to do for my readers, from time to time. Houseofnames has heaps of folly when it derives surnames in sound-alike, dictionary terms, and often gives exactly zero proof for the derivations. Being specialists in surnames, the people who run this place are quite dishonest with their customers, and ought to know better than anyone that surnames change form so that the Wolf surname, for example, was not named after a wolf or wolf-like human character, as houseofnames is prone to claiming, but could easily and likely be a variation from another surname, for example the Lupus' or Guelphs that became the Welfs.
You can load Wolfs now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames to follow better.
Similarly, houseofnames could, for example, claim that Woolworths were named after wool makers or wool sellers. But the Wolf surname lists Welfs and Lupus', and is first-known (by houseofnames) in Cheshire with the earl, Hugh Lupus, and with wolf-using Wolfleys/Wooley who use wool sacks. See that? But even if an early member of the Wolf/Welf bloodline claims that the surname was derived from a wolf story in the family, and then tells the story, it could be a screen to hide the real ancestry because that ancestry is unliked by the general people.
There are many Fox-like surnames, any one of which could have been the original, having nothing to do with foxes, but, eventually, someone in the family decided to change the name to "Fox." And many surnames that are also in a dictionary could have been formed from a previous surname having nothing to do with the dictionary term. Houseofnames would come along, simpletonian style, to say that the Fox surname, for example, derived from a man selling fox furs. Therefore, never take the derivations from houseofnames for the fact that they present them as, unless there is a compelling reason given.
I'm going to show how houseofnames gives two erroneous, off-the-cuff derivations for Botelers, while the third attempt can be proven to be the correct one. But first, I want to go to the Leavell surname, which house of names says: "The Leavell surname is derived from the Norman French word 'lou,' meaning 'wolf,' with the diminutive suffix 'el.'" Later it says, " As a violent man, [Gouel Waleran of Leavell] acquired the surname 'Lupus.' In turn his son was surnamed 'Lupellus,' or little wolf which was softened to 'luvel.'" Achem, which is it, a derivation in "wolf" or "Lupus"?
Botelers look a little related to Woolworths, and houseofnames doesn't identify Woolworths with Wolfleys/Wooleys even though there's a "cake of bread", held in "hands," in the Crest while Breads and Hands/Hanns are first known in Cheshire with Wolfleys/Wooleys. Follow the symbols, houseofnames, and know that they are usually code for ancestors. If you don't have time to learn this "science," scrap all of your off-the-dictionary-wall derivations even if some high-level historians conjured them up as their best shots in the dark. I've got to tell my readers this because houseofnames does my work a disservice by creating doubts in my derivations.
Cake's/Cakebreads go back to Sitric Caech, grandfather of king Maccus, the line to Cheshire's Masseys and Maceys. The Walworth/Walwork variations suggest that they created Walins/Walwins because they share the same bend, and while Walins/Walwins share the Rise/RYE Coat while the latter were once said to be first known in Sussex with Rye-loving Saddocks, we then note that Sussex with where Woolworths/Walworths are first known.
I suppose that "Waleran" could have derived from Wolfleys/Wooleys too, by way of Walins. It makes a lot of sense, tending to reveal that Wolfleys and Wolfs/Lupus' were descended from king Lupus Laevillus.
The wolf of Hugh Lupus was the one of Bathers, and they are first known in Denbighshire, beside Cheshire and Flintshire while the Flan variation of Flints is suspect, in my estimation, with heraldic "flanches" -- could be part-code for Cheshire's / Chees'/Cheatle's -- because it's used by Wolfleys/Wooleys. Flynns have the Wolfley/Wooley wolf in colors reversed, and the Flynn wolf is in the colors of the Bather wolf heads. Flynns are first known in Antrim, and Antrims/Antinghams are first known in Norfolk with the Rise's/Rye's that almost have their Coat. Chees-like Cheese's are first known in Norfolk and Shropshire. were '
It is said that Sitric Caech married Edith of PolesWORTH, explaining WoolWORTHs, and Worths have the giant, two-headed eagle of Maccus-line Maxwells. As Woolworths use sheaves, that looks like the Arms-of-L'Aquila eagle. As Pollocks were a sept of Maxwells, Polesworths look to be from the namers of Pollok in Renfrewshire, or from the Pollocks proper of Rothes (named after their home in Pollok). Woolworths show sheaves for a trace to Sheaves' of L'Aquila. Pools/Pole's happen to have a giant lion in the colors of the giant lion head of Breads. The "conjoined" term in the Polworth and Masci description is probably code for Joiners because they are in Mackay colors and format. Use even syllables in heraldic terms to find kin. The creators of these codes sometimes had to think hard and long to come up with them, and with multiple options, they had to choose one.
I say the Leavell surname was derived in neither derivation offered by houseofnames. I say it comes from Lupus Laevillus, king of Cetis near the time that Jesus was murdered by the Caiaphas line that goes to the Templars. He was likely a Sadducee, that being like the Rye-loving Saddocks above. Woolworths show sheaves for a trace to Sheaves/CHIAVA's of L'Aquila. Did you spot the resemblance between "Chiava" and "Caiaphas"?
Laevillus was husband to QUADratilla, tending to explain why Quade's use the same wolf heads as Cheshire's Cliffs (Shropshire too, with the first-known Meschins). While Massey and Maceys are first-known in Cheshire, and were moreover related to Hugh Lupus with Meschin, it explains why the Quade wolf heads are with Irish Mackays.
Cliffs, by their marriage to Stiche's, can be traced to Traby of Poland (married ASTIKas'), and it just so happens that while Trabys/Sadowski's use a Q-shaped "scarf" suspect as code for Quade's, Scarfs use wolf heads in the colors of the wolf head that Wikipedia once showing as the symbol of Hugh Lupus. Wikipedia took the symbol off the page, last I checked, but retained a wolf picture for his son's article.
Scarfs incorporate the Coat of Bathers, the latter first known in Denbighshire (beside Cheshire) with the GLUE's (GREYhound head in Bather colors) suspect with naming GOUEL Waleran, whose son married Beaumonts. Baths are first known in Somerset with Leavells. Glue's share the mascles of Spinks, in turn first known in Northamptonshire with Sear de Quincy. Quincys use mascles too, and almost have the Coat of Rouens, the latter first known in Dol. Rollo, father of Crispina, ruled Normandy at Rouen, in the VEXin (in case it applies to a Fox branch).
Glue-branch Kellogs/Kellocks, in colors reversed from, but in the format of, Scarfs, can thus reveal that Gouel was a Kelly liner, and thus from L'Aquila, near Fossa. See that? Follow the symbols and mottoes to get correct derivations of surnames, houseofnames. It means that the namers of Fossa were likely in the Waleran motto term, "vos," for Vos'/Vosseks use a giant fox, and Foss' use a fox. Vos'/Vossels are first known in the same place as Dols.
Hugh Lupus was the uncle of Ranulph le Meschin, and Meschins are in the colors and format of Wolvers, showing wolf heads in place of the Meschin scallops. This is how to do surname connections to symbols, houseofnames, in order to discover the derivations of a surname. Wolfs/Welfs/Lupus' may not have been derived in Hugh Lupus, however, because, maybe, he named himself after them. Wolvers are first known in Suffolk with Blonds who in turn look related to the English Leavell Coat.
The Stiche-branch Sticks are first known in Somerset with Leavells and Roets while the Roet wheel (of Catherine Roet) is showing for German Wolfs. The latter share the blue wolf with Wolfleys/Wooleys (same place as Stiche-related Cliffs).
The Leavell write-up: "Robert, Lord of BreHERVal and Yvery [home of Leavells] in Normandy is regarded as the progenitor of this [Leavell] family. His father was Eudes, sovereign Duke of Brittany." If Eudes was related to something in Dol, we note that WHALE-using Dols, sharing a wavy fesse (different colors) with Meschins and Wolvers, are first known in Mecklenburg with Vos'/Vosseks. Therefore, Whale's/Whele's, and possibly similar surnames, do not appear named after whale hunters or wheel makers, houseofnames, but after Walerans having a "vos" motto term. This is how to do more-reliable surname derivations, houseofnames.
Whale's/Whele's share the black canton square with Whalleys, and the latter have whale heads in the colors and format of the Waleran bull heads. Plus, the Whalley mascle is in colors reversed with English FAUX's and English HANsons (Yorkshire with Anne's/Hanne's) while Hahns are first known in Mechlenburg with fox-using Vos'/Vosseks.
Faux's are first known in Essex with Muscat-branch Muschats, and while Muscats were related to Love's/Luffs, I am very open to the latter's deriving from the Lovell variation of Leavells, or from a "Lou-of-Lupus > Love" line, for Lovicks/Lofwicks, sharing the Waleran bull HEAD, are first known in Lancashire with Whalleys. And the Heads/Heeds were a branch of Haydens sharing the Beauty bull while Beautys (almost have the Waleran Coat) are first known in Dorset with the Hats/Hades' who in turn share the cross / quadrants of the other Haydens, both first known in Norfolk with Heads/Heeds and Fulke's/FOOKs'.
Whale's/Whele's share the Lorraine bend while Loys/Louis' are first known in Lorraine province. The Welsh Louis' are first known in Glamorganshire with Lewis' and Tillers while Tile's/Tilleys are first known in Dorset (beside Leavells of Somerset). Houseofnames derives Louis' and Lewis' in "loud battle." It's possible that houseofnames uses derivations written by the people of another generation from whom houseofnames purchased their heraldic product. There could be all sorts of code work in deliberate, false derivations. For example, "loud battle" could be deliberate code for Battle's because they share the giant griffin of Caiaphas-like Chaffs, first known in Dorset with Tile's/Tilleys.
Leavells lived at Somerset's Castle Cary, and English Carys (Somerset) share the roses of English LOWers/LOUers (Cornwall, beside Walerans of Devon). Lows/Lowes'/McLoys use wolf heads in the colors of the leopard FACEs of German Loys. Lorraine, whom I dated, was a pure blond. She had given us a babe symbol for the Babe's at the same instant that she gave us a foot symbol, and while Babe's were once said to be first known in Dorset with their Beak kin, Babe's are now said to be first known in Suffolk with Blonds who not only share the babe sun, but use a "foot" on their sun. The Blond Coat looks related to the English Leavell Coat, and the Meschin earls of Cheshire became Blundville's / Blondville's. Plus, the Babe's and Beaks both share the German Loy leopard face while French Loys/Louis' are first known in Lorraine.
Suffolk is where Love's/Luffs and their Muscat kin were once said to be first known, and that's where Meschin-related Wolvers are first known too.
The Lows/Lowes' have: "Later, a branch of the family was found at Alderwasley in Derbyshire. 'The Le Foune or FAWNE family held lands here in the reign of Henry III..." The Fawne's/Faughnes' could easily have been a branch of Faughns/Faugheys sharing "compony" with FAUCets of FAUXside castle, in East Lothian with the first-known Scottish Vaux's/Vallibus'. The castle was built by Saer de Quincy while Quincys are first known in Northamptonshire with FACE's/Fessys.
The VALLibus variation must be from Humphrey de Vieilles, a Harcourt and ancestor of the Beaumonts of Meulan who in turn married Waleran de Leavell. The Arms of Meulan is used by English Vaux's/Vallibus'. Someone wrote that his Wells family was of the Vallibus', making sense where English Wells share the giant lion of Faucets, almost. The difference is that Wells give it two tails, but then Tails/Tailers share the lion of Tillers (same place as Louis' and Lewis').
In the last update, the Dock compony was mentioned, yet it's called "gobonated." I studied the Gobon write-up after the last update was uploaded to the Internet, which was yesterday as I write here. The write-up tells from an old quote that the Gobyons of York became the Gibbons who in turn look like Lorraine kin but with the scallops of Tailbois' (Lincolnshire with Wells), and Gibbons add the Wells lion, itself half in the colors of the Lorraine lion.
Irish Gibbons almost have the Tailbois Coat, and share the annulet of Severs, first known in Somerset with Leavells. Meschins married Lucy Taillebois, and while Talbots have the Grey Coat in colors reversed, Greys are first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's. The Wells lion is black, as is the one of Welsh Louis' while French Louis'/Loys are first known in Lorraine.
Talbots and Meschins are first known in Shropshire with Bell-branch Bellamys, and I aim to show that Beaumonts/Bellmonts were originally Bellmonts from Bell elements, though we can add that BEAUmonts are first known in Dorset with BEAUtys who almost have the Waleran Coat.
Severs above with their Saffer branch were from emperor Severus, husband of the sister of Julia Maesa BASSIANus. Meschins ruled in the BESSIN. One of the English Bass' are first known in East Lothian with Vaux's/Vallibus'. While Julia Maesa above married Julius AVITus, and while Vita's share the Sever / Gibbon and CHARRY/Cherry annulet, Saffers share a "Vita" motto term with fox-head Bello's/Bellows, the latter first known in Cheshire with Bessins and Wolf/Welf/Lupus kin. Charrys/Cherrys (Devon with Saffers) must have been of Castle Cary of the Leavells and Carts.
Carters (Winchester with Saer de Quincy) share the Beaumont/Bellmont lion. Irish Carys have a giant lion in the colors as Carter / Beaumont lion. Saer de Quincy built the Faucet castle while Gobons are expected in the gobonated bend of Docks, which in other terms is a compony bend, used also by Faucets and Faughns in half the colors of the Dock bend. Docks are first known in Staffordshire, beside the Bellamys and Vaughns of Shropshire. Vaughns essentially share the Coat of Fish, the latter first known in Lincolnshire with Gibbon-related Tailbois', and with Faucet-connectable Wells in turn sharing the Gibbon/Gibbs lion. Fish were likely from the Fiscs (almost have the Coat of English Vaux's/Vallibus'), from the Fieschi of Genova, where Fauci's are first known, and the very early Gobons (prior to 1130) were in Northamptonshire, where Face's/Fessys are first known with Faucet-connectable Quincys. There's like 300 foxes in these parts, not named by fox hunters.
With my suspicions that Beaumonts share the Bone and Bunn lion, we can now add that Bunns are first known in Oxfordshire with the Crispins sharing the Gobon Coat. French Crispins share the pomegranate with Grazi's while English Grasse's are first known in Lincolnshire with Gibbons/Gibbs. French Crispins are first known in Lorraine with French Simons while Jewish Simons use a "fox" in the colors of the giant lion of Italian Simons, and the latter is colors reversed from the giant lion of Montforts, which has two tails, as does the Well lion. Simon de Montfort's family married the Beaumonts of Meulan as they became rulers of Leicester.
Gobons don't have the Crispin Coat exactly because Gobons add a label, likely code for Labels/La BELLs. Then, what do we find in the Gobon write-up but that Gobions of Hertfordshire and Leicestershire married BOTELERs of Staffordshire; the latter is where Bassets are first known whom I can trace to the Crest of Porch's who in turn share the eight bars of Gobons and English Crispins. I had read that Wells were at Bec Abbey with Crispins and the Beaumonts of Meulan. Recall the Beaks above, first known in Dorset with Beaumonts/Bellmonts. Hertfordshire is where Beach's/Bechs are first known.
I've highlighted Botelers because their write-up has: "The surname Boteler was first known in Normandy where they held a family seat as Seigneurs of WEMME. Their ancient title was Butler (Bouteillier) to the Counts of Meulent (Robert de Beaumont about 1066,) the actual family name being PINCERna. This title was then adopted as a [Boteler / Butler] surname." This derivation can be shown to be accurate, which should ignore the first two offered by houseofnames. Robert de Beaumont in that quote was of Meulan (Meulent), a Harcourt, and Harcourts are first known in the same place as English Crispins.
I accidentally found the Wemme's above when mentioning "halloWEEN" in the last update. Checking for a Ween surname, in case Freemasons coined "halloween," they were found listed with Weems, and they happen to have a motto, "Je pense," while Pense's are listed with PINCERs/Pincons, first known in Devon with Walerans, and sharing the Aquila eagle. Beaumonts of Meulan, who had the Pincerna family as butlers, had married Waleran. Thus, it looks correct that Botelers were from the Beaumont butlers.
With HALLOween, we need to check the Hallo's, listed with Hallows who happen to share th triple crescents of Gobon-beloved Labels/La Bells. Gobons love the Botelers of Weeme. Halloween must have been an invention of Skull and Bones.
With my suspicions that Beaumonts share the Bone and Bunn lion, we can now go to "goBONATed," for Bonato's are listed with Italian Bona's, and English Bone's are first known in Sussex with fox-using and Vos-like Foss'/Voss'. The latter's write-up mentions Fossa's of Normandy, and the last update was heavily on BoccaBELLA's of Fossa. What are the chances that Bonato's/Bono's are first known in Milan while Scottish Milans/Millens are also Mellent while Meulan is also called, Mellent"? Milans/Millens share the Well / Gibbons/Gibbs lion. Mellansons (Aberdeenshire with Milans/Millens and Kellogs) have a Coat like the one of Milan's Mauro's/Maurino's, the latter suspect as kin of Boccabella's of Fossa (for that link, see "Mauro" two updates ago).
While Fossa's have a horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the vertically-split Shields of English Neals and their Yarborough kin, the Neals are first known in Wiltshire with Box's, beside Beaumonts/BELLmonts, suggesting that BoccaBELLA's of Fossa were named from a Box merger with Bellmont elements. Yarborough's share a "sine" motto term with Glue's, and Gouel was the father-in-law of Miss Beaumont of Meulan. Box's share the Neal and Sine/Sion/Swan lion, and the latter surname shares the white swan with Weens/Weems. The Botelers of Wemme were butlers to Beaumonts.
Weens/Weems (Fife) share the lion of Fife's and FIVE's/Fifys (Aberdeenshire with Kellogs), and I mentioned, in the last update, that L'Aquila elements loved the number, five. Weens/Weems share the lion of Mounts/Mounds (lion on a green mound) in the "fox running on a mound" of Jewish Simons, and while "mon" is a motto term of French Simons, Mounds list Mons'. MOUNTs/Mounds are first known in Peebles-shire, beside the Sine/Sions/Swans, and it just so happens that Botelers are in the colors and format of English MOUNTains (Essex with Aquila-connectable Este's).
Weens/Weems share the giant Legh/Leigh lion wile Leggs almost have the Coat of Trumps (Mecklenburg with Vos'/Vosseks) while Trumps share the stag head of Jumps, the latter first known at Yorkshire, where Belows/Bella's are first known. I'm just recording that Wombwells/Womwells (Boteler / Bone format) may have been named by Weems. The Jumps: "The parish of Wombwell was the property of Roger de Bully and Walter d'Aincourt..." Bullys are first known in Dumfries with Leggs and Bells while Leghs/Leigh's are first known in Cheshire with Bello's. The neighboring Bellamys, sharing the Bell fesse, share the crescents of Seatons, the latter first known in East Lothian with Vaux's/Vallibus'. Jumps share the roses of Mota's suspect in the motto of the Arms of L'Aquila, making Tromps suspect with the L'Aquila eagle.
Note the BelliVAUX's, with billets while English Billets share the Coat of Bello's above. Surely, Bellivaux's were a Bellmont branch.
Skull and Bones may have been named by the similarity between Skulls and English Bone's (same place as Foss'), the point being that Wombwells almost have the Skull Coat.
We saw that Robert of BreHERVal of Yvery is said to be the ancestry of Leavells of Yvery by way of ruling Leavell, though this doesn't tell us whether he was a Leavell. In any case, Bellamys were from Perche while Perche's share the double chevrons of Garveys while Harveys/HERVeys are in Bellamy colors and format. French Harveys (share French Alan stars) are first known in Ile-de-France with Levi's and Chappes'. It seems that Harcourt-line Beaumonts/Bellmonts, first known beside English Botters/Bodins, had been a Bellamy branch. Botters/Bodins use an eagle on a "perch." The Botter/Bodin eagle is in the colors of the eagles of Bone-branch Bunns (Oxfordshire with Harcourts).
Therefore the Brehervals look like Bellamy kin/descendants, but also kin of Bone's and Bunns both sharing the Beaumont/Bellmont lion. It's half in the colors of lion of Bonato's/Bona's suspect in the goBONATe code of Docks. The latter are first known in Staffordshire with the Botelers who married Gobons. Half of the Bonato/Bona lion is colors reversed from the same of Docks. The latter are first known in Staffordshire with Duce's/Doocys while Duc/LeDucs (Brittany with Dol Alans) are said to have "acquired estates in Perche,..." near ALENcon. Bellamys are first known in Shropshire with English Alans.
Duce-branch Ducks are first known in Somerset with Leavells while German Ducks/Dockers (Valence kin) are first known in Westphalia with duck-using Velins, and with the Velens sharing the martlets of French Alans who once showed the same ducks as Velens once showed (I've got it recorded).
The last update was much on my mugging in Galveston, where James LeDuc runs a level-four (highest security level) lab very-possibly working with bio-weapons. I was connecting that topic to the MARY-Magdalene cult surrounding Berenger SAUNIERE of Rennes-le-Chateau, and I showed that the Saulnier variation of Saunier's was a branch of the Chaulnes' who list Fauchy- and Fagot-branch Faux's/Fage's. Some say Tony Fauci is a faggot, married to a man. The point is, I showed how Saulnier's can be of the Solnier variation of Sole's, and then I've only-now seen Jean LeDuc in the Duc write-up, who "married MARIE Soulinie, born in 1631,..."
Therefore, we can trace the Magdalene cult to Sole's/Solnier's, first known in Derbyshire with Dock-loving Gobons. Docks are first known in the same place a Duce's. See that? Duce's are in the motto of Schims/Schiens, a branch of Skins/Scans who in turn share the wolf heads of Wolfs/Welfs/Lupus'. Skins/Scans look like a pointer to 666 skin-scanning devices, especially is the 666 system will be a vaccine door pass into workplaces and stores. This picture takes on more gravity where Schims/Schiens share the Washington Chief.
Get Me a Container
This section may be a waste of time, but I'm going to try to re-decipher a dream I had that I think could have been from God, a dream that I've dealt with before. I was in a black van with an old friend, Joe Oullette and his wife, and he and I got to the back of the truck with the back door open, and he asks me to get him a container. So I walked across the street to a house, and near the front door I found a square container. I brought it to Joe, and he puts a shovel or two of snow in it. I then feel compelled to bring the container back to the house, and I dump the snow out before doing this, promptly, as soon as he had shoveled it in.
I'm re-doing this dream due to the stress on a BOCCabella family of Fossa that has been stressed over the last couple of weeks. The container was square, a BOX. However, this dream may have nothing to do with anything I've done with Boccabella's (surname not at houseofnames).
I wasn't able to decipher the reason for the snow in the past, but though that perhaps it was from a Sonnoe-like surname and found the Sonne's sharing the sun with Sunnys/Sonans/Somans, and then Sone's/Soams are first known in Suffolk with Owls/Howls who I think were in the dream, for when returning the box to the house, there was a man with big-round eyes, or big-round glasses suggesting an owl because the man who put the snow into the box was Mr. OULlette. If this dream is from God, it means He wants me to know that Oullette's were an Owl-line marriage with a Lette branch.
It just so happens that Lette's are listed with Leto's/Allito's in Alliota colors and format while the latter share the giant griffin of Letters and Lauders, but also of Tooths. I've said all this before, along with stating that I've had reason for linking the Tooths to the bumper-like Bumps, for they not only share the same giant griffin too, but are first known in Gloucestershire with Letts/Late's.
The new thing is that Gloucestershire is where Grave's/Greafs are first known who share the giant GRAIN/Granson eagle while Lette's/Alitto's have a CRANE. By what coincidence is the Grain/Granson eagle colors reversed from the giant one of Boxer-like Bookers? Box's list Boxers. Boccabella elements of Fossa and their Masci kin of Picenze 's were being traced to Rennes-le-Chateau in the last update, but I failed to realize that these particular Bookers share the border in the Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau, though in colors reversed.
Not only are Grains/Gransons first known in Yorkshire with Sonne-like Snowden locations and Snowden-connectable Gale's, but the Boccabella's I was concerned with had married Urbani's while I trace Crane's/Crauns -- first known in Suffolk with Owls/Howls and Sonne-like Sone's -- to the Ceraunii Illyrians on the Urbanus river!!! This dream therefore needed the Boccabella's, to decipher it, but why would God give this dream years before I arrived to Annibale Boccabella of Fossa?
Spanish Urbans share the stars and crescent of container-like Contans/Constance's. That's interesting.
There's more because the diagonally-split Grave/Grief Shield is in the colors of the vertically-split Chief of Grane's/Grounds/Crannys (uses a crane), and also in the colors of the vertically-split Shield of Belgian Flecks while English Flecks are first known in Norfolk with Fossa-like Fulke's/FOOKS' having a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Belgian Flecks.
There's more because the newly-applied Sonne's are first known in Switzerland with Graffs/Graffens/Gravs, and I've had reason to trace the latter to poisons GRAPHENE-oxide in mRNA vaccines. Both the WHO (World Health Organization) and the WEF (World Economic Forum) are headquartered in Switzerland, now making sense of the Sonne's, and both orgs were responsible for, or at least contributed to, the faked pandemic under Tony FAUCI!
So, yes, the box appears to be a pointer to Boccabella's of Fossa. I can now repeat for the millionth time how Karen Graff, a friend who lived somewhat across DONER street (Gormley, Ontario) from me when we were both 14 years of age. The Doners/Donahue's were in the last update as part of the pointers to James LeDuc and Tony Fauci.
One day, an old friend with Kepke surname was visiting me, and we had gone to hang out with Karen Graff that day when Kepke found a spider (we were all 14 years old). Getting an evil idea to perk up his day, he took it dangling on its web, knowing I had a fear of spiders, and chased me with it in front of Karen Graff, making me look cowardly. She was laughing. That year, her parents moved away from this street, and I didn't see hear again until about age 23/24, when Joe Oullette took me to his brother's place to say something to his brother, David, or to pick something up. We didn't enter the apartment, but stood outside the door, and there in the door I saw Karen Graff sitting on a one-seater couch. Now we know why God gave this dream with Joe Oullette and the box!
I've never deciphered this dream with poison vaccines, but rather showed reasons why it points to election fraud in Phoenix, Arizona (in MARicopa county). Yet this is where the Boccabella family ended up, as I said in the last update, like so: "Plus, the daughter of Madallena Boccabella, herself of Picenze (my mother's birthplace), married Vincenzo Masci whose son in turn, Evandro, died in Arizona,..." Madallena Boccabella was the wife of FELICE Urbani, and his brother was the husband of Julia Masci, mother in turn of Madallena Urbani, wife in turn of Annibale Boccabella! See that? Maybe it's correct to trace both the election fraud in Arizona, and the vaccinators too. Last week happened to be the week before the national election, and Arizona is playing out the election count like it's the cheat capital of the country.
Felice Urbani can take us to Fleck-like Felix's because they are first known in Sussex with fox-using and Fossa-connectable Foss'/Vos' showing a Fooks-like Foos variation. The incredible thing is that Kepke-like Keeps are first known in Sussex too while Kepke's share the giant goat of Box-like Bochs!!!! It's more incredible because Keeps were used to prove that the spider chase was an act of God due to the "weaver's shuttle"of Keeps, for German Weavers, also WEBBers, are first known in Saxony with Kepke's. To boot, Goat-like "Gott segni UNs" is the Weaver/Webber motto while Segni's/Segurana's are first known in Genova with Fauci's and Grimaldi's, and the Una river is smack beside the Urbanus. The Maezaei on the Urbanus were the proto-Masci's.
My mother was born to Mr. Grimaldi and Miss Masci, and while Zoe Boccabella says online that a "GRAIN MILL" was owned by the family of Madallena Urbani (born to Maria Masci), my mother's father's father owned it too. Felix's share the "MILLrind" with Una-like Unions, and, I kid you not, the Graffs of Gormley lived at the corner of Doner and Union streets!!! Gormleys are also Grimes' while sharing the martlets, in colors reversed, of Grimaldi-like Grimms/Grime's, is this not wild? Ahh, Unions are first known in Sussex with millrind Felix's and Keeps!
Plus, with Maria's being a major topic of the Boccabella discussion, I'll add that Keeps can be traced without doubt to Maria of Keep-like Kiev, first by the fact that Kiev is the Ukraine capital while Kepke's father was from the Ukraine. A spokesman for the Obamaites, Victoria Nuland, admitted that Ukraine has bio-weapons labs from the Americans, and we can guess that this is part of the war against Russia, on the Ukraine border. The American democrats have become absolute lunatics, dangerous ones, beware.
I'll repeat that, at age 16, Maria (Mary) Nigro befriended me, and got me to apply for a job where she worked, at Knob Hill Farms. I then suggested to Kepke that he get a job there, and he did. I then threw a party for the young employees of that grocery store, and after everyone went home, Kepke slept in the basement alone with Mary Nigro, important because Mary lived in BUTTONville (about five miles from my place) while Bidens are listed with Buttons. Joe Biden was put in charge of Ukraine affairs by Obama, and we all know how he with his son were pocketing military money allotted by congress to Ukraine.
The Nigro's are listed with Negro's, first known in Ferrara with Lette's/Alitto's. Negro's, shown linkable to L'Aquila elements in the last update, came to topic with the Negro who mugged me in Galveston. Nigro's/Negro's share gold ears of wheat with BOCCI's/Brocato's, first known in Genova with the Kepke-connectable Segni's/Segurana's who in turn share the Aquila and WEFer eagle! L'Aquila is seven miles or less from Picenze, all near Fossa.
The way to trace Keeps to Maria of Kiev is where she was a Varangian-of-Kiev princess who married Casimir of Poland, son of Richeza of Lauder-like LOTHARingia, which is the same area as Lorraine province, explaining why Lorraine's share the Keep bend, in the colors of the bend-by-antler of Casimirs. Lorraine's share the eagle that is the Arms of Piast, and Richeza was the wife of a Piast (Mieszko II of Poland). Lauders share the Letter Coat, in Lette/Alitto colors and format, and then it gets interesting where the bend-with-eagles of Lorraine's is shared by Gorsuch's while judge Gorsuch of the U.S. Supreme Court is the most-reliable one to conform to value's and decisions of his superior, judge Alito. Other judges on this court won't allow election fraud or vaccine crimes to come before the court, but that could change easily if God wills it.
Maria of Kiev was the sister of king YARoslav, the line to Yarborough's who in turn share the vertically-split Shield of English Neals (Wiltshire with Box's). The latter are the ones who share both the BOX and SINE/SION lion!!!! This is huge because, while "sine" is a Yarborough motto term, Sion is a location in Switzerland with the first-known Snow- and Sion-like Sonne's, the new surname that helped greatly above to decipher the snow-in-box dream!!! Can we believe it?
It should be added that while Sonne's share the sun with Sunnys, Sonnys share the scallops of Rinds and English Mallets. The latter are first known in Suffolk with Oullette-connectable Owls, Crane's/Crauns, and Sone's/Soams. The latter use "mallets." Suffolk is also where Lings and StarLINGs/STARLINCKs are first known who use SQUARE buckles in the colors and format of the Sonny scallops. Sonnys are first known in Cheshire with fox-using Bello's, and English Weavers who in turn love the Aquila-connectable Este's.
Another surname with square buckles are the Roslins while the Sinclairs of Roslin list the SUN surname while Sine's/Sions are also Soam-like Some's. While Works are in the Sun/Sinclair motto, Square's are first known in WORCestershire with Snows, and with the Chips having the Cheppe's in their write-up, a possible pointer to Elon Musk's skin chips because he also owns Starlink satellites.
As I've said, Keeps share the weaver's shuttle with Shuttleworths/SHETTLEworths, the latter first known in Lancashire with satellite-like SETTLE's who in turn share the STAR cinquefoils. Starlings are first known in Suffolk with Lings, suggesting that Starlincks had been a Star merger with Lings, and Stars are first known in Wiltshire with Neals and Box's...and Webbs. I can now link the snow-in-box dream to JD Vance, who may be the next American president before too long, and Musk has already wormed his way into the Trump administration's $$$affairs$$$.
Roslin is beside the first-known Seatons/Sittens and Vaux's/VANCE's while Sion of Switzerland is also called, Sitten. There's a square in the Felix millrind, and Mile's/Meiles' (Hampshire with Keppe's and millrind Mills) can be connected to Kepke-branch Koops/Kupe's. The latter's "candlesticks) take us to Sticks, first known in Somerset (beside Webbs) with English Webbers. Sinclairs of Roslin ruled in ORKNey while "ORGAN pipes" are used by Letts/Late's. Pipe's (share Pepin Coat) are first known in Staffordshire with Bassets while Oullette's are first known in Ouilly-le-Basset (of Falaise).
I had read that Bassets used the porcupine, symbol of Harris', and while Camels (in the Pepin and Pipe camel head) are first known in Somerset with Pepin-connectable Webbers, perhaps we are pointing to Kamala Harris for some reason. Pepins, with nearly the English Este Coat, have an "est" motto term while "Esto" is in the motto of English Weavers.
Pepins love the Mens' of Midlothian. Roslin is in Midlothian with the first-known Fallis'/Falls' while Oullette's are first known in FALAISE. The dream with Joe OULlette had a homeowner with owl-eyes pointing Oullette's to Owls/HOWLs, and while Joe was with a van, Vans are listed with Fane's, first known in Monmouthshire with Howl-like Howells. Oullette's even share the bars-gemel of Monmouths (and Maids; recalls the Madallena-like Medale's/Maidwells). Vaux's/Vance's list FANNs, and the giant audit in Arizona's Maricopa county was overseen by the president of the Arizona Senate, Karen FANN, who allowed the cheats to get away with their cheating. This was one way in which the snow-in-box dream pointed to Arizona fraud.
Note MariCOPa county, where the election fraud is rife in Rison-like Arizona. Kepke's are also KOPke's, and a giant cup with laurel within it (Lorraine symbol too) is with Larrys/Laurie's while Mr. Kepke is Larry, born Lawrence. Lawrence's/Laurence's are in the Larrys/Laurie write-up. It just so happens that the Larry/Laurie motto and tree stump is used by Letters and/or Lauders. Joe OulLETTE.
Phoenix is the major center in Maricopa, and a phoenix RISING has just been the descriptive phrase used for the Trump win over Kamala Harris. JD Vance himself described it in similar terms, like the greatest come-back in history, which it wasn't. It's just a part of Trump boasting, where he always describes himself as the best man who ever lived, as the devil would. "'[Trump's] the biggest political phoenix from the ashes that we’ve seen in the history of politics,' said anchor Bret Baier." The Toronto Sun also had a "rising from the ashes" video title as per Trump's win.
Joe's van had caused me to go to Phoenix's/FENwicks because Van-like Venns are listed with Fens. And I noticed that "ARIZONa" is like the Rison variation of Risings. It was another reason for my pointing the dream with Joe to Arizona election fraud. With the BOCCabella line moving to Arizona, it can be added that Books are first known in Berwickshire with Fawns while Fauns/PHONES' are first known in Devon with Venns/Fens. Plus, Vans/Fane's list Phone's.
I've just learned that, in the wee hours of the morning between Tuesday and Wednesday, Arizona was called for Trump, which surprises me. Only 75-percent of the ballots had been revealed at the time, with Trump leading only 52.3 percent to 46.8. The cheats can easily overcome that lead, if the Republican ballot watchers don't do their job. The box in the dream was posed (by me) as a ballot box, but as it was found at the home of big-round eyes, perhaps he represents a Republican ballot-box watcher to keep Arizona from "winning" this election for Kamala. Round-Eyes was sitting on a lawn chair, in the snow, near the front door, and the box was to the side of the door about ten feet.
Perhaps the snow in the box is God's allusion to the "snow job" conducted by the cheats. I turned the box upside-down, dumping the snow, before bringing it back to Round Eyes. Could this mean that the snow-job will be reversed, undone?
I'm going to propose that peacock-using Snowdens (Essex with Peacocks) have a fesse-with-stars related to Nagle-beloved Gale's, first known in Yorkshire with Keep-beloved Galleys. The Irish Nagle's use a "nightinGALE," but German Nagle's are listed with Neils/nails while Irish Neils/O'Nails are also Neals, and we saw how important English Neals were for sharing to lion of Box's and Sonne-connectable Sions.
Snowdens share the stars of Spanish Urbans while Boccabella's married Urbani's who in turn gave birth to Vincenzo Masci of Arizona. The same stars are in the border of French Vincents (Languedoc with Rennes-le-Chateau), and Borders/BOARDers are first known in Somerset with book-using Roets while Boards (Essex with Snowdens) look related to the Medale/Maidwell Coat. French Vincents happen to share the border of Bookers! See that? Incredible. The dream's snow must include Snowdens. It seems the dream's box is pointing to Masci's of Arizona, but why? Snowdens are first known in Essex with Raines' while RENNES-le-Chateau has the Booker / Vincent border in colors reversed.
The same border is with Koop-connectable Mile's, a branch of Felix-beloved Mills, and Vincenzo Masci of Arizona was the husband of Felice Urbani's daughter. Felix's are first known in Essex with Snowdens, and the Mile stars are those of Snowdens / Urbans / Weavers/Webbers in colors reversed. Mile's love Moline's (Devon with Wise's) whose goats in turn can be traced to the Kepke/Kopke goat by way if Weiss' (Saxony with Kepke's/Kopke's and Weavers/Webbers).
Barbara Boxer, a senator in California (beside Arizona), was a daughter of Ira Levi and Sophie SilverSHEIN. German Silvers, in SHIEN, Schim/Schien and Boch colors and format, are first known in Hesse while Hesse's/Hessels share the Coat of Snow-like Sonne's. They both have a giant sun while Snow-like Sonne's are first known in Switzerland with Sheins/Scheins. Snow in the box. Box's list Boxers. English Hessels/Hazels were English Weaver kin. Sheins/Scheins are also Shine's while Shins/Chine's/Chings are first known in Somerset with Webbers, and Book-related Roets. German Roets almost have the German Silver Coat. Joe's van was black, and Blacks, first known in Lincolnshire with Silvers, share the Chief of Schims/Schiens/Shands.
While Katie Hobbs had the audacity to openly suppose election cheats in Arizona, from her governor's chair, it's now interesting that while Fortuna's are in both the Schim/Schien and Booker mottos, these very English Bookers (the other ones) share the giant Hobbs eagle. The previous Arizona governor was Doug Ducey while Duceys are listed with the Duce's in the Schim/Schien motto. The inclusion of Bookers, in this way, could make it appear as though there is some political link between Barbara Boxer and these governors.
It would be staggering if either parent of Barbara Boxer were from the Boccabella line to New Mexico, and later to neighboring Arizona. New Mexico has Jeffrey Epstein's Zorro ranch, and Epsteins are first known in Hesse-Nassau. Boxer is a Democrat, part of California's loony birds.
Boxer's father, Mr. Levi, can be of the Leave's/Leve's in the "oak leaves" of CHAIRmans. Mr. Round Eyes, owner of the box, was sitting in a chair, but without a Chair surname coming up, the Chairmans/Sharmans could be in play because Chars/CHARTs are first known in Somerset with Oaks and Leavell-connectable CARYs and Carts. KARI Lake was cheated out of the governorship (2022) when Katie Hobbs cheated on her own behalf to keep Miss Lake from ousting her. Oullette's van points to Fane's/Vans with a "fano" motto term, and Fano is near Rimini, where the Mascarelli's/Mascelli's are first known sharing the Irish Kary/Cary lion.
I'm going to suggest that the Bookers with the Hobbs eagle were a branch of English Backs, the latter first known in Somerset with Book-loving Roets and Chairman-like Chars. These Backs share a giant and black eagle with Bookers and Hobbs, and the latter two have the Doria eagle, though half the DORia eagle is also the back eagle. The man in the lawnchair was sitting in front of the front DOOR (with the porch between them). The other Bookers have the eagle, in colors reversed, of the neighboring Grave's/Griefs who were in turn near the first-known English Doors and Box's/Boxers.
The Backs came to mind when I dumped the snow from the box and put it BACK where I got it, which is when the man was seen sitting on the lawn chair in front of the PORCH. English Lawns are first known in Staffordshire with Bassets, and I always link Bassets to the Porch/PORTIS Crest. Portis head is smack at Gordano, and Gordans, first known in Berwickshire with Books, share the boar head of Book-beloved Roets (Somerset with Gordano).
I flipped the box over and DUMPed the snow on the GROUND, and Dumpers/DUMMers remind of the crane-using Dume's/Dummers. Grounds/Crannys use a crane. I don't recall going to Dumpers/Dummers before, but they are working into the dream logically, especially as they look related to the French Basset Coat. The Dumper/Dummer Crest shares the Hobbs lion, and the latter's holds a spear while the Roet boar heads are shared with Spears. Oullette's were at a Basset location. French Billets, possibly in the Dumper/Dummer and Basset billets, are first known in Maine with the Pellicans sharing the Howell tower.
Why did Joe Oullette SHOVEL snow into the box? While Dominion Voting had its original headquarters in Toronto's Chinatown, at 215 SPADina avenue, Spade's happen to use "shovels in saltire", and Saltire's have more billets.
Mamie's Pointers to Donald Trump
I do and I don't like telling about Mamie, an old girlfriend more than a year after I became a Christian, while I was transitioning from my old drinking buddies to a Pentecostal-church life. I was looking for a Christian wife in the wrong places, hoping that the young ladies were open to Jesus. When Barry called me by phone, while I was living very temporarily in the apartment of Joe Oullette's brother, Paul, he asked me to go camping with the gang, but, wanting to make a break with them, I declined. On the phone, Barry said, "Mamie's going to be there," and so I went, because, a few weeks earlier, at a party Mamie threw, she and I had a slow dance, which was the first time we met.
These friends didn't seem to mind that I hung around with them from time to time without doing drugs or getting drunk. I was studying prophecy at the time, as well as reading the Bible intensely, almost daily, not because I felt it was my duty, but because I was drinking it up. I had already committed to the post-tribulation rapture by then, upset with Hal Lindsey and the whole gamut of prophecy writers, not one of which was post-trib, as though Christian book stores were censoring post-tribbers.
It was in Paul's apartment when I had the revelation that all the seven Seals of Revelation would occur first before all the seven Trumpets would follow, and finally the seven Seals would follow in sequence after all the Trumpets. I knew Revelation only a year or less at the time, and knew that this was the only way to make sense of the 21 plagues. I hold to that view to this day.
The dance in her living room causes me to comment on the Danes/Dan surname sharing the Rock treFOILs. Rocks and Rods share green trefoils because Isabel of RoqueFEUIL (near Rennes-le-Chateau) married Hugh of RODez. The Albins/Aubins, first known in Devon with Rods and Monaco-line Monks, can be from an Aubin location near Rodez. It just so happens that there's a Ceraunii /Corona-like "mural coronet" in the Danes Crest having a "demi MONKey rampant" coming out of it. Though not in the same colors, Danes' and Houstons/HUGHstons share a checkered chevron on gold Shield, suggesting that Hugh of Rodez traces to Renfrewshire, where Houstons/Hughstons are first known along with the Pollocks who built a castle at Rothes!
Note that we did a slow dance, which involves a Hugh-like hug. It makes Isabel de Molle, who married Robert Pollock, suspect with the family of Isabel of Roquefeuil. Robert was the brother of Peter, builder of Rothes castle.
This Rodez trace to Pollocks and Houstons is a new trace for me, so far as I can remember, thanks to the Dance with Mamie. It suggests that the Russi / Redones of Languedoc named Rothes, and probably Rothesay too, the earlier name of Bute, where Glass' are first known who are in the "hourglass" of both Houstons and BOOKs! Whatever "Mamie" points to in surnames should be a part of this picture.
This dance is therefore hinting at Boccabella / Grimaldi elements in Languedoc. It's where Cottons/Cotta's are first known, and I do trace Italian Dance's to the royal Cottians!!! Amazing. Danes' share the checks of Fiscs, and Grimaldi's were partners with Fieschi. It can explain Mamie's sleeping BAG, which I'll get to below, because Bags share the Grimaldi Shield. And Sleeps share the double fesses of Annibale's!
Danier's/Daniels look related to the Coat of ESKINs/Erskins, first known in Renfrewshire too, with a Crookston location that named ESCHYNa de Molle, mother of Isabel above. She had married an Alan to the proto-Stewarts, and Houstons share the Stewart checks, which are in the Arms of Renfrewshire. Renfrews use a giant ship while Ships/Shiptons love the fox-using Bello's! The father of the first Pollocks above was, according to Wikipedia's Clan Pollock article, a vassal of the Dol Alans.
Hugh of Rodez was directly related to Henry's of Rodez, and French Henrys, sharing the martlets of French Alans, are first known at Motte-Henry, beside RENNES. Dol and Rennes are in Vilaine while Vilains are said to descend from HUGo de Villana of Somerset. See that? Raines' are first known in Essex with Motts who are in turn said to have been at a Mott location near Rennes.
Vilains share the Chief-Shield colors of Livings/Levins while Levens are first known in Shropshire with Dol Alan and Hunts/Hunters. The dance was in her LIVING room, and French Dennis' share the fesse of English Alans and English Dance's while Danes' are first known in Sussex with Deans/Deins.
I didn't know that the Danes Crest has a monkey, for it looks like a lion. I know of another monkey, in the Crest of Desmonds/Geralds. The Croms (quatreFOILs) in the latter's motto are connected to Rennes-le-Chateau in the last update. The Desmonds/Geralds share the PEERless/Napier saltire, in colors reversed from the TEASE/Tess saltire. The Tease's will be found below in Mamie's SLEEPing bag, the biggest reason I've introduced Mamie again. Motts, kin of Deaths (Kent with Sleeps) happen to share the crescent of TEASEls/Tessels, first known in Essex. Tassels share the Teasel/Tessel Coat while Belgian Tassels/Tassie's share the Dennis Coat with Alan / Dance fesse. Alans are first known in Shropshire with the Sleap location of Sleeps.
Peerless'/NAPIERs trace to the Naparis river of the ROXolani Alans, the namers of Roquefeuil! The Peerless variation was likely formed from merger with Pierro's/Pero's, first known on the Tessin river of the Tease's/Tess', home of the Laevi Gauls who could have named Livings/Levins, explaining again why God arranged the dance in Mamie's living room. French Pierre's are first known in Languedoc.
King David I of Scotland built "Haly ROD (Holyrood) House" for his mother, and I see this thing named after a Henry Rodez because Henry, earl of Huntingdon, was a son of this David. And English Cottons are first known in Huntingdonshire! Fiscs have an "ad" motto term while Ada married Henry Huntingdon above. Welsh Davids almost have the Coat of the AIDs/Ade's in the Levi motto. Fieschi lived and ruled in Genova, where SEGURana's and FAUCI's are first known, and while Seconds/SEGURs are in the Levi motto too, Aids/Ade's (from Ada of WARENNE) use leopard FACES. Leopards are first known in Sussex with Danes' and Warrens.
Sussex is also where Sadducee-like Saddocks are first known, along with their elephant-using Mascal kin, and Saddocks share the martlets of Livings/Levins while Levens have elephant heads.
I don't remember driving to the campsite. I remember first being there, alone, asking where Barry was, and one guy takes a couple of steps, opens the cover of a pick-up truck, and inside I saw Barry and Mamie alone. I didn't say anything, so far as I recall. It was still light out, but darkish inside the truck.
I don't remember anything else until I was sitting at a picnic table near the camp fire. Mamie and I must have seen each other a few times by that point, but I simply don't remember one instance of looking at her. I don't remember talking to Barry or even greeting him. I don't remember whether I was sore at him. All I remember is that Mamie came and just plopped herself on my lap, on my knees, on my legs, which, decades later, looked like a pointer to Donald Trump, because Laps are first known in Wiltshire with trumpet-using Calles', while Knee's (first known in County DOWN) are linkable to Tromp-beloved Acorns and Downs (both first known in Sussex) while Downs and Leggs almost have the Trump Coat.
The following day, Mamie would point to the Gardens/Jardens suspect with the Jungs/Youngs who have a stag in Trump-stag colors. This is partly why I've introduced Mamie again at this election time. I didn't intend to be on the Languedoc elements above, thanks to the Danes'. Trumpet-using Calles' are first known in Wiltshire with Dannys/Dance's, and I didn't see Mamie again, after the Dance, until she sat on my lap.
The Legg motto, "tentaMINE," works super to act as God's proof that He set me up with Mamie that night, for Mine's are also Menne's while Mens' are also Mame's. Aside from placing my left hand on her hip when she sat on my lap, to make her feel welcome, I don't remember anything else until we were in her TENT. "TENTamine." But the Legg motto also has a Goat-like "gaudet" motto term, and the giant Boch goat is in the colors and format of Downs and Trumps while trumpet-using Calles' are first known in Wiltshire with Box's/Boxers.
I don't remember getting up from the picnic table or going to the tent. I don't remember whether she invited me into her tent, or how I felt welcome into it. She was staying in this large tent with others, but nobody was in there at this early time. The first thing I remember is helping to lay out the sleeping bag, hers, but I don't remember getting into it or being invited in. I remember that, while she was laying it out, she didn't seem disturbed that I was in the tent. The next thing I remember was being cozy in the bag, and going in for a hug. Maybe I shouldn't have been so fast, because she gave me an arm-impulse that meant, "NO". Okay, I thought, but I draped one arm around her WAIST, as she was facing away from me, and went to sleep. She didn't only give me the arm impulse, but then turned to face away from me. Instead of getting out of the bag, I stayed.
The next thing I remember was, not waking and talking to her in the bag, which I must have done, not getting out of the bag, not getting out of the tent, but sitting at a picnic table where we had breakfast. There was a chill between us, but she was sitting at the table with me when she had the opportunity to just ignore me, if she wished. I don't remember eating.
The next think I remember is our walking to the beach. We then waded into the LAKE, and once we were something like WAIST deep, I turned to her and hugged her, and she didn't seem to mind. I don't remember getting out of the water, or talking with her at the camp site, or how I left, or who I left with, or whether I was driving, or the drive home. The next thing I remember was being alone with her at her front lawn, where she lived with her mother. This is where she had the party. She had walked out into the living room from the hallway, and upon walking by me, she clasped my hands as though we had known each other, and started to dance with me in front of a packed living room even though it was not a dance floor. Nobody else was dancing. It was a highly-unexpected thing. Barry was there.
Next to the first-known Danes' were the CHAMPions (Hampshire) who look like they share the Danes trefoils in other colors because the other English Champions put them around the same fesse as found with English Dance's. Dannys/Dance's are first known beside Hampshire, and Camps and also Champs who are perfect when sharing the griffin heads of Garden-like Gardners; the latter are first known in Oxfordshire with Lake's. I've known this for years. German Camps happen to show nothing but a dancetty-fesse. From the dance to the camp site.
Dannys/Dance's are first known in Wiltshire with Box's/Boxers, whom had pointed above, in the dream with Joe Oullette, to Arizona election fraud. Then, for reasons I'll explain, she and I in the lake points to Kari Lake's election-fraud fight (Arizona) against Katie Hobbs. The latter share the Booker eagle. The upright Danny/Dance lion is in the colors of the non-upright, Box/Boxer lion.
Had we not danced, she would not have plopped herself confidently on my knees some three or four weeks later. She pointed to Gaudets/Godee's by sitting on my lap, and their hunting horns can take us to Huntingdonshire, where Cottons are first known, suspect from the royal Cottians of Susa. Therefore, were Gaudets and Goods / Gode's / Goats from royal Cottians? Cutters/Gutters are first known in Dorset with the Gallops in the horse on a "gallop" of Waistells.
I trace the Italian Dance's/Donnas' to king Donnus of the Cottians, grandfather of Vestalis, whom I trace to WAISTells. I had draped my hand around her waist in what I call the TEASE event in her tent. We were wading in the LAKE waist deep during an emBRACE, and Hugs are first known in Languedoc with French Cottons/Cotta's/Cottards.
THOMAS of Saluzzo, near Susa, can be traced to the Coat of Welsh Thomas' who share the vertically-split Shield of English Pike's. Masci-like Mazzini's/Mazza's show a MazzaCANE variation while Caens/Cans, with almost the French Cotton/Cotta/Cotys Coat, are first known in Dorset with Waistell-beloved Gallops and Waistell-connectable George's (share the blue Waistell doves). Mazzini's/Mazza's show a MazzaPICa variation, and Albert Pike (MASONic satanist) supposedly wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini concerning the orchestration of world wars.
English Alberts, first known in Kent with Picks/Pixs, use a "hammer" while Hammer-branch Hams (Sussex with Warrens, Hammers and the husband of Alice of Saluzzo) use the fish of Kane's/Cains as "salmon" while Mazzini's are also MazzaCANE's while Ada of Varn-connectable Warenne married an earl of Huntingdon. Ada's father was from Surrey, first-known home of Salemans (share Mazzini/Mazza bend) and Salmons, though Salmons are also first known in Cumberland with Waistells. While a pike fish is with Clappers/Clapps (Surrey), Claptons look related to COTTar-beloved Evetts, but also to the Picot Crest. The Ham salmon are shared by McCabe's, and James Clapper of Obama's spy system was surely amicable with the FBI's Andrew McCabe. James Clapper was replaced as the chief of National Intelligence by Dan COATS. See that? Coats'/Cotes' share the triple pale bars of Surreys Trots/Trude's.
Mazzini's/Mazza's (share gold griffin with English Alberts) use roses for a trace to VARANgian Rus, and Varni were at ROStock with the first-known, Pike-connectable Ice's/Ecco's. Varns are first known in Ayrshire with Scottish Pike's and Barrs. English Pike's are first known in Devon with bear-using Beers and Berrys.
Mazzini's/Mazza's could be sharing the griffin of Marble's who in turn share the fitchees of Bessin-connectable Lake's. Mazzini's/Mazza's have a Coat looking related to Bessins. Meschins were rulers of the Bessin. Marble's are first known in Cheshire with Ranulph le-Meschin, with Masci / Maceys liners, and with "pikehead" Picots. Waistells share the sheaves in the Arms of Cheshire. It's now interesting that Marble's almost have the English Albert Coat.
The Prests in the Picot motto can be linked to the Chief of McCain-related Irish Neils. John McCain, a war hawk who didn't seem to mind that his circle of like-minded ones were and are leading to world-war three, was an Arizona senator. I'm amazed because Mamie's waist has taken us here. The other Irish Kane's/Cains share the triple fish of Rockefeller-line Roach's (rock in Crest).
As Italian Alberts use a "CHAIN," I now feel confident that God has intended to point, via Mamie, to Albert Pike's world-war scenarios. Rockefellers want "population control," and so God will give it to them, not in the way they hope to see it, however. Chain-like Cheneys even have a Coat like the one of Salemans.
John McCain was a House member from Maricopa county, the county likely most proficient for cheating against Kari Lake. He was preceded in that office by John Jacob Rhodes, and was succeeded in that same office by his son, a Yale product, John Jacob Rhodes III, a name looking very Rothschilian. Rhodes' father was the top leader, in the Republican camp, of the congressional House. "Jacob" is a Rothschild-beloved name.
The McCains are listed with Keons while "lizard" using Keens/Kane's/O'Cains share a left-facing, white horse with Jewish Rothchilds (not "Rothschild"). How can election fraud in Arizona have anything to do with a world war started from Ukraine? It's said by countless people that Rothschilds started both world wars. Cecil Rhodes may have helped to plan world war I.
Welsh Tomasso's have doves colors reversed from the Waistell doves. Dove's/Dows are first known in BARwick-related and bear-depicted Berwickshire while Alice's share the muzzled bear with PERCivals (Somerset with "BARRY"-using Leavells, MontaCUTE's, and Piers/Pierce's) while Thomas was father of Alice of Saluzzo. The Barwick-colored Candida's (L'Aquila eagle?) in the Percival motto are first known in Naples with Italian Tomasso's.
Miss Peare had a waist symbol too, and while Saluzzo is in Piedmont with the first-known Pero's, Peare's are first known in Oxfordshire with the Love's, and with the Amore's who almost have the Coat of Italian Tomasso's. While Pierro's/Pero's are first known in Pavia, co-founded by Laevi Gauls, English Leavells/Lovells (compare with Love Coat) almost have the Coat of Italian Tomasso's. Saluzzo's were a branch of Montferrats, and the Arms of Montferrat was just a blank, red Chief over a blank, white Shield, same as the Mens/Mame Coat ("God" motto term).
Mamie's leg and tent symbol pointed to the "TENTaMINE" motto term of Leggs, yet they also have the Gaudets in their motto who use a Coat reflective of Welsh Tomasso's. Mine's/Menne's show a DANCEtte, and so the hunting horns of Gaudets/GODee's (possibly in the Mens/Mame motto) can bring us back to Cottons of Huntingdonshire. Godee-like Cotee's are listed with French Cottons/Cotta's/COTTARds while Cotters are first known in Oxfordshire. The Goder variation of Gaudets can be of the Gutter variation of Cutters.
While the pale bars in the Mine/Menne Coat can be connected to Liss'/Lise's and Lizards, the Cottar lizards are called "evetts" while Evetts are first known in Perthshire with Dure's and Scottish Clone's, both of which share the Saluzzo Coat. The Wings/Winks, once said to be first known in Perthshire, are first known now in Worcestershire with the Evett-beloved Pattys. Welsh Clone's (Breconshire with Welsh Thomas') are listed with Clements, and look related to the Arms of Montferrat.
Why might God want to point to the royal Cottians of SUSA (Piedmont with Italian Dance's/Donnas')? Last night, as I write here on Friday, the United States got word that Trump chose SUSIE Wiles as his Chief of Staff. Is there anything to this?
I didn't intend to go to Boccabella's at the opening of this Mamie section, but found myself on that topic thanks to Dance-like Danes', first known in Sussex with Wiles' who in turn have the double fesses of Annabels, in colors reversed to the double fesses of Sleeps and Annibale's. Therefore, is Susie Wiles pointing to Annibale BoccaBELLa of Fossa? I have a fox coming to topic that has been to topic for years from Mamie's LEG. Leghs', with the Annibale lion in colors reversed, are first known in Cheshire with fox-using Bello's. Mamie brings us to a giant fox from her beautiful (bella) thighs.
Though curved, the double Annibale fesses are in the colors of the double fesses of Sleeps. SLEEPing BAG. While Zoe Boccabella says that Annibale's mother's family owned a flour mill in PICenze, it was owned by my grandfather, Mr. Grimaldi, just one generation or less after Annibale's mother, and Bags share the Grimaldi Shield. I'm impressed. It gives the impression that surnames Intended by "Mamie" were from Picenze. Mens'/MAME's use a Wiles-like "vil" motto term, translated as "will." Is there anything Susie-Wiles to this? Looks like, because Mamie points to Trump in many ways.
Mens are said to descend from Manner-like Manier's of Normandy, and Manners/Maness' are first known in Northumberland with Velis'/Vails while Scottish Velis' are listed with Wills. By the way, when houseofnames says "are first known," it means only in Scotland if it's a Scottish surname, etc. Often, the write-up will know of an earlier branch outside of Scotland, which is the case with Mens'/Mame's. While Mamie sat on my knees, and while Knee's are also Nee's, the Fane's/Vans have a "NE VELIS fano" motto. Mens' of Midlothian are said to have moved a branch to Glenlyon, and while Glennys share the Mens Shield, Glenlyon is in Perthshire with the first known Kness'/Ness'. Ness'/Nice's happen to share the double Wiles fesses. See that?
Mamie's breasts pointed to Mamesfelde of the MANSfields who share the Coat, in the colors and format of "tent"-using Tintons, of Mancels/Mansells. The latter appear to have the Rants in their motto who have a Rynd variation linkable to the Rinds, first known in Perthshire and likewise having Rants in their motto. It suggests that Mamesfelde was named by the Mame variation of Mens' of Perthshire. A song is playing over my speakers right now, "David Danced," by Joshua Aaron.
Mamesfelde is in Hampshire with the Mens'-loving Poppins/Pophams, and while Poppa of Valois married Rollo, Rollo's are first known in Perthshire too, near Deas' whom I see in MONKey-using DESmonds, and Rollo's daughter was Crispina, wife of Grimaldus of Monk-line Monaco.
Recall Barry and Mamie in the PICK-up truck, for Pick / Pike liners are suspect from Picenze. German Barrys happen to share fish heads on red with Geddes', and Geddes' use "pikes." Gettes' are first known in Anjou with the Fulk counts, and English Geddys are first known in Hampshire with MAMESfelde. I'm not making this up; you can find the story in the 2nd update of April, 2019, before the plandemic, before Arizona fraud, where I said: " I remember asking where Barry was when I arrived, and someone promptly opened the hatch of a pick-up truck, and there were Barry and Mamie inside, alone." I first told this story before the fall of 2017, and have been investigating it heraldically since then.
However, Gaudets/Godee's don't show anything for linkable to Box's. Books or Bochs. The best I could do in the past is the Gauthier's/Gothie's, a possible Goat/Gotham branch. I found the Gauthier's/Gothie's by seeking a Vote surname. Not finding one, I tried "Voter," and up came the Gauthier's/Gothie's...sharing the Giuliani eagle, which is also the Tromp eagle, and Rudy Giuliani became Trump's head lawyer for fighting election fraud in 2021, though Rudy was checked by the judges who were instructed to crash all attempts to expose election fraud.
The "vue" motto term of Voters/Gauthier's/Gothie's looks, in this picture, like code for the Viu valley, a tributary of the Riparia river. Susa is on the Riparia. This works because the "vie" motto term of Wests must be code for a family at the Viu, because Susa had been home to the family of VESTalis. So, I had concluded that Wests were a Waistell branch, especially as Wests use a "fesse DANCEtte". It tends to prove that God set up my dance with Mamie, and thus far it looks like a pointer to Susie WILES. INDEED, the Mens'/MAME''s have a motto phrase, "VIL God," where "God" is suspect as code for a Goat branch.
In fact, the West Coat is almost the Mine/Menne Coat from the "TentaMINE" motto term of Leggs. If that's not enough, Waistells use doves while Dove's, first known in Berwickshire with Books, have the dancette-fesse of Wests in colors reversed. Plus, the giant Weston eagle is black, the color of the spread eagle in the Voter/Gauthier/Gothie Crest.
The Weston Crest has an eagle in a position often said to be "RISING." Westons named Weston-under-Lizard, and Lizarts, first known in Provence with giant-LILY Cetis'/Sestiers, were a branch of Liss'/Lise's who in turn share the six pale bars in the dancetty-fesse of Mine's/Menne's. Susans share a giant and white lily with Cetis'/Sestiers. The Cedes' are listed with Seats, and Mamie took her seat on my legs when pointing to Trump.
INCREDIBLE. Susie Summerall Wiles was born to Mr. Summerall, and Summers show nothing but a dancetty-fesses in Susan colors!!! How can this be coincidental? Summers were even first known in Worcestershire with Susan-beloved Lilys and Tume's/Tombs. The latter have tombstones. in Susan /Summer colors, with "R.I.P." written upon them, suspect as clever code for Riparia-river elements around Susa.
Summers are also Sommers, recalling the sun-using Sonne's (and Sunnys) suspect with the snow-in-the-box, and while I suspect that Box's were of Fossa's Boccabella's, German Sommers use both a sun and a "demi-fox"! The German Sommer Shield is even split horizontally in the colors of the vertically-split Fulke/Fooks Shield. The latter surname was first known beside the Sone's/Soams. Fox-using Foss'/Voss' (horizontally-split Shield), sharing the demi-fox in Crest of Sommers, are first known in Sussex with Wiles', and Voss'/Vosseks are first known in Pomerania with Trumps. The heraldry definitely appears to be pointing to Susie Wiles.
I've been waiting a long time to come across another surname sharing the split-Shield colors of Foss'/Voss, but the best I can do to this point is the HALFs/Halps!!!!! INCREDIBLE. I've known for a long time that Halfs/Halps share the fitchee cross of HALPers/Halperins, and Kari Lake is married to Mr. Halperin! I looked up Halfs just now because I loaded the Foss' into Hall of Names to find them using a "fox passant in the top HALF." Hall of Names doesn't usually mention the top half of a Shield, but we can see that it's mentioned here due to a blood relationship with Halfs/Halps.
Halpers/Halperins are first known in Worcestershire with Summers, Lilys, and other Susa-of-the-Cottian liners. It's where Roquefeuil-line Rocks and Rooks are first known, from Languedoc, where Cotta's/Cottons/Cottards are first known while Cottars are first known in Oxfordshire (near Susans) with Susan-connectable Lille's, Lacks/Leche's, Lake's and early Rooks. I've only just-now found Lacks/Leche's, looking related to the Mens/Mame Coat! The Swallows in the Lille Crest were likely kin of Eagle's/Hegels because of the look of the Arundel swallows. Swallows were a branch of Saluzzo's, kin in turn of Clune's, the latter first known in Perthshire with Halper-like Halperts/Halberts. The Mens'/Mame's are said to have had a Perthshire branch (at Glenlyon), and the Mens/Mame Crest has kin of Eagle's/Hegels. English Alberts are first known in Kent with Lack-beloved Snake's, and so let's repeat: Kari pointed to by Mamie.
Lacks/Leche's have variations like the Letch's, first known in Worcestershire with Halpers/Halperins. I think that nails God's heraldic arrangements in pointing to Kari Lake. Leith's are first known in Midlothian with Mens'/Mame's! We're rolling. Letch's are in Hicks colors and format while Hicks' share the Leak/Leakey fleur-de-lys. Therefore, the "heure" motto term of Hicks' should be for Eure's, first known in the same place as Lakeys. It's amazing what a little hug in a lake can turn up. It was a very sunny, summer day. In fact, I know it was in August, which recalls the eagle leg of Augusts! It's black like the eagle legs of Hicksons, the latter first known in Staffordshire with Lett-beloved Pipe's.
I know it was in August because I was with Lorraine for the first two weeks of July, and I danced with Mamie on my last night with Lorraine. I saw Mamie again at the camp site some three weeks later, maybe four, but I don't think it was as late as September. It must have been eagle-leg August, what else? I wouldn't have met Mamie had not Lorraine had dinner guests that Friday evening, which is why I visited the party at Mamie's knowing that Barry's buddies were going there. As soon as I finished the dance, I left the party to go see Lorraine, but she was out on a late-night walk with a married man when I arrived to her balcony. She came home with a grass streak on her white pants at the butt, but going down into the rear of the thigh. I ended our relationship on the spot.
Years ago, I even said that Mr. Big-Round Eyes sitting on the lawn chair looked like an old friend, ALBERT Oosteyn, because Albert wore big-round glasses, and both men had the same facial appearance. I was living at Albert's apartment, my last day there, on the day I met Lorraine. Albert thus the impression that Mr. Big-Round Eyes was watching over the ballot boxes of Kari Halperin. English Alberts, who share a "savage" in Crest with Mens/Mame's, have a giant griffin in the colors of the Box griffin heads. That works. I must have been correct in pegging the lawn-chair man as Albert. Italian Alberts are first known in Bologna with the Pepoli's sharing the checkered Halper/Halperin Shield while Letch-like Letts love the Pepin-branch Pipe's while Mens' are in the Pepin motto.
Halperins and Halfs/Halps share the gold fitchee with Sledge's/Sleigh's (Essex with Fitch's) while the Albert savage has a "sledge hammer." The Sledge/Sleigh Crest shares a white lion holding a gold fitchee with Halperins. I think this establishes that Alberts were a Halper branch. Sledge's/Sleighs have owls in Howell colors. Halperins are said to be first known in Worcestershire with Tume's/Tombs suspect in the "tuum" motto term of Chethams/CHEAThams, and Sledge's/Sleigh's are said to have transferred title to Chethams.
It dawns on me that Lake's are in the format of, and colors reversed from, Popleys/Poppeys. PopEYE the sailor man smoked a pipe. He had a popped-out eye! God must have been watching Popeye. His gal was Olive OYLE, and OULlette's were at Ouilly while Oyle's/Oileys/OWLeys are first known in Oxfordshire with Lake's!!! I didn't know God liked cartoons. Spanish Olive's have a giant owl.
Halfs/Halps are also Helps, whom I've been tracing for years to Avesnes at the Helpe river (Belgian border area), because Margaret of Avesnes married the Dampierre's of Champagne while Avesnes-like Avezzano's share the crutch-potent pattern with French Champagne's. Avezzano is not far from L'Aquila and Fossa, and I expect L'Aquila elements in the "Auxilia auxilliis" motto of Halfs/Halps/Helps.
French Sauvage's are first known in Champagne while Mens'/Mame's love Savage's. The latter have the Eagle/Hegel Coat in colors reversed while Manets/Manai's, in the motto of the Arms of L'Aquila, have a giant eagle in Savage colors.
In fact, Keele's/Kills and Cheile's are first known in Lincolnshire with Eagle's/Hegels, and with "Helpe Arbalistarius," the earliest character named in the Half/Halp/Help write-up. The latter surname has an eagle in Crest. We can depend on whatever pointers are Intended here because Cheile's are in the motto of Camerons who in turn share five, bunched arrows with Wiles'. Scottish Wills share the Sommer sun (both colors), and English Wills have a motto, "SurSUM." Summerville is "near Caen" while Caens (beside Somerset) share the motto of Sure's possibly in "SURsum." More eagles are with Velis'/Vale's, first known in Northumberland with Mame-branch Manners/Maness. We're back to Susie.
Cheile's, with a LEG in Crest for a possible pointer to Trump, share the bend of Royals in the "royal tents" of Tintons. The latter are in Mansfield colors and format while Mansfields named Mamesfelde, the location pointed to by Mamie's breasts, and then Lane/Lano's are first known in BREScia while Launay is near Brest. Then, Royals and Cheile's share the red bend with Irish Lane's/Lawns while "roy" is a motto term of English Lane's/Lawns/Lone, and Lune's/Lyons named GlenLYON, where Mens'/Mame's are said to have branched.
Wiles' must be sharing the five arrows of CAMERA's/Camerons, now looking like a pointer to "five eyes," the name of the five Western nations that spy on everyone, suggesting the all-seeing-eye of Rothschilds who likewise have five, bunched arrows. Arrows/Arras' are first known in Staffordshire with Lawns/Lane's/Lone's.
Summeralls are listed with SummerVILLE's/SummerVALE's (more gold fitchees), but houseofnames can't always be correct with it's particular bundling of surname variations. Swan-loving Velis'/Vale's can take us to Swans/Sions and Sion/Sitten while Seatons/Sittens share a green dragon "spouting fire" with Summerville's/Summervale's. Fire's/Firs can be of the Fier variation of Fears in the Summerville/Summervale motto.
The Voter/Gauthier eagle, in the colors of the Velis/Vale eagles, appears to be bringing us to L'Aquila elements, for Susans are first known in Berkshire with L'Aquila-connectable Sheaves'/Shaws, but also with Sun-using Sunnys, perfect because Suns/Sinclairs, who have a fox in their motto, were not only first known in Midlothian with Mens'/Mame's, but share "God" with the Mens/Mame and Summerall/Summerville motto. Sheaves'/Shaws have six, bunched arrows to almost match the five, bunched arrows of Wiles'. So, yes, Mamie seems to be pointing to Susie Wiles. But why? Good or bad? I know nothing about her values. She looks like a nice person. The Trump White House needs an election-fraud panel.
What I don't understand is why Mrs. Summerall-Wiles is coming to topic in the thick of pointers to Kari Lake, once of Fox news, and in the midst also of the foxes of Summerall-like Sommers and Foss'. Susie can hopefully breath some fire against election fraud, the nicest thing she could ever do. Could the "domine" motto term in the Velis/Vale motto be a pointer to Dominion Voting's Eric Coomer? The Coomer/Comer motto has "DOMINAbitur," and I trace Comine's to Kuman in Fier county of Albania. Coomers have a dancetty-fesse in the colors of the fesse of English Dance's while Italian Dance's/Donnas' are first known in Piedmont with Domino's. Is Susie an election-fraud fighter? Does she want to become one?
While Aquila's share the Este eagle, English Este's are first known in Essex with Esters/ASTERs expected in the "astris" motto term of Coomers; the latter use ESToiles. The Wiles-connectable Camerons have the triple fesses of Sturs, a branch of Esters/Asters, and the latter share the bend of Cameron-beloved Cheile's. Wiles' are first known in Sussex with the Leopards in the Coomer Crest.
Where was I? Oh, yes, Mamie and I. We emBRACEd in the lake, and Brace's/Bras' (armored arms) can take us to Bracebridge's (Lincolnshire with armored-arm Armys/Armine's/Ermine's and ermine-using Halfs/Helps) who have a "God wills" motto phase, shared with Scottish Velis'/Wills (Berwickshire with Books and Dove's) while English Velis'/Vale's share the Tromp and Doria eagle while English Doors are first known in Herefordshire with Brace's/Bras'. Mame's have a "God" motto term, linkable to the Legg motto.
The Velis/Vale eagle can be traced to the Giuliani eagle because Velis'/Vale's add the crosslet of English Julians and Gullys. The latter, along with Gulls (almost the six pale bars of German Julians), have a "sine" motto term while Sine's/Sions share the Box/Boxer lion, and then Sunnys share the sun (one color only) with Velis'/Wills'.
In the dancetty-fesse of Mine's/Menne's, there are six pale bars in the colors of the six pale bars of Liss'/Lise's, and while Scottish Lise's/Lease's are first known in Dumfries with Leggs, Liss'/Lise's are first known in Hampshire with MAMESfelde of the MANSfields. Although I don't agree with houseofnames that Mamesfelde was named after breasts, Mamie had large breasts even at her age of about 20. I'm suspecting that there's more to do with her breast symbol than assuring that we are to link her to the Mens'/Mame's, who by the way are in the motto of Poppins/Pophams (share Mens/Mame and Manner/Maness Chief color), first known in Hampshire with Mamesfelde. Velis'/Vails are first known in Northumberland with Manners/Maness'.
Mamie and the Fox
Like I said years ago, all I remember after the embrace was being back at Mamie's house, and all I remember there was she at her front garden with a bathing suit. I had never seen such beautiful thighs. This is why I don't like telling this story, along with the tease event in the sleeping bag, because it would seem to readers that God is not in these pointers which I'm making. Yet the Thigh's/THY's, in the motto of Suns/Sinclairs, have a giant fox in the colors of the giant lion of Leghs, and Kari Lake quit her job with Fox news in Arizona to run for Arizona governor.
That's partly why I think the embrace in the lake is a pointer to Kari Lake, especially as Brace's/Bras' look related to the Lake Coat. I was convinced that I was to give Mamie a tease symbol because one Tease surname has a Tyes variation while Thy's/Thigh's are also Thys'. Tyes' are said to have built a fort at Picenze-like Penzance. Pense's/Pincons/Pincers share the Aquila eagle, making it appear that her thigh represents Picenze elements related to my bloodlines there. "Manet" is a motto term in the Arms of L'Aquila, and Men's/Mame's are said to derive in Manners. While Mens'/Mame's have a savage head, I see Aquila's in the Eagle's/Hegels who in turn have the Coat of Savage's/Sava's in colors reversed.
What do we suppose the "PRO te" motto phrase of Savage's/Sava's is code for if not the Pierro's/Pero's on the Tessin river, the line to Tease's/Tess'? Teys/Tays/Toys are first known in Yorkshire with a Tees river, and Tees' are listed with Teese's. You can see in all of this why it's not my idea only to give Mamie a tease symbol. Whoever arranged this heraldry must have given her that symbol. "Te" is a motto term also of Velis'/Vale's, first known beside Yorkshire.
The giant Thy/Thigh Fox is with German Voss', first known in Pomerania with Trump's, though the latter were also first known in neighboring Mecklenburg with Hann-branch Hahns. This is what makes the Thy/Thigh fox look related to the Legh lion. English Voss'/Vaux's share the mascle of HANSons, first known in Yorkshire with Anne's/Hanne's. The Ananes Gauls at Piacenza named Annan(dale), in Dumfries with Leggs, near the first-known Hanna's (Trump stag head in colors reversed) of Wigton, and then Wiggons almost have the Coat of Ainsley-branch Annas' sharing the star of Tease's/Tyes' who were in turn first known in Nottinghamshire (near Anne's/Hanne's of Tickhill) with Ainsleys and Goats/Gothams. Ainsleys are first known at Basford with goat-using Bunnys while Bunns/Bone's are first known in Oxfordshire with Lake's. Makes your head spin.
And so I resolved that Kari Lake, an avid Trump supporter, was just a big tease (like him) when she suddenly seemed to drop her court battle against Katie Hobbs, with no public announcement that I've heard, in order to run for an Arizona senate seat. Note how "senate" is like the Saint variation of Suns/Sinclairs, for the latter have the giant Thigh fox in their motto. "Senate" is also like the DeSantis surname, and Susie Wiles had quit her job as an election specialist for Ron DeSantis to become one for Trump instead. She's now being thrust into a prime position.
Kari Lake beat Katie Hobbs in a governor's race in 2022, and Governors, while sharing the crescent of Spanish Urbans, look related to the Coats of Hague's/Hate's and Italian Felice's. However, Katie Hobbs fleeced Lake out of the win in conflict-of-interest moves as the sitting governor in charge of election houses. Govern-like Gowers/Gore's, first known in Yorkshire with Hague's/HATE's, have a "FLECtes" motto term. While Flecks (Norfolk with HAT-branch Heeds and Haydens) almost have the Fleet Coat, Gowers/Gore's share the white wolf in Crest with Fleetwoods, and with Gore's/Core's whom I trace to Gorski...of Croatia, location of the Urbanus river. Kari Lake then switched to running for the Santo-like Senate, and Spanish Santo's (CASTILE) have the triple-wave fesses of Sea's (Kent with Gore's/Core's) in colors reversed while Spanish Felice's use CASTLE on a "sea," in colors reversed from the Gallego castle! Just lookie at that singin' heraldry.
Lookie at the "flecTES" motto term of Governor-like Gowers/Gore's. Tes'/Tease's (Tessin river of the Laevi Gauls) use "five leaves pointing DOWN" while Leave's/Leve's are first known in Norfolk with Flecks. I showed how Downs (Sussex with Wiles') are Trump-connectable. The Tes/Tease write-up continues saying of the leaves; "ONE in the CENTER," which points to the Una/Oeneus river, beside the URBANus.
Centers are amazing as per "senate," listed with English Senters/Sainters/Santers sharing the triple leopard faces of Parsons, the latter first known in Norfolk with Leave's/Leve's. Yet they are the leopard faces also of Peare's (Oxfordshire with Lake's) while Pierro's/Pero's are first known on the Tessin river exactly at Pavia, a city founded by the Laevi Gauls. While Thy-loving Sinclairs were named from "Claro," German Centers/Senters/Sanders share the Claro/Charo bull. I trace Bulls/Bule's to the annulets of Urbanus-liner Crane's/CRAUNs, first known in Suffolk with Clare's.
This allows us to guess that Italian Gallego's/Gallis' use the lion of Seconds/Segurs, first known in Limousin with French Clairs and found in the Levi motto term, "second." We then note that Gallis- / Galles-like Calles' use trumpets while Levers have "a rooster STANDing on a trumpet." It's a gold rooster, the color of the Sinclair rooster, but also of French Galli's/Galles'. Stands, looking related to Keys (Yorkshire with Galleys and Gale's, where Stands were once said to be first known), share the double Fleck fesses. In the meantime. Levers share the double bends of Keys while L'Aquila's Sheaves' use FIVE keys to go with the five leaves of Tes'/Tease's. Trumps can thus trace to L'Aquila, explaining the black Tromp eagle. Spanish Gallego's/Galves' are first known in GALICia.
Recall Mazza's/Mazzini's/Mazzapica's, because they shoa a MazzaGALLI variation.
The Levers, who are LOVERs too, tell that their "LOWER" bend is "engrailed." It's engrailed in the colors of the engrailed Sinclair cross, and while Grails are listed with Neils, English Neals are first known in Wiltshire with trumpet-using Calles'. The neighboring Carys, a possibly pointer to Kari Lake, share the English Lower roses while German and Jewish Lowers share the giant Gallego/Gallis lion. Lake's have a bend colors reversed from the Lever bends. English Lowers are in the colors of English Gunters and Lake's (Oxfordshire with Gunters) while Ghents are first known in Hampshire with Ghents and Poppins while Popps (share gold annulets with German Gunters) are first known in Westphalia with Neils/Nails/Nagle's while Irish Nagle's were Gale kin. Popps have elephant trunks while elephant heads are shared between Levens and Irish Sanders ("NIL" motto term) while German, Tease-connectable Centers/Senters/Sanders share the Claro/CHARO bull, red like the Popp bull head.
"Charo" is a motto term of English Josephs, first known in the same place as Mame-related Poppins. Joseph Oullette asked me to get him the box, and Box's (Wiltshire with Neals) share the Neal lion. It was suspect as a BALLOT box because Bello's/Ballots use a fox head while Kari Lake had worked Arizona's Fox news. French Josephs are first known in Maine with Billets/Billiards while Bello's/Ballots share the Coat of English Billets. Billiards/Hillards look like a pointer to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Ahh, Box's (beside Hampshire) share the griffin heads of English Caplans, first known in Hampshire with Joe's/Josephs, proving that Joe Oullette asked me to get him a box when asking for a "CONTAINer," because Joe's/Josephs share the double chevrons of Chaplains! French Pine's are first known in Limousin with Clairs while Irish Constantine's are first known in County Clare. Joe's/Josephs love the Charo variation of Claro's. The latter are first known in Ferrara while the Ferrari lion is with Hampshire's Carters, suspect with the Carts, Charts, and their Cary branch.
As evidence that Cary elements point to Kari Lake-Halperin, Charts use "partridges" while Partridge's (Kent with Petts/PERTs) share the checkered Shield of Halperins! Beauty.
Both Carter surnames were once said to be first known in Winchester (Hampshire), but they had early branches in Oxfordshire with the first-known Lake's.
Years ago when on this topic, I told that Pine-loving and container-like CONTANs/Constance's/Constants have the Lett Chief in other colors. Constantine's, first known in Devon with Pine's, look related to the Basingstoke's (Hampshire again), where Poppins are first known. Basingstoke's, first known beside Tromp-beloved Acorns, share the Tromp eagle.
As I write here at 11 am Friday morning, the score between Gallego and Lake is he winning by 1.7-percent with 76-percent of ballots revealed. You can smell the fraud all across the country by how slow this count is going. It was at this score last night, meaning that there's been no other ballots revealed to the public since then. The cheats must be taking this long because they can't figure out how to keep Gallego's lead. Or, maybe it's taking time to manufacture the faked ballots they intend to grant him, if they can with it, with all eyes on Lake's team watching things closely. Republicans already won control of the U.S. Senate, but her added voice and vote there would be mainly good for the country.
I'm thinking that the contrast with Mamie in the sleeping bag, where she teased me, and the HUG in the Lake the next morning, could mean that Kari Lake will beat Gallego. The DeSantis surname, by the way, shares the Tromp eagle and has a lone tower in Trump-stag colors. Behind the tower are six fessewise bars looking related to Fountains/Fonts and HUGs. The latter are first known in Languedoc with Font-de-Ville's, and Italian Fontana's look related to the DeSantis Coat. Therefore, if the hug in the lake points to Kari Lake, why should it also point to DeSantis, whom Lake now dislikes, ever since he challenged Trump for the White House?
Fountains/Fonts (share the Hug lion too) are first known in Norfolk with Arizona-like Risons/Risings, Bags, PURPLE's, Fulke's/FOOKS', and the Flags/Flecks in the purple "flag" of Font-de-Ville's. Portuguese Santo's have a giant, purple lion. Fleck like Felix's and Italian Felice's are in the colors of the Fountain/Font and Hug fesses. Those triple fesses are in the colors of the triple chevrons of Taddei's, and Zoe Boccabella said that her Boccabella line was related to Taddei's, the surname of my grandmother. I've not known of Zoe until about two or three weeks ago.
We could even add that Sanks/Sinks work into the Sanctis variation of DeSantis' because Fish-loving Sanks/Sinks are in the colors and format of Kari-like Carys, both having bends colors reversed from the Lake bend. I've said before that giant-LEG Prime's (Lincolnshire with Bracebridge's and Fish's) are expected in the motto of Lakeys, and then Leaks/Leakeys have a leg in Crest. Mamie seems to point to Kari Lake with the thigh of her leg, as if God arranged these heraldic coincidences to point to her. But, "sank" and "sink" are not winning words.
Ahh, Taddei-like Todds, showing foxes, are first known in Norfolk with Fulke's/Fooks'. Italian Fulks share the eagle in the Fontana Chief, the eagle used also by DeSantis' and Tromps. Scottish Todds (sharing the Coat, Crest and motto of English Todds) are first known in Berwickshire with Books. Tottens/Toddens, with four dancetty-fesses, might just be using the Fox/Shinnock lion in Crest to explain the Todd foxes.
Books share the "hourglass" with Houstons/HUGHStons!!! Hugs/Hughues' were Fountain kin. Houstons, sharing the Voter/Gauthier/Gothie and Mead/Mede martlets, share the checks of Italian Fulks and Scottish Rite's/Wrights, the latter first known in Berwickshire with Roet-beloved Books, and I trace Roets and book-using Reeds to Rite-like Rieti. The Texas Medical Center, in cahoots with the Galveston lab, is in Houston. Meads/Mede's were once said to be first known in Somerset with Roets.
Watching Jesse Watters last night, he put up a picture reading, "Trump's Big Tent." Fox News has a headline beginning with: "Trump's big tent:". It squares with my claim that Mamie pointed to Trump by sitting on my legs in the event immediately before she and I were in a tent.
HO-HO-HOO, jolly is me. Recall the "God" motto terms of Mens'/Mame's and Suns/Saints/Sinclairs, because German Gode's use a giant red fox!!!!! It's half in the colors of the giant fox of Thy's in the motto of Suns/Sinclairs. And French Gode's are listed with the Gaudets in the "Gaudet TENTamine" motto phase of Trump-connectable Leggs! Hoo's/Whoo's (DANCEtte-fesse) can be in the "Who" motto term of Sailors who in turn share the Box griffin heads. Boccabella's of Fossa. Sails/Sallets are first known in Cheshire with Bello's.
The Sinclairs use "thy works," explaining the Workesley variation of Wasleys/Worsleys who in turn share the Mens/Mame Coat. The Workesley/Wasley write-up: "'...Alice, sister and sole heiress of Sir Geoffrey Worsley, conveyed it by marriage to Sir John Massey, of Tatton.'" The sheaves that are the Arms of Cheshire are in the Coat of Waistells was WASdale, suggesting that Wasleys/Worsleys were Waistell liners. This is new heraldry for me, and it seems to explain why I went to sleep with an ARM draped around Mamie's waist! I got "Wasley" from the Alderwasley location (Derbyshire) of Phoenix-connectable Fawns (near Waistells).
English Gode's/Goods can be of the Swiss Goods/Guts who in turn share the wheat sheaves of Sink-like Sings. Sanks/Sings look related to the Marleys who in turn almost have the Goat/Gotham Coat. Bochs have a goat in Trump colors and format.
While Trump loves Klaus Schwab, possibly for fear of being persecuted by his people, and while Trump worked in concert with the WHO, both in Switzerland with Goods/Guts, the WHO might be pointed to by Hoo's/Whoo's who share the dancetty-fesse (both Coats almost identical) of waist-like Wests. The latter were shown above related to the Waistell-beloved Dove's while Dovers (Kent with Gode's/Goods) look related to the Coat of Flowers, the latter first known in Devon with Wests and Sings. The waist / hip bone is connected to the thigh bone, and Hips' almost have the Phoenix Coat.
By 1 pm Friday, Kari Lake caught up to Gallego by .2 percent even though there was only 1-percent more of the count revealed in that gain. At that rate, she'll beat him.
As I've said, when one guy opened the hatch to the pick-up, Mamie was at the far back with her back against the wall and facing me on the outside. Barry was sitting beside her with his back to the side wall, not facing me. She immediately bent her head down and started to slip on a shirt, but her head, the shirt, and the quasi darkness prevented me from see whether she was in her bra, or her bathing suit. I looked away immediately, anyway, thinking it might have been worse. But I doubt she was bare-breasted. The point is that, if God set that up, it appears to point to Bra in Piedmont, not far from Susa.
I'll then take us back to the BREAKfast table that I remember sitting at with her, the following morning, for Brae's/Brays, with black eagle LEGs traceable to L'Aquila, use a "flax breaker" while Breakers/Brechs (Shropshire with a Sleap location) look like a potential Brace/Bras branch, and pointable to Brests/Brix's. The latter can be traced with Launays and Lane's/Lano's to Brescia/Brixia, near Picenze-like Piacenza. Launay is a location of Brittany, near Brest. The Launay leopard can take us to English Leopards, first known in Sussex with Felix's while the Flag variation of Flecks (Norfolk with Fasts in "breakfast") can be in the flax breaker.
As the embrace in the lake points to Kari Lake, because Brace's and Lake's have similar Coats, see the Lake write-up: "he surname Lake was first known in Oxfordshire where William atte Lake was first registered in the Hundredorum Rolls of 1273. The same rolls included William de la Lake, Salop (Shropshire.)". I assume that Sleeps named Salop, and they did name Shropshire's Sleap, and so even Mamie's sleeping bag, where the tease took place, can be a pointer to Kari Lake and Mike Lindell. There was great excitement in Trump's voter base when Arizona did a huge audit, and renewed excitement with Lake's election challenge, but the whole thing was put to rest, to sleep, we could say.
The Lake Coat is in the format of, and colors reversed from, the Coat of Biston-branch Bessins, and the latter are first known in Cheshire with the Marble's who share the Lake fitchees. The giant Marble griffin is in the colors of the Camp griffin heads, and the lake was at a camp site. The Bessin and Biston Crests can be linked solidly to the Brace/Bras Crest, and while Masci > Massey liners are first known in Cheshire, Masci's are first known in Piedmont with Bra. In fact, I think I now understand why Mamie's bra could play into things, because Pelosi's are first known in SAVIGliano, smack beside Bra, and SAVAGE's/Sava's, with the Eagle/Hegel Coat in colors reversed, are first known in Cheshire while Bracebridge's are first known in Lincolnshire with Eagle's/Hegels.
We can even take the "log" of Lindells in going to Loge's/Lodge's because the latter share the giant Montfort and MowBRAY lion while Monforte is beside Bra. So, yes, it appears that the scene with Mamie in the truck is one where we are to point things to Bra for these reasons at least.
In addition, Nancy Pelosi (California) is the one who got Biden to step aside so that Kamala ended up giving power to Republicans. Biden has gangster clout to force powerful people to cheat for him, or else he'll expose them. That's probably why Biden confessed to having the biggest election-cheat machine ever built. China was on his side for $$$s. Pelosi is a fellow China-supported gangster who probably wanted Michael Obama to run for the White House, but Biden denied it. I'll show below how the Pilotti variation of Pelosi's links to Mike Lindell's efforts for Kari Lake.
What exactly might the breakfast PICnic table point to? She and I were left alone at that table by everyone else. I'm not sure if they hated me for becoming a Christian, or for taking Mamie, but, maybe, her chill the previous night may be because someone told her I had become a Christian. We spent a couple of months together, but she showed no signs of wanting to become a Christian. To the contrary.
If the point of the pick-up-truck event was to point to Bra, Brae's and Breakers, note that while Susie Wiles was pointed to by Susa (near Bra) and Mamie's waist, Susans are first known in Berkshire with the Arrow-loving Sheaves'/Shaws while Wiles' use a "sheaf of red arrows." Sheaves'/Shaws use "six arrows in saltire" while Saltire's, sharing blue roundels with Table's (Cheshire with Sallets), were once said to be first known in Shropshire with Breakers and Sleeps/Sleaps, and the latter have the double Wiles fesses in colors reversed. Arrows/Arras' are first known in Staffordshire, and Bracebridge-beloved Staffords/Staffs can point to Wiles' new job, Trump's Chief of Staff.
Sleeps, with almost the Coat of English Nicholsons/Nickersons, are first known in Kent Picks/Pix's in "picNIC table," and Table's had presence in Cheshire with NICKle's/Nichols. Hobsons look like kin of German Nicholsons. Blue roundels are shared between Saltire's and Hobsons while Saltire's were once said to be first known in Shropshire with Hobbs' and Break(er)s while German Nicholsons share the armored arm of Brace's/Bras'. We had BREAKfast at the picnic table. But what does Katie Hobbs have to do with Susie Wiles? Is it correct to bring the latter into this discussion?
I have no idea why Nichols liners have come to topic, meaning I don't know whether the picnic table is pointing a Nichols character. But German Nicholsons share an "ad astra" motto phrase with Tottens/Toddens who in turn have four of the Sleep fesses, the latter sharing double-ermined, white fesses with German Nicholsons. These Nicholsons translate their motto with "camp." The Todden variation of Tottens can take one to the Fox-loving Todds, and the German Nicholsons have suns while we can find a fox in the Sun/Sinclair motto...touching upon Mamie's thigh.
I trace "ad" to Ada of Warenne, wife of Henry, earl of Huntingdon, and Break(er)s share hunting horns on red with Huntingdons. Hunts/Hunters are first known in Shropshire with Sleap. Ada's husband was a son of king David I, the line to Welsh Davids (and Davis') who in turn look related to Gallops.
I've mentioned the Slipper variation of Sleeps/Sleaps because Mike Lindell, who owns My Pillow and My Slippers, paid for Kari Lake's court battle(s) against Katie Hobbs. He announced financial trouble about the time that Kari's court battles waned.
Sleeps/Slippers are now said to be first known in Kent with Roundels, a branch of Arundels of Sussex, where Wiles' are first known who essentially have the Sleep/Slipper Coat in colors reversed. While heraldic pellets are black roundels (German Nicholsons have them), the Pellets/Pilots (Sussex with Wiles') were a branch of Pelosi-like PILLOWs/Pilotte's, the latter first known in Lincolnshire with Leaks/Leakeys, and with the Bracebridge's who use a "wills" motto term. I can say that Mamie and I embracing in the LAKE pointed to Bracebridge's ("staff" in Crest). But what might Kari Lake have to do with Susie Wiles? Or, why should Mamie be pointing to both women? Will they unite to expose election fraud?
Lincolnshire is also where Trump-connectable Prime's are first known, suspect in the "Praemium" motto term of Lakeys. The dream with Joe OULlette pointed to Owls, and there's a brown owl in the Prime Crest. The Miners (Herefordshire with Brace's/Bras') suspect in the Prime motto term, "minerva," share the "arm" with Brace's/Bras' and English Olivers while Spanish Olive(r)s have another brown owl. Miners recall the Mine's in a Legg motto term, "tentaMINE," perfect because Prime's have a giant leg. Minor variations could suggest a branch of Mayners/Maynards because the latter have a Coat similar to the one of Lakeys. This paragraph looks like additional evidence that the dream with Oullette's van is a pointer to Miss Lake's election-fraud woes.
The Wiles arrows are "banded" while Roundel-loving Bends (beside Shropshire) share the blue lion in Crest with Hobbs', first known in Shropshire with Pillow-like Plows (Pillow/Pilotte colors). Roundel-loving Saltire's love the Billets who in turn share the Coat of fox-using Bello's, the latter first known in Cheshire with Bends.
Here's how close the race is for Lake at about dinner time, Friday night. Note that this news channels says that the last ballots to be counted are in cheatin' Maricopa country: numbers that are in the video above are when Gallego held a larger lead than 2-percent, earlier this week. Can we trust these numbers, or are these numbers making the news as per a request of the cheaters to frame themselves as legit? In the first two buckets of the remaining four, Kari Lake is expected to gain on Gallego by 39,000 votes versus Gallego gaining on Lake by 23,000 in the second, Pima-county bucket. That 16,000-vote edge for Lake will not make her surpass Gallego, meaning that the election will be decided in the last two buckets, both from Maricopa, making it unlikely for Lake to win because that's cheatin' country. Hopefully, there will be a state-paid re-count.
At 9 pm Friday, Arizona announced new numbers with 81-percent reporting, with the score now 49.6 - 48.4 for Gallego, closer than the score has been. If this trend continues, with the gap closed by .5-percent per every 5-percent counted, Lake will win by about 1-percent, which doesn't allow a state-paid recount. Later in the evening, with 82-percent revealed, Miss Lake caught up by .1-percent, which is on track for her to win. But, possibly, the count house is leaving Gallego-favoring regions for the last of all counting. It appears the counters are going to bed for this Friday evening.
But look at how few ballots have been counted over the past 24 hours. Has the Arizona whore house no shame? It's obvious why it's taking so long, because Lake would win otherwise. Each over-night period, if there's nobody watching, things can happen. But cameras can be fixed on the entire count-house premises from private Republicans, and even with drones. With Trump in the White House, the cheats need to be much-more careful than with Biden in that place.
On Saturday, at 2 pm, the score remained the same with 84-percent reporting. That unchanged score over 2-percent counted looks more like it's headed for a tie rather than a Lake win. At this point, Gallego's lead is 34,000 votes.
Looking at all the numbers, where she holds leads in low-population centers only, it doesn't appear that she can continue to catch up unless there are large pockets of Republicans in Maricopa and Pima counties.
The thing is that main-stream media have taken such a $$$ / viewership / reputation bashing for supporting election fraud in 2020 that they decided to call the swing states for Trump even though they can see that cheating is in attempt-mode in the first degree. This makes it harder for the cheats to keep up their spirits for to continue the crime. Arizona and Nevada still (midnight Friday) aren't called for Trump by the AP. To win Nevada, Kamala needs about 80-percent of the remaining 5-percent votes, yet AP still hasn't called it for Trump because, I suppose, the hope is to get a re-count. I can't see any other reason for not calling it.
Nor has the AP called Arizona for Trump, or, if it did, it changed its mind, because it's showing as undecided on Saturday, dinner time, with only 84-percent revealed (Trump leads by 6.4 percent). Everyone knows that this is crazy. There are demonoids controlling Arizona's elections who are apparently toying with the nation, unconcerned about their reputations. By midnight, AP called Arizona for Trump, with 87-percent reporting. At that point, Gallego went ahead by 45,000 votes, pulling away out of reach, by the looks of it. The score now is reported as 49.7-percent to 48.2.
From Tease to Tie
The contrast between Mamie teasing me and then embracing me in the lake. What could that mean? Later in the day, she got a thigh symbol while at her front flower / BUSH garden, and Gardens/Jardens are first known in Angus with Jardins who in turn share the Tease/Tyes stars. The news show above said, don't be surprised if this race ends up a TIE, to be settled in the courts. English Bush's are first known in Yorkshire with the Tie's/Dye's (share Bush fesse), with English Dance's, and with a Tees river while Tees' are listed with Tiss'/Teese's. Thy's/Thigh's list Tie's too.
Gardens/Jardens share the Coat, a giant black boar head, of French Jarrets (Brittany with Alans of Dol), and English Jarrets are first known in Shropshire with Alans of Dol. English Bush's have a black boar. English Gards are first known in Kent with Sleeps, and the latter were once said to be first known in Shropshire with Jarrets. Any predictions based on this heraldic set? I don't think the Bush family is friendly toward Miss Lake, but then I don't know whether the Bush family is part of Mamie's pointers. I don't remember whether there was a bush in that garden, but my recollection was that it was busy and rich enough to have had small ones, as is typically done against the front wall of a house.
The "JUNGuntur" motto term of Gardens/Jardens can be partly for Jungs/Youngs/June's who have a giant stag in the colors of the Trump stag head. The Bush's hate Trump. The Bush's could be behind all sorts of Arizona Republicans. Tees'/Tiss'/Teese's are first known in Hampshire with Ghents while Gaunts are first known in Kent with Gards while Gunters, first known in Oxfordshire with same-colored Lake's, and suspect in the Garden motto term, "junGUNTUR," use GAUNTlets (armored gloves). Dutch Ghents/Gaunts share the wavy fesse of Dols.
It appears that Mamie's tease symbol, in combination with her garden thighs, is predicting a tie. Yet, that morning, the embrace was not a tease. She stuck with me for a couple of months. Can that predict that Kari will in this race in a re-count or something?
I bought her a Bible, but she said she left it under a bed when she went away on a trip? Did she go be with another man? Bible's/Bibo's are said to use the rooster on a cushion of Hahns, and both surnames are first known in the same place as Trumps. Babels/Babe's share the Lap/Labbs mermaid for a related reason, both from Podebrady of Bohemia on the Labe river.
The Tie's/Dye's have the D'Eye's in their write-up, suggested as the namers of an Eye location in Suffolk. This recalls Mr. Round Eyes in the dream with Joe OULlette, and while his eyes looked like owl eyes, Owls/Howls are first known in Suffolk too!!! It appears that the watchful eyes of Lake's team are causing the senate race to end in a tie, or a near-tie, rather than a cheated win for Gallego.
I've suspected that "I" motto terms are code for Eye at the Norfolk border, and while Patricks are first known in Norfolk, they share the saltire of Kilpatricks who in turn have a motto, "I make sure." And, zikers, Mens'/MAME's have a motto phrase, "I zal"!!! Let's now repeat from above:
A song is playing over my speakers right now, "David Danced," by Joshua Aaron. Mamesfelde is in Hampshire with the Mens'-loving Poppins/Pophams, and while Poppa of Valois married Rollo, Rollo's are first known in Perthshire too, near Deas' whom I see in MONKey-using DESmonds, and Rollo's daughter was Crispina, wife of Grimaldus of Monk-line Monaco.Dance-like Danes' have a MONKEY!!! Dee-like Deas', first known in Angus with Gardens (share Rollo boar) and Jardins, and near the first-known Scottish Dee's/Die's. Mamie's garden gave us the Thigh's/Thy's/TIE' and it's English Tie's with the D'Eye's in their write-up. The Bee's in the Deas Crest are first known in Oxfordshire with English Gunters! It allows Deas' to have been Garden / Jardin kin. Desmonds even share the Jardin saltire while Jardins share the Tease/Tyes stars.
Dies' are listed with Dives', and may not apply to Eye. However, Eye is beside the first-known Haydens sharing the dancetty-fesse of Dies'/Dives'.
What might there be to dance about in merely a tie in Arizona? I showed above how Mamesfelde of Mansfields (Hampshire with Tiss'/Teese's) were a branch of Mens'/Mame's, and that was exactly when "David Danced" was playing on my speakers. Eye is near the first-known and Deas-like Dice's/DISS' (Norfolk) who share the TISS/Teese chevron.
However, Baron Massy of the Monaco Grimaldi's includes a man who married Miss Quintana while Quintana's use three dice showing 666. It just so happens that Eduardo Quintana is running against Kari Lake right now, as a candidate for the Green Party (not going to win). And Trump owned a casino while Cassandra-branch Casino's were a branch of Cassane's/Cassandra's, the latter, sharing the triple Epstein chevrons, are first known in Hampshire with Tiss'/Teese's, Chance-branch Chase's/Chace's, and Casino-connectable Changers. How much of a tease is Trump? We will find out soon.
Mansfields and Mancels/Mansells share the "maunch" (a sleeve), suspect with the Manx people on Isle of Man, but compare with "Monk." King Maccus of Man is to Mackays and Kilpatrick-related Maxwells and Maxtons (bee), and Kilpatricks use the motto, "I MAKE SURE." Patricks are first known in Norfolk with Sure-beloved Hollys. Make's/Macks look like a cross between the Masci and Macey/Mace Coats, and the latter share the gauntlet with Welsh and English Gunters. Meschins married Tailbois' while Tillers are first known beside the first-known Welsh Gunters. German Gunters look related to Mill-loving Felix's (beside Ghents and Mills), Felice's, and Bulls/Bule's.
Dutch Gunters are interesting because they share the triple fleur-de-lys of Hicks, first known in Yorkshire with the Tees river and the Tie's/Dye's. The latter are traced to Dye's of WAKEfield (Yorkshire) while I was told to wake Miss Hicks in my 1979 SLEEPing-Beauty dream. I woke her when touching her knee, a possible pointer to Trump, and then she popped into my arms to RISE with me into the sky, embraced all the way. Dream over. Could that embrace touch upon the embrace with Mamie, which in turn points to Kari Lake? Yes, thanks to the Dee/Die motto.
She pointed with her sleep symbol to the SELEPitanoi Illyrians near Rising-like Rhizon, and that looks like "ARIZONa." That's very interesting. Rise's/Rye's are first known in Norfolk with Risons/Risings, yet Rise's/Rye's were once said to be first known in Sussex with Rye-loving Saddocks. Yet, Sussex is where COURTs/Coverts are first known, as well as the Wiles' having the Sleep Coat in colors reversed.
Can Susie Wiles arrange Trump's Justice chief (= Attorney General) to take on Arizona election fraud? Who will Trump pick for the new Attorney General? A Bushite again? That would end celebrations over Trump's win lickety-split. The longer he leaves Chris Wray in charge of th FBI, the more his base will feel the pain, realizing that Trump is a fraud. Let's see what he does.
Tie's/Dye's have the Chief of Plain-like Palins in colors reversed. Plains/Platters, first known in Suffolk with Eye, are in Palin colors and format. Palins are first known in Dorset, beside the eye-using Battins of Somerset, and beside the eye-using Stars of Wiltshire. Labe-like Labors (Yorkshire), in the Dee/DIE motto (!) as "HIC labor," have another eye!
I'll record here the D'Eye's of SCOULTon, in Norfolk with the other Platters. SHOULDhams/SCOLThams/Shoultz's are first known in Norfolk. German Shults' (share Palin stars and perhaps the Brace arm) are first known in Switzerland with Tease's/Tess'.
Do we think that God would have me hug Miss Hicks and Mamie if Kari Lake is going to lose this tie race? Let's not forget that Ainsleys share the Hicks fleur-de-lys while Ainsley Earhardt is the second fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty. Her Fox and Friends show probably supports Kari Lake. However, in 2020, Fox election-night coverage (national news, not Arizona) called Arizona way too early as a Biden win, and the latter "won" that state only because the count stopped at midnight with Trump ahead. The count un-typically took days to finish...until there were enough manufactured votes to put Biden on top by just enough to avoid an automatic re-count.
This is why the Trump White House needs to put the Arizona cheats in prison, to make a horrible example of election cheats for years to come. But why stop at Arizona? Make it last for decades by punishing several state cheats. The senate race in Arizona is a federal issue, and should have White-House jurisdiction.
I've just loaded Barrys to see if there's more to say about Mamie and Barry in the back of the truck. I loaded Barrys immediately after loading Jarrats/Garrets (not "Jarret"), and they happen to share a "FIDELis" motto term with Scottish Barrys (share red wolf head with Fiddle's/Fidelows). The thing is, Scottish Barrys, first known in Angus with Garret-like Gardens/Jardens and Jardins, have a "LEGi fidelis" motto phrase, what are the chances? Mamie got her thigh symbol at her garden while the thigh is the upper leg.
Plus, Jarrets/Garrets are first known in Essex with Raines' who in turn not only have a "leges" motto term (suspect with the Legges variation of Leggs), but share the lion of English Jarrets. Rennes and Montfort are near Dol, that explains it, for while Monforte is beside Bra, I contend that God gave Mamie a bra symbol when she was with Barry in the truck. I'm now more convinced of it.
Montforts share the double-tailed lion that is the Arms of Bohemia, in the colors of the one-tailed lion of MowBRAYs. Mamie sat on my lap once she was out of the truck, and Laps/LABBS' are from the Labe (Elbe) river through Bohemia's Podebrady location. While German Babe's/Babels share the mermaid with Laps/Labbs', Babels/Babwells (probably Court/Covert kin) share the "gold gate" in the Arms of PodeBRADY. Lorraine had pointed to Podebrady-line Babe's (compare with Bradys), once said to be first known in Dorset with Beaks, and Bohemia is where Reeps/Rice's are first known suspect in the "Repullulat" motto term of Larrys/Laurie's (share laurel with Lorraine's) and Lauders.
Reeps/Rice's use a crozier while one Crozier Coat is the Arms of Chalons-en-Champagne (Lorraine border region), where Mummolin, father of BABon, ruled. Mummolin was descended from Tullia of Lyon in Clermont-Ferrand, and while Mens'/Mame's had a branch in GlenLYON of the Lyons, and while Lyons share a green lion with Lorraine's, English Ferrands share the vaired patee of Rice-branch Reesors/Reasons. I met Mamie on my last night with Lorraine, suggesting that "Mamie" can point to MUMmolin. Yes, because Babon's son, Grimo, can take us to the Grimaldi's who share the Shield of Bags in Mamie's sleeping bag.
The Scottish Crozier Coat above looks related to Flora's and Flore's likely due to Florentinus, husband of ARTEMia of Lyon, Mummolin's ancestors. Artems/Aitons have a similar Coat, looking Rosicrucian. Artems/Aitons, looking like Rhodes kin, are first known in Berwickshire with Roet-beloved Books. Boccabella's were in the land of th Marsi whom I trace to Merovingians.
Mummolin was likely related to the quasi-royal Pepins of his time, and Pepoli's share the checkered Shield of Halperins while the Helpe river is near Landen of a quasi-royal Pepin who married Itta of Metz in Lorraine. Landens are Landers too while Landrys are first known in Lorraine. English Laundrys share the tree with Reeps/Rice's.
The Reep/Rice croziers are called "pilGRIMs staves," perfect because Bags are first known in Norfolk with Pilgrims (they use "staves" too). The Bracebridge crozier is called a "staff." Mamie and I emBRACEd in the lake, and the vaired Bracebridge and Champagne Shield is almost the checkered Halperin Shield! See that? Mummolin operated out of Chalons-en-Champagne, and he was a ruling Merovingian en-route to the Carolingians that Grimaldi's trace themselves to.
Bradys share a hand pointing to the sun with English Babe's, which recalls my stretching out an index finger to touch a bra hanging on a laundry line at age nine, just for fun. I might need to revisit that touch-bra event if lake's senate bid reaches the U.S. Supreme Court, for the touch-bra event pointed to Coney liners. Amy Coney-Barrett is on the Supreme Court, and Barretts are listed with French Barrys. English Barretts almost have the Coat of Scottish and Irish Barrys.
Repeat: "Labe-like Labors (Yorkshire), in the Dee/DIE motto (!) as "HIC labor," have another eye!" Berrys, with nearly the Coat of Scottish Barrys, use "labore." Scottish Barrys have the Ruben Coat in colors reversed, and Mr. Gallego's first name is, Ruben. Why should Barry and Mamie in the pick-up point to a tie score in Arizona? If the truck is God's pointer to Tricks/Tracks/Triggs, note that they and Drigs have a sun while Suns/Sinclairs have the "thy" motto term. Drigs use "darts" while Darts (Devon with Berrys and Beers/Bears) almost have the Sleep Coat.
Recall Mr. Big-Round Eyes sitting on a lawn chair in front of his porch, for Porch's almost have the English Barrett Coat while throwing in the cinquefoil of Bush-like Bus' (Norfolk with Porch's). The giant Porch and Bus cinquefoil is in colors reversed with Pockets/Pouchers, and the latter are first known in Lincolnshire with English Barretts.
The Dee's/Die's came to topic with the D'Eye's in the Tie/Dye write-up, and a tie in the Arizona senate race could go to the Supreme Court, if, for example, Arizona won't allow for a re-count in a near-tie finish. One of the most-Conservative judges on the Supreme Court, more-so than Coney-Barrett, is Samuel Alito, and I showed earlier how Leto's/Alitto's are in Letter colors and format while letters share the Coat of Aliotto's. Letter-branch Lauders use a motto, "RepulluLAT," suspect partly for the Late variation of Letts. Joe OulLETTE told me to go get him a container, and I took the box of Mr. Big-Round Eyes while Lette's are listed with Leto's/Alitto's. The man in the chair must have been Sam Alito (I'm half joking, this is such a crazy job I have) keeping a close watch on the Arizona senate race. WE SHALL SEE soon what happens to the Gallego-Lake battle.
I trace Lauders to Richeza of Lorraine, and Lorraine's share the bend-with-eagles of Gorsuch's. Neil Gorsuch, another judge on the U.S. Supreme Court, is more conservative than Coney-Barrett.
Plus, while Aliotto's come up as "Ali," Elis' and Elias' share the Coat of one of the English Thomas', first known in Gloucestershire with Late's/Letts. Clarence Thomas is another ultra-conservative on the Supreme Court. Clare-connectable Clarence's/Clarens share laurel with Lorraine's and Larrys/Laurie's likely due to a Clare merger with Laurence's (Lancashire with Gorsuch's).
What does Mamie represent in the real world as she points to Trump and Lake? Why would God use Mamie if her name didn't point to something specific? As her name points to Man liners, who in the real world could apply?
Arizona Cheat Machine in Heraldry
If this Gallego-Lake race does not end in a virtual tie, you have a few options: 1) God is not in this heraldry at all; 2) God predicted with this heraldry that the race ended in a tie, but that some cheating made Gallego "win" it; 3) I was wrong to go from Thigh's/Thy's to their Tie variation, in spite of the race looking like it was going to be tied, at the time that I went to Tie's; 4) God is still correct enough with predicting a teaser that ends in a tie even if there was no cheating.
Recall the dancetty-fesses that come to topic with Mamie's dance with me. The cheat-like Cheatle's show nothing but a dancetty-fesse. Houseofnames lists no Cheat surname, but google suggests that it exists. Houseofnames lists Cheaters, and they happen to share the Pine cinquefoil while the CONTAINer that Joe asked me to fetch him, which could have been a ballot box, pointed to Contans/Constance's having a pine tree.
The owner of that box had big-round GLASSes on, and Glasgows, no doubt in the "hourGLASS" of Houstons (Renfrewshire with Glasgow), have a "Lord, let" motto phrase suggesting the Letts/Late's whom OulLETTE's can point to, and then Lords/Lauds share the other cinquefoil of Cheaters, colors reversed from the Pine cinquefoils. We're not done because the Cheaters almost have the Coat of Kims, first known in Buteshire with Glass'!!! ZOWIE! We're not done because another hourglass is with Box-like Books! Can we believe it? I'm beside myself.
WERE NOT DONE. I can trace Lords/LAUDs to Late-like Ladys/Laudymans because they are first known in NorthAMPTONshire while Amptons share the triple Lord/Laud and Cheater cinquefoils. Then, I kid you not, that while Class'/Klassens have "LADY FORTUNE" in their Coat, "Fortune" is a motto term of Cheaters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm stunned.
WE'RE STILL NOT DONE. Earlier, I lamented that I had not come across a horizontally-split Shield in the colors used by fox-using Foss'/Voss', and I told, at that time, that the latter have the Halfs in their description who are listed with Halps, a branch of Halperins all pointing to ex-Fox employee, Kari Lake-Halperin. I now find a horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the same of Foss' with....CHEATERS!!!!!!!
Not done. The split between the two halves of the Cheater Shield has a..."perfesse DANCETTE"!!!!!!!!!! THEREFORE, I declare to you, that Arizona has cheated Miss Lake out of this election, as it cheated her out of the governor's position two years ago. God will PUNISH appropriately. It's my request, and He respects the mountains of work I've done in heraldic connections enough to grant this request. I'm confident. This is NOT my work, but His. May it increase your faith in Jesus to see this, as I suspect that this heraldry project is much about doing that for readers. says: "Cheats Name Meaning[:] Americanized form of German Schutz (see Schuetz )." This can be proven where Scoots/Scougals, which Miss Hicks pointed to in relation to her waking in the Sleeping Beauty dream, are first known in East Lothian with Cheater-beloved Fortune's! Zinger. The Scoots, from Miss Hicks, was, in my estimation, a guilty-finger pointer of God to George Bush Jr. and all those who partook in 9-11, and I don't mean the Arabs.
Mamie pointed to Kari lake, and Mens'/Mame's use a "will" motto term in their English-version motto. Cheaters use "Fortune so WILLS it." The Cheater-related Foss'/Voss' (I'm convinced they were related) are first known in Sussex with Wiles'. Fox-using Bello's are first known in Cheshire with dancette-using Cheatle's. The latter share half the fesse of Italian Dance's, perfect because Cheatle's are first known in Cheshire with Masseys/Maceys (named Dunham Masci) while Italian Dance's are first known in Piedmont with Masci's.
Repeat from above: "...Flintshire while the Flan variation of Flints is suspect, in my estimation, with heraldic "flanches" -- could be part-code for Cheshire's / Chees'/Cheatle's -- because it's used by Wolfleys/Wooleys...Flynns are first known in Antrim, and Antrims/Antinghams are first known in Norfolk with the Rise's/Rye's that almost have their Coat." Antrims/Antinghams share the Lake bend, and the Lake fitchees look related to the Shield of Marble's of Cheshire.
Chee's/Chees' or Cheese's could be in code with "fitchee(s)."
AHHH, the Cheater Crest has a white stag head, the color of the Trump stag head, both heads in the same position, shown in profile. The way to trace the Cheater stag to the Trump stag is where Trumps are first known in Pomerania with Voss'/Vosseks sharing the giant Thigh/Thy/TIE fox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mind-boggling. You gotta be me to feel this best. JOY.
Cheaters use "cinquefoils counterCHANGEd." When Miss Hicks said to me, "you can SCOOT over," I took my seat beside her, at a memorial of 9-11 on September 11, 2020, put on outdoors by our church. After I left the seat, Stanley took it, and Stanleys, who pointed to several pertinent things not to be repeated here, have a "Changer" motto term for the Change's/Changers. COUNTRys use COUNTERchanged colors too, and Counters are listed with Conte's. We can take this to container-like CONTANs, you see, first known in Languedoc with French Conte's, and then Counters/Conte's are first known in Durham with the Bows/Bough's sharing the motto of Book-loving Roets, first known in Somerset, beside the first-known Box's/Boxers.
One of the Booker Coats shares the Tromp eagle, in the colors of the Hickson eagle LEGs while Leggs were probably Trump kin. These Bookers, sharing the Hicks and Leak fleur-de-lys, have a "fortunae" motto term! It's essentially the Cheater motto term that pointed us to Cheat-branch Scoots. She told me I could scoot over on th evening that she got her knee symbol at the Leakey road in Camp Wood. We were sitting at the outdoor park in Camp Wood. Leaks/Leakeys, sharing the engrailed Knee bend, in the colors of the Stanley bend, look related to the Lack Coat, and the latter surname is first known in Oxfordshire with Lake's while, once again: Lakeys are first known in the same place as Eure's suspect in the Hicks motto.
The Lee/Ley variation of Leghs/Leighs (Cheshire with Cheatle's, beside LEIGHtons) can be in the "le" motto term of Cheaters. Hicks tell that they had a branch at Low Leighton. I woke Miss Hicks, in the 1979 dream, by inadvertently TOUCHing her leg at the knee, and Knee's with Needhams share the phoenix with Touch-branch Tufts/Tuffs' (both in Cheshire with Lee's/Leghs) and Phoenix's/Fenwicks, and then cheatin' Maricopa county has the big city of Phoenix.
Although the quote above said that Cheats were a branch of Schutz's, the latter share the black GREYhound with Scoots, and, besides, the latter are first known in the same place with Cheater-beloved Fortune's. Greys are first known in Northumberland with Phoenix's/Fenwicks and Lorraine's, and while Rich's/RICHESS' named a location in Lorraine because they were from Richeza of Lorraine, the English-version Fortune motto is "GOD enRICHES." The neighboring Mens'/Mame's use "God" too, suspect with such surnames as the Godee variation of Legg-beloved Gaudets/GODERs. Voters are listed with Gauthier's.
Ainsley Earhardt of Fox and Friends was the second fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty, and she was married to Mr. McKinney. It just so happens that McKinneys (share Kim Coat) almost have the Cheater Coat. McKinneys and their Fraser kin were both related to Cheat-like Keiths/Keaths, the latter first known in East Lothian with Scoots and Seatons. The latter share the green dragon spouting fire with Wiles', and while the latter share the five, bunched arrows with CAMERA's/Camerons, let me repeat from the last update:
..."you can SCOOT over," she said to me....I took the seat a minute after I set up her video CAMERA at the front of the affair...More than a decade later, when doing heraldic work, I noted the following in the Sandal write-up: "Further to the north in Scotland, John de Sandall or de Sandele, appears as CAMERAarius SCOCie, c. 1361"...The Shoe surname has variations like "Scocie," and Shoe's use a "knight issuing from the KNEES"...
I caught wind above that Keiths (Catti tribe) and their Caddy kin were a branch of Cheaters. This means that Cheaters were from the Chatti of Hesse-Cassel.
The caddy recalls that I accused Kepke of cheating at a camp site when playing cards, and he slapped me in the face. I spoke out without thinking, more in jest, but it had slipped my mind, I suppose, that the guys were playing for small-time money, and, after the slap, I realized that it's a serious thing to accuse someone of cheating when playing for money. I stayed hush after the slap. Kepke was the dealer at the time, and I thought I saw him taking a card from the bottom of the deck.
The Cheatle Coat is in colors reversed with German Camps.
He was still with Miss Peare as his lady, and, soon after, he said boastfully, in front of me and at least one other friend, that he slept with both Kim Walsh and Miss Peare on th same day, which was when he was engaged to Walsh while Peare was begging him to come back to her. The point is, Kepke gets a cheat symbol, and, as I've said many time, he and I, at 14 years of age, became golf CADDIES, which is how I found the Caddy surname in the first place, in Keith colors and format.
Mention of Caddys above reminded me of the card game at the CAMP site (we were about 20 at the time), making me wonder whether the card game points to Kari Lake's election cheating, along with the camp site having Mamie. While card-like Carts are said to be of Castle Cary, there's KARI Lake. Repeat from above: "As evidence that Cary elements point to Kari Lake-Halperin, Charts use "partridges" while Partridge's (Kent with Petts/PERTs) share the checkered Shield of Halperins! Beauty." Charts are also CHARDs!
Carts share the PEERless saltire, colors reversed from the Tease/Tess saltire, and the latter were from the Tessin river, home of Pierro's/Pero's at PAVIa. Pero's/Perino's are first known in Piedmont with Dance's and Masci's,and Perrins, with an "imPAVIde" motto term, share leopard FACES (Different colors) with Peare's. The Perrin leopard faces are colors reversed from the KEATon/Kitten leopard faces, and colors reversed from the KEATs cats. This looks very linkable to Keiths/Keaths and Caddys. Keatons/Kittens share laurel branches with Lorraine's while Perins (share Aquila eagle) are first known in Lorraine.
After he slapped me in the face, probably after midnight, Miss Peare entered my tent alone, in the morning, while I was aSLEEP, to say hello, which was nice of her, to comfort me for what happened the night before, I assumed. The point is, Peare's are first known in Oxfordshire with Lake's. I was SLAPPed in the FACE during a card game, and while Peare's use faces, Sleeps probably named SALOP, where Cards are first known, and location of Sleap. While Annibale's have the double Sleep fesses, Annibale Boccabella of Fossa can be to the Box-like Bochs who in turn essentially have the Kepke Coat. Let's not forget that Caddy-connectable Cheaters were kin of Foss'. This card game is working to point to Arizona cheating.
I remember the campsite with the card game, at KILLbear Provincial Park. I see Kills as L'Aquila liners. English Bears/Bears share a gold wheat sheaf (but call it a "garb") with Caddys. Dutch Beers happen to have a saltire colors reversed from the one of Cheat-branch Schutz's.
Ahh, the Bears/Beers have "A black BIRD standing on a garb," and Birds/Burds (Cheshire with Cheatle's) share the Cheatle fesse, and are in Keppoch colors and format! The Birds/Burds, though, add fleur-de-lys (on their fesse) in the colors of the Leak/Leakey and Hicks fleur, and while Hicks' are first known in Yorkshire with Kepke-like Keppochs, Leaks/Leakeys (Lack/Leetch kin) are first known in Lincolnshire with Blacks! The black bird! Wow, even the campground's name is pointing to Kari Lake, especially as Birds/Burds share the martlets of Hips' (Norfolk with Burts) who in turn almost have the Phoenix/Fenwick Coat. Plus, BURTons are first known in Shropshire with Cards! Fauns/PHONES' and Fens/Venns are first known in Devon with Burt-branch Births/Berts!
The Hips' recalls the Sleeping-bag dream I had, where I picked up a sleeping bag. The last scene in this dream, some 35 years after I last saw Miss Peare, had her on a wooden DECK with me, and I was PULLING her toward me by her hips / waist. The card DECK! I don't think I've ever linked that dream's deck to the card deck with Kepke as the dealer. I pointed the hips-pointing scene, a few years ago, to Arizona fraud because Pullings list PULITs (share PEARtree scallops) while Jovan PULITzer was part of the farcical Phoenix audit intended to discover election fraud.
While Thigh's/Thy's list Tie's, English Tie's were at Wakefield/WACHefeld while Wakefields share the sheaves of Walks/Wachs, and of Waistells of nearby WASdale, near the first-known Washingtons. Wassa's are also Wace's. The Wakefield Chief is in the colors and format of the Chief of Hip-like Heptons (Yorkshire with Wakefield) of Skipton while Walks/Wachs have a "Robert Waugh of Heap". Heaps (Hips' colors) look related to the Coat of Mustans/Mussins (Yorkshire). Hips' were first found in Norfolk with Hobbs-like Hobbits/HobBERTs (Hobbs colors) and Bert-branch Burts. See that? And Burtons were first found in Shropshire with Hobbs'. Hobbits/Hobberts share the red bull in Crest with English Daggers, yet a red bull is with Bearts/Beards too while Hobbits are also HobBARTs.
Not new: Decks/Daggers share the squirrel of Square's/Squirrels who in turn have the Peare-related Tiens' in their motto, both first known in the same place with Lake's. Before it was a hips-pulling scene on the deck, I had it down as a waist-pulling scene because Waistells have a white horse "in full gallop" while I rode Miss Peare's white horse. Gallops are first known in Dorset with the George's sharing blue swans with Waistells (Cumberland with Deck-connectable Daggers/Dackers). Waistells share the "wheat sheaves" of Friths/Frauds, no guff.
English Sheaves'/Shaws are first known in Berkshire with Cheater-like Catters! I get it. God must have arranged a Fraud-line symbol to get us to Catters in order to weld Cheaters to Frauds.
Plus, the Waistell Crest has a "Cubit arm" while Cubits/Cupids (Norfolk with Fraud-branch Firths) almost have the Card Coat! AMAZING. The Cubit/CUPid Crest shares the cloud with Firths/Fraud. Kepke's cheating at the card game is pointing to Frauds. Cubits have "battling scimitars" while Schims/Schiens, almost having the "fortune" motto term of Cheats, can now be realized as a branch of Shins/Chine's/Chings, for Frauds/Firths have a "sun SHINing." I've been pointing Shins/Chine's/Chings to election fraud by China since the 2020 election.
Miss Peare is Christine while Christine's use Cups while Cups are listed with Cope's, perhaps a viable pointer to "MariCOPA" if these same surnames can be linked hard to Mars / Marys. Marys are first known in Norfolk with Fraud/Frith elements. Marys share the lion of Russells, the latter first known in Dorset with Gallops. Scottish Mars are first known in Yorkshire with Pullens/Pulits. Russells are suspect at "Roslin," home of Suns/Sinclairs in the sun of Frauds/Friths.
In the end, the Maricopa audit was thwarted by the president of the Arizona senate, Karen FANN, who pretended to be in favor of the audit. Traitor. The dream with the box had JOE's VAN, like "Jovan," and Vans are listed with Fann-like Fane's/Phone's. Fanns/Vaux's are first known in East Lothian with Cheat-branch Scoots, and Lothians share the pine tree with container-like Contans/Constance's. I should repeat (from years ago) that English Constance's share the giant Ferte eagle while Firths share the "wheat sheaves" of Friths/FRAUDs ("sun shining...").
Friths may be using "six trees" because Sheaves'/Shaws use six arrows. Scoot-branch and Shaw-like Shoe's have a "tree" and a "knight...holding a battle-axe" while Tree's have a "knight." Firths have battle-axes suspect with the axes of Halperts/Halberts, the latter first known in Perthshire with Scottish Shaws and "pine tree" Lothians. Scottish Shaws were kin of Comine's (Norfolk with Friths, Scythe's and Wheats) in turn sharing the wheat sheaves of Frith and "scythe"-using Firths/Frauds. The Arms of Comines (near Avesnes on the Helpe river, a location linkable the Halper(in)s, has a key to go with the keys of Italian Sheaves'.
Tree's, first known in Wiltshire with Shute's/Schute's, share the courant greyhounds with Scoots/Scougals and Pennys/Penes'.
Having said that, Friths are first known in Norfolk with the Fiscs who in turn share a "triangle" in Crest with Halperins, yet another pointer of Frauds to Kari Halperin.
Halperins are said, as Halpeni's, to be first known in Worcestershire with the Tume/Tombs suspect in the Firth motto. However, the Halperin write-up has a slightly earlier (by two years) record book with "...William Halpeni, Oxfordshire; Richard Halpeny, Oxfordshire;..." That's where Lake's are first known. These variations evolved to "HALFpenny," and perhaps the Pennys/Penes' apply because they share the black GREYhound with Cheat branch Scoots and Schutz's!
Greys are first known in the same place as Phoenix's, and the Fasts in the Grey motto are in the "HOLD fast" motto of Clouds, and Frauds show a cloud while their Firth branch was first known in Norfolk with Fasts. Holds, first known in Bury with Ratcliffe's, share the squirrel in Crest with Hazels,and Square's/Squirrels are roughly first known in Worcestershire with the Halfpenny's of Halperins. I'm hoping that Trump will choose John Ratcliffe to the position of Intelligence Chief once again.
The Grey-beloved Anchors are in Lack/Leetch colors and format. Anchors were an obvious branch of Angers who in turn have the Angle lozenges in colors reversed who are in the Halperin triANGLE. Latch's have the fesse-with-lozenges of Angle-related Nagle's, all related to the Fauci lozenge, the latter first known in Genova with Fieschi while it's the Fiscs who share the triangle with Halperins. Latch's share the red escutcheons of "allerion"-using Holdens and Allers, the latter first known in Westphalia with German Nagle's/Neils/Nails. Holdens are first known in Lancashire with Holds while Letts/Late's (share Peare stars) are first known in Gloucestershire with the Holders having one of the Hold fesses.
Angers are first known in Essex with leopard-FACE Fitch's expected in the Half/Halp and Halperin/Halfpenny fitchees. Yet, Lake's use fitchees too. GREYhound-using Pennys/Penes' are first known in Northamptonshire with Face's. Angers share th Chief-Shield colors of HOBSons, both first known in Essex, and though not in the same color, Hobsons share the griffin with Anger-branch Hangers who share the Albert and Box/BOXER griffin, meaning that Lake-connectable Latch's took us to Hobbs-like Hobsons while Hobbs' share the Booker eagle. Lachs/Letch's trace by their coroNET crowns to the Urbanus river, and thus this looks related to Boccabella ties to Urbanus. The coroNET can take us to NETs/Nights, first known beside the first-known, Trump-connectable Wigtons in turn in the colors of the Hobson Shield. Bluntly, Latch's are first known in Galloway with the Wigtons having the Trump stag head in colors reversed.
The only reason that I know Hobsons is that, when I was sharing an apartment with Miss Peare and LOUISE Phillips, I found myself in some legal trouble, and Mr. Hobson was my lawyer. I was in legal trouble together with Frith-like Fred, my cousin whose mother is Miss Masci. Louise was working at the time at PENNington clothing, and while Phillips-connectable Penningtons share the Latch lozenges, they are blue, the color of the lozenges of French Louis'/Loys. That's pretty incredible, because it was Louise who got me into legal trouble. She and Miss Peare appeared on a deck in my sleeping-bag dream, and while Mamie's sleeping bag pointed to teasy election fraud, Miss Peare then came to my deck for the HIPS-pulling event that pointed to Jovan Pulitzer who did some audit-related work in Phoenix. The Hips' (Norfolk with Friths) almost have the Phoenix Coat.
Hips' are listed with Hipkins while Hobson-connectable Hopkins ("pistols") are first known in the same place as Lake's!!! Heraldry is singin'. Pennys/Penes' are first known in Northamptonshire with the Spinks suspect in the "sphinx" of Hips'/Hipkins. Louise of Pennington's caused me to have Mr. Hobson as my lawyer, and Hobsons are HOPsons too. Hoppers/Happers are first known in Wiltshire with trumpet-using Calles', kin of Shute/SCHUTE'S/Shitts (Wiltshire) suspect as another Cheat branch of the Schutz kind! See that?
AHHHH, so glad I loaded Shute's/Schute's, for they share "fortune" with Cheaters!!! The latter, if they have the Trump stag head, look linkable to Wigtons, in turn in Hobson colors. Why did God arrange this lawyer for me to make these pointers to Katie Hobbs? Kate's/Katterbachs, in the colors of the bottom half of the Cheater Shield, were even first known in Mecklenburg with Trumps. Kate's/Katterbachs share the hexagram of Hagars, first known in Perthshire with Keith-branch Kettle's (possible Cheatle branch) while Cheaters almost have the Coats of Keith-related McKinneys and Frasers. The latter two share the Kim Coat, and Kepke left Miss Peare for KIM Walsh, then left Kim for Miss Peare, then left Miss Peare for good.
Mr. Hobson can point to Lawyers/Layards (near first-known SCHUTZ's) who share the double fesses of Sleeps. Does this mean that God-appointed legal battles against Arizona are sleeping for a time, to be sprung soon? Miss Hicks played Sleeping Beauty, and the Dee's/Die's with a "Hic" motto term could be in the "Fortune DE" motto phrase of Shute's/SCHUTE's. The Die's can be of the Dye variation of Tie's.
In the later stages of Peare's relationship with Kepke, she was working for SONY electronics (Toronto). Sunnys and Sonne's look connectable to Hesse's while Cheaters are from the Chatti of Hesse. Frauds/Firths use a sun too. When Kepke first met her, she was a saleslady for REITman's clothing, and Reeds (share Book stag head) have a book while Kepke's share the Boch Coat. These Reeds are first known in Aberdeenshire with Scottish Dee's/Die's.
Louise was the friend of Miss Peare before Kepke and I knew either one. Patria's/Peartree's are in the motto of both Penningtons and Phillips along with the Amore's, the latter first known in the same place as Peare's and Lake's. It gets more unbelievable where Patria's/Peartree's share the Trump stag head! Until recently, Patria's/Peartree's were first known in CARDineshire, but are now said to be first known in neighboring Aberdeenshire with giant-LEG PROfetts/Prophets, who can be shown to be a Pero-merger with Pavia-related Feets (Yorkshire with Pullens/Pulits sharing Peartree/Patria scallops).
Kincardineshire is where Foot-branch Fothes/FETTE's/FIDO's are first known while Foots are first known in Cheshire with Cardine's, beside the first-known Cards. Peartree's/Patria's share a "FIDE" motto term with Cardine's. This supports the claim that God set Kepke up to cheat in a card game while he was dating Miss Peare, especially as Prophet-beloved Leggs almost have the Trump Coat.
Plus, it's amazing that while Cardine's are in Brace colors and format while I figured that Brace's have a version of the Lake Coat for a related reason, Lake's are first known in Oxfordshire with Amore's (and Peare's) in the Cardine motto!!! I'd be crazy to say that this is all coincidental, not of God's arrangements. Kepke left Peare to get engaged to Kim Walsh, sister of NIKKI, his brother's wife, and Cardine's share the pheons of Nickle's/NICHOLs (Cheshire with Cardine's, another "Fide" motto term). Nikki was probably born, Nichole.
The first known Nickle/Nichols character is claimed for a first name, "Nicholas D'Albini" of Cheshire. He apparently had a son, William, who could have been the "William filius Nicoll in Shropshire" (beside Cheshire), and he in turn would have been at least near the first-known Cards. The write-up then mentions John Nicole and Stephen Nichole in Oxfordshire, where same-colored Lake's were first found who in turn share the fitchees of Cheshire's Marble's. We then read, "Some of the family were anciently found in the parish of St. Kew, Cornwall." It should explain the "cui" motto term of Nickle's/Nichols.
The Coys share the Nickle/Nichol pheons, and Kews/Cue's share the Arms-of-Cheshire sheaves, in colors reversed with Kewens/KEVens. The latter share the lion of Kelly-related and Abreu-Abruzzo-connectable Keaveneys/GAINE's. I see "Kepke" (Ukrainian father) from the namers of Kiev, and the flag of Ukraine looks connectable to the split-colored Shield of Kewens/Kevens. German Nichols show pellets while Pellets were first found in Sussex with Keeps. English Gains almost have the Gore Coat while Gore's were first found in Kent with Trips, from the Trypillians of Ukraine. The "scaling ladder" of Trips must be partly for Richeza of LOTHARingia, mother-in-law of princess Maria of Kiev. It recalls that Cards use a "letter" as likely code for Letters / LAUDERs.
My youth was a book pointing to Arizona election fraud, but also to Fauci's and Trump's vaccine programs, where both men were disgusting cheats. Trump can be demon-obedient on a dime while wearing lambskin. He has no root in the Spirit and Word of God, and a such, his mind is affected by evil spirits.
Frith-like Fritters look related to the Coat of Italian Pavia's. While Sutys share a motto term with Seatons/Sittens (East Lothian with Scoots), Side's/Suddys (Perthshire with Lothians) come up as "Scythes." Incredibly, Sutys have a "have" motto term while Have's are listed with Haafs while Halfs/Halps are a Halperin branch!!! We just got the Fraud scythe to point neat-and-tidy to Kari Halperin.
Scythes are also with German Here's (share Kepke / Kupe / Justine border) who in turn share the blue wings in Crest with Hobsons, and Justine-related Wings/Winks are first known on Worcestershire with Halperins, but were once said to be first known in Perthshire with Justine's and Kettle's.
I don't like Kari Lake's short hair. I don't like her support of Trump. I hated it when she went to his mansion on the night he invited faggots there. Why would God point to she and Trump, therefore, with Mamie? I've said it before, that Kepke's personality, and even his hair style, reminded me of Trump, which was before I knew of the Kepke surname, in Trump colors and format. What exactly does the cheating by Kepke point to?
As he cheated Miss Walsh, when engaged to her, we can repeat that Scottish Walsh's were kin of Benjamins, the latter first known in Norfolk with Friths, Chads and Skate's. The latter share the fleur-de-lys of Benjamin-like Banks, first known in Yorkshire with Sheds/Scheds who share the potent cross of Skate's and Chads. The latter two were Cheat branches, right?
Scythe's (not "Scythes") are listed with Skit-branch Skate's/Sheets, and while a Mr. Skeetz used to email me telling that he was seeking how his surname was related to Schutz's, though he probably didn't know them to be a Cheat branch. Skits are also Skeets but with a Skeoch variation looking linkable to Scoots/Scougals and some Shoe variations.
I recall that Mr. Skeetz was looking for Schutz's in the domain of Dudo of Laurenburg, founder of Nassau. It appears he was correct, but I didn't know it until now, for it's today that I discovered Cheats to be a version of "Schutz," and while Cheats are to the Chatti of Hesse-Cassel, there is also Hesse/Nassau, where Epsteins are first known. Jeffrey Epstein: BIG CHEAT. Keiths, first known beside Hesse-connectable Suns. Dudo's father was from SIEGERland.
I claimed that a hockey game at my age 12 pointed to some election-fraud fights by Mike Lindell. I was wearing skates at the time.
Mamie was first seen by me at the camp site with Barry in the truck, and while Scottish Barrys have the Ruben Coat in colors reversed, and while cheating is taking place on his behalf, Rube's/Rubels share the Here scythe, in the colors of the Fraud scythe. Why should Barry be the one to point to Gallego, if indeed he does? Skate's (Norfolk with Chads) and Skits/Skeets and Sheds can all be linked to Caddy-like Chads, and Sheds/Scheds are first known in Yorkshire with Caddys. This paragraph looks like a pointer to cheating for Gallego. The Gallego lion might just be the one of Skeets-connectable Guido's.
Pullings/Pulits (probably have the Palles' in their motto) are first known in Yorkshire with Pauls/Palles' who in turn have a "PRO REGE" motto phrase, and then Bears/Beers named Beer-Regis in Dorset, where Pools/Pole's are first known who love Pollets. The latter are first known in neighboring Somerset with bear-head Percivals while Percys are first known in Yorkshire with the Schole's in turn sharing the Shield of Patents/Pattens, the latter sharing the motto of Pullens/Pulits who share the Peartree/Patria scallops. The Halperin and Patent/Patten Shields are similar. "Pro rege" is with Lyons who named Glenlyon of the Mens'/Mame's.
My time with Mamie in her tent (some four years after the card game) had pointed to Tease's. This event was about two months, maybe three, after I last saw Miss Peare. I was living at the home of Paul Oullette at the time, and Joe Oullette told me to go fetch him a container, which turned out to be a box. I can see why God would use Kepke as a cheat due to Kepke links to Bochs, and, so, yes, the card-game cheating looks like it points to Arizona fraud. Keaton-connectable Perrins and Lorraine's are first known in Northumberland with Phoenix's/Fenwicks.
Kepke and I met Miss Peare when he and I were both shoe salesmen in the same mall with her store. Leiths share the crescents of Seatons, the latter first known in the same place as Keiths and Scoots/Scougals. The latter, a branch of Cheats, have variations like the Knee-loving Shoe's, and Knee's use a phoenix. Our shoe-sales jobs are pointing to Phoenix fraud. It was at the Scarborough Town center in Toronto.
Caddys, using "sheaves of wheat" for a trace to L'Aquila (i.e. near Fossa), are first known in Yorkshire with Keppochs who use wheat sheaves too (but call th m "garbs"). Keppochs are first known at Kippax, at Leeds, and the latter smacks of the Letts, Leiths, Letch's, and similar surnames linkable to the Lacks/Leitch's, first known in the same place as Lake's. The CARD crest happens to have a "LETTER"!
Leeds share the Kepke and Cheatle fesse, but in place of the Kepke sheaves, Leeds use black eagles in both colors of the Arms-of-L'Aquila eagle. Leeds have a cockaTRICE while Trice's/Trysts are in the "KEEP tryst" motto of Hebrons (Northumberland with Phoenix's and Lorraine's). Keeps share the Lorraine bend for a related reason. I link Lorraine's to Letters and Lauders.
The Lack/Leitch Chief, in the colors and format of the Keith and Caddy Chiefs, uses "coronets" for a trace to Ceraunii on the Urbanus, and Annibale Boccabella was the son of Madallena Urbani. The KUPa (Colapis) river is, along with the Urbanus, a Sava tributary, and Kepke's were a Koop/Kupe branch. This helps to understand why Kepke's were kin of Bocca-like Bochs. Another coronet is with leopard-face Judge's/Juge's/Jude's.
Both the Lack/Leitch and Cart Crests have a green snake, but Carts call it a "serpent." By now, you probably know that Castle Cary was home of Laevi-like Leavells, and that Laevi co-founded Pavia with the Marici, and then Marsi of Abruzzo had a snake goddess. Snake's/Snooks are first known in Kent with Box-connectable ALBERTS and Halper(in)-connectable Partridge's (beloved of Charts/Chards/Chars), and Alberts love the Savage's/SAVA's.
Ahh, Carts have a Coat like CALLwoods, though listed with CADDERwoods, and then the neighboring Calls/Calles' show only trumpets. Carts and Callwoods/Cadderwoods use palm trees, and while Tree's were first found in Wiltshire with Calls/Calles', zowie, Cheat-connectable Caddys were first found in Yorkshire with Palms and Card-connectable Bruce's!!! It suggests that Trumps were related to Caddys, and while Kepke and I were golf caddies, Trump's owns a golf course! English Palmers share the trefoils of Champions/CAMPions, the latter first found in Hampshire with Keppe's. Kepke cheated with cards at a CAMPsite, and Scottish Champagne's were first found in Leicestershire with the Woods who may be in "Callwood." Campanio's use bells while Bellys were at Moray with Callwood-connectable Douglas'.
Callwoods/Cadderwoods share the DOUGlas Chief while Ducks/Docks were first found in Somerset with Carts and Charts/Chards. And Palmers share the courant greyhound of Cheat-branch Scoots/SCOUGals while Shoe's/Schuchs share the tree with Callwoods/Cadderwoods and Carts, and then Schute's/Shitts were Call/Calles kin! See that? Kepke might still have been a shoe salesman during that card game. The Shoe/Schuch knight is "issuing from the knees" while Knee's share the stag head of Collingwoods/Callingwoods (Northumberland with Sword-line Seward). Scute's/Shitts love the Swords.
Plus, Scute's/Scutts were first found in Lancashire with Kepke's first name, the Lawrence's, and the Scute/Scutt Chief, with eSCUTcheons, happens to be in the colors and format of Caddys and Keiths. The latter use pale bars while Pale's/Palys were first found in Yorkshire with Caddys. Pale-beloved Camels, in the format of, and colors reversed from, Champions/Campions, were first found in Somerset, and then Campbells/CAMMELs are in Camp/Champ colors. Though only in half the colors, the Campbell/Cammel gyronny is shared with Cheater-beloved Fortune's (same place as Keiths).
It's a little interesting that while German Camels share the griffin of Marble's, in the colors of the Camp/Champ and Gardner griffin heads, the Marble Shield looks related to the Shield of Lake's, first found in Oxfordshire with Gardners and Peare's. Mamie in the campsite tent pointed to cheating on Kari Lake. Mamie had a breast symbol, and Brests/Brix's share the lozenge of German Camels. Harcourts (same place as Lake's) share the peacock with Campbellfords/Camelfords.
Albert's Whistle Blower
I've told of the time when Vince PIERCE slapped Kepke on his face (I was watching) on the driveway of Kepke's neighbor, Rick Young (we were all the same age, about 19). Scottish Yonge's share the triple piles of Scottish Leavells while Pierce's/PIERs are first known in Somerset with English Leavells, with Percivals, and Webbers too. Miss Peare visited me after Kepke slapped me in the face, in my tent, and tent-using Tintons had a branch in Somerset with the first-known Camels.
Scottish Leavells are first known in Roxburghshire with the Walsh's sharing the Young annulets, explaining why Scottish Youngs were once said to be first found in Roxburghshire.
A slap to Kepke's face, and Cards were first found in Salop. Sometimes, God punishes people before they sin. Maybe Vince's slap was payback for Kepke's slap to me, because I was the only one watching Kepke get slapped. All three of us were on the DRIVEway, and Drive's, looking like Kill kin, were first found in Hampshire with Keppe's. Kepke slapped me at the KILLbear campsite.
When I was 12, Mike Oddie/Oddey punched me HARD in the face (for no reason that I knew of), and a decade later, when my contractor boss was sub-contracted to help Frank build a boat house directly over LAKE Rosseau, Frank brought two workers, Vince Pierce and Mike Oddie. I worked there two or three weeks before the dance with Mamie.
The Punch Shield uses "barry," the symbol of Barrys, and Barry with Mamie point to Rubin Gallego. The Punch Crest shares an erect arm with Waistells, and both call it a "cubit arm" while Cubits almost have the Card Coat! Both Mamie and Miss Peare pointed to Waistells. The interesting thing in this heraldic set is that Gallego's share the giant lion of Rosseau-like Rosso's and Russells! After a week of work on the boat house, I met Lorraine, and she turned out to be a Russellite by religion. Boats/Bude's (English Frank colors) have the Lorraine lion in colors reversed. Lorraine pointed with her babe symbol to Podebrady of Bohemia, and both German Frank surnames were first found in Bohemia.
Recall how Lacks/Leetch's were first found in the same place as Lake's while that heraldic set went to a batch of similar surnames including Leto's/Alitto's. The latter have a crane "drinking" in the colors of the Ross lions, which are colors reversed from the Rosso / Russell and Drink / Dreux lions. Alito-like "Alit" happens to be a Ross motto term. Drinks were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's.
Dreux's are also Drews while Tree's/TREWs are first known in Wiltshire with them, suggesting that Tree's descended from Dreux in Eure, and possibly earlier from Abruzzo. The Abreu/Abruzzo lion is with Italian Gallego's/Gallus'. The Albins/Aubins, said to be from Eure, share a bull head (different color) in Crest with Dreux's/Drews. In the Immota-like "mouth" of the Dreux/Drew bull head are "ears of wheat," symbol also in the MOUTH of the Wheat "stag" head, and Wheats share the "wheat garbs" of Boats/Bude's. "Immota" is a motto term in the Arms of L'Aquila, the Abruzzo capital. Garbs/Garps have a "garb" too, now in the colors of the Comine "garbs of wheat" while the Arm of Comines has a key, symbol, in a different color, of L'Aquila's Sheaves'/Chiava's.
On Sunday, Frank yelled me off the jobsite because I refused to work on Saturday, which I committed to being my Sabbath day. Two days later, I met Lorraine. Scottish Franks look like they have the Arms-of-Bohemia lion in orange. The real reason he yelled me away was that my boss had gone home the previous morning after Frank almost got him killed on the jobsite. I stayed to work the next day, but Frank thought I gleefully thought that God caused the accident because they didn't take the Sabbath off. It had crossed my mind that they had been mocking me for it.
I remember that, when getting home, by HITCH-HIKing, I was living at Albert Oosteyn's place. Isn't this a pointer to Kari Halperin? It was one of my last days living at his apartment. While Hitch's (BUCKinghamshire) are listed with Hyche's, Hike's/Hykes' were kin of Chiava-like Chives'. Wheats were first found in Norfolk with Hyke's/Hake's and Higgs. Hicks use a BUCK's head in the color of the gold stag head of Wheats.
In case it applies, I want to take Leto's/Alitto's, who took us to Drink-branch Dreux's, to JUDGE Sam Alito, because Irish Judge's almost have the Traves Coat while Chives' were first found in Tarves. I'm hoping that the cheating on Miss Lake will reach Alito's supreme court with Coney-Barrett voting with him against Gallego. For sure, judge Gorsuch will vote with Alito, and Lorraine's share the Gorsuch bend-with eagles. The Suchs'/Zouch's (Lancashire with GorSUCH's) could be in the Ross motto phrase, "SUCcessus ALIT." See that? Lorraine gave us her pant stain, and Stains and Steins (Norfolk again, with Stave-loving Pilgrims) with Stave's/Stevensons share the Ross Crest, at least roughly. One of the English Stevensons are now said to be first known in Essex with Boats/Bude's. Her pant stain pointed to Pansys/Pantzers without a doubt (for reasons), and Coneys, believe it or not, have a "pansy" in Crest.
Let's look at "SusCESsSUS" again, for Susans (same place as Sheaves'/Shaws) share the giant and white lily with Cetis'/SEStiers. Lilys were first found in Worcestershire with Susa-trackable Tume's/Tombs while Irish Judge's have a "ToTUM EST" motto phrase. English Judge's look related to the Coat of Fitch's, first found in Essex with Stevensons and Este's. Tarves' use fitchees. I'm crossing my fingers, and praying. Irish Judge's share the scallops of Flags/Flacks (Norfolk again) who in turn share the double fesses of Stains. What I don't understand is how a pant stain obtained on a walk with a married man has anything to do with the supreme court.
[Insert -- It wasn't until Wednesday of the week after this update that I realized she was cheating. When I arrived to her balcony, with stairs to the ground, her dinner guest was there, and said Lorraine was on a walk with her husband. I thought it was odd that the wife didn't go with them. So, after Lorraine got back with a grass stain, knowing she wouldn't put pants on like that for entertaining guests, I knew she had been on freshly mown grass. So, it appears that the husband and she had a "thing" going on, and that's called, CHEATING." I get it.
Like I said, I pointed to the stain in accusing her, and Babe's with Brady's have a hand pointing to the sun. A few days earlier, Joe Oullette's brother, Mike, upon seeing her for the first time, blurted, "what a BABE," and I heard it. Oullette's have a Coat like the one of Babe's and Babe-related Beaks. I now see that God was setting Lorraine up to point to election cheating, because that's what Joe points to in the snow-on-bumper dream. As I don't know why the snow was in the dream aside from a pointer, now, to Sonne's, note that they have a giant sun. Suns/Sinclairs owned Russell-like Roslin, and Lorraine turned out to be a Russellite (Jehovah's Witness).
Lorraine's (and Perins of Lorraine) even use beakless eagles, what are the chances? They are called, allerions, and Allers, sharing the escutcheon of allerion-using Holdens, were first found in Westphalia with Pansys/PANTzers and DUCKs, which is what her pant stain pointed to because the Arms of Bar-le-DUC, a location in Lorraine, use the pansy.
A couple of weeks after the pant-stain event, Joe invited me to see a friend in downtown Toronto, and, being rush hour when we went, he opted to take the bus in order to take the subway. When I stepped off the bus to the Finch bus-subway station, Lorraine, coming home from work, was the first in line to get on, and, surprised to see me, but with an evil eye she couldn't hide, we looked at each other as I passed by her (I said nothing).
A few years ago, I had pointed this Finch station to Mark Finchem of Arizona, who was cheated out of a political position, the secretary of state, in 2022. The corrupt courts in Arizona denied both he and Miss Lake fair trials. Finchems share the triple-Beak fesses, almost the triple bar-gemel fesses of Oullette's. Finch's/Vince's were first found in Hertfordshire with the Childs who share the Lorraine eagle, and, a couple of years after this subway event, Lorraine walked by me (she may not have seen me) in a restaurant holding an infant child.
OH WOW. Mark Finchem ran in 2022 gainst Adrian Fontes, and Adrians, first known in Middlesex with Stains/Stands, almost share the double fesses of Stains/Stands (!!), but do share the triple fesses of Finchems!!! The third Adrian fesse in mainly under the checkered Chief. Fontes' could easily have been of the Fonts/Fountains, not only because they share the Rise/Rye Coat, but because Fonts/Fountains and Rise's/Rye's are first known in Norfolk with Finchems!!! LOOK AT THAT.
Finchem is badly slandered by google and the Arizona Mirror, etc. End insert]
Irish Judge's/Juge's share white boar heeds with Judds/Juggs, but the latter's Coat looks related to Coney-loving Christmas' (use coney rabbits) who in turn have a red-Shield version of the Coney and Conn Coats. Christmas' were first found in Essex with Traves-beloved Fitch's. Conns were first found in Aberdeenshire with Tarves, suggesting that Judge's/Judds were closely related to Traves' who in turn were related to the namers of Tarves. A court hearing by Christmas? I've told many times that I first saw Miss Hicks on the Leakey road (to Leakey) on Christmas day. Is that a pointer to Miss Lake? Or is this material crazy?
Ahh, Christmas' share the martlets of Plocks, first found in Oxfordshire with Lake's. They are the martlets also of Houstons, first found in Renfrewshire with Plock-like Pollocks. The latter share the saltire of English Franks! Frank, the big-bad boss at the boathouse.
As I've said, being of the lowest seniority position, I was given the job of climbing off the steel beams, at the ceiling, to fetch the wrenches whenever someone dropped one in the lake. It was a great pleasure to dive into the cool waters on hot, SUNNY days, thank you. I don't remember a cloudy day that week. The Wrench's/Rench's and Wrens share the crosslets of BeauCHAMPs, and BOWs/Bough's were first found in Durham with Wrens. BEAUchamp. Beau's share the Sonne Coat, a giant sun shared by Hesse's in the same colors, which brings us to Cheat-line Chatti. Bows are used by Boat-connectable Bude's/Buds.
German Rench's share the lone fleur of Leakeys, in the colors of the Hicks fleur-de-lys. The so-called "Leakey road" is officially the RANCH road (Camp Wood, Texas), like "Rench." See that? I had to HITCH-HIKE home from the boat house, and that gets us to Hicks branches. Hitch's/Hyche's use estOILES while Oyle's/Oileys/Owleys are first known in the same place with Lake's. Hike's/Hykes' share the Traver and Judge scallops! If there's no court cases coming from Miss lake, I find this heraldry staggering nonetheless.
A year before meeting or knowing of Lorraine, I built a DECK about six properties from her apartment. My helpers were Traver-like Trevor (don't know his surname) and Rick LEGGE. Legge's/Legges' look like Trump kin. The "leges"-using Raines' (Essex with Christmas' and Judge-connectable Fitch's) are in the colors and format of Irish Judge's and Traves'.
Face's and Keep-beloved German Weavers/Webbers have the Segni's/Segurana's (Genova with Fauci's) in their motto, and while Seconds/Segurs are in the Levi motto, and while Seagars have more green snakes in Crest, Segni's/Segurana's share the eagle of Perins (and Aquila's). Weavers/Webbers (Saxony with goat-using Kepke's have a "Segne Gott uns" motto while English Weavers ("wheat SHEAVES") are first known in Cheshire with Cheatle's.
English Weavers, sharing the antelope (different color) in Crest with BOARDs ("PERforatus"), have "RED borders" while Borders/Boarders (share Duck/Dack stars) are first known in Somerset with Ducks/DACKs, even with Book-loving Roets while Red-branch Reeds have another book. Weaver/Webber-beloved Gotts (Bavaria with Dachau) share the crossed swords of Borders/Boarders and Tax's/DACHs/Dacks. The latter could easily have been a branch of DECKs/Daggers, and Kepke was cheating when he held the DECK of cards in his hands.
The Coat of Hazels and English Weavers look related while Hazels were once said to be first known in Cheshire with Weavers. It just so happens that Hazels use "hazel slips" while Kepke slipped a card from the bottom of the deck. Hazels share a Hessel variation with Hesse's (giant sun), and Keith Catti (beside Suns/Sinclairs), and therefore Cheaters, are from the Chatti of Hesse-Cassel! See that? I used to say that the "I zal" motto phrase of Mens'/Mame's (same place as Suns/Sinclairs) looks like code for Islips/Haslips.
I was hoping that Hazeltons/Heslingtons ("hazel leaves") shared a savage head with Mens'/Mame's, but instead Hazeltons/Heslington have a "SCOT's head" while one Scott surname shares the border of Cheat-branch Scoots/Scougals!
One Scott Coat has the Catherine wheel of Catherine Roet, and here I'll repeat that Roets and Reeds, both having a book linkable to the Houston Crest, were from Rieti. Scottish Rite's/Write's, sharing the Houston checks, have a "MERITez" motto while Merits list Merrys (as soon as I started this sentence, a song, "Mary Did You Know," started to play over my speakers). English Reds/Reeds use a motto, "PAX COPia," and together with the Merrys, that spells "Maricopa," especially as "MeriTEZ" could have the Tease's/Tes'. English Rite's/Write's are first known in Sussex with PACKs who in turn share the anchor of Paisleys and MONTGOMERYs, the latter two first known in Renfrewshire with Houstons.
Soon after the 2020 federal election, Mike Lindell claimed that he had obtained the election-night Internet records, called "packet captures," from Dennis MONTGOMERY. These records showed all the computers (with identification of the street addresses of the computers) that hacked into election machines, and I think they also showed how much they had flipped the votes from trump to Biden. But Lindell seems to have chickened-out in exposing them. He quit mid-stream when claiming he was physically attacked by some goons during his "symposium." It was embarrassing for him. Most of the hacking came from China, he said. He exposed the records online, or at least some of them, but gangster media and mocked and covered-up while gangster and anti-Christ politicians remained mum.
Mamie had her thigh symbol at her garden, and Montgomerys have a "Gardez" motto term while sharing the triple fleur-de-lys of Leicesters, interesting because leg-using Hose's are first known in Leicestershire, a place named by the LEGro river, we may assume. Last I checked, her thigh is on her leg, and moreover she may have been at the garden to water it with the hose, but I can't remember whether she was.
She was in her BATHing SUIT at the garden, and Suits/Shuters are first known in Angus with Gardens/Jardens and Jardins. Bath is beside the first-known SHUTE's/Schute's, and the latter were probably a Cheat branch. Shute's/Schute's are first known in Wiltshire with the Freeze-branch Freys who may have named Kim-related Frasers. Baths are first known in Somerset (beside Kenns) with China-pointing Shins/Chine's/Chings. The latter share the Kemmis/Kenys Coat, and the latter surname could have been a branch of Cheater-connectable Kims/M'Kins/M'Shimmie's. The latter are first known in Bute with the Glass' in the Houston and Book hourglass. Kims call their cinquefoils, "fraises," code for the Fraise variation of Frasers (near Glasgow and Renfrewshire), we may assume. The Friser/Frisell variations of Frasers could have been related to Fritters/Fritts', or the Friths of Frauds.
By Sunday evening, Gallego was called the winner, but he got more votes that Kamala Harris, which makes no sense, because all of his values are puke to Trump voters. So, we are to believe that thousands upon thousands upon voters who showed up to vote voted for Trump and Gallego instead of Trump and Lake. Na, that can't be true. As Trump got more votes than Gallego, Lake should have gotten more too, for she's a staunch Trump supporter. Trump has 1.594 million votes with 89-percent reporting, and Gallego has 1.496 million votes with 89-percent reporting. That 1-million vote difference tends to show that there should have been at least a half-million more votes for Lake than for Gallego. I can understand that, because Latinos put Gallego in power in this election, that some Latinos who voted for Trump (to save the country from Harris) yet wanted Gallego for whatever reason, but not all.
Harris got 1.414 million with 89-percent reporting, meaning that, if we trust the numbers so far, 82,000 Gallego voters did not vote for Harris, even though she shares his values, but voted for Trump instead (there's 82,000 difference between 1.414 million and 1.496 million). That's pretty hard to swallow, especially as he's on-track to beat Lake by some 40,000. If half of those 82,000 were in reality Lake voters, the score would end up tied. Where did the votes go? Maybe check the flipping capabilities of the vote tabulators.
The fact that there's only 89-percent revealed to the public, well after all mail-in ballots would have arrived, is alone evidence of fraud attempts. Nobody believes that there has been 20-percent mail-in ballots being counted all week long, since Wednesday.
Might Kari Lake get a cabinet position in the White House? In that picture, Gallego sinks to obscurity in a U.S. Senate now ruled by Republicans. He gets to vote on issues time after time after time without making any difference because his vote will almost always be amongst the losing vote tally.
There's one more thing to add. I moved out of Albert OOSTeyn's apartment about five weeks before being at the camp site with Mamie. She and I stopped seeing each other a couple of months later, I don't remember how. About two months after that, Albert asked me to come keep his apartment while he went to work at Whistler mountain, a ski resort in British Columbia. He was coming down with a terrible case of MS, and couldn't find another job due to this disability.
Whistlers are first known in Somerset with OSTs/Hosts, yet "OoSTEYN" can also point to German Steins due to their goat, for German Osts were first found in Saxony with goat-using Weiss' and Kepke's. As the latter share the Coat of Bocks, note that Osts/Hosts were first found in Somerset with Book-loving Roets, and beside Box's. Albert Oosteyn is seemingly pointing to things.
"HosTIS" is a motto term of Shirts/Shards who share the Tiss/Teese chevron, and we can say that Mamie pointed to the latter. Tiss'/Teese's are first known in Hampshire with Mens-loving Poppins, and with Liss'/Lise's who in turn almost have the Coat of Lizards who in turn have a Shard-like Sarde variation. While Shirts/Shards of Harborough can be gleaned from Hare-branch Harcourts (same place as Lake's), the lizard is with Garden-connectable Jarrys/Garrys/Hare's (fox) who share the Coat of Lyons. Mens'/Mame's were at GlenLYON, and Garden-branch Jarrets are Jarrys too.
Another lizard is with Organs in the "organ pipes" of Letts/Late's, and the latter were first found in Gloucestershire (beside Osts/Hosts) with Grave's/Griefs while I was one of the pallbearers at Albert's funeral. I lowered him onto his grave. He died only 20 years after his time in Whistler. "Pallbearer" can take us to Palls/Pole's, then to Pole's/Pools who love the Pollets of Somerset. The latter share the swords of Baliols, white like the three swords of Scute's/Shitts (beside Somerset), first known in Northumberland -- land of SEWARD of Northumberland, the line to Swords -- and with Baileys, a branch of Bellys who in turn share the Carpenter motto who in turn share the crosslets of Pall-like, Pulit-connectable Pauls. It appears that God set me up to be Albert's pallbearer. Will Jovan Pulitzer be the whistle-blower? Has he already blown some whistles?
The spread eagle in the Pollet Crest is almost the phoenix in the Crest of Phoenix's/Fenwicks, first found in Northumberland!!! Lookie there at what Albert's funeral has pointed to. Miss Simpson was with me at his funeral, and she and I had previously gone skiing i.e. what people do at Whistler mountain. We went skiing at Blue Mountain in Collingwood, and Collingwoods/Collinswoods/Callingwoods, perhaps of the trumpet-using Calles' who were Shute/Shitt kin, share the stag heads of Tromp-beloved Acorns.
By the time I re-moved into Albert's apartment, I got to driving taxi partly because it gave me a full-time car when not using it for work. I don't remember what happened to my car earlier that year. Eventually, I was dispatched to pick up Mamie with the taxi, and when it happened a second time, I asked her if she'd like to have dinner, and so we went, and we ended the evening in Albert's apartment, but never saw each other again.
Decades later, I theorized that since Albert was away at WHISTLER, there was going to be a whistle-blower for some reason, for Whistle's/Wissels, possibly of the Wessels/Waistells mentioned above, are also Whistlers. At that time, I wasn't yet pointing Mamie to election fraud against Kari Halperin, and so my point is that, maybe, there will be a whistle-blower on Gallego's fraudulent votes. If so, I'm hoping that heraldry can prove that Albert points to the whistle-blower.
The taxi can point us to Tax's/Dacks, kin of Ducks/Dacks, and the latter are first known in Somerset with Whistle's. Ducks/Dacks were a Duce/Ducey branch, and Doug Ducey is a former Arizona governor. Might he become the whistle-blower?
Some years before the 2020 election, the first-ever dove/pigeon I saw at this property landed on the lawn above the septic tank. I named it the "stool tank" thinking this bird was going to represent a stool pigeon on the deep state persecuting Trump at the time. A few days later, the first ever mole hill was seen over the stool tank, and as the septic system was inspected by Mr. Gouch, I realized that this was a stool pigeon from God because Gouch's were kin of Mole's, for they share the same boar, and were both first known in Roxburghshire.
Plus, the giant Molle boar head is shared by Schims/Schiens who in turn have a "duce" motto term, and so perhaps this pigeon represents the whistle-blower that Mamie points to when she was at Albert's place with me. But there's more, because Schims/Schiens use a "fortuna" motto term for linkage to the Cheater motto, and Cheater can be shown to be a branch of Shute's/Schute's/SHITTs. The latter were exactly the ones I had included in this heraldic set, years ago, because they share the swords of Swords, and when the stool pigeon flew away from the tank, it flew a straight line directly toward the Sword property.
The same three swords, though not in the same positions, shared between Swords and Shute's/Shitts are with Skins/Scans/Skene's, first known in Aberdeenshire with Schims/Schiens. Can we believe it? But that's not all, for the tax's/Dacks have two swords in the same colors yet again. Years ago, as further corroboration that God sent the stool pigeon, I found heraldic pigeons with Crapps/Crappers, I kid you not, God knows slang.
But we're still not finished because, although I couldn't find a Stool surname, I found Stolls/Stowells who not only share the lozenges of Whistle's, but both surnames are first known in Somerset. And so, for years and counting, the whistle-blower I expected from Albert's apartment was considered the same as the stool pigeon, or maybe two different characters but both reporting the same fraud / crime. Now that I Know that Miss lake married Mr. Halperin, Albert's whistle-blower looks like it's on the crime against her. But if nobody comes out, then this is wrong.
Repeat from earlier in this update when on the sledge hammer of English Alberts: "Halperins are said to be first known in Worcestershire with Tume's/Tombs suspect in the "tuum" motto term of Chethams/CHEAThams, and Sledge's/Sleigh's are said to have transferred title to Chethams." Clue after clue after clue that Arizona has committed gross crimes against Kari Lake.
The Stoll/Stowell lozenges form a cross in the colors of the Bath cross while Baths (Somerset with Whistle's) have lions in the colors of the Whistle lions. We can re-take this to Mamie's BATHing SUIT because Suits/SHUTERs can be of the Shute's/Schute's/Shitts.
There are two Pigeon surnames listed with houseofnames, and also the Pageons listed with French Page's while doves are used by English Page's. The latter are first known in Devon with Tanners who in turn look related to the Coat of pigeon-using Crapps/Crappers. French Page's/Pageons are first known in dauphine with Payens/Pagans, and then English Payne's first known in Somerset with Stolls/Stowells and Whistle's, share the Whistle lions.
Obama's mother was the daughter of Miss Payne, and so we now take it to a dream I had, where I was in a billiard hall owned by Obama, which took place about two weeks after Trump first took Office in January, 2021. In this dream, Obama was seen DANCING with his typical dark SUIT that he wore as president, and, with the same suit, the next scene had him on a skateBOARD, going up and down a ramp. I showed above how Boards link to Somerset's Borders/Boarders (same place as Payne's and Ducks/Dacks), kin of Tax's/Dacks and sharing the Duck/Dack star, Still more, Boards have a Coat much like the Suits/Shuters.
Did you note the Cheat-branch Skate's in the skateboard? That dream opened with my viewing all the billiard tables covered in a single, black SHEET... because Sheets are listed with Skate's. Being black, it looks like it's covering some secret things under those tables. But why pool tables?
While in his billiard hall, I took a shot on one table. The cue ball was a page lying flat on the table, indicating that Payne's were a Page branch. As I couldn't SHOOT the page, I made a paper airplane out of it, and rifled it, with a pool cue, without hitting any balls, into a corner pocket. That's called a "sewer," and while a septic tank is a sewer, Sword-like Sewers are actually listed with Suits/Shuters, can you believe it? Shoots/Shots are listed with Shute's/Shitts. It's the color of Obama, very fitting for that disgusting spirit that he carries around under his skin.
His mother was Miss Dunham, and Dunhams are first known in Norfolk with Sheets/Skate's while Dunham-related Randolphs, who were in his mother's ancestry, are first known in Yorkshire with Sheds/Scheds. There are some people, including myself, who think Obama's father could have been Frank Marshall, and MarSHALLs were Keith kin. Shalls almost have the Table Coat. Could Frank Marshall (communist) be the secret under the tables? Scottish Marshalls even have a "vireSCIT" motto term! Plus, Sheets/Skate's are first known in Norfolk with the Leave's in the Coat of Scottish Marshalls. They're called, "edock leaves." German Dockers/Ducks are first known in Westphalia with the Nagle's/Neils/Nails sharing the saltire of Scottish Marshalls.
It's late, and when seeing that Shalls are first known in Rhineland, I was frustrated trying to remember what other surname above is first known there. Then I remembered: Schutz'!!!!! Incredible. It seems that Obama's billiard tables are telling that Mr. MarSHALL was his father, because this dream even points to Obama's other surname from his step-father.
Trying to figure out why God made me shoot a paper plane, I found the Plains/Platters having a Chief in the colors and format of the Crapp/Crapper Chief. The neighboring Platters then have Playters of "SOTTERley," and this not only verified that the dream was from God because Sewers/Shuters are also Suters, but because Obama was once Barry SOETORo. God's a pretty smart genius, I think he's been designing dreams for a long time.
Plus, Plains/Platters are in the colors and format of Plain-like Palins, first known in Dorset with Pools, suggesting that it is to be regarded as a pool hall. However, Billiards are listed with Billets while Page's are first known in Devon with English Billets.
As the cross-by-lozenges of Stolls/Stowells is shared by PICKers/Packers, the "pike" of Clapps/Clappers has me wondering whether some Clapp member changed the surname to "Crapp" in Germany or something, where the word is not disrespectful. After all, Clapton is in Somerset with Stolls/Stowells, and English Pike's are first known in Devon with Crapp-connectable Tanners. Clapps/Clappers share the Beach/Bech Shield while BOHEMIA-line Beaks are first known in Dorset with Palins. Clapps/Clappers are first known in Surrey with the helms in turn in the colors and format of English Pigeons.
Bohemia is where Plain-like Planers are first known, and while it was a paper plane, Papers (share a Pigeon/Pigon chevron) are first known in Gloucestershire, beside Clapton. The Beak Coat can be found over the gold gate in the Arms of Podebrady (Bohemia). Bradys have a finger pointing, as do Pointers, the latter first known in Berkshire with Pickers/Packers...and Picenze-trackable Sheaves'.
There is a God; how much proof do you need? Talk to Him, stay close to Him, obey Him, and you will soon feel his manifestation in your very soul, all the proof you will need, yet He will also show His handiwork in events in your life, with all sorts of benefits according to your level of sincere obedience. Protection, wisdom, peace, hope, gladness, health, cleansing. If that's not enough for you, you will become profitable for others you brush shoulders with. Read what Jesus told his apostles privately roughly on the night he allowed himself to be arrested. Start at John 14 and you will see what life is truly all about, the only thing that will remain once this world has been ended by God.
I don't usually load Charlie Ward video's, but here's Jerome Corsi on cross-country voter-fraud methods he's hoping to publicize: this video to see how Trump may have betrayed his voter base, already, with Susie Wiles:
Here's trudeau's involvement with the Wuhan lab more than a year before the plandemic. However, we know precious little of the details:'s woes are much thanks to Conservative committees that non-stop blow the horn against his government: of the biggest criminals in canada right now is the Commissioner of the RCMP, for he refuses to arrest lawbreakers in the trudeau government. This makes the Commissioner a fellow crook. The Conservative committee continues to beg the RCMP to make arrests by a continual wink-wink, but the RCMP remains disengaged, as if it sees nothing. The underlings in the RCMP are forced to despise this Commissioner secretly, afraid to speak out. The longer he remains a fellow crook, the more he mars his own record, the more he invites the wrath of God. He's appalling, disgusting, and intolerable, for being in charge of curbing corruption yet enabling and encouraging it. He's the open tap pouring out wasted tax dollars because he's in charge of closing the tap. The buck stops with this full-blown hypocrite; he's been responsible for a long time for the rot in the trudeau government. The rot sees that the Commissioner is fellow rot, and therefore lies bold-faced and even mockingly to the Parliamentary investigators:'s a sample of RCMP goonery / tyranny: I could ask two youtube channels to change their music, it would be the video channel immediately above, and that of Northern Perspective. I'm too old to like music that sounds like a rusty wire being slipped through my brain, or a Cyclops pounding on my skull with his fists.
The video below shows how many manufactured votes there were in 2020 that were not manufactured in 2024. Why not in 2024? Was it because Biden had American tax-money bags gifted to China (in return for Chinese money into his family's pockets) so that China manufactured votes for him by hacking election machines? I think so. With Kamala having no such ties to China, and with China getting caught in 2020, and also getting caught in canada's election of trudeau and other Liberal criminals there, China decided not to manufacture machine votes in this election.'s after 1 am on election night, with Trump leading in six states yet needing to win only Pennsylvania to snag the White House from the election-cheat machinery. But this late-night scenario (with Trump winning about six states) was roughly the case in the 2020 election, where the cheats toppled Trump over the course of several days after election night.
This week, bomb threats were announced in the election-cheat state of Arizona, where the race is almost a tie at this time, and so with that announcement, the state has said that it will delay the election results...which is obviously to find ways to enter faked ballots in the meantime. The big-time, pro-Trump social-media channels might not speak this way for fear of being sued, but they know what's going on.
With 91-percent of ballots counted in Pennsylvania, Trump leads 51.2-percent to 47.8. The fact that they haven't counted 99-percent by this late time verifies that there's a will to cheat Kamala into the winning column with the remaining 9-percent.
Michigan's lunatic Democrats badly want that state, but at 1:30 am, only 64-percent of the ballots have been revealed to the public. The only reason for this deliberate failure is that Trump is ahead 52.4-percent to 45.9. The only reason the state hasn't been called for Trump is that there's cheating attempts taking place as I speak. Faked ballots are ready to be shipped as I speak, but, the question is, can they be brought into the count houses without being caught. This time, the Republicans have prepared more eyes, and more-watchful eyes, unlike in 2020. Pandora's Box was opened by the lunatics in 2020 so that, this time, Republicans are going to make it harder for the cheats to get away with it.
Trump leads 51.4 to 47.1 in Wisconsin, with 88-percent of ballots revealed. It looks like a shoe-in for Trump, but the Democrats are trying to figure out how the steal the win from Trump, as I speak. In tight-race states, Democrats always arrange for swaths of big cities to be counted last because Democrats have more voters in big cities. If they leave those ballots to be counted last, they could arrange to produce faked ballots, if needed, and by the time they count 90-percent, they will know how many faked ballots are needed to get their candidate over the top.
They also have the choice of trashing some for-Trump ballots throughout the count, or even before the count. They were caught doing this is multiple states in 2020, including the flipping of votes via the vote-counting machines. There is not any way that half of all voters are going to vote for the Lunatic Party. It means that tens of millions of votes have been manufactured across the country, both in 2020 and this year. It's easy to manufacture that many with vote-tabulating machines so long as they know they can keep hands off of the ballots if some group wants to compare their numbers, after the election, with the machine counts.
Georgia has been called a win for Trump with 94-percent revealed, even though he only has 50.8-percent to 48.4 lead. Why won't the big media call Pennsylvania a win for Trump, therefore, where he has a larger lead with 94-percent revealed? Because, they have their orders not to do so, because it's absolutely necessary that Trump not win Pennsylvania, for it alone will get him in the White House, because Alaska is in the bag for him, and those two states will net him a score of 270, the required number to win the race.
By 2 am, some had called Pennsylvania for Trump. Kamala announced that she won't be speaking tonight, but will come out in the morning...because she has been told not to concede tonight. They need to cheat her into a win, if they can find a way. Fox News called Pennsylvania for Trump at about 1:30am (Eastern Time, by the way), followed by CNBC at about 1:45. With 95-percent revealed in Pennsylvania, at 2 am, Kamala has gained only .1-percent, yet the AP, google's partner in announcing the results, refuses to call it a win for Trump (at that time). It appears that there's going to be great and painful howling in the Lunatic Party, and how I wish it could hurt twice as badly. This party is destruction.
Finally, at 2:30 or later, AP calls Pennsylvania for Trump with 96-percent revealed, with the score being 50.9 t0 48.1. There wasn't any significant cheating in that last leg of the count, not necessarily meaning there wasn't cheating all night long.
The beautiful part about it is, that for every illegal vote the Democrats got -- for all their costly efforts over four years in bringing in illegal immigrants -- there were six or more legal Latinos who switched from Biden to Trump in this election. OH SWEET REVENGE upon the criminals at the Justice department.
Once the other states see that Trump will take Pennsylvania, they might cease to ship manufactured ballots to the vicinities of count houses.
Trump increased his lead slightly in Michigan, by 2:30 am, with 73-percent of the votes revealed. Trump could win without Pennsylvania, if he takes Michigan and Nevada. The latter, with 80-percent reporting, has Trump in the lead by 5-percent. He has almost a 7-percent lead in Michigan. I'm very happy that the Lunatic Party has shot itself in the neck with one bad policy after another. With only five states not yet called, Trump leads in all of them, and the only one he'll likely lose is big-bad Arizona.
Kari Lake is losing for her Arizona senate bid, with only about half the ballots counted. It's interesting that her opponent is Mr. Gallego while that surname is listed with Galveston-like Galves'.
They are saying that the Republicans will take the Senate this time so that the lunatics can't block their new proposals, unless the lunatics win the House. At 2:30 am, Republicans have a 190-168 seat lead for the House race, with 218 being the number needed to win the Speakership, which sets the agenda for proposing new laws. The House is a demonic institution. Don't let Republican House members lull you into thinking it's a holy place.
Good morning at 9 am. Trump only has 277 electoral votes at this time, with four states not yet decided. How can this be unless cheating is in swing?
Gallego has gone down in percentage, but there's only 60-percent counted? How can this be? How could it take so long to count votes in Arizona, the brazen cheat capital of the country? The question has the answer?
Michigan still isn't called because Trump has gone way down in the score, now 49.9 to 48.3. It appears the cheats are trying to get Kamala within a half-percent so as to spur a recount. Or, they are trying to get some of their candidates elected in Congress.
At 8 am there was no word from the Democrats on Kamala officially accepting defeat.
There are six Senate seats remaining (in the count) with Republicans having scored 52. This is why Trump will have his second dictatorship if Republicans win the House. However, the Republicans with Trump squandered their dictatorship between 2017 and 2019. Instead of crushing their political enemies, they allowed them to thrive, and even to hold the Justice department (controls FBI), to hold the CIA laundering machine, and to control the military that worked in partnership with Trump in the mass-murder vaccine program, which acted as a pilot project to see how much they could get away with, and what adjustments are needed for a second attempt.
We would think that Trump would crush green-energy scams, except that Musk owns an electric-car company. There's one big problem with a Trump-Musk partnership. Trump courted faggots for votes, never forget. He then turns around and recruits Christians by making deals with them. What do we expect Trump to do for Christian values when, under his government, the school system was not purged of demonoids? The new generation is growing up demonic.
Trump is older now, and making waves is not what he wants. He knows that making waves brings him persecution, and so he's essentially owned by the deep state at this point. What difference does he make, at this point?
The greatest threat to normalcy in the United States are the women who want women in power for womens' sake. These immoralites are the largest voter bloc for the Lunatics. They can't see their own sins for being too frantically busy projecting them on Republicans. Mothers, who we are prone to thinking are the most-moral, are willing to vote for the Sin Party just to get a woman into the White House. They tried to beat Trump by sending up a last-minute flag for their vile and heartless abortion butchery.
Trump has slightly been a clown, a political, soft-spoken Red Skelton loved by his audience. His real motives could include forming a family dynasty in the White House. Starting with his victory speech, he's back to his usual boasting self, as though he's been responsible for the victory rather than Kamala Harris and her dirtball trolls. He's crediting MAGA for taking control of the Senate when the real reason he got votes is to keep the Lunatic Party from destroying the nation further. He couldn't help telling his audience that he won the popular vote too. He also won the popular vote in 2020, but because he didn't purge the deep state, the deep state cheated him out of Office.
It's now 11:30 am, and there's no word at google about Kamala conceding. It's got to mean that her team is talking about how to get a recount in Pennsylvania, and in the meantime working hard to give her a Michigan win, because, with Michigan, Trump doesn't need Pennsylvania. This election may not be over.
At this late time, nobody's even predicting a winner of the House, which could mean that Democrats can't quite take it, for if it looked good for them, that news would be plastered on google. The election was LAST NIGHT. How could the total votes for some 56 outstanding House seats still be unknown? What do you think is going on? If the Dems can't take Michigan, that's why they need to take the House as a priority.
To my surprise, Trump's lead in Arizona has gone up, meaning that this state will take days to finish counting, in order to cheat away his lead. Trump is up 51.9 to 47.2 this Tuesday morning! So far, only 61-percent of the votes have been revealed. What is Arizona hiding? How many Trump votes are being voided / trashed?
A little later, about noon, with 65-percent revealed, which is not much more than 61-percent, Trump's lead shrunk to 50.7 - 48.4, very suspicious. How did Kamala catch up by 2.4 percent with so few ballots? She caught up by 53,000 votes because the total reported at this score is roughly 2.2 million (2.2M x .024 = 53,000). It means that, in going from 47.2 to 48.4, Kamala took 53,000 votes to Trump's 35,000 even though Trump is ahead overall and therefore expected to take at least close to half of the votes per any time slot. What are we to think, that there's only one person counting the ballots?
It doesn't appear that there's any significant cheating in the Nevada count (but looks could be deceiving) even though it's still at only 84-percent reporting, at noon. What's taking too long to get the count finished in that small state? It's obvious. Lunatic Central Command is demanding Nevada to cheat harder, faster. The state is slipping away to Trump, yet AP still won't call it with Trump leading 51.5 - 46.8 (84-percent revealed).
With 98-percent revealed in Michigan, it means that Kamala needs about 85-percent (90,000 of 110,000 votes) of the remaining votes to tie Trump (score is reported at 49.8 - 48.2).
With 97-percent revealed in Pennsylvania, Trump leads by 153,000 votes with 6.95 million total. Three-percent of that total is 208,000, meaning that the cheats need to give Kamala about 180,000 of the remaining 208,000 to tie Trump. Will they "find" some hidden ballot boxes? This election may not be over yet. They might gun for sufficient votes to do a re-count, giving them plenty of time to figure out how to win the re-count.
It's now 5:45 pm. Pennsylvania counted another whopping 1-percent since noon. Trump's lead has gone down yet again, now to 50.5 - 48.6. It's not good enough for a re-count.
A re-count in Pennsylvania can only be done if the loss is by .5-percent or less. Kamala shouldn't be able to get that close to Trump with the remaining ballots, but the cheaters might surprise him with newly-discovered ballots. Kamala needs just a .7 percent gain of the remaining 2-percent of the ballots to get a state-ordered recount done. That is, if her total goes to 49.3-percent, Trump's goes down to 49.8. That's a forced re-count, to be ordered immediately, within a week. Surely, the cheats are trying to create this situation.
There's a total of 6.94 million ballots, and 49.3-percent of them is 3,421,420. She has 3,337,563 votes with 2-percent left to count. Therefore she needs the difference between those numbers, or about 83,857 votes to force a re-count. The 2-percent of ballots remaining works out to 138,800. She needs 60-percent of the remaining votes, which is doable such that it could be portrayed as logical / expected in a big-city situation.
If Trump wins Nevada, he can afford to lose Pennsylvania, because Michigan is in the bag for him if Kamala can't do a recount there. In order to get a Michigan re-count, her team would need to argue that there was some big mistake / fraud in the counting, but re-counts are not likely to be called by Democrats because their cheat machinery could become exposed. It doesn't appear that Trump can lose Nevada, but the cheats surprised him in 2020 at the "last hour."
It took hours for Nevada to go from 84-percent reporting to 85, but Trump gained .2-percent in the vote. But how in tarnation could it take so long to count such few ballots? Clearly, Democrats want to steal Nevada.
An example of Arizona known election fraud:'s a video proving that for every extra illegal-alien vote, six or more Latinos abandoned Democrats for Republicans. Perhaps the illegals came in, took money from Biden, then told all their friends that Democrats are so lunatic they didn't go out to vote at all: is now underway a normalization of what was not normal, stretching the count for days after the election. Counting late-arrival mail-in ballots is going to become an integral part of the cheat machinery, especially if post-office leaders can be bought off to fake a date earlier than the election to be stamped on the envelopes. It's hard for me to believe that some 5-percent of Pennsylvania voters decided to vote by mail one or two days before election day. If this were true, imagine how many more times the votes there should be, by mail-in, starting weeks before election day.
For Nevada: "More than 13000 people across Nevada who voted by mail need to verify their identities or their vote will not count,..." Out of those 13,000, imagine how few there would be that arrive after election day, yet now, at 11:30 pm, the night after the election, only 87-percent of all ballots have been reported. How can this be the fact unless there is deliberate withholding of the tally for sinister purposes? Total ballots in Nevada are about 1.47 million, and 13,000 mail-in amounts only to .009 of the total, some ten times less than 1-percent. Why is Nevada frozen at only 87-percent reported, and why are Republican media not making light of this normalization of what looks like cheating?
Another article: "Over 2.6 million voters in Pennsylvania returned mail-in ballots for the 2020 election, according to data from the U.S. Elections Project." Of course not. Of course this is proof that the cheats are manufacturing illegal mail-in ballots, with the same addresses used multiple times with either different voters whose names are fabricated, or by the same names many times over who are registered voters.
To justify this sin, the cheats ingrain themselves with hatred for the other party, thinking that by cheating they are doing a good service by saving the nation from the devil. To make this work well, media needs to continuously demonize the Republican party. This is all part of the "machinery."
Finally, on Thursday, Nevada reached 95-percent revealed, with Trump still having a "sizable" lead, meaning that the pro-Trump watchers wouldn't allow much, if any, fraud to be carried out post-election there.
Alas, on Thursday, Pennsylvania reached 99-percent, with Trump going up instead of down, now 50.5 to 48.5. No chance for a re-count unless they "find" uncounted ballot boxes, lots of them. That can't happen easily because those particular boxes would be scrutinized such that the fraud would become obvious...unless a judge forbade anyone to look at the ballots, a thing that happened in Arizona, unbelievably enough, in Kari Lake's court action against the Arizona governor.
I suggest that the Republicans were able to assure that the tabulator machines were not hookable to the Internet this time around. For if they were, they could easily have provided the wins for the Democrats. If not even Arizona could work out a win, then it seems they didn't have the benefit of tampering with the machines from online hackers.
Kari Lake has inched up on Gallego, now 50 to 48 for him, with only 69-percent revealed. She can still win it, for he's gone down 2-percent (while she went up 2-percent) from when the number of ballots reported was about 50-percent. Lots of room for her to take it. You can bet that her worst enemy, the cheat, Katie Hobbs, the Arizona governor, is doing all she can to make sure Gallego wins.
Bad news. With 76-percent reporting, Miss Lake caught up by only .2-percent, maybe .3. It might be better if she lost and ran against Hobbs in 2026, beating her this time, and exposing all the fraud Hobbs has conducted or winked at.
Trump has already chosen his White House Chief of Staff, Susie Wiles. "Alongside individuals such as businessman Peter Thiel, Wiles pushed Trump to endorse Blake Masters in the 2022 Senate election in Arizona, who lost the election." Thiel is a money-product man, and a politician-manufacturing man, who elevated JD Vance to political power. Reports suggest that Thiel and Musk are getting along just fine:"Musk and Thiel have co-founded 'America PAC,' a new Super PAC (a 'political action committee,'..." Did Thiel ask Trump to elevate Musk into his government affairs? Is Trump's "shadow government" led by Peter Thiel? Since when did Jesus commit Thiel to becoming a money-chasing hound? Woe, there, doggie, don't you have enough money yet? Why does the Wiles surname share five, bunched arrows with the Arms of Rothschild?
On Thursday evening, 9 pm, the house race was still undecided, with the score 211 to 199. Most of the outstanding seats are in California. If the cheats there knew they could cheat their way to a House victory, they would probably have done it by now. Something's wrong, and the House is slipping away while people are pointing their fingers on the crawl they're doing in the vote count. Democrats have no shame.
It seems that the 2020 cheating has become a viper biting the cheats on the cheek this year. What good is celebrating a cheatin' victory over Trump if he comes back four years later, meaner and vengeful? But wait. We don't know if Trump has it in him to cancel even a chunk of the swamp, even now. We'll know by how many swamp creatures he puts in charge of his government affairs. I doubt that Susie Wiles (who?) is a John Kelly, a Mike Pompeo, or a mad-dog Mattis. Maybe things will be different this time.
There's nobody in Lunatic Media saying that Democrats are poised to win the House, a good sign so far. If we ask google for predictions on the House race, crickets. said, when the score was 198 to 180, that it was looking more favorable for a Republican win. It's now 211 - 199, meaning Democrats won 19 seats while Republicans won only 13. But, the race is near the finish line, and that trend of numbers won't get the magic number of 218 for the Democrats, before Republicans get there. Yet the Democrats have many California seats not yet called, all up their sleeve, to be played at the last hand.
The blame for the loss of the election goes to Klaus Schwab's rodents, those far-left commanders who agreed to gnaw at the foundations of the country, dismembering the peoples in preparation of making them accept a new way as though it were a gift to them. All the far-left programs were not suddenly foisted on the county in a vacuum; they came from build-back-better Klaus Schwab. Isn't it obvious from the fact that "Build Back Better" was Biden's campaign slogan? Hello? Obama's slogan was "Change."
Time for some juicy juice, I'm sure you will relish this: fangs of the viper have penetrated the cheeks, and squirted venom into the mouths of in-fighting members of the Lunatic Party. They will forever go down in history -- with Obama the Sodomite as their captain -- into laughable infamy. But, beware how we treat these lunatics, because God might allow them to rule hard in the last three or four years, when they are expected to treat their political enemies with harsh brutality.
They will blame their political losses on the "false" and rampant speech of their political enemies, meaning that, while calling them tyrants, they will become the tyrants who forbid us a political voice. This is what they've craved for, but were unable to secure in time for this 2024 train wreck. The only good news is that they must suffer pain for a whopping four years, not knowing if they can get their act together, after that, to take back power. The only thing they know to do when they lose is to get mad to chase away their sorrows, a nasty "solution" that bites back better. These days, they want violence. The anger is building within them.
That's what hurts so much, looking ahead at four years of constant pain mixed with the shameful humility they did not ask for. They thought they had the political machinery to whoop things up in lawlessness, and yet win 2024. It wasn't Trump who won 2024, but the Lunatic Party did it for him. All he had to do was show up and laugh them off. That's what hurts so much, because he laughed them off and beat their bigger-than-ever machinery. But wait. What machinery? It didn't turn up this election.
And no wonder. Instead of fuel into the engines, they poured in their own puke. AOC, whom they propped up as a winner, didn't have the brains to realize why the puke wasn't firing the pistons. She kept puking and vomiting -- her words, her attacks , her "logic" -- and nobody on her team told her to stop. They all puked together in concert. Finally, the engine exploded and splashed their bodies with their own filth. Three days later, it's still falling from the sky...because this was a big machine...way more fun to watch than fireworks on the 4th of July.
They were enjoying the heat of rubbing their hands in expectation of winning the election with the extra votes of non-citizens procured with great pains. They were looking forward to the harvest in return for four years of criminal work, with Mayorkas adorning his own white horse in preparation of being paraded in a victory parade just as soon as 10 pm arrived on election eve. But the legals slapped them with some heat to their faces, and the cheats never saw it coming. Hard lesson learned, but at least they aren't going to be jailed, in a U.S. prison, anyway. There is another Prison from which they might not escape.
Let the cheat and the liar and the fool repent. God will accept them if they admit their folly, and turn away from it. This is a very-old message, haven't they heard it yet? It is far better for them to have lost the election than to have won it only to go full-steam ahead to eternal destruction. Pain can bring repentance when pain causes inner inspection. In asking what they did wrong, maybe they'll realize that going full-speed ahead with forked tongues and twisted logic are the things needing change. Hope is not in Obama, but in switching to the ways of Jesus. When God is on your side, you become sane again; you get reliable help. If you give God a reason to treat your self-inflicted pains, by talking to Him about them, He will make you glad if you talk in the right way. Guaranteed, that if you admit your wrongs secretly to Him, he will make you glad because He will be glad. God loves a dirty heart requesting a whole-scale cleaning. The problem is, lunatic Democrats want exactly enmity with Jesus. The first step is: get away from them, abandon them, let that be your first gift to Jesus.
By Friday, Trump's final score looks to be 312 - 226, considered a landslide. The cheats were unable to prevail in the "swing states." They're not swing states; they're cheat states. Call them what they are.
Here's Trump's (hopefully this is not a deep-fake presentation) day-one promises to cleanse the swamp: he sincerely keeps those promises, I will forgive him for his failures up to 2020, not including his part in vaccine crimes. If the video above is truly Trump, he could be doing a psy-op, not intending to keep those promises, but to give the illusion that he is doing so when in reality the deep-state spy machinery will be more dangerous to Christians than ever. I'm not sure if that video is genuine.
Del Bigtree of the Highwire has decided to play the big hypocrite by saying, this week, that he fell in love with Trump when seeing how he treats his family members. In other words, Del knows that his donation intake will go down if he holds Trump responsible for the poison vaccines. Misleading his audience is his primary choice rather than being truthful about Trump's part in the very mass-murder program that he vehemently opposed almost show-after-show for the past three or more years.
There's going to be a lot of Republican in-fighting as Trump chooses deep-state puppets to head Departments, persons requested secretly by the deep state. The Jewish lobby won't take no for an answer from him. I expect this capitulation from Trump because I think he's "loyal" to the CIA and similar, criminal organizations. I don't think Trump is strong enough to take them on. The CIA is like a Mexican cartel, but 20 times stronger such that it doesn't need assassinations to carry out most of its tasks. Threats will usually do the trick.
But if a man isn't willing to take on the CIA when he runs the White House i.e. having the free ability to change the CIA guard, then he doesn't deserve the White House. If a president can give the military money to send Americans to war fronts, but that president doesn't protect Americans from the CIA, what a crying-shame farce. If the situation calls for a president needing to risk his life to change the CIA and FBI guard, then so be it. But don't run on a promise to abolish the deep state and then only pretend to do it. The CIA background (shadow government) wants someone loyal, like Pompeo, a farce who did nothing to change the CIA guard when he was its director. Why did Pompeo take the job only to condemn himself as a farce and a fool in that way?
The job of changing the CIA guard needs a man protected by as much security (bodyguards) as Trump himself has. The CIA is the disgraceful, ugly, and injurious face of America. It's the Gorgon Medusa with a machine gun. It needs to be killed. John Ratcliffe might like the job. He knows a little about its workings, and he seems like a straight-shooter. It's important to get the right man, someone who knows who the people are in the shadows. Let's see who Trump picks, because this will be the most-revealing thing concerning his sincerity to fight the deep state, this second time around.
As in 2020, there are going to be intruders faking loyalty, and Trump became famous for hiring them. The same man who boasted of knowing how to artfully make the deal hired his own enemies. And his blind supporters told us, no worries, he's playing four-dimensional chess when making those (bad) picks.
With Trump voters all saying NO to Pompeo, Trump came out to say that he would not give he, nor, Nikki Haley, a post in his government.
NEXT UPDATEHere's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.
For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
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