Previous Update: December 10 - 13

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December 14 - 17, 2010

Blood Clauds Lead to Herd Attacks
Hot on the Trail of the Hrods
Found: the Judah-ites of the Kabeiri Cult, from Hebron (on the 16th)

To December 15 -- 16 -- 17

December 14

I ended with the Clud surname yesterday that smacks of the McLeods/McClouds (the surname under investigation for links to Herods and other Edomites), and I think I can make the link this morning with a couple of new insights to boot. When checking "Claud," that surname is said to have been popularized by a lame saint from Besancon, and as the Bessin is front and center these days, "Besan" (Massey Shield) was entered to find the very Coat, almost, that I had seen yesterday at the top of the Hamon de Mascy page. The only difference is that the respective white lions in the first quarters are in different positions. The fact that they are white suggests linkage to the Vere Coat, using the same quartered Shield but with a white star in the first quarter.

This is indication that Hamon de Mascy was directly linked, not only to the Masseys of Manche, but to the Meschins of the Bessin. This is the surname that includes "Besant/Bezant," the name of Byzantine gold coin, wherefore the write-up traced to Byzantium, but on that I am cautious (i.e. a trace to the Bessin seems much more likely). I do note however that the Massey and Besan(t) Shield are in the red and gold colors of the so-called "Macedonian" Byzantine emperors.

What comes to mind for me is Megiddo, for I trace "Macedon" to that place, not just for the similarity of terms, but because I read of Greek Dorians (in and around Macedonia) who either consider themselves the true Macedonians, or who distinguish themselves from them, but meanwhile the city of Dor is very near Megiddo. Dorians should be very central in yesterday's Mathuna/Mackay trace to Odrysians, if I'm correct in identifying Odrysians as A-Dorus-ians (Dorus was a mythical code for Dorians).

Not underestimating the similarity between "Masse(y)" and "MACedon," and still concerned about a MaccaBee link to Meschin/Massey-of-Bessin stock (see 8th update in November and onward), I should present the idea that Maccabees were named after Megiddo elements. No further comment at this time.

Evidence of a Clud and Claud link to McLeods is in the fact that the McLeod Coat uses the same castle as the Innes/Innice clan, while the Cluds use roughly the Ines/Ince Coat. The Inches (Perthshire) use the same design as the Ines/Inces, but with thicker lines, the same thickness as the Cluds. It seems clear that the blue Innes Zionist stars are those of the Perthshire Hagar(d)s (which is another good reason for tracing McLeods to Edomites).

As per the "barony of Innes in Urquhart," I took another look at the Urquart Coat and write-up, and this time Elginshire (where Urquarts first found) caught my eye. But also, the bones in the boar's mouth reminded me of the Bone/Bonne surname, which will shortly come to the fore while investigating the thought occurring to me as I loaded the Elgin-Coat page: Alexander the Great. He was a Macedonian, and in Daniel 7 and 11 he is a fore-runner to the Seleucid-associated anti-Christ.

It was the Elkin variation of the Elgins that brought "Alex" to mind, and "Alexander" came to mind only because I was on the Macedonia topic moments earlier. It deserved some investigation. I didn't see any definite heraldic links of the Alexander Coats to the Elgins, aside from a motto term. But then I loaded the Alex term and found the same red eagle used by the Fertes (who were the basis of the Ferte-Maces>Masseys), and both clans were first found in Normandy (Fertes were first in Calvados, where we find the Bessin). The Bone/Bonne Coat uses the Ferte eagle in both its colors, and as Bonnes were first in Oxfordshire, linkage with the Veres seems as correct as a Vere link to the Fertes. The Ferts/Farrs of Yorkshire, like the Fertes, use Vere-Coat colors...which are, once again, the two colors of the Macedonian Byzantines.

This potential Vere trace to Byzantines is made more suspicious in that I had already traced Vere-of-Anjou elements to Byzantines, especially to Melissena Rangabe. It appears to me that the nude woman of the Urquart Crest uses Melusine (a nude mermaid), though in the case of this Crest the tail is not shown. The Moray Crest uses Melusine, if that helps to make the connection, and while she holds a green mirror, i think it's green because the Urquart woman hold a green palm branch.

Here's how we know that a code is being used, for the Palm/Parm surname (fleur in Massey-fleur colors) was not only first in Yorkshire, where the Ferts/Farrs were first found, but the Palm/Parm Chief uses a bell pattern called, "vair." It's very likely that the vair symbol was for a branch of Bellamys, who lived in Ferte-Mace and even became the Ferte-Maces.

We can of course surmise that the clans at Moray clans had associations with the Mackays there, and we find evidence in the Moray write-up: "First found in Moray, where the clan founder, early branch in the north had given origin to the Earls of Sutherland." Mackays were first in Sutherland, and here's what I wrote in the last update page:

"The Sutherland stars are said to be from the Freskins (Friesland-kin, I assume, to whom I trace Varangians and related Nibelungs), a name that I've traced to the Fertes of Ferte-Mace (root of the Masseys). Fertes use red on gold, colors reversed to the Sutherland/Freskin stars [which stars were the Moray stars in personal colors].

I fully expect Massey>Mackay links Urquarts because they (and Elgins) were first found in Moray. As further evidence that Elgins/Elkins were Alex'/Alexanders, there's an Elky/Elgy surname (Perthsire) using the same spread eagle as used by the Alex and Ferte Coats. The Elgy eagle is black however, the color of the eagle heads in the Russian Alexander Coat. The latter uses white (Zionist) stars on black, colors reversed to the Elgin-Coat stars. It's very unusual to find a Russian Coat, and that to me suggests a Rothschild clan. Indeed, the Alexander Shield is red.

As you can see that some Alexander variations are Alesander-like, the bear (Russian symbol) of the Alis/Alice Coat should be considered. It's the same bear as per the Macey and Mackay Coats, and I do trace Rothschilds fundamentally to Masseys>Mackays.

The Alis/Alice Coat fir tree could be code for the Ferts/Farrs of Yorkshire, for I suspect that the Alis surname traces to the Meschins/Skiptons of Yorkshire who named their daughters, Alice. I recall tracing Farringdons/Farrintons (bombs in Vere colors) to Skiptons. Skiptons use a purple lion that could be code for the so-called purple room" of the Byzantine royals.

The Alis Crest is a hawk, and the Hawk surname uses purple "pilgrim's staves." The Hawk hawk wears a bell probably for the same as the vair bell pattern. The purple hawk's lure of the Cheshire surname comes to mind. But the hawk's lure is used also by the McLeod sept of Herod/Harald.

I just noticed the Abee sept of the McLeods at the very top of the list, and when checking lower down, sure enough, there were MacAbbe, MacAbbee, MacAbe, MacAbee, and MacAbeee. Just saying.

Aside from the "veritas" motto term of the Alis/Alice Coat, note that the Alis surname is traced by it's write-up to a variation meaning "noble person," for Veres love to call themselves "noble"...though I think it's code for the Nibelungs and likely the Nobel surname. I link Nibelungs of Friesland to Varangians of Friesland -- around WIERingen -- and it was the peoples of Wieringen (anciently Wiron) that had a Rurik leader that some, including me, was the Rurik who founded the Kiev location and went on to found Moscow. Incidentally, the Scottish Wier/Vere clan uses Moray stars.

The Irish Alexander Coat uses a crescent in the colors of the Putin crescent. If you were convinced yesterday that DUMfries is an Edomite region, then know that the Putins/Padyns were first in that Dumfriesshire. AND, I just discovered, he was Rurik of DORstad!! This is amazing because I was just poised to tell that the "terras" motto term of the Scottish Alexander Coat (the one with the Putin-colored crescent) could be code for "Dorus/Doris."

The Scottish Alexander write-up traces to AlexANDER, son of Margaret of Hungary, who was in Kiev in the company of the Kiev Varangians, where the future king ANDREW/ANDERS of Hungary was also hiding out. He and she could have had more than a one night stand, and we can wonder whether she had a child that came back to Britain with her.


"Rorik or Hrørek was a Danish Viking, who ruled over different parts of Friesland between 841 and 873.

He had a brother named Harald. Harald Klak was probably their uncle, and Godfrid Haraldsson their cousin. The identity of his father remains uncertain...

...The two Norsemen used islands as a main base of operations, the seat of Rorik being the island of Wieringen, while Harald operated from the island of Walcheren, and they also ruled Dorestad at this time."

Let's not forget that I trace Nahorites to the mythical Nereids, whose mother was Doris! I trace "Nereid" to "Nerthus," the Mother Earth goddess of the Varni, whom I've pegged as the proto-Varangians!! BUT ALSO, Alexander the Great Devil traced himself to Achilles, whose mother, Thetis, was a chief Nereid!!! That means that the "terras" motto of the Alexanders could in fact be code for Doris, mother of the Nereids, especially as "terras" evokes "earth." The entire motto is: "Per mares, per terras." "For mother, for land" could be code for the Earth Mother, you see.

I suppose what this could all mean is that king Andrew of Hungary was from the Macedonian line that also birthed Alexander the Great Devil. I had read that Andrew's mother was a Varangian of Kiev. Andrew's father, Vazul," sounds very Basil-like, a term used by Byzantines. In fact, Basil II was of the same Amorian bloodline as the Amorian emperors starting with Michael II and Micheal III, and to that family I link Michael I Rangabe (811-13) and the related TheoPHYLACtus Rangabe of (I think) Fulk-of-Anjou which the Melusine Veres merged.

I argued once that Milo de Vere of Anjou (son of mythical Melusine/Milouziana) was code for a Byzantine Michael, as per a Mihale-like variation. Now read this:

"[Vazul's] father was Michael (Mihaly), Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom (Hron or Gran) (- ca 978 or bef. 997) and his mother was Michael's wife Adelajda of Poland (- aft. 997), daughter or sister of Mieszko I of Poland."

Vazul also had a son by the name of Levente, evoking the Lennox/Levenax and Leven surnames treated yesterday.

"Levente was son of Vazul...and an unknown woman from the family Tatony. Fleeing first to Bohemia, [he and his brothers] continued to Poland where Bela settled down, while his brothers continued on, settling in Kiev. In Poland, Bela served king Mieszko II Lambert of Poland...Andrew and Levente went on to prince of Kievan Rus' - Yaroslav I the Wise."

It's not inconceivable that the unknown mother was of the Bellovesus-related Laevi peoples, explaining not just her son, Levente, but Bela, who is said in his Wikipedia article to be a son from Vazul's concubine of a Tatony family (i.e. I'm assuming Bela and Levente has the same mother). And the Tattons of Cheshire are easily linked to Bellamys (who I trace to Bellovesus), for they were called "Tattons of Mascy." Therefore, Meschin-related clans are expected to be, not Polish only, but of the Hungarian-Arpad fold. Remember, the Leven Coat uses elephant heads as possible code for Eliphas, son of Esau.

The predecessor of Michael I Rangabe was Staurikios (smacks of the Sturs/Stewarts), whose father, Nikephoros I, was "A patrician from Seleucia Sidera." I do trace the Mieszko Poles to Seleucids. Entering "Sider" brings up the Suda/Side Coat mentioned in the last two days. The Side Crest is a tiger, as with the Irish Alan/Hallion Crest. It's not inconceivable that Byzantines were from Trojans of the Teucer>Batia line, but I have every inclination of tracing them further back to Buzites of Bozrah, the city ruled by Esau.

As Vazul's father was Michael, a duke in Morava/Moravia, it's very conspicuous that the Rangabe colors, white on blue, are the Moray colors while the latter location was also called, Moravia. We can assume that this Hungarian Michael was a Rangabe, therefore, located in Moravia in a merger with the Hungarian Arpads. I'm already thinking that this Michael was a Khazar from those on the Mures, and that French Fers and Cohens both (not to mention Italian Fulks) stem from him (all three surnames use Coats filled with blue and white checks). In fact, upon checking, the mother of this Michael's father (Taksony) was of the MenMarot Khazars (of Biharia) that were on the Mures/Maros.

I don't forget my trace Rangabes to Rennes of Brittany, near Vannes and Morbihan, a location, I think, of Merovingians...that I also trace to the founding (about 800 AD) of "Moravia." The French Levan (with an 'a') surname is also "Vanier/Vaner," and may or may not apply to Levens.

BUT if the Levans/Vaniers link to the Vanes/Vains, then we really have something, for the Vane motto, "Ne vile fano," has been tentatively traced to Nevilles, who were discussed yesterday because they use the Annan(dale) saltire in colors reversed, while Annan(dale) traces (I think) to the Ananes Gauls that lived across the Po river from the Laevi Gauls (at Novara).

These, especially as they originated in the Dauphine/Provence theater, could have been Nibelungs from Nevers (beside Avallon and Autun), whom I trace to the monotheistic (i.e. suggests a Hebrew cult) Aten cult of Egypt. Nevers is also beside the small community of Morvan...that I've linked to "Morbihan." All Edomite cults of great importance should link to Merovingians, I now believe, and so I should underscore once again the link I make from Clode-like variations of "Clovis" to McLeods/McClouds and to the cloud/nebula symbol of Nephele>Nibelungs...whom in myth were made the wife of Ixion = Khyan the Exodus pharaoh.

Taksony may have married into a clan from Apachnas, the alternative name of Khyan: "Taksony married a Pecheneg or Bulgar woman" (article above).

I can't find a Novara-like surname but ended up at the Novak clan. The German Novaks use half the Neville saltire, and the other two Novak Coats suggest Hebrews.

There is evidence that the Vanes/Vains do link to the Laevi and Ananes, for as they are also "Veyn," so the Veyn/Vein Crest uses the Leonard tiger-like lion. The Scottish Leonard variations, Lannin and Lannon, could be evidence of the Ananes. In the last update page, the Lennox/Levenax surname came to mind as per the Leonards, and that Coat surprised me because it was the Annandale saltire! The Lennox/Levenax clan were first in DUMbarton, and the Annans and Annandale are in DUMfries.

The Inyaney, Innieney, Inyoney, and Inyanee variations of the Annans could be clue to linkage with Innes clans, meaning that the Innes (and their McLeod relations) could link to the Ananes. In fact, McLeods were first found in Lewis, a Levi-like term.

Studying the Annan variations further, the Ann/Annie surname of Yorkshire came to mind (stags like the Hannas), which I linked to the Annabells/Hannibals (another stag) of Yorkshire, and they to the Hannas and Hand/Hants...and other suspected Carthaginians. But this potential trace of the Hannibals-et-al to the Ananes and Laevis depends on whether the Anns of Yorkshire link to the Annans of Annandale, and for that we only need mention that Bruces of Annandale (they use the Annandale saltire) were related to Bruces of Yorkshire (the latter using a blue-on-white lion, the colors of the Hanna Coat).

I recall when writing a chapter on the blue lion of the Bruces that they were in Galloway, which is where the Hannas were first found. Galloway was paired with DUMfries.

I don't think that readers can always appreciate how I get so sidetracked. It complicates the subject, but then if I don't jot things down as they come to me, I may never get around to it, and besides, the Spirit can be giving leads at any time. Where was I? Oh yes, the Rurik Varangians, and their links to Dorians of the Nerthus/Nereid Nahorites. Although Dorestad did not belong to the Rurik Varangians until they conquered it, the place was likely named by the Doris entity that was a fundamental part of the Nereid>Nerthus line to the Varni.

I had noted that the Varangian brothers (Rurik and Harald) were from the Klak bloodline, and entering Clack, I just found, brings a Shield-on-Shield like that of the Sellicks/Seliocs (Seleucids?) of Herefordshire, which should be explained in that Clacks were likewise first in Herefordshire.

There's a Clackmanshire next to Fife, the latter location where the Sudes/Siders were first found, and I kid you not, I only learned of this minute that it uses a red saltire on gold, the Bruce-of-Annandale saltire. What are the chances that Varangians of Kiev, founded by Rurik (of the Klak clan) were in the ancestry of the Byzantine emperors from Seleucia Sidera, who in turn became the Siders/Sides/Sudes of Fife? It's known that Kiev Varangians merged militarily with Byzantines, especially by Inger, Melissena Rangabe's husband.

I read in Wikipedia's swastika article that Varangians pinned a swastika to the gates of Byzantium when they were at war with the empire. I should therefore show the swastika-like snake symbol of the Sugaar cult. As Sugaar was a Basque god of the Biscay theater (on the Spanish-French border), which included Navarre. The article says that the first-known ruler of Biscay was from the pre-Navarre theater. I'm assuming that Sugaar was named after Segovesus elements, and that the Novara location of the Laevi Gauls was related both to Navarre and to Segovesus>Sugaar.

AND, "The first known Lord of Biscay (11th century), Ínigo Lopez 'Ezkerra'...". The page shows black wolves in the Vere-colored Arms of Lopez belonging to the lords of Biscay, and that requires a remark or two, for I had shown the wolf-using Lowes Coat (in Levi-Coat colors), where the write-up traces to the French for "wolf." Lowes=Lopez" we get it.

But I think the Nerthus cult was from the wolf-worshiping Neuri and Budini (Ukraine, where Kiev is located), and as I've traced the Neuri (and their Alan partners) many times to Stewarts, I should add that I introduced the Lowes surname (first update this month) because it is listed, along with "Lewis," as a sept of Stewarts.

When introducing the Lowes Coat, I had a sense to mention it alongside the Stubbs and Stubbings because all three use black and gold. I had the same sense when see the black and gold (Levi-Coat colors, by the way) Side/Sider Coat. Now, looking at the list of Stewart septs again, I wondered whether they would show a Klak-like variation, and indeed they show a Glas(s) sept, no doubt the surname from Glasgow, where Stewarts lived after leaving Shropshire.

The Glass surname (Melusine in Crest) was first found in Buteshire, wherefore we can consider the surname of special importance to Stewarts of Bute/Avalon. BUT the Arms of Clackmanshire uses the Motto, "Look Aboot ye." And it shows the metal gloves used also by the Vanns/Vains and related Maceys. By now you may know that I trace proto-Stewarts to Maceys/Mackays and their raven symbol to vikings, but never before did I see such a clear line of Stewarts to the Klak vikings in the ancestry of Rurik and Harold. It makes a lot of sense.

The Byzantine emperor from Seleucia Sidera was Nikephoros I, and it was he who named his son, Staurakios. I've never before considered, so far as I can recall, a Stuart/Stewart trace to Byzantines, and yet the Veres, who claim to be Stewarts, have been traced to Byzantines, if only tenuously. It therefore makes sense that Stewarts and Vere were of the Varangians who merged with Byzantines.

Bute/Avalon was ruled by Morgans (a Mackay sept), but I was able to trace mythical Morgan le Fay to the purple-lion Vey/Vivian surname, which is being repeated now because I recall tracing Vivian terms to "Fife," where the Siders/Sides were first found. If the purple of the Veys links to Byzantines, then the Siders can be linked to Seleucia Sidera. I remind you, the Dutch Vey Coat uses...a boot

The Irish Fay Coat uses a sword through a boar's head, which is a symbol of the Beth relations of the Moray Mackays. IN FACT, ZOWIE, it's the Baits that use it, and they were first found in...Fife!! That tends to prove that Veys/Vivians were namers of Fife. Or, the witch cult of Avalon was in Fife too...beside Clackmanshire. French Fays show a fox on a Shield that could be the Alan Shield in colors reversed (Allans are also a Mackay sept).

There's lots of red and gold (Byzantine colors) re-occurring in these surnames, and so it is with the Fife Coat...and the Clack Coat. Again, Clacks appear by their Coat and location to have been Sellicks, and the latter have been traced (by me) to Seleucids, even as Seleucia Sidera was founded by Seleucus I. "Sidera" might have been named after Satyr elements.

As we're interested in Cloud-like entities linking to McClouds, I jot down that Seleucia Sidera was also, Claudioseleucia. This update started on the Claud surname, which was popularized by a lame saint from Besancon. It turned out that the Besan surname was also Bezant, and traced by it's write-up to Byzantines. I nearly objected to that claim at the time, just hours ago. But then I thought that Byzantines could have linked to the Bessin. And so it seems.

In the news, there is nothing of an Armageddon scenario gathering steam. It's surprising to hear so little from commander Mattis after all these months. In the transaction world, there seems to have been little progress toward a skincode beyond its legalization in the United States, but the next-generation of workers has already been conditioned to go computerized. Debit cards now have chips instead of stripes, though the chip cards also show the stripes. Christian persecution in the Middle East is on the rise. Iraq is about to meet its inevitable crisis like trains colliding.

December 15

You might not believe me if I were to say that the Danish Poulson Coat and the Scottish Poulson Coat use the Mackay/Macey Shield, until I show the list of Mackay septs. There you see in the list the Poles/Pulls (Mackay/Moray colors), first in Cheshire, and several other Pole-like terms, suggesting that Mackays were indeed Meschins from Piast Poles. Not all the surnames listed at Wikipedia's Mackay page are listed here.

Thanks to Tim, these sept pages are now available to all of us. Simply change the surname in the browser's URL line, and hit the Enter button (some surnames have no list). You can easily prove to yourself that heraldry symbols and colors are not just chosen out of a hat, but passed on from family to family. Keep in mind that septs are likely descendants, not ancestors. Ancestors are likely encoded in motto terms and symbols.

There are yet some challenges even though these lists are available. For example, while Neilsons are shown in the Mackay list, Neils are not. Perhaps Neils/Nihills were ancestors, keeping in mind that Massey-related Veres use a "nihil" motto term.

I can now prove my trace of Mackays to vikings of Shetland and Orkney, for the McVanish sept of Mackays brings up a Manus/Magnus surname first found in Shetland. As yet I don't understand its Vanish and Weynish variations, for one would think that these should belong to the Vain/Vain/Veyn sept of Mackays (not shown on this list but shown at Wikipedia's.

In any case, it seems to link the Waynes and Veyns to the Manus/Magnus clan, and this seems to be a principal Mackay ancestry because the Mackay motto uses "Manu." The write-up: "The name was born by King of Norway Magnus the Good, who died in 1047. It made its way to Britain through the Danish invasions of Northeastern Britain."

This doesn't trace the Mackays to the Varni (Nerthus worshippers), as I do, but then the Varni lived in the Denmark theater centuries before the Danish/viking invasions (800-1000). I did find a Varny surname in Mackay colors (and possibly Moray stars), first found in Vernai of Bayeux/Bessin. That seems like solid proof for a Vere link to the Varny. In the Vere write-up: "They were originally from Ver, near Bayeux..."

I should add that the Manus/Vanish lion design is that of the Nebels/Nobels (besants), whom I trace to Nibelung-related vikings. Varnys were first found in Buckingham (perhaps a variation of "viking") and besants are used also by the Buckingham Coat (Buckinghams were fist on Vere-infested Oxfordshire).

Also, my trace of the Scottish Mann/Maghan/Mathie surname to Irish Mathunas/Maghans/Manns should probably include the Manus/Magnus clan of Mackays. This could be important in the Mathuna emphasis of the last few days.

I was seeking Nerthus-related surnames and thought the Doses (swan) were interesting for a trace to the Eudoses. Tacitus wrote: "After the Langobardi [geographically speaking, that is] come the Reudigni, Auiones, Angli, Varni, Eudoses, Suarines and Nuithones all well guarded by rivers and forests. There is nothing remarkable about any of these tribes unless it be the common worship of Nerthus, that is Earth Mother."

The Dose write-up has the family Hamburg, Holstein and Mechlenburg, the very ballpark that the Nerthus worshippers were located by Tacitus. The surname, however, was first found in Friesland (where there was a Nibelung branch). To understand the full importance of Nibelungs, I trace them to Nephele who I think was code for the Nephilim.

The Dose write-up appears to trace to the devil goddess, Holle/Holla of Holstein, suggesting that she was the same as Nerthus: "In the Middle Ages, Dose became quite popular as a first name among knights. Chronicles mention, for instance, the knight Dose Block of Holstein in 1371. Chronicles also mention the figure Doso von Helle, who owned the village Dosenbeck near Preetz in Holstein. Its use as a last name may have stemmed from the area in East Friesland where the Dose river flows into the Ems."

Also in the Dose write-up: "The variations Dose and Dohse were found particularly frequently in Nordelbingen..." We expect Nord terms to link to "Nerthus," and even the Nortons came to mind again. I noted that English Nortons use the same Coat as the Morgans (= Mackay sept), in the gold and green colors that Wikipedia has Morgan le Fay decked out it. The artist (Sandys surname) also gave her a leopard skin, which suggests a trace to Dionysus.

Indeed, I would suggest a trace of the Sandys surname to the Sintians of Lemnos, where Dionysus lived. From months before today, I traced the so-called "dancette," which the Sandys Coat uses, to the frenzied dancing that was symbol of the Dionysus Maenads.

Irish Nortons claim to be descended from old Moray rulers (perhaps the ancestors of MacBeth). The Irish Norton/Naughten Coat is quartered red and green (Morgan le Fay is also given red), and these are the colors of the Manus/Vanish Coat. The Irish Manus Coat is also gold on a green Shield.

The idea coming to mind is that Mackays linked at Moray to a Mann-like entity (I suspect Manannan elements from the Isle of Mann), and that the MacBeths were likewise. The Bate/Bait Coat with "manu" motto term (same as the Mackay term) seems to apply. But in the last update, where I made a tentative link of Skinners/Skins to the Dionysus leopard skin, I write:

Wow, and this can be shown not to be coincidental at all, meaning that the Skinner surname does link to the Hydes/Hides and to the Beth surname because, when entering "Skin," there came up wolf heads balanced on sword tips, just like the sword tip through a boar's head in the Bait/Beeth/Beith Coat (!) mentioned yesterday with the MacBeth Coat.

Safe to say, the sword through a boar's or wolf's head was a symbol of the Mackays too. The English NORTH surname uses Mackay/Moray colors and a wolf head. The Neuri, whom I trace to the NERTHus cult, were wolf worshipers, according to Herodotus, who seems to me to have been a dragon-cult insider...from possibly a Herod bloodline.

Herodotus lived before the king Herods, and may help to discover what the Herods were named after. My present theory is that "Herod" was a version of "Horite," and while I trace Dionysus to Horites of Nuzi, I also trace Nahorites (of Haran) to a Dionysus branch in Edomite Horites. Hmm, Herodotus was from the Kos theater (near Rhodes). In fact, I've trace "Rhodes" to "Arados" in Syria, a very Herod-like term, suggesting that Horites may have named Arados (it was also "Arvad/Arpad").

My link of Mackays to the raven-depicted vikings of Shetland was taken to the Polabia theater where the Nerthus worshipers had earlier been, including the Angles. The raven used in the Engell Coat should apply. These Engells were first found in Bremen (key symbol), where the Angles generally lived in their early years. The German Bremen Coat has a sword out of a cloud, perhaps the Mackay sword too for reasons below.

As support for the Bremen-cloud link to Nibelungs, the city of Bremen was long-ago inhabited by the Frisii-related Chauci. The Chauci are said to be named after the hawk (it doesn't matter whether the derivation is true, so long as the people used a hawk symbol). As I read the article further, I was wondering about links to the hawk lures of the Cheshire and Herod surnames, and got to this part: "The Chauci also appear in the poem Beowulf as 'Hugas' where they form a lieger [clarification needed] together with the Frankish Chattuarii (Hetwaras) and the Frisians..." The whole smacks of Hugh Lupus to whom I traced Mackays, and even the "lieger" (= "league") term could be taken for a loki=wolf-term. I traced the Keith Catti to the same Hesse elements that named Cheshire, and this paragraph could therefore link Keiths to the Chattuarii.

In the Chattuarii article: "The Chattuarii or Attoarii are a tribe of the Franks. They lived originally east of the northern Rhine and west of the Chatti. Their land was south of the Bructeri..." In the Bructeri article: "They formed an alliance with the Cherusci, the Marsi, the Chatti, Sicambri, and the Chauci, under the leadership of Arminius..."

Arminius was of the Cherusci (which smacks of Cher, France) for he was also called, "Hermann der Cherusker." The Char surname uses a partridge, which was linked to the partridge symbol of Perdix, and he was linked to Berry, France, where Cher is located. Berry was the capital of the Bituriges, the tribe to which Bellovesus and Segovesus belonged (I link sega=saw to the saw symbol of Perdix). Recalling that the Perdix clan was linked to Saracens, so "Cherusci" could be a hard-C "Saracen."

On the French city of Creuse: "Creuse is part of the region of Limousin and is surrounded by the departments of Correze...Cher, and Indre." Limousin was named by a Lemnos-like Lemovices living beside the Santones that I trace to Sintians of Lemnos. There you have the Creuse link to Cher, suggesting that the two locations were founded by Cherusci. I should repeat here that, after I saw a potential "Herod" trace to "Creus." I was able to find evidence of a king Herod trace to mythical Creusa. Hmm, "Guéret, Creuse is also home to a large nearby animal park named "Les Loups de Chabrières" containing some of France's only wolves..."

It doesn't escape me that while I traced "Creusa" to hard-C "Hros"=Rus, the Chauci smack of the Gogi, but I'll leave room for coincidence here.

The Creuse surname (Mackay colors) -- first found in Cheshire! -- could apply to the Cherusci. It uses "Sequor nec" for a motto phrase, possible clue to Neckar-river roots.

The English Cross/Croise surname, especially the Crosce variation, could apply too; it uses a Massey Shield. The Massey colors are used by the English Cruise/Crous Coat, and as it uses red stars, see the red stars also in the English Carous/Charus Coat.

The English Cares (Kay bird) were first in Kent, and the Cross/Croise Coat uses "dum spero" like the Kent Massins/Masons. French Cares/Carrais use a Coat much like the Italian Massi/Mattis Coat...that I traced to the Massins/Masons.

Which reminds me, Kent was inhabited by Jutes, and I think it was Beowulf who said that Jutes founded Kent. It is though that the Eudoses were proto-Jutes (they were anciently "Eotens") but I suspect that the Eudoses were the Aedui of Autun, next to Nevers. There were not a few people in France who used the Eudes=Odo name, including a French king, son of Robert the Strong, count of Anjou.

Another thought is that the Cherusci, and the Crew variation of the Creuses, evokes the crow=raven, and this peoples may have become the raven symbol of the Shetland vikings.

I've often thought that the so-called "talbot" dog was a variation of the Stewart wolf but based on some linkage with "Lab/Labrador," perhaps ultimately from the LABYRinth of Daedalus. I had shown that the Arms of Cher use the same sort of Shield-on-Shield with curved border (cloud-like? as per code for Nibelungs?) as the Talbot Coat. Talbots were in Lincolnshire, and merged by marriage with Ranulf le Meschin of Cheshire, evoking the Creuses of Cheshire and the Cross'/Crosces first found in Lincolnshire. As I trace the Lindos-based Rhodians to "Lindsey" (old name of Lincoln(shire)) AND to the Rhodes surname of Lincolnshire, and because Caria was continental Rhodes, perhaps the Cares, Creuses, etc., were Carians (they in turn were likely Curetes/Cretans as per Sarpedon's founding of Miletus and various areas of lykos-like Lycia).

One of my first identifications of a hard-C "Saracen" was the Carrick surname...using talbots (and a dancette). The Carrick motto, "Garde bien," suggests the wolf in the Gard Coat, and it just so happens -- even while in the midst of tracing Carricks to the Cherusci, allies of the hawk-depicted Chauci -- that the Gard Crest is yet another hawk's lure!!! I didn't know this when I started this paragraph; I started it only to link Carricks to the Cherusci and to Cher.

THUS, with this evidence that the hawk's lure traces to the Chauci, who appeared to me to be the line to Hugh Lupus of Cheshire, and even to the hawk's lure of the Cheshire surname, and because I had linked the king Herods to mythical Creusa (and whatever peoples she represented), I WOULD NOW SAY THAT THERE IS MERIT in linking the Harald/Herod surname (with hawk's lure) to the bloodline of the king Herods.

As Haralds/Herods are a sept of MacClouds, the Creusa peoples may have been part of the fundamental Nibelung make-up, and indeed I do trace Creusa to Ares=Rus elements, who I see in turn as Ixion elements, mate of Nephele. This could explain why the Gard surname shows Uniacke and Uniak variations, for the post-flood Nephilim cult (not true Nephilim) are thought to have been the Anaki peoples (think Anu/Enki), depicted as giants for the cause of linking them to Nephilim.

English Gards (Mackay Shield) were first in Kent, and could therefore have been a Care clan (also first in Kent). It all smacks of the Hannibal Carthaginians again, and the Card Coat, which I just checked for CARTHaginian links to the Gards/Cares, is in Hanna colors and uses The Card blue lion is the Massin/Mason blue lion.

I had suggested that the palm trees of the Carts are symbols of the Hands/Hants Carthaginians, but as per yesterday's gleaning that Hannibals were merged with the Laevis and Ananes of the Po river, see the red saltire on white of the Cart Coat, for that's the Annan(dale) symbol! Plus, the blue lion is also a Bruce symbol (Bruces lived in Annandale). I am consistently finding that Herod traces includes links to the Laevi and Ananes.

I should jot down that while the Bructeri lived on the Lippe river, the Lipton Coat uses black wolf heads. AND, there is an English Lippe surname; the Crest looks like a tiger, but it's hard to tell. The German Lippes use the same lion design as the English Hallions while the Irish Hallions/Alans use a tiger in Crest...and black talbots (that I suspect are alternative black wolves). The Bructeri were in what became Westphalia, where the German Lippes were first found, wherefore the Lippes (and possibly Liptons) appear to be named after the Lippe river (or vice versa).

I say that the Lippes were named after the Laevi, for the Lippe write-up traces to a Lief- or Luff-like term: "The Picts were the ancient Scottish tribe where the ancestors of the Lippe family lived. The name Lippe comes from the Old English personal names Leppe or Lippe, which are derived from the Old English name Leofa." Entering "Leof" brings up the Lief/Leaf surname, which is trace-able to Olivers, who I strongly suspect were Laevi. As you can see, the Lief surname is traced to the Old English "leofa" too, but now it has a different derivation than in the Lippe write-up (like I said, don't always trust heraldic derivations).

I think, therefore, that Laevi stock of the Pharisees had a branch on the Lippe river, and the Bructeri, with their allies, are suspect as phony Levites who would no doubt have traced themselves to Israelites. But Bruces can be traced to the Eburovices.

The Bructeri lived between the Lippe and Ems rivers, and the first term I entered seeking possible Ems clans was "Aims," which brought up the Amos/Amis/Hames Coat (Lipton colors) that I've traced (months/years ago) to Hamon de Mascy. The surname even has Eames and Emmes variations! Keep in mind that the Dose river empties into the Ems, and that the Dose surname is under investigation for Eudoses links.

Recalling the trace (see previous update page) of the Hamon and Amos/Hames Coat to the Haemus region on the Hebros, Ixion comes to mind once again, for he lived there as the Kikons, who smack of the Chauci. AND, the original point was, Ixion was a king of LAPiths! I did trace the Hamon and Hames terms much earlier than the last update to Amisos/Samsun too, but that's not necessarily contradictory, for that's where Halybes lived, and recently I was able to make a confident trace of "Lapith" to "Aleppo," also called, Halab, what I suspected was a Halybe locality. Also, the Lippes are said to be Picts, and I trace them back to the Pyxites river (Thermodon theater) not far from the Halybes.

I recall tracing the Melusine of the Veres to the junction of the royal Picts with royal Scots in king ALPin, for not only do Veres trace themselves both to Picts and Scots, but Melusine is said by Veres to be an "elvin" entity smacking of "Alpin." The Lapp/Leap Coat uses Melusine (with mirror)!

The Lapp write-up mentions a Lapyn surname in Kent, and that suggests the Melusine-with-mirror in the Massin/Mason Crest. Also, as I just checked "Alfred (because I think he too was the Elvin bloodline), it was found that the ALFred/ALVerd surname (Massin/Mason colors)was first in Kent. AGAIN, this time to re-emphasize the Louvain link to the Laevi Gauls so as to make the same link to the Melusine Lapps, the Louvain Coat is exactly the Massin/Mason Coat and was likewise first found in Kent.

The Louvain write-up traces to a Louvain surname in Brabant (Belgium), but even the English Brabant surname was first found in Kent. I trace the Brabant capital, Brussels, to Bruce elements. That city is now a chief of the modern EU, wherefore, safe to say, Europeans of the non-Christian kind -- the ones now ruling the EU -- are from Eburovices Hebrews, NOT ISRAELITES.

But I know there are some intent of tracing Israelites to Eburovices/Ebroicum. They founded York, in my opinion, which used a white rose, the symbol of the Brabant Coat. The Brabant family's locality in Kent was/is Braborne, a term that can easily modify from an Eburo-like term. The Eburones come to mind.

I think I can trace the Robert surname of Kent to the Eudoses, even as the latter are thought to be Jutes, thought to have founded Kent. The French Robert Coat uses the bell pattern that I'll link to Bellamys because the Strong Coat uses a spread eagle in colors reversed to the Ferte eagle. I'm suggesting that both the Strong and Robert surnames are in honor of Robert the Strong, who named his son, Eudes.

The Robert Coat uses the Mackesy and Macie/MacHugh lion, and once again the latter surname is said to derive from an "Aodh" linking to "Hugh." Might we now link it to the Odo/Eudes entity? The Eudoses??? The Macie/MacHugh Coat is in Mackay colors and uses ravens.

Robert the Strong was of the Capetian dynasty, and though I don't know what that term links to, the Spanish Capet Coat uses a split Shield in the colors of the Fulkes/Falks...from Anjou, like Robert the Strong, count of Anjou. The best I could do was note the Capes surname when going to the English Capet Coat, and that could trace to mythical Capys for an assortment of reasons. I had thought to link "Caiaphas" to "Capys" elements in CAPPAdocia's KAIAsariyah location (on the Halys, where I expect the root of the Laevi and the Ananes Gauls).

I pointed out that the "sariyah" ending on that location should link to Assaracus, father of Capys. This was a Trojan mythical line, and Trojans went to France. This was a Trojan line linked to mythical Paris, who I think depicted a Gorgon peoples (in Parion, Mysia) that were somehow linked to a peoples in Israel that named "Pharisee." It is said that the Parisii (of France) founded York, but I contend that they were co-founders only...with the Ebroicum. But why? Were the two peoples related? I think so. Both from Aphrodite=Perseus.

On the Capetian dynasty, said to be the largest royal house in Europe: "The name of the dynasty derives from its founder, Hugh, who was known as 'Hugh Capet'. The meaning of 'Capet' (a nickname rather than a surname of the modern sort) is unknown." Hugh Lupus D'Avrances could trace to the Capetian roots after today's findings, especially if "Avrances" (a region near the Ebroicum) links to "Ebroicum."

On Hugh Capet: "His paternal family, the Robertians, were powerful landowners in the Île-de-France. His grandfather had been King Robert I and his grandmother Beatrice was a Carolingian, a daughter of Herbert I of Vermandois." "Beatrice" was traced suggestively to the Bituriges some days ago. Ile-de-France is at Paris, where we of course expect the Parisii.

Hugh Capet's mother was daughter to king Henry Fowler, and the Fowler surname was first found in Norfolk, where the Fulkes. Falk surname was first found. Hey-hey, heads up: Fulks were given a falcon symbol. The Fowler Coat (Mackay Shield) uses the Nebel/Nobel lions, and an owl in the crest. The Fowler motto, "Sapiens," reminds me of the 2nd update this months:

The Herd/Heard motto uses "sapienter," smacking of the Polish Slabaugh write-up: "It was in this [Polesie] province that the renowned Radziwills and SAPIEhas [caps mine] held their vast estates."

The Herds were under investigation for Herod links, but now we can even add that the Robert write-up traces to "Hrod(bert)." What do we think about that?

Could "Sapie" have been a hard-C Capie(t)???

Looking for Herd links to Hrodberts, the German Herds/Hardts use a red stag, the color of the Plantagenet stag. AND, ZOWIE I REALLY HAVE SOMETHING HERE, the Plantagenets (= son of an Anjou Fulk) were first in London, as with the English Capes/Capets!!!

There's nothing too sup[rising to link Fulks to Capetians, but we now know that Capets were also Capes and Capps. We also have some symbols to use for future use in tracing Capets further back that Hugh's immediate family. And the Capet link German Hardts seems an extra boost. I would suggest that Henry Fowler was a Fulker/Fuglers (Capes colors) or something near it. The Fuggers (split Shield with Anjou symbol!) of Bavaria come to mind as the German Herds/Hardts were first there. The Fuggers with Fuggitt-like variations evokes the "Fac et" motto phrase linked solidly to the Fawcetts of Fayside (= Morgan le Fay elements) and perhaps the Facies.

Fullers use a "recte" term, as do the English Herds. As you can see that these Fucher and faggot-like surnames are homo-pornographic, so the "recte" term brings homosexuals to mind. English Fullers were first in HEREfordshire.

The wand in the portrait of Hugh Capet is a hand with two fingers out, the other fingers in. When I was younger, that was a symbol of sexual penetration. Look at the single middle finger of Michael III of Byzantium. I do trace these very Byzantine elements to Anjou, yet the exact traces seem to elude me as though there is a cover-up in the history records.

English Rods/Rodes (said to be from the German "Hrod") were also first found in Herefordshire. The Rods use green clovers (Clovis symbol?), as do Austrian Fuggers.

It thus seemed that "Here"(ford) should link to the Rods/Hrods, and that seemed to prove true when looking again at the surnames, for the English branch uses a tree stump, as does the Rodam/Rodham Crest. Suddenly, we're back to the raven-depicted Rothes, Ruthers, and the rest.

In the news:

"Scottish engineering firm Weir Group Plc was fined £3 million today for paying illegal kickbacks to Saddam Hussein's regime to secure lucrative contracts.

The Glasgow-based firm admitted two charges of breaching United Nations sanctions imposed on Iraq before the 2003 invasion.

The group wired millions of pounds into a Swiss bank account to pay Saddam's henchmen in an attempt to evade UN sanctions.

In return the company gained multi-million pound profits from the now deposed Iraqi regime.

The money awarded to the firm should have been used for humanitarian purposes to ease the suffering of the Iraqi people under the UN's Oil For Food programme, but went to the dictatorship instead...."

The Weirs of Glasgow. The dragon doesn't know what good to do with its money, and never do the dragons have enough by moral means alone. Open your mouth, dragon, and receive the Hot Coals of Heaven. Swallow good.

December 16

How many can imagine that there have got to be some British-Israelists claiming that "Jute" is indication of "Judah"? But where are the Jutish practices and lifestyles that can link to Jews?

Entering "Jude" led down a path that could be the Briquessart side of Ranulf le Meschin. That line leads back to Eystein, grandfather of Rollo, who is suspect as the Kays/Cais. The Jude Coat has white-on-black scallops, the Meschin scallop colors. The surname is said/thought to be from "Judge." The write-up: "...Jude was the translation of the Irish Gaelic Mac an Bhreitheamhnaigh. This same name was also anglicized and became MacEvrehoona, MacVrehonne, MacBrehon, and others."

"Evrehoona" and "Brehon" smack of "Hebron." Hebron was a major part of the allotment given to the tribe of Judah. Abraham lived in those parts, but modern Arabs have claimed the region as holy for their own line (so they think) to Ishmael.

It begins to appear that the Jude/Brehon surname links indeed to Jews of Hebron, but not so fast, for there are clans that could only dream of such connections. Samson cult is located by the book of Judges (hmm) just to the north and west of Hebron, AND white-on-black scallops are the Samson-surname symbol too (!), AND it uses the Eaton/Eaten "cross," suggesting possible links to the Eotens=Jutes. The Eaton cross is in Jude and Meschin-scallop colors, and the surname was first in Cheshire.

Eatons use what looks like two double-axes to form their "cross." The English Jude/Judge Crest uses two axes and could therefore apply. This Jude clan was first in Warwickshire, right beside Gloucestershire, where the Samsons were first found.

The Brehon variation of the Irish Jude clan suggests "Breckon," and zowie the Breckon Coat uses the Guiscard/WiseHard symbol!!! This is just most excellent, for not only was Guiscard in favor of Jews in his Sicilian domains, but at first (many years ago) I thought the Guis part of his surname was from "Jew."

I keep that in mind now as per my trace to "Guis" to "Gos/Gois," the other side of Ranulf le Meschin! AND zowie again, Ranulf's mother was a Gos from the family of Hugh Lupus D'Avrances, and even "Avran(ces)" smacks of "Hebron."

The Gois/Guis/Gise surname was first found in Gloucestershire!!

It's known that Guiscard made a military alliance with Saracens led by leaders named Timnah and Samsam, who obviously traced themselves to the Samson cult. Guiscard was himself of the Rollo line and therefore likely from Eystein, suggesting that both of Ranulf's sides were from Eystein (Meschins liked to keep their blood pure, but so did the Jews, not at all meaning that I think Meschins were Jews, but rather that they may have come to think so, and may therefore be at the root of British/European Israelism. Note that the Irish Jude surname "was the translation of the Irish Gaelic Mac an Bhreitheamhnaigh," a term smacking of "Britain/Pretani."

In the past, my best shot at finding Briquessart kin was in the Brick Coat due to its fleur-de-lys in Massey-fleur colors. But also, the blue-on-white diamonds all linked to one another suggested the Bavarian lozenges, and I do trace Masseys to Bavaria's dukes (whom I had traced to Gareb at Jerusalem). I see the stag in the Brick Crest, and remind you of the stag in the German Hard/Herd Coat (Guiscard/WiseHard colors) shown yesterday in the Herod topic, for Hards were first in Bavaria.

The Gois/Guis Coat also uses lozenges.

The Herd/Hard deer is said to be "courant," and seeking what clans that could be code for, I came to the Cours (Brittany, besants) with Court and Courtier variations smacking of the Judge/Jude surname. Then, when looking at the Curtis Coats immediately afterward, the English branch (in Cour/Court colors) was first found in Warwickshire -- where the Jude/Judge was first found!

Then, when clicking to the Irish Curtis Coat, it smacked much of a Coat I saw yesterday, and clicking again to the Italian Curtis Coat, it smacked of the Irish Norton Shield that I had linked to the above-mentioned Coat, which was the McVanish/Manus (purple Nobel lion)...sept of Mackays (I think it was the chief Mackay sept, first found in Shetland). I should add that Scottish Nortons were first in Argyllshire, where the Haralds/Herods (green Shield) were first found.

Let's not forget that the Herd/Hard deer was linked yesterday to the Fulk>Plantagenet stag, or that Fulkes/Falks also use a red and green Shield, or that Fulks made it to the Templar throne of Jerusalem. Like the Fulkes/Falks, the English Courts/Coverts (Curtis colors) were first found in Norfolk.

PLUS, it was only after writing that, that I got round to checking the farmer Coat, for the English Curtis Crest is a "A farmer holding over his shoulder a plowshare." The Farmer Coat uses red stags, the color of the Herd/Hard and Plantagenet stags!! The FERmare variation is telling, and in fact the farmer Coat uses Vere colors. In fact, zowie, it used gold bugles on red, the colors of the bugles in the French Court Coat. The Brecks (Shropshire) use bugles in the same colors!

I don't think I've ever seen a perfect copy of the Hanna stag (in Fer colors) head until now; I've been seeking it for a long time. It's in the Farmer Coat. The closest I had gotten before is the Brick-Crest stag, and my eyes just can't tell whether it's the same one.

As for the "plow" motto term of the English Curtis', the Plow/Plough Coat (Shropshire) is a near-copy of the English Curtis Coat! (It comes close to the English and Dunham dancettes, and Dunhams were also first found in Norfolk.) The Ploughs remind me of the Plocks/Plugenets

The French Brix/Brice/Briss Coat uses white-on-blue lozenges, suggesting links to the Bricks. The Brisson variation comes close to the Brehon variation of the Judes (that was apparently also "Brechon"). It might be worth a passing mention that German Brix'/Bricks' were first in Silesia. The blue and white Bruces are traced to the regions of Normandy (one of them being Brix of the Manche) that were home to the Masseys/Veres or Meschins.

Scottish Brices/Bricius Crest uses a cloud, and the Chief uses the Nobel lion, two symbols that I link to Nibelungs. The Coat is the Annan(dale) saltire in colors reversed. The Crest uses scales and a "justita" term smacking of courts and judges. Suddenly, we have a Jude/Judge/Brehon trace to the Ananes and Laevi Gauls. Fully expected!

The Judith surname is roundly traced to "Judah," but the writ-up of the Judith surname (Court colors) may suggest that the clan was not "Judith" to begin with, but rather "Jundt/Junt." This clan was first found in Westphalia, where the German Jude surname was first found! We may now have a clue as to Jundt/Junt origins of the Judes. Perhaps the white-on-blue (Bavaria colors) stag of the German Jungs/Junes/Youngs, first found in Bavaria.

Perhaps the Junts were German Gunthers/Guntes. YES, for Welsh Gunthers (white-on-black colors of Irish Judes/Brehons) use a stag, and were first found in BRECONshire!!! These have got to be the Brehons/Judes, therefore. Variations of the Welsh clan include: Gonton, Guynton, Goynton, Guynter, Gounter, and Gaunter. These evoke the Gaunts/Ghents, who by the way founded (via John Gaunt) the red rose of Lancaster in opposition to the white rose of York.

Checking, the Gaunt Coat looks like it may be the Irish Curtis Shield (minus the central bar in the latter) in colors reversed. The Gaunts were first found in Kent, and as they were from Gaunt/Ghent of Flanders, it evokes the Louvains and Brabants (see yesterday) from the Flanders theater also moving to Kent...with the Bruce lion. Kent was founded, or perhaps so-founded, by JUTES!!!

Dutch Ghents are also Gents, evoking "Gentile." That could be coincidental, for I would rather trace to "Kent." Apparently, Kent and Ghent were related (Kent was founded by a Cantii peoples). BUT now look at the bell in the French Gent Coat (Dutch Gent colors), for the German Judes/Judens use a bell too! I suppose that "Juden" could be related linguistically to "Jun(d)t."

I'm thinking the bell is code for elements from Bellovesus, who controlled the Gaul invasion wherein the Laevis took to Novara while the Ananes took the river opposite them (at Placentia). The Bryce surname is also "Breise," suggesting the Abreus who use a lion in Bryce/Breise-lion colors. The Bryce/Breise write-up traces to Gauls: "The name Brice comes from the Gaulish saint Bricius, a nephew of St. Martin of Tours in the 5th century."

The Bryce/Breise Coat compares with half the German (Bavaria) Brett Coat.

The lion design in the French Gent Coat was linked to Veres, and it's used also by the Oddies/Odins/Odos (this clan links to German Oettingens of Bavaria), terms that I was wondering on yesterday as per links to the Eudes/Odo name that should be in honor of the Varni-related Eudoses, whom some think were Jutes. The Oddies/Odins were at GISburn, and the Gisburn surname uses a lion in Sam/Sammes colors. I say that because "Gis(burn)" reminds me of "Guiscard/Wishard."

In the Gois/Guise write-up, family held Gloucester entities as per marriage to a daughter of the Earl of Kent.

I've know for a long time that entering "Guis" brings up the Italian Quido Coat, but only now do the variations look Jutish/Judish. "Guidini: smacks of "Juden." "Ghioni/Ghione/Ghini/Ghion" could suggest Guines, a term that I linked, as per Vere suggestions, to "Gos/'Gois'Guis." The "Ghion" variation reminded me of the Gihon spring at Jerusalem's Kidron valley, where Molech and Baal were worshiped even by Israelites.

Entering "Guines," what do we find but a trace back to Capetians (of Bourbon basis), yesterday's topic...wherein I was investigating Capet links to Pharisees and Herods. Bourbons evoke "Ebro=Hebrew." In the Bourbon-surname (Guines colors) write-up, the first thought is "nobel." Some Guines variations use "Guy, and entering "Guy" brings up the Gois/Guise Coat...which by the way uses a swan that should link to the holy-grail cult of Parzival>Lohengrin.

Actually, the German Logen/Lock surname (with swan) was on my mind at the start of this update, for when looking on the Bible-atlas map of ancient Israel, there was next to Hebron. Scottish Logens are also Lennons, while Irish Lennons/Leonards use the Hebron-like "hibernico"' motto term. I don't forget that the Lennox/Levenax (first found in DUMbartonshire) uses the Annan(dale) saltire and should therefore trace to the Ananes and Laevi Gauls (of the Kabeiri transvestites). I don't forget that the Louvain/Leuven-like Levens use an elephant as possible code for Eliphaz, son of Esau.

The "Prisco" motto term of the Irish Lennons smacks of "Pharisee," and though the term may not have been created as code for Pharisees, it could be code for Pharisee stock unknowingly.

It was noted earlier this morning that the Lach(mann) Coat (entered as per "Lachish") uses black and white checks, a symbol of the Irish Curtis Coat. And it's not forgotten that Spanish Majors use nothing but a Shield filled with those colored checks, which is mentioned now due to the "majorum" motto term of the Scottish Logens/Lennons (this could indicate a Lach kinship with Logens/Lohans). The motto is translated, "This is the valour of my ancestors," just as we would expect from a holy-grailer Illuminati bloodline.

I've previously traced the nails used in the Logan/Lohan/Lennon Coat to the Neils, especially the Neils/Nails of Germany, who were first in Westphalia, where the German Judes and Judiths were first found...but also where the Bructeri and the Lippes were first found (see yesterday for that part). The several Negel-like variations of the Nails should link to the same-colored German Nickels, and of course to the same colored German Logens/Lochs).

As Spanish Locks/Locks use swans too, perhaps it's time to create the theory that the Ligurian/Templar swan line -- that I trace to "Sion" -- traces to Lachish. Perhaps even the Loki wolf and the Lycians trace to Lachish. This is a new idea for me. Mythically, Lycia was a very-Lachish-like "Lycus." Let's not forget the "licentiam" motto term, and the wolves, of the alternative-Irish MacKay Coat.

One mythical Lycus, of Athens, was made brother to Nisus (clearly the Dionysus cult on the Maeander, at Lycia). This is the Lycus that gave Lycia it's name, according to Herodotus. "Another" Lycus was brother to Nycteus, which reflects "Nigel/Nickel" not badly, and even more-so the Naughtens (= Nortons). This "Lycus was uncle to Antiope [Amazon peoples, likely the Heneti] whom Zeus impregnated. She fled in shame to King Epopeus of Sicyon and abandoned her children, Amphion and Zethus...Nycteus, unable to retrieve his daughter, sent his brother Lycus to take her. He did so and gave her as a slave to his own wife, Dirce."

This Antiope must have been the same as Antiope, wife of Theseus of Athens, and I did identify the latter as Nahorites of the Nereid/Doris kind. At Hebron today, where we expect Nahorites because Nahor was Abraham's brother, is the location of Dura, anciently Adoraim. Dirce???

We find that Antiope of Nycteus (smacks of Naxos=Dionysus-branch Na(c)horites) went to Sicyon, the place to which I traced Segovesus (brother of Bellovesus):

"In Greek mythology, Antiope was the name of the daughter of the Boeotian river god Asopus [there's another Asopus river at Sicyon], according to Homer; in later sources she is called the daughter of the 'nocturnal' king Nycteus of Thebes or, in the Cypria, of Lycurgus, but for Homer her site is purely Boeotian..."

THERE WE HAVE the Lycus link to Lycurgus, the king of Edones/Edoni who I traced to "Liguria." And I also ventured to identify the Edones as the Eoten=Jutes. AND I suggested that these Edones were also the Thracian Geti tribe, the goat line to the Goths and Jutes, wherefore lets read the rest of the quote above:

...[Antiope's] beauty attracted Zeus, who, assuming the form of a satyr, took her by force. A.B. Cook noted that her myth 'took on a Dionysiac colouring, Antiope being represented as a Maenad and Zeus as a Satyr'. This is the sole mythic episode in which Zeus is transformed into a satyr. After this she was carried off by Epopeus, who was venerated as a hero in Sicyon..."

Clearly, Antiope was a Satyr=Satrae peoples. I don't forget that SITHONEs were an Edoni tribe that I traced to mythical king of Liguria, STHENelus. And he is traced to Sion/Sitten of Switzerland. It all works like a lick of wolves on the devil's carcass. We have found the Illuminati light, and it's a dead devil, to be forever forgotten.

Epopeus smacks of Apophis, a Hyksos king that took over after the demise of Khyan. AND, Antiope's child by Epopeus was Zethus, smacking of Set(h), god of the Hyksos. It could be that Hyksos escaped to Lachish, where they and the peoples of Lachish were routed by the Israelites under or after Joshua. The losers fled as an Anat and Baal cult, ending up as a Heneti branch in Edonia, Boiotia and SICYon, and afterward were honored by BELLo(vesus) and "SEGO(vesus)" (i.e. some moved to France too). I did trace Boiotian elements from mythical Aedon of Thebes (Antiope was of Thebes too) to the Aedui of Autun, and these could have been, if not the Eudoses, a fellow Edoni tribe with them.

A third Edoni tribe was the Mygdones, who smack of Macedonians, and this traces in my book to Megiddo and adjacent Dor. Possibly, Dor links to Dura.

ZOWIE, after writing the paragraph above, I clicked from this Antiope page to her husband, Pierus, symbol of the Macedonian city of Pieria, and mythically made a "son of Makednos"! He was the myth symbol of Macedonians, but clearly those peoples were from Antiope elements. The Pieria region was home to Orpheus, whom I suspect was a Lapith/Ixion=Khyan peoples. In myth, the head of Orpheus floated down the Hebros (to Lesbos), and that's cause now for a Hebros link to "Hebron."

Now something is cropping up that frightens me, and yet satisfies me all at once. In Judges 1:19-20, we read that Israelites had trouble eradicating some of the Anak because they had iron chariots. Keep that iron in mind, for Chalybes/Halybes are said to be inventors of Iron. In verse 20 we find that Moses gave Hebron to Caleb, an Israelites from the tribe of Judah. Caleb smacks of "Chalybe/Halybe," and zowie, it seems as though the Chalybes were Israelites after all, though this might be hasty.

The Anak, says verse 20, lived in Hebron when Caleb drove them out, and possibly the Anaki may have merged with Caleb's line by marriage, and perhaps the Anaki line named a son Caleb too...who went on as the Chalybes. In any case, I think this line of reasoning here today is very good evidence of a Chalybe (and likely Kabeiri/Galli) trace to Hebron. "Joshua 14:15 notes, 'the former name of Hebron was Kiryat Arba...'" Hurrian Arba?

The trace of Chalybes to Hebron then suggests that HEPHaestus (founder of the Kabeiri) traces there, but then I linked him to "Nephele," and I thought that she was code for the Nephilim=Anaki. Plus, I think that her mate, Ixion -- the Kikons of the Hebros -- depicted Hyksos, not Israelites.

Judah had a son, Perez, whose son in turn was Hezron, father of Caleb, and zowie "When Azubah [Caleb's wife] died, Caleb married Ephrath." That's from I Chronicles 2:19.

That does smack of "Aphrodite," wife of Hephaestus. BUT, hold your horses and your cannon fire, British-Israelists. Could it be that Caleb married an Anaki peoples when marrying Ephrath??? In 1 Chronicles 2:19: "Ephrath was the wife of Caleb (son of Hezron) and mother of Hur." Was he named in honor of Hurrians? It doesn't tell whether Ephrath was Israelite, and I did trace Aphrodite to the Hurrian region of the Chabur/Habur river (tributary of the EUPHRATes) in upper Babylon.

Further down the page at 1 Chronicles 2:42: "Mesha was [Caleb's] firstborn and the father of Ziph. His son was Mareshah, the father of Hebron." Mareshah smacks of "Maritsa," the alternative name of the Hebros river.

The problem is, Hebron appears here to be named by a grandson of Caleb, for Ziph was the name of a city beside Hebron. And, in verse 51, Bethlehem was made a son of Salma (Bethlehem was also "of Ephrath"). This all smacks of myth code, not raw historical reality. At least, we find Hebron mentioned for the first time in Genesis 13:18 as the place to which Abraham took with his tents, so that we could have a problem explaining the city's name after Caleb's sons...who lived after Abraham's death. I have no evidence that Chronicles is an Inspired work, nor do I know whether it was considered part of Scripture by Israeli ancients.

Also: "Hebron is first mentioned in the Bible, when Abraham meets with Ephron the Hittite after Sarah's death." Ephron the Hittite?

I'm convinced that Chalybes and the Kabeiri cult were from Caleb's marriage, whether mythical or not, to Ephrata. This should explain at least part of the preoccupation of Freemasons in their trace to the tribe of Judah. It is said that "Caleb" means, "dog." Was that code for "gentile-ish"?

I very much regret that I have found what appear to me to be myth-like codes in the canon of Scripture. It's very important to realize that many "Biblical"" works have been rejected or accepted, depending on who does it. Deciding on what is and what is not True Script is another complication that Christians may need to deal with sooner or later, aside from the fact that there are more Christian denominations in the world than the stars of the sky.

Did you notice that Mesha was made the father of Ziph? Mesha was a region of the Joktanite Hebrews; they lived between Mesha and Sephar. This means that Sepharvites may have been at Hebron. Ziph might therefore have been named after Sepharvites. Some translations make Ziph the grandfather of Hebron, if that helps to trace Hebron to certain, wicked Hebrews. As Mesha was Caleb's son, it could suggest that Caleb's first wife (before Ephrath) was of the Sepharvite Hebrews.

The translation at this page (see the footnote explanation) does not necessarily make Ziph the ancestor of Hebron. But as Mareshah is made the father of Hebron, I think it's clear indication that these Hebrews ended up on the Maritsa/Hebros river. The Edones were down near its mouth.

December 17

Continuing with Nycteus, let me repeat that he had Antiope as daughter, who married Pierus symbol of Macedonia (Mag-Edonia?), wherefore we expect Dorians in this picture, if Macedonians trace to Megiddo and Dor (not far from Tyre). That should explain this: "In Greek mythology, Nycteus was a king of Thebes. His rule began after the death of Polydorus..." The latter was from the Tyre region for certain because he was "son of Cadmus and Harmonia, and father of Labdacus by his wife Nycteis, daughter of Nycteus."

Labdacus sounds like lab-dog, interesting because he's involved with Lycus, a loki=wolf term. I maintain that Stewarts, who early worshiped the wolf/fog, are at the root of the "talbot" Lab dog. The mythical Lab term here could be code for Halybes and Lapiths, and "Dacus" for Dacians. LabDacus should prove to have been associated with Orpheus, the Lapith branch way up the Hebros in the region of the Carpae/Arpii (i.e. the Carpathians), next to Dacians. As I traced Apollo to Dacians, the Poly terms found in these bloodlines (including Polybus) could be code for him.

Labdacus fathered Laius (also king of Thebes), a term that might have developed from "Lapith," even as it's known that "Lesbos" developed from mythical Lapithus. Laius was married to Jocasta, perhaps revealing that the Labdacus>Laius line was a Joktanite entity. It's not forgotten that I trace Joktanites to "Acte," the name of pre-Attica (beside Boiotia).

You may have read not long ago where I stressed the pyre fires that were symbol, I think, of child-sacrificing cults (scarified in fire) such as the Joktanite Sepharvites. The Pierus term above could apply, but also it should be suspected that Oeta was a location of such sacrifices because Hercules "willingly" laid himself on a pyre for his own suicide at Oeta. The point is, a son of Laius with Jocasta was OEDipus. The latter was closely associated with the Corinthian queen, Merope (think Merovee=Merovingians at Morvan near Autun).

Remember yesterday's trace of Caleb=Hebron elements, near Dura (anciently Adoraim), to Halybes, for the above suggests that PolyDorus (father of LABdacus) was a Lapith peoples, whom I recently figured were Halybes from Aleppo/Halab elements. And let's not forget the Lapith ruler, Ixion, he being a primary Hyksos peoples. The point is, "another" PolyDorus was made the son of Hecuba, mother of Hector (major king of Troy), suggesting a link of some Dor entity to the Hyksos line to Trojans, and it is this line that we expect in the Paris/Frank theater. We also expect the PolyDorus>Nycteus line of Thebes in Autun and surrounding area.

Another important point to be made here is that the Lycus link to Lycurgus (see yesterday) leads to Dorus/Dura-like Odrysians, whom I identify with mythical Dryas, son/father of Lycurgus (i.e. Odrysians were a branch of Edones to some extent). Odrysians lived on the Hebros, which river was traced solidly to Caleb's peoples (his name means "dog") at Hebron. In this picture, Odrysians appear to be from Dura. The only possible Judah-ites on the Hebros that I can think of (my knowledge of the region is not extensive) are the Guti, and that has the potential to trace Judah-ites (I refuse to call them Jews) to Goths, Geats, and/or Jutes. Let's not forget Edone/Eoten-like Odin and Lycus-like Loki, the chief Scandinavian gods.

In the Nycteus article again: Nycteus "and his brother Lycus were the sons of either Chthonius, one of the Spartoi, or of the nymph Clonia and Hyrieus, the son of Poseidon and the Atlantid Alkyone, or of Poseidon and the Pleiade Celaeno. The two brothers fled from Euboea after they murdered King Phlegyas [Peleg, son of Eber?], settling in Hyria and then moving to Thebes, because they were friends with Pentheus, its king."

Phlegyas was a king of Lapiths (!), father of Ixion, suggesting a war between Dionysus-based Nahorites and Peleg Hebrews merged with Caleb-related Lapiths.

I was confused and wrong some days ago when I said that bees/honey was a theme of Haemus; instead, it was the theme of Hyrieus, the bee keeper, symbol of Hyria in Boiotia (founded by Horites?). His wife, Clonia, would appear to be the same as "Celaeno" (I refrain in caution from linkage to "Caleb" though the thought crosses my mind), and the PosEIDON line here seems to be the one back to the Cadmus Tyrians/Phoenicians. The Spartoi above are the offshoot of Cadmus' war with the Ares dragon in Boiotia, which dragon should prove to be a facet of Harmonia (Ares' daughter). We can be more certain that Nycteus was code for (Dio)Nysus and Naxos, because Cadmus was father of Semele, mother of Dionysus. I consider the ALCYone character, the alternative of Calaeno, as the Samsun line of ALCmene, mother of Hercules.

The Alky term is code for "giants," and so recall from yesterday that Caleb was apparently merged with the Anak "giants" of Hebron. That "Anak" smacks of "Nycteus" and "Naxos," you see. I recall tracing Dionysus to the giants of the Hebron region as per a Biblical account wherein Israelite spies (at the Exodus) were carrying large grape vines from the land of some giants. Let me go find that story because it included Caleb and, I think, Hebron...Here it is:

"Moses sent [the Israeli spies] out from the wilderness of Paran. Among the scouts were Caleb son of Jephunneh from the Tribe of Judah and Hosea son of Nun from the Tribe of Ephraim. (Numbers 13:6-8.) Moses changed Hosea's name to Joshua. (Numbers 13:16.) They scouted the land as far as Hebron. (Numbers 13:21-22.) At the wadi Eshcol, they cut down a branch with a single cluster of grapes so large that it had to be borne on a carrying frame by two of them, as well as some pomegranates and figs. (Numbers 13:23.)"

When I read that (years ago), it evoked Dionysus, and it now appears to be proving correct to have made the link to him. My perception (years ago) is that the Dionysus cult (in Thrace) traced itself to the Biblical account of these giants where the grape vines grew, and that this was the reason for the wine cult of Dionysus. Apparently, the cult/peoples included vine growers even in the Greek theater.

Also apparent is that the Anak of that Hebron region were merged/allied to the Manoah>Samson cult to Hebron's north-west, explaining the Dionysus Maenads and his SEMele mother. A wicked lot of these allies ended up at Laish/Dan (at mount Hermon), and that's where they joined the Cadmus line of Hermes-related Cadusii, not to mention the Pan satyrs at Panias, very near Laish, explaining why Satyrs are associated in the Greek theater with Dionysus.

The cult then proceeded to Cilicia's Adana/Tarsus/Kizzuwatna/Khassi as proto-Danaans leading to Hercules et-al. As Adana is roughly the Halab theater; we can imagine a Dionysus/Anak merger with Caleb elements to found the (C)Halybes of Halab. One can now entertain a Galli link to "Caleb," though that might be pushing it. The Clonia and Celaeno terms above could be code for the Galli, whom I traced to such terms as "Gelani" (who lived among the Budini and Neuri).

In any case, these were not good people of God. I refuse to call them Jews even though we would expect some Judah-ites among them, perhaps even some Danites, and we should not leave out of this picture other forms of Hebrews such as Joktanites, Nahorites, Pelegites, and Arphaxadites. Certainly, we should not, as Freemasons do, point to European Hebrews as though they are blessed of God and somehow reserved for end-time gifts. Rather, it's by appropriate faith in the Son of God that makes a European Hebrew a blessed individual. Blood counts for nothing. It matters nothing if you or I can trace to ancient Israelites. Those peoples were abandoned by God, and cursed, for their determination toward paganism, and only a Christ-respecting remnant will be saved in the end, but only out of Sheer Loyalty to Abraham. Isaac and Jacob.

Phlegyas had a daughter, Coronis the crow, and she birthed Asclepius (I assume the "epius" to be the "opa/ops" suffix, though perhaps related to "hippus"= horse), who smacks of Eshcol, the place where the Dionysus grapes were located. It's a no-brainer to link the Asclepios serpent to the Hermes caduceus staff/rod i.e. the Cadusii at Hermon = Cadmus and Harmonia. We then find that Coronis mated with an Eshcol-like Ischys, son of Elatus (king of Lapiths, married to Hippeia).

"Another" Elatus (whom I trace to Laish) was a son of Arcas, bear symbol of Arcadia, the first place that the Hermes cult from Hermon entered Greece. Elatus also birthed Caeneus, which may be code for Canaanites in Greece. For all the fir trees of heraldry, "Elatos is also the fir tree in Greek." One can also imagine the heraldic lattice symbol being applied to his lines as word-play.

As I identified Asclepios with the Gileki Deylamites/Cadusii, whom I in-turn identified as Glaucus (he loved Scylla), it makes sense to trace the Ischys/Ascl(epios) term to Scylla. That means that Scylla -- the scallop symbol of Meschins, Samsons and Flags -- traces back (tentatively, anyway) to Eshcol. Why do I include the Flag surname? Because it smacks of "Phlegyas," and because the Samson Coat uses the motto term, "flagitium." The Flag surname is also: Flecke, Flegg, Flack, Flacks, and Flick. The Sam/Samson surname was first found in GLOUCEStershire.

As you can see, there are Hebrews and Armenians in this mess, and not all, if any, Israelites even though the cults touched on the land of Canaan/Israel.

French Samsons were first found in Saint-Clair-Sur-Elle, Manche. That's where Clares/Sinclairs were involved with the founding of Normandy. I had traced "Clare" to the "Cleaver/Claver" surname, which now smacks of possible roots in "Caleb" entities i.e. Lapiths/Halybes.

I trace "Manche" to the Manx of the Isle of Man(n), which, like the Arms of Sicily, uses sickle-shaped legs as code for the Sicel founders of Sicily, they being also at the root of "Scylla." The Charops line to the Orpheus Lapiths/Dacians (LabDacus, remember) is traceable to Charybdis, the fellow of Scylla on Messina.

I trace "Messina" to the Masseys of Manche, and the latter term I trace to the "manu" motto term of the related Maceys/Mackays. The latter were depicted with a raven/crow, and Apollo was all over Coronis the crow, who was merged with Elatus, the Lapith king whose name smacks of a "Lapith" corruption to "Laius" and "Lesbos," the latter being where the Charops>Orpheus line ended up when chased out of the Hebros valley.

One of the sons of Hebron, if the account in 1 Chronicles 2 can be taken as fact rather than myth-like code taken from some ancient pagan historical writing, was Korah. Just saying, as per "Coronis" and "Cronus." Another son of Hebron was Rekeh, smacking of the Deylamite/Cadusii city of Rhagae/Rey to which I trace Cronus' wife, Rhae. If I recall correctly, I had traced (years ago, in the Ladon book) "Zeus" to "Sheshan" (because I linked him to Delymites of "Susa") in verse 31 of 1 Chronicles 2. I now see that Sheshan was made a son of Ischys-like Ishe, and I did just trace Ischys to Asclepios-based Deylamites.

The son of Rekem is said to be Shammai (v 44), a term found also in verse 32 immediately after the mention of Sheshan. The latter Shammai is made the brother of Jada, and the latter gives birth to a Jonathan (his son was Zeus-like Zaza), smacking of the Jonathan that was a pago-Levite priest to the Samson-cult Daniy. As proof that Jonathan and Zeus were related terms, Jonathan gives birth to a Jerahmeel, which we might suspect to be at the roots of "Jeru(salem)," with the "Salem" part tracing to the Solymi variation of the Deylamites.

Then we go to Jerahmeel (son of Hezron), brother of Caleb. Without any thought of Jerahmeel or any of the Sheshan>Zeus talk now under discussion, I saw (years ago) a trace of "Jeru(salem)" to "Hera," wife of Zeus, but also to "Jerevan" (in Armenia), which term in-turn I had traced to mount "Gareb" at Jerusalem, which entity I maintained was linked to the Greek corvos=crow.

AND, as I know that l-to-r switches occurred, "Caleb" smacks exactly of "Gareb." (It's too early for me to comment on that; let it ferment in my bubbling brain for a while).

This is all perfect wherein I traced Zeus of the Rhagae region to the Anaki of the Iranians/Aryans (probably Uranus, father of Rhae). I linked those Iranian Anaki to the Anu/Enki Sumerians (likely Shem-ites) and concluded that Zeus should be a Semite-Aryan or Semite-Anaki mix. The Amorites of Mari (downtown Babylon) were the continuation of the Anu cult! And we can expect the Anaki of Iran to have moved to the Hebron region, likely named by the Amorites (or Hurrians) on the Habur river (upper-side Babylon). And these Amorites infested themselves in Jerusalem.

In Joshua 15:13, Hezron is "A plain in the south of Judah, west of Kadesh-barnea" I trace "Kadish" to the Cadusii!

The Biblical MARESHah, father of Hebron, can be traced not only to the Maritsa/Hebros (I traced Clares to the Mures/Maros and then further back to the Maritsa), but to the Marsi of Abruzzo/Aprutium, for I trace the latter term to Aphrodite on the Hebros. I even think that Aphrodite/Kypris, who was also "Cabeiro" (alternative wife of Hephaestus), is linked to the naming of the Hebros. I think it's a no-brainer to identify the Marsi as the Ares-Mars cult that was closely merged with Aphrodite, not at all meaning that Ares and Mars were exactly the same to begin with. The point is, Caleb Judah-ite entities should trace to the Marsi, though I don't yet know whether Mareshah was an Israelite/Jew.

The footnote in this page says that the Septuagint Scriptures have "Mareshah" in place of "Mesha in verse 42 of 1 Chronicles 2. That makes Caleb's first born Mareshah, perhaps a variant of "Mesha." I say these entities trace to Amorites of Jerusalem and Hebron, from Mari on the Euphrates.

One must be very careful before making pagan links to names in the list of Judah's descendants. Similarity of terms is not enough. We don't link Pherez/Perez, son of Judah, to Perseus or Parthians just because the terms look alike. There has to be some teeth to it that are more than fanciful. But when an entire story seems to pave way through the many terms, as with the above talk, something's up.

I don't have time right now to check whether much of the Chronicles list of Judah's descendents is found in what we do know to be Scripture, but if not, I still hold out that the Chronicles lists could be expanded and twisted forms of lists written by pagan elements among the Israelites. The Kabala and other pagan organizations (like the Vatican) are infamous for creating names and characters out of the blue, and adding them to the Scriptural lists. For example, Jerahmeel was made into an archangel.

In the Chronicles list, the son of Sheshan was Ahlal. The latter could answer what I found problematic, that one account of Greece's founding didn't include Zeus, Cronus and the rest, but instead used Hellen and Aeolus (the latter's peoples were called, "Aeolians," much like "Ahlal"). I'm assuming that Zeus was linked to Alans, not forgetting that Nahorites -- the Hurrians of Haran that should link to Uranus Aryans -- were found (by me) to be linked fundamentally to Alans.

Dorus, the brother of Aeolus, could now add to the evidence of a Zeus trace to Hebron and Dura. But then this Zeus cult is highly suspect as a Hyksos peoples leading to Trojans, and that begs the question of whether the Trojan king, Priam, and his son, Paris, link back to Perez, son of Judah, of the line of Abraham. Yet we still need to contend with the Priam ancestry in Hecuba and Hector, smacking of the Hyksos.

"Hector" could be the same Joktanite elements that I see leading to Acte, and as this was the land of Attica, said by some to be founded by Atti(s), note the Attai character in 1 Chronicles 2:35-36. It says that Sheshan, who had no sons but only daughters (smacks of code for the Kabeiri transvestites and other perverts that had Attis for a god), gave a daughter to his Egyptian servant, Jarha (another Jeru-like term), and they gave birth to Attai.

Attis, a sun god, is easily linked to Zeus, for Attis was the son of the mother goddess, Cybele-Rhae (the Kabala can be traced to this cult, and it's the Kabala that twists everything Israel and everything Scripture). AND, if you're still skeptical of what path I'm going down here, let me say that Attai's grandson (verse 36) is listed as Zabad. As soon as I saw it, the term evoked SabaZios, a Zeus cult that I knew to have taken over the Cybele cult.

In verse 40, we find an Eleaser, smacking of Elis which Aeolus founded. Eleaser's son, Sisamai (brings Sisyphus of the Aeolus line to mind) smacks of the Susa region to which I traced the proto-Zeus Deylamites (on a good hunch that "Zeus" ultimately traces to "Susa" and its Habira tribe of the Kassites; note Hebe, daughter of Hera). Sisamai then gives birth to Shallum, smacking of "Salem." The Solymi are known to have lived in the Phrygia theater where Kybele and Attis ruled supreme. Moreover, the Kybele-like Cabelees were a fellow tribe with the Solymi, as were the Pisidians, who I traced to Elis. It works, and not because I'm a magician.

Shallum is then given a Jekamiah that could translate to Hecuba, but the point is, the son of Jekamiah, ELISHama, is another Elis-like term.

I would suggest that these characters in the Chronicles list were not true men, and did not therefore found the Attis and Kybele cult as Jews. I would suggest that the characters were invented by a (proto)Kabala cult -- perhaps the same cult that had invented the Samson account and added him (perhaps as an alternative, corrupted version of SAMuel) as the last Judge of the book of Judges. I suggest that the (proto)Kabala cult created much of the Chronicles list to link Jews corruptly (and wrongly) to the Kybele and Attis cults, to the Zeus line to Greece and Athens, and by-and-large to Thraco-Greek mythical terms/entities. This is pure Freemasonry, and one could only expect the devil to do such a sly thing.

In verse 45, Shammai (son of Rhagae-like Rekem) is father to Maon, smacking both of Manoah and his son, Samson, whom I trace to Maeonians. Another coincidence? As Rekeh was made a son of Hebron, we could expect Maeonians in the Hebros river, especially among the Odrysians if they trace back to Dura. Maon was the father of Beth-zur, the name of a city found in Joshua and ""often in the Books of Maccabees." Perhaps "zur" was a Seir entity, as we might expect some Edom links too.

I've found that most of the problems/contradictions with the Protestant canon of Scripture occur in the historical records such as Chronicles and Kings. And let's not assume that just because Greek myth invented characters to depict certain geographies that the same applies to Genesis accounts, for in truth many places are named after important people. But what Kabala does is to add to the known historical records in efforts to corrupt them with their own interests, which are the interests of the devil to deceive.

Hezron and his brother Hamul are mentioned (verse 12) in the Judah genealogy of Genesis 46, but after them (Judah's grandsons) the genealogy does not continue further. Jerahmeel and Caleb (Hezron's sons according to Chronicles) are not mentioned here.

In 1 Chronicles 2, Ram is made the first-born of Jerahmeel. The sons of Ram are given as Maaz and Jamon, smacking of Hamon de Mascy. The Samson surname, linked to Meschins, is then evoked where Shammai (and Jada) is made a grandson of Jerahmeel through his other wife (Atarah). The son of Shammai is given as Abishur (verse 28), smacking of the Avvites to which I trace Samson.

Moreover, I had traced the Samson Avvites to the same place, Argos, that the Samson Danaans trace to, in particular to Abas of Argos, who was given a son, ACRIsius (Acri-Zeus?), whom I traced back to "Ekron," a Philistine city near the Samson cult (Avvites are known to have been in Philistine territory when the Israelites first came to the land under Joshua). The point is, along with Maaz and Jamon, the third son of Ram is listed as Eker (verse 27). Also, the great-grandmother of Abas was made "Achiroe," and it's well understood that she was of the Nile region, in case you're resisting an Argos trace to Ekron (pre-Israel coast).

At the Abas article above, you'll note that his cult was linked to "Apollo Abaeus," which supports my trace of Avvites also to "Apollo/Abello." After making that trace, I found that mythical donkey ears were in an Apollo-related myth. The Avvite god, Tartak, is said by some to have been a donkey god, and meanwhile the donkey ears were applied to king Midas of...the Kybele cult!

I'm wondering whether Midus elements can trace to "Maaz" (and even whether Tartak is link-able to "Atarah"). This would not necessarily contradict a Massey trace to the Meshech/Mushki Aryans, for Wikipedia's Midas article says: "[Midas] bears some relation to the historical Mita, king of the Mushki in Western Anatolia in the later 8th century BC."

As per Gordias of the Midus account:

"In the founding myth of Gordium, the first Gordias was a poor farmer from Macedonia who was the last descendant of the royal family of Bryges. When an eagle landed on the pole of his ox-cart, he interpreted it as a sign that he would one day become a king. The eagle did not stir as he drove the cart to the oracle of Sabazios at the old, more easterly cult center, Telmissus [missus=midas?], in the part of Phrygia that later became part of Galatia. At the gates of the city he encountered a seeress, who counselled him to offer sacrifices to Zeus/Sabazios:..."

And that's the tale of the donkey pinned on the Zeus cult.

In Iraq, Baghdad's woes with Kurds continue. The Kurdish government wants the promises agreed to by Maliki during the election mud on paper:

"The Kurdistan Alliance will not participate in the new Iraqi cabinet unless the major Shi'ite parliament faction, the National Alliance, agrees to its 'position paper' outlining 19 key demands, RFE/RL's Radio Free Iraq reports.

...Prime Minister-designate Nuri al-Maliki is expected to announce his government on December 23, two days before the deadline set by the constitution for doing so.

...But National Alliance parliamentary bloc member Saad al-Muttalibi told RFE/RL that no paper would be signed, and agreement on the Kurdish demands would be reached by consensus, as is generally the rule in Iraqi politics.

...Kurdish parliamentary bloc member Said Rasul said that the Kurds would have six or seven ministries, including foreign affairs."


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