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January 27 - February 2, 2015

Hitting the Bolzano With An Appiano Arrow
Arthurian Cult Stripped to It's Hobscenity
Lure-id Gaulonites
The Holy Grail Looks Like a Pile of Crociatonum

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. My goal at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.

I feel sick about confusing the two Pulchers at times over the last two or three updates. I apologize even more if you didn't notice. These guys are new to me. Wikipedia brings up another Claudius Appius Pulcher (born in 97 BC) when doing a Google search for that name. He's not the right one. The one under discussion is difficult to find because he's got an article under his adopted name, Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus. As his parents are not given, he could be the son of Publius Pulcher (born 93 BC), the other Pulcher under discussion.

The last update bumped into an Appiano location near the Adige river, and between Trento and Merano. You need to understand my excitement here, for these locations suggest Terentia, the Murena-related wife of Cilnius Maecenas' (about 100 BC). To re-cap, Jonathan APPHUS Maccabee came to mind about the same day of APPIUS Pulcher, and this was not but a few days after emphasizing the AVES'/Avisons and their trace to AVEZzano area. As long as at least one year, my claim was, without any solid evidence, and having nothing to do with his Apphus name, that Jonathan MACCabaeus was named after an earlier version of "Maecenas." My first theory was that "Appiano" named Apphus, not vice-versa, and that this should explain why Appius Pulcher (adopted by the uncle of Servilia Caepio) has become suspect with the family that birthed Joseph Caiaphas.

Appiano is less than 10 miles from BolZANO/BotZEN, a term with an ending like "AvezZANO." Wikipedia doesn't have an article on Appiano, but it does on Appiano Gentile some 15 miles north of Milan, and seven miles from a Como location. What a windfall. Regardless of whether the Appiano location(s) was related to "Appius," look at what this finds when we load the Como surname. Even before seeing the Como variations, it was suspect with the Commoni tribe of Ligures, and therefore with the Comyn surname (blue Shield as with Como's) sharing the three garbs of the Aves/Avison Coat. But the Como variations can be seen in the Comites / Comatissa variations of the Conte's, who are the I've been claiming for years to be a merger with Fond de Ville's so as to form the Conteville's that ruled a Comyn / Comines location (probably the one in Wales as per the Comyn write-up). But this is only the beginning of the windfall.

Between the start of emphasizing Avezzano and the Brogitarus line of Galatians, a Lurco character, father-in-law of Appius Pulcher, was stressed, and he was found to be from Fondi (Italian coast, facing Sardinia), where I suspected Fond de Ville's some years earlier. Please follow this even if its repetition for you. The Fond de Ville's had been traced to Piscinas years ago, at the southern side of Sardinia, but in the first update of this month, the Gallura area at northern Sardinia was stressed as per the rooster-using VisCONTE's ruling there, and then the other branch of Visconti's started off at Milan with Ottone Visconti. Therefore, with the Conte's/Comites' tracing now to Como, it tends to prove that Visconti's were named in-part after Conte's, and in-part after a Vis "Avis." It could be signalling that Ottone was an Appiano-Como element, but this is part of the windfall.

It stood to reason that "Piscinas" traces to "Pessinus" (location of Brogitarus' Goddess cult) because Lurco's son-in-law was closely related to Publius Pulcher that joined Brogitarus. It gave support to a trace of Fond de Ville's to "Piscinas" (means "fountain"). Then, the arrow in the top of the Como Coat is the exceptional part of this windfall, for the line of Lurco (gave birth to emperor Augustus' wife) has been suspect with Lurch's/Larchers and Archers, both using arrows on a blue Shield, as with the Como arrow. By what magnitude of coincidence would it be if Lurco does not trace to the Como arrow while Como is smack beside Appiano while Lurco's daughter married Appius Pulcher?

Here's the Arms of Villa Guardia at Como; it has a tower in red-on-white as well as a white-on-red tower that can link to Murena's. The Shield of Villa Guardia is split in the colors of the Trent Shield, and then we read of three terms very traceable to the Maecenas-Terentia marriage: "The municipality of Villa Guardia contains the frazioni (subdivisions, mainly villages and hamlets) MACCio, Civello, MASONO, Brugo, and MOSINO." Brugo? Publius Pulcher had alliance with Brogitarus.

I think that this Guardia location actually traces to the Gards. English Thors likewise use red-on-white towers while German Thors were first found in Tyrol while Trent is in South Tyrol. The red Thor tower is thereby traceable to the red Murena tower. Secondly, German Thors share a red Chief with Irish Gards while English Gards use a chevron (Ottone-chevron colors) in colors reversed from the Thor perchevron, the latter's in colors reversed from the Ottone perchevron. Thirdly, the English Gard Coat (martlets) in its entirety was seen as a version of the Pulley/Pullen Coat before finding this Como-area topic, and the Pulleys/Pullens are the ones with a Pulcher-suspect pelican in Crest as well as the Joseph martlets in Chief. Fourthly, the Guiscards of Sicily (Ottone kin, right?) were portrayed with a PULLEY at their feet for no other reason than code for these Pulleys/Pullens. I'm sure they are not sitting beside a pork-butchering factory. I'm sure their not hanging their laundry. What else could that pulley be doing at their feet? Fifthly, the English Gard Crest shares a white tower with the Arms of Villa Guardia. Sixthly, Irish Gards have a Uniack variation supposedly from a "Unicus EST" code that could go back to Maria of Este as her family got attached to Trent elements.

To prove that Gards/UNIacks are using a version of the Pulley Coat, the latter use a "culpa" motto term that can now be clinched as code for the Colapis river of the Japodes, beside the Una (also "Oeneus") river of Juno (wife of Jupiter). That is a blockbuster revelation, but I would include the UNIcorn in with UNiacks in a trace to "Una." I need to remember that Pulleys (and their pelican?) and Gards trace definitely to the Colapis = Kupa river. We could look for them in geographical terms of that northern-Illyricum theater. Este is around the Istria corner from the Japodes, and Pula is in southern Istria. Gards (Este colors) are thus tracing with "Unicus Est" to Este, and that makes the Gard wolf suspect with the Welf branch of Este's.

It's a long shot, but "Gard" had been somewhat suspect with "SARDinia," and so VILLa Guardia might just reveal that this is from the Fond de Ville's out of Piscinas. The Guiscards traced to the Mieszko family that, according to others, had ancestry in Sardinia. Plus, later, we'll see how the Bolzano location beside Appiano of Trentino can trace to Mieszko's.

[Insert -- After writing here, Polsons/Pools came to mind with "Bolzano," and they share the Gard chevron (the colors, anyway). This will not be the first time that the two Appiano locations find linkage via surname particulars. Powells then came to mind, and they use the Palin/Pawley lion, but were first found in the same place (Powys) as Commins Coch! That detail is found in the Comyn write-up. You now have a very good reason for tracing Appiano at Como to Appiano at Bolzano.

I take issue with houseofnames at times when it traces surnames starting with 'P' to "ap-something." For example, Powells are traced to "ap-Hoel," but as they use the Palin/Pawley lion, Powells should be traced to the Pavilly location to which Palins are traced. As Palins (same place as Poole) use stars in the colors of the same of Polesdon/Pulsipher colors, it seems a given that these are Polson liners, all suspect as of now from Bolzano. That's a new one. The PULCipher variation of Pulsiphers can be a Pulcher-liner revelation, and though "Pulcipher" is not listed in the surname's data bank, Wikipedia (Romulus article, if I recall correctly) says/said that a Mr. Pulcipher, along with a Mr. Pullen, co-founded the Romulus location in Michigan (Pullens share the Romney Coat). It just so happens that Pullens are the Pulleys that (I say) use a version of the Gard Coat! That's another reason for connecting some bloodlines between the two Appiano theaters, and it's already smacking of Pulchers!!!

There is good reason here of the Laevillus kind to view the Palin Chief as the Living/Levin Chief. For new readers, Mr. Laevillus married the Brogitarus line and is under investigation in various surnames, especially the Leavells that were first found beside the Palins of Dorset, which is where the Caepio-suspect Quints were first found. Quints are suspect with Quintus Caepio, whose daughter was said to be the mother of Publius Pulcher (not the same as Appius Pulcher above, but the two were / became close). End Insert]

There is yet more in this windfall, for it was established that the Gallura / Visconti rooster was in the Sinclair Crest, and the Sinclair motto uses "Commit," which is essentially a version of the Como variations. This is not coincidental, for Herluin de Conteville married the mother of the Conqueror Sinclair. She was a daughter of "the tanner" of Falaise, and the Moline/Moulin write-up traces that surname to what looks like a son of "the tanner," meaning that one can now trace Moline's/Moulins to "Milan," which is a windfall all its own. For one thing, the black moline cross of Moline's (Sinclair-cross color) is used by Caiaphas-suspect Chives'/Shives'/Shevas', and then, while writing above, I was looking through my files, bumping into something of last January (5th update, as with this one) that reads like so:

I've just noted that the Aves/Avis surname shows an Avison variation, like "Avezzano."...

"Avezzano" can be a C-less "Chivasso."

I had totally forgotten about that find on Avezzano, as well as the trace to Chives-like Chivasso. As the latter location is beside Turin, I traced Chivasso elements to Avezzano virtually without question, for the Turano river flows there!

Incredible: I was claiming a few weeks ago that Joseph Caiaphas related to Avezzano, for English Josephs even share garbs in the colors of the Avis/Avison garbs, and here I re-find that Avez(zano) looks like it named Chivasso, or vice-versa. Chivasso is about 15 miles north of Chieri, what I trace to the Chiaro/CLARO/CHARO surname honored in the "charo" term of English Josephs. I've known this, but had forgotten all about Chivasso, as it's much hidden on my atlas under railroad, road and river detail.

So, the good bet is that Joseph-Caiaphas elements at Chivasso merged with Milan elements so as to have Moline's share the black moline with Chives'. And as Ottone's (first found in Paris-like Perusia) share the white-on-blue perchevron with Chappes (beside La Falaise at Paris), it signals that VISconti's were Chivasso / Avezzano liners probably of the Avis kind. If you read the Gallura section, you'll know how Guiscards of Sicily (thought by others to be of the Rollo-Sinclair line) found their way to Gallura so as to explain why the WIShart variation of Guiscards is like "VISconti," and so this reveals that Guiscards, too, are Avis elements, and it just so happens that Guiscards were first found in the same place (Stirling) as Scottish Chappes/Chaips!

The Como's use DOUBLE-blue bends, the colors of the double-blue bends of Dulys', and the latter's are in both colors of the Chiaro/Claro bend. Dulys' (Du Lys suspects) were treated extensively in the last update after finding their bends in the family Arms of Maria d'Este of Massa, the family that traced to Arco in the Trento theater. That trace was new, coming years after tracing "Du Lys" to the Arc river of France, location of Maccabee-suspect Modane. You know a reality when it Blois you doubly in the face. Later, the line of Jonathan Maccabee will be traced to the tiger of the Side's, first found in the same place as English Blois'.

For anyone involved in Norman / Normandy history, this material is now a must. No Norman historian, after reading this material, and ignoring it, will be considered honest. There is simply too much clicking here for it not to be true. The Tanaro river even flows to within 30 miles of Chieri. It's not the Italian factor that is the greatest deterrent to honesty in English historians, but the Caiaphas-suspect story behind these Italian connections to the Normans. These vikings were not some of the chief Templars / Crusaders without reason, and the world will be able to swallow this truth: Templars were such because they trace back to some elite lines from the Israeli priesthood. But the involvement of Quintus Caepio in these lines only lends the story one of the largest money bags, if not the largest, of all time. For those whom have read that the Templars gave birth to "international bankers," there in the treasure stolen by Quintus Caepio lies the gold behind that enterprise. If money is the root of all evil, this story is amongst the greatest evil. The same money bags envisioned, plotted, and built the "New Atlantis," the United States of America.

Shame on me for forgetting such a Chives-like location as Chivasso. It shows how unreliable my memory can be as I arrive to my old age. It is near the Orco river, and then Sinclairs operated in the Orkneys. There is even a Mosche locality at Chivasso, no doubt of the Mosca surname (honored by the Vere motto) sharing its leopard exactly with the Chives Crest! That was needed badly, due to the dishonest historians that would desire a cover-up here. I charge any Norman historian to get this story online at the soonest convenience. I ask Christians with Christian websites to share this story online.

There is a town of Mazze beside Chivasso that can trace well to Massa, for an elite family in the latter location traced to the Trento area in the last update. The Varese area of the Vara river near Massa was touched upon, and here I fine a Varese location some 15 miles west of Como. The latter Varese is near the Ticino river of the Laevi. Mazze is, therefore, suspect with "MAECenas." Beside Mazze, the Vische location (white horse), itself beside a Candia Canavese now suspect with the Candy/Candida kin of Sinclairs. The main town in Canavese is Ivrea, on the Bautica river to which I trace the family of Godfrey de Bouillon.

My trace of Eustace II (father of de-Bouillon and sons by the name of BALDwin) had nothing to do with the fact now realized, that the fat, red cross as the Arms of Ivrea is one used by both Burghs and Eustace's. John de Burgo, father of Herluin de Conteville, is therefore traceable to this Ivrea cross. I had found multiple reasons for tracing Eustace II to Caiaphas liners, and here we find that "Ivrea" smacks of "Yvery" (topic in the 3rd update of this month) in the Leavell write-up, a very good reason for tracing that surname to Laevi liners in and around Ivrea.

When the tiger of the Side's traces to the Maccabee, Tigranes, it will link to the Deacons, but let's mention up here that Deacon and Decans both use the fat cross of Ivrea, for that tends to support a trace of Deacons to the namers of the Ticino. The new theory that crops us is that "TIGRanes" traces to the DAGGERs whom I've been linking to the Ticino for years. Tigranes' wife is said to have been, likely, a Jew. More on that later for yet another compelling revelation...that no Israeli or Anatolian historian should miss.

Share this update with your online friends. For new readers, the Levi surname was first found in the same place as Chappes' and Lys', and then the Bautica river (also "BALDea") is, I have read, an extension of a Lys river. The Bautica flows by the outskirts of Chivasso, and can be linked to the Baut surname, first found in the same place as Bouillons and Claviere's. It's also where the Fez/Fes surname was first found that can perhaps be of the Aves bloodline, in which case I would lump it with the Face/Fessey/Vessey surname using a cross in the colors of the Bouillon cross, and colors reversed from the Ivrea cross. Although the Claviere Coat shows a white-on-red hand or fist, the description ("A red shield with a silver saltire between four silver keys." tells that it uses a saltire in the colors of the Bouillon cross. I get virtually all my Coat descriptions at this website:

The heraldry investigator cannot be a good one without realizing that Coat and Crest descriptions are more-often-than-not codes for kin. The Como description: "...silver sleeved and red cuffed, holding an silver arrow with a hold tip.." It should probably be "gold tip." Cuffs/Coughs are suspect as Caiaphas liners. Tipps'/Tippers (bull head) are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners and Ghents, and the latter (suspect with Candia) will trace in a new way to the line of Simon Maccabee later in this update.

I have traced the Arthur surname to several entities all reflecting "Arthur," for reasons beyond mere similarity of terms. But an Arthur surname can only be a direct product of one of those Arthur-like entities. Probably, the Arthur surname was from a man bearing an Arthur-like first name. In any case, there is a good case to be made for tracing Arthurs to the Arduinici dynasty. The Arduinici were met in the 4th update of December as per the marriage of the Doria's/D'Auria's to an Arduinici family, and this family lived at Imperia/Oneglia (western Liguria). But I now discover the Arduinici dynasty out of Ivrea at roughly the same time as the Doria's.

Let's look at the Ivrea branch, but first, let me repeat that I traced the Boofima human-sacrifice cult (proto-Baphomet of the Templars) to Imperia, as well as to Botters (Butteri cowboys of western Italy) of Lucca before suspecting that Botters named the Bautica, and here we find the Ivrea location on the Bautica and related to Doria's of Imperia! Zowie, that is one electrical revelation, finding the guts of the goat-headed Baphomet cult as sure as the Baut Coat uses a goat! In other words, although we have little online concerning Boofima, we do have the claim that an Imperi peoples (Africa) operated it. Hence, it went to Imperia, or vice-versa. Where's my apple, Julie?

Now, here's on Arduin:

Arduin...was Margrave of Ivrea (c. 990-1015) and King of Italy (1002-1014).

Arduin was born around 955 and named after his maternal grandfather, Arduin Glaber. His father, Dado, Count of Pombia [Pompey liner?], was a nephew of King Berengar II. Arduin married Bertha, who is often said to be the daughter of Otbert II, Margrave of Milan. They had three sons: Arduin (sometimes called Ardicino), Otto and Guibert.

Arduin Glaber???I traced Clavers tentatively to Clare's about the same time upon learning of an Arthur family of Clapton (Somerset, same as Leavells) marrying a Hicks family there. I read that the Hicks of that marriage use "clarions," and then found that the so-called "rests" of Arthurs are at times called, clarions. But here, in the midst of tracing "Glaphyra" to Clermont-related Claviere's (keys), and years after tracing Clavers (key) to "Glaphyra," I find an Arduin character named after his grandfather, Mr. GLABER. Am I to be stupid, or should I make the obvious connection? The line of Glaphyra produced Tigranes, and the continuing Maccabee line to marriage with the Bassus.'

I have noted that the Arthur rests look like a piano or organ, from a top view, with five KEYS. Glaphyra and the family of Tigranes were at / near Qewe. Specifically, the family of Quadratilla and Laevillus was ruling at Cilicia, and Quadratilla was related closely by marriage to Alexander BERENicianus, smacking of king BERENgar of Italy above. Berengar had at first been a ruler of Ivrea, and, as you just learned, "Ivrea" is like the "Yvery" location in the Leavell write-up!

Hmm, if the Arthur symbol is or was a piano, note ApPIANO. I recall reading that they were organ rests, but "organ" may have developed as code for ORKNey when Henry Sinclair came to rule Orkney. Prior to that, it may have been a piano. To trace Arthurs to Artemidoros makes complete sense in that his children are left unknown, and suspect by me as the children of Appius Pulcher's family on the side of Artemidoros' wife / mistress / mate.

I had traced Arthurs to "Arddu" in Wales, and this obscure location may be closely related to Arduin of Ivrea. The next point is king Arthur's bear symbol. I don't agree with some wherein the Arthur name comes from the Welsh for "bear." However, I do think that Arthurs are related to the bear symbol of Berwickshire, where Scottish Arthurs were first found. Moreover, Maccabee-suspect Mathie's/Maghans (MacArthur crown) link easily to Irish Mathuna's/Maghans said to derive in the Irish word for "bear," but that seems like a doubtful derivation. Still, the bear symbol of Arthur stands, and for me that's now a symbol from a line(s) of Berenicianus. However, I showed (last update) how "Lurco" (Latin term can be from L'Urco) could be from the Greek arcas = bear (like the Latin, urso = bear). The Parthians were Aryans and could have used a beren-like term for a bear, and then the line of Berenicianus was linked to Parthians. Tigranes, what sounds Medo-Persian, was the grandfather of Berenicianus, and Glaphyra (Tigranes' grandmother) was herself from Parthians. It could all suggest that one should find how Lurco's line through Appius Pulcher gave birth to Alexander Berenicianus.

As you can see from that reasoning, one could perhaps expect Berenicianus liners at Appiano i.e. near Ivrea. And we just saw an Arduin of a Glaber surname at Ivrea along with his ally, Berengar II, later the king of Italy. Berengar's son (Conrad) married a daughter of Mr. Glaber, and I view "Conrad" as Red Cohen = Hohen, so to speak, a Hebrew family that took the name of "cohen = priest." Why? At first, I thought it was for the king-priests of Khazars, for Cohens can be traced to Khazars, called "Red Jews" at one time. But then it became a possibility that Cohens were from the Israeli priesthood under discussion. The name of a "Jewish" Khazar king that had known correspondence with Sephardic Jews of Spain was named, Joseph. Hmm.

My hunch that Ottone Visconti was named after the line of emperor Otto is becoming feasible. Let's repeat: "Arduin married Bertha, who is often said to be the daughter of OTbert II [caps mine], Margrave of Milan [where Ottone Visconti was an ecclesiastic ruler]. They had three sons: Arduin (sometimes called Ardicino), Otto and Guibert." Then, let's take it to the Glaber article (where that name is said to mean "bald" haha):

Arduin Glaber...count of Turin from c. 941/2, and Margrave of Turin from c. 950/64. He placed his dynasty, the Arduinici, on a firm foundation...

...Arduin also managed to be on good terms with Otto I, who forcibly replaced Berengar as king of Italy. When Otto I invaded Italy, Arduin switched sides during the siege of Canossa and began to support Otto...As a reward for his support, Otto I later appointed Arduin count of Asti.

That situation was in-time for Ottone Visconti of Milan...where Arduin himself ruled not long after Rollo took Normandy (912). It seems that this Arduin line, if it's the line to the Clapton Arthurs using clarions, needs to link to the Rollo Sinclairs. And we saw that Sinclairs linked by their marriage to HERLeva (like "HURLuin" de Conteville, who would marry her), daughter of "the tanner." The latter's son, a Moulins, traces to Milan, right? It looks like an Arduin liner was in the veins of "the tanner." Or, the Arduins were in the first place from Rollo's family / circle somehow. Without more information, I can't glean which of the two options was the reality. Let's not neglect that Chappes', using a version of the Ottone Coat, share the Moor head with Tanners.

The Arthur-Crest PELICan can now trace to PULCHer elements in the Ivrea theater, and we saw that APPIUS Pulcher can trace to the namers of Appiano. At this point, I don't know whether Appiano is old enough under that name to have named all Appius liners, but, if so, then there is much logic in tracing Jonathan Maccabee to the Appiano theater, where Laevi may have reached easily, and where Maccabee liners have already traced as of the last update. Aren't you stunned? I am.

Ivrea and other domains covered by Arduin were in Lombardy, and it just so happens that the Other surname, having Otto-like variations, has a write-up tracing to the formation of Windsors. It was this royal thing that convinced me of unraveling mythical UTHER Pendragon (mere code, no such person existed), king Arthur's father, as code for the "OTHER" Lombards. As per Polemon of Pontius who was ruling the Cilician domain of Berenicianus' family, note that Windsors are traceable to Winters and Winders, one of the two using a POLAR bear (clever). Leavells are traced to a Mr. Percival of Yvery while Percivals (obvious kin of Arthurs) use the bear. Pendragons, the surname, were first found beside Somerset.

Rollo married Poppa of Valois, a daughter of another Berengar. I'll bet he traces to Berengar of Ivrea. The Hicks of Clapton are likely of the Hicks surname, in Arthur colors, but the Hicks use a fesse in the colors of the Leavell fesse bars, important because Clapton is in Somerset, where Leavells were first found. You can find in my files (if Google will bring them up; it rejects / hides / buries most of my articles from searches) that I traced "CLAPton" to "GLAPHyra." It was a tentative trace, but now proving correct. It ought to trace Claptons to Arduin Glaber. Leavells are said to derive in "wolf" haha, and then Claptons use a wolf head as well as what looks like a version of the Winger Coat for a Clapton trace to Vinkovci.

This section is written after the section below that found a trace of Tigranes to the Tigers of Suffolk, where Claptons are said to have had their seat after a seat in some Cheshire entity (not revealed). Claptons are traced to Danes, and it's said that Rollo was a Dane. The bendlets of Claptons are in the colors of the double-fesse bars of Clavers. Then, while the Claver Crest is a Qewe-suspect key, the Qewe-suspect Quade's and related Mackays use wolf heads in the design of the Clapton wolf heads. There is a compelling trace there to Glaphyra...of Comana, near Qewe. And by the way, "Comana" is suspect with "Como" at Appiano. By the way, over the last two or three weeks, I had confused Commagene with nearby Comana, but it has been fixed. Glaphyra was not from Commagene, but her Maccabee descendant married a ruler of Commagene.

I can now identify the "heure" motto term of Hicks with the Aure / Aures bloodline suspect in the Doria/D'Auria surname. Moreover, my trace of the Pendragon fleur-de-lys to the Sale fleur-de-lys can be explained in this way:

Arduin [Glaber] was the eldest son of Roger, Count of Auriate (r. c. 906 - c. 935), a Frankish nobleman [concurrent with Rollo in France] who immigrated to Italy in the early tenth century. The medieval county of Auriate comprised the region bounded by the Alps, the Po River, and the Stura, today the regions of the Saluzzese [Saluzzo] and Cuneese [Cuneo]. Arduin succeeded his father as count of Auriate sometime around 935...

Sale's were likely from the namers of Saluzzo, but this traces to the Salto river, tributary of the Turano between Avezzano and Rieti. In this way, Pendragons can trace to this Caiaphas-suspect entity. I don't know where my head was in the last update while on the "OPEN helmets" of the Amyntes-suspect Mynetts. Pendragons use the helmet as code for Sale-related Helms, but while I identified the OPEN code for Openheims/Oppenheimers and Hoppers/Hoppens, I don't recall realizing that PENdragon should apply. Zowie. That traces Pendragon and Arthur to Amyntes, father of ARTEMidoros, and then Levi-suspect Artems/Aitons were first found in the same place as Arthurs and Artem-suspect Aide's. That is compelling.

The ArtemiDOROS term could not have popped up at a better time than right here. Note that Arduin was a count of AURiate, for this must have to do with the Doria/Auria family that married Arduinici. The Doria article suggests the same link. This is amazing because Grimaldi's were traced to the Doria's, and then the last update showed this quote: "According to [Mr. Grimaldi], Crispinus, Baron of Bec, was the son of Crispina, daughter of Rollo, by Grimaldus, Prince of Monaco." That quote is now looking very explicable seeing that the Rollo family had links to the Arduinici of Ivrea. At the Doria article, there is even an early PERCIVALLE Doria, a woman that helps to trace "IVREA" to Percival of YVERY in the Leavell write-up!

It should be repeated that Maria of Massa (the family that traced to Trento) was a MalaSPINA surname, now suspect with CriSPINA. The new theory of the last update is that CRIspin is a GRImaldi line merged with Malaspina liners. MALAspina liners were traced to MALAhule, Rollo's uncle. We have a triangular story. No, wait, it's more of a pentagram between Berenicianus, Massa, Trento, Ivrea, and the Rollo looters. All connecting.

The Auriate entity of Arduin can trace well to the Aures area of north Africa, to the west of Tunisia. That's where the Imperia must have been. Of some interest is that the Arms of Appiano use a red-on-white lion, the colors of the Aur(e)/Auer lion. And then there is an Auer location along the Adige near the other Appiano location. I had traced Boofima to Bavarians (the Bavarian Illuminati), and so compare "BAUER to "AUER," for Aurs/Auers were first found in Bavaria. Therefore, the king-Arthur cult traces to the human-sacrifice cult of Boofima. The dirt-bag myth writers of Arthurianism portrayed the cult as near-angelic and holy.

But Bauers (bow / arrow liners) have been tracing quite convincingly to the Lurch/Larcher / Archer / Arco liners that could be important to Templar heraldry only due to marrying Appius Pulcher. Plus, we now have other clues that Appius Pulcher should trace to the Aur/Auer lion head, and that head is used, in the same colors, in the Chief of Love's/Luffs (same place as Tigers!), suspect with the Lovell variation of Leavells. I even remarked that the fitchee cross looks like the satanic type of knife used for human sacrifices envisioned with Boofima priests, and here we have a fitchee cross in the Love/Luff Crest. It's of the same design used by Muksus-suspect Meigh's (ravens, trace to Meshwesh of Cyrene) while the Mochs/Moucets are a branch of Mousquette's/Muskets using the Love / Auer lion head (same colors). It's the Meshwesh of Aures in Numidia, right? The king-Massena Numidians, right? The Massena liners to Cilnius Maecenas, right? The Wraths/Rothes use a lion that was once used in the Mousquette Coat so that Rothschild liners (arrows) apply to Boofima, as expected.

But by what insanity are these Boofima priests tracing to Levites suspect in the Maccabee circle? Why is the Quint Crest a lion paw with a fitchee? The Boofima priests would wear leopard-foot (paws) gloves when conducting their sacrifices. That's another piece of information online about Boofima, and it stands to reason that the heraldry masters (brain damaged) would allow a symbol of those sacrifices in heraldry. You never knew a more pathetic cult than the human-sacrifice cults of north Africa. And that can explain why God would have that cult come around to offer up His Son, so that God could justify unleashing his hot temper upon this disgusting and horrific living garbage...that adorns itself with beautiful gold trimmings.

When Jesus said that he came to give life more fully or abundantly, he was not speaking about the material conditions of your life. People who tell their testimony of becoming Christians will often say that there was an inner emptiness (or discontent or even satanic qualities) filled with the reception of Christ. It's the inner condition that is made rich, and when Jesus in Revelation says that the rich Christians of Greece were naked and poor, he refers to their inner condition. Having a rich interior is better than having a house made of gold. The Pharisees and Sadducees did not understand it. And neither do the corporate and government swine never having enough of your money. The rat race all around you has no idea what I'm talking about. I hope I haven't offended anyone too much. It's only me, nothing to worry about. I'm not the Judge.

Now, back to the other Appiano, a few miles from Bolzano, and let's read:

The modern-day Bolzano was in ancient times a marshy region inhabited by the Raetian Isarci people...

During the gradual decline of the Roman's influence in the 7th century, Bavarian immigration took place and the first mention of a Bavarian ruler in Bolzano dated from 679. At that time, the Bavarians named the nearby villages around Bolzano Bauzanum or Bauzana. German populations have been present in the region of Tyrol since this time.

I just wanted to show how the name of the place is much like "Baut." Can we therefore trace Bavarian-suspect Boofima to this other Appiano theater? It makes a lot of sense, especially if we bump into more arrows along with Bavarian liners. The city also went by, Botzen, and the goat-using Bauts (colors of the Bavarian / Bogen lozenges) show also as "Baux/Baus" for a decent trace to "Bauzano." One could conceive a trace of "Bogan" to a slight variation of that term, especially if a Lurco line wanted to play on it to form an arrow theme ("bogen = arrow" to Germans). However, I traced "BOGan" to a Bough-like term (pronounced "boff") imagined from "BOOFima." It's of note that German Bauts use a white-on-blue perchevron on one half of the Shield, the colors of the Ottone perchevron. Visconti's originally used a green serpent swallowing a Moor infant indicative of child sacrifices in Tunisia.

German Bute's/Butts/BOETs (same place as Mieske's and Bauts) share a red-on-white fesse with the Arms of Bolzano! The BOETus/Boethus house of the Sadducees is coming to mind in a trace to Bolzano, smack beside Appiano! I'm wondering whether "BAUZanum" was an Abaeus entity, therefore.

English Bute's/Butts use estoiles as code for the house of Este, and the Crest shows the black horse head once showing for the Este Crest. Note the codework in the Bute/Butt write-up, which never meant much to me, but now is of great importance. It actually traces to archers! Bute's/Butts can now trace to Botters of Lucca very well because Maria of Este of Massa was beside Lucca.

In a simplification, the Moray stars were traced to Mieszko's two children, Boleslaw and Bezprym, as per those stars used by Bole's and Bez's (and even Lamberts). These stars are also in the Coat of German Bauts, along with what I see as the Lambert chevron (in Gard-chevron colors) tracing to Mieszko II Lambert. It strikes me here that both sons could be named after variations of "BOLzano." In any case, the English Bowls (very linkable to Pilotte's/Pillette's) are evidence that Pollocks/Polks link to Boleslaw, for both surnames use a boar shot through with an arrow. Although I claimed that this was code for the Calydonian boar, suddenly the Lurch/Larcher bloodline can be at the root instead. Dutch Bole's share a stump with Italian Milans.

The Arms of Como province uses a gold-on-green cross, the colors of the Pollock saltire and of the cross in the Arms of Pola (Istria). Both the Arms of Bolzano and the Arms of Como Province use the same star style. This apparent Bolzano link to Pollocks can indicate that the red Bolzano fesse is the Alan / Fuller fesse. The three, red Fuller bars are suspect with those of Istria-suspect Sturs, but one can also link them tentatively to the three, red bars of Fountains and Love's/Luffs. The Stur bars are in the colors of the Leavell/Lovell bars. There is a Leavell connection to the Sturs to be now gleaned as per Yvery-suspect Ivrea liners at the Stura valley. In fact, this recalls that the green Were bend was traced to the same somewhere in the Stura theater, but this was before I knew of the same bend in the Ivery Coat! It is very clear to me now that Leavells of Yvery were in the Stura valley, or related to its peoples! Reminder: the Leavell bars are in used by Amore's and Damorys, both of Oxfordshire, where Were / Ivery liners ruled.

As Yvery is in Somerset, I must now repeat a claim that had a strong hunch at the root: the Arthurian cult was mainly founded in Somerset. That hunch can now be supported by an Yvery trace to the Arduinici of Ivrea. But my Arthurian hunch, admittedly, involved the Battins/Badens and Baths of Somerset...who trace well to the Bidens/Buttons of nearby Hampshire, said in their write-up to have moved to Bath and Wells of Somerset. HOWEVER, this only serves to reveal that Battins/Badens and Bidens/Buttons, as well as the Botters and Potters likewise first found in Hampshire, can trace to the Bauts named after the Bautica river flowing through Ivrea!

One can now suppose that the Bouillon family from the Bautica was linked directly to, or even identical with, the Arduins in Ivrea, for we are at the doorstep of proving that discovery. Bouillons, closely related to Belli-related Fullers, are even suspect, only as of now, from BOLzano/Botzen/Bauzano, and that makes the latter location suspect with the Boii of BOLogna that I see in Bouillon variations. The various branches could be of the Abaeus entity that named Maccabees. My first trace of Fullers was to the naming of RoqueFEUIL, and then, later, recently, it was found that "Feuil" was likely a branch of "Pulley." It's reducing all the products to an Appius-Pulcher bottom line.

Aha! BOLTANs even use a Lurco-suspect arrow, while Bolts call it a "bird BOLT," and then Birds/Burds use the Bouillon flory cross in colors reversed!!! You now know that Godfrey de Bouillon had family at Boltan-related BOLZANo! Wikipedia's article on Bolzano: "In the 2011 edition of the survey, Bolzano was ranked number two and came after the top-ranked Bologna." It looks like judges were bloodline worshipers. This is all excellent for linking Appiano to the Boii of Bologna. I think it has been established that the bird bolt (used by Tills, Bolts, Steels/Stahlens, Netts/Natbys) is code for lines through Bolzano. It is notable that the BOLton arrow pierces an animal, as does the BOLe and POLlock/Polk arrow. There is a Polton surname (variation of Hamond Coat?) first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Polesdons/Pulsiphers, and using stars in colors reversed to theirs.

I kid you not, that ever since I saw the gold star on the Bolzano fesse for the first time, it gave the impression of being the Lure star, and while I found no evidence for it, for which reason it wasn't going to be mentioned, it has just dawned on me that Lure's (another white tower) can be LURco liners. More on this below. The Ardin Coat is nothing but a fesse with gold cinquefoils upon it, in the colors of the fesse with a gold star upon it acting as the Arms of Bolzano.

I've discussed the Istria-suspect Stura valley at Cuneo, and Saluzzo, many times, but did not know that an Auriate region was right there. And while it's suspect with the Aures Numidians, here we find that the Arduin family of Ivrea was fundamental with it. That should explain why one Shaw motto is nearly the Pendragon motto. The Pendragon > Arthur line was a Shawia one, plain and simple. Moreover, one can finally peg the Arthur surname, and King Arthur himself (just code for Arthurs), with an entity not far removed from the first Arthur surname. We can be sure, now, that Arthurs were very-closely the Arduinici. Here's the article on the Shawia/Chaouis showing variations like "Qewe / Cavii / Cowes." Qewe was near Mazaca, the latter being the very basis of the Berbers = Meshwesh that you'll find in this article:

As the ZENATA area of the Shawia traces doubtlessly to the island of THANET off the coast of Kent, the island where the MASSINs/Masons are said to have been first found, it's compelling to trace the nearby Cowes location on the Isle of Wight to the Chaouis version of "Shawia." This is why I tend to trace king Massena to the Shawia. The Cowes surname happens to use "pennants" for what must be a branch of Penestae / Pendragon liners. This Pendragon trace to the Hampshire theater jibes with my trace to proto-Arthurs to the ATREbates of Hampshire, from the ODRysians at Arda. That's how Arthurs can trace to "Arda" (Hebros river). The Arthur "rest" has been deemed code for the namers of ORESTaei at the mouth of the Arda, at downtown Odrysia.

The above is evidence for tracing the Shaw and Pendragon motto to the Numidian capital, Tipaza. This is must-learning for British historians, and in fact it is must-learning for all peoples who wish to understand the satanic make-up of Westernism.

As Pendragons trace to the Salyes that named Saluzzo, as well as to Sale's/Sallete's, note that Saltire's/Salters share blue roundels = hurts with Irish Arthurs. The reason that Pendragons can trace to the Salto river is that Pendragons trace to a Penestae region on the Drilon river (lower-left of map), the river where the Cavii lived that trace to Chives' that are now known to be from Chivasso. Just trace the latter to Avezzano on the Salto.

You might be interested in the so-called Ardiaei tribe of Illyrians that sounds like it could be from Arda. The following apparently traces them to Rize and neighboring Ardahan: "[The Ardiaei] were located in present day Montenegro, most likely around the gulf of Rhizon [smack at Butua on the map above], although Strabo places them in the right bank of the Neretva." I traced the Neretva term to Nerthus deity of the Varni / Angles, but found in the last update that she was also "Hertha," an Arthur- or hurt-like term. In any case, Arda elements on the Neretva can be traced to Enarete, mythical wife of Aeolus, brother of Dorus suspect with ArtemiDOROS of Galatia. As the Ardiaei were spelled, "Ouardiaei," consider the Ward / Warren surnames as well as the Wherters/Quarters.

The Cavii are not shown on the map above, but they lived on the north side of the Mathis river (shown), and that explains why the Mathie/Maghan surname uses the MacArthur crown, and why the Mathis surname uses the same black moline as Chives' (and Moline's). Butua (now Budva) is shown a little up the coast from the mouth of the Mathis, and I'm very sure that both Bute/Butt surnames trace to that location, meaning that the Boiotian founders of Butua also named Bolzano (earlier "Botzen"). This is extremely important because Abae, the Phocis-area location of the Maccabaeus-suspect Abaeus cult, was beside Boiotia. What this effectively allows is a Boiotian = Boii identity for Abae. In other words, even though I'm starting to suspect that Abaeus named the latter half of "Maccabee," it doesn't necessarily obliterate the theory I've held for years, that Maccabees were from the Boii of Bologna.

It's only been days since learning of Abaeus. As from the start, I'm not leaning to equate "Apphus / Appius" with "Abaeus." But what's extremely interesting right here is that while "Abaeus" elements could have been of the same stock that named Bauzano, that location is less than ten miles from Appiano. At this point, it doesn't matter what named "Appius," so long as it does trace to Appiano. Perhaps "Appiano" was a form of "alpine." Perhaps quasi-mythical Kenneth MacAlpin was code for this Appiano entity as it came from the Pulchers. I do trace proto-Scots to lake Scodra between the Mathis and Butua, and "Alpin" along with "Alba" has been traced purely with logic to Albani(ans) of that region. The Alpin/APPEN surname even shares the thistle with Paisleys who do trace to the Pulcher-Brogitarus circle.

I suspect that mythical Abas of both Argos and Euboea were depictions of the Abaeus cult. Abas of Euboea is said to be the founder of Abantians, a term like "Appiano." EuBOEA is beside Boiotia/BOEOtia so that the two were apparently identical stock named in different times / circumstances.

After this section was finished, the Avery surname was bumped into, VERY linkable to the Arduinici of Ivrea. A minor point at first, the Averys use besants, but in the Crest, they use it Catholic-priest style, like when he looks at his round "Communion" wafer (the so-called "Body of Christ") held up in both hands. In Catholicism, that is suspect as secret symbol of a sun god, and as besants are used also in the Avery Coat, it suggests the El-Gabal sun god run by the Bassianus'.

The reason that Averys can trace to Ivrea is that they are traced to a "Rogerus son of Averary." The name that Wikipedia gives for the foundation of the Arduins of Ivrea is, Roger. Then, when we check the Verys, they too, like Averys, are in Vere colors. The Very's are even traced to a Roger Verer in 1100, the year of de-Bouillon's death, if I'm not mistaken. By now, we should be getting the impression that Ivrea and Yvery were named after the Varro family of Rome, the proto-Vere's. That should explain why the Very lion is in the colors of the Varro wolf. If one puts the so-called "Vere star" into the empty Very Coat, it become the Annas Coat, with gold Chiefs shares by both.

I had found a small clue to trace Annas of Israel in particular to AVARan Maccabee, one of the first five Maccabee brothers. Let's assume that to be correct, by which I mean to say that the Avaran name traces forward to Averys / Verys / Vere's. That would essentially reveal that Avaran was named after the Varro family that Cilnius Maecenas later married. If that's correct, then it supports a trace of "Maccabaeus" to whatever the Maecenas surname was spelled as around 200-175 BC. A trace of Averys to Avaran certainly explains why Yvery was home to the Leavells...who use fesse bars in the colors of the Avery fesse. The Avery lion could be the Side/Sudy lion, but of course it can also be the Levi lion.

Scottish Verys allow us to take the Vere line to Guerin of Provence, but a new revelation arises from the two lions facing each other, which is a feature called, "Combatant." The Cilnius-suspect Kellys use lions in this way, with a white tower between them. Usually, when I mention towers now, they are envisioned as part of the Cilnius Maecenas line, but tracing to various elements, one being Villa Guardia smack beside Como. And so I will assume that Combatant is code for Como elements, as well as the Battants listed with Battins/Badens now tracing to the Bautica river i.e. home of Arduins of Ivrea. If that's not enough, Battants/Battins were first found in the same place as Yvery and Leavells. This is why you need to share this update with people that like a good mystery cracked. It's not like I have anything to brag about, as it's taken me about a decade to get to this point. The only thing the reader needs to do is read it, and load the Coats, and tinker about it a bit.

Scottish Verys, sharing the upright red lion with Guerins, were first found in Lanarkshire, where I trace Guerin-suspect Lerins/Clerins. They are listed as Faerie's/Fairys/Ferrie's, and thus Melusine, the Elvin fairy princess beloved by Drakenberg Vere's is likely part-code for this surname. Did you note that Battants share the axe with Drake's? English Verys were first found in the same place as Vere-related Fulke's, from Anjou, where Drakenberg Vere's trace Melusine's son.

The Guerin write-up tells on how the family was a Crusader-devoted one, and the same can be gleaned in the write-up of Ploughs/Plows, honored in the plough of the Very Crest. There is a bell pattern formed between the paws of the combatant Very lions, which must be code for Bellamys, for the PLOWs (same place as Bellamys) use a version of the Bellamy Coat, as well as looking like a branch of "BELLOW" (honored in the bellows of the Skiptons of Oxfordshire). The Plow stag is identical to the one used by Bellamy-related Stewarts, and English Stewarts share the red Very lion.

The new piece of dragon light now coming out of the darkness is the write-up's importance placed on the two white-on-blue fleur-de-lys of the Plows, said to be granted to ROGER Plowden (the world is suddenly filled with Rogers everywhere) by the king, as reward for doing Crusader business so well. But these are the colors of fleur used by English Dole's, and we find yet a third gold-on-blue fesse there so that, clearly, the Dole write-up is a fabricated piece of garbage to hide the fact that Dole's trace to the Alan-Stewarts of Dol. What is the unsightly thing about Stewart lines that they continually hide their roots?

After all that talk above on Pendragons tracing to the Arduins of Ivrea, I now find that Rogers (same place as Pendragons) are using a version of the Pendragon Coat. But the Roger stag shares only two features of the Stewart stag, the third being different where the front leg is raised. This is a design used by Sullivans who, like the Pendragon fleur, trace to a branch of the Salyes Ligures. Perfect, for the Arduins of Ivrea had formed a merger with the Auriate at Saluzzo. Note that the PENdragon helmet is OPEN so that this surname needs to be understood as Openheim-dragon or Hoppen-dragon. [It turns out later that OPENheims are the Fair-related HOPs/Hope's]. I don't know of a third Open-like surname that might apply, but, it seems clear enough that it traces to the Mynett helmets that are actually described as being "open." Therefore, Pendragons trace to Amyntes, father of Artemidoros.

The Roger motto phrase, "Nos NostraQUE," shares a "Nos" with the "Nosce" term of Pendragons. The Roger term allows us to trace to PaterNOSTERs (Patrick saltire), who were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Uther-related Windsor castle, and the Boots of Falaise [later, we'll see a Roquefeuil reason for tracing the Roger surname to Falaise liners]. I'm guessing: the Paternoster Coat is a version of the Munds/MINDs (same place as Plows), for the Munds/Munts were first found in the same place as Mint-like Mynetts. It was a perty good guess that tipps the Pendragon cult (not the entire surname) right into the garbage dumpster of the Brogitarus bloodline. No more putrid trash could there be. And the Paters in the Paternosters are easily gleaned as Patricks / Kilpatricks, the holy line of Ireland from unholy Patmos. The Fountains use a "nostra" motto term, and the Fountain-suspect Vaughns are thought to be using the Pendragon chevron. Brogitarus at PESSINUS traces to Fountain-suspect PISCINAS, right?

Upon viewing the Boltons, it was concluded: "I think it has been established that the bird bolt is code for lines through Bolzano." The Poltons were then looked up, but it wasn't mentioned that they are said to descend from Roger de Poulton, named after his Poulton Lancelyn location (Cheshire). They use a Coat reflective of the Roger Coat. If this traces the Arduinici to Bolzano again, note that Bouillons, who traced to the Bautica river through Ivrea, likewise trace to Bolzano/Botzen (modern Bozen to locals). It just so happens that English Lance's use nothing but a fesse in the colors of the Avery fesse!

To help prove that Lane's were Lance's, Lancelyns use nothing but a red fleur-de-lys, and Irish Lane's use red fleur too. Lance's were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Verys. Like the Averys, Italian Lane's use the besant, and English Lane's use a "Garde" motto term. As Lane's are thus extremely connectable to pelican-using and Gard-related Pullens, the Lane's are likely the Alans to the pelican-using Stewarts. If you read far enough into this update, you will see the earliest of Western Alans in a place never before known by me, in times before Caiaphas. It is a invaluable part of this hunt.

It should be repeated that the Bautica was also the Baldea, an Bolt-like term. German Bauts are also "Bault." They share a white-on-blue chevron with Polsons/Paulsons, what a poltincidence. In this picture, Baldwin I, first king of Templar Jerusalem (de-Bouillon's brother), may just trace to Bolzano.

On something so important as the Arduin-founding Roger, Wikipedia gives no details on what family he's from, nor even the location in France. Roger Question Mark. Of all the Rogers in England since Templar times, the English Rogers traced to Roger of the Arduins, right? How can that be? Because, heraldry cares not about the line of any Roger whatsoever, but about the key players in the Caiaphas trash bin, which the cult members like to elevate to glory. I would guess that French Rogers (Savoy) share the Bernard bend in that the Bautica has a source near the St. Bernard Pass in Aosta. My Atlas has the Pennines Alps stamped on the north side of the Bernard Pass so that PENdragon can trace alternatively to "Pennines." There's a range of that name in England too, and the Appennines of Italy. It is hard to know whether that is a correct trace for "Pendragon," and we might ask whether ranges of that name are at times after "Appiano." In any case, I'm now leaning to an Open-dragon interpretation.

You may have realized already that Eustace II was in Boulogne of Artois so that this location traces well both to the Arduinici and to Bolzano.
Comana Over to See Comines of Artois

Let's look at the family circle of Artemidoros at the risk of making you painfully dizzy. I'm sure you'd rather be at the dentist. I personally hate reading things like this. I get confused as soon as someone mentions "the uncle of." In order to follow this, you might make a family tree on as scratch piece of paper. I'm sure you'd rather be taking a bullet.

Opgalli was married to Tigranes VI of Armenia, a son of Alexander Maccabee, and grandson of Glaphyra (of Comana). He was a son of Tigranes V who was himself NOT related at all, on his father's side, to any of the Tigranes' before him. There is only speculation that Glaphyra's mother was from the line of the earlier Tigranes'. Tigranes VI may have gotten that name as a throne name only, to soften the Armenians for having a foreign ruler appointed by Romans.

Glaphyra was from a line of Greeks, supposedly, called, Archelaus, that traced itself to the Parthian rulers in the kingdom of Pontus before Julius Caesar and Pompey took it over. There is a question as to whether Lurco's line married the Archelaus line in order to produce the Lurch/Larcher and Archer surnames. The Archelaus priesthood apparently ruled happily under the Romans, and Glaphyra's marriages to two Herods may expose the event that brought Herods into contact with the Caepio treasure. That is, I'm speculating that Glaphyra's family knew that the ArtemiDOROS family had some of the gold, and therefore would want to merge with the Artemidoros line. At some point in time not made clear at Wikipedia, Comana became known as "Aurae," the Golden. Some months ago, before I knew of Julius Severus, grandson of Artemidoros, I found myself claiming that emperor Septimius Severus and his son (Caracalla) were managers of the Caepio treasure, but I didn't know until now that the two emperors would become involved at Comana, as you can read at the Comana article.

I am unsure as to whether the naming of Aurelia Cotta should be due to her family possessing some of the Caepio gold. It could explain why her son became a successful dictator of Rome. That son was at first an ally of Pompey, and the latter installed his own family in charge of the Comana priesthood. It is interesting that the Pomp surname is listed with Pape's/Pope's using checks in the colors of the Ward / Warren checks, for elements of the El-Gabal cult were in WOERDen of the Netherlands.

...the emperor Heliogabalus - whose real name was Varius Avitus Bassianus...[related to Caracalla]

His reign was from 218 to 222, and it is often assumed that he was responsible for the spread of the cult to other parts of the world. However, there is an interesting inscription in the City Museum of Woerden (Netherlands)...

"For the good health of the emperor caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius, to the sun Elaga- bal and Minerva has Lucius Terentius Bassus, standard bearer of the third unit of Breuci [erected this altar]."

The Breuci, suspect as a Hebrew line to the Caepio-based Bruces whom I trace to a merger with the line of Annas, Caiaphas' father in law. But note the Bassus surname, not "Bassianus," of that Breuci standard bearer. That can trace to Artemidoros' grandson, Julius Severus, father of Julius Bassus. With Breuci elements in the Netherlands, one can trace to Brogitarus-suspect Bruges of Belgium. Is this working for you? Have you got Brogitarus the priest on your scratch paper as grandson of Artemidoros?

The Wards (same place as Quince's) even share a blue lion with Bruce's! It speaks of the Bruce link to the Breuci of Woerden. But ZOWIE, the Ward motto, "COMME je fus," must be in honor of Comana!! The Fuss surname even shares the moline of Irish Fairs in colors reversed as evidence that Wards = Warrens are Guerin / Vere liners. Wards are traced to "guard," but this may be code for a merger with proto-Gards that took on a Ward-like look, or proto-Wards may have been Warrens who took on a Gard-like look.

The Ward checks (fill the Shield) are in the colors of the Comyn Coat, and there is a white bend over the checks linkable to the same over the checks that fill the Massi/Mattis Coat. The checks that fill the latter Shield are in the colors of the same that fill the Fer/Ferrat Shield, and then Quint-suspect Vairs/Fers'/Feuers (in Fair-moline colors), a branch of Vere's (Quint colors), first found in the same place as Quints, likewise use a check-filled Shield, in red and white, identical to the English Money Shield, of a surname suspect with "Amyntes" because French Moneys (besants) are also "Monette." Have you got Amyntes on your scratch paper as father of Artemidoros?

The Vere's and Masseys, who share the same quarters (code for Quarters/WHERTers?), were both from Manche, and the English Channel off of Manche is said to be called, The Sleeve. It just so happens that while Pompey was concurrent with Mark Antony, the Tony/Toeni surname uses a "sleeve" in the shape of a letter, M, probably code for Manche, for the sleeve is at times called a "maunch(e)." Again, Masseys could have been from Julia Maesa, grandmother of emperor Heliogabalus, and his cult at Woerden may have given rise to the naming of the Maas/Meuse river, location of Maastricht.

The leopard FACE of Antonys comes with a goat so that Mark Antony is suspect at the root of Boofima. His line from Massena's of Numidia married Sohaemus, priest of El-Gabal prior to Heliogabalus. That's where Julia Soaemiae should come in, mother of Heliogabalus. The leopard face is code for Face's/Fessys that are likely a branch of the Fuss' suspect in the Ward motto. I have learned recently that a leopard without any neck at all is a face as opposed to a head, and so let's assume that the boar heads in the Meck and Mea/Meigh Coats are actually code for Face's/Fessys, for Mea's/Mieghs use the Face/Fessy cross. However, the boar heads are not facing the viewer as is the case with the leopard faces.

The Meuse/Muse surname is traced to "MEAux" of Yorkshire, where Septimius Severus was stationed (with Caracalla) when he died. The Meuse write-up speaks on a Meaux location at Ile-de-France, where I trace lines from Caiaphas. I don't think I knew this when tracing the PriMEAUX variation of Primo's/Primeau's to the Macey-suspect Meaux surname. Primo's were suspect with Julia Caepio Prima, and here I find that Primo's share a gold patee cross with Meuse's while there is a Meaux location where Chappes' were first found. As the Meuse river approaches the Belgium border, there is a Mezieres location (Ardennes), and then the Primo's/Primeaux's were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Messeys/Messier's, and moreover the Primo patee is in the colors of the Messey/Messier saltire. This tends to prove that the Meaux Coat is a version of the Macey Coat and that Primo's are using a version of the Meaux surname.

There is reason to view the Meaux Coat as a version of the Comyns Coat. The latter's write-up traces to a Comines location (key in the Arms) in Flanders, of northern France, smack on the Belgian border of Artois. I apologize for saying in the past that this Comines location was in a more-northerly part of Flanders, and the "northern France" part didn't stick in my mind. The fact that the Boulogne house of Eustace II is in Artois while Mezieres is in Ardennes (an Arduin-like term) is suspicious, and I think I can begin to prove right here that the trace of others of "Ardennes" to "forest" is bogus. The Arms of Comines use cinquefoils, and that's the symbol of Ardins/Ardens. But the latter's bend-with-cinquefoils was traced to the Arms of Bolzano, where the house of Eustace II was traced. And then, smack over the Belgian border from Mezieres there is a Bouillon location on my atlas. One can see here that the Bouillon cross is a version of the cross of Fuss', a surname suspect in the "Comme je fus" motto of Wards. It's important because the Eustace cross is the Burgh cross while the family of John de Burgh ruled a Comyns location.

There is a key in the Arms of Comines, and then the Money/Monette Coat is a version of a Mountain Coat so as to trace Amyntes elements (tentative) to Glaphyra-suspect Claviere's, who use FOUR keys, and were first found in the same place as Bouillons.

The Comines key is said to be "palewise," and then Pales were first found in the same place as a Meaux location while Meuse's use pale bars (pallets) in the colors of the Pale bend. Pale's were first found in Yorkshire, where a king Cole ruled (should be mere code for Fessy-suspect Coles' of Yorkshire) who also ruled Colchester, in Essex, where Quints were first found. The Pale Crest is a camel to indicate Camulodunum, the earlier name of Colchester. The Coles leopard faces are colors reversed from that of the Antonys. I trace CAMULodunum to Biblical Kemuel (non-Israelite Hebrew), brother of Buz, and then the Bus cinquefoil (used by Kemuel-suspect HAMELtons too) is colors reversed from the Arms-of-Comyns cinquefoil, and it just so happens that the Bus / Hamilton cinquefoil is used in the Arms of Leicester along with the Toeni sleeve! That tends to clinch a Tony - Antony trace to Cole liners, but then I trace Cole's to Servitium, near the mouth of the COLapis river, where the Breuci lived!

[Later, a sobering means arises for to trace Camulodunum to Sadducees proper as mentioned by Josephus. The obscenity will be laid naked for all to see.]

It's a good bet that Coles', along with related Kyle's of Ayrshire, trace to the Shawia elements suspect at Qewe, where the Comines key is being traced. Comana happens to be at the Qewe theater! I'll bet you didn't see this coming. This Cole trace is the same as tracing Japodes of the Colapis to Adana (proto-Danaans) and Kizzuwatna, beside Qewe, where there was a Cati peoples linkable, with KIZZUwatna, to CASSIopeia and the related Perseus Danaans at Japodes-suspect Joppa. I don't want to confuse you into a coma here, but let's repeat that the Colapis was also the Kupa, very traceable with the Breuci > Bruce lion to the Caepio elements that we are trying to find in the missing parts of the Brogitarus > Artemidoros bloodline.

It just so happens that mythical CEPHEUS, husband of CassIOPEIA (part-code for Ioppa = Joppa), looks like "CAIAPHAS." And to the Greeks, "cepheus" meant "head," explaining why Perseus cut the head off of the Gorgon Medusa. A mirror needed to be used for looking at her, otherwise a person would die if looking directly in her face. We find a mirror in the Primo Coat, and later in this update you will read of a quote from a heraldry expert where he finds a mirror supposedly used in the heraldic tigress. It sounds like Gorgons (Colchians, likely) are being linked by the heraldry masters to Tigranes.

"Head" and "cappa" are essentially the same word so that Cepheus may have been code for Cappadocians. For the sake of finding the right direction here, I now need to repeat a dream that a reader passed on to us, a dream that I say proved to be a message from God to us. For all the sophisticated, professional, secular readers here, try to open your mind a little to the concept of Godly direction in our lives. It happens; otherwise, what kind of a God would he be? I'm not going to repeat all the many things that proved without doubt that her dream was of God. As she was on the verge of waking up, she saw a blue lion named "something like Cappeo" (her words). I knew it was the blue lion of Face-related Macclesfields, for the Arms of Macclesfield uses a "copia" motto term. As I remember her message, she repeated (at least twice) that her impression of the cappeo term meant "ALPHA." I did not include that part in my views, but it's now notable that Lurco's daughter was ALFidia. That's my only point here in regards to that dream. Melusine, the ELVen princess, might just apply [remember this when Melusine traces later to Gaulonites.]

It seems that we should be seeking the naming of Caiaphas from the Qewe Cappadocians as they first founded the Shawia Amazons, and then returned to Cappadocia in a line to Maccabee formation under Roman expansionism. The paragraph above is NOT the reason that Caiaphas is suspect from a Lurco>Alfidia-line merger with the Tigranes line, but it was written because it agrees with that trace as it becomes apparent in writing below. Here's a repeat from a few updates ago: "...the Chives write-up traces to "seamhas," apparent code for the Sohaemus / Soaemiae line. Julia Soaemiae was a daughter of Julius Avitus, and I ventured to trace the Vita/Vio surname to the Viu valley, as I traced the "vi" motto term of Chives" (and Taggarts)! Wow. This is really connecting Chives and Taggarts together at the Brogitarus > Bassus line, for Julius Avitus married Julia Maesa Bassianus." Note how the tiger-like Taggarts are included in that quote, and in fact they share a two-word phrase with the Chives'.

It's been a long time since mentioning the Cati of the Qewe area, and I can't recall whether that's the right spelling, but I think it is. I found them in an article on a king of Assyria that conquered them. The point is, Chives' use "A cat" in Crest where others call it a leopard, and they also use "cat-a-mountains" in the Coat. I would not link these cats to tigers where the latter are code for "Tigranes." That's not necessarily to say that the Tigranes line didn't come into contact with the Cati to whom Chives' trace. I would include the Cady/Catys surname in with the Chives cats as per their sharing pennants with Qewe-suspect Cowes'.

There needs to be a reason for Wikipedia's Jewish comment: "Tigranes married a noblewoman from central Anatolia called Opgalli. Opgalli was a Phrygian woman, who may have been a Hellenic Jew." That sounds like a Jew living in Galatia. Her marriage to a Maccabee liner that would later marry the Artemidoros line makes her somewhat suspect at Akmonia. I traced the Ackmans and Aikens to Akmonian lines, and the Cadys/Catys happen to use the red Aiken rooster. The Cady/Catys pennants trace as Pendragon liners to Artemidoros, right? And the open Pendragon helmet traces to the same of Mynetts, for a trace to Amyntes, Artemidoros' father, right?

Opgalli could have descended from Lurco's daughter, and therefore from Appius Pulcher. In this way, the Caepio gold could have become engaged in the grubby hands of the Herod-Maccabee line of Tigranes. However, Tigranes' birth was probably after Herod Archelaus was banished to Vienne-Isere (6 AD), and I think Herod already knew of the treasure at that time. Tigranes descended from this Herod's brother, and Herod Archelaus even married Tigranes' grandmother, the grandmother that traces to the Comines key likely due to Tigranes' family ruling at Qewe, likely due to the grandmother (Glaphyra) originating from rulers in the Qewe theater. As Josephs use the Comyns garbs, I think we have a strong case for seeking Caiaphas' birth in the Opgalli-Tigranes family.

If Julius Caesar had some of the treasure, note that his supporter, Mark Antony, had an affair with Glaphyra's mother (Glaphyra).

I went to my recent files seeking tigers that may show themselves as code for "TIGRanes." And behold, from the 4th update of December, a tiger with an arrow was found as per the Side/Sudy Crest, all the more meaningful because this surname is easily found to be a branch of Sadducee-suspect Seatons! The arrow can link to the Lurco line, and the Coat (Levi colors) even uses a black lion in the position of the black Levi lion!!! I like that. It really does have logic for a Levite trace to Tigranes, as could be perfectly expected in the same way that Roman rulers sought pacts with bishops / cardinals / popes. In the same way, a Maccabee ruler would seek a pact with the top-cheese Levites.

Note the "ForWARD" motto term of Seatons. Here's the full motto: Forward yet HAZard, or, view as Forward yet hazARD. That can explain why Chives' are traced to "seamHAS" (mere code). It's suggesting AKMONIA = HASMONEAns. Recalling the Meaux discussion, where there was found a Comines-of-Artois connection to the Meuse river in Arden-suspect Ardennes, let's add that the LeMIEUX surname, from a Lemeux location in PicARDy, shares a giant white unicorn with RasMUSSens/ASSMANS. That traces Rasmussens to the Meuse/Muse surname sharing the patee cross with Massena's.

A couple of days ago, I had been wondering whether "passant," an heraldic term for an animal standing on more than two feet, was code for Pessinus, home of Brogitarus. In the Side/Sudy description: "Gold with a black lion PASSANT and on a black chief three gold eagles." The amazing thing about this is that Side's/Sudys and Sutys ("hazard" motto term) were traced together to the Fondi theater YEARS ago, before learning of Lurco of Fondi just weeks ago. A Fondi discussion along with Side's/Sudys is in the 2nd update of January.

Opgalli's son of concern (with Tigranes) was Julius Alexander, prince of Judea, and father of Berenicianus. When we trace Glaphyra to Clavers (key), who share the white tower of Hoppers, we could get the impression that Hoppers were from whatever named OPgalli. But as Hoppers/Hoppens are also "Happer," what about identification with "Appiano." The Arms of Villa Guardia have a white and a red tower, and this location a 20-minute jog from one of the two Appiano's. The other Appiano is about 20 miles from Merano while the Murena's are the ones with the Hopper tower in red. As Gards (griffins suspect with Agrippa's) are suspect with a Coat version of the pelican-using Pulleys, Hoppers could be from Appius Pulcher.

For about two minutes while toying (slightly changing) with the paragraph above, I was wondering whether to show the Picard Coat, and what to say about it, because it shares gyronny with Hoppers. At the end of the paragraph, the resemblance between "Pulcher" and "Picard" was noted. Picards use the same fleur as Gamble's, whom were traced to "IAMBLichus" because the Somme river of Picardy was suspect with "Sohaemus" (I think the latter was a son / grandson of a Iamblichus). Gamble's use a red rose on a stem traceable to the same of Appiano-like Avezzano's. The latter were first found on Gard-like Sardinia.

Pulleys, in place of the Gard griffins, use martlets in the colors of the Joseph martlets, and then Joseph Caiaphas has been suspect as a Caepio for months while Appius Pulcher was adopted by a Levi-suspect Marcus Livius Drusus, brother-in-law of Quintus Caepio the younger. Publius Pulcher was himself from an Appius line: "Born as Publius Claudius Pulcher in 93 BC, the youngest son of Appius Claudius, he became known as Publius Clodius after his controversial adoption into the plebeian family of Fonteii in 59 BC." There you have an Appius-born character from a Fonteii bloodline while Lurco from Fondi had a daughter marrying Appius Pulcher. This is what makes the Conte merger with Font/Fond de Ville's so important, for Conteville's ruled Comyns that share the Joseph garbs and now trace to Como, smack beside Villa Guardia and Appiano.

Picardy is on the south side of Artois, within easy reach of Comines. On my atlas, Artois is stamped along the Canche river, location of HESdin. The Hesdin/Heston surname was from London, and Scottish Londons ("royal tressure" border) use gyronny in Picard-gyronny colors. the motto of Scottish Londons even has "sum" twice as code for Somme-river elements. This should be places beside the Somme-like motto term of Tigranes-suspect Teague's.

The Hesdin chevron can therefore be the Grove chevron because Capes' were first found in London too, and because the red-on-white Grove chevron has the white Capes scallops in place of the white Crusader crosses on the red-and-white Hesdin chevron. The Hesdins are even traced to a couple of locations in Cambridgeshire, where Capone's were first found. It even mentions "Histon and IMPington" while Impy's (same place as Quints) were determined to share the Quint chevron in colors reversed.

I'm sure that this has to do with the mother of Saer de Quincy, said to be in Fife (Wikipedia, I think), where Londons were first found, yet the Quincy write-up traces to a Cuinchy location in Artois, said to derive in "Quintus." It just so happens that the Hesdin and Grove chevrons are red, as with the Quint chevron, while Grove's were first found in the same place as Quints. The "Dess" terms buried in the Grove motto are likely for the Esse line of Ash's as they link to Dess'/Dash's and to Essone in Ile-de-France. As this is an ass-like entity, one may want to consider the "ProDESSE" motto term of donkey-using Chamberlains.

Not only can you use the paragraph above to make a Quint link to Quince's, but it can tend to prove that they trace to Quintus Caepio. For example, there are two Quincy locations in the Quincy write-up, both at Paris, where Chappes' were first found. In fact, the Quincy-sous-Senard location in the Seine (Sion-like term) part of Oise is smack in Ile-de-France, the northern part of Paris where Chappes were first found. The other Quincy location, Quincy-Voisins, is in Seine-et-Marne, the east side of Paris and location of Meaux. In fact: "Quincy-Voisins is located...5 km south of Meaux." Meaux had been suspect shortly above with a line of Junia Caepio Prima (see family tree Wikipedia article on Servilia Caepionis) to the Primo/PriMEAUX surname.

I'd like to record here the Epinay-sous-Senard location where the people are called SPINOliens. The Arms shares a white chevron with Spine's, but the Arms (Macey chevron?) is in the white-on-blue colors I'd expect from the Malaspina's of Massa. The Arms of Essone is a white-on-blue bend, which can be construed as the Massi/Mattis bend. The reason that the Essone entity can trace to the Levi-suspect Ash's/Esse's (same place as Chives') is due to my trace of the water bougets to Bouchard II, founder of Montmorencys (Ile-de-France), while the Waters share triple red chevrons with German Ash's/Asch's and with the Arms of Eure-et-Loir. Septs like "Essone" are in the MacinTOCH list (to access septs, click "Site Map" at the top of houseofnames page.

FREAK-OUT PARAGRAPH. Spine's were first found in the same place (Warwickshire) as Spoon's (blood drops), and the latter share the white boar head with Polsons while the latter use a chevron in the colors of the Epinay chevron. That's a match, but why are Bolzano-suspect Polsons/Pole's tracing to Paris elements? First of all, Bolzano traces to the Eustace-Bouillon family that traces to Caiaphas. TO PROVE that Eustace traces to Bolzano, the Eustace-Crest stag is identical to the Avon/Evans-Crest stag while Warwick is on the AVON river that smacks of "APPIANo" at Bolzano!!! There is another Avon river with a mouth ten miles from Poole! I wasn't expecting this, and almost passed on discussing Epinay. This paragraph, amongst other things to be gleaned, virtually proves that Polsons trace to the namers of Bolzano, and moreover opens a window for tracing Appius Pulcher to Avon and Avon elements. The Spoon Crest is a swan, an Arms-of-Boulogne symbol.

Aha! The gold-on-black crescents of Spine's are in the Bristol Coat, and Bristol is 15-20 miles from Avon! Bristol is in Avon county, one part of Somerset county. The BriSTOW variation links to the Stower/Stur surname from the Stour river (Somerset) which, on my atlas, appears to flow to the mouth of the Avon near Poole (Somerset), important because the Leavells were first found in Somerset while the Stowers/Sturs use horizontal bars in the colors of the same of Leavells! This is incredible evidence for tracing Leavells to the Pulcher-Caepionis line suspect at Mr Laevillus, husband of Quadratilla at the Qewe theater, for the Cowes are smack out to sea from the mouth of this Avon river. I knew a WitherSPOON surname (Wight/White suspects) that can now link to the WithiPools/WithiPole's, for Cowes is on the Isle of WIGHT. In fact, the Withipole Coat is the one using a version of the Lorraine bend while Godfrey de Bouillon's mother was from dukes of Lower Lorraine!

I had always wondered why Withipools (share a blue Shield with fist-using Fists/Fausts) come up as "FAST," and as their crosses are in Claviere colors, it begs the question of whether the clenched hand in the Claviere Coat is a FIST. It just so happens that Claviere's were first found in the same place as Bouillons, wherefore one can trace Bouillons to Claviere's as well as Clermonts, thus making Claviere's fundamental Templarist suspects. The Claviere keys trace to Qewe, right? As Fasts/Withipools were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Pollocks and Alans as they passed through, the Fast/Withipool quarters must be those of Pettys. The Claviere saltire will latter link to the same of Gospatricks, at which time you will see the Siegers/Seagers crop up that likewise use the Petty quarters. The Cows/Cuffs, traceable with Sale's to the Shropshire theater, are said to derive in "a fist."

As the Sforza lion holds a "quince," while Quince's are listed with Quincy's, it should reveal that French Picards are using the Sforza lion. English Londons (kin of Picards) use more towers, this time in colors reversed from the Hopper tower. Actually, the London gyronny looks a little purple, but it's called "gobonated blue and silver." That's the first time I've seen "gobonated" (refers to the gyronny). It could be for a Gob branch of Hobs / Cobbs. Here's the Gobons.

All-in-all, we have just seen why Hopper liners link to Londons and Quintus Caepio. But the purpose here is to find where Hoppers/Happers trace, whether to Opgalli or Appius Pulcher or both. I feel that their Hoppen variation traces to Amyntes, right where I expect Appius Pulcher if Lurco has anything to do with this. The Hope's can now be appealed in a trace to Brogitarus. If you have these fellows on your scratch paper, I won't have to repeat who's the father of who. By making your own genealogy, you get involved, urging you to think rather than merely reading. As the writer, I'm often too busy writing to think of everything. Someone can solve this.

The English translation of the Hope's is likely the primary version because it uses "hope" and "unBROKEN" while the Crest shows a "broken globe." That tends to mean that the Brocuffs are a part of this that I'm tracing to Brogitarus. It just so happens that the Brocuff sphinx trace's to Quincy-suspect Spinks (FIVE mascles), thus jibing with a Hopper link to Quincys. This section is actually being written after much of the below, and the important Groves did not pop up out of nowhere above, for they had been found already. When you get to them, you will read this (unless I change it): "The feet positioning of the Grove / Dawson talbot is that of the Stewart stag. The near-identical talbot (white) of the Stone Crest has one foot off the ground..." The Grove / Dawson talbot is black, as is the near-identical talbot with one foot off the ground in the Spink Crest. It tends to make a Spink link to Grove-related Quints, as perfectly expected if Spinks are sharing the Quince mascles.

The theory has been that Quincys use seven mascles instead of five to honor SEPTimius Severus, which tends to show that Quintus Caepio traces to Mr. Severus. And that should explain why the Hope Coat is identical with the Savary/Savard Coat. It may be a clever thing for Hope's to use "spes" in the Latin version of the motto, a term meaning "hope," for La Spezia was the realm generally of MalaSPINA's, and then the Spink mascles are in the colors of the Macey-suspect Arms of Epinay-sous-Senard, home of Spinolier liners...suggesting that Spinks are Spino liners. In fact, Epinay-sous-Senard is smack near Quincy-sous-Senard!

I did not know the following when concentrating on the marriage of Guido Guerra III to a daughter of William V of Montferrat. At that time, Alberts of Bologne seemed to be linked to Guidi's:
"Albert Malaspina (1160/1165-1206/1212), called Alberto Moro...was a member of the illustrious Malaspina family...He was a son of Obizzo I the Great and husband of a daughter of William V of Montferrat..."

The Fers/Ferrats are the ones with the Massi/Mattis checks that were used in an Arms of Massa-Carrara rulers, and Malaspina's had ruled Massa and Carrara. Therefore, it appears that one can trace Quintus-Caepio liners of the Quincy kind, as well as Hope's, to Massa-Carrara. The VAIR fur of the Quint Chief, in the colors of these checks, must apply right to these Malaspina's, for Vairs are also "Fers." It appears that the Quint fur traces smack to the Malaspina marriage to William of Montferrat. This was the line that I claimed was foundational to the Scottish kings. I was able to glean through heraldry that Guerin of Provence, part of the line to Guido Guerra, was involved in quasi-mythical king MacAlpin (I haven't decided whether he's pure myth code or real). It just so happens that Alpins are also "APPEN"!!!

In other words, the Happer/Hoppen variations of Hoppers can apply. If that's not enough, the Alpin/Appen Coat uses a FIR tree! That's why Vair is call, FUR, right? It's code for certain Vere liners. Like the Vairs, the Firs (Rasmussen unicorn) are listed with a Feuer surname. I usually call them Fire's, and they were traced to Demonte's of the Stura Demonte river in Cuneo. Vairs were first found in the same place as Primo's.

Sadducee and Sanhedrin Suspects

I'd like to remind that Comyns, now tracing hard to Comines at Artois, use a dagger in Crest with their lion. This dagger will be assumed as code for TIGRanes because the dagger-using Mackays trace to the Qewe area where Tigranes' family came to rule. The challenge is to find how Caiaphas was related either to Tigranes or his wife, Opgalli. She may have become a Cop liner where the C went missing at times. Hoppers may be Coppers; Hoppens may be Coppens; Happers may be Cappers. Or, she may not figure into heraldry at all. It depends on whether she was related to Caiaphas, I assume.

I've just looked up Coppens/Coppengers (Copon/Cobbham colors) for the first time at the thought above, to find them first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Tigers! Coppens/Coppengers use white roundels = "plates," shared by mascle-suspect Mussels/Muscels, the ones to which the Spink / Quincy mascles will trace. Coppens are interesting for using two bends, like the Dulys' (different color), and the latter's double bends were seen (last update) in the family Arms of Maria of Este of Massa! Maria was the reason for discovering some of the Trento theater's secrets. This trace of Coppens to Massa makes them suspect with Hope's. Then, of all the things to trace Coppens to, they trace them to "top or summit of a HILL," but then Hills use the Hopper/Hoppen tower! Not that I believe for a second that Hills and Coppens were named after hills.

One can prove that "summit" is used as code in the Coppen write-up because it's used also in the write-up of DunBARs. Summits (neck laces) were first found in Lorraine, location of the Bar(r)s of Bar-le-Duc. You have the choice of believing that Barrs were named after a barr of land = a summit, or whether this is mere code for linking Summits and Dunbars to Barrs. It tends to drag Coppens to the Bars of Este, and that jibes with the Coppen trace to Maria of Este. It just so happens that Bar-le-Duc is on the Moselle river, the Little Meuse (a little east of the Meuse), a term that can link to the Coppon plates because they are used by Mussels. Moreover, Dubars were from Lothian, where Musselburgh is situated, suggesting that Dunbars can trace to a Moselle > Musselburgh line. And, of course, Mussels (FIVE plates) are expected from Massa.

Didn't Spinks trace to Malaspina's of Massa? Then just see that Spinks share the same spread eagle (colors included) as Irish Dunns. We then ask whether it's coincidental that Scottish Dunns use a "Mecum Habito" motto, suggesting Hobbits/Hobarts, first found in the same place as DUNhams. Didn't we just see Spinks linking to Hobbit-like liners? We can now begin to see a Dunham trace to HAMON de Massey of Dunham-Massey, all the way back through Massa to "Amyntes." In fact, the Monette-related Moneys that use the Vair/Fers Coat are said to be from Hamons, that being good proof that Hamon(d)s trace to "Amyntes." But the Quints trace to these Vairs/Fers' so that Quints too can trace to Amyntes. And it just so happens that the daughter of Quintus Caepio was thought by historians (I have no idea how many) to be the mother of Publius Pulcher, the one who made Amyntes' father the priest of Cybele at Pessinus.

You need to see the Seneca/SENEGAL mascles too, for that is what links Spinks to Dunhams very well, for SINGLEtarys had been Dunhams (See Jonathan Singletary in Obama's ancestry for that one).

The key in the Dunn Crest traces to key-using Claviere's (in Dunn colors) without a doubt, for the latter are said in their description to use a white-on-red saltire, symbol of the Gospatricks that you'll find in the Dunbar write-up. You now know why Singletarys and Gospatricks share the footless martlet while having Coats in the same colors. One can see that the motto of Irish Dunns links to Kilpatricks so that Patrick liners are tracing to Massa, which is beside Lucca, where I traced Kilpatricks years ago (when I traced them to Botters of Lucca). It's the Patmos line, right? Ask whether the Dunn LOCKs (in the colors of the Claviere's) trace to LUCCA elements, for I recall an investigation of Sear de Quincy's mother tracing to Lucks / Licks.

Plus, Dunbars of Lothian should link to Faucets of Lothian, for you'll find Saer de Quincy in the Faucet write-up. Now you know why Hobbits/Hobarts use a "FACIT" motto code. Do you recall -- growl -- where Seatons of Lothian trace?

Hope's happen to share a "Yet" motto term with Seatons, and it traces very well to gate-using Yate's/Yeats (in Hobbit/Hobbart colors). The Yate's/Yeats are traced in their write-up to "geat," wherefore the Keates' should apply because they were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Hobbits/Hobarts!!! Just like that, Hope's are discovered as Hobbits. The Keates are using the cat-a-mountains of the Chives' in colors reversed, and Claviere's were Mountain kin! Keates' are new to me; they are shown here only due to finding them way below when writing before this section here. It's easy to see that Keates link to Keatons and therefore to Aide's found in the Levi motto.

Consider the importance of the Seaton trace to Side's/Sudys and Sutys as per Sadducee formation. My theory has been for some years that Sadducees were named from Caucasian elements that named Soducena, a location at Jerevan on the south-west side of lake Sevan. With Side's/Sudys using a WHITE tiger and tracing to Tigranes, note that he was both a Jew, and married to a Jew, as well as being a ruler of Armenia, location of lake Sevan. I recall presenting a theory that a big mythical WHITE bird of the Persians (can't recall the name) should trace to lake Sevan because I trace the mythical swan, king Cycnus, there. He was made the son of STHENelus, a Sitten like term, and Sittens are listed with Seatons. As Seatons were first found in the same place as Keiths/Keaths, I have traced them to mythical Cotys, son of Attis, code for the Hatti of Hattusa, named after the Cadusii Armenians. I reasoned that "Cotys" was a form of "Cadusii," and these are the Catti people you can read about in the Keith write-up, and likely they were the Catti people to which the Keates and Chives "cat" traces. A few months ago, it dawned on me that the COTESII peoples were probably a branch of the namers of SODUCena (soft-c, I assume), and in this way, Cotys became suspect with the namers of Soducena, the proto-Sadducees.

However, the Sadducees well pre-dated the Tigranes under discussion. Still, I see merit in what I'm suggesting. Glaphyra was herself a Greek of some stripe, and it's only assumed by some that she was a Macedonian. What if she was a Boeotian Greek so that the Beotus house of Sadducees was from her Archelaus line? As Tigranes V (son of Glaphyra) and VI were not descended from the earlier Tigranes' on their father's sides, it could be that were so-descended on their Glaphyra side. Glaphyra's fathers had been high-level military men of the Persian rulers in the Pontus, and I've always envisioned mythical Cotys (not exactly the same as mythical Cotys of the Thracians) in the Pontus.

It was after writing the above that an important discovery took place. Actually, this is quite incredible. I had been asking myself for over a day what surname would reflect back on "Sanhedrin." That's the hall where the Sadducees ruled Israel, a term like the Roman "senator." I had been on this question before. After discussing Keiths, who were first found in Hatti-suspect HADDington, it was recalled that I had wanted to check Hatters, as per "SanHEDRin." I noted that the Hatter/Hederick Shield was split in the colors of the Kaplan Shield. Staring at the red roses on its white fesse, asking why they should be a Sadducee symbol, the Rosicrucian rose came to mind, a red one, that they place on the center of a cross, Jesus style. One easily realizes that the Rosicrucian rose was a replacement of Jesus for some secret thing that they respected. On this occasion, I saw that they use the killer of Christ on the cross of Christ, with proud and malicious underpinnings.

I then recalled the fesse of fish-using German Boets/Butts, but couldn't recall the fesse, which was my concern (not the fish), and so the Boets were loaded, but I had forgotten that they use red roses on either side of their fesse!!! And the fesse is colors-reversed from the Hatter/Hederick fesse!!! Amazing "coincidences." And both surnames were first found in Prussia. Along with the Arden fesse-with-gold-cinquefoils, the Boet fesse-with-gold-fish is the closest thing I've seen yet to the fesse-with-gold-star as the Arms of Bolzano...which was also, BOTsen. I think we have something here, for Boets are also "Bot." In fact, Boets come up as "Bots." The goat-using Bauts also come up as "Bots," and they are in the colors of the Bolzano-like Polsons. Polsons are important here because Boets were first found in the same place as Mieske's, suspect with the Mieszko Poles.

I cannot recall whose fish the Boet fish traced well to. But, later in this update, I discover that both Keates and fish-using Geddes (Hatter colors) use cats, meaning that Geddes can link thereby to the Chives mountain cat. Geddes are the ones with the Chaddock-and-Chadwick Shields that are themselves a red version of the black SADDOCK Shield! Another amazing coincidence.

I actually suggest a Geddes trace (later) to Claviere's, but that was before tracing the Singletarys (Hatter colors) above to Claviere's, and so note that the white footless martlets used by the Chaddocks, etc. are in the Singletary Coat. This recalls the trace to Singletarys and Senegals/SENESchals, without SANhedrin on my mind, to the SANS' that use the Dunn / Spink eagle. That can be classed as another amazing coincidence just because Singletarys use the Chaddock / Chadwick martlets in the same colors. Then, Shakespeare's use a "sanz" motto term as well as sharing a gold spear with Singletarys (and Dunhams).

However, it is a little hard to see why anyone would use "Sans" to reflect the entire term, "Sanhedrin," and, besides, the Sans surname (Spanish) has SANGuez/Sanchez variations (like "SING") that look traceable to the SANGarius river, same as the Sakarya. That's where Cybele and her sun-god husband, Attis, were stationed, especially in the time of Brogitarus. With Keates' and the like all tracing to Attis' elements, this is working excellently. It may even be that "Sanhedrin" was termed partly or fully after some variation of "Sangarius." To prove that Sans'/Sanguez' trace to the Sangarius, I'll show yet a fourth gold-on-blue spread eagle used by German Siegers/Seagars tracing to the SAKARya. The center of the Sieger/Seagar Shield (black roses) has a cross matching that of Haddingtons. For the Sander discussion below, it's important that the Sieger write-up uses, "in the CENTER a silver shield with a red cross and a bezant", for Sanders (like "Sanhedrin") are also "Center."

It's important that Siegers/Seagars are using the Petty quarters, for Pettys (footless martlets) share the elephant head with Sanders. Pettys link to Petts/Perts that share gold-on-red mascles with Quince's, leading Siegers/Seagars smack to Quintus Caepio. English Seagars and Sawyers were first found in the same place as Dunhams (and Keates'), and then Sawyers once again use white footless martlets now tracing with Saddocks and Singletarys to proto-Sadducee / proto-Sanhedrin suspects on the Sakarya. Dunhams use a "martin" in Crest.

Dunhams are clearly related to English Randolphs, while Scottish Randolphs use the same cross as Face's/Fessys, in colors reversed to the same of Haddingtons. The latter should be suspect with Sanhedrin liners if Hatters are, because Keiths are suspect as a branch of, or merger with, Seatons. The Fessys are using the Mea/Meigh cross, and the latter were first found in the same place as Shakespeare's...and Bugs. The latter use the water bouget that trace to Montmorencys using the red Haddington cross, and then the Waters use three chevrons in colors reversed from the three Singletary chevrons. Click click. The only problem: I really don't know whether Hatters trace to the Sanhedrin term.

But there is more before I finish on this topic. Hats use a quartered Shield in colors reversed from the same of Seconds/Segurs, and the latter were first found in Limousin (same as Clairs / Clerks), founded by Lemnites of Lemnos, home of Sintians who named the Santones beside Limousin. This is quite an amazing thing to arrive to, for it wasn't more than five minutes ago when "Sander" came to mind as a SANHEDRin-possible term. The problem five minutes ago was: I traced Sanders to Santones. A solution is to trace Sintians to the Sindi of Caucasia, the fellow tribe of the Sitten-like Sittaceni whom I've assumed were the namers of Soducena! "Strabo describes [the Sindi] as living along the Palus Maeotis, and among the Maeotae, Dandarii, Toreatae,...Sittaceni...." What does this mean? That the Sanhedrin was named after Sintians / Sittaceni? Possibly.

The various Sander surnames are easily figured as a branch of Sinclairs/Saints and Claro's/Charos', for which reason one can tentatively assume that Clarus elements (Amazon country on Caria border region) were from Lemnos' Amazons / Sintians. where I was able to glean that Brogitarus should trace to Clarus elements: Here's from Wikipedia: """Brogitarus also became high priest of the Great Mother [Cybele] at Pessinus after the incumbent was removed through a law introduced by Clodius Pulcher." Then, from Wikipedia's Pessinus article, we find it located at "...the upper course of the river Sangarios (Sakarya River)..."

The Santers/Centers (London) use leopard face's while the Limousin Clairs/Clere's use a leopard). Sanders/Centers look linkable to Averys and therefore the Leavells...that was written before re-loading the Limousin Clairs to see that they use besants in the colors of the Avery besants! The Avery Crest is the one that looks Catholic-sun-god like. Under these conditions, the red roses of the other French Clairs may be linked closely to the same of Boets / Hatters. Note the practice of houseofnames to mention Strongbow, as he's mentioned in the Sander write-up, without adding his Clare surname. English Clare's were first found in the same place as Tigers. The Sander Chief, in the colors of the Brock Chief, use a BROKEN sword for obvious reason, but that traces Sanders to Brogitarus on the Sakarya river! How about that.

Brocks use the Shield of Brocuffs that trace by their sphinx to the Spinks, and for this reason Brock liners should be expected at Malaspina circles. Brocuffs are the ones sharing the potent cross with Chads and other Sadducee suspects. For more white-on-red footless martlets, see the sphinx-using Hips/Hipkins, suspect with HOPkins, what a hope-incidence, for Hope's (BROKEN globe) traced to Malaspina liners. The Hope motto term, "inFRACTa," is likely code for Brock-suspect Froggits, first found in the same place (Derbyshire) as Hope's. I've always said that Hopkins use the colors and format of Capone's, for Pistols/Pestolls (first found beside the Hopkins and Capone's of Cambridge) use a chevron in Quint-chevron colors, and here Hop-like OPgalli is suspect as a direct relative of Caiaphas. The pistols in the Hopkin Coat might just be code for a Pessinus line.

As I'm entertaining a Pessinus link to Fondi-suspect Piscinas on Sardinia, and as the Lurco > Pulcher line is said to be from Fondi (near Geddes-like and Side-related Gaeta), the Boet / Geddes fish could be the Pesci fish, especially as the latter's is in the colors of the Verona/Vair fish, the latter surname first found in the same place as Chappes', Levi's and two Quincy locations. In any case, let's mention the "Inter" motto term of Hopkins, for the Ender arrows are very linkable to the Lurch/Larcher arrows. AND ZIKERS DON"T MISS THIS: I have just fallen upon it without intending to, realizing that the Hender variation of Enders links to the Hederick variation of Hatters at the same moment (virtually to the second) of seeing the red roses (Hatter / Boet symbol) on the Hopkin chevron!!!

I was not going to mention the following until the next update, where I intend to do a section on the Hecatomnus dynasty (won't have the time in this update) as it may have been ancestral to Brogitarus. But a realization just occurred that should be written here. I was going to say that Hedericks (Hendrick colors) look like Hendricks, first found in Fife, where Saer de Quincy's mother lived, and beside the Hectors of Angus. It just so happens that Hendricks use bendy in the colors of the Kos/Kosinski and Hector bends, which picture should apply to the last member of the Hector-like Hecatomnus dynasty who escaped to Kos. Keturah. mother of MEDAN, had been traced to fish-depicted KODRos, of Athens, where mythical MEDEA parked her dragon chariot. Kodros was father to MEDON, highly suspect as the Medan > Medea line there, but another of Kodros' sons is said to have founded Ephesus, where Pandareus ruled that was a son of mythical Merops of Kos! Absolutely amazing, how well that works, especially as KODRos traces to a fish-depicted region at KOTOR (where the fish-using Saraka's came out of), smack beside Boet-suspect Butua!!! Boets are also "Butt/Bute." This is the line suspect to Sadducee formation because Pandareus' daughter, Aedon, probably the same as neighboring Athena, was queen in Boetus-like Boeotia! And so the theory becomes that Sadducees trace to Keturah and her husband, the Biblical Abraham (yes, husband of Sarah, his other wife).

Just compare "Hatter" to "KETURah," and one can just smell the Keturah-line fish in the Coat of Hatter-related Boets. See the fish of Catters too.

Medea, daughter of Attis-related Aeetes -- right down the Sadducee-suspect alley -- was a worshiper of Hecate, suspect in "Hecatomnus," what a cosmic kosincidence. Hendricks were recognized (last update) as Cinner / Kinner liners of the Kay-Ector cult in Arthurianism, which cult must always trace, now, to Artemidoros, at Pessinus. Kinners were first found in the same place as Hendricks, and Cinners --ZOWIE -- use a red rose centrally (!!!) surrounded by LEAVES. Laughter, with mockery. The "Avise la fin" motto of Kennedys can now bring up the Lafins (Tipperary), and they are shown properly as La Fonts! While I trace "Kennedy" to "Heneti" in the Sangarius theater, the surname starts to look like hard-C form of "Sanhed(rin)." In other words, the Sanhedrin and the Roman senate may have been named after Heneti liners that may have named Sintians. I trace "Centaur" as code for "Heneti," and Centaurs were birthed by Ixion, the Levite-suspect Lapith.

Heneti were, in my opinion, at Genetes, near the PYXITes river. Hendricks and-the-like are suspect here with the Sintian > Santones line, and Santones lived beside PICTONes, while Akmonia was in PACATIANa. Pictones were at Poitou (Boiotians?), where SAVARys/Savards were first found who trace to Julius SEVERus at Akmonia!!! That's fresh out of the tribwatch furnace, and it smelts bad, maybe like a rotten Boet fish. Compare "Sindhi" with "Sanhed(rin)," for the Sindhi (thought by some to be from the Caucasian Sindi) are the founders of the Indus valley at the PAKISTAN-India theater. In the days of Tigranes of Armenia, the Sindhi may not have been as far as Pakistan, but only as far as Persia, where "Pharisee" may have derived. Could one suppose that the Caucasian Sindi traced to Hector, brother of Pharisee-suspect Paris (Mysia, beside Lemnos), while Paris was from the Persian-branch Sindhi?

There was an Avidia location in Pakistan that was noted for its Avith-like look, the latter being the Biblical city of Avvites, now suspect with Julius Avitus, who married Bassianus, suspect in the line of Julius Severus (father of Bassus). This is making sense. Lurco's daughter, spelled "AUFIDIA" too, smacks of Avidia, something to keep in mind. The father's full name, Marcus Aufidius Lurco. Concurrent with the unknown father of Julius Severus (father of Julius Bassus), there was a Publius Aufidius Bassus, historian. This may show that Bassus' were named after Abas = Avvite elements. It could be Euboea- and Abaeus-important if correct.

The "Avise" motto term of Kennedys can be suspect with Avvite liners, and so compare the Scottish Kennedy Coat with that of Pistols/Pestolls and Sindi-suspect Sindys/Sandys and near-identical Sands. The dolphin of Scottish Kennedys traces to the dolphins of Tippers, first found in the same place as Pendragons. Ask why Irish Kennedys (Tipperary, traceable to the motto of Mynett-related Pendragons) use only helmets in colors reversed from the only-helmet Mynetts. Doesn't that effectively trace Kennedys to Amyntes of Pestoll-suspect Pessinus?

The "POEnitet" motto term of Sindys/Sandys (Clare / Quint / Pestoll look-a-likes) conjured up the POE surname with a Pough variation (could be pronounced, poff) linkable to Boofima-suspect BOEufs for two reasons: 1) shares the Boeuf chevron colors; 2) the Nons/Nevins, with a chevron in colors reversed, are in the Sindy/Sandy motto. Moreover, the Pow variation of Poe's can now link to Boofima-suspect Paws (peacocks) and Powers because Poe's are said to be from "Poe = peacock," which of course is garbage. The Paw variation of Poe's may have developed from the leopard paws used in Boofima sacrifices, and Quints use a lion paw holding a fitchee, the common Sindy/Sandy / Sand and Kennedy symbol.

Reminder: The Powers Coat is a version of the Palin/Pawley Coat while an earlier treatment of this subject concerned the Polsons that are now clinched as Bolzano elements. The Polsons took me by surprise by tracing to the Quincys of Essone, at which time a comment was thrown in (just in case it applied) that donkey-using Chamberlains could apply to "Essone" (because it's linkable to Esse's/Ash's and Asche's/Ash's, and therefore to the D'Asche term found with Dess'/Dash's suspect in the Chamberlain motto). If one looks at the Dess/Dash Coat and ignores the Chief, the Coat became nothing but a blue-on-white bend, the colors of the Poe / Boeuf bends. It just so happens that the border around the French Chamberlain Coat are stars in the colors of the star-on-fesse (the only symbol) in the Arms of Bolzano.

Moreover, the Chamberlain Shield is yet another example of the Chaddock / Chadwick Shields. As this should trace Chamberlains to Sadducees liners out of the Sakarya, note that the Chamberlain motto honors the Nihills/Neils, suspect with Nagels (another blue fesse) at Boofima-suspect Oneglia (Imperia, where I would trace Boeufs), home of Arduinici. Nagle's (Pembroke) use another "Non" motto term now linkable directly to the same of Sindys/Sandys.

I happened to spell "Nagel" this time in loading the Nagle Coats, which brought up the Dutch TENGnagels that could be from SANG elements out of the Sangarius. At the risk of being taken for a nut, I happen to be one of those who think that 9-11 was fabricated. I did not think so initially, but after investigating it, I was astounded at the great evidence for my position. The following is what I wrote during one investigative period in the 2nd update of March, 2012, which is why I began to stress the Nagle surname. Rollock owned a scrap yard a few hundred feet from where Flight 93 supposedly went down in Pennsylvania (there was no plane that went down there), and this company clearly had something to do with planting all the debris in a hole in the ground in order to fake a plane crash:

Here's a Rollock webpage. The claim is that Rollock was founded in 1996 as merely a clamp-selling company, afterwhich it was suddenly into the metal industry. We read earlier that Diamond T mining company abandoned the future "crash" or explosion site in 1996. It therefore appears that Rollock owners came to the future crash site in 1996, no sooner had they registered as a corporation. Yet PBS, a huge [coal] company in relation to Rollock, owned the land around the scrap yard...

Keep in mind that Chris Nagle of Rollock may not be the owner, and may not have anything to do with 911, or, if he did have something to do with flight 93, it may have been a minor role, for example planting the debris field, "decorating" the crash site.

Then, when I investigated the Boston-Marathon bombing, which was also faked, there was a Tang set of photographs, from a Mr. Tang who supposedly worked in a nearby office, but I did not believe that story because these photo's were carefully crafted for release to the public. The point is, TENGnagel.

In the 2012 update above, I speak on a video image of the Flight 93 crash site, supposedly taken by Val McClatch(e)y, and released to the public as authentic, but then found the following:

I hadn't checked the McClatchey Coat until now. It uses three gold diamonds on a blue fesse, JUST LIKE THE NAGLE COAT!!!! How about that. The McClatchey Coat uses the three red small shields of the Hay/Hey Coat, and the Hays/Heys were first found in Perthshire, where the Rollocks/Rollo's were first found!!!! Chris Nagle works for Rollock inc!!!!!

The Poe write-up then says that Poe's are a name given to people with a "florid MANNER and pride" while the Maness/Manner Crest is a peacock. Now you know that the Poe write-up is a deliberate lie with mere code for kin, which makes you wise to the same in other write-ups. You can make links left and right with this knowledge. You can expose the write-ups for what they are, if you do it before they change their write-ups once word gets out. You can make a very long list of code-using write-ups. It's one thing, perfectly fine, to use code in mottoes, but using code in write-ups is falsification and cover-up, the very opposite of what the customer expects. Besides, the symbols have nothing to do with a surname widely. Each Coat belongs only to an individual or family, and to whomever it is transferred by marriage.

The Tottenhams use a dancetty Shield half in the colors of the Sindy/Sandy dancette. They were looked up as per the "Per tot" motto phrase of Hamonds. The "sequor" motto term of Tottenhams can trace to Sakarya elements, and a similar term is buried in the Eustace motto. We saw the Eustace stag in the Avon Crest, that being an Appiano-suspect term tracing to Appius Pulcher due to the Polsons and Poole's involved in the Avon discussion. It just so happens that while the "PER Tot" phrase can also be code for Perta at lake Tatta (where Tattons of Massey trace so that Tottenhams ought to as well), PEMbroke's/PENbroke's, first found in Avon, are suspect from Pamphylia, beside lake Tatta. In this picture, the Birds/Burds using the Bouillon cross in colors reversed might likewise be Perta liners. If that's correct, then Borders, Birdens/Bordens/Burdens, Berts/Burts and Bordeaux's would become suspect from Perta.

To refreshen your memory, the Avon topic linked to Spine's and Spoons, and it was discovered that Spine's are using the crescents of Bristols, named after a city beside Avon. It was a topic of Somerset elements that linked to Leavells. I failed to mention at that time that the Eustace / Stacey motto term, "Persequeris," must be part code for the Perse's listed with Pierce's (Somerset) and using a chevron in the colors of the Spine and Pendragon chevrons. These details are simply to build the case ever-stronger, ever-clearer.

Tottenhams look like Eustace liners also for the "Ad astra" phrase of Tottenhams, for Eustace II married Ida so that the motto phrase can be part-code for Ida, and part-code for the Sturs/Stowers that figured into the Avon discussion. The Sturs use horizontal bars half in the colors of the same of Tottenhams, and as Tattons are known to be of Masseys, it's important to add that French Sturs were from Manche, where Masseys lived. Moreover, the Taddei's use the Bouillon crosses so that Tottens must be Taddei liners. Ask now where Birds/Burds are from lake Tatta. Looks like.

Patents/Padyns/Putins (in Putent/Puttin colors) use crescents with flames, as do Poe's with a Po variation, and then the Po river was earlier called the PADus. Therefore, Patents seemingly trace to the Po, with a mouth in the land of the Heneti = Veneti, and it's all near Schio, where I trace Skits/Skeochs using the POTENT cross. Patents/Padyns were first found in the same place (Dumfries) as KilPATRicks...and Annans that I trace to Placentia upon the Po. Ask whether Dutch Puttens are using the Annas Shield. As I view Patricks from Boofima-suspect Botters, it looks good that I traced Botters to the Budini, for the Po was also called, BODENcus. One can, I suppose, trace the Boet liners from Butua (now Budva) to the naming of the Bodencus, and from there one can take them to Sadducee formation from northern Italy as these elements were sent to the Pontus or Pacatiania or Cappadocia or Massyas in the dirty name of Roman expansionism.

I came across a Potent-like location, either in the Como or Trento area, that I've forgotten.

On my atlas, the Bautica tributary of the Po is thicker than the Po further upstream from that mouth. It appears that the true Po should have continued rather as the Bautica, a term linkable to "Bodencus." As the Arduinici were on the Bautica, it looks like the Sadducee house of Boet(h)us might trace to the goat-using Bauts of the Bautica/BALDea, the basis of the family of Godfrey de Bouillon and his Baldwin brother(s). The Bouillon family was Flemish, if I'm not mistaken, likely in code in the Pattent/Padyn / Poe crescents with flames. Putents/Puttins (besants) are suspect with the Hamon stars, and were first found in the same place as Saddocks. See the potent cross on the breast of Godfrey de Bouillon, at his Wikipedia article. It was the flag of Templar Jerusalem:

Aha! I've just gone to Wikipedia's article on Sadducees to be reminded of this:

Furthermore, Flavius Josephus mentions in Antiquities of the Jews in the time of Boethus: " Judas, a Gaulonite, of a city whose name was Gamala, who taking with him Sadduc, a Pharisee, became zealous to draw them to a revolt,...".

GAMALA??? Where have I seen something like that? Oh, yes, the thin fesse bars "gemel" of tiger-using, Modi'in-suspect Medleys!!! You'll see Medleys below (written before this section).

I've been mainly ignoring the Junia-Caepio angle on the birth of Caiaphas due to the incorporation of the two Mr. Pulchers. I'd like to understand how Pulchers fit into the picture. Every detail nailed down is useful for the final analysis. The "pallescere" motto term of Pulleys is likely a double code. Either "Palle" or "Palles" gets the Pauls (using the May leopard head) with a "rePUBLIca" motto term looking like code for PUBLIUS Pulcher. Things like that don't seem coincidental.

The other surname using "republica" are the Hellers, with a chevron in the colors of the same of Pulley-suspect Gards. I'm reading online that Helliers are also "Illiers." Illyrians? St, Hellier is said to be near Rouen, as is Pavilly, a location of the Palins/Pawleys, and then both St. Hellier and Pavilly are in Seine-Maritime. That should reveal that the mutual use of the motto is not unrelated. Another article: "St Hellier, Between Dieppe And Rouen..." Ditto for Pavilly. (There is a St, Helier in Jersey.)

It just so happens that Polsons/PAULsons (said to be from "Paul" but perhaps simplistic assumption) share white boar heads with May-like Meighs/Mee's and Mechs so that Polsons can trace to Maccabee's. With Dunns tracing to Masseys so well, what do you think their "Mecum" motto term was used for?

I've got to say that Boofima is tracing to Pulcher-Maccabee liners. The Palle's, due to their leopard, are suspect in using the fesse of Boofima-suspect Boeufs, first found in Imperi-suspect Perigord. Maio's are suspect with Apollo/Polloni oak tree, and Boofima is highly suspect with the Apollo cult of Muses in north-Africa. Ultimately, Pulchers may be Pollux = Apollo liners. Meighs/Mee's share the Face/Fessy cross, and we know that leopards are very-often "faces" (I recall just one surname with a so-called "face" that wasn't of a leopard). Of all the things that could be used to honor the Gaunts, why do Maceys, Vane's/Fane's/Veyne's and Arthur-suspect Wayne's use gauntlet GLOVES, an apt Boofima symbol? The Arthur motto even uses "ImPELLE." The Pelle's share the pelican with Arthurs (in the way the Dawsons use their lodged stag). I'm ignoring the said derivation of Pelle's in "Peter," but will entertain a Pelle merger with Peter Pollock.

The way to explain how Boofima traces to Mr. Laevillus is to track him back to the Laevi on the Ticino, where the Marici lived that were from the Marsi and therefore from the Marsyas GOAT. Apollo skinned Marsyas alive as apparent play on the golden-fleece cult, but it could also be a symbol of crude sacrifice.

If you still doubt some of these things, this paragraph will help. Consider first that Sadducee suspects use the POTENT cross, as for example we find in the Coat of Chads, a branch of Chaddocks and Chadwicks that themselves use a version of the Saddock/Sedwick Coat, all three using a central eSCUTCHeon that's code for the Skeets-related Schutz's and Schuts' that ought to be a branch of Scheds and Skits/Skeochs that likewise use the potent cross. Forgive the repetition on behalf of new readers that hopefully you have brought to this update. But, please, if you don't feel compelled to share this update, don't feel bad. Perhaps I'm assuming too much that you can understand what I'm discovering here. Perhaps you have doubts. To deal with your doubts, let's show that, while there is no Potent surname coming up, there is a Patent surname using: 1) the Pulley motto!, and, 2) a Shield filled with lozengy in the colors of the FIVE (Quintus-important) lozenges in the HAPP Coat!! The other Patents (Scottish) even use another tower in Crest.

This would be a good place to ask why Medleys use a green tiger, for the Patents use a green griffin head in Crest. As just one example for gleaning Patents as Patmos liners, the Austrian Schere's, suggested by the "palleSCERE" motto of Patents, use a single snake coiled around a rod, the symbol of Asclepios, himself the symbol of Skala on Patmos (no one seems to know this but me), explaining why Patents share the lozengy Shield (same colors) of Schole's/SCAYLE's. That's an undeniable link created, not by me, but by the Patent motto, and this verifies the correctness of tracing Asclepios Lapiths to Patmos.

Having said that, the Chads use yet another Shield split vertically in half red and white, as is the Arms of Sion and the Arms of Villa Guardia. You just saw why the potent Chad cross can link to Pulleys, but their Coat was suspect with the Gards, and so this Chad link to Guardia tends to prove that the Pulleys and Gards are sharing Shields.

Schere's share "ears of wheat" with Chappes'/Chaips, while Saddocks use "ears of rye" as code for their Rye kin using a bend in the colors of the Aide bend. I trace German Schere's/Scherfs to the Scherff surname that the first president Bush was born with, and then the Bush family traces to Busca, smack beside Saluzzo, now a hot topic. The Bosco/Boist Coat (in Saluzzo colors) uses pillars topped with "TUFTS of grass," and then Medleys (same place as Rye's and Saddocks) use "A green tiger sejant, TUFTED and maned gold." Sometimes, "sejant" is replaced with "SEATed," but me thinks that Sagens/Sagans / Segni's are in code with "sejant."

Reminder: the Medley stars trace to Phocaea, the co-founders of Ligurians, and Segni's/Segurs were first found in Liguria. That explains why Medleys are tuft-related to the Bosco "tufts of GRASS," as part-code for Grasse in the Liguria theater. I've now got this solved. The Tuff's are listed with the Touch's using a green-on-white lion (!) matching the green Medley tiger. It can now reveal that Touch's are tiger liners from Tigranes, making perfect sense because the Touch lion is used in both colors by Lyons and Lannoys, both very linkable to Herod Archelaus who got his last name from Glaphyra Archelaus, Tigranes' grandmother!!! I can't tell you how important this trace is for establishing the heraldic importance of Tigranes!

Plus, Herod's brother, Antipas, was traced tentatively to Antibes (that place by that name pre-dated Herods), which is about a dozen miles from Grasse. Plus, I've just seen a Cagnes location nearer to Grasse that can jibe with the Caige variation of Touch-like Teague's.

Just look at the code where the Happs are said to derive possibly in "a timid person, referring to the trembling LEAVES of a tree." The True's/Tree's share the helmet with a plume of feathers (on the coin of Herod Archelaus) with Lannoys. The "True to the End" motto is used by Hume's that use nothing but a lion in colors reversed from the Lannoy lion, thus making the True/Tree link to Lannoys. There is a Tremble/Tremblay Coat (lilies that make the True greyhounds linkable to the Lys greyhounds) with "blait/blett" endings linkable to Blate's/Blade's (Hume colors). That's likely correct because German Blate's/Plate's use a grape vine that is on the reverse side of the same coin of Herod Archelaus. This coin was described by an online article that I recorded (though I don't know what update it was recorded, years ago). Wikipedia needs to feature that coin, but doesn't.

The swan in the Crest of the Blate/Plate surname was the design used for French Josephs. I saw and reported it several times before it was changed to the Pulley martlet. As Attila-suspect Tills use a bird BOLT while Blade's are suspect with his brother, Bleda, the Bolts (who use a bird bolt too) may just be a branch of Blade's. That could trace Attila and Bleda to Bolzano. In fact, I see the Blade saltire as a version of the Pollock / Frank saltires. However, the mystery is that Blade's share white pheons with Blate-like Pilate's. Was Bleda named after a line of Pilate's?

Beside Villa Guardia and at Como, there is an Olgiate Comasco location showing in it's arms white castles / towers with an eagle on either side, and although the two eagles are not in the design of the two on either side of the Murena tower, the latter's eagles are extremely reflective of the near-identical two in the Claviere Coat's, and the latter's eagles are in the gold-on-red colors of the eagles in the Arms of Olgiate Comasco. Plus, the latter's towers are in the colors of the Claviere Coat. It's like saying that Glaphyra's line traces to the Villa Guardia entity.

About two miles from Villa Guardia there is a LURAGO Marinone location that might just be named after Lurco liners. IN FACT, it's the Gards that use a hawks LURE!!! I don't know what "lurago" might mean, but it looks like Lurco liners definitely trace to the Como theater!!! YES.

It's also interesting that while Bolzano and Como are separated by about 125 miles, both the Arms of Bolzano and the Arms of Como Province use six-pointed stars of a rare type as compared to the standard "star of David." Just the same, they are six-pointed, and they are of the same design, and then while one Appiano location is seven miles from Como, the other Appiano location is about seven miles from Bolzano.

The single, gold Lure star appears to be in use in the LEIR Coat, which itself uses two thin and engrailed fesse bars, in blue, evocative of the wavy fesse bars of Sutys (kin of tiger-using Side's/Sudys). As the LIRI river passes to within 15 miles of Fondi, the two Leir bars should link to the two, wavy blue bars in the Arms of Caetani, a family that ruled Gaeta, near Fondi, Then, upstream on that river is a Segni location. Setta, very linkable to the Seaton kin of Sutys, is about 25 miles from Fondi, and less from Segni. This is a not-bad reason to trace the Leirs and Lure's to Lurco's name...but, if correct, it again suggests a Lurco link to Tigranes. Why? The bends of Caetani are even in the colors of the Dulys bends, and they trace to the Arc river as well as to Arco, both places suspect with Lurch's/Larchers.

Mythical king Leir can even connect to mythical king Cole. All Arthurian elements should be suspect in a trace to the Artemidoros line to the Arduinici. Monks, whom have proven to trace to Monaco, are an expected part of that line. The white dragon in the Monk Crest can apply to the same of the Lurch/Larcher and Archer Crests, not only because the Monk Coat is a near copy of the Coles Coat, but because they share a white-on-red chevron with Arthurs/ARCHIbure's. For certain reasons, I'm pegging the French Leirs (Brittany) with Spine's and Malaspina's, and the Malahule line to Meschins.

As Opgalli's husband was king of Armenia, let's tell that Hermes, symbol of Armenians, was born in Arcadia. In that way, there may have been a bear symbol to all this traceable to ARCHibure's. It just so happens that while Hoppers connect to Maecenas, I traced (over a year ago) his CILNius family to mount CYLLENE, the birthplace of Hermes. Could it be that Lurco was himself a Cilnius liner, or something close?

If correct to trace Lurco's Fondi home to Fano, where I see the Vains/Fane's, note that they trace (in my mind) to Lake Van of Armenia, where I trace proto-Pan, son of Hermes. If not mistaken, Pan's mother was Penelope at mount Cyllene. I recall that the Cyllene line to Cilnius had to do with Achilles elements to which Alexander "the great" traced himself. However, the Cilnius-related Achilles elements were not in Epirus, where Alexander traces, but, to the best of my recollection, in a term to the east of Phocis and north of Boiotia. [This paragraph was written before finding the Side/Sudy connection. It just so happens that Vane's/Fane's translate their motto with "nothing," a term used twice in the Suty motto.]

Berenicianus' mother, Julia Iotapa, was the daughter of Julia Iotapa and Antiochus IV of Commagene. The latter can be another Lurco-line suspect, but one that the Lurco > Pulcher line married. This is wholly guess-work. But we have clues to go by.

Glaphyra had married Juba of Mauritania, and thus the Hopper tower, which I trace to Tuareg Berbers, can apply to Juba. Just because Hoppers use the tower does not mean that proto-Hoppers were the very same entity as those who owned the tower. Opgalli married the line of Glaphyra, and so one could expect that, if the tower were fundamentally a Glaphyra symbol by marriage, both Clavers and Hoppers could be found using it. Murena's can use it too because they married Maecenas (that I say was) from Juba's ancestry. Only the old heraldry masters know for sure what their rules were for who can or can't use a particular symbol.

Why did Juba marry someone way over in Syria? Wikipedia has a story on it, like someone on vacation bumping into Glaphyra (Parthian) and falling instantly in love, but, if that sounds like a tale, let's repeat that Juba was a descendant of king Massena whom I see as the basis of proto-Maccabees. So, if Massena liners were in the Brogitarus line, it can explain why Juba and Glaphyra got together by the fact that the Brogitarus line came into contact with Commagene elements.

Antiochus was a prince and son of Antiochus III of Commagene and his mother was Queen Iotapa of Commagene. The parents of Antiochus IV were full-blooded siblings, who had married each other. Antiochus himself would marry his full-blooded sister Iotapa...Through his ancestor from Commagene, Queen Laodice VII Thea...he was a direct descendant of the Greek Seleucid Kingdom.

I'll probably need to re-quote that in the next update when the incestuous Hecatomnus dynasty is considered as the ancestry of Brogitarus. Antiochus IV of Commagene is not to be confused with the Antiochus IV, invader of Jerusalem, enemy of the Maccabees. The irony for Mr. Original Hasmonean is that Antiochus IV of Commagene would marry the Seleucid-Maccabee line.

The suspicion is that Lurco gave a child to the Brogitarus family for to secure the family pact; Lurco may have been seeking some Caepio gold in this. The children of Brogitarus' grandson, Artemidoros, are left unknown by Wikipedia / historians. It means that the son or daughter (from Artemidoros) is not known for the parent of Severus of Akmonia. All we know is that Severus was the grandson of Artemidoros. It is this unknown generation exactly wherein the parents of Opgalli are left unknown. Truth, or cover-up? Was Opgalli the sister of Severus? The first-known bishop of Akmonia, some three centuries after Opgalli, was OPtimus. About the same time, Alexander Severus was a Roman emperor. Wasn't Severus of Akmonia a Joktanite Hebrew of the Sepharvite kind? Here's the family tree of Severus, mainly blank:

Why do Safers share eagles with Claviere's and Murena's, while the latter two share the same double-eagle position and Shield-positioning? The Claviere eagles are, like the Safer eagles, on a red Shield. In fact, of the many eagle designs used by houseofnames, the Safers use nearly the same design as the other two surnames, with the eagles in the very same position in every way! Why five eagles for the Safers? Is it because Opgalli was from Appius Pulcher-Caepio? [I hadn't yet found the gold eagles of Side's/Sudy here, the color of the Claviere eagles.]

Why did Artemidoros get a name like a name in the Hecatomnus family? Hecatomnus' daughter was Artemisia. And the Hecatomnus dynasty had been a solid ally of Parthians while even Alexander "the great" wanted into the family. There are other reasons for linking Hecatomnus' family to Brogitarus, and so it starts to appear that the Hecatomnus line, and its disease, goes both to he and to the Seleucids of Commagene. It's a good hunch. Hecatomnus' known or reported line ends with his youngest son in the 4th century BC. The family supposed escaped with its treasures to Kos at it's last breath of power in Caria, and then the Kos/Kosinski surname uses the red bendy of Ectors, first found beside Fife, where Side's/Sutys were first found. One can almost smell the smoke of a Merovingian trail here, for they derive from Kos.

In the family tree above, Artemidoros' wife is unknown; only her Tectosagii tribe is known. She may have been Jewish; she may have been a Pulcher-Caepio, or Artemidoros may have had another mate that was Jewish / Pulcher-Caepio.

The theory now is that the incestuous Hecatomnus line went to the incestuous Seleucids of Commagene, the ones known to marry Opgalli, herself suspect as a Maccabee liner in Hasmon-suspect Akmonia. Actually, I don't think there was any article locating Brogitarus, his son or grandson in Akmonia. The Wikipedia entry in the article for Julius Bassus: [Julius Bassus] was the younger son of Gaius Julius Severus (b. ca 25), a Nobleman from Akmonia at Galatia... In other words, it's Severus alone that may have been from Akmonia, and that would have been due to one or both of his parents being Jewish / Maccabee. It would require that Artemidoros was mating with such a one. While Artemidoros was himself a son of one Amyntes, he married the daughter of another Amyntes while the Mynetts use OPEN helmets now more suspect than ever with the HOPPEN variation of Hoppers. This could argue for Opgalli being a daughter of Artemidoros, and therefore a sister of Severus.

The article goes on to say that Julius Bassus "was the father of Gaius Julius Quadratus Bassus, Legate at Judaea between 102 and 105, Consul of Rome in 105 and Proconsul of Asia in 105, married to Asinia Marcella, Domina figl" I suppose that Quadratus' marriage to a daughter of a prince of Judea is how he got the Judea job. "Marcella" can be from the Marici on the same river as the Laevi that I think had part in the Maccabee line to the chief priests. The exclusion of Severus' parents from history books seems deliberate for reasons between these lines. But what reason could there be in covering for the family? It could be that the names involved can reveal something about Caiaphas. With Quadratus known to be born in 70 AD, Wikipedia takes a stab at Severus' birth in 25, but I say it should be more like 15-20, or earlier. Caiaphas was born around 20 BC (my guess), about the time of the missing generation in the Brogitarus > Severus line. Opgalli was roughly the same age as Severus.

There's no mystery for the parents of the individuals in the line from Simon Maccabee, but there is no line known from Jonathan Maccabee, except that Josephus claimed to be from him. How did Josephus know? Was Opgalli / Severus from Jonathan? Was it well known at the time? Wikipedia's article on Akmonia cites Cicero's mention (I'm guessing, 75-50 BC) of Akmonia, but no mention sooner than that. Tigranes (Simon's line) was way east in Armenia, and we have no idea where Jonathan's line was, as would be the case in a cover up.

Reminder: the Titus Coat shares gyronny with the Hopper Coat, and Josephus was adopted by emperor Titus and/or his son, emperor Domitian. This could suggest that Opgalli was the sister of Caiaphas, especially if Caiaphas was a close relative of Josephus so that Caiaphas too was adopted by the Titus family. However, Josephus did not speak maliciously against Jesus.

The gyronny symbol now becomes suspect for something in the field of this discussion, and as it traces to the gyronny in the Arms of Gironde, that's the theater wherein JOHN of Gaunt was doing something with the Caepio treasure, and it just so happens that the Ghent Chief has the same eagles exactly (colors included) as the Side/Sudy Chief!!! Heraldic Chiefs are suspect with "Caiaphas." Ghents were first found in the same place as English Josephs!

Compare the Ghents (white crest) to Salemans/Salians and the similar Ghent-like Cheneys (white crest), then note that the Cheney martlets are colors reversed from the French-Joseph martlets. Then see the same colors in the Salmons, noting the "salmon haurient" in the Catter Coat (white crest), the latter using the white griffin of Kays/Keys (white crest). Then, realizing that Gironde was named after the Garonne river, take it to the sources of that river, where you'll find SALAT and Cazeres; just compare the Sale/SALLETE Coat to the Saleman and Cheney Coats, and you'll see what this story is much about: not God nor religion, but the Caepio treasure.

The Black Cotinents Are Coming

The Lurch's/Larchers and Archers likewise use a white Crest, and the Side/Sudy tiger, in Crest, is likewise white, as is the Maybe tiger. However, the arrow in the possession of the Side/Sudy tiger is black, and so the Black Coats were loaded to find the first one sharing red-on-white stars in Chief with the Mopps/Motburleys. The second Black Coat uses a motto term that I link to the Glass motto, because the Black stars are the Glass stars, and that revealed to me that Blacks were Pollocks, especially Jewish Pollocks, for Conrad Black owned the Jerusalem Post. The Scottish Black Crest has an orange lion, likely code for Orange, where Quintus Caepio fought for his treasure against Boiorix. Orange is at the mouth of the river of the Salyes. I never load the Black Coat due to a black symbol, but on this occasion, it came to mind. I never see a black symbol as code for Blacks, but on this occasion it came to mind.

Irish Blake's/Caddels use an orange leopard / cat as well as a version of the Cattle fret. English Blake's use PELLETS on their green dragon, and a PALE bar to boot, relevant because I was just in the midst of tracing Blacks and Pollocks to Polemon of Pontus, suspect with Pontius PILATE. A few days after writing this section, I was at Wikipedia's article on Lower Lorraine, where the grandfather (Godfrey III) of Godfrey de Bouillon operated as duke, and found that the family was in Verdun, wherefore it discovered that Blake's are using the giant red fret of Verduns.

The Bouillon family of Verdun is styled, "House of Ardennes-Verdun." The Verdon fret is in the colors of the Eustace cross, nor surprise, but to prove that it's the cross of Irish Berks/Burghs (orange cat), the Berkshire's use the fret too, in colors reversed from the Verdun fret, and an obvious version of the Dutton Coat for a trace to lake Tatta with Tattons. Recall that Tottenhams were linkable to Eustace's while Taddei's use the Bouillon cross. That works. We now know who some of the close kin were, of the diabolical invaders of Jerusalem under the charge of de-Bouillon.

Recall that the Eustace family linked to Comines in Artois, for Duttons are said to be both from a nephew of Hugh Lupus, and from a marriage with a niece of William the Conqueror. I kid you not that I did not mention the orange Crest of Blake's for what was just discovered now, days later (I rarely mention these leopards as being "orange", so why did I on this occasion?). I mistakenly went to the Counts-of-Eu page (Wikipedia) to find who the niece was that William of Eu (earl, not count), in the Dutton write-up, married. And there on the page was the same lion with billet-filled Shield as Nassau's! The house of Orange-Nassau was related!

By the way, I've just found water bougets as the personal Arms of William Bourchier, 1st Count of Eu. He married Louvain, and then the Arms of Louvain (gold billets = gold bullion bars) are shown at the same page, looking much like the Avery Coat! If that's a match, it traces well to Leavells at Yvery, revealing them to be a Louvain branch. Reminder: I traced the water bougets to Bouchard II of Montmorency, and Morency's use the Burgh/Berk cross too. It's a fat red cross on gold, and then the Arms above is a fat red cross on white. It looks good for clinching the trace. Then on the page below, an earlier John de Bourchier (much like John de Burgo, father of Conteville's) is said to be a Burgo, and yet look at the garbage presented to the reader: "It's [Bourchier] name was however Latinised by scribes to de Burgo Caro, 'from the costly town', from a Gallicisation of the name to le Bourg Cher." In other words, Bourchier's were Burgo's, explaining why Morency's use the Burgh cross. The Bourchier version looks linkable to the Rhodes cross.

The first earl of Eu is dated long after the earl of Eu (Normandy) in the Dutton write-up. I can't readily find anyone matching the Dutton-page description. For any interested, I did find a William of Eu who married the sister of Hugh Lupus, and was a son of a daughter of "the tanner."

Odard Dutton, the nephew of Hugh Lupus, was either a Conteville or Goz liner, and then a Conteville married the mother of the Conqueror. It therefore appears that Duttons are Burgo > Conteville liners, rulers of Comines, explaining why Duttons and Berkshire's use the same Coat. But this reveals that Berkshire was named after Burgo-Conteville's that formed the Irish branch of Burghs/Berks in the least. It assures that the black-on-gold lion in the Berk/Burgh Coat is the Italian Conte lion.

The page below reveals a super thing. It has an Odard of the CONTEntin (born 1046) marrying "Alice de Dutton (de Contentin)" (born 1060). Plus, "Odard had one brother: Wolfric de Hatton," and then Hattons (Hatton, Cheshire) use the Comyns Coat! In the Hatton Crest is the Stacey/Eustace stag, nearly the Eustace stag! What to make of this? Odard was about the same age as Eustace or Godfrey. As the Bourchier cross is a fat red one on white one, and as this is the HADDinghton cross too, it looks like Haddingtons were of the Hattons. "Alice was born in 1060, in Dutton, Cheshire, England. They had one son: Hugh de Dutton."

It looks like the Conte's / Conteville's named the Contentin, which I assume is the Cotentin. "The Cotentin Peninsula, also known as the CHERbourg Peninsula, is a peninsula in Normandy...The peninsula lies wholly within the department of Manche..." That should explain "Burgo Caro = Bourg Cher."

I feel that I got on to the Black-surname topic by Providence, for I almost passed on it. Lookie here: English Blacks are traced to "chimney sweeping" that gets men covered in "soot," haha, such a laugh. While there's no Soot surname coming up, it's feasibly code for the Sutys. Suits are listed with Sutters/Soutars using roughly the Blake cat. How remarkable: on the only occasion of checking the Blacks based on the black Sudy arrow, I come immediately to Suits with a cat like the Blake's. The Suits/Sutters even use a version of the Sadducee-suspect Saddock and Chaddock Coats. They all and the Side's/Sudys and Sutys are now virtually clinched as Sadducee liners. It could appear that Tigranes married Levites, right?

I trace the Julians and the Glass surname to Guillestre in Savoy. As Blacks show signs of being Glass kin, how can they trace to the Guillestre theater? For starters, the Cattle and Caddel fret probably traces to the fretty of the Cotts/COTTONS = the Cottians. Compare with "HATTER," for Wessels, who might be a line from king Cottius' son, share the Hatton garbs. It even appears, as of now, that Conteville's were Cottius liners because, while the Odard-Dutton page had CONTENtin, it's otherwise known as COTENtin.

Here's the Cattons with cats and a "lupus" motto term that can seemingly apply as a Hatton branch.

The Julian/Gillian saltire can trace to the Black / Maxwell saltire. The three red-on-white Black stars can be a version of the three red-on-white Caesar roses, in both cases within their respective Chiefs. Guillestre shares a black eagle with Maxwells, and Blacks are essentially a sept of Maxwells if they had been Pollocks.

The quickest route to England from the tip of the Cotentin is about a 70-mile sail to the Isle of Wight, location of Cowes and Newport. The Newports happen to share the black leopard faces of Aide's and Keatons, in the colors of the Keates cats, while we just saw how Conteville's can link to Haddington, home of the Keith Catti. You can't argue with this; you can only try to understand it better. Chives' must figure into it.

The Newport motto includes "modum," and then Modens/Modeys, sharing the fretty Shield with Cotta's, were first found in BERKshire! Berks use the cat too. Hello? It looks like the invasion of England by Sadducee pirates. The "supra" motto term of Newports suggests the Super surname using what could be either the Sinclair cross or the Julian saltire, but it can also be the Black saltire because I have the sense that the Pollock motto term, "strenue," is part-code for Newport (near Poole) and part-code for the Stour river to Poole.

The Conqueror invaded to the east of Wight, at Hastings, about a 35-mile sail from Boulogne, and it happened (1066) in the lifetime of Eustace II. The invasion was not very long after a Claro-suspect Roger character started the Arduinici family at the Bautica river. Did the Sinclair pirates find the Caepio gold? Did their brush with Chappes' in Paris lead them to Liguria's Auria/Doria family for some gold business?

Or, were the Doria's/Auria's from Aurelia Cotta, and did some of this family go live in, and name, the Cotentin before the Rollo invasion of Normandy? Is that where they met?

Or, as a third option: were the Claro pirates from Aurellia Cotta's line centuries before the invasion of Normandy...after the Cottians named the Geats / Jutes??? That latter part was my claim several months ago, before coming to this Keates-rich topic. The Sinclair cross can be construed as the Julian cross, right? Remember, Julius had a long affair with Servilia Caepionis, and her husband didn't seem to mind. Then, she with Caesar had a daughter, Junia Caepio Secunda, might her line have become the Seconds, first found in the same place as Clairs? That would trace the Claro pirates to Julius Caesar, son of Aurelia Cotta.

In the 3rd update of this month, the Knee surname was traced to the Glass surname in a most-unusual way, but very convincing. I here find myself flirting with a trace of Blacks (Glass stars) to Newports BEFORE it dawns on me that the "Ne" motto term of Newports is for the Nee/Knee surname! That is really wild. I would therefore suggest that the Newport chevron is the Chimney chevron. (The Comforts, who figure very Sadducee-important later, also use "ne".)

I often load the Blocks and Plocks/Placks after discussing Blacks, and this time I see more than I did before. First, Plocks happen to use martlets in the colors of the Joseph martlets, but the surname is shown properly as "Plucknett," much like "PULCKer when the "nett" is ignored. Wasn't Publius Pulcher a Caepio on his mother's side? Blocks show some similarity with Paisleys, from Paisley at Glasgow, roughly where Pollocks were first found. It's perfect, because Paisleys are tracing to Pessinus, home of Brogitarus whom was befriended in a strong partnership by Publius Pulcher. Blocks and Paisleys both use white roses; Maxwells and Chimneys were first found in Yorkshire.

Right here, in a Black trace to Pollocks / Pulchers, is the place to add that Powells are said by some to be from king Hywel Dda ap Caddel. Aren't Caddels listed with Blake's?

This Powell versus Howell thing is a hard one to sort out. If you're interested in further challenge, see "Pawelin" two updates ago, a supposed variation of "Llewellyn." Doesn't this strike us as a Laevillus line in cahoots with one of those Catti liners to the Sakarya?

The Powell Crest uses the green griffin of the Patent Crest, and then the Blake's with the PALE bar use a green pelletee dragon, as well as footless martins on a bend, the Pulley/Pullen symbol. Pale's are listed with Paileys/Paleys. The Black write-up even has the audacity to say that "blac" could mean "pale." The lies never end. But thank you for the revelation, anyway.

Perhaps, without being told, the Powels are said to be from "Hoel" because German Hoels use the Powell griffin design, though in red. Hoels show no such variation, and are shown properly as Holtz, not at all indicative of Powells. Whether Powells were from Hywel ap Caddel, I don't know, but it seems that Blake's had linked up with them, for the Blake write-up tells that their Caddel variation is Welsh. Catti liners from the Cotentin to Poole would naturally coalesce pawfectly with Palins/Pawlens.

Tiger-using Medleys (same place as Saddocks) are like the Modey variation of Modens that were suspect in the Newport motto. But why would Modane elements be in Newport? Am I sure that Modens were of Modane? The theory stays alive because Modane is directly opposite the Alps from the Cottian capital, and we just saw a good trace of Cottians to the Cotentin, the nearest part of France from Newport.

Coutances in the Cotentin was earlier "Constantia," after an emperor, and so Conte's may be from him. However, all the above was written before going to Wikipedia's Coutances article, where I learn that the city, by a name not provided in the article (seems fishy), belonged to an UNELLI tribe of Gauls. What a fantastic coincidence, for the Doria/Auria were in ONEGLIA (with a silent 'g', it's practically "Unellia"). Therefore, it appears that the Unelli were also in Liguria. "The Unelli or Veneli...The commander of the Unelli was Viridovix, and he was also at the head of all the forces of the states which had joined the Unelli, among whom were the Aulerci Eburovices and the Lexovii."

The Eburovices, hum? Echem. The article says that the Venelli lived in conjunction with Veneti (at Vannes/Gwenea), who I see as king Arthur's wife in Gwynedd of Wales. That idea is years old, not new now for convenience with the discussion at hand, meaning that it jibes with an Arduinici trace from Oneglia to the Venelli.

At the sight of "Unelli," the Connolys were looked up to find a Coat very reflective of the Super Coat, and that can link Unelli to Newport (Newports have the "supra" motto term). That's perfect, for I traced the proto-king-Arthur entity to Atrebates of Hampshire, and Newport is in Hampshire. In fact, as it's on the Isle of Wight, see the Scottish Wight Coat, in Connelly colors, and using quatrefoils in the format of the same-colored Living/Levin Coat for a potential trace to Quadratilla and her husband, Laevillus. Compare Wights also with Palins. The Scottish Wights use a "parta" motto term.

If you know Arthurian myths, you might know the Constantine traceable to Coutances. As the Connelly saltire uses scallops in the colors of the Meschin scallops, they can indeed be from the Cotentin. As Conte's were just traced there, it's probably not coincidental that English Wights were first found in the same place (Durham) as Conte's. The "death" motto term of the latter Wights recalls the Arthurian myth, "Le Morte d'Arthur," which was part-code for Morte's/Motts sharing the crescents of the Deaths/Darths. That's how Arthurian myth writer's worked their nonsense to deceive.

The English Wights look linkable to the Seconds/Segurs and to the Quint vair. With a white chevron, it becomes the Arthur/Archibure Coat. "ArchiBURE" may now be applied speculatively to Burre's using what could be the Living/Levin / Wight Shield-and-Chief combination. The vair of English Wights connects well to the same of Welsh Bachs because these Wights use a version of the Wittels(bach) Coat (same vair included), but as Wittelsbachs are said to have given their lozengy to the Arms of Bavaria, though I found a reliable online quote that has Bogens providing their lozenges to Bavaria prior to the Wittelsbachs, the Burre's are likely the Burleys/Bourlys sharing a green Shield with Bowers and Bauers, the latter suspect now from Bogens out of Bolzano. IN FACT ZOWIE, the Burleys share white boar heads with BOLZANO-related POLSONS/Pole's!!!

Polsons are in Oddie colors likely due to the trace of Oddie's (and Odins) to Oettingen-Oettingen (more vair fur) of Bavaria, where the gold Wittelsbach talbots trace. Oddie's and Odins were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Polson- and Oddie-colored Pulleys/Pullens! Oddie's are in Ottone colors for a link to the Chappes'. The same white-on-blue colors are used by Poole's.

To help trace Blake's all the better to Newport, the other English Wights use the green dragon head of the Blake Crest! I didn't know it until now, upon loading the Wight Coats.

Aha! I didn't know until now that the Irish Wights use the engrailed, red-on-white chevron of Chimneys!!! That's why the liars (not necessarily houseofnames if they simply quote from others) trace Blacks to chimney sweepers. MORE: I actually had Wikipedia's article on CROCiatonum open when viewing the Irish-Wight motto with "CORUIC" as one term. The article was loaded (from the Unelli article) because it was the home of the Unelli! As the Unelli lived in Brittany, it seems an easy conclusion that the three red roses of Irish Wights are those of the Brittany Clairs. The red White / Chimney chevron then becomes one of the three red chevrons of English Clairs, especially as Strongbow Clare is in the write-up. Note the KERGolgher location of the Brittany Clairs.

It just so happens that CRICHTONs use a green dragon head in Crest!!! It looks like I was wrong all these years to trace Crichtons to Cretan Curetes, for they are tracing excellently now to CROCIATONum. " which the next station to Alauna is Cronciaconnum, distant 10½ M. P. from Alauna. Its position, therefore, depends on that of Alauna. Crociatonum lies between Alauna and Augustodorus (modern Bayeux)... " It sounds like the Alans were at Alauna many centuries before the Templars. The Crichtons and Stewarts both were on Bute. The relationship must go back to Roman times. The blue Crichton lion is the lion of Rory on Bute, but it's also the Caepio-line lion.

The description above places Crociatonum roughly at the mouth of the Vire river. The Stewart motto even uses "VIREscit." That clinches the Alans of Dol from Alauna. It's new for me. It's a super find because the proto-Alans of about 70 AD were claimed, by me, to be at Forum Allieni, now Ferrara (VENETI theater). Then, the Veneti of Brittany, the associates of the Unelli, can support a trace of Forum Allieni to Alauna. How about that. I claimed that the Forham/Forman surname was from Forum Allieni, and it just so happens that the Formans use a green dragon in Crest! The Vere's, from Ver location in Manche suspect with the Vire river, use a green dragon, and so we now know that the green dragon relates to the Unelli of Crociatonum. Formans (Worm kin) were even first found in the same place (Lothian) as Crichtons! This is all good.

The Openheim write-up tells that an Openheim location is near Worms, and then the Openheim Coat uses a fesse in Alan-fesse colors. The other Openheim Coat shares an anchor with Hops/Hope's/HOOPENs/Hoods (see also Fairs), thus revealing where Openheims can trace.

The key part of the claim was that Alans of Forum Allieni had been a part of the Israeli priesthood escaping Israel, or at least leaving it, after Titus ruined Jerusalem. The footless martlets in the Forman Coat are colors reversed from the Joseph martlet, and Joseph Caiaphas and/or his children are suspect in joining the household of Titus. The wavy bars of Formans must be linkable to the same (almost) of Seaton-related Sutys because Seatons were likewise first found in Lothian, but this then traces Alans to the same as where the Side/Sudy tiger traces. Again, the Medley tiger is green, very linkable to the green dragon under discussion, and so the question is: what part did Alans of Forum Allieni play in the Tigranes story? As Brocks use "VIREscit" in their motto, should we expect Brogitarus elements at the Vire / Crociatonum theater?

It should be kept in mind that the Unelli are proto-Nagle's, I am sure of this now. The Unelli can therefore trace to Neils honored in the Vere motto. The Neil estoiles trace to Este, a city of the Veneti that had a close relationship with Ferrara. The "NULLa" motto term of Pulleys/Pulchers can now be viewed tentatively with the Unelli. The Polson / Pulley trace shortly above to Oddie's makes the latter suspect with German Nagle's/Nails/Neils, for they use the same saltire in colors reversed. The Vire is beside the Bessin where Bassianus elements trace very well.

Crocks (Yorkshire) are listed with Cricks, and they share a black-on-white pale bar with Blake's. The Nagle's/Nails use an engrailed saltire in the colors of the engrailed cross of Arduin-like Hardys, and then Hardys are found in the GREGor write-up. The latter use a version of the Alpin/Appen Coat, but with MacArthur crown. That has all the markings of tracing Gregors to Crociatonum's Arduinici suspects. The Douglas' are also said to be from Hardys, and Douglas' traced recently to Monaco, near Oneglia! There are too many things clicking for this not to be a mainly-correct interpretation of history.

Wikipedia's article on Pendragon: he was the "...son of Constantine II, now called "Custennin the Blessed", and brother of both Aurelius Ambrosius ('Emrys Wledig') and Constans II ('Custennin the Younger')." There's the Aurelius factor, mere code, don't bother your head about it. I did not yet get to this quote when I said earlier that the Doria/Auria's were likely Aurelia's in a trace to Coutances / Constantia. My claims and the claims of myth writers / historians are jibing.

Look at this garbage: "Uther, brother of Aurelius and father of King Arthur, is called Uther Pendragon because he was inspired by a dragon-shaped comet..." I've reported two surnames using comets (can't recall which ones). The Comets/Combs/COME's (towers) were first found in Limousin (same place as Arthur-related Clairs). I've said before that they use a coat like the Comyns, but this time I can trace Comets/Come's to Como. As Appiano (beside Como) has been tracing (suggestively, if you like) to Hoppers, the Comet towers seem applicable to the Hopper/Hoppen towers.

So, who was Constantine of Britain? Mythical, code, don't look for him:

Ambrosius Aurelianus, Welsh: Emrys Wledig...was a war leader of the Romano-British who won an important battle against the Anglo-Saxons in the 5th century, according to Gildas...

...Geoffrey [of Monmouth] also introduces him into the Historia under the name Aurelius Ambrosius as one of three sons of Constantine III, along with Constans II and Uther Pendragon.

Just view that picture as the proto-Arduinici in the Cotentin. As I said, "Uther" is code for the Other surname, from the Lombards, a surname like the Oddie's and Odins. The Lombards were known as Vinili, but the Unelli / Venelli article doesn't mention this. Why not? The Vinili figured in a myth-like account with Vandals, the latter known by historians to be a branch of northern Veneti. Hello? Can no historian make the Vinili connection to the Veneti-associated Venelli?

I had traced the Alans of Forum Allieni to Langhe on the Tanaro river, but do not recall ever making a Langhe link to LANGObard, the alternative name of Lombards. We are of course told the simplistic thing, that Langobards were named after their long beards, but as Alans are also "Aleng," and as Langobards are expected exactly at Alauna, shouldn't they be viewed as Langhe elements? Sure, some Frenchman who couldn't pronounce or spell their name well starting calling them "longbeards," and it stuck, but that doesn't "Langobard" the original form. I don't know when Langhe was named, but we do want to know why German Langs share the pelican with Stewarts while pelican-using Pulleys use a "Nulla" motto term.

I kid you not, that as the Lang Coats were loaded, I was thinking whether Lurco traces to the "ABCDEF" used by Scottish and English Langs. I had not yet loaded the German Langs with three arrows, the Lurch/Larcher symbol! In the top half of the same Shield, the gold Death/Darth griffin is showing, and, by the way, the Death/Darth crescents, being the Mott/Morte crescents, are in Mynett colors, important because Deaths/Darths, as Arthur liners, trace to Amyntes while being first found in the same place as Mynetts. The Mazzo's, sharing the PemBROKE Coat, are using the same gold griffin again, and so the MazzaGALLI variation can be play on Opgalli because I see her born from the Lurco > Pulcher line.

The reason that the "ABCDEF" of Langs brought Lurco to mind is as per ALPHAbet, what I can conceive as code for ALFidia, Lurco's daughter and Pulcher's wife. The letters come with CINQUEfoils, what should be code for Quintus Caepio. The AlphaBET can therefore be code for Bets too, who likewise use cinquefoils, and they are on a bend in the colors of the Lang fesse with the ABCDEF! I'll bet the Bets are Boet liners. Ask the red roses of Mazzo's beside the bend in colors reversed from the Bet bend. Why is there a BROWN cat in the Bet Crest while the German Langs were first found in BRUNSwick-related Luneburg? Why is it almost the Chives cat while the Bets are in Chives colors while both mottoes use "non"?

It's very clever that the Bet cinquefoils are called they've never been seen before, "five LEAVED flowers." It means that the Bet cinquefoils are of the giant one (in colors reversed) used by Flowers, first found in the same place as same-colored Chives! Surprise surprise. THEN ZOWIE, the "Osten" terms buried in the Bet motto suggested the Austins/Ostiens sharing the black lion paw ("gamb") and a red-on-gold chevron with Quints! Furthermore, the Austins were first found in Bet-like BEDfordshire while Bedfords use black lion paws too. That suggests a fundamental Quint link to the Bedford surname suspect with the house of Boetus, right? NOTE that the Bedford Shield is virtually a version of the Saddock Shield.

Grove's are highly suspect (for three reasons) in using the Quint chevron too, and Grave's/Greeve's share the spread eagle of Lutons, from Luton of Bedfordshire. Bedford is between Cambridge (Capone's, Chapmans) and Northampton (Quincys). Luton is the north side of the London outskirts, providing more reason to view the Grove scallops as the Capes scallops.

[STORYTIME. I did everything in my power not to tell you this, but less than 24 hours before coming to the Black surname, a new rodent had become trapped in my chimney flange. The last rodent, not many weeks ago, was a BAT, and I claimed that it was a Sign from God at the risk of loosing the reader's confidence. That's why I was NOT going to mention this new rodent, even though the Blacks are said to be from chimney sweepers. And I succeeded in not telling you, until this morning, after going to bed where you see the last paragraph...on bat-like Bets. But even the bat-like Bets were not enough to make me mention the new rodent in the chimney flange.

There had been an entire string of events that included the bat (for those who followed that story, there were a total of 16 squirrels caught in the attic, and no 17th has appeared for over two weeks). I showed how the Chimney and Bat surname's applied to the topic at hand, but never mind that. I have not gotten more than four to six hours of sleep in weeks, for I can't work in winter due to living alone and not having a furnace. This is my full-time job now, and I don't get physically tired. Yesterday, I noted that smoke would come out the wood stove when the door is open, which signals time to sweep the chimney. I was NOT thinking about the rodent in the flange (which died a few days ago) nor the Black chimney code at the time, and I decided to let the sweeping go until warmer weather, or until the stove went fully cold in the morning, which doesn't happen often because I can't get long sleep. Last night, I was relieved, in bed well before midnight, and waking in daylight, after 7 am. It felt to nice, and as the wood stove was fully cold, I decided to sweep the chimney. The discussion here was NOT on my mind.

I'm writing this story after writing the paragraph below on Anonymous Gallus. It was written immediately after finishing the chimney sweeping, and my mind was starting to recognize the "coincidence." After writing that paragraph, it was decided I had to tell the story because, once again, I am convinced that God is toying with me in yet another Sign (I've lost count). I decided to tell the story based on my sweeping the chimney at the very end of the Black section. As of last night, the entire discussion on Blacks and Blakes came to an end, and it was such a super revelation, you see, and so I can only conclude that God wants us to know how important this Black-of-Wight revelation is.

I decided to tell the story immediately after the Gallus Anonymous paragraph, without yet realizing that it's part of the evidence for a Sign. That's because the bat lasted for up to 10 days in the flange before I released it. Bats can go long, very apparently, without water. But this new rodent was different. While the bat would make movement-noise only twice a day for a few minutes (i.e. it was hibernating), the new rodent would move around and scratch for hours, especially the first night. And it died in three and a half days, meaning that it was a mouse (it's not the first in that flange). I have not had a mouse in the attic for at least a couple of months (I have a way to prove that), and the last one was a loner too, after not having a mouse in the attic for months prior to it. But here, on roughly the day that the Black topic was started, a mouse appears in the attic, in the dead of cold winter, which is rare. So far as I can recall, mice do not get into the house in winter. I'm not sure why, but I think it's because they like to stay where they have their stash of food.

It just so happens that Gallus AnonyMOUS wrote a myth on the ancestry of Mieszko I in a Mouse Tower, where the first ruler (Popiel) was eaten my mice. And so there you have further evidence that this lone mouse in the chimney flange (the part that allows the pipe to go through the ceiling) is a Sign. End Story.]

The Gaulonites Who?

Where was I? Oh, yes, the Medley tiger. The thin, double Medley fesse bars are called, "black bars-gemel", sounding Jewish, and are shared roughly by Mauds, MONmouths, and Wassa's, and for this reason I identify this as the Mitanni line to Modi'in, Modena, and Modane. This was written before re-finding the article quoting Josephus on "Judas, a Gaulonite, of a city whose name was Gamala, who taking with him Sadduc..." It looks like the Medleys are knows to have been a part of that Sadducee-founding quote. At least, it looks like Josephus was speaking on the founding of Sadducees in this Sadduc character.

Let's add right up front that Boots, said to be from "bote = boot", haha, were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Modens/Modeys, and then Bote's are listed with Boets/Bute's. Boots are said to be from a Buat (spelling mistake?) near Falaise of Normandy. Should that be "Baut" castle?

Why a Gaulonite, and what was that? Are heraldic camels code for Gamala liners? Did the Gaulon surname (why Anjou?) develop in honor of Gaulonites? They use the Jones / Poole lion, what I would claim as the Caepio-line lion in colors reversed. Coincidence? Do they trace to Gallura, where Visconti's ruled who came to use the French Chappes Shield, and where Guiscards merged who were first found in the same place as Scottish Chappes'? The two Guiscard brothers of Sicily are featured in a painting with a pulley at their feet.

There was a "GALLUS Anonymous" who wrote the myth story on Mieszko ancestry at Goplo, and then Italian Gobels use a camel. I know that the myth writer was honoring the Gallus surname because it shares a black-on-gold rooster with GOPLo-based Coppel's/KOPPEL. Just look at all the coincidences, and make a conclusion. Italian Gallus'/Galloni's use the same lion as Seconds/Segurs, suspect with Junio Caepionis.

The white griffin head in the Poole Crest is used by Dobermans (see Dobers too), whom I first traced to "DOBRawa," wife of Mieszko I, and later to a Dober location, a couple of miles from Koplik! The KOPLik location (near lake Scodra) is otherwise called, Kupionich, so much like "Caepionis" that one needs to take notice. Plus, I've been tracing WITHIpools to SiemoWIT, a mythical character at the Goplo Mouse Tower. I think he's code for WITkowo sharing the all-seeing-eye with Battins/Badens, first found in the same place as Poole's, what a betincidence. Jones' were first found in Denbighshire, beside the Pennants of Flintshire. It just so happens that the Cowes' use pennants while Cowes is on the Isle of WIGHT!!!

It looks like the Mieszko Pole's trace to Wight and to Poole, and from Poole they got to Battins/Badens. The latter share axe's with Drakes who share the red-on-white wyvern dragon with dukes of Masovia (Poland), where Mieszko I was duke. The fact that the Wight topic above had traced from Manche, home of Masseys and Vere's, should not escape us for a better understanding of what this is about. I've been claiming for years that the False Prophet and the Anti-Christ will be a mouse = Meschin liner, and afterward decided that he will be a Mouse-Tower liner.

The white Crock lion is also the Jones lion; both are in Crests. And then the Crock pale is in the colors of the Blake pale. This tends to drag Jones' to Crociatonum (Manche). The Jones' just happen to use a lion in colors reversed from the Crichton lion!!! I hadn't yet realized that when writing the sentence before the last. We can now honestly say that royal-Stewart "holiness" was a bunch of crock!

The Alans that were traced to Brunswick-Luneburg must have been the namers of Alauna beside Crociatonum. It's a view I would not have realized, for I assumed the Alans of northern Italy were more-straight from Sarmatia. I had no idea that they were in the Brittany theater in roughly the time of Julius Caesar, but lets' repeat that French Alans use the French Julian stars so that an Alan trace to Aurelia Cotta seems likely. That's more support for an Oneglia trace to the Unelli Gauls. The point was that the other wife of Mieszko I, Oda I think her name was, from a Haldan-like location near Brunswick, just caused me to see "Dober" as a version of "Sober," for while Sopers share the black-on-white saltire with Haldans (and Blacks), the Haldan Crest is the gold griffin head of Dobers (same design as the Doberman head). That's what proves a Dober trace to Dobrawa. Haldans were first found in the same place (Lothian) as Crichtons! There seems to be an Alan / Alauna / Crociatonum link to the Mouse Tower.

In the Unelli-suspect Connelly surname, the Meschin/MASCULine scallops are on a saltire suspect with the Haldan saltire. Haldans were first found in East Lothian, location of Sadducee suspects including Keiths and Seatons, and the latter's green dragon is, likely, the Crichton dragon. The Musselburg location of East Lothian goes to Mussels/Muscle's, like "Masculine," using a version of the Meschin/Masculine Shield. That is some extra evidence that Connellys were Unelli / Oneglia / Nagle / Neil / Grail liners.

German Sobers (Cobb colors) are also "Sobbe," where one can see Cobb potential. The purple buckle of Polish Sobeks/Sobieski's can trace, as a Leslie symbol, to mythical Lestko, son of Siemowit. And the purple can trace to the part of the Brogitarus line that merged or created the purple-robed El-GABAL cult smacking of "GOPLO." In fact, if one removes the 'g' from "Opgalli," the remaining Opalli" looks a lot like "Goplo." The "galli" part of her name might even have had to do with Judas the Gaulonite. It just so happens that while I trace mythical Popiel (preceded Siemowit) to Pepins (RasMUSSEN/Assman kin), the Pepin Crest is a CAMEL (!!!), as in Gamala, home of Judas the Gaulonite. Was IAMBLIchus named after the namers of Gamala?

I had always wondered why English Gobels (same place as Quints) were shown properly as GodBOLTS, and can now fathom a trace with BOLTONs to "Bolzano," where Mieszko liners have traced with some circumstantial evidence. The bows in the Gobel Coat above are in the colors of the Lurch/Larcher arrows, as are the arrows in the bow-using Bude Coat (from Bude, Cornwall), very linkable to the Coats of Bute's/Butts and BUTlers. The red arrow in the Gobel Crest is in the bent arm used by Mieske's. The latter were first found in the same place as Bolzano-suspect Boets/Bots'/Butts -- mainline Sadducee suspects -- and then Mieske's share the bull with Italian Boets. Look at how the Italian Boets can link to Hellers with the Publius-suspect "rePUBLIca" motto term. German Boets are the ones with the fesse-and-fish in the colors of the fesse-and-star in the Arms of Bolzano.

In this picture, the rooster in the Heller Crest can trace well to the Koppel / Aiken rooster, and the blood drops all over the Heller Coat and Crest are code for Traby-like Drops/Trope's, suspect from Tropoje, to the near-east of Koplik/Kupionich. Plus, Hellers are said to be from St. Hellier, beside Dieppe, the latter being where Dawsons were first found who trace with Haslips to Has, down-river from Tropoje.

Admittedly, it is controversial as to whether Italian Boets/Boi's/Bovetti's are Boetus-Sadducee liners, and yet they are well-linkable to the Boii. Recall that Boets came up when finding the Hatters/Hedericks in seeking SanHEDRin liners. Steers use a split Shield in the colors of the split Hatter Shield, and Steers are honored in the "steer" of German Bachs while Italian Boets/Boi's/Bovetti's use the same thing exactly (called a "bull), colors included. The "cede" motto term of Steers looks at the Cedes'/Seeds/Seats, and they show a row of red roses in the colors of the same of Boets/Bots'. That makes a good case for a Beotus trace to Italian Boets/Boi's/Bovetti's.

The Sobers/Sobbe's share a red Shield with Sobeks, and are in both colors of the Q-like "scarf" of Trabys/SADOWski's, suspect with "Quintus." Sadowski's are suspect from "SADDUcee." You are reading this immediately after reading the potential trace of the Gaulonite to Gallus Anonymous' Polish story, and Judas was associated / partnered with a Sadduc character. It just so happens that Sobers (Boet/Butt colors) use nothing but LEAVES, and they happen to be ROSE leaves, evoking the roses of Boets/Butts/Bute's, first found in the same place (Prussia) as Mieske's/Mesechs. Sobeks were first found in Lubel, a term like the Leavell/Lovell surname.

Soper and Sobers can go to the motto terms of Newports suspect with the Chimney chevron, and the Newport leopard faces, when upon the Doberman bend, becomes the bend of Levi-honored Aide's. The latter are suspect as Quaide's from Quadratilla, and then the Wights (obviously linked to Newports from Wight) use QUATRefoils in the colors of the Bet CINQUEfoils. If one just views the leopard in the Bet Crest as the Chives-Crest leopard, the Bet bend with Quintus-suspect cinquefoils can be seen as a version of the Aide bend-with-leopard faces. I wasn't writing this paragraph to link to the chimney sweeping this morning, but I did it the morning after ending on the Bet topic, and I now see, having reloaded the Bets, that they were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Chimneys!

It looks like the previous bat-in-chimney, which had everything to do with Obama lines, including the Singletarys sharing the Wheelwright antelope, had to do with the Bet surname linking hard to Quintus Caepio. I didn't know until last knight that Quintus Caepio linked fundamentally to Saddock-suspect Bedfords, both in Bet colors. You can trace the Bet cinquefoils to the same of Potters honored in the "flower pot containing gillie flowers" of Rinds. Might "CONTAINING" be code for the CONTENTIN?

The Rinds were traced to the ERENik river near Koplik. Trabys were suspect as the namers of Tropoje near Koplik. The CLAUSula river upon which Koplik is located was suspect with the Glass' (BUTEshire) and Klassens now linking to Blacks. The Claus'/Klausens, I now see, are using a Bedford-like Shield as well as an upright lion in colors reversed to the same of Gallus/Galloni's! The surnames are close enough in spelling for a preliminary trace of Gaulonites to the namers of the Clausula. "Gallus," anyway, traces excellently to that river, virtually clinched due to the Goplo-like location upon it.

The bendlets on the white Bet bend link well to the same of Pulleys/Pullens because they were first found in the same place. Rinds linked to Rands (Singletary-colored chevron) who were Randolphs who use bats as well as the cross of Baths/Atha's first found in the same place as Battins/Badens. Whew, and let's not forget the Bats sharing the Haldan / Soper saltire. Lest you don't know, Wheelwrights trace to "Piast the Wheelwright" of the Mouse Tower, the one who took over from Popiel. And the Wheelwright Shield is suspect with the Shield of Tate's found buried in the Rind motto.

The Bets are traced to "dwellers by the hollows," which allows us to record yet another write-up code, to the shame of the heraldry writers, but to my delight for exposing them. I can't wait for them to change the write-ups so that we can list the changes. If you don't find the quotes and claims I take from the write-ups, it's because they were changed. Right away, "hollows" conjured up the Hollys, who happen to use the bend in Bet-bend colors. The white Holly talbot (used exactly by Stone's) is in the colors of the Hall and Hull talbot heads. The latter were first found in Yorkshire, the same place as Bets and Pulleys.

As German WELLERs share the pelican with Pulleys, don't you think "dWELLER in the hollows" is a double lie, for there is a Hollow/Hallow surname sharing torteaux (red roundels) with Hollys. That's how you know you're likely being lied to, in some parts of the write-ups, if you're buying material from houseofnames.

So, the Boet-suspect Bets were close kin to Wellers and Hollows, and the latter were a branch of Halls / Hulls / Hollys. English Wellers have a red rose on a stem in the Crest, while Boets use the red rose. English Wellers (in Bet colors) are using white roses (York symbol) in colors reversed from the Bet cinquefoils (both flowers have FIVE petals), and therefore in the colors of the Potter cinquefoils. The Pot Crest is the tiger design of Medleys, albeit it's called a "sejant leopard." The Pot motto is translated, "BOLD and crafty," possible code for Bolzano elements, and then the Crafts use yet another cinquefoil, black like the Bet cinquefoils. The Craft Crest shares a white dolphin (purple hue) with Hollys, and the pale bars in the Craft Coat are in the colors of Quints (same place as Crafts).

I have been tracing Bat liners to Caucasian Bats that lived at / beside Poti, wherefore it's not surprising that Bets link to Potters, but very welcome in that it solves the backdrop to the picture. But what I wasn't expecting while loading German Potts ("cauldron") was their first being found in the same place as Boets/Bots/Butts!!! As Pots use a tiger, quite apparently, the above recalls the suggested trace earlier of Tigranes to Soducena elements, and I happen to view "Soducena" as the same term essentially as "Kutaisi," the city upstream from Poti that was the location of mythical Aeetes and Medea. I won't elaborate further. This paragraph helps to facilitate the expectation for a Bott = Pott equation in any number of similar surnames.

Logic would have it that the Bats of Poti, a location also called, Phasis, trace to Boeotians and to the Boii of Bologna, where Phasis-bases Pace's/Pasi's were first found. As "Maccabaeus" has been suspect from Boii elements, a trace of the house of Beotus to Bat Colchians seems logical. It plays to lines from mythical Medea, and Medleys can figure to her lines, explaining why Pots share the Medley tiger. But why a tiger?

So, Pots and Potters trace to the namers of Bolzano/Botzen, and we may assume that the Pot "CAULDRon" is clever code for Calders because they are in the colors of the Pot cauldron. But the Calders are also the Caddels = Blake's. The "non" motto tern of Calders/Caddels is shared by Nagle's and Bets, and then the Nagle fesse is being used by French Pots. This traces Calders/Caddels to the Unelli of Crociatonum, where Blacks and Blake's had traced. This find is still within the Bet discussion that revolves around the chimney-sweeping event that included the Blacks with the chimney-sweeping code. As the Conte's had trace to the namers of the Cotentin (location of Crociatonum), let's add that English Pots were first found in the same place (Durham) as Conte's. There seems to be evidence here for tracing Colchian-Pot liners, like Bets, to the Cotentin. The Hollows/Hallows, honored in the lying Bet write-up, share the three white-on-blue crescents of French Conte's.

The Hollow/Hallow fesse is in the colors of the Non/Nevin fesse, explaining why Bets use "non" in their motto. The torteaux, used by Hollows/Hallows (Cambridge) and Hollys, was traced to various ideas, one being the Toreatae scythians, fellow tribe / peoples / neighbors of Soducena-suspect Sittaceni. The Hollow/Hallow Crest is the black Bold/Bolt griffin (Boltons = Bolzano?).

The Hollow/Hallow crescents are also in the Valois Coat, important because Rollo married Poppa of Valois. The Valois Chief is yet another string of three, red roses in both colors of the Boet roses, and the Valois Crest is a black greyhound, the color of the greyhound smoking a red rose on stem in the Crest of Bet-beloved Wellers. Reminder: the lying Bet write-up traces the surname to a "dWELLER in the hollow." It could look like Bets were Boets.

[Insert, a few minutes after writing above. Wellers = Wells trace to the Vallibus/VAUX surname (East Lothian, very traceable to the Crociatonum area) suspect with the PAUX variation of Pots (the ones using the Nagle fesse traceable to the Unelli of Crociatonum). It means that the Vaux surname likely traces to the namers of Bolzano, where the Boets trace. The reason that I mentioned the Vaux surname is because I remembered (all by a dwindling memory) that it might use gold stars on a bend in the colors of the Bolzano fesse-with-star, and sure enough! That agree's with the previous trace of goat-using Bauts/Bots'/BAUX's to Bolzano.

I have got to pause here to give God an awesome word of praise. I'm amazed. The devil must be gnawing at me to keep this from happening. End Insert]

I HAVE GOT IT! IT'S A EUREKA MOMENT. I was actually ignoring the Irish Hollys because they show variations unlike "Holly." But then I realized that their variations, such as the CULLONs, reflect the GAULONites. But, how to prove the link? Then the question asked earlier was recalled: "why Anjou"? Why was the Gaulon surname first found in Anjou? It just so happens that Drakenberg Vere's trace the Melusine mermaid in the Holly/Cullon Crest exactly to counts of Anjou! (The Gaulon lion wears the Martel / Capet crown.)

I recall the day about a year ago when discovering that the holly symbol in the Mire/Mireux/MIREUR Coat was changed to a myrtle tree. The variations of that surname, likewise first found in Anjou, are in code in Melusine's green MIRROR. And so the Hollys/Cullons definitely trace to Gaulons. The Hollys/Cullons are in Chaddock / Chadwick colors. The hands in the Holly/Cullon Coat are traceable to Annas, high priest of Israel. The chevrons and symbols are in the colors and format of the Cobbs. You might want to remember, as I get to the Hobsons/Hopsons, that they use a chevron in the colors of the same of Hands (Hanna kin), wherefore Cobbs-like Hobsons should link to the Holly hands.

You can find Melusine in the Glass Crest, and then while Glass' share the red stars of Gleasons, Gleasons use a bend-with-red-stars in the colors of the Holly bend-with-red-roundels. It's a match. The BUTEshire location of Glass' traces well to Boets/Bute's, while the latter share fish with Cobbs. Don't stop reading now, for there is a lurking nuclear secret in the Cobbs, a little further below.

The Gleason stars can be found in the Branch Coat, and likely in the Dawson Coat, for Hollys use a "holly BRANCH" while Branch's were first found in the same place (Westmorland) as Dawsons. English Willis' use the Branch Coat. The Dawsons are excellent here for the impression coming on as a strong hunch, that Cobbs and similar others are fundamental Kupionich lines. Mr. Skeetz might like to ask why Sherwoods, who share the Branch Coat too, have an early SCHIwode variation.

As Kyle's use the Glass stars too, we note that there is another Melusine in the Prestwick surname, while there is a Prestwick location near Kyle of Ayrshire, and so the Kyle's are suspect with the Gaulonites now. As they share a coiled serpent with Coles'/Coals, it seems that one can lump mythical king Cole into this batch, but also the namers of the Colapis river, where the Hebrew tribe of Breuci lived. And just as we are stressing Cobb-like names, we find that the Colapis was also the Kupa. For more red roses, go to the Copps and Cope's.

I suggest that the Boii-and-Breuci theater were ancestral to the Israeli priesthood, coming into northern Italy. The Bolzano / Trento area is a river flowing right down to Brescia/Brixia. The Hercuniates in the land of the Boii can be the namers of Hyrcanus, the names of Maccabee liners from Simon MacAbee. For a discussion on the Hercuniates theater, see them in the 1st update of this month.

CAMULOdunum = Colchester had the Kemuel- and Buz-line Nahorites = Hebrews, right? I've been saying this for years, and so the Gamala location of Judas the Gaulonite fits that picture perfectly! It seems undeniable for the great coincidence that it would otherwise be. It's even the Modi'in-suspect Medleys that use "gemel" fesse bars. It is compelling, therefore, to trace Gamala and the Gaulonites to mythical Camulos, and of course to mythical Camelot of the Arduinici liners.

The all-seeing-eye in the Arms of Witkowo is an Illuminati symbol. It goes to the family of Peter Pollock as it married WATsons. I read and reported that the black-on-white checks on police caps in England were borrowed from an Arms of Stewart. It dawned on me above that the black-on-white checks of witchcraft and the Illuminati might be code for Blacks on Wight. One surname using a Shield filled with black-and-white checks are the Pepoli's, like "Popiel" of the Mouse Tower. Then, there is also a Popoli surname (Alan colors) first found in the same place (Naples) as Italian Capone'//Capua's.

Question: are Halls and Hulls from Gaulonites? Apparently, yes, for the Halls proved to be Holly / Hollow/Hallow liners. Two Hall Coats can link to the Popoli Coat, for Papenburgs look like they use the Hall talbots. That traces Holly liners to the Mouse Tower. But we can add the Comforts/Comerfords (purple bow, the kind you tie) to this entity because it shares the white talbot with Hollys, Halls, and Hulls, and because it shares a peacock in Crest with CAMELfords/CUMMERfords/!!! That's yet more reason to trace Hollys and Hollys/CULLONS to Gamala's Gaulonites!!! It looks like "COMfort/Comerford" can go to the namers of Como because the three stars of Comforts are in the colors and format of the Comyns and Comets...but also the MontGOMERys. As these are Cimmerian suspects, the RED ROSES of Camelfords can go to the red rose of the Chambres', from Chambres on the same river as Modane!!! Amazing, for the French Chambres are the ones using a Shield filled with the Montgomery fleur!

As Comforts are said to have moved into Kilkenny with StrongBOW Clare, the bow on the Comfort hunting horns can now be reckoned as code for him. Kilkenny is where one Brian surname was first found (Brians also use the hunting horn), and so this traces Comforts to Briancon, just 25 miles from Modane! That's all in Savoy, revealing that the Camelford cross is the Savoy cross. We have an undeniable story here, and as it was Josephus that wrote about the Gaulonites, whom is known to have been renamed after the Flavius family of emperor Titus, not that Campbells/CAMMELLs share gyronny with Titus!!! ASTOUNDING. Clavers use the gyronny too, and so watch how Claviere's link to this.

Another surname first found in Kilkenny were the Cows/Cuffs sharing the Sale/Salette bend-with-fleur, and they trace to the Salyes on the Durance river of Briancon. While the Sale's are said to derive haha-spit in "dining HALL," the Comforts use a Dean-like motto phrase spit-haha. The Cows/Cuff write-up even says that they had a DURNin variation that comes obviously from "Durance," but they're not telling. As I trace Keturah liners to Saluzzo, where Sale-related Pendragons trace (i.e. to the Auriate of the Arduinici), the Catters (fish) look linkable to the Hulls now tracing to the Salyes. As the Pendragon-related Helms are using a version of the Sale / Cows/Cuff Coat, note that Comforts were first found in the same place (Kent) as Mynetts who share the helmet with Pendragons.

Immediately after mentioning Hulls in the paragraph above, it dawned that Gaulonites should be found at the Salto river. I got my larger magnifying glass, and looked excitedly through it onto the atlas. "Lord, where are the Gaulonites around Avezzano. I know they were there. Where are they, Lord," I said, and I looked for perhaps 20 seconds not finding them...because I was looking too far away from Avezzano. Then CELANo was spotted just ten miles north-east of Avezzano! It happened just like that. Celano is very near lake Fucino of the Angitia snake cult.

I then got to the Camulos article:

In the ancient Celtic pantheon, Camulus or Camulos was a theonym for a god whom the Romans equated with Mars by interpretatio romana.

The MARSi were at Fucino, their very own home! You are in-the-know. I call upon all Masons to become truly illuminated by these things. Your master circles are from Christ killers, and they probably still know it. Don't touch, don't handle. This is the obscenity of the Sadducees, sons of satan, just as Jesus said. Camulos was the god of the Remi, from Rimmon, home of Benjamites, as it developed into Rimini and Rheims.

Like the Cows/Cuffs, the Durnins are said to derive in "a fist," and they happen to share a blue Shield with Fists. Durnins are using a Coat reflective of Bauts from the Bautica river flowing toward TURIN, and I trace the Durance river to the Turano, beside the Salto, where the Sallete variation of Sale's traces. So, it appears that the upright antelopes of the Durnins are a version of the upright goat of Bauts/Bots', and then the Claviere's, first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Bauts/Bots', are using a clenched hand that is now revealed as secret code for fist liners such as Cows/Cuffs. And the Cowes' (with an 'e') trace to "Qewe," where Claviere-like Glaphyra had a family!!! Ha! I'm running out of exclamation marks. I use them as I find them; this is jot-down format LIVE, while the excitement runs high, sorry.

Moreover, it just so happens that while Bauts are traceable to Boets, the Durnins share the antelope in Crest with Bet-suspect Chimneys, but this revelation may not have happened had God not sent me a string of Signs that included the latest chimney event. Chimneys are suspect with Cimmerians, but they may have been Comana / Comines / Como elements in particular. That led to check for a Kimmen surname...listed with Comyns (!), first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Hollys.

The Durnin chevron is in the colors of the Gard chevron, and then Villa Guardia is just nine miles from Como. This allows Comforts to be of Como elements. It again gives pause as to whether "Appiano" (two miles from Villa Guardia) is a branch of "Avezzano," near the sources of the Salto and Turano rivers. The other Appiano is at Bolzano, where the Durnin-related Bauts/Bots' trace. It's linking the house of Boetus to Appiano liners.

As Durnins were from ANTrim, the ANTelope may just be revealed as code for its namers. Aha! The Antrim Coat uses nothing but a bend, in the colors of the bet bend! Antrim is in hand-using Ulster, and so the Claviere hand may trace there. In fact, I had found (a month or two ago) evidence that Eustace's trace to the hand symbol of Ulster, and Eustace of Boulogne (kin of the Comines) traces exactly to the Bauts/Bots'. Antrims were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as flaunche-using Hobbits/Hobarts, Hollys...and Keates', the latter a merger with Chives'/Shives' who are in turn a branch of key-using Sheaves/CHIAVA's, no doubt a branch of key-using CLAVIere's. The Chiavari location of Liguria likely applies to Claviere's. Clavers use the Hopper tower, right?

Aha! The ANTRims look like ANDERs/Enterleins because they share a white-on-black bar (both in Sander colors), but Anders are using a Coat reflective of the Boet-suspect Hatter/Hederick Coat, the latter being suspect with "SanHEDRin. The Bets are linking to Antrim elements, right? It may be that Antrims were SANDERs, like "SANHEDRin." Anders were first found in Silesia, beside Prussia, where Boets and Hatters were first found. These Irish Sanders share the elephant with the Cobbs.

Irish Sanders (the ones in Ander colors) are said to be from "AleXANDER," which is a possibility for two reasons: 1) they share a black-on-white chevron with Scottish Alexanders; 2) Russian Alexanders use a black-on-red pale bar, the colors of the Hatter Shield. Interesting here is that Blake's use a black pale bar too, while I trace Alexanders to Alexander BALUS, and then the latter could morph to "Blake." For example, "Balas" could have become "Blaise," and that recalls the Pelaiz/Baez surname that uses half the Pollock saltire. Ha, that was written before seeing the Blaise Coat: it's the white-on-red Jewish-Pollock bend (!), though rising in the opposite direction, as does the white Dober bend, important because Dobermans use another white-on-red bend (Antrims use a white bend too). The Blaise bend even has yet another red rose (whenever I mention red roses in this update, it's for links to the Hatter / Boet roses. Ever since they were first mentioned, red roses have been popping up). German Blaise's (same colors) share the hunting horn with Pollocks.

Aha! English Blaise's (Yorkshire, same place as Maxwells) share the Maxwell and Black saltires! The Blaise Chief uses two Joseph symbols. Reminder: Pollocks were at the GLASgow theater while Blacks share the Glass stars linkable to Hollys. In fact, Hollys are being taken for a branch of Glass' so that Glass' trace to "Gaulonite." As we just saw Gaulonite suspects of the Comfort / Camelford kind tracing to Briancon, let me repeat that I trace the Maxwell eagle to the eagle in the Arms of Glass-suspect Guillestre, smack beside Briancon and likewise on the Durnin-related Durance river (see also the Durant(e)'s).

The Black saltire shares a crescent underneath it with the Blaise saltire. But what I think I missed earlier, when tracing Blacks in a Cotentin migration to Wight, was their "crux" motto term that can now be suspect with CROCiatonum. There is good reason to trace the namers of Crociatonum with Craigs and Carricks to ACRAGAS = Agrigento (southern Sicily), said in Wikipedia to be founded by the peoples of Sicily's Gela location. The Gela are the peoples that I traces to the namers of Guillestre, because Agrigento elements traced to Cuneo and to Provence. Therefore, mark Gela as a Gaulonite candidate. It was only just noticed that the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Blacks is that of the Arms of Agrigento. The red Black crescent should go to the Renfrew Spears, kin of Paisley-suspect Pasi's.

Years ago, I traced "Silesia," where German Anders were first found, to "Sulcis" (= Sant'Antioco) on Sardinia, and identified the terms with "Seleucus," founder of Seleucids. Alexander Balas was a Seleucid ruler!!! Blacks even share a black-on-white chevron with crescent to boot, with Alexanders! Zowie. Speers can be construed as a branch of Spree's for a trace to the Spree river (Lusatia), beside or even in Silesia. Lusatians (from LUZICA) were traced to LISIGnans, otherwise called, Melusines, the ones known to have named the Melusine dragon woman (snake tail) that was later given a fish tail. Mythical Melusine's mother was "Pressina" and similar term that I traced to neighboring Prussia, where Boets / Hatters (in Spree colors). Spree's were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as a Bude location.

Antrims had been suspect with Anders/ENTERleins that can also be of the Lurch-suspect Enders/Ingers, and the Inger variation goes very well to Inger, Varangian husband of the real Melissena Rangabe. Therefore, the Melusine-branch Gaulonites are suspect with Inger and/or Melissena and/or the imperial Rangabe's (the Bouillon cross in white-on-blue). Mythical Melusine was made the mother of a fictional Milo de Vere of Anjou, and then Miles' use a "mill rind" while Rinds are the ones with a flower pot (think Bots) filled with GILLIE flowers. The Gillie's/Gillis' are listed as member of Clan Chattan, and use the Chattan motto that includes, "bot a glove." The Bots are the goat-using Bauts/Bots' (same place as Bouillons) now linking to Antrims, and "Glove" looks Gaulonite-ish. Glove's are using a Coat like Catters, not surprisingly, and that links Glove's to the Gaulonite line of Hulls (all three use the same colors and format). The Chattans and Chatans use the white Botter bend, and so Chattans / Chatans (Saluzzo / Cutter / Bot / Botter colors) look like Keturah liners. Glove's are Glovers, like "Clover/Claver." and therefore suspect as Glaphyra liners.

The Camulos article above has that god at RINDern, Germany. One can now entertain a trace of Gamala / Gaulonites to the Erenik/Ribnik river. Compare "Eren" with "Aaron," a name expected of Levites.

The Glove's (crossBOW) are using the Alexander Coat, aren't they, with the Mott crescent from Modi'in liners, right?

By now you may have realized that the Caesar roses apply, and then Caesars were first found in the same place (Kent) as Mynetts and same-colored Wellers. Can we imagine Caesar's daughter with Servilia Caepionis marrying Amyntes' son, ARTEMidoros, and giving birth to Caiaphas? That's what I have on my one scratch piece of paper.

The Aide's are using a bend that looks linkable to the Bet bend. And then the Aide's (same place as Arthurs and Aitons) had linked hard to the AITons that come up unexpectedly as "ARTEM." What's that? We then find red roses on stems in the Aiton Crest, and more red-on-white roses in the Aiton Coat. I'll bet there's a sweeping story about this. The Aitons look like they use a version of the Deacon / Decan Coat, and Deacons were first found in the same place as Tigers, the coincidences never end, and I am swamped with work today for the endless links and things to say. It's the same day as the chimney sweeping, just one more morning to go before I need to publish this update.

The giant stag head of Calders/Caddels goes to stag head of Rollo-related Colts/Cults (both in PERTHshire), naturally, and from there we trace back to Perta at lake Tatta, where I say the Mitanni from mythical Medea had parked themselves for some time. The Rollo motto term, "tout," can go to Tatta lines such as those that may have named Totes, a location between Pavilly and Dieppe, and near Rouen, where Rollo's family ruled Normandy. Totes must therefore be very near St. Hellier, and then Hellers of that place had linked to the Italian Boets. The Totes happen to share a blue chevron with Rollo's, but let's not forget that some Roger was suspect from the Rollo family in starting the Arduinici on the BAUTica. The Rollo clan badge is the stag head of Cults/Colts, who are known to be a branch of the Coutance-like Coutes'/Coots (stag head). French Coutes' are listed with the Cotta's, and this may indicate the way in which the Rollo line merged with that of Aurelia Cotta in the Cotentin.

The Rollo motto term, "passe," can link to the Pasi/Pascel surname. "Passe" gets the Pascals using a cross like that of Aitons/Artems. That makes sense as per Roger Whoeverhewas. The Holly talbot is called "a dog," conspicuous, and Dogs/Doaks (more cinquefoils) were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Rollo's. The Rollo chevron is in the colors of the Nagle / Paux/Pot fesse. Recall Chris Nagle of Rollock Inc., the scrap yard beside the faked crash site on 9-11.

Where this gets interesting is where VesPASIan's name was traced to Phasis elements. His mother was Vespasia Polla, and I was convinced that Pollocks issued from her, and therefore possibly from Vespasian or his son, Titus. The idea had been that Caiaphas may have merged with Titus' family, or, in any case, his line had merged with that of Titus because the Titus surname shares the Chappes Moor head. The new find that Quintus-Caepio lines were at Bedford and Luton brings the line smack to Hertford, where Titus' were first found. Hertford is between Luton and Cambridge. As Hertford is on the northern outskirts of London, the Titus gyronny can connect to the London gyronny.

The white Holly talbot can go to the white talbot of Fortuna's, and then Rollo's use a "fortune" motto term. In my guess, this is a line to/from Fortriu, a location that was essentially Moray, at Elginshire, where the Coutes'/Coots were first found. The fact the Eustace-suspect Fortune's (East Lothian) use gyronny (in Eustace colors) while the other Rollo motto term is linkable to Pasi's/Pascels; it seems to clinch a Rollo trace to Vespasian and Titus while simultaneously verifying that the Titus surname is ultimately from the emperor. Add to this the claim that the Guiscards/WIScards were a Rollo line, and one can trace "Wis" via Visconti's at Umbria to the namers of VESpasian in Rieti. These terms were traced logically to the namers of AVEZzano (on the river flowing to Rieti). The Avezzano surname uses a red rose on a stem, now traceable to the Rogers. Ask Roger Guiscard about that, and don't forget the Avezzano-like Appiano location near Bolzano, the latter being the place where red roses are tracing.

French Rogers use yet more red roses on white. The ROGET variation thus looks like it's from "Rosette," and the latter surname (Dauphine) shows a ROCET variation. It's the rook-using Rockets = the Roquefeuil line undeniably linkable to Rocks, Rooks and Rookbys. I say that Roquefeuil liners named Roxburghshire, where the Fortune's above were first found (as well as in Lothian, where Sinclairs lived). I traced Roquefeuils to Fulbert "the tanner" along with Fullers. If I'm not mistaken, didn't the Arduinici trace to "the tanner" in the first place? Yes, here's from the near-top of this update: "..."the tanner." The latter's son, a Moulins, traces to Milan, right? It looks like an Arduin liner was in the veins of "the tanner." Or, the Arduins were in the first place from Rollo's family / circle somehow."

The sword of Holly-beloved Dogs/Doaks is in the colors of the same of German Crafts. To refresh your memory, a Pot motto used "crafty," while Crafts show a cinquefoil in the one color of the Bet cinquefoils. The Craft Crest shares a dolphin with the Caesar Crest, but with a purple hue. Can Crafts trace to purple-robed El-Gabal? German Crafts may be using the Osten Shield, which would be important to the "osten" terms buried in the Bet motto, and the Bet bend is in the colors of the same of "dog"-using Hollys so that there does seem to be a Craft - Bet relationship. This will trace Crafts to Bolzano, right? If correct, the Caesar roses will link to the Boet roses, very important for linking Julius Caesar to the house of Boetus.

As the Dog/Doak cinquefoils are in the colors of the same of Belli-honored Bacons, while Carpenters honor the Belli's, "Craft" may be a variation of "Carpe(n)ter," for the latter three surnames use almost the same six bars. And Fullers happen to be related to this picture (ask the Bacon-depicting beacons of both Fullers and Belli's). While the three surnames use six, vertical pale bars, as do German Julians, the six Fuller bars are fesses in the colors of the Bolzano and Boet fesse.

The Alan fesse is also red, uh-oh. It's in the two colors of the Craft bars, and I've always had the impression that Carpenters are Alan liners. Carpenters share a globe with Hope's, but the broken Hope globe is code for Brocks sharing the Alan motto that now traces easily to Alauna. The Totes location is not far off, which I say because the Carpenter chevron can be the Totes chevron, for Tottenhams (Stewart lion in Crest?) use fesse bars in the colors of the Carpenter / Fuller bars. Plus, as Totes is near St. Hellier, it recalls my trace of "Alan" to "Helion," and so one can glean that Hellers at St. Hellier were Alans, especially as the Heller stars are the same of French Alans and French Julians. Reminder: the Craft Crest shares a dolphin with the Caesar Crest, suggesting that Crafts are Julian liners on two counts.

Alternatively, Crafts can be Griffith liners.

On a black Shield, Dogs/Doaks would look like English Wellers, and they happen to be in the colors of German Wellers. English Wellers (Mynetts colors) were first found in the same place (Kent) as Mynetts that use OPEN helmets. As Hobbits can be suspect with Hoppers/Hoppens, let's add that Hollys (colors reversed from Hobbits) were first found in the same place as Hobbits/Hobarts, and the latter share "flaunches" (curved shape on either side of the Shield) with the Obama line of Wolfleys. I had remarked that "flaunche" sounds like my chimney FLANGE, a remarkable coincidence because the bat-in-chimney traced to Obama lines in multiple ways. Another example was the sharing of the antelope between Singletarys and Chimneys.

Hobbits bring us around to the Cobbs suspect with the Sobbe variation of Sobers. The Cobbs happen to use fish in the colors of the "rose leaves" of Sobers, and a fish is on the Boet/Bots/Butt fesse. The Cobbs chevron is colors reversed from the Boet fesse, which, all in all, can trace Cobbs to Bolzano. Then, here's from the Cobb write-up: "First found in Suffolk where Leuricus Cobb..." Boi o boi, does that ever look like Lurco. The martlets in the Cobb Chief are black, as are the Pulley martlets, and the Joseph martlet.

Assuming that the namer of LEURicus was of the Leur/Lure surname, note that it shares a gold star with the Arms of Bolzano. I had the sense, a few days ago, that the Lure star was on the fesse in the Arms of Bolzano, and then later found that Ardins/Ardens (not "Ardon") use what might be the Bolzano fesse. I've been keeping an eye out ever since for any red-on-white fesse with a gold symbol upon the fesse. The Boets were then found, as well as the Vaux's, clinching the fact that Bolzano lines are heraldry-important. As Wellers are a known branch of the Valibus/Vaux surname, note that the Weller Coat is a version of the Brittany Leir Coat.

[Heads up: not far below, a Cobb-like Hob surname surprises the soot out of me with a tiger in Crest. A similar surname, the Hobsons, will be discovered in the same place (Suffolk) as Tigers, but this is also where Cobbs were first found. The extremely-important point here, the reason for this insert, is that the Hobs use hawks, linkable to the "hawk's lure" (heraldic symbol), used for example by Pulley-related Gards!!! That's a Pulley-pelican clincher with Appius Pulcher.

Therefore, while in days gone by I was looking to discover the merit in a Lurco-Opgalli relationship as it might trace to certain surnames like Hoppers, this Leurico fellow in the Cobb write-up seems a clincher, in light of what else is in this paragraph.]

Camelfords were first found in the same place (Staffordshire) as Totes'.

Tigranes' father (Alexander Herod-Maccabee) was brother to Tigranes V (of pro-Roman Armenia). The latter Tigranes was the son of Alexander (son of Herod and Mariamne Maccabee) and Glaphyra. One can see why such lines from Modi'in could use the tiger if it was a symbol of one Tigranes or the other.

There is a Tiger surname (Suffolk) and page, but it hasn't been showing a Coat for years; it claims a trace to "tigier = people-spear," and that once again traces to the spears of Pasi's for a trace to Pessinus! The Spears (share the red crescent with Blacks) were first found in the same place as Pollocks. People's are listed with Pepins that trace to Paphlagonia, roughly at Pessinus. Spears use boars suspect with Eburovices. Spear-related Spree's, I've just realized, use a "sage" motto term while using a version of the Tatton Coat for a potential trace to lake Tatta, and then "sage" may be code for TectoSAGEs, the peoples that Brogitarus' son married.

A trace to Spree-river elements to the Brogitarus line can also trace it to the Kwisa, not far from the Spree. I traced "Kwisa" to Gewisse, home of the English Saxons, but now, "KWIsa" may be a Qewe/Kue entity of the Cowes location smack beside Poole! The Sakarya-river Saxon line that I envision was suspect at the Brenner Pass, and Brenners had been traced to Hants of southern Hampshire, location of Cowes. Is the "Soyez" motto term of Spree's code for Sawyer liners? Spree's are in the colors of English Sage's while German Sage's/Saegers are said to be from a "sawyer." I didn't know about the Spree's when tracing Sage's to Tectosages. It may not be correct in the way it's just been put, but I would say that Spree's and Sage's do in fact trace to Tatta and the Sakarya, and there are two pieces of evidence that they trace to Trypillians.

Tigranes' mother is said to be unknown. With Tigers first found in the same place as Deacons and Artois'/Ardons, I don't think it's coincidental that Artems, looked up as per ARTEMidoros, use a version of the Deacon / Decan Coat. It looks like Tiger do trace to Tigranes, no surprise, really. It could again signal that Opgalli (Tigranes' wife) was a daughter of Artemidoros. However, Artems are listed with Aitons/Aytons, suggesting Aide liners, for Artems/Aitons were first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Aide's (and Arthurs). That can serve to reveal that Opgalli was a Levite. The red roses in the Artem/Aiton Coat can go to the Cope's / Copps, who, along with the besants of Hope's (Derbyshire), can be for Opgalli liners too. Hope's use "broken" twice as code for Brock liners. Does this indicate that Opgalli was a Brogitarus liner?

Cope's and Copps share the blue-on-white chevron of Hopsons/Hobsons (another white griffin), first found in the same place as Tigers and Deacons. Hopsons/Hobsons share "hurts" with Irish Arthurs. Arthurs use the motto, "Impelle OBstantia." It's hard to see how the second term could be for one entity alone so that it appears to be for an Ob entity, possibly. Hobsons are a good choice, and there are Hobbits/Hobarts sharing (almost) a "facit" motto term with Arthur-related Mathie's. Best of all, just found: the Hobs/Habs (Hobbit colors) share a left-facing bird with Artois'/Ardons, and were first found in the same place as Arthurs! I've not arrived to this before, never tried hard enough to figure out that motto term. Hobs share a black-on-white fesse with Poltons.

I almost missed it! If you look closely at the Hob-Crest "lion," it has stripes!!! I did, I did see a putti tat; check it out yourself: "A silver tiger rampant reGUARDant." And Artois'/Ardons were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Tigers.

It turns out that the Hob birds are hawks: "Silver with a black fesse between three hawks belled and jessed." Why jessed" The Crest of Aide's (same place as Arthurs) is a JESSant leopard face. And, by the way, hawks are suspect with the hawk's lure, possibly a Lurco line.

Aha! The Jesse Coat shares a black-on-white fesse with Hobs. On the sleeve in the Jesse Crest, one sees a white-on-red bend (it's actually called a bend), the color of the Aide bend. The Jesse's are traced to Judds and "Jordan," but this recalls that Jordans/Shurdans traced to Sardinia, and then the Jesse's happen to use roosters, symbol of Gallura in northern Sardinia. It's easy to figure here an Arthurian trace to Visconti's of Sardinia. The Gards are still somewhat suspect as a hard form of "Sard," and there is a Guest surname listed with rooster-using Gays (Savoy).

The Gessen variation of Jesse's coaxed me into looking at the Guess' again after years of not viewing them. They are now seen to be extremely important as a Caiaphas line. I wasn't going to mention that German Jesse's are in Kaplan / GARDner colors until seeing that Welsh Guess'/Jests/Guests use swans along with the single chevron that the French Chaplins/Capplins once showed, though they now show two chevrons in the same colors, and these were linked confidently, without a blink, to the two gold chevrons of English Josephs. That was about two weeks ago, before finding the swans here, a symbol of French Josephs. The other Guest surname listed with Gests/Gists even use a black swan in Crest, the color of the Chaplet and Joseph swan, and, BESIDES ZOWIE, the Guest/Gest Shield is split vertically in the colors of the same of German Kaplans! The Guests/Guess' are using the Joseph swan undeniably!

Secondly, German Guess'/Guests are the Gus' recently found to use the Dawson bend-with stars, and Gus-like names had been considered at one time as short-forms for "Joseph / Giuseppe." The Roys use the Gus stars on the same bend too, while Roys are honored in the motto of the particular Burghs that use the EUStace cross. It's important because the English Burgs are thought to have the green chevrons that formed the solid chevron of Josephs over which the gold ones are placed. It asks whether "Eus(tace)/Eust(ace)" was from a GuisEPPE term somehow. Dawsons were from DiEPPE, between Normandy and the Artois home of Eustace. However, other possibilities for the formation of "Eustace" are: from Justine of Picenum, or the Jests / Guests.

As Eustace's family has traced to Bolzano, let's repeat that the Eustace cross is also the Morency cross (from the Montmorency family). Morencys were first found at the same place as Chappes', Levi's and Lys', the latter connectable to a Eustace trace to the Lys river that supposedly becomes the Bautica. The point is, Morencys/MontMURANs look like they can be from Merano, just 15-20 from Bolzano. It begs the question of whether Caiaphas liners were at that area, and why?

Zowie, the Meran surname was just looked up to find it using an embattled version of the Morency / Eustace cross, and first found in Hampshire i.e. where Josephs were first found! As this area was at the Brenner Pass, let's add that Brenners use a chevron in the colors of the same of Hobsons (share hurts with Arthurs). It's yet another way to trace Arduinici to Bolzano. There is an ORTisei location about a dozen miles east of Bolzano, what the hurts might be code for. IN FACT, Hurts/Horts share gold cinquefoils with Ardins/Ardens that were suspect in using the Arms-of-Bolzano fesse! Just think of all the other finds not yet found that can be had with these several certainties. King Arthur has no clothes!

Aha! The Ortes/Ord surname is from Ord at Berwick Upon Tweed! I've never known what "haurient" refers to until now, for the Ort fish are called by that term, apparent code for the Auriate bloodline. German Ortes'/Ordemanns (another arrow) use the "Sine macula" motto of Flints, and then Flintshire is near Arddu and the Ordovices. The motto is translated "Without STAIN", suggesting the Arthur motto code for the Stane surname. The red lion and the WERTheim location (Ort liner?) of German Ortes' makes the surname traceable to Dreng(ot)s (red lion) of the Fondi theater, and to the related Quarters/WHERTers, and to Guerins, which can explain why Hurts were first found in Oxfordshire. The Ort arrow is said to have a "tip" to assure a trace to Pendragons, and then the fish haurient are in Pendragon colors.

Catters, who were suspect as KETURah liners through Saluzzo, are the ones with "salmon haurient"! Fish haurient is now a great way to trace surnames to Arthur liners around Saluzzo. One can do an "haurient" search online to find a slew, I'm sure.

Scottish Horts are in Brenner colors, and include Hardys in their list, suspect with Hardys said to be in Douglas' ancestry. To the near-north of Ortisei, there is a Brescia- and Bruce-suspect Bressanone location. Douglas' are said to have had part in carrying the "HEART of Bruce" to Jerusalem, but that sounds like code to me for the Hardys behind the Douglas heart. It suggests a Hardy link to Bruce's. As I trace "InsuBRES" partly to the Innis' of Moray, where the Douglas stars trace, and in-part to BREScia, it's conspicuous that Bressanone is downstream from InnsBRUCK, in Tyrol, where Thors were first found, while Swedish Thors use...hearts! There's a story of history there, I'm sure. Thors even share a red Chief with Scottish Bruce's.

Bressanone, as per the lozenges of the Bressons/Brix's (Baut colors), could be the link to the Bavarian lozenges known to be from Bogans.

For the time being, "Bogan/Bogen" is suspect as arrow-play on variations of "Bolzano/Bozen." I've just recalled that Bosons (in Boso/Bosin colors) use arrows! They are in the colors of the Lurch/Larcher / Archer arrows! That is exceptional for tracing the Rothschild arrows to the Bogens, now practically clinched from Bolzano! Zowie.

I can't recall whether it was Wikipedia's article on a list of Illyrian tribes, or the Ardiaei article, where Illyrians were shown with a special type of collar or neck band. It birthed the theory that heraldic collars or crowns around the neck are code for Illyrian liners, perhaps even for Illyrians of the Arda kind only. The Schutz's traced to Scodra of Illyricum, and they show a greyhound with collar. The Lurch's/Larchers show a dragon with mural crown around the neck. It's a new field of study.

That was a worthwhile side-tracking from the Jesse topic. The Gessel variation of German Gus' traces well to Wessels -- swans and the Joseph garbs -- because they were first found in the same place (WestMORLAND) as Dawsons. I'm willing to admit error as per tracing Wessels previously to "Vestalis," son of king Cottius, for it appears here that one can trace "Wessel" to a Gus version of "Joseph." I'm not making a final decision here. In support of Jesse's/Jests being a branch of Wessels, Morelands (Ardon/Artois colors) and Morleys both use JESSant leopard faces. The jessant-using Aide's in Berwickshire were within easy reach of Westmorland. The theory had been that Wessels incorporated the Gace surname, and as that's listed with the proto-Washingtons, it's important that Westmorland is at Copeland, while Copelands use a version of the Washington Coat. It only complicates the question on whether Jesse liners trace to "Joseph." Are we willing to entertain "Washington" as a variation of "Joseph / Giuseppe"?

Another Dawson Coat was encountered, almost, in the Pelle Coat loaded as per the "Impelle" motto term of Arthurs. The Impys/Amps are also implied in that code, and they use the Aide leopard face (important because Aide's and Arthurs were first found in the same place). As all of this, especially the jessed hawks of Berwickshire Hobs, tends to show an Arthur link to Aide's, let's repeat that Aide's/Ade's were suspect with Quade's/Qaide's in a multiple trace to Quadratilla, whose father married the family of Bernician-suspect Berenicianus. To find the white tiger in the Hob Crest from the OBstantia" motto term of Arthurs" seems like a clincher for tracing the Artemidoros > Quadratilla line to the Arduinici, especially with Tigers tracing to Tigranes, grandfather of Berenicianus. This gets to the point of undeniable.

As Side's/Sudys likewise use a white tiger, let's repeat that Sutys connect Side's to Seatons without question, and that Seatons can be gleaned in the Impy/Amp crescents as well as their black leopard face used by Seaton-like Keatons (and Aide's). The "hazARD" motto term of Sutys and Seatons had been suspect partly as code for Arthur liners of some sort, and here it's looking like the Arduinici. But the same motto term was suspect with Has liners, and then the lodged Dawson stag is used by Hazel-related HASLips.

It is easily understood that English Chaplins, first found in the same place as English Josephs, are using a version of the Joseph Chief. Instead of Agrippa-suspect garbs, Chaplins use Agrippa-suspect griffins. With the Arduinici involved this closely to this topic, the Chaplins can be using the Saluzzo Shield. Arduin Glaber, whose last name is like the Gabrain character that Arthurs are said to be from, was in the Saluzzo area. His father was Roger, Count of Auriate (early 900s) in the Saluzzo theater. As ArtemiDOROS' line traces to this picture, let's re-focus on the DORIA/D'Auria family that is now understood to be from Auriate. The logical question is whether this was from Aurelia Cotta, the mother of Julius Caesar. She is suspect as the ancestor of king Cottius at Susa, not far west of Ivrea and closer still to Chivasso.

It's not likely coincidental that Hobs/Habs share the black-on-white fesse with Stants/Stands/Stane's together suspect in the "obSTANTia" motto code of Arthurs. The Stants/Stane's (said to be from "stone") look like they play well to the Stein link made in the last update to the Statielli Ligures on the Orba and Tanner rivers, beside the Saluzzo theater. Stants/Stane's are said to be of a marriage with Yarboroughs of HESLington Hall (named by Hazel kin). There is another Stane surname in Stant/Stane colors, and probably using the bend of Pendragon-related Sale's / Helms.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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