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July 16 - 22, 2024

Trump Shot
Prepare For a Trap Set By Trump

I'm going to continue discussion about Trump's feigned assassination, but first, as it has zero Spiritual value going forward, I'd like to talk about the word "confidence." If you don't quite know how to define the New Testament word, "faith," it means "confidence." It can also mean "loyalty" as "faithful," but as "faith" it's: put your confidence in Jesus.

One first needs to believe in Jesus, but "faith" means more than "to believe." Instead of "I believe in Jesus," we should use, "I confide in Jesus." "I put myself into the care of Jesus." "I join the work of Jesus." "I partner with Jesus." "I'm willing to change for Jesus." "I like and enjoy being a Christian." Trump might say that he believes in Jesus, but this type of "faith" can be empty.

Believing in Jesus "from afar," so to speak, has zero value. "From afar" means without contact with Him. To put confidence in means "to be near." To confide in One means to embrace His words of wisdom and heed His warnings. Is that not a beautiful thing, that we can have such a Savior who desires for us to embrace Him? He didn't pray that we could "be one" with God to remain afar looking in, but to be on the inside looking out. Is Trump such an insider? No.

How many pro-Trump Christians have lost connection with the Head, falling to political concerns for attaining what this world offers? How many of them have strayed from Jesus to wrap themselves around a Christianized American flag? Does this not frighten you? I'm all for politicians who want to correct anti-Christian humanism, and to fight the leftist fist, but if they then gradually become one with apostate and double-speak politicians, that's going to stink badly. It must be hard to be a genuine Christian politician who doesn't loose his footing on a mountain absent of Jesus.

But who am I to say that the mountain is absent of Jesus if its has Christian climbers? Each one of these climbers could be a touch of Jesus upon that cold mountain where nation builders are embroiled in power struggles with goats and cats. This is where confidence in Jesus matters. But if, during the struggles upon the rocks the Christian begins to disappoint Jesus by snuggling up to non-Christians there, isn't that like climbing a cliff face without a Rope? If, by snuggling up to the sinful Trump, the climbers wearing Jesus caps begin to wear Trump caps, to place confidence and emphasis in him, how can the climbers remain a touch of Jesus upon the land? Why do they not go to a Trump rally with an "I trust Jesus" hat? Because, such a Christian would feel like a hypocrite by mixing Jesus with Trump, and all the more-so now that Trump is acting like he's a servant of God to deceive Christians. They cease to be climbers when they put confidence in a human, and many Christians not climbing the political mountain warn that it tends to assure stranded Christians. It must feel very foolish to become stranded there only to climb back down and get back on the Jesus mountain, but much better that than to continue climbing with a Trump cap on your head. Even if they reach thrilling peaks from time to time, they merely reach the manmade gods of this world.

I think it's fine to hope that Trump puts a boot to leftist programs as long as it's not religious hope, as long as we don't celebrate him, for he gives Christianity the boot too while flattering Christians. He's despicable in this regard, and it's the regard of Jesus.

For what do we put our confidence in Jesus? For whatever lies at the top of the Jesus mountain. The true God resides there, the intelligence of whom we cannot begin to fathom. We have not been told what life will be for those who pass from death to Life, but we TRUST that it will be GREAT. That's what we are to put CONFIDENCE in, the unseen and unknown. Yet not all is unknown because Jesus showed us that God is GOOD, and a good God prepares good things. So we trust, first because eternal life is obtained by climbing the Jesus mountain, and secondly for the quality of that life, much better than what this world offers. But every climber on this mountain who does not become good falls to the rocks.

I think it's a valiant thing for a Christian politician or website owner to attempt the effecting of a Godly change upon the political landscape, but these people need to come away when they are only banging their heads against the wall, with no fruit to be seen aside from the thorns that lock onto their pants. If it were truly just a matter of thorns hanging extra weight, it wouldn't be so bad, but this picture I'm referring to is evil mental conditioning. You can rub shoulders with the weeds only so long before they chronically instill evil pictures into your mind. Know when to get out of the weed patch, and even better if you don't venture there alone.

I've been noticing that youtube is becoming more evil in the videos offered when perusing news events, and bitchute is altogether toxic, I really need my shield and de-tox spray when I go there. I easily go through 100 video options without clicking even one. I often worry about my leading readers to videos there, hoping they have the wisdom to wear their shields. The place is infested with demons, but so is youtube, though of a different nature, more subtle, more apt to taking us away to the entertainment at ZeroLand. It's going to get worse as demonic spirits in humans dig deeper into the machinery.

The best way to attack the political mountain is by swinging on the rope of Jesus tied to the sky, and crashing the mountain like one ambushing it, then flashing the Sword around for a short time, then bouncing away to an airy freedom before the scorpions have time to climb your legs. What am I talking about? I'm suggesting that being a politician, one who exchanges the rope of Jesus for a rope to climb the political cliffs, with no way off the mountain but to climb down, is in greater danger than one who swings in, tied to Heaven, for a safe assault. Christian speakers in social media can be such swingers, assaulting the enemy each day if they wish, but they can also start to swing with those who don't mind thorns on their pants. The call of Jesus is to become clean, but social-media personalities are often dirty and unconcerned about becoming clean.

We are to put confidence in Jesus such that, if we become clean, He will take us to unimaginable heights. Bitchute is filled with ungodly pictures, and I know the names of video owners whom I should never click. Youtube is now starting to offer me more leftist material even if I don't click on it. If I accidentally click on it because I don't know that the owner is a leftist, youtube stacks me with even more leftist options. It's the demons creeping deeper into the machinery, not predicted to become better as Armageddon draws nearer.

What is Armageddon? Is it dirty? Yes, lots of dirt, yet it's God's Cleaning Machine. Armageddon is the beginning, not the end, if you're swinging on God's clean rope, the one tied around the neck of Jesus. He can change the direction of your swing. He is our puppet master, and we are the puppets so long as we swing with Him. Does it bother you to be a puppet, to be able to get nothing good done apart from His working through us? Then understand that this is how puppets become alive. The rope tied to Jesus has life flowing through it, and it makes us say the things you are now hearing. I'm not speaking this way all by myself. I was made this way. I delved into the words of Jesus to understand them, to understand Him, not because I wanted to keep swinging the ropes of this mortal life, but because I wanted to pay Jesus back for what He offers me through His Sacrifice.

I assault my own website with my fronting Jesus. His enemies hide my webpages on this daring that I employ. I lose everything in the hope of gaining everything. If I have but one reader per day, not asking any money, I have Heaven in my wallet. What don't we understand about this from a simple reading of Jesus' words? Have your own assault website, lone reader, and ruin it today by fronting Jesus. Become the last so that you may become the first while watching the first become the last. Don't be ashamed of planting your own mustard seed today.

Even if they kill those who swing from the neck of Jesus, the Power will be with them to make alive again. This is a fundamental teaching of Jesus. When Jesus carried his own cross, it was his ASSAULT upon the world by making brothers and sisters who would carry the assault forward. It's you and I, dear puppets, who are to break down the gates of Hell. What greater thrill can you get from Trump than this? Look at how big the devil has become in this world. What greater thrill can there be but to be a suicide swinger for Jesus? Swing into the jungle, bounce off the trees, from tree-to-tree, knocking off all the monkeys who mock you along the way. Save Jane. Pound your chest in zeal.

The Naked One will defeat the kings in purple robes. The One stripped of glory and put to shame will leave the earth a smoking ruin. It's all fundamental to the New Testament: WE WIN. Do you have CONFIDENCE in this? Or is your faith waning? Is the big-world devil making you lose heart? Are you falling asleep in confusion about your King? I understand, and it's been Predicted, but Jesus also spoke of wake-up time.

We linger now toward the great tribulation of Israel. It's taking so long to arrive, the Earth Cleaning Machine, the same that cleanses Israel from devils. It's destruction machinery that includes a Horrible Winepress. And when it begins to churn, we get a wake-up call, but only if we are tied to Jesus when it takes place. The command we have from Him at that call is: LIFT UP YOUR HEADS. Puppets, prepare to be run-through with Living Life. Don't try to become a human, but remain a puppet. Let the finger of Jesus be in your head to let Him speak what He speaks through you, and immortality will be your reward for tolerating your being willingly unliked by those around you just because your language and mentality has been Renewed. The muppet of God speaks a new language, from time to time.

How great is the love of God that he should give life to mere toys? If we become toys that do not work, God will toss us. But we are less before God than a toy is to a child. We are unworthy to be called toys until we become renewed. Only then can God play with us, receive some joy from us. God made us to find pleasure in us, did He not? And we share His pleasure because He shares it with us. A child and his toy are one. They belong to each other. The toy is cherished even though it's as nothing.

I think He'll even shower His glory upon us if we are a train car that remains on the tracks. Choice toys we are, glorified if we stay the course through the low valleys, not being deceived by the glimmer of fool's gold. We are the pressurized black carbon that turns to clear crystal, and the Light of God passing through us is His glory showered upon us.

The train of Jesus has countless cars filled with evolving black carbon. Which piece of diamond can boast of what it once was? We were less than toys, more the dirt under God's feet, but when we realized that we were without hope, and after we cried out to God for forgiveness, He began to shine the glory, and mandated pressures and trials for us to the degree that we would barely withstand them willingly, not wasting opportunities to remove the blackness from us.

I don't mean to portray God as a child playing with toys. We are toys in the sense that, in comparison to the life possessed by God, we are virtually lifeless objects. As a child wishes his toys to be real, so God will make real life live in a toy version of His own image. I realize that this language is foreign to the Bible; I'm just trying to be creative in coming up beside Biblical truths.

I went to "toy" because I ventured to "puppet," which is a toy. I think the reason that God flows through us, at times speaks through us, thinks with us, is to train us until we become like Him, until we speak like Him all on our own. It makes sense to me. The toy analogy is perhaps a good one for showing that God enjoys us, and might even toy with us as we struggle to understand what He's doing in our lives, as we are winds not knowing where they blow, and where we are asked not to lean on our own understanding but to place confidence in Him. We can even say that we are being internally Programmed even while the world (rich people, governors) seeks to program our minds and lives into vanity or slavery to money. Once we know the truth by reading it, stay the course. Once we are cleansed, stay the course. If our consciences trouble us deeply when we do wrong, that's a good thing, and often comes after Punishment if our consciences don't bother us without Punishment.

Let us at least be understanding for the whip of Jesus (just a figure of speech, folks) upon our backs to correct our grossest sins. A whip for divorced Christians mucking around with married Christians, and engaging in fornication. How loving do we want God to be, so mild and easy upon us that we become mere jelly? We should not promise new converts that God is so loving as to make all things easy and enjoyable, yet we have many easy and enjoyable times even in the midst of the pressures. The better we withstand, the better the good times. Life on earth is bitter-sweet with God, but can be almost all pain and sorrow without Him. It's why people chase money and the toys it buys. Get sick of one toy, buy another. But God is faithful to His puppets. Keep your nose short. By speaking truth.

Don't work to make America great. Work to abolish evil for the sake of others and your children, and keep the Goal in mind, which is not about you and I, but about the supremacy of Jesus. God has in mind to raise Jesus up to the highest height. He'll be at the head of the table, and you want to guarantee a place at the Table, yet those who sit now at another table filled with Trump lovers could be removed from the Kingdom of God even before the Wedding Banquet begins.

What are we to be? Merely one at a table with billions of others? I have the expectation that there will not be a lone person in the kingdom of God. I could get the impression that all people in the Kingdom will be one together, glued by the same Social Bond. There won't be any such thing as loneliness. Everyone will be in you, and you in everyone else. Can this be? Did Jesus insinuate, in John 15, that this is what Heaven will include.

I asked God the other day what we will be doing, but I could not come up with an answer. The Bible is fairly blank on this, aside from some parables that may or may not be expressing the realities. When Jesus said that some, who've proven faithful in works here, will rule cities, is that literal? What kind of cities will there be in immortal land? What kind of buildings will there be where we don't need shelter from the rain or spiders and snakes? What will people be doing all day if we don't need food, shoes, and furniture? What is the New Earth? We have no clue. Will the New Heaven have a dark sky? Probably not. But for everyone found there, there will be a reward just for making it, for being loyal to God to the end. This is the Calling to Trust. The narrow way is the Trust Path, filled with the poor in spirits, which magnifies the Final Surprise, great joy to kick-off the New Age of Jesus. Rich and honored people who don't ask God for forgiveness cannot be there, and their absence will be their shame.

As there's so much time in eternity, things are bound to evolve, change, not remain the same. From time to time, a new thing.

If we have pessimistic reasons to have less than dazzling confidence in our personal salvation due to how our lives seem to be shaping since our conversions, and if we are worried about this state of affairs, then you're a lot like me. I would like to see some recognizable, put-my-finger-on fruit from my life, in the shape of converts, for example. However, the number of converts chosen by God is very small, in the order of one convert per Christian per five years, or more. Do the math. If we all saved one person each year, every Western nation would be fully Christian in under a decade.

Talking about puppets, politicians are such when they speak what their speech writers have placed into their mouths.

Trump the Snake

Trump's cheek was showing on Monday night (video below), just two days after the bullets supposedly grazed his face, and yet the graze marks do not show...proof-positive that Trump is in on the hoax. You cannot --- ABSOLUTELY CANNOT -- talk me into believing that the blood on his face was anything but feigned bullet grazing:

I suppose that, as nobody (generally) in the news talked about the grazing of the bullets on his face, the hoaxers decided to just turn them into blood spatter from his ear, removing the need for feigned scars on his face. The grazing was light, but even so, crusting of dried blood would take a lot more than two days to disappear to the point where it's no longer visible to camera shots.

The bullets flew in from front to back of his head so that any blood spatter would have been toward the back of his head, not toward the cheek an mouth. But don't expect pro-Trump personalities to advance this FACT. The ear is made of cartilage, with no large arteries, and is therefore not expected to form blood spatter even if one hits the ear dead-on with a 2 x 4. Surely, a bullet graze to the ear flap will not produce spatter, but then why are the experts not talking about this? Did the deep state make this area of discussion taboo? Looks like.

The importance of the blood scenes is that there's really not much more one can use to prove that no bullets were fired aside from an outright confession by the security team or by Trump. The latter essentially admitted it when he appeared on camera two days afterward with no crusting blood streaks. But don't expect pro-Trump, social-media newspeople to mention this "confession."

The blood on his cheek was clearly not smeared by someone's hand or body part in the commotion on the podium. There were two STREAKs on the cheek when he surfaced from the podium, both streaking toward his ear, as would be expected with bullet grazing. Both streaks are on the cheek, but start near the mouth, yet there is no line of sight between the ear and where the steaks begin, assuring that they were not made by blood spatter. Believe your eyes, believe that Trump is a devilish fiend acting the angel to his base.

Trump is a political demon, an amateur of deception. He has no mastery at all in any department aside from showing off and basking in self-manufactured glory. There are many people who know he's an imposter because he reveals it plainly. His large following is because his base cannot stomach Democrat rule, and he's willing to alleviate some of the worst policies of Democrat rule in return for their votes.

But he has no genuine loyalty to his base. He will betray it easily when needed. A deceiver such as this is an empty soul, a clown act, a destroyer of his own soul and of his own reputation. He's a NOTHING, probably why he continually portrays himself as an everything. If a man prides himself only for his ability to deceive, he's a nothing. I didn't say his "talent" to deceive, but his "ability" to deceive. Anyone with such ability has a criminal mind.

Tucker Carlson told that Trump had ear blood on his hand. Not true. I offered a TimTruth video in the last update where Tim showed close-ups of Trump's hand. No blood could be seen.

Nobody who has supported Trump as a great man would have any inclination to now admit that he's a fraud. See that? His supporters choose not to even discuss the blood streaks because they lean toward proof of Trump deception. Shame Carlson.

No Shooter On the Roof

I told, in the last update, that Trump was in on his staged assassination. One business day after that event, on Monday of this week, a court threw out a frame-job FBI crime suit against Trump, and so this creates an additional motive for Trump's acceptance of his part in the staged event: to force the courts to cease persecuting him. This event even forced Democratic leaders to zip their lips, temporarily, truly a gigantic "miracle."

Question: why was the shooter crawling up the roof so close to the roof edge that people on the neighboring ground could see him? It ruins his surprise shot. It's a no-brainer to move to the more-central part of the roof (between gable ends) to avoid being seen.

Better question: when the shooter heard the people pointing to him with fingers and loud cries, minutes before "shooting" toward Trump, why didn't he get nervous, then get off the roof to get away, or, at least, try to get away without shooting so as to minimize his jail time? Why did he insist on staying on the roof, a dead duck wherein the area was filled with government gunmen?

He was then portrayed as suicidal when the claim hit the news that his vehicle was filled with explosives. Or, if this doesn't prove he's suicidal, it shows that he didn't mind being discovered as the assassin. I don't believe the report of his having explosives in his vehicle. This is typical fabrication in false-flag events where the purpose is to demonize.

Yet they also said that he has no social-media posts, and was a loaner, which doesn't make him look like a political animal at all. Therefore, the deep state needs his vehicle filled with explosives for portraying him as politically extreme.

By now, regardless of what they say publicly, I'd say most people believe that Secret Security was in on this crime from before the day it happened.

It wouldn't be surprising if the phone videos we see from people witnessing the roof shooter were made by actors privy to the hoax, even if there was no shooter on the roof. But we need a deep-state motive to explain such a picture. Why would the deep state injure itself with witnesses exposing Secret-Service incompetence?

The man with orange hair under a red Trump hat, who claimed to see the shooter on the roof with several others making noises, sounds authentic, but if what he says is true, we are to believe the illogical: that the shooter was not overly bothered by being seen from the ground. He continued to carry out the faked assassination plot calm and confident as an elephant attacked by a kitten. Does that have the ring of reality? No. This is why I'm entertaining that he wasn't on the roof.

Now that he's been spotted, he wouldn't fire blank bullets toward Trump, because there's no get-away path if he's spotted. There's no way to convince a normal person to do a faked shooting at Trump, in return for money, if there's no get-away possibility. Now that I know that this was a faked shooting, I can say that there was no shooter on the roof except for one doctored into the video, and perhaps Crooks did ascend to the roof momentarily, without a gun, allowing a false witness to capture him on camera there, but then retreating to the ground as part of a plan.

In a video where he was spotted on the roof, he's seen mounting onto the roof from the side of the building. The location of the man at this time was not at the ladder, which was near the front of the building. The man on roof was near the rear of the building, ascending to the roof from the roof of a shed-like structure that connects one building to the other. He could have gotten down, into this shed-like structure, to hide there before returning to his friends who facilitated him. I don't believe the shooter was killed on the roof.

If Crooks was offered big money to shoot blank bullets on the roof, he'd be given the puffed-up impression that the Secret Service and local police would rescue him from the roof once the deed is done. But if he begins to suspect that they will shoot him dead on the roof, he could decide to back out of the plot, leaving the team with no shooter on the roof, and explaining why Thomas Crooks appeared in his own video telling that he was alive after the "assassination attempt."

Surely, even if Crooks knew that he'd be firing blanks, he'd realize that not every officer in the area could know of the fakery, and thus he'd be afraid of being shot by anyone of them.

Or, if we insist that the shooter was on the roof as the full storyline goes, we are being asked to believe that the deep state was able to convince a mentally-unstable individual to go onto that roof with Secret Service and local-police protection, and kill Trump with what he thought were real bullets, but then we are also being asked to believe that the deep state was able to find such a dangerous idiot living in the same area as the rally. Not likely.

There is no third option. There is no option where a loner took it upon himself to shoot Trump without Secret Service facilitation. This option has been ruled out, and we ought not to take seriously all the media who push this option just because it's the safest for them.

The schemers will feign Crooks' funeral, not the first time the deep state would do such a thing.

The deep state wanted the public to believe the shooter was on that roof, and thus killable by government snipers nearby. End of story. No need for a manhunt. The deep state likes things this easy. Had there not been any taped sightings of the sniper on that roof, the public would be left to trust the Secret Service when it claimed that it shot someone on that roof. Few trust the government these days in questionable-shooting events, and this was questionable from the start by the very fact that only Trump's ear was hit from several gun shots. "A likely story."

Aside from what the public was being led to believe, it was not necessary to have a shooter on that roof. It was necessary only to have false witnesses of shooter on roof, but not limited to the private witnesses. The witnesses resulted in government snipers (in on the hoax) who had their guns aimed at the roof as part of the evidence that there was a shooter on the roof. What better way to dress a false witness but to give a gruff young man orange hair and a Trump hat (they were possibly sewn together as a "wig").

Another false witness should be the police officer who climbed the ladder just seconds before Trump was shot. He claimed to look at the shooter on the roof, but that the shooter pointed his gun at him so that he went down the ladder (story later changed). As this story goes, the policeman climbed the ladder at such a late time that there was not enough time to inform security in order to stop the shooting via the sniper team at the barn.

HOWEVER, if this event were genuine, this police officer would have fired his gun into the air to alert everyone at the stage to take cover, duh. Don't security guards have pocket-sized noise-making devices to alert of a possible assassin spotted? Even an excited voice can carry 450 feet, let alone loud shouts from one healthy person or more. Did the police officer shout or fire his gun? NO, because he probably did not climb the ladder, but rather it's an invention to "prove" to the public that Crooks was on the roof.

No helicopters or drones were at the rally, explicable if there was to be no shooter on the roof.

There were two Crooks shown in my last update, one with a roundish ear, and an older-looking one with a long ear. Here's the long-eared Crooks (see 25 seconds) appearing in a self-made video telling the viewer that the deep state had the wrong man, showing that he is alive. It seems that he may have agreed to act the shooter, but then backed out. His long ear is shown well at 55 seconds.

At 35 seconds of this Sky News video, round-eared Crooks is shown as a man. Draw a line from ear lobe through top of the ear; the line does not go straight up, as it does for long-eared Crooks, but goes considerably slanted (about 30 degrees off vertical) toward his back. NOT THE SAME MAN, proof that we are being toyed. The rounder ear is far lower on the face, almost fully below the eyes. Round-ears has a rounder forehead. Now you know why news media are no longer using either photo, but instead use his kiddie photos.

The Wall Street Journal claims that it's not Crooks in that self-made video, but why should we believe WSJ? I suggest that the deep state has made it a priority to call all major media demanding that they not use the video above, on some rubbish reason, for example the claim that it's a falsified video. Achem, why would someone not Crooks claim to be Crooks in this video? Who would play a game like that, claiming to be the reported assassin? Not even the most wacky Democrat would do that. Yet no media is even seeking to explain this video, as far as I've seen, suggesting that the perpetrators made it off-limits to the media...because it's very problematic.

At 45 seconds of the youtube video above, the scene has removed the top part of the government gunman because it's so hokey. In the full picture, the man has his rifle pointed at the dead Crooks, i.e. looking like the three men are posing for a news picture i.e. it's a staged photo with Crooks either not dead while lying there, or they pasted him into the picture.

Whenever the media puts out a photo of the shooter, it's no longer putting one out of the man in the video above, but instead uses a high-school picture of someone with black hair who may or may not be Crooks.

On Tuesday, the head of the Secret Service admitted that a decision was made not to place an agent on the roof due to its having a low slope that could endanger the agent. This is a wacko excuse, and will enlarge the claims of inside-job. There were people in-the-know who knew this excuse who can be nailed, along with the Secret-Service's chief (Kimberly Cheatle), with complicity in the assassination, which she herself is framing as a real assassination! THIS IS SO JUICY, it's entertaining me greatly. They set up a faked assassination, and now are being blamed for a real one!!! BEAUTIFUL. Who else was for this excuse? Where does this excuse originate?

To make it look "good," the Secret-Service director admitted that three gunned, local-police agents (called "snipers") were inside the building used by the shooter. Look at how problematic this "failure" is in multiple ways. For example, why wasn't there an agent on the outside of the building, keeping an eye on the roof? And nobody said that snipers were at the windows of the building. They may as well have been taking a nap.

Local police "admitted" (we can't trust what they say) that they had officers, not in the building that had the shooter, but on the second story of the neighboring building. Nobody would assign officers on the second floor unless they are snipers with window screens removed, on-the-ready to shoot. In this case, the snipers could see and hear the cameraman directly beneath them on the ground, alerting the people of a shooter mounting onto the roof. This cameraman did not capture the snipers at the windows. If the snipers were there, this cameraman comes off as an insider.

If the windows were open, the snipers could pop their heads out to see anyone on the neighboring roof of concern, but as they did not shoot the shooter, he was either never on the roof, or they were told not to be at the windows with rifles on-the-ready, or they were never in the building.

Later in the week, videos began to appear showing the shooter's position at the opposite end of the roof, near the building's front door at the parking lot, even though camera footage showed him near the rear of the building. The motive for this new storyline is that the front of the building was further from the second story of the neighboring building. That is, this change in story helps the local police to explain why it didn't shoot the shooter, because it's better for explaining the failure of the snipers to see the shooter.

Below is ABC sharing the story of the cameraman who claims to have seen Crooks at the rear of the building, and yet, later, ABC has him located (with a 'X' on the roof) at the front of the building. DISHONESTY, following deep-state wishes to alter the storyline.

At 34 seconds, the rifle can be seen too, PLANTED ON THE ROOF, which is impossible to see from where this gruff cameraman was standing, because the rifle would be about 15 off the ground and at least 10 feet in from the edge of the roof. There's no line of sight to this rifle unless the camera line-of-sight is roughly parallel with the roof line. It's suggesting that this image, showing Crooks' face clearly, is fabricated by the deep state (they could have pasted in the rifle, the face, or the entire man).

If he really wanted to shoot Trump so badly as to give his life for it, he would have moved toward the center of the roof (a lot more than 10 feet in from the roof edge) so as to be harder to spot from the ground. But by being so visible, it looks like a staging where the deep state wanted him spotted.

Here's NBC showing the gruff cameraman's video, with absolutely zero movement of the shooter when his gun shows. There's possibly zero movement because it's a paste job of a non-moving body. The only way to see the gun from this angle, off a camera at eye level, is to elevate the paste job off the roof line.

If the video imagery is faked, so likely is the audio. I've covered many false flags, and the deep state almost always adds profanity when it's adding faked audio. NBC has bleeped out the profanity. At the end of the video, all audio is canceled, apparently so that we cannot hear the shots, because adding audio of the shots would be hard to match it up with what the mic picked up. There were no shots fired on this roof, or gruff cameraman would not have been the only one to capture them.

Gruff cameraman even says, in the video above, that he saw the shooter shoot. Well, then, where's the gunshots? Why are we not allowed to see that scene? If NBC won't show it because the gunman supposedly got shot immediately after his fire, it should be plastered all over social media, yet I've yet to come across it, and I've been covering dozens upon dozens of videos. FAKE. Gruff is a fake witness.

Gruff cameraman's wife says she and he were hiding behind a tree. The tree's distance from the building can be found in aerial shots. Gruff was therefore not far enough away from the building to be able to see a rifle planted on the roof sheeting. FAKE.

In this aerial view, at 52 seconds, one can spot the trees where the cameraman was, at the top-left corner of the scene, to the left of the two-story building. Using the latter as our ruler, with each floor being about ten feet in height, we can assign the distance from ground to roof line as 22 feet, and thus the trees are calculated roughly at about 65 feet from the two-story building. There's an additional 50 feet to the building that the shooter was on, the building in the foreground, for a total distance of 110 feet.

At the far-right of the two-story building, the shed-like item between the two buildings is coming into view as the drone flies over. One can calculate that the shed-like item is about 25 feet from the left edge of the shooter's building, and as the shooter can be seen climbing the roof from atop the shed-like thing, we can thus assume that he was at least 25 feet in from the edge of the roof.

Now for the math. Draw a rising line (on paper, if you wish) starting at eye level at the tree, itself 110 feet from the roof edge, with the latter about 14 feet, at least, where the line of sight would be toward the peak. Where the line of sight rises 8 feet from eye level to 14 feet up, it rises 1 foot for every 13.75 feet (110 / 8 = 13.75) of lateral distance. With the gun 25 feet in from the edge of the roof, the line of sight there would be 1.8 feet (25 / 13.75 = 1.8) above the roof sheeting. But a rifle sitting on the roof cannot be even one foot off of the roof, yet the image has it visible well above the line of sight i.e. the top of the gun would need to be well more than 1.8 feet off the roof. The cameraman could NOT see the rifle.

The ABC video above doesn't give gruff's name, but gives his wife as "Mrs. DEFRICIOUS." That's my spelling of how I heard the name; I have no idea how to spell it. Fox45 News has exactly the same youtube video, suggesting that many media outlets had it too.

The most-damning thing about the video below, where the camera owner doesn't sound like gruffman, is that there's no soundtrack of the gun shots, from any youtube video I've watched. DUH, why not? And why can't I easily find (at google) his entire video? Who's cutting out the segments, and why?

Why does nobody else (with a cell phone) have those gunshots if only on audio? As soon as the two cameramen started telling that there was a man on the roof, others pulled out their cameras too, right? But of course. Well, then, where is the sound of gunshots from that vantage point??? NOWHERE. Apparently, the gunshots heard from Trump's mic were not from the gun that this rooftop "killer" had. But, don't worry, the deep state can "find" a camera that heard the shots just as soon as the issue becomes publicly problematic enough.

At 13 seconds of the 49-second video above, one can see the two-story building on the left side, where the local police reportedly had their snipers, on the second story even. Look at how easily they would have spotted this guy on the roof. Why does the associated Press offer only 49 seconds of the footage, cancelling it before the gunman even moves away from the rain gutter? What are we not allowed to see?

I can see no rifle with the shooter when he does what looks like a push-up; it appears he's trying to become as visible as possible while looking like he's trying to hide. I suppose that there could have been an agent on that roof without a gun, posing as Crooks, but I think it's just as reasonable to say that any man on that roof was pasted into a scene.

Surely, Crooks knew he could not go onto the roof with a gun, no matter how much the plotters assured him that all snipers and police knew of the faked assassination. It would be like a suicide mission. I doubt he got onto the roof without a gun (on the day of the rally, anyway), just for photos for giving appearances of being the gunman, because he appears in his own video suggesting he backed out of the hoax.

I've heard that Reuters verified that Mr. Crooks appeared in a Blackrock commercial about a year ago. Blackrock immediately took the commercial offline. How might Blackrock profit from a civil war?

Pro-Republican Secret Service Versus Bidenites

The deep state often uses shooters with their next-on-kin being in on the hoax as extra "evidence" that the shooting is authentic. This way, the deep state pays the next-of-kin to conduct a faked funeral. The poorer the family, the cheaper to pay it off. Once paid off, the people involved keep lips zipped because they've been paid to conduct a crime worthy of jail. The CIA and FBI must have a list of these types of families ready-to-go from amongst their crisis-actor circles. Crisis actors have been paid off and are therefore easy to buy off further.

But witnesses at times cause problems requiring changes in the storyline. In this case, the witnesses seem to be firmly in the Trump camp, making huge headaches for the Democrat party. The cameraman above, along with orange-hair man, if indeed they were actors, threw the Secret Service under the bus. It makes them appear authentic, not actors, because we tend to lump the Secret Service in with the deep state, or at least subservient to it.

As it seems the SS wanted to get caught looking a little like an accomplice to this assassination, then the witnesses were not throwing it under the bus when claiming to see the shooter on the roof. The pro-Biden side of the SS may have been fine with producing witnesses who claim to see the shooter at the last minute, but these witnesses threw the pro-Biden side under the bus when they went beyond that claim into heartfelt questions of SS irresponsibility. They seem to be implying that the SS was an accomplice to the assassination.

I suggest that, in this picture, there were pro-Republican SS operators plotting to throw their liberal director under the bus in an effort to get rid of her. Producing those "witnesses" did that job beautifully. However, the pro-Republican side did not want to reveal that there were no bullets shot, at Trump, because it implicates him.

To cover their butts, the local police, by Friday, told that they warned the Secret Service at 5:52 concerning the shooter, 19 minutes before shooting time. It was the witnesses who prompted an investigation of local-police decisions and attitude, you see, and this then put the spotlight onto SS decision makers.

It's hard to believe that the director of the Secret Service didn't know of the faked assassination while all the agents at the podium did. But amongst any of them who knew, they are unable to snitch about it because they then incriminate themselves in the process.

It's starting to seem that big media are not airing orange-hair man because he claims the shooter was seen at least five minutes before the shooting. He also claims that he and/or the people around him had notified a police officer(s) hanging around, who seemed to act dumb, according to orange-hair's description. This witness is therefore highly toxic to what the deep state wants in the news, that SS didn't have time to shoot the shooter by the time the police first saw the shooter.

We want to know whether that ladder was owned by the building upon which it was leaning, or whether it was imported, and from where was it imported? To point the guilty finger away from SS, the latter told the news, and the news told the people, that Crooks bought the ladder on the morning of the rally at Home Depot, hahaha. He bought it, then brought it to the building, hahaha. But that report came out before local police was looking overly suspicious, which started as soon as the SS director tried to blame it for not seeing the shooter as per the snipers it had in / beside the building.

Later in the week, someone ventured to say that the ladder was a permanent fixture on the building, but if this were true, there would not have been the faked report that the shooter bought a ladder that morning. Chances are, local police didn't put the ladder there, but was asked to protect it from being removed. Chances are, the SS put the ladder there because it wanted it seen on video as proof that Crooks mounted the roof.

A local official told that one lone police officer did not climb the ladder, as first reported, but got on someone's shoulders to spot the shooter on the roof. This looks like a plot between the police and the official to NOT mention the ladder, which has become a hot potato. News media are not doing stories on it either. Everything stinks of the plotters "proving" that the shooter was on the roof.

ABC news reported that Crooks didn't use the ladder to get onto the roof, but climbed an air-conditioning unit. Others claim it was by some other means. EVOLVING CONFUSION in the news always follows an inside-job.

A man who told a story on how the police officer looked onto the roof claimed that the officer notified every police and SS officer in the area by radio, on an open channel used by all, but when asked (by the newswoman) how soon before the shooting that radio warning took place, he said, "that I don't...I don't have that information," meaning that, although he should know if anyone does, he also knows it's not for him to reveal it to the public, meaning he's allowing the authorities to choose the time period as best befits their storyline.

In the last update, I remarked on how a video image from behind the stage was ALL BACKWARD, with the shooter's roof to Trump's left, and with Trump's left hand touching his bloody ear when in fact he touched it with his right hand. Everyone in that picture has their left side exchanged for their right side, and vice-versa. I was wondering whether Times of India had produced that shot with picture-altering software, but, in the video below, we see another shot from beside the stage, and, once again, the billboard is on his left side, meaning the shooter is deceptively posed on his left side too when in reality the shooter was on his right side. In this scene, Trump should be facing toward the left of the image, not the right, and everyone to his back, on the left side of the image, should be on the right side of the image. The billboard should be on the right half of the image. Etc. See it in the 3rd minute, tending to suggest that the Secret Service can produce this flipped-type of deceptive photography:

I'm telling you, 99.9-percent fact: Trump was in on this faked assassination, never forget this as you investigate news reports. This is always the backdrop of this event. The more the Secret Service has allowed the exposure that this was an inside job, the more furious Trump supporters become, which is the plan. I doubt very much that pro-Republican SSers could have accomplished this without the support of pro-Democrat SSers. This part of the plan could be to make Trump like a god, only to cruelly cut his feet from under him, in the next part of the plan, by another trick to steal the next election from him.

How many photos have you see where a bullet at its fastest speed appears in a photo? Well, it just so happens that the media has been provided with a one-foot long bullet behind Trump's head. Yes, the bullet was so fast that it faintly appeared in many frames so as to look about a foot long. What are the chances that such a photo would pop up on this particular shooting, where plotters need proof that he was shot...desperately needed because they know there was no bullet. This photo was provided to quell Democrats who would suggest that there was no bullet. Here's a story behind the one-foot bullet:

Trump is cutting a deal with the deep state in feigning an assassination, but where the deep state has its own motives. Trump will now be owned by the deep state i.e. he's blackmail-able and therefore controllable. Obviously, the deep state could care less for Trump's legacy or his political fortunes, but is willing to be a partner with him where he allows it to prosper in dictatorial, clamp-down capabilities, to be used against the American people for its futuristic / Orwellian plots. This assassination hoax can be used toward a gun-grab program, by the way, and they may get Trump to later use this event to outlaw certain guns for the public.

I eventually learned, from the mouth of the SS chief herself, that the FBI identified Crooks (in 30 minutes) by the serial number on his rifle, meaning that Trump could use this "assassination attempt" to push for registering all gun owners with their cereal numbers affixed to their names in a government file(s). I think it's fine if the only issue is to catch criminals who use guns, but, the problem is, the government is a gangster syndicate wanting to persecute lawful gun owners.

Trump has never gone against the CIA or the military, and has allowed them both, along with the FBI, to continue their spy capabilities. Even though Trump witnesses and painfully experiences the deep state seeking to replace him with Democrat rule, yet he offers the deep state deals in hopeful return for letting him be. This is why I say that Trump has been happily wading in the swamp he's promised to drain. No sooner did Trump fulfill this assassination deal that the FBI's court case against him, involving Classified documents found in his home, was knocked out of court. See that? It looks like his "art of the deal," and he's broken the law to feign his assassination, placing himself square into the middle of the swamp without a club to fend off the crocs. How will this alter his Middle-East / Russia policies? Let's wait and see.

I would suggest that the deep state could conduct a successful assassination of Trump as part of the deal that transpired over the weekend. See that? In other words, the deep state was willing to feign an assassination as the first step to starting a civil war, and the best way to do it was to feign that the deep state was seeking to assassinate him. Then, when it later succeeds, Trump's base will know for certain that the deep state did it, which will make for super-hot fury against the federal government. The latter wants Republicans to war against it in order to clamp down like never before in what could be the "new normal."

This video featuring gruff-cameraman footage argues that the shooter is not at the crest of the roof when he shoots. I think she's right. Also, at 37 seconds, we see a comparison photo between the one with shooter on the roof, and one taken at a different time, yet the tree line is not the same between the two. I've tried to reconcile the two photos from a small shift in angles between them, but cannot. There are what appear to be skyscraper-like ghost buildings (barely visible) in the lower image:

People have claimed that it took two minutes from the time the camera owner above first spotted the man on roof, to the shooting. Others wish to reduce that time to 1.5 minutes, which serves the plotters better. There was plenty of time even for a walk to the stage to yell "SHOOTER ON ROOF." At 5 miles per hour (a fast walk), 900 feet could have been covered in two minutes. A runner could have circled the fence in time to warn Security at the entry point of the event, and he could have pointed behind himself in the meantime so that Security would easily understand that he was warning of a threat.

Instead, amongst those who claim they saw the shooter on the roof, whom we see on camera, they remained far too calm, suggesting that the shooter was pasted onto the roof i.e. he was never there, and that a soundtrack was added to the camera footage to make-believe that he was spotted up there.

By Tuesday morning, media talk on the Republican side had shifted a little from Security incompetence to deep-state complicity. On the Democrat side, many were saying that Trump is complicit in a faked assassination, but these speakers are likely being censored, for the time being, by leftist media, google and youtube. However, this view could soon become a rabid and massive attack on Trump's new-found, extra popularity. Elon Musk has boarded the Trump train due to the assassination attempt. The pressure is on for liberals to bite their lips, but they cannot stay silent. Their best line of attack is: Trump faked his assassination.

Trump is basking in adoration while Democrats huddle, evolving their next attack strategies. If they claim that Trump was in on a faked event, they also say that the Secret Service was. Will the deep state allow leftist media to put out such views? Will leftist media and the Democrat party now break with the deep state to help reveal its true colors? I HOPE SO.

Here's how a phone call from the guilty parties to a media boss might go: "We will never forgive you if you mention the two blood streaks to give the public impression that the streaks were painted on, and we will forever blame you for this conspiracy theory getting around, and we might need to take you to court."

It seems there was a plot to connect this assassination to the horrors of massive immigration, as if the deep state has plots to use illegal immigrants to start a civil war. Just before the assassination fire, Trump was telling the crowd that "...we have millions of millions of people in our country, they shouldn't be here, dangerous people..."

Of course, the officer who reported seeing Crooks, at or near this bike, said Crooks was not carrying a rifle at the time. I've heard that the Crooks residence was 50 miles from the rally, while his bomb-stacked vehicle was 10 miles from the rally, and so if true that he was at the rally on a bike, his vehicle needs to have a bike rack. I've heard that his vehicle went from a car to a van; the latter may have been invented to explain how the bike got there, though the bike may not have been his at all, we simply can't trust anything in the news when it comes from major media. I've also heard that his father purchased the rifle (used on the roof) six months ago; others say it was purchased 11 years ago. Typical confusion to put private investigators off-balance.

The parents are said to have been avid Trump supporters to the point of have Trump signs on their lawn, making sense where the goal was to feign the assassination. Also, by advertising the family's pro-Trump position, it quells accusations from Republicans that long-standing and bitter Democrat slander against Trump grew the reason for the assassination attempt. This storyline is not conducive to fueling civil strife, however.

Both the shooter and his parents do not come across as anti-Trump; do the math: it was a faked assassination. The fact that the father called the police after his son was "missing" for mere hours tends to speak to his knowledge of the assassination event. It seems he was just trying to clear himself of any culpability, because he knew the assassination was to come across as a real one. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I can't fathom any other reason for that phone call so soon, just because his son wouldn't answer his phone.

It's probable that Thomas Crooks is not dead. Nobody has seen him dead. The father may have become part of the deal's particulars, demanding that his son, while being used for staging the assassination, must be protected by not being allowed on the roof or carrying/pointing a gun. For example, he could show up at the rally for some crafted pictures to be publicized, but be kept safe. Being on that roof is obviously too dangerous.

Fox news has "verified" that Crooks' father/mother called police on the day of the rally HOURS BEFORE the shooting. It keeps the father safe from prosecution if he immediately informed the police that his rifle (said to be an AR15) went missing with his son, but then ABC comes out with the claim that the son asked to "borrow" the rifle on that day for a trip to the shooting range, meaning that the father had no reason to call the police, if ABC is correct. Or, the deep state asked the father to change his story to "borrow." Liberal media, wanting to protect the SS chief (Biden's appointee), reported that the father called police AFTER the shooting.

Keep in mind that there could be a schism in Secret Security, the pro-Trumpers trying to get the anti-Trumpers in trouble by making them look complicit with a real assassination. And the anti-Trump side wants to become known as quasi-responsible for (but not planning) the assassination attempt for the purpose of inciting pro-Trumpers to civil conflicts. Plus, Trump may have demanded that nobody be permitted on the roof with a gun in case the anti-Trump side exchanged the blank bullets for real ones.

My bet is that Trump won't ask Ms. Cheatle to step down, though other leading Republicans are demanding it, because he's partly responsible for the event. Cheatle may have gone to the RNC gathering in Milwaukee to speak to Trump about her woes, to see if he can save her job, for I can see no other reason for her being there.

One major problem with the idea that Cheatle is privy to the faked assassination is that the anti-Trump side, which includes her, can reveal Trump's role in this hoax, seeking to ruin his run for the White House. The anti-Trump side needs only to leak the facts. It's a major problem because I assume Trump wouldn't be so stupid as to make himself so vulnerable as to do a faked assassination. But he did do it. How might he have covered for himself against this vulnerability? He can't say to them, that if they snitch on him, he'll snitch on them in return, because they can leak his guilt without him knowing who exactly did it, or can secretly urge others to discover his guilt who are already his enemies.

Is there anything keeping the anti-Trump side from doing this leak? Or, could it be possible that there are no anti-Trump deep staters because he's always been firmly part of their assault on the country? It could be true that all of the anti-Trump news is for the purpose of dividing the country. When love between people is spoiled, the country gets weaker, and so the deep state, the devil, would want to make people hate one another.

Redacted is starting to think that Crooks may not have shot any bullets:

If that dark thing on the tower is a shooter, and it's doubtful if all we have to go on is the image, then one reason that he's standing up to shoot (not aiming well) is because he's not trying to hit Trump. In a faked assassination, all they need is the sound of gunshot. Some doubt it's the shooter because they expect him to wear white on a white tower, but if the deep state wanted to get caught to provoke pro-Trumpers to anger, it would arrange a shooter in dark clothing. As you can see, the deep state can feign a Trump assassination, and get fully away with it even when the whole country knows the deep state arranged this event. And what are Americans going to do about it, mocks the deep state. Have another Congressional inquiry?

By the way, many made a big deal about his head turn. They say that it's what saved his brain. Not so. Do your own test. Turn your head by as much as it would when going from 11 o'clock to 12 o'clock. Note how little the back of the head turns, and note that the right ear goes a little to the right in the process. Then, note that the skull starts to circle from ear-to-ear immediately behind the ear. That is, the skull does not go straight back a couple of inches immediately behind the ear, before turning to the other ear, but turns abruptly so that an incoming bullet would probably not touch the skull after the head turn is made, if that bullet hits the ear after the head turn.

If you look at the video of Trump ducking down to the podium, you will see the SS officer on the extreme rushing to the podium late, then pulling something out of his right jacket pocket, then putting it into his left hand, then handing it to another SS man to the right side of Trump. That could have been a blood-stick tube.

By Saturday of this week, there was a poll telling that 1/3 of Democrats think Trump faked his assassination. This faction isn't going away, but want converts. Trump could have quelled this faction by simply showing his ear to a pro-Democrat reporter, to show the injury. But he can't do that because there is no injury. 99.9-percent guaranteed: TRUMP FAKED IT, and continues to fake it, continues to bask in the glory. SPIT!

Even if others in the stands were injured/killed by bullets, it doesn't change the fact that Trump faked it. The shooter's new position at the front end of the building could be partially due to the fact that, if he were on the back end, the injured people would have been missed by "a mile," so to speak, if the shooter was aiming for Trump. I have yet to see anyone do a show on the location of the other three people shot. Expect deep-state confusion on that front.

When Trump surfaced after about a minute on the floor, only the top of the ear was red, with minimal volume of blood showing, and no dripping onto his clothes, no dripping elsewhere off of the ear. Imagine how little blood there would have been one second after the shooting, if it was a genuine shooting. He put his hand on his ear after one second, and so the blood on his cheek could not have been from two fingers rubbing along his face, because the volume of blood showing on his cheeks would not yet have been at his ear. Besides, his fingers never did get anywhere near his mouth, and don't even touch his face.

Therefore, as there is about .0001-percent chance that two bullets could graze his face at the same depth of injury exactly, that's why this was 99.999-percent a fake job. Trust your instincts.

Someone has released a photo of Trump down in the podium, but I wonder how it was obtained apart from a miracle. See the image below, at 1:23, where there's a third streak on his face, a big problem for Trump, because he surfaced with only two. The third one is from a large drip, for one can see the droplet at the end of the flow, but as they were trying to feign a bullet graze, they needed to remove the droplet's flow (that came from red fluid at the ear top), because it does in no way resemble a grazing from a moving item. One on his security team removed the middle streak completely without a sign of it showing, but left the two streaks that look made by a bullet-graze tool:

Seriously, folks, why would they wipe the middle blood flow but not touch the two on either side. Think of the care needed to remove the middle one, an inch or less from the other two, without disturbing the two. FAKERY. The sooner pro-Trumpers begin to admit it, the better. If they can front another candidate for the White House, all the better.

This video above convinces me that I was wrong to say that they made two streaks by the mistake of making the first streak (the lower one) wrong. It now appears that they intended two streaks. I just can't figure out why. I don't think the two streaks have anything to do in honoring CrowdStrike. But maybe I'm wrong about that. A computer-system take-down can be expected in a civil war to keep pro-Trumpers from communicating.

Trump has completely ruined himself by lying before the entire world concerning the shooting. Just watch him here, and know also that if he heard a whizzing sound from a bullet, the mic would have picked it up too, without doubt.

It's stunning how he claims: "my hand was covered in blood...blood all over the place". If he saying what he was told to say, which he knows is a lie, which he knows can't be good for his re-election, it's proof he's now owned by the deep state. The deep state, event the Republican side, probably wants him to be caught staging his own assassination. Beware the political chaos if Trump is betrayed on this matter near to election time. He's portraying himself as a servant of God, meaning he's aiming for Christianity.

Surely, liberal media worldwide will now show Trump to be a liar by simply showing that there was no bloody mess. Talk of the two, three, streaks should enter the discussions. If this talk doesn't start immediately starting Sunday/Monday, then I'll assume the deep state has decided it's not yet time. Allowing Trump adoration to blow up larger before bursting the balloon could be the plan.

The more news you watch on this event, the more you eat disinformation, unless you are wise to what's really happened. The more brainwashing you allow for your mind, the easier you will be deceived going forward, by this same beast.

In the meantime, Obama is leading the charge to replace Biden, and wouldn't Obama like it if his "wife" ran instead so that Obama could have a fourth, consecutive term.

If indeed Corey Comperatore was killed with a single shot to the head, could this indicate Christian persecution, since he was a Christian? If the hidden snipers wanted to prove that Trump was shot by a bullet, and if they had the choice of who to shoot, why a Christian, and why fatally? How conflicting to claim that God saved Trump but not Corey? Then again, what kind of a Christian is it who sits in the back seats of a Trump rally? Are such Christians Lot's wife? Trump is a long-time supporter of dirty faggots and lunatic transvestites.

The Dan Bongino's of news commentaries boast of being truthful above all else, yeah-but if they were honest on this one, they'd lose half their audience. Money means more to them than truth, and so they lie to you where they need to, when it concerns Trump, and keep from you the truths they can keep buried from sight. That's how it is. They don't want to lose years-worth of hard work gaining their large followings, and so they lie to you because they are stuck in the eye of a needle, and from there they claim to be Christians while using all sorts of low-life language, hoping to make you of the same type of casual, naughty, worldly "Christian."

Video title: "Alex Jones Exclusive: 'There Is No Way Trump Assassination Attempt Was Fake'" Well, how would anyone know unless they analyzed the red liquid and the ear injury. Did Alex do that? Did Bongino do that? I haven't seen anyone doing it who claims the event was a real attempt. Now that we have the triple-streak image, and Trump lying about blood on his hands, what's their excuse?

If the fire fighter, Corey, did die, and it seems he did, then Trump is partially responsible, yet he went and kissed his fireman helmet like a big-oaf Scythian would drink from the skull of his victim.

The Alex Jones' of the Internet world immediately understand that the blood on his face is a problem, explaining why they won't "go there" (for analysis). They don't want to answer the question: how did the blood get there? It's a problem they understand, and so they try to ignore it, because they want a clean conscience when doing what they need to do: save their audience from leaving if they dare say "Trump faked it."

Would you like to see a person acting the idiot to protect Trump:

The one posing as an idiot, who was chosen by an idiot video owner, wants you to think that the only way to fake an assassination is for the shooter to aim at the ear, and hit it. They make conspiracy theorists look like geniuses when they think BLANK BULLETS.

I found the video above as only the 9th google offering when searching " "fake trump assassination" -democrats -simpsons ". google refused to give me credible articles / videos on those who claim a faked assassination, more proof that the deep state faked it (i.e. and has google's help to hide it).

I had to negate "democrats and "simpsons" because google wouldn't give me what I asked for when searching for " "fake trump assassination" " alone, which is why I can no longer do good research, because google won't give me what I ask for. It wouldn't even give me pages with the phrase, "fake assassination" when I search for that exact thing. google is programmed not to give you what you ask for, but what google has given the green light to for coming up in searches. God is going to hide google executives where nobody can find them ever again, banned from life in the shadows of Hell.

Here's a behind-Trump view where he's in socks alone during the stage exit. One of his shoes is thrown off the stage, and the other one remains on the stage after he's left it.

Some guy remarks: "AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED AT 0.50 INTO THE FOOTAGE, A COP IN CAMO GEAR WAS TALKING TO HIS EARPIECE THEN APPROACHED POINTING THE RIFLE ON TRUMP BUT GOT BLOCKED.." I noticed this too, but couldn't assure whether he pointed the rifle at the windshield of the vehicle, or beside the vehicle. It looks like he's funning by pointing into the vehicle, but, if so, then he knows it was a faked event.

Fast-forward this video, from someone in the audience, to 7:15, asking why the gunshot scene was cut out, or who cut it out:

If youtube cut the video above, it should appear at other video platforms uncut, unless the person providing it is denying the people the faked-assassination footage for a reason(s).


Trump's vice-president, a "nobody" (not being insulting) not expected to buck against Trump's decisions, but who might buck against him due to his principles:

There is the possibility that Trump wants his son to become the next president, and so Trump may have chosen J.D. Vance because he thinks his son could defeat Vance for that Spot. Vance is a Yale product, perhaps a little worrisome for Christians who've come to frown on Bushites. I'm looking for evidence on whether Vance is a Bushite shaker. If so, he makes a natural enemy to the Trump base, i.e. a better situation for the base to chose Trump Jr. in 2028. However, I'm hearing that Vance voted for a U.S. no-fly zone in Ukraine, which opposes the general Bushite will. So far, so good.

If Vance is a staunch anti-war character, then this wipes out any possibility that he's for military-money laundering, a good sign for the Trump base. Pence had been a war-hawk operator, and an inside-White-House spy for Bushites. Vance was a never-Trumper, but I've yet to discover why so. On the one hand, that's a good sign, but on the other hand, by accepting to be Trump's running mate, he's accepting a role with a haughty deceiver.

Problem, and fairly typical for Trump picks: Vance is catholic. He's an adult convert to catholicism, we might wonder why. Plus, "The Republican Jewish Coalition 'enthusiastically' welcomes Ohio Senator J.D. Vance to the ticket with former President Donald Trump,...'" This could mean that Israeli "spyware" will be installed on the White-House walls. There are four Israels today, it's left and right parties, it's long-bearded religious sects, and a tiny Christian minority whom Jesus embraces. Vance is not likely in recognition of the latter, but surprise me.

Vance's wife is Indian, and possibly a Hindu. She reportedly clerked for two supreme-court justices, Roberts and Kavanaugh. She was a registered Democrat until 2014, the year that Obama's globalist circle took Ukraine from the Russians, in case this has any bearing on her switching political parties (I can't see why). I got this information from the video below, where Vance is portrayed as possibly involved (to this day) with PayPal's Peter Thiel. The two bought stock in Rumble.

This video shows that Thiel gave a massive $15M donation to Vance's Ohio run. There could be some 666 in Vance's future, therefore, in league with Trump, two men who together could become the two horns of the False Prophet:

There is a statement by Vance, at the seven-minute mark, telling that he wanted nurses to be fired who refused the vaccine. That looks like 666 material to me, in my tentative theory that the 666 will be based on forced vaccinations. Did Thiel's circle convince Trump to pick Vance?

On the good side, Vance seems to be anti-globalism; on the bad side, Washington has a way of changing one's policies, especially the Senate, where Vance could become a chief if Trump becomes president.

Here's a video on Blackrock that came out days before the assassination plot:

You heard Blackrock's Larry Fink if you watched the video above. The Jewish Fink Coat is almost the one of English Vaux's/Vallibus' while Scottish Vaux's/Vallibus' come up as "Vance." Just a thought. It's not unthinkable that Senators, such as JD Vance, can be elevated to such jobs by globalist forces expecting rewards in return. However, this paragraph has no evidence that Vance is a Blackrock player. Finks share the Scottish Crone Coat, which comes up as "Macron, the surname of the Schwabite French president until now. The erect Crone/Macron "fish" is blue, the color of the erect finger of Fink-like, Jewish Fingers.

Will Thiel be part of the 666 system? This video gives evidence that the deep state is trying to frame conservatives as needing government clamp-down. A question is framed in this video on whether Trump is bound to betray his voters to Thiel's global-spy circles and Bilderberg goons. Why, really, did Trump start a spy service i.e. Truth Social?

trudeau's attempt to seize the bank accounts of the province of Saskatchewan, for not contributing to his carbon tax, has been thwarted by a federal court. Good decision. Had trudeau still been popular at this time, the court may have decided in his favor. This is an example of why people need to constantly criticize leftist governments (accurately) to de-popularize them. Do some popularization control, just watch your words, because they are all recorded, and clamp-down time could see you in trouble due to them.

The EU empress got in vaccine-trouble in the courts; it's moving now in the right direction:

Here's more fodder for inciting a civil war involving the same man now protecting the Secret-Service director more than anyone else:

Canadian-scandal news:

A canadian-video title is to be blamed on trudeau's government, where it needs to prove its innocence if I should change my mind: "87 new wildfires have erupted in the last 24 hours in B.C. Last year, the trudeau government lit some 20 fires in south-western Quebec overnight i.e. in less than one literal night. It was proven to be from the government, and because canadians didn't make a big stink about it, that's why there are more fires this year. The destroyers, killers and thieves never have enough bad press. They are addicted to it. They party when the country hates them.

Here's a very odd lifestyle:

I've heard that Biden endorsed Ms. Harris for the next president, after Obama asked him not to. This looks like Biden's fork stuck into Obama because Biden knows that Obama has been a/the leader behind the Biden coup. Obama may have convinced Biden to choose Kamala in the first place, four years ago, because, in being a Black female, it was Obama's way to replace her with his "wife."

If you want to see the SS director in Congress using the typical excuses for not answering questions -- i.e. if you want to punish yourself -- it's here (she doesn't want to answer questions because she knows she needs to give the FBI the right to forming the storylines):

I asked youtube for "Sunday service," and right down to about the 30th offering, they are almost all Black preachers, with a few other non-Whites, and fewer yet of whites. This is youtube canada, however, it may not be the same elsewhere. This is completely violating, a racist conspiracy, a deliberate program to fly into our faces with the pretension that Whites don't matter.


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
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Pre-Tribulation Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture