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(if there are any to speak of)
January 17 - 23, 2017

Valentinian, Velanis, Velino, Avlona, Avalon
The Thurst-y Meaning of the Last Squirrel
Ixion's Pellicans at Camulodunum

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre- plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.

The last update suggested the Degel/Dickle surname for the "Declan" motto term in the Arms of Waterford. I didn't know that there was a German Dickle/Ducker surname too, which uses five fesse bars in colors reversed from the five of Valence's. And while the Valence's share red martlets ("a circle of ten red BIRDs") with French Alans, German Valence's/Valens/VALLENs have them in both colors of the Alan martlets. Birds/Burds use red martlets too, and they were resolved with the Bautica river, home of Ardiaei liners; see last update. It makes an Arduinici link to a Valentinian line(s). I now know why these Alan martlets previously showed as DUCKs, as per the DUCKer variation of Dickels. Stewarts know this, don't they? I had traced the Alan-of-Dol kin/allies, the Pollocks, to Valentinian I. The last update found what looked like the ancestry of Valentinian in Dardanians, and Monunius I happens to have been a king of Dardanians:
I think it's meaningful that WINDows/WinHOUSE's (sharing an embattled fesse with Manns) were first found in Yorkshire along with Dents and Skiptons, for you can see on the map that Dentheletae were near the Scopi location of Dardanians, and that the latter had a VINDenis location. This location calls for a check on Windens (Window colors), where we find one Wyndham of DINTon, and having lions in the colors of the Window lion paws. The Winden Crest has a FETTERlock, and when we load FEATHERS, a "VALENS and Valins" motto suspect with emperor Valens, brother of Valentinian I. YET, there is a VELANis location smack beside Vindenis, giving the distinct impression that the house of Valentinian was Dardanian. As Windows were suspect at the Veneti location of Finistere, compare "VIND" with "VENETi." A fetterlock situation goes to Moray somehow.

The last update happened to see indication that the new kid on the block, the Morinis surname, ended up as a Moray line from Moravians, and it just so happens that the five bars of Scottish Valence's and Dickels are in the colors of the two Morinis bars, and of the three of German Drummonds i.e. in Trump-stag colors. While the Deering write-up tells of a Morinis character in Kent, that's where Valence's were first found. I now find it magnificent that while Miss Florida has been prodding me, for years, to get the Moravian church involved with my work, I never have much to say about it or their leader, count Zinzendorf. But as the Moravians (a great way to trace Morinis' to Moravia, a trace made in the last update) are usually said to be related in some way to the Taborites, I recall without checking that one Taber surname ("occiDERE") uses lions in the colors of the Winden and Window lions. And while houseofnames started to remove so-called "royal blue" (navy blue) Shields from certain surnames, after I started to announce them as code for royal-Stewart / Windsor lines, it just so happens that the ZINZENdorf- suspect Sinsen/Zinson Coat still shows in royal blue. I came across another in the last update, but can't recall which. Biens (Gard chevron?), in the "Garde bien" motto of Carricks, use royal blue, and the Mackays have the septs of Beans/Vans and Fiens/Vans, the latter a possible branch of Fiens/FINIS' that I'm tracing fairly hard to FINIStere. Windows were suspect with "Finistere" as per the Italian/French word, finestra, for "window." I figured that a Windsor line had merged with Finistere liners, and for that reason developed a Window variation.

? By the way, the Fiens/Fane's are suspect at Fanano, in Modena along with the first Italian Morinis', which is why it's important that Fiens/Finis' were first found in Kent, where the Deering-Morinis relationship was, suggesting a Finis link to Valence's of Kent. Aha! The "forTEM" motto term of Fiens/Finis' must be for the Timms/Time's (linked years ago to the "Deum Time" motto of the Morays no longer shown!) who were not only first found in Kent, but use the same fleur as Morinis"!! For me, it clinches the Morinis link to Moray. The Moray Coat no longer showing used fetterlocks (Winden symbol)!

If correct to view royal blue with Windsors, it tends to assure that Tabers were of the Taborite Christians, and related to the Windens / Windows, thus tracing Windsors (an Ardiaei line for certain) to Dardanians. And where the house of Windsor claims to be from Israelites of one nature or another, I see Maccabees and Herods mainly, not king David or the tribe of Judah. Another Taber Coat shows grapes, suspect with Herod Archelaus and/or Herod Agrippa. This recalls that Zinzendorf was born in Dresdan, smack where the ancient Wends, a tribe of Veneti (or the northern Venethi) lived. They were otherwise called the Vandals. Finistere would not have been a topic in the last update had not the squirrel bounced off of my breast twice? How many squirrels do you know of that have bounced frantically off of anyone's breast? Brest is a location at Alan-suspect Launay of Finistere. Brests/Brix's use a blue Shield, and are suspect as a branch of Bruce's that got the Stewarts to become kings in the first place. The Mars, from KilDRUMMY castle, were part of the Bruce-Stewart ascension to the throne, and these Bruce's then married Drummond. That's what we are talking about in the line to the end-time military, and to the Trump surname. And I can guarantee, the Bruce lion indicates a line from Joseph Caiaphas, the murderer of Jesus.

Drummond blood was at or beside Moray, and the Drummonds are said to have named Stirling, where the Chappes'/Cheeps were first found that trace to the Arms of Waterford. The three Scottish-Drummond bars are those also of Sturs, while Stirlings (share Moor head with French Chappes') are also STURlings, and share a "Gang" motto term with Drummonds. One can see a Drummond link hard to Chappes liners here. The two Morinis bars (colors of the Drummond bars) are in colors reversed with the two of Parrs, and the Parr surname (as per Catherine Parr) was part of the royal Brits. Here's what I had said in September, 2015:

...The Manners/Maness' [almost the Parr bars] use a "PARvenir" motto term while I saw the Parr surname in Wikipedia's Sudeley article. Queen Catherine Parr was buried at Sudeley castle, and then Parrs use "A woman's head and shoulders..." while the shoulder is a term in the Shed write-up too. Parrs (Pharisee liners?) were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Setantii. It's interesting that shoulder-suspect Shultz's share the quarter colors of Binkers/Bings/Bengs/Binks; both use white on their black quarters (see also Chives'). Parrs share double fesse bars with Harcourts. Binkers/Binks use a motto, "Tuebor," while Tabers share a woman in blue with Parrs (the Parr woman is given a wreath). If the Taborites are under discussion, one of their leaders, ZINZENdorf, was traced to Sinsens/Zinzons that show a royal-blue Shield, shared by Binker-like Pincerna's, the likely ancestors of Sudeley castle's builder. Sinsens were first found in Berkshire, home of Windsor castle, while Beauchamps share the crosslets of Windsors/Winzers. Royal blue would be suspect with Windsors, right?

I recently pointed out why Valence, up by Lyon, as well as squirrel-using Valentins, were connected with the Herod-Archelaus lines of Lyons and Lannoys. Madam Pollock introduced Lannoys to me, which she had found while studying royal-British history. Her genetic disease, porphyria, is thought by she and her Tuttle-surnamed ally (they were fighting a group on Internet goons seeking to hide porphyria's origins) to be from royal-Windsors, and the disease is suspect with so-called "blue-blood." She thought that Lannoys were Pollock kin, perhaps, and asked me not to say anything bad about Lannoys, and I've kept that promise, though, what can I do if they were Herod liners? She said that the Lannoys she knew were nice people. I can't say otherwise. But thanks to her, I was able to find two surnames that loved the one side of the coin of Herod Archelaus, which had a feathered helmet, the Lannoy and True symbol. This served to indicate that others using the feathered helmet should be linkable to the same Herod. True's are loved by the Tooth-loving Hume's that use the Lyon and Lannoy lion in colors reversed. It's all so simple to see. I'm not suggesting that the Feather surname was necessarily created on behalf of the coin's feathered helmet.

Tooths are using a version of the Feather Coat so that we can see how the Feathers developed (probably from Fetters) for love of their Herod- Archelaus coin. Hume's use a "True TO THE end" motto to show love for Tooths. And Leats, kin of Letters (use the Tooth Coat), we may assume, use, "Trustie to the end." And we just saw my sentence of over a year ago: "The Winden Crest has a FETTERlock, and when we load FEATHERS, a "VALENS and Valins" motto suspect with emperor Valens, brother of Valentinian I." The Wikipedia article on Herod Archelaus removed the coin under discussion, replacing it with another one. And the houseofnames removed the Moray Coat that had fetterlocks, though the Moray Coat still showing has a "TOUT pret" motto, linkable to Tooth-branch Touts, from queen Teuta of the Ardiaei (proto-king-Arthur Illyrians). Herods were Jewish converts from Edomites, and I trace Timms/Time's (for a "DEUM-time" reason) to EDOM's Timnah, she expected to be of the Squire variation of Squirrels, and therefore expected at something close in connection to Valentinian, or even Valentinian himself. I'm talking about the Sire surname that connects close to Valentinian. And the Sire's are the ones with the mirror of the mermaid in the Moray Crest. Timms share the nebuly-border feature with Leavells.

Timnah married Eliphas, Esau's son, and Eliphas-suspect Oliphants/Oliphards use a "tout" motto term as well as sharing the Tout crescent. There can be no mistake here. While Tatta is suspect with king Tut's line, his grandmother, TIYE, may have been a line to TYsons/Tessons, who use the same lion as Hume's i.e. which can be regarded as the Lyon lion in connection to Herod Archelaus.

[Late in this update, the discovery of mount VELINO at the Salto river becomes suspect with three or four entities that I treat regularly, including AVALON, and VALENtinian. The Salto (to which Pendragons trace) flows from Velino to Rieti, the Arms of which has a "pratis" motto term very traceable to Prude's/Pride's, but perhaps the "Tout PRET" of Morays can be of that entity.]

The Dickels/Duckers, now known to be close Alan kin, are in Dexter/DECKster colors, and the latter use two chevrons in the colors of the Parr fesse bars. It looks like an Alan link to Dexters, which I've known for a long time, and may even have named Exeter, where roughly the first English Stewarts were first found. Dexters/Decksters are suspect with another squirrel-using Coat, the Decks/Daggers, and I think we can link them to Duckers, what do you think? I hate to think that Illuminati (tunnel-loving finks of the human race) had heraldic codes for the three nails in Jesus' body, but it just so happens that the giant Logan heart (Herod symbol) is PIERCED by three nails. While these nails can be code for German Nails/Nagle's, the other Nagle's are sharing lozenges in the colors of the Launay lozenges, and with the same of Pierce-related Percys, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Degels/Dickels. That's how heraldry works, so simple, a child can see the obvious links. And Logens list a DUCK variation, how odd. What the Dickens is going on? Why do Devons use ducks while English Stewarts were first found there? Isn't that indication that the Westphalia Dickels/Duckers had some branch in Devon?

The Degels/Dickels are in Dicken/Diggen/DIKEns colors, which recalls the Decans and Deacons of the last update, both of whom use lions in the colors of the same of English Stewarts. Decans and Deacons were traced to Decani, smack in the land of Dardanians (now Kosovo). And the Dickens use the giant patee cross of Eatons, who in turn use the quarters of Hykes'/Hacks (Eden scallops) and of Chives', both first found in Devon (though Chives', as of the last month or so, are now said to have been first found in Tarves). The Water Eaton location is bringing Waterford liners to mind. As the Arms of Waterford uses a "Deise" motto term while Deise's are listed with DICE's, a suggest that Dikens show to be a Deise/Dice branch. A way to begin clinching this is to trace the three water chevrons to the same of Clare's, first found in the same place as Deise's/Dice's.

The Dyke's use another squirrel. The one that bounced off my chest is now dead in my attic, because it came back even though it knew it wasn't welcome. I jabbed it away once with a stick, and almost knocked it to the ground from the peak of the roof. I put my hand twice in it's nest with it in it, and yelled it away at other times, but it mocked me from the nearby trees, and decided to come again this winter. I had no idea how it got in, because I had finally finished installing the soffits last fall. When it was inside, I found and sealed the crack at the HATCH where it had gotten in. The Hatch's are also Hack liners, you see. I had no idea that a squirrel could get in at the hatch, until I found the crack. It has since died of thirst. What Sign is its death meant for? There are multiple heraldic squirrels said to be "CRACKING a nut." One of them is the Gilbert Crest, and Gilberts share a red-on-white chevron with the other Hykes'/Hake's/Hachs.

Merovee-suspect Mervins (same place as Mortons) use a squirrel cracking a nut, but this was found in the second-last update of December, before finding the Merovingian-suspect Morinis'. As I trace Merovingians from Moravia to Moray, note that Mervins share a "tout" motto term with Morays. Hazels use a squirrel cracking a nut; their Coat indicates that they are a branch of Dussels/Dussens/DUSSERs, from Germany's Dusseldorf (Westphalia), perhaps related to the Westphalia Dickels/DUCKERs/Ducks. German Valence's/Vallens were likewise first found in were the Nails/Nagle's suspect in the Logan/DUCK heart! Excellent find. It suggests that Duckers were actually Hazel liners and that Dickers can therefore link to the Hazel squirrel. But if Duckers were a Has / Hazel branch, are the Diss'/Dice's Hazel liners too?

Hazels have been traced convincingly to the namers of a small village, Has, near Decani, and within reach of Dardanian elements. Has is evidence that an earlier Has entity lived in the area that named HASmoneans as per a Monunius link to them. Gilberts use a "Teg" motto term, and moreover are part of Carrick ancestry, recalling that the Degels/Dickels are using the single pile in the colors of the same of Kerricks. It's got emperor Caracalla all over it, who had stationed his mother's father in Dalmatia (it must have been an important post to Caracalla for to put his father-in- law there), land of the Ardiaei who married Monunius II.

Hasmoneans lived in Modi'in of Israel, and Morinis' were first found in Modena along with their branch at Marano, whom are in the Marano/MAURITANO surname linkable to Mortons that are in the motto of Walsh's. If the Marano lion is in the Bath/Atha Coat, note that these Baths (first found beside the Devon Stewarts) use a colors-reversed version of the Decan / Deacon Coat, for the Deacon lion can be that of English Stewarts. Deacons were first found in the same place as Deise's/Dice's, can we believe it? It's such a small world in heraldryland because the surnames concern only certain royal / noble characters. History documents can help make heraldry decipherable, and a good handle on geography does much of the rest.

As said in the last update, the following paragraph needs to be followed up on:

Hoskins can be suspect with the Uscana line to Oscans, for while Hoskins use the motto, "Finem respice," one can expect Arthur's wife to link to Uscana, capital of proto-Pendragons. There will be a significant treatment of Dere liners later below, as they are resolved with Terentia Murena, but here we may note that Italian Dere's, using LANCE's, come up as "Res" (and "Deres"), which sparks some thought on "RESpice." Was that a Murena link to Syphax liners, which, if so, would be highly interesting for me. The Wallis-like Walsh's use an "auSPICE" motto term, and they were traced to "Aulus," the first name of Terentius Varro Murena (Terentia's brother), who was politically and militarily involved at / beside what would later become Wallis canton. It looks like I'll need to follow up, sometime, on this paragraph.

The Murena family can be expected at Marano because Wallis' use the same giant lion as Marano's. Long before knowing of Marano, I was looking for ways that Cilnius MAECENas (Arettium) could have named Maccabees (for new readers, Maccabees proper descended directly from Hasmoneans). One theory was that "Caiaphas" would stem from the same Numidian line that named "Syphax," suspect in Spice's, and Maecenas was thought to be from king MASSENa of the Numidians, a contemporary with Syphax (they married the same woman). Scottish Walsh's use "AuSPICE," and so the Aus surname was looked up to find it listed with the Aurs/Aures', from Aures of Numidia, and the Aures lion can be that of Wallis' in colors reversed, for while the Wallis lion is in colors reversed from the Stewart lion, the Wallis' are said to have been close Stewart kin. It should be added that Wallis canton (Switzerland) has a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Terentia-like Trents, first found beside the first English Stewarts.

The English Stewarts must have been first in Scotland, and the Stewart lion is in the colors of the royal lion of Scotland. But who owned it first, before it became the lion of Scotland?

Irish Walsh's (early in Waterford) not only use a version of the Exeter and Mortons Coats, and not only have a motto term in honor of Mortons, but their "TRANSfixus" motto term must be partly for the Trans variation of Trents, first found beside the Mortons of Wiltshire. Therefore, we have great clue that Walsh's were merged with Marano/MAURITANo and Morinis' liners, and were therefore from AULUS Terentius Varro Murena. Heraldry, when we have grasp of enough of it, can tell us amazing things like this. But who named heraldry? Was it the Herald variation of Herods? Recall the green Lyon and Lannoy lion, or the green Shield of related Hume's, for Herods/Heralds use a green Shield too. The Fix's/Ficks use the fleur-de-lys in gold while Herods/Heralds use a gold flory fesse (i.e. with gold fleur- de-lys), and the Fix fleur is in both colors of the same of MORleys / MORlands (Westmorland). See the green Shield of Scottish HARTs, and link to duck-using Herls/Hurls, for Herods/Heralds are also "Hurl." The Fiens/Fane's/Vans are said to descend from earls of WestMORLAND.

So, we have a good reason to link squirrel-using Decks/Deckers/Daggers, now, closely to squirrel-using Valentins, as per the identicality of the Dickel/Ducker Shield to that of Valence's, For this reason, we can expect Decks and/or a similar other at the Valence theater. As the other Dickels use a black-on-white pile, which is an upside-down perchevron, by what coincidence are Duck-like Tucks/Touque's using a black-on-white perchevron? By what other coincidence are Tuckers/Tokers using horizontal bars in the colors of the same of Valence's and Dickels/Duckers? Tuckers were first found in the same place, Devon, as Hykes'/Hacks, while five chevrons in the blue color of the five Dickel/Ducker bars are used by Huckabys, first found in Devon too, location of Dexter-possible Exeter. The Hucks use two of them in the same colors so as to be identical to the two Dexter/DECKster bars, giving us clue that Deck liners were merged with Devon-area Hack liners. And Devon is where Valence-related Stewarts were first found who use a so-called ragully bend in gold, the color of the similar embattled feature used for the Tucker/Toker chevron. Recalling that Hack liners could be expected from the Axe river that flows partially in Devon, here we find an axe in the Tucker Crest, held by a lion paw.

The last update showed how the Zehrer Crest has " A man in profile, CARRYing an axe on his SHOULDER, wearing a gold and red sash. It's part-code for Cary castle, location of Leavells, at the Axe-river area. The Zehrer Coat even uses a hatchet for Hatchets/HACKets. Zehrers thus work out to be from Zahringers of Baden, explaining the axes in the Battin/Baden surname, first found in the Axe-river area. There is an AYLMER of Valence in the Valence write-up, and while Elmers use another axe, Elms (LEAVES) use "A woman's head and shoulder." It recalls that Hatchets/Hackets and HATCH's/Haacks were linking well to HADDOCKs, suspect in the Gilbert motto, and that Haddocks happen to use the same cross (same colors) as English Elmers (lords of Aylmer), first found in the same place as English Tabers. Hatchets/Hackets share a black, double headed eagle with French Gilberts (Provence).

The Irish-Elmer motto, "Hallelujah," can be partly for Halls, the German (Baden), Dutch and Swedish branches all in English-Elmer colors. Swedish Halls use an embattled bend in gold, the colors of the similar ragully bend of Stewarts. As Hall-colored Elmers were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Cassandra's/Cassane's, it expects the latter's three red chevrons to be the same of Dutch Halls, which recalls that an Arms of Tailard (compare this Tailard Coat with Hykes'/Hacks) used three red chevrons. This is a good place to mention the talbot dogs of Carricks, Halls and Hulls (same place as Hucks), for the Talbot surname is said to have been at the Touques- river area.

Now that Dickels/Duckers are quite-certainly found as Touques-river peoples along with Tucks/Touque's and Tuckers, lets look at the latter's red lion's paw erased holding a battle-axe with a blue HEAD, and then the Heads use the Shield and Crest of Este's while Este is smack near Vicenza, where Valentins were first found. The Bars use the Este eagle, and while it's known that Bars were merged with Este, heraldry honors Bars with so-called "barry," which is used by Tuckers. Barry is distinguished from fesses when there are an even number of bars, with different-colored bars at the top versus the bottom of the Shield. Fesses always provide the same color at the top versus the bottom. The bar location at the Illyrian coast of lake Scodra is near Butua (= Este kin) and Kotor, original location (according to Wikipedia's Saraka article) of the first Saraca's of ragully-like Ragusa. Here is the descriptions website to verify the quotes I use; just enter any surname:

There is a white wing in the Crest of woman-with-grapes Tabers, code for the Valentinian city of VINKovci. The Wings/Winks share a single pile (different color) with Degels/Dickels, and if the latter are in the "declan" motto term in the Arms of Waterford, it recalls that grapes are used by Deters, first found in the same place (Pomerania) as Trumps (i.e. whose stag is in the Arms of Waterford). There are white wings in the Crest of the Scottish Valence's too, as can be expected. But the great thing is, English Tabers use lion heads in colors reversed from the Chretien/Chretien lion heads, while it was only two weeks ago that the Chretien identification was with "Gratian," father of Valentinian I, likewise of Vinkovci. As Chretiens are in the Levi motto, I have a mind to identify the Taber chevron with the Chaplains, who once showed a single chevron, but now show two of them, those of Caplin-related Josephs. Note that Caplans show griffins, from Griffins of Pomerania. We should never doubt that Chretiens were Gratian liners to or from Levi's

As Greats use the same saltire as French Brians (from Alan counts of Vannes), let's check out whether Brians can link to Valentinian liners. That's straight ahead in the next section. Note the "DETOUR" motto term of these Brians (Deter colors), perhaps code for Deters. Then, as Deters use GRAPES, by what coincidence are the Greats showing a GREEP variation! The Great/Greep saltire is engrailed, as is the same-colored saltire of Nails/Nagle's? What's the connection? I would suggest that this is the Varn connection to Grape's/Gripps/Grabbens, and therefore to the Varni that lived in the area of the first Deters. As Nagle's are beloved by Vere's, it speaks to a Varni trace to Varro Murena. Midway, we can guess that Varro elements at Wallis canton were involved, because Walsers use Vere-beloved Melusine, and she's two-tailed, as is the lion of Montforts that is the Wallis/Wallace lion (one tail) too. As Varro's ancestry has been suspect at Fier, note that the Wallis lion is used by Gutys, whom will be linked solidly to the so-called gutee blood DROPS, i.e. from Tropoje at Fier county. What this paragraph is suggesting is that Gratian liners were in the Deters via something at Briancon.

The Guty topic will be broken wide open as Presleys enter the topic with the Thursts, and the latter happen to use an estoile in colors reversed from the Colchester estoile, important because the Arms of Colchester has a cross with NAILS, I kid you not. This would not have been reported here had the Neils/Nahills, in the Vere motto, not been looked up first; they are likely kin of the Neil variation of Nails/Nagle's. Neils/Nihills use red estoiles, causing me to go find the other surname with them, and it turned out to be Colchesters, such a lucky strike. The amazing thing is, this paragraph and the one above have been inserted here after the entire Thurst section below was finished, and here I find Neils with the same two, red lions, facing one another, as with Thursts. The Thurst topic will be an awesome spectacle of how God is working through the dead squirrel, dying of THIRST. It's what brought the Thursts and Thurstons to topic, and they end up linking to Squirrel-Nutts without my trying to make it so.

Sees to it that Morinis Liners are Understood

Tabers not only bury a "dere" term, but use a "reDIRE" motto term while Dire's/Diers have a "terrere" motto term. It was only in the last update where the Morinis- related Deerings, Dere's and similar others traced excellently to Terentia Murena, suggesting that some Terrere-like surname is from her family too. The fact that Cassandra's/Cassane's entered the discussion makes for a trace to Italian Cassandra's/Casano's, first found in the same place as Morinis'. But as the English Cassandra's linked hard, just above, to the Hampshire Elmers, by what coincidence do the latter use the Shield-and- Chief colors combination of Dire's? It appears that Dire's/Diers can link round-about to same-colored Deerings (same place as Morinis-related Valence's) and Massins, the latter using one lion in the colors of the Chretien lion heads. For added consideration, compare Dire's / Elmers with Dutch Puttens, noting that English Puttens were first found in the same place as the Harcourt-liner Hairs...with a version of the Dire / Elmer Coats. Harcourt is a location near the Touques river. Double-fesse bars (shared by Morinis') are often indication that the surname belongs to a Harcourt line.

Now that surnames linking well or even directly to Morinis' have been identified with Taborites and Moravians, we can go back to my old claim that Moravians could have named Mormons, the latter having a special character in their fictitious Book of Mormon, Moroni, which is a shown variation of the Morinis surname, yet, as might be expected to protect the secret, entering "Moroni" with houseofnames does not bring up the Morinis Coat. Similarly, entering "Hitler" doesn't bring up the Hitler surname shown listed with Hiedlers. Why does houseofnames hide surnames? At whose requests? Why is there no Rockefeller surname? Why is there no Rothschild surname showing their five, bunched arrows? The Mori variation of Morinis' can indicate More in Norway, run by the Rollo Danes. Rollo awarded Harcourt to Bernard the Dane. It was at Eure, location of Evreux that likely gave Normandy its two lions, from the Abreu lions, yet they were called leopards, a symbol of Tabers, for example.

The Carrick Coat is apparently a version of the Irish Morris/Maurice Coat, and while Morris' can be in some Morinis variations, the first Drummond was, Maurice, making him very suspect with Morinis' liners now linkable to Carricks (the pile of Kerricks and Dickels probably links to the Touque perchevron). While Irish Morris/Maurice's were first found in Galway, same as the Touque-related Teague's/Teegers, Carricks descend from Gilbert of Galloway. This is the Deck-squirrel link to the Gilbert squirrel, we can feel it out already. If you click to the Arms-of-Carrick link below, you will see that Carricks were from Fergus of Galloway, and this is excellent for tracing from the Fergus lion to the same one of Sava-river Sauers said to be of Mr. Galleri, while Gallerys are listed with Galloways. Valentinian was born near the Sava/Save, and Save's are, in my long-standing opinion, using the bend of Leslie's in colors reversed, while Drummonds and Leslie's were both founded in Scotland after Maurice Drummond piloted a ship to Britain with the first Scottish Leslie on board. While Leslie's use "Gripp fast" for a motto, Gripps are listed with Grape's i.e. the symbol of woman-using Tabers that share a woman in blue with Parrs, using the two Morinis bars in colors reversed.

We should like to know why the red squirrel in the Gilbert Crest traces to some Deck- / Duck-like character in or of Valence, up the Rhone river near Lyon. I'll explain how the Gilbert picture gets to Briancon and Modane, near Valence, first with the French Gilberts of Provence, on the Rhone river...and the Durance too, location of Briancon. To start off the evidence, Irish Brians use three lions in pale, all split in half in gold versus silver, identical to the three in pale of squirrel-using Mervins. As the Mervins share "tout" with Morays and Rollo's, and as the Moray write-up traces its ancestry to MacAngus de Moravia, it's notable that the one side of the Brian lions can be a colors-reversed version of the Angus lion. The Rollo motto includes "par tout," excellent right here for proving that Morinis' were involved with Moray, for Parrs use double bars in colors reversed from the double Morinis bars.

Here's the Wikipedia quote tracing Carrick to Gilbert: "The district of Carrick was originally part of the Kingdom of Galloway and was ruled over by its lords until 1186, when it was granted to Duncan, son of Gilbert of Galloway. He became the first to hold the Earldom of Carrick." It's notable that the Donkey version of Duncans uses a chevron in colors reversed from the chevron that is the Arms of Carrick, and that of Gilberts too, but note here that the Pek chevron applies well. We are going to see why the Pek river of Moesia applies.

Donkeys were first found in Northumberland, home of Siward in the Sword surname that traces to Serdica, beside Duncan-like mount Dunax. There is more on this topic in the last update. These Thracian / Dardanian entities are on the light map at the north end of the RHODope mountains while the Rhone was anciently the RHODanus. Dunax is beside Dardania, where Valentinian is now tracing with proto-Windsor suspects. The women we saw with Tabers, for example, not to mention the Elis-Crest woman because Elis' recently linked to Elms / Elmers, traces to Viminacium, at the bottom of the Margus river that begins in Dardania. The Margus passes the watershed of the Pek river with a mouth at Pincum, and the Margus can be suspect in naming Marjory Carrick and perhaps even Margaret, queen of Malcolm III. We might want to ask whether the "Disce" motto term of Duncans and Donkeys is for the Deise/Diss/Dice surname.

"The first Lord recorded is Fergus, who died in 1161 leaving two sons: Uchtred and Gille Brigte (Gilbert)." Briancon was also BRIGANTium, which squares with Gille BRIGTE, for mythical-Brigit elements likely named Brigantium. Plus, Brians use a "UACHtar," apparently part-code for UCHtred. The latter may have been something like "UchTARed / UchTART," in which case it's notable that Tarts (Devon) are listed with the Dardanian line of Darts/Darths, kin round-about of Motts/Mottins that I trace to Modena > Modane liners...that we saw at Berkshire (with Modens/Modeys), home of Windsors suspect with a branch at Vindenis of Dardania. English Windens are the ones with a version of the Taber Coat. Scottish Windens use doves, expected in this picture at Cuppae (city of doves), near the source of the Pek river. Note that Windens share the chevron of Cope's / Copps -- Cuppae suspects -- and that the same chevron is used by Pek- possible Pike's (Devon again) with the split-Shield of neighboring Trents in colors reversed. Peks, sharing a red chevron with Quints (share lion paw- with-fitchee with Windows), were first found in the same place as Quints.

I don't think it's coincidental the dove-using Leafs/Leve's use a chevron in colors reversed from the same of Scottish Windens while English Windens were first found in the same place as Leafs/Leve's/Leave's (leaves). It's the English Windens that use the three lion heads of Levi-beloved Chretiens in colors reversed. I don't know whether this Levi link to Dardanians / Gratian / Valentinian was deeper than a mere merger at some late time, but let's not forget that while Decks/Daggers are suspect with the Swiss Tess'/Tecks (LEAVES) at the Ticino river, home of the Laevi, the Levi are expected exactly in that picture. The Windens are said to have been involved with a church of Black people named after Mr. Albini, and Albini's were first found in the same place (Modena) as Morinis'. Albins/Aubins, Devon again, same as Pike's. Hatchets/Hackets (black, double-headed eagle) share trefoils (a Pike symbol too) in Chief with the Albino Chief, and both use blue Shields See also Barnstaple's in the Albin/Aubin write-up.

The Meschins of the Bessi-suspect Bessin married both the royal Duncans and Skiptons (see William Meschin, brother of Ranulph, earl of Chester). It just so happens that when we trace proto-Duncans from Dunax and down the Margus river, that's where Skipton-suspect Scupio/Scopi is located. Skippers use another blue-on-white chevron (as with Cope's / Copps / Windens). Skippers put besants on their chevron, which, ultimately, traces back from the Bessin (shares the bee with Leafs/Leve's) to the Bessi near Dunax.

Briancon is some 25 miles from Modane upon the Ark river, which empties at the Isere, which itself has a mouth beside Valence. The Donkeys are honored in the CHAMBERlain donkeys, and they can trace to Chambre on the Ark and/or Chambery on the Isere (there is a Bains entity at Chambery, part of the Mackay septs). Just like that, Rhodope liners from Dunax and down into Moesia can link with their kin at the Rhodanus theater. And the proto- Carricks and proto-Gilberts of this picture can be of the Dexaroi liners that can be half-expected at the Hypsas river, location of proto-Carrick ACRAGus, founded by the Gilbert-suspect peoples of Gela (Sicily). Then, beside Briancon, there is a GUILLestre location using the double-headed, black eagle, symbol of the French Gilberts (Durance-river area). I think we have this figured right.

Keep in mind that Apsus / Hypsas liners are expected with Hips' using a version of the Deck/Deckar/Dagger Coat, but with a red martlet (of the Valence's, right?) instead of the red squirrel. Cool. And it tends to verify that squirrel-using Valentins were Valence kin. A similar Coat, with axes, is used by French Biens, and it is this Bien surname most-likely in the Carrick motto. I can glean that the Bien axes in saltire belong to the Border swords in saltire, for Birds/Burds share the red martlet of Hips', and Borders were first found at the Axe-river theater. This Axe traces definitely to the Axius river bordering Dardania, close to Velanis = the red-martlet Valens/Valance bloodline. As Biens can be a branch of the Mackay sept of Bains/Beans/Vans, the Mackeys may be listed with Margesons because Mackays were closely merged with Margus-river liners. The Biens may have been none other than from Vienne, fairly-near Valence.

I ventured to guess that the brown wolf in the Finis/Fien Crest was that of Irish Gards, and saw that English Gards were first found in the same place as Finis'/Fiens, and this surely goes to the "GARDE BIEN" motto of Carricks.

Then check out the Cumberland Daggers (Dexaroi, right?) with the same scallops as Chamberlains, the one's with a "ProDESSE" motto, a Coat reflective of the DEISE/Diss Coat, and moreover with a "consPICA" motto term evocative of Pike's. If that's not enough, the Cumberland Daggers share "loyalite" with the motto of Margus-river suspects, the Margesons/Mackesys, and as Margesons apparently merged with Mackays, by what coincidence do the latter use the dagger. See this Mackesy Coat with a coiled green snake, as in the Sire Coat, a good reason for linking Margesons to the Valentin squirrels, and for linking Valentinian to Velanis. The Dagger scallops are in the colors of the Deise/Diss/Dice eagles. A Swiss Deiss(bach) surname was just found, but, as usual for Swiss and Jewish names, the write-up gives no details (who requested this cover-up / privacy from houseofnames?). The Ticino starts in Switzerland.

I've never tried for an Albini Coat before; I've always entered "Albino." There is an Albini Coat (evergreen tree) with quadrants in colors reversed from the same of an Arms of Rothschild, and with blue wings, the Bauer symbol. Albini's were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Bauers. Put that together with the Albino's of Modena using the trefoils of Rockefeller-liners Rods and Rocks. Then, compare the Feller Coat with the Verona Coat, for the Moroni surname (not the same as the Morinis/Moroni's) was first found in Verona (where Belli's and Bellino's were first found). Scroll back (if you are using a separate browser for viewing Coats; the best way to follow me) to compare the Feller Shield with the first quadrant of Albini's. Then see the fish of Verona's, in the colors of the three fish of Hatchets/Hackets, the latter being the ones with the version of the Coat of the Modena Albino's. It's a hit on proto-Rothschild / proto-Rockefeller liners in Albin elements. It makes one wonder whether Mormons were founded by the fledgling Rothschilds, for Mormons were founded (1830) by Freemasons about the time that all five Rothschild sons (of the first Rothschild) were controlling five European banks, which was also the time that Henry Drummond announced the 12 apostles of European Israel.

When Nathan Rothschild got the bank in England (I can't recall whether it was in London, but Henry Drummond was a London banker), I figured that he got to schmoozing with the royal Windsors, and the Rothschilds never looked back. The evergreen of Albini's should be partly for Greens, first found in the same place as Valence's but using just three stags in the colors of the three Winden lion heads. It really brings Rothschild ancestry come close to Chaplains and Levi-beloved Chretiens to have Rothschilds linking in this way to Valentinian-suspect Velanis and Windenis. The Winden motto even uses "Au bon," code for the Aubin variation of Albins. Aubin is near Rodez, the Rod line. The Evers (part of "evergreen") are listed with Eure's, and Albins/Aubins are said to be from Eure.

I've gotten pretty good at making links like this. They might consider me dangerous. Just gawk at the Barnstaple bend and compare its three, green trefoils to the three, green squirrels on the same-colored bend of Valentins. Albins/Aubins are said to have been in Devon's Barnstaple. And these Albins share the blue crosslets of Mea' from the Meu river, where Henrys were first found that I trace to Henry IV of Rodez, who married a daughter of nearby Roquefeuil. This is the Rockefeller line to Cecil Rhodes, and it stinks of Herod lust and Herod power freaks. Give the money back to the workers and buyers from whom you have stolen your fortunes. That is how to win respect, not by getting richer.

One can glean that the "morte" motto term of Barnstaple's is for the Death/Darth and Mott/Morte/Mottin bloodline, and thus the Barnstaple's (same place as Darts) are in Dart/Darth colors for that reason. As Rothschilds descend nearly a millennium ago in the Rothes castle of Peter Pollock, note that Pollocks sometimes called their arrow a dart (Wikipedia's Clan Pollock article said so]. That's why the Barnstaple bend in also the Jewish-Pollock bend.

Here's of Bavaria and Derbyshire both share blue wings with Heyers/Eyers (Derbyshire, Herod-possible Hertzogs (Bavaria), and Bauers (Bavaria). The Derbyshire Here's use "Two blue dexter WINGS", wherefore, if Dexters ware 666 liners, I can see Rothschild bankers putting out a control-freak 666 system, bent on persecuting Christians at the same time. The split Hertzog Shield is colors reversed from the same of DittMAYERs, and the first Rothschild was Mayer Bauer. The vast treasure of Quintus Caepio was suspect in going to certain families that then used heraldic billets to indicate them smoothly / secretly. The Wings/Winks use billets, as well as the Julian / Teague cross, and one of the first families, probably, that got some of the gold / silver bars, was that of Julius Caesar. The Dittmayers come up as "Diem," a motto term of Teague's/Teegers.

Online, one can read a corny story about how the first Rothschild lived at a house on Jew street named, Red Shield. He then moved to another house on Jew street and named it, Green Shield. This story is acceptable because Bauers, Bowers, Burleys/Bourleys, Burrys, Pollocks, and Albins/Aubins all use green Shields. Trunks/Drenkers (Bavaria again) share the white bull head of Albins while the Derbyshire here's use "...a black tree trunk sprouting afresh." Drinks/Drengs (Northumberland) use the same lion as Dreux's, from Dreux, in Eure i.e. same place as Albins. There is a Dreng de Trocchelai in the write-up. Drenks share a single pale bar in the colors of the same of Rockefeller-suspect Roxburghs/Rokesbys (Rook/Roke colors) who share a white horse with Jewish Rothchilds (no 's'). The latter use hexagrams in the colors of the same of Trunks.

When wondering what last Sign the squirrel in the attic could offer, I had said that he got into a CRACK at the HATCH of the SOLAR PANELS. I didn't know that crack was there, even though I made the hatch that way many years ago. When I used "crack," I was not thinking about the heraldic squirrels cracking a nut. YOU WATCH THIS. First, Cracks were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Panels/Pagnells, and the latter share blue bars (not in the same direction) with Solars, who in-turn use lions in colors reversed from the Hatch/Haack lions. The Solar bars are pale bars in the colors of the Drink pale bar, and, I kid you not, that when this paragraph was started, I didn't have the Drinks in mind, nor did I have in mind that the squirrel died of thirst. Is that not amazing? I started this paragraph right after the mention of Drinks, without realizing that they would play right into the other terms.

Solars were first found in HEREford, which can be a Here line. Herefordshire is also where the Gratian-expected Greats/Greeps (Solar colors) were first found (who share the engrailed Brian saltire). Greats/Greeps use the saltire of Jeffersons (Herefordshire) in colors reversed, and the other Jeffersons use a "salus" motto term, probably for the Salyes Ligures at Briancon, making Solars and Sole's suspect with Salyes Ligures.

Aha! The Sole (same place as Here's) write-up even speaks on a Sole marriage to Painells!!! Is that not astounding? This sentence is inserted here a day or two after writing the above. I'm laughing, but not fully happy, because, I'm now wondering whether it was an act of God that forced me to fore-go the electrical grid for purchasing solar panels instead. It's been one big pain, let me tell you, going to almost ten years now. Sole's could be using the Page chevron in colors reversed. French page's can be using a version of the Valence bars, but in the colors of the Payens/Pagans, for both were first found in Dauphine, which, I believe, covered Valence. The Sole's combined with Page's (black pheons) look like they should connect to Murena-line Walsh's (black pheons). As Guerins share the Payen Coat, Murena's Varro name could have named Guerra's (probably the Pagnell bends) and Guerins. This is a new find, that Walsh's were of a Payen line of the Page-Sole kind. Spanish Varro's share the wolf with Spanish Sole's/Solana's, but I'd like to make a harder link between them. Recalling that I trace Varro to ancestry at Fier, I now see that the Paine lion is also the Drop/Trope lion, all the more reason to trace the Drop Chief to the Ferman/Forman Chief even though the lions are not in the same color.

Compare the Leo Coat with the French Paine's and then ask whether the white Leo-Chief lion (suspect with the Rita lion) is the white Drop-Chief lion. Aside from background color, the Leo lion is that of English Paine's. When we get to the Guty topic, keep in mind that it can link hard to Gothelo, for his son, Godfrey III, formed an alliance with the Pierleoni, suspect with Leo's and Rita's. The "piece of wood" held by the Rita lion has been suspect with Peace's/PAISE's, but here it dawns on me that Peace's share doves with Page's/PAIGE's, tending to clinch a Payen link to Pierleoni along with the family of Godfrey de Bouillon (grandson of Godfrey III). If I recall correctly, de-Bouillon's mother was GODA, daughter of Gothelo, married by Eustace II. Spanish Guts become somewhat suspect with Opgalli liners to Op- Gelders, and so note here that Spanish Guts are in Peace/Paise colors while Gelders/Op-Gelders use a giant fleur in the colors of the giant Goth/Gothel hexagram, half in the colors of the Payen hexagrams (called "spur rowells"). Goths/Gothels were first found in Thuringia, and then Payen- beloved Spurs are in the Coat of Clovis-liner Close's/Clovse's, perfect because Basina, from Thuringia, was Clovis' mother. Just look at all that the solar panels have told us, leading immediately to the first Templar grand master and to the related first royal Crusaders.

Panel / Payen / Panico/Pane liners are suspect in naming the Panaro river of Modena, location of Morinis-related Marano. Panels not only use the fleur in the Morinis Chief, but it's colors reversed in the Panico/Pane Chief. The latter shares a so-called label with the Panel Chief, and the Moroni Coat (Bavaria) uses an oak tree, what the Panico/Pane Coat could be showing. I now realize that Marano / Morinis liners are part of Panico make-up, and I've been tracing "Panico" to "PINCum" for years.

Click to English Pane's to see the Paynells/Paine's with a "Malo MORI quam foeDARi" motto, suspect with Morinis-related Deering liners, and with the Mori variation of Morinis'. The "quam" motto term is shared by Cambridge's, code for the Cam river of Cambridge, and Cams happen to use all three pale bars of Solars. Just like that, Paynells/Paine's link to Solars closely, as expected from what we saw in the Sole write-up. It specifically says that Sole's married Painells, like the Paynell variation of these very Paine's. Another "quam" motto term is used by THURSTons. No Thirst surname comes up, by the way.

I kid you not, that I have never considered the Thurston surname before as per the squirrel Sign, but it just so happens that Thurstons use the motto fully of Sheriffs (includes "quam viDERi") that were linked to the Morinis fleur in the last update. Compare the Sheriff Coat to "quam"-using Masters, first found in the same place as the Deering- Morinis' relatives. As this squirrel bounced off of my chest / breast twice, compare the Window Coat (Panel / Payen colors) with that of Masters, for Windows, first found in the same place as Panels, are suspect with Finistere, location of Brests.

I haven't known the Thursts/Trascks until now, but they too were first found in the same place as Panels. Panel liners linked very well to Drops/Trope's, and here the Thursts do too. The Drop/Trope Coat is even a solid reflection of the Thurst/Trasck Coat. Paine's and Thursts share the spear, but as the Paine spear is broken, the Paine lion is probably the Broke/Brock lion in colors reversed. This makes for a neat trace to Tropoje to Manche, where proto-Alans lived, at Alauna. For, while Stewarts share the Brock motto, it uses "VIREscit" (part of that is certainly for Skits and Skeets'), and there is a Vire river at the Manche border with the Bessin. It is the area of the Normandy Vere's, from Fier county, right? This is another thing that the solar panels have told us, that the Trope lion is probably the Brock / Stewart lion in colors reversed. Brocks may have been from the Breuci, as with the Bruce's / Brests/Brix's / Bricks. Let's not forget that proto- Alans were from Aulon/Avlona, not far south of Fier country. The "foedari" motto term of Paine's can be for Futters/Fotys, with a fesse in colors reversed from the Paine fesse. The Futter stars are colors reversed from the Bullis stars (Bullis is near Aulon), and there are two Futter-Chief stars in colors reversed from the two Angus-Chief stars suspect with the stars of Annas/Arniss', the latter variation like the Arnissa area on the north side of Fier county. If this is correct, the Angus lion becomes the Brock lion. The Angus / Bullis star is also the Vere star, and lest we leave Masseys of Manche out this Fier-related bunch, they are in the Brick Chief. Masseys were a branch of Maceys that merged with Fiens/Fane's at the Finistere = Brest area, and Brests/Brix's use the Brick lozenges in colors reversed. Finally for this paragraph, as Ranulph BRIQUESsart was the father of the first Meschin, as well as a ruler of the Bessin, as well as descended from Malahule of More, that's why the Paine motto is "MALO MORI quam foedari." You see, it makes sense, in that way too, along with the broken spear of Paine's, that the Paine lion is that of Brocks.

From all that, we see the Paine spear between the red lions of Thursts, because the latter were a merger with Drops/Trope's, and that makes the Thurst lions likely those of Brocks / Stewarts, yet, they must also be the two of Neils/Nihills, the ones in the Vere motto. It's logical.

Hugh de Payens married Elizabeth Chappes, highly suspect with a Caiaphas line because Hugh spent many years at the Jerusalem temple; by what coincidence do Windows share the lion paw-with-fitchee with Quints? Masters and Sheriffs are using the Caplan griffin heads, aren't they? The "Esse" motto term of Sheriffs and Thurston motto can be for D'Esse Court (Ash write-up), for Courts/Coverts (Guillestre eagle?) nearly use the six bars of Cams. Courts/Coverts (Barnstaple in their write-up) love the Grands in their motto, and French Grands ("nunQUAM") use the three Panel bends in colors reversed. French Courts share the gold hunting horn with Thurstons, and because Conrads use a version of the Grand Coat while being from the roots of Nassau, the Court horns were deemed to be a colors-reversed version of the Orange horn. Orange is very nor far from Valence, but what I see here is the Grands from Gironde, on the Garonne river along with Toulouse, connected to Orange, which seems to apply to the gold bars, not only in the Nassau Coat, but of Quintus Caepio, who had to fight a war the year after steeling the bars in Toulouse, with Boiorix at Orange.

Recall the expected Window link to Windsor castle, in the same place as Modens/Modeys, for the Nuns, perhaps in the "NUNquam" motto term of Grands, use a "modo" motto term, and share lion paws with Windows. Moreover, as Modens can be a branch of Motts/Mottins, the Fiens/Fane's expected at Finistere share the white bull head in the Nun Crest.

The Thurst/Trasck description: "A silver shield guttee [blood drops] blue with a spear supported by two lions, and a silver estoile between two lures on a red chief." The Lure's use a DOMED tower, and Dome's/Dommers (Rhineland), in ORANge-HORN colors, share the heron with horn-using Thurstons. Herons and horns both trace to Orne, and Orange-like term. Smiths, the line to Joseph Smith (visible Mormon founder involved in seeking buried treasures), use a heron's head gutee, and share formee-fitchee crosses with Cracks, likely kin of Carrick-line Crutch's/Crooch's and Croce's (stork with formee cross in beak). Italian Croce's (Poole lion?) were first found in the same place as Valentins. If the formee cross is code for Formans, let's add that I see the Forman lion as a gold version of the Drop/Trope lion, the latter's lion that also of Toulouse-possible Tools and Drop-related Paine's.

I don't know what the Purpose of this complicated mess is. The Thurst lure's look like hooks rather than regular hawk's lures, and "grappling hooks" are used by Presleys (same place as Thursts) whom I link to the calTROP symbol of Kerricks, while Carricks were first found in the same place as Lure's. One can glean that the gutee of Thursts / Smiths is a Drop/Trope element in honor of a Gut(y)-like surname, and as such the Thursts link to some Tropoje element of that sort. Blood drops are shared by Pattersons and Kilpatricks that trace undoubtedly to Squirrel-related Dexaroi on the same Apsus river as Tropoje. I think I have this picture correct this far.

As Carricks were first found in the same place as candleSTICK Kyle's, it's interesting that Germo-Swiss Guts/Gutte's use the Stick Coat. It uses three garbs in the colors of the Spice towers while Presleys use a "ReSPICE finem" motto, and then Gutys/Goods (Kent) could be using a version of the Presley Shield, but with upright lions in the colors of the passive Drop/Trope lion. That looks correct. And Rads, suspect with the Radziwill ancestry of Stick- suspect Astikas', share the white-on-blue hexagram with Good-like Goths/Gothels. That is an excellent way to link Trope's to Trabys, as expected.

Gothelo was the grandfather, if I recall correctly, of Eustace II, and while the Presley hooks are now called "grappling IRONs," the Irons/Hirams share the same cross as Eustace's. Moreover, the Eustace branch of Staceys were first found in Meath while Meaths were first found in the same place as Presleys / Thursts. Meaths are said to have been in Yorkshire's Marr, highly suspect with Maurice Drummond, and Marrs (Yorkshire) use the same lion as in the Drop/Trope Chief. Meaths have the quadrants of GRAPE-using Deters, apparently explaining the GRAPPling iron. This recalls that the Meath fleur was suspect as a colors-reversed version of the Morinis fleur, and it just so happens that while the DEERings have Mr. Morinis, the Dere's come up as "Res" while Presleys use "RESpice."

By the way, the Stacy write-up traces to "Eustackios," looking a lot like "Astikas." I see Eustace at Comines of Artois, and Comine's share a Coat with only three gold garbs with the same of Sticks. Zowie. The KOMNenos founded the TREBizond empire, and Kuman is in Fier county along with Tropoje. Zowie-dowie. While Godfreys use pelicans, the Presley towers are in both colors of the Pellican tower. The Arms of Comines uses the key, symbol of Sheaves/Chiava's, first found in Abruzzo, and the Presley lion and tower is used by Abruzzo's. The Sheaves can be in the "three gold sheaves' of the Sticks, especially as British Sheaves' are listed with the SITHECH-Shaws. This is flawless. Abruzzo is close to Avezzano, and the Avisons, using the same garbs as Comines, but calling them "wheat sheaves," were a branch of the namers of AVESNes, near Comines. Avisons are also "Avis" while the Vice stag with cross is the Eustace stag with cross. Avisons share the anchor with candleSTICK Kyle's (Ayrshire), and as the squirrel was in Ayrshire, let's print the Avison Crest: "A dexter hand HOLDing an anchor." Holds use the squirrel. Are not Dexters lovers of Weights who in-turn use the Traby hunting horns? Hunters, using hunting horns, were first found in Ayrshire.

The Guty/Good Coat uses the same lion as GREYs while Spanish Guts/Gauters use GREYHOUND heads while Hound-possible Huns/Hungate's, in the same place as Presleys, use a good reflection of the Guty/Good Coat. By what coincidence is the Kerrick caltrop also a "GALTRop" while the Spanish Gauters are also GALTERs? If you observe the small "op" in "GALTRop," it looks like the Op-Gelder variation of Dutch Gelders/Galters highly suspect with Opgalli (common topic for months now).

This part of the discussion does get us to the line of the Gilbert squirrel from Guillestre at Briancon, and Brians use the Traby / Weight hunting horn too to suggest Briancon links to Orange. But the Brian horn is the horn of Trope-like Trabys, who share the five, white ostrich feathers with Caens, from CAEN at the Orne river. That brings us to the CENOmani theater, or the Ceno river near the Trebia, and the Ananes Gauls near BREScia/BRIXia, where BRESTs/Brix's trace, suggesting a Squirrel / Dagger link to that city, and to the Bruce's of Eburovices- founded Yorkshire, where Thursts were first found. The Brian motto term, "AuchTAR," now looking like part-code for the Uchtred > Gilbert line, has been resolved with the Taro river of the Ananes, and while the Ceno river is a Taro tributary, we read that Guillestre is on a Chagne (Cohen/KAGAN surname?) river while I always link the Ceno-possible Cheneys (Cohens?) to the bend of Salemans/Salians with gold-on-black eagles, colors reversed from the eagle in the Arms of Guillestre, thus making a Ceno-river, or Cenomani, link to Cheney elements at Guillestre. The Orange's were first found in the same place as Cheneys. By now, if you've been reading even a few updates, you know that I trace Sale's to the Salyes Ligures at the Durance river i.e. the same river as Briancon and neighboring Guillestre.

Hmm, the Hohenzollerns / Hohenstaufens used a black eagle too (along with Guillestre). Suddenly, Cheneys might be identifiable as Cohens. The Hohen emperors (e.g. Frederick Barbosa) were from SALIAN Germans!! That must be why the Cheney Coat looks like the Salian Coat! I never would have guessed: Cheneys were Cohens, and the Chagne then translates to a Jewish-Khazar entity (because Cohens/Kagans are Jewish). This recalls my trace to "Julius" to "Gela" and "Guillestre," but, years later, I started to maintain that "Khazar" was from "Caesar"!! Zikers. Plus, as Wikipedia's article on the swastika has a jewel with a perfect swastika from ancient Iran (i.e. the Aryans, whom Hitler loved), specifically in the land of the Gels/Gileki, I traced "Julian" there because the cross of English Julians looks like the makings of the Nazi swastika. The Gileki were on the south side of the lake (Caspian) that had Khazars on its northern end. French Julians are using the Bright stars because Julians linked to Brigantium, right? If Solars were Salyes Ligures at Briancon, it explains why the three Solar lions can be the three of Brians, but then the six Solar pale bars can be the six of German Julians (in someone else's colors). The Solar bars are those exactly of Cams, and English Julians were first found in the same place as the Cam river.

Irish Cohens (sea horse) share the pheon with Sale's/Salletts. but in the colors of the Pilate pheons. Then, while Julians share the SALamander in flames with Douglas', the latter share the same stars (probably Moray's) as Cohens/Khazars!! That not only adds to the evidence that Julians were involved with Cohen-Khazar liners, but tends to prove that Moray had them. Remember, mythical Melusine, in the Moray Crest, was from the Khazar, Melissena Rangabe. And her line goes back to queen Kahina of Numidia, which is why Massins share Melusine in Crest. "RANGabe" has been suspect with "ORANGE," and here I had found that Orange's were first found in the same place as Cheneys (never acknowledged before for lack of a reason) just before realizing that Cheneys were from Melissena's ancestry. It means that Cohens were in Buckinghamshire, and Buckinghams use the same bend-with-besants as Squirrel-suspect Nutts/Nottings.

Plus, while a Moray Coat uses fetterlocks, Cohens/Kagans use a sun, the Fetter symbol. It recalls that Feathers have a motto honoring Valens, Valentinian's brother.

[Late in this update, a Solar-like surname is found where the write-up has it married to Painells (Pagnells, I assume), I kid you not. It's the meaning of the squirrel at the solar panels. This is added here because the Durance passed across the border of Provence, while Guerins, likely from Guerin/Garin of Provence, shares the Payen/Pagan Coat, that being a reason to view the Salyes as a line to Solars. But the Salyes' are also at the root of the Salian Franks and Germans, aren't they? German Garins were first found in the same place as German Julians. Reminder: Pagnells can be with the Guerra bends. If Guerins were Warrens, note that the latter use a Shield filled with checks, as do Cohens and Hohens.]

At this point, I'm asking whether the Chaine's/Chenays have a Vinkovci- based wing holding the Justine sword, for Justine's were first found in the same place as Wings/Winks. The Chaine/Chenay description" "...a hand emerging from a wing, HOLDing a silver sword," which links Chenays logically to the Hold squirrel, doesn't it? Yes, and while the Hold squirrel holds a hazel branch, Hazels were first found in CHEShire while Chenays developed a Chesney variation. The Feathers use white wings in Crest, while Fetters were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as blue-wing Here's and Herzogs, kin of blue-wing Heyers/Here's that were first found in the same place as Eyers/EYES'. Later in this update, Eyes' become suspect with the Ajax cult of the Kennati, and I have traced Cheneys to a line of Kennati.

The Chenay wing was the white Masci wing, I saw it with my own eyes several times, until houseofnames changed it for no apparent reason at all but to deny me a Chaine/Chenay trace to Masci's. Irish Mackays use chains, don't they? Yes, and Justine's were Sire liners, right? As Canute-like Chanute's (the only upside-down chevron I've seen) are expected to be of the Nutts/Nottings, it might reveal that Cnut was a Cohen liner. INDEED, for "Cnut" was traced with Knights/Nights to the Nith river, in Dumfries, where Nitts/Naughts were first found that use the Cohens checks!!! YES! Don't Masci's trace to king Massena, a likely ancestor of queen Kahina? The Masci wing is upside down in the Dien/Dives Coat while Masci-likely Meschins ruled at Cheshire's Diva (Chester). That could trace all upside-down symbols specifically to Meschin liners (Danes, like Cnut). White wings are upside-down in the Genova/Geneva Coat. Were Cohens related to the namers of Genoa? It's where Segni's were first found, a surname like the Segans/Sagans...using the salamander in flames.

Here is a way to get the Lure bloodline to Carrick-squirrel. First, repeat: "I ventured to guess that the brown wolf in the Finis/Fien Crest was that of Irish Gards, and saw that English Gards were first found in the same place as Finis'/Fiens, and this surely goes to the "GARDE BIEN" motto of Carricks." English Gards happen to share a white-on-blue chevron with German Biens. The Gards with the wolf not only use the Shield-and- Chief color combination of lure-using Thursts, but a " A dexter cubit arm HOLDing a golden hawk's LURE." They could have said a hand holding it, but they said "arm," likely code for Armours (arms), from the Armour area of Brittany smack beside Finistere. The HOLDs not only use a squirrel, but Armours use a SQUIRE's helmet as code for Squire's/Squirrels. Therefore, the Carrick- and Hold-Squirrel bloodline was at the Finistere region.

PRESleys use two Abreu/ABRUZzo symbols, one of which can be the Pellican tower, for Evreux is near Maine, and moreover the Cheney martlets are colors reversed from the same of the Maine Josephs. We are now in the area of the Billiards, who developed a Billet surname, which in heraldry is code for the gold or silver bars of Caepio. The BESANcon/Basset surnames use 11 billets in the colors of the 11 bars of Valence's and Dickels/Duckers, and as Morinis' have been seen to be Valence kin as well as being suspect with the Moravians at Moray, by what coincidence are Billiards (and Hilliards/Billiards) using the Moray stars? The Hook/Hoke surname (expected to be Presley kin) can be using the Bellamy / Harvey Shield, and Bellamys were at Perche, beside Maine. Harveys and Garveys are traced to Monunius Dardanians at the Arve river, having a source at/near the Wallis canton, and Dutch Walters use "black hooks in fesse."

All that aside, the thing I'm doing is connecting from the Presley hook to the Thurst hooks. and seeking the most-immediate surname relating to the squirrel-on-my breast picture. The scallops of the Capes' / Apps' are shared by the French Larens (or Larins) of Provence, which is where Squirrel-related French Gilberts were first found. Scottish Larens -- suspect with Lorne / Lurnach/Lanark (Chapman PERCHEevron in colors reversed?) elements up in the Carrick theater -- smack of L'Orne. With PRESleys being ABRUZZO liners, are therefore resolved as a branch of BREScia's Eburones = the BREST/Brix line, which does connect to the squirrel now DEAD of THIRST in my attic. The DEATHs/Darths are using the crescent of Motts/Morte's, and the latter share the white estoile between the two lure's of Thursts, what an amazing coincidence. Just think of how unlikely the chances are for such combined "coincidences".

The Mottin variation of Motts can be for Modane, near Briancon and related to Modens/Modeys from the same place as Windsor castle and the Sinsens/Zinzans, who likewise use a white estoile. Incredible "coincidence" on top of the ones above. The Presley "grappling hooks", recently changed to "grappling irons," and now shaped as hooks, were once identical in shape and color with the Kerrick caltrops, and I think this helps to identify with the Trope's expected in the Thurst drops. I can see here that Thursts are using the Fergus / Sauer lion as per Gilbert ancestry in Galloway's Fergus character. Keep this in mind until we get to the Says, suspect with the Sauer-like Sayers/Saire's.

Trope's trace via the Apsus river of the Squirrel-related Dexaroi, at Tropoje, to the Hypsas river, origin of the Carricks via their Craig ancestors, and the latter share white-on-black crescents with Deaths/Darths and Motts/Morte's, yet another squirrelincidence. Craigs also share a feathered helmet upon the rider on a horse in the MOTel surname, from Taranto, founded by a Taro-like mythical Taras, which may explain the TRASck/TRESCH variations of Thursts, or the TRASHer/TRESCHer variations of Tresure's/Treasure's (same place as Tarrs). Trashers, using "A silver demi stag, adorned with red blood drops, between two FERN branches," can be using a version of the Gilbert chevron because the Arms-of-Carrick chevron was paired with three fitchees (just like the Shield of Ceno-possible Kennedys) while the Trashers use fitchees with their chevron. I can't make out whether the Thurst "lures" are maroon, the color of the Fleming tressure border and the Trasher chevron and fitchees, but, if so, the Morinis bloodline may apply. It seems plain enough that Trashers are using the Blood/Blud stag, and that Bloods had contacted Drop liners, a good reason for tracing Ferns (Fier colors) to Tropoje = Fier county.

It's complicated, but, as you can see, all the relevant squirrel-liners can be linked fast to Thursts alone, even without consideration of Thurstons. And Thursts even use two lions facing one another, as do Abreu's, and Abreu liners were in cahoots with the Cenomani: "As Caesar (ii, 34) notices the Esuvii side by side with the Aulerci (Cenomani and Eburovices), who possessed the dioceses of Le Mans [at Maine] and Evreux, it is generally believed that [the Esuvii] inhabited the diocese of Seez, which is adjacent to those two dioceses. If this opinion is right, the Esuvii and the Saii were the same..."

Seez reminds of the Saii-like Says, linkable to the Seatons (said to be of a Say location) that share the Bellamy crescents and the green Trasher dragon. Seatons were Flemings, as were Trashers. says are known to be from Orne, and to have named Mortone-Say in Shropshire, but aren't Mortons from the Marano/Mauritano / Morinis liners of Modane-like Modena? Yes, and that should explain why Mortons use the colors and format of the Arms of Carrick when it includes the three, black fitchees. This is a way to trace Trashers to Trents/Trans' in the motto of Morton-loving Walsh's, from Aulus TERENTius Varro MURENA, but as "Trash" is not all like "TERENT, it can be added that some Terentius elements could have adopted Taras-like versions while others adopted TARANTO-like versions.

There is a Sees surname listed with Sea's, with a Mr. Rots holding a Seal location in its write-up, while "Rots" get the same Coats as German and Jewish Rothchilds. As I routinely link Rothschilds to Drummonds, it's just great that the Sees/Sea Coat uses the three, wavy Drummond bars under a salmon. I went though the entire Sees/Sea section without loading the Coat, and didn't therefore know that it was using the Drummond and Morinis bars! Yes, for Sees' were first found in Kent, same as the Deering-Morinis relationship. That clinches Morinis' with the naming of Maurice Drummond, doesn't it? Yes, and Seamans use the same wavy bars while Seals and Sailmans bring us to the Scarf and Quade wolf heads. That's what we're talking about, the trace of Drummonds to Thermodon and Trabzon, explaining why a scarf is used by Trabys/Sadowski's. By comparing the Seal Coat to the Bernice Coat, we can identify the Bernice and Burn hunting horns with those in the Arms of Traby. The Seaman-Crest description: "...a demi sea-horse barry wavy of 6 silver and blue." That brings us back to the same-colored wavy bars of Ducker- suspect Tuckers/Tokers because they use sea horses (used also by Irish Tuckers at Tipperary). The Tucker-chevron description: "...charged with 3 black GUTEE-de-poix, between three silver sea-horses naiant." Blood drops de-poix"??? Powers are said to be from Poix/Pois of Picardy.

As Seamans use the three wavy bars of Drummonds, it recalls that Drummonds were suspect both in the waves and ships in the Arms of Waterford. As the Waterford motto term, "Deise," is heavily expected at the Deise/Diss surname, by what coincidence was the latter first found in the same place as Seamans? The Waterford surname has wavy bars in its so-called fountains, and the Fountains use three red bars on blue, half the colors of the three Drummond bars. Besides, Deise's/Diss' were first found in the same place as Clare's that share three red chevrons with Waters. It was the "Declan" motto term of the Arms of Waterford that brought Degels/Dickels to topic in the first place, and whether or not it's correct to make that link, by what coincidence are German Dickels/Duckers a likely branch of Tuckers/Tokers, obvious kin in- turn of Seamans?

I read that Switzerland has a Seez area, bringing the secretive Swiss bankers to mind to which corrupt, international organizations would gravitate. The first-known Say was born in Kent, not just the location of Mr. Morinis, but that of Ghents that use the Side/Sudy eagles, which happen to be in colors reversed from the Gilbert / Guillestre eagle. Recall how Morinis' were found with Panico's/Pane's, for the latter were in the SETTA valley, a potential Seez / Seaton liners to Switzerland's Sitten (Wallis canton = Terentius liners). As Sitten was also, Sion, and related to the Trent Shield, by what coincidence were Sions/Swans first found in Lanarkshire while using GAUNTlet gloves (now show as falconers gloves? It's linking Ghent liners to Sion/Sitten. In fact, while the Lanark perchevron is colors reversed from the same of Chapmans/CHEPmans, the Cheps use the double-headed eagle of Gilberts / Guillestre ( I assume), as well as the Zionist star of Rads, suspect with the Zionist star of Rotens, that being the rat-trap line (Traby-Radziwill marriage) that links unquestioningly to the 16 / 17 squirrels in my attic. The Traby-Radziwill marriage was in Vilnius, very linkable (reasons set out in recent updates) to Valentinian's wife, and then Ghents use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Vilains.

The red crescent of Chapmans can be possibly close to the same of Speers, who need to be part of the Thurst picture as per the spear between the Thurst lions, yet the Chapman crescent is also white, like that of Deaths and Morte's! See the Maccabee-suspect Alexanders too.

I caught 16 squirrels with the rat trap, and the one now dead of thirst would be the 17th, perhaps. The number, 16, reminds me of the Lanark-like Larks who use a sun in the colors of the Brady sun, but call it "...a gold estoile of 16 points...", code for the hand pointing at the sun in the Brady Coat, right? The Brady description: "...a hand pointing at a gold sun." I think Bradys were from PodeBrady, where Morinis-related Drummonds descend (if George, father of Scottish Drummonds, married a woman of Podebrady, as I read he did). Larks (the birds) are used by Barks, suspect with the Barca surname of Hannibal, conqueror of the Trebia river. He defeated general SCIPIO, likely from Scupio/Scopi of Dardania. Dardanians, about seven centuries after Scipio, trace to squirrel-line Valentinian. Scipio built Placentia after his loss, and one could expect Placentia liners in cahoots with nearby Brescia even at that time.

The Traby horns are striped, as are the Thurston horns. If the Thurston horns were stripped black, they would be colors reversed from the Brian / Traby horn. The Thurston horn is striped blue, the color of the Thurst drops, and in this way, these drops can link to Traby liners. Thurstons are the ones with a heron while Herons are a branch of Orne's / Horns, while Says are from Orne. The Say quadrants are likely close to the ones in colors reversed of Eure's/Evers, for the black Say bull head is that also of the Dreux's (from Eure). It recalls the evergreen TREEs of the Bavaria Albini's, for Tree's are Trews while Dreux's are Drews. The THURSTs are in Trist colors, recalling the "TRUSTie to the end" motto of Leats, like the "True to the end" of Hume's.

Let's go back to UCHTRED of the proto-Carricks at Briancon and Guillestre, for I think we can now link to Cnut's replacing of UHTRED with THURbrand the Hold, who looks like an excellent candidate for Thurst liners. Holders (Anglo-Saxons) happen to use griffins in the colors of the Hangar griffins while Danish Cnuts use "pot hangars," and then the other Cnuts use so- called gutee, the Thurst symbol. Here is an online quote: "[Mr. Hold] nicknamed 'the Hold', was a Northumbrian magnate in the early 11th-century. Perhaps based in Holderness and East Yorkshire..." Thursts were first found in Yorkshire, and are suspect with the lions of Abreu's (in someone else's colors) while Abreu's were of the Eburovices, called otherwise Ebroicum, like the Eboracum name for ancient York. As the Abreu tower is in the colors of the Pellican tower, note that Thur-like Thors/Tours (Devon again) use it in colors reversed. The German and Swedish Thors love the Trunks/Drenkers, which is the surname that led to Drinks, and from that the thirst code burst open with Thurst liners. German Thors were first found in Tyrol, location of the Trappenburg location of Traps.

It's squirrel-on-my-chest-interesting that while Cheneys, likely from the river at Guillestre, can be in the CHESney/Chaine/Chenay surname while Cnut, also "Canute," can be in the Chanut surname using a single pile. This recalls the single pile of Degels/Dickels, suspect with Deise's/Diss'/Dice's, first found in the same place as Thurstons. The latter share hunting horns with Duncans / Donkeys (kin of Northumberland elements) with a "Disce" motto term. Nutts/Nottings use the bend-with- besants of Buckinghams, and Cheneys were first found in Buckinghamshire [this was written before my similar insert above].

Suddenly, Canute's name may have been from the Chagne river. Changers (in the Stanley motto) can be using the bars of Stows/Stouts in colors reversed, and CHANGERS were first found in the same place as HANGERS. [Recall the Cnut - Knight link, for Stanleys share the bend of Knee's, whom I see as Knight kin. Stanleys and Knee's can be using the Buckingham / Nutt/Notting bend.] Thurstons are traced to a Stow location, evoking the Stows/Stouts and Stout-raven vikings = Rothschild-related line. As Thurbrand the Hold was of Northumberland, where Sitric (father of Harald) got his Polesworth wife, note that Holds (squirrel!) should be in the "Hold fast" motto of the McLeods, whom have Haralds as one of their septs. Fasts are with quadrants in the colors of the same in this Arms of Rothschild, which I'll clarify shortly below. The first update of November, 2016, traces Thurston the Hold to Guy of Spoleto / Camerino, and then the five, bunched arrows in the Rothschild Arms are in the Camerin Crest. The Cheile's, whom Camerons love, may be using the Dare / Darwin bend, and Keele's share two lions facing one another, with white tower between them, with Abreu's. Camerino was suspect with the Cam river, and so let's repeat that Thurstons use a "quam" motto term.

The Thursts can be using the Fife lions in the same way because, if I recall correctly, Carricks descended from some Fife elements. Therefore, there is a good chance that the Uhtred character of Northumberland led to Uchtred of Galloway, Carrick ancestor. Again, the squirrel died of thirst after entering through the crack in the solar-panel hatch, and Cracks/Crichs were first found with Crags (share the black talbot with Carricks) in the same place as Thursts while Solars use the Hatch lions in colors reversed. Finally, Crags look like they share a version of the Stanley / Knee bend. In the last update, after being on the CALTrop of Kerricks, this was said: "Stanleys are also Stoneleys...Stone's were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Cole's/Calts, sharing the motto of proto-Carrick Craigs to boot. Stone's happen to share a passant talbot in Crest with Waterfords..." The Stone's may again be using a version of the Gilbert / Guillestre eagle.

The "Esse quam viDERi" motto of Thurstons can link to the Courts/Coverts with half the Cam bars, and the Cam bars are exactly the Solar bars while Solars (Brian lions?) were first found in HEREfordshire, suspect with the Here's that share the blue Bauer wings. There you have a Rothschild link again to Cam liners. The Hereford surname itself uses the Child/Chill eagles (compare with Terrents), suspect with Cheile-possible Cilnius-Maecenas liners with Terentia. That's why "viDERi" can be expected with the Deering- Morinis relationship. There is a question as per whether Thurst liners were of Terentia liners. The Taran/Terrent Coat is very linkable to that of Childs and to the Deise/Diss/Dice Coat, while the latter were first found in the same place as Thurstons. It can be speaking of the Deck/Dagger link to the Uchtred line of Carricks.

At this point, I am ready to expect Squirrels/Square's/Squire's, Valentine kin, at the Durance-Ark river area. Going down with the Ark waters, we come to Valence. In fact, the Dutch Valence's are using the three roses of the Primo/Primeau Coat in colors reversed, and Primo's share the mirror with Sire's! Bingo. Primo's were first found in Burgundy, smack at or near Valence. As the mirror is code for the Anjou Mireux's, I wonder whether they were Marks / Marx's from the Marici of the Ticino river. German Marks (same place as Decks/Daggers!) happen to use a black, double headed eagle in both colors of the Guillestre eagle, and these Marks were first found in the same place (Prussia) as red-squirrel Decks/Daggers while the double-headed Gilberts can thus be expected to be a branch of red-squirrel Gilberts. Perfect fit, especially as the double-tipped spear is shared between Fulke's and German Marks. Why do German Fulks use wings? Vinkovci liners, right?

Two other Mark surnames, including the Jewish one, look like Cohens / Hohens, and/or Fers/Ferrats and Vairs/Fers', of the Stewart kind. It recalls that Fulk II of Anjou had a mother from a Loches bloodline, while French Loges' were first found in Burgundy, as with the Loches'/Loke's/DeLOGES' having three cinquefoils in the colors of the three Primo roses. English Lodge's/Loges' (same place as Thurstons) use a version of the English Mark Coat! And while the Hips' are expected to be with a version of the Deck/Dagger Coat, they use red martlets (Valence / Alan symbol) instead of the red squirrel to denote Charles Martel in the myrtle tree of Mireux's. It looks like Marici were at Anjou, which can expect their Laevi allies there to, not to mention some Pepin blood from Papia/Pavia, a city said to have been founded by the Laevi and Marici together. It's known that Charles Martel was a Pepinid on one side.

[One of the Pepinid lines went to mythical Popiel at the Piast mouse tower, explaining why the Piast eagle is the Child/Chill eagle, for Pepins were Merovingians. It suggests Piast ties to Moravia, founded by Merovingians. In fact, Mieszko's first son was named after Boleslaw of Bohemia, who himself had Moravian blood. And Moravia has to do with the Cohen line at Moray, wherefore, as per the new discovery that Cheneys and king Cnut were Cohens, we are able to trace Cnut to Cohens / Hohens for at least two reasons: 1) Cnut was the son of Mieszko Piast I; 2) The Piast eagle, in colors reversed, can be the red eagle of the Hohenstaufens / Hohenzollerns. Note that Popiel-like Pepoli's use a Shield filled with checks.

"Amazingly, the Gone's/Gowans [DECORi" motto term]...are using the green- on-white cinquefoils of the Loches'/DeLOGES" that came up as per the Khazar- suspect Mrs. Loches, mother of Fulk II". The Decks/Daggers/DECKERS/DECKARS (Alba fleur?) can thus be using the giant fleur of Fulke's, and the latter is half in the colors of the Valence roses. By "Khazar," it referred to Melissena Rangabe, a surname suspect with "Orange," and linkable by its flory cross to the Birds/Burds (and Bautica-river Bouillons) that likewise use red martlets. There are a few reasons, including the sharing of the thistle with Alpins, that Gone's/Gowans are from Albino-line Montfort / Marano kin. The GONfanon banner of Montforts is another reason, and that's a good reason for linking the giant Banner fleur to the same of Fulks. Recall the nails in the Logan/Duck heart, for Nails/Nagle's use a saltire in colors reversed from the one in the Banner banner.

The Stows/Stouts can be a branch of the Stows of Sturs, and Thurbrand married a daughter (Sige) of STYR. The Stirlings/Sturlings thus got suspect with the Guy / Spolton buckles, especially as Spoleto is in UMBRIA, what I trace to NorthUMBRIA. How can this Saxo-Dane picture link to the Chappes' in the Stirling Moor head? Try the chaplets of the Saxon surname. There is even a Saxon location near Sion/Sitten. Over and over, Caiaphas and Herod liners can be shown getting together with viking gangsters setting themselves up as "kings." Kill off the men, make a throne for yourself in their land, waiting for your fellow gangster to come kill you. Enjoy it while it lasts, stupid. Where are you now?

Thurbrand married Sige, probably a Seager [or Segan/Sagan] liner, that being part of the Valentinian circle too. But Sees'/Sea's list "SEIGH." But what exactly is this all about, if the last squirrel was about it? There is another amazing thing here. As was said, I didn't call the small air vent in the hatch a "crack" merely because I knew I was leading to a squirrel cracking a nut (it didn't enter my mind at the time), and ever since that idea did come to mind in the last update, I was wondering whether "nut" would relate to Cnut, because Notts are listed with Cnuts while Nutts are said to be from Cnut. But when the Cnut topic came up above, it was not because I wanted it to in order to fulfill that idea. Let me tell you how Cnut came to topic, and then judge for yourself whether it involved the death by thirst of the squirrel.

I was wanting to find other ":gutee" in my files when finding the Thurst gutee. The first on the search list was the one quoted from above on Cnut. The search led to this: "Cnuts use drops (called, gutee). Why? Drops/Trope's can be using the Steer lion. " That was said because, in the paragraph above it, there is this: "The murdered ruler of Northumbria (still tracing this to Umbria of Italy) was Uhtred the Bold, husband of Sige, daughter of Styr, son of ULF, which reminds me that Sturs share fesse bars in the colors of the same of Leavells, the latter said to be from 'WOLF.' " Now you know why the Steer were included in that bit. But in the paragraph above the last quote, there is, "When Cnut managed to take Northumbria, that's where Maccus' father had relations with Saxons...Cnut had the leader of Northumbria killed and replaced by Mr. Hold, 'nicknamed 'the Hold', was a Northumbrian magnate in the early 11th-century. Perhaps based in Holderness and East Yorkshire...' Holders (Anglo-Saxons) happen to use griffins in the colors of the Hangar griffins, and they were first found in the same place as Cams and Guys (!), in the land of the Wye river." And that's how Cnut entered, not by my own plan, and it just happened to include a Thurst- like term in Thurbrand. It convinces me that the squirrel in the attic was Intended to be for this topic too.

The Allerion Bloodline

Guys were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Holders and Nutts/Nottings. We can consider here that the Briancon / Guillestre area is nearly in Savoy, where Gays were first found. The Holder griffin is in the colors of the CAPLan griffin, and the Holds share the chapeau of CAPELLi's. Caplans were first found in the same place as Hangers and Stout- suspect Changers. Links are obvious, especially between Stout vikings and Danes. Holders use a fesse-dancette like that of Carricks, but in the colors of the Stout and Hold fesse bars. The Holdens were kin of Allers (more wings) that use an "UMBRA" motto term, and, like the Duckers/Ducks and Nails/Nagle's, Allers were first found in Westphalia. The buckle-using STIRlings were Chappes kin and share "forward" with same-colored Balfours.

It can be added here that Cnut was the son of SIGrid the HAUGHTy, and that Haughts share white bull heads with Buckleys, kin of Buckle's, while that's got to do with the Guy / Spolton buckles i.e. in linkage to Guy of Spoleto. In fact, it dawned on me that the Solars (Cam bars) are using a bend with lions in the colors of the Turin/THURin bars, and the latter surname was first found in the same place as buckle-using Leslie's that use a "Grip FAST" motto while Lure-related McLeods use "Hold FAST." I'll soon show why Holders link to the Aleramici family, which had a Fast-suspect Vasto branch ruling in Ceva, Busca and Saluzzo, all near Turin. Fasts share a red bend with Turins/Thurins, and the Fast bend with symbols is in the colors of the Ring bend with symbols while Rings use "A hand VESTed in black", code for the Vasto family, right? Yes, and while Pettys share the Fast quadrants, and have been linked solidly / undoubtedly to the same in the Arms of Rothschild above, Pettys share the elephant with Rothes-related Corbins/Corbetts, and with Grounds/Cranne's while the Rings above are also Cranns. The Petty elephant has its ears emphasized while Eyers and Here's, sharing blue wings with proto-Rothschild Bauers, were first found in the same place as Cnuts. Pettys share green parrots with Peeble's while Bowers were first found in Peebles-shire. As I trace Peeble's to Pavia/Papia, where I see Pepins, note that the vested hand is HOLDing a "roll of PAPER" while Papers bring up PEPwells.

Of further interest, though off the Thurbrand topic, Paper-like Pavers (Yorkshire, same place as Rolls and Percys) use checks in the colors of the Arms of Meulan, that being the line to Leavells. In the Paver Shield, three lozenges (but called fusils) in colors reversed from the Brest lozenges. When we get to the Fusils, there's three lozenges in the colors of the Launay and Percy lozenges, and Percys are the Percival line that married a daughter Mr. Beaumont of Meulan. Brest is in Launay. It's not off- topic with the paragraph above because Percys married the FitzAlan line with Alice of Saluzzo, she possibly being a Vasto liner. As Launay is in FINIStere, note that the Paper/Pepwell lion heads are in the colors of the Finish lions. As Pavia was founded by Laevi, it speaks for itself as to why these Pavia-suspect surnames are linking to Laevillus. As Pavia was co- founded by Marici, by what coincidence do Pavers share checks with Marks?

The other Rings/Ringsteads were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Fasts. The write-up for these Rings shows why the Arms of Normandy can be a take from the two Abreu lions, for we read that a son of the duke (Richard I) of Normandy was a count of Evreux, showing how Evreux was valued early in Norman history. The latter's son, Roger, a name used by the early Beaumonts, was the holder of Ringstead. As the Dol Alans liked the Walter name, it should be added that while German Walters were first found in Silesia, that's also where German Brests/Breslers were first found, and these Walters not only share the same fesse as Dols, but likely the two lions of Voirs/Voyers (from Vannes), which in the Voir Crest is called a lion of a Mark code.

It appears that Thurbrand was a Turin liner, and we can add that the white bull head is used, not just by the Thor-beloved Trunks/Drenkers, but by the Albins/Aubins said to be from St. TAUREN. Again, the Dreux's were in the same Eure area as St. Tauren, and the Dreux lion is that of Drinks, though Drinks throw in one pale bar in the colors of the three of Cams and Solars. A trace of the Thurst bloodline to Turin gives me a lot more to work with in linking the whole to the Gilbert / Hold squirrel line. Turin is directly opposite the Cottian peaks from Guillestre / Briancon / Modane. And when we view Thursts as Drops/Trope's from Fier, we can even realize that Fiers were at the naming of Montferrat and Monforte, which can even explain why the Montfort lion is in the colors of the Thurst lion. From Monforte and Montforts, we are able to get to Marano's / Morinis'. And we can imagine Albanians (beside the Caepio-suspect Cavii) with the Trope's and their bandwagon, explaining Albino's of Modena. Vair is an heraldic fur, code for Fier liners, I can now say, and you can see some vair with the Kemmis', first found in the same place as Cams. There is more vair fur in the Chief of Quints, first found in the same place as Vere's and the Colchester-Nail line, and Quints share the lion paw with "quam"-liner Paine's.

It would be a good find to find Capone's (Cambridge) first found right on the Cam river. This sharing a vair between Kemmis' and Caepionis-liner Quints, while Kemmis' were first found in the same place as Cams, tends to make that possible. The Kemmis' can even be using fesse bars in the colors of the French-Paine fesse. Remember, Solars, who merged with Paine's, use the pale bars of Cams.

To work Sitric into the Thurbrand theater all the more, Sitric's line to Maxwells. Maccuswells gets us the two-double-headed eagle of Gilberts and Guillestre, and Sitric's line to Mackays gets us the dagger as per Dexaroi on the same river as Tropoje, and that's the Squirrel-loving Deck/Dagger / Dyke bloodline. The Kilpatricks who love Max liners in their motto use " A hand holding a dagger DIStilling drops of blood." There is a Tilling surname (Dorset, beside the Drake's and at the Stur river) to go with "distilling," and it uses the Drake axe as well as the Drake wyvern, we may assume. The Tillings/Tilleys are said to be from "near Caen" i.e. in the Orne-river area. "drops of blood" look like code for Bloods/Bluds, in this case, because this surname shares a lodged / resting stag with the Maxwell Crest. The latter puts the stag under a holly BUSH, from Busca in the domain of Montferrats.

I had made a link between Guy of Spoleto and the line of the ALERamici out of Montferrat, and as Montferrat set up Alice of Saluzzo, it should explain why Solars/Sollas' are said to have been at Neen Sollars of Shropshire, expected there with the Dol Alans and the Clun location. The village was "Nene" in 1086, and Belgian Nene's (Shield filled with checks) have variations that can be identified with Ananes Gauls. HAINaut is in Belgium, and the Arms of Hainaut use an upright lion in both colors of the passant Solar lion! I think that works. And the counts of Hainaut used the three chevrons of the Levi's expected at the Laevi's of the Ticino, which is near Turin while the Solar bend just got suspect above with a Turin > Thurbrand line. The Solar lions are in the colors of the Spanish Soler/Solana sun and wolf heads.

It just so happens that while the Neen Shield is that also of Wards (could be in the "forWARD" motto term of Stirlings), the Ward motto uses "Comme" while Comme's/Gumms (Cambridgeshire, where I expect Guy-Camerino liners) use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of the Aleramici. It was fantastic to see that drop-using Thursts and Drops/Trope's use the same combination, and the Comme's/Gumms look linkable to the Capes'.

The Capes' (Tooth / Gumm colors) were first found in the same place as Tooths, and beside the Comme's/Gumms, and Tooths, who became a giant key to this revelation, would not have been a topic had I not complained to God about my tooth with the fistula bump on the GUM. That was what led me to finding the Tooth link to Gumms. It would be such a simple thing for God to remove the tiny bacteria infecting this tooth, which bewilders me, because He won't. Nor will he tell me what to ingest to cure it. I was actually depressed about this last night. I don't want to lose a tooth. A correspondent wrote lately in to say I need to get it yanked before it infects a neighboring tooth, but I'm resisting. He and I share tinnitus, RINGing in the ears, hmm. Irish Rings/Cranne's were first found in LEITrim while Leats/LIETHs (Leit/Lett colors) use a "TO THE" motto phrase. There is a German Gum surname (black roosters), in Thurst colors, and sharing the gold hunting horn of Thurstons, and a perchevron in colors reversed from the same of Chapmans (Cambridgeshire).

I have found something strange and will go-off-topic for it. He has a bad case of "snow" vision in everything he sees. Just as I was loading the Snow Coat, thinking that he was made a correspondent as per further Clues (not to speak lightly about his disease), the TINTaGEL location (Cornwall, same as Gale's) of king-Arthur's birth was coming to mind with "TINNITus," and there in the Snow Crest is a part-blue antelope, the color of the Tint and Gale unicorn. At the same moment, I recalled the Tintagel rock band from Leit-like Leeds (Yorkshire, same as Thursts). And Leeds, in Thurst colors, were first found in Cambridgeshire (same as Comme's/Gumms). He was asking, and we discussed, whether tinnitus was related to his snow vision. I prayed for him too, but so far the diseases remain. I don't expect God to cure everything, but sometimes we can't help wonder why not, for unanswered prayer like this taxes our faith. There are a lot worse things that God allows believers to endure. Perhaps we deserve worse. Perhaps our deserved items are given some Consolation in certain respects. Leits/Lets use "organ pipes" while Pipe's are Pepins and therefore related to the Mens' that use the Thurst / Comme/Gumm / Aleramici combination too.

It was made more strange when noting that the Snow fesse as "snow" in the form of ermines, hmm. I then learned that the Snow fesse is colors reversed to the Gale fesse. As Windors are part of mythical Gorlois of Tintagel, note that Gale's are bringing us back to the Winden / Window / Fien/Finis lions while Windows are suspect with Finistere in the area of king Arthur's wife (as I define her, as a line to the Vannes/Gwenea Veneti). The "fama" motto term of Gale's gets the Fiens/Vans (another white bull head) suspect with the Fiens/Finis' that could have named FINIStere. Actually, this is not off- topic, for Brest is at Finistere. I saw an Arms of Vannes having just three large ermines. Do you think that so-called snow was a royal disease from those who created ermine spots? That's what was coming to mind. And the Snow fesse is in the colors of the Dol and Walter fesse.

Before I end this aside, another thing coming to mind, now that CHEPmans have worked into it, is that Paul Smith had ringing in his ears when I did not, many years ago. He's the one who owned a Jeep in the same color that I would own 25-30 years later, and it's the Cheps/JEEPma's that use the black, double-headed eagle in the same colors of the Guillestre eagle. There is a ChepSTOW location in Monmouthshire, where Fame/s/Fane's/Vans were first found. Mine is a GRAND Cherokee, and Grands have already worked into topic.

We saw Childeric working into this picture, and he lived about the same time as Valentinian I. I think I can make a link between the two men because the early Merovingians married Avars, while European Avars were to the east of Friuli, which puts them in the area of Valentinian's birth. Recall that the latter is tracing to Windens from Dardania's Vindenis, and that Windens use the three lion heads of Chretiens that are from Gratian, for the Name's/NEEMs/NEME's use both lion heads!!! They even use quadrants in the colors of the Nene/Neen checks! Just like that, my solar panels have been responsible for a super find, another Valentinian / Gratian line. And the Irish Name's/Nannys may be using the Deering stag heads along with the Gilbert chevron, though stag heads reminds of the same of Anne's and Annabels.

I mentioned the ALERamici in the update (1st of November, 2016) from which the Cnut-Hold quote was taken, and linked the family to the Aller surname because it shares the escutcheon and the ALLERion eagles (beakless) of Holdens:

The founder of the [Aleramici] family was William I of Montferrat, a Frank, who came to Italy in 888 or 889 [about the time of Guerin of Provence] to aid his fellow Frank Guy III of Spoleto in a quest for the Iron Crown of Lombardy. His son Aleram was the first to carry the title marchio or margrave. By the 12th century, the Aleramici were one of the most considerable in Piedmont, related to the Capetians and the Hohenstaufen. Members of the family participated frequently in the Crusades, and became kings and queens of Jerusalem. They also married into the Byzantine imperial families of Comnenus [founders of TREBizond empire], Angelus [smacks of the Nagle / Anger bloodline], and Palaeologus...Conrad of Montferrat (or Conrad I of Jerusalem) (Italian: Corrado di M onferrato; Piedmontese: Conrà ëd Monfrà) (mid-1140s – 28 April 1192) was a northern Italian nobleman, one of the major participants in the Third Crusade. He was the de facto King of Jerusalem, by marriage...

Note that Conrads (share the Grand crowns) had worked into the solar-panel discussion. The Arms of Trebizond are three black-on-white fesse bars, just like those of Beaks that are likely in-code with the beak-less allerion. The Umbers/Humbers (white Crest), suspect with Umbria, use the same three fesse bars. Beaks thrown a white ostrich in Crest to assure that Trabys were of the Trebizond empire. Umbers are using the griffin head of Dobers / Dobermans, from the wife of Mieszko I (the latter was father to Sigrid the Haughty). Recall the Holder link to Caplans and Hangers, for both were first found in the same place as Josephs while the latter share the garbs of COMINE's, like "KOMNenos," the founders of Trebizond. To nail the trace of multiple surnames in this paragraph to Guy of Spoleto, Hangers and Angers share the escarBUNCLE while Buncle's use buckles. Buckleys use the Haught bull head, and Changer-possible Cheneys were first found in BUCKINGhamshire.

The Holders are said to be from "Haldan," while the other wife of Mieszko I was Oda of HALDENsleben. It's known that the griffins of Pomerania were at least allied to a branch of the Mieszko-Piast Pole's, and that should explain the Holder griffins. It effectively links Holders to Cnut liners and therefore to Holdens, and it just so happens that the Holden allerion eagles are colors reversed from the Piast eagle.

[Since writing the above, Cheneys have become a Mieszko-line suspect of the Cohen kind. I'm not resisting a Cheney trace to the Ceno river on account of it. Recall the Aller-like Aulerci peoples, part of the Cenomani- Eburovices federation. The mention of the Aulerci brought Says to topic that use another bull head suspect with that of Haughts i.e. Sigrid the Haughty, Cnut's mother.]

Basically, the Thursts are to be regarded as a Maecenas-Terentia line to Merovingians as per Basina of THURINgia, and one thing to be added to this picture is the Dressers/Dreschs, whom were only looked up after writing all the above, as per the DRESdan location of count Zinzendorf of the Moravians. By what coincidence do Dressers use the same lion as Marano's/Mauritano's? And their Dresch variation is like the Tresck variation of same-colored Thursts. Finally, Dressers/Dreschs were first found in Thuringia! Bingo. The proto-Merovingian line between Terentia and Morinis' liners in Thuringia proves correct. The Dresser Shield is even split vertically in colors reversed from that of Trents (Gumm swords?). It seems obvious enough that Trents are using the Border swords.

While Walsh-link easily to Mortons, Wallis'/Wallace's, with the Marano / Dresser / Montfort lion too, link to Stocks, expected at Stock on the Trent river. You can see the white sword, the color of the Trent sword, in the Wallis Crest. While Walsh's link capably to English Stewarts, Wallis' are said to have been vassals (servant-rulers) of the Dol Alans. And as Wallis' were first found in Ayrshire, at roughly the Stewart center of Renfrewshire, Wallis look like a Walsh branch that followed Alans of England up to Renfrewshire. Specifically, Wallis were vassals of Walter fitz-Alan in 1174, three years before the death of Walter fitz Alan, husband of Eschyna de Molle. Molle's are the ones with the Marone/Marooney boar head, and Marooney can explain the maroon-like color in the Trasher/TRESCHer Coat, that being a likely Dresser/DRESCH line. If it is, I suppose we have just discovered that Trashers/Treschers were from the namers of Dresdan, for this explains why Thursts/Treschs share the estoile with Sinsens/Zinzans. It doesn't necessarily mean that "Dres(dan)" was the original term of this entity.

It also explains why the Thurst lions hold up a spear, for Spear-related Spree's are from the Spree river of Lusatia, which flows near Dresdan. It's interesting that RADEberg is beside Dresdan, for Rads use a large Zionist star in the colors of the Moray stars. Speers are suspect in the motto of Massins (same place as Deering-Morinis line), the latter sharing the mermaid with the Moray Crest. The Glass Crest also uses this mermaid while Glass' were first found in Buteshire, and then Bute's use estoiles on blue.

The Walter under discussion becomes highly suspect with Pollock make-up, and was the son of Avlona-like Aveline de Hesdin. Hesdins/Hestons use boar heads in colors reversed to the Molle boar head, it figures. The Hesdin write-up suggests a branch of Houstons, first found in Renfrewshire and using the Stewart checks. The "In TIME" motto of Houstons suggests linkage to the Morinis-related Timms/Time's now reckoned with the "ForTEM" motto term of Fiens/Finis'. I would guess that the Houston martlets are those of Pullys, the Vespasia-Polla line to Pollocks. That should explain why the Books/Boggs, beloved of Rieti-liner Roets and Reeds, share the hourglass with the Houston Crest. Houstons are said to be from a Hugh de Paduinan, smacking of Kilpatrick-suspect Paddens (colors of Heston-like Astons with "patriae motto term") that share a reflection of the Bessin / Biston Coats who in-turn share the bee with the Thuringia Talls, a clear sign of linkage to queen Basina the line from Terentia Murena. The Murena tower, in colors reversed, is gold, the color of the Paddin- Crest tower. And, the Murena tower is red, the color of the Thor/Tour tower, tending to trace Thuringians to Devon, where English Stewarts (and Thors/Tours) were first found.

I'm dying of thirst. Hesdin is not only in Picardy, where Roets came from, but the Arms of Hesdin use a great reflection of the Arms of Wallis canton or the Arms of Sion. This finally decides against my original contention that Walsers, known to have been from Wallis canton, were Walters too. It tends to trace the Walter name, beloved of the Dol Alans, to Walsers / Wallis.

As the Weaver river of Cheshire is in the Aston write-up, it recalls that Weavers use the HAZel fesse, and that can be indication that HESdins were Hazel liners. The way to now get the Hazel squirrel to the squirrel at the Briancon / Guillestre area is to go to German Weavers sharing the BRIGHT Coat, and Brights are expected with Gille BRIGTE, the one that named the squirrel-using Gilberts. If we note the colors of Astons and related Estons/Asters, along with Ash's that appear evident in the Eston/Astor write-up, it appears that they are all branches. I suggest that the Aston lozenges are those of Schole's and English Patents (same motto as Pullys), for Scottish Patents are the Dumfries Paddins above. As Astons were of Cheshire while using a bull head, they look like part of the Mieszko / Haught Poles, and so when we find that one Aston branch held Halton, it speaks well to Oda of Haldensleben, wherefore it's noteworthy that Aston colors are those of Haldens too, who happen to use the Patrick and Kilpatrick saltire. Haltons look to be using a version of the Cage Coat (the last update has some Cage kin sorted out, tracing to Cetis), and Cetis- liner Kennedys use the colors and format of Paternosters (Berkshire). As Kennedys use the Arms of CARRICK, let's remind that while Lupus Laevillus married the Cetis ruling family, Laevillus' son was: Julius Claudius CHARAX Laevillus Proculus. As you can see, Paternosters use the Kilpatrick / Patrick saltire, and these were Squirrel liners of the Decker/Dagger kind.

Then, the write-up of squirrel-using Holds/Holts speaks on the Hall of Aston built by Thomas Holt, that being a Halton-like surname. The Holt squirrel holds a hazel branch. Compare "Halton" with "Hazelton, a surname, which may mean that Haltons were not Halden liners, unless Haldensleben was named by Haltons.

DOBRawa, Mieszko's other wife, is suspect with Dobers and Dobys because the latter were first found in Renfrewshire with Pollocks. Recalling the potential link of Plancia Magna to Vespasia Polla via Tertulla, Vespasia's mother, and Tertullus, Magna's husband, here I now find a "magno" motto term with Dobys. The Dobys use a helmet and probably the Kennedy fitchees in red, for Kennedys use a helmet too. Why do you think that houseofnames would change the Doby helmet design? It was after I reported that it was in the design of someone's SQUIRE's helmet, which the Armours still use and call a "squire's helmet." The Magna surname happens to use a single bar in a fesse in the colors of the Hold/Holt bars, and Holds are the ones with a squirrel ("holding a hazel branch"), a good reason for tracing "a squirrel cracking a nut" from the Charax name used for Laevillus son, to Carricks and Squirrels/Squire's. Carricks were first found beside the first- known Doby's. The last time that Armours were mentioned, the Holds were in that too.

Yet I'm now tracing Hazels to IZALcas of Numidia, brother of Caiaphas-like Capuca, smacking of the Cabbage's that are Hazel liners round-about as per the House's using cabbage leaves in the design of the Hazel leaf...all code for Laevillus liners, right? This is a tricky area because a Hazel trace to Izalcas is new and not my forte, though I thought the evidence was remarkable. How it connects to has on the Drilon is not established in my mind. One thing is that while one House Crest has a CLOUD, the McLeods/Clouds, now known to be a line from Laevillus through Walerans and Leavells, are the ones with "HOLD fast." and as such, the Hold-Hazel kinship takes the Squirrels/Squire's to Laevillus liners, and it just so happens that the Island of Lewis, home of McLeods, traced to the Leavell- liner Lewis', using more blood drops. It's a long way from Numidia to the McLeods in western Scotland, but midway we can appeal to Montferrat, because "I ZAL" is a motto phrase (suspect with Izalcas) of the Mens, who use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Holder-related Aleramici (and the Squirrel-expected Thursts).

Hmm, compare "ALERA" with "WALERAN." Then, as the Kennati priests at Cetis were suspect at the naming of the Ceno river, can't this trace Laevillus from his Cetis belongings to the Ceno? And by doing so, it gets Laevillus liners to the Cenomani and the Waleran-possible Aulerci, so much like "Aleramici." It can explain why Waleran of Perceval was the father of Leavells proper. By what coincidence do Ceno-suspect Cheneys use a "BULL's scalp," while Walerans use the bull? In this picture, the Cenomani were related to the Kennati priests (I don't know their timing) of Ajax, and later in the Cheneys as well as Kennedys. A Cheney trace from Laevillus and Quadratilla explains the Chaine's/Chenays in the chain symbol of Quade's. The three Quade wolf heads are in the colors of the three bull heads of Walerans. What do we suppose "scalp" is code for? Compare "Kennati" with "Knight / Canute." It recalls that Tarrs (Taro river) are supposed to be closely related to Knee's, and Knee's use the bend of Carrick-line Crags (same talbot as Carricks), yet the Crags (same place as Cracks) put LEAVES on their bend. It's got Charax and Laevillus written all over it, yet merged with the Kennati stupids.

I had failed to load Squirrels (Worcestershire) until many paragraphs below, and it was only at that time that I re-saw their "Tiens ferme" motto, translated as "HOLD firme." The Squirrel squirrel is cracking its nuts, assuring that the Hold squirrel links to the Carrick-line squirrel. If Fermans / Firmans were a Fier branch, it's a great way to trace the Squirrels to a relationship with the Dexaroi-Tropoje merger, as well as to the Drops/Trope's in the drops of Nutt-related Cnuts. Recall the Cnut-Hold relationship, and lets add that while it was traced to drop-using Thursts, the latter use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of GAMBle's (same place as Thursts) in colors reversed. And while Squirrels use a "bear's paw," Powys' use a "bear's GAMB" (paw). Why are Squirrels linking to Powys in Wales? I had read that Wales had a Bellin-like God, and so keep watch for the symbol of Bellini's below.

I'll probably give an opinion, eventually, on the ultimate importance of the dead-of-thirst squirrel. Thus far, it has made several significant advances in my view of Squirrel-related lines. Perhaps one of the most- important things is where I've been neglecting the Charax name of Laevillus' son. By chance or not, I started consideration of a surname's "peascods" due to the "gutee-de-poix" symbol of Tuckers/Tokers. It's right down the Morinis alley, and I feel strongly that Morinis' need to be understood. As Poix in Picardy is also "Pois," a term that means "pea" to the French, that's why I looked up the surname that uses peascods. It happens to be the Cullis' that became a topic in the first place due to the portcullis gate (of Porters) that I entertain as code for Laevillus' son, yes, Proculus, the one with"Charax" in his name.

Where the Squirrel Meets Arthurs of Clapton

When I was on the Uat-Buto cult in the last update, I failed to include a very-important thing that agrees well with my trace of Nahorites to the Neretva river. This trace was made years before finding the proto-Arthur Ardiaei at that river in the past month. The Ardiaei married Monunius II (ruled about 176 - 167 BC) was brother to Bato. And because the Ardiaei theater stretched as far south as Butua, it appears that the Uat-Buto cult was there. As Nahor's first son was Uts (Biblical spelling), while his second son was Buz (pronounced "Boots"), either the tribes from these sons named Uat-Buto, or Nahor named his sons after it. Mythical Nereus was paired with Doris, and together their children were called, Nereids, like "Neretva," and that river is also where the Doris-expected Daorsi lived. Heraldry can prove a Daorsi (also called, Daversi) link to Ardiaei, as for example the Davers using the colors and format of Arthurs.

Nahor's third son, Kemuel, traces to Camulodunum, and to the Camulos god that named that place in BC times. We might wonder whether proto-Camulos was at the Neretva area. Camulodunum was Colchester later, and the Arms of Colchester uses a ragully cross suspect with Ragusa, in the middle of Ardiaei theater. The Colchester cross has nails, while Neils, assumed branch of Nails/Nagle's, share the red estoiles of the Colchester surname. In the meantime, Nagle's are from Oneglia, home of Arduinici that married Doria's there. It's an unmistakable Ardiaei merger with mythical-Doris elements. The point is, king Arthur died on Bute, and Morte's (merged with and Deaths/Darths) and Bute's/Butts (merged with Este liners) both use estoiles so that one can glean an Ardiaei link between Butua and Este, and then to Colchester. Isn't it amazing how big the mouth of heraldry is?

The coins of Camulodunum had horses, a symbol of CAMEL-using Pepins that use an "est" motto term, and then the Este's use horses themselves. The Bute and Este Crest share the black horse. Pepins are expected with Laevi- line Hebrews, and Nahor was himself a Hebrew. Camulos is said to have been some aspect of Mars, and then the Marsi connection I see to Marici can apply, and therefore the Mercians, but as they were at least related to Angles of England, just trace the latter to earlier Angles in the theater of the Varni who together worshiped Neretva-liner Nerthus. Just like that, Neretva liners can be traced smack to Camulodunum, which existed under that name from about 50 BC at least, earlier than the first mention of the Varni and Angles in 98 AD. Can we imagine Nahorites in the Varni theater going to Camulodunum to be with their old Nahorites cousins?

Camulodunum was associated with a CATUvellauni tribe, and we will see Cato's crop up below where Buz liners seem to have been merged with Arthurs of Clapton. The Cato surname shares a white bend with Valentins, and Valentinian, along with his brother, Valens, sure do look like they can be in "CatuVELLAUNi." We saw Valentinian liners linking to Herod Archelaus, who was banished to France before we hear of the Varni. The tribe above looks like it could have produced the Bellin-like god of the Welsh (I forget the name if it isn't that), and as Powys' use the bear GAMB, colors reversed from the Bellini bear paw, note that Gamble's are said to be from a camel-like term. It looks like we have a match, and something to work with. It just so happens that Gamble's use the same gold-on-red fleur as Porci's, suspect from Porcius CATO (200 BC). He owned land in Sabina, and, according to his Wikipedia article (though this part was removed), he had childhood in Abruzzo, location of the Marsi. Impressive?

But the Squirrels/Squire's use a bear paw too. What's going on? Valentins put squirrels on their bend. Whoosh. I just heard a wind in my brain clearing away the fog. This looks correct. Bellini's and Fuller-related Belli's were first found in Verona, and then Verona's share the fish in the colors of the Saraca's of Ragusa, and fish were the symbol of Nereids of that area. I traced that fish to Keturah, wife of Abraham, brother of Nahor. Wild? Is that too wild for you? Can't VERONa's have been a branch of VARNi? Looks like it. German Bute's/Butts/Boets share a fish on a fesse with Saraca's, and Keturah's name survived much unchanged at Kotor, beside Butua. There is even a Kodrion location (beside the Dexaroi) near Fier county (can't recall the spelling, and I can't get online at this time to check; it's on the dark map).

As Abraham lived in Hebron, where there was an Eschol valley, note that Schole's use the black-and-white lozenges of Apps while Kodrion was on the Apsus river. Were other Hebron elements on the Apsus? The Anaki of Hebron, suspect with Anchors Annackers, are much like "Annas, and it's the Annas surname with an Arniss variation like the Arnissa location to the near- north of the Apsus. However, I don't view the namers of Arnissa as from Anaki. They could have been the Aarons, merged with Annas liners. Later, Levite-suspect Meaths, likely using the Aaron quadrants, will be traced well to lake Scodra, smack at Caepionis-like Cupionich. The quadrants are half in the colors of the Fast quadrants, in case the Aarons link to the Vasto branch of Aleramici.

The Marsi had a snake god, and while Save's use the same bend as Cato's, they put a red snake upon it. Italian Botters use the Cato bend, and put a red star upon it. Valentinian was born in the Save-river theater. Herod Archelaus traces to the green-on-white lions of Lyons and Lannoys, kin of Hume's with a lion in colors reversed, and so see the Touch lion, for Cato's are listed with Clan Chattan, which uses a "Touch" motto term. The motto is: "Touch NOT the cat, bot with a glove" (they used "bot" instead of "but"). It looks like Cnut was part of it. But isn't that the nut cracked by the squirrel? Yes, and Carricks are expected to be of "Saraca" somehow.

Another way to trace squirrel liners to Carricks is by way of Shere's/Shire's that share the black Carrick talbot and the black fitchees that are sometimes upon the Arms of Carrick. Shire's were a Squire/Squirrel branch, right? Yes, and this may indicate that the mythical Sirens, named after something similar in the real world, may have been at the Mercian theater (southern England, same as Camulodunum). The Angle's could have been named from "Angitia," the Marsi snake goddess, you see, and if we check out the identical lozenges of Nagle's/Angulo's and Angers, it seems that Angitia could have named Oneglia in Liguria. Plus, French Mars were first found in the same place as Messeys/Messier's that use the same saltire as the flag of Mercia. If we make this saltire in colors reversed, it become blue, the color of the Nagle/Nail saltire. We definitely have a story to build on here.

Another term coming to mind with "ANG(itia)" is "Annecy," and then Annas' are in Marr colors while the Marr lions are a colors-reversed version of the same of Annas-suspect Angus'. The area of Mar was right beside Angus, and while I see Drummonds at Kildrummy castle, I also feel that Drummonds named Teramo, the old Abruzzo capital i.e. the Marsi and proto-Drummonds may have had relationship already back in Abruzzo. While the Marr lions are identical to the one in the Trope Chief, German Drummonds were first found in the same place as Trips that once showed identical boots to those of French Masseys. The Marr lions are in the colors of the Marano lion, which can indicate that the Murena's were Marsi liners i.e. mythical Mars. Murena's Varro name is being expected from Fier, where Trope's trace. Drummonds had a city, Drymen, at/beside the Allan river that could be named by a line from Aulon, beside Fier. The Bullis location near Aulon can be in the Bullis surname sharing the lone Annas / Vere star, in colors reversed to the lone Botter star. Aulon and Bullis were in Epirus, home of EPIROTes, and Teramo was earlier "APRUTium." Abruzzo includes the Italian coast looking out generally to Epirus. While I say that Molossians of Epirus named Molise, the province to Abruzzo's south, it's interesting that Molle's share a boar with Porcia's and Abruzzo-possible Ebers. Eschyna de Molle married the Alans, what an auloncidence.

French Mars were first found in the same place as snake-using Save's and snake-using Primo's, a reason to identify Mars liners with the Angitia- Marsi entity at Phocaea-suspect Fucino ("little Foca"?). Primo's not only use the same lion as Angus', but the mirror of the snake woman, Melusine, whom was traced by Vere's to something unidentified in Angers/Anjou. Like I said, we have a story to build on, and while her mirror is obvious code for Anjou's Mireux's/Mire's, that surname uses a code for Mars-likely Martels, who are in code with heraldic martlets, all of which come FOOTLESS. The Martel-related Martins use a giant castle that can relate to the Cato/Chattan castle and the Chatan tower, especially if correct of Wikipedia that Porcius Cato had childhood in Abruzzo. The Marsi area of Abruzzo is adjacent to Sabina, where Cato owned land.

I can tell you that the Doris-suspect Odrysians, and the peoples of their ARDA river, were with Atrebates, in southern England, and they were where English Botters were first found, i.e. kin of Ardons of Artois, where an Atrebates branch was living. Sirens lived in Calydon, where Levite-suspect Oeneus was king, and Colchester traces with Waleran- / Leavell-related Cole's from the Colapis, beside the Oeneus river. It makes sense to trace Keturah to Odrysians because she traced to mythical Kodros, who had both a fish and boar symbol, the latter expected of certain Hebrews. Therefore, if Odrysians were of Doris, mother of a fish-depicted peoples, I suggest that Doris liners named KODROS too, after a K-less ODRYS(ian)." That link is fresh right here and now, and I think it's huge. As Kodros' son was Medon, it can trace to Modon, the alternative name of Methoni. Odrysians were in the middle of the Hebros river while Keturah probably lived with Abraham in Hebron. Yet, the Hebros was also called, MARITsa, which may have named Merits and similar surnames, a lot like "Maurice." I read that Maurice Drummond was "Marot of Yorvik" = York, where Marrs were first found. We can even ask whether Maritsa / Maurice liners named the Marici allies of the Laevi's.

Scottish Drummonds were in the land of Caledonian Picts, and I read that a brother of mythical Molossus was Pictus, probably from the Pyxites river near the Drummond- / Teramo-suspect Thermodon. While Meaths (Drummond colors) and Methleys were first found in the same place as Marrs, Oeneus of Calydon was made father of Methoni, a real city beside Pylos, the latter another real city ruled by mythical Nestor, and then the Keturah-suspect Satrae were on the Nestus river. Pylos liners may have named camel-using Pale's, but, in any case, Leavells and Oeneus-river Yonge's use the same piles, a symbol of the Pile's. Pilote's, first found in the same place as Mars (Pilate colors) and Messeys/Messier's -- a name like the Messene area around Pylos -- may have been Pylos liners. English Messier's were first found in the same place as Pilotte's, and that was in Lincolnshire, within Mercian realms. Yet more, Pilotte's and Pellets use cups, now suspect with the Cup variation of Cope's/Colps, from the Colapis = Kupa river, i.e. beside the Oeneus.

Repeat from above: "Meaths are said to have been in Yorkshire's Marr [location], highly suspect with Maurice Drummond, and Marrs (Yorkshire) use the same lion as in the Drop/Trope Chief." I'm assuming that Marrs (put out the mother of the first royal Alan-Stewart) were Mercian cousins in the least, and this recalls my trace of Marsi to Marseilles, where Phocaeans founded Ligurians, while Phocaea was at the shore from Lesbos, location of METHymna, like "Meath" and "Methley", both first found in the same place, Yorkshire i.e. same as Marrs. Scottish Mars had a castle at KilDRUMMY, and I trace the Hungarian Leslie's to LESbos, and have asked whether Buz / Bosrah liners named LesBOS too. According to myth code, the Hungarian line (to Drummonds) of mythical Oeagrus and Charops was at Lesbos with their descendant, Orpheus.

One of the things I wasn't able to prove is whether ORPHeus was code for REPHAites (partly at Jerusalem and suspect with "raven"), suspect from Arrapha/Arrapachitis, an old city in Assyria beside Nuzi, and expected to be from Arphaxad, grandfather, if I recall correctly, of Eber, father of Joktan. All Hebrews came from this line. The Less' share the boar with Ebers, and the Less; can be linked to Leslie's via the Bard/Beard boar and griffin head. Less' are expected in the "footLESS" martlet, but that code could be of the Foots / Fothes'/Fette's (same place as Leslie's) as well as others such as Fetters and Futters/Fotys. The book of Enoch, an ancient work, claims that the black boar was a symbol of Edomites, and then Porcia's and EBERs use the black boar along with Bosrah-suspect Bush's and Butua-possible Booths, both first found in Yorkshire = EBORacum again. Hebron had a Boscath/Bozcath location that might apply. Was Porcius Cato from BozCATH elements?

It's the Feathers that use "Valens and volans" for a motto, and they may have been a branch of Futters/Fotys, who look like they could be of the Botter/Body surname, the one in Hampshire. Botters and Potters are suspect at Poitou with the jay-using Poitvins, and Futters use a POPPINjay, suggesting those camel-line Pepins. Futters are suspect in the motto of Fullers that share the beacon with one Belli surname. Beacons/Bacons have a French Bacon branch with the same cinquefoil as Buz-line Bus', no kidding at all. And Camulos-suspect HAMELtons use it too. It should now be obvious that Buzites named the Bessi priests of the Satrae, and then named the bee- line Bessin, but God did not tell me, when he informed me that I should find the bee-line Buzites, that my own bloodline would be from this.

Sirens are from Seir, likely, because the Taphians in their midst were of Daphne, at the Ladon river, likely from the Biblical Lotan, of Seir, where his family married the Hebrew line of Esau. A tribe from the latter's son, Eliphas, named the Elaphiti islands right beside Ragusa, and therefore amongst Nahorites, in all likelihood. Esau ruled Buz-like Bozrah. That city may have been named after Buz-Ra, for the Egyptian Ra was part of the OSIRis pantheon, which I trace to "SEIR" because Osiris' son, Horus, smacks of the Horites of Seir. Lotan was a Horite of Seir, and Nahor has been thought by many, through the ages, to have lived in Haran, a potential Horite city. Horites were in Nuzi, the city of Dionysus' origin, perhaps the namer of the Nestor river.

So, it appears that Squirrels/Squire's were from "Seir." I have read a quote that Buto belonged to a city of Kemmis / Chemmis, and there was a city of that name that was home to Yuya, great-grandfather of king Tut, suspect at queen Teuta of the Ardiaei. Yuya is believed by some, including me, to have been a Mitanni, and feasibly of the Hebrews of Mitanni, and then the Mitanni could have named Methoni. Compare "KEMMis" to "KEMuel." Shocking, isn't it? And Yuya was the king's horse trainer while Camulodunum used horses on its coins. We can now ask whether Camulos liners named the Cam river?

Kemmis was also spelled, "Akhmim," which has just got to be the reason for AGAMEMnon, the chief player in Homer's Trojan-war myth. Agamemnon was king of Sparta, looking like "Subartu," probably the same as the Biblical Sephar, home of ther Joktanite Hebrews. It can appear here that the tribe of Kemuel because a chief Spartan entity. And Agamemnon's brother was made "Menelaus," code for Las on the Mani peninsula, the city from Laish, home of Jonathan the Levite pagan priest, in the book of Judges, whose name I trace to "Oeneus," a member of the Dionysus cult. Dionysus was made a son of Cadmus' daughter, and Cadmus killed Ares' dragon, but the myth writer resurrected its teeth to become the Sparti. And myth has a hundred more clues to the movements of non-Israelite Hebrews into pagan Europe. Nahor had other sons, but I have never wanted to know their names, or this story might have been twice as long. A decade is long enough. No one has written in to mention another son of Nahor. Mr. Skeetz believes strongly to be from Neuri scythians, probably partners with the Roxolani, the Ros-Alans, a pair of people groups that probably founded the Brittany Alans, and, therefore, we can expect Roxolani at Aulon/Avlona. As Aulon was at the Ceraunii mountauins, and as the Ceraunii were from mythical Coronis, sister of Ixion, just look at this Ixion- / Ceno-like people group:

The Iceni or Eceni were a Brythonic tribe in Britannia (or Britain) who inhabited an area corresponding roughly to the modern-day county of Norfolk from the 1st century BC to the 1st century AD. They were bordered by the Corieltauvi to the west, and the Catuvellauni and Trinovantes [both had ruled Camulodunum] to the south...Their capital was Venta Icenorum, located at modern-day Caistor St Edmund.

I've been saying for years that Coronis was the namer of Chora (or vice- versa) on Patmos, but I almost never read up on Camulodunum, and didn't know that this CORIELtauvi peoples could have been a Coronis line from Patmos. We are now ready to compare "AVLONA" to "CatuVELAUNi." This can explain why Alan-associated Pollocks had traced to Valentinian. He was an Avlona liner. His very name was from "Avlona," by the looks of it. And the Vallens/Valance's are clearly using the Alan martlets. But I have never imagined Alans in Britain from 100 BC. There is an Allan river in the land of Pictish Caledonians, and Pontius Pilate was born roughly there around 20 BC. Chappes' would later be first found at the Allan river, or beside it. As these Chappes' use ears of wheat, they are part of the Shaw-Sheaves line, and the latter were first found in the same place, beside the Allan river, as Pilate's mother. Wheats are Wetts too, perhaps Watt liners.

Most-everything in this section thus far was not planned. The only thing I started out to do, after most of the below was written, was to mention the likely trace of Uat-Buto to Bato, brother of Monunius II, who married a daughter of the Ardiaei. And I wanted to say that Buz was likely behind Buto while Nahorites are expected with the Ardiaei on the Neretva. The section then went on to discover that Kodros, whom I trace to Kotor, was from "ODRYS," and it just so happens that Odrysians lived at the mouth of the Arda river while Kotor is beside Buto-suspect Butua. It works. l read that mythical Cadmus (mythically the founder of Illyrians) was changed to a fish at Butua, and as Cadmus had founded Boiotia, it makes Boiotians suspect from Buto.

What amazes me most is that this section had originally started with the Pellican topic below, and I then came (above) to what looked like Ixion and Coronis at the Camulodunum topic. It just so happens that Ixion's father was PHLEGyas, suspect with "Peleg," son of Eber and brother of Joktan, and suspect also with Pellican-like Pelagonia (Macedonia / Paionia).

I was sidetracked and forgot to add that while Bast was a mythical lion in relation to Uat-Buto, "Monunius was known for his victory he inflicted on the BASTarnae during the Bastarnae Invasion of Dardania." Is that not proof that Buto was with the Dardanians? On the light map (below), the Bastarnae are marked twice so as to surround the Agarus river (marked the Hierasus) at the top-right corner. The Agarus is very traceable to Hagar, who birthed Ishmael with Abraham. Note how "Hagar" could become "Hera," whom I see at the naming of Hierosolyma. When Hera was given a daughter, Hebe, wife of Hercules, I see it as a chief Jerusalem entity merged with Samson elements at Timnah...yes, just like "Timna," the Seir-ian Edomite expected to have lived at Bozrah. Could BOZRah have named Botters? Ask the black Booth boars.

The Botter-possible Futters use a fesse in colors reversed from the Dardania line of Darts/Tarts. This recalls that Fullers have a motto suspect with Futters, and that a mythical Folos, an entity that was in relation to Jason of the Argonauts. He lived in Thessaly, home of Ixion! If that's not enough, Jason became king of Coronis-like Corinth, and his queen (Medea) was the Keturah>Medan line to Kodros, father of Medon, because a myth writer had her fly her dragon-pulled chariot from Corinth to Athens, where Kodros was king. Therefore, I think, we can trace Thessaly's Ixion- line Hebrews through Athens and to Methoni. The point is, the Fullos surname is listed with Fullers that share the red fesse with Futters, a good reason to trace Folos elements to Dardanians.

To put it another way, the Medea Colchians that Jason married in Corinth founded Methoni, making Medea suspect as a Mitanni-Hebrew peoples (Mitanni lived on the Habur tributary of the Euphrates). It's a great way to support my claim that Oeneus represented Laevi- / Levi-line Israelites from Laish, for it's known that the Lazi Colchians lived smack at the area in which myth writers placed Medea. It reveals that the 600 "Danites" of Laish were likely black-magic warlocks. I trace those Danites, not likely from the Israelite tribe of Dan, to Tanais at lake Maeotis, home also of the Alan Huns. The writer of the Samson / Laish account was probably of the pagan Levites, and was lying when he implied hat the Tanais > Tanis line proto- Danaans were of the tribe of Dan. Danaans descended mythically from Danaus, brother of Aegyptus, at Tanis of Egypt, and Aegyptus' only-surviving son was Lynceus, who named the Lyncestes area smack beside Pelagonia.

Here is how this section originally started:

It was only recently that I re-loaded the Cole's as "Calt," as per the CALTrop symbol of Kerricks, suspect with Drops/Trops too. It was then that I saw the first Cole's from the vicinity of the first Walerans (Laevillus line with certainty), and both use black bulls. As one Porter surname was first found in Kyle, let's add that Kyle is in Ayrshire i.e. where Carricks / Kennedys were first found. Amazing, is it not, what heraldry can tell us when we know what it's supposed to trace to? Kyle's have a Kyle-Society webpage telling that they were Cole liners. Heraldry verifies this. Therefore, it already tends to verify that Proculus lines went to Kyle and Ayrshire, and the Arms of Ayrshire uses a squirrel, no kidding at all.

Compare "Pocket" to "peascod," because there was a dead squirrel in the pocket of my shorts, a most-unlikely scenario to say the least. I had named that squirrel, satan, before it died. I don't think that "peascod" is code for "Pocket," but I can show how Pockets/Pouchers can related to the Proculus line. I'm tracing it to PORTtishead, said to be the location of Clapton. By what coincidence is the Portis surname listed with PORCHERs. I can see that English speakers would come to resist a Porcher surname, and make it "Poucher" instead, for obvious reason. Yes, it is inconclusive that Porchers were Pouchers, except that Pouchers use a giant cinquefoil in colors reversed from the same of Porchers. It's a super find, and the best keys to it may yet be hidden to me.

[I'll add things to this half of the section in square brackets. Note that "PROCulus" and "BROGitarus" can morph from "PORCius." Brogitarus was in the land of the ancient Hatti, who could have named Catti / Cato liners. Medea's father, Aeetes, was code for a Hatti line of the mythical Atti(s) kind, and Brogitarus was the chief priest of Cybele, mythically the mother and wife of Atti(s)...which may have been code for a peoples practicing incest / child abuse. Attis was apparently of a circumcised peoples because his symbol was castration, the symbol also of mythical Uranus, possibly named after Haran, city of Nahor, some say. Uranus was made the son of Coronis-like Cronus, a most-disgusting cult (of Iranians, I think) that likely ruled much of the known world at that time. In myth, Cronus castrated Uranus with a sickle.]

I can understand Porchers from Porcia's / Porci's. The latter share gold-on- red fleur-de-lys with GAMBle's while Power-like Powys' use a bear's GAMB, their term for a bear's paw, and Squirrels use a "bear's paw." It just so happens that both Paw surnames, much like "Powys," use peacocks while the Peacock surname comes up as "Peas." Plus, German Paws show "Pauer." It appears that Gamble lines [Camulodunum would not come to mind until the next day] from Porcius CATO merged with the Pocket / Portis line to the Arthurs of Clapton. And Cato's are listed with Chattans while Chatans happen to share the white tower with Pellicans, while Chattans share a castle with Tewkesburys. The latter are the ones who married Arthurs of Clapton (see last two updates for more on that). The reason that Pellicans are added to the picture is that they use a great reflection of the Tewkesbury Coat while being in the pelican of the Arthur Crest [suggests a Pelagonia merger with Ardiaei]. Therefore, when we get to "peasCODS," the Codds may be Cato liners.

Cato's use the bend of pelican-using Pullys/Pullens, and Palins are Power / Polesdon kin, while Pellicans were first found in the same place as Josephs that use the Pully martlets. It's a match all around; we have a nucleus of surnames for to expand the picture, and while Clan Chattan ("bot" motto term) was merged with Italian Botters, they are expected with Potters and their Porter/PAWter branch, both first found in the same place as the other Josephs.

There is a great argument for viewing Pockets/Pouchers as a branch of Powers, said to be from Pois, but now we have the gutee-poix of TOKERS. Well, if at first we are stumped, note that Clan Chattan uses a "TOUCH" motto term. Compare the Touch lion to that of TYsons/Tessons. The Arthurs who married Tewkesburys also married MEADs, first found in the same place as tiger-using MEDleys, kin of Methleys, both of who use the same stars as Palins / Powers [the Meath / Methoni topic above was not yet conceived here]. Teegers are tiger liners, as well as Touques-river liners, and from TOUQues-river liners we now go to the BUTTON-using TOUS'/Tosini's (share the German-Teeger star), noting that Buttons [same bend as Botter- suspect Futters] were first found in the same place as Porters/Pawters, and that they had clergy in neighboring Somerset, where TAUTons/Tarltons were first found who use a version of the Codd Coat. The Tous' are also "TONSO's, like "TAUNTon," a possible match. Arthurs of Clapton married Hicks', and Hicks use a motto phrase, "Tout en," possibly for Tautons/Tarltons, in Hicks colors. The similar Tauntons were first found in Somerset, location also of Clapton (Touts are now regarded from proto-Arthur queen Teuta of the Ardiaei Illyrians / Albanians).

Tautons use more cinquefoils, in the colors of the same of Botter-related Ardons. In colors reversed, they become red, the color of the Pocket/Poucher cinquefoil. It looks like we can link Tautons definitely to Arthurs of Clapton. In the meantime, Tauntons use the lozenges of PERTs/Petts for an expected trace to lake TATTA, location of PERTA. It's a great expression of a Tauten - Taunton link. And Tauntons share the Cornish chough with Toothills [same bend as Cato's expected from the Hatti who lived at the Halys river flowing by lake Tatta]. The Tauton/Tarlton Crest has "ostrich feathers" in the white color of the Tooth feathers.

So, if Tauntons were Tonso's/Tous'/TOSINI's merged with Teuta liners that became Tautons specifically (which recalls my theory that Tous' were merged with Taddei's), it reminds that while the squirrel died in the pocket of my SHORTs, the Tous' use a SHIRT with buttons. And the Pockets must trace to Portishead = Clapton. To this, we find that Tonso-like Toeni's (a branch of TOSNI's) were of Leicester, while they owned the giant Bus cinquefoil, which is the giant Portis cinquefoil too. It therefore looks like it's correct to trace Tous' to Clapton. If only it could be proven that Tauntons apply to it all, that would bring the Cullis-related peasCODs into it too, and thus it would tend to prove that the Laevillus > Proculus > portCULLIS line was at Portishead. As this location is in Somerset, by what coincidence were Leavells first found in Somerset? It's near the Cullis- possible Cole's that must be using the Waleran bull.

[I was not yet at the realization (made minutes ago as I write) that "Proculus" could have been a Porcius line; to add substance to the theory, Portis' are also Porchers. Plus, Proculus was in Cilicia, where an old Cati location existed as early as the 15th century BC. Therefore, old Porc liners in Cilicia may have come round to become Proc entities. The Ebroicum come to mind, at Evreux, who were partners with CENOmani, smacking of the earlier Iceni at southern England. That can reveal that Ebroicum were amongst Ixion liners. Iceni were at Norfolk, where FLAGS/FLECKS were first found that smack of "PHLEGyas, Ixion's father! That looks like a clincher. The blue-lion Samsons honor the Flags/Flecks, and Brescia, founded by Ebroicum, in my opinion, use the blue lion as did the Bruce's of Eboracum. As Flecks were obviously merged with Palmers/Parmers (Norfolk again), by what coincidence is Parma at the Taro river that receives its Ceno tributary? For me, this clinches a Cenomani presence at the Ceno, but linking to the Iceni too. Caens use white ostrich feathers too. I'm seeing the Caeni in the land of the Samsii of ancient Thrace, the possible origin of the Kennati. Indeed the SALMIdessus location at the Black-sea shore, near the Caeni, may have been of the Salamis location on Cyprus, said to be founded by Teucer, part of the Ajax circle of entities. Doesn't it look as though Ixion lines named the Cenomani? Does this make Ixion as the root of the KENNATi? They sure look like "CENTaur." I think I get it. Ixion's Centaurs were the proto-Kennati! As Halls were first found in KENT, might they have been Auler liners?]

English Feldmans/Felthams, who use a "PORTanti spolia" motto phrase, were traced in the 3rd and 4th updates of last October to Guy of Spoleto, but as concerns this discussion here, Felt liners can be linked to Caiaphas suspects. English Felthams/Feltmans lived around the area of Capes' (London), while German Feldmans/Feltmans (Jewish surname) use a version of the German Kaplan/Kappelan Coat, themselves with a version of the Capes Coat, and English Caplans were first found in the same place as Porters, Potters, Botters, Josephs and Buttons, much of what's under discussion here. Now, look again at the motto term above, only see it like this: "PorTANTi." Is that intended as a Porter merger with Tauntons? Reminder: it's the Tonso-loved Buttons that use the CAPELLI symbol as well as the squirrel-liner Holds/Holts. The latter are in the motto of Waleran- liner McLeods.

Most squirrel-using lines seem to be of the Scots. Here in southern England and Wales, it was the land of the Pendragon-Arthur cults, but they went to Scotland as rebels with the Stewarts and their others. The Pendragon link to Kennedys tells it all for linking to Laevillus liners. And Arthurs went to Bute as MacArthurs, for example, and the Siren line from Greek Calydon to Scottish Caledonians, out to shore from the Ayrshire Kyle's, Kennedy's and Carricks. That was a major Sire > Squire/Squirrel area, including Melusine in Avalon. Mythical Sirens were at Astakos, the line to the ASTIKas-Traby merger, evolving into the SITHECH-Shaws of Ayrshire, and given the candleSTICK symbol of Kyle's. This was the Rat-Trap line that God has linked fundamentally with Squirrel liners...because they were a branch of Sire's/Sirons. And the pagan Levites from Laish were in mythical Oeneus of CALYDon, that place named from the KHALDI of TRABzon, but earlier still from the Hebrews of CHALDEE (Babylon). That's what this is much about. From my perspective, this is a monumental revelation from God's Direction on my "pen." Laish ended up on the Lys river of Artois. And you can expect 100 heads from the related Ladon dragon.

My task, from the beginning, promised to find the bee-line Buzites, from Buz, and I think there is more than enough evidence that this was in the Bus surname. His brother, Kemuel = the Hamiltons, had a branch in Colchester, home of mythical king Cole to which the Kyle's trace themselves. Waleran was a Cole liner, I now realize, and with Oeneus representing ancient Levites, that's why Waleran was father of Leavells. . The Cole / Waleran bull may even have been from the mythical Apis bull in "ColAPIS." This may be why Jupiter, from the Japodes on the Colapis, was considered by Romans to be an extension of the Zeus Taurus.

[Remember, the Leavell piles probably trace to Pylos, in the area of Oeneus' daughter, Methoni, but it would be great to find the actual proto- Leavells at the Oeneus river. Pile-using Yonge's have already been found from Juno elements there. As one branch of Leavells were first in ROXburghshire, it's possible that proto-Leavells were at Rijeka/REKA, where I trace Roxolani that named Roxburghshire. The Roxburgh surname uses a pale bar (for CAMEL-using Pale's) and the horse (= possible Este kin), evoking Camulodunum's horse theme. I trace the black Maxwell eagle to the same in the Arms of Rijeka (beside the Colapis), and Maxwells were likewise first found in Roxburghshire. In fact, while I trace Quintus Caepio to the Colapis, it's notable the Maxwells were in Roxburghshire's Maxton while Maxtons share the same chevron as Quints. As I recall it from years ago, the Arms of Rijeka is an eagle pouring water from a container into the sea (why?) while standing on what looks like a small island, yet it might officially be called a ROCK, you see. The Maxwell-Ros Coat uses the water BOUGETs of Ros'/Rose's, and bougets are used by Bugs suspect from the Bug river, known home of the Nahor-suspect Neuri who had relationship with Roxolani. I could be wrong in these things, but they sure make a lot of sense.

Maxwell is said to have been a location near KELSO bridge. Cole liner? I see Rijeka at the naming of Richeza, wife of Mieszko II the Piast (whom I trace to the Bistue location near the Oeneus), and then the Cole bull should be in the Mieske Coat, though the latter's is a bull head only, in the black of the Waleran bull head, and then the red ALERION eagle of WALERAN-like Allers / Holders is colors reversed from the Piast eagle. The Maxwell location is said to have been on the Tweed river that flows through Bernicia, and then the water bouget us used also by Bernice's. The Tweed is part of the Teviot river, I think. If they are different rivers, then they appear to be versions of one another. "Teviot" looks like "David," and I feel that the David Coat ("copia" motto term can be for the Kupa) may use a version of the Misl Coat with a mouse substituting for the David lion. Mieszko's descended from a mythical mouse tower, you see. Bernice's use the black HUNTers horn, and while king David I had been a ruler of HUNTingdon, the black horn is also in Poland's Traby location. The David lion can be that of Margesons, for David's mother was queen Margaret. While the Margesons come up as Maccus-like "Mackesy," the Mackie's/Mackeys, first found in the same place as Hunters, come up as "Margy." This is all a good way to realize that proto-Leavells were Laish-Levite liners through the Colapis - Rijeka area, and then to Camulodunum as the Lapiths (Phlegyas, Ixion and Coronis were said to be Lapiths). While "Levite" is an Anglo term, not used that way for the tribe of Levi, yet the Israelites did have a LEVITicus term...which smacks of "Leviathan." The latter is said to have been a whale, perhaps the reason for "WALEran."

Now that the line of Ixion is involved, it can address the so-called nebulee feature in the bars of English Leavells. Nebulee refers to clouds, and one wife of Ixion was made, Nephele, of "cloud" in Greek. I now expect proto-Leavells at proto-Colchester along with Quints, for both use the same colors.]

While Cole's (Cornwall, same place as Seals) use a "serva" motto term, the Sailers (same place as Scarfs) use a "MOST has SERVed is GREATest" motto phrase, and Sailers share the black wolf heads with Seals that throw in the Scarf wolf head. It has the Traby/Sadowski line upon it, and that's why "Great" should trace exactly to Valentinian, whose wife links to Vilnius is multiple ways. That is, "great" should be code for Gratian, and as he with Valentinian were born a little off the Sava river, it's important that the "serv" term is code for Servitium, on the Sava near the mouth of the Colapis. The "GREAT SEAL of the United States" must be code for this very entity, and the Great Seal even uses an "unFINIShed" pyramid that should be part-code for Finistere / Finis liners, and part code for the Una river, beside the Colapis and even closer to Servitium. Yes, for while the "most" motto term is for Mosters/Masters because they share the same griffin heads as the Sailers that use "most," just compare the Moster Coat with the Window Coat, both in Finis/Fien and Fien/Fane colors, and with the Windows using lion PAWS in the colors of the Finis lions, colors reversed from the lion head of Levi-beloved CHRETIENS . You see, I'm right about this. Again, the Levi-beloved Aids have already traced to the Valentin bend. The Great Seal is the one with the motto, "ANNuit COEPtis."

Finis' and Mosters/Masters were both first found in the same place (Kent) along with Massins that use one lion in the colors of the Chretien lion heads. As Mr. Morinis was in Kent, I can now show how he traces to Moray in yet another way, as does the Massin mermaid, as do Timms/Time's of Kent that were resolved in the "ForTEM" motto term of Finis'. This method begins by linking the three green squirrels of the Valentin bend to the three, green leopard heads upon the same bend of Stevensons (same place as the Northumberland Seals). The other Stevensons and Provence's together use what should be the Moray stars in their Chief's, and Provence's, in Morinis and Valence colors, were first found in Burgundy, location of Valence. That's why Morinis' were included in that last sentence, for they use two fesse bars in the colors of the five used by Valence's of Kent, but upon loading the Stevensons, there were some blue fleur-de-lys, the color of the Morinis fleur, and Stevensons ("COELum" motto term suggests the Cole liners) use them in both colors of the Varro fleur for what appears to be another Morinis trace to Aulus Terentius Varro Murena. Hmm, note that "AULUS" could become a Wall / Whale line.

As the same Stevensons with "Coelum" use "Solum," it's interesting that Solems are listed with Salemans/SALIANS, for I trace Moray and Morinis liners to Merovingians, partially founded by Salian Franks. It was the Solars that use pale bars in Morinis fesse-bar colors. Although Valence's show eight martlets, their description calls them a "circle of TEN," and I think this must be for the Tiens/Thames', perhaps a Timm/Time branch, because Squirrels use a "Tiens" motto term. I see the Tiens/Thames' merged with Botter-possible Abotts, and the latter share pears with the Arms of Dudley, the latter being a location in Worcestershire, where Squirrels/Squire's were first found, along with specTACLE-using Watts!!! Those exclamations are due to a new realization. As Vatts/WATTERs use the same Coat as Watts, recall that the Arms of WATERford uses a "declan" motto term that caused me to include DICKELS! Waterford now looks like it was from Watt liners, with certainty, thanks to the big mouth of the spectacles. And the Specks/Spicks not only use a red, two-headed eagle, the color of the allerions, but more blue-and-white bars. PLUS, as was said, the eye on top of the Watt / Vatt tree is code for an Eye location, right beside Diss, that being of the Deise/Diss surname (same place as Diss) in the "deise" motto term of Waterford. So, the spectacles have clinched the Waterford Watt link. Excellent.

There is a Dutch Tackle surname using clovers, suspect with two Claver surnames, the Dutch one (might come up as "Clover") using "trefoils" but looking like clovers. The three Tackle clovers in bend formation reflect the three Valentin squirrels so that I would need to identify Tackle's as a branch of Decks and Dyke's. I have wondered whether the Dutch Clavers are using the Mackay chevron, and then Irish Mackays share the Quade wolf heads. There is a Dutch Mackay surname using the horse. The other Clavers use a version of the Meschin Coat, and Decks with Dyke's use the same fleur as Masseys. As a branch of the latter was at FERTE-Mace, perhaps "SPECTacle" is part-code for Speccots, for they use a FRET. Hmm, the spread Ferte eagle is colors reversed from the spread Diss/DICE eagles. Recall that Valentins trace to Herod Archelaus, at Vienne-Isere, for the Diss/Dice eagle is in the colors of the giant one of Vienne's. The Watt eye traces to the Diss area, right?

Back to Powys' who share the bear paw with Squirrels, yet the Powys "gamb" suggests that Squirrels could have been through Camulodunum. The Powys motto, "PARTA tueri," is a phrase used by Mosters/Masters, and that while Moke's trace to Mokissos at lake Tatta, location of PERTA. We can expect Mose liners, such as Mosters, perhaps, to be Mokissos liners too. The Mochs must be using the fesses of the Musts/Muschats, I have just realized. That can identify Mosters/Masters/Misters as MUSCAT liners. Zowie, my girlfriend with a MUSCHATov surname, whose parents were from Ukraine, had to leave me from parental pressure (they didn't like my Christianity), and that happened the weekend she went away to do a music event where she was playing the SAXophone. My son married a woman whose parents are from the Ukrainian border, and her instrument is the saxophone too. And the Saxe surname uses the PARTridge, which to Greeks was mythical PERDix, like the PERDrix peak at Mount Pilate that named Perthshire. Saxons and/or the Saka scythians can be at issue with Saxe's, for Scythians lived in the Ukraine. Windsors were initially Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and then Saxe's are in Coffer colors, a surname like "Coburg." Goths/Gothels use the same hexagram (Pilate colors) as Hagars (Perthshire) whom I trace to the Agarus river at the Ukraine theater. That river today is the Siret, and Sire's/Sirons actually have a Siret variation. Note that while Angustus was off the Agarus, Cabbage's ("angustis" motto term) have Coburg-like variations. The Agarus was close enough to the Nahorite-suspect Neuri that the Agarus looks named after Hagar, the concubine of Nahor's brother (Abraham).

The Buzau river was at southern Moldova, at the Wallachia part of it to which I trace the Walchs/Walsh's that were from Terentia Murena. My teenage buddy, Mr. Kepke, whose father was from the Ukraine, was engaged to Miss Walsh, but that was after promising to marry Miss Peare. The Peare's are pear liners linkable to pear-using ABOTTS, and then while Kepke's / Keeps are suspect was Kiev liners, the Budini to the south of Kiev may have been Buzites to the naming of Budins/BOTTers.

Again, the Morinis character of Kent links hard to the Valence's of Kent, and Moroni's (with two o's) were first found in Verona, where the Bellino's were first found that use a "bears paw" in Gambel-fleur colors, and colors reversed from the Powys bear gamb. The Bellino paw is said to be in pale while Pale's use a Gambel-like CAMEL. PROCTor and Gamble evokes Proculus and BROGITarus, take your pick. Quints are the ones sharing a lion paw holding a gold fitchee with Windows, and the Colchester surname (estoiles) has the same chevron as Quints, first found in the same place as Colchesters. The first Capone's and Una-line June's were in neighboring Cambridgeshire, as were Chapmans that share a red chevron with Quints and Colchesters.

I'd like to bring attention to the SEAman description, mentioned earlier in the discussion on the Seez'/Sea's of SEAL, which was a take from the Seez entity mentioned by a writer alongside the Cenomani and Eburovices. Keep in mind here that the Seals and Sailers are linking to the Scarf line of 666- suspect Trabys, and that the Seals are with a version of the Bernice Coat which itself shares black hunting horns with the Arms of Traby, the latter's three strings looking like code for 666. Here's the Seaman description: "...a demi sea-horse barry wavy of 6 silver and blue." I don't recall that the descriptions website (Swyrich) normally uses digits for numerals under 10. The '6' stood out here, which caused me to recall that the international marine flag for '6' uses three bends (why three?) either blue-on-white or white-on-blue. I recall them in blue-on-white, but either way, they are the colors of the three wavy bars of Seamans, and their very name is a good reason to use their bars for marine purposes. Aren't Seamans linkable to Trumps since the three Seaman bars are those of Drummonds too?

Murtons use three white-on-blue bends, in the colors of the (two) Moronis bars. Murtons were first found in Hampshire, the same place as Cassandra's/Cassane's (same triple chevrons as Waters) , while Italian Cassandra's/Casano's (same place as Morinis') share the same fesse as Bernice's and Seals. One can see how Eburovices named Bernice's, and then the Armours, first found in Bernicia, use a "Cassis" motto term while the Italian Cassandra's come up as "Cassius." The Armors share a blue chevron with Bernice-related Burns, and were first brought to topic with this:

Here is a way to get the Lure bloodline to Carrick-squirrel. First, repeat: "I ventured to guess that the brown wolf in the Finis/Fien Crest was that of Irish Gards, and saw that English Gards were first found in the same place as Finis'/Fiens, and this surely goes to the "GARDE BIEN" motto of Carricks." English Gards happen to share a white-on-blue chevron with German Biens. The [Irish] Gards with the wolf not only use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of lure-using Thursts, but a "A DEXTER cubit arm HOLDing a golden hawk's LURE." They could have said a hand holding it, but they said "arm," likely code for Armours (arms), from the Armour area of Brittany smack beside Finistere. The HOLDs not only use a squirrel, but Armours use a SQUIRE's helmet as code for Squire's/Squirrels. Therefore, the Carrick- and Hold-Squirrel bloodline was at the Finistere region.

Dexters use two chevrons in the colors of the Armour chevron, and are kin of Weights with the Traby chevron. Plus, Weights can be of the Wade variation of Quade's whose black wolf heads are shared by Seals and Sailers. Reminder: Watts can apply in a Wade picture who were first found in the same place as Armor-beloved Squire's/Squirrels. The Armour chevron is moreover colors reversed from the Gard / Bien chevron, which can link Armours to squirrel-line Carricks, not forgetting that Irish Gards are likely with the Thurst Shield. And the "tutaSIMA" motto term of Armours looks like code both for Tut liners, and for Seamans, especially as Seamans share the wavy TOKER bars and sea-horse while English Gards (Morinis colors, same place as Morinis) use a "TOUJOURS" motto term. The Turtle's/Tuttle's/Toothills and Burns happen to share three white symbols on a blue chevron with Armours, and the Tuttle chevron is in both colors of the Demy chevron, mentioned because Seamans use a DEMI sea horse. The green Burn-Crest hunting horn can be the green ones of Hunters (greyHOUND), first found in the same place as Carricks. The "Ever ready" motto of Burns evokes the everGREEN trees of Albini's, likely a branch of the Albino's, first found in the same place as Armour-suspect Cassandra's/Cassius'. As that place is Modena, let's add that Motts/Mottins were first found in Cotes-du-Armour (also called Cotes-du-Nord).

[I didn't know until this update was out for nearly a week that the Fier location (Fier country) is on a modern Seman river, what looks like the ancient Apsus. To the near-north of the Seman is a modern Cerrik location that had a similar name in ancient times.]

Then, let's follow the three chevrons of English Cassandra's to the same colored, three chevrons of Watt-possible Waters, for the Vatts, sharing a version of the Watt tree, are also Watters. Compare the "spectacles" hanging off the Watt / Watters tree with the same horn as Weights hanging off the Lothian-surname tree. The SPECtackles should be for the Specks/Spicks because they use eight bars in the colors of the Valence bars while sharing a double-headed eagle with Gilberts. The Arms of Waterford along with the Waterford surname have wavy bars in the colors of the wavy bars at topic. Again, Waters use three chevrons while the chevron on your keyboard is above the '6' digit.

Lure's, first found in the same place as Carricks, are in the Thurst Chief, a great reason to link Squirrels/Squire's to Lure's, who share the same chevron, and likewise put the star within it, as Armours. The Lure motto, "SPECTamur AGENdo" was traced to Euganeo at the ADIGE river, and while lake Garda is on that river, the EDGE's can be using the Child/Chill eagle, both white, as is the eagle of Este's, from Este, smack beside Euganeo. Gards share the white tower with Lure's, and as the latter were first found in the same place as "Garde-bien" Carricks, they must be the same tower. Hook-using Presleys use the white tower, and they have been resolved as part of the Thurst Chief, the one with the hook-shaped lure. As Specks/Spicks look like they can be a branch of Spice's suspect in the "reSPICE" motto term of Presleys, it appears that the gold Spice tower can apply.

You probably thought that we had left the Uat-Buto topic, to concentrate again at Waterford instead, by Uat liners are suspect with White's, Watts and similar terms. The Uat cult was linkable in ancient time to Horus, the eye, and Watts use the eye. There is an Eyes surname listed with Eyers/Ayers, first found in Derbyshire, traceable to Derbe, which may have belonged to the Watt-like Hatti, whom were mythicized as king Aeetes in the land of the Lazi. It's known that Aeetes was originally from Corinth, the Coronis-Lapith line, and that he left a family from Hermes (= CADUSii Armenians, named HATTUSa of the Hatti) in charge of Corinth when he went to be king of Colchis, which picture was likely code for a Corinthian migration to Colchis. QUADratus may have been a Uat line, and I've traced him recently to Sub Radice (upper Hebros river), beside Lissae. The Serdica of that area trace to Swords that use a hilt while Hilts are listed with WYATTs.

I have found a page (4th of July, 2015) with the Degels/Dickle's, as I called them then. This was found by searching the Tickle surname because I was wanting to find evidence for what the Watt specTACLEs are from. The Tickle's are from a Tickhill location in Hebrew-laden Yorkshire. It's interesting that the mother of Lazi- / Lissus-suspect Ulysses was ANTICLes, a mythical relative of Ixion-like Chion, which also reflects, "Sion," at the top of mount Herman i.e. where proto-Hermes was at. Note Chion's father, DAEdalion, for Ixion's wife was Dia. The Hermus river was in Lydia, and the birth of Lydia was from mythical Attis. The Hermus is now the Gediz, which may, if that name is old enough, have named the Cetis-suspect Geddes'. New realization: Cetis was the location roughly of an Ajax cult, wherefore compare that term with "AYAS / EYES," for the Ayer branch of Eyes'/Eyers were of Ayrshire, where Kennedys were first found (!) that were from the Kennati priests of Ajax at Cetis. It could appear that Ajax-like names were brought to Ayrshire, and that they were at Eye.

Lissae / Lissus elements trace to the Lys/Lisse and Massey fleur, and while Masseys were first found in Manche, which is itself honored in the maunch or sleeve, that's the giant symbol (in Massey colors) of the Tickle Coat. The Coat calls it a maunch while the Crest uses a "sleeve" on the arm of a man...The Massey fleur is used by Dyke's and Decks. To be sure that Tickle's trace to Lys'/Lisse's, here's the Tickle Crest: "An arm erect from the elbow with a red sleeve, charged with three silver fleur-de-lis, and holding in the hand a gold fleur-de- lis." Tickle's (Bully kin) had a castle in Nottinghamshire, where Tease's/TIGHs and Annas' were first found, and then Annas' (share the Bullis star) and Tickle's share giant symbols in the same colors. It appears that Tickle's were Teck/Tess liners from the Ticino/Tessin. Moreover, Tickle's/Tickels were first found in the same place as Degels/Dickle's using nothing but a pile in the colors of the Kerrick pile, but this brings the single pile of Degel-like Hagels to mind, and Dagle's/L'Aigle's share the black eagle with Hagels. Suddenly, Hagels look like Ticino liners, and as I fully expect the Laevi of the Ticino at Cetis with the Laevillus line, one can now fathom some Ajax elements at the Ticino, and Eye is right beside Diss while Diss's are also Dyke-like Dice's.

Did the Tickle exercise lead to Watt liners in order to make possible a Tickle identification with the Watt spectacles? Yes, it touched upon QUADRatilla, Laevillus' wife. By what coincidence do Eyers/Eyes' use QUATRefoils? Vatts/Watters (use the eye and spectacles too) were first found beside Ayrshire. Another eye-using surname, the Buto-line Battins/Badens (from Bato, brother of Monunius II), were first found in the same place as Leavells. Recall how my solar panels revealed that Sole's married Painells, for the Eyer/Eyes motto uses "sola" that gets the Sole's, first found in the same place as Eyers/Eyes'.

Biss' use Ajax- possible "AYEZ" for a motto term, and they are suspect with Meschins in the Bessin, who were descended from EYstein (father of Malahule) of More. Meschins were first found in Shropshire, which has a More location. The mystery is that Biss' are in Prude colors (fish in pale), while Biss' use "Ayez PRUDence," and then the Arms of Rieti use fish in Prude-fish colors as well as a "pratis" motto term.

The suspicion that Ticino liners named the Touques river has recalled that TOKERs/Tuckers (sea horses), who came up in this update as per the Ducker variation of German Dickels, were traced long ago to TEUCER, co-founder of horse-depicted Trojans. But there was a second mythical Teucer at Cyprus, and he was immediately related to Ajax!

Plus, the Hagel pile is in the colors connectable to the Wing/Wink pile, and the latter surname shares the black cross of Teague's/Teegers (upside- down pile in the colors of the Degel/Dickel pile), expected if Hagels were a branch of Degals/Dickels. It recalls that German Teegers are connectable to Degers / Degens. The Eyer-branch Heyers/Here's use wings. As TOUS' got linked to TOUQue's (upside-down pile in the colors of the Degel/Dickel pile) because Tous' share the eight-pointed Teeger star, it can appear that Teucer-of-Ajax liners were to the Tous', and because the latter have a Tosini variation, they're connectable to Tosni's (known to be descended from Malahule and therefore from EYstein!), whom were also called, Toeni's, the ones who owned the same sleeve symbol as Tickle's. Italian Tonys were first found in the same place as Tous'/Tosini's/TONso's, and the Tonzus river is not far from Odessa (Black-sea coast at Scythia), which I identify with "Odysseus," the alternative name of Ulysses. In fact, the Tonzus is at CABYLE, and then Anticlea's father was from CEPHALonia.

I think this has made a great Tickle link to Ajax elements in the Cetis area, a good reason to view Tickle liners with Ticino's Laevi. I suggest that "Ajax" was a form of the Armenian god, Hyke/Haik. "Aik" easily becomes "Ajak." That should denote Hyksos under the Ajax entity. It just so happens that the Hicks surname was married by the same Arthurs of Clapton about the time these Arthurs married Pellicans and TEWKESburys! Zinger. While the reader may have thought that I was going way-off topic, it comes back to it in a big way. Ajax material is absolutely new right here.

LISSieux is at the Touques river, by the way, near the early Tosni's at Les Andelys. Lissieux is a great place to trace Ulysses liners if his mother, Anticlea, was named after a Tickle element. In fact, as Tickle's should be traced to Dexaroi, in keeping with my trace of them to the Ticino, note that the Dexaroi were also, DASSaretae (the ending suspect with Radice elements), for that can explain "ODYSSeus." Sub Radice is near Lissae, and that place traces almost-certainly to Lissus, not far from the Dexaroi. Lissus was in the land of the Cavii, And Hykes-related Chives' use a moline cross while JACQues de Molay was a Templar grandmaster, interesting if Jacks / Jacques' were Ajax-based names.

Eystein of More (NORway), an Ajax line, phenomenal. Can that be correct? Perhaps the name started from "EYSton." With More suspect from Morinis liners, let's repeat that the two Morinis bars can be part of the Toker Coat. Probably, Teucer at Cyprus was a line of the Teucer Trojans, and it was Batia, daughter of Teucer, that was mother to the Trojans. Batia is suspect from Caucasian Bats in the Lazi theater. As Cyprian Teucer was the founder of a Salamis line, which I trace to "(Jeru)Salem," recall how Chion above was suspect with Sion, itself suspect with Zion at Jerusalem, home of the Jabesh-suspect Jebusites. I trace Jabesh to Jupiter at the Japodes of the Colapis river, and these elements can be somewhat expected in a merger with Camulodunum's Ixion liners. That makes sense. Note the Sion-like term in this quote from the 2015 update:

Ulysses' mother was a granddaughter of Hermes [from mount Sion]. His mother was Anticlea, sister of PolyMEDE and "AESimus (the father of Sinon)". Sinon can thus be suspect from Sion. Sinon is the one who convinced the Trojans to pull the Trojan horse into their city. "The Trojans brought the Trojan Horse into their city against the advice of Cassandra...and Laocoon " Cassandra is easily deciphered as Cassiopeia, mother of AndroMEDA, and we are therefore on the Jabesh line to Joppa, wherefore Sinon can trace back to the Sihon Amorites [in the Jabesh-Gilead area east of the Jordan river]. Laocoon must be the same as Lycaon, for Lycaonia [location of lake Tatta, Perta and Derbe] is beside Pamphylia while Pamphylians are mythically from Amphi terms, such as Amphithea, mother Anticlea. Anticlea was "possible mother of Jason". Myth on Laocoon applies the two snakes of the Hermes caduceus to him, thus tracing him to the Cadusii Armenians. Laocoon is likely of the LaoMEDOn Trojans.

Safe to say, those Meda terms were of Colchian Medea, wife of Jason in Corinth, and from the Keturah>Medan line to Hector, the king of Troy in the mythical Trojan war. Hector was of "HECATE," in my opinion, the goddess that Medea worshipped. She was give the symbol of three wolf heads/bodies, and mythical Lycaon was a wolf cult from Zeus. The Neuri worshiped the wolf, and they are suspect from the older Nairi at Mus. Jason's father was AESon, probably the same as Iasion, brother of Dardanus, the latter being the husband of Batia = father of Trojans. You can see AESiMUS above, suspect with CadMUS, the latter from Mus of Armenian and likely a Cadusii- Mus merger. Troy was in Mysia, suspect with Mus elements that would ultimately be in the Moschian mountains as the Meshech of Ezekiel, part of which was of the Caucasian Bats. The Tubal allies of Meshech are said by some to have formed part of the Romans, and the Tiber river. Iasion was the founder of the Kabeiri, and therefore directly linked to Cabyle-like Cybele, wife of Aeetes-liner Attis. The Kabeiri were at Thebes, city of Cadmus, and at Lemnos (off from Mysia), which island Jason visited on the way to Colchis, and the Argo crew mated with the Amazons of Lemnos, which had a capital city of Myrina, suspect with the line to Mormons, their Moroni character (not to mention their fictional Lamanites), and therefore with the Morinis / Murena More of Eystein? The Tiber river may have named the Tabers and therefore the Taborites, whom are often lumped in with the Moravian church. The Moravians had some odd or "funny" ways.

Having said all that, let's go back to the horses on Camulodunum coins, for I read that the Minyae buried horse heads in their graves, Jason and/or his crew belonged to the Minyae. Ixion and Nephele were the parents of horse- depicted Centaurs for a reason. In the myth, Nephele was a cloud depicting Hera (wife of Zeus), whom I trace to Jerevan in Armenia, and JERUsalem/HieroSOLYMa. Their was actually a Zeus-loving Solymi peoples, a fellow tribe of Cybele-like Cabelees and Lazona-like Lasonii. Lazona was the home of the Colchian Lazi. Mythically, the Lazi had a husband, Nahor- possible Nergal.

If you free your mind of any chains that don't allow it to roam far, you can glean quite a few traces from the above, in conjunction with the mention earlier of the Ixion-suspect Iceni. It suggests that all Chion- related entities should end up in Iceni circles of England. Tickhill, in Yorkshire, was home to the Anne's/Hanne's, according to their write-up. What's that mean? Note how "IaSION" smacks of "Ixion," making the Levite- suspect Lapiths identifiable as the founders of the Kabeiri stupids, Hebrews whom the God of Israel detested. When they freed their minds, they latched onto false and ridiculous gods. Like the Trojans and Spartans, they sacrificed their own children in fires to their god, whoever he was.

Chion's father, DAEdalion, is a dead give-away that this was Ixion with his other wife, Dia. But what's "DaeDALION" code for? Well, Crete is where Zeus was with a bull cult, and it was represented by the bull pen of Crete's DAEDALus character. I view him as a Dia-Talus entity, for mythical Talus, otherwise called Perdix, was a craftsman, just like Daedalus. One can glean that this was the HePHAESTUS entity at Crete's Phaistos, for Hephaestus was lord of the Kabeiri. His mother Hera threw him down to Lemnos because he was ugly, which I see as a Gorgon code, perfect because Herodotus said that Amazons mated with Gargarians. The Medusa Gorgon was so ugly her looks literally killed people. I get it. And Gorgons were at Parion/Parium, the real Mysian city that named Priam, father of Paris and Hector. Abram-like Priam is another reason for tracing Keturah's Medan line to Hector.

What's it mean that Anne's were at Tickhill? Recall that Tickle's link hard to Tease's/Tighs, first found in the same place as Annas'. And Tease's/Tess'/Tecks use Laevi-depicting leaves on a saltire in colors reversed to the Annan saltire. That's what we are talking about here, the pagan-Levite stupids to the Hatti's Kabeiri priesthood, through the Lydian and allied Trojans after that, then to Latins of Lazio and the neighboring Romans, and beyond to many dragonic heads of "state," for the dastardly Romans had a lot of conquered money by which to produce national "offspring," otherwise known after Europa, the Eburo abomination from Tyre, right? Absolutely, the mothers of harlots, Ebropa became APHROdite, born in Cyprus, land of Ajax-related Teucer, and the Zeus Taurus that took Europa to Crete was the Tarsus area on-shore from Cyprus. To the west side of the Taurus mountains was Perta (i.e. Zeus' Lycaonia), which we can entertain from Perdix, and therefore it resolves as Daedalion, and thus locates Ixion's Lapiths at Perta / Tatta, on the Halys river of the Hatti. Perfect. Myth made the Cretan Minoans, born of Europa, the founders of Carian, Lycian and Pisidian realms, and that area of Anatolia was not far from Perta. Besides, Lycaonia looks named after a Lycian entity. R eminder: "Myth on Laocoon applies the two snakes of the Hermes caduceus to him", and that is a way to speak on a Lycaonia link to neighboring Hattusa (Hatti capital on the Halys).

As Lapiths are known to have been in LESbos, that term might even have been from "Lyc." There was a Lapithus location in northern Cyprus i.e. facing Cilicia, and therefore facing the Ajax cult at Olba / Cetis. The online quote below speaks on another Ixion-like term, only now it's looking like Hyksos pharaoh, Khyan. As he was followed on the throne by Apepi, the line to Pepinids suspect at Camulodunum, take stock of that into your freed mind:

"Cyane was daughter of Liparus [= code for Lipari, an Aeolian island], who was chased from Italy and came to the Aeolian Islands...Liparus' father was Auson, an Italian king. Lapithus is father of Lesbos, who became king of the island of Lesbos and called it after himself. Lesbos married Methymna [silly history], daughter of Macar, who reigned in Lesbos. Some say that Macar is the son of Helius and Rhode, but others have called him son of Crinacus, son of Zeus."

One can see there that the Coronis / Cronus line from Zeus evolved into a Crin term. Auson (the Ausones of Italy) looks certainly to be play on Aeson, for I see him as play on Iasion / Ixion, anyway, all from a Minoan line to the Minyae. Liparus may have been yet another corrupted "Levi" term. Aeolus was the father of Sisyphus, ruler of Corinth, and ancestor of the Bellerophon character (had a flying horse as his symbol) involved with Rhode's Cimmerians in Lycia. I'm referring to the Cimmerians of Kamiros, likely the namer of Camerino because it's beside Cimmerian-suspect Umbria. I now trace "AUSON" to AVEZZANO."

As for the Lesbos city of METHymna, let's repeat that Methleys and Meaths were first found in Yorkshire, as with Tickhill and the Anne's of Tickhill (if I didn't mention it, the Tickle's are also Tickhills). Methleys use a version of the Medley Coat, but the latter's Crest has a Teeger-line tiger. TYSons use the tiger too. And the Tiger/TYGer surname, smacking of the Tickle-related Tye's/Tighs, were first found in Suffolk i.e. the Dice / Eye theater suspect with Ajax liners. Medleys were first found in the same place as Coverts while Courts/Coverts (almost the Cam bars) were being viewed at times as kin of Courcys, who could be using the Taran/Terrent / Child eagles i.e. a red-white version of the Diss/Dice eagles. I trace Courcys to "Corsica," an island that has an AJACcio location to which I traced Ajax along with mythical Circe (a Circasian Caucasian). Avezzano's were first found on neighboring Sardinia, suspect with Sardis, the Lydian capital on the Hermus river that has a mouth facing Lesbos. Lydians were proto-Latins of Lazio, right? Circasia was home to the Lazi, and Italy's Lazio/Latvium province is directly on-shore from Corsica / Sardinia. Mythically, Latins are traced by ancients to ancestry in Circe elements, and while she was a sister of Helios, god of Rhodes, location of Kamiros, the Courts/Coverts use six pale bars half in the colors of the six pale bars of Cams...which can indicate that the Cam river flowing near Camulodunum was a Kamiros entity. In fact, the Cam bars are also the SOLar bars while Helios was often called, Sol! Zikers, I should have realized the Cam trace to Kamiros before now. Camerino was held by buckle-liner Guy of Spoleto, and Lesbos-suspect Leslie's use buckles too.

As proto-Danaans were said by ancients to have been on Rhodes, let's go to Atreus, king of Argos, for he was the father of AGAMEMnon, from AKHMIM, also called Kemmis / Chemmis!!! The Kemmis surname was first found in the same place as Cams. Therefore, it appears that Cimmerians were way down in deep Egypt's Chemmis location. Queen Tiye, born in Chemmis, is still traceable to TYsons and Tye's/Tighs. Whenever I find myself on the Kamiros- line Cimmerians, my mind goes to the Cimmerians that conquered Lake Van, though they were stationed at SINope. "As "ope" is a common Greek suffix, doesn't Sinope smack of Sinon, niece of Anticlea? Lake Van was where the Meshech-suspect Mus location was, and Sinon's father was AesiMUS. This recalls my old but neglected theory that Cimmerians, who lived at AZov, were part of the As/Assai peoples (likely namers of Asia), and therefore linked to terms such as "AESon / CaucASus/CaucASIA." If correct what many have said, that Cimmerians were from Gomer, that entity is side-by-side with Meshech in Ezekiel 38, written shortly after Cimmerians took Lake Van, and also shortly after Royal Scythians took Media in Persia. Ezekiel lumps his Gomer-related tribes with Persians too, and we can glean that Colchian Medea was a part of this monster.

Andromeda married Perseus at Joppa, clearly signaling the Persian-Median empire, and CASSiopeia, part code for Ioppa = Joppa, is therefore suspect with Kassites at the southern Iranian theater. Kassites (contemporary with Mitanni) had a Habira tribe very linkable to the Khabur/Habur river of the Mitanni (Yuya was a Mitanni), and to the Kabeiri stupids at the area of the Parthenius river, where I trace Perseus. We just saw why Yuya's line traces to Atreus of Argos, and it's known that Perseus was a Danaan i.e. of the Argos rulers too. Therefore, when we read that Cassiopiea was wife of Cepheus, king of that day's Ethiopia, it suggests the Chemmis > Agamemnon line that included Atreus. Trace Atreus to the Atrabates at/beside CAMulodunum, and one can make out that Kemuel, son of Nairi-suspect Nahor, may have been named after Cimmerians. The Nairi were at Mus / Lake Van long before the Cimmerians came, however, but they may have come because they were related to it earlier. After all, Cimmerians had earlier lived in the Ukraine, location of the Neuri. I trace "Van" to the Veneti, but as such it had to go through the Heneti, who lived on the Parthenius. I view this as the Aphrodite = Venus = Veneti line, though APHRODite was originally from the junction of the EUPHRATes with the Khabur. That area is known to have been home to the Abiru/Apirus.

With the trace of Phlegyas-line Lapiths and Centaurs to Camulodunum, we can even understand why neighboring Kent was named by the Cantii. Sussex, where the first Medleys were found, from Methymna at Lapithus, is right beside Kent. We assume that Phlegyas liners had earlier named Pelagonia, and this we trace to the pelican of the Clapton Arthurs. It just so happens that while I trace Claptons to Glaphyra, her father's religious cult was Parthian. The Tewkesburys that the Clapton Arthurs married appear to be using a castle version of the Pellican tower, and Tewkes liners can be of the Teucer-of-Ajax line, especially as Tolkiens/Tucks/Touque's were first found in Kent. I had read that mythical Actor was kin to Ajax, and then Actons had an Axton location in Kent. Actons, if they were not Axe-river liners, can trace to Acte, the area between Athens and Boiotia, the realm of Ogyges, a monster that I trace to the Biblical giant, Og, king of Rephaites that I suspect in mythical Orpheus, whose head (Medusa symbol) floated down the Hebros river and further out to Lesbos.

Perseus killed the Medusa Gorgon, but birthed Gorgophone (Andromeda as mother), a Spartan, meaning that Andromeda was a Gorgon entity at/near Joppa, and defeated by the Perseus Parthians. Gorgons had lived in the area of the Parthians at the south of the CASpian sea. I trace Joktanites to Sparta, and see the Pollux Spartans as Peleg liners. Pollux was the brother of the wife of Menelaus, essentially, brother of Agamemnon. Pollux and his sister were born in a swan egg [the myth writer didn't say why it belonged to Zeus), and the swan was showing in the Coat of French Josephs, first found in the same place as Pellicans, very MENElaus-suspicious, for they were first found in MAINE. These Josephs now show the footLESS martlet, and the swan was probably an alternative depiction of Tyndareus, code for a Tyndaris location, inland from the Lazi, on this Caucasia map. Tyndaris is smack at the golden-fleece city of mythical Medea, nor far from swan-like lake Sevan, which is called, Lychnis, on the map. It's almost identical to lake Lychnidus at Pelagonia!! There you go, easy to reckon with.

This is such a convincing set of traces that Josephs are realized as Peleg- line Hebrews in connection with lake Sevan, which is where you see Sadducee- like Soducena! Bingo. And lake Sevan was either in, or beside Ardahan, while Pellicans were merged with Arthurs, a clear sign that Arda at the Hebros was related to Ardahan. This has always been suspect with "UrARTU," an alternative name of nearby Ararat. The Rize location at/beside Ardahan traces to Rhisinium, land of the Ardiaei, and is suspect with variations of the Rye surname while Sadducee-like Saddocks (same place as Rye's) use "EARS of rye," part code, in my opinion, for the Eyers/EYES' i.e. from Ajax at Soducena-suspect Cetis. If I recall correctly, TIGRANes VI Maccabee, whom I trace to the tiger of Medleys, first found in the same place as Saddocks, was a king of Armenia i.e. location of Soducena. The map above probably covers the period of Tigranes (Jesus' / Caiaphas' lifetime), and the Cetis rulers that Tigranes' son married were themselves of Parthian extraction. That Parthian cult used the name of Joseph-like Iotapa. And while Sadducees were integrally associated with PHARisees, Persians were also called, FARSI.

Tigranes and Opgalli birthed: 1) Berenicianus; 2) Julia, mother of Plancia Magna; 3) Julius Alexander, husband of Iotapa of Cetis (parents of Julia, wife of Quadratus Bassus). That's why Soducena can be a branch of Cetis. Soducena may have been named after mythical Cotys, son of Manes (i.e. like Maine in France), suspect with the Cotesii on the Buzau river. The possibility is that Opgalli's ancestry was itself tied to a Iotapa from which Joseph Caiaphas (a Sadducee) was birthed. When he killed Jesus, it was in partnership with Annas. Opgalli was Galatian, said to be a possible Jew by Wikipedia, and lake Tatta is where I place the Yuya > Tiye > Tut line. It makes sense that Opgalli should have been from that Mitanni line, not just because Mitanni had lived with Hebrews of Babylon, but because the Mitanni are suspect with the naming of very-ancient Modi'in, home, eventually, of the Maccabees i.e. that birthed Tigranes. While Berenicianus, a name also of a man related to Berenice Agrippa, can trace well to Bernicia, that's where Maxwell was located that had the MACCUSwell surname. The Maccabees ruled GAMALA (Israel), a city that was contemporary with Camulodunum, but I have no idea how to connect the two, so far from each other. Josephus (a Maccabee liner himself) mentioned a GAULonite of Gamala, friend of a Pharisee named, Sadduc. Why was that important enough to mention? Was he suggesting that Pharisees and Sadducees originated in Gamala? Why do Freys/Phreeze's use horses?

The OpGALLi line may be to the Op-GELDer variation of Gelders, a possible Khaldi > Calydon line to the Oeneus Levites there. Remember, Oeneus was made the father of Modi'in-like Methoni/Modon.

As you can see above, the family which named Berenicianus married Uat- / Water-suspect Quadratus, while Bernice's use a water bouget, and while Bassus-suspect Base's/Bassans share the black hunting horn with Bernice's. Josephus, a Jewish general fighting the Roman invasion of Israel, turned- coat to Vespasian, and thereafter wrote Roman history with splashings of Israeli history. He was able to pull strings for the line of Tigranes because he claimed to be from Jonathan Maccabee, who had earlier betrayed his family by forming a close alliance with the Seleucid king, ALEXANDER Balas. Thereafter, the Alexander name entered the Maccabee family, and we just saw Alexander, son of Tigranes. Therefore, it seems a no-brainer that Josephus would have pulled some strings with Titus and Domitian, two sons of Vespasian that ruled until 96 AD. That was nearly the time (102 AD, if I recall correctly) that the Bassus-Laevillus family became Roman-puppet rulers (legates) in Jerusalem. The last of Revelation's seven heads was emperor Nerva, who followed Domitian and ruled a short time (16 months to 98 AD), about the very instance that Tacitus wrote on the Nerthus goddess of the Varni, Angles, Eudoses, Lombards, and others. Nerva smacks of "Neretva." There was a Nerv-like Gaul tribe up by Belgium way that could apply.

If the Mitanni capital, Wassukanni, does go to Wassa's/Gace's, it's notable that they use a hexagram in the colors of the Tewkesbury castle, for Gace is on the Touques river. This can trace Mitanni to the Pellicans, as could be expected from the Hebrew areas in Wassukanni area. To assure the Pellican link to Josephs, we saw that the Joseph martlet is used by pelican- using Pullys, whom were definitely from Vespasia Polla, mother of Vespasian. It traces Vespasian liners to Arthurs of Clapton, beside English Josephs. The distinct impression is that Vespasia's surname was from some Pelagonia branch. And this is tracing the Revelation dragon to Pendragon liners. Pendragons, namers of Italy's Oscans, use the fleur of Sale's/Salletts for a trace to the Salto river at Rieti, home of Vespasia Polla. The Salto passes Monte VELINO, a potential Avalon branch. This is just inside the border of Abruzzo, from Epirus, location of Aulon/Avlona. Monte Velino (over 8,000 feet) is brand-spanken new right here, though if I've mentioned it before, I can't recall. This mountain is directly across the Appennines from where I was at age 10 with my mother. We would go up the hillsides from the village to view the tall peaks in the background, which must have been the tallest Appennines in the direction of Velino. It might have been Velino itself. Was the Uat-Buto cult in that area that named Bute at Avalon? No file comes up with a search for "Velino." How could I have missed this? It's on my atlas.

I'm trying to think of what Signs God would have given me over the two- month stay at this village where my mother was born. While my sister stayed at the house of my mother's mother, a Masci, I stayed at the house of a woman with a Ferrari mother that married a Mr. Masci. Velino was in the land of the Ops bee cult of Sabines, and Rieti-line Reeds use "Pax Copia" for a motto while the Ops cult used a cornuCOPIA symbol. I see one Reed coat linked to the Pike/Picken Coat, and my mother's town was PICENzo. Reeds were first found in the same place as Turins/Thurins, whom I trace ultimately to the Turano river flowing side-by-side with the Salto. Pike's/Pickens were first found in Ayrshire, overlooking Bute = Avalon. The Reed stag head should be that of the Colts/Cults, a potential branch of OP- Gelders, and Opgalli might have been of the Ops bee cult, you see. Opgalli might have been a close relative of Josephus, because he is suspect in betraying Israel along with other relatives / sons of Joseph Caiaphas (the latter may have lived to 70 AD). I suspected that these escapees went peacefully, after making a deal with Vespasian, to proto-Ferrara, then called, Forum Allieni, which now look like they were the proto-Alans that named Velino. Later, they were at Alauna, in Manche, same as the Masci- related Masseys. I have goose bumps forming.

I had a Sign two winters ago, that Caiaphas would trace to Avezzano (or its branch), also inside the Abruzzo border, and while I may have said in the past that this place is on the Turano, a closer look has it at the very source of the Salto. It's hard to make out whether it's right on the Salto. Avezzano is not many miles from Fucino, land of the Marsi, and of Angle- suspect Angitia. The Angel/Angle surname uses a BATOn, possible code for a Buto liner, as well as keys, the symbol of the Abruzzo Sheaves'/Chiava's/Chiapponi's, Caiaphas-like terms. Avisons share the sheaves/garbs of Josephs, the latter kin of Caplans and Chaplins, of the Capelli's first found in Ferrara. The Charo's, in the Joseph motto, share the red bull with Sabina-liner Savona's/Sabine's, obvious kin of Pullys.

German Langs and Stewarts use a pelican too, and while Alengs are listed with Alans, the Pike/Picken write-up mentions Langdale Pikes in southern England. Again, an Alauna-related entity was found with a lynx, but I had lost it. In any case, the letters on the Coats of Scottish and English Langs are code for LINKletters, and they trace to Lyncestes, smack at Pelagonia. A lynx is used by Penes'/Pennys, from the Penestae proto- Pendragons near Pelagonia. English Pike's were first found in the same place as English Stewarts. In colors reversed, the Pick/Picken saltire is in the Arms of Ayrshire, known to be the Annandale saltire as used by Abruzzo-line Bruce's. I have the feeling that my mother was from the very line of the royal Stewarts. It really appears that the Stewarts were from the same elements that named her town, though PICENum is most-likely to apply.

English Pike's are in Pek colors while the Picentii/Picentini Illyrians were at the Margus-river area i.e. beside the Pek. Margesons/Mackesys use a "loyaLITE" motto term while Lite's/Lights are honored by the Ayer surname while Mackeys/Margys were first found in Ayrshire, same as Scottish Pike's/Pickens. There is even a Loyal surname (Oxfordshire, home of Manche's Vere's) listed with Dulys'/D'Oile's, using two bends in the colors of the Guerra bends. It is only now that I've tried for a Neret surname (not in any of my files), and it was from Dol (Mintiere, to be specific)! It uses three bends in colors reversed from the three Guerra bends, and therefore in colors reversed to the three bends of Panels/Pagnells. There were reasons as to why "Pagan" could be of "PICENum," but it may have been coincidental unless the Paioni named Piceni liners. Finding Nerets at Dol tends to clinch the trace of Stewarts to Nahorites, but it also solidifies the Alan-Arthurian link. It's therefore to be expected that Peleg liners from Pelagonia were in cahoots with Neretva elements.

On the map below, note the Salop-like Selepitanoi peoples, at lake Scodra and right beside the Ardiaei at Rhison. As Nerets (expected to be Ardiaei liners) were first found in Dol, it now makes sense that the Selepitanoi named Salop, for that's where the Dol Alans went to live after the Normans took over England. This recalls my teenage experience told recently, where Dave Boyd dropped my lighter (trying to get under my skin) after asking to see it, and, upon refusing to pick it up, I SLAPped him in the face. It was a completely unexpected but dynamic, momentary event (lasted 15 seconds or less) in my life that I haven't forgotten. I had therefore reasoned / realized that the event was for Boyds, a branch of Dol Alans, in SALOP, but said to have been in Bute. I now find that the Selepitanoi were smack at BUTua, suggesting that Boyds should trace there. The lighter was suspect for Lite/Light liners, and while his name was David, Davids can be using the black lion in the Crest of "LoyaLITE"-using Mackesys/MARGesons, suspect with queen Margaret, mother of David I. Again, Lite's are kin of Ayers, while Mackie's/Margys were first found in Ayrshire. We should wonder where the Ajax liners are in this Ayrshire picture. Note the Daorsi on the same map, for they led to Davers, in the same area as Eye.

If we harden the capital letter in "SELEPITANoi, it looks a lot like "CLAPTON, which can explain Arthurs of Clapton. It then suggests that the Pellican kin of Stewarts went to the Arthurs by way of the latter living in Salop-line Clapton, which would work out to be the Pelagonia link to the proto-Alans at Lyncestes. If this entire entity then moved things over to Abruzzo, it's conducive to my new theory that proto-Stewarts were mixed with Masci's of Abruzzo, because Meschins (and Bellamys) were first found in Salop. Then, while Alans were close to Bellamys, as were Masseys, note that the map above has Bullis as "Byllis," next to a Bylliones peoples smacking of the Billiards, first found in the same place as Pellicans, which was Maine, beside Bellamys of Perche. The Maine surname, first found in the same place as English Stewarts, use the double chevrons of Perche's. As the Pellican tower is colors reversed from that of Thors/Tours (same place as English Stewarts), I can see Pelagonia liners at the Turano river, and as it goes through Rieti, where Pully trace, that's why Pully's use a pelican, apparently. Why do Pullys use the martlet of the Maine Josephs? I know. The line of Joseph Caiaphas went through Avezzano.

One comment: If Claptons were named by the Selepitanoi, it's hard to see how Claptons can be a Glaphyra line. I find it rather amazing that this map I'm sharing is rather new to me, and that I have not known about the Selepitanoi until now, in the very section that started to reckon with the Arthur-of-Clapton merger with Pellicans. I think I need to abandon the Clapton trace to "Glaphyra," the term. Note that Clappers use a fish, the symbol in the Arms of Rieti. On the other hand, Glaphyra was the grandmother of Plancia, and Plunketts use the same-colored bend of Claptons.

It strikes me here that Byllis is like the Bilis river of ancient Pamphylia. Amphithea, a Pamphylian entity, very likely, was mother to Anticlea, and this was the family circle of Lissus-suspect Ulysses. Look at how close Lissus is to the Selepitanoi. If Pamphylians named Bamberg, one can trace its Babenbergs to queen Bebba (about 600 AD) of Bamburgh castle. Her peoples were "Bebbanburgs," and moreover, while Camulodunum is suspect with the Pepin camel, German Babenbergs were founded by Poppo of Bamberg. The Babenberg surname uses three chevrons in the colors of the two of Perche's and Maine's. There is a good chance that Bebba's Bernicians were in cahoots with Mercians from Marsi at the Velino area. Not long after Bebba, Maccus' family take their kingdom up to the Maxwell theater, and Maxwells had a location by that name on the Tweed river to Berwick i.e. near Bamburgh castle. Maccus' grandfather marrier Edith of Polesworth, while Polworths share the red-on-white pile with German Bambergs, though the latter call their pile a "triangular bend." The Bamberg Coat evokes the Chapman Coat.

Another realization is that "Velino" is easily the makings of Valley surnames, such as "Vallibus" and "Vaux," both listed with the same page showing the checks (Leavell-bar colors) that were the Arms of Meulan. That suddenly asks whether Leavells were from the Velino area. The Wells use a Pelican too, in the design of the DeVAUX pelican. Or, what about "Velin" as a variation of Velino liners? Velins (ducks, symbol of Alans) are Valence-possible liners. Ducks are used by the Devon surname, and that's where Walerans (and the Alan-Stewarts) were first found. Note that Waleran was a son of the PerciVAL entity, probably the Pierce's with a Val ending. Percivals share the bear with Berwicks and Mackays. By what coincidence do Velins use birds in the colors of the two Joseph birds?

Why do Pierce's use a wavy chevron? That's the Weaver / Webber symbol, and Webbers are using the Pepin bend-with-fleur, as do Rasmussens that share the unicorn with Pierce's. Pierce's are in Biss colors, and Biss' share the Meschin scallops, suggesting the Bassus line to the Bessin. And Rasmussens are still being traced to Akmonia, home of the first-known Bassus. Weavers were first found in the same place as where the Meschins ruled. Can this trace Laevillus to the Bassus'? He married one, after all. Weavers are probably using the Hazel fesse, shared by Dussels, from Dusseldorf in Westphalia, where Velins were first found.

Biss' are the ones using an "Ayez prudence" motto, suspect with "Ajax," at Cetis, where the Bassus line was in elite circles. As Prude's and similar Pratts trace to Rieti, on the Salto along with Ayez-like AVEZzano, it's asking whether the motto term is related to the Avis bloodline. can't PRUDE's be Abruzzo liners, perhaps of the APRUTium kind? Yet, I'm having trouble with a trace of "Avez" to "Ajax," if "AVEZZANo" is a BESSIN line. But this doesn't mean that Ajax liners couldn't have come to the Bessin, anyway, with Bassus' and Bassianus'. The Travis' use the same scallops as Biss' and Meschins, and the Vito's, from Julius Avitus, husband of Julia Bassianus Maesa, were first found in Travis-like Treviso. In fact, "AVIT(us)" is much like "AVIS." A curious thing is that while black-horn liners (includes Bernice's and Base's) are suspect with a 666-loving cult, "Avis" is like "VISA." I can see Visa wanting a skincode to eradicate plastic cards. I crossed an Ayez-like entity recently, but can't recall what it was from.

Aha! As Porcius Cato was said to have grown up in Abruzzo, which quote was changed to his owning land in Sabina, let's repeat from above: "We are now ready to compare 'AVLONA' to 'CatuVELAUNi.'" It could appear that Cato elements at Velino were at Camulodunum's Catuvelauni's. Velino is opposite the Salto from mount Sabina, and the Sabine's/Savona's were first found in Norfolk, land of the Iceni! The latter could have been the Cenomani of later times, allies / partners of the Abruzzo-suspect Eburovices. That works, and Ebers share the black boar with Porcia's. The latter use two upright boars facing one another, as with the two Abruzzo lions. The Arms of Rieti have a "late" motto term while Late's are listed with Letts that use "organ PIPE's"!!! Pipe's (Pepin Coat) share the horse with the Arms of Rieti while using a camel, a sure sign now that Camulodunum elements included something at Rieti. The Late/Lett saltire is colors reversed from the same of Belgian Pratts (!), assuring that the "pratis" term in the Arms of Rieti are for Belgian Pratts in the least. It's the Bruce saltire too.

Plus, the Flecks and Fulke's of Norfolk are very suspect with Phlegyas, and while Flecks (same scallops as Biss' and Meschins) use a version of the PARMer Coat (Norfolk), we again take this to the Ceno tributary of the Taro, the latter flowing to Parma. We then take the taro to the Turano at Mont Sabina; we then ask why Fulke's use a "Qui" motto term, for when the Shaws use it, it's code for the Sheaves/Chiava's, using five keys, and first found in Abruzzo.

Now, let's repeat: "I have found a page (4th of July, 2015) with the Degels/Dickle's, as I called them then. This was found by searching the Tickle surname because I was wanting to find evidence for what the Watt specTACLEs are from." This recalls that the Tackle's were found using, probably, a clover version of the VALENtin squirrels, and "Valentin" is a VELINO-like term. The clover-suspect Clavers use keys! And they share the white tower with Pellicans, suspect between Phlegyas and Pelagonia.

Now, look to the map below to the Lapith-like Labeates, whom are located on the Drin, on this particular map, in the land of the Caepio-suspect Cavii, like the Chiava (means "key" in Italian) variation of Sheaves'. Then, look north of the Labeates to Metion, which happens to be roughly at Koplik, otherwise called, Cupionich, like the Caepionis surname from Quintus Caepio. Then recall Methymna and Mytilene on Lesbos, island of Lapiths, asking whether "METion" was such a liner. We can now ask whether Lissus (mouth of the Drin) was a LESbos element, for while I trace Lissus to Lissae at the upper Hebros, Orpheus' head floated down the Hebros to Lesbos, code for a migration. I can envision proto-Phlegyas as code for proto-Pelagonia ruling over the land of the proto-Labeates. Lesbos is near Samothrace, home of Ixion-like Iasion. It just so happens that while I've traced Samson to Samos, which named Samothrace, the Samsons use a "FLAG" term buried in their motto, and moreover, the Samson scallops are the Flag/Fleck scallops. I've not seen the Abri term (Habira element?) before, placed beside the Cavii. The Palmer/Parmer kin of Flecks use a courant greyhound, as do lynx-using Penes'/Pennys expected at the Pelagonia area. Note the Methone term at the south end of Macedonia, next to Pella.

As Meaths (Hebrew-laden Yorkshire, same place as Methleys) share the quadrants of grape-using Deters while Grape's bring up the Grabber Coat, just look at the Grabaeoi, right beside the Metion term. If Meaths were from Methymna, we can expect them to have been of ancient Levites, if indeed Lapiths were such. And this recalls that while "Aaron" (name of Moses' brother, a Levite) can be expected as a Levite line, the Aarons can be sharing the Meath quadrants, especially as Aarons use clouds, symbol of Ixion's woman. But how can Deters work into this picture, since they share the Meath quadrants? The Teeter variation, if it indicates a Tatta line, places Deters smack at Moses-like Mokissos. It seems very likely that Levite lines, after the Biblical Moses, used his name. Yet, we never see another Moses of the Levites in Israel.

Here's Proof for the Authenticity of Jesus as Son of God


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