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October 27 - 31, 2015

The Gordons
Description of the Great Seal of the United States
You've Never Read it Like This

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.

In an Iraq-media article dated October 19:
...Information Office of Abadi said in a statement followed by, "The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi met with the Russian ambassador to Baghdad Ilya Murgunov."

The statement added that "the Russian ambassador handed over a written message from Russian President Vladimir Putin to Abadi," confirming "Russia's desire to develop bilateral relations with Iraq in various fields, especially the armament side and the exchange of information to confront ISIS terrorist gangs."

I'm still seeking all the information possible on Caiaphas-suspect lines, as these should prove to be a chief Masonic element in the world of globalist transformation. I can't think of a better definition for "Illuminati" than a few members of Caiaphas' bloodline intent, over the centuries, of resisting Christianity. The last update reiterated on Quint links to the Boofima > Baphomet cult of Templar satanism, to be viewed as an aggressive cult unafraid of blasphemies of all kinds. While I can't prove that Gords trace to PeriGORD (where I trace Boofima's Imperi peoples, of whom I know virtually nothing about due to lack of online information), I can show how Gord kin bring us to Quintus Caepio lines, apparently, but also to the Joseph surname. While Josephus was able to trace excellently to the Joseph surnames, he's suspect with Joseph Caiaphas, and while the latter would naturally become a chief symbol of hard-core, anti-Christian satanists, there can be more to it than mere symbolism, but also a known trace to his descendants. By "known," I mean that his fellow anti-Christians, not historians at large, have known the historical data to identify his descendants.

Gords/Gordons are said to have been granted lands by Malcolm III, meaning that they were not likely Normans from Normandy, even though they are suspect from a Gourdon location of Normandy. A relationship with Normans may have come later. The stag in the Gord Crest ought to be the Malcolm stag; the latter's are in Gord-boar colors. The Bart boar is the boar of Bartholomew Leslie, likely, because Barts share the green Leslie griffin head. Bartholomew was a Hungarian, and Hungarians trace their ancestry to a stag, meaning that the line of Malcolm cherished its Hungarian connection in the Leslie clan. If I recall correctly, this Bartholomew married the sister of Malcolm III.

This becomes interesting because king David I, Malcolm's son, has traced recently to Henry IV of Rodez, who himself traced to the Meu river of Brittany as per the Henry surname. I read that Josephs of Hampshire were from a Henry Joseph or Joseph Henry (can't recall which), and this checked out where Henrys share footless martlets with French Josephs. This discussion is a great way to prove that footLESS martlets are partly code for the Less surname having a boar head in colors reversed from the Bard boar...the latter's being gold, the color of the Gord boar. We thus have some reliable clues to begin the Gord investigation. And the Joseph surname should trace to Henry IV of Rodez, and no doubt to previous Henrys of that place. There is logic in Caiaphas / Caepio's tracing to Rodez, as you will see.

The Alans were from Dol, beside the Meu river, and they show the Henry martlet. Why, of all peoples, are Alans showing kinship with Henrys? What was so important about them? Well, the martlet traces to Charles Martel, and Martels happen to use crowns for their symbol, which is in the Gord Crest under the stag. It's known that Mr. Martel was a Pepin liner, from Pepin of Landen, and this Pepin's wife, from Lorraine's Metz location, was traced (by me) to queen Bebba of the Bernicians, while Gords were first found in the Bernician location of Berwickshire. Although not in both colors, Pepins share black fleur-de-lys with June's, suspect from the Caepio's. If you check the Landen-suspect Lands, you'll see that they share pale (vertical) bars partly in green with Sitters/Sidewells, while the Pale/Paly surname shares the camel with Pepins.

It's known that Pepins had previously been Merovingian Franks, whom I had traced to Brits by identifying the Pendragon > Arthur cult with them. This discussion can predict what happened, that Pepins in Britain, including the namers of Peebles upon the Tweed river (flows to Berwickshire), had merged with the line of king SITRic, suspect with SITTERs/Sidewells, a branch of Side's/SIDERS/Suddys and therefore a branch of Sutys sharing a "hazARD" motto term with Seatons/Sittens that lived to the near-north of the Tweed, which is the river to which Gords are traced in their write-up. The "HAZard" motto term will, as you will see, trace likely to a son of Sitric. While MacArthurs use a crown too, with FIVE points, it can verify that they were Martel liners, but the MacArthur moline traces to the same of Segni's/Segurana's, first found in Genoa, where the Side/Sider eagles have traced, and where the Doria family (eagle) was first found that merged with an ARDuinici family in Imperia. It's a great way to trace Gords to Imperia, making them more suspect with Perigord. This predicts that the "hazARD" motto term traces to a Side/Sider / Suty relationship with Arduinici.

There is no need to get confused here; just view Gords/Gordens as part of the Arduinici of Imperia. It checks out in various ways.

If we were thinking that GORdens were named after Gores, let's add that both Gore surnames are linkable to both Alan Coats. And while Gore's (share the Windsor crosslets) are a major element (Gorlois) in the birth of king Arthur, they trace with UTHER Pendragon to the Windsors (rooted in OTHERs), at Berkshire, where the Less' were first found. In the last update, Foot liners traced to Berkshire, essentially, by tracing to queen Victoria, meaning that FOOTless martlets trace to Windsors. This symbol therefore appears to be found out as a Windsor merger with the line of Charles Martel, which is probably amongst one of history's perfectly-expected things, for royals marry royals.

Gore's are traceable to Quintus Caepio because Gore's, first found in the same place as Juno-based Yonge's, and sharing the wolf with them, trace to the area between the Una and Kupa rivers. I can't re-explain everything, so I'm asking you to trust some of these traces without elaboration. Caepio's had traced to the Kupa independent of Gore's, but then Quints were likewise first found in the same place (Essex) as Gore's, and that's the location of Colchester, which traces to "COLapis," the alternative name of the Kupa. As the Arms of Colchester use nails, it's important that the Malcolm saltire is that also of Nails/Nagle's, and Boofima happens to trace to Nagle-like Oneglia, also called Imperi-like Imperia. The Arduinici are said to have been in Oneglia. You just saw Gore's and Gords together traceable to Imperia (in Liguria along with Genoa).

I must now entertain a Kupa-river link to Imperia > Perigord elements, and this is where Campbells/CAMMELLs (in the Pepin / Paly camel?) come in, for MacArthurs are said to be the mother trunk (my phrase) of Campbells. The Campbells use a gyronny symbol that was traced to the same in the Arms of Gironde, on the Garonne river not far from Perigord. Plus, Quintus Caepio found his massive treasure (Toulouse) on the Garonne, which alone makes the Perigord-Kupa link feasible.

Why are Malcolms tracing to Oneglia? What does the Duncan line to Malcolm have to do with it? Or was it the line of queen Margaret (Malcolm's wife) that traces to Oneglia? The line of Malcolm and Margaret married the first Henry king of Norman England. Why did they name him Henry? There was no Henry in the Norman line until then. But the Normans had much time from Normandy to hook up with the Henrys of Rodez. Margaret was a Saxon of the Aetheling kind who trace to the wife of Sitric (Edith of Polesworth), but it's hard to imagine Saxons linking to Henry of Rodez. It's the Normans of Normandy most-expected to have done so, but these Normans are feasibly a branch of Sitric's viking family. It can explain how Meschins, suspect with the Sitric > Maccus line, were descended also from Rollo's uncle (Malahule).

I now need to repeat, as background information, that Herod Antipas was at COMMINGes, directly across the Garonne from Toulouse, and then the Hampshire Josephs are using the same garbs as COMMINGs/Comyns. It just so happens that one or more Comyn or Comyn-like locations (on in Artois, another in Powys near Cheshire) was ruled by Herluin de Conteville, who married the mother of the Conqueror, himself the father of Henry I of England. It may appear that the Comyn family (share the dagger with Mackays) had something to do with a link to Henry of Rodez (not far from Comminges), and it just so happens that "RODes" is like "HEROD." In fact, the Rodez-Roquefeuil marriage was traced to Rods/Rode's long before I knew that Herod Antipas was at Comminges, and the Rods/Rode's are traced in their write-up to "Hrod." It looks very much as though Henrys of Rodez, and therefore Henry I of England, was a Herod liner, but then, on a totally-different track, I tentatively traced the ancestry of "Antipas" to "Antibes," a location near Imperia. And, on a totally-different quest, it became apparent that Arthurs were Herods, as the Arthur hurt may in itself begin to reveal. On top of that, it was years before entertaining Herods in any way that Arthurs traced to Redones, who were from the Rodez area. It makes even the naming of the Rhodanus river (now the Rhone) suspect with Herod Antipas' ancestors or descendants.

While Herods are thus suspect with Comyns, it's another one of those perfectly-expected things that Josephs (i.e. Caiaphas liners) should be using the same garbs as Comyns. It should be clear here that the Comyn dagger traces Josephs, with the Mackay dagger, to king Maccus, grandson of a Sitric (supposed by some to be Sitric Caech). But as the Mackays use bears highly suspect with the Berwickshire bear, it expects that the Sitric > Maccus line was in Bernicia, an easy thing to imagine, but then that goes to the Pepin line in Bernicia, suspect with Pepin's wife from Metz (Moselle river) in Lorraine, location of Bar-le-Duc, and it just so happens that the Arms of Bar-le-Duc were first found (by me) when following the Bars/Baars of Brunswick, for they too used the identical curved fish (though in gold instead of white). Before that, I had been entertaining (and repeatedly mentioning) a trace of "Brunswick" to "Bryneich," the latter being an old name for Bernicia!

It works excellently because Bars use the Este eagle while the Pepin motto, suspect with the Isle of Man, uses "est." It speaks to a Metz link to Bars that somehow got to Bernicia, or perhaps from Bernicia to Lorraine. The fact that Alis' call the Mackay bears "muzzled" thus has the potential to trace the bears to "Moselle." It's another way of saying that Pepin's wife (Ida/Ite) was a Maccus / Mackay liner in Bernicia, and likely tracing Moselle elements to Musselburgh, to the near-north of Bernicia, or perhaps a part of ancient Bernicia.

The Musselburgh / Meschin fesse is gold, the color of the Harald/Herod/Hurl / Herl/Hurl / Hurt fesse. What's that?

For new readers, more repetition is needed. While the father of Maccus was Harald, the Harald surname, first found in the same place as MacArthurs and Garonne-based Campbells, lists Herluin-suspect Hurls, while I have it recorded that the footless martlets of French Alans were once showing as the duck design used by Herls/Hurls, the latter suspect with the Hurt Coat that must be loved by the hurts (blue roundels) used by Irish Arthurs. But it was found that Haralds/Hurls also list an Herault variation while there is a Herault location beside Roquefeuil, at Roussillon, and then Russells share the Meschin scallops while Roussillon-suspect Roslin, near Peebles, was home to HENRY Sinclair. Where did he get that name? The first Henry Sinclair of Roslin was the cup-bearer of queen Margaret, the same queen from which Henry I of England descended. It looks like the blood of the Rodez Henrys was in the Sinclairs of Roslin, just another way of saying that Rodez nobles got caught up with Roussillon nobles. Where did the Sinclairs of Roslin, who continued to use "Henry" abundantly, get all their vast sums of money?

A Gord trace to Josephs is one of many reasons to view Joseph Caiaphas from a line of Quintus Caepio, and so let me repeat that the three JUNIA Caepionis', great-granddaughters of this same Quintus, were named after JUNO, from the Una river, where Gore's and Yonge's trace who were first found in the same place as Quints. Years before discovering Quintus Caepio, the Gore (and Cole) motto was traced to SERVitium (on the Sava downstream from the mouth of the Una), and it just so happens that the Junia Caepio's were daughters of SERVilia Caepionis. It should be added that the Sava is not far from Hungary, and, years before finding Quintus Caepio, Leslie's (proto-Leslie's in my mind) were traced to a Lesce location at the source area of the Sava. This was based on little more than Save's using the Leslie bend in colors reversed while the Sava was also called, Save, but, today, you just saw Gords/Gordens linking to Bartholomew Leslie...which is another reason for equating Gordons with Gore's.

Gords are said to descend form a Richer de Gordum in a Gordon area itself a part of Merse (Berwickshire). I've not known the three Richer surnames...that can be investigated for links to this ancient Gordon liner. The Gore/Jore stars are also the stars of English Richers, a good start. French Richers use "cornflowers" suggesting Corns and Flowers. I trace the Flower cinquefoil to that of Potters, first found in the same place, and likely related to, the Bidens/Buttons. Not only is this place where English Josephs were first found, but French Richers were first found in Maine, where French Josephs were first found. And, to boot, the cornflowers are around a chevron in Quint-chevron colors. Although the crosslets in the Richer chevron are not identical to the Gore crosslets, they are suspect with one another, especially as both are gold on red. But, then, the Quint-Crest crosslet is gold too. You just witnessed a good Quint trace to the area where Joseph Henry or Henry Joseph lived that was of the Hampshire Josephs, and Quints are expected to trace to Toulouse, at Comminges, while Commings use the garbs of the Hampshire Josephs. A Quintus-Caepio trace to Josephs looks undeniable.

You now know why I needed to enter the background information before getting to what seems like an obvious Gore link to Richers and Caepio's together. The Gore motto, "BYDANd," can thus be for the Bidens/BUTTONs, and it just so happens that the Rich/Richess surname uses BOTTONy crosses! This, in my mind, links Gore's to Richeza of Lorraine, the alternative name of Lotharingia, the latter said to be named by a Charles-Martel liner. And there you have Gore's, first found in Bernicia, tracing to Lorraine, exactly where the Pepin-related Bernicians trace.

It's just another way of saying that Caepio liners were in Bernicia, making the Pepin fleur (French-Joseph colors) suspect with the June fleur. Remember this when you get to the Cockers, using the Pepin fleur, likely, because while Pepins use a "Mens" motto term, Cockers use a "man's head." It has the potential to trace June / Juno / Una liners to the Isle of Man, and as I argued that Maccus (either he or his brother ruled Man) was a Massey liner, so the Maezaei were beside the Una river. When you get to the Cake's, who were the reason that Cockers entered the discussion, note that the Cake fleur, in colors reversed from the June fleur, is white, as is the Massey fleur, and the Massey horse has always been suspect with the Pepin horse. Why do you suppose I looked up the Cake's?

The Rich/Richess Coat can be deemed to be a version of the Gore Coat, but moreover uses the Quint chevron in colors reversed. The Gards/UNIacks (Una river, right?) honored in the Rich motto suggests that the Gore / Yonge wolf is that also of Gards. Important here is that the other Gards use a version of the Pulley Coat (Colapis-like motto term links to Colps/Cope's) that itself traces to Josephus' kin, i.e. the Vespasia-Polla line, by way of common-law adoption to them, and Pulleys use the footless martlet of French Josephs in the same colors. That's where Josephus traces excellently to Josephs, and yet Caepio liners are all over these surnames.

The Pulley bend can link closely to the same bend as Save's by way of the Pulley trace to Pula/Pola, on Istria, not far from the sources of the Sava. In fact, the Pulley and Save bends both use red symbols, as does the same-colored bend of Italian Botters, which gets us back to the Hampshire Botters/ Potters and Buttons, and Poole happens to be in Hampshire at the Istria-suspect Stur river. We now have what's expected, a Sava-river trace to the Hampshire Josephs, for Caiaphas' ancestry is suspect at Servitium. The proto-Sorbs / Serbs of that place could have been inclined to use a SERPent code for "SERB," and it just so happens that Save's use snakes on their bend.

A footless martlet cannot be an heraldic symbol apart from the Foots, Less' and Martels sharing a common and close bond to one another, and so let's repeat that Foots and Fothes (cornuCOPIA) are in Joseph-martlet colors and sharing the chevron colors of the Levis surname, first found in the same place as Chappes' using the Titus Moor head on a white square / escutcheon. I can't over-emphasize the importance of Chappes' sharing the Titus Moor head just as Josephus is tracing excellently to Josephs. For those who don't yet know, Vespasian's family, from Mrs. Polla, used a Sabinus name while the Sabine Coat shares the red scallops upon the Pulley bend. Therefore, which is it, Josephus, or Joseph Caiaphas, or both, who trace to Vespasia Polla? We would need to ask those who created these heraldic codes in secret.

The "treuve" motto term of Gereys/Warre's is suspect with the Drave river flowing alongside the Sava, but also with a similar-named river near Hamburg, where Trips/Treffs were first found. I suspect these rivers to be Traby elements. Trips are Gore kin, but as Gore's trace to the Maezaei theater, by what coincidence did French Masseys once show the Trib boots exactly, colors included? A Traby trace to the Drave / Sava rivers, both originating from Austria, makes the Traby OSTRICH suspect with the German version of "Austria." Carricks use the ostrich too, and they traced to Caracalla, who had elements in Dalmatia, the Sava theater.

Titus was the grandson of Vespasia Polla, and Titus' even share gyronny with Campbells, which tends to trace some special-to-Titus element to the Garonne river. Wouldn't that mystery element be from amongst the members who got the Caepio treasure? In fact, with Titus being put in charge by Vespasian of the conquering of Jerusalem, there is an excellent reason for lumping the family of Titus in with owners of some of that treasure. The Herods had splashed gold all over the Jerusalem temple, and we may wonder where they got it.

"Gyronny" traces well to Guernsey, where Majors are said to derive who share the red greyhound with gyronny-like Gore's/Jore's. I have read of a Foote location on Guernsey, which is why I trace the Gernons ("CyFOETH" motto term) to both Guernsey's namers and to the gyronny symbol. As Gore's use the Windsor crosslets, Gore's thus become suspect with Gernons! That would explain why Gords should trace to Maccus, and Gore's to the Maezaei. "GerNON" begs the question on whether they were partly of the Nons, found in the Nagle motto (i.e. traces to Imperia), and using a chevron in colors reversed from the same of Boeufs, first found in Imperia-suspect PeriGORD. The idea of Gernons = Gordons gets the Gordons to the Garonne, within easy reach of Perigord. Whenever a solid trace can be made, it gets wildly compounded and broadened just by finding the branches of the surnames involved in the solid traces.

Gernons became "famous" in the last update for tracing to the Victoria-branch Windsors. For a short time in the last update, it was looking like queen Victoria traced to Vespasian.

Majors have a Magor variation looking like "Magyar," which were the peoples who formed the which Gords have traced. As the Pike's might trace to Pecs, it's notable that the Drave river forms the Hungarian border flowing across the area of Pecs, for the Majors/Magors are honored in the "CAPTa majora" motto of white-escutcheon Geddes (pike fish in Gore-crosslet colors). In keeping with a Gord trace to Josephs, there is a "major" motto term of Cheneys who in-turn use the Pulley / Joseph martlets in colors reversed. And for a potential Cheney trace to the Drave river, Cheney-like Caens ("PERImus" motto term) share five white ostrich feathers in Crest with the Arms of Traby (Poland).

The "bull's scalp" of Cheneys has been suspect with the bull horns of Bidens/Buttons, the latter now tracing solidly (via the Gore link the bottony cross) to the Gord motto. Foots share the trefoil with Pike's, not a big deal for making the link between the two, but as Gore liners of the Gernon kind just became suspect with the namers of Guernsey (off the coast of Manche, home of Masseys), let's add that TREFoils were found to be part-code for German Trips/Treffs (near a Drave-like river the spelling of which I forget), and then English Trips share the Gore crosslets in the same colors. But TreFOILS were found with Fellers and thus traced to RoqueFEUIL (assumes a fundamental Trip link to Rockefellers), and it just so happens that a Roquefeuil family married Henry IV of Rodez. As the latter are likely Herod liners, and as it seems that Herod Antipas chose to live in Comminges because he knew of the Caepio treasure there, which included gold bars, by what coincidence does the Arms of Roquefeuil use gold billets = gold bars???

Plus, as Rennes-le-Chateau is beside Roquefeuil, note that the Saunier/Saulnier surname was first found in Perigord while a Mr. Sauniere of Rennes-le-Chateau surrounds a mystery there. The Saunier/Saulnier Coat was discovered to be a version of the Aurelia Coat, and while this latter surname is being traced to Aurelia Cotta, mother of Julius Caesar, it links with French Julians to the stars of Gore's/Jore's. To advance what we are able to glean here, the Caens with a "PERImus" motto term share the fretty Shield with Cotta's.

There are two reasons for identifying the Gore/Jore Coat with Alans; one being the red-on-white greyhounds of Gore's, in the colors of the Alan martlets, and that makes the Gore/Jore link to the red Henry martlets...another way of saying that Perigord elements should link to Henry Rodez. I have kept on the back burner the idea that Joseph Caiaphas was a Herod himself, an idea that cropped up before learning of Quintus Caepio, but after finding him and his treasure, it suddenly dawned on me that Caiaphas and Herods had both gotten some of it, the Herods thanks to Caiaphas, and Caiaphas' elevation to high priest thanks to his wealth. There is thus a chance that "CaiaPHAS" was named partly after the entity that named "AntiPAS," knowing that "Anti" was a standard prefix in those days...shared by Antipater, for example, father of the first Herod (nasty king of the Jews).

If "Caia" was of the Key/Kay bloodline, it's notable that Kays/Keys share double bendlets, without a bend between them, with Aurelia-suspect Orrels, first found in the same place as, and apparently related to, CHAPlet-using Saxons/Septons. This place was Lancashire, to which the Avezzano's and Avis'/Avisons (share Joseph garbs) traced specially in the last update. To boot, the Joseph garbs are used Wessels suspect with a son of king Cottius, himself suspect with the line of Aurelia Cotta, extremely important because one or more of the Junia Caepio's is suspect as a daughter of Julius Caesar with Servilia Caepionis, his known mistress.

In keeping with a trace of CaiaPHAS to the family of Vespasian, there is not only "VesPASIa" itself, but the Polworths (Vespasia-Polla liner, right?) are using a pile design very traceable to the same of Ore's (same place as Pasi-colored PASleys) who in-turn share red roundels with Orrels. It becomes very clear that the Ore piles are those of Guiscards, first found in the same place as Scottish Chappes'. Plus, "VESpasia" and the WIShart variation of Guiscards is suspect from AVEZZano, on the Salto river along with the Rieti home of Vespasia Polla. It's coming to light that Caiaphas and Herod Antipas were Vespasia-Polla liners at their births, which can easily explain why Josephus, a Jewish general whose task was to ruin Vespasian's advance on Israel, found grace and salvation in Vespasian's household when his army was defeated.

/ The Polworths are thus an exceptional find that I accidentally bumped into, in my files while looking for something else, immediately after (within days) first mentioning Edith of Polesworth, Sitric's wife. It again suggests that Sitric>Maccus was a Caiaphas liner, which can explain why Kays/Keys derived from "Mackay." Or, if Kays did not form from "Mackay," then "Mackay" was a Massey/Macey family that formed like "Kay" when merging with Kays. I would like to know the truth, but so far it has proved illusive. One needs to struggle with what "Caia" may have evolved into, and then the Mackay-related Cowes surname happens to use the same style piles as Polworths. I refrain from tracing "Macey" to "Caia" because "Macca(bee)" seems much better.

The Geddes escutcheon is suspect with the Grey Coat, and of course the Gore greyhounds link to Greys, but are we thus discovering that Greys were Gore / Gernon liners? How can Greys trace to the Kupa? For one, the Kupa and the Una is where I traced the ancients of JABESH-Gilead, whom I traced to Joppa and Jupiter (= Japodes on the Kupa), and then Greys share the JOPlin Coat. Both surnames were first found in Northumberland, where Sitric was king. Nothing has filled the gaps in my work like the knowledge of the Sitric > Maccus line...that is relatively new to my work.

Catherine Roet, wife of John of Gaunt in Candale (Gironde area), is said by a Wikipedia article to have ancestry in Croys/Groys (can't recall which), these surnames being listed with Greys. Roets are not only a Boofima line, but trace well to Vespasian's home of Rieti, but this only makes Rieti suspect with Henry of Rodez if Roets trace to the namers of Rodez. In other words, some Herod line or offshoot named Rieti. Candale is suspect in the candleSTICKs of Kyle's, a Cole branch from "Colapis." Sticks share three gold garbs with Commings, making for a Comminges link to Candale further down the Garonne river. Catherine Roet was born in PicARDY, and then the Picard surname shares gyronny in the colors of the same in the Arms of Gironde.

Candale is suspect also with Candida, and the Doris surname that married Arduinici in Imperia are using, I think, the Candida eagle. Candida's were first found in the same place as Italian Capone' that, if the Capone's should trace to Imperia with the Candida's, it gets Capone's to the Antipas theater. And we have already seen Gords tracing to Imperia elements, and to Capone liners, together. Gore's are indeed looking like the stock of Grey liners said to be in Catherine Roet's ancestry.

Lorraine's Multiple Muses

I've seen a lot of Coats, but never noticed, aside from the Tack Chief with cherub, that blue on gold should look purple, as it does in the "blue cornflowers" of Richers. I now discover what looks like purple-on-gold mascles of Gere's, but called "blue mascles," and, in the Gere Crest, what looks like a purple head is said to be a "blue leopard's head ducally gorged." As Gore's trace to Gorsky in Croatia (location of Kupa / Una rivers), where I trace Cravens, note that Skiptons of Craven use a purple lion, thus explaining purple in Gore liners. The leopard face in the canton square of Gere's reminds of the blue leopard face of Joplin-suspect Jeffersons (the latter family also uses "Jephson"). The Jefferson saltire can trace well to the flag of Mercia, and Welsh Jeffersons share "salus" with Gore's so that the Merse location of Gords can link to Jeffersons.

If purple-lion Lacys were Leslie liners, they can trace to the sources of the Sava i.e. the Gorski theater roughly. I even trace lozenges to Losinj of Gorski while mascles are hollowed lozenges (tends to trace mascles to the Maezaei on the Una). Quince and Quint-related Winchesters use mascles, thus tracing Quintus Caepio to the Una, and to the Maezaei, as expected, and perhaps to other Losinj elements aside from Gore's and Youngs. But "mascle" is suspect with the Muscel variation of Mussels and therefore with the Moselle river, named after the Meuse/Maas river. It predicts that Maezaei of Gorski evolved into the namers of the Meuse river, and that Gorski liners should follow Maezaei liners to various places. The Maezaei theater was traced solidly to Chora on Patmos, and while Gore's are also "Core," it suggests that Gorski was a Patmos line. Therefore, expect Patmos liners on Lorraine's Moselle river, noting that the Metz surname uses the patee cross. See left side map for the Maezaei theater, noting nearby Burnum, suspect with Burns and Bernice's sharing the black hunting horn with Maxwell-related Patch's:

Revelation was written on Patmos during the reign of emperor Domitian, son of Vespasian. And both men were part of Revelation's seven heads, the end-time revival of which would bring on a 666 commercial system. Therefore, by what coincidence are the strings, upon the black horns of in the Arms of Traby, fashioned to look like 666? We just saw why the black horns should be Patmos liners? And "PatMOS" is itself indication of the mythical Muses upon that island, for as Apollo was the chief of the Muses, so Apollo was the creator of the Coronis crow that I trace to Patmos' city of Chora. A line from "Apollo" may even have named POLand, location of Traby, which would make Vespasia Polla suspect as an Apollo line. But end-time Poland, not likely to spearhead a global commercial system, must bow out of the way. Instead, Polish lines to English Masons are expected in that 666 system, and, right now, the former prime minister of Poland is the president of the European Union. Al Gore almost made it to the American presidency, if only the hanging chads were more on his side.

As Lacys merged with Skiptons of Craven, while Cravens are from Croatia, Lacys can trace to Lesce upon the Sava; see the Lesce-like terms in the write-up of purple-lion Lacys. The other Lacys (likewise use purple) share six pellets with English Foys (Suffolk) suspect in the "Garde la foy" motto of Rich's/Richess'. A Lesce merger with Gorski elements is implied because Gords descend from a Richer de Gordum, but, moreover, Richeza of Lorraine (married Poland) traced to the namers of Rika/Rijeka, in or beside Gorski (I'm not very familiar with the Gorski boundary lines). Rijeka is where Maxwells/MACCUSwells traced years before knowing of Maccus, a great reason for tracing Sitric, as he had been, to the Mieszko Poles. These very Poles were closely related, or at least associated, with the Griffin surname of Pomerania, and Wikipedia says that Donald Tusk, the EU president, has ancestry in the Pomerania theater. It looks like the revival of the Roman empire is right-on-bang-on cue with the Revelation prophecies.

Lafoys/Foys were first found in the same place as French Chappes', and the Foyot variation looks a lot like the Foot-suspect variations of the Fiquets/Fyots/Fiots/Fyauts, who discovered the link of Gernons to queen Victoria in the last update. If she does trace to Vespasian, her Windsor household may be behind the current abandonment of Israel that leads to an anti-Christ invasion of Jerusalem, a near-copy, one may expect, of Vespasian's invasion. Queen Victoria lived at Cowes on Wight, right down the Maccus > Mackay alley.

The Gereys/Warre's are the ones looking to use a version of the Tint Coat, but also of the Rich-suspect Rick/Rix Coat (same fitchees as Gereys/Warre's), the latter using a version of the Craven Coat. As Cravens honor Actons, note the Axton location in the Acton write-up, in Kent, where Trips (same crosslet types as Tints) were first found that use the gold-on-red Gore crosslets, which happen to be white-on-red in the Rick Coat. It tends to trace Axtons to the Axe river of Somerset, where Warre-like Were's (croziers) are said to trace, suggesting that Gereys/Warre's may have been a Gore-Vere merger. This is the Drake-of-Masovia line that incorporates Richeza, wife of Mieszko II, and traces from mythical Creusa of the Drago river (Agrigento) to the Were CROZiers/CROSiers (see Clan Crozier in the last update). The ACRAGas variation of Agrigento traces to the Craigs, said to be the ancestry of Carricks (shares "Garde" with Rich's), who share a "bien motto term with Gereys/Warre's.

As the Mieszko line to the West was, in the least, through Swietoslawa, the Sweets/Sweits may be using the red-on-white chevron (surrounded by fitchees) in the Arms of Carrick, and the Tweed river, where Richer de Gordum originated, may have been a Sweet liner, especially as Swietoslawa had the alternative name, Sigrid the HAUGHTY while the Haught Crest is using nearly the same bull head as per the Tweed Crest. IN FACT, as the upper Tweed, or a Tweed tributary, is called the Teviot, note that the Tipps/Tippens use a black bull head (color of Mieske/Mesech bull head) facing slightly to the viewer's left, as with the Tweed bull head. It can suggest such things as Tippets/Tippers (familiar crosslets) or Twains/Twins being Teviot / Tweed liners. As Tippets/Tippers share the dolphin with "Avise"-using Kennedys, it looks like the Tippet/Tipper Crest is the Avis/Avison anchor. The Crests are in the same design, cuffed sleeves included, with the anchor at the same angle. It suggests the Kyle / Cale anchor because Scottish Kennedys (Arms of Carrick) were first found in the same place as Kyle's (and Carricks), and that works to reveal that the Sticks are using the gold garbs of Avis'/Avisons because Kyle's use candleSTICKS. I would have realized the Kyle connection to Avis' earlier had I recalled that Kyle's don't use just candles, but candlesticks officially. Irish Kennedys ("Avise LA FIN" motto) and LAFINS were both first found in TIPPERary, no coincidences. Avezzano elements had just traced to Lancashire in an important revelation (last update, I think), which is where Tipps'/Tippens were first found.

The Gord-like Ords are said to be from the Tweed, and then the Word(en)s/Wardens can be using the bend-with-leopard-faces of Ade's, first found at the Tweed theater.

The new realization above, that the Kyle anchor is definitely the Avis anchor, traces the Kyle's to Agrigento elements with the Carricks and Craigs, for the Anchor/Annacker Coat was traced to the Arms of Agrigento. The Crags are new to me just now, sharing the black Carrick talbot, and were from a Crag location in Lancashire, as well as Cragg Vale in neighboring Yorkshire's Cumbria area. As both Talbot Coats are versions of two Scott Coats, the Crag bend with martlets looks linkable to the Scott bend, and the martlets then look like those of Rutherfords, first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Scotts (and Maxwells), all near the Tweed. If correct that Cecils were from "Sicily," it's now notable that while the Cecil lions are on black escutcheons (though called "shields"), for the Crooks/Croks, first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Crags, use black "escutcheons". Plus, the Crooks use the escutcheons on a bend (highly suspect with the Valentin / Pollock bend) all reflective of the Ade Coat, a surname first found in Berwickshire i.e. at the Tweed. This picture is highly suspect with Eschyna de Molle's marriage to the Crocs/Croce's (her daughter married Robert Pollock). It looks like Crooks and Croce's/Cross's/Croise's trace to whatever mythical Creusa was named after.

I can go further with this because Taffys and Twitts/Thwaite's share fretty inside their identical crosses (different colors) while the Taffy Crest is the Mieske knight with sword, both swords slightly off the vertical toward the knight...a symbol now suspect with the Arms of Crema at/near the junction of the Serio and Adda rivers, the latter highly suspect with Ade's. This sword probably has to do with the trace I made of Swietoslawa to Siward of Northumberland (Sword liner), a trace that's perhaps proven where Sewards share two white-on-red chevrons with Sweets/Sweits. The Seward leopard goes to the same in the crest of moline-liner Chives', suspect with "Avezzano," and linkable to Cavetts whose bars can be in the Cecil Coat. The Cecil lions happen to be in the colors of the Chives cats.

See the "Unum" term in the Great Seal of the United States, for it's the Cecil motto term too, and Cecils show SICELt/SEYCIL variations like the "SECLorum" motto term in the seal.

As I had traced Sigurd the Haughty to mythical Sugaar, on a hunch mainly, we here see that Twitts were first found in the same place as Seagers/Sugars while the "segni" motto term of Taffys can be for the Segni's/Segurana's sharing the Seager/Sugar moline. That tends to equate Taffys with Twitts while tracing them together to the namers of the Tweed / Teviot. Furthermore, as Taffys use the same cross as Fessys and Mea's/Meighs, we find a "mea" motto term with Taffy's while Fessys themselves use a "segni" motto term. The full Fessy motto has been traced to Valentin-suspect Valentinian I, and he traced excellently to Segni's/Segurana's. As the latter were first found in Liguria, it strikes me now that "Segni" may be a version of "CYGNus," the mythical swan and king of Liguria. As he was made a son of STHENelus, I traced the latter to SITTEN (alternative name of Sion), for Sions/Swans use the swan. It had looked like Seaton/Sitten liners should trace to the Ligurian swan. The Segni's/Segurana's were first found in Genoa, smack beside swan-suspect Savona! Shame on me if this is the first time that the Segni link to Cygnus has been realized. Previously, Seagar liners were traced to the SAKARya river...which happens to flow by ANKARa and Ancore, the latter on the map (lower right) as the alternative name of Nicaea, a place that thus traces well to Nice in Liguria.

AHA! The ASTACus location beside Ancore was traced to the Sticks, and the candleSTICK Kyle's use an Ancore-like anchor (!), thus tracing the Anchor line of Agrigento to Ancore! Yes, this is a correct claim, for the ASTIKas of Lithuania had traced solidly to Valentinian I, and therefore the Segni's/Segurana's!!! Plus, "Cygnus/Cycnus" was identified (by me) with "Kikon" (mythically a brother of Hebros), or the Cicones, on the map near the mouth of the Hebros. As you can see, there is an Aenos location smack at the mouth of the Hebros, which, I have read, was depicted by mythical Aeneus (with a 'u'), a term like Virgil's "Aeneas," husband of Creusa! The Edones are not far along the coast from Cicones, and Edones had a Sithone branch that I traced to "Sthenelus" because the mythical king of Edones was Liguria-like Lycurgus. As this is the picture to which Seatons must trace, let's keep in mind that Seatons and Sutys have linked to the Sitric > Maccus line suspect from Mysians, for Astacus and Ancore are in/beside Mysia.

It just so happens that Swietoslawa married both Eric SEGERsall (king of Sweden, location of the Sitones) and SWEYNE Forkbeard (king of Denmark), the latter kin of a Tosti character that can explain why Toste's are listed with Tafts/Tuff's (same place as Haughts, in Cheshire, where the Sitric line settled). At Segersall's article: "In all probability he founded the town of Sigtuna," Toste's/Tafts us the familiar crosslets yet again, this time in the colors of the same of Were's. All of this picture can now be gleaned with king Sitric of Northumberland, especially as the Tipps/Tippen pheons were suspect with the Side/Sider and Ghent eagles. It's more verification that Mackays are, not only using the Barwick / Berwickshire bear, but that Mackays were Mieszko liners. As the Were croziers trace with Drake's to the Drago river (Agrigento), let's also mention the Drake's (same place as Twitts) suspect with the Dreux's that use another familiar bull head.

As Cunninghams were first found in Ayrshire, where the anchor of Swietoslawa-suspect Tippets/Tippers has traced, the "fork" motto term of Cunninghams, and the Forker/Farquhar surname (Ayrshire), are suspect with "Forkbeard." The Cunninghams were suspect with Caens/Canns who share the fretty with Taffs and Twitts/Thwaite's.

Also, as Beaks (share ostrich with Carricks) use the three Haught fesse bars in colors reversed, note the Croce/Cross Crest: "A STORK holding a cross formy in its beak." The stork happens to be the symbol of Store's/Sturys (Northumberland!) while Swietoslawa was called, Sigríd STORRada. Plus, Sturs use three fesse bars too, and Store's share the six-sectioned Shield with Wheelwrights, suspect with the Piast-the-Wheelwright ancestry of Mieszko I (father of Swietoslawa). If that's not enough, the Croce's/Cross', suspect with the Crozier line to crozier-using Odins/Oddie's, trace to a mythical stork said online to be a symbol of OETTINgens, and then there's the Storkhouse location of Odins/Oddie's.

Sturs trace to Istria, where Pula/Pola is located that was also called by a Pietas term, which had been traced with Pettys to the Paeti on the Hebros river to the near-north of Aenos/Aenus, and to the near-west of the Caeni. As Aeneas was at Agrigento, location of the Hypsas river, it's a good reason for trace the namers of Hypsas to the APSinthii, beside Aenos. LYSimachia, beside the Apsinthii, got traced to Laish, where Sithones are expected to trace.

I've been tracing the Moray stars to the Mieszko's for years because Bez' and Bole's use them, surnames suspect with Bezprym and Boleslaw, brothers of Swietoslawa. Also, the same stars are used by Lamberts, who not only share two white chevrons with Sweets (mouse tower in Crest?), but can trace to Mieszko II Lambert. The Lambert Coat should therefore be in use in the Arms of Sigtuna, for: "In all probability (Eric, Swietoslawa's husband] founded the town of Sigtuna..." Sigtuna (like "Segni") is suspect with the Sitones, neighbors of the Savona-suspect Sviones. It's tracing Eric SEGERsall smack to the Savona theater of swan-suspect Segni's/SEGURana's! Zowie, the Swedes had been Ligurians, and before that, Edones and Sithones, suspect from Laish's Sidonians. "Speculations on the Sitones' background are numerous. According to one theory, the name is a partial misunderstanding of Sigtuna, one of the central locations in the Swedish kingdom, which much later had a Latin spelling Situne."

The Sithones / Sitones seem to have been an aggressive peoples, for people groups to which I link Seatons pop up all over the world map, and are suspect even with Sadducees. Mythical Odin had been traced to Sitones (by me), and his wife, Frigg, to Phrygians, but, at the time, I didn't know of the Skudra area, said to be Phrygian, in Thrace (i.e. suspect with the Cicones / Edones / Hebros river). Mieszko's were nothing more than a Polish branch of Masseys, and as such, from Maccabees, the root of Sadducee power. The Mysians suspect at the Mieszko mouse tower were also on the Moselle, at Lorraine, home of Richeza, wife of Mieszko II Lambert.

As Gore's linked solidly to Rich's/Richess', the Ricks/Rix's must be kin of Gore's and Gords. As Tints were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Ricks/Rix's, and said to be of WREXhall elements, it's a way to trace Gore's to Tintagel (Somerset), home of mythical GORlois. Yep, I told you so. It's true. As this traces Kupa-river liners of the Gore kind to CORNwall, because Gorlois was ruler of Cornwall (beside Somerset), the CORNflowers of Richers should apply. But when we go to the Corn surname (same place as Camps), it's a chevron in the colors of the same of Caepionis-like Capone's (same place as Una-liner June's), and Campbell-colored Camps. This line got suspect from Campania, home of the Sadducee-like and Side-suspect Sidicini. Their Teano location traced to Teans/Thames, first found in the same place as English Crispins, the French branch of Crispins from Lorraine. >{. The Brigantian branch Setantii were in Lancashire, and Brigantians are suspect from Brigantium, near Modane, a Maccabee-suspect place that can very-much explain "Maccus."

Campania was the home of Apollo liners at Abellinum / Avellino. "Thames" is suspect from Themiscyra (and with Apollo's twin sister, ArTEMIS), near Trabzon/Trebizond, home of proto-Mysian / Mysian-stock Amazons. Then, the Beaks (share ostrich with Trabys) and Haughts are likely using the Arms of Trebizond empire. The Khaldi of Trabzon thus become suspect with KOLodziej the Wheelwright, conqueror of the mythical mouse tower. But as Cole's (and Kyle's) trace to Kolodziej, so that mouse tower must trace to Muses = Mysians at the Colapis river. And Gore's/Core's of the Colapis theater trace to Chora on PatMOS.

I've got to refrain from linking "Gore / Gord" to every Gerey / Warre-like surname. Mergers there may have been between Gore's and Vere liners, but I don't think they were branches. Croziers are said to be of Armstrong stock, and while I had nothing to say on Armstrongs in the last update, I think I have just found their bars here in the Lazard/Lisart Coat (Provence, where Gere-suspect Guerin ruled). Lazards, who may be Leslie liners to Gords, were looked up as per the Keen lizards, but while loading the Lazards, it recalled the lizard of GARRYs/O'Hare's. The Keens were looked up earlier as per the Cheeny variation of Cheneys, and the latter's bull's scalp may indicate be a Mieske-bull / Haught-bull line of the Cunningham kind. I don't think there is any Masonic heraldry that doesn't link one way or another to Mieszko's.

Keens are important for proving that "escutCHEON" (a shield) is part code for Keons, for while Keons don't use an escutcheon, Keens, with a Kean variation, and sharing the white Keon (and Kane) fish), do. The Keens/Keons call it a "shield," important because the top-left of the Keen/Kean Coat is the white and sinister-facing Rothchild (no 's') horse, while RothSCHILDs are said to be named after "red shield." We are now on the trace of Mieszko's to Peter Pollock at Rothes castle, Moray, where the Lambert / Sigtuna stars should trace. Not only were there several Polish suspects running for U.S. president lately, not to mention Al Gore, but Obama is a known Singletary liner while Singletarys share the antelope design of Wheelwrights. And the Randolphs in Obama's ancestry share the Coat of Dunhams, the surname of Obama's mother, while Scottish Randolphs were the first earls of Moray, suggesting that Randolphs may have been Wheelwright liners. And Sarah Palin was running for Office with John McCAIN, a surname listed with Keens/Keans. Their fish is in the colors of the same in the Arms of Bar-le-Duc, Lorraine. Again, the current EU president is the former Polish leader. What is going on? Why is the West heavily leaning mouse-tower Poland? Did Rothschild elevate their Polish lines?

The same star colors are used by Felis'/Felix's (Rome), looked up as per the "Felis" motto term of Keens/Keans. The "DEMULcta" motto term of these Keens may be for Eschyna De Molle (whose daughter married the brother of Peter Pollock).

The Rothchilds even use a sinister (left) bend, and it just so happens that the Keen/Kean lizards are in a bend (diagonal) formation in the sinister-rising direction! This is of obvious importance in tracing the escutcheon to Rothschilds themselves. Every Shield is an escutcheon (symbol predated Rothschilds), but sometimes escutcheons appear inside the Shield, and that's where they are now suspect (though not all) with Rothschild liners. Here's Wikipedia's article on sinister heraldry, showing that, officially, the viewer's right is the left side of the Arms: Here's an Arms of Rothschild with what should be a central red escutcheon having a white scallop, the colors of the Capes / Apps/Abbs scallops. The latter (Habsburg / Austria liners) can be suspect with the "E. PLURibus" motto in the Great Seal, especially as the Great Seal uses the Rothschild arrows. "E. PLURibus" got suspect (only today) with the Eplers listed Epps and Ebbs (Bavaria, same place as Rothes' and Bauers). Eppsteins (Hesse-Nassau = Weisbaden) can apply whom are suspect with the triple chevrons of Babenbergs (Austria). Eplers might be Apple / Ebler/Eber (Austria) liners. Capes' and Apps/Abbs use the Arms of Austria somehow.

Note, in the Rothschild Arms, the strong arm holding the Bower arrows, for Armstrongs use such an arm, suggesting that Rothschilds got related to Crozier elements, which should explain why the Were croziers are on green, the colors of the Bower and Bauer Shields. I arrived to this topic (here) a day after inserting the Clan-Crozier material into the last update, where you can see for yourself that Croziers trace to Oddie's and Odins/Oddie's aside from the Odin/Oddie crozier. And earlier in the last update, I entered: "The Odins/Oddie's are using the Rothchild (no 's') horse." Like Bauers, Oettingens were from Bavaria.

As I traced the Moray stars to Khazars on the Mures river, where they had a capital Bihor/Biharia, perhaps "Bauer" and "Bavaria" are from the namers of that place. The Behrs use a bear and list "Barr," the surname of the namers of Bar-le-Duc. The Arms of Shetland use both a "Byggar" motto term and a raven, symbol of German Rothes, first found in Bavaria. The Mures surname is listed with Moors/Muirs, first found in Ayrshire, beside the Lanark area where Biggars were first found. Then, the Maros surname (share black talbot of the Ayrshire Carricks) is also "Marrot/Merit (seems linkable to Beaks), and can therefore trace to MenuMORUT/MenuMAROT, a Khazar leader at Biharia. These Khazars may have been related to Melissena Rangabe, a royal Khazar liner, for the Glass Crest uses a mermaid that I view as mythical Melusine, important because Glass' trace to Glasgow, the area where Biggars (share the Glass stars) were first found. The name of the Hebros had been changed to MARITsa."

It's interesting that the Behr/Barr bear design is used by Berne's, said to be from Berne in Switzerland, known to be founded by ZAHRingers, like the Bahr variation of Behrs.

The Maret Coat shares the white scallop of Rothschilds, but it's in both colors of the Russell scallops, perhaps having to do with the Khazar relationship with the Varangian Rus. The Marets are said to be from Normandy's Cambray, like a Chambre location near Modane. Then, the Chamberlains share the scallops in both colors of the same of Daggers/Dackers. The red bull of Daggers can be that of Claro's/Charos'/Chiaro's, traced to Montechiaro, near Agrigento, and this is said only because Claro's/Chiaro's share a thin bend (rare), in the same blue color, with Biggars. There is a good argument for tracing Daggers/Dackers to Agrigento's river, the Hypsas/Drago, and "Dacker" is a lot like "Drake while the Drago traces to Drake's with certainty, and Drake's were first found in the same place as Josephs using a "charo" motto term. All in all, the Mieszko Poles, whom as dukes of Masovia used the Drake wyvern, had apparently joined the Moravians that the Mures-river peoples likely were, and they got to Moray. A red wyvern is used by Dragons, first found in Silesia, while English Dragons are using the MYNETT helmets for a Pendragon trace to ARTEMidoros, son of AMYNTes.

So, now we know that Rothschilds were Armstrong / Crozier / Odin liners, from mythical Creusa and Aeneas (known to pass through Agrigento) on the Hebros/Maritsa, and leading to the Annas' and Tease's/Tighs (same place, share same star), the latter using a version of the Cruise's Coat! That traces Rothschilds (Jews, right?) to Annas, Caiaphas' father-in-law. And my theory has been that Rothschilds got super-rich fast from securing some remnants of the Caepio gold and silver (Wikipedia says 50,000 gold bars each at 15 pounds, plus an unidentified number of silver bars).

The Tease/Tecks/Tess' thus got suspect with the Oddie saltire. The Oddie saltire is colors reversed from the Piper saltire (significant topic of the last update), and the Piper saltire is with leaves, as is the same-colored saltire of Tease's/Tess's/Tecks. Oddie's are in Ottone colors, and Ottone Visconti of Milan was not far from Pepin-suspect Pavia on the river to which I trace Tecks. Pepins use the Weaver symbol in colors reversed, and Weavers along with Pipers are suspect with Peverels / Piperels. Then, the Letts -- suspect with the Tease/Tigh and Annas star because Letts use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas' in colors reversed -- use organ PIPE's, and Organs/Horgons and Corigans (Gorgons?) happen to use the lizard. Pipe's and Pepins are using another white horse.

The Oddie saltire is also that of Gofraid-suspect Gophers, and while Seatons trace to Gofraid's family, Seatons and Oddie's are both traceable to mythical Odin's Sitones, suspect with the Sithone branch of Edone's. I kid you not that, what I wrote thus far had nothing to do with the heraldic organ rest used by Arthurs and Oettingens. The symbol was not on my mind, but came to mind with the sight of the Organ surname. Below is a page that I have not known. explaining, to a small degree, why the Arthur symbols are called both clarions (supposedly trumpets," and organ rests, a thing that has made no sense to me:

This rather strange charge, uniquely English, is of unknown origin and uncertain name. It is commonly called clarion or rest, but also clavicymbal, clarichord, sufflue, organ-rest; and it is supposed to be a lance-rest, or a musical instrument (keyboard, or wind).

Woodward's Treatise on Heraldry:

"... the old coat of Granville (afterwards Earls of Bath) which is blazoned as: Gules three clarions or; sometimes as rests, or organ-rests, otherwise as sufflues or clarichords, etc. Some have supposed it was a rest to support the end of the lance carried by a mounted knight. But that no such contrivance was ever in use is shown by the evidence of seals, monuments, etc. Planche, in his Pursuivant has an interesting passage on this charge, which he conceives to have been a clarion,a canting badge of the Clares, Earls of Gloucester, under whom the Granvilles held the lordship of Neath. He suggests that the ancient clarion which, as usually drawn, bears little resemblance to a trumpet [this is what always confused me], may really have been that classical instrument the Pan's pipe or mouth organ. The Clares were lord of Glamorgan {note the cant on organ}. Planche gives a drawing of the charge from Sir Christopher Barker's Heraldic Collections in which it is clearly an organ."

I first got wind that the so-called "rests" of Arthurs were also clarions when reading that Arthurs of Clapton (Somerset) married a Hicks family while that family called the symbols, "clarions." The article above says as much: "Hickes: Gules a chevron ermine between three clarions or." As Hicks (Arthur colors) share the "Tout" motto term with Oliphants, I say that the symbol is at least partly an elephant trunk. As Oliphants trace to the Elaphiti islands beside an island of Melita, the latter where I had traced Melusine of the Anjou Vere's, lookie at what the page adds: "Myles, Dartford, Kent: Gules a chevron argent between three organ-rests proper." Myles' are suspect with Milo, the supposed son of Melusine, first count of Anjou (according to Drakenberg Vere's). The Myles' were first found in the same place as Drake's.

Years before knowing that king Arthur was a family circle tracing to Arduinici of Imperia/Oneglia, king Arthur was traced to the Atrebates, who lived in both Hampshire and Artois (they named Atrecht, the Artois capital). I had also traced Atrebates to mythical Atreus, father of Menelaus, and had identified Menelaus with the Maeonians of the Maeander river, which flows to Miletus, perfect, for some weeks/months ago I came to conclude that Miletus, where I had previously traced Melusine, had peoples who named Melita. But there is more, for I traced Maeonians to the Mander surname that shares a "Laus Deo" motto term, suspect with "MeneLAUS") with Arbuthnotts, and the latter are said to have had associations with Oliphants. The reason that Oliphants (same place as Rollo's) can trace to the Clare's / Claro's is that "clarion" seems to be an obvious code for them, and I have been tracing Claro's to ancient Clarus smack near Miletus! This mystery is becoming solved. Rollo is highly suspect as a Claro due to the name of the treaty that he made with the king of France, and moreover the Rollo surname uses "tout." For me, especially as ArBUTHnotts look like a branch of black-boar Booths, while the black boar is in an ancient book (Book of Enoch or Jasper, I forget which) as the symbol of Edom, Oliphants trace to "Eliphas," son of Esau, ruler of Edom.

The Oliphant unicorn can become suspect with the Cnut unicorn due to "ArbuthNOTT," and Danish Cnuts use a "pot Hanger" suspect with Hangars, first found in Hampshire with Myles'. Moreover, the chief of Drakenberg claimed that Milo de Vere ruler Angers. There you have more of that mystery solved. As you can see that the clarion / rest is also said to be a rest for a spear, so the Oliphant crescents are colors reversed from the Spear / Spree crescents, and, moreover, aside from this, I traced Melusine fundamentally from Laus-suspect Lusatia to a Spree > Spear bloodline at Lusignan (near Angers). The king-Arthur cult was traced independently to Lusatia, which expects a link to the Mieszko Poles now understood in the Segurana bloodline.

Gore Round Table Lines

It was a total fluke that I wrote about the Organ surname above in the same paragraph as Oettingen-suspect Oddie's (I have been tracing the two to one another for several years). But this fluke tends to make the arguments of that paragraph correct. It was a paragraph that included Rothschilds, from Pollocks, first found in the same place as Spears. Look at what looks like the Arthur rest / clarion below the dog in the Arms of Oettingen-Oettingen, for the saltire that you see on the dog's ear, white on red, is in the colors of the Arthur chevron: "Sir Thomas Arthur: Gules a chevron argent between three rests or {at the siege of Rouen 1418, according to Foster}."

It's been all over the Internet that the modern Round Table (19th century) is an Illuminati organization that included Rothschilds. That in itself can trace Rothschilds to the Arthur / Melusine dragon cult. There is a Mile/Mills/Miele's surname, suspect with the Milners that are likewise traced by others to the Round-Table group, that share a blue moline cross with Segni's/Segurana's (Genoa, near Imperia), and it's colors reversed to the MacArthur moline. The MELTons are linkable to Seagars on two counts. The Mile/Mill/Miele motto shares "Industria" with the motto in the Arms of Rothschild, which itself uses the Germanic "elephant trunks" (what look like long horns said to be of a prairie buffalo). The "mill rind" of the Myles' traces to Rinds who use a "pot of gillie flowers," while Flowers and Potters (Hampshire again) share the same cinquefoil. Clearly, the Cnut pot hangers are related to the pot of flowers, and the Potter bloodline goes to some world leaders today, including the current vice president of the United States, who has been a good E.U tool. See the Arthur line in the symbols of Pottingers (MacArthur crown).

The first Millet mentioned in the Millet write-up is of Nottinghamshire, and it uses a giant cinquefoil in the white color of the same of Flowers. The other Millets share the eight-pointed star with Rothschilds/Rothsteins, and use what looks like a version of the Coburg Coat, expected where Rothschilds fell into bed with Windsor royals, the latter part of Uther Pendragon. The Millet cinquefoil is likely that of Bus' and Hamiltons, from Buz and Kemuel, two sons of Nahor.

The fact that the clarion is a trumpet can go to Donald Trump, who was concluded (not many weeks ago) as part of the Pomeranian bloodline as the current E.U leader. Things are shaping up in the word just as the neo-Round-Table creeps want it, and they aren't intending to do anyone favors but themselves.

The Round Table is perhaps traced most-of-all to Cecil Rhodes (Bill Clinton joined his world order), and then the Rhodes Coat looks like a virtual copy of the Mander Coat, making for a good trace to the Greek island of Rhodes, not far offshore from the Maeander river. The mouth of that river is off of the island of Kos, suspect with Kos, ancient god of Edom. As Kos is said to have been an owl god, note that Olive's/Oliffs, like "Oliphant," use an owl. Olive's/Oliffs were first found in the same place (Northampton, Hampshire theater) as Segni-related Fessys. The Rhodes' were first found in the same place as Lucy Taillebois, explaining why the Oettingen dog looks like an heraldic talbot.

Same webpage above: "Lingard: Or a fess bendy of eight, sable and argent between three rests gules" A fesse bendy is a fesse filled with bends, and bends are the Marit symbol while Merits share white scallops on a black bend with the Lingard Coat (Bus colors, black Norry wolf in Crest). It gets us back to Khazar suspects. LINgards are suspect with Lindos of Rhodes, the namer of Lincolnshire, where Ranulf le Meschin got his wife, which should explain why the Lingard scallops are also the Meschin scallops. Norrys are said to have had a seat in Organ-suspect Orkney, where Claro-based Sinclairs also ruled. In fact, Henry Sinclair of Orkney was of the ROSLlIN Sinclairs, now suspect from Henry of Rodez, and as that latter family had merged with Caepio-gold suspect Roquefeuils of ROUSSILLON, the Lingard scallops are also suspect with the Russell scallops. The Norry-suspect Neuri (worshiped the wolf) were traced to ROXolani Rus, suspect for years with Roquefeuil. The Neuri wolf cult was revealed by HERODotus, from Caria, on-shore from Rhodes. Herods were Edomites, making Herodotus' ancestry suspect from Kos-Rhodes liners.

The Lingard scallops are also those of Flecks while Greenfields, who are showing the Arthur rests, use a motto, Frangas non FLECtis, the same motto as the Gowers/Gore's that share a white wolf with Gore's/Gore's. There you have another aspect of the Gorlois entity. The Mures/More's, with a fesse in colors reversed from the Non/Nevin fesse, use "non frangor." And, to be sure that "non" is indeed code for Nons/Nevins, the Nevis surname is in the Gower/Gore write-up while Nevis' (Cambridge) are listed with Nevinsons, who happen to share the Gower/Gore wolf! The Frank surnames (suspect with "frangor") are likely Pollock liner, and share green Shields with Bowers and Bauers. The Cambridge location of Nevinsons is important because Gore's are Quint liners while Capone's of Cambridgeshire are suspect with Quintus Caepio, founder of Caepionis'. Add this paragraph to one shortly below on the Bologna surname.

As Gore's traced to the Colapis/Kupa theater, where Caepio's are being traced, it's notable that Nevis'/Nevinsons (Boeuf colors) are sharing a blue-on-white chevron (Caepio-lion colors) with Colps/Cope's. As Saunier's were first found in the same place as Boeufs, using a fesse in colors reversed from the Non/Nevin fesse, it's important to add here that the Gore wolf was from to the one of Quillans, for there is a Quillan location smack beside Rennes-le-Chateau. The Qillan Coat looks like a version of the Annas Coat.

The Mures/More's fesse is suspect with that of Boeufs (Perigord) and Nagle's (Imperia), and then, while Boofima was in Africa, and suspect with the Carthaginian human-sacrifice cults, the Mures/More Crest is the same head used by Heslingtons that was traced to Hasdrubal, a stupid Carthage tool with world-rule aspirations, willing to kill and maim millions for the acquisition of such a fleeting role. Like I said, stupid and demented. This Hasdrubal was the father of Sophonisba, while Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code (as demented as one can get) had a Mr. Sauniere (fictional character central to the plot) as well as a Sophia Neveu code that can include Nons/Nevins. There was a real, Sauniere-surnamed priest of Rennes-le-Chateau, in Roussillon, near Roquefeuil, while the Saunier surname (no final 'e') was first found in Perigord. As expected, the nasty Round-Table control freaks are tracing to Boofima elements. Ask the Russell / Stein goat.

I ask you: is it worth spending trillions of dollars collectively on the backs of the poor, with decades of effort, and sacrificing the lives of countless peoples in many countries, to achieve a fleeting world rule that can never be maintained, as any previous world-rule aspirer has well learned with his own cruel death? Will the control freaks ever learn? In the world-rule game now being played, measures are being set up to avoid a crumbling of the system once enforced with an iron hand. Rather than building on brute force, as attempted by Hitler, for example, or Hannibal, or Caesar, the current world-rule aspirees are banking on educating mankind to accept their globalism as something necessary. In that way, rather than force the world to obey them, they will fool them into obedience. But as not everyone is their fool, they will need to enforce things against their foes. Christians need to just get out of the way and let them die a natural and cruel death from the dagger of their own enemies, those in their own circle. Ask the dagger in Caesar's back. It will be dragon on dragon, all aspiring to be Big Cheese.

Poitvins are suspect with the "blue apple" riddle concerning the Rennes-le-Chateau church of Mr. Sauniere. The riddle included a "pousinn" code, suspect with Poussins, the English branch of which uses a Coat and Crest akin to that of Gore's/Gowers. It just so happens that Caillons (blue Shield, Apple / Appleby colors), like the Caillion variation of Quillans, was first found in the same place (Maine) as French Poussins. Heraldic quails are expected to be of the quails in the undefined Caillon Chief, in the colors of the garbs in the undefined Chief of English Josephs, important because French Josephs were first found in Maine. Caiaphas was traced to Rennes-le-Chateau by multiple methods, a good reason to view the Quillan/Caillion Coat with the Annas Coat.

The Billets, first found in Maine, are using the Payen stars in the silver colors of the billets of the Mont-Pilat BESANcons/Bessy's, and then: "Bessyng, Staffordshire. Azure three rests or." That is, Bessyngs use three gold rests on a Shield in Besancon-Shield blue. As Billets are a branch of Bellows honored in the bellows of the Sheeps/Skiptons, see the shepherdess code below. As Skiptons and Shepherds are suspect with a Scipio line to Skiptons, note that Scottish Shepherds (Peebles), sharing the Tease/Tigh stars, trace to the lamb-of-God theme used by Annas'. It makes one wonder whether Jesus' words concerning the True Shepard were directed as slights against Annas. Shepherds look like they use a cross between the Macey and Mackay Coats but with the Masci fleur thrown in, keeping in mind that Bellow-like Bellamys merged with Ferte-Mace while Meschins merged with Skiptons while Skiptons were first found in Oxfordshire (elephant), where Massey-related Vere's operated. General Scipio merged with king Massena against Hannibal's hordes.

Annas' were first found in the same place as Tease's/TIGHs while McLeods/Clouds, who own Teague's/Teegers as a sept along with Herods/Heraults (suspect from Herault, beside Quillan), are in code the cloud (McLeod colors) at the base of the Caillon Shield.

After the death of Sauniere, hidden parchments were found, ciphered in Latin, with this message in French: "This treasure belongs to DAGOBERT II and to Sion and he is there dead." A second parchment read: "Shephardess no temptation that Pousinn Teniers hold the key. Peace 681 by the cross and this Horse of God. I complete this daemon guardian at midday. Blue Apples." Another strange phrase was found with "Blue Apples at Noon". The "BLUE APPLES" are decipherable only through the use of the "Knight´s Tour", a game of chess.

It reminds of whether Apple's should trace to "E. Pluribus." Apple's and Applebys are in the colors of the SCROLL surname listed with Scrope's and Scope's, perhaps the namers of Mount Scopus at Jerusalem, and then the E. Pluribus term is said to be on a SCROLL (in the BEAK of the eagle). Suspense pending. There are five, white ostrich feathers in the Scroll/Scope Crest, a symbol that can connect to the ostrich feathers in the Arms of Rothschild.

The Noons are suspect with blue-Shield Nons. The Poussins are suspect with Poitvins, who use a blue jay, and then the Jays share the blue griffin with Jeffersons and Quillans, though the latter call it a dragon. A Mr. Jeffreys is in the Qillan write-up while Jeffreys were first found in the same place as Jeffersons.

Greenfields/Gran(d)fields/Greenville's, in Gore colors, were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Gorlois. Note that the Greenfield Crest is a griffin, of the Griffin surname in Pomerania, that being in the rest-suspect ROSTock theater, where clarion-suspect Trumps were first found, and where the Sinclair ROOSTer can be suspect. The same page: "Carteret, GRANVILLE [caps mine]: Gules three clarions {or rests} or." Does this trace Jimmy Carter, an anti-Israeli pawn, to the Round Table?

The Round Table lot (socialists, see Fabians) are expected to be the founders of Communist Russia, and shortly afterward, as Rothschilds were re-settling Israel with Russian "Jews" (Khazars instead?), a Mr. Pollack, a Russian with German ties, started a cement factory (see Neshar at Wikipedia) in northern Israel, at Megiddo. Something tells me that this has to do with the choice of Armageddon for the end-time showdown against the anti-Christ. Wikipedia had removed its allusions of the Neshar location to a vulture. I found the heraldic vulture in the Sling Coat, suspect with the sling shot in the Arms of Dachau, concentration-camp headquarters for the Hitler demons. The first president of Communist Russia, a Lenin, is a surname listed with Lennons, kin of Logens who share the nail with the Arms of Colchester.

The Greenfield griffin is gold, as is the one in the Calen/Cailan Crest, a griffin always suspect with a trace to Dober at Cupionich. The Calen martlets are in Quillan/Caillion-wolf colors, but if the latter is indeed the Gore wolf, then, while Gore's trace to Gorski along with Cole's and Coles', the Cale's, sharing the Kyle anchor, are suspect in Quillan. It's another way of saying that the namers of the Colapis were at Quillan. The same is implied where Dan Brown's code is for Nevis/Nevins sharing the blue-on-white Colp/Cope chevron. The same is implied if Quintus Caepio, whose treasure spread out from Toulouse, had ancestry at "Kupa."

The spread Nevis/Nevin eagles are colors reversed from the same of Segurana's, first found in the same place as Doria's, suspect with Dor in the Megiddo area of Israel. That place, Genoa, is where Ghents (spread eagles) trace, more Kent liners, and highly suspect with Candy liners. The Gale's/Gails can apply because they share the blue uniCORN (recalls the cornflowers of Gore ancestry, and traces to the Una river) with TintaGEL-related Tints, and Gale's/Gails use a fesse suspect with the Nagle's, expected where Tintagel elements trace to Arduinici of Oneglia. The small Gale/Gale saltires (in Segurana colors) can go to the same of Candys, while the Doria's, who married Arduinici of Oneglia, use the spread Candida/CANDEL eagle, and moreover this Candy line is suspect with the Kyle CANDLEsticks. Gale's/Gails were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as where Gorlois ruled, and where Greenville's and Pendragons were first found. Greens (suspect in a Gale motto term) and Greenwich's were first found in Kent, the secondary (or was it primary?) Pendragon haunt.

Did Arthurs connect solidly to Oddie liners? It just so happens that the Greenwich/Grinadge surname uses the Odin/Oddie Coat exactly, except that the Greenwich crozier is scarlet colored...a color found with the Tresure's, first found in the same place as Tintagel, where Gorlois' wife conceived king Arthur. There you have excellent proof that Arthurs were Oettingen liners. Pendragon had Kent elements, according to the demented myth writers, and Greens and Greenwich's (and Arundels = Tint ancestry) were first found in Kent. Expect Shawia / Aures liners there, but even the Drin-river suspects, the Dragons/Drainers, likely of "PenDragon" (from the Penestae peoples on the Drin), were first found in Kent. The GRINadge variation may be behind mythical "LohenGRIN" of the Arthurian cult The Lohans/Logens use nails, suspect with Nails/Nagle's for a Lohengrin trace to Oneglia's Arduinici.

Woden/Odin-suspect Woodwards are in Oddie colors and use nearly the Green motto. The Woodward eagles are likely the Arms of Este eagle because Este's were first found in the same place (Essex) as Woodwards. Therefore, the white Odin/Oddie horse, which is the Rothchild horse, links to the white horseheads of the Essex Este's, hardening the Rothschild link to Istria. The Destes variation of Italian Este's my be in the "InDUSTria" motto term in the Arms of Rothschild. Note that while Valentins, first found beside Este, use green squirrels on a red-on-white bend, DUSTERs use green trefoils on a white-on-red bend. Dusters are thus discovered as Este liners to Rothschilds.

As the Valentin bend was traced to the white-on-red Stevenson bend with green leopard faces upon it, note for the time-being the Word(en)/Warden bend, with leopard faces upon it, and wait for Word / Ward liners to trace to the Great Seal of the United States in a broad revelation never before seen by the public. It expects that Woodwards apply, and so note, too, that Washingtons have been traced by others to mythical Odin. It's going to connect Washington to the Biblical harlot in compelling ways (plural), and that doesn't include the point that, while Rothschilds trace in multiple ways to Istria, I identified the Biblical harlot, years ago (i.e. long before coming to Istria), as the extension of Ishtar, of Babylon, but tracing to Istria. And her cult was on the Ister river, location of Cuppae, while Ishtar had a dove symbol, symbol also of Cuppae...and the Columbia area around Washington DC. Washington has been a whitewash, just as the Pharisees whitewashed their cups on the outside, but on the inside they were full of greed.

The Dol Alans had been traced (by me) to Roxolani (known Alan-Hun line), and Rundels/Roundells are using the Alan fesse, apparently, for both fesses are surrounded by leaves. Reminder: both Alan Coats have linkage to both Gore Coats, exposing a fundamental Alan link to Gorlois and Pendragon. UTHER Pendragon was part code for Others/Oters/Oders, suspect now with Oettinger liners, and while Gore's share the Windsor crosslets in the same colors, Others/Otto's are said to be Windsor ancestry. While Propers share the ostrich with Gorlois-related Lois', Rundels use a "PROPositi" motto term.

The Grand crowns are now suspect with the MacArthur crown due to the Grandville variation of Greenfields/Granfields. The Granville line could have been a Goren(ville) line, so to speak, of the Gore's. There is a Goren surname (Sussex, same place as Arundels) listed with English Gorings, a surname using annulets in Speer colors' Gorens are traced to gar = spear (I don't buy it), but then mythical Gorlois was traced to Lusatia's Gorlitz, in the Spree-river theater. Gorens/Gorings are said to be part or Round-like Arundel, and while Rounds use the Pendragon chevron, Table's share blue roundels with Arthurs. The "sleeping lion" of Rounds traces to Endymion at Latmus, smack beside Clarus. Let's not be naive.

Arundels (Garunds = Grants/Grands?) use the black swallows of the Swallow surname (Lincolnshire), said to be originally, "Saulun," like the Saulnier variation of Saunier's, or the Solney variation of Sole's (same chevron as Gorens/Gorings). Spanish Sole's are SOLANa's (share the sun with Poussins), the surname that I think was placed in charge of the fledgling E.U. by Round-Table elements. Sole's come up as "Sola," a Gore motto term. Why is that? Wasn't Al Gore a globalist pet?

Another theory is that Julians/Gillians named Quillan because Saunier's are suspect with a version of the Aurelia Coat. The Sole's/Solneys use vertical fish in the colors of the same of Prude's and the Arms of Rieti, while these Arms use a "pratis" motto term for Prude liners, and while this makes Sole's suspect from the Salto river at Rieti, I tried just now to load Solts (ostrich), holding out that they may have been Sole liners from the Salto, and the Salt surname came up sharing gold-on-blue stars (the EU symbol) with French Julians...and French Alans, the kin of Gore's. It's a great reason for tracing Quillan of Julians. Gore's even use a Salyes-like "salus" motto term.

How much sense does it make, from the prophetic point of view, that the EU's leaders should trace to the particular Roman emperors that are in the seven heads of the Revelation dragon? Rieti was home to the 4th, 5th and 6th heads, Vespasian, Titus and Domitian. Prior to these three, the others were Julian liners. The Bauers (the known ancestry of Rothschilds) use the same stars as Julians and the EU. Let's not be naive. The "broken chevron" of Solts/Salts is for Broke's/Brocks, sharing the Stewart (i.e. Alan) motto. The Sole's/Solneys are said to have married Painells while Paynells/Paine's (Tint colors, same place as Tintagel) use a broken spear.

After this, I tried for a Salon surname, as per the Saulun origin of Swallows, and got the Salemans in Swallow colors, and traced in its write-up to "a copse of sallow trees." The Swallows even use a tree. The Salon bend is also the Sale/Salette bend. The Cops' were first found in Lancashire, where the Salto's Avezzano elements traced recently. The Cops' fleur are in the colors of the Avis/Avison garbs, and the Cops chevron is surrounded by red roses, the Avezzano symbol. Therefore, the Salon/Saleman write-up is a lie, yet deliberate code. The Cops' are an obvious branch of Colps/Cope's/Cups.

There is a Sallow/Sallis surname, using another tree (willow), and first found in Shropshire, beside the Sale's/Salette's. One Willow surname, suspect with the Wills using the griffin of Schutz-suspect Scotts, share the sun with Solana's. It starts to appear as though the Schutz bloodline was nothing more that Salto-river liners, or variations from "Salt / Saut." Sallows are traced to an early Mr. Salwe of the Cornwall area, and so Salways/Sallowaye's (Staffordshire, same as Solts/Salts) may be a branch, who come up as "SOLway." It's interesting that while Solts are also "Saut," the French Sauts/SCAUTs/Scaults look like Schutz's, for the latter share the gold-on-black saltire with Salways/Solways. It may be hasty, but it looks like a match, now tracing Schutz / Skeets liners to Salto-river liners, as had been the case when Schutz's were traced to the Saltire surname (Shropshire again). The Sceauch variation of the Sauts is just about the Skeoch variation of Skits. German Sauts/Sutters are likewise in Schutz colors, and while the Schutz collar gets Moor heads, there is a Moor in the Salway Crest. The Salway motto suggests Valentinian's family, and then a Schio location sits near Vicenza, where Valentins were first found. The Salford wolf with collar is suspect with the Schutz Crest, and Salfords trace to Severus Bassus without doubt (we will see this trace later in this update).

The fretty of the other Willows becomes suspect with the Cotta fretty, for as Aurelia Cotta was the mother of Julius Caesar, the English Velis'/Vale's use the Julian crosslet in the same black color while the Scottish Willows come up as "Velis."

The Marits, first found in the same place as Tintagel, are using the same three fesse bars as Italian Garins while German Garins are listed with Gorings/Gorengs. It begs the question on whether Gore's were Guerin / Guerra liners after all. The Guido's, suspect with Guido Guerra, share the Odin/Oddie and Greenville lion, as well as the hourglass-like Shield of Spree's. The Guidi were from Bologna, where the Spear-related Pasi's were first found. This is where Skits/Skeochs were traced.

The Bologna surname, by the way, uses upright greyhounds, both white, one on a red Shield, the other on a green Shield, Rothschild suspect. The one side has a greyhound identical to the Huns/Hundt surname, and very suspect with Klassen / Fortuna liners on the Clausula. "Passe"-using Rollo's use a "fortuna" motto term. This is a good way to trace Clausula liners to Glasgow, but through Bologna elements. Speers were first found in the Glasgow area, tending to assure that some of those Bologna elements included the Guido-Guerra line. The Schutz's use a greyhound, and they reflect the Skits / Skeets' / Scheds.

English Huns, using talbot dogs in the colors of the Hun/Hundt greyhound, were first found in Yorkshire, same as talbot-using Oettingens of the Odin kind. It's important that greyhound-suspect Hounds/Houns were first found in the same place as Capone's, suspect from "Caepionis," for Cupionich is on the Clausula. Gore's are still suspect with Grey liners, and Greys are using a lion version of the Hun/Hundt greyhound.

Oettingen is in Swabia, where Huns/Hundts were first found, and Swabia (Suebi liners) is part of the Savona bloodline that merged with the Sitone line to Sion/Sitten. It can explain why Oettingen uses vair fur = bell pattern in the colors of Bellamy-related Seatons, two surnames that had branches around lake Geneva, at least one near Annecy. As Oettingen is in Donau-RIES, it's notable that the English Ries' use half the Oettingen saltire. To prove that Oettingens trace to Odins/Oddie's, the latter share the crozier with German Rie's. We now know where both Rie surnames trace. The Rie's are beloved of the escutcheon-using Saddocks (ears of rye, same place as Rye's/Ries'), and there is a blue escutcheon at the center of the Oettingen Arms. It looks like Oettingens use the red Rothschild Shield.

As Arthurs merged with the Hicks, so we find a "Hic" motto term in a Waller motto while there was an Oettingen-Wallerstein branch. English Wallers (Nottinghamshire) share a tree with German Ries', and yet they use leaves too. Why? The Arms of Donau-Ries show a gold-on-red saltire related to the Oettingen saltire. Concerning this gold saltire: "The yellow cross on red background was part of the arms of all Oettingen counties." Can we trace it to the Annandale saltire as used by Bruce's and Ayrshire? Do the namers of Nottinghamshire trace to the Nitts/Naughts, first found in the same place as Annandale? Why is there a NITTingen location in Oettingen? The Nitt/Naughts even use a Shield filled with the Cohen checks while Swabia was a HOHENzollern / HOHENstaufen haunt. And the Oettingen VAIR fur traces to Vairs using a Shield filled with the Hohen checks, kin of Fers/Ferrats using the Cohen checks.

While Ottingers (houseofnames) can be using a version of the Petty quarters, the Pottingers ("ardua" motto term) list "Pettinger," and that surname shares the white pelican on nest with Waller-like Wells/Wellers, first found in Rhineland, next to or part of Oettingen. The Pottinger pelicans are in the colors of the bottony Cromby cross while the Pottinger Crest looks like the symbol in the Arms of Crema. One Petty surname shares parrots with the Peebles surname while Peebles is where Bowers were first found that share a green Shield with Pottingers. Rothschilds trace to the same Istria location as Pettys, but as Mayer Bauer (the first Rothschild) was mixed up with Hesse-Cassel, note that Needle's, honored in the Petty needle, share a giant sun with Hesse's. Cassels are even one of the surnames that honor Avezzano liners, relevant because Swabia traces to the Sabines, the namers of mount Sabina on the west side of Avezzano. Yes, for while the Suebi were neighbors of Semnones, Sabines had a Samnite tribe.

Jewish Cohens, who come up as "Kagan" and therefore trace to Khazars, are using the same stars as Morays, as expected, but they also use what could be the Hesse sun. One Moray Coat no longer shown at houseofnames used fetterlocks, and Fetters use a giant sun too. I wonder whose fesse the Cohens/Kagans use?

As a Teck entity was part of the royal Windsors, and close to queen Victoria, this is a good place to re-mention that Hips', from both the Hypsas river and the Apsus (home of DEXARoi peoples), use a version of the Deck/Decker Coat, a surname suspect with "Teck." As the Windsor royals were partially Stewarts, by what coincidence do Hips' use footless martlets in the colors of the Henry martlets, and in the colors of the Alan martlets, while Henrys are said to be from the Meu-river area, near the proto-Stewart Alans. Queen Victoria traced to the Foot bloodline, perhaps part of Fetters.

As Kilpatricks trace to the Antipatria location on the Apsus, this is a good place to re-mention that Kilpatrick castle was on the Nith river (Dumfries) to which Nitts/Naughts (Dumfries) trace. The Pettys that seemed to be part of the pelican-using Pettingers, who in-turn can link to the pelicans of Kilpatrick-related Pattersons, had been traced to the Paeti peoples BEFORE I traced Pattersons and Patricks to the APSus, and it has taken me this long to make the trace to the APSinthii, smack beside the Paeti. It appears that the Paeti should therefore trace to the namers of Antipatria, and the great thing about this trace is the Hypsas, home of mythical Aeneas that traces to Aenus, smack beside the Apsinthii.

It's all on the Hebros river, home of Hebrews, and it's just a little north of the Paeti that an Arda location existed that's root of the Arthurs that one sees in the "ardua" motto term of Pettingers. Yet, they are shown properly as "Pottinger." Note their PottinGALE variation, a sign of linkage to Tintagel's Arduinci. Then take a look at the map again, and you will see DORIScus between the Paeti and Aenus, like the Doria surname married by Arduinici. Doriscus is even beside the Cicones, proto-Ligurians, while Doria's were in Liguria. Note how close the Bessi are to the Arda river, for we saw the Bessyngs using the Arthur rests. The rests had become suspect with Orestia, at the junction of the Arda with the Hebros. As Virgil traced the Romans to the Aenus, inadvertently, anyway, while I traced Romans to the 600 Benjamites at Rimmon, note the Benni on the Arda. The COELetae further up the Arda may have named the ColAPIS along with some APSinthii liners. The latter had become suspect with "Jabesh," for the 600 Benjamites are said (in Judges) to have marred 400 woman from Jabesh Gilead. "Jabesh" was traced to "Japode" on the Colapis, though possibly after Jabesh-ites passed through Joppa, where the Perseus Dananns passed through, a good reason to trace LYSimachia to Laish, the city taken over by the 600 "Danites." in Judges. Their Levite priest, Jonathan, was traced to "Oeneus," an Aeneas-like term that named the river smack next to the Colapis, wherefore I feel compelled to trace that line of pagan Levites to Aenus. The Dexaroi have been traced to the Ticino, home of a Laevi peoples suspect with Jonathan-line Levites.

It's important to note that the Pottinger Crest is white with a red crown, the symbol of Lurch's/Larchers and Archers to whom Rothschilds traced well. That line went to Lurco, father-in-law of Appius PULCHer, suspect with a pelican line, yet his first name, which was a Roman surname too, looks like "APSus." Lurco's daughter, with Appius, birthed the first official Roman emperor, a good reason to trace Appius to the Apsinthii. In fact, there was a mythical Oeneus that was made a father of Methoni, smack beside Pylos, and the latter had a mythical NESTor as ruler, suspect in the pelican's nest. The Pelican is suspect with Peleg, a mainline Hebrew patriarch. See the Nestus river near the source of the Arda.

The Caepio line to "Kupa" does not appear evident on the Hebros, but is being traced to the Sava-like Cavii at Lissus, suspect with Lissae at the source of the Hebros, but also with Lysimachia. I sense that the Cavii were Shawia liners. The Bessyngs should trace to Bassania, beside Lissus. The map below has Bassania and the Cavii shown, and also has different names along the Hebros. The Benny area has been replaced with a Nice region, suspect with Nicaea = Ancore, where the Kyle anchor traced, though Anchors/Annackers, suspect with "Annas / Aeneas, had traced to Agrigento, and therefore traces Ancore elements to the Apsinthii, i.e. not far from Nice. The latter is shown beside the Caeletae, the Coeletae above, which recalls that Cale's show anchor evidence for being a branch of Cole-related Kyle's. As Colchester = Camulodunum was suspect with Nahorites, I suppose they can be traced to the Arda river, and it just so happens that I trace the Cammell surname to Camulodunum, and to Kemuel, Nahor's son, while MacArthurs were the mother stock of Campbells/Cammells! In other words, proto-Cammells are expected at the Arda. As Pale's/Palys use the camel, note Pala smack to the north the Caeletae. I suppose Pala elements become suspect with Pylos. Or, as Pilote's were suspect with Pylos, note PLOTinopolis to the east side of the Caeletae. As I traced Campbells to Abellinum/Avellino, home of HIRPini (wolf peoples), note that the Arda is now the HARPassus. As Daphaba is along the Harpassus, they can trace together to Daphne, the alternative name of Harbiye in Syria. Apollo, who traces to Avellino and Avalon, loved Daphne. There was another Daphne at Laish that traces definitely to the Ladon and Peneus rivers.

As Nahorites were wolf worshipers, it's interesting, especially as Gore's trace with Cole's to Servitium, that a Corpili entity is marked beside the Coeletae. As I traced Gore's/Core's to Chora on Patmos, identified with Coronis (my personal theory), by what coincidence is the Corp surname (yew tree) said to be from ravens = crows, the old Coronis symbol? Apollo, the wolf line in the Gore Crest, made Coronis a crow, and I traced crows to Garebites suspect at Harbiye. Coronis was the daughter of Peleg-suspect Phlegyas, and brother of Ixion, who had been suspect with "Kikon" i.e. the Cicones smack to the south of the Corpili. That works.

In fact, look at how well it works that tends to verify multiple things at once. We start with "Ixion" as code for Kikons, but view "Kikon/Cicone" as the making of CYCNus/Cygnus, son of Sithone-depicting Sthenelus, and then we trace Sithones to the Sidonians of Laish, a city at the foot of mount SION, a term that can be gleaned in "IXION." Sithonia was in one of the peninsula's of Chalcidice, but it doesn't mean that Sithones couldn't have lived elsewhere in that Greek area, at a different period. As Ixion was a Lapith, it can trace Eliphas and Timna to mount Sion. "Hermon" traces to the Zio/Sio-worshiping Herminones Germanics, where one should expect mythical Odin.

If I'm correct in tracing Ixion's sister to a depiction of the Patmos city of Chora, then I am compelled to trace Lapiths to Gore's/Core's. Note that while Gowers/Gore's use a white wolf, the Sithone-like Stone's use a while talbot dog in the same position. Plus, the Gore-crosslet colors are in the Stone cinquefoils. Plus, the Sauts/Salts use the same stars as French Gore's, and so ask why Gore's use a "Sola salus" motto phrase. Marsi at/beside the Salto were (in my opinion) at Marseilles, where the Phocaeans were co-founders of Ligurians, from Phocaea, directly across from Lapith-infested LESbos. And we saw Gore's linked to Leslie's and Less' earlier in this update. Leslie's were first found in the same place as the Chives' of Tarves, interesting because the black flory cross of Gowers/Gore's is nearly that of Chives'. The Stone motto must be code for Veys/Vivians (same place as Stone's), whom I identify with the witch cult of Rothesay = Avalon, and the conquerors of Rothesay were raven-depicted vikings that can trace to the Coronis crow. Rothesay was also Bute, suspect with Oliphant-associated Arbuthnotts, and while Booths share the black boar with Bush's, the same Bush's (from Busca, beside salus-like Saluzzo) share the eagle of Sauts/Salts. I'm not saying that Sauts were Sithones, but wondering, especially as Saluzzo is interior Liguria, where Sthenelus elements may have been.

One should expect a Sithone relationship with Chora's namers, which expects Rephaites at Laish. Another consideration is the Biblical king Sihon, both like "Sion" and "Sithone." He was an Amorite, and ran a kingdom on the east side of the Jordan, where Jabesh-Gilead is located, and where the Jordan-area Rephaites may have been, though their branch at Jerusalem's Rephaite valley jibes with the fact that Amorites ruled Jerusalem, followed by Jabesh-like Jebusites.

Gore'-related Yonge's got merged with Og-like Hogans. Ogdens, first found in the same place as Yonge's, may be using the red Yonge lion. As Gore's shows as an Alan merger, this paragraph makes the Alan oak leaves suspect with the Ogden oak leaves. Ogdens were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Gowers/Gore's. The tree stumps that we saw were likely, as they are often said to be, oak stumps, potential code for Og liners. As Stumps look to be using the Toque's/Took Coat, the latter look like they use a version of the Teague/Tegger Coat, and as the latter surname shares the wolf with Yonge's, the "touJOURS" motto term of Yonge's is suspect with "Teeger" as well as with Gore's/JORE's.

Hogans were first found in Tipperary, where I trace a Lafin line from Sulcis, and I'm still after the answer as to whether "Salyes" traces to "Sulcis."

I took a shot at the Kensington yew tree in the last update, with a suggested trace to "Yuya," the Mitanni horse trainer of royal Egypt, ancestor of king Tut, and here I find a yew tree in the Corp Crest while the Corp Coat has "green stumps of wood" (why green?). That's an unusual term for this symbol, all the more reason to expect the Wood surname behind it, which uses a "TUTus" motto term. Looks like I may have been right about the Yew tree.

As Odin was also "WODen," note that his symbol was the tree, the Wood symbol. The other Woods have what looks like Hercules with his club in Crest, and Hercules was, in my opinion, the stem of the Samson Danites, very possibly the ones in Laish. Yuya lived in CHEMMIs, a term like "Sames," the sun god whom I trace to "SAMSon," apparently named after a Beth SHAMESH location, beside Timnah, the latter being the location where Samson got his wife. As I trace Yuya's Mitanni/MODON to Methoni, where Jonathan the Levite priest of Laish's Danites has been traced, by what coincidence was ancient MODi'in near Beth Shamesh? Didn't Odin trace with Sitones to the Sidonians at Laish?

The Woods are traced to Bosco's, which seems correct in that Bosco's use a "tree stump." But I trace Bosco's with Buschs to Bozrah, Edomite capital, where Timna is expected to have lived, perhaps of the Timnah of Samson's wife. As it's a good expectation to trace Lotan, Timna's brother, to Daphne's Ladon river, the Samson entity is indeed suspect at Laish. Josephus tells of a Daphne location at or near Laish. The latter was beside or at Panias/Banias, like the Benny location smack of Daphaba of Arda. Either the Book of Enoch or Jasher, I forget which, tells that mount Sion, at Panias, was also called, Ardos. Make the connection to the Arda river, to Arduinici, and king Arthur (near Daphne-suspect Devon), a Gore line suspect from mount Gareb at Jerusalem, home of raven-like Rephaites.

I had traced the Yuya Mitanni to Lesbos, and it's possible to make a connection to proto-Gore's if they were from mount Gareb and it's Rephaites. Stoners (Salemen eagles?) even share a six-sectioned Shield with Tut-like Tate's, and the motto of Lapith-suspect Oliphants honor the Touts/Tute's/Tutte's. Keep in mind that Rephaites are suspect with an ancient proto-raven term that may then have become a crow for Chora elements, thus making the Rephaite connection to Chora. Also keep in mind that while Ralphs use the raven, "Rollo" was also called, Ralph, while Rollo's had merged with Oliphants. The Yuya line seems to have merged with Edomites expected in the end-time dragon cult, chief enemies of Jesus. Irish Tute's are using the Tatton quarters, for Tattons (share red crescents with Seatons) use the crescent of the other Tute's/Tutte's. The white Tatton greyhound may be linkable to the white Gore wolf. The Tatton quarters are half in the colors of the same of Seaton-related Says (first found beside the Tattons).

Says were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Sallows/Salwe's/SALLIS', making the "Salus" motto term of Gore's suspect with this surname especially because Gore-related Alans came to reside in Shropshire. In fact, they came to reside in Og-potential OSwestry. In fact, the Ogdens who share the Alan oak leaves have an "OStendo" motto term, suggesting that Ogdens were also Ostens. There is actually a Westry surname to which OsWESTRY may link. I'm not familiar with Westrys/WestWRAYs, and it just so happens that Wrays (ostrich) share red martlets with French Alans! While Moreton-Say is in Shropshire, Wrays are said to be from Wrey in Moreton-Hamstead.

Ham(p)steads may be using the Washington Chief because Wreys were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Washingtons. The latter had been traced to the Mitanni capital, and while Medleys had been traced to Mitanni liners, they were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Hamsteads. The latter not only use an axe in Crest, but the same fesse as Actons/AXtons, who I have traced to Acte, the ancient area of mythical Ogyges! Amazing "coincidences." Wrey-suspect Breydons use the same chevron as Quints and surrounded by footless martlets in the colors of the same of Josephs, but as Alans use martlets too, Breydons are suspect with Wrey liners in Oswestry. There is a good insight. Brays use a "flax breaker" while Breakers were first found in Shropshire! Good one. Breakers are listed with Brechs, likely a branch of Stewart-related Brocks, and use the Quint chevron in colors reversed. It looks we've found Caiaphas liners in Oswestry, a location that, until now, remained a mystery to me. Brechs are suspect from Brigantium/Briancon. As Wreys are Wraggs, note that Braggs were first found in the same place (CamBRIDGE) as Capone's, and Briggs share the pelican with Stewarts.

Although the Cuppers/Copers, first found in Shropshire, are showing a black pelican, it's described like so: "An ermine pelican emerging from a silver mural crown, beaked and legged in gold, vulning herself." What's "vulning" for? The motto of pelican-using Stewarts includes, "VULNere." The Dol-suspect Whelans? Although the Cupper/Coper Shield shows blue, it's said to be "A silver shield with a black saltire..." As Yonge's trace to Kupa-river elements, the red lions in the Cupper Chief can be the Yonge lion as well as the Stewart lion.

Squealing on the Great Seal

The Ogyges cult was suspect with the Orchomenos location of Boiotia, and with Argo mythology, and Orchomenos was traced to the Orkneys, where garb-using Organs are traced. Medleys and Muths/Methleys use the Fogg/Foge stars, and together (all three) were traced to Mytilene and Methimna on Lesbos, off-shore from modern Foca, the ancient Phocaea. The AESON > Jason line on the Argo ship goes to mythical AEDON, queen of Boiotia, and then goes back to AkhenATEN, the pharaoh who married the Yuya line, and father of king Tut. There is a good reason to trace "Ogyges" to Gage's, implied in their write-up as a branch of proto-Washington Wassa's/Gace's. Can this reveal that Washington DC was a Gog line? Mr. Gauchi in the Gage write-up looks like a Gooch/Googe liner.

There has got to be a reason that American uses the BALD eagle, and Balds happen to use two of the Washington-Chief stars in their own Chief. German Balds share the hourglass-like feature with Gage's, and French Gage's/Geigers use eagles in the gold-on-blue colors found in the Great Seal below. Balds were first found in the same place (Peebles) as Bowers, and the bunched Bower arrows are held by the bald eagle in the Great Seal of the United States. Don't be naive, America was not founded by Christians, but by masked, corrupt, and power-hungry dragons disguised as Christians. This is your Great Satan, who, in the name of liberty, gladly or indifferently turn the teen ladies into porn instruments. Above the eagle's head, a white Zionist star, the Wassa/Gace symbol. George Washington, the stupid Mason. C'mon say it, or idolize him, which will it be for you?

Earlier, we saw the Cecil motto term, "unum," in the Great Seal, but the Cecils use "Cor unum," apparently as code for Patmos liners. This is an incredible revelation, sudden and new, not the plan at all. It's painting the founders of the United States as Gog, and the Great Seal even includes the Rothschild arrows. Reminder: the Arms of Sicily have a Gorgon head at the center, and Gogi is a name used to this day in Caucasian Georgia, which itself uses a version of the Templar flag of Jerusalem. Cecils have become suspect with Chives' and Cavetts, while I say that the Annuit Coeptis" motto of the Great Seal is code for Annas and Caiaphas. This, if correct, would make the founders of the United States the most-disgusting peoples on earth. American Christians need to decide, love for Jesus or love of America. You can't have both. The Caepio-line lion is suspect in the Cecil Crest. The "via" motto term of Cecils and the "Vi" of Chives' was traced to Viu valley, tributary of the Rephaite-suspect Riparia river, home of king Cottius and his son, VESTalis, the latter suspect with the Wessel/WASHtell/WAISTell/Westell surname using Joseph symbols. Hmm, what about OsWESTry and the Westrys/Westwrays?

Fortunately, I wrote on some CUFFed sleeves earlier in this update, and I've just seen an identical one in the Wessel Crest. I had said, "it looks like the Tippet/Tipper Crest is the Avis/Avison anchor. The Crests are in the same design, cuffed sleeves included, with the anchor at the same angle." The Crests do not show the sleeves in the same colors, however, but the Avis sleeve is in the red color along with the one in the Wessel Crest, and Wessels happen to use the same garbs as Avis'! Then, lo and behold, Cecils are said to be a branch of Cassels, and Cassels (share the dolphin with Tippets) use an "Avise" motto term!!! For blue sleeves and cuffs, the colors of the Tippet sleeves, see RUMneys/Romneys, suspect with "secloRUM."

It was the German Wessels/Gastels that gave another impression of linking to the Wassa's. As the Joseph / Avis garbs are also the Comyn garbs, it's notable that the "Courage" motto of Comyns (Conteville kin) is in the motto of Gage's, for if I recall correctly, there is a Conteville location along the Touques river. The Cassel motto, Avise la fin, is part-code for Lafins/La Fonts, a branch of Conteville-related Font-de-Ville's.

The Avis anchor traced to Kyle's, of AYRshire, now suspect with Eyers with the all-seeing-EYE symbol, and it just so happens that the Great Seal uses that eye. America was founded at the insurgence of the Bavarian Illuminati, and Thomas Jefferson was found quoted as admiring that Illuminati's founder. American globalism is an attempt to place the human race under the thumb of the Caiaphas line, a thing that may have been fate even if Jesus didn't come (i.e. even if Caiaphas didn't kill Jesus). But if God chose that Jesus should be sacrificed by Caiaphas an Annas, there was likely a thought-out reason for it. God's all-seeing-eye was on end-time America, wasn't it, which has defiled the apple of His eye, to His face, isn't that right?

The last update concentrated on the Poitvins and related Peverels / Piperels, who ruled Wight, where I've traced the Quade's/Wade's convincingly, the latter suspect with human-eye Watts, Vatts, Battins, and WITkowo. After saying, "It looks like Pictones named the Poitvins, and then got to the Pike's too, making them all suspect from the Pek river and Cuppae," the following paragraph enters: "Santones named Sainte while one Saint surname shares cherubs with the Arms of Newport, Wales. As Cowes is on Wight with [another] Newport, Newport of Wales is expected to be related to the Trevor line of Tudors. Tudors use helmets, but also the Traby ostrich feathers (not showing), and then Pickets/Pigottsshare the white wolf head of Scarfs suspect with the scarf of Trabys/Sadowski's. But here, I found the black Quade wolf heads in the Seal surname while the white Scarf wolf head is in the Seal Crest, found because I suspected that "Great Seal" was code for two related lines. The Seal Coat looks like a version of the Burn / Bernice Coat, and then Burnum was in the Gorski area of proto-Croatia, at Scardona.

The Greats (same place as Trevors) happen to use the same saltire as Piperel-suspect Pipers. And, by the way, the white wolf head of Seals can be the Gore wolf. Greats were also first found in the same place as Jeffersons who share "salus" with Gore's, and Jeffersons are the ones sharing a blue griffin with Poitvin-loving Jays.

The Piper saltire was traced to the Tease/Teck/Tess saltire, both suspect with the Laevi and with Annas', and while the Tease's/Tighs can be a branch of Teague's and Touque's, Gace, a location that named the Gace variation of Wassa's, is on a Touques river (Normandy). The Gage's/Geigers are expected to be using the Mackay / Macey Shield because German Geigers use a sinister bend with the Massey fleur. That leaves a guess as to who owns the Gage/Geiger eagle suspect as the American eagle. Dutch Kuppers not only use a sinister bend, but one of their Zionist stars is colors reversed from the same of Wassa's. The other Zionist star of Kuppers looks like it belongs to the sinister bend of Massena's, making the white-on-red patee crosses of the Massena Coat suspect with the same-colored Zionist star of Wassa's, and it just so happens that I trace the Massena patees to the same of Peks, they from the Pek river, near Kupper-like Cuppae! Kuppers are new to me right here, and, unfortunately, they have no write-up, and therefore no shown variations.

The Massey fleur traces to the Lys river of Aosta, which, I read, is the source of the BALDea river to which I trace king Baldwin of Templar Jerusalem, but as this was also the Bautica river, it goes to the Botters that use an eagle, which was found to link to the Ardon eagle because Arduinici had a branch at Ivrea, on the Bautica. The Botters are kin to Potters, and Porters look like Potter liners while French Porters were first found in Berry, and finally Tim had sent in a French Berry/Barry Coat that caused me to claim that it was origin to the red-and-white stripes on the American flag. I've misplaced that Coat. The Botter eagle, perched for Perche code, is in the colors of the Ferte eagle, and Bellamys of Perche, Gareb liners, merged with Ferte-Mace (not far from Gace).

Pickets (Say and Cambridge liners) use "TOUT foys PREST" while black-wolf and Una-liner Yonge's use "praesTAT," as well as sharing the Cowes piles. "Great Seal" is now suspect with Wight / Mackay liners of the Quintus Caepio kind, explaining "COEPtis." By the way, I just typed "not" for "now," a terrible habit that crops up dozens of times. I don't know how I do it, for the 'w' is three keys over from the 't'. If ever you read a statement with "not" that makes no sense, try it with "now".

Although John Kerry was born a Kohn (Jewish surname), a certain Mr. Kohn changed it to "Kerry." The online story behind this, or the reason for the change, is unconvincing. The point is that Kerrys share the hourglass-like design of Gage's in the same colors, while Botters have Biden like variations, and were first found in the same place as Bidens, while Joseph Biden and John Kerry are now, likely, the most powerful men in Obama's administration, better even than lame-duck, do-nothing-but-enjoy-power Obama. I traced Kerrys to Muskerry and therefore to Massa-Carrara, smack beside Lucca, where Italian Botters were first found. I had much trouble finding Botters amongst the Salyes Ligures, even though heraldry suggested the link, until finding the Bautica river.

I'll be on the look-out for the royal-blue Chief used by the Great Seal.

It's been a few years since realizing that Stewarts of Shropshire traced to the marriage of ostrich-liner Trabys with Astikas', and as that marriage was traced solidly to Justine of Picenum, note the "juste" motto term of ostrich using Wreys. The related Peacocks (sept of Pollocks whom had also been in Shropshire) use "just." Justine's line with Valentinian (her husband) traced to the Justine's, first found in the same place as Tut-suspect Rollo's. What Sal entity do you suppose named Salop, the alternative name of Shropshire? The so-called ragully feature of English Stewarts was traced partly to Raggs, but their Wragg variation now suggests a Wray branch! These important parts of the early Stewart family have been secrets until now, and it had not been possible to clinch the Raggs with the ragully feature until now. Gullys were identified with a line of Julians, who go to the French-Alan stars.

I had traced Yuya to king Og, a Rephaite in the area of Jabesh Gilead, and Gore's traced smack to the Japodes theater, making for a good start. However, the Yuya trace to Og was not proven, but theoretical, based on some logic. A Germanicized "Yuya" becomes "Guga," reflecting Gugu/Gyges of Lydia (home of Phocaea), or mythical Ogyges of Athens/Boiotia. These are terms that can produce "Cicones / Cycnus." "Athens" is like "AkhenATEN."

As per that Lesbos link to Chora of Patmos (two Lapith entities), here is another way to make the link. Og liners were traced to mythical Oeagrus, part of the Charops / Orpheus line that floated down the Hebros to Lesbos with Apollo's lyre/harp. Harp-like Charops was easily identified with the Carpae/Arpii, namers of the Carpathians, home of Hungarians, said to be from a king Arpad. We get it, and as Hungarians are said to be from UGRians, that must be what "OEAGRus" is all about. But their offspring, Orpheus, was a hard nut to crack, until I realized that it was a Repha(ite) term fronted with a vowel. Orph liners (like Gorpili on the Hebros, come to think of it) became suspect with Rephaites. It just so happens that, years before identifying Coronis with Chora, I trace Charops to Charybdis, a mythical monster that was always coupled with wolf-liner Scylla at Sicily. This trace was substantiated by the Szekely peoples on the Mures river (Carpathian), who claim to be proto-Hungarians, as was king Arpad. That is, the Szkeley were suspect with Scylla, the Sicels, we may assume, namers of Sicily. Were they a line to Cecils and Cassels?

Later, after realizing that Coronis' son, ASCLepios, was code for Skala on Patmos, that city was trace to "Scylla, and soon enough, I found that Asclepios (partly like "Lapith", partly like "Scylla") had a cult in eastern Sicily. These are all reasons for tracing the Charops > Orpheus line to Charybdis, but as the latter was suspect by ancients with the Calabrian area opposite the straight from Scylla, that's where Ragg-like Reggio is located, while Asclepios was worshipped in the RAGusa part of Sicily, beside Gela (known founding entity of Agrigento), where one may trace "raGULLY."

Now, while Gore's are expected to be Garebites to "Charops," that being the line to Hungary's Arpad, the Youngs, whom I usually quote as "Yonge," are traceable to "HUNGarian," especially as German Youngs/Jungs use the stag alone, the symbol that Hungarians used for themselves. Hungary is not far from the Sava river to which Yonge's and Gore's both trace, and, in fact, Hungary, said to derived on "ON-Ogur," must trace to Juno, or the namers of the UNa river. Hungarians were Oeagrus liners along with Una-river elements that included the June's in the "juene" motto term of Yonge's. And, believe it or not, that while the Una is suspect with Jonathan the pagan Levite, whom was traced to the Laevi on the Ticino, I actually found ways of tracing proto-Hungarians to the Ticino that were not only convincing, not only able to link to the Laevi, but the trace was made having nothing to do with seeking to link Hungarians to the Laevi. To Hebrews, "Jonathan" started as "Yon." Note the ANNUlets of Yonge's and Hogans.

So, Og liners are expected at the Una, even as Rephaites are expected at Laish, home of Jonathan. The Hungarian stag is now suspect as code for the Stagg / Stacy / Eustace / Astikas line(s). When I first looked at the Westry Coat, it gave the impression of the Hawk Coat, which may apply to the Turul-hawk symbol of Hungarian roots. The Hawkeswells share the axe with the axe above that traced to Ogyges' Acte location. It was the Hampstead axe, a surname entering the discussion as per the home of Oswestry-suspect Wreys, and Hampsteads are the ones using the Acton fesse too. And it just so happens that HAMPs/Hamtons share a white wolf in Crest with Gore's! The Josephs, first found in the HAMPshire, use Gareb-suspect Garbs in an undefined Chief, and then the Wrays use an undefined Chief too.

By "undefined," I mean that it uses symbols in Chief without a separate Chief color. There may be a special reason for this, and it may be owned by a certain surname at the root of it all. There is no Chief surname coming up, but Cheffs/Chaffs (peacock) use a Chief with lozenges -- traces with Gore's to the Losinj-of-Gorski theater -- and while Quintus Caepio's surname is suspect with that theater, and while Quints were first found in the same place (Essex) as Gore's and Yonge's (and AMPs/Imps), Quint-related Quince's, who use hollow lozenges, were first found in NorthHAMPTON. If that's not enough, Hamptons share a red chevron with Quints, and the latter were first found in both Essex and Dorset, the latter where Cheffs/Chaffs were first found, making "Caepio" suspect with Caiaphas-like Chaffs...and, besides, Josephs are suspect from Joseph Caiaphas. While Staffs use the Quint chevron in both colors, Hamptons were first found in Staffordshire. Amps/Imps (same crescents as Seatons) use the Quint chevron in colors reversed, and also throw in a black leopard face, symbol of Levi-beloved Ade's, first found in the same place as Gord(on)s.

As you may recall, Gords were from a Richer de Gordum, and Rich's/Richess' --- first found in Hampshire -- are using a Gord-like Coat, and having a white wyvern dragon in Crest i.e. the colors of the Gore-Crest wolf. But as Rich's use a "Gord-like Garde" motto term, the Gards (HAWK's lure), who likewise use the wolf, are suspect as Gore liners. It just so happens that Gardners trace to German Kaplans and Capes', the latter first found beside Capone's, Chapmans and June's, while English Kaplans (another white Crest) were first found in Hampshire yet again, and use gold griffins in Chief in the two colors of the Joseph-Chief garbs. The Cheffs/Chaffs use the gold griffin too, as does one Gard Chief highly suspect with the French-Joseph martlet. This is the first time I recall identifying Gords with Gards, and this update is the first-ever trace of Gords to Gore's, but I've known that the griffin-using Gards (compare with Colapis-liner Pulleys) share "TouJOURs" with Yonge's, making Gards linkable to Gords. If that idea occurred to me in the past, it didn't sink in, and was not emphasized nor investigated.

The Gard-Chief griffins are in the colors of the Hogan-Chief annulets, and while lake Garda is off the ADIGE river, the Adge's/Edge's are also Og-like Eggs. They use a Shield split in the colors of the Gardner and German-Kaplan Shields. There is no facade left to disguise the Caiaphas line; it's all in the open here for anyone who cares to exploit it.

The Kaplan griffins are in the fesse of Sailors, and the Sailer/SAYlor Coat and Crest is a virtual copy of the Seal Coat. And the Sailers were first found in the same place as Scarfs! This is suggesting that the Great Seal was a Side-liner symbol of the Suty / Seaton kind at Say, in Normandy very near Ferte-Mace, where Greats traced. Not far above, the paragraph with, ""Great Seal" is now suspect with Wight / Mackay liners of the Quintus Caepio kind," started out with Pickets, said to be from Say of Normandy. It just so happens that Sailors use a "GREATest" motto term! Hahaha, God laughs. The Great Seal is merely code for Greats and Seals, and a great monument to the stupidity of secretive schemers in cahoots with familiar bloodlines. But it will be brother on brother in the day of the Seven Seals, on the Great and Terrible Day of the Scorned Judge.

As MOSTerton of Dorset became a topic in that last update, a place where Poitvins of the Revere kind operated, and as Mosters/Masters share the griffins, in the same colors (and right-now showing in the same design, I've double-checked), of Sailers/Saylors, note the Sailer motto: "Who MOST has served is GREATest." Shame, they use the words of Jesus as code for their cherished bloodlines. Great Shame. Masters are Roet kin while the Roet Coat is suspect with the Kaplan Coat, making Roets a close part of the Seal / Sailer bloodline. It's the end-time ghost Vespasian rattling his chains as he comes back to life in our faces.

Vespasian, the stupid who entertained himself as the incarnation of God, was also too stupid to realize what a mistake it was to glory in the destruction of Zion. He didn't realize that Daniel had him mentioned in 9:26. The first GRAND MASTER of the Templars returned to Jerusalem to seek whatever treasure that Vespasian's family failed to secure. This "master" was a Payens surname, listed with Pagans, and French Grands are using the triple bends of Pungs/Paganells (same place as Sailers) in colors reversed, while Pungs/Paganells share the mural crown with Masters. If that's not enough, French Paine's/Payne's share the motto term of Masters and Roets while English Paine's were first found in the same place as Roets, descended from Payne Roet...such a laughable thing. What else do Masons do besides figuring out clever codes for everything they name? I am very sure that this is a classic definition of STUPID. I don't know how else to describe such childish obsession.

I already know that Pungs are honored by the motto of Rome's/Rooms, now suspect in "secloRUM." I already know that Pungs are using the bends of Cree's with Cret/Crete variations like the Greet variation of Greats. It's another piece of evidence that the Templars created titles and names after their own family names. They are doing it to this day. They don't really run the county you live in as much as they squander your money for personal enjoyment. These are not responsible / dependable people. They know only how to feign caring for you, and the voter, the fool, believes them, and hires them to run the country. When the politicians say that "the people have spoken" with their votes, they fail to remind that half the people didn't vote. Therefore, countries are run essentially by the fools. Vote for the normal, moral man with a low income, not for the politically-seasoned fat cats. Alas, why vote for the moral man who has no chance of winning? So they vote for the seasoned fat cats, election after election, and the ones advanced by the Masons, no doubt.

There is a question on whether Cree's are Grey liners, and therefore Chora liners. Scottish Cree's/Creights use the motto term, "inteGRITy," code for Great / Crete liners, quite obviously. The Rey/Ray variations may go to the Wreys, and the Cree/Creight Crest uses besants in the two colors of the Anchor-Chief lozenges, suggesting the anchor-loving Greys/Croys. The Arms of Rothschild uses "Integritas."

I would go with Rome's/Rooms for "secloRUM? because the top of the Great Seal, the part that surrounds the Zionist star, is called a "glory," while Glory's/Lowrys share the Coat of Laurie's, first found in the same place (Dumfries) as Rome's/Rooms. However, the Rumneys/Romneys (share the German Gardner scallop in colors reversed) also apply because they are using a version of the Pulley Coat while Laurie's use the motto, "RePULLulat." The Lawrie cup (main symbol) is in Capes-scallop colors (as is the Gardner scallop), and then Pulleys use a "culpa" term buried that's for Culps/Cope's/CUPs. This all goes to Adge's/Eggs (at Garda), Kaplans and Gardners (same gold griffin heads as Kaplans), who all use the split-Shield colors of Laurie's, but then Pulleys use a version of a Gard Coat. Therefore, the "glory" in the Great Seal traces to Kaplans, Josephs, Cope's, Capes', and other Caiaphas liners.

If "Caepio" was named after, or at least came to be represented by the cup (Italian "coppa"), it can explain Jesus speaking to the priests concerning their dirty cups.

The Romney bend with same-colored bendlets becomes blue in colors reversed, and may therefore go to the Nutts/Newts/NOTTINGs that may be suspect in the "AnNUIT" term in the Seal's motto. Another theory, not necessarily a contradiction, is in the Annetts sharing in their Chief the two stars of the Bald Chief! But these stars (definitely the Washington-surname stars) happen to be colors reversed from the Annas star, and while Annetts show "ARNot", Annas' show "ARNess." Plus, Annas were first found in NOTTINGhamshire. As Letts are suspect with the Annas Shield in colors reversed, note the "compLETum" motto term of Annetts, for I trace "annulet" to an Annas-Lett relationship. The motto term suggests Comps/Camps, too, who use the Gardner griffin heads in both colors, and have always been suspect with a version of the Capone Coat. This paragraph makes the Washington stars suspect with a line from the Israeli high priest, Annas, jibing perfectly with the trace of other Seal code's to Caiaphas. I will bet that the parent of Joseph Caiaphas is in code within the Great Seal. And by the way, I had read that mythical Aeneus of Aenus had a mythical wife something like "Annette." [There is a Comps location at the Draguignan area of Provence. The Great Seal will trace there later in this update.]

Italian Capone's were first found in the same place as Italian Romans, who use another white wolf in both colors of the Scarf wolf, important here because Romney-related Pulleys and Capone-related Camps were both first found in the same place as Scarfs. Therefore, the Italian Romans ("nutt"-like endings) can also trace to the Great Seal's "secloRUM term," for the Scarf wolf head is assumed in the Seal Crest. The "pungit" motto term of Rome's/Rooms was traced to Pungesti, in Moldova, near a modern Roman location. There is even a Ukrainian Roman surname. Plus, the Roens/Rome's share the Campbell gyronny while Campbells are in Camp/Comp colors. We then have the further coincidence that while the bald eagle traces to Balds, they were first found in the same place (Peebles-shire) as Scottish Romans.

It wasn't many weeks ago when the tackling the motto of Irish Mackays, the ones with the Quade wolf heads, at a time when I didn't know that the Seals use them too. I included the Roens/Rome's with that Mackay motto. I can now add that Mackays share the dagger with the Annett Crest, and the dagger spells the Tease/Teck line that must include Tease's/Tighs (same place as Annas') using the Annas' star. It begs the question on whether "CoepTIS" is part code for the Tease/Tess line to the Teck portion of the Windsor royals slated to marry the line of queen Victoria, who lived at Cowes on Wight. I have just found (after writing all the above) a Tiss/Teese/Tece surname, first found in the same place as Josephs, which is Hampshire, location of Wight. How about that.

I'm guessing that Tiss' use the Quint chevron, and the Tiss chevron is in the two colors of the same of Peks, first found in the same place as Quints. The Pek Coat is a great reflection of the Gilbert Coat, and it's known that the Gilbert Coat is part of the Arms of Carrick, and while the latter put fitchee crosses around their Gilbert chevron, that's the Quint-Crest symbol. The great thing about making the Tiss/Teese link to the Gilbert chevron is the "TEG" motto term of Gilberts, very traceable now to Tease's/Tighs. But as there is a red squirrel in the Gilbert Crest, that's the symbol of TECK-ssupect Decks/Daggers.

The Peks might not apply had it not been for what's written in the Kyle-Society webpage concerning the Arms of East Ayrshire. As why the Arms includes "peaks" along with what must be the Gilbert squirrel: "...The shield consists of a coronet of garbs of corn and peaks...The middle section has been lifted from the arms of the Boyds family of Kilmarnock...The bottom third of the shield is derived from the arms of the Campbell family of Loudoun. The supporters are the Red Squirrel from the original Kilmarnock arms and a lion from the Cumnock arms..." "CUMNock can link to Mrs. Comyn, mother of Adam Kilconquhar, husband of Marjory of Carrick (Ayrshire). Every city can boast that their cog is representing the city's industry, but is it always true? By what coincidence does the Cog surname use the leaves (same design) also in the Tease/Teck Coat? Now you know the truth. And the black lozenge in the Arms, said to be for the coal industry, is just as much garbage, for it's obvious code for the Cole's, from the Losinj area of proto-Croatia. The Arms of Thomas Randolph, said to be the son of Adam and Marjory, uses lozenges.

The Peaks (Capone colors, important) show a Mr. Pek in the write-up, and share patee crosses with Peks. The peaks in the Arms refers to the five points on the Crest crown, and the garbs of corn between the peaks suggest the Corns using the same chevron as Comps/Camps, for a crown with five peaks is that of Campbell-related MacArthurs, who probably own that crown because Arthurs are suspect with the number, five, for other reasons, very much suspect with lozenge-using Quince's. Saer de Quincy's mother was from Fife, while there is a Five/Fify surname as well. The same Arms (of East Ayrshire) share gyronny with Campbells. Along with the squirrel supporter, the Arms uses a lion half in blue, the Caepio-line lion, found in the Crest of Quincy-related Winchesters along with the Quint fitchee. Now you know the truth. The Cogs were even first found in the same place as Quincys, and the lozenges of Thomas Randolph are colors reversed from the hollow lozenges (mascles) of Quincys. The Crest of Thomas Randolph is a stag while stags are supporters in this Arms of Macclesfield, the main symbol of which is a blue lion. Another Arms of Macclesfield that Wikipedia no longer shows, has black fitchees hanging from the stags, and, I think, I see what looks like black fitchees in the Arms of East Ayrshire. The Kyle page: "The Stag Head -- used on several old Kyle Arms..." By now you know that Ayrshire uses the Arms of Annandale, and was stacked with Shawia Numidians that included the Seths/Shaws, pertinent as per Seth, father of priest Annas. One Shaw Coat uses black lozenges. The Hanna stags are blue and can go to the Ayrshire blue. .

The Kyle-Society page shows the Arms of North Ayrshire, with another blue lion. This Arms prioritizes the Cunningham fork, suspect with the Swietoslawa-Forkbeard line. It's motto, "Sense and worth," is partially suspect with the Sen(e)schal surname (Macclesfield cross?), for French Seneschals use more mascles, reflective of the same of Quincys. French Seneschals can be traced to Senes'/Sinclairs, in Lothian along with de-Quincy associated Faucets. This can trace to Mathie's that use the Ayrshire gyronny in half its colors, and moreover use the five-peaked crown, and moreover use a "Fac et" motto phrase suspect with Faucets, who lived at mascle-suspect Musselburgh.

The "worth" motto term is obviously for Worths, using nothing but a giant, two-headed black eagle, symbol also of French Gilberts. Now you know the truth, that the motto is code, not created for any heart-felt virtuoso that the liars may want you to believe. The Maxwells/MAKEswells, who use the same double-headed eagle, were traced to an early form of "Macclesfield": MAKESlesfield.

The Kyle-Society page shows the Arms of South Ayrshire, with another blue lion, this time supporting the Carrick / Gilbert chevron. The Kennedy dolphin also appears, in blue, opposite the blue lion, on the half of the Shield having the Arms of Stewart. The Kennedys incorporate an Avezzano line of the Avison kind, effectively linking the Comyn garbs to Avisons. The motto of this Arms is very important: "Ne'er forget the people." Such virtuoso, but it's code for People's/Pepins, in Campbell/Cammell colors and using a camel. It also uses a bend with symbols in colors reversed from the same of Cogs, and as the latter's leaves are code for Laevi, co-founders of Pavia, that's why Pepins should trace to Pavia's "Papia" version. The KilMARnochs can now be suspect with the Marici co-founders of Pavia, and the Marks even share checks on a fesse with Stewarts and Boyds. It was re-found (in the last update) that Pepins are using the Weber bend, and Webers / Weavers are kin of ShuttleWORTHs (weaver's shuttle).

The Kyle-Society page shows one Kyle Crest with a pipe, and, at the bottom, a "Cup and Pipe" Arms, with this statement: "The Cup and Pipe -- a reference to Old King Cole." But, no, it's more code for Pipe's = Pepins at Camulodunum, the proto-Colchester of king Cole. And the cup is a Cope/Cup liner likely in the "Copia" motto term of the Macclesfield Arms. And we saw the The cup-using Lawrie's have laurel in their cup that traces to Lorraine's, and Lorraine is where Pepin of Landen got his wife. Do daggers trace to the Ticino? The Shaws/Seths who use the dagger also use cups, in the colors of the garbs of dagger-using Comyns. Trace this to Mackie's/Mackeys of Ayrshire, kin of dagger-using Mackays, but I trace across the world to Shaw- and Mackay-suspect the Syria theater, where Seth, father of Annas lived.

As per the suggested trace of the all-seeing-eye to Eyers, from the Shawia Numidians, I have further proof right here in the official description of the Great Seal: "In the zenith an eye in a triangle, surrounded by a glory, proper." "Zenith" is code for Zanata / Zenetes, the area where Shawia lived! Bingo. The liars obviously knew this, but their not telling makes them liars, because they gave false reasons for their choice of symbols. Zanata traces to Thanet, not far from Wight. Thanet is in Kent, where the FINIS surname was first found, and then the Seal describes the pyramid like so: "The reverse bears 'A pyramid unFINISHed. In the zenith an eye...'" The Finnis lions are not only colors reversed from the lion of Massins/Masons (= sheer Freemasonry), first found on Thanet (I know no other surname first found on Thanet), but the surname's Fienne/Fien variations can be linked to the Macey-related Fiens/Fane's. As sinister bends are owned by Macey liners, so we find another one in the German Feins.

There is no one in this world more staggered than I by the realization that Masseys are at the root of Freemasonry, even George-Washington Freemasonry. I never would have guessed. But why are the Shawia Numidians in code in a pyramid? The only heraldic pyramid I can think of is that of Fisks. They use an estoile at its apex. The Finis'/Fiens (Artois, location of Lys river, flows to gauntlet-depicted Gaunt) can be traced through both Lys rivers with the Masci and Massey fleur-de-lys, and the Finis/Fien lions are in the colors of the Maschi lion. But why the pyramid? Ancient Meshwesh had been from Tanis, near the location of the Great Pyramid of Cheops (proto-Chiapponi's/Chiava's/Sheaves?). However, "pyramid" may be code for two surnames, one perhaps a Mitanni liner from Yuya. As the eye is said to be in a triangle, let's bring up the "gold triangle between three gold stars, pierced" in the Coat of Gavins (Brittany), having a Coat in the colors and format of Finis'/Fiens. Gavins (suspect with the Gone's/Gowins as part of the Fanano-related GONfanon banner) are potential Cavii liners. Gavins use the pierced Payen / Mullet stars, and Pierce's are also "Pier," like "PYRamid." It's making sense, and the Angle's (same place as Washingtons) share a winged horse with Masseys. The Angle lozenges are in the color of the same in the Cheff/Chaff Chief. "Triangle" may be not a double code, but may have been necessary (as opposed to using just "angle") because the eye is at the top of a triangular pyramid.

Hmm, German Angels (Arms-of-Fanano colors) use blue keys, a symbol of Chiapponi's/Chiava's/Cioffani's/Sheaves', kin of "qui"-using Shaws/Sheaves. I had no idea in the paragraph above that the Chiapponi's would pop up here. The Angel Coat has a lamb with a banner, a symbol that traces with Fane's to Fanano and its nearby Panero river, and moreover Fanano was suspect with Fannius Caepio. Banners use giant fleur-de-lys. Fanano and the Panero are in Mitanni-suspect Modena, suspect also with Maccabees. There are multiple reasons to trace this entire picture to Lissus and Bassania area of the Cavii. There is another fleur-de-lys in the Crest of French Batons/Bastons whom are likely in code in the Angle baton, and Batons/Bastons happen to use a blue Shield without symbols, which can explain the escutcheon on the breast of the bald eagle having a blue Chief without symbols. Or, another way to view a Chief without symbols is as per sole code for Cheffs/Chaffs, if they own the heraldic Chief, and if the Cheff/Chaff lozenges are in the Angle Coat, they are stretched across the baton.

As Mackays were tied to Nutt-suspect Cnut, the Annuit Coeptis motto in full is an Annas-Cnut-Cope-Tease entity. Copelands even use the double Washington bars, not to mention that they share a black bend with Hanans (priest Annas was also Ananus / Hanan), and even use a canton square while Cantons use the full Washington Coat in colors reversed. There are other ways to spell it out the motto, for example: Annas-Mieszko-Caepio-Laevi = Annas-Maccabees-Caiaphas-Levi. Herods are conspicuously missing. Having come to this, what do you suppose the OLIVE branches are code for in the bald-eagle's grip? You need to ask the dove in the Lief/Leaf/Leve Crest, and the dove implied by "District of Columbia."

The Cnut pot hangers, part code for Hangers (Hampshire again) leads to Buckle-suspect Buncle's as per the escarBUNCLE (Ray symbol too) held by the Hanger griffin. As the ESCUTcheon is part code for Schutz's, the ESCARbuncle should be part code for Scars. There is a Scarr Coat in Schutz / Schere / Shere colors, and showing Skerritt/Scared variations. SHORTs/Schorts share the gold griffin with escarbuncle-loving HANGers. If you didn't read concerning the Sign I received with a dead squirrel found in the pocket of my SHORTs after coming from the WASH, it's repeated in the last update. I HANGed the shorts on a nail to dry.

The squirrel, because Squirrels are listed with Square's, can link to WASHingtons by way of the canton square, sometimes called only a square, and probably starting out that way. Square's are also Squire's that can link to the Shire variation of Shere's. I have been tracing Squirrels/Square's to the squirrel-using Decks/Deckers/Daggers for several years, and here all my squirrel signs (past two years) are linking to the constituents of the Great Seal...all of them destined for God's Rat Trap.

These things are helping me much to finish this revelation, for as I sometimes become disheartened, I need to know that God is wanting it to be revealed. Otherwise, I'm out of here. One thing that has me glad and worried all at once is that, ever since last November, squirrels have not returned to the attic. But it's November now, time for cold nights, and the wood stove will warm ceilings for them, all filled with cozy insulation. A squirrel was seen this afternoon, climbing the tree in the front yard not more than 60 feet from the house, but I'm thinking that they haven't yet realized that they can enter the house from the back. This past year, some soffits went up, but I wasn't able to finish the back soffits. After that, they will have no way in. I might have finished, but the furnace and propane pipes took me about a month.

In 920 Sitric [a Dane] left Dublin for Northumbria, with his kinsman Gofraid ua Imair succeeding him as king. That same year he led a raid on Davenport, Cheshire, perhaps as an act of defiance against Edward the Elder, King of the Anglo-Saxons. In 921 Ragnall ua Imair died, with Sitric succeeding him as King of Northumbria (why capitalize "King" for a raider / vagabond?]. Though there are no written accounts of conflict, numismatic evidence suggests there was a Viking reconquest of a large part of Mercia in the following few years. An agreement of some sort between the Vikings of Northumbria and the Anglo-Saxons was achieved in 926 when Sitric married a sister of Æthelstan, perhaps Edith of PolesWORTH."

There is a Polworth surname using what should be the Guiscard piles, and Guiscards/WISharts (known Rollo / Sinclair liners = Danes) were VISconti liners, through the Visconti's of Sardinia, in my opinion, who used the rooster, the Sinclair-Crest symbol. The Guiscards connection to Polworths has to do with a portrait of the Sicilian Guiscard brothers along with a mechanical pulley just lying on the floor beside them, totally out of place, and therefore code for the Pulleys, I assume, but then that makes Polworths highly suspect with Pulleys, the latter in Oddie colors and first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Oddie's and crozier-using Odins/Oddie's. It's a good reason for tracing Rothschilds to the Ottone-related Chappes', the Scottish branch of which was first found in the same place (Stirling) as Guiscards. I repeat this often because it's important for establishing major Chappes kin at the Templar invasion of Jerusalem.

It just so happens that Pollocks are a sept of Maxwells while Worths were seen above with the black Maxwell eagle. This goes to the merger of Sitric with Mieszko's Swietoslawa line in Northumberland, where Provence-suspect Stevensons use the Jewish-Pollock bend. But what were the Worths? Should they be guessed as a branch of Wards in the "forward" motto term of Seatons? Worths were taken from a motto of an Ayrshire Arms, and East Ayrshire uses "Forward together." Shuttleworths are also ShuttleWORDs. Words and Wards just happen to use a checkered Shield in the colors of the same of Warrens, and half the colors of the checkered Shield of Ferrats, from Montferrat, which place married Guido Guerra III, suspect with Warren-like Guarens and Guerra's (share green dragon with Seatons), while there is a Wart surname (Glasgow colors) sharing the hourglass-like design (different colors) with Guido's.

We can go one step further to the "ToGETher" term of Ayrshire, like the "yet" term of Seatons suspect with the gate-using Yate's, and then the proto-Geddes Geds were on the Nith river with the Maxwell kin of Kilpatricks. The river is suspect with Nitts/Naughts using the Ferrat checks, while RENfrew, where Pollocks and Glasgow were, and near Ayrshire, got suspect with Rainier/RENier of Montferrat, grandfather of Guido Guerra's wife. Additionally, the Pollock saltire is used by English Franks while they and Scottish Franks use a "nati" motto term suspect with Natts/Nathans (Coat comparable with the Nitt/Naught Coat), a line suspect to Nathan Rothschild, even as Rothschilds have been discovered as a line from the first Pollock. The "hawk close" phrase that describes the Crest of English Franks traces to Closeburn on the Nith, home of Kilpatricks. German Franks (Bohemia, can explain all the checks as per Czechoslovakia) happen to share red leopard faces (suspect with the Gellone Coat) with check-using Word(en)s/Werdens/Wardens, and these face's trace with Macclesfield-suspect Fessys to Fes, the Moroccan city operated by Idris, to whose line I traced the ancestry of Guerin of Provence, son of William de Gellone (they say).

The El-Gabal cult worshipped a "black stone" upon which was an eagle facing the viewer's left, and there is an "eagle rising" in the Word(en) Crest, facing the viewer's left. The Dutch have a Woerden location said by Wikipedia to have had a temple to El-Gabal's worshiper, emperor Heliogabalus (218 AD), grandson of Julia Bassianus Maesa, her birth surname suspect with Basina, mother of king Clovis. Julia was the sister of Julia Domna, mother of emperor Caracalla, whom I traced to Carricks, first found in Ayrshire, no guff. This is now staggering, for while we saw a white-on-blue Templar lamb in the Angel Coat, suspect with the triangle of the Great Seal, itself with an eye tracing to Ayrshire elements, I had traced both Julia's to the white-on-blue lambs in the Arms of Grasse, and in the Lamas surname (suspect with the idea of L'Maesa), the latter suspect with a Le Mas location (near Comps of Provence), near Grasse, for Le Mas is in the write-up of Dumas', themselves suspect with the idea of D'Mas. I had noted, but decided not to mention, that, of all things, there is GRASS in front of the pyramid in the Great Seal! This tends to seal the trace of Angels to the triangle at the top of the pyramid. And that triangle may have started out as a CAP in honor of Caiaphas liners, or may be officially called a cap alternatively.

The El-Gabal priesthood, at EMESA (Syria), is suspect with "Maesa." One of its priests, Sohaemus, married a king-Massena liner. This picture fits perfectly with the Massena Numidians that were just found in the Great Seal by other methods. Most of these finding are new this week, to my own amazement. As Annas and/or Caiaphas was suspect in contact with El-Gabal priests, note that the so-called garland of Scottish Words is identical in design with the scarlet CHAPlets of Sextons/Saxons, and that the Words were first found in Stirling, where Chappes' were first found who use eye-suspect "ears of wheat." This Word surname translates its motto, "Nothing unWORTHily." The Word crown is called an "IMPERIal crown," and while Nail/Neil-liner Nagle's were from Imperia, the Word motto is, "Nil indigne." Worths come up as "Wort." Vere's use "Nihil" for the Nihill variation of Neils.

The English and Scottish Frank surnames are traced in their write-up to Shropshire (where Fulbert, father of Pollocks lived), and to Yorkshire, where English Maxwells were first found.

The Word(en)s/Werdens are suspect with the bend of Ade's/Aids, found in the Levi motto. There is a Wert surname using "a gold leafed branch," suspect simply with Laevi, and these true but wayward Levites may have been in the El-Gabal priesthood, which, I have read, wore purple robes. This can make this bloodline to America's founding the purple-robed harlot that holds a cup filled with abomination.

El-Gabal got suspect from Gabuleum, on the northern Drilon river of the Cavii, near Cupionich of the Clausula river. This river flows to Bassania, suspect with Basina's ancestry, for while Clausula-like Clausels are listed with Clauds, the latter variation is like the birth name, Chlodovech, of king Clovis. I'm keeping in mind that the "hawk close" above traces well to the hawk-lure line of McLeods/CLOUDs. Gabuleum got suspect with the Goplo mouse tower, another Massey/Macey line. The KOPLik location of the Clausula is even smack-like "GOPLo." It had been determined that Massey liners were extremely close to Quintus Caepio, but this was found recently, more than a year after I knew that Koplik was also called, Cupionich, like the Caepionis surname known to be from Quintus Caepio. The Masseys had linked solidly to Fannius Caepio. While the Klassens had traced to the Clausula, the banner in the Klassen Coat traced to the Panero with the gonFANON banner of Montforts, and to this it can be added that the Clause surname, using the same lion as Werts and Cuppers/Copers, show Klassen-like variations. It looks like the cup in the hand of the Revelation-17 harlot is code for Caepio liners to Washington.

In this picture, Werts / Words / Worths can be Ferrat liners, tending to trace Gabuleum / Cupionich elements to Montferrat, suspect with the naming of Monforte, a village beside or in Montferrat. While I have been seeking FulBERT's heraldry for a decade, perhaps it's in the Dutch CuyPERTS/CuyPHERTS (like "Ferrat"), listed as Cuppers/Kuppers (Shropshire) too, who use the same saltire as Scottish Franks (suspect from Clovis). English Cuppers/Copers then use the same saltire (although they are not showing it), according to the description, as Maxwells, who can trace to the "copia" term of Macclesfield. Keep in mind that Cope's were from the Kupa river, where Kyle's of Ayrshire trace. Plus, German Werts/Worthens are using the red-on-gold lions of the Cupper/Coper Chief, the colors of the lion in the Guerin Chief, tending to verify that Worths were from Guerin (predated the marriage of Guido Guerra). It all makes me think that Fulbert "the Saxon" was a line from Guerin of Provence, whose ancestry I traced to the Aures area, the Shawia of which are expected in Ayrshire, but also in the Great Seal's symbols.

Dutch Werts are also "Wardt," and use what looks like a BALD EAGLE (panic), yet it's called a "black falcon CLOSE with a gold head and feet." It's got to be related to the hawk's close of the Franks sharing the Cupper saltire.

By the way, the Maxwell motto can be code for Revere's and/or the Vire river in the Manche land of Vere's and proto-Alans. Compare the Maxwell motto to the "Virescit" term of Stewarts, kin or close friends of Fulbert of Pollock.

Sitric A-Side Avitamin

OTTONE Visconti, suspect with Oddie's (Ottone colors), ruled at Milan while Italian Milans use another tree stump. The symbol may have begun as code for Trunks, honored also by the elephant trunk tracing to Eliphas and Timna, though I've seen it also as a tree stub (see Stubbing write-up). The Stubbing- and Chappes-related Stirlings are suspect with a buckle version of the Pepin / Weaver bend-with-fleur, which can reveal that Pipers are using the Oddie saltire. Chappes-related Ottone's got suspect in a merger with Vito's/Vitone's (share annulet with Ottone's), themselves suspect with Julius AVITus Alexianus, husband of Julia Bassianus Maesa...and therefore suspect as a Maesa liner himself. This was the line to Heliogabalus, whose birth name was SEXTus Varius Avitus Bassianus, suspect with the SEPTon/SEXTon/Saxon surname using CHAPlets, and then the Chaplet surname uses FIVE swans in the colors of the swan once shown by French Josephs. Heliogabalus was also descended from SEPTimius Severus, you see, husband of Julia's sister.

See also the five falcons of Severus-suspect Saffers, in the positioning of the five Chaplet swans, for the English Saffers (share vair fur with Quints) use a "vita" motto term, making us wise to the facts behind these symbols. The full motto: "Aut vita libera aut MOIS GLORIosa", a good reason to link this line to the Great Seal's Zionist star, yet the Great Seal uses a second "glory" (shining) with the eye and triangle. The Moss'/Mose's, suspect from Le Mose in Placentia, are said to be from a Moss location near Salford, while Salfords use black wolves and gold collars, linkable to the same of Quade's and therefore to Quadratus Bassus, son of Julius Bassus, and grandson of SEVERUS Bassus of Hasmonean-suspect Akmonia, where I've traced the Liebers suspect in the motto above. We are learning something horrendous. Not Christ, but El-Gabal, is the secret idol of Washington. Leibers (not "Lieber") use more tree stumps (called simply "log"), and familiar lions. Salfords come up as "Savard," and are suspect with the Gore, motto, the Gord boar head, and the Yonge wolf.

The Stirling bend with buckles traces to the same of Stubbs, first found in Staffordshire while Staffs are using the same chevron as Quints. Stafford is not far from the Davenport location taken by Sitric, and Davenport is beside Caepio-related Macclesfield. There was a Sitric connection to the line of Quintus Caepio.

Now, the Oddie / Piper saltire is in use by Gophers, a surname like the Gofraid characters, one of whom was brother to Maccus, a grandson of either the Sitric above, or another Sitric. This gets interesting where I was toying with a "Gopher" trace to "Sophonisba," a Carthaginian woman engaged to Massena, but marrying Caiaphas-like Syphax instead. Maccus is expected to trace exactly to Massena. On more than a whim, I had traced the man (looks like a white-skinned Moor head) of Hazeletons/Heslingtons to one of the HASdrubals (Hazel-like) of the Carthage theater because one Wikipedia article on a Hasdrubal (Sophonisba's father, if I recall correctly) has a head band, just like the Heslington surname. I began to get the suspicion that the heraldic Moor head, which usually has a head band around the eyes, was code for this Hasdrubal line. The explanation online was that the head band was a symbol of Moor prisoners, yet I'm now reading that the "Caech" part of Sitric's name means "blind" or "one eyed." This becomes incredibly interesting where the human eye is used by Watts / Vatts suspect with the Wade variation of Mackay-related Quade's. It easily traces Quade's and Watt liners to a Sitric > Maccus line.

In other words, the Moor head with head band around the eyes is somehow code for the blind definition given to Sitric, while other related surnames used the one-eye symbol instead. Wikipedia also throws in a "squinty" term to describe this blindness, which looks like code for "Quint / Quincy." As Rothschilds are said to own the all-seeing-eye, they can link squarely to this picture. Yet more, it became apparent that the eye symbol was for Eyers of Ayrshire, a line from the Shawia Numidians of Aures to which I always trace Massena. My explanation for this is that the Ayers (QUATrefoils) simply developed an Eye-like version as per the eye symbol that had previously belonged to Sitric (it was also a symbol of mythical Lug's father, and Lug was a Dane-suspect Danaan on one side). Note EYstein, grandfather of Rollo the Dane, for the Maccus article at Wikipedia has someone claiming that Maccus should trace to Rollo. And then there is the eye-like Key/Kay surname that I think developed from "Macey/Mackay" ("Manu" motto term), and that surname is now tracing to KYburg with the Gernon surname of le Meschin's son. Le Meschin's genealogy online has him traced via his father to Malahule, son of Eystein. Another son of Eystein, Ragnvald (Rollo's father), smacks of Ragnall ua Imair, king of Northumbria seen in the quote above, and that was the domain also of Siward of Northumberland, who was related to Heslington! As Heslingtons list HAZELton, compare the Hazel term to "AETHELstan." "Imair" was traced suggestively (last update) to the Mair's/Mere's, first found in Cheshire along with the Buckle-related Buckleys.

With Sitric marrying a sister of AETHELstan, it behooves me to check the Athel surname, listed with Athols, first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Shaws and Rollo's. I've been suggesting a trace of "Hazel" to AETHELing for a couple of years, but there is now another theory, that Hazels can trace to "Auisle," a son of Sitric Caech. As Sitric married the Aethelstan family, one can assume that Auisle was named after him, or perhaps after an Aisle in Aethelstan's family.

The Gophers share blood drops with Maxwell-related KilPatricks and Pattersons, and the latter, from Ireland, use pelicans too, the Pulley symbol, while Pulleys are tracing to Edith of Polworth, Aethelstan's sister they say. The Patterson lion is in the same colors as that used by SITRic-suspect Sitters/SIDEwells, whose bars are in half the colors of the Athel/Athol bars. The Patterson scallops are half in the colors of the Meschin scallops, and in the colors of the Peverel garbs, and Peverel liners were in Devon, where Sowdens/Sodens were first found who use the Patterson scallops in colors reversed, and moreover trace to a family said to be the Patterson ancestry. It looks like this Sowden line was that of Sitric too. Pattersons are said to be Patricks, which seems reasonable, and so the black Patterson and Kilpatrick lions are now suspect with the black Sitter/Sidewell / Side/Sider/Suddy / Suty lion. Pattersons and Kilpatricks were traced confidently to an AntiPATRIA location on the Apsus river, and thus are expected to be related / associated with the Dexaroi and Dagger surnames, explaining the dagger of Kilpatricks. The Mackay dagger relates, and thus traces Kilpatricks to the Sitric > Maccus line.

Pattersons were first found in the same place (Ross-shire) as a MacHeth character, the latter suspect from Baths/Atha's sharing the Macclesfield cross. But the Bath's/Atha's were first found in the same place (Somerset) as eye-using Batters/Badens, you see, and Somerset was the location of Were's upon its Axe river, in code in the Baden/Battin axe, the point being that Croziers can trace to this picture via the Were croziers. And Clan Crozier used a white-on-blue cross, the colors of the near-identical Gopher saltire. It's just another way to say that Gofraid traces to mythical Creusa at Agrigento (Hypsas river). As Ross-shire is beside Moray, it seems obvious that Baths/Atha's trace to MacHeth because the Randolphs, first found in Moray, use a BAT along with the Bath/Atha cross. The Baths/Atha's recently traced to the Adda river of Insubria (Milan theater) so as to be connectable to Ottone Visconti, and while the Baden-like Bidens/Buttons (loved by the bottony cross of CROMBys) are said to have had clergy in Bath (Somerset), there is a CREMA location at the junction of the Adda with the Serio river to which elements of Baden, Germany, trace, especially the Zerrs/Zehrers (Zahringens/ZahRINGERs of Baden) using the axe in Crest. That tends to trace Were's to the Zahringen-related Veringers, both of whom share the antler with Cone's and Conte's, the latter first found in Durham, location of the Were river. There are several solid traces in this that open doors to other finds.

Were's are the ones said to have formed a close bond with Giffards, a term like "Gofraid."

As Armstrongs are said to be in the root of Clan Crozier, the Armstrong pale bars become suspect with the same of Athels/Athols. Athols are said to have had a seat at Glen GARRY while Garrys use the lizard suspect with Lazards/Lizarts using the Armstrong pale bars. Athols are said to derive in a king CRUITHne, like "Creusa," and mythical Creusa was related to Carthaginians (see Dido) while Sophonisba is, for the time being, suspect in a line to Gophers and "Gofraid." It just so happens that Creuse's were first found in Cheshire. While my mother is a Massey liner, I, in my younger days, had several people (not men) tell me that I look like Tom Cruise, which may indicate that she traces to the Cheshire Masseys.

"Gofraid" looks like proto-"Godfrey," and Creuse is a region of France beside Auvergne, where Bouillons were first found. The family of Godfrey de Bouillon was ruling parts of Lorraine, where CRISpins lived, yet English Crispins were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Gophers. The crozier-using and Gopher-suspect Odins/Oddie's share an upright white lion with Creuse's, and that lion is also in the Bred/Bread Coat while Cake's are listed as CacaBREDs/CakeBREADs. Cake's were looked up as per "Caech." Breds/Breads were first found at Edinburgh, near the Seatons of East Lothian, and closer still to the Sinclair home at Roslin. Why do Roslins use buckles? Were Buckle liners in Roslin?

The Coke's, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Hips', have a Coeke variation that might apply to "Caech," but this may suggest that Cocks can apply to Sitric, for they are suspect in the Drake wyvern when used as a cockatrice. Cocks share the Grimaldi Shield, and Grimaldi's got suspect with Gris liners, likely CRISpin liners. Online statement: ""According to [Mr. Grimaldi], Crispinus, Baron of Bec, was the son of Crispina, daughter of Rollo, by Grimaldus, Prince of Monaco." There you have a circumstantial Rollo link to Cocks, noting that Cocks share the rooster with Sinclairs. And Monaco can be of Mona, the alternative name of Man. Genoa, the other Ligurian place where Grimaldi's found themselves of elite circles, is where Side's/Sider had traced with Ghents.

Here is the Cock motto: "Prudens qui PATIENs." I'll show how it can link to Caws and therefore to qui-suspect Keys/Kays, all suspect with the Sitric>Maccus line. There is a Patiens/Padyn surname, first found in the same place (Dumfries) as KilPatricks, which is the Annandale area where Adams/Caws were first found who married Carricks that trace to Agrigento. Kilpatricks trace to the Dexaroi on the Apsus while a Hypsas river flowed at Agrigento. And that's just one reason for tracing Cocks to "Caech."

The Roslin buckles are rare at houseofnames for being square, and Square's/Squirrels/Squire's share the red squirrel with Decks/Daggers. The Squire-related Sire's trace to the Astikas of Lithuania, who merged with Trabys, and moreover the Sire's are from Justine of Picenum, and she traces excellently to the Justine surname, first found in the same place as Rollo's. That can explain a Square-surname trace to Roslin's Sinclairs. As the Roslin Sinclairs liked to use "Henry," that's where the trace to Henry IV of Rodez comes in, for Roslin looks like "Rosellon/Roussillon." Henry IV married proto-Rockefellers, a daughter of Roquefeuil in Roussillon.

Kilpatricks have a Patchie variation while Patch's share the black hunting horn with ostrich-feather Trabys, relevant as per the ostrich in the Coke Crest, symbol also of the Carrick Crest, a good reason to link Coke's to Hips' (together first found in Norfolk with Justine-related Seagers). It's therefore notable that the Traby horns are in the colors of the Side / Suty Coats to which Kilpatricks trace even by their Seaton-suspect dragon. And Seatons were first found in the same area as Keiths while the latter are said to have had a Marshall branch (I don't view them as a branch, but as a merger), making the blue-on-white Marshall saltire suspect with the white-on-blue Gopher saltire.

Cake's were first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Capone's and June's, and use a giant fleur-de-lys in colors reversed to those of June's. We are very linkable to Gords here. It bears repeating here that Hips' are Hipkins properly while Hopkins were likewise first found in Cambridgeshire, and moreover share the Capone chevron. If this traces Capone's to the Hypsas river, it can explain why the Hips' sphinx should trace to mascle-using Spinks, first found in the same place as mascle-using Quince's. Kanza, wife in Aures (home of Shawia Numidians) of Idris of Morocco, was in the 8th century, very near to the time of Sitric Caech. I sense a Sitric link to the Idris Moors. The Aur/Aures surname shares the upright red lion with Guerins (founder of Scotland proper) and Breds/Breads, and the latter share "qui" with Shaws who in-turn use a "patITUR" (almost the "patiens" of Breads), suspect with the ITUReans to which I trace "IDRis" (he was from Syria before fleeing to Aures (Tunisia), and Itureans lived largely in Lebanon.

MacAlpin, founder of Scotland, was traced to Guerin of Provence, and I then learned that MacAlpin was a mythical character, not historical, meaning that his name was code. He was called, Kenneth, like "Kanza," and for other reasons, I traced the ancestry of Guerin to Idris and Kanza's children. The Kenneths use the stag, which, as we saw with Gords, was the symbol of the Hungarians to which Malcolm III (descendant of MacAlpin) allied himself. The Kenneth stag head is suspect with the Malcolm stag head, and the flag of Scotland (styled, "Andrew's Cross"), in colors reversed from the Malcolm saltire, was traced to Andrew I of Hungary because he was in exile with Malcolm's future wife. This is a scary part of Scottish history, the reason that the Scottish flag was traced to another Andrew, for better public consumption. The Gopher saltire happens to be the same as the flag of Scotland.

Repeat: "Gore/Jore stars are also the stars of English Richers." Reminder, another Richer Coat uses the Quint chevron and cornflowers suspect with Flowers...the latter having a giant CINQUEfoil in the colors of the giant fleur of the Cambridge Cake's/Cakebreads. The Flower Crest, I've only just seen, is a white lion head, the Bread symbol! There is more to this than merely a Gord trace to Sitric.

By the way, the UNIcorn can link to Capone-suspect Corns along with cornflowers, and the unicorn is partially suspect with Una liners such as Capone-related June's. We just saw June's using the Cake fleur, apparently. June's can thus link to Flowers if the Cake fleur is a version of the Flower cinquefoil, and I think it is. As Sitric has traced to Cnut, while Cnut's use the unicorn, note the unicorn in the Richer/Ritchie Crest. Gords are linking to Sitric, wherefore trace the Gord stag head to the Kenneth stag head because the Gord stag head already linked to the Malcolm stag head, and heads are, in my opinion, especially when they are from Africa, ancient code (going back to Greek myth) for Gorgons (may have been Gogi to the Cock surname).

The Arms of Sicily, three human legs just like in the Arms of Man, has a Gorgon head at the center. The three human legs originate at the center of the Shield, just like the three hunting horns of Trabys who traced to Numidians / Carthaginians at the Trebbia river. It looks like those Numidians at the Trebbia trace to Justine of Picenum. The CECILs, a surname said to mean, blind, would trace to one-eyed CYCLopes, suspect with Gorgons, and then Cecil variations even look like "Sicily." The Cecils use an "una" motto term as well as a "COR unum" phrase suspect with Gore/Core liners from Chora of Patmos, the 666-suspect island where I've traced "cor unum"-like Coronis, the line to north-Africa's Cyrene, the origins, I say, of king Massena and his Meshwesh-suspect peoples. This may be your rotting Washington worm, but it's not mine.

The "via" term of Cecils, like the "vi" of Chives (that I've traced to a Viu river), makes the Cecil bars suspect with the Cavett / Spack/Speck bars while Spacks/Specks may be from "Syphax." A little contemplation here, if Chives' were Caepio > Caiaphas liners, traces Syphax to the Cavii theater if his name was responsible two centuries later for naming Caiaphas. The Cavett-suspect Cavii lived right where there is a modern Has location (extreme northern Drin river) which, I suppose, had an ancient counterpart by a Has-like term. It's where I've entertained a trace of "HASdrubal," and where, I feel certain (for good reason), "Hasmonean" traces.

Why do the Traby strings look like three sixes? Isn't it possible that Patmos elements trace through Numidians to the Trebbia?

Apparently, Wikipedia removed the Arms of Ayrshire from its Ayrshire article. I guess the Internet is running out of room. Wikipedia also removed both Arms of Macclesfield from its Macclesfield article, and continually removes Arms from several other articles, possibly because a heraldic nut monitors my writings to see what damage I am making for their scary secrets. Wikipedia articles are predicted to be written by Masonic nuts seeking to advance and protect their obsession with ruling the planet and mandating the blueprint to the future. It's is absolutely halloweenish for Scots to trace to Italians, but a British trace to Numidians takes the cake. When Sitric invaded NorthUMBRIA, he was amongst elements from Italy's Umbria, right? Ottone's were first found in Perusia of Umbria.

The Arms of Ayrshire has the motto, "God SHAW the Reich," possibly for Richer/Reacher liners. The Ayrshire motto is reason to link the one-eye symbol of Sitric, now suspect in the Eyer namers of Ayrshire, to the Shawia Numidians. And lookie at what was just found: the Reich/Riker Crest (Switzerland) is the red lion of Aures'! Compare the Aures lion head to that of Breds/Breads, identical aside from color. The Reick/Riker Coat is split horizontally in colors that can link to the split Hips / Deck/Dagger Coats. Jewish Reichs show a page but no Coat. Why should Richer liners include Jews?

What we just saw there was a Gord trace to Sitric, and Gords are suspect from north-Africa's Boofima cult as it passed though Imperia, near Monaco. But as Gords had appeared to be Gore's/Core's, they trace to Chora on Patmos. As Crispins are suspect from Grimaldus of Monaco, note that French Crispins/Crepons are from a Perusia-like location (in Lorraine), and in Ottone / Monaco colors. The Crispin POMEgranate traces to the apple of one Paris surname. English Paris' are using the UNIcorns in the colors of the same of "vita"-using Saffers, part of the Glory line, and suspect with the namers of Pharisees. Then, Visconti-related Guiscards are said to be related to Rollo, father of Crispina, said wife of Grimaldus. Monaco is in Liguria, suspect with Lug, whose father was one-eyed. As the Great Seal was found to be from Caracalla, see the Carrick-related squirrels of Belgian Paris'.

[Insert -- Whellers/Whalers/Whellers use an "Avito JURE" motto as well as a white griffin from a mural crown (gold), like the white dragon from a mural crown of Lurch's/Larchers and Archers. The Wheeler griffin is said to be "emerging," what was deemed code for Morgan liners, and here we find the Wheeler lions in colors reversed from the Morgan/Mergen / Moore lion. Lurch's/Larchers ("Sola" motto term shared with Gore's) call theirs a "mural CORONet," expected with Gore's/JORE's that trace to Coronis-of-Patmos elements. It looks very correct to trace Gore's to Chora, but are Chora liners here linking to Lurco? The Lurch arrows are with "points downWARD," and we saw Ward / Worden liners suspect with El-Gabal, a sun god i.e. to which "sola" may trace. In fact, Julius AVITus was exactly the grandfather of Heliogabalus, the emperor for whom a Roman soldier made a temple in WOERDEN! This is suggesting that Lurco traces to some element of El-Gabal, and while Wheelers use a fesse in Pollock/POLK colors, he was the father-in-law of Appius PULCHer. It makes the Pulcher line very traceable to PolesWORTH, and the next update becomes much convinced that Pollocks were from the line of Polesworth's. This argues once again that the Stewart PELICan is code for the Pulcher bloodline to their Pollock kin / associates. End insert]

While English Crispins (Crist colors) use a CHRISpin variation, the Christs/Crist Coat is a virtual copy of the Reich/Riker Coat. What's the connection? It's the Riker>Gord connection to Imperia, smack beside Monaco, right? The Gords are now very traceable to PeriGORD, especially as the Monaco fesse is colors reversed from the same of Boofima-like Boeufs, first found in Perigord. This recalls the Saunier's, first found in Perigord, whom were honored in Dan Brown's, Da Vinci Code (fiction). I had deciphered Brown's "sophia neveu" code with Sophonisba, and here I am some two years later, tracing, I think, her line to Sitric. To better prove that Crispins link to the Christs/Crists, the Bouillons, who ruled Lower Lorraine i.e. near the Crispins, use a "Christi" motto term.

As French Josephs once showed just a swan, it's very notable that Chris'/Christs use the swan while being first found in the same place as English Josephs.

A third Richer/Ritchie surname (Perthshire, where Shaws were first found) uses the motto term, "acQUIrITUR," with "ritur" buried within. As it looks much like the Shaw motto, I'm pegging Richers/Ritchie's definitely as Shawia liners of the Idris kind. While Idris' son ruled in Fes/Fez, that term is a surname first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Bouillons, which may mean that Idris' family, after it had to escape Morocco around the time of Rollo, got caught up with Crispins. English Shaws, the one with a "qui patITUR" motto phrase, use FUSils (a long type of lozenge), likely code for Fes/Fez elements.

The "God" term in the Arms of Ayrshire may be for Goths sharing the Zionist star if Hagars, likewise first found in Perthshire. But as Rollo's were also first found in Perthshire, note that the Monaco Coat likewise uses the Hagar / Goth Zionist star, and it uses SIX of them along with a white-on-blue lion, the colors of the same of Breads. The Cecils use SIX white lions, and Monaco's were first found in Sicily. Chances are, Monaco's were Guiscard / Pulley liners, and so note that French Crispins use the same bend as Pulleys. At the center of the bend, there is a red cross of the type used in the Richer Coat with cornflowers. The Crispin bend is a reminder of the same of Italian Botters, substituting a central red star for the red Crispin cross, and then English Botters were first found in the same place as Crispin-suspect Chris' and Potters, the latter using cinquefoils in the colors of the Flower cinquefoil. Therefore, Richers>Gords are linking solidly to Crispins too.

We follow the English-Crispin barry, with the Bars of Lorraine, to DunBARS (Lothian), suspect from Duns, a location between the Tweed river and East Lothian, relevant because Gords were from the Tweed. The Dunbar write-up traces secretly to Summits (Lorraine), suspect with Some's/Sions because they use swans. The lion of Dunbars looks a lot like that of Boofima-suspect Greys, and Greys (Croy-branch said to be the ancestry of Roets) were first found in Northumberland, where Sitric was ruler along with Gofraid. It just so happens that the Dunbar / Grey lion is that of BEAUForts too, who were known, primary Roets. The same-colored lions in the Ricker/Ritchie Chief must apply too, especially as German Roets share a crescent in the same colors with that Ricker/Ritchie Coat. It makes the Ricker/Ritchie crosslets suspect with the same colored ones of Rick-related Tints, both first found in the same place as English Roets. Yessir. What this does is to trace the Beaufort lion to the same-colored Tint lion, the latter's said to be "couchant" (like "Caech"). It therefore traces Arthurs of the Tintagel kind to Sitric, important because the Arthur surname traces itself to Ireland, where Sitric originated.

My first shot at tracing Arthurs to Ireland was in the Mathuna surname that lists "Mann / Maghen." But as "Mathuna" is said to mean bear, a symbol often applied to "Arthur," note that Couch's/Cauche's (pale bars) use a bear, and that they were first found in the same place as barry Crispins. The Mathuna surname traces with Mathie's/Manns/Maghens (MacArthur crown) to the Mathis river of the Cavii. The "Fac et" motto phrase of the Mathie's can be for Faucet elements now suspect with "Vectis = Wight."

I wasn't going to look up the Cockers again...until just now, upon seeing the Coucher variation of Couch's. Look at what I would have missed: the white-on-black fleur of Cockers are in the colors of the Cake/Cakebread fleur! That pretty much convinces me that Cocks and Cockers trace to "Caech." The Cocker Crest is simply, "A man's head." We get it, and it fits the Maccus line to the Isle of man, though Wikipedia says that it's not known whether Maccus or his brother, Gofraid, ruled Man. Gofraid-like Giffords/Geffards (Cocker colors) share a rooster and lozenges with Cocks. I trace the "Malo 'mori" motto phrase of Giffords to Malahule of More, Rollo's uncle.

I can now go back to the Coke/Coeke ostrich, not in the same design as the giant ostrich of Lois', first found in Artois and suspect with "GorLOIS." But the white Lois ostrich is identical to the white one in the German Aisel Coat, a surname looked up as per "Auisle," son of Sitric Caech. We already saw "Caech" trace to the couchant lion of Tints, of Tintagel one must assume:

The [Tintagel] castle has a long association with Arthurian legends. This began in the 12th century when Geoffrey of Monmouth, in his mythical account of British history, the Historia Regum Britanniae, described Tintagel as the place of Arthur's conception. Geoffrey told the story that Arthur's father, King Uther Pendragon, was disguised by Merlin's sorcery to look like Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall, the husband of Igraine, Arthur's mother.

The article mentions a Merthen location of Cornwall while Merlin was also "Myrddin." "The land of Merthen was originally part of the manor of Winnianton, which was given to Richard, 1st Earl of Cornwall by his brother, Henry III, in 1225, who then swapped it with Gervase de Tintagel for Tintagel Castle." The run-up to that situation looks like it pertains to the Geoffrey's (Gofraid liner?) couching of Merlin in with Arthur's birth.

As Aisels share white wings in Crest with Gorhams while Aisels trace to Gorlois, the fetterLOCKs of Gorhams can be an additional insight to Arthurian codework. Locks and Lochs both use swans and trace to the Arthurian Swan Knight, whom I have linked between Ligurians swan liners and mythical Dido of Carthage, whose alternative identity or name, Elissa, seems to be in the Swan-Knight story. Swans are used by Weasels too, whom were looked up as per "Auisle," but my problem is that Weasels are listed with Wessels, suspect in the past with Vestalis, son of Cottius. This is not necessarily a contradiction, for as French Gore's and French Alans both share the French-Julian stars, Julius Caesar was the son of Mrs. Cotta, while this same Caesar had formed an alliance with the Cottians. It seems to speak for itself that Caesar was himself a Cottius liner, or at least from one of his kin.

One can now go to the pale bars of German Julians and compare with the Athel/Athol bars. As has been said, the crescents of German Julians are colors reversed from those of Seatons (i.e. Sitric liners). Plus, as it recently became suspect that the Aethelstan Saxons whom Sitric married named Saxony, not only are the Athol bars in the colors of the same in the Arms of Saxony, but German Julians (wings in Crest) were first found in Saxony. Amazing, how heraldry talks. English Julians were first found in the same place as Sitric-tracing June's. This recalls the trace suggested a couple of years back of Italian Garins to the Arms of Saxony because German Garins/GORings were first found in Saxony. The latter surname shares the upright gold lion with Aisels, and both Coats use multiple-colored bars.

The particular Godfrey surname using a dark-skinned "Saracen" is linkable to the Moor head of Bouillons. This Godfrey Coat uses pelicans in the colors and format of the English Capone Coat, and the Godfrey Crest shares a fitchee cross with the Quint Crest, making Saracens suspect with Boofima. However, the heraldic Saracen can be for the Saracen / Sarasin surname.

While Idris' family ruled Morocco in Fes, the Fessy surname uses the Macclesfield cross, a good reason to trace Idris liners to Sitric (conqueror of the Macclesfield theater), and home of the Massena-line Numidians. In other words, a Sitric trace to Shawia Numidians is expected due to the Massena-line Numidians (Massena was king of Numidia) tracing to Cheshire in the first place. And the Shawia went by another name, much like "Cowes" to which Mackays / Quade's trace.

Finally, this update gave me cause to identify Gords and Gore's with Vere's, which can have one of two possible effects: 1) to deny the Gore trace to "Chora"; 2) to trace Vere's to "chora." If we decide on 2), the Varni become Chora liners, explaining why Varns use scallops on their bend, code for Skala of Patmos. The Varn bend-with-scallops can then trace to the Were bend with croziers, helping to equate Varni with Vere liners. The evolution of terms would go something like this: Chora > Quor > Gore > Guarin > Varni > Var(us) > Vere (1st century AD) as one line, and a Core/Gore > Gordon line could provide Wordens / Wardens and similar others. However, none of this yet speaks to the island of Pharos (Adriatic sea) at which I suspect the origin of Pharisees.

The Great-Seal investigation continues in the next update.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

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