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Written 2002; upcoming chapters, if not in 2006, were written steadily afterward

I had been wondering whether or not to share that the Letushites, also sons of Abrahamic Dedan, may have became the Lydians, since in ancient times the country was "Lydus," a perfect match with the root of "Letushite." We may be on the rim of the Holy Grail while discussing Lydia, for many have thought that nation to be the Biblical Gog; my position is that they were a Gogi branch but not necessarily the Gog of Ezekiel 38. In Greek myth, the Lydians were, in my opinion, Apollo's mother, Leto. The first Roman Caesars descended from Lydia; they worshipped both Lydia and Apollo. But how can I even consider that Biblical Gog and/or Satanic Rome come from the loins of Abraham? Only by recognizing that the blood of Abraham plays a small part; the most of it must have been Aryan.

The father of the god, Lydus, was Attis, whom I think was Utu of Babylon/Sumer. "Ziusudra," representing a people who worshiped Utu, were inhabitants of Eridu, and came to rule the city after the people who honored Enki had ruled there. Zeus was possibly a peoples (of Thrace and Greece) stemming from "Ziasudra." One website says that the Sanskrit, "udra," means "water", wherefore "Ziasudra" may be an Aryan term, which of course would then mean, "god of the waters." It just so happens that Enki was god of the waters.

As it's known that Haran's son, Laban, worshiped carved gods, what gods did he worship if not those of Eridu/Erech? I will repeat here that Haran (Abraham's brother) was in Ur and died there, and that his being given that name shows ties between his family in Ur and the city of Haran. That is, it is possible, if not a concrete-hard fact, that Abraham's family in Ur already had relatives in Haran (before they set out for Canaan), this explaining why they stopped at Haran and lived there a while. Here is what convinces me:

"Nanna is a god in Mesopotamian mythology, god of the moon...His sacred city was Ur...He was named Sin in Babylonia and Assyrian and was also worshipped by them in Harran...His wife was Ningal ('Great Lady') who bore him Utu 'Sun' and Inana...The two chief seats of Sin's worship were Ur in the south, and Harran to the north."

There you have it. Ur and Haran shared many relatives, more than any other two cities among which lived the worshipers of Sin. And as the moon god was otherwise known as "Min," perhaps "Sin" evolved into it. But the moon god was known in many Min-variations (e.g. Mani/Mene), and one can then surmise that the city and people of Mannae (Biblical "Minni"?) was named after him. It just so happens that the "father" of Attis was "Manes," this revealing not only that Lydians descended from Armenia, but the possibility that the Armenians were descended from Sin i.e. peoples of Ur. As Josephus was convinced that Armenia was founded by Arameans, it may have been the Arameans from Ur who developed the dragon cult.

In the above quote we see that the so-called "Great Mother" goddess, Inana, descends from Sin. It is said that her "Ishtar" title was Semitic, from the Akkadians. Inana's brother, Utu, was "Shammash" to the Akkadians, and so note that the Semitic/Bible word for "sun" is "shemesh" (Strong's #8122). It's interesting that "Shem" seems to be the root of "shemesh." Indeed, we would expect the Semites to have deified Shem with some term or another. Keep in mind that Aram was the son of Shem.

"Ishtar" is said by some to be a variation of "Asshur," and suddenly I see that, if true, it wouldn't be Assyria in view, but the Abrahamic Asshurites...the brothers of the Letushites. If the latter were the Lydians, then the Lydians become the seed of Abraham...which would then make them Hebrews rather than Arameans (Arameans were not Hebrews).

Aram also gave birth to "Mash" (some Bible versions wrongly insert "Meshech"), and as the dragon aspect of the Utu/Shamash sun god was called "mushu/mushus," one can now wonder if Mash was not responsible. Do we see a ShemMash? Moreover, did "Mash" form part of "Dumuzi/Tammuz"?

I trust that online writers have a good reason for not mentioning whether or not "Hurrian" is rooted in "Haran," or whether the two are rooted in yet a third term, but as yet I haven't found that reason. Multiple writers assert only that Haran was a Hurrian city, and perhaps the difficulty lies in the non-Aryan nature of Haran (Hurrians are classified as Aryans). I found this quote online: "Originally speakers of Hurrian, [Arameans] early on adopted a form of Akkadian that gave birth to the Aramaic language." And so the Arameans must have gotten very close to some of those gorgeous blue-eyed blondes with beautiful long white toes, and in mating with them they must have produced an Aryan-Semitic mix.

Enki of Eridu is depicted as the Biblical God, and is allied to Ziasudra, the latter of whom is depicted as Noah. This supports the idea that "Ziasudra" means "god of the waters," in which case one may assume with measurable plausibility that he was a god named by Aryans, since "udra" is Sanskrit while Sanskrit was long ago a sister language to Aryan. Moreover, as the Lithuanian language today is said to be one of the closest to the ancient Aryan, note that "udra" in Lithuanian is an otter (i.e. an aquatic creature).

Udra was also an Aryan-family language called "Prakrit," and it just so happens that the language of "Apabhramsa" (can we see an "Abraham" in that?) grew out of Prakrit (in Christian centuries) in northern India. According to one website, "Apabhramsa is mentioned as the 'dialect of the Abhiras' and was called 'Abhiri'"

What's that? A Sanskrit language in India that smacks of “Hebrew” while apparently being credited to Abraham, which in earlier centuries was called the "Udra" language? Is this evidence that Ziasudra was in part a Hebrew entity...and/or of the Abrahamic bloodline? Is this why Zeus carries features akin to Noah's (i.e. the true) God?

It has been stipulated that Enki's Babylonian version, "Ea," is the origin of the Biblical "Yah," because, aside from other reasons, the two terms sound virtually the same. These things are used by non-believing historians to connect the Biblical God to Babylonian/Sumerian myths/tales, by which they mean to assert that the Biblical God was an invention of the Israelites but based on Sumerian concepts.

The non-believers need to re-think. The Sumerian myths were not pure inventions, but twisted forms of the truth, acquired from varying (or even conflicting) versions of what Noah's sons passed on to their sons. Wicked sons who, instead of honoring the God of Noah, began to worship themselves and their ancestors were the inventors of the myths. Moreover, they gave honor to the serpent of Eden and to the apple rather than to the God who had created the Garden along with all the Earth and all life within it.

The True God saw this dangerous situation and rectified it, calling out a people of His own from that cradle of civilization, and then telling the Truth through their prophets (in the Old Testament), thus acting as a Light for all peoples and nations amid many dark versions of the Truth. Non-believers have yet to realize that God was concerned enough with mankind to set the record straight in spite of his many enemies.

It would seem to be fact, from the quote below, that Sumerians of some sort knew about the Garden of Eden even prior to the writing of Genesis, wherefore the history of the event must have been passed down by Noah's sons. I don't know the origin of the following quote, and it's one of a kind online, but here you have it:

"Dumuzi...also bears the Sumerian title mulu-edin-na "Lord of Edin."

As Dumuzi in Uruk was not far from the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates river, Sumerians of some sort must have known that Eden had been at that confluence. The Garden was/is no longer visible, as it now sits about 3,000 feet below ground level. How do I know? Because crude-oil sources in the region are 3,000 feet deep, give or take some. These sources constitute some of the world's richest supply, predictably in that Eden was prolific in vegetation/forestation. There is no other way for anyone today to know that Eden was at the confluence of the two rivers unless Noah's sons passed it on, for the Garden just isn't there any more, and in fact scientists will tell us that the location where the two rivers meet was under ocean water in the time of Ur and Eridu, since those cities were on the ocean shore at the time of their building. But snow falling on Greenland and Antactica, always freezing and never running back to the oceans, causes sea level to decline gradually century after century:

"Today it is known that during the Ubaid period the waters of the world were between 1.5 and 5 metres higher than their current level, with the result that Eridu was a port city..."

Prior to the Flood, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers joined at some other location than where they now do, as would be expected since the Flood covered the region with some 3,000 feet of sediment (since turned to hard rock); sedimentary strata are 5,000 feet thick on average in North America, say the geologists. It wasn't an ordinary flood, or even a big one. It was mountain high, not formed from 40 days of rain alone, but, as says the Genesis-6 account, from the waters below the oceans exploding forth through the sea floors...through what are now the so-called "mid-ocean ridges," a poor term indeed to describe what are vast volcanic ranges thousands of miles long. They spewed out water and molten material together, and the cold ocean waters caused the hot rock material to explode into smaller debris. The waters were so dense in this debris that trilobites were covered without hope; then smaller/weaker fish gave up the fight and were covered in strata above the trilobites; then larger fish above the smaller fish; and last of all the creatures living on the continents were also buried. These strata, along with their fossils, were formed in the span of a few months, not millions of years. I tell you, that while the Sumerians are gone, it's the unbelievers who are now inventing the tales.

My point is that the Hebrews in Sumeria were likely worshiping the gods of the dragon sun, and may even have created those gods, and yet God chose the daughters of Laban -- an idol worshiper himself -- to become the mothers of eight tribes of Israel...Dan not included.

Now the modern Hebrews have this ridiculous idea that God doesn't want them to speak the name of God, "YHWH," even though God uses it for Himself and is found almost 7,000 times in the Bible. The King-James translators must have thought along the same lines because they translated it, "LORD." And modern versions follow suit. But how does God feel about His name being wiped out of the Bible? Some Jews use "Lord" as well (Hebrew "Adonai"), and other Jews use Ha Shem, which is supposed to mean, "The Name." Just wonderful, isn't it (I'm being sarcastic)? And so when they pray they say, "Dear heavenly Father, TheName, please accept me as your friend today, O loving TheName..."

If I continue like this, I won't have any readers left. Note how Ha Shem evokes Shem, or even the sun god, Shammash. Kabalistic Hebrews (i.e. occult Hebrews) have a large influence in Jewry, and as Rosicrucians creep into Christianity to distort it, so Kabalists creep into synagogues to distort Judaism. All distortions are expected to lean toward the dragon-sun cult, for a man is what he believes, and he teaches what he is.

As Shammash was Utu in Sumeria, the first point I would make is that the Hebrew, "Ittay," is the English, "Gittite." Couldn't Utu have been a symbol of the Guti, therefore? If so, the Guti were of the same nation that named Utu, which is a good reason to identify the Aryan Guti with Arameans if indeed “Utu” derived from Uts, son of Aram.

One can speculate that "Utu" was at first "ushus," since that latter version means "snake." Note the Akkadian/Semite term, "mushhushshu," in the following expose by Jeremy Black and Anthony Green: "The snake-dragon (with horns, snake's body and neck, lion's forelegs and bird's hind legs) is represented from the Akkadian Period down to the Hellenistic Period as a symbol of various gods...the creature's Akkadian name as mushhushshu, 'furious snake'..."

That description is of the very dragon sun god that I have been referring to (see ancient picture). The same article later exposes Dumuzi as having had the title of, "Lord of the Tree of Life." It then introduces his partner-god, "Gizzida," he instead being "Lord of the Tree of Truth." The article attempts to connect the dragon sun god to the serpent in Eden in a way that undermines Biblical Faith, but I would have to concur that the connection is a very good theory, though in quite a different way: as in Satan establishing his own, loyal bloodline through which to control the world by anything other than Truth.

"Gizzida" certainly qualifies as a possible variation of "Guti." The website also shares an old Ishtar-related poem with she calling out to the following god, asking him to open the gate of the Underworld for her: "NINNGHIZHIDDA! Serpent of the Deep!" One would break that term down to Ninn-Ghizidda, of course ("nin" means "lord"). Later in that poem, the serpent says to her, "Enter Queen of Heaven of the Great Above, that KUR may rejoice, that CUTHA may give praise, that KUTU may smile."

Who was Cutha and Kutu, those terms that look so much like "Cotys" (son of Manes and father of Attis i.e. the gods leading to Lydia)? What I found was astounding. In the fraudulent Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses, written by Kabbalists attempting to contort the true books of Moses, we read:

"The language and manuscript of this rare and eternal monument of light, and of a higher wisdom, are borrowed from the Cuthans, a tribe of the Samaritans, who were called Cuthim in the Chaldee dialect according to the Talmud, and they were so called in a spirit of derision. They were termed sorcerers, because they taught in Cutha, their original place of abode, and afterward, in Samaria, the Kabala or Higher Magic (Book of Kings). Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, the chosen arch-priests, are shining lights among the eastern Magicians. They were both kings and teachers - the first Priest-teachers of this glorious knowledge, and from these Samaritan Cuthans - from these omnipotent priests of the fountain of light, who were called Nergal, according to the traditions of Talmud, originated the Gypsies, who, through degeneracy, lost the consecration of their primordial power" (page 82)

This was an astounding find for me, because I had previously traced the dragon bloodline to the Gypsies, and the Gypsies to the god, Hermes. But there you have it from the horse's mouth, that Kabala started among the Cutha of Chaldea. And if that term refers to the Guti, then one must suspect that Hebrews and/or Semites of Chaldee were somehow connected to the Guti.

Chaldee was in Babylon, and yet was a Semitic region speaking Aramaic. It is indeed revealing that the Ishtar poem should cite the Cuthans as her friends/relatives. But along with Cuthan is "Kutu," and this may be Utu uncorrupted.

. The website above makes mention of a seven-headed dragon belonging to the Sumerian theater, and there is also a seven-headed dragon in Greece, wherefore one could be led to conclude that the seven-headed dragon in Revelation is an extension of the same. Certainly God may have been making that very connection. The Great Mother (Ishtar) is more than likely the "Babylon the Great, Mother of Abominations" that is depicted as riding on the dragon's back (Revelation 17). The task is to trace these entities to the modern day, and Biblical prophecy is very helpful with this task.

On this day eight of the Buz theory I learn that Enki was born of a bull, and this is satisfying because in my writings that ended a year ago, I had traced the dragon bloodline forward to entities using the Taurus symbols, including Zeus, Crete, and the Taurus mountains.

Enki is said to be the father of Dumuzi, even though Enki is of Eridu and Dumuzi of Erech. This implies a move of the Eridu family to Erech, which is a significant distance upstream on the Euphrates, en route to Haran. While Inana evolves into the Semitic Ishtar when she moves to Erech, Dumuzi gives way over time to the next god of Erech, Gilgamesh. Note that both he and Dumuzi have a Mash-like ending...and that "mushushushu" can contain either "Mash" or "Meshech."

Gilgamesh had operations in Iran, and so we find that at that time (after 2,000 BC) a Kassite people lived in the Zagros mountains of Iran, the same mountains from which the Guti had originated (i.e. it seems to me that "Kassite" is a version of "Guti"). While the Kassites are thought to be Indo-European, their language was obscured by the fact that "Kassite bureaucracy conducted business in Akkadian."

Akkadian was the Semite language of the Guti if I'm correct in understanding the “kadi” of “Akkadia” as the Guti/Cutha. Moreover, the last handful of Kassite kings were Akkadian, wherefore my impression is that the Aryan blood in the Kassites was partly Aramean and/or Hebrew. The Kassites became worshipers of Marduk even though he was the son of Enki. It even occurs to me now that Kassites became the Khazars (north-west shore of the Caspian sea) who were Aryans and yet, as seems very peculiar for those northern reaches, are known to have been ruled by Hebrews.

It's also interesting that the Kassites had a "Khabiri" tribe (see website above), and astounding, not just because that term evokes the Hebrews (anciently, "Abiru"), but because the wicked mystery schools of Egypt, overseen by the "Caucones," whom I had pegged as the original Greek-myth writers themselves, were called "Kabeiri" in Greek writings. I had resisted viewing those Kabeiri as Hebrews, until now. Worse, I had suspected that the Gauls (including the Redones) came forth from the Kabeiri, in that the "Galli" cult came forth from the Kabeiri.

If that's not bad enough, in the Rhodope mountains of Thrace, the goddess Rhodope had two sons, Hebros and Kikon (same as "Caucones, apparently), as though Kabeiri-related Hebrews and Gogi were intermarried there en route to becoming the Redone Gauls of France...who then became the Rus(sians).

Since the Guti are thought to have been the same as the Kurdi, or at least of the same family, I'll mention that, just as the title of this chapter implies that the Guti were the founders of the Eden cult, so the very word “garden” may have been the root of “Kurdi” in recognition of Eden. The Kassites had another tribe called "Kissians," and for what it may be worth, I'll mention the Kittians here in case the two peoples were the same. If true, then the Kassites were of Javan, son of Japheth (Genesis 11:4).


Rome as an Extension of Tyre and Atlantis
Most don't know that the Romans were Trojans.
And if the Trojans were Atlanteans,
So might be Mys. Babylon.

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