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In the previous chapter I followed Scandinavian mythical terms leading me to see the half the root of the Dane in "Rig," he depicting Edonians of Thrace migrated to Scandinavia. But as the Dane is known to derive from the Yngvi branch of Scandinavians, this root too needs to be addressed. Not only does it seem apparent merely on the surface that this Dane portion is from the Danann, but by tracing Frey to the Danann one then makes a Danann-to-Yngvi connection because Frey was called "Yngvi-Frey." In making that connection, I'll also show the roots of the Redones in certain Greeks, and at the same time verify what I have so far presented mainly as a presumption, that the Redones were from the island of Rhodes and were therefore the so-called Rose Line.

As the Danann were involved with the mythical monster, Geryon, identifying him is in order because the Yngvi may have stemmed from some of his parts. If Geryon roots match the roots claimed for the various tribes of Britain, then one can assume that Geryon, in being depicted as a three-bodied creature, depicted three of those tribes. As his name implies, Geryon was a Gorgon, and moreover as Greek myth implies, he was a Greek Gorgon related to Hercules and king Eurystheus. And so I seek three Greek-Gorgon tribes with one being the Fir-Bolgs (whom Hercules defeated), plus a fourth one that was enslaved to one of the three, and then also a fifth one, that being the Danann who came as Hercules to defeat the three, and to release the fourth.

Historical writers shared that Parthalons came to Ireland, almost as the first to arrive, from a Greek king. They were then followed by their offspring, the Nemedians, and the Nemedians, losing a war to Fomorians, then migrated back to Greece where they became slaves. After some years, some of the enslaved Nemedians returned to Ireland as the Fir-Bolg, after which came the Danann their relatives. Therefore, we have four related peoples, the Parthalons, the Nemedians, the Fir-Bolg and the Danann, all Greeks migrated to Ireland. But there were also the Fomorians, and I have read that they too were related, though some do not think so. As I can connect them to Gogi, I think the blood connection to Gorgons is made well enough.

It has been reported that when the Danann took Ireland from the Fir-Bolgs, the two spoke the same language. This is important because the Fir-Bolg and the Danann seem to have moved together, to Belgica and proto-France, the realm of the Merovingians. But if I can also connect the Fir-Bolg and/or Danann to the Yngvi, and therefore to the Danes that sprang forth from Yngvi, then the Danes and Merovingians were in that way related, explaining why the initial Templar movement was a Dane-Frank partnership.

The obvious thing to do is to look for the particular Greeks that the Parthalons came from, and this would tend to reveal who the Fir-Bolg and the Danann were from. "In Greek mythology, Porthaon (sometimes called Parthaon) was King of Calydon and father of Oeneus...of Aetolus son of Endymion." (brackets not mine).

The above list of names represent the founders of Greek Calydon. Surely the Irish Parthalons (a term not historical but created by men in secret societies never thinking that we'd make the connections) were from Parthaon, king of Calydon, since the Parthalons are said (by the myth writers) to move from Ireland to Scotland where after Scotland consisted of the historical Caledonia. Aside from discovering, in this way, the root of British Caledonia in Greek Calydon, we find that the root of mysterious and illusive Avalon ("apple (is)land") is also discovered, for Endymion (in the list above), as we saw in a previous chapter, was the mythical symbol of the Apple that no doubt Avalon is related to his Greek-Calydon bloodline.

I had connected the Apple line to the Edonians due to the Norse-myth phrase, "golden apples of Idun." The Edonians were from Dryas/Dryad, the son of Ares. Well, Parthaon, as a son of Ares, was the "brother" of Dryas, by which is meant a fellow Thracian tribe. Aside from making the said Irish tribes distant relatives of Rig (for Rig was father of Drott, she being a depiction of Dryad), the connection to Ares and Thrace verifies that the tribes were authentic dragon lines if by "dragon line" is strictly meant Ares and/or Thrace, which in this book it generally is.

The Aesir whom Rig depicted may have originated in Aea, the capital of Colchis, wherefore Aea may have been the illusive (and mythical) Asgard. I'll show that Aea was at least associated with the Calydonian Boar because it's king, Aeetes, was a founder of the boar peoples. Myth made it plain that Aeetes, though not a son of Ares, was the ancestor of Thracian-based (i.e. not Media-based) Ares. That is, because Ares depicted Medes that moved to Thrace, he can depict both peoples, but Aeetes intermediate between that Mede-to-Thrace migration, as even "Medea," the name of Aeetes' daughter, would serve to verify. In that picture, Aeetes (and Medea) can be viewed as the ancestor of Thracian-based Ares. Azov, because it is intermediate between Colchis and Thrace, can also be viewed as an Asgard/Aesir center.

To connect Aeetes to Ares, the Golden-Fleece myth had the Fleece located in Aea, protected there by the dragon of Ares, by which it is meant to say, I'm sure, that the peoples of Aeetes were related to Ares, and may therefore be viewed as part of the dragon line. As Colchis was in what was/became Georgia, Aeetes may also be viewed as a Gorgon/Gogi.

Frey was symbolized by a boar! That makes a Frey-to-Aeetes connection, making Frey part of the dragon line. If Frey can be connected to the Irish tribes described above, they too become part of the Calydonian Boar...which should not be mistaken for the rulers of Calydon that had to kill the boar, though the two factions may certainly have been from the same bloodline. In reverse, if the Irish tribes can be identified as part of the Calydonia Boar, then the boar by which Frey was depicted is revealed as the Calydonian Boar. It's a good think I don't drink much, or I'd never be able to keep track of this winding beast.

On the one hand, some months ago (it's now September 2005), I traced the Calydonian Boar to the peoples of Medea, princess of Colchis, but without making a hard connection to Aea, the city of her father, Aeetes. At that time I had placed emphasis on Corinth as being the origin of the boar, Corinth being the city where Medea (and Jason) came to live after she and Jason stole the Fleece from Aeetes. One could get the impression that the Fleece depicted the Corinthians which Aeetes had taken prisoner, and that Jason's job was to release them and bring them back to Corinth. But that's another story.

More recently, yesterday in fact, I traced Frey and the Merovingians in quite an amazing find (to be discussed later) to the frog-goddess of Egypt, Keket (note the "Kek"), she being a version of the Greek Hecate, the three-headed witch depicting Gorgons on the north shore of the Black sea. "She" (no doubt as the Gogi) was Medea's goddess and therefore her ancestor, thus supporting a tracing of the boar-line once again to the doorstep of Medea. But if Frey was in this way an extension of Gorgons, wouldn't we view him as an extension of the Irish Gorgons, especially as those Gorgons were depicted as the three-bodied Geryon?

If anyone needs proof that the three heads of Hecate depict Gorgons, consider the so-called "Gorgon Medusa," who was depicted as three old hags by her enemies, the Perseus Gorgophones. Hercules was himself a Gorgon, for he was a descendant of Perseus and therefore a Gorgophone. That makes the Danaan a Gorgophone sect.

The co-called Four Masters (of the 17th century AD), two of whom claimed to be named, Cucogry O'Clery and Cucogry O'Duigenan, were likely Gorgon/Gogi secret-society writers. They told their mythical version of Irish roots, wherein we find that the Fomorians came into Ireland with their leader, Cical Grigenchosach, son of Goll. These terms may translate to Gog GreekCossack, son of Gaul (if I'm correct, the Four Masters were amateurs at this codeword game). Interestingly, "The term [Cossack] is first mentioned in a Ruthenian document..." (

The term "Cical," like "Cecil," may have to do with the eyes, and may therefore be alluding to the one-eyed giants, Cyclopes. The name, "Cecil," in fact means "blind," and that evokes Tiresius (patriarch of the Greek Calydonians), who was in fact made blind by Greek myth writers. Taking all these things into consideration, the Fomorians seem to be portrayed as a Gogi peoples connected to the Slav branch of Rus(sians) stemming from the Ruthene Gauls...even as the Cossacks are associated with the Ukraine and southern parts of Russia, while the Slavs claim to descend from the Ruthene. If all this is correct, then the Fomorians in Ireland (who were early at war with the Parthalons) were likewise from the Redones.

The sun god, Lug (a wolf peoples?), was, symbolically speaking, a relative of Manannan the ruler of the Danann. Consider how the following quote parallels Perseus defeating the Gorgon Medusa: "Lugh defeated the Fomorian champion Balor, who had a poisonous eye, with a mirror-like shield and beheaded him." Balor of the Evil Eye could kill a man by merely looking at him. Perseus too, who was not permitted to look at the Medusa lest he die at her sight, used a mirror to find her, and then cut off her head.

So, the Balor story, and in fact the entire Tuatha de Danann story, is mythical history, but we yet learn by the parallel to the Greek myth that the Fomorians must have been Medusa-line Gorgons, while the Tuatha de Danann, like Perseus, were Danaan Gorgophones. Indeed, even as the Medusa Gorgons were depicted as three hags sharing one eye among them, so the Fomorians were depicted with one eye! The Medusa Gorgons were the same as Hecate, the same also as Artemis, Scythians on/off the north shore of the Black sea. These were depicted in old times as the Taurus.

Lug was the son of Balor's daughter, and so half Fomorian/Taurus. And so we find in the story of Lug's birth that Balor stole a magical cow from a certain Kian, and this resulted in Lug's birth with Kian as his non-Fomorian father. Lug was born on Tory island, where the Fomorians lived, where also the magic cow was taken, and this term of course evokes Troy. The Fomorians can therefore be suspected as Trojan descendants, and the same can be said of the Danaan.

The stolen cow was likely a Gorgon peoples in their midst, which points easily to the Danann, for Kian was a Danann. The stealing of the cow is a depiction of a conflict where the Fomorians took Danaan prisoners. This caused the Fomorians to split, some of them becoming partners of the Danaan branch; that faction was depicted as "Lug," and because he is the hero, the myth was written by Lug followers/worshipers. Because the Lug Fomorians went onto the side of the Danaan to the point of doing battle with those whom they betrayed, the implied level of passion tends to show that the two sides were kin.

Although I don't take it too seriously, it has occurred to me that "Fomorian" may have derived from "Gomerian/Cymry" by a linguistic twist of its capital letter, in which case they may have been Teucrian-sect Trojans, for "Teucer" evokes Togarmah, son of Gomer.

In any case, Fomorians appear as Trojans as per their home in Tory, and the related Danaan may therefore have been Tros-sect Trojans, even as Tros stemmed from historical Dardanus. This would then connect the Danaan both to the historical Dardanus tribe of Illyrians and to the Trojan leader, Antenor (descendant of Tros), the founder of the Veneti. This all makes sense in that the Illyrians founded the Veneti, but not before the Illyrians came from Thrace!

As a variation of "Fomorian" is "Formorian," the Fomorians may have been an hypothetical For-Mor/Fir-Mor, by which I mean to say that the Fir-Bolgs may have been a branch of For-Mors. My hypothetical is not wild, for the Fomorians are known to have been sea peoples. Both a Fir-Bolg and a Danann connection to them is supported by the additional variation, "Fir Domnann," that the Fomorians were at times called. The latter variation is unto the sea goddess, Domna, although she is also called "Donn," which seems to me a variation of Dana, the Danann goddess.

Okay, big deal, these Irish tribes that killed one another were brothers, what else is new when it comes to dragons? All the better for the human race that they didn't unite and form an empire? Or did they? Did they get smart? Will they ever be able to get along and form the New World Order? Maybe not. Maybe as they are in the throws of trying again, Jesus will come to say, "Hello. I'm here. Time's up." Why do we all imagine that this New World Order will be something else? It will be the same old same old, but with electronic "magic" that we are not to glory in.

The Fir-Bolg have been identified as the historical Erainn/Iberni peoples of Ireland. Proof that the Fir-Bolg were a Danann tribe comes from the Eriann-Danann connection wherein on the one hand Ireland was named after a Danann tribe, and on the other hand by the Erainn, suggesting that the Erainn were that Danann tribe.

Apparently, the following view is widely accepted: "According to the historical scheme proposed by T.F. O'Rahilly, the Builg are identical with or a sub-group of the Érainn or Iverni...they spoke a P-Celtic language known as Ivernic" (

The Erainn "have also been referred to as the Menapii...In Connacht the tribes of the Ui Maine and the Conmaicne are often claimed as their ancestors" (three italics mine). The Menapii are revealed (elsewhere) as the peoples on the Isle of Man, that isle founded by the ruler of the Danann, Manannan. It would appear quite stark that the Danann were in Connacht, and this is attested to by the existence there of the Fir-Domnann.

The following quote simply cannot be correct if by "Dal Riata" is meant the Irish/Scots proper i.e. the Gaels: "In east Ulster, [the Erainn] were said to descend as the tribes of the Dál Riata" (website above). I cannot see how the Erainn can be any of the P-Celt tribes and yet descend from the Gaels when the Gaels came to Ireland after the Fir-Bolg, and after the Danaan. However, if "Riata" can be connected instead to the "rota" = "wheel" that the Aereda/Redone Gauls were named after, then I would agree fully that the Erainn stemmed from Riata peoples. And this is the point of this chapter, for it makes a further connection to the Scandinavian realm of Rig and his involvement in the Yngvi-Rig alliance that formed the Danes proper. For, the Redone Gauls had also founded Haeredaland (Norway), the place that would also become home to the Rugii/Arochi peoples.

Consider the following statement from an article claiming that Celts were never in Ireland: "Berbers and Basques average 32%, Irish and Scots 29% and the Norwegian islanders 17%. There were never any Celts among these people." What the writer doesn't realize is that the Norwegians were from the Lug-Danaan Celts.

The same website having the above quote also claims that: "The Cruithin (Cruithne) of Ireland are often noted as the Irish tribes of the Dál nAraide" Surely the "Dal Riata" that formed the Erainn are the same as the "Dal nAraide" that were the Cruithne. I think you could agree with me that "Araide" is equivalent to "Aereda," so that whether the author knows it or not, he is connecting both the Gaels and the Fir-Bolg/Danann to the Aereda/Redone Gauls. The terms "Dal Riata" and "Dal nAraide" make it fairly certain in my mind that the Cruithne and the Erainn are to be included as parts of Geryon's three bodies, for he was said to live in Erytheia while his two-headed dog was dubbed Orthos.

King Arthur comes to mind, and while some suggest that his name derives from "ortos" = "bear," I would suggest otherwise, that "Arthur" is to be connected to Aereda/Erethlyn elements in Britain. These terms can appropriately have the secondary meaning of "red," even while I'm certain that they derived from "wheel." I'll bet my best horse whip that "rota/roda" was named after "red" because men would come home with blood-red chariot wheels.

To understand the Greek roots of the Redones, it's helpful to look at the Dal Riada Gaels who introduced in Britain a different version (Q-Celt) of the P-Celt language spoken by the rest of the inhabitants. The Gaels are usually rooted in Spain in a number of colonies of the trade-happy city, Miletus (of Asia Minor). After realizing not long ago that Frey, Frigg and Frenchmen might be part of the frogs of Revelation 16, and that they originated in "Phrygia," I was stunned to learn that Plato likened Miletus (near Phrygia) to a mother frog giving birth to many frogs around the Mediterranean "pond." That is, the frogs were the 90 coastal cities that stemmed from Miletus.

Plato, being a secret-society bloke with inside info on western Atlantis, must have used "frog" for the very theory that I had concluded after much devotion on the subject, that "frog" came to refer to Thracian tribes (including Phrygians) which moved to the fringes of Europe (explanation in a coming chapter). Then, as soon as I thought that the lily of the Fleur de Lis may have been named after the frog on it's lily pad, and moreover I at the same time imagined that the Fleur de Lis looks a bit like a frog's head and its legs (from a top view), I found this quote: "According to some legends, it is known that at the time of the baptism of Clovis, king of the Francs, the frogs on the flag changed into Fleur-de-Lis. It became the emblem of French royalty."

Clovis was a Merovingian king, the big king who created the first French empire. And so read this (at the same website): "According to a history book called 'Holy Blood Holy Grail,' the earliest Frankish kings (Clovis I) used both bees and frogs on their royal robes" (brackets not mine). Moreover, "The fleur-de-lis' origins with French monarchs stems from the baptismal lily used in the crowning of King Clovis I. To further enhance its mystique, a legend eventually sprang up that a vial [grail?] of oil descended from heaven to anoint and sanctify Clovis as King. The thus "anointed" Kings of France later maintained that their authority was directly from God, without the mediation of either the Emperor or the Pope."

Yeah, right. It's the same old game of the Merovingians, to tie themselves to God and to Christ in order to find public acceptance, meanwhile their symbols were in honor of the dragon line. Same game played by Freemasons to this day.

But the Merovingians are not the topic here, nor really the city of Miletus so much, but the root of the Dal Riada, at the mouth of the Rhone river, at the city of Massalia (modern Marseilles). Bede wrote of a certain king of the Irish Scots, "Reuda," and said that his men founded Dal Riada in western Scotland and named after their king, but the similarity of his name to "Redone" causes me to think that Bede was echoing a myth so that "Reuda" should be understood as an eponym for a people and not a literal king. Bede at that point in his writings needs to be taken with caution, for he has the obvious error of having the Picts come to Ireland (from Thrace) after the Irish and Bretons are already there. I think the other version, where Picts derive from Cruithne, is the correct view. But, then, as the Cruithne put forth the Bretons, the Bretons and Picts were either "brothers," or "father and son" (non-literally speaking).

I suspect that the Irish/Scot Gaels were mixing it up with Redones (at Massalia) prior to settling Ireland. Massalia was a Greek colony founded in 600ish BC, and some have said that the Gael language originated at/near here. As the Book of Invasions has the Gaels originating from Miletus but called "Feni" when entering Ireland, it may be that they took the route from Massalia to Vannes, Brittany, which at that time may have been called "Feni." If so, the Miletus "Scythians" were in part Redone blood from Vannes.

Now the Rhone was the mythical Eridanus, in my very strong opinion, original home of the Redones, and as I suspect that "Eridanus" was the root of "Aereda" and "Haeredaland," so I suspect that the dragon line under discussion, to which I now include the Merovingians, was rooted in the Redones of Eridanus.

As I had mentioned previously that Greek myth tells of Ligurians moving to Eridanus, so we find in historical writings that the "Initial leader [of Massalia] married a Ligurian princess" ( website below), thus creating from the very start a Ligurian-Redone alliance. Up until now I have mentioned this connection between Eridanus and the Redones, without historical evidence, as a connection to Rhodes, the island of Helios, for it was said in myth that the chariot of Helios was crashed into Eridanus, and so I imagined that the Helios peoples that came to live in Eridanus were from Rhodes, who then became called "Aereda/Redones/Rodez" after Rhodes. The term "Eridanus" then became a term, after the facts, to describe the Aereda peoples there. But now I want to share an historical proof of what was only a water-tight theory, but still a theory...though upon which my entire Illuminati writings were based. I knew I'd come across it eventually.

Massalia was founded more specifically by Phocaeans, of the city Phocaea, one of the 12 cities in the Paniones federation (that included also Miletus). It had been my theory that these Paniones were also the Paeoni, Poeni, and Pannonians that became the Gaul migration over Europe's land mass (as opposed to the sea-faring migrations of the same peoples), and that therefore the Paniones also became the Veneti and then the Ligurians. To be sure that the Massalia colonists included the Redones, it is said that, "Within a century after [Massalia's] establishment, it established its own colonies at...[among other locations listed] Rhode (Rosa)" (brackets not mine).

It's very telling that the author included "Rosa" as an alternative term for "Rhode," for the island of Rhodes was also called "Rose." It appears therefore that the Redones did originate in Rhodes. While I've yet to verify it, surely the Rhode mentioned above, in south France, must have been the city of "Rodez" known to be founded by the Ruthene, they also being called the "Rodez."

The Ruthene in turn must have been the "Ruteni" Gauls that are found, on this map of Gaul, in southern France. This region was also where the Templar haunt, Rennes le Chateau, was located, thus making a connection to the Redones at Rennes, Brittany (on the English Channel), and this connection from one side of France to the other is made at the portergaud website above: "Massalia anchored a trade route, which followed the Rhone and Saone to the Seine Valley and eventually to the English Channel."

To show that the Danaan were from the Redones of the Rhone and elsewhere, we read: "As early as 500 BC, Hecateus of Miletus identified the "Keltoi," having come from the headwaters of the Danube, the Rhine, and the Rhone rivers, as the mythological and legendary people known as the Tuatha de Danann."

By "Keltoi," Hecatus was referring to the Gauls...who would become the Celts of Britain. Historians classify the Danann and other Greek tribes as pre-Celts, but I disagree, although it all depends on how one defines "Celt." It is agreed that Gauls became Celts, but if I can show that the Redone Gauls became the Danann, then they were not pre-Celts at all, but early Celts.

As one can easily figure, the Rhine was named after the same root as was named the Rhone, and for that reason the Rhine was founded by the Redones of Eridanus, who had named two cities "Rennes" (i.e. similar to "Rhine/Rhone"). Not yet sure where that term comes from but possibly the same as "Erainn," the historical name of the Fir-Bolgs and Danann. Or, from the Danann settlement of Magh Rein.

"Further downstream in what is now Normandy, the Seine was known as Rodo, or Roto, which is a traditional Celtic name for rivers, and is also the original name of the Rhône River (see Rhône article for further explanations). This is proved by the name of Rouen, which was Rotomagos in Gaulish..."

Well, I couldn't resist going to the Rhone website, and here you have it:

"The word "Rhône" comes from Latin Rhodanus, which itself comes from ancient Greek...Rhodanos, which is the Greek heard by the Greeks living in the colony of Massalia (Marseilles). The Celtic name of the river, something like Rodo or Roto, literally "that which rolls", or "that which runs"...from the Proto-Indo-European root *ret- ("to run, roll"), which gave the word rota ("wheel") in Latin, from which is derived "rotate" and "to roll" in English." (brackets not mine)

What I cannot understand is why it is said that no one knows for certain where the mythical Eridanus is located, when the Massalia Greeks themselves called their river "Rhodanus." It was made clear at both websites that the Celts named many rivers all over western Europe by the same "roto" name, and yet not once did the articles share that these Celts were the Redones/Ruteni Gauls. It seems to be that the Redones were a large fraction of the Gauls and that they therefore put forth many tribes by other names.

So the Redones moved north on the Rhine, which led to what is now Holland, where the frog became called a "kikkon," though I can't find any other nation who calls it that. And I note that Holland was a French "product," possibly "Gaulland." The migration of Redones as far north as Holland explains why Redones were recorded as a peoples in Belgica, and in some cases viewed as a Belgae tribe, meaning that the Belgae, and therefore the Fir-Bolgs, were Redone branches (not vice versa).

As certain Vikings were, along with Merovingians, a part of the Templar thrust to rule Jerusalem, it's logical that these particular Vikings stemmed from the Redones of Eridanus to found Haeredaland, and that they were, as per Norse myth, later allied to Rig in putting forth the Yngvi Swedes and Danes. That is, the Redones put forth the Danish Vikings and therefore Rollo the Dane and dragon-sacred St. Clair blood. But the Varangian-Rus Vikings (who became the Muscovites) must also have been of this north-Redone fold since the south-Redone fold, the Ruthene also called "Rusi," were likewise a Rus peoples.

Evidence of the northern fold is in the term used by Tacitus (first century AD), "Reudigni." These were a people of the north-German coast, at Rostock, just to the east of Denmark, living alongside the Longobards and the "Angli," said Tacitus. It is known that the Longobards came from Sweden, but the same would be true of the Angli since they derived along with the Danes, from the Yngvi. These neighboring relatives listed by Tacitus may very well have been the rising of the Ingaevone Germans in Europe.

Although Scottish legend ties Dal Riada peoples (i.e. the Gaels) to Miletus "Greeks," wouldn't it be logical to view the Milesians as the ancestors of the south-France Redones, since "Riada/Riata" certainly evokes "Rhoda/Ruteni." Without question, then, every Irish tribe mentioned here thus far, including the Gaels, appear descended from Redones. There were other Gauls besides Redones, but if the myths take me to the Redones time and time again, it must be because the myth writers were connected to them. To put it another way, myth writers were by nature dragon-line devotees and therefore, since the Redones are a large part of the line, it is only expected to find the dragon peoples touching on the Redones. And being in love with symbols, these writers used many.

Now others online caution their readers not to confuse Phocaea on the Asian coast (near Try) with the Phocis region of Greece, but I can't resist the connection and will go with it as fact because it's a perfect piece in this puzzle. Phocis was related royally to Corinth, which is why I'll identify the Phocaeans as boars. The mythical eponym of Phocis, "Phocus," was made the son of "Oryntus," which appears as a version of "Corinth." Oryntus was in turn the son of "Sisyphus," ruler of Corinth. Sisyphus is sometimes considered the founder of Corinth, and yet roughly the same status is given to Aeetes, for Aeetes too was king of early Corinth (prior to being king of Colchis). Thus I would equate Sisyphus and Aeetes as depicting the same early Corinthian bloodline, even the boar line. But I would not necessarily view (or rule out) the Colchians or the Medes (Medea's offspring) as boar lines, for as the Greek "choiros" (Strong's #5519) means "swine," the boar line may be restricted to Corinth, including of course the Phocis peoples who were a branch of royal Corinthians.

But, then, the Phocaeans (of Asia) were also a branch of Corinthians, and ditto for the Phocaean settlement at Massalia. One then wonders where the boar line went from there. Thus far I have only two boar lines, the Vere Merovingians and the Polloks, also said to have been Merovingians. Yet there were other British families that used a boar to depict themselves, but I've yet to make this a research project.

Endymion, the Apple-line symbol of Greek Calydon, was a distinct symbol of Miletus, which is a good reason for wondering whether Miletus was populated by Calydonians prior to being defeated by the Ionians. The Calydonians of the city would then translate to the Apple line that came to live at Avalon. In Britain, the Miletus Calydonians may have been distinguished from those of Calydon. Indeed, the latter became the Pretani (and therefore all the other Greek-Irish tribes up to the Danaan), and there is good reason to believe that the Miletus Calydons became the Irish-Scots proper (that defeated the Danaan and all others). In other words, the first wave of Calydons were the P-Celts, and the second wave, mixed with Miletus Ionians, were Q-Celts.

The Four Masters claimed that one of the chiefs of the Parthalons was "Rudhraidhe," a term that looks like Rod-Aereda. As the Masters were speaking in code, there was no such man, but rather it reveals what they believed, that the Parthalons were from the Redones. More specifically, from the Redones who founded Haeredaland. Therefore this is important because it reveals that Caledonians moved to Sweden to form the Yngvi, and in turn it reveals the British root of the Templar-forming Danes.

Remember from the top of the chapter that the use of "Parthalon" was no doubt an allusion to Parthaon, king of Calydon. Therefore, the Parthalons were a Calydon-Redone mix, that is, partly from Calydon and partly from the island of Rhodes/Rose. Therefore, the Parthalons were a Rose line. Note that "Parthaon" is better than "Parthalon" for depicting the historical "Pretani," meaning that the Bretons stemmed from Parthaon of Greek Calydon. It's not a wonder, then, that Parthaon's grandson, Meleager, married the symbol of Western Atlantis, Atalanta.

The two of them, Meleager and Atalanta, killed (i.e. defeated in war) the Calydonian Boar, but the remnants of that boar peoples came to the west as well, to become the Boar of Brittany, even the Vere Merovingians and the Pollok clan. This doesn't necessarily mean that the Merovingians were the boars, for it could be that the boar lines married into the Merovingians. More research is needed. But I can tell you this right now, that the boar line was connected to Aeetes peoples, they becoming the Gogi of Colchis/Georgia, and the peoples of Colchis are thought to derive in part from the historical Halybes (on the Halys river), they being a branch of Rhodians from Helios and his wife, Rhoda!

The Cruithne-come-Picts put forth the Caledonii tribe(s). If it be true that the Parthalons were from Parthaon of Greek Cayldon, then it would be further from the truth to suggest that the Caledonii tribe was merely one among many Pictish tribes, and closer to the truth when contending that the Caledonii tribe was chief and ancestral to all Pictish tribes. As the Picts chose their rulers on their female sides, they come across as Amazons, and speaking of Amazons, the Arcadian goddess, Atalanta, was certainly a symbol of Amazonian women.

Yes, Atalanta was a symbol of Arcadians, and that would make the Bretons, the Cruithne, and the Picts a Calydon-Arcadian mix, which is to say a Calydon-Atlantis mix. Hermes and Pan were born in Arcadia, if that helps to connect the Pretani, Cruithne and Picts to Hermes. The mother of Hermes, Maia, was the first-born (in Arcadia) of Atlas' seven daughters, and therefore she and Hermes were symbols of Atlantis...meaning that Arcadia was also a symbol of Atlantis, explaining why the region was also depicted by the goddess, Atalanta. Add to all this that "Documents survive which show that the ancestors of the Merovingians were connected with Arcadia's royal house."

Arcadia was so sacred that it's eponym, Arcas, was the man turned into a bear for to become Ursa Minor (the Little Dipper), a constellation placed by the dragon line at the "center" of the universe and meanwhile encircled by the constellation, Draco. Arcadia was clearly an extension of Sparta, Sparta being from the "Sparti" that were the teeth of the Ares dragon, the same dragon that was the Aeetes people in Colchis. None of this is surprising as Ares was from Media, depicted in the Bible (Daniel 7) as a bear. As Arcadia and Atlantis were rooted in Medea, we are not surprised at the terms depicting the Bretons, "Parthalon" and "Parthaon."

Yet I still resist viewing "Arthur" as the "ortos" = "bear" that others say he was, even when the Merovingians claimed to stem from Spartans. I will soon show my position, that Arthur was not a Merovingian people, as others believe, but merely allied to them.

Frey, because he was depicted as a boar, would stem from the Phocaea-Redone mix of Gauls. This mix then defines the Swedes, Danes, Angles, Saxons, and other Ingaevones...that is, on one side (the other side was Rig, also from Ares). In short, the Ingaevones were boars, but of the white dragon due to intermarriage with Rig, the pure Aryans from Ares.

The implication, if indeed the Danann were half the Yngvi/Danes, that they too were boars. Indeed, the Danaan were at Massalia, the city established by the Phocaeans, for that city was inhabited first (i.e. prior to the Phocaeans) by Aryan Egyptians, who, because they are revealed in myth, must have been the Greek Danaans known, from myth, to be from two Egyptian brothers, Danaus and Egyptus.

As Yngvi descendents and the Danaan can be identified as boars on independent grounds, it tends to support a Dane descent from the Danann.


Frankly, Scarlet, You Can Go to Rotterdam - (2006)
The dragon line makes it's way to the mouth of the Rhine,
then wiggles its watery way to Britain as precursor
to founding the United States of America.

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