The Caepio Hen in Sestola's Coop
The Gonfanon of Modena is One Strong Sign
Rodham-Walker Link to Plancia Magna (don't miss this)
For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.
I've just noticed that, at the turn of last January, I neglected to change the '4' (code for 2014 updates) to a '5' in the html link for "Previous Update". That means, ever since January of this year, anyone who hit the "Previous Update" link went back to a 2014 update rather than to the last update. This has been fixed, sorry for that inconvenience.The last update fell upon a Marcus Primus, the Roman ruler for Macedonia. As he was thought to be involved with a conspiracy against Augustus along with a Lucius Lucinius Varro Murena and Fannius Caepio (latter newly discovered in the last update), there is a chance that "Primus" was a family member of Junia Caepio Prima, perhaps her son. If they were not related, then the Prime surname becomes suspect with Primus, not Junia Caepio, because the Primus surname is listed with Prime's. The "human leg" of Primus'/Prime's can be code for Humans/Yeomans (broken spear = Brock / Brocuff line) using a chevron and format in the colors of the same of Vaughns, the latter suspect with "Fannius." It just so happens that Vaughns use fleur-de-lys in colors reversed from the June fleur, and that can help to answer the question on the relationship, or not, between Junia and Primus.
Even his first name, Marcus, can help with this part of the investigation, for the "leg" suggests Ligurians of the Lee/Legh/Ligh kind. And Leghs ("arm holding a broken spear") not only use a "vertu" motto term, like the "revertar" of Vaughns, but Leghs share the same lion with Primo's/Primeau's, thus assuring that Primo's and Primus'/Prime's were of one line. Vaughns are suspect with the Pendragon Coat, they trace with Salyes Ligures to the Salto river, where I see some Marsi people whom I trace to the Marcus-like Marici on the Ticino river, and then there's evidence that the Laevi of that river apply to Vaughns. To be more sure that Primus' link to Vaughns, the latter are said to be from king HOWEL Dda (Welshman) while Primus' use the OWL. The Howells, first found in the same place as Fane's/Vane's, share the tower with Murena's/Moratins, and Mortons (share the goat with WALSers) are honored by WALSH's (swan). The Howell towers (in Rye/Ryse colors) are suspect with the Thor/Tour towers, and the latter trace to the Turano river, beside the Salto. Howells give me the impression of being Cowes' and/or Coverts (same place as same-colored Rye's/Ryse's).
Vaughns are said to descend from Rhys ap LLEWellen (Welshman), a name suspect with Levi / Laevi liners. But note the "Wellen/Ellen" ending on that name, for Alans of Brittany are expected to be connected to the Welsh because the Welsh were Britons that named Brittany. The question then becomes whether Wales was named after Walser elements from Aulun Terentius Varro Murena, the adopted brother of the Lucius Lucinius Varro Murena.
Walsers were part with Walls / Wells in the last update, and while Walsers use a two-tailed Melusine suspect with the two-tailed lion of Wells, the Primo's/Primeau's use Melusine's mirror. Melusine was identified years ago with the Spear/Speer / Spree surnames and other Lusatians. I reasoned that Spree liners were of the Melusines peoples in Lusignan when it was part of the Vere's / Fulks of Anjou.
The spear-using Leghs are said to be from Cheshire's Hamond Leigh location while Hamonds (Cheshire elements) use antlers, symbol of Spree-Neisse of Lusatia. As Speers are connectable to Stewarts of Renfrew, the Legh lion should be the Stewart / Brock lion. The crayfish in the Arms of Spree-Neisse may be an English invention as code for Crays, because one Cray Coat uses the Stewart lion as well as a version of the Washington Coat which itself uses the bars of Ness' suspect thereby with "Neisse." The other Crays are using the PAGNell and Guerra bendy, while the "chevron pean" of Hamonds is code for the Peans/Payens/PAGANs. The Legh lion is in the Chief of the Guerin surname while the Payen stars are in the Guerin Coat, thus tracing Leghs to Guerin of Provence i.e. Ligurian theater on the edge of the Salyes.
The Draguignan location of Provence may have been of the Dragon surname (same place as Hamonds), the German branch (Silesia, beside or part of the Spree river) using a wyvern (Guerra symbol) in the colors of the Legh lion, and half in the colors of the Drake wyvern. The DragaMIROFF variation of German Dragons looks connectable to the Mire/Mireux/Mireur surname i.e. Melusine's mirror. This should explain why Spree's share the red-and-white hourglass Shield with Guido's (from Guido Guerra III).
English Dragons/Drayners were first found in the same place (Kent) as Mynetts and share OPEN helmets in the same colors, with Mynetts!!! I have not loaded the Dragon surname for years, or I would have reported this earlier, for I did trace the family of Amyntes to the Drilon river, which most-importantly allows a trace of Caepio's / Caiaphas to the Drilon's Cavii peoples. The Dragon/Drayner fesse is embattled, as is the fesse of Masters, the latter likewise first found in Kent. The Dragon/Drayner Coat is in Vaughn / Pendragon colors, wherefore Dragons (DRAINer variation) can trace to "DRIN," the alternative name of the two Drilon rivers. In this picture, Drilon-river peoples may have been at Draguignan.
In last update's investigation on Lucius Julius Marinus Caecilius SIMPLEx, husband of Tertulla, I failed to mention the "sage et SIMPLE" motto phrase of Spree's. It was just bumped into now, and Tertulla was discovered as a line to Fulks of Anjou (descended from a Tertullus character). Compare the Spree Coat to that of Chapmans. first found in the same place as June's and Capone's, a good reason to trace Melusines to Junia Caepionis Prima. Tertulla was born in Perga, suspect with "Burgundy," where mirror-using Primo's were first found. Mr. Simplex was traced from emperor Vespasian (grandson of another Tertulla) to the Pollocks, first found in the same place as Speers.
Aulun Murena attacked Aosta's Salassi peoples, and won. Salassi were not only close to Wallis canton, home of Walsers, but are suspect with the Salyes Ligures. The Walser Coat uses Melusine on a Shield split red and white, the colors of the split Shield in the Arms of Wallis canton. And with Trents using a Shield split vertically in colors reversed from the same in the Arms of Wallis canton, it seems certain that Walsers descended from AULUS TERENTius Varro Murena. This has the potential to trace Fannius Caepio to Sion in Wallis.
Vaughns were first found in Shropshire, where Alans of Dol passed through. Alans of Dol were traced due to a lynx symbol in connection with Alauna (Manche) to Lyncestes, in Macedonia i.e. where Marcus Primus ruled. That is suddenly very interesting. Swan-line Ligurians were traced to neighboring lake Lychnidus, and Pendragons, as well as the fleur-de-lys, were traced to the Drilon river having its source at lake Lychnidus (left of map). The LINKletter surname shares checks on a fesse with Stewarts, and the LinkLETTERS were trace to the letters of Scottish Langs. It just so happens that while Vaughns are said to descend from Tudor Trevor, the Trevor Coat is shared by Pennants. There is more to this than meets the eye. The part that meets the eye is a Pennant trace to the Penestae peoples on the Drilon. The lynx-using Penny/Penes surname traces to the Penestae, you see. There was a Lyncestes connection to the Penestae.
Let's repeat that Wallis'/Wallace's use a lion in the colors of the two-tailed Montfort lion while there is a Monforte location at Langhe (not far from Saluzzo), where I trace the Alans/Alengs from Lyncestes. The Luneburg Langs share the pelican with the Well and Stewart surnames, making "Well" somewhat suspect with "Alan / Aulun." And that's where "LleWELLEN may come in. The Wellen surname is listed with the pelican-using Wells.
The heraldic gonfannon, said to be a banner, is owned by Monforts, and can link to Pennants, or to the pennants of the Cavii-suspect Cowes surname, for a pennant is a banner. And even the Banner/Bainer surname uses a fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Vaughn / June / Pendragon fleur. The gonfanon can thereby be part-code for either the Banners or Pennants. Banners/Bainers are thereby suspect with the Baine's/Beans/Vains, a sept of Mackays along with Fane's/Vane's, the latter like "gonFANon," and suspect (from the last update) with "FANNius" Caepio. It's not a coincidence that English Banners use a "sine" motto term while the Sine surname is listed with the Sion/Swan surname...that formerly showed gauntlet gloves, symbol of Fane's/Vane's. The Primo's/Primeau's are said to be from Beaune.
Scottish Banners use a "patria" motto term now tracing to Antipatria/Antipater, to the south of the Penestae. In fact, as I'm tracing Antipater, father of the first Herod, to Antipatria, it's very notable that this location (west side of lake Lychnidus) gets us nearly to Macedonia (where Marcus Primus was the Roman governor). Here one can begin to explore whether Herods came to power in Israel thanks to some effort from Marcus Primus, a contemporary with the first Herod. Note the two EORDaea/Eordaei entities (one the name of a peoples), one in Macedonia, and the other (the peoples) north of Antipatria.
I had identified "Eordaea" with mythical GORDias, father of king Midas, because Midas is traced by others to mount Bermius, at Eordaea. I am confidant that the Roet boar heads are those of GORDs, but have lately clinched the Roet boar heads with those of Speers. The reason that Gords are linkable to Roets is that the latter were traced to the Imperi peoples of Africa while I trace them to PeriGORD, and so let's add that Imperia of Liguria is not far from Antibes (some 35 miles east of Draguignan), suspect with the naming of Herod Antipas, the first Herod's son. Antibes is smack beside Nice, and as Nice's are listed with Ness', they can trace to Spree-Neisse. Moreover, Nicaea was ruled by Plancius Varus Cornutus Tertullus (unquestionably a line to Fulks), father of the Tertulla that married Simplex, important because it's the Spree's using a "simple" motto term. That works. We are learning something.
One of the reasons that the Imperi were traced to Midas is that there is a Pieria region beside Bermius. But it was not the only reason. The Imperi peoples ran a Boofima cult that sacrificed goats and humans, which was traced (by me) to mythical Marsyas (goat man), a Phrygian entity, as was Midas. Phrygians are even suspect with "Perga." Marsyas traces to the Marsi, beside Rieti, where I think Roets and Reeds derive. This creates a problem, for "Roet" and "Herod" are similar terms. Can "Rieti" be from some variation of "Eordaei," or is that a stretch?
In relation to a Midas myth, Marsyas was skinned alive by Apollo -- possible code for Pella (means "skin" in Italian) to the east of Bermius -- and Apollo/Abello traces to the naming of Abellinum/Avellino, a place that shares the book symbol with Roets and Reeds. This book is, in my opinion, a symbol of Boofima > Baphomet. Note that the Pella surname uses the pelican too, and that pelican-using Pulleys (honor the Pella's in their motto) are kin of Savona's/Sabine's, from mount Sabina at the Rieti theater. But Savona's were the Ligurian swan line i.e. from the Lychnidus > Penestae theater. For those who don't know, Ligurians were founded at Marsi-suspect Marseilles, not far from Draguignan / Provence. Swan liners included Apollo-suspect Pollux, another pelican- / Pelagonia-like term.
The book in the Arms of Avellino is with the Templar lamb, and lambs are used in the Arms of Grasse, a location between Draguignan and Antibes. But then Baphomet is the Templar god with a goat head, meaning that Boofima traces in all likeliness to the Templar lamb, code, probably, for the Lamas surname (lambs in the colors of the Grasse lambs), which I trace to Le Mas, near Grasse. Le Mas is in the write-up of Dumas', and as they share besants with Savarys/Savards, I trace Le Mas to Julia Maesa Bassianus, whose surname traces to Bassania near the mouth of the Drilon, and so let's repeat that the Dragons/Drainers are now suspect as Drilon-river peoples at Draguignan. As Dragons/Drainers share open helmets with Mynetts (and Pendragons), they trace to Amyntes, grandfather of Julius Severus, himself suspect as the ancestor of Septimius Severus who married Dumas-like Domna, sister of Julia Maesa Bassianus.
Imperia was also called Oneglia, and the Doria family of Oneglia (married Arthur suspects) was first found in Genoa (right beside Savona), where Ghents and Kennedys were recently traced, and so let's add that the helmet design of Dragons/Drainers (sometimes called a squire's helmet) is used by Kennedys. The latter's motto traces to Avezzano, at the Marsi theater. Moreover, the Masters sharing the Dragon/Drainer fesse share a motto term with Roets for yet another trace to the Rieti / Avezzano theater. Although the Kennedy helmets are not open, they are in the colors of the Mynett / Dragon helmets. It's a no brainer now that "PenDRAGON" was code for a Penestae line to Dragons/Drainers, and king ARTHUR traces both to the Arduinici married by Doria's, and to Artemidoros, father of Amyntes. The Artem surname was even first found in the same place as Gords and Arthurs, but then MacArthurs were first found in the same place as Herods/Heraults. Of more interest, since I trace the Irish side of Arthurs to Mathuna's/Maghans/Manns, is that their Mathie variation can trace to Emathia, between mount Bermius and Pella.
The squire's helmet is used also by Dobys, first found in the same place as Speers, and Dobys may trace to Dober on the Clausula, which is to say to the proto-Caepio's from Cupionich, on the near-north of the Drilon river. The Squire surname may be using the split Shield of Walsers, and Sire's use yet another mirror.
The family in bloodline between king Howell and the Vaughns is said to have included a GRONwy character, and then the line is said to go to a Rhys character suspect with raven-using Rice's (Wales), by which I mean to trace Vaughns to Patmos' Coronis cult (mythical Greek crow). The Primus-beloved Humans/Yeomans even use "spear CRONels." As Coronis was a daughter of king PHLEGyas, it evokes PELAGonia, highly suspect with the Stewart PELICAN because Pelagonia is beside Lyncestes. It means that heraldic pelicans are all likely known to trace to the Phlegyas line of Lapiths. Again, Junia Caepio Secunda married the Lepidus surname. The Melusine-using Lapps were first found in the same place as goat-using Mortons, and to trace Boofima to Melusine again, note the goat of Melusine-using Walsers. The ax held by the Walser goat may trace to the Axius river, with a mouth near Pella.
The "SECRet" motto term of Rice's may be for some element of the Second/SEGUR bloodline. The Segni's/Segurana's (Genoa) are traceable to Geneva's/Genova's, and the latter share white-on-blue wings (almost) with Fauns/Vaunce's. The latter are said to originate earlier in Saxby SAPHY, and then Savone's/SAFINs were first found beside the Fauns/Vaunce's, in Savone/Safin colors. This recalls that the SAXON/Septon surname was suspect with the naming of Junia Caepio SECUNda from the SEQUANI Germanics at lake Geneva. The idea had been that the royal Cottians, who birthed Julius Caesar and one or more of the Junia Caepio's, had formed an alliance with the SEQuani. The Cottians ruled at SEGusia. Note that the Faun/Vaunce star is in the colors of the Aurelia star, and that the two Coats look similar, for Aurelia Cotta was the mother of Julius Caesar. Then compare the Saxons/Septons with the Aurelia-related Orells, first found in the same place (Lancashire).
Orells, Orrs (same place as Speers) and Aurelia's traced excellently to the Chaonian theater, location of the Ceraunii mountains. There was plenty gleaned in that trace, but the point here is that Marcus Primus of Macedonia could be half-expected to link to those Aurelia elements. It had been discovered that the Aurelia Coat was a version of the Coat of Saunier's/SAULNier's, first found in Perigord along with Saulnier-branch CHAULNes' that list the Faux surname as a variation. Note that English Faux's/Fauks (falcon) use a giant mascle in the colors of the mascle at the center of the Cattle Coat, for Cattle's trace to Cattolica, beside Faun-suspect Fano, where I'm tentatively tracing Fannius Caepio, fellow-conspirator with Marcus Primus against the household of Caesar. The one who assassinated Caesar was kin to the Junia Caepio's.
When first seeing a gonfanon banner, it looked to me like a religious loincloth (not Christian). The gonfanon banner hangs down rather than positioned horizontal like a flag. And here I now see that the two-tailed Melusine mermaid in the Walser Coat is wearing what could be construed as a gonfanon loincloth. It uses gold crosses, apparently, in the design. Note that her tails have fleur-de-lys-like ends. Note her name, "MeluSINE," linkable with "sine"-using Banners and Sine's (falconer gloves) to Sion, and therefore to the Priori of Sion lead by Godfrey de Bouillon (son of Eustace II). Not only do Bouillons use a flory cross with fleur-de-lys ends, but the cross type of Eustace's is that also in Melusine's apron / chastity belt, or whatever it is. It's clear: those who report that the Priori of Sion did not exist are opposed by the evidence in this paragraph.
The Faux's/Fauks call their mascle a "diamond shape," as though the writers didn't know what it was called. They do know, but the Fauks are thus made suspect with a Shape-like and Diamond surnames. It could be code for Shapleys, Schapers/Shapiro's (sheep), Sheeps/Skiptons, Shepherds, etc. The Schapers look like Pohl and Mieszko liners of the Haught(y) kind. Pohls (share three ostrich feathers with Schapers) were first found in Silesia i.e. where Dragons/DragaMIROFFs (Merovee elements?) were first found. Irish Diamonds use a "SUCCERrere" motto term, and English Diamonds/Dinans/Dymotts share the motto term (toujours) of June-related Youngs/Yonge's (share "prest" with the Diamond motto too).
So, starting off with a question as to whether Marcus Primus was of Junia Prima, we have landed back on Junia / Caepio liners again and again. Let's now go to "Marcus Umbrius Primus...a Roman senator who was appointed suffect consul around AD 185 [contemporary with emperor Septimius Severus]. Umbrius Primus was a member of the gens Umbrii Primi which hailed from Compsa (known today as Conza della Campania)...In around AD 201 or 202 he was the Proconsular governor of Africa Proconsularis." The Comps/Camps are the ones suspect with the English Capone Coat. Italian Capone's/Capua's are likewise from Campania. The Sidicini of Campania, who were found merged with Avellino (Campania), are still suspect in furnishing the Sadducees that trace to Seatons/Sittens of Sion, but they were kin to Sitlers, first found in Silesia too. And the Schlesinger, named after Silesia, look like they can be using the Caesar roses, important where German Julians use crescents in colors reversed to the Seaton crescents.
Checking Umbri-like surnames, the Embers (in Umber/Humber colors) are interesting for using what looks like another gonfanon around the hips. Most gonfanons I've seen are like a triple banner vertically, just like the shorts (my term) worn by the Ember man. Why's he got shorts on, anyway, while wearing BOOTs? They are not called shorts; whatever he's wearing, it isn't mentioned in the description. Not even the boots. I know that the Vey boot is code for BUTE. Doesn't Avellino trace to Avalon = Bute? Yes. As Embers are properly, EmBRAY, and colors reversed from Brays (Weaver's shuttle), is it a coincidence that while Prime's/Primus' use a bent human leg, Brays use a bent eagle leg? It really looks like the Umbrius family, and especially the Umbrius Primus line, traces to Embers/Embrays, for as I trace Brays to Bra, that's very near Monforte i.e. owners of the gonfanon. As Bra and Monforte are of the Tanaro theater, this is reflecting the recent trace of Campania's Sidicini to the Tanaro river.
As I trace Umbria to Cumbria, tentatively, anyway, the Comerfords and Cumberfords came to mind. Note that the latter are also "Campbellford," for Campbells (Campania liners, in my opinion) are in Comp/Camp colors. As per what follows, note that English Saracens/Sarasins (Campbell colors) were first found in CUMBERland while French Sarasins (Brittany, where the Avellino > Alan line nestled) are using a white moline cross (same as Campbell-related MacArthurs) in the two colors of the Cumberford/Campbellford cross. Why should Saracens work into the Umbrius Primus line? Would it have to do with Caracalla, son of Septimius Severus??? Ah, yes, and later you will see the adopted son of Umbrius Primus employed by Severus smack in Dalmatia, home of the Saraca's.
German Bute's/Butts/Boets use a fish. Why? The other Bute's/Butts (share the Este horse head) use ESToile's, and then Bray-beloved Weavers use an "Esto" motto term as well as the same-colored fesse as in the Arms of Saraca. As Bute was merged with Avellino elements while the Sidicini are suspect in naming the Sadducees, by what coincidence were the Sadducees of Jesus' time from a BOET(h)us family while German Bute's are also "Boet"? Did the Sidicini link fundamentally with Saracen liners? Or did Sadducee liners enter Caracalla's family before his birth?
The moline, as of very recently, has been identified as a fish-tail cross tracing to Saracen-based and "Caracalla"-suspect Saraca's. However, I don't think Saracens proper were named yet in the time of Caracalla, which may reveal that Saracens descended from Caracalla's family. His family ruled El-Gabal, the black-stone sun god of Syria, and yet Muslims have a sacred black stone too. Did the Muslim black stone come down from Saracens?
I would trace the crosses of Sarasins and Campbellfords to Fessys and Fessy-beloved Segni's (moline) of Genoa, and so let's not forget that Ghents, from the Fieschi of Genoa, are using the Tanner Shield while Moline's are said to be direct kin of "the tanner" of Falaise. Why is Umbrius Primus tracing to the Conqueror's mother?
I am fast becoming convinced that Umbrius Primus traces to Embers/Embrays and Brays together, but then there are the Ambers, listed with French Lamberts who are likely sharing the Sweet and Seward double chevrons. That is, Ambers/Lamberts are from Mieszko II Lambert. The English Lambert Coat (chevron in both colors of the Sweet / Seward chevrons) shares the lamb with Lamas' and Dumas' that I've been tracing for some years to Caracalla's mother. We should not assume that "Lambert" was the original form of the name. It could have come from L'Ambere. German Lamberts use a crescent in the same colors, which are the colors of the Campbellford cross. I trace the Lambert crescent to the Luna's, from the area of Massa-Carrara, for there are Saracen-suspect locations there, one of which is Sarzana. However, I have a hard time with the idea that "Amber" traces to "Umbrius."
The Ember Crest description: "A DEXTER arm holding a sword enFILEd with a SARACEN's head in proFILE". Does this mean that Embers were Amber/Lambert liners rather than Umbrius liners? The heraldic sword is often code for Swords, from Siward of NorthUMBERland, another "coincidence." Here's another "coincidence": the Tunbridge surname (can be from the Tanaro river) shares the Saracen crescents. Siward was traced to Swietoslawa ("the Haughty"), daughter of Mieszko I, and while she is thought by me to be in the Haught Coat, it's apparently sharing the bars of the Umbers/Humbers. What's going on? Wasn't it convincing that the eagle leg of Brays was used as a reflection of the Prime/Primus surname leg? Yet the Humber Crest is using the griffin head of Dobers, Dobermans and Haldans, all traceable to the wives of Mieszko I.
And here's yet another coincidence in the Sword description: "...a man's head in PROFILE COUPed at the neck proper between three swords erect silver HILT and pommel gold." I rarely see "profile" to describe a head shown in profile, and here the Embers/Embrays and Swords both use the term. Plus, in consideration that the gonFANon has been traced viably to Fane's/Vane's, lookie here from the last update:"Fane's/Vane's are said to have been specifically in Hilden of Tunbridge, reminding of the Hiltons that identified (last update) with Hauteville's (said to be from "Hialt"). It just so happens that while Fane's/Vane's use a "vile" motto term, Hiltons use "Moses' head in proFILE"..." Now you know why "Hilt" was capitalized (by me) in the Sword description. Here's another coincidence: the Dexters use two blue-on-white chevrons (colors reversed from the two chevrons of Ambers/Lamberts) while Hiltons use two blue-on-white fesses.
The Haught Crest even shares the white bull head with ALBINS/Aubins (Umbers have a white Crest too), looked up just now because Umbrius Primus adopted Marcus Nummius Umbrius Primus Senecio ALBINUS. Such a coincidence. The blue crosses of Albins are of the type used (in blue) by Mea's/Meighs sharing the Campbellford / Fessy / Macclesfield cross. The bull head is apparently for St. Taurin (Evreux), where the Albins/Aubins are said to derive before moving to Barnstaple in Devon. Incredibly, the Barnstaple's/Bearnstaple's not only share a white bend with Albins/Aubins (in the colors of the Pollock bend), but use green-on-white trefoils upon it, the symbol in the Chief of Italian Albino's! Amazing, for just as I was losing hope for the trace of Ambers to Umbrius, here we find bona fide evidence. And it's informing me of plenty. Italian Albino's even share a green Shield with Albins/Aubins and Pollocks.
This discussion recalls the trace of Caracalla to emperor Valentinian I (originated in the Sava theater), for Valentins are using roughly the same bend-with-symbols as Barnstaple's ("ReGARDez MORT" motto). Barnstaple's can be a branch of Burns/Bearns, first found in CUMBERland, and very suspect with the Dexter chevron (because Dexters honor the Weights sharing black horns with Burns). "Dexter" was identified with "Exeter," in Devon, location also of Barnstaple. Let's recall that Bernice's, likewise first found in Cumberland, are using the same fesse as the Arms of Saraca.
As Swietoslawa was mother to king Cnut, said to name Nottingham, note the AlbiNOTTI and AlbiNATI variations of Albino's.
As Burns/Bearns use an "Ever" motto term, it tends to clinch the link to Barnstaple's because Evers are listed with Eure's, of the Evreux theater. I can now confirm that the gold boar head in the Ever Crest is that of Roets, for not only do I see Roets with "Staple," but Roets were traced to Panico's south of Bologna while Albino's are said to have been first found south of Bologna (at Sestola, in Modena). That place was also BONonia, and then Albins/Aubins are showing an Alibone variation, and, to boot, Mallibones are using the Ever/Eure quarters as well as their black bend!!
According to the mileage and direction between Sestola and Bologna (37 miles), Sestola seems to be at the Panaro river, location also of Marano sul Panaro, which evokes my hypothetical trace of Cilnius Maecenas (married Murena) to Modena. Also, "Sestola borders the following municipalities: Fanano..." The Arms of Marano use a giant oak tree, the Panico symbol. Panico's/Pane's/Panetta's were on the Setta valley south of Bologna, and Marano is less than 20 miles west of Bologna. I had seen reason to link Panico's to the Alberts of Bologna, who might just have been Albino liners. The Arms of Marano share a white Chief with Albino's. I traced Trypillians to the Panico's, and the TREFoils in the Albino Chief can be code for Trips/Treffs. The Arms of Savignano sul Panaro use a red gate / castle, with towers on top, just like the red one of Murena's//Moratins! There is a Marano/Mauritano surname (Tarent colors) first found in Modena!!! It looks like the trace of Maecenas to Modena may no longer be hypothetical. Marano's are using a white version of the Murena tower. See the same white tower with Italian NarBONNE's/DeNORDI's (same place as Capua's/Capone's), sharing the lion of the NORTHs, which is also the Maschi lion, making the Marano fleur suspect as the Masci fleur. Norths use "Animo et fide," and the Arms of Fanano show a "Fides" term across its Coat! The "Animo" is suspect again with "Nummius" (Nimo's are in Murena colors). The North / Maschi lion is used by Voirs, from the Vannes area of Brittany, where Fano / Fane/Vane liners are expected. Recall the Northens/Nothings honored by Seaton-related Sutys, for this too can trace to Sidicini in the Capua theater. As Norths were first found in the same place as Deans (and Saddocks), the French Narbonne's are suspect with the Dean / Dee lion.
As the Italian Marano's use nothing but the Wallis/Wallace lion, it now corroborates the trace of UALUS Varro Terentius Murena to the Wallace's. Did you ever doubt me, my fellow dragon bashers? We are not talking about something holy to God here. This Sion entity is black as Hell. It will take the iron rod of Jesus to make Zion white. NORTons use the red tower too, and a blue fitchee linkable to the same of Albins/Aubins/Alibone's. Irish Nortons/NAUGHTens use green quarters i.e. the Shield colors of Albins and Albino's/AlbiNATI's/AlbiNOTTI's.
Tours/Thors (Devon, same as Albin liners) and Towers use the tower under discussion. As you can see, the red Tour/Thorn towers have three small towers on top, like in the Arms of Savignano! French Tours were first found in the same place as French Narbonne's, and are using the Narbonne/Dinordi / Marano tower (i.e. in white). This recalls Basina of THURINgia, wife of Childeric, for I trace the latter to the Child Coat, colors reversed from the Tarent Coat.
St. Taurin of Evreux (location of the Albins/Aubins) is reminding me of the Thors of Tyrol, who share the elephant trunk with Swedish Thors. The Trunks, whom I assume were Turano-river liners (beside Evreux-based Abruzzo) along with Thors/Thorns and Tyrols, were first found in the same place (FRANConia) as German Lamberts. I would therefore trace the Albin/Aubin bend to the two Frank surnames (two-tailed lion) to which I link the Pollock saltire. As Pollocks are one the root of Bauers > Rothschilds, it's notable that Rothschilds (Frankfurt) are easily linkable to Franconia. This Arms of Rothschild use elephant trunks (double as prairie-buffalo horns) of the type used by one Thor surname. The "nati" motto term of the two Frank surnames is suspect with the naming of Nathan Rothschild, the second Rothschild, but that may reveal that the first Rothschild (Mayer Bauer) was close to the Natt/Nathan surname (Rhineland, where eSCUTcheon-based Schutz's/Shutz's were first found), which shares the Saddock escutcheon. But as Albins and AlbiNATI's share the green Shield with Bauers, it looks like Albinus traces to Rothschilds. Why? Was there some Jewish blood to Albinus? The motto of Pollock-associated Stewarts is easily linkable to Saddock-related Chaddocks / Chadwicks / Chads by way of the potent cross shared by Skits, Skeets', Chads, and Brocuffs. Nathans use no symbols, just colors, as is the case with Vilains, suspect with "Vilaine," the area of Brittany where Dol is found. French Stewarts share martlets with Saddocks and Chaddocks. Vilaine is where File's/Vile's/Viells might trace. [I didn't yet know that PLUNKetts were from Vilaine; much more on that late in the update.]
It's RothSCHILD-important that Schutz's are said to mean, "shield," the definition of "escutcheon." The chained greyhound head of Schutz's is black, like the chained wolf heads of Quade's, and Greys (escutcheon-like look to their border) use the same lion as Stewart-beloved Wallace's. It's a white lion, and that's the color of the Newman lion, while Newtons use a saltire made of "shin bones" in the colors of one Frank saltire. As Newmans are now suspect with Albinus' Nummius bloodline, Newtons can apply to that too. The Newports, and the Newport location next to Cowes, as well as the Stewart positioning in the same place as Chives, is speaking on what sort of Jewish line this is all about.
As Burleys/Bourlys (same place as Roets) are suspect with "Bauer," it's not likely a coincidence that Burleys (share green Shield with Bauers and Bowers) use white boar heads, the symbol of Juggs/Judds while Jewish Franks use "a man holding grapes and a jug of wine in his hands." Jugon is in Cotes-du-Armour, beside the Dol area of Brittany, and we saw the "dexter ARM" of Embers. The Hands are sharing the blue-on-white chevron of Dexters, explaining the many instances of the heraldic dexter hand, and the so-called "right hands" of Hands may have been called "dexter" until Hands merged with Rights/Wrights, who share the Stewart checks on a fesse. The Armours use right arms around the same chevron as Hands, but this theme can be used with the sinister hand or arm where it needs to honor the Seneca bloodline which traces to Mr. Albinus too.
Although the Hand and Stewart stags can trace well to the stag symbol of Hungarians, a Stagg surname (same place as Stewarts) developed that happens to share a blue chevron with Hands, and moreover shares blue stags with Hanna's. The latter share the black fitchee cross with Tarves' (Stagg colors), and then Chives', first found in the same place as Stewarts, are said to have lived in Tarves. The Tarves Crest even share's the red Stewart lion. Staggs/Staigs are suspect with "Astikas,"of Vilaine-like Vilnius.
The Armour Crest is an open squire's helmet that can trace with Mynetts to Openheims, who share the sphinx with Stewart-beloved Brocuffs. Not many years ago, the Spink mascles were linked to the same of Seneca's. The latter surname is said to descend from lords of THORIGNy, linkable at this point to St. Tauren of the Albins. I don't think it's coincidental that Thorns (beside Exeter) use an "Ex SPINIS" motto phrase that's in-part code, apparently, for Dexter-suspect Exeter. The colors of the Thorns are those of Exeters, and the format between the surnames is similar, but then the Exeter colors and format is shared by Newports that share the Ade leopard face's, important if chain-using Quade's are an Ade branch. The Chains are suspect with the "SHIN" bones" of Newtons, and even the Bones can link to the Alibone variation of Albins. Albinus is suddenly discovered as a major part of the dragon bloodline, unknown for years until now.
The "colleQUINUS" motto term of the same Thorns must be for the Quince's, first found in the same place as Spinks. To boot, the Thorns are using the same fesse color as Alans, important where Alans of Dol came to live at Exeter. With Quade's tracing potentially to Somerset, where Thorns were first found, it reminds that Quadratilla was married to Laevillus, suspect with Leavells, first found in Somerset. English Leavells use fesse-barry in the colors of the Alan fesse while Scottish Leavells (same fesse colors as Thorns) share a Coat version of the Cowes/Koo's suspect with Qewe/Kue of Cilicia, important because Quadratilla's father (Quadratus Bassus) married the Maccabee-Herod line that ruled in Cilicia. That family was shown (last update) to birth Plancia Magna, and then Walsh-suspect Walkers (tracing to Aulus Varro Terentius Murena) use a "magna" motto term while Walsh's are again showing the Exeter / Newport format, used also by the Shropshire Minds/Munds (same lion colors as Thorns, colors reversed to the Newman lions), suspect with Mynetts in a trace to the Amyntes > Bassus family. In this Thorn / Thorigny discussion, let's not neglect the Thor tower, red, and tracing to the red towers of a location smack beside Marano.
The Chains (Sinclair cross) list "Shaney/Sheyne" while Shins (County Clare) are listed with Shannons. The latter share the black talbot with Spinks, but that's the symbol of Carricks who trace to the Bassianus'. Moreover, Carricks trace to Agrigento with Grey-beloved Anchors. As I had traced "Hamond" to "Amyntes" while Hamonds are also "Hamon," it's notable that the lord of Thorigny above was Hamon-aux-Dents, and this brings up the Dents sharing the ermined lozenges of Hounds/Houns, suspect with the greyhound and thus related to Greys. It's notable that while Chains use no symbols (just colors) while being in the colors of Villains (no symbols), the File's/Vile's are using the colors and format of Cheneys while Chaine's (with an 'e') are listed with Chenays. Cheneys were suspect with the namers of Cuneo, location of the Tanaro, while Vilains use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners. I'll explain later why Shins are from Sion.
It's interesting that the Ghents can apply to this discussion, which may reveal that "Cuneo" is a version of "Genoa." To put it another way, Cheneys were Genoa / Geneva liners, for, yes indeed, it explains why Chaine's/Chenays use the white-on-blue wing, the colors of the Genova/Geneva wings (Bauers now show that wing design). A spread eagle in white-on-blue is in the Chief of Segni's/Segurana's i.e. first found in Genoa. This traces Cheneys with the "segni"-using Fessys to the Fieschi of Genoa, which reminds me of the "fiscal cliff" scam perpetrated not many years ago, during or shortly after the Bush-Cheney fiasco. The sword of the Chaine's can link the Newton shin bones to sword-using Skins/Skene's.
"Fiscal cliff" is code for Fieschi-suspect Fisks (Cheney colors) and Fisk-related Cliffs. The Segni moline (traces with Moline's to "the tanner," explaining the Sinclair cross of Chains/Shaneys) is now understood as the fish-tail entity of the Saraca's, and the Fieschi are tentatively suspect with "fish." The Cheney bend-with-symbols became suspect with the same of SALEmans (the Ghent / Bush eagle), in the colors of Salmons who cleverly use salmon FISH. Don't assume "Salmon" to be the original form, for these are Sale liners from the Turano, and expected in Cuneo's Saluzzo location (beside Busca), even as the Saluzzo's (no symbols) use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Segni's/Segurana's in colors reversed. The Segni Shield thus becomes the Cutter Shield, a surname from Kotor, where Saraca's lived according to Wikipedia's Saraka article. The Fisks even use the ESToile as part-code for Este's, kin of fish-using Bars that share the Este eagle, which is white-on-blue i.e. the colors of the Segni/Segurana eagle.
I discovered that the Bush/Busch and Bosch fleur-de-LYS developed out of the same-colored Saraca fish. The discovery was due to Lys-like Laus, the alternative name of Ragusa, and it just so happens that Raggs (Mullet colors), suspect with the ragully design of English Stewarts, use the same-colored fleur-de-lys as Bush's / Boschs...and Ragusa-suspect Burns. The Ragg Crest is an "ermined mullet PIERCED" that traces in-part to "Melita," off the Ragusa coast, and then while the Bernice's use the Ragusa fesse, the Burns use mullets (i.e. for Melita elements) but call them "spur rowels," what Payens call them. The Fish surname (more white fleur-de-lys, same place as Bush's) shares the rare wavy chevron, in the same colors, with Pierce's.
The Fish Coat looks like the Vaughn Coat, and has a white tiger at its Crest. This is important where the tiger traced with Teague's/Teegers to Tigranes liners in Derbe, where I expected Caiaphas' family from a Caepio. But all that was the suspicion BEFORE finding FANNius Caepio, who is being traced tentatively to "Vaughn." The Arms of Saraca (white fish on a blue fesse upon a gold Shield) shares the Bernice fesse, suspect with Berenice Agrippa, of a Herod family related by marriage to Claver-suspect Glaphyra, grandmother of Tigranes. Glaphyra's Archelaus surname can trace to the Du Lys surname of Joan of ARC, who ruled Blois, and then the French Blois' share scallops on blue with the deer-using Mallets (same place as Blois') who trace to "Melita" because "Ragusa" is said (wrongly) to derive in "deer." That's how we can know that Mullets (in Mallet colors) and Payens trace to Ragusa. Blois' share the white patee cross with Seneca-like Senns (Switzerland, location of Sion).
Scallops trace with the patee cross of Blois' to Patti at the Scylla part of Sicily, across the waters from Reggio (Calabria). As this makes both Ragusas (one in Sicily) suspect with the naming of Reggio, note that there was another Laus location on the Calabria-Lucania border.
The above is compelling for tracing the Archelaus family to the naming of the Arc river, and the Maccabee liners at that river's Modane location can be suspect with "Mallet" because it probably developed from Mullets as a clever device for linking to the Maccabee-hammer theme. It had not dawned on me until now that "ArcheLAUS" may have been of a Laus entity that was in Ragusa, suggesting that Archelaus' are at the root of the fleur-de-lys. Payens, who share the pierced mullets of the Mullets, married Chappes, first found in the same place as Lys'.
As Aulus Terentius Murena attacked the Salassi of Este-like Aosta, note that another white, spread eagle is used by Chills/Childs using the Tarent Coat in colors reversed. Ghents (Fisk colors) use a white eagle in Crest. Dutch Ghents are likely using the Dol fesse.
The Cliffs/Cleave's (share the black wolf head with Quade's) can be traced to Clavers/Cleavers using towers that bring us back to the Turano > Tour / Thorn bloodline. There are a couple of indications that Fisks are Shaw/Sheaves kin, and the Claver-Crest key can trace to the key-using Italian Sheaves (Abruzzo, beside the Turano), suspect with Chives'.
Modena's Secrets Unchained
While on the Senns above, "Sane" was entered to see if it brought up the Sine's/Sions/Swans, and it did. I had just seen the Sion talbot design in the Shin Crest! That tends to clinch a trace of Shins/Shannons, Chains/Shane's/Sheyneys and Cheyne's to "Sion," meaning that it can be wrong to trace these surnames to "Genoa." However, it was very compelling that they should trace to "Genova / Geneva," and that may be the importance of Sion's location up-river from lake Geneva. In other words, "Sion" is a Genoa > Geneva liner. But to this it became immediately understood, for two glaring reasons, that Sion's were kin of Savignano, for the heart at the center of the Sion Coat is used by French Sauvage's (Champagne). The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Savignano is even that of Ghents!
But the second reason for tracing Sion's to Savignano has also to do with the Sion chevron being in the colors of the fesse in the Arms of neighboring Fanano. While the Fanano lion holds a BANNER (like "Panaro") with "FIDES" written across it, the Sion motto is "Fidelitas! The Vaughns happen to use a white chevron too, making Vaughns suspect with Fanano. And the banner of Fanano is now linkable to the gonFANON banner!!! The Fanano fesse is even in the colors of the wavy fesse of Dutch Ghents!!! We now know that Banners/Bainers (suspect with the Boii) were Panaro-river liners.
More: the Panaro-like Penders/Pinners (same place as Savage's!) are using a chevron in the colors of the Fanano fesse, as well as a "fide" motto term! They knew where they were from, didn't they? English Banners ("sine" motto term) share the white-on-blue lion with Penders, and the white Montfort / Bohemia lion should apply here, linking hard to the same-colored Guido lion, and revealing it with the white Newman lion, excellent because I trace the Newman lion to the Raines lion, and Raines were traced to Guido-Guerra suspects in and around the Panico / Reno theater. I can tell you already what this is, a trace of the Penestae peoples, in conjunction with Albanians and/or Illyrians at Lissus, to the Panaro river. It can be suspect also with Pannonia, home of the Boii (known to be proto-Bohemians). Note that Scotland's cross in the banner of Scottish Banners is in Fanano colors. Panico's have only one Panaro-like variation showing.
As Penders trace to the Panaro, Panthers/Panders can too, and lookie, they have a fesse in colors reversed from the Fanano fesse! They use more "spur rowels," tending to trace Payens, Burns, and Prime's/Primus' to the Panaro. Panthers/Panders (share the red rose with Sparrows) use helmets in the colors of the helmet of German Helms while the other Helms use Paeonia-suspect pheons. As Spurrs were first found in the same place as Barnstaple, it helps to clinch Spurr-loving Burns with Barnstaple, and moreover traces Spurrs to Sparrs/Sparks (swan) because the latter are in Albin/Aubin colors. Sparrows look like Ferte-Mace / Meschin liners to Sparhams (Ferte colors) of Sparham (Norfolk), which can explain why Penders were first found in Cheshire.
Let's now go back to the apron (or whatever it is) of MeluSINE that to me looked like a gonfanon hanging from her hips. This is in the Walser Coat, and Walsers are from the Sion region exactly. We can now understand why Melusine has two tails in the Walser Coat, not just because she is of two-tailed Wells, but because she is of two-tailed Montforts (Wallace/Wallis lion). This clinches the trace of Fanano and Savignano elements to Sion. And those two locations are in Modena, and linkable to the Setta valley (Panico's) that can therefore trace to the renaming of Sion to Sitten. Yes, it means that Seatons/Sittens were at the Setta valley. Next to the Setta valley, on its east, is a Savone-like river, the Savena, I think it's spelled, that must be the swan line to the swan symbol in the Sion/Swan surname. The latter shares the Pender/Pinner chevron, and uses a lion in the same position and colors as the Banner canton. This is a real eye-opener. I'm excited. It's gratifying.
To this it can be added that while French Josephs once showed the swan, they now show the footless martlet in colors reversed from the same of Sion-related Cheneys.
We now know that Montforts trace to Fanano elements. Reminder: the Sions/Swans were previously showing the GAUNTlet gloves of Fane's/Vane's! Aha! Glovers (share the wing with Chaine's/Chenays and Geneva's/Genova's) are using the colors and format of Vaughns!!! Glovers and Vaughns are in Wing colors, which can perhaps trace "Wing" (Perthshire, same place as Glovers) to "Vaughn." This reminds that Wings/Winks trace to Vinkovci, birthplace of Valentinian I, whose wife (Justine) is of the Perthshire (!) Justine's/Justins. Excellent clue, for Valentinian's father was Gratian FUNerius."
The billets of Wings/Winks trace with the same of Etienne's to Mont Pilat, and Perthshire traces to the Perdrix peak at Pilat. Mullets, who share the mullets of Billets, are said to have been of Puy-de-Dome, at the Forez mountain, where billet-using Besancons/Bassets were first found. The Forez mountains are smack to the west of Mont Pilat. The Payens, who use the Mullet / Billet mullets, call them "spur rowels," and then the spur (see Spurrs) is used on the leg of Primus'/Prime's. The Mullet horn is suspect with the same of Jaggers, perhaps from Jugurtha, a descendant of king Massena.
The Glover Coat looks like the Catter Coat, suspect with Saraca's out of Kotor. Of interest here is that Saracens were anciently called Hagarites, while Hagar was Abraham's concubine while Keturah was the same Abraham's alternative wife (see Genesis 25). It seems clearly understood that the Saracen leaders, Samsam and Timnah, traced themselves to ancient Semites of Israel.
There is another way to trace Ragusa / Melita liners to lake Geneva, to the north side of the Salassi where we expect Aulus Murena elements. Take the Maurs/More's (, suspect with Murena''s/Moratins, not forgetting that Savignano and Fanano are beside Marano. And let's first throw in the Marano/MAURitano surname (Modena) using the Wallace / Montfort lion. We note that the Maur scallops are in the colors of the same of Blois,' and like those of Mallets. The Maur chevron is in the colors of the Arms of Saraca, and the Maur scallops in the colors of the Saraca fish. The Maur chevron is also the Mullet chevron, and the Mullet Coat is very linkable to the French Harveys (same place as Lys'), from the Arve river flowing to lake Geneva. To support this trace, the Mavors were looked up as per the "Ma force" motto phrase of Mallets, and Mavers brought Maurs to mind. The Mavers/Mawers (dove) happen to share two red-on-white chevrons with Garveys, though the Maver chevrons link closely to the same of Levi-suspect Olivers. We then go to Oliver-related Liefs/Leve's (dove) to find the same chevron as Sions. Harveys were first found in the same place as Verona's (and Levi's) who not only use the same-colored fish as Saraca's, but the colors and format of Maurs.
Maurs/More's (in Moray star colors) were first found in Burgundy, where Primo's were first found, making Maurs suspect with Mire's/Mireux's honored in the mirror of Primo's, and that lands us again upon MeluSINE. German Maurs use a giant crane with rock in the colors of the giant lion of Marano's/Mauritano's. Italian Maurs/Maurics/Maurels (Milan) are in Lief/Leve colors, but using the same fesse as the Arms of Fanano. Italian Maurs share the white-on-blue fesse with Drummonds, said to originate with MAURICE Drummond (Hungary). The Welsh Maurice/Morys Coat can therefore be using a gold version of the white Marano lion, and then the French Maurice's (Moray stars but called "mullets") are using a version of the French Maur/More Coat. We have just found a compelling way to trace Moray's namers to the Marano location, and then back to Mr. Murena. There was another Mr. Murena, who was Murena's adopted brother, and had part with Fannius Caepio. It was Lucius Lucinius Varro Murena, and then fish are used by Luciano's and Lucys. Hello? We are no longer ninnies being tossed about by the lies of "our" elite leaders (not mine) that lord education over us (not mine).
Another surname using "sine" are the Julian-suspect Gullys/Gollys (Oxfordshire), perhaps a branch of Melusine-using Hollys/Cullins. Julians are expected with Caepio's, right?
The Maurice lion is now linkable to the same of Seconds/Segurana's, suspect not only from Segurano's (there's that "ano" suffix again) of Genoa, but the SECONds are suspect with the SEQUANi at lake Geneva. It's making Fannius Caepio linkable to the Junia Caepio's, and so let's not fail to note that the Julian stars are used by Harveys out of the Sequani theater. Again, the Sequani are suspect with the Saxon surname using a version of the Coat of Cotta-suspect Orells. The Segans/Sagans even share the salamander in flames with a Julian Crest, and then the Moray-star Douglas' use the same salamander as well as sharing the Sion / Sauvage heart.
The Maurice's with the lion are said to descend from one of the knights (Caradog Vriechfras) of the round table, which recalls that Rounds are using the Vaughn chevron while the fesse-with-fesslets of Table's/Tapleys are suspect with the Gone/Kohn bend-with-bendlets for a trace to the GONfanon. It's their Guenet/Guenot variations that makes them especially correct for being a gonfanon entity. Their bendlets are red-on-white, the colors of the same of Orells and Saxons. The torteaux of Orells are suspect with Junia Caepio Tertia = Tertullus. The TarPLOW variation of Table's can be clue to their merger with Plows using the Saraca fleur-de-lys, so to speak, and the Septon variation of Saxons can be for Septimius Severus, father of Saraca-suspect Caracalla. [I didn't yet know that Ploughs are of the Plancia line; we'll get to the reason later.]
Incidentally, the Irish Gone's/Gowans can be gleaned in using the Roet boar head because Roets trace to Panico's/Pane's now tracing to the Panaro river, location of Marano, Savignano, etc. Gone's/Gowins are the ones with the green cinquefoils that linked well with the green roses of Primo's, all in a trace to Fulks of Anjou. But these symbols are now suspect with the green trefoils of Fulke-suspect Albino's (Shield-and-Chief combination in colors reversed from that of Gone's/Gowins), first found in Sestola i.e. the Marano area. If the question is whether "SEStola" links to the Sees', the latter are using a fish above the same wavy fesse bars of German Drummonds. These wavy fesse bars are suspect with the same of Dutch Ghents and Dols, and therefore with the Arms of Fanano!
Might "Sestola" have been a branch of Settle's, in Albin and Albino colors? Can that trace "Sestola" to neighboring Setta??? Yes, for the fitchee crosses of Albins are of the type used by Panico-related Pincs! Pincs are in Fanano colors. As Settle's are a branch of Stars, why do Italian Maurice's call their mullets, stars?
As the Maurice lion is now suspect with the Dee/Die and Dean lions (because Maurice's are likewise linking to Seconds/Segurs), I asked myself why Maurice's should trace to Tiye, the Mitanni queen in Egypt. And that's where the trace of Maurice's to Marano, in Mitanni-suspect Modena comes in.
As Pattersons/CASSANE's share the Blois crescents while tracing to Antipatria, near Blois-based Bullis, itself near Oricum (origin of Orrs and related Orells), the trace of Blois / Mallet elements to Modena makes the Cassius/CASANO fesse suspect as a colors-reversed version of the Fanano fesse. The Patterson-related Sodans/Sowdens are even using a wavy fesse in colors reversed from the Fanano fesse. Although I've traced the Patterson/Cassane lion to about a half-dozen surnames, add the Savage lion in with them too. My traces are loose, meaning that Pattersons, for example, did not necessarily marry Savage's, but are suspect in marrying someone that did and that therefore used the Savage lion. The Cassius/Casano fesse is that also of the Saraca's. The Albino's are using trefoils in the colors of the same of St. Patrick, and Pattersons are said to be from Patricks.
Bullis' use torteaux that they call "coins," and the Coin surname is listed with Kohn- and Gowin-like Cohens/Kyne's that show a Barnicle variation. The Coins share the sea horse with Welsh Meriks (another wavy fesse very traceable to Fanano), suspect with Welsh Maurice's.
Let's get back to Staple's, using the Rothes lion design and suspect from Etaples of Picardy. Staple's share the Peter motto and therefore trace to Peter Pollock, whose daughter, Lady Rothes, has been pegged as the root of Rothschilds. Staple's are in Burn colors and were first found in the same place (Devon) as Barnstaple. As Bernice's are using the Cassius/Casano fesse, this line traces through Modena. Let's not forget that Junia Caepio Tertulla married the Cassius surname. Thank God for finding Mr. Albinus, as he has given much hint as to what Modena elements in particular we should be emphasizing.
If you check the Levi-beloved Aide's, and compare with the Stevensons and Valentins, you'll see why the Staple bend should link to Aide's (Berwickshire, where the Bernician Burns ought to trace). Aide's are suspect with Aitons and the Atun sun god of queen Tiye through to Autun. They passed through Modena, didn't they, and named it after their ancient Mitanni heritage?? Sodans/Sowdens, suspect with Mr. Swynford, husband of Catherine Roet, were even first found in the same place as Staple's and Barnstaple. And this same Catherine married John of Gaunt i.e. the Ghent line through Fanano elements! It's raining GAUNTlet gloves upon the Fane/Vane Coat!
The Raines' (Vaughn colors and format), suspect with the Reno's who in-turn share the Pinc lozenges (because the Setta valley is a Reno tributary), are using the Newman lions, and that traces to Nummius Albinus. Lest you glossed over the sub-point, he traces to the Fanano theater along with Vaughns, but that's the Fannius-Caepio department. Swynfords (colors-reversed format of Raines') were first found in the same place as the round-table Maurice's...from Marano, right? The "parium" and "leges" motto terms of Raines' is suggesting subtle code for leg-using Primus'/Prime's. There's the Newman motto to trace to MacAbee's (salmon fish), but the Raines motto will trace to a motto term of Alexanders, first found beside MacAbee's, and using the Raines colors and format. Then, see the Catherine wheels (known symbol of Catherine Roet) in the Coat of Alexander-related Scotts. As Scotts are said to trace to a Scottish king, it begs the question of whether quasi-mythical king MacAlpin was code for an Albinus line. It recalls the trace of the Bologna Guidi and Bologna Alberts to the first Scottish royals. Reminder: proto-Scotland was Alba, and traces with Scotts to lake Scodra of the Albania theater.
Italian Alberts use chains now tracing hard to Genoa / Geneva liners that in-turn trace to the Modena area of Albino's. Here's from a February update in 2013: "The white Walser battle-axes are called halberds. Then, the Halberd/Halbert surname uses white battle-axes that they call, 'halberts,' and as this surname is from 'Albertus,' it reminds of Albert, count of Panico, or the Alberts, first found in Bologne." Recall that the Chains and Chaine's just traced to Sion, home of Walsers. It looks like Alberts were potential Albinus liners.
Halberts have "Steel Bonnets" in their write-up, and Steels may be Setta / Settel liners. Bonnets can link to the AliBONE variation of Albins/Aubins as they linked to the namers of Bononia. Why do German Bonnets use the chapeau cap? For linkage to the Capelli's. The Bonnets share the Biden fesse while Bidens likewise use the chapeau. The Biden bull horns are likely of the "bull scalp" of Chain-suspect Cheneys, and they both likely link to the bull of Charo's/Claro's, first found in the same place (Ferrara) as Capelli's. Fortunately, the last update added the brackets in the following: "As MarSHALLS are said to be Keith kin, the PerSHALL surname just caused me to check for a Shall/Schal surname (August fesse?) to find that it uses a version of the Table/Tapley Coat" The August fesse is that also of Bidens! The "bulls SCALP" just recalled the Schals, you see.
This would be a good place to mention that Marshalls are suspect with the NewMARSH variation of Nimo's now tracing to Mr. Albinus, such a coincidence. It appears that Marshalls were NOT named after a marshall, but were Marsi liners in merger with Shalls. The Panico's, according to a 2013 update, were at the Setta valley's MARZAbotto location. Bidens are properly Buttons and kin of Botters that might just trace to the namers of MarzaBOTTo.
This would be a good place to go back to the helmets of Panthers/Panders, a surname definitely from the Panaro river and Fanano. First, re-read this: "As Spurrs were first found in the same place as Barnstaple [where Albins/Aubins lived], it helps to clinch Spurr-loving Burns with Barnstaple, and moreover traces Spurrs to Sparrs/Sparks (swan) because the latter are in Albin/Aubin colors." Then the OPEN helmets of Mynetts might now be found as code for "AUBIN." Having that thought, I discovered a second Aubin/Obin surname (Brittany) sharing a string of lozenges with Marshalls, as well as sharing six fat hurts with Table's/Tapleys (same place as Albins/Aubins). As BEDivere was a knight of the round table, and as we cannot now deny a trace of the round-table dopes (meant to enchant your imagination) to the Panaro, these fabricated knights trace to the Bedolete entity of Panico's, which you will see below.
My hunch has already formed. The Albinus line was of the Albani peoples in cahoots with the Cavii that birthed Caiaphas. That's where this is going. The proto-Maccabees of the Cavii / Taulantii theater must trace both to Boii of Bologna and Massey liners in Modena, in my long-standing opinion, and to boot the English Albert surname uses a hammer (sledge) as likely code for their Maccabee ancestry. But just look see that the English Alberts are tracing themselves to Savignano: "A SAVAGE with a sledge hammer over his shoulder". English Hams (share the MacAbee salmon) and Hammers share green with Albins and Albino's. German Hams share the annulet with Italian Alberts, and the giant annulet of German Hams is in the colors of the same of Vito's/BITTINi's (Biden colors), first found in TARVISium, suspect with the Tarves location of Cavii-suspect Chives'. The annulet may have been a ring at one time in honor of Norway's Ringerike, beside Hamar.
Now would be a good time for you to load Savage's (no 'u') to see that they use black lions in the formation of the black fitchee crosses of Tarves'. Travis', with another white tiger, as with the Fish's, are using the colors and format of Fish's and Vaughns. The white boar head, shared by Travis', becomes Este-important later, and so let's mention here that Tarvisium/Treviso is in the same part of Italy as Este. If you care to remember this later: the white boar head will trace to an Annas-suspect surname from the Dulys', themselves suspect with the Du Lys bloodline in the Modane theater. And Tarvisium is right-now linking to Modena's Savage line. What does this tell us? A Tarvisium link to Modena. There seems to be something central about Tarvisium when it comes to the formation of Israel's power-hungry priesthood.
As that white boar head will link to the very representation of the estOILE, note that a giant estoile, in the colors of Travis', is used by Modane-suspect Motts/Mottins (Modena is also "MUTINa"). In other words, Motts are to be expected as an Este line in Modena. As the Maccabee line out of Modena is suspect with proto-Meschins from king Massena, note that Travis' use the Meschin scallops. The Mott estoile has eight points, as does the star of one Albert Coat, as does the Italian Botto Coat. It's bring Motts right up to the doorstep of the Marano theater, and the Marano's are also Mauritano's, like the Morte variation of Motts. Of further related interest is that Mortons were first found in WILTshire while German Wilts/Wild(er)s use the SAVAGE. This can indicate that Dutch Wilts are using the Cassius/Casano Coat (Modena) in colors reversed. The eight-pointed star was that of ancient Ishtar, and her carriers went to Istria, apparently, while naming Este.
As Alexanders are using the Mott crescent, note that the "terras" motto term of Alexanders gets the Scott-related Terras'.
Panico's Flirted with Ragusa Elements
There is a count Albert in the Panico write-up. There was an "Alberto di Guido" in conjunction with a "val del Setta" in the page below. The Guido lion is half in the colors of the Montfort / Wallace / Marano lion. French Alberts (Burgundy) may be using the lion of Marano-suspect Maurice's. the page above, there's a title: "I Conti di Panico e La Rocca delle Bedolete in Val di Setta." The Beddel/Beadle Coat shares the Capes / Apps/Abbs scallops, another good reason to trace Sadducee liners to the Setta valley. What's with the Rocca entity? German Halberts/Halbherrs use a giant ROOK (it's a fish-tail symbol, trust me) in the colors of the Rookby and Rook rooks. See Adam le Roc in the write-up of Rooks, first found in the same place as Beddels/Beadle's. Rocco's (share the emBATTLEd bend with Tragers suspect with Fellers/Felltragers) were first found in the same place (Naples) as Capua's/Capone's. Why are Beatle's/Bedwells (Bedfordshire, beside the Capes') sharing the hourglass shape with Guido's? And why is there a rock (symbol of Roque's/Rocks) under the flaming castle of Beatle's? There's your La Rocca entity, tracing even to Rockefellers.
And the Bedolete entity has just traced to the namers of Bedford, where Bonnets/Bonnie's (honored in the pennon and STAFF of Glennys) were first found that appear in the Halbert write-up. We are not slow to conclude the obvious. Did you notice that Beddels are using the colors and format of Halberts? The Halberts use STAVES (= staffs) with their battle-axes, and one can therefore glean that they are the Axelrod/Haukeswell axes, for Hawks/Hauke's use stave's. The Battle's are likely using the English-Albert griffin, code for the Agrippa's, in my opinion, and the hawk's lure is a symbol of Herods/Heraults while Herault is beside Roquefeuil.
This brings us back to Berenice-Agrippa liners, and therefore to Barnstaple, home of Albins/Aubins. French Bonnets (same place as Roquefeuil) are even using the colors and format of Burns, and the latter trace with Bernice's to the Arms of Ragusa, to be expected where the Halbert rook is code for the Saraca fish. To now prove that Rooks are Saraca liners, I've just realized that German Terras', using the rooks above in colors reversed, are also "Derr/Deire," which must be the reason that "Ragusa" is wrongly traced to "deer." It's just the code-work of demented souls willing to lie to the world on behalf of their cherished blood. The Derval variation evokes Tarvisium, and the Travis' in the colors of the Derval rooks. However, as Terras' are using the colors and formats of Sale's, they trace better to the Turano and Durance rivers. Still, I am convinced that this surname is the representation of the deer code for Ragusa, meaning that Ragusa elements were likely at the Turano / Durance rivers. To put it another way, Durants trace to Ragusa. Turins/Thurins (boar heads) are not only in Terres/Tarr (with an 'e') colors, but were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Tarves.
Darrens/Dorans are using a boar in Terras/Deire colors, and it's the split ("counterchanged") Sullivan boar. Sullivans (stag) are clinched as a branch of Salyes Ligures, wherefore add Darrens to the list of Durance-river elements. The Darren Shield and boar are split in the colors of the Banner Shield and fleur, for a potential trace of Darrens to Turano elements on the Panaro river. As Sullivans use "A robin on a lizard proper", the Sullivan / Darren boar is likely that of lizard-using Sweenys/Whinneys, who might be Sion/Swan/SWAYNE liners. Earlier in this update, Banners traced to Sions/Swans. As Sions once showed gauntlet gloves, the Fano/Fien / WAYNE symbol, keep eyes peeled for Whinney-like Finneys/Feins below. It should mean that Sions were Fano liners through Fanano, which begs the question of why "Sion" should have been used by a Fanano line. As they say that lake Sevan was named by peoples of Lake Van, I'd say that Sions/Swans were Sevan liners in a merger with Van lines to Fanano.
Let's go back to the lord of Thorigny in the Seneca write-up, who was Hamon-aux-Dents, for it just so happens that the Turin/Thurin motto uses "AuDENTes." As Hamonds are suspect with the helmet-using Mynetts, we then see a helmet in the Turin/Thurin Crest. The Helms then use the same colors and format as Dents and Terras'/Diere's/Dervals. No coincidences. However, I can't make a heraldic link between Terras/Diere's and Scottish Terras' at this time, unless the Terras stag was a deer. The Deers/Deirs were first found in Bedfordshire. AND, BY THE WAY, Italian Durants list "DANTE"! Bingo. Scottish Durants are a branch of Burns, right? Yes, and these Durants were first found in the same place (Warwickshire) as oak-tree Watts while oak-tree Watsons are using a version of the Burn / Durant Coat. Italian Durants (white tower, code for Turano liners) share the sun with Rooks who use the same chevron as Watsons / Burns / Durants. Wat do Watsons trace to in the Turano / Durance theater?
The Turano / Tauren trace to Ragusa reminds me that I trace mythical Rhea, mother of the Zeus Taurus, to Rhegae/Ray of ancient Iran. If Saracens were from Sarmatians (Azov), note that they were called SAUROmatians, and that they lived beside (why not also in?) the Taurus area of the Crimea. I ventured to identify Zeus with a Sittacene location (between Assyria and Zeus-like Susa) years before finding the Sittaceni of the Azov theater. As the Soducena location was at Sevan, while a Savena river flows to Bologna beside the Setta river, the Sittaceni can trace to these two rivers, and therefore to the Panico's. And that should explain Panico kin linking well to Ragusa liners.
The Paeoni are suspect with Phoenicians to which the Zeus Taurus had linked. If the pheon arrowhead is a Paeoni symbol, the Sale's use one in their Crest so that Paeoni could trace to the Turano river. As I see "Europa" as "Ebropa," I trace her as Hebrews of Phoenicia to Abruzzo.
The Dents are suspect with the Gifford Coat, and Giffords share the motto of Ryans (and Paine's), the latter suspect in the "rien" motto term of Staple's. The Ryan Coat looks like it's linkable to the Halberts, but there's no better evidence for it unless Ryans can trace to the Reno river / surname. Reno's (colors reversed from Ryans) are also Rhine's/Reins. The Paine's were Pane's/Panico's, weren't they, and Panico's named Payne Roet, didn't they? Doesn't that suggest a Panico merger with something from Rieti (where the Turano and Salto meet)? Yes, and that can explain why Panico's are linking to Saraca elements. We just therefore take Panico's back to Caracalla, and/or to Caracalla's employment of Nummius Albani in Dalmatia.
Note that Pagnells/Pungs use a bendy Coat (with white Chief) like that of Cree's/Crays/CRETE's (white Chief) while other Cree's/Crays are also "Rae." In myth, Rhea raised Zeus on Crete. The Pagnell Chief shares the so-called label with Panico's. Pagnells (fleur in colors reversed from the Panico fleur) were first found in Yorkshire, where Saraca-based Bush's were first found, and where Caracalla was stationed when he became the emperor at his father's death (in Yorkshire). Caracalla murdered his own brother, Geta, so that he could rule Rome alone. Geta liners are suspect with fish-using Geddes, and their pike fish are suspect at the Pek river, location of Pincum to which Panico's trace. It just so happens that the Geat/Gedda surname shares the three white-on-blue (Saraca fish colors) of Labels.
Those crescents are also of the Falcons and Toothills for a trace back to Tertullus and Plancia Magna. But as Geats/Gedde's were first found in Hamburg, where Trips were first found, it supports my old gleaning that Trypillians were in the Setta valley. As Trips are also Treffs, it should explain the TREFoils of Pike's. Wikipedia removed the hourglass theme from its Trypillian article(s), but I have Wikipedia recorded on the hourglass goddess of Trypillians, which can explain why the Guido Coat looks like an hourglass. I was surprised when finding that Trypillians (very ancient) traced to the Glass surname, but did not link that surname to "hourglass," even though an hourglass is used by Houstons, first found in the Glasgow / Renfrew theater. The Glass' were instead traced to the Clausula river, near Tropoje and Krume, and it just so happens that Krume's, likewise first found in Hamburg, use a giant form of the Geat/Gedde crescent. Krume is where I trace the Crone's/Crooms and therefore the Crone's that use the lozengy of Beatle's (latter use the hourglass shape). Up-river on the Drilon from Krume were the Penestae, and then the Penes'/Pennys share a red greyhound with the Label Chief. This effectively trace's Pane's/Panico's to "Penestae," beside the Paeonians.
The central area of the Cavii, between the Mathis and Drilon rivers, has a modern Puke location, and then German Pucks share the blue annulet with Italian Alberts. That can trace Alberts to the Albani, shown on the west side of the Penestae on the map at the Cavii link above). As I trace proto-Maccabees to the Mathis / Cavii theater, let's recall the Albin-suspect hammer of English Alberts, or the black-on-white moline of Chives' and Mathis', a real eye-opener. The curved chevron of Pucks can link to the same of Swedish Gusts, said to be from "Geat / Gaut," and I'm seeing a trace of this annulet to Norway's Ringerike and Hamar. The Puck chevron-and-annulet looks absolutely linkable to same of Ottone's (Umbria), and that trace's Chappes tentatively, but expectedly, to Puke (roughly at Epicaria at the Cavii link). See map: read that Norway's mythology included Nor and Gor, and then Gore's are using a version of the Trip Coat. Nor can be traced to Neretva of Dalmatia, Narensis on the map, which is where I traced the Trypillian goddess, identifying her as Nerthus of the Varni in the Scandinavia theater. The Varni were between Hamburg and Pomerania, and the Griffin surname, of Pomerania, is honored in the Albert griffin. As the Albert hammer is used over the SHOULDer, the Schultz's (Chives quarters) are suspect who can trace to the SCALING ladder of Trips. Note that the annulet and canton of Schole's/Scayle's/Schools (Schultz colors) is on the sinister side of the Shield (rare to see this), for sinister is now suspect with Nummius Senecio Albinus. In case you think it fits, the Schultz stars are used by Bars, and Bar is a modern location on the west side of lake Scodra, where I trace Schultz like Schutz's.
This is a good time to discuss the origin of Numidians, for Geta (Caracalla's brother) traced to a Geta family in north-Africa, and Numidians had a Getuli branch. "Numidia" is a hard nut to crack, and thus fart I trace it to a Neamt location of the Siret river (like the Numidian capital), ancient land of Trypillians (Moldova). I suspect that Numidia was of an Anu-Metis combination that also named BaphoMET. Mythical Metis was a Zeus entity, but I identify her with the north-Africa MEDusa, sister essentially of the Graeae hags that I trace to the greyhound. The Graeae are to be viewed as the Meshwesh Amazons to the naming in Massena, the Numidian kind. The ANNUlet that we are seeing can be a Numidian element if it's correct to trace those peoples to Anu, and the Drakenberg Vere's suggest that mythical Anu (Sumeria) was the base of the Anunnaki, and so we can trace to the Anaki of Hebron, who were associated with the ESCHOL area of Hebron, a term to which I trace "Schole." The sinister annulet of Schole's must trace to the sinister bend of Masci and Massena's (this was a Skala > Scylla line without question), and the Schole lozengy links to the same of Crone's for a trace to Coronis on Patmos, location also of Skala, and then Gore's (share the cross type of Schole's) trace without question to Coronis of Patmos.
The Schole's (Meschin colors) are said to be from Barwick of the Leeds area of Yorkshire, which recalls that Meschins (Masci liners) trace to Julia Maesa, sister of Caracalla's mother. The point here is that whatever seeds Caracalla left in Yorkshire (he wasn't married) can be suspect with Schole's / Barwick / Leeds. You can expect Leeds to link to the Letts as per "annuLET." As Keturah (fish liner at the root of the Saraca fish) was likely in Hebron, "Leeds" is suspect with her Letushite line, and Caracalla is suspect from a Keturah line as the Saraca's passed through Kotor. Leeds elements were even traced (by me) to mythical GORlois (Gore liner without question) at Tintagel (Somerset). Lettice's, using TREFoils, were first found in the same place as Gore's. The Somerset Tints (Wrexham), and the Rex's/Ricks, are using a version of the Craven Coat, and Craven (Yorkshire) was home to Skiptons, who share a purple lion with Schole-related Lacys, and thus this picture traces back to the Scipio alliance with king Massena, about 400 years before Caracalla. As Tintagel was the birthplace of king Arthur, the couched lion of Tints is suspect with the lion (both in white) of Rounds (annulets), first found in the same place as Gore's, Quints, and Caepio-suspect Youngs/Yonge's.
Leeds -- first found in the same place as Capone's, Young-related and Caepio-suspect June's (Penestae > Pendragon liners), and Julians -- are apparently using the August fesse and eagles for a trace to the Julian > Augustus line suspect in the black cross of Schole's. See also the red fesse of Latto's/Latters (piles in the colors of German-Julian pale bars) with the same crescents as German Julians. It informs us of the obvious, that Julians trace to Leto, Augustus' favorite deity (he called her, Latona). The Augusts don't use the entire eagle, only the talons for a trace to Talons/Talents (Capone colors and format), suspect with the Taulantii on the Mathis river, beside the Penestae. But Taulantii spread to the south to the border of the ATINTanes (beside the Ceraunii mountains). You get it.
Latto's/Latters were first found in the same place (Ayrshire, suspect with Aures of Numidia) as Carricks and Pike's. The latter share the saltire of Letts/Leyts, first found in the Wessex theater, and then the wyvern was shared by Wessex and the Leightons/Latons (Say Shield), first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Moratin-Say...for a trace to Marano's of Modena. The Lett/Leyt saltire is colors reversed from the Italian-Latin saltire, and English Latins/Lattons (Latto/Latter colors) were first found in the same place as Mortons, and beside the Letts/Leyts of Gloucestershire. The Samsons of Gloucestershire (trace to Saracens of Sicily) use a "letho" motto term. The Fane's/Vane's were first found beside Gloucestershire.
As Coronis was a Lapith, and as Lapiths were on Lesbos, location of MYTilene, Numidians, if they were named in-part after a Mid / Met / Med entity, may trace through that city. Lesbos is also the location of METHymna. Lesbos is off the coast of the Phocaean founders of Ligurians, at LACYdon, suspect with Lacys, and with LESbos. Did the Anu > Anaki line pass through Lesbos? Drakenberg Vere's (wyvern dragon) say that they trace both to Anu and the MITanni, and Vere's share the Massey Coat for a trace to Numidians. Take Numidians to Caracalla's Geta ancestry, and to the Geddes fish for linkage to Keturah liners.
As per the fesse of Leeds (gold wyvern in Crest, symbol of Wessex Saxons), and their apparent link to the Round Table, let's repeat from the last update: "...Shall/Schal surname (August fesse?) to find that it uses a version of the Table/Tapley Coat." It looks like the Schal fesse is also the Leeds fesse, a good way to link Anaki / Eschol liners to Letushite-suspect Leeds. The Maezaei were between the Una and Urbanus rivers, and the latter was home to the Ceraunii, Coronis / Skala liners without question.
This short Numidian exploration project had "Nummius" in mind.
The Caepio - Rothschild World
Back to the Paeoni / Panico topic. I tend to link the Crays and Crete's to Creightons/Crichtons, and so note that Crichs are using the fitchee style of Pinks and Albins, and moreover use the colors and format of Fisks. The Crack variation of Crichs, and their being first found in Yorkshire, evokes "CARACalla." Let's repeat here that Caracalla traces with Craigs to ACRAGus, where Anaki- and Graeae-suspect Anchors/Annackers trace. Acragus faces Numidia as some evidence that Numidians were named partly after Anu. Although listed with surnames not like "Getuli," the Gettels use the ANNUlet, and it's in the mouth of a raven, the symbol of Coronis / Cyrene (of the Meshwesh). Freemasonry looks like a line, not just to any Numidians, but to the Massena line through Caracalla. Where any mainline-Mason families do not trace to Numidia directly, they should trace to Caracalla and his mother, Mrs. Bassianus.
The Crich/Crack crosses are shared (in the same colors) by Points/Poynters while Pung- and Pink-like Punch's (barry) show a Poyntz variation. Points and Punch's thereby become Paeoni suspects, and so let's repeat that Staple's may be from Stobi. Stabels are said to be from E(s)taples, 10 miles from Boulogne, which can of course trace to Bologna's Panico's. Payne Roet was either in Etaples, or nearby, when his daughter (Catherine) was born. Cathers use the fish and are suspect with Vaughns from Fanano. One can understand here how a fawn could have been welded to the deer theme of Ragusa.
There was a fundamental Caepio link to Saraca's that hinted in several areas, but here is another good one, where Faughns (LEITrum) were just looked up to find them using "A gold shield with three bends counter compony silver and red." The double set of bends (Quint colors) are in both directions, dexter and sinister, as the first clue for Marcus Nummius (Umbrius Primus) Senecio Albinus. And as Umbrius Primus was from Compsa in Campania, the "compony" term seems to apply to both. Fannius Caepio is expected to trace to Campania's Capua, and so this Faughn surname seems to indicate the Fannius link to Primus', of importance again when it comes to the question of Primus links to Junia Caepio Prima. The Faughnan variation of Faughns smacks of "Fanano." Comps/Camps: Yorkshire again.
Mythical Leto/Latona is expected at Apollo's Avellino. The Darrens/Dorans (counterchanged), suspect with the deer elements of Ragusa, share (in colors reversed) the split Shield of Latins/Lattons (counterchanged), and share the white-on-blue star with Fauns. And there you have one case of a fawn-like line to the Ragusa deer theme. The same split Shield is used by Foix's/Foys, first found in the same place as Levi's and Chappes', highly suspect from the Livius-Caepio marriage that birthed the Junia Caepio's. It begs the question of whether Foys were Faun liners. The other French Foix'/Foys, sharing the star of Fauns, use a sinister bend for a potential trace both to Senecio Albinus and Fannius Caepio. Irish Foys/Feys (eel) look like Chapmans, first found in the same place as eel-like Ealys and Julians, which makes the Foy pale bars suspect with the same of German Julians. This is a powerful paragraph, the only problem being that Foys / Foix's have not been clinched with Faun liners.
The arrangement of the six pellets of English Foys can link to the same of the same-colored Savage lions for a trace to the Fanano theater, and then the sinister Foix's/Foys (linkable to Baileys / Baliols) use pellets too, and were first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Bellow-loving Bouillons while there is an eel in the Crest of Skiptons who use bellows in their Coat. Pellets are Pilate liners without question.
Fannys/Venns (Devon, same place as Sodans and Pike's) were not looked up until now, and they use the Fanano fesse in colors reversed! It's the Sodan/Sowdon fesse too, and Fannys are using the Patterson/Cassane / Sodan scallops to boot! Pike's use a chevron in the colors of these fesses, and that is the Burn fesse for a link to Devon's Barnstaple. Fannys are said to be from Venn in Devon and Fen in Lincolnshire, the latter at the Humber river, suspect with Umbers/Humbers and therefore with Umbrius Primus. Umbers/Humbers share the griffin design of Fannys, but the latter use it in green (Albin / Albino colors), the color of the same griffin head of Lesbos-suspect Leslie's and Schole-suspect Patents. This griffin is Berenice Agrippa, isn't it?
Irish Fannys/Feeneys/Finnays share stars in the colors of the Lett stars, but see that the Fanny Coat uses a version of the Tean/Thames Coat (!!!) for a trace to Sidicini of Teano (Campania) i.e. where Leto/Latona lines are expected. Again, the Tean/Thames stars are in the colors of the Lett stars. The organ pipes of Letts is partly for Organs using the same trefoil as SITlers, a great reason to identify Sitlers with Sidicini in Silesia. This trace of Fannys to Campania nails the Fannius-Caepio merger with Umbrius Primus and/or Mr. Albinus. These stars are colors reversed from the Capone stars.
Organs (kin of lizard-using Corrigans) happen to share a lizard with Sion/Swan-suspect Sweens/WHINNEYs, like "Finnay. Plus, the holly leaves of Organs gets one Holly surname (torteaux) sharing the white talbot with the Sion/Swan Crest, and another Holly/Cullen surname using MeluSINE and sharing a white chevron with Sions/Swans. That can clinch her as a Sion/Sitten liner along with Sidicini. The battle-axe in the Sween Crest, and it's lizard in Albin/Aubin colors, can make the Holly/Cullen chevron suspect with the Halberts. The latter are the ones using "Steel Bonnets" in their write-up, as well as "pike," and then Sitlers, whom I had traced to Steel-like Settle's, share the same trefoil as Pike's (same split Shield as the Arms of Sion / Arms of Wallis canton), first found in the same place as Albins/Aubins...which is virtually the same thing as tracing Letts and Sidicini to the Sestola / Setta theater. Plus, and this is no coincidence, the Geddys/Gideons (not the pike-using Geddes) share a green-on-gold fesse with Sweens, the colors of the Corrigan chevron. PLUS, the Geddys/Gideons (share torteaux with Hollys) use "a blue banner" (!) for a trace to the Panaro / Sestola theater. The trefoils of three surnames here are all white, as are the trefoils of Albino's of Sestola! But Corrigans use green trefoils, As Letts use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas' in colors reversed, Seyssel, beside Annecy, comes to mind. Finally, I've just realized that Steels share black-and-white checks with Pipe-suspect Pepoli's, first found in Bologna i.e. location of the Setta valley. Pipes are using the Pepin Coat.
I've never before traced Sitlers so well, and here they are going to the Setta, as can be gleaned where I traced Skits and Scheds to that valley. The SCHITner variation of Sitlers can arrange that gleaning. "Settle/Settel" is still being entertained as a SESTOLa line. In the Steel Chief are billets in the colors of the fleur and cushions of the Panico and Kilpatrick Chiefs. The Geddes were rooted in the Geds upon the Nith river (before 400 AD), location of Kilpatrick castle. The article I have on the Geds ("Roots of the Ged name") suggests that St. Patrick may have been (a Roman) captured by the Geds, wherefore note that the St. Patrick symbol, the green trefoil, is in the Albino Chief! The article, and everyone else, wrongly traces the Geds / Geddes to the local word for a pike fish.
It just been realized that Cecils/Seycils/SITsilts can be a Sestola / Savignano line, for they use the Savage lions, apparently. Cecils were a major topic in the last update. The Cecil lions are in the colors of the Newman / Nitt / Raines lions, though the Caepio-line lion is in the Crest along with a gold garb. Cecils were first found in the same place as the Barnstaple of Albins/Aubins, and were suspect with the Cavett bars for a link to Cavii liners out of Ceva.
See the Keevers below, where they came to mind with the "quiver" of Bowmans, who in-turn became a topic as per being in the Staple write-up...wherefore Scottish Keevers (Roet suspects) look like Ceva and Cavett liners (from the Cevetta river at Ceva) while Cecils merged with them. However, Keever variations don't reflect Ceva or the Cevetta. The Cecil lions are even in the colors of the Chives cats. On the other hand, German Keevers/Keifers (pine tree), who look like Keefe's (share a green Shield with the Barnstaple Albins), may apply to Ceva. There is a way using the "quam" motto term to link Scottish Keevers (share the Roet boar head) to Roets, Masters and Giffards, and the latter look like variations of the Keevers/Keifers/Geifers. Giffords share the motto of Paine's/Payne's (includes "quam FOEDari," suspect with Foot liners traced below to Fanano) while Roets derive from Payne Roet.
I am now convinced that king Alpin was an Albino liner. Wikipedia's article on his son (Kenneth MacAlpin) shows him with fretty / lattice on his clothing, symbol of Modens, suspect from Modena, where Albino's were first found. As Albinus was a Nummius liner, let's now look at Newmans, sharing the lions of both the Nitt/Naught Coat and Nitt/Naught Crest, the importance being that Nitts were first found in the same place as the Nith river. To clinch a Nith link to Nitts, the Kilpatrick-suspect Pattys share the Nith / Newman lions too. The point is that, where Kilpatricks and Geddys trace to Modena's Albino line, we could expect Newmans there too, and they happen to share "fides" with Fanano. Plus, recall the AlbiNATI and AlbiNOTI variations, like "Naught." Naughtens/Nottons are using swords in Albin/Aubin and Albinus colors. The other Naughtens share the blue fitchee with Albins/Aubins.
The Finney variation of Fannys caused a look-up of Feins/Finns (Umber/Humber bars!), first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Primo's. The triple Fein/Finn bars were used for the Arms of Trebizond Empire, location of Thames-suspect Themiscyra, home of Leto' daughter, ArTEMIS. German Feins use a sinister bend!
"The Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), commonly known as Fannie Mae, was founded in 1938 during the Great Depression as part of the New Deal." Why, really, was it given that nickname? The current CEO is a MAYopoulos surname. Fannie Mae was founded by Franklin Roosevelt, later the WW2 president that I say saved Adolf Hitler, and hid him in Montana / Idaho. Fannie Mae is touted as a scheme to benefit homeowners, but one may also see it as a scam to funnel tax dollars to Caepio-based banks. The Rothschild banks are suspect at such a scheme. Hiedlers/Hitlers share the Bauer stars. Compare German Feins (share blue wing with Bauers) to Heidlers/Heidts, a near match! This is no small revelation. It's tracing Fannius Caepio to Rothschilds and Hitlers. Compare German Feins to German Peters sharing the bend of English Peters!! German Peters even use a wing with a bend upon it, as do German Feins, and English Peters were first found at the Humber river, making them linkable both to English Feins and Humbers/Umbers.
Compare Rothschilds/Rothsteins to Heid(t)s and Aide's/Edie's. It looks like Levi-beloved Ade's were Heidler / Fein liners. I had maintained from the beginning that the Caepio treasure was overseen by Caracalla's family, and then transferred to Valentinian I. The Aide bend is traceable to Valentins, and therefore the Feins trace to Valentinian too. Hitler's mother was a Polzl surname, traced to Pollocks suspect in "MayoPOULOS." The Fein / Aide / Valentin bend is that also of JEWISH Pollocks, the base of Rothschilds! We get it. The Fein / Bauer wings are for Vinkovci, right? Ask Gratian FUNerius. Poulos' use wings. Mae surname comes up, but Maio's share the oak with Panico's. Mays/Mai's use gold billets = gold bars, what Quintus Caepio stole from Toulouse. It's not a coincidence that Mays are traced to FAUNT (Sussex). The Burgundy Feins show Faunt-like variations such as Faind/Feint, and their red border is suspect with the RUTHERford / RUTland orle border. German Mays/Mai's (rocks , familiar tower) were first found in Rhineland, home of Ashkenazi Jews, and the first Rothschild was MAYER Bauer. The May/Mai tower is in the colors of the same of Narbonne's (Narbonne is beside Roquefeuil), and of the Roque rocks, and Roquefeuil, in the same place as Roque's, uses more gold billets! Fannie Mae was a Rockefeller / Rothschild stinker, wasn't it? It wasn't truly on behalf of the people, was it? Mayers are likely a branch of Majors/Magers honored in the Peter motto.
Fonts are using the illegal gold-upon silver, illegal because it was reserved for the few, as in those who initiated / hijacked the Federal Reserve Bank. The Fonts use a gold escutcheon, like a big block of gold, upon a silver Shield, we get it. The escutCHEON traces with Keons to the Saraca fish, and Rothschilds/Rothsteins share the eight-pointed star with Keons. The Rothschilds and their arrows must trace to Hungarians (probably the Kabars amongst Magyars), and Keons/Keens were recently suspect with "AQUINcum," the proto-BUDApest that can trace to the namers of Budva (ancient Butua), beside Kotor. That's why Rothschild liners can use stars i.e. for Bar-Este / Bute-Este liners such as Fauns. Dutch Steins use the eight-pointed star too, and English Steins (Shell Oil colors) are suspect with a colors-reversed version of the Aide bend...meaning that the gold leopard face in the Aide Crest is on the Stein bend. Anything Dutch in the Rothschild family ought to link to Dutch Rosicrucians, Dutch Shell (Oil), and to gold-billet Nassau's.
If true what they say, that Dutch Shell is owned by Rothschilds, note that Shells (suspect with Coverts/Cofferts that use the Aide leopard face) use a red Shield. Shells are in Aide colors. The Shell-like Shields/Shiels (Berwickshire) same place as Aide's) share the dove-with-branch with Moses'/Moys (Moesians, Pek river), and look like they use a version of the Lief/Leve Coat. Moses' are said to have been in Wrexham while Rex's are using a version of the Craven Coat suspect with the Covert fesse, and now suspect with the Shell fesse. Shields share the Shaw motto for a trace to a wolf-line Sithech entity highly suspect with Sidicini of Avellino. It seems undeniable that Rothschilds trace to Caiaphas-Levite liners.
An hour after writing here, it came to mind that "Fanano" could be a "Panaro" variation, because I trace Lake Van to mythical Pan at Panias/Banias of Paeoni-suspect Phoenicia. Banners from the Panaro use the giant lys, suspect from Laish smack at Panias, which was at the foot of Mount Sion. How amazing, since Sions/Swans just traced from Sevan / Van elements to the Banners. I have been tracing Armenians to mount Hermon, and it's the summit of Hermon that was mount Sion. Lake Van and Sevan are both in Armenia, meaning, apparently, that Sevan elements named Sion ages ago, long before the onset of heraldry and surnames. The point is, a check was made for Fanners suspect with "Panaro," and they are Vanners (Essex) using the Covert fesse and leopard faces. The fesse is white, as is the fesse in the Arms of Fanano. I can't say enough for this break-through, like a punch in the eye through the glasses of the all-seeing (spit) Illuminatist dope. The Illuminatist allows his mind to be stolen by super-intelligent demons that know no good intelligence. Demons fill the mind with a train of thoughts for the destruction of the person and personality. Worldly mankind is far from its maximum potential when it comes to personality. But it has advanced extremely well in the area of weapons-making. What spirits do you think are responsible for that "proud" achievement?
I'd say that the Covert martlets are those of Teans/Thames and Fannys, and it's the Sidicini of Teano that trace to Sitten, right? It was made known to me that Teano-like Deans were Covert kin, and here it's made understood. I had perhaps jumped the gun when insisting that Coverts were Caiaphas liners, and here they are discovered with Fannius Caepio. Am I jumping the gun on a Fannius trace to Fanano? Note that Fanners are in Fessy colors, for the leopard face is code for the Face variation of Fessys. If it doesn't have a neck, it's an heraldic face whether called such or not.
Let's take the drops on the Pender lion. It was like ages ago when tracing Jonathan, the pagan Levite priest of Laish, to the Jones lion because it has drops upon it, as does the lion of Sams/Sammes' (Essex) whom trace well to Biblical Samson, whom is portrayed as a Danite, and therefore likely of the 600 Danite vagabonds of Laish who took Jonathan as their very own priest and very-serious dope. What else do we call a Levite (from the line of Moses) that rebels against Moses even after seeing / knowing of the hellish fate of Korah? Jones' were first found in DENbigh, the old stomping grounds of mythical Hercules i.e. the Greek extension of the Samson cult that came to be called, Danaans. The Jones lion, with red drops, is in the colors of the Pender lion, with red drops, and thus we now trace Jonathan to the Panaro river, and the Panico's, which supports my claim that Levites of the first century retreated to the Setta valley when the Romans, at the wink of Jesus, threw the Levites out of a dog owner tosses out the dog that bites him. Only, Jesus didn't give the Levites a dog house for a temporary refuge. The question is, where did they go to hide from Titus? Or, did some of them lick the hand of Titus, or worse, to get a biscuit from him, and maybe an old shaggy rug to sleep on? We know that Josephus took the suck-up route, but what of the rest?
The Sams/Sammes are said to be of an entity owned by a Mr. Hatch. This is interesting where I claimed that Samson was in cahoots with Hyksos, for Hatch's (Hicks colors) are also "Haach." The Hatch lions in pale, in the design of the Levi lions in pale, are in the colors of the same-positioned lion of Titus', first found in HERTfordshire (stag), a place suspect with the round-table hurts. Hurts and Hertfords use stags. Herts/Harts/Hards share the red stag with Caiaphas- and Panico-suspect Beddels/Beadle's. The Hatch's are using the Staple lion design, linking Hatch's to the Albino line at the Panaro theater, where Penders trace. That's pretty compelling evidence for a lion-with-blood-drop trace to Modena, which recalls that lion-drop Pattersons/Cassane's trace to Cassius/Casano's, first found in Modena. And these drops must be code for Drops/Trope's = Trypillian liners. Drops/Trope's share the red chief with Titus', but substitute the gold Titus lion with a silver one, perhaps the Banner lion.
My suspicion now is that the priests of Israel, starting with Maccabees, originated in whatever Modena was called in about 200 BC. The Romans sent them to Israel to subdue the nation for Roman purposes. Then, when the Jews rebelled and lost in 70 AD, the false shepherds of Israel, set up by Romans, went back to Modena to set up their dog houses, with air conditioning of course because they had some Caepio gold. That gold got into the hands of Septimius Severus, as my theory goes, and it caused Caracalla to kill his own brother with their mother's wink. That's because hoarded gold blinds, and makes dopes of the personality.
The Hatchets/Hackets ("mea" motto term) are in Arms-of-Saraca colors, and use fish in pale in the colors of the Saraca fish. They also share three green trefoils (Trypillian symbol) with Albino's, both in their Caiaphas-suspect Chiefs. That's another reason for tracing Sams/Sammes' and Hatch's to Modena's Albinus line. Recall that a fish in pale was seen in the Sees Coat, for Albino's were of SEStola. As Albino's are suspect with the Primus line, let's now mention the Prophets/Profetts, sharing the human leg of Prime's/Primus', but in white-on-green (and with another spur), the Albin/Aubin and Albino colors. Thanks to emailer Patterson (years ago) for the knowledge of Prophets, though I didn't know until recently that Pattersons trace to Modena. Prophets/Profits are suspect with the Levi-suspect Foots and cornucopia-using Fothes/Fitte's. The blood drops of Kilpatricks (Levi lion, in the colors of the Patterson lion) can now trace with Patterson elements to Modena. Kilpatricks are kin of the Burn / Bernice hunting horns, for a trace with Horns/Orne's to Orne, location of Sees. The Kilpatrick Chief cushions are in the colors of the Panico-Chief fleur, but then the Chief of the other Kilpatricks -- the ones with the Levi lion with a right paw on the head of a green dragon (suspect as the Seaton dragon) -- use the Panico fleur. You can't argue with that trace. The Shera variation of Kilpatricks, and the "sure" motto term, has already traced to Caracalla, and the cushions are surely for a line of Cassane's, though now suspect with Cassius'/Casano's.
As Kilpatricks and Pattersons trace with certainty to Antipatria (Apsus river, location of fish-suspect Kodrium), we might want to see the Patria/Petree Coat, using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cutters, a good reason to trace "Cutter" to KODRium. The mythical fish was a symbol of king Kodros of Athens, so that Athenians of the Keturah kind should be understood at Kodrium. And as Abraham links to Bramtons, so they link to the Brunswick lions shared by Hatch's/Haachs, wherefore see the hake fish used by Hykes'/Hake's.
Patria's are suspect with the Spurr and Close Coats (another spur) because Kilpatricks lived at Closeburn. But the new point here is that the Patria bend is in the colors of the Fanano fesse, and moreover uses the motto, "Fide SED Vide," linkable to the "Fides" written on the Fanano banner, with the "sed" term suspect with the Sidicini namers of the Setta valley. The Setta is beside the Savena river while the Patria Chief shares the red scallop of Savona's. If the Kilpatrick cushions are code for Cussons/Cussance's (Burgundy), note that they use the Sparr eagle. The Cusson eagle, however, has legs emphasized (blue on gold, Cassius/Casano colors), and may therefore link to the Burgundy Primo's, kin of leg-using Prime's. Where the Cushions trace also to Cassius'/Casano's (Moden colors), that gets Kilpatricks to Junia Caepionis Tertulla (married Cassius), and as she was a Livius liner too, it can show that the Levi lion of Kilpatricks is for Livius liners. As the Sparr / Cusson eagle is also that of Ferte's, a Ferte-MACE trace to the Modena location of Cassius'/Casano's makes Maccabee-sense. Bellamys, who merged with Ferte-Mace, use a fesse in colors reversed from the Cassius/Casano fesse. The Close Coat even looks like a version of the Macey Coat, and Close's were traced rather well, some weeks ago, to the Clausula i.e. location of Caepio-suspect Cupionich. As Maceys use the gauntlet glove, the Close chevron can be of the Fanano fesse. It's making sense.
Casons were just looked up after writing that, and they not only use the Cassius/Casano fesse in colors reversed, but were first found in the same place (Dumfries) as Kilpatricks and Closeburn. Italian Casons/Casseli's use three fesse bars (in nebuly design) in the colors of the Cassius/Casano fesse. Spanish Casons are showing a castle in Albino colors.
As Alis' share the fir tree and sword with Alpins, who come up surprisingly as Cappins, by what coincidence is there an "alis" term in the Cassan motto??? It's tracing Modena elements to king Alpin, if ever there was such a man. Alis' share the bears of Mackays, suspect as a branch of Maceys now tracing to the Cassius/Casano surname. Cassans (blue dove can trace to Cuppae) use a "ProSEQUOR" motto term, suspect with Junia Caepionis Secunda just because her sister married Cassius. That is, the "prosequor" term is suspect with Seconds/Segurs. Cassans are even said to be from Bearne, where Primo's are said to derive! The triple chevrons of Cassans have the Annas stars upon them, and the chevrons are suspect with the two (same colors) of Garveys, from the Arve river near Annecy. The Bellamy-related Perche's use the Garvey chevrons while Cassius/Casano's just became suspect with Bellamys. The "Mirior" motto term of Garveys is thus suspect with the Primo mirror.
German Cassans (Thuringia) are again sharing the blue fesse of Cassius', but now in colors reversed from the Fanano fesse. I would suggest that the Cassius link to Fanano is clinched, and this, for the time-being, traces Cassius' to Fannius Caepio. This is important for clinching the Cassius and Cassan surnames with the family married by Junia Caepionis. The Thuringia Cassans can link to Basina of Thuringia because Cassans use a "base" term to describe the location of three of their lozenges. The other four are in the Caiaphas-suspect Chief. Seven lozenges total can suggest Septimius Severus, who married Bassianus. Google is probably deliberately unhelpful when searching "Junia Caepionis," bringing up nothing but three of my updates. Google "Servilia Caepionis" to learn briefly of the three Junia's. To see ALL the updates (hopefully) that mention "Junia Caepionis," or any other topic in my files, click "repeat the search with the omitted results included" at the bottom of the Google page. But why does Google omit some of my pages in the initial search when it's less than a page long?
By now you may have realized that "Fides" is code for the Foots, spur-using Profetts/Profits, and Fido's/Fiddes'/Fothes'/Fette's/Fittes'. The latter share a white stag head with Patria's, who in-turn use FITCHee crosses suspect with Fido/Fittes liners. The latter are using stars in the colors of the same of Teans/Thames that trace to Sidicini. I can't make these things up; they are what they are. Fido's/Fittes' were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Prophets and fitchee-using Tarves', and so you can bank on the Fittes' being a Cavii > Chives line. Fido's/Fittes' are said to have had Foot-like locations at Kincardine, and Kincardine is where Patria's/Petree's were first found. This line is suspect with the many footLESS martlets, suspect in-part with LESlie's (Aberdeenshire). The footless martlet suggests a fundamental relationship, at one point, anyway, between Leslie's (bend like that of Spurrs), Fido's, and Martels / Martins / Mertle's.
The Foots sharing the chevron of Fido's/Fittes' have a griffin in Crest (so do Leslie's) holding a banner but called a flag. This could indicate that Flags/Flecks became fundamental with Banners of the Panaro before the Flag surname developed due to the merger, or after the Banner surname developed due to the merger. The Foot trefoil is in the colors of the similar fitchee of Tarves'. The Caiaphas-like "CyFOETH" motto term of Gernons is suspect with Foots / Fothes', and then Spurr-suspect Sparhams (red stag, Stacey colors) are said to derive in a Mr. Gernon. Wikipedia's article on Eustace II (ultimately from Bologna) of Boulogne says that he's a Gernon liner, and Eustace's / Staceys share the stag with Sparhams, making for the question on whether Staggs are a branch of Staceys/Eustace's. Both the Staggs and Eustace's share a cross between the antlers, a theme that was recently traced to the Perdrix peak of Mont Pilate, important here because Perthshire is beside Aberdeenshire.
Apparently, many heraldic stags are code for Eustace's. It just so happens that while the Sparhams trace to Osbert in association with Robert Gernon, Osberts/Osborns (another white tiger) share "bello" as a motto term with Bouillons! That clinches the Eustace's with Eustace II, father of Godfrey de Bouillon, the leader of a Sion cult that can now trace, with Sions/Swans, to Fanano. It looks like Osborns are from Osbert Sparham in particular, and then bent human legs are used by Hose's/Ose's/Ouse's, said to be from Eure, as with Albins/Aubins.
The Travis' -- suspect with Treviso = TARVISium, like "Tarves" of the Chives' -- use the white tiger, making it possible to link Tarves', as expected, with Fothes liners. Ranulph de Gernon was a son of Ranulph le Meschin, and then Travis' (Fish kin) share the Meschin / Flag/Fleck / Samson scallops.
Hose's are very linkable now to Sparhams and to leg-using Prime's/Primus', tending to assure that Hose's are from OSbert Sparham. Hose's are said to be from Noyers (Eure), while Noyers/Neyers were first found in Burgundy, where Primo's were first found. Noyers share the spread eagle (different colors) with Sparrs (both eagles are half in the colors of the Este / Bar / Faun eagle). Noyer/Neyers are suspect with Nayers/Nairs/Neirs (Perth), likely using a version of the Colt/Celt Coat (Pilate liner), which links with Eustace's to mount Perdrix. The Sparham stag head is red, like the Celt/Colt stag head, and the Sparham stag head is in both colors of the Nayer/Nair/Neir lion. In the latter's Crest, Melusine...with her mirror, found in the Primo Coat. I know what Noyers / Nayers are now, the line of Fulk III Nerra, for he is in the Fulke/Folk write-up, and Fulke's were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Sparham. Primo's even use the Osbert/Osborn quarters in colors reversed. There you have excellent evidence that Primo's are a Prime branch thanks to Prime's sharing the human leg of Hose's. And we just found a way to trace Junia Caepio Prima and/or Umbrius Primus to Sparhams, and related others such as Spurrs, all of it tracing with the Osborn tiger to Tigranes, husband of Opgalli, suspect as the sister of Caiaphas, or something similar.
Sparham and the related others, including the Sprowestun location of Vere's / Weirs, the Sprowston location of Norfolk, and the Sprows/Spruce's, can be traced to the Spree river, Lusatian haunt of the Melusine line. For, the red antler of Veringers traces to the same of Spree-Neisse while related Zahringers use the blue antler and can be reckoned from the Zerr/Zehrer surname using hatchets. This recalls the trace above of Hatch's to Albino's, from the Panaro river, which compels me now to trace the Arms-of-Fanano fesse to the same-colored fesse bars of Lusignan, the French haunt of Melusine. Spree's (Speer kin) are even using the hourglass of Guido's. Vere-suspect Guerin of Provence links to Guido Guerra of the Panico fold, but this same Guerin was seriously suspect as the line very immediately to Kenneth MacAlpin, whom I think was mythical i.e. code for some secret entity. The Scottish kings from Pictish Alpin was of an Albani > Albino line, wasn't it? Melusine, the ELVIN princess, they call her. The question is, was this line also from Marcus Nummius Umbrius Primus Senecio Albinus? It sure looks like it.
Back to Rothschild ancestry in Fanano liners, virtually the same as Sion liners to Melusine's Avalon (Bute). That's where Drakenberg Vere's had her before her founding of the Tertullus line to Anjou Fulks. Just add her Lusignan element to the Fulks, and trace Avalon to Fannius Caepio out of Avellino elements before or after (I don't know which) their being at Fanano. As Dutch Veys (mythical-Avalon elements) use the boot, note how "Vey / Fay" can be of a Fayne liner. The illegal gold-silver combination (seen earlier with Fonts) is used with billets also by Mose's/Moss', and Moses'/Moys (Cuppae suspects) are the ones with the File/Vile-suspect term linkable to the "vile" motto term of Fayne's/Fano's/Vane's. The Mose/Moss Crest shares the Humber-Crest griffin head, used also by Dobers / Dobermans for a trace to Cupionich, i.e. where Fannius Caepio should trace.
Rothschild-related Staple's are suggestively traced (in their write-up) to Bowmans (Bowers, right?), and the latter were first found in Westmorland (same as Bernards that may be using the Bonnet/Bonnie bend) while Morlands use the special leopard-face design of Aide's and Staple's. Bowmans use "A quiver of arrows suspended from the TRUNK of a tree," i.e. linkable to elephant-trunk Thors and elephant-trunk Rothschilds. Burn-suspect Watsons use a tree trunk too while Lady Rothes, or her daughter (I can't recall), married Watsons. You won't find Muriel, Peter Pollock's daughter, online as "Lady Rothes," at least not easily. But I have a Pollock "informant" who revealed Lady Rothes to me, thank you, it was a new deal of the cards, and this time the Christians are going to trump the Rothschild bank, pillage its gold, and throw it to the meek of the earth. You can't stop Jesus from doing that. O happy day.
As Watsons share the oak tree with Panico's while Watsons are said to have been from lords of ROCKingham, it's tracing to "La Rocca" of the Panico's, which I now understand to be Rockefeller lines from rock-using Rijeka/Reka (north side of Istria), where Maxwells, mother trunk of Pollocks, trace. The Watson motto is honoring white-boar Mea's/Meighs (linkable to white-boar Bourlys), likely a branch of Maxwell-related Macclesfields ("copia" motto term). Mamma mea, I think I get this.
Rockefellers are tracing to Saraca's? Why? I've yet to clinch "Rijeka" (eagle on a rock) with "Ragusa," but for the time being, the theory stands. I trace Rockefellers to Roxolani namers of Roxburgh. Roxolani lived in SARmatia, and I'm still looking to identify Sarmatians with Saracens. The Saracen surname was first found in the same place as Burns / Bernice's (tends to clinch the Bernice fesse with the Arms-of-Saraca fesse), which is Cumberland, and the Comerfords/Cumberfords / Cumbers/Cumberfords are suspect with the cross of French Sarasins, which is a moline i.e. has the same fish-tail code as heraldic rooks. The Cumber cross is also the Mea/Meigh cross, which can trace Cumberland elements to the Maxwells of Rijeka. Cumberland elements are suspect with Umbrius Primus, or his brother, Mr. Nummius Albinus, and the "Numine" motto term is used by Mea's/Meighs (boar head) and gold-silver-illegal Banners.
There was much inserted above from the time of mentioning Rooks and Comerfords. I apologize for losing your train of thought. It just so happens that the Comerfords/Cumberfords use the white-on-blue Mullet hunting horn, as well as the Mullet stars (nearly), for their trace to Melita i.e. beside Ragusa! Pollocks share the white hunting horn, and they are suspect with RoqueFEUIL ancestry in FULbert "the Saxon" (Peter Pollock's father). If he was a son or other member of Fulbert "the tanner," then trace Pollocks to fish-tail-liner Moline's/Moulins. This is a good reason to trace Moline's and Pollock-merged Molle's (boar) to Ragusa-fish liners in Melita, and so let's repeat that mythical Kodros had both a boar and a fish symbol.
Moline's share the black moline with Chives', a good reason to trace Chives' and Bengs (Benjamites?) to the Saraca' fish. It's a completely new idea for me. The white-on-red talbot of Comerfords/Cumberfords can be that of Fortuna's, who are apparently in the Turin/Thurin motto, important because, even with so littler treatment on the topic, I am convinced that the Ragusa deer works essentially as code for Turano liners. I am finding it very surprising to trace Pollocks so well to Ragusa, but lets add that the English Peters using the Staple motto are showing scallops in the colors of the Mallet scallops for a trace to Melita. One branch of English Peters was first found in Lincolnshire i.e. at the Humber river.
And, by the way, emailer Pollock is a Comerford on one side, and a Marano suspect on her father's side (she doesn't want me to reveal her father's surname). The Comerford/Cumberford / Cumber peacock is for Peacocks, said to be a sept of Pollocks. If Peacocks are a line of Cocks, note that Cocks and Cochs share the Reno/Rein/Rine lozenges while Cocks are using half the Beatle/Bedwell lozengy.
As Staple's are using the motto of Peters, and as all three Peter surnames have been deemed to be of Peter Pollock, Staple's should trace to Ragusa too (especially if Staple's connect to Panico-suspect Roets). This is perhaps the only reason that I've just noticed the Deire-like motto phrase, "dieu rien," of Staple's. The Staple bend is suspect with that of Leslie's, but reflects that of Bonnets (Bedfordshire) better. If I'm not mistaken, the crown in the Staple Crest is that of Bottle's (Liverpool, same as the Beatle's band), surname suspect with Beddels and Beatle's/Bedwells (Bedfordshire) that are now tracing to La Rocca delle Bedolete in Val di Setta (of the Panico's). Bottle's are in Terras/Deire colors, not enough in itself to make a hard link, but the crowns of Bottle's are suspect with the Ceraunii, and therefore with the Crauns, and therefore with the Crone's ("fish issuing" in Crest) sharing the Beatle/Bedwell lozengy. The Crone fish is blue, as is the Sees fish, and then there is a Seez river in the Walenstad area of Switzerland while Sees share the wavy fesse with whale-using Dols. The wavy fesse is why Sees' trace with Ghents to the fesse of Fanano, near Sees-like Sestola in the Panaro theater.
The Yuya Mitanni
Leavells, first found beside Barnstaple and where Keever-suspect Roets were first found, are said to be from Ever-suspect Yvery (Normandy). Evers are in the Burn motto. If we follow the Staple's to Pollocks, we find them first found in the same place as a location in the Burn write-up. As Peter Pollock ruled in Rothes castle, Roets can be suspect with the namers of Rothes, but these Rus were, or at least merged with, the Orchomenos Boiotians, the mythical Argonauts, from Aedon-suspect Aeson. That was part of the Yuya > Tiye line (Yuya was her father). It's the same as saying that Modena elements were in the Orkney theater as the Rus vikings. We should want to know more about this, and ask whether the Cimmerians were involved out of Lake Van at about 700 BC. Ah.
"Numquam" is used by Keevers/MacIvers/Evers (boar head), suspect with the "quiver" of Bowmans because German Keevers/Geifers were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Bauers. The write-up of Were's says that they were descended from Giffards of Devon and Somerset (where gold-boar Roets were first found), and as Devon is the place emphasized in this update due to Albins/Aubins, it's notable that the Were bend is colors reversed from the Albin/Aubin bend. Were's share a gold boar in Crest with Keevers/Ivers/Eure's, which can link them to Yvery liners in Somerset, explaining why Iverys (from Eure, first found in Oxfordshire) use the Were bend colors, and to this we of course add that Albins/Aubins are said to be from Eure!
The Were's have just been clinched (for the first time even considered) with Albino's, disclosing that their fishy ELVIN princess related to Albino liners, a very good reason to trace Albino's to Avalon and to Anjou. The Drakenberg Vere's claimed to descend from both the Pictish and Scottish royals, and that can only mean king Alpin. We get it. The Vere's knew of their trace to Albino's long before I discovered it in this update, but the NUMquam motto term of Ivers/Eure's (use the Vere Shield) suggests Nummius Albinus. "Quam" is code for swan-liner Cambridge's. It's assuring that king Alpin was an Albinus liner. Note that the Albin/Aubin Crest shares a bull head with Dreux's/Drews (Drake colors), from Dreux in Eure, tending to reveal that Dreux's were Drakenberg liners.
The Dreux/Drew lion (in the colors of the Brock and Ivery lion) is also that of Datons, from Autun, the line to Akhenaten, the king who merged with the Mitanni of Egypt. The Vere's must have known this, but as Albino's were in Modena, it tends to clinch the Mitanni line to that place. The Vere's must have known this. And as Vere's share the Massey Shield, a trace to Methoni in Messene seems logical.
As Dreux's/Drews were first found in WILTshire, let's repeat from above: "...Marano's are also Mauritano's, like the Morte variation of Motts. Of further related interest is that Mortons were first found in WILTshire while German Wilts/Wild(er)s use the SAVAGE [Savignano elements]. This can indicate that Dutch Wilts are using the Cassius/Casano Coat (Modena) in colors reversed." We then find that the Weir fesse is in the colors of the Cassius/Casano fesse.
Therefore, the Albins and Albino's were the missing factor, all these years, for explaining the inner secrets of the Drakenberg Vere's. In all my files since emphasizing the Modi'in-Modena relationship, "Panaro" was mentioned only once in passing.
If they deny it, Were's were definitely related to Vere's and Weirs, for this was proven in certain ways by heraldic clues. Weirs are traced to Aubin-like Aubri's, the founders of the earls of Oxford. The green Oxford beaver has been traced to Drago de BeWERE in the Blade/Blate write-up, and that latter surname (green Shield) is in Albin/Aubin colors. See Drago also in the write-up of Burtons (fesse in Wilt-fesse colors) as "Drogo de BEUVRiere." Drago likely traces to the Drago river, and the reason for my tracing the Anaki-suspect Anchors/Annackers (same bull head design as Dreux's) to the Drago is partly due to their using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento. Another reason is that Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg traced himself to Anunnaki. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Anchors is that also of Glennys, suspect with William de Gellone, father of Guerin of Provence, location of Draguignan. The Anchor Chief can become suspect with the Chief of Teans/Thames (Oxfordshire). This is important where the Primus family (that adopted Albinus) was from the same area as Teano.
As ancient Anu was of SUMERIA, note that Were's were of Somerset while Somers/Summers are in Albin/Aubin colors. The other Somers use half a green Shield, as do Albino's.
The Drago river was also the Hypsas, and it's easy to link Vere's to the sphinx of Hipps'. The latter use a horizontally-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Gifford-suspect Keevers/Geifers (beaver-like Bavaria). Giffords are sharing the Houn/Hound lozenges, and while the greyhound applies there, Greys are the ones with the anchor theme. The "pine TREE" of Keevers/Geifers can be part-code for Tree's/Trews (i.e. like "Drew"), and partly for Pine's (why pineapples?), first found in Devon.
As the Vere's ruled Oxford for so long, Oxford symbolism is expected to touch upon Vere liners at some or even all points. The Arms of Oxford uses both the beaver and the elephant as supporters for the Shield, whereupon there is a red ox, in the color of the Anchor bull head. For me, this ox / bull goes back to Baal of king Og's Jerusalem domain. From Og, it goes to Ogyges and Gyges/GUGU of Lydia, suspect with "Yuya." Lydia is also where we find Clarus, and then the red bull is in use also by Claro's/Charo's/CHIARO's, who I say named MonteCHIARO near Agrigento. Upon discovering that a Mosca family of Sicily married the rulers of Montechiaro, I knew that Drake's, who honor the Mosca surname in their motto, were from the Drago river. The Drake motto term is translated as "fly," but this is deliberately incorrect to disguise the reality, and it may be a clever theme because Baal was "lord of the flies."
I expect Keturah lines with king Og, and as Keturah traces to the Saraca fish out of Kotor, let's ask: didn't Saraca's trace to Modena's Mitanni elements? The Weir fesse-and-symbols happens to be in the three colors of the same in the Arms of Saraca. The Beavers (same place as same-colored Modens/Modeys!) use the Saraca fesse too, and Ragusa is smack on-shore from the ELAPHiti islands. And MELusine was suspect with Melita, smack beside the Elaphiti islands. Now we know the Oxford secret. The Baal bull is expected to trace to the Zeus Taurus in Crete, home of Ragusa-suspect Rhea. Note that German Beavers/Biebels/Bybele's (Bavaria) can link to Melusine-using Babels.
Keturah was also suspect with Miletus, in Caria and near Clarus. Actually, Clarus is at the border of Caria with Lydia...smack beside Ephesus, said to be founded by a son of KODRos of Athens, the one who had the fish and boar symbols. Vere's and Weirs both use boars. As Athens was the home of Ogyges, one can trace his Og / Gog lines with the Kodros line to Lydia. Gyges was timed perfectly (700 BC) to be of the Gog of Ezekiel, especially as Cimmerians of Lake Van (ruled the kingdom of Rosh-like Rusa) conquered Lydia-way at that time, followed by the Royal Scythians out of Media. Who named the Medes of Media? The Medan > Medon line did, I am very sure, from mythical Medea of Caucasia. Medea, according to ancients, flew her chariot from Corinth to Athens, and thus she was the Medon-of-Kodros line. Medon smacks of "Mitanni," and Keturah's son, Medan, does even better to reflect the Mitanni. Her son probably pre-dated the Mitanni, and may have been a Mitanni patriarch. It's a good reason to trace Yuya to Keturah.
As Weirs were likely of Saraca's, the fish tail of Melusine, rather than her original dragon tail, was apparently adopted for the Saraca fish line. The Devon of the Were's is also where Pike's and Geddys/Gideons were first found. But let's go back to the Datons of Autun, using the Dreux lion, and let's trace back to mythical Aedon of Boiotia, beside Athens and likewise a domain of Ogyges. Aedon's father (PANDAReus, now suspect with Penders / Panthers/Panders of the Panaro river!) was from Ephesus, and thus Aedon connects to Keturah's line from Athens. Aedon traces well to Atun, sun god of AkhenATEN, son of Tiye, daughter of Yuya. Akhenaten was father to king Tut, and then the Tree's/Trews, suspect with Dreux's/Drews, are honored in the "tree with no leaves" of Masseys/Massa's (possibly from the Maso sea peoples of Caria). The crescents of Masseys/Massa's are those of Tute's honored in the motto of Elaphiti-suspect Oliphants, and they too use the Tute crescent. Chives' use "VirTUTE." As Tattons use the Tout crescent too, while they were merged with Hamon de Massey (suspect from Amyntes of the Tatta area), it's very feasible to trace the Tut-Mitanni line to lake Tatta, where Teague's were traced without any thought that they might be from "Tiye." She evokes the Thigh surname honored by the Prime/Primus surname.
The Cage's, like the Caige variation of Teague's, share the Shield of Geddy-suspect Gate's, and gate-using Yate's are suspect with the motto of Sidicini-suspect Seatons in a trace to the namers of Sadducees, expected from the Tatta area. Perta on lake Tatta traces well to Perthshire, where "tout"-using Rollo's were first found who share the stag with Cage's, and moreover who are likely of Rollo Sinclair i.e. from Clarus. The "passe" term of Rollo's can be for both the Passe's/Pascals and Pasi's/Pascels, the latter first found at Bologna i.e. location of the Setta river and beside Modena's hot spots. If you read recently, the Tertullus > Toothill line of Perga was merged with the Amyntes line at Derbe.
Next, we go to the CHILLINgton Hall of the Giffords, suspect with the Chillingham of Keturah-suspect Hebrons (Keevers/Geifer colors), the one's with the "Keep" motto term suspect with Gifford-suspect Keevers/Keifers/Geifers. The Keefe's, by the way, are using the same lion as Morgans for a trace to mythical Morgan le Fay (a witch, like mythical Medea) suspect as Melusine of Avalon. The previous symbol of Masseys/Massa's was the boot (same as Dutch Veys), symbol of Avalon / Rothesay. The Chills/Childs were traced to the first Merovingian, and these Franks were without question from mythical Merops of Kos, off the Miletus coast. Merops was the father of Pandareus and therefore grandfather of Aedon. It's a great way, suddenly, to trace Childeric to the Panaro river, and Chills/Childs / Hebrons share the white chevron with Penders who in turn are serious Fanano suspects.
We now go back to "another" mythical Merops, and he's now the ancient king of Ethiopia, whose wife mated with Helios of Rhodes (near Kos), the one who drives a chariot in the sky, just like Medea. Helios' sister, Selene (moon goddess), was at the Ephesus theater, and she traces with her lover (Endymion the sleeper) to the sleeping moon of Roets, first found in the same place (Thuringia) as Basina, Childeric's wife. Merops was obviously code for the Merowe/Meroe location now in Sudan, which Wikipedia claims to have been named, Bedewe, and that was traced to "Padova" Venetio, where Merovingians traced themselves. But Venetio is suspect with Lake Van and therefore traceable to Fanano. We now have proto-Merovingians tracing hard to Fanano, and suspect with the Mitanni line of Yuya there. Yuya lived at Chemmis / Kemmis, down south by the way of Merops of Ethiopia.
One can trace Trents to Trento, at the Adige river suspect with Eggs/Edge's and therefore with Og liners, and it flows down to Padova. That latter term, with "Bedewe," is highly suspect with the Batavi, who lived with/beside the Salian Franks, the proto-Merovingians. But then the Bedolete entity of Panico's can apply to Bedewe liners, who are suspect with mythical BediVERE. Note that Beddels/Beadle's use the colors and format of Chills/Childs. These surnames are in Tatton colors, and the latter are traced to a Tatton member in KenWORTHY. It's the ShuttleWORTHs who share the weaver's shuttle with Hebron-related Keeps.
To this we might point out that the gold bees found in Childeric's grave may have been symbol for Merops (said by some to mean "bee eater" but I take that definition lightly), or for the Boii of Bologna...from PANnonia, feasibly from Pandareus, son of Merops. Boii o Boii, compare "PANNONia" with "Fanano."
Although I have not clinched the link, Childeric became suspect with Cilnius Maecenas for good reasons having to so with Tarents/Tarans, suspect with the Taran/Tarun area of Lake Van, where Fanano traces. Moreover, Trents, using the Arms of Sion in colors reversed, important because the Fanano area traced hard to Sion/Sitten, were first found in Somerset, where English Roets were first found, and where Giffords lived, and where some family of William Perceval (Yvery) lived, home of Leavells, suspect with Laevillus, husband of Quadratilla of Cilicia, suspect at Keever- and "quiver-like Qewe. The dominoes are falling down. It's the Bowmans/Boymans that use the quiver, and their "arcu" motto term fits well with Modane on the Arc river.
As Cilnius Maecenas is still suspect with the family that named the first Maccabees, let's repeat that the Jonathan/Jonas surname, suspect with Jonathan Maccabee, of the first Maccabee family, once showed the rooster design in the Gifford Crest. Jonathans now use the rooster design of MacAbee-related Blue's, suspect with Blois' liners on the Arc. Later, I'll get to the Du-Lys suspect Dulys, linking them to Angus suspects (the Annas-suspect Enys'), and so let's mention here that PANDERs were first found in Angus. Moreover, PENDRagon has always been viewed (by me) as Merovingians in Britain, but we just saw why he should traced from PANDAReus (son of Merops), a thing I don't think I've noticed before. Apparently, Pandareus was named after an entity that named the Panaro river, which jibes with the Italy-suspect son (Itylus) of Aedon.
In fact, Itylus may be of the Tilla entity that named Quadratilla. The black wyvern of Tills was linked to the Bogan wyvern, and Bogens (bow) can be suspect with Bowmans. To help trace Tills to Aedon's son, the wyvern is a Drake symbol while Drake's link to Autun-suspect Dreux's. Let's not forget the Aitons/Artems (same place as Aide's) that can trace to Amyntes' son, Artemidoros. The Aide's just became suspect as a branch of Heids, who share the arrow (colors reversed) with German Tills! Heid liners were just linked (shortly above) to various Fanano suspects.
Bowmans/Boymans are suspect as Boii of Bologna (thought by some to have named Bavaria), and they share the Quint chevron. It just so happens that Leavells are using the nebuly bars (different colors) of Casons/Casseli's for a Leavell trace to Modena / Fanano. The Leavells of Roxburghshire, where Weirs were first found, are likely sharing the piles of Cowes'/Koo's, now suspect along with Giffords with Qewe. Quadratilla descended from Amyntes, suspect in the helmets of Pandars (Fanano fesse in colors reversed).
Next, we want to go to the Below surname, sharing a fretty Shield with Ceva-suspect Caves', and with Modens/Modeys. This needs to recall the potential trace of Baal-suspect Bellamys (Garveys / Harvey = Gareb kin and therefore Og kin) to the Cassius/Casano fesse. Belows become a topic as per the "two green trefoils above and a lizard below." Usually, "base" is used for the bottom of the Shield, or, actually, nothing is used to denote a symbol at the bottom of a Shield so that when "base" and "below" are used, it strikes me as code. The Below motto, using "Tout," is translated with an "above" term. No Above surname comes up, but the Italian Bove's (bull, Bellamy colors) are also "Boy/Boi/Boet," and thus suspect with the Sadducee house of Boet(h)us. Bove's (Emilia-Romagna) are traced to CORVIAGo Bovini (1079, first Templar era), a name a little like "Corrigan."
Corrigans (Albino / Garry trefoils) are a branch of Organs (lizard) honored in the organ pipes of Letts (Keturah's Letushites), the latter suspect with the annulets of arrow-using Tills. You now know that Garrys/O'Hare's (lizard) are Lett lovers, and Albino kin. Lizards are likely code for Lizarts/Lazards (Provence), in Leslie colors, and perhaps sharing the three pale bars of English Babels (gate), and, as per Melusine of German Babels, are suspect with the same-colored fesse bars of Lusignan. I have not seen the German Babels in years; their design has changed to a two-tailed Melusine, same as Walsers.
The Below Crest is a chalice, suspect with Cilix / Cilicia liners. The CHALICE surname (Albin/Aubin colors) was first found in HERTfordshire, same as Titus' using gyronny that traces to the Garonne river, home of Herod Antipas. Bernice's husband was HEROD of CHALCIS (Syria, beside Cilicia). Berenice was going to marry Titus, probably for a kinship reason. This paragraph is a good reason to trace "Herod" to "ERETria," at another Chalchis location, and beside Boiotia. Chalcidice was related to Chalchis, and Chalcidice was home to Sithones, highly suspect with the naming of Sitten, meaning that Sidicini of Campania can be traced to Chalchis elements. What was Chalchis named after? Cilicia?
Chalice's are said to be from Pas-de-CALAIS, home of Godfrey de Bouillon (Bouillons use a "bello" term). Eschailles is suspect with the snake god, Asclepios, a Lapith, and then Lapps likewise use Melusine. Asclepios was traced to the caduceus symbol of Hermes (mount Sion), having two coiled snakes like the single Asclepios snake. One of the two snakes was code for CADmus, the Cadusii Armenians, and the other snake was for the neighboring Gileki, like "Cilix," brother of Cadmus, and known symbol of Cilicia. Their sister, Europa, was carried away by the Zeus Taurus, likely code for the Taurus mountains at Cilicia. When Cadmus and his Armenian wife, Harmonia, left Greece, the myth writers said they left as proto-Illyrians, as two snakes, but Cadmus, I have read, was changed to a fish at Butua (Illyria), beside Kotor. We are not ninnies anymore; we see Keturah following Cadmus, who himself followed a bull to Boiotia, home of Aedon, and settled there after grappling with a dragon that some say was Ogyges.
Cadmus, Cilix and Europa were children of Phoenix, likely code for Panias, probably the line to Pandareus > Aedon. Pan was made the son of Hermes, we get it.
English Bellows (Scipio liners) are listed with Bello's, using cinquefoils in Bouillon colors. They can link to the Taddei Chief. The "puro" motto term of Bellows/Bello's is suspect with the "pouring" term of the Below chalice: "An arm pouring water from a chalice." The Waters share three red chevrons with Taddei's, who in-turn use the flory cross of Bouillons. Taddei's (Tout colors) can be of the "Tout" motto term of Belows. The Corrigans, who use the "below" term, can be traced to Coronis, mother of Asclepios, and Organs are suspect at Orkney, traced in years gone by to the Orchomenos Boiotians, such a coincidence. The raven-depicted vikings of Orkney and Shetland trace to Coronis, right? And these vikings conquered Rothesay in time to become proto-Rothschilds of the Melusine / Fay kind. They had been suspect as Varangian Rus (like the Ivar variation of Keevers/Eure's), founders of Keever-like Kiev. Rothesay was Avalon, traceable to Setta-suspect Sidicini of Avellino, and so SHETland appears to be another Sidicini liner. The "Scal" motto term in the Arms of Shetland (raven) traces to Asclepios liners in Skala of Patmos. As Sidicini trace to the Teans/Thames, note that they were first found in the same place as puro-like Purys, sharing the same stars as Skala-like Schultz's. Then, let's repeat that the Tean/Thames stars are those of organ-pipe Letts.
Fannie Mae brought Mea's to mind. The Mea/Meigh surname uses "Benigno," suspect with Bengs/Bings/Binks (Chives suspects) that are linked to "Pinc" and "Panico." The "numine" motto term of Mea's/Meighs makes it certain that Bings are in play, because the latter use the Newman lion, in the colors of the Chives "cat-a-mountains". The Chives' were first found in the same place as Staple's and Barnstaple, while Bings are traced to "stables," a thing we cannot trust unless it's code for Stable's. German Stable's are using Zionist stars in the colors of the Pury / Schultz stars. English Stable's are the ones traced in their write-up to Etaples, in Pas-de-Calais, where we just saw Asclepios liners suspect with Schult'z. English Stable's are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Bellows/Bello's, with both using white symbols in their Chiefs, important because Bello-loving Bouillons were in Pas de Calais.
German Stable's share the colors and format of Hollys while Below-beloved Chalice's are also "Choly," which can explain the Cullin-like variations of the Melusine-using Hollys. Hollys were suspect with mythical Holle (said to be from Holstein), but she seems to a facet of Melusine. Holle is very suspect in the Elis Crest (I've seen Elis' using a red Melusine), and Bellows are honored by eel-using Skiptons. In this picture, heraldic holly can trace to Agrippa's at Chalchis. The Skiptons are very important now that Modena's secret has been popped. The line of general Scipio with Massena is to be expected in Modena, and I wish to find it. Finding the Bellows of Modena would be of help. The eel is suspect with Craven-suspect Ealys, first found in the same place as Capone's, June's and Julians.
I've just learned that Chalice's are also "Jellis / Gelis," reminding of the Jills/Jells/Gells (Yorkshire, same as Elis' and Skiptons) with a bend like that of Varangian-suspect Varns. The Varni were in Pomerania, home of Agrippa-suspect Griffins, and moreover the Gripps/Grabbers/Cravers (have a variation like the Skipton-related Cravens) use the Varn / Jill/Gell bend too! That is quite the fat "coincidence" plopping down upon us after Chalice's were already suspect with Agrippa's. In fact, consider this part of the discussion a done deal. The Yells of Shetland can apply to Varangian liners and to Jells, and so note the "Numine" motto term of Yells/Yule's, shared by Rothschild-suspect Bowmans ("Numine et arcu" full motto). "Arcu" is additional evidence that bow-suspect Bauers / Bowers trace to bow-using Lurch's/Larchers and related Archers.
The Elis (Yell/Jell colors) variations actually make the family look like Lys'/Lise's, and so let's mention the Lys river of Pas-de-Calais. In this picture, the namers of Calais / Eschailles were the Jellis > Jells at one point, and morphed further to "Elis," but that doesn't necessarily trace "Elis" to "Lys/Lise," especially as I trace Lys' confidently to Lissus, and all the way back to Laish. But the Elis cross is black, like that of Mathis' and Chives' from the Lissus theater, and so I'm in favor of an Elis merger with the Lys family, but not for making Elis' a branch of Lys'. The white Elis crescents are in the colors of the Mott/Mottin crescent, and Elis' may be of the Alpin-related Alis' that trace to Albino's. The other surname using the eel are Foys (traced earlier Savage's / Savignano) who are in-turn suspect with white-crescent Chapmans. The Lacys share the six-pellet theme of English Foys, and Lacys share the rare, purple Skipton lion. Purple is NOT an official heraldic color, meaning that it's reserved for the few. What does it mean?
Earlier in this update, Foys linked well to Julius Caesar and the Junia Caepio's. The Choly variation (of Chalice's) is bringing the Julian branch of Gullys/Gollys to mind, linkable to the Holly/Cullin surname, but the problem is that "Chalice" (and similar other variations) doesn't seem to be a Julius variation. It's tracing better to "Chalchis." However, the Chalice Coat looks linkable to the Orleans Coat while that surname traces very well to Aurelia Cotta, a reason to at least link Julians to Chalice's. The torteaux of the Orleans, Orells, and Orrs should link with the tortoise of Chalchis-suspect Chaucers to Junia Caepionis Tertia. It's making her seem like a daughter of Julius Caesar.
Plancius Magna May Be the Next American President
I can now trace Pas-de-Calais to Proculus, son of Quadratilla and Laevillus. Proculus became suspect with the portcullis gate of Porters, whose Pawter variation, and colors, betray their linkage to Potters. The latter are using the cinquefoils of Lumbers, suspect with a Lumbres location in Pas-de-Calais. This is important because we just saw Calais tracing to the namers of Cilicia, and in that discussion we bumped into the Purys, suspect with the "pouring" water from the Cilicia-suspect Chalice surname. The Purys happen to use white stars on a fesse in colors reversed to the stars on a fesse of Lumbers. Although Lumbers use black stars, their red lion in Crest holds a white one. And the Lumber Coat (NorthUMBERland) looks like the Umber/Humber Coat, albeit the latter uses fesse bars in the colors of the Pury fesse. Therefore, the Lumbres location is suspect, not only as a merger with Chalice's, but as a line from Umbrius Primus.
The problem is, the Lumbers are listed as "Lamb/Lambe/Lam" and nothing else. But that only helps to draw the Ambers/Lamberts in with the Umbers/Humbers. As Lumbers/Lambs use "A lion holding between the paws a star," they are going to be linked to Comerfords / Cumberfords because they both use the peacock, symbol of two Paws surnames. German Paws/Pauers (Bauers?) look like Powers (Devon, familiar place in this update), who not only smack of "Pury." but use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Palins/PAWleys that in-turn us the same stars as Purys. Powers are said to be from Pois/Poix of Picardy, on the south side of Pas-de-Calais. Lamberts were Mieszko's, and as Peacocks are a Pollock branch, and as Pollocks are now tracing to Ragusa, also called, Laus, let's repeat that Palins trace to Palinurus, beside a Laus location of southern Italy (see end of June, start of July).
For the first time ever, earlier in this update, I came across a "between" term in a description that struck me as code for Twains, but I didn't look them up until seeing the "between" in the Lumber/Lamb write-up this minute. And Twains/Tweens were not only first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Potters and Porters, but they use the same-colored fesse as Purys. It's not surprising that Twains use only two estoiles, because they show a Twinn variation, meaning that a few Coats may be using only two symbols due to merger with this Twain line, even as there are many Coats with two fesse bars "gemel" because that term is said to mean, twin. But gemel liners are suspect with the Cammell entity of Campbellfords.
One surname using two fesse bars are the peacock-using Manners/Maness', and the Purys were discovered years ago from their "Pour y" motto phrase...which is probably why Purys came to mind with the "pouring" term of Belows. Manners/Maness' were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Lumbers/Lambs, and the latter use a fesse in colors reversed from the Twain/Twinn fesse. It's therefore notable that Lamberts share two chevrons with related Sewards (Northumberland) and Sweets.
While Belows use "Tout," the Lumber/Lamb motto uses "VirTUTE" and "fide," the latter term making the Lumber fesse suspect with the same colored one of Fanano. Mieszko II Lambert married Richeza (Lorraine), whom I traced to Rijeka, which uses a double-headed eagle pouring water from a jug, though I don't know that they call it a jug officially. Still, it just so happens that while Belows use the chalice pouring water, the German Belows use a black, double-headed eagle! Bingo. It means that it's correct to trace Lumbers/Lambs to Mieszko Lambert, and correct to trace Richeza to Rijeka/Rika.
One can now show that it's correct to trace Richeza and Rijeka to the Rex's/Ricks, for they use a Coat like that of Ealys while there are three bellow fans (not called fans but Fanano-interesting just the same) in the Coat of Skiptons that use the eel as code for Ealys. But as the eel is used also by the Foys with the giant red crescent, note that German Lamberts use a giant crescent in colors reversed. It's the Luna crescent without doubt, and it links to the Chapmans for some Caiaphas-line reason. Ask the Foys and Chappes of Ile-de-France.
One might now ask whether the Foix variation of some Foys is a version of "Poix." Yes, I think it is, because there is a Foix region near the source of the Garonne river while the Arms of Gironde (Garonne river) share the same-colored gyronny as Picards, while "Poix" is said to be from the namers of PICardy. There we have a link between Foix of Languedoc and Picardy. The Lambert ducks can link to the same of Herls, a branch of Herods/Hurls/Heraults suspect from Herault, not far from Foix. I used to claim often that the French Bez/Bes star are from the Mieszko's (the stars are in the colors of the Lambert stars), and here I can point our Beziers at Herault. Mieszko I named one son, BEZprym. Was that BezPRIMUS? We should ask the Faun star.
It just so happens that Scottish Porters/PAWters use bells (Below / Bellow code, right?) in the colors of the Potter / Lumber cinquefoils, and were first found in Kyle, while Kyle's use candles (in colors reversed) suspect with Foix-Candale, ruled by the house of John of Gaunt. He gets us right back to the Fanano / gonfanon line, which included the Wells, who had a station in Bec, and then Becs are listed with the Languedoc Bez's/Bes' above. If the latter are using the Faun/Vaunce star, we really do need to talk to the Vance's listed with Well-related Vallibus'. Was that ValliBES? I'm sure that if we shake the feathers of the Faun/Vaunce eagle, it'll tell us whether it's the Piast eagle. As Vance's are "Vaux" too, ask Fauns if their colors are in the Baux/Baut ram, first found in the same place as Bellow-loving Bouillons (Piast-eagle colors). If we were looking for a Foy link to Fanano elements, see the Foynes variation of Fauns. The Phones variation jibes with the Phone variation of Fane's/Vane's/VEYnes'. I had wondered whether Twains were Wayne / Veyne liners of the Dwayne kind, but they're not talking at the moment, except to say that they use the round-tailed Dean lion, and Deans are not a Fanano branch.
By the way, where we read of "Radulphus the porter" in the Porter write-up, that may be an assumption taken from an historical record that may have meant, not that he was a porter, but that he had a Porter surname.
As the Lapiths are all over the dragon cult, and were even married by Junia Caepionis Secunda, it behooves us to keep Dia, Ixion's wife, in mind. Why was she given that name? What did it represent? What did it evolve into? As Ixion was given a second wife, Nephele, Dia may have been some aspect of queen NEFERtiti, Akhenaten's wife. He was a Tiye liner. I know that the Atun god of that family traces to Autun because it's beside NEVERS. As I trace Yuya to Og, and Og to the Oxford ox, is it a coincidence that Dwayne's/Devine's/DeVANs = Deans are said to derive in "an ox" or "a stag"? Isn't that code?
We want to know whether Bezprym was an Umbrius Primus liner. It recalls my trace of Visconti's and Guiscards/Wisharts to Mieszko's, and so let's first repeat that mythical Siemowit, a portrait of the Sicilian Guiscards with an unexpected mechanical pulley, and Kenneth MacAlpin all have fretty on their clothing, symbol of Belows that use a "haut" motto term suspect with the Hauteville > Guiscard line. Ottone's, suspect with Ottone Visconti, were first found in UMBRIA. Pulleys share red scallops with Burgens (Devon), important for a reason to follow.
Why do Mieszko-related Belows use a "d'en haut" motto phrase? It looks like we should ask the Deans, or the Diens/Dives with the Masci wing. Deans go to Dee's/Die's suspect with Thigh's/Tie's and queen Tiye, and the thigh is a code in the Primus description. And Bezprym's brother, BOLEslaw (yum yum), might even be the Polish version of "Below." Did the Bole's (Lincolnshire) call their cups, chalices, at one time? It's the Belows that use the chalice, after all. The Bole cups are the cups of Pilotte's (Lincolnshire), right? Ask the Humber river in Lincolnshire. It might answer, Umbrius Primus. And then Pilote's (one 't') were first found in the same place as Primo's. The boars in the Bole cups are "emerging," and den while that term was thought to be of the Mergen variation of Morgans, I've just found Mergins listed with Bergins, and den they share the Dee-Coat and Dee-Crest lions (both pairs gold), used also in the Dean Coat and Crest. What a denincidence.
Irish Deans use the same gold lion in Crest, and so the gold wings in the Coat are now suspect with the gold wing of French Gobels, which was once the Masci-wing design, and that traces Deans to Goplo, home of Siemowit, origin of Mieszko's from a mouse tower (in Goplo). As SiemoMYSL was made the grandson of Siemowit, we go to the only heraldic mouse I know of, in the MISL surname, and, what do you know, there is a gold lion there too, in both Coat and Crest. We have made some new strides here with a Dean trace to Mieszko's, and I think this beast goes back to Teano, for Apollo (into Avellino) had a mouse cult called, SMINtheus, suspect with some Siemen / Simon deity.
German Bole's use COMPASSes, what could be code for COMPSA, where Umbrius Primus was from. The Sidicini could have been there, and the lion of German Bole's is that also of the Side's and Sutys, apparently. That works. The compass needle is pointing sud with the Suddy variation, and it's bringing us to SUTHERland, home of Mackays. Ask the Fauns whether they can help with the Suther Crest. Get Aid for the Suther Coat.
I can link the French Simons to Mieszko's, and to Boleslaw in particular, but you need to keep in mind that the mouse was a Massey liner from Maccabees, whose line from Simon Maccabee went through Bulus-named Maccabees to Tigranes and beyond to Bergin-suspect Perga in Pamphylia. "Mergin" may even explain the Margy variation of Mackeys. I traced PAMphylians to BAMberg, not to mention Banner-suspect Baumgartners. Bamberg was home of Poppo, the first German Babenberg on record, and Pepin of Landen (same place as Belgian Bole's) traced to queen Bebba of the Scottish Bebbanburgs at Bamburgh castle, Scotland. And den the first character in the Goplo mouse tower was mythical Popiel. He was beat up by Piast the Wheelwright, and then the Wheelwrights are sharing the six-sectioned Shield with English Simons. Swedish Bergens use a giant wheel, but we haven't seen the last of Bergens.
The water-using Belows are traced to a Bella water theme, but that may be a guess, for the Waters share the triple chevrons of Babenbergs. Waters are suspect with all-seeing-eye Watts and Vatts/Watters, and SiemoWIT has been pegged with all-seeing-eye WITkowo. As Bergens are being questioned as per their trace to Perga, they are really up the wall at this point. The Planks (Austria, same as Babenbergs) are saying that they use another gold lion in both Coat and Crest, and the Coat lion is in both colors of the Bez/Bes lions, which makes the investigator think that Plancia Magna, from Perga, could be behind this. When we go to the English Planks, the French-Simon lion pipes up and confesses, "yes, we're the same." The Dutch Bergens/Burgs were once showing three red chevrons, the Babenberg symbol. This convinces me that Bergs are Perga liners, zowie, I needed that jolt (call it a booster). Perga, which starts with the same letter as puke, now becomes highly-important in Masonry, and its all over the faces of the chief players.
John de Burgo of Comyn is turning beet red. Are the Josephs from Perga? Ask the Comyn garbs in the Joseph Chief, or the Burgh chevrons in the Joseph Coat. It's confessing that Joseph Caiaphas is from Plancia Magna. Ask the "mago" motto term of Josephs whether it applies to Plancia? Plancia was a Iotapa liner, a term like "Joseph." Iotapa married the line of Simon Maccabee, the Seleucid-Maccabee line, that is, and Mieszko I is suspect from Seleucids of Sulcis. The Joseph martlets may be in use in the Plock/Plucketts/Plucknett Coat (there's a Plock location in Poland), and in the Crest there is a white tower, symbol of PLUNKetts. Pollocks are suspect here, for the Plunketts are said to be from a Plouquenet location in the Vilaine part of Brittany, location of Dol. It can link to the Astikas' of Vilnius. If Plunketts are from Plancia, we'd like to know why a white-on-black bend is in use?
We now go to the "wheat stalks" of Belgian Bole's (Bellamy Shield?), and note that Wessels use "wheat garbs" in the colors of the Comyns / Joseph garbs, as well as swans, the symbol of French Josephs. The buffalo horn of German Wessels links well to the Pohl buffalo used as a bull by Mieske's, and then French Pole's (Picardy) should be using the Bole / Plank lion. It's gold and upright, like the lion of Mathie's/MAGHANs suspect now with "MAGNa." The lions of Whistle's/Wissels are colors reversed from the same-positioned ones of Maghens/Mathuna's. The Plank-Crest lion: "The lion from the arms between two horns perfesse COUNTERchanged ..." Horns, the Wessel symbol, beside the Wessel antler, symbol of Conte's/COUNTERs...from John de Burgo of Conteville, right?
Conte's may be from the Conza name for Compsa, especially as Cons'/Conns and related Conys are in Comp/Camp colors. Cons' and Conys are in Meschin colors and format while the first Meschin was a Conteville. Suddenly, the Sinclair-beloved, Conan-related, and Perga-suspect Conteville's are tracing to Compsa, and so compare the Conte and Lafin/La Font lions with those of Sidicini-suspect Side's and Sutys, a good way to trace Suty-related Seatons to Sidicini. Lafins are traced to Avis's by way of the Kennedy motto, and Avis use the Comyn garbs. Kennedys are about to trace to Plancia Magna by wway of PlantaGENETs.
Belgian Bole's share the same star as Bezprym-suspect Bez's/Bes', and the latter have variations that I link to Spanish Baez's/Pelaiz's, using half the Pollock saltire, important because the Pollock and Bole boars are both pierced by arrows, a theme that seems to be in play in the Margy/Mackey Coat too. The Beaz's/Pelaiz's use checks half in the colors of the Pepoli checks, and because the French Simons, first found in the same place (Lorraine) as the wife of Mieszko II Lambert, use a "PLAISir" motto term, we can be quite sure that Popiel was code for Pepoli's (Bologna) and Popoli's (Naples). The "C'est" motto term of French Simons traces well to Bars of Este on the Moselle river of Lorraine, the apparent origin of the Goplo mouse. The Bars use stars on a fesse very linkable to the same of Lumbers/Lambs, and the Bar eagle is that of Fauns who told us that it's the Piast eagle too, used in the Lorraine bend.
This Moselle (Little Meuse) was the origin of Ida of Metz, wife of Pepin of Landen. The "mon" motto term of the same Simons looks like code for whatever named HasMONeans, adding weight to a Simon trace to Simon Hasmonean, in Modi'in, suspect with Modens that share fretty with Boleslaw-suspect Belows. German Bergens use the crescents of Motts/Mottins and Alexanders, take your pick, both Maccabee liners. By now, you should be hearing organ pipes whistling to the tune of, "Hitler was a jerk."
As no Stalk surname comes up, it looks like the wheat stalks are code for the Stocks that share the lion, albeit it with two tails, of French Simons. The Stocks were regarded as the Astikas' of Lithuania, who merged with items in the Traby location in Poland, and moreover the Poles were making other alliances with Lithuanians, wolf liners. The Traby/Sadowski scarf was traced with the Scarf wolf heads to the wolf heads of Quade's and Mackays, but this trace wasn't realized until years after tracing Mackays to Mieszko's. The Quade's are still suspect with Aide's, now identified with Hitler-suspect Heids sharing the arrow with Margys/Mackeys.
The illegal German Stocks, I've only just realized like one stumbling over it, are using a colors-reversed version of the Dutch Bergen fesse with saltires. This clinches the Poles with Bergens. The Stock beetles get us back to the Bedolete entity of Panico's, but we should add that Beatle's share the lozengy colors of Vance's/Vaux's, kin of two-tailed lion Wells and Montforts, who trace to Fanano without question, and so see the Stake's/Stacks too, using what should be someone's Montfort lion, perhaps that of the Marano's/Mauritano's, highly suspect with the Morte variation of Motts.
The Astikas' were traced to the modern Astakos location near the Akheloos river of Greece, home of the Taphians. The Taffys, using the Mieske arm in Crest, use the Fessy and Mea cross especially because they use a "signi and a "mea" motto term. Taffys were first found in the same place (Louth, Ireland) as Plunketts. I'm keeping an eye out for Plunkett linkage to Fulbert "the Saxon." It just so happens that Plunketts are from Vilaine, suspect with Vilnius, Lithuanian home of Astikas'. All those gold lions that came up with Mieszko liners, including the Plunks, are shared by Hagels whom I trace to "Akheloos." It's notable that while I am viewing Fulbert the Saxon with Fulbert "the tanner," the Vilains use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners. The two colors there are Plunkett colors too.
It just so happens that while the Sire's were traced without question to the Astikas', or at least to the Arms of Vilnius, they share the white tower with Plocks/Plocknetts and Plunketts. The Sire's are the ones with a Siron variation suspect with mythical Sirens, known to have been on the Akheloos. The Sirens were portrayed as pirates no doubt due to the Taphian pirates, and Daphne is suspect here, along with her fish tail, that of a dolphin, which traces to the dolphin of Dauphine, part of Burgundy, where Sire's/Sirons were first found. It's also where Primo's were first found who share the mirror with Sire's/Sirons, and this makes Melusine suspect with Daphne and Sirons, and in fact I saw her called a Siron, but in only one description, the surname of which I cannot recall. Burgundy is itself suspect with Perga and therefore with Plancia. As she was married to Tertullus, her line traces to Anjou i.e. where Melusine and her mirror traces. As Elis' use Melusine, it's important that the Taphians lived in Aetolia, which was closely associated in its roots with Elis across the sea at the Ladon river, where Daphne lived i.e. where a branch of Taphians lived.
To trace the same Melusine to Miletus, we appeal to mythical Endymion at Latmus (near Miletus), for his roots are said to have been in Elis (he was made the father of Aetolus, and was likely a Pisidian i.e. of sea-faring Poseidon in Attaleia/Antalya). Plus, Daphne's Ladon river was a Lydian entity suspect with LATmus. And Lada was the goddess of Lithuanians, making Ladds/Ladons (Elis colors) and Leaders suspect with the Astikas' of Vilnius. We can now be more sure that Melusine traces to Melita, beside Ragusa, which may mean that Taphian pirates were there. Safe to say, the mythical fish was code for sea-faring peoples. The wavy Ladd/Ladon fesse may be a subtle code for sea farers. Ladon was a dragon that can explain Melusine's original tail.
Her Lusatian and Lusignan elements were likely from the Lasonii, and from the Lazi of Lazona (Colchis). Lusatia plays very well to Miletus where myth writers gave it to Sarpedon (of Tyrian / Colchian Crete), for he was traced (by me) to Sorbs, who live still in Lusatia. And Serbs, from Sorbs, lived at Melita, we may assume. SarpEDON was actually suspect with an Eden entity, and so note that Edens share black scallops with Ladds/Ladons. Scallops trace to Scylla, which was given the same theme as Sirens, killers of sea-farers. Edens and Eatons are suspect at Etna, near Scylla, all in Messina, important because the Amazons were at Pisa of Elis and cannot be distinguished from the Ladon dragon. The Pelops Lydians married the Pisa Amazons, according to myth writers, and that was the Ladon dragon. The Ladds/Ladons look to be using a version of the Meschin Coat. And this thing went to the Mieszko's.
When it went to Avalon with Apollo liners, it brought his nine Muses along as the nine witches of Avalon, and Muses were kin to Sirens because all were depicted as women, the Amazon symbol, and the Sirens, like the Muses, were musical. Sirens killed their victims with music / singing, but not because they were lousy singers. When it went to Anjou with the Tertullus-Plancia line, it went to Plantagenets, who lived at Planques as Plante's/Planquette's. Their PlantaGENET variation seems to have been a merger with Ghent / Kennedy liners of some sort. Kennedys (dolphin = Daphne suspects) are related to Tippers (dolphins = Daphne suspects), but then both Ghents and Tipps'/Tippins use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Vilains, each having gold symbols in their respective Chiefs. This seems important where Plunketts are said to be from a Planquette-like location in Vilaine. Of no probable coincidence, the Plankett tower is said to be, not in its Chief, but at the "top," and then Topps use the GAUNTlet as code for Ghent liners, but the hand in the canton is clenched, said to be "clasped," like a fist, important because Plunketts use a FESTina" motto term, which I assume is for Fist/Faust/Fauss liners.
The "lente" motto term of Plunketts must be for Lents/Lentons using, not just dolphins, but sharing a white bend with Plunketts. Lintons (Tyne river) happen to use the Piast eagle, I assume, and Fasts are listed with WithiPools/Pole's (Shropshire, same place as Tyne's, the Dol Alans, and Fulbert "the Saxon") using a version of the Piast-eagle-bend of Lorraine's. This adds weight to the trace of Plancia Magna to the Pole's. Moreover, it just so happens that Plantagenets share three lions in pale with Magna-suspect Maghens/Mathuna's. Plus, the Ploughs were looked up as per the PlouQUENET (like "genet") location of Plunketts, and that got nearly the stag design of Plants/Plantagenets (London, beside the Lents of Buckingham).
As Plouquenet is in the same place as the Alans of Dol, see the following statement from the last two updates: "Plough-suspect Bloughs/BLOORs, like the Vlore version of Aulon..." Aulon was Avlona and thus traceable to Avellino. Are we now tracing Plancius Magna, or at least the Plancius family, to Avellino? Are Tyne's from Teano? Is this the proto-Sadducees in the family of Plancia Magna? If I had my facts straight in the last update (I sometimes mess things like this), Plancia was a daughter of Julia, a daughter of Opgalli and Tigranes Maccabee.
Houseofnames has changed the Blank write-up. The surname was previously first found in SHETland, suspect with Sidicini, but the write-up is now tracing to Northamptonshire and a princess Blanche. German Planks are also Blanks. English Blanks use the Leicester / Hamilton / Bus cinquefoil. Italian Blancs (Guerra bendy?) were first found in Bologna, but it's hard to know whether any of these were White liners versus Plancia liners. French Blanks/Blancs are said to be of the house of Blois, and had a branch in Silesia, where Sitlers were from that use a trefoil in the colors of the Blank cinquefoil!!! We are thus able to trace Blanks to the Setta valley of Bologna!
The Bianco bendy is nearly that of Murtons/Mertons/Myrtons (Devon, same as Albins/Aubins), in Aubin-of-Brittany colors. And being in Fanano colors, Murtons could be a branch of Marano's/Mauritano's, in the colors of the Blank cinquefoil. Spanish Marano's share the white tower with Plunkett, Plocks/Plugnetts and Valentinian-related Sirons. Spanish Marano's were first found in Navarre while the French Blank write-up traces to Blanches of Navarre!!! How amazing that heraldry births and expands these understandings.
I was once telling readers that Lady Fortune held a blanket, until one day I re-read the description to find that she was holding a banner. I was shaking me head wondering whether I had made a mistake initially. But, no, it was no mistake, for French Blanks are also "Blanquet," and they are tracing to the Banner-related Panaro river! The English fiends knew of this trace to Italians but told the world nothing. They want you to think that the English evolved from Neanderthals of the Cambrian strata.
Sire's are kin of Squire's sharing the red squirrel with Decks/Daggers, and then French Blanks use a "tache" motto term. The "sans" motto term of the same Blanks is for Spanish SANS' (Seneschal colors) that I've traced in years past to Seneca's/SENESchals!!! Amazing "coincidence." Sans' share the spread eagle of Spinks, first found in the same place as Blanche of the English Blanks! The Sans' were the reason that Seneca's were linked to Spinks. Therefore, it looks like the line of Plancius Magna linked to the line of Senecio Albinus, explaining why Plancia suspects are right-now tracing to Modena, where Albino's were first found! Clinch clinch clinch.
And speaking of the Siren pirates, the Spinks were linked to the Janszoon pirates, and to the Popeye spinach symbol. Popeye was a sailor man, right? And Olive Oyle (Popeye's girlfriend) is suspect with the Oyle's (Blois suspects!), who will come up below! In fact, the moment that I saw the Italian Blancs, I was asking whether they are using a version of the Oyle bendy. The Oyle's are traced to the Arc river along with Blois', location of Modena-suspect Modane! It works. It's now clear that Plancia Magna traces to Joan of Arc in Blois.
I had traced Hillary Clintons (last fall) to the Blanks of Shetland along with Bill's ancestry, and perhaps a Clinton groupie had the write-up changed because I was correct in the details. I faintly recall claiming (years ago) that Hillary was a Blank bloodline related to Russia's president Lenin, himself a Jewish Blank bloodliner. I had noted that over that last decade, the Republicans fronted several Polish-background candidates for President. And here we may have Hillary of the Polish / Silesian Plancia liners. I had traced the Rodham cinquefoil to the Leicester cinquefoil. Plus, it's the Walkers, who served 12 years in the Oval Office since 1988, that use a "magna" motto term. What's going on? Obama is a Massey liner.
Walkers use that white Plunkett / Plocknett tower! I didn't know it until now. I have not loaded Walkers until now. They might just be Walsers. The Walker tower is called an embattlement, but I haven't known about the lizard until now: "Out of a silver battlement, a dexter arm holding a green lizard." I kid you not, that a minute before discovering this description, the Lizarts/Lazards/Lessarts had come to mind while viewing the Walkers. I was planning to re-load the Lizarts to see what else I could glean from them as to particular identity. They happen to share three pale bars with Scottish Walkers, though not in the same colors. The Lizarts use them in Lusignan colors, and they are used in the same colors by Babels/Babwells, making Lizarts almost-certainly Melusine liners out of Lusignan and Lusatia. Jewish Babels show no Coat.
I'm having a hard time remembering why Lizarts came to mind while viewing all three Walker Coats. The Jewish Walkers show no Coat but is suspect with Rothschilds. The German Walkers trace to cloth makers, and I've read that the first Rothschild had a cloth business. There is no direct visible evidence that any Walker Coat links to Walsers aside from this suspected link to Melusine, and the German Babel Coat has even changed to become the same Melusine design as per the Walsers. These two surnames have the only two-tailed Melusines that I know of. It tends to trace Walkers to Montforts, and therefore to the gonfanon line in or through Fanano. Between their pierced stars / mullets, Scottish Walkers use the same crescent as Turtle's/Tuttle's/Toothills, and if this was a king-Tut line, it too is expected in Modena.
There is no Scottish Walker description to discover what they call those stars. If they are mullets, it traces them to Melita (and Miletus), as expected. The German branch calls their crescent a "moon," and it looks like a sleeping moon for a trace to the Taphians at Latmus, smack beside Miletus (Caria). That explains why Walkers share "quam" with Masters who in-turn share a Caria-based motto term with Roets, who are the other ones, along with Caria-suspect Karens/Kerns, that use the sleeping moon. Karens/Kerns even share the two Zionist stars of German walkers, suspect with the Weis/Wise surname of Bavaria, the one suspect with Adam Weishaupt, visible founder of the Bavarian Illuminati. It just so happens that Karens/Kerns were first found in Silesia, home of Sorbs from Sarpedon of Miletus, and an area over-lapping with parts of Lusatia.
Tower-using English Walkers (with "magna" term) call their annulets, "rings." These are suspect with the Walsh annulets, and Walsh's honor the Wiltshire Mortons for a trace to Marano's/Mauritano's and to the Wilt savage suspect with neighboring Savignano. Let's not forget that a tower is used by Murena's/Moratins. One Morton surname uses the goat, the Bush symbol. Bush's and English Walkers were first found in the same place (Yorkshire), along with Wagers sharing the heart with Sauvage's. Savage's use their lion format like the Lacy pellets, and Lacys were of Yorkshire too. Pellets trace with the Ness'/Nests to Pylos, beside Modena-suspect Methoni, and Ness'/Nests share double fesses with German Walkers, though not in the same colors. The Washingtons use the Ness/Nest bars in the same colors, and Wagers are suspect with Wage's/Wadge's (are their wedges piles?) and therefore with the Wace's, part of proto-Washington Gace's. Wage's and Wace's were both first found in Cornwall, a place suspect with Plancius Varus CORNutus Tertullus and her husband, Gaius Julius Cornutus Tertullus.
The last update linked Speers (Spree river, Lusatia), whom have been identified as the Melusine line in Lusatia for years, to the Tertullus line. Spree's are the ones with a motto term as code for the line of Lucius Julius Marinus Caecilius SIMPLEx, husband of a Tertulla. I suppose that the Marinus family can trace to Marano of Modena.
When mentioning the lizards of Corrigans and related Organs and Garrys/Hare's, I neglected to mention the Sullivan lizard, but this is a good place to mention it because Bush's share the black boar with Sullivans. The presidential Bush's were Walkers on one side, but I have been maintaining that Otto Skorzeny (Hitler's bodyguard) was correct when claiming that the first Bush president was born George Herbert Scherff Jr., son of a Nazi. I came to that conclusion because German Walkers use a vertically-split Shield with stemmed rose, two features of Scherfs/Schere's (Caracalla / Kilpatrick-Shera liners), and moreover the Scherf Coat is split in the colors of the same of Walk-like WILkens ("EsTOTE" motto term). The white saltire of Scottish Walkers, and their Chief colors, had been identified tentatively with Kilpatricks, but the latter trace to Panico's at the Setta, suspect now with Blank-related Sitlers. The Skull-and-Bones cult engaged by at least one president Bush has been traced to the Bone surname out of Bononia, location of the Setta.
The stemmed red rose is used also by Coops along with the same fleur of the Panico Chief. Panico's are always to be linked to Guido Guerra III, and then Wilkins share the green wyvern with both Guerra surnames. Guerra's, who were suspect with the bendy of Italian Blancs (Bononia), are to be viewed from Guerin of Provence, and then Lizarts were first found in Provence. But this is not why Lizarts came to mind when viewing the Walker Coats. When tracing the Walkers to Gace's above, the Wilkins were not yet loaded to learn that they are traced to twelve knights in conjunction with a Mr. Hamon (Kent), founder of TEWKESbury, no doubt of the Touque's/Tooks, first found in Kent, and suspect with Teague's having a Gace- / Gage-like Caige variation. Cage's (vertically-split Shield) are suspect with the split-Shield Gate's, and the Walker-suspect Babels/Babwells use a gate in Crest. What does it tell you when Rothschild-based Walkers become the presidents after the first one led the CIA and while Bill Gates had a handle on a global spy system called the Internet?
The Touque's use "Militia mea" in their motto, code for the Miletus > Melita line, right? The link of Wilkins to Hamons explains why Wilkins use "EsTOTE" while Hamons use "tot." Hamons also use "verun," suspect with the Varni that lived at SchWERIN, suspect with Scherfs. I was sure that I saw an Arms of Bologna using blue-and-gold checks, the symbol of Guerin-suspect WARREN, but then was unable to re-find those Arms. Plancia was daughter to Marcus Plancius Varus (Galatia, home of Gauls), a good reason to trace her to Vere's and the Varni. The Varni/Warni were on the Warnow river along with WAGRians suspect with Wagers (Yorkshire, where Caracalla and Gate-suspect Geta were stationed). It means, apparently, that proto-Washingtons were on the Warnow river. It's recalling the Varn-suspect Jells/Gells and the Jellis'/Gelis'/Chalice's honored by "VirTUTE" using Belows. The "pouring" term of Belows got the Purys, and they share the Gage stars, colors reversed from the Hamon stars, and colors reversed also from the stars of "Virtute"-using Lumbers/Lambs. Purys were first found in Vere-infested Oxfordshire (beside Windsor castle and London), who ruled there for long enough to become the area's dictators. It would be hard to believe that the chiefs of Vere's were uninvolved with the Rhodian / Rothschilian Round Table.
As the Walker moon traced to Kerns of Silesia, let's add that one Hones surname is listed with Hains, first found in Silesia, and like the "Honesta" motto term of Walkers. The mouse tower traced to the Moselle river, home of Este liners likewise suspect in "HonESTA." Dutch Bush's/Boschs/Bos' not only share a red lion with the Hones' above, but blue billets with English Hones'. The latter Hones' (double fesse bars) can be reckoned as Besancons and Bassets. As German Bush's/Buschs and Boschs are Saraca liners along with Keons, note that Irish Hones' are listed with Keons. Keons share the Mieske / Taffy arm. The Scherfs/Schere's are figured as Caracalla liners as per their link to Carrick-suspect Shere's = Kilpatrick liners, suspect with Scottish Walkers (double fesse bars).
The "adESTE" motto term of Coops should be of the Walker motto term because both surnames have the stemmed rose. Coops (same place as Quince's) are said to be of the neighborhood of Banbury, and Bamburgs are listed with Banburys (Oxfordshire), such a mousincidence. German Bamburgs are also BAUMbergers, smacking of Perga of Pamphylia together, and then Jewish Baumgartners may be using the Banner fleur for a trace to the Panaro river. The "animo" motto term of Coops may be for the Nummius-Albinus line to Sestola (Panaro theater), but as German Baumgartners (share the oak with Panico's) use a FENCE, it looks like they trace to Fanano elements of the Faun/Vaunce / Vance kind! Fauns are the ones sharing the Este / Bar eagle. Vance's/Vallibus' are the ones sharing the Beatle lozenges for a trace to the Bedolete elements of Panico's, and so let's repeat that Bedfords are likely sharing the Quint lion paw, black, like the Savage lions that trace likely to something in Fanano.
Gardners are Capes and Kaplin liners, and the pale bars of Scottish Walkers are shared exactly by Garlands who are said to use a Kaplin-like "chaplet" (it must be in their black part of the Chief). Chaplets use FIVE (can be a Quince / Quint symol) swans in the colors of the swan once showing for French Josephs. had been some talk that Westcott and Hort were involved in their secret societies. Westcotts can be traced to Vestalis, son of king Cottius, suspect with Wessels and Whistle's/Wissels. As Cottius is suspect from Caesar's mother, note that the August fesse, which was likely of the Caesars (Kent), is used by Westcotts. The Wages were at the Westcott manner (Cornwall), which recalls that I traced the royal Cottians immediately to the Varni. Cottians were suspect with the formation of Goths and/or Jutes and/or Geats, and were also suspect in an alliance with Saxon-like Sequani. The Gaut surname is listed with Cotta's, and the Geat/Gedda surname (Goth-surname colors) was first found in Hamburg, beside the Varni and Angli, and in the Saxon theater.
Hamons have been traced to Amyntes, the conqueror of Derbe that linked in the last update to the Perga of Plancius Magna. The Teague's/Teegers have been traced to Tigranes, Plancia's grandfather. The "OPtem" motto term of Teague's has been identified partly with OPgalli (Plancia's grandmother), and partly for Timms/Time's, first found in Kent along with Amyntes-suspect Mynetts. The Lumber cinquefoils are the ones suspect with Potters for a trace to the portcullis-gate Porters suspect with Proculus, a relative not far removed of Plancia. Still searching for other owners of the white-on-black bend of Plunketts (tower), it's notable that Lumbers/Lambs use a fesse in those colors, and that they were discovered with Mieszko's out of the mouse TOWER. One can expect some heraldic towers to be code for the mouse tower.
The trace of Lizarts to Babels/Babwells recalls that Babenbergs were suspect with mythical Popiel, the first one in the mouse tower. As he was eaten by mice, it sounds mythical. Popiel was suspect with Poppa of Pamphylian-suspect Bamberg, and it therefore seems certain that Plancia of Pamphylia traces to the mouse tower. The Walker lizard is held by an arm coming out of a tower. The Popoli's use a horizontally-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Schwerins, such a varnincidence. The Capone's were first found in the same place as Popoli's, and the English Capone's (stars in colors reversed from the Tean/Thames stars) were first found in CAMbridge, on the Cam river suspect with the "quam" motto term of the Cambridge surname (same place as Walkers, Wagers and Bush's), important because Walkers use "quam magna." Cambridge is beside the Vere-infested area, where Teans/Thames and Purys were first found.
Aha! The Cam surname uses the Babel/Babwell bars! Cams were first found in the same place as Letts, the ones with the organ pipes that gets us to lizard-liner Organs/Horrigans and Corrigans. The Pipe's are Pepins suspect at the mouse tower. Organs are the ones sharing the Sitler trefoil.
The lion design in the Cambridge Crest was the previous design for the Kent surname. The Cantii founders of Kent are suspect with the Candida's, first found in the same place as Popoli's. The Kentsare using the gold-lion-in-both-Coat-and-Crest theme seen earlier in which Planks/Blanks were found. Kents were first found in Perga-suspect Berkshire (beside Oxford), location of Windsor castle, and where Modens were first found. Kents use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cutters, suspect with Saluzzo's from the Busca area of Italy. Cottars use lizards and perhaps a branch of Cottards listed with Julian-suspect Cotta's.
Kents are said to be of Thatcham, and Thatch's are traced in their write-up to Tatta-like Tattersall (Lincolnshire, expect linkage to Umbers/Humbers). Thatch's/Tattersalls (in Teague/Teeger and Touque's colors) use white tigers, what a tigranincidence. The Mindens (looks like the Chalice Coat!) use the tiger, and they are suspect with "AMYNTes."
Thatch's/Tattersams are even in Plunkett colors, and we now expect Plancia to be of lake-Tatta elements. Whatever the Thatch/Tattersal tiger holds is not told. II recall reading that some heraldic tigers come with a mirror. must be distinctly borne in mind that heraldry knows two kinds of tigers--the heraldic tiger (Figs. 322 and 323) and the Bengal tiger (Figs. 324 and 325)......A tigress is said to be occasionally met with, and when so, is sometimes represented with a mirror, in relation to the legend that ascribes to her such personal vanity...At least so say the heraldry books, but I have not yet come across such a case.
Is the Bengal tiger code for Bengs using a lion in the colors of the Thatch tigers? Bengs share the antelope with Derbys, who in turn use a chevron in colors reversed from the Thatch/Tattersall chevron. The "Teubor" motto of Bengs may be related to the "tuemer" motto term of Magna-suspect Maghens. The "sacra" term of Maghens can be for the Sakarya river, home of Amyntes' father (Brogitarus).
The Thatch chevron is in the colors of the Touque chevron, as well as the chevron of Walker-suspect Rings. The latter share black scallops with Ladds/Ladons, perfect for the Walker trace to Endymion's Elis. Teague's use the Julian cross for a suspected trace to Julius Caesar and a Junia Caepio as per the birth of Caiaphas' unknown parents. The Touque's and Cutter griffins are being traced to Agrippa's. Let's recall: "English Dragons/Drayners were first found in the same place (Kent) as Mynetts and share OPEN helmets in the same colors, with Mynetts!!!" The Ring scallops can trace to Lothian with Ladds (version of Mussel Coat?), and to Edinburgh (Lothian) with Edens, and Lothian is the location of Musselburgh, suspect with "Moselle." Ladd liners are suspect from Leto/Latona at Avellino, near Compsa now tracing to Cons/Conns and Conys both using a version of the Mussel Coat.
The Mosels/Mosswells are suspect with Mose's/Moss', and the latter use the Dober / Doberman griffin head coming out of a tower, the mouse tower in all likeliness. The Mose/Moss patee cross is shared by Metz's i.e. on the Moselle river. The Suffolk location of Mosels makes their chevron suspect with the Hamon chevron. As the young Caepio hen is now laying its eggs in the Sestola coop, let's add that Chickens (same place as Mosels), are in Albin/Aubin colors. Chicks (same lions as French Blanks linking to Seneca's) were first found in the same place as Quints. Coops were first found in the same place as to where English Blanks are now being traced.
Due to preoccupation with this large insert on Plancia, the rest of this update will be moved to next week's. I'm out of time in going over the remainder.
Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.
For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics
Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose
On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.
If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.
The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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