God Used Me with Cheech and Chong at the Curb of Victoria Square
L'Aquila Geography Explains My Past Work in Templarism and Arthurianism
For best results, take the time to load the Coats to see them for yourself. Load the first-Coat link I offer (or open one here) to get a tab open, and then open more if needed. To check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:
As I find myself on Spanish themes lately, I thought I might offer a Spanish guitarist that, well, isn't Spanish. Or maybe he is:
After the last update was put out, I got around to loading the L'Aquila article, and said this: "I happened to load the L'Aquila article to see the motto in the Arms, "ImMOTA manet." Portuguese Mota's use the Spanish Ferdinand Coat on green. Note the formation of the fleur, like the five wings of Portuguese Abreu's. Italian Mota's/Motina's were first found in Calabria, said to be a branch of the Motels of Taranto." As the Coffee's/Coffers use the Arms of Taranto, I half expect to see them in the L'Aquila area. In fact, the Coffee's/Coffers and Coffers/Coffare's are both in the colors of the Portuguese Mota's.
While Motels are said to be from Motolla in Taranto, they were first found in Calabria with Italian Mota's. Due to their winged horse, Motels probably uses the Macey stars closely.
I now need to repeat an event set up by God on the day (1994) I passed a home of Miss Hicks in Baytown (southern Texas). I had reached Victoria by about noon, after God performed a miracle for me the night before (after 1 am), which forced me to purchase a MOTEL (otherwise I was sleeping in the back of my Nissan pick-up). I stopped in Victoria only to purchase a NEWSpaper and a COFFEE, and I have remembered the name of the place all these years, though I had never heard of it before. The Coffee's use a "Victoria" motto term. But that's just the start of the evidence that this is a Set-up (by God) for heraldic purposes.
While News' are also Newes', the Neve's/Navys (Angus) use the Caffer/Cafferty Coat, though the latter use the horse in the colors of the Coffee/Coffer cups. It's a horse and riding, same as Motels, and while it's also in the Craig Crest, the Craigs happen to share the Mott/Mottin crescents. I trace Craigs to "Acragas" (now Agrigento), on the Drago river, and I explained lately (in the last update included) why the Drake motto has the Mosca's/Muscas' married by the Chiaramonte's, who named Montechiaro near the Drago. It is this Chiaramonte element (his wife's entity) that was related to Ferdinand I of Naples-Aragon.
Portuguese Ferdinands use cannons, and canons use a cannon too but call it a MORTar, while Motts/Mottins are also MORTERs/Morte's. This surname was first found in Cotes d'ARMor, and then there is an ARM in the mouth of the Motel horse.
The Drake motto has "Aquila," and I've just found an Aquila surname (giant Este eagle exactly) said to be from Aquila..."north of Naples" in Campania, where some noble founders of Picenze (seven miles from L'Aquila) originated. L'Aquila is in Abruzzo, but Abreu's/Abruzzo's were first found in Padova, the location of Este. Perfect. An the Mott/Mottin Crest is an eight-pointed ESToile...which may be code for Toile's/Tools / Tulls/Tolle's too. The latter share the pyramid with Battistelli's, and, as was said, "The Batti's and Stelli's both share eight-pointed stars with Manelli's and Minelli's..." When my mother spent the summer in Picenze, she had me stay in the household of Mr. Manilla, it is to be assumed at this time. For when I asked Joel what that homeowner's surname is, he said, "Manilla, I think."
Not far from Padova is Aquileia (near eagle-using Rijeka), which uses a spread eagle half in the colors of the same of Este's, and Aquileia is in Udine, where Radice's/Radix's were first found whom I link to lattice-using Cable's/Cabels (Radice / Caffer/Cafferty colors). I'm calling it "lattice" because Italian words for lattice are like, "Radice." My mother calls it, radish/radiccia, to the best of my spelling capability in accordance to how it sounds. However, heraldic lattice is called, fretty, suspect with FERDinand, and it's shared by Modens/Modeys (namers of Modane), whom were first found in Berkshire while Berkshire's share the FRET of Meschin- / Massey-related Duttons. Masseys share the winged horse with Neve's/Navys, and I, who purchased that coffee and newspaper, am from a Massey / Masci liners in Picenze.
On the night I went to sleep in the Nissan, I had passed a home of Miss Hicks, and Hicks happen to share the Cabel-like CHAPLet with News'/Newes'. The News Crest has a perchevron (solid chevron) in red, the color of the CHAPman perchevron. Chapmans were first found in Cambridgeshire with Capone's and News', yet Italian Capone's were first found in Naples. Link, link, link. We must be tracking Joseph Caiaphas; why else would God want to set me up in Texas to point to these surnames? The giant-white crescent of Chapmans becomes suspect with the same of Motts/Mottins.
The Chaplet surname shares the black-on-gold swan that French Josephs once showed, though these Josephs now show the martlet of Flys (same place as Drake's and English Josephs) that are in the translated motto of Drake's. It's "muscas" that they translate as "fly." So, that newspaper was a code that God intended for this discussion.
Nissans (sinister-rising bend = code for Masci's) share the double fesses of Morinis', of Mottin- / Modane-like Modena, and the Morinis fleur is colors reversed from the Masci / Ferdinand fleur expected on green in the Coat of Portuguese Mota's. The Calabria Mota's (six white roses) could be related to Morano / Maschito of Calabria. Maschito entered the discussion in the last update at the Spuds-MacKenzie MASCOT that partook in a celebration of a cooking contest (late 1980's) in Baytown, where Miss Hicks was the trophy girl (as per her team winning the contest). Her husband is online in the Baytown Sun posing with Spuds MacKenzie.
The rider on the dolphin in the Arms of Taranto is Taras, and Tarrs can be with a version of the Arms of Aragon. The Taro river was home to Ananes Gauls. I can't recall the surname [found it; it's the Cabras' of Aragona in Agrigento] that was like the Capras', said to be from Agrigento, but I can say that Spanish Capras' were first found in Aragon, and Italian Capras' were first found in Piedmont with Masci's. It looks linked to the Ferdinand-Mosca-Montechiaro entity. And Chiaro's/Charo's were first found in Este-beloved Ferrara, and can be found in the "charo" motto term of English Josephs. Why?
I recall reading that Capras liners were involved with Montechiaro / Chiaramonte, but here I can show the capital "F" (Ferdinand?) on the bend of Caberra's/Cavallo's (Castile), a possible Cabel branch. The Cavallon variation suggests Velino > Avalon liners. The Cavallero variation can explain the riders on horses seen above.
Some of the variations of Spanish Capras', such as Cravin, evoke Craven of Yorkshire, where Meschins married Skiptons. I feel sure that Cravens were Croatians (KRVati), and Rijeka, the line to Maxwells of Roxburghshire (L'Aquila eagle?), were, in my opinion, at Croatia's Rijeka (share black, double-headed eagle with Maxwells). The goat of German Steins (Austria, same as German Ferdinands) is on a triple mound, and the province of L'Aquila has it's eagle on a triple mound. This latter eagle is in the colors of the Este / Aquila eagle, used also for the Arms of Picenze.
I've just seen that the Arms of Abruzzo is a green, sinister-rising bend in a Shield split whiter and blue.
The three palm trees in the Arms of Palmi di Montechiaro each have their own mound. Palms are Parms too, and Palmers are Parmers, and then Parma is at the end of the Taro river. The Ceno tributary of the Taro is the naming of Caens that share the fretty of Cabels, the latter first found in Somerset with Tarrs (and Coffers/Coffare's). It thus appears that Tarrs were Ferdinand-of-Aragon elements, but, if not, then something from Aragon. Guy of Spoleto (the line to Spottons/Spaughtons/Spoltons/Spauldings) was at the Taro theater.
SPUDs MacKenzie got suspect with a branch of Spottens/Spaughtons because Kenzie's/Kenneth are from Numidians while Guys (share buckles with Spottens/Spaughtons) can be from the Gaia > Massena Numidians, for Spottens/Spaughtons are said to have held from Ranulph le Meschin. Meschins are known to derive from rulers of the Bessin, location of Caen. Now I know better why God created some events (in back-to-back hockey games), for heraldry purposes, using Steve Tarr, on my hockey team (age 12).
The line of Gaia/Gala goes to Galli's and Gays (same rooster), and as Galli's share the Motel Chief, it suggests Massena liners in Taranto and Calabria, which may explain why I was born in Toronto. Messina, which may have named Gaia's son, is beside Chiaramonte and Calabria.
Dutch Steins: another eight-pointed star, ancient symbol of Ishtar, suspect at Istria, location of Rijeka. The latter is almost in the land of Japodes, who are suspect with variations of Jeepma's/CHEPs (Chapmans/Chepmans?) that use another black, two-headed eagle, the official symbol of Rome, founded largely by Japodes = mythical Jupiter.
Note how "CAPRas" is like "Caffer / Coffer," for Coverts/Cofferts share the leopard face of English Steins. The latter are obviously a branch of Stevensons/Steinsons/Stave's, first found in Northumberland with the Maness'/Manners suspect with a variation of Manelli's (eight-pointed star). A reader at one time, Miss Covert, used a Maness surname too, by marriage.
By the way, at 14, I worked on a farm of Mr. Difilipis, and continued there for another year afterward, he being the father of a school mate. That's the best I can recall on the spelling; his son pronounced it, D'Philips. He was Calabrian. Now first read this and I'll then show how it's even more relevant; "Isabella of Austria, also known as Elizabeth, Archduchess of Austria and Infanta of Castile and Aragon, was Queen of Denmark, Sweden and Norway as the wife of King Christian II. She was the daughter of King Philip I and Queen Joanna of Castile and the sister of Emperor Charles V." This picture was suspect with the Austrian Ferdinands. Note Joanna of Castile.
Mr. Difilipis was a friend to John at the BP station that I mentioned in the last update, so much so that he was always hanging around the farm. One of his daughters is Joanne, probably born, Joanna. His other daughter, Josephine, who got suspect (last update) as code for Joseph Caiaphas, and with Josepina, the Masci-line wife of Mr. Manilla of Picenze, washed my HAIR several times in the evening as I'd come in from the fields. She was fond of me, but I wasn't willing to take her.
When I got to explaining that Manelli's look like a branch of Manners/Maness', I was wondering whether the Harcourts can link to that picture, because they share the Manner/Maness peacock. It didn't dawn on me then that English Hairs share the double Harcourt fesses, linkable to the double Manner/Maness fesses because Scottish Hairs (AYRshire) use them! Amazing. Hairs are quite clearly from the Shawia Numidians, where Spuds MacKenzie traces (queen Kenza of Aures).
My first job (age 14, just before working on the farm) was at the BP station that John operated, though when Tony (mechanic) ran it (he moved to a muffler station in town in case a muff-like surname applies). Now Mr. Maness, Miss Covert's husband, worked for BP, and as that's British Petroleum, it recalls the British bulldog in the Hicks dream, that must link to the bull terrier, Spuds MacKenzie (in Baytown, perhaps related to the namers of Bay City). The bull TERRIER looks like code for Tarrs because they were first found in Somerset with Bulls.
I can't get things neater than this, unless Mr. Maness was in Baytown or Victoria or Galveston (where I was mugged the night before driving through Victoria). Mr. Maness is expected at the Texas coast because he flew workers to oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. He's online with a coastal Texas address in (Markham) the Bay-City area, but he may have had more than one. Bay City is just two counties east of Victoria county, and I probably drove through Bay City while going through Victoria. Can we believe it, the Manner/Maness Coat shares the double fesses of English Bays. It doesn't get more fun than this.
Bays were first found in Colchester, from the Colapis, home of the Benjamite Japodes, and Bays are said to have been at Benjamin-possible Binnington, in Lincolnshire, beside the Benjamins of Norfolk. The Benningtons (HERTfordshire) tell that they were in Lincolnshire's Boston location, which came up in the last update: "Tooth-loving Palmans/Pelhams were at a Boston location in Lincolnshire...That Boston location in Lincolnshire is now looking very linkable to Herods of Lyon..." As I trace Quintus Caepio to the Colapis, follow Astin de Bennington to the Austins, Quints and Colchesters, all three related. Benningtons share the horse in Crest with Bennys and Binnys.
Maness-related HarCOURTs were suspect with Courts/Coverts (Sussex, same as Coverts/Cofferts), while Miss Covert is online as Miss Maness. Coverts thus look linkable to the particular Coffers / Coffee's that link to the Picenze elements that God wants to expose.
There's more, because my friend at the Difilipis farm was Dominic, who married Anna. English Dominics use eight-pointed stars in the colors for them of Manelli's and Minelli's, and French Dominics can be using the star of Anna-like Annas'. It's another clue that the killer priests of Jesus had ancestry and/or descent in things of my mother's village.
Dominic's share "Pax" with Reeds and Levi-line Davids. My mother's brother (Mr. Grimaldi) was Dominic, and Packers/Peckers (Berkshire), easily of the namers of Picenze, share lozenges in Grimaldi-lozengy colors. Packers/Peckers, who share the Cat with Berks/Burghs, were at Berkshire's BUCKLEbury, and Buckle's share the wreath with the temples of the Packer/Pecker Moor head.
It seems that Taranto elements of the Coffer / Motel kind were large in L'Aquila as per the "Immota" motto term. And why does heraldry include what it calls, MOTToes, anyway? Mythical Taras was made a son of Poseidon, a code of the ancients to denote the Pisidians who formed some of the Lydian > Latin line through Pisa and the nearby Ladon river. Plato made Poseidon the father of Atlas, he being code (my personal discovery) for Pisidia's Attaleia, suspect in the naming of Italy, but more-certainly the namers of Aetolia, home of mythical Oeneus, father of mythical Methoni i.e. code for a real city of Modane- / Mottin- / Modane-like Methoni. Here's a map of the L'Aquila province (from Wikipeedia's L'Aquila article) showing mount Maiella:
Mythical Oeneus was from the land of mythical Sirens, and this Aetolian land was of the royals at Elis. Note mount SIRENte between Maiella and Celano. One could expect the Taphians at Celano, and they were from mythical Daphne in the Ladon river, right near Elis and Cyllene. Celano thus looks like a Cyllene liner, therefore. Velino is on the map, beside Sirente. Velins and Velens/Valance's can thus be assured from Valentinian because I always trace he and his wife to Sire's/Sirens (green snake of the Marsi is looking at itself in the mirror). Amazing, this is excellent.
I had found that Maiella was named after a local goddess, Maja, who must have been Maia, one of the seven daughters of Atlas. These daughters were born on mount Cyllene in Arcadia, same as Hermes, son of Maia. Hermes was the father of the Pan goat, and Capras' (like "capra = goat") named after may have named themselves such, though being something similar beforehand, due to their knowing themselves to be from a Pan / Marsyas line, making perfect sense where Celano and Velino were in the land named by Marsi. For example, Capras' could have been from the Kabeiri cult that Hermes likely participated in. The Kabeiri were ruled by the husband of Aphrodite, and she was also known as Kypris, suspect from the Apiru/Abiru Hebrews of the (C)Habur river (Mesopotamia, land of Ishtar).
Maio's/Maioli's were from Pesaro, between early Maschi's and Fano. Pesaro is the capital of Pesaro and Urbino, possibly an indication of the Maezaei and Ceraunii from the Urbanus. German Urbans (Austria) share the bend-with stars of Massena's (version of the Masci Coat), and Spanish Urbans can therefore be with part of the Macey Shield. The Arms of Pesaro share two hands holding from opposing directions with Jewish Aarons/Arens (Aures liners?). Aures is/was also, Awraba, a possible Urban variation. As mythical Ares was worshiped by Bistones of Cyrene, origin of Meshwesh/Mazyes, I'd say that Aures was named after him.
Mount Sirente can well-trace to Sirens of Sirenuse, at Salernum. The Sailers, said to be of an old Saler variation, use a "greatest" motto term while I think I had resolved Greats with Gratian, father of Valentinian. That makes perfect sense now, for a Sailer trace from Salernum to mount Sirente. Greats (Sailer-fesse colors) share the rooster with Grazio's, first found in Perusia, beside the Orvieto (Urbanus line?) location of the first Maio's/Maioli's/Maitani's (Mottin kin?), where Marsi-suspect Marins/Marina's were first found. Greats share a gold border with Spanish Urbans, first found in Basque country, of Sugaar and Mari that trace to the green snake of Seagars/Sugars, whom are very linkable to Sire's/Sirens apart from their sharing the green snake (Valentins love the Sire-branch Squire's/Squirrels). Sire's/Sirens share the white tower with Abreu's/Abruzzo's, and were first found in Burgundy with the Mars.
As we saw Morano liners linking to L'Aquila-area elements in the last update, Celano brings CILNius MAECENas to mind, who married Terentia MURENA. The Cilnius family was from Arettium, as was Maecenas (1st century BC), going back to at least 400 BC there, in-time to found Maccabees. There is a myth, Le Morte d'Arthur," that can be gleaned as code for both the Morte's/Motts and Arthur-like Deaths/Darths, for they share the same crescents. Therefore, it's possible that proto-Arthurs (expect the Ardiaei Illyrians) named Arettium, and that these very peoples were at mount Velino, for Le Morte d'Arthur" has king Arthur dying (at the hands of Morter-like MORDred/Modred) in Avalon.
If not for Joel's visit, I wouldn't have known Mr. bocci ball's surname. He dropped into Picenze unannounced / unscheduled, on the day of the funeral of Mr. bocci ball's daughter-in-law, and the only name that comes to memory for that man is Antonio/Tony. Joels/Jewells share the white flower with Italian Antonio's/Tony's. As Antonio's/Tony's share two of the three Julian-Chief stars in their own Chief, the surname looks good for a trace to Marc Antony, who took over Caesar's business after his assassination. English Julians share their cross with Gullys/Gollys and Velis'/Volleys, believe it or not, and Joels/Jewels use GILLYflowers. Gore's and Alans share the Chief of French Julians (we might imagine that this Chief was well-protected in heraldic circles, meaning that one could not get government permission to use it without proof of kinship).
Morano's us a wreathed Moor head, and both the Solways and Packers use the wreath on the "temples," and so we should look at the Temple's, especially as French Chappes' use a Moor head with a wreath (though it's not mentioned in the write-up). English temple's use a giant eagle in both colors of the giant Joseph martlet, which is black, like the martlet in the Temple Crest. The Temple eagle is shared by Velis'/Volleys. This eagle can therefore be the black on in the Arms of L'Aquila. Scottish Chappes use ears of wheat traceable to L'Aquila's Sheaves'/Chiapponi's (Wheats are in Coffer colors). And French Temple's are probably using the Macey Coat, for English Temple's were first found in Cheshire with Maceys and Masseys.
Temple's are said to be descended from Leofric, a Saxon earl of Chester, the city that would have the first Meschin as it's Norman earl. It evokes king Maccus having a meeting in Cheshire with Saxons prior to the Norman invasion of England, and this tends to corroborate the trace of Maccus to Ferte-Mace's Maceys, yet it's also got L'Aquila written on it's forehead, apparently, and this speaks to me of Masci's there.
Leofric died nine years before the Norman conquest, but his son was earl of Marsi-suspect Mercia and east ANGlia, suspect with ANGitia, the Marsi snake goddess. We can assume that Angitia was a part of the two snakes on the Hermes caduceus, for this was code for the Cadusii Armenians depicted by mythical CadMUS, whom I trace to Armenia Mus location, the proto-Maceys/Masseys that I see as the Meshwesh/Mushki namers of the Moschian mountains in north-western Armenia. The Messeys/Messier's were first found in Burgundy with the Mars (Mackay colors and format), and the flag of Mercia is the Messey/Messier Coat. It seems obvious that Leofric was of king-Maccus blood, therefore.
Mus was at Lake Van while Fane's/Vans share the gauntlet GLOVE with Maceys. On the L'Aquila map, there is a Campo Glove location (outside the L'Aquila border), and Glove's (same place as Wings/Winks and Justine's) happen to share the gold wing of Masci's. Wings/Vinks are of Justine of PICENum, and there is a PACENTro location between Campo Glove and mount Maiella, perhaps an indication of the Picentini mountains near Naples. Glove's happen to share the Mott/Morte / Death/Darth crescents.
LEOFric's son (above) is said to be Algar (Temple write-up), and the Algar surname happens to use the giant Temple eagle. And Algars were first found in Norfolk with Laevi-suspect Leafs/Leve's. There is a black greyhound in the Algar Crest that can link to the same of Schutz's/Shutz's, the latter sharing the saltire of Solways/Salways (wreath on temples). When we go to Dassets (Warwickshire) as per the Burton Dasset (Warwickshire) location of Temple's, we find the Joseph martlet (suspect in the Temple Crest) in colors reversed. The Tasset/Tassart/DASSART variations of Dassets can not only be of Ticino liners such as Tess'/Tease's, but of the DASSARetae at AntiPATRia, the origin of Kilpatricks.
Kilpatricks, who love the Maccus-line Maxwells/Maccuswells (black eagle) share the DAGGER with Maccus-line Mackays, and daggers are code for the Dexaroi, the very same peoples as the Dassaretae. Kilpatrick castle is a ways up the Nith river that has a mouth at the Solway bay. The Nith was home top proto-Geddes Geds, and while Geddes' (pikes) share the eSCUTcheon of Chadwicks and Chadocks, they all use a Coat similar to that of Dassets, except that Dassets appear to be using an escutcheon with the Prest/Press Shield. Chads were first found in Norfolk with Algars.
Kilpatricks happen to use the same lion as Jewish Levi's. I now have the sense that Ticino's Laevi were up in the Nith river...and probably other parts of Dumfries, especially at Annandale (Tess/Tease saltire in colors reversed).
There is an escutcheon also in the Nitt/Naught Coat, and as this surname is from Dumfries, I view it as a Nith-river liner. The Nitt/Naught Coat may be with a version of the Saddock/Sedgwick Coat due to Chadocks / Chadwicks suspect in the Dasset/Tassart Coat. A Mr. Chadocks is said to have been in the PRESTon Guild Rolls, and two other Chaddocks are mentioned, both listed in the "Wills of Chester." One of the two was Peter (can be a Pierro liner) at PREScot, which may be read as, PreSCOT, so as to be a Scott / Schutz line. Pero-possible Prescots share gold leopard faces with Pero-line Peare's (Pierro's/Pero's were first found on the Ticino/Tessin).
"Lux" is a motto term shared between Prescots and Burtons, the latter likely the namers of Burton Dasset. The Chief-Shield color combination of Prescots is colors reversed from that of Press'/Prests, and the latter's Crest happen to be the black martlet in the Temple Crest. The Dasset martlets are on a Shield with the Chief-Shield colors of Press'/Prests, who are also Priests, a possible branch of Abreu/Abruzzo-related Presleys/Priestlys (makes Press' suspect as ABRUZzo liners).
Presleys/Priestlys use a red cockatrice, a version of the red Drake wyvern, which speaks for itself on a Presley trace to Abruzzo, yet Presleys use two Abreu/Abruzzo symbols. Presleys were at Bradford (Yorkshire, same as Abruzzo-line Bruce's) while Bradfords use a "fier" motto term while Fier County was home to the Dassaretae/Dexaroi, and moreover Kuman is in Fier that is the line to Comyns/Comine's, who use another dagger.
God got me a taxi-driving job (early 20s) for heraldic purposes. The Tax's/Dacks were in that job, suspect with Decks/Daggers or the Teck variation of Tease's/Tess' (leaves, speak to Leafs/Leve's now linking to Leofric of the Temple's). By no control of my own, the taxi dispatcher had me pick up Mamie twice about a year after our relationship was over. Mamie had been Given to me for heraldic purposes too. To make a story short for not repeating myself, she had a thigh symbol from God that's for the Tease's/Tyes'/Tye's (Annas star), first found in NOTTINGhamshire with Annas' and MAMESfelde of the Mansfields, an Isle-of-Man liner along with Maccus. On another night, I was called to drive Miss NAUGHTEN home, whom I was fond of from school (wanting to ask her out on that night, I couldn't muster the courage). But there you have the Niths/Naughts and the Taxi job so as to link Nith-river liners to the Ticino/Tessin.
The Tessons are also TYsons, and they use the lion of Touch's in colors reversed. The latter were first found in Cheshire, and Leofric was earl of Cheshire's Chester. It can appear that Touch's were Ticino liners, and in cahoots with the Laevi of the Ticino. The Tesson/Tyson lion is that of True-loving Hume's/Home's (Berwickshire, beside the Tessons/Tysons of Northumberland), and True's/Tree's were first found in Warwickshire with Dassets/Tassarts and the Burton Dasset, home of the Leofric-line Temple's (Cheshire). Tax's/Dachs (Sword-sword colors) can be using the swords in saltire of Borders, code for Siward of Northumberland, and Borders are beloved in the Dasset/Tassart border.
So, the Dassets I have not been familiar with look like Dassaretae, who can be expected at Morano (Sybaris river) and other Moor-head liners, especially the Collars/Collards on the Schutz greyhound. Morano is beside Saracena, suspect with the Saracens at Chiaramonte. There are two Dasset-like surname, Dass' (properly, Dundas) and Dusters, that I'll go to. Dass' use a lion's head in the design for it of Wreath-like Wraths/Rothes, speaking to the Moor heads with wreathed Temple's. Just like that, Dass' look linked to Temple's of Burton Dasset.
Dass' were first found in West Lothian, near Seatons of East Lothian, and while Seatons are said to be from Saytown, Says, possibly in the "EsSAYes" motto of Dass', were first found in Shropshire with Wrath's/Rothes'. Dusters are Rothchild (no 's') kin, and are in the "InDUSTRia" motto term in the Arms of Rothschild. Suddenly, Dusters are framing up as DassaRETae. Were Dassaretae merged with a Ret entity of a proto-Rothes line? I trace Rothschilds to Peter Pollock of Rothes castle, and he descended from Flavians at Rieti/Reate. The Arms of Rieti show white-on-blue fish, the Ged symbol, how-about that. The Wraths/Rothes (beside the Sales'/Salletts) share the Shield of Sales'/Salletts, from the Salto river through Rieti. Temple-related Wreaths look like Rieti liners, perfect for where Temple's trace to Abruzzo at the upper Salto.
Berwickshire has a Duns location that could have named Dundas' for Dunbars (Grey Coat colors reversed) were first found in the Lothians somewhere (to the immediate north of Berwickshire). Dunbars are said to have been Cospatricks (Northumberland, same as Greys), who are in the Dass/Dundas write-up as Gospatricks. The latter share the Tease/Tess/Teck saltire, regarded (by me) as the Annandale saltire and therefore Cospatricks are linkable to Kilpatricks (i.e. who were Dassaretae liners). DunDAS' therefore look like Dassaretae.
We read that Helias received Dundas from a son of Gospatrick, and it just so happens that Helias'/Elias' (Elis Coat) were first found in West Lothian too...which is where Tenants were first found who entered my discussions with HELEN, my tenant. Tenants share the horse head with Dunbars. English Gos' make a saltire out of the Wreath stars.
Dunbars share the Wreath lion, red like the one in the Dass/Dundas Crest, and while Dunbars are said to have been in MOCHRum (Wigton, beside Dumfries), Scottish Mochs/MOCHRys share the Wreath Coat exactly, can we believe it? Dundas' thus look like a Dun-Dass merger. As Mochs/Mochrys share "quam" with Temple's, Dunns / Dunbars / Dunhams / Downs appear related to Temple's of Burton Dasset. While Dass'/Dundas' have a motto, "ESSayez," Mochs/Mochrys (scimitar) use an "esse quam" phrase. The Dunbars of Comyns-suspect Cumnoch were right beside the first-known Mochs/Mochrys (Lanarkshire).
Dass'/Dundas' use "A lion's head full-faced looking out of an oak BUSH", and while Bush's/Buschs are likely a branch of Bosco's, the latter are in the write-up of Rose's. And Rose's are in the Dunbar border. Rose's were also Geddes kin, and Geddes' descended from Geds on the Nith. Geds use a "DuRAT" motto. The Dunbar Shield is the Geddes Shield in colors reversed, and Rose's with Geddes' were first found in Nairnshire with Retae-like Rats/Raids (share the cross of Helias' / Elis').
I Made a Mistake
Wow, I just tried to load a Callan surname but hit the 'V' beside the 'C' to get Vallans sharing a red moline with Cibal(d)s, the ones sharing the Segni/Segurana / Seagar/Sugar moline, and tracing to CIBALae, birthplace of Valentinian I! They are also Vallese's/Valle's/Vallets. It's not only Murena-important that Vallans/Valle's share the Morton quadrants, but it plays to Le Morte d'Arthur in Avalon. What perfect timing to make a typo. The other Mortons use wings for Vinkovci (alternative name of Cibalae), and share a gold rooster head in Crest with Greats!!! Amazing. The Sailers use "greatest," suspect with the Masonic symbol, "GREAT SEAL of the United States," for Seals (colors and format of BERNICE's) share the black wolf head with Sailers.
The Morton goat can feasibly be of a mythical-Pan line out of Cyllene and into Celano. Celano-like Colans use a gold griffin in Crest, which I see from Agrippa's, who included BERNICE Agrippa, who was engaged to be married to emperor Titus (Romans didn't want the marriage, Titus had to give it up). Colans happen to share the martlet of Josephs, who is strongly suspect from Flavius Josephus, a Maccabee general in Israel that betrayed his Jewish people, and went over to the side of Titus' father after killing his entire army (by voluntary suicide).
The Colan griffin happens to be in the color of the Sailer / Moster/Master griffin heads, and Sailers use a motto, "Who MOST has SERVED is greatest," meaning that Colans can be a branch of Cole's, who use "SERVA" and were first found in Cornwall. The Seal write-up says that Seal history begins in Cornwall. The Colan martlets are in the colors of the Cole bull and the Seal wolf heads, but, unfortunately, I can't at the moment clinch Colans with "Celano." Seals are said to be first found in NorthUMBERland, beside the Bernice's of CUMBERland, an area I trace to Italy's Umbria, location of Perusia, the home of the first-known Grazio's. [Later I discover that counts of Marsi, discovered in an article on a Segni location, were in Umbria's Spoleto].
Griffins are obvious code for griffin-using Griffins, who use a "Velis" motto term now traceable to the Valese variation of Vallans/Valle's (Velis'/Wills use the griffin too). The Cole's are highly suspect with the bull of Walerans, and Waleran-de-Leavell was a Vaux/VALLIbus liner. Velis'/Volleys/Valleys were first found in Northumberland with Seals. Gore's use "SERVire" and share the white wolf in Crest with Seals.
When Joel visited Picenze in an unlikely scenario, he was on his way to watch the European volleyball championship (in Krakow, Poland). That event was a Set-up from God for heraldic purposes, and Joels/Jewels, first found in Wiltshire with Mortons, can be of "GOUEL de Percival," father of Waleran de Leavell. But suddenly, a Velis/Volley link to the Vallan/Valle/Vallese Shield (= Morton quadrants) is within grasp.
As per the Stefano location to the east side of L'Aquila, Stefano's were looked up just for fun, to find the Comet tower with a comet above it! The Stefano's call it a castle, but it's definitely the Comet tower, in the colors of the Tower tower. The Tower Crest shares the gold griffin with Colans, but, again, I have no way at this time to clinch Colans with Celano. Let's repeat: "The Arms of Pesaro share two hands holding from opposing directions with Jewish Aarons/Arens (Aures liners?)." There is one such hand-and-arm, from the sinister side of the Shield, in the Coat of Stefano-possible Staufers/Stovers. The Bocci-like Bacci's were first found in Aures-like Arezzo, Pesaro and San MARINO. The Aarons/Arens use clouds while Clouds/McLeods share a castle on blue with Stefano's. The Arms of Pesaro's arms have red shirts, possible of the red Tous shirt. The McLeod Clan badge uses a black bull head suspect highly with the Waleran bull head.
Comyns are in Comet colors and format likely for the pair of them being from Herluin de Conteville and Comines. It's interesting that Towers are Lofwicks too while Lofwicks share the Chief/Shield colors of Press'/Prests while throwing in what could be the Waleran bull heads, for it's suspect with the Cole bull while Cole's can be a Colan branch. Walerans lived at Bradfield while Bradfields share the annulets of the Bulls who in-turn share the bull-head design in the Cole Crest.
The Bulls have just got to be from Bullis, near Aulon/Avlona, and so Bullis liners may have been at Velino.
We saw why Valentinian liners trace to the Velino - Celano area, and here one can remind that the Valentin squirrels on a bend are in the colors of the Stevenson leopard faces on a bend while Face's/Fessys are the one's who love the Valentinian-related Segni's/Segurana's. In other words, a Stevenson line is suspect at the naming of Stefano. It strikes me here that Cluns/Clons (black wolf) can be Celano liners because they were first found in Perthshire with Wings and Justine's, and moreover Cluns use the Coat of Salto-river-suspect Saluzzo's. While mount Velino (above the Salto) must have been named by Alans or proto-Alans, it was an Alan of Dol / Shropshire, Mr. FitzAlan, who married Alice of Saluzzo, and I did read that FitzAlans lived in a Clun location of Shropshire. Shropshire is where Colans were first found, perfect for the Alan-of-Velino trace to Alans in Shropshire if Colans were from neighboring Celano?
Colans share the demi griffin with Mauro's/Mauroits (Champagne), the latter in the colors and format of Mars/More's, and there is a More location in Shropshire.
Cluns/Clons share the black wolf in Crest with English Saracens/Sarasins while French Sarasins (Brittany) share the moline of Vallans/Valle's/Vallese's (it's both red and white, COUNTERchanged)! Perfect. And French Valleys/Valle's/Valles' (Stur Coat?) are said to have named Val of Brittany. Vallans use a "quieSCIT" motto term while the Alan>Stewarts use "vireSCIT," now indicating that the Vallan/Valle moline is a form of the same-colored potent cross of Skits/Skeets and Skate's/Skeets. Both Alan Coats are a form of both Gore Coats while white-wolf Gore's use "serVIRE," suspect with the Vire river along with "VIREscit." The Vire river is at Manche, location of Alauna and CROCiatonum, the latter being the line of potent-cross Croce's. Felix's use the potent cross. Manche was home to Masseys in the Whelan Chief.
The three red fesses of Valleys/Valle's are shared by Colins (Ile-de-France, same as Chappes' and Levi's), which gets us close to the Velino-Celano relationship that we can expect. The Levi motto loves the Aids/Ade's, the latter linkable to Stevensons and therefore possibly to L'Aquila's Stefano location.
By the way, English Vallans (wings, yup) are with the Valence's who share red martlets with French Alans and the Westphalia Velens/Valance's. It's thus a super thing that houseofnames changed the Alan ducks to the martlets (same colors), and then also changed the Velen/Valance ducks to the same martlets as Alans. It clinches Vallans/Valle's with Aulon/Avlona liners. Spanish Valens'/Valentins are said to have named Valencia (western Spain). Valens was Valentinian's brother.
Eschyna de Molle married both a Dol Alan (in the line to royal Stewarts), and Robert Croc(e). Molle's share the boar head of Marone's while Morano/Murunum is beside Saracena; we can thus fathom a Saracena line to the Brittany Sarasins. Alans liked the name, WALTer, much like the Vallati variation of Vallans/Valle's. The Sybaris river at Saracena is the line to Supers, first found in Devon with English Stewarts and Velino-possible Walerans. Vallers are also Walere's.
The "QUIEScit" motto term of Vallans/Valle's is like the "QuiesCAM" (full motto) of Stubbings. Back now to the Morano-related Temple's, who share a "quam" motto term with Cambridge's, which seems to me to be code for the latter's Cam river. We are now in the area of Capone's, Chapmans, Julians, and others related to the Quintus-Caepio line, which must trace also to the Colapis with Colchesters, the latter sharing red estoiles with the Press/Prest Chief. The six Cam pale bars could therefore be the six of German Julians in someone else's colors.
The Cam pale bars are in the dancette of Mine's/Menne's/Mince's, and this dancette is otherwise colors reversed from the Valles / West dancette [I got the Valles' wrong here, and so assume it is the dancette of a Valles-like surname)]. It just so happens that while Mine's are also Means, L'Aquila-possible Shaws use the motto, "I mean WELL," now making the Wells and the Wells-branch Vallibus' look like Velino / Valence liners. The Vallibus' share the Arms of Meulan. The "I" motto term can be code for Eye, for Shaw-related Eyers/Ayers come up as "Eyes." The Mens'/MENGzies use the motto, "Vil God I zal," which I have seen with another surname as "WILL God I shall," and so it now appears that Mens/Mengzies were a branch of Minks/Mings / Minelli's/Meneguzzi's/Minco's/Mengs.
The Wests are virtually clinchable with the royal Cottian, Vestalis, and French Julians were first found in Languedoc with Cotta's, the surname of Julius Caesar's mother. Mine's/Menne's/Means (Bedfordshire) are in the "mine" motto term of Cleans/Clains, who were looked up in checking for clues of Celano links. Cleans/Clains are also Lane's, and Lane / Launay liners are suspect with such Alan things Alauna. Launays use FIVE lozenges colors reversed from the keys of Sheaves'/Chiava's. The Clean/Clain tower therefore, in the white of the Abreu/Abruzzo tower, suggests the Tower-Comet-Stefano relationship.
The West griffin is in the double colors of the Tower griffin, and the West griffin emphasizes the ears and beak for a trace through Eyers/Ayers to L'Aquila's Sheaves'/Chiava's. The latter are likely a branch of Chives'/Shewas', and the latter's motto has "vi," like the "via" of Wests that I trace to the Viu valley near the Cottian capital. As I link the Cottians to Masci's of Piedmont (same place as Dance's), it seems that Masci's of Picenze could have been there with Cottian liners, or, at least, Masci's of the Marsi / Abruzzo area migrated to Piedmont and got linked to Cottian liners. The Viu dumps into the Riparia, which flows to Turin, a place suspect with Towers/Toure's, and the Chives location of Chivasso is to the near north of Turin. I expect the Sheaves'/Chiava's to be of Chivasso.
Turin is like "Turano," a river flowing parallel with the Salto, and then Saltz's happen to use a white-on-black fesse (no symbols suggests they love Fessy/Face's alone) that could be the Mine/Menne/Mean fesse. This discussion raises the question on whether Mine's, with Mink/Mence variations, were Minelli's/Minco's/Menci's. The black Saltz wing (Vinkovci, right) forms part of an eagle's leg linkable to black L'Aquila's eagle, and then black eagle's legs are shared by Brae's/Brays, suspect with Bra of Cuneo.
This now makes the line of Mr bocci ball trace to the royal Cottians, to its king Donnus in the Dance/Donnas/Donna surname. August is the son of Mr. bocci ball, and Augusts happen to use another black eagle wing. Who really named August, and doesn't he trace to Julius Caesar's heir and successor? Note that another dancette is used on the Sales/Sallett bend with Coughs/Cuffs. I have argued that, as per an event in the middle of the night, God showed that Dons and Donna's are to link to Bra liner Brazile's / Braswells.
On my atlas, the source of the Turano looks to be between SUBRaco and Avezzano. Subers and Sobers share leaves, but as Sobers use rose leaves, let's mention the rose of Avezzano's. Avezzano-like Vezina's just came to mind to find nothing but three keys in pale.
I now have reason to mention Colin Cowie, a high-school friend, who's been on my mind ever since introducing Colans. I was wondering whether Cowie's (look like a branch of Coverts) can help establish Colans / Colins with the namers of Celano. Cowie's were first found in the Aberdeenshire region with Turins, and both share the same boar heads. Turins are expected with the Turano river that flows side-by-side with the Salto.
[Insert -- I didn't realize the following until the day after writing above. First, let's repeat: "The Colan griffin happens to be in the color of the Sailer / Moster/Master griffin heads, and Sailers use a motto, "Who MOST has SERVED is greatest," meaning that Colans can be a branch of Cole's, who use "SERVA" and were first found in Cornwall. The Seal write-up says that Seal history begins in Cornwall...but, unfortunately, I can't at the moment clinch Colans with "Celano."" Amazingly, the Pennants (Flintshire) beloved in the Cowes pennants share the Most Coat (Flintshire) exactly! Zowie. It appears that Colans / Colins are to be regarded as a merger with the Cowes bloodline, making Colin Cowie suspect as a Set-up. I had dinner at his place at least twice with his parents, and was there several times otherwise.
The Domino's in the Most motto were first found in Piedmont. Just after writing that, I recalled that I almost hit the meridian while turning from the traffic light on Major MacKenzie to Woodbine. I don't recall it being with the MUSTang, but rather with the Firebird. It was pointing directly at Colin's place as I steered it out of the way of the meridian. It was a surprising event, as I remember it, but now have reason to think that God set it up, for I recall that I was driving home with my lady (don't recall her name at the moment) from seeing Cheech and Chong live. The Cheech's are listed with the Shechemite-suspect Checks/Chicks, and they share the red fitchee with "domine"-using Vails/Velis' and Must-related Luffs/Love's (Suffolk, same as Cheech's/Checks/Chicks). Celano is smack beside Velino in the land of the Marsi that, I'll bet, had a tribe like "meridian."
Merritons, for example, who have a Meridan location in WARWICKshire (!), were first found in Durham with Merits/Morets, and Domino's share the tower with Murena's/Moratins. Warwicks share the Chick / Schick lion!!! Astounding. Durham is in Northumberland, where Vails/Velis' were first found, and beside the first-known Warwicks (Shick Coat exactly) in Cumberland. I think I'm to get the impression that Shechemites were with the Marsi and proto-Marsi Marsyas goat (Mortons use the goat). Meritons share green roses with Primo's, first found in Burgundy with the Mars/More's/Maurs/Mers (in Mauro/Mauroit colors and format).
[Days after writing here, I learned that "Poggio Picenze...is also part of the mountain community of Campo Imperatore-Piana Navelli." Navelle's/Neville's were likewise first found in Durham, and they had one Ranulph, as well as a Ralph, bishop of CHICHester. They had a location on the Touques river at Gace(y), which is said to be part of Orne. Chichesters use a Shield filled with checks. The Touque's/Tooks use griffins in the colors of the white Griffin griffin, and the latter use a motto, "NE VILE Velis," tending to confirm that Velis'/Volleys/Valleys were Velino liners if that motto is code for Navelli liners. Griffins use a black talbot head.]
But there is more, for Edith of Polesworth was wife to Sitric Caech, and Polworths share the piles of Cowes'! Bingo, for this makes "Caech" suspect with Cheech's/Checks/Chicks. Poole is on-shore from the Isle of Wight, and while Cowes is on Wight, Poole's share the Chick / Warwick lion. Newport is on Wight while Newports ("modum") share the three black leopard faces of Lice's/Lees' suspect in the motto of Irish Mackays = Sitric > Maccus liners. Chicks share three rampant lions and a white border with Woodbine's.
This is how God worked in my life, to create unusual events for making breakthroughs in my heraldic work decades afterward. It is hard for me to believe that He would have created my attending a sinner's bar to see Cheech and Chong, but however I could try to explain it, that's what it looks like. I was there with friends, or I wouldn't have gone. I recall that I hated being in that bar all-night long, and that the comedians were lousy live. I was maybe two years from my conversion.
I've only now just learned (after writing all the above) that Cheech's surname is Marin. There are four Marin surnames coming up, one suspect with the Morency cross. The bar was in Toronto, perhaps code for Terentia Murena.
Next, I would ask how far God went to set this event up? Did he even name the first name of Tommy Chong? Tommys (Venice), you see, use a CHEQUEy shield [as do Chichesters], and throw in a black talbot, the colors of the "seated dog" of Furnace's/Furness', first found in Lancashire with Shicks/Shake's and black-greyhound Cave's, the latter suspect with the Cavetts (from Cevetta river at Ceva) that almost use the Woodbine bars. While Furnace's/Furness' are from queen Nysa, the line to Ness'/Nessans, the latter share the double fesses of Woodbine-possible Bine's/Binds. The latter were first found in Surrey with Gastons and Gass', both of which use the Tommy chequey, can be believe it? And the French Colins use three of the Woodbine fesses, which are red like the three of Scottish Drummonds.
German Gass' were first found in Hamburg with the Nissans and with the German Drummonds whose three wavy fesses are in colors reversed with Spanish Marins (Castile, same as Murena's/Moratins). Colins can be suspect with the Saluzzo line to Clune's (Perthshire, same as Scottish Drummonds), and thus from Alice of Saluzzo, daughter of Tommy-possible Thomas. In fact, English Thomas' share a black talbot with Tommys, and describe it thus: "A talbot sejant [= seated Talbot] proper with silver and black spots." Heraldic spots can be for the same as what SPUDS MacKenzie (dog mascot) might stand for, and so let's repeat that Colin lived on the corner of Woodbine and Major MacKenzie.
Welsh Thomas' were first found in Breconshire with Clements/Clermonts', who share the wavy bends of Italian Marins/Marina's (Orvieto, near the Cilnius' who married Terentia Murena). Were CLEMs / Clements a Colin branch? The Colin bend now becomes suspect with the Claro/Chiaro bend. End insert]
If Celano goes to Colans and Cole's, one can now add that Torrens/Torrence's share the black bull head of Cole's. Torrens/Torrence's were even first found in Stirlingshire with the EARS-of-wheat Chappes' [French Chappes', same place as Morencys and Colins]. The Torre/Torrence oars are in the colors of the Sheaves'/Chiava keys, making Ore's/Orrs look like Aures > Aures/Aur liners. Ore's/Orrs happen to share the three piles of Guiscards (colors reversed), first found in Stirlingshire. The Guiscard piles are "pennants" in the Coat of Cowie-like Cowes' (Julian cross) whose earliest member is said to be Mr. Ka, a possible Kay/KEY liner beloved in the Sheaves/Chiava keys.
About the only thing I can add on Mr. Cowie is that he had a girlfriend, Heather, and he lived at the corner of Major MacKenzie drive. Kenzie's are Shawia liners, and Heathers are listed with Heths/Heaths ("EsPERE") who share the Peare stars. Whose gold-on-black star is at the center of the Chives / Mathis moline? It's probably that of Capone's, whose stars in-turn are colors reversed from those of Heathers/Heths.
About a week ago or less, a BROWN button dropped to the floor from my brown pants while I was at the toilet. I wasn't going to consider this as an act of God until there was reason for it. The Minelli's use the same bend as Bruno's while August's use the same fesse and Buttons. Is God suggesting that Buttons trace to Picenze elements? Bruno's were first found in Florence/Firenze with Taddei's and Tous'/Tosini's, and the latter not only use a man with red shirt and buttons, but the same eight-pointed stars as Minelli's. The latter look to be using the Coat of Wise's/Weis' (white wing, same as Masci's), whom I have linked to Pero's (Piedmont).
If the toilet was Intended as code for Tollets, they are with the Tulls/Tolle's that share the Ferrand checks and moreover lived at Clermont-Ferrand. English Ferrands, because they have a version of the Taddei Chief, suggest "Firenze." Tollets share the black anchor with Avezzano-liner Avisons.
Browns have a "Floreat" motto term to indicate the Bruno's of Florence. Browns can be using the fleur of Masci's and Cake's/Cakebreads (same place as Capone's, same colors).
There was no plan I knew of to lay out this brown-button event immediately after the mention of Cowie's, but it looks related. The Heather motto is, "Espere MIEUX," and it's first of all interesting that Firenze-possible Fire's share a giant, white unicorn with French LeMIEUX's/Meux's. Meuks/Meaux's/Muse's (Yorkshire, same as Ferrands) happens to share patee crosses in a red Chief with Ferrands and Taddei's. It's interesting that Lemieux's show a Moule variation while being in Molle colors, for this could reveal that Mole's, and Jacques de Molay, were originally Muse-river liners.
A few weeks or months after God emphasized a small, unopened bag of red buttons from my trailer, I found a small bag of unopened brown buttons (I wrote about both events) in the inside pocket of a blue jacket several years old. The Jackets/Jaycocks might just be from Jacques de Molay (Templar grand master), whose Arms use patee crosses and the Bruno Coat, amazingly enough. I don't recall making this brown-button link to de-Molay (but my memory has gone south badly).
Wikipedia has now changed the painting of Jacques once again, this time from a red moline on his breast, back to the black one, in the colors of the Chives / Mathis moline. In red, it is the Vallan / Sibal / Sarasin moline. And while the brown button ended up a foot from the toilet, the Tollet/Tolle checks are on the Shield of the Arms of Massa-Carrara, which shares the Mattis/Massi Coat (with possibly the Temple / L'Aquila eagle in Chief). "Little is known of his early years, but Jacques de Molay was probably born in Molay, Haute-Saone, in the County of Burgundy..." Mathis' were first found in Burgundy with Marsi-line Mars.
The Molay article shows the same Molay painting, this time with a red-on-gold moline. Why does he have a forked beard? Every clue is suspect in such paintings. His sword is pointing down at an angle, and could therefore be the Fesch sword, especially as Fisks share the pyramid with Tollets/Tolle's. Both his sword and that of Feschs is white with a gold handle. From the Fieschi of Genova, we go to the moline of Fessy-beloved Segni's/Segurana's. It's easy to make important links when God helps out.
The brown button came off brown pants, and I have dealt with a pant sign before, from Lorraine (girlfriend), whose bus stop turned out to be code for Paioni i.e. to Paions/Payens. "Bus stop" was figured out as code for the Paioni cities of Stobi and AstiBUS, and you will shortly see why Asti pertains to this brown button. Lorraine's white pants led to Pansys/Pantzers and/or Panthers/Panters, both of which can apply here amazingly. First, the Pansys/Pantzers were first found in Westphalia with Velens/Valence's and Velins. Second, Pansy's/Pantzers share doves with Payen-line Page's, and we expect Jacques de Molay to be from the bloodline of the first grand master of the Templars, Hugh de Payens. The latter visited Sinclairs at Roslin upon returning from the Jerusalem temple, suggesting that the Sinclair cross is of the black moline on Molay's breast. Roslins use square buckles, and the painting has de-Molay wearing a belt with square buckle. Stops/Stubbs use buckles.
The Payen stars are called "spur rowells," same as the different objects in the Panther/Panter Chief, indicating that the latter were a Payen / Pane / Paine branch. But that's not all, for de-Molay is shown with a sharp spike, what could be construed as a version of cowboy spurs, behind each foot. That's not all, for Bruno's are said to have had a branch at Piedmont's Asti, in Cuneo, and Cuneo-liner Conys use a coney rabbit holding a pansy. The brown button from my brown pants speaks of the Templar grand masters. Why would God want to do this?
I have more. About two months ago, I dropped both bags of buttons into a garbage box in my living room (place still under construction). I was thinking that the buttons had run their course, but about a week ago, I saw the bag of red buttons on the living-room floor (box was gone into the garage), meaning that they fell out of the box somehow. This took place as I was cleaning the living room out in preparation of laying PINE floor boards (I can't afford more expensive at this time). The bag is now gone, and I can't remember what I did with it, which may turn out to be another Clue if and when I find it again.
The points are: 1) French Pine's (Limousin, same as Clairs) use the three Jacket/Jaycock crescents, can we believe it; 2) French Pine's share the Panther/Panter fesse with white symbols upon it; 3) Spike's/Specks, as per the spike on de-Molay's feet, show a porcuPINE; 4) Trails/Traylers (Bedfordshire) use MASCLEs (code for Masci's) and share "DiscRIMINe" with Masci-liner Hamons; 5) Maschi's/MASKALys (RIMINI) use PINE cone's: 6) "DiscriMINE," as opposed to "DiscRIMINI" of Hamonds, can be code for the Mine's/Minks, suspect with Minelli's/Minco's who share the bend of Jacques de Molay; 7) Hamons use "pean" vair fur, and Peans are listed with Payens (almost a version of the Trail/Traylor/PENtrail Coat. "PENTRail" may indicate a branch of Panters / Penders.
To all that I'll bring in the Box's (Pender lion?) because I dropped both bags of buttons into a garbage box. The Box's may be with a white version of the Maschi lion, and do share the griffin heads of Mosters/Masters (Kent, same as Hamons). Amazingly, I can now prove that the box was a Set-up, for the demi griffin in the Box Crest holds a fireball, the Ball symbol, and so Box's are probably a branch of the Bocci's!!! Zowie, this can be fun at times. The Box demi griffin is that of Colans too.
I haven't picked the button up at the toilet yet. I kicked it toward the wall yesterday, but while visiting the toilet an hour ago, I noted that the button is directly under the window. And the Window Coat is a version of the Moster/Master Coat, and suspect with the Quint Crest. Quints are Brock kin and Bocci's look to have Brock variations. But there is more, for the brown pants (with belt) I have on right now, which lost the button, were owned by Joel, and Joels were first found in Wiltshire with Box's. It was Joel whom God used to discover Mr bocci ball's surname.
When I learned that Joel was giving away some old clothes, I asked if I could have some as work clothes. The brown pants I have on are chachi's, perhaps code for Sitric Caech, suspect with Cake's/Cakebreads. Box's share a lion in Bread/Bradd-lion colors, and Breads/Bradds were first found at the Roslin theater. The Bread/Brad lion can be the Chick / Schick lion, which indicates that Mr. Caech was a Shechemite liner. Shicks/Shake's use MOLEhills. Schicks are Schickels while Shakle's/Shakells use mascles as buckles. Bucklow was home to Marsi-possible Mere's. Jewish Schicks don't show a Coat, but finding a Jewish surname with Shechemite suspects is helpful for proving that they were indeed Shechemites.
As Bocci's were first found in Genova with Doria's, it's interesting that the black Doria eagle is that also of Bookers (the latter also show a green eagle).
Back to the spike on de-Molay's feet. The Spike's/Specks are said to be of Mr. FitzRoy of Oakhampton, but as that place was ruled by a son-in-law of Godwin of Dol, the Spike's/Specks may be using the Dol fesse (as bars). As the Dol fesse comes with a whale, note how Oakhampton is in Devon with Bramton-related Walerans, for Brampton Speke of Devon is in the Spike/Speck write-up too. The Bramton lion must be of the six used by Godwins (Alan fesse).
At the end of the paragraph above, I suddenly got a strong urge to visit the toilet. This time I picked up the button, and while doing so first noted that it was on an OAK floor (installed a couple of years ago). It then came to mind that this is a FLOATing (engineered) wood floor, seemingly relevant because Godwin of Dol was probably of the Dol Alans, while Alans descend from Flaad. Flatts/Fletts share a version of the Float/Flott Coat, can you believe this? Just when I thought it couldn't get more entertaining...
The Floats are said to use a "dears head," and Dears'/Dears were first found in Bedfordshire with the Trails/Traylers, which I assume ought to link to red Buttons, and here the Godwin / Alan bend is red, as with the Button bend. But that's not all, or I probably wouldn't have suggested a Godwin link to Buttons. The Floats were at Norfolk's Holme, and Holme's happen to share a chapeau cap with Buttons, can we believe this, all from the floating oak floor boards minutes ago. The Holme chapeau is on a red lion head, probably the Godwin lion head, but as Robert D'Avranches of Oakhampton was from Ferte-Mace, note that the Godwin Coat is a version of the Must/Muscat Coat. Hugh Lupus D'Avranches was called, Flaithe.
The floor BOARDs? Boards were first found in Sussex with Saddocks, and they share versions of one another's Coats. Boards (same place as Saddock-related Mascals) share the antelope in Crest with Musts/Muschats. The floor-like Flora's are probably from Florence with Browns, and this is a brown button on the floor boards. Flore's share the fleur-de-lys of Flora's / Ferdinands / Masci's, and Flore's use them in the two colors scheme's of both Vezina Coats (in case they apply).
But there's more, for Buttons were first found in Hampshire with Flys, and that place is SouthAMPTONshire, thus suspect with OakHAMPTON. Buttons are said to have been at Bath and Wells (near Oakhampton), in Somerset with the first-known Oaks that share oak leaves with Alans. It's making Wells suspect with Velin / Velen liners (the latter share the Alan martlets). Flys were at Flagi/Flavian, suspect with Flags/Flecks, in Norfolk along with HOLME. Did I leave anything out? I got the oak boards for a great deal at HOME depot.
Aha! There is a Depot/Pot surname in French-Porter colors!!! Those exclamatons are due to the Porters using nothing but a bend in colors reversed from nothing-but-a-bend Bruno's (Florence). Unbelievable? But then English Porters/PAWTERs are in the colors of POTTERs, and both were first found in Hampshire with Buttons! I had no idea that a mere fallen button could squawk this much. Buttons are also Bidens.
I didn't realize until writing the paragraph above that Depots/Pots and French Porters were both first found in Berry. It appears that Pots and Ports merged in explaining why Pawters look like Potters. There is even a Deport surname first found in Hants (Hampshire) and Dorset probably using a version of the Caplan Coat. Caplans (same place as Buttons) are suspect as the Capelli's that own the Button chapeau.
or, Cheech and Chong Entertain Us
L'Aquila Outskirts
Never buy an HP machine. This company is rotten to the core. My Hewlett Packard computer shuts down every couple of weeks or less, if I put it to sleep nightly, against my will. It did so last night so that I needed to reload things, including the L'Aquila map. In that process, I came across the map below with the L'Aquila outskirts, with Temple-like Tempera showing beside PAGANica, and to the near south of the latter is Bazzano, which can be from Bassania, on the dark map beside the Mathis river. Bazzano should be part of the Meschins of the Bessin, and may be related to "AVEZZANO," especially as the Avezzano line to Avesnes had nobles who married Pagan-suspect ChamPAGNE.
There is a Bazzano surname with a lily, so perfect because the fleur-de-lys (a lily) is code for Lys'/Lisse's from Lissus, smack beside Bassania! Beautiful. It's tracing Cavii smack to L'Aquila, as expected. And Cave's share the fretty / Coat of Caens, the latter from the Bessin. The Bazzano lily is called a "melograno flower on a gold triple mount." It's in the design of the so-called "lily" of Susans (Berkshire, same as Sheaves'/Shaws and Modens/Modeys), suspect from Susa, the Cottian capital on the Riparia river. It make's Cave's suspect with the Chives namers of nearby Chivasso, and of course the Meschin-branch Masci's were first found somewhere around Chivasso. The lily is used by the Cetis surname while proto-Bessin / proto-Bazzano Bassus' ruled Cetis.
"Melograno" must be the Italian word for pomegranate, and so expect a Bazzano link to Grazio's of Umbria (Bazzano's can use both the lily and pomegranate). Later in the update, I am reminded that Carlows use the pomegranate, and it's Nola's that were first found in Carlow, suggesting Felice of Nola, beloved of Picenze. It clinches Nola's with Felice. Picenze could be as little as three miles from Bazzano. I did walk to a neighboring village once while in Picenze. It could have been Bazzano.
Bazzano's were first found in MODENa, perfect for linking to Caens. Now I know why I have been stressing Cavii for years, because God had intended to bring me to this Cavii line at L'Aquila, which I can predict was in Picenze too. The Caen and Cave fretty in on blue, as is that the Modens/Modeys.
I'd like to re-visit Minelli's and bring in Liza Minnelli, an old and famous stage performer. I'd like to go to the sleeping-bag dream, where DAVID MORLEY was on a MOTOR bike, but where the dream ended with Christine Peare and I upon a stage inside a mall that was code for the Mauls/Morleys. The last scene of that dream was my pulling Christine by the WAIST upon that stage. It was code for Waistells (= Vestalis the Cottian, in my opinion), who use a horse at full gallop, and I was on her horse only once, when it took me for a gallop. The Gallops use a version of the David bend, but the gallops use it on a gold bend, in both colors of the Colan/Colin bend, the ones with the Joseph / Fly and PULLING/Pullen martlets. I was PULLING her toward me by her waist, and Pullings/Pullens use a motto term (culpa) on behalf of Colps/Culps/Cups (same place as Turins and the Tarves home of Chives') while Christine's use cups.
Christine's were first found in the Isle of Man, where we can expect Manette's in the L'Aquila motto along with motor-like Mota's. And the Minette's/Mynetts are said to be from Cotes-du-Nord, same as Motts/Mottins! Bango. I now say that the Amyntes Galatians, of a Maccabee kind, were in L'Aquila or proto-L'Aquila.
For David's motor bike, there is a Moter surname (Auvergne, where Christine's trace as per Bouillons) that happens to share the Colan / Gallop bend. And Minelli's can enter this picture because they use a version of the Wise/Weis Coat while "Be bold, be wyse" is the Gallop motto. That motto can be construed as part-code for Bee liners expected in the bees of Bessins. But it appears that God brought Liza Minnelli to fame because her fist name is probably from Lissus. The David's (and therefore Gallops) have been resolved with the Levi lion, and Levi's were first found in Ile-de-France with Lys'/Lisse's and Chappes'. The MODERbie variation of Modens/Modeys may apply to Moters.
The Hampshire Lise's, by the way, share the red fesse of Caens, a perfect way to link Liza Minnelli to Cavii elements at Bazzano's naming. And I've just loaded Monets (same place as Manette's/Manets), who are in the Manette/Manet write-up, to find another version of the Minelli Coat, this time with besants, code for Bessin liners. The Monet Coat is comparable with that of Cours/LeCOURTs, and the latter's bend rises in the sinister direction. Monets come up as Moneys while English Moneys/Monie's are said to be from Orne i.e. in the Bessin. Moneys/Monets are said to derive in "Hamon," which, if correct, suggests Hamon de Masci.
When I entered the mall, there were two women on a stage. In the next scene, I was on a stage beside their stage. The next scene was Miss Peare on my stage with me pulling her by the waist, and it felt so good, just as it felt so good when I slept in the same bed with she and her friend, Louise. The last time I saw Louise, she said she was getting into choreography i.e. stage productions, suggesting that she was the second woman on the stage. There was no sex that night, but I awoke in the middle of the night with an arm around Christine's waist, pulling her toward me by her belly. Bouillons use "bello Christi," and de-Bouillon's brother, king BALDwin of Jerusalem, was traced to the Baltea river through Chivasso much earlier than when the sleeping-bag dream took place. And one can see that Stage's/Staggs are a branch of the Stacey variation of Eustace's, from Eustace II, father of de-Bouillon and Baldwin.
It therefore gives me cause to predict that the first Templar king of Jerusalem was from L'Aquila elements. The Bags in the sleeping-bag code happen to share the Grimaldi Coat, and my mother's maiden name is, Grimaldi.
Bagley Wood of the Bagleys (Shropshire/SALOP, same as SLEEPs) is in Berkshire with Modens/Moderbie's, and David Morley, on his motor bike, circled the area where I (Grimaldi-Masci liner) picked up the sleeping bag. David's were first found in Cheshire with Meschin liners from the mother's (Masci) side of my mother. Bagleys share the ram with Bauts, first found in Auvergne with Bouillons and Moters, can be believe it, and Bauts were the first clue that Baldwins were from the Baltea, for it's also the BAUTica. "Be BOLD, be wyse" can be partly for Baltea liners, especially as this river starts near the Savoy border.
I can expect Gallops (have motto above) to be from king Gala/Gaia, the line to Galli's and Gays, the latter first found in Savoy with Manette's that were found this morning. The motto of L'Aquila is "Immota MANET," and Manette's/Manets/Mannai's share the giant L'Aquila eagle in both colors. I had loaded "Manet" days ago, but this surname did not come up with it even though it shows such a variation. We now have good evidence that the L'Aquila motto is code for surnames, and it's even linking strongly to the Gala > Massena line to Meschins. Portuguese Mota's use fleur-de-lys.
Both Galli's and Gays share the gold rooster with Heathers/Heths, who came to topic with Heather, Colin's girlfriend. Colans/Colins are still suspect with Celano. Colin's surname, Cowie, share the Turin boar heads. And Cowes' share the Julian cross with sinister-canton Schole's while the latter share the lozengy Shield of Scottish Orme's/Horme's, first found in Aberdeenshire with Cowie's and Turins. Orme's/Horme's/Orens happen to share the double chevrons of Manells, Chaplains and Josephs (same place as English Lise's). Bagley Wood is in HORMer, and Orme's/Horme's/Orens are likely Orne liners. This makes the Bag lozengy linkable to that of Orme's/Horme's, and it moreover tends to disclose that Orme liners were at Bagley WOOD.
Colin lived at the corner of WOODbine, where I had the near-accident on the night I saw Cheech and Chong. Cheech's are suspect with Shechemite's, from Schimatari, home of Orion's father (forget his name), if I recall correctly. Is that not amazing?
Moreover, Otters/Others are from Lombards while another lozengy Shield is used by Scottish Lombards (Renfrewshire, same as oar-suspect Orrs). The Otters/Others are said to be proto-Windsors (from a castle-keeper of Windsor castle), and Bagley Wood is in the same place as Windsor castle. Woods use a "Defend" motto suspect with otter-using Fenders (HUNTINGdon shire, same as Otters/Others). The mythical hunter, Orion, has been suspect with "Orne." Holme's, with the eight Woodbine bars in colors reversed, use a Chaplain-like chaplet, and the Huntingdonshire Taylards have the Chives quadrants in colors reversed.
On the right side of the Lombard Shield there is a giant, black eagle that could be the L'Aquila eagle. The black lozengy is on the sinister half. These Lombards are said to have acquired FULton from Alan Stewart. Fulton, which may be in relation to Fulbert, the Pollock patriarch, shares the Mason/Massin lion. Fultons were first found in Roxburghshire with Molle's (and Maxwells) while Eschyna de Molle married Walter, a proto-Stewart who might be Walter, the said son of Alan Stewart above. Eschyna's daughter married Robert Pollock, son of Fulbert above, and then Eskins/Erskins were first found in Renfrewshire with Pollocks (and Lombards). In this picture, if the Lombard eagle is that of Temple's (they are in the same colors), Fulbert, said to be "the Saxon," might have been of the Temple-Macey relationship, highly suspect with king Maccus, and Pollocks are known to be a sept of Maxwells = MACCUSwells. Perfect, especially as Temple's and Maxwells share the black eagle.
Temple's even share the martlet of Pullys/Pullings/Pullens, suspect with Fulbert-suspect Fullers, and Fulton-like Pultons/Poltons use the stars of Polesdons/Pullestons (Cheshire, same as Temple's) in colors reversed.
Now as Liza Minnelli is apparently a part of the Lissus > Lys/Lise picture, I'm struck by the fact that she dark-haired and thin, as was Louise. In fact, although Louise had long hair, the last time I saw her, she had man-like short hair, just like Liza often does. Liza did choreography, right? I don't recall it dawning on me that Lois' could be a Lys/Lise branch. It just so happens that a Lys river flows though Artois (location of Lille), where Lois' were first found.
While Louise appeared in the sleeping-bag dream, Louis' share the three, blue lozenges of Bagleys. The latter's ram head is blue, and while the Baut ram would be blue in colors reversed, there is another Lys river, a tributary of the Bautica. The latter Lys is near the Sesia river, possibly explaining why the lily is used by the Sestie/Cetis surname.
Repeat from above: "Colans share the demi griffin with Mauro's/Mauroits (Champagne), the latter in the colors and format of Mars/More's, and there is a More location in Shropshire." This was quoted where Colans seemed to be clinched with Celano of the Marsi. The purpose here is to investigate whether Tempera, Paganica and Bazzano, all three on the east side of L'Aquila's outskirts, can link to the "DAMPne" motto term of Mauro's/Mauroits. Bazzano-like Avezzano married nobles of ChamPAGNE, a potential Paganica line. That motto term is first-of-all suspect with Temple's, and the Murena/Moratin eagles are in Temple-eagle colors. Lest you have forgotten, Temple's are paired heraldically with the wreath of Moor heads from Morano / Marano liners.
As we saw, Temple's (Cheshire) share the Colan / Joseph / Fly martlet. And English Josephs love the Charo's that share a blue bend with Knee's/Nee's suspect in the "DampNE N'ES pas" motto of Mauro's/Mauroits. Josephs use "Cas NI charo" as a phrase. We can keep in mind that the Joseph garbs can be the Arms-of-Cheshire garb.
Dempers/Dampers use the lion in the colors of the Temple eagle, but this alone is insufficient for a decent link to "Tempera." The "Dominus" motto term of Dempers/Dampers can be for Piedmont's Domino's, for the Arms of Piedmont shares the label with the Demper/Damper Chief. Domino's share the tower with Murena's/Moratins, and the latter's eagles, one of which faces sinister to indicate Masci liners, are in the colors of the Temple eagle. One Temple Coat is a version of the Macey Coat, but the latter's Coat is even better with French Gobels (probably the Masci wing), first found in Champagne with Maur's/Mauroits that brought us to Dempers/Dampers in the first place.
It just so happens that there's a label with PAGANells/Pings/Pongs while Paganica is beside Demper-like Tempera. And can we believe it, there's the L'Aquila eagle, apparently, in a mural crown in the Paganell Crest. That's a great find, and recalls that Kepke loved playing ping-pong with me in his BASEment, where he kept a white pet rat (was pretty good looking).
It's interesting that Roits, suspect in "MaurROIT," are listed with Jewish Rothchilds showing two sinister features. See Reuters/Roytters too with a "Per" motto term. Rats are also Raids and very linkable to the Rothschild-beloved Rose's.
The "petra" motto term of Dempers/Dampers, along with their DemPIER variation, suggest such things as Flavius Petro of Rieti, where I trace Josephs as per Flavius Josephus (Roman historian). It can also suggest Pierro's/Pero's/Petris' and Sempers/St. Pierre's; the latter happen to use lions in the colors of the DEMPster lion. DempSTERs/DempSTARs share Istria-suspect "STRenue" with Flavian-liner Pollocks, from Pola (also known as Pietas-Julia) of Istria, where I trace other Rothschild kin, such as Pettys. Dempsters were first found in Perthshire, suspect with Perts/Petts. Dempsters share the sword of Dempseys.
The first time that Mr. Quinn (doper) introduced Cheech and Chong to me, we had a laugh listening to one getting into the other's car and going something like, "wow, look at all those dingle balls, man." It was a spoof on guys who think dingle balls are cool. Now that Mr. bocci ball has brought us to the Ball surnames (Bocci-like Box's share a fireball with the Cheshire Balls), what about those dingle balls? In the 3rd update of last month, while on the Picenze topic, it was said:
I'm now realizing that the ice cream will turn out to be a Picenze element. The Ice eagle may even be from neighboring L'Aquila...Recall how Mary looked like code for earls of Mars near Ross-shire, by way of Marys using the Ross Coat in colors reversed.For some reason I can't recall, Dingwall, an old capital of Ross-shire came to mind, and so I loaded Dingle's/Dingwalls to see its gold fleece again. This time, I looked for a fleece-like surname, and almost gave up until Felice of Nola, the patron saint of Picenze, popped to mind. The Nola's/Nolans use the same passant lion as Scottish Mars, in the colors of the RAMpant lion of Ross', and Rams are in the colors and format of French Mars, the latter said to be named after a ram, but this looks like code by someone who knew the relationship between the two.
First of all, I hadn't yet re-loaded the L'Aquila article at the time to see that it's in both colors of the Ice eagle. Ice's are the ones with the trefoils of Picenze-suspect Pike's. This gets a little strange because I'm not of the persuasion that God would use a couple of doper actors (who play to druggies) to give heraldic code. But it does seem that Dingle's and Balls can be related to Picenze elements. The dingle balls were in an Impala, which is the model of the first car I owned. Imps, in case they apply, were first found in Essex with Chicks, and look like Quint(us-Caepio) kin.
There is a Tingle surname ("stalks of wheat," can connect to "ears of wheat" of Bocci's), first found in Cambridgeshire with the Cam river suspect in the "quam" motto term of Temple's. Cambridgeshire is also where Caech-suspect Cake's/Cakebreads were first found while Breads/Bradds once again share the Chick / Schick / Warwick lion. So, Cheech's/Checks/Chicks might just have been of the Cambridgeshire Cake's (Jeune fleur in colors reversed). Sitric Caech is suspect with Side's who share the Coat of the Cambridgeshire Knapps.
Temple's might derive in a Table/Tapley variation that goes to king Arthur's round table, for Table's/Tapleys share hurts with Irish Arthurs. The ping-pong table is coming to mind as an interesting consideration where PENdragon may have been a Paine, and therefore a Paganica > Ping/Pong liner. The Rome's/Rooms, who happen to share the same fesse as Table's/Tapleys, use a motto term for the Pung variation of Pings/Pongs, and moreover Rome's/Rooms (Dumfries, same as Annandale) can be gleaned with Ananes Gauls in Placentia.
Temple-like Semple's/Simple's/Sample's ("Keep tryst") use fretty in their chevron but call it "CHECKered." And Semple's/Simple's use hunting horns in jibing with Orion the hunter and Orne-Bessin liners. There is a Checker/Chequer surname (coat filled with checks/chequey), first found in Hampshire with L'Aquila-line Drake's. I assume that they own heraldic checks. As I was driving the FIREbird on the night of Cheech and Chong (I had sold the Mustang by then), it's interesting that Checkers share the Fer/Ferrat Coat. The Bird Crest might just be using the three Marin/Marina bends, in which case I might argue that God chose the Firebird for me for this cause of linking Birds / Fire's to Cheech Marin.
In fact, I have told several times that Miss Walsh, when having a spat with her boyfriend (Mr. Kepke), abruptly got into the passenger seat of the Firebird, closing the door on Kepke just outside, as he sat down on the curb. I leaned over from the driver's seat and gave her a kiss on the CHEEK, I have no idea what prompted me to do this, except that Cheeks are listed with Cheech's/Checks. That explains it. But why Kim Walsh? It just so happens that Kims share the cinquefoils of Thomas', suspect with Tommy Chong.
In fact, I've just looked him up to find that he was born, Thomas B. KIN Chong! I kid you not, the Kims show a M'Kin variation, and come up as "Kin," and I've already explained why Kims are a Shechemite suspect. We begin with Schims/Shands/Schiens, a branch of Skene's (both from Aberdeenshire with Cowie's), and then Shins/Chine's share the Coat of Kemmis'/Kenys' (Gloucestershire, beside the Shins), apparently a branch of Kims/Kins. The latter's Coat is in the Shimmie/Kimmie/Kynnie/Cammie Coat. So, it just floors me that God would be pointing to Cheech and Chong also with Kim Walsh.
Kepke was sitting on the curb, and I did a perfect turn with the Firebird at the traffic lights in front of the Cowie residence, except that I was headed straight for the curb of the meridian (never did that before, and was shocked that I did it then). Apparently, God even drives someone's car without anyone knowing it. The problem is, there is no Curb surname coming up. But it's amazing that Irish Shins (black dog again) share the bend of Colans/Colins (the Temple martlet, right?).
Though Semple's/Simple's show no Crest, it is said to have "A blue stag's head with a crown." Blue stag heads are those of Hanna's that share a fitchee-over-crescent in Crest with the Cheech/Check Crest. Keeping in mind that Birds use the Bouillon flory in colors reversed, let's add that Stage's/Staggs use blue stag heads too.
The Chives / Mathis moline has a star that's a lone star in the Templeton/TEMPERton Chief, and Temple's probably have the Joseph martlet. As Tempera is at L'Aquila, let's repeat that the Sheaves/Chiava's were first found in L'Aquila while being a branch of Shaws that are in the "shaw" motto phrase in the Arms of Ayrshire (includes the Arms-of-Carrick chevron), which is where Templetons were first found. Eyers/Ayers are Eyes' too while Eye is in Suffolk, where Cheech's/Checks were first found. The Arms of Ayrshire include the Checker/Chequer checks as they belong to Stewarts.
Carians at the Curb
The Arms of Carrick is shared by Kennedys, whose Irish branch uses a SCIMitar as code for Shechemites through Schimatari. In the Bible, Shechemites were close to Kenite's, the proto-Kennedys. And Kenite's became suspect with Cunninghams, whose "SHAKE fork" is in the Arms of Ayrshire too. And can you believe that there is a CURBy surname (listed with Kirkbys/Kerwicks) sharing an anchor in Crest with the Ayrshire Kyle's? The Curby anchor has a green snake coiled around it as indication of the Marsi snake cult. Curbys were not only first found in Lancashire with Shicks/Shake's, but share their colors. The Curby fesse probably has the crescents of Coffers/Coffare's, first found in Somerset with Shins/Chine's. Mr. Kepke sat on the curb, and while he was born, Lawrence, Lawrence's were first found in Lancashire too.
There is another Kerwick surname shown properly as "Kirby," and this one shares the double fesses of Woodbine-suspect Bine's. I would suggest that Curbys/Kerwicks are a branch from a variation of Kerns/Keirans (Irish), for they use a chevron colors reversed from the Shick/Shake chevron. German Kerns are linkable to Roets, first found in the same place as Coffers/Coffare's. Wow, recall that coffee I had in Victoria that was code for Coffee's/Coffers ("victoria" motto term), for Woodbine and Major MacKenzie is 1.25 miles south of downtown Victoria Square! "The modern community of Victoria Square is bounded by 19th Avenue, Warden Avenue, Woodbine Avenue and Major MacKenzie Drive." I was turning north into Victoria Square on Cheech-and-Chong night. I drove through it, but can't remember where I was headed. I know I didn't sleep with the young lady I was with. I can't remember the drive to that meridian; all I remember is the lousy night in the too-packed, smoky bar, and the meridian event.
This tends to prove that the curb I almost hit is code for the Curbys/Kerwicks (share the Coffer crescents). I ask you, who named Victoria SQUARE? God? The Square's use a "ferme" motto term while the full Curby/Kerwick motto is, "Firm."
[A couple of days after writing here, the Navelle's/Neville's were loaded as per a Navelli area around Picenze, and while they were in the bishopric of Chichester, Chichesters (Shield filled with chequey) use a "HERON rising," code for Orne, where Navelle's/Neville's were first found, but the point here is the "Firm" motto term of Chichesters, tending to confirm that the curb is to be included as code for Curbys. Moreover, Navelle's/Neville's were at Gace while Wassa's/Gace's call their canton a SQUARE. Amazing, is it not? It appears that God was pointing to Check liners in the Picenze area. Chichesters have the Irish Fleming Coat in reverse.]
I played organized baseball (fast ball) in Victoria Square. There are only two or three memorable things in that year of baseball: 1) I hit the team's only home run; 2) the back-CATCHER was so impressed by my pitching (we were close to one another, however) that he convinced the coach to try me out that night. I blew it so bad after one inning that it was my last pitch (the distance to the plate was too long for me, unaccustomed to it). The Catchers/Catch's, suspect with Shechemites, share the scallops of Mars, and Marsi are already figuring in as Shechemite kin. Pitch's were first found in Silesia with German Kerns/Karens. And as per the home run, French Home's (towers Mar / Catcher colors) may apply, for they are said to be from St. Maur, and then French Mauro's share the colors and format of Mars. Impressive, isn't it?
But I didn't yet know that German Kirks (Austria, same as Ferdinands) use a giant tower in the colors of the Home towers. Curbys are also KIRKbys. CORBieres in France's Aude is beside Narbonne, and this same tower is shared by Narbonne's/Denardo's.
Recall the brown button on the FLOATING oak floor, code for Oak and Oakhampton elements from Flaad of the Dol Alans. Pitcher use: "Perchevron ermine and blue with two branches of OAK in chief proper, and a state barge FLOATING in water in BASE proper." BASEball. Or should we view it as baseBALL since French Balls were first found in Brittany? Floats/Fletts are a branch of Flags/Flecks, the namers of Flagi/Flavian of the Flys.
We had a lousy team, lost a lot. In the third memorable event (I played center field), I made CATCH of a FLY BALL (no guff at all) well over my head. I virtually dove while running back, and snagged it a couple of feet from the ground before hitting the ground myself, very satisfying because I put everything I had into it. But, drats, it was just a miracle, no credit to me at all. It was Done to point to the Flys (in the motto of L'Aquila-liner Drake's), wasn't it? Flags/Flecks are obvious kin of Palmers, perhaps Paloma liners.
I asked Laura out at this baseball diamond, but she turned me down. She's been mentioned before as the girlfriend (later) of Larry Barret (most recently in the 1st update of last month). That's LAWRENCE Barret, right? Yes, and Lawrence's are LAURence's too. Lawrence Kepke sat on the curb (at the La Paloma bar) that represented the curb (I now think) at the southern boundary of Victoria Square. It seems that God is wanting to connect Lawrence liners to Victoria's and/or their Shechemite kin. Victoria-loving Coffee's/Coffers share the cup with Lawrence-suspect Laurie's (laurel) and Lowrys.
And what about Barrets? French Barrets use a "bien deSIREr" phrase, and English Barrets were first found in Worcestershire with the Sire-branch Square's/Squire's. I asked his girl-to-be out at Victoria SQUARE (she may have already been with him). The English Barrets use many bars in the colors of the Bine fesses, suggesting the Woodbine's may have been a Wood merger with Biens (possibly the Mackay sept of Beans/Bains). There is a black dog in the Crest of French Barrets that connects to the marriage of king Pharnaces (Furnace's) to queen Nysa, the line to Ness' that share the Bine fesses. Carricks use "Garde BIEN" and likewise have a black dog (another dog head in the Barrel Crest with ear emphasized). German Biens: Silesia, same as Pitch's. Pitcher-beloved Barge's/Berge's were likewise first found in Worcestershire.
Now all of this is excellent for proving that God set Colin Cowie up with Heather, for Heathers are with McHeths, and some say that McHeths were identical to Mackays. While I don't agree, I will concede a merger of the two because I see Mackays at Moray's Fortriu while McHeths were at Moray and/or neighboring Ross-shire. The point is, Mackays are Caws too, like "Cowie." I therefore assume that God put Mr. Cowie with heather to show me that Cowie's were Mackays, for Mackays have the sept of WoodBINE-suspect Biens/Beans. But it's also true that Adams show a Caw variation, and they are from Adam Kilconquhar, first husband of Marjory Carrick, and so it seems that Carricks were married to a Mackay sept, the Biens. Ayrshire is even the location of the first-known Mackeys that come up as Marjory-like "Margy."
But if God wanted to show that Cowie's were Mackays, from Maccabees, can we also assume that a Celano > Colin line had Maccabees of some sort? Proto-Maccabees at mount Cyllene? Ah, my old theory that Maccabees proper were from CILNius Maecenas' ancestor. It looks like I was correct with that guess. I guessed that Maecenas was from king Massena, from the Numidian land of the MacKenzie's, and so it seems that God, if he wanted to arrange it that way, could have named Woodbine avenue too, just because Woodbine's were important Massena / Numidian liners for His purposes through me.
Perhaps the Woodbine's are using the lion of Ranulph le Meschin. Woodbine's were first found in Northumberland, where Maccus' grandfather (Sitric Caech) had established some Saxon relations. The Woodburn variation suggests the Burns and Bernice's of neighboring Cumberland. As I said, Cowes' share the three piles of Polworths while Sitric married Edith of Polesworth, making Cowes' suspect with a Caw-like variation of Mackays. The Whiteburn variation of Woodbine's may therefore relate to the Isle of Wight, location of Cowes.
English Wights with possibly the L'Aquila eagle, and a "death" motto term linkable to Motts/Morte's, were first found in Durham with Navelle's/Neville's, the latter suspect from Picenze for the first time in this update. And the "Loyal" motto term of the same Wights is in the "Loyalite" of Margesons/Mackesys (Sussex, same as Felix's), who appear to have the same combination of surnames as Margys/Mackeys. This is not the first time that I've traced Mackays to the Isle of Wight.
Now the Colins/Colans use the same griffin as Griffins, and it's the Griffins that have the Neville-suspect "Ne vile velis" motto. Celano and Velino are not exactly at Picenze, but I do expect the Marsi of Celano in Picenze, especially a Marsi connection to Felice of Nola (whatever that means).
Tending to prove that Carrots/Carews (Carrick colors) are a Carrick branch, they use, "J'esPERE BIEN." Crags, with the Carrick dog, share the blue-on-white bend with French Colins. Why were Crags in Cragg VALE? Carrots/Carews use a "ship in full sail." Carrito dei Marsi in L'Aquila can apply. As Carricks are expected from Cetis, note that Carrots/Carews share three black lions (or cats) in pale with Cetis-suspect Keats', first found in Cornwall with Carrots/Carews.
Amazingly, there is another black seated dog (same as Furnace's) in the Crest of Welsh Bachs, who happen to use the Barge/Berge Coat exactly, which has similarity with the Coats of the Shechemite lines of Shins/Chine's and Kims/Kins (three fesses in the red of the two of Bine's). Perfectly expected. Therefore, God set up my asking Laura out in order to connect the Barret Crest to the Bach Crest, for I was playing baseball that year only because the BACK-catcher asked me mid-season to play. It troubles me that I can't remember the name of the back-catcher.
I had a black lab, same as Carricks and carrots, when living in Gormley. It got run over by a car on Woodbine avenue. Can that mean something? It can appear that the Biens beloved of Carricks were in Woodbine's. I'm not absolutely sure, but I recall the dog's name as, Wolf. Were Carricks from Guelphs = Welfs? It was buried in a garage prior to the concrete going in. It was run over in front of Tony Campania's home, and though there is no Campania surname coming up, Campans/Champagne's were first found in Leicestershire with Woodbine-suspect Woods. In case it applies, German Kampens were first found in Westphalia with Velens/Valance's and Velins. Gormleys share the Velen Coat almost exactly!
English Campes/Camps (come up as "Campes") use the Camp/Comp Coat but are said to be first found in Cambridgeshire (for the first time I've seen) with the Capone's their Coat has been suspect with. Campes' and Comps may be using the Colin griffin closely. With Colans/Colins sharing the Joseph martlet, and with Camps sharing the Colan griffin, it makes me suspect that Joseph Caiaphas had blood in Celano and/or Velino. A Sign I received a few years ago predicted that Caiaphas blood would be found in Avezzano.
While playing baseball in Victoria Square, I remember a female from the fans of an opposing team calling out, "hey loverboy," when I was up to bat. She was jeering, I think, but not ugly. Anyway, Lovers are listed with Livers (Lancashire, same as Furnace's, Lover-like LAWRence's and Shicks/Shake's), and were from Greater Manchester, same as Shicks/Shake's. Lawrence's were from Lonsdale, beside Furness. Here's from the 5th update of March, where I dealt with a map of the Furness area:
I've had the hunch for years, and have said so, that Larry Barret (on my bus for high school) and his girl, Laura, would play importantly in my work. So far, they have not. But now, Larry Barret lived in Gormley, and Gormleys share the three martlets (identical Coats) of Velens/Felins. Impressive and spot-on. Barrets share the black dog with Furness'/Furnace's so as to look like a Barrow branch...
Barrow is a location in Low Furness. Here's what more I said in that update as per Fleetwood, near Furness: "The Fleetwood location near Lancaster has been resolved as a Flavian line. Kirks (Cumberland) look like they share a form of the Barrow Coat, for Barrow is on the map in Cumbria, and south of Kirkby." I didn't know this until now, a couple of hours after finding the Kirkbys listed with Curbys. Amazing. I was at my atlas, and seeing Fleetwood just after mentioning Fleets, I checked the term in my recent files, which is how I came to the quotes above. Luck? I don't think so. God set this up. That curb I almost hit, the Marsi-suspect meridian at Victoria Square.
[A few weeks after writing here, I came across Kirkhams, first found in Lancashire, and sharing a black border with Furnace's/Furness'. If you can believe it, I was looking up the Lends as per the "COLENdo" motto term of Huberts, wondering whether it was both for them and for Colens/Colins, and Lends tell of a Lund location in Lancashire's Kirkham. Amazing. But, can you also believe that Kirkhams share three upright and red lions with Woodbine's? Obama descended from Jonathan Singletary-Dunham, and Singletarys are said have have been at Kirkham. Kirkham is in Fylde while Fylde's are in Curby/Kirkby colors, and it just so happens that Fylde's share the chevron of Shake's/Shicks (Lancashire)! Bingo.]
It seems that Pharisee-suspect Pharnaces was a Shechemite liner to the Kennati of Cetis, for Kennedy-related Carricks share the black talbot with Bachs. Barrows (a form of the Kirk Coat) use a "Parum" motto term suspect with Parrs (share black border with Furnace's), which can indicate that Barrows and Barrets were a Parr branch i.e. from Pharnaces. Was Parma a Pharnaces line? Very possibly, yes. Fleck-related Palmers are also Parmers (both share double fesses with Ness' and Parrs).
I can also say that Boys use a bull in the design used for it by German Bachs/Backs. I was too young (about 16) to get a reputation with the ladies so that one would call me, "loverBOY." I probably had two girlfriends only before that time, Jackie and KIM Thom(p)son (Thomsons look very linkable to Kims and their Thomas kin). So I don't know where that "loverboy" came from. I know that heraldic boys were the Meschin symbol, and the other Boys/Bie's use bees, the symbol of Base-related Bessins (one of the two Lover/Liver bends). The bee is also in the Arms of Manchester, near Lover-related LIVERpool. Some say that the Bessin was named by the Boii.
The girlfriend after Kim Thomson was either Katrina Hanson or Cathy Simson (both around the same time). Simsons (great candidate for Shechemites) use crescents half in the colors of the Curby/Kirky crescents. Miss Hanson was suspect recently with priest-Annas liners, suspect in-turn from the Ananes Gauls at the Taro river to Parma. My first date with Miss Hanson was in a Valiant, and Valiants use the shark as code for Saraca's, the namers of Saracena, home to the Enotrians in the Simson motto. "KATRina" (like the first name of Miss Simson) became suspect with Katers/Catters, who, because they use fish, are suspect from Saraca's, for the latter originated in Kater-like Kotor. Simsons can be of the Shimmie's/Kimmie's, for example, who share the Kim/Kin Coat.
French Mauro's share the white demi griffin in Crest with Katers/Catters (Berkshire, same as cat-using Croms/Crummys). Catchers use the cat. Italian Mauro's/Maurels/Maurino's use a version of the Bute/Butt Coat while Kotor is beside Butua/Budva. French Mauro's share three crowns on blue with Irish Wards while English wards share the Coat of Wordens/Wardens, the latter first found in Hertfordshire with the Wardens below. Wards and Wardens share nearly the Coat of Checkers/Chequers.
Miss Hansen lived on Warden avenue south of the Gormley road. I was there once, but can't recall how far south it was. If she was at least 1.25 miles south of the Gormley road, she was then in Victoria Square. Wardens (pears, beside the Simsons) happen to share the white crescent with Simsons. I asked Miss Hanson out first at her workplace, Sam's restaurant, while she sold me an ice cream as code for Cremona liners. Ananes on the Taro and Trebia rivers were near enough to Cremona to have spread there. English Simsons share the Sam/Sammes lion.
From a translated article on Bazzano: "The village gradually assumed importance in the Aterno valley so much to erect, in the ninth century, a grandiose church dedicated to Santa Giusta, martyred in Bazzano together with San Giustino and San Felice in 286..." That date is early enough to have made the saints non-Catholic. It even predates emperor Constantine. But I suspect that, sometimes, Catholics chose saints as code for something secretive, and then invented saints by those names who did not live, giving them fake storylines concerning their devotion to Christ. Or, they may have chosen true people whose names reflect their secretive ancestry. In this case, Giusta may be code for Justus and Justine of Picenum, for Bazzano is about four miles, from the information I can gather thus far, from Picenze.
The same article says that Bazzano is 5 kilometers from L'Aquila. The L'Aquila map above has Bazzano on highway 17, and Wikipedia has Picenze on 17 too, 12 kilometers from L'Aquila. Felice is the patron saint of Picenze, and the church in Picenze where we boys played soccer is marked out as "San Felice Martire," which looks like code for German Martins/Martire's because they share the Abreu/Abruzzo lion.
Why is there a color (as with a Chief) in the BASE of the Martin/Martire Coat? "A red shield with silver in base and a demi-lion rampant gold." The Bazzano-line Base's use two passant lions in the colors of the two RAMpant Abreu/Abruzzo lions (Rams are Mar kin). Take those two passant lions to the same of Gernons, of Ranulph de Gernon, le-Meschin's son. You can't argue with the facts.
The ramPANT lion can be part-code for Panthers/Panters, who share spur rowells with Paganica-like Pagans/Payens. Bazzano is beside Paganica. Again, the Arms of Picenze (FIVE mounds) has the eagle of the Naples-area Aquila's holding what looks like two ears of wheat, and Bocci's use three ears of wheat.
I've been able to resolve that Arthurs use a five theme. For example, their organ "rests" look like piano's with five KEYs, and they are shaped as a number, five. And here I find Roio Piano to the near-west of Bazzano, and PiaNOLA even nearer to Bazzano. Felice was of Nola, in the area of the first Aquila's. I already expect Arthurs from mount Velino, and at Avellino near the first Aquila's. So, this five theme is of the five KEYS of the L'Aquila Sheaves'/Chiava's (chiava is Italian for "key", but don't think for a minute that this was the original term of this Shawia-line surname). So, the creators of king Arthur were descended from the Bazzano / Picenze area.
Here's the map again in case you didn't load it earlier:
Or if the map is gone from there, see:
"Piano" looks like the Paion variation of Pagans, or even like the Paine's. Pane's/Panico's, a branch of Pinks/Pincs linkable to the Pings/Pongs Paganells, share the label with Pings/Pongs/Paganells. It's the Picensii Moesians / Illyrians at Pincum, settled at L'Aquila. You can't argue with the facts.
The star in the Templeton Chief is in the colors of the leopard faces in the Chief of English Normans (Suffolk), and Scottish Normans use an "Auxillium" motto term that might just be part-code for "Aquila." The latter Normans use seven billets in the colors of the Sheaves/Chiava keys, and throw in an "alto" motto term that should be for the Florence Aldo's/Alda's because Scottish Alda's, first found in Ayrshire with Templetons. One can glean that the Ayrshire Alda's are using a version of the Taddei Chief while the latter's has the Bouillon flory. Ayrshire is where Mackeys/Margys (won't come up as "Mackey") were first found that were likely a branch of Maceys evident in the Coat of French Temple's.
The mythical Pleiones were seven daughters of Atlas, which may explain the seven billets. Their mother, Pleione, birthed Electra (part of the Hercules cult), and the latter was mother to Iasion, the founder of the Kabeiri cult that was led by the husband of Abruzzo-liner Aphrodite. That' why the Pleione, Maja, was at mount Maiella. The point is, "Pleione" can easily be of "Piano." For example, "blanco" is also "bianco," with the 'l' removed. This can indicate that Pleiones were Paioni, the people group to which I trace Paions/Pagans expected at Paganica, close enough to Maiella to support the theory. The seven daughters were call, Pleiades, after Pleione, but if we remove the 'l' from Pleiades," it's like "PIEDmont." The Arms of Piedmont shares the label with Paganells and Pane's/Panico's, the latter from Pincum to the near north of Paioni.
Or, for all I know, "Piano" in this case may mean, plain or flat, or lowland in the hills.
"Piedmont" is generally said to be named after the foot, and my girlfriend, Lorraine, who depicted Paioni liners, was given a foot symbol by God. I ended it with her when she came back from a walk with her friend's husband with a grass stain on her butt/thigh. I assumed she was laying on her back upon the freshly-cut grass with him. And so see what I've just found: "At the marriage of Cadmus and Harmonia, Iasion was lured by Demeter away from the other revelers. They had intercourse as Demeter lay on her back in a freshly plowed furrow. When they rejoined the celebration, Zeus guessed what had happened because of the mud on Demeter's backside, and out of envy promptly killed Iasion with a thunderbolt." It's a near-perfect reflection of what happened that night with Lorraine. I take it that the freshly-plowed earth in that myth is a symbol of Gaia, but there may have been something more specific in the mind of the writer. The thigh was a symbol of Hephaestus, leader of the Kabeiri, you see.
And her pants were code for Pansys/Pantzers or Panthers/Panters, both of which connect readily to the Paioni liners at Paganica, between the Piano and Maiella areas. If therefore "Lorraine" is to be regarded as a Pleione element, I would suggest Daphne, for she had the laurel symbol shared by Lorraine's.
After I sold the Texas property, I rented a place in northern Ontario so that I could find a property to build a house on. The landlord happened to be Italian, from Benevento, where Aquila's were first found, though the write-up has their origins in Venice too, suggesting strongly that the Aquila eagle is the Este eagle. This traces to Bars of Este at Brunswick, explaining why Brunswicks share the base lions too, and why the other Bars share hunting horns with the other Base's/Bassens (Austria).
Years after renting his apartment, I happened to purchase his Jeep, suggesting that Jeepma's/Cheps are using the L'Aquila eagle. I kid you not, it was a red Jeep, as was the Jeep of an old friend, Mr. Smith, and Smiths share the heron with Orne's/Horns.
Now the hunting HORN is highly suspect with Orion the mythical hunter, who had a urine symbol along with Orion-like Uranus (god of rain = "urine" from the god), husband of Gaia (= ground, earth). Orion was in Boiotia, same as the marriage of Cadmus and Harmonia, where Demeter got laid on the ground by Iasion. This recalls that I (age four or FIVE) accidentally urinated on the head of Pino, as God's code for king Pinnes of the proto-Arthur Ardiaei. Now just outside the house in Picenze where my mother grew up there was/is a drinking fountain beside a statue of a naked little boy or infant. The water comes out his penis. Did God set that up? I drank from that fountain (not from the water out his penis, so far as I can recall). The Horns are the Orne's from the Orne river through the Bessin. It seems to be a fact that my mother was descended from the genes that put out Meschins.
Recall that the dingle balls in the Cheech-and-Chong comedy were in his Impala. My father purchased an Impala, which then came to my ownership as he purchased another vehicle. The Arthur motto term, "Impelle," may apply. In other words, God chose the Impala in both cases, because Dingle's/Dingwalls use a fleece as apparent code for Felice of Nola. Nola's are suspect with the lion of Scottish Mars, the latter first found in Yorkshire with Paganells/Pings/Pongs.
Now I have no confidence that the creators of king Arthur were anything but Illuminatists, satanists, as with the Marsi snake cult. They were from Caiaphas and probably other Sadducees / Herods / Maccabees, those who chose to be the scum of this planet for to seek worldly glory. I'm suggesting that Felice of Nola was chosen, not because they loved Jesus, but because they wanted a code for their ancestry in the Biblical Felix. Italian Felice's/Felix's share the stars of Morays, beside Dingwall. Morays are in Mar/More colors.
Arthurs use "Impelle obSTANTia" as part-code for Stants/Stands (Yorkshire), and Spanish Felice's use "A gold shield with a red castle STANDING on a sea of silver waves." The Arthur rests were also called, clarions, said to be trumpets, and Lovers/Levers use a rooster standing on a trumpet. Clearly, Stands were beloved of Arthurs. It can be gleaned that the Felice castle may once have been said to be FLOATing on the water, for Floats/Fletts are kin of Palmers/Parmers and Felice-suspect Flags/Flecks, both of which share the double fesses of Stands.
It was Pitchers that have "a state barge FLOATING in water in BASE PROPER." What do we suppose that STATE barge is code for? Why were Propers, with a key in the mouth of an ostrich, first found in Cheshire with Masci liners, and why do Propers and their Robert kin use the same lion as Base's? Pitch-like Patch's share the black-on-white Base/Bassen hunting horn.
There is a Standing/Stanton surname sharing the black-white vair fur of English ChamPAGNE's. Champagne is highly suspect from Italy's Campania, which recalls that my first job, pumping gas, was for Tony Campania. The Italian Tonys use a flower on water, just like the water of Felice's. Hugh de Payens was in cahoots with the count of Champagne. Why? It was probably Hugh, whose Seal has the Templar horse and rider, donning potent fitchees on his Shield. Were Templars from Caffer / Motel liners? "When Hugh became a Knight Templar himself in 1125, the Order comprised few more than a dozen knights, and the first Grand Master of the Templars was a vassal of his, Hugues de Payens, who had been with him at Jerusalem in 1114." Why did count Hugh name his son, MANASSes?
Let's now go to the Maio's/MAJoli's who named Maiola in Pesaro. Let's assume that Maio's trace to mount Maiella (had a Maja goddess), for it's on the east side of L'Aquila along with Paganica while Pane's/Panico's share the giant "green tree" with Maio's. We first of all recall that Maia was a daughter of Atlas from the Antalya Pisidians, who lived beside Caria. We then take Curbys to their Kerwick variation, recalling that Kerns/Karens are Carians...which is what I identify the Ayrshire Carricks as, who are much like the KIRKby variation of Curbys. Repeat: "And can you believe that there is a CURBy surname (listed with Kirkbys/Kerwicks) sharing an anchor in Crest with the Ayrshire Kyle's?"
Next, we recall the tower of German Kirks, shared by Narbonne's so that we can take Curbys to Corbieres in Aude, location also of Narbonne. Corbieres is between Narbonne and an Corb-like Orbieu river with a mouth near Narbonne. Maio's were first found in Orbieu-like Orvieto, that looks like the Corbetts/CORBANs, whose black raven makes them look like mythical Coronis liners to the Carian-likely Ceraunii on the URBANus river. And suddenly we can take this to the Ceraunii mountains (Epirus), smack beside Aulon/Avlona, the proto-Avalon line through mount Velino at the Maiella theater.
The Maitani variation of Maio's can be suspect with the Mate's (Champagne) who share the Mander Coat, both suspect with the Rhodes Coat, for the Maeander river flows through Caria.
Narbonne's/Denardo's share the wheel with Carrara's, and French Narbonne's share the Abreu/Abruzzo lion, which can be in the Coat of Mostyns. As some evidence that Kirks were Carians (possibly the Carricks/Kerricks), Kirks put two "mum" terms buried in their motto, like the "meum" of Rhodes', and Rhodes is near Antalya, and off Caria. "L'Aquila-suspect "AUXUILlium meum" is a phrase of the Mostyns/Mostens, and then their branch, the Mustans, first found in Yorkshire with Rhodes', use the sword colors reversed from the Kirk sword. And so the Mustans are suspect with the Arms-of-Carrick chevron. Proto-Carricks, I had read, were from a Gilbert character, and it checks out where Gilberts share that chevron too, and then we read of Gilbert of Ghent in the Mustan write-up.
One might say that Kirks/Kerks are a Church branch, which can be, but Church's look to have a version of the Carrick Coat. And while proto-Carrick Craigs were from Acragas (Agrigento), that's where mythical Creusa was stationed while Creuse is beside Auvergne, the latter being where Croziers were first found who are in the Kirk crozier. Decimus Rusticus of Auvergne was ancestor to MUMmolin suspect in the "mum" terms used by Kirks. Rusticus was at Clermont-Ferrand, and I discovered a Clermont location, in the last update, at Herault, beside Narbonne. The Arms of Agrigento were traced to GREY-beloved Anchors (version of the Major Chief), who are beloved of Maja-like Majors/MAIOrs (share GREYhound with collar with Church's), and the Major Coat can therefore be gleaned with the Kirk Coat. I had no idea that this paragraph was coming when starting out with Maio's in conjunction with Kirkbys and Kirks, and so lets add that Majors (Annas Shield?) share the anchor with Curbys/Kirkbys.
[I didn't realize until hours after writing here that Mauguer (son of a Norman duke), in the Major write-up, married Germaine de CORBeil, and thus became the count of Corbeil. There is a Corbeil surname listed with Corbiere's.]
Mustans are said to possibly descend from Gilbert of Ghent, and Ghents happen to use eagles, one white like the Masci eagle wing and the Aquila / L'Aquila eagle. But let's repeat that Knapps share a version of the Side Coat, for the Ghents (Hampshire) share the SIDe Chief. This make's Knapps look like Naples liners, and then the Aquila's were first found near Teano, home of the SIDicini, possible namers of Sadducees. The Teans/Tiens (Oxfordshire, same as Peare's) share the Peare stars while PEERless'/NAPiers can be Naples liners too. And while Gilberts share the red squirrel with Squirrels/Squire's, the latter use a "TIENS ferme" motto partly for Azzo of Fermo, founder of Este i.e. that shares the giant Aquila eagle.
The Side branch of Sutys/Sideys use a "Nothing" motto term while Nothings are listed with NORTHens while Norths (Sussex, same as Saddocks and related Mascals) are a branch of the DeNordi variation of Narbonne's (both share the Maschi/Maskally lion). Keeping in mind that boys are a Meschin/Masculine (why FIVE boys?) symbol, let's read of German Knapps: "A shield divided quarterly: 1st and 4th, silver with a boy issuant, posed in profile wearing a gold crown and a brownish coat with silver flaps and a silver vest, holding a stick in his dexter hand..." Lots of codework there that I may not tackle at this time for fear of going off topic.
The Mustan swords happen to be the Nola swords, design and all. And Nola's were first found in Caria-like Carlow. Carlows share pomegranates with Grazio's and their Crispin branch, and while English Crispins were first found in Oxfordshire too, Grazio's were first found in Perusia, beside Orvieto.
I once got confused between Janet Maio and Janet Naples, who I thought may have been the same person. They both were emailing me at the same time, and Janet Maio was so overly nice (said more than once she would like to live on my trib-retreat) that I started to suspect her as someone wanting to find where I lived as per some group wanting to harm me. I rarely get photos from readers, but both Janet Maio and Janet Naples sent photos, and both were blond. But here the Maio's are at topic along with Naples. Surprisingly, no Naples surname comes up at houseofnames. But there is a Napolitano surname with three common symbols i.e. hard to pin-point at the moment.
I have just been convinced that Majors/Maiors are mount-Maiolla liners, especially as they were from Guernsey, off the coast of Manche, home of Masseys. GUERNsey is highly suspect with Gernons because the latter use a "cyFOETH" motto term, like the Footes location on Guernsey, and like the Foots of Cheshire. Kirks, in the meantime, use a "PRIMum" motto term looking like it loves the Prime's, who share the bent human leg with the Arms of Fussen/FOETes, a location on the leg-like Leck river. The Prime leg is that of Prophets/ProFETTS, possible a Pero-Foot / Pero-Fette merger (Fette's/Fothes share the Foot chevron).
Fothes'/Fette's use an "InDUSTRia" motto suspect with Dusters and the Arms of Rothschild. In the 3rd update of last month, Dusters became suspect with D'Oust: "As Hoods are Hoots too, I looked Hotts up to find them from d'Oust, in the Roquefeuil area to which Denardo's trace! Looking D'Oust up at Google, it brings up SENTINac d'Oust, like the "sentinel" motto term of Cremers/Cramers that came up as per my ice cream. Sentinac is not far south of Comminges..." That's puts D'Oust near the Orbieu river, and we can add that Hoods/Hoots share the anchor with Curbys/Kirkbys while Hooters use "a golden eagle's leg at its center" while Hotts use spread eagles.
This eagle leg is colors reversed in the Coat of Mandys/Mondays, and there they are in the colors of the Sheaves keys. Mandys are thus suspect with the "manet" motto term in the Arms of L'Aquila. The "Deus" motto term of Mandys is suspect with the Deuster variation of Dusters. Manells use "Deus."
Mike Denardo entered the discussions when I watched Alison Bauer, my girlfriend, go into his car while I sat on the HOOD of my car with Mr. Kepke, all three my fellow workers at Knob Hills Farms, on Woodbine avenue 2.5 miles south of the curb I almost hit on Cheech-and-Chong night. I do recall driving my Impala to Knob Hill Farms, but I am sure I also had the Mustang while working there because I sold it while selling shoes, which was my job just weeks after Miss Bauer went to Denardo. I had the Mustang while starting that shoe job. I therefore think I was sitting on the hood of the Mustang while watching Alison slip away. As it turned out decades later, I found that Allisons share the blackbirds / choughs of Hoods...which is why I looked up Hotts a few weeks ago to find D'Oust (at the Salat river traceable to the Salto up Velino way).
The Mustang is suspect as God's code for the Mustans now linking to Kirks and therefore to Curbys/Kirkbys i.e. suspect with Corbieres, at the Narbonne / Orbieu theater (near Roquefeuil). I recall selling the Mustang for $1,800 to a Japanese man in the parking lot of the shoe store that I was transferred to, at Kennedy road. That's Kennati-Charax interesting (Charax was the surname of a son of queen Quadratilla of Cetis). Again, the Mustan chevron is one used for the earls of Carrick. The name of both shoe stores was, Fredelle's, like the fret used by Hoods/Hoots. It's bringing Ferdinand of Naples-Aragon to mind, in which case I should mention the Aragno location at the north-east side of L'Aquila, nearest to Tempera. The Demper/Damper and Dempsey swords are colors reversed from the Mustan swords, and Dempseys use a ribbon suspect with Ribons/Rayborns (same place as Kennedys and Carricks), probably a Ray branch.
If that's not enough, we just saw why Kirks are Major/Maior kin while it's known that the first Rothschild was Mayer/MAIOR Bauer!! It explains Alison Bauer, who was my girlfriend immediately after Darlene Ray, the latter being the seller of ice cream at Knob Hill Farms. It appears that God set me up (age 17) at Knob Hill Farms as part of the gleanings to be had at the Woodbine curb two or three years later. Mary Nigro, who may have been the one who suggested my working at Knob Hill (she was a cashier there), lived exactly midway between the curb and Knob Hill, and Nigro's use FIVE ears of wheat linkable to the L'Aquila Sheaves', explaining why her name is, Mary. Aha! Marys share the three rampant lions of Woodbine's!
There is a Scoppito location in L'Aquila that uses ears of wheat (my guess). Scope's/Scrope's use FIVE ostrich feathers, and a bend in Minelli- / Bruno-bend colors.
When I threw a party for the young Knob-Hill employees, Mary slept the night in the BASEment with Kepke. But I have failed until now to see the full significance. The baseMENT must be code for Ments/Mants too, recalling that Kepke loved to play ping-pong with me in his basement. The Ments/Mants not only share three gold bends with Merits while Marys are said to be from Normandy's Meret, but the three Ment bends are colors reversed from the three of Pings/Pongs/Paganells (Yorkshire, same as Ments)!!! Zowie. I have no idea whether the two had sex that night; I just didn't ask, but there's a chance they did not because it appears like an act of God to have had the two down there alone. The Nigro surname of Mary uses ears of wheat linkable to the L'Aquila Sheaves'.
The Merits with three bends look linkable to Barret-suspect Barrels (Dauphine), and the latter's bends look linkable to those of Kos', important because Merops of Kos was the proto-Merovingian and therefore suspect with the Marsi.
It just can't be a coincidence that the Arms of L'Aquila uses a "manet" motto term, suspect with Manette's/Manets that share the L'Aquila eagle. Manets must have been a Ment/Mant branch. We already know that Base's were Bazzano / Bessin liners from beside Tempera and Paganell-line Paganica. So, it was easy for God to use the basement as code for these L'Aquila liners. It was up to me to figure it out that He was using basements as code, however. Now I know He did.
Figure Manette's with the Mynetts/Minute's, who share helmets with spur-rowell Panthers/Panters (and Knapps and Kennedys). Amyntes the Galatian conquered Derbe while Mandys/Mondays were first found in Derbyshire with Manells (share "Deus" with Mandys) Brogitarus-suspect Froggits, making the Brogitarus > Amyntes line suspect in L'Aquila, and that line did birth queen Quadratilla Bassus, the line to Base's and Bazzano, I am very sure. Now we know why God chose someone, whose mother is from Picenze, to make this revelation. The BROGIT-like Brights/Brude's share the pierced Macey stars.
As I said, the ex-husband of Mandy, a womanfriend of mine about 20 years ago, worked for BP in the gulf of Mexico, as did an unrelated Mr. Maness (earlier in this update), and here I find that Manells, who look related to Mandys, share the double fesses (almost) of Maness'/Manners, the latter's variations looking like they can be of Manelli's. What does this mean? I'd say that Coverts/Cofferts trace to my ancestry in Picenze with Coffers. With Manelli's sharing the Chaplain and Joseph chevrons, it looks like Caiaphas liners named Cofferts.
Recall that Mr. Maness was of Bay City, for the Bays surname (with 's') is with the Base's while Bays (no 's') share the double fesses of Maness'/Manners. The crescents of French Bays (same place as Pagans) can be the reason that we are seeing Paganica-related labels (code for Labels/Le Bels with the three Bay crescents). See the crescent also of Banes/BAYne's of the Bessin.
I've just found Broggits/BOCKets/Brockets (patonce cross) with variations like those of ear-of-wheat Bocci's/Brocato's! Amyntes was father to ArtemiDOROS, suspect with the Doria's (Genova, same as Bocci's) who married the Arduinici, the line to Arthurs, first found in Berwickshire with ARTEMs/Aitons. And the Doria's (probably the Daorsi partners of Ardiaei) share the L'Aquila / Manette eagle, though it's half the Temple eagle too (generally speaking). Doria's are said to have had fiefs in Sardinia, where Avezzano's were first found. In fact, Sardinia has a Piscinas location beside the Seleucid location of Sulcis, while "Pescina is a township and comune in the province of L'Aquila, Abruzzo, central Italy."
This suddenly drags Seleucids into the L'Aquila picture. How prolific were they there? It was ball-suspect Alexander Ballas, a Seleucid king, who was allied to Jonathan Maccabee, so that forthcoming Maccabees with the Alexander name are suspect from one of his daughters. One Alexander Maccabee was husband to Glaphyra, the line to key-using Clavers, and so we trace those keys to Sheaves' of L'Aquila. Then, Alexanders share the crescent of Motts suspect as a branch of the intended subject in L'Aquila's motto term, "Immota."
Broggits use "A black stag, LINED and ducally gorged in gold." The Scottish Linds/Line's ("sprigs of laurel") happen to share "virescit" with Brocks. Spriggs share rose leaves with Suber-branch Sobers, and "sub" is a motto term of German Linds/Line's. It thereby looks as though Brocks and Brooks (in the Ribon-Rayborn brook) are Brogitarus liners. Rayborns use the ROEbuck, and Roe-branch Rows use trefoils for a link to Ice's.
As per the ice-cream theme from Darlene Ray, the Ice Coat (ROStock) is suspect with the eagle in the Arms of L'Aquila / Manette Coat because the Ice trefoils (RoqueFEUIL symbol) are those of Pike's (and Sitlers, same place as Kerns/Karens). Pike's are loved by Cetis-like Geddes'. These trefoils are colors reversed with Rows and the Switzerland Seiler/Sailers; the latter were looked up yesterday as per the Petsch Seiler in the write-up of Pitch's/Petch's, first found in Silesia with Sitlers. And it's the Yorkshire Sailers that have the "most" motto term that should be code for the Mustan branch of Mosts/Mostyns.
I've now got to add that, on the night that Mary slept in the basement, WinniFRED slept with me, but I did not touch her. This gal pestered me, wouldn't take no for an answer, but I let her sleep in the same bed. She hung around for about four days after the party, and when my parents returned from their vacation, she was wearing my mother's bed ROBE (I wasn't home). Imagine the look on my mother's face. Darlene Ray wasn't at the party, nor was Alison Bauer, possibly because they were not yet employed at Knob Hill. Denardo was there with his drums, suspect with the Kildrummy castle of Scottish Mars. The point is, Darlene's use a "female figure" wearing a robe. I asked Darlene out initially while lining up to purchase an ice cream. I had never spoken to her previously. Slick me? No, movement of God.
As unbelievable as this sounds, Kepke and I both moved from Knob Hill Farms to Scarborough Town Center to sell shoes, he at one shoe store and I at another. He met Miss Peare at REITmans (Reitmans share the Roten Zionist star), but I kissed her first, which was at La Paloma, where his next girlfriend would get into my Firebird while he sat on the curb. Spanish Paloma's share the Pero pale bar, that explains it, but, the point is, after a couple of weeks with me and my Mustang, she was taken by Kepke, who at the time was driving his father's Impala, which was a year newer than the Impala my father had given me. The Cheech-and-Chong Impala had the dingle balls suspect with Felice of Nola at Dingwall, capital of Ross-shire. What do Kepke liners have to do with that thing?
It just so happens that, as soon as I saw the giant stag head of Dousts/Dusts, I entertained it as the one of Kenzie's/Kenneths as per Woodbine and MAJOR MacKenzie drive, where I almost hit the curb that came to link to Majors/Maiors! Amazing. And Kenzie's/Kenneths were first found in Ross-shire, perfect because they were from queen Kenza in the Aures land of the Shawia that were in L'Aquila.
Let me put it this way: as God was stressing Rothschilds with Alison Bauer and that Hood/Hoot situation that led to D'Oust, note that Dousts/Dusts, suspect with the Duster kin of Rothchilds, were first found in Oxfordshire with Peare's, whom God used apparently to stress the Roten / Reitman branch of Rothchilds. Then, as He also used La Paloma for to have me link Paloma's to Pero's, let's move it over to the CAULDRons of Paloma's, for Calders share the giant stag head with Dousts/Dusts. Then, the Pero "flaming stars" are exactly the comet used by Reines and Stefano's, which takes us to Conteville's of Comyns/Comines while Comyns/Commings are suspect in naming Comminges at the D'Oust area. Dutch Dousts even share the swan with Calders. Comyns share the Coat of Kennedy-beloved Avise's/Avisons.
The Ortons/Hortons (in Bradford and Morley of Yorkshire) share a giant stag head of the same type, and this may related to Ortona di Marsi in L'Aquila. Its article: "The North End, BOSTON, Haverhill, BROCKTON, Revere, QUINCY, and Pittsfield Massachusetts were home to many Ortona dei Marsi families." English Ortons (Cumberland, beside Hume's/Home's) happen to share the Boston and Hume/Home lion. The quote caused a loading of Brocktons (Shropshire, same as Brock-related Stewart-Alans), who share FIVE gold fleur-de-ly with Mota's.
It's completely amazing that Tim Horton of the TORONTO Maple Leafs named a Tim Horton COFFEE chain while Hortons share a dolphin in Crest with Coffee's/Coffers, and while the latter's naked rider on a dolphin is in the Arms of TARANTO. The Cumberland Ortons are in the colors of the Coffee/Coffer fesse. Did God provide this situation to trace Coffee's/Coffers to Ortona? It's not far from San Vittorini, which, under its ancient name (Amiternum) was given a saint Victorinus (fictitious?), like the "Victoria" motto term of Coffee's/Coffers. The Horton dolphin is in the shade of the Kennedy dolphin.
As raven- / crow-liner Corbetts (use the Greek for "crow" in their motto) come up as Corbans, see the following concerning mythical Corybas, code for the CORYBANtians, and note that Apollo, mate of the Coronis crow, is involved. This is some pretty good history if you know to view the myth codes for what they were meant to be in the real world. I'll put my comments in square brackets; round brackets not mine:
According to Diodorus Siculus:"This wedding of Cadmus and Harmonia was the first, we are told, for which the gods provided the marriage-feast, and Demeter, becoming enamoured of Iasion, presented him with the fruit of the corn, Hermes gave a lyre (lyra), Athena the renowned necklace and a robe and a flute (auloi), and Electra the sacred rites of the Great Mother of the Gods [Cybele], as she is called, together with cymbals (kymbala) and kettledrums (tympana) and the instruments of her ritual; and Apollo played upon the lyre (kitharisai) and the Muses upon their flutes (aulesai), and the rest of the gods spoke them fair and gave the pair their aid in the celebration of the wedding. After this Cadmus, they say, in accordance with the oracle he had received, founded Thebes in Boeotia, while Iasion married Cybele and beget Corybas. And after Iasion had been removed into the circle of the gods, Dardanus and Cybele and Corybas conveyed to Asia the sacred rites of the Mother of the Gods and removed with them to Phrygia. Thereupon Cybele, joining herself to the first Olympus, begat Alce [like ALCmene, Hercules' mother, and likely the reason for "ELECtra"] and called the goddess Cybele after herself; and Corybas gave the name of Corybantes [co-founder of Trojans] to all who, in celebrating the rites of his mother, acted like men possessed [Maenad symbol], and married Thebe, the daughter of Cilix [Cadmus' brother, known code for Cilicia]. In like manner he also transferred the flute (auloi) from Samothrace [birthplace as Iasion and his brother, Dardanus] to Phrygia and to Lyrnessus the lyre (lyra) which Hermes gave and which at a later time Achilles took for himself when he sacked that city. (V. 49, Translation: Oldfather 1970)"
Note that Alce-like Alis's/Alice's share the tree with Maio's.
This secret-rites cult of the devil (which may have included the dope used by Trojans) may be that disgusting thing represented by the CURB on Cheech-and-Chong night, for while Cheech's/Checks/Chicks are expected as Shechemites, they are expected at Boiotia's Schimatari. We see that Electra, of all the personalities involved, was the keeper of the rites, and she's a Pleione / Atlantean.
The Sadducees had a so-called "corban" offering that Jesus criticized. The term means, gift, and, as you can see above, gifts are made the symbol of the Corybantians. The Sadducees taught the people to give their life savings as corban to the temple, rather than to help their aged parents. So, the Sadducees must have dabbed into the corban bowl.
As you can see, Iasion was regarded by the writer as equal to Attis, Cybele's husband. Iasion was also EETion, clearly the same entity as Attis and Aeetes. It's completely logical that the sacred rites involved the Shechemites with their wayward pagan Levites out of Laish. It evokes mythical Laius of Boiotia, a descendant of Cadmus.
I'd like to re-visit the Roe's / Rows as per Poggio di Roio right beside Roio Piano, and add that the Row trefoils can trace to L'Aquila with the Ice / Seiler/Sailer trefoils. Repeat from earlier in this update: "Mount Sirente (near L'Auqila] can well-trace to Sirens of Sirenuse, at [Sailer-suspect] Salernum." Can we imagine the all-female Sirens with the all-female Pleiones? Sirens were pirates, as were the Atlanteans. Their female symbol is as per the Amazons of Pisa.
To the north of Roio, and likewise on the outskirts of L'Aquila, is Coppito, smacking of the Hobbit surname, first found in Norfolk with Roe's and Rows. The Hobbit write-up suggests Huberts and Hubards as their branches. Huberts share the crescent of Motts, and the latter (beside the Rows / Hobbits) share the single, eight-pointed estoile with Hobbits. Huberts even throw in a "COLENdo" motto term suspect with Celano. Melusine, probably of the Marsi snake cult, is in the Colen/Holly Crest so that she might thus be revealed as a fundamental element of Celano. This traces to Maia the Pleione at mount Cyllene, let's not forget.
It's feasible that a branch of the namers of Coppito named Corbetts. I've just found Cobbets/Cubits/CUPIDs (hands grasping out of clouds), first found in the same place as Hobbits. The clouds provide an argument to be made on behalf of a Corybas > Corybantes line to Cubits/Cupids, because Iasion, the father of Corybas, is suspect as "Ixion," husband of Nephele = Cloud. Apparently, mythical Coronis was equal to the Corybantians. And she was Ixion's sister. Perfect logic.
Corbetts/Corbans use a "pascit" motto term while Roe's use a paschal lamb. Roe's and Hobbits were first found beside the Lincolnshire Preters/Praters (Prude/Prat colors), who were just looked up as per the Preturo location beside Coppito. Praters are also PRAYtors while Prude's/Pride's use LAMprey fish. Prude's/Prats (Auvergne, same as Preys/Duprays), who share "Deus" with Corbetts/Corbans (Mascal elephant?), may be with the Row trefoils, therefore, a good argument for tracing Rows / Roe's to Roio.
To the south of Preturo is Sassa Scalo, which may be in reference to a stairway in the natural rocks, but, if not, it evokes Skala on Patmos, where I trace ASCLepios (looks partly named after "Lapith"), son of Coronis (a Lapith), because Patmos has a Chora location. L'Aquila must have had the 666 entity from Patmos.
Pratts otherwise trace with Flys to Flavians of Rieti, home of some of the heads of the Revelation dragon.
What Circus Clun Wears a Beard?
Coronis was the daughter of PHLEGyas, and so read this:
The Conti di Marsi, the Counts of Marsi, were a lineage of Frankish origin who figured among the main feudal lords of Abruzzo, part of the Duchy of Spoleto in southern Italy, during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. With Celano as their main seat, they ruled over a territory that stretched from Lake Fucino as far as the PELIGni.They descended from a certain Berardo who was called "Francesco" because he came from Francia, who came to Italy with Hugh of Provence [not long after Guerin of Provence], King of Italy from 924 until his death in 948. According to the Chronicle of Monte Cassino, the first known member of this family, Azzo, Berardo's uncle, was a Burgundian count [explains Mars of Burgundy]. The conti di Marsi considered themselves Berardinga, "Berardings" or, by modern historians, Bosonids."
This is new to me. I clicked to it from an article on a Segni location in Lazio. The Azzo character tends to confirm that Azzo of Este is related to the Aquila / Picenze eagle. It makes the Marsi suspect with Merovingians. The Marsi homeland was, Marruvium (Roman times, predated Merovingians). This agrees with my trace by other means of Merovingians to the Salto river (part of my confidence was in the Marsi at that river). I suggest that Marsi of Marruvium named Merovingians, and that Merovingians proper returned to that area as the Marsi counts.
Bosonid-like Bosons (bird bolts) were first found in Norfolk with Flavian Flecks and Roio-suspect Roe's, etc... Boso's/Bosoni's (banner) share the upright-bull design of Chiaro's/Claro's, suspect with Chiaramonte elements, which have already traced to the Picenze area. Berardo's were first found in Piedmont, roughly or exactly at Montferrat.
This gets more exciting as English Berards (Brittany) share the rare dove design of Italian Paloma's! I kissed Miss Peare at La Paloma, and she was code for the Piedmont Pero's! Zinger. We were in the BASEMENT of the place, which had a bar, and wanting to get her before Kepke did, we were sitting and talking at the table, when I asked her to come outside with me. We rushed up the stairs = scala, and kissed outside the door. I'm just wondering whether the stairs are to be applied to Sasso Scalo, for the basement code had been clinched with L'Aquila elements. Sasso's are curiously listed with Saracens/Sarasins while French Saracens were from Brittany with Berards.
Aha! The Beards/Bearts/Bears (Peare's?) were from Brittany too, and they share the bull with Boso's/Bosini's (Bosonids were named after Boso of Burgundy). This recalls that Bards/Beards use the boar in the colors of the Turin boar heads, perfect for the Berardo's said to be in Maire, south of Turin. Maire's are with the Cheshire Mere's/MAYERs and Demere's so as to be possibly of Maiella elements. French Maire's/Demaire's were first found in Burgundy. Recall that "state barge," for State's (Cheshire) share lozenges in the colors of the Maire/Demaire lozenges as well as a red greyhound head in Crest with Majors/Maiors/Mayers. Labels/La Bels share the red greyhound.
The roses in the Major Chief are shared by Pierro's/Pero's, first found in Pavia/PAPIA, and, no guff, I had failed to read the Major write-up when last on them above. I not only noticed Corbeil in that write-up at this time, but a Mauger character, son of Richard II of Normandy and Papia (!!!) of EnverMEU. This is so excellent, tracing the Normans of the Major kind to the Ticino river. Pavia was co-founded (as Ticinum) by Marsi-suspect Marici. Rollo, they say, married Poppa of Valois, making her suspect with Pavia liners. And while I've read that a Grimaldus married Crispina, daughter of Rollo, Grimaldi's use lozengy in the colors of the Maire/Demaire lozenges. Rollo's share boar heads with the neighboring Turins.
Crispina must have been of the Crispins (Clare's), who were a branch of Grazio's from the area where Maio's were first found. Rollo's treaty with France (St. Clair sur-Epte) may have been named after the family of his wife, therefore. Valois' are also Valais', and while Sion is in Valais, Bards/Beards (Leslie griffin, suggests Hungarians from Andrew I, from Ticino elements) were first found in Lanarkshire with Bards/Beards. Let's repeat that while Nola's were in Carlow, Carlow's share the pomegranate with Crispins (Oxfordshire, same as Peare's) and Bazzano's so that, possibly, my mother's Grimaldi father was from neighboring Bazzano.
I don't know any others using the dove design of Paloma's and Berards. The latter were from Demaine, suggesting Maine elements in Brittany. Why do we think the write-up of English Berards speaks on mythical Pan? Did someone know of Cyllene liners to Celano's Marsi counts? Pan was a goat, as was Marsyas of Phrygia. Alice of Saluzzo, the line to Celano-suspect Cluns/Clons (same place as Rollo's), was south of Turin. I'm beginning to see that Templar guts was in the Marsi of L'Aquila. The Cluns/Clons (green trefoil in Crest) share the rampant black wolf in Crest with Sasso's/Saracens. Sassy, my cat once, is coming to mind. I may have something on this in the next update.
Miss Peare represented the Bouillon bloodline (= Templar guts) from Gothelo, whose son formed an alliance with Catholicized PIERleoni Jews at Rome. Gothelo's son was styled, Godfrey the BEARDed. Code for Berardo liners? I can add that "Gernon" is traced by historians to Eustace II, father of Godfrey-de-Bouillon. But the fools translate "gernon" as "musTACHE," which may be code for the Ticino-suspect Tache's beloved in the motto of PEERless'/Napiers, first found in Perthshire with Rollo's. "PeerLESS" must be of the Less' that use the Bard/Beard boar in colors reversed, and in the Less Crest, it's roughly the Peerless/Napier Crest. Earls of Mar were in Aberdeenshire with Leslie's, Turins and Tarves'.
Less' are said to be from Loches of Normandy, yet Loches' were first found in Burgundy.
I've just realized that, when kissing Peare at La Paloma, we were at a BAR, and Godfrey III the Bearded married Beatrice of Bar / Beatrice of Lorraine. Beatrice was married earlier to Boniface III of Tuscany, and that's where Scala's/Scalia's were first found! I've just had the sense that our going up the stairs would be for that surname. I had already made the connection where the Scala/Scalia ladder acts as a pale bar in colors reversed from the Pero pale bar. There is a Boniface surname with a giant fret in the colors of the Cattel fret.
French Berards were likewise first found in Brittany. Off-hand, they use a Coat a little like that of Cassandra's/Casano's/CASSINI's, and then: "Three sons of Berardo are recorded in the Chronicle of Monte Cassino, Rinaldo and Oderisio...and Azzo II, whose son Lupo was abbot of Montecassino." Lupo and Hugh of Burgundy together evokes the later Hugh Lupus D'Avranches, kin of the Cheshire Welfs, suspect with the Welf off-shoot of Este.
Good morning, it's Monday, about an hour before the spell check and time-out for this week. This morning I learned that Picenze is in a Navelli area, which caused the finding of Navals (Nottinghamshire) as well as Navelle's/Neville's, both of whom use a white-on-red saltire, colors reversed from the Annan(dale) saltire, and in the colors of the Tease/Tess/Teck saltire. It just so happens that God gave Mamie both a tease and a thigh symbol for the Tye/Tyes variation of English Tease's, first found in Nottinghamshire with Annas, who star they share. And so the Navals appear related to this very thing.
The Navys/Neve's share the rider on a horse with Caffers/Caffertys, who are themselves in Coffee/Coffer colors, and while I stopped for coffee and a NEWSpaper in Victoria, the News'/Newes' thus got suspect with "Neve." It means that Coffer liners were at Navelli, I feel sure. But there is more to prove links here.
As was said, Griffins use a motto, "NE VILE velis," and they share the Touque griffin while Navelle's/Neville's lived on the Touques river. It just so happens that Banes', who have a wolf head in the colors of the two wolves of Neves', use the motto, "Vel arte VEL marte," suggesting Velino liners to king Arthur. And this wolf is in the colors of the German-Fleming wolf while Navelle's/Neville's were in the bishopric of Chichester while Chichesters use the Irish Fleming Coat in reverse. The Navys/Neve's use the motto, "Marte et arte."
So, that coffee and newspaper in Victoria was Intended to point eventually to Picenze elements, especially as News'/Newes' (same place as Chapmans / Capone's) use "A shield divided per saltire gold and red, four CHAPlets COUNTERchanged." Counters/Conte's were first found in Durham with Navelle's/Neville's. Chaplets can be linked well to Chapells who in turn share the Coat of Manelli's.
Marte's are listed with English and German Martins. The latter share the Abreu/Abruzzo and Narbonne lion while Narbonne's/Denardo's use a tower in the colors of the giant castle of English Martins. Martels were first found in Gascony with Martins, and Martels share the single crescent of Banes', though Martels put it in the base of the Shield. The Martel crown may be the one gorged around the neck of the North dragon head. If Norths and Narbonne's/DeNordi's use the Maschi lion closely, the Norths could have been related to Felix's (Sussex, same as Norths), who use millrinds while a couple of Miller surnames ("VALEmus") share the wheel with Narbonne's/Denordi's.
English Millers (wolf heads, appropriate for Neuri liners) were likewise first found in Sussex. Scottish Millers (Dumfries, same as Annandale) share the red moline with Vele's/Vitals (cap). The wolf heads of English Millers are blue, what the wolf of Banes' ("vel" motto terms) would be in colors reversed, and while Annandale-liner Ananes were at Placentia, its Arms has a blue wolf in both colors of the Miller wolf heads. Placentia also goes by Picenze-like Piacenza. It looks like the ancestry of chief-priest Annas was from the Picenze area. Right beside Bazzano there is an Onna location that may have housed the proto-Ananes. In the Annan(dale) Crest, possibly the Griffin griffin.
As per that red moline of Vele's, let's repeat from above: "Wow, I just tried to load a Callan surname but hit the 'V' beside the 'C' to get Vallans sharing a red moline with Cibal(d)s, the ones sharing the Segni/Segurana / Seagar/Sugar moline, and tracing to CIBALae, birthplace of Valentinian I!" I was at an article on Segni that had a link to the counts of Marsi. I went on to say: "Griffins are obvious code for griffin-using Griffins, who use a "Velis" motto term now traceable to the Valese variation of Vallans/Valle's (Velis'/Wills use the griffin too)."
The Dumfries Millers (cross in the colors of the Annandale saltire) use a "Manent OPtima" motto phrase that could relate to the "Manet" motto term of L'Aquila. I trace the "optem" motto term of Teague's/Teegers to Opgalli, suspect as a close relative of chief-priest Caiaphas, Annas' son-in-law. Lest you have forgotten, the "Immota Manet" motto of L'Aquila is likely for the Mota's from Taranto, a branch of the Taranto Motels that share the Nave/Neve / Caffer horse and rider, and connectable to the Coffee/Coffer Crest (Arms of Taranto). The rider in the Arms of Taranto, Taras, can be of the Taro river of the Ananes Gauls. It's making so much sense. As we read that counts of Marsi were at Spoleto, let me repeat: "Guy of Spoleto (the line to Spottons/Spoughts/Spoltons/Spauldings) was at the Taro theater. " The Spoltons are said to have been under Ranulph le Meschin, and the Spolton / Guy buckles are thus traceable to Cheshire-related Bucklow, where Maire's/Mere's were.
The Mota write-up has the surname in Taranto-like Otranto, which at first, I thought, was the same city. But it turns out that Otranto is another city, along with Taranto, in Apulia. Otranto was anciently, Hydruntum (a white tower encoiled by a snake). Yet, the Mota's are said to be from a Mottola family, which is the first-listed name of what I call Motels (for your easy remembering). This picture can drag in the Tarents, who share red-spread eagles with Hotts and Courcys. The latter are in the Navelle/Neville write-up, and said to be descended with Neville's from a Baldric Teutonicus in the service of Rollo. "Teutonicus" smacks of the Ardiaei queen, Teuta, suggesting that when the Pinnes-line Ardiaei disappeared from Illyricum in BC times, they ended up at the L'Aquila area.
The Neville's at Durham are said to have been at Dalton-Piercy. It should explain why Daltons are in Naval / Neville colors, and first found in Nottinghamshire with Navals. It can be gleaned that the demi archer with "black cap," in the Dalton Crest, is play on Robin Hood. The fact that DALTons share the fesse of DARTs (Devon, same as Hoods) suggest that Daltons may have been from the Dardanians married by an Ardiaei king. Mythical Tristan was of the Arthurian cult, and "Tristus" is a motto term of English Daltons.
Trump the Goof; Will He Ever Learn?
Trump gave a speech to his voter block recently that reveals how he knows, or rather how his speech writer knows, exactly what to say to fire them up, to make them believe he's for cleansing the deep state. Unlike Sessions, the president can't hide in a hole while failing to give documents up to Congress. Therefore, Trump is now at the point of committing himself to ordering Sessions to give up the documents. That's what Trump said this past week. But, Mr. Goof, this is what you would have done a year ago, if you truly wanted to clean the deep state. It's May already, and are you only going to order Sessions sometime soon? When? Months from now? At the rate you're going.
The Big Goof is interested only in obtaining fame for his deeds. It's all about himself, and he doesn't even try to hide it. He actually enjoys boasting about himself. There is nothing to be esteemed in a man like that, don't be deceived. Listen to your Bible. Be above Trump, better than him. He shall not be your example in life, Christian.
Along with hiring Rudy Giuliani as his lawyer, he hired one this past week that served both Bush and Cheney. Where is this from, and where is it going? It's just one goof after another with the people he chooses to support his plans. Giuliani can't be trusted. And the other lawyer above served Bill Clinton in his impeachment. Can he be trusted? The liberal media is covering the following, of course: "Giuliani told Fox News Wednesday night that Trump repaid Cohen the $130,000 he used to keep the adult film star, Stormy Daniels, from going public with allegations about her affair with Trump." Did Trump okay that statement from his new lawyer, or is that a backstab on behalf of the Bush's? Giuliani must be a crab from the dark lagoon, a perfect reward for Trump. Giuliani just put the scissors to Trump's nose and cut it right off while in denial.
How can anyone believe for a second that Trump's lawyer, Mr. Cohen, would have paid the porn witch $130,000 out of his own pocket? And just as Trump is denying that he "slept" with her (how many times?), along comes the chop-chop crab to make a mess of his face. And the beauty is, Trump hired this crab all his lonesome. Or was this from the "advise" of others? Was he forced to do it? Here's how the admission is being framed:
A few days later from Fox: "Trump, last month, had denied having any knowledge about the payment to Daniels in the weeks leading up to Election Day. While Giuliani said this week that Trump made the reimbursement, he also said Thursday that Trump didn't know all the details until about 10 days ago. " Giuliani has just revealed himself to the entire world as a bald-faced liar. No matter how he cuts this, he's betrayed Trump from out of the starting gate. The mare of New York is mad. He needs to be shot out of his misery.
One can glean roughly how things went as he took the job from Trump. Giuliani: "I'll agree to being your lawyer if you tell me whether you knew about the payment to Stormy, and whether you had sex with her. I don't want to be your lawyer unless you are at least honest with me." Trump: "Deal. Of course I paid her off, what else?" So the old mare went away thinking up a plan to reveal this to the world asap, but he needed fodder to make it appear as though he's helping Trump. So he says that the president didn't know he was giving his lawyer $130,000 to reimburse the porn witch. It's fake news Giuliani-style, what else? Trump goofily hired another of his own enemies (maybe he deserves it), and admitted to him the worst thing he could admit at this time. The Bush's are so happy.
It really makes me sick to the bottom of my being when the world calls those disgusting animals, "porn stars." You have got to be kidding. I thought a star was someone supposedly respectable.
Watch Giuliani's face as the magic, blissful, euphoric moment comes:
It's probably best for Trump to get the truth out about the porn witch, get past it so that he's no longer hamstrung by the liberals hoping to keep him from punishing them. The fact that this Stormy revelation touches upon the Mueller circle predicts that Trump will be out for vengeance. Perfect situation. But the question is whether Trump can pull off a perfect vengeance.
The great thing is that this battle is not over yet, and more revelations will undoubtedly come forth on both sides so that the world may know how wonderful is the world-class model, American democracy. Spit! The democratic model that topples tiny dictators is the Dictator Grand Puba.
NBC came out with a claim that Intelligence listened in on a call between Trump and Cohen. Then, a few hours later, NBC retracted the story. Trump's people are all saying this week that NBC goofed but corrected itself. Achem, how do we know that the original claim was untrue? What if Intelligence got on the horn with the NBC boss to twist his arm for to have him retract the true story immediately? That sounds logical. Who will tell the truth concerning Intelligence, while having the guts to stick to the story no matter what powers Intelligence has to get vengeance? This is what America needs, people like that. A war against Intelligence is absolutely required, or the nation will go down into irrecoverability.
Trump now needs to consider that enemy Intelligence does have his calls with Cohen. It can serve to keep him from attacking them. It's that wonderful American democratic machine again, the model for the globalist world.
For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God
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