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June 18 - 24, 2024

Kansas Heat
Flu-like Surnames from Rockefeller Ancestry
The COVIT Flu in the Swimin Pool with the Shark

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

Kansas is taking Pfizer to court for lying about the vaccine dangers; this case should get to the supreme court by 2026, hopefully, earlier if Kansas can file it as an emergency / priority suit:

The reason I'm putting the story above in its own section is that I discovered that gravity repels heat particles skyward, while driving through a hot September day in Kansas, on the way to the Grand CANYON. I discovered that HEAT always RISES (known) because it's a substance of free electrons repelled by gravity, and so when noticing that Heaths/Heets are like the Heads/Heeds, the latter first found in Norfolk with Rise's and Risings, English Canyons/CANNONs were loaded, though I didn't see much to speak of in support of God using my Kansas realization heraldically to point to the Kansas law suit in the story above.

Load Rise Coat now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames so that you can follow better.

However, it caused me to recall my physics project this past winter, which included making this drawing with a cannonball along with this other drawing with a cannonball, to prove that all gas atoms inter-repel, in contradiction to the erroneous theory of modern physics, which claims very stupidly that gas atoms attract.

I then loaded "Cannon" because I know there's another Cannon surname, and they show the same bend as Rise's. Hmmm. If not for the cannonball of the Cannon Coat, it's virtually the Rise Coat. The description goes like this: "Red [Shield] a PELLET or cannonball..." Pellets were first found in Sussex with Saddocks who in turn use "ears of rye,"" and Rye's were once said to be first found in Sussex too, but are now said to be first found in Norfolk as the Rise's!!! Yes, the Rise's above are the Rye's too! Coincidence?

Norfolk is where Bakers/Backers were first found while German Bakers essentially have the Rise/Rye Coat. The latter essentially share the COVID-like Covit/Cove Coat, by the way.

Plus, as per "cannonball, English Balls were first found in Cheshire with the Carriage's/Kerricks in the "carriage" of the Cannon Crest. Plus, Pellets share the Coat of English Pilotte's, first found in Lincolnshire with the Ermine's in the giant ermines of French Balls, and in the ermines on the Rise/Rye bend. Plus, French Grands were first found in Burgundy with French Pilotte's/Pilate's! GRAND CANYON. The Canyons/Cannons use "BLACKamoor's HEADS" while Blacks were first found in Lincolnshire too.

The Blackys, because they share the vaired chevron of Nero/NERETTi's, taught me that Blacks were from the Naro/NERETva river, the point being that Nerets share the Coat of French GRANDS!!!! It's also the Coat of Ments/Mants, first found in Yorkshire with Blackys, and with a RIPELeia location that's in the write-up of repel-like Rippels/Ripleys. Don't we think it's incredible that Rippels/Ripleys share the lion of Irish Moors and Morgans??? It's as though God arranged for me to discover rising electrons to go with the Canyon/Cannon surname. Electrons repel gravity because gravity consists of heat particles in the earth's magma.

What's to wonder? It's so basic, physics 101, but this view of gravity destroys the evolution of the universe by the big bang, explaining why the very-foolish evolutionists rejected electromagnetic gravity.

Scottish Grands were first found in Inverness-shire with Gows/McGoo's, whom I say is a pointer to GO, the short form for graphene-oxide...said by some to be in some vaccines. It's stunning that I had shown how Karen Graff points to graphene-oxide by her surname, and it not only lists graphene-like Graffens, but gravity-like Gravs!!! WOW.

And there is a Gravett surname listed with French Grave's/Greafs/Grieve's using "barry" while German Barrys use "FISH HEADS" for a pointer to Pfizer. The Gravett barry is fesse-wise (horizontal) bars in the colors of the Dol and Dutch GANT/Gaunt fesse, and Gravetts have a "GIANT's HEAD PIERCED..." along with the barry of English Gaunts/Gants in half its colors. It's perfect because Fish's share the Coat of vaccine-like Vychans (Shropshire with Dol Alans) except that Fish use their chevron wavy, as do PIERCE's!

Plus, English Gaunts/Gants share the bend of Belgian Gone's/Guenets (Belgium with Gaunt) while Scottish Gone's are listed with Gows/McGoo's! The giant of gravity-like Gravetts/Grave's took us here.

I've already shown how the Graff/Graffen/Grav anchor points to Tony Fauci from the Anchor-branch Angers sharing the Fauci lozenge. Fauci's were a FACE branch, and while Fauci's were first found in Genova with Doria's, Scottish Doors/Dorrs share the leopard FACEs of Rising-branch Ristons! Irish Doors and Dorals share the Graff/Graffen lion. Anger-branch Hangers use the GRIFFIN.

Pfizer-like Fishers/Fischers use a "fish" while Fish (Essex with Angers and WATERs) almost have the Coat of vaccine-like Vychans/Vaughns. The "WAHReit" motto term of Fishers/Fischers is excellent because the Wahrs (Saxony with Fishers/Fischers) almost have the Italian Vigil Coat while "vigilio" is a motto term of Canyons/Cannons. Don't you find that amazing? And the Fisher/Fischer fish is said to be "on WATER."

While the Vigil Coat is also like the one of Belgian Flecks, English Flecks (Baker/Backer kin) and Fulks, both from Rieti's imperials, were first found in Norfolk with FISCs, and with Tute's/Tuits suspect in the "tutus" motto term of Canyons/Cannons. English Flecks are also Flags, and while Norfolk is where the Fasts (share Lutt/Lute quadrants) were first found who are in the motto of flag-using McLeods/Clouds/LUTTs and Scottish Grands. McLeods/Clouds were first found on Skye while I was looking into the sky when realizing for the first time that gravity repels heat particles skyward.

Norfolk is also where Rise's and Risings/Risons were first found, and we saw above the Pilotte's of Lincolnshire, where Rising-branch RESTons were first found who share the leopard faces of English, Rieti-like Rite's/Wrights, the latter first found in Sussex with Pilotte-branch and Cannon-beloved Pellets, but also with the Warrens having variations like the Fisher-beloved Wahrs. The latter are in the "wahREIT" motto term of Fishers, you see. Scottish Rite's/Wrights were first found in Berwickshire with the Arthurs who use "rests." Sussex is where Hams were first found whose "salmon" are in the colors of the Fiser/VISSer "fish," yet Sussex happens to be where VISE's were first found too! Perfect.

Salmon-like Salome's happen to share the bend-with-pierced-stars of Laws for a potential pointer to the Kansas law suit. Laws were first found in Northumberland with the STAVE's/Stevensons while the other Stevensons/Stinsons share the Rise/Rye bend. Gravity REPELs heat particles, and while loading Rebels and Rebello's, the Reeps were recalled, but I had forgotten their Coat, and when it came up, wow, it's listed with German Rice's/RISE's!!!! They even use "pilgrim's STAVES" while Stave-branch Steins and Rise's/Rye's were first found in Norfolk with Stave-loving Pilgrims and Bakers/Backers! Incredible.

English Backs were first found beside the TRUMPet-using Calles', the latter first found in Wiltshire with the SHOTs/SHUTE's in Calles colors and format. It looks like a pointer to vaccine SHOTS because English Backs were first found in Somerset with the Pierce's (shots pierce skin) who share a rare, wavy chevron with Vychan-connectable Fish. In any case, the point is that Shute's are like the Suter/Shuter variations of Suits. LAW SUIT.

English Backs were first found in Somerset with the Cocks sharing the Law rooster. Lawyers/LAYerds, looking very connectable to the neighboring Calles', share the double-SLEEP fesses. In the Sleeping Beauty dream, Sleeping Beauty was hovering (in the air) while LAYing LEVEL on her BACK, a scene that pointed to Pierce-connectable Waleran de LEAVELL whose family settled in Somerset. She had a leg symbol in the hovering scene because I woke her when touching her leg. Leggs almost have the Trump/Tromp Coat, and Leghs are also Layerd-like Leys/Lays. In this picture, Sleeping Beauty could indicate law suits that appeared to be sleeping (non-evident) when suddenly God creates a rash of law suits against vaccine-poison pushers. We're hoping.

Layerd-like Layers share the split Shield of Rebels, and while Rebels show a tree stump but call it a "stick," Sticks were first found in Somerset. Layers (Tinton colors), first found in Lincolnshire with Wake's, have a blue unicorn head to go with the blue unicorn of Tints, first found in Somerset with Wake-like Waggs/Weggs. Perfect. Tintons were first found in Cornwall with uniCORN elements, with Wagg-branch Wage's/WATCH's, and with Wace's/Wassa's.

It seems that God had her laying on her back for a pointer to Lawyers. Watching is VIGILance, and Wake's use a "Vigila" motto term translated as "Watch." She fell asleep while lay-hovering on her back, and he told me, "go wake her."

Lawyers/Layerds were first found in the Rhine region with the Dume's/Dome's suspect in the "Dum" motto term of CANYONs/Cannons. Law-connectable Salome's were first found in Rhineland with Whaler-like Weller. Whalers pointed to repelling electrons in Kansas. I was on my way to the Grand Canyon when making the gravity discovery in Kansas. Kansas is suing Pfizer. Lawyer- and Law-like Lauers/Lau's were first found in Bohemia with Reeps/Rice's/Rise's! It's getting Kansas hot. Dume's/Dome's use a "RED HERON" in Legh/Ley/Lay colors and format, and Herons ("desperanDUM"!) were first found in Northumberland with Reds/Reeds and Laws. See that? My trip to the Grand Canyon just pointed to Lawyers AND Laws.

Read the Heron motto term as "desPERANdum" too because Perrins were first found in Northumberland. It can be read as despeRANDum too because Rands (Norfolk with Rise's/Ryse's) share the giant Legh/Ley/Lay lion.

I was driving a VAN at the time, and Scottish Vans/Vaux's almost have the Law bend-with-stars!!! Fane's/Vans use GAUNTlets for connection to the Gravett giant!

The Dume-like Tume's/Tombs (Irish Heron colors and format), likely in the "ComposiTUM" motto term of Laws, were first found in Worcestershire with Rocks and Rooks (Worcestershire with LILYs), which could jibe with rock canyons. I saw ROXolani stamped on a map upon the Buzau river of the Cotesii, and royal Cottians at SUSa were on the RIParia river while "R.I.P." is on the Tume/Tome tombstone. SUSans use a giant LILY in Tume/Tomb colors. Lilys are in Heron colors and format, and Heron-branch Horns/Orne's ("desperanDUM") were first found in Hertfordshire with Canyons/Cannons! Scottish Grands have "A burning rock." It's a rock-solid pointer to poison-able Rockefeller medicines.

Riparia-like Rippers/Ripleys are listed with the Rippels we saw above with "repel," and they share the lion of Whalers/Wheelers, first found in Worcestershire with Tume's/Tombs! The Viu is a tributary of the Riparia, and Vio's are listed with the Vito's suspect in the Whaler/Wheeler motto. The Vita variation is in the motto of Saffers, first found in Devon with WALERans.

Rooks were once said to be first found in Oxfordshire with the Bee's in the "Be faithful" motto of Vaux's/Vans, and Faiths/Faithfuls (probably Baker/Backer kin) were first found in Norfolk with Risings, Rise's/Rye's and Bakers/Backers. Roxolani were Rus, and Rush's are also Rish's while Rosco's are also Risco's. Becker-branch Beach's/Bechs were first found in Hertfordshire with Canyons/Cannons while we saw Irish Cannons linking hard to Rise's/Rye's. Beach's/Bechs share the Shield of Clappers, first sound in Surrey with Salemans and early Salmons.

Salome's were first found near Hesse while Hesse's and Needle's share the Clapper sun. Clavers and the Clavering location of Rands were/are in Norfolk. The Needle-loving Pettys were first found in Warwickshire with the Claptons, and with the Comps suspect in the Law motto. Hesse's share a Hessel variation with Hazels while Rise-connectable Hazelwoods (see Hazelton motto) were first found in Yorkshire, where Comps were once said to be first found. Compo's essentially have the Coat of Rison- / Reason-like Raisons. Needle's have a giant sun while Suns/Sinclairs share the engrailed Compo cross, in the colors and design of the Raison cross. The heat was rising in Kansas.

Yorkshire is also where English Ferrands were first found who share the vaired patee of Reesors/Reasons/Rasens, and the latter's "fox" takes us to "fox"-using Fez's/Fes', first found in Auvergne with Clermont-FERRAND. Raisons are said to have been in Little Crosby while "RESURgam" is a motto term of Crosbys (Wigtonshire) while Wigtons were first found in Yorkshire with with Ferrands.

Annas-related Wiggons were first found in Cambridgeshire with Annas', and with the Cam river while the Gam variation of Cams can be in "resurGAM". Hanna's of Wigtonshire have the Trump stag head in colors reversed. If one compares Wiggons to Speeds, it could seem that this is pointing to Trumps "Warp Speed" mass-murder / mass-crippling program.

Werps use the "lance" while Little Crosby is in LANCashire with the Ratcliffs, and with trumpet-using Livers/Levers. The latter share the gold rooster (standing on a trumpet) with Heaths/Heets, which recalls John Ratcliffe of Heath, the former mayor of Heath, whom Trump, by a miracle it seems, made his chief / overseer of all Intelligence.

I've been wondering whether Ratcliffe could get that position back if Trump becomes the next president. It was once held by James Clapper, and afterward by Dan COATS. Coats'/Cotes' share the pale bars of Trots/Trude's, first found in Surrey with Salmon elements, with James', and with Clappers. Ratcliffe's were a Tipps/Tippin branch, and Werps have "lance tips" and "the tip of a spear." It would be super if Ratcliffe were to snitch on Trump's vaccine-pushing crimes. It would be his duty if he's once again the spy chief.

The Werp spear tip is the "spear HEAD" of French Plume's in the "plume" of feathers in the Werp Crest. Heads/Heeds (Norfolk with Haydens) can be a branch of the namers of Heath. Tipps'/Tippins and Ratcliffs share the black bull head, and then black-bull, Hayden-beloved Beautys/Bowds were first found in Dorset with Hayden- / Heed-branch Hats/Hades' and Caens/CANs (Peare kin). The latter use a "plume of silver ostrich feathers...". Now we're cooking with heat. Cooks, Coke's and Beaks have white ostriches. Beaks were first found in Dorset with Caens/Cans. A "heathCOCK" is with Monds/Minds/Munds.

The Caen/Can motto is even translated with "lawful." The Caen/Can leopard faces are shared with PARsons, first found in Norfolk with cannon-connectable Rise's. Parrs with their FURNACE/Furness kin were first found in Lancashire with Ratcliffs, Tipps/Tippins, and with the Chaff-like Cave's sharing the Caen/Can fretty Shield. Chaffs and Chaffins were first found in Dorset with Caens/Cans, and Chaffins look like kin of Furnace's/Furness'. Hot-hot-hot Heath rising. Chaffins are also ChafFINCH's, and Finch's were first found in Hertfordshire with Canyons/Cannons (listed with CANNings) and Beak-like Beach's/Bechs!! Heat rises on the sunny beach. Beak-related Finchems were first found in Norfolk with Heeds, Risings and Rise's.

The Canyon/Cannon lion, which is with the Beauty bull in a Hayden Crest, holds a "battle-axe" while Battle's share the giant Chaff griffin.

The Caen/Can fretty is in the colors of the "fret" of Hott-like Hoots/Hoods. The latter use the "Cornish chough." The "Cornish chough" of Raisons is probably the Reesor/Rise and Rice "raven." The Verone's/Varenne's show ravens but call them "BLACK BIRDs," and it just so happens that Verone's/VARENNE's are in the colors and format of the Canyon/Cannon Coat, the latter using BLACKamoors.

English Reesors use vair fur, and Verona's/Vairs were first found in Auvergne with Clermont-Ferrand, with Bird-connectable Bouillons, and with the French Levi's having an "Aide" motto term. The Wahrs in the Fisher/Fisch motto, sharing the Rise/Rye bend, we may glean, have Varenne / Warenne-like variations, and I trace Ada of Varenne/Warenne to AIDS/Ade's sharing the Cannon and Rise/Rye bend, and do so as a Coat version of the English Steins, first found in Norfolk with Rise's/Rye's and Birth-branch Burts.

The Varenne-beloved Birds are Burds too, and Births with Burts share hunting HORNs with Huntingdons, and Ada of Varenne was wife to an earl of Huntingdon. The Fier-connectable Apps'/Epps', once said to be first found in Middlesex with Horns/Orne's and Fiers'/Fears, are now said to be first found in Huntingdonshire.

The Verona's/Vairs even share the "fish" of Fishers/Fischs and Neals/NIHILLs while Fiscs (same place as Rise's/Rye's) share the checkered Shield of French Vairs/Fers' (Burgundy with Cannon-connectable Pilotte's/Pilate's). English Vairs/Vere's ("nihil") were first found in Essex with Fish and Raines'/Rains, and then Ferrats/Fers share the checkered Shield of Italian Ferrands. I'll later use the Verys/Verrers (Norfolk again) to link to Trump's Warp Speed.

As Raisons are listed with Rainfords/Reinsfords, it looks like a Rice- / Rise-line merger with Raines'/Rains / Reines'. Raines'/Rains share the PATTY lion while Reesors/Reasons have a patee cross. No sooner had my parents moved from Senator Reesors Drive in Markham, to Gormley, that I met Patty RICE of Gormley. Pattys happen to almost have the Coat of Rye-loving Saddocks!!! Lookie there.

The "Nil" motto term of Herons and Horns/Orne's can be for the Neils/Neals who happen to use a "salmon" in the colors of the Fisher/Fisch fish, both on "water." English Neals (Wiltshire Suit-connectable Shots/Shute's) share the lion of Italian Leo's/Lio's possibly in the "vigiLIO" motto term of Canyons/Cannons. I trace Leo's to PIERleoni Jews of Rome, where Reed-connectable Rita's were first found who have a lion in Leo- / Neal lion colors. English Rite's (share Reston leopard faces) were first found in Sussex with early Rise's/Rye's. The "factis" motto term of English Neals (near Fane's/Vans) can be for the Faucets, first found in East Lothian with Vaux's/Vans.

English Backs (same place as Pierce's) have the Balance Coat in colors reversed while a "pair of balances" is used by Scottish, Fauci-connectable Vaux's/vans. While Salmons (not "Salome") were first found in Cumberland with English Vaux's, Scottish Vaux's/Vans essentially have the Salome Coat except that Vaux's (and Laws) use pierced stars. Balance's were first found in Warwickshire with Peirs/Peers while Pierce's are also Piers. And Pearsons/Piersons/Peirsons happen to share the sun of Needle's, the latter first found in Shropshire with Vaux-like Vychans!!!! Lookie at that. Vaccine needles are in the same paragraph with Law kin.

Leopard-face Perrins, likely of the Pero's/Perino's, were first found in Northumberland with Laws, and Perins share the eagle of Segni's/Segurana's, first found in Genova with Fauci's. The Comps/Camps suspect in the "Compositum" motto term of Laws were first found in Warwickshire too. Plus, a "needle" is in the Coat of Irish Pettys, first found in Warwickshire (with Peirs/Peers), and the same Pettys (share Pero/Perino's hexagram) have "bees" while Bee's were first found on Oxfordshire with Peare's/Pearls sharing the leopard FACES of Parsons, the latter first found in Norfolk with Rise's/Rye's, Risings/Risons and Bakers/Backers. The latter share the lion-in-Chief of Cabbage's, first found in Northamptonshire with the Face's who share the Coat of Dutch Grave's.

Gravity causes heat to rise, and Heaths/Heets, sharing the rooster (different colors) with the neighboring Laws, and sharing the Peare/Pearl stars, have an "esPERE" motto term. These stars are also those of Letts/late's, the latter first found in Gloucestershire with English Grave's/Greafs who share a Grieve variation with French Gravetts/Grave's.

Stevensons/Stinsons were first found in Essex with Vaux-branch Faux's, and French Faux's/Fage's/Chollens' were first found in PERigord with Fauchy's. Fauci's were first found in Genova, home of the Fisc-like Fieschi, which could make it appear as though God arranged Tony Fauci's surname to point to Pfizer. Perigord is near the first-known Hotts who in turn share the fesse of Beefs/Boeufs, first found in Perigord.

Fisers/Vissers are Dutch, as are Fauci-connectable Tromps who use acorns while Vise's share the stag head of Acorns (Sussex with Vise's). See that? And the stag head of German Tromps/Trumps is in the colors of the Down stag, called a "buck." Bucks were first found in Norfolk with a Downham location of Obama-line Dunhams. The Tromp Acorns are shared with Clauds/CLOTs for a pointer to blood clots by vaccines.

I almost forget that Lincolnshire, where Rising-branch Restons were first found, is where Rhys-branch Reesors/Reasons were first found! Reesors/Rhys'/Rice's have a "meliORIS" motto term while Doris'/D'Oris' share the Rise/Rye and Cannon Coats, essentially, though it's more the Coat of Jewish Pollocks while Scottish Pollocks (Renfrewshire with Orrs/Ore's/Orris') almost have the Rising/Rison Coat.

I was told by God to wake Sleeping Beauty, and Wake's, apparent kin of Orrs/Ore's/Orris', were first found in Lincolnshire too, along with Canyon-beloved Blacks who share the Chief of Washingtons, the latter first found in Durham with Heaths/Heets. Then, proto-Washington Wassa's/WACE's share the bars-gemel of Irish Barrys feasibly in the Gravett "barry."

Pollocks trace to Vespasia Polla, mother of the Rieti imperials, as do Pools; the latter were first found in Dorset with Rieti-line and Kansas-like Caens/Cans who in turn share the fretty in the Arms of Rieti, which also shows fish.

Caens/Cans first found in Dorset with Hayden-branch Hats/Hades' and Beautys/Bowds. Haydens, first found in Norfolk with Heeds/Heads and Risings, share the Beauty/Bowd bull. The gravity-repelled heat was rising in Kansas, and hopefully that theme is God's signal to us that more state-based law suits will come against Pfizer.

Hats/Hades' happen to use "wreaths" while Wreath's were first found in Inverness-shire with Grands. Hats/Hades' use "black" twice in their description, and Blacks share the Wreath Chief (heraldic color are rarely code for surnames, but at times can be). Blacks were Drain kin while Drainers were first found in Kent with Wreath-like Wraths/Rothes'. Hatters share the roses of Jewish Rothchilds (not "Rothschild").

Kans'/Cahns use "ROWboats" while Rows and Roe's were first found in Norfolk yet again, where Rise's were first found while Ritz's share the Row trefoil in giant form. We can take these trefoils to the same of Rods, Barnstaple's and Pike's, all three first found in Devon with Heaters/Haiters.

The Boats/Bouds (Essex with Roe-beloved Pascals) may have been a Boet/Boeddu branch because the latter's giant bull is in the colors of the Heater/Haiter bull heads, and thus this looks like it belongs to the Beauty-Hayden link. German Boets/Bute's use another "fish." Fish's were first found in Essex with the Broke's expected in the "broken spear" of Heaters/Haiters.

Recall how Bakers/Backers were found to be Rise/Rye kin, for German Backs/Bachs share the giant Boet/Boeddu bull. Bakers raise the heat, right?

The Heater/Haiter bull head is said to be "pierced" with its broken spear, and Pierce's (share rare, wavy chevron with Fish's) with Percivals were first found in Somerset with Waleran-related Leavells, for Waleran de Perceval was of Leavell. Yet, Somerset is where OSTs/Hosts were first found who have the Heater bull head in half its colors, and then D'OUST is where Hotts were first found while Devon is where Hoods/HOOTs and Wears were first found. I trace the Hood saltire-by-fret to the same-colored saltire of Oddie's/Hoddys, and they were first found in Yorkshire with the Hate's/Haits/Hague's (could point to the International court) who not only have the same saltire, but jibe well with the Haiter variation of Heaters. Heaths/Heets were first found in neighboring Durham, itself on the Wear river.

Dutch DOUSTs have "gold beaks" for their swan heads, and Beaks were first found in Dorset with HATs/Hades', tending to assure that Hotts were of the Oddie's/Hoddys. Oddeys/Hoads/Odo's share the quadrants of Scottish Bauds who in turn have the Hood/Hoot crescent in colors reversed.

The Boats/Bauds even have a lion head in the colors of the giant lion of Irish Moors suspect in the Canyon/Cannon blackamoor's heads...which are in turn in Beauty/Bowd colors and format. I always link triple-bull Beautys/Bowds to triple-bull-head Walerans, first found in Devon with triple-bull-head Heaters/Haiters. Whalers/Wheelers have the Boat/Baud / Moor lion in colors reversed. Oddeys/Hoads share the pelican with WELLERs.

Irish Moors were first found in Munster with Bricks while we (my family) stopped at the Bryce canyon before going to the Grand Canyon. Bryce's/BRISONs were first found in MORay with Bellys whose Coat looks connectable to English Moors. MontBRISON is smack-near Mont Pilat of the French Pilotte's/Pilate's, and this is part of the Cannon "pellet." Cannons are the ones with a cannon on a carriage, and Carriage-branch Carricks, first found in Ayrshire with More's/Muirs/Moors, married the royal, Bryce-branch Bruce's.

Duris-like Doris' share the Rye/Rise bend, but as the wavy Pollock bend. More's/Muirs/Moors, with a "DuRIS" motto term, use a "Saracen's head" in Crest while Saracena is beside Morano, and the latter's Arms have Moor heads. Hazeltons, showing the same head as More's/Muirs/Moors but calling it a "Scott's head," have an "aRIS" motto term. The heat is starting to rise again. Hazels were first found in Devon with Heaters/Haiters while Rye's/Rise's were first found in Norfolk with Heeds/Heads. Scott-connectable Terras' were first found in Moray with Peter Pollock.

As gravity repels electrons skyward, they push/bump air atoms upward too, though air atoms are pulled by gravity, of course. The EAR-like Airs/Eyers were first found in Derbyshire with the Cnuts/Note's who in turn share the drops of Drys in turn suspect in the "tienDRAI" motto term of Erie's/Aireys. DRAYtons were first found in Shropshire with Cnut-related Hope's and Sallows, we can glean that Erie's/Aireys have the six Sallow pale bars. Hope's are in the motto of Cannes'/Kane's/Kains (show a ship but don't call it as such).

Canyons/Cannons were first found in Hertfordshire with the Horns/Orne's, who share the Coat of the Herons in the Dry Coat. The "rowboats" of Kain-like Kans'/Cahns reminds that Rows share the Hope besants, as do Drayton-branch Drydens (Angus with Suits/Suters). Dry's were first found in Norfolk with Rows, Risings and Rise's/Rye's, but also with Saddock-connectable Chads and the Wheats often in "EARs of wheat." Rise's/Rye's are in the "EARS of rye" of Saddocks, a branch of Chaddocks and Chadwicks. There you see good reasons for seeing heraldic ears as code for Airs/Eyers and Ayers. Saddocks were first found in Sussex with the pellets of Irish Cannons (Rise/Rye kin), though they call it also a "cannonBALL."

Hayden is the only child of Ainsley EARhardt, and Earhardts list AIRharts. She at times interviews John Ratcliffe on her FOX and Friends show. Reesors/Reasons use the FOX head, as do Bellows/Ballots, first found in Cheshire with English Balls, and then French Balls love the Ermine's, first found in Lincolnshire with Reesors/Reasons. The Ermine Chief is shared by Titus', first found in Hertfordshire with Canyons/Cannons. "Bellows" are used by Ships, first found in Oxfordshire with the Tiens expected in the "tiendrai" motto term of Erie's/Aireys.

Erie's/Aireys were first found in Cumberland with the Rays/Ree's, and Rees' are listed with Welsh Reesors. Rayburns (Ayrshire with "air'-using Ayers) use the "roebuck" for connection to Row-branch Roe's. Salmons were first found in Cumberland too, and Salmon-loving Hams are in Ray/Ree colors and format. The latter look related to one Kenny Chief, especially as the other Kennys share a "floreat" motto term with Cumberland's Browns. The other Browns share the VYCHan Coat while Hams were first found in Sussex with Vise's/VICE's while Fiser/Vissers have "fish" in Ham-salmon colors.

As per Bill Hemmer of Fox (possibly interviews John Ratcliffe at times), I might add that German Hammers/Hemmers share the giant lion of Draytons and Drydens while Hams were first found in Sussex with same-colored English Hammers who in turn use dolphins while Dolphins were first found in Cumberland with Dry-connectable Erie's/Aireys.

The Kansas case should make it to the U.S. supreme court, where Samuel Alito is one of the top justices. Rayborns have a roebuck "drinking", and the Leto/Alitto crane is said to be "drinking" too. Crauns/Crane's were first found in Suffolk with the Knights in the "knight's helmet" of RayBURNs. Rays/Ree's were first found in Cumberland with BURNs. HOT-HOT-HOT.

Craun-like Grands have a "BURNing rock." Grounds/Crannys use a crane. Burners were first found in Surrey, where Dolphins were once said to be first found. Burners have the Jebb quadrants in colors reversed, and Jebbs use the "falcon" while English Falcons were first found in Cumberland with Burns and Bernice's/Burnes'. Jebbs also use a "hawk's lure" while Lure's and Bernice's look somewhat related to Hotts. Hawks, sharing "pilgrim's staves" with Reeps/Rice's/RISE's, were first found Hampshire with Jebb-like Keppe's/Cheppe's and Copps.

The Valiant Attorney General of Kansas

The Kansas attorney general is thus-far charging Pfizer with nine counts of fraud against the people of Kansas in partnership with the American government. Hopefully, Mr. Kobach is sincere in this law suit, and won't back down soon after he gets everyone's hopes up, soon after the deep state starts to apply pressure on him. Why hasn't the Christian Texas AG done the same? How's the Florida AG doing in this regard? Where are the others?

No Kobach surname is coming up, but it looks like it may have been a variation shown for Cabbage's/Cobbolds, whom I link to Bakers/BACKers (might explain "KoBACH").

Better yet, Cobble's/Cupildiks are in the colors and format of Keppoch-related Sheffields. Chips/Chipmans were at Sheffield, that is, and then Keips/Keipers were first found in Nuremberg with Kopple's. So, it's very interesting that Mr. Kepke pointed to graphene-oxide in vaccines while "Kobach" looks like a variation of Keppochs (Yorkshire with Bachers/Baghots/Badgers).

In fact, I wrote the last paragraph before loading Keppochs, and they include Coppash's and Cupacks! According to the Keppoch/Coppash write-up, a Kippax location near Leeds was once: "Chepesch, is situated near the river Aire..." The rulers of Kippax, who took that name, are said to descend from Lacys, who share the "pellet" with Cannons.

Keppochs/Coppash's show three variations ending in "pash," and then Bash's were first found in Hertfordshire with Canyons/Cannons and SHEPmans/SHIPmans/CHIPmans! The latter even share pellets with Lacys! It's amazing because Canyons and Cannons have just linked very well to this Kobbach-like surname, and Canyons and Cannons entered the discussion way back at my Kansas discovery en-route to the GRAND Canyon.

I've said many times at that Kepke and I played lots of PING-PONG in his baseMENT, and Ments/Mants (Yorkshire with Pings/Pongs/PAGANs and Keppochs/Cuppash's) almost have the bendy of Pings/Pongs/Pagans, but I can now repeat that the Ments/Mants share the Coat of French Grands! I can now add "BASEment," for Base's could have named Bash's. Plus, English Pagans (Yorkshire) not only share the fleur-de-lys of Scottish SHEPherds, but the border of Kepke's/Kopke's and Kupe's/Koops.

Keppochs/CupPASH's share the garb of same-colored Sheffields, and Shaffers/Schaefers share the "lamb" with PASH's/Pascals (Essex with FITCH's, MontFITCHets, and Shepherd-beloved Rams). This giant lamb is in Kepke/Kopke colors and format. English Shepherds use the MacDonald hand holding a FITCHee, and it happens to be a black fitchee so as to match the Arms of the Keppoch MacDonalds. The latter share a "galley" with Keeps, and French Galleys, looking related to the Shepherd chevron, were first found in Dauphine with French Pagans/Payens while Payne's were first found in Somerset with Kepke- / Kupe- / Pagan-beloved Borders. English Galleys were first found in Yorkshire with Keppochs/Cuppash's.

Basfords/Bashfords named Basford, where Bunnys were first found who share the goat (different colors) with Kepke's/Kopke's, and the Goats/Gothams were first found in Nottinghamshire with Basford. The Chips/Chipmans can take us to Chapmans/Chepmans, first found in Cambridgeshire with Bash-connectable News'/Nuce's, and then Nuse's/Newes' were first found in Hertfordshire with Bash's and Canyons.

I suggest that God arranged the Goats/Gothams to share the Grape/Grabner/GRAVner Coat to help show that He arranged the Kepke spider event with the Graffs/Graffens/Gravs. Cravens/Gravens were from Craven, near Kippax of Keppochs. Kippax is at/near Leeds while Letts/Late's were first found in Gloucestershire with Grave's/Greafs. Convinced? Karen Graff's father (Simon) smoked a pipe, and Letts/Late's use "organ pipes." Pipe's have the Webber bend-with-fleur in colors reversed.

Bash's are in the colors and format UNS'/Lunds/Lwns (Yorkshire with Keppochs/Cuppash's and HUNS'/Hungate's), and "Uns" is in the motto of Weavers/Webbers along with Goat-like "Gott." Bash's look like kin of News'/Nuces', first found in Cambridgeshire with Hounds, and then German Huns are also Hundts (Swabia, possible of Veringers)). Uns'/Lunds/Lwns look like a branch of Keep-connectable Lane's/Lone's/Lawns, and both share the Base/Baise lion. Uns'/Lunds/Lwns were heavy in Lancashire, where Shuttleworths were first found who share the weaver's shuttle with Keeps.

Weavers/Webbers were first found in Saxony with Kepke's/Kopke's, and Kepke CHASEd me with a spider HANGing on its web, in front of Karen Graff, shaming me for being afraid of spiders. Hangers/Angers, linkable to Fauci's via Angers and Faux's (both from Essex), were first found in Hampshire with Chase's and Keppe's/Cheppe's/Kippers. Hanger-like Hunkins share the giant Faux mascle.

Hampshire is also where STYRE's/Sturs were first found, near the first-known Pierce's (Somerset with English Webbers) who in turn have unicorn heads in the colors of the full unicorns of spider-like Spitzers, first found in STYRia. The Spitzer-beloved Tunnels were first found in Northumberland with Keep-loving Hebrons. Keeps use a weaver's shuttle. Webbs were first found in Wiltshire with Settle-related Stars/Stairrs, between Webbers and Hampshire. Settle's were first found in Lancashire with Shuttleworths/SHETTLEworths.

WOW. The Bunny Goat is in the colors of the Kopff goat, and the vertically-split Shield Kopff Shield is shared with repel-like Rebels whose tree trunk is said to be a "stick"!!! The Kupe's/Koops, with a version of the Kepke/Kopke Coat, use "candleSTICK"!!! That's unbelievable. It was God who showed me that Graff-like gravity repels heat particles!!!

Mr. Kepke, at his and my age 14, chased me with a spider in front of Karen Graff, between her home and a BARN, and this event pointed so well to graphene-oxide that I've never doubted it, though I've told the story 30 times or more. Graffs are also Gravs! God revealed to me the true nature of gravity while lighting the fuse on His cannon aimed at Pfizer. Graffs/Gravs were first found in Switzerland with Berns/BARNs. The barn was, and still is, beside my house (the one we were in at the time). English Barns/Bernys' were first found in Surrey with Burners.

Kopffs are also Kopfmanns, in the colors of Coopmans/Koopmans who use "ducks", and English Ducks were first found in Somerset with Kepke and Koop-beloved Borders/BOARDers, and with Sticks. Keeps were first found in Sussex with Coopers/Coppers and Boards. What are the chances, apart from an arrangement from God, that the Kepke/Kopke and Kupe/Koop border is in the colors of the same of Kansas-like Kans'/Cahns?

The Roe branch of the Rows in the Kans/Cahn rowboats share a the Paschal lamb with Pash's/Pascals suspect in the CupPASH variation of Keppochs, which are the closest surnames I can find to attorney-general Kobach. Then, Lambs/Lams were first found in Northumberland with the Hebrons having a "Keep" motto term, and with the LIMPs/Lambys suspect in the "LYMPhad" of the other MacDonalds (use a "salmon"), but also of the CANNES'/Kane's. The Limp/Lamby saltire is in colors reversed with Gale's (Yorkshire with MacDonald-beloved and greyhound-using Galleys). Northumberland is also where the Galley-connectable Greys were first found, and Huns/Hungate's with Huns/HUNDTs (greyHOUND) look like they use the dog of the House of CANOSSa.

The Sea-branch Seamans are probably in the Gale motto while the lymphad-using MacDonalds have a "salmon on a green sea." The galley-using Donnells have a salmon too, and the other Irish Donnells call their ship a "black boat." Boats are listed with Bauds, and Scottish Bauds use the "galley" while their Bald branch, with another "galley," were first found in Peebles with Scottish Shepherds. The latter share the ram with French Bauds (Kepke/Kopke colors and format). I trace Kepke liners to Kiev's BUDini (Kepke's father is Ukrainian). The rowBOATs are with the Kans'/Cahns sharing the Kepke/Kopke border. The House of Canossa was out of Lucca, where Botters/BOTINi's were first found who share the Bald star (red like the Shepherd star).

MacDonalds evoke Donald Trump, and so it's interesting that Trumps were first found beside the Kans'/Cahns.

The Limp/Lamby saltire is shared with Oddie's/Hoddys and Hoods/Hoots while Hotts share the Gale fesse and perhaps the MacDonald eagle.

Duck-branch Duce's have the Base/Baise Coat in colors reversed while Base's/Bassens share black hunting horns with Grand-connectable Burns and Bernice's/Burnes'. Coopmans/Koopmans almost have the Coat of Sheldons, the latter first found in Worcestershire with the Rocks in "burning rock" of Grands, and with Barnys and GABBs/Gabe's. Yet Barnys were also first found in Suffolk with Burner-connectable Jebbs/GEBBs and Kepke-connectable Kidds. Kepke's first name is Lawrence, and Lawrence's share a "ready" motto term with Burns. Keeps were first found in Sussex with Gable's (Cable colors).

This is a good time to remind that Grands were first found in Inverness-shire with the Gows/McGoo's who point to GO = graphene-oxide. The Gow/McGoo Chief is in Burner colors. I'll remind that Gows/McGoo's share the cinquefoils of French Locks, first found in Burgundy with French Grands, making solid Grand-Goo link. Gowers/Gore's share the white wolf with the Gore's/Core's who in turn share the crosslets of English Bass'.

English Shepherds are in the colors and format of Caddys, first found in Yorkshire with Keppochs/Coppash's. Scottish Shepherds share the fleur of Copps, first found in Hampshire with Keppe's/Cheppe's/Kippers. Copps look related to Rock-branch Rooks, and the latter's Rookby branch was first found in Yorkshire too.

Caddys were a Keith/Mascal branch, and Keiths/Mascals were first found in East Lothian with Scottish Bass' who have a reflection of the Mascal Shield, and the latter's basic Shield is colors reversed from the one of Rye-beloved Saddocks, first found in Sussex with Mascals and Keeps. Rye's are listed with Rise's. Mascals share an elephant (different color) in Crest with Kobach-like Cobbs.

Scottish Grands, sharing the crown with Crauns/Crane's, are in Chip/Chipmans colors and format, and the Kepke/Kopke goat is with English Kidds, first found in Suffolk with Crauns/Crane's.

The first name of the Kansas attorney general is, Kris. There are two points: Crystals (Yorkshire with Keppochs/Cuppash's) have the cross style of Bash's in colors reversed. And, Chris'/Christmans were not only first found in Hampshire with Keppe's/Cheppe's and Basings, but share the border of Kepke's/Kopke's and Kupe's/Koops. Chris'/Christmans are even essentially in Kepke/Kopke colors and format!

Keeps were kin of Baden's Veringers, explaining why the Keep Coat is essentially the Arms of Baden. Veringers shared antlers with their kin, the Zahringers, founders of Berne, Switzerland. Bern is near FRIBOURG, where Kris'/Chryslers were first found, and Graffs/Graffens, the pointer to graphene-oxide with Mr. Kepke, were first found in Switzerland. Wikipedia: "Zahringen Castle near FREIBURG..." in Germany. Swans Sions, from Switzerland's Sion, are in the Chris and Christman swan.

The Kris/Chrysler hexagram is shared by Openheimers (Rhineland with Nathans) who in turn have an anchor as well as the crowns of Scottish Grands. Openheimers share the full motto in the Arms of Rothschild, and then the bend of Jewish Rothchilds can be connected to the Rise/Rye bend by way of a Nathan-Saddock link.

Crystals use the "fir tree" while Firs/Fire's were first found in Austria with the German-branch Christmans (essentially have the Chris/Christman Coat). The Fir/Fire Coat is almost the one of Keips/KEIPERs. Chris'/Christmans were first found in Hampshire with Keppe's/Cheppe's/KIPPERs.

Plus, I almost missed it: Kris'/Chryslers share the hexagram of Jeepma's/CHEPs!!!

[Insert -- I told of the black SMOKE out my tailpipe when staying the night in a CRYSTal City, Texas, where I heard cockROACHes behind the wallpaper as I was in bed. Smoke's are listed with Roach-like Rauch's, and they share the Jewish Rothschild bend except that Smoke's/Rauch's (Bavaria with German Rothes/Rothchilds) use nothing but the bend, making it the Rise/Rye Coat.

The first Rothschild named his first son, Nathan, and Natts/Nathans share the escutcheon of Rye-loving Saddocks. The latter are in the colors and format of the Calvarys in the "calvary" symbol of Crystals, believe it or not.

The black smoke developed on my way toward Crystal City out of Victoria, where I bought a newspaper that made it to heraldry decades later, finding the News'/Nuce's, and soon after finding the NUSE's/Newes'. English Nathans/Nations (Nottinghamshire) are also NUSens, and they share the fesse of English Bugs (early in Nottinghamshire). The black smoke was on my Nissan truck, and Nissans were first found in Hamburg with German Bugs.

A flu is a bug and a virus, and Vires' are listed with Verona's who just about have the Coat of Rockefeller-line Fellers (Jewish). Roach's use the rock, and upon that rock is a "RISING eagle", and Risings were first found in Norfolk with Rise's/Rye's essentially sharing the Smoke/Rauch Coat. Verona-like Verone's share the German Bug Coat, what are the chances? In Victoria, I bought a coffee with the newspaper, and, about two decades later, discovered that Coffee's/Coffers use a "Victoria" motto term. Coff- and COVID-like Covits/Cove's essentially have the Smoke/Rauch Coat. Quite often, the raven-like "black birds" used by German Bugs and Verone's are called "Cornish CHOUGHs." See that? Rothes'/Rothchilds use a giant "raven."

Does anyone know of Trump's mystery term, "covfefe," years before COVID was a thing? It looks like "coffee." Bugs use a bat while Coughs/Cuffee's have a baton while one Baton/Baston surname (first found in Cornwall, of Cornish Choughs) shares the black bat with Bats. Coughs/Cuffee's and Covits/Cove's both use their bends "cotised." It's worth adding that Cotes' share the six pale bars of Irish Prays, the latter first found in County Down with News-like Knees' who in turn share the stag head of Tromp-beloved Acorns. Cough-branch English Cuffs were first found in Wiltshire with trumpet-using Calles'. French Batons/Bastons were first found in Poitou with Fouchys while Tromps were Fauci kin.

Tony Fauci said publicly, in 2017, that there would arrive a pandemic before Trump's term was ended (in early 2021). Did God arrange the Victoria coffee and newspaper to point to Trump's "covfefe" i.e. tending to reveal that Trump knew of the COVID plandemic before it came to pass? Yes, it must be true, because Roach's are in the colors and format of trumpet-using Calles'. They show nothing but trumpets. Roach's show nothing in Shield but vaccine-pointable "fish." I despise Trump for his part in the mass killings and mass illnesses. I assume God feels the same way; beware, readers, stay away from this fake-Christian man.

By the way, I loaded the Arms of Bonneville a few hours ago, and remembered just now that it has the six pale bars of Cotes', Prays, and Trots/Trude's. The Acorns and Trump-connectable Downs were first found in Sussex with Bone's who have a cotised bend! I looked Bonneville up (near Geneva) in an investigation below on possible pointers to the WHO in Geneva. It's a compelling investigation.

Why would Trump, or someone he borrowed the term from, use "fefe" in "covfefe"? Perhaps someone knew that Pfiefers (giant anchor links to Fauci's) were a Pfizer branch. Pfiefers are in Coffee/Coffer and Coffer/Coffare colors, all three sharing a green Shield with Fisers/Vissers. Tromps are connectable to Vise's.

Plus, Fife's and Five's/Fifys were kin of Vivians/Veys, first found in Cornwall, where Cough/Cuffee elements should all trace. Then, the vertically-split Tromp and Fauci Shields are in the colors of the horizontally-split Fie/Fey/Cuffie/DUFFIE Shield, and Duffys share the giant Morgan lion, in Pfiefer colors and format. Mythical Morgan le Fey was born in Cornwall. Fife's look like kin of English Ducks, first found in Somerset with Coffers/Coffare's.

Covits/Cove's/Covers, said to be from a count Alan of Brittany, were first found in Suffolk with Coville's/CAULwells who in turn share the English Alan Coat. Trumpets are with Calls/CAULes'!!! Caulley/Collys share the Fife and Five/Fify lion, and Cole's were first found in Cornwall with Vivians/Veys. Coles' were first found in Wiltshire with Calls/Caules'.

The "Grata" motto term of Calls/Caules' might explain Trump's "make America GREAT again" slogan. The Grate's are listed with Wreaths, first found in the same place as McGOO's. GO = graphene-oxide, and the Call/Caules Crest shares the demi-lion of Graffs/Graffens! This is at least a fairly new heraldic set; I don't remember doing it before, though I probably did. I should try to remember it.

PLUS WOW: Grats are listed with French Grasse's while Fauchys use a "grassHOPPER" while Hoppers were first found in Wiltshire with Calls/Caules'!!!! Tromps share the split Fauci Shield!!! End insert]

Karen Kingston said this week that Kris Kobach has attorney generals from at least four other states joining his suit against Pfizer. If nothing materializes from this suit, I'll be completely disillusioned from everything insinuated thus far in this update: that God had arranged my Kansas event to point to Kobach's suit.

Ahh, just found the Kobs/Kobbes'/Kobus', first found in Nuremberg with Kopple's and Keips/Keipers! It makes a lot of sense that Kobachs were of these Kobs but merged with Keppoch elements. Keppochs use "garbs" while Crab-like Garbs were first found in Austria with the Fire's having Schwab unicorn, and with same-colored and goat-using Steins. Crabs share the fleur-de-lys of Kobs/Kobbes'.

I'm going to add that Kobs/Kobbes' share the fleur-de-lys (in Mere/Mar colors) of Raggs' who almost have the Coat of Merlins who in turn have a "RAGully" bend. Merlins were first found in Gloucestershire with Grave's/Greafs who in turn share the giant Vienne eagle. The Vienne Crest looks like it has a chef because Viennes are in Chaff colors and format, and Chaffs have a giant GRIFFIN.

Plus, while Mr. Kobach is supposedly being pointed to by my gravity-REPEL and electron-RISE discovery, Reeps/Rice's/Rise's share the rare Shield (ignoring the symbols) of Kobs/Kobbes'!!! But there's more, for Reeps/Rice's/Rise's were first found in Bohemia with German Michaels who in turn share the Kris/Chrysler hexagram!!!

Though not in the same colors, German TEEGERs (Holstein-Schleswig with Kans'/Cahns') share an eight-pointed star with Kobs/Kobbes'/Kobus' while Cobbs were first found in Suffolk with TIGERs. Dutch Steins have another eight-pointed star. English Steins were first found in Norfolk with Fiscs, and with the "fish"-using Hake's in colors reversed from "fish"-using Cobbs. German Hake's/Hacke's almost have the Schwab Coat, and Heckens/Hacks use goat heads in the colors of the Kopff goat. Fishers/Fischs and their Wahr kin were first found in Saxony with Kepke's/Kopke's and Weiss', and Wahrs have "elephant trunks" to match the Cobbs elephant. Trunks, sharing the Weis/Wise hexagrams, were first found in Franconia with Schwabs who in turn almost have the Keip/Keiper Coat, in colors reversed. Weis'/Wise's were first found in Bavaria with the Kopff's sharing the black goat with Weiss', and with the Zahringer-like Zehrers who in turn use "hatchets".

Hatchets/HACKets share "fish" with Hake's, and Fish were first found in Essex with the Hicks' of Low Leighton. Cobbs-like Hobs use a "HAWK" and a TIGER. Hawks/Hauks were first found in Hampshire with Copps (share Shepherd / Hook fleur) and Keppe's/Cheppe's/Kippers while the "Strike" motto of Hawks/Hauks can take us to Stricklands/STICKlands (Hecken/Hack colors and format), connectable to the candleSTICKs of Kupe's/Koops, especially as the latter's moline cross is the one of Hampshire's Mills in colors reversed. Moline's, first found in Devon with English Wise's, Hooks, and Wahr-like Ware's, share the Weiss goat. The "border" of Mills and Ware's is colors reversed from the same of Kupe's/Koops.

Devon is also where SASSys were first found along with Warings/WEARINgs, and the Zehrer "man" with "axe" is "wearing" a "SASH." One Axe river flows in Devon.

Repeat: "Plus, I almost missed it: Kris'/Chryslers share the hexagram of Jeepma's/CHEPs!!!" Kris'/Chryslers share the double bends of Hitts/Itiers/Hitiers, first found in Switzerland. They are colors reversed from the double bends of Hiedlers/Hitlers, uh-oh. And Itters/Ittermans have a giant lion half in the colors of the Graff/Graffen/Grav lion, which seems very meaningful since the latter were also first found in Switzerland. Coincidence?

My prediction should be that Kris Kobach, upon the discovery process of his suit, will find graphene-oxide in Pfizer vaccines.

Weldrick Road

Itters/Ittermans were first found "near WALDRECK in Hesse, and while Epsteins were first found in Hesse-Nassau, Nassau's share the Graff/Graffen/Grave lion too. Plus, the thing is, Diane MUSCHATov, a girlfriend of mine in my early 20s, lived on WELDRICK road (Richmond Hill, ON), and Muschats/Montfitchets share the Epstein Coat. If God is involved in Kobach heraldry, might He now be steering things to Jeffrey Epstein?

Or, Diane's parents had a Ukrainian accent, and while Kepke is half Ukrainian, it's notable that Ukrainian neo-Nazis are now fighting in Ukraine. The parents of Karen Graff both has German accents.

I've named Weldrick road many times when doing heraldry in connection to Diane, but as no such surname comes up at houseofnames, I used the Welders, who are in Hope colors and share the "globe" with them. Hope's share besants with Metz's, and ITTa/Ita) of Metz was the wife of Pepin of Landen. Landens were first found in Switzerland with Hitts/Itiers! Karen's father smoked a pipe, and Pipe's share the Pepin Coat. Pepins share "Mens" with Kris-connectable Crystals, and I had black smoke out my tailPIPE in Crystal City.

As was said in my last update, I trace "globe" to the Glopeani tribe that named Goplo, which I can trace well to a Koplik location at lake Scodra, but also well to Kopple's, first found in Nuremberg with Keips/Keipers and Kobs/Kobbes'/Kobus'. Gallus Anonymous wrote a myth about mice in the Goplo mouse tower, ruled firstly by mythical Popiel, possibly code for Popleys/Poppeys. Popeye smoked a pipe.

Piast the Wheelwright had Popiel killed, and came to rule Goplo himself, and it just so happens that Wheelwrights (Yorkshire with Keppochs/Cuppash's and Popleys/Poppeys) share the antelope design of MOUSquette's/Muscats/Musks, though the latter use the antelope in black, same one as Singletarys who in turn have the triple chevrons of Muschats/Montfitchets in colors reversed. It was the Welders who have the globe, and Welders came off of Weldrick road, where Diane Muschatov lived when I dated her.

It appears that God did arrange Welders for WeldRICk road, especially as Ricks were Craven kin while Skipton is in Graffen/Grav-like Craven. Cravens (GRIFFIN in Crest) come up as "Graven," and they with Ricks use FITCHee's while Fitch's/Fitchets were first found in Essex with Muschats/MontFITCHETs. Is that cool or what? Yes, and Cravens (West Yorkshire with Kippax), who share the Keppoch/Cuppash fesse, have a Coat much like the one of Mousquette's/Muscats/Musks.

The Craven write-up tells of a "McRaven variant." It add that McRaven is "an Anglicization of the Irish name Mac CRABhain," and it just so happens that Crabs were first found in Cambridgeshire with Mousquette's/Muscats/Musks.

Plus, Rick-like Rich's/Richess' trace to Richeza, mother of Casimir of Poland. Poland is beside Ukraine, and the Neuri who lived on their border region may have named Nuremberg.

I now recall the raven of Reesors/Rise's and Rice's, indicating that Rice's were a Rick / Rick branch, or, to put it better: Richeza was named after Rhizon elements, and it just so happens that Rhizon is near Koplik. The electrons were rhizon into the Kansas sky! Kans'/Cahns use rowboats, the Row-branch Rove's/Rolphs (Norfolk with Rows) use "ravens," and even throw in a Crab-beloved bridge.

Back to the Wheelwright of Goplo, for English Wrights, sharing the leopard faces of Rising/Rison-branch Restons, were first found in Sussex with Keeps, and as Keeps trace excellently, and without doubt, to Maria of Kiev, it's perfect here that she was married to Casimir of Poland (a Piast) who descended from this Piast the Wheelwright.

The same besants as used by globe-using Hope's are with Skipps/Skippers, first found in Essex with Muschats/Montfitchets and Anchor-branch Angers while Meschins married Skiptons who in turn share the purple lion with Irish Lacys. I told above that Keppochs/Cuppash's were from Lacy elements at KipPAX, and here we have got to go to English Pace's (Cheshire with Ranulph le Meschin) with a purple Shield. From there we go to Italian Pasi/Pace elements to the Paisleys who share the ANCHOR of English PACKs, first found in Sussex with Keeps and Diane's/Deans/Dene's. Graffs/Graffens use an anchor too, you see.

Now, the gold Welder hexagrams are half in the colors of the Kris/Chrysler hexagram, and in both colors of the Karen hexagrams! Plus, Karens were first found in Silesia with Welder-like Walters who not only share gold hexagrams, but have lions in Graff- and Itter-lion colors. Karen Graff! English Walters (share Goat/Gotham bend) were first found in Cambridgeshire with Muschat-branch Muscats/Musks. Karens share the sleeping crescents of German Roets, the latter first found in Thuringia with Welders!

So, yes, it does seem that God arranged heraldry to connect Kris Kabach to the pointer of the Graffs to graphene, but now spilling over to things pertaining to Diane Muschatov. American bio-labs in Ukraine might be producing vaccines with this poison aimed at the Russian population.

The Russian Moscowitz surname has a giant, red bull head, reminding that French Packs have a red bull. The Moscowitz Crest has what look like elephant TRUNKs, which I read double as buffalo horns, and indeed the Moscowitz description at Hall of Names calls them "buffalo horns." Trunks share the Welder hexagrams, and, in colors reversed, the Trunk bull head is red! Lookie there. As Zahringers use buffalo horns, elephant-trunk Wahrs/Warins (Saxony with Kepke's) look like they were from Kiev-line Veringers. Vere's ruled Oxford for centuries, and there's an elephant in the Arms of Oxford along with a red ox that could be play on the red Moscowitz bull, for Massey-related Vere's were first found in Essex with Muscats.

As per the Diane/Dean/DENE surname, I showed how a certain Mr. Dean of Post Falls, Idaho, pointed to neo-Nazi's, partly because Post Falls is beside the former headquarters for Aryan Nation at Hayden Lake. Haydens may have been a branch of the Hiedlers who list Hitt/Itier-branch Hitlers. Mr. Dean's mother lived beside Patchogue, Long Island, the latter being home to William Hitler, nephew of Adolf.

I showed how the crocodile-using Irish Dene's point to Kepke's shoe-salesman job (when he met CHRIS(tine) Peare), and to the shoe boutique, in Kiev, of Michael Zlochevsky, corrupt owner of Burisma energy that used Hunter Biden as his launder-machine man. The shoe boutique is online, said to sell crocodile-leather shoes and boots. Bidens are listed with Budins, and Budini were blonds at the Kiev theater. Both Kepke and Diane Muschatov are pure blonds, both blue-eyed Aryans, we could say.

Zlochevsky moved to Monaco, and so it's interesting that Monaco's share the demi-lion of Graffs/Graffens (Switzerland with Kris'/Chryslers), and also have hexagrams in the colors of the Kris/Chrysler hexagram. This gets amazing where the two colors schemes for the two Monaco lions are both using in the one, giant lion of Itters/Ittermans while we saw Kris- and Hitler-connectable Hitts first found in Switzerland. Itters/Ittermans are the ones near Weldrick-like Waldreck, assumed to be a Walter element.

As German Walters have a reflection of the German Michael Coat, let's repeat from above: "Plus, while Mr. Kobach is supposedly being pointed to by my gravity-REPEL and electron-RISE discovery, Reeps/Rice's/Rise's share the rare Shield (ignoring the symbols) of Kobs/Kobbes'!!! But there's more, for Reeps/Rice's/Rise's were first found in Bohemia with German Michaels who in turn share the Kris/Chrysler hexagram!!!"

I trace Michaels to Byzantine emperor, Michael I Rangabe, husband of Prokopia, and Brocuffs/ProKOPPs were first found in Silesia with German Walters. The Arms of Rangabe (shown at Michael's Wikipedia article), in Kepke/KOPke colors, nearly has the giant moline cross of Seagars, used in colors reversed by Scottish Dene's and Segni's/Segurana's. The latter were first found in Genova with the Grimaldi's now sitting on the purple throne of Monaco. I read that Melissena Rangabe, Michael's granddaughter, descended from royal Khazars i.e. who lived in Ukraine.

Monaco's have roses in the now-illegal gold-on-silver colors used also for the hexagrams of German Walters. The latter were first found in Silesia with German Rose's, and English Walters share the boar head of Scottish Rose's and Lesks, the latter first found in Berkshire, where Boots were once said to be first found, yet it's also where a Paisley branch was first found. Michael Zlochevsky sold crocodile BOOTs, and Irish Dene's use the crocoDILE while Dile's/Dills, first found in Warwickshire with Boots, share the giant lion of Diane's/Deans/Dene's! The first-found Boots were changed from Berkshire to Warwickshire only weeks or months ago.

Warwicks/WarROCKs share the triple lions of James', the latter first found in Surrey with English and Scottish Michaels. Wahr-like Warwicks/Warrocks share one of the Monaco lions, and Wahr-loving Fishers/Fischs love the Fish, first found in Essex with Muschats and WORCester-like Works. Fiscs/Fisks, sharing the checkered Shield of Rochesters/Wrocesters, were Grimaldi kin. And Square's were first found in Worcestershire with Rocks while ROSlins have square buckles while Sinclairs, who lived in Roslin, have a "work" motto term.

Worcesters look like kin of Gains and Peach's (Kent with Rochesters/Wrocesters). Kiev-like Keveneys/Gaineys share the Kelly Coat, both sharing a Monaco lion, and GRACE Kelly (popular actress of a generation ago) married prince Grimaldi of Monaco. The latter location is near Grasse, and Grace's/Grasse's (Lincolnshire with Roslins) can take us to English Grasse's sharing the Kelly / Monaco / Warwick/Warrock lion.

Repeat from above: "Coopmans/Koopmans almost have the Coat of Sheldons, the latter first found in Worcestershire with the Rocks in "burning rock" of Grands, and with Barnys..." It was extra evidence that Kepke and Graff pointed to graphene-oxide by way of my Kansas discovery.

Irish Dene's were first found in Galway with LYNCH's while LINGs and StarLINGs (Leslie Coat but with square buckles) were first found in Suffolk with Kepke-connectable Kidds (and Buckle's). Kansas-like Kans'/Kahns were first found in the same place as German Teegers while Irish Teague's/Teegers were first found in Galway with the Bradys from Podebrady of Bohemia. The Reeps/Rice's/Rise's of Bohemia use PilGRIM's staves, and Pilgrims were first found in Norfolk with Rise's/Rye's, Fiscs, Grimaldi-connectable Bags, and Bucks.

Hunter Biden was involved in Ukraine corruption with a nephew of Whitey Bulger, and Bulgers, sharing the bull head of Buckle-branch Buckleys, I assume, nearly have the Bag Chief. The Bulger motto probably has the Faucets because it shares "Haec" with the Shoe-connectable Scoots/SCOUGals, first found in East Lothian (beside Roslin) with Faucets. Fauci's were first found in Genova with Grimaldi's and their Fieschi partners. Faucets have Saer de Quincy in their write-up while Quincy's were first found in Northamptonshire with Face's. Quinns were first found in Longford with Faucet-branch Faughns, which is what really makes the Vychan variation of Vaughns (almost have the Fish Coat) pointable to "vaccine." Quincy's almost have the Coat of Rouens while Rouen is in the VEXIN. Rollo had his capital at Rouen when making his Sinclair-named treaty with France.

Bulgers add a "noBIS" motto term while Nobels, sharing the English Buck motto, were first found in East Lothian, and look like kin of German Michaels, especially as Biss' were first found in Surrey with English and Scottish Michaels. The Fortune's in the "LA fortune" motto phrase of Rollo's were first found in East Lothian, and they almost have the Rowan Coat. It's then amazing that the Bulgers took us this way because the Faucet-like Vaux's, first found in East Lothian, share the bend-with-stars of La-like Laws!!! The Kobach law suit. Lawyers/Layerds were first found in the Rhine region with Salome's who share the same bend-with-stars, yet Salmons and Salemans were of Surrey too, though they had a branch in Cumberland, where Quincy-branch Quints and English Vaux's were first found.

This reminds that a baron Massy, who came from the Baron Massys of Grace Kelly's line in Ireland, married Miss Quintana. Quintana's use dice showing 666 and 555 while Dice/Deise's were first found in Norfolk with Grimaldi kin.

The Arms of Baron Massy include: "Crest: Out of a ducal coronet Or, a bull’s head Gules [red]; armed Sable [black]." That is, a red bull head with black parts, and then Norfolk's Sabine's, and Cumberland's Daggers, have a red bull, but let's not forget the giant red bull head of Moscowitz's, for the Arms of baron Massy might be using the mascle (as a lozenge) of English Faux's, first found in Essex with Muschats, English Fishers/Fischers, and Fisch-beloved Fish's. The lion of baron Massy is shared with Fishers/Fischs, whose "wahREIT" motto term can be traced to Flavius Sabinus of Rieti. The Arms of Rieti has fish.

English Faux's share the giant mascle of HUNKins, and a Yaroslav Hunka, a Ukrainian Nazi from the time of Adolf Hitler, made the headlines when trudeau / Freeland (Nazi-loving vice-prime-minister) invited him into the parliament for a standing ovation, when few of the parliamentarians knew his Nazi background. The corrupt Ukraine president was in attendance at the time. It's interesting that while Kepke pointed to Pings/Pongs, the latter have the Hank Shield in colors reversed, and both share a white-ermined Chief.

Repeat from above: "Kepke CHASEd me with a spider HANGing on its web...Hangers/Angers, linkable to Fauci's via Angers and Faux's (both from Essex), were first found in Hampshire with Chase's and Keppe's/Cheppe's/Kippers." Hangers were first found in Hampshire with CHRIS', with Kiev- / Keep-connectable RECKs/Richess', and with the Josephs having a "wlad" motto term while Walter / WaldRECK-like Vlads share the Jeepma/CHEP / Kris/CHRYSler hexagram! Kris'/Chryslers share the double bends of Hitts/Itiers and Hitlers.

It appears Koop-important that while Jeepma's/Cheps were first found in Oldenburg, Oldens were first found near COPEland while Copelands share the double fesses of the House of Oldenburg. Oldenburgs/Alts/Aults were first found in Switzerland.

King Vladimir of Kiev was the father of Maria of Kiev, wife of CASimir of Poland, and "Cas" is another Joseph motto term. The red Casimir antler belonged to Zahringer-related Veringers. Zahringers use blue antlers.

Vlads were first found in Westphalia with the Sass' potentially in the "sash" of Zehrers, and Sass' almost have the Coat of Bidens/Buttons, first found in Hampshire with Caplings/Caplins/CHAPlains (look related to Joseph Chief), and then Kiplings (Yorkshire with Keppochs) share the Coat of German Camps/Campens, first found in Westphalia. MAGOr is a location near CHEPstow, and "mago" is a motto term of Josephs who in turn share the double chevrons of French Chaplains.

As Sassys (Devon with Hazels) use "Saracen's heads", Zehrers / Zahringers may have been from Saraca's, for the Arms of Saraca shares the Bernice/Burnes and Hazel fesse while Zahringers founded Swiss Bern, near the first-known Kris'/Chryslers.

Cumberland is where English Naturals/Natrass' were first found in the "natural fire" of Monaco's. The "NutRASS" variation suggests the Ras variation of Scottish Rose's, and the RASmussens (linkable to English Webbers) who share the Fire unicorn. Or, French Naturals (look like Beil/Bail kin) share the fesse of Hazels, first found in Devon with Monaco-branch Monks and Rods. The latter share a blank, gold Chief with English Fishers/Fischer's who in turn look related to the Monk Coat.

Hesse-connectable Hazels/Hessels (Devon with Esse's/Ash's) were Weaver kin, in the "weaver's shuttle" of Keeps, and German Weavers/Webbers, kin of Weis' and Wies', were first found in Saxony to their Kepke/Kopke kin. This was one of the reasons that Kepke's dangling of a spider on its web, in front of Karen Graff, pointed to graphene-oxide, which takes on a spider look when activated by radiation. But there were other good reasons.

The Segne's/SEGURana's in the Weaver/Webber motto were first found in Genova with Fauci's, and Seagars were first found in Devon with Hazels/Hessels. It was the Itters who were first found near Waldrick of Hesse, and Hitts/Itiers were first found in Switzerland with Graffs/Graffens.

Leslie's became earls of Rothes, near the Rose clan suspect from the Roxolani of proto-Kiev. The first Leslie's were Hungarians shortly after they descended from Magyars of Ukraine. Leslie's became earls of Rothes by marriage to Pollocks of Rothes, and Pollocks were first found in Renfrewshire with Houstons who in turn share the Stewart checks. William Hitler above changed his surname to Stuart-Houston, and Adolf Hitler's mother was Miss POLZl.

Dutch Pols' share the giant lion of Palins, first found in Dorset with Pools/Pole's. German Pohls/Pohlands, first found in Silesia with Karens and Walters, have a giant "buffalo's head" to go with the buffalo horns of MOSCOwitz's. I suggestively trace "Piast" to "Pisa," and Pisa happens to be where Mosca's were first found! French Pohls/Pole's share the Karen / Monaco lion. German Pole's/Pohls use a "FRYing pan", possibly of Fribourg, where Kris'/Chryslers were first found. Pans are listed with Pin/Pong-related Pagans/Payens.

The Pohl buffalo head is in the colors and format of the Walter-like vulture of Slings. Now that I know the latter's description, a vulture "in flight", it tends to prove that it's code for Walter Alan, for Flights/Flatts/Fletts can be gleaned from "Flaad," father of the first Alan of Dol.

Alan-related Swallows, first found in Lincolnshire with Fleets, have "swallows in flight." It gets interesting where the Swallow-beloved Tree's were first found in Wiltshire with trumpet-using Calls/Calles'. I say that the bulldog SWALLOWED by the shark (topic much later below), in the Sleeping Beauty dream, represents Trump. Trumps, first found in Mecklenburg with Dols, are in their colors, and while Dutch Tromps use the eagle, Swallow-using Arundels look like Eagle/Hegel kin. The Acorns in the Tromp Coat were first found in Sussex with Arundels! That's a new heraldic set.

What looks like a sling shot is used by the Arms of Dachau, headquarters for Hitler's Bavarian concentration camps. Trunk-connectable Weis'/Wise's, first found in Bavaria, share the Welder hexagrams, and Wies'/Wiesers were first found in Silesia with Pohls. Weiss' were first found in Saxony with the Wahrs who in turn have elephant trunks while the Moscowitz buffalo horns show as elephant trunks. Bavaria is where Gotts, in the motto of Weavers/Webbers (Saxony with Kepke's), were first found, and Gotts share the swords-in-saltire of Tax's/DACHs and Kepke-beloved Borders.

Renfrewshire is also where Scottish Paisleys/Pasleys were first found while English Pasleys, with a Coat connectable to Muschats and Muscats, were first found in Berkshire with Lesks. Pollock-branch Pools were first found in Dorset with Bugs, who share the "water bouget" (different colors) with Scottish Rose's. Waters (Essex with Muschats) share the Muschat / Epstein Coat.

English Walters are in Bug colors, and while the NEURi were on Ukraine's Bug river that's also at the Polish border, I trace them to the Biblical Nahor, brother of Abraham. Scottish Rose's were first found in NAIRnshire. Nahor's second-listed son, Buz, evokes the Buzau river (near Ukraine) upon which I saw a branch of Roxolani. Nahor's first-listed son, Uz, I think is "Utz" in the Hebrew text, and that's like the Itter / Hitt surname. The Hebrew for "Buz" is "Bootz/Butz," if I recall correctly. Leslie's almost have the Coat of Starlings/STARLINCKs, and Elon MUSK has a Starlink company as well as a NEURoLINK company for skin-CHIP implants. Chips/Chipmans were likely of the Keppe's/Cheppe's/Kippers, And Neuri-like Nuremberg is where Keips/Keipers were first found.

I claimed the I pointed to Elon Musk when I climbed Muschatov's TV antenna and knocked on her bedroom window.

Knock-Knock, WHO's There

I think I can make the case that the Genova/Geneva surname is a pointer to the WHO, the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. But I need the Irish Dene's and Diane's/Dene's to do it, and it doesn't hurt at all that Diana's/Natali's, in the colors and format of the wing-using Irish Dene's, share the Corona and Coron/Coroner crown. Italian Deans, first found in PLACEntia, share the Diane/Dean/Dene crescents, and Place's have a lion in the colors of the lion of Diane's/Deans/Dene's and Geneva's/Genova's.

Geneva's/Genova's, first found in Piedmont with Dance's/Donnas' and Masci's, share wings on blue with Irish Dene's. Geneva is in neighboring Savoy, where French Masseys were first found whose Chief is the Diane/Dean/Dene Chief in colors reversed. English Masseys were first found in Cheshire with the Dons having a "dona" motto term while Donna's are listed with Dance's/Donnas'. Masci's and Masseys use fleur-de-lYS, and a Lys river of Italy, near lake Geneva, flows through a Donnas area.

Dance's are mentioned because the Hoo's/WHOO's have a dancetty-fesse, and the Coat appears related to Cliffs/Cleave's, first found in Shropshire and Cheshire with Meschins and English Masseys respectively. Key-loving Clavers/Cleavers are essentially in Meschin colors and format, and Keys were first found in Yorkshire with Meschins of Skipton, with English Dance's, and with the Key-branch Kays who have a "kepe" motto term.

Dannys/Dance's were first found in Wiltshire with the Tree's in the French Massey Coat, though Tree's were once said to be first found in Warwickshire, where Boots are now said to be first found who were once showing in the three boots of French Masseys. Warwickshire is also where Dile's were first found who share the lion of Dance-like Diane's/DEANS'/Dene's because the other Irish Dene's have a "crocoDILE." English Crocs, sharing the Diane/Dean/Dene crescent, were first found in Shropshire with Cliffs/Cleave's in turn sharing the same stars on a fesse as the Hoo/Whoo fesse.

The Hows, having Hoo's and Hugh-like Heugh's in their write-up, share triple-black wolf heads with Cliffs/Cleave's, and the wolf head was a symbol of Hugh Lupus, earl in Cheshire. It seems we are making a solid Whoo connection to Cliffs here to explain their near-same Coats. As I can't find a flu-like surname to my satisfaction, it seemed above that God instead wants to use "bug" and "virus," and here we can add that Bugs are in How colors and format, yet Bugs throw in a bat while Bats were first found in Shropshire with Cliffs/Cleave's, and moreover Hugh Lupus used the Bather wolf head.

Horseshoe-bat viruses take us to Scottish Randolphs because they share the Bath cross and use a bat together with horseshoe's. English Randolphs (Yorkshire with Meschins of Rumilly-Skiptons and Bather-connectable Scarfs) are said to be from Ranulph le Meschin, nephew of Hugh Lupus.

Baths were first found in Somerset with Cliff-related Sticks, and with Bedin-like Badens/Battins. Shropshire is where Bedins/Bedows were first found who share the Dile/DILL lion and moreover almost have the Second/SEGUR Coat while Segurana's were first found in Geneva-connectable Genova. "Est" is a motto term of Bedins/Bedows while Italian Este's share the Segurana eagle.

The Bug and How fesse (Goat/Gotham colors) is in the colors of the four fesses of both Gotts and Dillings. Gotts use four "birds". Bird bug. The Gotts are in the Kepke goat, and Mr. Kepke pointed to the crocoDILE shoes and boot of Zlochevsky. Mr. Kepke pointed to Webbers (beside Bugs) who have fessewise bars in the colors of the Bug, Gott and Dilling fesses. Gotts are in the motto of German Webbers/Weavers. Bugs were once said to be first found in Nottinghamshire with Goats/Gothams.

English Nathans/Nations were first found in Nottinghamshire with early Bugs sharing the Nathan/Nation fesse.

Hoo-like Hoe's (not sure if they apply to Hoo's) share the crescent in Chief with Diane's/Deans/Dene's, first found in Sussex with Dance-like Danes'. Hoe's have a version of the Dillan Coat while Dile's are also Dills. Dillans were first found in WestMEATH with Trump-connectable Cauleys (Coat similar to Dillans) while Meats/Meads were first found in Warwickshire with Dile's/Dills.

Hoo's/Whoo's come up as "Hoos," and English Hose's (LEICestershire with LEGro river) have "legs couped at the thigh" while Trumps almost have the Legg Coat. It's very interesting that Scottish Hose's/Hussys have the Rising/Rison Coat in colors reversed. I've not known the Hose description until now, with "thigh" included, and I've mentioned Mamie's thigh many times who pointed to Trump in three ways when she sat on my legs / lap / knees.

Italian Dance's come up as "Danes." Hoe's have a lion in the colors of the lion head of English Dance's. I trace Dance's/Donnas' to king Donnus of the Cottians, in Piedmont, where Dance's/Donnas' were first found, and I trace his grandson, VESTalis, to the Wests who share the dancetty-fesse of Hoo's/Whoo's. Vests were first found in Switzerland.

Recently, when doing Hoo/Whoo heraldry, TEDRos, the head cheese of WHO was mentioned, a disgusting, filthy worm who's trying to reinforce WHO's political powers in order to force-vaccinate in the next pandemic. I was looking at the TUDOR surname, but I now realize that God may want us to the TEETERs, especially as their Deeter variation can be a pointer to the bio-weapons lab at Fort DETRick.

Teeters/Deeters use grapes, and so, for starters, let me repeat here from above: "I suggest that God arranged the Goats/Gothams [with Kepke's) to share the Grape/Grabner/GRAVner Coat to help show that He arranged the Kepke spider event with the Graffs/Graffens/Gravs. Cravens/Gravens were from Craven, near Kippax of Keppochs. Kippax is at/near Leeds while Letts/Late's were first found in Gloucestershire with Grave's/Greafs. Convinced? Karen Graff's father (Simon) smoked a pipe, and Letts/Late's use 'organ pipes.' Pipe's have the Webber bend-with-fleur in colors reversed."

It just so happens that English Simons share the trefoil that's on the Cliff/Cleave fesse. If that trefoil were another star, the Cliff/Cleave fesse would be near-identical to the Hoo/Whoo fesse-with-three-stars. In the last update, I re-mentioned Mandy Teeter, who was born a SIM(p)son, a potential Simon liner. I almost married her, but sensed that God said, no. Mandys share a black wolf head in Crest with Cliffs/Cleave's.

Now for the bigger point: Teeters/Deeters use "a BUNCH of grapes proper". You may have heard that mainline media is pushing a "bird flu," and some governments are already ordering vaccines for it, which wouldn't be happening unless globalist $$$goons$$$ are attempting to start another $$$plandemic$$$. Tedros is so easy to see through, a fake. Bunch's, mainly in Keppoch colors and format, almost have the BIRD fesse-with-fleur, and so this is why I'm confident that God arranged for me to know the Tedros-like Teeter surname.

Plus, I'm descended from Taddei's (great-grandparent), perhaps from Tedros-like "Theodore," who share the Bouillon flory due to their being related with elements of CLERMONT-Ferrand, and the other Birds (Cheshire with Cliffs/CLEAVE's and Tattons-of-Massy) have the Bouillon flory in colors reversed. Clavers/CLEAVErs share the key with Clermonts, and while French Claviere's (Auvergne with Clermont-Ferrand) don't show their keys, Hall of Names says they use them. Chiava-like Clave's, first found in Poitou with Fouchys/Fouchier's, and with the Danes'/Danys/Daniels sharing the giant Diane/Dean/Dene lion, share the keys of Sheaves'/Chiava's.

Daniels/Danier's were first found in Gloucestershire with Grave's/Greafs, and with the Merlins who almost have the Bruno Coat. Then, French Bruns were first found in Poitou too.

Godfrey-de-Bouillon's family ruled Lower Lorraine at the time of a Simon, in the French Simon write-up, ruled Lorraine. I've told many times that I got my first date with Lorraine on the 24th BIRTHday, and for that reason went to Births/Berts and their Burt branch. Birds are also Burds! See that? It seems that Lorraine, who pointed to Pepin of Landen in multiple ways, and even to the Metz family he married, is now pointing to the bird-flu plandemic. Lorraine's were Keep kin, and share the Piast eagle because of Richeza of Lorraine, mother of Casimir of Poland. Lorraine's share the Child eagle on the Keep bend, and Tudors/Theodore's are in Child colors and format.

The Trevors/TREFors, with a Coat similar to a Simson Coat, are said to be from Tudors, and Trips/TREFFs are from Trypillians of Kiev. Trips/Treffs once showed the three Massey/Massa boots exactly, and I gave reason as to why Masseys/Masse's (Savoy) were at Geneva, WHO headquarters. Masseys/Masse's no longer show the boots, but show a "tree without leaves," and Leave's/Leve's were first found in Norfolk with Burts and Meschin-connectable Clavers/Cleavers.

Masseys/Massa's can take us to Massa-Carrara, beside Piast-like Pisa, where Mosca's/MUSCAS' were first found. Drake's have an "Aquila" and "muscas" motto term while Sheaves'/Chiava's were first found in L'Aquila, seven miles from Picenze, the latter being where my Taddei great-grandparent lived, as well as my Masci grandparent. Italian Diana's/Natali's were first found in Picenze-like Piacenza, and while Diana's/Natali's share the Diane/Dean/Dene crescent, the latter's Chief is colors reversed from the Massey/Massa Chief.

Piacenza is also Placentia, and Place's/PLAISE's, suspect in the "plaisir" motto term of French Simons, have a lion in the colors of the Diane/Dean/Dene and Geneva/Genova lion. Geneva's/Genova's share wings on blue with Irish Dene's, and the latter's are gold, the color of the Masci wing. In my first-ever conversation with Mandy Teeter, I spoke to her about Mrs. Teague (sold me my Texas property), and Teague's/Teegers were first found in Galway with both Irish Dene's.

"PlaiSIR" can be part-code for Sire's/Sirets, first found in Burgundy with Savoy-like Save's, in case they were branches. Saveys/Saffers ("Vita") were first found in Devon with English Simons, but also with the Diamonds in the Bunch Coat. Vita's were in Trevor-like Tarvisium/Treviso, and Travers, in the motto of Fore's/Forez's (Savoy), were Meschin kin. The Savers (Somerset with CARYs), a branch of Saveys/Saffers, share the annulet of Vita's and Cherrys/CHARRys (Derbyshire with Froggits), and the latter are in the "BUNCH of cherries" of Froggits!!! Bunch's are pointing to the bird flu!

The Irish Diamonds happen to have a fesse-with-fleur in the colors of the fesse-with-fleur of Bunch's, and these Diamonds have a "MISERis" motto term while Misers use cherries!!! Both Diamond Crests share the gold lion with Diane's/Deans/Dene's, and the English Diamonds are listed with Dinans. Diens/Dine's were once said to be first found in Sussex with Diane's/Deans/Dene's and Danes'. Both Diamonds share a demi-gold lion in Crest with Simsons, yet the Graffs/Graffens, first found in Switzerland with the WHO, have the same demi-lion.

Mandy Teeter now brings us to Mandys, first found in Derbyshire with Froggits while Froggs were first found in Shropshire with Minds/Munds, and with the Rudes'/Rudge's who in turn share the Mandy cross. Rudge-branch Ridge's essentially share the Savoy Coat, but add a gold trefoil, the color of the same of English Simons (Devon with Ridge's). The other Simsons may have the Nutters/Knuts/Nuts in their motto because Cnuts/Nots were first found in Derbyshire. Cnuts/Nots share the drops of Heron-loving Drys, and Herons share the motto of the other Simsons.

Rudes' can be from Rudesheim, at ASSMANNShausen, and while Mandys use "a wolf's head ERASed...with FIRE...", I see the erased feature as code for the Eras variation of Rasmussens/ASSMANs; they share the giant Fire unicorn.

Aquila's, first found in Benevento, share the Coat of Italian Este's while "C'este" is another motto term of French Simons. After selling the Texas property, I promptly rented an apartment from Mr. DeSimone, who was from Benevento, I kid you not (I hunted for property while living there to build my house). Later, he sold me his JEEP, which I still drive. It's a GRAND Cherokee. French Grands were first found in Burgundy with the Sire's suspect in the French Simon motto. "CheroKee" might be a pointer to Cherrys and Keys / Kays.

Or, CheROKEE could be a pointer to Rock-branch Rooks/Roke's because Grands use a rock! Plus, amazingly and unexpectedly, Rocks and Rooks/Roke's were first found in Worcestershire with Chips who in turn have "Alan de Chepe of Devon" in their write-up while JEEPma's are also Cheps!!! Zikers, and English Simons were first found in Devon who share the Whoo-connectable trefoil with Cliffs/Cleave's.

I realized earlier this week that Scottish Grands are in Chip colors and format, but didn't mention it because I could see no way to connect the two surnames. Now it seems that they were related. Kays even use a "kepe" motto term, is that not the wildest thing? DeSimone's first name is Joe, from an Italian form of "Joseph," and Joe's/Joseph's were first found in Hampshire with Keppe's/Cheppe's/Kippers, believe it or not!

Meschins of Skipton come into play here because Skiptons were in Craven with the Bank Newton location of the Bunch-like Banks. Bunchers are listed with Bankers.

The Geneva-beloved Wings were first found in Worcestershire too, and so it's interesting that while Sleeping Beauty, Miss Hicks, points to poison vaccines, the Hicks share the Bunch / Bird fleur-de-lys. Her adopted daughter is, Geneva. The same fleur are used by Ainsleys, and I claimed that Ainsley Earhardt is a second fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty. This now gets amazing for multiple reasons. Her only child is Hayden Proctor, and Proctors share the Bird Crest!!!

Plus, the My variation of Mea's is in the Ainsley motto, and Birds use "mea"! Cheep-cheep. It's hard to see, and I may not have known about it until now, but the gold DEMI-lion of My's/Mea's is said to hold an anchor, making it a near-match with the Graff/Graffen Crest! It's bringing the Ainsley motto into Switzerland. Demys are listed with Mays while My's/Mea's are listed with Meigh's, snitching nicely on the origins of heraldic "demi."

My's/Mea's even have "black birds" while share the Savoy cross, and the WHO at Geneva is at Savoy!!! Plus, just fell upon this: Savoy is where French Bride's were first found who share the stars of Bird-like Brights, first found in Cheshire with Birds, and French Bride's share the Coat of French Harve's while the Arve river flows to Geneva!!!!!!! Cheep-cheep, my-my, lookie there, a heavy-duty Bird-line link to the WHO!!!!

French Harve(y)s were first found in Ile-de-France with Dansette's, and Hoo's/Who' use a fesse-dancette!!!! Fauci-branch Fessys/Face's share the Savoy Coat!!!!! Fauci-related Tromps have a giant eagle in the colors of the giant two-headed eagle of Jeepma's/Cheps!!! I had nicknamed Trump as "Tweety Bird," cheep-cheep.

Fauci's were first found in Geneva-like Genova, and Geneva's/Genova's have a lion in the colors of the Irish Brian lions while Savoy's BRIGantium is now BRIANcon. Bird-connectable BRIGHTs must have been from Brigantium elements along with Bride's. BRITTanys/Britains (and Cheshire's Maceys), in Brighton colors and near format, share the Bright / Bride stars and the martlets of English Harve's! Beauty, for the Arve river of Savoy flows to Geneva.

French Brians were first found in Brittany with Helens, and said to be descended from its Alans (Shropshire with Bats). Helens have "...Hillion, near Saint-Brieux, was the birthplace of HERVE d'Helion, a companion of William the Conqueror who was awarded a barony and lands in Devon." Devon is where Stewart-branch Alans were first found. Welsh Brians were first found in Denbighshire with Bathers while Baths share the Savoy cross.

It just so happens that while Dol is near Dinan, Diens/Dine's were first found in Surrey with the English Helms who come up as "Helion." Helens came to topic initially from my tenant, Helen, and Tenants then came to topic who were later discovered to be first found in West Lothian with Bathgate, and with Elis-branch Elias'. Elys (version of the Muscat/Musk Coat) were Muscat/MUSK kin from Muschets of Ely's bishopric. As Helion-like Elions share the Elon Coat, this paragraph looks like a pointer to Elon Musk. Ely is in Cambridgeshire, where Crabs were first found who share the Coat of Ely-like Hells/Hellers, in Helly/Haley colors.

It's now important that Brigantium is directly over the Cottian Alps from the Cottian capital, where I trace Whoo-connectable Wests.

As soon as I woke Sleeping Beauty by inadvertently touching her leg, we HELD each other while RISING INTO THE SKY. Where have we seen this theme before? We were defying GRAVity, and while Helds/HELTs share the Hickson Coat with nothing but legs, Holds/Holts have two of the Holder/Holter fesses while the latter surname, with GRIFFINs in Harve colors and format, was first found in Gloucestershire with GRAVE's/Greafs/Griefs, is that not a hoot? HOOTers/Hutters and hover-like Hoovers show nothing but a leg. And, the point is, Huttons, first found in Lancashire with Holds/Holts (no dancette), are essentially in Hoo/Whoo colors and format! The WHO is the World HELT Organization, so to speak!!! This is a big hoot.

Hold on to your rising heat. Holds/Holts were first found in Bury of Lancashire with RatCLIFFs. Cliffs/Cleave's (Cheshire with Birds) almost have the Hoo/Whoo Coat. John Ratcliff was of HEATH, and he appeared in the rising-electron discussion. Birds defy gravity too. I've mentioned about 20 times that, when Miss Hicks moved from my area of Texas, she moved to about 10 miles from Heath, home of John Ratcliffe.

Hutton is in Preston while Prestons (Lincolnshire with Wake's) share double-red fesses with Wake's, and are colors reversed from the double Sleep fesses. HOOT! Prestons even share the McBRIDE cinquefoil while Bride's can be shown to be a Bird branch! This heraldry appears all Set-up centuries ago to point to the WHO.

Brigs share the McBride cinquefoil, and Brighams share the trefoils of English Pike's, first found in Devon with Hoods/Hoots/Hutts, Diamonds/Dinans, Births/Berts, and Masci-connectable Burys we saw above at Lancashire's Bury. Preston (beside Cheshire) is in LEYland while Leys/Lays are also LEGHs (Cheshire with Birds and Brights). Bird-connectable Diamonds/Dinans use a "prest" motto term.

The Arve-like Harvers (new to me now), though listed with Harbers/Arbours, use a vertically-split Shield in the colors of the horizontally-split Shield of Geneva's/Genova's. The beauty here is that the Harver/Harber Crest shares the "SLEEPing" lion of Rounds, and the latter were first found in Essex with the Mountains who share the Harvey martlets! We now have Sleeping Beauty smack at the Geneva surname, and at the Arve river to Geneva, so let's repeat that Miss Hicks has a daughter, Geneva.

Miss Hicks pointed to the Apophis asteroid with Mountains and Crabs, and Hellys/Haleys (evokes a comet) were first found in Sligo with Hickens and Hickensons. Crabs were first found in Cambridgeshire with Harvers/Harbers, and while the asteroid is sure to destroy harbors, Harvers do list Harbors! Lookie there. HarBONs almost have the Sea Coat.

Hicks even have a "bon" motto term while "bona" is used by Orrs/Ore's in turn connectable to the motto of Mountain-loving and Apophis-pointing MacKenzie's (major topic of last week's update). The Harver/Harbor Coat is much like the Bona Coat while Bonneville is on the Arve river! Smackdown. Bonneys/Bonnets share the Bury Coat, recalling the Bury-connectable Holders (GRIFFINs) in Harve colors and format.

ANNEmasse (off the Arve) is at/near Geneva, while LausANNE is on the north shore of lake Geneva, and Anne's share the stag head of Poppins. This is not necessarily off topic because God may be sending the Apophis asteroid against critical enemies persecuting His people, and the WHO could become one.

"Annamasse" is said to derive from "NaMASCAE" in Roman times, though without other data, I can't feel sure that this was an ancient Masci element. Geneva's/Genova's are in Masci/MASCELLi's colors, and both surnames share the white wing with Diens/Dine's while Diane's/Deans (Sussex with Mascals and BONE's) share the Chief (in colors reversed) with Masseys/Massa's (Savoy). As Masci's essentially share the bend-with-fleur of Bonneys/Bonnets, the latter look like a branch of Bonneville's of the Arve. Though not in the same color, the Bonneys/Bonnets and Birds share the footless martlet in Crest.

I was able to trace Garveys to the Arve, and their Coat looks related to Muscats/Musks, first found in Cambridgeshire with Harvers/Harbors. Garveys share the double Perche chevrons while Massey- and Alan-related Bellamys (Shropshire with Meschins and Alans) were at Perche, near BONNEtable. Bellamys are much in Harve(y) colors and format, but throw in the Seaton/Sitten crescents while Sitten (Switzerland) is near the Lys valley of Masci's / Masseys. Sitten is also Sion, and Sions/Swans were first found in Lanarkshire with Locks in the "padlock" of the other English Bonneys.

Pero's/Perino's/PERICHs were first found in Piedmont with Masci's, and French Bonneville's almost have the Jewish Levi Coat while Laevi Gauls were at Pavia, where Pierro's/Pero's/PERICHs were first found. The horizontally-split Shield of Italian Pavia's (Piedmont) is colors reversed from the same of Geneva's/Genova's. French Levi's were first found in Ile-de-France with Lys'/Lisse's. Some Cavii Illyrians are highly suspect in the Lys valley.

Bone's almost have the Bonn/Bunn Coat while Ainsleys were first found in the same municipality as Bunnys. This could trace Ainsleys to Bonneville on the Arve, and Geneva is even near Annecy while Ainsleys were a branch of Annas'! Proctors were first found in Cambridgeshire with Annas', and with the Dives' who have a fesse-dancette in the colors of the dancette in the Hayden Chief. This is the Hayden surname sharing the Beauty bull, yet the other English Haydens (both in Norfolk) share the Savoy / My/Mea cross. The "foy" motto term of Haydens points to Ainsley Earhardt of Fox and Friends because Foys come up as "Foix," and this gets amazing because one of the French Foix's/Foys was first found in Ile-de-France with Harve(y)'s and Dansette's! The Proctor Crest has the red martlet in the Bird Crest, and the Arve river is at Geneva! Hoey-vey.

The Heimers, first found in Switzerland with Kris'/Chryslers, show nothing but "foxes." Openheimers, sharing the Kris/Chrysler hexagram, share the motto in the Arms of Rothschild. The other German Openheimers share the "sphinx" (different colors) with Brocuffs/Procks/Brox's, and Ainsleys were first found in BroxTOW. Tows/Tough's (Cheshire with Broxton) have the giant Home/Hume lion in colors reversed, itself in English Hammer colors. The sphinx-using Openheimers have a dancette-fesse in colors reversed from the Hayden dancette-fesse, shared by Dives', first found in the same place as Proctors. There's nothing to hoot about in this paragraph, except that Ainsley works for Fox news while all the natural links include Ainsleys and foxes. And Irish Fox's/Shinnocks almost have the Hoe/Hoey Coat.

If God wants to point to Ainsley Earhardt with Fox and Friends, then we should be able to use Friends too, who use "buck's heads" while English Bucks were first found in Norfolk with Haydens and the-r Tute/Tuit kin. German Bucks, sharing the giant Fox/Shinnock lion, have a "VirTUTE" motto term.

Although German Bucks show what are usually eagle wings, they don't mention the species (maybe they had a falling out with their Eagle ancestors), but call them "BLACK wings." Blacks were first found in Lincolnshire with Eagle's/Hegels while English Hagels were first found in Somerset with Buck-like Backs using a giant black eagle, and with Friends using buck heads. Are you impressed? I am, not only because I've been able to sort this all out, but because, I must assume, God took the time to arrange this centuries ago. What might Ainsley think about it? More importantly, what's His core Purpose?

As Ainsley played Sleeping Beauty who was rising with me into the sky, as soon as I touched her leg at the knee, let's repeat from above: "Hoo's/Whoo's come up as "Hoos," and English Hose's have "legs couped at the thigh" while Trumps almost have the Legg Coat. It's very interesting that Scottish Hose's/Hussys have the Rising/Rison Coat in colors reversed. I've not known the Hose description until now with "thigh" included, and I've mentioned Mamie's thigh many times who pointed to Trump in multiple ways when she sat on my legs / lap / knees."

Mamie had her BATHing suit on, and Hose's/Hussys have: "'William Hosed or Hostus held Charlcomb, in Somersetshire, of BATH Abbey,...'" Hosts/Osts were first found in Somerset.

Will Trump and Fox news once again facilitate a plandemic from the WHO? Why would God want to point to this when the companies and individuals are endless who actively facilitate vaccine machines? As I said, Mamie got her thigh symbol when she went to her front garden in her bathing suit. I don't remember her holding a HOSE, but assume she was watering that garden on that hot and sunny August/September day, otherwise why did she go to the garden? As I've said, Val Trompia is at lake GARDa.

The English Hose write-up: "William of Hose, formerly William de Nueris,...The family was originally of Noyers, EURE,..." It looks like the Neuri on the Bug river, and Bugs were once said to be first found in Nottinghamshire with Ainsleys, but are now said to be first found in Dorset with Beautys. Ainsleys were first found in Basford while Basfords are mainly in Noyers colors and format.

The Eure's suspect in the Hicks motto were first found in Dumbartonshire with Lakeys while leg-using Leakeys (probably have the leg-using Prime's in their motto) share the Hicks and Ainsley fleur-de-lys. Miss Hicks got a knee symbol, wholly similar to how Mamie got her thigh symbol, on the so-called "Leakey road" in Camp Wood, Texas, yet while it's officially the Ranch road (goes to Leakey), it's astounding that English Rench's have a Coat almost matching the Noyers Coat while German Rench's share the Leakey / Hicks / Ainsley fleur-de-lys.

Leakeys (Lincolnshire with HolBEACH's) share the engrailed Knee bend, though Knee's call it, "invected" (the first I've known this). It looks like "infected," Dutch Vechters are listed with Victoria's/Fechters, and Fesch's/Fechters, first found in Switzerland, show a Vechter variation. There's a Swiss Fechter Coat sharing the vaired Shield of Beach-branch Beckers, wherefore they may have been Bechters / Beckets to begin with. Yes, for Beckets are in Bash colors and format while Bash's were first found in Hertfordshire with Beach's! Sleeping Beauty was on a beach, and Ainsleys were first found in BASford.

I can show a new way as to how the wake scene on the beach applies to heraldic links. Fleets were at HolBEACH, a thing I don't recall knowing. Holbeach's were first found in Linconshire with Holbeach, and the first-known Wake's and Hole's/Halls. The Holbeach Coat is a not-bad reflection of the Wakefield Coat which in turn is sharing the Fleetwood Shield. Wakefields have a "vinco" motto term while Vince's were first found in Hertfordshire with Beach's/Bechs. Vince-branch Finchems (almost the Beak Coat), having three of the double Flag/Fleck and Float fesses, were first found in Norfolk with Flags/Flecks and Floats.

When I woke Beauty, she and I must have been "swallows in flight" as we rose into the sky, for that's the Swallow description as part-code for the Flight variation of Flatts/FLETTs. Then, while Slings have a "vulture in flight," it's in the colors of the raptor-like "vulture" of Rapps while Reeps are listed with RISE's. We were rising into the sky. Flights are from the Alans, and both Hicks and Masci's were close to Alans in the Crusader period.

My trip through Victoria had me buying a newspaper there (for want-ads) which led me to purchase Texas property, landing me on the NUECES river, the river that Miss Hicks was on too, some 10 minutes away. Knees-like News'/NUCES' (look like Bash / Becket kin), sharing the "chaplet" with Hicks', were first found in Cambridgeshire with English Rench's.

As German Vechters/WACHters (potential Walks/Wachs / Wake's) are new to me, and I'll record their "buffalo horns." Their pheasant-like bird is called simply a "bird." In the first minute of my speaking with Miss Hicks, speaking with her for the first time (seven years after buying the Texas property), she mentioned the buffaloes on her exotic ranch. I then turned the topic to the big size of a Buffalo's head, and Heads/Heeds are a Hayden branch. My best shot at the meaning here is a bird-flu plandemic, to begin with, but also the Swiss Feschs/Vechters ought to enlarge upon the WHO and/or Klaus Schwab.

Or, as Feschs evoke the Fieschi of Genova, that's where Fauci's were first found. The bird of Vechters/Wachters looks like a pheasant, and Pheasants are also Fessants (Fusil/Fusie colors and format), possibly a branch of Fauci-branch Fessys/Face's (share Savoy Coat). Fusils/Fusie's, sharing the Fauci lozenge, and in Harve colors, were first found in Dauphine, beside Savoy and the Arve river. Harve's add a FESSE. Fauci elements of Genova must have been in Geneva. Gene's/Ganays share the giant eagle of Doria's, first found in Genoa.

The swords of Feschs/Vechters are in the colors of the Pollet swords while the Pollet Coat on a blue Shield becomes the Coat of Aude's, first found in Savoy with Geneva and the Arve river. Pollets are in the motto of Pools, first found in neighboring DORset. Pools share the lion of Jean-connectable James' who in turn have a motto, "Victor." The other James' use a Dauphine-connectable dolphin.

I almost missed it!!!! Wake's (share Orr roundels) use a "Vigila et ora" motto connectable to the Hicks "bon heure" motto phrase that itself connects to the Orr motto (none of that new), AND Vechters/Wachters use a "vigilantia" motto term!!!!! I can't believe this heraldic set has escaped me all these years. It was thanks to the "inVECTed" knee bend!!!

For years, I didn't have access to a website describing Coats of Arms, and when I did, I suppose I just flew over this "invected" term, or had it in a blind spot. I woke Sleeping Beauty by touching her knee, I can hardly believe this, like God has been holding this ace up His sleeve for this time. The Knee's had the Wake-branch Wachters all along, and while Miss Hicks married Mr. Kilpatrick, Kilpatricks were first found in Dumfries with Walks/Wachs!

The wake scene is now becoming clearly a message: watch out for Fauci, watch out for Trump, stay awake, the rapture is soon. For when I touched her knee, we rose skyward in rapture, and a raptor, a "vulture with wings RAISEd", is used by Rapps in Tromp-eagle colors. That looks like code for a Rise / Raison / Rising / Reesor branch.

In the Sleeping Beauty dream, I saw myself as an on-looker, WALKing toward her with no shirt on, but only my JEANS! We just saw the Jeans looking like Geneva/Genova elements. I only-now loaded Walks/Wachs to see that they share "Industria" with Vechters/Wachters!!! The first Rothschild found his fortunes in Hesse, where Vechters/Wachters were first found, and the Arms of Rothschild uses "Industria." The Walk/Wachs "garb" is the "wheat sheaves" of Wakefields (share Tromp and Fauci Shields).

The Fesch/Vechter swords are "points down" while Knee's were first found in County Down. We can't argue with the facts. Downs/Douns (Sussex with Tromp-beloved and Knee-connectable Acorns) have a "buck" in the colors of the Trump stag head and the Legg "buck's head". Dons have a "buck's head," as do Hicks'.

Wakers/Walkers (Yorkshire with Bush's and Wakefield) and Walsh's/Walchs may have named the Swiss canton of Wallis after they named Wallace's. Wallachia is where the Buzau river is while Bus' were first found in the same place as Bucks. German Bucks have the Wallis/Wallace Coat in colors reversed. While Wake's and Wachs could look like Fauci's and their branches, once we go to Walks and Walkers, they start to look like Wallachia elements. I suppose the evolution of terms could have been Wallachia > Wallace > Walk > Wake > Wace > Wassa > Vase/Face > Fauci > etc. But this is an uneducated guess. For all I know, it could have been the other way around.

It's now incredible that the Foix's/Foys of Auvergne share the split Shield of Layers. Repeat from above:

Layerd-like Layers share the split Shield of Rebels, and while Rebels show a tree stump but call it a "stick," Sticks were first found in Somerset [with Leavells/LEVELs]. Layers (Tinton colors), first found in Lincolnshire with Wake's, have a blue unicorn head to go with the blue unicorn of Tints, first found in Somerset with Wake-like Waggs/Weggs. Perfect. Tintons were first found in Cornwall with uniCORN elements, with Wagg-branch Wage's/WATCH's, and with Wace's/Wassa's.

It seems that God had her laying on her back for a pointer to Lawyers. Watching is VIGILance, and Wake's use a "Vigila" motto term translated as "Watch." She fell asleep while lay-hovering [LEVEL] on her back, and He told me, "go wake her" [this was after I WALKed to her car from some 100 feet away].

The Lear/Leers unicorn heads are blue in colors reversed. German Layers share the double-wavy fesses of Formans, and the Foix's/Foys are suspect in the Hayden motto with Fermins / Formans! Ahh, while German Layers were first found in Ulm, I recall that German Ulmans (no ermines) share the double sleep fesses too. English Ulmans have the giant McBride cinquefoil. Almans share the English Back Coat.

Layer-like Lauers (grapes) come up as "Laus," and perhaps this line named Lausanne at lake Geneva. Grape's/Grabbers are also GRAVners, which recalls how the Tedros-like Teeters use grapes. Graffs/GRAVs might just have been at Lausanne. Grape's/Grabbers share the Coat of Goats/Gothams (Nottinghamshire with Bunnys) while Bunnys share the black goat with Walsers (they were on the Lys river near Sitten). The latter were named after the Swiss canton of Wallis, location of Sitten. Dutch Walsers have a giant moline to prove that the Walser goat is the Moline goat.

The Seaton-like Setta valley was home to "bird"-using Panico's! Plus, the latter were first found in Bologna with the Pepoli's who in turn share the checkered Shield of Halpert-like Halpers (Worcestershire with Geneva-beloved Wings), and the Walser goat holds a halpert axe, though they call it a "halBERD"!!! It can suggest that the Bird moline can be close to the Walser moline. Moline's were first found in Devon with Births/Berts (!), Pike's, and Alan-line Stewarts. The latter share the Hoe/Hoey lion for potential connection to Hoo's/Whoo's.

While Burts share the Birth/Burt Coat, Burtons/Bertons (Harve and Bellamy colors and format) were first found in Shropshire with Dol Alans and Bellamys. And Italian Burtons/Berts, who look related to Este's (Ferrara with Burtons/Berts), are in Kepke/Kopke colors and format, border included.

The earliest Wallis/Wallace's are said to have been in Molle, CUPa and Paisley. The latter are from Pasi's of Bologna! The Pepoli's of Bologna could have been of the Popoli's, first found in Campania with Aquila's sharing the Este Coat. There's a good-picken reason that Aquila's were made a part of this.

Chicken Poke and mRNA Dinners

The earliest Wallis'/Wallace's are said to have been vassals of the Dol Alans, as had been the father of Pollocks/POKE's. This could be right down bird-pox alley. We read that Wallis'/Wallace's settled Renfrewshire (from Molle), where Pollocks/Poke's were first found. It could appear that Pollocks were these very Wallace's who, upon settling Pollok in Renfrewshire, changed their name to "Pollock." Wallis'/Wallace's are said to have been first found in Ayrshire as WALLENis' (can explain the Dol whale), and that's where POCKs/Pike's/PICKENs were first found who share a gold saltire with Pollocks.

The red footless martlet of Proctors and Birds is in the Crest of Weddings (Yorkshire with Hicks, Dance's, Fermins, and Keppochs), in Keppoch colors and format, and Weddings have a different-colors Coat version of the Hicks who in turn share the fleur-de-lys of Ainsleys, Bunch's and Birds. This explains why Sleeping Beauty was fashioned by God as my future bride. "It's you she loves," he said, "GO wake HER." Her's can be gleaned as Earhardt kin. Love's/Luffs and Muscats/Musks share the red lion heads of English Dance's and Fermins, and "FERME EN foy" is the full Hayden motto.

PLUS, I almost missed it: the Muschets of Muscats/Musks were at Ely, and Elys almost have the Wedding Coat!!! Wiles' share the double fesses of Wedding-branch Weedins. It makes me chuckle and shake my head when I bump into things like this. It's the game of God that keeps popping into view consistently. "It's you she loves," and Love-related Muschats were kin of Weddings while Sleeping Beauty was fashioned as my bride. Then, while Meschins married Skiptons of Craven, Cravens are in Ely colors and format, and nearly in Muscat/Musk colors and format. The difference between Coats is that Muscats/Musks have double fesses, and they happen to be colors reversed from the double sleep fesses. Bride's share the Macey stars, and Masseys and Maceys too.

And so with Weddings sharing the Bird Crest, and with Wiles' sharing the double Muscat/Musk fesses upon which are the Birth/Bert fitchees in half their colors, and in colors reversed from the Brit/Bret fitchees, how does the Sleeping-Beauty sleep-wake scene relate to a bird-flu pushed by the WHO? Or, am I just wrong about pointers to bird flu?

The Lawyers/Layerds who share the Sleep Coat throw in a "millrind" while Rinds were a branch of Rands/Rynds/RANCE's while the Rance river is at Dinan. The Dinan-branch Diamonds share the Ainsley and Bird fleur-de-lys. The Dinans have one fesse-by-ermined-fusils in the colors of the double ermined fesses of Lawyers/Layerds and Sleeps. The Dinan Shield shows nothing more so as to look related to Sleeps.

The full sentence was: "WHAT ARE you WAITing FOR, it's you she loves; go wake her." Are's are listed with Earhardt-connectable Ayers (almost have the White quatrefoils), and "for" is a motto term twice in the Ainsley motto. Macey-branch Irish Mackays share the Quade/WADE Coat (Wait/Weight colors), and Scottish Wade's/Waids share the Masci, Country, and Earhardt fleur-de-lys. Ainsleys love the Countrys, first found in Kent with Masons/Massins, and Conte's were first found in Durham with Wade's/Waids who in turn share the Messey saltire.

Back to the Hayden motto suspect with Fermins. The chevron-with-anchors of Fermins are reflective of the Hoo/Whoo Coat due to the likely Fermin link to Dance's. The latter share the Alan/ALLEN fesse while Hicks translate their motto with "ALL IN" likely because they have the Alan/Allen fesse in colors reversed. Then, French Alans share the red martlet too. French Alans can be gleaned as JORE/Gore kin, and the Diamonds/DINANs use a "TouJOURs motto term while Dinan is near Dol of the Alans. The Wests with nearly the Hoo/Whoo Coat have a "Jour" motto term.

Dinners/Dinans, sharing the quadrants of Bedins/Bedows (Shropshire with Alans) mention "Alain Dinan." They are the quadrants also of Tuits/Tute's, first found in Norfolk with the Dol Alans of MILEham (see Alan write-up), with FULKE's, and with Rants/Rance's in the Rind motto. The Rinds in heraldic MILLrinds trace to the Rance river. Miles' use the millrind. "Jure" is a motto term of the FOULKE's while Dinners/Dinans are said to descend from Foulke of Dinan.

Fouchys share the giant Hugh lion while Hoo's/Whoo's were probably from Hugh Lupus. Hugh Lupus used the wolf head of Bathers, first found in Dene-evoking Denbighshire with Foulke's. The latter share the boar heads of Juggs/Judds, whom I trace to Jugon, near the Rance river. Juggs/Judds are in the colors and near-format of Tedros-like Tudors/Theodore's, and both were first found in Herefordshire.

More martlets are used by the Marlins/Merlins suspect in the "marlion's wing" of Diens/Dine's/Dives'. The latter's patee cross is called, "FORMy", and Formans/FOREmans (Yorkshire with Fermins) not only share the gold anchor with Fermins, but the lion of Irish Brians. Fore's/Forez's were first found in Savoy with BRIANcon.

The chevron-with-anchors of Firmens is in the colors of the chevron-with martlets of Formans. The Forman anchor is shared by Fare's in giant form, in colors reversed from the giant one of Ferme's/Fairborns, the latter first found in Midlothian, where Formans were once said to be first found. Spanish Fare's, with double-wavy fesses of Formans in colors reversed, share "flames" (different colors) with the French Lions/Leonards suspect in the "marLION" motto term of the "formy"-using Diens/Dine's/Dives'.

Lions/Leonards, first found in Gascony with the martlet-like Martels, look related to Drydens (another gold demi-lion), first found in FORfarshire, in Angus with the first-known Scottish Bride's. French Bride's were first found in Savoy with FORE's/Forez's/FORETs, suggesting that Forfarshire was named my elements in Forez. Lyons are said to have named Lyons-la-Foret. Plus, the Mens', first found in Midlothian with Ferme's, are said to have been at Glen Lyon of the Lyons.

To top it off, Martels and English Merlins share the Corona / Coron/Coroner crown, and the latter surname was first found in Cheshire with MARTLet-using Birds. Corona's were first found in TREVISO while Travis' have their Travers variation in the Fore/Foret motto. English Merlins almost have the Bruno Coat while English Bruns (Middlesex with Fiers/Fere's) share the Coat of Bird-beloved Cruce's. Browns/Bruns were first found in Cumberland with Scottish Fare's.

With all of the anchors in the picture while taking off from the Hayden motto, it would be amiss not to add that Graff/Graffens use the anchor while Grave's/Greafs were first found in Gloucestershire with English Merlins. The giant Grave/Greaf eagle is half in the colors of the giant Vienne eagle, and Vienne is near Lyon, both between the Forez mountains and Savoy.

Repeat from above: "The Vienne Crest looks like it has a chef because Viennes are in Chaff colors and format, and Chaffs have a giant GRIFFIN." However, Hall of Names says that the Vienne Crest has "two lions". Grave's/Greafs happen to share a "spe mea" motto phrase with Birds! The WHO wants to enforce bird-flu vaccines, and we can suspect that there will me more testing done, on human test subjects secretly, using graphene-oxide.

Bird-connectable Proctors were first found in Cambridgeshire with Chapmans/Chepmans and "chaplet"-using News'/Nuces' who I link to Bash's. Ainsleys were first found at BASford's BROXtow, and Birds were first found in BROXton. See that? Brox's/PROCKs/Brocuffs share the Chief-Shield colors of Brocks who in turn share the Earhardt fleur-de-lys.

Ainsley Earhardt had a daughter with WILL Proctor, and Wills use GRIFFIns while Will-connectable Velis' are in the Griffin motto. Proctors share the three "nails" in the HEART of Logans while Earhardts are AirHARTs too. Logans were first found in WestMEATH, but also in Ayrshire with "Air"-using Ayers and Hermit-loving Sheds, while Earhardts can be connected to Eyers/Airs/Ayers, first found in Derbyshire with the Here's/Heyers while German Here's/Hers, Hermits, and Herzogs are linkable to Earhardts.

"...It's you SHE loves, GO wake HER," God told me as she was hovering on her BACK, and GO = graphene-oxide while Shea's share the Earhardt and Meath fleur-de-lys. The Her Crest shares the blue wings in the Crest of German Backs/Bachers, and the latter incorporate the full Bird motto, which, because it includes the My's/Mea's in the Ainsley motto, tends to point to Miss Earhardt in this case, which goes with Birds sharing the Proctor Crest.

Ayrshire is where Pochs/Pike's were first found while the bird flu is a chicken POX. English Pocks are in Clot colors and format, and graphene-oxide is highly expected to cause blood clots. English Pocks use horseshoes, a symbol of wicked controllers of bio-weapon labs foisting their viruses upon us in scandemics. The first Pollock/POKE built a castle in Moray, and horseshoes with a bat are used by Scottish Randolphs, first found in Moray. They were likely a branch of Rands/Rants/Rynds and Rinds, and as English Peters share the Rind scallops, they were likely from Peter Pollock, builder of Rothes castle. I'll explain below how the Pollocks were related to the "birds" of Verone's/Varenne's.

The Proctor-beloved German Nails/Neils/Nagle's (share Gale saltire) have the saltire of Hate's/Haits/HAGUE's (Hagan colors) in colors reversed, and Hats/Hades' ("wreaths," part of the Rothes bloodline) were first found in Dorset with Hayden-connectable Beautys. Irish Nagle's use the "nightenGALE" while Gale's were first found in Yorkshire with Hate's/Haits/Hague's. Thus, Hagans must have been Neil kin, and then English Neals were first found beside Dorset, and beside also the Wing-connectable, Nagle-like Hagels. Wings were first found in Worcestershire with Knighton and Knightons/Nightens. NIGHTENgale. Nights/Nets share the lion of German Hagels, and Knighten/Nightens have eight of the twelve 12 bars of Haydens. David Knight is a waker-upper, but I don't think he finds talk of graphene-oxide in vaccines credible.

There's talk of sneaking graphene-oxide into meats, and there is a Meath-like Meat/Mead surname. Scottish Logans use a "Scottish PIPER" while Letts/Late's (Gloucestershire with Grave's/Greafs) have "organ pipes." Pipe's are linkable to English Webbers, the latter first found in Somerset, where Meats/Meads were once said to be first found who have the Webber martlets in colors reversed. English Crocs (Shropshire, beside Birds) have the Bird martlets in colors reversed while Irish Crocs share the Webber fleur-de-lys. It's the fleur also of Vest-beloved Arrows, first found in Staffordshire with Pipe's.

Kepke's spider chase included Webbers while Vest-like Wests look connectable to Hoo's/Whoo's while Graffs/Graffens were first found in Switzerland with WHO headquarters. Kepke's girlfriend (when I knew them) gave us the WAISTells, traceable to Vestalis of the Cottians. Waistells use the dove while the fesse-dancette of Dove's (Berwickshire with Wills) is colors reversed from the same of Wests and Hoo's/Whoo's.

As I said many times, the Waistells from Miss Peare came with "it FELT so GOOD," and Felts share the Bird flory! Things are shaping up. Mr. Kepke points us to the Kepke-branch Kupe's/Koops using "candleSTICKs," you see, and German Goods/Guts (Switzerland with WHO) share the garbs of Sticks and Stiche's while Whoo-related Cliffs/Cleave's are said to have married the Stiche's. Kepke's/Kopke's were shown above linkable to Bird-loving Gotts sharing the four fesses of Dile-like Dillings. This one paragraph alone is simply incredible. English Goods were first found in Kent while Candle's are listed with Kentwells, first found in Suffolk with Kepke-connectable Kidds.

Heraldry can't fall like this coincidentally or magically for events in your life. The events need to be Arranged by Someone able to create the links, and it's not easy to do because heraldic links require marriages. Heraldic symbols are transferred through marriages. Just think of how much work and thought God put into making these links to tell the stories I'm trying to unravel. I constantly complain to God, and re-pray, re-beg: please tell me what you are doing through these writings. Silence is the response.

Who's reading? Silence. Where are we going with this? Silence. How long will I be doing this? Silence. Do you want me to announce that Apophis is landing? Silence. Why did you pick me for this? I have theories. But I repeatedly see evidence that He writes right through my keyboard, so to speak, without my knowing it at first. Plus, most of my guesswork is on future events, and if they come to pass, then God will say to me, "I did tell you what I'm doing, before it happened." But, I stress, it's only GUESSwork for me, and it makes me nervous to predict something in case it doesn't come to pass.

"IT felt so good" can also be for ITiers/Hitts, first found in Switzerland, and sharing the double bends of Kris'/CHRYSlers. I called Miss Peare, Chris.

Ainsley-like Ains'/Hains use the arrow too, and they are said to be related to Hagan-like terms while Hagans (Tyrone with Nail-connectable Neils) have the Meat/Mead quadrants in colors reversed. Hagans use the boot while Boots were first found in Warwickshire with Meats/Meads, and the latter's Meadow branch were first found in Suffolk with Chickens. Chicken pox? Boots were once said to be first found in Berkshire with Choke's, kin of neighboring Love's/Luffs and Amore's / Damorys/Amori's, all-three first found in Oxfordshire with Checks/CHICks, and then Chocks are listed with Chicks! The latter share the Warwick Coat while Meats/Meads were first found in Warwickshire.

The Marlins coming of the Dine motto share the triple-wavy fesses of Choke's. This recalls that Dine-like Diane Muschatov said to me, "I almost choked on a chicken bone." I assume she was dining at the time. Dinans are loved by Bird-connectable Bunch's. Chocks/Chicks were first found in Essex with Muschats/MontFITCHets and Brocks while Bird-connectable Broxtons use a giant "patee fitchee". Diens/Dine's show patees in colors reversed. Chickens were first found in Suffolk, where both Love's/Luffs and their Muscat/Musk kin were once said to be first found. Bone's, first found in Sussex with Diane's/Deans/Dene's, and where Diens/Dine's were once said to be first found, were a branch of Bunns, first found in Oxfordshire with Love's/Luffs and Checks/Chicks, both sharing the same fitchee. Bunnys were first found in Basford with Ainsleys! It's you she loves!

Diens/Dine's are also Dives', and the other, Hayden-connectable Dives' were first found in Cambridgeshire with Muscats/Musks.

Ainsley Earhardt was at least quasi-dating Sean Hannity, and Irish Hannitys have Hagan-like variations. English Hannitys have a motto, "TouJOURs FIRME."

Chapmans/Chepmans are suspect in the "VESTed perchevron" of the News/Nuces Crest. Vests were first found in Switzerland with Oldenburgs/Aults, and the fesse-dancette of Wests is in the colors of the same of Hoo's/Whoo's! See that? The Coat of Nuse's/Newes' looks related to the Oldenburg/Ault Coat, and Jeepma's/Cheps were first found in Oldenburg.

Oldens almost have the Ains Coat, both sharing the Chapman/Chepman crescent, though the latter's is in the colors also of the Diane/Dean/Dene and Croc crescent. It's the crescent also of Cheeks/CHICks (kin of Love's/Luffs) who have the Ains / Olden Coats in colors reversed.

We're back to the Dene crocodile, and while Birds use a "Cruce" motto term, Crux's and Crocks have similar Coats, both sharing the ESKIN pale bare while ESCHYna de Molle married Robert Croc(e) of Renfrewshire, where Eskins and Pollocks/POKE's were first found. I read that Isabel, Eschyna's daughter, married Robert Pollock. Is this a pointer to chicken poke?

The WHO will give us a BUNCH OF CROC as to why we must become vaccinated for the bird flu. It's testing the waters right now to see if there's a possibility of success in vaccinating more than half the world. I don't expect it will work this winter, but there is an effort at this time.

English Crocs (Shropshire, beside Birds) have the Bird martlets in colors reversed, and these Crocs look like kin of Covert/Cofferts, first found in Sussex with Wiles' who in turn have the double Sleep fesses in colors reversed. This is new material because I failed to read/stress the wake write-up: "One source claims the name originates with Hugh Wac, lord of Wilesford, Lincolnshire." Wilesfords, with a reflection of the Covert/Coffert Coat, is why Wiles' were checked, and they share double-red fesses with Wake's! This gives me a new angle on "GO WAKE HER."

Choke's share the Coat of Chalks, the latter first found in Kent with the Country's in the Ainsley motto, and with the Snake's/Snooks in the Earhardt Coat. Country's share the Earhardt fleur-de-lys. Kent is also where Conte-branch Cone's were first found. Wilesfords and Willows were first found in Lincolnshire with Wake's and Bracebridge's, and the latter incorporate the full motto of Scottish Wills (share PEARson suns). WILL Proctor. The willow tree is with Sallows, first found in Shropshire with Crocs, and Swallows were first found in Lincolnshire.

Wilesfords share the triple leopard faces of Parsons, first found in Norfolk with Haydens. Will Proctor has a daughter, Hayden.

I now go to the evening when I climbed Diane's antenna, knocked on her bedroom window, and WOKE her up from SLEEP. Knocks/Knox's were first found in Renfrewshire with Croc-connectable Pollocks, and with Wake-related Orrs/Orrs. Noke's/Nocks share the red leopard face with antenna-like Antons, the latter first found in Lincolnshire with Wake's. The three Noke/Nock leopard faces are colors reversed from the same of Wilesfords and Parsons, incredibly enough, and while Knocks/Knox's are said to be from Crawfords, the latter almost have the Sleep Coat! Yet, Sleeps named Shropshire, where Crocks were first found who share the Crawford fesse! Zinger, this is new material, and Crowhursts/Crowders were first found in Kent with Sleeps! Jewish Pollocks, sharing the bend of Crooks, look related to the Coat of Crowhursts/Crowders ("spear" in Crest).

Parsons and Knock-connectable Shouldhams were first found in Norfolk with Crows to go with the Crowford variation of Crawfords. Noke's/Nocks were first found beside Crow-branch Crawls/Crowells.

The Pile's who have the WILESford leopard face were once said to be first found in Northumberland, until this year, with VELIS'. It's also where Rodhams were first found who are in Crook colors and format, it figures.

The same leopard faces of Wilesfords and Parsons are with Peare's, first found in Oxfordshire with the Damorys/Amori's almost having the Choke / Chalk Coat, and with the Bee's suspect in the Bracebridge motto. Brace's were first found in Herefordshire with bee-using Doors.

Willers were first found in Switzerland. See that? "IT'S you she loves" can take us to Hitts/ITiers, first found in Switzerland. Or, it can take us to Ita of Metz because Metz's (Austria with Urbans) use the "ORB" while German URBans share the Willer Coat!!! Spanish Urbans share the Hiedler/Hitler stars, in the colors of the hexagrams of German Urbans. Victor ORBAN, current prime minister of Hungary, valiantly opposes Klaus Schwab of Switzerland. Clauds/CLAUSels are also Clots. Willowbys use the crown that is often code for the Ceraunii Illyrians on the URBANus river, beside the Maezaei Illyrians, explaining why the Urban Coat is incorporated into the Massena Coat.

The gold DEMI-lions above, including the one of Swiss GRAFFENs, are in the Olden Crest, and "demi" is suspect with the Demy's/DuMays, suggesting that they were intended as DyMY's, for My's/Mea's are listed with May-like Meigh's. The point is, the all-important Wests (GRIFFIN head) have a "de ma" motto phrase, and while the WHO is in Switzerland too, Mys'/Mea's/Meigh's share the Savoy cross. Wests were first found in Devon with the Gates' who share the gold demi-lion. Bill Gates and the WHO are partners in mass-murder, corporate-sponsored "population control" by Schwab and company.

Flu-Like Surnames Hard to Come By

The three Gates lions are in the colors of the three lion heads of Fellows, who are the closest thing I can find to "flu." Bill Gates has publicly exposed his hopes that people will accept a plot to kill off much of the world population as "necessary." He knows there are people who take that view, but none of them want to go first, willingly to their own deaths, wicked hypocrites.

Fellows work because they share a fesse-dancette (different colors) with Hoo's/Whoo's, and are in the format of, and colors reversed from, Dansette's, the latter first found in the same place with Feller-connectable Vires'. What damned family better than the Rockefellers could God point flu's too? When I say he pointed to Rockefellers with the cockroaches and black smoke in Crystal city, it was on the evening of my being mugging in Galveston, which I say pointed to James LeDuc of the bio-weapons lab in Galveston, for he and others had been involved in the Wuhan lab, what are the chances?

I got mugged there, and the only lab in America that's publicly said to have been involved in work at the Wuhan lab is in Galveston (google may be suppressing articles on this, but I found some last I checked). The Fells have eight-pointed stars colors reversed from the eight-pointed LeDuc stars.

Why isn't there a Floe / Flow / Flew surname at houseofnames to really nail it? Wikipedia has an article on the Flew surname, but without heraldry or history details. We can assume it to be a Fellow/Fallow branch.

As soon as I got mugged in Galveston, I changed plans from checking out property in Mexico to seeking it in southern Texas. I deemed the mugging necessary for me to meet Sleeping Beauty. Fifteen years earlier, in the dream, she FELL asleep. The British bulldog at the start of the dream, which she and her husband would point to, FELL into a KIDney-shaped swimming pool having a hungry, nasty shark that half-swallowed it.

I identified the bulldog as Trump, and so let me repeat from an insert above:

The "Grata" motto term of [trumpet-using] Calls/Caules' might explain Trump's "make America GREAT again" slogan. The Grate's are listed with Wreaths, first found in the same place as McGOO's. GO = graphene-oxide, and the Call/Caules Crest shares the demi-lion of Graffs/Graffens!...

PLUS WOW: Grats are listed with French Grasse's while Fauchys use a "grassHOPPER" while Hoppers were first found in Wiltshire with Calls/Caules'!!!! Tromps share the split Fauci Shield!!!

The Greats/Greets have a saltire in the colors of the saltire-by-fish of Kidneys/Gedneys, and the Great/Greet Crest is a gold rooster head, the color of the rooster standing on a "trumpet" in the Liver/Lever Crest! I've probably landed on that set before, but it didn't become a common theme due to my lack of memory.

I've told already, but will repeat, in order to convince the reader that God played this dream to heraldic links, that the saltire-by-fish of Kidneys/Gedneys (Lincolnshire with Pollock-connectable Cross'/CROCE's), called "fish CROSSed", is in the colors of the saltire of German Neils while Irish Neils were first found in Tyrone with trefoil-using Sharks. Irish Neils (look related to Hoe's/Keogh's and Keons) share the fish in the >Arms of Saraca, yet it's also at the base of the trefoil-using Verona/Vires Coat.

Alan-related Swallows were first found in Lincolnshire with Kidneys/Gedneys, and we may then ask why Fellows/Fallows share the Dol fesse. Can we prove that Rockefellers were Alan kin? Yes, for I trace Alans to the RoxoLANI, the Rus-Alans who named Roxburghs having an "Audax" motto term as code for Aude province, location of Roquefeuil. Alan-associated Pollocks use "AUDacter."

I've told of how the KIDneys/GEDneys can take us to Geds and their Gates-like Geddes' branch, and how Geds had been on the Nith river that also has Kilpatrick castle. But what I didn't realize until now is that KIDs were first found in Dundee with Fells, isn't it amazing how dumb I can be for so long? I don't remember telling this since COVID hit, but, even if I did once before that time, I doubt I was thinking "flu" and "Fellow" at the time. English Kidds are even connectable to Kepke's.

DunDEE's are in Kepke colors and format, and in Roque/Rock colors too, while "DEO vero" is a Roque/Rock motto phrase. It works because Dundee-beloved Lilys were first found in Worcestershire with Rocks and Rooks while the latter were once said to be first found in Oxfordshire with Lille's and Vere earls. English Alans mention Alan of Lille, explaining why the Lille Crest shares the "swallow" with Arundels.

The Lille fitchee is probably the one of Checks/Chicks and Love's/Luffs, and the latter share the triple fesses of Fullers. They are the triple fesses also of neighboring Pasleys. Fullers call their fesses, "bars," and Scottish Barrs share the Love/Luff lion head. When she FELL asleep, God said to me, "it's you SHE LOVES." English Shea's/Shaws/Sheaves' were first found in Berkshire with Pasleys.

I was decided on kissing her on the cheek, and Checks/Chicks are also Cheeks, I now get it: God wanted to include Cheeks/Chicks and Loves together. This is why I called her Sleeping Beauty, because I determined to kiss her awake Sleeping-Beauty style. We might say I was going to give her a Lille kiss.

But while leaning over to kiss her, she awoke from a TOUCHing of my hand on her knee, before I kissed her. Touch's/Tuffs were a branch of Tufts/Tuffs', and the latter share the "phoenix" with the Knee's. Touch's (Cheshire with Broxton, Tufts/Tuffs, Hands/Hanns and Birds) are also Tows while BroxTOW is where Ainsleys were first found. Phoenix's/Fenwicks share the Bird and Proctor martlets.

Phoenix's/Fenwicks were first found in Northumberland with the Greats having a saltire in the colors of the saltire-by-fish of Kidneys/Gedneys, and while Geds and Geddes' use PIKE's, Justine of PICenum married the son of emperor GRATian. Greats share a gold border with Justine's.

Geds use a "DURat" motto while Dure's (Perthshire with Justine's and DOGs) share the Swallow-like Saluzzo Coat while FitzAlans of Arundel married Alice of Saluzzo. The shark in the kidney-shaped pool swallowed the bullDOG. DOUGlas', sharing the Moray stars, likely the LeDUC stars too, were first found in Moray, suggesting that James LeDuc can be the bulldog. The bulldog FELL into the pool, and Fells have the LeDuc stars in colors reversed.

I've never identified the bulldog as LeDuc before, but rather as Trump, for the bulldog could have been viewed as jumping into the pool while Jumps share the Trump stag head and the Belly roses. The bulldog passed right by my leg and knee, and Trumps and Tromps connect to Leggs and Knee's. Was Trump in cahoots with James LeDuc?

Sallows, first found in Shropshire with Alans and Sleap, were kin of Belli's while Bellys were first found in Moray with Peter Pollock. LeDucs were first found in Brittany with Alans and Shark-line Sarasins. The LeDuc Coat is a perfect reflection of the Moray Coat, and, to boot, Belli's were first found in Verona while Verona's/VIRES' are the ones first found in the same place with Dansette's, and almost having the Feller Coat. Dansette's share the Belly and Jump roses, and Jumps were first found in Yorkshire with Dance's. The Verone's are the ones sharing a Bug Coat for what looks like a pointer to flu-bug.

And, I used to say theoretically years ago: the Roxolani were involved with the Neuri on the Bug river at LVIV. I trace the namers of that city to Vivians, connectable to Five's/Fifys and Fife's while Geds were first found in Fife. The Rats in the Ged motto were first found in Nairnshire with Geddes'.

TreFOILs are shared between Fellers, Falls/Fallis', Rocks, Rods (from Roquefeuil-related Rodez) and Geddes / Ged-beloved Pike's, the latter first found in Devon with Gates'. Trips/TREFFs are from Trypillians in the land of Kiev-region Roxolani.

Fellows were first found in Huntingdonshire with Cottons while Wests (fesse-dancette of Hoo's/Whoo's) are from Cottians. French Cottons were first found in Languedoc with Rocks/Roque's, Rockets, and Roquefeuil. I believe that the fire from the sky of the Falls-like FALSE prophet will be of rockets, and Fullers use "fire" with their beacon. Prophets use a giant leg, and while Leggs are connectable to Trumps, Donald Trump is shaping up to be a False-Prophet candidate in the sense of disguising himself as a Christian "lamb," but speaking like a dragon. I'm not making any predictions here, just an observation.

Fellows have a "perseveRANTia" motto term while Rants/Rance's (share Brit/Bret lion) can take us to the Rance river, location of Dinan, and we saw the Bunch-related Diamonds/Dinans of Devon, who have one of the gold demi-lions so as to be linkable thereby to Gates'. Devon is also where Savoy-like Saveys/Saffers were first found, a branch of the neighboring Savers/SEVERs (Somerset with Bills and Bird-like Brits/Brets) who must be in "perSEVERantia."

Savers/Severs share the annulets of Cherrys, and we saw the "BUNCH of cherries." Reminder: Bunch's almost have the fesse-with-fleur of Birds, and Kidneys/Gedneys use "A bird perched...". The Pellicans (Maine with French Billets) of Bills gleans the latter with French Billets while English Billets were first found in Devon too. Billet-branch Bello(w)'s/Ballots were first found in Cheshire with Birds and Brights.

"Bello" is a motto term of Bouillons who share "vero" with Roque's/Rocks, and while the latter were first found in the same place with giant-rook Rockets, rook-using Rooks were once said to be first found in Oxfordshire, a bastion of the Vere's/Vairs, and where Renfrew-connectable Ships were first found who use "Bellows."

Bouillons were first found in Auvergne with the Mullets while "mullet" stars are in the Fell and Fuller Coats.

RENfrew is suspect from "Rennes," near the Rance river and Dol, and Rennes-le-Chateau is near Roquefeuil. Renfrews use a "SAILING ship PROPER" in Roque/Rock colors, and Sails/SALES' (Cheshire with Propers/Roberts), in the colors and format of rook-using German Terras', are suspect from "SALUZZo." Scottish Terras' were first found in Moray with Peter Pollock.

Rennes is roughly where French Henrys were first found suspect from Henry of Rodez, and Irish Henrys were first found in Tyrone with Sharks in turn sharing the Rod cinquefoils. Thus, Sharks can be traced to Brittany with the Saracen-branch Sarasins (Brittany) who in turn love the Moline's, first found in Devon with Rods. The shark in the swimming POOL must have been a flu. The bulldog FELL into the pool.

German Belli's share the "BEACON" with Feller-like Fullers connectable to the namers of RoqueFEUIL." Beacons/Bacons were first found in Suffolk with English Kidds, and while Kidneys can take us to the Ged pikes, the Fullers said to use "bars" share the star of Scottish Pike's/Pickens, first found in Ayrshire with Barrs who in turn share the lion head of Alan-connectable English Dance's. Italian Dance's/Donnas' are from the Cottians, I claim. The two Barr stars are colors reversed from the two (same positioning) Beacon/Bacon stars.

French BACONs share the cinquefoil of Bus' while Cotesii were at the Buzau river with a branch of Roxolani. The Bus cinquefoil is in Lily colors and format with Hamiltons, first found in the same place as Pollocks who themselves descended from Alan-associated FULbert "the Saxon."

Fullers look like English Pasley kin while Scottish Paisleys (same place as Pollocks) share the Dansette roses. The "forTITER" motto term of Fullers can be for Teeters, but in any case must be for English Forts because they have a rock while sharing "audax" with Roxburghs.

Scottish Bride's, showing footless martlets (= Bird symbol) but calling them "BLACK BIRDS", share an eagle head in Crest with Birds. Blacks were first found in Lincolnshire with Eagle's/Hegels, and while German Hagels use an eagle, English Hagels share the lone pile of Geneva/Genova-beloved Wings. The latter use billets too, and the Arms of Roquefeuil have billets too, and it just so happens that the first-found location of Wings was changed recently to the same place as English Rocks and Rooks. Previously, Wings were first found in Perthshire with Dure's and Cluns, both sharing the Saluzzo Coat. Cluns share a black wolf in Crest with Shark-line Saracens/Sarasins.

I read that FitzAlans were at a Clun location in Shropshire, also called, Salop, location of Sleap, and Sleeping Beauty FELL asleep. Fells share the lozenges of Chaffs, the latter first found in Dorset with Beautys. Chaffs use a "griffin SEGReant", and Seagars can take one to Segurana's of Genova. Note "segREANT," for Seagars were once said to be first found in Norfolk with Rants/Rance's and the Ant river. SegreANT. Seagars were first found in Devon with Dinans while the Rance is at Dinan. Devon is also where Rods were first found while the Rodez lion is the one of Seconds/Segurs (Limousin, not far from Rodez).

Sleeping Beauty had a SWIMMING SUIT on, which can be viewed as a bathing suit because Baths (Somerset with Church's) have the Rhodes Coat in colors reversed. Seagars were once said to be first found in Norfolk with Sawyers/SAWERs ("CHERCHes" motto term) while Sewers are listed with Suits/Shuters. Shots/Shute's were first found beside Pools. Sawyers/Sawers are no longer said to be first found in Norfolk by houseofnames, but now in Somerset and Huntingdonshire, ignoring their earlier Sagyere term that looks better listed with Seagars.

I can't stress the SWIMMING POOL enough. Swimins almost have the Coat of Jewish POLLocks and Rise's/Rye's but add "green LEAVES" to their bend. Leave's/Leve's were first found in Norfolk with Rise's/Rye's. Let's add that the Pool Shield is linkable to the Auvergne Shield while Pool-beloved Pollets can take us to Aude province with Aude's of Savoy. De-la-Pole's were at FOIX-Candale, named partly for Foix province beside Aude. One of the French Foix's/Foys was first found in Auvergne, and the other Foix's/Foys were first found in the same place as Verona's/Vires' and Second-beloved, leaves-like Levi's while Seconds, sharing the Genova/Geneva lion, are also Segurs, an obvious branch of Genova's Segurana's. Seagars were once said to be first found in Norfolk with Leave's/Levi's.

Which part of the killers of Jesus were in Geneva with Levi liners? Ask Joseph CAIAPHas, for Chaffs love the Seagars / Segurana's in their "segreant" griffin. It's the giant griffin also of Battle's, first found in Berwickshire with the Aids in the Levi motto! The Chaff "lozenges" are the same of Fells. The flu was in the kidney-shaped swimming pool, wasn't it.

NEW: COVITs/Cove's, with almost have the Jewish Pollock and Swimin Coats, were first found in Saxony with the Kepke's/Kopke's who share the upright goat of Kidney-connectable Kidds, first found in Suffolk with Covits/Cove's!!!! The COVID flu was in the swimming pool.

The leaves showing for Swimins were once showing for Tease's/Tess who therefore nearly have the Swimin Coat, the point being that Tease's/Tess' were first found in Switzerland, and probably in the Ticino canton that leads on the Tessin river to the Laevi Gauls in Pavia. The Pierro's/PERICHs, first found in Pavia, could be in the Kidney/Gedney "perch." The kidney-shaped Swimin pool, at your service.

Lincolnshire is where Cross'/Croce's were first found while the Scottish Bride's (beside Geds) call their cross simply "a cross," and "cruce" is a Bird motto term. We saw the "fish crossed" of Kidneys/Gedneys (Lincolnshire). The Kings (Devon) in the Ainsley motto share the German Hagel lion, but add "CROSSes crosslet" in the colors of the Dien/Dine crosses.

Eschyna de Molle married an Alan from Dol, but she also married Mr. Croc. ESKINs/Erskins must have named her, first found in Renfrewshire with the Pollocks whom her daughter married. Crookston, in Glasgow of Renfrewshire, was named after her husband, Robert Croc. "Crux" is a motto term of Scottish Blacks who share the Croc crescent. Her daughter married Robert, brother of Peter Pollock of Rothes castle, and this tends to reveal that the Wreath's, sharing the Chief of English Blacks, were a branch of Wraths/Rothes', especially as Blake's share the single pale bar of Eskins/Erskins. The "Je pense" motto phrase of Eskins/Erskins then looks very much like code for the Jays because they share the bend-with-roses of Jewish Rothchilds and Pollocks.

Pense's/Pincons were first found in Devon with Molle-like Moline's and MOLsons/Moltons. The latter look related to the Simple's (Renfrewshire) in the motto of Spear-branch Speers, first found in Cornwall, possibly explaining why the Rothes raven in the English Peter Coat is a "Cornish chough". Simple's share the "KEEP tryst" motto of Hebrons, and the latter were first found in Northumberland with RODhams/Roddens, in Crooks/Crookston colors and format, tending to reveal why David I built a "Haly ROD" (Holyrood) House for his mother.

Jays were first found in Herefordshire with DOORs, and Daorsi with Ardiaei were on the NARO/Neretva river, elements of which named Nero's/Neretti's but also Blackys, Blacks, Blake's, and probably Blaze's too. The latter are said to have named a location near MOLay. The Molays made it to the helm of the Templars just as the Alans from Eschyna de Molle were jumping onto the Scottish throne. That is, when France persecuted the Templars under Jacques de Molay, some escaped to the protection of king Robert Bruce I of Scotland, whose daughter married an Alan-Stewart descended from de Molle. At his Wikipedia article, Jacques de Molay has a moline cross on his robe, and Sarasins of Brittany have a giant moline too.

Wikipedia's article on Crookston: "The lands of Crookston were named after the feudal Anglo-Norman lord, Robert Croc who was granted the deeds by David I of Scotland, via Walter fitz Alan, in 1170 and soon built Crookston Castle." I was told by emailer Pollock that the king commissioned Peter Pollock to build a castle in Rothes. Walter fitz Alan became the husband of Eschyna de Molle, and he was the first Stewart.

Walter fitz Alan was a son of Alan fitz Flaad (the first-known Alan of Dol), and so here's from the Alan write-up: "Alan, son of Flaald, and ancestor of the Fitz-Alans, earls of Arundel, who erected a strong castle here [at Mileham, Norfolk]." Mile's and Mills use millRINDs, and Rinds were from the Rance river near Dol that flows to St. Malo while Malo's are listed with French Mallets while English Mallets share the Rind scallops, and then Malta's share the Wallis/Wallace lion but add a "column" as code for the line of Malcolm III, father of king David I.

The Arms of St. Malo has an ermine mammal wearing a scarf, and the triple Scarf wolf heads are with English MILLers. The latter share "spes mea" with Birds/Burds who in turn almost have the MOLINE cross of Scottish Millers/MilLAIRs. The latter have the Coat of Sarasins in colors reversed who were in turn first found in Brittany with French LAIRs.

English Lairs/LAYERs, sharing the split Shield of Foix's/Foys in the Hayden motto, can get us to Sleeping Beauty laying level while hovering. It just so happens that the Manens suspect in the motto of Scottish Millers share roughly the Ains/Hains Coat while Scottish Millers were first found in Dumfries with Scottish Hains. Then Hannitys were first found in Lincolnshire with millrind Miles' and Lairs/Layers. This is pointing to Ainsley Earhardt in her role as Sleeping Beauty. Is she going to be killed or maimed by a bird-flu vaccine by Rockefeller drugs? Is this why Sleeping Beauty fell asleep? She did say that she opted to take COVID vaccines.

Just noticed: Lairs/Layers are said to be from "le EYR"!!! That's linkable to EARhardts.

Instead of "crux" of the Blacks, Birds/Burds share use "Cruce" with Cross'/Croce's. The ravens of My's/Mea's are "BLACK BIRDs", and the Graff-connectable Crest of My's/Mea's has a "cross" while Cross'/Croce's ("spero") were first found in Lincolnshire with Blacks, tending to assure that Cross', a branch of Crutch's/Crooch's, were form Robert Croc (or from a shoot of his ancestry if they were Crocs too).

Oh no, Crutch's/Crooch's (Blake pale bar in colors reversed) were first found in Somerset with Leavells/LEVELs. Ainsley was hovering level when falling asleep. Irish Blake's/Caddells share the fret (different color) with Cattle's/Cattels. Stay away from beef? Cattle's/Cattels (Norfolk, Foix/Foy colors) look linkable to Faux's and Blaze's, for the latter share the martlets of Mountains, first found in Essex with Faux's. French Mountains use bulls, and French Faux's/Fage's were first found in Perigord with Beefs/Boeufs. Go figure.

ZOWZERS, just fell on this: Beuffs/Boeffs, listed with Buffs, were first found in Hesse with the new-to-me-this-week Vechters/WACHters (a Wake branch!), who in turn use "buffalo horns"!!!! Bow-branch Buffys/Bougheys, with an "angel PRAYing" are in Beauty/Bowd colors and format, and Prays were first found in Lincolnshire with Wake's. Ainsley was laying level when I was told to wake her up.

And it was Miss Hicks who spoke to me about her buffaloes in my first-ever conversation with her. Walks/WACHs were first found in Dumfries with the Hains sharing the mascles of Bullys (Dumfries), and Beefs/Boeufs are also TourneBULLe's! English Turnbulls were first found in WAKEfield, I kid thee not!

We just nailed Wachters to Walks/Wachs, and the Proctor nails are in the HEART of Logans. Beuffs/Boeffs use a heart.

Plus, Scottish Turnbulls, sharing "King" with the Ainsley motto, and first found in Roxburghshire with Level-branch Leavells, have three bull heads very connectable to the same-colored Beauty bulls!!!! God arranged these things centuries ago, not because He likes to show off his talents in heraldry. Kings and Kingstons (Yorkshire with Close's) share the lion of Nets/Naughts, near the first-known Nitts/Naughts, the latter first found in Dumfries with Kilpatrick castle on the Nith, where Geds were from at least 400 AD.

In the dream, when I first saw a CLOSE-up of her face, I remarked, "SHE's beautiful," AND Shee's share the Earhardt fleur. Kilpatrick castle (Dumfries) is at CLOSEburn, assumed to be near the first-known Bullys. Roger de Bully is even in the Jump write-up while Jumps share the Beuff/Boeff rose. The hexagram of Jewish Harts is weaved (my term), and the only other Coat with the same weaving is with the Jumps. The Bully Crest: "A HEART in flames"! It can be tracked to the Beuff/Boeff heart!

The AINScourts are in the Jump write-up, and they share the checkered Shield of Warrens i.e. from Ada of Warenne, David's daughter-in-law. Jewish Harts: "...a gold Star of DAVID and inside that[,] a CIRCLE." Earhardts: "two intertwined gold snakes, enCIRCLing a fleur-de-lys." Circle's are listed with German Church's. German Harts were first found in Bavaria with EarHARDTs.

Irish Harts (heart) were first found in meat-like Meath. Metz's share the besant (the "circle") of Jewish Harts, and Ita of Metz can be in "IT's you she loves." That is, I might be descended from Ita of Metz. Metz is in the Meuse area of France, and Meuse's, sharing a gold patee cross with Metz's, were first found in Yorkshire with TURNbulls. Masci's were first found in Piedmont with TURIN. Massi's (Abruzzo) are listed with Mattis'. Turin is near CHIVasso, suspect to the Chiava variation of Italian Sheaves'. CHIVES-related Mathis' were first found in Burgundy with Messeys, Locks/DesLOGES' and Loge's, and then Scottish LOGans, first found in Ayrshire, have a "piper" in Crest to get us to Pepins. German Matts share the fleur-de-lys of Pepin-connectable Webbers, but also of Arrows/Arras', first found in Staffordshire with Pipe's. The Arms of Ayrshire uses "shaw" while English Shea's/Shaws/SHEAVES' were first found in Berkshire with the Hows in the colors and format of the Wakefield Turnbulls.

Scottish Harts share the Pollock saltire. Crooks/Crookstons (houseofnames doesn't mention the Renfrewshire origins) are in Aids/Ade colors and format because Aids/Ade's were from Ada of Varenne, wife of Henry of Huntingdon, son of king David I, and the Aids'/Ade's have a Coat reflecting the one of Welsh Davids for this reason. Now we can know why the Verone/Varenne ravens are "BLACK birds", the symbol also of German Bugs sharing the Verone/Varenne Coat.

So, it appears that God is pointing here to a bird-bug flu, for flu-like Fellows/FALLows (same place as Henry of Huntingdon) were likely of the Falls-branch Fellers who almost have the Coat of virus-like Vires'/Verona's. Falls'/Fallis' share the lion of Italian Crose's in keeping with the Croc bloodline beloved of the crocodile of Irish Dene's, first found in Galway with Teague's/TEEGERs, and with the Lynch's/Linch's who share the Verona/Vires Coat. Lings (Suffolk with Tigers) are in Feller colors and format.

Where did king David get the Henry name? The cup-bearer (steward) of David's mother was HENRY Sinclair, whom she granted Roslin, and he's suspect from a Henry of RODez. If I recall correctly, it was Hugh of RODez who married Isabel of RoqueFEUIL. A Hugh is suspect to the Hoo's/Whoo's/HOOS', and their West kin (assumed kin) were first found in Devon with Rods. Hugh Lupus, who had a Flaad-like nickname that his Wikipedia article removed years ago, can be to the How wolf heads. HOUStons/Hughstons (share Stewart checks) were first found in Renfrewshire with Alan elements.

We just put the spotlight on why Fellows (probably borrowed the Dol fesse) were at Huntingdonshire. I showed how the Fellow motto tracks to the Rance river near Dol. Roslin is in Midlothian, where Falls/Fallis' were first found. Roslins use square buckles while Square's were first found in Worcestershire with Rocks and Rooks.

David built his mother a Haly ROD House, indicating that Rodhams/Roddens were Rodez liners. French Henrys were first found near Dol, and the Dol Alans became David's "High Stewards."

Cross'/Croce's/Crose's were first found in Lincolnshire with the wife of Ranulph le Meschin, tending to explain why Cross'/Croce's/Crose's share the Massey quadrants, yet they are the quadrants also of Varenne-like Vere's/Vairs while Verona's/Vires' list Vairs too. The latter were first found in Ile-de-France with the Aid-beloved Levi's, meaning that king David I was a Levi liner, explaining why Welsh Davids (and Davis') share the Jewish Levi lion. Tinker about that because the modern British Royals claim to descend from king David of Israel, which looks like some twisted play on Scottish David's Levite blood.

Wallachians to the British Throne

The current king of Britain claims descent from count Dracula of Wallachia. Drake's are in the format of, and colors reversed from, Wallis'/Wallace's. Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg traced his Vere line to Transylvania, location of Wallachia. Irish Walsh's/Walchs, with a "TRANSfixus" motto term, have a swan while the Wallis canton is at Sion while Sions/Swans use the swan too. The 600 Danites were near mount Sion.

The Wallis canton is near the Laevi Gauls, and I've explained why one can trace the 600 Benjamites of Rimmon to the Rimna river of Wallachia, near the Buzau, explaining why Bus' were first found in Norfolk with Benjamins. The 600 Danites, in Judges with the 600 Benjamites, had Jonathan the pagan Levite priest as their priest. Scottish Walsh's/Walchs, with almost the Benjamin Coat, were first found in ROXburghshire with Leavells while Roxolani were at Wallachia's Buzau and Naparis rivers. These Scottish Leavells use piles while English Pile's are now said to be first found in Somerset with English Leavells/LEVELs, and with the TRANS'/Trents suspect in a Walsh/Walch motto.

Sleeping Beauty was hovering LEVEL when she fell to sleep, and Leavells are also LOVells, suggesting a branch of Love's/Luffs. It can explain why Luffkins were first found in Shropshire with Sleap and Hunts/Hunters. Moreover, it can explain why Lovicks have bull heads in the colors of the Beauty bulls, as well as the Hunt/Hunter saltire. In the meantime, the split Hunt/Hunter Shield takes us to the same of Foix's/Foys Coat in the "foy" motto term of the Haydens having the Beauty bull. These Foix's/Foys were first found in Ile-de-France with French Levi's. Then, Luffkins share the stars-on-gold-chevron with Peare's while Pierro's/Pero's were first found in Pavia, co-founded, as Ticinum, by Laevi Gauls. Love's/Luffs were first found on Oxfordshire with Peare's, and with the Amore's almost having the Leavells/Level/Lovell Coat.

"It's YOU SHE LOVES" tends to inform me that Masci's were merged with Laevi Gauls, for Irish Shea's/SHEE's (from KilKENNY) share the Masci, Kenny, and Earhardt fleur-de-lys. The Love-related Muscats/Musks have the double Sleep fesses in colors reversed. English Shea's/Sheaves' were of the Italian Sheaves', first found seven miles from the birth of my Masci-line mother. You-like Ewe's share the giant Ferte eagle while Masseys named Ferte-Mace.

Italian Crose's were first found in Vicenza with Valentins, and Valentinian I married Justine of PICENum. I, a Masci in a grandmother, descend from elements in Picken-like Picenze, seven miles from L'Aquila, and so proto-Pollocks of Wallis/Wallace relations suddenly look to relate to this area of Italy. Valentinian was born in VINKovci, and Masci's love Wings/Winks. The latter were recently said to be first found in Perthshire with Justine's (look like Berta/Berton kin), and with the Rinds expected from Ranulph le Meschin.

Last I checked, le Meschin's Wikipedia article had his lion the same as the one of Rands/Rynds, first found in Norfolk with Bert-branch Burts, Lucys, and Mileham. Milehams share the griffin of Marble's, first found in Cheshire with Birds/Burds. Meschins were first found in Shropshire with Talbots, Crocs, and with English Burtons/Bertons who in turn use "dog heads" often called "talbots" likely in honor of Lucy Taillebois, le-Meschin's wife. Dogs/Doags were first found in Perthshire with Rinds, Justine's and Rollo's (share black boar with Pollock-connectable Bowles'). See that? It's why heraldic talbots are dogs.

The current king of Britain married Camilla Parker BOWLES whose Arms has a blue boar expected with Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg, for Massey-relate Vere's use a blue boar.

The Talls now come in big, sharing bees with Bessins, first found in Cheshire with le Meschin whose father ruled the Bessin on behalf of the line of Rollo of MORE. Talls were first found in Thuringia with Rollo-related Roets that were a branch of Rothes of Pollock in MORay. Yet Thuringia is also where Walter-like Welders/Welters were first found who share the Tall and Massena hexagram. Boys, with more bees, were first found in Berwickshire with the Crook-related Aids/Ade's.

Vicenza is near Este while Este's share the Coat of Aquila's, the latter first found in Campania with Crose's. Scottish Crozier's share the Masci fleur while French Croziers were first found in Auvergne with Bird-connectable Bouillons, kin of my Taddei ancestry.

The double-tailed Walser mermaid is shared by German Babe's, from Podebrady of Bohemia, suggesting that the two-tailed lion of Bohemia is that one of Wallis'/Wallace's. Pollock-connectable Bollins share the six bars of English Babe's (Suffolk with GOLDs). English Babe's (once first found in Dorset with Beaks) were kin of Beaks whose triple pale bars are above the "GOLD gate" in the Arms of Podebrady. Babwells/Babels have a "gold gate" too, and were first found in Sussex with Bohemian-suspect Bone's/Bohuns who share the Gates lion.

It's important that I repeat my good theory, that Gates-like Agatha, grandmother of king David I, or her daughter with Agatha name, is suspect for good reasons from Podebrady with George, son of king Andrew I, father of Scottish Drummonds who in turn share triple-wavy fesses (different colors) with Beaks.

Montforts use the Wallis/Wallace lion with two tails, and Montfort is near Dol while Wallis'/Wallace's were vassals (stewards, subjective partners) of the Dol Alans. The point is, Masci-branch Mieszko's of Poland were related to BOLEslaw of Poland, and Pollocks share a shot boar (different color) with Bole's! The latter, with Bowles', were first found in Lincolnshire with Lucy Taillebois (Meschin's wife) of BOLINGbroke.

Inside the Bole cups are the Molle boar head, and the earliest Wallis'/Wallace's were at Cupa and Molle. Bollins, sharing the brown boar with Pollocks, were first found in Somerset with Bulls/Bule's. The BOLING martlets are called, "birds," and Birds have the BOUILLON flory in colors reversed. The Arms of Boulogne share the red roundels of Bullis'/Bulliards. The Bole boar is "wounded by a spear" while Spears/SPEyers (same place as Pollocks), sharing the Roet boar heads, probably named the Spey river, location of Rothes. German Bole's/Bollens (Mecklenburg with Gaunt-related Dols) use "comPASSes" while Pasi's (Bologna) share crossed spears on blue with Spears/Speyers.

We could expect the migration of Wallachians to Poland. I have a Taddei great-grandmother, and "liberTATE" is a Wallis/Wallace motto term. Tattons are said to have married Massys. Taddei's share the flory cross of Bouillons, and Godfrey de BOUIllon can take us to Godfreys who use a "libertas" motto term. Tedros' vaccines are Taddei for. "LiBERTas" can be part-code for Bert liners, and while De-Bouillon's family ruled Lower Lorraine, French Bertons were first found in Lorraine while Birds/Burds have the giant Bouillon flory in colors reversed. Burts were first found in Norfolk with Irish Tute's while English Tute's share the Tatton crescent.

Spears/Speyers and Roets have the Rollo boar heads in colors reversed while the Rollo Crest shares a black boar with Bowles' and Swinfords. Catherine Roet married Mr. Swynford and Mr. Gaunt. Bolings share the escutcheon of German Nathans while English Nathans have "compasses" too, as well as a "BLACK arrow" piercing a heart, reflecting of the Pollock Crest. The first Rothschild, Mayer Bauer, named his first son, Nathan, and sent him to be the bankster of London, in cahoots with Henry Drummond, London banker. Gaunts and Dols look like kin of German Drummonds.

Boii founded Bohemia, and then Meschins married Mrs. TailleBOIS, from the Taillebois' of the Bessin, home of the BIOcasses thought to be from Boii. Bole's are like the BOUILLons, and Boii were in BOLOGna while Bulgers use the bull. De Bouillon's father ruled Boulogne. This line can be traced to Bullis of Epirus, near a Boius region at the upper Apsus river.

ESCUTcheon-using Bolings, first found in Lancashire with Scute's, share the Coat of Saddocks, kin in turn of Masci-connectable Mascals. The latter's escutcheon is in the colors of the three "BLACK INEScutcheons" of Crooks/Crookstons, and we then repeat that Cross'/Croce's and "crux"-using Blacks were first found in Lincolnshire...with BolingBROKE's. Bollins have a "broken lance." INNIS' were first found in Moray with Rothes.

Yet Blacks also have a "lux" motto term while Lux's share the Mieske/Mesech bull head. See that? We just made a Meschin link to Mieszko's of Poland, descended from mythical Popiel of the mouse tower, and that term looks like "Pepoli." Repeat from above: "The Pepoli's of Bologna could have been of the Popoli's, first found in Campania with Aquila's sharing the Este Coat."

The Boling Coat is a take, or vice-versa, from the Arms of ROCHdale in Lancashire, and here we go to rock-using Roach's in the colors and format of the Scute-like Shots/Shute's/Schute's. Repeat from above: "Roach's use the rock, and upon that rock is a "RISING eagle", and Risings were first found in Norfolk with Rise's/Rye's essentially sharing the Smoke/Rauch Coat." It's also the Jewish Pollock Coat, though the latter add a wavy pattern suspect with Weavers / Webbers. Eagle's/Hegels were first found in Lincolnshire.

Bolings were first found in Lancashire with trumpet-using Livers/Levers, and trumpet-using Calls/Calles' were kin of SHOTs/Shute's, both in Roach colors and format. The Jewish Pollocks have a "wavy bar, DIAGONally placed." This description is new to me now, and Mieszko I was also called, Dagomi!

The Mieske/Mesech Coat shares an armed arm with Nallys. "DiagoNALLY"! Nellys share the roundel of Orrs/Ore's, first found in Renfrewshire with Pollocks and Hamiltons! Orr-related Wake's (same roundels) were first found in Lincolnshire with POCKets/Poachers and Bole's / Bowles', and Pockets/Poachers have the Hamilton cinquefoil in colors reversed. The Neil-connectable Press'/Prests are in the motto of Hamilton-connectable Bollins.

You just saw Pollocks linking to Rothschild-connectable Roach's. The smoke is rising from the smoking gun. What do roaches do best? They hide out by day, spy, and come out by night to ravage and poach.

Scottish Pollocks even have "A boar SHOT THROUGH with an arrow" for linkage to Roach's and Shots/Shute's. The latter were first found in Wiltshire with Hamilton-beloved Tree's/TRUE's. Hamiltons and Bollins (not "Bollen") use a "THROUGH" motto term, you see, and then put a SAW in their tree. Hamiltons share the cinquefoil of Dogs/Doags (Perthshire with SHAWS) in turn in Bollock colors and format.

While Taddei's share the Bouillon cross, it's suddenly very interesting that Bollocks (bull heads) are in Tudor/Theodore colors and format. Tudors/Theodore's share the helmet (different colors) with Dobys, first found in Renfrewshire with Bollock-like Pollocks! The latter were kin of Dobers and Dobermans, from DOBRawa, wife of Mieszko I. Can this part of the discussion point to Tedros of WHO?

Yes, for Pollocks are also pox-like Poke's/Pooks. Tedros is pushing pox vaccines of the mRNA kind! What a cockroach of a man he truly is. A ravager foaming at the mouth, with pockets stuffed with bribery money. He appears as a bogeyman in the news only to reinforce the dangers of lurking, viruses.

OH WOW: The Doby motto phrase, "magno prosequor," translates the latter term as Fellow-like "follow" while Fellows have a "MAGNAnimiTATE" motto term! So, perhaps God did arrange a pointer to flus with Fellows/Fallows, a branch of the Rockefeller drug "cartel."

I can now go to a chimney flue because Chimneys were first found in Yorkshire with the Schole's and Walkers. The latter not only share the Chimney chevron, but use a "magna" motto term. Schole's/SCAYLE's share the Shield of English Patents while a variation of Scottish Patents/Patients/Patiens' (Dumfries with Walks/Wachs) is suspect in the Fellow/Fallow motto. Walkers share the "lizard" with Organs and Corrigans while a Henry Sinclair of Roslin came to rule ORKNey, where Flaad-like Flatts/Flights were first found. Flatts/Flights and Floats use trefoils, a Feller-line symbol.

AHHHH. The Dove's (Berwickshire with David-related Aids/Ade's) have a "Patiens" motto, and share a white dancette-fesse with Fellows/Fallows, and the Dove dancette-fesse is in colors reversed with Wests who in turn share the one of Hoo's/Whoo's!!!!!! The flu-dripping surname just stuck a Q-tip up Tedros' nose.

I said "Q-tip" above, but only then started to ponder it because I recalled that the Traby/Sadowski (Polish) "scarf" is shaped as a Q, likely code for wolf-head Quade's because they share triple wolf heads (different colors) with Scarfs. Follow. Bull-head Tipps' were first found in Lancashire with kin of bull-head Bollocks, and the latter use a "scarf"! Incredible timing for me to write "Q-tip."

Follow. Tipps' (Lancashire with Ratcliffs) share the RatCLIFF bull heads, and Cliffs, sharing the three wolf heads of Quade's, almost have the Hoo/Who Coat, yet the two Coats are in the colors of the Tipps Chief! Though not in the same colors, Tipps' share an antelope head in Crest with Chimneys. St. Malo, beside Dol, shares a "scarf" with the "Lockaber AXES" of Bollocks, and the Axius river was home to Paeoni, suspect in heraldic pheons, which are in the Tipps Chief! They Bollock axes are said to have "handles" while Handle's and Handels share the Moray Coat. Proto-Pollocks of the Dol Alans moved as Bollock-like Pollocks of Paisley to Moray and married Watsons. Bollock-like Blocks (look like Watson/WALTERson kin) share the Paisley roses.

Before any of this was on my mind, I said: "The flu-dripping surname just STUCK a Q-tip up Tedros' nose." I might have said "shove" instead of "stuck," for Bollocks, in the colors and format of Tudors and Shove's/Shovels/SHOULers (share German SCHOLER fleur), share the bull heads of SCHOLfields (Lancashire with English Scholers). Shovels/Shoulers were first found in Hertfordshire with Beak-like Beach's, Scayle-like Scale's, and with the Finchem-branch Vince's/Finch's who in turn share the Bollock motto. Finchems share the Coat of Bohemian-liner Beaks (except that Beaks use wavy fesses). Pollocks share the English Frank saltire while both German Franks were first found in Bohemia. Italian Franks were first found in Piedmont with Masci's. French's were first found in Devon with Pike's.

Lancashire is where Bolts and Boltons were first found, and the Bolton Crest looks linkable to the Pollock Crest while the Bolton Shield looks linkable to Chimneys. As I've said many times, God struck the chimney of my house, at age 11, with a lightning BOLT, just as I was repeating "No, I don't believe in you, God, I don't (pow, it hit just then)." I was half asleep and WAKing at the time. We just saw Chimney-connectable Walkers, and Walks/Wachs.

I saw the bright light out my window (it was light out) as it struck, and Windows, first found in Yorkshire with Chimneys, have triple lion paws in the colors of the triple lion heads of Fellows/Fallows! That lightning bolt, which scattered shattered chimney bricks over the roof SHINGLES, now looks like an omen for the lap of Rockefeller drug pushers. I always link Windows to Fiens/Finis' having triple lions in the colors of the Window lion paws, because WINDsors have a "FIE EN" motto phrase. It just so happens that Fellows/Fallows were first found in Huntingdonshire with the Others/Otters (and otter-using Fenders/VENDers) in turn said to be proto-Windsors!!!! Can we believe it?

As you may know, the current British Royals are Windsors, yet the current king Charles is also styled, "Prince of Wales," and Welsh can be from Wallachians. The Arms of Wales is a dragon that can be secretly in honor of the real count Dracula i.e. from Wallachia. Dols use the whale.

Windsors were first found in Berkshire with ROCK-using Beetle's, and on that rock is a "fort in flames" while Forts were first found in Lancashire with Tipps'. "Fortem" is a Fien/Finis motto term, tending to make the Windsor-Beetle link. I had said: "The flu-dripping surname just STUCK a Q-tip up Tedros' nose." Stucks/Stocks use "beetle's"! The Windsor motto can have the Rothchild-connectable Jays (red roses of Lancashire), first found in Herefordshire with Tedros-like Tudors (nicknamed the pink roses as per being a mix of the red and white roses in the War of the Roses).

The Boots, until recently said to be first found in Berkshire with Windsors, are now said to be first found in Warwickshire with Scarf-like Sheriffs in turn sharing red roses with Schere's/Scherfs. One can see that the latter were kin of German Walkers! English Walkers (share "quam" with Sheriffs) were first found in Yorkshire with Scarfs and Masters (share Sheriff griffin heads), and with the Bush's who married Walkers to produce Prescott Bush, a Nazi-stooge banker. The Sheriff Coat, in Bute/Butt colors, looks linkable to Windows and Fiens/Finis', but even more to Masters. The Lizarts in the "lizard" of English Walkers almost have the Coat of Quam-like Cams (beside Sheriffs).

However, I've just found new-to-me Quams listed with Queens/Swene's/Swans sharing the triple wolf heads of Quade's suspect in the Q-shaped "scarf" of Trabys/Sadowski's! Swynford-branch Sweens have the "lizard" too (if it's in quotation marks, it means that I've checked).

I hear that Deborah Byrx, the military-stooge scarf lady, partner-in-crime with Trump and Fauci, is on the news now pumping the loftiness of mass-producing vaccines for the bird flu. The Rinds ("fragRANTior") who trace to the Rance river FLOWing to Scarf-loving St. Malo use "A FLOWer pot containing GILLIE flowers" and Fellow-like Flowers share the cinquefoil of Potters, first found in Hampshire with Pots and Tudor-like Tudys.

While the Dove's helped to shove the Fellow Q-tip up Tedros' nose, Dovers have the Flower Coat in colors reversed. I think people of the world need to get more serious than just throwing insults at Tedros and company. I think the peoples ought to detain them in "safety" shelters, and execute them there with poison injections, with a really slow kill speed but having just enough potency to cause a breaking out, from time to time, in something like the nerve-cracking cries of a midnight cat fight. We can let them scratch each others' eyes out. This is how much I love these poachers.

To go with the "MAGNAnimiTATE" motto term of Fellows, Rinds add "DiuturniTATE." Gillie's have a horizontally-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of FIE's/Cuffie's suspect in the Windsor motto. One of the English Tate's not only have "Cornish CHOUGHs," but put a "gold cuff" on their blue arm that essentially matches the cuff-less blue arm of Cough's/Cuffs/Cuffeys. The blue arm in Crest, with a cuff, is also with TIPPers, first found in Cornish Cornwall. Tippers share the dolphin with Scottish Kennedys while Irish Kennedys were first found in TIPPERary with Hoe's.

This recalls how "covfefe" started with Five elements and progressed to Fie's/Cuffie's, and so let's add that Bollocks have "FIVE Lockaber axes...BOUND with a scarf." Bounds are listed with English Bone's/Bohuns with almost the Coat of Schole-like Skulls (Scholfield colors), first found in Herefordshire with the Jays who share their bend, suspect in the "Je" motto term of Windsors. Herefordshire is beside the first-known Fiens/Fane's/Vans (Fien/Finis colors and format) of Monmouthshire. Fiens/Finis' are said to descend from "Conon de Fiennes, the Earl of Boulogne, of the county of Boulounais..."

Also, the Friends, in Bollock colors and format, have "A stag's head caBOSSed", and were first found in Somerset with Bulls/Bule's while the giant Boss/Boisville bull is colors reversed from the Bollock bull heads. Pollocks were first found in the same place as Hamiltons in turn sharing the ermined cinquefoil of Buss.' Boss'/Boisville's were first found in Cornwall with giant-bull Cole's whom I trace to the same-colored "bull's head" of Mieske/s/Mesechs and the same-colored "buffalo" head of Pohls/Pohlands.

The Bossi's/Boso's were first found in Lombardy, origin of proto-Windsor Other/Otters, and fictitious UTHER Pendragon was part-code for Others/Otters and/or otter-using Utters/Otterburns. Pendragon was made to mate with the wife of fictitious GORlois (Cornwall with Boss' and Pendragons) because Gore's share the Windsor crosslets.

The lightning bolt scattered shattered BRICKs over the roof SHINGles, and Bricks are from Ranulph de Briquessart of the Bessin, father of the Meschins, and moreover Bricks share the Massey fleur-de-lys. But did got strike the chimney just to teach me this thing? My poor father had to rebuild the top of the chimney.

The SHINGs probably have the Mieske/Mesech arm-with sword because Shingle-like Single's/Singletarys can be gleaned as Muschat and Wheelwright kin. All three share the antelope in Crest with CHIMneys, and then the Cams we saw above were a branch of KEMMis'/Kenys'/Camoys who in turn share the Shin/Chine/Ching Coat. In the meantime, Shings are listed with Shine's/Shinnocks.

Did God ruin the chimney just to teach me this history on my Masci ancestry?

Obama's mother, a Dunham, descended from Jonathan Singletary-Dunham, and while "barak" is the Hebrew for "lightning," some people say that Barack Obama will become the anti-Christ, though I can't see how he could be Gog. Is Obama why God ruined my chimney, knowing I'd be writing about it 50 years later?

The Masci's named Dunham-Masci, also called Dunham-Massey, in Cheshire, beside Single(tary)s. Baron Hamon of Masci lived in Dunham-Masci. Dunhams share the English Randolph Coat, and Obama's mother descends also from Randolphs not very far back. Scottish Dunhams are the pointer to poison vaccines.

Is Obama, a sodomite, going to be the next de-facto president? He's highly suspect as the de-facto president even now, like a cockroach who hides from the light, he plots the ruin of the United States in secret.

Singletarys use "birds." Could we expect Obama to push bird-flu buttons? He could take bribes from the vaccine companies to push those buttons. He's likely been pushing Button-branch Biden to push those buttons. It's the Great-Reset button.

The Shings and their Fox/Shinnock branch almost have the Hoe Coat, and while ShinNOCKs may have been a Shine-Nock merger, Nocks (Buckinghamshire, beside Berkshire's Windsor castle) have a Coat reflecting the one of Hows (Berkshire). The Hows are also Howes' while English House's were first found in neighboring Oxfordshire, where Vere's ruled centuries, and then the blue Vere boar is in the Hoe Crest. How do we bounce to the Hoo's/Whoo's from here? It would be helpful if I knew whose mullets the Hoo's/Whoo's use, but that's maybe for another week.

Sleeping Law Suits?

Why do Bohemia-line Babe's use two fingers pointing while Fingers use one finger pointing? The double-tailed Bohemian lion, and the double-tailed Walser / Babe mermaid can indicate that Babe's were somehow connectable to Tails/Tailers / Tillers, the latter first found in Wales. Tile's/Tillys use a dragon now suspect, perhaps, from descendants of count Dracula.

Fingers use a motto, Vigilance," translated, "VigiLANT." The Lants look like they can take us to king Andrew I of Hungary, for Hungarians had some marital ties with Bohemia. I say that Andrew's son, George, married a woman from Podebrady, and some genealogy sites say the same, though only I see her from Agatha, grandmother of king David I of Scotland. More likely, as Agatha above was too old to marry George, Agatha may have had a daughter, Agatha of Podebrady, who did marry him.

In any case, Lants share the rare saltire of Scottish Andrews, and the latter happen to use a "VICTrix" motto term while new-to-me Vechters/Wachters use a "vigilantia" motto term!!!!! I didn't know that these Andrews have a "Saracen's head" in Crest, for it's given a negroid look. The Lant saltire is called a "cross X", and I'm not sure what their "serpent" is code for.

There is a "dove standing" on the Lant serpent, and while doves are with Waistells/Wessels (Cumberland with Saracens), German Wessels share the "buffalo horn" with Vechters/Wachters and Moscowitz's, and the latter share the red bull with daggers, first found in Cumberland with Waistells/Wessels. Wachters can be of the Wassa's/Wace's because Waistells/Wessels named Wasdale. Vecks/Vicks, who share a pale bar (different color) on a red Shield with Victoria's, were first found in Lincolnshire with Wake's.

Scottish Andrews were first found in Caithness, land of the Keith Catti, and therefore the Lant cinquefoil must be the one of Keith-branch Kettle's. The super thing here is that Vechters/Wachters were first found in Hesse while the Chatti tribe of German was at Hesse-Cassel! That tends to prove that Keith Catti where from the Germanic Chatti.

Kettle-like The Chettle's, first found in Cheshire with HUGH Lupus, show nothing but a fesse-dancette, linkable via "Hugh" to the fesse-dancette of Hoo's/Whoo's. Keith-branch Caddys use "pennants," as do Hoo-like Coo's/Koo's, and Pennants were first found in Flintshire, beside Cheshire.

Hugo's, first found in Switzerland, use the mermaid, and Lants share the Savoy / Bath cross while Hugh Lupus shared the wolf heads of Bathers (beside Flintshire). Lant-like Landens/Lands were first found in Switzerland. The Hugo mermaid holds a black anchor, the color of the Graff/Graffen anchor, and the latter were first found in Switzerland too! Suddenly, we could have a Hoo/Whoo link to graphene-pointing Graffs/Graffens. Hugo's were first found in Basel.

The Hows, having Hoo's and Hugo-like Heugh's in their write-up, share triple-black wolf heads with Hoo-connectable Cliffs/Cleave's. The Hugo's are thus looking key for pointing to the WHO. Hugs, sharing the Graff/Graffen lion, were first found in Languedoc with Fellow elements and Fonts-de-Ville's. Hugs share the triple fesses and lion of Fountains (Norfolk with Todds and Tute's), and these triple fesses happen to be in the colors of the triple chevrons of Tedros-like Taddei's, which becomes a better pointer of Taddei where from "Theodore."

The Hugo mermaid holds a mirror, code for Mire's/Mireux's, first found in Angers while Anchors were an Anger branch. We are back to the Fauci bloodline. Angers were first found in Essex with Waters in the "water" on which the Hugo mermaid is drawn. The heraldic mermaid is "Melusine" of Nicholas de Vere's mythical concoctions, and he made her the mother of MILO de Vere, first count of Angers. It just so happens that Scottish Millers/MilLAIRs use two fingers pointing too.

At this point, I'd like to repeat that, when, after getting driving sickness (sleepiness), I fell asleep in my car on the SHOULDER of Keele street, Norm MILES, a police officer, KNOCKED on my windshield to WAKE me up, and he recognized me from some dozen years earlier, when we were in the same grade-eight class in UNIONville. I went to his school only two months, because we moved to a new place (Gormley) two months before the end of the school year, and I took the bus to that school with Karen Graff. She lived a few houses down the street from me on the corner of Doner and Union streets, and Unions use millrinds, as do Miles' and Mills. Is that not incredible? Where is it leading?

Why were Miles' first found in Lincolnshire with Wake's and Keele's? Wake's use "Vigila," and "Vigilance" is the full Finger motto. Norm Miles woke me from sleep on Keele street, and Sleeps were first found in Kent with the Time's suspect in the Miller/Millair motto. Norm was a POLICE officer, and Italian Polis' (Genova with Fauci's) share the Chief of "LANCE"-using Italian Dere's/Res'. "VigiLANCE."

Vigils look like kin of Wahrs in turn in the Fischer/Fisch motto, and the latter use a "fish" and "water" while Fish (Essex with Waters and Angers) almost have the Coat of Vychans/Vaughns, first found in Salop with Sleap. Essex is also where the Sempers were first found in the motto of German Mire's.

I fell asleep on the shoulder of the road, and he knocked me awake with his fingers and KNUCKles. SHOULDhams were first found in Norfolk with English, Alan-branch Lance's, GRIFFIN-loving MILEham of the Alans, and with HEADs/Heeds. Shouldhams love the Orrs/Ore's in their motto, "Vigilate et orate," and share the Coat, almost, of Knocks/Knox's (Renfrewshire with Orrs/Ore's and POLLICKs/Pollocks). "HEAD and shoulders" is in the description of Parrs who share a woman in blue with German Mire's. "Blue" is in both descriptions, and Blue's list Gorms (Finger colors) while Karen and I lived in GORMley at the time.

We just saw French Mire's/Mireux's linking to MILO de Vere, and we saw the Hugo mermaid with possibly the Graff anchor. The other German Mire's share the Graff lion. We might ask why Keele's are also Kills. I fell asleep on Keele. Is the WHO going to kill many of God's people? Me too? Scottish Normans have an "AuXILLium" motto term.

Or is this a happy story due to the MilLAIR variation of Millers, where Lairs/Layers (Lincolnshire with Wake's) take us to Lawyers/Layerds, indicating police arrests and prosecutions of some of Fauci's monsters? Lairs/Layers go with Sleeping Beauty sleeping and waking while laying in a hover, a picture of limbo, I assume? The Lair/Layer unicorn is half in the colors of the Head/Heed unicorn heads, and maybe Ainsley Earhardt will like to report on these arrests in spite of her boss not wanting it. The other half of the Lair/Layer unicorn is in the colors and position of the Hayden / Beauty bull.

Oh wow, Lawyers/Layerds not only have the Sleep Coat exactly, but throw in a "MILLrind"!!! The millrind is in a "canton" (square) in the colors of the mascle in the canton of Whalleys, and the latter are in Beauty colors and format. Cantons almost share the double Sleep fesses, but call their Coat "barry." We might ask why Scottish Barrys have a "legi" motto term. Irish Barrys and Cantons take us to Wake-like Wassa's/Wace's and Washingtons. Whalleys, with a "MIRabile" motto term to go with Mire's in this discussion, were first found in Lancashire with black-bull Ratcliffs.

If John Ratcliffe returns to Trump's spy agency, he might be able to facilitate some arrests, especially if the WHO makes a world-wide, despised monster of itself in seeking to foist a bird-flu pandemic.

The Whalley whale heads can be taken to the Dol whale because Whale's share the bend of Irish LAWns having a reflection of the LAW Coat. The French Lairs were first found in Dol, in Brittany with Launay. I almost had no more to say until I loaded French lairs to remember that they have the Irish JUDGE Coat!!! Law suits now look applicable to the Norm-Miles event. The Comps suspect in the Law motto term, "ComposiTUM," were first found in Warwickshire with English Judge's, and "ToTUM" is a motto term of Irish Judge's. Tume's/Tombs have tombstone's, uh-oh. Toots have nothing but an item in a canton, similar to the Lawyer/Layerd Coat. The latter's millRIND traces to the Rance river near Dol. The Rance is near Jugon while Juggs are also JUDDs while both JUDge surnames are also Juge's. See that?

Juggs/Juggs, in Tudor colors and near-format, were first found in Herefordshire with them. If Tedros' global treaty passes in which he can bypass the will of the people, even the will of a state leader, I can see suits against WHO. Last I heard, the treaty was having such difficulties in passing that it's been put off until the end of the year to convince nations to sign on.

When crossing the Flaad-like Flatts/FLIGHTs above, I thought it interesting where Flys/FLYTHE's (in Sling-vulture and Walter colors) -- very linkable to Flatts/Flights even apart from the Flythe variation -- were from Flavians of Rieti, perfect with Alans of Flaad in the picture because Rieti is where Pollocks trace.

Another consideration is that Sleeping Beauty was hovering FLAT on her back, which works well with her wake theme because Flatts are also Fletts (connectable to Flag-related Fleets) while the vertically-split Fleetwood Shield is with Wakefields. The Wakefield Chief is shared by English Josephs, first found in Hampshire with Flys of Flagi. The green wyvern dragon of Wakefields (Yorkshire with Walkers) is with Walk-like Wilkins who in turn share the vertically-split Shield of Walker-connectable Schere's/SCHERFs, a branch of Shere's/Sheers while "Sheera" is a Kilpatrick variation. Wakefields have the vertically-split Shield of Fauci's and Tromps. Wakefields (Yorkshire with Close's) share a green Crest with Close's while Clots are also DuClos' while Kilpatrick castle is at Closeburn. Clauds/Clots share the Tromp acorns. Therefore, her falling asleep flat on her back looks like a COVID injury or crisis. Kilpatricks even use sleep-theme "cushions," as do their Johnson kin as a possible pointer to Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

I've told several times of the event when Mrs. Kilpatricks came to my pew, and took both my hands and to pray. When walking out of church that morning, I found a FLAT tire on the BACK wheel. I've got to take so many hits for this job. Wheelers are WHALERs too who share a green lion with the Close Crest. It goes perfect with her hovering level because of WALERan de Leavell's apparent connection to Beautys. The Vito's in the Wheeler/Whaler motto are the Vita's in the motto of Saffers, first found in Devon with Walerans.

Wheelers/Whalers, by the way, in the colors of Rocks and first found in the same place, are in the colors also of the billets in the Arms of Roquefeuil, and in the colors also of the GOW/McGOO Chief (in the color of the Rock Chief) for a pointer to graphene-oxide. French Billets were first found in Maine with the WELLER-beloved Pellicans, and English Billets in Devon with WALERans. Scottish Leavells were first found in ROXburghshire.

I think Hicks' were Alan kin, with a fleur-version of the Gore Coat, and French Gore's/Jore's are suspect in the Wheeler/Whaler motto. Gowers/Gore's and Gore's share the white wolf in Crest with Fleetwoods. Dol-beloved Whale's were probably a branch of Shropshire's Wheels/Wheale's. Whale's (share Whalley canton) share the bend of Speccots, first found in Devon with Walerans and Stewarts possibly in the Whale Crest.

I had to JACK the vehicle up to put on the spare tire, and Jacques de Molay looks related to Alan-related Molle's. Jacque's are in Molle / Dol colors (colors reversed from Jackets/Jaycocks), and Scottish Jacks were first found in Renfrewshire.

My REAR wheel had a flat tire, and look at all of what it has wrought. The Patria's in the Rear motto share the Trump stag head, and the Clouds in the Rear Coat, using flags, were first found on Lewis while Lewis', first found in Glamorganshire with Wilkins, share their green wyvern. The Lewis wyvern share's red drops with Kilpatricks, and the other Kilpatricks have another green dragon.

Flys are said to have named Flagi, and Flags/Flecks, very linkable to Flatt-like variations such as Fleets, were first found in Norfolk with Floats, and with the Alans of FLAAD at Mileham, and with Rieti-line Pratts. The Mileham Coat looks related to the Fly Coat, especially as Fly's were first found in Hampshire with Mills / Mile's. As Fleetwoods share the Brittany stars, Fleetwoods can be gleaned from "Flaad" too, though after a good number of evolved names, not directly.

However, I wasn't inclined to think that Fly's, said to be from "FLAVius," were a Fellow branch even though the latter come up as Fly-like "Felly." Then again, I've shown how the imperials of Rieti, especially Tertulla, traces to Tertullus, husband of Plancia Magna, and "magna" happens to be buried in the Fellow/Felly motto. Therefore, I suppose that "RoqueFEUIL," where I trace "Fellow," could have been named by a Fly branch, even though I wasn't inclined to think so at first. Felys/Feelys use the oak theme, which belongs to Alans of Okehampton, in Devon with the first-known FLOWers, themselves connectable to Potters, the latter first found in Hampshire with Fly's.

Plancia Magna was a Herod, and Herods/Harald's share the "hawk's lure" with the Crest of Fly's (Hampshire with Hawks). Herods/Haralds were first found in Argyllshire with Malcolms, and Malcolm III was David's father. The Reeds, from Rieti, share "Pax" and "copia" with Welsh Davids, and I trace Packs (beside Hampshire) to Pollock-connectable Paisleys, and further back to the naming of VesPASia, mother of three of the seven Revelation-17 heads.

Therefore, the Revelation dragon through the Rieti imperials goes to Roquefeuils and HeROD-like Rodez's, it now appears, and therefore to king David's Atheling line (his mother's side). In fact, Herod AntiPAS was banished by Augustus to Comminges, near Roquefeuil. Herod's brother (ARCHelaus) was banished to Vienne-Isere, at the western side of Savoy, near the Arc river, and while Aude's were first found in Savoy, Roquefeuil is in Aude province. Pools (beside Hampshire) are from Vespasia Polla, and the Pollets in the Pool motto have the Aude Coat on a black Shield.

Modane is on the Arc river, and Archs/Arks with Modens/Modeys were first found in Berkshire with the Points in the Pollet description, "swords, points in pile". Boii-like Points (share piles with Pile's) share two fingers pointing with Boii-like Boyds, and with Bohemian-liner Babe's (see Bradys too), from Podebrady, where I see Agatha, wife of the Atheling and mother of David's mother (Margaret). Berkshire is where Lesks were first found who share the Walter boar head. Yet more, the proto-Windsor Others/Otters could have been a branch of Aude variations such as "Odde." Pollocks have an "AUDacter" motto term, and they married Lesk-like Leslie's.

As "STRENue" is another Pollock motto term while Aude's use "points DOWN," it's interesting that the Strains/Strens, listed with Strachens potentially of the Hawk motto, have the Down/Doun stag in different colors, same leg positioning, same head positioning. Strains/Strens/Strachens were first found in KinCARDINEshire with the Fothes'/Fette's sharing the Fly chevron while "flag"-using Foots (Cheshire with Cardine's) apparently share the Flatt / Float trefoil. To help nail Foots and Fothes with Flaad liners, the Foot Crest is similar to the Brocuff fesse while Brocks share the Stewart motto.

The Aude's have "swords points downWARD", and one Ward Coat share's the Shield of Warrens, from Ada of Warenne, king David's daughter-in-law. The Aude swords have a "MEETing in base", wherefore check out the similarity between the Meat/Mead and Fly Coats.

Meats/Meads have the FOOTless martlet of French Josephs, the latter first found in Maine with the Pellicans in the Meat/Mead Coat, and while Fly's have the same footless martlets in colors reversed, we can link them to English Josephs because they were first found in the same place as Fly's, and then both Joseph surnames can be traced to Flavius Josephus of the Rieti Flavians. French Josephs were first found in Maine with French Billets while English Billets were first found in Devon with Maine's. Then, while Foots use a RED DEMI-griffin holding their flag, Demys are also DuMAYs while English Mays use "billets" and a RED leopard head. Reds/Reeds are from Rieti.

Although the description for German Mays doesn't tell what its tower stands upon, those mystery items are in the design of the "rocks" of Roque's/Rocks, first found in Languedoc with Roquefeuil.

While the Slings (share purple Shield with English Pace's) started this discussion due to their vulture in "flight," which term brought up the Flatts, they (Slings) have variations like the "ROCK"-using Sinsons (Berkshire) to reinforce the link to Roquefeuil of this discussion. On the Sinson rock is a "falcon," symbol in the Pollet Crest, and while Pollets almost have the Aude Coat, Roquefeuil is in Aude province. There's a question whether FALCons were of the Flack variation of Flags, or of Dutch Flake's sharing the wing of German Fulks.


This video tends to show that globalists want to call an emergency situation to stage a staving off of a civil war to help stave off their political misfortunes. As we know, trudeau is willing to call in martial law to "keep canadians safe" even when the danger is not a reality. Therefore, globalist, power-grubbing lunatics don't need a civil war to call an emergency, but need only a small threat of civil war, and while they can't likely begin a civil war, they can try to feign the beginnings of one via propaganda through state media, Intelligence, and military brass.

Notice how Trump's Space Force has a logo version of what looks like Baphomet upside-down, though the speaker in the video doesn't tell where the logo comes from. In any case, put that together with Trumps being the colors and format of the giant Kepke/Kopke goat (I don't agree with, or understand anything else, in this video):

Wikipedia's article on Syphax of Numidia once showed a coin with his image on it, and it reminded me of Lawrence Kepke, an old friend of my youth. Syphax-like Speccots, a branch of Specks/Spike's, come up as "Space." Trumps "Warp Speed" may have been named by Werps/Weerps because they are essentially in Trump (and Kepke) colors and format, and because Trump is keen on heraldry. Speeds almost have the Coat of Wiggons while the Hanna's of Wigtonshire have the Trump stag head in colors reversed.

Werps/Weerps are suspect from the Weir variation of Vere's, and then Were's, Ware's and Warings were first found in Devon with Space's/Speccots and Spice's. Space's/Speccots are in the colors and format of Keep-related Lorraine's, and the latter's bend-with-eagles is shared by GorSUCHs, first found in Lancashire with Such's, Specks/Spice's and Lawrence's.

The Speed Coat is almost the one of Verys/Verrers, first found in Norfolk with Rise's and Risings, but also in Norfolk with the same-colored Lance's in the "lance tips" of the Werp/Weerp Crest.

Aside from the swallows, the Speeds share the Dutch Putten Coat. Is this a pointer to Putin? See "Putin" in my last update.

Here's how liberal lunatics behave when they have the judo-political power:

Here's the RCMP (the canadian FBI) protecting political criminals under the guise of not being able to talk about on-going investigations. The RCMP advertised its arrest of one of the owners of GC Strategies, to give appearances, to the people, of doing something for the people, but has since not arrested anyone else, and won't tell whether it has been investigation any politician, and moreover has not even interviewed the main criminal suspect, trudeau. The RCMP is a chicken-hearted police force at best for not wanting to arrest a key politician, and a partner-in-crime with trudeau gangsterism more likely, in my opinion. This video is part of the reason that canada could very-well shed trudeau as a prime minister in about a year, or less. Things are looking very good at this time, with pressure building to get the NPD to betray trudeau and force him to call an early election:

It's not chump-change that Liberals are thieving and giving the bill to tax-payers, which is exactly why the RCMP is, at this time, a gangster organization:

Conservatives have not tired of step-by-step investigating Liberal corruption:


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
Also, you might like this related video:

Pre-Tribulation Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture