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(if there are any to speak of)
January 13 - 19, 2015

Qewe Would Have Thought?
The Mackay Trace to Quadratilla and Laevillus
Llewellyn and Other Fuddy-Daddys
My Fawn Story Has Amazed the Storyteller
Time to Tatta-Tale: Muksus was at Mokissos

Some months ago, I found it suspicious that two terror-related attacks in Canada, both near to one another, were conducted with non-Arabs. If I recall correctly, both men were Frenchmen, and neither one had an organization behind them. I argued that it was a fraud, in order to justify Canadian involvement in the Iraqi war. I argued that Frenchmen were used because the use of Canadian Arabs would cause the Muslim community to scrutinize the arrests more closely, with greater risk of being discovered. I also argued that using lone-wolf terrorists is less risky than claiming a group that doesn't exist. This week, I am reading of two terror attacks in the U.S., neither individual of which is an Arab American:
The FBI has arrested an Ohio man for allegedly plotting an ISIS-inspired attack on the U.S. Capitol, where he hoped to set off a series of bombs aimed at lawmakers whom he allegedly considered enemies, ABC News reports.

Christopher Lee Cornell, of Cincinnati, was arrested on Wednesday...

[Blah blah very scary...and who trusts the FBI anymore, anyway]

...In August, a woman from Arvada, Colorado who was charged with aiding a foreign terrorist organization agreed to change her plea to guilty.

The woman, Shannon Conley, was charged with conspiracy to provide support to ISIS. Court documents claim Conley joined the Army Explorers to be trained in U.S. military tactics and firearms, and that she told the FBI she wanted to wage Jihad and to go overseas and fight.

A very-unlikely story for a Conley surname, don't you think? You would think, if homegrown terrorism is real, that for every such American individual arrested, there would be multiple Arab-American GROUPS arrested. Why isn't that happening? The FBI is a fraud unit, no doubt about that. Whether they are using actors, or falsely accusing some, either is possible with the FBI.

Continuing from the last update. As always these weeks, I am no longer proof-reading after writing, but trying to proof read as I go along. If something makes no sense, I apologize. Personally, I don't like articles online that are not proof-read and filled with mistakes, but I hope you'll forgive me as these updates are very long for just a week's time. Each update is the equivalent of five or more chapters. These updates are in jot-down form, not thought-out writing.

Julius Quadratus, had married (Iotapa) a ruling family of Cilicia, and then the QUADE's/Wade's and related Mackays/Quoids/Queys, who share the black wolf head suspect with neighboring Lycaonians, have variations that appear linkable to "Qewe/Kue" in Cilicia. Until now, I've been hesitant to trace Mackay variations to Qewe. I've been adamant that Mackays are a branch of Maceys and therefore Maccabee liners, and it just so happens that Quadratus' wife was a daughter of Julius Alexander, a known Maccabee line. Moreover, I traced the Mackay bears years ago, with some confirmation, to Berwickshire and Bernicians, while Julius Alexander BERENICIANus was traced to Bernicians two updates ago on what seemed like viable evidence. To add to that evidence, Quadratus' wife was a brother of Julius Alexander Berenicianus. I think we have a story here.

The last update taught me something new, that French Chaplins/Capplins are primary Joseph-Caiaphas liners. I didn't know it until the last update because they were showing a single gold-on-blue chevron, but when it was discovered in the last update that they now show two gold chevrons, they were very linkable to the two gold chevrons of Josephs, first found in the same place (HAMPshire) as English Chaplins (whom I normally call Kaplans) and Josephs. As AMPs/Impys were traced to the founders of Pamphylia (west side of Cilicia), AMPHilocis / AMPHiaraus, or to whatever those terms depicted, I'm including the namers of Hampshire, for Northampton and Southampton are in geographical relation to Hampshire.

In this picture, one could argue that Chaplins/Kaplans / Capplins should trace, not to "Caiaphas," but to "Cappadocia," for that was smack beside the Cilicians too. But I have a story to tell. The Cappadocian capital that was anciently, KAIsariya, not only smacks of "KAY," but the city had also been called, Mazaca, too much like Macey / Mackay to ignore. I wasn't sure how to explain this. It was a theory of a few years ago that Kays/Keys could trace to Kaisariya and/or Qewe, and that Maceys had formed a Mackay variation due to a fundamental kinship with Kays.

At about the same time, I was looking for "Caiaphas" to trace to "Cappa(dox)" with the Capua/Capone surname, for I thought that mythical Capys, said to be the founder of Capua, represented Cappadocians. I had no idea at that time that Maccabees had been ruling Cilicia. Never before did I stress the "aide" motto term of Levi's, until two updates ago, for I rarely load the two Levi surnames due to knowing their symbols well (I knew that Jewish Levi's share a black-on-white lion with Capua's/Capone's). I didn't even consciously know that French Levi's (for new readers, they were first found in the same place as Chappes') have a motto; I had forgotten about it until two updates ago. Here and only now, with the Aide surname now important, and while focusing intently on the gold lion in the Quade/Wade Crest, as it might pertain to the gold leopard of the Aide Crest (why was that coming to mind?), it only took a couple of seconds more to realize that "AIDE" must be a branch of the QUAIDE variation of Quade's.

Therefore, we can now entertain that Aide's were from Quadratus and/or his daughter, Julia Quadratilla. And it just so happens that Quadratilla married Lupus Laevillus! I told you, we have a story to tell. Suddenly, the surnames under discussion are not tracing to Cappadocia only, or even to Cappadocia necessarily, but with Levi's in the picture, they go well to "Caiaphas." The Aide's were even first found in Berwickshire!!! It's like the curtains are falling off of my eyes thanks to arriving to Quadratus of Cilicia, brother-in-law of Berenicianus. They lived too late to birth Caiaphas, but with a "few" more good clues, we will be able to peg who his parents were.

The Aide bend shares black leopard faces (why black?) with Keatons as well as with the Amp/Impy Crest! It's all making sense. The Amp/Impy crescents are used in the same colors as the same of Bellamys, who are known to have merged with Ferte-Mace, home of Maceys. Moreover, Bellamys lived in Perche, while Chappes' use a PERCHevron. That's no coincidence. But the new realization is that the French Chaplins and Hampshire Josephs may be using two chevrons because Perche's do so too, and so the Bellamy fesse may be in Chaplin colors for a related reason.

The red-on-white Perche chevrons are used by English Maine's, but then French Josephs were first found in Maine (not far from Perche), as were French Billets/Billiards/Billiez (there was a Bilis river in Pamphylia). The latter use PIERCED Zionist stars (probably code for Perche-related Pierces) around a chevron, what is a white version of the Payen / Mullet / Guerin Coat. As Hugh de Payens married Elizabeth Chappes, we now note that the Payen chevron is in the color of the Chaplin chevron (the latter use both one and two chevrons). When we go to English Billets, they use the Coat of Bellows, but the latter shares a black wolf head with Quade's / Mackays (is this why the Aide leopard faces are black?). The Bellows motto, I now see, includes a "Vita" term, and then Julius Avitus married Julia Bassianus, suspect from the line of Julius Bassus. As Bellows are said to have lived in Moreton -- Cheshire, where Maceys lived -- they look like a Bellamy branch that merged with Billets, or we a branch of Billets.

Payens call their Zionist stars, "spur rowels," partly as code for Spurrs (pierced star in the colors of the pierced Payen stars), and partly for Rowels (besants) listed with Rothwells/Rosewells, who look like Roslin liners due to the engrailed chevrons in the colors of the Sinclair cross. But these two chevrons are black, the colors of the three Levi chevrons, and then Rollo parked his Normans to the west side of Paris, the latter being where Levi's were first found. Two chevrons in the colors of the Rothwell/Rosewell chevrons are used by the Ash's of Devon, but German Ash's/ASCH's use three chevrons in colors reversed from the same of Waters.

I've been doing heraldry work for nearly a decade, having learned that heraldry write-ups, as presented by, are often supplying codes for kin rather than true derivations. The Bellows write-up is no exception, but before getting to that, see the laughing matter in the Rothwell/Rosewell write-up, where someone derived the surname in "SPRING or stream in the summer CLEARing." Clears are listed with Clare's / Clairs, one branch of which was first found in the same place as Spring(er)s and Deacons (and Taque's/Tash's said to be from "ASCHE"). The single Spring chevron is a tall one, a rare design, but in the red color of the Clare / Water chevrons. The Cotys'/ArchDeacons (Lurch/LARCHer / Archer kin?) happen to use three chevrons in the colors of the Rothwell/Rosewell chevrons.

The Bellows are derived in "CLEAR water." The Waters happen to use three red chevrons in the two colors of the two Perche / Maine chevrons. Clears/Clerks use a lion / leopard in the colors of Clare's, and Clare's likewise use three red chevrons. Do we still think that Bellows are derived in "clear water"? They are taking you for fools, and mock you by not telling of the family links they know of. They lie.

Sometimes, a term like "Aide" can develop a "Caide" variation once it gets to the Irish / Scots as "MacAide." I see this often. The Lurks/McLurgs, using a green archer in Crest, show a M'CLURG variation smacking of Clerks. The Clarks and Clerks may therefore be a version of "Lark / Lerk," especially as Clare's are known kin of Burghs while Barks/Berks use LARKS. It can suggest Lurco, father-in-law of Appius Pulcher, the one whose "brother" (by adoption) married the granddaughter (Servilia Caepionis) of Quintus Caepio the elder. See the Lurco topic in the last update. You will see another Pulcher (Publius first name), thought by some to be a grandson of Quintus Caepio the elder (perhaps the only objectors are the groups seeking to cover it). APPIUS Pulcher is tentatively suspect with Jonathan APPHUS Maccabee. Therefore, one or both of the Pulchers have become suspects in the ancestry of Joseph Caiaphas.

The Caide's/Caddys happen to use garbs in the colors of the same of Dade's that are now tracing to lake "Tatta" in Lycaonia (map below). The Caide's/Caddys likewise use "pennants", the symbol of the Qewe-suspect Cowes'/Coe's/Ku's/Koo's (three pennants in the colors of the three Water chevrons). More pennants (in Sinclair colors) are used by Catys'/Cadys (share rooster in Crest with Sinclairs), and the Catys/Cady pennants are in the colors of the Lough/Lochor pennants (though called "piles" in this case).

The Cowes'/Coe's share the same cross design, but in black, the color of the same cross used by Julians/Gillians and Teague's/Caige's (wolf head), the latter said to be of a Tatta-like "Taidh" term of the Irish. "Teague" may possibly have been a branch of Tease's, especially the Ticino-based Tecks/Tess'/Tease's that I link to squirrel-using Decks/DAGGERS, important here because a giant squirrel is in the Lurk Coat! It was discovered that the Lurk motto is used by Bowers so as to link Lurch's/Larchers to the bow theme of Bowers, but the Teague's even use a motto term like the Lurks. The five, bunched Bower arrows (symbol of Rothschilds) are black on green while the Lurk Crest has an archer dressed in green and holding a black bow, a match. These things together are extremely important to trace Qewe elements to the Ticino because the Laevi were on the Ticino. Mrs. Quadratilla of Cilicia married Lupus Laevillus (!), and here we are tracing what looks like Quade liners to the Laevi. In fact, Quade-branch Mackays use DAGGERS!!!

It seems very much as though Caide's are a branch of Aide's who already traced to Qewe by their link to Quade's/Quaide's. In this picture, the Aide bend is the bend of Valentins that put three green squirrels upon it. In the last update, Aide's seemed to link well to Shaw- and Foix-suspect Addingtons (share gold fleur-de-lys with Aide's), which link I'm not taking back, for Addingtons (share five lozenges with Mandys) are suspect with Haddingtons (Caddy / Catys liners, right?), the latter expected to be of Keaton-suspect Keaths. The "muzzled" bears of Mackays (a term used by others though not be the Mackay description) are expected to be part-code for Musselburgh of Haddington.

Lurco was from Fondi of western Italy. And then we find: "Born as Publius Claudius Pulcher in 93 BC, the youngest son of Appius Claudius, he became known as Publius Clodius after his controversial adoption into the plebeian family of Fonteii in 59 BC." It looks like the Fonteii family of concern can link to the Fondi elements of Lurco. Both this Pulcher and the other were adopted.

The point is, and especially if the Clarks / Clerks were Lurco liners, the Waters are now suspect from the Wade variation of Quade's/Quaids. That should explain why they share a red chevron with Quints, as well as being first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints. Waders are listed with the Waters (hmm, who do not show up when entering "Water"), first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Bellamys, and in colors reversed.

I trace the Waters to the so-called "water bouget," and the water bouget was traced to Bouchard II of Montmorency (same cross as Eustace's) because he was of an area at Ile-de-France and neighboring Eure-et-Loir (east side of Perche), while the Arms of Eure-et-Loir use the three Water chevrons in the same colors. Amazingly, the Bugs (use a water bouget) worked into the discussion in the last update where they linked to Tile's/Tillers and Tills suspect from whatever "QuadraTILLA" was named after. But if that isn't enough, the Bugs worked into the Rothschild trace back to Lurco! Amazing, it looks like corroboration.

The Morencys (first found in the same place as Levi's and Chappes') are in the colors of the Logans/Lohans (nails, suspect with the Crucifixion, and proud of it) while being said to be from a LOGNy entity. As Lohans are part of Lohengrin, the Swan Knight, son of Percival, let it be repeated that Pierce's were first found in the same place as Percivals (bear much like the Mackay bear), both suspect with "Perche." It's just another way of saying that Montmorency was linked to Perche elements. Why was Percival made the Grail King?

The Leuvens use bear paws. Check out the Laevillus-like variations in the Italian Leuvens.

As the two green chevrons of Hampshire Burghs are suspect with the green perchevron of the Hampshire Josephs, it's notable that the Morency cross is used by Berks/Burghs while Dutch Bergs / Burgs had been showing the three red Clare chevrons for some years before the Coat started to show a dancette. There is nothing surprising about Morencys linking to the Clare chevrons if they are the same three used by Waters, but that suggests that Clare's trace back to Quadratus. It also makes Quadratus line suspect somewhere in Eure-et-Loir, and that's the location of Dreux, listed with the Drew surname that could trace to the dragon-empress, Livia DRUsus, Lurco's granddaughter, and daughter of Appius Pulcher.

The latter is not readily found with a search of "Claudius Appius Pulcher"; instead, a Wikipedia article comes up with another Claudius Appius Pulcher, born in 97 BC. The latter is thought by some to be a grandson of a Fonteia family, the same surname that adopted Publius Pulcher. I have not spent time studying this situation. The Appius Pulcher under discussion is at an article on Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus, which was Appius' name by adoption:

By the way, for one day, the last update had Publius Pulcher as Lurco's grandson in a few instances, due to my confusing the two Pulchers.

Now look at this. Dreux'/Drews use a lion in colors of the wyvern used by Dreux-like Drake's (HAMPshire again), and the wyvern of Tile's/Tillers and Bogans was used in the last update for a trace to Lurco, whose daughter was ALFidia, mother of Livia DRUsus. The Drakenberg Vere's, known to use a green wyvern, claimed to descend from an ELVin princess (Melusine) at Avalon, and into Anjou, which has the effect, apparently, of tracing the Alfidia > Drusus line to Melusine as well as to those places. But as Livia was the wife of emperor Augustus, I suppose that his line is the dragon behind the Vere's. Wasn't Livia a Levi liner?

The natural thing to do is to look at the August surname for further clues. It use an eagle talon (see Capone-suspect Talons/Tallants). It just so happens that eagle talons (called "legs") are in the Chief of Amyntes- and Hasmonean-suspect Mandys/Mondays (another black wolf head), first found in the same place (Derbyshire, traces to Lycaonia's Derbe) as Lurch's/Larchers! The Mandy cross can be either that of MACClesfields and Face's/Fessys, or of Sinclairs, but the FIVE purple Mandy lozenges can now connect to the purple lions of Veys/Vivians (kin of Five's and Fife's), for the latter trace to Mogan le Fey of Avalon.

The Skiptons likewise use purple lions, but they are a branch of Skiptons (Oxfordshire, where Vere's ruled centuries), the ones who use "bellows" as code for the Bellows using a black wolf head! As the black-wolf Quade's/Wade's are being traced to Qewe, which had several version of that name (see Wikipedia), note the "quae" motto term of Lurch's/Larchers (don't assume that l'Archer was the original form). The Bugs entered the picture partly as per the Nottingham location of Lurch's/Larchers, who were linked to Robin-Hood code work. The Qewe entity was suspect with mythical Kay/Cai of Arthurian codes, and so the Cai-like motto term of Lurch's traces the Lurco line potentially to Cilicia. But as Kay/Cai was made a son of mythical Ector (same as Ector of Maris), it's notable that Ectors were once showing a giant sun, apparently linkable to the "sola" motto term of Lurch's. It's suggesting El-Gabal (purple-robed priests).

Perhaps it needs to be spelled out that since Aide-suspect Qua(i)de s look like Qewe elements, Quadratus (ruled Cilicia, location of Qewe) looks like he was named by Qewe elements. In that case, the name should perhaps be viewed as Qua-Drat in spite of later code lovers using a four theme to symbolize the bloodline.

The Aidhne Problem

As I got to investigating the Clear surnames, there arose a problem, whether or not to link their "Aidhne" entity to Aide's, and, if so, whether to trace "Aide" to the Quaide's from Qewe, or to the namers of mount Etna. What?

As you'll see, Clears/Clarks trace to Templars of the Payen kind, as could be expected if Clears were Clare's. The Clear/Clark write-up would have you think otherwise. When coming to the "Eidhne" version of "Aidhne," Edins/Edons were looked up. EDINburgh is just six miles from the Sinclair home of Roslin so that we have either found that Clear/Clark ancestry named that Scottish capital, or that the namers of Edinburgh named the Eidhne entity of Clears/Clarks.

Edins/Edons show black scallops (traceable to Scylla, beside or part of mount Etna), the colors of the Aide leopard faces. Coincidences do happen, but that's perhaps a second reason for viewing Aide's/Eddie's, not as Quaide's, but as Edin/Edons. However, this would be a good place to add that the Dade/Dady garbs are in the colors of the Edin garbs, and perhaps Dade's will be clinched in a trace to lake Tatta. Daddys/Dowds (Pollock saltire?) were first found in Connacht, where the Aidhne entity ruled Ireland, and the Daithi character in the Daddy/Down write-up is said to be related to king Niall (5th century, early enough for this to be myth and code rather than reality). The write-up doesn't say that the Dowds descend from "Daithi / Dathi," but that's what it looks like to me. The Dowds look like an o-version Daddy / Dade/Dady. For the following discussion, Fiachra, Niall's brother, smacks of "Fiera(brace)."

Trying to find some information on Niall, a Larken Clan website popped up, what a larkincidence. Again, "Lark" and "Clark" may be related terms. After comparing Niall with Alexander "the great" (where did that come from?), the Larken page adds:

...Niall of the Nine Hostages, or Níall Noigiallach [looks like a Nagle code?], was the youngest son of Eochaidh [Quaide code?] Mugmedon (King of Connacht), by his second wife...He succeeded Criomthainn as king. He became the 126th High King of Ireland [that tells you that the writer takes fiction for fact, for kings of Ireland going back, nor even their historians if they knew what one was, were not recording their history]. His brothers were Fiachra and Brian [Briancon is something Guerin of Provence could have linked to]. Niall became High King in 445 A.D., and reigned until his death in 453 A.D. Niall was said to have ruled over Tara, but modern historians think it more likely that Niall's descendants founded Tara, and that Niall himself actually set up his kingdom at Uisnech, another "royal hill" in Meath.

As Nagle's are listed as Neils, "Níall NOIGIALLach" is discovered as code, for Nagle's are not traced to Neils, but to an Angulo character. Nonetheless, it's obvious that Nagle's are listed with Neils / Nails. Nagle's traced to "Oneglia" of the Ligurian coast, where they had been linked to Guerin of Provence. Therefore, "Criom(thainn)" could be a Grimaldi code. This can explain why Drakenberg Vere's traced themselves to Irish royalty, even if it was merely to mythical royalty. Drakenberg witchcraft could be expected to write faked history. Wikipedia's article on Ireland takes you for a stupid by taking you back to the ice ages some 12,000 years ago, and the writer knows the world to be filled with like-minded stupids that will go for this concept. Finally, when the article comes around to true history: "Medieval Irish literature portrays an almost unbroken sequence of High Kings stretching back thousands of years but modern historians believe the scheme was constructed in the 8th century to justify the status of powerful political groupings by projecting the origins of their rule into the remote past."

Aha! After writing that, the Larkin Coat was loaded to find the same checkered Shield as Vairs/Fers', and it's in the colors of the lozenges that fill the Grimaldi Coat. For new readers, compare with Guarins/Warrens and Fers/Ferrats. The Larkin cross is in the colors of the Clarkins (regular Clarks) using what should be the Stave/Stephenson chevron, for the two surnames were first found in the same place. But the last update found that Stave's/Stephensons are likely using a version of the Provence-surname Coat. Moreover, "staves" are used by the GRIMaldi-suspect "PilGRIM" surname. Scottish Clarkins/Clarks are using a fesse in colors reversed to the Nagle / Weir/Vere fesse.

The other Stephensons use the same bend colors as the Aide bend while sharing leopards faces on their bend with the Aide bend. The Stephenson leopards are in the colors of the Valentin squirrels on the same-colored bend, assuring an Aide link to Valentinian and/or Justine (his wife). As the Stephenson Crest is the gold garb of the Edin/Edon Crest, I suppose it's another reason for equating Aide's with Edins/Edons. In the last update, Aide's were equated with Addingtons / Haddingtons, the latter a region of East Lothian, smack on the doorstep of EDINburgh. It appears, therefore, that Aide's were of the Aidhne entity.

Clarks are said to have been a sept of PHERson, possibly a Fer / Vere / Fear/FIER branch. Larkins are said to be from "Lorc," defined as "FIERce," what looks like code for "FIERabrace."

Along with being traceable to Lycaonia with Dade's, the Edin/Edon chevron is in the colors of the Amp/Impy chevron. As Clare's ought to link to Clears/Clarks said (in an online article) to be from one Eidhne character (11th century), it's notable that Edins were first found in the same place as Clare's, and moreover they use a chevron in colors reversed from the Clare chevrons. Fernins/Vernons share gold garbs with Edins/Edons, and were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Eatons/Etons. Therefore, I'm inclined to trace "Eidhne" to mount Etna (where the Edin scallops and Eaton patee cross trace), but do not think that "Eidhne" can trace to "Qewe."There is reason here for not identifying Aide's with Quade's if the latter honor Quadratus. It's not to often I get parked like this. I'm stumped

But let's go on. Irish Clears/Clarks look like a branch of Garrys/O'Hare's (Connacht), for Clears/Clarks are said to descend from a Guaire character (ruler of Connacht). As I trace Guerin/Garin of Provence and Melusine to mythical MacAlpin, it's notable that Guerin lived at the time of CLERieach, the character in the Clear/Clark write-up said to descend from Guaire. I was just saying, in the last update, that Guerin of Province links to Lerins/CLARins using two of the three Clare chevrons. That should explain the Guaire-based Clears.

For more on Garrys, as they traced to Patmos, see them in the 4th update of last December. Of interest here is that the Quarter/Whirter surname uses an Asclepius rod, symbol of Skala on Patmos that I trace to Scylla beside Etna. As Scylla was made a monster with multiple wolf heads, that part of Sicily (far-eastern) can trace to Lycaonians. Scylla is easily identified as Hecate's Colchian entity. If the Quarters were named in honor of Quadratus liners, does this trace them to Scylla? If Quarters are Gards, note that Gards use a wolf, now tracing to Lycaonia. Quarters even have a Water variation that evokes the "clear water" of wolf-using Bellows. BaumGARDners were traced to Pamphylia, beside Lycaonia.

This Guaire character (died 663) was earlier than Guerin by several generations, though the king lists for Guaire's time period may have been "legendary" i.e. codes created by those who made the king lists. Guerin's supposed father, William of Gellone, was called, "FIERabrace," and then Garrys/O'Hare's use a "fear" motto term while Fiers are listed with Vere-branch Fears. Hello?

The green Garry lizard may link to the same of QUADRatilla-suspect COTTARs. Here's of Guaire: "Guaire Aidhne the Hospitable, son of Colman...It was said that this right arm was longer than his left from his lavish donations of charitable gold [hint of Caepio gold?]! I don't make things like this up; I just follow the leads. Irish Colmans use a cross reflecting the Eaton cross, and as Eatons once showed the same cross as Samsons, Eatons are allowed to use the Colman cross, the one now showing for Samsons (scallops, trace to Scylla). English Colmans (caltrap) use the same lion as Guerins, and a pale bar in colors reversed to the Wader/Waters pale bar. The article continues: Guaire was an ancestor of the Hynes, O'Clerys and Kilkellys of Aidhne. " Clearly, Aidhne is a location, and may have predated Guaire, or, he was a fictional king that was named after Aidhne because the entity he represented was of that place.

I would therefore suggest that Edins/Edons are using the Amp/Impy chevron while Aide's are using the Amp/Impy leopard face, while the Bellamys in the Amp/Impy crescents are the "clear water" bloodline to Aidhne while the Seatons using the same crescents bring Edins to EDINburgh. I'm trying to understand why Levi's honor this picture. It would have been easy had the Aide's just traced without complication to Qewe, where we could link to Lupus Laevillus. But even in the midst of the Edins entering the picture, some leads led back to what had looked like Pamphylians / Lycaonians.

The page above mentions Eidhin (grandfather of O'Heyne), of a later period; he's likely real. Aide's are also "Edie/Edey." You can see "King Guaire Aidhne," in the write-up of Kelly-related Kilkellys. Although Kellys are not showing it now, they do use an Enfield griffin in Crest, and then Enfields are using a version of the Sadducee-suspect Coat of Saddocks / Chadocks / Chadwicks. The footless martlet in the Enfield Crest is in the colors of the same giant one of French Josephs. It's also in the Pullen/Pulley Chief that I think is a version of the Gard Chief, and the latter's upright griffins are in the colors of the Quarter/Whirter lion so that, indeed, GARDs may have been a QUARTer branch. The Enfield martlet is on a small gold shield so that it's the Joseph Coat in its entirety. Why are AIDHne elements linking to Caiaphas?

The EnFELD variation can link to Falts. English Falts share a gold fleur-de-lys with the Aide Crest, and Scottish Falts/Fauls use nothing but the nothing-but-LEAVES of Irish Clears/Clarks under discussion. I'm just following the clues, not trying to force one scenario versus the other, and here we find a manuQUE motto term in the Scottish Falts/Fauls. I'm pretty sure the Qewe/Kue went by a Que variation too. PLUS, highlight MANUque, for the Qewe-suspect Mackays use a "Manu" motto term! Bingo. A VERY BIG BINGO.

IT GETS BIGGER. The "Mente" motto term of Falts/Fauls can now be considered code for Amyntes elements. I couldn't have expected a term more like "Amyntes" in the last update. He was the great-grandfather of Quadratus to the fifth generation. As Amyntes was from HASmonean-suspect Akmonia (see last update for that story), note that both the Falt and Clear/Clark LEAVES are used by HAZels and related House's. In this case, they are called "laurel leaves." Amyntes' father (Brogitarus) was supported politically in Rome by Publius Pulcher, possibly related directly to Appius Pulcher, son-in-law of Clark-suspect Lurco. If Brogitarus had been messing with a Caepio woman in Pulcher's family, Amyntes could have been a half-brother to Joseph Caiaphas.

Having said that on the FALTS/Fauls, look at the third "clear" term found in a write-up, this time in the Field/FELD write up: "the bearer of the Field surname lived in an area cleared of forest." Sure, it makes sense, but many other phrases could have been used besides "cleared of forest." We don't need a definition of what a field is, and, besides, we don't really think that someone got that name just because they lived in a forest opening. It just so happens that the Forez surname is also "Forest" while Forez is a mountain in Dauphine, where the laurel leaves trace. This looks like the bunch at the Caepio treasure at St. Etienne. The Falt-suspect Rockefellers are from Roquefeuil, a city that uses a billet in its Arms, as does the Etienne surname.

The Fields/Felds use a chevron surrounded by white garbs, in the colors and format of the Raymond Coat (identical but with eagles instead of garbs), Then, the Gellone fleur in the Raymond Shield are in colors reversed from the fleur in Coat of English Falts/Faldo's/Fauls/FauldHOUSE's. That's a match, especially as Provence was at the Dauphine theater, where laurel traces (Raymonds of Toulouse married Provence).

A funny thing happened two days ago, while looking at the Irish Fields with Feeley variation, I saw that is may have been using the Apollo/Polloni oak tree, with eight acorns suspect with Augustus (Octavian bloodline), an Apollo worshiper. It looked like FEELEYs were named after an F-version "Polloni / PULLEY," and then the EnFIELDs even use the martlet in the colors of the same of Pulleys/Pullens. The Peels (Pulley colors) were therefore loaded under the suspicion that they were Field/Feeley liners, and there in the Peel Coat, three arrows connected at their centers, a symbol I had seen recently but couldn't recall where. I didn't scroll back to look for the surname, and time was up for that day. The next day, the last thing written was the IT-GETS-BIGGER paragraph. This morning, that topic was continued, and when getting to the English Falts/Faldo's , there in the Crest were three arrows connected at their centers!!!

There is a gamut of new information here. The Falts/Fauls and even RoqueFEUIL are from Pulleys/Pullens, as well as from Apollo's/Poloni's. Pulleys were at Roquefeuil, and they trace to Polemon, likely, a ruler of the Pontus and even of Cilicia in times prior to the rule there of Quadratus. With Pulleys at Roquefeuil, they can be identified as Fullers in a line to Fulbert of Falaise. Fullers traced by their beacon and their motto to Beacons/Bacons at Bacau, on the Siret river beside the Trotus river, where I located Angustus/AUGUSTus. Perfect, but Bacau is at the mouth of the BISTrita that is itself not far south of FALTiceni. The Bissets, suspect with variations of the same-colored Bassets/Besancons (11 billets in the colors of the six billets of Etienne's), use the same-colored bend as Pulleys/Pullens. This picture is undeniable.

There is more to be gleaned, for the Peel motto, "Industria," is a term used by Rothschilds, which tends to verify that this clever term is part-code for Istria (probably at Pula/Pola, where proto-Rothschilds trace as Pollocks) and part-code for Enders/Inders (come up as "Inger"), who use three arrows on a blue Shield, just like the Lurch's/Larchers and Archers! The Ender/Inger arrows (not bunched) are red, the color of the three bunched arrows of Peels.

Yes, like Rothschilds, the Peels use bunched arrows in contact at their centers. Peels were first found in the same [place (Yorkshire) as Fields/Felds, and I recall linking the latter to Rothschilds. This verifies what other traces have gleaned, that Rothschilds and Rockefellers were one (Fullers were traced to Fulbert "the Saxon", father of Peter Pollock). In the last update, Rothschilds traced to Lurco, and the same can be said right here if Clarks were Lurco liners. Lurco was the grandfather of Livia Drusus, wife of Augustus!

Recall that the Aidhne entity of Clears/Clarks is said to be ancestral to KilKELLYS, for the Kelly's are traced to "Ceallach" while the Fields/Feeleys are traced to "FithCHEALLACH," a term that is laughably traced to a "chess player." Whatever that may be code for, the Clears/Clarks are linking right up to the Feeley bloodline, which I find very significant for identifying Clarks. There seems to have been a Lurco>Pulcher-line link to the Mopsus cult at Clarus. If this was the line to the Biblical False Prophet, it looks like Rothschilds may be a part of that picture.

It's all making sense: Bauers > Rothschilds can trace themselves via Roquefeuils to Livia Drusus. It was the Mandy Chief that shared the eagle talon with Augusts, and that tends to verify that Mandys trace to Amyntes (Brogitarus' son). The talon is code for talon-using Talons/Tallants, suspect with the Taulantii Albanians and tracing well to Tails/Taylors, first found in the same place (Kent) as same-colored Mynetts and Hamonds (both traceable to "Amyntes"). Tooks/Touque's, in the same colors and likewise first found in Kent, are from the Touques river, where the Wreaths/Rays can trace due to their using a version of the Washington Coat. Lisieux on the Touques river can thus trace to Lissus, at the north end of the Taulantii theater.

The Peel-Crest lion is white, as are the Lurch/Larcher / Archer Crests. As Lurco's son-in-law was a Pulcher of Caepio relations while Publius Pulcher-Caepionis was a supporter of BROGitarus, its notable that the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Peels is colors reversed from the same of the PROKopp/Brocuff and Brock Coats. The Brock lion is the Dreux/Drew lion, right? The Feeley oak can trace to Akmonia, home of Brogitarus / Amyntes, but with "drew" and 'oak" in the same sentence, the Druids, "men of the oak," are coming to mind as a line from the Drusus'.

An article had been found tracing Druids to the Haemus mountains after I felt to trace them to Odrysians (south side of the Haemus). "Drusus" may therefore have been an Odrysian line, and then I traced Odrysians as mythical Atreus to Atrebates of Hampshire, where Dreux-suspect Drake's were first found. The Livius entity of Romans can therefore be of the oak-using Lieb(ere)s that share a red-on-white fesse with Augusts!

The Wreath/Crea/Creight Coat looks like a version of the Mopps/MotBURLEY Coat, important for two reasons: 1) Mopps' trace to Clarus with the Clear side of Clarks; 2) Burleys share a green Shield with Bauers and Bowers (the latter likewise using arrows connected at their centers). It should be said here that the Bauer wing is in the rare blue-on-green colors, the same as Froggits that use the "bunch" code i.e. may have once applied to the bunched (my word) arrows. French Archers (Provence!) use a BUNCH (their word, not mine) of grapes, and grapes can be suspect with "Agrippa."

Why do Priestlys/Presleys (same place as Peels, Pungs and Fields/Felds) use GRAPPling irons? [It had been apparent that the irons could be for Edmond Ironside, the Aetheling line, Aide-important at the conclusion of this Aidhne problem]. After mentioning it several times, the grappling-iron design was changed. Initially, they were grappling hooks (I have that recorded in at least four updates), looked virtually identical to the "caltrops" of Kerricks (same place as Clare's) from a PRESTbury location (I trace them to Ayrshire, where Carricks/Kerricks were first found). Note the Melusine mermaid in the Prestwick Coat, for she's now suspect with Lurco's daughter in a trace to Brogitarus-suspect Broc of Anjou.

Yes, Melusine of Broc is suspect with Melissena Rangabe, wife of Inger suspect in the Inger variation of Lurco-related ENDers. Priestlys/Presleys translate their motto, "ReGARD the END." The red Priestly cockatrice (Drake line) tends to betray that the Priestly Coat is a version of the Monk Coat, a surname from Monaco. But the Priestly Coat can also be linkable to the Page chevron.

It can be gleaned that Kerricks are using a version of the Priest/Press Coat. While the Kerrick Crest is "A CALTROP on a mount", potential code for Mons/Mounts, the Kerrick Coat is "A black shield with a black GALTRAP on a silver pile." I don't recall "galtrap" being used, but it, with "caltrop," could be code for the Galts (muzzled bear) and Cults/Celts/Colts, both first found in Perthshire. However, Calts are listed with Cole's, kin of Coles' and Kyle's, from a Kyle location of Ayrshire, beside Prestwick.

Now, recall the story, "Guaire Aidhne the Hospitable, son of Colman," for Colmans use a caltrap too. Therefore, the Guaire-Aidhne entity is tracing to Kyle's / Cole's and Carricks of Kyle and Prestwick, both in Aures-suspect Ayrshire, and the ancestry of Guerin of Provence was traced, aside from any considerations mentioned here, to the wife (KENZA, or was it "Kanza") of Idris of Morocco, who was of the Aures/Awraba tribe, likely from the Shawia Numidians honored in the "Shaw" term in the Arms of Ayrshire. "Kanza" became suspect in the naming of quasi-mythical (not sure yet if he was real of invented) KENNETH MacAlpin, and so it's notable that his name is like "Elvin." It's bringing Elvis Presley to mind.

As the Shawia led to the Sheaves / Chives bloodline, the Peel description should be added here: "A silver shield with three sheaves of three arrows proper banded red, and a gold bee volant on a blue chief." I've never seen "sheaves" of arrows, but there you have it, a Rothschild trace to the Caiaphas-suspect Sheaves, the keys of whom are suspect with "Qewe/Kue/Que/Keveh." Qewe was in Adana, location also of CEYhan. Mackays are also "Kye/Quey."

If I recall correctly, the Herod-Maccabee line under discussion (the one that merged with the Brogitarus > Bassus line) had included an Agrippa name which traced back exactly to Livia Drusus. Her husband divorced Scribonia, the grandmother of Agrippina, in order to wed Livia. Scribonia was a daughter of Lucius Scribonius Libo, what looks like a Levite-scribe combination. It looks grub-important, for Grape's are listed with the GRUBner surname that "Gripp" brings up. The grub that was mentioned, starting in the 4th update of December, had given rise to the overwhelming importance of the Aves/Avison surname...that eventually became suspect with "Apphus," the name of Jonathan Maccabee. This was then suspect with APPIUS Pulcher, the son-in-law of Lurco! (The Maccabee-Herod line under discussion was from Simon Maccabee, Jonathan's brother.)

Here's the Presley-Coat description that should include Broc liners of the Broke/Brock kind: "A silver cockatrice standing on a broken spear shaft, with the spear head in its mouth." This reveals that the Presley chevron is closely linked to the same of Shafts, in the colors of Stephensons and first found in the same place. But as Aide's are using the Stephenson bend, it's again bringing the Aide's close to Aidhne liners. The Shaft crest is a salamander in flames. As per the write-up, Shafts may be using the white Vaughn chevron.

The Kelly Crest is green, as is the Crest of the Fernens/Vernons (Warren / Guerin suspects). The latter's Crest -- "A demi goddess holding three ears of wheat and a scythe" -- looks linkable to the green archer in the Lurk Crest (see Lurks below). She's in the green color of the Kelly Crest. An Enfield griffin has a fox's head, and the Garry Crest is a fox. The Fernen/Vernon Coat is a version of the Weir/Vere Coat but substituting garbs for the stars (in the colors of the Cheshire garbs).

The Guerins are said to have been grand masters of the Order of St. Jean of Jerusalem of 1231, an organization connected to the Hospitallers. Therefore, when we see that "Aidhne" is translated, "hospitable," we should be alerted to potential code being used, for while Aide's are honored by Levi's, we could expect the Templars to have been pagan-Levite liners...mocking Christianity for to accomplish their Jerusalem goals. The Wikipedia article of Jacques de Molay showed him until recently with a black-on-white moline, the colors of the Chives moline and of the Sinclair Cross. De-Molay is expected as part of the Order of St. Jean / John. Guerin bloodline. Here is the short history of a later Order of St. John -- Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem in England -- supported by the family of queen Elizabeth II, a Teck liner:

In 1823, the Council of the French Langues--a French state-backed faction of the Order of Malta (the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta) in France--sought to raise through private venture, funded by subscription, sufficient money to restore a homeland for the Order of Malta and aid the Greek War of Independence...

The Council was reorganised and the so-called Marquis de Sainte-Croix-Molay became its head...De Castelain and Currie were then allowed by the French Council to form the Council of the English Langue, which was inaugurated on 12 January 1831, under the executive power of a man who called himself "Count" Alexander Mortara, and headquartered at the "Auberge of St. John, St John's Gate, St John's Square, Clerkenwell". This was the "Old Jerusalem Tavern", a now defunct public house occupying what had once been the gatehouse to the ancient Clerkenwell Priorythe medieval Grand Priory of the Knights Hospitaller, otherwise known as the Knights of Saint John.

CLERKenwell? What a clearincidence. It looks like this effort of the 19th century could go back to Order of St. Jean, and from that it looks very good for making a Guerin link to Guaire of Aidhne.

I'm trying to find an article on the St. Jean organization. One article has a blip, "In 1311, Templiers were dissolved by the council of Vienna, then by the Pope in 1312. Their properties were supposed to be transfered to the Order of St Jean of Jerusalem, which will become - order of the knights of Malta -..." It sounds like Guerin's descendants remained loyal to the Vatican at this time. In the article above, you can see the Maltese cross used as the Order's symbol.

A reader who initially informed me that Hugh de Payens married Elizabeth Chappes (I was of the knowledge only that he married Catherine Sinclair) also claimed that Payens were "Du Puy." It just so happens that while the Guerins use the Payen Coat:

Raymond du Puy de Provence (1083 - 1160), was a French knight and was Grand Master of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (Knights Hospitaller) from 1118-1160. He was the son of Hughes Du Puy (1060-?), Seigneur de Pereins, d'Apifer, et de Rochefort, Governor of Acre and a general of Godfrey of Bouillon. He was also a relative of Adhemar of Le Puy, the papal legate during the First Crusade [ahh, a at least one Payen liner in the Vatican was in support of the Jerusalem invasion]. As the second Grand Master he developed the Knights Hospitaller into strong military power. He accepted the eight- pointed Amalfi cross as an official symbol of the Order, which later became known as the Maltese Cross after the establishment of the Order on Malta...

..."Raymond du Puy, second grand master of the order of St. Jean of Jerusalem, (later to be known as the Knights of Malta) he succeeded Gerard in 1118, who instituted the order. He came from the province of Dauphine [where Payens were first found] and was of the illustrious house of du Puy... Raymond was elected by the brothers of the order, following the disposition of the bull of pope Paschal II, given in 1113...Raymond armed his troops and offered them to Baudoin II, king of Jerusalem, to join him and his army against the infidels. From that time on, there was never a battle that this order did not participate in [how holy-to-Jesus is that?]...Raymond thereafter built a magnificent palace [with whose money?] which caused much jealousy among the prelates of Jerusalem and the holy land. But the order was supported by the supreme pontiff in his exemptions and in the privileges granted to them. The grand master died in 1160 and his successor was Auger of Balben. Raymond du Puy was the first to assume, and the first to whom was given, the title of grand master of the order. He never used it except after Roger, king of Sicily, used the title in the letters he wrote to Raymond."

It was just in the last update that I got round to Raymond of Toulouse in the very days of Guerin of Provence, and very linkable to Guerin's family. After William of Gellone (Septimania) ruled Toulouse:

About 852, Raymond I, count of Quercy, succeeded his brother Fredelo as Count of Rouergue and Toulouse. It is from Raymond that all the later counts of Toulouse document their descent. His grandchildren divided their parents' estates...the hereditary titles of Septimania, Quercy and Albi were shared between them.

Raymond II's grandson, William III (known as the first William Taillefer), married Emma of Provence...

Taillefers are listed under Tails/Taylors using the Levi lions in colors reversed. Du Puys, I now see, are using the lion in the Guerin Chief. English Raymonds (Devon) use the Gellone fleur in their Chief. The center of the Chief may be using the Clair/Clare/Clerk rose. These people 1,000 years ago knew exactly what their heraldry linked to, and records were kept, of course, especially by the crowns that officiated heraldry.

The Caiaphas Line of Scotland, In Comminges

The Falts with the laurel leaves are the ones with the "Mente manuQUE praesto" motto that could be part-code for a Priests and/or Priestlys. The Priests/Prests/Press' look applicable for more than one reason. They share a black footless martlet with Pulleys/Pullens, and so this could be a line of Caiaphas the high priest, for Josephs use a black martlet. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Priests/Press' is colors reversed from the same of Tanners, important because I trace FULbert "the tanner" to the FULLers, first found in the same place (Hertfordshire) as Priests/Press' (and Titus'). Fullers had been traced to RoqueFEUIL fundamentally, where Pulleys are now tracing fundamentally. We have a story.

The Falts with the laurel leaves use a laurel "WREATH" in Crest. Wreaths are listed with Crea's/Creights/RAYs (proto-Raymonds?) sharing the August fesse, though it had been traced to the Rome/Room fesse, and then, due to the "PUNGit" motto code of Rome's/Rooms, one can go to the Pungs/Pagans, first found in the same place as Peels and Fields/Felds. Rome's and Pungs traced to a modern Roman location on the Siret, near modern Pungesti, and Roman is at the mouth of the Moldova river, the one passing to about five miles from Falticeni!

The Pungs/Pagans are in the colors of the Guerin Coat, no surprise because the Guerin Coat uses the Payen/Pagan stars. Payens/Pagans (and Page's/Pagenelle's) were from Dauphine, where the Laurel wreath traces, right? But the Pung/Pagan Coat uses bendy in the colors of the same of Guerra's (!), thus making the Guerin link again to the Cleary/Clark bloodline from Guaire of Aidhne. The Page/Pagenelle bars are in the colors of that bendy.

Aha! Suspicious: while William III TAILLefer (married Emma of Provence) was a grandson of RAYmond II of Toulouse, the Wreath/Crea/RAY write-up traces to KinTAIL. The Tails/Taylors are shown also as Taillefer! It suddenly seems to verify that the Raymonds of Toulouse were Wreath/Ray liners. I'm pretty sure that Levi's can be linked to this as per their "Chretien" motto code, for the CHRETien surname shares blue lions with Crichtons/CREIGHTons -- like the Creight variation of Wreaths/Rays!!! Another Zinger. That tends to verify that Tails/Taylors are using the Levi lions in colors reversed.

With Crichtons now tracing to the family that named Raymond, it's notable that Crichtons share a green dragon with Guerra's, and that the Crichton design is that of the Lurch/Larcher Crest. The Crichton dragon is "breathing fire," and while Crichtons were first found in FLEMing-laden Lothian, the "fire" term can go, not only to Flemings, but to "Fierabrace" (= William Gellone, second count of Toulouse), and the Fier/Fear and Fire/Feuer surnames. This then provides a third theory as per the origin of Flemings, from whatever named Fierabrace.

The "grace" motto term of Crichtons gets three surnames. one being the Grass surname, first found in Provence! That clinches the Crichton link to Raymond II. This Grace/Grass Coat uses three chevrons in the colors of the Provence-surname chevron. But as the Stave's/Stephensons had linked to Provence's, let's repeat that the Levi-honored Aide's are using the bend of the other Stephensons, for we just saw Crichtons linking to the other Levi motto term. And so the Crichton lion is suspect as the Caepio-line lion absolutely.

Recall the Aide trace to Edins/Edons, for Crichtons had a location beside EDINburgh. The green Crichton dragon has always been suspect with the green wyvern of Vere's. Until now, I had forgotten about this other Vere Coat with frogs (from a Vere or Vere-discussing webpage).

The story now is not only tracing Levi's to Guerin, but to counts of Toulouse. Why? If I'm not mistaken, the lore concerning Jesus and his children with Magdalene involves William of Gellone. I'm not read up on that detestable lore, but someones in Septimania claimed, or someones claims on their behalf, to be from the children of Jesus. I have been suspecting for about two years that these someones would trace to Caiaphas, the one that killed Jesus, and the one that therefore informed his family, often I would assume, that the Apostles were tricking people with a fable concerning His Resurrection. Apparently, Caiaphas' descendants became what one could define as the Illuminati, intent on keeping Jesus a dead man and nothing more.

Chretiens were from CRESTienville (Normandy), and then the Crest surname (Chretien colors) is listed with Crete's/Crays using bendy in colors reversed from the same of Pungs/Pagenelle's (mural crown) and Guerra's. That can't be a coincidence as Crete's link well to "Creight(on)." Italian Guerra's use their green wyvern in both colors of the Vere frogs above. It's ironic that CHRESTIAN would be used by a Caiaphas-suspect line.

PERFECT!!! DON"T MISS THIS. Seeking where in Normandy that Crestienville locations sits, this was found: "Later in 1873, Christianville was renamed Chase City..." It's referring the Chase City, Virginia, but a look at the Chase Coat (same place as Quints) found a lion (in its canton) in both colors of the Chretien lion, as well as a green griffin head in Crest (suspect with the green Crichton dragon head) having a key in it's mouth. The crosses in the Chase Coat look linkable to the same-colored ones of Bouillons, and so let's repeat from the last update:

The Claviere's [four keys] are in the colors of the Bouillons, and first found in the same place (Auvergne). The Arms of nearby Avignon uses keys. In the genealogy, the Claviere's had been Vileneuve's (Claviere colors) on one side, and then Neville's just happen to share the Claviere saltire. It looks like Neville's were Vileneuve's, and then the latter surname uses silver billets (!), a symbol of Etienne's as per the gold and silver Caepio bars in that area. Earlier, the Neville saltire traced to the Brison saltire!!!

Checkmate! The Chretiens are said to be from a "Le NEUF" entity, very linkable to VileNEUVE's.

No more than minutes before coming to the Chase-City find, I was wondering what surname was recently seen using a lion in colors reversed to the Chretien lions. When the "chess player" code (of Fields/Feeleys) was recalled, the Chess surname was re-loaded here, to find that it was the surname! Chase's and Chess'/Chesers were branches!

The hunch is that Chess' are using the Ferrari lion, and that their Crest is using a version of the gold leopard in the Aide Crest. Checkers use a Shield filled with Checks in the colors of the same of Fers/Ferrats, suspect with both Ferrari's and Guerin of Provence.

If we're wondering why the Chase Crest is using the green Leslie griffin head, I think it may have to do with Suavis, the first-known bishop of Comminges, almost identical with "Suivez" motto term of Irish Leslie's. "The earliest known Bishop of Comminges is Suavis, who assisted at the Council of Agde in 506. The bishops of Comminges had their seat at Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges." Note that Irish Leslie's use an upright gold lion, the Chess lion too. The Crest is a single wing, half in blue, perhaps code for billet-using Wings, the latter part of the da-Vinci-code cult seeking to kill Jesus again with the fable concerning His children.

By the way, for a couple of days in the last update, I had the Arms of Comminges confused with the Arms of Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges. My apologies; I had clicked from the Comminges article to the one on Saint Bertrand and thought that I was still in the Comminges article. Saint-Bertrand happens to be a location very near the source of the Save river that flows through Comminges to the Garonne river about 20 miles downstream from Toulouse. It's not likely a coincidence that I've been tracing the Leslie bend (for years) to the bend of the Save surname. It looks like we have found where Leslie's trace, to the area of Herod Antipas as early as 506 AD, and we would like to know why. Who was this Suavis character? Apparently, he and the Save river were named after the same thing. This river has a source at the Pyrenees mountains, where one might like to take some gold bars for safe-keeping, away from the world (of men) as far as possible.

The Arms of Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges is the one with a two-tailed lion in the colors of the same of Montforts and the Arms of Bohemia. Leslie's are expected to have married the line of George Drummond (the first Drummond,) whose wife was from Podebrady in Bohemia. She may have been a Leslie.

I now see that the Bertrand surname (Provence) uses a red bend with bendlets, much like the Belgian Gone/Kohn bend, and then I traced the Gone surname to the "gonfanon" symbol owned by Montforts. That works to prove that Saint-Bertrand is using the Montfort lion.

[Insert -- It turned out to be so long that I'll give it a sub-title:

Making the Chase for Laevillus in Laevi Gauls

In colors reversed, the lion becomes red, the color of the Rand lion, which may reveal that "BertRAND" is a merger with the Rands. The Rand lion is in both colors of the lion of Ranulph le Meschin at his Wikipedia article. That red-on-gold lion is used by Leghs/Lighs, whom I see very related to Ranulph, which may explain the Salat location of Comminges as being from the Salyes Ligures of the Sale/Sallette surname.

This was discussed many months ago. The Cazeres location of downtown Comminges became suspect with the Cutters whom I trace to Saluzzo (Cuneo). The Bertrand Crest is showing the old, single Masci-wing design in black, and that works where Monforte is in Cuneo, the area where Masci's were first found. The fact that Leslie's likewise use a single wing in Crest supports a Bertrand-Leslie merger. In this picture, the QUADRatus line may have been at Cazeres (white greyhounds), suspect with the Gnostic, Templar-like or Templar-friendly Cathars of that area.

The old white Masci wing was showing in white in the Chaine/Chenay Coat, but that surname is also "CHESne," what a chasincidence. The QUADE and Mackay wolves wear CHAINS, and the Salford/Savard wolves are black-on-white too. Plus, the Salford boar heads are gold, the color of the same in the Gone/Gowan Chief! The red lion in the Gone/Gowan Coat could be the Montfort lion in colors reversed, meaning that it could be the lion of Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges.

Right now, I'm adding material to this section immediately after tracing the Aide's/Eddie's to Edge's/Eggs and Eggers, which made Edgetons/Eggertons suspect too (the ADGE location in the quote above had caught my eye). You will see the arguments for that Aide link below. The point here is that the Gone's/Gowans use an "arma" motto term, like the "armis" of EdgetonsEggertons (three bunched arrows). This term is suspect with the namers of Cotes-du-Armour (beside Dol), an alternative name for Cotes-du-Nord, a Maccabee-line region, and location of Jugon, where I trace to Juggs/Judds using the Mea/Meigh and Mech boar heads in both colors. The gold fleur-de-lys in the Aide Crest thereby becomes suspect with the gold fleur-de-lys in the Gone/Gowan Chief.

Both the Mech and Gone/Gowan boar heads are central upon the Chiefs, and while Mechs/Meeks use "Jungor ut IMPlear" in the motto, Gone's/Gowans use "Juncta." Both Gone surname's have "Gonne" listed with them, which I traced to "Yonne," the Yonne river of central France, suspect with "Jonathan" the pagan, Biblical Levite. Although "Gone" looks enough like "Gowan" to be the product of an initial Gowen or Cohen surname, the possibility exists that "Gonne" was the original term, from a cult of Levites in "Yonne," and that these started to call themselves "Cohen," meaning "priest" in Hebrew. This is especially evident in the Belgian Gone/KOHN surname. "MONforte" is itself suspect with HasMONean liners.

As Gore's and Gowers/Gore's share the white wolf, we can ask whether "Gower" was from the Gone's/Gowans. The white greyhounds of Cazeres can thus link to Gore's, for the latter are traceable to the white wolf of Quillans/Killion (in both colors of the Cazeres greyhounds), and therefore to Quillan, beside Rennes-le-Chateau. "Quillan" is suspect with Kills/Keele's using the Chives quarters, in my opinion, because the Chives moline is in the black color of the near-identical flory cross of Gowers/Gore's.

"QUILLAN" smacks of "CILNius MAECenas" so that Mechs can trace to his surname. "Killion" smacks of the Gillion variation of Gellone's (Yorkshire, same as Gowers/Gore's). We are learning something. Quillan was part of Septimania, and the Severus line suspect with the naming of that region is suspect in the Savard variation of Salfords, while the latter's wolf design is that of Quillans/Killions. The Salford wolf is black, like the Yonge wolf, and Yonge's (Gore kin) are suspect in the "Jungor" and "Juncta" motto terms above. The three Yonge piles are in the colors of the three Lough/Lochor "pennants" (same symbol, different names).

Lochors were first found in the same place (Fife) as Scottish Mechs. Scottish Mechs use bars in the colors used by Aragon and Roussillon, which are the colors of the Gower/Gore bars too. Scottish Mechs use a bend rising in the rare direction from left to right...what Masci liners use, and it just so happens that the Mech bend, including the color of the symbols upon the bend, is in the colors of the Masci / Massena bend. Mechs were first found in the same place as Aide's.

The Mechs use "a duck proper" while Ducks are listed with Logans/Lohans, part of the Lohengrin Swan-Knight grouping that includes swan-using Locks and Logens/Lochs, and thus the Lochors are suspect...who use a fox in Crest that can be code for Foix. The latter location is on an Ariege tributary of the Garonne, both of which have mouths near the mouth of a Louge river to which Lochar liners may trace.

The counts of Comminges used a Coat with four symbols I don't know. They are in a saltire formation in the colors of the Claviere / Neville / Brison saltire. The Arms of Haute-Garonne use the same well as a "bottony" cross (it's all over that Toulouse area) Yin the shape of the crosses used by Leslie-related Chase's! Why do Chase's use FOUR crosses?

"Chace" and similar variations suggest Chaucers and related Chalkers, both first found in Kent, beside the Essex location of Chase's/Chace's. All three surnames use white-on-red. I view Chaucers and Chalkers as Caucasians / Colchians, and the "Cilicia" is like "Colchis." Anyway, I'm expecting Colchians of the fleece kind in the Quadratus family of Cilicia, and the key (Qewe-suspect), in the mouth of a green griffin, in the Chase/Chace Crest can be code for Agrippa liners at Qewe. Green is a color of lines from Herod Archelaus, whose surname comes from a religious cult of Comana, near Qewe.

Why do green-griffin Leslie's use "GRIP fast" as their motto? You know. It's said that this motto is in honor of Maurice Drummond, the first Drummond-proper of Scotland, in the PERTHshire theater (beside Leslie's) that traces to the Cilicia theater.

This is fantastic. This is a revelation. As Clermonts use keys in the colors of the Chase/Chace crosses, be on the look-out below for the Clermont identification as a branch of Clements/Clermonts', for you will see Clements linking to Marina's and related Amore's and Damorys, and the Leavell surname will apply exactly to them. The FOUR keys of Claviere's then strike one as code for Quadratus elements at Qewe, and I've been tracing key-using Clavers/Cleavers for years to "Glaphyra" Archelaus of Comana!

And right here I find that Chalkers use a version of the wavy Damory bars. They are the Drummond bars (in a different color), and "DRUMmond" was traced with Trabzon-suspect Trips to the THERModon river, between Cappadocia and Colchis. "Drum" was also suspect with "Hadoram" and "Adram," the name of Joktan's son and the SEPHERvite god respectively, suggesting that Drummonds were Severus liners at Qewe. Just compare the Drummond bars to those of Leavells. Quadratilla, great-granddaughter of Severus, married Laevillus!

Plus, Severus was the grandson of Artemis-suspect ARTEMIdoros! "ArTEMIS" (Amazon war goddess) traces to THEMIScyra, on the Thermodon (Herodotus said that Amazons of Mysia originated on the Thermodon). Then just check out the Amore's and Damorys, first found in Oxfordshire, where the THAMES river flows, tending to prove that Drummonds trace to the Thermodon. Chalkers use a swan, traceable to lake Sevan, not far from Trabzon.

As a Mr. Chaucer of Kent married the sister of Catherine Roet, while Roets were first found in Somerset, it should be mentioned that Leavells were first found there too. You will see the Leavell bars trace to Lemnos, home of the Myrina Amazons that mated with the Argonauts = fleece-line Colchian elements. Leslie-branch Less'/Lusks traced to the namers of nearby Lesbos (off the Mysian coast).

The Leavell write-up traces them to these Carys (named after the Cary river) using the swan design once showing for French Josephs. Castelkary, it is said, was built by the Dewey family, and then Deweys (Cary colors) happen to use the gold dragon heads (same design) as Quadratus-suspect Cutters. As evidence that Cutters are using the Saluzzo Shield in colors reversed, the Carys are using what could be a version of the Sale/Salette Coat. DEWeys (from Artois) are quite-apparently a branch of Dows/Dove's (Berwickshire), and therefore linkable to Doe's/Dows and Derbys...from Derbe of Lycaonia, right? Later, I'll tell my story as per why Doe's should be Alexanders, the ancestry of Quadratus.

Deweys are from a location near Lille, near, and related to, the Lys river of Artois. Saluzzo is likely of the Salassi at the Lys river of Aosta. Carys are traced in their write-up suggestively to Carrey, near LISieux. As the latter is off the Touques river, it's notable that I trace the Gace entity on the Touques to Lesbos' Mitanni, suggesting that Lesbos was named by the same that named Lisieux. Leslie's can trace to Lisieux where they share griffin-head design with the Crest of Tooks/Touque's...first found in the same place as Chacers / Chalkers suspect with Chase's/Chace's (use the green Leslie griffin head). And, by the way, compare "Gace" with "Chace." Gace's are in Chacers / Chalker / Chase / Lys colors. The Tooks/Touque's, by the way, are in Dewey colors.

Lisieux elements are suspect from Laish, where the pagan-Levite line originated, as well as the Hercules Danaans. These LEVITES are suspect with LAPITHS, known to have lived at Lesbos, amongst other places.

Ha! Chalkers are said to be named after "white," but then it goes on to say that it was named after professional whiteWASHers haha, clearly a code, haha, for Wassa's/Gace's = Washingtons. Woe is me, I had to have this job working with complete stupids no better than impish children mocking us all. It really is a demonic attitude to lie merely concerning surname links. What could they be wanting to hide but their satanic roots? Chase's use a canton while Cantons use the Washington Coat in colors reversed.

Foggs, traced a few months ago to Foci (ancient Phocaea), on the shore from Lesbos, were likewise first found in Kent. Amazingly, this is a good time to have looked up the Foggs, for they are using a version of the Frock/Frogg Coat! Foggs use three annulets around their black-on-white fesse, while Froggs use FOUR around the same-colored fesse. I'm not sure what to say here, but it could be that Frocks/Froggs and Froggits were from Phocaea, and as Phocaeans are known to have founded Ligurians (at LACYdon), recall that it's the Grimaldi's of Liguria that use a "frock" code in their write-up. Froggits are the ones using a Coat like the Quadratus-suspect Cottars.

I wanted to mention, but decided against it, that the Raymond Coat is in the colors of the Raines Coat, for Raymonds are said to be from "ragin," the same term to which Wrens trace "Raines." But I now come across a white-on-black lion in the Arms of RAMONville-Saint-Agne, the colors of the Raines lions! That tends to trace Raymonds to Rainier of Montferrat (where I trace Guerin of Provence), whose granddaughter married Guido Guerra III. This is the same Raymond Coat with the Gellone fleur in Chief. I trace Raines' to Rennes and therefore to Rennes-le-Chateau.

Moreover, French Rays use an "escarBUNCLE" (fleur-de-lys product) while Buncle's share buckle's with Leslie's. Just like that, French Rays/Rae's (in the colors of the Grace / Brian lions) are suspect with Raymonds of Toulouse. The "GRACIeusete" motto term (of Rays) looks like part-code for the Grace's (lion in Ray colors) honored by Crichtons, whom are suspect in the Crea/Rae/Ray/Creight surname (version of Washington Coat). That looks like a match.

As the Mopps/Motburleys use the same double bars of Washingtons, and because many entities are honored with a "pro" prefix, the "proMPTUS" motto term of Scottish Rays/Rae's could be for Mopsus elements out of Clarus and into the Clare family. That cause's me to say what I was going to pass on, that the Clermont Shield could be a version of one Grace Shield. The Scottish Ray Crest must be code for the Wassa/Gace surname: "A stag at gaze proper."

The Inverness location of Crae's/Rays/Creights is known to be named in-part after the Ness river, and as the Ness' use the Mopps/Motburley / Washington bars. But what could "INVER" be named after? The below on YVERY / IVERY" was already written right here before this paragraph was inserted.

The "graciEUSETE" motto term is also suspect as part-code for Eustace II, whose Bouillon line is symbolized by a fleur-de-lys cross due to tracing to the Lys and Baltea/Bautica rivers in Aosta. The Baltea flows past Ivrea, about 30 miles from Novara (= home of the Ticino-river Laevi), reminding of this quote from the last update: "...the Leavell write-up speaks on a Ralph Lovel, son of a Mr. Percival, earl of an Iver-like Yvery entity..." ZOWIE, it looks like the Leavells are from Laevi in Ivrea. Note how "Yvery" is like "wyvern."

Iverys (using the Were bend) are probably using the Dreux / Oxford lion, and yet it's in a position I've not seen in any other lion. It always causes me to take it for a squatted frog, perhaps by design, for this is a Vere branch. As frogs are suspect from Phrygians, let's mention that the Scottish Rays are using stags reflective of the Freys'/Phreeze's, and that the Grace lions are also the Brian lions, from Phrygian-suspect BRIGantium/Briancon.

It can be gleaned that Buncle's (annulet-like buckle's in the colors of the Benjamin annulets) were Benjamites, probably of the Bunch / Pink / Panico kind that had been traced Guido Guerra. The Buncle write-up traces to associations with Richard Cumyn, of a surname listed with Comyns/Commings (first found in the same place as Benjamins) and therefore traceable to Comminges and/or Comana. Nearby was a Commagene kingdom that may relate. This could reveal that Buckle's and Buckleys/Bulkellys are from Benjamites. Comyns/Cumyns are said to be from Flanders, for yet more Fleming potential in this picture. There is a familiar gold lion in the Comyn Crest that should be the Chretien lion because Comyns use the same garbs as English Josephs, and because Comyns were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Chess'. The Comyn lion is "holding in his dexter paw a dagger" for a trace to the Ticino river, home of the Laevi.

As the Laevi co-founded Ticinum with the Marici, that could explain why the Buncle write-up has a Merse entity. The Mersers/Mercier's ("Christi" motto term) share the three besants on a red bar with Clermonts'/Clements and Clairs/Clerks. Merser's/Merciers use the same cross type as Eustace's, and then Bouillons use "Christi" too, not for Jesus' sake, but for Chretien liners, right? The latter surname, by the way, uses the same lion as Louvains, and then Italian Leuvens (Clare chevrons?) are also "Livelly/Leuvelin/Leivelly." Their LeiFELLY variation reminded me that I still had something to say about the Felly Coat, which I had forgotten about since discussing Fields/Feeleys. The Fellys/FELLOWS (like the "Follow me" motto of Leslie's) are using three lion heads in colors reversed from the same in the Chretien/Crestien Coat! Surprise, it's making Levi's suspect with Italian Leuvens (Padua) that use three thickchevrons, like the three Levi chevrons before they were shown thin. Why did they change merely the thickness of the Levi chevrons?

Much later, in the 15th century, Comminges became ruled by a house of Lescun, the name of which Wikipedia gives no details. The Lusks are a Leslie branch without question of the Bard / Barton kind (all three use related boar heads). It's making "BERTrand" suspect with Bards / Bartons. Lusks are said to be from Loches (Normandy). AHA! The Loches surname uses only green-on-white cinquefoils, the colors of the Gone/Gowan cinquefoils!!!

A river of Comminges, beside the Save river, is the Louge. Both the Louge and Loches surnames were first found in Burgundy, and the Louge's (Messey/Messier saltire in colors reversed) use a saltire in the colors of the same of Coppers/Coopers who may be of the grandmother (Kypris) of Herod Antipas. The Loches cinquefoils are in the colors of the Lannoy / Lyon lions, and Lannoys are very-linkable to Herod Archelaus, Antipas' brother. Their other brother, Alexander, was the foundation of the Maccabee line under discussion that married the Severus > Bassus line.

If it's correct to trace Valerius Gratus to the Grace surnames (probably from Grasse of Provence) now linking with Rays, then perhaps the Hoppen variation of Hoppers was from Coponius, a Roman governor of Judea shortly before Gratus. For example, the Copons/Cobbhams use a chevron in colors reversed to the Quints, and then put black lions on their chevron, the color of the lion paw in the Quint Crest. That makes Copons/Cobbhams suspect from Quintus Caepio already, while Coponius ruled Judea shortly before Caiaphas was elevated (by Gratus) to the high-priesthood. Coponius Judea ruled on behalf of Augustus, and then lo-and-behold the Hoovers/Hubens share the eagle talon with the August Coat.

Hoovers were looked up after seeing the Hoopers as per the Hopper variation of Hoppens. Between Coponius and Gratus, an Annius Rufus ruled Judea under Augustus, and then Rufus' are listed with German Rothes', first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Hoovers/Hubens. The latter even share the blue wing with Hobsons/HOPsons and Bauers (Leslie's use the wing half in blue). Rothschilds trace to Caepio in several ways. Annius Rufus is suspect with the namers of Annas, and the latter was made the high priest under Augustus. Hoopers (same place as Chives') use annulets (Annas symbol) in colors reversed from the Vita annulets, and while the latter are suspect with the Avitus surname, one which married Julia Bassianus, the Hope's use besants! Another good thing, the Hope's were first found in Derbyshire, while I am becoming of the opinion that the chief priests under discussion were from Bassianus ancestry in Derbe.

The "InFRACTa" motto term of Hope's has been hard one for to find the surname intended, but suddenly, the Frocks and Froggits can apply, for Froggits use a "bunch of cherries" while Cherries use annulets in the color of the Vito annulet! The canton-using COPElands use the Washington / Mopps fesse bars again, which are in the colors of the one fesse of Hoopers. The "BENIGNo" motto term of Copeland (and Meighs) is suspect with Benjamin liners such as Bunch's, Pinks, and Bengs/Bings/Binks (Middlesex), and the latter are the ones using quarters suspect with the Chives quarters. It can be gleaned that the Bengs are using the Newman lion from the "numine" motto term of Copelands (and Meighs). The Beng antelope is welcome as a Lupus-suspect code used also by Derbys.

Later, I'll show how Lopez's can trace to Lupus Laevillus. In that discussion, it leads to CILNius Maecenas with some compelling evidence, and so let's mention here that Bengs are likely using the Shield of Keele's/Kills suspect with the Cilnius family while Maecenas himself, suspect in the line to Julia Bassianus (Maesa) above, links well to the Hooper/Hoppen tower.

I like to repeat that English Rothes Crest shows a lion design once showing for Mousquette's, but as the latter's were changed to those of the Luffs/Love's, who use red-on-white fesse bars yet again, and likely linkable to the same of Leavells, one can suspect that the Rufus/Rothes surname traces to Annius Rufus in merger with the ancestry of Lupus Laevillus.

It's becoming a little evident that Caiaphas may have been of the family of Coponius.

As the Claviere's use two eagles in the design and rare positions of the Hoppers/Hoppens, it's not coincidental that Williams, first found in the same place (Powys) as the Commins Coch location (in the Comyn write-up), use the gyronny in the colors of the Hopper/Hoppen gyronny. By his code, Clem KadiddleHOPPER, the producers of the Red Skelton show revealed that Clems / Clements were kin to Hoppers. The Clements happen to come up as "Clermonts," and they were first found in Breconshire (Powys), as were Williams. Therefore, if you can wrap your head around all the implications, one of them is a Comyns/Commings trace to the Garonne river (i.e. the entity represented by "gyronny"), the river where Comminges is located.

Again, German Leuvens use bear paws, and the Paw surnames (both use peacocks) are suspect with "Powys."

As per Commins Coch, the Coch surnames were looked up. German Cochs, first found in Bavaria, are suitable for proving that the Grimaldi lozenges were from Grimoald of Bavaria, for not only do Cochs use lozenges in Grimaldi colors, but in the colors of the lozenges that fill both the Grimaldi and Cock (not "Coch") Shield. If this is indicating a Grimaldi link to Commines Coch, compare the Comyn Coat to the Mallet Coat, for GriMALDi's are suspect with Mallets. The Grimbridge's/Groombridge's even show a gold garb in Crest. Plus, as Frocks are in code on the Grimaldi write-up, note that the Coch lozenges are also the Bunch lozenges, important because Frock-suspect Froggits use a "bunch of cherries." Grime's were first found in East Cheshire, fairly close to Powys.

I'll come back again and again to make the case for Laevillus lines. End Insert]

Scottish Links to Southern France, Continued

Bards share the green Leslie / Chase griffin, and Chase's became big bankers, right? With whose stolen gold? Let's not forget that I'm being side-tracked from the Field/Feeley discussion here while on the Chase investigation, but that it's the Fields/Feeleys that use a "chess player." Compare "PLAY" with "FEELEY" to reveal that Players ("clarior" motto term) are likely a Pulley/Pullen branch of Roquefeuil. Players have a pale bar filled with red drops, and then a drop-like Tarbes location is some 20-25 miles west of the Save river. It smacks of Tarves in Aberdeen, and it just so happens that Leslie's had settled Aberdeen fresh from Hungary. It means that the Chives surname, living in Tarves, was likely at the Tarbes theater. The Drops/Trope's are using a lion in their Chief that could be the Tool lion. This brings Field/Feeley liners down to the RoqueFEUIL theater, right? And it's tending to verify that Leslie's were at the Save-river theater.

To the north of Tarbes about ten miles, there is a Bigorre location seen on my atlas, and then Biggors (Lanarkshire, same as Bards) use a bend in Leslie-bend colors. As the Biggar/Biggor Crest is a pelican, I'm tempted to see the Bertrand bend as a version of the Pulley bend, not forgetting the Pulleys are a branch of Feeleys. What was the pelican = Pulcher line doing in Comminges? Pelican-using Pattersons, in their Irish branch, share red drops with Players (the latter call them "gutee de sang"). The "Serv" term buried in the Player motto may be for Servilia Caepio.

The Player Crest is a "BROKEn lance," making Players traceable to Brogitarus, the one supported by Publius Pulcher. Lance's were first found in the same place as Drops/Trope's, and the Lance Coat is just a fesse in the colors of the fesse between the three FROGs in the Vere Coat shown earlier. The Lance fesse is expected to be the Gore fesse, of the Gore's using the TRIP crosslets, but then the Gore fesse is especially the Alan fesse in colors reversed...the same Alans that came to use the Stewart pelicans. The Lance's may, therefore, be the Alans/Alengs of Langhe, for Monforte was smack at the Langhe theater (see another pelican in the German Lang Coat). [If the long update caused you to forget, Tarbes is a topic as per being near Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges, using the two-tailed Montfort lion.] French Lance's (Maine) are using the same star colors as French Alans, and I would guess that the Lance treFOILS (part code for Trips/Treffs and part-code for RoqueFEUIL) are those of Verona's. Clermonts use a Shield filled with trefoils in the colors of the Trip and Hamburg crosslets.

I had forgotten that the other German Langs use three arrows on a blue Shield, just like the Lurch/Larcher / Archers arrows!!!!!!!! I need to repeat: Pulcher was Lurco's son-in-law! This clinches the Lurch trace to Lurco, without doubt, and simultaneously verifies that pelicans are a Pulcher symbol. I almost did NOT re-load the Langs, but at the last moment, decided to take a look in case there was anything to add.

Dutch Langs are said to be from a CUXhaven while using Zionist stars in the colors of the same of Monaco's. Then, Grimaldi's of Monaco use the lozengy Shield of COCKs.

Does it make sense to have the particular Pulchers, associated with the Volcae Galatians, down at the Toulouse theater? Yes, for the Volcae originated at Toulouse (see the article on the Toulouse treasure in the last update).

By the way, I said that Drops/Trope's use red drops, but in fact they are black. If ever you see me making a color mistake, it's due to the glass on my computer screen and/or color combinations playing tricks with my sight and/or sunlight reflecting off the screen. In the Drops case, the red Drop Chief was making the black drops look red. I sometimes have the screen at an angle, bad for seeing colors perfectly. I have this idea that radiation from the screen will be lessened when it's at an angle. I spend too much time here. Hours fly. I never am without something to say, and never say all that can be.

Another problem. The CHAISE variation of Chase's, because Chase's linked to Chretiens found in the Levi motto along with "Aide," might reveal that Aide's were of a d-version "Chaise / Haise." "Haide" was entered to find Aide's. That recalled that Heids share a white bend with Aide's, and they put a red arrow on their bend, the color of the Peel / Ender arrows. Hmm.

Then, the Haise's/LaHaye's use three bends in colors reversed from the Hyde bend, and per-chance the Haise bends are black for matching the three Levi chevrons. Cadys are the ones with three black-on-white pennants, the colors of the three Haise bends, and then Caide's use pennants too.

Then, Haze's were loaded to find a gold hare and a Hase variation, meaning that this is a branch of the gold-hare Has/Haas surname that I've been tracing to Has in Albania. As I tend to link Deacons to Has, let's tell that the ArchDeacons use three black chevrons too, but in both colors of the three Haise/LaHaye bends.

I was confused, finding it hard to hammer down the Aide surname, until this paragraph. Perhaps Aide's were an Aetheling line, or of even the blue-lion Adels (Jewish surname). I traced Has liners, such as HESLingtons/Hazeltons and Hazels, to AETHELings. Aetheling-suspect Athols were looked up to find three more black bars, this time in Levi-chevron colors. In the meantime, the Ace surname was checked to find it as part of the Assi surname (Shetland) using the symbols of Justine's, first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Athols, and smack beside Sterling, where Chappes' were first found. Aide's are using the Valentin bend, right? Right, wherefore they can be expected to link to Justine of Picenum (wife of Valentinian). Therefore, Aide's/Eddie's could be Athols, whom I have linked to Edge's/Eggs (Aide colors) and Edgars/Egers (same place as Aide's). That's looking good.

The dagger and "Man do it" (Mandy code?) motto of Edgars/Egers suggests links to Mackays...from Qewe / Mazaca, right? And didn't Perthshire trace to Perta in the same area? Has is at Krume, and Krume's were first found in the same place (Hamburg) as German Trips. TROPoje, near Has, looks like it should link to Drops/Trope's, and thus it's explaining why drop-using Players are RoqueFEUIL elements.

The Edge/Egg eagle could be the Balance eagle and therefore explain the balance in the Assi/Ace Coat. The white Edge/Egg eagle is on top of a split Shield in the colors of the same of Mandys, and the latter use a white cross on top. The Mandy Coat (Crest shares a black wolf with Mackays, Quade's and Savards) is comparable with the Meigh and Bernay Coats which you will see momentarily. Remember: Alexander Berenicianus traces tentatively to Berwickshire and to Bernays.

Aha! The Eggertons (Cheshire) use another bunch of three arrows connected at their middles. If I recall correctly, Eggertons were of the Meschins that married Skiptons / Dunkelds, and then got involved with Clare's at Kent. Kent is where Munts/Munds (Heslington head) were first found, who are kin of Manners/Mannes' (both suspect with the Mackay and Edgar motto), and where Munt-like Mynetts and Hamonds were first found who are traceable to the Amyntes > Bassus line at the Qewe theater. The Scottish Falts/Fauls are the ones using both the Hazel leaves and the "Mente manuque" motto phrase that links to the "Manu" motto term of Qewe-suspect Mackays. English Falts/Fauls are the ones with three bunched arrows connected at their middles! There is prime rib in this paragraph.

It looks like the Aide's/Eddie's are traceable to Qewe if they are Aethelings, and I think they were just that. Aethelings had merged with Bernicians, whom named Berwickshire, where Aide's were first found. Athols are traced to a king CRUITHne, suspect with Crichtons/Creightons [the long update may have caused you to forget that Levi's use both an "Aide" and a "Chretien" motto term linkable to Crichtons]. Aide's definitely trace to Keatons and therefore to the Keath Catti, in Lothian, where Crichtons were first found. And so it seems that two of the Levi motto terms link to related items in the Aetheling merger with Bernicians...probably at queen Bebba at Pamphylia-suspect Bamburgh castle.

The Assi/Ace description actually calls the scales of justice by the term, "balances," and Balance's are suspect with Alexander Balus at the ancestral root of the Bassus-Maccabee merger. The Balans/Baalhams/Balaams (the audacity, clearly a satanic family at one time) are in Balance colors and look linkable to Motts using the Alexander crescent. The same eagle is in the Raymond Coat with the Gellone fleur.

French Wikipedia has an article on Saint-Victor-de-Crestienville, locating it 15 miles south-east of Lisieux. This locates it roughly at Bernay; I assume that Crestienville is at that area. This can trace well to the Cavii at Lissus. I've just found a Christin location in Manche, and because I trace that place to the Manx people on the Isle of man, the Christin/Christian surname, first found in the Isle of Man, can apply. The "Manu" motto term of Mackays can apply. In Chess colors, Christins use grails in the colors of the same of Shaws / Pilotte's / Gaudens. The Christin chevron is called "humetee," and then Hume's were first found in the same place as Aide's. Hume's had been traced to Humorului, beside Falticeni.

Just while deciding not to suggest that the Christin chevron is the French-Chaplin chevron(s), the Chris surname (Hampshire) was loaded to see it first found in the same place as Josephs and Kaplans/Chaplins. The Chris'/Christmans/Cristemans even use a swan, the symbol once showing in the French Joseph Coat! Imagine, the irony of a Caiaphas line coming to name itself after Christ. Actually, we can only wonder how many of Caiaphas' descendants became solid Christians. The idea that Jesus had children leading to them perhaps arose from demented members of Christ-using surname. Remember, Chretiens are from dragon-using CRICHTons.

The Hyde's (share "fecit" with Bards), who might just be Heid branch, use a Coat like the Christins. Then, while Bards share the Leslie griffin head, the Christ/Crist/Kists Crest uses the same single wing as Leslie's! That can trace Crichtons (green dragon head) and company to the Saint-Bertrand-of-Comminges theater. It's the same wing design, and while Leslie's use it half in white, Christ's/Crists/Kists use it fully in white. The Leslie's are a big help in tracing others to Comminges.

Here's how Leslie's can be linked well to Chretiens. As Crestienville is suspect at Bernay, the Bernay Coats were loaded just seconds after realizing that the "Suivez moi" motto of Leslie's (translated "Follow me") is part-code for the Mea/Meigh/My surname using boar heads in colors reversed to the Barton boar heads (red, as with the Lusk boar head). The Mea/Meigh boar heads are white, the color of the boar head in the Rand Crest! BertRAND, right? The French Bernays (said to be from Bernai in Eure, which is the Bernay location at Saint-Victor-de-Crestienville) showed the white-on-red engrailed cross of Mea's/Meighs. How about that. The gold Leslie / Chess lion must therefore be the one in the Mea/Meigh Crest.

I don't mention it much, but in Brittany's Cotes-du-Nord, where Juggs/Judds trace that share the Meigh boar heads, and where Motts were first found, there is a St. Brieuc location that can be of the Breuci / Brixia / Bruce line now being traced to Brogitarus elements. Right beside St. Brieuc, there is a Quintin location.

Alexanders use a split Shield and counterchanged chevron in the colors of the same of Aide-like (but not necessarily Aide-equivalent) Addingtons (same place as same-colored Chives'). The Addington chevron is comparable to the Balan/Baalham fesse.

Now look at this. The Alexander Coat is suspect with the Addington Coat while Aide-like Addingtons share the gold fleur-de-lys of Levi-honored Aide's. The latter fuse their fleur to a gold leopard face, the colors of the Copper/Cooper leopard faces. The Coopers appear to be using the Addington leopard suspect with the Chives Crest.

The Addington Shield is split vertically in the colors of the same of Foix'/Foys, and that tends to trace Addingtons with Foix's (same place as Chappes' and Levi's) to Foix, on the Ariege river, which is where I traced the "arriere" motto term of Douglas' who share the stars of the other French Foix's. These are the stars of Morays whom I trace to Khazars on the Mures river, at Biggar-suspect Biharia, who were once ruled by Men(u)MURAT, and so keep a look-out below for a Murat-like location near the Ariege. The very Khazars were claimed (by me) to have been the kin / founders of the Cohen and Hohen surnames suspect in the Gone/Kohn and Gone/Gowan surnames.

The latter Foix's were first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Clermont-related Claviere's, and then Clermonts/Clairmonts (same place as Messier's) share dolphins with the James' who in-turn use a motto term like that of Douglas'. Apparently, James' trace to Clermont. The Claviere's are the ones who married Vileneuve, and the one's using FOUR keys, and then keys are used in the Arms of Villeneuve-Tolosane...yes, at Toulouse. Villeneuve-Tolosane is near the Murat-like location. The Arms also uses four leaves in the configuration of the unknown symbols in the Arms of Comminges. Are they code for Levi liners? Why FOUR? We will shortly see the number four again in a compelling case for Quadratus liners at Rennes-le-Chateau.

The Vileneuve/Vileneufve surname (silver billets) uses the same lion as Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges, except that it has no tail as likely code for William Taillefer, the Toulouse entity that married Provence. Vileneuve's are using a motto that looks like part code for Fiddle's.

It shouldn't be surprising to have Quadratus liners there, as they descended from Volcae, but it's darned surprising anyway just because it's a logical answer to the mysteries. And because Quadratilla married Laevillus! The darned surprising part is that one can now prove a trace of Caiaphas, all the way from the Levant, to Rennes-le-Chateau. The descendants of Caiaphas knew where a good lot of the Caepio treasure was hanging out, didn't they?

I made the mistake, a couple of updates ago, of saying that the fusing of the Aide Crest is called "JELLoped," and then went on to link Vis-de-Loop to "jelLOPPED." I've deleted that part. The fusing is called, "jessant." I made the same mistake here before catching it, but it lead to some new insights. Lopez's were looked up to find a LOBATo term that can be in-code with "JelLOPPED." "Jellopped, Jowlopped: used to describe the wattles or gills of a cock when of a tincture different from his body."

Why should such roosters have JELLopped" applied to them? Gellone's are also "JELLings," and Gellone's/Gillions are suspect with wolf-using Quillans/Gillions. Jells, in Lobato/Lopez colors, were first found in the same place as Gellone's. The Jell greyhound is black, like the Lobato/Lopez wolves. Portuguese Lopez's are only the second surname I know of using the billet-like "border" (that's what they call it) of Dole's/Doyle's. The latter's white Crest wings are linkable to the same of the Leslie Crest.

I've have been tracing Alans of Dol to the wolf-using Fiddle's of Vis-de-Loop. I recall mentioning reason for linking the three red-on-white wolf heads of Fiddle's to the same-colored boar heads of Bartons, red, like the Lusk boar head. Lusks use a boar head in both colors of the giant heart of nail-using Logans. Lusks may or may not apply to Luscus, but it looks like a not-bad idea at this point. It looks like Lusks can trace with Logans to the Louge river (has a source within five miles of the Save). The giant Logan heart is in the colors of the giant Lopez castle, and soon below, you'll see another reason to trace Lopez's to the Louge-river area. The Logan heart is known to be the Douglas heart, and, again, the "arriere" motto term of Douglas' was traced to the Ariege river, which has a mouth within a dog walk from the mouth of the Louge. And it just so happens that "Doyle" looks like it could have furnished "Dougal."

We have a fiery story: all of Flemish Scotland is tracing to southern France. Brace yourselves. The Fleming wolf design is even that of Quillans, and while Vlaam-like Williams/QUILLiams (BREConshire) use more gyronny, perhaps "Fleming" traces to WILLIAM Gellone Fierabrace. The William lion must be the Leslie / Chess lion, for the William motto includes, "EnSUIVant," like the SIUVez motto term of Leslie's, and like Suavis, the first-known bishop of Comminges.

For the Murena/Moratin discussion to follow, it's important that the William gyronny is in the colors of the Hopper/Happer/Hoppen gyronny. As Hoppers were suspect with Clements, note that I accidentally loaded "Clermonts" (with an 's') to find the Clements (!), first found in BRECKnoch (same as Breconshire, in Powys) and said to have partaken with the conquering of Brecon with Bernard NEWmarche, suggesting that the Newmarch/Newmarsh variations of Nimo's are VileNEUVE elements. In colors reversed, the Neville saltire becomes red, the color of the Nimo/Newmarsh saltire. [I had not yet realized that Nimo's/Newmarsh's would trace to an vital area beside lake Tatta, wait and see.]

I'm pretty sure that, over the years, I've been reporting a thing I've read, that a pope Clement gave Gascony a white-on-red saltire, which is the color of the Neville and Claviere saltire. Neville's look like they may have been New-Ville's,or Ville-Neuve's. However, such terms may not have been the originals.

Who would have guessed? It looks like Clements are r-less Clare's, for their Chief even shares the besants-on-red of the French Clair/Clere/Clerk Chief. This tends to prove that Italian Marina's, suspect with Murena's, are from the Amazons in Myrina of Lemnos, for the Clairs/Clerks that share their Chief with the Clermonts/Clement Chief were first found in Lemnos-based Limousin. The Marina's share the black Clement "waves" or nebuly, you see. It's known that mythical Myrina, queen of Amazons, was in the Atlas mountains of north Africa, the realm of MAURITANians evident in the Moratin variation of Murena's. Note the colors of the giant Clair/Clerk "lion" (though it may have originally been a leopard), in the colors of the Moratin tower and the Lopez castle.

Now, recall from the last update (or was it the one before that?), when the family of AMYNTES at Akmonia started to give me the sense that they linked to Clarus (in Lydia). When we go to the German Clements knowing that they are r-less Clare's, look at the CleMENTZ variation, for example. They are in Minute/MYNETT colors, and the latter uses OPEN helmets as possible code for OPPENheimers and the HOPPEN variation of Hoppers. We just saw why the Hoppers, evident in the William gyronny, could link to Clements of Breconshire. But didn't I trace Breck terms to BROGitarus, father of Amyntes? It's the Claviere's that use the eagles in the Hopper/Hoppen Coat.

With Clements now known to be Clair liners linking to Mynetts, it explains why Mandys/Mondays use the Sinclair cross in colors reversed. But MONDays are suspect with the MONs/Munds/Mounds, and then Williams were first found in both Breconshire and MONmouth while the Monmouth Coat share black-on-white horizontal bars with German Clements, as well as an upright red lion with Mons/Munds.

Let's get back to the surnames tracing to the Louge river of Comminges. I view the stag of Logan-related Lennans as the one that's "lodged" in the Dawson and Haslip Coats. The Lodge's/Loge's (same place as Deacons) are said to be from a Loges location (Normandy), but a Loges surname is listed with Louge's. The Lodge Coat uses a single version of the double-tressure border (Fleming symbol, Flemings include Biggars and Douglas'), as well as a large lion that could be the one in the Arms of Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges. But the Vileneuve's use the same lion while Villeneuve-Tolosane is at the sources of the Louge river. It's in the colors of the Tool lion so that it's a good argument for tracing Lodge's/Loges' to the Toulouse, and therefore to the Louge. The Louge surname has the audacity to trace to a lodge.

All heraldic borders, at least if "border" is used in the description, are traceable to: 1) Bordeaux, on the Garonne beside gyronny-using Gironde; 2) the Border surname first found in the same place as Roets, the last name of the wife of John of Gaunt, himself of the Bordeaux theater. The Bordeaux surname uses the white-on-red lion once again (that's in the Vileneuve Coat), as well as in the border-using Lodge/Loge Coat. The latter use a single-border version of the "double tressure border" (with fleur-de-lys attached to it) of Flemings, and it's part-code for the Tresure's/Treasure's, first found in the same place as Borders. We expect "double" to be code for yet a third surname.

The "double" code was suspect with either D'Bell and/or a variation of the Blois'. But as the Border-like Porters/Pawters use bells, let's add that a bell is the only symbol in the Arms of Saint-Gaudens, a location along the Garonne in Comminges. It seems that Pawter became the Potters, first found in the same place as Porters/Pawters (and Botters). Here's the Gaudens/Godins, with one giant grail in the colors of the same of Pilotte's/Pillette's, and first found at Forez, beside/near mount Pilat, but also beside MontBRISON, important because the Neville / Claviere saltire is used by Brisons. I fully expect inter-play between the Forez and Toulouse theaters.

It also seems clear that the Birds/Burds apply to Border lines, and they use the flory Bouillon cross (very linkable to the fleur-studded tressure border) in colors reversed, while Bouillons were first found in the same place as Claviere's. To find the description of Clavier's that isn't showing in the Coat, type "Claviere" in the search box at the page below, or, if it's vanished, see it quoted in the last update as "A red shield with a silver saltire between four silver keys.":

The two-colored Lopez border could be construed as a gyronny pattern under the gold Shield. While the Dole's/Doyle's (same border design) use a "vincit" motto term, I've been tracing the Shield-on-Shield of Languedoc's Vincents to the colors-reversed version of the same in the Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau. However, the Vincent Coat is described with a "a blue border", and its gold Shield (on the blue border) is essentially that of Portuguese Lopez's. ZOWIE, it needs to be said that while the other Vincents use a muzzled bear in Crest -- now tracing with wolf-using Quade's to Qewe and/or QUADRatus -- the same Vincents use QUATRefoils!!! This is a very good time to brag: I "knew" that quatrefoils would expose themselves as code for Quadratus lines.

QuatreFOILS are in-part suspect with the namers of RoqueFEUIL. Isn't this tracing the Severus > Quadratus line to Roquefeuil...even while Septimius Severus is suspect at "Septimania," where Gellone ruled? Yes, and Gellone ruled at Toulouse too, smack at the mouths of the Louge and Ariege rivers. As I suspect Douglas' at the Ariege, let's repeat that I see "Douglas/Duglass" formed for honoring their Glass line to Guillestre, where I trace Julians/Gillians that look like Gellone's/Gillions. That trace could be partly wrong, yet Douglas' share the salamander in flames with Julians. As this point, Douglas' are tracing to William Gellone. Note that the red, covered crown in the Douglas Coat is evident at the ends of the keys in the Clermont Coat, and ask whether those keys-in-saltire are a version of the Border swords-in-saltire. The Clermont Coat with dolphins has a Shield covered in TreFOILS.

We now have reason to trace Lopez' to Lupus Laevillus, husband of Quadratilla. It opens up a massive area of new discovery with possible trace's to the Welfs. The Lopez's call their border a "border compony gold and blue", but as no Compon or Compony surname's come up, perhaps the Comps/Camps (same place as Jells and Gellone's) apply who are suspect with a version of the Capone Coat! Comps/Camps are in the colors of the Campbell gyronny (!!) so that Lopez's can trace to the Garonne.

Having said that, we note that the red castle in the Lopez Coat is in the colors of the Spanish Murena/MORATin tower, that surname suspect with Cilnius Maecenas' wife. I'm saying this because, smack on the Garonne river some dozen miles from Toulouse, and about five miles from the Louge, there is a Muret location (it's on my atlas). It's very near Villeneuve-Tolosane. Murena's/Moratins were first found in Castille, and that's the city suspect by others in the "mysteries" of Rennes-le-Chateau. My hunch was that Maccabees were named after the ancestry of Cilnius Maecenas, meaning that the Maecenas line must, under that theory, trace to the Maccabee line that merged with Quadratus (Bassus last name) of Cilicia.

Where are the symbols of Guerin of Provence in all this? Here's the Muret/Murat/Murreux Coat (Gascony), filled with lozengy in the colors of the Lopez border, and in the colors of the checks filling the Warren/Guarin Coat. As Italian Murats are said to be from Mantua and Lombardy, the Murat lozenges can be traced to the lozenges filling the Shield of the Lombard/Limbaugh surname, first found in RENfrewshire, a place that I say is related to "Rennes." Keep your eye on the ball here, because Murats are tracing to Rennes-le-Chateau with Quadratilla lines. One Muriel surname uses peaCOCKS (Cocks use a lozengy Shield) as evidence of a link to Pollocks (Peacocks are a Pollock sept), first found in Renfrewshire. Then, Spanish Murats are listed with Muriels, and they use a symbol (three square sections) that can be gleaned as the formation of the so-called MURAL crown, but a mural crown always comes (from what I've seen) with FOUR square sections! I get it.

Next, we take it the Leavell surname suspect with the Quadratilla-Laevillus line. It shares the nebuly of Clements and Marina's, but the latter are very linkable to Murena's! Leavells, in Welf/Wolf colors, are said to be from "wolf," which is a lie, but it's yet likely true in that it's code for their Welf kin. Leavells were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Borders.

I cannot recall the reason nor merit in tracing Borders to the Besancon / Doubs theater (north-west of Geneva). But here I find that the Leavell Coat with what could be construed as three horizontal-red bars on gold, while that's what English Bassets use, while French Bassets are listed with the surname that is brought up with "Besancon." Unexpectedly, the Marina nebuly is called "wavy bends," and so the wavy Basset or Leavell nebuly can apply. Then, the Amore nebuly is red and identical in positioning with the Leavell nebuly, and there in the Amore Crest is a mural crown! It seems clear that Amore's/Amoors (share a bend in Marina-bend colors) are Marina's, from Lemnos but likely by the African-Amazon root. To prove that Leavells link to Bassets and Besancons, see the Amore-related Damorys.

The Quadratilla family ruled Cilicia, beside Cappadocia where the capital was Mazaca, and African Amazons were called "Mazices/Mazikes" and other-such terms. Note that Mazzo's/MAZZACane's/MazzaGALLI's, whose bend is used by Pamphylia-suspect Pembroke's, use a bend in the colors of the Amore bend.

For those who agree with me that the Primo/Primeau surname can be from Junia Caepionis Prima, note that this surname uses three green roses in the colors of the three green cinquefoils of Loches', while both surnames (along with the Louge surname) were first found in Burgundy. Note the Primo mirror, known code for the Mire's'/Mireurs/MIREUX's of Anjou (where mirror-using Melusine traces), for we just saw the Murets/Murats/MURREUX's, suspect at Muret, near the Louge river.

Isn't that a mirror in the Arms of Vic-en-Bigorre?!?!

Then, the Caepionis-suspect Seconds/Segurs trace well to Segni's/Segurana's, first found in the same place (Genoa) as Grimaldi's that likewise use a Shield filled with lozengy. As Grimaldi's were also at Monaco, beside Antipas-suspect Antibes, note that while Grimaldi's are the one's using a "frock" code, Coopers use "holly branch FRUCted proper." Why would Herod's mother trace to Frocks/Froggs? I suppose it's through her grandson, Alexander, and his line to the Galatian Phrygians. I would suggest that the Frocks are using the engrailed bend of Salfords/Savards. Reminder: Froggits were first found in Derbyshire (beside the Shropshire location of Frocks/Froggs), what is being traced to Derbe of wolf-depicted Lycaonia...which should explain the Salford/Savard wolves.

It gets more interesting that while I traced the house of Caiaphas to a merger with emperor Titus (Josephus was adopted by Titus' family), the Titus Coat (shares the Chappes Moor head) uses gyronny in the colors of the borders of Lopez's / Dole's/Doyle's. The Titus gyronny ought to trace to the Garonne river, right?

Maecenas' wife, Terentia (born a Varro), was the sister by adoption to Lucius Licinius Varro Murena, and then Spanish Varro's use wolves in the colors of the Spanish-Lopez wolves. There are no other Varro surnames, but we have a clue, in the blue-on-white fleur-de-lys in the Varro Coat, that Varro's link to the blue-on-white fleur of English Dole's, and as the Irish Dole's/Doyle's are the one using the border feature of Lopez's, just like that the Varro's are clinched with Lopez's. Then, as the Dole's/Doyle's are using the red stag heads of Colts/Celts, first found in Perthshire, they could trace to Perta of Lycaonia.

I was hoping that Varro's were first found in Castile i.e. same place as Murena's, but we have the Portuguese Lopez', using a castle (likely for Castile) in the colors of the Murena tower (Leavell colors), to clinch the Varro link to Murena's. We therefore have a sure trace from the bloodline of Lucius Murena. Varro's were first found in Burgos (northern Spain), and Spanish Burgos' were first found in Castile; they use a giant annulet in colors reversed to the Frock/Frogg annulets, and we saw how Vere's of the Warren/Guarin kind, or even Vere's at Anjou, could link to the Murets/Marots...suspect with the Moratin variation of Murena's, right? Recall the frogs of Vere's.

The fact that the Chateau surname (Artois) is listed with Castels/Castille's (Leavell colors), while using the same cross as Irish Burghs (and Eustace's), suggests that Castile elements of the Burgos bloodline were involved in naming Rennes-le-Chateau. Here's my bet: the Quadratilla-Laevillus bloodline that has traced to Rennes-le-Chateau on at least one good count, perhaps two, evolved into the Leavell/LOVells surname (said to mean "wolf"), and then into the LOPes surname when merging with a wolf liner. Or, what about the Lowes? I don't know of anyone who thinks that "low / lou" means "wolf." I don't think it does, but the Leavell write-up insists that it does, and then Vis-de-Loop (Normandy) was also "Vis-de-Lou." I say they have it backward. I say the surname started off as a Levi-like one, and then became the Lopez surname, as well as the Lewis surname using a lion in colors reversed from the Levi lions.

It just so happens that the Irish Burghs, the one's using the same cross as Castille's/Chateau's, show a "loy" motto term while Lowes/Loys (Levi colors) use wolf heads...on what could be the Varn bend, in the colors of the Varro wolves. The CAT-a-mountain (e.g. the one in the Irish Burgh Crest) became suspect years ago as code for "CHATeau" because the Croms, sharing white QUATRefoils with Vincents, use " a black cat" in Crest. Lowes' are said to be from "loup," but isn't that a mere guess based on the wolves in the Coat? The Caiaphas-suspect Kaip(f)s use the Lowes wolf heads.

There are two other Loy surnames, one with an upside-down chevron in the colors of the Levi chevron, and using gold leopard heads upon it so that it's reflective of the Lowes/Loy bend. It just so happens that gold leopard heads are in the Aide / Cooper surname.

When I was tracing the martlets of Apple's and Applebys (six footless martlets) to the blue-apple riddle out of a Rennes-le-Chateau mystery, I didn't know to trace the Mountains (same place as Quints!) there too, for they not only use six footless martlets in the same colors, but are surely in the cat-a-mountain code for Rennes-le-Chateau. And knowing now that Mountains/Montagne's were married to Claviere's, it's notable that the latter were linked to Clermonts after discovering Clermonts like so in the last update:

Emperor Avitus was even born in CLERmont, jibing with my hunch that the Galatians of concern were from Clarus elements. The Clermont location was in Auvergne, and then the Clermont/Clairmont/Clearmont surname uses crossed keys in the colors of the Bouillon cross.

It all traces to Rennes-le-Chateau, doesn't it, with the Eustace cross, for example. The Languedoc Mountains are likely using a saltire linkable closely to the LOUge / Cooper saltire. See also the Jefferson saltire and link it's blue leopard face to the same of LAWLers, a potential branch of "Lowell/Leavell."

Scottish Leavells/Lovells use the Yonge piles because Yonge's use a black wolf too, as well as annulets. Why should Yonge's figure into this line from Quadratilla? Ask the three instances of "ung" in the Irish-Burgh motto? Like the Frocks/Froggs, the Yonge-related Hogens use black annulets. German Hogens three arrows like the three Lurch/Larchers arrows.

Here is the Coat of one Welshman, John Yonge. It's using the Pennant and Trevor Coat, and then we've seen pennants in the colors of the Yonge piles. Note the greyhound in the crest and compare with the Lopp/Loop greyhound.

But whose red-on-white fesse is in the Scottish Leavell Coat? I'll bet it belongs to Liebes'/Liebers. The oak theme of Liebers caused me to link them to Aikens, the latter's having a chevron in Lieber-fesse colors, but just now "Oaken" was entered as per suspecting "Hogen" to be an oak liner, and that got the Aikens. I'm sure I'm remembering correctly the Varro wolf being beside an oak tree. The Aiken roosters can link to Lopez liners by the fact that "jelLOPPED" is used as per roosters. I'm thinking that, whenever a rooster-line family linked to a Lopez line, they would be permitted to use a jellopped rooster. It suggests a fundamental relationship between Lopez' and rooster liners.

If you want a good laugh, Lewis' are said to be from "loud battle." The "fidus" motto term suggests the Fiddle's/FideLOWs of Vis-de-Lou, and the Battle surname uses the gold griffin exactly in the Lowes Crest. Yet Lewis' are not said to be from "lou = wolf." Actually, an old Aryan word for "lion" was "lew / luw," making it easy to see why Levi liners would use the lion. The "loud battle" haha then goes hahaha to the Louds/Loads/McLeods, first found on Lewis. The Loud castle can now link to the Lopez castle. Here's from the last update:

...the Leavell write-up speaks on a Ralph Lovel, son of a Mr. Percival, earl of an Iver-like Yvery entity...

...The Ivorys/Ives' (same bend colors as Were's) were looked up as per "Yvery," and Ivorys were likewise [as with Amore's / Damorys] first found in Oxfordshire...Ivorys are said to be from Ivry-la-Bataille in Eure. The Battaile's/Battle's (griffin) were first found in BERwickshire, and the Berwick surname shares the muzzled bear with Percivals (they are the ones at Yvery) so that Ivorys do trace to Berwickshire...and to Berenicianus, the line that married the Bassus Tectosages that then married Laevillus!! Perfect...

The Fawn that Died

For you better understanding, there is more material below this section from last week when investigating the Galatians. But I want to do this section here. I'm not even sure where it's going to lead, but I feel that this could be of a revelation given to us from Above.

A woman used to come sit beside me in church when I was living in Texas. She had cancer, and so we got to know one another a little, and I'd go visit her at times on a purely friendly level. One day, after some lunch, on the drive home, we saw something on the road, which turned out to be a young fawn barely a foot tall. The doe was nowhere to be seen. The fawn couldn't walk. So I took it home and tried to raise it. The prospect of having an adult deer as a possible pet thrilled me. I got some milk powder for it, and it started to get healthier. But just then, it would just fall to the ground, unable to walk. It didn't just lie down, but literally fell due to weak legs. When it did get up after some rest, it would often suck behind my knee, like I was it's mother, like it craved mother's milk. I didn't know at the time that fawns need a special chemical from the mother's milk, otherwise it would die. And it did die. It was a little like the condition of the woman, who seemed fine, and then, months later, she died. One early morning, the fawn was found half dead, with ants over its face like they knew it was food, and then it died within a day. I did not, of course, have the Derby ANTelope on my mind at that time.

There was something in Texas that would give me rapid-heartbeat, allergic reactions. I needed to take anti-histamines for it, and one night, in the only case of it's kind, after taking some antihistamines, I fainted while at the fridge with a glass in my hand. I came-to picking myself up off the floor with blood on the floor, pain near my eye, and a gouge beside my knee, from the broken glass after it hit the floor. I struggled to get myself to the bathroom mirror to see the damage, and I fell back uncontrollably flat on my back, unable to stand, just like the fawn. I was very worried, so got myself to bed and lay down, unable to deal with the wounds. But I called this woman, asking her to come over to see if I'm alright in the morning. She came. I was fine, the bleeding had stopped soon overnight. The gouge on my face was on my eyebrow, a close call.

The point is, this fall of mine happened why this woman was, for a short time only, in my life. Her last name was Alexander. In those days, I was already writing for the dragon hunt. While writing the last update, it dawned on me that God, who seemingly uses many events in my life as leads for use in the hunt, may have been indicating something between Ms. Alexander, the fawn, and it's fall and mine. This idea came to mind when reading that the Derby surname is traced to "Doe," thought that trace is not correct as stated. Still, the symbol of Derbyshire is a deer for that link to the Doe's (they are not the same bloodline, but two merged).

Not long before my fall, there was a charismatic woman in our non-charismatic church who prophesied, "I saw the giants fall." She wished to prophesy in the First Person, as though God was speaking right out of her mouth. The first time that I heard her do so, I got up and walked out of the church, and didn't go back for a month. When I got back, I had forgiven her. The next time she tried it, she was standing right in front of me, and her words came out very nervous and broken. After that, she didn't do it in the First Person anymore. Hopefully, the pastor had a little chat with her. I think it was after that when she blurted, "I saw the giants fall," and, so, after my fall shortly afterward, those words rang in my ears. However, I'm not even six-feet tall.

But the Pamphylians were co-founded by mythical Alcmaeon, play on "Alcmene," mother of Hercules, and "Alc" is a term for some Greek giants called "Alkyonides," descendants of Alkyoneus: "A giant who threw a stone at Herakles (Heracles) and was killed when Herakles hit the stone back with his club." We get it.

I don't know whether it would be right to include the Faint surname with the Fawn and Fall surnames that should seemingly be a part of what I knew I had to say since the last update. The Doe/Dow chevron is the Derby chevron, both in black-on-white, the colors of the Alexander chevrons, what a fawncidence. There's a gold garb in the Doe/Dow Crest; whose do you think that belongs to? The Doe's/Dows use "coulters" that can trace with PERTHshire Colts/Cults to Perta, near Derbe, in the land of Pamphylians. See both locations on this map if you haven't already:

Coulters were first found in Lanarkshire, which is where I traced (last update) elements from Laranda, which you can see beside Derbe. Alexanders were found out to sea directly off the coast from Lanarkshire.

These things are already "coincidental" enough, but then Fawns/Faughnes' (Berwickshire) use black-on-white crescents, the colors of the Alexander crescent. The Faints/Fainds/Feins (familiar red "border") are in the same colors, and they sound like they could be a Fawn branch. By what fawncidence are Doe's also "Dow" while Dows/Dove's were likewise first found in Berwickshire?

coincidence There are two Fall surnames, the Scottish branch (Inverness) using a stag (see also the Velis'), and a Dutch branch using nothing but a red-on-white bend, the colors of the same of Aide's, first found in the same place as Fawns/Faughnes'. The Scottish Falls, in Levi colors, were first found in the same place as Rae's/Creights, who trace with Crichtons to the "Chretien" motto term of Levi's. That place, INVERness, is now suspect with YVERY, location of the Leavells/Lovells/Levels.

To assure that Dutch Falls are using the Aide bend, the Aide's are clearly using the Stephenson bend while Stephensons are using the VALentin bend while Dutch Falls are also 'Val." There is a Dutch Valence/Valentinus Coat that is colors reversed from the Valentin squirrels. It just so happens that the Dutch Fall bend is used by VALLibus'/Vaux's/Vance's/Vans that come up as "Fann," suggesting a Fawn/Faun link to Vallibus' liners.

I can see why God might arrange circumstances for making an Alexander link to Doe's, Fawns and Derbe. I don't see how else I would have made that link. Far be it from me to make the link with any solidity based on a chevron-color match alone. I have the sense that Derbe is where the Caiaphas / Annas line will trace to. Annas' father in Syria was Seth (nothing more about him seems to be known unless it's been covered up), and then Seths are listed with Shaws, first found in PERTHshire. Can we imagine Derbe elements going to Perthshire with Perta elements? Ask the neighboring Chappes'/Chaips', first found in Stirlingshire, where Guiscards were likewise first found that use a version of the piles of Qewe-suspect Cowes/Coe's/Ku's, first found in Lancashire with the Doe's.

Along with the Fawns/Faughnes', the Vaughns should be included. The Vaughn Coat looks like a Pendragon-Coat version, and for that reason can link to the Cowes' pennants. In fact, the Pennant surname uses the same Coat as Trevors (Tudor), and the latter are said, in the Vaughn write-up, to be the ancestry of Vaughns. As Trevor-Tudor is expected to have used ostrich feathers, a Tudor symbol, let's take it to the Beaks using both an ostrich and three horizontal bars in the colors of the same in the Arms of Trebizond empire, for that area was easily connectable to Qewe or Derbe, especially in the reign of Polemon...who traces to Poole, beside Cowes. The Beaks are mentioned because they use three wavy bars connectable to the same of Drummonds (Perthshire again) who trace with Traby-suspect Trips to the same area.

Trebizond Empire was late, centuries after Caiaphas, but I'm referring to Trabzon in the days of Polemon. Trebizond empire was founded by a KOMNenos surname, perhaps traceable to the Comyns. This is important because the latter share the Joseph garbs while Josephs were first found in Hampshire while Cowes is off the cost of Hampshire. Look at how the Commings variation of Comyns is like "Comana," location of a Cappadocian cult in the days of Caiaphas.

Then, probably of no coincidence, the "Courage" motto of the Comyns can be broken into two parts, one for Masci-suspect Cours using besants traceable to the Bassus line at Cilicia (though I don't know the entire gamut of its territory), and one for the Age surname listed with the Edge's/Eggs using what I see as the Balance eagle. As I suspect Balance's and Balans to be from Alexander Balus, as his line merged with the Bassus line, compare the Russian Alexanders to the Age's/Eggs. The Aide's had traced well to the Aethelings that I think included the Age's/Eggs.

Why are Vaughns said to descend from Rhys, son of Llewellyn" Isn't that the Leavell/Level bloodline? Aren't the latter using a version of the Drummond bars? As Leavells are traced in their write-up to William de Percival of Somerset, where the Percival-related Pierce's were first found, it looks like the Pierces are using the Vaughn chevron. I think you can agree with me that the fawn that died has been responsible, right here and now, for tracing Vaughns to Laevillus.

The muzzled Percival bear traces to Alexander Berenicianus, doesn't it? If I recall correctly, he was Laevillus' uncle. It looks like we just found the "holy grail" of Arthurianism at Mr. Laevillus' ancestry. Tell whether you think the Dows/Dove's look like Vaughns or Pierces, and, if so, is their being first found in bear-depicted Berwickshire relevant to Berenicianus? The same can be true for Dow-like Deweys (same-colored fesse), first found beside Pierce's, PerciVALs and Leavells.

BIG AHA!! The Dewes' (with an 's';), first found in the same place (Somerset) again, are listed with Chews/Chue's, but use griffin heads in the colors of the Dewey dragon heads. The Chue's are from Qewe/Kue, right?!?! They even come up as "Jew"! And they use a Catherine wheel for evidence that they merged with Roets of Somerset. They are said to be from Cheux in Normandy. The red blood drops on the Dewes Crest can be suspect with the Pattersons / Players. Recall the "chess player" of Fields/Feeleys, because Dewes' are in Chess colors.

There is a second Dewes surname (shares "spur rowels" with Payens) listed with Welsh Tews/Tewels/Tuals, potential Toulouse liners. They are said to have married David Llewellyn Lloyd so that we are yet on Laevillus suspects. It just so happens that Lloyds share the white wolf with Floods/Floyds/Tulleys, explaining the variant Tully variation from Tewels. The Floods/Floyds are said to be from "Lloyd," but I have a hard time with that. I agree that Floods/Floyds link to David Llewellyn Lloyd, but I would trace Floods (same place as blood-drop Pattersons) to same-colored Blade's, and Bloods to thereby explain what looks like blood drops in the Crest of the Dewes/Chue's. If that's correct, then both Dewes surnames can trace to Qewe elements. That's amazing corroboration of a Laevillus trace to Qewe.

The castle in the Lloyd Crest may betray that they are a Loud/McLeod branch. Lloyds share a white pheon (Payen symbol) with Blade's

Note that the Floods/Floyds are using the wolf-head design of Fiddle's from VIS-de-Loop, for Floods/Floyds use a "Vis" motto term. As Pierce's are also "Peers," it's notable that one Peer surname is in Flood/Floyd (and Valence) colors. The "MacTUILE in the Flood/Floyd write-up looks like the Toile variation of Tools, suggesting Toulouse elements tracing to Qewe.

It's not just Leuvens that use the bear paw, but the Powys surname (same place as Bellamys), and the Powys' are using it in colors reversed to the Bellino/Bellene paw. Who were the Bellino's? I'm tempted to say that I've mistraced Bellamys (from Perche) wrongly when tracing them compellingly to whatever mythical Bellerophon was named after. It looks like Bellamys are from Mr. Balus.

Powys' use a "Parta" motto term. No guff. They know that they are from Hercules lines at Perta. Poias/Poeas, a mythical character that helped Hercules die when he was poisoned, traces to the namers of Powys very well, for reasons that won't be repeated here. Qewe was in Adana, and even Wikipedia's article on Adana mentions that its naming had been traced to the Greek Danaans. It looks like the Levites from Laish were at Qewe.

Vaughns use the colors and format of Fields/Felds that link well to Fall / Faul lines. And Fields/Felds once again use garbs, but so do Derbys, and, amazing, the two Coats are colors-reversed version of one another! Note the "UtcunQUE" motto term of Derbys, no coincidence.

The capital of king Alexander Balus was at Antioch, what had earlier been HARBiye, a very good place to trace "garb." Garb(ee)s use a gold garb in both colors of the Comyns garb, and the Comyns are said to have had a Commins Coch location in Powys, smack beside Herefordshire, where Trevors ruled. Pennants and . Whose white wings are in the Garb(ee) Crest? Are they the Balance eagle? Garb(ee)s are using a version of the Harvey Coat, but also a version of the Macey Shield quite possibly, for Masci's use white wings, and Maceys are highly suspect with the Maccabee's that Mr. Balus merged with. It's highly likely that the Comyns garbs are from the Arms of Cheshire (near Powys), where Masci and Macey liners lived.

My conclusion is that the line of Alexander Balus to the Alexander-named Maccabees were in Derbe for some reason. The Darbys/DerMOTs can help greatly in this regard, not just because they may be fashioned as MOTTs, who use the Alexander crescent, but because "DERMOT" is like "TURBOT" while Laurie-suspect Lawrence's use the turbot fish. The laurel used by Lawrie's in their grail can trace to Daphne, the earlier name of Antioch/Harbiye, the capital of Alexander Balus' ancestry. Lawrence's were first found in the same place as Cowes/Coe's/Ku's and Doe's/Dows. Lawrence's (said to be from "Laurentius") can trace to Laranda, right? The Fanns/Vance's/Vaux's/Vallibus' use a gold lion "holding in the dexter paw a pair of balances proper." Although the description for the Mopps/MOTburleys doesn't have anything for the Crest, the person there appears to be holding a pair of scales / balances.

The Llewellyn surname morphed into "Lewis: "The name Lewis became closely associated with Llywelyn as early as the 13th century, when Anglo-Norman scribes often used the former as an anglicised version of the latter; many Welsh families came to do the same over the following centuries as the adoption of formal English-style surnames became more widespread" That should explain why one Lewis surname has a green dragon with a hand in its mouth dripping DROPS of BLOOD: "...a green dragon's head and neck holding in the mouth a bloody hand proper". But the other Lewis surname is a lion in colors reversed to the Capone / Levi lion. Coincidence, or were Llewellyn Laevillus liners? Why a green dragon? From Crichtons/Creightons?

Again, the Lloyds look like Louds/McLeods, and we saw earlier how the "loud battle" phrase in the Lewis write-up is part-code for Louds/McLeods (from the island of Skye and LEWIS). And Herods are listed as a sept of McLeods.

I didn't know whether I should include the Knee surname as per my fainting and knee injury. I thought I had best not. But I had looked up the Knee's/Neighs to see stag heads, and they were even in the design of the Fall stag, but I still decided not to mention it, until now, when looking up the Neigh-like Neck surname to find a giant stag head of the same design. And it's a red stag head, not in the design, but in both colors, of the Celt/Colt (dart in Crest) stag head with Pilate pheon. Reminder: Doe's/Dows use "coulters"...and Co(u)lters share the Catherine wheel (symbol of Catherine Roet) with Dewes'/Chews/Chue's/Jews.

It just so happens that Roets were first found in the same place as Trans'. The latter were just looked up as per the "TRANSfigum" motto of Celts/Colts. And zowie, while the Trans are properly the eagle-using Trents, the Knee's share a red eagle in Crest with the Tarents/Tarans, which could suggest Terentia, wife of Cilnius Maecenas! The expectation from the fawn Sign (if that's what it is) is a Maccabee or proto-Maccabee station in the Derbe theater. "Cilnius" had traced to mount Cyllene in Arcadia, birthplace of Hermes, father of Pan, but Pan traced as proto-Phoenix (can be represented by a red eagle to disguise Masonic-phoenix themes) to Lake Van, location of Taran/Tarun. I would definitely lump the Faints/Feins in with Vane's/Fane's/Fiens, first found in Monmouth, the same general area of the Welsh line under discussion. In fact, the hand in MOUTH of the Lewis' could be part-code for MonMOUTH.

The Perts/Petts are the ones said to be from "pampered child," and I've been linking the Childs to the Tarent Coat for some time, as they are a colors-reversed version of one another. Plus, Perta is on lake Tatta while Tate's share a six-sectioned Shield with antelope-using Wheelwrights (Child colors) who likewise show the Catherine wheel. Note that Childs, in Knight/Night colors, are traced to KNIGHThood. The Wheelwright anteLOPE is red, like the Derby antelope. I'll bet that Lupus Laevillus' line was in Derbe. The "Res" motto term of Wheelwrights (same place as Derby-related Fields/Felds) could be for Rhys, son of Llewellyn in the Vaughn write-up. .

As you can see, Vane's/Fane's use GAUNTlet gloves, symbol of Catherine Roet's husband at Candale, beside BORDEAUX. As Borders were first found in the same place as Roets and Leavells, note that the Faints/Fainds/Feins have a red "border." The "Ne vile fano" motto of Vane's/Fane's may even be part-code for the Knee's. In fact, "Nee" is showing in the Knee/Neigh page. How about that! As Knee's were first found in County DOWN (!) of Ulster, the hand in the Lewis Coat can be thus explained as the Ulster hand. Downs use another stag! The Ulster Coat (Austria) looks like a virtual copy of the Vaughn Coat. Might "Ulster" be a "Culter" variation?

After writing here, Dawns were found with bend colors of the Knee bend. That's quite the exercise. Downs share a stag with Knee's.

The symbol of a phoenix is its rising from the ashes, and so see the Trans/Trent description: " A gold demi eagle rising with a laurel branch in its mouth." Why laurel? Laranda elements? It's Coulters (Knee colors) that were first found in Laranda-suspect Lanarkshire, smack beside GLASgow, and my knee was cut with GLASS!!! I had fallen on the FLOOR, and so look, almost unbelievable, of all things to say in deriving the Vane's/Fane's, they are derived in "van = threshing FLOOR"!!! Incredible.

[A day after writing here, I got to the "FLOURish" motto term of Glasgows; see it in the next update.]

I kid you not, that my allergic reactions started with a flushing face and rapid heart beat, followed by itching over every part of the body, and finally hives all over the body. It was "terrible" but tolerable thanks to the antihistamine. As soon as I left Texas, it stopped occurring. The point is, as Vane's/Fane's are now central in the glass-and-knee theme, and likely related to Fawns, look at the bull in the Vane/Fane Crest, covered in spots! I can't help laughing at all this. It's incredible. It's known that Vane's/Fane's/Fiens are a sept of Mackays...who trace to Qewe, right? Note the wolf, a Mackay / Quade symbol, in the other Fien surname (Faints are also "Fin").

For some reason, the list of Mackay septs does not show the Vane's/Fane's, but does show the Baines' with Vain/Van variations. Note the PAWlards, Polards and Poole's listed with them, for Palins/PAWleys were first found in the same place as the Poole location near Cawes. The Mackays use the bear that should link to the bear paw in Wales, all going back to Laevillus, nephew of Berenicianus, right? See Palins below, who use stars in the colors of the Polesdon stars.

The number of solid "coincidences' convinces me that I was involved in a Sign. Why would God use my allergy in such a way on one night alone to make a point today? How important is this? And it was night when it happened while. The Dewes'/Tewels were spotted using the three vertical bars of Nights/Knights...first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Hobsons/Hopsons (Colter chevron?) who were suspect earlier with Coponius.

The Necks, honored by Laevillus-suspect Lewis', are likely from the Neckar river of Germany, which I see honored in the "nec" terms shared by Rutherfords and Rodhams, but then both Rutherfords and Rutlands use border features.

Back to the Llewellyn surname: "The name evolved from the Old British name Lugubelinos, which was a compound of two names for Celtic deities. The first, Lugus, is also the source of the first element in the names Llywarch and Lliwelydd, and, as an independent name, evolved into Welsh Lleu. The second element, Belenus, evolved as an independent name into Welsh Belyn." I no longer feel unscholarly to easily dismiss "factual" statements like this from Wikipedia's history articles. Wikipedia has the habit of factualizing theories as if it likes to brainwash society rather than encourage debate on problems. Wikipedia writers, no doubt echoing conclusions of certain historians, often show terms like "Lugubelinos," then remove a few letters to get something else like, "Llewellyn," and, voila, a fact is born. But this alone is not convincing. There needs to be other evidence that Lugubelinos is the derivation of "Llewellyn," but the article gives nothing satisfactory. It is interesting, however, that a Belenus element existed in Wales, for the Powys surname uses the bear paw of Italian Belino's...from Padua in the land of the VENeti.

The Llewellyn page shows the Arms of Llewellyn as being a Shield quartered in the colors of Leavells, with lions in the same colors. The article goes on to show how Palins can be Laevillus liners: "Apart from variants mentioned above, surnames originating from Llywelyn include Apswellen, Bewellin, Bewlyn, Bewlen, Pawelin, Weallins, Wellings, Wellins, Welyn, Wellyns, Wellens, Wellence, Wellings, Wellon, and Wellys." The Pawelins are like the Pavilly location (Normandy) of Palins/Pawleys. The Palins are using a version of the Power Coat while the German Paws/Pauers, likely in code in the Powys / Bellino bear paw, look like a branch of Powers. Although Palins are using what should be the Lewis lion in colors reversed, I am not prepared to view "Bewellin / Pawelin" as a strict variation of "Llewellyn," but rather as surnames formed by a Llewellyn merger with the Bellino bloodline.

"Llewellyn" may itself have been a Laevillus merger with Whelan/FAILin liners. Note that while the pelican is used by Pulleys/Pullens (in Poole colors), it's also used by Wellens/Wellers and DeVAUX's. The Palin-related Polesdons come up as "Pulsipher," a version of PULCipher, and besides this, the Wayne's, like the Veyne variation of Vane's/Fane's, use the PELICan too. Unreasonably, Whelan/Failins are traced to "wolf," but I think I understand this to be of Lupus-Laevillus circle of kin.

Note the colors of the two-tailed lion of Wells/Wellys at the link above. The Wherters use a lion in the same colors and position, and then king Llewelyn "the great" was the son of LorWERTH. Wherters happen to be the Quarters suspect with QUADRatilla, Laevillus' wife. The Tile's/Tills, if per-chance they apply to the end of her name, use a wyvern the size and colors of the Palin lion, and both surnames were first found in Dorset. Earlier, we saw Spanish Varro's trace with Lopez' (both in Quarter/Whirter colors) to Terentia, wherefore let's mention that Trents are said to have a location in Dorset. "Till" can now be considered as part of the Dewes/Tewel line that married David Llewellyn Lloyd, not forgetting that the other Dewes' have the Qewe-and-Kue-like Chew/Chue variations. Amazing. I couldn't have concocted all of this any better than its falling before my very eyes.

The "LAUDamus" motto term of Quarters/Wherters might just apply both to the "loud battle" code of Lewis', and to the Lloyd/Loid surname (wolf) suspect from Louds/McLeods. There is even a battle axe in the Till Crest. Lloyds were suspect in the name of the peoples of Leeds, and then the Leeds' use a wyvern of their own. I suggest that Leeds are using the Lieber fesse with black eagles linkable to the Aiken roosters in the same colors, all traceable to Akmonia, ancestral home of Quadratilla. For that matter, the red-on-white bend of Aide's and Falls could be that of Ackmans, whose oak tree is used by Fields/Feeleys and related Apollo's/Polloni's. Reminder: Apollo's mother, Leto, like "Leed." Augustus, suspect in the eight acorns of these trees, worshiped Leto. The August fesse is in the colors of the Lieber / Leeds fesse.

I'm not making this up, but a griffin-like name applies to a Laevillus-suspect's father, for king Llewelyn's father was Owain ap GRUFfudd (Agrippa liner?). His three white-on-red lions, in the colors and positions of the Tool lion, can trace him to Herod Antipas' family at Comminges. The Welsh were right beside Comyns-related Cheshire, and Comyns/Commings were even in Powys. Could we expect the Meschins of Cheshire to marry the line of GrufFUDD, to produce children for Ranulph-Meschin de Gernon? I trace the "CyFOETH" motto term of Gernons to the Fudd-like Foots and Fothes/FUDDES' (!) -- both using chevrons in the colors of the Levi chevrons -- and then the Gernons are using lions in the colors and positions of those in the Arms shown at the Lewellyn article. Those Arms are of Aberffraw, an Eber-like term if we EVER saw one. WhatEVER was going on in Wales?

Gruffudd's first name may have been of the Owens or even of the Wayne's / Veynes'/Vane's, for Gwynedd was founded by a Venedotia peoples traceable to the Veneti Celts at Vannes. Aberffraw (named in-part after a Ffraw river) was a location on the north of Gwynedd, on Mona! Hmm, a line from AVARan Maccabee?

The Fothes/Fuddes Coat looks like a version of the Capone Coat. How many coincidences can historians take before they fawn over this material, acknowledging that Levi liners were in royal Wales? Who were they, and when did they arrive? For what does the Fothes/Fuddes cornuCOPIA stand for if not the Capone / Coponius line? The Fothes/Fuddes motto, "Industria," is identical to the motto of Peels (besants and a shuttle in Crest), and there is a "bee volant" (Valence code?) in the Peel Chief.

No Shuttle surname comes up, but a reader/contributor had found the Shuttlewords/ShuttleWORTHS who now smack of LorWERTH, father of king Llewellyn. AND AMAZING, while Lorwerth is suspect with Quarters/Wherters, the Shuttleworths not only use a bear, but a "uTILE" motto term (like "Attila") that can link to a QuadratTILLa > Tile/Till line! Shuttleworths are from bee-using Manchester, suggesting that the Peel bee is the one in the Arms of Manchester, but who put the latter's in the Arms? I hope to investigate the Manchester surname (could be the Aide bend) later and show what has already become evident in the past minute or two, that Pepinid Merovingians of the Mame/Mens/Manners kind were in Manchester. That discussion will link to the Babel, LAWLer, and Mum surnames suspect with the Bebba BERNICIANS. The Mame/Mens surname is also "MENGzes," suspect from the Manx peoples on the Isle of Man (home of mythical Lug and ManANNAN the Danann), not far off the coast of Mona. Note the "GIVERN" variation of Biggars, like Yvery's / Ivers / wyverns. Biggars are suspect in some relationship with Douglas', and then there is a Douglas location on the Isle of Man. Douglas' were recently traced to the Monaco surname, how about that.

Recall the trace of Guerin of Provence, part of the Guerra-wyvern line, to Lerins/Clarins of Lanarkshire, where Biggars and Colters (same colors) were first found. Do you recall where the Lerins island was? Near MONK-related MONACo of Lug-suspect Liguria. It could look like Ligurians were off the west coast of Scotland, between Mona and Argyllshire, where the MacDonalds cruised, and then the Cannes location smack at the Lerins island can link to the MacDonald-related Cannes surname, first found in Argyllshire, the western waters of Scotland. As the Lerins/Clarins are using chevrons suspect with Quint chevrons, note that the Manchester surname is filled with vair fur in the colors of the Quint vair.

The "dulce" motto term of Shuttleworths may suggest Dulles'/Dallas' (same Coat as Biggars from Lanark) that use a bend reflective of the Ivery/Ivory bend belonging to the Were's. Were's are said to be of Givern-like Giffards.

Zowie, I just saw a Peel location on the Isle of Man, and as Peels use the Fothes/Fuddes motto, it thus makes the Man link to both Manchester. This recalls my trace to Fothes' and Foots to "FOETES," another name for Fussen (Lech river) of Germany. The Arms of Fussen and the Arms of Man both use the same three-leg symbol! That works. Peels are suspect with pelican-using Pulleys/Pullens who use a bend in colors reversed to the bend of pelican-using Biggars, if that helps to trace Biggars to the Isle of Man. This can trace the line of Appius Pulcher (suspect from Jonathan Apphus Maccabee, brother of Avaran Maccabee) to Peel on the Isle of Man. Remember, "ManANNAN" is a myth term = code of the writers, and Annas of Israel, whom I traced to Avaran Maccabee, was also called, ANANus / HANAN (compare the Iver/Ever Coat to the Hanan Coat).

Gruffudd's personal Arms are shown on his page: gold spread eagles on green, the colors of the Luton eagle (and the Morgan / Moore lion). Lutons/Lewtons (from LOITon) might just be from "Latona," the Roman name for Leto. A Roman goddess in Wales? Yes, if the Romans injected their people there in the dark-age of Welsh history. It's when the stupids injected their Arthurian myth codes too as factual history. What were they hiding? What was their "holy grail"?

You don't actually believe in the Arthurian myths, do you? The stupids were largely from Merovingians. King Arthur starts off from GorLOIS, from the ostrich-using LOIS surname (Artois) that we can glean from Lewis', right? Yes, and leading to ostrich-depicted Tudors (same place as Trevors) are now showing helmets (in Child colors and format), the Pendragon symbol. Hello? I'm falling flat on my back for you. Step right up and learn from it. There was a red dragon in Wales. The Lois' can even be from the Loid variation of Lloyds, for the Lois ostrich is in McLeod colors.

Why should Laevillus liners use the ostrich? Ask their Trabzon connections. Lloyds even share scaling ladders with Trips, who are a merger with Gore's, smacking of GORlois. You just need to ask the white wolf of Gore's/Core's and Gowers/Gore's why it is that Lloyds and Floods/Floyds/Tulleys use the white wolf too. I had blood drops from my knee for this discovery.

OPEN helmets are used by Amyntes-suspect Minutes/Mynetts, and "open" smacks of "Owen." Owens are using the Lewis lion in colors reversed, which makes in Mynett-helmet colors. Mynetts were first found in the same place as Motts that use the Alexander crescent, and while Fawns use it too, they also have a black hunting horn, the color of the Traby and Burn hunting horn, what a berenicidence. The Burns even use "EVER ready" as their motto, and we saw Leavells from YVERy, home of a Mr. grail-cult Percival, the family using the bear. Eburovices-suspect Evers/Eure's are also "Ivor." The "ready" term is used by Lawrence's who traced to Laranda and to Adram-and-Mott-suspect Dermots.

The Ever/Ivor motto term, "obLIVIscar" looks like it can link to "ESCARbuncle" of Rays, and then Scarfs share the same white wolf heads as Floyds/Floods, but in the colors of the Burn fleur, which are on a blue bend all in the colors of the bend-and-wheels of Colters (in Biggar colors, first found in the same place) . The white-on-blue Burn fleur are used by Varro's and Dole's/Doyle's whom had been a part of the trace to Lupus Laevillus earlier in this update. Varro's trace to Terentia as I think Hoppers/HOPPENs do to. One OPENheim Coat using the MacArthur crown looks linkable to Russian Alexanders? We wonder who the latter were, within the history books. Why do Romanovs use a white wolf in both colors of the Floyd/Flood wolves?

This paragraph is a little hairy and complicated, but I'm confident in what's being said. The gyronny in the Russian Romanov Coat is in the colors of the same in the Arms of Gironde, and I view Gironde in connection to John of Gaunt (Dutch-Fall bend?), whose name, as well as his station in Candale, I trace to the house of Candida. Then, the Candida's use a black-on-gold eagle, colors reversed from the Ghent eagles, and in the colors of the eagle in the other Openheim Coat. Connection with the Openheims can link to the Hopper/Hoppen gyronny. That same Openheim Coat uses a black lion, the color of the Capone/Capua lion. The Openheim fesse is even in the colors of the Quint chevron, while both the Openheim lion and eagle are in the colors of English Capone's (remember the gyronny of Campbells in the colors of Capone-suspect Camps from Campania, beside Naples). The Capone's/Capua's Candida's were first found in the same place (Naples) as Italian Romanovs. See the two Fall surnames for logical connection to Gaunts. Finally, the open helmets are used by Mynetts first found in the same place, Cantii-founded Kent, as wolf-using Gaunts (in the colors of the Italian-Romanov Shield), and then Heims/Heimers use red wolves in the design of the Romanov / Fleming wolf.

The three Burn symbols around their chevron are in the colors of the coulters around the Doe/Dow chevron. One could view this as a Laevillus link to Berenicianus and to the Derbys, but why the latter too?

Let's go back now to pre-Templar times before the Norman invasion of England, to Cynan ab Iago, the father of Owain ap GrufFUDD. As ostrich feathers were a part of this family, might "Cynan" trace to the Caens/Canns (Dorset)? Might Caen in Normandy be named after the Cannes Ligurians? Cannes is smack beside Antibes. If I recall correctly, mythical Lug was from a Cynan-like term. "If Cynan ruled, it was very briefly, for Bleddyn ap Cynfyn was installed by the Saxons the same year." Doesn't "Bleddyn" suggest the Blade / Blood / Flood bloodline? The Caens/Canns have fretty filling their Shield in the colors of the vair filling the Manchester Coat, and we just saw why Manchester should trace to the Isle of Man while Man elements should trace to the Cannes theater.

Elmer FUDD liked to hunt DAFFY Duck, and then we find Dafydds in this Welsh line that can link to Daffys/Davids of Wales / Cheshire.

There was another Llewellyn line that was taken over by Cynan above. That was Llywelyn ap Seisyll, who smacks of Seyssel, downstream from the western tip of lake Geneva. I had traced Seyssel to the Say surname (beside Wales, same place as Bellamys who trace to the Arve river near Seysell) that uses quarters in the colors of the same in the Welsh Arms of Aberffraw! Mythical Gorlois, already tracing to the Llewellyn > Lewis > Lo(u)is line, is the known father of Morgan liners to Avalon, the same who named Morgannwg in Wales (now Glamorgan). This Morgan entity was traced to "Morges," on the north shore of lake Geneva! Bingo. King Arthur's wife, GUINEVere, may even be a GENEVA / Genova element. The lions in the Aberffraw Arms are in the colors of the Geneva/Genova lion, how about that.

The Caen and Caves fretty (identical) should link to the same of Cable's (same place as Leavells!!!) traceable to "Chablais" on the south coast of lake Geneva. I just misspelled "Leavells" as "Leabells." Are heraldic labels, suspect with LaBels, code for Leavell liners? Have I had it wrong all along on the Bellamys? Were they of a version of "Laevillus"? Let's explore.

The Label/LeBel/Bell surname (crescents) can be construed as a version of the Bellamy Coat, itself a version of the Harveys that trace to the Arve river. It can be gleaned that Bellamys took the red-on-gold greyhound in the Label Chief and made their crescents of those colors, and they also dropped the gold Label Chief down to make it their fesse. The greyhound is in the Crest of Caves' that use fretty in honor of Ferte-Mace, the house that merged with Bellamys. The Arve river is on the west side of Chablais, where the Cable/Cabel fretty traces. Maccabees were in that area, weren't they, and they moved to Wales or vice versa, right?

Now for the moment of enlightenment. Look at where the Labels are said to be from, at a Label location near Mauleon, the latter about 30 miles west of Pau, itself about 25 miles west of Tarbes (Bigorre theater). Doesn't it seem here that TREVOR Tudor should be from Tarbes along with Trabys, while the Paw / Pauer surnames should be of Pau? The Powys bear paw is the Bellino bear paw, and so Bellino liners are suspect with the namers of Label, and as Powys itself became suspect with Pau, I think one can indeed trace "Laevillus" to "Label." But, I'm being cautious.

Look at Mauleon-like Maelienydd on this map below, an area that become part of Powys:

Art thou enlightened? Your welcome, I'm glad to be your light bulb. At least I'm being a little useful. The Welsh really liked their ydds, didn't they? The Arms of Tarbes, down in the Pau area of France, use the same quarters as Says and the Welsh house of Aberffraw. What's that green area to the south-west of Maelienydd?

The Label crescents are in the colors of the Blois/DEBLOIS Coat, and then both the latter the concept of DuBel = LaBel are suspect with "DOUBLE tressure border" because Bellamys share the crescents of Seatons who use that border. Seatons are from a Say location, and in Say colors, so that they will be linked to Llewellyn ap Seisyll (his Gwynedd domain was taken over by the Meurig bloodline looking like it can trace to "Morges"). It just so happens that both Tresure's and Borders were first found in the same place as Leavells, in the colors of the Seaton / Bellamy crescents.

The Tresure's share a green dragon with Seatons as well as the scarlet color of the tressure border. See the scarlet color best in the Fleming Coat (Lanarkshire, same as Biggars/Biggors) that shares the red chevron of Tresure's. And ZOWIE, not only is the Tresure dragon the green Lewis dragon, but the Tresure Crest has blood drops, as has the Lewis dragon!!! I wasn't expecting to bump into the Llewellyn-based Lewis' so hard in this investigation for to see whether Labels trace to Laevillus liners such as Llewellyns. What do you think? It all started with Llewellyn, son of Seisyll.

His son was another Gruffydd. Below is a short history on the Seisyll entity that includes the Gower peninsula (western extension of Morgannwg, such a morgesincidence), perhaps explaining how Gore's picked up their Gower kin. Note the Ceredig lion in the colors of the Carol lion so as to be a potential part of Carolingian formation. I had traced proto-Carolingians to Carlisle, and then the Carlisle Coat shares a flory cross with Gowers/Gore's. There's also a good map of ancient Wales at this page:

The Ceredig lion is in the colors of the Griffin griffin so that "Gruffudd" looks to be in-part of the Pomeranian Griffins/Griffiths. Note that "GrifFITH" is like the Fittes variation of Fothes/Fuddes (in colors reversed from Griffins). The other Irish Griffins/Griffiths use a large griffin in the colors of the large Lewis lion.

Gruffydd (son of Llywelyn ap Seisyll) "claimed to be a the great-great-grandson of Hywel Dda." This getting back far enough in time to be entering mythland codes. In any case, if Howels (Monmouthshire) apply to Hywel Dda, note that they use the Murena tower in Child/Chill colors. I trace "Chill" to the Killen / Kill/Keele / Kelly/Killion / Quillan / Kelner family of names with potential to be from CILNius Maecenas. Hywel's last name could be of, or code for, the Deeds/Dade's honored in the Fleming motto.

The Irish Dade's/Davitts are especially suspect in the Fleming motto because they use an upright stag like the upright Fleming wolf. It's a stag in the red-on-white colors of the Cadell stag, important because Hywel Dda's father was Cadell, king of Seisyllwg, Yet, the Cadell stag figures to being the red stag in Perthshire, the area where Cadells were first found.

Cadell was a son of Rhodri Mawr, ruler in the Isle of Man, and thus expected to trace to Ligurians and Redones of Languedoc, where Merovingians trace too. That's where the Roders/Rodez's can come in, first found in Languedoc, and using a lion in the colors of the lions in the Arms of Aberffraw. This was the surname married by Roquefeuils. I don't know why German Roders use their spread eagle sideways, but it's telling me that the Henrys that use a spread eagle, nearly in colors reversed to the same of Owain ap Gruffudd, are from Henry IV of Rodes/Rodez. who married Roquefeuil.

Along with a fairly deep gash at the side of my knee, which I suffered for you without knowing about it until now, I also had a frightening cut on my eyebrow. I was unconscious when falling and could have received the broken glass right in my eye. Thank God, that didn't happen. I have either never known, or am not familiar with, the Brow surname (Orkneys) showing variations such as "Burghe / Bruche / Brugh." It's probably linkable to the Broke/Brock bloodline, but the point here must be the English Burghs from which I think the Josephs received their green chevron. For, the Brows/Burghe's/Bruche's use swans, the French-Joseph symbol. So, perhaps to top the revelation off, it's got to do with the family of Joseph Caiaphas in Derbe. There is a good chance that the Brow saltire is the Sinclair cross, for Sinclairs ruled the Orkneys. There are black swans in the Coat, the color of the Joseph and Chaplet swans.

I'm going to assume that the Brows use the Clairvaux saltire. The Clare's ruled PemBROKE, suspect with Pamphylia, right? And Broke liners are from the Brogitarus line to Cilicia, I am still assuming, but "Brugh" does even better beside "Brog." The Clairvaux's are traced in their write-up to a Hamon de Clervaux in the lands of Croft. The Crofts (Herefordshire, same place as Trevors and therefore traceable to Tarbes) happen to show what could be the Broke/Brock lion, as well as a lion in Crest holding a quartered shield in the colors of the same of the Arms of Aberffraw. I've looked at the small shield in the Croft Crest with a magnifying glass, and it does seem to be quartered red and gold, not red and white like the Coat. The two colors of the two lions in the Aberffraw Arms are in the two colors of the one Croft lion that holds that quartered shield, so surprising.

Hamon is actually traced to Rodez, unbelievably enough because I did not yet know this when on the Roder/Rodez surname above. The Brow topic was an after-thought that I was not sure to include here. The Clairvaux write-up says that Hamon controlled a Clervaux castle in Anjou, location of Broc, where Broke's/Brocks are said to be from. This is incredible, for as soon as I came-to from my fainting upon BROKEN glass, I sensed a wound on my face and hurried as best I could to the mirror, which is a symbol of Melusine, who was just traced to Broc recently, and she is in the Glass Crest holding a mirror! Amazing. This is great entertainment for me; God has been entertaining me with this revelation. I am beside myself. When can I get my next wounds for yet another thrill?

I'm not sure how far Broc is from where the Mire's/Mireux's/Mireurs were first found, but Melusine's mirror traces to the latter. But as was shown earlier, there is what looks like a mirror in the Arms of Vic-en-Bigorre (Bigorre area of Comminges), on the south side of Tarbes, and then there is a Biggar location some 30 miles from Glasgow, where the Glass' are expected to trace.

Hamon de Clervaux castle is said to have originated in Rodez, and to have been a "follower" of Alan the Red of Brittany, lord of Richmond in England. It then says that Hamon's banner was the gold saltire of "Clevreux"; if that's not a spelling mistake, it's like "Claver," able to explain why I thought Clavers were Clairs. Reminder: Claviere's had linked to Clermonts. The Clavers (probably the Hopper towers) use two gold fesse bars that I feel to link to the two gold chevrons of French Chaplins that went on the green chevron of Josephs.

As I think the Hamon(d) surname is using the Capone stars, it's notable that the Clairvaux saltire is in Capone / Levi colors.

As Clavers are "Cleaver" while Cliffs are "Cleave," its notable that Cliffords (red wyvern) were first found in the same place as Crofts. The Clifford write-up says that Cliffords led an attack against Llewelyn, son of "IorWERTH" (should perhaps be "Lorwerth"), a term like "Ward." As Clifftons show a peacock in Crest, I would guess they trace to Paw liners for to be using the Lewis lion. The Coat looks linkable to a Grace Coat, and Grace's are honored in the Crichton motto.

Having said that, I was asking what "Croft" was from, when I decided on "Crovt/Crout," which can then go to the Cruiter variation of Wherters/Quarters, in Clairvaux colors. The Quarters had traced to Drengots, and then Drengs and Dreux' share the same lion as Crofts. It looks good. The "Ascalepius ROD" of Quarters can be for the Rods that I am 100-percent sure to be of Henri IV of Rodez. And Bingo, the Rods were likewise first found in Herefordshire, where Crofts were first found. The Rods are the ones traced to "fame," haha, which gets the Vane's/Fane's that linked squarely to my broken-glass event. And no, I was not drinking alcohol.

Crofts use the full motto of Rounds (and Sheriffs), and Rounds (Hamond chevron?) use a sleeping lion traceable to mythical Endymion at Latmus, beside Clarus. It was to Clarus elements that I linked Brogitarus, and here we find Rounds (Brow/Burghe/Brugh colors) using annulets in the colors of the same of the Burgos'. Plus, Amyntes, who I trace to "Hamond," was a son of Brogitarus. Therefore, it looks like that Galatian line, which already traced to the Fondi theater of Drengots, is tracing to Hamond of Clervaux and Croft. As that line is expected in Lycaonia, especially at Perta on lake Tatta, see that Crofts are using the same quarters as Tattons.

Recall the Howels, suspect from Hywel Dda, whose last name is suspect from Dade's. They too can trace to Tatta, and then Howels were first found in the same place, Hasmonean-suspect Monmouthshire, as Fame's/Vane's. It just so happens that the Tatton write-up traces to a Tatton marriage with a Massy having a WHITHENshaw surname, and then Withens show a Howel-suspect owl in Crest, which was the symbol also of Ascalapius. In other words, that's to say that Dade's and Tattons can be related, but it's also capable of tracing Quarters to lake Tatta, and that's the general area where Quadratilla and Laevillus are expected.

The Purple and Macissus

Duttons look like a Tatton branch, both using quarters in colors reversed to the quarters of Seconds/Segurs, first found in the same place as Clere's/Clerks. There seems to be a definite merger of Clare elements with Tatta elements, right? This is evocative of mythical Mopsus having a sanctuary at Clarus but with roots in Pamphylia. And I've just gone searching to find an article on lake Tatta, coming across a neighboring Mokissos/Macissus area (off the Halys), relevant because Mopsus was also "Muksus." Therefore, the Mopps/Motburley and Moch surnames can trace to that area. But the Moke's (Sinclair rooster), who use a "Diis sunt" motto phrase like the "desunt" phrase in the Arms of Macclesfield (earlier called "MAKESlesfield"), were first found in the same place as Leavells!

The Moke crescent is red, like the Bellamy crescent, but with Bellamys becoming suspect as fundamental Laevillus liners, note now that the Nimo's/NemMOKE's/NemMOCKs (same place as Scottish Chappes') use red crescents in both colors of the Bellamy crescents. The Tattons use red crescents too, and so we have just found ample evidence that heraldry traces to Tatta and neighboring Mokissos/Macissus. Boii oh boii it's becoming a little suspicious that Maccabees should have been named after the namers of that area.

The Moke's use "A gold rooster with a gold neck chain...", and then Chaine's/Chenays probably hold the Moch sword, with the Masci wing. The "boast" motto term of Nemmoke's gets a version of the Cheney bend, both surnames first found in Buckinghamshire. The Quade wolves have chains. The Buckingham surname uses besants.

Let's go back to the Croft link to Tattons, where I said, "Crofts use the full motto of Rounds (and Sheriffs)..." That motto, "Esse quam videri," is a phrase in the Moch/Mochry motto! That clinches the Croft-Tatton link as well as their mutual trace to Tatta with Clervaux elements. Mochs/Mochrys were first found in Lanarkshire, where i trace neighboring Laranda, and where Doe's/Dows were first found that must trace to Derbe.

The Moch/Mochry SCIMitar can be part code for Schims/Shands/Shawnds sharing the three stars in their Chief with the Moch/Mochry Chief. They are the Washington stars. Schims share a white boar head with Meighs and Mecks, and Meighs trace to the Arms of Toulouse. What? And how.

The Arms of Toulouse (in Mea/Meigh colors) use both a lamb and a "Mai" motto term. The English Mai's even use gold billets. German Mai's use a tower on ROCKS that can trace to Roquefeuil, where the Arms likewise uses billets. Therefore, May liners had access to the Caepio gold.

If the Tool lion is the Montfort lion, then because the two-tailed Montfort lion is in the Arms of Bohemia, we can trace to the Boii of Bologna, where the Pasi/PASCELs were first found that should link to the Pascals (same place as Quints!) that use both a lamb in the colors of the Toulouse lamb, and a cross in colors reversed from the Mea'/Meigh cross, and this effectively links Maccabee suspects to Bologna's Boii as per the theory that "Maccabaeus" was named in-part by Boii of Bologna. Then, the Meigh cross is used by MACClesfields! Fessy up to the facts.

Where did the Pasi's trace? Oh yes, to the Pessinus location on the Sakarya: ""Brogitarus also became high priest of the Great Mother [Cybele] at Pessinus after the incumbent was removed through a law introduced by Clodius Pulcher. "

How do I know that Pasi's trace to Pessinus? Well, I've forgotten what was said about that in the last update, but it strikes me that "Bassianus" is from "Pessinus." The Pasi's are also "Pace" while English Pace's use besants on a purple Shield, and while El-Gabal priests, which included the Bassianus family, wore purple robes. It's amazing what this tells me as per my prediction that Masci's would trace to the so-called purple disease, porphyria. I discovered this disease from an emailer/friend whose Pollock bloodline was blamed for her case of the disease, and then Pollocks were from the area of Paisley. She introduced me to her associate that likewise had the disease, and she blamed it on her Tuttel bloodline! Amazing. It looks like it's coming from the Tatta / Muksus entity. Why, really, did they call it the purple disease?

Tuttels (same place as Quints) are also "Toothill," and then another Toothill Coat (same place as Capone's) are using the rare lion design of Mackie's/Margys (both surnames share ravens). The Aiodh term, that Mackie's and Mackays are said to be from, recalls the Aidhne term and may even be of the Aide's [I didn't know that the last line of this update was coming, that finds Aide's as a branch of Suthers, while Mackays were first found in Sutherland!] Margys might just be the Marici kin of the Laevi, and Marici are well-traceable to MARAS-Santiya if the March's trace to that term. I wonder if the Sintians of Lemnos apply; I did trace Hephaestus logically and compellingly to the Halybes (metal makers), and, by the way, I also traced Arthur's ExCALIBur sword to the (C)Halybes, and then the Mochs might just be using that sword, meaning that the sword appears traceable to the Mokissos entity on the Halys.

The Keith Catti trace to the Hatti on the Halys, but knowing now that Nemmoke's/NewMARSH's trace to the Halys, let's re-mention that MARSHalls are said to be a branch of Keiths. However, I found that Marshalls were merged with Mussolino's (boii oh boii, Bologna!), traceable to Musselburgh at the area where Keiths lived. It appears therefore that Mokissos/Macissus elements also became softened to "Mussel/Muscel."

It looks like a Marsh entity merged with Mokissos elements, and so look at the sun in the Marsh Chief, for that would be a symbol of El-Gabal, or of Attis, husband of Cybele. It looks like El-Gabal was a late version of Attis as it transferred from Brogitarus to the Bassus bloodline. The Marsh's (version of the Chretien Coat? Chess lion in Crest?) were first found in the same place (Kent) as Mynetts, Muntz's and Hamonds, all suspect with "Amyntes."

My understanding is that porphyria, a genetic-based disease, requires two bloodlines having the problematic genes to come together to birth a child. Emailer Pollock is a Comfort on one side, and then Comforts/Comerfords (Kent) share the peacock with Muntz's while the Peacock surname (mascles, link to Muscels) are even a Pollock sept. I've not noticed until now that the strings on the Comfort hunting horns are purple. They are definitely not red, though by the time you see them, they may have been changed. It looks like Comforts trace to the purple robes derived from the Pessinus cult. Pollocks use hunting horns too. Incestuous relationships are thought to be the cause of this disease.

I've just read that the Hatti called the Halys, the Marassantiya, perhaps suggesting mythical Marsyas of Phrygia. If that name is to be understood as Maras-Santiya, then Marsh's / Marshalls can be from "Maras." There is a mythical Ector-de-Maris that was assigned three bends in the colors of the Ector-surname bend, and then the Ector Coat throws in a sun. The Pollock motto includes, AudeACTOR. The Pollock saltire is used by Daddys/Dowds/Duddys, what a tattincidence. Never mind the "dubh" that the Daddy/Dowd traces to, as I see that garbage in too many surnames. Focus on DOWd. This surname was first found in Mayo, and may therefore link to Mai's that had traced to the Arms of Toulouse. If you recall, the lamb in the Arms of Toulouse led to the lamb of the Pasi-suspect Pascal surname with cross in colors reversed to the Macclesfield cross.

Another trace to El-Gabal can be made with the motto of Vane's/Fane's/VEYNE's, but before getting to that, note that Mayo's (Cornwall, Norfolk) use the MacArthur crowns on what must be the Scottish Arthur Shield, for Irish Arthurs use the WAYNE Shield. Mayo's and Mai's are expected to trace to Maia, daughter of Atlas, the latter known by me to be out of ATTALeia/ANTalya, a chief city of Pisidians (west side of Tatta) to which I trace ANTenor, the mythical one who led the HENETi to the founding of the Veneti. In other words, the Heneti on the Parthenius trace to Antalya. As Venus/Aphrodite was a symbol of the Veneti, note that the Venus surname shares the red stag with Celts/Colts of PERTHshire, for there was a mythical Parthenius (or something very close to that term) in Cilicia, whom I discovered before finding the Parthenius river. It could appear that this Parthen entity named Perta on Tatta. That works.

There is a way to trace Perseus to Perta with a mythical Parthenopeus character, with an ending like in "Cassiopeia," mother of Perseus' wife. From the 4th update of September, 2011: "Halybes of the Halys can be traced to the neighboring Parthenius river, for In Greek myth, Parthenopeus was made a son of Meleager of Calydon, whom traces to the Khaldi tribe of Halybes." That's being quoted to trace the Celt/Cult surname to a Khaldi > Calydon line from the Perta theater. The use of the Celt/Colt stag can be for the ANTlers. It plays perfectly with the ants on my fawn, the only imperfection being that Derbe is on the opposite side of Tatta from Macissus. However, the Derby-related Doe's/Dows use COULTers. We are on to this secret.

To be sure, the Heneti were at the Samsun = Amisos theater too, as per this Strabo quote: "Then comes the Parthenius has its sources in Paphlagonia itself. And then [to the east] comes Paphlagonia and the Eneti...But Zenodotus writes 'from Enete,' and says that Homer clearly indicates the Amisus of today...But the thing upon which there is general agreement is, that the Eneti, to whom Pylaemenes belonged, were the most notable tribe of the Paphlagonians..." As Amisus (now Samsun) is near to the east of the Halys, the Amisus/Eneti river must have been near the east of the Halys.

Can we see why Mark ANTONy may have had ancestry in the Eneti / Macissus theater? It's important. The Vane's/Fane's use a "fano" motto term traceable to Fano, near the Maschi's of Rimini, and moreover they use the gauntlet glove's of Maceys so that one can expect the Vane's/Fane's (Mackay sept) to trace to the Heneti (proto-Veneti) of the Halys theater, the latter being where Macclesfields and other Maccabee suspects are tracing. The Vane's/Fane's have arranged their motto translation like this: "Bring nothing base to the temPLATE." The Base/BAISE surname (Aberffraw / Croft lion?) can already be suspect with Bassus liners of the PAISley kind, and German Base's/Bassens show nothing but double hunting horns (in pale positioning like the Base/Baise lions) in the colors of the Fawn hunting horn (same design, includes white striping), suggesting that Fawns are from Fano.

The Plate's/Blatts can also apply in the Vane/Fane motto because they use a chevron on Macey-chevron colors as well as white scallops, the colors of the Meschin scallops. On the Plate/Blatt chevron, there are red leopard FACE's, symbol of Antonys! And, the Face/Fessy surname uses the Macclesfield cross!!! We are hard on the secret here.

Clicking over to German Plate's, a PURPLE grape bunch on a grape vine! In the German Plate Crest, the same swan design as used by French Josephs! The grape vine could be part-code for Agrippa liners, but, cleverly, a purple grape vine is used by Levine's/Levins (Brittany, where Pollocks originate), and then Jewish Levine's have a Levi listing. Such coincidences.

Hmm, the Grape's/Gripps/Grabners are using half the Clairvaux saltire, while the Croft entity in the Clairvaux write-up traced to Tattons and Duttons (frets). That can trace purple grapes to lake Tatta. The "digger of GRAVes" in the Grape/Gripp write-up caught my eye as a possible Croft term, but "Graft" came to mind too. Grafts/Graffins share a gold lion in both Crest and Coat virtually identical with the Chess Coat, and the latter were suspect with Chretiens honored by Levi's. The CHESne variation of Chaine's/Chenays could apply there. Irish Griffins/Griffiths share "Ne VILE" with Vane's/Fane's. The motto phrase can well link to Neville's and therefore to the Montagne-Claviere marriage. See the last update for that topic, for Claviere's were from VILEneuve. Claviere's linked to Clermonts now suspect with Clervaux castle. "Croft" might be of a "Griffith / Graffin" line.

The Graft lions hold a black anchor (symbol of Aves' and Jamie's), and then the Anchor surname is also "ANNACKER," much like "ANKARA," a major city only 50 miles from lake Tatta. The Aves/Avison surname (share the Joseph garbs) was made suspect with grub = Garebite elements such as Grape's/Gripps/GRUBners should prove to be, The Mackie / Toothill raven is suspect with Garebite lines of the Rephaite kind.

Check out the Blade's/Blaits (Pilate pheons?) using nearly the Daddy/Dowd saltire. See the Frank surname's using both the Daddy/Dowd and Blade saltires. Let's go back to the Plate's/Blatts (Bewere colors), said to be from Drago de Bewere. The Bewere's (pitch forks) have Beuer/Buer variations much like "Bauer" and then Bowers and Bauers share the green Shield with Daddys/Dowds, Franks and Blade's, but the latter are in the two colors of the Burleys/Bourlys, huge because MotBURELYs are also "Mopps," and thus traceable to Mokissos. The Burleys (same place as Leavells) even share the white boar head of Mea's/Meighs and Mecks. I say that the Bewere's/Beuers are in-code in the green beaver in the Arms of Oxford. I am still open to tracing OXford to the Biblical king Og of the Rephaites.

There is a Burley location near OAKham, and a Burleigh castle in the PERTH theater. While Oxford was anciently Oxanforda, possibly from the Oxonae peoples of the Varni theater, Oakhams (Vere colors) are listed as Ockenhams/Oxnams/Oxenams. This surname uses the same colors scheme as Mayo's, and the same color scheme and fesse as Mai's/Mays, and in the latter's Crest is a red leopard head that can apply to the Anton leopards in the Plate/Blatt Coat. Italian Maio's use an oak tree. This traces to Akmonia, doesn't it, on the Sakarya along with Pessinus.

Mayo's (who entered the picture as per Daddys/Dowds of Mayo) use a falcon "devouring" a snake, and then Devors can apply to that code (Dever's are listed with Vere's). Devors are yet one of those Irish surnames traced to "dubh = black," but there are so many of them that I ignore them all. It seems as though the heraldic masters could barely wait to come to Irish surnames that start with 'D' so that they could trace them to "dubh." Every second D surname is from "black," even though the Irish were on the blond side.

Devors/Davorens (Stewart stag in Crest) are using nothing but an erect sword, symbol of Mochs. The Devor sword, however, is "a sword erect dripping drops of blood." Pattersons use such drops, and the Patterson scallops are in the colors of same of Plate's/Blatts. The Patterson-related Sodans/Sowtons look like Weirs/Vere's. Devors are traced in their write-up to DalCASSIANs while Pattersons are also "Cassane" while being said to be from red-stag Kissane's (share "nihil" with Vere's). The Kissane stag has all three features of the Stewart stag, as is the case with the Devors stag, One can now consider a Cassan / Cassian trace to the CHESne's as per their use of what I see as the Moch / Devor sword (the Chaine/Chesne sword was once long).

Why are Kissane's traced to "TRIBute" while they use a so-called "TRIPpant" stag?? Does this have to do with the DRIPping blood drops of Devors? The Kissane stag design is used by Venus', and the "sang" term in the Venus write-up is probably another lie, a code for indicating Heneti on the Sangarius river. Blood drops are sometimes called, "gutee de sang," and so it appears that we have just discovered that blood drops, symbol in-part for stag-using Bloods, and in-part suspect with Trabzon elements of the Drop/Trope kind, trace to the Sakarya river. German Sang(er)s use the bear, and English Sangers use the Phreeze/Freys horse for a trace to Phrygians (i.e. that lived on the Sangarius). Moreover, English Sangers have garbs in the colors of the Stick garbs while the mouth of the Sangarius is near Astacus (lower-right of map).

The Devor write-up has taken probably an obscure Gaelic variation and arranged to trace the surname to "two black Burrens," a complete joke, but it smacks of Alexander BERENicianus. The Varni may have been proto-Bernicians. But Vere's trace to Eburovice's, don't they? Is that what Bauers were? Abruzzo's use the wing, and the Bauer wing is in the blue color of the Brescia lion. Note that Burrs use a Coat linkable to that of English Levine's/Levins. The Dutch Burrens, who use a lion split in two colors, as do Quarters/Wherters and Crofts, are also "BUERen," like the Buer variation of Bewere's, suggesting that Devors are Devere's/Vere's (boar) of Oxford's political structure. The Devere's got away scott-lucky by somehow evading the dubh-lovers, but lookie: German Burrens/Buerens/Beurens show black Moor heads! It looks like this is what the dubh lovers are in love with, their trace to Mauritanians.

Let's investigate the pitch fork of Bewere's, and go to the Patch and Pitch/Petch surnames. Patch's are Kilpatrick/Patchie kin while Pattersons are said to be from Patricks. That seems correct, and can jibe with the Pett variation of Perts to find Patterson liners merged with lake-Tatta elements. Patch's (oak leaves) share the black hunting horn with Base's and Fawns -- and Burns -- and we saw how that related to the "base" term in the Vane/Fane motto translation. The Patch's are said to be from an unknown "Paecci" term much like the Pace's / Pasi's.

But German Pitch's/Petch's use yet another lion split in two colors, and it's holding a sword erect (almost), suggesting linkage with Devors. The other surname using lions split in two colors, the Brians, just came up as "Bring." And the Brians/Brings were only just-now looked up on a hunch that the Vane/Fane motto translation applies: "BRING nothing base to the template". How about that, we are dealing with such fools. Why do I bother with this? Oh yes, because the fools have the money to rule the world over us, to turn us into fools, if possible, to devour us, if possible.

I've never known a Fano link to Briancon before, so far as I can recall. French Brians are traced to counts of Vannes, and that now tends to trace Vane's/Fane's to the Veneti of Vannes. They are traced to Brient of Brittany, brother of Alan the Red. Hamon de Clervaux castle is said to have been associated with Alan the Red.

The Brings/Brians (Irish branch) are likewise said to be from DalCASSIAN! And then both the Brians/Brings and CUSHION-using Kilpatricks/Patchie's (Scottish branch shares blood drops with Pattersons/CASSANE's) use "laidir" in their motto. Brians/Brings are traced to Brian BORU, and the latter seems to explain the Burrens in the Devor write-up. Another black hunting horn, now in the colors of the Traby horn, are in the Crest of English Brians.

As I said, the split Brian lions were once showing in the design once showing for the Oxford surname, but both designs were changed. Go figure what for. That design is in use at this time in the Titus Chief, and his family, from Flavius PETRo, traced to the Pasi's as per VesPASIa Polla. There is a good chance that she was from Polemon of the Pontus as well as from the Pessinus entity of Brogitarus. Look at the bridge under the Pitch/Petch lion, for Spanish Ponts and Italian Ponte's use a bridge too. Who were the Ponts from? The Pontus or Pontius Pilate or both?

The Pitch/Petch write-up traces to a Polish family and to "Peterchen = son of Pies," but I'll accept that phrase only as code for Peter-Pollock lines, not the real derivation of the surname. The PIETSch variation must be for PIETAS-Julia, at Pola/Pula, you see, where I traced Polemon liners. The Arms of Pola/Pula is a fat cross in colors reversed to the Daddy/Dowd and Pollock saltires (though Pollocks use theirs in colors reversed too). Apparently, the Devor pitch fork, such an appropriate symbol for this satanic line, is tracing to Pontius Pilate and associated others at the Tatta theater.

Is this Bondi surname (Pilate colors) using the Moch sword? Apparently yes, and so I disregard the trace to "blonde" and trace instead to Pontius Pilate in the Mokissos theater. Here's a Bond Coat with besants, and first found in the same place as Leavells.

A Coponius character was the Judean governor shortly before Pilate. The Copons are listed as COBBhams, while Cobbs were first found in Suffolk, beside the Copons of Kent, and then Kent is where the English Petch's/Peche's (see Pecks below) were first found. It's a good argument in itself, and the Cobbs are even in the colors of the Petch's/Peche's. The Copon lions, on a chevron in colors reversed to the Quint chevron, are even in the black-on-gold colors of the Joseph martlets while the Cobbs use black martlets too. Suffolk is even beside Essex, where Quints were first found. The Copon lion is even black like the Quint lion paw. The Ponts even use a PATEE cross (code for Patchie liners) in colors reversed to the same of Pecks/Peks, and the latter were even first found in the same place as Quints while sharing a red chevron with Quints. The Peck/Pek chevron is even in the colors of the Pont fesse. The Ponts were even first found in the same place as English Josephs and Chaplins/Kaplans. However, while the Ponts are using two black-on-white boars in their Chief, while the Cobbs are using two black-on-white martlets in their Chief, and while both surnames use only two Chief symbols, not the regular three, this would become a super paragraph if only the Cobbs and Ponts were sharing roughly the same Coat under their Chiefs. They don't. Therefore, this paragraph rises only to the level of compelling.

The Bondi's were first found in Sardinia, and that reminds of the recent "Pessinus" trace to "Piscinas" on Sardinia. Years ago, I had traced Piscinas (means "fountain") to the Fonts/Fonds, a term like "Bondi," but I didn't know why the Fonts/Fonds use a purple banner. Now I think I know, and it tends to clinch a Bondi / Fond trace to the priests of Pessinus.

Some years ago, the Brian lions caught my eye as a gold-silver combination deliberately to indicate those metals. I hadn't yet known about the gold and silver bars of Quintus Caepio, and so I thought that the Brian lions should trace to Hephaestus, the metal smith. It wasn't a bad trace because Briancon traces to Phrygians. But, now, I'm writing this the day after discovering a lamb in the Arms of Toulouse, and while the Brians/Brings -- the ones with the gold-silver lions -- use a "Lamh" motto term, their lions are half in the colors of the Tool lion, and in the same position as the Tool lion!!!!! I like that.

The French Brian saltire is in the blue colors of the Louge saltire, and the Louge river has a mouth at Toulouse. It looks like the Caepio treasure was heavily at Briancon. If Louge's were from Ligurians, it helps to trace Brians to Briancon, on the river of the Salyes Ligures. I rarely mention any other Ligurian tribe, aside from the Salyes, Marici and Laevi, and view the Legh/Ligh/Ley surname as consisting of such, as well as the swan-line Ligure's to the Logans/Lohans. There was a Ligurian tribe of Briniates that should be from Briancon. We saw that the Vane's/Fane's are now linking to Ligures, but there's another way to make the link, by one of the Temple surname's suggested in the "template" term of Vane's/Fane's, for the Temple Coat is virtually the Bright Coat while Brights are expected to be from Brigit elements such as named Brigantium (otherwise known as Briancon). Brights are likely using a version of the Macey Shield.

Moreover, Irish Brians are from Leinster, and then the Leinster surname (said to be from the Ligore peoples) is listed with swan-using LEICesters on the LEGRos river. That too can trace Brians to LIGURians, and the Leinster swan even has blood drops along with a "Pro rege et PATRia" motto for linkage to Kilpatricks / Pattersons. The Kissane branch of Pattersons shares the lizard with Sullivans, and the latter share a "lamh" term with Brians while Sullivans share a motto term with Kilpatricks who in turn share a motto term with Brians...wherefore one can glean a Brian link to whatever SulliVAN represented, and that looks like a Salyes line with some Van entity such as the Vannes location of French Brians. The black boar of Sullivans (used by Ebers) can link to the Euburiates (Ligure tribe), and "Sull" can go to the Ligurian tribe of Sueltri/Suelteri, who look like they were named after "Salto" so as to be just another name for the Salyes in another place and time.

The Kissane lizard is held by a hand with a "cuff," and then the Sullivan boar is "hoofed," and for me this leads to the Cuffs using a version of the Sale/Sallete bend. Cassane's / Kissane's trace to the Cass' / Kiss' both using fountains for a trace to Piscinas, and both in Cuff / Hoff colors. Hoffs/Huffs (share black wolf head with Mackays / Quade's) use the Sale/Sallete / Hoff bend, and were first found in the same place as Sale's and Brights. Hoffs were of East Cheshire, beside Derbyshire, and are said to have had a Hough location in both Cheshire and Derbyshire. As Maceys and Brights are expected to trace to Macissus of the Phrygia theater, what, therefore, were the Cuffs / Hoffs if they trace to Derbe? The "Animus" motto term of Cuffs can be for Nimo's/NemMOKE's who trace to "Mokissos."

I'm wondering whether Hoffs (Hopper/Hoppen colors) were a branch of Hoppers/Hoppens using a "salus" motto term. Hoffs are even traced to a "hill" while Hills use the Hopper/Hoppen tower in the same colors. Don't Hoppens link to the OPEN helmets of Amyntes-suspect Mynetts? Might, therefore, the Hoffs have been COPONius liners?

Euburiates are suspect with the Eburovices out of BRIXia (Brescia), what could very well have named Brigantium. The French-Brian saltire (possible code for the Sallete variation of Sale's) is in the colors of the Arms-of-Brixia lion. I have just read an article claiming that at least some Ligurian tribes originated from Spain, and then the part of Spain facing the Ligures is the mouth of the Ebro river. Can we imagine Laevi stemming from the same Hebrew suspects as named the Ebro? The same that named Abruzzo at the Salto, right? Were Ligurians the same that named Lycaonia? There was even a Ligurian tribe of DECiate's (Decks/Daggers?) that may have been of TECtosages.

The list of Ligurians tribe that I've gotten off a page includes the Commoni, and, zikers, the Common surname is listed with Comyns using a dagger in Crest! The Comyns are the ones using the Aves/Avison (and Arms-of-Cheshire) garbs while Avezzano is at the Salto river! The Ligurian list also includes the Taurini/Taurisci that should trace both to Turin and the Turano river running beside the Salto. I can't be the only one in the world that has figured this, especially as the Marici trace excellently to the Marsi at the sources of the Salto. Why has this been covered up?

Let's go to the Nottings suggested by the Vane/Fane motto translation: "Bring NOTHING base to the template." The Notting Coat (version of Buckingham Coat) uses besants on a bend in colors reversed to the Bruno bend, and this has to do with Ligurians too, even as we read that Bruno's had a location in Asti, to the south of Turin. The Notting write-up traces to "BROWN as a nut," you see, and then the Browns use fleur-de-lys in two colors schemes, one in the colors of the Sale / Cuff and Hellard fleur. The latter, who share a bend-with-bendlets with Nottings, were looked up as per the Hellardiere location of Brittany Brians.

The Hellard-Brian link works even better where the Hellard bend is colors reversed from the Sale bend. Alans of Brittany trace to the Asti area because it's at Langhe. The Lang fesse is in Hellard colors. The other Brown-fleur color scheme is that of the fleur used by Leicesters/Leinsters, which again links well to Brians. But then the Hellers (same place as Stewarts), using the Bright stars in the colors and format of the Browns and Leicesters, even show blood drops on their white the Crest, like the white swan with blood drops in the Leicester/Leinster Crest.

[See the Brown fleur likely with the Spanish Flors/Florez'/Flora's, traceable to Florence, where Brunos' were first found. They are also traceable to the "flourish" motto term of Glasgows.]

Due to the colors of the Heller stars, the Heller chevron (with more blood drops) looks like the Macey chevron that you will find beside the swans of the Sion/Swan Coat, where the falconer gloves there were once showing as the gauntlet gloves of Maceys and Vane's/Fane's. With that said, let's add that the Heller stars are those also of French Temple's. There is another black footless martlet in the English Temple Crest (Cheshire again). We read that there was a Temple manor in Leicestershire.

The Heller motto phrase, "rePUBLica semper," may begin to reveal that this particular motto term is in honor of PUBLius Pulcher, for as we can glean that Hellers (share gold-on-blue stars with French Alans) are Hellen / Helm/Hellion liners from the proto-Stewarts, we note the Pulcher-suspect pelicans of Scottish Stewarts. Sempers use two lions in pale in colors reversed from the same of the BRUNswick lions. The Helyar variation may reveal "Halys," perhaps related to "Hellespont," the latter perhaps a Halys-Pontus combination. The Galli of that region likely apply. They may have had long hair as per their transvestite leanings, and Ligurians had anciently been reported as having long hair, a Merovingian-king theme too. A list of Ligurian tribes is at Wikipedia:

One in the list, the Genuates, if they named Genoa rather than vice-versa, can trace to "Genetes," near Trabzon and what I consider the home of Heneti. The Segni/SEGURana's, first found in Genoa, should trace to the SAKARya river.

The Scottish Turin surname uses the Bard boar because Turins were first found in the same pace as Leslie's. This place, ABERdeenshire, could be suspect with pagan Hebrews (not Israelites), whom I say had a boar symbol. The Iberi of Spain and the Iberi / Avars / Kabars of Caucasia likely apply. I've been claiming for years that Aberdeen was named after Murat-named Kabars on the Mures river (they named Moray too), but not once did I check the Aberdeen surname. It has an "InterMERATa" motto term, pretty-much like "MenuMORUT," a leader of the Kabars at the Biharia area on the Mures. These Kabars were part-founders of Hungarians, and so it's not surprising that Leslie's, from Hungarians, settled Aberdeen. I traced proto-Hungarians to the Ticino, suspect with the Deciates. I traced Sicanians of Sicily to the Szekely peoples (claimed to be proto-Hungarians) on the Mures, and then Wikipedia says: "Thucydides also speaks of the Ligures having expelled the Sicanians, an Iberian tribe, from the banks of the river Sicanus, in Iberia." Where they have war, they can also get married in an alliance.

The Aberdeen Coat looks to be using the Sutherland stars, and displays a single besant in the Crest. The Sutherland write-up claims that the Sutherland stars, though gold on red, are the Moray stars. I tend to thing that the Sutherland elements at Moray were Mackays, and while I trace the Mackay bears to Berwick, the Aberdeens are said to have received land in Berwick. The Aberdeen besant can therefore betray a trace to Alexander Berenicianus, whose family married QUADdratus Bassus, not forgetting that QUADE's are a Mackays variation.

Swan-line Ligurians trace to Soducena at lake Sevan, and so I've argued in the past that Sutherlands were not named after "south" at all, but after Sadducee liners. I now re-load the Suthers to discover what I had not known before, that the Suther Coat is a version of the Aide Coat, with the Masci-style wings in Crest.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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