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July 23 - 29, 2024

Roof at Trump Rally was Staged
Titleist Golf Balls and 666

LO, meet your God, such a spectacular genius:

Do you think we Christians would win if we convinced evolutionists that all life is from Intelligent design? I say that they would create their own god, their own creator, who is not our Creator, and then seek to obliterate our God. Is that a victory? If they chose to believe in a God who created all life because the science of microscopy demands it, why would we think that they, sworn enemies of the Biblical God, would choose the Biblical God for themselves? What would happen to their cherished big bang?

Would they apologize for brainwashing the students, or give back all the money wasted in "proving" and "understanding/explaining" blind-chance evolution? Would they go in shame to the back of the line for rehabilitation, or would they seek to maintain the scientific high road? Would they continue to reject Christian Creationists from their science camps? They are God haters, liars, and spoilers first, and scientists last of all.

Hard Proofs Assassination Hoax was Staged

More evidence that the "assassination attempt" was an inside job is especially at the second minute of this video, where there is a camera shot out the window of the second-story building, showing how easy it was for rifle-handling police to see the roof from where the shooter reportedly shot at Trump.

The photo of Crooks shown in the second minute above is not likely the same man shown on the roof by a camera reportedly owned by the one I called "gruff cameraman" in my last update.

In the third minute, I suggest that the anonymous "whistle-blowers" are deep-state fakes seeking to put the blame on local police. The latter claimed that it was not asked to secure the roof, but the whistle-blowers claims that local police were "stationed to the roof...but abandoned it, citing the heat." You don't believe that local police would admit something so shameful (after agreeing to secure the roof) as not securing the roof due to a little heat.

The sun was not high in the sky at the time, at 6 pm. It wouldn't have been much hotter on the roof than on the ground, especially as the action was on the north side sloping away from the sun.

Late in the last update, I showed this video where both of Trump's shoes can be spotted. It's known that, when he surfaced from the podium/floor, Trump told the Secret-Service "men" to "wait" (this was heard on his mic) until he got his shoes on, which he would not have said had it been a real shooting, for every second wasted was a dire threat to the body guards. Or, put it this way, that if it was a real shooting, Trump shows utter selfishness for being concerned more for his shoes than bullets entering into one or more of the guards.

Plus, if it was a real shooting, the guards would have insisted (pushed) that Trump be scrammed immediately rather than wasting what seemed like a minute on the podium. The reality is, they needed that minute to paint his face with fake blood. THAT'S THE FACT. Shame on all congresspeople too afraid to mention the fake blood. Shame that their jobs and reputations are more important to them than exposing this staged event in which Trump comes out the fiend.

The problem with Congress is obvious, that its people will believe half or more of what the FBI reports as facts when they can see in front of their noses that the FBI is always hiding things, always looking guilty. Why do the representatives believe the things reported by the FBI on Crooks' background / telephone / computer / vehicle? Those fabrications have the purpose of making Crooks look like he acted alone with his own fiendish desires.

Kim Cheatle (director of Secret Service) resigned on Tuesday this week, but she's not the person chiefly responsible for the "failure." Instead, it should be the one in charge of all the bodyguards in Butler. Cheatle refused to name that person before congress, but congress needs to treat him/her as harshly as it treated Cheatle on Monday. Cheatle can't oversee every aspect of every political event for which the Secret Service has responsibility.

The likely reason that even the Democrat side of the congressional isle attacked Cheatle is for throwing her under the bus instead of the real culprit. Plus, this congress is completely wayward when stressing merely the incompetence, or bad luck, of the Secret Service. In this way, congress is a participant, even a facilitator, of a fake job by the Secret Service.

At 46 seconds of this video below, a long blood stain can be seen on the roof near a shed-like thing (that could be a hallway connecting the two buildings) upon which police are standing. I'll assume it's a shed. I saw at least one video last week having this stain, but didn't notice the stain.

This scene alone proves fakery because the shooter's gun barrel needs to be beyond the peak from where the blood stain begins, in order to shoot at the stage, yet the stain begins where the shooter's head was positioned about three feet down from the peak. This fake job was too poorly done because a bullet to the head causes a lot of spatter (heart still pumps after bullet entry), and we see exactly zero spatter (or splatter) at the peak, where the head needs to be when shots are made to the stage.

If you have any common sense at all, even though you are not conditioned as yet to doubt FBI claims, even though you don't yet recognize that the FBI is a fiendish, lying organization bent on serving demonic interests, you've got to be able to do the math on this one in order to start becoming smart to how things really are with the American federal government. The math is: the blood stain on the roof is a fabrication, and therefore this equals a faked shooter, and a faked shooting. No bullets were shot at Trump.

They are not going to feign a blood streak down the roof if the Secret-Service snipers truly killed Crooks. And if they did not kill him, then neither did he send bullets at Trump. They are not going to say to Crooks, "You go shoot Trump, then come back down and we'll hide you," if they first applied the blood streak before the shots rang out. They are not going to do that if they planned on killing Trump, because, in a real assassination, they could not risk having a faked dead body on the roof over a faked blood stain. The math is telling you: no bullets were shot at Trump, and Crooks was not shot to death on the roof.

Once you have this mindset, you can go forward seeking evidence to support that math. There are two sheds connecting the two buildings, one near the front of the building, and one near the rear. We are looking at the one near the front of the building. The front can be seen to your right of the blood stain. The rear is not in this picture.

The black backpack is showing beside the front shed in some videos, yet there is another video showing Crooks on the roof roughly above the rear shed, without a backpack on his back, without a backpack in the picture (shown below). What are we to think, that Crooks dropped his backpack on the roof beside the front shed, then walked over to the edge of the roof at the rear shed to fake like he's climbing on the roof there? Even if you think that this took place, it supports the "math" above.

The FBI does not want to claim that Crooks climbed the roof at a ladder leaning on the front shed, because that ladder was used to fabricate the blood stain, and to put a black backpack on the roof that supposedly belonged to the shooter. Therefore, as it's an accessory to the crime committed by the government, this ladder is being shunned by the FBI, explaining why you won't see it on mainline news. It's being phased out of discussions. I'll get around to showing this ladder in a video below.

The video with Crooks near the rear shed, where he's easily visible to the people, can be for no other reason but to "prove" that it was Crooks who was on the roof. This is the main goal of the deep state, to prove that Crooks was the shooter, suggesting that someone(s) else let the shots ring out. They want to protect the government operatives who rang out the shots.

Many video owners now think that the snipers on the second-story building let the shots ring out. These video owners have seen the blood stain and the "dead body" lying on the roof over the stain. They are too afraid to admit that this was a faked shooter, because the vast majority are portraying this event as a real assassination attempt by the Secret Service.

The two-story part of the neighboring building doesn't show at 46 seconds above. At 50 seconds of the same video, the shooter's position is indicated at the red dot directly above the REAR shed. See any problem? You can see the two sheds (just inside the blue circle) connecting both buildings. As the blood stain is above the front shed, why does this Sky News video show the shooter's death above the rear shed?

As the picture zooms out, the second story becomes visible for a split-second at then end of 2:02 of the video above. Spot the first tree you see to your right of the dotted red line, because that tree appears at 2:00 minutes. If you draw a straight line through the blood stain, it comes to the near-edge of this tree. You can clearly see that the dotted red line, indicating the bullet track, is not near this tree. We not only have a contradiction in storylines, but we have two potential bullet paths to test whether anyone else was shot at that event, or whether that too was faked. But this requires knowing exactly where the other victims were sitting in relation to the bullet paths, and I don't have that information.

The white/silver ladder can be seen faintly, leaning on the front shed, at 42 seconds of the video below. To find this video on the page, search for "aerial view from BBC," and hopefully it will still be there when you arrive to it. At 49 seconds, police camera is at this time shooting straight up the roof along the "blood" stain, and you can see that a line along the stain goes to the edge of that first tree we saw above.

At first, I thought there was evidence that this BBC aerial was immediately after the shooting, due to nobody on the roof. But in August, I had accumulated enough of the details surrounding the story that this aeriel proved to be as the sun was about to set, perhaps 8 pm. I do find it odd that nobody at all is on the roof guarding the situation. I've removed much of my talk on this ladder, below, because this video is no longer useful as proof that the ladder was there before the shooting.

How was the blood staged if not by a ladder to the roof? I still hold to this ladder being there before the shooting.

At 1:33 of the helmet-cam video, police vehicles are seen under the tree, the only spot from which one can get an upward look upon the roof. In other words, it seems that police moved in to keep the public from seeing anything that may have been going on on the north side of the roof, which was indeed a crime scene, with the government guilty of it.

In the same helmet-cam video, a gunman is standing outside the front door of the glass factory, and right beside the corridor between buildings where the white ladder was propped. This team was just told, seconds or minutes earlier, while inside the factory, that there's already a ladder propped up and ready to use. But instead of using the white ladder, the gunman acts surprised, pointing and saying: "there's a [black] ladder right here! Can we use this ladder?" His own team brought that ladder, the black ladder. It's standing some 30 feet away, and the team opts to take that ladder instead of the white one making much more sense. See that? They are playing the game: avoid the white ladder.

This fakery, either before or after the shots rang out, explains why there were no Security drones for this event, for FOIA requests could obtain all video from the drones.

The stage is near the two cranes you can see (at 49 seconds) holding the upside-down American flag. Yes, that flag was put upside down toward the audience, with the 50 stars on the bottom of the flag rather than on the top. Conspiracy or goof-up?

Note the direction of the body. It does not nearly point to spot at the podium where Trump was. A body firing from this part of the roof would need to get to a significant angle from the roof-ridge lines.

The plotters may have been divided. Some may have wanted the shooting from the rear of the roof, others near the front. Perhaps the bullet track needs to begin at the rear of the roof in order to hit the people claimed injured or killed, yet the others wanted the shooter near the front to help explain why the police snipers didn't see the shooter on the roof. The storyline is minimizing the appearance of Crooks on the roof to about three minutes.

In the opening seconds of the video below, not only the gunman, but his rifle, was supposedly captured (it's faked) near the rear of the roof. There at 27 seconds, you see the roof line going upward toward the right of the image, meaning that this is the rear roof line. The problem is, one cannot see the shooter, let alone his gun, from the back of the roof, if the shooter is near the front of the roof where the blood stains were shown. This can explain why media had the shooter pegged near the rear of the roof. Note that the man claiming to have captured the image has a wife who says that he and she were under a tree.

I calculated the distance between that tree and the building. I'll re-show the math below. It's not possible to see this shooter from that tree if he's too far in from the back of the roof. The video below can give you some extra context of the same image, but note that we are being shown a still image, easy to paste into any scene. In this video below, the shooter seems to be far down from the peak of the roof, but this paste-job is deliberate for making him appear far from the back of the roof. This image must have been fabricated by the plotters who wanted the shooter near the front of the roof, but the further they have him from the rear, the more impossible it is for a camera at eye level on the ground to see him.

I shouldn't need to convince you that a camera six feet off the ground, and pointed to the rear of the roof, could not possibly see a man laying 100 feet in from the back of the roof. IMPOSSIBLE. You might say, ya-but, if the camera is looking at the roof from an angle, it could possibly see a man laying on a roof 100 feet in. I would then say, ya-but, the angle of the line of sight, from under the tree, is too slight for that. I can show you how slight that angle is. You can verify that the two buildings connected by the sheds are only about ten feet apart, wherefore the second story of the one building does not allow the angle of sight to the roof to be very large.

There were at least three cameras taking shots of the roof under the trees that you can see at 50 seconds of the video below. Again, there's only about ten feet between buildings. My quote below is from the last update:

In this aerial view, at 52 seconds, one can spot the trees where the cameraman was, at the top-left corner of the scene, to the left of the two-story building. Using the latter as our ruler, with each floor being about ten feet in height, we can assign the distance from ground to roof line as 22 feet, and thus the trees are calculated roughly at about 65 feet from the two-story building. There's an additional 50 feet to the building that the shooter was on, the building in the foreground, for a total distance of 110 feet [between tree and building].

At the far-right of the two-story building, the shed-like item between the two buildings is coming into view as the drone flies over. One can calculate that the shed-like item is about 25 feet from the left edge of the shooter's building, and as the shooter can be seen climbing the roof from atop the shed-like thing, we can thus assume that he was at least 25 feet in from the edge of the roof.

Now for the math. Draw a rising line (on paper, if you wish) starting at eye level at the tree, itself 110 feet from the roof edge, with the latter about 14 feet, at least, where the line of sight would be toward the peak. Where the line of sight rises 8 feet from eye level to 14 feet up, it rises 1 foot for every 13.75 feet (110 / 8 = 13.75) of lateral distance. With the gun 25 feet in from the edge of the roof, the line of sight there would be 1.8 feet (25 / 13.75 = 1.8) above the roof sheeting. But a rifle sitting on the roof cannot be even one foot off of the roof, yet the image has it visible well above the line of sight i.e. the top of the gun would need to be well more than 1.8 feet off the roof. The cameraman could NOT see the rifle.

The cameraman in the video below is under the tree. We can make out that the tree trunk is to his left. There are no trees between his tree and the second story. Therefore, we saw this tree in the aerial shot at 52 seconds above. His camera position can be seen roughly in line with the side wall of the two-story building. That is, he's not at a very high angle as compared to a dead-on, 90-degree angle (perpendicular) to the roof line. At 29 seconds, one can see the air-conditioning pipes on the side of the two-story building, meaning that the cameraman is not standing beyond a line coming out to him from along the side of this building (i.e. not more than about ten feet from the side line of the shooter's building). Therefore, nobody under this tree should be able to spot a man laying 100 feet down the roof on such a low-sloped roof as this...which is how I know the shooter with rifle is a paste-job:

When the camera above zooms in at roughly 45 seconds, the man on the roof can be gleaned nearer to the rear of the building than to the front. This video image is so non-crisp and illogical that it too must be a part of the plot. In this image, Crooks is several feet beyond the shed having "Door 12," and even more feet beyond the air-conditioning unit now being pegged as the thing that helped him onto the roof. His position in this image, at the very bottom of the roof and far from the air conditioner, does not support the climb-on-air-conditioner story.

The only thing this image supports is a faked image, and we can understand why no other camera caught this man on the roof at that time, even though virtually everyone under that tree had a camera: because this man was not on the roof as we see him in the problematic video. The white aluminum of the building appears beige, as if the plotters applied a beige filter to the image to make it less crisp.

Note beneath the man on roof how the side of the building shows distinct columns of some sort, which doesn't jibe with others pictures of that side of the building. I don't know how to explain this. The air conditioning unit can be seen on the aerial video presented above.

There is a claim that the shooter somehow climbed an air-conditioning unit, and one can spot this unit beside Door 12 on the poor image under discussion. At 46 seconds, the top of this grey air conditioner can be seen at the bottom of the door's window. However, the air conditioner cannot be so near the door that someone on top of the air conditioner could climb to the shed roof. There's likely six feet or more between the unit and the door. Plus, the air conditioner is about three feet from the shooter's building. It doesn't seem possible that a man could get to the roof by standing on this low unit, and it makes sense that this claim is a concoction to deprive the public of the fact that there was a ladder to the roof leaning on the front shed.

There is a major problem with the video directly above: we never hear the guns shots from this cameraman. If he were a genuine public person, he would have put a crisp version of his video on youtube for all the world to see, and we would have heard the shots even if the shooter went out of camera view. For, there's no way a genuine person would stop rolling his camera after spotting the man on the roof and watching him move toward the peak.

After all the hoopla he caused upon spotting the shooter, we failed to hear, for 10 days or more, gunshots from any camera under this tree, even though many with a cell phone would have taken one out with a woman yelling, "he's on the roof..." If anyone knows not to give up private / personal videos to the FBI, it's Trump supporters.

It took some 10 days for gun shots, heard from under this tree, to be uploaded to the Internet, and only from one camera. How can that be a reality? Shouldn't there be more like 50 cameras which captured the sound of the shots, and perhaps 10 near the building, since they didn't ring out until word had well spread around, under the tree and beyond, that there was a man on the roof with gun?

On or about the 28th, another video came out with audio of the shots (and very shaky camera), but this had the marks of a deep-state video taken after the shots, with audio inserted into the view. This video attempted to make the local police look good, as if they just got a little unlucky when the shooter slipped by their grasp.

In congressional testimonies this week, it was claimed, by Homeland Security, that there were only two officers, from Butler's Emergency Services Unit, on the second story. Is one of the three being brushed under the carpet for being a hot potato somehow? As one could have predicted, these officers were to be each peering out an open window with shoot-ready capability, and thus they would have been able to EASILY spot a man on the neighboring roof. At the 2:10 point of the video below, we see one of those open windows:

While the open-window scenes are shown, the Pennsylvania police commissioner confesses that Crooks was spotted out of one of the second-story windows, but, conveniently, we are not told where he was spotted, whether on the ground or on the roof, but we are to assume that he was on the ground. As far as I know, nobody in congress asked where he was spotted. We are then told, the commissioner thinks, that the snipers left their window posts to go find him on the ground, a story I don't believe at all unless the snipers were ordered by a boss to leave their posts. In that case, the one who ordered it was complicit with the shooting.

Another problem is that only one window was open, according to reports. The commissioner even says, "they [snipers] were in a window," not "windows." It makes no sense that three snipers were at one open window, unless there was a staged event in progress. Even if they claim that the three were at a window each, having two of them closed can be explained by two snipers, at least, knowing that this was a faked shooting.

Plus, some say there were only two snipers up there, not three, perhaps to protect the third who did not go to the ground. That is, I've heard that only two left their posts to the outside, which can then reveal that the third one, staying at his open window, fired the shots, either three, five, or all eight, to feign the assassination. If all eight, two guns were probably used. Eight bullet shells were planted on the roof, so easy to do.

Richard Goldinger, a Butler district attorney, claimed the snipers did not leave their window posts, but why would he say this, and how would he have known with certainty what took place, since anyone he asks could be falsifying things? Is he trying to protect the snipers because leaving their posts would make them responsible for the shooting? Or is he trying to protect the boss who ordered the snipers to leave the windows? Who was that boss, if indeed they left their windows? Was this boss in the Secret Service?

What deep-state back-up plot will Goldinger enter, for the record? He claims that the snipers were at the windows but "could not see" the shooter because, in order to do so, they would have to be leaning over "looking out the window." Duh, uh, that's exactly their job, to stick a head out the window to check the roof, duh. Everything Goldinger (Jewish surname) said this week suggests he's covering for the local police officer in charge of this assignment. Why has congress not yet discovered this person? Why the cover-up on him, or HER?

Goldinger even seems to be protecting the SS, for he said that police could not talk to the SS over radios, which has got to be crock. He has lines on his forehead when making that claim, and it's said that a person in the act of lying has lines on the forehead.

Below is a follow-up video with the Pennsylvania commissioner, with the same topic, but with further insights and questionings. In this video, we learn that the second-story officers left their window posts to go find Crooks a whopping 20 minutes before Trump took the stage, and thus about 30 minutes before the faked shooting. That gives a team sufficient time to put some blood on the roof, and the dummy too.

In the above, the commissioner does not deny that the three snipers were assigned to peer out the north windows at some point. If this took place, then the boss of the snipers could have been knowingly deviating the sniper team away from the roof outside the south windows. Makes sense. The commissioner must have known, by the time he appeared at congress, who the boss of the snipers were. The congressman implies that the Secret Service was the boss, yet the snipers could have had their own, on-site boss who was calling the decisions, or relaying the decisions made by the SS boss.

Nobody on the ground at the rear of the building could see men on the roof as far down as where the blood streak was laid. To prevent anyone on the south side of the building (toward the stage) from seeing this staging, they laid the head of the dummy three or four feet down from the peak. Possibly, they could have used an actor, even Crooks as the actor, but for this job, an expensive or real-looking dummy seems best.

All of the irresponsibility and laidbackness, and what appears as negligent inter-communication, argues for all officers involved knowing, eventually anyway, that this was a faked shooting. You might say, ya-but, how could the deep state secure so many people to stage such a thing? By many decades of practice at staging false-flag events, many decades of recruiting and training willing player$, and many decades of making threats, and carrying some out, against whistle-blowers.

Someone writes: "In the videos from the people it appears the shooter is in pants. But on the police body cam it appears the shooter is in shorts. What's up with that?". I noticed that too. At times, the man's legs can be seen beside the blur, and they are bare legs.

Instead of the snipers stationed to overlook the roof, other officers, donning military clothes, and walking through the rally theater, were sent to the roof first of all. ??? What is that? Why that? Why not local police? Who told local police to stay off the roof? Why did one man (the one who counted five bullet shells) on the roof deny anyone else to come atop? Why shouldn't the officer wearing this camera on his helmet be part of the staging:

Did you catch the fakery in the video above? Although there was a white ladder propped up onto the front shed (between the two buildings), the officers, on route to the roof, climb (at 3:45) a black ladder onto the NEIHBORING building. Duh, as this black ladder was brought to the building by the team using it, why didn't they lean it against the shooter's building??? Why did they go the long route from neighboring building to shooter's building? Easy: to stay away from the white ladder, for the logical way to climb directly onto the shooter's building was exactly from where the white ladder was.

Upon getting onto the roof from the black ladder, the officer walks across the very shed that has/had the white ladder, to the roof with shooter, but no white/silver ladder can be seen now, of course, either because it was taken away, or because the shade doesn't permit one to see it. Note how no distinct columns can be seen on the side of the shooter's building, as are seen in the video showing the shooter on the edge of the roof.

Once Mr. Camera Man is at the scene of the shooter, we see a young guy with red gloves at "center stage" who doesn't look like he belongs. He then disappears from center stage.

There has got to be a reason not yet disclosed why the fakers chose to have the rifle ending up some six feet to the left of the shooter. Any guesses? I would suggest that the plotters need to argue that the SS bullet(s) didn't fully debilitate his movements. He was yet able to stand up, or crawl, and even to toss the rifle. In this way, they would attempt to convince us of a logical reason for having his head down from the peak.

Not including Camera Man, there are three or four men standing, doing nothing, all about 20 feet from each other, like they don't know each other, like they don't know what to do until they get their cue to do what they were paid to do. In a genuine setting, these men would be near each other talking about such a rare and strange event. Who could hold off making comments about it?

I hear the helicopter, yet I never see it, and Camera Man never looks up to it, suggesting it's a sound track added to the video. We are to believe that the helicopter is like a pesky mosquito that always remains behind our head.

This camera footage video provides "evidence" that Crooks was an explosives man, perfect for portraying pro-Trumpers as terrorists. I get it.

Camera Man doesn't budge an inch with his feet. He stands over the dead body, a dummy, I assume, looking like he's pretending to do something important on his cell phone. The dummy lies too far from the peak. He couldn't shoot at Trump that far down from the peak. His head can be seen at times (through the blur) some three or four feet from the peak. One cannot get a shot away unless the head is very near the peak. The rifle needs to be over the peak. The rifle cannot be laying flat on a sloped roof, or the bullets will go skyward, duh. The rifle needs to be over the roof's hump. As the story goes, he was shot in the head a second after he fired his eight bullets at Trump, in which case the rifle and his head should be at the peak. Many are pointing this out.

One explanation for not having the head nearer to the peak is that they laid the dummy there before the faked shooting. The ones setting up the blood and dead body didn't want to be spotted by people over the peak. Makes the only sense. Can you see blood spatter at the peak, where his head had to be in order to be shot from the barn? Nope. 100-PERCENT CROCK JOB BY GOVERNMENT CROOKS, GUARANTEED. If the plotters try to argue that Crooks got up, after being shot, and walked a few feet down the roof before falling to it: where's the blood showing on that roof that would follow him? Not anywhere to be seen.

When the injury is to a head, and the body lies on a slight roof slope, the blood cannot get under the body, but is forced to flow around it. Yet I don't see that sort of track when looking at the blood streak after the body was removed from the roof. Look again at 47 seconds of this video, where the streak is shown with body absent, yet no blood flow can be seen as it would be shaped if forced to flow around body parts such as the torso. The wrongness of the blood streak, and the body's position down from the peak, can explain why youtube was hiding the sky-view video from the BBC. People would have pointed these errors out as errors of a faked assassination.

The chimney-pipe shadows in the video above go westward, meaning this footage was taken in the morning.

After 25 minutes of Camera Man standing at the same spot, the video ends, and the men still have not picked up the dummy, and there's yet no sign of the equipment needed to get him off the roof, no stretcher, no nothing from local police, like maybe the choreographers want nothing to do with local police. The video was longer than this 25 minutes, yet the handling of the body is not shown. It's seems unlikely they would ask an actor, such as Crooks himself, to lie there all that time, when they could use a dummy seeing that they blurred it out.

Wray "testified" this week that Crooks did buy a five-foot ladder at Home Depot on the day of the shooting, but when asked where the ladder ended up, he got looking like he had a cactus up his anus, saying that it was not on-site the shooting scene, nor was it in his vehicle, and he had no answer as to where it had disappeared to. It was an invention; never believe a word that comes from Wray. Let's not be a Bongino blockhead who stresses government corruption but then accepts dubious government reports for definite facts while digging for truths. Let's not have dirty hearts, as Bongino and Trump do, and one way to prevent it is to not watch his shows, or the shows of similar other Trump lovers.

There was no drone from Crooks, no explosives in his vehicle. This is a rich fairy tale, and all of congress acts the fool while the plotters drink to celebrate yet again, because congress is the chief animal they're trying to manipulate toward gun control measures. And these days, even the money-maker, social-media accounts act the fool to protect their money making. One storyline the deep state wants: a young kid got hold of a big gun and almost killed the president. The story Trump wants: I'm next to God, vote for me.

The white ladder (17 seconds between the tree and the shed in the video below) made it to congressional discussions too, and, very likely, the police put it there. Some prefer that it was placed there after the shooting, but I don't believe it because they brought in the black ladder to hide the white ladder. Right? The white ladder thus looks like the means by which someone staged the blood on the roof before or after the shooting. The black ladder can be seen in the hands of police at 2:17 before it reaches the building.

Shortly after one minute above, Wray thinks he's so-smart when he says that his job is to focus on shooter background, implying it's not the FBI's job to check whether there was a deliberate assassination attempt by the Secret Service. You see, he doesn't want to do go there, but if not the FBI, then nobody with prosecutorial ability will. This is how Wray permits all sorts of deep-state corruption, by covering for it EVERY NEEDED TIME. The video producer above is as good as a dunce or stooge, no use taking him seriously where he shows disdain for conspiracy theorists or takes the government storylines for facts.

At 11:35 of the video above, a straight-down shot upon the shed at the front of the building shows no air conditioner, and soon after, the other shed with air-conditioning units is shown from a top view. It shows that there's not much merit for the claim that Crooks got to the roof from standing atop the air conditioner. There's nothing for hands to grab onto where the roof edge is made of slippery metal with no raised edging (to grab). The roof above the air-conditioning unit is probably 11 feet high at minimum. The conclusion ought to be that some government authority used the white ladder to stage the shooting, and that this is why the white ladder is so toxic to the discussions, to be eradicated from the storylines.

At 14 minutes, the stooge, the video owner, makes a stupid claim: police sticking their heads out the second-story window could not see the shooter WAAAY DOWN to the peak of the roof where the dead body was at. Is this guy a deep-state operator? If not, how can anyone be this non-insightful? He fully takes the police off the hook, like a good stooge. But, no matter, because Trump's ear was not shot...another reason for claiming that this video owner is an idiot, or a stooge, take your pick. Like, uh, what were the snipers paid to do, look out the windows with the windows closed? No, they were to be on-the-ready to shoot someone, that's their job. And if that's their job, they also look out the windows repeatedly, duh. If any of those windows were closed during the shooting, then we have more evidence thereby that local police knew this event to be a faked shooting.

I'm wondering about those black "pressure lines" (at 14:33) at just the perfect spot needed to do away with the need for the white ladder. It can explain why this window was chosen to show out to the roof, because it also shows the air-conditioning unit beside the black pressure pipes, allowing a potential way for a shooter to get to the roof without need for the white ladder.

However, the pressure pipes may not be grab-able with hands. That is, we can't make out whether there's a gap, of finger width or more, between the pipes and the wall. But even so, having both pair of toes on pipes an inch from the wall wouldn't make an easy time for someone getting onto the roof once the hands need to let go of the pipes and hold that slippery roof aluminum.

He even had his backpack on his back, according to it's being shown on the roof. And, the problem for Mr. Stooge is, the backpack (the black one) was shown way over at the other shed. It therefore appears that Plan A was to feign Crooks' going up the white ladder, until someone changed that plot at the last minute, opting for the five-foot ladder instead.

If the shooter had a five-foot ladder, then, perfect, he could put it on the air-conditioner and get straight up to the roof...which can explain why the FBI fabricated Crooks' purchase of a five-foot ladder. However, it appears that the FBI abandoned the five-foot ladder idea because it makes security look very bad as per an assassin walking into the area with a ladder in broad daylight. The public was talking about this, blowing the sirens. It appears that the deep state needs a new script-writing team for their staged events, preferable with a team leader smarter than the general public.

I've yet to find anyone asking Wray or local police: what happened to the white ladder, who took it away? After telling Thomas Massey that he didn't know how Crooks got onto the roof, whether by ladder or some other method, Wray changed his story to some type of mechanical equipment. WHAT? Where did that equipment go? How could he go from, maybe a ladder, to definitely not a ladder, to some mechanical means that was not known until the 12th day? It sounds like desperate, make-anything-up, but definitely not the white ladder. See that? The white ladder cannot remain part of the discussion, not even to ask and answer how it got there, or who took it away, or if anyone took it away. That's how we can know that the plotter's used it.

Other Considerations

I'd agree with TimTruth that the only explanation for the Secret-Service man to place his foot on the step, seconds before the shots rang out, is that he knew the shots were about to ring out. AND, if he knew there would be real bullets, he wouldn't have been standing so close to Trump:

TimTruth also shows the ear no longer covered by cloth. I agree with him that the "wound" appears like a little dye rather than a healing injury:

On July 27, the FBI caved to admitting that Trump was hit by a bullet, but how would it know for sure? This admission included the possibility that he was hit by a fragment of a bullet, which alerts me to the possibility of an FBI plot in the works. Why would the FBI suggest that Trump was struck by a bullet first striking something else? To alleviate the shooter's aiming at Trump? To make the event, not an assassination attempt, but a general mass-shooting that only by freak chance caught Trump on the ear?

It could also indicate that the people shot near Trump were NOT in line between Trump and the roof's blood streak, requiring that a bullet deflect off of something to Trump's ear. For the FBI to enter a bullet fragment as a possibility tends to nullify the special photo claiming to capture the bullet flying past Trump's head.

I'm pretty sure that I saw a video in which an SS sniper admitted that he shot Crooks dead from a barn roof. The problem, is, this sniper couldn't see Crooks (due to a tree) at the blood-stain spot, at the roof front, which may be proof that the original Plan A was to have Crooks shot at the rear of the roof. We should now expect an SS / FBI fabrication that changes the shooter from the sniper on the barn to someone else that had clear site to the blood stain, and, sure enough, here's that theory in a video dated July 27, 14 days after the hoax. Note that this video is from a man whose brother supposedly had up-front seats at the rally, who may have been one of the crisis actors. He claims to have heard of a sniper unit stationed where it had a clear shot at Crooks. This unit may have been the one that visited the roof shortly after the shootings.

There's no evidence that he shot the watermelon on the first shot. His job for this video could be to give the impression that shooting Crooks from afar was not difficult. These new snipers are being located at bleachers more than twice as far from the roof than the barn snipers were from the roof. Although the video below doesn't frame it as I do, it insinuates a Trump deal with BlackRock (David Knight did a story on this stock-market conspiracy). The video frames it as BlackRock's involvement in a real assassination, meaning it doesn't see a Trump-BlackRock deal, but rather a BlackRock-versus-Trump situation.

As the video above takes FBI revelations as facts, it's way-off target as to what really happened. This video, and others, is now portraying Crooks as though he were James Bond, with his own mechanical method of gaining roof access that magically disappears once used. He even had a radar-evading drone that reported data live to his watch that doubles as a bomb-detonation device and triples as a police-radio jammer.

What do you call it when someone acts the way trump acts here? For one, it can be called getting oneself under the wrath of God with pure flattery of the self-interested kind, mixed with a false promise to fix the country from the ravages of the deep state:

Here's the youtube video with the title mentioned above. The speaker makes some mistakes. For example, he suggests that police kicked the rifle five feet from the dead body as fairly-standard practice at crime scenes, but this is disproved because that rifle appears at the same spot in the BBC aerial, before any of these men were supposed to be on the roof.

The speaker above mentions the lack of blood spatter, but lies to his audience, explaining the lack as only a self-interested stooge would, who's afraid to go into a "conspiracy theory" even as he sees the plain evidence for a conspiracy with his own eyes.

I heard that this helmet-cam video was not to be released to the public but by the insistence of a congressman, Chuck Grassley. We were not supposed to see the lack of spatter from Camera Man standing right beside where it should be, and, making things worse, they opted to plant the bullet casings smack where we expect spatter, meaning that they gave us a close-up of the very evidence against them, the smoking-gun evidence that this "dead man" was never shot in any part of his body.

At 11:27 video time in the helmet-cam video, the time stamp in the lower left corner changes from reading 18:38 (= 6:38 pm) to 18:49, meaning that some 12 minutes of the scene is missing. At 11:27, the man with red gloves at "center stage" (on the roof) is there, but at 11:28, 12 minutes later, he's gone. He doesn't look like he belongs to this company of men, I've wondered why he was there.

Those who know of a conspiracy are logically suggesting that the team added three more shells, after one guy counted five, during that 12-minute black-out. Possibly, the five identical shots we heard in a video under the tree were shot by this gun, though not necessarily from the roof, and when the stagehands planted the rifle on the roof, they also planted the five, empty cartridges. Making sense?

It's well-known in gun-buff circles that empty shells are knocked out of the gun at 3 o'clock (where the barrel is at 12 o'clock). The three shells that appeared after the mention of the five were across the peak from the shooter, an impossibility if the shooter was aiming at Trump, for the gun and body would need to be at roughly a 15-degree angle from the peak line, and therefore all empty shells needed to be on the same side of the roof as the shooter. There's no getting around this. Whoever laid those three shells across the peak made a fatal-to-the-plot mistake.

Camera man realizes the problem with the number, five, or someone in his ear alerted him of the problem, and so he may have stopped rolling the video because there were eight shots heard from Trump's mic. They needed to correct the five, but didn't risk adding three more while the camera was rolling right beside the spot that needed an extra three.

If you pause the helmet-cam video at 6:57, you can see the blood streak all the way down. Note how thin the streak is as compared to how thick it appears at 45 seconds of this video. Did someone touch the latter up to make it appear more bloodied?

I respect the attempt of the video owner below, at 5:04, to show the bullet path from the roof's blood stain to the fireman reportedly killed. It looks like he did an honest, good job in making his map. Note the angle of the line from the roof to trump, how it's at an angle of about 15 degrees from the peak, assuring that the empty shells would pop out at a direction of 4 o'clock, where a line straight-on to the peak points at 12 o'clock.

We can assume that the plotters had an aerial view of the site, and so when they learned of the exact spots of the injuries, they could figure out where best to place the blood stain, meaning that, by this method, we can discover that the blood stain was applied AFTER the shots rang out. However, I'm not yet convinced that anyone was killed or shot. I wouldn't have reason to doubt the shooting of Comperatore except for the way he was shown carried away, and for the lack of an ambulance at the site for those who were injured.

As shown on the map, the path from the blood stain to Trump misses Comperatore by ten feet or more, and would therefore miss Trump by more than ten feet by the time it reaches his area. It's such a huge miss that it flatly disproves that Crooks took the shot to Comperatore. In a genuine situation, we must assume that the first three shots were all directly at Trump, with no way to miss him by some 15 feet.

Plus, there's no evidence I've heard or seen of for the last five shots hitting anywhere amongst the bleachers or upon the stage. How does one shoot five bullets, at random, amongst the seated people, and miss everyone? And if he shot all five at Trump, for a total of eight, how did he miss all the people beside or near David Dutch and Corey Comperatore, or fail to shoot both men more than once? Where would the bullets have gone which missed all people? Why did we get no witness reports of bullets barely missing their legs and tearing up, or bouncing off, the floor beside their feet? The trajectory of the shots was such that, when striking a bleacher floor, they would deflect upward rather than enter the wood.

What the video owner fails to do is estimate the height of the bleachers where Dutch and Comperatore were seated, versus the height of Trump's head. His map is only 2-dimensional. As you can see, both men are at/near the top of the bleachers, but one bleacher is situated before the bullet arrives to Trump, and the other bleacher after the bullet passes Trump. As Trump's ear is about nine or ten feet off the ground while the roof peak is probably more than 14 feet up, the trajectory of bullets from the roof would be downward, yet Mr. Dutch (and Copenhaver too) was higher than Trump's ear. DOESN'T WORK very well.

The last five shots were after Trump ducked to the floor of the podium, and so we'd expect these shots (if shot by Crooks) to have a much-lower trajectory incapable of striking the top of the far bleachers. But as this was a faked assassination attempt, it argues for the last five shots fired into the air, or from blanks.

I wouldn't be surprised (not saying he did) if Trump himself would grant Comperatore a couple of million dollars to feign his funeral (real funeral, nobody in the casket) and go live somewhere else, for this event was a super money-making one for the Trump campaign, and probably also for Trump personally. Comperatore is shown bald and clean-shaven, and so could hide himself simply by growing hair. Once all the players receive money to contribute to the hoax, they all keep mouths shut because they become criminally liable. I think, anyway, that contributing to a faked assassination is a crime upon the people, especially the voters. It's a trick to make people vote for a schemer, a gangster, Trump. There have got to be multiple laws against tricking voters.

The trouble in the video below starts even before 2:47, at which time the officer is seemingly telling the people to get down so that the cameraman can get a shot of the bloodied face of Comperatore. The big guy with fat, bald head was blocking the view to Comperatore's head, until this order to get down, at which time he "obeys" by putting his head down, right on cue for the cameraman to zoom in to get the bloody shot at 2:58. I'd say it's faked blood for this reason and more.

At 3:03/04, another problem arises when we see men holding the dead man's legs by pinching the top of his pants, as if this guy is as light as a dummy. At this time, the dead man is fully off the ground, wherefore each leg would constitute a quarter of his full weight. Half his weight is held from his front, and half the weight would therefore transfer to the legs. Each leg = 1/4 the full weight. One expects the men holding his legs to grab underneath them, with one hand under the hip roughly. Am I right? Yes, one would grab close to the center of gravity, not near the ankle (see 3:05), where one man has the jeans PINCHED. Each man pinches the pants with only one hand, a really-big red flag.

Do you think you could lift 40-55 pounds off the ground by pinching some cloth? Would you take the chance that your fingers might give out, where the whole world is watching, or would you instead grab under the leg? The man pinching the left pant is also holding the top half of the body, and while we can't see how he's holding the top half, we assume he's pinching the shirt there. It appears they are carrying a rag doll, with full disrespect. Why? Because, if they try to grab a dummy from underneath the legs and shoulders, they couldn't do the act properly. That is, they could not properly feign that it has 160-180 pounds of weight.

Has it occurred to anyone that the proper way to remove a dead body, with respect, is with a stretcher?

How could they get a dummy up into the stands with people all around. By assuring that everyone around was a paid-off crisis actor privy to the staging.

There are two police officers blocking the carry-away scene just when we want to know how the top half of the body is being held. However, in a genuine event of this nature, many people would have cameras out to shoot this event from other angles, which would inevitably expose more of the body than we are being permitted to see here. If you slow the video to quarter-speed, you can make out that someone holds merely the right arm (no hand under the shoulder) at 3:08. At 3:03, one can see someone carrying him by the right elbow, which I don't think is real for the weight of a real man.

The dummy looks a little scrawny in these images, but in this real-life photo, Comperatore is tall and looking like 175 pounds.

At 3:16, a man has "blood" on his shirt as if he somehow came into contact with Comperatore's head. How would that happen. He's later approached by media to take credit for tending to Comperatore. But how would he get that blood transferred from a head to the stomach and breast of his shirt? Did he give the head a hug? There's no blood on his hands or arms. That section must have been stacked with crisis actors, explaining why nobody has a camera out to capture this "highly-important" event.

At 3:18 and beyond, we can see the flag-banner surrounding the bleachers, at the spot where we expect upward to eight bullet holes, but nobody has made mention of those holes, and they cannot be seen in this footage. Yet, if one hit Comperatore, we'd expect multiple bullet holes there.

Start the video below just before 9 minutes to see a camera cutting out the shooting scene just in time for it:

In the last update, I remarked on how neither of two videos from under the tree, both of which supposedly caught Crooks on the roof a minute or less before the shots, presented NO AUDIO of the gunshots. Sure enough as expected, though it took ten days, the FBI came out with a video having what could be a faked soundtrack upon a video taken from beside the shooter's building. This is a risky thing for the FBI to fake because it needs to match what Trump's mic picked up. The eight shots, even though they are roughly in sync with the timing of the shots heard at the mic, do not sound like the ones from Trump's mic. This video cuts out one of the first three shots:

However, in arguing against a faked soundtrack, the first three shots sound like they are from a different gun than the last five, and yet the deep state storyline thus far is that Crooks shot all eight. Why would a faked soundtrack make it appear that Crooks didn't take all eight shots?

As you may realize, and as you can see other people with their phone cameras out (in the video above), we should have had videos, where the shots were heard, plastered on social media and big media alike about 10 days ago as I write here on the 25th. If there were nothing compromising about the shots, as heard from the tree, I can't see why the FBI would ask youtube and others not to air videos with the audio.

What Does Golf and 666 have in Common?

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

I saw a Macchio surname in the news, and found it listed with Machi'/Macci's sharing fleur-de-lys on red with Masseys/Maceys. The Macchio/Machi fleur are in both colors of the same of English Machi-like English Marks (Essex with Muschats) while German Marks, looking like they share the Tromp Shield, share the eagle of Massi's/Mattis'. The latter even share the checks of French Marks, making it appear that Marks and Maceys were just variations of one another.

Load Macchio Coat now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames so that you can follow better.

However, it could also be that proto-Marks and proto-Maceys have different roots but near one another so that when they merged in marriage (thereby allowed to share heraldic symbols), they developed similar surnames.

Chives' (not "Chiava"), who named Chivasso -- a location in Piedmont, where Masci's were first found -- share the moline cross of Mattis-like Mathis', the latter first found in Burgundy with the Messeys who in turn have the flag of Marsi-like Mercia. Ranulph le Meschin (descended from rulers of the Bessin) married Lucy the Mercian, and he ruled in Cheshire, where Masseys/Maceys, Maceys'/Mace's and BEASTs/Bessins were first found MARK of the BEAST.

Messeys are also Messier's, and English Messier's were first found in Lincolnshire, home of Lucy above, and where Meschin-branch Mussels/Muscels were first found. Musselburgh is in/near Haddingtonshire, where Mascals/Keiths and Title's/Tattlers were first found. Years ago, I found the Title's/Tattlers when telling readers that Kepke and I collected golf balls (age 12 / 13) from the a river flowing through three golf courses. We would sell the balls to golfers as they came by later in the morning. In the 2nd update of January, 2017, when telling this golf-ball story, I ventured to say that our most-prized golf balls were the Titleist brand. I said: "...let me tell you about the Title Crest description: 'The rays of the SUN issuing from behind a cloud.' I looked up Title's while writing shortly above because our favorite golf balls, the most expensive ones, were the Titleist brand." Donald Trump likes golf.

Cheshire is also where Tattler-like Tattons were first found who are said to have married Massys. Cheshire is the location of Dunham Masci. My mother, born in Abruzzo just seven miles from L'Aquila, is a Masci on her mother's side, and Macchio's/Machi's were first found in Tuscany with Mosca's in turn suspect with the leopard of Chives', though the latter call it a "cat" probably due to the Keiths/Mascals having descended from a Catti tribe. As I said, Kepke and I became golf caddies at age 13/14, immediately after collecting golf balls, and the Caddys, first found in Yorkshire with Keppochs, are in Keith/Mascal colors and format while English Mascals were first found in Sussex with Keeps.

With Ms. Cheatle now in the news as being behind the faked assassination, it's interesting that Keith- / Caddy-like Cheatle's were first found in Cheshire, and have only a fesse-dancette while Italian Dance's/Donnas' were first found in Piedmont. They trace to king Donnus of the COTTIANs while Cotta's/Cottons were first found in Languedoc with French Marks.

The Cheatle fesse-dancette is with Tottens while the Tute's/Toots, first found in Yorkshire with English Dance's, share the Tatton crescent while the Tatton quadrants are likely those of Irish Tute's/Tuits. Yorkshire is where Seaton-branch Sedans/Siddens were once said to be first found whose "sino" motto term is for Sine's/Sions/Swans who in turn share the Tott sawn. Seatons/Sittens were kin of Title's/Tattlers.

The Massi's/Mattis were first found in Abruzzo, land of the Marsi that I trace to the Mark-like Marici of Pavia. Chips/Chipmans have a Mr. Chepe in their write-up while Cheppe's/Keppe's/Kipps were first found in Hampshire with the Checkers who in turn share the checkered Shield of Massi's/Mattis'.

Hampshire is also where Chance-branch Chace's were first found while English Chance's (Essex with Marks) share the Maschi Chief. The Marici co-founded Pavia with Laevi Gauls while French Levi were first found in Ile-de-France with LYS'/Lisse's while Chiava-like Cavii Illyrians lived at Lissus (near Mathis river) while Chiava's were first found in L'Aquila, the Abruzzo capital. Aquila" is a motto term, along with "muscas," of dragon-using Drake's, first found in Hampshire.

It is really quite amazing to be at the Title/Tattler surname from our unique golf-ball business because I had also ventured to say that the GOLF balls were a pointer to "Guelphs," who were also "Welfs," and the Welf surname, first found in Cheshire with English Balls, is in the colors and format of the Chips/Chipmans, and shares the wolf heads of Skins/Scans, making it appear that God ordained our golf-ball business to point to skin-scanning machines that will use skinCHIPS as part of the mark of the beast. And there is more heraldic evidence for this pointer.

It's all amazing to me because Guelphs were a branch of Este's while Italian Este's share the Coat if Aquila's, in Kepke/Kopke colors and format. The latter share a gold BORDER with Title's/Tattlers. While Boards were first found in Sussex with Keeps, Borders/Boarders were first found in Somerset with the Sticks in the "candlesticks" of Kepke-branch Koops/Kupe's (share Kepke border), and then Candle's/Kentwells were first found in Suffolk with the Kidds sharing the Kepke goat, and with Tattler-like Tate's. What are the chances? It appears that God arranged out golf-ball business to be pointed to by heraldic links involving his and my surname background.

The mark of the beast can now become suspect with the WEF (World economic Forum) because the Este / Aquila eagle is shared by Wefers. Candels/Candida's, sharing the Massi/Mattis and Mark eagle, were even first found in Campania with Aquila's. English Este's were first found in Essex with the Marks sharing the Macchio/Machi fleur-de-lys.

It appears that God arranged heraldry, in conjunction with my writings and my background, to point to some aspects of the mark of the beast. He then urged me to learn heraldry and heraldic links (I've been doing it for about 20 years), though this started some six years after was I wrote a book on preparation to endure the 666 system.

The "merces" motto term of Skins/Scans (Aberdeenshire with Cups/Cope's) can even be code for a branch of Marks. French Marks share a green Shield with Merces'/Mercier's. Jewish Marks/Marx's share the hexagrams of German Sangs suspect in the "Sanguis" motto term of Skinners. The latter were first found in Bolingbroke, home of Lucy Taillebois, MERCian wife of le Meschin.

English Sangers/Singers (Devon with Treble's and Trebys) share the garbs of Koop-connectable Sticks and Stichs, which gets interesting where wolf-head Cliffs/Cleffs (i.e. evoke the treble clef of a music sheet) are said to have married Stiche's. The Glorys in the Cliff/Cleff write-up have a giant cup to go with the Koops. Cliftons, sharing the Potter and Flower cinquefoil, share the giant lion of Trebys (Devon with Flowers). Potters were first found in Hampshire with Cup-branch Copps.

Cliffs/Cleffs almost incorporate the Hoo/Whoo Coat (Treby colors) for a potential pointer to the fiendish WHO organization, one of the primary suspects for enforcing the mark of the beast as a vaccine mandate. As Cliffs/Cleffs were first found partly in Cheshire with Cheatle's, note that the latter share a dancetty fesse on white with Hoo's/Whoo's. Howe's have a gold-Shield version of the Cliff/Cleff Coat, minus the Hoo/Whoo stars.

The Treble's and Trebys were first found in Devon with the Warings who in turn share the checks of Warrens who in turn share the Shield of Cliffords.

While on the Balls, let's add that French Balls show nothing by ermines while Ermine's, first found in Lincolnshire, almost having the Maschi Chief. English Balls use a "fireball" while the dragon of Seatons is said to be "SPOUTINg fire." Spottens/Spaldings (Lincolnshire) were in contact with the ruling Meschins of Cheshire. Not only were Title's/Tattlers were first in East Lothian with Seatons, but the two have three crescents in colors reversed from one another. Scottish Tate's/Tite's almost have the Ermine Coat.

Seatons share the green dragon with Stockports while Cheatle's named Cheadle/Cheetle in the Stockport part of Cheshire, near Mercia-like Mersey. Stockports were first found in Dunham Masci. The write-up tells that Cheetle is in Moncktonup-Wimborne while MONKtons (Wimborn/Winborn colors) have a "factis" motto term looking like code for Faucets of Musselburgh (East Lothian with Title's/Tattlers and Seatons). Monks, sharing the Title/Tattler lion head, were first found in Devon with a Seaton location. As Monks can be traced to Grimaldi's of Monaco, it appears they were at Monkton.

The Seaton crescents are shared with Leiths, the latter first found in Midlothian with the Roslin location of the SUNs/Sinclairs in the Title/Titleist Crest. The black FITCHEE in the Leith Crest is the symbol of the Keppoch branch of MacDonalds, and Keppochs are said to have named Chip-like Kippax at Leith-like Leeds.

Yet this gets staggering where the Title/Tattler crescents are shared by German Julians, staggering due not only to the latter's first found in Saxony with Kepke's/Kopke's, but because GOLFins are listed with German / Dutch Gulls while English Gulls have the six pale bars of German Julians in colors reversed, almost the six pale bars of English Lise's/Liss'. The Title/Tattler Crest is almost the one of Scottish Jeffreys who in turn have these six pale bars in colors reversed, but see also the Coat of English, Liss-connectable Lease's. Seatons were Flemings while English Julians use flames. Spanish Gulls share the double fesses of Harcourts, first found in Oxfordshire with Gullys/Gollys (essentially share the cross of English Julians).

Keeps were first found in Sussex with Coopers/Coppers while Swords have a "man's head in profile, COUPed at the neck."" Lease's were first found in Northumberland with Keep-loving Hebrons, and with "COPia"-using Reds/Reeds. This was the land of Siward of Northumberland, the line to the Swords who not only use WINGs, but share the triple swords of Skins/Scans and Shots/Shute's/Schute's while Scute's/Scutts (Lancashire with Seats/Seeds) share the gold eSCUTcheons of Chips/Chipmans. Scoots/Scougals were first found in East Lothian with Title's/Tattlers! Chips/Chipmans were first found in Worcestershire with Wings/Winks, and then Chepmans/Chapmans (share red crescent with Seatons) were first found in Cambridgeshire with English Julians.

It's astounding evidence that God arranged the golf-ball business to point to Title's/Tattlers. And I've got a ways to go yet before exhausting the pointers. Chepmans/Chapmans share the Tatton crescent.

We became caddies at CEDAR Brae Golf Club (in Toronto), and Cedars/Cottars use "evetts" while Evetts share a green dragon in Crest with Title/Tattler-related Seatons. Cedars/Cottars were first found in Oxfordshire with the Julian-related Gullys/Gollys, a branch of English Gulls, both of whom love the Sine's in their mottoes, listed with Sions, and while Seatons are also Sittens, Sion of Switzerland is also, Sitten. Sion is near DAVOS, the latter being headquarters to the WEF, and Wefers with Wafers were first found in Herefordshire with the Jays who are in turn in the "jay" in the Crest of DAVES'/Davers, the latter first found in Suffolk with English Tate's.

Julius Caesar was the son of Aurelia COTTa, and we just saw Cedars/Cottars, yet we can take this also to Cotta's/Cottards/Cottons because they were first found in Languedoc with French Julians and French Marks. It maintains a pointer of the golf balls to the mark of the beast. Cedars/Cottars were first found in Oxfordshire with Vere earls, and so the Cedar-beloved Evetts look like a branch of Eve's/Evers/Ivers and Eure's/Evers/Ivers, both of Eure, Norman land of the Abruzzo-line Eburovices of Evreux.

While Eure's/Evers/Ivers share the gold boar with Scottish Vere's/Weirs, Irish Weirs almost have the Grimaldi Coat while my mother's maiden name is, Grimaldi. My mother's brother (Mr. Grimaldi) married Eva. Ancient Grimaldi's married Crispina (daughter of king Rollo), and English Crispins (on the Suns/Sinclairs) were first found in Oxfordshire too, even with the Eure-related Bee's in the bees of the Bessins/Beasts.

Eure-like "heure" is a motto term of the Hicks', first found in Yorkshire with Eve's/Evers, yet said to have had a branch in Low Essex, where Marks were first found who share the Hicks / Title/Tattler fleur-de-lys. I suspect "six = hex" to have been a Hyksos symbol, wherefore end-time Hyksos (those who know themselves to descend from them) are expected to chose 666 for their financial empire. Muschats/MontFITCHets and Fitchets were first found in Essex too, and Muschats show nothing but triple chevrons while there is a chevron above the six key on your keyboard.

Evetts are excellent, more proof of God's involvement with the golf-ball business. They were first found in Perthshire with Keith-branch Kettle's, and with the Justine's who in turn share the Kepke/Kopke border. My mother was born and raised in PICENZE, and Justine's were from Justin of PICENum, wife of emperor Valentinian I of VINKovci, explaining why Wings/Winks were once said to be first found in Perthshire with Justine's. However, recently, Wings/Winks were changed to first found in Worcestershire with Chips/Chipmans, with Bessin-branch Bistons, and with the Pattys in the giant patee cross of Evetts! Plus, while Title's/Tattlers were Seaton kin, the latter were a branch of Sutys, first found in Perthshire too. The Nothings in the Suty motto share the green dragon in Crest with Seatons and Evetts, is that not amazing? The Evetts come off of CEDAR Brae golf club.

English Cottons were first found in Huntingdonshire with Nothings. The latter are listed with Northens while Tattons of Massy were first found in KENworthy of NORTHENded. Kens, first found in Devon with a Seaton location, have the Seaton crescents in colors reversed, and thus the Kens have the Title/Tattler crescents! From here, one can take things to Kennys, first found in Galway with the Teague's/Teegers sharing the Gully/Golly crosslets. Galways use a "cat" and a "Vincit" motto term while Vince's were first found in Hertfordshire with Title-like Titus'. Galways look like kin of Annandale-connectable Adams, while the Annandale Coat is shared with Tate's/Tite's! Galloways share the lion of the Bruce's of Annandale, and Bruce's were first found in Yorkshire with the Cat-connectable Caddys, and with a Tees river while Tee's/Tease's/Tighs share the Galway / Adam stars. Put that into your tee and drive it.

Cedar Brae takes us to Brae's/Brays, first found in Northamptonshire with Leeds-like Ladys/Laudymans in turn sharing the annulets of Candle's/Kentwells suspect in the Koop/Kupe candlesticks. Kippax is at Leeds, and Leiths can be linked to Title's/Tattlers. Ladys/Laudymans are in Anchor/Annacker colors and format while Anchors/Annackers have the Leith lozenges in colors reversed. The "Trustie" motto term of Leiths can jibe with the "KEEP tryst" motto of Hebrons. Letts/Late's share the saltire of Reds/Reeds (Northumberland with Abruzzo-connectable Hebrons).

We can follow the Koop candleSTICks to the Astikas' who married Traby. You can find them in Wikipedia's article on the Traby horns, and if you look at the three strings of the three horns, they look like 666. If you then enter "Traby" at houseofnames, you get a Polish surname listed with Sadowski's, and they use a "scarf" while Scarfs almost have the Welf/Lupus Coat because the latter were first found in Cheshire with earl, Hugh Lupus, whose personal wolf head was exactly the one of Scarfs (same colors).

In other words, we followed the Kepke-branch Koops to get to the line of golf-like Guelfs = Welfs. See that? Therefore, it does seem true that the Arms of Traby is secretly sporting a 666. The Traby HORN can take us with Horns/Orne's to the Orne river through the Bessin, and Ranulph le Meschin, from the Bessin, was Hugh Lupus' nephew. Bessins list the Beasts, and they named Beeston in Cheshire while Bessins and Bistons use bees.

One of the reasons that God used Kepke for these pointers seems to be that he's needed to get us to Chips/Chipmans in order to reveal in advance that the mark of the beast will be in a skinchip. The problem I've had with this idea is that a skinchip is not a mark. However, when the skinchip is on an optional basis for making purchases due to most people rejecting it, the powers could introduce a stepping-stone mark on the hand as something the people could accept easier. With the people rejecting that too, the powers will decide to force everyone to receive the mark.

Golf Balls Point to the Dragon of Rieti

His first name is Lawrence, and while Lawrence's have a "READy" motto term, they were first found at a REDmaine location while Reds and Reeds were from Rieti, home of three heads (= 1st-century Roman emperors) of the Revelation-17 dragon, Vespasian, TITus and Domitian. Reds/Reeds (Northumberland) are linkable to Keep-loving Hebrons and Cups/Cope's, and therefore to Kepke-branch Koops/Kupe's. Cups/Cope's were first found in Aberdeenshire with Scottish Reeds and Skins/Scans. The latter were a branch of SCHIMs (Ready colors) expected in the SCIMitar in the Ready Crest. See that?

It could seem that God arranged the Titleist golf balls to point to emperor Titus, destroyer of Jerusalem as the fore-runner to the 666 man in the end times. Titus ruled a century after Julius Caesar.

The Ready "arm" is "HOLDING a scimitar," and while Holdings ("eSCUTcheon") were first found in Lancashire with Lawrence's, they were at Haslingtons while Haslingtons/HAZELtons were first found in Sussex with Keeps. See that? And Keeps share a "weaver's shuttle" with Scutt-like Shuttleworths (Lancashire with Scute's/Scutts) while English Weavers are in the colors and near-format of Hazels (once said to be first found in Cheshire with Weavers). German Weavers/Webbers were first found in Saxony with Kepke's/Kopke's and German Julians. Shoots/Schute's were first found in Wiltshire with Hazeldon Farms (in the Haslington write-up) and Shuttleworth- / Settle- connectable Stars/Stairrs (Hazeldon/Haslington chevron in colors reversed). Hazeldons/Haslingtons were first found in Sussex's Dallington while Darlington-branch Darlene's were first found in Devon with Hazels, and Dallingtons with Tromps love the Acorns, first found in Sussex. Dallingtons essentially share the Acker Coat. Darlingtons were first found in Durham with Monk Hesleton.

Titus' were first found in Hertfordshire with Wink-like Vince's and Traby-connectable HORNs/Orne's while Skins/Scans and Shots/Shute's/Schute's share the swords of Wing-beloved Swords. Lawrence's of Haslington were first found in Lancashire with Scute's/Scutts, and Hazeldons/Haslingtons use a "SCOT's head" in Crest while Scotts have the Catherine-Roet wheel. Roets (share "book" with Reeds), from Rieti, were first found in Somerset with English Webbers who in turn share the fleur-de-lys of the neighboring, Rieti-line Fly's. Books were first found in Berwickshire with the Home's in turn in the English-version motto of Hazeldons/Haslingtons. Home's love the True variation of Tree's (Wiltshire with Hazeldon Farm).

The Pratts suspect in the "paratus" motto of Swords were first found in Essex with Sewards, and Pratts are in the motto of the Arms of Rieti. Siward of Northumberland was at Heslington, 20 miles roughly from Kippax of the Keppochs: "The first named person to be associated with Heslington was Siward. (c.1020...". One can see the similarity between the Pratt and Fly Coats, and Flys are said to have been from a Flavius entity, which happens to be the surname of the three emperors out of Rieti. Reds/Reeds, who probably love the Packs in their "Pax COPia" motto, were first found in Northumberland with Keep-related Lorraine's, and then the Seward-beloved Leopards were first found in Sussex with Keeps and Packs. French Packs share the red bull with Sabine's (Norfolk with Irish Pratts), from Flavius Sabinus of Rieti, father of Vespasian, Titus and Domitian. See that? My golf-ball business with Kepke is pointing to this, and Rieti was even down the Salto river from the Mark-connectable Marsi of Abruzzo.

Scottish Mars (almost have the Marano lion) and Maurice's almost have the Titus lion while French Maurice's are in French Mar and Irish Marone colors and format. Marone's share the boar of Schims/Schiens, a branch of Skins/Scans. Maurice's share the Abruzzo/Abreu lion. The Titus lion is in the Chief, and while the Wimble's/WimBALLs share the Titus Chief, we saw a Cheetle location (Cheshire with Balls) in Moncktonup-WIMBorne, part of Macclesfield. In the Wimble/Wimball Crest, the lion holds a "symbol for Mars". The lion of Scottish Mars is in the colors of the Monk lion heads, and French Mars are in the colors and format of Maxwell/MAKESwell-branch Mackays while Macclesfield was anciently "MAKESlesfield." While Macclesfields share the Mea/My/Meigh cross, the latter share the Wimborn/Winborn boar heads.

Wimble's/Wimballs love the Mars, and while French Mars (Normandy with Blanks) are in the colors and format of French Blanks, German Blanks share the giant lion of Wimble-beloved Augers. French Blanks share the motto of PEERless'/Napiers. English Blanks share the cinquefoil of Dogs/Doags, the latter first found in Perthshire with Peerless'/Napiers.

As Wimbletons share the eagle of Backs (Somerset with Rieti-line Roets, Hagels and Pile's), I'm guessing that Wimble's/Wimballs share the lone pile of English Hagels, a branch of Eagle's/Hegels (Lincolnshire with Mussels/Muscels). It's the lone pile also of Wings/Winks.

Domitian-like Dome's/DUME's use a giant Heron in Evett colors and format while Herons (Northumberland with Reds/Reeds) share the Coat of Horns/Orne's ("desperanDUM") in the hunting horns of Breakers. Brae's/Brays use a "FLAX breaker" while Flags/Flecks were first found in Norfolk with Irish Pratts and Titus-connectable Wimble's/Wimballs while the Flavius entity of Flys became "Flagi." See that? Titus' were first found in Hertfordshire with Heron-branch Horns/Orne's and Childs, which is near Wanstead of the Childs while Wansteads are also Winners while Titus-connectable Wimble's are also WINballs. Wimbletons have a different-colors version of the Child Coat, both sharing eagles (different colors) with Wins.

CHILDeric was married to Bessin-line Basina, and they birthed Cloud-like Chlodovech, later called, Clovis, whom I trace to Clubs/Clobbes' (Child colors and format). Golf CLUBs. Clubs/Clobbes', share fish with the Arms of Rieti, were first found at Fairway-connectable Farndon, and Farndons (Cheshire with Clubs/Clobbes' and Pace's) can be gleaned as kin of purple-Shielded Pace's. I still think that VesPASia (Vespasian's mother) was named by the Pasi/Pace/Pascel bloodline, and then a lamb is with Pascals (Child eagle in colors reversed) while the False Prophet has lamb HORNs as his symbol. Horns'/Orne's are of the Orne river through the Bessin, and flowing also near FERTE-Mace to explain the fretty in the Arms of Rieti. Titus-like Twitts/Thwaits have fretty too. Prophets/Profetts have a giant leg.

Cloud-beloved Flags/Flecks were kin of Palmers, which recalls that, after the Executive golf ball, Kepke and I prized the Gary Palmer ball as the third-best. I don't think we named a fourth best. Title'/Tattlers can be connected to Twitt-branch Tute's/Tuits, first found in Norfolk with Flags/Flecks and Palmers. Palmers share the trefoils of the Evett-connectable Eve's/Evers (Yorkshire with English Palms and Tute's/Toots), and the legs in the Eves/Ever Crest can take us to Leggs almost having the Trump Coat. Reminder: "Evetts share a green dragon in Crest with Title/Tattler-related Seatons."

Evetts came off of the "evett" lizards of Cedars/Cottars. Cedar BRAE. Brae's/Brays have eagle LEGs for what could be our pointer to Trump's golf course. Lizarts/Sarde's were kin of English Lise's/Liss', first found in Hampshire (beside Brae's/Brays) with Fly's, and with the dragon-line Drake's having a "fly" motto term in their English-version motto. Dragon heads are used by neighboring Cutters, and Brae's/Brays share black eagle legs with Hicksons, the latter first found in Staffordshire with Coats'/Cotes'.

It makes Cedars look like a branch of Cutters, the latter first found in Dorset with Caens in turn sharing the fretty in the Arms of Rieti. Cedar Brae golf seems to be insinuating a line to the end-time False Prophet from the seven Roman heads of Revelation. Caens were first found in Dorset with the Pools from Vespasia's surname, Polla, and Pools share the giant lion of Rieti-like Rita's (Rome). Brae's/Brays use a "breaker" while Cutters -- beside Shots/Shute's/Schute's/SHITTs and trumpet-using Calls/Calles' -- share the Shield-Chief colors of Brocks/Broke's and Brocuffs (Silesia with Sitlers/SCHITners.

This week, I learned that Trump's great-grandfather, Johan Paul Trump, was from Call-like Kallstadt, about 45 miles from Frankfurt of the Rothschilds. Johan was a contemporary with the first Rothschild. German Kalls have a horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the vertically-split Tromp, and diagonally-split Kober/Coburg, Shields. Katharina Kober was Trump's grandmother, wife of Christian Trump. German Kalls (giant GRIFFIN) almost have the Coat of Hangers/Angers, first found in Hampshire with Flys of Flagi, and beside Calls/Calles'. Trumps were first found partly in Pomerania, home of the house of Griffin.

Recalling that Flags are from Rieti, this would be a good place to add that while McLeods use flags, Trump's mother was Mary Anne McLeod. Rieti-line Roets have a German branch, first found in Thuringia with Kobers/Coburgs, both sharing the same crescent, though Roets call it a "moon." Monk-connectable Moons were first found in Dorset, beside both Calls/Calles' and Hangers/Angers. The other English Angers were a branch of Anchors who are in turn in the Graff/Graffen Coat. The Roet moon shows a face, and Face's, first found in Northamptonshire with Kober/Coburg-like Cubolds, were a branch of Tromp-connectable Fauci's. Copoldicks/Cobble's are in the colors and format of Keppoch-related Sheffields.

New: Kobers/Coburgs are in the colors of Kobs, and the latter were first found in Nuremberg with Kopple's (Tromp-eagle colors and format) and Keips. The latter almost have the German Golden Coat while English Golds were first found in Suffolk with Kepke-connectable Kidds. It can explain why Trumps are in Kepke/Kopke colors and format.

Let me stress that Shots/Schute's/Shitts are not only in Calles colors and format, but both were first found in Wiltshire, not far from the first-known Rocks and Rooks in turn in the rock of Roach's who in turn are in the colors and format of Shots/Schute's/Shitts and Calls/Calles'. Then, Rocks and Rooks were first found in Worcestershire with the Chips, you see, who in turn share the eSCUTcheon of Scute's/Scutts. Scoots/Scougals (East Lothian with Title's/Tattlers) share the border of one Scott Coat (Catherine-Roet wheel) while the other Scotts share a Terras Coat while German Terras'/Terrace's use rooks. Roets were first found in Somerset (beside Wiltshire and Monks of Devon) with Tarrs. Neighboring Tarents (Dorset), who named Tarrant MONKTON, have the Child Coat in colors reversed, meaning that, because Tarents share the Reed and Pascal eagle, they may have had a branch that named the Turano river at Rieti. Taranto is in Polla-like Apulia while Pools are also Pulls, and Pullens share the Sabine scallop because Vespasia was married to Sabinus. Childs are in Paloma colors while Paloma's were first found in Bari of Apulia. German Barrie's (Horn/Orne colors and format) can thus apply to the fish of Rieti, for the hunting horns of German Barrs can take us to Caen of the Orne river.

Flags are in the Crest of Title- and Lease-beloved McLeods/Clouds. Liss-branch Lists were first found in Silesia with the Helts/Helds sharing the Hickson Coat. Their eagle legs are in both colors of the Tromp eagle, and Hicks' probably love the Eure's/Evers in their motto while Drake-like Dreux's/Drews were from Dreux in Eure. McLeods/Clouds love the Holts/Holds in their motto.

Lizarts/Sarde's were first found in Provence with the Augers/Auge's suspect in the "augur" of Wimble's/Winbolds. English Augers/Etches' (Yorkshire with Wimble-like Wombwells) share the Graff/GRAFFEN/Grav lion while Grave's/Greafs share the Win/WINS eagle, and Auger-connectable Eggs/Edge's likely share the Child eagle because Childs were first found in the same place with GRIFFIN-loving VINCE's (Agg/Auge colors and format) while Wings/Winks were first found in the same place with Eggs/Edge's (once said to be first found in Cheshire with Eggertons).

The Ware's / Warings suspect in the Wombwell motto were first found in Devon with Monks (Wombwell colors). Warings (and Warrens) happen to share the checks of Wimble's/Wimballs who in turn could have the chevron of Jump-connectable Bellys (share Jump and Tate roses). We saw Moncktonup-WIMBorne, a location of DANCEtte-using Cheatle's. The Jumps, first found in Yorkshire with Dance's who in turn have the Monk lion head in colors reversed, share the Trump stag head, and were first found at Wombwell. ROGER de Bully is in the Jump write-up along with the Aincourts sharing the Wimble/Wimball checks. Rogers are linkable to Tromp-connectable Vise's, and Warrens are from the Warenne rulers of Surrey, where Wimbletons were first found. The Bully Crest shares the heart with the Crest of Tromp-beloved Acorns. Bullys were first found in Dumfries with Leggs in turn almost having the Trump Coat.

I should probably add that the Speccots/Space's suspect in the Augur/Etcher motto were first found in Devon with Gates' and Monks, making the Auger/Etches and Gates lion look like the one of Monaco's. The latter's flames can jibe with the Flemish Seatons who named Seaton in Devon. Grimaldi's of Monaco were in Genova with Face-branch Fauci's while one of the German Kopps has Moors "facing EACH other", relevant here because Augers/Etches' are also Each's.

The Auger/Etches lion is in the colors of the two lions in pale of EDGingtons/Eddingtons, and while the latter share the Voir/Voyer Coat, Voirs/Voyers ("VINCit") have "St. MARK's lion, supPORTing a silver BOOK inscribed with the words, 'PAX tibi, Marce evangeLISTa'" Ports and Porters were first found in Hampshire with Liss'/Lise's sharing the List Coat, almost the Lizart/Sarde Coat. Voirs/Voyers share the "book" with Scottish reeds and "Pax" is used also by Reds/Reeds, first found in Northumberland with Edgingtons/Eddingtons.

The Angels suspect in "evangelista" have the StockPORT lozenges in colors reversed, and the Felix's suspect in the Angel motto were first found in Sussex with Anchor-loving Packs, with Tromp-beloved, Anchor-like Acorns, and with the Vise's (share Acorn stag head) suspect in the "vias" motto term of Angels, and in the "vis" of Voirs/Voyers. The Acorns call their stag head a "deer's head," and Trump/Tromp stag head can help us understand how proto-Deers/Dere's were in Trump/Tromp ancestry where Italian Dere's list Res' while Spanish Dero's/Ros' have a giant eagle in the colors of the giant Tromp eagle. "Deer" are with Scute's/Scutts while Shots/Shute's/Schute's can be linked to Trumps.

Deers were first found in Bedfordshire with Beetle-branch Bedwells, and there are "beetles" in the Coat of German Stocks. Stairs/Stayers, suspect in the "Stare" motto term of Angels (Lancashire with Forts), were first found in Kent with Deerings, and with Angel-connectable Roots (suspect from Rieti with book-using Roets). The Bedwell and Beetle "fort" in the motto of English Stocks.

The interesting thing now is that Vance's/Vaux's can imply Trump via JD Vance, and they were first found in East Lothian with the all-important Title's/Tattlers. Tate's/Tite's were first found in Berwickshire with Books. English Tate's share the roses of Trump-connectable Jumps and Bellys while Beils can be linked to the Roger-beloved CorBEILs.

When Kepke and I collected the golf balls from the Rouge river, we placed them in bags while Bag-connectable Bagleys (Shropshire with Rudes'/RUDGE's) share the Root Coat. Bags share the Shields of Monk-connectable Cocks (Somerset with Roets) and Grimaldi's. Bagleys named Bagley WOODs in Berkshire, and while the latter county is where Beetle's were first found, Woods were Root kin. Rouge's are listed with French Rogers/RODGErs while the stags of English Rogers are in the colors of the Vise and Acorn stag heads. Kepke's/Kopke's are in Trump colors and format, and Vise's and Acorns were first found in Sussex with Keeps and Coppers.

The Monk cockaTRICE can take us to the "Keep Tryst" motto of Simple's. The latter (Renfrewshire with Roet-related Spears) are in the motto of Spree's (share Speer crescent), first found in Cornwall with the Trice's/Trysts and Tristans. The latter share the Vise stag head. The eagle of German Marks, same as the Tromp eagle, holds a spear. A giant spear tip in the colors of the giant stag head of Trumps is in the Shield of Werps, the possible pointer to Trump's "Warp Speed" vaccine crimes, though the Werp Crest uses lance tips while Dere's/Res' use "lances." Werp variations suggest the Weirs, and Irish Wiers almost have the Bag / Grimaldi Shield.

Note how the book of St. Mark has a potential variation of Vance's in "eVANGElista." French Rogers were first found in Savoy with French Chance's while English Chance's (Essex with Marks) share the Voir/Voyer lion. Again, Dutch Tromps look related to German Marks. JD Vance has been exposed as one who wanted to force-vaccinate i.e. he's either too stupid to realize that COVID vaccines are killers, or he's in bed with vaccine money.

Sarde-like Shirts/Shards (Cheshire with Welfs) are in the "shirt" of TOUS'/Tosini's, first found in Tuscany with Macchio's/Machi's who started the ball rolling toward "mark of the beast." The Macchio's/Machi's are said to have been of "Guibelline party of 1286," and Guibelline's, though at war with Guelphs, may have began as partners with them. "Tus" is twice buried in the Title/Tattle motto.

The Macchio/Machi Coat is almost the Shield used by Pools, and the latter, first found in Dorset with Acorn-connectable Palins, and with Cave-related Caens who in turn share the fretty in the Arms of Rieti, are from Vespasia Polla, mother of Vespasian, Titus and Domitian. Cavii were at Lissus, the line to Liss'/Lise's, the latter first found in Hampshire with Chives-connectable Drive's and Tee-connectable Tiss'/Teece's. Put that into your tee and drive it.

There's an argument to be made that Titus' share the Maschi Chief because the GYRONNy of Titus' can take us to Ranulph de GERNON, son of Ranulph le Meschin. Gernons (of Montfitchett) share the lion in the Titus Chief.

Trump on the Stage

As I've said a million times, I met Miss Peare when Kepke and I were both selling shoes at two different shoe stores in the Scarborough Town Center in Taranto-like Toronto, where Miss Peare was a saleslady for REITman's clothing. See that? Repeat from above: "Tarents have the Child Coat in colors reversed, meaning that, because Tarents share the Reed and Pascal eagle, they may have had a branch that named the Turano river at Rieti. Taranto is in Polla-like Apulia while Pools are also Pulls, and Pullens share the Sabine scallop because Vespasia was married to Sabinus."

It should amaze you that Scarborough's share the Murena tower, for Terentia Murena (sister of a Roman general at the time of Caesar) is where I trace Terents/Tarants! Scarborough's are even in the format of, and in half the colors of, Tarents. The latter are in the colors and format of Sheffields who are in turn in the write-up of Chips/Chipmans, and thus it explains why Kepke-like Keppochs (Yorkshire with Scarborough's) share the wheat sheaves of Sheffields!

On his first date with Miss Peare, she and I RUSHed up the stairs to go outside and kiss. I shouldn't have done that to Kepke, but I couldn't resist. I have shown several times why Rush's were of that event, and here we add that Tarents named Tarrant-Rushton why Rush's (Suffolk with Kepke-connectable Kidds) are in Keppoch format, and colors reversed from them.

Repeat from above: "A giant spear tip in the colors of the giant stag head of Trumps is in the Shield of Werps, the possible pointer to Trump's "Warp Speed" vaccine crimes, though the Werp Crest uses lance tips while Dere's/Res' use 'lances.'" The Scarborough Crest has a "Saracen's head at the tip of a lance," and while Tarents named Tarrant Monkton, Monktons (look like Fly kin) have an "extenDERE" motto term while Deerings (Chip/Chipman colors and format) are said to descend from Murena-like Morinis'. This Lance line should explain why Tarents also named Tarrant Launceston.

Saracens are to the Sharks, and while I claim that Trump got swallowed by a shark in my Sleeping Beauty dream, Speeds use "swallows."

It now gets even better because Monktons (Yorkshire again) share the stars-on-gold-chevron with Peare's while STAIRs/Stayers (Kent with Deerings) have the Monkton stars-on-chevron in colors reversed in all three colors. Peare and I rushed up the STAIRs at a La Paloma BAR in Toronto (in 1975, probably not there anymore), and Italian Paloma's were first found in Bari, in Apulia along with Taranto! Spanish Paloma's share the Pero/Perino pale bar, and the latter's "flaming stars" can take us to Stars/Stairrs (Wiltshire with Trump elements).

Rushtons can be gleaned with the Side/Suddy lion because Rushtons share "have" with the motto of Side and Seaton-branch Sutys. We are now back to Title/Tattler kin, from East Lothian along with the Fauci-connectable faucets suspect in the MONkton motto. Grimaldi's of MONACo' were first found in Genova with Fauci's who in turn share the split Tromp Shield, and Fauci-branch Face's/Fessys were first found in Northamptonshire with Rushtons.

It should be kept in mind, to possibly track heraldic purple (not official heraldic color) to it's original sources, that while Grimaldi's of Monaco use a purple throne, the Purple surname was first found in Norfolk with Bags (share Grimaldi Shield) and PilGRIM's while Hawks use "purple pilgrims' staves."

The Patients (Dumfries with flaming-heart Bullys) in the Monkton motto have flames, and are in the colors and format of Popleys (Yorkshire with Anne's/Hanne's and Trump-connectable, Bully-related Jumps), and from here we go to the Poppins/Pophams (share Anne/Hanne stag heads) because, decades after meeting Miss Peare, I had a dream of golf balls POPPING everywhere out of the GROUND. There was nothing else I remember of that dream, and Grounds/Grundys (look like AINSley kin) were first found in Yorkshire too. Hanna's (not "Hanne") have the Trump stag head in colors reversed, and Trumps were first found in Mecklenburg with Hann-branch Hahns, a pointer to Trump's Stephen Hahn, his conflicted FDA chief during the plandemic.

Anne's/Hanne's share the Poppin/Popham Coat, both in Chip/Chipmans colors and format, and so let's remind that they are in Welf colors and format while the GOLF balls should point to Guelphs = Welfs, and therefore to Skins/Scans sharing the Welf wolf heads.

But before following this track any further, I need to go back to the opening thought of this section, that while Kepke and I were selling shoes when we met Miss Peare, Trump had his shoes off on the STAGE when he feigned his assassination. The Stage's, sharing the blue stag head with the Trump-connectable Hanna's, are listed with Staggs, and Trumps use a "stag" head. Near to the time when I had the dream with golf balls popping out of white ground, I had a sleeping-bag dream that ended with a surprise: I was PULLING Miss Peare by her waist, toward me, on my stage in a shopping mall. She had come from her own stage, beside mine. She was not previously in this rather long dream. She popped out of nowhere some 35-40 years after I last saw her.

Kepke-branch Koops/Kupe's can jibe with the "cups" of Butlers, and the assassination stage was in Butler. Cups are used by Sellers, first found in Aberdeenshire with Skins/Scans, and while I linked the latter to Chips/Chipmans, the latter are in the colors and format of the Butler quadrants having the cups. The Butler Crest has a "plume", and I told that Kepke, shortly after quitting the shoe-sales job, went into PLUMBing sales. English Plumers have the Shoe star in colors reversed, and German Plumers share the hexagram of Reitmans. Kepke met Peare at her Reitmans store. The rush-up-stair event was at La Paloma i.e. Paloma's are like "Plumer." The "spear heads" of French Plume's looks related to Werps.

Stage's/Staggs (Devon with Vise-connectable Tristans) share the cross between antlers with the Trump-connectable Vise's we saw above, but also with Stacy-branch Eustace's. Trumps were round-about related to Shots/Shute's/Schute's while Scoots/Scougals look related to Shoe variations such as Schuchs. See that? Shoe's/Schuchs use a "tree" while Tree's/True's were first found in Wiltshire with Shots/Shoots/Schute's and their trumpet-using Calles kin.

Scoots/Scougals share a "haec" motto term with the Propers in the description of trumpet-using Levers/Livers. It gets interesting where the hunting HORN of Scoots/Scougals, and their "ORNant" motto term, is likely code for the Horns/Orne's in the description of Bullets. The Shots/Schute's are also Shoots. The feigned assassination had bullets shooting at Trump.

Shoe's/Schuchs use a "battle-axe" while Seaton of Devon is at the mouth of an Axe river. Battle's were first found in Berwickshire with the Hume's who have the True variation of Tree's in their write-up. Battle's share the giant griffin of Chaffs, first found beside Tree's/True's, Baths, and axe-using Battins.

Shots/Shute's/Schute's share the triple swords of Skins/Scans while Skinners have a different-colors version of the Tick Coat, and while Anne's/Hanne's were first found at Tickhill, it's in Yorkshire, where Ticks were first found along with the Masters who in turn look like kin of English Walls. The Shoe's/Schuchs include "...a tower topped with a tree, and with WALLs on either SIDE." Side's love the Tigers, first found in Suffolk with the Knights in the Shoe/Schuch Coat. The triple Knight pale bars are colors reversed from the triple swords in pale of Skins/Scans. Side's were kin of Seatons, the latter first found in East Lothian with Scoots/Scougals!

Knights are suspect from the namers of the Nith Dumfries with the Bullys in the Jump write-up. Nitts/Naughts were first found in Dumfries. Scottish Nights/naughts were first found smack beside the Hanna's (near the Nith) having the Trump stag head in colors reversed!

Heraldry has plenty of "ears of wheat" suspect partly with Eyers who happen to use a "leg" while Leggs almost have the Trump Coat! On the stage, Trump feigned a SHOT to his EAR!!! Eyers share the "spur" with Knights. Shoe's/Schuchs even use a "knight issuing from the knees" while Knee's share the Vise / Acorn stag head. Knee's were first found in County DOWN with Irish Prays who almost have the Knight Coat. Downs, with a giant stag in the colors of the giant Legg and Trump stag head, were first found in Sussex with Vise's/and Acorns. See that? Another pointer to Trump via the Shoe surname. Trump had his shoes off on the stage.

I've said a million times that when I pulled Miss Peare on the stage toward me, I was pulling her with both hands on her hips and waist, for the Hips' were found to relate. However, I always linked that scene with a belly-press event between Miss Peare and I in our teens, as little as a month after the rush-up-stairs event. I showed how Bellys apply to Trump in several ways. I've told the PearTREE's, first found beside giant-leg Prophets/PROfetts, share the Trump stag head with Jumps who in turn share the Belly roses, but I can now see that the waist-pull event was also a belly-pull event because Italian Belli's (almost the Knight Coat) share the six pale bars of ear-like Erie's/AIRYs while Eyers are also Airs!!!!! Zikers.

Another tree is with Swallow-branch Sallows who have the six Belli / Erie/Airy pale bars in colors reversed. Belli's were first found in Verona with the Bellino's who in turn share the "bear paw" with Square's/Squirrels. Repeat from when I was on "werp speed": "Saracens are to the Sharks, and while I claim that Trump got swallowed by a shark in my Sleeping Beauty dream, Speeds use 'swallows.'" As I said, the shark clamped its teeth around the belly of the bulldog (= Trump) when its head was down its throat.

As I've said many times, the stage with Peare and I doubled as a wood deck because Decks/Daggers, looking like Hips kin, share the RED squirrel with Square's/Squirrels having a "Tiens motto term while Tiens'/Thames', first found in Oxfordshire with Peare's, share the chevron-with-stars of Peare's. English Daggers/Dackers were first found in Cumberland with the WAISTells to which the waist-PULLING event pointed for excellent reasons, and while Pullys/Pullings share the scallop of Peartree's and Sabine's (Norfolk with Hips'), the Sabine Crest shares a red bull with Daggers/Dackers (and French, Reed-connectable Packs). While Hips' are Hipkins too, Hopkins were first found in Oxfordshire.

PREPARE FOR A SURPRISE all ye who have red about the sleeping bag dream. It had a David Morley character (my old friend about the last time I saw Miss Peare) who pointed with Morleys to David-related Aids/Ade's. Waistells (beside Westmorland) use a horse on a "gallop" while Gallops almost have the Welsh David Coat under discussion. Gallops were first found in Dorset with the Turpens in turn in Aid/Ade colors and format. After David circled the sleeping bag on his motorbike, he rode it down the road just as I was CROSSing (walking across) the same road into the parking lot of a MALL. I then went into the mall to see Peare on a stage. I realized why there was a mall in the dream when finding that Scottish Morleys are also Mauls. The Cross surname has a Croce variation while Crooks', in Aid/Ade colors and format (!), were first found in WestMORLAND with Morley-branch Morlands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ear-like Erie's/Airys were first found in both Cumberland and Westmorland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can we believe it? The sleeping bag dream is pointing to Thomas Crooks, the pretend shooter of Trump's ear!

The motorBIKE had pointed to Biks/Bickers sharing the Anne/Hanne stag heads, and first found in Berkshire with Boots. The Eyers use "A booted and armed leg..." Oops, sorry, but Boots were said to be first found in Berkshire until a few months ago, but are now said to be first found in Warwickshire, where Tree's/True's were once said to be first found who are in the Shoe/Schuch write-up. I said many times that, many years ago, German Trips/Treffs once showed the three boots of French Masseys, but now show three shoes! French Masseys no longer show the boots, but now show a "tree without LEAVES". French Levi's have the Aids in their motto, and Jewish Levi's share the lion of Davids under discussion, who almost have the Aid/Ade Coat because Ada of Warenne married to son of king David I.

The Boots have "three black boots with gold TOPs", recalling the "tower TOPPed with a tree" of Shoe's/Schuchs. BUTEshire is where Kims were first found, evoking Kim Cheatle of the Secret service.

Ah beauty, Hall of Names, while showing shoes for Trips/Treffs, says they use "three gold boots".

And English Trips use the "scaling ladder" while the deep-state storyline for Crooks claimed that he purchased a ladder on the morning of the shooting.

David Morley RODE a CIRCLE around the sleeping bag, then went away down the ROAD from which he came to the bag. He came off the road, down a HILL to the bag, then rode back up the hill. Hills were first found in Worcestershire with the Clent Hills, and with the Hillarys who in turn share the six fitchees of Clintons. Clents list Clints. Bagleys were first found in Shropshire with Rhodes-connectable Rudes'/Rudge's, and with a Rodden river likely named by Roddens/RODHAMs. Bill Clinton is a Rhodes scholar, and he married Hillary Rodham. I deduced that the circle that David rode was God's clue for the Round Table of evil globalist, Cecil Rhodes, because Rhodes-like Rounds use a "sleeping lion" to go with the sleeping bag. Trump always says, "crooked Hillary."

Rhodes' were first found in Yorkshire with Morleys/Malls. As David rode away, I entered a mall parking lot, and Malls/Marlybone's, first found in Cheshire with the Welsh Davids under discussion, have the MalBANCs while Malbanks (Northumberland with Roddens/Rodhams) share the ermined bend of Roddens/Rodhams, and the latter are in Aids/Ade and Crooks colors and format!!! Zinger. The dream had eyes to see the deep state players.

I was crossing the road while Morley rode away behind my back, and "cruce" is a motto term shared between Cross'/Cruce's and Rudes'/Rudge's. Cross'/Croce's even share the Mall/Marlybone quadrants. The Fido's in the Cross/Croce motto were first found in Kincardineshire with PEARtree's who share the trump stag head.

Were not done because Crooks' have black "inescutcheons" which Cecils call "black shields". Blacks were first found in Lincolnshire with Cross'/Croce's. These black shields are shared by Corrins expected in the Cecil motto, and Corrins were first found in Waterford while the Arms of County Waterford has the Trump stag head, though at times it also used the Legg stag head.

. When Kepke and I were selling shoes, Miss Peare was working for Reitmans' clothing, and Jewish Reitmans share the hexagram of Rodden-like Rotens. I was pulling her toward me, and Pullings are from Rieti. The Rhodes Coat is like the one of AITons, the latter first found in Berwickshire with AIDs/Ade's. EITONs, with a blue-Shield version of the David Coat, were first found in Shropshire with Rudes' and the Rodden river, and "cross"-using Eatons were first found in neighboring Cheshire with Davids.

Almost forgot; English Crocs were first found in Shropshire too.

Downs have variations like the Dunham surname of Obama's mother, and Dunhams essentially share the BUTler Coat. The faked assassination was in Butler.

Let's return to the Jumps of Wombwell: "The parish of Wombwell was the property of Roger de Bully and Walter d'Aincourt at the time of the Domesday Book". The AinCOURTs were first found in Surrey with the father of Ada of Warenne, explaining why Warrens (Sussex with COURTs/Coverts) share the checkered Aincourt Shield.

Next, the Aincourt plates are in the colors of the Horns/Orne's while Bully-like Bullets/Bullheads have the "the horns of a bull". Jumps share the Jump stag head, and Trump feigned a bullet to his ear in Butler. Butler-like Bottle's/Bootels (Lancashire with English Plate's) named a Bullet-like location, and Butlers use cups while Kopps (not "Koop") share the Coat of German Plate's. Wombwells share the white unicorn head with Cnuts, the latter first found in Derbyshire with leg-using Eyers. Leggs were first found in the same place as Bullys and Scottish Hains, and while the latter share the Bully lozenges, the AINcourt plates are in the colors of Ains'/Hains (Horn/Orne colors and format).

Repeat from above: "Grimaldi's of Monaco were in Genova with Face-branch Fauci's while one of the German Kopps has Moors 'facing EACH OTHER', relevant here because [Wimple-beloved] Augers/Etches' are also Each's." Others/Otters were first found in Huntingdonshire with Ada of Warrene, and Bullets/Bullheads were first found in Surrey with the Biss' in turn having a couple of snakes "respecting EACH OTHER."

Lookie: Danish Cnuts use "pot hangers" while Pots and Potters were first found in Hampshire with Hangers, and then Potters share the cinquefoil of Flowers in the "flower" of the Erie/Airys Crest! It tends to verify that Eyers (quatrafoils) had been related to Cnuts. Danish Cnuts are suspect with the trefoils of Rods (Devon with Flowers), and the Rodden river is at least near the Derbyshire border. Ahh, the Dry's suspect in the "tienDRAI" motto term of Erie's/Airys share the drops of English Cnuts and Darlene's (Devon)! It reminds that the Darlington motto shares "dum spero" with Cross'/Croce's, and Drys happen to use the heron, the Cross/Croce symbol too.

Amazingly, the three, white Aincourt plates are on a fesse, as are the three, white plates of Penns/Pence's who in turn named Pennsylvania!!! The faked assassination was in Pennsylvania!!! Penns/Pence's share "dum" with Crooks-like Cross'/Cruce's while Dume's/Dome's share the heron with Horns/Orne's and Herons!!!! The horn-using and Shoot-connectable Scoots/Scougals have a "writing pen"! Bullets/Bullheads were first found in Surrey with the Scottish Michaels who in turn have "A hand holding a quill (writing pen)" (brackets not mine)!!!!

Is MIKE Pence behind the faked assassination so that Bushites can stab Trump in the back in due time, before the election, by revealing that he's in on the hoax? Bulls/Bule's were first found in Somerset with the Webbers looking related to Scottish Michaels, but compare Webbers to nearby, WEFer-branch Wafers who in turn share the Aincourt plates.

Is the bulldog of the sleeping beauty dream about to get SWALLOWed by the shark? Swallows (Lincolnshire with Cross'/Croce's) were a branch of Erie-connectable Sallows.

The Cheneys are enemies of Trump. The Cheney "bull's scalp" is almost the Bullet/Bullhead symbol, and Cheneys were once said to be first found in Buckinghamshire with Penns/Pence's. Shaun Attwood (July 28/29) quotes someone saying that Cheatle and Cheney were in cahoots, and that Cheatle was with Cheney at his get-away (evacuation) on 9-11.

ESCHYNa de Molle married Robert Croc while ESKINs/Erskins (Renfrewshire with Crookston) use a "pense" motto term. Molle's share the boar head of Schims/Schiens, a Skin/Scan branch. Ahhhh, "Je" is a motto term shared between Eskins/ERSkins and Erie's/Airys who come up as "ERIES"!!!!! SURPRISE. Crookstons are listed with Crooks'!!!!! Eskins/Erskins share the Blake pale bar while Blacks are probably in the "black INEScutcheons" of Crooks'. Innis' were first found in Moray with Peter Pollock whose brother, Robert, married a daughter of Eschyna de Molle.

Bull-head Bulls/Bule's and bull-head Osts/Hosts were first found in Somerset with Croce-branch Crutch's/Crouch's/Crooch's! See that? Thomas Crooks is being blamed for shooting bullets at Trump. While Eyers (beside Cheshire) use the leg, Leghs (Cheshire with Host-connectable Shirts/Shards) are also Lee's suspect in the "le" motto term of Erie's/Airys. I link the Shirt/Shard Crest to HarCOURTs while Harcourt-branch Hairs/Hare's were first found in Ayrshire with Eyer-branch Ayers. It's amazing that, aside from the double Hair/Hare fesses (probably the Harcourt fesses), they have the Butler Coat!!!!

Repeat: "Almost forgot; English Crocs were first found in Shropshire too." A "CROCoDILE" is with Irish Deans/Dene's while English Deans/Dene's (share Dile lion) share the Croc crescent. These Crocs look like kin of Coverts, first found in Sussex with Courts/Coverts, Cheneys, and Downs/Douns. Cords/Courts (share heart with Bullys) were first found in Ayrshire with Eyer-branch Ayers. Coverts (Sussex with Coppers/Coopers) can be suspect in the "COVERED cups" of Butlers.

Cords/Courts share the triple pheons of bull-head Tipps'/Tippins, kin of bull-head RatCLIFFs while these pheons are in the colors of the Cliff fesse-with-stars. Ratcliffs (Lancashire with Tipps/Tippins and Levers/Livers) share the double bends of "trumpet"-using Levers/Livers. Aha: Bullet-like Bolts and Boltons/Bultons were first found in Lancashire too! Cliffs were at Mortone-Say of Shropshire, where LIEGHTon-connectable Says were first found, and then Leghs/Lee's/Leys are also Leigh's. Compare Says and Leightons/Leytons to Malls/Marlybone's.

German Bolts were first found in Mecklenburg with Trumps and Hahns (Trump colors and format), and blue wings are shared between Hahns, English Here's/Heyers and German Herzogs!!! Herzogs share the Cliff stars. Here's/Heyers were first found in Derbyshire with Eyers!!!!! Can we believe it? This brings us back to the Kepke-connectable HERmits in the "hermit" of Sheds, the latter first found in Ayrshire with Ayers and Hairs/Hare's.

Butler-like Bottle's/Bootels (Lancashire with Bolts, Boltens/Bultens and Charlie's/Chorleys) are said to have named Boltelai. Bottle-using Charlie's/Chorleys (share Bolten/Bulten chevron) have a Crest showing exactly as the Bolt Crest, though the two are described differently. Charlie's/Chorleys call their Crest a hawk's head, and the Strike's in the Hawk motto were also first found in Lancashire. Butlers have a plume of ostrich feathers while Wrays (Lancashire) have an ostrich. Wrays were at Wray-with-Botton, a possible Bolton location. Wrays have Chief-Shield colors in reversed from the same of Butlers and French RAYmonds.

It's important now that Butlers and Wrays are in English Butt/Bute colors because German Butts/Bute's/Boets have a Coat almost that of Pierro's/Pero's, first found in Pavia, while the Wray Chief is the English Pavia Coat in colors reversed. Pavia is/was also, Papia, and Peppards share the triple Wray martlets and the fleur-de-lys of English Raymonds.

Christ(opher) Wray is the corrupt FBI chief in charge of giving the wink for faked, made-for-TV images for the purpose of supporting false-flag or STAGED events. It just so happens that Papa's share the swan with Chris'/Christmans (Hampshire with Keppe's/Cheppe's), and have a Coat much like the Christ/Krist Coat, both sharing the Pierro/Pero and Butt/Bute/Boet roses. Chris'/Christmans are in Kepke colors and format (gold border included in both Coats). I called Miss Peare, Chris, though born Christine, and Christine's happen to have Kepke-connectable cups. Kepke's/Kopke's were Weiss kin while Wies' were first found in Silesia with German Rose's, and then Weis' share the Pero/Perino hexagrams.

It's been a long time since checking the rifle-like Riffle's. They have a black-Shield version of the Kepke/Kopke Coat, and to this we can add that both use giant goats while Goats/Gothams share the Coat of Gripps/GRAPE's while a "grapeVINE" is used by one Kopp Coat. Vine-like Wins/Wine's share the grave/Greaf eagle, and it was Mr. Kepke, who CHASEd me with a spider at the GRAFF residence, that pointed to graphene-oxide in mRNA / COVID vaccines. As I've said, while Keeps have a "weaver's shuttle," German Weavers/Webbers have a "Gott segne" motto phrase as part code for the Goat/Gotham line, yet the Segne's/Segurana's were first found in Genova with Face-branch Fauci's. The other German Kopps have the Moor heads "FACing each other," and Each's/Augers, in the Wimble/WINbolt/WinBALD "augur," share the lion of Graffs/Graffens/Gravs, first found in Switzerland with Goods/Guts who in turn share the Coat of Kupe/Koop-beloved Sticks. Scottish Balds share the "galley" with Keeps, and these Balds also share the "pennant" with Caddys.

He chased me with a spider, and Chance-branch Chase's were first found in Hampshire with Keppe's/Cheppe's/Kipps. French Chance's were first found in Savoy with Riffle's, and with Galli-branch Gays, and the latter even share the Kopff/Kopfer goat. The gold Galli and Gay rooster could be the one of Levers/Livers that itself stands on a "trumpet," but it's a long shot without connective evidence. Wimble's/WinBALDs have a "symbol FOR Mars," not "symbol of Mars," and Fore's/Forez's were first found in Savoy who love Travers in their motto who in turn were first found in Lancashire with Levers/Livers. Travers share the scallops of Flags in the "galley under sail FLAGs" of Balds.

The problem is, if I want to point the Riffle's to the Crooks rifle, the rest of this heraldic set has pointed to poison vaccines by Trump and Fauci. How to reconcile these two themes? Scottish Mars, first found in Yorkshire with Gay-beloved Feet, share the lion of Roofs! The Crooks rifle is reported on a roof. English Gays were first found in Surrey with Bullets/Bullheads (!!!), and the Crows in the "crow's feet" of Belgian Gays were first found in Norfolk with Wimble's/WinBOLTs (like "Bullet") and Roofs!!!! The latter's "ravens" are a crow species.

Roofs list Rolphs while English Ralphs ("raven proper") were first found in Herefordshire with Jays of De GAI. Scottish Ralphs were first found in Nairnshire with the Jay-beloved Rose's who in turn share black "water bougets" with Ralphs. Jays share the bend of Crooks', and the latter's "ineSCUTcheons take us to SHOOT-branch Scute's/Scutts, first found in Lancashire with trumpet-using Levers/Livers. The Shoots/Schute's are in the colors and format of the three Calles trumpets.

Therefore, if we ignore Mr. Kepke's pointers to poison vaccines, we still get this apparent pointer to the faked assassination if we take off merely from the Keep "galley." English Galleys were first found in Yorkshire with Keppochs, Morland-branch Morleys/Mauls, and Gay-beloved Feet. The latter are in Chip/Chipman colors while the latter share the Scute/Scutt escutcheon. We might say that Trump was at a shooting gallery.

A month or two after I last saw Miss Peare, I dated Lorraine, and she got a feet symbol at the very time that she got a babe symbol, and here we can add that while Lorraine's were Keep kin (both from the rose-depicted Varangian Rus of Kiev), Babe's share the leopard face of Morlands, first found in Westmorland with Crooks'. While Lorraine's share the Child eagle, Babe's were first found in Suffolk with Kepke-connectable Kidds, and with the Wimpy/Wimple's who show only water bougets. Wimpys/Wimple's were looked up as per the Wimpleton variation of Wimbletons.

I've told that I watched Kepke and Peare play tennis once, and Tennis' (Oxfordshire with Peare's and Crow-branch Crawls) share the leopard face of Peare's and Parsons (Norfolk with Crows). I'm at this theme due to the Wimbledon tennis tournaments. Tennis' share the so-called jessant leopard face (different colors) with Morlands, Morleys and Aids/Ade's. Leopards were first found in Sussex with Keeps.

It's also interesting that while the Secret Service feigned bullet GRAZes on Trump's CHEEK (or FACE), Grazi's share the "pomegranate" with French Crispins (Lorraine) while English Crispins were first found in Oxfordshire with Cheeks/Chicks and Tennis'. The latter happen to have the Grazi bend in colors reversed. Grazi's share the rooster (different color) with trumpet-using Levers/Livers/LOVERs while Cheeks/Chicks were kin of Love's/Luffs. Towers, said to have been kin of LOFwicks, were first found in Lancashire with Levers/Livers/Lovers. Lofwicks/Lovicks have bull heads in the colors of the "horns of a bull" of Bullets!

Luffkins, looking linkable to the chevron-with-stars of Peare's, were first found in Shropshire with Crocs! Luffkins happen to be in the colors and format of Monktons, recalling Moncktonup-WIMBorne of Cheatle's! Levers/Livers love the Propers/Roberts, and while first found in Cheshire with Cheatles', have a "key" in a "beak" while Babe-related Beaks were first found in Dorset with Wimborns. The Wimborns even have the family in neighboring Wiltshire a generation or two later, where Calles' were first found whose trumpets are in the colors and near-format of the Wimborn Coat.

The blood stains on Trump's cheek recalls that, a couple of years after I kissed Miss Peare at La Paloma, I also kissed Kepke's new woman, KIM Walsh, on the CHEEK!!! I assume she was born, Kimberly, and Kimberly Cheatle was the Secret Service Chief forced to step down as per the assassination event. Kims were first found in Butler-like Bute with Glass', and the storyline is that Crooks shot Trump from the roof of a glass-making FACTORy!!! Factors/Feschs share the estoile (different colors) with English Butts/Bute's.

Kims were a branch of McKinneys, the latter using a Jay-like "Je" motto term, and first found in Peebles-shire with the Galley-beloved Balds above. Bullet-like Bolts are also Balts. Repeat: "Ahhhh, "Je" is a motto term shared between Eskins/ERSkins and Erie's/Airys who come up as "ERIES"!!!!! SURPRISE." Wimborns share the McGEE/JEE boar heads.

McKinneys and their Fraser kin were related to Caddy-branch Keiths, and Caddys share the "pennant" with Scottish Balds and Cowes'/Coo's, the latter first found in Lancashire. These Balds also have the Flags with their pennant, and Flags share the double fesses of Stands/Stains while Lancashire's Levers/Livers have "A rooster standing on a trumpet, all proper." Propers love the Beaks.

Tennis' were first found in Oxfordshire with Peare-related Tiens/Thames' who are in turn in the motto of Square's/Squirrels who in turn share the red squirrel with Decks/Daggers, and Miss Peare's stage doubled as a wood deck. They feigned grazes to his face on a wood deck. My last night with Lorraine above was when she came home with a GRASS STAIN on the BUTT of her pants, and we saw Stains with the Lever trumpet. French Grasse's come up as "Graze," and Butts are listed with Bute's.


Here's a toxic message about Trump from RF Kennedy, where he lumps Trump with BlackRock, which may be more than mere political adversity speaking. I'm not presenting this video because I like Kennedy:

David Knight thinks that Trump could allow the co-founder of BlackRock to become the man in charge of the U.S. treasury. If Trump chooses Fink for that position, nothing more needs to be said to expose Trump as a $ick globalist:

I recommend David's third hour, July 22, for a discussion of the current computer breakdown from a CrowdStrike "error," and this wicked company's ties to election fraud and the WEF:

We are expected by God to be wrapped up in Him, partly for the purpose of changing the heart, not just the deeds. I think Jesus prefers that we be wrapped up in Him, not as a work, but as a desire, not as a duty or chore, but as a pleasure. I find pleasure in thinking on how intelligent and creative God is. His creatures are simply "crazy" from the atomic / cellular level up to their programmed minds and bodies. God is not boring, that's for sure. He's a fantastic builder of moving systems all working together in harmony. There is such a thing as the perfect human heart, what God wants to see, but none of us have it. Yet. Keep on, stay the Course, seek and find the Spirit, don't turn God off by what we do or think, or we suffer loss, suffer deterioration (defilement).

If you would like the sermon alone, go to the 30th minute:


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
Also, you might like this related video:

Pre-Tribulation Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture