Marilyn Munroe 666
The Fier Discovery on an Avvite-Suspect River
Abaddon Candidates Now Include the Cavii
I Found the Lys River of Aosta
For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.
If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:
There is a long article below, which I see as accurate, that tells where Russian momentum is taking the Middle East: a few excerpts:
...Perhaps most significant is that the PKK's contribution to the fight against ISIS has won it unprecedented international legitimacy. Whereas in 1997 Washington formally declared the PKK a terrorist organization, and was followed in this designation by the European Parliament, today, U.S. Special Forces are training and arming the PPK's subsidiary inside Syria. Washington justifies such collaboration with the fiction that the PYD is separate from the PKK, but efforts are under way in both the United States and Europe to remove the terrorist label. If those efforts succeed, they will yield a major boon to the PKK.But the PKK may not need the assistance or goodwill of the West in order to realize its ambition of an independent Kurdistan. The PKK's role in the war with ISIS also rekindled its relations with the oldest Great Power patron of the Kurds, Russia. The goals of the PKK and Russia possess a devilish synergy. The two now share common enemies in ISIS and Turkey. By working with the Kurds, Moscow can prosecute the war against ISIS, punish Turkey, outmaneuver the United States in Syria and provoke a rift in Turkish-U.S. relations, thereby weakening NATO.
...Russia right now has a good deal to offer the Kurds. It is not just a source of arms and intelligence, but also, unlike the United States, it is proving itself to be a militarily decisive actor inside Syria...And most unlike the United States, Russia, in dealing with the Kurds, is not constrained by a need to maintain good relations with Turkey.
This is not to suggest that a Russian push for Kurdish statehood is imminent.
I think that prediction is a good one: while Russia may hold out a carrot on a stick for the Kurds, ultimately Russia isn't in a position to support an independent Kurd territory in long as Russia holds out for Assad. The latter can't live forever, but predicting what Russian alliances will look like minus Assad may be a long-range forecast...I'm not willing or able to make. The West is taking the Russia-Kurd bond seriously enough to seek an affair itself with both Kurdish parties that were previously taboo. The West appears to see the productivity that a Russia-Kurd alliance will foment for Putin interests...which are not merely to support Assad, but to kill the Western intrusion into the Middle East. When the United States hadn't spent itself into poverty with the Iraq war, Russia was afraid to get involved in the Middle East, because it was undergoing poverty itself, but with the United States now needing to count its own pennies, and Russia out of the gutter, things have become more eye-to-eye.
The current developments are opposite to what I had predicted for an end-time Russian anti-Christ, where Russia would join the Sunny in getting a Middle-East foothold, and be opposed by the Kurds as a natural result. However, in my prediction, the Kurds referring to were those of northern Iraq, not the ones in the article above. The Iraqi Kurds are glued to the Turkish government in a business venture, and could not join the Russians at this time.
I can't fathom any situation, as things now stand, in which the Sunni should want to side with the Kurds of any region. The Sunni in both Syria and Iraq are bound to be at enmity with both Assad and the Kurds, and, moreover, the Syrian Kurds have joined Assad in a convenient commonality, which only makes the chances greater for Sunni enmity with Russia. But that stands only for the Syrian theater. In Iraq, things might become different. With Russia finally playing ball, we yet need to see how Russian policy will come down in Iraq. Right now, it's a fence walk, with Russia being kind toward both Baghdad and Kurdistan.
There is yet the Sunni-Baathist faction from the Saddam-Hussein regime. Word was that this group spearheaded the invasion into Mosul, and then became out-maneuvered by ISIS. The Baathist Sunni seem to be continually out of the news, like those working quietly, more calculating, perhaps. Can Russia find a partnership with the Sunni Baathists? Can Russia make an offer to convince them to join the Assad Baathists?
Marilyn Munroe 666
In the 1st update of February, I discussed an unusual event that happened, and as some of what I guessed at, in interpreting it, seems now to be correct , let me include the full quote:
The last update introduced the Munro's after I heard a clear, crisp voice as I awoke, saying nothing but "Marilyn Munroe 666." I rarely hear a voice (in my head) this loud and clear. It may have been nothing, but I'm treating it as a possible Message to include the Munro surname as it might apply to a discussion. The Munro Crest is "An eagle perching proper," which can link to the perch symbol of Licks/Locks, but I think we can also go to the eagles rising of Lucens because the red eagle in the Munro Shield suggests the phoenix to me. The last update suggested that "Marilyn" can trace with Morano's / Murena's to Myrina of Lemnos, which entity may have named Marne, where Luciens/Luciano's were first found. The Munro-Crest eagle is used by Mureno's/Moratins. I always link Italian Marina's to Clements, and while the latter actually list "Clermonts" (with the 's'), the Claviere surname, sharing the Munro eagle, is kin to the Clermonts (no 's'). Claver-like Clappers/Clapps (vair fur, code for Verona / Verone/Varenne liners), who share the pike with Geddes', were first found in Surrey i.e. where Varenne's ruled.The last update showed how Clermonts and Claviere's (both use keys) can trace with Mountains to the crossed keys in the Arms of MorMANNO (Laus river), making Manno's suspect with Mountains because the latter married Claviere (they use a hand = manno). The idea here is that MUNroe's may have been MorMANNO liners. And it's all suspect with the cat-a-mountains of the Chives' now tracing with the Keats cats to Skeets'/Sheets liners (n Cetis) suspect in the sheet of the disheveled woman in the Arms of Saracena.
Munro's are said to traditionally descend from a Pictish Moray ruler, Anselan O'Cain, ancestor also of McMillens and Buchanans, the latter traced with little doubt, months ago, before finding my new Laus topic this month, to Buxentum (on the Lucania map below), smack beside Laus. I suggest that the O'Cains of Moray were of the Bissets and Drummonds, as suggested by one of two Cain Coats. The other Cains (probably the Brian Crest) share fish with Kane's, and use them in pale in the colors of the same of Lucys. Therefore, the voice in my head on Munroe came a couple of days or less before I ventured into the Saracena investigation. It could have been the morning of same day. if this is a Sign, why is the 666 to be associated with this topic? Well, if the 666 is to be a Western scheme, I would expect it to be enforced [partly] by the same who lead NATO, and while Ander Fogh Rasmussen was the previous NATO leader, it's interesting that the Munro eagle is said to be "erased," code, I guess, for Eras'/Assmans/Rasmussens (kin of Massey-suspect Assmans/Asmans). Bellamys lived in Perche, and they married Masseys/Maceys, definite kin of Rasmussens. I predicted as long ago as 2010 that the False Prophet, the one who enforces the 666, will be a Massey / Meschin liner. I then predicted further (with reasons) that he will be a mouse liner from the mouse tower of Goplo, where Mieszko's arose, and then the current EU Chief is the previous Polish prime minister (or is it president?).
Update March 4. When originally writing here, I failed to look up the Roe's that Munroe's are said to descend from. Roe's/Rows happen to use the Templar lamb, and the 666, according to Revelation 13, will be enforced by a man with two horns like those of a lamb. I'm going to have some surprising things to say about this at the top of the 1st update in March.
Sorry for cluttering your head with all of that, but I'm about to show how multiple of its parts can apply. I'd like to say that "Marilyn Munroe 666" was not part of a dream; I was climbing out of bed, or just starting to walk away, when I heard it. It is completely unusual for me to hear crisp voices in my head like this. The silence or thought-vacuum after these words spoke was conspicuous, as though these words alone would be clue enough. Mrs. Besant wrote in to mention Marilyn Monroe 666, and I opened the email late this week (last night as I write), and for that reason I re-loaded Munroe's followed by loading the Roe's, a thing I must not have done previously. The Munroe's are said to be from "Roe / Ro," though the "Mun" prefix is not explained. The Munroe trace to Cains / Buchanans is an alternative theory that the family had, and that one looks to be, not only correct, but key to what I've yet to say.
Let's start off by saying that Roe's/Rows, Rows, Rove's/Rolphs/Rough's/Ruffs (raven) were all first found in Norfolk, and that they are suspect with the raven vikings with all of it's implications. I always see the end-time globalists from the genes of the old Nordic pirates, Templar "international bankers," and therefore from the Sinclairs. I'm guessing that "Row/Roe" is a variation fro the Roughs of Rolphs, but let's add that I trace the raven to the ancient Rephaites of Jerusalem, though their king, Og, was of a Rephaite branch in the area of Jabesh Gilead, or home of Amorites on the east side of the Jordan. We are talking Amorites here whom I trace to Myrina on Lemnos, part of the Marilyn-Munroe quote. It's Keturah-important.
I'm still on the introductory parts of what's yet to be said. Scottish Ralphs, said to be from "Randolph," are from the Nairn area of the Rose's, Rosh suspects from Lake Van's Rusa kings, and Lake Van is where I trace the Munroe eagle. Ralphs share the water bouget with the Rose's and Bugs, and the Nairi of Lake Van, who look like "Nairn," are suspect with the wolf-loving Neuri once on the Bug river. The Scottish Randolphs are said to be derived partly in "wolf," but this is garbage in my eyes, code of, and for, the stupids for a wolf line...which always goes back to Apollo and Pollux, or their mothers, Leto and Leda respectively, both of the Letushites from Keturah and Abraham, fellow tribe of Leummites (Genesis 25) that I trace to the namers of Lemnos. The Leda / Leto duo were the same proto-Latin peoples in different geographies, and they were the Ladon / Lotan dragon that I see in code in Revelation's seven heads. They trace to the Lazi of Lazona between swan-lake Sevan (named after Lake Van) and the Glaucus river, home of the golden fleece.
Having said that, it's time to mention mythical Pelops of proto-Latin Lydia, origin of Leto (at Clarus, origin of the Sinclairs / Clare's / Claro's), father of lamb-depicted Atreus. There are good reasons to view this lamb symbol of Atreus as the one of Revelation 13, where it dishes out the 666 commercial system. But why the connection between the anti-Christ and the Pelops line? Well, this line was the golden-fleece line, which is why the golden fleece in Colchis was the hide of a ram = sheep, same theme as lambs. The dragon of Ares protected the golden fleece, and while some say that his dragon was Ogyges, I trace him between Og of the Rephaites and Gugu/Gyges, king of Lydia at roughly the same time period as the Rusa kings of Lake Van. The latter had been ruled by Cimmerians (Gomer suspects), followed by Royal Scythians, whom I peg as Gog. These Scythians once lived in Scythia, in easy contact with the Ares cult of Thrace. Ares' daughter, Harmonia, was symbol of Armenians, a good reason to trace Ares to the Aras river through Armenia, to the near-south of lake Sevan.
The Royal Scythians were coined by Herodotus of Caria, who moved to Sybaris, the city that founded Laus, and while it's known that Sybaris was founded by peoples of Achaea, at the Ladon-river theater, that was near Sparta, where Atreus' father, MeneLAUS, ruled. Sparta was founded mythically by the Sparti, the name of the army that grew up from the teeth of the dead Ares dragon.
I once found, and recorded somewhere in the updates, a myth in which there were two lambs involved with Menelaus. I've never tried to re-find the article, as there seems to be no need. Clearly, the Atreus > Menelaus line was given a lamb symbol, which I see in code when Apollo skinned the MARSyas goat alive, same theme as a fleece. This Marsyas was likely the reason that the Romans had Mars as the extension of Ares, but one can trace also to the war goddess, Myrina, code for the city on Lemnos. And this is where Murenu/Muranum at Sybaris (see map), and MorMANNO at the Laus river come in. When I wrote the following, it was a risky thing, for it felt like a long-shot interpretation of things, and I don't like to include long-shots because they can make the writer look unreliable: "The last update showed how Clermonts and Claviere's (both use keys) can trace with Mountains to the crossed keys in the Arms of MorMANNO (Laus river), making Manno's suspect with Mountains because the latter married Claviere (they use a hand = manno). The idea here is that MUNroe's may have been MorMANNO liners."
I had been thinking that a link of the "Mun" prefix of Marilyn's surname to Mormanno was a fat chance, but I left the quote in anyway. Years ago, I came to understand that "MENElaus" was code for the Mani peninsula of Sparta, location of Laus-like Las which I had found written, "Laas." I then found that Manders (besants in the colors of the same of Clements and Clairs), whom I trace to Maeonians (proto-Lydians) on the Maeander river, use a "Laus Deo" motto phrase. There was good reason to trace Clairs via the Lemovices of Limousin (where Clairs were first found) and the neighboring Santones of Sainte (like the Saint variation of Sinclairs) to the Sintians of Lemnos. As Menelaus was part of the Pelops Lydians, it stood reasonable that his Mani peninsula was founded by Maeonians, while Las was a potential Lydian entity of the Lasonii, who lived somewhere between the Maeander and Lydia. And so I expect the Lasonii > Las line as part of the Ladon river, all from the Caucasian Lazi of Lazona, on or off the Glaucus river, location of Tyndaris, the name, essentially, of Leda's husband. And Menelaus married Leda's daughter (Helen of Troy).
I must therefore conclude that "Marilyn Munroe 666" is a clue that the False Prophet and his 666 will be of a Menelaus line that named MUNroe's. The Sign in the phrase is that the mythical lamb is in fact part of the coming 666, and that it probably connects with "Roe versus Wade," what may have been a staged court battle with the express purpose of abolishing anti-abortion laws. Wade's/Quade's are from Cetis, right? And they include Mackay / Macey / Massey / Meschin liners through Bassianus' and other besant-using lines, to the Sinclair / Malahule vikings.
The Massey / Meschin elements that I expect in the False Prophet play to the very same mythical players as above. And of course Meschins were the Meshech, chief Gogi liners, rulers of Rosh, and from the Moschian mountains smack beside lake Sevan, origin of the swan egg that birthed Helen of Troy and Pollux. You see, myth writers were not mystics, but used terms in sound-alike play to denote place and people-group names. Their swan had nothing to do with an exotic / mystical meaning behind the swan, but was code for an Indo-European (= Scythian / Caucasian) line from lake Sevan, a bloodline that came to use "swan" in their vocabulary. This is obviously the correct view. And the Swan/Sion surname was once showing gauntlet gloves, the Macey symbol. It's obvious that Moschian liners, with Sevan liners, were at Sion and Sitten. The Sitten surname uses a dragon.
I had a dream that panned out to be a Sigh the very morning that I had it. I'm not going to repeat the dream; the whole event was absolutely compelling, having to do with the Masci line to Hippodamia, Pelop's Amazon wife near the Ladon river. It also touched upon Hippodamia's son, Chrysippus, who loved Laish-suspect Laius of Thebes, where the Sparti originated, and having to do with the gold lamb in the flock of Atreus' family. This mythical Laius, who can be interpreted either as a Lai term or the full Laius term, because he was made a descendant of Cadmus, traces to the Sparti, for the dragon with the Sparti teeth had been killed by Cadmus, and the Sparti thereof then joined Cadmus in an alliance. It's the same theme as when Cadmus was given Ares' daughter (Harmonia) to be his wife.
The dream above included execution papers with the names, Masci and Micah, upon them, and the Micah part is the key for understanding a Laius trace to Laish, for Micah came to live in Laish, which had been conquered in war by Dan liners that I trace to Tanis, where Meshwesh had ruled Egypt (starting with 21st dynasty). I have a hard time equating these Dan liners with the Dan tribe of Israel; I think some mix-up in the historical records took place, confusing Tanis liners through Israel with Danites. Historical records in what we call the Bible are not necessarily Inspired. The historical records may not have been Holy Writ. They may have been open to errors, for there are many books posing as Scripture that are widely considered erroneous in some of their parts. The Samson Danites are in the same historical book as Micah and Laish, as well as Jonathan Levi of Laish, and then Meschins share the Samson scallops...which trace to Messina and Scylla. But Messina is known to have been named from Messene of Greece, location of Methoni, mythically the daughter of Oeneus, a line that I claim to be from "Jonathan," through to the Oenotrians at Saracena, smack beside Laus. And the "Marilyn Munroe 666" came upon the discoveries made at Saracena.
The 666 is expected in the left-hand / right-hand symbol of mythical Mucius. The forthcoming Mucianus surname is one I trace to Rasmussens, repeated here because a left-hand or sinister bend shared by Rasmussens, Masci's and Messina's is shared also by German Rows/Rau's/Rauers. It seems that, when Mucius got his right hand cut off, the myth writer was pointing out a right-hand symbol of the Mucius bloodline, yet, it afterward became a left-hand symbol because Mucius needed to use his left hand. That's the way I see it, anyway, in order to explain the leftward rises of certain bends, or the unusual left-facing heraldic symbols. The Rows/Rau's put red roses on their bend, recalling the Rose-related Ralphs. The Munroe surname is said to have formed the ROTHach surname with "Ro" at its root, and then the Jewish Rothchilds (no 's') use a sinister bend as well as a sinister-facing horse). The sinister bends of Rothschilds and Rows/Rau's both use red roses! We have thus gone from Marilyn Monroe 666 to the Rothschild bankers, while I fully expect the 666 from the world's leading bankers (makes the most sense). But there is more to it, for Rothschilds are not only in big banking, but are probably the leaders of globalism. So, go on Rothschilds, and lead the world to oblivion with you. The Bavarian Rothchilds/Rothes' share the black-on-white raven with Rolphs/Rove's/Roughs.
If you don't know, see Gog, Rosh, Meshech, Gomer, and Tubal in Ezekiel 38's end-time prophecy, asking why Persia is lumped in with them. How can the West be lumped in with Persians if they are the modern Iranians? Will the end-time anti-Christ be a line of the Russian Rothschilds, from Moscow, known to be founded by Varangian Rus? I am of the opinion, shared by, and adopted from, others claiming that the WWI Rothschilds formed Communist Russia, starting with president Lenin. The Lenins/Lennons/Lennans / Lennans, and therefore the Logans/Lohans, play to his bloodline, but then LOHENgrin was made a mythical Swan Knight, while Locks and Lokens/Lochs use the swan, recalling part of the Munroe quote: "The Munro Crest is "An eagle perching proper," which can link to the perch symbol of Licks/Locks, but I think we can also go to the eagles rising of Lucens because the red eagle in the Munro Shield suggests the phoenix to me."
Botters, by the way, likewise use an eagle on a perch, and I trace the red Botter/Bode eagle to Ardons/Artois, a thing that was done below, earlier in this week, while on an enlightening Aosta investigation. I say that Botters/Bode's are part of the Bodencus / Este line to the namers of Aosta and its Bautica river through the proto-Artois Arduinici (at Ivrea). It can be gleaned that the perch is code for Percival liners, whom the Arthurian dragons made the father of Lohengrin, a Gog liner through the Leda swan.
So, Marilyn Munroe was a Rothschild liner, how about that, from the Rusa kings at Lake Van, where I traced the giant red eagle head of Munroe's. It's where the Tarent/Taran eagles trace that go also to the Este-liner Merovingians, and king Arthur was a Merovingian outfit. The first Merovingians had a fleur-de-LYS symbol, and so do not miss this update's emphasis on Aosta's Lys river (Bautica tributary), which links to the Lys river of Artois for obvious Arduinici-reasons. Oneglia had an Arduinici branch, and while I trace "Nagle" to "Oneglia," the Nagle's share "non" with the lamb-using Roe's/Rows, while Nons/Nevins use a fesse in colors reversed from the Nagle fesse. The Nagle's have a Nail/Neal branch while Logans put nails into their heart.
This update will stress the Fountainmore location of Aosta's Lys river, and so you may want to keep in mind that Fountains, entertained as Jewish Pierleoni, were first found in the same place as Roe's/Rows, Rows and Rove's/Ralphs/Roughs. Bird of a feather Fulke together. Ask mythical Tarun at Velch. Ask the giant LYS of Fulke's. When you get to the Arms of Fountainmore, you might want to remember that it looks linkable to one Bennet Coat, for Bennets were Pierleoni.
I had found that the family of Godfrey de Bouillon had allied with the Pierleoni when Godfrey III was allowed to break into the city of the Pierleoni in favor of the Pierleoni during their dispute of elite proportions with the Vatican cocks. This is where the Bouillons met up with the Taddei's (Fountain colors, Bouillon cross), first found in the same place (Lydia-based Tuscany) as Italian Fulks, and of Velch. I can see why the dragons would not want anyone to expound upon the Bouillon link to the Pierleoni Jews, especially when there are many already pushing the envelope on a Rothschild link to Jesuits. A dragon-line / Round-Table link to the papacy cock is expected as part of the globalist beast. Bouillons had traced exactly to the Bautica river, before I knew of the Arduinici i.e. before I knew of the Lys-river trace to Artois, home of Bouillon family, and home also of the ROUND-Table Arthurian dragons. That was myth code for the Round and Table (share hurts with Irish Arthurs) surnames, and Rounds/ROWnds (Pendragon chevron?) are perhaps part of the Row line. Although Table's show no other Tubal-like variations, it should be added here that the Tiber river, home of the Pierleoni, has been traced by some to Tubal.
While the first Crusade against Jerusalem was under pope Innocent III, and while the leader of the army was touted to be Godfrey de Bouillon, we find an "Innocens" motto term with Roe's/Rows.
Starting in the 2nd update of this past December, I've been repeating this online quote:
"In January 1058, as a partisan of the newly elected Pope Nicholas II, Leo [Pierleoni] had the gates of the Leonine City [Rome] thrown open for Godfrey [III], former duke of Lower Lorraine, and his wife, Beatrice, marchioness of Tuscany. Godfrey immediately possessed the Tiber Island and attacked the Lateran, forcing Benedict X to flee on 24 January. Leo allied himself with the reformers..."Godfrey III was grandfather to Godfrey de Bouillon. The so-called "boilers" (t-shaped items) of the Pierleoni-related, red-rose Benedicts are, therefore, likely code for a Bouillon line. While these particular Benedicts use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzos' and related Cluns (wasn't there a Benedictine abbey of Cluney?), both related to Alans of Brittany, note that BOULLIER's/Boullins (rooks) were first found in Brittany. Later (or a few days ago), an Allein location (on the Bautica) in Aosta is found that is connectable to Savoy elements, and so let's add here that Boullier's are said to originate in Savoy.
The Allein location uses a split Shield partly in purple, which recalls what I had yet to say, that the purple-lion Skiptons are suspect with Skippers who in-turn use the chevrons-with-besants of Rows. Skiptons are suspect with Bellow-loving Skiptons, and Bouillons, in their "bello" motto term, honor Bellow / Billet liners, which include Rook-related Roquefeuil (Arms of Roquefeuil uses billets). The Rooks (raven, makes Rooks suspect with Rothchilds) happen to share the same blue-on-white chevron as Skippers / Rows, and this is shared by red-rose Cope's / Copps. I've not yet resolved whether Rothschilds were a branch of Roquefeuil, or only merged with it. It appears that one can lump Roe's in with Rooks (same place as Skiptons), adding to the hunch that "Row" was a branch of "Rough" (can be pronounced "row"). I always trace trefoils to Roquefeuil liners.
As the Allein location will later link to Moutiers (in Savoy) and Motts/Mottins, suspect with Savoy's Modane, it's interesting that the Row and Roe/Row trefoil is used by split-Shield Albini's, first found in Modena, and resolved in the past as kin to the Mea's/Meighs from Brittany's Meu river, flowing from Cotes-du-Nord, where the Motts/Mottins were first found. Again, just to be convincing on this point, English Albins are said to be of Barnstaple (Devon) while Barnstaple's (Albini trefoils), first found in the same place (DEVON) as Alan>Stewarts and Albins, use a "mort" motto term undoubtedly for the Morte variation of Motts/Mottins. And Mea's share the blue fitchee of English Albins.
A Montfort location is on the Meu, and while Montforts own the gonfanon banner that traces to Fanano and the neighboring Panaro river, both in Modena, the Templar lamb of Roe's/Rows has a banner, as this Templar lamb always does. The Marano location on the Panaro traced to Murenu/Muranum of Sybaris, and while the Laus down there is feasibly of Lausanne, let's mention the Moudon location to the near-north of Lausanne.
Allein happens to be in the extreme, north-west part of Aosta facing down to the Arve river of Savoy, where I trace Bellamys of perch-suspect Perche, kin of nearby ALENcon. It looks like Alencon was an Allein branch. The Taninges location on the Arve can be a Tanaro-river liner because Tanners share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Vilains. Alans must always trace to Langhe (at Monforte / Montferrat) upon the Tanaro river. This would be a good place to add that the sinister bend of German Rows/Rau's is in the colors of the same of Plunketts, first found in the Vilaine part of Brittany along with Dol. The Plunkett horse therefore becomes suspect with the Rothschild horse, the one that faces sinister.
Bonneville's were first found in Devon too. The BONNEville location on the Arve is suspect with the Boii of Bononia, where Bouillons of Bologne (Artois) trace. As the BENNedict boilers trace to the same, they with their BENNet kin (share the same motto with "De bon") must have been Bononia liners. The De Bons/Bonatti's/Bonons can be using the Montfort = Bohemia lion.
These Boii are now tracing to Boius at Lyncestis) The Bonnie's not only use a bend in colors reversed from the Bone bend (Beaumont lion? probably), and not only share the fleur-de-lys of Belmonts/Beaumonts (Boii-suspect kin of Montforts, Percivals and Leavells), but the Bonnie bend looks linkable to the same of Bernards, while the Paeoni at the Bernard Pass, near to Allein, trace to the Boius / Lyncestis theater. The Stobi capital of the Paeoni trace to the Stubbs (buckles), said to be kin of Beaumeis/Belmeis = Bellamys. The Stubb pheons are in Mott/Morte colors, relevant, possibly, with the "arma" motto term of Stubbs, because Cotes-du-Nord, where the first Motts/Morte's were first found, is now called, Armor.
We just saw the Roe/Row motto linking to Morte's, but then the other Rows use "A red BUCK's head couped with gold antlers," traceable to the buck of Rayburns, and then the Ray escarbuncles are part-code for Buncle's that share buckles with Stubbs. The Paeoni were suspect at Poeninus, at the Bernard Pass. I suppose that the namer of Poeninus named Bonneville too, but, in any case, I trace "Poeninus" to Panias," the real city beside Laish that was probably the naming of the phoenix. Marilyn Munroe 666 is tracing to this very thing.
In fact, the Roe lamb is called a "Paschal lamb," code for lamb-using Pascals that share the Levi lions i.e. Levi's are expected from the Jonathan Levites of Laish. The Pascals are suspect with the Pascels listed with Pasi's/Pace's, first found in Bononia, and linkable to purple-Shield Pace's i.e. who share a purple Shield with the Arms of Allein. As I tend to think that the Pace's link to the purple buckle of Sobeks, the latter can be expected in some relationship with Stubb liners. Did Sob(ek)s lose a 't' from "Stubb"?
There are two Bonneville surnames, one with two (twin = gemel?) lions in pale, a symbol of multiple Alan-related lines, and one with six PIERCED mullets linking to the mullets of Payens, the latter calling them, "spur ROWels." The Panaro-suspect Panders, suspect with Payen-suspect Pane's/Panico's of Bononia, use spur rowels. It looks like Munroe's and Roe's were deeply Paeonians of the Payens kind. Rowels/ROThwells (fairly-obvious Roe/Row liners) happen to share besants on a chevron with Rows, but the Rowels use double / twin chevrons, code in often cases for Gamala liners, which I expect in Camulodunum, where I would trace the Cammell variation of Campbells. ROWans/Rome's share the Campbell gyronny, and I say that Campbells are Campania > ChamPAGNE liners, while Hugh de Payens is said to have been kin to the count of Champagne. To help assure that these traces are accurate, the Rome variation of Rowans suggests a merger with Rome's/Rooms that use a "Pungit" motto term for Pungs/Paganells, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Campbell-colors Camps/Comps. Then, Dutch Camps use the giant eagle of Munroe's, almost (same design at present, but Camps have the erased-at-the-neck feature). Irish Rowans/ROGans even share the trefoil with Roe's and Rows.
The Spur is shared by Close's that can trace to Cluses, on the Arve river.
To show that Rays were Row liners, here's a clip from later in the update that tends to clinch the Ray(burn) roebuck with the Roe buck:
Bude's [Pollock colors for a good, Rothes-related reason] are very linkable to Boyds , as a branch, because Boyds share a fesse of part-red checks with Irish Rowans, the latter sharing the gold-on-green crescents of Bude's. This is an excellent way, perhaps my first ever, to equate Bude's with Boyds (said by others to be from Bute). The Bude lion head is in the colors of the Morgan / Moore lion, for which reason Bude liners can trace to Morges, in the Vaud part of lake Geneva (itself suspect as a Guinne / Veneti line), same place as Laish-suspect LAUSanne. Bude's use a ribbon, which recalls that I found a ribbon-like surname listed with Rayburns...You can check below to see that Rayburns use "roebuck drinking out of a brook, and on an ermine square at the top a knight's helmet." later in this update, Knights trace to Chatillon in Aosta, which, for this reason and more, I'm on the look-out for Munroe liners in Aosta. seems clear that we are touching upon the raven vikings (included Roe liners) of ROTHESay, an island later called Bute, where I trace Morgan le Fay. Rowans are said to be a sept of Ui Maine, which I recall alternatively as, "Many," evoking the MUNroe trace to Menelaus at the Mani peninsula. This is a good reason to trace LAUSanne to Las at Mani. As the Sparti had been of a dragon in Boiotia, "Boyd / Bute / Boet" can relate to Boiotians, especially as I trace the OrchoMENOS Boiotians to the namers of Orkney, where the raven vikings originated before conquering Rothesay. I say that the raven vikings were the Colchian stupids, who never grew up to be real men. See the checkered fesses of Marks and Jewish Marx's, and trace to the Marici, who were allied with Laevi. The Rayburns look linkable to Lennons.
I faulter when it comes to understanding how Putin might relate to a Russian anti-Christ. From the Marilyn-Munroe perspective, where the Rus are evident throughout, with raven vikings suspect as the Varangian co-founders of Moscow, I feel compelled to stress a Rothschild-Russia-MARXist link, yet it's doubtful that all Rothschild members were always in agreement with the Communist program. It was a hard-fisted program that some say is the long-range program of a softer president Putin. He's being soft, they think, waiting to find the right time for coming down hard for a neo-Soviet empire. I'm not sure what to think on that matter. There is a Putin surname first found in the same place as Rome's/Rooms, kin likely of the Rome variation of Rowans. But I do not think that Rome's and Rowans were the same. Rowans are suspect in the naming to Rouen, the Sinclair capital of Normandy.
The first Communist president usurped the Russian ROMANov rulers. Ukrainian Romanovs, possibly of the Ukrainian Varangians, use red roses, symbol of Rothchilds and Rows/Rau's. Russian Romanovs happen to share the white-on-black escutcheon of Saddocks, first found in the same place as Puttins and Medleys (both share black-on-white stars), suspect with Medvedev, the Russian president between the two terms of Putin. I think it was during the Medvedev term that Putin was given a tiger as a gift, but he wasn't telling who gave it to him. I thought it may have been a play on the Medley-Crest tiger, i.e. a gift from a Medley / Methley liner thanking Putin for making Medvedev his interim ruler. Medleys (bars gemel) share the pierced stars of Bonneville's in colors reversed.
There is a modern PUNGesti location in Scythia (now Moldova, beside Ukraine) not far from a Roman location (Siret river) that may apply to Romanovs. I read and tended to confirm that Rothschilds and the Bavarian Illuminati were a sect of Rosicrucians, whom, in England, were led by Francis Bacon, and then I traced Bacons to a Bacau location of the Siret about 25 miles down-river from Roman.
Later in this update, written a couple of days before this section, Shultz's (perhaps share the Bonneville stars) become a major topic, when they are discovered as kin of SHELDons, like the SCHILD variation of Schultz's, perhaps a RothSCHILD liner. The Sheldon motto has a term like one in the TEEGER motto! Medley-related Methleys were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Sheldon-like Sheltons or Skeltons (at one time, one or the other was said to be first found in Yorkshire, not anymore). Skeltons share the raven with Rothchilds/Rothes'. Sheltons are said to be first found in Norfolk i.e. same as Roe's / Rows and Rove's/Rolphs.
The Yorkshire location of the first PUNGs/Paganells can relate to the Rothschild horse because it was traced to the same of Odins, first found in Yorkshire. Later in this update, the HORSham location of Saddocks is mentioned, a thing I don't often do. Horsham is said to be from Horsa, a mythical founder of Kent, where Teeger-related Touque's were first found. Tokers use sea HORSEs. Horsham is a place where an heraldic horse can trace, and while Horsham is in the same place as where Medleys were first found, they are the ones with the Teeger-suspect tiger. While English Fullers honor the Bacons in their beacon, Irish Fullers use the horse too. Later, the Fountains (same place as Roe's, etc.) will trace to others sharing three red fesses, and here the Fullers are found with such.
As it becomes fairly evident that the Arms of Fountainmore link to the Coats of Washingtons and Cantons, it's notable that while Wassa's/Gace's/GAZE's, Fullers and Rayburns share the canton square, Rays use "A stag at GAZE proper." The Teegers / Touque's trace to the Touques river flowing by Gace. Wassa's (why a Zionist star?) have long been suspect with WEIShaupts, the Jewish surname that founded the Bavarian Illuminati.
English Marks can be using the Benedict lion, which, if correct, tends to identify the Jewish Marxists with Pierleoni liners. They say that Karl Marx was a Bavarian-Illuminati agent, but then the Bavarian Illuminati was founded by an ex-Jesuit Jew.
My theory has been, for years, that Western surnames / families were in cahoots, as invisibly as possible, it seems, with Russian Communism. The Marxism of that national organization was primed with global-control concepts, and they chose hard-liner methods, murderous and devilish as can be, to accomplish their scheme. Perhaps even the Russian peoples are now happy that it failed, but the movement is not altogether disappeared. It has evolved into a "democratic" hard line, where some goon seeks election democratically for to win license in using hard-line methods, akin to the way Republicans are now thinking with Donald Trump. I agree with a hard line, if its used against evil. But Marxism made evil good, and no one knows what Trump will really do if he wins a commitment. The way God puts it, if you agree with good, you get to live. Sounds like a good deal to me. I'm not ashamed to like the good; I'd rather have a world with sincere people who do no harm, than one filled with snakes and wolves who know merely how to act good in order to exploit me better. How about you?
It seemed that Rhodian / Fabian socialism (soft Communism) was working its way unbelievably into the United States, and Obama is a good example of it. American socialism has a quasi-Christian face that no one takes seriously, unless they have a demented thinking pattern, and demented minds are exactly necessary for to make the 666 operation a success. The Rothchilians need demented masses in order to get their program off the ground to any successful degree. They have worked on this by dumping childish / Godless / materialistic garbage as mental food for the masses, over an entire generation.
The Puttins are traced to a "kite," but the Kite's and Kitts are suspect with Kidds from "Cetis." The "ORBem" motto term of Kidds assures their trace to the Orba location, the Cetis capital. "Cetis" was suspect with "Sadducee," and here I find kite-depicted Puttins first found in the same place as Saddocks.
I don't know whether I missed it, but in the 4th update of this past January, when Orba was introduced, this online quote was shared earlier in the update:
"In 958 [Aleramo, William I of Montferrat] was appointed as marquess by Berengar II of Italy, whose daughter Gerberga he had married. Three years later, however, Aleram sided for emperor Otto I, who gave him further lands in the Langhe and from the TANARO, the Orba and the Ligurian Sea."I don't recall knowing the Orba location on or near the Tanaro. But, upon checking my files, an Orba river was found stressed in the 4th update of January, 2015. This Orba is the location of Capriata d'Orba (Alessandria), for example, which is beside Francavilla Bisio. I don't know what "Bisio" may mean, but the Biss' are coming to mind because I see them in-code with the ibis of Weishaupts. The question now is whether there is evidence of a Cetis trace to the Orba river of Alessandria (griffin).
I have a problem. The Kidds can now trace to the Orba river rather than to Orba of Cetis. I can show this with Kidd heraldry. The good news is that "Kidd" still evokes "Cetis" so that the two Orba's can be related. The white crescent in the Kidd Crest can be for the giant one of Silvers, for there is a Silvano d'Orba location. Now, what a surprise, for the split Shield of Silvano's (Genoa) are in the colors of the split Shield of Dutch Puttens, and both use a nebuly border to separate the two Shield colors! This find comes just as Puttens were mentioned in a trace to Kite's! Zowie, what heraldry can tell. Puttens were definitely Kidd kin, and will link to Cetis elements in other ways. Dutch Puttens may even be suspect with the Annas Shield. If Puttens are Button/Biden liners, it can explain why Joseph Biden, while vice-president, said that he invented (in Obama's first term) the re-set button with Russia.
That is incredibly interesting for tracing both Biden and Putin to Rothschilian socialists, but Buttons have been traced to the Selletae Thracians that evolved into such things as Saluzzo, the Salassi of Aosta, and the Saluvii suspect with the Salvi variation of Silvano's. In fact, all of the Silvano variations shown start with "Salv." The Orba can now be traced to the Urbanus river, not far from the Salviae (Croatia) on this light map. I'm going to guess that Puttens were Poti Colchians on the Black-seas coast from the Selletae, for it's known that Colchians settled the Croatian coasts. Puttens (besants) can therefore be golden-fleece liners. This recalls the golden fleece in the Dingwall surname, from Dingwall, an old Ross-shire capital i.e. beside the Rose's. It may explain why Silvano's/Salvi's use roses in the colors of the Rose-clan roses, shared also by Yonge's that trace to the Una/Oeneus river, smack beside the Urbanus. Salviae and Lamatis are between the two rivers.
To help trace Kidds to Cetis, where the line of SEVERus Bassus was, English Silvers appear to be using a version of the English SAFFER Coat, while French Saffers use falcons (almost kite hawks), while Falcons share the Silver crescent in both colors. Kidds share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's, and while Saluzzo is near the Orba, there is a BaSALUZZO area beside Capriata d'Orba.
The Maezaei (part of proto-Moscows, right?) are at Salviae, and that traces from Julia Maesa Bassianus back a few generations to Severus Bassus. And the Orba river is even near Ceva! All of the major players in the killing of Christ are tracing here to apparent aspects of the Bavarian Illuminati. As I traced Julia Bassianus to the lamb-using Lamas surname, suspect from Le Mas, near Grasse (it used lambs in the same colors), Lamas' may have been from Salviae-related LAMATis, also off the Urbanus river. The Dumas', sharing the Bassianus-suspect besants with SAVARds/SAVARys, suspect as a D'Mas surname related to Lamas', are traced in their write-up to the Le Mas location. Salvi's (means "saved") may have evolved from / into the Savers/Saviours/Sivers, which was said before the Saver Coat loaded to show the nebuly feature. Excellent: Puttens were merged with Bassianus', good for the theory that "Bassus" was from "Phasis," the alternative name of Poti. I'm, am stripping the hide off of this beast, and will soon show the raw bones. Hold your nose.
Nebuly can trace to Nephele, the mythical cloud, wife of Ixion, suspect as a neo-Nephilim (i.e. arrogant) cult. That's why the myth writer portrayed Ixion as arrogant when he was asked by Zeus to mate with his cloud wife. The pre-Flood Nephilim were somehow super-human, and the neo-Nephilim tried to carry that tradition in a pseudo manner. There are yet rulers today who think they are of the gods, destined to rule. I traced Ixion to the Kikons, beside a Sale location at Aenus (mouth of the Hebros), and this place may be where Annas traces. It recalls the Hannibal alliance with Salyes Ligures of the last update. It's a good bet that Aenus named the Oeneus river while Sale liners named the Salviae location. Annas' are traced to a lamb theme (said to be from "lamb of God" -- spit!), and it may be that Aenus liners were the origin of the ancient lamb theme to Atreus and Menelaus. I traced "Atreus" to ODRYSia midway up the Hebros river.
While Saffers use a "vita" motto term as code for Julius Avitus, husband of Julia Maesa Bassianus, the Vita's share red-on-white annulets with Savers/Sivers, and, to boot, the Letts and Annas' (suspect with "annulet") both share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Dutch Puttens. The Lett "ORGAN pipes" are still suspect with ORKNey liners, which I trace to Orchomenos, the Boiotians that filled the Argo ship when it retrieved the golden fleece from Colchis. The black Lett crescent is the color of the Putin crescent, and while Puttens have resolved to be Kidd liners, Letts were first found in the same place -- GLOUCestershire -- as Kite's. I traced Gloucestershire, probably on a gamble, to mythical Glaucus, long before finding the Glaucus river at Phasis, the river of the golden fleece. I've either have a gift, or a bag of some lucky marbles for playing potsies. As a child, I used to play potsies, and I recall praying to God for a lucky hit, when I had the flick of my lifetime, a super shot that hit a marble at a distance dead on. But, unfortunately, continued prayer before other marble shots didn't get the thrilling miracle. One, maybe two, but God can't do it for us all of the time. I do think that He does things for us at times when He sees us asking, just to say, I'm watching over you. But the world around me tugged and tugged, and made be forget Him. Shame on me.
The Reagans were traced with Organs / Corrigans to the Ergines tributary of the Hebros, with a mouth near Odrysia, and Reagans came to mind with the Rogen variation of Row liners. In other words, the Orchomenos Boiotians are suspect with the naming of the Ergines, and they are suspect also with the naming of MENElaus, showing that the Atreus > Menelaus line was a Thraco-Colchian one to begin with. The Round Table liners, suspect in-part from Tubal (Colchis), can trace with Arthurs to something on / near the Arda river, with a mouth in Odrysia. This is the entity suspect with the creation of Armageddon. Man creates it; God finishes it off. Man proves himself unworthy when creating it; God judges him for it, with no return to the past. For all we know, Armageddon might start as a deliberate man-made scheme to reduce world population, when it gets out of control, and backfires into a crisis without remedy. Such a murder plot, on a global basis, would make the God-side of Armageddon well deserved.
I had traced "Colchis" to "Cilicia," and while Kite's are now tracing to Cetis, it's in Cilicia. Cadmus was the line to the Boiotian-Ares dragon that protected the fleece, and Cadmus' brother, Cilix, is the known symbol of Cilicia. They were made sons of Phoenix, suspect with Marilyn Munroe 666. But who spoke this phrase to me, a demon or an angel? Why would God tell an angel to go to me and speak this thing as soon as I got out of bed? I hope I had my clothes on at the time. The Kite write-up derives the surname in a high-spirited nature, a take from a hawk's flight, a mere guess that shouldn't have been put in print. The related Kitts were first found in the same place (Middlesex) as both Pheasants and Besants, while Wikipedia says that pheasants, the birds, were named after Phasis. Middlesex is also where Keeble's were first found that suggest Button-related Cabyle liners. Moreover, Kitt-like Kissers/CUSSere's were likewise first found in Middlesex, and they share the fountains on a black chevrons with Cuss' / Cass' / Kiss'/Cush' (all use fountains). This suggests the unexpected, that Cass / Kiss liners were Cetis liners. I'll need to mull that one over. The "impLEAT" motto term of Kidds can go to Leda, part of the Colchian alliance with Menelaus Boiotians.
As Middlesex is near the first Chapmans, Capes' and Capone's, Keeble's may be using the Quint chevron. This is a good way to see a Cabyle merger with Caiaphas liners within the Cybele cult of Bassus ancestry in Brogitarus. The Keeble's share stars on a black Chief with Sellicks, a good reason to consider a trace both surnames to a Selletae-Cabyle merger. The red border around the white Shield of Sellicks is even shared by Middle's/MEADleys (Medley branch?), a good way to equate Middle's with the naming of Middlesex. The Middle fesse is in the colors, and somewhat reflective, of the Saver/Saviour fesse, that being an Avitus line traceable to Bassus, and therefore we have another way yet of tracing the Cabyle area to Cetis.
The chevron of Kite's and Kitts, both surrounded by kites, is all reflective of the Tous/Tonso Coat, the one with shirt and BUTTONs. This is another compelling argument for a Selletae-area trace to Bassus' in Cetis. I don't yet know the relationship between Severus Bassus and Opgalli, but she traces to the Hobs/Habs, who use hawks, probably part of the Kite-hawk theme. The kite-depicted and Button-suspect Puttens use besants, remember, for yet another Cabyle-area trace to Cetis. King Cotys of Thrace, or the Thracian Cotys entity of Thrace in general, may have named Cetis. The mythical Cetus whale was mythically a sibling of Ladon, all speaking of the Lazi / Ladon trace to the golden-fleece Nephilim, the stupids, the pseudo-Israeli, or counterfeit-Israeli, cult of pagan Hebrews whose main preoccupation in history was to stab the apple of God's eye with their needles.
Aha! The Medleys have three stars in their Chief in colors reversed from the same in the Keeble Chief, suggesting strongly that Medleys are a branch of Middle's / Middlesex liners. While the Medley tiger is expected with the Teeger trace to TIGRanes, Opgalli's husband, Middle's/Mittels and Medleys were traced to Mytilene on Lesbos, which recalls the myth wherein the head of Orpheus floated down the Hebros river to Lesbos. This Orpheus was traceable by the father and grandfather assigned to him (by the myth writers) to the Arpii / Carpae of the Carpathian mountains, and his head floating to Lesbos is code for a Carpae migration down the Hebros to Lesbos. That migration makes a Carpae merger possible with Thracians at Cabyle. But as it's known that Lapiths were on Lesbos, and while Ixion was a Lapith, it can link the Selletae, as expected, to Sale, if the Kikons at Sale were of Ixion. Lapiths were on northern Cyprus, facing Cetis, and the OLBa version of "Orba" therefore became suspect with a vowel-fronted "LAPith," not a great theory but viable. And here "ORPHeus" looks like "Orba." In other words, the namers of Orba and Olba were together in Thrace and beyond, and they ended up at the Orba river near Saluzzo. It's viable.
Keeble's/Kibble's = Guibellines? Weren't Guibellines in a power struggle against Welfs? Aren't the Keeble-like Capelli's said to be of Este, the kin/root of Welfs? Rulers of Bologna were Welfs, but Albert of Panico was a Guibelline. Both Panico's/Panetta's (Bologna) and Reis' use oak trees, and this Reis surname was first found in Bohemia. The Saddocks, suspect from the potent crew at the Setta, honor the Rye's in their motto.
And the Salviae are between the URBanus and the Cetina (Tilurius on the light map), the river of the Bassianus', in Dalmatia along with the Bassianus-related Saraca's. While it's expected that Carps should use a fish, I was trying to wrap my head around their link to Saraca's, for the Saraca fish is in the colors of the Carp fish. Carps were looked up as per Carpae, and while I had no way at the time, some 30 minutes ago, to link them to Saraca's, you just saw a way to make the link. I didn't expect to find one at all, and wasn't trying. Carps now become suspect with proto-Hungarian Arpads, on the Ticino, for Levites were at Oneum, at the mouth of the Cetina. I can sense that this is accurate, a Laevi-of-Ticino trace to the Salviae / Cetina theater, which works even better if Lapiths were named after Levites.
Carps are traced to the "maritime province of Prussia," what the page calls Pomerania. The Meshech-suspect Mieske's/Mesechs (Meschin colors) were first found in Prussia, and their Griffin kin were at home in Pomerania. I am sure that this was the line of Julius Bassianus and his Agrippa uncle to the Varni pirates, the proto-Varangians of Moscow's founding. I feel that Marilyn Munro 666 has become some helpful Direction for me to understand the anti-Christ as a Western extension into Russia, for I have been floundering years long now not knowing whether to keep to a Russian / Gogi anti-Christ, or to seek a western-Gog anti-Christ. After 15 years of prophecy study, I threw up my hands in trying to identify the nationality of the anti-Christ, because prophecy makes it very confusing (probably deliberately). I told God that I was finished trying to discover it, when, one day, I heard a voice in my head, a thing I don't normally experience, saying flatly and exactly, "He will be a Russian." It's been so long since hearing that, I can easily discount it as my own mind playing tricks on me. The Hungarian Magyars are suspect with "Magog," for Magyars lived in Magog.
I can't trace the whole of Magyars to the Ticino river, but I do expect some aspect of proto-Hungarians from the Laevi on the Ticino. I was convinced of this when looking at several things. The Kabar side of Hungarians are expected as the Hebrew elite of Khazars, and while Hungarians traced themselves to Attila the Hun, his name smacks of the Tills that I trace to "Tilurius." The Tills were recently shown to be Avitus liners. There are multiple ways to trace elite Attila liners to the formation of Khazars, explaining why Magyars were allied to them. The Magyars were also allied with Pechenegs, possibly the proto-Pike's / Pickens that came to be symbolized by the pike fish, a possible play on the Carp fish. I don't know Attila history well enough to guess where he may have had family linking to the Tilurius, but he was flirting with the family of Valentinian, and may thereby have come to a merger with the earlier/older Bassianus line (predated Attila by three centuries).
I wasn't sure why I took a detour to Hungarians. I didn't plan it, but the Orpheus myth brought me there, not in vain, not off-topic from the Munroe investigation. As soon as I loaded the article below, I knew what I had to say; "Mundzuk was a Hunnic chieftain, brother of the Hunnic rulers Octar and Rugila, and father of Bleda and Atilla. Jordanes in Getica recounts 'For this Attila was the son of Mundzucus, whose brothers were Octar and Ruas, who were supposed to have been kings before Attila, although not altogether of the same {territories} as he'." MUNDzucus and Ruas are the Roe / Munroe liners, right? And the Turul HAWK, symbol of Hungarians roots, goes to the Cetis liners into the Cetina. That's what I had to say. Marilyn Munroe 666 is the death-puke of Attila the Hun.'ve been tracing Mund terms to Amyntes, ancestor to the Cetis Bassus'. It's a good reason to see Mundzuk as an Amyntes liner. We saw Roe's and Rows using the buck / stag, a Hungarian-roots symbol. The Bloods, suspect in the past with "Bleda," use the stag too. The Blood write-up traces to "Ludd," but the stag is a powerful tool for tracing instead to "Bleda." The Blood description: "three bucks LODGEd proper." Lodge's (in Blois colors) were first found in the same place as Blois' and Knights. Here's the Rayburns again: "roebuck drinking out of a BROOK, and on an ermine square at the top a KNIGHT's helmet." The Amyntes-suspect Mynetts use helmets, but as we see the Knights honored above, by what coincidence are Knights kin of Blois' while a Bled/Blez surname lists variations that can be Blue liners? The three Bled/Blez chevrons are colors reversed from the same of Clare's, and the latter were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Lodge's / Blois', and Knights.
The BROOKs/Brecks are very welcome here in that they trace with Bracks/Brecks (lodged antelope, HUNting horns) to Brac, the island straight out from the mouth of the Tilurius. The Breck/Brack Coat looks like a version of the Saffer Coat, which can make the "PerSEVERando") motto term of Brooks/Brecks code for Severus Bassus, or Septimius Severus, husband of a daughter of Julius Bassianus. Late in this update, the Tooths ("Perseverantia") will link to Severus Bassus in a new way that includes the Plancia-Magna liners in Aosta, in particular the Higgs that use the buck. Here is a snippet of that section:
There is a Hang/Ing surname that can link to the Ingers/Enders using nothing but three arrows. Hangers/Angers ("demi-griffin holding an escarbuncle") use another "bit" ending in their motto, as does the Tooth motto, as well as the Bernard motto (Virtus proBATA floraBIT). The ESCARbuncle was resolved, I think, with Askers (donkeys) that use a "Fac et spero" motto in honor of Faucets (Musselburgh, East Lothian), and suspect as kin of Mussels and Bracks from Brattia/Brac (Cetina theater).Here's the Tooth motto again, "OBtinebit," code not just for the Tine's, but for the Hobs/Habs who trace very-likely to Opgalli. Hobs/Habs (hawks, now suspect with the Cetis liners of the Kite / Kitt / Kidd kind)
It makes Opgalli suspect with Severus Bassus (as has long been expected).
The Blood Crest: "A buck's head erased proper, antlers gold, with an arrow in his mouth." The Tills use the arrow along with the Vita annulet. The Bled/Blez motto term, "tous," gets us back to the Tous/Tonso surname traceable with little doubt to the Cabyle-Cetis merger, the hawk line. I wonder whether "TURUL" was the spelling mistake from an Attila drop-out, who spelled TILURius almost backward.
I recall that "RUAH" is the Hebrew word for "spirit," which recalls the "high spirited" definition of the Kite write-up. As a kite is a hawk, by what coincidence was the father of the Huns, RUAS? It looks like the writer of the Kite page was giving code for the Ruas bloodline. The Kite's and Kitts, though using the same Coat (almost), are given different definitions. Kitts define the name as smallness of deer-suspect enDEARment. The deer line traces to Ragusa. But the "endearMENT" term can also be for Mand / Ment/Mantaby liners. The Ments/Manns can trace well to Maeonians because they use a "staBILIS" motto term looking like it's for the Bilis river of Pamphylia, explaining why Ments/Manns are in Plunkett colors (traces to Plancia Magna of Pamphylia). Plancia lived in Perga, beside Antalya, where the Breck/Brack antelope traces. It suggests Antalya / Perga elements at Brac.
Wondering what "MundZUCUS / MundZUC" was named after, or what it may have become by those who took his name, Zuckermans (Austria) were loaded to find the Arms of Saxony on a white background. Plus, to one's great advantage for understanding Caiaphas suspects, the Zuckerman Crest is "A chaplet of roses, each topped with an ostrich feather." The Saxon/SEPTon surname, suspect with SEPTimius, uses chaplets too, wherefore the Saxon/Septon surname named Saxony, or vice-versa, and CHAPLet / KAPLan / CHAPLa(i)n / CAPELLi liners are all in there with the mix. The ostrich feathers can go to the ostrich of Propers/Robins, whom are honored in the Blood description. The curved bend in the Arms of Saxony, which the Wettins call a crancelin, is a "green crowned bend for the Zuckermans. Greens, first found beside Suffolk, use stags, no surprise.
Another consideration is that while Kennati were priests at Cetis, president Kennedy had an affair with Marilyn Munroe, but the United States is filled with vomit, disguising itself as human beings with "rights," who actually admire him to this day. When a man betrays his wife, he should lose the right to be the president of the country, with all the people disgusted. With liberal vomit all over the nation, who supported Bill Clinton throughout his extra-marital affairs, the time is ripe for them to happily accept the 666 skincode. They have happily put God off in return for a life filled with government-protected rights. Hail, father government. Give us this day our daily manna, and some beer money while you're at it.
Next up are the Gomer-suspect Gumms, linkable to the Capes', for both use a saltire formed with the sword, and their Shield-and-Chief color combinations are colors reversed. These Gumms/Gomms/Coms, were first found in Cambridgeshire, beside the Capes' and Keeble's, and where the Chapmans and Capone's were first found. CAMbridge was named after the Cam river, and may apply to Gumms/Gomms. The Comyns are traceable to the Chief of KAPLan-related Josephs, where Cabyle-related Buttons/Bidens were first found, and this picture tends to equate Keeble's, suspect with JOSEPH Caiaphas, with Cabyle liners. While Keeble's were first found in MIDDLEsex. the Middle's share the Gomm/Gumm lion. German Gumms/Gomers were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Nuremberg, and share the black rooster of Kopple's (Nuremberg).
The Bottomless Cavity
"Epicaria or Durnium was a settlement in ancient Illyria, of the Illyrian tribe called the Cavii. It was close to Bassania." Wikipedia then offers only this: "Cavii (Latin Cavi) was an Illyrian tribe. They lived close to lake Skodra. Their main settlement was Epicaria. They are mentioned rarely by ancient writers."
"Caravantius, an Illyrian, was half brother to Gentius, the last Illyrian king of the Ardiaean State. In 168 BC he fought with his brother against the Cavi..." It dates the Cavii from at least the very time that Maccabees appear in Israel, smack around 168 BC.
What named EpiCARIA and CARAvantis, both on the same river, on the dark map as a tributary of the Mathis (light map). "Caravanitis" It looks like "Korybanti(an)," an ancient peoples between the founding of Trojans by Curetes / Cretans. The Korybantians may have been Abantians from Boii-like Euboea. The Abantians were linked fundamentally in myth to Abas, a term that I traced to Avvites of proto-Philistia, and then Philistines were in fact from Crete when it was named, CAPHtor. Therefore, "Cavii" may be a Caphtor term, or a C-fronted "Avvi / Avith." Perhaps the Avvites (Avith capital) were named after the same that named Caphtor; that's what it looks like. Perhaps they themselves named Caphtor. Modi'in location of the Mathis-suspect Maccabees was not far from Philistia, and Philistines were always seeking to control that area. The accounts of Samson versus the Philistines plays to that picture, for Modi'in was near Timnah, suspect with Timna the Edomite, and then the Biblical records tell that an Edomite ruled Avith. The Avvites had a donkey god while the Samson account gives him a donkey-jaw symbol by which to defeat the Philistines in war, suggesting that Samson's wife at Timnah was an Avvite. In that picture, the Samson Danites, expected at Laish with Jonathan Levi as their priest, were probably part-Avvite. In Argos myth, Abas was the son/father of ACRisius, a code possibly for the namers of EKRon, one of the big-five cities of Avvites / Philistines.
As I trace Jonathan of Laish to mythical Oeneus, by what coincidence is there an Oeneum location near the Mathis at the Arbatus river (shown on dark map). Near the mouth of the Mathis, a Laish-like Lissus location that's "Lesh" on my modern atlas. As these Avvites through Laish are expected with some Modi'in liners to the Mathis, by what coincidence was mythical Oeneus made the father of Methoni? I don't think I have these implications, and ramifications, wrong. This is a reliable, but flagrantly exotic, story. Who would of thought?
The dog god of Avvites became suspect with the wolf of Apollo, whom is in Revelation 9 as, Abaddon, the latter suspect with a Avvite branch. The passage that speaks on Abaddon assigns him a bottomless ABYSS (same word, essentially, in Greek), like "Abas," and then "Cavii" is like "cavity." It makes me wonder. "Cavity" looks like it can be rooted in "Avith," the Avvite capital. A cave is a cavity. "CAPHTor" looks like "Cavity."
I've read from some that Philistines were related to Carian pirates, and there were pirates on the Illyrian coast. But even if Carians were not at the naming of Epicaria, it may not matter much as concerns my goal of finding Caiaphas' parents. In the meantime, I'm finding a slew of new people-group traces to precise areas of Illyricum. This update continues (from the last update) in linking Albanian place names to surnames in expanding upon the story. For example, the Mathis (modern Mat) flows through a modern Burrel location, and while the Teck/Tass surname (from the Laevi on the Tessin river) is suspect with a Levi-Annas merger because it is suspect with the Annandale saltire while showing leaves around it, the Burrels (same place as the Yorkshire Bruce's) use the same saltire as Annandales (as used by Bruce's of Annandale) and put leaves around it too.
Burrels (from Hambleton) evoke the Burleys/Bourleys of the last update, mentioned with Boughtons/Bourtons and Bordens. If Burleys/BOURleys trace to Burrel, then it bears repeating that they share a green Shield with Rothschild-ancestor Bauers and Bowers. Bordons (same place as Quints) show two axes on a blue Shield, and Burrels have two axes on a blue Chief. It looks like a match. The axes are being traced recently to the Axe river (Somerset) that was found in the Were write-up, and Were's (same place as Chives') are the ones who happen to share the "Fuimus" motto of the Annandale Bruce's.
I neglected to mention that while Drago de BeWERE (under a different spelling) is in the BURTON write-up, the Bewere's (Rhineland) show "Bawer" and other Bauer-like variations, Drago de Bewere is in the write-up of Blade's who happen to be in Bourly colors. As Rothschilds must trace to Peter Pollock of Rothes castle (at Rothes, Morayshire), and while Pollocks share the boar with Bourlys, the Blade saltire is in the colors of the same of one Frank surname while the related Frank surname uses the Pollock saltire. Compare the Bewere Coat to that of Janins/Janets, and let's add that Rothes castle was at the home of the Rose clan.
Incidentally, while Were's are said to have merged with Giffards, the latter share the lozenges of Dents, in my opinion, and then Bewere's use a triDENT, tending to clinch Bewere's as a branch of Were's merged with Bauer liners. Irish Weirs, who rule the Vere clan today, share a Shield filled with lozengy on an angle, same as the Arms of Bewere- and Bauer-like Bavaria. This has the effect of tracing Were's to Bojana/Buna-river liners, and then, while the ZETA valley was near that river, Dents are said to be from Yorkshire's SEDburgh. The trident was found in the last update with Turbots, first found in Yorkshire. It's possible that "trident" is a double code, perhaps for some Try-like version of Tree's/True's. Try's are listed with Troys/Trehys. Were's will link hard later to the Mathis-river area.
The Mat river also flows through Klos, mentioned in the last update and traced to Closeburn, in the same area as Annandale. It was gleaned that Close's are in Bone colors, important now because Bone's traced to the Buna/Bojana river flowing south from lake Scodra toward the coastal area of the Cavii. The Boii namers of Bononia were obviously from the Bojana, and so Sudduths/Sotherbys (In Burley / Boone / Sommer colors) and similar others were traced from a Zeta valley near Scodra to the Setta valley on the southwest of Bononia. These are the escutcheon-potent liners that link to Patents/Padyns, first found in the same place as Annandale, and suspect as a branch of Kilpatricks, whose home was at Closeburn. I think the case has already been made, right here in this small bit, to trace Klos on the Mathis to the same Annandale elements that Burrels were quite-obviously from.
Putents were first found in the same place as escutcheon-liner Saddocks and Bone's, a good reason to trace Sadducees to the namers of Scodra / Shkoder. We might want to know why the Burrel motto is "Abbaereo," which can be read either as Ab-baereo or Abbae-reo. Was that part-code for the Abbs/Habbs/Apps, kin of Caiaphas-like Capes'? Abbs/Apps happen to share black-on-white lozenges with the other Patents. As Abbs/Apps use a fesse that is the full Arms of Austria, they were resolved as HABSburgs, not necessarily meaning that Habsburgs came first. Were these the abyss liners? Is "Putin" a version of "Baden" from Abaddon lovers? One thing that confuses me is how John, writer of Revelation, knew of the Abaddon variation of Apollo. I haven't encountered the Abaddon term in my readings of mythology over a decade. "Abaddon" is said to be the Hebrew term for Apollo. The best I've found was an Abydos location in Mysia. Is "bottom" related to the abyss, and to such terms as Buttons / Battins?
The four leaves in the Burrel Crest are called, "An arm holding a burdock," suggesting that Burrels were merged with Docks. The latter were resolved as a branch of Chadocks and Tailers / Tailbois', an amazing addition to the big finds. Tailbois' use the Annandale Chief and saltire together. Tailers. It's notable that the Burrel saltire is in the colors of the Quint chevron. paragraph above was only partly written when I stopped to add the paragraph below to the last update. The part above on the Dock link to Tailbois' was not yet written, nor had I yet seen that the other Docks use the same lion as Bruce's:
As Caepio liners have been resolved with the blue Bruce lion, note that while Bruce's list "Brose," French Brose's were first found in Burgundy along with Primo's, and use an upright lion in the colors of the passant Levi lions. When we get to the Bryce branch of Bruce's, they share a red passant lion with Primo's, and show a "justitia" motto term that should link to the same of Sire's/Sirets (share weight scale with the Bryce Crest). Sire's/Sirets share the mirror with Primo's, and Sire's/Sirets were likewise first found in Burgundy. This definite Bruce link to both Primo's and Sire's is a new discovery right here, unless I've forgotten that it was found in the past.After writing that, and before coming back to the Dock paragraph, I also loaded the Trains as per the Tirana/Tirona location in the Burrel article. It was very notable that the Trains use virtually the same Coat as Habsburgs. It may not apply, but in case it does, these upright lions are colors reversed from the upright lion that is the only symbol of Seconds. Docks were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Justine's, the ones that are honored in the "justitia" motto term of Bryce's and Sire's. Justine was of Picenum, near the Abruzzo area to which I trace Bruce's.
If you didn't read it in the last update, German Boone's use three roses in colors reversed from the same of Primo's, and their BoneZAJER variation was suspect with Seagars / Segurs with which Seconds are listed. Primo's and Seconds were suspect (as long ago as two years) with Junia Caepionis Prima and Junia Caepionis Secunda, and, during the arrival to that theory, Quintus Caepio, their great-grandfather, became suspect at Cupionich (like "Caepionis"), near the Zeta valley a little further out from lake Scodra. Also in the last two years, perhaps more, the theory has been that the parent(s) of Joseph Caiaphas were from one or two of the three Junia Caepio's (there could have been a fourth never reported). The sisters were Levi-suspect Livius liners on one side.
The Arms of Tirana use the two, white, eight-pointed stars in the Arms of Shkoder, along with what looks like a the colors of the wolf head of Hugh Lupus. The Train Coat (only a lion) is identical to the one shown for Ranulph le Meschin (nephew of Hugh Lupus) at his Wikipedia article. I've just noticed that the Arms of Meschin are no longer at his page, and that while the Hugh-Lupus wolf was removed from his page for some years, another one is now up with a different blue background. The one now up looks like an original.
But why should these Cheshire elements be tracing to Tirana? Incredibly, it works because the Cheshire surname uses a hawks LURE while a Lure location is smack in the Tirana theater. Here's from the last update: "Diber includes a Lure location [as well as Klos], and while Lure's are listed as a sept of McLeods, the Herod/Harald sept of McLeods, which uses a "hawk's lure, was first found in the same place as MacArthurs. Lure's even have a Coat looking linkable to the Close Coat." The MacArthurs are suspect with Herods/Haralds as Herod liners, and MacArthurs happen to use the moline cross of Segurana's in colors reversed. Plus, Herods/Haralds are being traced to Harald, father of king Maccus, the very family that had a meeting with Saxons in CHESHIRE, I kid you not, not many decades before the Normans (i.e. Masseys/Maceys and Meschins) arrived to it. This meeting, reported by Wikipedia, is what made Maceys suspect with the naming of Maccus (i.e. Maccus was himself a Macey liner), and, as you can understand, the lure is shared between Cheshire's and Haralds for this reason.
But, suddenly, it appears that the Sitric > Harald > Maccus vikings were from the Diber area, and that is exactly the location of the Penestae peoples = mythical Pendragon = the father of MacArthurs! Excellent. The Mackays even use bears that trace to Berwickshire, where Arthurs were first found. I have been identifying the Pendragon motto with TIPPERs and Tipps'/Tippins for a long time, and here we find "DIBER," what a welcome sight. There is probably a lot that I can do with this, given time. There is a Macukull location in Diber.
Finally Kumen Round to Fier
A few days after writing here, it was discovered that the mouth of the Apsus river is the county of Fier. It uses a green escutcheon on an orange Shield, while Were's use green. There are some interesting locations in Fier, but let me first say that it's the river of the Dexaroi and Antipatria, where I trace Kilpatricks of Closeburn. The Herods seemed traceable to Antipatria, a city called also by the same name (Antipater) that was the father of the first Herod. I had claimed that Herod liners went up fast to be with the Varni, and as Varns use the same bend as Grabbers/Grabens who list Gripps and Grape's, I came to identify the latter with "Agrippa," yet here I find a Grabian location in Fier. The ShakeSPEARE's use the Varn / Grabber bend too, suggesting the Spear liners are in the spur of Close's. As I trace Daggers/Dackers to the Apsus river, it looks like the "DIGGER of graves" definition for Grabbers is code.
By what coincidence were Daggers/Dackers first found in the same place as Bernice's, suspect with Berenice Agrippa? English Fare's, using a giant ANCHOR in Dagger/Dacker colors, were first found in the same place! As Croatians were called KRVati, I traced Grab / Garb-like terms to both they and Serbs. Perhaps the Agrippa surname was purely a branch of the namers of Croatia. Note how a hard version of "Herod" (i.e. Kerod) is like "CRO(a)T." This does not necessarily contradict my hunch that Herods were named after mythical-Creusa elements, for she was at Agrigento, location of the Drago river that was also the Hypsas, much like "Apsus." As I said, the ANCHORs/Annackers (share gold lozenges with Nagle's), are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento, and it seems a given that the Anaki to which Drakenberg Vere's trace themselves are to these Annackers.
Vere's likely honor the Neils/Nihills in their "nihil" motto term because the Weirs/Vere's look like they use a form of the Nagle Coat while German Nagle's are Neils too. The Nagle's use LOSENGes while there is a LUSHNJe location in Fier. Although I've been tracing lozenges to Losinj in Croatia (there is a similar place in Normandy), there is a neighboring KRUTje location that may indicate Croatians. Lushnje was originally, Salushe, like the Salyes on the Durance river, and then Orange is near the mouth of the Durance. They say that Salush was named by a woman of that name, but then she may have been a Salyes liner from the Orange area, with other Orange-area peoples in this part of Albania to explain the orange Shield of Fier. The Fier surname is listed with Fere's/Fears, a Vere branch, first found in Middlesex. The city of Fier uses a red Shield, as do Fiers and Fire's/Furs/Feuers.
Nagle's were traced to Oneglia, also called, Imperia, about 50 miles across the Ligurian coast from Antibes, where I trace the Antipas surname of one Herod. Antibes is near the border of VAR in Provence, and is very near Grasse, which I suspect with the Agrippa-suspect Greeps/Grazio's, kin of Crispin/CREPins, first found in Oxfordshire. That doesn't look coincidental, meaning that the namers of Var were a branch of the namers of Fier, and that both were wrapped up in Herods. There is a Levan location in Fier that can suggest a founding by the Levans, and while Herod Archelaus, brother of Antipas, minted coins with grape vines, French Levins/Lavene's use a grape vine. I had thought that these Levins (first found in Brittany) traced to Vannes in Brittany, and here I find that Levans, said to be from Normandy's BauVIERS, are shown properly as Vaniers/Vanners. It recalls that Ness'/Nice's come up as "Vannes," and then Nice is smack beside Antibes! This tends to clinch the Ness/Nice / Nass bloodline with Nice, and, moreover, Nass' are suspect with Nassau's that got hooked up with Fier-suspect Orange! Levans/Vanners use a lion in the colors of the martlets of Livings/Levins, first found near the first Daggers / Bernice's.
I guessed that Losinj in Croatia was a Colchian entity, but as mythical king Aeetes of Colchis, temporary owner of the golden fleece on the GLAUCUS river, was earlier the king of Corinth, see the following with a Glaucus-like name in Apollonian, seven miles from Fier: "The colony was said to have been named Gylaceia after its Corinthian founder, Gylax, and later changed its name to that of city of the God Apollo."
Now, check this out, with a repeat from the first section in this update: "The related Kitts were first found in the same place (Middlesex) as both Pheasants and Besants, while Wikipedia says that pheasants, the birds, were named after Phasis." By what coincidences was Phasis at the mouth of the Glaucus while Fiers (and Kitt-suspect Kissers) were likewise first found in Middlesex (beside the Vere's of Oxford). It could appear that the Varni were of the Colchian pirates, linked to Herod liners in Albania. The Drakenberg Vere's claim to descend from the Pictish-Scott transition, in ALBA, and through the ALPINs, and then Alpins use a FIR tree while Firs are listed with Fire's/Furs/Feuers.
Apollo, when he skinned the Phrygian Marsyas, became suspect with the gold-fleece symbolism. Apollo gave Marsyas donkey ears, and then the donkey is a symbol of Chamberlains (same scallops as Daggers/Dackers), albeit it's quite assured that Chamberlains use it as code for Donkeys / Duncans ("PATI" motto term). Chamberlains, whose "ProDESSE" motto term may be for Dassaretae line, traced to Chambre...and/or nearby Chambery on the Isere river. Herod Archelaus was banished to Vienne-Isere. The French Chambre's (Savoy, same place as Chambre), with a "NOS" motto term, share a Shield filled with gold fleur-de-lys with Levans/Vanners, and so see the emphasis on the Lys-river of neighboring Aosta in the next section. Duncans are suspect with the hunting horn both of Burns (same place as Bernice's and Daggers) and Patch's, the latter likely a branch of the Patchie variation of Dexaroi-loving (i.e. dagger-using) Kilpatricks. Pattys/Pati's share the same lion as Levans/Vanners.
I'm tempted to trace Fier to Firenze / Ferrens elements. The latter share the axe with Drake's, and Were's claim to be from the Axe river of Somerset, where Friends (Ferrens / Fare/Viers colors) were first found that are like some Ferrens variations. Another consideration is that while Tops (Friend colors) share the gauntlet with Wayne's while the latter use a version of the Friend Coat, Fier is the location of TOPoje. Tops were first found in Wiltshire, smack beside Somerset. Dexaroi-suspect Dakers/Daggers (another red Shield) share gold scallops with Varns, and share the red bull with the Arms of Oxford. In this picture, the Top description, "a gold gauntlet CLASped," can be part-code for Clas liners that may include Close's. Clas' are listed with Lady-Fortune Klassens, while Daggers use a "Forte" motto term. Compare the Top Coat to that of Toots, for Irish Fare's use a "Virtute tutus" motto.
Toppers can apply well to Topoje, for they happen to share the gold boar with Weirs/Weirs, and meanwhile use a fesse in colors reversed from them. In colors reversed, the Topper boar is blue, the color of the Vere-Crest boar. It appears that Vere's highly valued their trace to Topoje's namers. The Topper bend is shared by Bernice's, hardening the trace of Agrippa's to Grabian. And, by the way, the Arms Grabian uses wheat, which is the symbol behind the garb.
The bull in the Arms of Grabian can be of the Oxford bull, but this is actually a key discussion, for while I trace ravens (used by vikings suspect from the Varni) to Rephaites at mount Gareb, the latter on the same side of Jerusalem as the Rephaite valley, I had traced "OXford" to the Biblical king Og, king of Rephaites. "Wheat garbs" are used by Wessels/Wastels, but if correct to trace Wessels/Wastels to "Vestalis," son of king Cottius at Susa, then I'll need to repeat that Rephaites were suspect in the naming of the Riparia river at Susa. The Rippers/Ripleys were looked up initially seeking Riparia liners, and Rippers happen to share the green-on-gold lion with Tracks/Triggs and Drigs (not sure if they are Drake / Drago liners), who use the sun. The green and upright lion belonged to Herod-Archelaus liners. What follows is from a 2012 update that comes round to equating Tracks with the sunflower of Buchans. This quote was found by searching my files for "sunflower," for there is a sunflower in the Arms of Grabian:
The Cling/Klingen surname (in Clinton colors) uses ducks [Drake's are said to be from the duck gait]. The surname is traced to a gorge, and then the Caturiges had a capital at Chorges, which place looks to be about 10 miles from the source of the Drac river. The Kirks/Gurcks/Gorcks (in Cling/Klingen colors) might actually trace to "Chorges," for English Kirks were first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Drigs [and Daggers, Bernice's, all beside the first Wessels/Wastels]."Gorge" gets a George surname using Cling/Klingen colors. Gorge's/George's use three blue doves [as do Wessels/Wastels], in the colors of the Duck falcon and the Cling "FLOWERS," and colors reversed from the Cling ducks. (Bill Clinton had an adulterous affair with one Jennifer Flowers.) The Gorge's/George's also use: "A black demi talbot rampant with a gold ear, GORGED with a gold collar dancette, between two green laurel branches" [I trace gorged symbolism to Coronis > Ceraunii liners]. The sun in the Track and Drig Crests must link to the sun and sunFLOWER in the Buchan Crest.
It just so happens that the Duck-Crest falcon is in the design of the one in the Irish-Fare Crest. Irish Ducks are listed with LOGANs using NAILs. With the Arms of Grabian now suspect with Westerners of the Vere kind, the waterMELON in those Arms were checked with the Melon surname. One Melon surname was first found in Ile-de-France, where roughly I had traced the triple chevrons of Waters. Irish Melons (elephant), with a bend in colors reversed from the Were bend, are said to be from the territory of O'Neils, in Ulster, home of Irish Burghs (= Conteville's) suspect with the Morency cross. Melons could very well be a branch of Millens, kin of Buchan-suspect Buchanans. The Waters were traced to the Arms of Eure-et-Loir...beside Eure, location of Dreux. The Waters were also traced to Bouchard II, founders of Montmorencys (Logan/Duck colors), first found in Ile-de-France. The Morency write-up speaks on the counts of LOGNy. As Arduinici were in Neil-suspect Oneglia, while I trace the Arthur line therein to Artois, home of Eustace II, it should explain why the Morency / Burgh cross is shared by Eustace's. The Ducks may be a branch of Daggers/Dackers (or from the Quender Dukas location in Fier).
It just can't be coincidental that while, along with Lognys, the Morency write-up mentions their link to Roulers, the Rouls/Rule's (Roxburgh, same as Weirs) share the red-on-gold heart with Logans/Ducks. The latter has been suspect to the line of president Lenin, and then while Rolls list "ROWles," they share three besants on a black fesse with Puttens. German Rouls/Ruehlers were first found in Friesland, which faces Wieringen, the latter being home of the first-known Varangians (Moscow founders) suspect in being named after it, or vice-versa. Roxburghs, whose horse, saltire colors, and "audax" / "fidelis" motto terms traces them to Este and Euganeo-suspect Eugene's (could be the Ruelher-Crest lion), share a single blue pale bar with Waters (with an 's'). Raven-using Errols (Roll/Rowles colors) may be a branch of Earls, said to be from Early in Oxford, are using the Dagger/Dacker Coat exactly. The "AuDACITer" motto term of Eugene's might just be for Dackets/Dags/Deggs, said to be named after the dagger, but that's likely pure code.
Fier's Albanians trace to Colchester (Arms uses nails). Vere's were first found in the same place as Colchester while a Kyle-Society webpage hints that lozenges are pieces of "coal," which looks like the code of stupids for king-Cole liners at Colchester. It's a re-occurring theme in heraldry that Illuminati families are proud of their traces that they put in code because they are ashamed of their traces. They share pride only with the other stupids that do the same, too ashamed to be up-front with their known ancestry in case the masses discover their wicked roots in pirates and thieves, killers and satanic empire-building. If they were not stupid, they would not be proud of the wicked ancestors, and would be moving the world to better things instead. Kyle's and Coles/Coals look like they share similar Crests pertaining to Asclepios, son of Coronis, and Cale's share the anchor with the Kyle Crest.
Here is from the 2nd update in this past January, noting the Morency-like surname that links to Cole liners. The Dol's (Varni theater) happen to share the whale with Cale's:
As Dole's use the Ragg fleur too, the Raggs became suspect with the ragully feature of English Stewarts. As Stewarts were from the same area as Rennes, note that French Marins, looked up as per the MarinCOLA variation of Italian Marone's, were first found in Brittany. The Dols (no 'e') use a wavy fesse bar in colors reversed from the same of Spanish Marins/Marina's. Then, English Marins are using an embattled cross much like that in the Arms of COLchester, though the latter's cross uses the ragully feature. The "cola" and similar suffixes on Italian Marone's thus traces to Colchester, and for that matter also to the Colapis river. My bet is that English Marins are using the Burgh cross (known to be of John de Burgo of Conteville)...It looks like Morencys were a branch of the Myrina Amazons off of Lemnos, the island suspect with the Leummite tribe from Keturah. Evidence was found suggesting that king Og's peoples were linked to Keturah's peoples, both tracing to the golden-fleecers, with Og evolving into mythical Ogyges, the Ares dragon at Attica (Athens / Boiotia area), where Medea, daughter of Aeetes, rode with her dragon-pulled chariot when she left Corinth i.e. symbol of Colchian migration to Athens / Attica. It was Medan, son of Keturah, that traced to mythical Kodros, father of Medon, in Athens, before I discovered that Medea rode her chariot to Athens, meaning that Medea was the Keturah > Medon line to Kodros and Medon. The reason for repeating this is where we just saw the CATURiges, like "Keturah," and then dragons are in the Cutter Coat. In my view, the end-time dragon cult now suspect with Marilyn Munroe 666, is a line from Keturah and Abraham, the object of God's eternal wrath, for which cause He took another son from Abraham, to replace the dreadful line of man with this to-become-holy seed, at the Appointed Time.
Reminder: the Rough variation of raven-depicted Rolphs can be Rephaite liners, making the MonROE's suspect as such.
The Corinthians at Apollonian, which is beside the Ceraunii mountains, is evidence that these mountains, and the Ceraunii peoples in Croatia, were from the same entity that named Corinth. Although unexpected, I entertained "Vere / Guerin" as a version of "Coronis" on Patmos, and, of course, Patmos elements can trace to Antipatria, Patricks, etc. Admittedly, I do have a hard time seeing "Fier" as a Coron-like variation, but "Fier" may have come relatively late in time. The Goring variation of Garins may be able to help solve this question, and Gore's/Core's were first found in the same place as Vere's. Mos liners suspect in "Patmos" may be in the "FuiMUS" motto term of Were's.
Apollonian is smack beside Aulon/AVLONA, which was traced to Alauna in Manche, smack where Vere's (and Masseys) lived. But then the Drakenberg Vere's traced their Melusine beast to AVALON, which became suspect in an Avlona trace through Avellino of Campania. It looks like Vere's were definitely related to the namers of Fier, though I don't know when that place was named. I can't yet say that Vere's / Varni descend purely from Fier. It appears solid that Vere's were hinged to Epirus elements, explaining why Drake's trace to Abruzzo. The Fiers/Fere's were suspect with a version of the Charo/Claro Coat, a surname sharing the red bull with Oxford, and moreover first found in proto-Ferrara. Italian Fare's are listed with Ferrara's.
The Sidicini of Teano in Campania were traced to the Tean variation of Thames', first found in Oxfordshire. That trace, though not clinched, works much better now that Vere's definitely trace through Avellino.
As Conteville's are suspect at the naming of the Contentin, in Manche, while Ferrers were linked to Hugh Lupus, son of Emma de Conteville, while Comyns was ruled by Emma's father, it stands to reason that the Comyns garbs (same colors as the Wessel garbs) trace Kuman (in Roskovec), in Fier county. The Comyn Crest happens to be a DAGGER!!! This is excellent for many reasons. For one, Drake's were first found in the same place as Josephs who share the Comyns garbs. And these Josephs are the ones with a "charo" motto term that can link to Fier-liner Fare's, if indeed the latter are using a version of the Charo/CHIARO Coat. Again, Drake's use a motto term in honor of the Mosca's that are known to have married MonteCHIARO, near the Drago river. There is a Chieri location between Montferrat and Turin, and a Chivasso location to the near-north of Turin, while Fare's share the moline with Chivasso-suspect Chives'.
Kumen appears to be on the Apsus river smack where the Dexaroi (Dassaretae) are stamped on the light map. The question is, why are Josephs tracing to this picture? The Avise's/Avisons (anchor) share the Comyn / Joseph garbs, and they are honored in the motto of Kennedys along with Lafins/La Fonts that share the same lion as Italian Conte's. It makes the Conte trace to Kennedys that much harder. And it helps to trace Drake's to Abruzzo where Avisons were a branch of Avezzano's. English Conte's were first found in the same place as the Were river. Should we be tracing Avvites to the APSus river? Looks correct, suddenly. Apps'/Abbs' use lozenges n(!) suspect withy the same of Abaddon-like Patents. Should we be tracing Abaddon liners to Potentia in Lucania?
Just so you know what a stroke of luck it was, the entire section below was written first thing in the week, while the entire Fier topic above was inserted late in the week (Sunday). Check out how helpful the above is for tracing Fier elements to Aosta.
Aosta's Lys River
Immediately before writing the Tirana link to Hugh Lupus, I was looking for the location of the Lys river, when I came across things that smacked of a Hugh Lupus line through the Ferrers: "On Hugh's promotion, Tutbury [can link to the Fare motto] and its surrounding lands were passed to the Norman Knight, Henry de Ferrers, who had also fought with William at the Battle of Hastings." I'll explain how this picture can trace to the Verres area in the Aosta valley.
I have finally found the Lys river. The map of Aosta at the page below shows the Lys-river running parallel with the eastern border of Aosta, with a source at the Swiss border. The main river on the map is the Dora Baltea / Bautica. It just so happens that I trace Arthurs to the Arduinici of this Baltea river, meaning that one can trace the Penestae / Maccus elements from Illyricum to Aosta. Arduinici had a branch at Oneglia (Liguria), where they married the Doria's there, and yet Doria's were first found in the same place as Segurana's, explaining why MacArthurs use the Segurana moline. The latter's is used by FERRES' that seem clearly linkable to Ferrers. Moline's are said to be related directly to the "tanner" of Falaise, and he traced to the Tanner river, location of MontFERRAT, while there is a Farettaz location in Aosta. Tipps' share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners, and the bull head in the Tipps Coat is identical with the one in the Dreux/Drew Crest, making Dreux (in Eure) suspect with a branch of Dragons/DRAINers, who look like "TRAIN"! I have been tracing "Drainer" to "Drin," the river upon which the Penestae lived, but here it appears that Dragons can trace to Tirana too. That place appears to have named the Drin, or vice-versa.
It can't be coincidental that while Walsh's honor the Mortons in their motto, while using the colors and format of Mortons, that the Walsh motto is "TRANSfixus." For, one Morton branch was first found in the same place as Dreux's, in Wiltshire, beside the first Drake's (Dreux colors) of Hampshire. Dreux's use a red lion, the color of the Train lion.
When we read that Mr. Ferrers supported the Conqueror, let's not forget that the TUTE/Tuit write-up makes Berengar de Todini the Conqueror's brother. Read the quote above again: "On Hugh's promotion, TUTbury and its surrounding lands were passed to the Norman Knight, Henry de Ferrers, who had also fought with William at the Battle of Hastings." That can't be a tutincidence. It is, in my mind, a match with my tentative assessment that the two stars in the Arms of Shkoder link to the Taddei / Ferrens / Alda Chief. Can Ferrens', whom I trace to "FIRENZE, be a Ferrers branch? Yes, for Ferrers share a unicorn with Fire's.
While Gastons share a Shield filled with red-and-white checks with Vairs/Fers', Ferrers' and Ferres' are said to be of Ferriers in GASTONois (Normandy). That links Ferrers also to the Fers/Ferrats. It's clear. And the Ferrer motto may be code for Enders that list Ingers, which recalls that I trace Inger's wife, Melissena Rangabe, to the Cohens that share the Fer/Ferrat Coat. This had been my first clue that mythical Melusine of the Drakenberg Vere's was code for Melissena Rangabe. While I trace Varangians (to which Inger belonged) to "Varni," the Gastons share gold scallops in a bendy direction with Varns (same place as raven-using Mackie's that share the arrow with Enders/Ingers). The Varn motto is suspect as a version of the Campbell motto, and Campbells (gyronny, links to de Gernon, son of Ranulf le Meschin) are said to be the mother-stock of MacArthurs. The MacArthur crown is shared by Mathie's who likewise use gyronny, and Mathis', who share a black moline with Moline's and trace to proto-Maccabees at the Mathis river, were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Primo's and Messeys, likely a branch of Vere-related Masseys.
When we get to the French Masseys/Massa's, suspect with Massa-Carrara and thereby traceable to EpiCARIA (beside the Mathis), they were first found beside Aosta's Lys river, and then the Lys/Lisse surname, from Lissus on the Mathis, shares the fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of the Cheshire Masseys/Maceys, who are from Ferrat-suspect Ferte-Mace. The Arms of Massa-Carrara's rulers used blue-and-white checks, the symbol not only of Cohens and Fers/Ferrats, but of Fulk-related Massi's listed with Mattis'. The Drakenberg Vere's trace their Melusine to counts of Anjou immediately before Fulks became such. One cannot argue with the obvious links that heraldry makes here. It looks like Epicaria liners were at the naming of Carrara.
Rangabe's use a flory cross that I trace to Florence (same as Firenze), and it's in the colors of the similar moline of MacArthurs. As Drake's share their red-on-white wyvern with the dukes of Masovia, and while the Masovia capital, Warsaw, uses the Melusine mermaid in its Arms, the "tritus" motto term of Ferrers' may be for the same entity as the "tort" motto term of HAUGHTs/Houghtons (Cheshire), the latter sharing the bull head with Mieske's/Mesechs (Sigrid the HAUGHTy was a daughter of Mieszko I, duke in the Masovia theater). Clearly, the black Mieske bull head is that of Dreux's and Tipps', giving rise to a Mieszko trace to Diber. In consideration of this, one may expect that the Maccus vikings were descended either from the royal Dane (Forkbeard) that Sigrid the Haughty married, or the Swede king that she reportedly married, and then Varangians were from Sweden.
I therefore think that the Harald > Maccus vikings were from Varangians, for one of the first-known Varangians, aside from Inger (born around 800), were the brothers, HARALD and Rurik.
"Tort" works well with the line of Plancia Magna and her Tertullus line to the Fulks of Anjou. The only real and known ancestor of Fulks was INGelger. suspect with the Yngvi = Angles. "Tritus" evokes the trident of Bewere's that is probably part-code for Try's/Troys, for German Troys share the unicorn with Ferrers'. Tree's/True's/Trews are said to be from "trog." But if "tritus" is code for Trys, what would the "tus" part be for? Well, the Tosti Danes can apply, for Sigrid the Haughty (Swietoslawa by another name) is said to be related to a Tosti character. The Toste's, listed with Taffs/Tafts, happen to share red-on-white crosses of Were's. Tosts/Tosti's were first found in the same place as Dents and trident-using TURbots (Troy liners?).
The white-on-blue Turbot fish become suspect with the same of Verona's, likely kin of Varenne's/VAIRs. You can see shortly below why Vairs were in the Lys valley of Aosta, but before getting to that, let me repeat my discovery that the white-on-blue Saraca fish evolved into the fleur-de-lys from the term, Laus, where Saraca's lived. Laus was also RAGusa, and, years after the fish-fleur theory was solidified to the point of clinched, I came to learn that Raggs use the white-on-blue fleur-de-lys.
As French Masseys/Massa's use a "tree without leaves," they are expected in a merger with the Laevi Gauls, noting that Levi's were first found in the same place as Lys'/Lisse's, while the Levi-beloved Ade's, suspect with Mackay-related Quade's, were first found where the Mackay bears trace. The point here is that the Massey tree is code for Tree's/TREWS, and thus linkable to the Drew variation of Dreux's, they now being resolved from Tirana. The Massey / Tute crescents trace to Luna's and Mieszko-suspect Lamberts, and therefore to Luni, an ancient location beside Massa-Carrara. This Luni location was traced to the Carian moon goddess (Selene), who was loved by ENDymion. The Cavii at Epicaria can trace to that picture, therefore. As the Cavii are suspect from Avvites, who may have taken on Apis-like terms, note EPIcaria. Endymion and Selene were at Latmus, smack beside the essenes bee cult in Ephesus, and while "Apis" means "bee" to Latins (some of them expected from LATmus), Ephesus was once called, Apasa, evoking mythical Abas, suspect with Avvites.
In Crete, there was a bee cult suspect with Avvites, if indeed they were a bee-liner entity. The Cretan bee cult was Amalthea, but she also had a goat-horn symbol, and bugle's are made of goat horns, as we might expect in the hunting horns of DURAN(t)s, which I point out due to the DURNium name of Epicaria. Duran(t)s are using the Burn Coat. Should we be looking for Avvite / Cavii liners on the Turano and Durance rivers? AVEZZano, like "Avith," is on the Turano. The Avezzano-suspect Bessins use bees, no guff. Avezzano is beside mount Sabina, and the Sabines had an Ops bee cult which included the cornucopia symbol, a horn known to be from the Amalthea cult in Crete / Caphtor.
Was Abas' EuBOEA named after the bee? Why was there a Melia honey goddess in BOIOtia? Does Abas trace to the Baiocasses in bee-liner Bessin? Was Apasa, like the Bassianus', from "Phasis." Again, there is a Bassania location beside Lissus, and while both locations were home to the Cavii, the Chappes' were first found in the same place as Lys'/Lisse's. Trace this picture to the Lys river of Aosta, and expect the Massey liners from neighboring Masci's at that river. Euboeans of the Abantian kind actually traced well to the Apsus-river theater, in particular to the Bantia location (dark map) at the Apsus' source, location roughly of the Boius region. But as the Abantians came to be called, Amantians, the Amantia area to the south of the Apsus (dark map) was applied to that trace. Amantia is smack beside Aulon.
As Bojana traces to Boii at Bologna, by what coincidence does the Lys river in Artois start flowing near Bologne? It's a no brainer here that the Arduinici downstream from the Lys of Aosta named Artois.
On the map of Aosta at the Lys-river page above, there are a few locations. One of them is Verres. The Arms of Verres use vair fur in the colors of the Vair checks! It's also using someone's triple gold-on-red chevrons. I suspect the Clare's of Tunbridge Wells.
The river through Verres is the Baltea: "The Verres territory stretches in the lower central valley of the Dora Baltea, at the entrance to the Val d'Ayas." The river flows south from Verres to Pont-Saint-Martin. The Lys-valley article is titled, "The lower Lys Valley: from Pont-Saint-Martin to Fontainemore", and the lower Lys river is shown in yellow. It's a tributary of the Baltea.
I'm not familiar with VERRES surname, which shows "Verrat" and stars in Ferrat colors. These stars are in the colors of the Goz stars while Hugh Lupus was a son of Richard Goz, and it was the Tutbury title of Hugh Lupus that went to Henry of Ferrers. The FERRES' share horseshoe's with Ferrers. The Verres Coat has "wheels" that may link to the same of Wheelwrights i.e. Piast the Wheelwright, Mieszko origins. Wheelwrights share the antelope with Tipps'/Tippens and Derbys while Ferrers were earls of Derby. The parent(s) of Joseph Caiaphas were suspect from Derbe (wolf-liner Lycaonia) not long before finding that Plancia Magna had elements tracing to the Galatians in Derbe. Tipps'/Tippens use a version of the Ghent Chief, and John of Gaunt married Catherine Roet, known owner of the Catherine wheel used by Wheelwrights; I think the Verres Coat has Catherine wheels. Plancia Magna was from Perga, smack beside antler-suspect Antalya, and it's the Tipps/Tippins that use the antelope along with Ferrer-related Derbys. "AnteLOPE" became suspect as a clever code for Antalya liners merged with Lycaonian liners. As lake Tatta was in Lycaonia too, it's notable that the six-sectioned Wheelwright Coat is used by Tate's. Tattons are definitely a branch of Tute's, and Henry Ferrers had hold of TUTbury. Why are the Diber elements to the Lys valley tracing to Lycaonia and Pamphylia?
This is a good place to touch upon the fish of Luciano's, first found in the same place (Rome) as Roet-suspect Rita's, for the latter became seriously suspect with the Pierleoni that lived on the TIBER river at Rome. Was Diber related to the namers of the Tiber?
The Lys river in Artois flows to Ghent/Gaunt, and Maceys, suspect from the Lys of Aosta, use gauntlet gloves, as do Tipps-like Tops (compare with the Tute Coat), making the latter suspect with "Diber." Some say the Tiber was named by Tiberian liners from Tubal. Tabal/Tubal (Que/Qewe is on the map) had a kingdom at the Cilicia area, right beside, or even in, Lycaonia, and so Topps can trace by their Coat's Tute-like look to Tubal liners at Tatta. From the last update: "Note how the English Topper Coat uses the colors of the Bonn Coat, for German Toppers share the Sees fish, I must assume, now tracing to the Seman=Apsus river." The APSus (Apis / Avvite liners?) was to the near-south of Diber, and German Toppers ("est") use boars in the colors of the Roet boar heads, thus making Diber linkable to the Tiber if Roets were Rita's.
I failed to mention that Tops were first found in the same place as Bojana-suspect Bogans.
John of Gaunt was suspect with Janons/Janets (see last update for the links) whom were noticed in this update in using what could be a version of the Bewere Coat. John was the founder of the Lancastrian rose, and Vere's were supporters of that red-rose line. Bewere's and Janins share red roses on the bottom halves of their split Shields. In the Ferrers write-up, Ferrers received WAVERtree (Tree/Trew line?), evoking the Weavers (Cheshire), making Weavers and Webers suspect as Bewere / Beaver / Beber / Bavaria liners. Bebers/Beavers share the Weaver, Weir and Hazel fesse, but it's also the Saraca fesse. Weavers, said to be from "Wewere," share the antelope with Ferrers, and moreover use an "Esto" motto term. The Saraca fesse is also that of Bernice's/Burness', and then the Ferrer-related Ferres' are said to be from near Bernai, where the English Berneys (same place as Fanano-suspect Fountains) are said to derive, but then French Berneys use the Saraca fish, apparently, and perhaps the Arms-of-Fanano fesse.
The Saraca fesse has been resolved with the Bernice fesse, and the latter were first found in the same place as Fare's, who use a giant anchor linkable to the same of Firmo-suspect Formans and Firmans...Ferres' even use an anchor. Firmo is smack beside Saracena, itself beside Saraca-related and Lys-suspect Laus... not the same Laus of Ragusa, but obviously related, a good reason to trace this second Laus to the Lys valley of Aosta. Fare's might just be of the FAREttaz location in Aosta. It was in the very last update when heraldic vair fur became suspect with the FERRET mammal, and here in this update vair fur was found in the Arms of Verres, near Farettaz. To this it should be added that the Fur surname is listed with Fire's/Feuers (like the Beuer variation of Bewere's) that share the unicorn with Ferrers. I'm not sure whether I want to trace Furs/Fire's to "Bavaria," however. Probably not.
Now, in the new version of the Hugh-Lupus wolf at his Wikipedia article, the neck has the so-called "erased" symbol, which I traced to the Eras/Erasmus/Rasmussen surname, a branch of Masci's, which makes sense where the line of Hugh Lupus was related to Meschins and while Masci's were at Dunham-Masci of Cheshire. Rasmussens share the unicorn with Ferrers, you see, so that Hugh-Lupus is discovered as a Rasmussen liner, and I trace this surname to Akmonia, the home of the Bassus Galatians (that conquered Derbe), and therefore the very ancestral root of Masseys.
Note that while Singletarys share the antelope design of Wheelwrights, a Jonathan Singletary in Obama's Dunham bloodline changed his surname to, Dunham, making Obama suspect from Dunham Masci and from the Ferrers. That should explain why there was a Mr. Wolflin (Germany) in Obama's ancestry, whose descendants are said to have changed to "Wolfley" when in America, and why Wolfleys were first found in Cheshire along with Welfs/Wolfs i.e. likely the Este-Welf line to Hugh Lupus. The Weavers of Cheshire use "Esto FIDELis," and Fiddle's use nothing but three wolf heads almost in colors reversed from the nothing-but three of Welfs/Wolfs. Obama is in fact a Massey / Meschin liner, and Masseys were predicted, from 2010, Obama's second year, to be the line of the False Prophet. But Obama didn't pan out as such. He may yet, in the future, under some other role, though, more likely, another Massey liner will arise to fill that bottomless hole.
The Verres/Verret stars, an apt symbol for "Este / Aosta," are in Este-eagle colors, and then the so-called Piast eagle is white, like the spread Este eagle. In fact, the Piast eagle is colors reversed from the spread eagles of Tarents/Tarans, suspect from Tarun of Lake Van, a Tirana-like term. That makes a lot of sense. Reminder: the Arms of Tirana has the wolf (in Este colors) suspect with the Hugh-Lupus' wolf. The ancient Nairi at Tarun are traceable to the Neuri that had a wolf symbol, according to the Carian, Herodotus, himself suspect with the ancestry of Herods, and known to have moved to Sybaris, the city that had founded nearby Laus. The trouble is, I don't know when Sybaris founded Laus, whether before or after Herodotus arrived. Were the Cavii of Lissus and Epicaria at Laus by that time? What other Albanians were at Laus by that time? It is an historical fact that the Saracena / Laus area was colonized by Albanians in BC times.
In short, I've traced Vere liners to kinship with Nairi at Lake Van, which may explain why Trains were first found in Durham, location of the Were river. The Trans surname is listed with Trents, likely kin of Tarents/Tarans, first found in the same place (Somerset) as the Axe river upon which Were's are said to have lived. The split-Trans/Trent Shield is colors reversed from the same of the Arms of Wallis / Sion.
As Aosta is where the Bernard Pass leads to the Valais/Wallis canton, location of MeluSINE-suspect Sion, it's notable that Walsers, who use Melusine, traced to Walsh's (swan) that use a "TRANSfixus" motto. I traced Walsh's to Wallachia, which was at a BUZau river, where proto-Sadducee suspects, the Cotesii, lived, beside the Sion-suspect Sensii. The Cotesii can trace to the Cotta's/Cottins/Cautes' that share the fretty Shield with Shkoder, but in the colors of the Weir lozengy and Vair checks. There is logic in tracing the fretty symbol to Montferrat liners, for Montferrat was downhill from the Cottian Alps, where royal Cottians ruled. Alans, kin of Wallis/Wallace's, were close to the Cottians at some unknown point, and they may have named Allein near the Great Bernard Pass. On the part-purple Shield, the Arms of Allein share the gold and upright lion in the English-Bernard Crest.
If the gold-on-purple Allein lion were on blue, it could trace Allein to the gold-on-blue lion of Ferrara's, interesting where I traced Forum Allieni, the name of proto-Ferrara, to Montferrat / Langhe. Perhaps the Arms of Allein use the lion on purple to disguise their trace to Forum Allieni. After making the Forum Allieni trace to the proposed Alan namers of Langhe, and tracing this same line to Brunswick-Luneburg, more than two things were found to corroborate the trace. Here are two of them: 1) Forhams/Formans use the same lions as Brunswick; 2) Langs, first found in Luneburg, share the pelican with Scottish Stewarts. But it can be added that Scottish Langs share the white-on-black fesse of Dragons/Drainers, important because I found Alans to trace with Langs to Lyncestes, itself near the Drin river and Tirana.
This recalls that Hugh Lupus D'Avrances was called by a Flaith-like term that I traced to "Flaad," the ancestor of the Dol Alans, for a Robert D'Avrances married a daughter of Dol. I now find that while Drainers may be from Tirana, the Arms of Tirana are suspect (more now than before) with the Hugh-Lupus wolf. French Alans list "Allein" as well as ALENG." It's probably correct that French Alans use the Saluzzo / Clun Shield, but then Montferrat produced Alice of Saluzzo, wife of FitzALANS of Clun. It looks like it was correct to trace Forum Allieni to MonFERRAT, itself suspect with "Ferrara." But here we are finding that line in Aosta, with Allein near Verres. And Aosta can trace to "Asti," smack at/beside Langhe! Then, one can trace Asti to Astibus, a city of Paeonia i.e. beside, or including, Lyncestes. And once we get to Paeonians, we may be back to Paine's, kin of Malahule, who becomes Aosta-important below.
It's interesting that while wyvern-using Bogans (Ferrers colors) and the Bavarian Bogens (very linkable to Irish Weirs) are now tracing to "Bojana," the Bugs are in Bogen colors while Neuri were on a Bug river. I trace Neuri to the Varni goddess, Nerthus, and then mythical Nor of Norway's founding may have been of the Neuri. I now recall that Norwegian myth had a Nor and Gor duo, and it just so happens that Gore's/Core's and Gore's/Gowers share the white wolf with the Arms of Tirana. Nahorites had traced to the Bus' of Leicestershire, which includes a Rutland location that may be in the Ferrers write-up. Rutland suspects such as Rodhams were first found in Northumberland, another place were Trains were first found.
I saw a Shield split in the colors of the Trent Shield in an Arms of some Aosta location, but have forgotten which. It's logical and expected.
The Arms of Fountainmore, a city on the Lys river of Aosta, has six red-and-white horizontal bars, half in the colors of the three fesse bars of Fountains, which are red, like the three red fesse bars of Luffs/Love's, the latter using a fitchee cross in the red-on-white colors of the patee cross in the Arms of Fountainmore. Technically, the Fountainmore bars are not fesses, but "barry," and the six of them are linkable to the six red-and-gold bars of Leavells/LOVells, if Luffs/Love's are in fact Fountainmore liners. Leavells are said to be from Yvery (Normandy), which can trace to Ivrea, perfect, for it's on the Bautica river downstream from Verres. It flows further toward Montferrat, and past a Chivasso location suspect with "Chives." The Cavii of EpiCARIA were at Chivasso, weren't they?
Why were Leavells at castle CARY? Was that an Epicaria liner? The Carys (same roses as Lowers), said to be from castle Cary, share the swan design once showing for French Josephs, and what looks like yet another version of the Sale/Sallett Coat. That's perfect for what I was going to say next.
There is a Chatillon location on the map presented at the Lys-river article. Chatillon is up-river from Verres. Chatillon is the term in France with which the counts of Blois were merged, and Blois liners are expected in Modane / Chambre, near Aosta. There is a Chatillon location on the Sion-like Seine river in Verres-like Paris, in Ile-de-France, where Lys'/Lille's were first found, what an amazing thing. And the Arms of that Chatillon share a white-on-blue tower with Chatans. This Chatillon was "Castellio" in 1192, which should explain the Chast-using variations of Chatans. Yet, the Chatan bend is in the colors of the Chatten/Cato bend, and the latter use the castle. Chattans have been identified as a merger with Italian Botters (Lucca), which should explain why Chatans were first found in Poitou. Botters were suspect with the naming of the Bautica, and here in this paragraph is, apparently, the undeniable proof. Chatillon of Paris is beside CHATENay-Malabry. Lucca's, perhaps a branch of Geddes-related Lucys, use a CAT.
The Arms of Chatillon (on the Bautica) use a single blue star, as do Shoe's along with a knight. The Botter bend uses a single red star, in the colors of the Fountainmore stars. The Gauchers (Clare / Clement Chief?) use another lone red-on-white star, and they were looked up as per Gaucher II, count of Chatillon (13th century, I don't yet know which Chatillon this was). During the writing of the previous paragraph, I was wondering whether FountainMORE was named after the Norwegian More location, where MALAhule ruled that came to mind with "MALabry." I wasn't going to mention it for lack of evidence, but as I see Malahule in the Paine's/Payne motto phrase, "Malo mori," by what coincidence were Gauchers (possible Gooch/Googe's branch) first found in the same place as Payens/Pagans?
As Clements are suspect from Clementiana, whose father was Antonius Felix = the Antony line, by what coincidence is the Chatillon of Paris in the arrondissment of Antony??? As I see besants as suns i.e. code for the El-Gabal sun god, by what coincidence was Clementiana the daughter of Drusilla Agrippa, wife of Sohaemus, priest of El-Gabal. It looks like Gauchers are using the Clement/Cleremonts Chief, and in the meantime, Clements are thus clinched from Clementiana. English Cleremonts' use dolphins, symbol of Dauphine, where Gauchers and French Cleremonts' were first found. The latter share the key with Clavers/Cleavers, who trace to Glaphyra Archelaus, wife of Herod, but also a wife of Juba of Mauritania, the line that merged with Mark Antonys line to produce another Drusilla, likewise wife of Sohaemus.
Clavers share the white tower with Chatans and Hoppers. I'm throwing Hoppers into this as per the CLEM KaddidleHOPPER character on the old Red Skelton show. This paragraph and the one above it were inserted here after the Skelton line was a topic below.
I'm wondering whether the horseSHOE's of Ferrers' are part code for metal making, and part code for Shoe's, for Ferrers can trace to the namers of Verres. There are a couple of Sale locations, as well as Soletta and Sellotaz locations, all in Chatillon. As Shoe's are also "Schuch," like Skeochs that list "Skit," and while Skits use the Skeets Coat, and while Mr. Skeetz resolved that his surname was a branch of "Schutz," compare "Shultz" with "Sellotaz," asking whether the armored Arm of Shultz's (Switzerland, makes Aosta-sense) is the one in the Shoe/Schuch Coat, for both surnames use quadrants, and both put a single star in a quadrant. Why are the Shultz quadrants in the colors of the same of Chives', and why are the Shultz stars in the colors of the Chives cats? Should we ask the Bengs?
The Schutz saltire was traced to the Saltire/Salter surname, a thing I don't normally do with saltire symbols (there are so many of them). Why did I do it with Schutz's? Here I find that they may have been a branch of Sale's/Salletts, much like "Saltire." The Chatillon stars are colors reversed from the stars used in the Verres Coat.
The Benjamites at Rimmon were traced to Rimini, which is where we find Cattolica, a Chatillon-like term, and then Irish Carys (armored arm in Crest) may be using the lion of Maschi's, first found in Rimmon. The Fountains struck me as using the Maschi lion too, for they with Fontana's were traced tentatively to "Fano," beside Cattolica. If this is correct, Carys are expected to be Massa-Carrara liners. Carrara's use a giant wheel, perhaps linkable to the wheels of Verres/Verrats. With Massa-Cararra very traceable to Mathis liners, and therefore to Epicaria, I think the Carys are good for clinching Josephs with Cavii and therefore with Joseph Caiaphas.
This reminds me of Fannius Caepio, who tried unsuccessfully to coup the Roman empire from Augustus. Benjamites must always be expected in cahoots with Massey liners. The Bengs are herein traceable to the Shultz's now suspect with Soletta / Sellotaz, and this is aside from the fact that Benjamins, first found in the same place as Chads, use a saltire in colors reversed from the Schutz saltire. The Bengs/Binks/Binks became suspect with Pinks / Panico's at the Setta valley, where I envisioned Skit / Sched / Shed liners, kin of Chads that may be loosely in the Chives cats. Chads (same split Shield as Trans'/Trents), first found in the same place as Fountains, happen to share patees in the colors of the Fountainmore patee. That's a big deal. The all-important Chads have just traced to the Lys valley.
The above is no doubt part of the trace between the Setta valley, the Panaro river of Modane, and Sion/Sitten. Fano / Fannius liners are suspect with Modena's Fanano. As Fane's use gauntlets, the Janons/Gannons can be Fanano liners. Ferres' (whose ostrich?) happen to use the bend-with-bendlets of Gonne's/Guenets. Fontana's, in the colors of Gent- / Guenet-suspect Janins/Janets, were first found in Bologna, location of the Setta. Spanish Fontana's share red scallops with Savona's/Sabyns (TWO white stars in Chief), first found in the same place as Chads and Fountains, wherefore Savona's (compare with Sellicks) and the Somerset Savone's can indeed be from the Savena river through Bologna.
While wondering whether "Epicaria" became a variant in a surname, the Picards came to mind who share gyronny with Mathie's. The other Mathie's/Matthews (share three gold chevrons with the Arms of Verres) use the red scallop too, and can thus trace to Fountain / Bologna / Setta liners. The vair fur in the Arms of Verres is a symbol in the Quint Chief. Cavetts (Picard colors), highly suspect as Cavii liners, were first found in Picardy! Zowie, that's new. And Picardy is right beside Lys-river Artois! Therefore, I think it may have been incorrect to view "PicARDy" as a Pic-Arthur entity; it now looks like an Epicaria variation. French Picards (Brittany) share the lion in the red Fountain canton, and the Scottish Picards (Moray) happen to use a canton of their own, recalling that Washingtons, who look like they could be in the Arms of Fountainmore, are using the canton Coat in colors reversed. Chadocks were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Washingtons!
But wait. Washingtons are now said to have been first found in a Washington parish of Durham, a change after many years of being first found in Lancaster. The write-up now (what can be seen of it) says nothing on their Lancashire origins, and mentions a second Washington parish in Sussex (where Saddocks were first found), where Ness'/Nass' were first found, kin of Ness'/Nass' that share the double Washington fesse bars (in the colors of the three using by Luffs/Love's). As the Sussex Ness'/Nass' use doves that trace to the Columbia area at Washington DC, it evokes saint Columba, the mentor, if I recall correctly, of St. Chad. Don't assume necessarily that Chad and Columba were anything more than political tools of the Vatican.
French Picards were first found in the same place as Fers/Ferrats/Ferras', both in the same colors.
The Schutz - Shultz Problem
I will undoubtedly return to the topic above for making further discoveries on what passed through Aosta. But the apparent entering of Shultz's into the Aosta topic has me concerned where Schutz' could be confused as a Schultz branch. If we view thus view "Schutz" as a version of "Sellotaz," the Schutz'/Shutz' cease to be a Sadducee-like term, and the same may be true of Skits and Skeets'. Yet we just saw Chaddock-suspect Chads enter the picture, a branch of Saddocks, and Verres liners are suspect with "Pharisee." At the moment, there is no heraldic link purely between the Shultz's and Schutz', though heraldry does connect the two circumstantially.
It's Sale liners from the Salassi founders of Aosta whom are linking to Saltire-like names, but the stark difference between "Schutz/Shutz" and "Sallet" / Salt" suggests more of a merger of the two, which can explain why the Sallett side (may include Saltz'/Salzas'?) formed a Schutz-like variation in "Schultz/Shultz." As Schole's are expected as potent liners, they may apply to Schultz's/SCHOLz's (in Schole colors). Without some key clues, this looks problematic for sorting out to the true roots.
I lean toward a merger of the Selletae Thracians with SCYTHians of nearby Scythia Minor. One can imagine the two migrating to Aosta, the Selletae assumed to be the Salassi having both Selt-like terms and Salyes-like terms. The Selletae become linkable to Sheldons / Skeltons / Sheltons and therefore lumped in with Scylla / Skylletion liners in southern Italy. The Sheldons (Worcestershire) happen to share a white-on-black fesse with Saltz'/Salza's, and as this fesse is shared by Dragons/Drainers, that's why Sheldons use shelDRAKE ducks. They knew of their link to Dragons. The Sheldons happen to use a "pati" motto term that traces with the patee crosses of Chads and Fountainmore to Patti, beside the Scylla area of Sicily.
As we just saw Knights linking to Chatillon, and possibly using a version of the Shultz Coat, look at this from the last update: "Nitons/Knightons (double-dragon heads, could be a gemel feature) were first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Joans, and Nitons share the eight fesse bars of Specks/Spocks (porcupine), the latter said to be from Roger of Poitou. It makes Joans linkable to Janins of Poitou." The latter, along with Janons/Gannons, were suspect with Gonne's/Guenets that use the Ferres Shield. Let's not forget that these Ferres' are said to be from Henry de Ferrers, with all the Lupus implications. The point here is that Dragon-related Sheldons were first found in Worcestershire, tending to solidify the Sheldons with Shultz's/Scholtz's (same colors).
The Blake's, one branch of which shares the Cattel fret, share the green-dragon head design of Knightons. Knights, Blake's, and the counts of Chatillon, share pale bars, code for Pale's and Pallets, and then the Blake dragon head has "pellets" upon it, a clear sign, in my view, of linkage to Pontius-Pilate liners. Blake's share a red-on-white bend with Gonne's/Guenets and Gaunts. "Some" of the Blake family is said to be from Twizell (10 miles from Berwick), the name of which must relate to the area's Tweed / Teviot rivers. To no surprise, the Tweed Crest share's the Dreux/Drew bull head. The Dreux's are said to have married SALISbury in the 12th century. I'll come back to Salisburys/SALESburys later for connection to Aosta.
By what coincidence were Chatillon-suspect Chatans first found in Poitou? As it can be gleaned, the Knights are using a version of the Arms of the counts of Chatillon. Below are the Arms on a page for Henry I of Chatillon, son of Gaucher I. By what coincidence do the Chatillon pale bars use VAIR? Isn't that good for a trace to vair-using Verres, in Aosta beside Chatillon? The Knights share three pale bars (apparently in colors reversed) with these Arms of Chatillon, and were first found in the same place as Blois', and Clare's. French Clairs share the Gaucher Chief, a fresh and new discovery right here, recalling that Sinclairs were merged with Candida / Candy liners from Savoy, though I found a Candy-like location in Aosta a few years ago. This makes Sinclairs of More even more suspect with FountainMORE. three Knight bars are red, the color of the three used by Fountains, as I see Malahule as kin of Payne's, it's probably no coincidence that Payne's share a fesse in both colors of the Fountain fesses. Mystery solved on Fountainmore. The Fountains were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Cattels and Tute's/Tuits, the latter descended from Malahule, and while his grandson, AnKETILE may have been a Kettle liner, we can ask whether Kettle's ("malum"), the Kettle-related Keiths -- and now the Cattels/Cattle's / Blake's Caddels -- relate to "Chatillon." The Pappenheim "kettle hats," as a name for vair fur, can suggest a Kettle-liner trace to Verres. All looking good.
The "OPTIMum" motto term of Sheldons is like the "Optem" of Teague's/Teegers (Shultz / Sheldon colors), and the latter share the black cross in the Schole-Coat corner, which is the cross of SALAmander-using Julians and Gullys, the latter two suspect from GUILLestre, on the Durance river of the Salyes. It's perfect for the idea that Shultz's were merged with Sallett-related Schutz's. Note how "GuillESTRA" can be an Istria > Este > Aosta liner. I trace Julians to Gela on Sicily, and Gela's peoples were on the Drago river, an ultimate derivation of Drake's and Dragons. The black Ferres anchor traces to the Drago theater so that one can expect these Sicilians at Aosta's Verres. The black anchor is shared by potent-suspects, Avise's/Avisons, perhaps an Avvite liner. I had been tracing the Drago to Draguignan in Provence, near the Durance river of the Salyes, a trace that is substantiated where Dragons/Drainers share the Saltz/Salzas / Sheldon fesse. It tends to suggest that Dragons were at Draguignan along with Tirana liners, if indeed Dragons trace to them.
I think that this part of the discussion has convinced me that Shultz's were Scylla / Skylletion/Scolatium liners. As Enotri / Oenotrians lived at Skylletion, whom I see from "Jonathan," by what coincidence did we see Joans / Janins in the Knighton quote? Aren't Jonathan-of-Laish liners expected at the Lys river? Poitou is suspect from Poti Colchians, and Poti was the home roughly or exactly of the Lazi. Potters (Shultz/Scholtz colors) were first found in the same place as Sheldon-related Drake's. There is a fundamental Shultz link to Drake's and Dragons now discoverable, and as the Drake / Dragon wyvern traces to the same of the Masovia dukes i.e. Mieszko liners, by what coincidence do Shultz's use the Mieske/Mesech arm with sword? That is predicted to be a Scylla merger with its Messina surroundings, and then the Messina surname happens to use patee crosses in the colors of the same of Chads. As the latter linked to Fountain liners, it again conjures up the Fane area (Janon/Gannon kin) near the Rimini Maschi's, suspect with Masci's (version of the Messina Coat) in the Aosta theater. Without doubt, Messina liners were in close merger with Scylla liners, and while mythical Glaucus loved Scylla, Poti was at the mouth of the Glaucus river. It begs whether Patti was a Poti liner.
Italian Pati's were first found on Messina. But then why do Pattys/Pati's, first found in Messina, use the Saddock escutcheon? Why doesn't houseofnames bring up the Pattys/Pati's when searching "Pati"? I didn't consciously know until now that Pattys/Pati's were first found in Worcestershire!!! That's where Shultz-related Sheldons were first found. Clearly, Patti's/Pati's were from Patti. I kid you not, that Pattys/Pati's use the same eSCUTcheon as Saddocks, hee hee, like a gift right while trying to shoe Schutz's into a merger with Shultz's. Suddenly, it looks absolutely correct, and even makes "Shutz" suspect as a distant Saddock variation.
Saddocks are listed with Sedge's/Sedgewicks, suggesting that Chaddock / Chad liners merged with Sedge's. The latter are said to be from HORSHam, which can now play to the Ferrer / Ferres HORSEshoe's, to be suddenly define-able as a merger between Shoe's/Schuchs and Sedge's/Saddocks. Excellent logic. The Horsham location is traced in the write-up to mythical Horsa, brother of Hengis, the supposed founders of Kent, but I have other ideas, that Kent's Cantii were Kennati liners, Ixion's Centaurs of old. What was it that made the Kennati a priesthood? They oversaw the temple of Zeus in honor of mythical Ajax, himself related to Teucer of Salem-suspect Salamis. And Sale's, now apparently discovered in Aosta's Sale location, became suspect as Salem liners. But as the Kennati (probably a branch of Janons/Gannons / Janins/Janets / Gonne's/Guenets / Gaunts / Ghents suspect with Janina-escutcheon liners) were priests of Ajax at Cetis, isn't that place suspect with "Chad"?
Might not the Chatillon / Chattan / Challon liners be Cetis / Cetina liners? If Porcius Cato (200 BC) can link to the Geta line that birthed Caracalla, then, yes, I'd be prepared to make a Chatillon link way back to "Cetis / Cetina." If this is a correct trace, Quintus-Caepio liners can be traced to Cetis, for a Servilia-reason explained below. Cetins/Cattens (Tuit kin), who share the white castle of Chattans/Cato's, were first found in the same place as Fountains. Aha, the Cetin/Catten cats are even covered with pellets, as is the Blake/CADDEL dragon head (Surprise!), in the design of the KNIGHTon/Niton dragon heads!!! Why do Cetins use a "lupus" motto term? Lupus Laevillus might know.
What a surprise that Chatillon should now prove to be a Cetis line. It Blois my mind. How important the recent discovery of the Cetina river, for what was just resolved wouldn't have without the Cetin surname looked up, in the first place, as per "Cetina."
The Knight pale bars are in both colors of the three used by Luffs/Love's (Levi suspects), and while the latter are suspect with Louvains, we read above: "Henry I de Chatillon (de Chatillon)...Son of Gaucher I, seigneur de Chatillon sur Marne and Mahaut Malande de Louvain." She was a daughter of REGNier (Louvain), a possible Ragnvald / Reagan liner, which can explain the Reagan dolphin.
"Reagan" traced well (see last update) to the Ergines river that had a source near the Samaei, and that was part of the Conte-suspect Contadesdus river. Conte's/Comitissa's are in the "Commit" motto term of Sinclairs, making Conte's well-linkable to Herluin de Conteville, whose family ruled Comyns. The Comyns garbs may be in the Arms of Salins, a location in the Sion part of Switzerland. The Comyn garbs are used in the Arms of Cheshire while Sale's/Salletts were first found in Cheshire, tending to trace Salins to the sale location of Aosta. The Malahule line ruled Cheshire after Hugh Lupus died.
The Louvain Coat is shared by SADLers/Saddle's (share the blue lion in Crest with SAMsons) while the Sitten name of Sion was from the local SEDULO peoples. It speaks to Levites in the Salins / Sion area that removed to the Seine's Ile-de-France area, where Levi's were first found.
The Chatillon of Henry and the Gauchers was at Chalons-sur-Marne (that's the spelling on my atlas of Chatillon-sur-Marne), beside the Moselle-river area, where Clare-related Crepins/Crispins/Crepys were first found, explaining why Henry I of Chatillon married Elizabeth de Crepy. Note that the Crepy Coat has a version of the Botter bend, itself related to the bend of Chatans who traced to Chatillon on the Seine.
I kid you not, that I was having trouble finding the location that was an alternative name of Chatillon on my atlas, when I spotted Pont-Mousson on the Moselle. I was planning to mention this as the line of Mussens/Moussons, for I didn't spot it until after writing on them below (this section here was inserted after writing much of the below). I then came to load the Crepin Coat, to read that the surname was from a Crepy location in Meurthe, and it was a little thrilling because I had just seen "Meurthe" on the atlas a couple of minutes earlier, while trying to find Chalons-sur-Marne. Pont-Mousson is smack in Meurthe. I wonder whether Meurthe was a More line from Fountainmore, for English Crispins/Crepins share bars in the colors of the Luff / Knight / Fountainmore bars.
This happened minutes after writing on the Salins location of Sion. Salins was re-found only because I had searched my files for "Salin" when I had wrongly remembered that Chatillon was at Chateau-sur-Salins. This latter location is about 20 miles east of Pont-Mousson. It tends to assure what I expect, that Sale liners were moving along with, or clinging to, Massey liners. "Salins" is like the Chalin variation of Welsh Challons, first found roughly beside Cheshire, and where Clements were first found. In other words, while we might at first think that "Challons" was a corrupted slip-of-the-tongue of "Chatillon," the truth may be that Salins liners at Chatillon evolved to "Challons" as play in honor of "Chatillon."
French Challons, no guff, share the bend of Porci's (fleur-de-LYS) so that Porcius Cato must be a line to Chattans/Cato's. The mother of Servilia Caepionis had married a son of Porcius Cato. French Challons were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Primo's, suspect with Junia Caepionis Prima, Servilia's daughter. Then, I kid thee not, that the Welsh Challons use the colors and format of Capone's!!! Zikers. The first-known Porci was CATALdo Porco, like "Chatillon." It looks like one should expect the Caepio line in Aosta's Chatillon. As Italian Capone's are listed with Capua's, and first found near Capua (Campania, where I trace the Champagne elements of Chatillon's counts), see this: "In 214 BC, [Porcius Cato] served at Capua..."[Insert -- A few days after writing here, I was at the article on the Fenis castle (in Fenis of Aosta), reading: "The castle first appears in a document in 1242 as a property of the Viscounts of Aosta, the Challant family." Challants are listed with Chalons. Fenis is so close to Allein that Finistere of Brittany comes to mind, the Arms of which shares the white-on-blue ram of Bautica-suspect Bauts. Challand is a community in Aosta near the mouth of the Lys river. There is also a Val de Challant in Aosta. The Arms of Challant (translated page, plenty of information as compared to English Wikipedia) share a black-on-white bend with Sale's/Salletts, who, by the way, list "Salle" while there's a La Salle location near Allein. Sale's/Salletts were first found beside Shropshire, a good reason to trace the namers of Saluzzo to La Salle.
In a portrait (article above) of the lords of Challant, they put blue chevrons on the floor, with a greyhound upon it. Challant was under the House of Savoy at the time. "It is generally considered the founder of the Boson family..." Perhaps from the Besante/Bosnia river, the Boso's/Bosins share the bull design of Charo's/Claro's. Challant is said to have been founded by Higgs', whom, at houseofnames, use "red bucks couchant" (some call it "lodged"), and "A red buck's head with gold antlers, pierced through with an arrow" (Bosons use arrows). It recalls the swan of Sion-liner Walsh's (same chevron as Higgs) pierced with an arrow. Then, while Walsh-related Walkers use "magna," one of the early rulers of Challant was Higgs-related Ebalo MAGNO (died 1323). "Ebalo" may be a Cybele variation from the Cybele cult of Bassus' ancestors. Plunketts (Aosta colors, may be sharing the Chatan Coat on black), first found in the same place as the Dol Alans, are suspect with Plancia Magna. Aren't Bush's and Bos'/Boschs now suspect with the Bosnia river?
Higgins (Patrick kin?) are in Plunkett colors, and both share the white-on-black tower (see Hills too). See also the two Hykes surnames, one using the Higgs chevron, and the other highly suspect with the Chives quadrants. The Higgs stags evoke the Blood stags, suspect with the Bleda Huns, and I trace Alans to the Alan Huns that merged with Attila. Stewarts use the stag. The Aimone/Aymaville entity that was fundamental to Challants is possibly in the Aimone/Aymon/Hemond surname (patee crosses in the colors of the portrait above), a possible branch of Hamonds, and therefore from Amyntes > Bassus liners, expected at the Besante/Bosnia river. As Bassus' / Besants are now tracing to Phasis/Poti, it's notable that Aimons/Hemonds (in German-Besant colors) were first found in Poitou.
For what follows, "Porcia" may be from "Perga," Plancia's home. End insert]
There are two Cataldo surnames, one in Porcia colors and first found in CATALONia (Spain), a dead-give-away, apparently, on a Chatillon liner. This reminds me that I traced Flavius Petro, grandfather of Vespasian, to Spanish Petro's for good reasons, and they happen to share gold-on-red fleur-de-lys with Porci's. Plus, as Flavius Petro lived in Rieti on the east side of mount Sabina, "When Cato was very young, after his father's death, he inherited a small property in the Sabine territory, at a distance from his native town." Cato predated Vespasian by about 200 years. Italian Cataldo's (sun) were first found in Bologna, where Pasi's were first found that I see in the makings of "VesPASIa." Formerly, the Cato article claimed that he went to live as a boy in Abruzzo, but the article has obliterated the word, Abruzzo. At that time, the Abruzzo location was left unspecified. By "native town," one is left to ponder the meaning, whether it's his place of birth in Tusculum (Latin-Tuscany border), or something else.
There is no doubt about it, Salins in Sion (where Walsh's trace) was a line of Sale's/Salletts, and Masseys of Ferte-Mace -- resolved months ago as direct kin anciently of Caepio's -- had been joined by Bellamys whom were traced to the Arve river of lake Geneva. That should explain why there are upside-down wings in the Geneva/Genova surname, for the Masci wing is upside-down in the Dien/Dives Coat. The Dives river (likely of the Diva name of Chester, Cheshire) has a source at Gace, at the north end of the Perche hills (Coll de Perche), and one may find that Bellamys lived at Perche. As the Bellamys married FERTE-Mace (I've read this), it's interesting that Cattle's/Cattels (and Blake's/Caddels) use a giant FRET. Were these of the namers of Farettaz? Aosta has an ARVier location that happens to use the Harvey / Bellamy fesse (new to me), with three red roses on the fesse in the colors of the three crescents on the Bellamy fesse.
With Arthur lines involved in this picture, it seems a given that Perche was the Arthurian grail line of Percival, the Percival-Leavell merger. We then want to know why the Arms of Fountainmore use six horizontal bars in red-and-white, similar to the six horizontal bar of Leavells/Lovells in gold-and-red. The other Leavells/LOVells use a single red-on-white fesse, the colors of the LOVE fesses. It look undeniable now that Love's were at Fountainmore, or at least merged with its namers, and that Love's were Leavells/Lovells. Reminder: the latter surname is said to be from a Mr. Percival of Yvery, a line, apparently, from Arduinici at Ivrea.
While I discovered that Percival-Leavells were from one Waleran character, the Leavells write-up traces the family to Eudes, duke of Brittany. Eudes received from the Conqueror (he was playing part God, and part Santa Clauds) Kary in Somerset, which was mentioned earlier as castle Cary, where Maschi-suspect Carys were from. It's true that Leavells had a "Lupellus" name, but we shouldn't assume that this was the original form. The Leavell write-up probably shares a legend where a member of the family was so unruly that he got the lupus nickname. Legends like that are often cover-ups in code, and legends are a way to tell the world, "I really don't know where I descend from. I'm not Jewish, really I'm not." In the case of Leavells, they had to cover over their Levite past, right?
Did you notice that the Leavell fesse bars use the nebuly feature shared in the Clement fesse bars? Would you want the world to know that you descend from Drusilla Agrippa? Note that Leavells are traced to Bec elements, and this is likely correct because they married Meulan/Mellent (rulers / elite of Mellent), which used the Vaux checks, in Leavell-bar colors. Both Mellent surnames get the Milans/Millens sharing the lion of Lafins/La Fonts and Kennedy-suspect Conte's, and while La fonts are beloved of Kennedys, the Mellents/Millens are said to be from a CANTeai tribe of PICts, which also evokes PYXus, the alternative name of Buxentum, where the Buchanan kin of Mellents/Milans trace. One can glean here that Mellents were merged with Kennati of Cetis, and that's where the family-by-marriage of Lupus Laevillus was ruling. Now you know the Lupus-Leavell truth, not that "lupus" was play on, or a variation of "Leavell," but that Lupus and Laevillus liners clung together.
And while "SITHECH" is said to be from "wolf," which is more garbage, the Kyle's, first found in the same place as Kennedys, use candleSTICKs. The Kyle's are using the same stars as Fountainmore, and Candels are suspect from the Candy-like location of Aosta, especially as the Doria's married by Arduinici are suspect with the Candel/Candida eagle. As Candels/CONDels share the Irish-Burgh cross, they are suspect as Conteville's.
Here is Wikipedia's page on the counts of Blois, showing the Arms of Chatillon too because the two country had merged in an alliance. The article says that the counts of Chatillon "tended" to live in Blois. The Arms of Blois seems clearly to be the Chatan / Chattan / Botter bend. But what does Blois have to do with Jonathan-Levite line in Aosta's Chatillon? We could ask the Jonathan rooster why it's in the design of the Blue rooster? Then, while Gays use the Sinclair rooster, they were first found in Savoy, while there was a Gui de Chatillon, son of Gaucher II. There is even a Belgian Gay surname. The mother of Gaucher II was a daughter of Alberic of MontJAY.
This is a good place to add that Gai-like Gauchers use a chevron in the colors of the three Levi chevrons, and that while the counts of Hainaut used the Levi chevrons, the Louvain elements of the early Chatillon counts can easily link to counts of Hainaut. The Hainauts, and the Arms of Flanders, share the Conte / Lafin / Matt / etc. lion, all in Levi colors. English Gays, who might just be using the Mather/Mother scallop, were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Crispins/Crepons, and show a CASTONquay variation, and Chatans show "Chastin" and similar variations. Castons/Catesons (Child Coat?) were first found in the same place as Sinclair-liner Fountains. As Chatans were first found in Poitou, it can link to the blue JAY of Poitvins, for Jays, who share three red roses on a white bend with Chatans, are said to be from de Gai (Normandy).
Jays were first found in Herefordshire, where I trace kin of Childs such as Sellers. Childs are suspect from Cilnius' at Arettium, a place I trace to Artois i.e. beside Belgium. If the Arettium trace to Artois is correct, Arettium elements are expected through the Arduinici, who lived about the same time as these early counts of Chatillon, but as there is a Chatillon upon the Bautica river too, that's why Arduinici in Artois (by another name) can be involved with the Louvain marriage Henry I of Chatillon. Arduinici of Artois were likely the Ardons//Artois'/Artes' (same place as the Louvain-suspect Luffs/Love's and Knights) that have eagles traceable to the same of English Botters. The Arrows, said to be from Artois, use fleur-de-LYS, no surprise, but they also use the Sinclair cross.
Of further interest, Gui's are listed with Guido's, the Guis variation of which can trace to the Cassane / Kissane/Guissane branches of Pattersons, kin of Cassius'/ Casano's, a family of terms much like the Chastaine variation of Chatans. This can explain why Scottish Pattersons share the pelican with Irish Arthurs. The red eagle in the Ardon/Artois Crest, while linking to the red Botter eagle, is linkable also to the red Casey eagle...suggesting that Caseys were a Cassius / Cassane branch. But I don't think one can derive "Chatillon" both in Cassan-like terms and in Cetis > Kettle > Keith liners. The Castile/Chateau surname is coming to mind, first found in Artois, and likely using the Eustace cross. While Irish Arthurs use "hurts," the Hurts/Horts happen to share the Eustace stag, a good reason to identify Eustace's with Eustace II (father of Godfrey de Bouillon) of Artois.
[Everything to this point was written before the insertion of the Marilyn Munroe section, but, to boot, that red Casey eagle is shared by Munroe's in giant form. While the Munroe topic traces to Buxentum and Laus, the Excalibur/Caliburnus sword of king Arthur was code for Mount Alburnus to the north of Buxentum.]
I can glean that Hurts/Horts are using a gold version of the Dragon / Sheldon / Saltz Shield, for the Hurts/Horts share their gold-on-black fesse with duck-using Herls/Hurls (same gold fesse as Hurls/Herods, first found in the same place as MacArthurs). Drake's are in the sheldrake duck of Sheldons, and the Drake write-up says that the surname can derive from the gait of a duck, pure code for the Sheldon-duck liners. As Dragons/Drainers are a branch of Pendragons, it tends to assure that Hurts/Horts are Arthur / Artois / Arduinici liners. While it's possible that Herls and Hurls were from Herluin de Conteville, his father was John de Burgo, and then Castile's/Chateau's and Eustace's use the same cross as Irish Burghs, known to be from John de Burgo. The Herls/Hurls are said to have included a "Lord BORCHard de Herle (1268 - 1305)" (from Cornwall). Yet, Irish Brians, known to have merged earlier with Irish BURGHs, themselves from Montferrat's daughter, should trace to Briancon, on the Durance river of the Salyes i.e. suspect as a branch of Sheldons / Saltz's. It seems clear enough that the Conte / Conteville / Cone line was in the Herls and Hurls, but why do they include a Herod variation?
It may not apply, but Herls/Hurls / Hurts/Horts are in Schutz colors. I can't recall off-hand who uses the mallard duck, but Mallards/Milwards share the black moline of Mathis' / Chives' and Moulins/Moline's. Rather than the duck being a symbol of a Duck surname, it might apply to Mallards/Milwards. Moulins/Moline's are said to be of Falaise liners, and Herluin de Conteville married Herleva, daughter of "the tanner" of Falaise. There is a La Falaise area beside Ile-de-France (i.e. location of a Chatillon), and "Falaise" might be of "Valais," the area to the immediate north of Aosta's Chatillon. Chives' were first found in Devon, beside Borchard of Herle, and then the Devon surname uses dicks too, as do French Alans (no longer showing), whose Stewart branch was first found in Devon.
The Verres are said to be from the Auvergne area, in particular from a MILLau area there, which may be of the Milwards as well as the mythical Milo de Vere of the Drakenberg witches. This recalls that Porci's are suspect with the bend of Fes', first found in Auvergne, a place having Bautica-river liners too that can link to Verres (on the Bautica).
Borchards use only quadrants, in the colors of the Porcia boars, and there is a Porcher surname (Norfolk, same place as Fountains) that can be using a version of the Fountainmore Arms. There are three red fesses (Fountain symbol) on the gold Porcher-Crest lion, perhaps of the gold Bernard-Crest / Arms-of-Allein lion. Porchers share "pro rege" with Pattersons. The Porcaro-and-similar variations of Porci's may apply to Borchards. The eight Porcher-Coat bars may be the Crispin/Crepin bars, for Crispins (expected with the Blois bend) were first found in the same place as Amore's / Damorys (these are Leavell suspects), suspect with the red fesses in the Porcher Crest. Are Malahule liners, some of whom were first found in Norfolk, tracing to Fountainmore? That should explain the "malis" motto term of Mall-suspect Amore's.
Grazio's/GREEPs (Fountain colors) share the pomegranate with French Crispins/CREPins (from PAREZ), and were first found in the same place (Umbria, PERUSia) as Porcia's. Recall that the Porcia fleur got suspect with the same of Spanish Petro's, for the latter are Perez's too and thus trace well to Parez, where pomegranate-Crispins were first found. Greeps and Crepins were Agrippa liners, right? Ask the Parez/Paris fesse (with apple that can be for the POMEgranate), for it's the Bernice fesse too.
As Perusia is on the Tiber river, while Pierleoni were named after a Petro while Pierleoni lived on the Tiber too, it's notable that Grazio colors are those of Leo's. It's telling me of a Leo / Paine / Fountain / Grazio kinship all around. In colors reversed, the Petro/Perez flory is red, the color of the Bird flory, and so Birds may be a take from some Perez-like variation of Petro's. The Petro's/Perez'; are in Pert/Pett ("Ardens") colors.
Perusia is where OTTONe's were first found while OTTINs/Ottingers share the quadrants of Borchards in colors reversed. What could the Conte line of Borchards possible have to do with Ottone's? Ask Ottone VisCONTI of Millen-related Milan (Millens use the Italian Conte lion). Oettingens of Bavaria were found in an article to have used stork symbolism, and there is a stork in the Pett/Pert Crest, suggesting that Petro's / Pierleoni were indeed a line to/from Perts/Petts. In other words, Petro's were indeed merged with Grazio's when, to no great surprise, Grazio's and Ottone's, both of Perusia, were merged. That's how to get the Ottone stork line to find its way to both Grazio's and Pierleoni. Odins / Oddie's of STORKhouse should apply. Otone's (one 't'), suspect with the Odin lion, are using quadrants in Grazio / Leo colors. We'd like to know whether the namers of Pharisees named Perusia and Parez.
I recall tracing Pierleoni to Salisburys (Benedict lion?), interesting where Oldens/Aldans, suspect with the Oulten variation of Otone's, share white-on-red crescents with Salisburys. Eltons, first found in the same place as Otone's/Oultens, use three red pale bars in the colors of the Porcher / Crispin bars, and in the colors of the three pale bars of Knights, and while Porchers are sharing the giant and ermined white cinquefoil of Bus', Eltons (Shultz star?) use an "ArtiBUS" motto term. This is cause for linking Porchers to Porcius Cato i.e. to the Chatillon-Knight relationship. Knightons happen to share eight horizontal bars with Crispins / Porchers.
[A couple of days after writing here, a ChamPORCHER location in Aosta was found, using the Bar-le-Duc fish, important because it's near Champagne (and the Crispins/Crepins that share the Champagne / Chatan bend). The Arms of Champorcher share a white-on-blue tower with Chatans, as well as the red roses of Chatans, apparently. It means that Conteville's of the Borchard kind trace to Aosta liners with little doubt.]
The Elton fesse happens to be a reflection of the same of Sale's, first found in the same place as Eltons, thus making a potential Sale link to Shultz's. While I couldn't help from veering off the Shultz-Sallett topic that started this section, I'm happy to have found this mid-stream from veering away. It looks correct. And while Eltons were first found in Cheshire, where Mieszko liners lived, the Shultz's, remember, are using the same arm in armor as Mieske's, first found in Prussia.
Salisburys are traced to an Edward de SARISberie, son of Walter of Evreux, making the Salisbury lion suspect with the Abreu lion, especially as Abreu's use two lions combatant, as one can see in the Salisbury Crest. I'm thinking that the SARISbury variation can be as per Sarre, in Aosta near Verres. The Sarre's/Sere's had been linkable to Verres liners, and I always trace Drake's and Vere's to Evreux liners. Salisburys were mentioned earlier in a marriage with Dreux's. The Dreux lion is in the colors of the Sauer lion, and the Sauer lion was traced to the Fergus/FERRIS lion, I kid you not! That's because Fergus' were first found in Galloway, while Galloways list "Gallery," a surname said to be ancestral to the Sauers. As Sauers were Sava-river liners, according to the write-up, it appears that Sava liners named Sarre. And while the Sava was also, Save, what about the Save bend being in the colors of the Chattan bend? The red snakes on the Save bend are in the red color of the Botter star upon the same-colored bend, which is a not-bad way to start tracing Save's to something of the Chatillon liners on the Bautica. If Botters were abyss / Abaddon liners, couldn't Save's have been Cave liners?
Isn't a ferret named for ferreting in a tunnel? Don't iron / ferrari miners go down tunnels and caves? Didn't mythical dragons protect the gold in the tunnels (or the golden fleece of Colchis)? It's all satanic, love-of-gold imagery from the ancient past. Inana, the Great-Mother goddess of Sumeria, mother of the dragon in the sky, later became the Underworld theme. Why? Was it code for miners? Zeus, son of the Great Mother, was born in a Cretan cave, and that mother evolved into Cybele, wife of the owner of the golden fleece, and together they birthed the Latins, Latona the wolf goddess, suspect from the Avvite dog god (Nibhaz).
On the light map (below), there is a Saldae location on the Sava that can now be framed as the origin of Aosta's Sale location...that apparently named the Sallett (i.e. like "SALDae") variation of Sale's. Saldae is between the mouths of the Besante and the Drin. As the Besante became the BOSnia, it appears that the BUS cinquefoil, which looks to be on the Porcher barry, traces Bus' and Hamiltons to Bosnia. This is one excellent find. As the Bus cinquefoil is used by Leicestershire, on the LEGro river, it explain the Regi LEGI fidelis" motto of Barrys...meaning that Barry liners were at Leicestershire. Note that the Barry-Crest wolf has a crown around its neck, for the same theme in the Craun/Crone Crest taught me that it's code for the Ceraunii on the Urbanus river, a Sava tributary beside the Basante! demi Fergus/Ferris-Crest lion with a crown on its head, aside from colors, is identical to the Barret Crest! That's the clincher. Later, I'll come back to the Bar fish liners in a key revelation that includes the German Boschs, but as Dutch Boschs/Bos' share a red and upright lion with Sauers / Fergus/Ferres', it appears that Boschs and Buschs/Bush's/Bushers trace to Bosnians, and it was Tim (blow) who first urged me to find Edomites in heraldry when I had none. He later emailed to say that the black boat is a symbol of Edom in an ancient book, afterwhich I realized that the black boar of English Bush's traced them to BOZrah (Edomite capital). A black boar is used by the Sullivans (share "LAMH" with Brians), traceable to Salviae and nearby LAMatis, between the Urbanus and the Una, and near the Sava. In colors reversed, the Bosch/Bos lion is that of Seconds/SEGURs.
The Drin under discussion is a third, near, but not the same as, the White and Black Drins of Albania. As we just saw Dreux's linking to Salisburys, it appears that the Dragons/Drainers named this Drin too. Saldae is very near to Cibalae, and is stamped with an Amantini peoples. I suppose the question now is whether Barrys and Barrets (framed like "Farettaz for a reason?) were a branch of "Bard." I say, yes, meaning that it links to Saraca's, and probably also SARAjevo in Bosnia. The Sarah's/Sayers have at least one variation similar to the Sauers, and then both Seagars and Sawyers, whom I had traced to the Sava with other methods, were first found in the same place as red-fesse Fountains, noting too that the Arms of Fountainmore uses red-and-white Barry! None of this would have been discovered had not Borchards and Porci's been mentioned in the same section, for it caused me to look up Porchers, a surname not familiar to me. In fact, I don't recall looking up Borchards before; they are surely a Burgo > Conteville line to Hugh Lupus.
Aha! The Mandys/Mondays, looked up as per the Amantini peoples, use legs in their Chief, and their Shield is split vertically in colors reversed fro the same in the flag of Aosta. It definitely seems that Sava-river liners were in Aosta. I even recall tracing the Fessys to this lower part of the Sava (to "Fosse" on the dark map), important where the Fes surname is using the Porci bend, but also important where the Fessy motto is in honor of Vinkovci (= Cibalae) as well as the Segni's/Segurana's (obvious Seagar branch), first found in the same place as where the Fieschi's lived. To this, it can now be added that the Fesch's were suspect with Motts while Motts are tracing to Moutiers while Moutiers are expected with Aosta liners. But there's more, for Grazio's had become recently suspect with "Gratian," from Cibalae, the father of Valentinian I, the family to which must of heraldry traces, including the Great Seal of the United States. And so let's repeat that the Washington Coat is like the Arms of Fountainmore, and that, about five years ago, Tim sent in a French barry Coat that caused me to claim that the red-and-white stripes on the American flag were in honor of Barrys. As the white-on-blue stars of the same flag were traced to Morays / Douglas', note FountainMORE. It may not be coincidental that I traced Timms/Time's to a Moray motto, "Deum Time."
Tim had been very helpful, but then fell away from my email box without his explanation. But this was at the time of the NSA scandal, when I urged readers not to email me in case the globalist stupids, or Drakenbergs, are able to get a list of my emailers.
The Timms/Time's traced well to Timna of Edom, and so the Sire's/Sirets/Sirons, whom I always link to Valentinian, look like they were from Seir (Edom), for Timna was from Seir. It again suggests that Edomites were at the Sava, and then into Aosta.
There had always been a question, before finding the Grazio's lately, as to whether Grasse in southern France was from "Gratian." I trace Domna and Julia Bassianus (sisters) to Grasse, but here we find ourselves on the Besante river in the face of Cibalae. And while besants are very traceable to the Bassus bloodline, by what coincidence do I trace Mandy/Mondays and similar others to "Amyntes," the great-grandfather of Severus Bassus? The Mynetts and Hamonds (same place as Timms/Time's) were traced to "Amyntes," and Dragons/Drainers use the Mynett helmets in colors reversed. The Bassus line traces now with certainty to Bassianus', whom have been found on the Cetina, not very far from Saldae and its Amantini. There's a question as to whether a Severus branch named the Sava. The origin of "Sava" has remained a mystery due to the several possibilities.
"Amantini" evokes the Amantian branch of Abantians, and while the Durnium version of Epicaria is suspect at the Turano and Durance rivers, Salyes were on the Durance. It can appear that there was a fundamental relationship in several spheres between Salyes and Cavii.
Hamonds (kin of Masci's suspect with Julia Maesa Bassianus) share the antler with Zahringens and Veringers (in Abaddon-suspect Baden), which traces the Bassus Galatians to Bassan-like Baden, and to the Badens/Battins (share the axe with the Zerr/Zehrer Crest), and to Badenoch in the Moray area. Apollo had Muse's that were code for Massey liners, kin of Dragon-loving Vere's, suspect from the human ferrets = ferrari miners. Veringens link well to Sarre/Sere / Zerr/Zehrer liners, therefore, while their Zahringer kin founded Bernard-like Berne, suggesting that these Bassus kin were at the Great Bernard Pass. If I recall correctly, the Arms of Baden is simply a bend in colors reversed from the Fes bend, and then Fessys share the cross of Baths/Atha's, first found in the same place as Badens/Battans, and, moreover, I traced Atha's to MacHeth of Moray because Bath's/Atha's share the cross of Randolphs, first found in Moray. There seems to be something better than madness to my wild traces.
With Innis' first found in Moray, note that Ince's and Inch's use double black-on-white bends, colors reversed from the same of Dutch Schultz's/Schilds. And then the Shultz-suspect Sale's/Salletts use a black-on-white bend too. FountainMORE is on the Lys river. Mandys/Mondays look like they use the Bath / Randolph / Fessy cross along with a colors-reversed version of the Sinclair cross, and it's Sinclairs (share the gold rooster with Heths/Heaths) of More and Moray that are suspect at Fountainmore. Compare Heths to Olive's (rooster), the latter (same place as Fessys) sharing the Schutz greyhound head with collar. Note the Olive's/Oliphs are like "OliPHant," for Timna of Seir married ELIPHAS. This line traces to the Elaphiti islands beside Ragusa = Laus, wherefore I can expect some of it to be on both Lys rivers. While the Kos god of Edom is said to have been an owl god, Spanish Olive's use the owl. It evokes Kosovo, at the White-Drin theater. Maybe I'm not mad after all.
Shouldn't Shultz's trace to the Eschol valley...of Hebron, location also of BOZcath? Wasn't Keturah -- a line to the Bar / Kotor fish, likely living in Hebron? CADmus, whom I suspect with the naming of BozCATH, moved as a snake in myth to Butua, and there, I read from someone, he was changed to a fish. Butua is smack beside Kotor, and near Bar at Schutz-suspect lake Scodra. This was the Este line too, and Bute's/Butts (the Este horse) use the estoile, while German Bute's share a fish on a fesse with the Arms of Saraca.
I do not view Sauers as a Sarah/Sayer branch, if Sarah's were a Sarajevo branch. A merger was likely, however. Or, it may even be that Sarajevo, suspect with "Seir" on the one hand, was named by Sava-river liners once they formed Sauer-like variations. The Sarah write-up suggests a trace to Saher / Saer de Quincy (same place as Fessys / Olive's), a good theory because Sarahs' were first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints. But Quints were also first found in Dorset, as were Russells (same lion as Sauers) with "Que sara sara" motto. Russells share white scallops with Bernards. Saer de Quincy ruled QUIN-like WINchester, and the Crest of the Winchester surname share's the gold fitchee of Quints.
I'm now wondering whether Quintus > Quincys were Oen = wine liners from the Oenotrians of Saracena. Quinns (Quincy colors) share the snake with Save's, and the other Quinns share a green Shield with Winns/Gwynns (Luton eagle?). As the latter were from Wales, the Vannes/Gwenea > Venedotia line to the naming of Gwynedd is coming to mind, and that may reveal that Heneti > Veneti were behind "Quintus", which then begs the important question on whether Quintus' were of the Kennati priests...all from Jonathan the Levite. I'll come back to this in the next section.
A SALESbury/SARISbury trace either to Sale of Aosta or to Sarre makes the Salisbury / Abreu lion suspect with the one in the Bernard Crest. German Bernards/Baernards share the white and upright lion in the Salisbury Crest, and were first found in PRUSSia, suspect with Eburovices liners out of Evreux. The importance of Porcius Cato, said to have grown up in ABRUZZO, is that PORCia's use the EBURo-suspect boar, and the Porcia boar is black and upright, as is the same of German EBERs. BERNards / Bars Bruno's can apply to Hebrew liners, I think. The "ardt / art" endings on German Bernards, and their gold-on-red chevron (colors of the Arthur chevron), can suggest a merger with Arthurs of Bernicia.
The day after writing here, a version of the Porcher Coat was found with Berrats/Barrets (ferrets that love gold / silver bars?). They both use a Shield split vertically, with red and white bars (barry, symbol of Barrys) on both sides, the Barrets using ten, and the Porchers eight. It means that Porchers (and probably Crispins) were merged with Barry liners...which should explain why Porchers use "rege" while Barrys use "Regi." Now you know that Coats using barry can in fact be doing so knowingly in honor of Barry liners. And it's no coincidence that while the Barry Crest has the Fiddle wolf head, the Barry motto includes "FIDELis." It had nothing to do with fidelity, as the motto's creator(s) would have you believe.
The Patrick-related Pattersons are expected from the namers of Patti, but Patti is expected to be a branch of Antipatria, in the area where proto-Alans > proto-Allein derive too. In other words, Illyrians moved it up to Aosta, and the Cavii are suspect there with proto-Maccabee-Illyrians from the Mathis, logical where I need to find a way to trace Maccabees to neighboring Modane. In all the years of tracing Modens/Modeys to Modane, I don't recall knowing that the Arms of Shkoder shared fretty with Modens. This Shkoder is now suspect with Schutz liners, and so I expect them to be merged with Shultz's in the Patti / Scylla theater. There is a Moutiers location (north of Modane), about 25 miles only from Allein. And Motts/Mottins were first found in Cotes-du-Nord, beside Dol.
I recognize half of the split Shield of Italian Pati's with the Shield-and-Chief color combination of German Matthias'/Mathesons, important if Pati's were Poti/Phasis liners, for Bassania at the Mathis river may have been a Phasis liner. Matthias' are in the colors of Welsh and German Matts. As Scottish Matts use a "fyn" motto term, it's clinched that the Matts are using the Lafin/La Fin/La FONT lion, and this surname is in the "Avise la fin" motto of Kennedys. It makes the Kennati priests traceable to Mathis-river liners. And La Fonts can be suspect with Fountainmore on the Laish-suspect Lys, especially as the Lys river is near the MATTERhorn peak (in Aosta), while Mathia's are also "Matter." The highest heart on the map at the Lys-river page is the Matterhorn. Compare "Matter" with "Moutiers."
I didn't know until after writing here that there is an Avise location in Aosta. I can do a lot with this.
Hmm, the Mathers/Mothers use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Matthias/Matters in colors reversed. And the two stars in the Mather/Mother Chief are in the colors of the Shoe/Schuch star. Plus, Mestors, first found in the same place (Switzerland) as Shultz', look to be using a version of the Mather/Mother Coat. This can make the Shoe/Schuch axe linkable closely to the same of Matis'/Madisons (same place as Were river). The axe is in the Zerr/Zehrer Crest, mentioned because Zahringers (founders of Berne, Switzerland) may have named Sarre, in Aosta a little up-river from Verres, the latter possibly of the Veringer kin of Zahringers. In fact, the latter two share antlers with Cone's (suspect with the Maschi pine cones), sharing their antlers with Font-related Conte's, first found in the same place (Durham) as Matis'/Madisons. Italian Conte's use the same lion as Lafins/La Fonts (TIPPERary, now suspect with Diber) and Matts/Matters, how about that. The Conte / Matt / La Fin lions are in the colors of the Sam/Sammes lion while the latter can trace to the Samaei, shown on the dark map smack beside the Selletae, and near Salmydessus.
It looks like Conte's (panned out very recently to be Kennati liners, apparently) were linked to Aosta liners near the Matterhorn, begging whether Mathis-river Cavii were at that mountain. That's where Shultz's can come in who share the Chives quarters, and use a white star on their black quadrants in the color of the Chives cat upon their black quadrants. As it was Matts that use "fyn," by what coincidence were French Feins, in Mathis colors, first found in the same place as Mathis'.
There is a Moutier/Motor surname, first found in the same place as, and sharing the bend of, Fes'. These surnames were first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Bauts that trace to "Bautica," and thus Moters are expected from Moutiers liners. The Moutier/Motor fesse is also the Porci fesse (not forgetting that Chatillon is a Chattan/Cato line). The background behind the Moutier/Moter escutcheon happens to be vair fur, linkable now to Verres and the Arms of Chatillon. The Moutiers background is a Shield filled with vair, used also by English Champagne's, and we read that the counts of Chatillon were from Champagne elements. Plus, as those counts lived in Blois, and as they were related to counts of Blois, it recalls my trace to Blois liners (by another method) to the Ark river, location of Modane. It looks like Joan of Arc was not only from the Ark, but from the Lys river in Aosta, for her family was "Du Lys" before it took on the Ark name.
Sarre's are listed with the Sere's that were supposed with Sears (same place as French Conte's and Font de Ville's) to be a Zerr/ Zehrer branch. It just so happens that Sarre's/Sere's and Sears share two red-on-white stars in Chief with the Arms of Fountainmore! And that makes to two blue stars in the Mather/Mother Chief traceable to the Matterhorn's namers, especially as Mathers put a scallop between their two stars, as does the Sear Chief!!! Zowie. It looks like Madariaga's / Solana's can trace with Mathers to the families at the Matterhorn, but just look and see how Anders Fogh RasMUSSEN might too, for German Feins happen to use a sinister bend (= Messina / Mussen liners) with a blue star between two red-on-white stars.
Mussens/Moussons, said to be from Gilbert of Ghent, and suspect with the Gilbert = Carrick = Kennedy chevron, are also MUSTins as to be a possible branch of Mestors / Misters/Masters. That's another good reason top equate Ghents with Fin-loving Kennedys, all linkable to the Fane/Fien/Veynes gauntlets. As the Kennedys share the Cassel Coat, both sharing the Casey chevron (Caseys linked to the pelican-using Pattersons when the latter linked to the same of Irish Arthurs), the Wayne motto makes the chevron of Wayne's (gauntlets) linkable to these chevrons. The Wayne chevron is colors reversed, and in the colors of the Sarre chevron, and Wayne's were first found in the same place (Essex) as Sears...and Verres-suspect Vere's. The Wayne chevron and pelican are a sure sign of linkage to Irish Arthurs.
As Caepio-suspect Quints were first found in the same place, while they share a red chevron with the several in this paragraph, as well as sharing the fitchee with Kennedys (use the Arms of Carrick), this emphasis of Fane / Wayne liners is bringing Fannius Caepio to mind. I'll bet he was named from the Fane's ("fano" motto term) in a Fane-Caepio merger.
As Fanano is in Modena, that's where Cassius/Casano's were first found that can be in the "casus" motto term of Wayne's (probably using the Irish-Arthurs Coat). The "casus acciDIT" phrase of Wayne's suddenly recalls the TIGER-using Ditts/Dyots/Dote's found (last update) as per the "diem" motto term of Teague's/TEEGERs that gets the Diems/DITTmayers. Welsh Dote's were found with a "COPIA cautus" motto phrase, making Teague's all-the-more suspect with a parent of Caiaphas. The Avise location is near Courmayeur, both at the highest source of the Bautica.
The Arthurs can trace Wayne's to the Bautica river (location of Arduinici), and while Verres, Aosta and Sarre are all on that river, there is a Courmayeur location a little- up-river from Sarre, mentioned now as per "DittMAYER," for it just so happens that Feins share a sinister bend with Coeurs/Le Cours/Le Courts...Curtis-Maccabee suspects. There is nothing hard (yet, anyway) about any Mayer / Major linkage to Courmayeur, but I'm putting it on the table for starters. Coeurs/Courts were first found in Brittany while the Alans thereof may have named Allein very near to Courmayeur. Over the Alpine peaks from Avise, and about 35 miles away, as the bird flies, the Chambre location sits, where I traced Avise-suspect Avezzano's. The Avezzano bend shares the potent feature with the Champagne bend, and, as we saw, Chatillon elements were from Champagne. Courmayeur is in the Mont Blanc mountains while, until recently, the Blanks were first found in SHETland. Blanks share the giant Bus cinquefoil, used also by Chattan-suspect Porchers, while Chattans use an "omniBUS" motto term. That's interesting if Buz was an Avvite liner. About a decade ago, I claimed to here from God that Buz was a bee liner, and that my mission was to discover his bee line. Was Buz a line to Bessins and Avezzano?
It looks like Blanks and Chatillon liners trace to the namers of Mont Blanc. This recalls that the mother of president Lenin was Maria Blank, but then the Chatillon at Paris is expected with Montmorency because Morency's were associated with Lenin-related Logans / Lognys. What's the connection? The Bug river of Ukraine? While Bus' and Hamiltons are suspect with Buz and Kemuel, two sons of Nahor, Neuri were on the Bug river while Bugs use the water bouget that was traced very well to Bouchard II, founder of Montmorency. The NEURi could have named Norway, whose vikings could be expected at Shetland. Here's something new this minute: while BUCKETS/Buchards link quite-obviously to "bouget," there is a Bouchard surname using an "honNEUR" motto term that I've not noticed before! It means that the Bouchards knew of their trace to Bug-river Neuri. Nahorites are therefore suspect at Mont Blank.
The last time Morencys were mentioned (earlier in this update), they linked to Cole's and to the watermelon in the Arms of Grabian (Fier). Grabbers/Grabens/Gripps are the ones that share the Varn bend. KEMUEL liners were traced to Colchester's CAMULOdunum, and the Arms of Colchester happen to share nails with the Logans. I think the Varangians went down to the Ukraine because they had Neuri roots from centuries earlier, as per the Varni.
German Bugs now show ravens for their trace to the raven vikings of Shetland. English Bugs were first found in CNUT-founded Nottinghamshire, and Nottings use a blue bend and besants that's colors reversed from the bend of besant-using Coeurs/Courts, while the gold leopard FACE (that's what this symbol is called) of Court-related Coverts is shared in the Blank Crest. Blanks are now said to have been first found in the same place (Northamptonshire) as Fessys/Face's.
On this Mont Blanc map, there is a Val Ferrat on the side with Courmayeur, which may explain why the Arms of Courmayeur is the Ferrara lion. That could be expected where Aosta was an Este liner. The Lennans (Alans?) who share the Logan Coat use a "MAJORum" motto term that can trace Majors/Mayers to CourMAYEUR (near Allein), especially as Majors are said to have been on Guernsey, off-shore from old Alauna. The earliest Bianco surname known in Italy was at Bononia, and while that can link to Guido Guerra, Bianca's/Blancs share almost the Guerra bendy, both very linkable to the Ping/Pung/Paganell bendy, meaning that while Blanks were early in SHETland, Bianco's/Blancs trace to the SETTA-valley Panico's...who trace to Moesia's Pincum.
The Moussons/Mustins are likely a branch of Musts/Mousquette's/Muscats (antelope), which have been resolved as kin of Luffs/Love's (first found in the same place together, and sharing red-on-white fesse bars). The Luffs were the ones suspect with Fountain / Fountainmore liners.
I wrote all of the above (aside from a couple of short inserts) before focusing on the many Aosta locations at the bottom of the Aosta page, and, I kid you not, after inserting the Avise piece above, I moved on to check the Bard location, and there in the Arms of Bard were the two curved fish (same colors even) of the Brunswick Bars, shared in white-on-blue by the Arms of Bar-le-Doc in the Moselle theater! I can't tell you haw shocking this is, for when I was creating the theory on the fish evolving into the fleur-de-lys, I told readers that the so-called lily retained a central fish-like part, but with two curved fish on either side, the three of them now fashioned as a lily in honor of Lille near the Lys river of Aosta. It was after making that theory that I bumped into an article on the Baars of Brunswick, finding their curved fish, and from that article I found the Arms of Bar-le-Duc too. From that point on, the theory began to materialize more proofs, until I stated it is fact, and here we are with the Bar fish near the Lys river of Aosta! Amazing.
If interested, you can see the 2nd update of July, 2011 where one sub-title is, "The Fish Fleur-de-Lys of the Baars". It's when I first found them. I wouldn't have been able to find the update just now had I used "Bar" instead of "Baar." In that update, I recorded that "The Baars 'belonged to the house of Mousson-Montbeliard-Ferrette'..." Note that the curved fish (barracuda?) are identical, essentially, between the Baars and Bard, and that both put gold-on-blue fitchee crosses, as a wallpaper, behind their respective fish. The Arms of a Baar location in central Switzerland may be using a double barred fitchee cross. There is a Baar also in Swabia (across the north Swiss border).
The parts on Mousson were already written when the Bard location was loaded. It was loaded along with two other Aosta locations as the next thing done after ending on Moussons and Musts above. I am completely amazed by this, for Bard, by the looks of it, is smack near the mouth of the Lys river, and may even be at the mouth. Moreover, I claimed, years ago, that Bars named the Bernard Pass, or that Bars should be somewhere in Aosta. From that time onward, the theory was that Bar-Este liners named Aosta, or perhaps vice-versa.
After first visiting the Allein location, next up was Avice, and then Bard [later, other locations of Aosta were inserted earlier in the update]. While at the Avise article, this was inserted above: "Coeurs/Courts were first found in Brittany while the Alans thereof may have named Allein very near to Courmayeur. Over the Alpine peaks from Avise, and about 35 miles away, as the bird flies, the Chambre location sits, where I traced Avise-suspect Avezzano's." Now look at the wallpaper behind the Chambre Coat; it's got fleur-de-lys in the colors of the fitchee crosses behind the Bard / Baar fish.
The thing is, they say that the fleur-de-lys started with Clovis, and while Merovingians traces to Este, yet I claimed that the fleur-de-lys traces through Caracalla. As he was a Geta liner, I reasoned that the Geddes fish had been the Saraca fish in some way, or the proto-Saraca fish. At the time, I was moving toward the idea that "Caracalla" was a Saraca / proto-Saraca liner. He and his brother, Geta, were in Yorkshire in time for the appearance of the Geds on the Nith river at 400 AD at the latest. The expectation was that a descendant of Caracalla should birth Clovis. Whether it had already occurred to me at the time or not, it's now clear that Caracalla, because his mother Miss. Bassianus, was the line to Basina, Clovis' mother. Impressed? Don't credit me, credit the fish. They can talk. If there could be a motto code for Caracalla's mother, Domna, it might be Dominus, a term in the Bard/Baird motto. The "fecit" term of Bards can be for Faucets at Moselle-suspect Musselburgh.
Here is the Bosch/Bos fish, identical to the Busch fish, that I claimed early was part of the fish-to-lily transition. Both use the fleur in Saraca-fish colors. When I was mentioning this at the beginning, the Bosch fleur were of an older style, where the central part look a lot more like a fish with its tail, but the masters must have read what I said, and soon-after the Bosch fleur design was changed. The new design gives the curved fish a dolphin-like look, and the central parts looks much like a papal mitre. The point is the Bosco's, who were not only Rose kin, but Geddes kin.
French Bernards (Tudor-kin suspects) share the same chevron as Berts, and Berts share fitchees with Bards / Baars. The Arms of Caracalla-liner Carricks use the same chevron, and put fitchees around it, apparently no coincidence. Berts use a "garland of laurel," and French Bernards, with the same symbol, call it "laurel crowns." Berts share hunting horns with Barrs. It looks like Berts were a Bard branch, and I'm almost certain that Bards are from Bartholomew Leslie. The green bard griffin tells me so. As the Bert horns are in the colors of the Burn / Bernice horns, I'd say Berts were a line from Berenice Agrippa. The Burt variation can suggest a branch of Burds/Birds. Italian Berts (Ferrara, allied to Este) use a giant griffin in Este colors. I recall claiming to find a branch of Leslie's in Padova, but lost the information. Este is in Padova.
The flag of Aosta Valley use a split Shield half in the colors of the split Sion Shield, in colors reversed from the split Kaplan Shield, and colors reversed from the related split Shield of Feldmans (Jewish surname). Felds then happen to use a flory cross in the colors of the same of Birds/Burds. As the Bautica traces to Bouillons, first found in the same place as Bauts, Moutiers and Porci's, it doesn't look coincidental that Bouillons use the Bird flory in colors reversed. The two single stars of Feldmans are: 1) in the colors of the single Shultz star; 2) in the colors of the Fountainmore stars.
Was Quintus from the Kennati Levites?
I have not established with anything hard, so far as I recall, that the Kennati priests in the Cetis capital (Orba/Olba) were from a line of Jonathan Levi of Laish. The following quote from above warranted an investigation: "I'm now wondering whether Quintus > Quincys were Oen = wine liners from the Oenotrians of Saracena. Quinns (Quincy colors) share the snake with Save's, and the other Quinns share a green Shield with Winns/Gwynns (Luton eagle?). As the latter were from Wales, the Vannes/Gwenea > Venedotia line to the naming of Gwynedd is coming to mind, and that may reveal that Heneti > Veneti were behind "Quintus", which then begs the important question on whether Quintus' were of the Kennati priests...all from Jonathan the Levite."
The things to look for are those ingredients that clinch Quintus' with Veneti of the Kennati kind, but also evidence that Oenotrian / Jonathan liners link to the batch of dough. English Bude's ("wheat garbs" are part-code for same-colored Wheats/Wete's) share the colors of Winns/Gwynns, while there is a Welsh Bude surname (share the hurt with Arthurs), from Bude of Cornwall. Bude's can be from the Bodencus river, alternative name of the Po, home of the Italian Veneti. The Cornwalls/Cornells are the ones with a "LA VIE Durante" motto. They are suspect from the Cornelli / Cornelia Romans. As Hurts/Horts were a merger with Herls/Hurls, the latter suspect with Herluin de CONTEville's, it would be helpful if Conte's, traceable to the La Font kin of KENNEDY's, were from Kennati-priest liners.
As the symbol of Abaddon (in Revelation) is the scorpion sting, similar theme to the bee stinger, it may be that Avvites had a small-dog god as per the sharp fang / tooth, this then going to the mythical tooth symbol of the Ares dragon. The Amalthea cult on Crete had both a bee and a horn = sharp point symbol that can easily connect with "corn," the Latin horn. Cronus, Zeus' father, was probably a corn = horn liner, but the point here is that the Cornwalls are honoring Durance elements suspect with the Durnium name of Avvite-suspect Epicaria. My best guess at identifying "Cronus" with a people group was, first, the Carians, and later the Horites.
If the Winn eagle's are the Luton eagle, then Luton (Lotan-of-Seir liner?) of BEDford can apply here, the Bedfords sharing the black lion paw with the Quint Crest. Excellent. Bedfords can be suspect from the Batavi on the Rhine whom I trace to "Padova" of the Veneti, location of Este. The Salian Franks are suspect here, and the Salians/Salemans (share the black bend with Sale's/Salletts) use eagles too, in the colors of the Genova-based Ghent eagles. As Bush's use the same eagles, trace this picture to Bosnia, near Vinkovci, for we're about to see Winfords/Wingfields from WINGfield, making that place suspect with the namers of Vinkovci. Boschs/Bos' share billets with Wings/Winks (recalls the Bengs/Binks suspect with the Shultz quadrants). It's interesting that the Bedford lion paws are in the colors of the white-on-black lion in the Arms of Aosta Valley.
Bude's are very linkable to Boyds , as a branch, because Boyds share a fesse of part-red checks with Irish Rowans, the latter sharing the gold-on-green crescents of Bude's. This is an excellent way, perhaps my first ever, to equate Bude's with Boyds (said by others to be from Bute). The Bude lion head is in the colors of the Morgan / Moore lion, for which reason Bude liners can trace to Morges, in the Vaud part of lake Geneva (itself suspect as a Guinne / Veneti line), same place as Laish-suspect LAUSanne. Bude's use a ribbon, which recalls that I found a ribbon-like surname listed with Rayburns, while Rays (share green Shield with Winns/Gwynns) have a branch using the escarBUNCLe, while Buncle's share the buckle with Wettins, suspect with the Wheats/Wete's -- and the "wheat garbs" of the Bude's -- that use a version of the Winn/Gwynn Coat. You can't argue with these obvious connections. With this Bude trace to lake Geneva, the Rhine's source is not far off. MORGAN le Fay was a chief witch (myth) of Avalon = Bute. Can Lotan and Timna of Seir trace to Cabyle?
It was moments before writing the above that WINfords were loaded, the ones who convinced me to do this investigation, but, at that time, I wasn't thinking of lake Geneva, even though the Winfords/Wingfields use the wing design of Geneva's/Genova's. I was focusing on the "FideLITE est" motto phrase (Este is in the land of Veneti) of Winfords (first found at WINGfield) because their wings are in the colors of the Lite/Light swans (wings high), and then the Swans/Sions use "Fidelitas." The swan in the Lite/Light Crest is shared by Sellers, in Lite/Light colors. Lights (kin of Feathers/Fathers) are honored in the motto of Shaw-loving Ayers, first found in the same place as Scottish Kennedys. The latter use the Arms of Carrick, which shares fitchees with Quints and Winchesters, and then the Cetin/Catten fitchee is in the colors of the same of Carrick-related Shere's and Schere's/Scherfs. The other Schere's use "ears," code for Eyers/Ayers, kin of Heyers/Here's using more wings, code for Vinkovci right down the Sava pipes. Were Swans/Sions a branch of "SHAW." Does this go to "Sava" too? Severus-suspect Safers share the falcon theme with Swans/Sions. The Savard/Savary besants can trace to the Bisante/Bosnia river, which allows the besant to trace to Byzantine coins, as they say they do, for Bosnia may have been a line of the Bosphorus.
We are on the Bedfords and Bude's, and now the Buttons/Bidens, like "Bodencus," play to the Winfords because the latter use "A cap between two wings." It's the chapeau cap in the Biden/Button Crest. The Winford/Wingfield bend, in colors reversed from the Valentin bend, is even in the colors of the Biden/Button fesse, and the two surnames were first found beside one another. The KAPLans, first found in the same place as Bidens/Buttons, are likely a branch of German Kaplans that use the Aosta flag in colors reversed. Capelli's, who probably own the chapeau, were at ESTEnsi Court (lords of Este), and first found in Este-beloved Ferrara. Therefore, the Cabyle location at the Selletae theater traces to Este, to the Bodencus, and now feasibly also to Bedfords, Beatle's/Bedwells, and the Batavi beside the Salians. And Sale/Sallett liners were in Aosta.
As the Fessy motto is supposedly the utterance of Constantine "the great," who was from the Sava theater, it seems that the bloodline of Constantine (4th century) was to Gratian / Valentinian (5th century), relevant here because the Constantine surname (fleur-de-lys) is well-linkable to Constance's while lake Constance (German-Swiss border) was also, BODENsee. Constance's can be Conte liners, but, if correct, it may need an explanation as to how Constantine may have been a Kennati liner. One answer is through the Bassianus' of the Sava theater, especially if they descended from, or named, the Besante river. Why, really, was Byzantium re-named, Constantinople, after Constantine?
The German Besant surname (wings in Crest) lists "Besan," and the other Besants can be using a red version of the Bing/Bink Coat, itself a version of the Chives Coat that has a moline linkable to the same of Fessy-beloved Segurana's. In other, words, if the Segni motto was not uttered by Constantine, but was rather concocted as pure code in honor of the Constantine trace to Vinkovci liners, the Chives' can trace, thanks to the Fessy motto, to something in Constantine's line. The proto-Besants (and possibly the proto-Carricks = Caracalla Bassianus) were emperors of Rome a century before Constantine, you see, and proto-Besants/Besans trace to Bassania, at the Mathis river of the proto-Chives Cavii...who may have been a branch of the namers of Capelli's. Again, the Cavii were at/beside Shkoder while Cable's share a fretty Shield with the Arms of Shkoder. Cybele, the goddess, was on the SAKARya river, suspect as proto-Segur liners, and her cult at Pessinus (home of Severus Bassus' ancestry) was in the vicinity of the Parthenius river, home of the Heneti, but then there is a Parthini peoples to the near-south of the Cavii. The light map has the Parthini off the southern banks of the Mathis, therefore making Kennati liners, if they were pertinent Heneti, linkable to Bassania at the mouth of the Mathis. There are a lot of thing clicking here that probably wouldn't if there wasn't any truth to it. If you don't know, the Amyntes mentioned above was the son of Brogitarus, the high priest of Cybele at Pessinus.
The topic, however, is whether Quintus Caepio was a Kennati liner. The above might help to answer the question if Constantine was one. One Constantine surname shares black fleur-de-lys with June's (same place as Capone's and Chapmans), suspect with one or more Junia Caepionis'. I have the sense that one Junia Caepio, or one of her daughters, was given in marriage to this Brogitarus > Bassus bloodline in time to birth Caiaphas.
The Arms of Aosta Valley use the white-on-black lion in the Arms of the Aosta municipality, at the meeting of the BAUTica with the BUTHier river. With the Sadducee-suspect Sittens sharing the Bellamy crescents so that Sittens may be suspect in the Aosta area, one is compelled to ask what sorts of surnames developed from the Boet(h)us house of Sadducees? Do they trace to either of these two rivers? German Bute's/Butts list Boets, and the boy in the Bothwell Crest is suspect with Boii, perhaps the Boii that named Poeninus, smack up the Buthier river. The map at this page shows one of the two northerly rivers to Aosta flowing from the Great Bernard Pass = the Poeninus area. The Buthier "passes through the communes of Bionaz, Oyace, Valpelline, Roisan and finally Aosta where it joins the Dora Baltea." Bionaz? It looks like the ancient Biaini peoples of Lake Van.
While the Buthier is in the ValPELLINE valley, Bothwells use a "a boy PULLING down a green pine tree." Pullings are listed with Pullens/Pulleys who use white-on-blue bendlets, perhaps linkable to the white-on-blue fesselets of Bellamys. If the Pullens named Valpelline, it's notable that they share the black-on-gold martlet of Josephs. It makes the latter's swan symbol very linkable to Swans/Sions, the latter sharing the chevron of Gards (Gardner and Capes kin) that I think use a version of the Pullen/Pulley Coat. It bears repeating that Gardners are using the Capes scallops, and colors reversed from the same of swan-suspect Savona's (same place as Fountains) and Pullens/Pulleys. It can all make the line of Joseph Caiaphas suspect on the Boethus-suspect Buthier river. PLUS, while Bellamys were on the Arve river, location of Bonneville, the Bonneville's (beside the Savone's) happen to share pierced, white-on-black (Aosta colors) stars with the Savona Chief! Remember, Savona's are tracing well to the Savena river in Bononia, beside the Setta valley suspect with Seatons/Sittens. This is very, very good. There is something to this.
One Gard surname has Uniack-like variations that I think denote the Una river, where I think Caiaphas ancestry must trace with June's. The Cope's/COLPS/CULPS, who trace to the Kupa = COLAPis river (beside the Una) happen to use a chevron in colors reversed to the same of the other Gards, and, as no coincidence, the Gard-suspect Pullings/Pulleys/Pullens, tracing bow with Bothwells to the Buthier, use a "CULPa" motto term. A trace from the Colapis to Aosta is expected where Aosta was named by Este, not far from the Colapis.
As Kyle's and Cole's are traceable to the Colapis, it's notable that Quarters ("mus" term buried in the motto can trace to Lake Van), first found in the same place as Kyle's, are using the same lion as Sitten-related Side's/Sutys, good reasons to trace Quarters (Joseph colors) to the Quart location in Aosta. From the Valpelline article: "In the Middle Ages the valley was a possession of the lords of Quart..." I think that Kyle's, Cole's and Cale's use Crests with Asclepios symbolism, but the Quarters actually use an Asclepios rod.
In the past, Quarters were traced with Side's to ancient Setia, now Sezze, in the area of Italy wherein the Drengot Normans intruded their sorry butts. I recall that the Drengots had an alternative name like "Quarter." The Drengot worms came to rule Capua. Setia is near the Liri river while the harp in the Quarter Crest may once have been a lyre as code for Liri liners. It's now being called "An antique Scottish Harp with nine silver strings." The Strings, in Quarter colors, can be deemed with a version of the English Capone Coat because it shares its colors and format to a degree, and because the String eagles can link to the same of Candida's, first found in the same place as Italian Capone's/Capua's, but then there are the CANDLEsticks of Kyle's that should be part-code for Candels, listed with Candida's. And that's why Quarters are suspect with the Drengots of Capua. Compare English Candels/Condels (Burgh = Conteville cross) to the Fier-liner Fare's, for these Candels are suspect as Kennati liners to the Conte's. The candleSTICKs, remember, are Sithech liners from the Shaws/Seths.
Is it a coincidence that the Burgh / Candel cross is in Quint colors? In the Candel/Condel Crest, "two EARS of wheat," a Comyn symbol roughly, but phrased to honor the Shaw-related Eyers / Ayers. The Kyle's are well-linkable to Shaw liners via the Shaw relationship with Ayrshire. The Arms of Ayrshire not only use a "shaw" motto term, but a red-on-gold saltire, the colors of the Burgh / Candel cross.
"The [Drengot] family came from in Carreaux, near Avesnes-en-Bray, east of Rouen. From Quarrelis or Quadrellis, the Latin for Carreaux, the family gets its alternate name of 'de Quarrel.' Some sources, however, place the family's origins in Alençon." This Alencon is now tracing to Aosta's Allein. Do you know how AVESNes can link to the "Avise" motto term of Kennati-suspect Kennedys, one branch of which was first found in Ayrshire? Don't Avise's share the Comyn garbs? Avise's/Avisons are still suspect with the Cavii from the Avvites. Why should the Candels/Condels use a Coat somewhat reflective of the Charo/Claro Coat? Ask the "Charo"-using Josephs with the Comyns garbs. This was not only the line of Quintus Caepio, but of Josephus (I now think). But was it also the line of Joseph Caiaphas?
Hmm, Cole's share a green snake in Crest with Bernards. I recall the Kyle-Society webpage talking about Old King Cole's PIPE, and then Bothwells use an "URGENtia" motto term that can go to the ORGAN pipes of Letts. The Leto's use a crane DRINKING, possible code for DRENGots. We just saw why Drengots of the Quarter kind can trace to Aosta's Valpelline valley, which houses the Bothwell-suspect Buthier river. Letts are suspect with Annas, the latter first found in the same place as Strings. With Bothwells said to be from Bute = Avalon, the NINE strings on the Quarter harp might be code for the nine witches of Avalon. The single Kyle star, albeit traceable to the stars of Melusine-using Glass', first found in Buteshire, can be a colors-reversed version of the Annas star. The "LAUDimus" motto term of Quarters goes to Ladys/Laudymans, suspect with Lady Fortune of Klassens, but also to the Lords/Lauds, and therefore to the "Lord" motto term of GLASgows. The Kyle castle was near Glasgow, you see. The above suggests that Letts, Leto's, and Ladys were branches, all connectable to Drengots, and all probably from the mythical Leto > Apollo cult out of Sinclair-rooted Clarus, the line even to the naming of the same place (Campania) as Capua. Compare Strings to Camps/Comps.
Strings were probably a branch of Sturs / Sturling/Stirlings, for as Stirlings share buckles with Leslie's, Strings share the green griffin head of Leslie's. Guiscards, who took some of Italy along with Drengots, were first found in Stirlingshire. But as Chappes'/Chaips were likewise first found in Stirlingshire, they are suspect with "Capua," or with a Drengot marriage with someone in Capua. The Stirling Moor head suggests that French Chappes' apply. It's very conspicuous that while Caiaphas may have derived from a Capua line 1,000 years before the Drengots, the latter are linking well to Annas', the name of Caiaphas' father-in-law.
It had been resolved that Sinclairs were Caiaphas liners either before they arrived to Normandy, or by merging with them in the Ile-de-France area upon arrival. One of the Drengots, Gilbert Buatere, smacks of the Buthier river. The Butters use the Sinclair cross and throw in some red hearts. Gilbert with his brothers originated at AVESNes-en-Bray (Bray river), what might be a line of Avisons / Avezzano's. Butters list Bitars and had become suspect with AFLACKs (same cross) because the Syrian Baathists were founded by a Mr. Bitar and a Mr. AFLAQ, and then the Brays (Aflack / Flack colors) use a "FLAX breaker," very interesting. While Rouen is near Avesnes, the Rouens (Roe liners?) use with NINE of the seven mascles of Quincys, the latter first found in the same place as Brays, and as the Annas-suspect Cabbage's. Cabbage's use an "angustis" motto term, while Angusta over in proto-Moldova was also "Augusta" and then Augusts share eagle legs / talons with Brays. Augusts use the same fesse as Rome's/Rooms, the ones with the "pungit" motto term for a trace to Moldova's Pungesti, and to Romanov-suspect Roman (near Angusta), a topic that comes back around to Putins and Puttins. At one time, things like the ones in this paragraph were good cause for expecting a president-Putin alliance with the Saddam Baathists. Right now, we know he's allied with the Assad Baathists.
Hmm, if it seems that Drengots or the lords of Quart should have something to do with Bitars/Butters, what about the motto of Bernards: "Virtus proBATA floraBIT." The Bernard bend could be a colors-reversed version of the Botter / Pulling bend. It strikes me here that the Italian Bernards (Bononia) are using the hands clasping of Aarons, for the Arno river flows out of Florence, a city suspect in the Bernard motto above. Botters were first found near the Arno! The Arno can be named by a branch of Arniss' listed with Annas'. With Florence now tracing to Fier at the mouth of the Apsus, look on the lower-left of the dark map to see the Arnissa river to the near-north of the Apsus. The last time we saw the "clasped" term was with the description of the Tops, from Topoje smack at the mouth of the Apsus! The Aarons are said to use "hands clasping from clouds"!!! Zikers, Annas' just traced to Levi-suspect Aarons. The Arnissa has a source near the Arthur-line Penestae, and at the Candavii mountains, a good candidate for the proto-Candida's/Candels. "ClasPING" was once suspect with Pings/Pungs/Paganells, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as English Candels.
As Italian Bernards were first found in the same place as Panico's, and meanwhile share the oak tree with Panico's, it's a certainty that Pings/Pungs/Paganells (share the label with Panico's) were Panico / Pink liners. But as the Levites out of Israel were suspect at the Setta, here now we find Aarons linked hard to Panico liners. And ARUNdels were from Sussex, where Bononia-suspect Bones, and Setta-suspect Saddocks/Sedge's, were first found. I guess the question is, what came first, Panico's or Hugh de Payens? If Panico's came first, Hugh may have been a Panico liner fairly direct.
The Aaron clouds can be traced neatly to McLeods/Clouds where the latter use a "fast" motto term, and where the Fast/Fastoff quadrants (or are they QUARTERs in this case?) are almost the Aaron quadrants. But, zowie, the McLeods use FLAGs as code for Flacks/Flags, and then we saw that Drengots = Quarters were also called by a Quadratus-like term, Quadrellis, where quadrants should trace. In other words, both heraldic quarters and quadrants, call them what you will, were Quadratilla > Laevillus liners to Drengots. That's what I'm claiming. The question for anyone wanting to look into it: when and where did Drengots get linked to Quadratilla liners? It definitely appears that Drengots were Flack liners, kin of Palmers/Parmers (may be another play on hands). The Fasts may be kin of Fists who actually use a hand fisted.
The Arms of Quart and Arms of Valpelline use the bear as possible code for the namers of the Bernard Pass. The "ImPELLE" motto term of Arthurs might apply here since they were Arduinici on the Bautica, and because king Arthur is often traced to "bear," and because Arthurs were first found in bear-depicted Bernicia. This recalls that the Maghens/Manns are said to be from Mathuna = "bear," but the Mathuna term is bringing Mathers/Mothers/Madors to mind because they were suspect with Madariaga's (kin of Javier Solala), while the Arms of Valpelline use a red-on-gold sun, the Solana symbol. Mathers were already suspect with the Matterhorn, and with Mathis-river liners in Aosta, including the Mathie's, one of which lists Maghens and Manns.
At one time the Fasts were listed with Withipools, but the Withipools now have their own page with their own Coat, and they use three lions in pale partly in the colors of the same of Mathuna's/Maghens/Manns. After a brief time of failure, I've avoided seeking the identify for the two "sic" motto terms of the latter surname for years, but have just found that they can be code for Sichs/Sykes', and the namers of SKYE and Lewis, where McLeods were first found, because Sich/Sykes' use "A demi triton adorned with FLAGS." It tends to nail the Maghen/Mann link to McLeods, perfect for when the McLeods sept of Herods/Haralds were traced to Harald>Maccus' family, rulers of the Isle of Man. This paragraph tends to assure that Withipools were in fact kin of Fasts, and that Withipools are in fact using a version of the Maghen/Mann Coat. The inclusion of Maccus with Maccabee-liner Mathis' is very welcome here.
The Sichs/Sykes', who are not showing flags in their Crest, but rather a turtle / tortoise (I have no idea what a triton is), share the chevron and fountains of Kissers, Kitts, Cass', and Cush's. I still haven't been able to wrap my head around a Cass / Cush trace to "Cetis," but I'm leaving on the back burner how that might apply, perhaps a Cetis-liner merger with a Cass / Cusson liner. Sichs/Sykes' (Cumberland) are said to be of a Sledmere entity while Sleighs/Sleths/Slys (owls), of all things, are traced to "crafty" and "cunning of HAND." Pure code. It may also include Cunninghams, first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Quint-suspect Kennedys.
The Cunningham motto term, "fork," is code for the Ayrshire Forkers (said to be a Fergus line and therefore traceable to Aosta), who use HANDs and a "cado" motto term linkable to Chattans/Cato's = Chatillon liners. As the latter are said to be Champagne liners while Toothills, first found in the same place as Capone's, use the bend and bendlets possibly of Champagne, what about the fact that Champagne shares the potent feature of Avice-suspect Avezzano's? Isn't Avise an Aosta location to which Kennedys may trace? Is the Forker lion the Aosta lion in colors reversed? Did Aosta liners come to Ayrshire? Were the Shawia Numidians through Aosta before arriving to Ayrshire? Forkers are Farquhars, and one may read on the Farquharson branch of Clan Chattan in the Chattan write-up, a good reason to trace Forkers to Chatillon of Aosta.
It dawns on me that the "OmNIBUS" motto term, shared by Chattans, might be a double code, one for Nibhaz, the old god of Avvites. There was a time when I was conjecturing that Buz, son of Nahor, was part of the Avvites in an evolution to Opis / Apis elements. The wolf theme of the Neuri was expected with Buz liners, and Nibhaz is thought by others to be a form of "Anubis," the small-dog god (by the way, it's a theory only that "Anubis" evolved from / into "Nibhaz," and it's Anubis that's thought to be the small-dog god).
The Sleigh/Sleth-Crest lion holds a gold fitchee, as does the Quint-Crest lion paw. This reminds of the Santa-Claus trace, with his sleigh as code for Sleighs, to "Clausula," the river to which I claim was origin to Quintus Caepio. The stupids created Santa Claus, I figured, in honor of their cherished family from the Clausula. At the time, I didn't know that deer traced to Ragusa. Reins are listed with Reno's. Didn't Mr. Claus carry a SACK, and put its gifts into a SOCK? Why is there a man with white beard in the Sack/Sage Coat and Crest? Sacks/Sage's share a red-on-white chevron with Rudolphs, first found in SAXony, and with Sleigh's, first found in the same place as Quints...and Belts. The Belts then use the same chevron again.
Aosta's Sale location is in the Roison part of the Buthier river. Sale's/Salletts were first found in the same place as Tattons, and a Tatton Sykes character is in the Sich write-up, at Sledmere...of Yorkshire, where Candels/Condels were first found. Couldn't "Sled / Sleth" be a Sallett / Salyes liner? I know that there were Sale's-of-Mascys and Tattons-of-Masseys. And these were in Cheshire, where the Maccus lot came to iron out / embolden an alliance with Saxons. These Masseys were suspect years ago on Bute, as part of the Muse liners suspect in the nine witches of Avalon. Roison can be a Rosh line (I'm thinking Rusa kings at Mus of Lake Van) to Aosta, merged there with Massey Meshech. Later, the Roison line were the namers (theory) of Rothesay, the island that later became re-named Bute, suspect with the namers of the Buthier. That makes sense, especially as English Rothes' were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Meschins while using the Sale/Sallett bend. Roisons look like they should link to the Tooths / Dents (SEDburgh), and, according to the Tooth motto term, "palman," to the Flack-related Palmers of Yorkshire.
Plus, now that McLeods are clinched with Maccus liners, the McLeod bull head may be that of Mieske's/Mesechs, and/or Haughts first found in Cheshire. The Flacks/Flags, beloved of both McLeods and Sichs/Sykes', share the Meschin scallops. Roisons (Yorkshire, same as Sledmere and Meschins of Skipton) use keys in the colors and format of Sleighs/Sleths/Slys, while Sichs/Sykes' use a "qui" motto term, same as the Shaws that are from Numidia along with Massins/Masons. It reminds that the Claviere's, married to Messey-suspect French Mountains, though showing a hand nearly like a fist, are said to use four keys in the colors of the Roison keys. The "SAPIEns" motto term of Sichs/Sykes' can be for a hard version of "Shawia."
It's hard to say, but possible that the Arms of Roisan are using the Fast / Aaron quadrants. Rundels were first found in the same place as Massins/Masons. Rundels are very linkable to FitzAlans of Arundel because Rundels share the Alan fesse. But with Aosta's Allein fairly near the Buthier, and because I traced royal Stewarts to the island of Bute as though they owned it, and because Stewarts were close kin of Boyds, it's notable that the Arms of Allein use a part-purple Shield expected with the purple Skiptons.
Recalling that Tooth-suspect Toots use the Tatton crescents, and that the French Masseys (Savoy, beside Aosta) are suspect with them too, it's interesting that the latter's crescents are in their Chief, as is the one crescent, in colors reversed, in the Arms of Oyace (Tooth colors), yet another location on the Buthier. Hamon-suspect Tottens (Tooth colors) were first found in Middlesex, beside the first Tooths (London), both in the colors of the Capes' (London), and beside the Toothills (same place as Capone's). It may be nothing, it may be important, but Tooths share the griffin design of Balts/Bolts, while the Bautica is also the Dora BALTea. It's perhaps a stretch, but the Balds share a linkable Coat with Taddei's. By now, it dawns on me that the turtle, if that's what it's called, in the Sich/Sykes Crest, can be code for Turtle's/Tuttle's/Toothills.
After writing the paragraph above, some parts were inserted above, including the one on the Cunninghams and Forkers. That's when it dawned on me that many black-on-white lions should be colors-reversed versions of the Aosta lion. Capua's/Capone's and Levi's use black-on-white lions. At the mention of the Roisons soon after the Forkers, the Royce's (same place as Shawia liners) came to mind, and seeing their giant black-on-white griffin, I went to find where I had mentioned one in the same colors, and it brought me here to the Balds. As Roison is in the lower part of the Buthier river, and therefore near the Baltea, it looks like Royce's can trace to Baltea liners at Roison. If correct, it assures that Balts/Bolts, and the heraldic bird bolt, is a Baltea / Bautica liner. The white lion in the Royce Crest is therefore suspect as the Aosta lion. I can glean that the Royce Shield is that of Chaddocks so that the Rye's/Ryse's (Royce Shield colors), honored in the Saddock "ears of rye," may be Royce liners.
Aha! Repeat from above: "It's hard to say, but possible that the Arms of Roisan are using the Fast / Aaron quadrants." The Danish Rye's were just loaded to find the Fast quadrants!
Roys use an escutcheon, and are suspect in the "roy" motto term of Irish Burghs = Conteville's. The Brittany Roys have a Rois variation. German / Jewish Rosens use roses, and while heraldic roses were suspect with lines that named Rozala of Ivrea, that place is on the Bautica. Perhaps she was a Roison liner. The Fasts may be part of the "Festina" motto term of Plunketts. The Plunkett motto is suspect also with Lents, who seem to be using a version of the Coeur/Court Coat, but with dolphins, traceable to Dauphine, a part of Burgundy, relevant because Rozala's ancestry was in Burgundy. The Lents may have been Alans, for Coeurs were first found in Brittany. The Coeur Coat has become suspect with the Notting Coat, which itself uses the Buckingham bend-with-besants, and Lents were first found in Buckinghamshire. The Plunkett Coat was itself suspect with the Brittany-rooted Marleys (dolphins). This may be subtle hint that Plancia Magna was a Rozala liner. Porci-suspect Challants were first found in Burgundy, and Challants had linked surprisingly well to Plancia Magna.
The Turtle's are possibly from Tertullus', the family at Perga to which Plancia Magna belonged. This update showed why Plancia Magna should trace to Aosta's Chatillon-related Challants. As Perkins trace with little doubt to "Perga," note that Perkens/Parkinsons share the three feathers of Tooths ("PerSEVERantia") in both colors! This recalls what was said: "The Aimone/Aymaville entity that was fundamental to Challants is possibly in the Aimone/Aymon/Hemond surname, a possible branch of Hamonds, and therefore from Amyntes > Bassus liners..." It just so happens that Hamonds use a "tot" motto term. This tends to prove that the Tooth motto is in honor of Severus Bassus and/or Septimius Severus.
Hamon(d)s honor the Rimini location (in their motto), where Maschi's were first found, which is how we can know that Hamon(d)s included Hamon de Masci (same place as Sale's/Salletts). Let's now repeat this: "Challant is said to have been founded by Higgs', whom, at houseofnames, use "red bucks couchant" (some call it "lodged"), and "A red buck's head with gold antlers, pierced through with an arrow" (Bosons use arrows). It recalls the swan of Sion-liner Walsh's (same chevron as Higgs) pierced with an arrow. Then, while Walsh-related Walkers use "magna," one of the early rulers of Challant was Higgs-related Ebalo MAGNO (died 1323)." Totts/Toths use a giant swan in Aimone colors, and Swans/Sions use Macey symbols, and, besides, the mention of ANTLers in the Higgs description goes to ANTALya, smack beside Perga, and to the antlers in the Hamond Crest. It predicts that the line of Plancia Magna was merged with Bassus' at the lake-Tatta area, a thing that was suggested months ago on other evidence.
Now the Cetis location is suspect with some form of "Sadducee," and then the "ObTINEbit" motto term of Tooths can go to the Tiens/Teans/Thames' that share black stars on a chevron with Perkens/Parkinsons. I'm still seeking to clinch a Tean trace to Teano, home of the Sidicini. The mascles in the Tien/Tean/Thames Chief are colors reversed from the same of Quincys, and the Tien/Tean chevron is colors reversed from the same of Quints. The similar Tine's/Tyne's are said to be of Botville's in Northamptonshire, where Quincys were first found. As Quincys and Quints are suspect from Quintus Caepio(nis), let's add that Italian Capone's/Capua's were first found in the same place (Campania) as Teano, a picture that can trace to Champagne's and therefore to Chatillon liners, especially as Porcius Cato was in Capua. The BOUTiville variation of Botville's can trace to Bautica / Buthier liners, suspect with the Sadducee house of Boet(h)us. There is some merit here in tracing Sadducees to a line from the Sidicini, whom I expect between ancient Setia, the Setta valley, and the Shetland vikings that conquered into Bute.
There is a Dutch Bout surname using only a single arrow (in the colors of the Botville lion) that can go to the same of Margys/Mackie's, first found in Ayrshire (facing Bute), and using the raven along with their arrow. The arrow can be construed as piercing the ravens, the Walsh / Higgs theme. Yet the Margys/Mackie's call it "two black ravens hanging from an arrow." The pot hangers of Danish Cnuts come to mind. There is a Hang/Ing surname that can link to the Ingers/Enders using nothing but three arrows. Hangers/Angers ("demi-griffin holding an escarbuncle") use another "bit" ending in their motto, as does the Tooth motto, as well as the Bernard motto (Virtus proBATA floraBIT). The ESCARbuncle was resolved, I think, with Askers (donkeys) that use a "Fac et spero" motto in honor of Faucets (Musselburgh, East Lothian), and suspect as kin of Mussels and Bracks from Brattia/Brac (Cetina theater).
Here's the Tooth motto again, "OBtinebit," code not just for the Tine's, but for the Hobs/Habs who trace very-likely to Opgalli. Hobs/Habs (hawks, now suspect with the Cetis liners of the Kite / Kitt / Kidd kind) were first found in Berwickshire, which is near both Tyne rivers, one being in East Lothian, home of Seatons/Sittens. In the first update of last month, a reason was presented for tracing Cetis-liner Keiths (East Lothian) to CATANzaro.
Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.
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How to Work with Bloodline Topics
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Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose
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