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October 2006.
Reading previous chapters is required to make this one understood best.

Just a day after publishing the previous chapter, I was side-tracked by an important discovery, resulting in this and the next chapter(s). I don't know how I've spent so much time on this dragon-cult topic to date without coming across the people-group, Cabelees (sometimes "Cabalees/Cabalians").

Earlier, I had come to believe that the Cati of Cilicia moved to the Phrygian region to become the, or part of the, Kybele cult. The only evidence I had was my personal view that the Cutha of Akkadia were the deepest roots of the modern Kabala. I had no documented evidence of a Kybele-Kabala connection and yet trusted that the two were one and the same. I then proceeded with more confidence upon finding that the Kybele realm in western Asia was called "Cilicia."

Realizing that both Cilicias were named by the Kybele cult itself, one has reason to suspect a people-group by that name, and the dragon claw should prove to point to Colchians...though perhaps to a peoples who had become the Colchians as well as other peoples going by a similar term. The term "galgal" is Semite for "gargar," where both mean "chariot/cart." These would translate to the Gorgons/Georgians, and so note that there are a multiple Gilgal locations off the Israeli coast...that may have been extensions of Cilicians.

The main root becomes "Gilg" and "Gorg" with time, and also "Colc" and "Chalc," and this immediately evokes "Galicia." I do not think that it is a coincidence that our universe was called a "galaxy," for it tells me that a people group by that name are central to those dragon line astrologers who name(d) the heavens. These terms coincide with my previously-stated suspicions that "Cilix," the mythical symbol of Cilicia, is the true holy grail/chalice of the Illuminati. It wouldn't surprise me to find that the CalEdonians of Scottish Alba are the "holy" western extension of these eastern sorcerers, and I would again remind you of the Cole/Kyle bloodline.

As you can see for yourself, there are few websites so much as hinting at a Kybele-Kabala connection. Surely, it's not I who is strange, but rather the world of historians have so been conditioned to ignore mythology as spurious that they would rather sit in the dark than move forward to unlocking historical realities. And so I now say that the following (from Herodotus 7.77) serves ancient evidence for certain Cilicians becoming allied to the Kybele cult: "The Cabelees, who are Meiones and are called Lasonii, had the same equipment as the Cilicians."

This doesn't prove that Cilicians became the Cabelees, and in fact I am beginning to doubt it myself for another theory forming in my mind, that the Cabelees were a (Hebrew-Gogi) peoples moving along the north shore of the Black sea, who then came into Asia from the sea's western end, where they contacted the Cati coming along the southern side of the sea (i.e. from Cilicia). I'm claiming, therefore, before all the evidence is in, that both groups had been previously from the same stalk and for that reason became allied to the point of forming the Kybele cult together. In fact, the cult was so old that they were likely its independent carriers before each set out from Armenia.

At a Meshech website, there is an excellent ancient map of Caucasia (click lower-right corner to enlarge and navigate). One can see the Cabalaca in southern Albania, between Gogarene and Gagara. To the north, at the top of the "L" of "ALBANIA," there was "Misia," extremely important in that the Kybele cult was partly in Mysia (beside Phrygia), and moreover I'd automatically trace the dragon cult to Mysians in that Mysians were fore-runners to Lydians. The Aras/Araxes river is the one running between "ARMENIA" and "MEDIA" and then up toward Colchis.

I now know that the Cutha were just south of the Cabalaca, in Cadusia (just off the map's southern side). Therein is another example of my making important headway using mythology, for I had connected Hermes to Armenia, in print (where historians-proper were not prone to making such leaps based on similarity with mythical terms), but only years afterward did I find that the caduceus symbol belonging to Hermes depicted the Cadusii peoples at/beside ancient Armenia. This is not due to the superior intelligence that I definitely do not possess, but to my acceptance and understanding of mythology as secret-society code depicting historical realities.

Look on the map again and ask if the Cadusii didn't name Soducena? But even if not, wouldn't it be wise to trace the Cadusii to the "Cadaca" term seen immediately below Misia? In this way do I suspect two Cutha-Kabala migrations, this Misian/Cabalaca/Cadaca one, over the north shores of the Black sea to become the Mysians and Cabelees, and, secondly, the Gath-based Cati from Israel...through Phoenicia and Cilicia (as Cadmus and Cilix his brother coming to Kabeiri-infested Thebes).

I now look to trace all allies of the Cabelees to Caucasian people groups. The Meonians (equated by Herodotus with the Cabelees) may be the Mannae = Armenia, and, surely, the Lasonii (said by Herodotus to be what the Cabelees were called) must be the Laz peoples of Colchis, something that has escaped others, for after reading a long treatment on Cabelees-related peoples (the Solymi), the author questioned where they may have originated. He spoke at length on the oracle of Ares, and even connected Ares to the Solymi, but apparently neither he nor the world of historians know, or are convinced, of an Ares connection to the Aras valley. The article can be seen at: The Oracle and Cult of Ares in Asia Minor; if not available there, see here

Maeonians/Meonians are known to have been 1) a peoples ruled by mythical Attis = Manes bloodline, and 2) a peoples contributing much to the development of the Attis-founded Lydians!! The historical Cabelees connection to Meonians thereby identifies the Cabelees as part of the Lydian/Ladon family. This helps to trace Lydians backward to other parts other than Colchis, for while the Lazi are shown on maps upon the Black-sea coast of Colchis, the Cabalaca (and Cadusii) were on the Caspian coast...= Gorgo-Parthian/Aryan country.

The apparent contradiction wherein Lydians derived from Meonians and Mysians can be explained in that both are true, yet I would suggest that neither were innately ancestral as were the Laz. As there is some discussion as to whether Meonians and Mysians were in fact proto-Lydians, one could entertain either Meonians or Mysians as having been (the mythical) Laz's husband: the Nergal lion (= god of the Cutha). As the Cadaca and Misians were side-by-side in Albania, I'd first entertain Mysians.

What would be most ironic if indeed the Mysians were the Nergal lion is that the lion would depict the Gogi -- in that Mysians will prove to be the Biblical Gog -- while Illuminatists have been declaring for a long time, and especially today, that they are of the lion of Judah.

[Update November 2006 -- I'd like to introduce another email correspondent who is expressing interest in this topic and helping wherever possible in getting to the bottom of this cult. Her name is Julie (so far all my fellow dragon-bone seekers are women...come on men). Today, due to Julie's emphasis on Ereskigal in one email, I found something of importance that fits right here. I had previously wondered if the "spouse" of Nergal, Ereskigal, should be understood as Hros-Gogal, when today I came across an article making Ereskigal the spouse of "Gugulana." Wow. The article puts it like this: "Ereskigal...was the consort of Nergal and queen of the underworld, and mother of Ninazu...Her consort is also identified as Gugulana." End Update]

Therefore, my claim that is nearly as old as the start of this book, that Gogi peoples in disguise have moreover been trying to pass themselves off deceptively as Israel, is proving to be bang-on. It would not surprise me to find that Gogi Illuminatists are the ones attempting the hardest to convince the world of Christians that the anti-Christ will be an Israeli (the Bible makes no such claim/allusion). But these things only underscore my growing realization that the Gogi were, and still are, Hebrews to a large degree. This is the very point that I missed when starting this book in 2002, a realization that didn't occur to me until May of this year (2006), for which reason this book has been modified greatly to include that aspect with priority.

Having learned that the dragon cult and the Kabala were/are one, my suspicions that the Gogi began in Afghanistan caused me just now to inquire on the ancientness and people-group origins of Kabul, Afghanistan. And what I instantly found is astonishing. Look at how succinctly an article traces Kabul to what appears to be the Kabeiri in Afghanistan:

"The earlier records of Kabul or Kabol are a mention of Kubha as the name of a river around 1200 BCE and a reference to the settlement Kabura by the Persian Achaemenids around 300 BCE. Kabul was known as Chabolo in antiquity" (italics mine).

Another point to make is that "In some versions of the Aryan migration theory, the Indo-Aryans migrated to India via the Khyber Pass." This pass was adjacent to the Kabul river, suggesting two different peoples. I would of course view the Khyber entity as Hebrew, and suspect the Kabul entity to have basically been Aramean...but with the Khyber Hebrews mixed in, for surely the two moved to Asia Minor as the Cabelees and Kabeiri cults. What was astonishing to find on top of this is that, while the Asian and Greek Kabeiri were connected to Aphrodite, "The Afridi tribe [of Afghanistan] is the most powerful and dominant tribe of the Khyber Agency"!! (Afridi website below).

In order for the modern Afridi tribe to have been depicted by (mythical) Aphrodite, the Afridi term needs to be ancient. And behold that they were connected to the Pactyae tribe of Pushtans (whom I'd started to identify just two weeks ago as the root of Scottish-Alba Picts):

"The famous historian Herodotus mentions a country bordering on the banks of the Indus occupied by a people called the Pactyae who were divided into four nations, one which was the Aparthea, or Aparutai, identified with the modern Afridis."

I of course suspect that these Afghan Hebrews descended from the so-called "Apiru" on the Khabur/Habur river of Akkadia/Chaldea, and I have already mentioned my belief that Aphrodite depicted those (non-Israeli) Apiru Hebrews. One may also see the "Avar" term developed from the Aparutai, but wouldn't "Aprutium (= Abruzzo) also apply?

The following quotes speak to a presence of the Afridi long before Herodotus: "Some writers think that some tribes like the Afridis and Khattaks are indigenous...Olaf Caroe and Aurel Stein are reported to have suggested that the Afridis may be the original inhabitants of the Gandhare area rather an integral part of the great clans allegedly descended from the tribes of Israel." Assuming that it was indeed Israelites who migrated to be among the Afridi, it is logical where the Afridi were likewise Hebrews. However, knowing now that any Jews anywhere are routinely/naively traced by historians and British-Israelists to Israel, I would question whether the "Jews" among the Afridi were ever Israelites (i.e. I suspect they were Apiru instead, like the Afridi).

My first clue that Khorazan (Iran and Afghanistan) was itself the name of an Apiru kingdom is in this: "['Khorazan'] was loosely applied to all territories of Persia that lied east and north east of Kavir-e-namak." I'm taking the "Kavir" term to be an alternative of "Khyber." After all, at the website below, one can see that "Khorazin" was a corruption of "Khwarezm," so that indeed Khorazin and Khwarezm (which came to be two separate kingdoms) are both suspect as Kavir/Hebrew entities. See on a map of the Khwarezm empire that it included the stretch from Cadusia to Albania (Cadusia was at south-west end of Caspian sea).

What is all the more helpful is that the chapter I am supposed to be writing instead of this one veered into Kvenland, where the chapter had its beginnings in my seeing a Pict connection to Kvenlanders (of Finland/Sweden). I'm asking myself, therefore, if "Kven" was not rooted in the Kavirs. I can already see some evidence in the Sami peoples of Finland, for they have an Indo-look to them. Of course, way back in 2000-1500 BC, there may not have been any Indo-look anywhere.

The Khorazan-Kabala equation may just end up harmonizing with my deduction wherein the Kabala cult was rooted in Horites. Furthermore, as "Khorazan" is a corruption of "Khwarezm," it's also possible for "Hor" to have been a corruption of "Apiru/Abira/Kavir" if indeed the latter furnished "Khwarezm." That would strongly suggest that Horites were a Hebrew peoples! And this makes perfect sense where Haran and Hurrians are known to have been centered in Hebrew and/or Habur regions of Mesopotamia.

Terms/prefixes such as "Har/Ar" then become suspect as Hapiru/Habira terms. Take "Armenia" (Har-Mannae?) as one example, or even "Harmegeddon" = Har-Megiddo. Yes, "har/ar" means "mountain," but it could be that the Hebrews were mountain peoples, as they were in both Afghanistan and Caucasia, and in fact there is a good theory to be made (aside from in "Cauc") that "Gog" itself came to mean "mountain." Mountain peoples are inclined to be depicted as wolves, pine trees, eagles, and mountain lions = leopards.

Investigation into the Cabelees (or Cabali) of Asia Minor tells that they may indeed be distinguished from the Lasonii (though living amongst or beside them), but in any case the Cabelees are equated with the Solymi peoples of northern Lycia. One website says (without explanation) that the Solymi "were probably a Semitic race," and another says (without evidence) that they were the namers of Jerusalem (something I will ignore as likely British-Israeli based).

Look here at what I found, something stupendous, capable of connecting the Solymi to the very Italian region that I am constantly holding up before the reader:

Sulmona (Latin: Sulmo; Greek: Soulmon) is a city and commune of the province of L'Aquila in the Abruzzo, Italy.

Ka-pow! I am not the only one to see a Solymi-Sulmo connection; it's quite common. The city of Sulmo was at the foot of mount Maiella, which then identifies its ancient inhabitants as Atlas-line peoples because the mountain range was named after Maia/Maja, daughter of Atlas. In support of my theorizing that "Italia" was named after the same entity that named Atlas, so there was an "Attalia" (modern Antalya, Turkey) that belonged to Pamphylians, a peoples thought widely to be the Pisidians...among whose very fabric were the Solymi!

Connection of Pisidian Attalia and the Solymi to the Greek region of Aetolia is made evident through mythical Endymion (of Latmus/Miletus), for he depicted Aetolians in that his son was given the obvious code, Aetolus. Endymion was ruler of Elis, the location of the Ladon river, wherefore Elis is the expected destination of the Lydians and Solymi, as well as the ancestral root of Sulmo and Latin Italians. I cannot but therefore peg the mythical Salmoneus as central to the Solymi peoples, for he was not only a ruler in Elis, but in Pisa of Elis, thus connecting to Pisa of Italy. Endymion connects back to Cilicia because his mother was made "Calyce," virtually the same as the mythical symbol of Cilicia, "Cilix."

In myth, Salmoneus was granted the peculiarity of faking Zeus-hood and being destroyed for it by Zeus himself, which seems to mean that he and Zeus were one peoples and yet split into two (the Zeus branch becoming superior). This coincides with the Zeus-Solymos deity wherein Zeus and Solymos became regarded as the same gods (yes, Solymos was the god of the Solymi).

We are definitely among the Molech-Kabala cult here with the Solymi peoples. Evidence that they were mixed up with Cretans of the dragon bloodline is in the Minoans coming to live among/beside them in Lycia. The Minoans were half Colchian, for the witch, Pasiphae, sister of Circe and daughter of Helios, was the "wife" of Minos...revealing that Minoans were Cati on the one side (i.e. Europa and Cadmus were the same people) and Pasiphae-Colchian on the other. It is clear to me that Pasiphae depicted the Colchian peoples of Phasis, the city belonging to the (mythical) Aeetes of Colchis, and in fact Pasiphae was made Aeetes' sister.

The peculiarity of Zeus being raised on Crete by both goats and bees is now becoming clear, where Pasiphae depicted the bee peoples, and Cadmus/Europa the Cati = goat peoples. I'll explain below how Pasiphae depicted the bee line.

She conceived the children of the Minotaur, a bull-headed statue that was no doubt Molech. It's going to turn out that Pasiphae was exactly, or almost exactly, the Zeus peoples who mated with Europa to form the Minoans, for Zeus will prove to be a Pisidian people, while Pasiphae appears to be a Pisidian peoples from Phasis. This is a great triumph for me, as the identity of Zeus had always been kept in the dark by the cult who conceived him.

Pasiphae was a moon goddess, as was Selene of Latmus...while Selene was likewise the sister of Helios. I'm suggesting that the Selene dragon in Libya (that had married Endymion at Latmus) depicted the Pasiphae-branch Minoans removed to Latmus/Miletus, which would tend to make the Picts and Gaels of Ireland into Cretans to some degree...explaining how the Irish-come-Picts were called "Cruithin."

It is not merely imaginary that I say the Pasiphae Minoans removed to Miletus, for myth makes them escape war in Crete, to the Miletus/Solymi regions, where they are said to have settled among Solymi and Milyae (Herodotus mentions the Milyae along with the Cabelees). As I identify these peoples as the Kabeiri cult, see proof below, that there was (to my great surprise) a region called "Kibyratis" and/or "Kibyra" exactly in Asia Minor where the Carians and Pisidians lived:

The Milyadeis, listed by Herodotus immediately after the Kabelees, inhabited the hinterland east of Kibyra in Strabo’s time. This might suggest that the missing tribe that controlled the oracle of Ares is to be placed in the Kibyratis or far western Pisidia. The Kibyratis, Strabo informs us earlier, stretches from Caria 'as far as the Taurus and Lycia.' But Strabo also tells us that the Kibyratai of his day are descendants of the Lydians, who once held the land of the Kabaleis, and of the Pisidians who later migrated there...MATTHEW GONZALES says that the Kibyratai used four languages: Pisidian, Greek, Lydian, and the language of the Solymoi...

Matthew Gonzoles: The Oracle and Cult of Ares in Asia Minor

There's a mouthful. The Kibyra were Lydians, but may be viewed as the Hebrews among the Semite Kabala/Kybele cult. Surely, the Great Mother goddess (Cybele/Kybele) was named after the Cabelees, but to what can we attribute the failures of Kybele-featuring websites to point this out? To ignorance of the existence of the Cabelees? Nay. To secret societies having gone to great pains (for centuries) in persuading the college of historians to see the similarity of terms as coincidental? Thanks to Greenway7 I now know there was a city of Cabyle in Thrace, that was indeed attributed to the Kybele cult. It was near the mouth of the Hebros river.

You can see how critical these Cabelees are to my book, and how important it is that I trace the Kabeiri cult to non-Israelites...if that be the truth. Kybele ought to be viewed also as Tammuz, the "husband" of Ishtar (the latter was the Sumerian version of the Great Mother). Note that in Greek myth, Aphrodite was in love with Adonis (the Greek form of Tammuz), what I will view as a Kabeiri-Kabala love affair.

In the above quote, the Kabeiri come to rule the Cabelees, and the Pisidians move in among them only later. Pisidians would appear to have been from Opis on the Tigris (as was Zeus and Apollo in my mind), the inhabitants of which I view as Avvites, but also called "Avidians." As I see "Avvi/Avi" derived from the derivation of "Opis," Avvites may have been "Avis-idians" at first, my hypothetical to explain a modification to "(A)Pisidians." As I had identified the Avvites as a deep root of the bee line, the same bee/honey element ought to apply to Pisidians.

Upon creating that "Avis/Apis" hypothetical, I suddenly find satisfactory proof for it in Abas of Argos, who immediately came to mind in that I had previously traced him to the Avvites. There were various mythical Abas', and one was a seer of Argos, son of Melampus!! Those exclamation marks are for what I had already learned a day previous, that Pamphylians, and therefore Pisidians, are mythically descended (see website below) from a string of Argos seers/wizards connecting back to the brothers, Melampus and Bias (also seers). Therefore, as Pisidians connect to Abas, his name would appear to have been created as a direct depiction of Pisidians. The terms assigned (by myth writers) to his "sons," Melam-Pus and Bias, look like "Pis" rooted terms.

Surely, these Argos-rooted Pisidians were Arge and Opis, the mythical twins from Apollo's Hyperboreans. A small paragraph, but a huge revelation.

In the Pisidians, Poseidon does indeed come to mind, even the Buzites of Nahor. As the Nairi lived at Lake Van, the Bia(ini) peoples who named Van are evoked by "Bias." There is in myth another Abas: "Abas, son of Poseidon and Arethusa. A Thracian by birth, Abas founded a tribe known as the Abantians or Abantes. Abas and his Abantian followers migrated to the island of Euboea."

I would not distinguish this Abantes Abas from the Abas of Argos, except to view them at different places and/or times. What this shows is that "Abas" depicted historical peoples/places modified to "Aban/Avan." It is known that Aphrodite depicted "Charities" (Curetes?) from Cyprus, the island named after copper mining, but another realm commonly pegged as the foundation of metal making is the Chalcis-Euboea region of the Abantians, thus suggesting a metallic Aphrodite connection between it and Cyprus...and explaining why metal-smith Hephaestus was made her husband. Note that Abantes Abas gave birth to Chalcodon, a symbol of Chalcedon of Bithynia, I presume.

That the Abantes migrated to Rome may be evident in its Aventine hill, but further evidence that Abas peoples were in Rome is in the two friends of Aeneas called "Abas" (website above). I repeat this here because it supports my identifying Aeneas and Trojans as the mythical swan symbol, for there was an Abas (website above) who was turned into a swan by Aphrodite, this serving to identify the swan as both the Aphrodite-branch Hebrews and Pisidians; it moreover identifies Pisidians as, or including Aphrodite-branch, Hebrews.

It now begins to look as though a Lycian-Ligurian connection is solid (because certain Ligurians were depicted by a swan). As Zeus was the swan when he came on Leda, he comes out looking like a Pisidian (note that Poseidon was Zeus' brother). This very nicely agrees with my previous identification of Zeus as the city of Opis. By the way, whenever I say "my theory," "my this" or "my that," please don't take it as boasting or advancing myself; I use "my" so that the reader will not confuse my ideas from what is commonly believed, and/or the theories of others.

An article dedicated to the Solymi, The Oracle and Cult of Ares in Asia Minor says that "their main deity Zeus Solymeus...The Phaselites also worshipped Zeus Solymeus." Couldn't the Phaselites (of Lycia) be of Phasis, or couldn't that Colchian locality have been an extension of Pisidians? Couldn't Pasiphae have been named after certain Phaselites? Yet articles claim that Lycians from Rhodes settled the city of Phaselis. This is a complicated area requiring a chapter of its own, which I am hoping never to write.

In short, Zeus and Laodamia, depicting a mix of Pisidians and Laodicians (= Lazica), moved to Crete as Sarpedon (son of Minos), who was the same as the Pasiphae Minoans returning to Asia Minor. In that Laodamia was Zeus' partner in furnishing Sarpedon, son of Minos, it tends to reveal to me that Europa and Laodicea were one and the same, revealing that Europe was, in the minds of secret-society myth writers, founded by the Ladon dragon. Laodicea was on the Lycus river, wherefore Lycus is suspect as a Laz peoples too, supported by the fact that Lada was a Lycian goddess.

I'd only bet my yellow jacket that "Phaselis" could bee understood as Phas-Elis = Pisa-Elis? Such a combination of terms tempts me to equate Phaselis with Salmoneus, ruler of Pisa in Elis. That is, there may be Solymi blood in the city of Phaselis, and moreover Solymi blood may therefore have been in Pasiphae which case we could begin to see that the bee line in Crete, the one that raised Zeus, was of Solymi blood, even Salmoneus. I would then expect this Cretan bee blood to connect with Boiotia in order to uphold my former deductions that Boiotia was a bee-line term/entity.

I would suggest that Phaselis was a city of the Pisidians before the arrival of the Lycians from Crete. I would also suggest that Pisidians were the ones who went to Crete in the first place as the peoples depicted by Pasiphae...who soon returned to Phaselis/Lycia when fraught by war in Crete (as per the mythical account of Sarpedon-branch Minoans coming to settle Pisidian/Solymi realms). As the city of Miletus (Caria) is said to have been founded by mythical Miletos of Crete, as a result of his feeing Crete, note that Pasiphae works out to be the aunt of Miletos. To that add this: "Sarpedon was king in Milatos [Crete], what is today Mallia (he later went to Asia Minor and founded Miletos..." (round bracket not mine).

Sarpedon (serpentine?) was son of Zeus and Europa, and brother of Minos. It is Sarpedon that was depicted as the wave of Minoans to Asia, who came to rule over the Solymi and Lycians. Surely, as the peoples who named Miletus, the Sarpedon wave was the Molech honey (Greek honey = "meli") cult. See Mallia five miles from Milatos on this map of Crete, a probable base for Molech worship. Sissy, between the two cities, may be depicted by Salmoneus' brother, Sisyphus.

The easy conclusion I make is that Sarpedon belonged to the Curetes under Cretan-Zeus codeword, "Melisseus" (this was the honey peoples who brought Zeus up on Crete). It is my opinion, therefore, that Sarpedon Curetes connect with Molosse of Epirus and Molise of Sabina Italy (i.e. the Quirites). It didn't even enter my mind, when I was recently seeking a Molosse equivalent in the Miletus-Latmus region, that it would be Miletus itself.

Rhadamanthys was the brother of Sarpedon and essentially the same Minoan peoples, and so note that he ended up in Boiotia (ruled early by the goddess, Melia)! I would at least bet my silver Mr. Solar System crown that the Boiotian city of Coronea was the Cronus haunt of whatever peoples "Rhadamanthys" depicted (I think certain proto-Avars for reasons to be discussed). Coronea was moreover "the kingdom of Athamas, a son of Æolus and grandson of Hellen,", while Athamas was an Elamite peoples at the root of the Phrixus fleece symbol. We're talking the snakes of the Sarmation Alans here, mixing with Elamites.

The connection of Sarpedon to Pasiphae/Pisidians (i.e. peoples from Opis) now explains why the Sabina cult was "Ops/Opis." I had not until this point been able to see how the Opis term was derived in Italy; I have yet to find evidence connecting Opis on the Tigris to the Pisidians, but I expect it to be somewhere.

In a previous chapter (Horus-icrucian Rose in Akkadia) written months before the topic here was conceived, I had identified the children of Enarete and Aeolus (including Salmoneus and Sisyphus) as belonging to Elamite regions (i.e. of the Tigris and Susa realms). It was in that chapter that I tied Zeus to Susa and Opis (I am more certain of his connection to Opis than to Susa; the Susa connection is based solely on the similarity of terms, which may be coincidental but worth mentioning in case it is not). If it can be proven that Zeus depicted both Opis and Pisidians, it would stand as some evidence of an Opis-Pisidian equation.

The Oracle and Cult of Ares in Asia Minor says: "Plutarch relates that the Solymoi had once enthusiastically worshipped Kronos..." As this Solymi-Cronus equation/alliance came to an end, I would suggest it ended in what was described mythically as the Zeus-Cronus conflict, the Zeus side apparently depicting the Solymi and the Cronus side the Carians. Since Zeus was at that very time raised by Curetes whose task it was to protect him from Cronus, the war made be viewed as being in Crete and/or in western Asia. As Zeus was made the son of Cronus, the Solymi peoples can thereby be a Carian branch, and the picture makes my theoretical Carian-Curete equation viable. It may be that Curetes were so called due to their being Carians on Crete.

Can we distinguish the Solymi (honey peoples) from the goat peoples that contributed to raising Zeus on Crete? Or were myth writers referring to the same peoples by two different codes? Knowing that Satyrs were goats and that Saturn was Cronus, the goats would seem to have been very stock that put forth Solymi peoples. As the goats were Getae Thracians, let me remind you that the Getae, as Dacians, were living smack beside the Moses = Mysians. Not only can we for that and other reasons begin to suspect that Mysians were ancestral to the Solymi/Pisidians, but their god, Solymos, may just have been understood as Sol-Moses.

Having said that, I can now remind you of Cadmus = Cati-Mus, who can be viewed feasibly as Cati-Moses, which would then identify him as the goat-branch Solymi. Europa (Cadmus's sister) would then be identifiable as Cadmus-branch Solymi on Crete, who, in mating with Zeus, mixed it up with bee-line that bees mixing with goats define Minoans. If I am correct in identifying the bees as Buzites, then the Bessi Thracians living among/beside the Satyrs were likewise the bee-line among the goat line. While the bee line on Crete can be suspected as living at the region of Mallia/Milatos, I suspect that the goats lived on the other-west side of Crete at Cydonia (Cati?), what came to be Chania.

This tends to serve as further evidence that cohen and Cati terms were associated closely, even as Cohen and Katz surnames to this day are inter-related. Of course, I will keep a third eye open for a Chania connection to Chaonia of Epirus, and will leak here that Chania can be traced back to Israeli shores, and forward as Britomartis (Britomartis was daughter of Karma at Chania; Karma was daughter of Phoenix, mythical king in Tyre, wherefore Karma is easily identified as Europa (for she was likewise a daughter of Phoenix).

I've noted that the wife of Phoenix was Telephassa, where the "phassa" ending is no doubt the same as Pasiphae = the Colchians of Phasis. Indeed, for the father of Phoenix was Poseidon = the Pisidians. I am becoming aware that the "Tel" prefix refers to Delphi, as for example Telephus = Delphi. As Telephus is likely equivalent to Telephassa, note that Telephus was king in Mysia, by which I mean to say that Phoenix was married to Mysian elements, which then serves as evidence that his son, Cadmus, should be understood as Cati-Mysi. Telephus was son of Hercules, and Hercules in turn was regarded as Molech/Melkart in Phoenicia. I must now point out in passing that the picture of Phoenix married to Mysian elements is the likely basis of the king of Tyre being depicted as Satan himself (i.e. Gog) in Ezekiel 28. The Tel prefix, by the way, belongs to early Danaan and Daphne elements at the Nile-mouth region and/or what is now Suez.

These shameful realities are the glory of Rosicrucians, Kabalists, Illuminatists, and "illuminated" Freemasons. The sought-after rise of the phoenix bird from the ashes of its Molech-temple fires is nothing short of this sadistic, inhumane, insane cult back in our faces. It's murder and everything wicked, this in itself being reason enough for my writing this book to expose them. These are a breed of people who care nothing for the world around them, but who ape humanitarianism just to be able to knife humanity in the back when they think the situation is opportune for doing so. The Bible is ever-so significant where it describes Satan as an angel of light with murder, theft and destruction on his mind.

Recall my hunch that Britomartis depicted the Curetes that became the Cruithin = Pretani = Bretons of Ireland, and therefore the Danann and Conn terms of Connacht, Ireland. Now I find, only in the writing of these paragraphs perhaps a month later, that Britomartis was of Chania, Crete! Can that be a coincidence? Recall that I had also identified those Irish Conns as stemming from Achilles, and then see this: "In Homer's Iliad, Phoenix is one of the Myrmidons led by Achilles..."

Are these not the true Cohens, proto-Stewarts, the Kyles, and other holy grail rulers filled with the blood of their ceaseless conquests? Are these not those driven by the lusty third eye desiring to rule over all of our belongings? These are those who portray themselves as defenders of the good, leaders of the right, when in fact they have been schemers delighting in money-lust and the depravity that money can buy.

Who would continue to view Cohens as Israelites if it can be proven that Chanians of Crete were a root of Cohens? Nay, not Israelites, but, says the website below, Britomartis was a Gorgon depicted as suckling griffins. Surely this was a peoples identical (or nearly identical) to Europa. Indeed, for Zeus was born on a Cretan mountain named after Britomartis' alternative codeword, "Diktynna"...which may be the reason that Etruscans called Zeus, "Tinia."

As was my view (and that of others) that Conn terms in Ireland were hound terms, so we find that Diktynna's "temples were said to be guarded by vicious dogs stronger than bears (website above). I'm not the only one to suspect British roots in Britomartis, for "Britomart figures in Edmund Spenser's knightly epic The Faerie Queene where...Britomart connotes the Virgin Queen, Elizabeth I of England" (website above). Britomartis was no virgin; but Kabalists often use such terms to whitewash their abominable cult/bloodline, which the True God proclaims as a blood-stained Harlot. The mythical picture of Europa on the back of the Zeus, the Molech bull, is surely the reality that He alludes to when He places the Biblical harlot on the back of the scarlet dragon (Revelation 17).

The alliance between Cronus and Zeus (before their war) can be seen where Abas, the Argive seer, son of Melampus, "married Cyrene, who bore him...Coeranus." I'm assuming that both terms are codes for varying branches of Carians. There we have Cyrene, no doubt the Lydian peoples of the Cyrene region of Libya. Note that the mother of Phoenix was Libya (i.e. Poseidon and Libya were married)! There were two other Coeranus', one in Lycia and the other in Lyctos of Crete (probably all the same Carians).

There's a chance that "galaxy" was named after the Cretan region of Lyctos...and do note that "lactose" is a sweet term, but from milk, not honey. Hmm, milk and honey? Note that the Solymi were previously called "Milyae," what could form "milg/milk" and be easily deemed a Molech term. Hmm, the galaxy was viewed as the milk of the Taurus cult??!!

I'm suggesting that the Lydians of north-African Cyrene (a Molech haunt under the umbrella of Ammon) was established by a Pisidian-Carian be viewed as an Avvite-Kartli alliance that defines the Lothian/Ladon dragon of Britain. The Avvite side defines Avalon and therefore the Ladon apple garden. And, finally, as I finished writing the above sentence, a possible meaning of the "Hesperide" version of the Ladon garden came to me: He-Sephard, derived from "Sparta"! This fits with my equating Ladon with the Ares dragon, the Sparti...which is why we can anticipate a Pisidia-Sparta bloodline connection.

I highly suspect the mythical Spartan, king Lycurgus, to be the root of the modern Illuminati's Democracy, and so note that Spartan/Lacedaemonian Democracy was convened by "Ephors." Aristotle wrote that:

"The Cretan constitution nearly resembles the Spartan...and the Lacedaemonian is said to be, and probably is, in a very great measure, a copy of the Cretan. According to tradition, Lycurgus, when he ceased to be the guardian of King Charillus, went abroad and spent most of his time in Crete. For the two countries are nearly connected; the Lyctians are a colony of the Lacedaemonians, and the colonists, when they came to Crete, adopted the constitution which they found existing among the inhabitants...Further, the two constitutions are similar; for the office of the Ephors is the same as that of the Cretan Cosmi, the only difference being that whereas the Ephors are five, the Cosmi are ten in number [evoking the 10 Daktyloi]. The elders, too, answer to the elders in Crete, who are termed by the Cretans the council. And the kingly office once existed in Crete, but was abolished, and the Cosmi have now the duty of leading them in war. All classes share in the ecclesia, but it can only ratify the decrees of the elders and the Cosmi."

Cosmi. Galaxy. Huh? Do those ancient Illuminatists rule cosmology fields today, and is this why everything in the universe is named after their sacred gods to this day?

Aristotle is referring to the superior power of both the Cosmi and Ephors, for they held more power than their own kings, evoking the Illuminati that to this day pulls the strings of kings everywhere. With that in mind, read Aristotle further, where he evokes the family-based world rule of the modern Illuminati:

"At Sparta every one is eligible [i.e. any citizen may become an Ephor], and the body of the people, having a share in the highest office, want the constitution to be permanent. But in Crete the Cosmi are elected out of certain families, and not out of the whole people, and the elders out of those who have been Cosmi."

It may be that Sarpedon (Sparedon?) depicted these Cretan Spartans. There is a chance that "Ephor" does not connect to Aphrodite/Apiru/Epirus, but I hope to find where the term originated (ignoring modern definitions). I've noted from Genesis 25:4 that two sons of Midian (son of Abraham and Keturah) were Epher and Abida, and knowing that the Pisidians and Abas Argives must somehow connect with Spartans before advancing to the Sabina, I've got to wonder if Avvites/Avidians didn't begin with Abida, since after all Biblical Avvites are side-by-side with Sepharvites (2 Kings 17:24;31). There are two Midianite kings in the book of Judges, named Zebah and Zalmunna.

If Avvites were indeed from Midian's son, Abida, and Zeus from Avvites, then Zeus was a Midian peoples. This might explain why some Freemasons have been busy conveying that the Biblical God was the (pagan) god first of the Midianites, from whom Moses picked "it" up when he married a Midianite. This lie is potent, able to ruin the faith of many when in the hands a clever occultist, but the strong Believer will see through it.

Moses was a Levite, and it may just turn out that Cohens trace, not to Levites, but to Midianite priests. There is also the chance that Medes were not from Madai (son of Japheth), but from this Midian and/or his brother Medan.


The Sol that Sinneth, it Shall Die
A deeper look at the Solymi and Pisidians,
and their Amazon roots leading to
the green Clares/Claros.

Table of Contents