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(if there are any to speak of)
March 15 - 21, 2016

The Da-Wenceslaus Code
The Bible Surname and the Bogie Man of Bebba
Tribwatch Roto-Tiller digs up a Gopher Hole in Pierleoni Rome
From God to You: My Teenage Story About King Syphax

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.

If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

No one is trusting Putin's withdrawal from Syria. What's he up to, they are asking? Some say he's trying to leverage Assad into making a deal. Another option is that, while he's perhaps preparing for confrontation with Turkey, this is a politically-correct show of things, to appear as lambish as possible, while preparation for peace talks are supposedly taking place. It's a smart move because Russia can't be blamed for a resumption of the war between Assad and the rebels, and Russia thinks the West wishes to resume the war just as soon as it decides on its next strategy. Perhaps the Russians know that the West is going to use this lull to strengthen the rebels. The best policy is to just let the rebels resume the war, then bring the fighters back in. Upon resumption, the West would, of course, blame it on Putin, and this alone may explain why he pulled the troops. Putin's fighters are said to be stationed on the Syria coast, not taken out of the country. In the meantime, Turkey is reinforcing its friendship with Iraqi Kurdistan.

This situation could amount to a long, peaceful period, if only the Syrian rebels would relent. They are hoping to make Assad step down during the "peace talks," meaning that these are not peace talks. Russia may be willing to urge Assad to step aside if only the West will agree with leader to Russia's liking. Is Assad so fervently a Shi'ite that he won't step down unless another Shi'ite takes over? What would the Sunni fighters have to say about that? What if the next leader is a Sunni while being pro-West and secular? Could that cause Russia to befriend the ISIS Sunni, joining their struggle to remove the new leader?

Certainly, the West doesn't want peace; it's merely feigning it in order to get Russia to stop winning the war for Assad. If the West wanted peace, it wouldn't have started the war with Assad in the first place. The latter is now bargaining from a position of clear victor in the war so far. He owes it to Russia enough to allow Russia to affect his decision at this point. Russia is saying that the decision to pull fighters off the war field is in agreement with Assad. Did Assad have any choice when Putin called him to say that fighters were being drawn back?

Russia now has more diplomatic clout for the talks, which is just as the Syrian Kurds might like it. They are seeking to gain as much Syrian territory as possible in the aftermath, and Assad is reported as being in agreement with giving Kurds some territory (not his perfect will, of course), but not all that they are asking for. Perhaps Russia's withdrawal seeks to make Assad pliable toward the wishes of the Kurds. If correct, it's a big story.

Unless the Russians are willing to sacrifice their navy outfit in Syria, they are not going to allow a new Syrian leader, at least not lying down, who remotely promises to be anti-Russian. If the Russians cherish a military presence in the Middle East, where they now have it with adequate excuse / justification, it's not likely that they are desirous of pulling out permanently. Putin is saying that Russia's military has accomplished its goals for Syria, which, on the visible surface, seems to be a message to Assad more than anything. But the Russians may have caught wind that the West was gearing up to step-up its military presence in the Middle East, and this Russian withdrawal may be to make good appearances ahead of re-engaging the war. And no one knows for sure yet what the next American president will cause-and-affect by early next year.

The Syrian Kurds are announcing their own province in Syria, the "Federation of Northern Syria." "Syria's government in Damascus on Saturday [five days ago as I write] ruled out the idea of a federal model for the country. Damascus ally Russia has said federalism could be a possible model for Syria." Have the Russians placed themselves in deeper with Kurds than with Assad? Kurds are to announce federal system in northern Syria today

The article below may suggest that the Obama administration has a soft spot for ISIS? Why?

The Russians are thinking that the U.S. has a tight grip on the Sunni of northern Iraq. While the reason stated below as to the reason that Iraq wants a Sunni state is debatable, it would be a huge story if the central claim is correct, that such a state is desired by Iraq. ??? I haven't read this anywhere else. Perhaps the Americans are pushing Baghdad in that direction, or, better yet, the Americans are promising the Sunni a false promise with the prospect of a Sunni state. This would amount to a method of keeping the Sunni firmly in a Western camp, not to go over to the Russians.

...the Iraqi government, fearing the occupation of Sunni-populated areas by ISIL terrorists, decided to establish a Sunni autonomy that will include the provinces of Anbar and Nineveh. Should Baghdad implement the plan, a new entity may appear on the map of the Middle East - the Iraqi Sunnistan.

The creation of the Greater Sunnistan has been Washington's long-standing dream...The new Sunnistan will receive financial assistance directly from the United States and Saudi Arabia.

Pravda has been known by me to over-step reality a little. In this case, it looks like a lot. While I can agree that the West wants a Sunni province because it can facilitate a Kurdish province, I find it hard to believe that Baghdad has agreed to a Sunni province.

The big story, one of them, in the last update was the stumbling over the Joseph-Bled relationship at Slovenia's Emona theater. All sorts of evidence had confirmed the presence there of the Levi surname evident in the Arms of the counts of Hainaut. It was shown to be a fact that a family of Kunigunda was related to the rulers of Valois, who in-turn held Hainaut and Burgundy. The Colchians of Emona were believed by the locals to be from an Aemonia location in Thessaly, and so what I'd like to add here is that, while the Doris/Orris surname is said to be from "Thessalie," I had linked the Coat to Jewish Pollocks, important because the latter were part of the Colchian discussion. As Pollocks were first found in the same place as Ore's, the Doris', whose variations include, D'Oris, may have been a branch of Ore's and Orells. In the write-up of Scottish Pollocks, the daughter of the first Pollock proper is said to have owned lands at InuerORKEL, having a possible Orell term, and being of a possible Orchomenos entity of the Argo-ship kind. The "streNUE" motto term of Pollocks, which I view as part-code for Istria, may relate to "INUErorkel."

Peter, the first Pollock, was the son of a Fulbert, whose surname is not known. He was supposedly a Saxon, but then the Saxon/Septon surname (same place as Orells) has a Coat linkable to the Orell Coat. The colors of the "chaplets' in the Saxon Coat are a match with the burgundy / maroon hue of the Fleming and Tresure DOUBL:E-tressure border, and, because heraldic symbols are usually code for surnames, the double border became suspect with the De Ble/Bled family. The Borders (same place as Tresure's) happen to use crossed, white swords in Pollock-bend colors, and white swords are used by Aude's suspect in the "Audacter" motto term of Pollocks.

The green dragon in the Arms of modern Emona are obviously in the Tresure Coat. This dragon was anciently the one in Colchis that protected the golden fleece. Myth had the same dragon first in Boiotia, the location of Orchomenos. Myth writers made it plain that the dragon belonged to Ares. I have read that ancient Bistone's (700 BC in Cyrene = Coronis crow line) worshiped Ares with an erect sword, making the Aude's and Borders suspect with a Bistones relationship. Bistone's are expected with the sword-using Bistone's, Bessins, and Bessens/Besants, and as these trace well to Bassianus', they are expected from "Phasis," the city at the mouth of Colchis' golden-fleece river (the Glaucus at one time). The fleece was identified by me, years ago, as the Lazi Colchians, whom are traced to Laish too, and that's where the pagan, rebellious Levites were that I've been claiming to be in the rulers of HainAUT.

The Ince's (beside the Saxons and Orells) and Inch's use a version of the Saxon Coat, but with red roundels, the Ore and Orell symbol. I had traced the "streNUE" motto term of Pollocks to Newtons before finding the Newton and Makerfield locations in the Ince write-up. In the last update, Newtons and Newports became suspect with NOVIgrad, meaning "NEW town," a city in Istria that was named by refugees from Emona. It means that INUErorkel may have been a Newton = Emona line to the Pollocks. Peter Pollock built Rothes castle in the Moray area, and that's where Ince-like Innis' were first found. There is a question as to what the first 'r' in "InueRorkel" pertains to.

Newtons use "shin bones" for their version of the Pollock saltire, and Ore's love the Bone's in their motto. Bone's share a white bend with Pollocks, and Shins/Shannons use nothing but a bend in half the colors of nothing-but-a-bend Pollocks. The Bone bend is in the colors of the Pulley/Pullen bend, a surname that I see as a Pollock branch. Peter is said to be named after a Pollock location in which he came to live, but this in itself doesn't necessarily mean that he was himself a line from Istria's Pola/Pula. The Pollock motto, however, suggests linkage to Pola elements, and the clear signs now evident that Pollocks trace to Colchians are another reason to trace something in Peter's family to Istria.

English Shins/Chinns/Chynne are using the Kemmis Coat (Gloucestershire), sharing three, red fesse bars with Fulbert-suspect Fullers. In the last update, Louvains and Love's/Luffs -- the latter using three, red fesse bars -- were suspect from the new name of Emona: Ljubljana, said to be from the local word for "love," but that may not be the whole / original story. The Shins/Chinns can be responsible for, or from, the Kenys variation of Kemmis', suspect with the Yuya line to golden fleecers of the mythical-Aedon (Boiotia) kind. The Yuya line has become suspect with the Gog dragon. The Welsh Bachs are linkable to the Kemmis Coat, while Fullers love the Beacons/Bacons (Nahorite suspects). The Kinys'/Kennys are in Newton colors. Cheneys use footless martlets in colors reversed from the same of Pulleys/Pullens, and the Aude sword is in both colors of the same in the Chaine/Chenay Coat. Cheneys trace with Caens to the Ceno river (Italy), a tributary of the Taro suspect in "scimiTAR. The Schims are listed with Chands/Shands (like "Shannon," for example), making the scimitar look like code for Ceno-Taro liners.

While Peter Polloc was at the Rothes / Rose theater, that's roughly the location of Dingwall, an old Ross-shire capital. The point is, there is a gold "fleece" in the Dingwall Coat (shares a brown Crest with Pollocks). Who in Ross-shire knew themselves to be from the gold-fleece Colchians? While Pollocks became a Maxwell/Makeswell sept, which should explain the MAKERfield location at Newton, Maxwells and Bloods/Bluds share the stag lying down. The brown Blud BUCK has an arrow in the mouth, a symbol in the brown boar of Pollocks. There is no question that Pollocks, not just the namers of the location, trace to Bled liners.

Who were the Dings? As I see lozenges as a Colchian symbol, note the lozenges of German Dingels/Tinkels, for Dingwalls list a Dingel variation? The Dingell lozenges are counterCHANGED, perhaps part code for the Changers/CHAUNgeours (looks like a blue version of the Stur Coat). While COUNTERs/Conte's have a Comitissa variation, another Conte surname has a Comite variation, and then the CHANDs/Schims use a "comite" motto term. While Peter's brother married a daughter of Eschyna de Molle, the Molle's use the giant boar head of Shands/Schims. These are the boars of Yuya-suspect Googe/Gooch's and Goughs/Goffs, suspect with "Gaucher," count of Chatillon. Pollocks were likely related, at some early point, to the Glass' / Glasgows. The Melusine in the Glass Crest is in the Coat of Gog-suspect Hugo's. Gogarene/Gugar liners, the people group from swan-lake Sevan, were suspect in the naming of the Ocra mountains at Emona / Carni.

While Molle's use a "duce" motto term, Duce's use the two lions in pale of Abraham-suspect Bramtons. Abraham's other wife, KETURah, is suspect with CUTTERs (dragons) using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Molle's. Pollocks can be connected very closely with Speer liners, likely in the spurs of Dingels/Dingwalls, and then ShakeSPEARE's look like they are a branch of Shake's/Shacks with MOLE hills and a chevron in the colors of the the Kern chevron. Kerns were traced to Carni, smack at Emona. The way to connect Pollocks to Speers is by way of the crossed spears of Bononia's Pasi's, who trace to Glasgow's Paisley, and while Glasgow liners include Klassens with Lady Fortune, the Molle's happen to use a "fortuna" motto term. Rollo's, first found in the same place as Inch's, use a "fortuna" motto term while using the blue boar, making it suspect with a colors-reversed version of the Molle boar. The "passe" motto term of Rollo's seems clearly for Pasi's/Pace/Pascel / Passe/Pascal liners.

The Fortuna's share the white-on-red talbot dog (code for Dogs/Doags/Doaks) with Futters/Fotys (one fesse in the colors of the three of Fullers); Futters are suspect in the Fuller motto, and became suspect as a branch of Foots and Fothes', both expected with the Levi chevron. The poppinjay of Futters is partly for Jays, I gather, who share the Pollock / Ade bend. Poppins are the Pepin-related ones, and Pepins are kin of Weavers / Webers that are in code with the wavy feature, used by Jewish Pollocks and Doris'/D'Oris'.

Poppins were first found in the same place as English Josephs, and were at BASINGstoke, a term that can be a Phasis liner. Phasis/Poti liners include Potters and Botters, first found in the same place as Poppins. The brown stag head in the Poppin Crest is identical (minus the arrow) with the Blood buck. The "prestina" motto term is suspect with the mother of the mythical dragon woman, Melusine. As Poppins are said to be from Hants (old name for Hampshire), the fact that Hants/Hands share the stag with them makes the Poppin stag heads suspect with the same ones of Anne's/Hanne's. That's the Hainaut bloodline, isn't it?

The Duke's/Dooks (same place as Chives'), who share chaplets with Saxons/Septons, happen to use a horizontally-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of German Molle's, and the latter's can be a blue version of the horizontally-split Shield of Bucks. The Duke's/Dooks show a gold griffin in Crest, the color of the griffin in the Chief of Chaplet-related Kaplans, the latter a known merger with Josephs. Kaplans and Chaplets are highly suspect with Joseph Caiaphas, but his trace now to Bled makes his line suspect to Kunigunda. As she's suspect with the stag-depicted Huns (the people group), it's notable that Honans/Honors use stags. The Hun(gate)s share white-on-red talbots with Fortuna's, underscoring a Hun link to Fort liners.

As Bled at Emona traced hard / undeniably to both Joseph surnames, this is a good place to remind that Chaplets use black swans in both colors of the same once showing for French Josephs. As Saxons were shown above as sharing the bendlets of Ince's / Inch's, while Duke's are suspect with Ottone Visconti at Milan, it should be mentioned that the Insubres, founders of Milan, are suspect with Ince's and Innis'. Milan was founded as MEDIOlanum, suspect with Medea, the Keturah line to Colchians. Insubres are expected with the neighboring Laevi (Ticino river) that are being traced to the Laish-Levite line at Emona. Surnames such as Duke/Dook, Shake/Shack, Tecks/Tess, are suspect from the namers of the Ticino, and yet Dooks look like they can be a branch of Dogs/Doags, now known to be a branch of, or merger with, Sadducee-suspect Chaddocks.

The old name of Jerusalem, Zedek, was suspect with the SODECena location / peoples at lake Sevan. I don't think it's coincidental that while Soducena is stamped (map below) at JERevan, the old name for Jerusalem, Salem, was later JERusalem. Salem is being traced to mythical Salmoneus, brother of Sisyphus, king of Corinth, city of the Medea Colchians. The latter city became suspect (last update) with Carinthia, in the Carni theater. It makes the heraldic crow traceable to Carinthia, historically located partly in crow-like Croatia, itself traced, years ago, to "GAREB," at Jerusalem, and traced also to "JEREVan." In the early years in which this trace was made, I was not able to make a Corinth link to the Coronis crow, and moreover I had no way to make a Corinth trace to "Carinthia." But now, with Colchians discovered in Slovenia (Croatia border), a couple of years after learning that Colchians were also in Croatia, that trace seems undeniable. This update goes further by tracing golden-fleece dragons to Insubres.

. Historians are, as typical, deriving "Carinthia" in some object rather than tracing to another geographical location, or people group. "The name 'Carinthia' (Carantania) comes from the pre-indogermanic root 'car' meaning 'rock'." Look at how dogmatic the writer is. The historians probably have a different derivation for Carni. As the Carni area traced to Flanders, note that the Arms of Carinthia use the three Hohenzollern / Hohenstaufen lions, in the colors of the Flanders / Hainaut lion. The lions are in a passant position, and in pale positioning upon the Shield, as are the black Levi lions in pale. Coincidence? No. For the three Levi chevrons, in the colors of the Carinthia lions, were used by the counts of Hainaut (taken from Wikipedia's article on counts / county of Hainaut). At one time, houseofnames displayed the Levi chevrons thick, like the ones in the Hainaut Arms.

The Drava/Drau river through Carinthia just caused True's/Trews/Trows to pop to mind, for they share bendlets without a bend with Ince's, Saxons and Orells. It's interesting that while the "trog" term in the True write-up is like the Tracks/Trigs/Tricks (branch of Drigs), the latter share lions linkable to the gold-on-green ones of Ceno-suspect Kinys, making True's/Trows possibly of the Taro river. It can indicate that the Taro was named by Drava-river peoples, a good idea because the Ceno is near the Drava-like Trebbia. The Hume's, who honor the True's in their motto, are using a lion in the colors of the Kinys fesse.

Salmoneus and Sisyphus were made sons of Aeolus, symbol of Aeolia (Thessaly). His name is almost like the Iolcus location of Thessaly, which, if I understood a quote correctly in the last update, had the alternative name, Aemonia.

The Ade's, who appear in the Levi motto, use a "jessant" leopard face, meaning that it's fused with a fleur-de-lys. I've taken "jessant" to be a code for Jessens/Gessons, who happen to list "Jason." There is a white bend on the red sleeve in the Jessen/Jason Crest, in the colors of the Ade (and Pollock) bend. Danish, Swedish and Norwegian Jessens are listed with Jacobsens, and they use their giant white-on-red scallop diagonally, as a bend (i.e. as a version of the Ade bend). It can easily be the Apps/Abbs scallop, for Apps/Abbs are suspect with Habsburgs.

German Jacobsons/Jacobs (Silesia, same as Kerns/Karens) use a moline cross in red-on-white, the colors of the moline on the breast of Jacques de Molay at his Wikipedia article. That was the line, definitely, of Eschyna de Molle. The Alan-suspect Birds/Burds use roughly the Jacobson cross, and Eschyna was married to Alans. It appears that one can equate "Jacques" with Jacobs, and, believe it or not, English Jacobs use "An arm holding a sword by the BLADE." That in itself convinces me that Jacob and Jason liners were from Bled and Emona, tending to verify that someone in this family line created "Jason" due to fondness with the mythical character. Some people believed that myths were partly real.

[It wasn't until the day after writing here that Blaze's came back to topic, when, for the first time, I read the Blaze write-up. Blaze's (like the Blez variation of Bleds) are said to be from "Blay, 3 miles north east of Le Molay in Calvados". No guff. For what it may be worth, that puts Le Molay, a location I had forgotten about, roughly four miles west of Bayeux.]

The Burseblade kin of Blade's suggest the Burgh-related Burse's (Porcia colors), first found in the same place as Tresure's, but said to be from the Vire river of Manche. The Conteville-related Burchards (in the Porcher write-up) are using a horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the same of German Molle's, and "Conte" may be of the Contentin version of Manche's Cotentin area. The KRONKite's, who share the Burchard crane with rock in its foot, were traced to an old area in Manche, CRONCiaconnum, but as I see Alan Huns at the Alauna area of CronciaCONNum, that place may have been named partly after "Kun/Hun." Cranks use a sinister split/bend so as to reveal themselves as Massey liners (i.e. from Manche too).

The Jeppson variation of Swedish Jacobsons could suggest the Jephson variation of Jeffersons. How to interpret that? Were Jeffersons and their Jeffrey / Geoffrey / Godfrey kin merely a branch of Jacobs, or was there a merger of the two? While the Bird/Burd flory is colors reversed from the same of Bouillons, the Bouillon-related Eustace's (Flemish liner) share the cross of Spanish Jacobs, the latter said to be rooted in Flanders. The Bouillons liked the Godfrey name.

Were Jacobs a line of Colchians in love with the fictional hero, Jason? Jacks (share holly with Maxwells), said to be from "Jacques" and "Jacobus," were first found in the same place as Pollocks. English Jacks/Jacques'/Jake's were first found in the same place as Maxwells, the latter's Bush kin, Tute's, Jessens/Jasons, and Moans/Mone's. Scottish Maxwells were first found in the same place as Molle's, making the fleur of German Molle's the same-colored ones of German Bush's/Buschs and Boschs. Why are Alan-related Molle's linking to the Busca area? Ask the FitzAlan marriage to Alice of Saluzzo, daughter of Luisa of Ceva.

I'm going to guess that Jacks/Jacques' are using the fesse of Futters/Fotys that I see in the Fuller motto, for Futters use a poppenJAY, and Jays might just be a Jack variation. The Jays happen to share a seated griffin with one Jefferson Coat, and the Jay griffin is blue, like the griffin in the other Jefferson Coat, suggesting now that Jays are possible Jacob liners. The Jay bend is in the colors of the bend-wise Jacob scallop. Poti-suspect Poitvins (Poitou) use a jay. I HAD WRITTEN THAT BEFORE reading the Poitvin write-up, which traces to "The Green Venice (la Venise Verte) Podevin, who lived in the 10th century, was a page of Duke Wenceslaus I of Bohemia and was the 'page' in the Christmas carol 'Good King Wenceslaus." What a surprise, for Kunigunda married a son of this Wenceslaus.

The WENCE-like Vince's use griffins, and they are black, as are the griffins of Geoffrey- / Jefferson-branch Godfreys! I get it, for I trace Vince's ("SIBi" motto term) to a Sava-area location, home of Valentinian I, whom I see in the Valentins that share the same bend as Jays. It looks like Kunigunda was from Vinkovci, and from Valentinian blood there. As I understand it, Vinkovci was called, Cibalae, in Valentinian's time, and that term was traced exactly to where Eschyna de Molle's kin trace, to the Lundy / London merger with the CIBALae-like SIBAL(d)s of Fife, who use the MOLINE! And while it's the Segni/Segurana moline, the Levi-beloved Seconds/Segurs use the Leiber quadrants, a very welcome fact because Godfreys use a "LIBERtas" motto term. Liebers and Leibers just got more suspect with Ljubljana = Emona. The Valentin bend was traced to the same one of Levi-beloved Ade's, and the latter's jessant leopard FACE is code for the Segni-loving Fessys/Face's. Ade's are the ones who brought us to Jacobs in the first place, and Fessys (Ade colors) use a "VINCES" motto term! I get it; they were merged with the Wenceslaus Bohemians.

Enter Caiaphas suspects into this Levi picture, for while Capes' were first found in London, the Jacobsons are using the same scallop as Capes', which are the scallops of Apps'/Apps' who trace exactly to the Habsburgs of the Emona theater. Kunigunda is now discovered as an obvious line of primary Templar importance. I'll show you later how the London-surname gyronny can trace to John of Gaunt, and you might want to remember, at that time, that Eustace II (father of Godfrey de Bouillon) is said to be a Gernon liner. When you get to that part, note that the topic arises due to Bled liners found at Blay / Le Molay, which include the Blythe's, the surname of Bill Clinton's true father. It just so happens that the Valentin / Ade bend traces with certainty to the same of Stevensons, and that Rodhams share that bend. Rodhams and Stevensons were both first found in Northumberland, along with JEPH-like JOPlins. The Jeppson variation of Swedish Jacobsons might reveal that Jacob liners were Joplins. Whatever the case, Jacques de Molay, a grand master of the Templars just before they escaped into the protection of Bruce I of Scotland, appears to have received his first name in relation to Jacob liners.

Godfreys, whose griffin is starting to look like the Levi lion, share the Negro with Bouillons and Wings/Winks. The Jacob moline is colors reversed from the similar Bouillon flory. The Bouillons were in the Flanders theater to which the Kunigunda line goes. The Godfreys in de Bouillon's ancestry were in Lower Lorraine, linkable to the Burgundy elements of the Valois line to which Kunigunda's line goes. As Love's/Luffs were traced to Ljubljana, by what coincidence do Godfreys share the red-on-white lion heads of Love's/Luffs? Yet, Godfrey de Bouillon predates Kunigunda. The Love / Godfrey lions are in the colors of the same of Carnys ("ABStine") suspect with the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's. The fesse bars of Love's/Luffs are in the colors of the barry in the Arms of Hungary, while Kunigunda was a granddaughter of a Hungarian ruler. The Hungarian LESlie's, or the Laus location of Saraca's, come to mind with WencesLAUS. The "Saracen" in the Godfrey Crest can then suggest their trace to Laus and Saracena.

As Godfreys (now suspect as a branch of Jays) were from Offaly while Offaly liners seemingly panned out (not many weeks ago) as Roquefeuil liners, it's notable that the Poitvin jay is on a white-on-blue rock, the colors of the Roque rocks. As Roquefeuil is in Aude, it's notable that the Aude sword can be in the Carny Chief, for it's held by a hand in a GAUNTlet glove. The Aude swords are white, as are the swords of Borders whom I link to John of Gaunt. The way in which Borders can now trace to Emona, along with the Tresure's and other Flemings, is where the Birds/Burds share the Bouillon flory in colors reversed. The Aude area touches upon Toulouse, on the gyronny-suspect Gironde river that flows to Candale, out of which John of Gaunt's family set up a Kendel entity. I had suspected that John was lording over some of the Toulouse tressure at Candale (beside BORDeaux), wherefore it's notable that the Carny lions are in the colors of the Tool and Bordeaux lion.

This treasure was stolen by Quintus Caepio, who's descendants used "Caepionis," and then the other Godfreys use the colors and format of English Capone's. The suspicion is that some of the treasure got to the Israeli priesthood via Caiaphas and the Herods. Italian Capone's were first found in the same place as CANDels/Candida's sharing the spread eagle in colors reversed to the same of GHENTs. It's not a coincidence that English Candels are using the Eustace / Burgh / Jacob cross, but as it's the Fere Coat almost exactly, Candels can trace to Fier (APSus river), where we find TOPoje, relevant because TOPPers use a gauntlet glove in a CANTon. Irish Fare's use a version of the Fere / Candel Coat, but with a white-on-red moline, colors reversed from the Jacob moline, and the one painted on the breast of Jacques de Molay. Irish Fare's/Viers/Vairs share the falcon design of Chappes-suspect Stevens, which tends to reveal that the white-on-red bend of French Fare's (Burgundy) is the Stevenson / Rodham / Ade / Jay / Valentin / Pollock (all related at some point) bend.

Fare's were Vere liners that came to roost at the Vire river, location roughly of Blay. Vires' (same place as Chappes' and Levi's) are listed with Vairs/Verona's suspect with a version of the Feller Coat, and expected to be a branch of Verone's/Varenne's, from Ade-related Ada of Varenne who married HUNtingdon. Lys' were first found in the same place as Vires'/Vairs, and share the so-called "courant" greyhound with the English Jacobs, the one's with the arm holding the BLADE of a sword, and first found in the same place as Quints. The Courans/Correns can be in the courant code, and they share the black escutcheons of Cecils, yet the Jay Crest is "A blue griffin sejant holding a red escutcheon." That's additional reason to see Jays as Jacob liners, but let's repeat, in case it's slipping your mind, that the Poitvins, traced in their write-up to a "page" (why did they use that term?) of WencesLAUS, use the blue jay. It means that Jacob / Molay liners can trace with the Blay / Vire elements to Bled and Emona, and while de Molay traces to Hugh de Payens (married Elizabeth Chappes), the Page's/Pagenots (likely Pek / Cuppae liners) were first found in the same place (Dauphine) as Payens/Pagans. Page's/Pagenots are said to be from a page training for knighthood, pure garbage but welcome code.

Gold-on-black ermine is called "pean" in honor of the Pean variation of Payens, and the Jacob canton uses white-on-black ermine, probably related to pean. The other Page's (doves, Cuppae symbol) share pheons with Jacob-beloved Blade's. The Jacob greyhound is in the colors of the Palin lion (likely the Levi lion upright), and these Jacobs were first found in the same place as Palins, from Palinurus, beside Laus.

We may now want to know whether Courans/Correns are Gore/Core / Covert/Court liners to the Kupa river, where one can expect the line of Quintus Caepio in a merger with Emona liners to Mons in Hainaut. There happens to be a Courcelle location very near Mons. There is a Courcelle surname (Burgundy, perfect for the Habsburg take-over of Kunigunda's bloodline in Valois) using what could be a gold version of the Covert / Austria / Habsburg fesse. In the Courcelle Chief, I kid you not, the three gold-on-red stars of the Poitvin Chief! It is apparently tracing Courcy / Covert liners to Kunigunda. And while her name can be suspect with the Gunns, the latter were up in the Sutherland area while these same stars are those of Sutherlands. It's not likely coincidental that Courcelle's share the Gore/Core fesse. Why were Gore's at Hainaut??? We can ask the Hun-suspect greyhounds of French Gore's/Jore's, in the colors of the martlets of French Alans for a reason.

Aha! Irish Courcys use a "vincit" motto term now suspect with "Wenceslaus." Courcys are said to be from Stoke county in Somerset (same place as Tresure's that trace to Flanders), and the "stage" term in the Page/Pagenot write-up had brought the Stoke's and Stake's to mind, for they are suspect with the Stacy variation of stag-using Eustace's. Stag-using Stage's/Staggs (merger with Hands / Hanna's?), sharing a cross between the antlers with Eustace's, were first found beside Somerset. Stoke-on-Trent links well to Trents, first found in Somerset, and expected to be kin of Tarents that are likely using a version of the Courcy Coat. As this was a CHILDeric line, note that Page's use the colors and format of Childs. The red spread eagles of Tarents and Courcys can be in the Bonn Coat (and perhaps colors reversed in the Lorraine Coat), for Kunigunda's great-grandmother was Bonne of Bohemia.

It looks like the Page write-up is using code for Eustace liners, but why stop there, as this was so much fun? The Page write-up has, "first stage of KNIGHThood," and then the dragon-using Blois'/BLEYS', suspect with Blaze's / Blez'/Bleds, were related to Knights that use three pale bars, perhaps linkable to the pale bars of Coverts/Courts. As French Blois'/DEBLOIS' are suspect with "double," by what coincidence do Knightons/Nitons use double dragon heads. The heads are connected at the neck, and are the green dragon heads of Tresure's, definitely of the Ljubljana dragon.

The Niton variation is highly suspect with Nitts/Naughts, from the Nith river of green-dragon Kilpatricks. The Paganells/Pungs are in the "pungit" motto term of Rome's, first found the same place as the Nith river. The "placit" motto term of the same Rome's just got traced to Blaze/Blaise liners as per the Place/Plais surname. The English Blois' are traced in their write-up to SouthAMPTOn, while the Ampton / Lord/Laud cinquefoils can now link to the same (different colors) of Courcys.

Later, Lauderdale comes to topic with the Blay bloodline, and it finds the meaning behind Lords/Lauds. I'd like to mention here that while Paisleys are kin round-about of Lords/Lauds, the Paisley THISTLE may be for Thessaly liners. Knights were first found in the same place as Clare's so that the Clark dragon heads can apply. I'll come back to Clarks as may concern Cathian Covert's ancestry in Austria. The SECKENden location of the Courcys brings Seconds/Segurs to mind, first found in the same place as French Clairs/CLERKs. The next time that Clerks / Clarks are mentioned, the Pine's, first found in the same place as Clerks / Seconds, will be at topic. Pine's (same fesse as Lords/Lauds) happen to use the Ampton / Lord/Laud cinquefoils in colors reversed.

Amptons are traced to an Hampton Lovett location, making Lovetts suspect with Ljubljana. The white wolf in the Ampton Crest can help to prove that Coverts were in the Gower/Goward variation of Gore's (wolf design of Lovetts). Scottish Lovetts share the black wolf of Louvier's! Excellent, for there is a La Louvier location smack beside Courcelle and Mons. English Lovetts use the same wolves in pale, three of them like the three dragons in pale of Blois'/Bleys'. The black-wolf design of Lovetts and Louvier's is in the design of the black wolf of Yonge's, first found in the same place as white-wolf Gore's/Core's (and Quints). Yonge's share piles with wolf-liner Leavells/Lovells (wavy fesse bar), and the three black wolves of Lovetts are therefore linkable to the black wolf heads of Quadratilla-liner Quade's, for she married Lupus Laevillus. This is a reliable paragraph. The Gowers/Gore's are using fesse bars in the colors of the same of Leavells, begging the question: why are Gore's a Lupus-Laevillus line? We should ask Servilia Caepionis' Serbia-suspect descendants (i.e. out of Servitium).

[It came to mind a day or so after writing here that French Gore's/Jore's have a horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the same of Loops/Lopers, and both use the greyhound in the bottom half. This makes Loops heavily suspect from Lupus Laevillus, and moreover the top of the Loop Shield looks linkable to the Kerns/Karens and Roets. The Loop greyhound is in the courant position, making Gore's suspect as part of the courant bloodline.]

We might even ask the lion tails of Core's/Corks (branch of Courcys), for they are the tails of the Tailer lions, a surname suspect with the tail-end of "QuadraTILLA," and using the Levi lions in colors reversed. What relationship could the bars in the Arms of Hungary have with the Laevillus bloodline? I had traced proto-Hungarians to the Ticino river, location of the Laevi. Does that work? I knew nothing yet, at the time, of Laevillus and his wife's Galatian ancestry. I was not yet familiar with the Maccabee-Herod line that Quadratus married. The Amore's and Damorys/Amori's (the blue Placentia wolf?) were claimed (by me) to be using the Leavell fesse bars, and yet the Damorys can be linked to the Drummonds, known Hungarians. Damorys and Amore's were first found in the same place as Agrippa-suspect Crispins/Crepins, and the latter use eight red-and-white fesse bars in colors reversed from the eight fesse bars in the Arms of Hungary. Scottish Drummonds use their fesse bars in Leavell-fesse-bar colors, and were first found in the same place as Chappes'/Chaips. The Leavells with the Yonge piles use one wavy fesse bar in the colors of the three of Damorys. Our eyes are open. We are seeing. Crispins are known Clare liners, and Clare's (Bled kin) share the Yonge roses, a reason to suspect Yonge's with Bleds...which is the same as saying an Una-river merger with Bled, both entities resolved with Levi liners. Ask Oeneus if Levites were on the Una.

The Yonge Chief has annulets in colors reversed from the same of Irish Hogens/Hogans. German Hogens/HOGERs (three arrows can be code for the Kabars of Hungarian roots) can now be suspect from the namers of the OCRa mountains at Bled. Hagans look like they use the Hogen/Hoger Shield. One might be able to find proto-Hungarians in the family of Laevillus. I trace proto-Hungarians to Arados/Arpad of Syria, where I think the Avvites (dog symbol) were living.

If we are not happy with viewing "Covert" as purely a Gore/Core variation, then one can view a Gore merger with Court liners, for Gowers/Gowards/Gore's share eight horizontal bars with Cavetts, suggesting that Gore liners may have merged with Ceva liners to produce Cove- / Covert-like surnames that then changed to "Court." However, Josephus traced himself to a Maccabee name of Curtus, and this is where Court liners can originate so that "Covert" may have been a Court liner, not vice-versa. If this is correct, we can fully expect Coverts at Emona elements, if indeed the latter were Hasmoneans. And this very discussion can trace from Chives' to the moline of Mathis' (Burgundy), and therefore to the Hasmonean-suspect Mathis river. Perfect. The Mathis moline goes through Moline's to Le Molay at Bley, and from that Normandy area it links to Courcelle, Louvier, and Mons in Hainaut.

I've just gone to the atlas to spot Binche, right beside Mons, and then the Binks/Bings had been resolved with the Chives quadrants! Bingo. I've also spotted Philippaville to the near-southeast of Binch, suggesting Philippa of Hainaut, said to be a Negro (see last update for that). Kunigunda was in the ancestry of Philippa of Hainaut.

With Gore's being kin of Yonge's, whom I say are a Hun > Hungarian line (the stag of German Jungs tends to prove it), it's possible that Gowers/Gore's are using a version of the eight bars in the Arms of Hungary. Note the red-and-white checks in the Arms of Hungary, they being the Arms of Croatia, and of the Hohen Khazars. I trace "Gore" to the Gorski area of Croatia. If the "Frangas" motto term of Gore's is for the Franks, they share the Blade saltire.

There is a Cortemelia location near Ceva. It's very notable that the Gower/Gore bars are in the colors of the horizontal bars of the Somerset Leavells, for the Roxburghshire Leavells are suspect with Gore-related Yonge's = Juno = Lovett liners. The Junia Caepio's were Livius liners, making Laevillus suspect from the stock of that Roman surname. The Tanner Coat is a good reflection of the Living/Levin Coat, and the latter were first found in Westmorland while Morlands and Morleys share the jessant leopard face of Levi-related and Quade-like Ade's. Why do French Levins use a "CAPac" motto term? Should "CaPAC" be put side-by-side with the "Pax copia" of Reeds / Davids.

While June's are also Jungs, German Jungs/Yonge's look to be using a stag version of the German-Fleming wolf, especially as Irish Flemings use checks in Louvier-check colors. The Gore wolf is suspect with Julian-suspect Quillans, and then English Julians (same place as June's and Capone's) use flames for their Flemish nature, and moreover the German Julians (Saxony, same as Flemings) share six pale bars with Courts/Coverts. The latter use a black eagle that can go to the same of Julian-suspect Guillestre. French Gore's share the French-Julian stars. Whether or not Caiaphas was born to a line from Julius Caesar and Servilia Caepionis may yet be debatable, but this discussion seems certainly to touch upon children begotten from that affair. Servilia's name is suspect from Servitium, on the Sava not far down from Emona. The blue vair that fills the Shield of Irish Flemings is the Quint vair, isn't it?

Guillestre is in Savoy, where Jay-like Gays were first found. Gays list "Guest," and the other Guests, suspect in the past with Jessons/Jasons (share rooster with Gays), share the black swan with Josephs and Chaplets. It made Guests (Caplan Shield?) suspect as a version of some surname that developed variations a little like "Jose / Joseph Joslyn." Joslyns, a name used in Flanders, may have called their wreath a chaplet at one time. In any case, the Joslyn motto speaks for itself: "Faire MON devoir."

Between Servitium and Emona, there are the mouths of the Una and Kupa rivers, home of mythical Juno on the one river, and of her husband, mythical Jupiter = Japodes on the Kupa. These Japodes can trace to such things as Joplins and Jeppsons/Jacobs, wherefore it's notable that while James' are said to be from "Jacob," they share the dolphin with Caesars, and moreover have a motto linkable to the motto of Douglas' who in-turn share the salamander-in-flames of Julians. The "Victor" motto term of James' should be for Victors (Holland) who share the same stars as Courcelle's and Poitvins. Just like that, Junia-Caepio suspects from Kunigunda traced to the Mons theater. Remember: Jacobs use the same scallop as Capes'.

I had forgotten to record the surname seen in this update using a "vos" motto term, for the Vaux's/Vose's, sharing the Louviere / Fleming checks, have a Scottish branch using the Courcelle / Poitvin / etc. stars yet again. My files have it recorded that Cantels/Cantrells (same pelican design as the Vaux-related Wells and DeVAUX's) use the motto, "PROPio VOS sanguine pasco," and then PROPers share the ostrich with one James Crest. English Wells use a two-tailed lion in Flanders / Hainaut-lion colors.

Back in October of 2012, I had said this: "..the German Fochs/Vos/Voss Coat, in Vaux/Vokes/Voxe colors...French Vauxs were also "Belliveau" and "BelliVaux," and show a Bellamy-like Shield. I mentioned another Bellamy-like Shield earlier on this page, as per the Bonne Coat (using Ferte eagles), much like the Vaux/Belliveau Coat [Burgundy!]." Is that Bonne of Bohemia in the Beaumont-of-Meulan bloodline? Looks like. Did you spot that the Vaux/Bellivaux bend is the bend, in gold, of Poitvin-beloved and Jacob-suspect Jays? The Vaux/Bellivaux Coat uses billets while Billets, much like the Blythe surname, were first found in the same place (Maine) as Josephs. It once again makes the case for a Joseph trace to Bled liners, if Billets were such.

Most definitely, the Kunigunda > Bonne line goes to the Courcelle's, but as Courcy liners got suspect with Ceva liners, especially if Binche-related Chives' were of Ceva, lets add that Luisa of Ceva was suspect with the Lois surname using a white ostrich, the color of the James ostrich. Plus, as we just saw Gore's tracing to Courcy liners, let's add that Luisa and Lois' are in mythical GorLOIS along with Gore's/Core's. That's a fact established by previous heraldic discussions. Gorlois was the mythical stupid of CORNwall, and Cornwalls were recently clinched, in my opinion, with Carni / Carinthia liners at the Emona theater. The Carnys are the ones with the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's, and Luisa of Ceva was mother to Alice of Saluzzo. Heraldry has chucked-up a lot of unsightly things in my presence, and you get to see it too.

To think that the Masonic goons stuck Wenceslaus into a Christmas carol is synonymous with vomit. They are the ones who sandblasted Christmas with numerous pagan themes until it was no longer perceivable as pertaining to Jesus. It got sick when they added satanic themes secretly. Take the pine tree, for example, or holly. Santa Claus, though they linked him to Wenceslaus, can trace also to the Clausula river, where Caepio's are expected to have had part of their origins. The killers of Jesus were rudely tacked to Christmas-celebration themes. Were these men, or mere boys, who did this? It's the devil's joy to make a mockery of mankind, to exploit his imbecilic mentality, yet God still works toward making real men out of children, if only we would allow Him.

The Vos/Vossek surname uses another wolf, in the design of the Fleming wolf. At this time, when Flemish liners are at issue, the wolf will often pertain to the Lovett wolf = the Vaux = Louvier bloodline. Jewish Fox's use the Vos wolf. Wilsons use another upright wolf in the same design, as well as a motto, "Vincit qui se vincet," very suspect with the Kunigunda bloodline. The Wilson wolf is colors reversed from the Well lion.

My files just found the surname mentioned later in this update with a "vos" motto term: the Walerans! It was a Waleran character who was ancestral to the Percival-Leavell line, and whose family merged with Beaumont of Meulan/Mellent. I have that recorded in the 2nd update of November, 2015:

Waleran...eldest son of William Gouel de Perceval, surnames Lupellus, and of Auberie de Bellemonte, daughter of Robert [Beaumont], earl of Mellent, his Wife, succeed his father in the estate of Yvery...he appears to have been lord of Yvery, and to have held for himself in the Ballywick of Tinchebrai...

Waleran died in 1177, predating Kunigunda. His father was alive during the first invasion of Jerusalem. His father's Gouel surname may have been of the Goule's that are listed with Gullys sharing the Julian cross. The "sine" motto term of Gullys suggests that they are using a version of the Walsh Coat, itself have resemblance with the Page Coat, which recalls that Page's crept into this discussion with the Poitvin write-up. The PIERCED swan of Walsh's is code for the Pierce = Percival line. Walsh's and Sine's/Sions/Swans were in Valais canton, right? And Valais' are listed with Valois'. You just need to trace Walsh-related Walsers on the Lys river down the Bautica river to Ivrea to understand how Waleran applies to Sion, making Gullys trace very well to his father's surname.

While the Vos' list "Fucks," the "TransFIXUS" motto term of Walsh's looks applicable, for the Fix's/Fecks (Saxony) share a wavy fesse looking like the Dol bend with Waleran-suspect whale, and Vos/Fucks' were first found in the same place (Mecklenburg) as Dols! Excellent. The top half of the Fix Coat is the black eagle in the top half of the Court/Covert Shield.

Dole's (with an 'e') uses a billet border, Billets now suspect with Bled liners of the Attila kind, which merits repeating that "Dol" was suspect with the DULO house of Attila. The stag symbol of the Huns is therefore likely in the Dole Coat. Note that while Louviers in Normandy was a possession of Tosni's = Tute / Todini liners, the Dole motto, "FortiTUDINE Vincit" can include both the Tosni's and the Wenceslaus line. The Wings/Winks, a likely branch of Binche (beside Mons and La Louvier), use billets and the Gully / Julian cross. Have we got this all correct? The red stag of Dole's is that of Celts/Colts (Pilate pheon), first found in the same place as Wings/Winks and the related Justine's (from Justine of Picenum, wife of Valentinian I from Vinkovci.

While writing on Valentinian earlier in this update, I still had not seen the Valenciennes location (Artois) across the Belgium/France border from Mons. Artois is from the Arduinici of Ivrea, a term like Yvery, the Normandy location ruled by Waleran and his Gully-suspect father. One Valentinian or the other was likely the namer of Valence on the Rhone river near Vienna-Isere, and while the Vienne surname uses the spread eagle of Ferte's in colors reversed, the latter eagle is suspect in the bend of Bellivaux-suspect Bonns, now tracing to the Kunigunda > Bonne-of-Bohemia line to Hainaut. Earlier, Kunigunda was tracing to Valentinian. Her line to Valois was taken over by Habsburgs when it ran out of heirs in Burgundy, where Primo's were first found that use three green roses in colors reversed from the same of Dutch Valence's. There are three Valence surnames that can be a branch of Velis' who likewise share the Julian / Gully cross. German Valence's/Falens (like Whelan variations) share red martlets with French Alans who in-turn share the French-Julian stars. This discussion is some new insight on the line of Jacques de Molay. The Jacques'/Jacks were first found in Silesia, same as SITlers, whose lion was clinched (last update) as the Flanders / Hainaut lion. Sitler liners are apt in the "manSIT" motto term of Jay-suspect Poppins, for Pepins were of the Flanders theater. Silesia covers some parts of Lusatia, where I trace Melusine's mother (Pressina and similar terms), home to the Sorbs expected as Serbs in the Croatia / Slovenia theater. French Jacques' share three white-on-blue swords with Aude's, and while being in Cavett colors, were first found in the same place (Picardy) as Cavetts. The latter share white-and-blue horizontal bars with the Arms of Lusignan. Cavetts use nine bars in the colors of the eight of Knightons/Nitons. The Nitts/Naughts use the same checks as German Cohens/Cone's, the latter suspect as kin to, or a branch of, Melissena Rangabe.

At one time, Molay's portrait at his Wikipedia article had him with a black-on-white moline upon his breast, the colors of the Chives moline, but then the Moline moline is likewise black. In other words, de Molay was merged with Sinclairs of the Moline kind. As the Moline's are traced in their write-up to Fulbert "the tanner," making him suspect with Fulbert of Polloc, it can start to appear that William the Conqueror was a Chives liner, from Ceva (Cevetta river, near the Tanaro river), thanks to his grandfather, Fulbert the tanner. It may indicate that Peter Pollock was a Ceva liner, merely named after the Pollock location from Pola / Istria elements settled in Scotland. Chives' had a branch in Tarves, not far from Peter Pollock's castle.

The "fortiTUDINE" (coincides with the "fortuna" of Rollo's) motto term of Bucks is important for establishing the Conqueror with the Tout/Tuit surname, where we read that BERENGAR de Todini was a son of the Conqueror's father. In this, we can't neglect the "tout" motto term of Rollo's, for Rollo (the Conqueror's Sinclair ancestor) had married Valois. The motto of German Bucks even has "VirTUTE." Kunigunda of Slovenia (highly suspect from Bled liners such as the buck-using Bloods/Bluds) was in the line to the rulers of Valois, making Rollo's wife, Poppa (Poppin suspect), a possible ancestor. Poppa's father is given as BERENGAR of Bayeux. The Bucks are using a version of the Conte/Counter/Comitissa Coat, and the latter are in the "commit" motto term of Sinclairs. It seems obvious that the Tute/Tuit write-up is accurate in tracing the Tute / Todini / Tosni bloodline to the Conqueror. It was the Molle-related Chands/Shands/Schims who use the motto, "VirTUTe duce COMITE FORTUNA," showing again the Fortuna link to Tute liners, and the Tute link to Herluin de Conteville.

In the last update, the Clare's figured into the Bled discussion, especially where the Bleds (Burgundy, where Valois came to rule) use the triple chevrons of Clare's in colors reversed. The Dutch Burghs once showed the Clare chevrons, making them suspect from Herluin de Conteville (he was a Burgo on his father's side). The Taddei's/TADINI's share three red chevrons with Clare's, adding to the evidence that Todini's/Tute's were a line to the Conqueror. The Tute's/Tuits happen to share the quadrants of Seconds/Segurs (same place as Clairs), the latter apparently in the "second" motto term of French Levi's. Jewish Levi's use a triple chevron too. The Segur-suspect Seagars and Segni's/Segurana's use a moline too. English Clare's/Clairs were first found in the same place a Bled-suspect Blois'.

The brown stag in the Clare Crest is almost the Blood/Blud stag. The evidence is in: the Conqueror's bloodline was merged with the Levi's that came to rule Hainaut, and probably a lot more, in Flanders. The Hainaut capital, Mons, was traced to "Emona" in a no-brainer, on-the-spot decision of the last update, meaning that Hainaut was at least partly a Colchian haunt of the Aeson > Jason / Medea kind. The Thessalie origin of Doris' helps to link them to the Levi-beloved Ade's. Again, La Louviere is right beside Mons, and Louviere's (wolf, for the Lupus theme of Leavells) are known to be using the checks in the Arms of Meulan/Mellent, while Mellents/Millans (trace with Buchanans to Buxentum, beside Blanda) use the same lion of Hainauts and Flanders. The Beaumonts of Meulan had married the line of Waleran of Percival-Leavell/Lovell. Incidentally, might Bloods have been of "Blanda?" Mons is about 50 miles from Ghent/Gaunt upon the Laus-suspect Lys river.

The write-up of the Waleran surname (suspect with a bull version of the Quade wolf heads, in the black of the Louvier wolf) traces to Meulan, but also to Fulke Paynel, "Lord of Brampton." From this lord, Waleran received BRADfield, suspect with Brattia, an island at the mouth of the Cetina, home of Bassianus suspect from Quade-suspect Quadratus Bassus, father of Quadratilla (Cetis family), wife of Lupus Laevillus. His full name, Gaius Julius Lupus Titus Vibius Varus Lævillus (c.95 - 132), has the typical "Gaius Julius" in honor of Caesar, but the very next name, which we may render as the most-important to Laevillus, was Lupus. Why? His father is said to have been Gaius Julius Lupus, and his mother Vibia Varia.

Kunigunda was from Hungarian royals in her grandfather, Bela IV. She lived not long before the first Bruce king, who married Mar, in Aberdeenshire. The Bruce's are suspect with the Louvain lion. The Bruce-like Percys, first found in the same place as blue-lion Bruce's, are known to have used the Louvain lion, but the Arms of Percys also used lozenges. Remnants of the Breuci, on the Roman-era map near Lesce, were bound to be in that area in Kunigunda's time. They may have evolved into something like, Percy / Pierce / Percival. The latter two were first found in the same place as Tresure's.

As the Arms of Hungary share red-and-white fesse bars with Carpathian-suspect Carpenters, their Belli kin can be Bela-Hungarian liners, and, perhaps, from Bela IV in particular. Belli's were first found in the same place as Bellino's, and the latter use a bear paw, while Percivals use the bear.

The Bled discussion was a highly-important part of my years-long work. The Joseph and Levi links to the Bled area were underscored along with the "Chretien" motto term of Levi's, for Chretiens use lions in the colors of the Louvain lion. One needs to ask for how long the Levites of the Laevi kind were in alliances and mergers with the Thessalian / Corinthian Colchians. Laish's Levites were traced in various ways to Elis, Pisa, the Ladon river, and mythical Oeneus of Elis-related Calydon (home of Taphians). Did Aeolians engage these Levites? One myth writer gave an alternative Aeolus, making him the son of Arne, like the Arno river from Florence to Pisa. And Florence is where Todini-like Tadini's were first found.

The Daphne-suspect Davids/Daffys may be using the Levi lion upon their Ade bend, for Laish was smack beside a Daphne location. The David/Daffy lion is in the black of the Ade leopard face's. As David's show a Dewey-like variation, here's the last time that Deweys were mentioned (late last month): "Aha! Although the Toots/TUITs were suspect in the "AssiDUITate" motto of Licks/Locks, which is a good idea because Toots traced to the Cetina, there is a DUIT/Dewey surname using the same-colored fesse as Dragons/Drainers. And Duits/Deweys put dragon heads around their fesse! Therefore, it looks like part of Toot / Tuttle / Toothill ancestry is from Drin[-river] liners."

It's time to check for surnames that might be from "Emona." There is no Mona surname coming up, but Da-Vince's Mona Lisa looks very conspicuously like code for a Laish line to Emona. The Lise/Lys surname is from Lissus in the land of the Cavii, now traceable to the namers of the Sava, where Vince's/Vinch's trace (to Vinkovci, a little ways off the lower Sava), and where one finds Emona (upper Sava). The Moans/Mone's are perhaps using the German-Julian pale / palet bars. The Pale's/Palys were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Moans/Mone's, and share three red lions with the Carni-suspect Carnys. The Pellets are the ones sharing the English-Pilotte cups while French Pilote's/Pilotte's (same place as Bleds) share the white-on-blue pheons in the Carny Chief. It looks like we may have found our first Emona candidate. It just so happens that the "SuSTINE et AbSTINE" motto of Carny can be partly for Steins/Stine's, and the latter look like they are using a version of the Ade bend. The Ade's are the ones with a jessant Crest suspect with Jasons.

What follows is an email to Mrs. Besant, when she wrote to say, "For example, the day was deified as 'hegr', which may be the Hagar of Abraham, Sara's Egyptian handmaiden who gave birth to Ishmael. I take hegr or Hagar to mean, the wheel or 'the gar'(a circle, a day, a cycle)." My email to her is a serious piece of work for identifying the line of Abraham and Hagar, which should be of utmost importance to the world for verifying that God was at the right place when taking a branch of Abraham to undo the dragon cult destined from Keturah. I assume that Hagarites got merged with Keturah's families.

Lately, I've been concentrating on Colchians which the Croatian locals accept in their history. Only now, the Colchians have been found in neighboring Slovenia too, and these are being discovered as the root of Templarism. The Habsburgs were in Slovenia's Bled area, and one Colchian entity, ABSyrtus/APSyrtus, a chief entity, was made the brother of the Medea witch. There is an island by that name off the Croatia coast. Therefore, HABSburgs are suspect with this Colchian thing. I'm not sure whether it's an Abs/Aps term or just an Ab/Ap prefix on a Syrtus term. There is a Losinj area in Croatia that caused me to identify lozenges with Colchians, and the Abbs/Habbs, who share the Arms of Habsburg, happen to use lozenges. So I'm fairly convinced that Habsburgs/HAPSburgs were from the Apsyrtus entity. The PHASis location in Colchis can apply [to "Abs/Aps"]. The Eschol-suspect Schole's use lozenges in the same colors so that this Colchian thing can trace to Keturah, and by that route also to Hagar.

I find your hegr "the wheel" = solar cycle idea to be interesting. Where was "hegr" used as "day"? What language? Medea, like her kin, Helios, was given a chariot to ride, symbol of the sun. I am quite convinced (would be surprised to find that it's wrong) that Keturah's son, Medan, evolved into Medea. I read that "Attis," the sun god of Cybele, named "Attica," which was at Athens, where Medea rode her chariot. But there are sound reasons for tracing "Aeetes" to "Attis" so that even the Absyrtus entity can be expected at Attica. On it's one side, there was Argos; and on the other, there was Euboea, both assigned a mythical ABAS by myth writers [i.e. it looks like the Apsyrtus Colchians were of Abas, suspect now with Avvites to the Cavii, and to "Sava"]. And while the Keturah tribe of Leummites is suspect with Lemnites and therefore with Hephaestus' excursion (thigh symbol, why?) with Athena, it can be demonstrated that [Medea's] Medan line was in mythical Medon, son of Kodros [king of Athens]. Then, probably of no coincidence, Kodros had another son (the name of which I always forget) that was made the mythical founder of Ephesus (like "Phasis"), also called APASA. With this clue and more, there was a honey cult in Boiotia that traces well to the essenes bee cult in Ephesus, "essenes" suspect with the Aeson-line Colchians.

I think this is all a very big deal in understanding the Ares > Masonic > Revelation dragon, and this thing was found last week in the Arms of a Slovenian city (Ljubljana) that was earlier called, Emona, said by Herodotus to be named after the Aemonia home of Aeson. On top of these things, Medea rode her chariot (pulled by 12 dragons) from Corinth to Athens, meaning the myth writers knew of a Colchian migration from Corinth to Athens, and then the Emona area was at Corinth-like Carinthia, and even at a Carni area on an ancient map I've been using. To top it off, the Bassus / Bassianus / Bessin bloodline can be linked very well to these items, and the Base's even use the double lion in pale of the Abraham- / Parium-suspect Bramtons. "Parium/Parion" (like PARNassus of Thessaly) was the known home of Gorgons, which I see as Georgians = Colchian kin, but I see "Gorgon" as from Herodotus' "Gargarian," like "wheel-wheel," interesting for tracing the naming of Hagar to Gargarians. An alternative, but not necessarily inconsistent, theory is that "Hagar" is a form of "Gugar/Gogarene," both root terms of which end in "gar". This idea can signal a trace of Abraham's Ishmael line to Ugrians > Hungarians, or to an Ocra mountain smack at Emona. If we ask why the Hungarian Leslie's went to live by royal permission in Kabardino-suspect Aberdeenshire, right beside the first Hagar(d) in Perthshire, home also of the first Sava-like Shaws, it brings to mind an old trace of Leslie's to a Lesce location on the upper Sava river, which you can see smack beside Bled on this map.

If Leslie's were of Lesce, it's a completely super argument for tracing Huns to Bled and therefore to the naming of Bleda (Attila's brother). Then, believe it or not, that while both Joseph surnames were clinched (in this week's update [last week]) with the Bled location (beside Emona), the Vlads/FLATTENs, suspect with the "wlad" motto term of English Josephs (same place as Phasis-suspect Potters, Botters), use the same white-on-blue Zionist star as Hagars! It's signalling a Hagar line to the Ocra mountains, for one, but a little digging can find Hagar liners elsewhere in that area. The expectation now is that "WLAD" is code for a BLED liner, meaning that Vlads are suspect from the namers of Bled. I expect that the first-known Alan of Dol, FLAAD, was a Bled liner. Plus, the Joseph garbs are used by Abas-like Avis' whose anchor suggests lozenge-using Anchors/Annackers i.e. the Anaki of Hebron.

...The update out this week traced Leib(er)s / Lieb(er)s to Ljubaljana for good reasons, and then the Dee's, from the Dee river of Aberdeenshire, use a "Hic LABOR" motto as well as a lion in the colors of the Base lions. The Zionist star of Hagars / Vlads was likely viewed as a HEXagram, linkable to Hic-like people groups throughout history. While Kunigunda of Slovenia is in the line to rulers of Flanders, the Hex/Heck surname (shares the brown stag with Bloods/Bluds), using the stag design of Celts/Cotls (Perthshire, same as Hagars), was first found in Flanders. This can identify Hex / Hick liners throughout history with "Hagar." The Dee lion is almost the Bohemia lion, and Kunigunda was a Bohemian queen by marriage. The Celts/Cults are using the Pilate pheon in colors reversed, and the Pilate pheon is in the Carny Chief. In the past, "Bleda" became suspect with "Pilate" aside from anything to do with Carnys ABStine" motto term.

The Days/Dea's happen to be sharing a hand holding a sword with Carnys (same lion as Sava-river Sauers), as well as another brown stag, and even throw in snakes, the Save symbol. It looks like Days and Dee's trace to the Sava/Save river. There is even a way to trace Days to the old day-wheel theme of Helios by way of the Dein/Dean crescents, and by way of a Carni trace to the Carian mood goddess. Whilke the "experts" feel that Aberdeen was named after the Dee river, I see it the other way around. I see "Dee" as a short form for "AberDEEN," and the Deens/Deins/Deans happen to use the Dee lion. Deens (share the Massey/Massa Chief) can be using the Luna crescents for a trace to old Luni beside Massa-CARRara. The Day sword with green snake was even used by Mackesys. It explains the Dee river of Cheshire.

The Bram(p)tons were discovered last May/June with Warin de Haule/Haule/Aule marrying Juliana Brampton. The Dutch Haule's not only share the stag design above, but share the Clare triple chevrons, which are colors reversed from the triple Bled chevrons! It's a clear Bram-liner link to Bleda. Moreover, English Haule's/Halls share the talbot head (same design at thyis time) with the Bramton Crest, and were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as the Base's with the Brampton lions in colors reversed, tending to assure that Base's were Bramton kin.

Mrs. Besant has spent a lot of time trying to understand the root meanings of the most-ancient words. Her emphasis on aps- / abs-like terms has thus far brought me the message that it, along with Habsburgs, should trace to a "tail-end" theme. It can perhaps be the same as "base / bottom," what I see in "abyss," or the Greek, abyssos. I can also see a tail-end theme in the stinger of a scorpion, or the small-dog god of Avvites, which may be in play in the talbot dog of Bramtons and Halls. The Avvite god, Tartak, was an ass, another tail-end theme. The Bramton talbots can link to the Tails/Tailers, for Bramton link to Tailbois', first found in Lincolnshire, where Haule's/Halls/Hole's were first found that link definitely to Juliana Brampton's husband. TailBOIS' may be of the royal-Bohemian line married by KUNigunda. From her name, I'm starting to see the Maschi pine CONE's...the Cone's and related Conte's that share antlers as likely clever code for their Hun-stag line. Hamonds, of Hamon de Masci, use their antlers.

French Pine's were first found in Limousin (same as Levi-beloved Seconds suspect with the Dee / Base lion and the Leib(er)/Laib Coat). Pine needle's, or the pine tree in general, may have been play on the sharp / stinger theme that I see for Avvites. In Revelation, the abyss of Abaddon (= wolf-line Apollo) is accompanied by scorpion stings.

This viable Maschi link to Kunigunda can go side-by-side with the Bessin area of Meschins, said to be home of Boii of the Baiocasses kind. This is a completely new idea for me, that the Bohemian aspects behind the Meschins, and/or behind le Meschin's wife (Lucy Taillebois), and/or behind the very formation of Emona-suspect HasMONeans = MaccaBAEUS', was specifically from queen Kunigunda of Bohemia. A Maschi-Kunigunda merger can also jibe with a Base link to Julia Maesa Bassianus, whose first name is reflective of Juliana Brampton.

It's not necessarily inconsistent to trace Percivals and Pierce's, along with Bruce's, to the line of peoples that named Pharisee's. The Aphrodite-based Abreu's/Abruzzo's, whom I see as the mother stock of Bruce's, use two lions in the colors and upright position of the Dee lion, meaning that Abreu's can be Bramton / Parium / Abraham Hebrews.

The Gunns (same general area as the Sutherland Mackays) came to mind with her name, and Gunns are suspect from the Norman duchess, Gunnora. Gunns share the ship of French Durante's (share a gold star with Sutherlands), and from there one can link to the Sale's. The Durant ship is in Kern colors, and while related Carny's share the pheon of Pilate's while Mont Pilat is in Dauphine, French Durants were first found in Dauphine, where one should expect Levites from a Laish-Daphne merger. Warin de Haule/Haule/Aula was also styled, De la Sale, De la Salle, De Sale, De Salle, De la S'aula, and while I decided that Halls / Aule's were not a branch of Sale's, it appears that there was an Aule-Sale merger. I see this merger in the "dining hall" phrase (mere code) to which Sale's are traced.

Scottish Durants, I now see, share the black-on-white HUNting horns with Base's/Bessans! Sale's were not only first found in the same place as Masseys, but they share a white pheon with Carnys, making the red Carny lion suspect with that of Ranulf le Meschin. The Carny hand-with-sword looks a lot like the same of Mackays, and is reflected in the Coats of Sale-related Bessins / Bistone's.

I'd say that the Coat of Scottish Durants is also the Coat of Burns, and while I traced Dine's/Diens/Dives' (old Masci wing) to the namers of a Dinar mountain system at the sources of the Cetina/TILURius river (home, somehow, of the Maesa-related Bassianus'), that's almost the location of Burnum. The latter was on a Titius river suspect with emperor Titus', and then the Titus surname is expected to be a line especially from Josephus, himself suspect in the Joseph surnames now linking to Bled. There are not many generations between Josephus (Maccabee liner) and the first-known Bassianus'. The lion in the Titus Coat can thus be the Base lion.

While Josephs share the garbs of Avis'/Avisons, "AVEZZANo" may yet be a branch of "Bessan," and moreover AVEZZano is near enough to Rieti (both on the Durant-suspect Turano) that VESpasia (Titus' father) could have been named after it.

French Pine's can be linked to the pine cone's of Maschi's (Rimini) if the Pine's are sharing the fesse-with-cinquefoils of Deweys, for the latter are suspect with at least one variation of the Cheshire Davids/Daffys, another Daphne suspect. It was resolved that Deweys (share Dien/Dives colors) and their dragons (Ladon-dragon suspects) prove their merger with Dragons/Drains, the latter using the Dewey fesse and the Mynett helmets and therefore linkable to Hamonds (have a Rimini code buried in their motto), first found in the same place as Mynetts and Cone's. I can glean that Deweys are using the dragon heads of Clarks, a branch of Clerks/Clairs, first found in the same place (Limousin) as French Pine's. And the Clarks with those same dragon heads (different colors) use the colors and format of Scottish Durants. This recalls the hunch that Cathian Covert, who married Mr. Dein, and who said to me that her father was from a kaiser Coffert (sounds like a Germanic emperor), was related in some way to the Clark-House mansion of Idaho, at the Aryan Nations complex, all suspect with the hiding of Adolf Hitler in Idaho and Montana.

As Clarks link with Clare's to Bled, I'm thinking that the Irish Clarks, sharing the Clair besants, were Bassianus liners in relation to Bled's Kunigunda elements. The Irish-Clark besants are on a fesse colors reversed from the same of the Coverts / Arms of Habsburg / Arms of Austria. Coverts, Deins and Dine's/Diens/Dives' were all first found in the same place as Bononia-suspect Bone's, and Bononia liners can be of the Bohemians married by Kunigunda.

The green sea horse of Irish Clarks is likely the one of Irish Cohens/Coens/Kyne's (gold-on-red besant, the colors of the Clark besants), a potential Cone / Kunigunda liner, for these Cohens share white-on-blue pheons with Carnys. This can make Kunigunda suspect with the Cohen/Cone Khazars. Although I can't recall the exact wording, Cathian told me that her father's ancestry in Coffert was possibly / likely linked to Hohenzollerns...= a Cohen branch. A Kunigunda link to Cohens make her linkable to mythical Melusine and all that it implies from the latter's Lusatian / dragon ancestry. Her link to Melusine makes Kunigunda linkable to the green Emona dragon. Kunigunda married OttoKAR, son of Wenceslaus I. Ottokar was also a duke of Austria, bringing Coverts/Cofferts feasibly into position within this picture.

On the map above of Bled and Lesce, Bled is at a KORITno area, perhaps named by Courts. Coverts have a surname listed with Courts. While Courts/Coverts are said to have been linked to Courcys, Coeurs/Courts use more besants. French Courcys even share cinquefoils on blue with the Pine's that got us to this part of the discussion. Irish Courcys were first found in Courcy-like Cork, making the Corks/Core's (tails) and Gore's/Core's possibly Covert branches, especially as Gore's have a branch listing Covert-like "Gower." As this tends to identify Courts and Coverts as Sava-river liners from the Colapis, that's nearly as far up the Sava as Koritno. Plus, Irish Courcys can be using the red, spread eagles of Scottish Reeds (Dee kin), for English Reeds use a "copia" motto term. In fact, the entire Reed motto is virtually the entire motto of Dewey-suspect Davids/Dewi's.

Scottish Reeds are kin of Roets, kin in-turn of Kerns/Karens (Silesia). But Scottish Reeds are, surely, using the red chevron of Quints (same place as Gore's/Core's), the latter suspect from the Colapis river's Kupa version. The Scottish Reeds put a gold fitchee on their red chevron, the color of the fitchee in the Quint Chief. It's the Quintus-Caepio bloodline, and the Reeds knew they were from it. The "Pax" term used by Reeds and Davids can be code for the Packs, first found in the same place as Coverts, Diens, etc. But the Peks/Pecks share the Reed chevron. There is a way to link the Pack Chief and Shield to the same of Blaze's (suspect with the Blez variation of Bleds) where the latter's Chief uses the Avison garb while Avisons share the anchor with the Pack Chief. Reeds trace to Rieti, down-river from Avison-suspect Avezzano. Reeds inform me that there was a Quintus-Caepio link to Vespasian's family. Fannius Caepio tried to become the Roman emperor by coup in times before Vespasian made it.

The Arms of Fanano use a bend in colors reversed from the same of French Pine's, and the latter trace to Maschi's, first found in Rimini, beside Fano. This picture became suspect with "Fannius." The Fanano area is not only close to Bononia, home of the proto-Bohemians, but the so-called gonFANON banner was code for Fanano liners, and owned by the Montforts that share the two-tailed Bohemian lion. Bononia's Pasi's is where I trace Vespasian liners, and while Pasi-related Paisleys use another anchor for linkage to Packs (the Paisley anchor happens to be in the colors of the Pack anchors), recalling the Baez/Paez surname with Pelaiz variation that reflects both PAISley and Blaze liners together. Then, the Blaze's share their Chief in the colors of the Panico Chief, and while I claimed that Panico's share the Kilpatrick Chief, here the Blaze's are found using the Kilpatrick saltire.

Blaze's are said to be from Blay, a dog walk from Le Molay, in Calvados, same area as Avezzano-suspect Bessin. The last time "Le Molay" was mentioned was in October, 2010, as per the baron of Blaye in the Riddle write-up. Blaye's were checked at that time. I said: "LOOK. The Riddles were Blayes, and Blayes were "originally from Blay, 3 miles north east of Le Molay in Calvados." Therefore, the Moles and Posts must have been from the Molay entity, explaining why Rutlands also use "Post."...Both Blayes and Blythes use garbs and crescents. Bill Clinton's father was not a Clinton, but a Blythe..." Eschyna de Molle's daughter married Robert Pollock, and Robert's brother had a daughter whom herself, or her daughter, married Watsons (share martlets with Blaze's), first found in Rutland. Note how they and Scottish Watsons can link to Rodhams.

The Laud/Lord mystery can now be cleared up where Blythe was a location in Lauderdale, for Lauderdale's are also Lorderdale's. Lauderdale is in Berwickshire, and is therefore likely of the Lauder location (could be Lauderdale), on my atlas between the Teviot river and Lothian, and therefore of the Letters/Leathers that list "Lauder." While Rutlands share the orle border with Rutherfords, the latter share a goose with the Letter/Lauder Crest. It makes the Watson martlet suspect as the Rutherford martlet, but then Maxwells, first found in the same place as Rutherfords, are definitely in the Blaze saltire. It's making a Blaze link to Blythes. Although there is not enough yet for clinching Blythes' with Bled liners, one can see the writing on the wall. The Watsons can be deemed in using the Burn and Bernice chevron and fesse, for those two surnames must trace to Bernicia / Berwickshire.

The double tressure border Letters/Lauders and others traced (last update) to Bled kin of the Tresure/Treasure kind, first found in the same place as Borders, and as the Reed-related Roets (share the oak with Watsons) married by John of Gaunt. The Reed chevron is also the Riddle chevron, tending to verify that Riddle's were Reed / Roet / Rieti liners. The other Reeds are using the saltire of Letter- and Leto-related Letts, right? The potential Roet link to Borders is why I trace Borders to Bordeaux (Aquitaine), which place happens to be in the Riddle write-up. It can explain why Scottish Roets share a Chief like that of Blaze's, and why Roets put the Gord boar heads in their Chief, for Gords were first found in the Teviot river. Gord(en)s became suspect with Gore's, and as such can be suspect as a Covert / Court branch.

I didn't quite have the handy evidence above when claiming that John of Gaunt, when he was doing some business in Candale, was overseeing part of the Caepio tressure. But here we just found a way to trace the Caepio-related Reeds to Candale. Bordeaux was home / base / camp / office in some way for John of Gaunt. It was beside Candale. From Aquitaine's Gironde location, near Candale, the Caepio treasure traced to ruling Meschins of Cheshire, for the Gernons (surname of le-Meschin's son) had become heavily suspect with the gyronny in the Arms of Gironde. The idea is that the namers of Gironde evolved the Gernon surname, and named Guernsey off of Manche. The Footes location on Guernsey is suspect with the Levi chevrons (as per the Foot / Fothes chevron), and John of Gaunt can connect to the counts of Hainaut i.e. that used the Levi chevrons. Note how the Gernon motto term, "cyfoeth," is like "Caepio / Caiaphas," for Fothes' use a cornuCOPIA. If the Gernons wanted only to honor the Foots and Fothes', they didn't need to tack a "cy" to the motto term. The Gernon lions are also the Base lions, and de Gernon was descended from the Bessin.

John's line is in the gauntlet gloves of Fane's ("fano" motto term), and then the Lauderdale's happen to use a giant fret, symbol of Cattle's that I trace to Cattolica, smack between Fano and Rimini. The Maschi's of that area were Maccabees, suspect from Emona's particulars in forming Hasmoneans. The Aliotta's in Messina really got around, for their griffin is in the Lauder Coat.

Blay of Normandy is seven miles from Bayeux, and at/near the mouth of the Vire river. It's essentially at the Bessin. There are two Blay surnames not listed with the Blaze's/Blaise's/Blayes'. One Blay surname (Languedoc) is listed with Blais' using a bend in the colors of the Jewish-Pollock bend, but in a sinister direction, and having the rarity / curiosity of one rose upon the upper part of the bend. This could be the Jay bend, in which case the Blythe's can be using the fesse of Futters/Fotys, for they're the ones with a poppinJAY. The Fody variation strikes me as a variation of Bodys, listed with Botters, first found in the same place as Bidens/Buttons that share the Futter / Blythe fesse. The other Blay surname (axe, looks like an Axe-river / Battin/Battant / Battle liner) is said to be from "blyth" = "wolf," but I resist that as anything but code.

The Bligh variation of the latter Blays prompted a look at Blicks, one of which shares the white-on-blue fish of Vires'/Verona's (i.e. possible Blay trace to Blay at the Vire river), and the other listed with Blods/Bloders! That's what was hoped for, a clear Blay link to Bled / Blood/Blud liners. Safe to say, Bleda liners from Bled trace to the Bessin.

Inhabitants of Blay have been called, Blavians. It sounds like "Flavius," the surname of Titus adopted by Josephus.

I'd like to go back to Gowers/Gore's, but first want to repeat: "I trace "Gore" to the Gorski area of Croatia." I've been doing it for several years, and haven't found a reason yet to retract it. If the "Frangas" motto term of Gore's is for the Franks (share "non" with Gowers/Gore's), they share the Blade saltire. It's another way to trace Gore's to the Croatian theater, or to Croatians merged with Bled liners. The Tints have been resolved with Croatian-liner Cravens, who share the Arms of Austria with Habsburgs. Tints (blue uniCORN) are very traceable with Gale's (blue UNIcorn) to the naming of TintaGEL, birthplace of king Arthur (he was fictional) from GORlois' wife. Do you see that? The Arthurian stupids secretly made a Gore-of-Croatia trace to the Tintagel Cornwall, now tracing to Kerns, one of which is in Blade / Frank colors. The Spanish and Italian Franca's use the same colors again.

Whose two-tailed orange-y lion is in the Frank Crest? Why do Ricks use an orange griffin in Crest along with a version of the Tint / Craven Coat? Tints were first found in the same place (beside Cornwall) as Kern-related Roets, and more-in-particular at WREXham of Somerset, while Ricks list "REX/Rix." It's a line from Croatia's Reka/Rika/Rikeka location, isn't that right? The stupids wouldn't have wanted to tell that to the Brits, now would they? They might have become persecuted / snubbed. The Tints are even using the Gore/Core crosslets in white, and these are also those of Julians / Gullys/Gollys/Goule's so that Gale's are suspect with them. This discussion is a great reason for deciphering UNIcorn as part code for elements at the Una river, and for Carni- / Carinthia-liner Colchians. But as the Una was also the Oeneus, that's why Levites from Laish (and Oenotrians from Calydon) are expected there.

The Tint lion is "couchant," a term now suspect with Gaucher of Chatillon. The Higgs of Chatillon-related Challant use "couchant" stags, which are the "lodged: stags of Bloods/Bluds. The Arthurs had married Hicks of Clapton (Somerset, same as Ricks), and Higgs were recently (last two updates) resolved as Hick liners, including the Chives-related Hicks/Hacks of Devon (between Somerset and Tintagel), now traceable to Binche at Mons.

As FIRE's use a giant unicorn, let's repeat that Tints should trace to the ancient Atintanes (lower-left of light map) smack on the southeast side of FIER.

Gale's use a "RACoglia" motto term that can be for Rick liners. The racks are listed with Rake's/Raike's, evoking the Franconian Rake, for the Frank surnames are thought to be from Franconians. The Racks (pean ermine) happen to use a motto, "HONestum praeFERRE UTILI," suggesting Attila's Huns. If the Racks are using the Tolkien/Took/Touque's Coat, they are linkable to Teague's that, once again, use the Julian crosslets (same cross as Gore's and Ricks, only in black). Fier county is on the Habsburg-suspect Apsus river along with the proto-Patrick Antipatria location, and while Patricks were on the Nith river, I think the "nati" motto term of the Franks is for the Nitts/Naughts and related Natts/Nathans.

I can trace Touque's/Tuck liners to the Tintagel theater by way of Bickle's and Tokers/Tuckers (Devon). The Toker/Tucker chevron is embattled, a code for Battins/Badens, first found in the same place (Somerset) as the Axe river, where a certain clan lived that used the axe in the Toker/Tucker Crest. The Toker sea horse is partly for the Seamans (ermines in colors reversed from pean), kin of Seez' (Kent, same as Touque's/Tucks), and the same may apply to the Clark sea horse. The Bickle's/Biglys (same place as Tokers) use an embattled chevron too, a good thing for proving Tokers as a Touque's branch because Bickle's/Bigleys use the Touque Coat on a gold Shield. This is able to prove that Ricks (same place as the Axe river) use the Touque Coat. It's interesting that the Bickle's use the same chevron colors as Foots and Fothes', while sharing the stag with Fothes, and while Foots are traced to an early Mr. Fot in Kent. Bick(er)s (Berkshire) use the stag head too, probably the Windsor stag head on the Other bend. The Other bend (minus the crescents) is the entire Arms of Baden, the rulers of which used antlers, and were in a position to merge with Franconians. Baden was beside FOETes/Fussen.

Later in this update, you'll see why Bickle / Bick liners can link to VALENtins, but weren't they GALEN liners too? Valence's were first found in Kent. Note that the SEMAN variation of Seamans evokes the Asmans (Somerset theater) and Assmans/Rasmussens, the latter sharing the unicorn with GALE's. The latter use a "SEMINa" motto term that explains it. The Gale fesse bar is in the colors of the same of Seamans. The Asmans use the same bend as the Arms of Baden. This explains well why the EU Illuminati is a Round-Table beast. It should be added that while Rasmussens were first found in Hesse, Hesse's use the FETT(er) Coat with a Crest like that of Illuminati-suspect Weis'. Foetes is in Bavaria, where Weis' were first found.

The Hones'/Hone's, suspect in the Rack motto above, were first found in the same place as English Josephs, which is right beside the first Ricks. The Hones billets are suspect with French Josephs and now with Bled = Bleda liners. The Hones' use two wavy fesse bars in the blue of the wavy fesse bar of Fix's/Ficks, mentioned earlier with the wavy bend of Hun-suspect Dols. The "TransFIXUS" motto term that brought Fix's top topic was suspect partly from modern Tirana, at the Mathis-river theater. Ficko WESERA in the Fix write-up makes it pretty plain, in combination with the German Ficks/Vicks using the Weis(er) hexagram, that Fix liners were merged with Weis' / Wies'. Ficks/Vicks and Weisers were both first found in Bavaria, and the Arms of Bavaria (lozenges, suspect with Colchians) uses the Franconian Rake. WEIShaupts use the ibis that I see as code for the Biss' who share the two snakes of NETTle's.

Later, Biss' become suspect with Bick liners in the master PIECE revelation, perhaps the best-ever accomplishment thus far that makes NOT in vain my previous emphasis on Quadratilla and Laevillus. If you've been following my work, don't miss that. Bicks may have been Fick / Vick liners.

As Viponts share the Weis / Wies wings, let's add that Vipont is a location at the Touques river, for we just saw a Touque-like Coat with the Racks/Rake's. The Viponts happen to share annulets with the English Ficks/Figgs (Cambridgeshire), and the latter are showing a replica of the Fogg Coat. I'm not sure what to make of this, whether to link Anders Fogh Rasmussen of NATO (i.e. like "nati") to the Tint and Gale unicorn. Foggs and Rasmussens both use the unicorn. Frocks/Froggs use nearly the same Coat as Foggs / Ficks/Figgs (Medley-tiger liners), and were found in-code with the Grimaldi write-up, which is Bavaria-important if it was correct to trace the Grimaldi lozenges to a ruler of Bavaria i.e. Grimauld. Since then, the Grimaldi's have been clinched with Irish Weirs that use their Grimaldi lozenges on the same angle as the Bavarian lozenges. I've not seen any other surname with lozenges at that angle. If not mistaken, Losinj is in the Gorski area of Croatia.

The "nati" Franks with the Pollock saltire are said to have received lands in Shropshire, not only where the first Pollocks lived, but where Frocks/Froggs were first found. As Thors loved the Trunks, first found in Franconia, mythical Thor and FRIGG are coming to mind. The so-called "PHRYGian cap" was pointed, like the cap on the man in the Feck/Vick Crest. The Frank people group got called, frogs." Why? Had they been Phrygians?

Having made those reliable traces between Tintagel's Gore's and the Bled area of the Chives-suspect Sava river, it's Kunigunda-interesting that German Franks were first found in Bohemia. As we just saw the Dumfries theater (of the Nith river) play to the discussion, the German Franks above can be using the Annan(dale) saltire. Bled/Blez liners of the Place/Plais kind trace to Placentia, and Dumfries is where Rome's/Rooms were first found who use a "placit" motto term. But as Racks/Rake's were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as TailBOIS', the Franks can be using the Annandale saltire while adopted from the Tailbois'. If you're spotting a Boii link to the Ananes Gauls of Placentia, it wouldn't be surprising. But Boii have yet to figure in, with hard evidence, to the formation of the MaccaBaeus', now expected at Emona, and probably with ties to Bled liners at the same time. Kunigunda has catapulted me to where I need to be to find what happened in making up the enemies of Jesus between northern Italy and Israel.

The Natts/Nathans are sharing the escutcheon of Saddocks, and the Nitts/Naughts can be construed as using the same escutcheon. Saddocks were first found in the same place as Bone's, suspect from Kunigunda's Bohemian grandmother. Was NATO named by the Natt/Nathan bloodline? One person had pointed out that NATO backward is OTAN, like Odin, Frigg's husband. The Franks with the Blade saltire likewise use "nati."

If the Gale motto term, "raCOGLia," is for Racks/Rake's, what else is it for? Is there a Coggle bloodline? There is a Coggle/Cockhill surname, and it happens to share "non" with Gowers/Gore's (the ones with "FRANGas"), and with the nati Franks, But the Coggle's even share "qui" with Gale's. When speaking on Grimaldi's above, I had not yet arrived to Coggle's/Cockhills that use the red rooster of Cocks, the latter sharing the Grimaldi Shield. The write-up speaks on a Cockhill location in Somerset that was owned by Careys, referring to Cary castle. The Cary write-up says that a Lord Lovell was owner of Cary Castle, and Lovells are listed with Leavells. Roses in the Cary-rose colors are used by Leavell-suspect Lowers/Louers of St. TUDY, suspect with Louviers, home of Tosni's = Tute's, but now this Louvier entity has been found at Mons.

This sudden turn recalls that Leavells share the Yonge piles while Yonge's were kin to the Gore's that got us to Gale's. If the Yonge's / Hogers were at the Ocra mountains, at Bled, and much points to this, it's very notable that the swan in the Cary Crest is in the design of the swan once showing for French Josephs, for Bled traced to both Joseph surnames.

Let's go back to the PIERCED swan of Walsh's, for that has got to be linkable to the PERCival-Leavell line now going as hard as Caiaphas' skull to the Cary swan. Walsh's are the ones with the "TransFIXUS" motto term, and we already saw how the Fix / Fick liners can be a branch of the Vos/Fucks surname in the Waleran motto. It means that Walsh's and Walkers were definitely Laevillus liners...explaining why one of two Walsh surnames was first found in Roxburghshire , same as one of two Leavell surnames. We can add here that the giant hexagram of Ficks/Vicks is on a blue Shield, as is the giant hexagram of Vlads suspect with "Bled" and the "wlad" motto term of Josephs. This is definitely derogatory. The tribwatch roto-tiller has just dug up the dirt on Quadratilla.

Carys are said to be from LISieux, at the Vipont theater. Viponts, said to be from Fix-like VIEUXpont in the Touques-river area, share the Walker annulets, while Walkers use an "HONESta" motto term, while Hones' share blue billets with both Dutch Bush's and Leavell-related VAUX's/Bellivaux's (not to mention the Waleran-suspect Dole's). It was the Racks/Rake's, with a version of the Touque's Coat, that use the motto, "HONEStum praeferre UTILI," what seems to be clear, Hun terminology. It looks like Viponts and Ficks were Vaux liners, but this may be hasty.

I can see "Vieux" modifying to a Walk-like term (none of the rest of this paragraph was conceived when starting out with that line). The Beaumonts of Meulan (married by Waleran's family) descended from Humphrey Vieilles, expected in the Valibus variation of Vaux's. Humphrey was of the HarCOURT family, and zowie, Harcourts, along with their kin, use double fesse bars, which can explain the same of German Walkers (same colors even). I don't recall ever making this Walker-Harcourt link, and it's notable that the two Harcourt fesse bars are in the colors of the three used by Leavells! I don't recall making the Leavell link to Walkers either. The "magna" motto term of Walkers can now indicate that the line of Laevillus was merged with that of Plancia Magna.

As the "quam" motto term of Walkers has been resolved from the Cambridge motto as code for the Cam river of Cambridge, it's notable that English Ficks/Figgs (PIERCED stars), sharing a black-on-white fesse with English Bush's, were first found in Cambridgeshire. Cambridge's (same place as Walkers and Bush's) use four swans, no guff. The Cambridge motto is shared by Scherf-suspect Sheriffs.

WILKensons: another wavy fesse in the white color of the fesse of whale-using Dols; another "non" motto term; another unicorn-using surname. Wilkensons, who share a "sed" motto term with Walsh's, are traced to Touques-suspect Tewksebury. It appears that this and the above has just discovered that Walkers and Walsh's were a branch of Vieux's = Viponts. Which terms came first? The Vipont and Walker ANNUlets are in the colors of the same of Lords/Lauds, and the latter's Coat reflects that of Anchors/ANNACKers (suspect from the Anaki / Annunaki) while Welks use a giant anchor. Carys are said to be from the Touques area, but with a branch in Guernsey, where Anchor-related Majors lived (share the red greyhound with French Gore's). Wilkins, who share the Schere/Scherf Shield, itself much like the Shield of Scottish Walkers, use a green dragon traceable to Emona, itself fully expected with Louvier liners. As Wilsons ("qui" again) can be using the Bush fesse in their Chief, their green wolf might be of the Wilkin dragon. Wilsons may be amongst the earliest of these variations, most-directly from "Vieilles.

The Wilkenson Crest is like the Crest of Lurch's/Larchers ("bona" and "honesta") and Archers, suspect from Lurco, father-in-law of a pelican-suspect liner, Appius Pulcher. The Wells / DeVAUX's use the pelican. It should be repeated that Bone's are suspect with the Beaumont lion, and that Beaumonts can be Boii liners, as expected with Bone's. But suddenly, it seems all of my past emphasis on the Boii was unknowingly in the Kunigunda > Bonne > Valois-Hainaut bloodline. The three Lurch/Archer / Archer arrows point down, as do the three arrows in the Hogen/Hoger Coat.

As Walerans use the Quade Coat with black bull heads instead of black wolf heads, the Bullis location between the Atintanes and Fier county has just come to mind as a possible line to the Blez variation of Bleds, meaning that Bleda and Attila may have been Bullis liners. There is a Bullis surname using what could be the Vere / Annas star, important because Attila and Bleda are expected from Hannibal while he's suspect from Annas / Annan liners. Hannibal's brother, Mago, is in the Joseph motto, isn't he?

The Bogie Man

The Bowie surname came to mind within the last hour, though I don't recall where. I'm not familiar with the Bowie surname. It uses a Bible in the Crest, and, to my shock, there is a Bible surname listed with BIBo's/Bibbows, a surname like the ones I was entertaining (in my mind, not written down yet) as per VIBia Varia, mother of Lupus Laevillus. Amazing. Bible's/Bibo's use a giant red rooster, probably of the Coggle's/Cockhills that led us to Cockhill of Somerset, owned by Carys that had a Cary castle once owned by Leavells! Amazing. Absolute, astounding evidence of a Laevillus trace to Leavells, and to Bowie's. But why Bowie's?

The Bible/Bibo rooster is on a green "cushion," symbol of Kilpatricks too. It's the Cassius/Casano bloodline, first found in Modena. The Boii were in Modena, allied there with Hannibal, just before the first-known Maccabees. And the Boii-suspect Bowie's/Bowy's/Bawie's are using the MacAbee salmon, for Bowie's (MacDonald kin) were first found in the same place (Kintyre) as the Alexanders (MacDonald motto) that trace to Jonathan Maccabee, ancestor of Josephus (according to Josephus), suspect with the rooster-using Jonathans. The rooster design of the Blue's/Gorms is that of Jonathans, and Blue's/Gorms were first found in the same place (Arran, beside Kintyre) as MacAbee's. The Alexander crescent has been suspect with the same of Motts/Mottins, Modena-liners, I feel sure.

Let's recall that Lupus Laevillus used "Vibius Varus Lævillus" in his name, after first using "Lupus Titus." It not only means that Vibia Varia was a Varus liner, but may mean that Laevillus (born about 95) was the grandson of Josephus (born 37 AD), for he was adopted by emperor Titus. The black wolves of Leavell-related Louvier's and Lovetts are clearly of the Quade wolf, but Spanish Varro's use the black wolf too, indicating rather strongly that Varro's were of the same stock of Romans as Varus' / Varia's. Varro was a name used by Aulus Terentius Varro Murena, whose sister married Maccabee-suspect Cilnius Maecenas. This was the line to the Tarents that was crossed earlier in this update as per the eagles of Courcys, the latter suspect as a line of Courts to Matthias Curtus Maccabee, whom Josephus claimed to be his ancestor.

Repeat; "WILKensons: another wavy fesse in the white color of the fesse of whale-using Dols..." MacAbee's use yet another white, wavy fesse. In the Crest, a green griffin that can go with the green Wilken dragon, and the green Wilson wolf. The Wilkin dragon is a wyvern, as is the dragon species of Quadratilla-liner Tills, and moreover the latter dragon is colors reversed from the BOGAN wyvern, a surname that can be of the Bowie's, for "bogen" means "bow" to Germans. AND LOOKIE: the Bogan dragon is called, a COCKatrice!!! You now know as a certainty that Bogans / Bogens were Bowie / Leavell / Cockhill / Cock liners. There is some green in the Cocker Crest too.

The Boggan variation of Bogans is hint of their being a branch of Boggs, who list Books...upon which the Bible code of Bowie's can be a convenient play. Bogans were first found in Cornwall, beside the book-using Roets. The Roets and Reeds together use the book, which may have been a Bible at one time as code for Vibia > Laevillus liners; it just so happens that I've been tracing Reeds and Roets to Rieti, home of Titus' family, for a year or two. In other words, these Laevillus liners may have developed a Bible surname, and an heraldic Bible code, and only afterward, when Bogan liners developed a Book surname did that Bible turn into a book.

It just so happens that cushion-like Cussons (branch of Constance's) share the MacDonald eagle, and it's red and spread out, like the Courcy / Tarent eagles. Reminder: Courcys are expected with the Courcelle location at Mons, both beside La Louviers. To our amazement, while the "CUSTOdit" motto term of Goggle's/Cockhills must be for the Custers/Custance variations of Constance's, they happen to use an "appeTITUS motto term! The term can also be for Apps/Abbs liners. Cussons were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Courcelle's, and the Cusson / Constance eagle is in Habsburg-lion colors.

The Habsburg lion is also the Fife / Five/Fify lion, and Fife's are sharing part of the VIVian Coat, making Vivians, and Fife itself, suspect with "Vibia". That recalls that I traced "Fife / Vivian" to L'viv, in the Ukraine between the two Bug rivers! Why is Vibia apparently tracing there? The neighboring Angus' (suspect from Angusta, not far from L'viv) probably use the Fife lion, but they also use stars in the colors of the Bullis stars. Pfiefers use a giant Angus-like anchor suspect with Annas liners such as Angus'. The L'viv location can now strike us as a cross between "Laevillus" and "Vibia." L'viv was "renamed Lemberg in 1772 as the capital of the Habsburg Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria."

After writing to a few paragraphs below, Bogie's/BOGGie's were loaded as per "Bowie," and they were first found in Fife!!! While this tends to identify Bowie's with Bug-river liners, the Bolgy variation of Bogie's may indicate Bullocks, using the same colors and format as Bogie's, and first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Leavells. Amazing. This raises a question as to whether Bowie's were Boii at all. Lothians, sharing the same motto as Goggle's/Cockhills, share the pine tree with Avalon-suspect Bothwells, but the latter use a BOY pulling it down. Could it possibly be that "Boii" was a version of "Bug"? The pine tree is used also by French Constance's, making for a perfect link between it and the Lothian pine tree, for Lothians use "custodit."

In fact, "custoDIT" just brought the Ditts to mind that arose two updates ago like so: "The "casus acciDIT" phrase of Wayne's suddenly recalls the TIGER-using Ditts/Dyots/Dote's found (last update) as per the "diem" motto term of Teague's/TEEGERs that gets the Diems/DITTmayers. Welsh Dote's were found with a "COPIA cautus" motto phrase, making Teague's all-the-more suspect with a parent of Caiaphas. The Avise location is near Courmayeur, both at the highest source of the Bautica." For new readers, heraldic tigers trace to "Tigranes," ancestor of Quadratilla. Remember, Caseys use the red eagle too, as do Titus-suspect Reeds, but I've just found that the "paREAT" motto term of Custers/Custance's can be code for the Reat variation of the Reeds using a "COPIA" motto term. The second Reat surname is listed with RATs/Raits (anchor) while the same Custers/Custance's use a "RATioni" motto term (could be part-code for Toeni's/Tonys, who ruled Leicester, where the Nahorite-suspect Bus' were. The whole motto: "AppeTITUS RATioni PaREAT." And Avise's trace to Avezzano on the same river as Rieti/REATe, at the REATini mountains.

Here's a quote from almost two years ago: "One Reed surname uses a saltire in colors reversed from the same of Belgian Pratts/Praetes' while the Arms of Rieti uses a "pratis" motto term. As the Prude's/Pride's (Lanarkshire, same as Locharts) share fish in the same colors as the fish in the Arms of Rieti..." It's obvious.

The Books/Boggs had became suspect with Boughs/Bows, for the latter share a "Quaerere verum" with the Roet motto. For me, this and the other points clinch a Bowie-Laevillus trace to Titus and his Rieti elements, making them very suspect with the Josephus-Bled links that I've been outlining. Click over to German Roets to see the sleeping moon of Loops. Although the moons are not in the same color, the German Kerns/Karens have the Roet moon in combination with two Zionists stars in the colors of the same of Loops. But there is even the "FIDEns et CONSTANS" motto of Irish Kerns/Karins! The Kernen variation of the German Kerns suggests the Gernons that I link to Foots / Fothes'/FIDO's' (stag). There was a Vis-de-LOOP version of the Vis-de-Lou location in the write-up of wolf-using Fiddle's/FIDElows.

German Roets are said to be from Sieg river to which the "Coelestia SEQOR" motto of Bowie's may trace, for Seagars were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Custers/Constance's. This can trace Bowie's to Levi-beloved Seconds/Segurs. The Bowie's are said to be a branch of Bowens, and they use the brown stag for a probable link to Blood liners. The Bowen motto, "Esse quam videri," is shared by Rounds (SLEEPING lion), Cambridge's, and Sheriffs. "Quam" is code for the Cam river that flows down to the Norfolk theater. Cams use six pale bars half in the colors of the same of Courts/Coverts, and in the colors of the one pale bar of Roxburghs, the latter using "quam FIDELis," making them linkable to the Roxburgh Leavells and to the Walker-related Cambridge's, important because Walkers were just resolved as Leavell kin. The Roxburgh horse head is probably the Este horse head, for Este's, close kin of Welfs, can be implied in "CoelESTIA." The Cole's are of the namers of Colchester, a Nahorite city in Roman times, and suspect with Gamala of Israel.

[I didn't realize when writing here that the German and Scottish Walkers are sharing the white-on-blue Loop crescent in combination with the gold-on-blue Loop hexagrams. That makes sense.

The Courts/Coverts have a write-up suggesting possible linkage to Barnstaple, and then Barnstaple's use the trefoil, a Roquefeuil-line symbol used by both Rocks (Shield colors of the Arms of Roquefeuil) and Fellers. Barnstaple's have multiple clues of being a Valentin liner. The Roxburgh horse head (Aude colors) is suspect with the horse of Odins, making Odins and related Oddie's (Roque colors) suspect from Aude, where Roque/Rock-related Roquefeuil (Bled- / Joseph-suspect billets) is located. The Odin lion is also the lion of BEAUforts, the latter a known line of Roets and therefore suspect with Bows/Boughs and Bowie's. To support the Bowie trace to Laevillus, the BeauFORTs are using the MontFORT lion while Simon de Montfort took over the Leicester titles of the BEAUmonts, the very Beaumonts that married Walerans' father. Therefore, Bow liners look like Beaumonts, suspect with the Boii-suspect Bone's / Bonns, the latter using the same eagle as MacDonalds and thus linkable to Bowie's!

The Odin Coat is shared by Greenwich's, and while the latter use a red crozier instead, that's the symbol of Walers. The Greenwich crozier is not red, but maroon, perhaps per making the crozier more visible against the red Shield, or perhaps it's their standard color. The Greenwich's were first found in the same place as stag-using Greens, and the maroon color traced to Attila liners. I can't recall the details for tracing the Creuse's to Odins and Oddie's, but it's interesting that Creuse's use a "Sequor" motto term.

Bug-river Nahorites (or Neuri, I should say) were at/near a Doly location that can apply to Attila's house of Dulo. I link Bug-river Neuri (had a wolf cult) to ROXolani Alans, and trace them to the naming of Roxburghshire i.e. where Scottish, wolf-line Leavells were first found. Suddenly, Lupus Laevillus may have been a Neuri-Bug liner, making sense where his mother's name is tracing to L'viv. German Bugs once showed the same martlet as French Josephs, shared by Pullings/Pullens suspect in the boy PULLING down a pine tree in the Bothwell Crest. This is relevant because the Vivians are also "vey" that trace to Morgan le Fay on Avalon (Bute), while Bothwells were named after Bute, smack beside the MacAbee's on Arran to which the Bowie's link themselves! Remember, Bowie's show two MacDonald symbols, but do not show the MacDonald eagle, which is the Cusson / Custer/Constance eagle. The Bowie's use the MacDonald fitchee in white-on-blue, the colors of the Seagar moline, possibly relevant where the

Bullocks (Bullis colors) use the Vince motto, and so the Bled-suspect billets of Wings/Winks is bringing the potential Bled/Blez link to Bullis to mind. This is an absolute theory, to keep an eye on, not something that I feel is a tight case at this time. Bullis' are suspect with the Angus stars, and Angus is beside Fife. Walerans share bull heads with Bullocks. Perhaps Bullocks were merged with Bug liners. The SCHOLEfields share the Bullock bull heads in the same colors, and Nahor's brother (Abraham) lived at the ESCHOL theater (home of the Anaki).

There is another cockaTRICE in this discussion, and so let's add that the Bullis stars are in the colors of the TRICE stars. The cockatrice is in the Jugg/Judd Crest, a surname looked up because it shares the white-on-red boar head with Bogie's (and Mea's/Meighs). Here's the Jugg/Judd description: "A cockatrice proper WINGS displayed." That's not there for nothing. This is excellent, for the fact that Mea's use the same boar head traces Juggs to a Jugon location near the source of the Meu river, very near Dol. It appears very likely that Laevillus liners, consistently linking to Cock / Coch liners, were at the Meu-river area. While Cocks and Cochs use red lozenges, the Jasons/Jessons (same place as Coggle's/Cockhills) share their red ROOSTter (different design), and it's the rooster of Bible's/Bibo's, first found in the same place, near ROSTock, as Dols.

Beauforts were first found in Savoy, the cross of which is used by Mea's/Meighs, and then there is a Montfort location on the Meu river. This can trace Bowie's to the Meu. As Roquefeuil's rulers married their daughter to Henry IV of Rodez (Roet ancestry?), let's repeat here that the French Henrys, said to be from an area on the Meu, were traced to Henrys of Rodez, suspect with the Henrys that were ancestral to the Hampshire Josephs. Henrys share martlets with French Josephs (and Alans), and use a green spread eagle that may apply to the green cushion of Bible's, for that cushion led to the spread-eagle Cussons and Constance's. The Judds are expected from Judicael of Rennes, but there is a JEDburgh location on the Teviot river in what may have been within the Roxburgh area.

Roets are suspect with the Gord boar, and Gords (brown stag head), said to be from the Teviot, are suspect as Gore's that share the Courcelle fesse. Roets originated in Picardy, location of Abbeville, a location of the MacAbee's with near certainty. Roets and their Kern kin were suspect above with the Loop/Loper Coat when it was shown to be a version of the Gore/Jore Coat.

By the way, with the Cary swan being the swan design of French Josephs and Sellers (compare with neighboring Bogie's), the question arises as to why CourCELLE's have variations with several Celles-like endings? There is a Celles surname showing only a saltire in Courcelles colors. Saltire's/Salters can be a branch of whatever the "salus" motto term of Gore's applies to. The Cellani/Celloni variation of Selles can suggest "CILNius." It reminds me of the cranCELIN symbol of Wettins (2nd update last month), which treated the Celi/Celin surname. While the Billets were first found in the same place as French Josephs, the billet-using Besancons/Bassets (Billet colors) share the billets of Etienne's because Besancons were first found at Forez, beside St. Etienne. But then the Celles' were first found in Forez too, what a big josephincidence. Celles' and Celins have roughly the same variations. And while Mont Pilat is at St. Etienne, the Sellers share cups with Pellets and Pilotte's/PILLOWS. Cushion liner? Pilote's were first found in Burgundy i.e. same place as Cussons and Courcelles! When writing this paragraph, I still had not found the Bogie's. Sellers were first found beside the Bogie's, and the two share colors and format.

Pilotte's/Pillows were first found in Lincolnshire, named by the Lindseys that happen to use the Seller swan in black, the color of the Joseph swan!!! It looks like Celles' were Seller liners from the ancient Cilnius family of Arettium/Arezzo. That place is suspect with Arras, the Artois capital (beside Picardy), which can explain why the red eagle is used also by Ardons/Artois' (beside the first Botters), not to mention Cassius/Casano-suspect Caseys. Yes, it looks like Caseys were Cusson / Constance liners, and while Scottish Caseys share the bend of Italian Botters, the Ardon/Artois Coat was traced to English Botters. But anything touching upon the Cussons is now traceable to the Laevillus' cushion line. Reminder: cushion-using Kilpatricks use the Levi lion in Crest.

I've Cracked Laevillus' Children

What do you see when looking at the names of the sons of Quadratilla and Laevillus: "Aulus Julius Claudius Charax; Asinius Julius Proculus Laevillus; Aulus Julius Claudius Charax; Aulus Julius Amyntas and julius (120-150) promeus." Why "Aulus"? Was "Charax" to be the reason for "Caracalla," nickname of a son of Miss Bassianus. Caracalla was born in-time to have been a grandson of Aulus Charax. The Caracalla line to Carricks had to go through Gilberts (squirrel CRACKing a nut), and they have a Coat (with the Arms-of-Carrick chevron) reflective of the Bogie Coat. The white-on-red roses that they share can be code for the Rose clan that shares the water BOUGet with English Bugs, first found in the same place as Annas'. That place, Nottinghamshire, may be related to Nitts/Naughts, from the Nith river, where cushion-using Kilpatricks lived. This can identify Bowie's, but only if they were a Bogie branch, with the Annas line.

The Bougs (Berwickshire, beside Roxburgh) were just found with the same Coat as Bogie's, but throwing in an hourglass in Crest, a Houston symbol. And Houstons/CUISTONS (Custance liners?) share the footless martlets in the colors of the same of Josephs and Bugs! The Bougs are the Books/Boggs, but I didn't realize this until now. I had forgotten what Books/Boggs use, and hadn't looked them up again until now. The Bogie's are, therefore, absolutely linkable to the books of Roets and Reeds, and likely to the Bible of Bowie's. Isn't that neat and tidy?

The Teviot is related to the Tweed that flows to Berwick. Tweeds were first found around the same place as Houstons, and while the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tweeds is that of Blaze's, the latter use footless martlets, and a gold-on-blue garb, two Joseph symbols.

It may be a little hard to believe or wrap your head around it, but Blaze's can trace to Rieti by first assuming that Patricks, apparent in the Blaze saltire, were from Flavius Petro, grandfather of Vespasian i.e. ancestor to Titus. The latter's wife-to-be that never was officially, Berenice Agrippa, traces to Bernicians of Berwick i.e. at the Tweed. Patricks trace to Antipatria = Antipater, the name of the father of the first Herod, and therefore in the ancestry of Berenice Agrippa. Daggers from Antipatria share the gold garb with Josephs and Blaze's, but in the colors of the only Petro surname coming up, using a flory cross in the colors of the Reed saltire. The peoples of Blay, where Blaze's are traced in their write-up, were called, Blavians, and that rhymes with "Flavian," the surname of Flavius Petro and the name adopted by Josephus. The Blaze's not only use the garb of Josephus-suspect Josephs, but of Avezzano-suspect Avisons. We are thus near Rieti with this trace.

The Decks/Daggers (red squirrel) are suspect in the "Teg" motto term of Carrick-related Gilberts (red squirrel). And Carricks are suspect now all the way back to Charax, the names used by Laevillus / Quadratilla for their sons. The Cracks (same place as Caracalla and red-rooster Jasons/Jessens) can be gleaned as Corks/Core's, for the Cracks share the black-on-white Tail(er) pale bar and the white Tailer lion (Levi lions in colors reversed, right?), and Tailers trace to Quadratilla. This has the effect of revealing that Gore's/Core's, if indeed they were Corks/Core's, were Carrick liners from "Charax." BEHOLD, that while Carricks are said to derive in "Craig," the Craigs (Crack colors), sharing the black-on-white fesse with Quade-suspect / Ade-suspect Jasons/Jessens, use the motto, "VIVE ut VIVAS"!!! I've known this for years, but did not know until now that it was code for Vibia, Laevillus' mother!!! ZOWIE! Carricks (black talbot, Tailer kin) were Laevillus liners. It can explain why Kerricks use a pile in the colors of the three of Gore-related, black-wolf Yonge's. And the latter are suspect from a Junia Caepionis.

Imagine. The Jewish hero, and hero of the Jewish rabbi's for centuries, Joseph Caiaphas, unbeknown to the rabbis, betrayed Israel as an old man, and went over to the Romans, taking Josephus with him. At the end of time, when the rabbi's are in Hell with Caiaphas, they can talk about it. Only they won't be looking at him as a hero anymore. And Josephus can tell the rabbi's there why he murdered his own army, his own Jewish supporters, before turning himself safe and sound to Titus.

So, if Caiaphas was a Junia Caepionis liner in his ancestry, he can trace to Laevillus, who's now suspect as a grandson of Josephus.

At the bottom of the Craig page, their clan badge is shown to be a knight (on a brown horse) with a feathered helmet, symbol, in my opinion, of Herod Archelaus. The knight holds a blue Shield and what looks like a broken spear as code for Broke's/Brocks and Brocuffs. I trace the latter to BROGitarus, father of Amyntes, and while the only Amyntes I know of in Quadratilla's ancestry was six generations behind her, she named one son with an Amyntas name. The earlier Amyntes was father to ARTEMidoros, and, curiously, there is an Artem surname listed with AITons, first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Levi-beloved AIDs/Ade's. Isn't the implication clear to us?

The Aulus names given to / used by Laevillus' sons can now be cross-checked with the Aule / Haule liners. Dutch Haule's/Halls use three chevrons (colors reversed from the same of Bleds) in the colors of the three bars of Leavells. Coincidence, or not? German Haule's/Halls use the same colors, and were first found in Baden, while the Badens/Battins (share the axe with the Blay Crest) were first found in the same place as the Somerset Leavells. English Haule's/Halls/Aule's (clearly related to Tail liners) share the talbot head with Bramtons, kin of Warin de Aule.

This is my first-ever investigation on whether "Aulus" can trace to Aule's. In the past, "PROCULUS" -- son of Laevillus -- was suspect in the PORTCULLIS gate of Porters/Pawters, who happen to be are in Hall/Aule colors and format. I assumed that "portcullis" was part-code for the Cullis or similar surname. It strikes me here that "Cullis" can be a hard version of "Aule." For example, the Aule's list "Aules," and Irish Cawleys/Auleys/Caulays share the upright, red-on-white lion with Bowie's, and the way the Bowie's have it, with a red border on the Shield, it's the Coat of fully Chaddock-related Talbots. Aulincidence? I think not. The "Prest" motto term of Talbots can be for Priestlys/Presleys, who use another cockatrice. The Cawley/Auley Coat and Crest both use red lions, the Aures theme, indicating that "Caw" could be a Shawia line. That makes sense where I've insisted that Shawia were in Cilicia. It means that Numidians were in the area of Quadratilla's family.

If Cawleys were Shawia, it explains why Cole-related Kyles were Shaw kin. The only problem I have with this is that I trace Cole liners to "Colapis," which does not look like a term that can derive from a hard version of "Shawia." However, "Aures" was also ""Awraba," which can become "Aulaba / Caulaba" if there was an r-to-l switch, which often does happen in certain languages. The Shawia were called by a hard-C version, the spelling of which I forget. I can see how "Aures" can produce a Shore term, especially as the Shows/Schore's are also "Schaw." One Cauley/Auley branch is said to have stemmed from a family of McGuire's, and they use the Caffery/Cafferty horse and rider (Craigs use the same symbol) in the same colors, which I link to Coffers. Were Guire's a branch of Corrigans, first found in the same place (Fermanagh)? Were Corrigans a hard version of "Aures"? They share the lizard with Hare's/Garrys.

Another red and upright lion, this time in both colors of the Habsburg lion, and including its crown, is used by Colys/Caulleys, first found in the same place as "organ-pipe" Letts whose symbol is code for lizard-using Organs, kin of Corrigans. It looks like Guire's were Corrigans / Organs. The only surname I've found that fits "lizard" are Lazards/Lizarts, whose pale bars may indicate the Babels. As I trace Shawia to Guerin of Provence, that's where Lazards were first found. Babels become suspect below with the name of Laevillus' mother.

Porters are said to be from Kyle, near a PRESTwick location. The Kyle's claim to be king-Cole liners, and Bowie's use a COELestia motto term. Kyle's are the ones with candleSTICKs in honor of the wolf-liner Sithechs said to be in Shaw ancestry. The Stick Coat is shared by the other Bowens.

One morning, I received a message from an reader of the Hall bloodline. She had written in on the Cawleys/Auleys, or I may not have been able to show them right here for not knowing of them. Her vision, as she awoke, was of a blue lion named "something like Cappeo." I've come to believe that this vision was for readers of my work. I now call it the blue Caepio-line lion, used by "copia"-using Macclesfields, and Hall-suspect Hallands (Yorkshire, same place as blue-lion Bruce's).

The English Cawleys/Caileys (Norfolk), said to be from an early Caly character, are sharing the white and upright lion in Crest of the with Cracks (Cawley/Cailey colors), no small starter. The Cawley/Cailey lion holds an axe, traceable to the Axe river in the same place as the Somerset Leavells. The Cawley/Cailey Shield uses the Bink QUADRants (like "Quadratilla") in colors reversed, and Binks put a white and upright lion on their first quadrant Shield. Binks are now tracing to the La Louviers area of Hainaut. Cawleys/Caileys even share "honeste" (almost) with the Leavell-related Walkers. The evidence is in: Cawleys trace to Laevillus' choice of names for his sons. The red bend on the white Cawley/Cailey lion may indicate the Rita lion.

The third Cawley surname uses buckles facing sinister. Their GAWLey variation is a little like, Gouel, Waleran's father. His name may have been an Aulus liner. These Caweleys/Gawleys use checks in the colors of the Arms of Croatia. The Cawley buckles can be the gold ones of Leslie's, for a trace to Lesce, smack at the Bled theater. The "Dulce" motto term of Cawleys/Gawleys can link to the Attila-suspect "Utile dulce" motto of Shuttleworths/Shettleworths. Settle's use lozenges traceable to Croatia's Losinj, and the Settle lozenges are suspect with the Istria-suspect Stars. The Lesk/Less surname, by the way, uses a giant boar head in the colors of the red Habsburg lion. The Molle's put a red tusk on their boar head, perhaps indication of the Lesk/Less head, for Le Molay is beside Blay. Lesks are said to be from the Loches part of Calvados, and then I'm reading, "Route de Vieux (Calvados) a Loches." Wasn't the Vieux entity suspect with Vaux's and with Walkers? It just so happens that the Lodge's (Montfort lion?), honored in the lodged stags of Bloods/Bluds, are said to be from "Loges in Calvados." The Lodge's/Loge's, first found in the same place as Blois', have a lion in the colors of the Blois/Bleys dragons. We can now have a good handle on this aspect of the Laevillus bloodline.

I'm having trouble locating Loches exactly, but it appears to be at Caen and Villers-Bocage, not very far from Blay. The implication may be that Loches was named after the Losh variation of Lesks. Villers-Bocage (Vieilles-of-Harcourt entity?) is smack beside a Thury-Harcourt location on my atlas, and then the double Harcourt bars may be in the crescent of dulce-like Dulles'/Dallas', the latter sharing the blue-on-white bend with Leslie's. If the Dulles Crest is a gold crescent with red bars rather than a red crescent with gold bars, it should be the Lesk/Less crescent.

Might Dulles' have been from "Dulo"? I think so. Dulles' connect with Flanders because they share the Biggar Coat, and the latter (known Flemings) trace to "Biharia," the Transylvanian capital of the Hungary-based Khazars, i.e. descended from Attila's Huns. I traced those Khazars to Moray, where Dulles' were first found, before I knew that Dulles could link to them through the Biggars. It appears that Attila liners were at least on the west side of Calvados. Tilley is in that part of Calvados.

It's interesting that while Dallas is in Texas, the Texas surname shares a Shield filled with the checks filling the Vaux Shield. It can appear that Leavell liners were stacked up in Texas. Note the "dillo" endings on some Texas variations. Dills use a giant lion in colors reversed from the same of Habsburgs.

At one time, the Constance pine tree was in the design of the German-Dallen pines. Irish Dallens (same crescents as Pino's/Pinto's) are listed with Dylans/Dillens, and may be using the Talbot lion, red like the Habsburg / Bowie lions. The Dallen trees now showing are what houseofnames normally shows for the oak, but their description says: "A silver shield displaying two green pine trees SIDE by SIDE on a dark brown MOUND." The Mounds/Mons' use the Habsburg lion with crown included. The Bocage's, possibly from Villers-Bocage at the Caen theater, use simply "three silver trees." Villers-Bocage is beside the Orne river that was home to the say location of Seatons, a branch of SIDE's. The Seatons are the ones with a "yet" motto term suspect with YATE's who use, and must own, the portcullis GATE. Cullis liners can therefore be expected in the Orne-river theater.

The Villers (Villieres in Normandy) are very Crack-interesting, for they share the white and upright lion in the Viller Crest. The Villers use a Crack-like "crux" motto term, and Crux's/Cruck share a black-on-white pale bar with Cracks. Therefore, add Crux liners to the Laevillus > Charax liners. With white-lion Crests now suspect was Laevillus liners, see the half-white lion in the Whale/Whele Crest. It's partly in red (color of the Habsburg lion), and the Whale/Whele Coat is in Habsburg colors. Can't "Whale" be a "Aule liner?

The "cotiCULA" motto term of Villers is a lot like the "Dulce PeriCULUM" motto of buckle-using Cawleys/Auleys. Villers are traced to Leicestershire, where the Vielles-based Beaumonts ruled (but as Toeni's have their sleeve symbol in the Arms of Leicester, see the Tonys below as they may be found to be Rose kin). As the Villers scallops are shared in the same colors as Duncan-related Chamberlains, Callam/Malcolm (stags) liners look like they can relate to "Culum." Malcolm III is the one who established Leslie's in Scotland. The first Leslie married Malcolm's sister, and while his name was Bartholomew, Barts use the green Leslie griffin as well as a boar in colors reversed from the Lesk/Less boar head. Then, there is a Culum/Cullam surname (pelicans) with a "SUSTINEatur" motto term, which, if it links to the "Sustine et Abstine" motto of Carnys, can trace Culums to Bled / Lesce (i.e. beside the Carni area). The Culum description fails to mention the column held by the lion.

In seeking the meaning of "portCULLIS," the Culles' were found having a rose on a STEM, in the colors of the flower in the Italian Tony Coat. The Culles' are Italian too, and show variations such as Cola / Cull, traceable to the Viller/Villier motto. The Stems are listed with STINE's suspect with "suSTINe / AbSTINE," which can again trace Culles' to Villers. The Bocage trees are in the colors of the Culles rose, and Wikipedia says that Villiers-le-Sec is about 12 miles north of Caen (in the Boii-suspect Bessin), placing it near Blay. Villers-Bocage is about a dozen miles south-west of Caen. The Culles description: "A blue shield SHOWING a rose on a gold MOUND." The Shows are listed with Schors that should be a branch of German Schore's ("a silver COLUMN surrounding by a green vine on a green MOUND") whom I've traced to kinship with Bosco's, the latter known kin of Scottish Rose's. The Bosco pillar is in the colors of the Schore column, and the latter has red roses that the description doesn't mention. Culles/Cola's/Cull were, apparently, royal-Malcolm liners that link well to the portcullis gate.

Cullis' ("OPus") use roses too, as well as "peasCODS" that can be of the "COTIculu" term of Villers. The Cotta's (share fretty Shield with Caens) were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as the pine-tree Constance's. The description doesn't use "pea's cods," but makes it one word, suggesting double code, one for a Peas-like entity. Peas' are listed with Peacocks, a known sept of Pollocks, and therefore the Peas' can be Paisleys, traceable to the "piece of wood" of Rita's.

The Caules'/Calls were also found, and they share a gold lion holding a white object with the Culum Crest. This time, it's a trumpet, perfect for tracing to Laevillus liners. The Caules/Calls use three trumpets in the Coat, the symbol that the Lover/Liver/Lever rooster stands upon. As roosters are now firmly established as Laevillus liners of the Cock / Bible/Bibo kind, by what coincidence does "Lover" look like "Louvier"? Lowers are the ones with roses. Laevillus liners just traced to the namers of LIVERpool (where Lovers/Levers are said to derive). The Beatle's band came from Liverpool, and the Beatle surname happens to use lozengy in the colors of the Vaux / Louvier / checks.

Why did families keep track of their ancestry in the sons of Laevillus and Quadratilla? To what did their children lead in their future? Why do Trumps use the stag? Isn't that a Quadratilla line through Attila? Yes, and the Trump stag is in the colors of the whale of Dulo-suspect Dols, first found in the same place as Trumps. The Trump stag head is in the colors of the Molle boar head, and while Le Molay is beside Bled, the Molle-boar tusk has become suspect with Donald Tusk. He may have the same first name as Donald trump because Tusks, I have read, are from Kashubian-branch Polabians, in the area where Trumps were first found. Donald Tusk is not the official, visible EU boss. He was the previous Polish leader, and Doly is at the Polish-Ukraine border. You can bet that Tusk has been chosen at this time to lead the EU as per the war that the west wants to wage against Putin, with, for example, the American missile system slated for Poland. The West has been engaged, since Ronald Reagan, to take Russia out of commission permanently as an anti-West super-power.

For a long time now, the descendants of Quadratilla have been expected with the Bassianus', whom married Julius AVITus. The Whalers/Whellers, suspect with "Waleran," happen to use a motto, "AVITO JURE," what looks like part-code for the Loop-related Jure's/Gore's. If the Walers/Wahle's apply, I can trace this picture to Macclesfield, of a surname suspect with Mecklenburg.

The Walers/Wahle's are said to be of northern Germany, and touching on Pomerania, meaning that the Dol whale likely touches upon Walers/Wahle's. The latter use more roses, a Rus symbol, we may assume. The Waler/Wahle croziers should be code for one or both Crozier surnames; one has a stag head in Crest, which can be traced to the stags in the Arms of Macclesfield. The gold-on-blue cross of Croziers is likely a version of the white-on-blue saltire of Oddie's, itself in the colors of the crosses in the French Crozier Coat. Oddie's and Odins were both first found in the same place (York) as Caracalla's military station. He had for a mother the sister of the wife of Julius Avitus, and the Bassianus besant is used by Yorks upon their saltire, in colors reversed from the Oddie saltire. The York besant is, therefore, probably in the French-Crozier Coat. The Malcolms/Callams use stag heads and the same saltire as Yorks. The royal Duncans were Laevillus > Bassianus liners, weren't they?

French Crozier's were first found in Auvergne, beside the Creuse province. The Creuse's are the one's with an upright white lion, same as the Odins. We are discussing Massey / Meschin liners with Avitus' wife, and Masseys lived in the same place (Cheshire) as Macclesfield, and where Creuse's were first found. This is why the Crozier cross is in the colors of the Massey/Messier saltire, with the Masci fleur surrounding it. William Meschin, the brother of the earl of Cheshire, gave a daughter to the royal Duncans, and this same family were married to Skiptons of Yorkshire (Skippers use besants), and to the Clare's of Kent, where Greenwich's and Greens (stags) were first found. Greenwich's are the ones using the Odin lion with its crozier included. This might explain why Malcolms were tracing to Laevillus.

The Creuse lion is colors reversed from the blue one in the Arms of Macclesfield. The "Sequor" term of Creuse's is like the "seqor" of Laevillus-liner Bowie's, and the MacDonald fitchee of Bowie's is in the colors of the similar Crozier crosslets. As we are still discussing the Waler / Whaler / Waleran bloodline, right? And so we go back to Whalers/Wheelers (Fitch colors) because they share the Harald/Herod fesse, important if I'm correct in tracing the latter to Harald, father of Maccus, the line to Maxwells, and therefore to Macclesfield, and therefore to Waler liners in Mecklenburg. Scottish Maxwells (from Maxton) with their Maxton kin were first found in the same place as the Roxburgh Leavells (there is a Maxton location in Roxburghshire). The English Maxwells were first found in Yorkshire. I'm seeing a pattern.

Maxtons share the red-on-gold chevron of Cruze's/Cruise's, in the colors of the Spanish Cruz's. Today, a Ted Cruz follows closely behind (in the polls) a Mr Trump, in the Republican race for the White House. Couldn't DONALD Trump have been a MacDonald liner? The Trump stag is in Creuse colors. Scarboroughs use the Quint / Maxton chevron too, and they are in the write-up of Sichs/Syke's, suspect from the "Sic vos" motto phrase of Walerans. Scarboroughs were first found in the same place as English Maxwells, and are immediately suspect with the Schwerins (Scarborough colors), first found in Mecklenburg!

If we expect the line of Quintus Caepio in the symbols of Macclesfield, by what coincidence do Quints share the Maxton / Cruze / Scarborough chevrons? The Cruze stars are colors reversed from those of Sutherlands, which brings Maccus-liner Mackays into the picture. As Imps (face's), first found in the same place as Quints, use the Quint chevron in colors reversed, note the "IMPlear" motto term of Mecks/Meeks. Dutch Mackays share the quadrants, with gold symbols upon them, with Croce's ("Cruce"). The latter's potent cross is colors reversed from a similar cross used by Spanish Cruz's. Croce's use almost the Massin/Mason motto, and are said to have had a large branch at Liverpool. Italian Croce's (same place as Valentins, may not be related) are using the same lion as Creuse's, and the cross type of Croziers.

Recall the Bogie boar head, in the colors of the Mea/Meigh boar head, for the Mea/Meigh cross is the Macclesfield cross, and then Mecks/Meeks ("JUNGor") use the same boar head, and both Mecks and Bogie's were first found in Fife. You see, Laevillus liners are tracing to all the Maccabee / Massey liners, but also to Bassianus liners. Mecks/Meeks are probably using the Massey/Massa Chief, a surname first found in Savoy, which itself uses the same cross as Mea's and Macclesfields. It might be important that Mecks/Meeks share an "ut" motto term with the Vibia-liner Craigs. The latter trace to Agrigento with the Anchors, and Mea's use an anchor in Crest.

There has been such a large number of traces to Laevillus that, probably, I can trace any surname to him, one way or the other. He is that important to the heraldic goons, warriors all of them, able to kill father or son for a throne, and even to kill the Son of God to retain their chief place in Israel.

Recall the colors of the footless martlets of Blaze's, for they are in the same colors upon the Masci / Massena bend in the Mack bend. It had been established that many surnames using eight bars, as Macks do, are from the Maccus-viking line. The Mack bars are in the colors of the six of Leavells. Eight bars in the colors of the Mack bars are used in pale by Wilkes', and they reflect the pale bars of Scottish Walkers. The Wilkes' (Cruze colors) were first found in Bedfordshire, same as Cruze's and the Beatle's/Bedwells, the latter sharing red lozenges with the Wilkes Chief.

This is quite a story. It is extremely saddening, the war in the hearts of men, the spoiling of the planet. Never mind global warming; it's the rulers and globalists who rape the peoples to their helpless bones. And they glory in their powers achieved by motivation from their lusts. I continually speak negatively about them because they would have the world glory in them. This is a sick thing to God.

Moments ago, queen Bebba came to mind as a possible Vibia / Bible/Bibo liner. She came to mind when the Babels came to mind. The first thing to be said in this regard is that English Babels/Babwells, with a gate in Crest that can link to the Proculus-line gate, share the six pale bars of Walker-related Cams. German Babels share the two-tailed mermaid with Walker-related Walsers. And right after the Babels, the BabCOCKs came to mind, which was excellent because they share the red Cock / Bible/Bibo rooster! This happened right after the Wilkes' were looked up (I'm not familiar with them), who share red-on-white lozenges with Cochs. The Babcock pale bar is colors reversed from the same of Crux's and Cracks, both of whom are tracing to Laevillus' sons.

Wilkes' were looked up while at Wikipedia's Fetter Lane article, a street in London frequented by the Moravians. Miss Florida was telling me this, and it was interesting because Morays, the ones no longer showing at houseofnames, use fetter locks. Moravians, who had Bohemians in their circles, were led by count ZINZENdorf (Austrian connections). I noted that Sinsens/Zinzons were first found in Berkshire i.e. at London. As WINDSor castle is in Berkshire, might "Zinzen" have been from a Windsor variation? Moravians were called Hussites after a Huss surname, listed with Hesse's that share a giant sun with Fetters. That looks good enough to prove that Moray, and its Murrays, was named after Moravians. Fetters look like they can be using feet symbolism, which recalls the old television show, My Three Sons, where the program began with a show of their shoes. The father of the sons was Fred McMURRAY. I've just learned that the executive producer was Don FEDDERson, I kid you not. See a version of the shoes here:

The Arms of FOETes/Fussen use three human legs. Fred MacMurray played Steven Douglas, and Douglas' use the Moray stars. The producers clearly had bloodline lust on the brain. Here are the Fedders, with pointed hat, a Shield evocative of the Loops, and a pelican-on-nest. Fedders were first found in Bavaria, where Bamberg was located that had the Babenbergs, a branch of Bebbanburgs in relation to queen Bebba at her Bamburgh castle (Bernicia theater). As I see German Babels as a branch of German Beavers/Bybels (Bavaria), what about the old show, LEAVE IT to Beaver? Was that part-code for wolf-liner, Leavell-related Levitts? English Bebers/Beavers (beaver) were first found in Berkshire.

Aha! German Beavers (Loop colors) show also as Bible-like Beible's. It's interesting that while the Beaver's family had a Cleaver surname that I trace to Glaphyra Archelaus, the English Beavers/Bebers may be using the Bernice Coat, fitting right into the Bernician make-up of the Bebba liners. It can appear here that queen Bebba was named after Vibia liners. That would trace Bassianus' / Masseys to her Saxon husband, important because Maccus' grandfather was making alliance's with Saxons up in the Bernician theater. Bebba pre-dated that grandfather (Sitric). Aha! I now recall that Bamburgs (Franconia) share the red-on-white pile with Polworths (Berwickshire), important because Sitric married the Saxon's daughter, Edith of Polesworthy. She was an Atheling, as was, if I recall correctly, Bebba's husband. I see Athelings in the Athols, who share bars in the colors of the same of Saxony, and then Maccus-liner Macks, likewise first found in Berwickshire, use bars in half the colors of the Athol bars.

So, Bassianus liners from Laevillus are tracing to Bernicians, as can be expected of Bernice-Agrippa liners. It looks like they were in the English-Scottish border area before 600 AD. As I trace Bebbanburgs to Paphlagonian Heneti, I would view Bebba as the red dragon of Arthurian myth, of what I call king Arthur's Veneti wife in Gywnedd. The Saxons that she married were the white dragon of Arthurian lore. The flag of Mercia is the Messey/Messier saltire. The Mercier's happen to use a "Crux" motto term that now signals a Laevillus line. But the Mercier's put besants in their fesse to signal a Laevillus-Bassianus line, and while the Mercier Crest has a cross species used by Massey-suspect Crozier's/Cruisettes' (besant), the Mercier fesse is in Cruze/Cruise colors. The Mercier cross is in the gold of the identical cross of Italian Croce's. This cross type is used by Eustace's too, from the father of Godfrey de Bouillon, and then Bouillon's share a "Christi" motto term with Mercier's (in Eustace colors). French Mercier's (Coffers / Wheats?) were first found in Artois, home of de-Bouillon's father. De-Bouillon's family must trace to the Bautica river, home of the proto-Artois Arduinici, and yet Bouillons were first found in Auvergne (beside Creuse), where Croziers were first found. Rollo-related Guiscards share the three Polworth piles in the same colors, and use a "Mercy" motto term.

The "my" motto term of Guiscards gets the Mea's/Meighs. While the Bouillon flory cross is colors-reversed from the same of Birds, the Mea Shield includes "three black birds." This Mea link to Birds is important where the Bird martlets are in the colors of the same of the Meu-river Henrys.

Edith of Polesworthy is evidence of Pollock liners in Britain long before Peter Pollock adopted that name. As Pollocks share the Frank saltire, compare the Germo-Bohemian Franks to the English Bamburg/Bambury Coat (Oxfordshire, beside Berkshire). Weren't Franks a potential Franconia line? I'm guessing a good guess that Bamburgs/Banburys were Burgo > Conteville liners. As German Tanners were first found in Franconia, while they use pine cone's, the red-on-white crescents of German Bamburgs must have been the Pino/Pinto crescents. While Dutch Burgs/Bergs once showed the triple Clare chevrons, note that French Pine's were first found in the same place as French Clairs. The Cone's share the Conte antlers, and Herluin de Conteville married "the tanner's" daughter. Herluin's daughter (Emma) with the tanner's daughter descended to the earls of Cheshire, where Maccus' family sat down with some Saxons there.

One of the Cheshire earls was Foot- / Fothes-suspect Ranulph de Gernon with "CyFOETH" motto term. The tanner was Fulbert, suspect with Fullers that use a motto term that I've traced to Fetter-like Futters/Fotys. Unrelated to all this, I traced the family of PEPIN of Landen back to Bebba, and here Futters use a POPPINjay. The first-known Babenbergs of Germany's Bamberg was POPPO I. Rollo Claro of More, who lived at the time of Maccus, married POPPA of Valois, whose father is suspect with Berenger de Todini in the Tute/Tuit write-up. Rollo's and Fetter-beloved Morays share "Tout," and the Moray Crest shares the Melusine mermaid with Bible-suspect Babels. It seems fair to say that the Sinclair rooster links to the Bible / Babcock rooster. The rooster-using Gays suddenly looks linkable to poppinJAY liners, not forgetting the Jays are in the jay of Poitvins, whom were clinched with the queen of Bohemia.

It seems clear enough that Babcocks were Bebba liners. Keep in mind that while Vivians/Veys (being viewed as the same stock of Jews as Bebba liners) were traced to Avalon's chief witch, the witch-cult Drakenberg Vere's traced Melusine to Avalon. Melissena Rangabe (a Khazar on her mother's side) traces to the Khazars that I see behind Moray (Rangabe colors). Here is the Babcock Crest: "A stag LODGED, guardant between two branches of laurel."

The way to trace the Laevillus Levites to this picture is in the Livings/Levins, for one, who share the English-Tanner Shield, itself sharing the Moor head with Chappes', first found in the same place as a La Falaise location. But there is also the Charo/Claro surname in the motto of Conteville- and Caplan-related Josephs.

Master Piece Theater: the Pierleoni Rosicrucians

Good morning. The last thing done yesterday was to insert the Creuse topic above. It was not in the script originally. Here's what happened this morning when Miss Florida sent in on one of her investigative topics, saying: "saint Francis Borgia was third leader of Jesuits. Francis was grandson of Borgia pope Alexander the sixth. The first leader, Basque Ignatius Loyola, was REPUTED to have Jewish roots." Here's my email to her, but keep in mind, when you get to the Wide surname (Weis colors) that Adam WEIShaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, had been a Jewish Jesuit:

When Godfrey III was allowed into the Pierleoni gates by a papal Pierleoni circle, chances are that the family of Godfrey de Bouillon developed strong ties with pope wanna-bes from that time onward. The Eustace surname shares the Irish Burgh cross, you see. It opens the possibility that Borgia was a Burgo > Burgh liner. It's also possible that Jesuits had been Pierleoni Jews supported by the Crusader lot of the Bouillons. I've done a bit on Creuse-and-related surnames in this week's update, and while doing it I was wondering whether the Creuse and Croce lion was the Rita lion. I was instantly convinced recently that the Rita's (Rome) were Pierleoni. The Creuse's were probably from Creuse, beside Auvergne, the latter where Bouillon's were first found, and one can expect Creuse liners in with the Rosy-Cross code of Rosicrucians. The type of cross used by Croce's and Croziers (Auvergne) is in the Eustace Crest. This cross type is similar to a fitchee, and the colors of the Crozier cross are the colors of the fitchees in the Wood Coat while Rita's use a lion holding a "piece of wood." This is the potential power of heraldry, to create a path to the realities. It doesn't always find the needle in the haystack, but it does lead to the haystack again and again.

It can be added that the Wide's, one branch of which are listed with Woods, are using a saltire in the colors of the same that was the flag of Mercia, while Mercier's use a "Crux" motto term that has just traced to a Charax name used for a son by Laevillus and Quadratilla. That Crux / Crack trace to Charax is reliable, and this was a Jewish family, we may gather from Laevillus' name. The Mercia saltire is used by Messeys/Messier's, and then the Crozier's use a cross surrounded by the same fleur that surround the same-colored saltire of Wide's. It makes for a rather strong case in linking the Pierleoni-suspect Rita's to Creuse liners, and moreover, while Gands and Candida's were involved with pope Borgia, the two names signal John of Gaunt, husband of Rita-like Roets, first found in the same place as the Axe-river Were's, and it just so happens that Were's use croziers! Follow the dots to the haystacks, and then start poking around for the needles. The Were river is at Durham, where Conte-related Conteville's were first found that are the Burgh line to Eustace's, but Durham is also where Wide's were first found. Therefore, I'm going to include much of this email this morning in the update. You are the first thing done this morning after I ended yesterday on the Creuse topic. This is a rather excellent piece to add for that topic. It seems that the Creuse's were Pierleoni of the Rita / Roet / Reed / Rieti kind.

The Wide's list "Wade," and the Quadratilla-line Quade's are also "Wade." Tis amazing the number of haystacks that heraldry can bring us to. We need to get a good magnet to ferret out what's yet unseen. I'll probably have more to say in the update, so check in to get it, near the end.

In other words, the Laevillus line went to the Pierleoni Jews of Rome who aspired to control the Vatican. The Italian Croce's that share the Rita lion were first found in Vicenza, where VALENTins were first found, and the Andes' were first found in Valentia, in Catanzaro, the potent-cross part of Italy's foot to which the first Crusaders must trace. Catanzaro was a topic last month. It's a good bet that the Croce lion is a white version of the Ferrara lion, but in Este colors.

The Andes Coat, which was looked up as per the "undis" motto term of Woods, share a white bend with the Valentins, and they put it on a purple Shield, making it easy to discover that they are using the purple Shield of Pace's/Paice's (same place as Creuse's), and that Pace liners are in the "PIECE of Wood" code. As you can see, the Rita/Rheda piece of wood appears to be a cross of the type used by Creuse liners, and it's in the colors of the same cross of French Crozier's. There is probably a Guido / Panico reason that these crosses are in Pasi/Pace colors, and not only because French Croziers share the besant with purple-Shield Pace's. Guido's/Guis', said to be from "wood," are using the same lion as Creuse-suspect Odins, but I'm slow to accept a derivation of "Guido" in "wood." It's an Italian name, and "wood" is not Italian. But I do see why Guido's were linked to Woods (share the oak tree with Panico's and Roets). Guido's may have been Vito's, from Julius Avitus.

I almost missed it. The Andes write-up mentions VIBO Valentia in 294 BC, a place name that predated Vibia Varia. The oak-using Woods use "DefEND," which, when found in other mottoes, can be construed as code for the Andes / Pace line from Gratian > Valentinian.

Woods are traced in their write-up to Bosco's, making the latter's Rose kin suspect as the rose of the Rosy-Cross stupids. They put that rose on a cross in place of Jesus, a profane bunch of human straw. It can be shown that Woods link to the Laevillus line of Beaumonts / Montforts (Guido's and Odins use the same lion as Montforts), for as they ruled Leicestershire, that's where Woods were first found. The line not only killed Jesus; it had members willing to destroy his Church by infiltrating it, and altering Jesus into a never-ending train of twisted superstitions.

The Match of God is under the rotting haystacks for to create the mother of all blaze's. Recalling that Mother's/Mathers were toyed with, where I was thinking that a Mather member chose a Mother variation as code for the mother of Joseph Caiaphas, I find it a little amazing to have just learned, after writing the first sentence in this paragraph, that Joseph-related Blaze's and Mothers/Mathers share similar Chiefs. Instead of the central gold garb of Blaze's and Josephs, the Mathers use a blue-on-gold scallop, symbol of Wide's/Wade's, and I do see Caiaphas in the ancestry of Quadratilla's children. The scallop is part of the Wide-related Skeltons / Sheltons / Sheldons, and the latter use an "OPtimum" motto term suspect with OPgalli, the woman in Quadratilla ancestry suspect in the past as an aunt, or something similar, of Caiaphas. Sheldons look like kin of Mecks/Meeks, and the Blaze saltire should be the one of Meck-related Maxwells (first found in the same place as Blaze's).

By the way, "Falaise" may be a Blaze / Plais / Pelaiz / etc. variation, and so the Fallis/Fallows/Fala surname should be mentioned here, as they use the same lion as Rita's / Croce's / Creuse's. Fallis' look like Fellers whom I trace to Roxburghshire, where Scottish Maxwells were first found. Fallis' were first found in the same place (Midlothian) as the Crack/Crich-suspect Crichtons that use the Fallis lion in colors reversed, and who throw in a green dragon now tracing to Emona. Recall the Baez/Paez variation of Pelaiz's, for that looks like a "piece-of-wood" line. The Italian Fallis', with the same Coat, show a Faillon variation suggesting the Failin variation of Whelans, expected with Waleran liners. If correct, "RoqueFEUIL" starts to look like a Aulus > Waleran line.

I am not at all convinced that Woods were named after "bosco," the Italian word for forest / woods. I rather see that Woods were merged with Busca liners that were not named after the woods. Busca is beside Saluzzo, and a daughter of William V of Montferrat married Guido Guerra III, while this very Montferrat produced Alice of Saluzzo. If that's not enough, this same Montferrat family was deciphered recently as forming the Irish Burghs who share the Eustace Cruze / Cruz colors. We saw earlier that Cruz's and others in the discussion were using the Quint chevron, but here the Crozier-suspect Wood Coat shares a gold fitchee with the Quint Crest.

Now that Woods are tracing to Laevillus liners of the Beaumont kind, their Vode variation becomes suspect with "Vaux." In fact, while Walerans use "vos" as code for the Vaux line, but what coincidence are Woods said to be also from "VOSco." Suddenly, Vaux liners may become suspect as Busca liners, which can explain why the French Vaux's/BelliVaux's share billets with Dutch Bush's/Bos'/Boschs! YES! If one is able to follow the heraldic dots, they will find the realities that write-ups seek to disguise, or inadvertently twist. The BESancons/BASSets use billets too, making them suspect as a Busca line to Forez, which is interesting where the Forez surname lists "Forest." It appears that the Forez mountains were named by a Busca line that morphed into all the variations at the Besancon page, and into the Bassets, and likely the Bissets (same bend as Bone's), first found at the Rose theater! Yes, the unsightly dots are spattering all over the page as from a fast-spit machine. And they look like Pellets and Pilate's that forgot to wash their hands of guilt. Bissets may be from the BistRITA river of Scythia, for that was home to ROXolani that may have named the Ross clan, in the midst of which the Bissets were first found.

The Bellivaux roses are on a bend in the colors of the eagles on the Bonn bend, evoking the Skull-and-Bone's cult of the presidential Bush. Skulls are suspect with the Valentin bend, and the Vibo Valentia area is in the Scylla / Skylletion theater suspect with Levites of the Oenotrian kind. Skeltons are using almost the Crozier / Wide/Wade Coat, and throw in a gold rooster in Crest. Sheltons do use the Crozier cross. But president George Bush Sr. was born a Scherf, in my opinion, because heraldry told me so. And the Schere's/Scherfs, who linked above to Bosco's, are sharing the black-on-gold fitchee of Shere's/Shire's, which was not only the line from the squirrels in the Valentin bend, but was a Carrick line now known to be from the Laevillus > Charax line. Just follow the dots from Laevillus to Caracalla to Valentinian, the pitiful rulers of Rome, and expect the Pierleoni Jews to be from this heap of human rot. If God chooses worldly rulers, He saw fit to give Rome human slime. The Schere-suspect Schwerins were first found in Mecklenburg, while Mecks/Meeks share the duck with Sheldons (kin of Dragons/Drains and Drake's).

We can now understand why English Bassets use, not just the wavy bars of Scottish Drummonds (of the Ross clan, where Bissets were first found), but bars in the colors of the Leavell bars. The "populo" motto term of Bassets is for the Popoli's that happen to use a horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the same of German Haule's/Halls. The same is in colors reversed with the Schere-like Schwerins. The dots are crying out their wake-up calls as from a trump. The Dutch Burgs/Burgs once showed the same triple chevrons as shown by Dutch Haule's/Halls (share white stag head with Trumps), and these are in the colors of the three Basset bars, all the more reason to view Bassets, and Busca, as a Laevillus > Aulus entity. The stars of Dutch Halls are in the colors of the Bos/Bush/Bosch billets, and the Hall triple chevrons in the colors of the Bos/Bush/Bosch lion, and, to boot, this tends to prove that billets are code for the Bleds/Blez's using the Dutch-Hall triple chevrons in colors reversed. We are learning a lot of filth today, that the Bush-related globalists are from obscene things in the past. Do not trust their Christian voices, but look behind the lamb's fleece job to see the grin of the Lupus. This tenacious creature seeks to own all the real-estate in the world by foxy trickery. But their fiscal-cliff scam will turn out to be their Abaddon abyss, like a massive investment that backfires upon them, as when a rabid son murders a father to have his inheritance early.

By the way, the stars of Dutch Halls may be the star in the BASE of the besant-using Mercier Coat. Why should Halls and Bergs link to Mercian suspects? As Sale's/Salletts' are subtly said to be linked to Halls, it's notable that the Salto river has a source near the Marsi. Scottish Mars share two lions in pale with Aule-related Bramtons. Shortly, you'll see Aule-suspect Walerans linking to Mercier's.

Let's go back to the Schwerin-suspect Scarboroughs in the Sich/Syke's write-up. Scarboroughs use a "SARACen's head on the tip of a lance," and by now you may have realized that Saracena / Saraca liners are from Charax. Fallis' were first found in Venice, where Pesce's were first found suspect with the Saraca fish, seen also with Verona's that share the Feller / Fallis trefoils. As Walerans (the ones with the "Sic" motto term that gets the Sichs) are said to have formed a WalROND surname, Lance's (Alan fesse in colors reversed) look like Alans of the RUNDel/Roundell / Arundel kind, for Rundells share the Lance fesse. This trace's to the FitzAlans who married Alice of Saluzzo, the latter place near LANGHE, itself at Montferrat, where Alice's ancestry was from. It's a great way to prove that Alans/Alengs named Langhe.

As this Schwerin picture touches upon Mecklenburg (where whale-using Dols were first found), where Mecks/Meeks trace who share the duck with Sheldons, and moreover share the boar head of Dol-vicinity Juggs/Judds, let's add that the Sheldon / Dragon fesse is that also of Scottish / English Langs (i.e. like "Lance"). Note how French Lance's (trefoils, Rockefeller symbol), first found in the same place as Billets and Josephs, can be using the French Alan stars, and yet they are using the stars also of lance-using Dere's/Res'. These stars are in use also by Madariaga's, they suspect with Joseph-linkable Mothers/Mathers and Billet-suspect Blaze's. Billets are kin of Bellows that share the black wolf of the Quadratilla-Laevillus line, but then wolf heads are in use in the border of Madariaga-related Solana's. The Madariaga / Alan / Julian stars, though not owned by they alone, made it to the flag of the European Union.

Recall the CourCELLE discussion as it was linked to Celles', for Lance's show "LanCELLE / LanCELIN," evoking the cranCELIN symbol of Wettins. The crancelin was the name they gave to their curved bend, a rare feature but shared by Rita's. As Celins became immediately suspect with CILNius Maecenas, note that while he married a Murena family, the Scarboroughs use the same tower as Murena's. The Celins were first found in Pistoia, a term that traced (not many updates ago) definitely to Pistols (Leicestershire), who share the Quint chevron with little doubt, and that's the Scarborough chevron too. Scarborough's thus look like a Cavii-of-Lissus trace to Saracena and neighboring Laus. It may reveal that Scar liners were Saracen liners. Pistols are in Alan / Leavell / Meulan colors, and share the red stag heads of billet-liner Dole's. Pistols not only share the Scarborough chevron, but the two surround it with three red items.

The Lissus location is near the mouth of the Mathis, a river suspect with Mathie's and with Mathers too. I link Mathie's/Manns/Maghans/MAKENs to Irish Mathuna's/Manns/Maghens, and the latter use a "Sic nos" motto phrase reflecting the "Sic vos" motto phrase of Walerans. As the three lions in pale of Manns/Maghens are in the red color of the two lions in pale of Bramptons, by what coincidence are Bramptons (Aule kin) in the Waleran write-up? By what further coincidence do Bleds together with the other Mathie's (share the scallops with Mathers) use the triple Haule/Hall chevrons in colors reversed? As the Mathuna/Mann/Maghen Crest is the Mieske arm with sword, the black bull heads of Walerans start to come out of the closet as the Mieske/Mesech bull head. Why do Scarborough's use a Saracen's head at the TIP of the lance? Don't Tipps'/Tippens (LANCashire) use a black-on-white bull head? Yes, and I see Tipps' in the Pendragon motto while Pendragons (kin of Dragons and therefore of Sheldons, both sharing the Lang fesse) trace to the Penestae peoples near the source of the Mathis.

If Walkeran is thus revealed as a Mieszko > Meschin liner, let's mention the "voBIS" motto term of Walerans, for not only is it like, "Vibia," but Biss' share the Meschin / Samson scallops. Samsons have been traced to the Samsam and Timnah Saracens who turned their backs on other Saracens to join the pitiful Guiscards. Human slime in the dregs can't always see right for the gunk in their eyes, and that explains it. Biss' are said to be from "dingy or murky," but this may be code for the Dingels, and for Mercier's / Mercians suspect in the "mercy" motto term of Guiscards. In fact, while speaking on the Pendragon motto, I recalled that a surname I had recently seen had a nost-like motto term, like the "Nosce Tipsum" of Pendragons (same motto, roughly, of Shaws), though I could not recall which surname. Here, upon re-loading Mercier's (same fesse as Lance's, etc.), there it was, the "nostra" motto term! The heraldic write-ups are proof time and time again that they lie knowingly to their readers, yet fill their write-ups with code.

The Scottish Mars share two lions in pale in colors reversed from three in pale of Mathuna's/Manns. Recall the star in the BASE of the besant-using Mercier's, for the Walerans are traced to a BRADfield entity that can be from Brattia, off the mouth of Oneum at the mouth of the Cetina river, where Bassianus' have traced. One may even trace "Brattia" to "ABRUZZo/Aprutium, where Marsi were living. The way I understand the Waleran write-up, Bradfield was a location / estate that passed from a Brampton ruler to their kin, Waleran. This wasn't an issue not many updates ago when first finding that the Cetina-river Bassianus' were proof of their trace from Quadratus Bassus in Cetis. But here I'm finding that the Quadratus line to Waleran goes through a Brattia like entity in Devon. Bradfields share annulets with Avitus-suspect Vito's, but this in itself is only thin evidence of a Bradfield trace to Brattia.

The Breads/Brads happen to use a lion head in the colors of the Croce / Creuse lion, which became suspect with the lion of Crichtons, first found in Midlothian, where Breads/Brads were first found. Bradleys use "VigiLANCE," now capable to link all-such terms, in other surnames, to the Lance-Scarborough-Walkeran relationship. The Bradley fesse is also the Lang fesse. The Langs use the same cinquefoils as Potters, suspect with the Pawter variation of Proculus-suspect Porters.

The German Langs use a man with red-pointed hat, as do Fedders. Ficks/Vicks use the same man with blue pointed hat. Here's a repeat from above: "Here are the Fedders, with pointed hat, a Shield evocative of the Loops, and a pelican-on-nest." Langs and Fedders both use a split Shield with blue on the one half. The other German Langs (both first found in Luneburg) use the pelican-on-nest. What could the Fedder relationship to Langs mean? We might ask the fetter locks of Morays whether the Moray stars are the ones of Dutch Langs. The latter's are hexagram stars, however, used by Innis', first found in Moray. In other words, Dutch Langs can trace to Moray's stars.

The other Fedders/Feathers share the Tooth Coat, and the latter throws in the Letter/lauder griffin that traces to lauder, to the south side of Midlothian. The Tooths have a "PerSEVERantia" that can be code for Severus Bassus.

As the Fedder/Feather motto has code for Valentin and his brother, it meshes with the Vigil Coat using a bend in the colors of the Valentin bend. In this picture, "Vigilance" can be double code, Vigils and Lance's together.

While the Scarborough Crest shares a red mural crown with Lurco-suspect Lurch's/Larchers, Lurco was father-in-law to pelican-suspect Appius Pulcher (was APPius an Avvite liner?). German Langs and Stewarts together use the pelican, a symbol of the Vaux / Meulan line that was married by Waleran's father. The latter was panning out as a Goule/Gully/Golly liner, and they were traced to the Gela part of Sicily, where Saracens romped.

After writing to this point, the Bickle's came to mind, whom were inserted with Bick(er)s at this time into a spot earlier in this update. After doing so, the Beckers were loaded, and they use a "Bis" motto term, suggesting that Bick liners were Biss liners. That's when I came back down here to mention it. Bickle's came to mind with the Biglietto variation of Vigils. Beckers share the stag head with Bickle's and Bick(er)s. The "vivit" motto term of Beckers can suggest a Vibia liner, or Vibo Valentia, which jibes with the Vigil Coat's Valentin-suspect bend.

Vigils may have been Vick / Fick liners. The earlier Bickle entry led to the realization at Tintagel was a Rasmussen entity, and here it can be shown that one Fick/Figg Coat uses the Fogg Coat that should behind in Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

God's calling is for people to be true with one another, and knowing the Truth, that God deserves to be the honored father and coach of humanity. Humanity was made to move forward to a destination plotted by an all-knowing God. The Illuminatists have prided themselves in acting the Christian walk with full deception in mind, unafraid of God, like idiots unable to come to their senses for love of enjoying their rebellion. It's not supposed to make sense, or have a logical explanation, because it's part of their insanity. Still able to think and work, yet they have lost reality, and they love it that way. They feel free to do as they please, because they can enjoy things they know they couldn't if they put God's tasks to their front. I know, because I was like that. I can call anyone an idiot because I was one, and know what it means. The direction of ungodly humanity isn't going anywhere; it's a complete waste. That was Jesus' message. Losing yourself is to forsake the idiot mindset, and get productive on God's track. Losing yourself doesn't mean to give up all things, but to give up the worldly way for a new way. Throw the old rusty plow away, get the Tractor of God, and start sowing seed for obtaining mental stability and a true personality. To be true means to be real / sincere / consistent / honest. When we do this because God's wants it, we'll produce acres of usable crop. Sweating for crop is better than enjoying life and ending up with crap. That was Jesus' message. Put it into your own words, it'll be the same, simple logic. Jesus didn't come to stun the world with profundity, but to fix the wrongs in mans thinking. He was the nuts-and-bolts mechanic, not the poet or artist. He was the doctor in the trenches, not the dancer or singer. He was the repairman, not the entrepreneur, the rocket scientist, or builder of castles. His focus was on the human condition. That's the job that God gave Him. The globalists do everything that Jesus was not. Instead of focusing on the human condition, they fly to the moon, build skyscrapers, advance the arts, aspire larger homes, and over it all they smear their spiritual waste. I'm not saying that God isn't profound in His plans for mankind, but that we can't have the profundity of God until the human condition is first fixed and consistently on the right track. That's the first phase of eternity. Jesus was the coach, not the mystic guru or high-minded philosopher. If you become proud of your service to God, He'll stick his leg in front of your foot, while you're walking along, so that your nose comes down from the clouds, and sticks into the mud to remind you that you are only clay. You may become angry temporarily, but at least you'll come out nice and humble. Jesus came to get us to play in concert with one another rather than to destroy one another, each seeking top-dog position at the other's expense. The long range plan is that we can become poets and singers, artists, builders and entrepreneurs, for God's kingdom. Play it God's way, and you get to be in a musical band after all, touching the hearts in your audience. The second phase is the Rest, with the sweat behind us, and the entertainment will be where your heart is, forever, which will be the hardest thing to take for those tossed into hell. But they had their rewards while here. They worked for it, and they received the fruits of their work, and then it was taken away, forever. What human heart can bear that? Jesus gave the warning, yet they scoff with scorn, and continue forward in their wasteful designs.

The Bickle's are new to me, and, using the Touque/Took Coat, they were able to prove that Tokers/Tuckers were a Touque branch. But down here I find that Spice's are using a colors-reversed version of the Bickle Shield, for they were first found in the same place (Devon) as Bickle's and Tokers. Spice's were just looked up as per the "Auspice" motto term of the Roxburgh Walsh's (annulets in Spice colors). The Spice's are traced to their Morton lords, and Mortons are Walsh kin. Mortons were first found in Wiltshire, where Asmans were first found, and while Asmans became largely resolved with Seamans/Semans/Semons for the first time in this update, the Spice ermine is in the rarish colors of the Seaman ermine. Who were the Spice's in other terms? It's notable that they use a Coat like that of Scarborough's, but that doesn't answer the question.

Spicks/Spocks/Spakes share the double-headed eagle design of Maxwells, and the Auspice Walsh's must be using the Maxwell saltire. The Speck write-up traces to a Liverpool branch, and to ownership of a manor in Brampton Speke (Devon), recalling that the Bramptons were in the ancestry of Walsh-suspect Walerans, whose "Sic" motto term lead to Scarboroughs. The latter are suspect with Shere's because the Shere Crest has black talbot head of Asmans. As Schere's have been resolved as a Charax line, it's now clear that Scarborough's were a Laevillus line, very important to me if Scarborough's are using the Quint chevron. I've expected, for a year or two, Laevillus' ancestry with a line from Quintus Caepio. In colors reversed, the only symbol in the Shere Shield is the gold fitchee in the Quint Crest. It tends to reveal that the crosslet in the Schere Coat is the Quint fitchee. The Spice's, believe it or not, use the colors and format of Capone's. But as the Spice's were linked to Touques-river liners, and especially the Toker bloodline, the Teegers come to mind whom are very traceable to Opgalli.

But why is there a "fire ball" in the hand of the CUFFED sleeve in the Spice Crest? Don't Fire's share the Assman/Rasmussen unicorn? The Balls/Balders: "A hand and arm in mail, grasping a fireball." Balls/Balders use the same lion as Palins, and Palins were first found in the same place as Quints.

Specks were suspect from "Syphax," a Caiaphas-like term in Numidia that expects Joseph Caiaphas from a Syphax-related family. It's not a funny idea anymore when we come to the "mago" motto term of Josephs. "Syphax was a king of the ancient Numidian tribe Masaesyli of western Numidia during the last quarter of the 3rd century BC." The Numidian-suspect Newmans are expected in the "numine" motto terms of Walsh's and Mea's/Meighs. "When in 218 BC, war broke out between Carthage and Rome, Syphax was initially sympathetic to the Romans. In 213 BC, he concluded an alliance with the Romans...He then attacked the eastern Numidians, the Massylians, ruled by King Gala..." Gala was the father of Massena. Might Gala trace to the Gale's (unicorn) of Tintagel?

In Gala's article: "Greco-Roman authors give his name as 'Gala', but an inscription in Dougga indicates it may have instead been 'Gaia'." General Scipio, who lost the war to Hannibal in 218, built Cremona as a barracks, and then the Balls/Balders use a "FulCRUM" motto term. The Croms share the cat with Chives'. And the Chives-suspect Cavetts use nine (number of Muses) horizontal bars in the colors of the eight of Spicks/Specks. Eight bars are the symbol of the Maccus vikings, the line to Maxwells in the Spick/Speck eagle. None of this is funny anymore. Later, Massena would join the Romans too, with an alliance with Scipio. The image of Syphax at his article gives me the impression of a tricky character, one aspiring to be the leader of all his friends, and not a loner, but a flamboyant socialite.

I've said it before, that Syphax looks like a friend I once kept, to my regret in my late teens, with a Kepke surname. It was Ukrainian, and I trace (proto)Numidians to the Siret river, beside Ukraine. I feel that God put this friend into my life so that I could say this today. When I look at the image of Syphax, he is exactly this Kepke character. Compare "Kepke" with "SYPHAX." His brother married a Walsh surname, and he himself was engaged with her sister, but he was keeping two women at the same time at one point. The first one he stole from me by convincing her that I didn't love her. Later, after he had been with her for some time, and while she was still with him, she said me, "it's you I really wanted," but I shrugged her off (as "used"). He never did marry her, nor Walsh. Later, after I became a Christian, Peare and I went out, and I was at her apartment, but refused to sleep with her, sleeping on the couch instead, because I wanted to honor God. I decided to not to see her again soon after. I had never slept with her in the past. It came to nothing.

By the time that king Massena formed an alliance with Scipio, Syphax abandoned Rome and supported Carthage. He took Massena's girl, Sophonisba, while she was engaged to him, but she decided to marry Massena later, all for nothing, apparently, as she committed suicide (possibly when Massena refused to marry her). My mother is a Massey liner. I feel disturbed telling this story.

Space's/Speccots (Scarborough colors) were first found in the same place as Spice's and share the bend of Asmans, but instead of the Massey fleur that are on the Asman bend, the Space's/Speccots use frets. Frets are suspect with Ferte-Mace, and then the Ferte = MacDonald eagle is red, as is the Maxwell eagle used by Spicks/Specks/Spakes. Recall that the Spice's use the same tower of Murena's/Moratins, for Massena's line came to rule Mauritania while Massena-like Maecenas married Murena's, and his wife, Terentia, traces to Tarents, first found in the same place (Dorset) as Quints, and using red eagles in both colors of the Spick/Speck eagle. Tarents may have been Tuareg > Turin liners, which can explain why Specks may be using the Cavett bars. Tarents share a red chevron with Quints.

The "FULcrum" motto term of Balls is part-code for Philips/FULops (same lion as Balls, and descended from the Welsh). I never would have known this had I not moved into an apartment with Peer and her friend, a Philips by surname. It caused me to look up the Philips just now, but Philippa of Hainaut was on my mind. Recall Philippaville in the Hainaut theater, near Chives-suspect Binche.

Philips wanted me, but I did not want her. Before living in this apartment with the two girls, I slept the night in my single bed with Peer and Philips on either side of me. We had no sex, just went to sleep, if you can believe that. I woke up in the middle of the night holding Peer close. It felt so good. She was a virgin, I'm sure, at 17, but Kepke took her from me, and had her in my own bed. And she went, so I didn't fight for her after that. They ended up setting up wedding plans a couple of years later, but he left her crushed to be with Walsh, and got engaged with her instead, with a date set for the wedding, but he got cold feet and canceled with her too. I'm telling this story because of Philips together with Peer in my bed. I'm asking whether it has meaning toward what I'm working to discover. Philips were first found in the same place as Massins/Masons, and Balls/Balders that honor the Philips were first found in Cheshire, where the Scipio-descended Meschins ruled, and kept check on the Welsh.

One night, while we were outside of a bar, with Walsh in the passenger seat of my car, Kepke was sitting outside on a curb, because they were not getting along. I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek in Kepke's view, giving him a little concern. She was a good looking lady, and so was Peer. The point is, this was the same bar where I first asked Peer to step outside with me, and we kissed so hard that Kepke, who had followed us up the stairs in concern, got the bouncer to come out to stop us. He was plainly jealous. That kiss indicated that Peer and I were headed for a serious romance, but Kepke was hoping to be with her first.

Philip's first name was Louise, now bringing Luisa of Ceva to mind, important because Ceva is at the Cavett-like Cevetta river. Kepke, you see, is being considered in a trace to "Syphax" and therefore to Specks that can be sharing the Cavetts bars. Compare "CAVETT" with "CAIAPHAS." I call this surname the Cavetts because it keeps the Cevetta river in the Reader's mind, but it has variations such as CHAVAUX that look a lot like "Syphax." The Chives' have similar variations with Cavetts, and were first found in Devon, where Walsh-beloved Spice's were first found.

Let's go back to that bed where Philips and Peer were sowing their wild oats with me. I was 18 at the time. I moved to that apartment after losing a girl with Bauer surname. I was with a lot of girls in those few years, but wasn't sleeping with them. There were other guys who won out over me, it was par for the course in that game. They may have been sleeping with them, an obvious advantage in some cases. I was developing into a good, bad boy.

Kepke and I were both shoe salesmen in the same big-city mall, and Peer was a sales lady for REITmans clothing. Louise was a sales lady for Pennington's clothing. I was transferred from a branch in a SCARBURGH area, to a store in another part of Scarburgh, where I was the manager, salesman and janitor all in one, the only worker of that store. I soon quit for being too lonely, and moved in with the two girls to cut rental costs. I did not know I'd be telling this story when Scarbourough's became a topic above. Penningtons use "A mountain cat" in Crest, I kid you not. I had not seen this when speaking on the Chives' above. The Chives' use cat-a-mountains. The Berks/Burghs use a cat, and Berkshire is home to Windsors (descended from OTHERs) that in fact a line from UTHER Pendragon. The Gore's are in "Gorlois" because they share the Windsor crosslets. The Pennington cat is expected to be a Pendragon-of-Berkshire element, therefore.

As soon as I saw the "amore" motto term (it's a Leavell liner) of Penningtons, I scrolled back to find who else used "amor," and, finding it with Philips, look at this: "Vincit AMORE PATRIA" is the Pennington motto, and "Ducit AMOR PATRIAE" is the Philips motto!!! Miss Philips worked for Penningtons! I'm completely blown away. God must have been manipulating my life in those days so that I could tell this story.

After I quit the shoe store, I sold my MACH MUSTang vehicle, and while one Mach/Mack surname is a Massey-liner kin of Walsh's, German Machs are using a version of the Coat of Roet-related Kerns. Don't Roets trace to Reits, as in Reitman? Amazing. The sleeping moon of Machs is in both colors of the same of German and Scottish Walkers, and the Machs/Macks are the ones with pale bars in the colors of the same of Scottish Walkers. You must think I'm making this story up.

I had not loaded the Reitmans (Jewish) until writing to this point. Unbelievably, they share a red rose with stems with Schere's/Scherfs and German Walkers (amazing), and while President Bush Sr. was born a Scherff, his son, the second Bush president, married Laura Walsh. I'm beside myself. I've left my body. This is a little freaky, but I'm managing a laugh or two. I'm sure that the Shoe surname plays to this. Dutch Reitmans share the white-on-black star with German Scultz's, who were shown as a branch of Shoe's/Schuchs just two update's ago, and moreover Schult's were shown linked, at the same time, to Sale's/Salletts that are in the Pendragon fleur. Dutch Schultz's are listed with SCHILDs, while Reitmans have a Reitstein variation like the Rothstein surname that list Rothschilds.

The first Rothschild was a Bauer. After losing Miss Bauer, while still lamenting over it, I moved to be close to my new shoe sales job, and that's where the Peer - Philip part of my life began. Kepke walked by my store with Peer, and she liked me. I should not have gotten mixed up between them, but, I was 18, and can be excused. I was plotting to be with her before he committed, but I had no idea that this was a Heaven-conducted orchestration in my life. I met Kepke when I had a paper route at age 11. That was the year when I awoke, saying, "I don't believe in you, God, I don't believe in you...," when right then, lightning struck so bright outside my window, that it seemed to bounce off the pillow to my head. I heard noise in the hall-ceiling area outside the room, and learned a half-hour later that lightning struck our chimney, scattering bricks on the roof.

God was apparently upset with me, but, maybe not as upset as one might think. We need to be smart about this. I was just a kid. How many chimneys does God explode when kids reject Him? He obviously did that extraordinary thing to me so that I could report it to readers today. His plot was to get me to do this writing project. Again, I'll repeat that, at seven years of age, I heard a voice while running home across the lawn, "Will you live for me."? There was no one there. I told Him, "no, I want to have fun." I either didn't know what I was saying, due to the surprise of the moment, or I gathered that he was wanting me to work, and rob me of my childhood. But, again, I think that act was to get me to report it to readers, to have them believe that this dragon hunt is His project, not mine.

At age 12, an event happened in a hockey game that I reported as part of this revelation. I won't repeat the story here, but just want to say that certain things in my life were to help me accomplish this project, and/or to convince me that it is indeed His project. Otherwise, I'd be off this computer long ago, having some fun or something. And by the way, I've reverted to virginity; I haven't been with a woman since 2006, about the time that God told me to go in from my new vegetable-garden project, get on the computer, and find the Buzites. This is an incredible story; I sympathize with you if you can't believe it. It's easier to believe that I'm a nut. But both could be true.

I view Peers as a branch of Pierce's, and then Penningtons use four of the five Percy lozenges. Penningtons are likely, along with Penes'/Pennys, from the Penestae to the north of AntiPATRIA, the latter on the same river as Fire-suspect Fier county. Philip-related Balls use a FIREball, and Spice's are the ones with a fire ball. Fire's use a white unicorn, as does the Christine crest, perhaps relevant because Miss Peer's first name was Christine (Isle of Mann, same Coat as Pellets and Pilotte's). The "tip" code in the Scarborough Crest had linked to Pendragon liners. The second shoe store that I worked at was at Kennedy road, and Kennedys and their Tipperary location are Pendragon kin.

If I am convinced that God manipulated my affairs in those years for to make this story here, then there needs to be a reason. Is this only about Josephus? Shouldn't this be verification that Caiaphas was from the namers of Syphax? Would I be making this Kepke story up just to get my readers to falsely believe in a Caiaphas trace to Syphax?

My first girlfriend after I became a Christian, but while still hanging out with drinking buddies, was a Pascal surname. She wasn't a believer, so it had to end. She was followed by Kelly, a Christian. I wouldn't be telling this part of my life except that Kepke visited me while I was with Kelly. It was a surprise visit, as he was then living some five hours away. He was with his future wife. Kellys (Creuse Rita lion?) are interesting because I traced them to CILnius Maecenas. I was sure of that trace at first, but then never emphasized it for lack of further evidence. The Kelly towers are able to link to the tower theme of Scarborough's, and towers are viewed (by me) as code for Tuareg north-Africans. The Christine's, whom are expected to be a branch of Creusa liners, are said to be from the Isle of Man, home of the Manx, and then the Cawleys/Caileys, the one's suspect earlier with the Rita lion (same colors as the Kelly / Creuse lion) are said to be a common name of the Manx. Kellys are therefore a potential Shawia / Aures liner along with Cawleys / Collys. These very Cawleys put white-on-red stars upon their Rita-suspect red bend, the colors of the Annas stars, while mythical Creusa was wife to Aeneas. He was the founder of Rome, where Rita's were first found.

Apparently, the parents of Syphax are unknown. His Meshwesh-suspect faction was called, Masaeisylians, and perhaps some Massey liners were from them while only some Massey liners were from the Massylian faction ruled by Massena's family. Syphax was taken as a Roman prisoner and allowed to live. He died in Italy's Tiber, a location now Tivoli. The Pierleoni Jews arose at the Tiber river. Coincidence? Were the Rita's from Syphax and his wife, Sophonisba? Was Vespasian from Syphax, since, after all, Roet / Reed/Riet/Reid / Reitman liners trace to Rieti/Reate? Compare the Reeds/Reids to the Numidian-like Nimo's, for the latter are the ones with the "show" motto term that gets the Shawia-suspect Shows/SCHAWs. Syphax, like the Shawia, was a Numidian. The NewMARSH variation of Nimo's can indicate a merger with elements from the Marsi, who lived near the Salto, and were therefore within reach of Rieti. Nimo's can be using the Annandale saltire as used by the Arms of Ayrshire, for those Arms use a "shaw" motto term. The full Ayrshire motto, "God shaw the light," is play on the Ayer motto, "Lighter than air." The Lights/Lite's can be linked to Fedders.

Was Syphax's family with him in Tivoli? Is it a coincidence that Space's/Specotts share the red bend with Rita's? The Speccots put white symbols on their bend, as do Cawleys upon their red bend. The Speccot bend is half the Nimo saltire, in the same two colors. That's compelling.

As per "Tivoli," Tippels were looked up, thinking that, perhaps, Tipps / Tipper liners might apply to them. Tippels were found listed with such variations as TuBALLS/TudBALDs, perhaps kin of Balls/Balds, for the latter were Spice kin (and therefore possibly Syphax liners). The Spice's were first found in the same place as Chives', but to this let's add that Nimo's were first found in the same place as Chappes'/Chaips using "EARS of wheat" as part-code for the Eyer branch of Shawia-related Ayers...of Ayrshire, where Cawley-possible Kyle's were first found. They say that the Tiber river was home to a branch of the Tubal nation, a term like the Tuball variation of Tippels/Theobalds (I don't assume that "Theobald" was the original variation). The Cawley lion is in the colors of the same of German Leo's. That's a big deal, suddenly, because it's the Aures lion in both colors. It's a little interesting, but not conclusive at all for making the link, that Pennings/Pennons share the Reed stag head in colors reversed. But the London term in the Penning write-up makes their colors suspect with the Capes' and Chapmans. The Capes scallop can be the Jacobson scallop, in which case Caiaphas may be at issue in a trace to Gala, suspect tentatively with the Jay > Jacob bloodline, a line I didn't know of until this update.

The TUDbalds might indicate a merger with Taddei liners, whose Chief may be a version of the same of Jewish Reitmans, for the Pierleoni, when they had merged politically / militarily with the ancestry of de-Bouillon, were linkable to Taddei's, for they use the Bouillon cross. If I recall correctly, Godfrey III, who formed an alliance with the Pierleoni at the Tiber, was married to Tuscany, where Taddei's were first found. The red-on-blue colors of the triple Taddei chevrons are in the colors of the Italian-Leo fesse, above which is a lion in the colors of the Rita lion. This Leo fesse bar is red, the color of the Rita bend. This red lion is in the Arms of Devon. Reeds use a "FortiTUDINE" motto term, like the Tadini variation of Taddei's.

Of further interest, the Paine's use the Leo fesse while Paine's share the motto of Giffards (Devon), the latter in the colors of Dutch Reitmans. Giffards/Givords are much like "Gopher/Gover," itself rhyming with "SOPHonisba." Keep in mind that the Hole's/Halls/Aule's, suspect with Cawleys/Auleys, are in Giffard colors. According to the Clare's in the Giffard write-up, the Giffard rooster head, in the gold color and design of the Skelton rooster, is the Sinclair rooster, but then the Gays use a gold rooster while Gala, Massena's father, was said to be "Gaia" too. Gays were first found in the same place as Masseys/Massa's. Was Gala the blue-jay line to the Gays and Jacobs together?

Hannibal came to Italy through GAUL. Was this to do with Gala's ancestry in some Gaul entity? Gaul was originally on the west side to the Alps, where Savoy is located. Mythology on the Mieszko mouse tower was written by an AnonyMOUS Gallus, and Italian Gallus' use the Colly/CAULley lion in colors reversed, along with a gorged crown that I tend to view as a Massey-liner item. The Gallus lion is also the Benedict / Bennet lion, and they were Pierleoni. As the mouse tower was at GOPLo, the fact that German Gallus' share the black KOPPLE rooster means that the myth writer was using a surname that he knew to be Goplo-related. The English Jacob Crest is the Mieske arm holding the TIP of a sword, and Jacobs clearly appear to be Berk/Burgh liners. Repeat from above: "The Pennington cat is expected to be a Pendragon-of-Berkshire element, therefore. " The Jacob greyhound is the Penny greyhound. And Berk liners can be from "Barca," Hannibal's father.

Skeltons trace to Scylla of Messina, as should "Massena." Massena's/Messina's use a sinister bend with gold Zionist stars, as do German Leo's. I find that very telling. The evidence for a Numidian trace to Pierleoni is amassing. Note the colors of the patee crosses of Massena's, in the colors of the Taddei / Ferrens' crosses. Ferrens' are suspect with Fire's, both out of FIREnze, where Taddei's were first found. The Ferrens axe trace's the family to Were's on the Axe.

Gophers were first found in Vere-ish Oxfordshire while Were's are said to have merged with Giffards. Were's share the motto of the Bruce's using the same saltire as Nimo's / Ayrshire, and the Bruce saltire is known to be the Annandale saltire. Ananes Gauls were suspect with the naming of Hannibal. The Hands are also suspect with Hannibal liners, and the Cawleys above use hands with their Aures- / Leo-suspect lion. By what coincidence do Gophers use a white-on-blue saltire, colors reversed from the same of NewMARSH-like Marshalls?

Chives' had a branch, according to their write-up, in Tarves. It just so happens that the Tippels/Tudbalds use six fitchee crosses, in the same formation as the six Tarves fitchees, and the Tippel/Tudbald fitchees are gold, the color of the Quint fitchee. There is an axe in the Tarves Crest for a trace back to the Axe river at the Devon theater. There is a COLYton location near the mouth of the Axe river, and Colys/Caulleys share a red and upright lion with the Rita-suspect Cawleys. The Seaton location a few miles from Colyton can explain why Nimo's use the same crescents as Seatons. Ferrens' use a "propoSITi tenax" while Rundels use "Tenax propositi." Scottish Marshalls (same place as Seatons are said to be a branch (by marriage) of CAT-liner Keiths, the latter first found in the same place as Seatons! English Marshalls -- sharing a string of gold lozenges with CAT-using Penningtons -- were first found near the source of the Axe river, land of the Pendragons, we can safely say.

Moreover, Tipper-related Kennedys use fitchees in black, the color of the Tarves fitchees. Previously, Tipps liners were suspect at Tipaza, a Numidian capital, but perhaps Tipps' are to be distinguished from Tiber/Tipoli liners that can be Tippers (beside Devon) and Tippels together. Reminder: Syphax liners are expected with the Chives-suspect Cavetts

Reminder: Massena's father, Gala, may be of the namers of the Gale end of "TintaGEL," in Cornwall, where the RasMUSSEN uniCORN traces, and where Tippers were first found. Table's/Tapelys were first found in Devon, and share the blue hurts of Arthurs, a good reason to connect Table's to Tintagel. As king Arthur was born in Tintagel to Pendragon and the wife of GorLOIS, let's mention the ostrich of Lois', first found in Artois, for while Trabys use ostrich feathers, the Hannibal-Scipio war was on the Trebbia. And while Gorlois was definitely part-code for Gore's, they use crosslets in the colors of the Tippel fitchees.

The Were's, said to be from the Axe river, use a bend in colors reversed from the Peer bend. Suddenly, I think I'll need to repeat the hockey incidence at 12 years of age. It was my first year of playing organized hockey in a full-blown arena. We were not headed for the championship, until, late in the year, Steve TARR was traded to our team. We were in the semi-finals, tied 2 -2 with a couple of minutes remaining in the game. Steve tar and I got a two-on-one break. Instead of passing to across to me, Steve tried to go around the lone defenseman, and from inside the blue line, he took a shot, with the goalie far out of the net. The puck hit the goalie, bounced over his shoulder and rolled to the net, but stopped on the goal line on my side of the rink. I was skating in fast, eyeing the puck all alone on the line, with the defenseman way over on the other side of the rink, and for sheer joy / nervousness / drama all hitting me at once, my knees gave out. But keep in mind that, if this was an act of God, all the particulars are to be surname-important. The Shoe surname specifically says it's knight is cut off at the KNEE.

That's the first clue that this hockey event was for today. While sliding by on my knees, I poked the PUCK with the TIP of my STICK, and went slamming into the boards, barely missing the goal post. The entire bench cleared and piled on top of me, not Steve, in celebration. I had done nothing. I was at the right place at the right time, but when they saw me fall to the knees, they knew my heart, and what this meant to us all. We went on to win the championship in the next game. It was my event, not Tarr's, because it was to stick in my memory a long time, for my future story. Yet, Tarr is part of the story. Tarr got four goals in the final game, which we won 6 -2. What would it have been without TARR? And his name is the first reason that I'm repeating this story now, for the TARpley variation of Table's/Tapleys may indicate a Tapley merger with TARves'/Tarvers. Compare TARP to TARV. Wasn't this a TIPPs / TIPPel liner? Tarv-suspect Trabys were kin to ASTIKas = STICKS, and Sticks are a Joseph-Sadducee line. Table's/Tarpleys were first found in the same place as Chives' that had a branch in Tarves. The Caens share the five, white ostrich feathers of Traby, and the Caen-related Ceno river, beside the Trebbia, is a tributary of the TARo. The Pucks are using a version of the Ottone / Chappes Coat, and Ottone's are likely a branch of the Odins and Oddie's.

However, I can't see any points to make concerning the Knee/Kneigh/Nea Coat.

It's fuzzy in my mind, but, as I recall it, I don't remember Kepke playing that year, until one game when he was the goalie. I had only met him a year or so earlier, and definitely didn't want to hang around with him. Something gave me a reason to reject him as a friend, when he indicated he wanted to be a friend. The first-ever time I can recall him in hockey, I got a break-away and scored on him. I think it was the quarter finals that sent us to the game where my knees gave out. I don't recall how we came to be friends, but it had to do with his inviting me out to collect golf BALLS early in the morning, in the rivers and ponds of three golf clubs nearby. We would bag the balls, then sell them (illegally) along the golf course for cheap. His father would drive us to the course's, and so we didn't feel that this was a crime. We were there every week so that all the balls were practically new. The golfers loved us, and no one ever came to chase us away, so they must have kept it hush.

So, you see, that goal I scored on Kepke is able to connect the Tarr event with the Peer-Philips events for the purposes of this Caiaphas project. There is a Tarr/Terre/Tarra surname, sharing multiple god-and-red pale bars with Machs/Macks. And Tarrs were first found in Somerset. German Machs were able to link to Roets, and they too had a Somerset branch. Machs are the ones with the sleeping moon, and Rounds, part of the Arthurian "Round-Table" code, use a sleeping lion. "The River Axe is a river in Dorset, Somerset and Devon..." Quints were first found in Dorset, and so they may have been along the Axe to Devon, where a host of surnames under discussion were first found. As Quints share the fitchee with Tarves', chances are that Quints got hooked up with gold-fitchee Tippels/Tuballs, part of the Table's that got the Tarpley variation. And the Tippels are said to have been in particular, in Cambridgeshire, for one, where Spice-suspect Capone's were first found. Spice's (fire BALLS), suspect with a version of the Quint-suspect Scarborough Coat, were first found in Devon.

I've only just learned today that the Axe river has a mouth in Devon near a Seaton location, which can explain the green dragon of the Tresure's, first found in Somerset. Aha! As Tresure's traced to Bled / Emona elements, here we find that Seaton, in Saxon times, was called, Fleet/Fluta. It could easily be a Bled variation. The Vlads/Flattens (suspect in the Joseph motto) share the Zionists star of German Machs! Fleets use two fesse bars in the colors of the three fesse bars of Knee-suspect Ny's/Neys. Fleets are clearly using a version of the Flack/Fleck Coat, and thus trace to Palmers/Parmers, suspect from Parma, at the Taro river!!! Excellent. I just scored with Taro while on my Ny's. Ny's/Neys were first found in the same place (Essex this time) as Quints.

And by the way, STICKS, sharing gold garbs with Josephs and Blaze's, were first found in Somerset. This update found that Bowens/Boughans, suspect with the Bow/Bough kin of the Somerset Roets, use the Stick Coat. The Bowans are the Bowie write-up, and Bowie's use a "COELestia" motto term that looks like code for Cole liners, who include candleSTICK Kyle's. It looks like Roets had linked to Astikas-suspect Sticks and Stake's/Stacks, the latter using the same lion as Roet-liner Beauforts, and colors reversed from the Bowie lion. That's my story, and I'm stickin to it.

Like the Christine Coat, the Marshall Coat is cut off before the symbolism reaches the edges of the Shield. I think this can be a "couped" item as code for Coopers. The mountain cats of Chives' were linkable to the Keith Catti, and one may expect Keith-Marshall elements at Seaton upon the Axe. The Mountains use a saltire in colors reversed from the Cooper saltire, and Coopers (Mosca / Chives leopard) are suspect from the mother of the first Herod. The Cooper saltire is in the blue color of the Marshall saltire, and so keep in mind that Marshalls are being viewed as Syphax-Sophonisba, or Massena-Sophonisba, liners. French Mountains are known to have married Claviere's (hands), from Glaphyra Archelaus, who not only married a Herod, but a Mauritanian king Juba II, descendant of Massena. I wasn't going to include this paragraph, until after noticing that English Mountains use footless martlets in the colors of the same of Bled-related Blaze's, at which time I arrived to the Cooper Coats and recalled that Dutch Coopers/Kuypers/Cyperts happen to use the same saltire as Blade's.

Glaphyra married a third man, Tigranes, husband of Opgalli, suspect with the direct family of Joseph Caiaphas. And Josephs are kin of Blaze's. English Mountains were first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints. French Mountains, with the same saltire as nearby Messeys/Messier's, may be using a gold version of the Gopher saltire. Gophers are in Goff/Gough and Googe colors, the latter two surnames using the Molle boar, and then Blay and Le Molay are in the Blaze write-up.

Penning-like pennants are used by the Cowes/Coe surname, suspect with the hard-C version of "Shawia," and the Cowes/Coe's share the Teeger / Julian / Gully/Golly/Goule cross. Might Julians have been a line from "Gala"? Was he named after the Gela location in Sicily? Was William Gellone, suspect from the Shawia, a Gala liner? As he is said to be the father of Guerin of Provence, note that Guerins use the red Aures lion along with Zionist stars in the colors of the same of Massena's.

If Gala was the line to Tintagel, let's get back to the Sich write-up, that being the surname suspect in the Waleran motto. The Sir Tatton Sykes of the Scarborough area, is said to be from SLEDburgh, while Sleds (and Gale's) were first found in Cornwall, location of Tintagel. Sledburgh is in the same place as Scipio-based Skiptons of Craven, and the Cravens were traced to the Tints of Wrexham, and to the Rex's/Rix's/Ricks as a result. The Tint lion is COUCHant, like the Gooch variation of Googe's. The Gale's have a "raCOGLia" motto term that was deciphered in the Coggle's/COCKhills (share red chevron with Quints), who use a rooster, a Gallus symbol too, and it was the symbol of Caepionis-suspect Kopple's. There is a Seckenden location in Somerset, applicable to Sich liners, and Cockhill was a location in Somerset. As Gorlois of Tintagel elements was a Gore code, while Gore's figured as Courcys earlier in this update, by what coincidence is Seckenden in the Courcy write-up? Follow the dots, for Tints use the same crosslets on red as Gore's/Core's. Courcys are from Cork, the MUS-Kerry neighborhood, which belonged to Carthage-like MacCARTHys/Arthys (stag). Sichs are using the Cass / Kiss/Cush Coat, a surname possibly of the cushions in the Bible/Bibo Coat, the latter using the same rooster as Cockhills, in the design of the Kopple rooster. The latter has the look of the French-Joseph Coat. Compare the Cockhill and Kopple Coats with Aikens/ATKINs ("vigilantia"), and then click over to the Atkinsons/AITkinsons to see what should be the Spick/Speck/Spake double-headed eagle in colors reversed. As this was a Roman-empire symbol, it predicts that Syphax's family was mating in Italy with some chief Roman lines.

The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Atkinsons is that of Capes' and Pennings, just as though this fits squarely into my teenage story for proving the Syphax was a line to Caiaphas.

When I said earlier in this update, "Let's go back to the Schwerin-suspect Scarboroughs in the Sich/Syke's write-up," that paragraph ended up on Round-Table Rundels/Roundells within Waleran's WalROND bloodline. Chances are, Leavells were on the Axe river.

I regret that time is up, and need to do the spell check. I can't tell you how I loath spell checks. Every part-capitalized term, most-every motto term, and many surnames, come up as errors. It takes two hours or more per update, and I almost always get to exciting discoveries at the ends of updates that I'd rather continue than do mundane work. I hope you feel my pain.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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