It's interesting that, while I hope to be following the Bia peoples of Lake Van to the Veneti and they in turn to the Vannes of Brittany, the Vanir of Denmark, and the Vandals of Poland, I am inevitably keeping one eye on the Boii peoples of Europe, who became the "Boiohaemum" (Bohemians). And so note that the Greek "haima" (our prefix "hemo-") means "blood," wherefore "Bohemia appears to mean Boii-Blood. The question is, to what extent did this blood enter the Merovingian Illuminati?
Although it is doubted by some that the Boii became the Bavarians (Latin "Baioari"), it seems difficult to deny that they were of the Baiocasse (House of the Baio). One wouldn't tend to connect the Bessi Thracians to these terms, and yet it seems to be so: "The Bessin is an area in Normandy, France, corresponding to the territory of the Bajocasse tribe of Celts who also gave their name to the city of Bayeux, central town of the Bessin" (online encyclopedia). This statement doesn't prove that the Bessin were from the Bessi, but it certainly opens the possibility. "Bajocasse" looks like the Dutch "bij" and Spanish "abija" = "bee." The Veres lived in Ver, near Bayeux.
Okay, so it looks fairly certain that the Bavarians, and therefore possibly the Bavarian Illuminati, were from the Bessi Thracians. And if "bij" = "bee" had derived from "byz/buz" = "bee", then we could connect the Bessi to a Buz peoples of their past, which of course speaks of the Buzi in Media. Yet there were a peoples with a "Buz" name also in Greece, who seem to have been one and the same with the mythical "Bias."
There were at least three Bias', perhaps all depicting the same peoples. One was made the brother of the seer, Melampus ("meli" means "honey"). Another was born in Priene, just north of Miletus ("melita" means "honey"). The other we will meet shortly, also connected to a honey line.
Just so that you know we're dealing with the Zeus-Europe migration across Europe, Bias and Melampus were sons of Amythaon, and he in turn a son of Cretheus, who was the white-bull (i.e. Zeus) line of Crete. Just as Cretan Zeus mated with Europa, princess of Tyre, so Cretheus was married to "Tyro" in producing Amythaon (and Aeson, father of Jason). Yet another version of Cretan Zeus was "Asterius," for we find him to be, not only the king of Crete, and not only a son of Cretheus' daughter, but the husband of Europa.
We then find another Asterius, son of Minos (i.e. the same white-Taurus Asterius peoples but now a red-Aryan line); he lived in Colchis and was moreover made father of Miletus, the eponym of Miletus the city. One could get the impression that Miletus (and the entire Pan-Ionian federation) is to be included as part of the boar line (I suspect that the boar became a symbol of Ionians).
I wouldn't hesitate, then, in connecting the Taurus Gorgons to the Buzi Medes, and in turn I'm connecting the Merovingians to the same...what became known as the bee/honey-line branch of Taurus Gorgons.
It's known that the Sicambrian Franks joined the Salian Franks to form the Merovingian empire; the Sicambrian branch is suspect (by me) as a bee line since the city of Sicambria (in Hungary) had been renamed "Buda." The question is, were the Celts who renamed the city (about 100 BC) the proto-Franks?
Just one year before Childerik I (partly from Sicambrians) became the first-known historical king of the Merovingians, a new Roman emperor was crowned due to the political strings of Flavius Aspar, a very powerful force in the Byzantine Empire. It was the first time that Constantinople was involved in electing an emperor; note not only that "Byzantine" evokes "Buzi," but know that this new emperor was Leo (Aspar's top military man), from the Bessi Thracians. It seems like a family affair, i.e. that the Bessi and the Byzantine peoples were related.
Byzantiun (Latin "Byzantium") was founded by the mythical Byzas/Buzas. Constantine the Great named it the New Rome (soon to become Constantinople), and so I figure that Constantine was somehow connected to the ancestors of the city, which is a fine deduction since other claims revealed him as a Trojan descendant. I hold that the city was founded by Bithynians, not only because that term is almost exactly "Byzantion," but because Bithynia was right there on the doorstep of the city.
In Greek myth, very-early Bithynia was depicted by "Melia," a term that is the Greek "meli" = "honey"; Melia is said by some to mean exactly that, wherefore I'm convinced that Bithynians were a bee-line peoples from Melia's husband, Inachus, the progenitor of the Argives. But her father was Phoroneus, the same one who put forth Io and the (Ionian) Danaan of that I expect Melia to have depicted a Rose-Line peoples who were in part the demonic Telchines (same as Curetes, proto-Trojans, Dionysis/Kabeiri cult, Galli, etc.).
It can't be a coincidence that Byzas was from Megara, as was Bias the king of Megara. And Bias was the son of Lelex, who himself was from the Ionian Egyptians, just like the Danaans. Recall that Perseus, a symbol of the Danaan, married Andromeda, a Lelegian peoples in Ethiopia. The two became one peoples, the Gorgophones and then the Sthenelus Ligurians (north Italy on the Po river). This then reveals that the Bias peoples were somehow involved in that migration to Italy, and the finger points to the Boii.
It can't be a coincidence that Melia was the direct progenitor, and therefore a symbol, of Boeotia, which in the Greek is "Boiotia." This was a region north of Athens and having Kabieri-infested Thebes as its capital. It became the haunt of the Golden-Fleece line and was home to the Minyae. The latter appear as Aes(ir) Gorgons because "Jason" in Greek is "Iason" while his father was made "Aeson." As the Aesir in Scandinavia were Goths, it suggests to me that the Minyae were, at least in-part, Getae Thracians.
There was a mythical Meliboea ("honey-bee" and/or Honey-Boi) that may have depicted Melia in her role as a Boeotian peoples. Meliboea and her husband Pelasgus were the parents of Lycaon, the founder of Arcadia, which was itself named after "Arcas" = bear.
Yet Melia was also a "nymph" of the Bithynian city of Bebryces. As the Phrygians were called "Bryges," perhaps "Bebryces" is to be understood as a Boi branch of Phrygians, which to myth writers was Boi/Bee-Phrygia when reduced to play on words...which is why they called the mother of these Phrygians, "honey." As Bithynians were also called "Thyni," perhaps "Bithynia" is to be understood as Boi-Thyni. In this way also, i.e. as with "Miletus" meaning both honey or apple, the Thyni, whom I think were the Golden Apples of Idun, were also depicted as bees.
Perhaps Bebryces is to be connected to Bibracte in central France, where a Gaul empire grew up among its people, the "Eduens/Aedui" (I haven't yet sought for connections to the Edonians and/or the Eotens/Jutes). In/near the Bibracte kingdom was the chief city of the Boii, Gorgobina. The ending, "bina," probably refers to those so-called "Boian" peoples...who are to be distinguished from the Aeduans of the city, Auten.
I can see how "Bavaria" derived from the "Bibra" of "Bibracte," which, if it was the case, may then verify that "Bebryces" should be understood as Bai/Bia/Boi-Phrygia. In that case, "Bavaria" should be understood as "Bai-Varia.
Melia's son, Amykos/Amycus (evokes "Amythaon"), was the first ruler of Bebryces, and because he would have a boxing match with everyone who visited his kingdom, he must have put forth the Pollux Spartans, for Pollux was said to be boxer (a meaningless/incomprehensible detail to me, until I learned that Amycus was a boxer). Therefore Pollux (in his Greek version, "Polydeuces") was of the Melia bee line, which is to say from the Boiotians. Notice how "Boiotian" is similar to "Boudini," the latter consisting of blonde peoples.
The father of Amycus was made Poseidon, whom I have suspected, merely from his name, to have been a symbol of the Buzi Medes. And while I had also been comfortable with the idea that the proto-Hungarian city of Buda was founded by Poseidon, as per the Boudini/Bithynians, so now it turns out that "Megara" must be the same as "Magyar," the Hungarians proper. This must mean that the Magyars, coming late in history to Hungary (ninth century AD), moved there because their kin, the Byzas-Megara Greeks, had already moved and lived there...probably the Bessi Thracians. [Update June 2006 -- I didn't know when I wrote this that Byzas was the very son of Poseidon.] I would moreover tie them all back to the mythical Butes, ruler of Athens. Indeed my intuition proved good here, for in Virgil's Aeneid we read, "...Gigantic Butes, of th' Amycian stock..." books/lit/poetry/Aeneid/chap23.htmlThat is, Butes, and therefore the Cecrops line, was from the Bebryces peoples. Moreover, Pollux was from Butes.
Because Bias was made the son of red-Aryan Lelex, Bias did not depict the pure-Aryan Ionians (from Phoroneus, Inachus, etc) that had founded Megara. The city originated in Aryans depicted also as "Uranus," an allusion to Eran/Iran even as the children of Uranus were called "Erinyes." Of the three Erinyes, one was "Magaira." I don't think it's a coincidence that king Nisus of Megara was depicted with a lock of red hair hidden away in his white hair, and that the red hair was the source of his power.
When Bias became king of Megara (now a suburb of Athens), he was killed to pave the way for Pandion II, of the Athenian Cecrops line, to take his throne. This was the Pandion from whom Democracy would form, the Democracy that was the French and American Revolutions, which has been pegged by many writers as a Satanic movement of the Bavarian Illuminati. A certain mythical Hyperion (no doubt the extension of the sun god, Hyperion)...
" said to have been the last king of Megara. After him the Megarians decided to abandon monarchy, and be ruled by elected magistrates. The Megarians are also said to have asked the oracle at Delphi in what way they could be prosperous. The oracle then replied that they would fare well if they took counsel with the majority. They thought that by 'majority' the oracle meant the dead, so they built a council chamber so that the grave of their heroes was within it."
In other words, the myth writer was acknowledging that the founders of Democracy were inquiring of demons and honoring the heritage of their ancestors when making political decisions for "the majority."
The problem is, the Franks were Trojans, and the Pandion Megarians were anti-Trojans in the Trojan war. Therefore it seems to me that the Franks stem from the peoples depicted by Bias, who was ousted from Megara by forces loyal to Pandion II. Since this Pandion ruled after, and was the son of, Erechtheus (the latter being the same as Butes), couldn't Bias, in light of his "Byzas/Buzas" variation, have been Butes himself? To support this "s" to "t" modification, the Bessin region of Normandy was inhabited by the Baiocasse/Bajocasse Celts, and yet Pliny called them "Bodiocasses."[Update August 2006 -- When searching the for "Bessin," the "Beeston/Beeson" surname (of Cheshire) comes up, as if "Bessin" is an official/registered sept/variation. If so, then see that the Beeston Coat uses six bees. End Update]
Were the Merovingians from Bias/Butes, and were the latter the Bessi who became the Boii? It is said that the Franks came up the Danube to the Rhine, and both the the Bessi and the Boii did live on the Danube. It is moreover known that the Boii had moved to Gaul and then back again to the Danube when becoming the Bohemians. Might the Franks proper have been from those Boii of Gaul long before they were known as Franks, and might the Boii who became the Bohemians have become the Franks?
[Update November 2006 -- It's amazing that it took this long, but behold that "Butes of Athens, the bee master..."
!! En Update]The ancient Bessi homeland had ranged from the territory of the Moesi to Rhodope, and they lived in the land of "Haemus (meaning "blood" remember). Now compare that homeland with "Boiohaemum" and you might feel compelled as I am to equate the Bessi with the Boii, in which case we'd need to explain why the "s" was dropped to form "Boii." The same loss of an "s" may have occurred in "Byzas/Buzas" becoming "Bias." The same modification is evident, I'll assume, where "buz" became our "bee," or where "bij" became the Scandinavian "bi."
The visible founder of the Bavarian Illuminati used the pseudonym, Sparticus (another leader, Xavier Zwack, used the pseudonym, Danaus). The Merovingians, too, claimed to have roots in Sparta, and while I had already suspected those Spartan roots in Pollux, I now see that Pollux was earlier the honey line of Melia, that is, the Boiotians. It can't be a coincidence that Lelex became the founder of Laconia (later called "Sparta"), wherefore his son, Bias, may be viewed as a Spartan. Evidence that Boiotia was a bee-line nation is in this: "The bees which accompany the figure of Trophonius were sacred because they led the first envoys from Bœtia to the site of the oracle." I said that the Po river, anciently the Padus, was likely named by the Lelegians of Pedasa, so "Byzas/Buzas" (likely Lelegians) evokes "Padus" and "Pedasa." The question is then whether "Bologne" should be understood as Boi-Logne.
Another means by which to root the Merovingians in Megara is in its extension from boar-line peoples, for "In historical times, Megara was early a dependency of Corinth...Megara then fought a war of independence with Corinth, and afterwards founded (c. 667 BC) Byzantium, as well as Chalcedon." (
Indeed, Megara, as a mythical person, was made the daughter of Creon, king of Corinth. This Creon also gave birth to Creusa (Jason's wife) whom I think depicts the Hrus. In keeping with my theory that the Rus were from Rhodes/Rhoda, we find that Ino, after throwing herself into the sea (with her honey-son, Melicertes), is said to have washed up to shore at Megara:
"According to the Megarians, the corpse of Ino was cast up on their coast...They also claim that they were the first to name her Leucothea, and to offer her sacrifice every year"
This reveals that the Megarians (those descended from Lelex, that is) were also descendants of Halia, mother of Rhoda, for Halia had also thrown herself into the sea to become Leucothea.
Creon also gave birth to Glauce, evoking Glaucus, son of Merope, queen of Corinth, and these may have become the peoples who founded Gloucester (England), near Wroxester (yes, I'm suggesting that the same Corinthian Hros who founded Wroxester founder Gloucester). Recall from the previous chapter that Wroxester/Worcester had some close associations with the royal Vere clan.
Now, there was another mythical Creon (king of Thebes), probably the same peoples as the king of Cornith, and we find he was the father of Haemon/Haimon. This then suggests that the Bessi in Haemon, and the Boiohaemum (Bohemians) (and therefore the Boii who may have become the Merovingians, not to mention the Baioari), stemmed from Corinthian boars. I should also mention that Boreus, the so-called north wind, lived in Haemon, and that "Boreas" may actually be the origin of the boar concept applied to these peoples. And that brings us to the blue-boar Veres.
Nicholas de Vere claims to stem from the Mittani, who were Hurrians on the south side of the Black sea, and so my natural reaction is to peg them as the Hermes line out of Armenia. I say that to set up the next thought, that the Mittani may have been the Bia Armenians...who founded Methone (Greece) and it's environs, Messenia. It is known that Messenia was founded by Lelegians, and moreover the son of Lelex was made its ruler, explaining why Greek-Egyptian peoples came to live there later under Danaus' brother.
From the Mittani in Asia, the Vere family is said (by Nicholas de Vere) to take a huge jump to the Danann of Britain. The particular Scythians that are part of that jump are left unidentified. In other words, Nicholas skips over the Greek theater. But as the Veres depicted themselves with a boar, I am tempted to view their bloodline stemming from the peoples of Corinth.
I've traced the Danann in part to the Aryan Egyptians at Massalia/Marseilles (see previous chapter), who were in turn from the mythical brothers Danaus and Aegyptus. However, these same peoples (or at least Aegyptus) went to live at Messene, according to the Greek writings. And, according to Pausanias, the eponym, "Messene," was made the daughter of Triopas, he being the son of Helios and Rhoda!
You can bet your prize boar that the Messenes were somehow connected to the Rose-Line island of Rhodes. In fact, while the daughter of Triopas was the founding peoples of Messene, Triopas' son was a founding ruler at Rhodes. But just wait till you find out where his son was from. Keep in mind that since Messenia was founded by a son of Lelex, Triopas must have been a proto-Lelegian.
What does the rose line have to do with the boar line? Well, aside from their fighting at least one civil war, the boar line came first, from Artemis on the north shore of the Black sea. In Atlantis (the Aegian sea) it gave birth to the Rose Line. But who would have guessed that the Rose Line was rooted in the Greek Danaans? I mean, I had suspected a Danaan-to-Rhodes connection, but never in my expectations did I think the Danaans would turn out to be from Rhodes as the very Rose Line itself, or so it seems.
Danaus had fled Aegyptus and stopped at Rhodes prior to conquering Argos. That was myth, so it wasn't a stop-over for a drink at the local marina, but rather it was a mixing of peoples over a drawn-out period. In fact, myth had Danaus building the city of Lindus (inhabited to this day) on Rhodes. As Lindus was one of three sons of Kerkaphos (or "Cercaphus"), the Greek Danaans define at least one of those sons. Therefore, the Danaans were from Rhoda and Helios, for Helios was father to Kerkaphos. Therein is how the British Danann should be counted as part of the Rose Line.
Thus Rhodians can be viewed as the Danaans themselves, explaining also why the offspring of Hercules came to rule the island. With that in mind, recall that Hercules invaded Britain in the golden grail-ship of Helios, suggesting that he, depicting Danaans descended from Mycenae, invaded Britain along with the Rose-Line Danaans of Rhodes (i.e. the Redone bloodline). Holy-Grail lore therefore goes as far back as the writing of that particular myth. Note also that the mother of Danaus was Anchinoe, yet another term evoking Enki of Eridu.
It should be said that Rhoda depicted peoples other than those on Rhodes, and even those she gave birth to on Rhodes spread out off the island. As I'm about to show, she gave birth with Helios also to Calydonians. The better symbol of Rhodes (the island) is her son, Kerkaphos, for he gave birth to three sons each of whom are to this day a city on Rhodes. Of course, he did not really give birth to the peoples who built those cities, but rather the myth writers wrote after the cities were founded/named, and they wrote as though these mythical peoples founded the cities. But when the writers decided to use "Kerkaphos" as the term to depict all three cities, there was a reason, and it's up to me (and/or you) us to discover the reason.
I say the term refers to Gorgons, especially to the "Gorgophones" that Perseus put forth. It's very interesting that the Gorgophones were put forth by Perseus and Andromeda, while in one myth version, or at least in its interpretation by some, Andromeda was in Joppa when mating with Perseus, Joppa being a location in north Israel where the Israeli tribe of Dan lived. The problem is, the writer(s) of that myth may have made the same mistake as is made to this day: equating the Danaans with the tribe of Dan. This misconception may have caused an ancient writer to claim that the tribe of Dan, after the 400 years spent in Egypt, came to Egypt with some Egyptians (i.e. Aegyptus), and then conquered Argos en route to building Mycenae six miles away.
In other myth versions, Andromeda is in Ethiopia, not Joppa, when Perseus comes to her rescue. And do note that the Danaan side of the two, Perseus, in no way evokes Hebrews, but rather the Persians, even as Andromeda seems to. Similarly, their Gorgophone offspring evoke the Parthians who put forth the Gorgons. Moreover, Gorgophone, is said to be of Lelegian descent.
Certainly little else in the popular myths seem to make the Israeli connection, but rather Danaus is said to stem from Ionions (are you willing to equate the Ionians with the tribe of Dan?!). Moreover, the Egyptian Ionians are said by Greek myth to rule eventually at Tyre (i.e. through the Phoenix line: the siblings Cadmus, Europa, and Cilix), which is not far north of Joppa, so that one could wrongly equate Danaus with the tribe of Dan.
Pausanius had Triopas giving birth to an "Agenor," and as Pausanius was at the time focusing on the founders of Argos and their descendants, it connects Danaans loosely to king Agenor who is commonly made the father of king Phoenix. It may be true that the Phoenix line of Ionians mated with some members of the tribe of Dan, but that's not reason enough to view the line as the tribe Dan.
I will grant this however, that if the Phoenix line did form an alliance with the tribe of Dan, that the myth writer(s) may have created the term "Danaus" on account of that mixing of genes, wherefore, at the most, Danaus can be viewed as having part Danite blood...that over the centuries in the Greek and European theaters diminished until, by the time of the Merovingians, there was little Israelite blood left.
Perhaps the Merovingians were misled by the erroneous claims that Danaus was the tribe of Dan itself, explaining why Merovingians themselves claimed to be connected to Israel. But even if Danaus had some Danite blood, God did not view the mixed peoples, in Greece and in Europe, as true Israelites, so let's not make much of it, as though it's God's grand plan to form an Israelite kingdom within Europe, and especially not to the point that some take it, claiming that virtually all Europeans and/or all European descendants are Israelites.
This to me is more the trick of the devil (i.e. the dragon-line Illuminatists), to make us believe that that their sacred pagan bloodlines are based in God's plan to establish the Biblical Millennium. You will find that it's the cults (e.g. Armstrongism, Irvingism), easily connected to the Illuminati, that propagate the idea that Denmark and Britain were founded by Dan and other Jews; other globalist Illuminatists are trying, as we speak, to connect the Merovingians to Jesus' blood itself!
But in the list of the Israeli twelve tribes, found in Revelation 7:5-8, Dan was omitted by God! Yes, some Bible-believers predict that the tribe of Dan will put forth the anti-Christ for this reason. If there is truth to this argument, I would suggest the False Prophet instead. Christians mistakenly claim that the anti-Christ will come as a counterfeit Christ mainly due to the Illuminati attempting to put forth just such a world leader, but it's the False Prophet, who is depicted by God as having two horns like a lamb (i.e. like Jesus) that we should view as the Christ-like Illuminatist world ruler. Am I right?
The bottom line seems to be that the Danaans were a major root of the Redone Gauls, the "Aereda" who settled "Haeredaland" (and those terms sure do look like "Eridu"). This is further evidence that the British Danann stemmed from the Redones, and this then serves to trace the bloodline of the Veres.
I don't know for certain how the proto-Veres entered the Danann bloodline, whether by way of the sea route to Massalia, or by way of the land route to north Italy. In any case, the royals of Liguria married the boar-line Phocaeans at Massalia to produce the Danann. Yes, the "Initial [Phocaean] leader [of Massalia] married a Ligurian princess" talk of northern Italy should include Pollux, who depicted not the Calydonian Boar, but one of the crew aboard the Argo ship that was involved in "killing" (defeating) that boar. My guess is that the proto-Veres were in northern Italy as the Pollux/Boii peoples. The Merovingians, at least, in tracing themselves to Antenor Trojans, had to pass through Venetia.
As Ligurians depicted the wolf line, I am tempted to view "Pollux" (a Roman term, not Greek) as Po-Loki/Po-Lugi (Ligurians were on/off the Po river). I keep a theory wherein the Pollok clan stemmed from Bologne to the "Polonie/Polock" tribe of Vandals. But I also connect Bologne to the Lugii tribe of Gauls, for the Lugii became the Vandals.
Now behold: Perseus and Andromeda gave birth to the Danaan peoples of codeword "Gorgophone" (i.e. Greek Gorgons) and "Sthenelus." Gorgophone then gave birth to Tundareus who gave birth to Pollux, wherefore Pollux is a Danaan. Because Pollux' mother was Leda the Swan, while king Cycnus of Liguria was depicted as a swan, we can identify Cycnus as Leda peoples i.e. same as Pollux (i.e. Pollux became Ligurians), which makes sense because the father of Cycnus was given the name "Sthenelus," which must mean that Ligurians also stemmed from Sthenelus, brother of Gorgophone.
Therefore, view Ligurians not only as Danaans and Rose-Line peoples, but as Gorgons, by which I mean to say Gogi, as the term "Cycnus" would suggest (meaning that the myth writers knew the Gogi nature of Ligurians. These must be the Scythians that Nicholas de Vere didn't talk about when explaining the jump of his bloodline from the Mittani to the Danann of Britain.
The Sthenelaus that was Gorgophone's brother had for a son, king Eurystheus (a Danaan), this being the Mycenean king who sent Hercules on his Twelve Labors, one of which was to fetch Geryon's cattle. Because this tells that Geryon depicted the bloodline of Eurystheus, it means to me that the Geryon bloodline was put forth by the other Sthenelus (i.e. whom I see as an extension of the first), the king of Liguria...which is just what I have been saying all along, that Ligurians put forth the early British tribes, Parthalons, the Danann, Fir-Bolgs, etc.
Put it this way, that the myth writers, knowing that Geryon was of the same bloodline as Eurystheus, and knowing also that Geryon stemmed from Ligurians, gave the Ligurians the codeword "Sthenelus" because Eurystheus was son of Sthenelus.
It turns out that Eurystheus was the descendant of Pelops, he being the Golden Fleece line, the line that would immediately ascend Eurystheus' throne after him (through Atreus, son of Pelops), and the line that I think is most likely to furnish the False Prophet.
If the boar line was incorporated into the Vere and Pollok bloodlines for the first time at Massalia, then the Vere line too (prior to British entry) finds connection with the Luggi, explaining how, much later, the god Lug of the Fir-Bolgs was part of the Picts (i.e. the Veres) before becoming Loki the chief god of the Danes.
Bologne was originally "Bononia" (Boi-nonia), as it was was named by the Boii of northern Italy, I entertain the city with a Boii-Lug understanding, or, at the least, Boii-Logne ("logne" may mean a number of things).
It's interesting that the god, Rig, he being half of the Yngvi federation, is thought to derive from the Boii of northern Italy. This supports the theory that Wroxester was founded by the Boii, and in turn may serve to reveal that the Veres were from the Boii. Recall that the root "Wrox" was "Viroc," and that next to the Rugii in Rugaland (Norway) their lived (in Haeredaland) the Arochi. Might "Viroc" and "Arochi" have been the same Rus/Rosh/Hros peoples?
I have a sense that Wroxester (in south Britain) is to be connected to Roxburgh (central Britain), and that the two are important centers of Arthurian myth:
"King Arthur's mythical kingdom of Camelot may have been located in Scotland according to new research by a Scottish author [Alastair Moffat]...[who] radically relocates the fabled castle to Roxburghshire...the book centres Camelot on Roxburgh Castle."
Proto-Greeks from Pre-Israelite Israel
After a while one can get pretty good at deciphering the myths,
and maybe I'm going crazy tacking this unusual job,
but I see proto-Greeks in Israel.