Let's go back to the "Cassis" motto term of Armors as it linked well to Cassels sharing the Scottish Kennedy Coat. It was said (by me) that the Cassel Coat "shares fitchees and a red chevron with the Quint Coat. A granddaughter of Quintus Caepio (family tree at bottom of page) married Gaius Cassius Longinus." It can be added that Cassels share fitchees and a red chevron with the Quint Coat. It only begins to make heraldic connections to the Quintus circle of kin.A granddaughter of Quintus Caepio married Gaius Cassius Longinus, while the English Long Coat happens to use the cross of Julians/Gillians in colors reversed, which can be important because a grand-daughter of Quintus Caepio was the daughter of a mistress of Julius caesar. Plus, the Cassel Crest is the dolphin design in the Crest of the Caesar surname. The Long lion is even colors reversed to the Capua lion!
For the record, French Longs are shown as "Longin," and use a cinquefoil only, in Levi colors.
[This section was written before the last update. But near the end of the last update, when Cassels became a topic, I had nothing to say about German Cassels (Bavaria) during the discussion of Rothschilds and Rothchilds. I do now, for the white-on-blue castle of Cassels (looks like it should link to McLeods) can now link to the castle of the Chatto's/Chattans and to the white-on-blue tower of Chatans (one 't") because Jewish Rothchilds (no 's') look like they may be using the roses on a blue-on-white bend shared by Chatans.]
Having said that, a son of that same mistress married a Cato family in one Porcia CATONis, smacking of the Chatto/Chattan / Chatan surnames...and of the Chats! The way I read Wikipedia's article on Cato the Elder, he seems to be the first person to use "Cato," otherwise his ancestors used a Porcia surname. If he received "Cato" as a man, it would have been around 200 BC, just as Sadducees proper were forming in Israel. It is feasible here, but only because it can be expected that Sadducee liners would merge with Caepio's, that proto-Sadducees went to Israel from the family of Cato the Elder, and then tweaked their Cato name to look like "Zadok," and thus claimed to be Zadokites. It's sheer speculation, but not without basis, and it creates a difficulty for me in explaining how "Cato" could link to "Soducena."
Cato kicked off his military career in Capua fresh out of his teens: "In 214 BC he served at Capua, and the historian Wilhelm Drumann imagines that already, at the age of 20, he was a military tribune." This tidbit may be revealing that the family of Quintus Caepio was itself from Capua, and linked to the Cato family there. Couldn't we expect a Caiaphas and Sadducee duo from the two families?
I don't think that Maccabees were sent to the Israeli theater until after about 205 BC (Hasmoneans may have been in Israel by that time). Porcius Cato was operating at this time. "In 198 BC he was made praetor, and obtained Sardinia as his province, with the command of 3,000 infantry and 200 cavalry." Imagine what might happen in regards to 70 AD, when Romans destroyed Jerusalem. If Sadducees were from Cato, might not some Sadducees retreat to Sardinia? Did they become the proto-Visconti's of Sardinia, therefore??? Don't the Visconti kin of Sforza's use the Ferrari lion, and doesn't the Sforza lion hold a "quince" in honor of Caepio-suspect Quince's/Quincys?
Were not the Visconti's merged with Pharisee suspects at Montferrat? Visconti's named Massino-Visconti, a place with a name like king Massena, who I think was instrumental in sending Maccabees to Israel at about 205 BC. The question is, when were Sadducees and Pharisees sent, and where were they from when sent by whom??? Were Pharisees from "Perusia," where Chappes-related Ottone's were first found? It's such a good theory, for multiple reasons, but the "Perugia" version of Perusia can trace well to "Porcia," especially after we find that Porcia's trace well to "Burgs / Bergs / Berks / Percivals." Imagine if it can be proven that Porcia liners named Perugia so as to root both Pharisees and Sadducees in the same man / family / place. Didn't we see heraldic cats related to that of the Chat surname go to BERKshire???
I've said for years (not now for convenience) that Conte's merged with Font de Ville's out of Sardinia to form the Conteville's, and then Conteville's were founded by John de Burgo! Recall the La Font version of the Lafins honored by the Kennedy / Cassel motto's. This is a big deal. Wikipedia even says/said that Cassel / Hesse in Germany was founded by a Chatti peoples. As I trace "Kennedy" to the Heneti founders of the Veneti, and while I trace "Padova" of the Veneti to Batavi(ans), see this: "According to Tacitus, the Batavians of his time [first century AD] were descended from a part of the Chatti, who left their homeland after an internal quarrel drove them out, to take up new lands at the mouth of the Rhine." There is part of the makings of Merovingians. Shouldn't we expect the proto-Chatti in the Padova theater, therefore?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChattiLate in the last update, the Ottone-suspect Cottons (come up as "Catting") were mentioned briefly as a potential Rothschild line. But I have known that Cotts/Cottins/Cottez's share the fretty lattice with Modens/Modeys, important if the latter were from Modena / Modane and therefore part of the Hasmoneans at Modi'in. When starting this paragraph, I had forgotten that Modens/Modeys were first found in Berkshire! The evidence thus builds for a Cato trace to Cottens/Cattings and Cotts/Cottins/Cotez's (first found in the same place as Conte's and Font de Ville's). I suspect that these families trace to mythical Cotys, father of Atti(s), representation of the Hatti of Hattusa, and that they should have named the Cottian Alps, where Guillestre is located, which I found named after Julians/Gillians.
On the other side of the Alps from Guillestre, the Saluzzo location sits to which I trace Cutters (in Cotton colors), important perhaps due to the Cottard / Cotterel variations of Cotts/Cottins. These variation may reveal Keturah liners from mythical Kodros out of Attica, a place suspect from "Attis." While writing up here, I had not yet known of Gauis CAETRONianus, who indeed traces to "Keturah." It makes it a toss-up as to whether Cottons / Cottins trace to him or to Porcius Cato. Regardless of this difficulty, I am tracing Chattans / Chatans / Chatti to "Cato."
The Chatti existed by that name long-enough before the Ottonians that the latter may have been from Cotys / Cottian lines. In other words, Ottone Visconti may have been named after a Cotton bloodline, especially as Cottons and Ottone's share a white-on-blue fesse. It build support for a Visconti trace to Porcia Cato.
There is a Porcia surname using two black boars combattant. The surname was first found in Umbria, close to Arettium, where Cilnius Maecenas lived whose family I suspect at the naming of Maccabees. Immediately, the Porci boars conjured the Eburovices/Ebroicum, co-founders of Porc-like York, thought to be named initially after "boar." There is an Eber surname likewise using an upright black boar. We could be talking Hebrews in the Porcia surname, in other words, who may have been a bona fide line of pagan Levites from the Laevi Gauls. Cato's grandson married a Levi-suspect line in one Livia Drusus, and she married otherwise Quintus Caepio.
Don't Vere's use a boar, and aren't Vere's from Abruzzo? The article on Cato the Elder has his childhood home in the land of the Sabines, which is where Abruzzo is found who I say formed the Eburovices. The blue Caepio lion, as I call the Bruce / Brescia lion, traces to Eburovices. Clan Chattan even includes the MacPHERsons ("mountain cat sejant" in Crest), using a fitchee cross in the colors of Quint and Powys fitchees. Berks are in the same colors and use a "cat-a-mountain sejant."
Sabines were also "Safini" and may therefore trace to Safin/Saven surname (the Falcon / Conte crescents?) that might just have named the Savena river...near the Setta valley! While the Savena may trace to Caucasians from lake SEVAN, I'm expecting "Setta" to trace to Soducena elements from lake Sevan. The possibility is that "Cato" and "Setta" may relate.
Bologna is said to be between the Reno and the Savena. The Reno is marked on my atlas flowing south to north to the west of Bologna, and there is a short unmarked river flowing parallel, and in the same direction, with the Reno, past Pianoro, to the east side of Bologna. I assume that this is the Savena. The Setta is a Reno tributary at this stretch toward Bologna. For certain, the Savena flows through San Lazzaro di Savena, just north of Pianoro. Pianoro may have been named by a branch of Panico's/Panetta's, for they operated on the Setta.
I say Sabines developed into the Suebi Nordics because the latter had Semnones allies / neighbors while Sabines had a Semnite branch. Then: "Pliny the Elder, in his Natural History grouped the Chatti and Suebi together with the Hermunduri and the Cherusci, calling this group the Hermiones...Some commentators believe that Caesar's Suebi were possibly the later Chatti..." With Sabine elements tracing to a Cato-like Chatti peoples, it can suggest that the Chatti were from the same Sabines that Porcius Cato was associated with in his home town.
The Ubii, to become a branch of Franks, were neighbors to the Chatti, and may have been responsible for part of the MaccaBEE name back about 170 BC. It is notable that the MacAbee Coat is in the green and white colors of the Arms of San Lazzaro di Savena, for while the motto of the Newmans honors MacAbee's, the Newmans use the lions of the Raines' who trace to "Rainier" of Montferrat and to the naming of the Reno river. I have discussed how the namers of the Reno (share the lozenges of Panico-related Pinks) also named the Rhine, and it just so happens that the Chatti and Batavians lived on / off the Rhine. Sabines disappeared from Italy very early, early enough to have become the Rhine-river Franks.
Soducena was in Caucasia, and then "To the north of the Chatti, Tacitus places the large area of the Chauci..." Padova traces to Padasus, near Troy, home of Caucones. The Chauci evoke the Chaucers and Chalkers of Kent, and then Chalkers use a swan, important for a trace to lake Sevan.
The Chatan Coat's bend with three roses look link-able to the same of the Jays, and then Chatans were first found in Poitou, where Jays (honored by the jay in the Poitvin Coat) traced in the last update. Moreover, Chattans are said to be related to a Potts surname as well as to a Porcius-suspect Percy surname. Why are Cato lines tracing to Poitou / Poitiers?
It was the Settle write-up where Poitvins are found. Setta-incidence? The Poitvin stars are therefore suspect with the SUTHERland stars, the latter being a surname that can be from the Scoot/Shuter bloodline. Can we imagine Sato/Shat-like forms from "Cato/Chat"? What about the Sheds/Sheddens who may have been the potent-using Scheds? Scottish Sheds/Sheddens (Chattan / Chatan colors) use yet more red fitchees (Quint symbol). English Sheds are the Chad-related Scheds with roses beside their potent cross that are in the colors of the Chatan / Jay / Caesar roses.
It's known that the Rose surname was linked closely to Geddes, suspect with Gaetuli Numidians who had some relationship with Seatons. The Porters are the Poitier-suspect surname using a gate.
I've just found a Catton/Cattan surname ("spotted cat-a-mount" and yet another fitchee), first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Chads and Chats, though Cattons/Cattans also had a home in the same place (Yorkshire) as Sheds/Scheds. The colors of the split Catton/Cattan Shield are used by Gate's too, first found down-river from Yorkshire. The same colors are used in the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Panico's/Pane's. If Pianoro was named by the latter family, then it would appear that, indeed, Chatans could be from the same that named the Setta. As the Catton/Cattan Crest (a Saracen's head) looks like a version of the Chatto/Chattan castle, it is very good reason for tracing Porcius Cato to Bill Gates.
The main river to the west of the Reno, and flowing parallel with it, is the Panaro.
The "Cautes" motto term of Cattons gets the Cotts/Cottins, first found in the same place as French Mountains. English Mountains are the ones using the six Apple / Appleby martlets. The Apollo/Polloni Coat shares an oak with the Panico's/Pane's, and was first found in Firenze, about 30-35 miles from Pianoro or the Setta. The Catton motto includes "lupus," which brings to topic the wolf in the Crest of Arms of San Lazzaro di Savena. It looks like there are pups under the wolf, the symbol of Romulus. Why would the wolf symbol of Rome be in an Arms of a location on the Savena?
Recall the Pullens, who merged with Romneys, for Pullens look like they should hook up to the Polloni variation of Apollo's. It just so happens that Romneys and Pullens are the ones sharing a red scallop with the Savona's/Sabine's! Truly, it very much appears that the surnames under discussion trace to the Savena wolf, and to areas around the Setta. We can now trace the Setta / Savena crew to in and around Rumigny of Picardy. Do you get it? All of those elements that looked like lines from the Israeli priesthoods, in the Picardy / Artois / Hainaut theater, were in fact at the Setta theater.
The Savona Crest even shares the bull design of French Mountains. As the latter were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Rennes-le-Chateau, does it not make sense that "Rennes" should trace to "Reno" while "Chateau" should trace to the stock of Cattons/Cattans? Look to the English Mountain write-up to see very Italian, not Irish, versions of "Mountain." Why Italian? Again, the English Mountains show a gold bend, the color of the Porci/Porcini bend.
The Mountains were first found in a Montiver location of Languedoc. All I can find online is that Montiver is in Roussillon. Let's not forget the possibility, no matter what the word experts say, that "Languedoc" was named after Langhe of Montferrat. The following seems pertinent:
At the time of the expulsion the cemetery was attributed along with the orchard and nearby plots...to the bailiff Pedro Talavera. It would appear that the latter decided to divide the space into parcels as in 1494 a purchase agreement pertaining to a courtyard to be used as a plot states its location in Montiver, in that part of the city in the graveyard where Jews are usually buried.http://www.redjuderias.org/google/google_maps_print/cronologia-ac-en.html
Oye-vey, you don't say, a Jewish burial plot at Montiver? Reminder: Mountains (in Pol colors) use a thin saltire, and Caiaphas-suspect Josephs are honored by the thin bend of Charo's, while both Charo's and Mountains use bulls. Moreover, the thin Mountain saltire is in the gold color of the thin Pollock saltire, and Pollocks have a Jewish branch while also tracing to de-Pols at Foix, smack next to Rennes-le-Chateau.
If MontIVER was named after Ivers, I can tell you off by heart that Ivers use the same Coat, essentially, as Hanans. (the father-in-law of Caiaphas was "Hanan" to the Jews").
That's not all. As Ivers ("NumQUAM" motto term) come up as "Giver," the Givords/Giffords (quam" motto term, used by NUMidian Masters too) apply because they use a "Malo" motto term while the Iver / Hanan Coat is used by Malls/Malbone's too. The Givord motto is that also of English Paine's (lion's paw) while French Paine's/Payne's/PainLEVE's are in the colors of Panico's/Pane's. The ermined lozenges of Givords traces to the same of Caiaphas-suspect Shaws.
The PainCHAUX variation of Paine's may suggest Chaucers, and, if so, Payne Roet of Levi-infested HAINaut appears to be at the head of this surname. In fact, the PainCHAUD variation suggests that Chauds/Chards/Charts, first found in the same place (Somerset) as English Roets. I'll bet that's the Joseph garb in the latter's chevron.
It's now clear to me that Annas and Caiaphas lines were at Montiver. Perhaps with luck by searching "Chateau de Montivers," a MontiVERT (means "green mountain") location was found that could be the Montiver spot in the Mountain write-up. Montivert is online also as "Montiver(s)." It's in the Ardeche part of Languedoc, well north of Rennes-le-Chateau, but, as you can see on the map, it's at the north end of Ardeche, and, according to my atlas, about 20 miles from St. Etienne!
This find tends to clinch the trace of Givords/Giffords to a Givors location some 25 miles north-east of St. Etienne. Wears are said in their write-up to be from the stock of "Giffards," who are the Givords. As the Wears then dropped their Gifford name, we can expect that Givors elements were at the Wear river, and in Durham. The Wear write-up is not telling the truth when saying that Wears are not Weirs / Vere's, for the Durham and Weir/Vere Coats are a match. Note that Wears use the green-on-white colors of the Lyons, for Givors is a just dragon's breath from Lyon.
As the Paine / Givord motto convinces me that these elements ought to be to / from MALahule of More, grandfather of Balso D'EsPAINE, the fact that this line had some men with an Ancitil name makes the Chatillon location found below interesting to that name, for Chatillon will trace indirectly Panico's/Pane's.
English Savona's/Sabine's may be using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners for being at the Tanaro river (Montferrat), but, in any case, they use stars in their chief in the colors of the same of Powers, and of the Pullen-suspect Polesdons/Pulsiphers, the two surnames that co-founded Romulus in Michigan! It works. We are finding a triangle between the Bologna, Picardy and Rennes-le-Chateau areas, but let's not neglect Poitiers, for French Savona's bring up the Savards/Savarys, first found in Poitou.
I trace Wayne's (branch of Arthurs) with the Veynes'/Fane's/Phone's to "Fano," south of Rimini. I tend to view Rimini as from "Remus," the brother of mythical Romulus. I traced Rimini elements to "Rheims" (where Clovis ruled out of), which I now find to be merely 40 miles from Rumigny, a location I haven't known until recently. (The latter location is just outside the border of Aisne, in Ardennes, where there is a CHESne location as well.) The Pullens share a pelican with the Wayne's, and then Romulus in Michigan is in Wayne county (i.e. named after a Wayne surname). The pelican was gleaned as a symbol for PULCipher liners. If I'm not mistaken, the founder of the Mormons was from Wayne county, New York.
I've not been to the Wikipedia article on Rumigny until the proof read of this section, when it was learned that the Arms of Rumigny uses a double tressure in green, the color of the Livingston double tressure! The exclamation mark is for the Powers who can not only trace to Rumigny elements with the Polsedons/Pulsiphers, but who use a version of the Living Chief. The Livingstons are the ones using a "puis" motto term for the Pois/Poix location of the Powers! We are now able to imagine a trace of these Levi-suspect lines to the Savena theater, which is extremely important for the prospect of tracing Sadducees to lake Sevan's Soducena. It is very likely that Sadducees were Levite's, you see, even while being from Caucasians, for Jesus said that the Israeli priests sit in Moses' seat, as if to assure that they were Levites.
The white footless martlets of the Livings, Saddocks, and other Sadducee-suspect lines are used on the bend of the Calen surname. The latter was traced (last update) to "Calenus," the surname married by Gaius Caetronianus. The latter man was suspect, along with Porcius Cato, in the formation of Sadducees. The point here is that the Calen bend is in red-on-gold colors of the bend in the Arms of Rumigny. As was pointed out, it looks like the bend of Lorraine's, but then the latter use green-on-gold lions, the colors of the Rumigny tressure.
If you would like to see the descriptions of Coats and Crests, see (and bookmark) the page below. Type "Albert" in the search box to see the Albert-Crest description: "A savage with a sledge hammer over his shoulder." These Alberts were first found in the same place (Kent) as Romneys, and then the hammer could be code for Maccabee liners in cahoots with the Alberts of Bologna, who trace with Walsers to Sion/Sitten. You will find that the Panico's/Pane's are traced to an Albert. The Albert sledge appears to be a version of the axe symbol shared by Halberts and Walsers. It just so happens that the Livingston Crest shows a savage as well, which tends to link the Alberts to Romneys because Livingstons have just traced to Rumigny.
http://www.free-coat-of-arms.com/This trace of Romneys to Alberts of Bologna is purely new to me now. But then there is the white wolf of Italian Romans that should trace to the identical white wolf of Quillans, and therefore likely to Quillan, beside Rennes-le-Chateau. Again, the wolf at the Savena river is beside the Reno river that should have named Rennes-le-Chateau. That Savena wolf just became suspect with the Pullens, kin of Romneys. It was the apple wolf (Apollo wolf), so to speak, and then the Romneys and Pullens are the ones using the bend and bendlets of the counts of Blois! This must be the blue-apple line.
My first inklings that Maccabees should trace to northern Italy had them named in-part after the Boii of Bologna. It's feasible that Boii of Bologna trace with the Chatti (expected in / around the Setta) to the Ubii on the Rhine river. Bohemians are expected in surnames like, "Bohun," and then the Bone's/Buhuns use the Romney bend and bendlets too! "Bone/Bohun" should trace to "Bononia," the alternative name of Bologna! This paragraph was not conceived / written until moments after the paragraph above was written. Such a surprise. If I recall correctly, the Ubii were opposite the Bonn area of Germany.
The Bonn surname (Oxfordshire) uses a version of the Bone/Bohun Coat, except that the bend is gold on blue, but then these are the colors of the Mountain bend. I identify "Skull and Bones" as code for the Bone and Bonn surnames in cahoots with the Skull surname because Skulls use a bend with six lions in the positioning of the six lions of both Bone's and Bonns. The Skulls (Herefordshire, where Hebron/Hepburn elements trace), suspect from Hebrons Eschol valley, can then be linked to the Lombars (using a version of the Romney / Pullen Coat) because Scottish Lombards share a lozengy Shield with Schole's.
At the Blois link above, you can read: "Blois was associated with Champagne Province, the House of Chatillon (who tended to reside in Blois), the Dukes of Brittany and..." The CHATillon term caught my eye, and behold: "The House of Chatillon was a notable French family, with origins in the 9th century and surviving until 1762. The name comes from a county in Champagne, with its capital in Chatillon-sur-Marne and branches in Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, Blois, Penthievre, Chartres, etc." The Marne river flows through Rheims toward the Rumigny area, and the Saint-Pol character looks like he should have been a Pullen / Apollo/Polloni liner. The French Pol surname (Ferrari lion?) was even first found in Picardy. As Dutch Pols use the Palin lion, it tends to trace Pols to Palin-related Powers at Poix, and then there was a de-Pol family at Foix!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Ch%C3%A2tillonThe Arms of Chatillon, by the way, uses the particular Arms of Blois' counts that looks like a version of the Knight Coat.
We just saw the blue-apple bloodline trace to de-Pols of Foix-Candale. Previously, the blue-apple riddle had pegged the Roets, who married John of Gaunt of Candale. A Chaucer surname (Skull bend?) of Kent (same place as Romneys) married the sister of John's wife, and then the Chauci peoples were seen to be living to the north side of the Chatti, down the Rhine from the Ubii. The Chatillon term just brought the Cattolica location to mind, between Fano and Rimini! I suspected that this place did not go originally by that name, but was altered by Vatican elements to honor Catholicism. Cattolica is at the very tip of Romagna, wherefore Rumigny ought to be from Romagna elements.
In the Chatillon page above, we find that notable members of that location are pope Urban II, and then there is an Urbino location about 20 miles inland from Cattolica.
The Chatti are now suspect from Cattolica. We are making strides here to uncover what's necessary. However, the Chatti have not yet traced to the Setta valley. But there is hope. I don't recall the details, but the Fano entity was traced to Jeffersons, and from their griffin to the Griffin griffins, in the design of the griffin used by English Alberts, first found in the same place as Chaucers and Romneys. We have a glimmer here for a Fano trace to Alberts of Bologna.
Then, the Fano/Fantino surname (Ferrara) brings up a Coat like the Fontana/Fontibus Coat, and Fontana's were first found in Bologna. Spanish Fontana's even use red scallops, which are not only the Romney / Pullen / Lombar symbols, but of the Savena-suspect Savona's/Sabine's. To my amazement, the Fano/Fantino Coat uses a "knight'! If the Arms of Chatillon are using the Knight Coat in colors reversed, then we have super evidence here of a Chatillon trace to "Cattolica." The latter is only about 20 miles from Fano.
The Knights were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Blois', and this place is immediately beside Kent. There in the Knight Crest is a spread eagle, symbol in both the Fano and Fontana Coats. Plus, Knights share three red bars with English Fountains. The latter (Ferrari lion?) are in the colors of Panico's/Pane's and Cattons/Cattans. I think the Knight trace to Fano / Cattolica / Romagna-Romney elements has been virtually clinched already. Fountains (in the colors of French Paine's/Painleve's) were even first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Cattle's/Cattels!
Norfolk is home to green-snake Seagers/Sugars who had traced to Picenum. The latter entity had a northern end at Cattolica. The green snake in the mouth of the Fountain eagle is obviously the Seager snake, but as Seagers/Sugars trace to the Basque god, Sugaar, note that the Spanish Fontana's use "baskets" as border item. The Baskets are traced in their write-up to Basques. The "Vix" motto term of Fountains should be code for Visconti's. Here is from the last update:
Baskets (in Pesci colors), who are traced in their write-up to "Pask/Pascal," were first found in the same place (Dorset) as Palins/PAWleys, and use a chevron in the colors of the Paisley chevron. Pasks/Pasco's use the Palin/Pawley lion...That was in relation to a possible Pesci trace to "Pessac" beside Bordeaux / Candale. I didn't mention then that there is a Pescara location half way down the Italian coast from Cattolica. Beside Pescara there is a Chieti location that may have been named by those who named Cattolica. Pescara and Chieti are in Abruzzo, home also of the Marsi whose Angitia snake cult was traced solidly to the Seager / Sugaar snake (Sugaar was married to Mari). Abruzzo, remember, was home to Porcius Cato.
As Spanish Fontana's (flory cross) use nearly the red-on-gold moline cross of Borgia's/Burgs, first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Font de Ville's and Conte's, it was a no brainer to identify Borgia's/Burgs as the line of John de Burgo to his Conteville entity. We are thus treading upon the green-snake Visconti's, meaning that they too trace to Fano / Fontana elements. As I traced Fontana's and Font de Ville's to a PISCinas location in Sardinia, by what coincidence was a branch of Visconti's in Sardinia?
Earlier in this update, we read that Porcius Cato operated with thousands of military men in Sardinia.
As Spanish Borgia's share a red bull with Savona's/Sabine's, and as "Porcia" is suspect in the makings of "Burg / Berg / Borgia," it could be that Porcius-Cato lines were on the Savena river. It just so happens that French Savona's/Savards/SAVARys can trace to Spain's SAFOR area where pope Borgia resided. I've been on this topic before, including the trace of Borgia's favorite mistress, Vannozza dei CATTENai, but not with the object of tracing Porcius Cato to Sadducees. She was a countess of Gattenai, a branch of Candida. Reminder: Cattle's/Cattels were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Cattons/Cattans/CATTENs.
Candida's use the black-on-gold eagle of Fano's and Fontana's, and were first found in the same place as Italian Romans. Popoli's and Caputi's were also first found in Naples, and then the Roman Coat is split horizontally with the gold color on the top, same as the horizontally-split Shields of Popoli's and Capitano's/CATTANo's (the latter two use the same two colors top and bottom). Cattons/Cattens also have a Shield split horizontally, but the Capitano's/Cattano's/CATTANEI once again use the black-on-gold spread eagle of the Fano's / Fontana's / Candida's. Caepio suspects are thus tracing exactly to Porcia-Cato suspects.
Capitano's/Cattano's are said to be from the southern parts of Emilia, which corresponds to the Bologna area. On my atlas, "Emilia-Romagna" is stamped across the Setta valley. I can be more sure of a Capitano trace to the SEAGRAMnus > Capetian line because, while Charlemagne used a black eagle, the black eagle in the Capitano Crest is in the design of the Hagel-Crest eagle while the Hagel Coat uses the Carol / Poppa/Pappa lion.
English Hagels show the Casey leaves in Crest, as well as a perchevron in the colors of the Cassel chevron, not coincidental because Kennedy's use the Cassel Coat and motto, while Kennedys and Carols were both first found in Tipperary. The "la fin" motto phrase of Cassels is definitely code for the Lafins/La Fonts, thereby tracing CASSELs to the CATTOLica / Fano theater...which is an excellent argument for identifying the Chatti (Germanics) founders of Hesse / Cassel with the namers of Cattolica. The black fitchee crosslet of Cassels is even in use by the Cattons/Cattens.
The above were the Hattusa / Hatti ARMENians, namers of "GERMANia" and the HERMINones Germanics, and so let's not forget the Armors (i.e. Armenian suspects) with a "Cassis" motto term and sharing the squire's helmet with Kennedys. Yes, these Chatti Germanics were Italians first, and Hitler's surname (see "Hiedler") even traced to Cattolica with the Hoods/Hutts. The Griffin griffin is in the ARMENius Coat, along with "plants" looking link-able to both Plant surnames.
It therefore appears that both Caseys and Cassels trace to Cattolica's proto-Chatti. But as Marsi-suspect Marshalls share kinship with the Keith "Catti," it seems that they all trace to the same Chatti elements. It can be then gleaned that the Messalla/Messalina kin of Marshalls trace to Mussolino's, first found in Bologna. One may therefore go back into the ancestry of Valeria Messalina to find the Sadducees from Porcius Cato's ancestry, and, probably, one will find Massena's, founders of Maccabees, in Messalina's ancestry. If the Clauds trace to emperor Claudius (husband of Messalina), the oak seeds of the Clauds may trace to the Panico / Apollo oak tree.
Rothschilds can be worked into this Cato picture where the Danish Bauer leopard is much like the spotted cat of the Cattons/Cattens. That in itself may not be enough to make the link, but then Scottish Bowers, using the bunched Rothschild arrows, uses a "metam" motto code while the Catton/Catten motto uses, "metuit." My suspicions have been that, since the Bavarian Illuminati traces to BaphoMET elements from Africa, the Gorgon MEDusa is in play in the Bower motto term, or, perhaps, mythical Metis. When I see the fitchee cross in the Catton/Catten Coat, therefore, I see a stabbing tool for sacrifice purposes.
Boofima has become suspect with the Gaetuli, and so let it be reminded that Gate's and Cattons/Cattens share Shields in the same split colors. It's looking worse for the Aryan Nazi's all the time, first tracing to Italians, now to Africans. It's not a wonder Adolf had dark hair. But if the Thule Society of the Nazi's traces to "Toulouse," these Nazi's may have gotten some of Caepio's gold bars. Take special notice later when the blue-apple Noons are linked to surnames using "nati" in their motto's, for those surnames will also link to Pollocks suspect at the Polzl surname of Adolf's mother. "Polzl" is essentially the Pols surname, which uses a "frying pan," not a magnifying glass, as I've been wrongly reporting for the past two years. "Pan" gets the Payens. The Pane variation of Panico's probably applies.
Due to keeping javascript turned off, I was unable to access the descriptions of all surnames until recently, and had therefore mistakenly identified the frying pan a magnifying glass. I didn't realize that javascript turned off was the problem. To access all versions of any one surname, click the arrow at the surname's nationality, then click any nationality option that may come up...at this page:
http://www.free-coat-of-arms.com/The Wren surname is said to be from "Rennes / Raines," and is uses the Gore crosslets in the same colors, while the white Gore / Gower wolf likewise traces to Quillan. That alone is a good argument for tracing Rennes-le-Chateau to Reno-river elements. Wrens were first found in Durham, on the Wear river. Near to the south is Yorkshire, where Cattons/Cattens are said to be from.
The Catton/Cattan motto is translated with a "fear" term, and then English Mountains were first found in the same place (Essex) as Vere's. We must have Vere's of the Ferrara / Montferrat kind in the picture, when Panico's and Setta elements in view. There is a question as to whether Ferrara elements named Firenze, where the Panico-suspect Apollo's/Polloni's were first found. The Albany entity in the Wren write-up may trace to Alba, on the Tanaro river of Montferrat. The swan of the Italian Alba surname may trace to the namers of the Savena river.
Apollo, the Greek wolf, traces to Cyrene, the location of Green Mountain. The Panico/Pane oak is on a green mound, which symbol, I have, for years, suspected as a symbol of Cyrene's Green Mountain...in the Benghazi area of Libya.
What about the Chateau surname? It's a cross of the same type, and in the same colors, as the Berk/Burgh cross! The Borgia cross is in the same colors too. As "Castel" is a typical variation of the Chateau's, it should relate to the castle symbol of Chattans. In other words, Rennes-le-Chateau may have been named after a Chat-like surname, explaining the cat of Croms, first found in Berkshire. The Chateau surname is traced to an "illustrious family" in Arras, the Artois capital. I'm quite convinced that the namers of Cattolica also named Rennes-le-Chateau. I am very confident that the Panico's will trace exactly to the Pen code of Uther Pendragon, and his Arthurian cult that identifies well with "Artois."
It hasn't dawned until now to try for a Castle surname, and what do you know? It shows castle's on a bend in the colors of the Chatto/Chattan and Chatan bends! That is a big score for negating the natural impression that "Chateau" was named after a castle. Instead, it was the other way around, starting with the Hatti > Catti peoples and evolving into the Chateau term (said to mean "castle").
The Castle description may be tracing to PENdragon / Pane elements: "A dexter arms in red embowed holding a red pennon on which there is a bee." Pennons/Pennings were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Blois' and Knights. Pennons use the stag design, in colors reversed from, the stags of English Ragens, suspect with the Wrens and Raines' said to be from similar terms. Therefore, it appears that Pennons are from the Pannina-like variations of Panico's.
If it were not for the Pinks sharing the red-on-white lozenges of Reno's/Rhine's, the latter's write-up would convince you that the Rhine river, not the Reno, is in view. The Pinks not only smack of "Panico," but use a string of lozenges, as do the Catti-rooted Marshals. Yes, that may trace to the Rhine because the Chatti lived there, but the string of lozenges used by Musso(lini)'s suggests the Reno river much better, especially as Mussolini, the WW2 dictator, was of the Rimini area. Pinks were first found in Yorkshire, where the Cattons/Cattens were from. Lozenges trace to Losinj, opposite the Adriatic waters from Rimini.
It wouldn't be surprising if Pinks and Panico's followed Reno elements to the Rhine. The natural path would be up the Rhone past Sion/Sitten to the sources of the Rhine. One would then pass the St. Etienne area (Rhone) where the proto-Payens are expected early in history with descendants of the Israeli priests.
If you have been keeping tabs on Saddocks, Chadocks, Chadwicks and others, you'll see that the Pinks use a similar Shield-on-Shield surrounded by eight symbols, this time by eight fitchee crosses in the design used by Stouts/Stows and Halts/Holts. The Pink Coat compares extremely well with the Sewer/Suter/Shuter Coat, which itself uses eight fitchees (of a different design than the Pink fitchees). There in the Sewer/Suter Crest is a sejant leopard that ought to trace to the Clan-Chattan cats.
Clan Chattan members often use "bot a glove" in their motto. Phersons, for example, who show a fitchee in the colors of the Quint / Powys fitchee, use "Touch not the cat bot a glove." The Botville's can be traced to the Wear river because they are shown also as "Tyne," and so the Tyne and Wear region between Yorkshire and Siward's Northumberland should apply. The "bonne cause" motto phrase of Botville's/Tyne's may be part-code for the Cause surname using a griffin in the design of the Albert / Griffin griffins. Cause's were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Siward-related Heslingtons.
It's hard to know who the Cause's are branched from, judging by what little is on their page, but as Griffins are now known (by me) to be Mieszko liners in Pomerania, the Polish Koss/Kosinski surname, first found in Mecklenburg, may apply. Per chance, due to the possibility that Cause's are using the Albert griffin, the bendy Kos/Kosinski Shield traces to the same of Guerra's of the Guido-Guerra kind out of the Bologna theater. The "bonne" term of Cause's would then go to "Bononia."
With a trace of Cause's to Mieszko liners, one can then identify them with fountain-using Cass'/Casts/Cash's and Kiss'/Cush's (who trace to Traby Poles). The fountains thereof can then go to Fano / Cattolica lines, which is exactly where the Griffins have been traced. Reminder: the Fontana's were first found in Bologna. Then, Fountains were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Glovers.
Here is the Porci(a)/Porcini Coat, using a bend in the colors of the Mountain bend, and colors reversed to some Borgia's and Bergs / Burgs. German Bergs (RHINEland) use a bend in Porcis/Porcini-bend colors, and in the two colors of the Mountain bend. One Dutch Berg Coat shows three red lozenges in the positioning of the same of Reno's. I have seen many times in years gone by a Dutch Berg Coat showing three red-on-gold chevrons, the symbol of German Cassels. Clare's use the same three chevrons for obvious reason of Herluin de Conteville (Burgo) marrying the Conqueror's mother; this is a good reason for suggesting that the Porci bend is that of English Mountains, for French Mountains use a thin saltire while Charo's/Claro's use a thin bend.
If we stick to the short of it, it looks like Porcius Cato, judging by the Berg lozenges alone, had lines at the Reno river. But we can't ignore the trace I make of Conteville's to the Font-de-Ville line out of Sardinia. As CATTOLica is beside the Font-liner Fano location, note that the Porci write-up traces to a CATALdo Porco in 1050...a military leaders at Messina. That date and location implies that Porco was fighting for the Guiscards in Sicily, and as such he may have been a Visconti liner from the military bunch of Porcius Cato in Sardinia.
It should also be said that while mythical Attis was the father of Lydus = Lydians, the Lydian capital, Sardis, looks like it named Sardinia. Therefore, if correct to trace "Cato" to the Hatti represented by Atti(s), it can explain why Cato got to control Sardinia. In this picture, his line would be suspect with the Seleucids that I think named Sulcis (southern tip of Sardinia) and it's related Sant' Antioco (named after a saint said to be from Antioch who probably didn't exist).
Sophonisba's Gaetuli ElementsIt's been a long time since mentioning the Longs as per a suspected trace to Cassius Longinus. Most-everything above was added during the proof-read. I never run out of things to say. If correct that Longs are using the Julian crosses in colors reversed, one could speculate on the "preux" motto term of the Longs being code for a branch of Porcia.
The Longs are said to derive in an unidentified noble in Preux, Normandy. Possibilities arise, as for example the Pricks/Prichards using what could be a colors-reversed version of the Long Coat (I had not realizing how bang-on this was at this point). There is a Preux surname first found in Brittany, and the "preux" motto term is translated CHIVALrous, perhaps code for Cabellio > Chivele elements.
Tippers share the white crosslets of Longs, and may be named after the Tiber river through Rome. One of the motto term of Longs was treated in a recent update, suggested as code for the Quick/Quigg surname using a gold-and-black vair chevron that, if it were gold alone, would be in the colors of the Capone chevron. Quicks/Quiggs share an antelope with the Tipps'. Let's not forget the Cassel-related Kennedys, first found in Tipperary, for Cassels are tracing hard to Cato elements of the Chatti kind at Hesse-Cassel.
Tippers and Tipperary were traced to Tipaza of the Numidians, and "Cato" is still suspect with Gaetuli-Numidian lines. We can even keep watch to see whether "Cato" traces to "Geta," the surname in north Africa that provided the father of Caracalla.
JUST FOUND the day after writing the paragraph above: by what coincidence is the Preux eagle head in the colors of the Kett eagle head while the cat-using Chats shows a Ketts variation! We now have reason for tracing Longs to a Cato-line merger with that of Cassius Longinus. The Kett eagle head is even in the Casey eagle-head design!!
The Kett eagles are in Mountain / Payen / Gate colors. I include the Payens because I'm expecting Cato lines at the MontIVER location of the Mountains, at the St. Etienne theater. The Gaetuli were already traced to Givors a few updates ago, and we saw the Ivers trace exactly to Givors earlier in this update. The Gaetuli at Givors were suspect as lines from Sophonisba.
Chats/Ketts' use the cat design of Cattons/Cattens, and were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Fountains...and Sadducee-suspect Chads. That is a very good argument for tracing Cato liners to Sadducees.
Aha! The Prey/Dupres surname, looked up as per some Preux variations, share the white-on-blue bend with Caseys! This was the Eburovices bloodline, wasn't it, to the naming of Brescia.
After the unfortunate battle of Carrhæ, Syria, [Gaius Cassius Longinus] became independent governor of the province, clearing it of the Parthians, and traversing all parts of the country in order to reestablish the fallen prestige of the Romans. Thus he came to Judea, where Pitholaus, a partizan of Aristobulus, had taken up arms against the Romans.Cassius conquered the stronghold Tarichæa, killed the valiant Pitholaus at the instigation of Antipater, and carried away captive 30,000 Jews. He then went to Rome and was one of the conspirators against Julius Cæsar...
There was much Roman involvement in the Israeli theater not long after Porcia Cato plowed into the area. I wonder what his deeds or military / political supporters effected in Israel after he passed away. Was he and/or his attaché in a position to name the chief priest(s)?
In the 3rd update of November, a Sophonisba > Gopher > Givors theory started up, now to be expanded upon. As it seems to apply to the blue-apple riddle, this section is being inserted here before further treatment on the blue-apple riddle.
Wears are fully expected to have been one of the many Pharisee branches connected to lines from Quintus Caepio. The Wear crozier can link also to Crozier-colored Croze's (Auvergne) because they share a Shield filled with checks in the colors of the same of Wear-suspect Warrens and Wards. These were Guerra liners from Bologna, I am sure, who link to the Boulogne location of the Bouillons, first found in Auvergne. The Bouillon cross may even be in honor of the Croze's.
The "ForWARD" motto term of Balfours (and of Seatons/Sittens) should apply to Wards, first found in Northamptonshire, where Jansens, Spinks and other elements from the Janszoon pirates were first found. It was discovered that the Janszoon pirates (Morocco) linked to the elements of Morocco's Fes location, and then the Fes surname was first found in the same place (Auvergne) as the Croze's and Croziers. The Wards even use a "fus" motto term. Why was the Fes/Fay surname using the same bend as Porci's/Porcini's unless the Cato line came from the ancestry of Guerra's as proto-Warrens / Wards? Somewhere, I saw the colors of the Warren / Ward checks in the rulers of Bologna.
I've been keeping an eye out for a gold-on-red bend ever since it was seen in the Porci/Porcini Coat. The Fes/Fay Coat is such a bend. I'm ready to announce that Godfrey de Bouillon was a Porcia liner. The Porci's/Porcini's are said to be from "swine." As Swine's (black boars) use a Winnie variation, it's of good note that QUINcys, rulers of WINchester, are in Porci colors, and were likewise first found in Northamptonshire.
The lizard design of Swine's is that of Irish Hare's/Garrys, a surname once again suspect with Guerra's because it uses a "fear" motto term. English Swine's were first found in Yorkshire, where Cattons/Cattens were first found. Now that Cato is suspect with the Geta line to Caracalla's birth, let's remind that he was born in Lyon, less than 20 miles from Givors. To the east of Lyon lies Forez, and then the Forez/Fore Coat is a fesse in colors reversed to the Swine fesse. Can we thus trace Porcius Cato liners to Forez?
The Forez/Fore surname was suspect with the BalFOURS, and with the "FORward" motto term of Balfours. This indicates that Guerra liners were at Forez, and so let's be reminded that Guerra's started off with the Guido surname suspect with Gaetuli.
The Preys/Dupres', who linked hard to the Preux surname that is itself link-able with 99% certainty to Porcia lines, was likewise first found in Auvergne. Here is an alternative Clan-Chattan Coat coming up as "Cato." It's the same bend as the Prey/Dupray bend. Irish Prays/Preys look to be using the garland theme as well as a lion in Garland-lion colors. Garlands trace to St. Etienne with Stephensons. We now know that Cato-related Mountains were within 20 miles of St. Etienne (at Montiver, at least). Warrens use "Lion of Judah" in their motto, and show a white-on-red lion, the colors of the Wallis / Garland lion, which of course suggests Sion/Sitten, not Jerusalem. The Gars/Gearys share the blue lion with Wards.
It dawns on us the Porcia lines using the boar should trace to Swine's / Sweeneys and the like, but what about the Sion surname listed with Swans/Sweyne's??? It is very feasible that "Cato" is at the root of "Sitten," especially if it was correct to trace Seatons to Gaetuli elements. Seatons seem to be a branch of Keaths/Keths and therefore of Keatons. I wrote that before re-checking the Keaton Coat to find a black boar in Crest! That cannot be a coincidence at this point.
If one travels east of Forez, Sion/Sitten will arrive. Chads, suspect as using the potent cross of Godfrey de Bouillon (himself said to be a swan liner), and first found in the same place as Chats/Ketts', use the split Shield of Sion/Sitten. Godfrey de Bouillon was the leader of a "Priory of Sion," though, of course, it was "disproven" that such an organization existed. Of course.
There is a Kitts Coat with a version of the three-eagle Kett/Kite Coat, but using three kites (birds) instead. Whenever you find two Coats using versions of one another where the surnames are obviously branches, read both their write-ups because, often, you can have a laugh. The Ketts trace to a "kite" and therefore to a person with a wild, high-spirited nature, while the kite-using Kitts trace to "Christopher."
Kite's can take us to the Bebba Bernicians because they use tulips as code for the Tulip/Tewloppe surname (Zionist star), first found in the area of Bernicians. Then, Tew's/Tewells (Zionist star) use three vertical bars possibly in relation to three vertical Babel bars, while Babels and Kite's were both first found in the same place (Middlesex). The Tew/Tewell bars are in the colors and positioning of the same of Knights, wherefore Tewels could be from "Toulouse." We read that a Lloyd surname of Howel castle married a Tew woman, and then the Howels use three Murena towers in colors reversed from the three Murena towers of the Tours, suggesting the possibility that we are dealing here with the "Knight's Tour" part of the blue-apple riddle.
Percivals use a "cruce candida" motto phrase." The small Candy saltires linked to the small crosses used, for one, by Croze's, and then small saltires in the colors of the Candy saltires are used by Dutch BERGens! In other words, Bergens and Percivals, both suspect by their names as Porcia liners, had merged with Candida's. If Candys trace to Ixion's Centaur elements, then it should be added that I trace Ixion to the Ligurian swan, which, according to Arthurian myth writers, was the son of Percival.
Swan-line Ligurians (= Hyksos, including Candys into Savoy) are expected to have migrated up the Rhone, passing Herod liners at Vienne, then Givors and Lyon, to lake Geneva. See now that the Geneva Coat is split in the two colors of the Catton/Catten Coat. Isn't this the Porcius-Cato swan line to Sion/Sitten?
Notice what looks like an arm-and-fist (Rothschild symbol, I reckon) between the white wings in the Geneva Coat. The blue Bauer wings show the same. But then Danish Bauers use nearly the same leopard design as Cattons/Cattens. Rothschild liners merged with Sadducee-suspect Cato liners at Sion? Sure, why not? Porcius Cato, Sadducees, and Rothschilds all have extravagance in common. I'm wondering why the Tews/Tewells use blue wings on either side of their Zionist star, for if this surname traces to "Toulouse," it may indicate that Bauers>Rothschilds were possessors of the Caepio gold bars, perhaps obtained from the prince of Hesse-Cassel.
Why are the white-on-blue Geneva wings upside-down? Perhaps we should ask the upside-down chevron of Chanuts/Chenue's (Burgundy, the Rhone area under discussion), for a white on-blue wing is in the Chenay/CHESney Coat. The Chess surname, using what could be the Ferrari lion, was first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Cattons/Cattens and Lyons. Isn't it interesting that the chess game called, "Knight's Tour," gets the Knight-suspect Chanuts? The MacKnights/Nights/Naughts ("durum" motto term) and Chess' both use gold lions in both Coat and Crest.
In colors reversed, the Geneva and Chenay wings become blue i.e. the color of the Bauer wings. The Chenays are now showing the wing design of Geneva's. "GEN" and "CHEN" seem similar enough. The handle of the sword in the Arms of Joan of Arc (to be shown below) is shaped like the handle of the Chenay/Chesney sword. (It's suspicious that this surname will not come up as "Chenay" nor as "Chesney" even though those variations are shown. I access the surname by entering "Chaine.")
But why are we finding the Knight's Tour here on the way to Sion? Perhaps we should ask Gregory of Tours, who was the first known person to mention Blois (6th century). The Blois Coat is in Chenay/Chesney colors.
The Blois write-up tells that Joan of Arc made Blois her headquarters. I don't think it's coincidental that the Joan surname has a lion in the colors of the Lyon lion. The Arch/Ark surname was first found in cat-infested Berkshire. The D'Arques' use an arm and fist in Crest. The Armstrongs have a similar Crest symbol, and then the three Armstrong bars are in the positioning of the same of the Knight bars; the Armstrong bars are blue, Blois colors.
Let's now entertain that the ArmSTRANG/Armestrang/Harmestrang variations are indication that this was a line from the Strange's (said to be fro Guido-le-Strange). As Strange's use the Tool lion, it's feasible that Armstrongs were part of the gold bars of Toulouse. Rothschilds are already suspect as such because Bauers share blue wings with Tews/Tewells. The latter arose to topic from the tulips of the Kitts, highly suspect as Cato liners that are themselves tracing to the Caepio gold bars. It is still a reasonable speculation that surnames using heraldic bars, as do Armstrongs, were owners / keepers of some gold bars.
At the bottom of the Armstrong page, we find Croziers and Fairborns as septs of Armstrong. It was the Wears who use croziers. Fairborns ("cede" motto term suggests Seaton liners at Sion), like Vere's, use the boar, and were first found in the north part of Yorkshire, close to the Wear river. The role in the Fairborn Crest should link to Role's, but the devisers of the Coat call it a "lever screw." Levers were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Seeds/Cedes'. Then, the French Role Coat is the one using the three Knight bars in the same positioning and colors! Croziers are the ones sharing the cross type of Role's.
Joan of Arc's mother was a Romee surname, and we saw the Rumigny location almost smack at the area where Croys operated who are suspect in forming a merger with Roet-related Role's. Joan was of a "du Lys" surname, and so watch this. Entering "Dulys" gets a surname that includes "Dualy," which evoked the Tew/Tewell surname. Re-loading it, there were the three Knight / Role bars again!!! The blue Armstrong bars can now link to the same-colored Babel bars because Tews/Tewells had linked to Babels (where the tulip-using Kitts were first found in the same place as Babels). Babels were found to be a crux of the blue-apple families.
Apparently, Role elements were in Blois with Joan of Arc. Joans parents were of Lorraine, and then the Lorraine Coat shares the upright green lion with the Joan Coat. But why should Joan of Arc trace to Lyon? It just so happens that the Lys/Lise surname uses greyhounds while the Gifford/Givord Coat shares three white-on-black lozenges with Hounds and Lisborns. Whose porker is that in the Lisborn Coat?
The Hound write-up traces to a "Herei de Houn of Calais". Calais is the Artois theater, where the Lys river is found. The question is: why should the Givors area beside Lyon trace to the Lys river? My senses tell me that Givors was a Gaetuli entity related to Cato-branch Gaetuli, and that these lines went to the Lys river in Aosta, near Geneva and Sion.
But before getting to the eye-popping Gopher topic, I'd like to point out how some Crozier / Croze variations could develop into / from the Croy variations of Greys, for the heraldic greyhound suggests a merger of Hounds with Greys/Croys. The Crois surname has a cross in Crozier colors. The Gros surname uses a greyhound, and was first found in Porcia-suspect Burgundy. Let's not forget that Porci-suspect Fes' were first found in the same place as Croziers...meaning, in other words, that Porcia's really were part with Croziers, and should therefore trace to crozier-using Wears, a branch of boar-using Vere's and boar-using Fairborns, from Lyon and Givors. I had identified Porcia liners as Abruzzo's Eburovices into Brescia, where Bruce's got their blue-on-white lion, but then it should be reminded that the full Bruce motto, "Fuimus," is used by Wears.
Let's go back to the Arch/Ark surname (also "Archie"), first found in Cato-infested Berkshire. The Arthur surname uses an Archie-like variation that's reminding me of the Uther-Pendragon trace to Windsors in Berkshire. Here is what could be the Excalibur sword in the Arms of Joan of Arc. This picture evokes an Arthur trace to "Artois," location of the Lys river to which Joan's family likely belonged. The three Arch/Ark arches are in the colors of the three Blois dragons, no surprise, but when we get to Scottish Archie's, we find a bend in colors reversed to the Cato / Chattan bends...which reminded me that the counts of Blois used the same-colored bend. And that's when it hit me that Porcius Cato liners were in Joan of Arc and in Blois.
When trying to find the location of the Lys river in Aosta, it was a hard find. I read that it's continuation was the Bautica river, otherwise called the BALDea. I became sure that Godfrey de Bouillon's family, the BALDers of Boulogne, came from this river. For one, it explained why the other Lys river is near Boulogne at the western end of Artois. The BALD endings on the Scottish Archie variations may apply. In other words, the Porcius-Cato line through Blois is expected at Aosta's Lys river, home of Walsers who use so-called "halberd" axes to assure that they were related to the Halberts using so-called "halbert" axes. The three Halbert axe's are in the colors of the three Blois dragons again.
Although Dutch Walsers are showing a moline cross, the description at free-coat-of-arms.com tells that they use a "flory" cross too, which is a cross with fleur-de-lys ends. The Walser cross is white, as is the Bouillon flory cross, another reason for tracing Bouillons to the Baldea river. Then, when we enter "Baut" (Gopher colors) as per "Bautica," we get a surname first found in the same place as Bouillons. As Porcia liners are expected in that place, I expect Porcia liners on the Lys - Baldea river.
It's interesting that Halberts show a HalPERT variation while being first found in PERTHshire, but the point is, I'm seeing a trace of Halberts to the Alberts of Bologna, and to Cato elements expected at the Setta that named Sitten...in the Wallis canton known to have named the Walsers. The wolf in the halbert Crest may even trace to the wolf in the Arms of the Savena-river location presented earlier. To assure that we are still on the blue-apple cast of characters, Walsers use the Bebba mermaid with two tails, suggesting the two-tailed lion of Bohemia, and therefore the Boii of Bologna. Montforts use a two-tailed lion in the colors of the Bohemia lion so that the Alberts of Bologna may trace as Boii liners to a Monforte location at Montferrat, near Bra and Alba. When this cast of peoples -- suspect as Israeli-priest liners -- migrated to the Lys valley in Artois, it was beside BRAbant, Hainaut and Mons, the theater also of the Flemish Baldwins (of Flanders) that came to rule Jerusalem by a brutal conquest, and with great expenditure of money. As English Wells use a lion with two tails, they look like a branch of Walsers, but note that the Well lion is black on gold, the colors of the Flanders lion.
As per the Knight's Tour chess riddle, it's interesting that German Halberts use a chess piece, the rook, otherwise called a castle, symbol of Cato's and Chattans. The Rooks and Rookbys, a branch of Roquefeuils, use this rook. German Halberts were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Walsers, and as Bauers...whom became the Rothschilds suspect in cahoots with Rockefellers. The Rothchilds (no 's') even share a raven with the Rockefeller line of Rooks.
Note how the ends of the moline cross of Dutch Walsers/FELsers are identical to the tops of the Halbert rooks. One gets the impression that Roquefeuils should trace to Cato elements in relation to the namers of Wallis canton. Porcius-Cato elements at Rennes-le-Chateau had the Caepio gold bars, didn't they?
Rookbys were first found in Yorkshire, where Cattons/Cattens were from.
Note the three suns of the Rooks that may link to the three suns of French Poussins. I had noted that the Ardennes surname likewise use a sun, perhaps important where Rumigny, a line to the counts of Blois, is in Ardennes. By what coincidence is the cat in the Crest of English Poussins (Berkshire) the same -- white color included -- as the cats in Catton/Catten Coat??? We have just found Porcius Cato in the Poussin entity...important to the blue-apple riddle that was suspect with Blois even before introducing Porcius Cato. And here he is tracing to Blois by other means. But he is tracing to Poix if I'm correct in identifying Poussins with Poix. Poussins definitely look like a branch of Croms, and the latter may be using the format of English Blois'.
In the last update, it had been found that Persons/Pearsons/Piersons share three suns with Poussins, for which reason it became suspect that Poussins were a Porcius line. I did not yet know at that time that the horizontally-split Shield of Persons is in the two colors of the horizontally-split Catton/Catten Shield!
As Joan of Blois is tracing to Cato liners, it's of importance that the Joan Crest uses another sun. Yet another sun is used by the Hesse/Esse surname, of Hesse, where the Cato-suspect Chatti lived. Might "Hesse" be a Chess branch?
The three white-on-red (horizontal) bars in the Poussin Coat are in the colors of the three (vertical) bars used by the counts of Blois. The stars in the Ardennes Chief are in the colors of the stars in the Chief of Tews/Tewells, the latter suspect with the Babels and using the Knight bars (colors reversed to the Poussin / Blois bars). "Tewell" is now suspect with the Dualys that come up as "Dulys," what may have developed from the "du Lys" surname of Joan of Blois. The Dulys', first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Rooks, use bendy in the colors of the Guerra bendy.
Cato liners were trace-able to lake Geneva by the single fact alone that Cattons/Cattens and Geneva's share the same colored split Shield. As "Cattenai" (Borgia's common-law wife) was a Candida line, we can trace Cato liners also to the Candy's/Candie's of Savoy. The latter location is directly south of lake Geneva, and Aosta, beside Savoy, is south of Sion. It wasn't until now that the Bernard Coat was checked as per a Bernard Pass in Aosta, which leads into Switzerland right into the view of Sion. To my surprise, the Bernard bend was found in the colors of the Archie/ArchiBALD bend, and likewise using white symbols on the bend, but, more: the Bernard bend uses the scallop colors of the Blois scallops! I had been suspecting just this: a Joan-Blois trace to Aosta's Lys river.
I would guess that the gold snake holding a green snake in the Bernard Crest is the Sforza lion holding the green Visconti snake. In that case, Bernards were related to Quincys.
Italian Bernards were first found in Bologna, and they share the oak tree with Panico's. Then, surprise, for once again, the colors of the split-Shield of Cattons/Cattens come up, this time in the German Bernard Coat! This Coat uses a thin, gold chevron, the color of the thin Ardennes chevron.
Bernards are suspect with Bernicians, the line to Brunswick (says lonely me), where Bars operated who are a known branch of Este's, whom I traced to "Aosta." The Brunswick surname shows two lions in the positioning and colors of the Base/Baise lions (these are now identified as Besancon elements). Then, German Base's share hunting horns with German Bars.
Plus, Bars were in Bar-le-Duc, in Lorraine, and may thereby have linked up with the family of Joan of Arc. It's making a lot of sense because her family traces to the Lys entity, where we could expect the namers of Bernard Pass. The Browns, suspect from the Brunswick Bruno's, use fleur-de-lys.
The Bernard Pass leads to Martigny in particular, and then the Arms of Martigny is the two-tailed Montfort / Bohemian lion holding a mallet / hammer, meaning that the line of Charles Martel was at this place. Should we expect Capetians there too?
Depending on how early Bernicians were at the Bernard pass, or anywhere around that territory, they may have been the proto-Bernicians.
The Bruno surname is said to be from Arezzo, which was once Arettium. This is very interesting for linking to the Artois elements of Joan's family, for some in her family operated out of Arras. This is great for making a trace between "Artois" and "Arettium" as well as between "Arras" and "Arezzo." At the Joan-of-Arc webpage where her Arms are noted, we read on a bow and arrows:
The Arc family seemed to have arms prior to these events, namely: Azure a bow or in fess, thereon three arrows crossed ..., on a chief argent a lion passant gules {note: I am told that the Darc family home in Domrémy displays somewhat different arms above the door: three arrowheads surrounding some object. But those arms are a later addition.} Of her three brothers, two had issue: the descendants of Jean adopted the name of Du Lys and used the arms. Pierre, who became a knight, had two sons: Jean, knight, who left only a daughter, and Jean the younger, who was briefly Échevin of Arras in the 1480s. He returned to France and kept the name of Du Lys, but resumed the arms of Arc. His great-grandsons Charles and Luc du Lys, seigneur de Reinemoulin, petitioned for the right to quarter du Lys and d'Arc, which was granted by Letters Patent of November 25, 1612. The same letters granted to Charles a crest representing Jeanne d'Arc proper, holding a sword surmounted by a crown or in one hand and her banner in the other, and the war-cry La Pucelle! Luc received a crest of a fleur-de-lys or issuant between two banners as before, with war-cry: Les Lys!There are several points to make here. First, as I traced Guido Guerra's ancestry to the founding of the Scots with MacAlpin, see the crown at the tip of a sword, the symbol of Joan of Arc, in the Cappin/Alpin Coat. The sword design here is that of Swords, which makes Siward of Northumberland suspect with the line of the Arcs. In recent updates, in case you didn't read them, Siward's Bernician ancestry was traced to the founding of the Scots along with Alberts / Aetherberts from Bologna. It is now becoming apparent that Cato lines were involved here.
The Cato/Kitto/Chetto bend is colors reversed from that of Bernician-suspect Bernards and Archibalds. The latter two bends are in the colors of the Leslie bend, which is more than interesting, for we just read that the war cry of the Du Lys' was "Les Lys." Leslie's were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Cato's! It not only verifies Joan's origin in Leslie's, as well as tracing Leslie's to the Lys river(s), but it identified Joan's origins in Porcius Cato...which may explain why the Leslie-branch Bards use a boar.
As Chats/Ketts were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Chads, it's extremely-important that the Cato's/Kitto's/Chetto's are defined as "a name for someone who lived in Norfolk." The Chattoch variation of the latter surname can thus link to Chadocks, Saddocks, and Chadwicks, which reinforces the speculation that the family of Porcius Cato founded Sadducees.
Not to belittle the huge points above, the main / original point in quoting from the Arc article was to show how the Joan-Blois line is in the Arrow/Arras surname...that even uses fleur-de-lys. These fleur are in the colors of the Cheneys of Buckinghamshire, important because the Arrow/Arras write-up traces the family to Arras locations in both Staffordshire and Buckinghamshire. We saw earlier, BEFORE I conceived this part, that Chenays/Chesneys should link to Blois, to Joan of Arc, and to Bauers. By what coincidence are Bauers from the bow-and-arrow theme, identical to the theme of Joan's Lys family?
As we read above that the du Lys' got permission to quarter their Arms, I would say that one version of that Arms is used by Ashmole's who not only use the fleur in the colors of the Arrow/Arras fleur, and not only show a greyhound in Crest, but were first found in the same place (Staffordshire) as Arrows/Arras'.
There was not much time between Joan of Arc and the first Rothschild. I would suggest that the bow-and-arrow Arms of the Arcs were those of Fletchers/Flagers, for they use the same sort of black-on-white cross as Arrows/Arras'. Plus, Fletchers are said to be from JEAN de La Fleche, important because Joan was also "Jeanne d'Arc." I trace this family to Felix's, and as I think we should be tracing Joan of Arc to Arettium, I would suggest the Felix line in Arettium. Flowers (in Fleck colors) are a branch of Fletchers, you see, and Flowers may have been named after the fleur-de-lys, thus spurring a Lys surname for Joan's family. It's suggesting that Rothschilds had been Fletchers too.
The white Chenay/Chesney wing was linked to the blue wing of Bauers and Tews/Tewells, and here we find a wing half white, half blue, in the Irish Leslie Crest. The Leslie wing is even in the design of the Chenay / Geneva wing. Then, zowie, the Chain surname (no 'e') gets the MacCheyne's/Sheyne's using the same type cross, in the same colors, as Fletchers and Arrows/Arras'! That clinches the Joan link to Chenay elements.
Let's go back to the Cappin/Alpin Coat using what is suspect as the Arms of Joan of Arc, or vice versa. The Bernician element in this Coat is the Sword sword. However, the fir tree behind the sword is used by Alis' who throw in some Bernician-suspect bears out of Berwickshire, where Arthurs were first found who are suspect as the owners of this "Excalibur" sword, and who are suspect in the Arras line to Joan of Arc. The red, covered crown at the tip of the Cappin/Alpin sword was showing for Spanish Capets until several months ago. This Capet link to Alpins jibes with the "Cappin" surname registered with Alpins.
The same covered crown was simultaneously showing for the Martel Coat. It's important that the Martels were on one side of the St. Bernard Pass, suspect with Bernicians. It just so happens that the green-and-red, vertically=split Shield of Spanish Capets is colors reversed to the same of Belgian Flecks/Flegers. As the latter are suspect with Fletchers/Flagers/Flechs, it is highly likely that Joan of Arc's ancestry was Capetian, from whatever named the Cappins of Alpins.
We can then bring the Segni's/Segurana's to topic because they are a branch of Seagers who in-turn use the moline (same colors too) of MacArthurs, first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as Cappins/Alpins. The Segni's/Segurana's were first found in Genoa, where the Geneva surname originates. The Bernard Pass overlooks the lake Geneva theater, but moreover it's at Martigny, highly suspect from Martel elements. It just so happens that Landrada, who some say was a daughter of Charles Martel, was married to a SEAGRAMnus of Hesbaye, the patriarch of royal Capetians proper.
To the immediate north of Sion, the BERNER Alps are situated. To their north is Besancon, traced recently to the Base surnames, and to the north of Besancon is Bar-le-Duc in Lorraine. The German Base's are the ones sharing the black hunting horn with Bars, and then a white-on-blue spread eagle, the Bar and Este symbol, is in the Segni/Segurana Chief, an excellent reason now for tracing the house of Este up through Aosta to Geneva. The white Segni / Este eagle can even conform to the white Geneva (and Chenay) wings. I trace Cheneys to "Cuneo," near Genoa/Genova, and then the latter is about 25 miles from swan-suspect Savona, a place that can trace to Porcius-Cato elements at the Savena / Setta river(s).
The possibility now is that Savona / Savena formed the swine theme in the first place that created the Porcius surname. If that's true, then Porcius' were full-blown Armenians from lake Sevan, and thus the intrigue only heightens as to their forming "Sadducee" from "Soducena." That's why it's so important that Porcia liners are tracing excellently to the Geneva theater.
It is feasible that "Segni" may modify to "Sion" out of fancy from one Caiaphas-liner family of the Geneva theater. If that happened, it would be expected that a Porcius liner was involved so as to add a Swan / Sweyne variation to the Sion surname. Sions come up as "Sine," while "segni" can mean, "sign." Recalling the boar used by Keatons, one can also imagine that Seatons (yes a Cato branch) named the same place, Sitten.
Burns, said to be Bernicians, likewise use a black hunting horn, and should therefore trace to the Berner mountains. The Berns use a bear on a bend in the colors of the Porci/Porcini bend, and they are traced to Berne, Switzerland, north of the Berner system. I wonder if they buried gold bars in the Alps. Their descendants today can take a couple now and again, cashing them in at no-questions-asked Swiss banks. How sweet to have banks acting as laundry machines for stolen gold bars.
The Bern bend is used in similar fashion with the same-colored bend of Fes'/Fays, using just a small, single symbol at the center of the bend. That's a good reason for tracing the Porci/Porcini surname to Berne and/or the Berner mountains smack in the face of Sion/Sitten. Reminder: Godfrey de Bouillon is said to be a swan liner, and the Fes/Fay surname was first found in the same place as Bouillons. Moreover, the family of Godfrey de bouillon can trace from Boulogne to Bologna in the face of the Setta / Savena rivers. Shivers.
The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Segni's (and Kaplans) is used also by Saluzzo's, from Saluzzo in Cuneo, and then Aosta was founded by a Salassi peoples. That's a good argument for tracing Este's to Aosta, if the Segni's are using the Este eagle. Recall that Seagers had traced to Picenum elements, for if Seagers were at Este (in Padova, same side of Italy as Picenum), it could explain a merger with Picenum. The last update had an eagle in Crest that was half white, half blue, of a surname (I can't recall) that could expand our understanding of what happened in Aosta. (One reason that I am confident in tracing Chenays to Cuneo is that Dick Cheney was a right-hand man of the Bush's who trace to Busca, beside Saluzzo).
Although I trace Cutters to Saluzzo, I'm not inclined to identify them with Cato liners, but with Caetronianus liners. The Cato line at Sion should be sought as a Catton/Catten branch in merger with Geneva's/Genova's.
It was immediately after writing the sentence above that I checked the Chain surname (no 'e' at the end). I don't recall what caused me to think of it here. I located a comment on that surname some paragraphs above because it clinched the Cheney link to Joan of Arc. After that, seeing that Chains/Cheyne's/Shayne's were first found in Kerry county, it recalled the Shannon body of water at the Kerry. I have always considered Shannons as potential Sheyne/Shain kin, but what came up when re-loading the Shannon Coat ("duce" motto term) but the bend (no symbols) in the colors of the Porci/Porcini bend. I don't expect all bends in these colors to represent Porcius liners, but in this case, it fits.
The Gaelic version of "Shannon" is "Seanain," a term that could have named "Sion." The Irish Fox/Shanaghy surname is said to be from "sionnach = fox," but then that might be erroneous double-speak when the reality may be that Fes'/Fays, using a fox on their Porci bend, merged with Shannon liners. In fact, the Fox's/Shanaghys were first found in Limerick, smack at the Shannon body of water. MOREOVER, I have just checked the atlas to find, virtually on the Shannon shoreline, a FOYnes location!
We can see here that there is a link between the Porci bend of Berns at the Berner Alps at Sion, and the Porci bend of Shannons who had a branch in the Sionnach-encoded Shanaghy's. The Foynes surname was just loaded to find -- ZOWIE -- white-on-blue spread eagles, the Segni / Este symbol!!! Foynes are also shown as "Fauns/Phones'/Vauns, and should therefore trace with Vains/Phone's/Fane's to Fano, the elements of which has associations with Cattons/Cattens! Reminder: the split colors of the Catton/Catten Coat is used by Geneva's.
Foynes/Vauns had earlier been suspect from Gratian Funerius at Cibalae, where Seagers had traced a few updates ago, and so the finding here that Segni's/Segurana's use the same eagle as Foynes'/Vauns appears to clinch these links. It's important that Foynes/Vauns were first found in Devon because the namers of Wallis canton evolved into a group of surnames related to the Exeters (bells), including swan-using Walsh's and Morton. It was therefore great to find here that French Bernards use that same format (red-on-white chevron surrounded by three black objects)
I've just noted that the blue wings of the Tew/Tewell Crest are in use in the Morton Crest. If it's correct to trace Modi'in elements to Motts/Morte's, then I'm half sure that the rooster between the Morton wings is the Jonathan-Maccabee rooster.
German Fox's use a red fox in Crest, but the Fleming / Quillan wolf design in the Fox Coat trace's to Quillan, beside Foix.
This section was supposed to be on the Gopher surname, but I got carried away to other things in the proof read. I'm not going to proof-read the proof-read, or I'll need another bottle of aspirin.
Reminder: Wears, using croziers, are said to be from a stock of Giffards. Gophers/Govers (Oxfordshire, where Wear are expected), who show FIVE drops, use the same white-on-blue saltire as Oettingen-related Oddie's, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as crozier-using Odins, thus clinching a Gopher link to Giffards/Givords (I say Oddie's / Gophers are using the white Oettingen saltire). But Oddie's are highly suspect with Chappes-based Ottone's, and are even in Ottone / Chappes colors. As Hugh de Payen married a Chappes, it could explain why Giffords/Givords use the Paine motto.
Therein is the basis for tracing Caiaphas liners to Gophers, but there was more to it, including the inclusion of Cope-like terms linking to the Kupa / Cuppae entities. Question: how many Goph-like locations can you think of? This section on the Giffords > Gophers was written (maybe three weeks ago) before the section above was inserted on Cato the Elder. It was therefore eye-popping to find, in the Longinus article quoted from earlier: "Malichus, however, the friend of Hyrcanus, seems to have hesitated [in paying taxes to Cassius Longinus], whereupon Cassius led away captive [as slaves] the inhabitants of the four cities GOPHna, Emmaus, Lydda, and Thamma..." It's interesting that "Malichus" may be a line to Malahule of More, grandfather of Balso D'Espaine, a Paine / Panico suspect. The Paine's and Giffords/Givords use, "Malo mori," in their motto.
http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/4116-cassius-longinusMoreover, I think "Balso" was after the surname of Alexander Balus, the Seleucid king who merged with Jonathan Maccabee. It was suggested not many updates ago that Gophers were a line of Gaetuli Numidians from SOPHonisba, wife of king Massena. As the latter's family has been pegged as the founder of Maccabees, by what coincidence do we read in this article that: 1) Gophna was attacked; 2) Cassius Longinus warred again Aristobulus and Hyrcanus, Hasmoneans from the line of Jonathan Maccabee? It was Jonathan who joined king Alexander Balus of Syria in a close alliance, and then I made some good points not many updates ago that "BALSO" D'Espaine was indication of a Balus bloodliner. Balso was ancestral to the Massey-related Meschins, for example.
Imagine if the line of Malichus became the Malls/Malbone's whom use a version of the Hanan and Iver Coats. The Ivers are now suspect as the namers of Montiver some 30 miles from Vienne, and then while a son of Herod "the great" was banished there, Malichus became a vassal (and may have been a relative) of Herod "the great." Herod's mother was of the Nabataeans that you see in the list of Nabataean rulers below, one of which was Malichus. Herod Antipas, the one banished to Comminges, the one who had John the Baptist killed, married a political daughter of Aretas IV.
http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/nabkings.htmlI was expecting "Sophonisba" from "Sophene" on the north-east of Syria, but here we find one, GOPHNa, in Israel, about 15 miles north of Jerusalem. The entire word is also like "SOPHON." I had identified "Sophene" with Daphne elements out of mount Saphon, which was also mount Cassius, mountain of Baal who may have named "Balus." Therefore, when I see Cassius Longinus, I think I'm on a line of Hyksos to the Romans. It makes Grand-Scheme sense to me that Nabataeans should be Hyksos moving into the Israeli theater at the time of Jesus, and if that makes Herods into Hyksos, they certainly had hearts hard enough.
Daphne's Hyksos trace to Dauphine, with a capital at Vienne, and including the Montiver location. Givors is smack there in that area, and can now be traced tentatively to Gophna. How interesting.
It's also interesting that while "Porcia" is expected in the Burgo's, St. Etienne was either in, or beside BURGundy (its borders have shifted). Sophonisba was found to be related to Nibelungs due to Dan Brown codes, and then it's known that NIBELungs were Burgundians. I say that the Cycnus swan line from Porcia Cato was from the representatives of Ixion, mate of NEPHELe.
Wikipedia's article on Gophna says that it was also "Cofna" to the Romans, and suggests that it was the Biblical Ophni in the land of Benjamin (it may have gone by that name before Israelites arrived). If correct, it existed before the time of Sophonisba so that, likely, her family had nothing to do with naming it. However, if the ancient namers of Ophni also went by a Goph-like name, perhaps they led to her. It's completely interesting because certain Benjamites led to the formation of Romans through a long history that included Cilicians, Lydians and Trojans. If residents of Ophni were included in that Benjamite migration to Romans, conceivable, they named Sophene and/or Saphon. I see the Samson cult (which I peg at Beth Shamesh) from "Sames," the sun god of Samosata, immediately beside Sophene. It's known that Samos elements in Thrace founded Trojans.
But Trojans were given (by ancients) an alternative foundation from Curetes of Crete, from mount Ida of Crete. These were of Zeus, from Tyre, and Zeus in Tyre was the same Moloch > Melkart cult that was called, Hercules, the extension of the Samson cult. Sophonisba's Carthaginian nationality is expected to have ancestry in Tyrians, but Virgil concluded that Carthaginians included elements from mythical Aeneas, a Trojan liner from Dardanus of Samothrace. This island was the Samos element that founded Trojans.
The speculation here is that proto-Daphne was Ophni. After "Ophni" evolved into "Saphon," the "Daphne" term was born. Saphon was the mountain of Baal from which he killed the Lotan dragon, and Daphne was given Ladon for a father, you see. To find now, in the midst of discovering Gophna, that Givors at Dauphine traces to Gophers, is intriguing. It was after writing this last sentence that something of a shock took place.
But before telling you why, I feel compelled to argue that, at the formation of Hasmoneans / Maccabees by Sophonisba's husband, there is cause to trace them to Gophna if she knew that her roots were in that place. The shock has to do with the mention above of the Morton rooster being the Jonathan-Maccabee rooster; I had not consciously known that the very same gold rooster is used in the Gifford/Givord Crest! Is that not amazing? The implication is even more compelling should Mortons be the reason for the Motts coming up as "Morte," and if the Motts (in Givord colors) do in fact trace to "Modi-in" (Israeli home of Hasmoneans). The design used until recently for the Jonathan Coat's roosters may have been that of the Mortons / Giffords.
Aha! After writing the above, my files were searched for "Jonathan rooster" to see if I had recorded whose rooster design Jonathans used. It was found in the 1st update of last February, like so:
Amazing. After this update was nearly finished, an email from GD was opened to find the Gabby Gifford topic. Loading the Gifford Coat, there in the Crest was the Jonathan rooster design in what could be colors reversed to it. By this time, I had traced Jonathan Maccabee, the one with whom Alexander Balus formed an alliance, to the Jonathan Coat...The Revelation continues without fail; He will get this finished.AND LOOK! After that was quoted, "Giffin" was entered because Gophna today if "Jifna." Giffins/Geffans use fretty lattice, the symbol of Modens/Modeys! Dutch Giffins/Givens/Giverts and Scottish Givens/Giverns use swans in Gopher colors. The Givert variation smacks of the Montivert version of "Montiver."
Reminder: Morte's/Motts and Alexanders share the same crescent colors.
Why did the line of Seleucid Maccabees use roosters? Perhaps we should as the Gay rooster, for Gays were first found in the same place (Savoy) as a Modane location, due east of Givors. It can then be noted that English Gays (Oxfordshire) are colors reversed from the Blue roosters while the Jonathan roosters now showing are in the design of the Blue roosters. Blue's were first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as the Cappins/Alpins (sword and crown) that were suspect in the ancestry of Joan of Blois. If the Blue surname is a Blois branch, therefore, we can ask whether Joan / Jean of Arc was named after the Jonathan line of Maccabees. English Jeanne's, by the way, use red scallops, the symbol of Blois-related Romneys.
Let's not forget that Rumigny is near Mons, and that Montiver was introduced in the first place because French Mountains were first found there. Mountains are expected to be a branch of Mounts who come up as "Mons." Hasmoneans? Compare the Asman Coat to the Gibbs/Gibbon Coat.
It is very feasible for the Asman Coat (fleur-de-lys in Lys-lys colors) to link to the du-Lys family of Joan of Arc, for the Asman bend and bend symbols are reflective of the same of Lorraine's. Moreover, as we saw that ASHmole's looked as though they should be using a quartered version of the du-Lys Arms, note that Asmans are also "ASHman." It just so happens that Asmans were first found in the same place as Givord-related Mortons.
It just so happens that, while Rumigny is in Ardennes, the red-on-gold stars in the Ardennes Chief are seen in the Giffin Chief too. Giffens can be suspect with Porcius-Cato liners on at least two counts: 1) the Mountain surname is honored by "cat-a-mountain / cat-a-mount" motto codes; 2) Giffins use swans. A third point is that Giffens just linked to Joan-of-Arc elements, which had traced strongly to Cato elements. A fourth point is that Savoy, and therefore Modane, is near lake Geneva, where Cato elements traced.
It's the English Mountains who use six martlets in the colors of the six Apple martlets.
Giffins are said to be from "Geoffrey." I'm not going to entertain that as stated, but it could very well be that Geoffreys were named after Gophna elements. I had not yet come down to the Giffin surname when suggesting that Benjamites may have carried their Ophni elements to the foundings of the Romans. I have been saying for some time that JEFFERsons/JEPHsons are from the Jabesh side of those Benjamites, and here we find a Jefferson-like GOEFFRey term at topic. It can give the impression that Ophni elements relate to Jeffersons, and/or that Jeffersons trace to Givors / Montiver. On top of this, the impression had been given at times over past months that Maccabees trace back to Benjamite-Jabesh lines.
It can now be added that the Mountain saltire is in the colors of the Jefferson/Jephson saltire! I hadn't realized it when writing the paragraph above. Jeffersons were first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Jeffs/Jeffries/Geoffreys. The latter may be using the Palin lion.
The Bassianus cult of Syria that married the line of Massena was priest Sohaemus of Sophene. He has traced to the Somme river at Picardy, the area of Poix, where Palin kin were from. Then, the Coffen/Chafen surname, looked up as per "Cofni," uses besants (symbol of a priesthood that followed in the footsteps of Sohaemus). Do we think, from this, that there was a "Sophene" link to "Gophna/Cofni"?
Coffens/Chafens share the blue raven with Gartzens who come up as "Gettel." I left it undecided as to whether the latter was a Gaetuli line that named Gards / Gardners, but we can ask here what coincidence it is that English Gards should use the same Crest branches as the Keaton Crest; both are "laurel branches" that can trace to Daphne elements in Dauphine, though Lorraine's use the laurel theme too. Keatons have already been clinched as a Porcius Cato line.
The paragraph above was days before the proof read here. The implication was that Cato's were from the Geta-suspect Gaetuli. The Geta line birthed Caracalla's father, Septimius Severus (grandfather of emperor Geta), who married Julia Domna Bassianus of the Sohaemus bloodline. It was during the proof read that I asked how Cato could be proven to be a Geddes liner, for I had traced the Geddes back to "Geta." If Cato's can be linked to Geddes, it will tend to prove that Porcius Cato took a name from the Geta family, and it could then explain why we're finding Cato elements about the area of Givors. Although one Geddes page I stressed recently denied that the Geddys/Gideons are a Geddes branch, I found differently. The point here is that the Geddy/Gideon Coat is a good reflection of the boar-using Swine Coat.
After this, still during the proof read, it was seen that "battle-axes" were shared between Swine's and Gibbs, while in a Gibbs write-up we find that Long Island was purchased from the natives by a Gibbs and a "Gardiners" crew. To see this write-up, type "Gibbs" in the search box here:
http://www.free-coat-of-arms.com/The Gard griffins (in the colors of the Porcia boars) are in colors reversed from the Gardner griffins, and then the Gardner Coat looks like a version of the Quick/Quigg Coat, using the same griffin design as Gardners to boot. Quicks/Quiggs were accessed from the motto of the Longs that also uses "preux," a term linking hard to Porcia's. Lest you've forgotten, German Kaplans use a split Shield in the colors of the split Gardner Shield, and then the gold griffin heads of Gardners are used by English Kaplans/CHAIPlans, on a Shield in the colors of the Chappes', important because Scottish Chappes' (Stirlingshire) are also "CHAIP."
It's feasible that "Caepio" had been a Caphio-like term in relation to Soph-like terms, but I'm not pushing anything in case it's wrong. Chafe's (another gold griffin!) use a peacock -- symbol of both Paw surnames -- and were first found in the same place (Dorset) as Power-related Palins/PAWleys. These lines are tracing to Powys (not far from Dorset), and the Powys surname shares the paw and fitchee theme of Quints. The Powys paw is called a "gamb" for obvious reason of Powys' tracing with Powers to Poix, in the Somme area of Picardy where Gamble's and Campbells traced hard.
In other words, the el-Gabal cult was in Powys. Why? What part of the El-Gabal entity was in Powys? Shouldn't we ask the Maccabee suspects of Masseys / Meschins of neighboring Cheshire? But why and when did Maccabee lines merge with El-Gabal? Wasn't it at Julia Maesa, sister of Julia Domna? Can we suppose that the Caracalla line that started heraldry also started Masonry? Looks like.
Moreover, the Palin lion is in the colors of the PERKins lion, a colors-reversed version of the Long lion, and Longs (from PREUX, Normandy) were first found in Wiltshire, smack beside Dorset, and where the Poussins are traced to in their write-up!! Wiltshire is where the Maccabee-liner Mortons were first found (though the other Mortons were from Meschin-ruled Cheshire), which is the Bristol theater where Picardy elements had traced earlier. Bristol is at Avon county, and then Avons use the lions of the Gate's, who in turn use the split-Shield colors of Cattons/Cattens.
Cassius Longinus was the husband of Junia Caepio, and her Junius surname is suspect with Yonge's ("jeune" motto term), a known merger with Gards!
The Longs are the ones using: 1) the Preux motto term as code for Porcia elements; 2) a motto term suspect with the Quiggs who may be using the Coat of Capone's, first found in the same place as Julians; 3) the Julian crosslets in colors reversed; 4) a lion in colors reversed to the same of Italian Capone's/Capua's. It doesn't matter whether it's confusing; what matters is that these lines are showing kinship in heraldry at all. Why? Who started heraldry, anyway? Was it the Harald/Herod family using a fesse in colors reversed to the Swine / Geddy fesse? That sounds like the Geta > Caracalla line.
The heraldic Chief is named after something. While there is no Chief surname coming up, "Cheff" gets the Chafe's. It may be true that no one was permitted to use a Chief symbol unless it or they linked back to Caiaphas lines. It could be understood why "Chief" was used for this man: "the boss" of all lovers of killers and rejectors of Christ.
PALins (in Balfour colors) are suspect with pawr-associated "BALfours," therefore, and it was the Balfour TIP of a baton that got us to the Tipper topic. If correct to trace Tippers to "Tipaza, note that this location is in the same place (Algeria) as Cirta (capital of Numidia), and that: "Publius Septimius Geta (fl. 2nd century, c. 110 - aft. 198) was the father of Lucius Septimius Severus, father-in-law of the Roman empress Julia Domna and the paternal grandfather of Roman emperors Caracalla and Geta. His name was found as an inscription in Cirta, Africa." This was many years after Porcius Cato, but still, the family may apply to him. If I read Wikipedia correctly, Porcius adopted the Cato name on his own initiative, while "Porcius" was his proper surname.
Cato Institute of TicinologyThis section was written mainly at the proof read, but was not proof read. Expect some grammatical errors (I make tons).
I didn't know until a two or three weeks after writing this section that there is a second Quigg Coat (because I was entering "Quick" that brought up only one Quigg surname). It shows a Fivey variation, as well as a bend in the colors of the Porci/Porcini bend!! The Fivey variation tends to clinch a Quigg = Quincy = Quint equation, and lets not forget that while Fiveys are expected with the Five's/Fifys, Fife's and Vivians, the latter (beside English Quiggs) are also "Vey," linkable with the Fes/Fay surname likewise using the Porci/Porcini bend. For the record, Quiggs/Fiveys shows a Twigg variation.
Quiggs now jibe with the Cuinchy location (Artois) of the family of Saer-de-Quincy's mother out of Lochars in Fife. Irish Quiggs/Fiveys share a border called an "orle" with Rutherfords, suggesting a trace to Orleans / Blois. If this particular Orleans entity was for the Joan-of-Arc lines in Orleans, it reinforces the Porcius-Cato trace to Joan's family. I had been wondering whether the fleur-de-lys in the Porci Coat applied closely to the du Lys family. I have been keeping an eye out for the gold-on-red fleur used by Porci's, but it is only now that I realize it should be the Gamble fleur! That exclamation mark is partly for the sure trace of Gamble's to Picardy, where I've just studied a PicQUIGny location, near Poix.
It was only a couple of minutes before realizing the Gamble-fleur connection to Porci's, I kid you not, when I found the same-colored fleur in the Picard Coat. It is deemed certain that the gyronny in the Picard Coat traces closely to Gamble's. Also moments ago, I found, but was not going to mention, the Coggle's/Coghills (Google elements?), until I found that the Gamble's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as they. "Coggle" was entered due to the Cogley variation of Quiggs/Fiveys.
Some key understandings can now be had, tracing Quiggs and Quincys to the Guys and Gays. The latter were suspect as using a version of the Maccabee rooster, but it's also in the design of the Coggle/Coghill rooster, which is itself in the design and two colors of the Batcock/Babcock rooster. The latter surname was found to be from the line of queen Bebba to Begga, daughter of Pepin of Landen. If you recall from the first update of this month, Begga was a grand-daughter BaudGISE II of Aquitaine, where Gironde is located that uses the same-colored gyronny as the Picards.
Then, French Guys were from a Du Guy location in Picardy, said to be in the Oise department, which covers the distance between POIS and Val D'Oise, which overlaps with Ile-de-France, where we find a POISSY suburb of Paris. One then asks whether "Oise" and "Pois" relate, and whether "Poussin" may also apply. It's the English Guys/GUISE's, because they use seven lozenges in the positioning of the seven Quincy mascles, that reveals how "Quigg" should be a variation of "Guise," and therefore a Guy / gay branch. To put it another way, gays, Guys, and Guis' are lines from Quintus Caepio, and that begs the question of why Cato-suspect Guido's (I trace them both to Geta / Geddes liners) come up as "Guis."
The Quincys are said to be from a Quincy location in Seines-et-Oise, as well as from a nearby a Quincy-VOISins location. Then, when it rains it pours, for the Voisin/VOYsin surname uses "diamonds" while the Diamond surname has fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Porci/Porcini fleur on all five lozenges. Reminder: it was suspect that "Poussin" could be a Porcini variation.
As soon as Vousins were seen to be first found in Languedoc, which was before loading the Diamonds, I saw Voisins at Montiver...because I'm expecting the Quincy crew from that spot. It was then found that Diamonds are also "Dimont / Dymond, possible a branch of Mountains / Mounds. In this picture, the Porcia elements that were also "Fay" evolved into Foys of Voisins/Voysin elements that also provided "Pois/Poix" and its Power surname, and when it all linked up to lines from Quintus Caepio, it evolved into the Foix surname first found in Ile-de-France, with the Chappes'. Perhaps I haven't the chronology quite right, but something along those lines seems correct.
To no surprise, the Vais surname (Languedoc) is also "Vey," and the Vait variation is like the Fait variation of the Fes/Fay surname (in colors reversed to the Vais/Vey surname). It is very hard to say what the original version was. Perhaps "Boii."
Another thin bend, this time in colors reversed from the Porci bend, is in the Voice/Voise/Foyce Coat. It is important that they are from the Eure-et-Loir area, for Ivers are also "Eure," which for me makes a Montiver link to Eure, immediately to the west of Oise and Ile-de-France.
With the Guys tracing so closely to Chappes' elements, it should explain why French Guys share buckles with the Stirling surname, and why Stirlings show the Chappes Moor head in Crest, for Scottish Chappes'/Chaips were first found in Stirling, where also Wisharts/GUIScards were first found. If that identifies Guiscards of Sicily as Caepio liners, so be it. Your question may be: why did Guiscards want Sicily? Were Caiaphas liners from that place? We may need to ask the Gaetuli.
Why does the Stirling write-up trace to a Cadder location? Cadders/Calders use the Guy/Guise swan design, but as the Walsh's ("sed" motto term, surname traces to Wallis canton) use the same swan (though PIERCED), it's the swan > swine line to Sion/Sitten. Stirlings even share a "forward" motto term with Seatons/Sittins. Do the math: the sum of all these equations equals Caiaphas lines at Sion, in conjunction with Cato lines suspect as the founders of Sadducees.
Where the Quiggs led to the Coggle's/Coghills, and if that's a correct link, it appears that Cock and similar surnames may have developed from variations of "Quint" (reminder: the Quicks/Quiggs look like they may be using a version of the Capone Coat). Or, Cocks and similar versions had merged with the Quintus > Quigg line. It just so happens that the Coggle/Coghill roosters are identical, colors included, with the Cock roosters.
Suddenly, something of importance has surfaced, if these roosters are indeed indicative of Jonathan-Maccabee lines. The lozengy Shield used by Cocks is the Grimaldi lozenges, and Grimaldi's were first found in Genoa (traces to Geneva, north of Modane) and MONaco! Was this the Mon entity that named Hasmoneans. It recalls the trace I made of Hasmoneans to CREMona, where Cramers ought to trace...who use the same motto as Coggle's/Coghills! These Cock / Gog terms can now jibe with the swan king of Liguria (i.e. where Genoa and Monaco are located), CYCnus/CYGnus. That works. Monaco's and Cocks share a white fesse.
In other words, the Ligurian swan also became the cock / rooster as play on Cycnus' Gogi / Caucasian ancestry...from lake Sevan, right? So, then, we could expect Soducena / Sittaceni elements in the cult that adopted mythical Cycnus, and that may explain Cycnus' father, mythical STHENelus. I have never identified Sthenelus with Sadducees, but, come to think of it now, I have no choice if I continue to claim him as the namer of Sitten. This latest development is excellent, especially because I prefer to be right rather than wrong. I would hate to spend all this time, and yours, being wrong.
If Monaco is to be a Hasmonean entity, or a proto-Hasmonean entity, shouldn't we expect Sadducee elements there? Did anyone read where I traced lozenges? Yes, to Losinj, but Losinj was in the Adriatic region settled by Colchians, who were Caucasians. The Grimaldi's don't just use a few lozenges, but a Shield filled with them. They are in the colors of the five Diamond lozenges. There are five lozenges, from one side to the other, on the Grimaldi and Cock Shield.
Cato's have been traced to Hattusa, a term that I trace to a sister city of Kutaisi, where golden-fleece Colchians (ruled by Aeetes) lived who, according to the Argonautica myth, landed at the Losinj theater.
With a Grimaldi trace to Diamonds, the latter honored by the Voisins/VoySINs (diamonds in Grimaldi-lozenge colors), it's interesting that the Quincys are said to be from a Voisin entity in SEINE-et-Marne. The line from Segni's of Genoa to Sion is coming to mind, as though it included Grimaldi lines too, to be expected now. Couldn't "Segni" morph to "Seine"? If indeed the Seine was named after the namers of Sion, it's naturally important that the Seine flows through Paris, where Chappes and Levi's were first found. Cockers are listed under Cockets, first found in Norfolk, where Segni's trace with Seagers.
Somehow, the "hog" term may have been from "Gog," where the swine term was from "Sevan," for Gogarene was smack at Sevan along with Soducena. See this old map of Caucasia (not to scale nor perfect). Hoggs/Hogues use black boars, the Porcia symbol.
Coggle's use "dormit" in the motto, and I know by heart that Dermits (who come up as "Darby") use boars in the blue-and-white colors of Gog (said to mean sky / blue). The Googe's/Gooch's use boars in these colors. The Darbys/Dermits use the same crosslets as Gore's who trace to Gorski, the larger area where Losinj is located. Moreover, the surname is properly "DerMOTT," evoking the Motts that I trace to Modane / Modena / Modi-in. Motts (in Este colors) were first found in the same place (Essex) as Gore's and Este's.
As this section, written all during the proof read, came up suddenly when finding the Irish Quiggs/Cogley surname, which is the only reason for being on the Cock topic, by what coincidence do Quiggs/Cogley's share a white estoile in Crest with the Crest of Motts (Este colors)? The estoile had been certified as code for Este, which I am sure traces to Aosta, beside Savoy, location of Modane. And so what was Savoy named after? Sevan elements?
As English Este's are also "East," it is notable that Eastons were first found in Norfolk, where Segni elements trace. Eastons use a perchevron in the colors of the Welf chevron for obvious Este-Welf reasons.
Modane is on the Isere river that may have been named by Herods after Israel, for Herod Archelaus was banished to Vienne-Isere. On the north shores of lake Geneva there is a Moudon location that may apply. Also on the north shores of that lake there is a Morges and a Vevey location that should trace to Vivians/Veys and therefore to mythical Morgan-le-Fay. Now that Quiggs/Cogleys are found to use the estoile of Motts, it's important that Quiggs/Cogleys share the Porci-suspect bend with Fes/Fays, for it tends to trace Motts to Moudon too. It may not be coincidental that a Moud/Moody surname uses just a chevron in the colors of the Macey / Sion/Swan chevrons. Mouds/Moodys use a blue Shield, as do Modens/Modeys.
The Mudy/Mudie variations of Mouds suggests the Mudds/Mauds/Molds, first found in the same place as Maceys, and using a version of the MONmouth Coat! The latter surname was first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Geoffreys and Messeys-suspect Jeffersons. The Monaco's (home of Grimaldi's) use the same colors as Mouds, and then Grimaldi-suspect Grimms/Grime's were first found in the same place as Mudds/Mauds.
AHA! It was just realized that Grimms/Grime's could be from "CRIMea," the chunk of land in the Black sea that forms lake Maeotis, which is where the Sittaceni lived!!! That is amazing, how much accurate history heraldry can cough up. It was only an hour or two ago that, for the first time, I recognized that Grimaldi's / Monaco were part of Soducena lines to Sion, and here we are finding them in a trace to the home of the Sittaceni. I don't think I need any more evidence that Grimaldi's were from Crimea, therefore. "Crimea" had also been suspect with "CREMona." German Grimms are in the colors of Geneva's/Genoa's.
Small gold Shields ("ineSCUTcheons"), for example the ones used by Scute's (Scythian suspects), were traced to Placentia and Cremona as per the soldiers of Scipio in their retreat from Hannibal during the war on the Trebia river...that I trace to "Trabzon." HERODotus of Caria (centuries before the Herods were named) wrote that Amazons of the Trabzon area, while merged with Gargarians, migrated through the Crimea to found the Sarmatians. That's why we can expect Crimean scythians on the Trebia...that flows from Caucasian-studded Liguria to Placentia. But here and now I have found more small gold Shields in the Crim/Crombrig/Grimbridge Coat! It tends to verify that Croms and Crombys trace to the namers of Cremona.
The question is, why "CreMONA." It is a more-serious question now that HasMONeans seems to be tracing excellently to "Monaco."
The GUM variation of Crims/Grimbridges smacks of Biblical "Gomer," who is thought to have formed Cimmerians, who lived in the Crimea! There is a German Gum surname showing as "Gommer" and similar variations, and ZOWIE, they use the rooster design of Cocks / Coogle's/Coghills!!! We have stripped the Masonic scythians down to their underwear, and there, strapped around their fattened hips are the human skulls of their guilt throughout the centuries. These are the ones who drink from grails filled with the filthy blood of their murderous ways.
The same traced to the chief priests of Israel who killed the only One ever performing routine miracles, and preaching the betterment of man that befits human community. But scythians wanted nothing for others, only for their own stomachs, and to hell with community, unless it had "babes" with which they could commit adultery.
The Gum/Gommer roosters are black, and in the design of the black rooster in the German Koppel Coat. That's the surname tracing to "Goplo." The Gum/Gommer roosters are in the rare black-on-red colors, the colors also of Russian Alexanders. Isn't that the Seleucid-Maccabee line, therefore?
Of interest now is that "Crimmon" gets the Rimmons, smacking of Rimmon, in Israel, where the 600 Benjamites were from. It may be coincidental. I note that Crimmons are in Gog-sky colors, and are from SKYE and Lewis, in the area of Scotland that was home to Scottish Alexanders. Their "perMITTE" motto term could be code for Mittens/MOUTONS that trace to Moudon (lake Geneva). IN FACT, the Mitten/Mouton Coat is split vertically in the two colors of the split Geneva Coat; this is new to me, so far as I can recall.
It's excellent / revolutionary material for the makings of a super book showing, step by step, the movements of the descendants of the Israeli priesthood. It doesn't need to be written as fact; it would make for a believe-it-or-not mystery story, and, hopefully, people will talk about it throughout the world. That is my hope.
As the Catton/Catten Coat is split exactly like the Geneva Coat, the "METuit" motto term of Cattons/Cattens can now trace to the Mittens/Moutons. I don't think it's coincidental that Mittens shows also as "Myrton," evoking the Morte variation of Alexander-related Motts. The ram in the Mitten Crest may be code for the golden fleece (of a ram).
As Este's are clearly a branch of Pepins because they share the same white horse-head design, and because Pepins use an "est" motto term, it's important that Pepins and Poppins/Pophams use "Mens" in their motto, for there is a Mens location (on my atlas), about 50 miles south-west of Modane, on a tributary of the Isere. I've been reporting that Modane is on the Isere river, but, on second thought, I can't tell whether it's on the Isere or a tributary of the Isere. Wikipedia reports that Modane was a Sardinian entity, perhaps of the Visconti's of Sardinia. As Poppins use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Mens, that latter surname must trace to the Mens location.
It's now interesting that a peacock is in the Crest of both the Sard/Sherard/Sherrat and Maness/Manner Coats, and that Maness' share a red chief with Mens'. It's tending to suggest that "Sherard / Sherrat" is a version of a surname that started out honoring Sardinia. It can be suspected that lines from Porcius Cato in Sardinia founded Mens and/or Modane. If "Porcius" provided "Poussin," it will be interesting, later, when I get to the part that traces Poussins to the Ticino river, where I see the root of the Pepins. However, it bears repeating that "Ticino" itself is now tracing to "Segni."
Where "Cato" originated in "Hatti," lets not forget that this was a peoples in Phrygia, and that Maeonians on the Maeander river, with sources in Phrygia, are expected in the Mens bloodline.
Why are peaCOCKs tracing to Sardinia? The Sard/Sherrat Coat looks like a version of the Coat of Coggle/Coghills from COCKhill. Does this reveal that Peacocks were really a Quintus > Quincy > Quigg > Coggle line? After all, Peacocks were first found in Durham, near where Coggle's were first found.
With Peacocks who come up as "Peas," we are right back to the Paw/Pauwez bloodline. The Palin/Pawley lion is also that of Porcia-suspect Pricks/Prichards (Glamorgan, near Dorset), the latter suspect with Porcia liners. The Palin lion (common in Wales) may also be in the Chief of the pear-using Perrot/Parrot Coat that comes up as "Porris," a term tried for finding other Porcia liners. The "inVENIO" motto term (of Porris') could be for Avennio > Avion > Avon lines.
The Powys Crest is similar to the Balfour Crest, and it is the Powys' who use a fitchee in the colors of the same of Porcia-suspect and Chatto-related MacPhersons. If correct to view Powys from El-Gabal, while here Powys' look like Geta > Caracalla liners, shouldn't Caracalla's El-Gabal family (in particular) apply? There may not be any other El-Gabal line important to heraldry other than that one.
The Power Chief, and therefore the Palin Chief, is suspect with the Living/Levins Chief, and so let's re-mention that Levens use a chevron in Quint-chevron colors. As the Palin stars are in the colors of the same of German Brix's, perhaps these Brix's were a branch of Pricks and therefore Porcia liners. In fact, the Brix stars are PIERCED, and so the Percys and Pierce's, the Perchs and Percivals, may apply to Porcia lines. We can then seek to discover if the so-called Grail King, Percival, was a Porcia liner, but then Percival was made a father of a SWAN Knight, a term like "swine"! (This was the first time this swan = swine idea was realized, though it was mentioned other times during proof reads.)
There are some gold bars in the Bursy Coat (Pierce colors), surname first found in the same place as Percivals.
The mythical swan of Liguria was Cycnus, son of Sitten-suspect, king STHENelus. These Sithone-suspect elements pre-dated Porcia Cato. There was much time for Sittaceni elements to convert to Cato- / Geta-like terms.
The Porci/Porcini Coat looks like a version of the Fes Coat, and the latter were first found in the same place as swan-related Bouillons now suspect with Swine lines from lake Sevan (this was the original mention of this). The Fes surname is also "Fay," and then there are Fay-like surnames that come up as "Foix" too, important because the Fes/Fay bend uses a fox. The Foix area of Languedoc was traced here to fox-associated Faucets, first found in East Lothian, where Seatons/Sittens (and Keiths/Keaths) were first found who use Fes / Porci colors. Faucets happen to use another upright black lion, this time in the colors of the Porcia boars. Plus, something I had forgotten when writing the first half of this paragraph is that the Faucet write-up mentions an Edmond of Fayside witnessing a grant to a man with Swani surname!!!
THEREFORE, my fears are relieved. I don't need to go back and change all the instances where I suggested a trace of Sadducees to Soducena at Sevan. And there is quite the hope now that Porcia Cato traces to Sevan, suggesting that a swine theme existed from "Sevan" elements from before his time.
As both Faucets and Pollocks trace to Foix in Languedoc, I'm going to equate the Faucet lion with the same-colored one of Peters, whom I see from Peter Pollock. The Porris/Parots were the second instance of a write-up tracing to "Peter" where there was Porci-potential for the surname. It may mean that Peters were Porcia liners, as the "Peers" variation of German Peters may reveal. I have not known until now that the Peter bird with dexter foot on a black mascle is a swan (I don't recall any swan design like that of Peters). I've claimed that it's a peacock, at least initially, because Pollocks and Peacocks were related. The Peacock surname even shares black MASCLES (on besants) with Peters, and then Faucetts were a couple of miles from MUSSELburgh. I assume that the bird was changed to a swan for linkage to the Porcius-swine line. The Peter motto can give links away to Geddes' and Croys, and the Peter / Faucett lions are likely those of Flanders.
English Peers/Pere's look like they may be using a green version of the Blois bend. Pierre's/Pyerres' (Pyrenees elements?) share the gold-on-blue bend with two Peter surnames, and were first found in Languedoc, the location of Montiver, where Mountains were first found whose English branch likewise use the Peter / Pierre bend! Mountains are related to cat-theme surnames, right?
The Faucett write-up says that Fauxside castle was built by Sear de Quincy. Why was the latter involved at the Fauxside / Musselburgh area of Lothian? Don't the Quincy MASCLES have to do with "MUSSELburgh"? Isn't Quincy involvement in the East Lothian theater suggestive of a Caepio link to Seatons? If Caepio's trace to Seatons, then maybe Cato's do too. Faucet-related Peters use a blue lion in Crest.
As Seatons were first found in the same part of Lothian as Faucets, let's recall that Childeric and Basina traced to Sion with Seatons, for Basina may have named his son, Chlodeweg, after emperor Claudius, for he was married to a Messalina / MESSALLA surname.
It's a given that Messalla's traced to Musselburgh because Mussolini's share a string of lozenges diagonally with Marshalls, who had a branch in the Musselburgh area (HADDington). If you click over to Scottish Marshalls (this was the first instance of this realization), you will read that they were of a CATTI tribe!!! The same is said in the write-up of Marshall-related Keiths/Keaths. It is clear that Porcia elements were in Lothian with what appears to be the line from Claudius' wife, Valeria Messalina (she is not given good reports).
The "yet" motto term of Seatons may be for the Yate's/Yeats who use gates. This could indicate that Seatons were from Gaetuli, what "Cato" may have been named after. This idea that Sittaceni elements named both Seatons and Gaetuli was kicked around not many updates ago. I regret that when I was kicking that idea around, I failed to check the Yate coat, which tends to clinch the idea. It's a good bet that the flames and crescents of Seatons are those also of Julians.
The Yate's were even first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Ketts using the Preux eagle. This is linking Porcia lines very hard to Seatons and to their trace to Sion/Sitten, and therefore proving that Swan and Swine lines are identical, or at least closely related. I have no doubt already, due to my familiarity with the odds of heraldry linking in these ways, that the "holy grail" of Arthurianism was this Porcia line from Cato the Elder (see family tree at bottom of page).
I trace Ligurians to Leicestershire, and to swan using Leicesters/Lesters. It just so happens that both Perkins and Keatons were first found in Leicestershire. Keatons are traced to a Ketten location in neighboring Rutland. The Kittim location of Biblical prophecy is coming to mind, and if correct that it refers to Kition on Cyprus, one can add that Cyprus was made the birthplace of Aphrodite, the root of Eburovices, and therefore the likely root of "Porcia." Perhaps the mythical Calydonian boar (of Artemis) had something to do with an Aphrodite line to Calydon. Both surnames above use white-on-black lions / leopards...the colors of the Palins lions.
Now imagine this. Aphrodite, named after the Euphrates river where it meets the Khabur/Habur that named Cyprus, where the Abiru/Apiru (Hebrews) of that place took on a boar symbol so that the God of Israel made pork unkosher as a symbol of his eternal animosity toward these particular Hebrews whom He foreknew to be the satanic rulers of the world in many eras, especially the end times. Isn't Gog said to be God's chief enemy in Revelation 20? Did we see boars / swine in the Gogi bloodline? With Porcius' Cato name tracing to Aeetes of Kutaisi, and to "Hatti" of Hattusa, on the Halys river, one can also connect to the Halybes, the metal makers that trace to Hephaestus, official husband of Aphrodite, founders of the Kabeiri cult suspect from "Khabur." It's known that Attis was a principal cult for the Kabeiri.
Now, take the Galli priesthood of the Kabeiri, and the Khaldi kin of the Halybes who trace to "Chaldee," at the Euphrates-Khabur junction, and fast-forward to the Gali/Gauls and Celts that I claim were rooted in "Galli" and "Khaldi," though I think they passed through "CALYDon" too. One can then trace the boar used by Gauls to the Caledonian / Khaldi boar symbol, and, moreover, Gauls had the practice of roasting a boar with an apple in its mouth, symbol of Aphrodite.
And so when we find that the Cato-related Mountains use the Apple martlets, it appears that the Apollo cult was at Montiver(t), important because the term means "green mountain," while the Green Mountain range is in Cyrene, founded by the Apollo cult. The bulls in the Mountain Coat are likely for the Baal / Moloch bull.
When the blue apple goes to Blois, from the gold apple of Chartrans, I expect it from Baal lines to the namers of Blois. Baal probably included "Abello = Apollo," and so it goes to the Celtic god, Bel, and Bel-like surnames. This is and was the chief enemy of the God of Israel. The Pollux-branch Apollo goes to the founding of Pole's, in my opinion, and therefore to Pollocks and Palins, as well as Paul-like surnames. Out of this come the Paws that figure in the blue-apple riddle. I'm sure that some readers could care less about these details, and are waiting for me to show them where the treasure is located. I've already told you where the bars are located: in Swiss banks. All you need to do to get some is dig a tunnel through the roots of the Alps and find the bank safe's. Also, look to the coffers of the Rothschilds, and others too rich to fathom, who, rather than sharing their wealth, seek to compound it, at the expense of the poorer people.
Jesus said that God would be a servant to those whom accept Jesus. But we shouldn't view this service of God as the worldly lords treat their servants, bossing them around and basically owning them. We are not going to boss God around or have him act as our genies. It is my impression that God wishes to serve his citizens, not so much now that the spiritual war still rages, but, later, when the wicked have been vanquished. In those days, the servant that God will be will be exactly what Jesus revealed, a FATHER. As a father wishes to see the prosperity of his children, ditto for God the Servant. It's not profound, but it is super because it could have been far worse had the only God been selfish to the core, or cruel, or brutal. Instead, it's the devil, the temporary god of this world, and of the air, that is brutal.
If you want to know why God allows this devil to have control, you need to ask Him. My wish is that it was never permitted. My wish is that history did not ever become what it has been. In the midst of all the pain and suffering, the Rothschilds of the world only wish to add to it by raking in more and more of the wealth, and they love the dog-eat-dog world because they prosper with it, as the biggest dogs of all. Competition and capitalism is great when you're the biggest player on the field by far. You get to make losers of everyone. It's pure bliss when you think all the ladies are marvelling over you because you're the big winner. It called life-ass-backward.
The Palin/Pawley lion is used also by English Balins/Ballons (Cornwall), if that helps to make a link to Balfours/Balfords. Balens/Ballons are traced in their write-up to nearby Le Mans, at the western end of Maine, where Billets were first found who can be identified, tentatively, with Palins and Balfours. The Maine surname, the chevrons of which trace them to Perche (beside Maine), use yet another Crest symbol (a hand holding an object) like that of Balfours, and were first found beside the Balens/Ballons. Then, the Tipps Chief shares pheons with the Maine Chief, the idea here being that Maine's link to the TIP of the Balfour baton, meaning that Balfours trace to the Maine area of the Balens/Ballons...i.e. probably for the reason that they are branches of one another.
The lions under discussion are black-on-white and upright, the same for the SHATner/CHADbolt Coat. Could that be a Porcia Cato line too? Can the split Shatner Shield link to the same of the Foix/Foy Shield? Yes, for Palins can trace with Powers to Poix/Pois, not far from Ile-de-France, where the split-Shield Foix' were first found. It's a no-brainer to realize that the two French Foix surnames trace to the Fes/Fay surname suspect with the Porci/Porcini bend. I think we have just verified: 1) that the Fes/Fay bend is a version of the Porci bend; 2) that Shatners/Chadbolts are a Cato line.
Let's go back to the croziers used by Wears, who no doubt touted the symbol as one for devoted Christians and monks. Instead, it was just code for the Croze / Crozier / Crois bloodline. The Cross surname appears to be using the Vere Shield, and a stork in Crest, symbol of the Oettingen family...that links to the Oddie's using the same saltire as Gophers. The "formy" cross in the stork's mouth may be code for the Israeli crew at FORUM Allieni. The Fourmies location at the Picardy theater looks to apply.
The "potent" cross design in the Cross Coat is a unique one used by Pek- and Sadducee-suspect Chads (first found in the same place as Chats). Croziers had already linked to Cato lines because Croziers and Fes'/Fays were first found in the same place (Auvergne), where the Bouillons were first found who used the potent cross that was their Jerusalem flag. It looks like Cato liners were involved in the thrust to initially seize Jerusalem. The potent cross is not only used by Cross', but by Scott-suspect Skits and Scheds tracing to Schio in northern Italy. I don't think it's anything short of Scythians merged with the lines of Israeli priests to form a dynamo no different than a powder keg fitted with a fuse for self-destruction.
You're going to have to trust me on this one: the identical crosses of Cruce's and Scottish Croziers (see Creuse's of Cheshire with lion's PAW) are a version of the same-colored Messey/Messier saltire. I think the triple chevrons of the Teniers/Tenare's, first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Messeys/Messier's, are using Messey/Messier colors. This is important because I've insisted that Fulbert "the Saxon," the earliest-known Pollock proper, was a close relative of Fulbert "the tanner." We had seen the "Pousinn Teniers" code of Rennes-le-Chateau trace to Pollocks of the Poussin / Peacock kind, but now there's cause to trace "Teniers" to the very roots of Pollocks. Tanners even share the pine cone's of Messey-related Maschi's, and then Massey-related Vere's trace to Montferrat, location of the Tanaro river.
Porcia's traced to Ligurians, and, like Meschins, were at Leicestershire's Legro river with Leys/Lighs/Leghs. In the sources of the Ticino river there are found LEGnano and Lugano. The mythical Swan Knight was identified by me as the Lock and Loken/Lohen surnames both using swans, and therefore Logens / Logans must apply because he was given the name of LOHENgrin. Per chance, therefore, Logans/Lohans trace from "LUGANo." Therefore, the Scythian swan line was on the Ticino along with the Laevi Gauls. Legnano is about 20 miles from Novara, the latter being a main station of the Laevi.
Porcia's are everywhere, the big, fat grail line, sitting fat upon the world throne, eating the flesh of men and spitting out the bones. When the Lord comes to slaughter this aggressive creature, the gold bars will slide out from the folds of its fat to the poor of the earth. The mountains of Switzerland will not conceal them any longer, for even the mountains will melt.
Try to imagine Caiaphas liners in Israel as the Romans invade near 70 AD. They take their gold bars and flee, making sure the floor of the wagon doesn't give out. They end up with the proto-Alans at Forum Allieni, and eventually move to Langhe, at Montferrat along the Tanaro. They merge at some point with Pek-river scythians moved into northern Italy, even at Asti along the Tanaro. Yes, it was found recently that Paeoni lived at ASTIbus back in their Macedonian theater, and so they traced to Asti, suspect with the Este bloodline. To put it another way, Este's should trace to the Payen bloodline, or Paeoni should trace to Aosta.
The Pek-river clans include the Pace's and Pass's/Pascals. And that's where the "Peace 681" code can come in. Let me repeat the code, noting also the "key" term that may link to the MacKeys / MacKays but more-likely with the key line Sheaves/Chiapponi's: "Shephardess no temptation that Pousinn Teniers hold the key. Peace 681 by the cross and this Horse of God. I complete this daemon guardian at midday. Blue Apples."
Whom do we thing "guardian" stands for? It's for the Porcia-Gardner-Caepio soup, and probably the family of the "bell-ringer" with Capet-like surname, for Gardners are Capes and Kaplan kin.
We even see the cross term in this codework that could relate to the Cross bloodline, now linked hard to Porcia liners.
The Peace/Paise surname, in Wear / Lombardy colors, uses more doves, of course, and yet doves are a Pek-river symbol from Cuppae. Recall the "peascods" of Cullis', for the Peace page shows a Pease variation. The Peace/Pease fesse is white, the color of the Peas/Peacock fesse. It once again reveals that Pollocks (at Paisley) were Pek-river Payen liners.
Notice how the BLUE thistle of Paisleys is in the Cappin/Alpin Crest, for I traced Joseph Caiaphas (so to speak) to Alba on the Tanaro, and found that this Alba entity named Alba, proto-Scotland, and here we are at the Alpins, known founders of Scotland proper, coming up as "Cappin"...a term like the Coffins/Chaffens suspect with Cofni = Gophna in Israel. By what coincidence is the Gopher saltire in the colors of the saltire that is the flag of Scotland???
We're taking Sophonisba-Massena elements from Africa meeting the Pek-river Moesians in Italy, two groups of Meshech Scythians, chief of Gog and Magog. They form the Israeli priesthood in time to slay Jesus. They go on to rule the world, the world you see about you everywhere. There is virtually nowhere that their tentacles have touched by political prostitution, or by brute force, or by wheeling and dealing.
I found Joseph Caiaphas in Alba (on the Tanaro) when finding the swan in the Italian Alba Coat. I've developed a good sense of things based on what others may consider slim evidence. It's all based on the understanding that heraldry is not for any old surname, but only for the lines that Templars > Masons are concerned with, and that's why heraldry is studded with re-occurring traces to the Israeli priesthood(s), for those lines founded Templars. Did you notice the gold garb, an English-Joseph symbol, in the Chappes/Chaip Crest?
I have reasons for suspecting that the gold-on-red fesse of Alba's is in Porci/Porcini colors in particular. The latter surname is traced in it's write-up to one Porco surname in Messina. As Porcia's were identified well as Gaetuli Numidians, this recalls the likelihood that Sophonisba's husband was named after Messina elements. We'd expect interaction between Numidia and Messina. The Milan surname, which we can expect in the Milan of the Visconti's, was first found in Messina. One cannot get more Masonic than "Messina," aside from Massino-Visconti, and the Massin/Mason surname from it. Once you understand this little clue, you know that every Coat you see must trace to these and related elements, one way or the other. It makes it fantastically possible to decipher things, to read accurately between the lines often, and to make many correct predictions.
The Irish and Scots themselves trace themselves to north Africa, which is what this Scotland trace here, to Sophonisba, amounts to.
I've checked online, and it is "horse of God," not "house of God," unless many are repeating the typing error of one.
What good would a riddle be if all it pertains to is surnames and nothing more? Is it just a list of families known to possess gold or silver bars? Probably, the writer(s) fashioned the surname codes in a way that also provides a message. The code seems to be saying: don't look for the treasure at Poussin and Teniers elements, but look to the Peace - Cross couplet and some horse entity. The Gardners are then tossed into the mystery, along with an Apple bloodline that, I think, is that of Joan of Arc. The Lys river in Aosta seems pertinent for multiple factors.
The Poussin topic was tracing to the east side of Wales beside Cheshire and Shropshire, the latter being where both Macey-related Bellamys and Meschins were first found. And Masci's > Masseys are predicted in Aosta's Lys valley. The Cross surnames link to Massey lines, and Masci's are expected on the Tanaro. It's sheer Masonry here, through and through, from Templar elements.
Where Teniers were the Tanners who married the Claro vikings, I think the gold triple chevrons of Teniers are the same of Welsh Mathie's/Mathews, the latter in colors reversed to the triple Clare chevrons, the whole of which suggests the Mosca marriage to Montechiaro (= a Claro line) in southern Sicily as it moved into / from the Tanaro river. There is a Dee river in Cheshire, flowing west into Wales, wherefore the Dee/Day surname (Cheshire) can relate to the "midday" code.
Creuse's (possible Cross kin) were likewise first found in Cheshire, and they use a lion's paw (as do Savage's of Cheshire). Where "horse of God" refers to Pegasus, it could be referring to the Massey-Crest pegasus. The "MIDday" code could be a double clue that includes Modane / Modena elements to Mittens, for example, or perhaps the Middle's/Midlers, using the Palin lion, and first found in the same place (Shropshire, Welsh border)as Meschins and Bellamys. I trace Bellamys to mythical Bellerophon, rider of Pegasus.
The Irish Day/Dea surname (County Clare) uses green snakes, and looks like a version of this Mackesy Coat. The design of the Day sword's handle is like that seen in the Arms of Joan of Arc.
As per the "Shephardess no tempTATION" code, it recalls the TEMPle and TATTON surnames, likewise first found in Cheshire. The Tattons are even implied for what I know to be true, that they were a branch of Masseys / Masci's. Temple's use the same eagle as Candida's, who were also "Cattenai," like the Cattons/Cattens belonging to the Cato's. I'll bet string of gold sausages that Porcia's were Borgia's. Not only was Cattenai a common-law wife of pope Borgia, but Borgia's birthed Ranulf le Meschin. Temple's are said to have been earls of Chester BEFORE Ranulf le Meschin became its earl.
That is, Temple's are said to have ruled Chester (as Saxons) before the Conqueror arrived with any Normans. It doesn't say whether they went by that name, however. As Temple's share a "quam" motto term with Masters and Paine's, I would suggest that Meschins merged with the Saxon Temple's, perhaps re-naming them. The Temple Crest shows the black footless martlet of French Joseph's, important because Josephs and Shepherds are both Caiaphas suspects.
The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Shepherds (fitchee cross) is that of the Arms of Agrigento, at the mouth of the Drago river (southern Sicily), very near MonteCHIARO. The axe's of the Shepherd Chief are therefore the axe's of Drakes ("captat muscas" motto phrase), first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Josephs using a "charo" motto term for the Charo's/CHIARO's/Claro's. It's the Sicilian Mafia, isn't it?
Perhaps we should start buying up as much acreage in Cheshire as possible, leaving just enough money left over for a shovel and metal detector. Never mind. We don't want to share in this gold that is the root of all evils. The Temple's are said to derive in the Saxon named, LEOFric." Then, while that conjure's up the Laevi line, the Temple's claim to have lived in a Burton Dasset location (Leicestershire), which may be related to the Tease/Tess/Tech surname from the Ticino = Tessen river. There you see leaves in the latter Coat while "Leof" gets the Leafs/Leve's using what could be the Macey chevron. I didn't know until now that Leafs/Leve's can trace in particular to Leofric, earl of Chester.
French Temple's may be using the stars of English Days or even a version of the Macey / Payen Coat.
With Leofric tracing so well to the Laevi, by what coincidence do Temple's use the same footless martlet as French Josephs? This is very intriguing, to find possible Laevi liners in Chester prior to the arrival of Normans. The Temple write-up even has Leofric's son ruling Mercia, and for me that spells the Marsi line to the Marici co-founders, along with the Laevi, of Pavia. I would now suggest that Leofric was the Bebba line in Chester, for Bebba must trace to "Papia," the alternative form of "Pavia." It's suggesting what should have been gleaned otherwise in recent discussions, that Ticino-river peoples formed the Bernicians and neighboring Mercians.
The Porcia-suspect Burghs were likewise first found in Hampshire, and per chance the gold bend of German Burghs is that of Porci's/Porcini's. A few Burghs, whom I know to use the triple Clare chevrons, are colors reversed to Porci's/Porcini's. It suggests that Porcia elements were at the Agrigento theater with proto-Drake's. Let's not forget Mr. Porco at Sicily's Messina while suspecting that the Mosca's at Agrigento were Messina liners.
The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Shepherds was also of Billets and Bellows while the latter are honored by SHIPtons and while French Billets, first found in the same place as French Josephs, use PIERCEd Zionists stars, the Payen symbol. Pierces and Percivals were both first found in the same place (Somerset) as Perche-suspect Days (i.e. using a PERCHevron).
Somerset and Devon were founded by Dumnonii, which I trace to Cheshire's Diva = Chester location. Dumnoni can thus explain the "daemon" code of the blue-apple riddle. The phrase is, "daemon guardian at midday." The Gards and/or Gardners are very-likely at play here. Gardners even use the patee cross in the colors of the Dien/Dives patee. The Gardner format looks very much like a Dien/Dives format. As the latter use the white Masci wing, the white Gardner scallop is likely the white Meschin scallop. As scallops trace to Scylla at Messina, where we could expect the Gaetuli elements of king Massena's wife, it suggests that Gardners may have been Gaetuli as per the Gettel/Gardson surname.
JUST FOUND!!! The Gardens were looked up right here and now, to find a big, fat, black, boar head!!! Nothing else, just the Porcia boar. The Garden/Jardine motto is, "Cruciata cruce junguntur," which must be citing the Croze link to Porcia lines that became evident earlier. The motto is verifying that Yonge's/Youngs and Gards are kin.
Reminder: Burghs use "ung foy." Jewish Bergs use the stag design of German Jungs/Youngs/June's. This Garden/Jarden motto must be honoring these lines. One could get the impression again that Bergs and Burgs are Porcia variations. There is a Gard region opposite the Rhone river from Avignon, but I have not been able to trace Gards, Gardens, or Gardners to that place.
This Diva / Dives locations are suspect as a dove line of dancette-using Dove's/Dows. It's the dancette-using Dives who use the Capes scallops, the latter using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Shepherds in colors reversed. The code uses "shepharDESS rather than "Shepherd" because the Dess/Dash/DAIShe surname was first found in the same place (London) as Capes! German Gardners use one giant scallop in the colors of the Capes scallop on one side of the Shield.
The code had the term, shephardess, just two terms from, TEMPtation, and so recall that Temple's were at a DASSet location tracing to the Tessen=Ticino river. The Dess/Dash Coat can be construed as using a blue-on-white fesse, the only symbol in the Tessen/Tesken Coat. The Nons use a fesse in colors reversed to the Tessen fesse, and then English Noons were first found in Norfolk, where the Segni (suspect with the namers of the Ticino) trace to that place. Irish Noons, who like a little like Swine's, use a "Nuane" variation suggesting "Newin," which gets the same Coat as entering "Non." The rest of the riddle, not quoted above, uses "Noon" as well as "midday." I figured that "Shephardess no temptation" was part code for the Non surname.
Soo, what do you know, the Noons and Nons are tracing to the Ticino. I wonder why. I view Nons as Sophonisba elements, as per Dan Brown's "Sophia Neveu" code. It was found that English Neve's/Neveu's use the Geddes fish and so trace to a Gaetuli > Geta line, but I can now report that Scottish Neve's use what looks like a version of the Arrow/Arras Coat, suspect with Joan of Arc. To help prove that Joan was linked to the Arrow Coat, the Neve Crest is a lily (with "leaves"), essentially the Lys surname adopted by Joan's family. That family had one Luc du Lys, suspect with Luce's (use the Geddes fish) that I said founded the Lys surname.
As Porcius Cato has been suspect in the Gaetuli as well as in the family of Joan of Arc, perhaps the Irish Swine Coat is a version of one Noon Coat after all. English Swine's were first found in Yorkshire, where Caracalla and Geta (brothers) were proclaimed co-emperors. I see both Luce's and Geddes proceeding from those brothers, perhaps from acts of random fornication.
With the "dess" on "shephardess" tracing hard to the Ticino, by what coincidence was the Scottish Shepherd surname (ram) first found in Peebles, a place that I trace to "Pavia"? The Dess Chief even uses a lion in the colors of the Ley/Legh/Ligh lion, perhaps important because these variations trace to Legnano and/or Lugano on the Ticino. In fact, as we saw that Lugano's were representations of Lohengrin the Swan Knight, and while I trace Leys/Leghs/Lighs to the Legro river in Leicestershire, it needs repeating that the Leicester surname uses a swan. Moreover. we just saw that Temple's, who also traced to the Ticino, had a Dasset location in Leicestershire. There is a Dasset/Dacit surname that may be a branch of Dackets/Dags said to be from "dagger," but that's code for the Decks/Daggers who are Ticino-river elements.
Templetons use the rare red-and-black combination, as do, perhaps, the Dassets. Both use red Shields, in any case.
Perkins and Keatons were first found in Leicestershire. I think we have found the Cato Institute of Ticinology. Porcius Cato had fathers or sons or mothers or daughter on the Ticino. I wonder what they looked like. They must have been the Laevi, right? How else could Sadducees proper in Israel be formed from northern Italy if not from the Laevi? I have no idea at this time as to a Gaetuli migration to the Ticino in times before the formation of Sadducees proper. There is virtually nothing easily accessible online on "Gaetuli." Perhaps they went by other names. Caracalla's Geta line was much too late. Cato was in Sardinia, essentially off the Ligurian coast. Cato the Elder lived at about the time of Sadducee formation. I'll visit Cato's affairs in the next update to see what can be surmised.
The Gardner-Chief griffins are in the design of the Kaplan-Chief griffins. German Kaplans were first found in Switzerland, where Tess' were first found, and where someone created the concept of Swiss banks for to put gold into without any government being able to check out where it comes from. German Kaplans use a Shield split vertically in colors reversed to the same of German Gardners.
Dives' (in Porci/Porcini colors), not the Diens/Dives', use the Capes scallops, and were first found in the same place as Julians, Kaplans and Borgers/Bergers/Burgers; the latter use "A black lion's paw holding a DAGGER," not likely coincidental. Why do German Borgers use FIVE stars around the Murena tower? Do you think the Dives' are a line from the illegitimate child of Julius Caesar and Servillia Caepionis? Her legitimate son married Porcia Cato. Do we think her sons merged with a Julian line from Servillia? What did they become?
Porcia Cato married a Brutus surname. It causes me to ponder, during the proof read, whether Brutus lines named Burtons, especially the Burton Dasset location of Temple's. If that's correct, ask whether Bruttus' became the Birds / Burds and Borders. After all, Burtons were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Tressure's and Borders. Perhaps this explains why the Cato topic was introduced in the midst of my treatment on the blue-apple riddle. According to Geoffrey of Monmouth, we should be expecting Brutus elements in London, which is where Dess'/Dash's were first found that could be in the blue-apple riddle, as well as being the family that named Burton Dasset. Capes' were likewise first found in London.
LOOK! An hour after writing that (after much of the below was written), Broders/Brothers were looked up. They were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire, London theater) as Gardners, and use both the Gardner griffin-head design in the same colors, and a split red-and-black Shield in colors reversed to the split Shield of German Gardners! It looks like we have found the Brutus bloodline in London, and it's linked to the Capes / Kaplans.
The ermined Broder lozenges are in the colors of the Hounds and Thick lozenges, and then there is a black greyhound in the Broder Crest. German Broders even use a gold-on-red bend, the colors of the Porci/Porcini bend. It could suggest a Brutus-Porcia merger?
As Dive's/Dives' are also "Diver," perhaps they were d'Iver's from Montiver. If we're expecting Porcia-Cato lines in Cheshire as well as with the Mountains of Montiver, what about Cheatle's/CHEDels sharing a dancette with Dives and Butch Burgs/Burgers/Burgens?
The Diens/Dives' were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Burgess'. Why do Irish Burgess' use mascles, and a camel head covered in besants, if not from the line of Julia Maesa Bassianus? Didn't the ancestry of Julia Maesa trace to the Somme river in Picardy? Then read the write-up of the Sussex Burgess', traced to a Bourgeois location in Champagne of Picardy.
Why, of all colors, does the Pig surname use BLACK boars? Yes, it's the color of the Porcia boar, but isn't it also the color of boar said in the Book of Enoch to represent Edom / Esau? In the Pig Crest, a purple lion, the Skipton symbol too. There has been no doubt for months that Skiptons trace to general Scipio. The Shepherds/Shipperts are suspect as Scipio liners too, and will be back to topic in the next update when I look at Scipio Africanus' allies for a better understanding of the Roman situation at the time of formation of Sadducees.
Why do Bush's use a black boar? The Dess/Daishe Chief uses a lion in Bush-lion colors. The Dess/Daishe surname was first found in London, and then the Londons (merged with the house of Leven in Fife / Balgonie) share a lion in the same colors, upright like the Bush lion.
I don't think it's coincidental that while Cato-line cats are said to be "sejant" = seated, the Dee's use a "seated" lion in Crest. The Seat surname is listed with the Seeds/Cedes'/Seetes' (Cato liners of the Seaton kind?) using the Caesar Chief (and besants). "Sejant" is suspect with the Sagans using the Julian/Gillian Crest, which for the first time may suggest that Caesars are from Julians in particular. Then, the Segan variation of Sagans was suspect from Segni's, themselves suspect at the naming of the Ticino.
If correct, therefore, to trace "Dee" to s-less versions of "Tessen," the surname should not be traced to anything else. It can explain why the upright Dee lion is colors reversed from the upright Ley/Legh/Ligh lion, which itself can trace to Legnano / Lugano elements on the Ticini. The Dee river in Aberdeen must have been named by the same family as named the Dee in Cheshire, for the Scottish Dee surname, using the same Coat as the Cheshire Dee's, was first found in Aberdeenshire. I do not agree with the claim that the Dee named "AberDEEN." Consider how "ABERDEEN" looks like "BURTON Dasset" in Leicestershire, where I expect Leys/Leghs. That's powerful. The latter were even first found in Cheshire.
This creates a problem for me, for I have been tracing "Aberdeen" to the Hungarian "Kabars" from KABARDINO Balkar. The possibility now arises where Burtons / Burdens may trace with "Aberdeen" to Borders / Birds/Burds instead, or even to the Roman Brutus'. Cato's/Chattocks were first found in Aberdeenshire, a fact that could expect Brutus lines there too.
But wait. There could be a solution, for Kabars at Kabardino were beside the Khazars who may have been founded by Cato / Caetronianus elements. The Cato-suspect Geddes' even use a "majora" motto term that should be for the Majors/MAGORS, suspect with the proto-Hungarian Magyars that were allied to both Kabars and Khazars. The first Rothschild, likely from so-called "Ashkenazi Jews" from Hungarians and Khazars, was "Mayer," a term found in the Major/Magor list of variations.
Geoffrey of Monmouth implied that his mythical Brutus (or was it "Bruttus") named Britain, and so by what coincidence is the Britt/Bret surname using an upright lion in the colors of the Lee/Legh lion? Moreover, there are eight fitchee crosses acting as a BORDER around the Britt/Bret Coat, a Quint symbol too, while Quints and Britts were first found in the same place (Essex) as Berdens/Bourdons/Burdins and Britans/Britannys. As the Britt lion is the Dee lion in colors reversed, it's very notable that Days were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Bruttens/Bretons and Borders.
Then, while Sewers/Suters (beside Aberdeen) likewise use eight fitchees around their "orle" border, as well as a "sejant" leopard "sitting on a green mount" (Montivert code?), Sewards (beside Somerset) are using a version of the Brutten/Breton Coat! There are obvious connections here that stink like rotting pork. The latter may even be using the Gate Shield, which is probably a version of the Catton/Catten Shield.
It was after writing the paragraph above, asking the Montiver question, that the Mountains (Apple martlets) were looked up again, to find that they were not only first found in the same place as Britans/Brittanys, but are using the same Coat essentially! Therefore, a slew of Brutus-suspect surnames are tracing to Cato-infested Montiver, suggesting that the line of Servillia Caepionis and her son, Marcus Junius Brutus, husband of Porcia Cato, were at the St. Etienne theater. It is extremely important, therefore, to clinch the identification of the surnames above with "Brutus."
The Britans/Brittanys use the entire motto of Armors including the "Cassis" term. This is the spot where the Broders came to mind who were inserted above at a fitting location; they seemed to clinch that Border-like surnames should be from Brutus lines. Unfortunately, Borders show no Coat. French Bretons may be using a version of the Levi lion. Note that Britans / Bretons both use pierced stars. Bretans/Brittanys use the Gard wolf design in the same color, and Broders linked squarely to Gardners, thus providing evidence for a Broder trace to Montiver i.e. that Broders are a Breton branch.
A possible method of tracing Broders et-al to the Ticino is where talbot dog positioning of Burtons (Mountain colors) is that of the Pape/Papenburg talbots. The Burtons are traced in their write-up to three two-word locations, all of them having "Burton" as the first word, the same theme as "Burton Dasset" of the Temple's. As Broders (in Templeton colors) were first found in Oxfordshire, where the THAMes flows, perhaps Temple's were Thames elements. Templetons use a star in Broder colors.
It is not necessarily contradictory to trace these terms to "PodeBRADY" as well as to "Brutus." Bradys (first found in the same place as Irish Days) use a sun in Broder colors.
The "Hic labor" motto of Dee's can take one to Augustus caesar where eagle talons are shared by Hixsons/Hicksons, Augusts...and Capone-suspect Talons. As Capone's / Talons use a chevron in the colors of the Camp chevron, while Camps share the Broder / Gardner griffin-head design in the same colors, and while Gardners are a branch of Capes' and Kaplans, it's a no-brainer that Camps, in Campbell colors, are part of this porker of a topic. Reminder: Gamble's use only a large fleur in the colors of the Porci-Porcini fleur. Camps were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Burtons. Talons were first found in Cornwall, near several surnames above, and Cornwall is where the Roman Cornellii are expected.
German Camps use nothing but a dancette, as with Cheatle's/CHEDels, in colors reversed to one another.
Of some possible interest is that Italian Borts/Bortoli's (Piedmont) may be using the Non/Nevin fesse. In any case, the Bart terms used by Bortols may suggest the Baldea river flowing to Turin, for the Bortols/Bartoli's are said to be from Susa, east of Turin. It's interesting that Modane is immediately across the short pass through the Alps from Susa. There was such a thing as an r-to-l switch so as to turn "Bard" to "Bald."
The Baldea starts at a Ferrat valley/river on the Savoy/Aosta border (Graian Alps) over-looking the Sion theater. That's why it's important to trace Bouillons to this river, for it explains why Godfrey de Bouillon was charged as being the leader of the Priory of Sion. Again, it would be to no surprise if certain powers in the world "proved" that the Priory of Sion was a fabricated organization. As the Baldea flows to Turin while using the Murena tower (used also by Towers and Tours), it supports a trace of the tower/turris to "Turin" elements.
The Baldea also flows through Chatillon using a blue-on-white star, and a red-on-white castle, the colors of the Bort/Bartoli's tower! It's evoking Chatillon of Blois elements. Here's what was earlier: "'Blois was associated with Champagne Province, the House of Chatillon (who tended to reside in Blois), the Dukes of Brittany and...' The CHATillon term caught my eye, and behold: "The House of Chatillon was a notable French family...with its capital in Chatillon-sur-Marne and branches in Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, Blois, Penthievre, Chartres, etc."" Might we expect Blois elements on the Baldea? As Blois linked to Porcius lines, might the Borts/Barts be those very elements? The Bort fesse is in French-Blois colors. Scottish
Reminder: the Blue roosters are now in the design of the Jonathan roosters, and the latter surname needs to trace to Modane. Blue's were first found in the same place (Arran) as MacAbee's, and beside the Alexanders at Kintyre. The namers of the Baldea are looking very much like the Blue / Bois bloodline, and moreover could very well link to Borts/Bartoli's.
The Baldea was also "Bautica," and it's the two Baut surnames (one shares a "bello" motto term with Bouillons) that link hard to Bouillons. As "Blois" was suspect from a Belli line, it's obvious now that Blois was a Bouillon line. The Baut stars are colors reversed to the star in the Arms of Chatillon. The latter entity was suspect with Cattons/Cattens (especially the Candida-Cattenai branch in Savoy), and then the German Baut/Bault Shield is split vertically in the colors of the Gate Shield, while these same colors are used horizontally by Cattons/Cattens and Geneva's. The source of the Bautica is a mere sled ride to lake Geneva.
After the Baldea flows through a Verres location jibing with the Ferrat river, it goes through IVRea, perhaps related to MontIVER. In fact, the Verres page just loaded and tended to verify it by showing a black fess in the Arms of Verres, the color of the fesse in the Iver Coat. The latter's fesse is on a quartered shield in the colors of the Vere Shield! Plus, the Arms of Verres uses "vair fur" in Vere-Shield colors. What were Pharisee liners doing way up there, over-looking Sion?
Ivrea is only about 30 miles due west of Novara.
Touching the Apple of Poussin's EyeNow that the Cato line has been found in several ways on the Ticino, the "Touch not the cat" motto phrase of Clan-Chattan members can trace to "Ticino" by whatever "Touch" is code for. There is a Touch/Toulch/Tough/Tuff surname, using what must be the green Lyon lion, first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Tofts/Tafts/Tuff's who come up as "Toste." If the Tuff-like variations came first, I suppose that Skagul Toste if the Danes may have been named after Ticino elements. In any case, the Toft/Tuff write-up traces to a Toft location in Norfolk, where the Lyon's were first found, and where the Segni crews of surnames were first found who may have named the Ticino.
The Lyon link to the Ticino is do-able where "Ivrea" links to "MontIVER," and where Laevi elements from the Ticino were at Ivrea. We can anticipate such a thing. It just so happens that, beside Ivrea, there is a Levone location using a lion in colors reversed from the Louvain lion. I learned this before loading the Touch or Taft Coats. I then read that the Touch surname included one Joslin de Touch, smacking of Jocelyn of Louvain of the 11th century. We also read that Touches were lords of Audley, smacking of Audeville in Savoy, beside Levone.
The truth may be that "Touch" and similar variations go to "Ticino" while "Tuff" and similar variations go to Daphne elements at Dauphine, location of Lyon / Montiver. You can see that the Levone Arms are similar to the Verres Arms that connected well to Ivers. Tofts/Tuff even use the Wear crosslets in the same colors, and then the Wear bend is in Touch / Lyon colors. The Wears are the ones said to be related to Giffards whom I trace to Givors, smack at Lyon.
Plus, while the Louvain lion was borrowed by Bruce's (or vice-versa), Wears use the Bruce motto. It's likely that the motto, simply "Fiumus," is code for the Few surname because it shows a heart, while there is an important Templar theme called, "heart of Bruce." The Fews use a fesse in the colors of the Bort/Bartoli fesse. The latter's description may trace to Montivert = "green mountain": "A blue shield showing with a silver fesse, and a red tower with an arm holding a flag, on a green mound."
Suddenly, whether or not I was correct to trace the heraldic green mound to Green Mountain in Cyrene, I think there has been sufficient evidence to show that it should trace to Montiver elements. I wonder how many elements were there besides the Mountains and Cato's. It appears that Borts/Bartoli's and Cato-suspect Bruce's go there, along with Wears and a host of Baldea-river peoples.
The McLeods, in Bort/Bartoli colors, use red flags, the symbol of Borts/Bartoli's, and then the McLeod septs include Teague's and similar variations, as well as Crimmons (treated earlier) with the("perMITTE" motto term traced tentatively to Modane elements. Then, the McLeod septs include MacAbee's and Herods. The latter could trace McLeods to Lyon, but the MacAbee's have great potential for tracing McLeods to Borts/Bartoli's, as expected, because they (Borts) were first found in Susa, a short hike through the mountains from Modane.
The last time we were on the Crimean topic, they traced surprisingly well to Soducena > Sadducee elements out of Monaco's Grimaldi's into the Geneva - Sion theater.
By what coincidence do Crimmons use the same Coat as Tafts/Tuff's, but in blue? That could link Teague's to the Touch/Tuff surname and therefore to Tafts/Tuff's. This recalls the MacInTOCHS, using "Touch not the cat," and suspect as Togarmites and Gomerians. Here is a list of Macintosh/toch septs showing Gomer-like variations as well as "Keggie," suspect with the Caige variation of Teague's.
The color of the vair fur used in Verres is used by Oddie-suspect Oettingens. When we go to the Aude's (Ottone and Oddie colors), let's assume that the Touch's of Audley are related. The Oddey variation of Aude's smacks of Oddie's, who use the same-colored saltire as Gophers now tracing fairly well to Givors, at Lyon, where the Touch lion seems to trace. Therefore, this is convincing me that Clan Cattan traces to Givors and Lyon, as expected with the Cato trace to nearby Montiver. It also suggests that the Touch elements of Clan Chattan traces to "the city of Audeville in Savoie," as the Aude write-up calls it. I find no-such city.
Wikipedia has an article on an Audeville location in PithIVIERs, which looks like it could be an Iver term. There is a Puiseaux location in Pithiviers, for the record. Hmm, if the Levone location traces to Louvain/Lleuven (Belgium), as it could, then note how the Leuven surname uses bear's paws, the Powys symbol. Didn't Powys elements trace well to Possins? Are we discovering that Poussins and Powers of Pois are from Puiseaux? As Leuvens are also "Lauffer," and as Louvains are also "Loving/Loven," note that Luffs/Love's share a red fitchee cross with Powys'! Luffs were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Blois'
In the least, Powys' are tracing to Louvain elements, and then the Touch's used a Joslin name that could link to Louvains too.
By the way, there is a Candia location along the Baldea river. It can reveal that Cattons/Cattens were there. The latter had traced to Cattolica, and then Audleys not only share a fret with Cattle's/Cattels, but "Audley" can be a Cattle variation. Candia is even close to CHATILLon. There is a Brusson location beside Chatillon.
By the way, I've just learned that there are about two dozen Chatillon locations in France so that it seems to nullify any chance of tracing any one of them to Cattolica or anything similar. However, I don't know how I missed it when, earlier, I quoted from the article on the House of Chatillon, the one related to Blois. Here is what I missed: "The counts of Chatillon added to their title that of prince of Porcien." PORCIen??? That's got to be the Porcius-Cato bloodline. It may mean multiple Chatillon locations are Cato-liner locations.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C3%A2tillon_(family)Note the red-and-gold colors of the Arms of Chatillon in the page above, for those colors are covered with vair fur, and we just saw those colors, with vair fur, in the Arms of Verres near the Chatillon of the Baldea river. Compare the Arms of Verres with the German Broder Coat, noting that both Broders and Borts/Bartoli's use the Murena tower. It's evoking Tarentius Varro Murena (see December updates). Interestingly now, the Spanish Varro's, the only ones to offer a Varro Coat, who use wolves in Varn colors, were first found in Porcia-suspect Burgos. Varns were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Templetons who were suspect earlier in using a star in Broder colors. The Nons/Nevins, who use a fesse in Bort-fesse colors, were likewise first found in Ayrshire.
Broders were first found in Vere-heavy Oxfordshire. The black bend in the Verres Arms is used by the Varn Coat too. Recall the Britts/Bretts, Britons/Brittanys, and Birdens/Berdens/Burdens, all first found in Essex. That's where Vere's were first found. Britans/Bredans, not first found in Essex, use the Varn bend in colors reversed. It looks like this crew had moved from Montferrat up to the Baldea river, right up to it sources at Ferrat. It looks like the Scythian crew in northern Italy was taking the Israeli priest lines to the north to teach them the pirate trade. And like excited dogs, drooling, the priestly lines went.
Ferrat is at Mont Blanc, and then German Blancs (whose write-up traces to Italians) are showing the same castle as McLeods who share red flags with Borts/Bartoli's. If that's not very interesting, it looks like the Capitano/Cattano Coat is a split version of the Blanc Coat!!! Both use yellow on top with a black spread eagle. AND ZIKERS, the Capitano/Cattan Coat even substitutes a Murena tower in place of the McLeod tower.
It looks like Caepio-Cato elements were at Ferrat, a short walk to the Alpine summit which overlooks Sion.
To support a Chatillon-of-Baldea trace to Cattolica and Fano, the Capitano / Blanc eagle is used by Fano's (Ferrara) and Fontana's (Bologna's, where the Capitano's were first found, roughly, anyway). Plus, the write-up of French Blancs ("tache" motto term) says that they were part of the royal house of Blois. Didn't we find Blois elements smack at the sources of the Baldea? Yes, and that was before getting to the Blanc surname.
Spanish Fontana's share a red flory cross with Borgia's and Birds/Burds. The latter two look like a Brutus-Porcius combination. Fontana's and Birds/Burds use their flory crosses in colors reversed to the same of Bouillons, and so while Bouillons trace to the Baldea, I would suggest that Birds/Burds should trace to Borts/Bartoli's. The trick is to find Birds/Burds with an 'l' ending, like most the Bort endings.
I find Flory crosses to be a version of moline crosses. The Moline/MOULINS surname uses one, and then the St. Vincent area on the Baldea has a Moulins location as well as a Bacon location. Bacons come up as "Beacon," and then a beacon symbol is used by Bouillon-suspect Belli's. More amazing yet, Bacons were first found in the same place as Blois!!!
I'm not at all confident that we can trust the Bort write-up when it traces to a Bartholomew. Borts can be suspect with Borders because Blois = Bouillon elements are tracing to them strongly. Borders traced to Besancon in Doubs, north of lake Geneva.
The red scallops in the Fontana Coat may be trace-able to Verres because the Arms of the latter use three gold-on-red chevrons, a symbol of Mathie's who show a red scallop in Crest. Red scallops are symbols of Blois-related Romneys.
The rare horse design used by Jewish Rothchilds (no 's')' has been found in a Berrat/Barat Coat. The horse looks like a version of the Fleming wolf. Is this indicating that Barrets, who show also as "Barau/Barre," were of the Bauers?
Aha! I've found a Bordel surname, first found in Auvergne!!! That location is an excellent reason for a Bordel = Bortoli equation. There is also a German Bortel/Bartel/Bertel surname
The latter Bortels are in the colors of the Sadducee-suspect Bords, the ones using white footless martlets as a border feature. Recall the Levone location at the sources of the Baldea, for while no Levone surname comes up, "Levon" gets the white footless martlets of Livings/Levins. The "perforatus" motto of the Bords can now be understood as, Per Foratus, code for Ferrat at the sources of the Baldea. The Bord Shield is even split horizontally in the colors of the same of Cattons/Cattens and Geneva's.
The Bruce-related Pratts of Belgium (Annandale saltire in the Bruce version) ought to trace to Levone, and then English and Irish Pratts use white-on-black footless martlets too. Pratts could be a Bort / Brett/Britt line.
Having thus traced the Borts/Bartoli's confidently to Bords, it's very notable that French Bords are traced in their write-up to Lyon, where the Touch surname traced at the opening of this section. I did not manufacture anything in this section for surprise effect. I did not know anything beforehand when writing any paragraph. Things were reported as I found them. My exclamation marks are sincere marks of surprise on my part. I don't gather a parcel of information beforehand and then lay it out with faked surprises. You are getting the very first draft of my findings, with merely a proof read, but not always.
We can now understand that Borts/Bartoli's on the Baldea river, and at Susa, next to Modane, worked their way as Sadducee liners to Auvergne with Bouillons, who likewise originated on the Baldea. or, the migration may have gone in the other direction. In either case, this looks like the founding, or at least re-naming, of Sion / Sitten. I would suggest that Bouillons named it Sion while Seatons named at Sitten. Everything in this section is from the proof read, never intended to be in this update; it just worked out that way.
I am disappointed, however, in being unable to identify Bords / Borts as Brutus liners with certainty.
Here is the Bordeaux Coat. It's the one that was reported as having crosses link-able to the small saltires of Candys/Candie's (whom I see in Savoy according to Wikipedia's article)), but that was before I found the Candia location on the Baldea, and before I found the Borts of Piedmont. This Candia location is even suspect now with Poussins, especially as the Candie's/Candys/GANTY were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Blois'. I don't know whether Candle's/Cantwells/Kentwells apply to Candale, but they were first found in Suffolk too.
The Bordeaux surname requires consideration of the Kyle's, because they use candles that may be code for Candale at Bordeaux of Aquitaine. One can already see the CANDale - CANDie possibility. Kyle's settled in Ayrshire, and so let me repeat: "The Nons/Nevins, who use a fesse in Bort-fesse colors, were likewise first found in Ayrshire."
Kyle-related Coles' were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Candals/Cundels who look like Burghs and Borgia's and may therefore be a branch of Conte(ville)'s. The thing is, Cone's share three antlers with Conte's, and then Cone's were first found in Kent so as to appear related to Candle's/Kentwells, first found beside Kent.
"Candia" gets the Italian Candida's with the black-on-gold spread eagle used by Capitano's, Fano's, Fontana's, and Blancs. It was thereby surmised that Capitano's should trace to Mont Blanc, near Candia on the Baldea. That works.
But Massi's/Mattis also use this black-on-gold spear eagle, along with a Shield filled blue and white checks shared by Fers/Ferrats, and then Mont Blanc is at Ferrat! Moreover, one can trace "Mattis" to "Mathie," and it's the latter who share the triple chevrons in the Arms of Verres. Between Verres and Mont Blanc, one could probably hear the howl of a werewolf, that's how near they are to one another.
For the record, here is the Salassa location likely named by the Salassi. It's along the Baldea too, near Candia.
I didn't know whether I should mention or ask whose white Shield with red Chief is in use in the Arms of Verres. I was going to suggest that it could be that of Shepherds, but declined for lack of evidence. But eventually I got to Bald-like surnames, for obvious reason, and the first one tried was "Baldy" (in Bort/Bartoli colors), first found in the same place (Peebles) as Scottish Shepherds. If the Verres Arms is indeed using the Shepherd Coat, I think we can be sure that the blue-apple riddle traces to Blois elements from the Baldea.
The Peebles-branch Shepherds are said to have gone by a Latin form, "Pastor." It recalls how the Balfours were traced to "pasture."
On second thought, Verres may not be using the Shepherd Shield, for I found the same one in the Arms of Brusson. If this location was named by Bruce's, the Shield-and-Chief color combination in question could be that of Annan(dale)'s, especially as the Coat in question uses a black bend, the color of the Hanan bend.
The Brusson page shows a crystal studded with gold, which may suggest that the dragonline was in that area mining for gold, if only to launder their gold bars. There is a Brusson location in Marne too, and then, as I trace "Marne" to the Myrina location on Lemnos, it's very conspicuous, not only because I trace "Bruce" to "Aphrodite," wife of Hephaestus, but because he was the symbol of metal mining / smithing.
Having come to this, the Sadducee house of Boethus is coming to mind with the "Bautica / Baotia" version of the Baldea river. I even saw an Orco location smacking of the Orchomenos area in Boiotia/Boeotia of Greece! Both the Boii and Bouillons could trace to Boiotians. This would be fantastic, to find proto-Sadducee's, or even post-Sadducee lines, tracing to Boiotians. It's what I've expected for years. However, they say that Orco was named after gold. Here it is, the Orco river in the Canavese area of the Baldea:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CanavesePerhaps it's just a coincidence that gold was mined at Orco, and the name was after Orchomenos elements. It is so interesting that the Orco has a mouth at the Po at a Caiaphas-like Chivasso location. And look, in the Chivasso article, a photo of money changers at the Magdalene Church!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChivassoWell, actually, I was so excited that I was seeing things. No money changers, no. But let me tell you that Chivasso is about 15 miles north of the center of Turin, and therefore a Turin suburb. On the east side of Turin, and still closer to it, is a Chieri location suggestive of the Chiaro surname that has been suspect with Joseph Caiaphas (killer of Christ). Again, the Chiaro's had been traced (by me) to Montechiaro at Agrigento, where the Shepherd surname is suspect. To the Immediate side of Chieri is Montferrat, the Tanaro river, Alba, etc. That's how compelling this picture is.
The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Bacons is colors reversed to that of SHEPHERDs, and then a CAPARD location is at the St. Vincent area of the Baldea, where a Bacon location sits that is almost-certainly an origin of Bacons. Unfortunately, no Cap(p)ard Coat comes up. There is a Capart/Capper surname that traces to an ancient BALLIvia Domini Gaufridi (= "Godfrey") de Capella. It looks like a Godfrey-de-Bouillon line. The three caps used in the Capart/Capper Coat are in the colors of the three "bellows" in the Shipton Coat. And then ZIKERS, I had forgotten that the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Bellows is that also of Shepherds! I love surprises like that, just as things were looking dim for the paragraph half way through it.
What this apparently means is that Shepherds are related to Annan(dale)s because Shepherds were Capards suspect with Caiaphas lines in tune with the Sadducees and Pharisees around Verres. St. Vincent may even be a hub of the da-Vinci-cult cast of reality-twisters.
ZOWIE! The cinquefoils in the Bellow Chief are in the colors of the five cinquefoils in the German Bacon Coat! Heraldry really is tracing hard to the Baldea river. Here is the German Bellow Coat (Pomerania); where have you seen that black-on-gold spread eagle before? It's got to mean that Bellows were at Candia on the Baldea.
We can now ask whether the "pasture" code in the Balfour write-up is for the Pastors that had been Shepherds, and, if so, it could be suggesting that BALfour's are named after the namers of "BALdea." The "FORward" motto of Balfours could expect them with Seatons at the naming of Sitten. The BalFOWER variation may suggest the Feur surname coming up as "Fewer." However, the Fore surname is listed with the Forez surname first found in Savoy, and using what could be a version of the Swine Coat. The "travers" motto term of Forez' gets a boar in colors reversed to the Swine boars.
ZIKERS! The German Belli Coat not only uses that black-on-gold spread eagle again, but it's on a split Shield very much like the Fontana Coat! It's the German Belli's who use the "beacon", though I've just noticed that houseofnames has changed the design. It was exactly in the design of the Fuller beacon (they have not changed the latter to date).
I haven't entered "Verres" (Aveyron) until now. It uses the white "Vere star" on blue, as do Weirs/Vere's, in the colors of the Baut stars. Place a 'B' on all Verres variations to see what the terms may have evolved into.
I've just decided to seek a Chivasso-like surname, and zowie it may be a bingo. The Chives Coat uses a black moline, the color of the Moline/Moulins moline, and both surnames were first found in the same place, Devon, where elements from Maine had traced. Maine is not only where the French Josephs were first found, but the Payen-suspect Billets who have a branch using the Bellow Coat!!! That is stupendous, for it traces the Chives' as hard as solid gold to the Baldea river. Although Chivasso is at the mouth of the Orco, that river runs parallel with the Baldea, and is smack beside it.
BUT THERE IS MORE! The Chives Crest shows the Mosca leopard design, and it was the Mosca's who married Montechiaro!!! That tends to nail a Chives trace to "Chivasso." But was it really a Caiaphas locale? Again, for new readers, the English Josephs were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Drake's using a "muscas" motto term that is a shown, Mosca variation. The Drake's trace to the Drago river at Agrigento, and the Josephs use a "charo" motto term that bring up the Chiaro's. Both Joseph surnames are tracing to Chivasso, and then, for months without changing my mind (I would if I saw reason for it), I have been claiming that Josephs were named in honor of Joseph Caiaphas.
Although Mosca's call theirs a leopard, Chives' call their Coat cats "cat-a-mountains," while their Crest is said to be a "cat." The Shives variations of the Chives suggest the Sheaves/Chiapponi's (FIVE keys) leading to the Sheaves/Shaws with Sadducee-suspect "Sithech" code in their write-up. The "qui"-using Shaws were first found in cat-infested Berkshire. It means that my suspicions were accurate, that Caiaphas lines had merged with Cato lines. The "Vincit" motto term of Shaws was traced to "Vinkovci," but it can also be traced to St. Vincent on the Baldea. The cat-using Croms, likewise first found in Berkshire, using the Vincent quatrefoils, suggesting a hard Vincent trace to St. Vincent.
In short, the Shawia Berbers / Numidians were in Chivasso, and had either merged with Caiaphas lines there, or founded them. The "non" motto term of Chives/Shives has been traced, without change of mind, to Sophonisba's Numidians.
I had claimed that the Kills/Keele's were likely the Cilnius elements at the root/founding of the Israeli chief priesthood (namely, the Maccabees, that is), and here we find that the Chives Coat is quartered in the colors reversed from the Kill/Keele quarters. Note that single crescent that likely belongs to Motts/Morte's and Alexanders.
I have been on the Chives surname before, but never knowing where it traced. If not for this Baldea section that was added here, so important to tracing Chives' to Chivasso, and so laden with all the right themes for a stout Caiaphas picture, I may never have been able to clinch what seems very apparent now. I am sure that Porcius Cato traces with Caiaphas to Chivasso. The question is, did he name it, or did it name him? Cato had been in Capua as a young military man. Later in his life, he or his family was in Chivasso, isn't that right? Did he bring the Caiaphas family with him to Chivasso, or was it already there? Was he the Caiaphas family?
In the next update, I already know part of my topic, a man with Flaccus surname, Cato's friend and supporter. The red flags of the McLeods and Borts/Bartoli's may trace, with the Flags/Flecks, either to "Felix," or to "Flaccus." I've suggested both in the past. I'm going to struggle with that question when it comes time. I'm going to feel things out, read other article besides Wikipedia, on high-level Roman events at the time of Sadducee formation. I think it's time because heraldry has proven without doubt that Masons were deeply concerned with Cato lines.
I didn't realize until now, but in the list of localities at Chivasso, one is said to be Mosche! Surprise. Two others are BOSCHetto and BORGHetto, two Porcia-line suspects, one being the black boar Bush's/Buschs. Yet a fourth is Castelrosso, or Redcastle, suggesting, perhaps, the red Bort/Bartoli tower. Note that Keele-suspect Kellys/Killia's use a tower theme in the colors of the Chatan towers, and Chattan castles, all in the colors of the Bort/Bartoli fesse.
Aha! The Scottish Turin surname, first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Cato's/Chattocks, uses boars on a bend in colors reversed from the Porcia bend.
It was not my intention to be on the Macintosh surname, but the Orco river recalls the migration of Jason's crew up the Adriatic, up the Po, and somehow across the Alps to the Eridanus / Rhodanus. The best way would be up the Baldea to it's highest mountain sources, then down to the Rhone on the east side of lake Geneva. The list of MacIntosh septs show "Aeson" (and similar variations), the name of father of Jason/IASon. In this picture, MacinTOSH/TOCH's, suspect with Cato-related Touch's, named the Ticino/Tessen.
The Porcius line can then go to the Calydonian boar, and Meleager, king of Calydon who killed the boar. Meleager was on the Argo ship, you see, and as most of the crew were Boiotians, especially from Orchomenos, it's likely that "Meleager" is a double term, one being "Mel = honey," for the Boiotian honey goddess was Melia, wife of the founder of Argos. We get it; the Argo ship was filled with pirates, the proto-vikings, passing through as northern Italy's scythians and other dogs.
That means that the root term of "Meleager" was "Eager," which is likely an Aix term...given by myth writers to HephAEStus, where "aes" means "metal." In other words, the metal miners and workers of Greece -- the Kabeiri (known to be in Thebes of Boiotia), from the Khaldi > Calydon peoples -- were the namers of the Orco river, and they were on the Ticino, as well as on the Baldea between the Ticino and the Orco. As JJ Tolkien had fictional Orcs, allies of an evil Melkor character, it's obvious that Tolkien was speaking to Meleager elements on the Orco river. But I traced "Orc" to "Orkney," home of the raven vikings, and have claimed by various methods that the Caiaphas-related crew of scythians evolved into the Stout-raven vikings, the Templars, in the Orkney theater. Macintosh's (and Tolkiens/Tooks) are suspect from Togarmite scythians.
I wasn't going to mention it, until now, that French Bords look like they are using the Stout/Stow Coat. English Bords are the ones using the Sadducee-suspect Coat on a split-Shield in the colors of the same of Cattons/Cattens / Geneva's.
If one takes the Orco to its sources, one would be a very short distance through the Alps to the source of the river flowing to Modane. On the next river over from Orco, the Susa location sits. This river flows to Turin. At its sources, one is a short distance from Modane itself. It just so happens that ancient Susa on the Iraq-Iran border area was on the Togarmite-suspect Tigris river. Moreover, near ancient Susa there was a Sittacene region (!!), a term like the Sittaceni peoples at lake Maeotis (also called AZov, lake of the scythians). This paragraph is in addition to the trace I think I'm making of Soducena / Sittaceni elements to the Chivasso / Ticino theater. Sittincidence? I don't think so, especially as it also involves Hasmonean-suspect Modane.
Remember too that I trace Gomerians (mother trunk of Togarmites) to the naming of QUMRan, land of the Essenes that are expected at the essenes bee cult in Ephesus, the city that I identify with "Hephaestus," whose Kabeiri cult was in Thebes, meaning the Melia and Meleager were likely from that essenes bee cult. Expect Essenes liners at the Orco theater too. I traces Essenes to "Aeson," and therefore to "Aedon," queen of Thebes. This was the line from Biblical Keturah through Kodros of Athens to Kotor on the Adriatic. Kotor is beside the Boiotian city of Butua/Budva, and so it seems evident that the Argo-ship migration was at Kotor and Butua too, before entering the Po. The Cato line is expected from Aeetes of Kutaisi and Attis of Hattusa, through Attica at Athens, and then through the Kodros line to Kotor and Butua, for the Cato / Chatan / Chattan surnames are all in Cutter colors, and all use bends in the Botter-bend colors.
There is a question here as to whether "Ticino/Tessen" was named by an A-less Attica / Attis term.
Puseys at PaviaSo, as Bords figured on being from the Borts/Bartoli's, while they use the Non/Nevin fesse (assumed tentatively), it needs to be explained how Nevin elements were on the Ticino. Thus far, I have Nevin elements at Givors, but this has the potential to trace them to Ivrea (between the Ticino and the Baldea). Nons/Nevins use a palm branch, and then Palms/Parms use a "justus" motto term suggesting Justine, wife of emperor Valentinian, born in Cibalae (later Vinkovci). Thus, the Nons/Nevins can link to the Sibal Coat ("Justitia" motto) using the molines of Ticino-suspect Segni's and Seagers. Palms/Parms (vair fur) could be from Parma, near Cremona's Crimeans / Sittaceni.
Sibals of Balgonie were merged with Levens of Fife who should trace to Quintus-Caepio elements at Levone and/or the Laevi at Novara. Levens are the ones using the chevron on Quint-chevron colors. Levens are traced to "Leof," evoking Leofric, Saxon earl of Chester, progenitor of the Temple's.
Justine's/Justus' use a motto, "Non sine causa," three codes in all, one for Sion elements and another for the fountain-using Cass' / Kiss'. Justine's could be using the Shield-on-Shield of French Vincents. And as we just traced the founders of the moline cross to Moulins in St. Vincent, it tends to make a VINCent link to VINKovci. It moreover traces Nons/Nevins to the Baldea river, as could be expected from their positions at Ivrea and/or the Ticino. Then, as Novara is about 30 miles from Ivrea, I've got to re-mention that I think Nevins were Nibelungs at Nevers (Burgundy), a term like "Novara." Plus, Nevers is at Autun, where I trace Aedon liners from Thebes. More Boiotians, in other words, in the Autun / Nevers / Avallon theater, land of Porcius-suspect Burgundy.
It should be added here, as per the Flaccus topic in the next update, that Palmers/Parmers look to be using the Flag/Fleck/Flack Coat. In case it's forgotten in the next update, let me add here that Flaccus had some associations with Scipio's, and while Scipio-Massena merger evolved into a Skipton merger with Meschins in Yorkshire, the Flecks share the same-colored scallops with Meschins. Moreover, Palms use the Massey fleur. Still more, Italian Palmers (Naples) show what could be the Shield of Cravens, for Skiptons lived in Craven of Yorkshire. It just so happens that English Palmers, the ones using the Fleck Coat, were first found in Yorkshire, where Palms were first found. Are Palms using the Quint Chief?
I saw a Noble-like location using a 'p' on the Baldea, but could not re-find it. I had traced the Non/Nevin and Navy/Neve surnames to the Nobels and Nibelungs when first treating the Dan-Brown code, "Sophie neveu," and here I find a "Non nobis" motto phrase in the Asche/Ash motto, important because the Dess/Daishe surname is said to be from, D'Assche. This could again trace Nons/Nevins to the Ticino (if Dess's do). As the blue-apple riddle tends to join "Shephard" with "Dess," one can also trace to the Shepherds (Scipio suspects) suspect on the Baldea.
Where Scute's are also Shute's, and Scheds are also Sheds, and where Shiptons are said to be from "scyp = sheep," one can envision that "Scipio" was at one time like "Ship." But as Chives' are also "Shives," one can imagine that "Ship" was also "Chip," so that Scipio and Caiaphas lines were one and the same. "Caepio" may have been "S(h)aepio," you see, so that Caepio's and Scipio's may have been identical stock at one time. But what's very interesting is that Porcius Cato had a Sapiens nickname, said to mean "wise," but then "Sophia" means "wise" to the Greeks. Could this show links of Cato's / Caepionis' to Sophonisba? I'm expecting it, even as her husband founded Maccabees.
The Asche's/Ash's/Ess' were first found in Devon, where Duke's were first found who might be Ticino liners too. Duke's are in my opinion Chappes liners, to be re-explained below.
The "Non nobis nati" motto is used by both English and Scottish Franks, and the saltire of English Franks, suspect as the Pollock saltire, is engrailed and colors reversed from the similar cross of Irish Noons! The "nati" term could be code for Naughtons/Connachts, for Noons were first found in Connacht, while their write-up says that "Noon" is "Nuadhain" to the Irish.
Therefore, Noons and Nons may be nothing other than a proto-Cnut line...to which Pollocks were closely related wherein both were of the Mieszko-Siward entity. The thin Noon saltire had even been pegged as the thin Pollock saltire. However, while it can be argued that Nevins are Naughtons without the 't', it's uneasy to argue that "Nevin" derives in "Cnut," unless a Cnew-like form developed. I tend to think Nevins came first, anyway, and that Cnut liners simply merged with them. Where the Chattan motto uses, "Touch NOT the cat," it could be part-code for Cnut / Knot liners. Remember, the scythians in the Baldea theater trace to raven = Dane vikings, and Cnut was a Dane king.
I don't ever recall checking for a Nobis surname, but there is one, and it helps to solve this mystery, for it uses a "knight," thus proving what was suspected earlier, that Knights are Cnut liners. The Nobis knight has a helmet with plumes, a symbol also in the Navy/Neve Coat...trace-able smack to Lyon, at Givors, where Nons/Nevins (in Gopher colors) had traced by other means. Again, Nons/Nevins are suspect with the fesse of Borts/Bartoli's, at Susa...where Sittaceni elements are suspect that merged with Hasmonean elements at Modane. If this is tracing Hasmoneans to Numidians along with the Non surname, it's what I expect.
I'll bring the Navy/Neve pegasus back to topic below to perhaps solve the "horse of God." Remember, the blue-apple riddle also uses the phrase, "Knight's tour," said to be a chess game, and then the Chanut/Chenue surname looks like a branch of Chenays/CHESneys (once showed the white Masci wing, but why did houseofnames change it after I mentioned it?). Therefore, the riddle includes Mieszko's Swietoslawa line to Danish kings, and Cheneys look like Cnut / Knight liners. There are some Duch-like versions at the Chenay/Chesney page that may or may not apply to the makings of "Duke / Duce."
German Asch's use a "duce" motto term that must apply to the Dess/Daishe surname because the Duce surname has lions that are roughly the Dess/Daishe lions (same colors, and passant). The Duke's/Dooks (split Shield horizontally, as with Decks/Daggers) not only use wreaths in the colors of the Ottone rings, tracing to Chappes', but the Duke Shield is split horizontally in the colors of the same of Capelli's! Surprise.
Its interesting that the two Duce lions (in Quint colors) are in the fashion of the two Strange lions, for the Tools use the Strange lion and may trace to "Toulouse," where the gold bars were found by Capelli-suspect Quintus Caepio. Can we imagine a transport of those bars to the Baldea river, for to hide them in the Alps, and to launder them in the gold mines of the Baldea? You understand that, to justify any family's huge wealth from the bars, one could fabricate the claim that the gold was found in gold mines.
Lundys are the ones with a double tressure . Irish Lundys (Tipperary, traces to Numidia) use lions in Scottish-Lundy-lion colors, but the Irish branch uses them passant, which is the form of the same-colored Dess / Duce lions. That prove's the Dess link to Londons. The PERCHevron, used by Irish Lundys, Chappes, Ottone's and Chapmans, is now suspect as code for the Porcia line to "Perche." The Lundy perchevron is to be expected as a version of the Quint chevron.
Aha!!! It was only during the proof read that the Irish Lundy Coat was found to be a version of the Aeson Coat! The two use the same perchevron, and while Lundys use three lions around it, Aesons use two of the lions (virtually in the same design, and in the same colors) along with one BOAR!!! Excellent, coming just after the insert above where Aeson elements were explained as part of the Calydonian boar. Aesons are also "Esson/Asson" (Macintosh septs), like the Esse variation of Ash's/Asche's. They should prove to be the Chatti Germanics from Hesse. See also the Eastons, using a version of the Aeson Coat.
Yes, Cato liners were in London, which recalls that Geoffrey of Monmouth made London founded by a Brutus entity now tracing harder than ever to the Brutus family married by Porcia Cato! As Greek "Calydon" is traced to "Khaldi," by what coincidence were the Khaldi at the Thermodon area, where THEMIScyra was located! There you have the naming of the Thames.
The "sum" motto terms of Lundys suggest Picardy roots / branches, and then London is just a short sail across the English Channel from the Picardy coast. One would take the Thames river to London, and that at the mouth of the Thames there is one Isle of Sheppey. Hmm.
If the Lindys/Lindons apply to Lundys, they can all be traced to red-flag Borts/Bartoli's where the Lindy/Linden symbol is red "banners," in colors reversed to the banner of Scottish Banners. English Banners (red banner) use the motto, "Nil sine numine," apparent code for Numidians at Sion, but the motto is translated with a "Nothing" term, like "Notting." It was the Justine's who use "Non sine."
The Capes' (London) link to Dess' may reveal that the black Asche/Ash chevrons are two of the three, black Levi chevrons. AND THAT REMINDS ME, it's the Shell/Schell surname that uses the Quinn snakes. I've been trying for days to remember who else uses the Quinn snake design, and here the Aschel variation of Asch's has breached the memory gap. The electrical contacts in my brain aren't what they used to be. Sometimes I think the breakers are shut right off. I forget things of two seconds ago, without exaggeration. I think overuse of the memory can be very damaging, but I don't know, I can't remember if that's right. Quinns are highly suspect with Quintus / WINchester lines. Look at all the Wins below.
The Schells snakes (in the colors of the Visconti snake) are said to be "in base," and then the Base Coat shows two lions in the same positions, in the same locations of the Shield, as per the Duce lions. It can be gleaned that the Schells are using combination of the Palm/Parm and Italian Palmer Coats, especially as the palm tree of the German Palms/Palmers is said to be on a "green BASE" rather than on a green mound. One has reason to trace Palms/Parms and Palm/Parmers to Montiver lines.
Quinns share a pegasus with the Masseys, whose fleur are in the Schell and Palm/Parm Coat. The pegasus Quinns have just been found in the colors of the chequey Shield of Winders, who use a version of the English Winter Coat. It begs the question of whether we should do a citizens arrest on the owners of Windsor castle for possession of stolen gold bars. Will the queen be home at midday? She's got till high noon to come out. Otherwise we're going in after her.
The Winder Crest bull head is the white one on the Noon Crest, though I think the latter is half red for the Oxford / Chiaro bull. Noons are in the colors of the Winter chequey. Winters were first found in Gloucestershire, where Quincys came to rule. I think Winters and Winders are as Quincy as Quinns, and that's probably not a good thing. Winters look like a branch of Pepins / Pope's / Pepoli's / Majordomo's, but then Pepoli's are likely the Capitano-related Popoli's of Naples, where the Italian Palmers were first found. These are lines to Pavia, right?
Quinns are in Swine colors, interesting because Queens (Skye and Lewis, beside Alexanders) are also "Swan/Sween." Does this mean that Quinns and Quincys, and WINchesters, trace to the Whinnie variations of Swine's. Apparently. Doesn't this suggest a merger of Cato liners with those of Quintus Caepio? Crimean- / Sittaceni-suspect Crimmons were first found in the same place as Cato-suspect Queens/Swene', and the latter look like they should be a branch of Sine's/Sions/Swans/Sweyne's that were at Sion/Sitten with Soducena- / Sevan-suspect Cato's.
While the Sion/Swan Coat uses the Macey chevron (had the Macey gauntlet gloves until recently), the Queen/Swene Coat uses the black wolf heads of Irish Mackays. The latter have their wolves one chains, likely code for the Chaine's/Chenays that until recently showed the white Masci wing. As this entity must trace to king Massena, the "Shuibhne" term in the Queen/Swene write-up can trace to "Sophon" before the Irish massacred the term into something so exotic it's no longer recognizable. Cato, keep, in mind, is suspect from Sophonisba lines of the proto-Geta kind.
The Glovers use what could be a version of the Alexander Coat. The Glovers are not only suspect with the Gauntlet gloves of Maceys and Sions/Swans, but with the "bot a glove" phrase of Clan Chattan. Glovers are suspect as a Maccabee line, therefore, of the Alexander-Balus / Jonathan-Maccabee kind.
Now that Win terms are discovered more-certainly from "Quintus" Caepio, I either need to claim error in tracing "Windsor" to "Wend," or trace QUINTus" to the naming of the Wends. I don't think Wends apply to "Quintus," however, but rather to "Vandal" and "Venethi." Feasibly, "Quint" was from "Veneti." If that's correct, I'd expect Quints at Pavia with the Pepins whom I trace to Heneti. Hannitys can apply here, who appear to be using a version of the Shatner/CHADbolt Coat. English Hannitys use blue leopard heads that can apply to the blue so-called Caepio lion. English Hannitys share a "Toujours" motto term with Gards that may trace to blue-raven Gettels/Gardsons, Gaetuli suspects. The Tipperary elements amongst whom the Heneti-suspect Kennedys lived should trace to the Gaetuli land of Tipaza. The Windsors link to Uther Pendragon / the Other/Otter surname, and Kennedy-related Pendragons honor the Tippers, their kin. It's a good bet that Windsors were Quintus-Caepio liners, from the line of Levi, not the line of Judah.
German Winders/Wunders use the same bend as Jewish Pollocks, and are therefore suspect with German Otters. Did we not read that Otters were foundational to Windsors? How do you like that? Therefore, Winders and Winters are Windsor branches.
The Navys/Neve's (Laevi at Navaro?) share a pegasus with Quinns (Caiaphas) and Masseys (Maccabees). What better symbol could there be to call a "horse of God"? However, the riddle, or clue, may be suggesting that there are 681 bars under a statue of a flying horse, beside a cross: "Peace 681 by the cross and this Horse of God." Shucks, only 681 bars? Ten thousand, two hundred and five pounds at 15 pounds per bar. Or, the riddle may be nothing of the sort and the code is simply pointing out surnames.
The Quinn Coat with the flying horse happens to be in the colors of the Peace/Paise Coat.
The Winder / Noon bull head is used by Says too, thus bringing the Seatons into this picture. Seatons share the "double tressure" border with Livingston, and the latter use their border is green-on-white (Power colors), and moreover the Livingston motto uses "puis," like the "Pousinn" code, or the Pois location in Picardy of the Powers. If you didn't trust that the double tressure was code for the Caepio treasure, there you go. Now read this:
With his novel THE PEGASUS SECRET, Gregg Loomis delves into a fascinating modern-day mystery based on the secrets of a real-life 19th-century priest, his association with the enigmatic Knights Templer, and how a Nicholas Poussin painting is rumored to contain hidden messages leading to buried treasure.Loomis, who has traveled extensively throughout Europe, first came upon the idea for THE PEGASUS SECRET on a trip to Dordogne, France. There he visited the infamous Rennes-le-Chateau and first heard of Sauniere, a priest who in the 1880s was rumored to have found some sort of treasure on the premises. No one knew exactly what he had found, but his new wealth went uncontested by the Vatican and one of his close friends was brutally murdered for supposedly knowing "secrets."...
Loomis must be another "thoughtful" schemer seeking to make millions on this treasure mystery. Here is the Loomis Coat, using "cede" in the motto (as do Fairborns), as well as a version of the Seed/Cedes/Seete Coat. Saetincidence? A Sadducee liner, right? Loomis first novel, "Voodoo FURY" smacks of the Feur surname that provided the windows at Rennes-le-Chateau's church. "Fury" gets the Fearon/Feron/Farren surname (no Coat showing). Loomis variations may suggest the Blois-related Lombars/Lomers, for the Loomis bars look like a version of the bars used by the counts of Blois.
If you would like to be unhappy, I suggest that you go seek the mystery treasure. Purchase Loomis' book, read it, and learn the meaning of "dry life," or "dead tree." If you're even thinking of it, you're the fool.
The Treasure's/Treshers were first found in the same place as gold-bar Bursy's, grail-king Percivals and Porci-pig Pierce's. I have never ever found, so far as I can recall (covers the last two seconds), any scarlet heraldry symbol, aside from the Treasure chevron. Ab'de, ab'de, ab'de, that's all folks.
Could the Treasure's be the Biblical dragon line? Did the gold bars of Caepio catapult the family to world rule? Are not dragons (in the Treasure Coat) a symbol of treasure protection? Look at all those gold balls on the fretty lattice of Trush's/Trussels. The Cotts, first found in Languedoc, where we can expect the gold bars to have been distributed / laundered, use fretty lattice in colors reversed. I can't quite make out whether the Trush lattice is red or scarlet, but I do know that the "Cautes" motto term of Cattons/Cattens gets the Cotts. If they named the Cottian Alps, that's where Susa is located.
The Arms of Susa use towers (or a castle gate), a common symbol, but in this case the Chatan towers may apply. Per chance, the Cato's/Chattocks, Chatans, and Chattans are all using the same-colored bend as used by Botters, and, per chance, the Botters were Borts/Bartoli's (in Botter colors), in the same way that Porters appear to be a branch of Potters and Botters. I've always had a problem finding Botters in the Ligurian theater, and finally suggested the namers of the Bautica river.
That red thing (or is it scarlet?) at the top of the Truss Coat is called a "label," a symbol used by Piedmont (location of Susa and the Baldea river), and then the Double surname may have been from D'Bell, what the Porter bells may connect with. The label is probably code for the LaBel surname, you see. This does not necessarily contradict a "double" trace to the Deblois variation of French Blois'. English Blois' use dragons too, which blois hot air, much like Loomis and his ilk.
The suspicion is that "double tressure" is used because the Double bloodline was merged with Treasure's and Borders (the latter two were first found in the same place), and that brings us to the Borts/Bartoli's on the gold-dust shores of the Baldea river. There is another Bortoli/Bartoli surname (rose with "leaves"), first found in Firenze. Might that be the Fire / Fury line? Where have seen the Firenze wolf before? Oh, yes, the fire-suspect Flemings.
The Firenze wolf is in a design used by Quillans/Killins (suspect in a merger with Annas') that may be part of the Keele/Kill lines to the chief priests. If the Chives' out of Chivasso are using the Keele/Kill Shield, then a Caiaphas line may trace to Quillan, smack beside Rennes-le-Chateau where a Mr. Feur had some business, as well as a Mr. Captier "bell ringer." Recall how the Porters, said to be bell ringers of sorts, traced to the potent bloodline (in Poitiers), for the Firenze wolf holds a "scythe," possible code for the potent-cross Skits/Skeochs? Skit variations were traced to a Schio location about 15 miles north of Vicenza on the Po. Do you think there was a migration of the Sadducee-suspect Skits/Skeochs of Vicenza to Caiaphas suspects in St. Vincent on the Baldea?
The Patents/Putins/Padyns (crescents in flames) are in the colors of Putents/Puttens. The latter were suspect more-so with the potent cross of Templar Jerusalem. They have variations with endings like the Saddocks, Chadocks, and Cattochs/Chatocks. The latter are the Cato's, first found in the same place as Leslie's, and then Leslie's share the green griffin head with English Patents. Scottish Patents were first found in the same place (Dumfries) as Annas-suspect Annandale, and, besides, Annandale is not far (about 50 miles) from Peebles, where Scottish Shepherds were first found. If you recall, it was a toss-up as to whose Shield was showing in the Arms of Verres, either that of Shepherds or of Annandale.
"Borders" is stamped on my atlas across the Biggar - Peebles area. This area may not have been named after the Scottish-English border; it may have to do with the Border or even Bort/Bartoli bloodline, especially as Shepherds should trace to the Baldea theater. Biggars (Flemings) show a Givern variation that may trace to Givors / Montiver / Ivrea. Biggars are now showing a thin fesse, and it happens to be in blue color of the same of Chiaro's; the latter are expected to trace to Chieri, not far from the Baldea (it can be assumed that the Chiaro bull is of the Turin bull).
The Biggar bend is colors reversed to the Botter bend, and uses stars in the colors of the Botter lone star. This star is highly suspect with the Texas lone star because the Dallas' use the Biggar Coat.
The Fire/Feur unicorn is a goat on its lower half. I don't recall how it was clinched that the Fire/Feur surname linked to Satyrs in the Stura valley (Cuneo), but I'll add here that there is another Stura river, flowing to Turin beside the Dora Riparia river, the latter being the one where Susa is located. Perhaps not coincidentally, the Riparia has an Argentera tributary, the name of a river beside the Stura of Cuneo. It suggests that Cuneo elements were at the Susa theater.
Satyrs were from Satrae Thracians (an apt horse peoples by which to depict with the unicorn), living beside the Paeoni of Astibus that traced to Asti of Cuneo, and may therefore be the founders of Aosta. I'm still wondering whether Sittaceni, expected at Susa, were a branch of Satrae. This new idea that Paeoni founded Aosta is suggesting that Panico's and dove-liners from Cuppae were in Aosta. Isn't it right that Paeoni were of mythical Pan, the Satyr from mount Cyllene (Arcadia), where also the Cilnius bloodline traces that is suspect with the Keele's/Kills, now suspect with Caiaphas lines at Chivasso? Couldn't this explain the marriage of Hugh de Payen to a Chappes surname (though others say she was Catherine Sinclair)?
The Riparia is said to be named after the Ripa river out of the Argentera valley, meaning "silver." I assume that DORA Baldea and DORA Riparia are named after gold in the region, and so it seems to have been a mining area.
Hmm, the Spanish Susa/Sosa Coat uses red crescents only, a symbol of Flemish Seatons who lived in the Bort-like Borders area under discussion. Is that a coincidence, that the home of Seatons should be named like the Borts at Susa? Seatons are the one's using a "yet" motto term for the Gate-using Yate's. If per chance the Arms of Susa is a gate in particular, the Seatons can be tracing to Susa rather hard at this point. Porters, who smack of "Border," likewise use the gate symbol. And Seatons use a BORDER.
When we wish to find Baldea elements, we naturally go to the Balds, first found in Peebles, yes at Bort-like Borders. But then the Baldwins (share a green dragon with Seatons) use a saltire in the colors of the cross of Balders (Lothian, same as Seatons and Sinclairs), which is the cross of Sinclair vikings who started out as Claro's, and are therefore expected to trace to Chieri with the Chiaro's/Claro's. Do you see how much fun this can be? Sinclairs were even merged with Candie's, and may thus trace to a merger with the Candia location on the Baldea. It is very close to Sion, where Seatons are expected.
The Sturs, first found in the same place as Chieri-related Drakes and Chieri-related Josephs, likely trace with the Fire/Feur surname to the Stura entities. The Stura flowing to Turin is called otherwise the Varus, and then French Sturs were first found in Manche, where French Vere's lived. Didn't the Fire's/Feurs trace to the Stura at Cuneo?
All of this verifies what was found by other means, that the Argentera and neighboring Stura areas of Cuneo trace to Agrigento of Sicily, location of the Drake's.
The Bush's/Buschs from Busca of Cuneo can be traced to a Bousson location smacking of "Poussin." In the article on the Riparia, we learn of a Thuras de Bousson tributary near the Argentera tributary. The Boussin/Boissel surname (lions in Bush-lion colors) may or may not apply, but it's interesting that it uses bushels as code for it's kin, the Bushels (water bougets) using the Massin/Mason motto. It seems that Bushels trace to numerous places, but the Wayne's (Fano elements) and related Arthurs definitely apply. The Riparia, where it meets the Bousson, is yet in the mountains, before reaching Susa. It must be close to Modane, therefore, where Massins/Masons must trace. The Bousson and Bushel Coats together may therefore me using parts of the Mudd and Moud Coats.
The low-lying point in the paragraph above has to do with Bush's using the Porcius-Cato boar. Porcius Cato is still suspect at the founding of Maccabee-related Sadducees. Sittaceni scythians -- whether before or after the Sadducees proper, I do not know -- are suspect on the Riparia river.
When we check for surnames after the Riparia, we might immediately go to a Ripp/Ripley surname (come up as "Ripper"), first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Bush's, and which appears to be using a version of the Coat of Timms/Time's, first found in Kent and related to Massins/Masons there. Timms/Time's are the ones suspect from Timna of Edom, or the Seir nation where I originate the Satyrs, and where the black Bush boar traces. The white goat head in the Timm/Time Crest is virtually the white one in the Bush Crest.
English Bush's once used their fleur-de-lys either in gold on a red fesse, or red on gold fesse, which has the potential to make it a loan from the Porci/Porcini fleur. The idea here is that the Caledonian boar cult (Aphrodite) was in Edom, and that while the Satyrs from Seir named the Stura at Cuneo, the related Bush's, suspect from "Bozrah" (Edomite capital), named nearby Busca. The Paeoni Satyrs landed at nearby Asti, and they all lived to the near north as well, on the Riparia, Orco, and Baldea rivers. The motto shared my Massins and Bushels includes, "Dum."
After writing that, and only after, the tiny Arms of Cesana was tackled because the Bousson river is near that place. I think I'm seeing mermaids/mermen with two tails, with both hands holding the tails, as we see in the Walser Coat that moreover has goats like the Bush goat design! The Walsers trace to Walsh's, and president George Bush Jr. married Laura Walsh. If it's correct that Cesana uses two-tailed mermaids, then Bush's are tracing to Sion/Sitten too, along with Walsh's.
At one time I thought that Clare's were named after Clavers. I'm not of that opinion anymore. I now find a Claviere location in Turin, as well as a Claviere surname, first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Bouillons. The Claviere Coat is showing a hand, but the Claviere description gives their alternative symbols: "A red shield with a silver saltire between four silver keys." As Clavers/'Cleavers use a keys in Crest, that's a match!
This is big, for it's tracing Clavers, suspect with "Glaphyra," to the Turin Alps, near where all pertinent Masonic groups are tracing on turf that's new to me. These keys must link with the key-using Sheaves/Chiapponi's from Chivasso.
Cliffs/Cleave's could be using a version of the Bush Coat because Cleavelands were first found in the same place as Bush's, and because Cliffords (wyvern, Warren suspects) share a "semper" motto term with Cleavelands. That motto term suggests Sampsiceramus of the El-Gabal cult, which cult had merged with the Cappadocian priesthood to which belonged Glaphyra Archelaus, wife of Herod Archelaus. As Cleavelands and Rippers/Ripps were first found in the same place, the green upright lions of the Rippers can now trace to the same of Lyons and French Lannoys (Picardy, where Sohaemus of El-Gala is suspect), taking note that English Lannoys use the helmet with feathers, a symbol on a coin of Herod Archelaus.
In other words, Herods out of Vienne Isere were at the Riparia river, or at least merged with elements from there, and we can also glean a Claviere link with peoples on the Riparia, the Borts/Bartoli's being interesting suspects.
Modane, just over the Alps from the sources of the Riparia, is either on the Isere, or on an Isere tributary. I've just seen that two Isere tributaries are the Arc and the Drac. Might Joan of Arc have been from the Arc?
I've just learned that Modane is not on the Isere. The sources of the Isere go through Moutiers and Albertville. I'm wondering what tributary, of the Isere, Modane is on. Finding out might blois my mind. There might be an electrical arc from one side to the other, leaving me un-du-lys paralyzed. I clicked...I saw...yes, the Arc flows through Modane! See for thyself:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arc_(Savoie)Joan of Blois was Joan of Modane, wasn't she? I didn't know Modane was on the Arc river, didn't know there was an Arc river, when suggesting earlier that "Joan / Jeanne" looks like a version of "Jonathan" Maccabee. I'm very paralyzed indeed, but am still able to write because I've been doing it for so long, my body goes on writing even after my head is cut off, like a rooster that runs around for a few laps when it should be getting ready for the dinner plate instead.
Isn't that the Caepio lion in the Jeanne Coat? Aren't those the Romney scallops? Joans, first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Jeanne's, use the green-on-white Lyon and Lannoy lions, don't they? But then it may be the Touch lion too. In fact, as I think Touch's should link to Teague's, note that the Teague perchevron is of the same type, exactly as in the Ripper Coat, that itself uses green lions!!!
We have just found evidence of several things, one of which is that Joans do trace to the Arc river because they definitely trace to nearby Susa (on the Riparia). Notice the sun in the Joan Crest, suspect with the El-Babal sun god. The Teague motto shows "Summum" as code for El-Gabal's Sohaemus line, and then the Arc also flows through a Bessans location smacking of Basina, mother of Clovis. She is pointed out in particular because I still think that "Clovis" ought to be a version of both "Claver" and "Glaphyra" (Dutch Clavers use clovers), even though he was born as "Chlodewig."
The black perchevron of Teague's may even be code for the black stone, symbol of El-Gabal. But even if not, let me repeat that the Teague crosslets are used in the same colors by Julians/Gillians.
The Joan lion is colors reversed to the MacAbee salmon. Note that the write-up traces MacAbees to a "cap." As the surname uses a "vincere" motto term, this is evoking the Capard location at St. Vincent on the Baldea, for there was a Capart/Capper/Cap surname using caps as symbols. However, it seems that MacAbee's were definitely Maccabee elements rather than Caepio liners. But a merger is expected. The Caparts/Cappers were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Bort-suspect Borders...showing no Coat. Messier's, first found in Lincolnshire, show no Coat.
Caparts/Cappers (descended from Capella's) are said to be from Cappere of Ayncourt, and then Ayncourts use the same chequey, with red fesse across it, as Cliffords tracing to Claviere. I didn't check the location of Claviers on my atlas until now; it's about 10 miles, from Modane. Wards (traced to "guardian," be aware) use chequey in the same colors, likewise filling their Shield, and they likely trace to Sion with the "forward" term of Seatons. The first Ward on record is said to be from a GIVENdale, and then both Given surnames use swans (in Gopher colors), suspect with the Sophonisba > Gopher line to Givors. It was the Ward-like Wears that are from a stock of Giffards, and then Biggars (Seaton countrymen), who traced to Caiaphas elements of the Chieri kind, show a Givern variation, important now because Biggar is in the Lanark area, and because Biggars and Scottish Givens/Giverns were first found in Lanarkshire.
Chivasso is said to perhaps have the earlier name of Clavasium, and so Claviere may relate to it. It's very compelling now that I think Caiaphas should come from the namers of Chivasso. The idea is that a branch of Caiaphas liners set up shop 10 miles south of Modane, how expected. The question is: what did they do in their Alpine shops: melt gold bars?
These Given lines are highly suspect with mythical Lohengrin, whom I traced as a Ligurian swan entity to an alliance with Carthaginians. In an alternative version of the Lohengrin tale, which is likely code studded, we find a Vere-suspect character that is given what could be a chequey-code body:
Feirefiz is a character in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Arthurian poem Parzival. He is the pagan half-brother of Parzival, the story's hero. He is the child of their father Gahmuret's first marriage to the Moorish queen Belacane, and equals his brother in knightly ability. Because his father was white and his mother black (in the older, European sense of the word, referring to various non-white peoples), Feirefiz's skin consists of black and white patches. His appearance is compared to that of a magpie or a parchment with writing on it...In another version, Lohengrin's twin brother is Kardeiz, smacking of Carthage, but also of Gards, or Gardsons/Gettels suspect as Gaetuli. The "guardian" code in the Ward write-up likely applies here. One can see that "Ward" could be a Gard" variation as "Warren" can be a Guerren variation. There is a distinct possibility here the Pharisees derive in Carthaginians. The same was suspect of Annas, Caiaphas' father in law. All of Masonry has Carthaginian elements as per king Massena, period. However, Porcius Cato said that Carthage must be destroyed. It doesn't sound like he had any roots in Carthage. On the other hand, king Massena was first for Carthage, then against it when siding with Scipio. Something of the same may have taken place with Cato, suspect for the time being from the Gaetuli.
Houseofnames often uses place names that seemingly don't exist; it could be deliberate to keep secrets. Nothing comes up as "Seine de Oisse" in France, where Ayncourts are said to originate. There is no Ayncourt in my atlas, and no Ayncourt location comes up online, aside from in heraldic write-ups? This happens more often than it should. Another example, there seemingly is no Audeville in Savoy. I found it impossible to find the location stated for the Motts/Morte's too. If you're going to sell surname information, don't you want to make the locations find-able for the customers?
There is no Seine de Oisse in my atlas. There is a Seine river though Paris, and an Oisse area on the north side of Paris, wherefore Ayncourt must be smack at Ile-de-France, where Levi's and Chappes' were first found. I trace "Percival," the swan knight's father, to "Paris," albeit he ruled Anjou in one version of the tale. In the other version, Lohengrin rules the Mons / Hainaut / Brabant area. We now know that Ayncourt elements trace to Claviere, at Modane, where I'd trace Mons elements. Claviere is a great place to trace the swan knight in order to support my claims that swan liners trace to Salyes Ligures, for Claviere is about 10 miles north of Briancon, on the Durance river of the Salyes. That means Modane is 20 miles from Briancon.
With Teague's tracing to the Modane theater, it's then of note that I trace Julians/Gillians (share the Teague crosslet in the same colors) with little doubt now to Guillestre on the Durance.
Irish Brians (Oxford-surname kin) of the Tipperary area trace with Salyes-suspect Sullivans of Tipperary to Briancon (both surnames use "lamh"). Sullivans use a black boar, but do they also trace with Cato's to Tipaza? The Sullivan stag is that of MacCARTHys, whom I trace to Carthaginians. The head of the MacCarthy stag looks much like the stag heads used until recently by Hanna's, suspect with Hannibal Carthaginians.
There seems to be a Carthaginian merger with Salyes Ligures, and it was probably smack where we expect the swan knight, at the Briancon theater, for Hannibal, on his way to the battle of Trebbia with Scipio, passed into Italy from the west side of the Alps. I don't know where he passed through the Alps, however. I just went to seek the location, and it turns out to be at a Chat location:
Hannibal marched in the direction of Mt. Du Chat towards the village of Aquste and from there to Chevelu, to the pass by Mt. Du Chat. There he found that the passes were fortified by the Allobroges...Hannibal marched his army to modern Chambery [20 miles, as the bird flies, north-west of Modane]...
...At modern Albertville...[25 miles north of Chambery]
It doesn't say explicitly where they crossed into Italy. It does point out that he had Numidians with him. There must have been many deserters due to the conditions. Hannibal should be fried in oil. He tried to make alliances with some of the Gauls /Ligurians.
The "FOIStenach" motto term of Sullivans must be for the Foys/Foix surname (Ile-de-France) sharing a vertically-split Shield in white-and-black with Sullivans. Irish Foys' are the ones with the eel linking to the eel of Scipio-suspect Shiptons.
In order to find whether the Bousson tributary of the Riparia traces to Poussin, we've got to figure out what Poussins trace to. The route from Chambery to Albertville is along the Isere river, not leading to the Riparia. I'll assume Hannibal, in a critical hurry at the time, took the Isere to its sources, directly across the Alps from the Orco's sources. The Orco is the river leading to Chivasso. where Caiaphas lines are expected. The question is, did some of the Numidians in Hannibal's camps remain in the Chivasso area and settle as a military family that later went to Syria / Israel on behalf of Roman interests? Were their Laevi on that river from Boiotia that may have named the Sadducee house of Boetus?
Scholars argue that the Sadducee group originated in tandem with the Boethusian group during the Second Temple period, with their founders, Tzadok and Boethus, both being individual students of Antigonus of Sokho.His sole surviving quotation ran: "Be not like servants who serve their master for the sake of reward; rather, be like servants who do not serve their master for the sake of reward, and let the awe of Heaven be upon you" (Artscroll translation)...
It is highly suspicious that this statement from Antigonus reflects exactly a statement made by Jesus. By what coincidence is this the only-known statement of Antigonus? It's probably no coincidence because an Illuminatist / satanist probably faked this statement, putting it into the mouth of Antigonus, in order to make Christians think that Jesus was himself a follower of Antigonus. We should fully expect hoax's like this from Illuminatists...the descendants of Caiaphas and Annas. In the same way, they would like us to believe that the Dead Sea scrolls, which surfaced recent in history, are evidence that John the Baptist, and Jesus, were from the Essenes.
As you can see, there was a Tzadok character along with a Boethus. Doesn't "Tzadok / Zadok" smack of the Chatoch variation of Cato's, or of the martlet-using Shadducks? It truly looks like Cato elements from the Orco river, doesn't it? When we click to the article on Boethians, we find Sadducees having a surprising surplus of gold and silver: "They lived in luxurious splendor; using silver and golden vessels all their lives, not because they were haughty, but because (as they claimed) the Pharisees led a hard life on earth and yet would have nothing in the world to come."
Again, Porcius Cato was said to be a man of extravagance, and this was before Quintus Caepio found the gold bars...in time for the house of Boethus: "Simon, son of Boethus from Alexandria - or, according to other sources{who?} Boethus himself -, was made a high priest about 25 or 24 B.C. by Herod the Great...in order that his marriage with Boethus's daughter Mariamne might not be regarded as a mésalliance.{clarification needed}" This marriage could give Herod's son, Archelaus, cause to choose Vienne Isere as his place of exile, if Orco / Chivasso elements had also been on the Isere, where some of Hannibals men may have remained when they abandoned his march to Italy.
The Tarves location of the Chives' smacks of "Trebia," and moreover Tarves was first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Cato's/Chatocks!!! Surprise, I've just seen this now.
French Moulins use a white Shield-on-Shield like Saddocks / Chadocks, though in the colors of the same of Sewers/Suters (and Pinks) expected from Placentia (i.e. on the Trebia). It's Scottish Moulins/Moline's (in Porcia-boar colors) who share a black moline with the Chives' on the Orco. Scottish Moulins (said to be from a Falaise entity) use goat heads almost like the Bush goat heads, which may indicate Stura-river lines in league with Bousson elements.
LOOK! Those tiny, eight objects around the border of the Moulins Shield-on-Shield are "drops," symbol of Gophers, and then Gophers are in the colors of these Moulins!
The South Molton location of Moulins suggests the Moltons/Molsons using a chevron in the colors of the Bushel chevron (it was the Boussons that use bushels). It's evoking two beer companies. The Molton/Molson chevron is colors reversed to the same of Gilberts (squirrel), important because Moltons/Molsons are said to be from "Baldwin FitzGilbert, Sheriff of Devon." Amazingly, the Gilbert motto, translated as "Peace is pleasing," uses a "heddwch" motto term smacking of Chadock / Chadwick!
That can't be coincidental, especially as Moltons/Molsons use fretty lattice, the symbol of Giffens, Cotts, and Modens/Modeys (Modane and Bousson are at the Cottian Alps). This Molton link to Modeys explains the Mold variation of Mauds/Maids/Mudds. The Mouds/Moodys (Gopher colors) share an ermined white chevron with Bushels. While the Bushel motto traces to Massins and therefore to king Massena, Mouds/Moodys use the Macey chevron in all likeliness. Belgian Moulins could be using the Meschin or Mussel fesse, and then the "heddwch" motto term of Gilberts could be code for Haddington, location of Musselburgh...meaning that Tzadok liners should have been at Haddington, home to Seaton liners and Faucetts.
Mouds were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as same-colored Blois', which recalls how Blois elements just traced with Joan of Arc to Modane (on the Arc river). The keepers of the Caepio bars were in Modane, weren't they? And at neighboring Bousson, right? Bushels were even first found in the same place as Blois-suspect Treasure's.
IT"S NO COINCIDENCE that Moulins and Gilberts were first found in the same place (Devon) as Chives'! As Moulins are said to be from Dartington, the Darts/Darths, likewise first found in Devon, are suspect from Chivasso liners. Darts/Darths (flames) were traced months ago, with Guido-Guerra ancestry, to the founders of the Scots. The fesse of Darts/Darths, suspect with Arthurian lines, looks like it could link to hurt-using Bushels, first found in Somerset, beside Devon. Arthurs share hurts with Bushels.
French Gilberts are using the Maxwell eagle in the same colors, and then Baldwins and Maxwells share the same-colored saltire. Did you catch the importance of BALDwin FitzGilbert? Balder-river elements, right? That's where the Moulins location is situated, and then Moulins are the ones traced in their write-up to Baldwin FitzGilbert. No coincidence, my fellow Illuminati unravellers.
Baldwins share a green wyvern with Guerra's, wherefore Baldea-river clans may be suspect at the founding of the Scotts. Reminder; Gophers use the saltire that is the flag of Scotland, and Gophers are probably related to swan-using Givens while swan liners are highly suspect at the sources of the Baldea/Bautica.
By what coincidence do Bauts share a ram with the Shepherds first found in Peebles, where Balds/Baldys were first found? Shepherds were even suspect in the Arms of Verres, as well as at the Capard location smack beside the Moulin location. Scotland proper was founded by Swisso-Franco-Italians, wasn't it, the same that were the original Sionists and Templars.
The water bougets of Bushels trace with the Water surname to Eure-et-Loir, or more precisely to the house of Montmorency (Bouchard II), in Ile-de-France, location of La Falaise to which the Moulins may trace. The Morencys are said to have been "well established in the region of Paris at Seine-et-Oise." Recall that Bushels were suspect with Walsh's in a trace to Sion, for the namers of the Seine may have been related to the namers of Sion. Walsh's use a swan, a chevron in Gilbert-chevron colors, and a motto honoring Mott-suspect Mortons likely tracing with Morencys to the Murena/Moratin surname.
Seine-et-Oise was seen earlier as the home of Ayncourts using the Coat of Cliffords; the latter trace to Claviere (10 miles south of Modane), suspect to some degree with Clavasium = Chivasso. The red Clifford wyvern is expected from elements of Dreux, in Eure-et-Loire. The Ivers (possibly from Ivrea) are the one's showing also as "Eure." Cliffords were first found in the same place (Nottingham) as Bugs (Boucher colors), who share water BOUGets with Bushels.
Variations of French Boucher's looks like a Bush-Chenay / Bush-Chesney combination, and then Bushers (think "BOZRah") are even in Cheney colors while Cheneys share spread eagles with Bush's and Boucher's.
It just so happens that, when I first sought the meaning of water bougets, I found an article tracing them to Boucher's, long before realizing that the Water surname traced to Boucard II. English Boucher's, I now see, were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Ayncourts and Cliffords. Boucher's may not only be using the blue Caepio lion in Crest, but show a thin blue fesse, the Chiaro and Biggar symbol. In fact, the Boucher fesse is in both colors of the Biggar fesse, and Biggar (the location) is in the Borders / Peebles area i.e. where Shepherds and Balds were first found. But aside from tracing to the Baldea, Boucher's are also tracing to Chieri, near and importantly-related to Chivasso.
Ayncourt is where the Caparts/Cappers lived who are suspect from Capard on the Baldea, and as Capard was in St. Vincent while Vincents use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the same in Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau in colors reversed, I would suggest that the bell ringer, Mr. Captier, was a Capart / Capard liner. That's important, if correct that Capards were Shepherd liners, for the blue-apple riddle uses "ShepArdess," with an 'a', as does "CapArd."
It's interesting that while "Pois" was suspect with neighboring "Oise," the Bushels trace to Poussin-like Boussons, for I think Poussins were of Pois. Reasons for that link follow.
Livings/Levins are the ones using the dancetty border between a Chief and Shield in the colors of the same of Irish Powers...who were linked earlier to the Poussin surnames. English Powers (from Pois) relate to the "SI JE puis" motto of the Livingstons which led to the Sege variation of Sedwicks/Saddocks using the Living martlets but suspect with the Bord martlets too. The Bords are the ones using the Shield-and-Chief color combination half of the same of Chadocks / Chadwicks/Shadducks, and half of the same of Moulins.
You must be one rebellious person if you think all that is coincidental, not linking to "Tzadok," the Levite line to the naming of Sadducees. We just saw Moulin liners trace to Modane, where the family of Joan of Arc traced, and so see a ReineMOULIN term below: "Of [Joan's] three brothers, two had issue: the descendants of Jean adopted the name of Du Lys and used the arms. Pierre...returned to France and kept the name of Du Lys, but resumed the arms of Arc. His great-grandsons Charles and Luc du Lys, seigneur de Reinemoulin, petitioned for the right to quarter du Lys and d'Arc..." It's not a wonder that the Arch/Ark surname (in Blois-dragon colors) was first found in Berkshire; it was a Porcius line, right?
The "Lisieux" term in the Molton write-up can go to the Du Lys surname adopted by the Arcs, and the "Mona Lisa" can apply here where Mons elements go to Modane. I had traced the Motts/Morte's several months ago (4th update of February) to the Touques river, where Lisieux is located, and yet that trace was not based on the Molton write-up.
The Chives Crest uses the Mosca/Muscas leopard, and then the write-up of Drake's ("muscas" motto term) traces laughable to a duck-like gait. The Gate surname is suspect in that codework, but for the first time, I'm seeing the ShadDUCK variation of Chadwicks in the Duck bloodline. It tends to support a "Gate" trace to "Cato" as well as to support a Porcius-Cato link to Chivasso and neighboring Chieri. The point is, the Gilberts (in Deck/Dagger colors) are the ones using a "heddwch" motto term smacking of Chadwicks/Shadducks, and then, not likely coincidental, the Gilberts also use "Teg" in their motto, which, with the Gilbert-Crest squirrel (Deck/Dagger symbol too), traces Gilberts squarely to the Ticino river, where "Duck" may trace too. It's important for the Poussin discussion because Poussins trace easily to the Ticino river. It should be added that Gilberts, suspect with the Gillian variation of Julians, use roses in the colors of the Caesars.
Scottish Ducks are listed with the Logans, a Lohengrin-swan line, important because I'm expecting the Chadwick bunch to trace to lake Sevan. Might the three nails in the Logan/Duck Coat be code for the three nails in Jesus? The Logan/Duck motto includes a term like the one in the "Capta majora" motto of Geddes'. The early Loughan (pronounced "Lawphan"?) variation of Logans looks like a Louvain element. The Logny entity in the write-up of Morencys (Ile-de-France) can trace Duck liners to the Chappes'. Morencys and Ducks/Logans are in the same colors, Quint colors too. English Ducks are in the same colors again, and look to be using a version of the Coat of Quint-suspect Fife's.
The trace of Porcius Cato lines to the Susa location of Borts/Bartoli's was made on an expectation that Soducena / Sittacene elements were there, and then Susa is on the Riparia river, which joins the Bousson. This recalls the suspicion in a recent update where "Poussin" should prove to be a "Porcini" variation. Then, Bush's, suspect at Bousson, share the black boar with Porcia's. Bush's may even use the fleur colors of Porci's/Porcini's. It's as though Bush's and Porcius lines are fundamentally identical.
It's important for Porcia liners to trace definitely to Arc's at Modane, for Arcs were identified with Romneys sharing the red scallop with Sevan-suspect Savona's. This can make the Porcia trace to Soducena elements. We need to find Soducena elements at Chivasso. We need to find Soducena elements in the Tzadok line. With Boethus tracing to the Orchomenos elements suspect at the Orco river, Tzadok may himself trace to Chivasso at the mouth of the Orco. But with Booths sharing the black boar with Bush's, "Boethus" may just trace as a proto-Booth bloodline to Bousson, and therefore to Poussins.
Busca is about 10 miles west of Fossano. The latter location, less than 50 miles from Savona, is on a tributary of the Tanaro, thus making Fossano suspect with the "Pousinn Teniers" code. "Fossano" is capable of bringing Fussen (Bavaria) into the picture, especially as there is a swan castle (Schwangau) in Fussen. Lake Fucino of the Marsi is suspect with "Fussen," and then the Marsi trace to the Laevi-allied Marici on the Ticino. If we do the math, Poussins look like Bush-Porcia liners, and then this brings back to mind that Porcius Cato grew up in the land of Sabines (the flowery article avoided multiple times telling exactly where, probably for a reason), land of the Marsi.
Livingstons, even aside from their "puis" motto term, link to Powers in Pois. Why should a Levi-suspect surname link to a Paw-related surname as well as to a Sadducee-related surname? Ask the Quintus paw. Lest you've forgotten, the Livingston motto is suspect with Sege's/Saddocks, wherefore Tzadok's line is tracing to Poussin elements. Doesn't that tend to identify "Zadok" with "Soducena," if I'm correct with tracing Sittacene elements to Susa, smack at Bousson? In my wildest expectations, when claiming that Sadducees should trace to Soducena, did I think I would be this entrenched in a viable / successful trace. It's looking absolutely correct, and even provable, but more importantly, it's revealing Thracian imposters in the seat of Moses.
The Sege surname can link to the Sage's using the same old man in Crest as the Mens Crest, important because the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Mens' is also that of Shepherds. The Mens', first found in the same place (Lothian) as tressure-using Livingtstons and Seatons, are honored in the "Mens" motto term of Poppins/Pophams and Pepins, who are the Merovingians suspect with Winders and Winters using chequey, as do German Sage's/Saegers. There is pork ribs all over this, smothered in extravagant sauce from "Swiss Chalet."
Yes, it is predictable that Ticino-river elements were across the Swiss border at the sources of the Ticino, where there is a Ticino region of Switzerland. You can ask the leaves of the Swiss Tacks/Tess' for more information on that. I've never known that pigs like tall mountains so much. Why did Porcia's gravitate to the Alps? There's no mud there.
The green Livingston snake gives away that Sege's and Sages are lines of Seagers (still suspect with / from the namers of the Ticino), the latter first found in the same place as paw-using Noons. Livingstons and Mens' share "savages," but the Sage Crest is called a "MAN'S head" for obvious connection to the Mens'. The Maness Crest is a peacock suggesting Caepio elements of the Paw / Poussin kind, and we can be assured that Maness' are a branch of Mens because the Mannes/Manner Coat uses the Livingston savage.
There is a Savage / Sauvage surname (Palin lions?), first found in Cheshire, but probably from a Sauvigeois peoples in France, out of Sauviat-sur-Vige at the Limousin theater. Possibly, Sauvigeois' are lake-Sevan elements. But they can also be with the Sittaceni of lake Maeotis because the Sindi were in that region too. The Sittaceni were found in Wikipedia's article on the Sindi. Lemnos, which traces to "Limousin" with little doubt, had a Sintian peoples suspect from the Sindi.
ZOWIE, SHOCKER. A click from the Sittaceni article to the Adyghe page tells that this group were Circassians, and then the page shows the Circassian flag, with three crossed arrows, a Rothschild symbol roughly. However, we read in a quote earlier in this updater that the family of Joan of Arc used three crossed arrows as an alternative symbol: "The Arc family seemed to have arms prior to these events, namely: Azure a bow or in fess, thereon three arrows crossed ..."
http://www.heraldica.org/topics/france/jeannedarc.htmThe green Shield in the flag of Circassia is the colors of the Shields of Bauers and Bowers (five crossed arrows), the latter first found in Peebles! That creates the possibility of tracing Bowers, with Shepherds of Peebles, to Sittaceni elements at Ticinum = Pavia. The stars in a circular line in the Arms of Circassia are evocative of the stars in the EU flag. There are 12 stars in the Arms of Adygea. The Circassians include Kabars from Kabardino-Balkaria. Note how "Adygea/Adige" may have named "Ticino." If correct, the Toreatae peoples in the list of Maeotis clans may have named Tortona, not far from the Ticino. Adygea includes a SHAPSi mountain and a SHAPSugscoye lake, perhaps indicative of ancient proto-Shepherd lines that morphed to "Caiaphas." That would take them from the area of the Tanais river, home of Sarmatians, perhaps to be expected on the Tanaro.
The Livingston cinquefoil has got to be the Hamelton and Bus cinquefoil, from Kemuel and Buz, sons of Nahor. I claim that Neuri (on the Bug river) were merged with Alans of the Roxolani, who were part of the Sarmatians. The possibility is that the Sittaceni migrated to Italy across the north shores of the Black sea (i.e. not on the south shores), therefore, because the Bug is at L'viv in the Ukraine. Didn't we just see Bug elements trace to the Ile-de-France theater of the Shaps-like Chappes'? I traced "L'viv" to Vivian / Fife elements, but that was long before finding the same elements linking to Porcius Cato, now suspect with the Sittaceni. Cato's/Chatochs were first found beside Fife.
Sittaceni are expected to trace to Sewers/SHUTers, Scoots, Scute's, Scheds, Skits, Sitlers/Schitlers, and some Sitt / Sett terms morphing to Catt and Gatt terms. There was a mythical Ceto (or "Keto") monster born of the Black sea, at the Pontus (south-sea shores) that may have been the same as Cotys (father of Attis) of the same region. Ceto predated the Sittaceni by that name; what were Sittaceni called in 1000-1500 BC, when the Ceto term developed? in
BIG AHA! When writing the above, I had forgotten this: "As a mythological figure, [Ceto] is most notable for bearing by Phorcys a host of monstrous children, collectively known as the Phorcydes." There we go, the Porcia bloodline from the Phorcydes. It's got to be. And look at proto-Sthenelus of the Liguria swan looking like a child of the Phorcys: "Hesiod's Theogony lists the children of Phorcys and Ceto as Echidna, The Gorgons (Euryale, STHENO, and the famous Medusa), The Graeae (Deino, Enyo, and Pemphredo), and Ladon..."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PhorcydesThe Graeae hags could trace to the Graian Alps:
The name Graie comes from the Graioceli Celtic tribe, which dwelled in the area surrounding the Mont Cenis pass and the Viu valley.Their French side of the Graian Alps is drained by the river Isere (Tarentaise valley) and its tributary Arc (Maurienne valley), and by the Arve. The Italian side is drained by the rivers Dora Baltea, Orco and Stura di Lanzo, tributaries of the Po.
The Viu valley caught my eye because I had been wondering what the "vi" motto term of Chives' might represent. Then, checking, ZOWIE, the Viu valley is smack beside the Orco (!!!), the river on which Chivasso is located. So, you see, even the smallest motto terms can be clever codework. The same Chives' use "non vi."
We saw the Bush's pop their heads up in the Pastors, found as per the "pawr = pasture" codes in the Balfour write-up. Don't you think "Poussin" could be a Buz line, therefore? "Puss" gets the Poussins. I think we're talking Poussin>Butes here. Meow.
I think it's safe to trace Poussin elements to the namers of Powys. The Powys paws could possibly go beyond the Paw surnames to the leopards paws used as gloves in the sacrifice rituals of the Boofima cult. Perhaps the Paw surnames arose from this symbol especially, or perhaps Boof terms just came to be Paw-like from a Powys alternative.
Perhaps "Powys" was "Pavis" from a Pavia peoples. There is a Pavis/Pavie surname (Somerset) that comes up as "Pavia." Italian Pavia's are also "Pavesa." The latter use a horizontally-split Shield in colors reversed from the Bords, and the latter share footless martlets with the English Pavia's/ Pavis' That should explain why the Mens and related Pepins played into the Power bloodline, tending to identify Powers as Pavia elements, probably from the Laevi along with related Livingstons and Livings.
Dutch Paws are also "Pauwes," much like Pavia variations. The Poussins are said to be from "Pevesy." That clinches the Poussin trace to Pavia.
The book in the Roet Crest traces to Books/Boggs, which I see as variations from "Boof > Bough." Catherine Roet, daughter of a Payne Roet, was from Picardy, where the Paw-related Powers trace. The Boeufs, first found in the same place as Saunier's, trace definitely to Boofima, and Boeufs use a chevron in colors reversed to the same of Nons/Nevins, who in turn trace to Sophonisba, from the Carthaginians, the mother of human-sacrifice cults.
I don't have much evidence that the Non/Nevin chevron should be the Boeuf fesse in particular, but let me go on. The "tueri" motto term of Powys' is used by Masters, sharing a "quam" motto term with Roet-suspect Paine's, and Masters are traced to "Mastarnable," a son of Sophonisba. This "tueri" motto term is likely code for the Tuareg Amazons of north Africa, expected to be in alliance with the Amazons of Sophonisba's husband. Masters (share a motto term with Roets) use a "non" motto term as well as the griffin design of Gardners (Gaetuli suspects) and Kaplans. The Paine motto is that of the Giffords/Givords who, because they were clinched as a Gopher branch, trace better than ever to "Soph."
The Nons/Nevins use a palm branch, and palm trees are used by Carts (Annandale saltire) suspect as Carthaginian soldiers on the Trebbia, merged there with Ananes Gauls...and merged further at some point with a people on the Ticino...because they (Carts) were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as the Pevesy/Pewsey location.
The Beef-like and Turnbull variations of the Boeufs may suggest linkage to the bull in the Crest of paw-using Noons, thus making a possible link between the Boeuf and Non/Nevin fesses. It can reveal that the Non surname is a Noon-related one that merged with Nevins, but were not Nevins to begin with. Minutes after writing all that, "Pows" (Devon) was entered for the first time to find the Poe surname -- with POUGH variation -- using a fesse in Boeuf-fesse colors.
To make the Non/Nevin link harder to Saunier's, Neve's use "Sola," and then the Sole's are from a Solnier location, like the Saulnier variation of Saunier's. Dan Brown had these elements on the brain with his "Sophia neveu" code that was involved in his fictitious story involving a Sauniere surname, something about Jesus having a secret affair with Mary Magdalene. It's obvious to me that hot air from Boeufarts is the real cause of global warming and other humanity-duping fantasies.
English Neve's, first found in the same place (Kent) as Masters and related Massins/Massons, use the Geddes pike fish (same design exactly), supporting my two hunches of late that Geddes' were Gaetuli-branch Numidians, and that Gaetuli were fundamental to Sophonisba ancestry.
I had traced Tuaregs to the towers used by Tours and Towers, which recalls the "Knight's Tour" code for the blue-apple riddle. Now that Knights are known to be Cnut liners, it can link the blue of Blois to Bluetooth, Canute's grandfather, and to his father, blue Gorm. Tuaregs are thus suspect with a line to Thors, and it just so happens that one Thor surname uses a perchevron in colors reversed to the same of Moor-head-using Chappes'.
Some Tuareg line that merged with Levi's of the Livius-Blois kind are suspect here. Probably, there was a Roet / Reed line to the Blois family of royals. Reeds are Roet liners because they use a book in Crest too. Reeds even use a "Pax copia" motto and a gold fitchee cross, the color of the Quint fitchee, and a red chevron, the color of the Quint chevron. The Reed motto is translated, "Peace, plenty," which may be code for plenty pieces of gold.
There is a Tours location near Blois that probably applies to the Knights Tour. The red banners on the white towers in the Arms of Tours evokes the McLeod Coat, and then Lure's are a McLeod sept while a humongous hawks' lure is used in a Pawn Coat.
Red flags were found also in the Borts/Bartoli's, whose fesse is in the colors of the Non/Nevin fesse. The Murena tower on the Bort/Bartoli Coat is the same one used by Towers and Tours, and then Chappes liners are expected at Susa, where Borts lived. The tower in red, as used by Borts, is the Spanish Murena/MORATIN tower suspect with Mauritanians.
FootnotesIt would be hard to believe if mythical Poias (Hercules human-sacrifice cult, replaced Geryon in Wales) did not work into the Pois location of Powers. Poias was traced to the naming of Powys, as seems reasonable enough once it's understood that Poias traces with Hercules to the defeat of the Geryon monster. I found Geryon's dog, Orthos, from a similarly named location in the ancient Pontus, where mythical Ceto (sea-monster entity, probably pirates) was made born now tracing sharp as a shark's tooth to Porcius Cato. Orthos was pegged as the proto-Ordovices in the Arddu area of Wales.
I would suggest that Powys / Poussin lines merely merged with Paeoni lines in Wales. As a possible example of that merger, Poyers show the Payen Coat exactly...because they are the Payens. Yet, "Poyer" suggests a Boii branch, and Boii may not have been of the Paeoni. It's feasible that Boiotians trace to Poyers, and to mythical Poias, but then Boiotians had traced to the Orco river, a term that could change to/from "Orso > Orthos." In other words, Orco-river elements may have evolved into Ordovices, suspect with Hasmoneans and with Arthurians. But that suspicion was before finding the nearness, and the close links, between the Orco river, Modane elements, and Caiaphas elements. The short of it is, expect Caiaphas liners in Wales, and even ask whether "Wales" was named after the orca back in days before barbarians kept historical records for their children.
"Orca" means a whale, which is what Ceto may have referred to. The Argo ship, in being filled with Orchomenos elements, may have been filled with seafarers by trade, you sea, and named with a whale symbol. Pirates and cargo haulers and drunkards with hooks for arms, they may even have been whale hunters. So what were they doing in the Alps? Not looking for wives, I don't think. The Cilnius investigation that led to Elatus, founder of mount Cyllene in ARCadia, may just have been an ORCHomenus trace to "Arcadia." Pan was of the goat cult around Arcadia so that Paeoni are expected there to a large degree. Pan traces back to Panias, the Phoenicians, seafarers without wives...because what woman would want one?
I'm talking about "Elatus, a son of Arcas...He was allotted by Arcas the region of then-nameless Mount Cyllene as his domain, but afterwards migrated to the region which later became known as Phocis, and assisted the local inhabitants in the war against the Phlegyans [Fleck bloodline?]; he was renowned as founder and eponym of the city Elatea." Elatea was midway between Boiotia and Arcadia. In this picture, the orca-whale may have become the arca-bear. "Hence [Elatea] was admirably placed for commanding the passes into Southern Greece from Mount Oeta, and became a post of great military importance" That's from the Elatea article.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ElateaClicking to the Oeta article: "In mythology Oeta is chiefly celebrated as the scene of Heracles' death. Prepared to die, he ascended Mount Oeta, where he built a funeral pyre of trees, gave his bow and arrows to Poeas, father of Philoctetes, and laid himself down on the pile, his head resting on his club, and his lion's skin spread over him, and commanded Philoctetes to apply the torch to the pyre." Symbolism. But there you have it, Poeas or Poias. It's very questionable as to whether Poias was a Boiotian or Paeoni peoples, but, in any case, he's what appears to be proto-Poussins that should trace to the Bousson tributary of the Riparia.
There are all sorts of possibilities if Poias was the line to Pois/Poix, as for example being the founding entity of Foix. It's very interesting because proto-Hercules was Samson, given a fox symbol. Samson also had a lion-and-honey symbol that I trace to the "Hercules lion" (sometimes called Sandon), and then Faucetts, a branch of Foix, use a lion in the colors of the Sam/Sammes lion. The Faucet Crest has a lion holding an arrow, and then Hercules "gave his bow and arrows to Poeas, father of Philoctetes, and laid himself down on the pile, his head resting on his club, and his lion's skin spread over him, and commanded Philoctetes to apply the torch to the pyre." It looks like we've found the Poias lion in the Faucet lion, which is the upright black lion of the Power-related Palins too!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_OetaPoias was simply a representation of what the mainline Hercules cult evolved into in the post-Hercules part of history. If he traces to the Orco river, which is reasonable on two counts, it explains why CHAMBERy is on the other side of the Alps from the source of the Orco. That is, the donkey, another symbol of Samson, is used by CHAMBERlains. Plus, to my amazement as I continue off the cuff, Chambery's and Chambers were both first found in Denbigh of Wales, smack beside Powys! By the time that was found, I already knew that French Chambers were first found in Savoy, the place where Chambery is situation.
As Chamberlains are apparently using the Duncan chevron because a Duncan branch comes up as "Donkey," one might be led to believe that the Chamberlain donkey is code for Duncans. But I say that Chamberlains should trace to the mythical donkey (king Midas, for example), and that royal Duncans of Scotland are more-likely to be named after that donkey line.
Samson and Hercules were in Tyre, and then while Tyrians founded Carthaginians, Hannibal marched past Chambery and into the Orco valley. It was this march that is suspect in dropping the dung seeds that became Caiaphas and Annas. For example, there is an Annecy location about 25 miles north of Chambery, and then Caiaphas is suspect from Chivasso at the Orco's mouth. The Duncans and Chamberlains are suspect in using the Quint chevron in colors reversed, and then that Shield-on-Shield used by, and probably owned by, Chaddocks / Chadwicks, is used, in the same colors, by French Chamberlains. Cambers were first found in the same place as Saddocks/Sedwicks.
It's a good thing Cambers came to mind just because I had forgotten the third surname that uses the Mosca leopard design along with Chives: the Cambers!!! That really does support the above trace of Chamber liners to Sadducee liners out of Chivasso. If I knew the victory call of Whales, I'd probably make it right now. Might the Walsh/Welsh and Wallis entities apply to whale lines out of Orco? I don't know that whale themes trace to/from Orco, but I'll keep the idea in mind. I am sure that Orco elements named pirate-infested Orkney, beside SHETland!!! It recalls the "Byggar" motto term in the Arms of Shetland. Biggers and Archie(bald)'s both use blue-on-white bends surrounded by stars. As Bucher's/Bowkers compare, they could be a Biggar branch.
Going back to Elatus, a Lapith, it's important that he was a Phocis element along with Poias, for Phocaeans founded some aspect of Ligurians at Massilia, and can therefore be expected with Ligurians at the Graian Alps (at the sources of the Orco and at Modane). Recalling that potential trace, via Elatus elements, of Orchomenos Boiotians to ARCadia, what about the Arc river that Modane sits on??? As Cilnius elements, that I said should be at the founding of Maccabees, traced well to Cyllene of Arcadia, by what coincidence does the Chives Coat use the quarters in the colors of the same of Keele's/Kills? Cyllene elements were at Chivasso, weren't they, and at Modane, weren't they??
Along the Arc there is a Chambre location while Chambery is near the mouth of the Arc. Perhaps Gilberts and Julians/Gillians apply to Cyllene elements.
The Cambers (in Quint colors), to my further amazement as I write off the cuff, use a "Sapiens" motto term, the nickname of Porcius Cato. They use the same red dancette as Cheatle's/CHEDels/CHETtles, thus tracing Cato elements to the latter too.
It is completely interesting that, upon taking the CHEATley variation and entering "Sheat," the Sword=Siward swords came up in the Shute/Chute Coat! Siward of Northumberland was a Duncan liner! But the big news here may be that Shute's and several similar surnames, are variation from "Cato." This recalls the statement above: "Sittaceni are expected to trace to Sewers/SHUTers, Scoots, Scute's, Scheds, Skits, Sitlers/Schitlers, and some Sitt / Sett terms morphing to Catt and Gatt terms. There was a mythical Ceto..." I wrote that seconds before discovering that Ceto was given a son, Phorcys. Cambers are able to reveal that Chambers were Cimmerian scythians, known to live at Maeotis, home also of the Sittaceni.
All that time, I didn't count the months, that I was tracing Scute's et-al to the line of Sadducees, I had no idea that Porcius Cato was at it's root. It was a good thing that most of the work was done before finding Cato, for he just slipped easily into all the right places from the get-go. By the way, I'm working daily 12 hours on this project at this time, and have been for several weeks. Remember, this if God's revelation, not at all meaning that I'm infallible. Don't take everything I say as Inspired. Judge by the value of the arguments.
I've just taken the Cheade variation of Chettle's, and entered "Shead," to get the Sheds/Sheddens with a big potent cross, and a version of the Chad Coat.
In case the Coats are changed to protect the secrets, let me describe them. Both Coats are split vertically red and white. Both Coat use a large potent cross in the same red-and-white counter-changed colors, though the Chad cross has two arms at each end. Both Coats have four symbols located at the four corners, both Coat using them in the same colors. Chads use four patee crosses, while Sheds us two identical patee crosses and two roses. Both Coats are in Chettle colors.
The Camber motto is translated, "A wise man can rule the stars," as in, the Cato devil wants to rule the stars but tough luck, it ain't gonna happen.
The Shuttlewords would not come up as "Shuttle," but trying "Shettle" (as per "Chettle") just now got them to come up. They use "weaver's shuttles," a symbol of the Keeps too. They were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Settle's, and so it seems that Settle's have been clinched as a Cato line. Settle's are the one's using lozenges in the colors of the Star lozenges, thus linking the Camber motto to the Settle's and Stars together. Stars even share estoiles with Cambers. Stars were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Sheats/Shute's/Chute's.
Why are Camber elements linking so tightly to lines of the Israeli priests? Campbells seem to apply because Cumbers (peacock) show Campellford / Camelford variations. They and Comerfords (in MontGOMERy colors) smack of Gomer / Cimmerians...the reported founders of Whales. It appears that the scythians I've been tracing to northern Italy, and linking to the Israeli priesthood, were Cato liners as regards that priesthood. The trick now is to build the evidence that Soducena / Sittaceni elements apply, but the very fact that the trace is going seemingly well to Maeotis is supportive of that idea.
The Cumber/Campbellford peacock design is that also of Comerfords. The latter are quartered in the colors of the Felix quarters, while Felix's (potent crosses) trace, by their mill rind, to the same family (Fletchers) as Joan of Ark's. One could therefore trace Comerfords smack to Modane, not just because it's on the Arc river, but because Comerfords are suspect with the namers of Chambre and Chambery. It's very possible here that, not only the Poias line to Wales, but Cimmerians to Wales, came though the Arc river. I ventured a guess a few times that Hercules was a Cimmerian peoples. The Camber dancette can be predicted to represent the Hercules Danaans as they developed into the British Danann.
To prove that Arc-river elements trace to Arcadia, it would be good to find the two Archie Coats using symbols of Cyllene-suspect surnames. Off the bat, we can enter the "Swani" name in the Scottish Archie(bald) page to find the Sion/Swan Coat with a white talbot dog in Crest, used also by Comerfords. Archie(bald)'s share a blue bend with Kelners/Kilners, and Kellogs use the same colors, including talbots in those colors, which would be white in colors reversed. Darks/D'Arques share a black-on-white saltire with Julians/Gillians. Kleins/Cline's use a bear, symbol of Arcadia.
That was an excursion, during the proof read, away from the Paw topic. But just like Paws, Comerfords use the peacock. We saw earlier that peaCOCKs looked like Cock lines that were themselves founded upon, or engaged by, Quints > Quincys > Quiggs > Quicks as they related to Crimean (Caucasian) elements in Grimaldi's. As we should be seeking Circassians, perhaps the Kirks and Church's apply. Kirks were first found in CUMBERland, and they use the crozier as well as the Sword sword in the colors of the same of Sittaceni-suspect Shute's/Chute's. Kirks also use a blue thistle, symbol of the Cappins/Alpins. At this point, one should ask whether Alpins were from Caepio elements in the Graian Alps. kirks use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Annas (I doubt very much that just anyone can use those combinations of a surname highly "important" to Masonry).
Payens don't only come up as "Poyer" but as "Payer." All that time when linking Jeffersons to Fano and Fano to Panico's of the Bologna area, I didn't know to use Paytons/Peytons, who use the seated ("sejant") Jefferson griffin design. Italian Pays are listed with Pace's/Pacenti's, you see, first found in Bologna. It just so happens that the Payton motto is, "Patior, potior, " and that I had traced Poitiers elements back to Picenum, which is exactly what I had traced Payens to. This recalls Poias as he traces well to Pois / Foix elements, though I didn't see particular reasons to include Paeoni unless Poias was a Paeoni/Paioni entity.
Jefferson is the Paeoni picture recalls the trace of Cuppae at the Pek to the Kupa of the Japodes. The Pike's/Pickens apply here because they are using the Bryce saltire in colors reversed while Bruce's are a Bruce branch tracing to the Breuci beside the Japodes. The Bryce saltire is surrounded by pierced stars, a feature also of the Payen stars. If that's code for the Pierce's, it works because I now view "Pierce" and "Bruce" together from "Porcia." Bryce's (weight scale) share a "justitia" motto term with Sibals and Sire's, tracing to the marriage of Justine of Picenum.
The "Fiat" motto term of Bryce's may be for Vaits/Veys and fox-using Faits/Fes'/Fays (use half the Bryce saltire), Porcia liners that trace to Foix'/Foys at Ile-de-France, where Payts can be traced too, expected where Hugh de Payens had married Chappes'...though we can expect other Payen lines to have married Caiaphas liners throughout history. "Fait / Fiat" reflects Foots and related Fothes'/Fittes'/Fette's tracing to "Foetes," which was the location of Fussen now suspect, along with lake Fucino, with the Poussin bloodline. As Fucino was the home of the Marsi, it needs to be repeated that mythical Mars used a woodPECKer symbol, and that Picenum's peoples are thought to be named after a woodpecker, though I don't thing that's quite right. If Fucino is related to "Foix," it may trace Porcius Cato to the Marsi. I half expect it.
Marsi should trace to the mythical goat, Marsyas (Phrygia, same as the Cotys > Attis line), who was involved with the donkey ears given by Apollo to king Midas. The donkey traced to the Arc river, opposite the Riparia river where Porcia-related Bousson is located.
It's hard to say whether the Foot surname developed as play on "Pied(mont)," said to mean "foot." There is then a question as to whether Payts and Paytons should link to Payens or to foot themes. The Arms of Foetes uses feet, though they can be viewed as legs too as code for the Lech river where Foetes is situated.
The Veys are now bring the Viu valley to mind, directly across the Alps from the source of the Arc river. I can't think of a better surname than "Vie" to represent the Viu. It was an area important to masons and so the Viu could have developed into a surname, or from a surname. The Irish Fie surname is also "Fey," and shares the upright black lion with Faucetts. In other words, Faucets / Foix liners may trace to the Viu, not forgetting that the Viu is beside the Orco, and that Chives' from the Orco use a "vi" motto term. "Fiat" may trace to that valley too.
I've just checked the Fiens/Fienne's (Artois) to find a motto term translated as "Wish" motto term that gets the Wyshams. This is difficult, uncertain as to whether "Wis" applies to "Viu." I don't think that "Wysham" is rooted in "Wy," but I suppose it's possible. The Wyshams can be suspect with VISconti's because Wyshams use footless (foot code, I assume) martlets in the colors of the Living/Levin / Saddock martlets.
There is a question as to whether "Viu" is related to "Vienne." "Fien" is listed also with the Fano-related Veynes/Phone's, but at this point I'm uneasy in venturing a trace of Fano's, Fountains, Fontana's, etc. to the Viu term...though it should be recalled that these terms were suspect with the Sardinian Visconti's. The Fien motto is translated, "Wish for a strong mind," which could be code for the Wise/Wise surname that seems to be in play with Wyshams/Wishams. Porcius Cato, who was in Sardinia with a military project, was called "Sapiens = the Wise." It's Cambers who use a "Sapien" motto term, and then Cambers trace to the donkey-using bloodline in Chambre and Chambery on and off the Arc river (i.e. that being the one opposite the Viu valley).
The Arc is where the Jonathan-Maccabee line could be expected that I now think named Joan of Arc, and then the Arms of the Sardinian Visconti's used a rooster, the Jonathan symbol.
Let's not forget: it's the Bryce's using the "Fiat" motto term, that may be code for Viu elements, for they use the Bruce-Annandale saltire in colors reversed while Bruce's use "FUImus! I really didn't know it would come to that last motto term when starting this paragraph; it just happened midway through the sentence. There just may not be enough Fiu / Viu terms for code use so that "fiat" and "fui" terms had to do. This paragraph was started to point out that, while Caiaphas elements were on the Orca beside the Viu, the Annandale elements of Bruces can trace Annas liners to the Viu.
The Wear surname is the other one using the Fuimus motto, suggesting that "Fuimus" is part-code for Mosco/Muscus liners, and indeed the Chives' use the Mosco/Muscus leopard...meaning also that Wears were indeed a branch of Drake's. But as Vere's are suspect with Ferrara lines, note that the fiat-using Fien's use what could be the Ferrari lions.
As the Bryce's use "Fiat justitia," it can trace the Viu entity to Fano because that latter area was at the north end of Picenum. Therefore, what I was not prepared to do, trace Fonts / Fontana's / Veyne's/Fane's/Phone's to the Viu, looks bang on. In fact, I realized only while writing the last sentence that the Irish Fie/Fey Coat is split horizontally in the colors of the same of Fano's (Ferrara!), and very comparable also to the Fontana Coat. Both Fano's and Fie's/Feys use white on their blue half, and black on their gold half, suggesting also (strongly) that Fiens were Fano liners.
AND ZOWIE, it's the English Fountains/Fontibus' (green Visconti snake) who use a "Vix" motto terms so that, indeed, "Vis(conti)," and the Wish'/Wishams, can trace to "Viu"!!! What a breakthrough; it wasn't expected so suddenly. I can do a lot with that key in coming updates. The grand reaping is where, indeed, Caiaphas / Annas liners were at Chivasso, and toward the Alps, then over the Alps at Modane.
The Payts/Paits could be Paytons. It's possible that "Pait" and "Fait" are variations, both tracing to the Viu. There is a way to link Payts/Paits to the Pek liners because Peks/Pecks use the patee cross that should be code for Payt/Pait liners. The Patty's/Pati's/Pateys/Padys (colors reversed from Padyns/Patents of Dumfries) are the one's using the Sadducee-suspect Shield-on-Shield in the colors of the same of Saddocks. Come to think of it, it's possible that Sadducee liners owned the Shield-on-Shield (inescutcheon) symbol. Saddocks were first found in the same place (Sussex) as the potent-cross suspects, the Putents/Puttins/Pattocks. This paragraph is suggesting that potent lines to Templar Jerusalem were from the Pek / Cuppae entity, as expected where Hugh de Payen was made the efforts "grand master" (spit).
Payts/Paits use letters, three 'R's. As there is a raven wing in their Crest, I'll assume that the letters are for the raven-using Rolphs / Ralphs. The latter use water bougets tracing to Ile-de-France, where we can expect Payen liners. Payts/Paits were first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Kaplans and Chapmans. Pitts look like they could be a branch of the Putents/Puttens; they share besants on black that had traced to the Arms of Poitiers. Besants on black are used by Trebys, first found in the same place (Devon) as Pitts (and Pike's). Can you glean a trace to the Trebia river, and to Trabzon, what the Cimmerians must have come to control in their Anatolian invasion? Do you think the same Cimmerians came to Italy with Trabzon elements to name the Trebia? They then got to the Viu, and across to the Arc, with Paeoni elements now under discussion as Payts, etc.
Paters (Berkshire) use three objects that could be viewed either as saltires or the letter 'X'. The objects are in the colors of the three Payt/Pait Rs, and so this seems like a family match. It just so happens that while Fountains/Fontibus' use a "NOSTRA" motto term, Paters are shown properly as PaterNOSTER." This means that the Phone variation of Veyne's/Fane's could link to Paeoni elements. Therefore, look at how "Veyne" can be a "Paeoni variation. Yes, I trace "Veyne/Vain/Vane" to Lake Van, but I independently traced mythical Pan to Lake Van who may have been the Paeoni peoples. Phoenicians of the Carthaginian kind were called, "Poeni."
The Paternoster Coat is of the format used by Walsh's and Mortons who trace to the Exeters of Devon sharing bells with Poitier-suspect Porters. As Paternosters are looking like a branch of Payts/Paits, it seems that the namers of the patee cross were virtually identical to the namers of the potent cross. Porters, first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Scottish Pike's/Pickens, are said to be from a Radolphus character (of Craigie) whose name is, I think a version of "Ralph."
A trace of Paeoni to the naming of Fano explains why Payens were tracing to Picenum, yet we now have cause to identify Viu with Paeoni. In fact, "Viu" smacks of the Bia peoples represented in the ancient Biaini term at Lake Van, and then ZOWZERS, an area at Lake Van was Mus, represented likely in the "FuiMUS" motto term...of Hebrew-suspect Bruce's. Mus and Lake Van was home to Hebrew-suspect Nairi. Later, in about 720 BC, the Cimmerians on the north shores of the Black sea (at Crimea) conquered Lake Van...and so that should explain why Cimmerians were at Chambre and Chambery...opposite the Alps from Viu!!
These very Cimmerians (a branch of Ezekiel's Gog) had set up a military base on the Black sea coast of Phrygia, and may be expected as part of the scythians (small 's') merging with, or even making up, the lines of Israeli chief priests. The Royal Scythians, whom I peg as Ezekiel's Gog, had penetrated into Medea at that time. The Cimmerians are expected to have controlled lake Sevan, you see, until the Royal Scythians took Armenia. I think, by this time, the Hercules entity had passed from history, and had become what one writer called, Poias. It just makes a lot of sense to trace Gog to the Sadducees. The Sittaceni may have come down into Armenia at that time either with the Cimmerians or Royal Scythians.
Scottish Ralphs were first found in Nairi-like Nairn, home also of the Rose's/Bosco's and related Geddes. Assuming that Geddes were a major line from Cato, we could entertain a trace of Rose's to king Rusa of Lake Van, who came to be controlled by the invading Cimmerians. In other words, the Nairi of Lake Van named Nairn; the Rose's were form Rusa lines; and the Sittaceni evolved from Ceto / Cotys on the south shores of the Black sea (where the Cimmerians were encamped) into a Cato > Geta > Geddes line. The Rose's of Nairn are said to be different from the Rose's from Ireland.
The Nairi-suspect Neuri were wolf worshipers, and "Ralph/Rolph" is wrongly said to mean, wolf, and so this is mere codework by the perpetual liars who put heraldry together. The raven line was from the Apollo wolf line. I had identified Apollo's peoples on the north side of the Black sea as Dacians (namers of the Ticino?), a known branch of Getae Thracians. Per chance, the Sittaceni were Getae. It's known that Cotys was the name of a Thracian witch cult.
I trace Rosicrucians from king Rusa to Varangian Rus, meaning that I expect the Varni to be from Cimmerians of the Rusa kind. I have suspect that Varangians included the Rollo Danes. It's understandable why Poias elements from the Hercules Danaans should have named the Danes where these elements also named the British Danann. The latter were styled, "Tuatha," a term like that may have received a tooth symbol. Blatant BlueTOOTH (son of mythical Gorm = blue / Blois theme) was a Dane king, grandfather of Cnut. The Cnut-related Knights were a branch of Blois', wherefore we could expected Cnut lines from the Arc river. The Fano's use a knight, you see, and Fano's trace as Paeoni / Lake-Van elements to the Viu. Viu elements had revealed themselves also Feys and Foix', and therefore with Poias. What I'm trying to say is that Hercules-based Cimmerians of the Poias kind moved though the Arc river (Arks/Archie's are in the colors of Blois' and Tooths) as proto-Dane elements of the Gorm > Blatand > Cnut bloodline, and, as evidence, there was a Cymbri kingdom (various spellings) in Juteland, what later became Denmark.
This passage of proto-Danes through the Arc can explain why Sinclairs share a rooster with Jonathans. When I first discovered that the Jonathan rooster is in the design used by the Blue/Gorm surname, I did not yet know that Blois' elements were on the Arc river, and at Modane. I didn't yet know that Cimmerians passed though that river. The rooster of this area, though suspect with Visconti's, may ultimately be that of Gays/Guaits, first found in Savoy (location of Modane), from the Galli queers (destroyers of the human soul, trust me) whom I say lived on the Halys river of Phrygia, right where Cimmerians made their camp (at Sinope). "Galina" is the Italian for chicken, you see.
To help prove that Rosicrucians passed through the Arc, Rose's had merged with Bosco's whom can be traced to Bousson, smack at the sources of the Riparia opposite Modane. The Ripp(er)s (first found in the same place as Bush's/Buschs) were the ones using, probably, the Joan lion. The Ripps also use the same-type border on their perchevron as Togarmite-suspect Teague's, and then Joans share the Touch lion (in Settle colors). It's perfectly clear: Cimmerians suspect with the formation of the Israel chief priests at Modi-in, were on the Arc river.
To boot, Ripps use one lion in the colors of the Morgan lion, suggesting a trace of mythical Morgan le Fay (code for two surnames) both to the Arc and to the Viu valley. Both valleys have their source waters at the very same mountain (or nearly the same). The Morgan lion is shared by Duffys, and then Fie's/Feys are also "Duffie." There is no question; we now know where in Italy Feys and similar terms trace.
Scythians and Other Bone HeadsThe Patys/Paits are said to be named after "head" or "skull." Do you suspect the Skull and Bone pirates? Weren't they the Rosicrucians? The rose of the center of the Rosicrucian cross is likely code for the Rose surname, linked to Bosco's, probably explaining why the presidential Bush family was involved in Skull and Bones.
The Payts/Paits, if they do not trace to Payen liners, can be suspect as named after Roman PATRicians to which Julius Caesar belonged, for Payts/Paits: 1) look like a branch of PATERs; 2) are in Patrick colors; were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians. Patents/Putins/Padyns were even first found in the same place as Kilpatricks. "Pater" means "father > head," in a sense. I've always suspected the Israeli priesthood in Jesus' day was a Patrician line, but never in my wildest expectations did I think that Caiaphas could have been from a son of Julius Caesar. That idea is now on the table, with Servillia Caepio as the mother of the Caiaphas line.
The Skull surname traces to Eschol and therefore to the Schofield/Scholefield surname (in Hebron / Chill / Skull colors) suspect with Scute's and other scythian lines out of Schio. Schole's (first found in the same place as Bush's) not only use a Shield filled with lozengy, as do Crimea-based Grimaldi's, but show the Julian/Gillian and Teague crosslet in the same color. That's how the Julian Patricians can also link to Skull and Bone elements: the Hebrews out of Hebron. It thereby becomes suspect that Schio traces to "Eschol," and/or that Eschol was named by scythians, for example, the Anaki / Amorites of that area.
The Anaki were part with the Rephaite "giants," a term that, surely, should trace to the naming on the Riparia river. Of interest here is that I trace Rephaites to "Arrapha," an Assyrian city also called ArraPACHitis," named after Biblical Arphaxad, patriarch of Hebrews (of which Israelites were only one branch). The Payt/Pait link to Payens/PAGans and Pek liners may thus have to do with the latter's trace to "ArraPACHitis / ArPHAXad." To Semites, "ar" meant "mountain" so that Arphaxad may have been named after a Pach mountain / hill. "PAYT" is a close reflection of "PAXAD."
The three 'R's in the Payt/Pait Coat may be code for Rephaites / Riparians, and, indeed, the Ruff variation of Ralphs can apply. I'm really starting to get this. I didn't set out to write this, but it's falling together too well not to be at least viable. It seems that Rephaites were the raven line, which should find the raven vikings -- Danes -- tracing to the Riparia river. None of this was on my mind of conceived when the Dane vikings were traced to the Arc river shortly above. The Annecy location shortly north of Chambery must be named after Anaki. To the north of Annecy is a Jura mountain range, smacking of Jerusalemites (lived beside Hebron), and the Arc is a tributary of the Isere smacking of "Israel."
Here's from Wikipedia's article on Rephaites keeping in mind that I trace Buz, son of Nahor, to the naming of Bozrah, where I trace Bush's:
The area of Moab at Ar (the region East of the Jordan), before the time of Moses, was also considered the land of the Rephaites. Deut 2:18-21 refers to the fact that Ammonites called them "Zamzummim" [sounds like "SAMSON" should apply, recalling his honey symbol], which is related to the Hebrew word...which literally translates into "Buzzers", or "the people whose speech sounds like buzzing."It feasible here that Bashan, ruled by Og, a Rephaite king, is the reason for "Bousson" on the Riparia river. Quite possibly, "Og" was a term from or toward "Gog," and then Cimmerians had a Gug-Cimmerian branch. This trace of proto-Cimmerian Gomers to Jerusalem, and to the east side of the Jordan, supports my trace of "Gomer" to the naming of "QUMRan, near the mouth of the Jordan. The Essenes are suspect at the essenes bee cult of Ephesus (and wherever else it may have been), wherefore proto-Essenes are suspect from the Zamzummim entity of Rephaites.
I don't recall ever suggesting that "Samson" was part of this Zamzummim entity. Where was my head? I can be a bonehead, rest assured (and I am from Scythian lines on both sides). Didn't we just trace (before this section was conceived) the Samson > Hercules > Poias line to the Viu valley just a mountain peak from the Arc river, which itself begins a mountain peak from the Riparia? As Samson was at Timnah, I've traced his naming to neighboring Beth Shamash, and so the buzzing Rephaites are suspect there (due west of Jerusalem).
In Genesis 15:20, Rephaites are found in the same breathe with Hittites and Perizzites, which could indicate the namers of Hattusa in later centuries, as well as the Perseus line through Paris of Troy to Pharisees. This was, basically, the line of the Benjamite-Jabesh alliance through Joppa to the Japodes. The point here is that while Sadducees are suspect as a Porcius-Cato entity in league with the Hatti of Hattusa, Perizzites could indeed have been proto-Pharisees to the Riparia theater. It's making much sense, that God chose Jerusalem as His own because he wished to use it in destroying, in the end, the wicked giants out of that place, who would one day control the world in misery and misfortunes. And He brought them back to Jerusalem in time to sacrifice His Son for that ultimate purpose.
So, it looks like the chief priests had families in the Riparia theater. Again, Susa is on the Riparia. I have a chapter wherein "Zeus" was traced "Susa" before knowing that a nearby Sittacene location likely represented his cult. I suggested that the Susa cult was in a name found in Hebron. I wrote it while "green" in the dragon hunt, but if and when you are interested, it's here: Mars and Asklepios are Men in the Bible.
I had traced "HERCules" to "KURKura," the alternative / next name of Arrapha. One wonders if that entity still lingers in the Kirk / Church surnames. Kurkura is no Kirkuk. Kirks (CUMBERland) use a "primum" motto term that I'd be inclined on tracing to the household of Priam and Paris (suspect with Perizzites, right?). If that's correct, then the crozier in the Kirk Coat should be for mythical Creusa, wife of Aeneas (Trojan from the house of Priam), founder of Romans. Then, because the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Kirks is that also of Annas, one could venture a trace of Annas to "Aeneas," and then back to Anaki of Hebron because Aeneas was from Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros. The Hebros was also "Maritsa," likely re-named by Amorites from Hebron / Mari.
The city of Geneva is in Annecy, which can help to explain why nearby Sion should be founded by lines of the Israeli priesthood.
German Kirks are easily linkable to Cork elements that I trace to Lake Van (close to Arrapha). Gore's/Core's trace smack to the Japodes, suggesting the Kurkura > Hercules elements may have named Gorski. Corks/Core's suggest Gogi elements too, for they shows as "Coch / Gough." Probably, the Georgians / Gargarians apply to Kurkura lines.
The Getae Thracians may trace to the very-ancient Guti (lunatic bidders for world-control status), perhaps the line to Ceto: "[Arrapha] began as a city of the Gutian people..." In my opinion, Arrapha, also called, Arabkha, was the root of Arabs, who are now putting forth some lunatic bidders for world-control status. Boneheads never learn the lesson of history. When historians describe military men as "brilliant," historians are completely out of their minds. They speak that way because the men of war, and other victims of war, who died painfully / horrifically didn't include them. And that's why they have lost their minds, to speak of invaders and kingdom builders with such complimentary language. Arab zealots don't need to wait for historians to inform them of how brilliant they are when utilizing their own children as bombs, but I'm sure that if Arabs succeed in conquering the world by this method, historians of the future will call them, well, brilliant.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ArraphaI wonder whether historians will call the great victory at Armageddon, brilliant. Armageddon is when all the kingdom builders get fried in bright and horrific fire. It will be the mother of all ambushes upon brazen, haughty, world-class soldiers drawn into a trap. Psalms told about God laughing at these fleas when they take up arms against His cause. I would suggest that historians all get together to make a footstool for the coming winner, Jesus the Great. But I know what the world-class historian thinks as he reads this, how it makes his gut turn. And so the enmity of the historian toward God will be to my pleasure on the Day that silences their teaching concerning murderous freaks of history, and why they should be esteemed as models for future generations.
The main city along the Riparia river, Rivoli, may trace to "Ribble," a river on the northern sides of Cheshire, for the Rebel/Robel Coat uses the Masci wing, and then Masci's are expected at Modane, opposite the Alps fro the Riparia's sources. I've just noted for the first time that the Ribble Chief used the Maschi/Maskaly Chief. That can explain the Meschins (Masculine variation) of Yorkshire, where Ribble's were first found. Rebels/Robels were first found in the same place (Prussia) as Mieske's/MESECHs.
The Ribbsford and Ribbald variations can suggest that the root or early version of this surname was "Rib," traceable to Ripp/RIPLey elements, therefore, and indeed, while Ripps and Teague's have proven to be scythian elements, Maschi's trace to Meshech, the chiefs of Gog. Meshech were paired with Tubal, which may be in the Tuff versions of the Touch bloodline (Touch's are the ones sharing the green lion with Ripps). Believe it or not.
After writing that, the Sibals came to mind as potential Tubal elements. "Sabel" was entered to find a Russian Sobol surname using what looks like the Macey Shield with a Masci / MontGOMERy fleur. Shouldn't Masci / Mosca liners have named Moscow as part of the Varangian-Rus invasions into that area of Russia? Weren't the Rusa kings of Lake Van (where Masci's trace) the Biblical Rosh, who were lumped by Ezekiel 38 in with Meshech and Tubal, and with Gomer and Togarmah too? In this picture, Sibal(d)s, and Siward too, look like Tubal elements.
By the way, as Montgomerys and Masci's share the fleur-de-lys in the typical colors of the Frank fleur, it should be said that the Lys bloodline should trace to the Lazi Circassians who were married mythically to a Nergal demon.
Siward linked to Skagul Toste (Mieszko liners, both of them), and then the Toste's, first found in the same place as Ribble's, are listed with the Tuff's/Tofts, first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Touch's/Tuff's and Maceys. Toste's and Ribble's were first found in the same place as Bush's, who can trace with Rose-Bosco's to the Rusa kings, but can also trace with Ribble's to the Riparia river, location of Bousson. I traced the red heraldic eagle to the origin of the phoenix in Lake Van, and so we find that Toste's/Tuff's use a red eagle in Crest.
The main evidence for a red-eagle trace to Lake Van is where the Tarents/Tarans use red eagles while smacking of the Tarun location at Lake Van. Let me repeat from a quote above: "Their French side of the Graian Alps is drained by the river Isere (Tarentaise valley) and its tributary Arc..." Why should Tarun elements of Lake Van trace to Arcadia, where I think the Arc river traces? Ask Pan, the goat that was born to Hermes, born in Arcadia. In fact, "Hermes" was itself code for Armenians (the peoples living at Lake Van). Pan named the phoenix, you see, as per the Pan cult of Panias, in Phoenicia.
It definitely looks as though Riparians in Rivoli were on the Ribble river with sources in Yorkshire, and flowing though Lancashire. Imagine how many Graian-theater peoples are on that river. If you try, you should be able to pick them out by comparing their names to localities in the Graian Alps. Grains/Grayns were first found in Yorkshire, for example. There is a La Graye location some 15 miles southwest of Modane, important because the Grey surname uses an anchor theme as code for the Anchors with an Anaki-suspect Annacker variation. The Croy branch of Greys had merged with Roets who are themselves likely from Paeoni that traced to the Viu.
Did you notice that the Rebel/Robel Shield is used also by Foix' at Ile-de-France? You now know that Foix' trace to the Viu valley, beside the Riparia.
Rivers and Rivere's may not trace to any old river. Reeve's use "Animum" as a motto term, which recalled that Kirks (suspect from Riparia's Anaki) use two terms ending in "Mum." There is a Mum/Mumme surname looking like Mark - Boyd liners from the Marsi. It just so happens that the war god, mars, was also "Mamers" while a Biblical Mamre was an Amorite in Hebron. Reeve's were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Blois'. Then, Reeve's share vair fur with the counts of Blois while the Blois Shield having the vair is in the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Kirks and Annas'. The Reeve motto term, "ANImum" may be part-code for Annas lines.
While Reeve's use three roses in the colors of the three Blois dragons, there is a green dragon in the Reeve's Crest that is the one used by Crichtons/Creightons too, important because the latter surname may be a version of "Kirk." Crichtons share the same blue lion with Rivere's. It's likely coincidental that while the Rivere's use the Massin/Mason lion, the Bushel's, honored in the Bousson bushels, use the Massin/Mason motto. Therefore, as Bousson is a Riparia tributary, the Rivere's trace to "Riparia." (Might "Boston" trace to "Bousson.") This acts as verification that Boussons (use the Bush lions) and Bushels trace to Bousson.
I am fairly sure that Crichtons are a branch of Craigs / Carricks that trace to "Akragas," the alternative name of Agrigento. It's important now if Crichtons should be a branch of Annas-suspect Kirks too, or of any surname linking to the Greys suspect at the Graian Alps, for the Grey-honored Anchors/Annackers use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento. It dawns on me now that "Akragas" was at one time like "Creusa"...in the way that "Cruce" can morph into "Craig / Carrick / Kirk / Church." The latter surname uses greyhounds, part-code for Greys. The Kirks are the one's using croziers as symbol likely for Croziers / Croze's.
Anchors/Annackers are not traced to a specific place, but generally to northern England, probably from Yorkshire up. I expect to find them in Yorkshire because they should be Riparia elements. The Anne's/Hanne's were first found in Yorkshire. Northern England is all Cimmerian country, isn't it? It's the location of CUMBERland and NorthUMBERland. Where did Cimmerians trace? The Arc, directly over the peaks from the Riparia.
If you missed my point, mythical Creusa and Aeneas are tracing in particular to Agrigento as the reason for their mythical relationship to Carthage (maybe 900 BC). Aeneas then provided the Anchor/Annacker bloodline...that probably named Annecy because the Grey bloodline, which I think was from the African Graeae hags, named the Graian Alps. It just so happens that the red bull in the Anchor/Annacker Crest, which links quite obviously to the red Chiaro bull (as per Montechiaro beside Agrigento), is the Noon bull too, and Noons are expected to trace with Nons to Sophonisba, a Carthaginian.
The thin Noon saltire was suspect with the thin Chiaro bend, and this inclusion of Anchors to both surnames tends to clinch it. Noons are the ones using a "modo" motto term, possibly for Modane elements. The Chiaro's must trace to Chieri so that the Anchor/Annacker bull must likewise be the Turin bull, and Chieri is less than 10 miles to the mouth of the Riparia.
Of further interest is that while Noons share lions paws with Savage's, the "Suaviter" motto term of Noons suggests a link to the Sauvigeois out of Sauviat-sur-Vige. I traced Savages to a merger with Roussillon elements, where Reeds and Roets are expected to derive. Rodez of Roussillon is at Aveyron, a term perhaps related to nearby Auvergne. In any case, Croziers and Croze's were first found in Auvergne, which may indicate that Creusa / Annas elements from Agrigento ended up there. After all, Scottish Croziers share the same stag head design with Anne's suspect with Anchors/Annackers.
After writing that, I had a hard time locating Auvergne on my maps, and simply couldn't find it, when I spotted a Creuse area and a Creuse river smack beside Limousin, the location of Sauviat-sur-Vige! After writing that, I found Auvergne stamped vertically on the map, with the north end beside Creuse and the south end not far from Aveyron.
The other surname using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Agrigento is the Shepherds, suspect at the area on the Baldea where Verres is located. The Verres surname (a Weir/Vere branch), first found in Aveyron, uses wheels that may be a version of the Catherine wheels. It would be good to prove it because Aveyron is smack at Rodez (gave birth to a wheel symbol), the place where "Roet" should trace (Catherine Roet owned the Catherine wheel). I've suggested a trace of "Creusa" from "Hros > Rosh > Rhodes."
As with Savages and Noons, the Creuse surname uses the lion paw, and it was first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Savages. We now know, therefore, that Savages and Creuse's were from the same part of France, and likely also from Agrigento elements. If Crichtons trace to Agrigento, then the Creuse lion is likely the Crichton lion in colors reversed. But this is also the lion suspect with Caiaphas. I have God's word that this lion links to Caiaphas, and here we are on Annas lines, right?
From these traces and also from the lion paws, we can gather that mythical Creusa was a human sacrifice cult in connection with Boofima, even as the books used by Roets and Reeds trace them to Boofima. I did trace Boofima's Imperi peoples to "Paris," the household of Aeneas, but Paris is now suspect with the Perizzites, kin or associates of Rephaites. Creusa was a daughter of Priam (and therefore Paris' sister), and we saw a likely code for Priam elements in the "primum" motto term of Kirks...which tends to support a "Kirk" trace to "Akragas."
Virgil made Creusa the mother of Iulius, the Julian bloodline, which may be traced back, as per things said at the start if this section, to Hebron. Augustus (a Julian liner) accepted Virgil's trace of Julians to a son of Creusa and Aeneas. The first Roman emperors were from human-sacrifice cults out of Tyre, right? It's surprising that this planet has not cracked in half over the brash sins of Romans. No more foolish people can there be. I suspect that Julians are from the Gels of Sicily whom Wikipedia claims as founders of Agrigento. Agrigento seems to have been the temporary settlement of Hyksos Trojans before forming the Romans, but this picture does not include the Illyrian / Japodes/ Juno / Benjamite elements of the Romans. I think the two entities coming together as Romans can be categorized as Remus versus Romulus, the Remus branch from the north at Rimini providing Mars(i). The Romulus branch provided the Apollo wolf line from the south. It all stunk to the clouds.
The crozier in the Kirk Coat is now linking Kirks excellently to Akragas. Lest you've forgotten, the Kirk Coat looks like a version of the Annas Coat thus identifying Kirks as a Creusa line merged with Aeneas. This is the potential that heraldry has, to reveal these things.
The Pharisee-suspect Wears (tentatively suggesting roots in Perizzites), tracing with Bruce's to the Viu valley, use the crozier too. I've always suspected that Drakenberg Vere's are leaders with modern Baphomet agents. Drake's, lest you've missed the point, trace to the Drago river at Akragas. The blue thistle of the Kirks gets the blue lion of Thistle's/Thissels, the color of the Rivere lion too...having potential to trace Akragas elements to the Rephaite-suspect Riparia river. That's the Caepio lion, isn't it? There is zero chance that the line to Caiaphas' wife was not in Agrigento. This is the entity tracing to Chives' at Chivasso.
The Redvers variation of Revere's suggests the Reeds, for I can see signs in Reeds for their trace to the Riparia river. For example, the "Pax" motto term of English Reeds suggests Arphaxad elements tracing with Rephaites to the Riparia. The Pek-Cuppae elements, that is. The Reed saltire is also the Bryce saltire, and Bryce's trace with Bruce's (if only through their kin) to the neighboring Viu valley. The Reed Coat is much like the Pike/Picken Coat, and the latter trace to the Viu too. The "copia" term of Reeds then links to the Cuppae area of the Pek theater, as well as to the "copia" motto term of Macclesfield, the Arms of which use the upright blue lion too. English Reeds share same-colored stars with Pike's/Pickens. Albert Pike was an Annas liner, wasn't he?
I am confident that English Reeds (red eagles = phoenix), a branch of Roets, trace to the Graian Alps along with Greys/Croys. Reeds have a Reed location in Lancashire, where the Ribble flows, and a Reed location in Suffolk, where Blois' were first found. These Reeds are said to be a sept of Robertsons. Before reading this, I had wondered whether Roberts trace to "Riparia" with Robels/Rebels.
While Blois' were on the Arc with donkey-based Chamber elements, it just so happens that Robertsons are listed with the Donnachie's, said to be from king Duncan of Scotland. Several updates ago, I learned for the first time that Tancreds>Guiscards were closely linked to Duncans, which may explain why Guiscards and Roberstons/Donnachie's share a code for Mercians. Dutch Reeds show what I think is a thunderbolt, and I've read that the Guiscard piles were originally thunderbolts.
As I don't know whether Payens/Poyers were Boii, it's hard to say whether "Boyer" or "Voyer" should apply to "Poyer." Voyers/Voirs (Payen colors) use a Mark theme trace-able to the Marici, but as Voyers also use the Maschi lion, while Payens trace to the Rimini / Marsi part of Italy, I think we have found the reason for the Poyer version of Payens. The Voyer lion is used also by Ribble's, and then while the latter trace to Rivoli on the Riparia, Voyers use a "Vis" motto term with tracing potential to the neighboring Viu valley. It's clear to me that Voyers are a merger with Alans and Strange's.
Perhaps mythical Poias represented a Paeoni peoples to the naming of Powys of long ago. It's possible that "BONonia" was named after a "Paeon" term, explaining why Pek-river clans to Bologna seemed to be Paeoni liners. I would differentiate between the Boii and the Paeoni, however. I've never been happy with viewing "Bononia" simply as a version of "Bologna." The primary suspects behind "Bologna" at this point are Bouillon / Blois liners. A look at the choice of the Bologna Coat may suggest that "Bologna" is a version of "Fleck / Flaccus."
Upon writing that, Blacks and Blake's came to mind as Flaccus liners. The Blake's were found to use a large fret, as do Cattle's/Cattels. Blake's are even shown with a Caddel variation! Blake's/Caddels are traced to a Burgo surname, suspect with "Porcius." This is excellent, and should go in the next update when I research the friendship between Cato and Flaccus.
Scottish Blacks happen to use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Agrigento, as well as a "crux" motto term that can go to Creusa's Crozier / Craig elements. The Crux's/Crycks' share a black-on-white pale bar with English Blake's. These are the colors of the Flecks. Just like that, we are upon some good clues for tracing a political Cato alliance with Flaccus'. They should show signs of Sadducee elements.
I cannot see the leopard face in the Blake Crest well enough to make out whether it's the Mosca leopard design, but it's expected with a Blake trace to Agrigento. If it is the Mosca leopard, that alone can trace Flaccus-Cato liners to the Chives'. The center of the Blake / Cattle fret is a MASCle.
Bononia may have been named after "Pannonia," where the Boii were living. I assume that Pan / Paeoni elements named Pannonia, explaining why Panico's/Panetta's were in that area. The Boii merged with Paeoni can again explain the Poyer variation of Payens. The southern end of Pannonia either touched upon, or was near, the Pek river. The Bone's/Bohuns at the counts of Blois were Boii to some degree, and the Bone relationship to Skulls has the potential to trace Boii to Hebron. Although I never proved it, I traced Lake Van elements of the Mus kind to Hebron's BozCATH location, and assumed that CADmus was named after the Mus Armenians of that location. This has the potential to trace the proto-Paeoni to Hebron, and the proto-Boii can be reckoned at Bozcath.
The carriers of Cadmus settled Boiotia, you see, but I don't know of an entity in Hebron that may have become the Boii unless they were Buzites that I think named Bozcath/Boscath and Bozrah. That works pretty good, doesn't it, suggesting that Bozcath can be identified with the buzzing Rephaites. As they apparently led to the Bousson and Riparia area, I must assume that Bousson was related to the Boii of Bologna, whom I pegged as the "bee/baeus" part of "Maccabaeus"...which is a good explanation for why the Riparia's source waters are directly over the peaks from Modane. Modi'in in Israel was west of Jerusalem, near the location of Timnah / Beth Shamesh, and Shamesh is now suspect as a location of the buzzing Zamzummim (the Ammonite word for the Rephaites).
As the Hasmonean location of Modi'in was so near to mythical Samson's turf, it needs to be repeated that I traced the namers of the Shamesh location, as I think others might, to "Sames" (probably named after Shem, patriarch of Semites), the sun god of Sophene and neighboring Samosata. If Sophonisba was named after Sophene elements, one can see why Hasmoneans were near Shamesh...if her husband's line founded Maccabees. That's why I'm seeking king Massena's child(ren) in Bononia and/or Modena.
Timnah was suspect (by me, as per a donkey-jaw clue in Judges) with the donkey god (Tartak) of Avvites who had a capital at Avith (may have been in Edom, where Timna, the woman, married the son of Esau). The Biblical version of "Avvites" is "Avviy," where 'iy" is the "ite" suffix, meaning that the peoples were "Avv," smacking of the names of the Viu. It wouldn't be surprising if the Viu was named by an Avi-like peoples.
As Susa is on the Riparia, look at this: "The ancestor [of the Anaki] named Anak had three children: Ahiman, Sheshai, Talmai (Numbers 13:22). They lived in Hebron and the hill country (Joshua 11:21) before being destroyed by Joshua. Their remnants then lived among the Philistines (Joshua 11:22)." I concluded that, because Anu was a chief Sumerian god while Susa was in the Sumerian theater, Sheshai was named after Susa (also "Shushan"). There was more to it, including my belief that proto-Poseidon was from the "Abzu/Apsu" entity of the Anu cult, as well as the Buz elements in Bozrah. In other words, Anaki, the man, was named after Anu or his associate, the water god, Enki ("ki" appears to be a suffix on "En = Anu").
http://www.studylight.org/dic/hbd/view.cgi?number=T314It stands to reason that, where Anu and Poseidon elements were in the Edom / Jerusalem theater in the days of Abraham, that the Poseidon proper of Phoenicia was first in Edom, and only later at Phoenicia. In the same way, one could calculate that the proto-Phoenicians were the Paeoni-Van elements in Hebron BEFORE Phoenicia was settled and founded by them. That's why I view PROTO-Cadmus at Hebron. As Panias/Banias was at mount Sion of Phoenicia, it tends to reveal that the namers of that mountain were from Jerusalem, named Zedek in the days of Abraham, the term I am now seeking in north-western Italy for the naming of Sadducees.
In other words, a Zedek-like peoples existed from the time of Abraham...one branch of which (Melchizedek) was very holy to God, and another branch of which would perform, in wickedness, the Sacrifice for the salvation of mankind.
It would be interesting to find evidence for a "Cato" trace to Abraham-KETurah elements in Hebron. Was she named after a Ket entity? Did her namers develop into the Ceto sea monster at the Pontus? I had linked her Athens line to both Aedon of Thebes and Attis of Phrygia, and so, if Ceto was also Cotys, it would seem that Keturah lines were at least merged with Ceto elements. Aedon was queen (not really, just myth code) in Thebes, settled by CADmus so that one has the reason to identify "Ceto" with Cadusii Armenians. Compare "Cotys" with "Cadusii / Hattusa / Kutaisi." As the golden-fleece ram at Kutaisi was the symbol of Hermes, note that he also had a caduceus symbol, and then trace Hermes back to mount Hermon = mount Sion to recognize that Cadusii Armenians in Phoenicia named Cadmus.
The possibility is that KETurah was named after ZEDek elements that evolved into Porcius Cato. "Ket" and "Set" can be the same thing.
Although I don't necessarily agree, some have said that Garebites at Jerusalem were named after the scorpion. The mere belief could cause a Masonic family to use the scorpion. The Denbigh surname is listed with Danbys (Yorkshire), and they use a scorPION. It may be a clever usage for their Paeoni elements at the Poias cult of Powys. As Poias was the extension of Hercules, he was also the extension of the Danaan, you see.
If it's wrong to view the Denbigh scorpion as code for an ancient peoples with a scorpion symbol, it may be code for a Schor / Shore link to Paeoni liners. Schore's, Shore's and Scher's/Scherfs are now all traced to "Siward" lines, and especially the Schere's/Scherfs using the rose on stem, as do Walkers. For those who don't know, see online for the theory (that I view as fact) that president George Herbert Walker Bush was born George Herberts Scherf(f), a Nazi.
While Joe Biden is the vice-president, a Reed surname now rules the Democrat-led Senate. If Biden fails to become the next president, a RODham will likely make it. Reeds and Rodhams were both first found in Northumberland, where Siward ruled. I've been tracing Rodhams/Roddens to Rutland at Leicestershire because I see the Rodham cinquefoils as the ermined Leicester cinquefoil, known to be the ermined Hamelton, and therefore the ermined Bus, cinquefoil. All but the Rodham cinquefoil are in red-on-white colors. Livingstons use the cinquefoil in red on white too, and as they are also shown as "Leay," it supports my trace of Leys/Lighs/Leghs to the Legro river of Leicestershire. The new thing is, Livingstons are now identified as Pavia-river peoples, almost certainly the Laevi.
The donkey symbol of Samson was, in my opinion, chosen by Democrats for their own symbol, regardless of what they claim as the reason for using it. The donkey jaw bone was code for a Ramath Lehi location, where Samson threw the bone (not really, it was just myth code). This location is therefore suspect with the Avvites now tracing to the Viu valley. It just so happens that the Leahy surname (Tipperary) uses an upright lion in colors reversed to the upright Ley/Legh lion so that one may entertain the Lehi location of Avvites as proto-Ligurians.
As support for that idea, mythical Marsyas was responsible for the donkey ears on king Midas, and then Marsyas traces to the Marsi namers of Marseilles, where Ligurians were founded. You can read at the article above (Ramath Lehi link) that Samson killed 1,000 men with the jawbone, which is what reveals the account to be pure myth code. You can also read that he caught 300 foxes, such an unlikely thing that it too can be considered myth code, for the Avvites had a Nibhaz god suspect as a variation of the small-dog cult of Anubis (may be an Anu-Buz combination). Before I got to writing here, and before knowing I'd be writing this, the Viu valley was traced to Foix / Vey / Fay elements. I therefore believe it's correct to trace Avvites to the Viu.
Recently, I supposed that the heraldic SCEPTer was code for the namers of Septimania, location of Foix. I now find a scepter in the Leahy Coat and Crest. Patrick Leahy climbed to some heights in the Donkeycratic party.
I've seen only now that Leys/Leghs use "avec" as a motto term. I have been connecting Leys/Leghs to Meschins for years, and then Meschins and Samsons (and Flecks) share white-on-black scallops. Leys/Leghs were first found near Leicestershire, and as Leicesters//LEYcesters/LESters (first found in the same place as Leys/Leghs) use a swan, they are suspect as a Lazi-Circassian line from the lake Sevan theater. This can trace Avvites to Avars of Caucasia, the peoples to whom I trace Daphne, daughter of Laz-suspect Ladon, brother of Ceto. If one goes downhill, due west, from the Viu, one will be at VIEnne, capital of Dauphine.
The Lazi were married mythically to Nergal, having a lion symbol, as do Lyons/Lions from Lyon, beside Vienne. Lyon had previously been LUGdunum, from the sun god, Lug, suspect with Ligurian lines. Ligurians are said to have been named at LACYdon, thus suggesting the Lazi-Lug relationship, and tending to trace Lazi to Ramath Lehi. This is important because I have maintained, for years without change of heart, a trace of both Samson and Daphne to the Hyksos. It is highly suspect that Ladon traces to the Lotan dragon, and then earlier to Lotan, brother of Timna. The latter is of course expected as the namer of Timnah, near Ramath Lehi. That is a way to trace Lotan's Edomites to Ligurians and Leicestershire.
Let's go back to the idea that Buzites are in the Bus surname using the Leicester cinquefoil, and we can keep in mind that Bus elements can trace to Bousson's Rephaite-Samson elements, which makes them suspect on the Ribble river. The Bus write-up traces laughably to "someone with a rounded belly or someone with the ability to drink the entire contents of a cask." The Belly / Bouillon / Blois bloodline seems to be in play there.
Leicestershire is beside Northampton, where Quincys were first found. This is where it gets interesting, for Livingstons are a line from the Livius family of Romans (pre-dated Caiaphas) who married Quintus Caepio the younger. Quints are expected to use a five theme, the theme in "CINQUEfoil." I'm going to identify the Bousson-suspect Puss/Poussin surname with Bus = Buz liners that include the Quint-colored Bush's, Pastors and Pesters. The latter, first found in Leicestershire, are the ones using a chevron in both colors of the Quint chevron. Tanners, expected as part of the "Poussin Teniers" code, are likely a branch of Tancred-related TANKERville's, who likewise use the white-on-red cinquefoils, eight of them in the same fashion, and on the same Shield-on-Shield, as Saddocks. As Tancreds had linked to the Duncans / Donkeys, we'll repeat here that the same white-on-red cinquefoils are used by Donkeys. The latter are traced in-part to "cath."
What appears here to be a Buzite merger with Samson's Avvites, not forgetting that Samson is now identified with Rephaites, was attested already where Rephaites and Avvites trace to the Via and neighboring Riparia, and where Bousson is a Riparia tributary. But there's more of the same, for Tancreds are known to be patriarchs of Guiscards, who come up as WISharts, a term that already traced to Viu elements. One could probably go on and on, using heraldry, to make similar links back to that part of the Alps...not forgetting that Saddock-suspect Sittaceni are suspect at Susa, on the Riparia. Recall the Lyon trace shortly above to Lug and therefore to Ramath Lehi, for Ripps/Rippers share the green Lyon lion.
Did we glean a Bus link to Quints? Entering "Lugg" gets the Quinchy-related Luchs/Luke's, which recalls my trace of Luchs, Luce's, and fish-using Luciano's to Lycians, possibly the proto-Ligurians. And, besides, I trace Lycians to Hebron's Lachish location, which can reveal that Ramath Lehi was a Lachish entity. As Avvites are suspect from "Abzu/Apsu" (I see the term as "Abuz/Apus"), they should prove to be POSeidon elements, and then Pisidians lived smack with Lycians...while Pisa in Italy is at the Ligurian coast, almost.
Let's repeat from above: "It is highly suspect that Ladon traces to the Lotan dragon, and then earlier to Lotan, brother of Timna [Timna's sons must have lived in Bozrah]. The latter is of course expected as the namer of Timnah, near Ramath Lehi. That is a way to trace Lotan's Edomites to Ligurians and Leicestershire." In that picture, "Lehi" can indeed be the Lachish entity to the naming of Leicester (and perhaps the nearby Lichfield), but Lachish is also revealed as a branch of "Lotan"...if Ladon was named after Lazona, home of the Lazi.
The Poussin-suspect Powys' are the ones using lion's paws and fitchee crosses in the colors of the Quint chevrons, meaning that it's a given that Caepio's were in Powys...but then I expect them in Pavia too (where Poussin / Powys trace). Quintus Caepio the elder was in charge of the Gaul tribes of northern Italy, which may have touched up, not only Laevi on the Ticino, but the Chivasso location. If Wikipedia doesn't give us enough information to snow what Caepio was doing in northern Italy, perhaps other articles will. I'll look for them starting next week.
As Poussins are suspect at Bousson, it tends to reveal that Pavia elements got into the Riparia too, which for me traces Marici to the Riparia, which is where the donkey-associated Marsyas goat traced. Moreover, the Tess/Techs, from the Ticino, are also "tease," while the other Tease surname, in Quint colors, is also "Tigh," suggesting the Teague's using the chevron type, and chevron-border design, as Ripps...and almost the same as Timna-suspect Timms/Time's. The Tease's/Tighs (Annas stars?) were first found in Nottingham, smack beside Leicester. (It's bringing to mind the Tuff variation of Touch's because Tafts/Tuff's come up as "Toste," suggesting Skagul Toste, kin of Cnut who traces to Nottings.)
Going back to the "avec" motto term of Leys/Leghs, which can trace well to Ligurians at the Viu valley, it could be added that while greys trace to that area with the Anchors/Annackers, the Avis/Aves Crest uses an anchor while the Coat uses Gareb-suspect garbs. Anchors had traced earlier to the mouth area of the Riparia, and Garebites are fully expected in this Graian picture, though Garebites have thus far not figured in much.
Continued...The Powsy variation of Poussins may lead to Bowers who may then trace to the bow-and-arrow symbol of mythical Poias. True, I did trace the Rothschild arrows to Hungarians, but Hungary was earlier Pannonia, the entity suspect at the Paeoni of Powys. Plus, I found proto-Hungarians on the Pavia river, which may have included Pannonians such as Boii and Paeoni. It makes for logic for ancestral lines of the Israeli priests in Bononia to move to be with the Laevi on the Ticino. Chivasso is less than 50 miles from Novara.
So, you see, mythical Poias does trace well to the Ticino. The Powys Crest shares a scepter with the Leahy's. What do you think that's about? Well, Leahy's/Leghe's were found to be a branch of Leys/Leghs and Leicesters/Leycesters, and traced to the Avvite location of Ramath Lehi (it's the Lehi term that has to do with the donkey bone). Avvites traced with Foix' to the Viu, making the scepter suspect with "Septimania." Then, while Faucets are a branch from the Foix location at Septimania, the Faucet and Septon/Sefton Coats both use a red-and-white checkered bend, a rare symbol. Faucets even use the Sam/Sammes lion. this is tending to prove that Samson's Lehi location does indeed trace to Leahy's et-al
Then, while the emperor, Septimius Severus married Bassianus, the latter's cult was run by one SAMPsiceramus, noting that Samsons are also SAMPsons. Then, "Severus" is suspect with Sepharvites, associates in 2 Kings 31:17 with Avvites (it's there that we learn of the two Avvite gods). I had traced Avvites to "Abas," a myth term in Greece's Argos entity, home of Danaans suspect from the so-called Danites who took Laish (that latter term possibly from "Lachish" but in any case suspect with the Lazi). It might just therefore be that the Bassianus surname was after "Abas" elements, probably the same as Abzu, a branch of Buzites. Some Abas elements were founders of Abantians in Euboea, beside Boiotia.
It's not likely coincidental that Leahy's use a VIENt motto term, for Veynes and Fiens had traced well to the Viu. But why should the Fife's and Five's/Fifys use the Ley/Legh lion (colors reversed to the Leahy lion)? It may have to do with a Avvite trace to AVEYron, and therefore to Veys (use a version of the fife Coat) showing a Vivian variation very link-able to Fife's and Five's. As Kos is beside Rhodes while Kos is suspect with the Edomite god by that name, it stands to reason that Rhodes was named after Horites of Edom. Aveyron is smack at Rodez, home of Redones. The Herod name is suspect from Horite lines to Redones.
It was shortly above that Kirks traced definitely to Aveyron by way of Agrigento. Kirks are showing the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Fife's and Veys in colors reversed. The Kirk motto term, OPtimum, may now be considered as a triple code: 1) for the Mars/Mamer line out of Hebron; 2) the Timna > Timnah line; 3) the Ops honey cult of Sabines that I traced back to Avvites...because "opis" and "apis" mean "bee" to Latins and Greeks respectively. Yes, it means that I identified Avvites with bees, and therefore with the honey symbol of Samson's lion cult.
As Veys/Vivians share the purple lion with SKIPTons, the SCEPTer might just be code for Skiptons, which, rather than providing a contradiction, may indicate that Scipio's were root to the Septimius surname. If correct, Septimius' can be suspect in Shepherd lines (because Scipio's are). It just so happens that Shepherds are the ones using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Agrigento, and thus Shepherds trace to Aveyron, which happens to be in or beside what was once Septimania. In other words, Sepharvites and Avvites were in Languedoc. To be sure, Sepharvites were part of the JOKTANites who named OCCITANia, an alternative name for Languedoc.
The Lacys who use the Skipton lion trace to Lacydon / Ligurians, right, so as to link to Leahy's and Leys. Lacys and Skiptons were in Yorkshire, the source of the Ribble, the namers of which trace smack to the Viu theater. Once this many surprising "coincidences" have cropped up in my face, I see the picture as fact.
None of these interesting things have responded to the reason that Powys' should share the scepter with Leahy's? I'm waiting for an answer. I don't have it yet. However, I've just gone to the article on the Creuse department (beside Aveyron), where fundamental Agrigento elements had traced. I'm noting that the Arms of Aubusson use a red chief with two outer stars and a crescent in the center, the same in the Fife chief. AuBUSSON, a location in Creuse, caught my eye as a possible Bousson line to Poussins > Powys'. It turned out that the Occitan name for this place was Lo Bucon, making the link to "Bousson" very possible. You understand that Bousson, beside Viu, can trace to a Bucon, beside Aveyron, where Viu elements were also Aveyron elements.
Now look at this fanciful piece of baloney by historians who lie to us in favor of keeping their Masonic secrets: "[Aubusson] was known as Albuciensis in 936 and under the name Albuconis in 1070. The name possibly originates from a name of a man, Albucius. Other scholars claim the name is from a Celtic word meaning craggy." Isn't that code for "Akragas"? The red chief of Fife's can be the red chief of Agrigento, and then the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Aubusson is in both colors of Agrigento's Arms.
There is a Busson/Boisson surname (owl in Crest strongly suggests Bozrah and Kos), first found in Aveyron-suspect Auvergne, where the Croze's and Croziers were first found who traced excellently to Creusa at Agrigento (Kirks use a crozier). I don't know what kind of tree shows in the Arms of Aubusson, but Bussons use the oak tree, a possible symbol of JOKtanites / OCCitanians in this case.
Well, lookie here. As it seemed evident that Bussons/Buisons should be Bouillons/Buile's because they too were first found in Auvergne, I re-learned what I had forgotten, that Auvergne today is Aveyron. I now know that Agrigento's Trojans, the same as Rome's founders, migrated to Auvergne. This recalls a trace of Bouillons to Cremona, where Scipio's men retreated. Bouillons and Scipio's were both from Agrigento, right?
Here's the English Bussons (Melusine in Crest), first found in Lancashire i.e. probably Riparians on the Ribble. Excellent! It traces Bussons to the Bousson tributary just like that. The "Crede" motto term, and the three bends, of English Bussons, traces them with little doubt to the three bends used by Crete's/Craits/Creys (Grey/Croy suspects), suspect with Crichtons/Creightons who are themselves suspect with Craigs tracing to Akragas. The keys are exploding like flint stones from the big mouth of a Sicilian volcano.
There is a Crede surname as well, using a chevron and in-chevron symbols in the colors of the in-fesse symbol and fesse of English Bush's (the latter first found at the sources of the Ribble). Just like that, BONEhead and numbSKULL Bush's are discovered to be a branch of Godfrey de Bouillon, whose house in Bologne traces to Bononia. It appears very much that Boii on Bononia figured in at Bousson and the Riparia.
The Busson location can be traced to Boso's, the Bosonids, apparently, who use the bull design of Chiaro's tracing from Agrigento, but as the Melusine in the Busson crest is a known symbol of Lusignan, see this:
The County of Marche (Occitan: la Marcha) was a medieval French county, approximately corresponding to the modern departement of Creuse. Marche first appeared as a separate fief about the middle of the 10th century, when William III, Duke of Aquitaine, gave it to one of his vassals named Boso, who took the title of count. In the 12th century, the countship passed to the family of Lusignan.The Boso bull is in the two colors of the fesse symbols in the Arms of Creuse, and both Shields are blue. It therefore seems that the Chiaro-related Boso's trace to the Boso character above, and moreover it tends to prove that the MonteCHIARO elements beside Agrigento trace to Creuse. The same elements are in the leopard of the Chives surname, and so we are stomping on Caiaphas lines here. We may as well spit while we're at it. Don't you think "Rosy Cross" should include this Creuse entity at steps of Rodez?
Skulls use the same-colored bend as RODhams (and Pollocks). When entering "Boyer/Bowyers," it not only shows a Bowyer variation, but the vair found in the Quint Chief, as well as the identical rising eagle of Pax-copia Reeds. Republicans are now ruled by a numbSKULL BONEhead of the Boii / Boyer kind. The "byron" motto term of Bussons is there because Byrons use the same Coat as Bussons, and then "BYRon" smacks of "BOYER." The Boyer Coat looks like it should link to both Arms used by counts of Blois.
French Boyers use the Boso bull though all in white, Blois colors. The Boyer/Bower bend shows bendlets, a theme used in the Arms of the counts of Blois, who moreover used vair too. The Bone/Bohun surname uses exactly the same bend and gold-bendlet combination as Bouillon-suspect Blois! The rare lion design in the Bone/Bohun Crest is shared by the Crest of Caepio-liner Bruce's. The rising eagle in the Boyer Crest can go to the Biaini of Lake Van.
Boii topics always confuse me. They say that the Boii may have named Bavarians, which for me explains the Bowyer variation of Boyers, suggesting now that Rothschilds were from the Boii. Again, it's not a contradiction to trace Bauers both to Boii and Hungarians if the Boii of Bononia / Pannonia were on the Ticino, where proto-Hungarians were situated. I still don't know whether Boii were the very same line as Poias to Powys, however. The best I can do with the Powys scepter is as per some unidentified Powys kin from Septimanian lines. The bear claw in the Powys Coat may such Bavarians / Bayerns / Bayers.
The "Parta" motto code of Powys may be for the Parts/Perrots using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Agrigento in colors reversed. This works well because Shepherds could thus qualify as Powys kin, and then while Scottish Shepherds were first found in Peebles, which traces with Powys' to Pavia, the Peeble surname uses parrots as likely code for Parts/Perrots!
The Part/Perrot Chief could be using the lion of power-related Palins, therefore. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Denbighs/Danbys is that of the Powers, but Denbighs use the stars of the Palins/PAWleys. It means that Powys and Denbigh elements were related, as expected.
With Peebles elements now figuring in, it's time to repeat that while Bettys/Beatys and Barneys both use keys, the Ribble river runs near Flintshire. Peebles thus likely named Pebbles Flintstone, while the Rubble's must have been named in honor of Ribble elements. I'll record here that Bettys/Beatys share a black-on-white pale bar with Flaccus-suspect Blake's. The red and gold mascles of Bettys/Beatys trace to the gold-on-red lozenges of Agrigento-related Anchors/Annackers (probably from Yorkshire) because red-and-gold lozengy is used by Bedwells coming up as "Beatle." While Denbighs were first found in Yorkshire, the source of the Ribble, Liverpool, origin of the Beatles band, is in Lancashire. The Ribble flows through Lancashire to Blackburn, and near Blackpool too.
When mentioning Blake's earlier, there was a question as to whether their leopard was the Mosca leopard, and, if so, Blake's and related Blacks could trace to Agrigento. At the time, I had forgotten that Blackwoods (first found in the same place as Carricks), I've felt sure, were Carrick kin. It means that Blackwoods (share the mascle with Beatys) can trace to Akragas too! And so the Bettys/Beatys may very well be using the Blake pale bar because they too can be traced to Akragas. Flintshire, by the way, is beside Cheshire, while Cheshire overlooks the bay on which Liverpool is located. Moreover, Denbigh is about 10 miles from Flint.
It just so happens that the Blackwood Chief, like the Chiefs of Fife and Aubusson, use two outer stars with a crescent between them. Aubusson is the Creuse area tracing hard to Agrigento. It just so happens that while Aubusson traced well to the Riparia, where the Ribble river traced, Blackwoods use a "vias" motto term to be suspect with Viu elements. See the Black stars and crescent, as well as the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Agrigento in the Scottish Black Coat. As Blackwoods look like a Macey-Bellamy merger, I would suggest that Blacks trace to Massina Numidians.
Powys' are the ones sharing a "tueri" motto code with Masters who in-turn trace to the name of a son of king Massena. In short, Powys' were merged with Macey liners in Cheshire. The Powys scepter can then go to the marriage of Septimius Severus to the sister of Julia Maesa. The scepter-using Leahy's already linked to Meschins by the latter's merger with Leys/Leghs, and then Meschins married Scipio-based Skiptons, thus clinching the trace of the scepter to Scipio, the one suspect as forming a marital alliance with king Massena (I have no historical evidence of that marriage, but heraldry suggests it).
I've been tracing Scipio tentatively to Shepherd lines out of Agrigento for months, but here in this update it's found that Flaccus and Cato lines should be out of Agrigento too. Most likely, the Massena's who married Scipio's, Flaccus' and Cato's are the ones ending up in Agrigento, opposite the sea from Numidia (Meschins share the same-colored scallops as Flecks/Flacks). The Samsons who use a motto code for Flecks/Flacks likely trace to the Saracen ruler, Samsam (associate of Timnah, another Saracen ruler), and these Saracens, therefore, look like they were named after "Akragas" (or vice-versa). The Akragas > Saracen line to Carricks is suspect in the naming of "Caracalla," the so-called "nickname of Severus' son.
Carriers of Hercules were in Sicily, expected where Hercules was the sacrifice cult of Tyrians, as they moved to Carthage. Perhaps Poias was a Sicilian entity.
Whose three black chevrons are those in the Denbigh Coat? Should we ask the three black chevrons of the Levi's? The Teniers use three chevrons too. Do you think it's Pousinn-Teniers important that the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Denbighs is that also of Tanners? As Poussins trace to the Powys area beside Denbigh, it would seem that Denbighs, shown properly as "DANby," got merged with TANners. The Tankerville / Tancred > Guiscard line is known to have merged in a military alliance with Samsam and Timnah...as the latter two betrayed their own Saracen peoples.
The are in the colors of the same of neighboring . One would never put that together unless it was known that Danbys come up as "Denbigh."
French Poussins are interesting for their being first found in Maine. They show a Posse variation like the "passe" motto term of Rollo's, and then Sinclairs come up as "Sun." Guiscards were Rollo liners, if that helps to link Poussins to Sinclairs, and Tanners married Sinclairs. Their Posey variation suggests definite links to English Poussins/Puseys. The French branch shows Post-like variations, and so we should look at the Posts, who use the white-on-blue upright lion as the paw-using Creuse's and the Pole's, both of Cheshire, and likely related to Polesdons/Pulsiphers (Cheshire) who in-turn share the same-colored stars of Denbighs/Danbys and Palins.
North Wales came to be part of ancient Atlantis ruled by some aspect of Poseidon, according to Plato. It was the Pisidians, nothing mysterious, nothing to respect. Whatever became of the Pisidians in Wales may be the reason that Poussins ended up there. Some aspects of the Poussin surnames) may even have been directly from Poseidon Atlanteans. There is a Pousson surname (with an 'o') traced to fish (i.e. Poseidon symbol), and the Coat uses a dolphin and scallops, two marine symbols, though the scallops are for the pirates of Scylla.
Plato (co-inventor of the Western Atlantis) gave Poseidon a grandson with a special alternative name of Eumulus, what I see as a K-less version of "Kemuel," brother of Buz. Atlantis had on apple orchard (of Ladon) that probably relates to the blue-apple riddle at the part where "Pousinn Teniers" enters the riddle. Couldn't we expect treasures from pirates? I locate Geryon in "Erethlyn" as the representation of the mythical "Erytheia" of Geryon, a term meaning "red," as with the Redones at Auvergne. It just so happens that Quintus Caepio found the gold bars in Toulouse, about 75 miles from Aveyron / Rodez.
Rodez had to be from the old Rhodians, represented by the sun god of Greece (i.e. may explain the suns in the Poussin Coat), and then Hercules sailed to Atlantis in a ship of Helios shaped like a cup. The symbolism is plain, that Rhodians conquered Geryon at Erethlyn. The treasures of these Redone pirates could be expected in hide-outs within the land of Redones, therefore. But it wouldn't likely be carried to Toulouse over land from the south of France. If the Garonne river (to Toulouse) was navigable, they would have used that route, from western France, and to the north of Spain. There was another Geryon station in northern Spain, at Coruna. Geryon, like mythical Scylla, was depicted as a monster.
The Arms of Coruna even use the crossed bones symbol of piracy, as well as scallops. Coruna traces strongly to Patmos, where two cities are Skala (proto-Scylla, right?) and Chora, the latter represented by the mythical Coronis raven. You get it, the Atlantean pirates evolved into the bonehead Sinclair pirates, and other numbskull "international bankers," which can explain the Pousinn Tenier combination as an old Atlantean merger with elements of Falaise. We may assume here that the raven-depicted Nordic vikings took their raven symbol from pirates of the Coruna kind.
None of this is to say that Bousson at the anti-marine location of the Alps does not apply, for the Orco river there was related to the Orchomenos pirates on the Argo ship. Perhaps beautiful mountain women stole the piracy from a few sailor's hearts and turned them into mountaineers, I don't know. Or, better yet, perhaps they were mining for gold. If the Paeoni had been Phoenicians, why did they go inland? Paeoni had an AstiBUS location: "[The Paeoni/Paioni] occupied the entire valley of the Axios (Vardar) as far inland as Stobi, the valleys to the east of it as far as the Strymon and the country round Astibus and the river of the same name, with the water of which they anointed their kings. Emathia, roughly the district between the Haliacmon and Axios, was once called Paeonia..." Note EMATHIA, for a little ways below, the Mathie Coat comes up in a Blois topic. The three Mathie chrevrons are in the colors of the three Teniers chevrons, which could just indicate that "Pousinn Teniers" was in-part a Paeoni entity.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paeonia_(kingdom)I'm not sure how to explain the inland Paeoni versus the Paeoni at northern Wales suspect with Atlantean pirates. The Asti and Aosta locations are likewise inland, yet Asti is on the Tanaro river. It's a riddle in itself, but to help solve it, Caepio liners have just been found all over the Asti to Aosta stretch, and, as was suggested, these losers may have been mining gold to launder their gold bars.
The Asbury/Astbury surname was traced to "Hesperides" (the old Atlantean apple garden) due to the apple tree in the Asbury Crest. They call it an ash tree due to the ASHbury variation, but it's the same tree design as in the Haskel Crest, which is called an apple tree. In other words, the Haskels and Asburys are related families likely of the Asche's/Ash's and Aschels. It's the Haskels who use the vair Shield of, in the same colors as, the Champagne Coat, thus linking Haskels -- from the old Hesperides garden -- to the counts of Blois.
I think what happened was that, while Romans were seeking to rule the stars but not yet into the far west, the far west Atlanteans were amassing their gold and lodging it up-river at Toulouse. Perhaps it had to do with a military strategy (to pay soldiers) to conquer the Romans. Caepio, however, defeated the westerners, and found the bars too boot. The Herods found out about, probably from Caiaphas, and so Herod Antipas asked to be exiled smack at Toulouse.
Templar Relations to Cimbri and TeutonesI've just googled "Quintus Caepio" and "gold bars" to find nothing but my own articles. Is Google suppressing articles on this topic by order of the worldly masters? Here are some excerpts from a comments page, some of which is taken from the Wikipedia article on Caepio:
In 105 BC, the proconsul of Cisalpine Gaul, Quintus Servilius Caepio, reported the discovery of the gold at Tolosa to the Senate, and was charged with sending the treasure back to Rome. Over 50,000 15 lb. bars of gold and 10,000 15 lb. bars of silver were found. The gold disappeared en route. It was reported that the gold was stolen by a band of marauders, with many contemporaries and modern historians believing that Caepio himself had hired them.Where did this gold come from? Strabo writes:
And it is further said that the [Volcae] Tectosages shared in the expedition to Delphi; and even the treasures that were found among them in the city of Toulouse by Caepio, a general of the Romans...and it was on account of having laid hands on them that Caepio ended his life in misfortunes -- for he was cast out by his native land as a temple-robber, and he left behind as his heirs female children only, who, as it turned out, became prostitutes, as Timagenes has said, and therefore perished in disgrace. {Note that Strabo here is mistaken, since Caepio did have a son, the maternal grandfather of Marcus Junius Brutus, the principal assassin of Julius Caesar.} Strabo. Indeed, Caepio did go on to lose the Battle of Arausio [at Orange, the Salyes / Cabellio theater]....{Strabo continues} But, as has been said both by Posidonius and several others, since the country was rich in gold, and also belonged to people who were god-fearing and not extravagant in their ways of living, it came to have treasures in many places in Celtica; but it was the lakes, most of all, that afforded the treasures their inviolability, into which the people let down heavy masses of silver or even of gold. At all events, the Romans, after they mastered the regions, sold the lakes for the public treasury, and many of the buyers found in them hammered mill-stones of silver...
...The much later sacking of the Temple at Jerusalem was conflated with all these stories as well. What seems to be so is that there WAS a massive amount of gold at Toulouse that had nothing to do with Delphi and it disappeared and has never been found and is probably at the root of the many legends in the region that there is a hidden treasure somewhere about.
...Now, notice this rather bizarre remark that "a Roman army was slaughtered by the Lusitanians" [perhaps a peoples of Lusignan were meant, not the Spanish Lusitanians.] That is not what happened. What did happen was that the Cimbri and Teutones destroyed TWO Roman armies at Arausio.
The Battle of Arausio took place on October 6, 105 BC, at a site between the town of Arausio (modern day Orange, Vaucluse) and the Rhone River. Ranged against the migratory tribes of the Cimbri under Boiorix [smacks of Boyers] and the Teutoni were two Roman armies, commanded by the proconsul Quintus Servilius Caepio and consul Gnaeus Manlius Maximus. However, bitter differences between the commanders prevented the Roman armies from cooperating, with devastating results...The Cimbri were also able to ransack Caepio's own camp, which had been left practically undefended. Caepio himself escaped from the battle unhurt.
When mentioning the Cimbri / Cimmerians earlier in this update, this battle at Orange had nothing to do with my thoughts. It seems to me that, after Caepio seized the gold bars, the owners would struggle to find a method to defeat the Romans and take the bars back. I don't know whether the Cimbri and the Teutons succeeded in getting the bars, but it's interesting that the Sinclairs (Danes), suspect as owning some of them, use a "tout" motto term. As I said, the Cimbri had a kingdom in Juteland, which was later Denmark. It appears that, perhaps, the Cimbri and Teutons discovered where the bars had gone, and they arranged a war at that spot. It just so happens that Orange is near Vienne, where the other Herod was in exile. In other words, he may have chosen that spot because he knew the bars were in that area. It implies that Caepio's band of paid thieves took at least some of the bars from Toulouse to the Rhone river.
Cimbri are said to be Germanics, but if the far-west Hercules was a Cimmerian peoples, I wouldn't call that Germanic. Rhodes had a city of Kamiros that was obviously a Cimmerian location, and this is predicted to be part of far-west Hercules along with the Danaans in Lindos. We'll call them Atlanteans for lack of a better word, although they qualify as a Rus-Tyrian mix. The Cimbri who defeated Caepio may have found their old kin from Kamiros, and together they may have sought to halt the spread of Rome into their kingdom. Not long after the Cimbri defeated Caepio, we find Romans invading Britain. Were they looking for some more gold suspected in the British Isles?
As the Meschin bloodline (= Sinclairs) married old Atlantean lines, by what coincidence is there an Astbury location in Cheshire. The Dumnoni-suspect Davenports were out of Astbury, and Ash's/Esse's were first found in Devon, founded by Dumnoni. The Esse's must have found their Ashbury = Hesperides kin. Ashburys are said to have had an Ashburton location in Devon. Compare "ASHBURT" with "HESPERIDes."
Haskel-related Champagne's were first found in Leicestershire, where the Hamelton and Bus cinquefoils trace, and then I've been insisting (for years) that "HAMEL" is a version of "Kemuel / Eumul(us)." Reminder: Meschins married Geryon and Kephali elements in acquiring their Gernon and Kevelioc surnames. There was a merger in Templar times between Cheshire's Normans and old Atlantean elements lingering in Wales until that time. The Paeoni were involved here perhaps due to being from the Pek / Danube rivers in Moesia. "DenBIGH" can suggest a Danube-Pek merger. Hugh de Payen was involved with Champagne, wherefore he may have been involved personally in the merger between Champagne and Atlantean elements of the Ash/Asch kind.
German Asch's and Denbighs share three chevrons, and Asch's use them in the colors of the same of the Welsh capital (Cardiff). English Ash's/Asche's use only two chevrons, but in the colors of the Denbigh chevrons. While Welsh Bachs were first found in Denbighshire, German Bachs were first found in the same place (Swabia) as German Asch's. Welsh Bachs share vair with Haskels, as well as sharing white-on-red stars with Ashbury's. The Danube does flow through Swabia, but that may have nothing to do with it.
With Payne's tracing to the Meschin merger with Atlanteans, Caiaphas liners are right there. French Champagne's show a Moor head, symbol of the Chappes Coat. The two surnames are in the same white-on-blue colors. How do we interpret this? Shouldn't we be expecting Chappes in heraldic ChamPAGNE elements if the latter were personally those of Hugh de Payen's family? Le Meschin was from a D'Espaine, perhaps an Esse-Paine combo. See the Espaine surname and it's trace to an Aespagne location beside Rouen.
Campania and Avellino is probably an origin of the Caiaphas line as per Caepio's suspect out of Capua. Campania and Avellino trace to Champagne and its Avallon area of France, but while "Avalon" is said to mean "apple orchard," by what coincidence was ancient Avellino called, ABELLinum." Couldn't that place make for the bell pattern of Champagne's...and the related, apple-suspect counts of Blois? Are the Belli lines suspect in the makings of "Blois " from "Abello"? If so, wouldn't that trace Godfrey de Bouillon's surname to Abellinum? Hugh de Payen's surname could ultimately be from the Picenti mountains south of Naples = Abellinum theater.
I wonder. Assuming that the house of Caiaphas knew exactly whose gold bars were stolen by Quintus Caepio, and assuming that they were stolen from the Atlanteans, might there not have been a plot in the highest levels of the Normans (= Caiaphas liners) to install a trusted family beside Wales for to create a marital merger with Atlanteans...in seeking other gold that they may have possessed? Or, perhaps, the Cimbri who defeated Caepio had taken some bars back, and the Caiaphas Templars wanted to re-re-take it from them. The Cimbri did live in Wales, after all. Yes, that's true.
The Norman man installed to look after the Welsh was Hugh Lupus.
I don't think the Sinclairs were Caiaphas liners until after Rollo secured Epte, in the part of France where Chappes' were first found. I think that Sinclairs had been from Danann Atlanteans prior to that, but they may have known nothing of the Caepio bars until marrying the Caiaphas line. I don't know whether Rollo married a Caiaphas liner, but Hugh de Payen, a while later, seems to have had some intimate dealings with Sinclairs. Some have said that he married Catherine Sinclair; others say he married a Chappes' woman that was Catherine Sinclair. If the latter is correct, then a Sinclair married a Caiaphas liner before Hugh was a man. It didn't take long, after a Sinclair merger with Caiaphas lines, to start a military Templar movement to Jerusalem. In the meantime,
Before Ranulf was elevated to earl of Cheshire, while the Lupus' looked after it, "Ranulf fought in Normandy on behalf of Henry I, and served the English king as a kind of semi-independent governor in the far north-west, in Cumberland and Westmorland..." This is how le Meschin came to control Caiaphas-suspect Copeland of that Westmorland area. Copeland is suspect with the "copia" motto term of blue-lion Macclesfield. The Lupus' were properly the D'AVRANCHes', and so it's not likely a coincidence that BRANCH's were first found in Westmorland.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranulf_le_Meschin,_3rd_Earl_of_ChesterThe point is: why was le Meschin chosen to oversee CUMBERland? There were Cymbri in Wales, and then Cimbri were. surely, the namers of Cumberland (it went by that name from prior to the arrival of Normans). It all looks so conspicuous after having read that Cimbri warred against Caepio about a year after he stole gold bars.
The Cumberland surname is also COMERland and CUMBALand, smacking of the Cumberfords/COMERford/CAMPBELLfords using the engrailed cross of Macclesfields. The Arms of Cumberland share the stag with the Arms of Macclesfield.
The Cumberland article puts it like so: "In 1092 King William Rufus of England invaded the Carlisle district, settling it with colonists. He created an Earldom of Carlisle, and granted the territory to Ranulf Meschyn." It doesn't say why Meschin got the rights or the job. The "curlew" bird in the Crest of the Arms of Cumberland must therefore be code for Carlisle.
The Cumberland motto is simply, "PerFERO" (caps mine). The red bull in the Arms of Cumberland is suspect with the Chiaro bull because Meschins and Mosca's are expected to be identical. The bull is said to belong to the Dacre's of Cumberland, but then Dacres use the three scallops on a red shield that should link to the same of Capes. Dacre's look like they're from Templars in the Acre/Akko location of Israel, and then while Ackers (said to be from "Acco") use the acorn theme, Capes use an oak BRANCH in their Chief. Plus, the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Capes' is colors reversed to that of Agrigento.
For what it could be worth, the Dacre scallops are in the gold-on-red colors of the same of the Poussins (with an 'o'). Reminder: Agrigento traced to AuBUSSON, and the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Aubusson are those of Agrigento. Therefore, as Dacres are tracing well to Agrigento, the Dacre bull should prove to be the bull of Caiaphas-suspect Chiaro's.
David I of Scotland took Cumberland after le Meschin died, but as I'm of the opinion that the Scottish lion was that of le Meschin, it seems that Meschin blood in Cumberland (Scottish border) may have worked its way to the Scottish court. This is one way to explain the Mackays of Moray. Le Meschin took Cumberland a generation after Siward of neighboring Northumberland defeated MacBeth, and Siward was a Mieszko liner, possibly explaining why le Meschin took that name and why he was granted that area of the border region. I don't agree with the idea presented in Wikipedia that "Meschin" means "the younger."
There is the question of whether the lines from the Graian Alps were already in England before the Norman invasion. We could entertain the idea that the Cimbri expected on the Arc river named Cumberland, in which case Modane's Maccabee liners could have been there. It could explain le Meschin's presence there, or even why he took that name.
From Wikipedia's article on Siward: "He entrenched his position in northern England by marrying Ælfflæd, the daughter of Ealdred, Earl of Bamburgh...He exerted his power in support of Cnut's successors...He probably gained control of the middle shires of Northampton and Huntingdon by the 1050s, and there is some evidence that he spread Northumbrian control into Cumberland." Enter le Meschin a few decades after Siward's death in 1055. Northampton is where the Caiaphas-suspect Quincys were first found. Cumberlands may themselves have been Caiaphas liners from Chambre / Chambery, after they had been at Chivasso, for we just saw the red bull of Cumberland expected in Chieri, near Chivasso, where Mosca's can be expected. There are multiple possibilities here for the creation of the Meschin name for a man whose father was Briquessart by surname.
The Cumberland surname shares the black wolf heads of Irish Mackays. But as Salfords/Savards use black wolves while their fesse is in the colors of the Cumberland chevron, the Salyes are coming to mind who lived where the war was fought (Orange) between the Cimbri and Quintus Caepio. Reminder: the Camber/Comer surname (may be using the Cheatle/Chettle dancette) is in Quint colors and uses the Mosca leopard design. Such a coincidence, right? Not at all. It's proving that the red Cumberland bull is from the Caiaphas-liner Chiaro's/Claro's. Meschin was himself a Claro liner because Rollo's father was a brother to Malahule, ancestor of Briquessart. The latter's surname could be expected from Brigantium, otherwise called Briancon, just 20 miles from Modane.
The Camber/Comer surname was first found in the same place (Sussex) as Heslingtons, who are suspect at Hesbaye, where the Capetians originated. Sussex is suspect with Caiaphas / Herod lines for other reasons, as well as for lines from the Danube (same theme as Denbigh). Chamberys/Chambre's, using a rose on a stem that should link to Siward, were first found in Denbighshire. The rose is held by an arm in armor, a Mieske symbol, thus tending to clinch a Siward link to Chambery and Chambre, half expected where he controlled Cumberland. It's tending to verify that Arc-river lines were in Cumberland, directly north of the Ribble river. Red-rose Lancaster is between the Ribble and Cumberland, which should explain the red rose of Chamberys/Chambre's.
Briancon is directly over the Alps from the Riparia. Salfords/Savards were first found in the same place (Lancashire, i.e. where the Ribble flows) as Shettle's, and then Briancon was on the river of the Salyes. Rebels/Robels use the Masci wing. It's all making sense, especially as Cheshire had a Sales-of-Mascy clan.
French Chambre's/Chambrays are in the colors of their English branch, wherefore, because they were first found in Savoy (location of the Arc), the English branch is more-likely to be from that place too. The "bray" endings of the French branch suggest Bra (Tanaro river), but, in any case, the Bray surname (Northampton) uses a weaver's shuttle, symbol for Chettle-suspect Shettle's/Shuttlewords, which tends to clinch the suspicion that Cambers/Comers are using the Chettle dancette. Brays could be using the Cumber/Comer chevron.
French Chambre's use a motto term, "AltissiMUS" that should be part-code for the Halten / Alten lines of Mieszko's wife, Oda of Haldensleben. Haltons (with an 'o'), were first found in Lancashire, and look to be using the Gate Coat, important where Gate's and Chettle's may both be Cato lines. It's all verifying that Siward and Meschins were related to Mieszko, and that they all converge in Cumberland elements. Previously, the Siward-Mieszko line traced to the wear river at Durham, and I've read that le Meschin had rule over Durham too. But why should king William the Red have placed le Meschin over these Mieszko-related areas? Was the king related to Mieszko?
It's interesting that the Bray talons are used by English Talons while Irish Talons (same colors) were first found in Carlow, smacking of the curlew bird in the Arms of Cumberland. English Talons are, I think, using the English Camp Coat (Campbell colors), which tends to join Cambers/Comers once again to Campbell lines...as though Campbells may have been Cimbrians. It just so happens that German Camps use the Chettle dancette in colors reversed, tending to clinch the use of the Chettle dancette by Cambers/Comers.
The Camp / Talon chevron is highly suspect with the same of Capone's while Italian Capote's/Capone's/Capozzi's use the mule suspect with the Chamberlain donkey (not forgetting that Siward was kin to Duncans / Donkeys). French Capote's/Chapus' were first found in Forez, which can link them to Caiaphas liners out of the Chambery theater.
The estoiles of the Cambers/Comers must trace to Aosta, and we will see why shortly, but as the Asti location of the Tanaro should be related to the namers of Aosta (founded by Salassi), it tends to clinch a trace to Cumbers/Comers, who share a black-on-white chevron with Brays, to Bra. Asti is about 25 miles from Chieri, where Cumbers are expected.
It needs to be noted that the fesse of Salfords/Savards is in the colors of the Bush fesse, and that Bush's were discovered by multiple methods as Massey liners. Bush's trace to Bousson directly over the Alps from Briancon, but also to Busca of Cuneo, which once again tends to show that Cuneo elements were in the Graian alps. Here is a white-on-blue fleur de-lys, used by Bush's/Buschs and Boschs, in the Arms of Messines/Mesen, a Flanders location on the Belgian border with Artois. This location is yet another possible cause for the naming of le Meschin.
Messines is where Adele of Flanders became a nun. Adele (Conqueror's wife) was mother to William II the Red...who elevated le Meschin. Can Adele trace to Mieszko's? She married Baldwin of Flanders. He traces to the Baldea river, right? His ancestry was on the Jerusalem throne, right? Could that explain why Adele's father was a Capetian? Baldwins and Haltens share black-on-white saltire's, and so Baldwins might just trace to Mieszko's / Siwards in that way. Siward's son had married Flanders-theater elements.
Haltens look like Sinclairs / Conans, and were first found in Lothian, beside the Balds. Baldwins share the green wyvern with Guerra's, and then German Balds use the hourglass Shield in the colors of the same of Guido's. It was established recently that while the first Scots were formed by the ancestry of Guido Guerra, they were formed also by Siward's Bamburgh / Atheling connections. The PerFERO motto in the Arms of Cumberland should trace to Montferrat elements, but then there was a Ferrat location on the Baldea. It could appear that Baldea lines were at the formation of Scots.
The Atheling-suspect Adel surname, both German and Jewish, is the one using the blue Caepio lion. There is also a distinct Adele surname (stork), in the same colors, showing an Atherley variation. The latter surname uses MASCLES, and was first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Meschins. The HADDerly variation smacks of Haddington of Lothian, location of Musselburgh, suspect with the Mussel/MUSCEL surname that looks to be using a version of the Meschin/MASCULine Coat.
It could be added here that the Adele mascles link to the Quincy and Winchester mascles because the Adele mascles are in the colors of the FIVE Spink mascles while Spinks and Quincys were first found in the same place (Northampton). There is a question as to whether "Hampton" was named by the Camber-suspect Camps.
As Massins/Masons use the Adel lion, it's likely that the Messines location that Adele of Flanders seemed to favor was a line from Massino-Visconti...home of Chappes', right? Adele the Capetian with a Baldea ancestry named her daughter, Matilda/Maud; I don't know which the original form was, but it's suspect with Modane elements. The Mackay-related Alis/Alice surname (branch of Cappins/Alpins at the founding of Scots) was also spelled with Adal terms, and Meschins of Skipton liked using Alis/Alice for their daughters. Was it due to connection with Adele of Flanders?
Alpins come up as "Calpin," and then while Calvins use scallops in Meschin-scallops colors, as well as what looks to be the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners for good reason, BALTimore's ("masghii" motto term) are also "Calvert," smacking of the Alberts at the root of Scots. Baltimore's are said to be from ABBEYville. They look like a branch of Foots / Fothes', jibing with the footless martlets of Calvins. The latter are "Cauvain" too, and share footless martlets with Coverts who smack of Colverts listed with Calverts.
It's interesting that Baltimore's use "two staves with flags flying," for the Borts/Bartoli's, suspect on the Baldea, use flags too. Shouldn't Balts/Bolts trace to the Baldea too? Balts/Bolts were first found in the same place, Lancashire, as Boltons, AND LOOK: the Bolton motto use's "Vi" while the Viu valley is beside the Riparia that traces to the river in Lancashire, and, besides, Borts/Bartoli's are said to be from Susa, on the Riparia! Austrian Baltans use the Masci wing design. (Stave's are listed with Stephensons of Northumberland.)
Adel's mother was a Fulk from Anjou, soon to place a king on the Templar throne, i.e. following in the footsteps of her Baldwin connection. Italian Fulks use the French Fer/Ferrat Coat, and it's the latter who are suspect at the founding of Scots with Baldwin-suspect Guido-Guerra liners. The Fers/Ferrats are suspect in the "Perfero" motto code in the Arms of Cumberland, and then while Cambers trace to the river where Modane is situated, Cumbers use the cross of Maccabee-suspect Macclesfields, a city that was ruled by le Meschin after he received Cumberland.
So, with Adele tracing to Modane's Israeli lines, and therefore to Cambers on the Arc river, it can explain why her grandson (William the Red - Rufus) elevated le Meschin in Cumberland.
Adele's father was a Capetian (also called "Robertians," from French royalty). Her father's name, Robert, might just have been from the Rebel/Robel bloodline. French Roberts/Robers use the same lion as Gernons, and may be using the Quint Chief. as the Robert / Gernon lion is in the colors of the Balton lions, it provides the potential for a Robert trace to the Viu - Riparia theater. Especially due to Gernons being Meschin liners, it's not likely coincidental that Rebels/Robels and Baltons use the Masci wing design.
Welsh Roberts were first found in Denbighshire, and look to be using the Palin/Pawley lion, common in Wales. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Palins/Pawley's is that of Tanners too. Reminder: Denbigh and Powys trace to the Poias Danaans and earlier to the Samson Avvites suspect in the Viu valley (beside the Robert-suspect Riparia) with Foix / Faucet elements, which is being repeated here because the Welsh Roberts look to be using the black lion in the Faucet Crest.
Gernons (related to Foots), the surname of le Meschin's son, use a black lion in Crest too, but as it's crowned, it indicates royalty. When were Gernons on a throne, and what throne was it? The Gernon write-up traced to a ROBERT de Gernon. The two Gernon lions are positioned in the way Strange's position their two lions, making Gernons suspect with royal Stewarts as well as with the Israeli-priest lines. The Gernons lions are gold, the colors of the two Voyer lions positioned in the same way, but the Voyer lion is in the design and colors of the Maschi lion, which probably isn't coincidental, for behind their red Shield, Gernons show a blue one, the color of the Maschi Shield.
Maschi's share a Payen-suspect pine cone with Tanners, suggesting Masci liners at Asti on the Tanaro. The cone is for the Cone's and related Conte's (and probably for the Conans using the Sinclair / Balder cross), and le Meschin's mother was a Conteville. This only makes it more difficult / complicated to know what Meschin was named after.
Wikipedia's article on Mackays shows their Arms with a white-on-blue chevron, as houseofnames once showed. It's the color of the Macey Shield. I was telling everyone that Mackays were Maceys, but I suppose houseofnames (or some Mackay representative) wanted to hide it due to where I was tracing Maceys. The is some cloudy statement made by Mackays that they trace to "Aoide," a term that makes little sense to me. English Roberts, you see, use the Macey / Mackay chevron. Wikipedia's article on Mackays has them showing a Williamson sept, which may be from this William II Rufus that elevated le Meschin, for this William was a son of William I the Conqueror.
The Williamson Coat happens to be the Baldwin / Halten/Halden saltire, and moreover, Williamsons were first found in the same place (Peebles) as Balds. I doubt very much that Clan-Mackay leaders wish to be traced to Aosta, but, unlike them, I care not for anything here but the realities. Masons care more for image, and they lie to protect that image, but, for me, living a lie is not living. English Roberts share black-on-white stars with Williamsons, and then there is the issue of a black boar at the top of the Williamson Coat. Baldwins were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Meschins.
This is where is gets gold-bar interesting. Baldwins use "pas" in their motto while Rollo's (black boar) use "passe par tout." The Rollo motto may even be speaking to the fortunes of the Caepio bars. There is no one more than the Sinclairs that I expect in owning the bars of the Caiaphas line. We just saw plenty of evidence as per the trace of the ancient Cimbri to Meschins and Sinclairs, while the Teutons appear to be in the "tout" motto term of Rollo's. There was a Tatton-of-Massey clan, you see, that can apply. Tuttons/Duttons were first found in Lancashire, and use a version of the Tatton Coat.
How can it be that Caiaphas liners in the Sinclair family came to be merged with the Cimbri and Teutons that defeated Quintus Caepio?
I haven't looked into much yet, but the article quoted from earlier claimed that the same Cimbri had just returned from war against Lusitanians of Spain. Might these have named Lusignan...out of which came another Templar king of Jerusalem? Were Lusitanian elements engaged by Templars for a gold-bar reason? Daytons/Dautons, in Tatton / Dutton colors, use a lion in the colors of the royal Lusignan lion.
As the Cimbri king in the affair against Quintus Caepio was Boiorix, by what coincidence does the Boyer motto likewise use "passe"? As the Rollo motto implies a treasure, see the Boyer motto translated: "Contentment surpasses riches." The Boyer Coat is the one using the vair fur in the colors of the Quint vair. It's also the Coat that, on two counts -- the vair and the bend with bendlets -- suggests linkage to the counts of Blois...who have themselves become suspect with the Caepio treasure. The Passe/Pascal surname (Levi lion) then becomes a treasure suspect.
Adele of Flanders was mother to Adele of Blois. The latter "was also the mother of Stephen, King of England and Henry of Blois, Bishop of Winchester." Fancy that, Blois finding rule in Quincy-land. In the last update of December, it was shown that the ancestry of king Stephen went back to rulers of Blois, and to what I thought was the Goz bloodline (le Meschin's mother was a Goz) in Maine. It then went back further to the progenitors of Capetians in Hesbaye.
The Arms of Blois today uses a wolf, and what looks like a porcupine. If I recall correctly, Bassets used a porcupine. Bassets are part of the Besancon link to the Etienne's. Stephensons trace to the naming of St. Etienne. The St. Etienne are is fairly close to the Orange theater, and then billets are an heraldic symbol for metallic bars, as in gold / silver bars.
As Billets are honored in the Etienne billets while Billets use the Payen stars in Blois colors, the porcuPINE should at least be part-code for the Pine/PYNE branch of PAYENs. There you have a Payen trace to the Arms of Blois, important where Blois' were Bouillons.
The question is whether "porcu" refers to Porcius Cato lines. The fret uses by Blake/Caddels and Cattle's/Cattels may be in use in the Tutton/Dutton Coat, indicating what can be expected, that the line of Porcius Cato was in on the gold bars. The Blake-Caddel merger is now suspect with a Flaccus-Cato alliance.
The Dayton lion is in the design of the Voyer lion, and, I trust we haven't forgotten, Payens have a "Poyer" listing. Might Voyers and Poyers be from Boiorix? By what coincidence do Voyers come up as "Voir" while "voir" is a motto term of Oliphants who moreover use "tout"? As Oliphants were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Rollo's, it's clear that they are using the same "tout" term i.e. for the same Tout-liner kin. Oliphants even use crescents in the colors of Touts/Toots/Tute's and Tattons.
If correct what the Dayton write-up says, that the surname was from Autun, then, either Daytons do not apply to Teutons, or Teutons were Autun elements. Autun elements trace to Aedon, grand-daughter of Merops of Kos, an island suspect from the Kos = owl cult of Edom. Oliphants, suspect with "Eliphas," son of Esau, look like they are a branch of Olive's/Oliffs (Northampton), and then Spanish Olives show an owl. Olive's/Oliffs look like they are using version of the Aeson / Easton and Heth Coats, and then Aesons should prove to be a branch of Aedon > Autuns somewhere along the historical paths.
I confidently trace mythical Aedon to the Atun cult of Egypt, and therefore to king Tut, who was, for a time, an Atun worshiper / supporter. Eistein, Rollo's grandfather and Malahule's father, may have been an Aeson / Easton liner.
The "virtute" motto term, very popular, could be code for Tute's. As it is translated, "valour," it's not likely coincidental that Valours are listed with the Valois surname, as per Poppa a Valois, the wife, reportedly, of Rollo. Plus, the Valois Coat compares excellently with the Tuttle/Toothill Coat. Do you think that the proto-Sinclairs had merged already with the Teutons and perhaps even the Cimbri, before they found Caiaphas lines at Paris (Valois is at northern Paris, where Chappes' were first found)?
The other Toothills, using the Blois bend and bendlets, were first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Julians, Capone's, and Chapmans. The latter use a crescent in the colors of the Tout / Oliphant / Tatton crescents.
On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.
The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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