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June 16 - 22, 2015

Herod Pollio Who?
Heraldry to Northern Italy Out of the Closet
Napoleon Bonaparte had Pierleoni Kosins
The Craven Images of Actium and Queen Tryphaena (do not miss this)

Herod Pollio of Chalcis (Syria) was a son of AristoBULUS IV, and brother of Herod Agrippa. These were not nice fellows, but the epitome of anti-Christ dogs. The New-Testament symbol for Herod I is akin to that of the Sadducees, desiring the fruits of supreme power in Israel, the striving for things that went against all the teachings of Jesus. Aristobulus' were from the line of Simon Maccabee, which used the name, Alexander. For example, the grandfather of Aristobulus IV (see family tree) was an Alexander Maccabee. These Alexanders were named such, in all likeliness, due to the pact that Simon's brother, Jonathan, made with the Seleucid king, Alexander BALAS (I had spelled it wrong as "Balus" over many updates, sorry). Balas was confirmed to be who he said he was, a son of Antiochus VI, and the latter is in the Daniel-11 prophecy as a type, or even the ancestor, of the end-time anti-Christ. Daniel wrote long before the Maccabees.

I had read that Seleucids I (father of Antiochus I and therefore ancestor of Alexander Balas) had a family mixed up with the Thesprotians of Epirus. In the last update, a Bullis location in Epirus was touched upon, and it sits near Antipatria, otherwise know as "Antipater," which happens to be the name of the great-grandfather of Herod Pollio. Antipater was ancestor to all the Herods. I didn't know that Antipatria was called "Antipater" when I was emphasizing it for the first time in the last update. What exactly was I treading on? Herod ancestry? It amazed me to find excellent evidence for a trace of that Kilpatricks, Patricks, and Pattersons to Antipatria.

I had first of all mentioned the Patria/Petrie surname, and, look, it uses a version of the Pulley/Pullen Coat, making this pair of surnames suspect with "Pollio"! But as Pulleys/Pullens (and Pelle's) use the PELICan, which has been suspect with Pulchers for months, just look at this: The name of the city in Albanian is Berat or Berati...It is believed to have been the site of an Ancient Macedonian stronghold, Antipatreia (..."city of Antipater") or Antipatrea in Latin, while during the early Byzantine Empire the name of the town was PULCHERiopolis (..."city of Pulcheria") Perhaps I was wrong for tracing the pelican to Appius and/or Publius Pulcher, or perhaps one of the two was ancestral to whichever Pulcheria named the town. Pattersons use pelicans.

The Pulleys share the motto of PATents, making Patents/Patens a likely Antipater line. This can go to the so-called potent cross of Templar Jerusalem. With a trace now, as a virtual certainty, of Pulleys to Antipatria and the Herods, ask again why the Pulley Chief shows the footless martlets in the colors of the same of French Josephs? My claim is that both Joseph surnames trace to Joseph Caiaphas, not by some cosmic coincidence, but because heraldry, a product of the Templars / Crusaders, has been concerned with lines from Templar ancestry, which goes back to various arch-enemies of Jesus, especially Caiaphas.

Herod Pollio had Herod I ("the great") as grandfather, and for a grandmother Pollio had the sister of Herod I. as grandmother. As the Aristobulus-related Maccabee line goes to Julius Alexander, brother of a BERENICianus, it's a good theory that the latter traces to Herod Pollio, son of BERNICE. The possibility is that Pollio was named after Polemon, ruler of the Pontus and Cilicia. There is no Pollio surname, but German Polls (share a blue Shield with Pulleys / Patria's) are also "Pollman," and Dutch Polls use the same lion as Palins/Pawlentys (same place as Quints) suspect with the paw of Quints. The Quint paw holds a gold fitchee cross while Patria's/Petrie's use silver fitchee crosses, and Fitch's happen to use the colors of the Herod/Hurl Coat ("hawks's lure" in Crest). This material is most-reliable. The implications that are being made are as good as facts.

Fitch's were first found in the same place as Coopers/Copper, who share the leopard face with Fitch's, and Coopers have long been suspect with "Cypros," wife of Antipater and mother of Herod I. Scottish Coopers (share garland with Steven liners) are said to be from (or at least include) Salomone de Cupir of early Fife, and it just so happens that Pollio's grandmother, a daughter of Cypros, was Salome. In the last update, the Hawks and Lure's, two surnames honored by the Herod surname, traced to the Liri river's Ausones peoples, and they were related to a Sidicini peoples suspect with proto-Sadducees, and moreover the Side's, expected from the Sidicini, were first found in the same place as Salomone Cupir. This Fife area is beside Perthshire, where the Shaws were first found that are said to be from a Sidicini-suspect Sithech entity. This is compelling material. It's making me feel good because I don't like the thought that I've been wasting many years of my life investigating and knowing heraldry for no good purposes at all.

Chalcis of Greece had elements that traced very well (last update) to the Bullis theater. For example, I learned in the last update that the Abantians of Euboea, home also of Chalcis, became Amantians, and then there was an Amantia location beside Bullis (map below). To the near-east of Amantia, see Bantia. If that trace of Chalcis elements to the Bullis area was correct, then they may have named the Syrian Chalcis of Herod, and perhaps Bullis elements named "Pollio." On this map, Bullis is called, Byllis.

The theory now is that the line of nasty Antiochus IV Epiphanes to the anti-Christ / False Prophet goes through the nasty Herods. The theory will now expect that the Seleucids of the Epirus theater had been part of the same line to Antipater of Edom, husband of Cypros. There is a Balas surname that can be linked to the Coopers in that both use a similar blue-on-gold cross, albeit the Coopers use it as a saltire (suspect with the blue York saltire because Yorks use a Cooper-like motto term). Scottish Coopers use a couped chevron with ermines, a symbol emphasized by Balas'/Baliss'/Bailiffs. The latter surname looks like it can be sharing / borrowing the cross of Winchesters, which itself uses fitchee crosses in the colors of the same of Patria's/Petrie's. These are good reasons to trace Winchesters to Herods.

If you look closely, you can make out a gold fitchee cross in the Winchester Crest, the color of the fitchee in the Quint Crest. It might be a four-armed cross and therefore not a fitchee (with three arms), except that the sharp point at the base of the cross is visible below the lion's breast, exposing it as a fitchee. It's a blue Caepio-line lion. I kid you not, that God did in very fact reveal, through a morning vision / dream of a reader (a few years ago) with Patterson surname, that a blue lion named "something like Cappeo" was to be understood by me, and it was traced almost immediately to Coopers and Yorks after emailer Patterson revealed the dream to me. There was nothing in the dream but a blue lion named "something like Cappeo." That's why I came blue lions as "Caepio-line lion." See this lion in the Arms of Macclesfield along with a "copia" motto term. The Macclesfields, in Copper colors, use the same cross as Face's/Fessys that are in code in the so-called leopard FACES of Coopers and Fitch's.

The Winchester location was ruled by Saer de Quincy, and as Quince's/Quincy's share hollow diamonds (mascles) with Winchesters, we can glean that Quince's are a line from Quintus Caepio. One Peter/Petry surname uses mascles too, and a lion in both colors of the Side lion, not to mention that Dutch Polls use the same black lion. Note that, inside the canton square of Winchesters, the same sword (same colors) appears that are used by French Polls. The latter have a lion holding the sword that is exactly the lion of Sforza's (Rome, suspect with PierLEONi) that itself holds a so-called "quince." The Peers share a white bend with Patria's/Petrie's, but are otherwise in Herod / Fitch colors. It can be gleaned that "Win" and "QUINce" are the same term, both from a line of Quints.

The Bernice surname (water bouget), a branch of Burns, is in the colors of Coopers / Winchesters. Bernice's and Burns were first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Daggers/Dackers that were suspect (last update)n with the Dexaroi peoples of the Bullis theater. The Burns use white-on-blue fleur-de-lys, which are said to be granted by some unidentified English king to the Plows/Ploughs, themselves using a fesse in colors reversed to the Bernice fesse. It just so happens that German Bullis' use a "PLOUGHshare" (in Bernice colors). As the Ploughs use the same fesse colors as Bellamys (first found in the same place as Ploughs), it appears that "Plow" is a Bellamy, which may suggest that Bellamys trace to the namers of Bullis. In that case, I'd need to trace Bullis to the entity depicted by mythical Bellerophon, for that's where i trace Bellamys. Bellerophon is the one with Pegasus as his ally, and then there's a pegasus in the Bernice Crest! Bingo. The Bernice's look like they are of the Bernice > Pollio line to / from Bullis.

Bullis' were first found in Bavaria/Bayern, and then some surnames named after Bavaria use bears, a symbol of BERENs, Berwicks and Barwicks, and then Berwick (across from Cumberland) was named after BERNICians. It compels me to trace Bernicians to "Bernice / Berenicianus." Berwicks share "ears of wheat" with Scottish Chappes'. The plowSHARE traced (last update) excellently to Share's/Sheers, but this recalls the Sere's and Seers as they were linkable to Zerrs/Zehrers, suspect with Zahringers (beside Bavaria), who founded the city of Berne in Switzerland. (I didn't know until now that a German Bavaria surname is listed with Linde's.)

The reason that Bellamys were traced to Bellerophon is that they had merged with Ferte-Mace, origin of Masseys/Maceys who show a pegasus in their Crest. The colors of the Massey fleur-de-lys are the colors of the "flory" cross of Bouillons (they are said to have owned the potent cross of Templar Jerusalem), so-called because it has fleur-de-lys ends to it. Bouillons/Bouille's (English-Bullis colors) have been suspect with the Boii, and then the last update found the "Boius / Boii" in the Bantia area. However, Bouillons ("bello" motto term) might not have been Boii, but rather Bellamy / Bullis lines. On the other hand, the Crusader, Godfrey de Bouillon, whose brother was made the first king of Templar Jerusalem, was from Boulogne, a term like Bologna of Italy, home of the Boii just two or three generations before the formation of the first MaccaBAEUS.

A Buller surname (Cornwall) happens to share the Moor head with Bouillons. Bullers use the Drake motto. English Bullis' are listed with BULLARds/Buliards, which can trace Bouillons to Bullis. Beullers/Boellens were first found in Bavaria.

English Bullis' use what I guess is the Annas star upon so-called "coins," and the half-white Beuller star may relate. It's important that the coins are red roundels ordinarily called "TORTeaux," for the Chaucers (red), kin of Chalkers (red) and therefore suspect with "Chalcis," use a TORToise. The red color traced hard to what seemed like lines from Euboea's Eritrea (said to mean "red"). The BARNICle variation of the Irish COIN/Cohen surname, which was always a mystery, can now go to "BERNICE"! The Coin/Cohen bend is colors reversed from the Patria / Pulley bend, and shows the same-colored pheons that are used by Pilate's. English Bole's (the Pollock boar design) were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as English Pilotte's, and both use grail cups in the same colors, even in the colors of the grails of Sithech-Shaws.

There had been a TOREATae peoples from lake Maeotis, said to be a fellow tribe with Sittaceni, a Sidicini-like term. I was my hunch that the Sittaceni founded Soducena at lake Sevan. The Toreatae therefore became suspect with the heraldic TORTEAux. I read that "Gog" means "sky / blue," and began seeing Gogi-possible lines (e.g. Gooch's/Googe's) in white on blue, the colors of the Sevan-suspect swans of the Ready Coat. The Readys are expected in the "Ready" motto term of the Burns, but this recalls (last update) the Quint-importance in the Reeds. There was a Gogarene/Gugar location on the south-east side of lake Sevan. The Bole grails have white boars inside of them in the colors of the Gooch/Googe and Goch/Gough boars.

The Beuller/Beollen star is in the Gog colors of the Billiard/Hilliard stars (looked up as per "Bulliard"), and the latter's Coat is virtually identical with the French Billiards/Billets (same star as Hagars tracing tentatively to the Dexaroi). As these three surnames are in Pulley/Pullen colors, it appears very much that "Beollen" is a version of "Pullen," especially as the Pullen Chief shares the martlet of French Josephs, the latter first found in the same place (Maine) as Billiards/Billets. German Bullis' are also "Beulling." Hagars had traced to the AGARus river adjacent to a GOGaeonus-river area.

As Bullis was also "BYLLIS," the Billets may apply. Fellers have a Coat similar to the Billiards/Billets, and the latter are in Roque colors while RoqueFEUILs (proto-Rockefellers) just came to mind as a possible branch of BEULings. The Arms of Roquefeuil even use BILLETS! Note how the Billiards/Billets can trace to Stevens and Stevensons/Stave's (Hawk kin), for they may be from the Etienne's using billets in Gog / Billet colors. There is a second Billet surname using the Bellows Coat, which includes a black wolf head that can trace to Quadratus via the black wolf head of Quade's. The same line that put out Herod Pollio also put out the Tigranes > Quadratus line.

The POLLIS/Polhill/Polley surname was first found in Cornwall, same place as Bullers. The latter surname shares the hind with Irish Sithech-Shaws. Is this a Bullis-Shaw / Bullis-Sidicini connection? Why do the Pollis' say, "A hind's head between two branches of oak BEARING golden acorns." The Shaw motto, "Te Ipsum nosce," is virtually the Pendragon motto while Pendragons had identified (last update) for the first time in a most-fundamental way with Italian Oscans, who generally lived in / beside the area of the Salto / Turano river, and then the Pollis Coat looks like a version of the Turin Coat (shares helmet with Pendragons). The "Audentes" motto term of Turins is like the "Audacter" of Pollocks, and then Shaws use their hind pierced by an arrow, a symbol of the Pollock boar. Roquefeuil is in Aude, where the Pollock motto term traces, but now it seems that the Turin motto term trace to Aude too.

How Sosius and Herod took Jerusalem by force; and besides that, how they took Antigonus captive, has been related by us in the foregoing book. We will now proceed in the narration. And since Herod had now the government of all Judea put into his hands, he promoted such of the private men in the city as had been of his party, but never left off avenging and punishing every day those that had chosen to be of the party of his enemies. But POLLIO the Pharisee, and SAMEAS, a disciple of his, were honored by him above all the rest; for when Jerusalem was besieged, they advised the citizens to receive Herod, for which advice they were well requited. But this Pollio, at the time when Herod was once upon his trial of life and death, foretold, in way of reproach, to Hyrcanus and the other judges, how this Herod, whom they suffered now to escape, would afterward inflict punishment on them all; which had its completion in time, while God fulfilled the words he had spoken.

A Pollio friend of Herod I to whom Herod granted gifts. Note that while I identify all three Peter surnames with Peter Pollock (the first Pollock that I see from Roquefeuils), the Sam/Sammes lion is also the Peter lion. The Sammes' came to mind with Pollio's friend, Sameas. Did the two men find an elite circle amongst Herods that went on to name Herod Pollio? It just so happens that the Sam/Samme' lion has blood drops, a symbol of the Antipatria-based Pattersons and Kilpatricks. The drops were deemed (last update) the symbol of Tropoje (because the Patterson drops are also the Drop/Trope drops) near the mouth of the Apsus river, and this area was near Bullis. Sams/Sammes' were first found in the same place as Quints. What was Peter Pollock's first name named after?

This is interesting because I insisted over the years that the Sammes lion links to Jonathan the pagan Levite of Judges. The reasoning for this was the blood drops on the Jones lions. But since then, Jonathan Maccabee came into the picture, making me unsure as to which Jonathan the Jones' should trace to. There was a Jonathan/Jonas surname found that I traced to Maccabee, and I now note that it uses roosters in the colors of the Sammes lion. The Jonathan rooster design is used by Blue's whom are said to be from Arran, where MacAbee's were first found. The last update found reason for tracing "Blois" to Bullis, and Blue's might be a branch of Blois'. I ended up taking the position that the Laevi Gauls, who predated the Maccabees, were from Jonathan the pagan Levite as his descendants became the Galli priesthood of the Kabeiri. In that way, the Maccabee priesthood can trace to the Laevi, and that's what makes Laevillus, husband of Quadratus' daughter, important. Yet nothing seems to be known of Laevillus. The Pharisees came out of the Maccabee fold, and as yet I know nothing of this Sameas character. Josephus had mentioned a Sadduc character that was suspect with the naming of Sadducees.

It's then interesting again that the Sion/Swan surname, which can be suspect with Sidicini where Sion was also Sitten, has a SOME variation. The Sone's (share falcon theme with Sions/Swans) are also "SOMES," and they use mallets, an appropriate Maccabee symbol, as well as a hawk's lure, a Herod-surname symbol. However, the Somes' are said to be from "Soham," like "Sohaemus," a priest of El-Gabal (Syria) during the Maccabee period. The upper Apsus was called, "Osum." The Teague's/Teegers traced (last update) apparently to Decans and Deacons, the latter first found in the same place as Sone's/Somes', and then Teague's/Teegers use a "SUMmum" motto term as well as an "OPtem" motto term for Opgalli, wife of Teeger-suspect TIGRanes (a Herod-Maccabee liner descended from the same family as Herod Pollio). Sames was an old sun god of Syria (in Samosata), as was El-Gabal in later times. In fact, Sames was also in Sophene (beside Samosata), and that's where Sohaemus was king. Compare "Samosata" with "Somerset," where Leavells were first found. Sohaemus was the one who married Drusilla of the Massena Numidians, the very family that I suspect in the formation of Maccabees. But Sohaemus also married Drusilla Herod. Massins (Caepio-line lion) were first found in the same place as Teague-suspect Timms and Touque's/Tooks.

The Teague motto term can also go to "OPTIMus": "Acmonia appears in the Notitiae Episcopatuum from the 10th to the 12th or 13th century. The first bishop whose name is known is Optimus..." As Akmonia was the place of ancestry for the Quadratus line, the Timms/Time's might have descended from the family of Optimus. There may have been an Op term being used in earlier years that went to Opgalli. It's not likely a coincidence that one Saffer surname (shares vair with Quints) is also "Savary," a French Savary/Savard surname uses besants while Julius Severus of Akmonia birthed a son with Bassus surname, the surname also of Quadratus, Severus' grandson. The Saffer/Savary unicorn is a compelling argument for tracing Rasmussens/Assmans (just a unicorn) to the namers of Akmonia. That means that Mr. Rasmussen, previous NATO chief, traces to Severus. Coincidence, or are the leaders of the modern world Herod / Maccabee / Caiaphas liners by Freemasonic design?

The following genealogy shows Sohaemus descended from the Maccabee-Herod line, with queen Iotapa II as his mother (Wikipedia agrees), whose father in-turn was Aristobulus, son of the above-mentioned Aristobulus IV, father of Herod Pollio. Wikipedia shares that "Sohaemus" means "little dagger," but then this must be code of the Templarite historians, whom, as Freemasonic circles, seized the educational channels of modern society for to deceive in many ways. Teague's/Teegers were shown linked (for the first time ever in the last update) to Degers as well as Degens. With all the talk of Daggers and the Dexaroi, I failed to re-mention that Sithech-Shaws use a dagger in Crest, and the Shaws come up as "Seth," father (lived in Syria) of the Israeli high priest, Annas.

It doesn't necessarily mean that "Sithech" derived from "Seth" himself, though I'm open to the idea. I know of no details on Seth's life. I'm going to continue tracing the Shaw "qui" and the FIVE Sheaves/Chiava/Chiapponi keys to "Qewe." Note that Sithech-like Sticks (Somerset) use just some gold garbs in the colors of the Key keys, and that this Key Coat is a good reflection of the Openheim Coat so as to trace, tentatively, to the "open helmets" of the Mynetts, first found in Kent, home of Shawia liners. The "confido" motto term of Keys can go to Fide's/Fiddle's sharing the three wolf heads (different colors) of Quade's.

As Teague's/Teegers are tracing all-the-better to Tigranes and OPgalli than ever, due to their Teeger variation found in the last update, it makes the "OPtem" motto term (of Teague's) all-the-more suspect with Opgalli, but just look at the following, where Timms/Times' (suspect with "OpTEM") are said to include a German Thiemmo variation, like the Tien/Thames surname. This recalls the Tean variation of the Thames' found as per this: The Sidicini were one of the Italic peoples of ' old Italy, neighbors of the Samnites and Campani, who had for capital Teanum Sidicinum (today Teano ). It is striking that while I traced Shawia to Kent, the Timms are thereby traceable to Sithech-suspect Sidicini. With Opgalli suspect as a close kin of Caiaphas, doesn't this raise an eyebrow? Plus, the Thime's (just looked up) are listed with Thane's and show three helmets in the positions of the three helmets of the Mynetts (same place as Timms)!

Thime's/Thane's are from the Moray area, excellent because there were once two Moray surnames featured by houseofnames, the one no longer showing having a "DEUM Time" motto that cause me to trace Timms/Times' to the Biblical Timna of EDOM, wife of Esau's son. The Timms were first found in the same place as the Massins using a "DUM" motto term that tends to connect Times' to Massins. The Massins were first found in THANet, I kid thee not, and it's the term that traces Massins to king Massena, because Shawia Numidians lived at ZENATa, a term that easily forms "Thanet." Therefore, the Thime's/THANE's/Theyne's and Mynetts must be Zenata elements, excellent for the hunch that Qewe was named by Shawia.

On another hand, Thames' look traceable to THEMIScyra, and therefore to ArTEMIS, and while the Amyntes line had a priest to ARTEMis (I can't recall who but it was in the family circle of Quadratus), his son was ARTEMidoros. If the trace to Themiscyra is incorrect, then the namers of the Thames can go to Zenata. Part of the Thames was the Isis river. Why?

The Timms/Times' can trace to Artemis of Themiscyra (you won't find articles telling that she was at that city) because Artemis was of the Massey or Meshech bloodline at nearby MAZACA. The African Amazons are known by several names, including Amazighen, Meshwesh, Mazyes, and MAZICES, wherefore Artemis can trace to north Africa's "Greeks" with the Apollo raven. But if Times' trace to Themiscyra, then the line of Timna and other Seir-ians / Horites / Edomites are suspect in the land of old Amazons (prior to when they lived in Mysia), As Herods were Massey-related Edomites, it's a wonder that HERODotus seems to have been the only ancient writer that knew of Amazons at Thermodon = ThemisCYRA. Herodotus was a CARian, and proto-CYRene may have been fundamental to Themiscyra.

The particular Moray Coat still showing has a "Tout pret" motto while Oliphants -- suspect with Eliphas, Esau's son -- use a "tout" motto term. That can't be coincidental, meaning that Moray elements were traced by someone to Esau (ruler of Edom), a very good reason for tracing "Deum Time" to an Esau-Timna line. But, lest we forget, Edom was for a time the arch-enemy of Israel's God. Did the Morays/Murrays trace to Esau because they knew of their trace to a Herod line? The Pretts happen to use stars in the colors of the Sutherland stars, and the latter are said to be using the Moray stars. Then, dagger-using Mackays (possible Key/Kay kin), whose Irish branch shares the Quade wolf heads, were first found in Sutherland. If that's not enough, the wolf-using Mackays/Caws use a "LicenTIAM" motto term! The idea here is that Edomite Morays linked to Massena-related Mackays all tracing to Themiscyra and Mazaca.

The "refROEN" motto term of Mackays/Caws suggests the Roens/Rome's using the gyronny in the colors of the same of CAMPbells, who are in CAMP colors while the latter were first found in the same (Yorkshire) place as Keys, and then Camp liners are tracing to CAMPANia, named by the Campani that were allies of Teano's Sidicini. This is the first time ever that Camps have traced to Campania, though the theory had been held out (by me) for several years. This traces the Mackay / Quade wolves from the Artemis wolf line to the Hirpini, and so note that Mackie's/Mackeys were first found facing Bute = Avalon, suspect with Avellino (home of Hirpini). That's why the nine Muses of Apollo trace to the nine witches of Avalon, which indicates that the Arthurian writers knew of king-Arthur's satanism. Ask the one who coined PenDRAGON.

I didn't know until now that Scottish Roens (DUMfries) are listed with Rome's/Rooms...using a "PUNGit" motto term for the Yorkshire Pungs/Pagnells (they trace together to a Roman location of Moldova, near Pungesti). Payens/Pagans use "spur ROWels", and I think that Roens/Rowans can be a branch of Rowels, in which case Rowels were originally Rome's. The heraldic spur is used by the Close surname (Macey Shield?), suspect from Closeburn (home of Kilpatricks), in the same place as the Rome's/Rooms. The Burns share black hunting horns with Close's so that "CloseBURN" can be a line from Berenice / Berenicianus. As the Kilpatrick / Patterson drops have traced with Drops Trope's to Tropoje upon the Apsus river, it's notable that Close's use black hunting horns with gold stripes, the Traby symbol. As there is another Tropoje to the near-east of the Clausula river, the namers of Closeburn can trace to "Clausula."

Rome's/Rooms share the fesse of Augusts (suggesting Augustus Romans) while Augusts share the talon with Talants/Talons, the latter suspect with the Camp / Capone chevron. Rowels are listed with Rothwells while Mackie's/Mackeys (share arrows with Rothschilds) share the Rothes raven while Bute was earlier, Rothesay. The lion of Bute was blue, the colors of the Massin lion, yet another reason to trace Massins / Maceys to Bute.

The Scottish Adams/MacCAWS are using the Mackie/Mackey arrow, but the Adams/Caws use it on a green Shield, as do Scottish Bowers, but then as German Bauers use a green Shield too, the Caw liners were definite proto-Rothschilds. The Adams/Caws are in the colors of the MacAbee's/CABE's (beside Bute) so that Caws and Cabe's look like identical stock. But why did Cabe's also call themselves like "Maccabee"? I trace MacAbee's to the motto of NEWmans, and then Caw-like Cowes is on the Isle of Wight with NEWport, while NEWtons are in MacAbee / MacCaw colors. The Close / Traby hunting horns are in use by Weights (likely a branch of Wights/Wights) using the motto of HAZELtons for a trace to Has, near Tropoje and the Clausula. Has is just downstream from the Penestae, and Pendragons were first found in the same place as Weights. In myth, Pendragon disguised himself as GorLOIS, while the Lois' share the ostrich theme with the Traby Crest above, and with the Carrick Crest. There is no doubt in my mind that Gorlois was part-code for Gore's/Core's and Gore's/Gowers, both of whom share the white wolf with Scarfs, the ones honored in the scarf of Trabys/Sadowski's.

There must be a fundamental link between Pendragons and McLeods because both trace hard to Oscans. MacAbee's are listed as McLeod septs along with Herods and Teague's while the latter trace rather hard to the Herod-Maccabee line. One Adam/MacCaw Coat uses a fat heart as possible Herod code. The last update had enlightening discoveries on McLeods, tracing their Skye location to "OSCan," and then the Ask/Askey sept of McLeods goes to Aschs/Ashes while Kins' can be using the two Ash chevrons. It just so happens that the Kinsey variation of Kingsleys was traced suggestively (only recently) to the Kins'/Kyne's, and then Kingsleys, known to be from the Isle of Wight, are in MacAbee / Caw colors!

Therefore the Kins and Kingsleys link well to Kynemund at Annandale, all suspect from Qewe. The Cowes/Ku surname uses pennants suspect with the Penestae peoples that had a capital at Uscana, the line, I am very very sure for good reasons, to the Oscans. This recalls the coins of Bullis' (code for Coins/Kyne's, likely) with the same star as Annas', important because Annas/Hanan/Ananas liners are highly suspect with the naming of Annandale. This becomes very important where the "placit" motto term of Rome's/Rooms traces to Placentia, home of the Ananes Gauls that obviously named Annandale. Therefore, Annas of Israel is highly suspect from the Ananes. Placentia was founded by general SCIPio, the one who made an alliance with king Massena. This alliance was still evident in Templar times when Meschins married purple-lion SKIPtons...of Yorkshire, where purple-bendlet Keys/Kays were first found. We would like to know who the Kins and Kingsleys had been earlier, and whether the Kingston-upon-Hull (Humber river) location of Yorkshire applies to them. The Hulls of that place share white dog heads with Scarfs, and Placentia was on a river suspect with Trabys.

The Oscan-associated Ausones became suspect with the House surname (cloud, may be for McLeods/Clouds) that happens to use the same cross (almost) as Kingsleys. The Kingsley / Aula goat may be in the Timm/Times Crest, and as the latter are working out to be Massin / Massey, it recalls the trace of Masseys to the household of Hyksos king, KHYAN. The House's were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Krume-suspect Croms (see the Cromby cross in the colors of the House cross), and then the Ash's were from D'Esse Court, suspect with the sun of Hesse's, all tracing to Has beside Krume and the Gabuleum location suspect with the sun god, El-Gabal. The Crom liners were traced to "CREMona," beside Placentia, and likewise founded by general Scipio (as an army Barracks) when he was defeated by Ananes-like Hannibal upon the Trebia river flowing at Placentia. One needs to explore whether Ananes were named by Hannibal's family, and whether king Massena took an Ananes family and transplanted it in Syria / Lebanon / Israel along with the proto-Maccabees. But where would we get the information to explore such a thing?

Croms share QUATREfoils with Wights (in Weight colors), and quatrefoils are suspect with the Quadratus family in Qewe, and then quatrefoils are used also by Ayers, a Shawia line. One can glean a good reason here for tracing Cowes'/Ku's to Quadratus, whose daughter married Laevillus, and then the Wights above are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Levins/Livings, the latter sharing white footless martlets with Saddocks and Chaddocks / Chadwicks. Moreover, Levins were first found in Westmorland while the Westmorland surname shares jessant leopard faces with the Crest of Artem-suspect and Quade-like Aide's/Ade's found in the Levi motto.

After proof-reading this section, as the paragraph above was done, it came to mind that Sadowski's may have been Cade's/Caddys (same general area as Levins), for I can find no Sadow-like surname. That's when the green Crusader cross in the Cade Crest struck me, as it's in colors reversed from the same cross of Grenons, who suddenly look like they are named after "Cremona," for the Grenon cross is in the colors of the Cromby cross. A trace of Trabys/Sadowski's to Cremona makes sense where the Trebia flows from that area. It just so happens that Cadows (Lurch arrows?) are listed with Chaddock-like Caddocks (in Chaddock / Chadwick colors). The Caddick variation prompts a look at Saddicks, listed with Saddocks, but I had forgotten that Saddocks are traced to Westmorland, where the related Levins were first found. This is all making the Caddys/Caide's (share gold garbs in Chief with the Joseph Chief) suspect with Quadratilla and Laevillus. In that case, if correct, Sadowsky can trace to "QUADratilla," which works superbly because the Sadowsky scarf is for the Scarfs sharing the three wolf heads of Quade's (different colors, same design). The Caddows/Caddicks were first found in the same place as Capone's and Chapmans while the Sadowski scarf is shaped as a 'Q' that was at one time suspect with Quintus Caepio, yet is now tracing better to Quadratilla. That makes great sense. But in that case, Caddys/Caide's are a Quadratilla line.

The Sadlowski variation may trace to Saddle's/Sadlers using the blue Louvain / Massin lion. It's making Louvains / Leuvens suspect with Laevillus. As the Sidicini were on and off the Liri river, where the Lure's, Liers and Liers are suspect, note the SadLIER and SadLEIR variation. The Saddle's come up as "Said." There was an ancient Setia location off the Liri. Now that Sadowski's are tracing reasonably to Seaton/Sitten / Side/Sudy / Suty/Suddy liners, note that the Scarf Coat (shares white chevron with Leirs/Liers) has a Sion/Swan look to it (both share the white-on-blue chevron of Leve's/Leave's). Recall that Scarfs (Yorkshire) share white dog heads with Hulls (Yorkshire); the latter use the white talbot, also in the Sion/Swan Crest. The "Fidelitas" motto of Sions/Swans goes to Fiddle's/Fidelows using the wolf-head design of Scarfs. Fiddle's were first found in the same place (Surrey) as Share's, a branch of Schere's/SCHERFs and therefore suspect with "Scarf." The Surreys/Surrichs was traced to "Zurich, beside KYburg, and then the Arms of Kyburg use a lion in the colors of the Kingston / King lions. To help make the Sion/Sitten trace to Sadowski's, the Falcons, honored in the falconer's gloves of Sions/Swans, were first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Sadowski-suspect Cade's/Caddys.

The Liri flows near Fondi, origin of Lurco, father-in-law of Appius Pulcher. Lurco (ancestor to a wife of Augustus) had been traced to the Lurch's/Larchers and Archers now suspect with Cadows/Caddicks. How about that. Near Fondi is Gaeta, and the bars of the Sutys were traced to an Arms of Caetani, from Gaeta, terms like "Cade." The founders of Caetani/Gaetani had been dukes of Fondi, though this was long after Lurco. The Gaeta/Gaetani Coat (share red lion with Drengot-suspect Drinks/Drengs) has the look of the Second/Segur Coat. The write-up says that Gaeta was named after a nurse of Aeneas, and so the Gaeta are suspect at some Trojan entity. As Aeneas was involved with the mythical founder of Carthaginians, the Gaetuli Numidians are coming to mind. The "yet" motto term of Seatons was suspect with gate-using Yate's/Yeats.

There is a Gaet/Gede/Geat surname first found in the same place (Hamburg) as Trips (Massey/Masse boots, no longer showing) and Krume's, and using the same white-on-blue crescent of Krume's. But these crescents are used also by Falcons, which make's Gaets suspect with Sion/Sitten. Seatons/Sittens use crescents. Reminder: the Seaton motto term, "HAZard" has been suspect with Has (Albania), right beside Krume.

The Sure's/Shore's are in the motto of Traby-related Kilpatricks. The Sure's/Shore's (Hull-like holly) use the Caen motto while the Caen Crest shares the five, white Traby ostrich feathers. Caens may trace to the same thing as Kins'/Kyne's suspect with Kings and Kingstons, and in fact the Kins'/Kyne's are honored in the motto of Kyburg-like Keys/Kays. The "licitis" motto term of Caens and Sure's has escaped heraldic definition thus far, but suddenly looks like code for "Lychnitis," where Swan liners have been traced. The northern shore of lake Lychnitus belonged to the Penestae, and the southern shore to Euboeans while the Dexaroi, suspect with Weights, had the western shore. Of interest here is that Valentins use the squirrels that trace to Daggers and Dexaroi, and these squirrels are on a white-on-red bend shared by Chalcis-suspect Chaucers while the related Chalkers use a swan.

By the way, not many days ago, three or four squirrels (I saw three at one time) played around my house, and were in an out of the garage, and came very close to me as though they and I were family. They were around the house all day. I thought they were moving in. No squirrels have been in my attic since catching 16 of them last fall, and I was expecting that these three or four would provide the next attic family (I should have all the soffits on by fall, no more squirrels in the attic after that). But I have not seen nor heard a squirrel since they played around the house, a very unexpected situation.

The Fetters, in code with the fetterLocks (swan liners) used by the Moray Coat no longer showing (the one with "Deum time" motto), use the giant Hesse sun. This is indicating that "AUSone" traces to the namers of Has / Hesse / D'Esse Coat. In fact, the giant sun was once showing in the Coat of Ectors, and first found in the same place (Angus) as Asone's/Assone's/Easons, who could be using the Bram(p)ton lion because Warin de Aula, of the Kingsley line on Wight, married Mrs. Brampton. The Ectors trace to mythical Hector (Trojans), son of Abram-suspect Priam, and then the Abraham line was traced to BRAMtons. Repeat: the Annas star is used by Angus', suspect from Angusta/Augusta of Moldova. The Cabbage's, with an "angustis" motto term, happen to be the ones honored in the so-called "cabbage leaf" of French Houses!!! Zowie. That just linked Assones well to House's, suggesting that Ausones were in Angus.

The Assone's (share a red perchevron with Chapmans) share a red lion with the Angus', making Angus suspect with Abraham liners. Angusta happens to be off the old AGARus river suspect with Abraham's concubine (Hagar). The boar was a symbol of the Kodros line from Keturah, and, along with the two red lions, the Assone's use a boar. If you look at the Brett/Britt lions, one being the same as the Bramton lion, and all other features of the Brett clues, you can see that they are a branch of Quints, but the point here is that I was convinced of a "Briton / Brittany" trace to the Prut / Pyretus river, the major river beside the Agarus. In other words, Abraham liners trace to the Prut, and are therefore expected at Bruttium and Aprutium. Pretts use a lion in colors reversed to the Bramton / Brett lion, and share gold-on-red stars with German Bretts/Bretsnyders.

The Asman talbots are in the colors of the Carrick talbot, and while the line of Adam Kilconquhar just traced to the cross of Kingsleys, who had in-turn merged with the Aula's, Adam married Carrick. As Kingsleys and Aula's used the goat head, see another one in the Mortons, first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Asmans (Sadowski colors) and Saddle's. What do you see, besides RasMussens, with an Asman - Saddle relationship while Saddle's use the Massin lion??? Note that the Asman talbots are in Traby-horn colors, for Asmans trace well to Akmonia (Quadratilla's ancestry) because they use the fleur-de-lys of Macca-suspect Masseys. It's another way to trace Trabys/Sadowski's to Quadratilla, not forgetting that Masseys were fundamental Trabzon liners, even as the Meshech/Mushki lived at the Trabzon theater. BUT again, after the battle of Trebia, king Massena merged with general Scipio, and Scarfs were first found in the same place as Skiptons. Why do Skipp(er)s use besants?

A trace of Saddle's to Akmonia can get the Massins there too, for both surnames use the same blue lion on the same gold Shield, the color of the Asman Shield. If Akmonia was the naming of Hasmoneans, bingo! It can trace someone from the family of king Massena to the formation of Maccabees. Just think of how useful it is to have Trabys listed with Sadowski's if Trabys were Trebia elements mixed up with Massena's family while Sadowski's were Sadducee elements. There is a question of whether Sadducee liners had formed a Quad- or Caddock-like surname in days before Quadratus. Or, "Quadratus" was a hard form of "Satyr," wherefore see the STRing surname below, with eagles in the colors of the Bush eagles while Bush's trace to Busca, near a Stura valley where I traced (with little doubt) the Fire/Feuerer unicorn that's a goat on the bottom side. It's a giant unicorn, like the one of Assmans.

The Quarter surname (Asclepios rod), a little like "Quadratus," has both color scheme's of Asmans, and was first found in AYRshire while Ayers use QUATRefoils. Ayers trace to Shawia Numidians, and that's whom Massena is suspect with. The Quarters use "An antique Scottish Harp with nine silver strings." It sounds like code for Apollo's lyre, itself code for the nine Muse's. The Quarter lion is half in the black color of the Harp lion. The Harps use a "crined" boar, and then Crine's/CROOMs use the Massey / Asman fleur-de-lys, as well as a black lion in Crest now suspect as the Harp lion. The Quarters will trace to near-Krume.

If the Quarter harp was once a lyre, prior to merger with Harps, it could have linked to SadLIERs/SadLEIRs. Strings (Quarter colors) were first found in the same place (Nottinghamshire) as Annas', and while the latter are suspect in annuLETs as well as the Lett Shield, the "LAUDimus" motto term of Quarters likely applies. The Laudiman/Lady surname uses annulets, and the "Lady Fortune" of the Klassens traced to the Clausula river, while Glass' (Avalon) honor the Lauds/Lords and share the star colors of Kyle's (colors reversed from the Annas star), from Ayrshire. The Laudiman/Lady Chief is a reflection of the Chief of Sadowski-suspect Cade's/Caddys, not a bad point where Quarters are investigated for a trace to Sadowski-suspect Quadratus.

For new readers, "AKMONIA" is suspect with "HASMONean," the original name of Maccabees. The Assones (Asman colors) may trace with Asmans and Assmans to "Akmonia." In fact, the AISON variation is like the Aitons (same place as Aide's) having an Artem variation that traced to the grandfather of Julius Severus of Akmonia. In a translated page on Akmonia, we find the Ausone-like phrase, "Aezani Akmonya," as well as allusions to the namers of Asia, which the article calls, "Asies," son of Manesar or the mythical Manes, meaning that Asies was Attis. The article also calls Attis' father, Cotys Asies, and then makes mention of another Akmonia, "Akmonya of Dacia, ie up and down today in Romania and Moldova..." This recalls my trace of "Galatia" to Galati in Moldova, very near the Cotys-like Cotesii (modern Buzau river). Asian Akmonia was in Galatia. It looks like mythical Aeson was an Attis liner, no surprise, but I do not recall being aware that Attis was also Asies.

Massena's at Akmonia Not Bee-Side the Point

As Rome's/Rooms trace to Moldova's Roman location, to what should we trace the "sed" motto term of Rome's/Rooms??? I think you know. But as Rome's/Rooms trace to the Ananes Gauls, consider the additional picture where Sidicini were proto-Sadducees? Romans named Romania, but the Rome's/Rooms can be investigated for a trace to the Roman fort at Placentia and Cremona together, for this can involve a Massena-Scipio marriage. The Place surname shares a red lion in the same position as the Rome/Room lion.

The Crombys can link to Kynemund and the Caws by the fact that the Cromby Chief is the Rome/Room Chief, showing identical lions at this time, in red, the color of the Brampton / Assone lion. There can be no doubt that Adams/Caws are a line of Mackays/Caws. There can be no doubt that the Mackay motto is in honor of the Rome/Room bloodline. Croms were first found in the same place as Hasmonean-suspect Modins. Croms use quatrefoils so that the Cromby-related House's and Kingsleys can be half-expected to trace to the Akmonia line. But the big story is that the crosses used by the latter three surnames is expected also with Cremona-suspect Grenons. This is where a Massena-Scipio line can come in, for Massena was not married when he allied with Scipio against Carthage. Or, Massena may have married someone other than a Scipio while dealing with him, someone in the Cremona / Placentia camp. It seems futile to try to guess who he may have married, but heraldry can give clues.

The purple bends of Kays seem meaningful here because Kays are linking to Kingsley/Kinsey liners suspect with pharaoh Khyan. I say he's the Biblical pharaoh who's daughter named Moses because he was of a Mus / Meshwesh household. Do not rule Khyan out as the Exodus pharaoh simply because historians have their dating wrong in his period. Historians are clearly wrong in dating the first Egyptian dynasty at 3200 BC, meaning that the entire dating system of Egypt, until about 1200 BC, needs to be moved forward in time.

To help prove that Massena married someone in Cremona, the Massena's and Masci's have Coat reflecting one another, and then the Masci fleur-de-lys (same colors, anyway) are in the Cramer Chief. The "Non" motto term of Cramers was traced to Sophonisba, a woman that was engaged to Massena, and whom wanted to marry him, though her father (HASdrubal) put an end to that. I did not trace Nons/Nevins to Sophonisba for anything having to do with Cramers. Sophonisba married Syphax instead, a Caiaphas-like term.

Cramers also use a "qui" motto term shared by the Shaw Numidians, serving as yet more evidence that Massena (king of Numidia) was involved with Cremona. But there is more. The Cromby cross is a white flory one, used also by Bouillons, and the latter use it in both colors of the identical Taddei cross. The latter are suspect with Tattons-of-Massey from lake Tatta (upper Halys river), near Derbe, and then Irish Dermots are listed with Derbys while Cramers use a "dormit" motto term. The Dermot boars are suspect with the same of Gophs/Goughs and Gooch's/Googe's while Cramers use the red rooster of Cocks, the latter being kin of Grimaldi's whom are suspect with Grooms and Krume's and therefore with Crine's/Crooms. The second Crime surname (aside from the one using the Massey fleur) is the crane-using Crannys, and then Cramers are said to be Crainors and Creanors too. The possibility here is that Cremona traces to the Krume's.

The EELys/Halys (Connacht) use the Googe / Gough boars, and can be suspect with the eel in the Shipton Crest. Eelys can trace to the Halys river and therefore to the Tatta area. The Dermots (Connacht) are said to descend from a MulROONA clan, which is perhaps a branch of Roens/Rome's/Rooms. Dermots are said to be specifically from a king Teige, and Teague's have already traced to Akmonia. It just so happens that Rooneys use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Crombys! And both use red symbols in their white Chiefs.

The Dutch Roneys have a fesse in colors reversed to the Roen/Rome fesse, but as Roneys were first found in Normandy, Rouen is coming to mind. The Roneys were first found in Calvados, where Caen is located, and then Roneys are also "Running," which I discovered when checking the "running cony" of Haze's. The Conns and Conys (Campbell colors, Meschin format) use the cony too, suggesting that they are branches of Caens.

As Krume is beside Has, compare HasMON to CreMONA, for the Cramer Chief is in the colors of the Hesse's and Hazels (House leaves), the latter first found in the same place as Tattons, Masseys and Meschins. That place, CHEShire, and it Chester location, were suspect with "Hesse" because the Chatti of Hesse sound like the makings of the Chee's/Chettle's/Cheatle's (Cheshire), who smack of Keaths said to be a Catti peoples. Keaths were first found in the same place as Keath-like Seatons, and the Meschin-related Mussels trace to Musselburgh of the Keith / Seaton area. Then, as Seaton liners are expected at the Setta valley of Bologna, where the Boulogne location of Bouillons can trace, the Panico's of the Setta show the same Chief as the Cramer Chief. Seatons share the Bellamy crescents while Bouillons use a "bello" motto term while Skiptons trace to bellow-using Skiptons. The Panico Chief adds a so-called "label" suspect with LaBels using crescents in the colors of the same of Krume's. You don't need to engage the complications of these traces; the gist is that kinship can be concluded based on multiple "coincidences," and general traces can at times be clinched by this method (takes years to become good at remembering sufficient Coats and understanding their significance / codes).

The Grenons are suspect with "Gernon," the surname of Ranulph le Meschin, ruler of Chester. But Wikipedia's article on Eustace II (Boulogne), father of Godfrey de Bouillon, says that he was from a Gernon entity, which can suggest Eustace's trace to Cremona / Krume elements. The point here is that Cremona and Bologna elements can together trace to Akmonia with a Massena line, as though the family of Artemidoros should trace to the Cremona / Bologna theater. "Cremona" may have been a Caria-Maeonian combo, and so let's mention that while the Roet oak tree traced to the Panico oak tree, Roets can be gleaned as Carian liners, whom I trace to Masters and Massa-Carrara, yet the latter trace to "Muskerry," at Cork, where Cramers were first found. Corks are the ones using the Tailer lion tails, while Tailers are suspect with the TailleBOIS wife of Ranulph le Meschin, she being a possible Boii-of-Bologna liner.

Bouillons were traced to Bauts (Auvergne) that use the white goat in the BOInton Crest, and the Bointon Coat uses crescents in the colors of the Bellamy crescents. The "Il tempo passa" motto phrase of Bointons can trace to the Pace/Pasi surname, first found in Bologna. The "Il" term can be for the same as the eel in the Shipton Crest. The Bauts (Pace/Pasi colors) had traced to the Bautica river, location of the Arduinici of Ivrea, suspect with the Leavells of Yvery who use piles. Bointons were looked up after finding the POINTing fingers of Logue's below, shared also by Bointon-like Boyds. Jewish Fingers use a finger pointing too, from out of flames, and then Bouillons were Flemings. The Point surname uses pile's traceable to Pylos of Messene. English Pace's (Cheshire) use a purple Shield traceable to Skiptons. A branch of Lacys sharing the purple Skipton lion use a purple "fret knot," traceable to Ferte-Mace's Massey / Macey liners fully expected through Akmonia.

Fingers recall the Leuven/LauerFINGen/Laufer/Lauffen surname (last update) showing nothing but bear PAWs, the symbol of Bellino's. It definitely appears that Bouillons were Finger / Fingen liners. Leavens (in Leavell colors) were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Bellamys. I would have to say that the three red chevrons of Italian Leuvens are the three red bars of Leavells, thus tracing Leavells to Louvain/Leuven of Belgium i.e. near the Bouillons of Boulogne. It makes perfect sense to trace Bouillons to Levites.

Fing liners can be suspect with Pinks/Pincs = Panico liners. In fact, I recall tracing Points to Pinc liners (the two use the same-type fitchee crosses). Pinks (Moesia liners) were first found in the same place as Skiptons, and share the Reno / Coch lozenges, important because Commins Coch is at Powys while the Powys surname uses the bear paw in colors reversed from the Bellino paw. The Pinks look like they use a version of the Saddock / Chaddock escutcheon, perhaps part code for Keons, but in any case the Saddocks can be expected from the Setta valley. As escutcheons are in honor of the Schutz/SHUTZ surname, it's not coincidental that Pinks are using a version of the Shuter/Sutars/Sutters Coat (regular gold fitchees used also by Quints who trace to Cuppae liners), very traceable to Placentia via the Scute's/Scutts (traceable to Logans / Lennons), in Shute/Shutt colors. There is a Le Mose area inside Placentia that can be suspect from Massena, for both Mose's and Massena's use the patee cross (Mose's use it in blue, the colors of the Arms-of-Placentia wolf).

Pinks trace to Pincum at the mouth of the Pek while Peks (suspect with the chevron of Cuppae-liner Quints) likewise share the patee with Massena's. Peks are suspect from "Apachnas," which I read was the alternative name of pharaoh Khyan (suspect with Keons). There is a Moses/Moesen/Moys surname (same place as Meschins and Leavens), in Pek colors, and using roses that could be expected from the "la rose" motto phrase of Mose's. It's not coincidental that the Moses/Moesen Crest uses a dove, symbol of Cuppae off the Pek river. Therefore, the Moses'/Moesens were Moesians. The Moses write-up says that "Moesen" was used in Denbigh, smack beside Cheshire, and then the Welsh Bachs (DenBIGHshire) can be suspect with German BACHs who once showed a gold calf that I instantly "knew" was symbol of the golden calf in the Exodus wilderness, for that event was Moses versus pharaoh APACHnas.

The Mosleys (scythes / sickles but called "mill PICKs") are in the colors of the Mussel plates while Mosleys are said to be of three MOSELEie locations. They are traced also to a Mosley location (Gloucestershire) at West Dean, the latter term suspect with Teano of the Sidicini. By what coincidence do Mills/MILE's use a "virTUTis prettium" motto phrase, like the "Tour pret" of one Moray Coat while the other Morays use a "Time" motto term. Then, the Timms/Time's use blue nebulee on gold, symbol also of Scottish Mills/Mieles'/MILE's (first found in the same place as English Mills)? Mile's are highly suspect with Milo de Vere, supposed son of mythical Melusine, and she is in the Moray Crest. The Miles' (same place as Mills/Mile's), with the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Crombys in colors reversed, are said to have held lands in Caen, such a Khyancidence. The Picks, such a Pekincidence or Apachincidence, are suspect with the Opici (Oscans), who lived in the same general area as Sidicini. As Oscans traced hard to Pendragons, it's notable that Moselys share the white-on-black chevron of Pendragons.

As Pretts were found out as a branch of Bretts/Britts, by what coincidence is there a modern Sitna tributary of the Prut? The Sitna flows to VLADeni, and then Vlads use the same Zionist star as Hagars that trace to the neighboring Agarus. Don't Seatons/Sittens (flames, Trypillian-suspect) trace to Sion? Hagar's Ishmaelites were joined fast to Edomites, and then the Tute's are honored by Eliphas-suspect Oliphants, meaning that the "vitTUTis prettium" code traces even better to Hagar / Abraham liners. The Agarus was later the Siret, named after Seir, in all likeliness, where the Seir-ians of Eliphas' wife followed along to Europe.

One Mosley location, it says, was also called "Moleshi," and then the Moles'/Molle's use the Moray stars. The first name of ESCHina de Molle is suspect with Oscans. The "funera" motto term of Moles'/Molle's is suspect with a middle name of Gratian, father of Valentinian I, and then the Valentin bend with the green squirrels looks like a version of the Duster bend, that being a surname looked up (for the first time ever) as per the "InDUSTRia" motto term of Mile's, the ones using a MOLine cross suspect with the Molle line. It just so happens that the Arms of Rothschild use "Industria" while Pollocks, whom Eschyna married, were not only proto-Rothschilds, but traced years ago to Valentinian I. Moreover, Pollocks (born of Fulbert "the Saxon") were traced to Fullers, suspect both with Fulbert "the tanner," the known kin of Moline's, and with ROQUEfeuil = Feller lines (trefoils), and then Molle's were first found in ROXburghshire. The Roquefeuil-Rodes marriage was traced to the Rods using the same-colored trefoils as the Duster bend! Therefore, "Industria" is now suspect with Dusters, and this paragraph has an excellent Rothschild link to Rockefellers. As Dusters are also "Deuster" while showing the sun expected of Hesse's, they should be a branch of Hazel-related Dussens/Dusseldorfs (trefoils), from Westphalia, where Dutch Deusens/Dussenbergs are traced, and where Vlads were first found. "INDustria" should be a double code, one for Enders/Ingers using arrows.

There is always the chance that Has-like liners were named after "Esau." Herods were Edomites that are listed as a sept of House-suspect McLeods. The cabbage leaves of French House's traces to Angusta off the Siret. Oscans and Ausones together may have been Esau-ites. "Herod" can be suspect with "Horite," though Horites proper were long gone from Edom by the time of Herods. What had Horites become in Greece / Europe? The Rhodian Rus? Horites became suspect with mythical Horus because his father was Seir-like Osiris. Hence, the Horites must have been the Hros to the Ares / Eros / Erotes cult. Seir must have named Syria, beside the Cyprian land of fledgling Aphrodite, mother of Eros and Erotes. One can see why holier peoples in Israel were disgusted with Edomites.

Osters/Ostens (partially in Austin colors) are using a Shield format like that of Dusters and German Peters. Just look at how the Austins/Ostians look like Quint liners, and note the stag resting, symbol of Pollock-based Maxwells (Roxburghshire). The resting (sejant) Austin stag is not called "lodged," as are the Haslip and Dawson stags. Compare "Dawson" to "Austin," and see the OSONvilla location of Dawsons. The other Dawsons use the same bend as Peters. The English-Peter swan looks more like an OSTRich-peacock mix, which it may have been at one time, as code for Osters, for Osters and German Peters share a gold bend on either side of a Shield split diagonally. Eschyna de Molle, if I recall correctly, married the brother of Peter Pollock. Osters are also "OsterMAYER" while English Peters show a motto term in honor of Majors. It was concluded that the Peter lion is the BUCHanan lion, but lets add that Fullers are linkable to BACons.

Scottish Moyers (share the Bouillon / Chappes Moor head), suspect with the Moy variation of Moesens, use a motto term found with Bacons (similar to a Fuller motto term). The term is "Mediocriter," suspect in-part with lines out of Modi'in, Israeli home of the Hasmoneans. The Bacon cinquefoils are in the colors of the same of Tankerville's (Tanerdevilla), and so the Tanner Moor head can also apply (suspect with "the tanner"). Tankerville's were Tancreds and therefore traceable to Guiscards, first found in the same place (Stirling) as Scottish Chappes', and beside the Moyers. The Stirlings/Sturlings use a Moor head of their own so that Stirlings can apply to a Moyer-Caiaphas line. Sturlings are suspect with Sturs (Manche, same place as Masseys) using the Leavell bars, in my opinion, and sharing three red bars with Fullers. Stirlings traced to Stobi liners = Paeonians who are suspect in a close relationship with Moesians. The AstiBUS location of Paeonians can trace to Asti on the TANARo river, and then the Bacon / Tankerville cinquefoil is used by the Bus surname. That cinquefoil is in the Arms of Leicestershire along with a "sleeve" that is sometimes called a maunche as code for Manche. The Ackermans use the sleeve, as do HAStings while Dutch Ackermans are the ones with the Kopple roosters (i.e. tracing to near-Has).

Lets not forget the Massins (Louvain kin), first found in the same place as Mynetts, for that too traces Massena to Akmonia. We have just seen multiple reasons for tracing Massena from Placentia / Cremona to Akmonia, and one of them included Panico liners. Multiple traces to the point of tripping over the garbage occurs when one hits pay dirt. Let's never forget that these proto-Templars were the disgusting of the planet. The oak of the Panico's is a Crest symbol of Akmonia-like Ackmans, and same-colored Aikens. The same-colored Liebers (oak branches), a Jewish surname, may be using the Rome/Room fesse, and then the Liebers (red lions, likely an oak "log"), suspect with Levites, are showing what looks like the Ackerman quarters in colors reversed. This can effectively trace Levites and Rome's/Rooms together to Akmonia. The log-using Leibers are in Logan / Logue colors, and one Logue Coat ("arte" motto term, Boyd Crest) shares double, black-on-white chevrons with Ash's (and Kins'/Kyne's). The Logan nails trace to Nagle-suspect Oneglia, second home of the Arduinici. The Oneglia Arduinici married Doria, which together evokes ArtemiDOROS.

Much of the above is quite amazing because the last update started to expect a Sidicini link to the Amyntes line, and here such links have been found. The House-suspect Newtons use "shin bones" that can trace to Boii of Bononia, what I perceive as the proto-Maccabees. The Orrs sharing the Cowes Coat use bone-like motto terms too, and the Orrs trace to Guiscards, first found in the same place as Caiaphas-liner Chappes'.

But what is amazing now is that the raven-depicted vikings of SHETland (i.e. suspect with "Sidicini") had conquered Rothesay too. The last update was looking at a trace of the Ausones, by their AURUNCi name, to "ORKNey," but I failed to address this Shet term as a possible Sidicini one. The last update even mentioned the ASSi surname, first found in Shetland!!! Zowie, and I even trace Assi's to Justine of Picenum i.e. in Italy. Assi's are therefore suspect from "Ausone" or even the naming of mythical Aeson. Although Assi's share the scale with Assi-like Cass's, they don't call it such: "Silver with a blue arm in armour, holding a pair of blue balances, and in base a sword and Roman fasces in saltire, all proper." There you see a trace to the fasces in the Arms of Vilnius, which also uses the scales of justice as code for Justine. Cass's use "a pair of SCALE's." The "SCAL land" in the motto of the Arms of Shetland can trace to the Scylla wolf monster i.e. in Messina.

You can glean that the Assi's honor the Armor surname (Assi colors, "Cassis" motto term, Moray stars), first found in Berwickshire, where Aison-suspect Aitons were first found! As Justine's line was kin to the Sire's/Sirets/Sirons and Squirrels/Squire's/Square's, it's likely pertinent that the Armors use a "SQUIRE's helmet," and it looks OPEN so as to be linkable to the Amyntes line. "PICenum" may be an OPICI line. They say that the Opici was an alternative name for the Oscans. Of further interest, the last update was asking whether "PISCInas" (Sardinia) as related to "Opici," for the Avezzano's, who became suspect with "Ausones," were first found in Sardinia (expected as a Sardis element i.e. from Lydia = proto-Latins around Avezzano). It just so happens that while "Piscinas" mean "fountain," the Cass' use heraldic fountains. Suddenly, Cass' are looking like Ausones, or at least Ausones kin. The Irish Kennedys have a helmet tracing well to the Pendragon helmet (Pendragons were Opici / Oscans), and Scottish Kennedys honor the Lafins/La FONTs in their "la fin" motto phrase, but the same motto's "Avise" term honors the Avis'/Avisons = Avezzano liners, and then Kennedys are using a version of the CASSel Coat. The Kennedys once showed the same helmet design that is called a "squire's helmet" (why was merely the helmet design changed after I had linked it to certain surnames?), and are using the helmets in colors reversed to the Mynett helmets. "Kennedy" can trace to the Heneti > Veneti line, and the Veneti were likely involved with neighboring Picenum.

Assi's are also "Hoseason / HosAISON," and said to be a form of "Oswald," making the latter suspect from Ausones. As Scottish Oswalds use a "dexter hand pointing to a gold comet in dexter chief," they link well to Dexaroi elements (beside Uscana) such as squirrel-using Decks/Daggers, and then the Dexters/Decksters, whom use scales that link to Trabys of Vilnius because they (Dexters) call them "weights," are using the Huck chevrons and therefore the Huckaby chevrons while the latter seem to be in the HOSEaby variation of House-like Hose's, which tends to trace the Hoseason variation of Assi's to Ausones yet again. "Vilnius" became suspect with "Vilaine," the area of Brittany that was home to Dol, right beside Cotes-du-Armour."

Scottish Oswalds were first found in Caithness (Cass liner?), on the coast looking out to Shetland. The Comets are suspect as Comyns sharing the garbs of Avis'/Avisons, and garbs trace to Garebites = Rephaites at Jerusalem. I insisted many years ago that Gareb's inhabitants were depicted as the Greek crow line, but didn't realize until much later that removing the 'G' gets an Areph-like term. "Repha" is a raven-like term. A crow is essentially a raven, and so Garebites are expected in the Shetland raven. I may be the only one that locates the Biblical mount Gareb a couple of miles to the west of Jerusalem rather than a couple of miles to its north. The Rephaite valley is known to have been on Jerusalem's west side, but I located Gareb to the west years before knowing of the Rephaite valley, or before stressing the Rephaites. I had traced Rephites to "Arrapha," a city that later became "Kurkura," the term that I traced Hercules to, and the so-called "savage" in the Oswald Coat looks like he could be a Hercules code. In other coats, the savage holds a club, a Hercules symbol. Kurkura was beside MOSul, and the crow line has been trace (by me) to PatMOS, where the Skala location is expected to go to Shetland's "Scal land" motto phrase. The Oswald savage holds "a SHEAF of arrows," and garbs are often called "wheat sheaves" as likely code for the Shaw/Sheaves line. Avis'/Avisons use "wheat sheaves" as well as "A dexter hand holding an anchor" in the Crest

The heraldic savage is used for Bavarian elements, and while Bavarians are said to have been founded by Baii, the Oswald savage as "bay leaves." As McLeods/Clouds are now tracing hard to Oscans, it's notable that Scottish Oswalds use a cloud. German Oswalds (Bavaria) use Zionist stars, an apt symbol for Jerusalemites. German Oswalds also use an OAK theme suspect with Og, Biblical king of Rephaites. German Oswalds look (had an early OSCHwald variation) linkable to Thors of Tyrol, who use elephant trunks. Here's the Oswald description: "An oak trunk with acorns, between two red proBOSCES." That looks like additional code for Bosco / Bosch / Busch/Bush liners, and indeed, Italian Bosco's use a piece of tree trunk. Thors traced to the Turano river, general area of Avezzano. Oswalds/Oschwalds use one chevron of the same-colored three of the neighboring Aschers/Ash's.

Acorns were suspect with the Israeli city of Acre/Akko, which I trace to mount Acra at Jerusalem, which I think was on the north-west side, location of mount Gareb. Compare "Acra" to "Gareb." See the acorn-using Ackers, said to be from "Acco," and using what can be a version of the Sale and SALEman (Bush eagles) Coats, relevant because Avezzano is on the Salto river, beside the Turano. One can now wonder whether "OSCan" (lived in/beside the Avezzano theater) is a term from some Acco element. Salemans were first found in the same place (Surrey) as Share's/Sheers/SHIRE's that trace to the Schere's / Scherfs...and Share's/Schore's using a version of the Bosco Coat. The Acker Crest shares a dove with the Leave/Leve Crest, the latter surname suspect with the Oswald description.

See the acorn-using Ackermans/ACREmans too, especially the Dutch Ackermans sharing the Kopple roosters in the same colors. Kopple's trace to Koplik on the CLAUSULa river, and then Clauds/CLAUSELs (Avis colors), who can link to the Oscan McLeods/Clouds, use acorns!!! Zowie, this works. One can now ask whether Acco elements went to "AKmonia," and whether that place was the acorn line. As Quintus Caepio's surname (also "Caepionis") was traced to "Cupionich," the alternative name of Koplik, it's very suspicious that English Ackermans were first found in the same place (Dorset) as Quints. Let's repeat that the Jonathan roosters are in the colors of the Koplik / Ackerman rooster! Compare Clauds to Savarys/Savards.

The Second surname, listed with Segurs, and suspect with Junia Secunda Caepionis, show a Coat that is not a bad reflection of the English Ackerman Coat. Seconds/Segurs were first found near the first Savarys/Savards. The latter are suspect with ancient SEPHARvite's who had a god, ADRAMmolech," while JOKtan had a son, HADORam, whose brothers lived between Sephar and Mesha, locations that I think were Subartu and Mosul or Mus at lake Van. Subartu was an area that covered Arrapha...also called Arrapachitis after the Biblical Arphaxad, ancestor of Hebrews. I can't recall whether Akmonia was on the SAGARius river, or just near it, but that is where Segurs trace.

The translated article on Akmonia, featured above, tells a lot more than the English-Wikipedia article. It gives two options for the derivation of "Akmonia," one being: "Single ancient Greek "anvil" which means akmosi words can be seen as a possibility." The Seconds/Segurs were first found in Limousin, which traces with little doubt to Lemnos, home of the anvil-and-hammer god, HephAEStus. "Aes" means "metal" and is likely play on Aeson, now suspect with the Attis line to the Ausones (beside the Latins, sons of Attis). The point is that Akmonia-like Hasmoneans came to be called "Maccabee," which they say, means "hammer" in Hebrew. I am not convinced that Maccabee was named purely after a hammer, but there may have been some play involved in all these matters. Greek myth writers loved to play word games.

When you hear that one of the Maccabee sons was named, "The Hammer," that's only because "maccabee" is thought to mean such a term. But for me, Maccabees were named after a Macc / Mass bloodline of some sort, which can explain why Assmans are also RasMUSSens. The "HAZard" motto term of Seatons/Sittens and Side-related Sutys was suspect with a Has entity that contributed to "Hasmonean." A modern Has location (near Koplik) is near the Mathis river suspect in naming a Mathis line to Mattathias, roughly the first-known Hasmonean. As mythical Manes was code for Maeonians, Hasmoneans may have been Maeonians, who lived in the Akmonia theater. Maeonians were proto-Lydians, according to historians, and Lydians were traced by myth writers to a son of Attis. But you will also find that Mussen-like Mysians were proto-Lydians. Hence, Maccabees are suspect as Mysians while Hasmoneans are suspect as Maeonians, and the Seatons/Sittens and Sutys are now suspect with the Ausone associates, the Sidicini, the proto-Sadducees.

The other possible derivation for Akmonia is given as "...akmosi the Phrygian word "rock" does not mean is likely." That's hard to read. But whether or not Akmonia derived in "rock" is immaterial, so long as some thought so. For example, while I trace (C)Halybes to the Halys river, location of the Hatti = Attis, the Arthurian myth writers had a symbol, ExCALIBER, like "Chalybes," and they stuck it in a rock, while no one but king Arthur (= Artemidoros, grandfather of Severus of Akmonia) could pull it out of the rock...apparently meaning that king Arthur was an Akmonia liner. And this will trace Arthur to Herod liners even if "Arthur" does not derive in "Herod / Aretas" Aretas of Petra was ancestral to Herod when Antipater married Cypros of that Petra family, making Petra (Edom) suspect with Antipatria to the south of PENEStae. Just look at what else is on the translated page: "Akmonya city, today it is located in Asar village of Ahat Usak Banaz district. Geographically, the plains of Banaz (PANASio the name of the ancient) at the northern end of the north-east and Burgas Mountain is located in the north-west."

That permits a link or Arthurian Akmonia to Pendragon Penestae. Let's not forget that while king Arthur was made born from CORNwall elements, Akmonia is suspect with the uniCORN. As Akmonia is suspect with the acorn / oak theme, what about the oak tree of Panico's? Should Panasio trace with Panico's, Binks and Pinks to the Pincum location at the mouth of the Opici-suspect Pek river? The Sadducees were suspect at the Setta valley (Bologna), home of Panico's. The Setta is beside the Savena river, and Soducena elements from Savena-like Sevan are expected at lake Lychnitus, smack at/beside the Penestae peoples. The Hatti were related to the Cadusii Armenians at mount Hermon (Phoenicia), location of Panias/Banias, and "Hermon" traces with Attis elements to the Hermus river of Lydia. The summit of Hermon, called, Sion," traces to Zion at Jerusalem, but also to Sion/Sitten, suspect with Setta liners.

Aha! The current mayor of Banaz is ZAFER Arpaci, and Banaz is located in a USAK province, like "USCana" of the Penestae peoples!!! That's a clincher. The suspicion of the last update has proven true: the Penestae > Oscans trace to Akmonia! It points the dirty, Christ-killer finger straight at the inventors of king Arthur.

Note that Sede's/Seats use besants as well as pale bars while Pale's use the camel suspect from a Gamala location where one Sadduc character (Josephus), a Pharisee, had a Gaulonite friend. I don't believe that Sadducees were, as they claimed, from Zadokites, but if they were, then I'm looking to a corrupt line of Zadokites far afield from Israel. The Sittaceni (like "Sidicini) of Maeotis were at Azov, an alternative name of Maeotis, the point being that the "HazARD" motto term of Sittens can be ultimately for Azov elements, a very good argument where Sittens are like "Sittaceni." In this picture, Ausones were related to Azov elements. Hence, the ARTemidoros line to Akmonia was an Azov-Maeonian combination. This reflects the trace by HERODotus (pre-dated the Herods) of the Thermodon Amazons to the Azov area, where they became the Sarmatians that historians would trace to Roxolani, the latter living at the region of the Sion-suspect Sensii i.e. beside the Soducena-suspect Cotesii. This Amazon line to Sarmatians was of the cult of Artemis, in my opinion, twin sister of Apollo. Why was she made his twin?

The Greek raven was a product of Apollo, the hint of his north-African lines in Cyrene, a possible line of Carians beside the Lydian-suspect Leto, and beside the Lada goddess of Lycians. The Charibdis monster, which was paired with that of Scylla probably for geographical nearness, though some common relation is implied by their both being monsters, was traced to the Charops > Orpheus line, and Orpheus had Apollo's lyre. Orpheus floated to Lesbos with his lyre, home of Lapiths, from Coronis the Lapith, she being the Greek crow = raven. Coronis was mother to Asclepios, and the Huckabys happen to use "Asclepios rods," and moreover ASCLepios seems to be the basis of "Scylla," or a Scylla-Lapith combination. ORPHeus was identified with the Rephaites, and then the Mackays/Caws (don't crows make a "caw" sound?) use "REFroen." Rephaites lived also in the area of Jabesh Gilead so that they can expected to be part of the formation of Romans, and we just saw the Rome surnames pop up with "RefROEN." The Mackays are suspect with Maceys, from the same family as Maschi's of RIMINI, where Jabesh-ites are expected. Rephaites became suspect with the Rippers/Ripleys (same place as Keys and Pungs), who use the same border design (no special term given) on their chevron as Keys. As Artemis was a symbol of Amazons who had an all-female symbol, the Maschi's are from Artemis = the Mysian-branch Amazons = the nine female Muses of Apollo. But this should indicate that Massey liners were in the family of Artemidoros, which is just the hunch from Akmonia's Maccabee elements.

I had emphasized the trace of Shetland's namers to the potent-line Skits and Skeets' during the time when a Mr. Skeetz' was corresponding with me, and telling me that his surname was from the Schutz/Shutz bloodline (see the small shields of Scute's/Scutts). He said that Schutz' were named after "shield," which caused me to discover that Schutz's are in code in the heraldic eSCUTcheon, a fancy name for a small shield used upon Coats of Arms. The Ripper Crest is "A green lion holding a gold and blue shield." Mr. Skeetz repeatedly told me that he traced his bloodline to the Neuri, and so let's mention the "Feythful" motto term of Norreys, for the other Key/Kay surname uses "Faithful and MORE faithful", and there is a Feythful/Faithful surname with CRANE as likely code for the UKRAINE, home of the Neuri. The Scute's/Scutts not only use a crane too, but share the so-called "deer" with the other Keys/Kays using the motto phrase, "DOMino confido," and then "Confido" is the entire motto of the blonde Boyds (known Bute liners) that trace to the blond Budini of the Ukraine. The Maschi's use the North and DeNORDI lion, and the Rimini location traces to the Rimna area of Moldova, beside the Ukraine.

The Keys use "A deer on a mountain", and then the Mountains are known to have married the Claviers (Bouillon colors), first found in the same place as Bouillons, the owners of the potent cross used for Jerusalem. The Rephaites had a second branch on the west side of Jerusalem (at the Rephaite valley). The Patents/Padyns (flames) were first found in the same place as Rome's/Rome's, and the other Patents (same place as Chaddocks) use the same Coat as Schole's/SCAYLES' to which "Scal land" can trace, indicating that Patents could be Patmos liners. However, the Padgen variation of Patents/Padyns can go to the Pageon variation of Page's (Pung colors). first found in the same place (Dauphine) as Payens/Pagans, and that links excellently to the "Pungit" motto term of Rome's/Rooms. English Page's (Chaddock colors) were first found in the same place (Sussex) as PUTENTs/Puttins and Sidicini-suspect Saddocks, and thus the Page's link well to potent-line Chads, explaining why Payens were the first grand masters of the Templars at the same time that Godfrey de Bouillon's potent-liner family sat on the Jerusalem throne.

The Patents and Rome's were first found in the same place as Borderlands Adams/MacCAWS, suspect with Adam Kilconquhar, husband of Marjorie Carrick. The Carricks were first found in the same place as Mackeys/Mackie's that come up as "MARGy," which tends to link Mackays/Caws liners squarely to MARJorie Carrick. It explains why English Adams/Maccaws use the Sutherland stars, but they also use a cross in the colors of the Annandale saltire for obvious reasons. What was QUHAR named after? It's obvious that the KYNEmund location of Adams/MacCaws is in the "kyne" motto term of Kays, but as this surname is first found in the same area as Patents, the "kepe" motto term of Kays goes to the "Keep" motto term of Schole-suspect Hebrons.

The Claviers had been traced to key-using Clermonts, in Page / Clavier colors and first found in the same place a Payens / Page's. "Clavier" was suspect with "Glaphyra," grandmother of Tigranes. The two eagles of the Clavier's are at the top corners of the Shield, and facing in opposite directions, all identical with the two eagles of HOPPers, making Hoppers suspect with OPgalli, wife of Tigranes. Clermonts link hard to Clements where "Clermonts" gets the Clement surname, and then Red SKELton, a Freemason and comedian, played a CLEM KaddidleHOPPER character just as if his team knew the Hopper link to Clems/Clements.

Although the Keys don't show purple, they are said to use "A silver shield, two bendlets humettee purple." As Bantia was traced (last update) to Abantians (Euboea) while we read that the Chalcis area of Euboea dealt in purple, purple BENDlets sure does seem like code for Euboeans. The "humettee" may be code for Hume's/Home's, first found in Berwickshire. As Hume's use a "True" motto term while True's use the feathered helmet on the coin of Herod Archelaus (one husband of Glaphyra above), the Hume lion can link to the one in colors reversed of Lannoys / Lions, for Lannoys likewise use the feathered helmet.

The Keys use "A griffin's head erased silver, holding in its BEAK a key gold." The erased code can be for the Eras surname listed with Rasmussens/Assmans, suspect at Akmonia, the line that is expected to have ruled at Key-suspect Qewe, and then while Julius Severus of Akmonia was a grandson of ARTEMidoros, the Beaks/Beke's suspect in the Key motto use the same bars that are the Arms of Trebizond empire, at the Thermodon theater, location of THEMIScyra, origin of Amazons and therefore a good place to trace "ArTEMIS," the Amazon goddess. I always tend to see Keys kinked to ancient Mazaca, what I see as an Amazon city, not far from Qewe. One of the caesars called Mazaca after himself, Caesarea.

The Beak Crest is an ostrich, the theme of Trebizond-suspect Trabys. The Trabys (Poles) had merged with Astikas' of Lithuania, whom might be in the Stick surname also suspect with "Sithech." The three Beak bars are wavy and therefore linkable to Drummonds, whom I trace to "Thermodon," possibly a variation of "Trabzon." Beaks/Beke's (Beng/Bink colors) were first found in Dorset and Kent, and may be part of the Cuppae-related Peks to Benjamite-suspect Panico's and Pinks. Kent is where Chalcis suspects were first found, and one of them, Chalkers, even use the three Drummond-type bars. The Chalker Crest shares a white bird with the Beak Crest. These wavy bars go the Damorys and Amore's of OXfordshire, a place suspect with king OG the Rephaite, and moreover Oxford is where the Thames river flows, and where the Teans/Tiens'/Themes' were first found suspect with Times' of Kent and also the "LicenTIAM" motto term of Mackays/Caws that also use "REFroan." The swan in the Chalker Crest can trace to lake Lychnis and lake Lychnitus, like the "LICentiam" term.

So I think what we have is a Mackay/Caw trace to Mazaca elements, which provided the Massena family in the first place, which returned to the Mazaca theater in providing Maccabees and other lines.

The Heraldic Circle from Central Italy

Earlier, when mentioning that Hastings with a Haisting variation, the Haze's and Hasts were checked, the latter sharing a giant sun (different color) with Hesse's/Huss'. This already makes Hastings suspect with Ausones for a trace to central Italy. As was said, "The Haze's are also "Hazez," like Aziz/Azizus, an early priest of the El-Gabal cult [some heraldic suns are obviously for El-Gabal]. Aziz was related to Iamblichus, a Campbell-like name, and then Roans/Rome's/Rowans/Ruins use nearly the Campbell gyronny." Campbells trace to Campania, home of Ausones and the Sidicini. Perrins (suspect as Pierlioni / Piers) not only share the engrailed chevron of Rowels/Rothwells (said to be from "Rodewelle"), but show a "RUINae" motto term and meanwhile share cones with the Rimini Maschi's.

Perrins have a chevron-with-symbols in colors reversed to the same of Pendragons, the Perrin symbols being leopard faces in the black of the Imp leopard face, important for three reasons: 1) Imps look like a merger with Quints; 2) Perrins use an "IMPavidun" motto term; 3) the Imp leopard face links to KEATONS while the Imp crescents are used by SEATONS. Then, the Perring leopard faces are colors reversed from the same of Aide's while "ImPAVIdun" can be a double code, one also for Pavia, on the Ticino river, home of the Laevi suspect in the Levi surname with "aide" motto term. This is significant where Sidicini and Pendragons were both Oscans.

The Keaton leopard faces are in the colors of the Chatte cats, and then the Lucca surname uses a cat while Botters (suspect in the Chattan/Cato motto) were first found in Lucca. The Luce's are also "Lucy" while the Perrin leopards are in the colors of the Tailer "lions" that, in the Tailer Crest, are called " a leopard." Lucy Taillebois was of Lincolnshire, where Rowells from "Rodewelle" were first found, and Rowells share besants with leopard-using Rhodes', likewise first found in Lincolnshire. Luce's/Lucys were first found beside Lincolnshire, in Norfolk, where Fulke's and Savona's/Sabine's were first found, this being Perrin-interesting for four reasons: 1) the Savona/Sabine Chief is in Perrin-leopard colors; 2) the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Savona's/Sabine's is used by Tanners while German Tanners share pine cones with Maschi's; 3) Perrins use fir cones that may be in honor of something at the Fiori river (next to the Butteri), where Fulk-suspect Velch/Vulci is located; 4) The Perrin chevron is in colors-reversed from the same of Piers/Pierce's who trace to Percys, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Perrins and Catys (piles in Leavell-pile colors), thus revealing Perrins as Pierce's and Percivals. The latter share the muzzled bear with fir-tree Alis'.

Leavells, first found in the same place as Piers/Pierce's and Percivals, are traced to a Mr. Percival of Yvery while Perrins show a buried "veri" term suspect with Verys, first found in Norfolk. The Iverys, first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Purys, share the star colors of the Botter star, and Purys, in Perrin colors, share the star colors of the Savona/Sabine stars. There is a Savone/Saffin surname (with an 'e') first found in the same place as Leavells, Pierce's and Percivals. The Leavens, in Leavell colors, were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as the Bellamys of Perche, and Perche's share two chevrons of the same-colored three of Italian Leuvens/Livelys. See also French Luce's.

Although the above is complicated, quite a few conclusions are nailed down, one being a Pendragon / Arthurian trace to the Sabine/Safini people group. It should be added that the Perrin / Rowel chevrons are expected with the double fesses of Flags/Flecks (Norfolk again) for an additional trace to Velch/Vulci. This where the McLeod flags come in for making the Oscan-of-heraldry link to the Fiori river. The Fiori surname was first found in Bologna, location of a Savena river that can trace to the Saven variation of the Somerset Savone's/Saffins, and then the Flory surname, suspect with the flory cross of Bouillons, was first found in Somerset, and even shares the white crescent with Savone's/Savens. If the Savena was named in Italy before the Sabine's, Sabine's may have originated there. It's very notable (if not a vital key) that while Falcons are highly suspect with Opgalli, while she is suspect at lake Tatta, the Bouillon cross is also the cross of Taddei's, and then the Falcons using the same-colored crescents of Florys / Savone's can likewise trace to Velch/Vulci. As Savena is suspect with the lake-Sevan swan line, note that Velch-like Welch's (pheons) use a swan.

Reminder; the Roet oak traces to Panico's on the Setta, beside the Savena, and then Roets were likewise first found in Somerset, though German Roets were first found in THURINgia, traceable to the Turano river through Rieti, i.e. at the one side of the Sabini mountains. Roets are linkable to Rowels/Rhodwelle, for as Payens use "spur rowels," Catherine Roet's father was Payne Roet. This is seemingly tracing Rowels to Rieti. The Rowe's were first found in the same place as Savona's/Sabine's and Rowel-suspect Flecks. I'm noting that Savone's/Savens use three stars (Payen star colors) in the colors of the three Avison garbs. Avisons are now suspect with "Ausones." As the Avison garbs are code for the crow-depicted Garebites, note that Rove's, in the same place as Rowe's, us ravens while showing Rephaite-suspect Roff-like variations. By their trefoil, Rove's can be gleaned as the Rods = the Roquefeuil marriage to Henry IV of Rodes/Rodez. The Rowe chevron must therefore be the same as the Rook chevron, and it just so happens that Rooks (raven on a gold garb) use an "EfFLOREScent" motto term! This is a little like saying that Rephaites at Zedek had linked to Horite lines to the Rus, though Horite lines are suspect with Esau, the possible root of "Ausones."

As Rephaites are suspect from Jerevan, location of Soducena at the west side of lake Sevan, one can now entertain a trace of "Setta" to "Zedek." I traced "Aziz" of El-Gabal to "Assisi," in the Perugia part of Umbria, which asks whether the Iamblichus-Aziz line had origins in both Campania and Perugia/Umbria. In between lay mount Sabina and Avezzano, and for this discussion, still on the Roens/Rome's/Rowans/Ruins, we'll need to know that Pulleys/Pullens and Romneys (both use the same Shield) use the red-on-white Savona/Sabine scallop. French Savone's are listed with the Savarys/Savards traceable to Severus at Akmonia. We will also benefit from knowing that the Pulley / Romney bend is used by Cato's/Chattans ("bot" motto term) while Porcius Cato lived in Abruzzo, home of the Marsi (who had mythically married Hirpini to form the Roman peoples) and beside Avezzano. We will assume that Romneys are a Rome/Room branch, and even a branch of Italian Romans that use a wolf, likely linking back to the Roman wolf, the Hirpini of Campania. Note that the Roman wolf is half in Romney / Pullen colors. We are making sense.

Abruzzo is beside both Umbria and Marche while Marshalls (in Newmarch/Newmarsh colors) are a branch of Keiths = Catti i.e. a potential Cato line. Although Keiths/KEATHs are in SEATon colors, Keiths can trace both to Sidicini and Porcius Cato i.e. assumes a Cato merger with Sidicini, exactly what I had expected the first time that Porcius Cato (roughly the time of the first-known Hasmoneans) was discussed (a couple of years ago), when I thought that he should link to Seatons and Sadducees but where "Cato" was not quite the proto-Sadducee term. The Seatons use the same crescents as Newmarch's/Nemmoke's, kin of Moke's/Mocks (Somerset) suspect with mythical Muksus = Mopsus at the lake-Tatta theater. Mopsus was traced to an ancient alternative name for Mosul, a term like the Musselburg of the Keith theater, and Keith Catti trace to the Hatti on the Halys river i.e. location of Tatta, but then a city of Mokissos/Moccisus (i.e. must be the real-world identity mythical Muksus) was right there on the Halys to the near-north of Tatta. Moke's/Mocks share the red Seaton / Newmarch crescent.

Mopsus was traced to the Mopps surname listed with MODburleys, and then Moke's share a "cura" motto term with Modleys/Medlicots. This is what make "Maccabee" (at Modi'in) suspect from Muksus elements related to Mokissos. The "quieTEM" motto term of the Modleys is suspect with the OpTEM term of Teague's so as to trace all of these surnames to Opgalli at lake Tatta (it's my idea only that she should be found at the Tatta theater). The Moke's had traced to a Mochrum location (see Mochs sharing the rare Dunn sword design) of the Dunbars/Gospatricks (Lothian) while "cura"-like Currys use a version of the Gospatrick saltire, which can be traced, along with the Newmarch/Nemmoke saltire, to Annandale's. The heraldic crined symbol goes well to Crinan of Dunkeld, said to be the ancestor of Dunbars, but then Dunkelds were linked to Chamberlains that trace to the Ark river, location of Modane. Just so that we are not off-topic, let's repeat that the Chambre rose is suspect with the Avezzano rose. Scottish Mochs/Mochrys look like they are using a version of the Rome/Room Coat.

Dunbars are traced to NorthUMBERland, wherefore they are using the Grey / Joplin Coat. But Northumberland is in the Copeland theater while Copelands use a version of the Mopps/Modburley Coat (sword in Crest). The "dii sunt" motto phrase of Moke's/Mocks goes to the "desunt" motto term of the Arms of Macclesfield, and then the blue lion of the Arms is used by Copeland, wherefore the "copia" motto term of the Macclesfield seems to be code for Copelands, yet Cope's and Copps share red roses with the Dunbar border. Predictably, Mosul elements named the Moesians at the Cuppae theater. As "Maccles" is like "Mussel," the Mosul line through Mokissos is tracing to Macclesfield (same place as Mopps' and Masseys/Maceys) as well as to the Catti peoples of the Musselburgh theater (Lothian, same as Dunbars). As Mopps/MODburleys use the Ness/Nest bars, they trace to Nestor of Pylos, beside MODon/Methoni, expected as Modi'in elements.

Porcius Cato is where the Sadowski's may trace. Cade's/Caddys (had traced to House line) were first found in CUMBERland, suspect with Umbrians. The Caide/Cade/Caddy Chief (reflection of the Grub Coat) shares garbs in the colors of the same of Deeds/Dade's/TADE's, perhaps from lake TATTA. Cade's/Caddys share piles with Catys'. Tatta is near DERBE while the cat-using Chives' were at TARVes. As Dade's were first found in the same place as Savona's/Sabine's, their gold garbs can very well trace to the same of the Avezzano-liner Avisons. It's just another of many ways that heraldry makes a connection between central Italy and the Anatolian domains held by the Brogitarus line.

The Tade variation of Dade's can go to some Teague-related septs of McLeods, but as Teague's are also "Caige," the Caide's/Caddys are interesting for using the cross style of Teague's, and then Grubs share roses (in Dade/Tade colors) in their Caide-like Chief, symbol of the Caesar Chief. The Gaelic form of "Teague" is said to be "TAIDH." This explains the Teague wolf head, for Tatta is in Lycaonia, a mythical wolf (see Lycaon). Brogitarus' son (Amyntes) had conquered Derbe, but I know of no details as to what else he controlled of that area. Derbys/Darbys use the anteLOPE, part-code for the Lycaonian wolf, I'll assume. Mythical Anat (in "ANTelope") was likely the namer of Anatolia. The Tate's share a six-sectioned Shield with Wheelwrights that use the Catherine wheel as well as the antelope, which effectively trace's Tate's to Tatta. Tate's (Deed/Tade colors) share the raven with Italian Savona's. It just so happens that Scottish Tate's (Annandale Coat) are also "TAITe," in Daton colors, and first found in the same place as Artems/AITons and Aide's. Tate's/Taite's were first found in Bernician Berwickshire, and then Teague-based Tigranes was the father of Alexander Berenicianus.

I'm not familiar with Lycaonian history. About the time of Herod I, there was a Polemon character in alliance with the Roman creep into Asia Minor. Polemon was allied to Mark Antony. The Polemon name may have had to do with the naming of Herod Pollio: "Polemon was ruling from Iconium (modern Konya) in Lycaonia." Polemon would later became an ally of Augustus (a Julian / Caesar liner) when the latter defeated Mark Antony at the battle of Actium. Interesting here is that the Actons are said to have an Axton location in Kent, where Touque's (and Caesars) were first found, whose Teague branch wears the Julian cross. The Actons use a fesse in colors reversed to the August fesse, and the Cravens, using a motto term in honor of Actons, use the same fesse as Augusts (and Rome's/Rooms). The Skiptons lived in Yorkshire's Craven district.

In the battle of Actium, Augustus fleet commander, with Agrippa surname, is said to have been the reason for the naming of Herod Agrippa, though the way in which this reads is that Herod was not related to the fleet commander. As "Agrippa" became suspect with "griffin," it's notable that Cravens use a griffin in Crest, as well as a "CONsistit" motto term that could be partly for Konya elements. Here's the Craven description: "An ermine griffin STATant with wings eLEVATEd, BEAK and fore CLAWS gold." The Crav-like Crabs use "A lion's claw holding a dagger." The "claws" may be code for Clause / Glass liners. The "elevated" term could be for Levitts/Lovets using only black wolves (Teague colors) in Coat and Crest, and related to the Teague wolf because Teague's are expected now from Lycaonia. Touque's use griffins. I expect Teague's to have been in contact with Levites, and this Levitt surname (in Levi-lion colors) may have been of those Levites. As the Gullys use the Teague / Julian crosses, note that English Levitts/Leavets/Livits (Livius liners?), in Teague colors, use a "raGULLY" fesse. The Griffin surname is known to come out of Pomerania, where Tessens were first found, but then Tessons/Tysons use the Lannoy / Lion lions in colors reversed, the latter two being from Herod Archelaus. I can see some Teague variations (such as "Taige/Tague") becoming "Taise," a surname first found in PERTHshire, suspect from Lycaonia's Perta. The Taise's/Taws look like they use the Rowan/Rome/Ruin gyronny, which happens to be in Shaw colors.

As Trips use the crosslet style of Teague's, in's interesting that Polemon I had for a daughter, Antonia TRYPHaena (queen of Thrace with its king Cotys). As French Masseys/Masse's once showed the Trip boots exactly, see this quote that traces Antonia to the line of king Massena: "Through Antony, her great maternal aunt was Roman Client Queen Cleopatra Selene II of Mauretania. Through Antony, she was a distant cousin to Roman Client King Ptolemy of Mauretania and the princesses named Drusilla of Mauretania." One of the two Drusilla's of Mauritania was wife to Somme-suspect Sohaemus (from the Iamblichus-Aziz line), and Teague's use a "Summum" motto term. "Drusilla [of Mauritania the elder] was named in honor of the Roman Empress Livia Drusilla or her late son the Roman General Nero Claudius Drusus." Antonia's mother married Archelaus, the line to Glaphyra...and therefore to Teague-suspect Tigranes, husband of Opgalli. .

One Cotys surname is listed with the Cotta's, suspect from Julius Caesar's mother. The other Cotys surname (same place as Chives') share three black chevrons with Levi's, making the Tryphaena line suspect with Caiaphas. The other Cotys' show variations such as "Archdeacon," however, as well as an erect sword (grasped by the "right hand") that may once have been a dagger. Decans / Degers just became suspect with Teegers. Cotys was king of Thrace, at the Hebros theater where the Serde's lived whom are suspect with Swords/CLAVins (erect sword). Three chevrons may be suspect with 666, for the chevron on your keyboard is above the 6. The Arms of Traby look like they show a 666, and right hands are DEXter hands. The Beaks (ostrich), suspect in the Craven description, use the Arms of TRABzon, and the three Beak fesse bars (wavy) are in the colors of the three Cotys/Archdeacon chevrons, making Tryphaena suspect as a Trabzon liner to several surnames using three horizontal bars, as for example the Drummonds first found in the same place as Trips. Two thin lines across a fesse is called, "cotised," and while the Craven description includes "statant," the Stands/Stants/Stains use two fesse bars in the black-on-white colors of the three Beak bars. Beaks were first found in Dorset and Kent, the latter being the location of Axton. For the record, Tryphaena lived at Cyzicus.

Reminder: Trabys/Sadowski's use a scarf while Scarfs, first found in the same place as Cravens, use wolves.

Caiaphas was made the High priest by Roman agreement in 18 AD, and so see this: "Roman Emperor Tiberius in 18 had opened a murder investigation into Cotys'; death. Tiberius put Rhescuporis II [Cotys' uncle) on trial in the Roman Senate and invited Tryphaena to attend the trial. During the trial Tryphaena accused Rhescuporis II of killing her husband and forcing him to exile himself from his own kingdom. Tiberius found Rhescuporis II guilty...Tiberius returned the whole Thracian Kingdom to Tryphaena and Tiberius appointed Tryphaena and Cotys' first child Rhoemetalces II to rule with his mother." Hmm, Romans share a white-on-blue wolf with Scarfs! Amazing "coincidence." It makes the Italian Romans suspect with "Rhoemetalces," and then the Roman location in Moldova was the TRYPillian theater. The Pungs/Pagnells suspect with the "pungit" motto term of Rome's/Rooms were first found in the same place as Scarfs. Trypillia was in the Ukraine, and then Ukrainian Romans use stars in their Chief, the Caesar-Chief symbol.

Aha! The Rome's/Rooms use "placit" as code for Placentia, location of the Trebia river, thus tracing Tryphaena to the Trebia! Yes. That gets use back to the Scipio line to Skiptons of Craven (!!!), right down the Tryphaena alley. Polemon must have been linked to Scipio / Massena / Hannibal elements. We shall see what the picture looks like as the Dust settlers. Why do Dusts (Sword colors) share a blondish "man's head" with Swords/Clavins? The Dusts look like they use the stag head of HORTons (Yorkshire again, purplish dolphin). The Sword man has a "couped" neck, and while the Mens/Mengzes are the ones with a motto suspect with Haslips (stag), Dusters have been realized as hazel liners. Siward of Northumberland was linked by others to HESLington Hall in Yorkshire. Swords are looking very much like Serdica elements linked to the family of Cotys / Tryphaena. Serdica was beside the Bessi priests, and Tryphaena became a priestess in relation to a cult run by Levi suspect, Livia Drusilla, daughter of Appius Pulcher, and wife of Augustus. Swords have a motto suspect with the Prut river of the Trypillians.

BIG BINGO! First, this all begs the question on whether Romneys can apply to Tryphaena, and it just so happens that Pulleys/Pullens (Romney Shield), using the martlets of French Josephs in the same colors, can go to "POLEmon." The Gone's/GOWans use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Ukrainian Romans while GOWers/Gore's and Gore's/Core share the white wolf, and then the Gore/Core crosslets (same as the Windsor crosslets) were traced to the same-colored ones (same design) of Trips!!! This therefore trace's the Gore's, along with their Windsor and Other kin, to Tryphaena! It is no small matter to find heraldry behaving in this way. Uther Pendragon is suspect with Tryphaena. The ostrich-using Beaks were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Windsor castle! The Modens/Modeys were first found there too who share the fretty Shield of Cotys and Caens, the latter sharing the five white ostrich feathers in the Arms of Traby!!!

Gone's/Gowans use a "JUNCta arma DECORi" motto now linking to Teague's/Teegers. The roof is blowing off the Pendragon secrets. Soon, below, you will see June's/Junge's (branch of wolf-using Yonge's) linking hard to Pendragon-related Attridge's, another new revelation for me. The June fleur can be suspect with the Crab fleur. Yonge's use pile's in the colors of the same of Catys', first found in the same place as Scarfs, making Catys' suspect with king Cotys. Catys' share the red rooster with Core-like Currys.

Aha! The Belgian Gone's/Kohns use a COTISED bend! While this traced Cotys/Catta's hard to king Cotys, yet I'm not at all ceasing the trace to Aurelia Cotta, for Cotys was a Roman puppet king about the time of Julius Caesar. Tryphaena's brother was Polemon II, and he married Berenice of Cilicia, daughter of Herod Agrippa. This same Berenice (mother of a Berenicianus) became the wife of Herod Pollio, and she was suspect in the last update as Opgalli herself. I feel that Caiaphas will relate closely by blood to Tryphaena.

Glaphyra-suspect Clavers are using the colors and format of Conns / Conys, which might just trace the latter to "Konya/Iconium of Lycaonia along with "Gone." As Mussels use the same colors and format, note that Antonia Tryphaena "was a distant cousin to Roman Emperors Caligula, Claudius and Nero and Roman Empresses Valeria MESSALina, Agrippina the Younger and Claudia Octavia." It just so happens that Hoppers/Happers (more gyronny, all in Teague colors, half in the colors of the Taise gyronny), suspect with OPgalli and with TIGER-using Hobs/Habs, share the white tower of Clavers! Zinger. The Mussels use plates in place of the Claver towers, and PONTIUS Pilate is suspect from the Pontus. Pilotte's use the grail cups of Shaws while claver use a key in Crest as symbol of the Shaw / Sheaves line. The Hobs/Habs (same place as Arthurs) are in the ObSTANTia motto term of Arthurs, and Stants/Stands/Stains (cloud, goes to the Asks/Askeys) share double fesse bars with Clavers (same place as Shaw-like Savona's/Sabine's and Dade's/Tade's suspect from Lycaonia's Tatta). Although there is no Polemon surname, the Polesdons share stars in the colors of the Savona/Sabine stars.

The Pohlmans are very interesting for using three ostrich feathers in Crest, as this can connect them to Trip-suspect Trabys (of Polemon's daughter above?), as well as to Caens that might be Iconium liners. The Silesia location of Pohlmans can link them to Sulcus (Sardinia), for I read (Wikipedia's Dagome article) that Mieszko I of Poland was thought to have ancestry in Sardinia. The Mieske's happen to use the Pohlman bull, very apparently (though Pohlmans call it a buffalo).

I wasn't able to decipher all of "counterchanged," a common feature in heraldry that must be partly for Counters/Conte's who share antlers with Cone's (and Hamon(d)s. Antlers can trace with antelopes to Lycaonia, but Mark ANTony may be at the root of these terms. I just came across a "changer" motto term when looking up Stanleys/STANDleys (Cambridgeshire, same as Crabs, Julians) seeking kin of Stands/Stains, and then found a Changer/Chaynger/Chaunge surname (three fesse bars), first found in the same place as Josephs that use the garbs of Conteville's Comyn line. Changers are said to be named after money changers, hmm.

Teague's, by the way, use a chevron in the colors of the Alexander chevron. It was Berenicianus' brother that married the Amyntes line that may yet have held the Tatta theater. The Teague's look like the connection between both lines, and then the Teague's are highly suspect with Touque's/Tooks (Mynett / Pendragon / Mosley colors), first found in the same place as Mynetts. The Touques' (with an 's') use besants (as do French Savona's), and apt symbol of the Bassus line married by Berenicianus' brother.

The Cato's/Chattans share the castle with the Oscan-based McLeods (link to the House cloud), and while Oscans lived at / around mount Sabina, McLeods share the bull with the Savona/Sabine Crest. I know for a fact that Chattans trace to the Botters, from the Butteri Latins on the west side of the Sidicini and the Liri river. Scottish Marshalls (HAZel- and House-leaf design) and NewMarsh's are suspect with the Marsi at Abruzzo's lake Fucino (beside mount Sabina), and the Savona's/Sabine's use the same pierced stars (mullets) as Foggs (and neighboring Polesdons) that trace to Foca, home of Fucino-suspect Phocaeans. We are making sense. The same pierced stars are used by tiger-using Medleys so as to trace to Tigranes and possibly to "Modi'in." The Modleys/Medleycots (same place as Foggs) use a "QuieTEM" motto term, recalling the "OpTEM" motto term of Teague's/TEEGERs, now making the Medley tiger very linkable to the Teeger surname, especially if qui / quie terms are for Qewe. English Marshalls were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Mortons, suspect with Morte's/Motts from Modi'in.

I'm going to guess that the Modley eagle is the Mosley eagle, white like the Balance eagle. Balance's are linkable to the Ballen and Baliol entities of the Scotts, the latter having a branch first found in the same place as Touque's/Tooks. The latter use one motto term (Militia) suggesting the "mill pick" of Mosleys. Both Touque's and Moselys use a white-on-black (Balance colors) chevron surrounded by white symbols. Modleys use a "QUARTERly" Shield. The Mosels (beside Kent) could be using the Toque/Took / Teague chevron.

While "Perugia" is like "Brogi(tarus)," Conns (share the cony rabbit with Haze's/Hazez') are said to be from Cone's of Auchry while Auchers/Akers/Aikers (said to be from D'Acre/Dacre), were first found in Cumberland, where the Asks/Askeys (Mathie motto) were first found who use a donkey version of the Conn / Cony Coat (I just heard a squirrel out back for the first time since squirrels played around here several days ago). That is a very good reason to trace Haze's to Oscans of Perugia / Umbria, though the donkey traces to Avezzano (suspect with "Ausone") liners. I wouldn't have mentioned Brogitarus in that sentence had the Aikers not been like "Aiken" and other Akmonia suspects. But Perugia is also "Perusia," a Pharisee-like term while Brogitarus aspired to be a chief priest of the great-mother goddess. He succeeded with the help of Publius Pulcher, while Pulleys/Pullens are in the colors of Ottone's (and Assi's), first found in Perugia. The Assi's (Shetland) had traced to Justine of Picenum, on the east side of Marche. Justine was a squirrel liner, and Umbrians are suspect in becoming Combs/Cooms (topic of the last update) with a version of the squirrel-using Deck/Dagger Coat. Compare "Dagger" with "Dacre." The DEXARoi Illyrians (opposite the Adriatic from March and Abruzzo) lived with / beside the proto-Oscans at Uscana. It was mentioned that Daggers/Dackers/DAKRE's (same red bull as Savona's/Sabine's) were first found in Cumberland, suggesting that Daggers were a branch of Auchers/Aikers from Dacre. TIGRanes (Armenian name) is a term like the ones under discussion.

The D'Acre term can trace to mount Acra at Jerusalem, in the land of Gareb, and it just so happens that "Gareb" and "Jerusalem" was traced to "Jerevan," in Armenia, in the same area where SODUCena is stamped. Biblical Jerusalem was also "ZEDEK." I had reasoned that Jerevan elements re-named the Biblical Salem of MelchiZEDEK to "Jerusalem," or the Salem of the Armenians. I traced proto-Hera to this Jerevan > Gareb line, and identified her with Horus, as some others do. A batch of the same Armenians named Kadish, the same as the Hatti of Hattusa.

Here is what was found just now from the 3rd update in December, 2011: "The Conn write-up: "The Conn family name dates back to medieval times, when a prominent Roman Catholic family of the name Con, or Cone, of Auchry lived in the parish of Monquhitter." No Quitter surname comes up, but Kitters [also "Kitto"] were first found in Aberdeenshire, where the Conns above were first found, and it just so happens that the Kitter Coat is the Chattan/Catto Coat (although entering "Chattan" gets a different write-up)." The identical Coats of Conn and Conys (same place as Tigers) can be a version of the Mussel/Muscel Coat that traces to the Musselburgh area of Keiths / Seatons / Marshalls and Foca-like Faucets. The December update traced Cato's to the mythical Ceto monster (mother of many heraldic monsters (why?) including Ladon) on the Pontus, where the Brogitarus line ruled. "Ceto" predicts the Hatti sun-god line, the mate of the great mother, parents of Lydians = Ladon.

The Kitters and Chattans are traced to CHATOU of Normandy, but this recalls my trace of Croms (black CAT in Crest) to Rennes-le-CHATEAU. Then, with Croms tracing to Cremona, the Scute's/Scutts that I trace to Placentia are coming to mind as a Chattan branch. Chatts (same place as Savona's/Sabine's) share black cats. The Scute Chief uses escutcheons in the colors of the Cade/Caddy Chief, and the GREEN Cade/Caddy cross was suspect with the same in colors reversed of the GRENons = Cremona suspects, themselves suspect in the Scute CRANE.

It can be gleaned that Conns and Conys are from/of Meschins, and the Lincolnshire location of Conys predicts the Tailer-liner wife of Ranulph le Meschin, which can explain why the Cony conies are in the colors of the Tailer lions. But as Tigers were likewise first found in Lincolnshire (beside the HUMBER river), it predicts something from Tigranes in that area. Earlier: "Caens may trace to the same thing as Kins'/Kyne's suspect with Kings and Kingstons..." Kingston-upon-Hull is on the Humber, and Hulls use talbots in the colors of the Tailer lions probably due to Talbots and Tailers both tracing to le-Meschin's wife. Caens can link to Meschins too, because the Caen location is at the Bessin, Norman origin of Meschins. The Bessin bend is also to TEGGERt/Taggert bend, and the latter use the motto of Chives' (Mosca leopard that's called a "CAT" in the Chives Crest) while Chives' (same place as Conns of Auchry now linking to CATO's) are predicted to be a branch of Sheaves'/Chiava's, first found in the same place (Abruzzo) as Porcius Cato. I can't make all of these potential links up at a whim. They are real potential links, but when the links are so numerous to make our heads spin, they don't look coincidental.

Chives' are suspect from the Cavii Illyrians, beside the Taulantii and the proto-Oscan Penestae, a good reason to trace Chives' to Abruzzo. But let me tell you something here, that Caiaphas traces importantly to Avezzano, a mystery not yet solved, while the dagger-using Comyns and Caiaphas-suspect Josephs both use the Avison garbs. The Sheaves-related Shaws likewise use a dagger so as to link certain Abruzzo elements to Avezzano liners. The Chatans (one 't') happen to use what looks like a version of the Pulley/Pullen Coat, but with red roses in place of the red scallops, and the rose is a symbol in the Avezzano Coat. Chatans use the same tower as Aule's.

The Conteville's of Comyn married the mother of Conqueror, a Sinclair liner, and then Conn-like Conans use the Sinclair cross. The "RaTIONE" motto term of Teggerts / Chives' can be part-code for the Teano location of the Sidicini, but, in any case, the Rats were first found in Nairnshire, same area as Ross-shire, where Teggerts were first found. The neighboring Rose's should apply to the roses under discussion, for the Rose's were beside Tarves, where Chives' lived. The Rats share the black, engrailed cross of Sinclairs, who lived at Lothian, the earliest-known home of the Keith Catti. The Conte's use roughly the same Coat as Cone's while Conns are said to be from Cone's of dagger-suspect Auchry, making the Conn / Cony link to Conteville's rather hard, especially as Ranulf le Meschin (suspect in the Conn / Cony Coats) was a Conteville on his mother's side.

The Dagger-related Combs/Cooms were first found in the same place (Devon) as Chives', and Combs use the same lion as Datons/D'Autons (Aitons/Artems?) while Modleys/Medlicots (lion in colors reversed to the Daton lion) use a "Dat" motto term. In the last update, Combs/Cooms were suspect with ERETria of Chalcis, where the Rats/Raits can possibly trace. Eretria became suspect with Rieti, between Avezzano and the border of Comb-suspect Umbria. The Cumbers (Comb/Coom colors) happen to share the red rose with Avezzano's, buts as Cumbers show also as "Campbellford," they can become suspect with Iamblichus-Aziz line that goes partly to Assisi in Umbria. The Comforts/Comerfords (share the peacock with Combers/Comerfords/Campbellfords) use the white talbot yet again. The Modleys/Medlicots have a Hoskin look to them, the latter suspect with Oscans for two reasons. Although I've been envisioning the Sidicini as Ausones, Strabo said that they were Oscans.

The Hoskin write-up traces them to Osborns (Kent), who share a white tiger with Hobs/Haps (Arthur suspects), but as Medleys use a tiger, it's now clear that Hoskins are using a version of the Modley Coat (white lions). All three tigers are in the Crests. Osborns share the "Pax" motto term with Rieti-suspect Reeds, the latter being kin to Pike's/Pickens (I think) while Hoskins use a "resPICE" motto term.

I'd like to go back to the Cato/Chattan castle, looking like the McLeod castle under these circumstances. Both surnames use white-on-blue. The McLeod flags are code for Flags/Flecks, suspect with the Velch location beside the northern area (Maremma) of the Butteri, explaining why Chattans and Botters use the same bend. The "OMNIbus" motto term of Chattans was suspect with Omans (beside Norfolk), amongst whom the OSmunds are listed, possibly some of the Oscan liners to McLeods. The Chattans are said to have lived early at a BROMwich location, which can trace to Broms and Brooms, suspect with the Velch-suspect Fulks of the Plantagenet kind. Broms and Broom became suspect in the last update with Abraham-Keturah liners, but here we are discussing the Oscans, who were Pendragon liners, wherefore its notable that Brooms share the same chevron colors as Pendragons (helmet). Brooms (same place as helmet-using Mynetts) are traced to a Henry de Brom of Norfolk, where the Fulke's and Savona's/Sabines were first found. The Chief of the Savone's/Sabine's connects well to the same-colored Chief of Livings/Levins, first found in the same place as OSON-based Dawsons.

The Chattans are said to have formed an important line at Chatto of Roxburghshire, where Roet-related Scotts were first found, though Scotts have another branch first found in Kent, location of Brooms. Scotts are mentioned because their "Amo" motto is like the "amicus" of Chattans. The Catherine wheels of Scotts are what trace the surname to Catherine Roet, and per chance she was named after Keturah liners such as Chattan-like Catters/Cathers (chevron in Broom-chevron colors). It's the wheel-using Scotts that were first found in Kent, where Roet-related Chaucers were first found that creates the argument for tracing "Roet" to "Eretria."

I had looked up the Cades surname (Spanish, has a Cadiz variation normally linked to ancient Atlanteans from Hercules) when mentioning Kadesh above, and found a version of the Scott Coat. Both surnames use the same red border suspect with the Rutherford / Rutland "orle," and both use black wheels on their white Shields. The Catys'/Caddys happen to share piles with orel-line Orrs. The wheels are symbols for terms such as Roda / Roet / Rhodes / Rotor, whom I trace to Ares, Hera and Horus. Roda's are listed with Rutherford-related Rodhams (UMBERland). It looks like Cades' and Catys'/Caddys can both be traced to Cato's by their common links to Scotts. The "amiCUS" of Cato's suggests the Cuss'/Kiss', first found in the same place as Rutland, and sharing the same red rooster in Crest with the Catys Crest. As I traced the Cass and Cuss fountains and the weight scale to the Arms of Vilnius, let's recall the Traby/Sadowski trace to the Caddys, for Trabys had merged with the Vilnius elements of Astikas, which Wikipedia's Traby article traces to RADZivils.

It seems important that "SODUC(ena)" is like "Zedek," for it allows the latter Z-term to be a branch of C-terms like Hattusa / Cadusii / Cotys so as to make the Hatti priesthood foundational to Sadducees. My best notion at this time is that "Sadducee" should go to some close relatives of the Cotesii suspect with royal Cottians, the same as the line to Aurelia Cotta, the orle line. I'm looking to know how Cott terms developed Sadd-like. The Massin-related Saids/Saddle's are expected in that transition, for Massin liners trace to Modane, near the Cottian capital, while Sadducees may have come out of Modi'in.

The crossing of paths in Roxburghshire for Chatto's and similar-sounding Scotts had me looking up the Schatts (possible Sadducee liners), who are also Schutz-like "Schatz" while the early Schatts are Skeoch-like "Schacs," important where Skits / Skeets' (Chad liners) are also "Skeoch/Skeach." Skits and Scotts can both be construed as using a white escutcheon on their regular Shield. I couldn't at first see a Schatt link to Scotts until it was realized that Schatts use the same lion as the Roet branch of Beauforts. English Beauforts were first found in Norfolk, where Schutz-suspect Benjamins were first found.

The Baliol ancestry of Scots looks like it goes to the Baileul location (Somme) of Ballys/Baileys (Moles liners?), near ABBEYville, and then the Ballys/Baileys (NorthUMBRERland) have Abe-like motto term like that of Newmans whom trace by those terms and by other methods to the MacABE's/MacAbee's. Roets had ancestry at Montreuil of the Somme theater. MacAbee's are, regardless of their trace to Abbeyville, still suspect with Maccabee liners, as are Alexanders of neighboring Kintyre, and then the Scotts are traced to an Alexander Baliol. I trace Alexanders to the Morte/Mott crescent and to Alexander BALAS.

As Maccabees trace to Modane on the Arc river, while Joan of Arc was a ruler of Blois, it could be that Blois was a Balas line. The Balas' are suspect from Bullis/Byllis at Epirus just because Seleucids had been linked to Thesprotians (Prut river?). Blois entered the Bullis picture shortly before the following from the last update: "...the Bullis/Buliard surname is likewise in Blois colors and first found in the Suffolk [where English Blois' were first found]! Zowie. It looks like Ausones were from the Aous [river, location of Bullis]. God gave me a clear Sign (months ago) to mark the Avezzano bloodline as that of Caiaphas." Avezzano's were first found in Sardinia, location of Sulcis = Sant'Antioco, clearly named by Seleucids from which Alexander Balas is known to descend.

Although the Pattersons were traced with certainty to Antipatria (same prefix as ANTIoch) of the Seleucids), beside Bullis, I failed to mention that the Patterson scallops are in the colors of the same of French Blois'. The Arks/Arches' (Berkshire, same place as Modane-suspect Modens/Modeys) are in the colors of the dragons used by English Blois', as well as the quatrefoils of Croms, likewise first found in Berkshire. One cannot argue with the facts presented by these "coincidences". Joan of Arks' family had previously use "Du Lys," and Lys' are in the same colors, while sharing the fleur of Masseys/Maceys expected out of Modane's Maccabee liners.

Here's what I wrote several weeks ago not yet published, but know first that a priest with Sauniere surname (Perigord) has to do with some money-mystery at a church in Rennes-le-Chateau, where Croms and Vincents trace. Also, as Dacre liners come up, note that Dexaroi lived at Antipatria while Pattersons use "Pro rege":

The ATTridge's (Berkshire, home of Hasmonean liners such as Modens and Croms) became suspect in the "et rege" motto phrase of English Faux's, and then French Faux's were first found in PeriGORD while being listed with versions of "Saunier/Saulnier." Attridge's/Etheredge's are suspect with Atters/Tyre's from the namers of Kintyre, where same-colored Alexanders were first found, and then the Alexanders share the Mott and Aachen crescent...

About an hour before the Attridge's were found, the identical Coat was seen in the Acre/Aker/AIKer/Ackern surname [same as the Dacre entity earlier in this update]...

French Acre's [same bend as Chattans / Chatans] were first found at Forez, a mountain smack on the north-west of St. Etienne, and even closer to the Montbrison location. The Aikens were linkable by their roosters to the Curry kin of Brisons.

It just so happens that the French Vaux'/Chaulnes'/Cholnes' (DOVE) use the same Chief (almost) as Crom-like Cramers ("qui" motto term) and Panico's, the latter from dove-based Cuppae elements. And the Cramers share the red Curry rooster!

Furthermore, the Currys (= Desmond / Deas liners; Desmonds use a "Crom" motto term) may be evident in the "cura QUIEtem" motto phrase of Modleys/Medlicots. Currys and Desmonds are Annandale liners, which jibes with a Crom trace to Cremona. Le Mose at neighboring Placentia should trace to PatMOS while Currys traced to Chora of Patmos. Currys use the same saltire as that of GosPATRICKS (UMBERland), kin of the Lothian Dunbars.

If the "et rege" motto phrase is indeed code for ATTRidge's, then the use of "rege" by PATTERsons (said to be a branch of PATRicks) makes Attridge's look like a verbal branch same-colored Patricks / Kilpatricks. The Curry / Desmond saltires are in use by leaf-using Tecks/Tess', suspect with Decks/Daggers and Daggers/Dackers, the same lines to which Pattersons have recently traced. This is important for making the Dexaroi link to the namers of the Tessin/Ticino river, home of the Laevi suspect in the Tech/Tess leaves. It's important that the Tessen originates in Switzerland, where Tecks/Tess' were first found. But I awoke this morning from a dream with "Tessen" on my lips. I have not tried to force a Tesson discussion all day, but here the unfamiliar Tessens (Pomerania) were looked up after writing everything above this paragraph, to find nothing but a blue-on-white fesse, but I've known for years that the Beefs/Boeufs/Sansboeufs, first found in Perigord (!), use nothing but a blue-on-white fesse. When writing on Tessons/Tysons earlier, it was an insert after writing here.)

Apparently, Dexaroi can trace through the Ticino to this circle of Rennes-le-Chateau that links up with Modane elements, and then Dackers/Dakre's share the red-on-gold scallops with Chamberlains ("proDESSE"), who trace to Chambre on the Arc river. It works. It expects that Dexaroi, also called DASSeratae, go to the Laevi-based Levites amongst the Modi'in Maccabees. The TEEGERs, who trace to Opgalli, said to be a Galatian Jew, must have been a Dexaroi-Laevi liner. As tiger-using Hobs/Habs trace to her, it's notable that Hobs/Habs share a black-on-white fesse with Attridge's. If the latter were Patricks, it's perhaps bingo time, for Kilpatricks use the Levi lion. If the ATTridge's formed the Atters/Tyre's (dagger in Crest!), it's even more notable that Atters share the red-on-gold spread-eagle of Cussons, the latter possibly in the "cushions" of Kilpatricks.

If Opgalli was a Levite, it qualifies her for being a close kin of Caiaphas. The Teague's share the Julian/Gillian and Gully cross, and then Julius Caesar had an affair with Servilia Caepionis (click the Brutus box to see her family tree). Is the Internet running out of room?) that was partly of a Livius bloodline and married to a Junius line. Servilia's mother (Livius liner) married secondly Marcus Porcius Cato. The point is, the Capone's were first found in the same place (Cambridge, beside Berkshire) as Julians and June's/Junge's/Juens, the latter sharing black-on-white fleur-de-lys with AttRIDGE's (Berkshire). These fleur-de-lys (in the same colors) are used by Pendragons, and then mythical UTHER Pendragon/PendRIDGE's traces squarely to Gore's (same crosslets as Julians but in the colors of the same of OTHER-related Windsors of Berkshire), making "Uther" suspect as special code for ATTRidge's.

There you have a way to trace Attridge's to Amyntes and Artemidoros, but let's not forget that Acre's/D'Acre's use the Attridge Coat. And while Artemidoros is suspect as perhaps the father of Opgalli, note that "Nosce TiepSUM" motto of Pendragons, like the "SUMmum" of Teague's. Teague's are in Tipps/TipPEN colors, though the Tipps Chief is in Shaw-trefoil colors. The black Tipps bull head can link to the black Pohlman buffalo head, and Pohlmans were first found in the same place as SItlers/SCHITlers (trefoil), perhaps linking to the SIThech term of Shaws. Recalling that the Polemon>Tryphaena line had linked squarely to Gore's, note that Sitlers were from GORlitz.

Dagger-using Shaws (share the black spread eagle with Acre's/D'Acres) clinch the trace of Attridge's to the Israeli priests. Others (same general area as English Julians) share gold-on-red crescents with German Julians, in colors reversed from the crescents of Seatons/Sittens. The Sidicini-suspect Shaws, who have the Comyns/Cummings in their write-up and use a Coat like that of dagger-using Comyns, use the motto, "Te Ipsum nosce," just as though they were in love with Pendragons, or vice versa. I don't recall satisfactorily deciphering "nosce." The Tipps'/Tippens share pheons on black with Helms suspect in the Pendragon helmet, and moreover Tipps' use an antelope that has been tracing suggestively to lake Tatta, wolf realm of helmet-liner Amyntes.

Reminder: while AMYNTes conquered Derbe, the wolf-using MANDYs/Mondays were first found in Derbyshire, and even use the wolf-head design of Teague's, just as though the people who designed these Coats knew exactly where they traced. "A black wolf's head erased bezante with fire COMING from his mouth." That's part code for the Cummings in the Shaw write-up, and Shaws are said to derive in a wolf term too. The Seatons/Sittens, suspect with the Sithech-wolf line of Shaws, have "A dragon spouting fire," while Fire's share the giant unicorn of Eras'/Rasmussens/Assmans suspect in the ERASed wolf head of Mandys.

The "spouting" term had me looking at Spottens, listed with Spaldings, said to be tenants of Ranulph le Meschin. The Spotten/Spalding motto with "Hinc" term is translated, "Hence COMES salvation to me," and then the Hence surname is listed with Hink- and Hinkley-suspect Ince's/Inch's, first found in the same place as Ranulph le Meschin. Moreover, while le Meschin descended from rulers of Comyns, the motto, you see, uses "comes," a term that can easily be from Conte's / Conteville's of Comyn. The Comes surname (looks like the Crest was originally a dagger) his listed with Combs/Cooms, which, by the way, was traced in the last update to a line from Chalcis. The "UpWARD" sword of the Comes'/Combs looks linkable to the "forWARD" term of Seatons, and moreover "UP" can be code for OPgalli (highly suspect from lake Tatta, but others traced her to Chalcis of Herod Pollio). There is a Combs location in Derbyshire, beside le Meschin.

The Perta location on the shore of lake Tatta traces to Perthshire, where the Come/Comb surname (Clan Chattan member) was first found along with Comyn-related Shaws. Coincidence after coincidence, we are being told a story. There had been a gang of spiritual polluters working hard to fashion an heraldic system tracing to their beloved human demoniacs, and yet this gang was too ashamed of their ancestry to let the world openly know of it, and to defend it against the mass rejection they knew they would receive. That's called misery incarnate, like having a fetish over a wart on a witch, or decorating a rotting corpse.

There is an Upward/Upwood surname using what I call the Mund format (used also by Mortons, Exeters, and Walsh's). I traced Munts (Kent, same as Mynetts) and MINDs/Munds (same place as Meschins) to Muntenia of Wallachia, at exactly the Buzau home of the Cotesii. This is very near to Galati (junction of the Agarus with the Prut), suspect with the Galatians. Minds/Munds (bees) use black lion heads in the colors of the English-Come lion. As le Meschin's name is suspect from Hamon de Masci, here's from the last update:

As the Hamon[d] Crest shares the antlers of the Conte's, part of the Conteville's of Comyn, it's a clue that Comyn might trace to the Chalcis-based location of modern Cuma, the ancient Cumae above (near Naples), a name said to derive in a Cyme area of Euboea. It just so happens that Hamonds were first found in the same place as and Chalkers / Chaucers!

As both the Comes' and Come's use "swords," it's a good bet they were linked to Swords...who may trace to Serde's of Serdica, beside the Bessi Thracians suspect with the naming of the Bessin, home of Meschin ancestry. Lissae, suspect with the Massey and Masci fleur-de-lys, is not far down river on the Hebros from the Bessi. It all goes to Bassania, beside Lissus, at the Cavii theater, and as Serde liners are expected to follow, note that the Sword swords are in the colors of the Shute swords, a surname that can trace to "SCODRa" (near Lissus), as for example the SUTTERs/Shuters may trace that come up as "Sewer," a term like Siward of Northumberland, owner of the Sword surname. The purple Sewards, first found in the same place as Chives' (Cavii suspects), use the Mosca / Chives leopard. There was a Scodra-like entity on the Hebros, but I've forgotten the spelling. It seems that these Hebros elements met up with Euboeans in or out of Naples, where Italian Capua's/Capone's were first found that share a black-on-white lion with English Come's/Cumms/Goms, first found in CAMbridgeshire, same as English Capone's! I've always thought that Naples was a bee-line entity, but now that bee can go to Euboeans. Naples-related Napoleon Bonaparte liked bees. The Minds/Munds use bees as well as lion heads in the color of the Capua/Capone lion head. A Capua-of-Campania trace to Amyntes? It's been expected.

The Bonaparte Bends

What were Bonaparte's really named after? Their first Coat of Arms were double bends in gold rising in the rare sinister direction, as rise the bends of Rasmussens, Masci's and Massena's. This family arose in Florence, where Taddei's were first found that use flory crosses in the colors of the two white bends at the Bonaparte link above. The two Zionists stars of Bonaparte's are called, mullets, and are in the colors of the same of German Oswalds (Bavaria). The Bonaparte bends are in the colors of the Kos bendy, and "Kos" is like "Os(wald)."

The House-of-Bonaparte article at Wikipedia: "According to a studies by G.Lucotte and his coauthors based on DNA research since 2011, Napoleon Bonaparte, and therefore all the Bonaparte (males only), belonged to haplogroup E1b1b1c1* (E-M34*). This haplogroup, rare in Europe, has its highest concentration in Ethiopia and in the Near East (Jordan, Yemen)." Ethiopia is where I traced Merovingian Franks, namely to Merowe/Meroe that was probably in code with mythical Merops of Ethiopia, but there was a second mythical Merops of Kos that traces excellently to France via mythical Aedon of Boiotia (beside Euboea), a peoples suspect with the Boii of Bonaparte-like Bononia. The Assi surname of Shetland traces to Oswalds while showing Hose-like variations. In my mind, this was the Aeson line (Orchomenos Boiotians) to mythical Aedon.

The HOSkins (Kos colors) use lions in the colors of the Bohemian lion. It just so happens that while the Aedui peoples of Autun seem to trace well to Aitons of Berwickshire, the Aide's of Berwickshire use a bend in the colors of the Bonaparte bends.

While Bonaparte's were given rise by the Medici family, Maddocks/Mattix's use a Shield split in the colors of the Hoskin Shield. On one side of the Maddock Shield are the two Brunswick lions, in the colors of the two original mullets of Bonaparte's, and then Bruno's were first found in Florence, home of the Medici. It just so happens that the Italian Barone's (Baroncella of Florence) use the Kos Coat! Amazing.

I wonder whether the DNA evidence traced to Ethiopia because Masons knew that Bonaparte's trace through Kos to Merowe? I wonder whether DNA evidence is manipulated to align with heraldic notions. "The House of Medici was a banking family, political dynasty and later royal house that first began to gather prominence under COSimo [caps mine] de' Medici in the Republic of Florence during the late 14th century." The Medici Coat of Arms is showing torteaux, and a black eagle that could be that of Mattix-like Mattis' (lists the Massi's) sharing a Coat like that of Fulks, first found in Florence. Reminder: the Bramton lions are colors reversed, and in the same pale positioning, as the Brunswick lions while Bruno-like Broms and Brooms trace to Fulks of Anjou. It begs the question of whether Bruno's and Barone's were Abraham liners, but that question was already answered in the affirmative as per Bar liners sharing fish with Keturah liners.

The Medici originally used six torteaux in a circle, but apparently didn't called them such. Instead, "The original coat of arms of the Medici, Or [Gold], six balls in orle gules [red]." Why balls? Torteaux are used by orle-liner Orrs while Orrs use motto terms like "Bona." Orrs were first found in the same place as Pollocks while Jewish Pollocks are using a bend in the colors of the Bonaparte bends. Orrels not only use torteaux, but put them between double white-on-red bends, the Bonaparte symbol!! We now have Bonaparte ancestry well defined no matter what the noble freaks tell us in disguising facts. They say that "Medici" was from "medical," but is that really true? The Mattis checks are used by Cohens, and Hohens used the black eagle too. The Mattis checks are overlain with a white bend.

As Rothschilds descended from Pollocks, while Rothschilds became the worlds chief bankers, whereas the Medici held that position for a time, some Rothschild link to the Medici is suspect. In this Arms of Rothschild, note that the black eagle is in the Crest, now suspect with the Medici eagle. In the Coat of the Arms, the same eagle is in the two colors of the Mattis / Fulk eagle. The white scallop at the center of the Arms (on a red Shield) is in the colors of the Bonaparte bends and Zionist stars. There are FIVE arrows, the number of the Medici torteaux.

The Baret variation of Barone's may have produced "(Bona)parte." The Parts use pears in the colors of the original Bonaparte stars. Pears were the symbol of some papal elements from Pierleoni papacy, and Peirs/Peers use a white bend too, as well as two bendlets in gold on green. Peirs (Warwickshire) can be Rothschild liners because they (Peirs) share a green Shield with Bowers and Bauers, and moreover, while Bowers (share five bunched arrows with Rothschilds) were first found in Peebles, the Peebles surname share the parrots of Pettys while Pettys (Warwickshire!) use quarters in the colors of the quarters in the Arms of Rothschild above. If that's not enough, the Parts are listed with Perrots. As Parrot-using Pettys use the motto, "Consulto," while the Rothschild Arms uses "Concordia," it's a good bet that they both trace to Conn / Cony / Caen liners.

It looks like BonaPARTE's were pear-liner Pierleoni Jews, and in fact some "conspiracy theorists" insist that Rothschilds got hooked up with Vatican elements, as did the Medici. The Pierleoni were BENEdicts, like "Bona." One Benedict Coat (Warwickshire!!!) uses the same lion as Brunswicks, as well as a "Du bon" motto phrase. The noble freaks knew of their trace to Bonaparte's, didn't they, and then they feed us some off-the-wall meaning for "Bonaparte." The Benedict star (five points) is in the colors of the original Bonaparte star. German Benedicts, using Boii-suspect boilers, are Bendits too, explaining the Bonaparte bends, I assume. Bennets (Lancashire, same as Orells) use stars in the colors showing for the Bonaparte stars at houseofnames. English Bennets (same motto as the "Du bon" Benedicts) use one roundel in colors reversed to the torteaux-roundels of the Medici Arms! Now we know the score. The banker papacy, trying to gobble up all the earth's real-estate and precious jewels because their souls are geared for this. Bennets use lions in the colors of the Hoskin / Bohemian lion. The Bends (blue lion in Crest) use more torteaux, in Medici-ball colors. There you go, the heraldic bend is code for Medici liners of the Leo-Benedict kind.

''Bends are traced to "beonet," which suggests kinship with Bonnets/Bonnys, like "Bona." The Bonnets/Bonnys use fleur-de-lys in the colors seen of the same in the Medici Arms. German Bonnets use roundels that, in colors reversed, are torteaux. The Bone's/Bohums (white bend) use six lions in Bonnet/Bonny colors, and the six lions of Skulls (Bohemia-lion colors) are on either side of a white bend in both Bonaparte-bend colors. The Bone's/Bohums even use gold bendlets, the Bonaparte symbol again.

This reminding me of Pierleoni traces from between their home at the Jewish quarter of Rome and the Fiori river, which was itself linked to Flora of Florence. Here's from the 4th update of March of this year:

In the 3rd update of last month, when Fiora-river suspects were looked at, the VITERbo location (not very far from the Fiora) was considered for a trace to Weathers/WITHERs, who happen to share a chevron in the colors of the Hawthorn / Tancred / Tresure / NEWPORT / Walch / Mound/Mund chevron. Each and everyone of the surnames between the slashes has been traceable to Pierleoni's at Trastevere. Withers (Cowes / Guiscard colors) were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as the Isle of WIGHT, the location of Cowes and Newport. It is not likely coincidental that the Newports are sharing the Mund format with Withers, therefore, suggesting now that Viterbo elements named Wight. (The Paternosters, a branch of Patricks, judging by the black saltires, can be added to the Mund-format crowd.)

The Newports are using the leopard faces in colors-reversed from the same of Fiori-suspect Perrins, the latter highly suspect with the Pier/Pierce chevron and therefore with Pierleoni liners. This is a rather new idea for me that the rulers of the modern world go back through Jews in the Vatican. It's the sort of thing that makes for conspiracy theories in regards to end-time prophecy. It evokes the Revelation harlot, a Roman entity yet suspect by some as a wayward element out of Jerusalem, or suspect by others with a papal union. The importance of tracing the Pierleoni Jews to Pierce's and Percivals, and to Pendragon-suspect Perrins, is to track them back further to the Galatian / Syrians priests that put priests on the Israeli map.

The Trastevere term is said to mean, "across the Tiber," but this doesn't mean that Tiber- or Trever-like surnames could not have arisen that are from these papal Jews in particular. For example, the Tippers are suspect with the "Tiepsum" motto term of Pendragons because Tippers were first found in the same place as Pendragons. The Trevors are using a Coat version of the Pendragon-suspect Pennants (antelope). Tudors (Tatta suspects), of the Trevors, use helmets. The Pendragon-related Kennedys (share the dolphin with Tippers) were at TIPPERary. Tabers use lions, the expected symbol of PierLEONI. Tabers use a "possint" motto term along with a sun theme while three suns (in Taber colors) are used by Poussins/POSETS (Maine, same place as French Josephs). English POSTs, sharing a blue Shield with Poussins/Posets, were first found in Hampshire, same place as English Josephs. Italian Leo's use a lion in the colors of the Post lion.

German Tabors (with an 'o') use an arrow and the Bauer-wing design and thus become traceable to Mayer Bauer, banker and the first Rothschild. Tabors were first found in the same general area as Taborites that are normally traced to Hussians, interesting where Huss' are listed with sun-using Hesse's. Didn't Tabers just trace to suns in Hesse-sun colors? Mayer Bauer started off selling coins and such to prince William of Hesse-Cassel. The white Jewish Hesse griffin is suspect with the Doberman/Toberman griffin, which tends to trace Pierleoni to Dobrawa (wife of Mieszko I), who, if I recall correctly, had Bohemian ancestry. The Doberman bend (suspect with Jewish Pollocks) is in the colors of the Bonaparte bend.

German Leo's use more lions, as well as a sinister white bend (Bonaparte symbol) with gold Zionist stars (Bonaparte symbol) upon it. German Leo's are also "PYRzewsky," suggesting PIERleoni. Or, if we read the name as PYRSEWsky, by what coincidence do Piersons (Berwickshire) use more suns!?! Leo's/PYRzewski's (Polish, apparently) were first found in the same place as German Drummonds while Pussins/Pussys look like they are using a version of the Drummond bars as used by Damorys, both surnames first found in Oxfordshire. George, son of Andrew I of Hungary, was father to the Drummonds, and he had married Podebrady/Podebrody of Bohemia. George was in Scotland in 1055. Bradys use a finger pointing to a sun. Brodys (Moray, where I traced George) use arrows connected at their middle, a Rothschild symbol.

There is no Zewski or Zew surname, but Jews/Chews (white griffin in Crest has blood drops) use the gold Dober griffin head as well as sharing the Catherine wheel with Wheelwrights, suspect from Kolodziej the Wheelwright, mythical ancestor of Mieszko I. Dobers were first found in the same place (Austria) as Hesse's/Huss' (which recalls the trace of Hesse's to Has, near Dober on the Clausula river). Jews/Chews were first found in the same place as Piers/Pierce's, though admittedly I'm not fully convinced that the latter were Pierlioni liners (I have no reasons to doubt it, however). The TRESure's were also first found in Somerset, and they might be a reduction of "TRAStevERE." Dobers use a white, sinister bend in the colors of the same of German Leo's/Pyrzewski's (same place as Krume's). It looks like we have the Bonaparte line even here in this heap of surnames.

The Zew-like Seus surname (Austria) uses "a lady" wearing a hat like the hats worn by Catholic cardinals (can't recall their name). Some Seus variations look like "Suessa," a major city of the Ausones. Tabers use a woman carrying grapes while Seus use griffins (same griffins as the Griffin surname), both symbols traceable to the Jew-beloved Herod Agrippa. Griffs/Greave's were first found in Derbyshire, traceable to Amyntes in Derbe. The Griffin surname uses a "velis" motto term while Velis'/Vails (see Gripps and Gells/Jells too) use the black Julian cross. The "speravi" motto term of Velis' can link the Annandale motto, "Sperabo," because Annandale's use a gold griffin, the color of the griffins under discussion; Annandale's use the griffin design of the Dobers / Dobermans. The Velis' were first found in Northumberland, land of Siward to which Tryphaena traced. Velis' (share the black eagle with Medici's) use a COTISED dancette to assure a trace to Julius Caesar and the Cotys/Cotta surname suspect with Tryphaena's husband. Scottish Velis'/Willis' (more griffins) use more suns.

As there was a question on whether Susans trace to Susa, the capital of the Cottians, perhaps Sues' trace to that place rather than to Suessa.

"SINISter" might be code for ZINZendorf, a leader of the Moravian church. As sinister bends are, in my opinion thus far in my work, always linkable to Massena / Masci liners, it's notable that the Jew/Chew Crest has what looks like a mace beside the griffin, though the description leaves that symbol untold. The last time I tried to decipher "sinister," I the The SENESchals were suggested, and here I find them using five torteaux, the Medici symbol. The SeneSCHALL cross happens to be in Skull-bend colors! French Seneschals use stars in the colors of the original Bonaparte stars. French Seneschals use nine mascles and a "macula" motto term, suggesting Maschi/MASKALy / Meschin/MASCULine / Mussel/MUSCEL liners. The Seneschal mascles are in the colors of the string of Percy lozenges. The same Masci / Pollock bloodline was suspect with Hitler and MUSSOLini (string of lozenges). The Skulls are suspect with the lozengy Schole's/Scayle's having a black cross on the sinister side that belonged to another world conqueror, Julius Caesar. Will this circle of surnames try to conquer the world yet again? Isn't that the Rothschild / Solana agenda?

The mother of Julius Caesar belonged to the orle line that uses torteaux, and Napoleon Bonaparte, a Skull liner, apparently, tried to conquer the world. The Schole cross, as used by Julians/Gillians, looks like the makings of the swastika. Hiedlers/Hitlers use yet another sun, and trace to the Hectors that are themselves suspect with the Kos bendy now known to be of the Bonaparte bends.

Someone in this world must know the Jewish ancestry or proper names of the proto-Pierleoni. The papacy must know. Who were the Jewish Pollocks? Why does the page for that surname give no details, as often is the case for Jewish surnames? Why was the first Pollock a Peter, the first name also of the early Pierleoni family? Why do English Peters (lion) use mascles in colors reversed from the Mussolini lozenges, while Hitler's mother was a Polzl surname? Doesn't the anchor of the Major/Mayer surname (red Shield), honored in the Peter motto, trace to Anaki of Schole-suspect Eschol? Anchors/Annackers use more lozenges, in their Chief, in colors reversed from the Major Chief. Was MAYER Bauer named after the Major surname? The Majors, sharing three roses in Chief with the Caesar Chief, even show a red greyhound while Greys (another white-on-red lion) use a RED SHIELD. German Mayers use a gold-on-red lion, colors reversed from the lion in the Arms of Rothschild presented earlier.

The Bonaparte investigation presented the idea that Ausons were from "Kos." To put it another way, the House surname is a version of "Kos." The Kos surname has a Polish variation in KOSINski, and then the COUSINs, a potential House bloodline, share the illegal gold-on-silver chevrons with House-suspect Hauke's/Hauke's (same place as mascle-using Peters). Half the Cousin chevron is in Kosinski colors. The "pilgrim's staves" of Hawks are used by the Pilgrim surname said to have an early PELERin variation, and Pelle's/Pellers (honored in the Pulley/Pullen motto) were likewise first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Hawks and Peters (Pilgrim colors). This picture tends to identify the bend of Jewish Pollocks with the same of Stevensons, first found in the same place as Greys.

There are two Stevenson surnames, but only one come up as "Stave" (Moray stars) which is the one using blue-on-white fleur-de-lys, which is the only giant symbol of Jewish Mayers. That's a match because the Peters under discussion honor the Majors in the motto, but as Peter Pollock of Rothes castle (Moray) was the root of Rothschilds, the Jewish Mayers are highly suspect with Mayer Bauer>Rothschild. Mayer's first son, Nathan, must be the reason for the English Nathan surname because it uses a heart shot-through with an arrow, a symbol in the Pollock boar. I've been tracing the Bugs (Bogen colors) to bow-using Bogans/Bogens (Bavaria), and then feel that Bauers descended from Bogans, but here we find the Nathans first found in the same place (Nottingham) as Bugs, and in the same colors. Interestingly, the Annas' (red shield) were likewise first found in Nottinghamshire.

This excellent method of tracing Jewish Pollocks to Stevensons, which by the way helps to trace the same Pollocks to the Valentin bend, is a clue that the Bonaparte bend is from a Valentinian line to Pollocks. The struggle to re-conquer Europe continues, and the Illuminatists have said that the best way to "conquer" it is by gradual manual control from the top down without firing a bullet. Europeans can breath a sigh of relief so long as that mentality continues, yet they should understand that they are being abused from the top down. High gas prices in Europe can act as a symbol of that abuse.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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