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December 18 - 24, 2018

Joyous Gard and Uchtred of Bamburgh Castle
Norman Heraldry All Over Willa of Tuscany
How the Trident Leads to Boethus-House Sadducees

For the week's news and my comments, see last section, where the medallion I spoke of is pointing to Dick Cheney.

The last update had a pizzagate curiosity if you're interested. In a nutshell: "Pings/Pongs/Paganells share the four pointed, red label with Panetta's/Panico's and Pizzo's" (use this link to load all your Coats). Pizzagate (child-molestation theories) was named after Comet Ping Pong Pizza, and the Reines' who use the comet share the Pisa Coat in colors reversed. Is God speaking to us here?

After suspecting that the "AudACITER" motto term of Pollocks was for Uchtred the Bold of Bamburgh, it turned out to be a pretty good theory, but when seeing that "the Bold" was for the Bold/Bolt surname, the topic crossed to Boleslaw the Bold of Poland with some excellent insights to be had. The two Bolds were linkable. That discussion was in the ballpark of an explanation on the identification of brown heraldic symbols being for Brunswick / Bruno liners. After the update was out, I learned that mythical Lancelot had been given a fictitious Joyous Gard castle, thought to be at Bamburgh.

I think I can thus decipher LanceLOT partly with Lothian-branch Lots, both using a brown dog. The JOYOUS-Gard code can be deciphered with the Joyce's/Choice's, which share the brown wolf with English Gards. As part of the discussion on brown symbols, I was mentioning the Lance-like Langs, with their letters suspect with Letters/Lauders of Lauder, between Lothian and Bamburgh. In the last update, the brown dogs of Lots and Lothians tagged with the brown wolf of Gards, but I neglected to realize that these Gards were first found in Kent with Lots.

The double-headed, red eagle of Joyce's/Choice's is shared by Spicks/Specks/Spocks, first found in LANCashire. The latter are Numidian suspects, from Syphax, and while I trace Numidians to the Maezaei, Joyce's use a crown gorged around the neck of their Gard-suspect wolf, suggesting the Ceraunii, beside the Maezaei, the latter being the people group to which I trace Julia Maesa, wife of Julius AVITus, suspect in the "vita" motto term of Joyce's. Julia's father was the nephew of Julius Agrippa, the latter suspect in griffins, used by Gards (Kent, same as Masons/Massins, griffin-using Masters/Mesters and Massey-related Trips). The Gard variation of "Uniak" is suspect from the Una river, location of the Maezaei.

A red Chief is shared between Gards and French Joye's/Jois'/Joyets. It might connect to Joyous Gard if we knew whose pale bars the latter use. Jois' made me check "Oyster," which happens to be listed with English Este's while the Gard write-up traces fancifully (probably wrongly) to "Unicus Est," which looks like code for their Este kin. The Adige river by Garda flows near Este, and Este liners were at brown-depicted Brunswick, which should explain the brown wolf of the Uniaks/Gards. (The Oyster/Este motto is a good reason for viewing Hills as Hulls / Halls / Helens, if you can see why that should be. Hills were first found in Worcestershire with the Squirrels whose motto is partly for Fermo, home of Azzo, founder of Este.)

Although I don't understand why Italian Res', who use lances, are also Dere's, the Spanish Dero's are also Deros'/Rosa's. The fact that one is "Dere" and the other a Dero, while both appear to be Rose liners, makes the two surname look like branches, which is being said because Dero's/Rosa's share the double-headed eagle with Joyce's/Choice's, and the eagle of Dero's/Rosa's is black, like the two-headed eagle of Lots. The myth writers had mere surnames on the brain, but didn't tell anyone that their fables were about such things. French Lance's share the star and colors of Dere's/Res'. "Res" is a motto term of Wheelwrights sharing the Catherine wheel with black-griffin Scotts, highly suspect with the black griffin of Bolds/Bolts. It could appear here that there's a link between Lancelot elements in Bamburgh and those of Uchtred the Bold. The Wheelwrights are from the Mieszko Poles, who had slaw the Bold.

French Lance's happen to share the three trefoils of Lang-suspect Lynch's (lynx in Crest), suggesting that Lance's are themselves Lang liners. As I've said, the LYNX in the Penes/Penny Crest traces to LYNCestis, beside PELAGONia (lower-left of this light map), the latter being the basis of the heraldic pelican i.e. used by Langs. But there is even a line of Pelagonia to the Pellican surname, first found in Maine with Lynch-branch Lance's. Now we know better what mythical Lancelot was all about, secretly.

The Penes'/Pennys are from the Penestae peoples shown to the north of Pelagonia, and that thing was symbolized, by Arthurian goonery, as Pendragon. Pendragon birthed fictitious king Arthur from some Gore entity in Cornwall, but he was code for the Arthurs, first found in Berwickshire with Bamburgh castle. English Lance's were first found near the first-known Gore's, and the two share the same fesse. It's the Alan fesse in colors reversed because Langs were (I believe) Alan huns.

Bamburgh was the possession of queen BEBBA, and so here's the Lancells/Lancelyns/LameLYNGs: " the year 1163 when William Lancelin held lands. BEBington in Cheshire was once a stronghold of the family." Bebington must have been of Bamburgh's Bebbanburgs. There is a mythical Uchtred of Bebbanburg, said to be a take on Uchtred the Bold, who had a wife, Brida, and Scottish Bride's happen to share the black griffin with Bolds/Bolts (LANCashire) and Scotts, meaning that the myth writer knew the Bride connection to Uchtred the Bold. Gards use the black griffin too!

As they gave Pendragon an Uther first name, compare with the Uhtred variation of "Uchtred."

As Bebington is in Cheshire, where Brights were first found, it's not likely coincidental that French Bride's share the Bright stars. Now I know where the black griffin (!) in the Bright Crest traces.

French Bride's were first found in Savoy with Aude's likely honored in "AUDaciter." As the latter is in the Pollock saltire, I trace it to Aude of southern France with no doubt, location of Roquefeuil that is in the Trefoils of Lance's and Lynch's. Roquefeuil liners named Roxburgh, where Scotts and the Pollock trunk of Maxwells were first found. I can begin to see that the Saxons under discussion are those merged with king Maccus, the line to Maxwells and Mackays.

Mythical Uchtred was made involved with Danes, whom I trace for good reasons to the Greek Danaans, who were the namers of Tanis of Egypt, in my opinion, explaining why the myth writers made the Danaans brothers of Aegyptus. The point is, the latter's son, LYNCeus, looks like the line to the namers of Lyncestis, and therefore to mythical Lancelot. As I identify this line with Alans, it's workable because Alans lived in or beside Tanais (Caucasia), where I trace "Tanis."

Lancelot's father was Ban, whom I deciphered tentatively with the namers of Banes' and Banisters, the latter first found in LANCashire, but Lanks/Langmans were just found sharing the black-on-white water bouget with Banisters. Lanks/Langmans have the portcullis gate, I think it is, of Yate's and Porters. There's a gate in the Crest of BABEwells/Babels.

Recently, I was able to get the clue for tracing Hoods to "Hyde," the alternative name of the ancient Lydian capital, Sardis. Here's from two updates ago, when Hoods were stressed: "I still can't think of a people group or place name to which Hoods may relate, though Hyde, the name once of Sardis, comes to mind, and, wowie, I trace Sardis and SHIRTS to Sardinians!!! Was that lucky, or Something else?" Hoods were again stressed in the last update.

Sardis was on the Hermus river, now called the Gates-like Gediz. As Yate's use gates, we assume they were a branch of Gate's/Gates', and here I'm very happy to see that Yate's were at HOOD-Ridding. Gate's are split vertically in the colors of the diagonally-split Heidt/Heidler Coat (never noticed this before), the latter sharing a white anchor with Hoods! Anchors are loved by Majors (version of the Anchor Chief), and Majors are loved in the Geddes motto along with what I think are Cabots (share fish with Geddes and Geds), first found in the Channel islands with Majors. Both Cabot Coats have only fish, in the colors of the roses of Capote's/Chapus', the latter first found in Forez, near Provence and Nice, where French Cabots/Chabots/ChaBAUDS...reminding that Hoods use the crescents of Bauds, the latter first found in Stirlingshire with Chappes'/Cheaps.

The paragraph above is taking me a little off-topic, but it's got a lot of new material suspect with the Sadducee, Joseph Caiaphas. I've not made the Cabot link to Capote's/Chapus' before, and to then find them linking possibly to Boethus-line Bauds get interesting where I see Boethus-line Sadducees from Boeotia, where I trace Shechemite liners such as Schims/Schiens and Skene's/Skins. I rarely load Kaips'/Kaipf's, but I happened to do so just now at the sight of the Chaip variation of Chappes'/Cheaps, and there in the Kaip Coat: the Skene wolf heads. Moreover, I didn't realize until now (because I've neglected Cabots for years) that Butts/Boets have their fish colors reversed from the Cabot fish. French Chappes'/Chapats/Chape's share a tall and solid chevron with Kaips/Kaipfs' (looks a lot like "CAIAPHas").

If I'm correct in tracing Buttons/Bidens (share the red fesse of Butts/Boets) to Bithynians (no reason that Boiotians couldn't have become Bithynians), they lived smack at Nicaea, also called, ANCORE, a line suspect to Nice, where French Cabots are said to have lived. And while Bithynia is not far from the Lydian border, the Lydian-suspect Geddes love the Cabots and the ANCHOR-using Majors too. While English Cabots were first found in Jersey with FAUST-loving Poindexters, the Anchors/Annackers love the FASTS whose quadrants are colors reversed from the same of the Bauds above (share the crescents of Lydian-suspect Hoods). The third queen NYSA was of Bithynia, and her name smacks of Nice while Nice's/Ness' use two fesses in the colors of the Button/Biden fesse. Nice liners are suspect with the DioNYSus-Nike partnership, and Dionysus was the grandson of Cadmus, the latter being a founder of Thebes in Boeotia.

While Shechemites are suspect from Boeotia's Schimatari, home of mythical Orion, the line to Orne's/HORNS, the Biden Crest has horns. The Hyde's, if they were from Sardis too, can help make a connection with Bidens/Buttons by the latter's being first found in the same place as Botters/Bodins who share the red eagle with Hyde's. The latter's Coat is in Bute/Butt colors, and in the colors and format of Bothwells. Hyde's share "Haec" with Scott-related Scoots ("Haec ORNant") for a good/potential trace to something at/near Butua near lake Scodra.

A while after writing here, the Eggertons and Eggerts were loaded, suspect with "Uchtred," to find the EGARD variation of English Eggerts (LANCashire). That's pretty compelling in a nutshell, for the Lancelot link to Joyous Gard, but you'll see below why Eggertons can trace to lake Garda. I'm placing this paragraph here because Eggerts/Egards share the black boar heads of Riddings/Readings, and the black boar is used by Bole's who were part of the discussion (last update) of Uchtred the Bold.

Diagonally-split Hiedlers/Hitlers use another black griffin, and may therefore be with the stars of Phrygian-suspect Bride's / Brights. Recall how the black griffin linked above squarely to Lancelot elements, for Joyous GARD is linkable to the "garderay" motto term of griffin-using Bridge's, suspect with the Briges version of ancient Phrygians. Lydians, the myth writers thought, were founded by Phrygians.

Lydians became Latins, and the Latin/Latton surname is traceable to Kilpatricks, the latter having a castle on the Nith, home of the proto-Geddes Geds. The Geds have a "DuRAT" motto while Hoods were in Rattery while Ratterys were beside the Rats while Rats can be with the cross of Sinclairs (at ROSlin), suspect from Lydia's Clarus. Rats were first found in Nairnshire with the Clair-beloved Rose's. The Rose write-up: "Hugh Rose of Geddes married Mary, daughter of Sir Andrew de Bosco." Bosco's are said to be from "woods/forest," but I'm not convinced. Woods share the fitchees of Ratterys.

"DURat" looks like part-code for Dure's, first found in Perthsire (beside Geds) with the Cluns whose Coat they share exactly, which is the Coat of Saluzzo's exactly, from beside Rose-related Busca. Rose's share the red boar head with Bartons while Barts have a boar colors reversed from the Rose boar head (Bos/Bosch/Bush colors), and moreover Barts share the green griffin head of LESlie's (founded by BARTHolomew) whom I trace Leslie's to LesBOS, off the coast from the mouth of the Gediz river. It appears that BOSco's can be from the namers of Lesbos. Bards were first found in Lanarkshire with crow-head Caseys, and the Coronis crow was a Lapith while Lapiths were on Lesbos. The raven vikings were of the Stouts, and the Stoutville's are kin of Latins/Lattons.

The Gates lion may be that of German Hermans, for one could expect surnames after the carrier of the Hermes cult through the Hermus (Gediz) river. Latins/Lattons are said to have been of Estouteville, and Stoutville's shaw a Coat like that of Latins/Lattons, but with the same saltire as Ermine's/Armine's. The latter are apparently using the Shield of Annandale's (Annandale is near the Nith), but the Annandale saltire got placed on a gold Shield by Bruce's of Annandale, and such a saltire, in those colors, is with Italian Latins/Latoni's (Florence).

The stirrups of Latins/Latoni's are in the colors of the Letters/Lauders and Leto's, the latter's crane being in the Stirrup/Stirpe Coat. The latter has a crown for a possible trace to the Coronis-line Ceraunii. The knot in the Latin stirrups can speak to the Nottinghamshire location of the first-known Stirrups/Stirpe's. Another knot is used on the scarf of Trabys/Sadowski's, and this scarf is in the colors of the Laton stirrups, indicating Trebia-river liners, for Annandale's were from the Ananes Gauls at the Trebia. The scarf and the stirrups happen to be in the colors of the star of Annas', first found in Nottinghamshire. This tends to clinch the Annandale saltire in the Latin/Latoni corner, especially as the saltire is shared by Hinks whose Shield/Chief colors are those of Lets/Late's (colors reversed from the same of Annas').

The Hinks were first found in Oxfordshire with Bamburgs/BANbury, and I think it's now a good bet that Banbury refers to the line of Ban, Lancelot's mythical father, for we saw why Lancelot should be of Bamburgh (near the Letters/Lauders). The "organ PIPES" of Lets/Late's indicate that Pipe's and their Pepin branch are of Poppo I, founder of Germany's Babenbergs at Bavaria's Bamberg. The three Babenberg chevrons, can be those of water-bouget-suspect Waters, for bougets are used by Banisters (and Rose's, and raven-liner Rolphs). The Nairnshire Rolphs (share the Rose water bouget in both colors) are said to have been in Orkney, where I trace "organ."

The Claro-descended Sinclairs of Roslin, who I'm sure were descended from Rolph-suspect Rollo, were in Orkney. Rollo's were first found in Perthshire with Ratterys, and Rattery was home to Lydian-suspect Hoods while Clarus was at the Lydian theater of mythical Leto, whom Romans called, Latona, the obvious namer of Latins.

Let's go back to the meaning of Lancelot, not forgetting that Lots and Lothians share the brown dog, for Lothians can be with the Traby hunting horn while Latins/Lattons share the Hunter Coat. " the year 1163 when William Lancelin held lands. Bebington in Cheshire was once a stronghold of the family." The Bebington Coat can be the Coat of Anne's/Hanne's in someone else's colors. I link the Tickhill location of Anne's/Hanne's, via the maunch of Tickhills, to the MAUNCH of the Nottinghamshire Mansfields, which is clearly a line from the MANX peoples on the Isle of Man, where the family of Maccus ruled. Maccus had been speaking to Saxons in Cheshire, and this Bebington picture tends to tell us which Saxons he was speaking to.

The water bouget (first seen earlier with LANKs/Langmans) is suspect with the Buckets/Buchards who share three red piles with Polworths (Berwickshire, same as Bamburgh castle), and Maccus' grandfather is said to have married the Saxon, Edith of Polesworth...suspect from Julia Polla, daughter of Julia Tyche (Phrygia), the line to Tickhill, right? As Pollocks are a sept of Maccus-line Maxwells, note that Maxwells share the black, double-headed eagle with both PolWORTH-suspect Worths (brown lion) and Dero's/Rosa's, the latter suspect with lance-using Dere's/Res'. I recently showed a Maxwell-Ros Coat with the water bouget, indicating a Maccus-line merger with Rose's.

Worthys were looked up as per the Wenworthy manors of Richard Le Espec in the write-up of Spicks/Specks/Spocks who share the double-headed, red eagle with Joyce's/Choice's. We're back to Joyous Gard. Worthys, who lived in Jois-like Uist, and use a giant, red eagle of their own, use the red MacDonald / Ferte eagle, speaking to a Maccus-MacDonald merger. MacDonald liners often use a hand holding a fitchee, like the paw holding a fitchee of Quints. Bauds (Bald branch) share the ship with MacDonalds, and a hand holding a trident, the latter (without the hand) being alone in the Coat of Worthingtons (Greater Manchester, LANCashire). Orm, whom I trace with the Shakerley location of Great Manchester to Orion, is in the Worthington write-up.

The Bebington picture leads to the Pierleoni Jews in the land of the Latins, but also indicates the Lydians mentioned above. "The manor [of Higher Bebington] passed with the heiress of the elder branch to the Minshulls." The Minshull write-up: "The surname Minshull was first found in Cheshire at Minshull Vernon. 'The manor belonged anciently to the Vernons, from whom it passed to the family of ALDeton, sometimes called Oldington and OULTON; it was subsequently divided among the Starkies, NEWYTONs, and Minshulls.'" The "shin BONES" of Newtons becomes important with the Bono's/Dubons, in the motto of Pierleoni-liner, Benedicts and Bennets, more mythical-Ban suspects.

The ALDeton and Oulton elements of Minshulls reminded that Alda's (Florence, same as Latins/Latoni's) share the split Shield of Gate's, and when the Oultons/Otone's were loaded, they not only had quadrants in the colors of the split Shields of Gate's and Bono's/Dubons, and in the colors of the Leo fesse, but the giant lion of Bono's/Dubons and Otone-like Odins (Ottone colors). On top of this, the Oulton / Odin lion is in the colors of the Leo lion, suspect with the lion of Rita's (Rome), which is in turn suspect with the Pool lion because Pollocks are from Vespasia Polla of Rita-like Rieti. The giant lions of Odins and Oltons are half in the colors of the Rita / Pool lion.

As Sforza's were first found in Rome too, while titles from the line of Ottone Visconti went to Sforza's, the latter's lion can be the Gate lion.

Oultons/Otone's lived in Latin-like Leighton, wherefore it should be added that while Jeepma's/Cheps share the Zionist star of Minshulls, they were first found in OLDENburg. I trace Jeepma's to Japodes at the area of the Leighton-line Latovici. The latter were beside the Bruce-like Breuci while the Annandale Bruce's share the saltire of Latins/Latona's. The lion of the Yorkshire Bruce's, in colors reversed, is the Odin / Oulton / Bono / Rita / Pool lion.

The Olden/Alden surname shares the white crescent with Minshulls of ALDEton. Can we believe it? The crown in the Olden/Alden Crest is split in the colors of the Split Gate / Bono / Aldo Shields, and the gold lion coming out of that crown can therefore be the Gate lion. As the Scottish Alde's/Alda's/Aulds share the Chief/Shield colors of Mens', the MINShulls may apply. Alde's/Aulds share griffins with Kent's Gards and the Chief-Shield colors of Irish Gards, so that we are not deviated from the Joyous Gard of Lancelot here. The same Chief-Shield colors are used by Worthly-like Worsleys (LANCashire), who are in the Eggerton write-up: "The old [Worsley] Hall...was successively the residence of the Worsleys, Masseys, Stanleys, Breretons, and Egertons."

On mythical Uchtred: "Skade meanwhile openly curses Uhtred, which leads him to blame her for the subsequent death in childbirth of Gisela." BodeGISEL, I had read, was named after a Gisel name popular in the family and/or time period, and while Bodegisel was a son of MUMmolin, "meum" is a motto term of Skade-branch Sheds, first found in Ayrshire with Skade's/Skits/Skeochs and Alde's/Aulds. The latter share white griffins with Sheds who in-turn share the Gard chevron. Sheds share the cinquefoils of Mottrams, and you'll see Mr. OLTen of Mottram below. I'm now wondering whether Italian Alda's share the Joyce/Choice fesse.

I suspect that virtually all of Masonry's "noble" lines cut through the kin of Mummolin. His grandson, Grimo, should be to the Grime's that share the green martlet with the Gard chevron. Grime liners can be of the PilGRIMs (pilgrim's staves), who are in the so-called "pilgrim staves" of Hawks (i.e. in the hawk's lure of Gards). Grime's were first found in Cheshire, and the hakes lure is used also by Cheshire's.

Another online quote: "While travelling with a small force to meet Alfred, [mythical] Uhtred captures Skade, Harald's woman. Skade is a formidable fighter in her own right, and leads one of Harald's war parties. She and her party are captured while raiding a village in Eastern Wessex." That sounds like a play on the historical Harald, father of Maccus, whom I trace to the Herods/Haralds (Argyllshire, same as MacDonalds) sharing the hawk's lure with Gards. Herods, Haralds and Lure's were septs of McLeods who use a "HOLD fast" motto. Lure's, with the Gard / Shed chevron in colors reversed, were first found in Ayrshire with Sheds and Skade's.

The Lure Coat looks linkable to that of Bellys who come up as "Billis," taken from the Joyce motto, which also has "Mors" while Bellys/Billis' were first found in Moray. The latter's three Moor heads in Chief are in the colors of the three griffins in the Gard Chief, and Joyce's were first found on GlaMORGANshire, anciently called Morgannwg. The Morgans and Moors happen to share the same lion.

We see Alfred in the quote above, a name used by the Atheling Saxons. The English Alfreds (bottony cross), first found in Kent with Gards, use the split colors of Alda's / Oltons / Bono's / Gate's and Cage's, the latter mentioned now because they with Caige's/Teague's are likewise in a list of McLeod septs, and Teague's share the brown wolf with Gards and Joyce's/Choice's. Portuguese Alfreds use nothing but Wings while Wings/Winks were first found in Perthshire with Atheling-like Athols.

If MinsHULLs are a Mens merger with Hulls, it's notable that Hulls, first found in Yorkshire with Anne's/Hanne's, are in the colors and format of the Bebingtons of Minshull, who in-turn use the Anne/Hanne Coat in someone else's colors (i.e. now suspect with Hull colors).

The paragraph above was written before loading the Poppins seeking a link to Poppo of Bamberg, Germany, and once the Poppin Coat loaded, there were the Anne/Hanne stag heads upon the Mens Chief! Wow, yer gudd, John. At the loading of the Poppins, the Uchtred-possible EGGERTons ("armis") and Eggs/EDGE's, both of Cheshire, came to mind. I trace Edge's to the Adige river flowing right by lake GARDA!!! Joyous GARD of Lancelot's Bamburgh. Eggs/Edge's are split in the colors of the split-color GARDners. Eggertons share the lion of German Leo's/Pyrzewski's. Meschin-suspect Biss', suspect from the namers of the Visconti biscione snake, use "two snakes respecting EACH other." Each's are Eagars/Augers too, whose "Agendo" motto term is suspect from Euganeo (beside Este) near the Adige river.

The Oulton/Otone write-up: "In 1455, Earwaker's East Cheshire listed Thomas Olton as holding estates in Mottram..." The write-up of Cheshire's Mottrams speaks on a Mottram location in LONGENdale (Greater Manchester, LANCashire) while the two Lank/Longen Coats have giant lions between them (each has one lion) in the two color scheme's of the giant Oulton/Otone and Bono/Debon lion. The difference is that Lanks/Longens use the lions in passant positioning, and one of them is the lion in the Leo Chief. This tends to clinch Oultons/Otone's with Pierleoni just because Debons are in the "De bon" motto phrase of Bennets (share the Bono/Debon lion) and Benedicts.

Motts/Mottins are suspect with Modane liners, and Briancon -- earlier BRIGANTium, suspect with Brights / Bride's -- is about 25 miles from Modane. The Setantii Brigantians were in LANCashire. Get get away from that Lancashire in the Lancelot investigation.

German Leo's are shown as PYRzewski's probably because they were from PIERleoni (named partly after Leo Benedictus). German Leo's (sinister-rising bend) were first found in Hamburg with Krume's, the latter using a sinister-facing crescent in the colors of the Minshull crescent. It was the Minshull write-up that first brought the topic to the Pierleoni. Hamburg is where Trips/Treffs were first found while English Trips share the scaling ladder with English Bennets (LANCashire). Pierleoni liners were thus married to Trips, kin of French Masseys who have more white crescents. French Masseys, expected to be kin of Brights for the latter's use of the Macey stars, were first found in Savoy with Bride's (version of the Macey Coat), suspect with Brida, mythical wife of Uchtred of Bamburgh. Uchtred's mother is said to have been a Mercian noblewoman, and the flag of Mercia is used by Messeys...clearly the line of king Maccus suspect from Ferte-Mace of the Masseys/Maceys.

Scottish Bennets were first found in Perthshire with Hagars, and the latter's white Zionist star is in both colors of the same that comes with the white Minshull crescent. German Leo's have the white Zionist star on their sinister bend.

For what it might be worth, Cindys share a single, passant and white lion in Chief with the Leo Chief, as well as sharing the cinquefoils of Mottrams. Motts share the white crescent with Oldens/Aldens and Minshulls of Oulton. Mott is in Cotes-du-Nord, beside Vilaine, and the Arms of Vilaine shares the double pale bars of Cindys. Cotes-du-Nord is now Cotes-d'ARMor, and Motels of Taranto have an ARM in the mouth of a horse. The Arms of Taranto is where I trace the Coffee/Coffer Crest, and the Cunty variation of Cindys is possibly in the motto of Courts/Coverts, a branch of Coffer-like Cofferts. The Armys are listed with Ermine's/Armine's, suspect from the Hermus river.

Repeat: "The Wheelwrights are from the Mieszko Poles, who had slaw the Bold." That is, Mieszko's were from mythical Piast KOLODziej, the Wheelwright, and COLTers/ALTers, in the motto of wheel-suspect RODhams, share the Catherine wheel with Wheelwrights. The Catherine wheel was owned by Catherine ROET because "wheel = roda / rotor." One descendant of Kolodziej was SiemoMYSL, and the Misl's have a mouse on a bend in the colors of the items on a bend of Rodhams.

Why Are Dents Important?

Two surnames with triDENTS were crossed above, one being the Worthingtons while Worths/Worthleys share the giant and black double-headed eagle with Lots, a branch of Lothians/Loudons so as to be connectable to Letters of Lauder, who in-turn share the Tooth griffin.

Worthys had been found with a giant red eagle connectable to the giant one of Joyce's/Choice's. The "PER terras" motto phrase of WORTHY (and many MacDonald clans) can be partly for the Pero's/Perrins using one pale bar in the colors of the three of Joye's/Jois'. The Pero pale bar was resolved with the four of Dance's/Donnas', and Dance-suspect Dents are in the trident of WORTHingtons. Dents were at Sedbergh, and "sed" is a motto term of Sedons and Worthingtons. Sedons use "sed dono" while Dance's/Donnas' are also Donna's.

Hmm, English Joye's are with the Jays, perfect because I trace the double-headed eagle of SPICKs/Specks (same as the Joyce eagle) to "Syphax", a Numidian ruler involved in a power struggle with Massena, son of Jay-liner Gaia. Syphax tried to take the Carthage empire of Hannibal, son of BARCa, now suspect with the Barkisland of Bolds/Bolts.

As per "per TERRAS," one Terras Coat is in the colors and format of dents, and the other is a Scott Coat, which recalls that the black Scott griffin links to Uchtred the Bold with the black Gard griffins. Black-griffin Bolds/Bolts were in Barkisland...of West Yorkshire, location of the Dents of Sedbergh. The Scott-related Terras' were in Moray while Worthingtons throw in a "Mors" motto term.

The Barkis' are listed with Bachus', recalling the link of Beach's/Bechs (LANCashire, just can't get away from this place) to mythical Bacchus, and so here's part of the Worthington write-up: "The lordship was given by Albert de Gresley to Orm..." Gresleys/Graslys share the Beach/Bech Coat, and the "GRATum" motto term of Worthingtons suggests that Grass liners were as I've suspected, from Gratian the Elder, father of Valentinian I. I recall being confident that Greats/Grete's were from Gratian, and it just so happens that they have a saltire colors reversed from the same of Barkis'/Bachus'.

Albert de Gresley was "son of Ailward or Edward, progenitor of the Ashtons, of Ashton; and his descendants were called de Wrightington." Wrightingtons are listed with Worthingtons, and Wheelwrights (Yorkshire) share the Catherine wheel with black-griffin Scotts. The Astons (LANCashire) have the dent lozenges in colors reversed, which helps to identify the Worthington tridents with Dents. "The Anglo-Saxon name Worthington comes from when the family resided in Lancashire at Worthington, a parish of Standish, union of Wigan, hundred of Leyland." The Standish Coat shares the red border on white Shield with the black-griffin Scotts. The Wigan surname, with a three-star variation of the ANNAS Coat, was there in the Worthington, for Wigan is less than four miles from it. The Shakerley location is nearby, and while Shake's of Shakerley use mole HILLS (instead of moles alone), Hills use a version of the Leyland Coat. The latter's lion is that also of the Yorkshire HANSons.

The Arms of Wigan has a motto, "ProGRESSE with unity," and Worthingtons are from Albert GRESlet/Gresley. Repeat: "Albert de Gresley was "son of Ailward or Edward, progenitor of the ASHTONs, of Ashton..." That becomes suspect with Ashton-of-Makerfield in the borough of Wigan. Ashtons (LANCashire) use a "RESolutio" motto term, and Res'/Dere's use LANCEs. The black boar head of Ashtons is therefore suspect with the one of GARDens (as per Joyous Gard of Lancelot) and the Brittany Jarrie's, for the Helen write-up has an Ashton location in Brittany, apparently. Jarrie is a location near Candale (Garonne river), and while the family of John of Gaunt was at Candale, that house was called, Kendel ("RESurga"), the latter sharing the Coat of the Kydales in the Ashton write-up. KENDels with their Coat (dolphins) look like a branch of KENNEDys as the latter tapped into Tippers. I trace Kids to Cetis, where the proto-Kennedy Kennati were.

Gresleys/Graslys use the Beach/Bech Coat, interesting for re-hashing Miss Hicks hovering in a CAR on a beach, for Beach's were once said to have been first found in Lancashire with Cars/Kerrs, and the latter's stars are colors reversed from those of Wigans.

Remember, Wigton is where Hanna's were first found, in Galloway, now resolved from king Gaia/Gala, the line to Jays/Joye's at WIGmore. Wigmore's (same two places as Jays and Hills) share the courant greyhounds, in colors reversed, of Scoots to which Miss Hicks pointed when I asked to sit in the SEAT beside her. Scoots were first found in East Lothian with SEATons, suspect with Sedons whom I peg in the "sed" motto term of Cars/Kerrs. In the Hicks dream, she hovered over the seats in the car, which looks like code for a Car-Sedon merger. As Scoots share the Shield and border of Bold/Bolt-linkable Scotts, note that BOLTon is beside Wigan. Boltons are suspect with the Anne/Hanne stags.

The Hills are suspect in the Shake mole hills, and the Shake chevron is colors reversed from the KERin/Kern chevron. German Kerns/Karens were first found in Silesia with Sitlers/SCHITners, suspect with the Sitten variation of Seatons.

I had indication that Miss Hicks is to link to some aspects of Katrina Hanson, and the lozengy in the Arms of Wigan is black and gold, the colors used for it by German Hansons (probably the old, green snake of Lombardy's Visconti's), as well as the lozengy of Scottish Lombards. It appears that the Ananes Gauls pointed to by Miss Hanson were at the Worthington / Wigan area as the Annas' in the Wigan Coat. While Wigan is at Standish, Annandale's even share the saltire of Standish's, and while God had linked some aspect of Stanleys to Miss Hicks, Stanleys were first found in Cambridgeshire with Wigans. Stanley held a flag when he was seated beside Miss Hicks on the night of God's pointers, and Flags/Flacks share the double fesses of Stans/Stands, first found in Yorkshire with Hicks (and Hansons).

[Wow, for those of you who know that the pointers on that night were to Leaks/Leakeys, let me tell you that, as I wrote the paragraph above, I was making LEEK soup for the first time in months, and am eating it as I place this insert here! The pointer to Leaks was suspect with a WikiLeaks event that has either happened already, or has yet to happen.]

The sharing of the Lombard Coat by Hansons is important where the ice-cream symbol of Katrina Hanson is for Ananes Gauls at Cremona, or nearby Crema on Lombardy's Serio river. Serio-river lines are expected in the motto of Cars along with their "sed" motto term (shared by triDENT-using Worthingtons), suspect with Sedon liners at Sedbergh, and Dents of Sedbergh use lozenges half in the colors of the ones above. Cars, because they were first found in LANCashire with Wigan, may closely have the Wigan stars in colors reversed.

I'm venturing to connect the "OPinum" motto term of Worthingtons to the "OPtem" of Teague's/TEEGERs (share brown wolf with Joyce's) because the Dent Crest is a TIGER. If "OpiNUM" is part-code for Numans/Newmans, Numidian suspects, we can add that the Newman lions are those of English Hansons, both putting a white lion also in their Crests. The Numan motto is in honor of MacCabe's of Arran, and: "Another [Kerr] variant is found on the west coast of Scotland, particularly on the Isle of Arran..."

Wigan is on the south-west side of Bolton, and the Arms of Bolton (elephant) happen to show a black border, symbol of Lancashire's Furness' and Parrs, but used also by Sedans. The "Supera Moras" motto in the Arms of Bolton get the Moras'/Morinis' with the double-Parr fesses in colors reversed.

Wikipedia has an article on the Cars/Kerrs: "The two main branches of the Clan Kerr, the Kerrs of FERNIEhurst and the Kerrs of Cessford..." Miss Hicks moved from my area of Texas to FORNEY. Fernie's may have the PARRY / Parr fesse and the FARMer lion heads. The Fernie fesse is colors reversed from that of CARsons (SCIMitar), and the latter's lozenges colors reversed from the Parry lozenges. Schims/Schiens share the MOLE boar head, and Shake's of Shakerley were from SCHIMATARi.

The Dents were first found in Yorkshire with the Dance's sharing the red lion heads of Fernie's. This gets better for our understanding where red lions are found in the Chief of Dono's/Donaughs, who are in Susan and Doner colors, and appear to have a snake in Crest, the Doner-Crest symbol. Susans are suspect with Susa (Piedmont), the capital of king Donnus, suspect with the Italian Dance's/Donna's/Donnas' (Piedmont). As you can see, its because the Sedbergh-suspect Sedons use a "dono" motto term that Dents look like Donnus-line Cottians. We get the distinct impression that Donnus liners were hooked up with the line of Pharnaces, especially as Dons use the double Parr fesses in colors reversed, same as the Morinis' suspect in the Arms of Bolton.

It can be added that while Morinis' are in the Deering write-up as ancestral to Deerings, the latter share the Bolton stags heads, we may assume. Boltons and Bolts can thus be from the Bautica river running to CHIVASSo in Piedmont. As CHIVES' are from the Cavii, south of lake SCODra, note that Scotts have been resolved with the Bolt griffin. The Baltea is also the Butua-like Bautica, and Butua is on the north side of lake Scodra.

For what I'm about to say on Demonte's, there's a good reason to equate the Desmond/Gerald saltire with that of Standish's, the latter sharing a red border on white Shield with Scotts. Worthington is at Standish, itself in a Chorley area, and the Chorely Crest has got to be the black Bolt/Bold griffin. The Chorely Coat has bottles, I think, and there is a Bottle surname that can be a branch of Beads/Beadle's [will link exactly to Tancreds and therefore to Tanagra, beside Schimatari, later]. Bauds are Beeds too.

There is also the issue of the Worthington TRIdent, which looks like part-code for Try's/Troys (giant griffins) because German Troys (Try/Troy colors) share the unicorn of Demonte's/Delmonte's (Piedmont) while the Stura-Demonte river is in Piedmont too. Worthington is beside Bolton. By what coincidence do BAUDs, who share the BALD ship, use another trident? Bingo. Boltons and Bolts//BALTs (Lancashire, same as Bolton) are of the Bautica/Baltea river, and the giant black griffin of Bolts/Balts can be of the giant dog, in the same colors, of Lancashire's Furness'/Furnace's.

The Bolton chevron, and the Bolt/Balt griffin head, are with the Lyon-possible Line/LYNE surname, the latter surrounding the chevron with Rozala-suspect roses in the colors of the Lancastrian rose. I now think I understand the War of the Roses between the Lancastrian and Yorkshire roses, both from Rozala liners. Scottish Line's/Lynns look linkable to Scoots / Scotts / Skits/Skeets, and, in connection with the German-Line horse, to Rush's.

Badets/Baders (Provence, beside the same-colored Demonte's/De Monts) have a griffin or dragon in the colors of the Try/Troy griffins. German Baders are also Baade's, like the Baad variation of Bauds. If the bend-with-stars of German Baders/Baaders were in colors reversed, the Coat would well-reflect the Bauder Coat with Rozala-suspect roses.

"Stura" has been suspect with the Satrae Thracians (STRYmon and NESTus rivers), who were given a goat symbol, the symbol in the Worthington Crest. French Demonte's/De Monte's (same colors) can be traced well with the Bautica's Arduinici, and with the Mons variation of Mounts, to Mons of Hainaut, in or beside Artois: "To the north [Demonte's/De Monte's] established a branch at St.-Eloi in the region of Artois..."

The Demons/Demonds show nothing but white roses suspect with Rozala of Ivrea, the location on the Bautica of the Artois-liner Arduinici. Bauders use white roses. Hainaut is in Flanders, and Rozala "was regent of Flanders in 987-988...", She married Flanders and birthed BALDwin IV, a name I trace to "Baltea." She also married king Robert of the Capetians, and the Burgundy Roberts (as well as Propers/Robins) are therefore probably using the Demonte/De Mont lion.

The Russells show the Worthington goat too, now making both surnames suspect with the naming of Rozala. Her ancestry was in Burgundy with the first-known Demonte's/De Monts; French Mountains (share the saltire of Burgundy's Messeys/Messier's) come to mind who use white-on-blue bulls, the symbol of Boso's/Busi's/Bosne's, from the Bosonids of Burgundy. Boso variations look like branches of Bush's/Buschs in/out of Busca, a location between the Stura-Demonte Chivasso. At Wikipedia's Rozala article: "Her mother was Willa of Tuscany, the daughter of Boso, Margrave of Tuscany and his wife Willa. In 968 she married Arnulf II, Count of Flanders (d. 987)." She died in Ghent, and then Ghents share the eagle of the Yorkshire Bush's.

The Ghents were first found in Hampshire with the Josephs who share a green, solid chevron with Dono's/Donaughs, which for me is a trace of Joseph Caiaphas to Piedmont's Cottians, near Chivasso. I've long suspected that Caiaphas had ancestry in Aurelia Cotta's son, Julius Caesar (that was his surname, not just a title), and here's it's interesting that Bosco-loving Rose's are found with the Caesar Coat, and with the Clare's who are of Claro's/Charo's (in the Joseph motto), who share half the bull of Boso's/Bosne's (the Bosnia river comes to mind).

This is a good place to ask why the Claro-line Sinclairs and Conans (June fleur) share the cross of BALDers ("CONstance"), and why English Constantine's (BERKshire, same as Susans) share the Jeune fleur. Balders share the cross of Butters, and while Butts/Bute's are Este liners, the "ferme" motto term of Balders should be for lines from Azzo of Este (lived in Fermo). These are the crosses of Sinclairs, of Rozala-like ROSLin.

The Caesar Chief shares three red roses with the Chief of Capote's/CHAPUS', and the Caesar Shield is exactly the Demon/Demond Coat (first found in ORLEANS with Demons/Desmonts). I trace "Aurelia" to the Orrels, who share red roundels with ORLEANS' and Ore's/Orrs. The Susa valley is also called, Val d'Ors, suggesting that Ore liners named that place. My claim is that Caiaphas was born to a descendant of Julius Caesar's illegitimate daughter, Junia Caepionis, herself a great-granddaughter of QUINTus Caepio the elder, and so we should ask why the Chief of the Burgundy Roberts, suspect from the CAPETian line of Robert and Rozala, is the Quint Chief. Or, why do Capote's/Chapus'/Chaputs (same roses as French Clairs) look like the surname of Hugh Capet, founder of royal Capetians?

Why are the three Cabot fish in the colors and format of the Clair roses, or in the colors of the triple Clare chevrons? Doesn't that also link to Rozala's Boso line? As I claim that Caiaphas' was the ancestor of Quadratilla Bassus and/or her husband, Laevillus, let's add that while I trace Kiss'/CUSS' to his Vibius-liner mother, Cabots have a "ConCUSSus" motto term (there's the "Con" term again), amazing because Laevillus was a king of CETIS while Cabots and Capetians are expected in the "Capta" motto term of GEDDES". Plus, there is a Cetis/Sestie surname sharing the lily with Susans and Waterfords while Waterfords share the Kiss/Cuss "fountains" upon a chevron, as do Caesar-possible Cass'.

Another trident is in the Crest of Turbots (Yorkshire), and in their Shield the Turbots have three fish in the colors of the Ged fish. The TAIL of a turbot fish is in the Crest of Lawrence's, first found near the Furness area of Lancashire. The TurBUTT variation could indicate that their fish is of Butts/Boets.

By following the trident, I've just found that the Fernie's share two symbols of Beavers (Berkshire). They were found because Bewere's use crossed tridents. If we ask how Bewere's link to Dents, there's the Berkshire location of Beavers and Susans together, though this is where Croms were first found who are in the motto of Demonte-liner Desmonds. The Stura-Demonte is in the TRIdent by way of Demonte's sharing the Troy unicorn. In the Payens write-up, Hugh de Payens "is believed to have been born in Troyes, France..."

I almost missed the Fernie-like Farns, who share the same lion heads, a good reason to view Farmers with the same lion head. The English Farms/Farmers even use the colors and almost-the-format of Butts/Boets. This is important because it looks like a Boethus-Sadducee link to Pharisee-like Pharnaces. Farms/Farmers share a hunting horn in the colors of the same of Brecks/Breakers, suspect from Brigantium, just over the peaks of the Cottian alps from Susa. It's on the Riparia river into which the Viu valley drains,, which is itself suspect with the "vi" motto term of Chives'.

Wikipedia's Segusini article: "On the French side of Alpis Cottia (Mont Genevre), Brigantium (modern Briançon) was, according to Ptolemy, within the limits of the Segusini. Brigantium had also formed part of the kingdom of King Cottius and was also in the ancient Roman province of Alpes Cottiae." Susa was anciently SEGUSia, and Seges' are with Sadducee-like Saddocks/Sedgewicks. While the salamander is now suspect with Salome de Boethus, SEGans/Sagans use the salamander. It's begging the question on whether Segusia was related Sadducees.

I've only just learned of the flag of Segusia, having a white horse, same as the Waistell/Wessel Coat, a surname I trace to Vestalis, grandson of Donnus of Susa. The flag is studded with pale bars, as is the Dance/Donna/Donnas Coat, in the colors of the many pale bars of Tarrs/Terres'.

In the top corner of the flag, there is a curved, blue dolphin. There were two blue dolphins recently (one of Tippers), but here the Coat of Lemans/Lemons, roughly in the format and colors of Farms/Farmers, use dolphins. The latter can be suspect from Lemovices, namers of Limousin, where SECONds/Segurs (Farn lion?) were first found, who can in-turn be from the Sequani Gauls, beside the Cottians, that may have named Segusia/SECUS. In the flag's description: "...a yellow field [why not "gold"] with 6 vertical red stripes [why not bars?] with a white horse and a canton with a FLAMMED [caps mine] red and yellow, a combination of the Savoy and Swiss crosses and the Dauphinois dolphin...and the white horse is a retake of a symbol often present on Saegusae Celtic coins.." The Segan/Sagan salamander is in FLAMES [later, Flame's get suspect with the besants owned by the line of Willa of Tuscany].

The Tippers ("SED") share the blue dolphin with Hortons, and the latter were first found in West Yorkshire with the SEDbergh of Dents! Do you see it? Sedbergh, linkable to Sedons sharing the black border with Furness' and Parrs, is a line from Segusia's Sedes'/Sedgewicks! The Seats/Cedes' look very linkable to that thing, and to "Cetis." Cetis is where the Kennati priests of Ajax operated, and while Scottish Kennedys happen to share the purplish-blue dolphin with Hortons, Irish Kennedys were from TIPPERary. You can't argue with the facts. The white anchor in the Tipper Crest is likely that of the neighboring Hoods, and, consequently, of Heidlers. Hortons were featured with the acciDENT of Tim Horton, in the 5th update of November.

It's hard to wrap my head around a Sadducee-Segusia link when the latter was named by a tribe of Celts, unless these Celts (Gauls) were named after Segusia. The Segusia union represented on the flag stretches into Dauphine, where Herod Archelaus lived. HORT(on)s are suspect with "Herod," and Horts even use a Coat linkable to Herls/Hurls while Scottish Hurls are Herods/Heraults too. It's probably better to suspect a Cottian-line link to Sadducees, especially as Masci's of Piedmont were Maccabees, while Laevi Gauls were near the Piedmont border.

As I trace Caens to the Ceno river that flows into the Taro (home of the Ananes Gauls) , recall how the Segusia flag looks like the Tarr/Terres Coat, for the following can explain why Caens share a fretty Shield with Cotta's: "During the Roman age, Augustus formed an alliance with the Segusini of Cottii Regnum to link Italy and France by building a road through the Valley and over the Col de Montgenevre. During the Middle Ages, the road was called Via Francigena, and pilgrims arriving from France passed through Mont Cenis and the Susa Valley on their way to Rome." Cenis? That's suspect with the Caens. As I think one can follow the Ananes Gauls to Sadducees, because Annas of Israel had to be a Sadducee, we again find that royal Cottians may have merged with Sadducee liners.

The Seges/Sedgewick/Saddock Coat happens to use an eSCUTcheon while Shutz's/Schutz's, for example, could have been named from Sadducees. But the Keons appear to be in "escutCHEON" too, for Keon-like Keens use an escutcheon. It makes Keons and Keens suspect with Mont Cenis' namers, and while both share the fish with Kane's, the latter use them in Susa colors, and may even be salmon as code for a line from Salome-Boethus liners. The Cheneys have a Coat like that of Salemans. The white-on-green Kane fish are in the colors of the Ham salmon, and Hams were first found in Sussex, can we believe it, with Seges'/Sedgewicks/Saddocks, and with Hammers who have use dolphins in Ham-salmon colors, that being suddenly linkable to the dolphin in the Segusia flag. Amazingly, while the Saddock, Chaddock and Chadwick Coats are a take from the Arms of Rochdale: "The [Hammer] name comes from when they lived in the village of Hamer in the parish of Rochdale in the county of Lancashire." Chadwicks share the lily with Susans, in Ham / Hammer / Kane colors. "The Chadwicks of Chadwick in Rochdale parish...Healey Hall has been for many centuries a seat of the family." Healeys/Haleys, first found in Sligo with Keons, share the boar head of SCHIMs/Schiens/Chands, and then Keen-like Kennedys use the SCIMiTAR (did the namers of the Taro partly name SchimaTARi?).

A white boar is in the Crest of Denets (Per dei proviDENTiam"), likewise first found in Sussex with Seges'/Saddocks, and in the same colors. While I've mentioned this before, we now have grand evidence that Dents, said to be of "Denet," were from Donnus of the Cottians. The Brittany Denets, who look like they merged with Jordans, possible Jardins / Gardens / Jarrie's, are in the colors and format of the Yorkshire Dance's. The latter's fesse is half in the colors of the Alan fesse, and half in the colors of the Butt/Bute/BOET fesse, so very important now because the Dance Crest has the black horse head, of the same design even, as English Butts/Bute's! Bingo, just as was expected from above, Dance liners from king Donnus were indeed merged with at least one family of the Boethus Sadducees.

Now we know why Butlers use a dancette. But they also share cups with Christine's, which reminds of what I've said many times, that Christine Peare (old friend) loved to dance (40 years ago). She was given a waist symbol, by God, a couple of years ago in my dream, for the Cottian line of Waistells/Wessels. Now I know why. The last night I saw her, we went to a BAR, and when some guy sat beside her, with me sitting there (we had just arrived), and asked her to dance, I walked out the back door as she was dancing. I think I know why: it was an act of God.

Bute's/Butts (ESToiles) use a horse head once shown by English Este's, and the latter's Shield, with white horses, can now go to the white horse in the flag of Susa, and also in the Waistell/Wessel Chief. Bute's can be traced to Butua, near modern BAR at the coast from lake Scodra. That's why I saw her last in a bar when she was dancing, for Bars share the giant eagle of Italian Este's. Here's the Bute/Butt write-up" "Much further to the north, the Isle of Bute is in the county of Bute, in the Firth of Clyde". Clyde's smack of Clauds/CLAUSELs, suspect from the Clausula river that drains into lake Scodra.

Clauds/Clausels are in the colors and format of Christine's (comparable to the Butt/Bute Coat), and the latter were first found in on the Isle of Man, very linkable to peoples on the isle of Bute. There's a white horse head (unicorn) in the Christine Crest, you see. She was a code for the Cottians, but why did God chose someone with a Peare surname tracing to Pero's of Pavia/PAPia? Ask the white horse heads of Este-loving Pepins, and note that they with Poppins love the Man-like Mens' along with Christine-line Crystals. Clyde's share the Alan and Pierro/Pero fesse.

In recent weeks, I discovered that Leightons/Laytons were from the Latovici at the Colapis/Kupa river, where I trace Cups/Cope's/Colps, and therefore this river is where cup-using surnames should trace by their marriages. Cup-using Butlers are said to have been at Lancashire's Layton. The Butler cups are in the colors of the Butt/Bute/Boet fish. Colapis liners trace to Essex, location of Colchester, and Essex is where English Este's were first found. Latovici were beside the Breuci, suspect with the Brieux location of Helens who in-turn have the three Este horse heads in colors reversed (in black). It makes Este's look to be from ISTria, beside the Latovici.

And that's the importance of Dance's.

Who Were the Boso's?

I was surprised to find the Worthington-Dent topic going over to Rozala of Ivrea, also called Rozala of Tuscany from her father, Boso, though the latter was from Burgundy, where Pilate's were first found, and then Boso's/Bosne's share the white bull with the Piedmont Pelosi's/PILLATI's. We want to know why Boso of Tuscany looks linked to the line of Pontius Pilate, and in the meantime we want to know whether Pontius was named after the Pontus' Pharnaces elements.

You may recall that Rozala was linking undoubtedly to Demonte's, of both Burgundy and Piedmont, which helps to secure the Boso-Rozala link to Pelosi's/Pillati's. French Mountains, we saw, use a bull in both colors of the Boso/Bosne bull, which is used in gold by Italian Boys/Boelli's/Bovini's/BOETs. Isn't that last variation amazing, since Pelosi's/Pillati's have two stars in the colors of the three of Boethus-suspect Salome's? This is a first reason to suspect that the Boso's of Burgundy were linked to the line of Herod Archelaus.

Herod's brother, Antipas, was in Languedoc, at the Garonne river to Bordeaux, and the French Mountains, first found in Languedoc, were at Bordeaux. The two Mountain stars are gold, same as the two of Pelosi's/Pillati's. Here's the write-up, which has one of their branches at Forez, smack beside Mont Pilat: "They were also in Moulines and at Poncins in Forez. This family also changed their name in Holland to Van den Bergh, where they held lands. The Moulines branch moved to Velay and preferred the spelling Montagnat. This latter branch established estates in Lyonnais to the east of Languedoc. By the 16th century the title of the Montaigne had passed to the family of Eyquem in Perigord. Michel Eyquem, Seigneur de Montaigne, 1533-1592, was a writer, moralist, and councillor of Parliament in Bordeaux, he was born at Castle Montaigne and died there." The Lamberts of Dauphine, in Pilate colors and sharing a version of the Pilate-suspect Billet/Billiard Coat, are said to have had a branch at Velay.

There are two Moule surnames, one with Mule's expected in the mule of Italian Capote's/Capone's, and this Mule/Moule surname was first found in Devon with Moline's.

Who do we suspect the Mouline's to be from? There are two Moulines surnames, neither listed with Moline's. I trace the heraldic moline, used by Moline's, to MumMOLIN, descended from Rusticus of Lyon, and we just saw the Mountains of Moulines at Lyonnais. "The Lyonnais is a historical province of France which owes its name to the city of Lyon. The geographical area known as the Lyonnais became part of the Kingdom of Burgundy..." This was the area of Herod Archelaus, and while Herod Antipas was at Comminges, the Commings surname is also "Comines" while the Conteville's ruled Comines.

Was BURGundy of the Burgs? Why do French Burgs/Borgia's use a moline cross (in the colors of the Burgh/Berk cross)? Or, why do Spanish Borgia's (flames around the border) share a red bull with Claro's/Charo's? It all looks related to the Boso topic at hand.

Mummolin's wife was Berthe, and so see here: "Boso was the second son of Count TheoBALD [caps mine] of Arles and BERTHa, illegitimate daughter of King Lothair II." As this Lothair or another named Lotheringia, also called, Lorraine, it can explain why Lorraine's share the green and upright lion with Lyons. Berta's, somewhat in the colors of Claro's/Charo's, were first found in Ferrara with them.

Conteville's were from John de BURGO, and we just saw that the Mountains of Moulines changed their name to Bergh, of Van den Bergh. There are two Bergh / Vandenbergh surnames, one Dutch and using an arrow likely for the Arrows/Arras' of Artois, location of Comines. I trace Conteville's to Conte's, the French branch first found in Languedoc. Arrows alone are used by English Bosons.

Now that we are to Artois, we trace back to the Arduinici of Ivrea, though the latter had a branch in Oneglia, the line of Nagle's whose fesse is in the colors of Dutch Burgs/Bergs. Yet the latter's fesse is a dancette, and by now we have good indication that dancettes, shared by Vestalis-suspect Wests, are from the Donnus Cottians, which can explain why Susans were first found in Burgo-suspect Berkshire, or why Cotta's were first found in Languedoc with the French Julians whose stars are those also of the Languedoc Mountains. I had read that these Mountains married Claviere's, first found in Auvergne with an earlier Rusticus of Lyon, and very likely from them. Claviere's and Clavers both used keys, as does the Arms of Comines. "Claver" has been traced (by me) to GLAPHYRa Archelaus, where Herod got his surname when he married her. Don't fool with the facts: Clavers were Herod liners.

Clicking over to Dutch Clavers, what do you know, the two stars of Mountains. Although English Clavers have a Coat like that of Meschins, who were in-turn descended from Conteville's, they share the fesse of Belgian Mouline's. Perfect, for Comines is near the Belgian border.

Boso's/Bosne's come up as Bose's while German Bose's/Baus' use a giant, Rozala-suspect rose. It was also interesting to see that she may have been named after the namers of Roslin, which reminds of Guy de Spoleto, the line to buckle-using Guys and Spoltons/Spauldings (buckles), for the Roslin surname shows buckles. Spoltons are said to be of the Meschins, and the latter (with their Mussel/Muscel branch) were in East Lothian, right beside Roslin. Roslin-suspect Russells share the Meschin scallops. And while Masci's were likely in Cuneo, the Conns and Conys share a version of the Meschin / Mussel / Claver Coat. Savigliano, is in Cuneo, and is where Pelosi's/Pillati's were first found who share the white bull with Boso's and Mountains.

As I said, the Boso bull is in half the colors of the Claro/Charo bull, and Clare's share the triple chevrons of Dutch Burgs, though these chevrons are no longer showing for Dutch Bergs/Burgers. Moreover, Claro's lived as Sinclairs in Roslin, and they are expected from the line of William the Conqueror, whose father-in-law is suspect from Cuneo's Tanaro river. This father-in-law was of Falaise, and you can read how Moline's were related to this Falaise family. Moreover, the daughter of this father-in-law (Fulbert) married Herluin de Conteville, explaining the "Commit" motto term of Sinclairs. The Conte's use variations like "Commit," and Comets have three items in the colors and format of Comine's. A comet is used by Reines', suspect from Renier/Rainier of MontFerrat, along the Tanaro river (the Stura-Demonte flows into the Tanaro).

And it just so happens that while Pelosi's/Pillati's share the tree with Panetta's/Panico's, the latter were at a tributary of the Reno while Reno's share the three lozenges (almost) of the Dutch Bergs/Burgers who were once shown with the triple Clare chevrons. It can explain why the other Dutch Bergs/Burgs are in all three colors of the Claro's/Charo's, the latter first found near the Panetta's/Panico's. The latter share the full Chief with four-pointed LABEL of Pizzo's who in-turn have a Shield bringing us back to the Nagle's now suspect with the fesse of Dutch Bergs/Burgs. As the Reines' are suspect with the Pisa Coat (in colors reversed), and because Pisa is near Florence, German Vanderberghs can be using the Bruno bend. We are now in Tuscany, where Boso ruled with Willa, his wife, suspect with the naming of William the Conqueror.

The LABELs/La Bels share the crescent of French Conte's, but Pizzo's share the fesse of Bellamys and Bells. As Bellamys married Ferte-Mace, the fleur-de-lys in the Pizzo and Panetta/Panico Chiefs must be those of Masci's. The latter's Meschin line was in East Lothian with Seatons/Sittens that happen to share the Bellamy crescents, which is why Seatons likely named the Setta valley, home of Panico's.

The Bulls/Bule's use bull heads in the colors of the Boso / Mountain bull, and this is where the Miss-Hicks dream comes in with the shark and bulldog in a pool. It was suspect with a Saraca merger with elements from Bullis, the evidence being where Bullis is near the Ceraunii mountains while Saraca's were near the Ceraunii Illyrians that were depicted with the heraldic crane, used by the Shark surname. To assure that this part of the dream is being correctly interpreted, Crane's/Crauns (Suffolk, same as Bullis'/Bulliards), in Hicks colors and format, use three fessewise annulets in colors reversed from the three of Bulls/Bule's. This is not off topic, because the Ceraunii are marked on an Urbanus river (see left of light map) smack beside the Bosnia (anciently the Basante), location of Bosnia, tending to assure that Boso's/Bosne's were from that river.

If I'm correct in tracing the Seleucid king, Alexander Balas, to ancestry at Bullis, then his line, suspect to the directors of the future (or present) anti-Christ system, appears to have merged with descendants of Herods / Maccabees / Sadducees in the family of Rozala. Yet Alexander Balas formed an alliance, and likely a marriage, with Jonathan Maccabee in the days when Sadducees and Pharisees were first known. And a Maccabee line did marry the Herods en route to the rulers of Cetis, which rulers included the Bassus-based proto-Masci's, of the Maezaei at the Ceraunii theater, and this line was at East Lothian's Bass isle with Letters/Lauders. If I recall correctly, the Boso bull hold s a LETTER! If it's a card, then let me say that the Card Crest is indeed a letter, for I have read the description.

I'd like to add here that the Letter/Lauder griffins are in the colors of the Bennet and Bono/Debon lion while these Bennets use double scaling LADDERs. While there is no Ladder surname coming up, ladders could thus be code for a Letter/Lauder variation. The Bennet-line Pierleoni had merged with the ancestors of Godfrey de Bouillon, and the fact that Bouillons share the cross of the Tuscany Taddei's looks to connect Pierleoni with the Boso > Rozala line in Tuscany. I'm noting here that the DOUBLE scaling ladders, though I don't know if "double" is used in the official description, could be code for the Duble variation of Bleds (Bald branch?), who share three chevrons with Taddei's. I'll tell later why Bled can connect to Rozala's son, Balder.

We can see here why God gave the start of the Hicks dream, which traces Bullis elements to Boso of Tuscany. The Boso's/Bosne's bring in the Joseph-beloved Claro's/Charo's, and it just so happens that while Bullis' are Bulliards, Billiards/Billets were first found in Maine with French Josephs. I've been struggling as to why God used a bullDOG in the dream as opposed to a bull alone, and here the reason may be found where Dogs/Doags (Perthshire, same as Lyons) are with the cinquefoils of English Billets and Bellows, the latter using "Vita" for their trace to Avitus, husband of Julia Maesa Bassianus, the Maezaei line to Bass isle.

Mountains were at Poncins in Forez, and Forez is where BESANcons/BASSets were first found who use, hee-hee- billets in Pilate / Billet colors. It appears that Pontius Pilate was a Bullis liner. Poncin-like Ponse's are listed with French PONTS, yup, first found in Burgundy, yup [it turns out late in the update that Willa was of the Bonds/Bundys while Ponts are Ponds too].

As Julia Maesa's sister was the mother of Caracalla, it's notable that while the latter was born with an AURELIUS name, the Boso's came out of ARLes. I even trace Caracalla's mother to nearby Grasse, which is where Gresleys/Grasslys can trace who share the Beach Coat, important momentarily.

I want to go back to Boys/Boelli's/Bove's/BOETs, for their giant bull suggests a Butt/Boet merger with Bullis liners. French Bove's, by the way, were first found at Marne while Mummolin was on the Marne river. The giant Bove/Boet bull is that also of Backs/Backs, and it just so happens that English Backs were first found in Somerset with Bulls/Bule's (probably the Boso/Bosne bull). The Backs/Bachs call their bull a steer while Steers ("cede") love the CEDES,' I think, suspect from "Cetis" with the GEDDES' who use the same fish as Butts/Boets. That's pretty amazing, and I think it has to do with the shark-bulldog dream's ending, where God put Miss Hicks hovering over the SEATs of a CAR on a BEACH. Beach's are also Bechs/Becks; Cars share the English-Bove chevron; Seats are with Cedes'.

English Becks/Bechs have another moline, and it happens to be in the colors of the Vallan/VELLE/Valla moline, and so let's repeat: "[Mountains] were also in Moulines and at Poncins in Forez. This family also changed their name in Holland to Van den Bergh, where they held lands. The Moulines branch moved to VELAy and preferred the spelling Montagnat." The Vallans suddenly bring us to Avalon suspects from Aulon/AVLONa, smack near Bullis, and beside the Ceraunii mountains. It appears that God used a beach in the dream, instead of something indicating the Backs/Bachs, in order that I could swing the topic to Becks for this trace to Bullis. Yet, Miss Hicks was hovering on her back, we could say, and Hovers/Hoffers use bull horns.

I trace the Car motto to things from the Serio river, which is not far from Mantova, where an early Italian, Bovetinodei Bovetini, lived. Cars share the chevron of English Bove's. "Mantova" looks related to the Amantini at the mouth of the Basante/Bosnia river, and while they say that mythical Manto depicted Mantova, she was the sister of Daphne suspect at Dauphine i.e. at the Vienne - Lyon theater where Boso's/Bosne's were from! Wow. I actually trace Backs/Backs to the Hyksos king, Apachnas, and while Miss Hicks is a Hyksos symbol, the Hyksos ("Shepherd Kings" according to Manto-like Manetho) ruled at AVARIS, which was in code with mythical Everes (shepherd seer), grandfather of Manto and Daphne! You see, God has many things to glean per item per dream. (Crema is on the Serio while Cremers/Cramers share the Panico Chief.)

The Serio river is in Lombardy, where Boso's were first found along with Maurels, the latter from MauriLION, father of Berthe, wife of Mummolin. This is exactly the family to which Mountains traced earlier in multiple ways. Mountains were at Poncins in Forez, and while Ponse's/Ponts can be suspect with Ponders (Cambridgeshire, same as Chapmans) and Ponts (Hampshire, same as Josephs), the latter are beloved of Caiaphas-suspect Chapmans. Pontius Pilate and Joseph Caiaphas together, with greedy-grubber Annas suspect in the Bullis stars, killed Jesus. It's probably Boet-important that Maurels use a version of the English Butt/Bute Coat.

Pense's/PINCons/Pincers (Lorraine / Este eagle?) were first found in Devon with Moline's, and look linkable to the Panico-suspect Pincs/Pinks. The latter happen to share the Shield of French Mouline's! Bingo. Pincs/Pinks share the lozenges of Reno's as evidence of a link to Panetta's/Panico's. Pincs/Pinks were first found in Yorkshire with PINGS/Paganells (Ceraunii-suspect Crest), and the latter's bendy is half in the colors of the bendy within the fesse of Ponse's/Ponts. The red, four-pointed Ping/Paganell label is what discloses that Pinks and Pings are Panico branches. Hugh de Payens, of a Ping/Paganell branch, married Chapman-suspect Elizabeth Chappes. Chapmans share the white crescent with Labels/La Bels.

Aha! The Labels/La Bels (Major greyhound?) not only have the Chief-Shield colors of Capote's/Chapus', but were first found in Gascony with French Mouline's. French Majors have the Label/La Bel crescents in colors reversed. Although English Majors are suspect with a rose version of the Anchor/Annacker Chief, it's the Chief of Capote's/Chapus', the latter first found in Forez!! Repeat: "[Mountains] were also in Moulines and at Poncins in Forez."

In the Capote/Chapus write-up: "Claude Chapuis is recorded as the Lord of Condrieu and in 1109...he received the permission to construct the chapel of Saint Martin in honour of the family". French Martins were first found in Gascony with Martels and Mouline's. Mouline's are amazing for a slew of links to Caiaphas suspects. The roses of Capote's/Chapus' are now linking to Rozala very well (an idea I've never stressed). I'm getting the impression that at least the Scottish Rose's were from she, which can explain why Rats, first found in Nairnshire with these Rose's, share the cross of the ROSLin Sinclairs.

How could it be that Henry Sinclair (cup-bearer to queen Margaret) was given Roslin to live in that was from the line of Rozala? I've been suggesting, then claiming, for as long as eight years that Caiaphas liners merged with Sinclairs or even proto-Sinclairs, from times when Claro's/Charo's were suspect with the Pharisee namers of Ferrara.

Henry Sinclair arrived to Scotland with then-princess Margaret with the founder of the buckle-using Leslie's, and the latter's buckles are in the colors of the sinister-facing Spolton/Spaulding buckles. The latter, said to have been tenants of Ranulph le Meschin (descended from Rollo's uncle, MALAhule), love Hinks (Annandale saltire as used by Bruce's) in their motto, and Hinks have a version of Tailbois/TailBOY Coat (Annandale Shield) while le Meschin married Lucy Taillebois. Hinkleys have the split-Shield of Mauls who in-turn share the Tailbois scallops. My bet is that proto-Leslie's at Lesce (Sava river) had merged with proto-Massey Maezaei (Sava). Hinks can therefore have the Masci wings in Crest with the Irish-Leslie lion between them.

For further considerations, note Roger Hanke in the Hink write-up, then link to Hanks and to the Cottons using "hanks of cotton, and from there go to French Cottons/Cotta's. The bendy of Hanks is colors reversed from the same of Pings/Paganells, the latter being a branch of the Panico's at the Seaton-line Setta valley, and thus the green dragon in the Maul Crest should be the Seaton dragon. The hank-using Cottons are in Nage/MacNess colors and format while the latter share the two stars in Chief with Aurelia's, suspect with Aurelia Cotta. The Hink saltire is shared with Nimo's/Newmarsh's (Seaton / Bellamy crescents) while "ANIMO" is a motto term of Nage's/MacNess' (Label/La Bel crescent).

Nimo's/Newmarsh's were first found in Stirlingshire with buckle-using Stirlings (share "forward" with Seatons, yup). There arises a question as to whether the Boso-like variations of Boasts, in the Nimo/Newmarsh motto, is from Rozala's Bosonid family, or whether the Bois variation is of the Boy/Bove/BOET surname, for the Boast/Bois Coat is a version of the Saleman (and Stirling) Coat while Salome de Herod was a Boethus by birth. Besides, Chappes'/Cheaps/Chaips were first found in Stirlingshire too.

Dutch Bose's/Boze's and Bos'/Bush's/Boschs can be of the Boze variation of Boasts because the giant rose of Bose's/Boze's is colors reversed from the cinquefoils of Boze's/Boasts. Busca, linkable to Rose's, is near the Stura while Stirlings are also STURlings. I always connect the latter to Bellamy-related Stops/Stubbs (more buckles), first found in Staffordshire with the Arrows/Arras' (Stirling colors). Busca is in the area ruled by Vasto's, suspect with Fasts in the "Grip fast" Leslie motto. The Fasts and their FalSTAFF branch use the quadrants, in colors reversed, of the Stirlingshire Bauds, from the Bautica river, home of Rozala of Ivrea. [A few days later, I got around to checking for Berenger surnames, finding two, one with the Fast / Falstaff quadrants. Rozala was the daughter of Berenger II.]

Boasts/Bois' share gold cinquefoils on a bend with the Gangs in the Stirling motto, and while Rose's use the water BOUGET, the Gang cinquefoils are those of French Buckets too. The three Gang cinquefoils bendwise are in the colors of the three Leslie buckles on a bend, and while I've read that the Leslie motto pertains to Maurice Drummond (grandson of king Anderw I of Hungary), Drummonds use a "Gang" motto term. English Buckets share three red piles with GUIScards, first found in Stirlingshire, and feasibly of Guy variations i.e. from buckle-liner Guy/Guido de Spoleto. It makes one think that Buckets were a Buckle branch. Guiscards love the Mercys/Maisys, who in-turn use the same quadrants as Fasts upon their dragon head.

In short, without delving into the reasons, Guy of Ivrea was the brother of Rozala, both children of Willa of Tuscany, whose mother in turn was Willa of Burgundy, whom in turn ruled Tuscany before a Willa of Spoleto took over in Tuscany. It appears that Guy of Spoleto was related to this Bosonid line.

The Stop/Stubb Coat is definitely a version of the Pepin / Pipe Coat for a related reason. "Guy [III] was the second son of Guy I of Spoleto and Itta, daughter of Sico of Benevento. Guy I was the son of Lambert I of Nantes and his second wife, Adelaide of Lombardy, who was a daughter of Charlemagne's second eldest son, Pepin of Italy." Ita was the name of the wife of Pepin of Landen.

For those who followed my Jeep's links to Jeepma's/Cheps (suspect with Chappes'/Cheaps), the original owner (JOSEPH) of the Jeep was from Benevento, and as his surname is of Italian Simons, let me first mention that the surname was important to God for tracing to Simon Boethus (grandfather of Salome). Secondly, Italian Simons share the lion of GUIDO's/GUIS' (Guiscard colors), first found in Bologna with Panetta's/Panico's of the Sadducee-suspect Setta valley.

Guy III was involved with the Saracens of Italy, which can explain why the Guiscards invaded them. "Guy’s family had been important players in Italian politics since the early ninth century. Although in 876 Guy and his elder brother, Lambert, Duke of Spoleto, had been commissioned by Charles the BALD to accompany Pope John VIII to Naples to break up the alliances that many of the southern Lombard states had made with the Saracens..."

Compare German Balds to Guido's/Guis' and note the WidBALD variation in the latter's write-up. Then, note that Scottish Balds share the ship of Bauds (share the Saracen crescents), first found in Stirlingshire. One can't but help make the Guiscard link to these Italians. Scottish Balds (same place as Guiscards) come up as Beads, and English Beads/Beadle's (Yorkshire, same as Tancreds) use the Tancred Coat in colors reversed while the Guiscards of Sicily were birthed by a Tancred. Perfect. It recalls the dream where I was playing golf with my dentist, who, on the drive home, laughed at the red BUTTons on my shirt. As I've said many times, the dentist's surname is of the Tancred bloodline, and here we can add that Bauds/Beads use the triDENT!!! God is good to give me many months, or even years, to figure out his riddles.

As Beads/Beadle's share the scallops of Capes' (London, same place as Dentibus Tooths!) , it makes a lot of sense that they were from the Chappes'/Cheaps, first found in the same place as Guiscards and Bauds/Beeds. Wow, what a dream can reveal. Beets/Beads share the fleur of Caepionis-suspect June's.

The early Normans were half Italians but hid the fact from their Nordic peers, even as certain historians continue the cover-up to this day. What in tarnation were Italians doing when merging in bed with vikings??? That's because they descended from Christ killers, who knew it and loved it, the damned, the thieves in greedy, the control-freaks when in power, the spies, the globalists of today who see eternal sun upon themselves even as God's Armageddon cloud hangs over them.

As Annas of Israel is suspect from the Ananes Gauls at the Taro, lookie: "Guy [III] retreated in order to regroup at a fortified place on the Taro and died there suddenly..." Why on the Taro? With whom on the Taro?

This distinct Maezaei link to proto-Leslie's crossed above is new to me, and while Leslie's came to Scotland as Hungarians, I've got to think that Maezaei were in neighboring Hungary eventually. I do trace proto-Hungarians to the Ticino river, within reach of Masci's. It's notable the Buckle-branch Buckleys (Cheshire) use bull heads, and meanwhile I trace Buckleys to Mieszko's along with Wheelwrights while the latter share a six-sectioned Shield with Spoltons/Spauldings, and with the Tate's having a Berwickshire branch sharing the Annandale Shield. Italian Latins (Annandale saltire as used by Hinks) use a stirrup while Stirrups have what shows as a Ceraunii-line crane in other Coats that I know to have a crane, and Latins are suspect from the Latovici, smack near Lesce.

As the Hicks dream starts of with Bullis elements, we can ask whether Cars or Carrs were of the Charo variation of bull-using Claro's. The Carrs share estoiles with Butts/Bute's in half their colors, and the latter use a Coat version of Maurels, first found in Milan, near the Serio river. It's a good reason for using a car in the dream so that one can skip off of the Cars to the Serio theater.

Berta's (same place as Claro's/Charo's) share the griffin of German Steels, and that's of the Battistelli surname (billets) sharing a pyramid with Tulls/Tolle's, from Tullia of Lyon (Auvergne, same as Bode's/Bauts), daughter of GALLIA, and wife of a Rusticus of Lyon, all ancestors of BODEgisel, the latter being a son of Mummolin. The Batti's/BOTo's, can we believe it, were first found in Cremona, near the Maurels and Gallia's of Milan. German Steels share an arrow between pale bars with Vanderberghs, the latter in the write-up of Mouline-loving Mountains. The Steel pale bars happen to be in the colors of the Tull/Tullia pale bar (has BUTTERflies). Heraldry tells a story of connections because it was intended to, precisely why this is covered up with false statements from "experts" on the meanings of heraldic symbolism. It's for insiders only who have thrown in their lot with those who love this world like the devil. Pity the Vatican, what a shameful and disgusting thing.

I can now say a few words for Bauders, who, because they have the split Shield of Boards in colors reversed, look like a branch of Borders who in-turn share crossed, white swords with Feschs, a branch of pyramid-using Fisks. The latter, first found in Suffolk with Bullis'/Bulliards (and Babons), have a pale bar in the colors of the three pale bars of Dutch Vandenberghs/Berghs. The Borders (Somerset, same as Bulls/Bule's, and beside Moline's) get pulled into the discussion with Boards (Sussex, same as related Seges'/Saddocks), and Boards get here with the Coat of French Mouline's, who have a drop version of the Board Coat. God indicated from the skateBOARD, in the dream with Obama's BILLIARD hall, that Boards were merged with Skate's/Sheets sharing the potent cross with Chads so as to link Boards to such things as Chaddocks and Saddocks, but Boards not only have a version of the Chaddock and Saddock Coats, but of the Pincs/Pinks who do use a Mouline Shield. And that's why Boethus-like terms in this paragraph seem Sadducee-important, especially if Sadducee liners named the Setta valley of Panetta's/Panico's. The Templars from the family of Bouillons used the potent cross as their symbol of Jerusalem.

Saddocks / Chaddocks / Boards / Mouline's have symbols around their BORDERS as likely code for Borders. The drops of French Mouline's are excellent, for Mouline's are new to me in this update. I've been telling for a long while that the Drop/Trope lion is in the Tull/Tolle Chief. Mouline's were first found in Gascony with Martels, and Charles Martel (possibly descended from Mummolin) is behind the martlets around the Saddock / Chaddock / Board borders. Trope's are suspect from Tropoje, not far from the Clausula that flows to lake Scodra, where I think such things as Skate's / Scoots / Scotts trace, who could be a branch of Suits/Suters having a version of the Board Coat. Scodra and Butua is the area to which the hovering Miss Hicks traces along with the shark of that dream.

If I'm correct to trace heraldic billets to Bullis, also called, Byllis, note that Dutch Bos'/Bush's/Boschs use billets, making Boso liners suspect with Bush's into Busca. Besides, Bosco's merged with Rozala-possible Rose's. That makes a lot of sense, especially as Ross', from beside the Rose's, use the Russell lion in colors reversed while Sinclairs of Roslin share the cross of Rats (same place as Rose's and Rollo-suspect Rolphs).

Welsh Rogers are shown more properly as Rosers, and roses are used by French Rogers. The latter share the Knee bend closely (in Nagle/Nail colors), I think, because while Nagle's share "Non" with English Rogers and Nage's/MacKNESS' (Non/Nevin colors). Rozala of Ivrea, or some member of her house, was within grasp of an alliance with the Arduinici of that place, whom had merged with Doria's in Nagle-liner Oneglia. French Rogers: "Among the famous members of this ancient family was Louis, Lord of Andruéjols and of Roziers [why a Ros-like term?]. Through his marriage with Isabelle de La Fagette, heiress of the house of La Fagette, the family acquired wealth and fame." Fagette's/Fagots were discovered in the last update like so:

I trace Nagle's to Oneglia = Imperia while tracing the Imperi peoples of Boofima to PERIgord; the latter is where Faux's/FAGE's/Chalnes' were first found who share the three fleur in Chief with Pizzo's (Coat looks very linkable to Nagle's and Angle's / Angers) and Panetta's/Panico's. FAGOTs/Fageys (Languedoc, same as Mr. Saunier of RENNES-le-Chateau) share the Chief/Shield colors of Fage's/Chaulnes' (Saunier/Saulnier branch), but see also the Fugger fleur. It just so happens that while Fuggers share the Coat of Danish and Norwegian Hansons, English Hansons (Raines lion?) share the mascle of English Faux's! The latter were first found in Essex with Quints while Fagots/Fageys share the Quint chevron and have the Chief-Shield colors of Capote's/CHAPUS' in colors reversed. It's got the Annas/Ananus - Caiaphas merger all over it!

When Miss Hicks hovered over the car seats, and I was told to go wake her up, I did so when my hand grazed her KNEE. To this day, I have not been happy with how Knee's do not fit well with the dream's forthcoming picture (as she arose) that was a pointer to the Selepitanoi Illyrians around Rhizon. However, that was the southern limit of the Ardiaei, who trace to the Arduinici so that Knee's may apply, though I cannot yet link them contentedly to a people group unless they were purely the namers of Oneglia. The Ardiaei were also, Vardaei, and Vardy-suspect Bardy were first found in Perigord.

The Neice variation of Nage's/MacKness' is now spilling the beans, suggesting the Nice location just 50 miles from Oneglia. And that suggests the queen-Nysa line to Ness'/Nice's/Nessans, and to the Nissans who share the double fesses of Parrs, in Knee-bend colors. Nissans (fesses looking linkable to Nagle fesse with items) were first found in Hamburg with the Trips who once showed the boots once shown by French Masseys, first found in Savoy with Fagette's/Fagots, the latter having married the Rogers who have the same fesse as Knee's. Bardys share the Dagger Coat, and Daggers were from the Dexaroi at Antipatria/Antipater, highly suspect with king Antipater of Macedonia, the known ancestor of the three queen Nysa's.

The Nagle's love the Gale's with their nightingale, and Gale's had merged with Tints, from the Atintanes smack at Bullis, where the shark-bulldog part of the dream traces. But why would God stress Miss Hicks knee, for a pointer to queen Nysa, if the knee event was in a set of pointer to the Rhizon area? There's got to be a connection between the Rhizon area and these queens of the Pontus and Cappadocia. The best theory is the involvement of the SELEPitanoi line to the Sleeps (she was sleeping before RISING to the sky), for the two Sleep fesses are colors reversed from the two of Ness'/Nice's, so incredible, because Nage's/MacKness' are also MacNESS. After two years, the knee part of the dream has been solved along with much else. The bird in the Nage/MacKnees Crest is in the position for the many "RISING eagles" I've seen in heraldry.

Bonus: Niss'/Nisi's share the chevron of both Fagette's/Fagots and Quints, and even throw the Jeune fleur into the Coat. It's the Colchester chevron too, and while Colchesters share the estoiles of Nail-branch Neils, the Arms of Colchester puts nails into its cross. As was said, German Nagle's/Neils/Nails are in Knee colors.

The "asTUTia" motto term of Nage's/MacKness' is now a no-brainer for queen Teuta of the Ardiaei, or queen Etuta of the Ardiaei, daughter of Monunius II of DARDania. The Sleeps use two of the one fesse of Devon's DARDs/Darts, and here it should be added that Moline's were at Devon's Dartington. Nage's/MacKness' even share the crescent in BASE of the Devon Moons, from "MONunius," right? Monan's/Moonans (probably the double Neil ions) share "non" with Nage's/MacKness' and Nagle's. We're nailing this like a shut-tight case.

I've just realized that Neils were first found in Tyrone with Sharks, and Tyrone's (Essex, same as Quints) happen to share the double chevrons of Dexaroi-suspect Dexters/Decksters, in the colors of the double fesses of Nissans and Parrs. Can you grasp what God is doing here? It's easy to see. Neils even share the white-on-blue fish with Saraca's, shared also by Keons and Keens (both have version of the Neil Coat) while Keens share a white escutcheon with Nissans.

(A fat crow just landed on the snow in my window view, having seen the food I put out for the lone squirrel that lives here with me. It's been alone for a long while, and may yet be the 17th squirrel that escaped my capturing the other 16). I cannot recall one instance, since it escaped, if it did escape from the attic, that I've seen two or more squirrels here at the same time. This one appears daily alone. I'm wondering whether God has yet a story to finish with this one.)

The Best way to remember what Knee's pertain to is to always view them in the plural as Knees', Nice / Nysa liners, not forgetting that the third queen Nysa was of Bithynia, at or beside Nicaea/Ancore...which should explain why Anchors/Annackers share three gold lozenges with Nagle's (clinches Anchors with Ancore) and Anchor-like Angers (kind'a tells us where Anjou traces, huh?). If the Nage/MacKness write-up is correct in saying that this surname is cognate with "ANGus," it tends to trace Angus to Ancore.

Angers share the escarBUNCLE with Hangers (Hampshire, same as Drake's), and Buncle's use buckles. The ESCARbuncle is likely part-code for Eskers/Oscars, who share a unicorn head in Crest with Cnuts, for Danish Cnuts use "pot HANGERs" (King Cnut attacked England by Hampshire). The Esker/Oscar chevron could be the Quint chevron.

As I've said many times, though I didn't understand it all as well as I do now, I was mugged in Galveston. The their wanted to drive away with the Nissan, but God would not allow it because the event was for a pointer to certain things. When he was pretending to thrust a knife into my gut, I blocked his hand and "weapon" by raising my KNEE. The fake weapon popped out of his hands, which lead to my escape. But the attack started when he lunged at me from behind, as I was reaching over the seats to unlock the driver door from the inside. He pushed my head into the rear-view MIRROR, and broke it off. He then put both hands around my neck, demanding, "Give 'em over, give 'em over." He wanted the keys.

The point is, I've been tracing the heraldic mirror (see Glass' or Morays) of Anjou-liner Melusine to the Mire's/Mireux's, first found in Anjou, in Angers. You see, God set that event up as a pointer of the Knees' to Ancore/Nicaea. It was Nicholas de Vere von DRAKEenberg (recall Drake's above) who claimed that Melusine was the mother of the first count of Angers/Anjou. I'm just wondering if Jesus could use less-traumatic events than my being mugged at 1 am, fun as it was, for Him. But didn't He chose that sort of event for a reason?

The Negro mugger had both hands around my neck, pressing rather hard, lots of fun, I was not used to this. Necks/Neckers (probably the Veringer antler) share the stag head with Nissans, and therefore Necks should prove to be a hard-c branch of Knees' / Ness' / Nage's/Neice's/MacKness', right? Trace Nysa to the Neckar river, therefore, in Baden, and expect the Arms of Baden to have the Nissan bend in colors reversed. Nage's/Neice's were first found in Perthshire with the Colts/Cults sharing the red stag head with Necks/Neckers. Perthshire is right beside Stirlingshire.

Why do we think God chose a Negro to have fun with me? Negro's (Ferrara) share ears of wheat with Chappes/Cheaps', first found in Stirlingshire with Nimo's/Newmarsh's expected in the "Animo" motto term of Nage's/Neice's. One can clearly wee that God wants to link the birth of Caiaphas to a queen Nysa. In all the years I've been telling this story, I've not known the Nage's/Neice's until late this month, and they are making the story work for God. This timing must be His.

As I had a friend, Mary NIGRO, who lived in BUTTONville when I knew her, I'm noting the Bidens/Buttons trace well to queen Nysa of Bithynia. Nigro's are listed with Negro's, and, as I've said, Mary was a cashier at Knob Hill FARMS, and I think she was the one who suggested I apply for a job there. Farms are suspect from Pharnaces, however, the husband of the first queen Nysa, great-grandmother of Nysa of Bithynia? Which Nysa, therefore, are we to peg with Caiaphas?

God showed me that Kepke was a pointer to some proto-Caiaphas line from Syphax. I knew Kepke years before meeting Mary. God set this up. I suggested to Kepke that he apply at Knob Hill Farms, and when he got the job, I had the employees there, all of our teenage years, at my parents' place for a late-night party, at which time Kepke slept with Mary alone in the BASEment. God has shown me that Kepke and his basement were codes, partly for Bassus' of Cetis, and partly for Ments/Mants (Yorkshire, same as Pings/Pongs/Paganells) using nearly the Ping/Pong/Paganell Coat. The Keppocks of Yorkshire share the fesse of Bidens/Buttons, and God used Kepke on the hood of my car, at Knob Hill Farms, in pointing to the Allisons of Keppoch. Might Mants be from the Amantini at the Bosnia river???

Negro's/Nigro's were first found in Ferrara with Joseph-beloved Charo's/Claro's, and here I find Irish Carrs in the colors and format of Nage's/Neice's. The Boofima human-sacrifice cult I trace to Oneglia was from Africa, likely from the human-sacrifice cult of Carthage, and the "mago" motto term of Charo-loving Josephs may apply to the line of Mago, brother of Carthage's Hannibal. As Mago was the son of Barca, by what coincidence do Barkis'/Bachus' use a saltire in colors reversed from the Nagle/Nail saltire?

The Barkis/Bachus saltire (Nage colors) is the same as shown on the Arms of Tyrone ("PruDENTia"). Neils were first found in Tyrone, and there's a lake NEAGH at Tyrone that could have been named by Nage's.

I think I've just realized another gleaning from Miss Hicks hovering OVER the seats of a CAR. For this, let me repeat: "He then put both hands around my neck, demanding, "GIVE 'em OVER, give 'em over." He wanted the keys." Earlier on the night of the mugging, I had driven past Baytown, the home of Miss Hicks whom I had never before met, some 1,000 miles (as the bird flies) from my own home at the time.

The Givens are new not too many weeks ago, and welcome, because they were first found in Lanarkshire with Biggars/Giverns, indicating a Biggar-Given merger. The Givens share the swan of Sions/Swans, likewise first found in Lanarkshire. One first notes that the Biggars/Giverns share the Knee bend while I blocked the mugger's thrust (with fake knife) with my knee 10-15 seconds after he started yelling, "give 'em over." My hand grazed Miss Hicks knee while she hovered over the seats, and Overs share the blue bend with Knees', but in both colors of the Charo bend, tending to indicate that God wants to equate Charo's with Cars.

If we expect the Ferrara lion with Charo liners, it's apparently in use with Irish Carys. The Somerset, Leavell-related Carys can be with the Rozala roses, for Charo's share the red parts of the upright Boso bull. Moreover, Leavells were at Yvery, almost "Ivrea." The Roxburgh Leavells share the three piles of Youngs/Youngs, whose Essex branch shows only roses in the Shield. As Rozala's family (Willa of Burgundy) was of the Welfs, the wolf in the Crest of rose-using Youngs looks to apply.

In this article, Tedald of Canossa, husband of Willa of Spoleto, sits on a throne of red-and-white checks, and BARINGs/Beckerings share the red-and-gold, Leavell-line checks of Meulan and Vaux's. Now look for a Baring-like character in this quote: "Tedald (died 1012)...was the son of Adalbert Azzo of Canossa who had supported Otto I against BERENGar of Ivrea and Adalbert of Ivrea...He opposed his fellow Margrave Arduin of Ivrea in his bid for the Italian crown in 1002." It's got the Yvery location (Normandy) of Leavells all over it. Who was Berenger II? Rozala's father.

I now go back to beautiful Lorraine, whom God gave to me for a few weeks, starting on my 24th BIRTHday, suspect with Berthe, wife of Mummolin. At the very time that God gave her a beautiful feet symbol, Mr. Oullette saw her for the first time, and blurted, "what a BABE" (Babe's use fessewise bars in the colors of the Oullette fesses). One day, when I was telling readers about her beautiful feet, I was seeing connections between Lawrence's and Lorraine's, and wrote to readers that both Lawrence Kepke and Lorraine had sun-bright blond hair, at which moment the Blonds were loaded to find a foot on a sun. Hee-hee, you're fun Lord. You play games. At some point later, I found that Babe's share the sun in Crest with Blonds, and that both use six fessewise bars, both using black bars to boot. The Blonds, however, use the bars with a nebuly pattern, same as the six, fessewise bars of Leavells (Baring colors for a related reason), both sharing gold bars. We can see what God was getting to with babe Lorraine.

And the main point: Oullette's/Ouillys/Wille's look like they are from one of the Willa's, probably the wife of Berenger. Oulette's use a MOOR COCK, and Cocks, kin of BABcocks, almost share those red-and-white checks we saw above with Tedald, husband of Willa of Spoleto. Irish Moors and Morgans use the lion of Lorraine's in colors reversed. Oulette's are said to be of Falaise elements, as with Moline's, the latter from Mummolin, father of Babcock-liner Babon. Babons/Bavents were first found in Suffolk with Blonds.

French Blonds/Biondi's, who may be sharing the gate with Babels/Babwells, were first found in Picardy with Guys. Art thou impressed? Italian Biondi's may be with the Res/Dere or Boy/Bove/Boet stars, and Dere's may be of the Morinis-descended Deerings. Deers share a six-sectioned Shield with Spoleto-line Spoltons/Spauldings.

This job becomes much more fun with babes involved. It's a good thing that Mummolin didn't name his son, Ugly, or God would have given me an ugly girl. In this case, Babon made me lucky, and I even got to kiss this babe, Lorraine, when God (I assume) gave me the best kiss I've ever had, on our first date, my BIRTHday, code, I assume, for Kiss'/Cush's who share the red rooster with Babcocks and Cocks. And Bibo's/Bible's (CUSHion), from the mother of Leavell-line Laevillus, use another red rooster. That's why the Bible I gave to MAMie, code for Mummolin, is important. I met Mamie on the last night I was with Lorraine, as though orchestrated by God for connection between the two. Mamie said she left the Bible under a BED, and BADon was Mummolin's grandson. Mummolin ruled on the Marne river, beside Lorraine.

Mamie was code also for Mamesfelde of the Mansfields, in Nottinghamshire, where Barings/Beckerings were first found. Why do we think Berenger liners turned into BECKerings too? It could be where Becks (links to the Bec abbey of Leavell liners) share the Vallan/Valle moline. German Bechs/Becs (should be the white stag of Leavell-related Youngs/June's) were first found in Westphalia with Velins and Velens/Falens. God showed us with "non-chalant" that Whelans/Felans are Mummolin liners. Although I've been using Mamie as a pointer to Mens'/Mame's/Meme's, I don't think I've known before that there's a Mamers location in Maine. Mamers is between Alencon and Belleme.

The Oullette Moor cock has red, head parts. The Moors are from Murunum/Morano, and Morano's, who use Moor heads, were first found in Modena with Marano's and Morinis' while Mummolin's father-in-law (Maurilion) was to the Maurels/MAURINO's.

Between the time that I asked Lorraine out and the kiss on that birthday, we met at a laundromat (on LEVENdale), which turned out to be code, without doubt, for Landers/Landens (rooster), from Pepin of Landen, who married Ita of Metz, in Lorraine. Guy I of Spoleto was the son of Pepin of Italy and another Itta.

[The day after writing here, I realized that the three Guy buckles, in pale without a pale bar, are in the colors of the three dragons (or griffins) in pale, without a pale bar, of Wills!!! There is now no doubt that Wills were from a Guy-related Willa. Might the Will besants be those of Stubbings, since Stubbs (black buckles, same as Guys) are Pepin-liner? Looks like. I first asked Lorraine out at her bus STOP, and Stops are listed with Stubbs. The "labori" motto term of Stubbs recalls that Labore's share bars gemel (twin bars) with the Oulette's whom God used with Lorraine, making Oulette's/Wille's more suspect with a Willa than before. This is the first time that Lorraine the babe has traced to Willa, to territory for me to investigate.]

"The surname Deering was first found in Kent where the family claim descendancy from 'Norman de Morinis, whose ancestor, Vitalis FitzOsbert,'..." English Vitals/VELE's, first found in Devon with Moline's, share the moline cross of Vallans/Valle's, and it's red like the Borgia/Burgh moline. Vallans were mentioned earlier with this quote: "[Mountains] were also in Moulines and at Poncins in Forez. This family also changed their name in Holland to Van den BERGH, where they held lands. The Moulines branch moved to VELAy and preferred the spelling Montagnat." So, with Mouline's from MumMOLIN, the Morinis' must be from the Maurini's of Maurels, from Maurilion, father of Berthe to which my 24th birthday pointed.

Repeat: "The Lamberts of Dauphine, in Pilate colors and sharing a version of the Pilate-suspect Billet/Billiard Coat, are said to have had a branch at Velay." It can be gleaned from the ducks of German Lamberts that the Velay and Valentinois entities of French Lamberts are probably Velin / Velen / Valentinian elements. The Rochelambert location of French Lamberts (Roque colors) looks to be part of the French Roche's (Burgundy), who have the giant moline in the colors used for it by Mathis' (Burgundy) and Chives', and it just so happens that Chives' were first found in TARVES while Viels/Vito's were first found in TARVISium. I didn't know until now that Italian Viels are with Vito's.

The Taddei's of Florence had been resolved in a trace to Mummolin's ancestry in Clermont-Ferrand. The Fulks of Tuscany share the checks of Italian Ferrands and the Tulls/Tolle's, from Tullia of Lyon in Clermont-Ferrand. The black wings of German Fulks can therefore be in the Coat of Spanish Vitals. Taddei's are suspect with Tattons (Tute crescent), who in-turn use the quadrants of Vallans/Valle's and Tute's in colors reversed, and then the quadrants upon the Boso/Bosne bull are those of Tute's, who are said to be from a Todeni family in relation to the father of the Conqueror. The Tatton Crest is a greyhound in the white color of the Arms-of-Canossa dog, and we saw TADald of Canossa. It's the Fortuna dog too, and Rollo's love Fortuna's. "Tadaldo" may be a Taddei-Alda merger, for both use similar Chiefs with the Yorkshire Ferrands.

The fact that the Yorkshire Ferrands share the vaired cross of Reesors/Resons underscores why Miss Hicks was RISING into the sky after I touched her knee. It appears that her Rhizon elements pointed to were indeed of queen Teuta, or Etuta, of the Ardiaei, the line to Tattons of Massy. As Mummolin was a Merovingian, this recalls that I identified king Arthur as a Merovingian entity in Britain. I've read an opinion that king Arthur was of about 500 AD, but that was years before discovering Mummolin, who lived at that period.

Ardiaei (says me lonely) founded Arduinici of Oneglia, and the Italian Alda's share the fesse of Nagle- / Nage/Kness-beloved Nons/Nevins, the latter first found in Ayrshire with Scottish Alda's. The latter share the Letter griffin, and the Boso/Bosne bull may be holding a letter, or, if it's a card, I know that Cards use a letter. King Arthur was made born in Tintagel, which term was a merger between Nagle-loving Gale's and Tints. The Letter griffin is white and upright, same as the Berta / Steel griffin.

Tints use a "couchant" lion, and Couch's share two red pale bars with griffin-using Steels. The latter share the arrow with Knobs/Knobels while the English Steels share the lion heads of Farmers. Stelle's/Stills show nothing but roses, and Dutch Nobels have a giant rose. BattiStelli's share red billets with Stolts/Stolz's.

I at times rejoice or even laugh at what God did in some events of my life to bring us these revelations, but deep down there is a solemn / respectful sense. It's pretty profound, what He has done, and I as yet don't know the end of this matter.

God Used Joseph to Point to Simon Boethus

I can't recall the details of the time when the previous owner of my Jeep, Joseph Simone, led to Simon Boethus, but a new thing occurred to me. I had always wondered whether his living in Seguin would have any clue to that pointer, but it's not until now that I've loaded the Seguin surname. At first, I didn't know what to do with it's dove in Segni-eagle colors, until I realized that it's not a dove, but a sea gull as code for some Segal-like variation of Seguins. Immediately, I was able to trace to the Salome-suspect salamander of English Julians, for while German Julians use the Gull pale bars, and while Gullys (share "Sine" with Gulls) share the cross of English Julians, the Seguins share the French-Julian stars in their Chief! Just like that.

Ooh-wee, Simon Boethus was grandfather to Salome. Just like that. Segans/Sagans use the salamander too, the Julian-Seguin link is now obvious.

There is a Segal page showing a Coat but no variations. On the green half of the Shield are scythes in SIMson-crescent colors. I always trace Simsons to the Saracena / Laus area, near scythes-suspect SCIDrus. Scythes' are listed with Seaton-branch Side's, and Scythe's with Skits/Skeets/Skeochs with Herod-suspect hearts. The Seatons/Sittens named Sitten/Sion, and Sions/Swans are also "Sine," i.e. in the Gull and Gully mottoes. German Julians have crescents colors reversed from those of Seatons/Sittens.

The Scythe/Skit Coat shares the hourglass-like Shield of German Balds, while Scottish Balds are a branch of Boet-possible Bauds. In fact, I forgot to say that the Seguin-Chief stars are those also of Boys/Bove's/Boets! Wow. That was why I started a new section for this amazing find.

What are the chances that Bald have the quadrants of Siegers/Seagers in colors reversed? That's right. I wish I could recall whether it was Mr. Skeetz who, while seeking the German connection of Schutz's, was looking at the roots of Nassau in Siegerland. I'm pretty sure it was him, though I'm confused for writing to someone else at the time.

What are the chances that Baud crescents were discovered, in this very update, to trace to the Saracen crescents? It tends to assure that the Segal scythes are connectable to the Simsons. That scythes may be in the Vernon Crest, for whatever that may be worth. Wow, hold on to your medallion. Previous to this update, the Baud crescents were identified with the Hood crescents, and then I've told many times that my Jeep had a MEDALlion left on its hood (grocery store) on the day I left off writing on Miss Hicks standing at the hood of her car (in the shark dream). When getting home, I looked up Medals, to find them listed with Dougals who happen to share the Baud quadrants!!!!!! These are the joyous times. Medals/Dougals ("BUAIDH"!!) even share the ship with Bauds and Balds (Vernons were at Shipbrooke).

As I said not many updates ago, the first word I heard from the landlady (the wife) when I (the new tenant) first arrived with my things to Joseph's home was, "Darling." Darlings/Darlene's share the red fitchee with Medals/Dougals. A few years later, I would purchase their Jeep in return for renovating their Baud-like BATHroom. In the Hicks dream, she stood at the hood with a BATHing suit. It never ends, Everything was fine-tuned by God as though it was a special project. I only wish he arranged for me to figure it all out in a month instead of ten years (and counting).

Hey lookie: Tenants (share black crescent with Bauds) were first found in West Lothian with Balders!!! It never ends. Yup, Joseph was balding. There is a Balding/Bolding Coat (cups) in Bald / Baud / Medal colors. Baldwins (share "pas" with Rollo's), by the way, who seem to be distinctly from Baldwin IV, Rozala's husband, share the green dragon with Seatons. Balders share the cross of Sinclairs of ROSLin, you see.

English Seagars/Sugars use the Segni/Segurana moline in colors reversed, and though they are now said to have been first found in Devon with Moline's, they were once said to have been first found in Norfolk with the Sawyers sharing the checks of German Bils' who look like they are from the Byllis spelling of Bullis, for English Bills were first found in Somerset with same-colored Bulls/Bule's. The Bills have one billet in their Chief in the colors of the Steel-Chief billets. The Bils Shield is filled with chequey half in the colors of the Shield-filling Baring/Beckering chequey...from Berenger, right?, the father of Rozala. Now is the time to tell that German Siegers/Seagers (Fulk wings?) use roses, and they are in the black-on-gold color of the giant rose of the German Bose's/Boze's, first found in Saxony with Julians.

Back now to Mr. Skeetz, for the Sawyer motto suggests the Church's who share a gold-collared, black greyhound with Shutz's/Schutz's. The Sawyer martlets are in the colors of the same of Boards, and the Obama dream had Obama riding a SKATEboard while Skate's/Sheets share the Scythe/Skit/Skeet Coat. Obama had his SUIT on while he was on the skateboard, and Suits are with Suters sharing a version of the Skate/Sheet Coat. There were actually two identical, mirror-image Obama's on the skateboard (or maybe there were two skateboards too), and this may have to do with Twins sharing the fesse of Church's.

Church-like Kirks use the crozier, and Croziers use the Arms of Chalons-sur-Marne, home of Mummolin, which can explain the two "mum" terms buried in the Kirk motto.

The Scythes/Side Chief is that also of Ghents, and this combination was traced to Genova, where Segni's/Segurana's were first found whose eagle is in Seguin-gull colors. It's really quite amazing how tidy this has been so far. "Seguin" seems to explain why Segurs come up as "Second," a motto term of French Levi's. Jewish Levi's may be using the Scythes/Side lion. God did this, bank on it, and He did it because we are indeed on the Levite line of Simon Boethus with Joseph Simone of Seguin.

The Amalekites in EDUMfries

I can't wait to discover why the medallion has "Saint-Petersburg Russia" written on it. As it seems that God arranged the medallion to link to Miss Hicks at the hood of her car, and because (brace yourself) the Medals/DOUGals share the Baud quadrants and ship, we can now discover why her dream had a bullDOG instead of a bull. I regret that the Baytown Sun no longer makes available a large image of Mr. Kilpatrick shown in a photo with Spuds MacKenzie, the mascot for BUD Light beer. I can see exactly where that's going, to Baud / Bud/Bude / Butt/Bute / Butt/Butt/BOET liners.

This gets more amazing because I purchased a huge, fiberglass British bulldog 15 years after the dream, and Spuds MacKenzie (see online) is a bull terrier. On the same page with Mr. Kilpatrick and Spuds is Miss Hicks, his wife, said to be the trophy girl for the cooking contest they won in 1987. I didn't see her until late 1994 for the first time, a few months or less after I purchased my bulldog from Hamilton, Ontario. Her husband is Hamilton Kilpatrick. Spuds was there to celebrate the victory; you can see the photos here:

The page once had the text for the photos showing clearly. Here's from my 3rd update in January, 2018:

The photos can be expanded in size. Where it says, "Page 24 article text," one can read, "at the Second Annual Baytown World Charlotte Kilpatrick, trophy girl;..." and, with mouse on the text, one can scroll down to find "...with their father, Dr. H.W. Kilpatrick III" the latter quote being in the caption for the Spuds-MacKenzie photo. I just want you to believe that this is true. I'm not making it up.

I don't know if I've ever said that Lights/Lite's, as per Bud Light, are in Dog/Doag colors and format. Lights/Lite's were first found in Somerset with Bulls/Bule's. That seems to put the cap on why the dream had a bulldog, or, perhaps, it was necessary for me to make my bulldog link to Spuds MacKenzie. I'm wondering whether I'm supposed to call her to get her to come marry me. I'm a little shaky on that one.

Buds/Bude's, in Baud / Medal/Dougal colors, share three arrows in the colors of the near-same with Bosons (Boy/Bove/BOET colors). Boso's/Bosne's/Bosins are the ones with a bull in Bull/Bule-bull colors. God did a lot of planning to get the Kilpatricks to win the contest, to have the photos still online, to get Spuds up there, and who knows what more, all because he wants to reveal Boethus liners. The MacKenzie's (Bud/Bude / Butt/Bute colors) share flames with salamanders. The "Lucco" motto term of MacKenzie's (see also Kenneths) must be for Lucca, where Italian BOTTers were first found.

I've never seen the curved bend of Italian Botters until now. That is one weird thing, very rare. It might be play on a bow (as in rainbow), for Buds/Bude's use the bow (for arrows). The Bows/Boughs share the motto of Bill-related Roets, a branch of Rita's who-in-turn use a curved bend. The great thing is, the Rita lion "holds "pieces of wood" while the Bills (Bullis suspects) use "wood bills"! The great thing is that I equate the Rita lion with the Pool lion while the bulldog fell into the POOL with the shark! Wow, what a great time to change the Botter bend!! Roets (beside Poole), Reeds and Rita's are from Rieti, home of Vespasia POLLa! That's why the shark was in a pool instead of an ocean or lake. It just so happens that the Rita-et-al lion is that also of Medals/DOUGals and Dowells, as though God, when he gave the dream, which included a hood scene, was anticipating the medallion-on-hood event.

[A day after writing here, a German Berenger Coat was found with the same bend as Botters, though not curved. Instead of the red Botter star upon the bend, the Berenger bend has red roses upon it. This was when I found the English Berengers (Norfolk, same as Fasts and Falstaffs) with a version of the Fast / FALstaff Coat. The Berenger Coat even shares the red bend of Fasts, but puts rare green fleur-de-lys upon it.]

It's already been resolved that the bulldog FELL into the pool because Fallers/Fallis' share the Pool lion too. Or, Fellers and Fallers/Fallis share the trefoil with Sharks. Give praise to God, He's really doing something in these last days to punish His enemies, don't let his silence fool you, for he's allowing his enemies to fill the cup of wrath to the brim and overflowing, for he has a hot recompense for them.

Fellers are ROCKfellers, and MacKenzie's (ROSS-shire) have a ROCK in flames, yup, a sign of their Recompense for making the world drunk and enslaved to materialism and disrespect of God. The Rooks use a raven standing on a wheat sheaf (or garb), as do English Beers! Bud Light beer! God's got your numbers, Rockefellers, you had best give all that wealth back to the poor, or your souls will suffer what you cannot handle, and to painful insanity you will go. Try to understand. Try to make the right decisions. Stop chasing more wealth, you nut-crackers. What's wrong with you? Are you demonically sick? I see black smoke for the Roach's.

The raven vikings were the Stouts, and Stouts were at Bedingham, while Bedinghams/Bodehams share rooks with Rooks and Rookbys (TEESdale). Stouts share the three fesses of Oxfords, and Rooks were first found in Oxfordshire.

MacKenzie-branch Kenneths use almost the Fisk motto, and while the latter are a branch of Feschs, the latter share a semblance of the Kirk Shield while Kirks have a reflection of the Battistelli Coat, and the latter (billets) share the pyramid with Fisks. A few seconds after writing that, while thinking to delete it because it doesn't seem to apply in an important way, a Francesca-Battistelli song came on with the word, "keys," and this is while I was eyeing the "qui" motto term of the Sichs (Kiss fountains) suspect in the "Sic" motto term of Fisks and Kenneths. I therefore didn't delete it, and I loaded the Francesca surname to find what could be (should be?) the Rita / Pool lion.

Kenneths and MacKenzie's are from Kenza of Aures, land of the Shawia Numidians, who use "qui" as the English Shaws/Sheaves' because Sheaves'/Chiava's -- Caiaphas liners -- use keys. That's amazing: God wanted me to say that here, but I get so tired (sometimes) of repeating things, and I didn't want to go to Kenza again. She's got to be the reason for Spuds MacKenzie's name, named by God, I assume. Kenneths use "Sic itur" while Shaws/Sheaves' have "qui patITUR".

The "tuarus" motto term of Letters is suspect with the Tuareg Berbers, and it dawns on me here that TUARegs may have been the ITUReans to which I think IDRis (from Syria, land of Itureans) belonged. He was the husband of Kenza above. As a Master motto term ("tueri") has Tuareg-like look, it dawns on me that because the Masters (share "Non" with Nagle's) share the Try/Troy griffins, Tuaregs may have been to the two Troy surnames, in which case Tuareg Amazons are in the trident symbol of Bauds. Baud Light beer. The Masters (share "quaerere" with Roets) even share the unicorn with German Troys.

The "minor" motto term of Masters brings us to the Minor write-up with a Tuareg-like location: "Certain it is that the estate of Treago in that county has been held by the family of Mynors." Tragers/Trojens and Fellers/Felltragers come to mind, and Tragers/Trojens with Rocco's share the emBATTLEd pattern with Masters, and Battle's, yes, share the gold Try/Troy / Master griffin, in half the colors of the Tooth / Letter griffin. Masters are likely Massey liners, from Hamon de Masci, and Hamons, first found in Kent with Masters, share a motto term of TREYs/Trails/Traylors (mascles) who in-turn have a good reflection of the Feller/Felltrager Coat.

One might even propose that the embattled pattern (shared by Kenneths) was created for Dents / Tooths due to having a teeth-like pattern (assumes Battle's merged with Dents / Tooths), and thus the trident symbol. Battle's were first found in Berwickshire with Letters! Bingo.

Holders/Olders (familiar griffins) look linkable to Masters, and that motto term shared between Hamons and Treys/Trails looks partly for RIMMONs/Crimmons, who are said to have been pipers for McLeods, the latter using a "Hold" motto term. Maschi's, first found in RIMINi, share the Kent lion. I suppose that, in this picture, one could add that Kents and Kenneths are in Try/Troy / Masters / Hold/Holt / Holder colors. Holds/Holts were at Aston while Astons share the lozenges of the Shaws/Sheaves', the latter first found in Berkshire with Kents (compare with Brocuffs).

But to what do we trace "Spuds"? I have no idea. I've seen heraldic "spots," but can't recall a surname that could apply. Heraldic spots may have forms from or into so-called pellets, black roundels, and it just so happens that Pellets and Pilotte's share the Coat of Scottish Shaws. Perhaps spots are code for a branch of Spitz's, who share the full unicorn with Troys.

This Spuds picture even links to Kilpatricks by way of their dagger, symbol of Scottish Shaws, and the Daggers were first found in Cumberland with Sichs. At Mr. Kilpatricks online obituary (see HW Kilpatrick), it says that he was a pilot, and Pilots are listed both with Pilate's and Pile's/Pillets. Might God have made him a pilot for Kilpatrick links to the line of PONTIUS Pilote? Without that in mind, I did trace Kilpatricks to Antipatria without a doubt, and this is suspect with the king-Antipater line to queen Nysa of the PONTUS, just look at that.

Scottish Shaws were first found in Perthshire with Dogs/Doags, and we just saw that the MacKenzie dog led to Shaws. And this dog was in a photo with Mr. Kilpatrick, whose first name was Hamilton, and then Hamiltons happen to share the Dog/Doag cinquefoils. Hamiltons were first found in Renfrewshire with Polla-line Pollocks, and the Renfrews, can we believe it, share the Bald / Baud ship. Baud Light beer.

Kilpatricks use a "dexter paw" on the head of a dragon, and that's some excellent evidence that Dexters were Dexaroi of Antipatria along with Daggers. But for his profession, Mr. Kilpatrick was a doctor. I sat beside him once in a church luncheon and blurted to the company that I was doing so to get some free medical advice, at which he quipped, "you get what you pay for." In myth, the doctor is Asclepios, and Asclepios rods are in the Chief of Hick-possible Huckabys, who share multiple blue chevrons with Hucks, yet the latter use two of them in the colors of the two Dexter chevrons. Did God make Mr. Kilpatrick a doctor for these reasons?

Herod I was a son of Antipater and an Edomite, CYPROS, and it just so happens that there is a LAPITHos location of CYPRUS. Hucks use owls, a symbol, they say, of the Edomite God, Kos, and, besides, "owl" was anciently called, ascalaphus, clearly linking to the Lapith line of Asclepios. Mythical "Ascalaphus (sometimes Askalaphus) was king of Orchomenus," of Argo-ship mythology which had Jason as king of Corinth, the entity of mythical Coronis, mother of Asclepios (yes, the mythical medicine man). There you have some great evidence that Coronis was a cult through Corinth, which I've never had until now, thanks to DR. Kilpatrick. Jason lived in Thessaly with Ixion, Coronis' brother, at or near the Olympus mountain of the detestable Zeus (killer, adulterer, liar, not a fine example of God for the peoples).

Is there some God-appointed meaning where Dr. Kilpatrick is the doctor who birthed his own wife-to-be (Miss Hicks) about 20 years later? I've never read this concept in myth, but the birth / midwifery goddess of Crete comes to mind, Eleuthia, I think her name is spelled, who can be linked to Crete's AMALthea, who raised Zeus as an infant, who's suspect with the AMALekites, who were born from the family of Esau of Edom! Zikers. This in no way reflects wholesale evil on Mr. Kilpatrick; I assume that God uses people and things solely as pointers. He was found in church even when his wife wasn't.

Eleuthia was also "Eileithyia / Ilithyia." Note how the latter is like the mythical demoness, Lilith, who steals infants. In Hebrew-language texts, the term lilith or lilit (translated as "night creatures", "night monster", "night hag", or "screech owl") first occurs in a list of animals in Isaiah 34:14... There is a quasi-pornographic image of Lilith at Wikipedia where she has much the long hair and looks, both facially and bodily, of Miss Hicks. The latter's nose is nearer to her mouth than to her eyes, as with Lilith's painting. Miss Hicks wore her blond hair as long as in the painting, and brushed upward (not parted) as with the painting. Amazing. However, Miss Hicks is a Christian, and adopted a child, possibly to save one from abortion. She's no Lilith, though she may have been prior to her conversion (how does a daughter of a Pentecostal pastor become a stripper in her teens?). The point here may be that Kilpatricks trace to these Edomite things along with Hyksos liners. In fact, Hyksos were probably with Edomites long before Herods arrived.

Lilith had the owl symbol, and the idol at the elitist Bohemian Grove (California) is an own with the name, Moloch, the name of an ancient human-sacrifice cult suspect with the Zeus bull. It crossed my mind, years ago, that "Moloch/MOLECH" was named after AMALEK. Amalthea was a goddess of the Minoans, a people group birthed by the Zeus Taurus (Tyrians), and Minoans are known to have had the bull symbol. Minoans, symbolized by mythical Minos, are suspect to "OrchoMENOS" (ruled by the owl cult), and to the Minyae on the Argo ship. These were Boeotians of the Orion cult at TANAGRa, the latter suspect with the TANKERville's, who share the Hamilton / Dog/Doag / Duncan cinquefoil (Duncans can be linked to Tankerville's via Chamberlains). Tancreds birthed Guiscards.

Tanker-like Tagerts (Ross-shire, same as MacKenzie's) use the owl and the Chives motto. That's got to be proof that Tankerville's and Tancreds were from Tanagra. Hmm, Teague's/TEEGERs (share brown Crest with Tagerts and Guiscards) have an "opTEM" motto term suspect with Timms/Time's who trace well, with the "DEUM time" motto of a Moray Coat, to Timna of EDOM, mother of Amalek. Chives' were merged with Hykes'/Hacks, first found in Devon with Huckabys.

It could be that Owls/Howls had been Howells merged with Teegers or Tagerts, for Owls/Howls were first found in Suffolk with Tigers. It's remarkable that while Irish Teague's/Teegers are from Tigranes, husband of Hopper-suspect Opgalli, Hoppers share the white tower with Howells. The "diem" motto term of Teague's/Teegers gets Diems/DITTmayers (same place as German Teegers) while Ditts (Staffordshire) use a stripeless tiger in Owl-owl colors, and then Hoppers use a "SubDITus" motto term.

The Howell towers are colors reversed from those of English Thors, and then both German and Swedish Thors use elephant trunks while elephants are probably the symbol for Eliphaz, son of Esau and father of Amalek. Amazing.

My apologies for spelling it wrongly as Eliphas for a long time; the last time I used "Eliphaz" was in 2014. Was EliPHAZ ("El" means "god") the namer of Phasis, for Jason took his ship up the Glaucus river at Phasis to the city of the former ruler of Corinth. This ruler was Aeetes, play on the Phrygian god, Attis, and the latter was code for the Hatti on the Halys river, where the Eliphaz-like Halybes probably lived, whom I suspect as the Galli priests. In myth, Glaucus (Galli branch?) loved Scylla, and the latter is exactly of "ASCLepios" ("Skala" of Patmos combined with a variation of "Lapith"), the Lapith, itself an Eliphaz-like term.

It's a little interesting that mythical Merops of Kos (follow this as the Lilith owl) named Merovingians, who chose to use a Lilith-like lily as symbol (from the city of Lille at the Lys river), an entity I trace to "Laish," which is itself like the Lazi Caucasians at the Glaucus river. Why does "Lilith" have the same ending as "Lapith"? There is good evidence for tracing both Lys rivers to Lissus at the Cavii - Selepitanoi theater.

The Kilpatrick dagger drips drops while Drops/TROPE's can explain why Miss Hicks was the TROPHy girl. The Tropoje location expected of Trope's is between the Dardanians and Rhizon and the Selepitanoi, where the sleeping and rising Miss Hicks points to.

The only Teague I've ever met was Adana, and there is an Adana area in Cilicia said by some to have been a home of the proto-Danaans of Argos. There is probably a Teague connection to this Cilician picture. Adana was the person owning (by God's arrangement?) a vacant property that I would eventually purchase, 10 minutes from the Miss Hicks I didn't yet know. There was a Quwe/Que/Kue/Qeve location (Hattusa of the Hatti is on the map) at Cilicia's Adana, and the Cue's/Kews use the wheat sheaves expected of Kewe-like Shawia, who were also called, Chaoui. Some of those variations for Quwe look like they could have named Cavii, Chiava's/Sheaves' and even the Keys/Kays. Aren't the Cue's/Kews part of the barbeCUE contest won partly by the Kilpatricks?

I even trace Kilpatricks to Nysa of Cappadocia, right near Adana. Two doors down from the property I purchased from Mrs. Teague, there lived a family that attended the church of Miss Hicks, and, for good measure to make sure I would see and later meet her, Mrs. Teague herself attended that church. A few weeks after we started to attend, my wife did the child care duty, meaning that I was in church alone. And there came Miss Hicks to sit directly in front of me. At the end of the service, yup, she turned and greeted me. Her smile was a little too friendly, because she was on the sexy side, and so instead of greeting her with a smile in return, I tried my best to show a controlled frown. I thought I was being a good husband, you see. I don't remember seeing her again, after that, until about seven, maybe eight, years later, when, as I turned around in her new church, and my new church too, she wore a frown toward me. It was me who approached her eventually, when she was with her husband, to start a friendship, but I tried to keep the proper distance.

The first time I saw her (in church) was on Christmas day, 1994, 24 years ago (it's Dec 23 as I write). I reckon it was for a pointer to the Christmas surname, which has white rabbits and the martlets of Josephs / Pullens / Fly's for a trace to Flavius Josephus at Rieti's imperial household. I saw the giant swan that French Josephs showed before it was changed to the martlet, and Christmans, first found in Hampshire with English Josephs and Flys, happen to use the giant swan of German Christmas'/Christmans. You see, it was all arranged by God, to the very day of my first seeing her. It may suggest that God had to wait until Christmas fell on a Sunday, for it was Sunday that day, and He had to get us settled into a newly-purchased vacant property enough to be able to go to church by Christmas.

The gold border on the Christman and Christmas/Christman Coats, and the colors of the swans, suggests linkage to the Coat of Justine's, first found in Perthshire with the Shaws who share the Christian/Christine Coat. Amazing. Justine's even use a "Non SINE" motto phrase for Sine's/Sions/SWANs. Russian Hansons have both a gold border and a swan.

She had a sexy black dress on that day, which I frowned on, because I was an old-school Christian (best way to be) that thinks women shouldn't have dresses that tight and classy in church, especially if they have nice legs and a perfect figure. I was just doing my best to fend off old-man flesh.

But wait. I have a feeling that her black dress was a plot of God, for while there is no Dress surname, Dressers use the vertically-split Shield in the colors of the same in the Arms of Sion, and Sions/Swans use swans in the colors of the Christman swan. Ha-ha, the Lord has a sense of humor. The Christs use a horizontally-split Shield in the same colors. Miss Hicks has represented Childeric, the first Merovingian king, husband of Basina, herself from Thuringia, where Dressers were first found.

The Arms of Sion throws in stars in the colors of the Black stars. A BLACK dress. Scottish Blacks ("sed") share the Kilpatrick saltire, and Kilpatrick castle is at CLOSEburn while Close's are also Clovis-like Clovse's. Clovis was the son of Childeric and Basina. You see, Kilpatricks can be linked to Merops of Kos. It's owl in a day's work. While Childs are Chills too, the Rabbit write-up has a Mr. Rabaz, owner of a CHILLingworth church, yet I can see why white-rabbit Conys can apply to the Christmas rabbits, for Conys were first found in Lincolnshire with Blacks (share the Rabbit chevron).

Not convinced that Blacks should apply? Lookie: English Johnsons were first found in Lincolnshire too, and Scottish Johnsons (Dumfries, same as Kilpatricks) use the Kilpatrick Chief (with cushions) in red, making it the Black Chief-Shield color combination. Both Blacks and Johnsons apply the black saltire to boot in their white Shields. The best thing: there's a spur, the Close/Clovse symbol, in the Crest of Scottish Johnsons. The latter share "non" with Blacks. Another spur is with the owl-using Prime's ("minerva", possible code for Miners (black lion paw) who were tracing to Tuareg Berbers), who share the leg of Prophets/Profetts, who apply to Miss Hicks (longish story on the deep state not to be repeated here). (Chillingworths, first found in Northumberland with Rodhams/Roddens, share their cinquefoils.)

The black dress. Swedish Johnsons: the swan of Christmans. The write-up of Scottish Johnsons: "There is a heraldic similarity with the Kirkpatrick family coat of arms, leading to the belief that John was a descendant of Gospatrick, Earl of Northumberland. Gilbert, son of John received a parcel of land in southern Annandale from William Bruce, Lord of Annandale, some time between 1195 and 1214. 'Shortly after 1174 John the founder of the family of Johnstone, gave his name to his lands in Annandale, Dumfriesshire, whence his son Gilbert took his surname.'" The "NUNquam NON" motto phrase of these Johnsons suggests the Nun/Noon surname which shares the Solway/Salway saltire, and it just so happens that the river through Closeburn flows into the Solway firth.

Blazers use what looks like a cross between the Black and Kilpatrick Coats. I just spelled it wrong as "Balzer," and Balders / Baldwins jumped to mind who look linkable to the Blazer / Black / Kilpatrick saltire. Baldwins happen to share a green dragon in Crest with Kilpatricks! Look at the timing, while Balders and Balds are being traced to Rozala. Balders were first found in Shropshire with black-saltire Hunts who are in turn linkable to Kilpatrick-related Latins. I had ventured (not too many weeks ago) to equate Blazers with Bleds at Bled, and the latter location traces to Hainaut, in Flanders, where Balder IV ruled! Wow, he was Rozala's son, and wowie, it appears that Bald liners were Bled liners too.

As counts of Hainaut used the triple Levi chevrons, the black Flanders lion can be the Levi lion on gold, which are the two colors of the Levi chevrons. The same lion as Flanders is in the Side Coat, a branch of Flemish Seatons/Sittens. But Kilpatricks (share green dragon in Crest with Balders) use the black like in passant position, same as the Levi lion. The Kilpatrick lion, which looks to be riding the dragon's back, has a right paw on the dragon's head.

Wow, I was just checking what else the Kilpatrick cushion can link to, besides the Bibo/Bible cushion, and recalling that Bibo's/Bible's use the Kiss/CUSH rooster, I entered Kos-like "Koss" to find it listed with Kos'/Kosinski's, first found in Mecklenburg with Bibo's/Bible's and their Jewish, Hahn kin!!! Zikers, Kilpatricks can trace to the Kos owl of Edom, which was an idea born from the midwifery symbol of Crete's Amalthea, suspect with Amalekite Edomites.

The Cass branch of Kiss'/Cush's (Scott / Scoot Shield?) use a "pair of scales," recalling that Asclepius (worshiped in Sicily) was a Skala > Scylla liner. Pairs are listed with German Paws that may be honored by the "dexter paw" of Kilpatricks, for Dexters were first found in Leicestershire with Kiss'/Cush's, and Leicesters even use a swan with drops, reflecting the Kilpatrick dagger with drops.

Leicesters share "Pro REGE" with Kilpatrick-branch Pattersons, the latter first found in Ross-shire with MacKenzie's. REGGIO in Calabria is thought to be mythical Charybdis, the partner of the Scylla monster in Messina. I traced "CHARYBdis" to mythical Charops, the father or grandfather of Orpheus; the latter floated to the Lapith island of Lesbos. At the shore from Lesbos lived the Phocaeans, co-founders of Ligurians, suspect in naming the Legro river at Leicester.

When crossing the Rooks above, I noted their "corNICES" motto term, and when I looked at their Coat, yup, a version of the Nagle Coat so that Rooks look linked to Nage's/Neice's/Kness'. The latter with Nagle's share "non" with MacKenzie's (ROCK in flames), and that picture suggests Shawia Numidians at Oneglia, where I trace the Boofima aspects of Roets (the Books/Boggs, for example, and Bows/Boughs). The Letters suspect in the Boso Coat use a rock too. If the Boso symbol is a card, it can be code for Cards/Certs, suspect from Numidia's Cirta capital.

Aures liners can be proven to be to the Aures/Aur surname where it has a Coat version of the Ure's suspect in the "uro" motto term of MacKenzie's. Ure's were first found in Aures-suspect Ayrshire, where the Arms has a "shaw" motto term. But by what coincidence do Ayers use a "LIGHTer" motto term while Spuds MacKenzie is the mascot for Bud Light? That's not alone, for Ure's are said to have had a branch in FETTEResso parish (Kincardineshire) while Lights/Lite's use feathers and a version of the FEATHER/Fedder Coat (more feathers), likewise in Dog/Doag colors and format. The Morays with the "Deum Time" motto happen to use fetter locks, and Morays may even be expected from Moors of north Africa.

The team for which Miss Hicks was the trophy girl won the "Baytown World Championship Barbecue Cookoff." I was at first looking only at the Cure surname, as per "barbeCUE," which uses several garbs of sheaves of wheat, perfect for Shawia liner. But as Shawia were Numidians, they were also Berbers, and "BARBecue" can work into that picture. Berbers lived across to Morocco, and Kenza's husband, Idris, was a king of Morocco. Barbs are in Berber colors, and Berbers share the double chevrons of Barbers. When we get to Italian Barbera's (recalls HANNA-Barbera cartoonists), we find the three fish of rock-liner Roach's while MacKenzie's use the rock. It therefore appears that God planned for Miss Hicks and her husband to be involved in a barbecue contest for this very reason of making these links.

In fact, hold on to your buns, because Spanish Barbera's use CAULDRons while Calders share the giant stag head, and a "non" motto term, with MacKenzie's. Calders can be gleaned as a branch of Colts/Celts, first found in Perthshire with Shaws.

A "St. Barbe sur GAILLON" location in Normandy is found in the write-up of English Barber's, who share the fleur-de-lys of Gellone's/Gillans. The latter's write-up traces to "Gythla or GETLa," totally unexpected except that Numidians had a GETULI branch, to which Syphax belonged. It is almost unbelievable that while Paul Smith, an old friend who owned a red Jeep, as I do now, has/had a mother, BARBERA, while Smiths (fish, "NUMine" motto term) share the red fleur with Barbera's and Gellone's. The latter are from the Numidian, king Gala, aren't they?

Recall how Tuareg suspects linked to Tooths / Dents, for English Barbers throw in a blurb on how barbers sometimes pulled teeth (unexpected, could be the codework of some).

The "BENIGno" motto term of Smiths can be for Bengs (Numan/Newman lion?) whose Coat is linkable to Chives'/SHEWas', likely a branch of Sheaves'/Chiava's. Bengs were first found in Middlesex with Fiers and Apps' while Fier country on the Apsus river is the location of Tropoje-like Topoje. The dagger-line Dexaroi were on this Apsus river, at AntiPATRia, where Kilpatricks trace with their dagger. A dagger is used between Shaws and Comine's (the same sheaves of wheat or garbs as Cue's) while Kuman is in Fier county, and, besides, the Arms of Comines is a key, symbol of Sheaves'/Chiava's. The Bengs may have drops on their antelope.

The Mysterious Plows

Good morning, it's Sunday. The seam in my boot came to mind as I put my boots on, which I use as slippers because the wood stove doesn't run all night here, and, right now, it's about 49F degrees in here (I run it to mid-afternoon only this time of year).

In the first update of last month, I told the story of my installing a plow on the Jeep, and as it was installed in Guelph, I recalled telling you yesterday that Willa of Tuscany was a Welf, or Guelph, as some call Welfs. So I decided to go back and get the clip in the November update where it first dawned on me that God used a ripped SEAM in my BOOT as code for Simon Boethus, this is so fun(ny). I had purchased these boots in Guelph while the mechanics were trying to install the plow. I didn't want to sit at the shop waiting, so the guy there drove me to the local indoor mall. And I bought boots, that's all that was bought.

Recall that Alda's made it to this update, who were first found in Tuscany, and see this clip from November:

They [the boots] were ALDO brand; they were not bought because I like Italian shoes, but because they were on sale under $100. The left one is already ripped at the seam, we get what we pay for. Seam-like Seamans share the three wavy fesses of German Drummonds, first found in Hamburg with the boot-using Trips!!! I'm flattened by this. The Seas' share the Seaman bars, and were first found in Kent with Trips! [I had not yet realized that God set this boot purchase up as a pointer to Simon Boethus, for the Jeep's previous owner is of the Italian Simon surname. The following square brackets were from the November update.]

[I was loading Semans a half-hour ago when speaking on Seman de Stoke's. You'll get to that topic later, but after loading Semans/Seamans, I came up here to add a subtitle to this section, because it got so long. And upon adding the subtitle, I got to reading and added a few things above, including all that you just read on the Trips. I then got down to the part where I had already written about the ripped boot, though the Seamans were not yet part of it, and so it floored me to see Seamans in the "seam" term I had already written previously. God made the seam in my left boot.]

The Aldo brand purchased in Guelph is suggesting that Willa of Tuscany was of the Aldo's/Alda's. When we go to the Plow surname, the same dancette as the Buds/Bude's!!! The Trips even traced well to Tropoje since that update, and that's where I'm tracing the trophy girl that involved the mascot for Bud Light. Incredible. But things touching on these surnames are of the 666 bloodline, I'm don't think I'm wrong on that.

By the way, Seamans share the three wavy bends of Drummonds, first found in Hamburg with the Trips/Treffs who once showed boots. The giant Seaman crescent has ermine in colors reversed from what's officially called, "pean," as code for Peans/Payens/Pagans. Massey-line Hamons, first found in Kent with Massey-related English Trips, have a chevron pean in their official description. Masseys and Kent's Masons/Massins were Numidians along with Shaws, and to this we can add that the Boot surname (shows boots) was first found in Berkshire with Shaws/Sheaves' (almost a chevron pean) who have the colors and format of Hamons. The Seas'/Seighs, who share the wavy Seaman fesses, were first found in Kent!

As I said, I stayed, at age 10, in the home of Mr. bocci ball, when spending the summer in my mother's place of birth, and when he took me to his bocci-ball match, he was taking so long I asked if we could go about five or six times, and each time he would say, "in a minute, in a minute." The Minute's/Mynetts, first found in Kent with Hamon(d)s (look like branches) are from "Amyntes," son of BROGITarus, which is why it floored me to find the BROCATo variation of Bocci's (share ears of wheat with Chappes'/Cheaps). Heraldic ears are suspect with the Eyers/Ayers (Aures suspects, right?), first found in Derbyshire with Brogitarus-line Froggits. Amyntes conquered Derbe in Anatolia, you see, so that historians now know have a clue as to what Derbyshire (beside Hamon de Masci/Massey) was named after. The Eyers and Ayers use a version of the Irish Shaw chevron with foils. Recall the Amantini at the mouth of the BOSNia river (it's right beside Cibalae).

As Hamons use a code for Rimini but fronted with "disc," note that the ScorDISCi area at the Amyntes-like Amantini peoples may have been named partly after a Dis element. It seems that we are to see Amyntes in a blood connection to Boso of Burgundy / ARLES, which picture fits very well with AURELIUS Caracalla's family. The Diss/Dice Coat is a gold version of the Tarent Coat, and the latter is a colors reversed version of the Child Coat that uses the Piast eagle while Piasts are of "Bistue," a location at the sources of the Urbanus river, the major river beside the Bosnia. I cannot recall the surname that calls its blue roundel a disc/disk, but Buds/Bude's share with them a blue roundel in Crest. Piasts are the ones with Catherine wheels, which are used by Colters/ALTERs, who might just be in the "alteri" motto term of Plows. But what at the Sava river could proto-Plows have been?

Back to the plow installation in Guelph. The Plow motto term, "Quod," must be for the Quoid variation of Quade's, who use three wolf heads, the symbol of Welfs/Wolfs/Lupus'. You see, God knows what he's doing. He got the company in Guelph to order many plows at once (the guy at the desk told me so) so that they could sell them CHEAP, in order to get me to drive four hours from my home to get one installed, then drive four hours back. I was saving hundreds of dollars, otherwise I would not have been in Guelph, and the points above on the Welfs would not be applicable here. It seems certain that the plow installation had to do with Willa of Tuscany, mother of Rozala.

As Jeeps/CHEPs traced to Chappes'/CHEAPS, note the "cheap" term above, which I wrote before realizing this sentence.

The Scottish Alda's were first found in AYRshire, yup. Italian Alda's/Aldo's use the split Shield of Gate's, for example, or Bono's. There is a Bononia location on the light map right beside the Amantini.

Plows (stag design of English Stewarts) use an "ALTeri" motto term that can apply to an Alda line. As Plows were first found in Shropshire with the Dol-Alan Stewarts, the Aldo/Alda fesse is probably that of Dols, for English Dole's share the Plow fleur-de-lys and a fesse in Plow-fesse colors. The Dol fesse happens to be wavy in the colors of the wavy Seaman fesses. German Alte's/Aults use a white, wavy pale bar, and Scottish Alda's are also Aults. Jeepma's/Cheps were first found in OLDENburg, and Oldens are also ALDAns, first found in Westmorland with Plows'/Plowmans! How about that. One can even add that while the Olden/Aldin crescents (it's all they show) are shared by Aincourt, the latter put wavy bars in the crescents in the colors of the wavy Seaman fesses. These things cannot be coincidences.

The Alda's/Aults share the upright, red-on-white griffin with Letters, and we saw that the Boso/Bosne bull, from Willa of Tuscany, amazingly enough, holds what could be a letter. Is that not amazing, that God did in fact move me to purchase Aldo boots (because they were on sale) without telling me that he was doing it? Why did He want to make this point of an Alda link to Boso? The pair of wings in the Dole Crest are code for Cibalae liners, and Cibalae is smack across the Sava from the mouth of the Bosnia river.

There is a Plows/Plowman/PLOUGHman surname (Blows' are also Bloughs) with a savage that traces to the Sava river, where the Bosnia drains. The Ble's/Bleys/Bleds, expected from Bled upon the Sava, comes to mind. Plows'/Plowmans are also Ploman, and Plumers have a wavy chevron in Plow-fesse colors, but none of this satisfies me on the derivation of Plows. The Duble variation of Bleds is suspect with the DOUBLE-tressure border owned by Flemings, for Bled and neighboring Emona traced to Mons at Hainaut, in the Flemish theater. Bleds love the Tous/Tosini's of Tuscany, it just so happens. The double-tressure is used by Boso-suspect Letters, it just so happens, and while Tooths share the Alda / Letter griffin, Tooths love the Ploman- / Plumer-like Palmans/Pelhams. This recalls that variations of German Plumers/Plume's include "Flaum."

It just so happens that Flemings (double-tressure is in the off-red color of the Tresure/Trasher chevron) use the Letter-suspect motto, "LET the deed SHAW." This recalls that Cards/Certs, who do use a letter, are suspect from Cirta, where Shawia may have ruled. Flemings, who share the goat head with Blows'/Bloughs, were first found in Lanarkshire with Colters/Alters suspect in the Plow and Rodham/Rodden motto (there's a Rodden river in Shropshire). The latter surname shares "nec" with Rutherfords who in-turn share the goose on a rock with Letters. This goose might just be code for a Guise/Guy line from the Guys in the Bosonid family of Willa of Tuscany.

Or, the Goose surname is listed with Mole-related Googe's/Gooch's (whose rose in Crest?), first found near the first-known Letters. Mole's (share Schim / Goose boar head) are of the Orion-of-Tanagra (at Schimatari) line seen shortly above with Tankerville's / Tancreds, the known ancestry of goose-like GUIScards. Amazing. Recall how Guiscards were looking like Guy-of-Spoleto liners. Recall how the Tankerville discussion had traced to the Edomite, Timna, who was from Seir, suspect with the Sire's, for Guiscards use a "deSIRE" motto term. "Guis" looks a lot like "Kos," and there is a Kos surname with bendy in Guiscard-pile colors.

Plow-like Pillows are listed with Pilotte's: "The name was firstly noble house of Pilotte of Chantrans in Bourgoyne." CHANTrans? The Schims/Schiens (Pilate colors) are shown properly as Chands, but also SHAWnd. Note that Pillows/Pilotte's are in the colors of the Plow-related Buds/Bude's, and that Bute-suspect Butlers share cups with Pillows/Pilotte's. There is a Chant/Chantel surname, first found in Pilate-connectable Dauphine.

Back to the "uro" motto term of MacKenzie's, for Shawia-suspect Ure's use a motto, "Sans tache," and while Tache's share the red scallop with Tancreds, Tacks are said to be a Tancred branch. Doesn't that make Ure's look like an Orion entity? It suggests that Orion elements, maybe even Boeotians, named Aures. We saw Guiscards linked hard to Boeotian-possible Bauds/Beads and Beads/Beadle's.

I'm sure that the Guise/Guy Crest is a swan rather than a goose, but then Palmans/Pelhams use the swan too, as do Swans/Sions of Lanarkshire, who are expected as kin round-about of double-tressure Seatons/Sittens who in-turn share the green dragon with Tresure's/Trashers (Somerset, same as Roets who own the Colter/Alter Catherine wheel).

On top of these things, which is tracing Flemings hard to Willa's Bosonids, Seatons share the Bellamy crescents while the Bellamys (known kin of Alans) are obviously behind the Plow-related Dole Coat.

The Wills look to use black dragons, the symbol of Norths ("Animo") who in-turn have a good reflection of either the Dole or Plow Coat. That makes Norths and Narbonne's/Nordi's/Denardo's connectable to Willa. Norrys are said to have been associated with McLeods, same as Rimmons/Crimmons suspect from Rimini, where Maschi's were first found who share the North and Nordi lion.

It was immediately after writing the above that an insert above was written which had the Wills linking to Guy of Spoleto and therefore with a Willa related to him. Part of that insert was: "The "labori" motto term of Stubbs recalls that Labore's share bars gemel (twin bars) with the Oulette's whom God used with Lorraine, making Oulette's/Wille's more suspect with a Willa than before. " The Labore's share the bars gemel of Richmonds (Gamal/Gamble colors), first found in Yorkshire with Gamals/Gamble's and Labore's (and rose-using Jumps), and RICHmond was granted to Alan the Red of Brittany, which dovetails into the Dole-Plow discussion here, especially as Plows are said to have received the two fleur-de-lys of RICHARD the Lion (Coeur liner). French Richards, first found in Brittany. German Richards (share black goat with Blows/Bloughs), share the heart with Gemels. Why is there a rose in the mouth of the Gamal/Gamble bird (could be a crane)?

The "Aimer" motto of these Richards was either resolved or suspect with the Aim variation of Hainaut-possible Aincourts (in the Jump write-up with Bullys), who share the three crescents of Oldens/ALDins. It looks like this Willa-of-Tuscany picture traces both to Alda's/Aldo's and Tous' of Tuscany.

The heart between two white wings of Richards is a symbol of Peaks (share the Arrow/Arras fleur) too, first found in Staffordshire with Stubbs (and Arrows/Arras'). The Eyers/Ayers were at Derbyshire's Peak. Two white wings, possible Gemel code, are in the Crest of Plow-related Dole's too. Peaks share the Dives/Dien patee, and Stubbs were with a Bellamy line on the Dives river.

Did the insert above with Stubbs link to Pepins in Lorraine? The Rich's/Richess' are suspect with Richesa of Lorraine, how about that. The bottony crosses of Rich's/Richess' links with Buttons to the Sardinia-suspect shirt, with buttons, in the Tous/Tosini Coat. I'd like to repeat from above when Guiscards linked hard to Guy of Spoleto:

Scottish Balds (same place as Guiscards) come up as Beads, and English Beads/Beadle's (Yorkshire, same as Tancreds) use the Tancred Coat in colors reversed while the Guiscards of Sicily were birthed by a Tancred. Perfect. It recalls the dream where I was playing GOLF with my dentist, who, on the drive home, laughed at the red BUTTons on my shirt. As I've said many times, the dentist's surname is of the Tancred bloodline, and here we can add that Bauds/Beads use the triDENT!!!...

As Beads/Beadle's share the scallops of Capes' (London, same place as Dentibus Tooths!), it makes a lot of sense that they were from the Chappes'/Cheaps, first found in the same place as Guiscards and Bauds/Beeds. Wow, what a dream can reveal.

Amazingly, as there is no Golf surname, I assumed that God was pointing to Guelphs. I had no idea, until this update, that Guiscards were indeed of Guy. If I recall correctly, the Guidi (the Guis'/Guido's) were Guelphs too. Reminder: Guiscards use a "Mercy" motto term while Mercys/Maisys have the same quadrants as Fasts upon their dragon head, which are the Baud/Bead quadrants in colors reversed.

It's notable here that an hourglass-like Shield is shared between Beatle's/Bedwells (flames) and Guis'/Guido's.

I'm going to guess that the Tous/Tosini stars connect with those of Italian Biondi's, used also by Battistelli's, the latter first found in Corsica, beside the Sardinia location of the first-known Biondi's. Richard Coeur the Lion could be a Courcy liner from Corsica. I know that Avezzano's, first found in Sardinia, trace to the Avesnes rulers who married noble Champagne, and the latter is where Sauvage's were first found who share the heart with German Richards. It's the Plows'/Plowmans who have the savage, holding a green snake resolved with the Marsi snake cult (Angitia), and Avezzano is part of Marsi land. The Avezzano rose thus gets suspect with Rozala liners.

The insert above with the Stubbs takes us to Stubbings, who share two symbols of Trebys/Treebys, which recalls that Trabys/Sadowski's have a Q-shaped scarf likely as code for Quade's (or Queens) crossed in the Plow motto. As we saw that God wanted to link Plows to Seamans, we can now mention that the latter share the Seas/Seigh Coat while Stubbings share the Coat of Says (bull head), first found in Shropshire with Plows. The Stubbings (ROSSENdale) are Stebings too, and Stepps/Stepto's happen to use a giant fleur in the colors of the Plow / Dole fleur.

Stubbings were at Rossendale, now suspect as yet another Rozala line. All three features (leg and head positions) of the Rossendale stag is that of Plows and Stewarts too. The Rossendale stag is in the colors of the Stagg/Stage stags, and the Rossendale quadrants are colors reversed to those of Bauds and Balds, suspect with Balder of Flanders, Rozala's son, which explains why Flemings were tracing to Boso. Baldwins were named as a son of Eustace II (beside Flanders), he being the Stacy the line to or from the Staggs/Stage's. Perfect. Stubbs use a "labori" motto term, and Labore's share the eye with Baud-possible BADENs/Battins while Bauds share the quadrants of Medals/Dougals, a branch of Dowels, and the latter were at BADENoch, near the Rose clan of Nairnshire.

There's a lot of British stuff of the Templar era tracing to those Italians. Stubbings entered the discussion with the besants of Willa-line Wills. Both Will surnames share the axe with Badens/Battins, and both Wills put the axe in the hand of a griffin. The Wills/Velis use a red griffin for this, which could be the Letter griffin in colors reversed, because Letters were first found in Berwickshire with Wills/Velis'.

This is a good place to say that the wyvern dragon in the Crest of Ligurian-suspect Leightons looks to be in the Will Coat.

From earlier in this update: "'The manor [of Higher Bebington] passed with the heiress of the elder branch to the Minshulls.' The Minshull write-up: 'The surname Minshull was first found in Cheshire at Minshull Vernon. "The manor...passed to the family of ALDeton, sometimes called Oldington and OULTON... The Olden/Alden surname shares the white crescent with Minshulls of ALDEton [and Alda's are in Otone/Oulton colors]." This recalls that I link Pepin of Landen to Bebba of the Bebbanburgs, and as this Pepin line was with Guy of Spoleto, it's more than interesting that the bird in the Bebington Crest has the same besants as Wills. Recall how I think God showed that Babe's and Blonds were kin, for Biondi's (and Bonds) can be Blonds. French Biondi's were first found in Picardy with Guys.

English Bonds/Bundys share the gold-on-black besants of Wills and Bebingtons, as do Flame's, come to think of it. Recall that the Guy buckles link to the Spoltons/Spauldings, tenants of Le Meschin, for Bonds/Bundys, sharing the Meschin fesse (in the colors of the Blond bars), have an "OrBIS" motto term while Biss' use three Meschin scallops in pale without a pale bar, in colors reversed from the Guy buckles in pale without a pale bar. It's known that Blundville's were the Meschin earls. Bonds/Bundys were first found partly in Devon, as with Treebys using the same besants and likely the Stubbing lion. The Sardinian Biondi's come up as "Bondy."

The Ligurian Hoods

While on the LEGRo river of Leicester above, I was trying to find how Leggers could trace to the Phocaean founders of Ligurians, and I think it was found. Leggers share the Caen fretty, which might get interesting along the Ceno-river area, where Ananes lived suspect with "Hannibal." Hannibal attacked the nearby Trebia-river area with Ligurians, you see. And the Legger Crest is a griffin I think, gold, like the griffin in the Crest of Ananes-liner Annandale's.

Leggers also share the fretty Shield of Cave's: "The old manor-house of Stanford Hall...was pulled down by Sir Roger Cave, and a new building was commenced on the right bank, in the county of Leicester..." We're making sense of Leggers.

I struggled with the "HAUT EN bon" motto of Leggers because there's no Haut surname coming up. Then I realized it could be for Hottens, recalling that Hood/Hoots are now expected from ancient Hyde, on the Hermus river of Lydia that flows right by Phocaea (modern Foca), home of Phocaeans. That looked super. After you see all of the below, you may agree that Armine's/ERMine's, because they use a version of the Annandale Coat, are from the HERMus river.

The write-up says that Robert St. Leger "held estates at Bexhill in Sussex," and Dutch Bex's/Becks/Beckes', who remind of the Bachus'/BARKis", suspect with Barca, happen to use a giant anchor, same as German Hoods/Hope's. The Bex/Beckes anchor, in colors reversed, is the white-on-blue one of HEIDlers/Heidt's...couldn't ask for much better, but Hoods/Hoots have a white anchor too. And this recalls that Hooters/Huters (Austria, same as Heidlers/Heidts) use a giant bird's LEG, yup, code for Ligurians. The Leck river flows toward Munich, where Hiedlers/Hitlers were first found.

[After this update was out, I came across a Bex location in Vaud canton, which shares the upright ram of Vaud-like Bauds/Bode's. There is a Bottens location in Vaud that looks to share the David / Davis Coat. Buttons/Bidens were first found in Hampshire with Botters/Bodins/Bode's.]

Next, Foca-like Foggs (branch of, or merger with, Figgs) were first found in Kent with Leggers. Fuggers/Fuggits share the Coat of Danish HANSons, highly suspect with Annas of Israel. Fuggers/Fuggits and Danish / Norwegian Hansons share the fleur-de-lys of Leicesters/Lesters. Austrian Fuggers are Fuge's/Feugens too, a lot like the Fussen location on the Leck. Fuggers/Fuge's use the goat, what the myth writers gave elements on the Hermus river, Pan, that is. And Pannonia was home to the Boii, who moved into BONonia, suspect in the "bon" motto term of Leggers. Back to the Ermine's, first found in Lincolnshire with Meschin-related TailBOIS', and using a version of the Tailbois Coat.

The Fage's/Faux's/Chaulnes' once again use the Leicester / Fugger fleur-de-lys, and English Faux's share the mascle of English Hansons. Katrina Hanson was my ice-CREAM girl, and Cremers/Cramers share the Fage/Faux Chief. Cremona was founded at the same time as Placentia, by general Scipio, as army bases, when he lost the war of Trebia to Hannibal. Fage's/Faux's/Chaulnes' were first found in the Perigord / Dordogne area with the Force's (triple leopards, it looks like) in the motto of Leghs/Leighs/Leys. The latter were first found in Cheshire with Hottens/Haughtons, Hans'/Hands, and where mascles trace. Compare LEIGHtons/Leytons to Hanans.

Leghs/Leighs use a "vertu" motto term suspect with Vardys/Vertys, and then Bardys were first found in Perigord. Hooters use a leg, and Hoods/Hoots use a fret while Vardys were barons of Ferte-Mace. Hotts share the red spread eagle with Ferte's, as well as the fesse of Beefs/Boeufs/Couraboeufs/Sansboeufs/Samboeufs/Sangleboeufs/Tourneboeufs/Toucheboeufs/Tournebulle/Boeufarts, first found in Perigord. The last variation is like the Beaufort branch of Bough-related Roets, suspect with Balfours (share the chevron of Roet-beloved Books/Boggs). Boughys/Buffy's/Bogheys almost use the "Quaerere" motto term of Roets and Boughs. If I recall correctly, Balfours use a baton, and because Batons share the bat with Buggys/Bugs (water BOUGet), it seems that both Buggy/Bug surnames, and bow-using Bogans too, apply to Imperi and Boofima > Baphomet liners to Liguria's Imperia. As the Imperi priests wore leopard-claw gloves, while the leopard was a Dionysus / Bacchus symbol, his Nike line to Liguria's Nice can apply to Boofima elements.

Hoods/Hoots use a "Cornish CHOUGH," and Coughs share the symbol of Cheshire's Sales', from Salyes Ligurians. Hoffs/Houghs, who look like the Haughton variation of Hottens, share the Sales / Chough bend, and were likewise first found in Cheshire. German Hoffs are with the bull-horned, leopard face of Hovers/Hoffers (Westphalia, same as Nagle's/Nails), suspect with Cheshire's Overs (share fret with Hoods/Hoots).

Scipio traces to the Rumilly Skiptons, first found in Yorkshire with Methleys, the latter sharing the pierced stars of Foggs and Figgs. Methleys are suspect from Methymna, a city on Lesbos out to see from Phocaea. Lacys share the purple Skipton lion: "At the taking of the Domesday Book in 1086 the village of Methley, midway between Leeds and Pontefract, was held by Ilbert de LACY..." Phocaeans founded Ligurians at LACYdon, near Marseilles, the latter suspect with the Marsi at lake FUCino. The Avezzano's of that area were first found in Sardinia, off the coast from Marseilles. The Marsi had a snake goddess resolved with green heraldic snakes, shared by German Hansons. The earlier name of Marseilles, Massilia, was likely named by the tribe to which king Massena belonged, for he had formed an alliance with Scipio, explaining why Meschins married Skiptons.

Methleys (tiger) have three stars in Chief in the colors of the three lions in the Chief of English Hansons. Medleys, sharing the pierced stars of Methleys, were first found in Sussex with Meads, Bone's/Bons, and mascle-liner Mascals. Meads (Arthur pelican) share the Coat of Godfreys. Meads married the Arthurs of Clapton, which is online in an article telling that Tewkesburys married Arthurs of Clapton, and the Tewkesbury Coat is in a quadrant of German Hansons, that's right.

About 2005, after returning to Texas to find Mr. Kilpatrick alive, I started to do some Internet dating. It was a crappy situation. I was forced to stay put for almost three years before I could return. Believing that the dream promised her as my wife, I was half expecting that he would pass away over those three years. Trust me or not, I never prayed for his death, for that would be worse than crappy. I know my God enough not to do that much. I went to visit a woman in Oklahoma, a beautiful 12-hour Texas drive. Ahh, the life.

I'm telling this because she took me, one evening to see the bombing site of the Oklahoma-City bomber, Tim McVeigh. There is a question as to whether he was the real bomber, or set up by the government, or something along those false-flag lines, and, perhaps, that evening was God's pointer to something he plans to do about the real bombers. I'm telling this story because I had never been to a Hooters restaurant before pulling into one (with her) that evening, and have never been to another since. I didn't know what Hooters was about until then.

I've checked the Veigh surname (purple lions), listed with Veys/Vivians (Cornwall, same as Pendragons and king-Arthur's birth), and also the McVeigh/McVaugh/McVey surname ("Per ardua"). These are very-likely a branch of Vaughns because the latter have a version of the Pendragon Coat. Veys/Vivians are a king-Arthur entity, and connect to the five theme of Arthurs. Amazingly, while I don't remember the woman's name I went to see, I stayed about a week and refinished her back PORCH! I've been tracing Porch's/PORTIS' to Portishead, at Clapton, where Arthurs married Meads, Tewkesburys and Hicks! Wow. Is this a Sign that I should be looking into this?

She was/is a nurse. There is a Nurse/Norse/Noers/Noies surname, first found in Leicestershire, and we just finished a section on Leicester's Ligurians roots. The Noies variation got me loading Nois'/Nauds/Naults to find an illegal gold on silver, the colors of McVeighs too. Interesting, but the Nois variations don't look related to the Nurse variations. After this, I find the Bohemian Boms/Bohms, as per "bomb," with an illegal silver on gold (two metals are no longer permitted to make contact). Hmm. The armored Bom arm faces sinister, an the armored McVeigh arm has a spear pointed sinister. It looks like a Mieszko-line merger with their favorite, Bohemian partners.

Does this topic belong here? Was our going to Hooters justification for adding this event here? How could Hooters apply? I was wondering whether it connects to the St. Petersburg medallion I found on my HOOD. As Hoods are suspect with Hiedlers/Hitlers, was the bombing done by the CIA's Nazi elements? The deep state is trying to frame Trump for things he did in St. Petersburg, but the truth may be that the Hillary / Mueller / Obama circle had illegal activities in that place with Russian mobsters. The medallion has FIVE LINKs of a neck CHAIN left on it, perhaps code for Loretta LYNCH and/or Dick Cheney.

If I had been saying four links in the past, sorry, I had that wrong. It's five (photo below).

I've just checked Saints (share the Chain cross!) and then Peters as per the medallion's inscription (SAINT-PETERSBURG RUSSIA). Peters turned out to have three mascles in Chief in the colors of the three Cheney martlets, and both use a "major" motto term. The Hoods happen to share the white anchor with Majors. Hoods share the crescents of Bauds while Bauds have the quadrants of Medals. It looks like we have a story.

The Peter mascles are probably the gold ones of Petts/Perts, and the latter's are in the colors of the similar lozenges of Major-beloved Anchors. The Major Chief is a version of the Anchor Chief. And Petts/Perts use a stork in bulRUSH's, like "Russia"! Rush's, who come up as Rushens, share "Dieu" with Peters.

If the medallion is only about surname connections, that's a bummer. It could be that the circle of Dick Cheney in particular started the dirty dossier (with Washington Free Beacon) against Trump, which included some of his activities -- or false charges thereof -- in Saint Petersburg.

As per "PetersBURG," Burgs were loaded to find the French Burgs sharing the bend of two Peter surnames, and one of the two shares scallops at the two corners with Petts/Perts. The "sans" motto term of the Peters could be a Saint/Sun/Sinclair branch, and this surname's motto term, "COMMIT," is in honor of the son of John de BURGo of Conteville. There is a COMET in the Reines/RHINer Coat while the Peters motto is, "Sans Dieu RIEN". The same Peters share a blue lion with Reines'/Rhiners.

Miss Hicks, who was at a hood in a dream that connected to the first-anniversary memorial of 9-11, has a middle name, Rena. While German Hoods are Hope's too, Trump once had a Communications director, Hope Charlotte Hicks. Miss Hicks in the dream is Charlotte Rena Hicks. I feel that God used symbolism on the evening of the 9-11 memorial (where she and I attended) that promises to catch the insider crooks. I had been half convinced that Hope Charlotte Hicks was a spy inside the White House. She quit when her lover was fired by Trump, but then he may have been a spy too, working with her, and, maybe, they were not lovers at all, but pretending to be in order to justify spending much time together.

Here's a photo of the medallion. There are four links of the chain, but a fifth one connecting the chain to the medallion. The FIVE links of this Cheney-suspect chain can be code for the Fife's, a branch of Five's/Fifys (Bush/Bosch lion?) sharing the Veigh/VIVian chevron while Fife's share the Veigh/Vivian Chief-Shield colors, how about that. Was the Oklahoma bombing by the same people as conducted 9-11 under Dick Cheney? Interesting.

The chain links can then point to Obama's attorney general, Loretta Lynch, as part of the Democrat effort to frame Trump with the same dossier, after it was purchased by Hillary Clinton.

I'll have comments on these "coincidences" near the top of the next update.

The corporate economy was doing well, and so the Federal Reserve raised interest rates to seize the extra wealth, serving to nullify some or all gains. If there is no body to prohibit such things, then all benefits will be robbed so that a high time becomes a low time. In the same way, people can never "get ahead," because, as soon as things get better, the vultures fly in. Stop chasing wealth and materialism. Do with some of the cheapest things, live aloof from materialism, Jesus will be pleased if you do it for Him. That's the way of Jesus, which prosperity gospelites don't recognize.

This concise video from RT on the Clinton-Foundation hearing of last week has a couple of men claiming that the FBI has opened an investigation on the Foundation. I'm wondering whether the FBI is merely acting interested in order to seize what material the two men have. The two men are: "John Moynihan and Larry Doyle, financial analysts who say they have uncovered evidence of pay-to-play and financial crimes at the Clinton Foundation, were invited to testify on their findings by the House Oversight Committee’s Republican Chairman Mark Meadows."

As you can see, the vice-Chair, Jody Hice, is angry, and accuses the two men falsely to make them feel guilty for not bringing in some documents. To me, that looks like he's under pressure from deep-staters to discover what the two may have. The two said they sent all of their information to Utah's John Huber, whom Sessions placed in charge of certain Clinton matters for official investigation. Hubert was first notified, they say, about the first of this month; this is fresh out.

Here's the full hearing of over two hours. It begins with Meadows saying that the DoJ refused to make Huber available for this hearing, even though the decision is not now that of Sessions. Meadows laments that he's not heard anything from Huber since his investigation began (nine months ago), to be expected from the Sessions cover-up plot. This hearing should have taken place a year ago or more; it now looks more like a political move by a hurting Republican congress.

Wow, days after we hear of general John Kelly's dismissal: "'The Pentagon has an order to move troops out of Syria as quickly as possible,' a U.S. official said." This is Trump's decision, I gather, possibly because he wants to save the money in the Middle East and spend it at the Mexico border. It puts certain globalists into sweat and tears, for at least two more years anyway. I think I now know why, recently, there was a scare-report from the Americans, that a new al-Qaeda group (a new phantom monster to justify staying in Syria) was arising. Trump's not buying it, and is instead punishing the Republican war hawks for not giving him his wall. To the border the military will go! This is a win for Trump, and comes upon the death of the Bush who started Middle-East intrusions. Though many will try to change his mind before the pull-out takes place, he can't afford to flip-flop at this time.

The re-invigorated fight against Assad, which looked promising when Trump whipped 55-60 missiles into Syria, has not materialized. Is this a good turn for world peace? It depends on how soured Russia has become from Western slander in the past few years. Russia might now become a Middle-East activist in the absence of the Americans, whereas, had the West joined a trade partnership with Russia over the past five years, the situation would be the opposite at this time. Russia has no reason, now, to behave itself in the Middle East. It can prepare for any future event it might envision as probable.

It would not be surprising if the CIA / Pentagon conducts a false flag with real killings, perhaps of Americans, to get Trump to change his mind. In the middle of this week, timed at the sudden (took Republicans by surprise) decision to pull-out: "More than 700 people held prisoner by ISIS have been executed since the jihadist group was forced out of Hajin on Friday, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported Wednesday." Is that fake news to start the pressurizing of Trump in the military crock-pot? Isn't there a CIA-sponsored Observatory? I thought so.

Iran, Syria and Hezbollah were not exactly lethal toward Israel prior to the Syrian civil war, and that "evil axis" is now far weaker with a crumbled Syria, and will be for a long time as the government re-gathers its fullest powers amid three, national schisms. But, Russia is now in that theater, and will have benefits in whatever shape Syria will take after Americans leave. That's a big deal to ponder, for Russian media openly supports Palestine over Israel. Prophecy-wise, this looks like a sizable step closer toward fulfillment.

Later in the week: "Mattis resigning as Pentagon chief after clashes with Trump". Excellent. It's Trump's opportunity to change the guard. Oh, but, what could that mean? Never mind for the moment, as we can celebrate how things turned out: Trump didn't want to go down the road that the Republican deep state wanted. Trump is right on this one, but it seemed he was almost fully over the edge with the hawks when he chose John Bolton as his foreign-affairs minister.

The right way to go is to demolish world-affairs military, first and foremost because it's brutal to kill for corporate interests, and secondly because Americans are deep in debt. If the military really did care about the loss of American lives, there's lots of murders in any big American city to thwart from crime rings no less lethal than al-Qaeda. The end of military expansionism has got to stop, and for that direction it would have been good to treat Russia and China with at least a token good will. Not embrace them, but to show good will. Publicized animosity (propaganda) between super powers is the way to Armageddon. Let Russia have its fair share of the European gas market, and a fair and legal shake at plying for pro-Russian governments on its border, providing that Russia is no longer an anti-Christian beast. But then, I don't speak for God, and don't know how He feels about the way to go on this matter.

The AP article above: "More recently, Trump bypassed Mattis’ choice for the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Gen. David Goldfein, the Air Force chief, was Mattis’ top choice, but Trump chose Gen. Mark Milley, the chief of the Army". Goldfein, Jewish. How do so many Jews find themselves to the top-most levels? The answer is obvious. The cabal. Jews are like anyone else, but the Jewish Cabal is a money monster, the enemy of humanity and of God.

Mattis is a goon loved by almost everyone. In fact, he's a goon who wanted to be the hero to make Trump carry out the Syrian agenda that even Obama was slow on. If Mattis can't have Syria, he won't stick with Trump. The goon was deeply offended with his own failure to manipulate the president who thinks differently. This war is too costly for the little that is derived from it, and the reason he's a goon is that the war is mostly for corporate interests. What else? Globalism and corporate interests are one and the same. Just think on how much it will cost to fund globalism. Mattis, you're a nut dressed with respectability, thanks for quitting. Boo-hoo, Russia now gets more commercial deals with American globalism gone the wayside, boo-hoo, the American goons are jealous. What's evil for Russia is said to be dandy for Americans to do.

The U.S. just signed a 20-year deal to supply 15 percent of Poland's oil / gas (can't recall which), and this situation may be repeated throughout the eastern-European countries to rob Russia of more gas market. Isn't Europe's fossil-fuel market the reason for the Syrian war in the first place, with the Americans moving into the Middle East to spoil Russia's market? It has been a very-bad game that Russia will not forgive soon.

The best thing Trump can do is to take 5B of his own money [oops he doesn't have that much, I thought he had a lot more; make it 1B or even 1/2 to make a good show], and put it to the wall. He'll be praised. What better thing can he do with his money? Instead, his border-fear tactics are justifying the increase in spy powers over the nation until everyone in the new generation accepts it as normal rather than pure wickedness. Trump saw the wickedness, but increased spy powers, what does this tell us?

Let's see. For 1,000 miles of Mexican border, put 2,000 employees, each a half-mile apart along the border, each with an annual income of $50,000. That's $100M annually; got to be cheaper than giving government benefits / services to thousands of Mexicans who slip in illegally, then get their family members to come up after they receive legal status. Every 10 miles there's an office (with a helicopter to support attacks / threats) to report to for the 20 workers along that stretch. They all have night-vision equipment, motion-detection equipment, and a protective bunker. It's got to be cheaper than the wall. How many people will take the chance of crossing with a man patrolling every half mile? Make hard penalties for being caught so word spreads in Mexico.


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