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November 19 - 25, 2024

Tom Homan of ICE Promises Massive Deportations
My River-Flood Dream Finally Deciphered with ICE

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

WOW, I thought that Dr. John Campbell was no Christian. But about three weeks ago, he did a show on something else, besides medical, on the "shroud of Turin," and he opens the show by saying the shroud is convincingly the burial cloth of Jesus. It's already got 3.1 million views:

I wrote the paragraph above before getting past the first minute. Now at the 6th, I'm starting to worry that John may be thinking that the dead man seen on the cloth may have stayed dead. Yet, as he goes on, he shows scriptures as though he has no problem believing them to be authentic.

I'm disappointed. I don't know the reason, but John failed to mention "resurrection" when he was describing the discoloration of the cloth that forms the image of Jesus' body. It could be because he has, like so many science-bound people, rejected the Resurrection until now. He appears to be struck by the reality which confronts him, and may be trying to find his first words uttered to Jesus, which could easily be crying words for any man who, only very late in life, comes to believe. It would make us very happy if he doesn't shrink back from Jesus, but goes through with the cry he needs to produce in order to surface with the joy that nobody can take away from him.

How many converts has he made by simply providing this 48-minute video? Out of 3.1 million views and counting, there's going to be some. Read the comments under his video, so many thankful viewers, and some testimonies from people on their last life lines, For example:

Hello Dr John, as a young boy back in the 1960s I learned my scriptures at Sunday school just like everyone else at that time, but as the year's have rolled on by I had forgotten what a big part this amazing man played in all our lives. Nowadays I suppose I would class myself as an agnostic or even an atheist at worst. But whilst watching your video, something about the shrouds image's made me cry, I just couldn't help it the story I learned all those years ago of a good man being persecuted in this way just flowed out of those images. Thank you for sharing them with us John. Kind Regards Alan

Jesus did not suffer only horrors to his body, but to his soul. He watched Jews walk by who had come to Jerusalem from afar to keep the Passover commandments, to celebrate God, but they did not realize that their fellow Jews had murdered God. As Jesus watched this, He heard the insults the Jews were heaping upon Him. Which do you think was more painful, the inner or outer torment?

Now that Trump voters don't tend to want to expose COVID fraudsters because Trump was one of them, the message in the video below is not spreading as fast as it should. It reveals that NATO, the United States, gave European spy agencies "obligations" on how to run the PLANdemic. Yes, it was planned by NATO, the United States. One doesn't need to be a brilliant university student to have spotted Trump's partnership with the American military, in foisting the vaccines on the country.

In the United States, all other treatments for the flu-like COVID virus were made de-facto illegal except for Remdesivir, a product invented by the U.S. military, the military arm of the shadow government. See how that works? The very people with the bioweapon labs murdered many people with both Remdesivir and mRNA "vaccines." And now Trump wants a pro-vaccine character to head up the military who will criminally not disclose this crime. An accomplice in charge who covers the crime is a criminal. But, maybe, I shouldn't speak so fast. Maybe this character will unveil some things.

This picture should make us more suspicious about Tulsi Gabbard, a former military woman from over China way who could have had inside information as to what took place in Wuhan in order to spring the plandemic. She suddenly entered the Republican party, after being a Democrat, in the second year of mRNA vaccinations, and I could tell from day one that she was gunning to become a sparkling satellite in the Trump orbit. Trump now wants her in charge of overseeing all 16 spy agencies (she runs the 17th).

The video above tells of Robert Kennedy's claim that the mRNA vaccines were a military product sold to drug companies who were instructed to package it as their own. We can take this picture all the way back to another Republican hero, once a Democrat, president Reagan, who made a law that protected drug companies from law suits if vaccines should harm some. How close was Reagan to the shadow government? Ask his vice-president, a nazified American who became the president himself in 1988. It was this latter president who, while in the CIA, oversaw the assassination of JF Kennedy, and Robert Kennedy may have taken to that view decades ago.

It might be more than interesting to see how Kennedy exposes the military's hands in COVID crimes against the wishes of Trump. But, if Trump voters speak loudly enough in Kennedy's favor, especially as Trump broke his promise, refusing to release government papers on JF Kennedy's assassination, Trump might need to step aside and let Robert do what he does. The problem is, Tulsi will be watching Robert's every move from her spy machines. But so might John Ratcliffe get a load of Tulsi's bad behavior over in the top seat of the CIA. Our hope is that Mr. Ratcliffe topples the old, nazified-communist guard at the CIA. But isn't that dangerous? Won't the nazi-commies send him some warning shots?

I have the sense that I'm going to revisit my story, told many times, of how Katrina Hanson's ice cream points to Fauci and crew, and how I last saw her going to her ice-cream shop while I was at the parking-lot entry into the place. But this entry was shared, partly going into the parking lot of Ratcliff Lumber (no longer there but could still be online), in Gormley, Ontario.

To repeat part of this story, English Hansons, connectable to Stephen Hahn of Trump's FDA, share the mascle of English Faux's while French Faux's are first known in Perigord with Fauchys. The English Faux Coat is a lot like the Italian Fauci Coat, itself sharing the vertically-split Shield of Dutch Tromps. German Trumps/Tromps are first known in Mecklenburg with Hahns, who are in turn in Trump colors and format. Scottish Vaux's are first known in East Lothian with the Faucets whose Fauxside castle was built by Saer de QUINcy, and while Quincy's (same place as Face's) use mascles, I dated Katrina Hanson, on our first occasion, in the car of the QUINNs (I was 16)...after she agreed to go out with me upon handing me an ice-CREAM cone. Irish CREMers almost have the French Faux Coat.

You can load Hansons now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames, to better follow the heraldic links.

I can now add that Gabbards/Gibbards have a "FACTa" motto term, how interesting is that? I've said many times that the Hanson and Faux mascle is in colors reversed with whale-using Whalleys, and Hahns are first known in the same place as whale-using Dols. Although Whalleys and Ratcliffs are both first known in Lancashire, there's nothing in their write-ups to make a link between them (that I can see). However, it seems obvious that God left a way to link them because Whalleys are in Waleran colors and format while Walerans share the black bull head with Ratcliffe's. What are the chances? Walerans are first known in Devon with the RATTery location of the first-known Hoods, but see also the Were's/Wears of Devon, said to descent from Gibbard-like Giffards.

In fact, Were's/Wears share the Bruce motto, which can explain why Gabbards/Gibbards have a lion in Bruce-lion colors. Welsh Davids are first known in Cheshire with early Cliffs, and while Waleran-related Leavells are thought to derive in "wolf/lupus," and while Wolfs/Lupus' are first known in Cheshire too, Cliffs have wolf heads in the colors and format of Walerans and neighboring Whalleys. Clifton is in Lancashire with the first-known Ratcliffs. Thus, this and more is evidence that Ratcliffs were a Rat-line merger with Cliffs, and then Cliffords share the checkered Shield of Warrens, the line of Ada of Warenne.

If you know my story on how David Morley pointed to AIDS, or VAIDS and Moderna vaccines, I'll add that Gabbards almost share the Welsh David Coat, which is related to the AIDS/Ade Coat because ADa of WARENNE married the son of king David I. The Fauci-connectable Fiscs have an "ad" motto term, and while Warrens share the Ward Shield, Katrina Hanson lived on Warden avenue when we dated. Why might Wardens use pears? English Morleys have leopard FACEs in the same "jessant" type as the Aids/Ade Crest. As Jessants/Jessons are first known in Yorkshire with Hansons, they could be sharing the red rooster of German Hanns and Hahn-related Bibo's. Note how German Hanns look related to the Dutch Tromp Coat.

I feel convinced already that Tulsi Gabbard is being pointed to by the sleeping-bag dream in which Morley appeared with his bike. Bags share the vaired Shield of Cocks, first known in Somerset with the Weare-Giffards of the Axe river, an Cocks have another red rooster. The red Bibo rooster on a green "cushion" (owned by Hahns too) can be shown to be related to the red one on a green mound in the Cremer Crest.

It's important that the only thing I did with the sleeping bag was PICK it up, for Picks/Pix's share the fitchees of Ratterys while English Pike's share the trefoils of ICE's/Ecco's, the latter first known in Mecklenburg with Trumps and Hahns. Ratterys are first known near the first-known Rats. John Ratcliffe will probably be the CIA chief, under the watch of Tulsi Gabbard, if she succeeds in being confirmed by the Senate.

As I've said since years before COVID, the last time I saw Miss Hanson, not very long after we dated, she was in a black PICK-up truck beside her ice-cream shop. A male in the driver's seat was either picking her up or dropping her off. I was at the entry into the parking lot of Ratcliff lumber, and Picks/Pix's share the fitchees of Ratterys. The male had gotten out of the driver's seat and was walking around the hood of the truck (maybe he was going to open the door for her), and Hoods are first known in Rattery. I mentioned these things before John Ratcliffe was made Trump's Director of National Intelligence (in 2020), the job that Tulsi Gabbard has now been nominated to.

Hoods of Rattery were in Devon with the first-known English Pike's, and with the Gibbard-like Gilberts. The Nons in the Gabbard/Gibbard motto are first known in Ayrshire with Scottish Pike's/Pickens, and with the Carricks whom I've linked to the Gilbert chevron. Gilberts look related to the Car and Peck Coats, and the squirrel in the Gilbert Crest can take us to the squirrel in the Hold/Holt Crest because the latter surname was first known in BURY of Lancashire with Ratcliffs. English Burys are first known in Devon with English Pike's, and Cars are first known in Lancashire too. The Gilbert chevron, without the roses, is the Arms of Carrick.

Burys are said to have been Burgs, suggesting the Berks/Burghs because Burys share the fleur-e-lys of Birch's. This looks like a pointer to Deborah Byrx. Most people don't know that she was in the military. She and Fauci supposedly talked Trump into doing lockdowns, but there is a chance that Trump had planned beforehand to do them, and that he merely gave appearances of being advised / urged by Fauci to do them (i.e. put the blame of he and Byrx). Birch's are first known in Lancashire with Bury. Both Bury and Birch are in the "hundred of Salford," and Salfords/SAFFERds, who share the gold boar head with Irish Burys, almost have the Cliff Coat. RatCLIFFs are first known in Bury of Salford. English Burys are first known in Devon with SAFFERs. The Birch Crest looks very linkable to the Aids/Ade Crest.

Note the "PruDENTia" motto term of Birch's, for Dents are first known in SEDbergh (Yorkshire), where I trace the "sed" motto term of Sedans and Cars. The latter are excellent because they have a "serio" motto term while Cremer-like Crema is on a Serio river (Italy). Cremers were absolutely pointed to by Hanson's ice-CREAM.

Cars can be gleaned as a Carrick branch because Carrots/Carews, sharing a "bien" motto term with Carricks, share the lion of French Carre's/Quarre's (Burgundy with French Saffers and Save's). Carrots/Carews are first known in Cornwall, beside Hoods of Devon, and then English Carre's, with the Aids/Ade bend-with-leopard-faces in colors reversed, share "Cornish choughs" with Hoods. It's remarkable. Carons share the besants of French Savards while Salfords/Safferds come up as "Savard," thus indicating a Car link to families in Salford. The Salford and Cliff wolf will take us to Whalley-connectable Walerans of Devon, and to Leavells, the latter first known in Somerset with Saffer-branch Severs.

The AIDS disease became "VAIDS" when mRNA "vaccines" weakened peoples' immune systems. It seems deliberate because, in order to produce the COVID virus in the body, the "vaccines" had to shut down the immune system, and this is what can make people susceptible to getting very ill or dead from any virus or infection. Once you know that these "vaccines" do not inject a virus, as vaccines of the past did, but seek to produce it in the body by manipulating cells, you need to be a very-stupid person to welcome them into your body, one who foolishly trusts Trump or the vaccine companies on a product never before tried on the human race. People all over the world were screaming: don't take these jabs, but Trump effectively forced half his country to receive them at the pain of losing their jobs otherwise. It's on his head. He can have Hell for to celebrate his "great success."

Trump is a mass-murderer, what don't we understand about this? Medical reports tell of tens of thousands of known COVID-vaccine deaths in the United States, yet there could be more than ten times as many deaths, if the truth be told, which it won't be by governments.

Stephen Hahn left the top spot of Trumps Drug agency to go work for MODERna, what Morley's MOTOR bike pointed to. "In 2021, [Hahn] became chief medical officer at Flagship Pioneering, the venture capital firm that launched Moderna." After Morley (my old friend) circled the area where I had picked up the sleeping bag, he rode away from me, down a road that I was crossing, into the parking lot of a mall, an important point that God stuck into the dream, not only to verify that it was His dream, but to point to Moderna, for Malls/Marlybone's (Cheshire with Davids) "held a family seat at MOTTRam." Scottish Morleys are also Mauls = confirmation that God gave us the dream.

The MALbanks in the Mall write-up are first known in Northumberland with their kin, road-like Rodhams/Roddens, but also with Lorraine's. Rodhams/Roddens are in Aids/Ade colors and format, both sharing the bend of Welsh Davids. Northumberland is near the first-known Aids'/Ade's while the Banks are first known in Yorkshire with Morleys/Mauls and Jessants/Jessons. Banks were at Yorkshire's Bank Newton while Newtons are first known in Cheshire. The Bank bend is shared in the Crest of Aids- and Morley-connectable Jessants/Jessons. Whale's share the bend of Lorraine's.

Clickety-click bang-bang, and the Bangs/Bengs (Hanson lion in colors reversed) are first known in Kent with Sleeps who named Sleap in Shropshire, and who share the double fesses/bars of Whalley- / Whale-beloved cantons, the latter first known in Yorkshire with Whalley-connectable Hansons.

Aids'/Ade's are first known in Berwickshire with the AITons/Aytons while Eitons/Eytons, with a blue-Shield version of the Welsh David Coat, are first known in Shropshire with the Rodden river, and with the Whale-loving Dol Alans. Eitons/Eytons share the Coat, essentially, of Toothills while Toots/Tute's are first known in Yorkshire yet again. Toothills named Tothill in Lincolnshire, and Lincolnshire is where Gabbards/Gibbards are first known who have a different-colors version of the Toothill Coat. Tuttle's/Toothills have a black leopard to go with the black leopard faces of Aids'/Ade's.

I'm not done with Whalleys, for their "proFUNdis" motto term must be for same-colored Fawns/Faunes'/Faughnes', first known in Berwickshire with Aids'/Ade's and Whale's. The latter share the canton square of Whalleys. See that? Walerans are first known in Devon with Fauns and Venns/Fens' while Vance's/Fanns are listed with Vaux's (same place as Faucets). Faucets, suspect in the Gabbard/Gibbard motto, share "COMPONY" with Faughns. See that? I can now repeat that I met Katrina Hanson at Sam's Restaurant, where she sold ice-cream in summer, directly across the Gormley sideroad from my workplace, the gas station of the car mechanic, TONY Campania, what looks like a pointer to Tony Fauci. Tonys are first known in Leicestershire with Campens/Champagne's.

The Morley location in Derbyshire is less than 15 miles from Radcliffe on Trent while Scottish Morleys are first known in Yorkshire with the Keys and Kays who both look related to the Ratcliff/Radcliff Coat. Radcliffe on Trent is about five miles from CLIFton, and Trent-like Tarents almost have the Coat of Diss'/Dice's expected in the "profunDIS" motto term of Whalleys. Tarents lived in Dorset with the first-known Gallops who almost have the Welsh David Coat, almost the Gabbard/Gibbard Coat.

The Gibbard variation suggests a branch of the Giffards ("MALo" motto term) whose lozenges are almost the Hanson mascles in colors reversed. The Gabbard/Gibbard lion is in colors reversed from the one of Sions/Swans, and the latter was first known in Lanarkshire with Biggars/GIVERns and swan-using Givens/Giverns. Giffards are also Giverds. The Sion/Swan lion is shared by English Neals while Irish Neils/Neals are first known in Tyrone with Sharks while a giant shark is used by Valiants (Yorkshire with Hansons). My first date with Miss Hanson was in a Valiant car. Ada of Warenne married Henry, and Irish Henrys are first known in Tyrone.

Katrina handed me an ice-cream cone while Cone's are in the colors and format of Biss', the latter first known in Surrey, where the father of Ada of Warenne ruled. The Snake's/Snooks in the Biss Crest are first known in Kent with Cone's.

In my sleeping-bag dream, where David Morley pointed to Fauci and AIDS, he was on a motor BIKE looking like a WW2 Nazi. I resolved that the bike was a pointer to Bicks/Bickers whose stag heads are shared by Hanne's/Anne's, first known in Yorkshire with Hansons and Scottish Morley. And Hands/Hanns are first known in Cheshire with Welsh Davids. She handed me the cone. And the Biggar/Givern write-up has: "The name [Biggar] is found at a rather earlier date in Lincolnshire, where Gerard de Bikere occurs in the Rotul. Cancellarii of 1202, and was presumably the owner of Bicker, 'a very ancient and pleasant village, nine miles from FOLKingham.'" That's amazing since Gabbards/Gibbards are first known in Lincolnshire with this Bicker location, and then Folks are listed with Fulke's/Fooks', first known in Norfolk with Fiscs and Flecks. The latter share the Biss scallops.

While Giffards are in the Were/Wear write-up as their basic kin, and while Cone's were a branch of Conte's who were in turn first known at the Wear-river theater, Were's/Wears are first known in Devon with the Warings/Wearings who share the Warren checks.

Days after writing the above, Trump chose Dr. Dave Weldon to head the CDC, the government agency that pretended to oversee / assure qualified vaccine testing, etc. It just so happens that "FACTum" is a Weldon motto term, similar to the Gabbard motto term, and Weldons are first known in Northamptonshire with Face's and Faucet-related Quincys. The latter share the mascles of Bullys while Roger de Bully is in the write-up of Jumps who in turn share the Trump stag head. Walerans and Waldrons (share Coats) use BULL heads, and Bulls/Bule's are first known in Somerset with Waleran-related Leavells.

Mascle-like Mussels/Muscels can be gleaned in naming Musselburgh, in East Lothian with the first-known Faucets and Keiths/Mascals. The Bully write-up mentions a Bully family in Edinburgh, beside the Faucet castle, itself four miles from Musselburgh.

I'll that the Bully Coat is in the colors and format of Chips, the latter first known in Worcestershire with the Tume's/Tombs suspect in the "facTUM" motto term of Weldons. Mussels/Muscels are first known in Lincolnshire with the Pockets/Pouchers who in turn share the giant cinquefoil of Weldons.

What appears to be a fox head in the Weldon Crest could be for elements of Fauxside (Faucet) castle because it's near the first-known Keiths/Mascals who share the Chief-Shield colors of Weldons. The Waleran motto probably has the fox-using Vos'/Vosseks, first known in Mecklenburg with Trumps. The Waldrons comes to mind as a Weldon branch because the Weldon fox head looks like it's the one in the Bellow Crest, for Bellows and their Billet branch (Devon with Walerans) have the Weldon cinquefoil in colors reversed. "Bellows" are in the Ship Coat while Waldrons are first known at ShipLAKE while Lake's are first known in Oxfordshire with Ships.

At Dave Weldon's Wikipedia page: "Chair and co-founder, Congressional Aerospace Caucus...Chair and co-founder, Congressional Israel Allies Caucus". The Israel government topped the world in treating its people as COVID-vaccine guinea pigs. It's the fat-cat American Jews / Khazars who critically own and manipulate medical establishments.

Some good news for some hopes: "Weldon in 2007 introduced a bill that would remove vaccine safety research from CDC’s purview and house the work in an independent HHS agency." No matter how independent, the filthy-lucre Jews / Khazars will infiltrate it like the worms that they are. I wonder if Robert Kennedy had any say in picking Weldon for the CDC job.

Here's Tulsi Gabbard this week in what appears to possibly be a brain-conditioning ploy upon pro-Trumpers to expect a new pandemic from a virus escaped "accidentally" from a bio-weapons lab in Ukraine:

Trump has nominated Dr. Oz, a pro-COVID-vaccinite, skinchip-loving, transexual-supporting, liberal-at-heart smooth talker.

Tom Homan of ICE

It struck me, on Saturday of this week, that because God can use ICE-cream for more than one pointer, there is possibly an ice-cream pointer to ICE under Trump, for ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is going to spearhead deportations of illegal foreigners, and Mr. Ratcliffe could absolutely play a major role as CIA chief. Ice's/Ecco's can be linked to the Trump surname because they are first known in the same place while Tromps share a black eagle with Ice's/Ecco's.

So, I am now entertaining that I was standing at the entry to Ratcliff lumber, watching the ice-cream girl in a PICK-up truck, at her ice-cream shop, as a pointer to Ratcliffe's role in supporting deportations by ICE. I kid you not, Ice's/Ecco's, which I previously pointed to Fauci's ECOhealth partner-in-crime, share the PIKE trefoils. The PICK-up truck!

Trump's pick for ICE director is Tom Homan, and English Homans, in Egg/Edge colors, have a "LaBILE" motto term while Bile's/Bissels are in Ade/Aids colors and format!!! Those triple exclamation marks are due to Ada of Warenne, wife of an earl of Huntingdon while English Homans are first known in Huntingdonshire!!! Bile's/Bissels (Somerset with Bills and Backs) even share the black Ice/Ecco (and Back) eagle. The Bissel variation can be gleaned with Biss' (Surrey, near Huntingdon) because they and Bile's/Bissels have each others' scallops in colors reversed. Biss' are of a Bissone location near the first-known Italian Homans/Domine's. Biss' are first known in Surrey with the father of Ada of Warenne.

The top half of the Egg/Edge Coat is the one of Balance's/Balancors, first known in Warwickshire, where True's, in the Home/Hume motto, were once said to be first known. The Ass'/ISE's have a "balance."

Ukrainian Homans have a woman with "arms and feet BARE" sitting on what is probably the BARwick and Berwick bear, for Home's/Hume's and Aids'/Ade's are first known in bear-depicted Berwickshire, the ancient Bernicia while Bernice's share the black "pegasus" with English Homans. Ice is part of HOMEland security. That's all pretty amazing, especially as we have a Ukrainian surname at the core of the ICE search while the heraldry includes the AIDS. The Homan woman has "arms RAISed" while Rise's share the Bile and Aids'/Ade bend.

The new-now pointer of David Morley to ICE can be gleaned where he came off of a ROAD as a pointer to Cecil Rhodes' Round table, for he rode a circle around the SLEEPING bag, then rode away down the road from where he came, and Rounds happen to use a "sleeping lion." Everybody knows that Britain is part of the illegal-alien invasion. Cecil Rhodes was a British Illuminatist with the likes of Rothschilds, and Rothwells/Roswells have two of the Round chevrons.

David Morley's pointed to the AIDS disease while his motorBIKE pointed Biks/Bickers while the Aids-connectable Bile's/Bissels show a Bichel variations. We can take this to Spencers to show further linkage, because they share part of the Berkshire Coat while Biks/Bickers are first known in Berkshire with the royal Windsors who married the late Lady Diana Spencer. Spencers are very good here for a pointer to Tom Homan because their bend-with scallops are in colors reversed from the same of Bile's who are (expected) in turn in a Homan motto.

The "deFEND" motto term of Spencers, which probably existed long before Lady Diana, must be for otter-using Fenders/Venders, first known in Huntingdonshire with Otters/OTHERs and Bile's/BISSels/Bichers. Biss' use a two snakes "respecting EACH OTHER," amazing because Each's/Augers/Eagers/Etches' could easily be a branch of Ice-branch Eggs/Edge's. The latter's giant eagle is half in the colors of the giant Bile rose, and in both colors of the giant ROAD eagle, so amazing because the Rothschilds were partners with prime minister Arthur Balfour (put Israel on the modern map with Rothschilds) while Balfours have another otter. Jewish Rothchilds (not "Rothschild") share the Bile/Bissel / RODham bend, and add roses upon the bend.

The Otter/Other write-up tells that they were proto-Windsors, and thus Fenders/Venders come out looking like a Windsor branch. This recalls that the first I saw SEEPING Beauty was as she walked around the FENDER of a car to the HOOD (we she stopped and stood), and while Hoods are first-known at Rattery (Devon with Pike's), Ratterys share the Pick/Pix and Wood fitchees.

I've told a million times that I picked up the sleeping bag in the woods (campsite theme, apparently). Spencers share the "defend" motto term with Scottish Woods, and while both are first known in Leicestershire, English Woods share the rooted tree with Roet-branch Roots (Kent with Picks/Pix's), and thus we are back to Rothschilds. Woods, in the "wood bills" of Bills, share the fitchees of Picks/Pix's, perfect because all I did with the sleeping bag was to pick it up, and English Pike's happen to share the Ice/Ecco trefoils!!! I didn't bring the bag with me as I walked up the hill, and so I must have dropped it for Morley to ride a circle around it.

Bills are first known in Somerset with BORDERs and Church's while Circle's show a church. Variations of Circle's can be in the motto of Sawyers who in turn share the checks of German Bills. I would like to get a decent pointer to Borders, as per ICE's job to protect borders.

So, God can point to both AIDS of the poison-vaccine plots, as well as to Tom Homan, with this dream. As Otters/Others are said to have been from lords of Lombardy, and Ratcliff LUMBER can be a pointer to that. I've told before that German Hansons share the vair of English Lombards, and therefore the green snake of German Hansons ought to be the green snake once used (now blue) by Visconti's, rulers of Milan, the Lombardy capital. The lion of German Hansons was thus suspect as the one of Visconti-related Sforza's.

In keeping with the pointer of Katrina Hanson to Fauci and company, and especially to Faux's/Fage's (similar to a Cremer Coat), I repeated several times that Fuggers almost have the Nordic Hanson Coat.

The Visconti snake was called a "biscione," code for Bissone, a location beside Lombardy that, in its Arms, uses the snakes of Biss', perfect for the Homan-beloved Bile's/Bissels! In other words, while I was pondering this morning whether Hanson's ice-cream symbol could be a double pointer, one to Tom Homan of ICE, here we find that German Hansons take us to Homan-related Bile's/Bissels! The original Visconti snake had a MOOR child in its mouth, and Morleys with Morlands could easily have been from the Moor / Morano bloodline. Morinis' (Modena with Morano's) are in the write-up of Deerings who in turn share the Bik/Bicker stag heads.

There's more, because the Bile pegasus can be partly for Pegs (Derbyshire with English, Aids-connectable Morleys) who share nearly the Watch Coat, both using "wedges," and "Watch" is the full Otter/Other motto. Otters/Others are first known in Huntingdonshire with Homans and Ada of Warenne while Bile's/Bissels are in Aids/Ade colors and format, tending to prove more than ever that Aids'/Ade's, in the Levi motto, are descended from Ada. Watch's and Pegs are in the colors and format of Human-branch Yeo's/Yeomans! Wedge's (Somerset with Bills and Bile's/Bissels) are even in Oman colors and format! There's seem little doubt that Bile's are in the Homan motto.

Laevi Gauls lived on the Ticino river, and Bissone is in the Ticino canton while Bile's/Bissels were Biss kin. The Laevi lived at Pavia while English Pavia's have the Coat of Feets/Fate's while the woman of Ukrainian Homans has "arms and feet bare."

Pegs and Watch's are in Pig colors and format, and Pigs happen to have a Pick-like Picg variation. The Pig/Picg Coat is almost the one of Bowles' except that the latter could be adding the gold scallop in the Bile/Bissel Crest. The thing is, king Charles, after the death of his wife, Diana Spencer, re-married Camilla Parker Bowles! See that? We're back to a pointer to the "prince of Windsor" that was pointed to generally by my picking up the bag. And while Otter-connectable Bile's are suspect in the Homan motto, these English Homans are the ones with a PEGasus.

One of the English Parkers was first found in Derbyshire with Morleys, and when David Morley rode away from me, I was walking across the road into a mall PARKING lot. Parks were first found in Cumberland with Meschin branches there, and beside the Morley-branch Morlands of Westmorland.

Parkers are first known in Somerset with Bowles-connectable Bulls/Bule's, Bile's/Bissels, Bills and Roets. The Arms of Camilla Parker-Bowles has a blue boar, possibly the Roet boar in colors reversed. I see the Roets as kin of Bills. Bole's were a Bowles branch, both first known in Lincolnshire with Bolingbroke's. The Meschins who married Lucy of Bolingbroke share the Spencer scallops.

As Catherine Roet married Mr. Swynford, note that while Roets were Rothschild elements, Swynfords share the Pig/Picg Coat. As Picks/Pix's are easily connectable to Roets, the Homan pegasus is linking to my picking up the bag, the pointer to the British "Illuminati." Pig-like Pugh's, first found in Leicestershire with Spencers, and sharing an "ad" motto term with Rothschild-line Bowers, share the Perkin/PARKING Coat. English Rothes' were once said to be first found in Shropshire with Root-related Bagleys and the Rodden river. Rothes-branch Rothschilds are listed with Roddensteins.

Rothschilds descend from Pollocks of Rothes who have a Pugh-like Poke variation. Pockets are first known in Lincolnshire with BolingBROKE's, and the Broke's/Brocks are first known in Essex with Rothes-connectable Raines'. Picots are first known in Cheshire with Polesdons and Poltons. The latter are in Wedge colors and format while wedges are used by Pegs. Wedge's are first known in Somerset with Rothes-branch Roets, and with Pollets/Paulets, and beside the first-known Pools/Pole's/Pulls (Dorset with Palins/Pauleys) having Pollets in their motto. Pollets/Paulets share the swords of Baliols, first known in Northumberland with Pigs/Picgs and Roddens. Dutch Pawleys share the Rod/Rodes trefoils while Rhodes' are first known in Yorkshire with Pauls and Plock-connectable Pullens/Pullys.

I picked up the bag as a pointer to Rothschild-banker elements, apparently, and Banks, first found in Craven with Meschins of Skipton, look like kin of Benjamins, the latter first found in Norfolk with Bags, and with the Craven-connectable Fiscs sharing the Pugh motto. Cravens were from the KRVati, or Croatians, and Fiscs share the Arms of Croatia. Pigs/Picgs (Northumberland with Rodhams/Roddens) share the purple lion with Skiptons, and Meschins ruled Cheshire, where Pike-loving Picots are first known. Rothes' are now said to be first known in Kent with Bengs/Bangs/Bings/Bongs (share Rothes lion), an apparent Bank branch.

I've shown before why the bag, on a hill, was also on a bank off the road, that being a bank that slopes down i.e. another word for a hill. However, it seems to be a pointer to Rothschild bankers.

Feasibly, the pegASus could be part-code for Ass', first known in Shetland with Yells who in turn are in Oman and Wedge colors and format, or in Peg colors and near format. While Picots use "pike heads" while English Pike's share the Ice/Ecco trefoils, Ass' come up as "Ise." Picots could be in the "resPECTing each other" phrase used for the Biss Crest', for Eggs were once said to be first known in Cheshire with Picots. Pect-like "SPECTemur"is a motto term of EACH's/Augers/Eagers/Etches', and Speccots are first known in Devon with Pike's.

King Charles, from the days in which he was a prince, has been regarded by the people as a nasty globalist. It's therefore interesting that English Charles', first known in Suffolk with Blonds, have a Coat looking related to the Ice's/Ecco's and Eggs/Edge's. French Charles' share the Feet/Fate martlets. It just so happens that Ukrainian Homans describe a "blond" woman with bare feet. Eggs/Edge's were once said to be first known in Cheshire with Eggertons, and with the Foots on the Blond sun.

We should not assume that Tom Homan is a good guy, because he could be part of a Rothschild-circle plot to deport aliens for the purpose of creating great division between the political parties, when in the end only a few get deported, and maybe only some good people who tend to be enemies of the bad guys (that Rothschilds may want for causing strife). But that view is the pessimistic option. I'm hoping for the positive view to come true, yet as the same dream is pointing to both Homan's position with ICE, and to the plandemic, perhaps the pessimistic view is the correct one.

There's another otter with HUMphreys who use a "L'HOMME" motto term, and thus this looks like a Homan / Home/Hume branch. The True's in the motto of Home's/Hume's (same place as Aids') are listed with Tree's i.e. whom the Woods, Roets and Roots love. Roots (Kent with Greens) are excellent for sharing the Coat of BAGleys, first known in Shropshire with Rudes'/Rudge's (Humphrey cross?) and a Rodden river. Humphreys happen to share the Bile/Bissel scallops, tending to prove that Bile's are in the "LABile" motto term of Homans. Laps/Labbs' were even first known in Wiltshire with the Freys suspect in HumPHREYs/Humfreys.

The first-known Humphreys, in their write-up, was in Suffolk, where Homan-like Omans/OMENs are first known. I've talked many times of my mugging in Galveston, a few hours after an OMEN in the sun. Suns are in the Crests of Blonds and Babe's, both first known in Sussex with Omans/Omens!!! The Ukrainian Homans have "blond" in their description!

The mugging was while en route to Mexico. The mugging caused me to change plans, not to seek property in Mexico that same day. Instead, I started looking for Texas property (and did purchase some later that year). The Texas' share the Ukrainian Baby Coat, which is also the Coat of English Vaux's, the latter first known in Cumberland with Bernice's who in turn share the black pegasus with English Homans. Therefore, Babys are expected to be related to Ukrainian Homans.

I suppose that the change of plans for Mexico can jibe with Tom Homan's job as ICE director. The omen in the sun is starting to make sense, especially as Blonds put a Homan-connectable foot on their sun while Homans have bare feet and arm mentioned. The Blonds have "An ARMed foot in front of the sun, proper." Foots are first known in Cheshire with Propers/Robins/Roberts. The latter share the pelican with Bills who in turn have an Omen-like "Omne" motto term! "Omnia" is used by Dons (Cheshire). Blonds look like kin of Laevi-like Leavells/Levels (Somerset with Bile's/Bissels) while Laevi Gauls are connectable to Feets/Fate's. Mugging is probably the prime occupation of the gamut of criminal aliens from across the Mexico border.

My Galveston mugging, by a Black man (Jamaican?), is finally making sense. Galveston is nearly an island near Mexico, a sought-after door into the Texas mainland for aliens sailing to the United States, for the interstate highway 10 is nearby, and so is Houston.

The "vrai" motto term of Humphreys recalls that a second ice-cream girl, whom I dated less than a year after Miss Hanson, pointed to Chris WRAY (Trump's pick to head the FBI). I dated them both when I lived in Gormley, and both agreed to go on a date with me when they handed me ice-cream cones. The second was Darlene Ray/Wray (don't know the spelling), and while English Rays (Home/Hume colors) are in the colors and format of Freys, Gormleys/Grimes' share the martlets of Wrays. If that's not enough, Grime's/Grimms (Northumberland with Lorraine's) have the Feet/Fate Coat three times while the latter are in the description of Ukrainian Homans.

Greens, with Grimaldi-like Greme/Greem variations, are in the "green tree" of Roets, and while Bags share the vaired Grimaldi Shield, the Grimaldi princes of Monaco use a purple throne while Purple's, first known in Norfolk with PilGRIMs and Bags, could be in the purple lion of Pigs/Picgs. The Rise's and Risings/Risons, both first known in Norfolk, can be of the arm "raised" of Ukrainian Homans.

It's pretty amazing that Rison-like Raisons share the "Cornish cough" of Toms! Tom Homan, surprise. Hoods use a Cornish chough too, and Cough-branch Cuffs are first known in Wiltshire with the Laps/Labbs' suspect in the "Labile" motto term of English Homans. The Tom chough comes with "erect spears" while Spears and Gords/Gordans share the Roet boar heads, both on blue, same as the boar heads of Bole's, the latter first known in Lincolnshire with ARMys and Swinford-connectable Bowles'. Darlene's (Devon with Hoods and Yeo's/Yeomans) share the book with Roets, and Books are first known in Berwickshire with Gords/Gordans and Home's/Hume's. Somerset has a Gordano location, near the first-known Humans/Yeomans. Suddenly, Darlene's ice-cream looks to be a pointer to Tom Homan. The Darlene Crest has a woman, though it calls her a "female figure." Both Darlene and Miss Hanson were pure blond.

The Home/Hume motto, "True to the end," could be partly for Cornwall's Enders, or for the Endys/Hendys, first known in Surrey with Biss'. Endys/Hendys have, in colors reversed, the bend of Peers (Home/Hume colors), first known in Warwickshire, where True's/Tree's were once said to be first known. Pier's/Pierce's are first known in Somerset with Percivals who in turn share the bear with Ukrainian Homans.

While a primary reason for curbing illegal immigration is due to rapes, Rape's/Reaps/Rafe's not only have a BORDER, but their Crest is "An arm holding a book." It's a bare arm to boot.

The bare arm of the Homan "woman" is raised, and then a "woman" is the symbol also of Elis' who share one Welsh Thomas Coat while one English Thomas Coat shares the Tom Coat! TOM HOMAN. Elis' give their woman "disheveled hair" while Homans give their woman "blond hair." Scottish Hairs are first known in Ayrshire with Ice-connectable Scottish Pike's, and with the BARE's/Barrs. English Hairs are first known in Surrey with the Biss' connectable to the Bile's/Bissels expected in the motto of English Homans.

Plus, Blonds, with a foot in Crest, were kin of English Babe's (their Crest is shared with Bradys) while German Babe's/Babels share the mermaid with the Laps/Labbs' expected in the "Labile" motto term of Homans. Babe's and Babwells/Babels trace to the "gold gate" in the Arms of PodeBRADY, on the LABE river, and this was near the Varangians of Kiev, where Lorraine's trace while Lorraine, my date, had the babe and foot symbol from a single event, when I saw her bare feet just as Mike Oullette said of her, "what a babe." Compare Oullette's to Babe's and Babe-related and Lorraine-beloved Beaks. Lorraine's use beakless eagles in the colors of the Road / Egg/Edge eagle. French Blonds use "castle gates." A pointer to Bill Gates is not out of the question, especially as Gates' are first known in Devon with Bill-connectable Billets.

In this picture, Lorraine's babe symbol could be a pointer to child-smuggling operations at the border that Biden's Homeland Security is supporting rather than opposing, a horrible testimony against the leading Democrats that no doubt includes the Obamas, the sodomites. Let me repeat that, by freak chance, the last time I saw Lorraine, a couple of years after dating her, she was carrying an infant child. And, Lorraine's share the Child eagle.

The white rabbit became a symbol of child sex in the Clinton administration, especially with John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager in the 2016 election. This should explain why Lorraine got a grass stain on her pants, a certain pointer to Pansys/Pantzers, for the Coneys, who have white coney rabbits, describe their Crest like so: "A Coney HOLDING a pansy." See that?

MORE. Holdings/Holdens share the beakless eagle with Lorraine's, and it's called an "allerion" to boot, excellent because Allers, first known in Westphalia with Pansys/Pantzers, share the red escutcheon of Holdings/Holders. Again, Babe's were once said to be first known in Dorset with Beaks, doesn't that look like an arrangement by God? They even have similar Coats.

MORE. Holdings/Holdens are first known in Lancashire with Holds/Holts, the latter first known in Bury with Ratcliffs. I've just spotted the "HUMiles" motto term of Holds/Holts! The Coney fesse is said to be "cotised," and while Coats list Cotes', Dan Coats was the Director of National Intelligence immediately before John Ratcliffe took the job. Before Dan Coats, it was James Clapper, and while Clappers share the Shield of Beak-like Beach's/Bechs, the latter were on Jeffrey Epstein's beach with Sleeping Beauty. Clappers are first known in Surrey with Trots/Trude's who in turn share the six Coats/Cotes pale bars. The Clapper pike can get us to Ice's/Ecco's.

There's a question as to whether True's/Tree's/Trows were a Trot/Trude branch from the latter's Truth variation. The True's/Tree's, in the Home/Hume motto, were once said to be first known in Warwickshire, where one of the English Claptons/Cloptons are now said to be first known.

The Home/Hume lion is shared by TYsons, perhaps a pointer to Tae Johnson, Biden's ICE director. This pointer gets stronger where Bostons, sharing the Home/Hume Coat, named Boston in Lincolnshire while Lincolnshire is where English Johnsons were first found. Scottish Johnsons love the Wings, first known in Worcestershire with Eggs/Edge's. Taes'/Tease's/Tess' can take us to Thistle's/TISSels sharing the pheons of English Johnsons. Tiss' are also Tease's.

Plus, Teas'/Tease's/Tess'/TECKs have a saltire in the colors of the Tax/Dack saltire, yet the latter's is a saltire-by-swords in the colors of the same of BORDERs!!!! Tae Johnson was (until his retirement) the border-guard boss, and English Gards/Guards (share footless martlet with Teys') have the chevron of Teys' in colors reversed! Teys' were first found in Yorkshire with a Tees river, and with Tudy-like Tute's, while Tees' are listed with Tiss'/Teese's, first found in Hampshire with the Tudys sharing the Teys chevron!

Ice-cream is what some pedophile abductors might give children to lure them away. Joe Biden, a known pedophile, has been mocked for his ice-cream cones. He alone explains why there's a child-abduction crisis at the Mexican border, but then throw the Obamas in into the toxic mix, and there's Hell to pay for all involved.

The Borders are first known at least near Clapton, and while one Clapton/Clopton Coat has a cotised bend, the other Claptons/Cloptons have a giant patee cross while Pattys are first known in Worcestershire with Eggs/Edge's, and with the Squirrels in the Hold/Holt Crest. I trace Clubs/Clobbes' (Cheshire with Claptons/Cloptons) to "Clovis," the heir of king CHILDeric, the line to Childs (Club/Clobbes colors and format). Previously, one Clapton/Clopton surname was said to be first known in Wiltshire, beside Clapton, and beside the first-known Beaks. Plus, Dan-like Dannys/Dance's are first known in Wiltshire while Claptons/Cloptons use a "cotised dancetty."

You might know of Obama's gun-running scandal that involved American weapons to Mexico that eventually got an American border guard murdered by a Mexican. That effort was supported by Obama's Attorney General, Eric HOLDer. Holders, first known in Gloucestershire with HUMANs/Yeomans, have one of the double Hold/Holt fesses. Clapton is near the Gloucestershire border. The Hicks of Clapton can be linked to the Icke variation of Ice's.

Beach's/Bechs, first known in Hertfordshire with Lorraine-connectable Childs, share the vair fur of Blondville's, first known in Suffolk with Blonds and Omens. The omen in Texas was for my mugging, and Muggs are first known in Dorset with Beaks, where babe's were once said to be first known. Muggs were once said to be first known, along with their Madge/Macket branch, in Surrey with Biss' while Bile's/Bissels are also BECHels. The Fiscs (beside Suffolk), with an "ad" motto term linkable to Bile's/Bissels/Bichels, have a Macket-like "macte" motto term.

The omen that I saw was a tiny cloud covering the sun perfectly on an otherwise blue sky. The omen is perfectly in the Scottish Jeffrey Crest, and these Jeffreys happen to share a "Post" motto term with Blondville's. The latter share "Lux" with Blonds. Omens are first known in Suffolk with Blonds and Blondville's. The "nuBILLia" motto term of Scottish Jeffreys could connect to Homan-beloved Bile's. The Suns/Sinclairs share a "thy" motto term with the English-version motto of Blonds.

Things now get interesting as per the Ports / Porters suspect in the Homan motto, for I've been wondering whether they are God's pointer to dePORTations by Tom Homan, the thing he's promising to focus on. Posts in the mottoes above are first known in Hampshire with Ports and Porters, yet Ports are said to be first known also in neighboring Dorset i.e. with early Blonds. Posts share the giant lion of Pools/Pole's, first known in Dorset.

Blondville's even share the vair fur of Clappers while James Clapper was the Director of National Intelligence shortly before John Ratcliffe took the job. Clappers, first known in Surrey with Biss' and a Mugg branch, use a PIKE fish while Pike's share the Ice trefoils! Bingo, for Homans love the Blonds.

Babys/Babka's are a Ukrainian surname along with Feet- and Blond-loving Homans. Lorraine (a blond) pointed to BAR-le-Duc with her pant stain, and while Stains are said to have married Yarborough's, the Homan blond has BARE feet.

When I dated Lorraine, she lived a couple of properties from Church and LORNE, some three or four blocks from Church and Harding (RICHmond Hill, Ontario), and the home of David Morley was, at the time, a house or two in from Church and Harding. Lorraine's can be traced to the Lorne's in the Lanark/LURNack write-up, and Hardys are first known in Lanarkshire with the Astys who in turn share the Lorraine lion.

The other English Thomas', first known in Gloucestershire with HUMANs/Yeomans, share the vertically-split Shield of English Neals (Wiltshire with Laps/Labbs'), kin in turn of Yarborough's, the latter from king Yaroslav of Kiev, brother of Maria of Kiev. The latter married Casimir of Poland, son of Richeza of Lorraine (the line to RICH's/Richess'), and then Babwells/Babels are first known in Sussex with Kiev-line Keeps (share the Lorraine bend) and Tromp-beloved Acorns while Trumps are essentially in Kepke colors and format. Acorns use a "HUMAN heart."

Yaroslav was a VARANgian, whom I trace to the earlier Varni peoples at the Warenne-like Warnow river at Rostock (beside Denmark), where Ice's/Ecco's are first known. The Varni, along with Lombards, worshiped Nerthus, and I showed how the ice-cream girl, Katrina Hanson (Danish), who lived on WARDen avenue, links by German Hansons to Lombards. Wards share the Warren Shield.

Gloucestershire is beside the first-known Borders, and so let me show how my mugging in Texas can point to Borders, for the latter share the crossed swords of Texas-like Tax's/Dacks while Ducks/Dacks were not only first known in Somerset with Borders, but share their star. As the Arms of Bar-le-Duc use the pansy, Lorraine's PANT stain pointed to Pansys/PANTzers, first known in Westphalia with German Ducks/Dockers while English Dockers are first known in Cumberland with Homan-connectable Bernice's, and with Daggers/Dackers. English Dockers use spears while Spears share the boar heads of Roets, the latter first known in Somerset with Borders. Ukrainian Homans use a "bare" term to describe the arms and feet of their blond. Ducks/Dacks and Borders share the stars of Scottish Pike's, the latter first known in Ayrshire with Bars/Bare's. Tom Homan will be the border protection man, if he gets confirmed.

I had a dream with ice some years ago. I've shared the dream, seeking whether it's of God via heraldic pointers. I'll tell this dream again, because it could be a pointer to the FLOOD of illegal aliens. The dream started with me walking on slushy snow between two fingers of a river (it seemed like a spring-time melt), and becoming frightened that a flood might arrive on this river, I then found myself in a city scene, on the middle of a ROAD at the bottom of a hill, looking up to traffic lights at an intersection. Water about a foot deep was rushing down past me on this road, and under the water was ice, yet I was walking up this hill without a problem. Does this dream mean that ICE under Biden was responsible for the flood of illegal immigration?

I had interpreted the slush as a pointer to Saluzzo's, who share the the Chief-Shield colors of Clintons (look related to Arundels) who in turn share the six fitchees of Hillarys, the latter first known in Worcestershire with Hills, and also with the Clent Hills while Clents/Clints share the sheaves of Blythe's (Berwickshire with Roet-beloved Books). Hillary RODham Clinton married Bill Blythe, who changed his surname to Clinton when his mother re-married with Mr. Clinton.

I was at the bottom of a HILL on a ROAD, and Saluzzo-branch Sallows are first known in Shropshire with a Rodden river while Rodhams are listed with Roddens. Alans of Shropshire, who came to rule Arundel, married Alice of Saluzzo, and as Arundels use swallows, we can see that Saluzzo's were a branch of both Swallows and Sallows. Swallow-like Swale's are first known in Yorkshire with Rhodes', though the latter were once said to be first known in Lincolnshire with Swallows.

The Rundels have a Coat like the English Alan Coat, and so we can take this to the round circle that David Morley rode around the sleeping bag, not only because Root-connectable Bagleys are first known in Shropshire with Rudes' and a Sleap location, but because Sleeps/Sleaps are now said to be first known in Kent with Rundels and Roots. Swallows share the rooted tree with Roots. I'm tempted to get the impression that whoever controls the Clintons (Rothschilds make sense) was controlling ICE under Biden. I wonder whose decision it's been that 13 out of 17 ICE directors have been Independents while the other four were either Democrat or Republican. How can that be coincidental?

Note how "Alan" is like "alien." The Americans call foreigners, aliens.

I can now report, as a new add-on to the old interpretations of this dream, that Ice-branch Eggs/Edge's are first known in Worcestershire with Snows, Hills, Hillarys and the Clent Hills! I think that's big. Hills probably have the Vance's in their motto, and Trump's vice-president, JD Vance, is on-board the deportation plan. The flood dream opened with me on snow.

Eggs/Edge's essentially share the Road Coat, and I was on the ice in the middle of a road at the bottom of a hill!!! It's working. Tom Homan became Ice director in Trump's first months as the president, when Hillary Clinton thought that she would become the White-House president. Plus, German Eggs/Eggertons share the ROUNDELs of Swedish Johnsons while Tae Johnson was the Ice director under Biden. Yet, the other colors (blue-on-white) of the other Egg/Eggerton roundels make them "hurts," and Hurts/Horts are first known in Oxfordshire with Clintons and Amore's. The Clinton stars are also those of French Alans, first known in Languedoc with French Rivere's while Spanish Rivere's look related to the Coat of Amore's. The Clintons may have birthed the idea that, in order to beat Trump, they had to let in millions of illegals who would vote Democrat. That plan backfired for the 2024 election.

However, French Rivere's are in the colors of the Blythe-like billets in the Arms of Roquefeuil (location in Languedoc, the proto-Rockefellers). In different colors, French Rivere's show the rock of French Roque's/Rocks (Languedoc) while, zowie, English Rocks and Rooks are first known in Worcestershire with Snows and the Clent Hills. These Rooks were previously said to be first known in Oxfordshire with Clintons! See all of that? I was walking in snow between two fingers of the river. French Rivere's call their rock, a "mountain," probably for Languedoc's Mountains.

Swallow-like Swale's share the Dol fesse because FitzAlans of Arundel married Saluzzo's. Dols are first known in Mecklenburg with Ice's/Ecco's. See that? The flood dream got us to Saluzzo elements, and then we just do a single skip to Ice's. The latter's Pike kin are first known in Devon with Alan-of-Dol Stewarts who in turn share the giant lion of English Eggertons (Cheshire, beside Shropshire and Denbighshire).

Devon is also where Blythe-like Billets are first known while French Billets are listed with Billiards, as are their Hillary-like Hillard branch. The latter (Swale colors) were once said to be first known in Yorkshire with Swale's, Rhodes', and Belows. Billet-branch Bellows (not "Below") are in the Coat of Ships (Oxfordshire with Clintons), and the Bellow fox head can bring us to the fox of Voss', first known in Mecklenburg with Ice's/Ecco's and Dols. Belows are first known in Yorkshire with Touts and the Hicks; the latter share a "Tout" motto term with Belows, and then the Hicks share an Icke variation with Ice's/Ecco's. The "all in" motto phrase of the English-version Hicks motto looks like code for Alans/Allins because the two surnames share a fesse in colors reversed.

The dream opened with slushy snow on a flood-threatening river, and then Snows share the Swale / Dol fesse. The Rivers look related to the Swale Coat. Snows and Swale's share the same nebuly chevron, which is in half the colors of the nebuly chevron of Rivers. God always offers heraldic confirmation to prove, to me anyway, that He's the author of the dream. "REVIResco" is the motto of Kevens/Kewens who in turn, if their symbols are ignored, share the Ukraine flag, indicating that Kevens and Kews/Cue's were from a family in Kiev. This Ukraine capital is where Yarborough's (Swale colors) descend who are in Swale colors.

Back to the Homan pegASus, for Ass'/Ise's have an axe head for their "fasces" symbol while one Axe river is in Devon with the first-known Esse's/Ash's who in turn have two of the Round chevron. "Esse" is a Round motto term. The neighboring Axe river is at/near Bath while Bathers (Denbighshire) share the Coat of Scarfs (Yorkshire with Swale's) while Sheriffs share the full Round motto. Bathers share three, white wolf heads with FLOODs, you see, and while Floods are in Flint colors and format, Bathers are first known beside Flintshire. Baths have much of the Rhodes Coat (roundels) in colors reversed, and the flood was covering the road.

Repeat from above: "The top half of the Egg/Edge Coat is the one of Balance's/Balancors, first known in Warwickshire, where True's, in the Home/Hume motto, were once said to be first known. The Ass'/ISE's have a 'balance.'" Sheriffs are first known in Warwickshire too.

To nail Bathers to Floods, Bathers have wolf heads in the colors of the Flynn wolf while Flints are also Flans. The latter share a "sine" motto term with Gullys (same place as Clintons) and Yarborough's (same place as Swale's) while the latter were kin of English Neals who in turn are first known in Wiltshire with the Stars who not only share the Flint/Flan and Flood chevron, but share the ESToile (different color) with the Flint/Flan Crest. Then, Swale's have and "esto" motto term while English Este's are first known in Essex with Rounds. "Sine" is a motto term between Gullys and Gulls, and the latter are first known in Kent with the Deerings suspect in the "viDERi" motto term of Rounds and Sheriffs. Deerings tell of their descent from Morinis' who in turn share the fleur-de-lys of Sheriffs.

I was walking up the road, with ice under my feet, so easily that the flood waters were inconsequential. Perhaps the meaning here is that sheriffs all over many states will help ICE to deport the foreigners.

Deerings are first known in Kent with Gulls, and with Massins/Masons who in turn share the Revere Coat while the Rivers almost have the double fesses of Morinis'. French Rivere's were linked above to Roquefeuil, and here we can go to Isabel of Roquefeuil, wife of Hugh of RODez, whose father/son was Henry of Rodez. French Henrys, sharing the martlets of French Alans (Languedoc with French Julians), were at Motte-Henry, in Brittany near Dol. Motts are first known in Essex with Rundel-like Rounds and English Mountains (Brittany kin) while Rivere's have a rock-like "mountain."

English Julians share the cross of Gullys (Oxfordshire with Clintons) while Gulls (Kent with Rundels) share the blank, gold Chief with Rock-related Rods/Rodes' who in turn share the TREFoils of Frosts suspect in the "frustra" motto term of Gulls. Laurels share the Coat of Augers/Eagers/Etches'. French Julians, first known in Languedoc with the Laurels in the Frost Crest, almost have the Clinton Chief. Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar, of Cecil Rhodes of the ROUND table. Table's share the Egg/Eggerton roundels.

Rods/Rodes' are first known in Devon with Pike's who in turn share the Ice TREFoils, and so the TRAFFic lights I saw, when on the ice at the bottom of the road, looks like a pointer to Rockefellers, for Fellers and Fallis'/Falls have more treFOILs, suspect in part with whatever helped to name "RoqueFEUIL." Trefors/Trevors are first known in Denbighshire with Bathers while Rhodes-connectable Baths are first known in Somerset with Lights. Traffic lights on the road. German Rods are listed with Egg-connectable Roads, and German Rodes' have the Rhodes roundels in colors reversed.

[Insert -- where was my head? It wasn't until crossing Tom Homan again in the first update of next month that drug trafficking came to mind! End insert]

The Lights were kin of Feathers, first known in Sussex with Boards while Borders are also Boarders, first known in Somerset with Lights. The thing is, Feathers and Boards both put an antelope in Crest, as do Obama-line Singletarys. The latter are first known in Lancashire with the Feather-loving Perkens/Parkinsons in turn in Feather and Light colors and format. I trace ANTELopes to "Antalya," beside Perga, where I trace Perkins/Parkings. Antalya and Perga were on-shore from the island of Rhodes. This is at the CARia theater while Perkens/Parkinsons look related to the Coat of Cars (Lancashire). A RED ANTLer is in a Parker Crest held by an arm.

Perkens/Parkinsons have an erect ARM holding a RED feather, while "arma" is a motto term of Stops/Stubbs. STOP lights. Stubbings share the besants of Trebys, a potential line from Trypillians of Kiev, and Trips are also TREFFs. Traffic stop lights. Parkers have a "stag TRIPpant".

"TripPANT recalls the PANT stain of Kiev-pointing Lorraine. Richeza of Lorraine was mother to Casimir, and Casimirs have a red antler bendwise in the colors of the Lorraine bend. Casimir's father was Mieszko Lambert, descended from the mythical wheelwright, and Wheelwrights have an antelope too. Scottish Wrights/Rite's (Berwickshire with Reed-beloved books), descended from Rieti along with Reds and Reeds, share the checkered fesse of Parks (and Stewarts). Rieti had Tertulla, mother-in-law of Vespasia Polla, mother of three emperors, and Plancia Magna-Herod married Tertullus of Perga. Wheelwrights are first known in Yorkshire with Walkers having a "magna" motto term, and with Caddys.

The Parkers with the antler have "FLAUNches," suspect as part-code for the Flan variation of Flints, and then Trevors/TREFors share the Coat of Pennants who in turn not only have another antelope in Crest, but are first known in Flintshire! I tripped into this. Chees' (not "Ches") are listed with Keath-like Cheatle's while "pennant"-using Caddys can be gleaned as a Keath branch. "FlaunCHES" can be part code for Ches'/Cheshams (Buckinghamshire with Simpsons) sharing the red stag head (with red antlers) with Parks and Reeds. One Simpson Coat looks related to Trevors/Trefors / Pennants.

Caddys share the sheaves of Reds/Reeds, and the traffic light was red, I believe. They are also the sheaves of Clints/Clents and Blythe's (Berwickshire with Reed-beloved Books). Even if the traffic light was green, Greens were first found in Kent with English Trips! That is TERRIFIC. I love this job sometimes. Trump's border tariffs come to mind. The Tarrs/Tarres' are first known in Somerset with Duck-connectable Borders! Terras' are first known in Moray with Bellys sharing the Duc/LeDuc star. Rothes is at Moray while German Terras' have rooks in Rothes colors and format. The Rish variation of Rush's can be in the "flouRISHing" motto term of Greens (Kent with Rothes' and Gards/Guards). Tarrants were at Rushton, and Trents are first known in Somerset with Tarrs/Tarres'.

While Ice's/Ecco's are first known in the same place with Dols, the latter's wavy fesse is in colors reversed with Fix's/FICKs/Fecks while the top half of the Fix/Fick Coat is the top half of the Ice/Ecco Coat. TrafFIC lights. See that? It's as though God stuck the traffic lights in the dream to point to ICE. Three of the wavy Dol fesses is with Trump-connectable German Drummonds, first known in Hamburg with Trips. TREFFs. We can even go to Trevors/TREFors because Tarves'/Tarvers share the six Hillary and Clinton fitchees on what could be the Tromp Shield. I remember RED lights at the top of the hill, and Red-branch Reeds, sharing the book with Darlene's, are first known in Aberdeenshire with Tarves'/Tarvers. Trips/Treffs were from Trypillians of Ukraine, and Tarves'/Tarvers share the split-colors of the Ukraine flag.

The Red Toolbox

The only thing I haven't told about the dream is that, upon walking up the hill with ice under my feet, I found myself at a store front a couple of properties to my right of the traffic lights. There was a canopy / roof over my head, attached to the storefront, and I reached down into a red TOOlbox on the sidewalk. I don't remember taking a tool out, but the dream ended as I was stooping to this box.

Tools share the lion of Tulls/Tolle's, yet the latter have it alone in their Chief, as do Drops/Trope's, a possible Trip branch. Darlene's, who have a Box-like Book, use drops. It was a red toolbox, and Reeds use a book too. Reds/Reeds look like kin of Ice-connectable Scottish Pike's, first known in Ayrshire with Varni-like Varns/Warnocks, and Ice's/Ecco's, whom Darlene the ice-cream girl points to, were in the land of the Varni, the line, I claim, to Varangians of Ukraine.

Tools have their lion twice in the Coat of Scottish Mars, first known in Yorkshire with Wagers suspect from the Wagrians on the Warnow river with Ice's/Ecco's. The red toolbox was at a store while Store's (Northumberland with Varangian-line Lorraine's and Reds/Reeds) share the "stork" with Varns/Warnocks and Varn-related Grahams. This is working. I've never been on this heraldic set before; the toolbox seems to have needed Darlene Ray/Wray to work out. Rays are first known in Cumberland with the Falcons in the Varn and Graham Crests, and with the Dolphins/DOLfins (Dol colors) in the DURham Crest. Dols are first known in Mecklenburg with the Warnow river. Dure's share the Saluzzo Coat, and Dol-connectable Saluzzo's came to topic from the SLUSHy snow on the river.

Varangians of Ukraine are to the Yarborough/s/YEARbys while Years are first known in Stirlingshire with Robe's/Robbs while Darlene's put "robes" on their woman. Darlene's/Durlings are first known in Devon with Warnow-like Warings/Wearings and Wears while the Darlingtons (almost the Darlene Coat, more drops) are first known in Durham, at the Wear river. Durhams look related to the Coat of Weirs/Vere's, first known in Roxburghshire, named by the Roxolani of Ukraine, the line to TREFoil-depicted Roquefeuil liners too. Yarborough's were kin of English Neals, first known in Wiltshire with Box's. The toolbox.

Why didn't God just put Darlene Ray into the river-flood dream? How was I supposed to know that the toolbox needed Darlene's to work itself out? Darlingtons incorporate the motto of Masons/Massins who in turn share the Coat of Revere's, first known in Devon with Darlene's/Durlings/DERLINGs. Masons/Massins are first known in Kent with Deerings/DERINGs.

Roxolani had a branch at the Naparis river, at Wallachia, and while Scottish Walchs/Walsh's are first known in Roxburghshire too, Irish Walchs/Walsh's have a "transFIXus" motto term. I showed above how Fix's/Ficks link to Ice's/Ecco's while also explaining a reason for the trafFIC lights that took us to Trips/Treffs, from Ukraine. The Wagrians are first known in Yorkshire with Scarfs, with Ice-connectable Hicks/Icke's, and with Walch-like Walkers (bare arm) who have a German branch looking like kin of Scherfs/Schere's (share split-Shield of Wilkins). English Walchers are first known in Durham with Darlingtons.

The toolbox represents work to be done, and so it's interesting that the three Sheriff griffin heads are shared by Box's, the latter first known in Wiltshire, where Claptons were once said to be first known who are now said to be first known in Warwickshire with Sheriffs. Scarfs share the Bather wolf heads, and while Claptons have a wolf head of their own, Bath is near Clapton at the Wiltshire border. There must be sheriff work to be done against the criminal illegals.

Missed it until now: Sheriffs almost have the Holder Coat, and Holders are first known in Gloucestershire (beside Warwickshire), and therefore at least near Clapton. Eric Holder is a staunch, Democrat Black man, as is Tae Johnson, Biden's ICE director. Swedish Johnsons are linkable to Neals, first known in Wiltshire with Box's, and sharing the Box lion, which is half the Tool lion. The Tool lion is shared by Payne's, perfect because Payne's, from Payne Roet, are first known in Somerset with Roets and Clapton, and Roets have the Box-like book! The Payne lion is in the colors of the Bath lions.

Sheriffs of Warwickshire were beside Staffordshire, and the latter is where Tulls/Tolle's are first known sharing the Tool lion. Sheriffs share the griffin heads of Jews/Chews (Somerset with Roets) who in turn use the Catherine wheel of Catherine Roet. The gold griffin heads of Jews/Chews are no longer showing on their Shield; I saw them many times. They look like they may have come off a variation of Wiltshire's Shute's, and the latter can be sharing the Border sword.

The Borders list a BOWRder variation, and while Scottish Bowers share five, bunched arrows with the Arms of Rothschild, the Rothschild/RODDENstein Coat looks somewhat linkable to the Border/Bowrder Coat. The Coat of Rothschilds/Roddensteins (arrow) looks very linkable to the one of arrow-using Knobs, and I got the ice-cream cone from Darlene when we both worked at KNOB Hill Farms grocers. I dated her immediately after dating the cashier at Knob Hill Farms, Allison BAUER, and the first Rothschild was Mayer Bauer. Knobs are first known in Bavaria with Bauers/Bowers, Rothes'/Rothchilds, and Tax's/Dacks sharing the swords in saltire of Ducks/Dacks. See that? Did God arrange these things to tell that Rothschilds are behind the border woes?

Knobs have arrows in saltire in the colors of the swords in saltire of Borders/Bowrders, and the latter's star is in the colors of the Rothschild/Roddenstein stars. While I see the Border/Bowrder star as the one of Ducks/Dacks, their Duce branch is first known in Staffordshire with Arrows/Arras'.

Rodhams/Roddens are first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's, potential liners from Bar-le-DUC. Lorraine, my date, had a laundry symbol long before I discovered that Landrys are first known in the Bar-le-Duc area of Lorraine. Laundrys, with an "oak tree" showing roots, look linkable to the "green tree" of Roets because the latter are first known in Somerset with Oaks. Barrs are first known in Ayrshire with Pike's sharing the Border/Bowrder / Duck/Dack star.

It can be gleaned that the Rodham/Rodden bend is both the bend of Jewish Rothchilds and the Rothschild/Roddenstein bend-by-arrow. Rothschilds/Roddensteins are first known in Speyer while Speyers are listed with Spears who in turn share the Roet boar heads, a big reason to trace Rothschild bankers and Roets to Rothes on the Spey river. Speyers/Spears have spears in saltire.

Rothes is in Moray while Morays essentially have the Duc/LeDuc Coat, except that the latter have the Moray stars with eight points, linkable therefore to the eight-pointed Rothschild/Roddenstein stars. English Rothes', once said to be first known in Shropshire with the Rodden river, are now said to be first known in Kent with Roots and Picks/Pix's.

The Tool-connectable Tulls/Tolle's are first known by a location's name in Staffordshire, but the write-up has the first-known surname in Northumberland with Rodhams/Roddens. French Tulls/Tullia's were first found in Dauphine with Payens while English Payne's share the Tool lion that's in the Tull/Tolle Chief. The Spey river is between Moray and Banffshire, and the latter is where TROOPs/Trupe's were first found while Drops/Trope's/Trupe's share the Tull/Tolle Chief. Tom Homan wants to employ military troops to enforce deportations. The toolbox!

I was at the toolbox after walking up the ICE from upon in the MIDDLE of the ROAD, and Middle's, Medleys, Motleys and Rudes'/Rudge's were first found in Shropshire with the Rodden river! I had missed that Middle-surname entry until now. Medley-branch Methleys were first found in Yorkshire with the Rhodes' who share the cross of Rudes'/Rudge's.

If Ports or Porters point to deportations, note that they are both first known in Hampshire with the Marine's, Fly's and Botters while French Tulls/Tullia's have "BUTTERflies." The Marines' (not "Marine") were first found in Kent with Rothes'.

Daggers/Dackers and Dockers were first found in Cumberland with the Falcons in the Duck/Dack Crest.

All Gas Atoms Repel Each Other

We should keep in mind that Trump's number-one aim may be to insidiously foist a second pandemic on the country in unison with another global push. This could explain why Trump has chosen a mortifying pro-vaccine stooge for his Surgeon General:

Tired of Trump news already, and with Canadian social-media outlets just repeating the same-old on trudeau-government corruption, I'd like to show again, for new readers, how God will make fools of evolutionists, not only due to their evolution theory, but on getting the atomic model all wrong starting with the error that all gas atoms attract each other.

You can guess correctly that, shortly after Darwin, evolutionists were conspiring in their inner circles to develop the evolution of the cosmos apart from a Creator. They may not have been writing books yet, but these discussions culminated in the "big bang," which, at the time, was understood very simplistically as compared to the many complications that developed due to problems. In it's simplest form, they envisioned an explosion from a single point that flung atomic material into space.

Their trick was to convince the not-so-Christian parts of society into believing that exploded material came together into stars. Therefore, you should be able to glean that they chose, with utmost need, the theory that all atoms attract each other, otherwise the atoms that formed in the big bang would never come together to form stars. To this day, evolutionists, though they know better, have maintained the false fact that all gas atoms attract. I'm going to show you how they know that theory to be incorrect, yet they remain silent on the "error," because it's a fundamental need for the viability of cosmic evolution.

What does it mean to be able to prove atomic physicists of being wrong in this way? It means they are brazen liars for the purpose of murdering God. In the same way that political forces seek to retain political power, at any cost to their reputations, in order to continue to indoctrinate the masses into a Godless world view, ditto for evolutionists is ALL fields of science. They conspire together. They know the game. The game is to keep control of educational channels in order to brainwash the youth, and then to brainwash the middle aged when the youth become middle aged, and then to continue to deceive them to their graves. This is the end-time war culminating in God's big bang, the shaking of the planet on a day that takes them by surprise.

It's for the sake of allowing evil to promote itself for God's big showdown that He remains mainly invisible to Christians. The showdown explains why He's chosen not to talk to us straight-forwardly so that we hear him in plain English at anytime we ask Him a question. For the sake of the Great Surprise, we are called to live by faith on the evidences of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, which, instead of speaking in an audible voice for the most part, "speaks" in different ways that are not evidences, to our enemies, of His existence. God doesn't want His enemies to know that He is the I AM. It's just that He chose this way. He wants to see what people will do who do not believe in Him, that they might be judged properly by what they do. For evolutionists, the end will be very bitter, for they have sought to murder God forever, and thus, forever will be their terrible reward.

Evolutionists in physics KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that air atoms weigh down on the ground. And they know that air atoms (or gas atoms of any type) weigh down on the bottom of a sealed jar. In the meantime, they KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that the weight of air is THE VERY THING that causes air pressure. The more atoms in the jar, the more they weigh, and the more they create pressure.

Again: they know that air pressure is a direct result of the weight of gas atoms. If you want to know for sure that they lie to us, you need to think about this and get it into your head. Let me help you. You can build on it after I tell you what they won't.

No matter how high you go into the air, the air pressure at that point exactly matches the weight of the air above that point. For example, if you go halfway up into the air, the air pressure will be formed by the weight of air higher than that midway point, and the air beneath that midway point plays exactly zero role in forming the air pressure at that midway point. This cannot be true if atoms attract each other. It can be true ONLY IF ATOMS INTER-REPEL. Do you see those lovely capitals? You have entered the truth zone. You can now make monkeys of evolutionists.

Go ahead. Try to explain how inter-attracting atoms can weigh down on each other. You can't do it. If atoms don't weigh down on each other, they cannot form air pressure. If all the atoms above the midpoint of the atmosphere don't TRANSFER their weights to each other, they cannot form the particular air pressure at that midway point that they are known to produce. I know that their view of air-pressure formation can work in theory, but as their view CANNOT explain the PARTICULAR pressure formed at all levels of the atmosphere, their theory is wrong. Nice try but no cigar.

Their concocted view is that, while air atoms attract each other, they are flying about in random directions, forever banging off of each other without losing "total velocity." If one atom loses some velocity in a crash, the other atom increases in velocity by exactly as much as the other lost it. Neither atom goes unscathed in endless crashes at hundreds or thousands of miles per hour. This is their nutty, law-breaking view, and you have been their victim if you have believed them.

In the least, you should have asked the question: is it really true that objects continuously striking one another never lose velocities? If you are keen enough not to have swallowed that claim, then you should also realize that atoms making millions of strikes each second should come to rest in less than one second. Did that ever occur to you? Or did you simply trust the bogus science such that you didn't ask questions? One day, I started to ask, and I started to wonder, and I discovered nutbars in the science of physics.

It's sheer simplicity to understand their definition of air pressure: it's the crash pressure. The crash force of air atoms form the air pressure, the crashes against your hand or against your air-pressure gauge. Their problem is, they are complete wackos to take and teach the position that the crash force of atoms at ground level matches exactly the 14.7 pounds per square inch caused by air weight. Or, at any particular height in the air, the crash force of ever-crashing atoms exactly matches the weight of the air down to that point.

What are the chances that the crash-force pressure should always equal the pressure of air weight? Can't you glean that there is no crash-force pressure, no crashing of atoms at all? It's not needed. Air pressure can be explained by mutually-repelling air atoms. Right? Yes, of course. You can't argue with that premise. It's not a nutty premise. The trick is to explain how or why air atoms repel each other, but even if you or I cannot, it's a certain fact that they do repel because it's the only option where air pressure is not atom-crash pressure...what I call the bang-bang theory.

They know the truth, that air pressure is the weight alone, yet thy retain their view. It's not a mere mistake. It is deliberate falsification in order to keep big-bang cosmology alive. Expect them not to tell you that bang-bang pressure isn't needed to explain air pressure. But we can take this further than the air to all gases in all situations: NONE OF THEM are under bang-bang pressure. Is this a small "discovery" in physics? No, it's huge. Gas pressure by atomic repulsion is HUGE simply because it's the TRUTH.

However, in sealed containers, i.e. not in the open air, gas pressure it not sourced in atomic repulsion alone, but in electron repulsion too, as I'll explain when I get there. Atmospheric pressure always matches the weight of the air, and never anything else thrown into the bag, but, in sealed containers, the same weight of air/gas can be increased or decreased in pressure such that it does not match the weight of the gas. In the open air, the pressure always matches the weight because you cannot increase the pressure by pumping air into the atmosphere.

They will tell you that a column of air one-inch square, from ground to atmospheric ceiling, has weight of about 14.7 pounds. And they will also tell you that air pressure at the ground in about 14.7 pounds per square inch. But what they will never explain to you, lest you get wise to their crash fantasy, is how air atoms could cause air pressure by their weights. They confess that air weight translates to air pressure, but they will never tell you the mechanics of how so. But I am about to, be happy.

But first, just so that you have it straight in your mind, grasp the fact that objects not in contact, but flying in the air, cannot transfer their weights to the ground. For example, imagine two armies shooting cannon balls at each other, all balls flying past one another, some making contact, some not. None of those balls can transfer their weights to the ground until they land upon it. They all have anti-gravity capability by the force of being shot out of the cannons. They defy gravity for a time, but air atoms, though pulled by gravity, constantly defy gravitational pull to the ground. How can you explain that, if atoms are not racing around and crashing, as in that cannon-ball scenario?

Bigger question than you may realize: why do the cannon balls fall to the ground, but not the air atoms? What are we going to say, that cannon balls can't bounce off the ground in order to return into the air, while air atoms can? Why would we be duped into thinking that air atoms bounce off the ground and return into the air with every bounce forever and ever?

If Indian-rubber balls lose bounce with every bounce, shouldn't atoms do the same? Yes, indeed they should, but as the ones next to the ground supposedly strike the ground millions of times per second, they should cease bouncing almost instantly; they should decrease in velocity with each bounce. Tinker about that. Is it really true that atoms can lose no velocity when making collisions, or is this a fantasy of the evolutionists to keep the world from the inter-repelling gas atom?

Air atoms are all pulled by gravity, ALL THE TIME, yet something keeps them from being pulled to the ground. How do they maintain their positions in the air? That something would be obvious to physics students, even before landing a job in a physics company, had they not become brainwashed into the eternal-motion theory of atoms. You are led to believe that atoms retain sufficient motion to overcome gravity, and that sunlight's heat in the air helps to keep that motion going non-stop. Unless you write down their answers in your exams, you're going to flunk your physics course. If you write down in your exams that air atoms resist gravity by inter-repelling each other, you're going to be marked as a rebel with a wild and harmful imagination.

FACT: any two objects that repel each other are in literal contact at a distance by their repulsion forces. If we slip two ring magnets over a wooden peg such that they repel each other, the top magnet will hover over the bottom magnet. There are videos at youtube showing this. At this page, you can see that, the higher the hovering ring magnets, the further they are from each other, which is exactly how air atoms position each other. The higher the air atoms, the further apart they are. Why? To answer that question, figure out why the higher the ring magnet, the more distance there is to the one beneath it.

The answer is so simple that any physics buff can see it straight-away, yet evolutionists frauds refuse to tell you that gas atoms operate in the same way exactly. The lower the ring magnet, the more the weight of higher magnets weighs down upon it, through REPULSION-CONTACT. Ya see, air atoms cannot be pulled to the ground because they all repel each other upward, away from gravity. Air atoms have no need of forever-speed because even stationary magnets, or stationary air atoms, can "float" in space. You witnessed it with your own eyes in the webpage above. HOVERING ELECTROMAGNETIC OBJECTS. They are real, not fantasy.

So, atomic inter-repulsion explains how air atoms can transfer their weight, from miles up, all the way to the ground. Not an iota of their combined weight fails to reach the ground. As they repel each other in all directions, their downward weight gets transferred in ALL DIRECTIONS, and this is the true mechanics of air pressure.

This is simplicity. The closer that magnetic objects are to one another when repelling each other, the greater the force of repulsion between them. Therefore, the more atoms there are above any point in the atmosphere, the closer the atoms will be pushed toward one another by the combined weight, wherefore they will repel one another with more force the closer to the ground they are, and "more repulsion force" is is in reality the synonym of "greater air pressure," for the repulsion force of gas atoms is the cause of the air pressure. Now you know.

There are no speedy atoms that break the laws of physics. All moving atoms tend to the stationary position due to their mutual repulsion forces. Remove all wind, and air atoms become motionless. Isn't it wonderful that we don't need to become dizzy when imagining the air? It can be at peace. We can feel it when there's no wind.

Let's go back to the big bang. There's an imaginary explosion with protons and electrons, every proton exactly the same, and every electron exactly the same, which is how you can know, and should know, that this is imaginary, not reality. How can an explosion form zillions of particles all exactly the same? Are we stupid? Are we nutcrackers? Explosions destroy, not create exact replicas down to the very last electron.

We can imagine these protons and electrons screeching through space, away from the explosion point, and thus, the further they get from the explosion point, the further apart they all become. How in tarnation will protons attract electrons when they are all an eighth of a mile apart? Before long, they will be a mile apart, then ten miles. How far apart will they be after a million years? How could they attract each other when so far away??? The only way to form atoms in this scenario is either in the imagination of a very stupid person, or in the imagination of a God-hating rebel. Take your pick. You'll probably realize that the truth is the latter option, because nobody can be that stupid.

The rebels skip the above when teaching students about the big bang. They start at the premise that, eventually, somehow, atoms formed and attracted one another to form proto-stars, then full-blown stars. But, stupids, how could atoms attract one another when at vast distances from one another? Aren't you evolutionists ashamed of yourselves?

Oh no, suddenly, the big bang becomes impossible even in their imaginations, if they admit that gas atoms repel one another. It's such a dire threat to everything they have been proud of, everything they've loved, that they will resist atomic repulsion with every physics fantasy they have come to own. If you care to, spread this message. Talk to leading online scientists about it. Force them to think about the impossibility of inter-attracting atoms being incapable of forming / explaining the measurements of atmospheric weights. Start the process.

One can conduct a mental experiment to prove that atoms transfer their weights to the surface of a weight scale. If we take a liter of air in a jar with bottom side of four square inches, verses another jar with the same amount of air but having a bottom side of seven square inches, both jars will register the same total weight of air when placed on a weight scale (assume the scale is in a vacuum). You now challenge the evolutionist to explain why the jar with seven square inches at its bottom doesn't weigh more than the other jar? After all, he's going to claim that the jar with the bigger bottom gets more atomic bang in the downward direction. That is, his bang-bang theory predicts that it gets more pressure in the downward direction, yet the air weight remains the same...because this weight is NOT a function of bang-bang atoms forever in motion.

Hopefully, the evolutionist will admit that atoms striking the sides and top of the jars will not produce downward force. You now have him in a headlock, or, if you're an evolutionist, I have you in a head lock. It's time to wash out your brain of disprovable ideas claimed as facts from big-bang nutbars. Consider yourself a victim, and move on, not trusting a word they say.

The big-bang theory necessitates particles to screech in nothingness at great velocities with nothing to slow them down. The greater the forward momentum, the harder for particles to move laterally toward one another while flying forward. See that? Plus, there is just as much attraction / repulsion force pulling each electron, proton or atom to its right as there is to its left, meaning it's not going to move laterally in any direction in order to accumulate atoms into stars. But of course, in the imagination of a God killer, anything must become possible for the big bang. If they need to scratch our eyes out with their fingernails, they are definitely up to the dirty deed.

Entering 3.68 psi at the calculator below informs us that 3.68 psi air pressure exists at 34,275 feet above our feet, or 6.5 miles. As air pressure is proportional to air weight, it means that one-quarter of all atmospheric air volume exists above 6.5 miles. This one-quarter air volume produces one-quarter of the psi that exists at the ground:

There's Only One Theory of Gravity

Evolutionists don't have any idea what gravity is, because they remain deliberately ignorant of its true nature of gravity, because they want atoms to attract each other. The only real way to explain that the atmosphere grows in volume in warmer weather is by the repulsive power of gravity. REPULSION RULES. And it kills cosmic evolution.

Isaac Newton becomes suspect as part of the proto-evolutionary circle that brought Darwinism to bear. Newton was the president of the Royal Society, a science society in Britain. It doesn't appear coincidental that evolutionists held to Newton's theory of gravity, where all atoms have a gravity force, and thus all atoms attract each other. It appears that Newton was involved in science or social circles kicking the big-bang theory around, asking how possibly stars could form from a cosmic explosion. Newton may have heard that certain scientists of his day were leaning toward atoms all attracting each other. He then canned that idea for his definition of gravity, defined as all the atoms in the earth pulling us down to the ground.

But, the problem is, nobody can explain this gravity force by that all-atoms-have-gravity model. The best they have done was to invent a graviton particle existing in every atom, but this fails because like forces repel each other. If the graviton were negative or positive, all gravitons would repel each other. Therefore, the nutbars state: gravity is DIFFERENT. Yes, but, anyone can claim that Santa Claus is different for sliding down chimney shafts. Where's the proof that he does? Where's the logic? If he's to fat to fit down the chimney, maybe the graviton soot has no place in the atom.

Maybe we should check out electromagnetic gravity force instead. I can make the case that it exists without problems. The only "problem" is that it contradicts established science, and the only "proof" against it is faulty, establishment "science." If you are prepared to argue that electromagnetic gravity force cannot be true because it is opposed by such-and-such, you had best prove such-and-such true before you use it as the club, otherwise its abuse.

I maintain a viable theory of gravity, the only option left if theirs is incorrect. I didn't invent it; it's been out there for a long time: gravity is a negative, electromagnetic force. This is perfectly viable, if someone can explain how it can work. What beef could evolutionists have against electromagnetic gravity? Easy: the big bang won't work if gravity is electromagnetic. Unless all atoms possess their own gravity force, the big bang won't work. Now you know why they stuck to Newtonian gravity.

Fact: the earth is filled with free electrons from the sun where the earth has heat. Science knows that, where there is heat, there are freed electrons. Therefore, the earth radiates negative force, outward in all directions. They can't detect it on any negativity-detecting equipment because they manufactured it in the midst of that negativity. That is, thy set the equipment to zero negativity while it was immersed in the negativity, and they therefore can't detect that negativity with their equipment.

But, as you must realize if you are an honest-with-self person, the earthy negativity must exist because all heat sources have freed electrons, and electrons undeniably emit a negative force. When the whole earth's free electrons together emit negative force, it's going to reach beyond the earth's surface, into the air, and out into space.

I don't want you to think that gravity source is mainly in solar electrons in the air. That's nothing. The vast presence of gravity-producing electrons is in the earth's rocks as their heated conditions. It's important to know that gravity force is not from the electrons that rock protons have captured, but in the FREE electrons between rock atoms, in the atomic spaces of the atoms. The latter constitute the rock's heat.

It's true that captured electrons, those surrounding all protons, emit negativity, but this can be ignored, for the purpose of explaining gravity, because the positivity of protons counters and cancels the negativity.

Ask a physicist what happens to an atom if you bring a negatively-charged thing near to it. Or, better yet, go for the jugular by asking whether that negatively-charged thing will tend to detach some of the atom's captured electrons? He's going to say, yes, negative charge will free captured electrons and produce positively-charged atoms. Where will the detached electrons go, do you think? Will they go, FREE? Ahh, the magic word, FREE electrons emitting negative energy.

But wait. If protons counter all negative charge of their electrons, shouldn't the same be true when the captured ones go free? Yes, but that's not the end of the story. Electromagnet force gets four times stronger when it's twice as close to an object, such as your body. Therefore, this discussion discovers that the gravity force needs to be higher in the earth's rocks than where the captured electrons go free. For, where they go free, there's no net-negative charge emitting up into the atmosphere.

But then how do the freed electrons get closer to the atmosphere in order to create a net-negative charge on the atoms of our bodies? EASY, they repel each other, through the atomic spaces of the rocks, in all directions, and one of those directions is up toward our bodies. In the meantime, as the electrons seep upward through the rocks, the atoms from which they were freed are left far behind underneath them...such that the positive force from the protons of those atoms do not emit as much positive force on our bodies as the rising electrons do, and hence there is a net-negative charge on our bodies.

Plus, as the free electrons put distance between the atoms they abandon, their net-negative energy as a whole lot -- the gravity force -- only helps to repel electrons upward. Two negative forces repel electrons upward: 1) the whole gravity lot, and, 2) the rising electrons directly underneath other rising ones.

Now you're ready to understand how gravity attracts all atoms by the negative force that it is. You don't want to mess this up by allowing yourself to be tricked by love for Newtonian gravity. You need to be willing to break-up with that too-fat, over-rated phantom. Evolutionists spent much time making you fall deeply in love with it such that you would never abandon her. Evolutionists decree many sins, but our betraying Newtonian gravity was made a cardinal sin. Einsteinian gravity is unworthy for mention, total crock to make you deny electromagnetic gravity as the only other option, besides Newtonian gravity.

While holding the evolutionist at his jugular with both your hands, give him a rude shake while asking: what happens to atoms when they lose captured electrons? Answer: the atoms become net-positive in charge. For sure? Yes, for sure. Now get him into a headlock, and tell him you'll break his neck unless he answers the following question correctly: will the net-positive atoms be attracted to the negativity in the earth?

The evolutionist will see where you're going with this question, and so he won't want to answer it, because, in this context, it opens the door wide to the possibility that earth gravity, merely a negative radiation, attracts ALL atoms by making ALL atoms net-positive. Is gravity so simple as that? Yes, for sure. FOR SURE. So why didn't the smart-ass big bangers figure this out? They probably did, but swept it into their trash bin lest anyone on the outside discover it.

Did I confuse the reader? Where's the confusion? I don't want to go forward without you, so here it is again: gravity repels electrons in the atoms of your body, and consequently attracts all atoms in your body. This is more certain than the answer to two plus two. Gravity blows away some of your electrons, then grabs hold of you. Aren't you glad? Doesn't it make you happy to finally know what gravity is? Crawl out of the chimney soot, and breath fresh air.

When you bring the negative end of a magnet near a piece of steel, the negative force repels the captured electrons to the far side of each steel atom, the side furthest from the magnet. Consequently, the sides of all steel atoms nearest the magnet are made net-positive in charge, meaning that the magnet first makes the steel net-positive toward itself, and simultaneously grabs and attracts the metal to itself. Ditto for gravity force, though I think gravity force removes some captured electrons permanently from all atoms (unless they are far up in the sky or outer space, where gravity force is weaker).

Why don't they want electromagnetic gravity? Because it's a negatively-charged pool, and the big bang doesn't have one. Outer space, as they see its early history, was never filled with negative pools because it needs pools of free electrons, yet electrons repel each other so that pool formation is exactly the opposite of what free electrons in space will form. Only when the free electrons are much trapped in atomic materials, such as planetary rocks and stellar atoms, can a negative pool form. But if they put star formation before gravity formation, the big bang can't even begin let alone evolve into life forms. Therefore, their gravity cannot be negatively charged. Negative gravity is the rightful death of big-bang "science."

It gets worse for them, because stellar atoms can't trap pools of free electrons unless stellar gravity pulls stellar atoms tightly to itself. Gravity needs to exist first, before the stellar atoms are pulled down by it, yet gravity can't exist without stellar atoms releasing captured electrons...meaning that both need to exist simultaneously, which is a thing that only God could pull off because He's not restricted to random events. He has hands by which to work things, make them do what He wants them to do. The big-bang is nothing but a WORSE-THAN-STUPID EXPLOSION without the ability to order events. How stupid is mindlessness? Evolutionists married a WORSE-THAN-STUPID EXPLOSION. Any regrets yet, stupids? There will be, woe, there will be.

Their time to repent is now. Get sanity, get God into your soul with Jesus as your New Path. You won't regret it, and then it'll be your turn to expose evolutionism. Who better to expose it but one who's been in its camp for decades, you the trained but regretful evolutionist.


Israel decided to finally reveal that "to the God Jesus Christ" was found in an inscription dated in the 3rd century, the century before the Roman-catholic "church" was formed under the sun-god worshiper, Constantine I:

I wonder who it was that built the prison over the beautiful floor of a so-called prayer room. Was it deliberate to hide the floor? Is it important that it's at Megiddo? Here's the story in an article of 2022 where the ignoramus writer downplays Jesus as "a god" even though the crux of the article ought to be that people believed in Jesus as the one and only God in human form:

Here is a beautiful "story" that evolutionists scoff at as though programmed by the devil to do so:

The altar of Joshua in the video above was a make-shift altar, en route to building the nation of Israel. It was built in times of re-occurring wars. In the video, I liked it when the Lord told the people to enjoy eating before Him the sacrificed animals. You see, God never put much value in the blood atonement from animals, but was comforted by them in that Israel would learn the lesson of the Blood of Jesus before Jesus arrived. You see, God wants the people to eat meat and be happy before Him, because God knew that He would allow Israel to survive, for the sake of the Chosen few, through the First Resurrection.

He wanted only to be respected appropriately, because He's God, but evolutionists are the most shameful ingrates and wicked schemers ever. Armageddon is specially made for them. It's going to hurt bad. Get on His good side today.

The video below thinks that "Israel" to the southern Egyptians of about 1,200 BC was "Isirar," though that looks a lot like "Assyria" too. The video owner doesn't bother to guess at where Egypt defeated Israel in about 1,200 BC, as the inscription says, nor does he even talk about it. The inscription mentions Khatti...which the Assyrians had taken, though I don't recall the date, though I think it was before 12,000:

The video below purports to a find, at about the time of the Exodus, of "YHWH," and even has the pronunciation as "Yahweh," according to how Egyptian writing has been interpreted.

Even atheist archaeologists, who claim that Israel did not exist in the time of the Exodus, and who even deny the Exodus as a real event, admit that the inscription above, along with others, reads as God's name, YHWH. However, atheist stooges will deny realities in front of their noses, and simply ignore them for the purposes of keeping their own "truths" alive in the textbooks, which is exactly how modern anti-Christ / liberal liars operate before our noses right now.

The inscription (found in Sudan) under discussion is, "the land of the nomads of YHWH." Pig-nosed atheists and anti-Christ / secular Israelis don't deny this translation, and we know from the Bible that Israel, not many years before this inscription, were wandering in the desert i.e. they were nomads. They were not nomads for long, because Joshua's warfare promptly gave Canaanite cities to the Israelites. Korah's rebellion continues today.

Geologist evolutionists, wackos, can't see past their noses that everything in the rock strata screams Noah's Flood. They are wackos due to their extreme interpretation, often easy to prove impossible, of the rocks. But all the proofs against sea-floor rising (into mountains) are ignored by the God killers because killing God is their priority. They see a tree trunk stretching "millions" of years through the same rock layer, and then they ignore it, hide it, don't put it into the textbooks. WACHO.

The modern battle for "ownership" of Jericho's walls:

I'm going to say, for argument's sake, that peoples' doubts in God are "legitimate," because, for one, things in the Bible are so far-out of the ordinary. Plus, the fact that God remains invisible tends to create doubts in His existence, explaining why most of us grow up ignoring God. I'm then going to add that it's God's responsibility to show evidences for His existence sufficient for good people to overcome their doubts. That is, in the midst of hiding Himself from the non-good people, as is His will to do, He also needs to help good people from being spiritually killed by their doubts. Some evidences of a "scientific" kind are needed to keep their wicks aflame while they almost flicker out. And we Christians, who have persevered in spite of creeping / ballooning doubts, know that many evidences exist...if we are willing to receive them as such. The evil person has no desire to receive them, but wishes to ignore them, or to distort them for the sake of keeping other people in his atheist camp.

There are people who have for-so-long ridiculed or despised Christianity that, even when they begin to admit that it looks like we have been correct, thanks to the many evidences, they refuse to repent for fear of looking stupid in all those decades of rebellion. Slap yourself, do not think that Christians would mock you to admit you were wrong. We are never more happy to see a dread enemy abandon the fight to come over to our side. Slap yourself TODAY, stupid, and become awake forever. Take it from a former stupid.

Manetho Line to L'Aquila's Templar Elements

Manetho claimed that the Israelites were leaving Egypt under a pharaoh Amenophis, yet he also mentions a prophet, Amenophis, "son of Papis." The latter looks like the name of a Hyksos king, Apophis/Apepi. Whatever entity named "AMENophis" therefore looks like it could have become the Mens surname because it shares the Chief-Shield colors of Poppins/Pophams.

I've told of the time that I (about age 5) was thinking to jump off the porch roof, with an umbrella, because I had just seen Mary POPPINs flying around with her umbrella. The porch roof belonged to Pepin Taffo of a village in Italy, Picenze, seven miles from L'Aquila. The latter has Arms with a Manetho-like "manet" motto term, and mythical Manto was the sister of Daphne. The latter was placed in myth into the Ladon river of Elis, and then because Elis was politically / mythically allied to Aetolia / Calydon, I see Daphne" as code word for the real people group, the Taffo-like Taphians of Aetolia / Calydon.

I grew up to five years of age in Pepin's house, whose son is Freddy. That's what I called him. And so God may have arranged for Taffs to use so-called "fretty" to indicate to me further that my Masci ancestry, and Pepin's ancestry, are from the Hyksos who named Moses. Tafts/Tuffs' (Cheshire with Maceys) share the phoenix with Phoenix's/FENwicks while Macey-connectable VANs/Fane's/Fiens are also Phones'. Vans/Fane's and Maceys share the gauntlet while Gaunt-connectable Ghents (possibly the L'Aquila eagle) are first known in Hampshire with Poppins/Pophams. Mythical Phoenix was a Phoenician code, near the old city of Daphne, now Dafna at northern Israel.

In colors reversed, the Taff fretty is used by Khyan-like Caens and Cave's, and while Italian Sheaves' are also Cave-like Chiava's, Caen-like Khyan is thought to have been the father of king Apophis/Apepi. Caens use a "PeriMUS" motto term. "Perimus" can be gleaned also for Peare's who in turn share the LEOPARD faces of Caens and Parsons (Norfolk with Taffs, Hyche's/Hake's and Higgs). Peare's are first known in Oxfordshire, where Everes-like Vere's/Vairs (share Massey, Manner, and Ever/Eure quadrants) had ruled. Leopards (Pagan colors and format) are first known in Sussex with Mascals while Keiths/Mascals share the Chief-Shield colors of Poppins/Pophams and Amen-like Mens'. In the meantime, the latter's Manner/Maness ("parVENir" motto term) branch was first known in Northumberland with Phoenix's/Fenwicks, and Vere-branch Were's ("FuiMUS" motto term), sharing the Taft/Tuffs crosslets, are first known in Devon with Fenns/Venns who in turn share the Aquila eagle.

It just so happens that while Manetho called the Hyksos, the "Shepherd Kings," a mythical grandfather of Daphne and Manto was Everes, a so-called shepherd seer. If that's not enough, "Everes" is like "Avaris," the Hyksos capital (Nile delta). The Manet/Manai surname probably uses the black eagle in the Arms of L'Aquila. As Popleys even share the Manet/Manai eagle, it seems we can trace the Hyksos to L'Aquila.

The Manet Coat is shared by English Backs, first known in Somerset with LADONs/Ladds and Sticks. I trace the latter to "Astakos," a location in the land of Taphians. Italian Sheaves' are first known in L'Aquila, and Sticks show nothing but wheat sheaves. I trace German Backs/Bachs to the Hyksos king, Apachnas (or Pachnan), and Packers/Pickers/Peckers, linkable to Somerset's Stolls/Stowells and Payne's, are first known in Berkshire with English Sheaves'/Shaws. Payne's were a branch of Pachnan-like Pagans, making the Templars look like Hyksos descendants.

L'Aquila is the capital of Hebrew-like Abruzzo, and while Hyksos were likely Hebrews (not Israelite-branch Hebrews), mount Sabina, which named the Sabines (or vice-versa), is near the northern Abruzzo border. The Sabines were also "Safini," and Saffins with Severs were likewise first known in Somerset, beside Daphne-like Devon, where Saver-branch Saffers and Hykes'/Hacks are first known. If that's not enough, Manetho was from Sabine-like Sebennytos (Nile delta), which was also called Samannud, which apparently named the Samnites, a tribe of the Sabines.

Note "AmenOPHIS," for Ops / Opis was a goddess of the Sabines. Between Abruzzo and mount Sabina is the Salto river while Salitis was a Hyksos king according to Manetho. That doesn't appear coincidental. In fact, with Manetho-like "manet" in the Arms of L'Aquila," it tends to verify that Salitis was a Hyksos king. If nobody in all the world knows that Hyksos were on the Salto, I would be surprised, but I do think that this is a well-guarded secret. Salts/Sauts, sharing the stars of Saffins, are first known in Staffordshire with Pepin-branch Pipe's (both share fleur of German Sauts), and with the HICKsons who probably have the eagle LEGS of the L'Aquila eagle. Leghs/Lighs/Leigh's are suspect from Ligures, and Pipe's are first known in Leigh.

Manets and Masseys/Massa's were even first known in Savoy, in the land of the Salyes Ligures on the Turano-like Durance river. The Turano flows beside the Salto, both at the base of mount Sabina, indicating that Salyes were descended from Salitis. English Durants share the fleur-de-lys of Sales'/Salletts (Cheshire with Masseys and Maceys). The Saluvii Ligures look like they named Sullivans, first known in Tipperary with Kenite-like Kennedys. Sullivans share the boar of Bush's/Buschs while Saluzzo is beside Busca in interior Liguria.

Miss Hicks married Dr. Kilpatrick, and while Kilpatricks had a castle on the Nith river, the goddess, Neith, was at Sais, a city at the Nile delta that some think was named by Salitis, for he was also "Saites." Hicks' have Hikke de SAUTby in their write-up. See that? It's as though God chose miss Hicks for my 1979 dream to express facets of the Hyksos bloodline. I didn't see her until 1994, and didn't speak with her until 2002. God had to take me almost 2,000 miles from home in order to meet her. If there's anything of grave importance in all of that, I suggest (for many good reasons not to be repeated here) that God may be giving you a heads-up as per the Apophis asteroid.

Says/Sais' share the quadrants of Leightons/Leytons, both first known in Shropshire, beside Leghs/Lighs/Leighs/Leys. If that's not enough, Hicks' tell that they had a branch at Low Leighton. The quadrants above are colors reversed from the ones of Eure's/Evers, and "heure" is a Hicks motto term.

I trace Abruzzi (lived on the upper Salto) to Eure province and its Eburovices of Evreux. Salitis established himself at Avaris, and the Vere's/Vaires', first known in Essex with Low Leighton, have the Sais and Leighton quadrants in colors reversed. Dreux is in Eure while Dreux's (Wiltshire with Neals) share the black bull head of Says'/Sais'. Dreux's are in the colors and format of Drake's who in turn have an "Aquila" motto term. Abruzzi live in L'Aquila.

Manetho's account of Egyptian history is amiss in many places. The rule of Amenophis II has been dated by some at the time of the Exodus (1446 BC), but Wikipedia sticks Thutmose III into that date slot. I say that Moses was named by the Hyksos, and it just so happens that ThutMOSE III is said to have been the father of Amenophis II. Taffs and Sabine's are first known in Norfolk with Tute's/Tuits and their Thwait/Twitt branch; the latter share fretty with Taffs. THUTmose. There is a Le Mose section in Picenze-like Piacenza.

Touts/Tute's, in the motto of HICKS', are first known in Yorkshire with Hicks', Popleys, and Moses-connectable Crystals. Moses are also Moesens while the Picensii Illyrians (Pek river) were in Moesia. Crystals share the "calvary" symbol with Moses'/Moesens, and "Mens" happens to be in the Crystal, Poppin/Popham, and Pepin/Pepy motto. Poppins/Pophams are first known in Hampshire with Crystal-like Christmans.

Yorkshire is the location of Cravens, a line of Croatians from the ColAPIS river (at Ister-like Istria) that I trace to "COLchester." Colchesters share the ESToiles of Irish Neils/Neals, suspect from the Nile delta. German Neils/Nails are in the nails in the Arms of Colchester. Colchester was anciently CAMULodunum, and Este-loving Pepins/Pepys use the camel. Avaris-like Vairs' (Burgundy with Sabina-trackable Saffers and Sauts/Saults) share the checks in the Arms of Croatia. Vere's/Vaires' (Essex with Este's and Esters/Isters/Sturs) use a "nihil" motto term suspect with the Nihill variation of Irish Neils/Neils. Italian Este's share the Aquila Coat. English Sturs are first known in the same place as Poppins/Pophams while Stars are first known in Wiltshire with English Neals.

Manetho (read some of his works here) claimed that Amenophis II gave the desolate city of Avaris to certain lepers whom he had separated out of his kingdom as a large group, that they should live east of the Nile while working the rock quarries. Thus begins the Egypt-serving storyline that these lepers were the Israelites of the Exodus.

If you know Egyptian history well, you may also know that much of it was faked by the proud pharaohs, for they were capable only to praise themselves in their historical works, and would not, for example, have recorded their pitiful losses such as we see coming from God's hand to the Exodus pharaoh. That's logically why historical evidence of the Exodus is not easy to find in Egyptian history. It was a dismal and painful failure for the ruling king.

Manetho claims that the lepers of Avaris accepted a warrior leader (Osarsiph = Moses) for themselves who requested help from lepers of Jerusalem that they should come fight against Amenophis. Jerusalem was not nearly a city of Israelites at the time, but was, up until a few centuries afterward, a city of Amorites.

Therefore, who were the Jerusalemites, really, whom the Egyptian historians -- or perhaps Manetho alone -- were masking as Israelites? Were they truly led by Osarsiph, who was changed into Moses in a later rendition of the story, for the purpose of sparing Egypt the humiliation of a foreign God's wrath?

Manetho claims that some of the lepers had been driven out of Egypt, into Jerusalem, by TefilMOSIS, feasibly a relative of the royal Hyksos family that named Moses. I expect that the Hyksos who named Moses were themselves from a Mos-like entity, and have chosen their ancestry from ancient Mus at Lake Van, part of Asia Minor. Note the Taphian look of "TEFilmosis."

Amenophis, instead of fighting the lepers, fled to Ethiopia (probably modern Sudan), allowing the lepers to successfully invade Egypt. If this truly took place, and because the lepers invaded nastily, one could understand the decision of the historians to turn Osarsiph into Moses. Certainly, Moses, the hero against the pharaoh, had to be debased and slandered, and thus he became the leader of lepers who committed sacrilege against the gods of Egypt with their invasion.

And, to boot, the story has an addendum, with Amenophis returning from Ethiopia to slaughter Moses' people, and send them fleeing north. Some idiots would suggest that this was the true history of Israel, claiming that the Bible is the false narrative instead.

If we leave the Moses part of the concoction out of the narrative, it's possible that the story had some truth where the Jerusalemites included a remnant of Hyksos rulers seeking to retake the Nile delta. Moses had married a woman of the Khyan-like Kenites (non-Israelites). The "shroud of Turin" claims, in an undebatable way, that Moses was real, and that the Biblical account of Moses is the factual account. That is, since the shroud proves that Jesus was resurrected as the Son of the Biblical God, it stands to the level of undeniable fact that Jesus spoke of Moses because he was a real character correctly portrayed in the Bible.

Wikipedia's article on Khyan: "Ryholt notes that the name, Khyan, generally has been 'interpreted as Amorite Hayanu (reading h-ya-a-n) which the Egyptian form represents perfectly, and this is in all likelihood the correct interpretation.'"

Egyptian history is filled with holes and questions, and, to make things worse, pharaohs had so many alternative names that modern Egyptologists could easily have arranged false thronal periods for imaginary kings. That is, the same king, under two or more names, could have been turned into two or more kings, which would stretch human history (on this said of the Flood) back further than is the reality. This was very convenient and needed by anti-Christ modernists who were combating the Christian community's claim that the Flood was about 2350 BC. Thus, Egyptologists stretched Egyptian dynasties back to about 3200 BC. This is the dangerous game they play, to kill the God of Israel.

I hold the theory (not dogmatically) that the Exodus king was Khyan of the Hyksos, but the only way for this to be correct, if we stick to an Exodus date of 1446, is if Egyptologists wrongly added about 120 years of thronal periods prior to the rule of Amenophis II. Without these 120 years, Khyan's reign would be located at 1446 BC instead of Amenophis' reign.

I'm asking whether the story about Osarsiph might have been appealed to, and/or modified, by Hyksos remnants in Egypt for the purpose of hiding the true Exodus pharaoh. After all, if the story was concocted or modified to save face for the Exodus pharaoh, might not the story deliberately fail to name him, naming Amenophis instead?

The other question coming to mind is whether Egyptologists conspired to arrange the dating of Amenophis II's thronal period at 1446 BC so that they could give fuel to the anti-God / anti-Bible story of Osarsiph. Sounds logical to me. If you understand evolutionists properly, then you also understand Egyptologists, two sacks of rotten-potato liars, white and red.

I've talked a million times about the knee symbol on the leg of Miss Hicks, but I don't recall ever seeing a statue at Wikipedia's article on Khyan. The statue, thought to be of Khyan, is all gone aside from the knees, and legs below the knees!!! I think God set the 1979 dream up with Miss Hicks to jibe with this statue, to show that Hicks' descend from Khyan. Miss Hicks is the one whom I claim points to the Apophis asteroid of April 13, 2029, exactly 50 years, at least almost to the day, from the 1979 dream.

The article gives no throne dates for Khyan, but has: "On the western edge of Avaris, another fortress was subsequently erected in the later Hyksos period c. 1560-1530 BC, likely under Khyan's successor Apepi." Egyptologists can therefore date Khyan as late as 1560, just 114 years before Moses led Israel out of the Nile theater. However, Wikipedia's article on the 15th dynasty has Apophis' reign beginning at "1590?"

The dating of 1446 is based on a Biblical statement concerning Solomon: "In the four hundred eightieth year after the Israelites came out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, which is the second month, he began to build the house of the LORD." (1 Kings 6:1). The dating of 1446 depends on whether the historians have correctly pegged Solomon's fourth year at 966 BC.

There's also the problem of the start date, whether in the year that Moses led the Israelites out, or when Joshua took them into Israel some 40 years later. The Septuagint (Old-Testament version) gives 440 years instead of 480, suggesting that the start time in Kings 6 is when Moses led them out of Egypt.

It's probably time for Christians to admit that the Bible has clerical errors where some of it, especially in Judges, Kings and Chronicles, may not be Inspired, where it may be purely historical data written by many "historians." Scripture is Inspired, but who's to say whether Kings and Chronicles is scripture? The Law and the Prophets are scripture, but that's about all we know for sure (as concerns the Old Testament). The quotes in Kings and Chronicles, when quoting God, may be Inspired, but between the quotes are all sorts of numbers and details any of which may have been in honest error.

Note the following, how it gets the Exodus back to the time where historians place the Hyksos:

It turns out there’s another “biblical” date for the Exodus.

When the Apostle Paul was in Antioch in Pisidia, he went to the synagogue and gave a speech. Here’s an excerpt:

Ac 13:17–21 The God of this people Israel chose our ancestors and made the people great during their stay in the land of Egypt, and with uplifted arm he led them out of it. For about forty years he put up with them in the wilderness. After he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, he gave them their land as an inheritance for about four hundred fifty years. After that he gave them judges until the time of the prophet Samuel. Then they asked for a king; and God gave them Saul son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, who reigned for forty years.

Adding up the chronological information Paul lists is easy enough...Given that David ruled for 40 years (2 Sa 5:4), here’s the maths:

-970 + 4 years (Solomon’s 4th regnal year) – 40 years (David) – 40 years (Saul) – 450 years (whatever happened between destroying 7 nations in Canaan and the arrival of the Judges) – 40 years (wilderness) = 1536 BC

We could call this author a trouble maker, or we could say that Paul made a mistake with his "about 450 years." His result above, of 1536 BC, doesn't include the period of the Judges, which was substantial, bringing the Exodus date back to long before 1536. However, there is a way to interpret Paul's 450 years as including (i.e. up to the end of) the period of the Judges.

When Paul says, "After these things, He gave judges until Samuel," the "these things" part may not be referring to the 450 years which he just mentioned, but to the 40 years and the entry into Israel by Joshua (which Paul mentions before the 450 years). In this way, the 450 years are Paul's rough estimate between Joshua's entry into Israel and the time of king Saul. That makes a lot of sense.

In this case, the Exodus works out slightly earlier than 1536, depending on how much time it took Joshua to capture the seven Canaanite nations. Therefore, Paul's timeline gets us back to the Hyksos even without Egyptologists adding false thronal periods to royal-Egyptian history.

Wikipedia: "The Hyksos were driven out of Egypt no more than fifteen years after [Apophis'] death" This is one of the reasons for my postulating that the Exodus pharaoh was Khyan, for while many think he was followed on the throne immediately, instead of Khyan's son, I get the impression that Khyan's son was killed in God's 10th plague to explain why Apophis ruled instead. After the ten plagues, I assume further, the Hyksos kingdom was so weakened that it fell...soon after Apophis' rule came to an end. Some Wikipedia articles stick Khyan's son on the throne, but I've seen no evidence for doing so.

Wikipedia articles are inconsistent in their Hyksos dates. They have Salitis at roughly 1650. He is said to have lived at Memphis, but compare that term to "Amenophis."

Wikipedia's article on the 16th dynasty has a king Apepi, thought by some to be the Apepi of the 15th dynasty, but then, perhaps, Egyptologists are wrong for locating Khyan in the 15th. Maybe he and Apepi should both be in the period dated for the 16th, which gets us closer to the 1446-BC date.

After Salitis, king Bnon ruled, and I'm reading that he ruled 44 years, interesting where Moses had to wait 40 years, after killing an Egyptian, for the Lord to tell him that it was safe to return to Egypt, because the king who wanted to nab Moses for the murder had died. It stands to reason that Moses had to wait until Bnon died. Khyan might have been the king who followed Bnon.

Some think that Apachnas was another name for Khyan. On page 17 of this work, we find that picture where "Khyan" is missing: "There follows a list of succeeding kings: Bnon (44 years), Apachnas (36 years and seven months), Apophis (61 years), Jannas (50 years one month)..." There's no agreement on Hyksos kings, it seems. It's all helter-skelter. Jannas was Khyan's son. Wikipedia's article on Yanassi (Jannas) says: "Apachnan is generally understood to be the Hellenized name of Khyan,..." But Wikipedia can't confirm that Yanassi ruled at all unless Josephus' Iannas was Yanassi. Some think Iannas was Khyan.

The Yanassi article: "According to Josephus, Manetho's reconstruction of the Fifteenth Dynasty's succession was Salitis, Bnon, Apachnan, Iannas, Archles/Assis, and Apophis." In that picture, Iannas could be Khyan, and Apachnas someone else. Note how Hercules-like Archles looks like "Archelaus," for while one can see a trace of Hyksos (Heka KHASEWET) to Kizzuwatna of Cilicia, that's near the royal Archelaus' of Cappadocia whom royal Herods married. Mythical Cilicia was made the brother of CadMUS of Phoenicia, easily traceable to Mus of Lake Van.

I assume that while the Israelites slipped into proto-Israel, the Hyksos slipped up the Philistine coast to Phoenicia as the Cadmus and Zeus cults. This picture goes to the end-times for the Great Showdown, the lightning bolts from the sky of the False Prophet versus the lightning bolts of the God of Israel. Woe.

Yanassi article again: "Until the 2010's, this idea was rejected by the scholarly consensus in Egyptology, which considered Apophis as Khyan's direct successor, as proposed by Ryholt." Ya, but just at that time came the liberalites in every field of education who care not for truth so much as banging out an agenda.

Apophis loved one god, Seth, the name of the Syrian father of Israel's chief priest, Ananus, at whose home Jesus was taken one Passover eve, where they sentenced him to death with false witnesses. The Seth surname is listed with Shaws, said to descend from "Sithech," and this gets us back to the Sheaves', first known in L'Aquila. Sithech-like Sticks show nothing by wheat sheaves. Don't we get this? Sheaves' list Chiava's while Joseph Caiaphas married Ananus' daughter, and thus Caiaphas became the chief priest during the Crucifixion. The Means in the Seth/Shaw motto are listed with Mens-like Menne's, and they have a Mine variation suspect in the LEGG motto.

Note how Seths are like "Saites," the alternative name of Salitis. Seths/Shaws share the dagger of Kilpatrick-connectable Comyns/Comine's and Kilpatricks, and Daggers/Dackers share the red bull of Sabine's, the latter first known in Norfolk with Comyns/Comine's and Patricks. Mount Sabina is at the Salto river. Suddenly, the Sithech ancestry of Shaws looks like it's from Salto-river elements.

I've shown how Kilpatrick elements at Antipatria (near Kuman of Fier country) can trace to Antipater, father of the Herods who in turn married Glaphyra Archelaus of Cappadocia. And Wikipedia once said that the son (Cassander) of king Antipater of Macedon was ancestral to queen Nysa of Cappadocia while Kilpatricks had a castle on the Nysa- and Neith-like Nith. Neith was a goddess at Saites-like Sais. The Nith is near Annan(dale), looking like it was named after Ananus/Annas, son of Seth. The Geds on the Nith became the pike-using Geddes', and while Pike's can be traced to Picenze elements, Piacenza is at least near the Ananes Gauls who named Annan(dale). The Rums of Annandale have a motto term as code for the Placentia version of "Piacenza," and Rumillys are first known in Cambridgeshire with Annas'. The Cam river at Cambridge may have been named from descendants of Khamudi, the successor of king Apophis. Cams share the six pale bars in the fesse of Shaw-beloved Means/Menne's/Mine's.

Remember the statue of Khyan, with only the legs remaining below the knees. The Leggs, with a "tentaMINE" motto term, are first known in Dumfries with the Nith, and with Annandale. I've shown a million times how the Knee's/Knees' link to Tromps and Trumps, and the latter almost have the Legg Coat. I think that's meaningful in revealing that Donald Trump is a Hyksos liner. The Knees-like Kness'/Ness', traceable with Nissans and Ness'/Nice's to queen Nysa, and thus to the Nith, are first known in Perthshire with Seths/Shaws.

CAMdens (Gloucestershire with Cams and early Kemmis'/Camoi's) happen to share the estoiles of Colchesters while Colchester is near the Cam river, and then the estoiles they share are also the ones of Nile-like Neils/Neals/O'Nails while English Neals are first known in Wiltshire with estoile-using Stars, and trumpet-using Calles'. Colchesters are first known in Essex with Stur-branch Asters/Isters, Este's and Fitch's. Sturs (Hampshire with Cam-connectable Lise's/Liss') have the CAMeron Coat in colors reversed.

Camdens (Camp and Campbell/Cammell colors) share the fitchees of Sheers while Irish Kilpatricks list a Sheera variation. The same fitchees are those of Tarves' while Chiava-like Chives' are first known in Tarves, which is in Aberdeenshire with the first-know Cups/Cope's in the Seth/Shaw Coat.

Aberdeenshire is also where Mackay-related Beans/Bains are first known who may have been from a tribe named after Beon, the alternative name of king Bnon above. Mackays share the dagger with Seths/Shaws, Comyns and Kilpatricks. The Biaini of Lake Van come to mind, especially as "bien" is a motto term of Sheer-connectable Carricks who in turn have a Coat similar to the Camden Coat.

"Bnon" evokes Bononia, and I always link the Panico's/Pane's of Bononia to Pagans/Payens, and to Pungs/Pings/Pagans in the Rum motto. The first Templar kings of Jerusalem were sons of Eustace II of Bononia of France, usually known as Boulogne, and Hugh de Payens was the first Templar grandmaster.

Pete HegSETH is online showing his tattoo of the Templar flag of Jerusalem. "HEGseth" looks Hyksos, from the Higgs', for example, in the colors and format of the Hyche's/Hake's, both first known in Norfolk with a slew of Hyksos connections, including the Comyns/Comine's (wheat sheaves) found in the Seth/Shaw write-up. Comines is a location near Bononia of France, and the Arms of Comine's has a key, symbol of Sheaves'/Chiava's. Trump wants Hegseth to be his secretary of the defense department. However, he seems like a normal guy, not dangerous or loony. He claims to be anti-war.

Heggs'/Haggas' (Huntingdonshire, near Cam river and Colchester) are in the colors of Hague's/HATE's (Yorkshire with Hicks') and Hagars, the latter first known on Perthshire with Seths/Shaws. Hats/Hades' (Dorset with Caens) were a branch of Haydens and Heads/Heeds, the latter two first known in Norfolk with Comyns/Comine's. Pete Hegseth often works Fox and Friends, where Ainsley Earhardt works whose only child is, Hayden Proctor. Proctors (Cambridgeshire with Annas') share the nail with the Arms of Colchester. Ainsleys, an Annas branch, look linkable to the Coat of English Adams, once said to be first known in Annandale along with Scottish Adams.

Hegseth's middle name is Brian while Irish Brians share a motto term of Kilpatricks, but compare the Kilpatrick motto also to the one of Sullivans, for Briancon is on the Durance river of the Salyes / Saluvii Ligures. Ainsley was the second fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty, where the first was Miss Hicks = Mrs. Kilpatrick, and that character points to Beautys/Bowds (Dorset with Hats/Hades'), a branch of Bo's/Boys/Boeddu's suspect in the Kilpatrick and Sullivan mottoes.

Modern Zionist pioneers, founders of modern Israel, probably a Rosicrucian take-off from the Templars, may have been stacking Israel, and even Jerusalem, with Amorite lines, namely from the Marsi of Abruzzo. Amorites had a capital at Mari in downtown Babylon. I wonder whether Amorites of Jerusalem have to do with Mystery Babylon of Revelation 17. Scottish Mars look related to the Coat of Irish Brians.

Fox and Friends has recently become suspect with a pointer to Fossa, a location near Picenze and L'Aquila, an area of the Marsi, I assume. Fox-using Vos'/Vossiks are first known in the same place as Trumps and Dols while Dols share the fesse of Heggs'/Haggas'. That's interesting. Vos' are in the motto of Walerans, connectable to the Dol whale.

The big problem with end-time Rome's no-border "policy" (more like a sinister mandate) is that only a few European nations need to be pro-WEF, such as Spain currently, where illegal migration is being ramped up, where the illegals can go anywhere into Europe, because it's now one big country. I'm not sure what all the plots are for slapping Europeans in this way with an invasion of foreigners, aside from instability. There's got to be a deeper plot for instability and divisions. What do we think it is? Why weaken the people? Because, the people showed themselves (in sufficient numbers) opposed to globalism, and so the latter wants to get to a tyrannical rule over them. After that, if they succeed, I have no idea how far they will go, but judging from what little we have seen, it's going to be all-out strife.

In the end, I think, Russia will bomb Europe in the midst of its weakening. It's crazy that Western globalists would weaken their own countries even to the point of what the Biden government became. It only gives the enemies of the West the opportunity to take over by force. The devil is in the details, literally the devil. Prophecy says that end-time Rome will have satan as its king, just as ancient Rome did. And he knows only how to cause severe pain. Brace yourselves, Christians, prepare to survive a crisis as the first steps to preparing for the 666, in case it's a Western product. If it's a Russian product, then Russian Christians, prepare for it. Why do we think that Revelation 13 didn't reveal where the 666 would operate? I'm perplexed.

I think that silver will be better for buying groceries than gold. One gold coin costs too much for ordinary bargaining chips. Whose going to be able to take your gold coins when all you want is groceries, or small household items? Plus, we don't know whether cash will be obliterated. We hardly know a thing of the details of the 666 system. We are at the mercy of God here.


American election Fraud has now become a comedy:

Notice how the Christian owner of the yoututbe channel above is so worldly in his delights. He's delighting in wrong things. The most delightful thing is to be accepted by the Holy Spirit, to evade death, and to soar into the Next Unknown. Trump politics is a toxic broth that only fools emphasize and enjoy. Stop being fools, Christians, you're going to feel like a fool because of it.

I'm not saying I'm not concerned with Trump's policies, or whether or not he succeeds with them. I'll be watching how things go in several departments. I want to know how he'll change the Ukraine heater, for example. Or how he'll put a kink into globalist quests, if indeed he does. He's getting old, more mild as he does, less vigor. I wish for his sake he would become a true Christian, to become poor that he might become rich. His biggest problem is that he likes to be like God. He really thinks he's special amongst men. Nothing has changed yet; winning the election is not all there is, and everything he succeeds at can be overturned in a few short years. Expect more conflict, division, hatred, only more-ramped up than before.

Trump chose Dr. Dave Weldon to head the CDC. At his Wikipedia page: "Chair and co-founder, Congressional Aerospace Caucus...Chair and co-founder, Congressional Israel Allies Caucus". The Israel government topped the world in treating its people as COVID-vaccine guinea pigs. It's the fat-cat American Jews / Khazars who critically own and manipulate medical establishments.

Only some of the evidence that Elon Musk is a lunatic not to be trusted. He has in$entive to rid the world of gasoline cars, even though he knows that electric cars have maimed or killed twice as many as gasoline cars have, per driver capita:

Ukraine news in the West seems wrong where there are reports that Russia has knocked out 80-percent of the country's heating capabilities, no small thing when it's already cold as we speak. I think this is war-disinformation. I don't think Russia would do such a thing because it needs to keep it's nose as clean as possible to maintain world support for it's war decisions. Russia has always been soft on Ukraine in order to maintain world support, and the Ukraine leader is known to have winked at bombing his own people to give appearances of Russian brutalities. That's a heartless American / British tactic, nothing new, and so why not also from NATO? The West has been the instigator of Russian animosities, and the maintainer of hostilities too. The Ukraine leader has destroyed his own country by allowing the Americans to use it for its assault on Russia.

Here's Kadyrov lately, someone who reflects how I envision the little-horned anti-Christ:

If you like to see liberal media go more into a tailspin, this unusual story could interest you:

This may be news to you:

Suppose a YouTuber has a video with 100,000 views and 50% of viewers watch an ad that is priced at a CPV rate of $0.10; the ad generated 50,000 views and yielded 50,000 x $0.10 = $5,000 in ad revenue.

Some people put a news video on and go do something, away from the computer, while it's playing, especially long videos. I often do when cleaning the kitchen or cooking. So, people let the full ads run their course in those cases. youtube makes a whopping $2,750, or 45-percent of the $5,000 above, for doing nothing but providing its system to youtubers. The company takes a whopping 45-percent of the ad revenue, and in the meantime the viewer pays for it all because the ad costs are built into the things we purchase (from the companies who display the ads). youtube is greed. Conservatives say, nothing wrong with operating on greed, it's perfectly legal. Christian youtubers need to know what they're dealing with.

Youtube allows youtubers to make their own ads, and install them on their videos, both for FREE. Wow, how nice of youtube to allow the owners of video channels to do its work for them, for FREE. youtube does exactly zero work to upload a video into its broadcasting system, aside from eye-balling the videos to assure that the "wrong" kind of speech isn't part of the video, how nice of this tyrannical monster to protect all of the world's leftists and anti-Christs from inconvenient and "dangerous" truths.

No FBI director yet from Trump. He's chosen some 40 government heads already, but, really, he couldn't have chosen them himself. Others are choosing them too. We will sometimes (not always) be able to tell how many wrong leaders he's chosen by the number of Democrat votes they get in the senate. If there are known infiltrators in the picks, the Democrats could vote as a lot against them so as not to reveal that the picks are fake pro-Trumpers.

Here's a couple of beautiful videos featuring Israelis promising to go far online and into Israel:


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
Also, you might like this related video:

Pre-Tribulation Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture