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October 2006.

The mythical Bellerophon had fought against the Chimera dragon, as well as Amazons and the Solymi. It's likely that he fought the bloodline depicted by Melampus, his cousin, for Melampus comes out looking like a Solymi people in that his father, Amythaon (Amazon?), was a descendant of Salmoneus (website below). The latter, whose name reflects "Solymi" not likely by coincidence, depicted Pisidians in particular, because he ruled in Pisa (of Elis). I don't yet know whether Pisidians were a branch of Solymi, or vice versa, but the two are generally viewed as the same peoples.

One could get the impression that the Melampus bee-line included either/both Amazons and/or the Chimera (Cimmerians?) dragon. In light of emphasis in previous chapters on tracing the mythical lion (Nergal) from the Colchian Laz to: Cilicia, Lydia, Mysia, Italy, and Britain, it may now come with more meaning that the Chimera dragon was a lion...with a goat's head growing from its shoulder/back. What could be the difference, therefore, between the lion-goat alliance here versus the bee-goat alliance of Crete (seen in the previous chapter)?

I think it's this, that the bee symbol came to Asia over the north side of the Black sea, with Opis and Arge, while (I think ) the lion symbol belongs to the Luwian peoples on the south side, in that "lew" is the Aryan word for lion. The Luwians just happen to be the Hurrians who veered into Syria and Cilicia and much of Asia, the very peoples I am tracing as the dragon bloodline. This does not necessarily mean that all nations taking the lion symbol came along the south side of the Black sea, for those dragon-liners coming along the north shore could have adopted the lion when making alliances with dragon liners on the south shore. These were the Horites that I say became the Curetes: "Some say the Kouretes were metamorphosed into lions by Kronos as punishment for helping Rhea [Kybele]."

There you go. The lions refer to the Zeus side of the Solymi peoples, the Curetes, and yet I also view the Cronus side as Horites...that became Carians. In that case, Carians might also have been depicted as lions.

If Pisidians ended up in Pisa of Italy (west coast north of Rome), why not also in Positano (west coast south of Rome)...that is known to be named after Poseidon? Shouldn't Pisidians have been the ones to continue on to Britain to become the Brets and/or Cymri of Atlantis, since Poseidon was made the head of Atlantis?

Recall from the previous chapter that some of the Minoans settling Pisidia also went to settle Boiotia. Knowing that the Pisidians were from Aeolus (Melampus was from Aeolus), don't these Mino-Pisidians smack of the Aeolus-Boiotus twins that I had earlier deduced (months before I knew anything of Pisidians) as the basis of Poseidon's Atlantis?

It is known that Aeolus was on the west coast of Italy, wherefore one could start to entertain that the peoples he depicted were the same as Positano's and Pisa's Pisidians. The obvious importance here is that identifying Aeolus also identifies the Atlanteans of Britain, while a good possibility is that Aeolus depicted the Sarmatian Alans (long before they appear in historical records) since Pisidians can be identified as Amazons while Sarmations were half Amazon. In any case, Pisidians settled Pisa in Elis, wherefore we could suspect "Aeolus" to be the peoples naming Elis. That makes good sense: Pisa and Elis became the Aeolian islands and Pisa of Italy's west.

I would go so far as to claim that Italy was named by Pisidians/Solymi, even as there was the Pisidian city of Attalia. As Atlas was Poseidon's son, wouldn't Atlas -- after whom Atlantis was named -- have been a Pisidian? Are you with me? Atlantis was founded by Pisidians. Is that a small discovery? Couldn't we now identify Atlas as Attalia that then became Italia? This makes perfect sense, for Sulmo in Italy -- probably derived from "Solymos" -- was at the base of mount Maiella, a honey-like term that was named after Maia, daughter of Atlas! This is no small discovery, and if I'm tooting my own horn, it's because it deserves a little noise, and because I want the reader to know when something important is being said.

An email correspondent, Robin, might be interested to learn that Phaselis (a Pisidian city introduced in the previous chapter) was at the base of Mt. Tahtali, for she is seeking the roots of her Tuttle ancestors (of Britain way)...whom she has traced to Rollo, Carolingian rulers, etc. Robin is much interested in Bec-Hellouin (Normandy) because it furnished Tooting Bec in England. So look at this: "In order to climb Tahtali, the first place one has to get is Beycik Koyu." Also, my connection of the Pisidians to Helen/Alan terms matches the "Hellouin" term at Bec.

Good evidence (in my mind) that these peoples arrived to Britain is in this: "...the monstrous Chimera that used to live in Tahtalidag" (website above). Assuming that I'm correct in tracing Bretons/Cymri and their lion symbol to Chimera-branch Cimmerians, might not their abiding at Tahtali have caused them to bring that term to Britain...which term has survived to this day as "Tuttle" and its variations? The importance of mount Tahtali is in it's being called "Olympos" as well, for on its southern side there was a city by that name.

Robin's story intrigued me all the more as she also traced her bloodline to Hamiltons, while I viewed that surname as a version of "Gamil," which I derive from Kemuel, third son of Nahor...who I believe was Poseidon's second son, Eumelus = founders of Camallan = Camelot. The term "Camallan" is conspicuous here in this chapter where I consider rooting Atlantis in Sarmation Alans.

The problem that British-Israelists will have with this view, not to mention all who have taken pride in rooting their British bloodlines to Israel and to Israel's God, is that Aeolus now comes out looking like Nahorites. Pisidians were Nahorites, that is, and if I have been correct in viewing Poseidon as Buz, second son of Nahor, then Pisidians were mainly Buzites...and probably an extension of Buzi/Busae Medes. With so much emphasis coming down on Amazons, a peoples that stressed their matrilinear/female side, I have started to wonder if "Mede/Maat" didn't itself derive from "mater."

This would be a good place to repeat (for new readers) that the Eden cult goes back to Utu of Sumeria, and that Nahor probably named his first-born, "Uts," after Utu. Zeus, the greatest among the Pisidians, is then Satan of Eden, the snake responsible for the fall of mankind, to whom all the miseries of humanity will be blamed. Anyone who wishes to glorify Zeus, therefore, must partake in the punishment coming to Satan. Do we still wish to glory in tracing our bloodlines to this cult, to Rollo and Carolingians, to Merovingians and Crete, to Egypt and Trojans?

I was on the Tuttle topic not many chapter back ("Well Albi Damned"), where, because Bec was established by Clares, I added that "The Hellouin Coat is very close to the Clare Coat, and both use the red and gold colors [of the Vaux/Baux]."

Clearly, the Cretan cult that incorporated the Pisidians continued onward in Italy as a Titus/Tatius codeword....for which reason there should be a high possibility of linking back to Tahtali. The following "Titias" of Crete and Phrygia should be ancestral to the Titus-Tatius cult of Sabina Italy: "Apollonius Rhodius mentions the hero Titias and Cyllenus as the principal Dactyls [i.e. Curetes of Crete]..."

This Titias was a god amid the Kybele cult, but behold that he stemmed out of Cilicia, for he was son of Anchiale:

"Anchiale, daughter of Iapetus, founded Anchiale (a city near Tarsus): her son was Cydnus, who gave his name to the river at Tarsus: the son of Cydnus was Parthenius, from whom the city was called Parthenia: afterwards the name was changed to Tarsus." (brackets not mine)

Wouldn't "Cydnus" depict the Cati of Cilicia? The article goes on to trace both Anchiale and Titias to the Cretan cave where Zeus was raised, this then allowing us to trace Curetes back to Cydnus of Cilicia. These are the lions. This was the Illuminati.

Let me now underscore the importance, for in a recent chapter I learned that the gold lion symbol of England was first the very symbol of Rollo, the first-known Sinclair. The Lydian city of Clarus was home to Delphi-like oracles, and in keeping with the Daphne bloodline that controlled them, so "a group of Theban refugees...among them was Manto, daughter of the seer Tiresias [Daphne's father]...came to Clarus, which is near Ephesus where they were seized by the Cretans, but when Rhacius [king of Caria] learned who they were, he let them settle in the country and married Manto." (square brackets mine). There's a great map of the Greek theater (that you might like to print out) at the website below, where the above quote is found.

In other words, Manto was the very same peoples as depicted by Daphne -- descendants of Tiresias -- which is why I wouldn't be surprised to find Sinclairs rooted in the same. Later, I'm going to show why Manto and similar terms depicted Avar-branch Hebrews. I'm ready to announce that the marriage of Rhacius to Manto was both a Hebrew-Alan and Hebrew-Rus alliance...wherefore we can view the dragon line as both Rus and Alanic on the non-Hebrew side. I'm suggesting that Rhacius depicted the Roxolani.

Keep in mind that I'm of the opinion that the so-called "rose line" belongs to Rollo's Rus as well as to Merovingian Franks, so that the red and gold colors of both the Sinclair lion and of the Vaux/Baux Septimanian Goths should prove to be a ros(e)-line symbol (gold cup and red blood within?). For new readers, the Vaux/Baux symbol is red and gold checks, thus proving that they were a Cohen branch.

The Clarus oracle being located in Lydia squares with the Delphi cult being the "Apollo Oracle," for Lydia, mythically "Leto," was Apollo's mother: "Alkiphron of Maiandros says there is a mountain village near Ephesos [in Lydia], formerly called Leto’s village (Letous)..." (Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae 1.31d).

Letous couldn't have been too far from Clarus, as both are said to be "near Ephesus," for which reason also I'm ready to view Sinclairs as Ladon-dragon peoples (the other reason for a Sinclair-Ladon connection is that Sinclairs were placed in charge at Roslin, in Lothian). I'm assuming that Leto is the Ladon dragon leading to the west as Phaethon = the snake-woman, Echidna = the Akkadian Cutha. It's likely telling that Phaethon was also said to be "Sol" (i.e. the Solymi?), which is why I and others equate Phaethon with Apollo, for Apollo was known as "Sol."

I don't think it's coincidental that the Chimera dragon has a third head, a serpent's head at the tip of the tail, while the wyvern species of mythical dragon has a sharp point at the tip of its tail (i.e. the sharp point = the Chimera's tail). But now behold the intimate tie of Clarus to Leto:

"[At Argos] is the sanctuary of Leto...The statue of the maiden beside the goddess they call Khloris (Pale), saying that she was a daughter of Niobe, and that she was called Meliboia at the first" (Pausanias, Guide to Greece 2.21.9; round brackets not mine).

Hooey! It looks like I was right when guessing that Sinclairs (initially "Claros") were named, not after "light" as claimed," but after the Greek "chloros" = green (i.e. washed-out-green, like chlorine). Leto was associated with a goddess called "Khloris," so that the nearby city of Clarus must have been a Khloris branch of the Leto/Ladon nation. The green people, apparently. This peoples should connect to the green of the Selene/Molech dragon, to Picts and Lothians, and to the green dragon of both the Veres and Crichtons.

As Khloris' name was at first Meliboia, it was a honey-bee cult alright, and so one wonders if honey wasn't regarded as yellow-green. Recall also the peoples of Caunus (in nearby Caria) who were viewed as yellow and green skins...and therefore thought today to have had malaria. The point is, might the Greek "meli" derive from the same yellow-green term that furnished "malaria"?

How tempting is it to connect Caunus of Caria to Chania of Crete (some details of the latter are in the previous chapter)? I will soon publish my chapter on Cvenland, who were Sitones of lake Malaren of ancient Gotaland!! Those explanation marks are for the alternative of "Chania," that being "Cydonia," a term evoking both "Sitones" and "Cati/Goths. Just as Ephesus and the surrounding region is known to have been Amazonian, so it is believed that Kvenland was named after "woman/queen," even as Sitones were reported to have been ruled by woman while Goths were implied (by Jordanes) to have been Amazons. What is even more satisfying is that the Rollo Sinclairs are traced by at least one website to the kings of Finland (Cvenland was usually affiliated with Finland), and these I expect to find were of mythical Rig...that mixed with British Picts to form the Swedes and Danes. Hmm, Rhacius...Rig. Hmm.

In Norway, the Rig peoples were historically the "Arochi," and so I'll mention here Lorri's keen eagle vision in seeing "Araxes" in that term, a point well taken because I had previously published, before I knew that the Rus traced to the Araxes/Aras river, that Rig depicted the historical Roxolani. To view the mythical Rhacius as Roxolani is nicely corresponding to my theory that the Carians/Pisidians were of Aeolus (and/or Hellen) Alans, for "Roxolani" is known to be Ros-Alan!

To support my expectations that the Solymi led to Helen of Sparta (= Helenus of Epirus) so as to be capable of leading to Abruzzo/Sabina Italy (i.e. where Sulmo was situated), Salmoneus was the son of Aeolus, son of Hellen. As Sarmatians/Alans were a Gorgo-Amazon mix, it reveals the Solymi/Pisidians as such a mix.

The website where the above quote is found continues to show that the Khloris peoples moved to Argos, but it also shows the roots of these peoples in what I would think was "Manto" (daughter of Tiresias = Daphne:

"The Mantineans [of Mantineia, Arkadia] possess a temple composed of two parts, being divided almost exactly down the middle by a wall. In one part of the temple is an image of Asklepios ... the other part is a sanctuary of Leto and her children..." (Pausanias, Guide to Greece 8.9.1)

Asklepios just happened to be depicted with a staff entwined by a single serpent, evoking the caduceus of Tiresias (staff with two serpents entwined). Asklepios is thereby revealed as one of the two Cadusii peoples considered sacred. Plus, that's our first clue to connecting mythical Manto to the Cadusii, which then has importance if Manto depicted Avars as I suspect (i.e. it makes for an Avar-Cadusii connection/equation).

Manto must also connect to Leto, which in the broader picture depicts the Lydian/Mysian family of peoples, including the Lada goddess of Lycia, Lada of Lithuania, and no doubt the bulk of Amazons in the Asian theater ("lada" means "woman"). This tells me that the Aryan/Argive side of the Laz dragon was Meshech to a great degree (i.e. because Amazons were Meshech), but also reveals that Ladon was itself an Amazonian entity.

The other Cadusii serpent should prove to be Glaucus:

"Aesculapius on one occasion was shut up in the house of Glaucus, whom he was to cure, and while he was standing absorbed in thought, there came a serpent which twined round the staff, and which he killed."

Mythical Bellerophon became the enemy of the Amazons and of the Chimera that I am now tracing to Britain. He was from Ephyra (early Aphrodite-like name of Corinth), where Aeetes had ruled, wherefore Bellerophon was likely an Aphrodite-branch Hebrew peoples allied to Corinthian Colchians. The fact that he defeated these two peoples as well as the Solymians suggests that his Hebrew branch became superior at that point in the Pisidian/Lycian region. As Corinth was the home of the boar line, I think its safe to tie Bellerophon to Endymion, the Elis/Aetolian Calydonians removed to Miletus.

These boars should be distinguished from the Pasiphae-branch Colchians of Miletus and Pisidia. I would think that the Chimera dragon (the lion body, anyway) was just those Pasiphae Colchians...for they had come from Crete to Rhodes, while Rhodes possessed the city of Kamiros, a city deemed to be a child of Helios (as was Aeetes and Pasiphae). As Helios was himself another version of Sol, the Solymi should root back to that Gorgon sun god. Perhaps "Helios" was so named to represent the helix shape taken by the two caduceus serpents. As the staff around which the serpents coil is easily identified as th sun god, Attis, he and Helios were one peoples in different places. As I view both serpents as Cadusii Semites, Asklepius may translate to the Askenazi "Jews."

It doesn't seem like a coincidence that Aphrodite was the one who made Aeetes' daughter, Medea, fall in love with Jason, and that the two ruled Corinth when married. It's clear in my mind that proto-Corinth was founded by Apiru-branch Hebrews, this supporting my earlier assessment that the boar symbol, based in Corinth, depicted Hebrews. As these very Hebrews lead to such peoples as the Ebroicum and the Bruce kings of Scotland, and to such locations as Abruzzo, Epirus, Evreux, Paris, and York, those entities can be viewed as Aphrodite-based/founded. Recall how I was seeking the identity of the shell symbol found on many Coats of Arms, including that of the present Pope, and then read this:

Aphrodite, Foam Born, rose naked from the Sea on a scallop shell. Blown by the gentle East Wind, Aphrodite's first stop was on the island of Cythera, and therefore her name Cytherea. But Cythera was such a tiny island that Aphrodite kept moving and eventually got to Cyprus, where she began living in Paphos. Cyprus still has the largest Aphrodite cult found, and the goddess Kypris is an epithet for Aphrodite. The temple to Aphridite Urania..."

Cytherea? Wouldn't that be Gether, son of Aram, the very base of the Kether-based Kabala as per my theory (details in a previous chapter)? As I realized that Gether was the god, Ether = sky = Uranus, so Aphrodite was made to be born of the blood of Uranus. As the second son of Poseidon, Eumelus, had "Gadeirus" as his non-Greek name, one should be able to trace Camelot back to Aphrodite. Note the east wind above, which in myth is named Euros, no doubt the same as Aphrodite's pal, Eros = the Hros.

How interesting is it that the west wind was "Zephyrus," evoking the Sabina who became the Sephardic "Jews" of Spain, and that he mated with Khloris/Chloris who in Italy was Flora, the cornucopia/goat cult? Zephyrus was father of the horses of Achilles, the latter depicting the Epirus-to-Ireland migration of the Coels/Caledonians. Could the west wind be viewed as a continuation of the east (Hros) wind? It's interesting that all four winds were fathered by Aeolus.

Doesn't "scallop" evoke Asklepios?

Asklepios was the son of Coronos. When she "preferred Kaineus’ son Iskhys and lived with him," Apollo and Zeus (i.e. the Solymi) killed her. This story seems easily recognized as a Zeus-Cronus (i.e. Solymi/Carian) war, and if "Kaineus" above depicted Caunus of Caria (the green city, remember), I would associate Iskhys-branch Carians with Asklepios (especially as both have Isk/Ask roots). But Asklepios must also be very close to the peoples depicted by Glaucus (if indeed Asklepios and Glaucus were the two serpents of Hermes' caduceus), for which reason I expect evidence showing that Iskhys and Glaucus were the same (i.e. Glaucus was a peoples at/of Caunus).

Asklepios was made the god of medicine, wherefore how fitting is the greenish term, "malatos" (= malady) applied to him? Malta and its Freemasonic "Knights Hospitaller" come to mind, also known as "Knights of Rhodes." These were those who sought to conquer Jerusalem in the first Crusade, to make the city their own, but the True God had other ideas, and humiliated these imposters.

As proof that Asklepios was one of the caduceus serpents, he has been equated with the doctor of the gods, Paeeon/Paion, which I would peg as the Paeoni of the Strymon river (Thrace) = Pan (son of Hermes). Remember that Pan was half goat (like the Chimera) so that his being an extention of the Cadusii (i.e. goat-usii) peoples makes sense. But don't these very doctor/physician codes point to Thoth/Taut? Don't be surprised if Tahtali is rooted in Taut.

Behold that Glaucus was a fisherman married to Scylla while a shell in Old English was a sciell. Glaucus was changed into a fish and "his hair was sea-green." Coincidences??? Nay, but Glaucus must have put forth the green peoples of sea-side Caunus. And behold that our English word, "glaucous," means "yellowish-green, also sea green." The Greek word is "glaukos" = blue-gray. Glucose (Greek = "glykys") also comes to mind so that, once again, a green term is a sweet term.

Behold, the Luwian "kuwanza" means "copper," as does the Hittite "kuwanna" and the Greek "kuanos" (website below). Although I added that "behold" to point out a possible "cohen/cwen" link to Caunus and to the Aphrodite copper cult, I now find myself asking if the sickly peoples of Caunus might have had copper poisoning? Sometimes I become super-amazed, for immediately after asking that question, I did a search on "copper poisoning", and at the very first website I found this:

"Acute overdose by ingestion may cause vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and jaundice. External contamination from copper can result in hair discoloration (green)" (brackets not mine).

The italics are mine because jaundice is defined in my dictionary as "characterized by yellowness of the skin and eyeballs." The website goes on to say that symptons of copper poisoning include "yellow eyes" and "yellow skin." What is amazing all the more is that before publishing this chapter, on the very day that I added the kuwanza portion above, Kathleen, the one responsible in the first place for my breaking the secrets wide open of the Kabala's sephirot codes, emailed me this:

" I scanned through [your Pisa chaper] (quickly 'cause I'm so red eyed!) 2 words came to mind. Katmandu & Kawanza! Don't ask me why, but they did." (round brackets not mine)!

She had never seen the term "kawanza" from me because it was not yet published!

Let's face it, Glaucus' mythical green hair was code for copper poisoning, wherefore Caunus was an Aphrodite/Hephaestus colony (i.e. inhabited by dragon-line copper miners/workers). But isn't this the up-coming snake-woman, Melusine, and the Milouziana Picts that were root to the green-dragon Veres?

Although my tracing of the Kabala to Horites may appear to conflict with a trace to Arameans, note that Aphrodite was supported in her landing on Cyprus by the "Horae," who, for the purposes here were guardians of Olympus, an important point that will soon connect the Horae to the Solymi and thereby tend to harden my theory wherein Horites became Carians. As the goddess of Cyprus was Kypris, wouldn't it be true that "copper" derived from Hebrew-like terms? Wouldn't it have been the Aphrodite metal workers (i.e. the Kabeiri) that named the green copper ore, "malachite," possibly after Molech?

But now behold that "malakos" in Greek means "effeminate," and in Latin the term is "mollites," evoking Melitus. A malaka is

"a term applied to men who were perceived as having the quality of unmanliness, softness or delicacy, shown by moral weakness, cowardice or a lack of perseverance. It was a condition of failure to live up to the ethical and social standards expected of a male citizen."

That is what I think the Kabeiri-cult Amazons were, a culture of effeminate men, perhaps with a high percentage of homosexuals, the dogs of society, both in their love for one another's behinds, and for sleeping too much. The woman were made to carry the daily burdens. Chauvinistic pigs? Short-tempered? It takes a man to restrain his anger and to have concern/compassion/understanding for others. Sewer mouths? Lazy gluts? Isn't it interesting that Paul in Titus 1:12 agreed with the report that "Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons." We've seen the types. Their Reward in life is to become unstable, unreasonable, insane. And what of Amazonian woman? Upstanding? Not likely. And they didn't look at all like Xena (yes, that must be a "kwen" term). Note that the Black sea was anciently "Axenos."

Who else, I ask you, but the lowest of the low would partake in the Kabeiri cult? Where did the "Jews" get the reputation for being the scum of the earth, and plotters of world rule? Not from Israelites. But from Aphrodite coming ashore as the foam of the sea, to build her weapons, that she might slay mankind and take what belongs to others. And so God gave her the punishment due her, evil passions burning her soul, dissatisfaction, and a bad reputation so that wandering would be her lot. May I ask if "cohen" (i.e. "priest") stems from "Cain"? Wasn't he cursed by God to wander the earth for the crime of murder? Did the Utu cult that called Adoni (Eden?) its god, Edom (Adam) its nation, Avvites (Eve) its glory, also call its priests after Cain? And were those priests transvestites so that the Aryan word for woman, "cwen," derived from "cohen"?

Tahtali must have been important in that it was called "Olympos." As "the etymology and meaning of the name Olympus (Olympos) is unknown," we all want to know all the more since the mountain of the gods in Greece had the same name. It wasn't until this chapter that I saw "Solymos" as a possible version of "Olympos." What think ye? Our "solemn" comes to mind, defined as "1. majesty, mystery, and power...3. ceremonial observances; sacred." Yep, that fits Olympus and the secret-society cult that dreamed up its "majestic" gods. The idea of asylum -- solo or isolated, as in "numero uno" = aloof/sacred -- come to mind. Perhaps "Olympus" should be understood as (S)olym-Pis, as in a Pisidian-Solymi alliance. And lookie here: "Tahtalidag, which was called "Tasolyma in antiquity..." Is that Ta-Solymi? Surely, it must be.

As "the Olympians worshipped Hephaestus...," we know we're dealing with the Kabeiri cult in that his wife was Cabero (she must be the same as his other wife, Aphrodite), and in fact Hephaestus was the founder of the cult, revealing that it was a cult of Hebrew metal makers (no doubt the Halybes). Hephaestus was banished by Zeus (no doubt by Zeus-Solymos) to Lemnos, an island of Amazons ruled by women and/or the Kabeiri transvestites. Remember, two tribes of the Dedanites (from Abraham and his wife, Keturah; Gen. 25:3) were the Letushites and the Leummites, possibly the Leto peoples after whom Lydia was named, and the makings of the Lemnos Amazons.

Perhaps the reason that Solomon and Jerusalem have become sacred to Freemasons is that the Solymians can be "spun" as Jerusalem (as in Jeru-Solymi) and Solomon. But how can this view explain that Zeus was made the father of the god, Solymos? Are we to view Zeus as YHWH? Nyet.

A solid reason for pegging the Solymi peoples as Semitic can be seen in the term used for Solymos' mother: Chaldene. That's no coincidence. She depicts Chaldea, a Hebrew-Semitic region of Babylon, not Israel. Mark that. Solymi connection with the Halybes/Chalybes -- otherwise called the "Khaldi/Chaldai" -- is thus evidenced. That's Aphrodite. It's a huge point, one that sorely de-bunks a Jerusalem origin for the Solymi.

There are various Amazon goddesses, Atalantis being one, but the biggest of all being Artemis. Is it a coincidence that the Statue of Liberty, which I theorized in a previous chapter to depict Artemis, is made of copper so as to become green in the rain?

Meleager and Atalanta cannot be separated, and should turn out to be Artemis of the West. A Meleager-Miletus equation smacks of sensibility in that Miletus was central in the Gael wave to Britain, but I think also the earlier Caledonian-Pict wave. It's possible that in historical terms, Meleager was a Solymi peoples, for "...the people who were formerly called Milyae, as Herodotus says, and were in still earlier times called Solymi..." Because a "y" was also a "g", might that term have been "Milgae" = Meleager = Molech? As "Milyae" was alternatively "Milyadeis," the term may be equivalent to Miletus.

Somehow the Chaldean Hebrews entered the Amazon fold. Genesis 10:26-30 provides the region in which the sons of Joktan lived, said to be between Mesha and Sephar. Who was Joktan? Just the (pre-Israelite) son of Eber = the founder of the Hebrews! Mesha is taken to be mount Masius by some, and Sephar refers to the Sepharvites. Meshe was part of the Habur/Khabur watershed. Zondervan's Bible Atlas (map 29) shows "Melitene" on the west side of Armenia, in that very region that Joktan's Hebrews lived in.

Melitene is the "Melidu" that Lorri had notified me of, which goes by many "Meli" versions; see it on this map of Mesopotamia (click bottom corner to enlarge). Wikipedia says that it was a "Hittite" and "Neo-Hittie" kingdom, though it is more rightly a Hurrian, and therefore a Subartu, kingdom. Ptolemy said that Subars lived at "the source of the Tigris River."

Subartu was loosely the Kabala empire, or what the modern Kabala views as sacred, as can be ascertained by their 10 sacred "sephirot" (the last of which is Malkut). The article says: "A palace was built and monumental stone sculptures of lions and the ruler erected"(italics mine).

The first sephirot is Kether, smacking of Gether, the brother of Mash, after whom mount Masius is believed to be named. Was Mash (son of Aram and therefore a Semite) founder of the Mysians? I don't know. I've yet to find whether the Mysians were from Mash or Meshech, and it would surprise me greatly if it turns out to be both. Recall that the Moesi of Thraco-Europe (thought to be the same as Mysians) lived on the Moschius river; see now that "...mount Masius in Mesopotamia, and from whom the river Mazeca, which has its source in that mountain, takes its name."

"Mazeca" is another name for Amazons, which is one reason why I chose to view Amazons as Meshech. Consider this online quote: "...the Byzantine chroniclers often complain of the "Mazices" (Amazigh) raiding outlying monasteries [in north-Africa]" (round brackets not mine).

It can't be a coincidence that the Meshech were called "Mazaca," and that this was the name of their kingdom in Cappadocia (see location of Mazaca versus Melitene). I've yet to decide whether Misia in Caucasian Albania (see ancient map of Caucasia) was an extension of the Meshe/Masius Hebrews, but it makes much sense. Therein in Meshe is the likely point at which Aphrodite Hebrews married the Amazons, and I would even suggest that "Amazon" is to be understood as A-Meshe.

Another clue for identifying the roots of the Solymi is in the Termessians:

"...the Termessians referred to themselves as Solymoi and venerated Zeus Solymeus...the inhabitants of Termessos had the greatest claim and identified with [the Solymi] most closely. Indeed, in the land of the Termessians one could be shown the former camp of Bellerophon and the tomb of his son, cut down by the hand of Ares (Strab. 13.4.16), who was the father of the Solymoi in some traditions..."

The Oracle and Cult of Ares in Asia Minor

"Termessian" has such a similarity with "Artemis" that I was tempted to define her as those peoples. I was also tempted to view them as Ter-Mysians. Termessos is in the Pisidian/Lycian theater, but I think it is an extension of "Thermodon," the (modern Terme) river where Amazons lived and mated with Gargarians! The river was some 30 miles east of Samsun, which is itself immediately north of the Amasya province, anciently "Amaesia," evoking "Moesia." The Amazon city in the Thermodon valley was Themiskyra, this surely the origin of Ar-Temis.

This so clinches the Amazon-Solymi equation that one must conclude an Amazonian/Gogi Zeus and Amazonian/Gogi Poseidon. But if Poseidon was a Buzite, and therefore a Hebrew, then, zowie, Hebrews did have an intricate role in the Biblical Gog, Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.

There was a goddess named "Themis" who, like Aphrodite, was a daughter of Uranus and Gaia. She was one of the twelve Titans, in fact, and is credited with giving birth to the Horae! She did this with Zeus. Therefore, when we read that the Horae assisted Aphrodite after the Cronus-Uranus war, it was an alliance between Thermodon Amazons and Aphrodite Hebrews.

The website below says that the mythical Thermodon's daughter was "perhaps Harmonia." The reason that I point this out is to suggest that these were the Ares-branch Amazons of the north Black-sea shores, which idea coincides with the report of Herodotus that Thermodon Amazons sailed north into and beyond Azov to mix with Scythians in becoming the Sarmations. To this add that the ancient Pontus is known to have had a Hellenic backdrop. Moreover, Thermodon was in Pontus, and as a god, Pontos was son of Aether/Uranus.

One good thing here is that I had (in a previous chapter), while seeking the identity of the Biblical Gog long before this book was anything, concluded that he was from the Mysians, and that Mysians were from the north shore of the Black sea and thereby connected to the Scythians proper of Magog/Caucasia. But I am not just now locating Mysians on the north just to harmonize with my previous chapter, but rather it coincides with my locating Apollo, Artemis, Opis and Arge, on the north side prior to entering Greece and Lydia. My deduction is, therefore, that the Laz of Colchis mixed with these Artemis Alans (situated just north of Colchis and Iberia), and that the Alans also configure to the Nergal lion that then became the Lydian lion...when the two peoples joined and moved to Asia together.

As Apollo and Artemis were given code words, "Arge" and "Opis," I am convinced that Pisidians (including the Solymi) are linked, not to the Cilicia Cati on the south shore of the Black sea, not to the Luwians lion on the south shore, not to the Daphne Cadusii in the Mediterranean, but to the Hyperboreans ("far-northerners") from whom Opis and Arge were from. This was far-north Gog. The Biblical Gog was a proto-Pisidian peoples, from Opis on the Tigris (indeed, Scythians and Sarmations are traced by others to Iran).

On the other hand, I would trace lion-symbol families to the south shore Hebrews/Kabala, the black lion of the Hohens especially. Because the Kabala cult was officiated by priests called "Galli," wouldn't they have been the cohens and therefore the roots of Hohens/Cohens and Katz surnames? Shouldn't that Luwian lion, Nergal, be viewed as Ner-Galli? Behold now that, while the Nergal lion was made married to the Lazica Caucasians, the Irish Lee Coat uses three black panther heads, while the Lee Crest uses a black lion. This is not only important because of what Greenway7 once suggested, that the Fleur de Lis was secretly a Lee/Levi symbol, but because "Lee" was derived from the Gaelic "Laoidigh," almost exactly "Laodicea!!

Theorizing, therefore, that "Lee" was a short form for "Ladon," and seeing at the website that "Lee" is a version of "Leigh," I checked the Leighton Coat thinking that it should be the Ladon dragon. And so see that the Leighton Crest (link above) uses a black Wyvern dragon (!!) and that the Coat is nearly the red-and-gold quartered Vere Coat...which is conspicuous in that the Veres use a green Wyvern dragon (Wyvern species are unique in having only two legs and pointed tails).

As I tend to root Cohens in terms such as "Chan/Conn/Caun," see that the English Caen/Cann Coat uses three gold leopard heads on red banner, and what could be a Cohen blue and silver field. Recall that three gold lions on red is the symbol of England, that the English lions were taken from the Arms of Normandy, and then see at the above link that the Caen surname derived from Caen, Normandy. Recall that I had reason to believe that Cohens stem from the Irish Conn terms, of what became the red and gold Donald surname, and yet the same Irish Danann put forth the blue lion Rory-branch Donalds, wherefore see that the Louvain Coat uses a blue lion.

But the Leeuwen Coat uses three black panther heads, suggesting solidly that Lees and Leeuwens were one and the same. Now see that the Tuttle Crest uses a crowned black lion. Note too that the Lee Coat uses a black wavy chevron evoking the Sinclair Cross.

The English Lee Coat uses a red lion on gold, suggesting roots in Scotland/Donalds = Irish Lees.


Manto-Branch Sepharvites
This is a discovery of a mythical term
that greatly assists in identifying
the Solymi and Pisidians.

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