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July 9 - 15, 2024

Freeland and Morneau
Knack-Knack, Who's There?
The Small Clue That Trump is Partaker to His "Assassination Attempt"

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

The last update stressed the "deer" of the Trudeau surname, and from that I went to the MORINis' in the Deering write-up. Morinis were ancestral to Deerings. However, not following canadian politics too closely, I didn't know until midweek this week that Bill MORNeau was trudeau's former Finance minister, replaced in 2023 by Chrystia Freeland, accused Nazi supporter...and witch. By "witch," I mean a rebel against everything that Jesus fights for, though she's not a bigger witch, necessarily, than trudeau himself.

Load Trudeau Coat now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames so that you can follow better.

Dutch Freelands share the DERE/Res stars for what could begin to be a pointer to trudeau and Freeland together. Daro's/Ros' share the giant and double-headed eagle of Jeepma's/CHEPs, and while Trudeau's and VIRES' were first found in Ile-de-France with French Chappes', Scottish Chappes'/Cheaps were first found in Stirlingshire with the Nimo's suspect in the Freeland/Freyland motto term, "animus." "VIRESco" is a Chrystie motto term. Chrsytia Freeland.

While Dere's/Res' use "lances," English Lance's were first found in Norfolk with English Cressys and Irons/Orions, the latter first found in Picardy with Cressy-connectable Morneau's/Mornays and French Picards. The latter share the giant lion of German Freys/Freie's, first found in Bavaria with the Terra's in the Freeland motto.

"Bello CHRISTi" is a motto phrase of Bouillons, and while Christs/CHYSTe's may have been a Cressy branch, Bellys were first found in Moray with Scottish Terrah's. Christie's were first found in Midlothian with the Mens'/Menzie's in turn in the motto of Crystals.

I think it's amazing that while Freelands essentially have the Branch Coat, Chrystie's have "A holly branch"!!! Christs/Crysts share the rose of French Lance's while English Lance's were first found in Norfolk with Hollys. The Ermine's on the ermined chevron of Freelands were first found in Lincolnshire with the Holly-connectable Hole's/Halls.

Unfortunately, the Morneau/Mornay surname uses just one symbol, making it hard to connect it to other surnames. However, it shares the giant lion of French Pile's/PILOTS while CARNEYs share the Pilate pheons. I found Morneau in a Globe and Mail story this week revealing rumors that trudeau is thinking of buckling to Liberal forces who want Freeland replaced with Mark Carney (the latter was treated heraldically two of my updates ago). If God has used heraldic links to point to this news story as I think I just have, why?

As English Platters were first found in Suffolk and Norfolk, we could take this to the PLAINs/Platters (Suffolk), in PALIN/PAULey colors and format; the latter share the giant Morneau/Mornay lion too. The Liberals asking for the abandonment of Freeland started when her buddy, Ms. Church, lost the Toronto riding of St. PAUL (very recent), a riding beside the one of Freeland, herself in Toronto's CHINAtown district. Plains/Platters were first found in Suffolk with the Lords/Lauds in turn sharing the Carney / Pilate pheons. Pauls, sharing the Lord/Laud fesse, were first found in Yorkshire with the GLAZe's in turn incorporating the Pilate Coat. Lords are in the GLASgow motto. Pauls were first found in HOLDERness while Holders were first found in Gloucestershire with the Lets in the Glasgow motto.

Holders have one of the Hold/Holt fesses, and the latter were first found in LANCashire with Plate's. Paula's/Paulins were first found in Burgundy while Pile's/Pilots share the giant Palin/Pauley lion, and Pilate's were first found in Burgundy too. See that? English Church's were first found in Somerset (beside Palins/Pauleys and FREE-branch Freys) with Bridge's, English Pile's, Paulins, and Pool/Pull-beloved Pollets. The latter have a black-Shield version of Aude's, first found in Savoy with Bridge-branch Bride's in turn sharing the triple stars of Dutch Freelands. The importance of this paragraph, for making a pointer to Morneau and Freeland, depends on how close the Morneau/Mornay lion was to the same of Palins/Pauleys and Pile's/Pilots.

Trudeau's personal riding is Papineau, and there is a giant "plate" in the Papineau Coat in Pilate colors. Mont Pilat is near St. Etienne, and Etienne's have billets in Pilate colors while French Billets were first found in Maine with Papineau's. The roses of Etienne's are shared by Loyer-like Lowers while Loyers/Loys/Louis' (look like Freeman kin) were first found in Lorraine with Etienne's. The latter means "Steven," and Stevensons were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's.

Oullette's were first found at Ouilly-le-Basset while French Bassets have eleven of the six Etienne billets. Pilate's were first found in Burgundy with the Cressys and Aulnays/Oulneys both sharing the giant Morneau / Pile/Pilot lion. I trace OULnays, an OULlette branch, to Owls/Howls, first found in Suffolk (beside English Cressys) with the Tigers in the Osbern Coat. The Morinis' in Deering ancestry are said to descend from "Vitalis FitzOsbert". There are many "nay" suffixes in Aulnay variations to go with the MorNAY location in Picardy. Scottish Picards were first found in Moray with the Bellys suspect in the "bello motto term of Irons/Orions, first found in Picardy. Oullette's were first found in Falais, near the ORNE river that looks connectable to Orions.

Orion-like Ronns share the wavy fesse of Wefer-branch Wafers, and Wefers came to topic initially as per WEF, the fascist organization the Freeland and trudeau serve secretly (not anymore). Wafers (Herefordshire with Wefers) use "plates."

As the Morneau II Report was administered by Mario Dion, it's notable that Dions/Diennes' are in the format and near-colors of French Bride's who are in turn in the colors and format of Freeland-beloved Leopards. The Freeland leopard is "pelletee" (covered in pellets). Both Dions/Diennes' and Scottish Bride's share the same Crest, a black "eagle" head that takes us to SAVAGE-related Eagle's/Hegels, first found in Lincolnshire with Pilate and Pellet-branch Pilotte's. Then, Pelosi's/PILATI's were first found in SAVIGliano. Dions/Diennes' even use crescents while Cressents were first found in Burgundy with Cressys, SAVE's, and Pilate's while Savage's are also Sava's. French Dennis' were even first found in Champagne with Sauvage's, and with Pallets/Pailetts (Owl/Howl colors and format).

Diane's/Deans/Dene's were first found in Sussex with Pellets and Freeland-beloved Leopards who are in turn in Dion/Diennes format and near-colors and format. English Pile's, first found in Somerset with Bride-branch Bridge's, and with the Axe river in the Dennis axes, have the leopard face. This Axe river is near the first-known Freys who are beside the first-known Freelands/Freylands.

Moreover, while Morneau has a company named, Shepell, the PELLETs of the Sheeps/Shipmans/Chipmans can be appealed to. Also, Ships/Shiptons have "bellows" while Bello's/Bellows (Cheshire with Savage's/Sava's, Bride-branch Brights and Birds/Burds) are in the "bello CHRISTI" motto phrase of Bouillons, now looking like a pointer to both Chrystia Freeland and Morneau. Bouillons, kin of Bright-connectable Birds/Burds, were first found in Auvergne with Dions/Diennes' while Plate's were first found in Lancashire with English Dennis'.

Sheppel-like Sheffields are in the Chip/Chipman write-up, and we just saw Sheeps/Chipmans. The latter were first found in Rutland with Sheffields, and while the latter were kin of Keppochs (Yorkshire with Charitys), the latter are in the colors and format of Charity's, whom I looked up as per the crimes facilitated / conducted / protected by Bill Morneau through "WE Charity." This potential pointer of God would have been better had there been a We(e) surname that could apply. However, "We" is a Chinese surname.

Klaus Schwab admitted that his WEF organization had "infiltrated" (like it was a good thing he's proud of) both trudeau's office, and half of trudeau's cabinet. The Wefer surname has variations like the We-like Wey/Weigh surname ("wavy palets"). Is this suggesting that money laundered when granted to We Charity went into the pockets of Schwabism and Schwabite crooks? Wouldn't surprise me. Wefers are in the colors and format of the three lucy fish of Weys/Weigh's.

Morneau sits on a board of a big canadian bank (CIBC), and Carney was the governor of both the Bank of Canada and Bank of England. As soon as trudeau brought Morneau into his Schwab-infested cabinet, Morneau acted like santa claus to canadian voters, potentially to buy their votes, the favorite crime-boss game that Liberals play. Morneau was forced out of his Finance post by other Liberals (concerned for Party reputation) after he was caught amid the WE-Charity crime. To put it nicely:

A political scandal [= crime] took place in Canada in 2020 [during the COVID crimes] regarding the awarding of a federal contract to WE Charity to administer the $912 million Canada Student Service Grant program (CSSG).

...In his final report entitled The Morneau II Report, Dion ruled that Morneau had contravened sections 6(1), 7, and 21 of the Federal Conflict of Interest Act.[18][19] In the ruling, Dion stated: "The examination found the relationship between Mr. Morneau and WE included an unusually high degree of involvement between their representatives and afforded WE unfettered access to the Office of the Minister of Finance, which amounted to preferential treatment."

This crime gave trudeau money too. I wonder where he's hiding it.

Here's trudeau being evasive, but not stating that Freeland's job is secure when given the opportunity. Note how he has a happy face at the prospect of her being removed from her too-high position, as he speaks on his long-standing desire to move Mark Carney onto his team:

For the past year, trudeau has indeed been receiving a wrecking ball to the back of his head. The reason that he can't defeat this thing is that he doesn't know where the ball is coming from. It always hits in on the opposite side of his head from his eyes, and always sends his face into the mud, messing up his lovely hair. When he turns around to see what hit him, the mud over his eye depressions prevents a clear sight. By the time he wipes away the mud and the tears, there's no assailant to see. I'm hoping that God is the Assailant. I'm hoping there's more to come against him; I'm hoping that God will satisfy Canadians by putting he and his crime ring into prison for a long time. People yearn to see this, to send a rock-hard message, finally, against all would-be government gangsterism. This could take place if Poilievre has the courage to install new RCMP bosses who take the job promising to make the arrests, but if he does not hire them, then in that irresponsible act alone he betrays his people. Poilievre cannot afford to betray his voters like that.

Tracking Us

The video below has some sections on the hacking of the Dutch government's vaccine records. The shocker comes in the 35th minute, when it's said that people who died were not registered in the vaccine records, and were officially listed as UNVACCINATED, a most-scandalous piece of information I've not heard before. People who died of vaccine injuries went down on paper as deaths to unvaccinated, to make it appear that they were dying of COVID.

A sign of the times where corporate intruders do their things: this guy below claims that a mechanic, from a Toyota dealer, I assume, installed a GPS tracker underneath his dash without notifying him, without charging him for the job, suggesting to me that Toyota is being paid by a third party to install these gadgets, for I see no way for Toyota to make money from them so that it should fork-out the cost of installing them. Sooner or later, mechanics are going to talk, and the insidious installation will become known.

Even if this tracker was under the dash from the factory, what third party, aside from global-government builders or government spies, would want these installed secretly? What third party would risk violating vehicle owners aside from a brazen, leftist government body? This guy did a follow-up video assuring that the gadget was a tracker. Question: how many other car companies are doing the same?

The more that governments spy on the people, the more they hear from them how deeply the people hate governments for spying on us secretly. I find it to be an astonishing violation of the people, to desire the ability to eaves drop on them without their knowledge. Normal people find this disgusting.

Car companies will inevitably say that trackers are for your own good in case someone steals the vehicle. But they should leave that choice to you, whether to keep the tracker or remove it. It should be easily removable, and easily replaceable, but as car companies are installing them secretly, that's how you know it's there for other reasons. And we should all know by now that control-freak globalists want to drastically reduce the miles we drive.

Plus, when the skin-code method of purchasing is enforced, your car will likely be at your place where you seek to eke out a living for a few years. The government's going to know where the property is unless the tracker is removed. It can't necessarily do anything about where you are living, but there are signs that globalism want to deny everyone the right to grow / raise their own foods.

You might think that you'll just disconnect the battery to temporarily "kill" trackers, but if you drove to a property, they will be able to know which one even if you disconnect the tracker after you've arrived. And if you've visited the site many times previous, your property can be pegged much with more certainty.

Plus, we can guess what the globalist game will be with a mandatory skin-code system. They will ask their spy robot to inform them of all people not using the skin-code, and if addresses are available, this is how they hope to persecute us. The question is, how will they justify persecuting people if they abide lawfully on their own properties, and what crime have they committed for choosing to opt out of purchasing with a skin-code? How will judges treat these goons if they arrest us simply for living quietly on our own properties? Will the politicians who oversee the courts happily allow these goons to fill the courts with us when there are pressing criminals to deal with?

Right now, crime has become a political issue like never before, because globo-leftist forces wish to increase crime by allowing criminals to go unpunished, or by granting them get-out-of-jail-free cards. Perhaps they want to open-up more jail cells for those who refuse vaccines or the skin-code, yet the people in general are voting these goons out of power as we speak, if they don't clamp down on crime. This is to our favor.

Globalist goons think like this: if the people hate us, we will make life difficult for them. Ya-but, the people hate them because they've made it plain that they want to make life difficult, of lower quality to the point where they come off as crazy. Why they would want to give themselves a reputation like that is going to produce the answer of: $$$. And they make life difficult, though knowing beforehand that the people will hate them, because they think they can get away with it. It's like parental abuse because globalists want to collectively be our father, with obedient children. Good luck.

Here's some new police abilities to spy on your home without a bug within it. One of the technologies supposedly "sees" a breathing person within a building using highly-sensitive radar i.e. you can't hide people in secret rooms unless they (the rooms or people) are wrapped in tinfoil:

One can imagine that what globalists are now doing is: trying to be hateful in order to get their ideological enemies to fight back viciously, because the globalists think it's their opportunity to fight back and clamp down. Their problem is, they need to do this country-by-country, and that's not going to work globally because other countries will see how tyrannical they are in one country at a time; the goons aren't going to fool anyone. Unless they have sufficient control of most Western nations, they will not succeed with this clamp-down tactic. The good news, there are roughly half the people in most countries who do not want clamps ruling their lives, and the other half will eventually fall away from globalists too, one would think.

And this is why we can expect another global pandemic, because the goons saw how well they could subdue their enemies using the wrong and cowardly, even stupid, half of the people. The idea is to convince the stupid half to persecute the other half, to convince the stupid half that the other half are dangerous and detrimental to a healthy society. The stupids on the streets of France just spewed demonic misbehavior, divisive rants, and passionate animosities. If they were only ignorant, we could deal with it with rehabilitation, but they are being trained to become dangerous and unrepenting too, like animals infecting with heartless brutality. And you know what Jesus said: all nations will hate you for My sake.

How can people hate the people who profess the love of God? How can nations despise the people who stand for clean / honest living, justice, and humility? How can nations rant against those who care about the souls of others? By tar. By tarnish. By false reports about them. By groundless accusations. Like when trudeau and the CBC tried to make the entire convoy look like Nazi's due to one nazi flag appearing at the trucker's protest. This is what they have in mind against us.

But, in having major political headaches at the moment, they need to put Christian persecution on the shelf for the time being. Now is a good time to start storing foods if you have yet to begin, and all other needs that can allow you to eke out a decent existence in self-sufficiency. It's you call. Don't do it because I say so, or because I'm doing it, but because you won't mind doing the work if it turns out that the 666 doesn't come in your lifetime. I can justify it because I'm not planning on letting the food go to waste. It's all been prepared, and stored in glass jars.

I'm at this time eating into my jarred chicken and ground beef that was jarred in April of 2021. It smells and tastes the same as when I first jarred it. It could go another three years, I reckon, though I've had it either in a freezer or a fridge. Don't throw away your broken-down freezer fridge. Put it into the garage and store foods in it all cold-seasons long (protect it from bears). I'm willing to eat it in the next year because I prefer to make a new batch, because I have the time. I'm not worried about the dried, non-meat products (in jars), they can go for a decade easily, even longer. I can prepare that easily in two years from now because lots of it comes dry from the store.

Just make sure you buy your jars in case they go scarce. You can imagine that globalists will seek to rob us of jars. One piece of good news is that plastic containers have become so taboo that we may see more glass jars in grocery stores. Keep all your glass jars once the food within them has been used. That's what I do. The lids work without any problems...until they are very old. When using the food in these jars, don't tighten lids hard each time they are used. Keep the rubber seal in good shape, and don't ruin the "threads" on the lids by over-tightening. Heat the foods in the oven at 215F degrees, with lids off, and then, immediately after removing from the oven, put lids on (heat them too for 15 minutes). Air pressure alone will make a great seal so long as the glass rim is clean of food residue. I do this even for store-bought dry goods like beans and lentils, just to get the great seal.

Just take a look at how worthy of hate Christians are for following Jesus:

If you didn't like the video above because you haven't liked Jews, then you are a true right-winger, a Nazi type. Globalist-toting media wants to portray all conservatives and Christians as "right-wingers," nothing new at all, this accusation has been on-going for decades. If you felt good on behalf of the Jew above, you are in good Spiritual shape.

My conversion, and the surrounding circumstances, resembled the one of this Jewish woman:

Imposter Trump Makes Fools of His Supporters

At 4 minutes into the video below, where Trump is shown shot in the ear, I've got to say that this photo looks faked because there are two near-identical blood streaks across his face suggesting two bullets that grazed his skin at exactly the same skin depth. The chances of that happening are very small, unless these streaks are painted on. I got to this video at 7:15 pm ET, about an hour after the shooting, on the 13th:

The guy in the video asks what possible-good reason Trump would have for staging this shooting, since he has the election locked up. But this ignores what looks to me like a string of staged events -- the Trump arrests, for example -- intended to get the ire of his base to provide grounds for shooting up a civil war. His voters won't bite on that. The video above has a speaker on the phone telling a falsification: that Trump turned his head, otherwise he would have been shot square on the back of the head.

In this video below, available at 7:29 pm, we can see that it could have been produced for the specific purpose of coaxing Trump's base to fight back on the streets. Trump is shown getting shot, but he ducks behind the podium where the red-fakery could have been added to his face. When he pops up with the red streaks, he shouts "fight" toward the mic, "fight," with fist raised up, ya sure:

At first, there were no reports of anyone else in jeopardy from the gunshots, but a couple of hours later, word came out of one dead person in the audience. Soon after, two dead, three injured. How can that be reality? How do two people get shot so critically while not being known about for hours after the shooting? It didn't seem right that, with a half-dozen shots or more heard, nobody else got shot, and so it seems the fakers invented a couple of dead people to add gravity.

No large, pro-Trump social-media news outlet will call this a faked event for fear of losing viewers and reputation...unless evidence for fakery become overwhelming such that many Trumpers begin to take that position.

By 9 pm, one video comment claimed that the shooter was on a nearby rooftop, shooting nine times. Then, a guy comes out to say that he witnessed the shooter on the roof, with rifle visible, about five minutes before the shooting, and after he called the Secret Service to inform it, it didn't keep Trump from going forward with the speech. As everyone is saying that Trump's bodyguards were of the Secret service, that in itself looks like damning evidence for the hoax, yet there's another way to interpret this, where this "witness" is part of the hoax to stoke fury against Biden's Secret Service. Civil wars need deep hatred between both political sides.

One could say that, as the string of far-reaching, bogus charges laid on Trump did nothing to incite his voters, the plotters did the next-logical tactic, an assassination. Makes sense.

We might ask: if this was staged, why have a shooter on the roof at all? Why not just say the shooter got away, no need to put anyone on the roof to endanger the hoax? Because, the hoax needed gunshot sounds to be heard by the crowd from a certain direction. And so the shots were likely blanks. To serve as evidence that the "blood" was ink, Trump went down onto the podium with his bodyguards, any one or two of which could have placed the "artwork" on the side of his face and head. There was no fright on Trump's face when he surfaced.

For me, this hoax tends to prove that Trump is an actor-president, part of the deep state seeking to start a destructive civil war. It tends to expose that he was a part of forming and framing the January 6 hoax too. He's an imposter, and judging by the magnitude of work he's been doing to form a passionate following, it signals a dire scheme in place for making slaves of all citizens. He's being framed, by the deep state, as a hero, a man of God's protection, signalling that the scheme is seeking to harm Christians with a trap.

What could make more sense than Antifa being a deep-state tool seeking to coax Republicans into the streets to start a civil war a few years ago. Republicans could have gone into the streets in greater numbers than Antifa had, and they probably wanted to, but they saw it as bait, and resisted. They didn't realize that Trump is himself is bait, that's what I now believe.

If you look to the viewer's right side of the podium's lectern, it seems one of the bodyguards is putting a hand into his jacket pocket. He may have been pulling out the ink, when the manager of the event gave the green light to go with this part of the hoax. They could have done it without his being hit by the bullet, but it would not have had the same level of drama.

As of the next morning, NOBODY in any of the many videos I've watched has mentioned that Trump has two streaks of blood on his face, which is what gave away the hoax for me. The ear looks unharmed, just painted in red.

The video below has a sky-view of the shooter location as compared to Trump's location, now indicating that Trump was facing the shooter, meaning that the shooter, if we take this for a genuine event, was never aiming at his face, because Trump moves his ear toward the path of the bullet at the second that the bullet was flying past him. That is, had Trump not moved his head, the bullet could have missed it, yet media people are stressing the opposite, that, thanks to moving his head, he (or God) saved himself from a shot to the head. But he didn't move his head enough for that story to be accurate. The most he would have gotten, with zero movement of the head, is a scrape / crack to the back of the skull. This argument is so shallow that, at 55 seconds, Fox doesn't even show how much Trump turned his head. Fox even has a video title, "God must have been watching down on Trump," signalling yet again that Christians are the real target of this assassination plot. That is, they want to "prove" to us that God is behind Trumpism:

Apparently, no phones were allowed behind Trump, or there would be a number of videos taken from there. Really, how is it that such an event doesn't cause choice Trump voters to take out phones to capture it for all-time on video?

The name of the shooter, and his home town, has been revealed, but this is standard for deep-state faked events. I don't know how they get away with it. Maybe they pay someone off and send him far away, never to be seen again in the area i.e. they feign his death. It is far easier to stage the death of a shooter than to fake dragging him to jail and through the courts. Here he is on the flat roof:

The video above is clearly showing a staged photo because the shooter is said to have been shot in the head, yet the government gunman stands there with his rifle pointed to the head for maximum photo-effect. Nobody is going to stand pointing at someone's head who is dead or shot in the head already. In fact, as the man is trapped on a roof, the order would have been given to take him alive. ABSOLUTELY, but as this is staged event requiring the death of the shooter, there you are: fakery.

It's still the morning after, and already there's a sinister-looking "shooter" speaking to a camera in confusing, psy-op fashion, as might be expected in a staged event. He's apparently trying to say, post-shooting, that he's not the shooter, yet the deep state would not choose a name out of a hat i.e. unless the person is willing to feign being the shooter:

Someone writes in the video above: "Only 100 yards and the Secret Service didn't secure? Conspiracy." Someone else: "No rooftop sweeps .... No drones in the air?? Really?" These sentiments can come from people suggesting that the Secret Service was in on a REAL assassination attempt, which can really put the fury into Trump voters. Someone else: "How did he get access to the building??????? Very fishy".

Here's the shooter in a Blackrock commercial of about a year ago, what are the chances? Let's put it this way, that if the main media do not air this commercial, then they have been forbidden by Blackrock itself (or its friends):

There seems to be a problem in the video above where the shooter shown between one and two minutes has a different ear from the man in the Blackrock commercial, and yet, at 2 minutes, the shooter is shown again, from a different photo, where he now has the same ear as the guy in the commercial. I suggest that American Intelligence has a huge photo library, and related computers, to find look-alikes for various Intelligence / political projects. Or, Intelligence can photoshop facial features, if it needs to, to hide the identity of people (or at least cause confusion) in their tricks. Note how black his hair is in younger years, suggesting dyed hair for the commercial.

When I was in Texas, I lived beside a man who would hunt after midnight on my land with red light. During a dispute with him, he shot a bullet about 30 feet beside me (at night), and I heard it's flight path through the air from that distance (I wouldn't have been able to calculate the distance if not by analyzing the sound). It could have been more than 30 feet. You can inquire online to discover that, yes, bullets make a buzz sound as they fly past. Yet we hear no such sound as the bullets whizzed much closer than 30 feet from the mic.

I imagine that a bullet flying an inch past your ear drum would make more than a mere whiz, more like a tornado sound. "Former President Trump said in a post on his Truth Social platform on Saturday that he was 'shot with a bullet,' which 'pierced' his right ear, and recounted a 'whizzing sound' and 'shots' at his Pennsylvania rally." Why didn't the mic pick up the whizzing?

Many people shot into tissue don't even know they've been shot, yet Trump claims he felt the bullet pierce his ear flap: "'I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet RIPPING [caps mine] through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening.'" I saw no evidence of a ripped ear flap. I saw red ink on his perfect ear flap. A bullet is not expected to "rip" through a skinny ear membrane. One should not express it as a "rip," but more like a fast pin prick, if anything at all.

If the ear was pierced, wouldn't one of the men have gotten some cloth to put over it? Yes, but they wanted the public to see the artwork, didn't they?

The roof line, in the picture above with dead shooter, when compared to the trees in the background, doesn't look correct according to where those trees are located, judging from other aerial views showing where the trees are. Compare with the image at the start of this video:

There's a small chance that Trump got two genuine bullets skimming his face, but I'm not buying it. I'm declaring that Trump was part of this hoax. Colombo would tell you the same thing from this one, small clue. The good news going forward is that half his voters will now blame his bodyguards for partaking in a real assassination attempt. The deep state just keeps sinking deeper. The bad news is that the deep state will soon have Trump in the White House.

Nearing midday on the day after, I've yet to see anyone point out where in the bleachers the 5 people were hit with bullets who are reportedly hit with bullets. I can see no gathering of fellow ralliers around anyone hit with a bullet.

At one point in the aftermath of the shooting, a female bodyguard is seen virtually on her knees, for no other possibly reason but to get out of the way of a camera that was to take some iconic shots of high-fisting Trump. So transparent.

Here's Redacted (and Bongino) showing evidence that this was a staged hoax, yet denying the hoax part so as to wrongly claim that it was an inside-job assassination attempt:

So far, I've seen only photos of the gunman on the roof, which is a way to know that these photos are controlled by the deep state, for if indeed the photos come from the cell phones of non-involved citizens, they would show the entire videos. But the deep state wants only to show evidence that the gunman existed on the roof as it facilitates the deep-state story line (planned before the shooting).

When the sniper's gun went off, Trump was talking immigration. I've had reason to believe that the deep state wants to use illegal immigrants, in conjunction with pro-trump haters of illegal immigration, to start a civil war, real or feigned to begin with. They can feign the start of a war hoping that it becomes an expanded, genuine conflict with some serious stoking from media appearances. There's stoking going on even now from both sides.

On Saturday evening, I came across my first video arguing as I do, that Trump was part of this fakery. It's by TimTruth. He goes a little long with repetition, but in case you want to hear his version...though he doesn't seem to view the facial streaks as faked bullet grazes:

In the video above, one can hear Trump apparently telling his bodyguards to "let me get my shoes", before doing the fist-pump. It's probably not important aside from his voice sounding normal, not in fear. There's one man with white mustache and goatee, to Trump's right, with green cap, looking like he knows that there's no bullets. He gets low, on cue, with the rest of the cheerleaders, but his normal and calm facial expressions don't change after everyone else figures that bullets are flying.

At 1:20 of the next video, we see where the Secret Service had deployed roof snipers, perfect for shooting the killer, of course. Yet, as Redacted told us, this two-man team knew of the killer, and were spotting him in their gun sights, well before he shot his gun. It doesn't matter whether the two-man team was contracted by the Secret Service, or belonged to it; both men would have had communication capability with the decision maker(s) of the Secret Service, and thus we can fathom that the two-man team was told not to shoot YET. Only after the fakery did they shoot the killer...or so we're told, and yet we never see the killer's face, the excuse being that he was shot in the face...meaning we don't know for sure whether it was Mr. Crooks (of the Blackrock commercial) on the roof.

The two-man roof team did have communication capability, of course, and they did notify the team surrounding Trump that the shooter was down, for it can be heard over the mic. The police officer at the killer's roof could easily have gone up to take shots at him because the killer could be seen by many people, on the neighboring ground, aiming toward the stage. The ladder to the roof was behind the killer, making for an EASY SHOT, and so it seems certain that the Secret Service team told the officer to "stand down," leave the shooter alone...and don't talk about this to the press, or else.

In the 7th minute of the video above, a faked picture purportedly showing the bullet in flight past Trump's head is shown, a poppycock photo, of course, showing the desperation of the fakery team to provide visual evidence that this was not a faked shooting. I've heard a hunting rifle at various distances from my Texas neighbor, often at about 300 feet away, much louder than the shots the mic picked up from the roof at roughly 400 feet away.

Recall how loud rifle shots were made at the shooting of congressman Scalise. Plus, we're hearing that the sniper team of the Trump bodyguards made the gunshots after the sixth one from the shooter, and yet the shots of the team were of the same loudness as the killer's gunshots, even though the team was much closer to the mic than 400 feet. It could suggest that all the rifle shots, all of the same loudness, were added into the soundtrack, Hollywood style. Or, the guns had silencers. One can find the loudness levels online of various guns, if one really wants to know.

You don't need to view the entire Times of India video below, just the beginning where Trump is now using his left had to touch his ear, and moreover he's looking to the opposite (left) side of the stage from where the shooter was located, or so it seems. Can you explain this video? Is there a camera-altering computer program that transfers everything on the right side onto the left side, and vice-versa, so that even EVERYONE's right arm becomes their left arm??? Isn't that impossible? If not, why would such a camera program be used for this scene?

In the video above, some man in suit behind the stage is pointing a cameraman away. This cameraman is seen in normal videos at the front of the stage after the shooting. Was this cameraman not supposed to be at the back of the stage to see the fakery? Looks like. But why is Trump touching his ear with his left hand when all other images have him doing so with his right hand? The cameraman mentioned above has his camera strap on his left shoulder, yet on all other images, when Trump is seen from his front, the strap is on his right shoulder.

Another queer thing is that there were way too many female bodyguards on-scene. I've never seen anything like that before, but fully appropriate for a faked shooting. I'm pretty sure that the military-style officer walking back and forth at the front of the stage is a woman. I'm hearing that the chief of the Secret Service is a woman (about to be fired or forced to step down).

I find it hard to believe that the Secret Service would give the green light to a hoax, with Trump happily involved, if it were for the purpose merely of advancing Trump's election campaign or his popularity. It makes more sense that this hoax was birthed by the deep state, the CIA / military included, as extra fodder for starting a civil war. In the meantime, it does make Trump more popular so that he can mislead his voters better into a deep-state trap.

Who provided the ladder, at least 10 feet long, for the "killer" to get onto a roof? If this was truly an attempted assassination, wouldn't the deep state have obtained a better shooter than a mere 20-year old? Or, wouldn't the deep state have used two shooters to make sure? Probably, the roof teams did not need special permission to shoot if they thought there wasn't time to communicate with the boss. Trump was already speaking at the time the roof team had their guns aimed at the shooter. Redacted says that they had their guns aimed at the shooter for 42 seconds before Trump put his right hand to his ear. That is a "long-long" time, under the circumstances of this setting.

BESIDES, the roof team was just a few feet from the stage, and the men could have yelled out, "Trump, get down, shooter on roof." If this event is taken as an assassination attempt, the Secret-Service boss should be charged with attempted assassination. However, the deep state won't allow the Conservative side to get away with making this event anything more than merely a "bungled" security job. This is the wickedness, that nobody who wants to stay safe and respected in big media can come out forthright to say that this was a Secret-Service plot. SHAMEFUL, to see so many cowards in big Conservative media, and amongst their well-chosen (and often pre-gagged) political / bureaucratic guests. That's not media, it's deep-state complicity. Gangsterism will continue in American government, therefore, and Trump will not even try to pull it out by its roots. The oaf might prune a couple of lower / yellow leaves to make a show of it, then brag about it to the skies.

I suggest that one make-up artist was commissioned to put a streak on his face, and another to put fake blood at the top of his ear. I suggest that when the first streak didn't point to the top of the ear, it was decided to put a second streak so that it did point there. The top streak does point to the top of the ear; the lower streak points lower. Therefore, the streaks were intended to act as bullet grazes. Why is nobody talking about these streaks? I've had a hundred such streaks on my hands and arms from my building trade. They take a good week to heal after scarring up. They should be on Trump's face as he speaks Monday in Milwaukee.

The streaks could not have been from blood spatter because the bullets (if they existed) would have been flying from front to back; i.e. any spatter would have gone away from the face toward his back. At first, I and others thought that the bullets were coming from back to front.

Undeniable Pointer to the NATO-Russia War

I keep an old phone book on my desk to put hot pots on so they don't burn the desk's wood. Every once in a while, I rip out a page from the book when it gets burnt-brown, and this morning I noticed the Waldron surname at the top of the page now showing. And so I loaded Waldrons/WALTRons, who share the Waleran Coat, which recalls the Welders sharing the Weis/Wise stars, suggesting that Waldrons and Walerans were a Welder branch because Walerans were first found in Devon with English Wise's.

Then, Waldrons/Waltrons were first found at Waldron...of Sussex, where VISE's were first found who share the black cross, between antlers, of Eustace's. The latter were a large topic in the last update when I was showing how Levites from the killers of Jesus traced to Eustace II, count of Boulogne, father of the first Crusader king of Jerusalem. Eustace's share the coat and motto of Stacy's while Staggs/Stage's, with a cross between antlers, were first found in Devon with Walerans. The latter were from Waleran de Leavell, you see, and English Leavells were first found in Somerset with the WALTons who in turn have a version of the Goz/Gos Coat while Richard Goz married the Conteville's of Comines, near Boulogne.

Waltons love the Swans/Sions, and Sion of Switzerland is in Wallis canton, home of Walter-connectable WALSers, the latter first found in Bavaria with Goz's/Gos' and Weis'/Wise's. Walsers share the goat of Moline's, first found in Devon with Walder-branch Walerans and Wise's. "Wyse" is a motto term of gallops, the latter first found in Dorset with the Beaumonts whom Waleran de Leavell married, and with Beautys/Bowds that almost have the Waleran / Waldron Coat. Dutch Walsers have a giant moline cross.

The Wallis canton is beside the Ticino canton having the TESSin river to Pavia, a city co-founded by the Laevi Gauls. The TESS'/Tease's, first found in Switzerland, have a saltire with LEAVES in colors reversed from the saltire-by-stars of English Gos'. The latter use "nine" stars, and Nine's/Nevins were first found in Ayrshire with Wallis'/Wallace's who in turn have a "Pro" motto term while Pierro's/Pero's were first found in Pavia. Pierre's were first found in Languedoc with the French Falcons in the Crest of English Gos'. Languedoc is where Rocks/Roque's and Roquefeuil are located, and they named Roxburgh while Roxburghshire is where GOOSE's/Googe's were first found, but also the Scottish Leavells who use piles. English Pile's were first found in Somerset with English Leavells and Goz-connectable Waltons.

Waltons were first found at Gordano while Gords/Gordans (Berwickshire with Whale's and Wallis-beloved Tate's) share the boar heads of Roets (Somerset with Waltons) and Spears/Speyers in the Walton Crest. German Roets, first found in Thuringia with Welders, share the sleeping crescent of Karens who in turn share the Welder hexagram, and Karens were first found in Silesia with German Walters. We can see here how many Waldron-like surnames look like variations from one another, all connectable to the Laevi Gauls who predated Annas a Caiaphas, the two killers of Jesus, by at least a couple of centuries. The "aeneus" motto term of Waltons could be for the Annas', the latter first found in Cambridgeshire with English Walters and MUSKs/Muscats.

I didn't intend to be at the Musks when setting out with the Waldrons from the top of the telephone book. This is going to lead me to my old date, Diane MUSCHATov, or MUSCATov, I don't know the spelling, but Muscats (Muschat colors) are listed with Musks. As I've said many times, she lived on WELDrick road (Richmond Hill, Ontario) when I dated her, and her Ukrainian parents have a Ukrainian accent. I had suggested that she pointed to Elon Musk's part in the current Ukraine war with MOSCOW, and I'm writing this the day after a Kiev hospital was bombed by the Ukrainians, faking a bombing by Russia. Yes, that's right, the Ukrainians bombed their own buildings again, as they do regularly, this time because it took place during the NATO conference, and the Ukrainian pirates want to garner more NATO sympathy, and to siphon off more NATO relief = $$$.

The thing is, because I climbed the TV antenna of Diane Muschatov, she and I together seemed to point to Elon Musk's Starlink satellite company, which he allows the Ukrainian military to use for fighting the Russians. Starlink needs on-the-ground antenna's. As I said, I KNOCKed on her second-story bedroom window after climbing the antenna, and Knocks/Knox's were first found in Renfrewshire with The Pollocks and Spears/Speyers (in the Walton Crest). Note that ShakeSPEARs share the bend of English Walters (same place as Musks/Muscats).

You saw how the Spears/SPEYers were crossed above before Musk came to topic. Pollocks built Rothes castle on the SPEY river, and Pollocks of Rothes married Leslie's so that the latter became earls of Rothes by inheritance. And Leslie's happen to share the Coat of Starlings/STARLINCKs except that the latter have square buckles. The Waltons have buckles too while Buckle's were first found in Suffolk with lings, StarLINGs/Starlincks and Rush's; the latter are suspect in the "MuRUS" motto term of Waltons, and traceable to Varangian Rus of KIEV (Ukraine capital), how about that. The Waltons share a griffin head (different color) in Crest with Leslie's, and the Walton griffin head has a spear in its beak.

However, I don't know why God would want to use Diane and I to point to Musk's operations in Ukraine, or even to the war in general. It's made me wonder whether the anti-Christ will rise out of this war. The Goose's we saw above have a Gog-like Googe variation, and while the Rosh can be of the Ukrainian Rus, Goose's/Googe's (in the Rutherford "goose") have the Roet boar in half its colors. My mother is a Meshech-like Masci on her mother's side while her maiden name, GRIMaldi, can descend from Ukraine's CRIMea, which Moscow annexed as the main act that keeps this war going. That is, NATO uses Russia's backing of Crimea as an excuse to keep the war going, and so it threatens an Armageddon scenario.

The Whale's share the Keep and Lorraine bend because both trace to Maria of the royal Varangians of Kiev. Whale's share the black canton square of Whalleys, the latter first found in Lancashire with early Waltons of a Walton location. Whalleys are in Waleran and Waldron/Waltron colors and format. The latter were first found in Sussex with Keeps and DIANE's/Deans. Whale's call their canton a "black SQUARE", and Starlincks have "three SQUARE buckles," a symbol also of ROSlins in different colors.

Buckle's, in the colors and format of half the Coat of buckle-using Waltons, were first found also in Sussex with Diane's/Deans who in turn share a gold lion with the Buckle Crest. The "Nil" motto term of Buckle's can take us to Irish Neils/Neals, and then to English Neals, kin of YARborough's whom I trace to king Yaroslav, brother of Maria of Kiev.

Varangians from Maria of Kiev trace excellently (via red-antler Casimirs) to Germany's Veringers (used red antlers), kin of Zahringers (blue antlers), and the latter used buffalo horns, the symbol also of Russian MOSCOwitz's. As Diane Muschatov was Ukrainian, it makes sense that she points to the Ukraine war with Moscow. The Coat of Italian Maria's looks related to the one of Clements and their CLIMER branch, and perhaps my climbing Diane's antenna relates to this for an additional pointer to Kiev.

The Yarborough's are also Yearbys while Years were first found in Stirlingshire with Newmarch's in the Climer motto. Yarborough's had married the Stains (Stain write-up), the latter from Lorraine's pant stain (topic last update), and Stains share the double fesses of Climers.

It does seem that God arranged the heraldry to go with this antenna-climb and window-KNOCK event, or vice-versa, because Stain-branch Steins have the Noke/NOCK leopard faces in colors reversed, and the white goat head in the Crest of antenna-like Antons is a match with the giant white goat of German Steins. Antons share the red leopard face with Noke's/Nocks. I knocked on her window when climbing the TV antenna, and she became awake at that moment while Wake's, with the Climer Chief in colors reversed, were first found in Lincolnshire with Antons (and square-buckle Roslins).

The Roets we met above with the Gordano location of Waltons were a branch of the namers of Rothes because Roets share the Speer/Speyer boar head. Speers/Speyers, first found in Renfrewshire with Paisleys/Pasleys, were kin of Pasi's/Pascels while Passe'/Pascals (Essex with Muschats and Leavell-connectable Yonge's/Youngs) are in the motto of Rollo's who in turn have the Speer/Speyer boar heads in colors reversed.

Roets share the "book" with Scottish Reeds, the latter first found in Aberdeenshire with Leslie's in turn sharing the Starlinck Coat. See that? Books were first found in Berwickshire with the Gords/Gordans sharing the Roet and Spear boar heads, and with the Scottish Tate's (in the Wallis motto) while English Tate's, sharing the ROXburgh pale bar, were first found in Suffolk with Starlincks. ROXolani were a Rus people at the Kiev theater many centuries before the Varangian Rus arrived there.

We saw how the Walsers share the goat of Moline's (Devon with Wise's), very traceable to the goats of Kiev-line Kepke's (and Welder-connectable Weiss'), and then Moline's share the black moline with Kiev-like Chives', the latter first found in Aberdeenshire with Starlinck-connectable Leslie's. The latter were Hungarian while proto-Hungarian Magyars were in Ukraine.

Mark RUTTE is now the new NATO chief, and he's a Schwabite goon, with evil spirits steering his soul. You can expect him to get his advice from other Schwabites. If Schwabism never had control of NATO in the past, that's about to change. Schwabs share the giant unicorn of Rasmussens/ASSMANs, and Anders Rasmussen was the NATO chief two chiefs ago. ASSMANNShausen is at RUDESheim, and Rutte's could easily have been a branch of Rude's/Rudge's, first found in Shropshire with a Rodden river while Rothschilds, trackable to Leslie's of Rothes, are listed with RoddenSTEINs. See that? English Steins have the Rodden/Rodham bend in colors reversed, and who knows but that Hillary Rodham might be the next American president, by hook and by crook. Half the Coat of Waltons (Somerset with Roets) is in the colors and format of Rutts/Routts/Rudds.

After writing all the above, I got up to do a couple of things, and looked out the front door to see a lone dove/pigeon walking on the driveway for a long ways. It was only in the last day or two that I had been wondering why the doves were not around my place. So I loaded the Dove surname, and saw it's "Patiens" motto, which as a surname is listed with Scottish Patents/PUTINs. I think that's amazing. I don't know for how much longer Putin will lead Russia, but this dove does seem like a Godsend to increase the chances that's He wants our eyes on the Russia-NATO war.

Rutts/Rudds use bells while Bells were first found in Dumfries with Patents/Putins and Wake-connectable Walks/Wachs. The latter share the garb of West-branch Waistells. Bellamys (share Bell fesse) were first found in Shropshire with Rudes'/Rudge's, where English Rothes' were once said to be first found along with Sleeps of Sleap, but both are now said to be first found in Kent with Roots. Diane was sleeping when I knocked on her window. Rudes'/Rudge's/Rutch's were first found in PATTINGham while Patents/Putins are also Pattings, what are the chances? Doesn't this look like a pointer to Mark Rutte's continuation of the Ukraine war? What's he going to do?

If Sleeps are to be a part of this picture, I suggest that Christians must soon wake up from the prophetic slumber mentioned by Jesus (Mathews 25), and begin to trim lamps, so to speak. Carry your crosses unceasingly. Accept the slander and hatred that others heap on you, and do rub them the wrong way with a little preaching, enjoying it when they show resentment and faked-shock in efforts to make you timid. The anti-Christs always respond with things like, "don't shove it down my throat," to make us timid. Make them futile.

Tell them unabashed how feminism has destroyed normalcy, exchanging it for slavery to globalists. They told mothers to abandon their "gloomy" kitchens, but it turned out to be in return for a globalist leash around their necks. Now they work for nothing because their flooding the workforce had served only to increase the cost of living. Foolish mothers sacrificed the family for nothing, and then forced other mothers to go to work because it was very hard for one wage earner in the family to afford a home large enough to raise kids comfortably.

Not happy with that, they stacked evil upon evil by joining the front lines of leftist political parties. And the time is just about here for God to pour out the full cup of His wrath. Why did God choose "cup" for that statement? Why does Mystery BABYlon have a gold cup in her hand? Golds were first found in Suffolk with Babe's, with Leslie-line Starlincks, Koop-beloved Candle's, and with Kidds, and while the latter share the goat of Kepke's/Kopke's, Koops/Kupe's ("candlesticks") look like a branch of Cups/Cope's, first found in Aberdeenshire with Leslie's, the proto-Rothschilds. The Candle Crest looks related to the Stain Crest.

As per "Mystery BABYLon," part of the name of the harlot (Revelation 17) who foolishly, and in vanity, rides on the back of the anti-Christ, we could take it to Ukrainian Babys, but also the English Babels/Babwells, first found in Sussex with COOPers/Coppers and Keeps. Babys share the Coat of English Vaux's, first found in Cumberland with Waistells.

I think it's appropriate to take things to Googe-connectable Schims/Schiens (Kepke/Kopke colors and format), first found in Aberdeenshire with their SKIN/SCAN branch, you see, and then we ask why the Schims/Schiens (DOVE!) share the Washington Chief? Washington-branch Wace's/Wassa's can take us to dove-using Waistells of Wasdale, but also to Wake's and WALKs. The dove did nothing but WALK some 50 feet on the driveway; I didn't hang around long enough to see it fly off. The "comites fortuna" motto phrase of Schims/Schiens can take us to English Fortune's, first found in East Lothian with Scottish Vaux's.

The Comites-branch English Conte's were first found in Durham with Washingtons, and "comites" is a Schim/Schien motto term. See that? How better could we link the Chiefs of Washingtons and Schims/Schiens? Does this mean that the skin-scanning 666 system will be a Washington product?

Immediately after seeing the dove, I put the bed sheets into the dryer from the LAUNDRY machine, and everyone who understands knows that NATO's chief sponsor, the United States, is laundering military money in Ukraine.

I should probably add that the Dove's were kin of Wests (Devon with Rudge-branch Ridge's) who in turn almost have the Woo/WHOO Coat for a pointer to the WHO, which I suspect to be at the spear tip of the coming, vaccine-related mark of the beast. On the other hand, the mark of the beast can be purely a Russian thing, if the anti-Christ will be a Russian. I'm open to various scenarios.

The 666 man in Revelation 13 is described as a man having two HORNs like those of a LAMB, and so, maybe, God will help to reveal him through heraldry. If so, then I can see the magnitude of using me to do heraldic links. Otherwise, I get depressed doing this work, years after years for two decades now, if I don't see fruit that justifies this marathon-effort. Lamb-branch Limps/LAMPs recalls Jesus' directive to trim our lamps at the beginning of the night.

Horn-branch Herons were first found in Northumberland with Lambs? The 666-MARK man is said to have a MOUTH like a dragon, and Dragons/Drainers are in the colors and much-format of English Lambs. Mouth-like Motts (Essex with English MARKs) share the crescent of Deaths, the latter first found in Kent with Rothes' and Dragons/Drainers. The latter are in the colors and format of Potters (Hampshire with dragon-using Drake's) who in turn share the cinquefoils of English Lambs. Why might German Marks look like Tromp kin?

It's possible that the "Nil DespeRANdum" motto of Horns/Orne's and Herons is partly for Rands/Rynds because they share the red lion with the Crest of English lambs while Irish and Scottish Lambs share the cinquefoil of Bus', the latter first found in Norfolk with Rands/Rynds (triple Muschat chevrons in colors reversed). Then Rinds, with a "flower pot" to go with the Pots and Potters (share Flower cinquefoil), share the scallops of Mallets, first found in Suffolk with Starlincks. Elon Musk is working with people / companies for advancing skin chips, we wonder what they are up to even if they don't partner with Musk.

From the Goose variation of Googe's, we can go back to English Gos' sharing the red stars of Scottish Lambs whose "non" motto term jibes with the "nine" stars of Gos', for Nine's are listed with Nons, whom I connect to KNESS'/Ness" ("non" motto term), first found in Perthshire with Rinds. I entertain Kness' as a pointer to the Knesset (Israeli parliament), and Elon Musk likely has strong obedience to deep-staters in the Knesset who want an Israel-based global government, on the back of the United States, we could say, where the Rothschilds, founders of modern Israel, have been saddled for many decades.

But, the problem is, how possibly can the 666-man be pro-Israeli since Revelation has him riding on the back of the anti-Israeli anti-Christ? I suspect that Schwab himself is anti-Israel, and MARK Rutte might therefore produce the 666-man.

Scottish Lambs share "sine" with the Neal-related Yarborough's, and Neals share the "palm BRANCH" with Irish Lambs. This is so Varangian-Rus. Stains were first found in Middlesex with Orne's/Horns, and Lorraine with the grass stain points to Varangian Rus. Lorraine's have a "laurel BRANCH", and Branch's are suspect from Varangi-like "Avranches," also called, "Abrinses."

Irish Brinks (i.e. like "Abrinces"), with nearly a Heffer Coat, are listed with Irish Brians with a "Lamh" motto term. The Heffers below tend to assure that Brinks/Brians had merged with Lambs. Irish Lambs are also LOANs, and then English Lawns/Lone's/Loans share the triple Brink/Brian and English Heffer lions in pale. Moreover, Lawns/Lone's/Loans share the triple stars of French Bride's (and Brights), first found in Savoy with BRIANcon/Brigantium.

The other half (white-on-red lions) of the Brink/Brian lions are shared by the Englands (Brain colors and format) in the Lawn/Lone/Loan description. Is "Loan" a pointer to Jewish bankers? What could make more sense for a mandatory 666 but when pushed by the big banks? BRINKs is a bank-cash shipping company. Plus, "The Brink's Money Prepaid Mastercard gives you the convenience of having a bank debit card."

Lorraine got her grass stain on a LAWN. Irish Lawns share the Lorraine bend, and share the fleur-de-lys of the Droits in turn in the English Heffer motto along with "mon," the latter shared by French Simons, first found in Lorraine with the Perins suspect in the "desPERANdum" motto term of Horns/Orne's and Herons. Perans/Perrins were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's.

Neals can be of the "Nil" motto term of Horns/Orne's and Herons. The latter two have a RED-SHIELD version of the Irish Heron Coat, and the latter is in BOURley colors and format, both sharing a GREEN SHIELD with proto-Rothschilds Bauers and Bowers. The first Rothschild banker, Mayer Bauer, called his hone, "Green Shield." He may have put out the disinformation that "Rothschild" derives in "Red Shield." I don't think it did derive in that term. I think it was a variation from the Rothes bloodline. Bourley were first found in Somerset with Rothes-branch Roets, and with Heffers/Hefferons likely from a variation of Irish Herons/Heffrons (County Clare with Irish Heffers).

Scottish Lambs share the lamb of Pass'/Pascals who in turn share the Levi lion and the Reed eagle. Roets and Reeds share the "book." It wouldn't be surprising if the 666-man were Jewish of the Levi bloodline.

Lamb-branch Lums/Limbs were probably kin of Irish Caseys, and here we can add that English Case's, first found in Norfolk with Bus' and Leave's/Leve's, have a Coat version of the Leslie's and Starlincks (Suffolk with Rush's/Rish's). While Scottish Lambs (Northumberland with Lorraine's), in Rush/Rish colors, share the Bus cinquefoil, Rosco's/Risco's have it in colors reversed. French Caseys (show LEAVES, but call them "laurel branches" for connection to Lorraine's) were first found in Ile-de-France with Levi's and Trudeau's, and the latter are in the colors and format of English Camps while Dutch Camps have the Lum/Limb eagle head, colors reversed from the eagle heads of Irish Caseys (share Lum/Limb motto). The Rush and Lamb fesse is shared by Ricks while Rich's/Richess', first found in Hampshire with Chase's, were of the Lorraine family of Richeza, mother-in-law of Maria of Kiev.

The Riggs, essentially in the colors and format of Scottish Lambs, and sharing the Rush/Rish and Rick fesse, were first found in Lancashire with Lums/Limbs, and the other English Riggs share the chevron-with-annulets of Walkers.

After writing to this point, I saw a Knack surname, and, checking to see if houseofnames lists one, yes, and it shares the vertically-split YARborough Shield! It's already got me convinced that I KNOCKed on Muschatov's window because Knocks/Knox's, like Knacks, are from royal Kiev. I knocked on her window on WELDrick road, and you saw all the Waltron-like surnames just before I came to Miss Muschatov. It slipped my mind (until now) that YARoslav was the son and heir of king VLADimir! Welder / Walter liners must have been from him.

Knacks were first found in Hamburg with German Trips, from the Trypillians of Kiev! See that? I must have been knacking on her window because Hall of names says that the Knacks use a giant lion in the colors of the Window lion paws. Hall of Names describes the entire Knack Shield like so: "A blue Shield with a gold lion," meaning that it's a giant lion with nothing else showing. However, the Knack Coat showing at both Hall of Names and houseofnames shows no lion, but does show the vertically-split Yarborough Shield, as well as some rare six-pointed stars used by only one other surname that I know of, the Kissingers.

Although the Knack Crest shows nothing, Hall of Names claims that this Crest has "A man dressed in black and holding a black spade."

When loading Knacks initially, I misspelled it as "Kinack" because the 'K' is beside the 'I', and as it turned out, there is a Kinack surname, listed with Kinlocks, which happens to share a brown bird in Crest with the brown "falcon" of both Knocks/Knox's and Yarborough's!!! What a lucky strike. Plus, as per "KinLOCK," Scottish Locks were first found in Lanarkshire with the Sine's/Sions/Swans (share English Neal lion) in the "sine" motto term of Yarborough's (share "non" with Kinacks/Kinlocks).

You can't tell that the Kinack/Kinlock eagle is young, and so when you see that it's called "young eagle," you know it's code for Youngs. The Kinack/Kinlock description is almost identical to the one of Peartree's/Patria's, the latter easily tracable to Pierro's/Pero's. Knock use a "PROficior" motto term. Peartree's/Patria's share the Trump stag head, in the colors of the giant YOUNG/Jung/June stag.

Both the Kinack/Kinlock and Knock birds stand on a stick or something, but as Pierro's/Pero's and Pero's/Perino's both list Perichs, we note that the Kinack/Kinlock eagle is "PERCHed." (as is the eagle of English Botters/BODINs (Hampshire with Bidens/BUDINs), likely from the Budini of Kiev! See that? I made a mistake on going to Kinacks, and they too trace to Kiev along with Knacks.

Kinacks/Kinlocks describe their Crest as a "A young eagle perched and LOOKing at the sun," which reminds that Lucks/Luke's/LOOKs share a Lick variation with Scottish Locks. Peartree's/Patria's use "An eagle looking at the sun," which reminds that both Babe's and Blonds use the sun in Crest too, and both were first found in Suffolk with Lodge's/LOGE's while French Locks are also DesLOGES'. Kinacks even come up as "Kinock." They were first found in Fife with the Balcons/Balcolms (Rus-line roses) that I link to Italian Botters/Botini's!

The Knocks call their border a "silver goldie," and Goldie's share the fesse of Chickens, first found in Suffolk with Golds. This tends to reveal that the giant lion used by, but not showing, of Knacks is the giant Gold lion. I trace Golds to the "gold gate" in the Arms of Podebrady, and trace the wife of George the Hungary, father of Drummonds, to Podebrady, and then German Drummonds were first found in Hamburg with Knacks. Scottish Drummonds, first found in Perthshire with Kness'/Ness', share the brown eagle with Kinacks/Kinocks, and Kness'/Ness', kin of the Nons in the Yarborough and Kinack/Kinock motto, have an "eagle rising". Kness'/Nons are even in Yarborough colors and format, minus the split Shield. Nons/Nine's/Nevins were first found in Ayrshire with Drummond-beloved Bars. German bars share hunting horns (different colors) with German Golds/Golts

I claim that the wife of George of Hungary was Agatha, mother of Queen Margaret. I had read that the latter's cup-bearer (steward) was Henry Sinclair, and while Margaret gave him Roslin, it's six miles from Edinburgh, the latter being where Knock-beloved Goldie's were first found. Margaret was in Kiev, in exile, with king Andrew I of Hungary (also in exile), father of George above. I trace "Agatha" to the Gates' who share the Gold lion. Agatha was married to an ATHELing, and Athels were first found in Perthshire with Drummonds. The first Drummond married the sister of Margaret's husband, king Malcolm, and Malcolms share the red stag head of Gold-like Colts and Galts. The latter use a bear, symbol of Russia, and the Patent variation of Putins is in the Galt motto. Roet-connectable Colters were first found in Lanarkshire with Locks.

With all of these relations mentioned of Horns and Lambs, I don't see a pointer to any particular person. I wish I could help you, but God wants to keep surprises, and there's nothing we can do about it. Besides, why would we want to spoil how He plays His cards? We know who the Ace is, reserved for the Last Day.


I'll start you off this section on a COVID-vaccine revelation in British Columbia, but do consider that even the damning government figures you're about to see could have been fudged in the first place to hide the true numbers. That is, even though the numbers admit that COVID vaccines were as many as 20 times worse than typical flu vaccines, that 20 figure could be far worse if it was obtained by hook and by crook by people hiding full, vaccine damage:

This video, especially at 2:18, shows how the leftists in France cheated to rob the good guys of the election that was rightfully theirs:

As you can see, the farfar-leftists and so-called "centrists" (= hypocrites, fence-walkers, shifters) violated the democratic process by denying their own voters their votes. That situation should be taken to the courts because it was by conspiracy of over 200 seat owners, not by natural causes to one or two of them.

However, if leftists go on ruling, it could be that the anti-globalists ("good guys") will come into power just as the 666 system is about to begin...that is, if I'm correct in theorizing that the Apophis asteroid of 2029 fulfills the 2nd Trumpet of Revelation. Judging by how the financial situation appears at this time, I can't see a mandatory skin-method of purchasing in place by 2027/28 unless the banks and their billionaire partners force government stooges to enforce it out-of-the-blue. I don't expect a SMOOTH and steady evolution to a mandatory, massive skin-code system in the next three or four years. I'm as much in the dark as ever in predicting what country will furnish the anti-Christ, the man.

Here's an interesting story concerning trudeau's silent partnership with Blackrock and similar others to produce a wild, decades-long mega$cheme :

Another week, more liberal scandals involving tax theft (they speak in French when they don't want people to hear them):

My understanding of how the good guys lost the French election last week, after soundly winning the first round with the most seats, is that one of the two leftist candidates dropped out of the election in regions where the good guys had won their seats. Therefore, the voters who voted, in the first round, for the one who dropped out, voted instead for the other leftist, and so the latter got extra votes sufficient to beat the good guy of that region/seat. This hypocrisy happened in dozens of regions. The voters complied, and voted for a leftist party they detested (therein is the hypocrisy) because they detest the good guys more. It was a conspiracy involving many politicians and their voters. In the end, the good guys got the most individual votes (33 percent), but came in third place in number of seats won.

If it were not a conspiracy from the top, it would be fine for the voters to vote for whatever leftist party they wished for, on the merits of the party. But when voters vote according to dictates from the party bosses, simply because the bosses oppose or hate the French people who voted for Le Pen's party, it violates democracy. The election result was no longer the choice of the people, but the choice of the party bosses whose aim it is to forever alter the politics of the nation to one aspired by European globalism. The next French election, they say, is in 2027, and with a win of the anti-globalists at that time, it should be much better for staving off Christian persecution. By that time, the leftists should become exposed in a way similar to how trudeau has been over the past three years.

India has more Christians than canada:

As you can see, the "great tribulation" is active even now in India. I doubt very much that trudeau, when he allows people from India to migrate here, wants the Christians, even though they are the ones who deserve refugee protection far more than a typical Indian.

Anti-globalists in canada are lucky to have an auditor general (= inspector of government operations) who's telling the truth of what the liberals have done, and here's from a new report from her, as well as from the good work of others:

Here's a bright and female Conservative telling Liberal women that they're flat stupid:

The CTV, Global News, and the CBC are pouncing on Poilievre because he wants to do the right thing by ending the free-drug program, a trudeau-government handout to dopers that are often thieves and home invaders too. All three news organizations have headlines jilting Poilievre because he's opposing "supervised" drug houses. But stupids, they are accomplices, not supervisors. I suppose the CBC would argue that, as long as a government supervisor goes along on a break-and-enter mission, to make sure the crook steals the jewels safely, it's a perfectly-super government program "to keep canadians safe." If crooks are going to steel, at least the government can go along with them to make sure they don't hurt anyone. In the meantime, the government can take a slice of the stolen goods as a new "tax." The CBC is a mind-twisted supervisor and accomplice of all Liberal evil. Poilievre fighting back against the demons:

Here's the RCMP possibly seeking to frame some Alberta truckers (on a charge of attempted murder) for the purpose of making trudeau look better for when he called a national emergency during the convoy scandal:

The RCMP is taking a wait-and-see approach before charging some low-level Liberals in the many scandals that trudeau has been wrapped up in. The RCMP brass is waiting to see if the Liberal party can defeat Poilievre, in which case it will make ZERO arrests. But if the RCMP sees that Poilievre will be their next boss, they will start to give appearances of actually doing their job even before he gets elected.

Here's a story that Tucker Carlson should want to talk about now, except that he'll embarrass himself for not admitting the 9-11 conspiracy throughout his tenure at Fox news. It took some years for me to see that gangsterism, even under a Republican administration, was in strong control of government and media forces as early as the 9-11 inside job. By about 2007, video evidence became rife that it was an inside job, but Tucker either closed his eyes to the evidence, or understood it well while denying it in becoming a participant with the deception. Fox news knew that it was an inside job, but PARTICIPATED with the crime, an ACCOMPLICE:

I think, by now, anyone who still works at Fox news, after it was a chief accomplice with the vaccine crimes, should be considered a cheap piece of human trash for not quitting the company. End comment, nothing else needs to be said.

There are people who float an honorable air above their heads because they think they are honorable, yet they have filthy hearts without acknowledging it, and kill all desire to become cleansed by God's Spirit. This is what Paul spoke of when foreseeing that end-times people would have the look of godliness, yet deny God, or deny the power of God to act in the human heart. If we tell people that God loves a filthy heart, when it asks to be cleansed, these people will deny the invitation because they think they have honorable hearts. Here's one definition of honorable: to quit working for Fox news when you see it commit mass-murder. Yet the anchors at Fox all carry a respectable air above their heads. It's called "professionalism." It can be manufactured = fabricated = faked on the spot. Anchors and politicians are trained in airing professionalism. ON THE SPOT, as soon as the camera starts rolling. They begin to think that they way they are on television, loved by many viewers, is their real selves.

God lives in this part of human history, to clean hearts. He waits for people to call out to him to clean their hearts. This part of human history is a testing ground, where the chief purpose of God is to chose family members for the next part of human history.

In reality, the real self of a professional person will fall to sin whenever it presents itself. For example, a Fox anchor will continue to be a partner with Fox news after it has been a partner with Pfizer to kill / maim millions of Americans. The lure of this sin is the honor and money they receive from their Fox jobs. How can we not view this sin as one of the grossest? The anchors will probably participate with the next killing spree by mRNA "vaccines." It's sick. They are sick, lowly pieces of human trash with a professional facade. These are God's sentiments, for if He sends them to darkness, it's because they chose to be rebellious trash to their deaths.

Does Pierre Poilievre think that, if he removes the carbon tax, that he has done a big thing for the country? What big help is it to increase the spending power of the peoples while their hearts remain on the brink of the chasm of Hell? What all nations need is a New Attitude that naturally fixes everything in life simply because cleansed hearts start to think and act as God would. When people like that rub shoulders, they reinforce such attitudes, and things only become safer, and of higher quality all-around. Things become safer because fiendishness and greed are abandoned. This is the will of God for human societies.

All crimes and sins start in the heart, and it's completely futile to have clean jails and court houses, or clean and "supervised" drug centers, if there's no Cleansing Agent in the heart. Nobody can boast the rehabilitation of a criminal like Christ can. There's no end, to this day, of rotten criminals becoming good examples of decency. It all boils down to a choice, but nobody is going to become a Christian from listening to Poilievre because he doesn't offer the Cleansing Agent, doesn't offer the opportunity to people to make that choice.

I would be greatly encouraged if, every few weeks, I would overhear a Christian mentioning Jesus in a store while conversing to a non-Christians. But I never do hear anyone. It seems as though the churches here have resolved to allow the anti-Christs to have their way, where nobody is supposed to mention God in public, or talk politics either. It seems that canadian society wants the CBC to be its chief educator in matters of "culture," and that the lowly people should not tamper with it. For me, this situation makes me angry. I find it hard to be kind to those who control and cater to it.

I think right-fury is the way to deal with them, but churches have made their congregants docile, it seems, which in turn makes church-goers timid. I'm just guessing, but I think that's what's generally happening, allowing the anti-Christs to have sway in ordering and protecting society. By "protecting," I mean protecting the anti-Christ society that they have worked to produce. I think the right thing to do is to demean and deface these people, rebuke them rightly if they fight back until they shut-up, make their leaders cower before the people of God...and that Day is coming, absolutely, though it saddens me to see the Christians so invisible in every store I enter. I don't think pastors would tell you what I just did.

Part of the problem, I think, is that pastors have trained their people to be extra-loving to anti-Christs in hopes on bringing them into the churches. I should probably say, "over-loving." Christianity needs to make a distinction between loving people in order to bring them in, and fighting the societal war against their leaders. We are no longer living in the Roman empire having the power to throw us to the lions; our democracies allow us to fight for the Faith. But the end-time Roman empire has risen, and it seeks to throw us to the lions all over again, we can see it coming in the words falling out of the mouths of the likes of Obama, Hillary Clinton, and trudeau.

We are now seeing non-Christian conservatives demeaning and defacing (or exposing) our anti-Christ enemies without restraint. But why can't Christians partake? Should we or shouldn't we? Will their be a backlash if we do? Probably. But the least we can do is point out that this battle exists whether we partake of it or not. Our enemies are bringing the battle to us. God will restrain them to a degree until the Restainer is taken out of the way. And then the world will badly condemn itself to the point that a Glorified Son enters the scene VISIBLY. Not to be gushing in love for our enemies. He's not coming dressed as a rock star to win rock stars. He's not coming with the accent of faggots to win faggots. He's coming as the Trash Man, to put out the trash.

Redacted taught me this week that NATO has a Space Operations Center, with a bomb-delivery wing, of course. I think you'd agree that NATO is leading the charge to Armageddon rather than Russia. I tend to think that NATO is bluffing on its use of nuclear weapons, because the West has much more to lose in a nuclear war. But Russia, I think, could be suicidal rather than allowing the West to control its nation.

The globo-gangsters at the FDA want lab-grown meat, but some Conservative states are banning it, though this issue could end up in the supreme court eventually, if globo-judges allow it to get that far. Or, as this product is being sold, the American people might reject it sufficiently to kill the fab-meat companies before they can afford to take it to the courts:

Globalists want to deny tribulation survivalists the use of cows and sheep. Good luck.

If you have advanced cancer, ask to try this new cure:

My question is: did vaccine companies deliberately infect a certain percentage of people with cancer-inducing agents because they want to sell them expensive, monoclonal antibody to cure their cancer?

Start this video (about a year old) at 2 minutes:

In the late 14th minute of the video above, the speaker (a son of a former partner of Klaus Schwab) tells that the United States and Switzerland together drafted a new WHO resolution in which the global person no longer has standard rights afforded to them by typical democracies. If anything looks like a dragon with its chains around your neck, this does. This man, Pascal Najadi, wants to see Nuremberg II, and he thinks (1hr09min) that Trump is deliberately lying when standing up proud for his vaccine program in attempts to stave off further persecution against himself, but that, when president again, he will effect as Nuremberg II against Fauci and company. Good luck with that theory.

In the 24th minute, we learn that WHO is an NGO (non-government org) funded primarily by China. Schwab loves Chinese dictatorialism, and the COVID scheme started in China.


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
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