The Door Handle: Code for Darling Doors of Imperia
Getting Agrippa on the El-Gabal Priesthood
Handle's Exposed as the Predicted Vibia-Annas Merger
New Kepke Liners Found Lead to Cheaps
Update on Julian Assange: you didn't read deep enough into the last update to see the absolute revelation on my blazer-and-tie items, look for (type) the following with your find feature on that update: !@!
This is so important that I'll quote some of it here and then add to it:
You may have read (1st update in October) about the CLEFs on my TIE when I wore it with the blazer only once to church...Pullens were first found in Yorkshire with CLEVEland, on the TEES river, and Cleffs are also CLEVE's while TIE's/Ties' were first found in Yorkshire too! That's new right here and it's amazing. The Nov 13 - 19"target="_blank">Cleffs were at a Tie-possible spot (use that link to load all your Coats).A Kirkby location at Cleveland is in the Baliol write-up, a home of Baliols. King Baliol is in the Scott write-up with his brother, Alexander, whom I trace to Alexanders of KinTYRE, and, after Miss Hicks [Mrs. Kilpatrick] prayed with me while I donned the blazer and tie, I walked out of church to find a flat TIRE on my vehicle. I identified Baliols and Alexanders with Seleucid king, Alexander BALAS, a BLASE-like term!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@ I GET IT. It means that Balas liners merged with Kilpatricks [version of the blazer/Blase Coat]. Blazers/Blase's share the Alexander crescent, I really get it, as though God is revealing that the anti-Christ system will come through a Balas line through Blazers / Kilpatricks. It tends to verify that Alexanders were from the Alexander-named Maccabees, one of which was husband to proto-Claver / proto-Cleff Glaphyra.
...Kilpatricks have a dexter=right paw=hand on the head of a dragon, and the lion can be viewed as riding on the dragon's back. If it's the Levi lion with this paw, that makes Levi's look fundamental with like the harlot. Compare "Charlotte" to "harlot." Recall the bulldog in the dream with this Charlotte, traced to Balas-suspect Bullis.
I neglected to realize until now that the Tie/Ties Coat is a reflection of the Aston Coat while the latter use the lozenges of Shaws/Sheaves', for example, As the Tees river runs between Yorkshire and Durham, look: "Guppy continues to note that 'the Ashtons of this county, who are numerous on the Yorkshire border, similarly derive their name from places in Derbyshire.'" Ashtons are in Aston colors, Crests included. As Mamie (another girlfriend) got her THIGH symbol (absolutely connectable to the Tees'/Tease's/TYE's) at her garden, it's notable here that the black boar head of Gardens (and Jarrie's) can be in the Ashton Crest.
In fact, I have mentioned several times that I gave Mamie a Bible, perhaps code for Bibo's/Bible's. I'm working on deciphering that event to my satisfaction, and will let you know when it happens. The only three possible items in that event are a Bible, a BED under which she left/forsook it, and a TRIP she was on at the time. The bed became suspect with Bedinghams/BODEhams, because Mamie traces to Mummolin, father of BODEgisel and Babon, the latter sharing the black boar head with Gardens. Bodehams were first found in Staffordshire with Aston-like Hastons, and it's the Astons who share a Coat like that of Tee's/Tease's/Tye's.
Bodeham (rooks = Roquefeuil liner) was also Bodenham while English Bodens have a "Contra" motto term suspect with Counters/CONTE's, first found in Durham i.e. possible of the Tees-river clans. Cindys are CUNTY's too. Bodens have an "AUDentior" motto term while Roquefeuil is in Aude. Rookbys (Yorkshire, possible Tees-river clan) definitely apply with the Mamie-Bible event, it appears, because they share the Boden chevron while Rookbys (rooks) are said to be have married Manfields. "Mamie" is code for MAMESfelde of the Manfields, first found in Nottinghamshire with Tee's/Tease's/Tye's and with the Annas'/Aunis' whose star the Tee's/Tease's/Tye's share. The same star is in the Chief of Annas-like Angus', and Gardens were first found in Angus with Jardins who in-turn share the same star upon the Annan)dale) Coat. It's just amazing. I would never have discovered these neat links without those events doing the trick for us.
Aunis became a topic only in the last update, and it's smack beside La Jarrie at ROCHelle and ROCHEfort, can we believe it? Jarrie's share the giant Garden boar head, so incredible. It tends to prove that Aunis is indeed an Annas line.
As Mansfields share the maunch with TICKhills, while Tick liners are expected with the Teck variation of Tease's/Tess', let's go to the Tees-like Twise'/Twiss', for they share a version of the Anne/Hanne Coat, and it's the latter who were at Tickhill. Twise's were near Berwick, where the Twise-like Tweed river flows, and Tweeds have a Coat like that of ANNandale's. It therefore appears that Ticino-river liners named the Tweed. The proto-Bernicians may have been at the Ticino, therefore. It works even better where Tweed-like Tweets were first found in Peebles-shire, which I trace to Pavia on the Ticino. It's notable that the Twiss variation is like "Diss," for the Twise's are in the colors and format of Dice's/Diss'.
The white-on-red stars are in colors reversed in the Sherwood Coat (Bodeham/Bedingham chevron?), and Sherwoods were first found in Durham i.e. at/near the Tees river. Sherwoods popped up as per the Mamesfelde location being near Sherwood Forest, home of mythical (code words), ROBIN Hood. Robins ("VIVit") share thistles with Bodens. God created an event where Mamie and I were at home PLATE, and Miss Richardson was at second base, though I have never deciphered this to contentment. I now see that Plate's share the same white swan design in Crest with the Boden Crest, and, meanwhile, Richardsons (Cheshire, same as Bodans/Bodens) bring us to the French Robin Coat, shared by Belwoods and Malpas'. Here's from the Richardson write-up: "The surname Richardson was first found in Cheshire in 1067 where they were descended from Hugh d'Avranche, Earl Lupus of Chester. His descendant, William Belwood, Lord of Malpas in Cheshire, had two sons, David and Richard. Richard's grandson John was the first to bear the name Richardson." It's notable that the Richardson Chief is a reflection of the Aston Chief, for both were first found in Cheshire.
Why do you think Cindy Richardson (pastor's daughter), was at SECOND base? Why do Pastors use a version of the Dutch Bush Coat? Mamie and I were at HOME plate (kissing), and Cindys (Yorkshire. Tees river?) use a lion in Home/Hume-lion colors.
The Cindy lion is in the colors of the "double tressure border" of Livingstons, and both surnames share the same cinquefoils. Livings/Levins share the Chief/Shield combination of Vilains while the Arms of Vilaine share the double pale bars of Cindys. Mr. Livingston, a founder of the Toronto Maple LEAFs, was mentioned in the last update, the only reason I'm making this link to Cindys now because the Livingston Coat was showing on another tab at the time the Cindy were loaded. The uniforms of the original Toronto Maple Leafs were green, the colors of the Livingston border. Harold Ballard, owner of the Leafs, came up as a topic while on the Balas line to which Blazers were traced. It just so happens that the Living-like Levi's use a "SECOND" motto term. Maple's could be a Malpas branch, and we just saw Richardsons as descendants of the lord of Malpas.
Malpas' were at BOUGHTon (evokes Bows/Boughs that use the bow), and Boughtons are in the colors of the quadrants of the Cheshire Bodans/Bodens, said to be from "boga = bow." There is another explanation other than the implication there that Bodens were a variation of Boughs or Bogans, for example. The Bavarian Bogans are in Bodan/Boden colors while Bude's likewise share the bow. In other words, a Bogan-Bude merger could have produced Bodans as play on "Bogan" i.e. they were not originally the same stock.
The Scottish branch of Bodans/Bodens use their quadrants in the colors of the OTTINger quadrants, and Bogans were first found in Bavaria with Oettingen-Oettingen, whom I trace to the Yorkshire Odins and Oddie's. I should add that the Bodens use an "AUDENtior" motto term while Audens (Chepman crescent?) are listed with Oldens while Oldenburg is where Jeepma's/Cheps were first found. Otone's/Oltons (quadrants), with the Odin lion, were first found in Cheshire too, as were Astons that have a reflection of the Tie/Ties Coat.
Back to Mamie and I at home plate with Cindy at second base. There was no one else at the baseball diamond at that moment. I noticed Cindy looking at use with displeasure as I was hugging and KISSing Mamie. I was with Mamie a couple of months at most, and had invited her to an outdoor Bible-study event that night. It must have been close to the time I gave her a Bible, when she went away on a TRIP. I always link the Kiss'/CUSH's to Bibo's/Bible's (CUSHion) because they share red roosters, and so recall how one Kilpatrick Chief has the Cremer/Cramer Chief while the latter's Crest has a version of the Bibo/Bible rooster, for the other Kilpatrick Chief has cushions.
The point here is that the trip Mamie went on when forsaking the Bible gift (probably was the start of ruining our relationship) can be God's pointer to the trips, for they use a "SCALing ladder." Besides this little detail, I had realized that Cindy at second base was God's pointer to Steve SCALISE, who was shot at second base. I probably wouldn't have taken that seriously had not Scalise been shot, according to some, because he was investigating child porn / child trafficking, which came to be known as "pizzagate" as it touches upon John Podesta and his brothers. It just so happens that while with Mamie, I took a job at a pizza restaurant, and, one night while I was serving tables on a rare occasion, Cindy and her parents walked in, took a seat, and I served them. On top of this, John Podesta is suspect by quite a few people as at least knowing about the murder of Judge SCALia. Scalia's/Scalise's share the ladder with Trips, you see. But if Mamie's trip is to be a pointer to Scalise and Scalia, why do the Bodehams/Bedinghams and Bible's/Bibo's play into it?
Scalia (Republican on the supreme court) was killed in mid-February, 2016, just as Hillary was gearing up to run for the presidency, and Podesta became her campaign manager. It appears to many that he was killed by Democrats in preparation of having Hillard name a replacement for Scalia, thus tipping the 4-4 court at the time (nine judges needed) in favor of the Democrats. Needless to say, the Republicans are a dismal disappointment worthy of punishment, and in need of renewal, for allowing this crime to pass untreated. Scalia was killed near the New-Mexico border, interesting because Bill RICHARDSON, a Democrat, had previously been the governor of New Mexico, and the secretary of state and UN ambassador under Bill Clinton's presidency. Richardson was accused of pay-to-play, the favorite game of the Clintons.
Bill Richardson married Miss Flavin, a Flavian-like surname I have not known that shows a tree and a green border (first found in WATERFORD), shared by Elders/Alders, the latter first found in Edinburghshire, near the green-border Livingstons of West Lothian. It was the Livingstons who were just connected to the Cindys! The Lothians likewise use a tree (pine) with green border, we are on it. It appears that God is pointing to Bill Richardson. The "CUSTodit" motto term of Lothians can be expected with the Cust/Cuss branch of Kiss'/Cush's,and, unbelievably, they both share the "fountains" of Waterfords! Cindy (my age) was eyeing Mamie and I as we kissed at HOME plate!
The Home/Hume lion is colors reversed from the Lyon lion, and Lyons were first found in Perthshire with Lothians. The Home's/Hume's can be linked to lions through the "true" motto term in the Home/Hume Crest, for True's share the feathered helmet with Lannoys while the other Lannoys use the Lyon lion i.e. Lannoys look like a Lyon branch. I should add that Brits/Brets (Sandford elements) share the Bush / Pastor lion while evoking Brit Hume, the Fox journalist. Will he have something to do with uncovering Democrat / Bush-circle corruption? Brits/Brets had been suspect to Berthe, Mummolin's wife.
Let's go back to the Robins who came up with Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest. We saw that Robins linked to Cindy Richardson's Belwood and Malpas ancestry. I was with Mamie a short time, and I recall the evening that she walked out of the shower with nothing but her blue ROBE on. I know she had nothing underneath because I took it off. Although I started the process toward sex (she was past the point of no return), it stopped abruptly, not because she said so, but because, I suppose, due to my being a Christian, or call it an act of God. This woman was gorgeous / voluptuous, and yet it didn't happen...which is maybe why she eventually let me go (never did have sex to that point), though actually I can't remember how we parted. The Robe's/Robb are in the colors of the Peebles-shire Robins, and Peebles-shire is where Bauer-related Bowers (arrows) were first found who link well to bow-and-arrow Bude's / Bogans. We saw Mamie linking to Bodens via the Bible left under the bed, for Bedinghams named Bodenham. It just so happens that while I trace Bible's/Bibo's to Vibia, daughter of Vibius, the Peebles-shire Robins use a "VIVit" motto term.
Again, Peeble's/Peoples' link to the People variation of Pepins (Jeune fleur), suspect in naming Papia/Pavia, home of the Laevi Gauls, while Vibia was mother to LAEVIllus. You see, that Robe event was necessary to make this revelation. That is, the Robe event was necessary to link to the Robins pointed to by Cindy Richardson, and to verify that Robins are a thing God wants to point to. We may need to wait to discover the reason.
Pepins love the Mens'/Mame's/Meme's (probably a branch of Mamie-depicting Mansfields), first found at Midlothian with green-border Elders/Alders, and then Altons, (Nottinghamshire, same as Robin Hood and Mansfields) use what looks like Robin Hood in their Crest. Altons share the fesse of Aston-like Actons (Cheshire, same as Astons), and the Actons, can we believe it, use a "l'HOMME" motto term! Home plate pointed to the Plate's sharing the Boden swan, and Bodens share thistles with the Peebles-shire Robins. Incredible.
The thistle is central in the Teesdale Coat along with some pheons, and Thistle's/Thissels use pheons while "TEESDALe" looks like a THISTLe variation. That's new.
Mens'/Mame's settled GlenLYON, in Perthshire, where Lyons were first found, perfect, because Rusticus and Tullia of Lyon were Mummolin's ancestor.
Actons are beloved in the Craven motto, and Cravens share red fitchees with Brits/Brets, though the latter's are in both colors of the Darlene fitchees. I have read the description of the Darlene Crest: a "female figure" with a "book" and a "robe". Books/Boggs are beloved of Roets, who use the book and the tree, while Tree's/True's (Warwickshire, same as Boughtons, said to be BOREtons too) link to Lannoys > Lyons and are loved by Home's/Hume's. Roets (Somerset, same boar-head Burleys/Bourleys, suspect with Bauers and Bowers of Pebbles-shire) share the Maple BOAR heads and the Bow/BOUGH motto, and it was the Richardson-related Malpas', who share the Coat of French Robins (Brittany, same as Brets/Bretons), that were at BOUGHton. Darlene's are in Robin / Robe colors. The "omne" motto term of Boughtons and others became suspect with Ommance, Mummolin's descendant. Rusticus of Lyon, married Hiberie, daughter of Ommance (female). Brets/Bretons may be with the Levi lion.
Just a note: Boughtons were at Shropshire's Downton, and Downtons (new to me) share the so-called "organ rests" of Arthurs. Downtons were at all the right places for linkage to Roets and Arthurs of Clapton (Somerset). The Downton write-up: " Herefordshire that contains the village of Downton-on-the-ROCK; and a hamlet in Hampshire [where I trace Henry of Roet-like Rodez). Downton literally means 'hill settlement' or 'farmstead on or by the hill or down.'" That's probably another brilliant example of stupidity or a cover-up, rather than linking to the Down surname. It's spectacular how often houseofnames fails to link one surname to a similar one, as though deliberately avoiding it. The Down write-up: "Another branch was located at ROOSdown in Devon. 'This place, which was formerly a parish, was anciently called Ralphdown, from its owner, Ralph de Downe..." Ralphs (Norfolk, same as Dunhams/Downhams) use ravens, and share the ROCK / ROD trefoil, a Henry-of-Rodez line, and raven vikings were at ORGAN-rest-suspect Orkney (home of HENRY Sinclair, from vikings). These raven vikings raided ROTHESay, and that too links to Roets / Bauers / Shropshire. Rolphs (share the Ralph Coat) were first found in Norfolk...and Ralphs in Herefordshire, same as Downton-on-the-Rock. That was easy. Scottish Ralphs (Nairn, same as ROOS-like Rose's) share the water bougets of Rose's, beside the Roos'/Ross'. Why can't house-of-names manage this easy thing?
Go back to the Teesdale link to the Robin thistle, and then ask whether DARLINGton, at the Tees river, applies to Darlene's/Darlings, since after all they use the robe. Yup, Darlingtons (include Mason/Massin motto), first found in Durham with Teesdale's, use a version of the Darlene Coat.
In the Bible, Eliphas, son of Esau, married a woman in Seir, and then the Darlington write-up has a Darlington location "granted by Seir, son of Ulphus [like "Eliphas"], in the presence of King Ethelred and Archbishop Wulston, to St. Cuthbert, patron of the see of Durham..." It doesn't tell who or what named Darlington, however. I trace Eliphas liners to the Elaphiti islands, not shown on the light map, but visible between Melita and Asamum (smack beside Ragusa), a coastal area very near the mouth of the Neretva i.e. home of Daorsi!!! Amazing.
On the night that I moved into the apartment of Joseph, the previous owner of my Jeep, I arrived at about 11pm, with all the lights out (I had the keys). I assumed they were not home as there was no vehicle on the driveway, and it was June, no need to park in the garage. I was there a long time before I heard his wife out the bedroom window, "DARLING," she said to her husband, as her first word while looking at me on the back deck (I can't remember her next words, though she was telling him it was probably me). I've just had a feeling that this memory is about Darlings/Darlene's, but could not see how that surname related to the door handle, until "DORling" came to mind, and, sure enough, Dorlings bring up Darlings/Darlene's. It was at the end of my living at this apartment that I purchased a DORAL boat, and Dorals/Darells (Buckingham, same as SIMsons), like "Dorlings," share the French Door/DOORLey Coat, which is a lion in the colors of the Darlington leopard faces. Face's/Fessys were first found in Genova with DORia's.
It could be that Darlene's are Daorsi liners, though I can't understand at this time why these surnames would be pointed to by the door handle.
Wait. I think I get it. The Doria's, who married Ardiaei-liner Arduinici, use a giant eagle partly in the colors of the giant Jeepma/Chep eagle. The Ardiaei were on the Neretva with the Daorsi. They were also called, DAVERsi, and Davers (Arthur colors and format) use a jay while Jays were first found in Herefordshire with Dorrs/Dorrs (and Barrels). That works, and informs us that Jeepma's/Cheps were of the Doria's (lived in Oneglia / Imperia). That's what it looks like God is trying to say, especially as the first part of the dream, my riding a shopping cart down a sloped road, traced to Numidians, where I think the north-African Boofima cult was at. I'll explain.
I recall tracing Side's/SUDYs and Ghents together to Genova's Doria's, for they all share the same eagle, and here I find that the Dyarells of the Dorals/Darrels were at SHUDY Camps (Cambridgeshire).
Herefordshire is beside Clapton and Monmouthshire, the latter being the location of CHEPstow and nearby Magor. The landlady's "darling" referred to Joseph, and Josephs use a "mago" motto term while German Dorrs use "MAJORum" while Majors are also Magors. So, there we go, the dream was apparently pointing to Arthurs of Clapton, and the Arduinici of Ivrea and Oneglia, as Caiaphas kin. I was on the back DECK when she spoke, "darling," and while Decks are Daggers, they trace to the DEXaroi on the Apsus river to Fier county. The Fiers (compare with Charo's in the Joseph motto) happen to share the moline of Vardys (Cumberland, same as Daggers), from the "Vardaei" version of "Ardiaei. Plus, English Daggers share the Coat of Vardy-like Bardys, the latter first found in PERIgord, which I've been tracing to "ImPERIa" for years because the Boofima cult, which I trace to Beefs/Boeufs of Perigord, were run by an IMPERI peoples.
I trace Boofima to the Roet-beloved Books/Boggs, and Doria-line Darlings/Darlene's/Dorlings happen to use the book (held by the "female figure"). It's pretty incredible that this works so neatly. The Doria's married Arduinici in Imperia. The Imperi had a goat symbol, same as Baphomet, and goat heads are used by Moline's, first found in Devon with Darlene's/Darlings. The Moline goat heads are in the colors of the same of Blow(er)s/Bloors, and Blow-like Belows share the giant, double-headed Jeepma/Chep eagle in both colors. That works. The Boofima priests would use leopard gloves to conduct sacrifices, and Darlingtons use leopard faces.
Moline's were first found in Darlington-like Dartington (Devon), and because Darts were first found in Devon with Moline's (share Chives moline), we can trace to Dardanians, within reach of Daorsi and of the proto-Chives Cavii too. One royal Dardanian family (Monunius II) married the Ardiaei (to Moons of Devon). The Dardanians were beside or even in a TROPoje location to which I trace Drops/Trope's, who share a Shield of drops with Darlene's/Darlings and Darlingtons. Drops are shared by Players, like the Pleraei on the Neretva.
A dart may be in the Cuthbert Crest. We saw a Cuthbert as the one who received Darlington from Seir. The Moons use a crescent version of the Cetin/Cattan Coat (compare with Pavia's), and the Saracen head of the latter must be for Saraca's (fish) from the area of the Daorsi (fish symbol of mythical Doris). Amazingly, Saraca's were at Ragusa, right next door to the Elaphiti islands, right where I would trace Seir and Ulphus his father. Oliphants (roughly the Olden Coat) even share a Moon crescent, and their motto loves queen Teuta of the Ardiaei, as does the motto of Rollo's (Perthshire, same as Oliphants). Oliphants were involved at Stirling castle, perhaps with Robe's.
I think the fish on fesse of Bute's/Butts/Bets is of the same in the Arms of Saraca, but here I want to say that while there is no Boat surname coming up, the Bote's are listed with the above. The Doral boat might just be God's pointer of Daorsi to a merger with Boets, suspect with the Boetus house of Sadducees. As Bute's/Butts trace well to Bodegisel, son of MUMmolin, note that Saraca's were beside AsaMUM.
The female in the Darling Crest wears a Robe, and then German Robe's have a split Shield with a black eagle in one half, and since the neck is bent, it's a two-headed eagle, same as the black Jeepma/Chep eagle. Half the Doria eagle is in the colors of the Robe eagle, and half in the colors of the Jeepma/Chep eagle. Then, incredibly, Scottish Robe's were first found in Stirlingshire with Cheaps. Wow, what a difference "darling" makes. The Doria eagle is used also by Ice's, first found in Pomerania with the Belows that have the Jeepma eagle, and Darlene was given an ice-cream symbol.
The female is a "female FIGURE," suspect partly with VICKERs (Argyllshire, same as MacDonalds and MacArthurs) because they share a red fitchee with Darlene's. The Vicer variation looks linkable to the Vice's/Vis', whom I think were from Vis, or the island of Issa on the light map, near the mouth of the Neretva. The royal Ardiaei were on Vis.
The Radice/Radix Coat is shared by the Lillings/Lillingtons, the latter said to have been ancestors of Dorals/Darrells (Daorsi suspects). Lillington is in DORset. When I cross Daorsi-line Davers, I always have the DICE's/Diss in mind, which begs the question as to whether they may be in "RaDICE." As per "RaDIX," I checked for a Dix Coat, and got the Dixons with, per-chance, the Handle Coat. Dix's/Dixons were first found in the same place as Cuthberts, and we saw one Cuthbert in the Darlington write-up. Reminder: Darlene's/Darlings are Doral-like Dorlings too.
Dix's/Dixons (Keith Chief in colors reversed) are said to be from Keiths...from the Cetina river (says me), and perhaps even from Cetis. The Cetis surname shares lilies with Lillys and Joels/Jewels, the latter first found beside Lillington of Dorset, and in the same place as Dorsets. Dorset is at the Stur river, and the Dix/Dixon Chief has the Stur pale bars. The Dix/Dixon stars are said round-about to be those of Douglas' due to marriage with them.
Let's go back to Mamie's trip, suspect with the Trips (Hamburg crosslets) because they use a scaling ladder as a pointer to judge Scalia. He was killing in a hunting trip at the ranch of John B. Poindexter. The latter is/was a leader of the International Order of Saint Hubertus (hunting theme), and there were some 30 men from that group at the hunting vacation to which Scalia appeared without his body guards. German Trips (Hamburg) happen to be showing shoes at this time, and the lone star of Shoe's is the lone star of Poindexters/PUDDESTERs too, who look like they are a branch of Podesta's. You decide whether God is in this.
Nemo's, in the Poindexter motto, were first found in Stirlingshire with Robe's/Robbs. This can stress the importance of the robe event, because, before writing everything up to this point in this update, I planned to do Nemo's with Kepke suspects. She walked out of the shower with her robe, and Showers are with Sewards, the line of Siward on Northumberland. The Shower write-up: "Siward, Earl of Northumberland (d. 1055), called Digera or 'The Strong', was a Dane, and 'is said to have been the son of a Danish Jarl (chief) named Biorn. According to legend he was descended from a white bear and a lady. Fitting out a ship, he is said to have sailed to Orkney..." One Berne Coat has a bear, and another a lizard, the symbol of Organs suspect with "ORKNey." I don't have more to say on this, as to how Robe's/Robbs apply to Siward, but maybe later something will jump out.
I've just recalled the Propers/Robins of Cheshire, expected in that place where Malpas and Belwoods share the Robin pheons. The "Manus" motto term of Propers/Robins looks connectable to Mamie's Mens liners. One Manus branch (purple lion, purple cinquefoils) was first found in Shetland, beside Orkney. Irish Manus'/Manners (Mens'/Mame's are a Manner / Manner/Maness branch) share the Simson Chief, recalling MANDy Simson, for Mandys have purple lozenges. Mandy has a son, Robert, and Propers are Roberts too, even sharing a Robert lion. In keeping with the Robin-Malpas link seen above, here we find that Propers/Robins are said to have been in Malpas. It can be assumed that Robe's/Robbs were a Robert line in Stirlingshire. But from which Robert?
Miss Simson has a daughter, Carol, and the so-called Robertians were the successors of the CAROLingian dynasty.
The last update showed how the Siward line of Swords links to Hiltons, Hildens/Heldens and Haldans from a wife of Mieszko I. The Mieske' share the Sword sword, we can assume, but Mieske's put it into an armored arm, as does the Crest of the Cheshire Eltons/Heltons ("ARMis"). In this way, Siward can link to Propers/Robins, and thus begin to explain Mamie out of the shower with a blue robe. The Blue surname is also "Gorm," and Robertians are known to descend from Worms. Mythical Gorm was a Dane king, and Mieszko's daughter married a Dane king. It occurred to me in the last update that mythical Halfdan of the Dane's was code for Haldans (Lothian, same as Mens/Mame's).
As Hildens/Heldens were linkable to Haughts/Haughtons (from Mieszko's daughter), who are also Hottons, they can explain the Hoot variations of HOODs (think Robin Hood). From here we go to the Elton-like Altons (share the fesse of the Cheshire Actons), who use Robin Hood, and were first found in Nottinghamshire with Mamie-line Mansfields, and it just so happens that Nottingham is said to have been named by Cnut, son of Mieszko's daughter (Sigrid the Haughty). That tends to partially explain the creation of Robin Hood as code for two related surnames. It also tends to explain why there had to be a robe event with Mamie that I would not forget 40 years later.
It appears now that the shower was necessary too, for the Shower / Siward line was necessary for what was just found. But why? Why is this important to God, and why do Hoods keep popping up in His messages to us?
There's heraldic value in the Richardson Chief, three items in the colors of the three, same-colored bells in a Bell Chief. The latter use a red Shield as opposed to the black of Richardsons, yet the BELwoods (Richardson ancestry) have a red Shield too. English Bells are using Bellamy colors and format so as to equate the two. The last update had some interesting points for tracing Bells to the Amorite city of Ebla, which strikes me as "Abello," a version of "Apollo." Billets and Bellows have the Bell Chief/Shield colors in reverse (small world), and Billets/Billiards / Billiards/Hilliards can be with the stars of Amorite-suspect Morays. Note that one Innis Coat (Moray) shares the hexagram version of star with Billets/Billiards while the other Innis' share the pentagram with Billiards/Hilliards.
The door handle of my Jeep was a topic in the last update, where I was trying to decipher the meanings of a dream in which the handle was an issue. It seemed necessary for the Handle's to have been at least linked to Flemings (of Flanders), and here I find that Innis' are said to be from a Mr. Flanderensis while they use the Handle Coat in colors reversed. Here's from the Innis write-up: "The Clan's progenitor is BEROWALDus [barrel-like] Flandrensis who, in 1153, obtained from King Malcolm IV a grant of lands in Innes, in the province of Elgin." Here's from the last update: "In the dream, the missing door-handle part was barrel-shaped. I recall 'BARREL' being part of the dream when looking at this door handle." Bar at lake Scodra was within reach of Daorsi and Arduinici.
Hmm. As my complaint about the missing part was to Joseph, the previous owner of the Jeep, it's interesting that Berows are listed with the English Burghs, first found in Hampshire with Josephs. Both surnames use double chevrons, and Berows/Burghs use them in green, the colors of the solid chevron of Josephs. The Joseph garbs can be those of Comyns/Comines while John de Burgo ruled Comyn/Comines. But what would Handle's have to do with the line of John de Burgo?
The scene after the missing handle part was my holding a large bucket or small barrel. If it was a bucket, I take things to the rulers of Montmorency, as explained, and Morencys share the cross of Irish Burghs, who are from John de Burgo. Irish Burghs use a "foy" motto term while one French Foy/Foix surname was first found in Ile-de-France with Morencys/ Amazingly, the other Foys/Foix's (Auvergne) share the Handle stars! That works darn good. To boot, I always see the Irish Foy having the CHEPman crescent, and Jeepma's come up as Cheps too, how do you like that? The owner of the Jeep is of the Italian Simons,m and Jewish Simons use a Foix-like fox. It appears that the key for correctly deciphering this aspect of the dream was with the Innis write-up. Everything fell into place from Berowaldo. When I dropped the barrel upside-down on its rim, the ground around the rim caught fire, which I assume is code for Flame's / Flemings, though we saw the Fire-like Fiers work into the Doors above.
Wow, I've just found the Capmans/CapMAIN's/CapMAYNE's (new to me) sharing the Chepman/Chapman Coat, and I think I know what this is about. I YELLed to others that a fire was started at the bucket, and then, in the Lawrence write-up, there's a YELand-RedMAYNE location at/beside SANDS!!! The bucket dropped on a patch of white ground, and when it caught fire, I jumped down and smothered it with the sand!!! The ChapMAYNE variation brought this all home, for Lawrence is the first name of Mr. KEPke (a character I stress repeatedly with Jeepma's), suspect with Cheps!!! God was using the dream, for one, to prove that my Jeep and his surname are to me linked.
But what you've just read tends to assure that Chap liners are from the Josephs of Maine, which supports my long-standing assertions that Chappes and similar others are from Joseph Caiaphas. That's why I had to buy a Jeep from Joseph. I met him only because I needed a short-term rental property to find my own property to purchase. And his ad was found. I've got to assume that God set the entire thing up.
More. The Yelands use black eagle heads, which I might assume to be closely of black Jeepma/Chep eagle. Yell is in Shetland, land of the Stouts who owned a raven banner. It just so happens that Stouts are Stows, which is being repeated because I've just recalled that Cheps/Jeepma's were initially found as per ChepSTOW, in Monmouthshire nine miles from Magor. The latter had become suspect, long before the owner of the Jeep came to topic, with the "mago" motto term of the Hampshire Josephs. In the last update, I was arguing for a Handle trace to Hannibal, brother of Mago.
Look at the experts from the Chepstow article: "The name Chepstow derives from the old English ceap/chepe stowe, meaning market place or trading centre. The word 'stow' usually denotes a place of special significance, and the root chep is the same as that in other placenames such as Chipping Sodbury and Cheapside." Achem, that sounds like a leap of faith because Chepmans were first found in Cambridgeshire with Stouts/Stows. Now that makes sense for forming a Chepstow surname. The Stouts/Stows (three of the Bedingham/Bodeham fesse) are the ones at Bedingham, which started the Boden discussion earlier in this update. I saw the choice of swan design for French Josephs, before houseofnames changed it to the martlet. It was the swan design in the Boden Crest. Houseofnames has many swan designs. Why? Do they use the same design when they know there's kinship?
Sometimes, ravens alternate for crows probably because they come from the same Jerusalemites at mount Gareb, the Rephaites. Scottish Caseys use crow's heads while Irish Caseys use the three Yeland eagle heads in red. Mr. Casey, my real-estate agent, got the contract to put my Texas place up for sale. As soon as it was sold, I did a few paces, and decided to sell my other home too, to go north and build a house. And that's when I needed a temporary place to rent (not many landlords will do that for anyone). I was looking for a few months only, and Joseph with the jeep wanted to rent for a few months only. It seemed perfect. I've been virtually full-time on this heraldic computer job ever since. I work slow but daily on the property too.
Irish Caseys: "Archaeological remains indicate that Caseys were also once found near Waterford." The Waterfords share the fountains of Cass'/Cash's. The Arms of Waterford (the county uses a "Deise" motto term, and Deise's (Suffolk, same as same-colored Davers) happen to be with the Diss'/Dice's, linkable by the Dyke squirrel to Decks, which recalls my being on Joseph's deck for the Daversi/Daorsi discussion. Diss'/Dice's have the Tarent Coat in gold, and the Tarent Coat happens to be the Irish Casey Coat but with full eagles instead of heads alone. The Casey chevron is shared by the Cassels, who in-turn share Kennedy symbols, and Kennedys are from the Kennati priests at Cetis, where the Cass-branch Kiss'/Cush's/Cuss' trace.
The Kennedys and Cassels share the Tarves fitchees, and the split Tarves Shield is in the colors of the same of German Cassels (same triple chevrons as Clare's). As Irish Caseys have a cloud in Crest, the other half of the German Cassel Coat can have the castle of McLeods/Clouds.
I can now identify the Casey crows with Crawfords because they were both first found in Lanarkshire. Here's how I found out. For the first time while looking at the Tarents, the Darts/Tarts popped to mind as a Tarent-like term, but I then decided, probably not related. I then found their Tarent-Crawford location, and loading the Crawfords, there was the white-ermined, Dart/Tart fesse. And reading where they were from, I recalled that Scottish Caseys (crows) were from there too. Craw = crow.
I trace the Childs/Chills, who have the Tarent Coat in colors reversed, to the husband of Terentia Murena. This line was very suspect from Amorites in the last update, a branch of which lived in Jerusalem when the Israelites arrived. And Jerusalem is where I trace the mythical crow of Greeks. The Crow surname happens to be in the colors and format of Childs/Chills. As the mythical crow was Coronis, whose entities go to Crane's and Crone's, note that English Crone's share the colors and format of Crows / Childs. German Crone's use the Crane of CRONKites (has ROCK in foot), and Crawshaws/CRANKshaws named Kronkshaw near ROCHdale. The Shawia Numidians were Berbers (white skinned), and Coronis was a white bird turned black to depict North-African whites at Cyrene, an original home of the Meshwesh Berbers whom I trace to the Maezaei, beside the Coronis-line Ceraunii. My system works because I have the aid of heraldry; historians seem to ignore that tool. I not only have heraldry as a tool, but a Master who guides me; otherwise, I'm just as stupid as Godless historians.
The Crawshaw write-up: "[Cranshaws Castle] is thought to be the inspiration for 'Ravenswood Castle',..." The greyhound in the Crawshaw Crest is a thing I trace to the mythical Graeae Amazons of north Africa, and it's known that the Amazighen there were Meshwesh. Queen Myrina of the Amazons was at north-Africa's Atlas mountains, though she was not a real person, just a symbol or god of a Meshwesh people group...that I think birthed king Massena.
So, when we have Terentia Murena married to Cilnius MAECENas, it looks like a mythical-Myrina line to Mauritanians married to a line of king Massena, for Murena's are also Moratins/Moreno's, smacking of Moor-head Morano's, first found in Modena with Marano's/MAURITANO's. This is the Mormon entity, and Mormons were founded with nutso FreeMASONs, we get it. My work tends to tell me that the creators of heraldry wish to rule the universe without God getting in the way. You can't get more nutso. Some five years ago, Masci liners were almost as nothing to me, but since then, they seem to be everywhere in heraldry, as though they created it. Not an update goes by without the mention of Masci / Meschin / Macey liners.
I used to think that Masseys borrowed the Lys fleur, but I've come to realize that Lys' use the Massey fleur. There's a difference. There's seniority involved, as per who had the symbols first. I used to think Masci's bumped into the fleur of France and Clovis; I now think the latter's line came to use the Masci fleur. Clovis' mother was from the Bassianus' who put forth Julia Maesa two centuries before Clovis. Maesa's father was the high-priest of El-Gabal. Why do Kopple's share the rooster with the line of Gaia/Gala, Massena's father?
There's a question as to whether Bassianus' El-Gabal cult went forward into Masonry by some secret characteristics. El-Gabal was at Maesa-like Emesa (Syria, home of Seth, father of Annas), and the El-Gabal priest, Sohaemus, married a Massena liner, Drusilla. He then married another Drusilla, a Herod. Glaphyra married two Herods and Juba of Mauritania too, who was Massena's descendant. El-Gabal was honored by a "black stone," sounds so Darth Vader. El-Gabal used an eagle on its black stone, and Stoners use the black eagle. Which reminds me of Rick Stoner, in my high school. When we were out of school, he started to sell brick SIDing, and Side's are a branch of Sutys that share "hazard" with Stone-like Sittens. It appears that God set that event up, where I saw him only once after high-school, on the day he told me that he was running an entire region for this new siding product.
I don't think Seatons/Sittins were named after the stone, but, perhaps, they formed a Stone branch in honor of it when they merger with a line that still loved it. "[Varius Avitus] Bassianus was completely and utterly devoted to this Sacred Stone of Emesa." The article has the family tree of his family, and says that the Severan women, banished to Emesa once Caracalla was murdered, tried to make this Bassianus the emperor, and they succeeded for a time. In the family tree, Julia Maesa and Avitus had a daughter, Julia Soaemias, either in honor of Sohaemus or named after one of his descendants, I assume. Soaemias was the mother of this emperor, Varius Avitus Bassianus. It's interesting that another daughter of Julia Maesa was Mamie-like Julia Mamaea. Mamesfelde of the Mansfields uses a maunch, and Manche is where Masseys lived.'s ("Vive et vivas") use an eagle too, as well as the Craig motto. Craigs were from Proculus Charax, son of Quadratilla Bassus of Cetis, which explains "Vive," for her mother-in-law was Vibia. Stone's share the dog with Carricks (same place as Cetis-liner Kennedys), said to descend from Craigs.
The Stoner Coat is an eagle version of the English Simon Coat. Simons became suspect in the last update with Simonides Agrippa, son of Flavius Josephus. Julius Bassianus, the El-Gabal priest, was a nephew of Julius Agrippa. And the genealogy above shows that an adopted son of Avitus Bassianus (wrongly spells it as "Ativus") was Severus Alexander, with a surname showing Maccabee possibilities. The wife of Severus Alexander is shown as ORBiana, smacking of Orba, better known as Olba, at Cetis. Caracalla had coins minted with Olba upon them. An Orbiana line can be suspect with the URBANus river of the Ceraunii, neighbors of Maesa-like Maezaei. I have not known of Orbiana before, at or least I don't recall. It fits perfectly with my trace of Julius Avitus to the Ceraunii area at the Cetina river.
[Insert -- Sorry to break into the middle of the Avitus storyline here, but this is important. The Carews are in Carrick colors, and share "bien" with their motto. Carews are said to have been at Beddington (Surrey), and Beddingtons are listed with Bedinghams/Bodehams (suspect from MUMmolin's son). Mamie's Bible was suspect with Bedinghams, and while the Bible's/Bibo's trace to Vibia, she was the grandmother of Proculus CHARAX, whom I trace to Caracalla-like Carricks. Caracalla's mother was related to Julia Mamaea, a new entry into my Mamie batch of findings. The three lions in pale of Carews can be of the Tailers i.e. from the Tilurius = Cetina river. That works. And the Leavells from Laevillus Proculus' father) were at Cary castle. The Leppington location of the Cary barons can be named after Leavell kin in that Leppingtons are also Leffingtons. Levingtons, however, bring up Livingstons/Leffingtons. There is a Levington/Leffington surname that comes up with "Lavington," and it not only was first found in Lincolnshire with Leppingtons, but uses a version of the Tailbois Coat. I knew but forgot a surname starting with "Lov" that shares the white-on-black roses of Carys.
The LAFINs in the motto of Charax-liner Kennedys looks to apply to Lavingtons et-al, and Kennedys trace to Cetis' Kennati priests, making these terms more suspect from Laevillus. The Laughers/Lochers (compare with Latters) even share three black-on-white piles with Scottish Leavells!! English Leavells were first found in Somerset with Battings/Badens, and Beddingtons/Bedinghams are also BATTINGtons. MacIntyres of BADENoch are worth a mention here as per Alexanders of KINTYRE (MacIntyre line), suspect from the Maccabee Alexanders, rulers of Cetis that birthed Laevillus' wife.
As Leavells are Lovells too, note that the black wolves of Lovitts reflect the Carrick dog. Lovitts are in the colors and format of Quade's and Leavell-related Walerans. Lovitt-like Louths (Lincolnshire) use a black wolf too.
The Parrots, who were at Carew castle, are traceable to the Pero's/Pierro's at Pavia, which can explain the "J'esPERE" motto term of Carews. The Leavell fessewise bars are in the colors of the Pero/Pierro fesse, making Leavells and the related others look like Laevi-Gaul liners. The Cary write-up: "The Cary surname is thought to be derived from the manor of Carrey, near Lisieux, Normandy. Some instances of this name come from Welsh and Cornish origins and are variations of the name Carew."
The Arms of Lisieux has keys in saltire in the colors of the Chives/Shewas cross, and because keys are the symbol of Sheaves/Chiava's, it may appear as though the place was of a Lissus origin. Yet Wikipedia says that it was earlier, Lexoviorum, named after the Lexovi peoples. Amazingly, while Sheaves'/Chiava's were first found in Abruzzo, the Lexovi were paired together in Julius Caesar's writings with Abruzzo-liner Eburovices of Evreux. Suddenly, the Marsi is Abruzzo, a line, I think, to the Marici of Pavia, fits right in with the Laevi. The Piedmont Pavia's share the Mar/More scallops.
A couple of updates ago, I came across the Arms shown for of Margaret Goz, which, I discovered, when writing right here, to have exactly the two-colored bend in the Arms of Evreux. Goz-like Gace is at the Lisieux. The Waleran-of-Leavell family married a daughter of the Beaumonts of Meulan, whose titles were absorbed by marriage by SIMON de Montfort, wherefore note: "The first known members of the family of the counts of Evreux were descended from an illegitimate son of Richard I, duke of Normandy...The county passed in right of Agnes, William's sister, wife of Simon de Montfort-l'AMAURY (d. 1087) to the house of the lords of Montfort-l'Amaury. It can explain why the Abreu lion is in half the colors of the Montfort lion. Can we believe it, the Amaury-like Maurys (griffin) use the colors and format of the Mars/More's, and while Pavia's Pero's are Pierro's too: "Pierre Maury (c.1282-1324) was a shepherd in the Comte de Foix..." Foix's/Foys share the Moray stars. Maury variations and colors strike me a branch of Morays/Murrays, and merged with Mackays of Moray. Thus the Handle Coat, being the Morays/Murray Coat, can apply here. Handle's were first found in Silesia, home of Sitlers whose lion I suspect with the one of FOXside's Faucets (due to my guess that Sitlers were a Seaton/Sitten branch). Meulan was also, Mellent, and Mellents/Millens/Milans have the same lion.
One should also note the Drummonds apparent on the Amore's and Damorys, for Drummonds are suspect at the Kildrummy castle of Mar while French Mars are More's too. English Mars are suspect with the lion of Ross', near Kildrummy and likely related to it.
Montforts took the Leicester titles from Beaumonts, and "Leicester" this becomes suspect from "LEXovi." The Toeni's who own the maunch in the Arms of Leicester were from Les Andelys (in Eure with Evreux), not far from Lisieux, and, zikers, "ANDELys" is like "Handle"! Wow, I fell on it. LES Andelys may have been named partially after LISieux / LEXovi.
The pelican and "pelicano" motto term of Lechs suggest lake LYCHnidus at Pelagonia, Pellicans share the Abreu-Abruzzo tower, and Pellicans were first found in Maine with Josephus-line Josephs, the latter once sowing the swan in the colors of the Chaplet swans. The chaplet-using Hicks have a Eure-suspect "heure" motto term. Antalya is beside LYCia. Lechs had a location in Hanley.
It's now very door-handle interesting that Lecks, first found in Stirlingshire with Cheaps -- i.e. like the Chep variation of Jeeps -- use a wolf head for linkage to a Lupus-Laevillus line to Leavells and related others. The Prime's (bent LEG) suspect in the Leck motto makes them suspect with bent-leg Leaks/Leakeys i.e. now traceable from "Lexovi." The Lecks use holly, and one Holly Coat has the same bend as Plunketts while Plancia Magna lived beside Andelys-suspect Antalya, making Handle's suspect from there.
Antalya (in PISIDia) was Attaleia, which can be deciphered as mythical Atlas, chief son of POSEIDon. Atlas' seven daughters were the Pleione, a term that could easily form from/to "Paeoni, the latter having lives at Pelagonia. Atlas' daughter, Maia, is suspect at mythical Maja of Abruzzo's mount Maiello. One can glean here that "ATLas" was the same line to "Italy" as mythical Italos, king of the Enotri/Oenotrians...whom I expect to the Laevi Gauls. The Oenotrians should be of mythical Oeneus, at the Aetolia theater, a term from Attaleia. Aetolia is in Calydon, and that place had the mythical queen, Atalanta. I say that Simon-like Simsons have the Enotri in their motto.
As Maia was the mother of Hermes, we glean that Antalya elements migrated to the Hermus river of Lydia, but as Lydians were a mix of Maeonians and Amazons, Maia looks like code for a MAEonian element. Mamie looks to represent this Maia cult, because the Great Mother was made the mother of Lydians. Mamie's breasts, which named MAMMals, became suspect as God's code for the Great Mother, because Mamie's breasts were large, over-sized. Her mother was committing adultery with the neighbor's husband, a perfect symbol for the disgusting Lydians, the proto-Latin Italians who wanted to rule the world, the ferocious, brutal Biblical dragon. The mother of abominations is with us today. Lydian fathers gave up their daughters to be temple prostitutes for the management / advancement of the pagan cults. Plancia Magna's family tended and ruled over the Artemis temple.
Leaks became suspect with the fleur of Hicks (same bend as Lechs). Hykes'/Hacks were kin of Chives', and Hykes'/Hake's share fish with, in colors reversed from, the Luce's (Norfolk, same as Hykes/Hake's and Bus').
Leicesters share the swan with and Licks/Locks / Lochs, and Licks/Lucks share the mascle of Vaux-branch Faux's! That's excellent for linking Faucets to this picture, and for assuring that Lisieux's founders apply to Leicester. The saltire of the Licks/Locks is black, like the saltire made by keys in the Arms of Lisieux.
"The arrondissement of Les Andelys is an arrondissement of France in the Eure department in the Normandy region. It was expanded in 2006 with the two cantons of Louviers-Nord and Louviers-Sud from the arrondissement of Evreux." The Arms-of-Evreux bend is a lot like the bend of Faucets, and the Vaux's share the Arms of Meulan and the Louvier Coat (wolf, suggests a Leavell line). Jewish Simons, a fox. French Simons, a "MON" motto term. A La Louvier is beside MONS, where the counts of Hainaut used the triple Levi chevrons. The French Simons must be with the Montfort lion.
Another related detail here is that Maurys ("pas") were first found in Champagne, the rulers of which married Avesnes, near Comines, and the latter share the black key with Lisieux. The Comine's share the Coat of AVESNes-liner Avisons, who trace without doubt to Avezzano's because the latter's crutch-potent pattern (on the bend) is used with the bend that is the Arms of Champagne (see Champagne surname too). Avezzano is in Abruzzo smack at the Marsi area, up the Salto river from Flavians in Rieti. "VESpasia" is still suspect with the namers of Avezzano, which may have been Bessen/Besant liners from the Basante river, beside the Ceraunii and Maezaei. End insert]
As Maccabees are wrongly said to be named after the hammer, note the hammers or mallets of Soams of Sohum, smacking of Julia Soaemias. One Soham is in Suffolk, the other in Cambridgeshire. Suffolk is where Davers (Soam colors and format) were first found whose jay is suspect from Gaia/GALA, Massena's father. The rooster of Galli's is in the colors of the Paula rooster, and Avitus Bassianus first married Julia CORNELius Paula...who might just have been a Polla liner (Cornells are also Cornwalls). Pollens/Paulins look connectable on three counts to Pullens i.e. from Vespasia Polla. Paula's/Paulins were first found in Burgundy, beside or even with the Galli's and Galleys (Paul colors) of Dauphine.
Why would emperor Bassianus have married firstly a Vespasia-Polla liner? The last update practically insisted that Julius Agrippa was from Titus Flavius Simonides Agrippa, named in honor of Vespasia's son, Titus. Julius Agrippa had to be the father of a sister or brother of Julius Bassianus. Vespasia's husband, Flavius Sabinus, traces to the Sabine's with two of the three Palin Chief stars in their own Chief. Palins were first found in Dorset with Poole.
The Dauphine capital was Vienne, and the Vienne's have an eagle (El-Gabal eagle) in the colors of the Paula / Galli rooster. And, zikers, it's in the colors of the Stone eagle too! Vienne is where Herod Archelaus was banished, which place I assume he chose as his place of banishment. Why would he chose that place? Did El-Gabal liners end up there due to being from Herods in the first place? Stone's were first found in CORNwall, where I now trace Ceraunii, yes to the Cornovii namers of Cornwall. Cornwalls use a "La VIE" motto phrase, perhaps partly for the Vio variation of Vito's.
Davers share gold, Zionist stars with Urbans and Massena's, but this star is in the Crest of Audleys between what could be the white Masci wings. Audleys are the ancestors of Stanleys of Stonley (see write-up), and Stanleys were first found in Cambridgeshire with the other Soham location. The Sone variation of Soams (Sitten colors) can therefore be play on Stone liners, and it can be added that Some's are listed with Sions while Sion is also called, Sitten. These things have the potential to trace Soaemias and her El-Gabal elements to the Somme river in Picardy.
The Coats of the Suffolk Davers and Soams are in the colors and format of the Suffolk Dice's/Diss', all in Arthur colors and format too, and Davers must therefore be from the Daversi = Daorsi, on the Neretva river with the proto-Arthur Ardiaei, a river beside the Cetina. Can we believe it, the Dice's/Diss and Disters use eagle's in the colors of the Stone eagle too.
The Ardiaei were also, Vardaei, and Vardys were barons of Ferte while a giant fret is used by Audleys. Aude's were first found in Savoy with the Jay-like Gays sharing the giant and gold Galli / Paula/Paulin rooster, and moreover French Masseys/Massa's were first found in Savoy along with Maccabee-suspect Modane. Modens use FRETTY, and were first found in Berkshire while Berkshire's share the Audley fretty (same colors) and throw in the same bend as used by Stanleys. The "obSTANTia" motto term of Arthurs is expected with Stants/Stans, a likely branch of Stanleys. What were black-stoners doing in Berkshire, home of Windsor castle?
The Suffolk Plains, in Palin colors and format, should apply to Paula/Paulin liners, as we shall shortly see. This is where Paul Smith with the Jeep can come in because the Plain fitchee is much like the Smith / Crutch fitchee. The Palin lion is also the Anville/Handville' lion, and Smiths use the anvil.
Cambridgeshire is where Capone's and Chapmans were first found suspect from the Cupionich location upon a Clausula river very near to GABULeum (on the light map). It's where or what I've suspected to be the origin of El-Gabal. Gabuleum is on the Drilon river of the Caiaphas-suspect Cavii. Cupionich is like the Caepionis version of the Caepio surname, and this place is also KOPLik, and then the giant KOPPLE rooster is gold too, in colors reversed. The Kopple rooster is the Gallus rooster, suspect with Anonymous Gallus, writer of GOPLo myth i.e. Kopple's were of Poland's Goplo, origin if the Maesa-suspect Mieszko Piasts from the Bistue location at the Orbiana-suspect Urbanus river (I trace "Piast" to Bistue). It's why Savarys/Saffers use uniCORNs as part-code for the Una river, it seems.
It's telling us that the GOPLANi namers of Goplo were El-Gabal elements. French Gobels/GOBELINs probably use the Masci wing and the Macey Shield. The Chief of English Gobelins (Hampshire, same as Josephs) has two of the three garbs in the Joseph Chief. The ship in this Gobelin Shield might just be called a galley, what MacDonalds and MacDonald-related Keeps call their ship. French Galleys were first found in Dauphine with giant-rooster Galli's, and these galleys looks to be using the roses of Caiaphas-like Capote's/Chapus'. Italian Capote's are also Capone's i.e. suspect at/from Cupionich = Koplik. The Galli Coat is a colors-altered version of the jay-using Poitvin Coat, and the latter is a reflection of the Capote/Chapus Coat.
The vertically-split Shield of Stone's is that of Gate's, while the north-African ancestry of CARACalla's father was probably in a Geta entity I found with Numidians; Geta was the name of Caracalla's brother. The Sittens use a "yet" motto term for the Gate-branch Yate's who use a portcullis gate, suspect as part-code for "Proculus." The Porters partially own the Portcullis, and show one, and they look like Potters, suspect from Poitiers at Poitou i.e. look linkable to Poitvins. Porters/PAWters and Potters were first found Hampshire with Gobelins, and beside the Palins/PAWleys and the Pawlins/Paulins (both suspect in the black lion paw of Quints from Quintus Caepio(nis)), and the giant-rooster Paula's we saw are also Paulins.
Paul Smith (owned a red Jeep) was on crutches in a dream with Mr. Kepke, both walking past the corner of my garage, where I park my red Jeep. Are Jeepma's/Cheps using the black-stone eagle? Why were French Pauls/St. Pols first found in Picardy, location of the Some river? Scottish Pauls look like a Balas branch.
If it appears that El-Gabal elements merged with the Bassus' of Cetis (beside Syria), it's because Bassus' were also Bassianus', one of which was Caracalla's mother. Therefore, where historians say that "Caracalla" was his nickname after his cloak, I say phooey. It appears that he was named after Charax elements. Caracalla's mother was Julia Maesa's sister, and Masseys are in the Brick Chief. Rick Stoner was in brick siding.
Keplers Are New to Me
Bricks are a good place to end that section because they share a string of bendwise lozenges with Keplers, Marshalls and Musso's/MUSSOLini's. Keplers (Bohemia) make a bend with their lozenges in the colors of the Keep bend, excellent, and Keeps were first found in Sussex with Mascals, so very excellent, for Keiths (at the Mussolini-like MUSSELburgh theater) are Mascals/Masculs too; this surname is from/of Mascula of Numidia. Marshalls are being included here because they merged with Keiths: "Keiths are sometimes known as the Marshalls, and many Clansmen adopted that name." So, the bendwise lozenges of all four surnames above are due to their sharing them from inter-marriages.
The reason that I wanted to do this section is due to Nimo's being NewMARSH's too while being first found in Stirlingshire with Chep-like Cheaps/Chappes' (I made a mistake saying that they were "Cheaps" in the last three updates). You see, via the Kepler relationship with Marshalls, there can be a Keep / Kepler link to Newmarsh's and Cheaps (same garb in Crest as Joseph Crest). Newmarsh's use a "show" motto term while Shows are listed with Schaws, and Shawia Numidians fit very nicely in this Mascula picture.
Keiths are said to be from a Catti "tribe". Huh? What's that? Why do Keats use cats in the colors of the leopard faces of Cetina-like Keatons? Why do Keats use their three cats in pale like the three lions in pale of Tiller-branch Tailors? It looks like this Catti tribe is from the Cetina/Tilurius river, where cat-using Cetins/Cattans can be traced because they put pellets on their white cats, as have the white lions of Tillers. German Tillers/Tile's use the annulet of Avitus-line Vito's in colors reversed. It appears that Keiths were Cetina liners. You see, the Kepler topic has brought us back to Avitus Bassianus, and Keeps use a galley ship.
Whose white castle is in the Cetin/Cattan Crest? Why should it be the Cassel castle? Easy. The Chatti of Germany were at Cassel, and the Cetins/Cattans even share the black fitchee of Cassels. It should be noted that while this fitchee is in both colors of the Tarves fitchee, the Cetin/Cattan Shield is split in the colors of the Tarves, Gate, and Stone Shields. As Cetis had QuadraTILLa, suspect from/to Tilurius elements, Gate's could be Cetis elements, which is to say that the north-African Geta family was related to Cetis.
The horse in the Crest of English Galleys has bendy in the colors of the three bends of Italian Angelo's, who can explain the Vitangelo variation of Vito's.
Here's from an article that starts off with the Chatti of Hesse-Cassel, but let's first mention that Akmonia-suspect Rasmussens/Assmans were first found in Hesse while their Asman branch (Massey fleur) share the black dog with Carricks:
The Keiths traced their origins back to an ancient Rhineland tribe called the Catti. Sometime in the first century BC, so the legend goes, the Catti fought the Romans in the Hercynian forest [land of the Boii]: their retreat took them by Katwyck on the Rhine to embark for Scotland from the coast of Holland. Just how many Catti took to the boats in the exodus is not known but they eventually made landfall in Caithness or as it was perhaps more recognizably known in first-century Scotland – Cattiness.
I've not known this migration before. Note how the Hercynian forest smacks of Hyrcanus Maccabee. Hyrcanus was one of the original five Maccabee brothers. The Boii went on to found Bohemia, where Keplers were first found. As I see the Boii as part of "MaccaBAEUS," see the Hercuniates of Pannonia, to the immediate east of the Boii, on this light map:, someone spelled or pronounced a term with consonants reversed, I don't know why. "HACHORANi Maccabee is a consonant reversal from HYRCAN(us). Note Savaria, what looks like the Boii capital. It smacks of Severus of Hasmonean-like Akmonia.
The last update had a trace of Agrippa's to Griffins with a "Ne vile" motto phrase suspect with Neville's. The latter use the Annandale saltire, and Annandale's use a "SpeRABO" motto term while Rabys/Rabe's have "John Neville, 3rd Baron Neville de Raby". Note the ARRABO river through the land of the Boii and Savaria. It flows between the Boii and the Hercuniates.
Note Aquincum near the Hercuniates, for that's now Budapest. I've read that this city was Attila's Sicambria, and, therefore, the Sicambrian Franks were from at least roughly the Boii theater. They say that Sicambrian Franks merged with the Salian Franks that created the Merovingians under Childeric. Mummolin was a Frank, and BODEgisel could therefore be from the namer of Buda (may not have been Budapest yet). It's notable that SiCAMBRia-like Camerons/CAMBRUNs have fesses linkable to those of Babons/Bavents. Varangians (suspect with "Frank") of Kiev protected the Hungarian prince, Andrew I, and Hungarians claim to descent from Attila (brother of Bleda). Some Hungarians / historians believe their country derives in "10 arrows." Camerons use five arrows, though with 10 ends, same as the Rothschild family that had ten children. Camerons were at Lochaber with Kiev-suspect Keppoch. The three Cameron fesses are in the colors of the three chevrons of Bleda-suspect Bleds (Clare Coat in reversed colors). The Locherbee surname is, a little likely, using the Clair roses on the Shield of Clare-loving Arthurs (clarions). The Lockerbee chevron is that also of Bullocks who in-turn have five (Arthur number) "Lochaber axes." They may have been called blades at one time, because that's what they look like, and because Blade's are like "Bleda."
Childeric married Basina, whose line is to the Bessin, home of the BAIOcasses, said to be from the Boii. That makes sense now. The two German Frank surnames were first found in Bohemia. It seems we can see why Childeric's tomb was found with many gold bees.
Boii had conquered Bologna, and perhaps they called it, Bononia. In any case, Bone's/Bohuns were first found in Sussex with Keeps and Mascals, and Keep-branch Keplers were first found in Bohemia. Keep-loving HEPburns share the chevron of Childeric-liner Childs/CHILLs, and Hepburns are said to have been at CHILLingham. It appears that Keep liners and their Hepburn branch were at Chillingham with Childeric liners, and as Chillingham is in Northumberland, it's conspicuous that Childs . Hepburns are in Sword colors, for Siward seemed to link well to Mieszko / Piast liners, and the Child eagle is the Piast eagle too, but also used by Meschin-related Cecily de Rumilly. I had seen recently that Edge's/Eggs use that eagle from Cecily, and while I trace Edge's to the Adige river, it flows through PADOVA, where I trace Merovingian roots and their BATAVI fellows (lived at mouth of Rhine with Salian Franks).
The bend-by-lozenges of Marshalls is colors reversed from the same of Keplers, and here the "boast" motto term of Newmarch's can be appealed to in order to connect them to Marshalls, for Boasts are listed with Bois'/Boyes'. They look like a Bush branch with a Cheney twist.
The Scottish-Marshal write-up: "The surname Marshall was first found in Lothian, where the Clan is said to be descended from Robert, an early Chieftain of the Catti tribe..." It just so happens that French Roberts (Burgundy, same as Paula's/Paulins) use a giant lion in the colors of the giant Paula/Paulin rooster. Then, the Propers/Robins/Roberts (Robert lion), of Malpas along with Belwoods, can bring us to the Pilate's of Burgundy, and to Mont Pilat of Burgundy/Dauphine, because Pilate's share three white pheons with Belwoods and Robins.
Burgundy is also where Mars were first found suspect with old variations of Marshalls. Scottish Mars (Picts, same as Keiths) use a lion in half the colors of the Robert lion.
As Durham is at the Ticino-suspect Tees river, note that Keath-like Heaths/Heths (Durham) have an "EsPERE" motto term suspect with Pero's on the Ticino, for the Heath/Heth stars are also those of Peare's. Heaths share the gold rooster with Gays while Jays (shares the Jewish-Rothchild bend) were at Heath while jay-using Poitvins link to Gay-related Galli's and Galleys. This was the line of Gaia, from the Mascula theater, to the Keaths/Keiths/Masculs.
The Catti article above says that the Chatti of Hesse-Cassel came to live in Sutherland, and that back in Germany they left the Katzenburgh and Katzenfort surnames. The Katz surname uses a cat in Cetin/Cattan-cat colors, and Katz's are said to be Jewish, suggesting that Keiths were Jewish way back: "The first of the tribe named by the Senachies is Gilli Chattan Noir, chief of the Catti, temp. King Alpine (A.D. 831-834), from whom descend the Kethi, Keychts, Keths, or Keiths; and also the MacPhersons, Sutherlands, etc., known under the general name of Chattan Clan. The ancient title (Celtic) of the Earls of Sutherland is “Morfhear chat,” Lord Cat; literally Greatman Cat."
I've not heard any of this before. I sure wish I knew that the Keith Catti were the origin of Clan Chattan. Phersons are split horizontally in half the colors of the same of Cetins/Cattans, and they both share the fitchee. Phersons use the red MacDonald fitchee, and the MacDonald galley. I now know the black MacDonald fitchee is of the Keppoch-branch MacDonalds; it seems that the Cetins/Cattans have the fitchee in the Arms of the MacDonalds of Keppoch. It tends to disclose that Tarves' (near earls of Mar) are using the black Keppoch fitchee too. Kennedys (and Cassels) use it, and they were first found beside the Scottish Isles, land of MacDonalds. bunch. The Phersons are split in the two split colors of Tarves'. Vito's were first found in TARVISium. I get it. Clan Chattan traces back to the Bassianus' at the Cetina and neighboring territory.
Wikipedia's article on clan Chattan doesn't even mention the Keith Catti, how moronic can Wikipedia historians get. "There is a theory that the name Chattan came from the Catti who were a tribe of Gauls who had been driven out by the Romans." The creators of this Wikipedia page weren't even charitable enough to mention the Chatti of Hesse-Cassel. It seems, the less we know, the better. The more uncertainty, the better. That's how satanic spirits work. The bulk of Wikipedia's writers are worried about Christians educating the world. There is a massive conspiracy against us, perfect for their own undoing.
The Katz's are Katch's too, and Catch's (Chattan / Chatan colors) use the cat, as well as sharing the Mars scallops. The Mars use the colors and format of Mackays, and the latter were in Sutherland too. Chives' of Tarves use cat-a-mountains, and link well to Cetins/Chattans. The Sutherland Shield is with Cornells/Cornwalls. Mackays had an Irish branch sharing the wolf belonging to the Quadratilla line to Quade's, and it just so happens that Queens (Skye, same as McLeods), who share their three black wolf heads, are part of Clan Chattan:
[Clan Chattan] was a conventional Scottish clan. However it evolved into an alliance or confederation of clans which was made up firstly of the descendants of the original clan (Clan Cattanach, Clan Macpherson, Clan MacBean (or McBain) [McKay sept], Clan MacPhail [Velis branch], secondly of the Clan Mackintosh and their cadet branches (Clan Shaw, Clan Farquharson, the RITCHIES, and Clan MacThomas) and thirdly of families who were not originally related by blood (Clan MacGillivray, Clan Davidson, the Macleans of Dochgarroch, Clan MacQUEEN, the MacIntyres of Badenoch and the Clan Macandrews).
Ritch's/Richess' can be linked to Richeza of Lorraine, and Lorraine's can be with the Asman bend and Shield, while Ritchies' can be with the Rasmussen/Assman unicorn. Rasmussens are a Masci / Massey branch traceable to El-Gabal's Julia Maesa, and Richeza married Goplo-line Mieszko.
Phails share the black Stoner eagle, and I think there is merit, based on what the last update said on Simonides Agrippa and the Griffins, in tracing Phails/Vails with Velis'/Vails to Bassianus' El-Gabal. Phails give me the impression of being with the Yellow raven liners.
Not just the Beans/Bains, but Fane's/Vains, are a sept of Mackay, and the Fane glove is in the Clan-Chattan motto. A queen was a "kwen" to some, and I can see Veens as a Queen branch, and while Scottish Veens are with Beans, Dutch Veens share the Vito annulet. Perhaps Veens became Queens. Weens are with Guinevere-suspect Gwinns/Winns. Keppoch is in Lochaber along with the original Beans: Wikipedia: "According to the Rev. Lachlan Shaw, the first Macbean came out of Lochaber, in the suit of Eva, heiress of Clan Chattan, and settled near Inverness. The MS. history of the Mackintoshes says in corroboration, that 'Bean vic Coil Mor (of whom the Clan Vean had their denomination) lived in Lochaber, and was a faithful servant to Mackintosh against the Red Comyn..."
Often, a term like "MacVeen" can become MacCveen due to the ending on "Mac." As Queens share the Irish Mackay Coat, it tends to verify that Beans/Veens were a Mackay sept. McLeods (share the Cassel castle) became MacClouds too, and were first found in Skye with Queens. They think MacsWEENs (Queen variation) were from a Sweyn. Wikipedia: "The Macqueens of Skye, on the other hand, have common heath attributed as their clan badge. Common heath is the clan badge of many of the clans associated with Clan Donald." Heath looks like code for the Heaths/Heths. Keiths are Keaths and Keths too.
I had no idea that the Polish Sobieski's were of the Stewarts: "The Macqueen tartan was first published in 1842, in the Vestiarium Scoticum. The Vestiarium was the work of the dubious "Sobieski Stuarts" and is today considered a Victorian era hoax." This can explain why Sobieski's/Sobeks have heraldry (purple buckle): "Sobieski is the surname of John III Sobieski, the Polish king of the Sobieski family, whose granddaughter Clementina (Maria Klementyna Sobieska) married a Stuart: the "Old Pretender", Prince James Francis Edward. " Why did royal Stewarts marry Poland? The Pollock titles had gone to buckle-using Leslie's, from Hungarians.
The Leslie write-up called the Leslie progenitors, Flemings. "It is generally believed the family was descended from Bartholomew Leslyn, son of Walter de Leslyn, a Flemish knight who attended Queen Margaret when she arrived to marry King Malcolm of Scotland in 1067." Everyone else I've read says that Bartholomew was Hungarian. Cover up? There was a massive cover-up with the Ross clan, from Andrew I of Hungary but never made known to the public.
LESLIE Earl of ROTHES.THE traditional accounts of the origin of this most noble and antient [no spell-check done] family are various [creates uncertainty]. Some authors are of opinion, that the sirname is local [not from Hungary]...Others alledge, that one Bartholomew de Leslyn, a noble Hungarian, came to Scotland with queen Margaret about the year 1067: that he was the son of Walter de Leslyn, who had assumed his sirname from the castle of Leslyn in Hungary, where he was born...;view=fulltext
How does that make Walter a Fleming??? The title, "Leslie's of Rothes," confirms what an emailer told me, that Leslie's obtained the Pollock titles of "Lady Rothes" by marriage, and this emailer was always showing disgust for these Leslie's, saying that they were covetous, swallowers of others estates by the craft of high-level inter-marriages. The article doesn't mention Rothes until this paragraph:
Sir ANDREW LESLYN, dominus ejus/dem, who married Mary, one of the daughters and co-heiresses of sir Alexander Abernethy, lord of that ilk, by whom he got a great accession to his estate, viz. the lands and barony of Ballinbreich in the county of Fife, the lands of Cairny in the shire of Perth, and Rothes,*&c. in the north; and in consequence of this marriage the family have ever since continued to quarter the arms of Abernethy with their own.This is just super to find Leslie's at CAIRNY, for Carni is on the light map at the upper Sava, near Lesce (not on the map), where I trace proto-Leslie's. Lesce is beside Emona (on the map). Carnys share the upright, red lion with Abernathys. The Cairnys share red birds (looks like raven versus parrot) with Abernathys, and both were first found in Perthshire. The Mons/Mounts, suspect from "Emona," use an upright red lion too, in both colors of the Abernathy lion. The Mons/Mounts were first found in Peebles, and the Peebles surname uses parrots, believe it or not. It says that Cairnie is in Aberdeenshire, the latter being where Leslie's were first found. The Carny Chief may be of the Rumillys, whom I trace to the Japodes, beside Lesce.
Rothes is a location near the Ross clan, and likely related. Square buckle's are used by Ross-like Roslin, and the Ross lion is colors reversed from that of Roslin-like Russells. Henry Sinclair, who was granted Roslin, was the cup-bearer of princess Margaret, and the latter was brought to Scotland by Maurice Drummond, the first Drummond, along with Bartholomew, the first Leslie. If this is being covered up, then I suppose it will be harder to find online than it was a decade ago.
The article says that, in the 13th century, the Leslie's used Arms with six shields in a circle, conjoined at the base. It evokes the Traby/Sadowsky scarf, with a KNOT at the bottom, and highly suspect as a deliberate Q-shape for Queens and Quade's. Cnut was from Polish Mieszko's, and he named the Knots/Cnuts/Canute's, we may assume. They share the Chanute chevron, yet the latter use it inverted (upside-down). Chanuts were first found in Burgundy with Mars so as to link to the Scottish Mars at KilDRUMMY. Drummonds were from the train of Hungarians that brought Leslie's to Scotland, and, in fact, Drummonds were from George, son of Andrew I of Hungary. Burgundy is also where Sava-suspect Save's were first found who have a bend colors reversed from Leslie's, which can be explained by my view that Leslie's were at the Sava's Lesce location.
Six shields are used be Cecils/Cecilys (Meschin kin), but in the pattern of the Sava'/Savage lions, or the six fitchees of Tarves' (near Rothes), first found in Aberdeenshire with the first Scottish Leslie's. Tarves-suspect Travis' share the motto, and the colors and format, of Buckle-branch Buckleys, first found in Cheshire with Sava's/Savage's and the Meschins suspect in the Travis scallops, but these are also the scallops of Russells suspect at buckle-using Roslin. The Russell lion is suspect with the same of Sava-river Sauers, first found in Austria and therefore on the upper Sava i.e. not far from Lesce. The proto-Rothschild Bauers were first found in Austria too. In the Buckle Crest, probably the gold lion of Irish Leslie's/Lostys. Bauers share the blue wing with Irish Leslie's/Lostys, though the latter's is part while, yet the wing is code for the Sava area's Valentinian liners.
Buckle's use the same colors and format as Buckleys, and share wreaths with Mackays (branch of the Mackays have the Queen / Quade / Cliff/Cleff wolf heads) while the Burgundy Mars use Mackay colors and format. The Burgundy Mars, in Moray colors, are also More's, and they probably use the Meschin scallops on blue. Scottish Mars, with lions in the colors of the Ross lions, have a passant lion in the colors of the same of Drops/Trope's, who in-urn share a Shield of Drops with Cnuts/Knot.
The Scarfs use the wolf head of Hugh Lupus of Cheshire, the uncle of the first Meschin; the latter's family married Cecily de Rumilly. The Romneys share the bend of Save's, and Rumillys were traced to Romula, smack at the Sava area, not far from Lesce. Cnuts/Knots, expected to link to Scarfs (by way of the knot in the Traby/Sadowsky scarf) use a UNIcorn, traceable to the Una river, smack beside Romula. (Cnuts/Knots look to be using a version of the Darlene and Darlington Coats).
Aha! The Leslie-like Lacys use a fret-KNOT (and moreover share purple with Sobieski's/Sobeks). In fact, the fret-knot Leslie's use six pellets in the colors and pattern of the Cecily shields, and Irish Lacys share the purple Skipton lion while Cecily de Rumilly was of Skipton. Perfect.
As Travis' and Tarves' are suspect from Treviso, the Traby Q (scarves don't need to be round) may be related also on the giant annulet of Vito's. It can explain why the Leslie buckles are round, and also why their six shields were in a circle. Perhaps the Vito symbol was made round to fit with the Traby Q, for the Maesa' elements at the Una's Maezaei partook in forming the Mieszko's of Poland. They may not have been Poles to start with unless Poles derived from the Maezaei theater too. Pula/Pola comes to mind.
The Seals/Sealys use both the black wolf heads of Quade's/ MacKays and the white one of Scarfs. The Ceelys are then in the colors and format of Mackays and Mars/MORE's, but now with the Moray (and Handle) stars! And the Ceelys share a tiger in Crest with Travis! That is excellent for confirming much of the implications above.
Irish Seallys/Shallows/Shelleys, with a Shally variation like the Cheshire Sallys/Sale's, share the Shield (whale) and Crest (anchor) of Cale's, suspect with the Crest anchor of Kyle's whom I trace to the Sava river's Servitium along with Gore's, thanks to a motto term of the Cole's (CORNwall, same as Seals/Sealys), suspect with the black bull of neighboring, whale-like Walerans, who in-turn use three bull heads in the colors of the Quade / Mackay wolf heads because Walerans trace to Lupus Laevillus with the Quade's and Meschins. Cole's are highly suspect with KOLODziej, mythical Piast of the Mieszko's, for they use a bull in Mieske-bull-head colors.
I know where this is Sealy picture is going, to Luis of Ceva, mother of Alice of Saluzzo (the Sale line, I feel sure), and while Vasto's ruled Saluzzo, Leslie have a "Grip FAST" motto. Irish Leslie's/LOStys are said to be from an old Lois-like surname, and I see Lois' (Artois) with Gore's in the makings of Cornwall's mythical GorLOIS. The history of Seals/Sealys is said to begin in Cornwall.
Alice of Saluzzo who married FitzAlans of Shropshire and Arundel. Sallows were first found in Shropshire. Arundels share the Shallow-like swallow with Swallows, but the Arundels use six of them in the colors and pattern of the six Cecily shields, the six Sava lions, and the six Tarves fitchees. The Seals/Seallys were first found in Northumberland (seems to contradict their history starting in Cornwall), and that was the area of the first-known Bernice's, suspect with "GRIP fast" with Agrippa liners. The Bernice Coat is in the colors and format of Seals/Sealys, suggesting rather strongly that Agrippa's were in relation to Alice / Thomas of Saluzzo.
In this picture where Julius Avitus' family was itself in the Sava area (I strongly assume from much evidence) "Grip" is code for Julius Agrippa, the relative of Avitus' wife. As that wife was the sister of Domna Bassianus, note that "Domino" motto term of the Seally/Shallow-related Cale's (looks like a version of Dol Coat). As Roslin is six miles from Edinburgh, and near MUSSELburgh of the Meschins, the "Domino-like" term (forget the spelling) in the Arms of Edinburgh looks to apply here i.e the Domna > Caracalla line was at Edinburgh.
Seallys/Shallows were first found in Cork (near the Tipperary of Cale's), and Corks are also Core's, as are Gore's. Corks/Core's use the lion tails of the Tail/Tailer lion, and it's in the colors of the Tiller lion for a trace to Avitus elements in the Tilurius = Cetina, where Keiths/Mascals of the Musselburgh area trace. German Tillers/Tile's use the Vito annulet in colors reversed.
Tillers/Tile's reminds me of the bathroom floor I installed for a Drummond family. I've mentioned this before, but not in the context here. After doing it, they called me in to show a continuous crack running through a few tiles. I told them that it was not due to a poor installation, which results only in a crack in a single tiles only. A continuous crack is due to stress in the entire floor. Fortunately, they told me before the job was started that they had jacked up the floor from the basement. I didn't need to fix it. The crack-like Crags (Yorkshire, same as Cracks/Cricks) share the crack-like Carrick dog, and the Crags throw in a bend-with-leaves in the colors of the bend-with-buckles of Leslie's, who were Hungarians along with Drummonds! And, the Tile's trace to the Tilurius, where I see Caracalla elements!!! You see, God set up that tile job.
The dogs above were often called, talbots, and Cracks/Cricks share a single pale bar in the colors of the same of Tails/Tailers. As Lesce is beside Bled, by what coincidence do Blake's/BLAIKS share the same pale bar while looking like a version of the Blas'/Bleis'/Blains (Brittany), whose triple bends are in the colors of the triple chevrons of Bleds/Bles'. The latter's chevrons can trace to the Cork area with Strongbow Clare, and the Clare's use the three Bled/Bles chevrons in colors reversed. Bleds/Bles' were first found in Burgundy with Save's and Mathis' (moline of the Tarves Chives'/Shewas') while Mathie's/Matthews share the Bled/Bles triple chevrons, and, believe it or not, the Mathie/Matthew Crest has the blue wing in the design of the blue-and-white Leslie/Losty wing.
[A few hours after writing here, I recalled Kepke's black lab, Blacky, and checking the Blacky/Blaike surname: two of the three Bled/Bles chevrons! As unlikely as it may at first seem that Blake's were Bled liners, this tends to clinch it. The two Blacky chevrons have a vaired chevron between them, suspect with the vair in the Quint Chief because the Blackys share gold fitchees with Quints. Moreover, I trace Quintus Caepio to the Kupa river, near Bled. The two Blacky chevrons are gold, as are the double Joseph / Chaplain chevrons. By the time of this insert, I found the Keppe's (see below), first found in Hampshire with Josephs. The Blacky Crest suggests the Ceraunii. Blackys were first found near the Tees river.]
Strongbow Clare is said to have given lands to the Irish Lacys, and it just so happens that these Lacys use a "MERITas" motto term while French Merits share the three bends of Blas'/Bleis/Blains. The Scottish Blains/Blane's look to be using the Cale / Kyle / Shallow anchor. The Seallys/Shallows: "This family name was found later in Clare where the name assumed Shalloo and represented the first recorded reference to the name." Sallows were first found in Shropshire with Cliffs/Cleffs, the latter linked recently to Bles-like Blazers/Blaze's, and the Cliff/Cleff Coat (Seal/Sealy wolf heads) is a good Coat reflection of the Ayrshire Blains/Blane's. The latter share "Patitur" with Shaws/Sheaves', and Irish Shaws share the trefoil of Cliffs/Cleffs.
Blazers/Blase's were discussed with my TIE with treble CLEFs before I knew that Tie's/Dye's/Ties' were from the Tees river of Yorkshire, where Blazers/Blase's were first found. I just have not been familiar with the Tees river. Blazers are said to be from an early Blaise surname.
I didn't mean to deviate so much from the Kepler / Marshall / Mussolini lozenges. After writing the Paragraph above, I went back to it, and tried loading the Nemo's/Newmarsh's as Newmarsh's, though they didn't come up. Instead, the Newmarch's/NewMarks/NuDICKs came up who share the Marshall lozenges fessewise. I trace Marks to the Marici co-founders of Pavia, and Dicks can certainly be Ticino liners. Look at the timing of this paragraph, below the Ticino-suspect Tees'. I didn't realize until now that Nemo's/Newmarch's ("not" motto term) share four crescents surrounding a saltire with Blazers/Blaze's.
This affirmation that the Keith-related Marshalls were a branch of Nemo's/Newmarsh's can expose Kepler liners at Stirlingshire, home of the first-known Kep-like Cheaps/Chappes'. It's tending to confirm my old suspicions, that Mr. Kepke was a Caiaphas liner somehow.
[A few hours after writing here, immediately after the insert above, the Mares' were loaded seeking a March branch. French Mares' are excellent for using the Meschin scallops on the Sale/SALLETT bend, and the VALLAN moline. Those three items trace Mares' to the Marsi at mount VELINO at the SALTo river. The write-up has dingbats deriving Mares' in "a marsh" (keeping us stupid). To help prove that Nemo's/Newmarch's were from Marsi, here's from the Mares write-up: "The surname Mares was first found in Cambray, Normandy (French: Normandie), the former Duchy of Normandy, where ancestors of the family belonged to the house of Bousis." That looks like a clan that can be from the Bois'/Boasts /Busts(SALEman Shield?) in the Nemo/Newmarsh write-up.
The Brittany Bois' (three Alan fesses) mention "Bois de la Salle." Could be of the Shropshire Sallows, beside the Cheshire Sale's/Salletts/Sallys.
The Nemo/Newmarch saltire is the Annandale saltire as used by the Arms of Ayrshire and the Bruce's (both use the actual Annandale saltire, not merely one that happens to be the same one). The "ears of wheat" of Chappes'/Cheaps are sometimes called sheaves, and Shaws/Sheaves are in the motto of the Arms of Ayrshire, and probably in the "show" motto term of Nemo's/Newmarch's. There's a great argument in this picture for seeing the Show/Schaw crescents with the CHEPman / Capmans/CapMAYNE crescent. "Ears" thus become suspect with Eyers/Ayers, of Ayrshire.
The Chepman write-up suggests that old Schapmans and Shepshanks apply. Jewish Schappers/Shapiro's, and Sheeps / Shepherds / Shiptons may then apply. English Shepherds even use the hand holding the black KEPPOCH-of-MacDonald fitchee. Excellent. The Keppock/Kippax garbs might even be called, sheaves. "The name Kippax is of Anglo-Saxon origin and is first attested as Chipesch in the Domesday Book of 1086, and as 'Kippeys' in charters from the 1090s to the 1270s, and Kypask and Kypax from the 13th century onwards."
The Newmarch/Newmark lozenges are probably the five fessewise ones of Percys (Yorkshire), who married the Saluzzo-Arundel merger. The Poindexters (split in split-Tarves colors), who use the fist of Vasto-suspect Fists/FAUSTs, have a "Nemo" and a LACESsit" motto term. I can see Dexters/Decksters with the Dicks possibly in "NewDick." Scottish Dicks (Dexter colors) were first found in Edinburgh.
Drats, thanks to "Kippeys," I've found a Kipps/Keppe/Cheppe surname (Hampshire, beside Keeps) but not showing a Coat or specifying any details. I'll bet they were related to Josephs and their Caplin / Chaplain kin. Kepler-like Keppels/Cappels/Caple's were first found in nearby Hertfordshire, and are expected with the Capelli's in the chapeau of the Hampshire Bidens/Buttons.
I'm guessing that Keppels/Cappels share the lion of neighboring SALESburys (Saluzzo suspects). Remember, Keplers use the Marshall Coat in colors reversed, while Newmarsh's/Newdicks link us to Show-loving Nemo's/Newmarsh's. The Sheaves'/Chiava's/Chiapponi's were first found in Abruzzo, and the Abreu's/Abruzzo's share comBATTANT lions with the Salesbury Crest while the giant Salesbury lion is that also of Abreu's/Abruzzo's. Plus, Salesburys are said to be from Walter de EVREUX, where "Abreu" traces. Having said that, the Salesburys share the three crescents of Shows, thus tending to make at least an indirect link between Keppels/Cappels and Nemo's/Newmarsh's and the Cheaps/Chappes suspect as kin of Sheaves/Chiava's of Abruzzo. Shows were first found in BADEN, and "comBATTANT should be part-code for Battants/BADENs, first found in Somerset with Baths. Baden-like Bidens/Buttons (same fesse as Keppocks/Kepes') are said to have been at Somerset's Bath. And, can we believe it, the Arms of Baden (Oos river) is the Keep bend, and therefore the Keppel/Kepler bend.
Members of Clan Chattan were in the BADENoch area, and Baden is on the edge of the Black Forest. We read earlier that the Chatti were at the Hyrcanian forest. Then, "All agree that the Black Forest, which extended east from the Rhine valley, formed the western side of the Hercynian."
"The placename seems to be composed of an Anglo-Saxon personal name Cippa or Cyppa 'ash-tree'." There you have your soft-headed historians, way-too-often looking to some geographocal thing, or deceiving us with it, rather than looking to other people or place names. There is no excuse for such stupidity, for they see all the surname variations, and they know that many places are named after people names or related places, and yet they way-too-often play like ignoramuses while fabricating an expert tone for themselves. It's embarrassing.
The inclusion of Baden in this picture is excellent, for Veringers of Baden used the red antler, symbol of Casimirs, and then Casimir of Poland (a Mieszko) married a Varangian of Kepke-suspect Kiev (Kepke's father is Ukrainian). Can we believe it, the Casimir antler forms a bend, nothing else in the Coat, in the colors of the Arms of Baden (nothing else but the bend), and the Keep Coat!!! The Casimir bend rises sinister, expected for Mieszko liners.
Casimir I was the son of Mieszko II and Richeza of Lorraine, and the Keep bend is also the Arms-of-Lorraine and Lorraine-surname bend. Therefore, Keeps and Keplers were partly Mieszko Poles, which can explain things as it seems that God put me together with Mr. Kepke for a variety (lost count) of heraldic reasons. Zikers, at Casimir's article, his daughter: "Swietoslawa, first Queen of Bohemia"! Keplers were first found in Bohemia. In fact, Boleslaw, son of Mieszko I, was named after Boleslaw of Bohemia.
Therefore, some branch of the Keeps named Kiev, we may reckon, and in the Ukraine produced the Kepke's. Kepke lived beside RICHard Young, and Rich's (Hampshire, same as Buttons and Kipps/Keppe's) are also Richeza-like Richess', and use a bottony cross (button ends) as code for Buttons/Bidens. Ricks (Sweet colors) were first found in neighboring Somerset with Sweets and Young-related Leavells, and Sweets, because they use a version of the English Lambert Coat, must be from Swietoslawa above, for her father was Mieszko II Lambert.
When we go to German Lamberts, a giant crescent in the colors of the Chepman / Capman/CapMAYNE / Show/Schaw / Salesbury crescent, but, lo and behold, I've just recalled that the Oldens share three white-on-red crescents, and nothing else, with Shows/Schaws, and Oldens came to topic recently as per Oldenburg, where Jeepma/CHEPS were first found! Zinger, it tends to explain why I felt my Jeep was a pointer to Mr. Kepke.
[Insert -- I'll return to Schaws, but first this. The same three crescents alone are used by many, another being the Aines'/Hains/HANE's, and, for the first time, I've just found German Hane's/Hanens who share the rooster of Bible/Bibo-related Hahns, and these latter Hane's were first found in Oldenburg! What a coincidence. It tends to prove that the Oldens are Oldenburg liners with the Lincolnshire Aines'/Hane's. As Hahns were first found in Rostock, at least roughly the area of the Pomeranian Griffins, note the HaneGRAFF and GaneGREVE variations.
AHHHHH, German Hains/Hainans'/HAINELs were first found in Silesia with Hainel-like Handle's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have found it. They use the same lion as Italian Simons, or, in the other half, perhaps the lion of SIMON de Montfort. What do we get when we put Hains together with Cheps? That's got to be why the dream with a door handle and a Jeep was given. Note that the Hain/Hainel lion is on a Shield split diagonally, as with the SIMson Shield with giant lion. That's got to be why God set the Jeep up with Mr. Italian Simon. I haven't mentioned for a while that he re-married a Filipino Mormon. She's nutty in her beliefs, totally devoted to nutty Mormonism.
WOW! I have insisted, based on what readers would see as small evidence, that Simsons (white crescents, same as Oldens / Hane's) link to Burleys/Bourleys. The latter use boar heads in the colors of the giant boar of HANleys (new to me, looked up as per the Hanley location Lechs. The latter share the fesse of Scottish Hane's. Note that the arrows of Hanleys are in the colors of the Adam's, first found in ANNANdale, for the Scottish Hains were first found in Dumfries with Annandale. Recall Miss Hicks at the Leakey Road, for the Leaks can be linked to Lechs while Scottish Hains are in Hicks (chaplet) colors and format, and she married Kilpatricks of Dumfries. The Hicks fleur are also those of AINSleys.
Aha! Ainsleys (Roxburghshire, same as Molle's) share the SCIMitar with SCHIMs/Shands, and as this is a line of SHECHemites, it explains why the Molle's in the mole hills of SHAKE's share the boar head of Schims/Shands. But then this is a white boar, as with that of Hanleys, and meanwhile Molle's share the three stars of Handle's! Hee-hee, Handle's are thus found to be a branch of both HAINELs and HANLeys. Surely, God is pointing to chief-priest Annas/Ananus. What else?
Molle's are from Morebattle, and Battle's, likewise first found in Roxburghshire, share the giant griffin with Griffins, but the Battle griffin is in both colors of the giant Chaff/CHAFFES griffin. What's that? The Crest of Levi-possible Lows may be with that griffin too, and it's in the Annandale Crest.
Ainsleys have a "country" motto term, making them suspect, along with their cross matching the Burgh cross, with John de Burgo of Conteville and Comine's/Comyn. The Annandale Adams are from Adam Kilconquhar, whose mother was a Comyn.
Molle's married Pollocks of Rothes castle and Alans of Dol, and Handle's share the Moray stars while Molle's were at MOREbattle while I've read that there is a More location in Shropshire, where English Rothes' were first found. "Hansley" (share raven with Bavarian Rothes' and Peters) brings up a Rothes-kin suspect that named Onslow in Shropshire. The Hansleys/Onslows share the entire Plunkett motto, tending to link Plunketts (same place as Dol) to the Dol Alans. "ONSlow" may have been a Hons-Low or Hones-Low merger; one Hons surname is with the Dumfries Hains. The Annandale motto is suspect with Rabe's, who share the giant Rothes raven.
Although Hons and Hones' sound like Huns, there's no reason that Alan and Attila Huns could not have merged with Annas liners. The Henly variation of Onslows caused me to check Kenleys, and then Kennels. The latter are with the Kendalls, from Duloe, smacking of Attila's Dulo family. Scottish Kenleys/KemLOE's were first found in Ayrshire with CANDLEstick Kyle's, and Kendalls are from CANDALE. Hun-suspect Bled is near Udine, where Radice's were first found who share the Lilling(ton) Coat, and Lillington is a location in "KENILworth division of the hundred of KnightLOW". Lille's (share swallow with Arundels = FitzAlans, yup) use a "SeDULO et HONESta" motto, can you believe it? Lille's were first found in Oxfordshire with Geoffrey de Lillington.
Kenleys/Kemloe's use the SchWERIN Coat in colors reversed while Schewrin is at the WARNow river of the Varni, which flows to Rostock, where the Hane-branch Hahns were first found. If Varni were from Avar Huns, then Hane's look like Huns too. I've maintained that Annas-like surnames such as Anne's/Hanne's, Annabels/Hannibals and Hanna's are to the Huns and Hungarians, yet I've been betting that Ananes Gauls were to Annas along with the Laevi Gauls by way of the Galatian Gauls. How / why did the Herods come to marry a Cappadocian cult, and then step over to marry the Galatian, Opgalli?
There were good arguments for tracing Hungarian ancestry to the Ticino (Andrew's brother, Levante), where I think Annas must trace. Yonge's/Youngs can be a good example of Hungarians who link with Leavells. Why does the Arms of Hungary use a double-armed potent cross? End insert]
It occurs to me here that Schaws named the Schapman variation in the Chepman write-up, how about that! If Shows/Schaws were Shawia Numidians, it supports my claim that Kepke traces to the line of Syphax the Numidian. It's all just come together, and the final thing to prove is that it all went to the naming of Joseph Caiaphas. Kiev's founding is, according to Wikipedia, not as old as Caiaphas. Why should one of his lines end up there? It recalls the trace to Flavius Josephus' son (Agrippa) to the Varni theater, the proto-Varangians that were named as early as 98 AD.
The Arms of Kiev includes a gold on silver cross, the colors of the cross in the Arms of Templar Jerusalem. The Templars were led by Hugh de Payens, husband of Elizabeth Chappes. There was lots of time between Joseph Caiaphas and Elizabeth Chappes. The Jerusalem cross is called, potent, which seems to have zero bearing on its crutch root, at first glance, anyway, and the potent cross is used by Skits and their several branches while Chepmans use a "CreSCIT" motto term. So, you see, the potent cross was likely the symbol of a Caiaphas line, to the parents of Elizabeth Chappes, possibly, and the "scit" term with Chappes-like Chepmans/Chapmans seems to make the "possibly" into a "probably."
If I recall correctly, the Chepman Crest has a mace, and it's visibly BROKEn while Broke's/Brocks use "VireSCIT." The Brocuffs use the potent cross. But I have not seen, so far as I can recall, any surname with a potent cross in the now-illegal gold-on-silver colors of the Jerusalem flag. Yet the Arms of Kiev has a cross in those colors. That can be a huge clue, now that Chepmans liners have linked to Kiev, that we may be able to use to find something very useful.
Wikipedia: "Early English sources use various names, including Kiou, Kiow, Kiew, Kiovia...In the book Travels, by Joseph MARSHALL (London, 1772), the city is referred to as Kiovia". It smacks of the Chiava variation of the L'Aquila Sheaves', who share keys with Keys/Kays and Chiava-like Clavers. As Charo's are also Claro's, Chiava's may have been a Claver variation, yet I trace Clavers to Glaphyra Archelaus. Hmm, problem there: how does that get us to Chiava-like "Caiaphas" if it's from "Glaphyra." Was her name with a Ciaphyra version?
Glaphyra was of a priestly (non-Jewish) family in CAPPAdocia. Caiaphas may have been a relative of Glaphyra, for her cult was Farsi = Persian, perhaps the namers of Pharisees. I do trace Caiaphas tentatively / suspiciously to Opgalli, who was wife to Glaphyra's grandson (Tigranes). I wonder whether Glaphyra got pregnant with Juba of Mauritania, and laid the Caiaphas egg.
When I was on the deck at Joseph's, when his wife uttered, "darling," I was looking out toward their private lake about 75 feet down a steep hill from the deck. As Lake's use a version of the Plunkett Coat while Plunketts share the Hill and OPgalli-suspect Hopper tower, this looks to apply to God's work in regards to Jeepma's/Cheps. Plunkett-liner Plancia Magna was a great-granddaughter of Glaphyra, and as Plancia's father was from Galatia, he can be suspect as a relative of Opgalli, Plancia's grandmother. The Jeep was in the garage itself at the top of the steep hill. Recall the Opgalli-line Teague's/Teegers, as they linked to Ditts and Dittmayers, for Hoppers use a "SubDITus" motto term.
The Chepman write-up: "Chepman is derived from the Old English word ceapman, which means merchant." The Capman write-up: "The name was taken on by someone who worked as a maker of cloaks or hats. In the Old French Capman was known as chape or hooded cloak, cape or hat." We have the means to expose erroneous writers by comparing two write-ups using the same Coat, as do Chepmans and Capmans. You need not to trust heraldic write-ups, at houseofnames, anyway. I wonder where they get their information, whether in some super book of many volumes with thousands of surnames. Why are Camps, who come up as "Chop," in Capone colors and format?
I wonder what else the "CREscit" motto term of Chepmans might be code for? The Cree's? Or, as they show only a CREScent, is there some Cres-using surname that's involved? The Jerusalem flag was a central potent with four small ones at each corner, same as the Brocuff potent. Rosicrucians originally had a saltire with four crosses/saltires at each corner.
I've never known what surname the crescent might be code for; some symbols may not pertain to a surname. But I've just found Cressents (Burgundy) listed with Cree's/Crests! (Their Crey/Cray variations may suggest the Greys/Croys/Groys.) And the Pagan-like Paganells use bendy bars in the colors of the similar triple bends of Cressents! Bingo, for Pagans are with Payens.
GET A LOAD OF THIS. I have told many times that Kepke loved to play ping-pong with me in his basement. As I had already found Paganells coming up as Pungs (from the Rome/Room/Rim write-up), I entered "Ping" and "Pong" to find the very same surname!!! And here we just found Kepke-related Chepmans linking to Pings and Pongs on both their motto and their crescent. But I had also suggested at least twice that his baseMENT applied as code, for Ments/Mants (Yorkshire, same as Pings/Pongs/Pungs) almost use the Ping/Pong bends, but here I find that Ments/Mants share the triple Cressent/Cree bends!!! WOWWW! Rome's/Rooms ("PUNGit") trace to the Ananes Gauls at Placentia. Are Cressents with the Levi lion?
Zikers. God set me up with that ping-pong table. Why? Just to know that Kepke's were from Kiev? No, but to know that Kepke's are from the Templar grandmaster, whose wife traces to the high priest of that temple, Joseph Caiaphas. Why else would God use Kepke if not for this? I have been searching for about two years for the evidence that Kepke is from Caiaphas, but have also waited patiently for the evidence that God was guiding this revelation. And here we are now over the hill, so to speak. The rest may be a cruise.
With this exceptional finding, we may also have the additional benefit of knowing what other crescents are code for: important Payen kin, is one way to put it.
As I think QUINTus Caepio had a surname to "Caiaphas," or at least to his kin with a similar surname, let's go to Cressant-like Cruise's/Crouse's, for they may be with the Quint chevron. The logic here is that Cross'/Croce's use the potent cross while it's said to be from the shape of the upper section of a crutch, and Crutch's are CROOCH's too, thereby revealing that the real truth is a surname behind the potent cross, not someone's crutch or of crutch makers, as the deceivers would have us believe. It even seems that the Cross surname itself is represented by the many heraldic cross'. That is, anyone descended from the original heraldic cross has the legal right to use a cross in their own Arms. Generation after generation, more heraldic crosses pop up. They have not to do with Jesus, as the deceivers would have us believe. To the contrary, they are from the killers of Jesus.
Three surname can be traced to the black lion paw of Quints on three good arguments: the Palin lion, the Sava/Savage lion paw, and the Bedford lion paw because Bedfordshire is near the first-known Capone's and Chapmens/Chepmans, but also near the Capmans. Bedfordshire is where the Cruise's were first found, and Bedfords share the black border with Parrs and Furnace's/Furness' (both from Lancashire), from Pharisee-like Pharnaces of the Pontus, whose daughter (Nysa) ruled as queen of CAPPAdocia (cap makers, right? Wrong).
The write-up of Neville-related Hornbys: "The surname Hornby was first found in Lancashire at the parish of Melling, hundred of Lonsdale." Lonsdale is beside Furness. The Quint write-up: "'Hornby Castle, anciently the seat of the family of St. a spacious mansion in different styles of architecture, containing superb apartments, and commanding a fine view of the valley of Bedale.'" I don't recall ever loading the Bedale's or reading this sentence. The Bedale's (Yorkshire) share the scallops of CAPES!!! Zikers.
However, Scale's, with the same scallops: "Sir Robert de Scales, was Lord of the Manors of BEDENested and SCOLegh in Essex..." Scale's have their scallops in the pattern and colors of the six Lowthorpe lions. Quint write-up again: "Another early branch of the family was found at LOWTHORPE in the East Riding of Yorkshire." Note that Scol-like term of Scale's, for Schole's/Scayle's use the lozengy of potent-like Patents/Pattens. Scolegh is in Essex, where Quints were first found with the Kupa-liner Colchester. Colchesters share the Quint chevron, and the colors and format of potent-suspect Cruise's.
Remember, the Bedfords were beside the Capes' and suspect with the Quint lion paw. The Scale write-up: "Thomas de Scales, 7th Lord Scales (ca. 1399-1460)...In 1422 he went over to France with a company of men, for whom he contracted to receive regular wages, and from that time onwards he served under John, Duke of BEDFORD."
Lowthorps (East Yorkshire) happen to use six lions in the pattern of the six Sava/Savage lions, and the Chief-Shield colors of Annas'. English Lows may have the Annandale griffin in Crest, gold like the griffin heads of Camps/Chops (Capone colors and format). German Lows were first found in Bohemia with Keplers, in case it applies. Hornby write-up: "There are two Hornby Castles of note: the first in Lancashire which was originally built for the Neville family [Annandale saltire?] in the 13th century; and the second in Yorkshire, home to the St Quintin family" Last update: "Neville's were first found in Durham with Rabys, suspect in "SpeRABO" [Annandale motto], and the Raby write-up happens to mention 'John Neville, 3rd Baron Neville de Raby in the late 1300s.'"
The Bedale Coat looks like a red version of the Mars, for found in Burgundy, same as Chives-related Mathis' and Cressents/Cree's. In fact, the Chives / Mathis moline is a fish-tail-like version of a potent cross, though it has the same design as rook tops. Bedale's are shown properly as Beadle's while Beatle's/Bedwells were first found in Bedfordshire, smack beside the Capes' (London).
As Lows can conceivably be Levi's, note that Lowthorps share red cinquefoils with savage-using Livingstons. It increases the chances of a close Lowthorpe link to the Sava/Savage lions, and as the latter are Sava's, let's repeat that I see Caepio's were the Kupa tributary of the Sava.
Recall the Bedale's/Beadle's for Bede's (from an Alan, Dol colors) are also Bedels (Brittany). They share the acorns of the Brittany Maurels (UNIcorn), and the latter has a branch at La CHAPELLE, a Keppel-like surname I had forgotten above. The Bede's/Bedels are said to be from St. Brieux (same as Alan-suspect Helens), which can be from the Breuci, at the Kupa river. It was the Caepio-suspect Quints that were at Bedale. Recall those two motto terms above ending with "scit," for Maurels use "NeSCIT, which might just be part-code for the queen-Nysa line to Ness'. The Vannes come up with Ness', and Bede's/Bedels are said to have been at Vannes too.
The BEDinghams/BODEhams were looking like Bodegisel liners, and Italian Maurels, with the Butt/Butt colors and format, were traced to Maurilion, father-in-law of Mummolin, father of Bodegisel. Thus, when Mamie left a Bible under the bed, it could be for Bede's, Bedale's, Beatle's, Bedfords, or Bedinghams. All from Bodegisel? Seriously? Sure. The Bedford motto: "AniMUM fortuna sequatur."
Mamie's Bible traced to Lupus Laevillus, and Laevi-possible Lows use wolf heads.
A New Alley for Knob Hill Farms
English Mares' were first found in Kent with Marsh's, but their symbols are hard to connect with another surname. It's probably important that Marsh's share the Hesse sun, for Keith Catti were of Hesse's Chatti. Mares'/Maris' are a surname found at least twice in Arthurian myth, one being Ector de Maris, code for the Ectors/Hectors, possibly of the Hoctor motto term of Haughts/HAUGHtons/HOTTens. The Marsh bird is in the design of the Hood/HOOT bird but I don't know what the Marsh bird is called. I do know that God had me sitting on the HOOD of my car watching my girlfriend, Allison, getting into the car of a fellow worker (she never came back to me). Scottish Allisons are plainly said to be from the Keppoch MacDonalds, and English Allisons are the ones with the "black birds," in the design of the "Cornish choughs" of Hoods/Hotts. Note how "chough" is like "Haughton."
I've just found the Scottish Alleys/Auleys/Cauleys/Camleys (Boyd Coat, Stewart version) with crossed arrows, the symbol of Knobs. All four of us worked at Knob Hill Farms. It appears that God had this set-up all along but that it was not found until now. The Alley/Auley arrows are gold-on-red with white tips, same as the Knob arrows. The Boyds (earls of Arran) were first found in Ayrshire with Cawley-like Kyle's, and beside the Scottish Allisons of Lanarkshire. Alleys/Auleys use sinister-facing buckles, and the Buckle's / Buckleys link to Haughts/Haughtons, the Hood line.
The Keele's and Cheile's can apply because Cheile's are in the motto of Camerons, who could be responsible for the Camley variation of Alleys/Auleys, Camerons share the five, bunched arrows of Rothschilds, and while Knobs (Bavaria, same as Rothes'/Rothchilds) look to be sharing the Rothschild/Roddenstein arrow, Allison Bauer can be God's pointer to Mayer Bauer, the first Rothschild.
We all worked at Knob HILL Farms, and Hills were first found in Worcestershire with English Alleys/Aleighs. Plus, Hills are in Hall colors while the Keppoch-related Allisons use three dogs in the colors of the three dog heads of Alley-like Halls and Hulls. The Hill tower is that of Plunketts, and while I say the father of PLANCia Magna was related to Julia Polla of the Gaul-descended Galatians, the English Alleys, first found in Worcestershire with Hills, share the giant lion of Poole's. Poole is near the mouth of the Stur, and Sturs use three fesses colors reversed from the three of Camerons (MacDonald kin).
Keppoch is in Lochaber, and: "The hereditary name of the chiefs of the [Cameron] Clan is MacDhomnuill Duibh, from their ancestor 'Black Donald'. In 1360 [Camerons] received the first official grant of the lands of Lochaber." Kepke had a black Lab colors reversed from the Allison Labs, and it was called, Blacky. Don't assume "Black Donald" was named after black skin or hair. Blacks were first found in Lincolnshire with Cameron-beloved Cheile's. Allisons use "BLACK birds." Cheile's share the red bend with Keeps, and have a boot in Crest as likely code for Bute's MacDonalds under Rory. Rory looks like a version of "Rurik," one of the first Varangians, and founder of the Kiev Varangians, Now we know, the gig is up. MacDonalds were the line to Varangians.
Rurik's brother ruled at the Schleswig-HOLstein, area for a while, where I trace Holla the mythical witch. Actually, I read that she was of Holstein, and thus Holly / Hall / Allison liners can trace to its namers. The mermaid in the Holly Crest is Melusine, whom Vere's claimed to be a witch cult on Avalon = Bute, making her an aspect of the Holla witch, though I say Melusine was code for the real Melissena Rangabe, wife of Inger the Varangian, who lived at the time of Rurik and was likely of the Kiev Varangians, for Melissena was of Byzantium (possibly named by Budini elements). The mermaid in the Holly Crest is also in the Crest of the Buteshire Glass', and Blacks share the Glass / Gleason stars while Gleasons share the Holly / Plunkett bend.
The Rourks (French-Levi colors), from O'Rourk of Ireland, use two black lions in pale in half the colors of the same of Jewish Levi's. I wonder what the Levi relationship to Varangians may have been? The Ditts suspect in the "Ditat" motto term of Chappes'/Cheaps should be a branch of Dittmayers, first found in Schleswig-Holstein. Amazingly, Dittmayers are in the "Diem" motto term of Teague's/TEEGERs "OPtem"), and while Ditts use a stripeless tiger, I predicted that Caiaphas would be directly related to TIGRanes' wife, Opgalli (Hobs/Habs use a tiger too). If that's not enough, the Ditt tiger is in the colors of the Rourke lions. Wow, that's new. And it's also in the colors of the Side/Sudy lion while there's another tiger in their Crest. The Rory lion is blue, which I say is the lion of the Caepio line in the family of Macclesfields.
I must admit: for about two years while advancing the Caiaphas-of-Teague theory, while knowing that Diems are with Dittmayers, and knowing also that Ditts use tigers as code for Teeger liners, I failed to load Chappes/Cheaps to see their "DITat" motto term. There you have some substantial evidence that I was correct with the theory. (Some surnames I just don't load when I know what symbols they use without checking.) Diems are in Tarves colors, and Chives' were first found in Tarves.
The three Levi chevrons were owned by the counts of Hainaut, whose Mons capital can be in the "mon" motto term of Josephus-suspect Simons. Hainaut is in Flanders, and the Arms of Flanders use an upright lion (it's the Hainaut lion) in the colors of the Rourk lions. Actually, these are Flame colors too while the bucket that took flames traced to Morencys, first found in Ile de France with Levi's. That makes sense.
Aha! as per the black birds of Allisons, Birds have three bends in Crest in the colors of the same or near-same in the Galley Crest, and MacDonalds with Keeps use a "galley" ship! Plus, these Galleys were first found in Shropshire, home of the Boyd kin of Alans, and all three surnames use checks on a fesse. "There was also a family of this [Boyd] name of Norman origin, that was first found in Shropshire where they were granted lands by Duke William of Normandy." If that's not enough, the Galleys have three greyhounds in the colors of the three dogs of the Keppoch-MacDonald Allisons! Wow. "[Boyd] Family lore suggests that the surname descends from the family of Walter Fitz Alan, scion of Royal Stewarts of Scotland, who moved his family north to Scotland, became the 1st High Steward of Scotland (c.1150-1177) and held lands in Renfrewshire and Ayrshire. He had a son Simon..."
Boyds are said to have been earls of Arran, beside KinTyre, where Allisters/Alexanders were first found who share the MacDonald motto. The Lanark Allisons are said to descend from Allister of the Keppoch MacDonalds (black fitchee matches "Black Donald."
Plancia Magna is of the PARKINGs/Perkins, and Allison Bauer left me in the parking lot of Knob Hill Farms. No coincidence. The Blacks are traced ridiculously to chimney sweeps, which looks like code for a Black merger with Chimneys, possibly a branch of Bute's Kims. The latter have an antelope that I trace to Antalya, beside the Perga location of Parkings/Perkins. The Plunkett Coat is a version of a Holly Coat, and Hollys, in Hall / Hull colors. This Holly Coat even has the Allison dog. Is that not amazing, that I should have been in a parking lot, when Allison didn't know it, when I spotted her getting into Denardo's car? She refused to come out when I went there. So, Kepke and I watched from sitting on the hood of my car.
Irish Hollys are also Cauley-like Cullins (share hands with the other Auleys/Camleys), which reminds me of Colin Cowley, a high-school friend up until the very time I worked at Knob Hill Farms. Irish Cowleys/Caullins share the Joseph / Pullen martlets and the Annandale griffin. Blackys, suspect with "Black Donald," share the double Joseph chevrons.
Why do Alleys/Auleys/Cauleys/Camleys share the Boyd Coat? Were Allisons from Kiev? Boyds (said to be from blonds) are suspect with the blond Budini of Ukraine, south of Kiev at one time, and perhaps in Kiev at another. Allison and Kepke are sun-bright blonds. As I said many times, immediately after leaving Knob Hill Farms, Kepke and I sold shows at the same mall, and here I think I can finally give the reason as to why, for while Trips are now showing shoes, the TRYPillians were in Trypillia, south of Kiev!! Plus, the same Trips once showed boots while I read that Boyds were of Bute!
Boyds are said to be servants of Moreville's in the "regality of Largs," and Largs happen to share the Coat of the Biggars (Glass stars), first found in Lanarkshire with Keppoch-liner Allisons! Look at how much I missed, until now, for not going to the Alleys while on investigations into Allison Bauer. MOREville's are in Mar/More / Moray colors while the Dulles' who share the Larg Coat were first found in Moray. Larg-like Larks (Norfolk, same as Flags/Flacks) use a reflection of the Joseph-related Flys of Flagi (trace from Vespasia Polla). Larks are loved by Barca-suspect Barks/Berks. The savage in the Larg Crest looks to be holding a bunch of arrows.
Moreville's share the giant lion of English Alleys/Aleighs. This recalls the Aleigh-like Leightons/Latons in their trace to the Latovici, smack beside the Kupa/Colapis river, where I trace Jeepma's/Cheps and Kyle's / Cole's. The NONtFOYDE variation of Moreville's look like a merger of the Ayrshire Nons/Nevins and Boyds (Ayrshire too). If the Nevins were Neville's, lets add that the Neville saltire (strongly linked to the Annandale saltire) is shared by the Kent Mares'/Maris'.
The Boyds are excellent for the Newmarsh topic because Boyds share checks on a fesse with at least two Mark surnames (in the same colors by Jewish Marks), whom I trace to the Marici partners of the Laevi. That is, the Newmarsh's, in being NewMARCH's too, can be of the Marsi line I see to the Marici. Then look at "Chappes" from that angle. The Laevi then got into cahoots with the Ananes Gauls, I assume, explaining why Newmarsh's/Newmarch's share the Annandale saltire.
The only item left out of the Knob-Hill-Farms event is Mike Denardo, into whose car Allison got. Narbonne's/Denardo's are Nordi's, sharing the same lion, but Norths (Sussex, same as Keeps!) use an "ANIMO" motto term while Nimo's are listed with NewMarsh's! It's just linked super-fast to the new claim that Keeps are Newmarsh kin because Keplers (Keep bend) use the Marshall Coat in colors reversed.
Now, as per Knob Hill FARMs, Curtis' (version of the Plow and Bude Coats), use a farmer with plowshare in Crest, and the Plow fleur-de-lys are those of Norths. Can we believe this clickety-click? I assume that English Farmers have a version of the Keppock/Kippax Coat. Plows and farmer-loving Curtis' share a dancetty fesse with Kiplings. The other Farmers share the red lion with Frane's while the latter's is in colors reversed with Farm-like Frame's; the two colors schemes for these lions are shown in the one Coat of Farns/Farness'. Frame's share the black border with Farness-like Furness', and Lawrence's were at the Furness theater. The Frane lion is with Londons along with gyronny, and then London-suspect Lonsdale/LONDsdale's can apply because Lawrence's were at Lonsdale (beside Furness). Lonsdale's are in FARNdale/Farnell colors, and they use one another's annulet. Farndale's/Farnells share the fesse of Keeps, and were of Yorkshire with Keppocks. Kepke had a dog Blacky, and while Blackys are Blakeys too, there is a Blakey Ridge at Farndale.
Farndale's/Farnells share the full motto ("PerSEVERe") of Rumillys of SKIPton, and while I trace Skiptons to general Scipio, the latter arrested SophoNISba, and brought her to Rome (it reminds that the purple color of Skiptons was a little suspect with the purple of Rome). She loved Massena but had married Syphax out of political pressures. As Farn liners are suspect to Pharnaces, one could get the clue here that Scipio-Massena liners were to king Pharnaces in some way, and he did marry NYSA, whose name may be related to the ending of Sophonisba. Massena was also, MassiNISSa. Nysincidence?
When Sophonisba was taken to Rome, Massena formed an alliance with Scipio. The Furness' use a black dog (SEATed) traceable to the Carrick-Meschin relationship, which traces doubly to Cetis with black-wolf liners. If the Furness dog is said to be seated, then note the Cetis-like Cedes variation of Seats. I owned a Nissan, and Nissans (Hamburg, same as Trypillian-suspect Trips to which Kepke's shoe-sales job links) share the double fesses of Furness-branch Parrs.
The above suggests that proto-Kepke's and proto-Allisons were involved with king Pharnaces of the Pontus. Figure on proto-Allisons with Alan Huns of Caucasia, who may have been at Kepoi, not far south of where Alans are usually on maps. On this old Caucasia map (not true to geography), Alans are places beside UDINi in the land of Khazars, and Radice's/Radix's were first found in Udine while Kepke had a pet white rat in his basement. Alans are the epitome of the White people. On that map, Kepoi is where you see, Phanagoria (top left), south of lake Maeotis, opposite the small water from the Crimea. The map should be enlarged. Note that Phanagoria is beside the Sindi, suspect with Sintians of Lemnos. Note the HYPanis river beside the Sindi, like the Keep-loving HEPburns.
Now, amazing, let me remind that a few months ago, at Wikipedia's article on Phanagoria, there is a female-headed sphinx that reminded me of Miss Peare, Kepke's girlfriend (this is why God had to take her from me and make her his). That's was the instance in which I found neighboring Kepoi. Well, since then, I have not even seen Phanagoria on the map above, let alone the neighboring Hypanis river, but I have suggested that Hips'/Hipkins can be a Hepburn / Kepke branch, and here I can add that Hips'/Hipkin use a sphinx. Like I said, this is amazing to bump into.
The huge PHORANI area across Phanagoria smacks of Pharnaces. "On the fall of Pompey, Pharnaces II, son of Mithridates, took advantage of Julius Caesar being occupied in Egypt, and reduced Colchis, Armenia, and some part of Cappadocia...his second wife Pythodorida of Pontus retained possession of Colchis as well as of Pontus, although the kingdom of Bosporus was wrested from her power. Her son and successor, Polemon II of Pontus..." Colchis is not far from, and at times may have included, Phorani, because Coli is marked at the upper Hypanis. Forans happen to share both a split Shield (different colors) and martlets with Hips'/Hipkins. Forans throw in roses, the symbol of Christine-like Christs who use a version of the Hips/Hipkin Coat.
One night, when Christine Peare was with Kepke, she stayed the night at my apartment after he left, and she with another woman slept in my bed (no sex). In the middle of the night, I awoke with my arm over her hip, and pressing her belly toward me. I had deciphered that event (no doubt about the correctness) with the "bello CHRISTi's motto term of Bouillons. It seems that Hips' are indeed using the Christ Shield. Phorani is marked all along the Hypanis river, and, can you believe it, Forans use a "Christi" motto term!!! That is incredible. Note HyPANis versus PHANagoria.
I had traced ancient Alans to Forum Allieni (proto-Ferrara), and saw evidence that it was to the Formans. The Foreham variation of Forans brings up Formans, who use more martlets, as do the BIRDs that use them in the colors of the Hips/Hipkin martlets. The last I saw Christine (after Kepke left her), I drove her on a date-like event in my FireBIRD, and so I can now complete that codework because Fire's can be expected with FIREmans/Firmans ("CHRISTO"!!!) who share the anchor with Formans/Forhams, and I even trace Anchors/Annackers to Agrigento, location of a HYPSas river! If that's not enough to spin your head completely around, Firemans/Firmans share the red lion heads of Farmers. All in the family, it appears that Farmers were from the namers of Phorani. It explains why God got me a job at Knob Hill Farms, which is how Kepke came to work there.
I've not had the FIREbird explanation until now as you have just read. After I drove her home with it, I had it when I first started seeing Mamie a few months later, but no longer had it when we parted a couple of months later. I cannot recall either selling it or sending it (1967 model in 1981) to the junk yard. I can't imagine selling it while having a girlfriend, because I had no car after that, but this was for God to set me up in a taxi job (rented the cab 24/7), when I picked Mamie up twice on her cab calls, and got together with her one more time.
It just so happens that while she was given a thigh symbol at her garden, the Gardens can be a branch of Yards (water bougets) while Gardens use a "JUNGunter" motto term, and thus, JUNK YARD. Plus, she had her thigh symbol the day after she had a tease symbol, the Tease's/Tye's can be linked to Tease's/TECKs and therefore to the TAX'/Dacks, as per the taxi, for the latter use a saltire out of swords in the colors of the Tease/Teck saltire.
I took her out on our last night, with the taxi, and took her back to Albert's apartment, which I was keeping for him while he was working at WHISTLER mountain ski resort. That night, Mamie and last saw each other on Albert's COUCH, and the "COUCHant" lion of Tints (Somerset) must be the lion of Whistler's/Wissels (Somerset)...and Paine's/Payne's. The neighboring and related Tintons use "royal tents," and Mamie got her tease symbol when I slept with her in her tent (at a CAMPsite), our first night together as a couple.
I didn't know until the day after writing here, when checking out details in the Mandy write-up, that the Arms of FeCAMP uses what looks like tents, in the colors of the Simson crescents. I have talked about Mandy Simson (married Deeter) plenty, who is in the next section. Mandys had a Mundeyville location at Fecamp.
Fecamp was FISCannum/Fiscannus anciently. There's a Campbell-like Campling/Campelin surname, with the Morinis Chief-Shield and Morano Moor heads in Chief, which can help with this entity. First, let's remind that Simsons trace to Enotri/Oenotrians at or near Morano/Murunum. Campling/Campelin are said to be named after the camel, and to explain this stupidity there is a Camelford/Comberford/CAMPBELLford surname (branch of Comerfords) that was not named after a camel, guaranteed. Plus, Campbells are also Cammells, suspect with Camulodunum = Colchester from the Colchians. The Campbellford Coat share's the Fesse/Face cross, and the latter are from the Fisc-like Fieschi (Genova), suspect with the Fisk-connectable Feschs. Campbells were first found in Yorkshire with Camps, but German Camps share the KIPLing dancette. What's that? Actually, they both show nothing but their FESSE-dancette, and Kiplings were first found in Yorkshire too, even with Keppocks/Kippax's that have a fesse in colors reversed.
Note how "Kipling" is like "Campling." In fact, I checked Camplings seeking a Kipling branch, but didn't yet know that Camps share the Kipling Coat. Therefore, if Kiplings / Keppocks are Caiaphas liners, it can explain why the Yorkshire Camps share the colors and format of Capone's. When she was married, Mandy lived in CAMP Wood.
Julian Arthur of Clapton married William Hicks. Their children included Hilary Hicks and Sir Baptist Hicks, viscount of CAMPden. In Camp colors, Campdens (look linkable to Carricks and the Arms-of-Carrick fitchees) share six, black fitchees with Hillarys and Clintons, which may explain why Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar, for Cecil Rhodes (after which it was named) is said to have led a Round-Table group, which seems to be named after king Arthur. Hillarys were first found in Norfolk with Camplings. The Carrick dancette thus becomes linkable to the Camp/Campen / Kipling dancette.
At the link above: "Juliana or Julian Arthur, d. November 14, 1592, was the daughter of William Arthur, Esq. of Clapham, Somerset. She married Robert Hicks or Hickes (c.1524-1557/8), an ironmonger who also operated a retail mercery at the sign of the White Bear at Soper Lane End in CHEAPside near the Great Conduit. On his death, Juliana inherited a life interest in the White Bear as well as in land in London,..." Cheapside is a street (and perhaps community) in London, where the Chappes-like Capes' were first found. It's not far from the Chipping Norton location just outside the Gloucestershire border with Oxford, all near to the Cheapside location in Berkshire's Windsor and MAIDenhead borough. Maids/Mauds share a version of the Monmouth Coat while CHEPstow is in Monmouth. The Wikipedia article on Cheapside street lists 20 Cheapside locations in England.
Colchians at the Sava
Recall the bendwise string of five lozenges shared between Keplers, Marshalls and Mussolini's, for Whistlers use them too. Lozenges are expected in the Losinj area of Croatia, where Colchians are known to have settled so that Kepoi liners of the Kepler king may have been there, for Losinj is off the coast from the Japodes and the Colapis, where I trace Jeepma's/Cheps. Losinj is in GORski, and the Tints and Gale's (same place as Tintagel), sharing the blue UNIcorn as code for the neighboring Una river, made up "TintGEL," the town in CORNwall that was home to mythical GORlois, part-code for Gore's from Gorski. It seems that God was pointing Mamie's representation to this king-Arthur birthplace.
As the Tint crosslets are in the colors of the Rick/Rex crosslets while both surnames were first found in Somerset, the Tint crosslet can be that of the Clan-Chattan Ritchies'/Richie's' (unicorn in Crest), whose three lion heads (Belwood colors) in Chief are shared (different colors) by RICHardsons, suggesting that Ricks were from the Richard Belwood of Richardsons. The lion heads are in the colors of the Tint lion too, and the WREXall location of Tints can be a Rick/Rex liner. The Richardson motto is virtually the Ritchies/Richie motto, which recalls that God set Mamie up with Cindy Richardson soon after Mamie got her tent symbol. Yet the Tints are said to descend "traditionally" from Arundels. There's a "King RICHARD Coeur de Lion" in the Tint write-up.
I'm sure there's more to it than meets my eye at present, but Gale's (horsehead design of Bute's/Butts) can be traced to Gallia, ancestor of Mamie-depicted Mummolin. The latter's son, Bodegisel, can trace to Cornwall's Bude, in Bute/Butt colors, and the Latter's Coat is a version of the Maurel Coat, a surname (same place as Gallia's) from Mummolin's father-in-law. Babon's son, Grimo, goes to lozenge-using Grimaldi's, who share the coat of Bags, and we slept that night, in the tent, in a sleeping bag. It can be gleaned that the Bag cinquefoils are those of GANGs/Giggs (Norfolk, same as Bags). Drummonds not only use a "Gang" motto term, but the wavy fesses of Seas' and Semans, while Gale's use a "SEMINa" motto term.
The Gale motto (includes "fama") must also be for Fane's/Vans/Fame's, the "wife" of king Arthur, I think. The "junGUNTER" motto term of Babon-related Gardens is likely for the GUNTers sharing the GAUNTlet glove with Fane's/Vans and Wayne's (share Arthur chevron and pelican). The Gale's probably use the Nagle/Nail saltire and Nagle fesse, the latter using lozenges instead.
There's a saltire in the Chief of Annas-like Enis/Enys' in the colors of the Gale Chief, both surnames first found in Cornwall. The Chief/Shield color combination of Enis/Enys' is almost that of Annas'/Aunis'. Enis' were looked up as per the KIPLing write-up: "Hence, conjecturally, the [Kipling] surname is descended from the tenant of the village and lands of Kiplin, held by ENISan, a Norman noble, from Count Alan, who was recorded in the Domesday Book census of 1086." The Kipling dancette, the only symbol, gives the impression of the neighboring darts, first found in Devon with the English Alan-Stewarts. The Kipling Coat is a colors reversed Coat version of the Cheatley's/Chettle's (Cheshire, same as Meschin liners amongst Keiths), perhaps a branch the Keath variation of Keiths (recalls that Keplers share the Coat of Keith-related Marshalls). The Chettle-like Kettle's/Ketills share a white, ermined fesse with Kiplings.
Remember that Kepoi is near the ancient Alans of Alania, for I had a job on Kipling avenue, at a gas bar, and two Gas surnames can be using the duck, though one may be a gas-like goose. The French Gas' (with duck) share the Chief of French Alans (probably the Saluzzo Shield), who once showed ducks, and the Dol fesse is in the colors of Kettle fesse. I can't remember how old I was when working that gas bar (for a short time), but it was before becoming a Christian at 21, and that would have put it in the days when I was still visiting with Kepke (to my 20th year). That's how long I went without seeing Miss Peare, those three years at least, when she called me out of the blue near the end of by 23rd year (the Firebird event above).
However, at some point around my 20th year, I was talking to her on the phone from my cousin's place on or near Kipling. I recall her laughing and having a good time. His parents were on a RADwinter street off of Kipling. I was probably working at PANELpina airlines at the time, where this cousin worked. Amazingly, Panels are listed with the Ping/Pongs/Paganels, and Radwinter had reminded me of his pet RAT, in the basement, where we had played ping-pong. The amazing thing here is that we saw above how Kepoi was suspect with the Kepoi area, and how Miss Peare fit in with that picture. Here's from the 5th update of March of this year:
Upon being let go from Panelpina (air cargo), Luciano [my cousin's kin] got me a job in a plant making aircraft parts. My job was to coat the copper wires of aircraft generators with a paste for protection while the generators were wheeled into a walk-in FURNACE [I walked them in]. It's just that Luciano's (Rome, same as Ready-suspect Rita's) use the Luce/Lucy fish said to be shared as pikes by Geddes, the latter being the Ged line that links to the Lawrence turbot tail. And Lawrence's were first found at Furness! Amazing. And Coppers (leopard faces trace to Rita-suspect Pierleoni) were first found in Sussex with Keeps...which made me try for a [Copper-like] Keeper surname, and it happens to be listed with Keeps!Readys are from the Lawrence motto. Luciano lived in the same apartment building as my cousin, and I lived at both their apartments while working with one or the other. I held the aircraft-parts job for NINE MONTHS (I remember this) into my 21st year, meaning that I was at Panelpina soon after leaving the shoe-sales job. We saw how the shoe-sales job pointed to Trypillians of the Kiev area. In myth, nine months was a code used by the Minoans of Crete, especially for the childbirth goddess there, Amalthea. King Minos, a mythical king of Crete in representation of Minoans, married PASIphas, easily traced by the clues to Phasis in Colchis i.e. not far from Kepoi / Phorani.
I figure that my working with those two places was the reason for the gas-bar job in the same area, on Kipling. I find that amazing. This is the first time I've mentioned it.
I wonder whether the Pasi's of BONonia were from Phasis liners. Bononia was the home of, and perhaps named by, the Boii, while Keplers were first found in Boii country. The Bee's are also Boys, and Lawrence's use, "Be ready." The Rita's above share the giant Bono lion. Bone's were first found in Sussex with Keeps/Keepers and Coppers/Coopers, and Bono's/BONONI's (Gate Shield) are in the Kettle motto. Kettle's even share a gold-on-blue lion with Gate's and Bone's. Kettle's came to topic out of the Kipling Coat.
Miss Peare had linked strongly to the Bouillons, and Eustace II, father of Godfrey de Bouillon, in French Bononia, otherwise called, Boulogne. This family must have been very close o Hugh de Payens, and may have been related to Elizabeth Chappes. The Bono's were first found in Milan with OTTONE Visconti, and Ottone's share the long solid chevron of Chappes'. Take a deep breath. Milan is where Gallia's and Maurels were first found. Gallia was at Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand), where Bouillons were first found, and Maurels have variations linkable to Marano's/Mauritano's, Morano's, and Morinis', all three first found in Modena, beside Italian Bononia/Bologna. The one half of the Bono/Bononi Coat shares the Marano-Mauritano lion, and Chappes' share the Morano Moor head.
The other half has the Rita lion, which holds "pieces of wood." Woods share the tree with Panel- / Payen-suspect Pane's/Panico's/Panetta's (said to have a "bird" in tree), first found in Bononia with Guido's/Guis', the latter said to be named after "wood" and sharing the lion on the other half of the Bono/Bononi Coat, the one that's also the Marano lion. "Pieces" can be code for the Peace's/Paise's, like the Pasi's of Bononia. Peace's/Paise's share doves with Pagan-suspect Page's. French Page's (Ping-Pong-Panel colors), with the same lion as Rita's again, were once said to be first found in Dauphine, same as Payens/Pagans. They are now said to have been first found in Ile-de-France, same as Chappes'. Amazing. The Pane/Panico Chief shares the Bonnet fleur-de-lys.
On the last weekend with Christine Peare, when she called me from out of the blue, I took her first to visit Jeffrey MOORE. Bouillons share the Moor head. The bird in the Pane/Panico tree goes to the FireBIRD with which I was with Miss Peare that last time. The Birds had linked to the Christ's in the motto of Bouillons, and to Hips'/Hipkins; that discussion traced excellently to Phorani / Kepoi / Hypanis river. I should remention, therefore, that Phorani-suspect Farndale is along a Dove river, probably named by the Dove surname, which happens to share a white, ermined, dancetty fesse with Kiplings.
Miss Peare called me while I was no longer hanging out with Kepke, and he may have left her by then, when I was living at my cousin's place, as said above, whose name is Dino. The Dino's (from Taddeo Dini) can be gleaned as kin of Taddei's, and the latter use the Bouillon flory cross because the grandfather of Godfrey de Bouillon, Godfrey III, married Beatrice of Bar, who's previous family connections were in Tuscany, same as Taddei's. If I recall correctly, her family connections were with BONOface of Tuscany.
Miss Peare called me out of the blue a few months after my relationship with Miss Bennet. Bennets are Benedicts, from the Pierleoni Jews of Rome (named after Leo de Benedict), and one can glean from a variation of German Leo's that they were Pierleoni liners. Italian Leo's use a passant lion in the colors of the upright lion of Rome's Rita's, but also a fesse that is that of French Payne's/Paine's. And English Bennets/Benedicts use a "bon" motto term, as well as the Bono/Bononi lion. This makes the PIERleoni look like Caiaphas / Chappes kin, but also Peare kin. Scottish Bennets use a version of the Scottish Bennet Coat, but substitute the lions with the same stars as the Annas star.
Actually, the Bennet and Benedict motto uses "de bon," and Debons are listed with Bono's/Bononi's.
German Benedicts use so-called "boilers" that could be for a Bouillon branch. Boullier's use rooks in the colors of the Bedingham/Bodeham rooks. The latter are suspect (thanks to Mamie) from Bodegisel (Mummolin's son), and Mummolin' s father-in-law can be gleaned with Maurels of Milan, where Bono's/Bononi's were first found. Dino is a Grimaldi by surname, from Grimo, Mummolin's grandson. Roxanne Bennet once came with me to Dino's place. Yup, ROXanne should be code for Roxolani (Alans) liners to Roquefeuils, the ones who use rooks. Boullier's (Payen colors) were first found in Brittany. Boullier's are also Boulliards, and Billiards use a white version of the Payen/Pagan Coat. We can't get away from Payens while on this track. The Bollen-like variations of Boullier's suggest the Belgian Bollens, with what look like ears of wheat, symbol of Scottish Chappes'/Cheaps. Eustace II was on the Belgian border. Belgian Bollens use a near-version of the Maurel Coat.
The Bollen write-up tells of a Furnes location in Bruges province. Roulers is also in that province, and Morencys were viscounts Roulers. Lookie: "Bruges" is like the Brocato (from Brogitarus) variation of Bocci's, who do use "ears of wheat"! It looks as though a line from Brogitarus named Bruges.
Wikipedia's Pierleoni article: "Leo's son was the Peter Leo (Pierleone) of the name and it is his sons that garnered for the family such fame as protectors of the popes: Pope Urban II died in one of the Pierleoni's castelli, July 1099." That was the year that Godfrey de Bouillon's army conquered Jerusalem for the first time, afterwhich de Payens was set up as the protector (phooey!) of the Jerusalem temple. When Godfrey died suddenly in 1100, his brother was made the first king of Templar Jerusalem.'s grandfather, the same Godfrey III above, had brought his army to the aid of the Pierleoni when the Vatican was in conflict with the Pierleoni. Surely, when God gave Miss Peare symbolism for linkage to this Bouillon family, it was in relation to these Vaticanized Jews. Why? Doesn't it appear that they knew of some gold at the temple, due to descent from its priests in times before Titus ran them out? Was the line of Josephus at the Pierleoni? Why were they founded by a Peter, the name of Flavius Petro, patriarch of the imperial Vespasians?
The Kibble's/Keeblers (Keep colors), not including their Chief, put only a chevron on their Shield, in the colors of only-a-chevron Quints, the latter first found partly in Dorset with Palins and probably using the Palin lion in their own Crest's lion paw. The Palin Chief is also the Kibble/Keebler Chief, and shares the stars in the Sabine Chief, which are the stars of Polesdons (Poole is in Dorset). Besides this, Palin-like Pullens trace with Sabine's to Flavius Petro. Kibble's/Keeblers were first found in Middlesex, beside Capes', and in the same place as Apps/Abbs' who share the Capes scallops.
On the light map that you may already have loaded, there is a Bononia location along the Danube beside the Amantini. I don't know whether that's an indication of Boii at that area, but as Boii are said to be the namers of the Baiocasses of the Bessin, I can trace the Bessin to the Basante river, smack in the land of the Amantini. The Basante is now the Bosnia, for which reason it appears that Bosnians were from "Phasis, a chief Colchian location. I'll explain, but first let me repeat that mythical SARPedon, son on Minos on Crete and therefore related to Phasis as per Pasiphas (without checking, I'm sure she was his mother), was traced to Sorbs and Serbs, which I see from the Servitium location a little up-river from the Basante.
In 1999, I drove to Texas to finish my cottage, and driving into a motel, I had nothing to do for the rest of the beautiful May day. I saw a brunette drive by, hmm. She pulled into a restaurant across the street, and when she was pulling out, some crazy force caused me to cross the street, flag her down, and ask if she'd like to have coffee. She hesitated, indicating that maybe I could be dangerous, and so I piped up that I had purchased land from Mrs. Teague. "Do you know her," I asked? That was the day when the FBI was along the highway at the Teague ranch, looking for clues as to where the murdered Madalyn O'Hair had been buried. The brunette told me this, or I would never have known. I drove right past this FBI unit when going to the motel.
The brunette went home, called Mrs. Teague to enquire about me, and then agreed to go for coffee. I really wasn't looking for a relationship with her to begin with, but she was very nice to me. She is Mandy Deeter, and it's that little bit about Mrs. Teague (went to her church) that convinces me of a set-up by God to point to the Mandy-like Amantini, beside the Ditt-like Ditiones, both on the Basante river. This is another place to which Basina may trace, even her ancestry. We saw that Ditts and Dittmayers are probably of a Teague motto term and their Teeger variation.
The Amantini-like Ments are listed with Manns, while the German Manns (savage with CLUB suspect with Clovis, Basina's son) are the Manners sharing a version of the Besant Coat, both using version of the Massey Coat while Masseys were from the neighboring Maezaei. Surprise, but the Savage/Sava surname in the Mann/Manner Coat should not be a surprise since the Amantini are on the Sava river. To assure you that this trace is reliable, the Ments/Manns have the colors and format of DRAINers were the Amantini are stamped beside the DRINus river. The Drainers (Kent) use the helmets of the Amantini-like and Amyntes-liner Mynetts, which for me adds to this picture a Brogitarus-Galatian connection to a branch of the Amantini.
Manners/Maness' share the double fesses of Bays/Bayes' (Colchester) while Base's/Baise's are also Bays'. The Manners are of the Mens/Mame's i.e. for a trace to the Mummolin Franks, now suspect from the Sicambrian Franks at proto-Budapest. Mummolin's ancestry in Ruricus smacks of Rurik, founder of the Kiev Varangians. They are suspect from the Varni, and Deeters were first found in the Varni theater. By now you've realized that, if God set me up with Mandy as explained above, Deeters were from Ditiones. I trace Simsons to Laus most exactly in the Enotri theater, and Manders (BESANTs) use a "Laus Deo" phrase. There is good evidence that Manders are from the Maeander river, and so I suggest viewing the Amantini as such. Laus' share grapes with Deeters, and the mythical Maenads, code for Maeander-river Amazons, had a wine symbol. When married, Mandy lived at a property, Wine Cup.
"The Oenotrians ("tribe led by Oenotrus" or "people from the land of vines) were an ancient people of Greek origin who inhabited a territory from Paestum to southern Calabria in southern Italy...Oenotrus, the youngest of the fifty sons of Lycaon..." (Wikipedia). The latter was a mythical wolf in the area of lake Tatta. Mandy use a wolf head. This suggests that Lycaonians (real peoples not far from Maeander) named Lucania (reached west to Laus). The mythical Oenotrian king, Italos, looks by his mother, Penelope (name of the mother of Pan), to be the proto-Merovingian line of Merops > PANdareus > Aedon > Itylus through BOIOtia, the possible proto-Boii. Merovingians are suspect in naming Moravia, beside Bohemia.
The Ditiones-like Duttons are said to be from the family of Hugh Lupus D'AVRANCHes, a Varangi-like term, thus tracing Varangian suspects to Avranches, in Manche, beside the Bessin. Duttons were related to the Meschins of Chester, where Sale's/Salletts were first found, and the Dittons happen to use a martlet (Charles-Martel symbol) version of the Sale/Sallett pheons. Although I trace Salletts and Merovingians to the Salto river, there is a SALDae location in the land of the Amantini. Merovingians were partly from Salian Franks, and Salians are listed with SALEmans. It appears that Franks can trace yet again to the Amantini / Ditiones / Basante area.
Recall Kepke's baseMENT, and how the Ments/Mants played so well with Pings/Pongs/Paganels because they share roughly the same bends. At that discussion, it was surprising to find the Ment/Mant Coat with Cressents/Cree's, who happen to be Crete's too. If we ask why God would stress a BASEment, the AMANTini at the BASante river seems to be the answer. It's suggesting that Kepke liners were there. One Base surname is also "Bassan."
Thus far, Kepke history is both from Kepoi to the north side of Colchians, and from the Kiev Varangians. This is a good place to mention that the Argonautica myth had the Argo ship sailing, with the Colchian princess (Medea), up the Danube, and then sailing to the Adriatic sea, which requires one more river at least, for the Danube doesn't go there. This myth seems to be a simplified version of a Colchian migration up the Danube. I don't recall the myth telling of the river to the Adriatic, but the COLapis makes sense, in which case the Colchians first needed to sail up the Sava. Perfect. In that myth, Medea's brother was involved whose name is identical to, or nearly like, the Apsorus location on the larger island (looks like "CREXA") in the Adriatic sea between Pula and Croatia.
It's hard for me to say at this point whether APSorus, smack beside the island of Losinj to which the Kepler lozenges trace, is of the Apps/Abbs surname that I trace reliably to the Apsus river. What I can say is that Wikipedia reports the creation of "pheasant," the bird, from Colchis' "Phasis," and the Pheasant/Fessant surname was first found in Middlesex with Apps/Abbs and Fiers (Fier county at the Apsus river). Kibble's/Keeblers (Keep colors) were first found in Middlesex too. Pheasants/Fessants are in the colors of Besants/Bessens, and the latter have another club suspect with Clovis, son of Basina. It works, and it's tracing Basina to the Besante/Bosnia river. LOSINje is probably from "Lazona," at or beside Phasis.
Back to Mandy. While writing down here, I went up to add the Fecamp discussion just before this section. It led to Fieschi / Fisks and Feschs. Now, recall that I was in the MOTEL parking lot, seeing Mandy drive by, and when she pulled out of the restaurant, I asked her for COFFEE. This reminds that Coffee's/Coffers share the Arms of Taranto (different colors), while Motels were first found in Taranto. But there's more, for Coffee's/Coffers share an ermined, white fesse with Camp-related Kiplings. Just because Fecamp of the Mandys was earlier called by a Fisc term doesn't mean that Camps couldn't have arisen there as per the new name, or perhaps Camps were responsible for the new name.
The "Victoria" motto term in Coffee/Coffer write-up is telling me that God set that event up, for Victoria's are also Fichters/Vechters, like variations of the Feschs, for example. In other words, asking her for coffee was God's idea to show that Fecamps were Victoria / Fesch/Fechter/Vechter / Fisk liners. Besides, Coffee's/Coffers use cups as possible code for Kupa = Colapis liners, and they might just have been named after Caiaphas. The English Coffers (Coffee colors) have crescents half in the colors of the Simson crescents, which assures me that God is in this. I'm getting vibes here, suggesting that Simsons were Flavius Josephus > Simonides Agrippa liners. Why else would God want to stress the Coffee surname? He did it in the Texas location of Victoria too.
I had suggested that the Simson crescents should link to the Burleys (share white boar heads with Mea's/Meighs), first found in Somerset with English Coffers. The Feschs/Fechters share the white, eight-pointed estoile with Motel-like Motts, the latter having named Mott at/near the Meu-river to which I trace Mea's/Meighs that in-turn share the Fessy cross. Mott is in Cotes-d'Armor, and Armors share the armored arm with the horse's mouth in the Motel Coat (is the heraldic mouth code for Motts?). The Motels and their Mota branch smack of Motley liners of Medlicott: "'...The Medlycott family of Ven House, Milborne Port, Somerset, originally came from Shropshire." The item in a crown in the Motley Crest suggest Ceraunii, near Amantini. The latter is near Bononia on the Danube, and, amazingly enough, the Motley Coat looks like a version of the Bono/Bononi Coat. That's pretty staggering that the coffee with Mandy included my motel that now goes to the Amantini theater. Ven House must be of the Somerset Vens/Fens'.
It just so happens that Medleys and Meads were first found in Sussex with Bone's/Bohuns and Coffer-like Cofferts, Courts/Cofferts, and Coppers/Coopers, the latter being potential Kupa liners along with Cups/Cope's/Colps and Copps. The Medley and their Methley branch place their stars in Chief so as to be the same Chief, essentially, as the Kibble/Keebler Chief.
The Fieschi were at Genova in relation to the Segni's/Segurana's (the Fessy motto tells me so), part of the line of Valentinian I, born at Cibalae smack beside the spot where AMANTini are stamped, and God used MANDY to point us just now to that line via the Fecamp location of Mundeyville. Compare "Kibble to "Cibalae," which location is closer to Bononia that the Amantini, and this Bononia location is now suspect with Bono's expected with the Pierleoni Jews. I'd give away my favorite coffee beans to know what those Jews were. The Mandys use the split colors of Kipling- / Campling-like Caplans.
Over to the other side of Cibalae is a Vallam area, which reminds that Vallans were recently connecting "Valentinian" to mount Velino, not far from L'Aquila, which itself uses an "Immota" motto term that discovered the Mota's for me. Mota's were first found in Calabria, where I trace the Enotrians in the Simson motto. The Enotrians, I insist, were from the pagan Levite, Jonathan, of Laish, through ELIS-related Calydon's mythical Oeneus, to the Oeneus tributary of the Sava. Simsons use the motto, "ALIS nutrior." The Vallans share the moline of Cibalae-liner, Sibals.
Mont Velino is of the Marsi whom I trace to the Marici partners of the Laevi. Recall that Boyds share the chequey fesse of Jewish Marks? Jewish Marici? What's that? Hard to say whether Boyers are Boyd or Boullier liners (expected in the Benedict motto), but as Boyers share a brown falcon-like bird in Crest with Simsons, it's notable that both were first found in Buckinghamshire. We then go to the Boyer/Bowyer motto to find "ContentMENT PASSE RICHESSE." We assume that it's partly for the Passe variation of Pascals, who can be a branch of the Pascel variation of Bononia's Pasi's/Pace's, and from this we get a clue that Boyers are from the Boii. We can then trace back to Bononia beside the Ment-suspect Amantini, where Mandy Simson traces. We can even appeal to the bee-using Minds/Munds, for Bee's are also Boys, in the colors of French Boyers, who use the upright bull of Boso's/BOSINs, can we believe it? It just took us back to the BOSNia / Basante river at the Amantini. And recalling that pheasant discussion in relation to the Basante being from Colchian Phasis, we now find a pheasant (that's what it looks like) in the Mind/Mund Crest! Zinger.
And let's not forget that the sources of the Basante are near Bistue, the line to the Mieszko Piasts while Mieszko II Lambert married Richeza, suspect in the Boyer motto. When I see a Maezaei merger with the Boii, I start to see "Maccabee/Maccabaeus." Lamberts share the Templar lamb with Pascals, and the latter can have the Levi lion. The Mind/Munds, who might have the Levi lion head, have their pheasant facing sinister, a Massey-line symbol. Simsons are said to have been heavy in North Yorkshire, location of the Ticino-suspect Tess river.
I asked Mandy out from the parking lot of the motel, and Minds/Munds were first found in Shropshire with the Bono/Bononi-suspect MOTLeys/Medlicotts. Simsons share the white crescent, by the way with Motts/Mottins, and Modens/Modeys were first found in Berkshire, beside the Buckingham location of Simsons. Modens/Modeys share a Shield of fretty with Cotta's, who may have formed, "MedleyCOTT."
The so-called mural crown (sometimes called a coronal crown for the Ceraunii) of Motleys/Medlicotts is likely code for Muriels, who share the peacock with Comforts/Comerfords and Camelfords/Cambellfords. The Comforts share the quadrants of Motleys/Medlicotts. It may not be coincidental that I found Comforts because it was the surname of a parent of an email friend, Mariel, whose mother was a Pollock. Peacocks, I have read, were a Pollock sept. She also said that her father was of the MERTON/MURTON bloodline, who happen to use the three bends of Gallia's, first found in Milan with Mariel-like Maurels/Maurino's, probably a branch of Marano's/MAURITANo's and Murena's/MORATINs. I had totally forgotten of the three bends of Mertons/Murtons, but looks at what they have found. Amazingly, Marano's, Morinis' (share the Muriel fleur-de-lys) and Morano's were first found in Modena, like "Moden" and the Mottin variation of Motts, making Motleys/Medleycotts very traceable to the namers of Modena. The Boii of neighboring Bononia conquered Modena probably in league with Hannibal in 218 BC. Hannibal then went down to fight in Apulia (from Istria's Pula?), location of Taranto.
We then go back to the Motels of TARANTO, suggesting Terentia Murena. How tidy is that?
By the way, mythical Pollux can connect via his father, Tyndareus, to Tyndaris, a real place on the Glaucus river to Phasis. Pollux was a boxer, called a pugilist, smacking of the Puglia version of "Apulia," making the village of Pollok suspect in honor of Pollux elements. The Mariels (not "Muriel") were first found in Brittany with Helens, and Pollux was the brother of Helen of Troy.
Unbelievably, Mariels share the Lyon and Lannoy lion, which recalls the day that Mariel introduced me to the Lannoys she met or read up on, asking me not to say anything sour against them, because they seems like very nice, noble people. Mariel continuously thought that my linking surnames to Masonic elements meant that I was tarnishing entire families, which is not the correct way to view things, because even the son of Caiaphas could have become a Christian saint. My job is tracking, and some elements in the families I'm tracking were Illuminatists and the like. I really do not know where my work is going, but it's getting there. I definitely have the gist by now.
The amazing this is, the Muriel pale bar has a red border, and the Tulls/Tullia's use a red pale bar while Tullia of Lyon was the daughter of Gallia!!! Mariel's father shares the Gallia bends and proves that Gallia's were from Gallia, for she was the ancestor of Mummolin, who married Berthe, daughter of Maurel-liner MAURILion, who can be read as MauriLION. That's how God does neat work. The fact that Muriels share the Morinis fleur only clinches this tidiness. Mariels were first found in Brittany with French Maurels, and while the latter have a "NEScit" motto term, the "Nos" motto terms of Mariels gets the Nos'/Ness'. Clean, clear-cut. Muriel Pollock was the ruler of Rothes castle, I reckon, when Peter died.
As Muriel hasn't contacted me in years, and because she would now be over 85, I think she passed away. I don't think she would mind my telling that she had married a Christian Jew, Mr. Strauss, suspect with the heraldic ostrich ("struthios" in Greek). The only point I can make now is that Strauss' use a reflection of the Gleason Coat, and while Gleasons (Plunkett bend?) share the Glass stars, Pollok was a village at Glasgow.
Wait. I have something else. The "lois" motto term in the Mariel motto must be for Lois', who have a giant ostrich!!! I'm continuously amazed, always a new surprise showing signs of Intelligent Design behind the people and events in my life. The "murs" motto term of Mariels must be for Spanish Murs'/Muriels. The "walls" of the latter are shaped like a mural crown.
French Murs/Murets, smacking of Murtons just traced to Tullia of Lyon, share a lozengy shield with Grimaldi's, the latter suspect from Grimo of Mummolin. Bags share the Grimaldi Shield, and the SLEEPing-bag dream had David MORLEY circle the sleeping bag. Morleys are like the Morel variation of Maurels and Morells (North Middleton), the latter using a "Bono ANIMO" motto phrase. The Sleeps, first found in Salop = Shropshire, use two fesses only in colors reversed from the two-fesses-only Nos'/Ness' beloved by Maurels / Muriel liners.
Struthios-like Struthers share the fretty Shield of Caens, and the latter share the five, white ostrich feathers in the Arms of Traby. I trace Trabys of Vilnius to Vilaine, where Plunketts were first found. The Caen ostrich feathers are from a mural crown, yup. I had read that Pollocks descend from Clovis, whose mother, Basina, traces to the Bessin, location of Caen. The "PERimus" motto term of Caens can be partly for Peare's who share the Caen leopard faces...back here to a line of the Pierleoni, I think.
The French-Maurel write-up: "Members of this distinguished family were the Lords of numerous fiefdoms and seigniories, such as Aubignosc, le Castellard, le CHAFFaut...l'Escale..." The Chaffs have another peacock (Muriel symbol), and Scale's (Middleton) use five, white ostrich feathers. The Middle's (Shropshire, same as Motleys) and Middletons (Rust/Roost saltire?) can be Medley / Motley liners.
The Middle write-up: "Myddle Castle was built [in Shropshire's Shrewbrry] c. 1308 by Lord John Le Strange..." The Strange's, sharing the Tull/Toole and Tool lion (Tullia-of-Lyon line), and perhaps with a version of the Base Coat, are said to be from Guido le Strange of Brittany. Put that together with Middle's (Dol fesse in colors reversed?) in Shropshire, and the Strange's look related to the Dol Alans, whom the father of the Pollocks (of Shropshire) served.
Clearly, Tullia of Lyon named Dol, and was ancestral to Pollocks. The Alans trace to Valentinian, who lived about the time of Tullia; the Valentins (Pollock bend) use squirrels in Lyon / Mariel colors. There is a Mursa location (beside Vallum) up the Danube from Bononia, and therefore near Cibalae, that can be of the Murs variation of Muriels. The Morels of the Brittany Maurels were at La Chapelle, and Chapells (no final 'e'), in Mariel colors, share the Lion / Mariel lion. I can't tell you how much Mariel Strauss has helped this work.
I see Dol and MUNDeric (Mummolin's father) from the Dulo house of Attila, son of MUNDzuk. The Amantini come to mind. I am not up to speed on Attila's wars, but I did read that he made an advance on Italy from roughly the Sava theater, toward Bononia/Bologna, which may explain why the Bologna surname share's the Hun/Hundt greyhound. It's a version of the Fortuna Coat, and Rollo's, first found in Perthshire with Valentinian-liner Justine's and Wings/Winks, use both a "passe" and a "fortuna" motto term. "Passe" is expected with Pasi's/Pascels of Bononia/Bologna.
I've just looked to see if there is an obituary for Mariel Strauss. I've found six of her posts, one saying: "I believe Poole is a variant of Pollock (Renfrewshire). I was interested in this name Robert Murton Poole, because my father Clarence Murton had a mother Margaret Jane Pollock." Mariel started a post on Robert Croc, husband of Eschyna de Molle. One post says: "Walter fitz Alan was married to Eschyna de Londoniis, heiress of Uchtred de Molla (Molle) and Huntlaw..." Londoniis is the Sibal-related Lundys (one of the Door surnames, the Durwards, is related to this entity). We saw some clues for a trace to MumMOLin to the Cibalae theater. Jacques de Molay has/had a red moline on his breast at his Wikipedia article, the color of the moline in the Sibal Crest.
The same post: "Sir Robert Croc...posthumously often referred to as Sir Robert de Croc in reference to Crookston Castle [Glasgow, near Pollok], was an Anglo-Norman knight and landowner in Scotland in the High Middle Ages. He was given the LEVERN valley in Scotland by King David I of Scotland in 1170." The Leverne's/Verne's, though first found at Forez, have a tree in Molle colors, and share the Molle stars, probably the Moray stars. Forez is where BESANcons (same colors) were first found. Chapelle's (with a final 'e'), suspect with the Fessy cross for connection to Segni's and Sibals both, were first found in Forez. Lyons are said to be from Normandy's Lyons-la-FORET. Forets/Forez' (look like Travis/Travers kin) are in Pollock colors, and were first found in Savoy with the Aude's suspect in the Pollock motto.
Recently, I showed that Pollocks appeared to be descended from Cecily de Rumilly. The same page above, by the same writer (Erica Howton), has this: "Eschina’s first marriage is indicated by the charter dated to [1200/02] under which her daughter 'Cecilia de Molle filia Eschine de Molle..." Later on the page: "Note that there are some claims that Uchtred [de Molle, father of Eschyna de Molle] is descended from Crinan, the father of the ill-fated Duncan King of Scotland who was murdered by Macbeth." The daughter of Cecily de Rumilly married Duncan's son. From two updates ago: "William married Cicely, Lady of Skipton, the daughter and co-heir of William Fitz-Duncan by his spouse Alice [Rumilly), Lady of Skipton, daughter of William Meschin..." Eschyna's daughter with Croc married Robert Pollock.
CRINan, huh. The Crone's (Massey fleur, expected with royal Duncans) with mural crown come up as "Crine," and this Coat is almost on the colors and format of Duncans and their Donkey branch. Crine's are also with crane-using Grounds/Cranne's. Donkeys perhaps share the white Pollock hunting horn. The other Grounds share the Coat, almost, of Rhodes, and I trace "Duncan" to the Dunax mountain at the RHODope mountains. The Serdica next to Dunax trace to Swords and therefore Siward of Northumberland, who defeated MacBeth. Donkeys (Sword colors) were first found in Northumberland. Basina is suspect from the Bessi at the Dunax / Serdica theater because Bessi trace with their Lissae to Lissus, beside Bassania (Cavii theater). Crine/Crone's are in Child colors and format, and they share the fleur-de-lys of Lys'/Lisse's, from Lissus, right? Yup.
On the light map, there's a Serdica-like Certissa location off the mouth of the Basante river. Cibalae is right next door to Certissa, and smacks of Cabyle, to the near-east of Serdica. Between Cabyle and Serdica is Sub RADice, which recalls the pet rat in Kepke's basement, for that basement seemed like code for the Basante and the neighboring Amantini.
There doesn't seem to be even one post my Mariel, even though she started the thread. There's almost 100 posts. Perhaps she became too ill after starting the thread (May 2013). I'd like to meet her one day.
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