Previous Update: February 11 - 17

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February 18 - 24, 2014

It's Paeonful to Stobi your Toe
The Golden Fleece Rheim - Alans Once Again
Zurich was from Sargedava
Prehistoric Cavii Dwellers

The last update ended after a late and helpful discovery during the proof read (minutes before the update was due for publishing): Sion-related Seins/Simms (Alan kin) use the "halpert" axe of Halperts, first found in Perthshire...smack beside Stirling, where this update's topic goes that was written days before the discovery above. Here's how this update started days ago:

Scopi is on the Axius river (has the same name today) in the Illyrian map, flowing through Paeoni and Macedonia down into the Mygdonia theater, suspect with Israel's Megiddo area because the latter is beside Dor while Dorians lived in the Mygdonia / Macedonia theater. There may be a Paeoni-Chappes reason as to why Armageddon was named after Megiddo.

On both the Illyrium map and the Roman-Illyricum map, there is a Stobi location on Axius river in downtown Paeonia, which I think can trace to the Stubbs/STOBBS because they use pheons. This trace has the added benefit of clinching the pheon (arrowhead) as code for Paeoni.

I've tended to identify Stubbs as Stewarts, as though "STEWard" was actually a secret code for their Stubb bloodline. After making that assessment, I saw that the Stubbings, said to be named after tree stumps, were the Alans of the Brocken area, and to prove it, Brocks use the Stewart motto. More recently, I tracked the proto-Alans to Langhe before they ventured to the Brunswick-Luneburg and Brocken areas, and shortly afterward saw that they linked there with Haldensleben, the line to one of Mieszko's wives.

Therefore, as Mieszko's other wife (Dobrawa) had traced to Dobers and Dobermans, sharing the same griffin head as Haldens, it's interesting that here is a Doberus location to the east of Stobi. Secondly, there is a modern Lestkovac location on the upper Margus/Moravia river, which has me eyeing the green Leslie griffin in the Patent/Patten Crest, for Mieszko's ancestry was in a mythical Lestko, which I figured was represented in the griffin heads of the Dobers and Dobermans. The Stubbs share buckles with Leslie's, you see.

Thus, I am now convinced that Mieszko-Traby elements were at the Paeoni - Satrae theater (Doberus is at the Strymon river. The Satrae on the Strymon were traced to Cuneo's Stura valley, same general area as Langhe. Shortly after tracing Alans to a Lange-Visconti merger, which should be viewed as an Alan-Chappes merger, I found that Paeoni of Astibus traced well to Asti at the Langhe theater, but it's only now that I see Astibus smack beside Stobi.

The Stubb bend with buckles is used by Stirlings in colors reversed, and then the Chappes/Chaips' were first found in Stirlingshire. As Stirlings show as "STURling," I think the Stura-valley peoples must be in play. The Stirling Crest even shares the Moor head with French Chappes'. If that's not enough, the Stirling motto shares the "forward" term with Seatons while Shield of Seaton-related Says (Shropshire) look to be Stubbs-related Stubbings.

The insert in the last update concerning the Seins/Simms had included some important findings on the Rheims/Rames' (on the Seine river, which is what brought up the Seins), first found in the same place (Essex) as Stubbings. The Rheims/Rames, with a Rames/Reimbaut branch out of Dol, are said to be kin to Mandeville's using the same quartered Shield as Says and Stubbings. How amazing that the topic here blends with that insert of the last update.

The tree stump is used by raven-line Corps, important because proto-Alans at Dol had been the raven-depicted vikings of the Stout surname...that shows properly as "Stow." We expect "piety"-using Stewarts to trace to the Paeti smack beside the Corpili. The suspicion is that "Stow" was the term behind "High STEWard of Scotland," and that Stows had earlier been from Stobi, i.e. cousins of the Stubbs. It's important if correct because it reveals Stewarts as fundamental Paeoni lines, explaining very well why Stewarts should be integral with Caiaphas lines. It reveals Stewarts as fundamental Templars, perhaps the invisible chiefs behind all that Templarism was involved with. Stewarts and Rothschilds always give me the impression of being secretive invisibles behind the decisions of rulers, the very definition of the Illuminati. Use whatever term you wish. I know another Invisible One, a very Bright Light at that, who has a Secret Plot of His own.

In the last update, the Seins/Simms were traced by their halpert axe to the halpert-using Walsers at Sion/Sitten, kin of Walsh's that likewise use a tree stump, with a raven upon the stump.

Stobi was smack at PELEGonia, perhaps named after Peleg, son of Eber. Stobi was on the Axius at the mouth of an Erigon river, and then the Paeti are marked on the same map at the mouth of the Ergines river. That makes the Erigon suspect with the Argo ship too, wherefore it builds support for a trace of Medea of Colchis to the Maedi location beside Astibus.

This recalls that, for years, English Stewarts showed the same lion design as Monmouths, the latter using a version of the Maid/Maud/Mold Coat. The Stewart lion is now the one, colors included, showing in the Maid/Maud Coat. For me now, this is indication that Hasmoneans of Modane, whom I see in Monmouths and Maids/Mauds, trace to the Maedi entity -- the golden-fleece line to the Paeoni. It supposes that Medea, the Colchian witch of Kutaisi, was a Mitanni-liner code. In fact, I identified the MonMOUTHs with the Morte's/Motts, and traced the latter to the Touques river, where Gace is located that traces to the Mitanni capital, Wassukanni. To put this another way, the Mitanni named Modi'in, Israeli home of HasMONeans. This paragraph is an insert in this update that should be considered as per a Has location to be discovered for the first time below.

It just so happens that the Erik surname (just a giant red rose) was first found in Brunswick. "Erik" is a Rus / viking name, isn't it? Scottish Archie's, in the colors of Norwegian Eriks, were first found in Roxburghshire, where I expect the Roxolani! Archie's share an "Ut" motto term with "pointing-needle" Pettys, who use a bend in Archie-bend colors!!! An Archie trace to "Ergines" is thus clinched, as well as a Petty trace to that river's Paeti.

The soft-headed historian blushes. He's throwing all of his professors' notes away, and joining the tribwatch school of heraldry cipher. He's pretty sure now that the Paeonians on the Erigon river trace to the Arc river, location of Modane. He even realizes that the Kutaisi witch should trace, not just to Modane, but to the nearby Cottius family. Then, seeing the Gace location, not only at the sources of the Touques river, but at the sources of the Dives river, and recalls from the last update that the Dine/Dives and related surnames traced to Donnus, father of Cottius. As ARGentera is at the Cottian Alps, he even has the fortitude to ask whether its namers named Argenten, beside Gace. He suspects that Silvers apply to these Argent-like locations, and finds that Silvers share a big, fat crescent, using nothing else, with the Mott Coat, likewise using nothing else.

A little ways upstream on the Isere from the mouth of the Arc, there is an ALBERTville location to which the Halperts and kin may trace, for colonists at Albertville have not difficult access to the Sion/Sitten area. A short broom ride upstream from Albertville, there is a Moutier location. A little further up yet, the sources of the Isere will be met, directly over the Alps from the Orco river, where Argo-ship riders must have settled after sailing down the Rhodanus (or Eridanus) into lake Geneva. From that lake, upon ascending the Arve river, there is an easy pass to Albertville and Moutiers.

Of interest here is that the Harve(y) Coat has the same Shield as Bellamy's, while there is a Pointe Percee mountain on the upper Arve, smacking of Perche, home of Bellamys, at Belleme, about 10 miles from Alencon. Therefore, French Harve(y)'s, first found in Ile-de-France, are probably using the Alan / Julian stars. The black boar in the Harve(y) Crest may just be for the Porcius Cato bloodline expected at Geneva.

As Perche > Pierce elements (that I traced to Parisii, at Paris, location of Harveys) are suspect in providing pierced stars, it's notable that the Bonneville's (Devon, in Mott colors) use pierced stars, for the Bonneville location on the Arve can trace to Bonnetable, about 15 miles south of Alencon and Belleme. The Taninges location near Bonneville can trace to Tanners because there is a La Falaise location in Ile-de-France, i.e. where Arve elements are suspect. This interplay between Ile-de-France and a river to Geneva looks like the Sion > Chappes link. We are not off topic because the Chappes/Chaips go to Alan-suspect Stirling with Alan-related Stobi elements:

The name Stobi is Paeonian and meant "post, pillar" and is akin Old Prussian stabis "rock", Old Church Slavonic stoboru "pillar", English staff, Old English stapol "post", and archaic Greek stobos "scolding, bad language", Macedonian Slavic stolb meaning "post, pillar", Greek stephein "to tie around, encircle", staphyle "grapevine, grape bunch", Middle Irish sab "shaft". Such a name may imply that it was the site of a large local cultic pillar, though there is no evidence of this.

Look at how many choices there are for historians to grapple with. But did you catch the English "staff" and "stephein" definitions, important because Stubbs were first found in Staffordshire. I don't know whether Staffs / Stafford were named after what some soft-headed historian thought Stobi was named after, but I'd like to repeat that the Staff Coat (swan in Crest) uses a chevron alone, in the colors of the Quint chevron. The Stubbs come up as "Stabb," so that "Staff" may be purely a variation...meaning that Staffs are a variation of "Stobi."

Did you note that there is not one option for a Stobi derivation in a people group or other place name? Why would that be? There's only one answer, having to do with embarrassment. I'm guessing that the leaders of history decided not to give us any idea or hint that the way to track peoples is to look for similar terms from region to region. That's because they don't want us to track peoples; we are to learn only what they feed us. That's why they are an embarrassment to humanity. I'm sure that there's good historians with normal attitudes, but they didn't get to lead or make the rules after Masons took the reins of education. It wasn't difficult because Masons were in power at government levels, having usurped the powers of kings with the concept of Parliament.

It just so happens that Staple's, first found in the same place as Peters and Stewarts, use the Archie bend, with ermine Shield included, and then the Stable motto is that of raven-using Peters. The Staple Crest shows the unique (crowned) lion head used by English Rothes'. Raven-depicted vikings, right? The "Sans" motto term of Staple's traces to the Sensii (same theme as the last insert in the last update, tracing to Sion/Sitten). And so we now turn to the Sens Coat's patee cross in the colors of the same of Blois', for Blois' had traced to the ARC river! That is another way of tracing the Maedi entity near Stobi to Modane. By now, the historians whom have abandoned their masters are preparing an apple for their new teacher. Welcome aboard.

The English Blois' are not in the colors of English Arks/Archie's for nothing, right? Scottish Archie's have the motto, "Ut REFiciar," bringing to mind the Ruff/Ralph surname (ravens) that may trace to the Rhaedestus entity beside the Paeti, the entity suspect to some degree from Rephaites. Ask why corvos = crows were named RAVens in the first place. Were they initially code for Rephaites? Did Garebites merge and move together as one with Rephaites? As French Harveys are using the Garb/Garbee Coat, should we expect Garebites at the Arve river?

You don't think it's coincidental that Garveys share two red-on-white chevrons with Perche's, do you? Now you know that Bonneville's were linked to Bellamys (and Bells), and that Garebites were at Ile-de-France with Harveys.

As Bonneville upon the Arve is likely a Bone branch while Bone's are a Skull branch, don't they all trace to Eshcol in Hebron? Garebites and Rephaites lived on the west side of Jerusalem, facing Hebron. Rephaites were on the southwest side, nearest mount Zion. I'm therefore looking for Rephaites at Geneva / Sion/Sitten.

Perhaps the blue-on-white lions of French Bonneville's are those of Gumbys/Gunbys/Gonebys, now somewhat suspect with Gunns/Guine's with the namers of Geneva (in the last update, they traced to Col de MontGenevre near Modane). This recalls the so-called gonfanon symbol, owned by Montforts, which I deciphered as part-code for the Gone's (likely using a version of the Bone bend but in colors reversed to the Skull bend). I now find the Gonebys at topic moments after seeing the Bellmont/Beaumont Coat (probably uses a one-tailed version of the Montfort lion). In the past, Bellmonts/Beaumonts were linked to Skulls and Bones as well as to Bellamys, and here this works well because the Beaumont rulers of Leicester passed their titles to Montforts! Therefore, Gonebys look like Montforts, and thus may link to Bellamys now known to have been at Geneva.

Bonneville's and Gonebys are therefore suspect in using a lion tracing to Quintus Caepio, and that suggests what was already expected, that Boii-suspect Bone's (from Bohun in Manche, same areas as Vere's), out of Bononia, location of Maccabees somehow, are using the Ferrari lion. Let me remind that Montforts are using the two-tailed lion of Bohemia. The lion in the Bone Crest is in the design of the Scottish Bruce Crest, and while the Arma discussion had linked directly to Wears at Argentera, Wears are the ones using the "Fuimus" motto of Bruce's...said to be from Brix in Manche.

Plus, I recall finding the gonfanon in the Arms of location in or near the Brenner Pass, important because Brenners, who named that Pass (in the eastern Alps), trace to Bruces (i.e. using the same lion colors of Gumbys/Gonebys), and then Brenners/BREMners/Brimmers may trace to the naming of Briancon, smack at Col de Montgenevre!

One Gone surname is listed with Gog-suspect Gowans with an "arma" motto term, coming on the same day as the Arma location in Liguria became Tanner-important at the end of the last update. "Geneva" had then become suspect with the Juno > Yonge / Jung line, and here we find that Gone's/Gowans even use a "Juncta" motto term.

If correct to trace "Gumby" to Cambyfene at lake Sevan (Gumbys were first found in the same place as camps and Bruce's), it tends to trace Gogarene / Soducena elements to Geneva, very close to Sion, where Soducena elements are expected as per Seatons.

The question is whether Cambyfene elements morphed into Can terms so as to form Gon / Gun terms. For example, while Soducena elements started to appear as the Cotesii, the Canns/Caens share fretty lattice with Cotta's/Cotez'. And while Gumbys/Gonebys just traced to Briancon (Cottian Alps), about 25 miles from Modane, Modens/Modeys also use that fretty lattice. The location of Caen is near the mouth of the Dives river, by the way. Perhaps the Caeni location off the Hebros was a Cambyfene entity. The white Chaine/Chenay wing was, for years, showing as the same white wing now showing in the Dine/Dives Coat, which expects Chaine's to be a Caen/Cann branch, but then Gumbys/Gonebys show a Chen variation.

Between Modane and Bonneville, and only about 25 miles south of Geneva, there is an Annecy location that may be waiting for clinched linkage to the Annas surname. The Annas star is in the colors of the Wallis Canton stars, or in the colors of the Swiss flag. Immediately at the front of Geneva, a Lancy location could trace to old Alans of Langhe. The Lancy surname (Norfolk) shows nothing but a bend in colors reversed to the Alan bend.

The Bellamy crescents are now suspect with the Seaton crescents, and as the Says/Seys' use a reversed version of the Massey Shield (i.e. Bellamy kin), the Seyssel location downstream on the Rhine from Geneva should be recorded here. Seyssel is at the mouth of a Fier river, a term bringing up the moline-using Fears/Fere's. It just so happens that Moline-related Crocs use a maunch while Croce's use the Massey / Vere Shield. This paragraph is a good trace between Seaton-related Says and Seyssel. The question then is whether Dutch Seyss' ("shamrocks") are using the Quint chevron. After all, Seyssel is only about 15 miles from Annecy. The Staffs, lest you've forgotten that we're on the Stobi topic, use the Seyss chevron. But Staffs even show a swan in Crest.

About a half-dozen miles downstream from Seyssel, a RUFFieux location promises to be a Rephaite entity. There is also a Ruffieu location about the same distance west of Seyssel. There is a Ruffie/Ruffy/Ruffin Coat sharing a red chevron with Seyss, and moreover the Ruffie chevron has gold garbs upon it, the Garb/Garbee symbol. The Ruffie Crest is an "archer."

Now watch this. English Archers use a "bona" motto term while French Bone's were first found in the same place (Provence) as French Archers, and the latter use "grapes" that bring up Gareb-suspect Grape's/Grabbers/Grabners/Gripps. It tends to verify that the Ruffie's are Garebites. Ruffs/Rolphs (ravens) even share the Seyss shamrock = trefoil!

This is new to me. I've never known of this Ruff trace to the Ruffieu(x) locations. The Ruffs/Rolphs were even first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Lancys (i.e. while Lancy is smack at Geneva). As Lancys are suspect in using the Alan fesse while Alans are related to Julians, let's mention the St. Julien location smack outside of Lancy. I always doubt that locations supposedly named after saints are in fact so-named. I now suspect that the Caiaphas-Julian-Cottius line was at Geneva.

Recall how the Bone's had linked to the Beaumont-Montfort titles of Leicester, for the Raven surname (branch of Ruffs/Ralphs) was first found in Leicestershire. Moreover, the Arms of Leicestershire uses the "maunch" as owned in-particular by Hastings and Toeni's.

Back to Stobi suspects. The Stables/Stabels use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annandales, with stars in the Chief in the colors of the Annas star (which may be reserved only for Annas liners). The Stable acorns may trace both the Alan oak leaves and to the Roet oak, for Roets were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Stable's. Stables are said to derive six miles from Bolougne, which is therefore near Montreuil, where Catherine Roet was born. Stable's are said to be from an Estapla location, defined as "Staples, son of Payne," which is horse maneuver that soft-headed historians can stuff up their donkey ears. The truth is: it's code for lines from Payne Roet, father of Catherine. My atlas has an Etaples location at the mouth of the Canche river, very near Montreuil, on the same river. We are near Hesdin here.

The Staffs are said to descend from "Roger de Toeni, founder of the Abbey of Conches". That sounds to me like it has to do with the Canche river, and, besides, the Toeni's had linked to HAStings, like the Heston variation of Hesdins. "Conches" and "Canche" are much like "Quinchy," origin (in Artois) of the Quincy's, perhaps explaining the FIVE acorns of Staple's. And that's why the sharing of the same chevron by Staffs and Quints looks important, especially as Stubbs can trace via Stirlings to Chappes/Chaips.

Stapling a house together is a very Chaipe way of doing things; it make no Sens. What will happen when the Stormys arrive to Blois the Ravens off the Ruff? You may as well get into a good mood, for the Sens surname is traced to "milker of cows," ha-ha-ho-ho. The Sens (in Zurich colors) are said to be from Switzerland's Aargau (near Zurich), on the German frontier. Do you think the Sensii elements entered into southern Germany, or was it the other way around, with Sensii coming south to Sion? I faintly recall the Swiss Berne surname using the bear design of Stormys, but I can't be sure.

I've missed it until now, a DINOgetia location (Roman-Illyricum map) on the north side of the Sensii, not far from the Cotesii, which can explain why Cottius linked to the Dine surnames. The Dinogetia are marked at the mouth of the Buzau river, the river where Cotesii are marked on the Illyrium map. (I suggest you get both maps up on separate browsers.)

The "Vim" term was just entered because Cuppae is near a large VIMinacium location, but, very unexpectedly, the Vim surname is listed with the MacKay sept of Bains/Beans/Vains/Vans (probably a branch of Veyne's/Vains from Fano). This evokes the Margy/Mackie/Mackey (and Margeson/Mackesy) surname, using another raven, and very trace-able to the Margus river. Viminicium happens to be an arrow-shot from the mouth of the Margus river. I now have a great key for tracing these Macey-related surnames to the Pek theater. It's important to trace proto-Maccabees to the area where "Caiaphas" is expected to derive, and, moreover, Maccabees trace to Modane on the Arc river. It's like piercing two nasty ravens with one arrow.

I've yet to understand why Mackeys are traced to a Gaelic "Aoidhe," but I hardly think it was the original term, even if true. On the Illyrium map, Viminicium is now stamped as a Margus location, explaining why Vims are listed with the Mackay sept of Bains. Margys/Mackeys use a motto ("Labore") like the "labori" motto term of Stubbs. Stubbings share the besants on black with Trebys, first found in the same place (Devon) as Stewarts, and the Treby lion is in the colors of the Mackesy/Margeson and Stormy lions. Stormys should be a branch of Sturs and Sturlings.

This recalls my arguing that Margesons/D'Argensons (the ones who come up unexpectedly with "Mackesy") are a branch of Darks/D'Arques, and it now appears to be correct. But compare "Argen" with "Erigon." There is an ARGENtera location at the Stura valley of Cuneo, which may mean that Margy's/Mackey's are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's.

It now appears that it was wrong to trace the surname to any "Margaret," as I suggested, because it looks to be tracing strongly to proto-Macey elements from the Margus river.

The "LoyaLITE" motto term of Margesons should be part-code for the Lite's/Lights (ostrich feathers), honored in the "Lighter than air" motto of Ayers. The Margys/Mackeys, you see, were first found in Ayrshire. Moreover, the white Margeson lion (it's the Levi lion in colors reversed) is used by Sions/Swans (suspect with Sensii liners), and then swans are in both the Coat and Crest of Lite's/Lights. Ayrshire is Chaip-important because they use "EARS of rye" as part-code, I think, for Eyers/Ayers. As the latter's chevron links to the chevron of Irish Shaws, it's interesting that Argen(t)s (red Stewart lion?) share grails with Scottish Shaws while English Shaws use a "qui" motto term, possibly for MacKEYS. Reminder: the Arms of Ayrshire uses a "God Shaw the Light." It has nothing to do with Godly holiness / devotion, but is Masonic play (Spit!) on the Light/Lite and Shaw surnames.

Compare Argen(t)s with Sellers using the swan design shown until recently by French Josephs, first found in Maine. But Maine's Masonic elements had traced to Devon, and we are seeing some of those here. Those elements included the Maine's (pheons) themselves, a branch of pheon-using Walsh's (= Walsers at Sion) who in-turn honor Mortons, one branch of which was first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Stormys who trace to Stura valley at Argen-suspect Argentera. The pheons we are seeing here suggest the Paeoni expected in Cuneo, from Astibus, beside Stobi. And that must explain why heraldry is taking us through Cuneo after starting on the Stubbs. The Langs of Luneburg, lest you've forgotten, use the pelican, and it turns out to be "A pelican in her piety". The Langs using acorns are in the colors of the Stormy lion.

Skits were first found in Ayrshire too, wherefore Skits and related Scheds (patee and potent crosses) can trace to the Scydra location (Illyricum map) a short distance south of Stobi. The "me lie" motto phrase of Margesons may be code for Stobi elements like so:

The town grew in 69 BC once it became a municipium and coins, with Municipium Stobensium printed on them, were distributed. The citizens of Stobi enjoyed Ius Italicum and were citizens of Rome. Most belonged to the tribes Aemila and Tromentina.

Aemila smacks of Emilia in Italy, which includes the Forum Allieni area. Tromentina might just be the proto-Drummonds, whom I identified with the proto-Alan, raven-depicted vikings. In any case, we see that the Stobi name was there in BC times.

Shaw me the Milk

To show how the Sensii may have entered Switzerland from the Danube in southern Germany, the following came up during the proof read. I'll return to the Stobi topic after this. Basil, not far from Aargau, has a surname named after it, I assume, showing a tall, curved perchevron, the Ottone / Kaip(ff) symbol. The Arms of Zurich are in the colors of the Ottone Coat. Don't we expect the Chappes liners in the Ottone surname to link with Sensii elements?

English Basels may truly be using the three roundels of Pace's because Zurich-suspect Turks use a "Pace" motto term. German Turks/Tuercks use a gold-on-blue crescent, the Sens symbol too. Ancient Zurich went by Turic-like terms, you see. Turks (of Anatolia) may have been named after the same that named Thrace, and the Sensii were in Thrace.

German Turks were first found in Silesia, which overlaps Lusatia, and then the canton of Zurich is beside the canton of Luzern. These could be Lazi Caucasians, golden-fleece liners, which then explains the ram in the Crest of Scottish Turks. But, sorry, I see no milkers of cows here, except for a feasible trace of Zurich to Taurus elements.

Italian Pace's/Pase's (Bononia) use spears (in Zurich and Lambert colors), which may go to the Spree > Speer line out of Lusatia. Upper Lusatia, where the mother of Mieszko Lambert reportedly comes from, is also called, Milsko, perhaps relating to the "milker of cows" code in the Senns/Senn write-up, or perhaps named by Mill-like versions of the Moline's. Seins are also "Simms," and then Lambert's Piast ancestry had two mythical Siem terms. To explain the Moray-colored stars of Lamberts, "Tadeusz Wasilewski saw in [Lambert's mother] a Moravian princess."

Lambert was the son of Boleslaw I (one Bole surname also uses Moray-colored stars), called "Chrobry," and then, dues south of the Sensii there is a Crobyzi entity. As Sorbs lived in Lusatia, this Crobyzi entity may have been the proto-Sorbs. It just so happens that the Crow surname, sharing the camel with one Gobel surname (suspect with "Goplo," origin of Piasts), in the design of the Pale/Paly camel head, has a chevron in the colors of the Sein/Simms chevron.

Crows, with roosters in the colors of the Piast eagle, were first found in the same place (Buckinghamshire) as Milks/Milksops. How about that. It's at Oxfordshire, where we can expect Drake liners, where we find a red ox perhaps in need of milking. I've heard that Oxford produced some sops, including soft-brained historian "experts."

The so-called "pen" (probably an ostrich feather for Traby's) in the Sein/Simms Crest can be code for Penns, using white-on-black roundels that can easily change with kin to the "pellets" used by Basels. As white roundels are called "plates," it may have to do with the white plate in the Arms of Breslau (Poland), where the dead head of John the Baptist is upon the plate. Why is that dead head a symbol there? Why didn't they choose John baptizing or preaching? Did the Herodian killers of the Baptist end up at Breslau/Wroclaw?

Speers were first found in the same place as Pace-suspect Paisleys, using a chevron in colors reversed to the Turk chevron, the colors also of the French-Lambert chevrons. The Pascel variation of Pace's/Pase's may indicate a branch of English Pascals/Pass' using the Templar lamb, which may be code for the golden fleece, and/or the Mieszko-Lambert line. French Lamberts were first found in the same place (Dauphine) as French Pascals. English Lamberts were first found in Surrey, and Surreys are shown as "Surrich," which tends to clinch a lot more than a Surrey trace to Zurich! In this picture, the Pascel cross could be a version of the Switzerland cross.

The black-on-white roundels ("pellets") of Basels are in the colors of the same of Lacy's, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Lacys. Foix's/Foys use them too, and they were first found in the same place as Chappes'.

The Surrich list of variations evoked the Sargedava variation of "Argidava/Arcidava," important because Sens share a symbol with Blois' whom I trace to the Arc river with "Arci(dava)." Moreover, ARGidava is suspect with the Argo ship out of Colchis. As I looked into this Surrey / Zurich trace to "Sargedava," the fist thing of note was the dolphins of the Serge/Sargeant Coat, which can link to the Dauphine clans above. The English Archie's/Arks, in English Blois colors, were first found in Berkshire, beside Buckingham, where Serge's (and Milks) were first found. Scottish Archie's, I was hoping, would show the gold-on-blue crescent of the Sens, but it turned out to be a white-on-blue crescent. However, the latter Archie's were first found in the same place as Scotts, who share a blue bend with Archie's, and with gold-on-blue crescents!

These Scotts and Archie's were first found in Roxburghshire, which I trace to Roxolani, who were found stamped (on a map at Wikipedia's Arcidava article) smack beside the location of the Sensii! The other Scotts were first found in the same place (Kent) as Darks, said to be from "D'Arques." The Dark crest is purple, the color of the Pace roundels and the Lacy "fret knot" or Lacy lion. The knot-suspect Knights, first found in the same place (beside Kent) as Blois', use the Arms of the Counts of Blois! (By the way, the Scott-Crest stag is of the same design as the Stewart stag, except that it's one front leg is up.)

This exercise may indicate that Pace's and Paisleys are from the Swiss city of Basel. Of further interest is that Glass', undoubtedly from Glasgow (where we find Paisley) use Melusine, the same mermaid as used by Hugo's, first found in Basel. Hugos' look like they can be related to the Hugh's thought to be behind Houstons, from Glasgow. It just so happens that the "time" motto term of Houstons can link to Time's/Timms (Kent) and then trace to the Timis river (shown as "Tibiscum" on map) that forms an arch around Arcidava!!! This paraphrase was not yet conceived when first supposing that Surreys could trace to Arcidava, and herein the clincher-evidence has arrived here...explaining why Houstons and Surreys share a checkered chevron on a gold Shield! One uses the Cohen checks; the other the Hohen checks, suggesting a Hohen-of-Swabia link to Zurich.

So there you have another great key: Zurich traces to Arcidava. I was very close to passing on discussing / investigating the Surrey trace to Arcidava, as it seemed like a long shot, but some underlying compelling thing caused me to go for it.

The "I make SURE" motto of Kilpatricks, and/or the Shera versions of Kilpatricks, were traces to Surrey elements, suggesting that the Dark/Arques saltire is the Kilpatrick saltire. The same-colored chevron of Sure's/Shore's (use the Caen motto) can now go to the Serge chevron. Sheer's/Shere's were first found in Surrey. It just can't be coincidental that entering "Shop," from the idea of the Milksop surname, gets the Shorelands/Shawlands (dancette in the colors of the Carrick dancette).

The Shops/Shorelands were first found in the same place as Darks/Arques' and Time's/Timms. If the Shop variation, not expected with the other variations, is a branch of MilkSOPs, and if the Sein/Simm "milker of cows" applies, then the Sensii are tracing to the Timis / Arcidava theater. As Shops are also Sadducee-and-Caiaphas-suspect Shaws, it makes sense to link them to Sionist-suspect Seins/Simms.

The Shops/Shawlands are working out to be a branch of Mieszko's, and so I'll repeat that while Mieszko's trace to Moray, one Moray Coat shown until a few years ago had a motto, "Deum Time." That linked the Mieszko-Moray elements to Time's/Timms, first found in the same place as Massins/Masons (at Thanet), and as the latter trace without doubt to Zanata-based Numidians, "Shop" is suspect with "Sophonisba," the daughter of HASdrubal who was engaged to be married to Massena, king of Numidians. The Shops / Milksops can even be suspect with "Syphax," her husband. She was a Carthaginian, and they had a bull god, Moloch, though Carthaginians called it, MELQart/MELKart (the Ammonite god, Milcom, may apply). That works, indicating that Mieszko's were from king Massena, but not without also linking to Sion / Caiaphas elements.

To help assure that Seins/Simms were a branch of Milksops, Simsons were first found in the same place (Buckinghamshire) as Milksops (and Serge's/Sargeants). However, I don't know whether it's correct to trace Seins/Simms to north Africa. I'll hold off on that trace and assume Carthaginians / Numidians merged with the Sensii at some point.

As Shaws are a branch of English Pilotte's, it's not likely coincidental that Irish Cohens/COENs use the seahorse design of Shops/Shawlands as well as using pheons in Pilate-pheon colors. The colors here are those of German and Jewish Cohens, as well as the lattice of CAENs. If there is a Coen-Caen link, then Cohens are suspect with the Cottius / Moden families to which the Gusts trace by their "Gaut" term. Reminder: Hohenzollerns and Zollerns use the quartered Shield of Shaw-liner Chives/Shives in colors reversed.

Aha! When the Traby-related Gastons were found to be first found in Surrey, and sharing the Hohen checks with Surreys, I traced Gusts to the same, but here, years later, I've found that Basels use a tall curved chevron, what the Gusts are now showing! Gusts are the ones tracing by their write-up to Caen-related Cotta's/Cottez', and then the Cotesii were living approximately where Roxolani and Sensii lived. Plus, the Gust chevron has been changed lately, now identical with the Forst/Fursten chevron, while there is a Furstenfeldbruck location (near Munich) in Swabia not much more than 100 miles north-east of Zurich.

This recalls that the Sabines / Samnites of modern Anani, very near ancient Arcidava, were expected as namers of Swabia. Anani is suspect because it's less than 50 miles north of Cuppae. It looks as though Cotesii elements of the Gust kind were in Hohens of Swabia. By the way, I don't know where Cohens originate geographically in relation to Hohens, but I assume that Cohens came first and that "Conrad" meant "Red Cohen"...Hohen suspects. I traced Caseys to Hohen / Cohen ancestry (in Khazars) apart from the fact that Hohens and Caseys share red eagles. The "Cassis"-using Casimirs are highly suspect here because they are from the Piast line of Casimir, son of Mieszko Lambert, while Piasts use their eagle in colors reversed to the red Casey / Hohen eagle. It tends to reveal that Hohens became the Piast Poles, explaining why the Arms of Warsaw uses the Melusine mermaid, for I trace Cohens to the historical Melissena Rangabe, a royal Khazar on her mother's side. Cohens were identical with Fers/Ferrats, explaining why Drake's were dukes of Masovia (where Warsaw is capital).

The Caens are the ones sharing five white ostrich feathers with the Arms of Traby, and then the Sheer/Shere talbot and colors trace to ostrich-using Carricks. This had caused me to identify Sheers with the same-colored Saracen surname. At this point, I'm inclined to trace Carricks / Sheers / Saracens to the same Arcidava location as Surreys and Zurichs. Roxolani were, after all, Sarmatians. Scotts, who have already traced to Arcidava, were a branch of Talbots.

Rather than being a contradiction because I've traced Carricks to Agrigento (southern Sicily), this may be a solution as to how Cuppae elements may have arrived to the Carthage theater in time to name Caiaphas at his birth. The river flowing to Agrigento, the Hypsas, may have been named after elements at CYPSela.

The Schere's were just loaded because the German branch are using the fitchee crosses (same colors) as the Sheers/Shere's, and this reminded me that Austrian Schere's use the same black eagle design in Crest as the German Hagel Crest, important because the Hagel lions and thin bends were traced to the same in the Arms of Kyburg, smack beside Zurich. The green Schere snake coiled around a staff can link to a similar thing in this Mackesy Coat. English Hagels are using the Casey branch with six leaves.

The Arcidava part of this discussion almost did not happen because I wasn't sure whether it was a good idea to link "Sargedava" to variations of the Surreys, and here, after writing all the above, it's found that "Sarge" is a Surrey variation!!

Hohenstaufens were at Goppingen (Swabia), a term smacking of Goplo. The question now is whether "Stobi" developed into the Stove/Steven, HohenStaufen, and Stephenson surnames. Staufers/Stovers, grail liners, were first found in Switzerland. It's an important question because I sensed that proto-Payens were at St. Etienne (Dauphine, where Payens were first found), said to be named after "Stephen." Mount Pilate, where Pontius Pilate is said to have been, is beside St. Etienne, and then Pilates use pheons in the white colors of the Stubb/Stobb pheons. Zowie! I didn't realize it when first asking the question.

It looks excellent and even natural to trace Stobi's Paeonians to St. Etienne. It means something, especially if the Stobi elements were there before the birth of Pilate. The Staufer write-up speaks on a multitude of so-named locations in Switzerland, yet my atlas' index has none. I did find a Stein location at Basel, while Stevensons are also Steinsons. Scottish Stevens have a Lambert look to them. "Stephen" is said to mean "garland," but that's a bunch of Masonic milksop, for Garlands and German Stevens share the same vertical bars.

Recalling that Moulins/Moline's are trace-able to Mieszko Lambert, a thing for which we'll see more evidence later in this update, it's very notable that Rangabe's, suspect in the Cohen part of Mieszko ancestry, use nearly a moline cross in the colors of the Seagar moline, and colors reversed from the Segni/Sigurana moline. Segni is a location on the Gari river in Lazio, where Garlands trace that were part of the ancestry of the Moulins/Moline's (see "Garlande" in the last update). The Sensii were just suspect in LUSatia ("Luzica" to Germans), and it was reasonable to identify Lusatians with the Lazi Caucasians, whom I've been tracing to Lazio for years. But here, lately, we find a Segni location that's heraldry-important, and so I think it's safe to identify Segni with a Sensii-Lazi merger moving across Europe. The Lys/Lisse, surname, first found on the Seine river, is now more suspect with the Lazi than ever.

Did we not see that the Sens/Senn Coat uses the patee cross of Blois'? By what coincidence did that family of Joan of Arc change their surname to "Lys"? Does this speak well to a Sensii-Lazi migration across Arcidava to the Arc river? You can bet all your curds on that, and throw in some Guda cheese while you're at it.

Unbelievable. "Curds" is found in the Milksop write-up, which is why I used the term above. But I then checked the Curd surname just for fun, finding the Cattin/Alpin Coat, the surname of the supposed founder of the first Scots, whom I traced to Guerin/Garin of Province, whose surname caused me to emphasize the Gari river in the first place. However, for some months prior to finding Guerin of Provence, whom I linked to Melissena Rangabe (perhaps my marriage / sexual relations), I insisted that heraldry traced the first Scots to Guido Guerra (came later than Guerin of Provence), and here I find a green wyvern in the Curd Crest, symbol of the Guerra's!!! So, yes, in regards to the Segni's from the Gari river, you really can bet your Curds!

It should be added that when a reader informed us that Hugh de Payens was also "Dupuy" (or was it "Dupay"?), I entered "Pay(s)" to find the Italian Pace/Pase/Pascel surname discussed above...the one that started to look like Basel elements and tracing to Paisley at Glasgow. The Curd motto happens to use "mon pays," and Curds were first found in the same place (Buteshire) as Melusine-using Glass'. The one footless martlet in the top half of the Curd Coat is in the colors of the one footless martlet of French Josephs.

Again, the Casimir Coat uses a red antler, used also in the Arms of Spree-Neisse, named after the Spree river that named the Spree-related Speers, first found in the same place as Paisley, kin of spear-using Pace's/Pase'. Spree-Neisse is at COTTbus. Here's from the Spree-Neisse article:

The crayfish in the topleft symbolizes Cottbus-Land, and is also present in the coat of arms of the city of Cottbus. The lion in the topright is the symbol of the Kingdom of Bohemia, as Spremberg was owned by the Bohemian kings. The deer antler in the bottomright symbolizes Forst, and was taken from the coat of arms of the Lords of Biberstein.

That's why I linked Forsts to red-antler Veringens of Baden. As Gusts are using the rare Forst chevron in colors reversed, the "gaut" term in the Gust write-up suggests a Cotta > Cottbus line. I'm not at all sure whether there's merit in link the Cottbus crayfish to Crow or Crey liners, but, just in case, the Creys/Crays use the bendy in Guerra-bendy colors. It's possible that English speakers were in Cottbus when it received the crayfish symbol. Vere's of Oxford come to mind as such English speakers because Oxford uses a beaver, like the "BIBERstein" family in the write-up above.

IN FACT, Bibers/Beavers use the Arms of Zurich in colors reversed! Neither use symbols on their Shields. And Bibers also show Babel-like variations while German Babels use the Melusine mermaid! Thus, ZOWWWIE, the crayfish looks like it really could be for Guerra liners, which traces Cottbus elements to Guerin of Provence, downhill from the Cottian Alps! I had traced Guerin's father, William of Gellone, to Julian liners at Guillestre, smack at the Cottian Alps. Therefore, just as Chappes and Lys' were both first found on the Seine river (or just off of it at Ile-de-France), here we are finding Lys liners (i.e. Lusatians) at Caiaphas-liner Cottbus.

Years ago, I traced the Wessex part of the Saxons, also called "Gewisse," to the "Kwisa" river in Lusatia, and here I'm finding that the Bernician Saxons are tracing to Lusatia. Therefore, ask whether the Italian Garin/Varin Coat (in Varn / Grape/Grabben / ShakeSPEARE colors) is a version of the Arms of Saxony. The same colors are used by Guerin-suspect Curds.

I had traced (late December to mid-January) the Goplo ancestry of Mieszko's to queen Bebba of the Bernicians, and she to Pepins of Landen, and his Pepinid family to mythical Popiel of Goplo, and so, lest you think that a Mieszko-ancestry trace to Cohens / Hohens is contradictory, note that both Bebba and Cohens trace to Melissena Rangabe.

Did you check out the Payen stars in the Guerrin Coat? Why were Payens first found in the same general area of France as ruled by Guerin of Provence? Isn't it because Guerin was a Caiaphas / Chappes' liner? That's been my position for going-on-years now, ever since tracing Guido Guerra III (Bologna) to Panico's/Pane's at Bologna.

The reason that I see Payens at mount Pilat and St. Etienne is due to white-on-blue Zionists stars, pierced like the Payen Zionists stars, used by Pilate-suspect Billets while Etienne's use white-on-blue (Pilate-pheon colors) billets. The Billet Coat is a replica of the Payen Coat, but in Pilate colors. Plus, as Payens are expected in a close merger with Chappes liners, Billets were first found in the same place as Josephs.

The black eagle in the Italian Garin/Varin Coat is expected to be that of Charlemagne (i.e. grandson of Charles Martel, encoded in the martlet). The same-colored Curds are the ones using the same-colored, single martlet of French Josephs, and then Kurds are traced to the definition of "captain," more Masonic deception, but very welcome now that we know it. It just so happens that Curds and Capitano's/Cattano's both use Shields split in half horizontally, with gold on the top half, and the Capitano's even use the spread black eagle. Moreover, the black-eagle design in the Capitano Crest is that of Hagels and Schere's i.e. Zurich elements! This seems to be tracing the Capetian royal Franks to Zurich. Why? How Cott this make any Sensii? Didn't we see that Cattons/Cattens are expected at Geneva with Sensii liners? And here the Cattano's are tracing to Zurich.

Pierced stars are often called, mullets, and then the three pierced Zionists stars of Payens are found in the Mullet/Mollet Coat, a surname that can be suspect with Molle's. Mullets were first found in Auvergne/Aveyron, beside Creuse, an area that had traced with the Croze's and Crozier's, both first found in Auvergne, to mythical Creusa. But as Croce's are expected to trace to Creusa too, by what coincidence did Eschyna de Molle marry a Mr. Croce? Therefore, Mullets/Mollets are suspect with Molle's, and with Jacques de Molay, which answers to why Mullets use the Payen stars.

Creusa was at Agrigento, and then English Billets use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento. It's not a small matter in this case, because the MonteCHIARO elements near Agrigento have everything to do with this topic. The Chiaro's/Charo's are honored in the motto of English Josephs, and while Billets were first found in the same place (Maine) as French Josephs, English Josephs use the gold garb, symbol of Spurrs, important because the Payens call their stars, "spur rowels." Masons have put more effort into their massive codework than needed to feed the world's poor. I wonder how else they wasted their spare time.

Spurrs use the same-colored bend as Chattans and Chatans, to whom the Capitano's/Cattano's trace. As the latter had just linked to Curds using the Joseph martlet, it's a better bet than ever that Josephs were in honor of the Biblical Joseph Caiaphas...meaning that Capitano's were Caiaphas liners. Until 2012, the French Martel and Spanish Capet Coats showed the red, covered crown now showing in the Cappin/Alpin Coat, and that's the crown now showing in the Curd Coat. It means that Capitano's were Capetian liners to the French throne immediately after the Martel dynasty got booted off of it.

The Spurr Crest is a gold garb, as is the Chappes/Chaip Crest, important because the latter surname was first found in Stirling while Stirlings use the Stubb bend-with-buckles. Then, as per the Payen "spur rowels," Rowels/Rosswells use besants on black, the Stubbing symbol upon a bend in Stubb-bend colors. Just like that, we have a story on how Payens -- with Paion variation -- trace to Stobi in Paeonia.

The two garbs in the Spurr Coat are called "wheat SHEAVES," and we get that, tracing Spurrs to Chivasso elements. It might be identical with a Spree>Speer trace to Caiaphas liners in Poland. The Spurr star between the two wheat sheaves is likewise called a "spur rowel." There is a distinct Rosswell/Rosewell Coat (Somerset, same as Roets who trace to the same area of Picardy as Hesdins and Eschyna de Molle) that looks like a version of the Gate Coat. The Haskins use the Gate Shield but with lions in the colors of the Rosswell lion, and then the Haskin Coat may be using a version of the engrailed chevron of Rowels/Rosswells, the latter first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Heskins/Askins (same chevron as Haskins). These lines traced, in the last update, to the northern shores of lake Geneva.

As Eschyna's Lumley line uses the pelican in her piety, and as the green Lumley and Pettys parrots trace to the same of the Peeble surname, it's interesting that Stobby's/Stoba's (nebulee) were first found in Peebles. My trace of "Peeble" to Pepin founders of Papia=Pavia can now be supported, for the Stubb Coat looks like a version of the Pepin / Pipe Coats.

Moreover, the Stubb and Pepin Coats are in the colors of the Dine/Dien/Dives coat with the white wing of Bellamy-related Masci's, wherefore note that the Stubbs are traced to what look like Bellamy elements of Normandy, and to a Baeumeis-sur-Dive area. This, along with Belleme being near Alencon, can explain Meschins and Bellamys were first found in Shropshire, first English home of Alans.

It's a good question as to why Stobby's/Stoba's are using purple lions. Stobi is not very far south from a Scupi/Scopi location (on both maps), and then Skiptons use a purple lion. If Scupi is at modern Skupje, then it's only about 50 miles from Stobi. Just like that, we have reason to believe that the two ancient centers merged and moved together to Scotland with early Alans.

I seriously expected Scipio, the Roman general(s) involved with Hannibal, to have something to do with the line of king Massena as it founded Maccabees, and it was suggested a few times that Scipio liners, along with leading to Skiptons, were Shipton and Shepherd liners, wherefore let me repeat that Scottish Shepherds were likewise first found in Peeble's. Contemplate. Moreover, English Shepherds/Shipperts share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Mens, who are honored in the Pepin and Poppin mottoes. It's the Shiptons that use bellows, and for that reason can be traced to mount Pilat / St. Etienne (as per the below), where French Billets/Billiards were kin to Etienne's, the latter now suspect as proto-Stephen liners from "Stobi."

The Moulins/Moline's / Molyneux's were traced in the last update to Arthurian-important parts on the northern shores of lake Geneva, but as far north as the Besancon theater, important because Besancons (Bisset / Basset kin) share white-on-blue billets with the French Etienne's. It gives us excellent reason to trace ABELARD, the patriarch of the Moline's, to the Billard variation of Billets, especially as Billets appear to be using the Lambert Coat.

In the last update, "Abelard" was traced suggestively to Belards, using the Doberman griffin head, but as Moline's have since traced excellently to Mieszko liners, and moreover will trace to Mieszko Lambert in particular, it now seems clinched that Abelard was both a Belard and Billet/Bellard liner. While Mieszko I married Dobrawa, the mother of Mieszko Lambert was reportedly from a Dober-like name too (I can't recall the spelling).

My excitement over finding mount Pilat at St. Etienne initially was where English Stephens, using a chevron in the colors of the Billet/Ballard chevron, use a solid chevron in the colors of the same of Chappes' and Ottone's. It signalled that Caiaphas liners were with Pontius-Pilate liners at St. Etienne, near where Herods had been banished. It signalled a natural flight of ruling Israeli elements to that place in relation to 70 AD. From there, I assume they moved west into Maine and Paris with the Sion elements that named the Seine river.

The Scottish Stephensons, whose Coat likewise conforms well to the Lamberts, use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Moline-related Segni's. It's tracing Sensii elements to the Gari river, at Segni, beside Anagni, the latter being traced to "Anani" near Arcidava, where Sensii elements traced earlier in this update. It just so happens that Abelard's mate in producing the Moline surname was Heloise, of a Garlande surname.

As Spurrs and English Billets were both first found in Devon, it recalls the trace of Maine elements to Devon. In fact, the two black-on-white chevrons of Rowels are shared by Ash's/Esse's, first found in Devon. Double chevrons in this case are expected to link to those of Maine's, who are using the two chevrons of Perche's, who are involved in the "pierce" code at times. English Billets use the Coat of Bellows, likely a branch of Bellamys, first found in Perche, beside Maine. German Ash's share three red-on-white chevrons with Perche and nearby Eure-et-Loir. What's going on?

We need to ask the Stubby Stewarts, first found in Devon. Or, we could ask the Trebys (Devon) why they use the Rowel/Rosswell besants, and why that surname is also RATHwell? Are we back to the Rothes / Roet liners? Why do the Row trefoils look like they might be those of Pike's, first found in Devon? What was going on, down there in Devon? Picks/Pike's/Pickens use pierced stars too, and then Pierces and Percivals were in neighboring Somerset, where Roets Rosswells were first found, from Payne Roet in Picardy's Estapla area, home of the Staple's, likewise first found in Devon. English Picks look like they're using a version of the Payen Coat, if that helps to equate Pek-like surnames with Pagan-like surnames.

We could expect Hugh de Payen's family to link to Sion, as we can the line of Godfrey de Bouillon. Bouillons (almost use a moline cross), with a "bello" motto term and thus expected with Billets / Bellows, were first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Payen-related Mollets. Bouillons and their Baldwin kin were traced hard to the Bautica / Baldea river in Aosta.

The "Cedant" motto term of Stubbs gets no-such surname, but Sedans (bear paws) use cinquefoils in the colors of the Stubb buckles. They might be a branch of Seeds/Cedes' showing besants in the colors of the Row besants. The Seed besants are on so-called "pales" (the two vertical bars), what others call "palets," a Pilate-like term (perhaps important where Pilate's and Stubbs share white pheons). Pallets/Pallys/Pailette's look like a branch of Pales'/Paleys/Pailie's, and the latter share a camel head with Stubb-related Pepins. Pallets/Pallys use boar heads in the colors of the Sedan cinquefoils. Pallets were first found in Champagne, where Hugh de Payen had close associations, and it reflects the Payen-Pilate merger expected where Billets share the Payen stars, apparently.

I can't be sure from the above alone whether Sedans are in play with the motto of Stubbs, but the "None sino sed" motto phrase of Sedans suggests the Seaton line to Sion/Sitten (the Sedan bear paws may thus link to Berne). As Irish Walsh's, who have "A swan PIERCED with an arrow" in Crest, use "sed non," the "sed" term is suspect in-particular with Sedans, and thus is does make an excellent Sedan link to Seaton/Sitten liners, tending also to prove that "sino" is indeed code for Sion. Any swan entity linking to Sensii suspects is very welcome.

It's all speaking very well to a Sensii-line merger with Seaton liners, expecting swan-liner Soducena / Sittaceni elements in Seatons. Scottish Walsh's happen to use annulets in the colors of the Stubbing besants, and while the Stubbing write-up traces to tree stumps, the Scottish-Walsh crest is "An eagle PERCHING on the branch of an oak [stump]. We need only wonder whether the oak was chopped by the axe of a Stobi peoples living on the Axius river.

When the pierce code was said, shortly above, to link at times to Perche elements, the Walsh's were not on my mind, and had not yet entered the discussion. They entered only due to the Sedan motto. As Walsh's are linking so well to Stubbings, it suggests that the "cedant" motto term of Stubbs is indeed for Sedan liners, in which case we have just found the Paeoni line to Sion, which is why a trace of these elements to Asti in Cuneo is important, for Walsh-related Walsers lived in Aosta, beside the Wallis canton, location of Sion (it suggests that Paeoni out of Astibus named Aosta).

With not too much patience, the Cadant/Caddan surname was just found, using two bars in nebulee, identical, aside from colors, to the nebulee bars of Stobbys/Stoba's! What's amazing here is that, this find was made, not only after the Stubb-Sedan link was concluded in the positive, but a few hours after finding the Stobbys/Stoba's, found only due to misspelling "Stubby." Plus, I've just re-noted that Stubbs (who come up as "Stubby") use an "arma" motto term, important because nebulee in Cadant/Caddan nebulee colors is used by Armers/Amore's! If that's not enough, it's the Armers who use "cede" in their motto!!! I kid you not, this paragraph was not yet conceived when the Sedans were suggested with the Seeds/Cedes.

I had found good evidence that I cannot recall for identifying the Amore motto phrase, "Tu ne cede," as code for Tunis, the location of the Melqart human-sacrifice cult (of sheer murderers, demons, the worst creatures on earth, ever) that traced to the Sein-related Milksops. These demons think it's comical to trace to "milkers of cows." But God knows their number, and at their own deaths, torment. No mercy. No regard. All alone in their torment. Shame. Beg all they want, no one will hear them.

Nebulee had traced to SOPHonisba, and she was from Tunis elements. Milksops were SHOPs/Shawlands, right? And Shaws were from the Shawia Numidians in Algeria, beside Tunis. The Cadants/Caddans can be picked off as Washington / Nest(or) liners from the Mitanni, and that suggests the Maedi on the east side of Stobi. Just check out the thin bars of proto-Washington Wassa's/Gace's, and compare with the same of Maids/Mauds. Then, Meads (Somerset) use the pelican-on-nest too, as well as footless martlets in the colors of the same of Josephs and Curds, as well as what looks like the Yonge motto, to be linked to the Gard motto. Instead of the "prudentia" of Yonge's, Meads replace with "pret," yet still suspect with the Prut river, home of Moldavians, which can explain the Mold variation of Maids/Mauds.

The Mean pelican is said to be "in her piety proper", which suggests a look at the Proper surname, which turns out to use a fesse in the colors of the Lumley fesse, important because the Lumley Crest is a pelican in her piety. Propers/Robins are said to be from Malpas (Cheshire), and then more white pheons are in the Malpas Coat. Sedans were first found in the same (Durham) place as Molle-related Lumleys.

Maddens use a falcon on a mallard duck in Crest, and Mallards are listed with Milwoods using yet another moline (in the black color of the Moline moline). Might this indicate that Malpas' were Moline's of the Mallard stripe? Massey-Shielded and Hanan-related Malbons, also first found in Cheshire, had "a family seat at MOTTram." There is even a Mottram surname (in Mott colors) using another tree stump. The Cheshire location makes Mottram's doubly suspect from Modi'in.

The Dor Salesman

It looks like a mallard duck in the Coat of Meeks/Mechs, first found in Fife, where the Londonis surname of Eschyna de Molle traces. The dancetty red chief of Meeks/Mechs is used by Dyre's, and then you can read between the lines on her connection to Durwards in the write-up of Durwards, shown also as DYRward.

Dyre's use a "Terrere" motto term, and then the Terre Coat, in Dyre colors, is a virtual copy of the Borderlands Mech/Mach Shield. The latter looks like it's using a version of the Scott bend, and as Scotts were first found in the same place as Maxwells/Maccuswells, which place was part of the Borderlands, I think there's an obvious Mech-Maxwell connection, especially as Molle's had married Pollock. You can even find a Walter Scott, lover of Durwards, in the Durward write-up. Terre's were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Roets, and Scotts use the Catherine-Roet Catherine wheel.

What you have just read is a new find, and it comes shortly after tracing Meeks and Meakins to Cilnius Maecenas (about 100 BC), the one whose family I claim (or guess) founded Maccabees proper in Israel. It just so happens that I traced the Seleucid-Maccabee alliance of Jonathan Maccabee to the Alexander surname, which not only uses a "terras" motto term, but the same-colored chevron as Durwards!!! That is amazing corroboration.

Later in the update, I come across the Dortons/Dorsts using what should be a version of the Morte/Mott crescent (the latter, in the colors of the Alexander crescent). The Dorton/Dorst crescent is in the gold-on-blue colors of the ones used by Scotts, the crescents that helped to trace Sens' to Arcidava, the place that traces to Modane...which I think links to Modi'in, where Maccabees lived. That can't be coincidental.

Everything you have read so far in this section was written immediately after finding the Dortons much-further below. This section will focus in-part on Dorians of Macedonia, from Dor and Megiddo, one reason to suspect that Meeks/Mechs were Megiddo elements. As Meakins/Meegans had traced well to mythical-Helen elements, note that, in this section, mythical Xuthus will be part of the discussion; he was made a brother of Dorus and son of Hellen. The point is, Cottius elements are expected with Dorians. I keep an eye on this expected link throughout this section, and I apparently find them in the Dodds, who use yet another chevron in the colors of the Durward chevron.

I accidentally misspelled "Scott" above. I spelled it, Ccott. Was this a Providential hint? Haven't I insisted that Scotts, Scute's, Sched, etc., were Sadducee liners? I came across evidence once (years ago) suggesting that Aryans / Scythians had the practice of adding a capital 'S' to terms. For example, "Cott" could become "Scott." Interesting, but not dependable at this point.

The Dyre motto does not only use "Terrere," but "timere," a term that I've traced to DeMere's and related Mere's, both sharing a ship with MacDonalds (in Dyre colors); the latter use the Alexander motto that includes "mare." We get it: all in the family. The MacDonald-related MacinTYRE's relate to Dyre's, it now becomes apparent. It perhaps needs to be asked whether Macintyre's should be understood as Macin-Tyre rather than Mac-Intyre.

Dryers are using a version of the Kilpatrick Coat, and their saltire belongs also to Maxwells. Dryers share a red Chief with Dyre's, and the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Dryers is also that of Mecks/Meeks. (The spur in the Dryer Crest tends to clinch the Kilpatrick link to spur-using Close's/Clovse's.)

Before ending this insert, I'd like to say that ancient Tyre was also "Surru." There is a possibility that Seir elements named Tyre, in other words, which may explain the goat in the Dyre Crest. The Kilpatrick motto, "I make sure," may speak to Tyre lines. MacinTYRE's and MacDonalds share the fitchee cross with Sheer's/Shere's.

Durham had come to mind when seeing "Deuriopes" marked either on the west or south side of Stobi (depending on the map). In consideration that Macedonia overlapped parts of Paeonia, early Dorians at Macedonia, and the Dor-Megiddo area of Israel, seems to be in-play. It's the Armageddon line, isn't it? As I traced Essenes out of mount Carmel (at the Dor theater) into Crete as a fundamental part of the Apollo cult, and when learning that they gave an axe to all initiates, I traced that symbol to the axe symbol of Crete. It turned out to go to Aix and Aes terms, to HephAEStus and to Aeson, father of the captain of the Argo ship. But what about the Axius river and it's Stobi location??? It flows right through the center Macedonia, with Mygdonia to its east side. Could this reveal Essene liners in Stobi? As Hephaestus was married to Aphrodite Hebrews, by what coincidence are Deuriopes marked across the river (Erigon) from Pelagonia?

I had traced the Carmel Essenes to Eleuthia/Eileithyia, the Greek birth goddess out of Crete, because her name(s) smack of "Elisha," the one through whom God gave a miracle: an axe head floating in the Jordan. Elisha was the prophet of God who took on, and continued in, the spirit of Elijah, who had himself destroyed a massive Baal cult at mount Carmel. I reasoned that God provided this miracle as per Elish's enemies having an axe symbol. Perhaps these enemies, on the Jordan, were the peoples of Jabesh Gilead.

Just because some Israelites / Hebrews had honored Elisha, it doesn't necessarily make them true to the God of Israel. As I doubt that either Elijah or Elisha had a childbirth theme, it's origin is predicted in the birth of Zeus (probably the Baal cult of the Carmel / Haifa area, on the Tyrian border) on Crete. "Eileithyia" looks like the makings of "Leto," mother of Artemis, and the latter was said to be a product of Eileithyia in Ephesus, where there was an "essenes" divination cult utilizing bees / honey.

From "Ephesus," one can trace to "Hephaes(tus)," brother of Eileithyia (Zeus' daughter with Hera), and therefore to the mouth of the Hebros. It is very likely that Hephaestus was the Benjamite-Jabesh merger to the founding of Romans via Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros. "Ephesus" smacks of "Jabesh." As a Paeoni-suspect line of Pandareus on Ephesus went to Cadmean Boiotia, home of Cadusii elements from mount Sion (east of Carmel) that could be expected with the Sensii line to Sion/Sitten, it's a good bet that "Gilead" was a Gileki/Gel entity, the one that named Cadmus' brother, Cilix, and the Colchians, and probably the Galli priests of Hephaestus' Kabeiri cult (which was in Boiotia). Compare "Eileith / Elueth" to "Gilead." "Eleuth" was word-play on the Greek "white," evoking the Halybes that may have been known, eventually, for alba = white.

The following is something I didn't know before, and it's having to do with the topic at hand:

The Beauty of Durres [a piece of art] a polychromatic mosaic of the 4th century BC...It was discovered in 1916 in Durres...

...There exist two thesis on whom the portrait of the mosaic is. The historian and archaeologist Dr. Moikom Zeqo pointed out that the woman presented in the mosaic is the same as the one of the painted amphorae's archetypes in Puglia and South Italy, with red figures of the Hellenistic era. According to him, the Beauty of Durres represents the Cretan goddess Eileithyia, known as the goddess of childbirth and midwifery...

I must have missed this when on the Eileithyia topic in the past. The Durres location tends to support my trace of Eileithyia to the Dor - Carmel theater, but more importantly, for the topic at hand, Durres is very link-able to the namers of Deuriopes. Durres is on the Adriatic coast where you see Dyrrachium on the ancient maps. It's smack at a Petra location (on the Illyrium map), and not far north from an Apsus location at the mouth of an Apsus river. This river smacks of "Apasa," an alternative name of Ephesus! The APSinthii at the mouth of the Hebros are likewise suspect as an Ephesian entity. Therefore, it does seem that the peoples of Dor (may have been Phoenicians) named Durres. On the Roman-Illyricum map, Deuriopes is between Paeonia and Durres.

Chaonians of Epirus lived on the south of the Apsus river, and they smack of the Caeni marked beside the Apsinthii on the Hebros. Therefore, this area of Illyrium looks like a New New Hebron, and indeed I traced Keturah elements to Kotor of this theater. The Saraca's lived first at Kotor, then moved to Ragusa, known otherwise as, Laus, but now as DUBRovnik, which may trace to the Doberus entity at the Paeonia theater. To help prove a trace to Mieszko's wife, there is a modern Trebinje location slightly inland from Dubrovnik.

English Doors/Dory's use bees, by the way, on the Haskin/Hoskin Shield! That exclamation mark is for the proposed "Eschyna = Haskin" equation, and because both Doors and Haskins were first found in Herefordshire. Ms. Pollock was mentioning some link of Eschyna de Molle to the Durwards, who come up as the Scottish Doors. Reminder: Lumleys were first found in Durham. Durwards are said to be named after door attendees, but this may be more plop invented way back.

Aha-ha-ha. When on the Argentera topic earlier in this update, I happened to see a green-on-white bend as the Arms of Argentera. I noted that Wears (Devon again) use a bend in those colors, but wasn't going to say anything for lack of evidence (writing here was when this was first discovered). BUT NOW, the Wear river happens to pass by Durham, while it was suggested above that "Argen(t)" (the surname, but why not also Argentera?) should trace to "Erigon"...the river where "Deuriopes" is stamped!!! The Durham surname even uses a version of the Weir/Vere Coat (yet the Wear write-up says that Weirs/Vere's are not a Wear branch)!

Therefore, Wear and Durres elements were at the Stura / Argentera valleys leading to Caeni- and Chaoni-like Cuneo, which tends to clinch my trace of the Fire/Feur surname (half goat creature) to the Stura valley. Of some interest is that Molossians (part of the Chaonian fold, whom I trace to Molise in Italy) may have been the proto-Molle's / Moline's. Molossians smack of "Moloch," and indeed there was a Zeus cult / temple in Epirus.

The Petra location beside Dyrrachium may be Chora-important where the earlier name of Dyrrachium is said to have been founded by Corinthians and peoples of Corcyra. The article shows a Dyrrachium coin with a calf feeding from a cow, with the Zeus thunderbolts on the reverse. My first trace of the Zeus Taurus was to "Tyrus," the old name of Tyre. But then I also thought that "Taurus" could go to the namers of Dor. Years later, when on the Essenes trace to Crete, I realized that Zeus's cow theme looked responsible for the naming of Haifa, between Tyre and Dor.

Corinthians are extremely important in this Sensii topic, for as the Sensii are suspect with Cotesii, while the latter are regarded now from the golden-fleece city of Kutaisi, it just so happens that the mythical ruler (Aeetes) of Kutaisi originated as a king of Corinth...which smacks of Cronus, Zeus' father. Moreover, Aeetes left Corinth in the hands of his Hermes kin (not really, but it was myth code for some realities), and Hermes represented the Cadusii at mount Sion (that probably named Kadesh). This is Sadducee and Sionist all over, it is not?

I imagine that Cronus (cannibal theme) was himself the Moloch cult, but to Romans, he was Saturn, and then there was a Satricum (modern Le Ferriere) location very near Segni. In a recent update, it was quoted that Saturn, in the Satricum area, named Anagni. Satricum was part of the Longa ALBA domain.

Recall the Seyssel location of Geneva, near Annecy, for one can now propose an Anagni-Annecy link, for Satricum is very near Sezze, and, moreover, I've just been to the Satricum article to find this: "There remains, however, some discussion on the equation, proposed by C.M. Stibbe, of Satricum with the legendary city of Suessa Pometia." Suessa??? It might just link to Susa, the Alpine city out of which the Cottius family operated, but then Seyssel is expected to go to Seaton-related Says, and the latter use a bull head in Crest that can now be suspect with the Moloch bull altar. Susa was "Segusio" in ancient times, what easily provides for "Seyss(el)."

If that's not enough, Sezze was anciently "Setia": "According to a legend, [Sezze] was founded by the mythical hero Hercules after his victory over the Lestrigones, a population of giant cannibals living in southern Lazio....The historical Setia appeared around the 5th century BC..." This recalls the Hercules myth wherein, after stealing the cattle of Geryon in the far west, he returned with them to Greece, but, passing by Rome, he fought a battle with a certain Cacus who wanted the cattle. This was mentioned in the 1st update of this month, where "Geryon" was traced to the naming of the Gari river, location of Segni and Anagni. Segni is just off another river flowing right through Sezze. I suppose that "Cacus" could become something like "Sasus / Suessa," and perhaps this had been a Zeus term changed over time.

The cornucopia in the Arms of Sezze is probably for the Ops bee cult of Italy (which used the cornucopia symbol), and because the same Sabines that had the Ops cult also had a Quirites deity / peoples, the cornucopia is expected to go back to mythical Amalthea of the Curetes Cretans. She was the bee and goat goddess all in one which invented the cornucopia from a goat horn. She was involved with the infant Zeus, and therefore suspect with the birth goddess of Crete, especially as the latter is trace-able to the "essenes" bee cult. AMALthea's name tends to give away that she depicted the Biblical AMALEKites, possible/probable namers of "Molech/Moloch."

Reminder: Samnites are suspect at Semenic, location of modern Anani, and Samnites together with Sabines trace to Sebennytos, also called, Samannud, while Anagni is beside Mont Sabini but also beside the ancient territory of Samnites. Thus, the Aeetes Corinthians that went into Colchis were of the Cronus > Zeus cult of Cadusii faggots and other detestable demons (in human form) who came around to Lazio too, at Segni even, and at Anagni, the places that provided the chief priests of Israel that offered up The Lamb...not knowing that this "human sacrifice" spelled their ultimate end by an earth-shaking phenomenon starting at Megiddo.

Perhaps it's coincidental, perhaps not, but the Arms of both Durres and Haifa use ships, and the Arms of Haifa uses a solid chevron on a blue Shield, reflecting the Chappes chevron. "Haifa" sounds a little like the makings of "Caiaphas." Again, I have traced the Aeson symbol of the Argo ship back to Essenes at Carmel, whatever they were called in those days. Carians, whom I tend to identify with the Cronus cult in relation to Cretan Zeus, may even have been named after Carmel. In this picture, the same Baal cult that Elijah mocked with fire will be the same Zeus cult to be burned at Armageddon, starting at mount Carmel. The Zeus cult of Crete that made head-way into Caria included SARPedon, who were the Garebites under discussion to the Caiaphas line. Sarpedon was a Minoan peoples that should link to the Minyae on the Argo ship. This predicted to be the Manes > Cotys > Attis line to Latins.

As Essenes-suspect Ephesians have just traced to the Apsinthii at the mouth of the Hebros, let me repeat that Essenes were traced suggestively (though surprisingly well), in the last update, to an Assus location at the upper Hebros river. In the middle areas of the Hebros, there were the Odrysians whom I identified with mythical Dryas, an oak term (symbol of Zeus) to the Greeks, and yet I thought Dryas was code for Dorians from Dor. Wikipedia's article on Dorians makes it sound as though evidence is lacking for a Dorian origin in Macedonia, and concentrates them in Rhodes and Crete.

In typical ignorant or covert fashion, the origin of "Dor" is said to be sought by historians in the names of objects rather than other Dor-like place names. Masons, who I assume seek to control Wikipedia articles for educating the world their way, wouldn't want some logical free radical getting the idea of tracing Dorians at Macedonia and Mygdonia to Dor and Megiddo in Israel. That's why it's important for them to wipe Dorians way from Macedonia. Meanwhile, they don't view "Macedonia" as a Megiddo-like term, but as a Mega-Don / Mega-Edon term.

Macedonia is a logical place to trace Zeus, whose mountain was at Olympus, on the southern fringes of Macedonia. If Zeus started out as a Dor element, that explains it. The Deuriopes location stands as a good place to seek Dorian origins. Paeonia easily traces to Phoenicians, after all.

Inland from Dyrrachium, we find Eordaei, like the "Eordaea" near mount Olympus (which I identify with mythical Gordias, because king Midas traces to mount Bermius, beside Eordaea). Beside Eordaea, there is an Orestis region, while in the land of Odrysians there is an Orestia location.

In Greek-origin mythology concerning Hellen, Zeus, the chief Greek god, is conspicuously missing. One might get the impression that Zeus was secretly the Hellen entity. Hellen was made the father of Doris, a known depiction of the Dorians. But Doris was the full brother of Cotys-like Xuthus, father of Cothus. We now have a reason to envision the Cottius > Caiaphas line with Dorian ingredients representing the Zeus demons. The lightning theme of Armageddon (as per Revelation, for example) can certainly apply to God's long-standing anger against the Zeus cult / bloodline. Jesus likened his coming again with flashings of lightning. There was a mythical Hellenus of Epirus that can apply.

Dorians at Durham can now be expected with Wear-liners in Cuneo, and of course they're especially expected at Montferrat, location of the Astibus line of Paeonians. The Este family, expected out of in Asti (and Aosta), use the same eagle as Bars for a kinship reason, and Bars traced excellently to Bar on the Illyrian coast, very near Dyrrachium = Durres. In the same way that "Dyrrach" and "Durres" were the same terms, I expect "Molosse" and "Moloch" to be the same terms. Thus, expect that the Zeus-Moloch cult spread along the Illyrian coast from Epirus to Dyrrachium, and still further north to Bar and Kotor. Go yet further north to the Neretva river, home of the Daorsi.

Bar is always to be linked to Butua (further north on the Illyrian coast), location of the Cadmus Cadusii, cousins of Cotys elements, originating in Phoenicians of Tyre and passing through Boeotia, location of Copais, and suspect with the Boethus house to which Caiaphas probably belonged.

"[Mythical] Dorus was killed by Apis when he tried to invade the Peloponnese." Apis was, for one, a king of Argos, and could possibly jibe with "Apsinthii." Ephesus was known as "Abasa" as well as "Apasa," suggesting that mythical Abas of Argos was an Ephesian line virtually identical with Apis of Argos. I had identified "Abas" as a bee-line entity in Argos, the same as Melia of Boiotia that had been paired (by myth writers) with the founder of Argos. Therefore, "Apis" in this case looks like "apis = bee," and it of course traces to the essenes bee cult in Ephesus. In fact, Pandareus of Ephesus was made a son of Merops (of Kos), himself a bee entity. Yet, "Apis" was also a bull entity, and it stands to reason that this double meaning had to do with the bee cult around the Zeus Taurus.

As Keturah's Atun elements had traced to Aedon, daughter of Pandareus, it's notable that I identified "Aedon" with "Aeson." If Aeson > Jason elements trace with Medea to Maedi in Paeonia, but even aside from that, PANdareus looks like a Paeoni liner. In the Apis article, we find Apis' kingdom of Argos "comprising the territories of Paeonia and Dodona." Dodona (Epirus) was the location of the Zeus sanctuary.

A most-fundamental trace of "Keturah" goes to "Kodros" of Athens (his son founded Ephesus), and then there is a KODRium location on the Apsus river, tracing both Keturah's Athenians and the Apis Ephesians to the Apsus part of the Illyrian coast. It tends to guarantee that this river was settled by Hebron-based Ephesians.

It is important to identify the Apsus river with bee liners now, for I think I can trace Marusium, on a tributary of the Apsus, to mythical Merovee, who traces from "Merops" of Kos through Ephesus to Aedon. As Childeric's son was Chlodewig, it's interesting that, on the north side of Marusium, there is a Clodiana location (on the Genusus river). As I traced Childeric to the Salyes Ligures (DURance river) before finding the Salto river in Merovee-like Maruvium, it stands to reason that Marusium is a Marsi entity, the same that named Maruvium. It was Childeric, a son (or near-son) of mythical Merovee, who had many gold bees in his tomb.

What's interesting in light of the Stobi trace to Sion/Sitten is that, on the Roman-Illyricum map, there a Genusus location between Dyrrachium and Apsus. It smacks of lake Geneva, shortly down-river from Sion/Sitten.

After writing that, the Dodd surname was checked as per "Dodona," and up came the motto, "In copia cautes." It's an excellent motto for describing the Cottius > Caiaphas line. The general idea supposed in the motto is that Xuthus elements had migrated with Dorians to the Illyrian coast. It creates the problem of not knowing whether to trace the "cautes" motto term, used also by Cato-suspect Cattons, to the Cotesii or to Xuthus liners expected on the Illyrian coast. The latter should probably be distinguished from the Cotesii Colchians up the Danube river to Cuppae, and yet here we have a surname tracing possibly to Dodona and using a "copia" motto term.

The possible solution is that the Dodds, from the Illyrian coast, merged with Cotesii elements in the Cottian mountains. The Catton Coat was equated with the Geneva Coat so that both may trace to Genusus, a term that may have furnished Venus and the Veneti, in which case the namers of Genusus can trace to the Heneti (proto-Veneti), which I've read were at a Genetes location (near Trabzon). I identified Aphrodite as the Heneti peoples, and as she was born at Paphos, it makes sense that she represented the Heneti Paphlagonians...whom I traced forward to Pepins (and Babenbergs), who, because they were a power structure behind Merovingians, supports a trace of Merovingians to Marusium, smack beside the Genusus river! Merovingians even traced themselves to Veneti!

It therefore appears that the Aphrodite transition into the Roman Venus was in Aphrodite elements of Epirus as they included the Genusus entity. I hope you don't view Venus as a beautiful woman; Aphrodite didn't exist, She, mother of Eros, was code for a faggot and child-sex cult, which is why a small boy called Cupid or Eros is the symbol of Valentine's Day. We might ask whether Cupid was of the Capote / Capedo / Capet / Capitano surname.

The Heneti lived on a Parthenius river (west of the Halys), and then, smack at Dyrrachium, there is a Parthini entity on both maps. Across a river from Parthini on the Illyricum map only, there is an Albani region smacking of the Halybes on the Halys. On the north side of Albani, we see what looks like "Eugenium," smacking of Euganeo in the Padova (area of the Veneti), where Merovingians must trace.

One can even trace "Veneti / Genusus" to "Juno" on the Oeneus river that itself traces well to "Aenus," at the mouth of Aphrodite's river. CYPSela is near Aenus. Perhaps the saying that Merovingians were long-haired kings is untrue. Perhaps it's code for Merovingian roots in the Capelli ("hair") surname, first found in Ferrara....beside Padova.

Bar is located at the coast exactly at lake SCUTARi, where you see the Scodra location. It's very compelling to trace these locations to the Skits, Scheds, Scute's, etc., that I traced to Schio in Padova. Padova is also home to the Este location that Bars trace to. This line was highly suspect as the origins of the Israeli priesthood in relation to Sadducees.

In the Dodd Crest, a gold garb, the Joseph / Chappes symbol. In the Dodd Coat, black footless martlets, the color of the footless martlet in the French Joseph Coat. What could it mean to trace Caiaphas to Dodona? As Zeus had a sanctuary there, consider that proto-Zeus traces to Haifa, using what could be a version of the Chappes Coat...for the reason that Caiaphas lines are known (by some) to have stemmed from Haifa. In the Illyrium map, there is a Cavii location smack off Scodra and lake Scutari. Have we tweaked your interest?

Drilon into the Caiaphas Root

See the Lissus location beside "Cavii." Bars had been traced to the Baldea river of Aosta, that turns into the Lys river of Aosta, or so I read. This was the river to which the Templar Bouillons were traced, and then the French Mathis Coat shows a black moline cross, the color of the same of Moulins/Moline's. On the Roman-Illyricum map, there is a Mathis river at Lissus! German Mathis' use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Massi's/Mattis' in colors reversed, the latter being the family to which I trace the makings of the Scottish Stewart Coat.

(I didn't realize here the full scope of what this Mathis river and surname meant for tracing the Cavii to Caiaphas liners in Italy, but will discover it below.)

At the source of this Mathis river, there is a CANDAvii mountain system, and then, on the last treatment of the Baldea river, a Candia location was found upon it...that surely traces to the Candida's, first found in the same place as Capua's/Capone's. This was amid an interesting set of discoveries (3rd update in January) concerning the Baldea river, including a Ferret location, at the source of the river, looking down upon the Sion/Sitten area. The Candida's are known to be "Cattenei," smacking of the Catton/Catten surname using "Cautes" in its motto, a very good reason for linking the Catton Coat to the similar Geneva Coat, and yet we now have very good reasons (plural) for tracing the two surnames to the Mathis-river area, not far from Genusus.

In the Argonautica, the Argo ship sailed off the Danube, at an unknown, mid-continent location, to the Adriatic coast, then up the Po, then down the Rhodanus to and through lake Geneva. That should explain it. It may be indicating that the Cotesii came to the Illyrian coast by that route, then to the Geneva area. How about that.

To help prove that the Moline-related Mathis surnames traces to the Mathis river, the Cave(y) surname was first found in the same place (Lancashire) as the Molle-related Lomleys...not forgetting that Lumleys of Durham can trace with the namers of Durham to Dyrrachium. You're going to have to hold on to your seat for this one, because it just about gave me a heart attack: the Cave's/Caveys are the one's using a Shield full of fretty lattice, the Cautes/Cotta symbol. I didn't yet see the Coat when writing the first part of this paragraph. Such a surprise. I had been lamenting a paragraph earlier that no signs of Cotesii were at the Cavii area, but here we find that Cavii share the white lattice with the Cotta's! Amazing find, truly.

We have a Cave surname linking to the Cotta family that's already suspect as the immediate ancestry of Joseph Caiaphas, as well as a Cave trace to a Cavii peoples in an area where a "copia cautes" motto phrase had seemingly traced. Then, German Mathis' share a black chevron with the Dodds, the latter being the ones with the "copia cautes" phrase.

If you haven't yet fallen off your chair, it won't be for long. The Chives happen to use the Mathis moline, in the same colors, and both molines have a single, gold star at the center!!! That means that the Cavii trace to Chivasso without a close-shave of a doubt.

In the last update, it was shown that the Arms of Molines of Sefton use a moline like that of the Chives. If "Molosse" can become "Moloch," couldn't "Molchi" become "Molosse." In the last update, it was suggested that Moline's / Molle's could have been from the Molchi area of Colchis, and here we are finding Moline-related Cavii elements not far up the Illyrian coast from Molossians.

Between Molossians and Cavii, the proto-Merovingians have just been found, who started out at Rheims but then moved their capital to Paris, where ILE-de-France is located that could indicate "ILLyrians." After all, the Lys/Lisse surname was first found in Ile-de-France, and here we find the Cavii, what could be the proto-Chappes', on the same river as Lissus. The Cave Crest even shares the greyhound with the Lys/Lisse Coat. One may now ask whether Allier, the location of Moulins, was named after Illyrians. The Allier river flows into the Loire, which may itself have been named after Illyrians.

The Chives/Shives use "cat-a-mountains" in the Coat, and "A Cat" in the Crest, but the Crest cat is the Mosca leopard, which represents the Mosca marriage to Montechiaro's, and then Molchi is marked beside the Moschian mountains of Colchis. The Chives cats can be linked perfectly well to the cats in the Catton/Catten Coat, which can again make the Chivasso link to the Cotta's/Cottez'. Remember, Chivasso is on the Orco river suspect as part of the Argo-ship crew i.e. of Colchians expected to have Soducena elements.

Wikipedia's article on Illyrian tribes has little to say on the Cavii, but that they lived near Scodra and had EpiCARIA as their main center. The article goes out of its way to says that ancient historians rarely mentioned the Cavii (or did Masons steal and hide all the documents?). Epicaria was also, DURNium, another Dorian-suspect term. It just so happens that Dorns use a blue bend, the color of the CHARO/Chiaro bend. This reminds of the suggested trace of "Caria" to "Carmel," near Dor.

Moreover, the Charo/Chiaro bull was traced to the Turin bull, at which time I knew not of Dyrrachium's bull cult. Therefore, consider how "Dorn" and Durnium" smack of "Turin." That would tend to trace Turin's bull to the Zeus bull cult. There were at least 450 priests of Baal at mount Carmel.

Dutch Dorns use three crossed arrows, the symbol of the family of Joan of Arc, and that tends to trace the Cavii to the Arc river and Modane. Perfect. I was trying to recall, in a paragraph above, who else was recently found with a blue-on-white bend (the colors of the bends of two Dorn surnames), and it turned out to come to mind in this paragraph, because it's the Archie's! As the surname is also ARKANbald, perhaps a trace to the Erigon river, and/or to Argentera elements, is in order. These bends are in the colors of the Arms of Zurich, important now that Arcidava has traced to Zurich.

The Chappes' had been traced to Blois, in fact, and here we find that one Dorn bend looks like the bend used by the Counts of Blois. This surname is also, Dawny/Daun, first found in Caepio-lion Yorkshire, and in the colors of the Caepio lion. While Germans Dorns use red-on-white roses with their blue-on-white bend, English Dorns use white roses on their blue-on-white bend, and these, it stands to reason, are the two color-scheme roses of the Caesar surname.

At this point, it makes much sense to trace the dolphin in the Caesar Crest to the two dolphins in the Durham Crest. Caesars are expected with Julius Caesar, who traces to Guillestre on the DURANce river. The dolphins of the Serge's/Sargeants (Arcidava elements) can apply right here as per Arcidava links to the Arc river. The all-important Dodds, highly suspect as a Joseph branch, and yet not yet clinched in a trace to "Dodona," could be using a replica of the Serge/Sargeant Coat. The Dodd write-up is utterly ridiculous, and finally traces to a bald person, same theme as the Cave write-up (it's an extra reason as to why the "copia" term of Dodds should be for Cavii / Caepio elements).

Duttons were first found in the same place as Cave's, but as I view Duttons as a branch of Tattons and Daytons, I think these surnames trace to lines from kings Tut and Akhenaten. I'm not sure whether "Dodona" can apply.

The Cave's write-up suggests linkage to Chaffs, first found in DORset. Chaffs are likewise traced to "bald," and to the French word, "chauve," which itself gets a surname that -- ZOWWIE -- uses the gold wolf heads found in the Kaip/Kaipff Coat!!! Now we know that "Kaipff" is a Chaff variation, and that Chauve's are a branch of Chappes'. Chauve's (in Chaff colors) were first found in Brittany. Their Chovel variation may suggest the Shovels, the latter identified in the past as Eschol / Hebron elements of the Skull-and-Bones kind to Childeric.

The Doudy's/Doody's could be using the Pollock saltire, and Pollocks have traced to Colchians in the Adriatic.

Dorsets, because they were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Mortons, could be using a different-colored version of the giant Morte/Mott crescent. That's not a bad way to get Dorsets to the Durance theater. As Modane is in Savoy, the Dorset/Dorst cross may be the Savoy cross. The Dorset/Dorst unicorn is in the design of the one used by German Troys (Mecklenburg, Varni theater, griffins and dragons galore), while the griffin design of Irish Troys is in use by Chaffs, first found in Dorset.

Let's re-mention my trace of Odrysians to mythical Atreus, close kin of mythical Orestes, the latter the likely namer of Orestia at the land of Odrysians. If correct to trace Odrysians to Dorus-line Dorians, then, if Atreus named the Adriatic, Dorians are expected on that coast. One might then view Atrebates as Dorians, and they happened to live in Hampshire, beside Wiltshire and Dorset. One can also venture a trace of Dorians to capital of Artois because Atrebates founded it.

Dorians from mythical Doris (with an 'i') can also be traced to the Neretva river of the Daorsi, and therefore to Nerthus, goddess of the Varni. This line was mythicized as Nereus and his wife, Doris, fish...which can explain the dolphins in the Durham Coat. But as Durhams use the Weir/Vere Coat, while the Wear river was at Durham, you can see that Varni elements had come around to Durham, thus making it doubly certain that the city was named after Dorians of the Nereid-fish kind. I don't think Dorians disappeared, as historians would tell us, but rather they just changed names, and moved from place to place.

I'm not sure what "Ep" stands for in Greek. For example, a Biblical Christian whom Paul mentioned was EpAPHRODITUS. In the same way, EpiCARIA seems to stand for a Carian peoples. Why should the Cavii live at a city of Carians? Shouldn't Dorians out of Rhodes have been part of this? After what were the Cavii named? Directly across the water from the Cavii Shores, there is Apulia with its Taranto location to which the Caffeys/Coffers trace. The latter are in the colors of the Cafferys/Cafferty's, and then the latter share a horse-and-rider (the Herod plumes in helmet) with the Italian Motel/Mottola surname, which had a Mottola location at Taranto. The Arms of TARANto share the dolphin with Durhams, and in this case of being linked to the Caiaphas bloodline, the Motels are suspect with the namers of Modane, some 25 miles from the DURANce.

It could seem that TARANto was a line to "Turin" and the Turano river in the land of the Marsi, which could explain the dolphins in the Marley Coat, and the latter use a bend-with-dolphins in the colors of the Sale bend-with-fleur, so as to trace likely to the Salto tributary of the Turano. As I traced these terms to Tarun at Lake Van, and as I traced Muskerry elements at Cork to Lake Van, it's not likely coincidental that Caffeys/Coffers were first found in Cork.

The Caffey/Coffer write-up tells of one O'Coffey kin of DRIScolls, what could be a Doris term. At the top of this section, it was shown that Mere's and DeMere's figure into the Dorian fold of the Modane-suspect Terre's and Dyre's, but here we now find Driscolls with the same Coat exactly as the Mere's/Mairs/Myers!

Reminder: a ship is the basic symbol of French Durants/Durans, first found in dolphin-using Dauphine. The "Fert" motto term of this Durant branch suggests linkage to the red eagle of MacDonalds, shared by Ferte's. But as MacDonalds were kin to Alexanders while the latter must trace to Modane, let me repeat that English Durants trace easily by their fleur colors to the Salyes on the neighboring Durance river.

The Duris/Doris surname could be mentioned here, even though it has a D'Oris variation showing, because it was first found in Dauphine.

The Durham/Dorham motto likewise uses "fert," and this surname was first found in the same place (Dumfries) as Kilpatrick-related Dryers/Dreers, though the latter are said to have been first found more-specifically in Annandale, which should explain the "ANNONam" motto term of the fert-using Durants. The Annans were the line of Caiaphas' father-in-law, weren't they? The full Durant motto, "Fert PATRiae facilem anonnam" suggests the KilPATRicks too, who use the Levi lion.

Scottish Dorhans are listed with the Durwards/Doormans, first found in the same place (Fife) as Durwards. For some suspicious reason, Scottish Durwards (leopard faces, paw in Crest, suggests Boofima) do not come up when entering "Durward," even though that variation is shown. The Kilpatrick-suspect Sure's/Shore's, who use the same chevron colors as the Durward (and Dodd) chevron, show a "Perimus," a motto term I trace to Boofima's Imperi operators because Cotta-related Caens (first found in DORset) use full Sure motto as well as leopard faces. Caens use their lattice in the white-on-blue colors of the Dorham/Durward leopard faces.

As Caens share fretty lattice with Modens/Modeys, it's interesting that Savoy (location of Modane) uses a cross just like the Face/Fessy/Vessey cross, which is the Macclesfield cross, important where I trace MACCLEsfields to Maxwells, and to MECKLenburg, locations now suspect with the Megiddo-Dor merger of old times. The Sure's/Shore's are said to be from MICKLEover (Derbyshire). The last time the Savoy cross was suspect was in the Dorton/Dorst Coat.

One can then go to the goat of Dyre's (Vere colors) while seeing that they were first found in Vere-laden Oxfordshire, where Demere-suspect Damorys/Amori's and Scott-related Amore's/Armers were first found, not neglecting that Scotts use the Roet Catherine wheels while Roets, first found in the same place as Terre's/Tarrs, were definitely from, or merged with, Boofima elements of the Beaufort / Book/Bogg / Bough kind. Boughs, first found in Durham, share a motto term with Roets. And it's Roet-branch Reeds who share a "copia" motto term with Cotta-line Dodds (first found in the same place as Macclesfield) and with an Arms of Macclesfield.

The Overs (same place as Macclesfield) use a bend in the colors of the Scott bend, tending to assure that Scotts are using the Mech bend. All three bends use gold symbols, and the Over symbol is a so-called fret. Overs are using the Casey leaves. Mickle's/Meikle's are using the spur, symbol of Dryers (Annandale) and pertaining to Closeburn, location of the Kilpatrick castle. The Mickle spur is not a wonder since Mickle's were first found in Liddesdale, at Roxburghshire (where Maxwells and Scotts were first found), beside Annandale.

There is a question as to whether Lissus was a Lazi line involved with Leto / Ladon entities, and thus leading to the naming of Liddesdale. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annandale's (as developed for Bruce's) is used by Letts, and they look like a version of Thames' and Pears (both first found in Oxfordshire), important because Leto was mother to ArTEMIS from the THEMIScrya location (in the ancient Pontus). To help prove that Letts are encoded in the heraldic annulets, the Lady/Ledyman Coat, with the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annandale's, uses annulets in its Chief.

We are going to see that Sevan elements were at the source of the Drilon river, and so let's mention here that Liddys/Leddys (show no Coat) were first found in Sevan-suspect Cavan.

In this picture, where clans under discussion must trace to the Mathis-river theater (beside the Cavii and Dyrrachium), the black chevron of German Mathis' may link to the Dodd / Durward chevron. I wasn't going to mention this until finding that Maddis'/Maddisons ("timido" motto term) were first found in Durham! They look like they may have had kin from the Axius river. Dodds are suspect in using the Joseph garb and Joseph martlet while Maddis' could be using the Drake axe, important where Drake's and Josephs were first found in the same place, where Dor-suspect Atrebates lived. Driscolls may have been named after Odrysians (Thracians), and for that matter "Thrace / Drake" is a similar term. It may be revealing that "Thraco / Draco" was a Dorian entity.

The Biblical dragon, that of Ares in Kutaisi, was a representation of the Lazi, and that should trace to the Lissus location...on the Drilon. Isn't "Drilon" a Dor term?

The apparent trace of Maddis' to the Axius may link them to Maedi (beside the Axius). Maddis' are said to be from "Matilda," which may not be exactly correct, but in any case the Mauds/Maids are also suspect in the Matilda name. The Motels/Motolla's are coming to mind, but Mattels seem even better for a Matilda link.

If you recall, Odrysians lived at the mouth of the Harpassus river (otherwise called the Arda), and then there was an Harpasus tributary of the Maeander. As this latter river, with location by the same name, belonged to Carians, I was convinced, though I didn't stress it, that the Caiaphas line traced exactly to that particular Carian entity. Therefore, it stands to reason that Epicaria (home of the Cavii) traces to that Harpasus entity. The point here is that while the Mathis river is in the Cavii theater, the Mate's/Mateys/Mathe's are using the Mander Coat (kin to Rhodes'). This is the entity expected to go to the Julian salamander.

The "Laus Deo" motto phrase of the Manders is expected to go to Lissus (Drilon river), and to a fish-related Laus location further up the Illyrian coast. This is informing me that Lissus was from elements of Las, on Sparta's Mani peninsula, the whole of which was represented by mythical MeneLaus...whom I trace to Maeonians, namers of the Maeander, the same Maeonians in mythical Manes, father of Cotys!

The above may be indicating that Mander elements became Mader > Maddis > Mattis elements. On the other hand, a Mander-Mathis merger is expected where Mathis elements were from the Maedi -- i.e. from the Medea Colchians -- for Medea's father, Aeetes, was also Attis of Phrygia, and Phrygia is where the Maeander begins. Lycia, on the east side of the Maeander, was conquered by mythical Sarpedon of Crete, whose brother was RhadaMANTHYS (looks like a Rhodes-Maeander combo at this point). As these were MINoans, they appear to be from mythical Manes. Scottish Mathie's are also "Mann," i.e. perhaps from "Manes" elements. Although the Mathis river is not marked on the Illyrium map, it's the river where Bassania is marked, suggesting that the besants of the Manders and Matey's/Mathe's trace to that spot. Epicaria is on a tributary of the Mathis.

The following seems to have some merit. It begins with the dancette of English Durants, suspect with Donnus, father of Cottius, for the Donnas surname is also "Dance," while English Durantes are shown as "Dant(e)". It may be indicating that Donnus was not named after a Don term, but after a corruption from "Durance." In any case, the Donnas/Dance Coat uses several (nine) vertical bars, a symbol also of Terre's (ten bars) and Mechs (eight bars). Then, Cavetts use nine horizontal bars half in the color of the nine Donnas/Dance bars.

Horizontal bars in the blue-and-white colors of the Cavetts are used in the Arms of Lusignan (and Arms of Luxembourg), and then the Lissus location on the river of the Cavii must, in my strong opinion, apply to Lusignan, home of mythical Melusine. She's suspect from Fer-related Rangabe's, both using blue and white. The Chavo and Schavo variations of Cavetts suggests the Chives/Shives of Chivasso, but also the Cavari at the mouth of the Durance.

I accidentally typed "Nere" instead of "Mere" moments above, to get the Nerets/Nereds (!!!), first found in Brittany. The Nerets use three bends in colors reversed from the same of Italian Guerra's, important because I trace Guerin of Provence to the Nerthus-worshiping Varni, and Varni are expected in Brittany, for example their Fer/Ferrat branch, but also their Alan kin. Dore's/Dorins/Dorets (fish!) were first found in Brittany.

Plus, three gold bends (the colors of the Neret bends) are used by French DeMers/Merits, and then English Merits/Morrits were first found in DURham! It's raining Dorians from the Neretva river, directly across the Dor-suspect Adriatic from Apulia, and not far north from the Cavii on the Dor-suspect Drilon river. And the Fer and Alans surnames involved in this storm were already figured as part of Caiaphas lines anyway.

Dressers/Dreschers, first found in THURINgia, look like they could be using a version of the Guido lion (perhaps even the Meekin lion), and yet it's partly in the colors of the DREW/Dreux lion. The Dresser Coat is in the colors of the Child Coat, in case they link to Basina of Thuringia, wife of Childeric. The Mar terms above could trace to MERovingians.

It's all hinting of a Cavii trace through Apulia and perhaps Calabria (where the Cafferys were first found) to the Salyes Ligures and Modane, the latter being uphill from the land (Vienne) of Herod Archelaus, whose Archelaus wife (Glaphyra, may have been the reason for "Clovis") was from a Syrian cult which had marital links with the other Syrian cult of interest, that of El-Gabal. One of my suspicions was that Caiaphas was related to the early operators of the El-Gabal cult, and while it came to be controlled by an imperial Bassianus surname, I now find that Epicaria is off the same river (almost, anyway) as a Bassania location, and that the location to the immediate east of Epicaria is GABULcus/Gabuleum (Illyrian map). Amazing. THURINgia can now trace with Basina (some of her family members had the same / similar name) to Dorians on the river of the Cavii.

Gabuleum is at the source of the Drilon river, and at a lake LYCHNidus. Where have we seen a similar term? Ah, yes, lake Lychnis, otherwise called lake Sevan.

Lychnidus is near the Deuriopes region now known as FACT to trace to the namers of Durham. Doesn't it suggest that "Drilon" is a Dor term?

To help prove that Lychnidus should trace to Sevan, the Lissus location is at the mouth of the Drilon (modern Drin), and that place is suspect with the Lazi Caucasians that linked well with a Kutaisi > Cotesii line, suspect from the namers of Soducena at Sevan. Plus, we even see a Gog-like term involved with this river, but that is not all, for there is a Has location involved: "From Kukes, the Drin flows through northern Albania, first flowing through the Has area to the north...After Vau i Dejes, the longer branch continues to the south, passing through...Lezhe and Medes. South of Lezhe [= Lissus] it...finally reaches the Adriatic." "Lezhe" sure helps to connect to the Lazi, especially as neighboring Medes can go to mythical Medea at Kutaisi! Both she and Lazi (real peoples) were taken from Colchis by Jason and his Argonauts.

But what of that Has location??? Was it home to proto-Hasmoneans? There is no link to a Has article.

The idea coming forcefully to mind is that Ligurians are from the Lychnidus term, for the swan entity is typically of Ligurians. This is to say that Ligurians can trace to "Lychnis" itself. If EpiCARIA traces to Caria, this Lych entity should also be of the Lycians. To show again that the swan-liner Salyes Ligures are in play, the Bessins, suspect from Bassania, very near Lissus, use the same-colored bend as Sale's. King Childeric was traced to the Salyes, and he married Basina. It works.

The Nicia location shown to the near south-east of lake Lychnidus can go to Nice on the Ligurian coast. Nice elements were traced to the mythical Nike elements of Dionysus (a cult on the Maeander). Dionysus was a wine entity tracing with Oeneus to the Mitanni, and as the Washingtons trace to the Mitanni capital, it's not likely coincidental that the Nice/Ness Coat (branch of Ness'/NESTS) is the Washington Shield, or that Oeneus was at Methoni, beside mythical Nestor's Pylos location. In the Illyrium map, there is an Oeneum location off the unmarked Mathis river...the river (modern Mat) now suspect with Maeander elements. In fact, as Rhadamanthys is now suspect at the Mathis, its SARPEDon-suspect that Oeneum is on an ARBATus tributary of the Mathis! It's evoking the Harpasus line to Caiaphas, and it's smack in the Cavii theater.

It can't be coincidental that, yet closer to lake Lychnidus than Nicia, there is what looks like a "Brigios" location, trace-able to Brigantium on the river of the Salyes...about 20-25 miles from Modane, and 15 miles, as the swan flies, from Guillestre. The culmination of nearly a decade of roughly full-time (and unpaid) work has come to this, on the verge of finding Caiaphas' grandfather, or great-grandfather, Julius Caesar.

"Cavii" might even have named "GABuleum." The last time I jotted down a possible origin of the surname of Julius Bassianus (about 200 AD), it was at Cibalae (Gabuleum-like term). I now find that the Drin river passes the sources of the Drinus river that itself has a mouth at the Sava, opposite Cibalae. It suggests a natural migration along the rivers. The Sibals, remember, share the moline cross...with Mathis' and Chives, the latter now tracing as hard as Caiaphas' skull to the Cavii at the mouth area of the Drin. This may suggest that the Cavii were the namers of "Sava," capable of explaining why Sawyer-related Seagers use the Sibal moline.

To put it another way, Seagers and the ilk are either Caiaphas liners, or from the same stock that produced Caiaphas (but not a line to Caiaphas). Regardless, Seagers and related Segni's link to Segans/Sagans, right? Yes, and the latter share the Julian salamander. The salamander must be code for Salyes Ligures (or Lycian-Maeonians) from the Mathis-river theater. As there was seen a Sale location smack at the region of the swan-liner Kikones, the Kukes area on the Drilon is coming to mind. In this picture, mythical Cycnus/Cygnus of Liguria was from Kukes or the namers thereof.

It may indicate that the Caiaphas line had first to go through the Sava theater before reaching Julius Caesar. To put it another way, Julius may have been from a branch of the Cavii. However, a trace through the Sava to the birth of Caiaphas seems contradictory toward a trace of proto-Caiaphas to Numidians. On the other hand, I did see interplay between the Maezaei on the Sava and the Massena Numidians, the whole of which ties proto-Caiaphas to proto-Maccabees.

Kukes is where the Drin begins to curve around the region of the Cavii. Kukes (makes for Cock-like surnames) is smack at Gabuleum. it just so happens that Kooks/Cocks share the red-and-white lozenges of Grimaldi's, first found in Liguria. But Grimaldi's operated out of MONaco and Genova, the latter being where Segni's/Segurana's were first found. The Koppels use the rooster too, and I traced them to "Goplo" long before finding Kukes at Gabuleum at this time. LOZENges are code for the Lazona location of the Lazi, I suspect, trace-able now to Lissus / Lezhe.

It truly appears that mythical Cygnus was related to El-Gabal, and as the latter used a black-stone deity (unexpected symbol for a sun god), perhaps stone-like STHENelus, Cygnus' father, may apply. I traced his name to Sithones > Sitones...Sadducee suspects through Sion/Sitten. (I had not yet spotted a Seaton-like location at lake Lychnidus while writing here.)

Julius Bassianus had worked at Dalmatia, an Illyrian-coastal location where Laus (Ragusa) was located. He was placed in charge there by emperor Caracalla, himself the son of Julius' daughter.

If the Cavii named "Sava," then perhaps "Cavii" is itself from "Sevan." That would easily explain a "Sadducee" trace to Soducena. The modern name of the land where the Cavii lived is, according to my atlas, "Puke." I thought you'd like that. As Lissus is "Lesh" today, the Lesh surname may apply, first found in the same place (Stirlingshire) as the Chappes'/Chaips. I thought you'd like that. That was written (I kid you not) before seeing the Lesh Coat: SWANS!!! The surname is also Leechman, Leesman, Leyman, Leighchman, Leisman, all of which, with their expected branches, may apply to Caiaphas liners at the Chappes' / Lys' of Paris. The Lesh Crest is a pelican! The Masons knew/know of their trace to this Caiaphas body of surnames, don't they? Heraldry is informing us of their knowledge.

Leech's/Leetch's are the one's using the Save snake in green, no doubt the Seager snake, as well as the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Shepherds and Mens', the latter probably linking to the "Industriae manus" motto of Lesh's/LeechMANS. Lydo-Maeonians, right?

Do you think of the Pek river and Cuppae when you see the Cavii in a land now called, Puke? This is one excellent way to get the Cotesii on the Danube, expected at Cuppae, down to the Cavii. I've been working on Pek liners for long enough to recall that Packers/Peckers use lozenges in the colors of the Kuke/Cock and Grimaldi lozenges! Pike's/Pickins are the ones sharing the Lett saltire. The particular Moor-head design used by Chappes' has not been come across ever since I started seeking it, but it's just been seen in the Packer/Pecker Crest.

Surprise Freemasons. Caiaphas is your father and your god so long as you remain loyal to Freemasonry. In the interests of your soul, your life, and your happiness, may I suggest you distance yourself from that cult, and apply faith / loyalty in Jesus instead. Which of the two do you think can save you better from what may befall you in life? Anything touching upon Freemasonry will be roasted at the Appointed Time. You don't want to be burned.

It's more obvious now that Cockers/Cockets are using a version of the Sale Coat. Don't miss the pheon, and the Paeoni significance expected of it, in the Sale Crest.

The Drin passes to about five miles from lake Scutari, if that helps to explain why Scute's and similar others were linking to Sadducees. As Siward of Northumberland was discovered to be a Shute and Scute liner, it's notable that Northumberland is immediately north of Durham. He was a Heslington entity that got me going on Has-possible hunts, and here I find a Has entity on the river of the Cavii. "Hesdin" then became suspect, and that place can trace to Has on the Drin by way of the Lomley-of-Durham trace there. It was the family of the first High Steward of Scotland (married to a Lumley liner) who had immediate ancestry from Hesdin. The Has region is at the northern-most part of the Drin, and can thus be pegged at Puke. Has is 30-35 miles from a Pec location in Kosovo, land of Garebite-rooted Serbs. "Kosovo" is like "Kucevo," the latter a location on the Pek river, and a term that could reveal Kosovo's origins in a Kuk-like peoples. Kukes is within 10 miles of the Kosovo border.

As Siward's ancestry was noted as part of the founders of Scots proper from Skits, Scheds, etc., as they linked to the Guerra bloodline, it's now obvious that Scots proper trace to lake Scutari and Scodra. It's all coming together here in the Adriatic. The Drin is in Albania, and so the Alba name of proto-Scotland is suspect from that place. But these Caiaphas liners are expected at Montferrat, wherefore the Alba location at Montferrat must be from Albanians, even as neighboring Asti is trace-able to Paeonians. Probably, Paeonians were in Albania. Italian Alba's even use another swan.

German Alba's use a giant fleur-de-lys (now tracing to Lissus) on a split Shield in the colors of the same of Sion and Wallis. It tends to trace "Lissus" to the Lys valley of Aosta. The Alba fleur is half in the colors of the Lys/Lisse fleur-de-lys.

I have the problem of explaining how the Lys/Lisse surname originated after 200 AD, a claim I made in regards to it's formation from Caracalla. However, I did trace his name to "Saraca," at Laus/Ragusa, and "Laus" was pegged (years ago) with little doubt in the naming of the fleur-de-lys. Apparently, Lissus elements named Laus.

The Sorbs of Lusatia founded the Serbs, wherefore Lusatia should trace to Lissus/LEZHe, for this is where Guerin of Provence is tracing, and he was discovered to be a very good candidate for the Vere-Melusine entity that traces both to LUSIGnan and to LUZICa=Lusatia. Guerin was found to be involved with the formation of first Scots, from MacAlpin, in a way that historians have not revealed to us. The reasoning is in an update of not many weeks ago.

See how Guerrins/Garins use the pierced Payen stars. At the page below, a Spanish Garin Coat shows three crossed arrows, important because it was the Arc symbol, and yet the Arc family changed its name to "Lys." In the first update of this month, a fleur-de-lys and the three crosses arrows were found in the Falt/Faul surname, first found in Staffordshire, a place that's tracing wholestock to the Paeoni location of Stobi. Again, Stobi is on the Erigon river, where Arcs and Archie's are expected to trace now more than "ever" (since from days ago).

Do you think "Gabul(eum)" could trace to "Cuppae"? Could the peoples of Cuppae have become the Cupili, or something like that, and then the Capelli's, first found near Copparo? There's a moline cross and some cups in the Kupe/Koop Coat (Cooper colors). Here's the German Gobels using three fish that I see as the makings of the fleur-de-lys, explaining the fleur-de-lys in the Gobel Crest.

Munching on Dare Kukies for a Light Snake

Looking for Drilon-like surnames, I came to Darrels/Doralls, said to be from an Airel location in Manche. While this surname may not trace to "Drilon" in particular if their original term was "Airel," the Moor head in Crest and the Ferrari-potential lion in the Coat, in colors reversed to the Massin/Mason lion, could suggest Chappes liners to Vere's / Masseys of Manche. I may not have mentioned this if not for the Aurel-like look to the location, for Julius Caesar's father "was married to Aurelia Cotta, a member of the Aurelii and Rutilii families." Suddenly, the Darrel surname is of chief importance. Keep an eye out for Roets in the Darrel picture, as Roets (originate beside Artois) may be from the Rutuli at Ardea.

German Dare's/Derrs/Dehrens were first found in the same place, Rhineland (home of Germany's "Ashkenazi Jews"), as Hohen-related Manch's/Munnichs. Hohens, as well as Ashkenazi Jews, are suspect from Khazars. Somehow, Khazars were from the Caesar-Caiaphas line, according to Heraldic clues.

And so we find Dare's using the gold-on-blue garbs (Cheshire symbol) shared by Josephs, but owned by Meschins and consequently by Masseys. The two blue bars of Manch's/Munnichs could be those of Stobbys, and, if so, can bring the topic to Paeonians. Two blue bars are used also by Maness'/Manners/Mesnier's, whom I traced with Mens' to Maeonians, thus making Manch's trace-able to the Manes-based namers of the Mathis river. The purple Stobby lions became suspect with the Scopi location near Stobi, and therefore with Skiptons...who merged with Meschins.

This is reminding me of Mad Dog Mattis, otherwise dubbed, "Warrior MONK," the chief of U.S. Central Command until recently. His surname is Mattis. He was replaced by a Black man by Obama, a very ominous sign that Obama is working right now to alter the U.S. military as he sees fit, with no obstructions from his Black puppet. The Manch's/Munnichs are said to be from "monk," but that's bull plop. Trace instead to the Monk surname.

The swan design of Italian Alba's is one I've seen rarely, but it's in use in the Lite/Light Coat, and the three swans there are in the colors of the three Lesh/Leechman swans, suggesting rather strongly that Lite's/Lights trace to Lissus/Lesh! It just so happens that Lite's/Light use the same chevron-and-symbol format (colors included) as Monks.

There are Leit- and Leet-using variations of Leech's (share the crown with Darrels), in the same colors, and using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Mens'. It's the Ayers that use the motto, "Lighter than AIR," that appears solidly as code for, not just for the Ayers/Eyers, but for the AIRel location of Darrels. Lesh's are the ones first found in the same place as Chappes/Chaips, using the "EARS of wheat," and tracing to Stobi elements. Therefore, I think it's safe to say that Stobi Paeonians had merged with Chappes liners in the Cavii realm long before Hugh de Payens married a Chappes.

If you're even half convinced that Monks and Manch's trace to Maeonians expected off and the Mathis river, recall the trace of Grimaldi's and Cocks/Kooks to Kukes, for Grimaldi's were at MONACo. Kukes is so close to Has that the Monaco entity becomes suspect with HasMONeans. That is a very good picture for explaining "Hasmonean" as a compound entity.

As Grimaldi's and Segni's were both first found in Genoa, by what coincidence does the Monaco Coat use flames, a symbol of the Segans/Sagans? If it's therefore correct to trace Monaco's to the Cottius-Julian line, the white-on-blue Zionist stars of Monaco's should be those of Goths (Cotta/Cottez suspects, kin of Modens). The gold roses of Monaco's could be those of Dine's/Dinauts, first found in the same place (Bourbonnais) as Cottus'! The Dine's/Dinauts (moline cross) had been introduced from the laughable but welcome "dining hall" phrase in the Sale write-up...and so let it be reminded that Cockers/Cockets are likely using a version of the Sale Coat.

As it was reasoned that elements in Has / Kukes / Puke zone came from the Pek river, let's also repeat that the Cottus' are using a version of the Pike Coat. The Cotesii Thracians are therefore expected with Maeonians at the Has theater of the Drilon, and they are expected there with the Medea > Maedi line to the namers of Modane and Modi'in. That's how this hunt is panning out. As Modi-in elements are, however, tracing to the Mathis river rather than to the Puke area of the Drilon, by what coincidence was the patriarch of Hasmoneans, at Modi-in, named Matthew or "Mattathias"?

Moreover, his son was Jonathan, a term that could stem from Oeneum at the mouth of a Mathis-river tributary. Here's on how little is known of Hasmonean history prior to Mattathias:

The family name of the Hasmonean dynasty originates with the ancestor of the house, Asamoneus or Asmoneus (see Josephus Flavius), who is said to have been the great-grandfather of Mattathias, but about whom nothing more is known. An alternative view posits that the Hebrew, Hashmona'i, is linked with the village of Heshbon, mentioned in Joshua 15:27.

I'll assume that they haven't got a clue as to what "Asmon" traces to, and that Heshbon is shot-in-the-dark incorrect. There's not even any solid evidence, apparently, that Asmoneus was a great-grandfather of Mattathias. The latter enters Israeli history at about 170 BC, no earlier. Asmoneus, if he was real, and if he was in Israel, would take Hasmoneans back to about 225-250 BC. The Maccabaeus name enters the Hasmonean family at that time, and is said to mean, "hammer," but perhaps there was some play-on-words involved to cover the origins.

The only Hasmoneans that I think heraldry is concerned with, after 70 AD and into Masonic times, is the Jonathan-Maccabee merger with Alexander Balas (Seleucid king). I traced them as the Morte/Mott surname to the Ferte-Mace area, and then to Mortons at Wiltshire, where the Asman surname was first found. Asmans are using, possibly and likely, the Sale bend-with-fleur, but in the colors of the Massey and Lys fleur, which for me traces Asmans to the Lissus entity smack beside the mouth of the Mathis river.

I didn't know until now that the goat head, with gold horns, in the Dyre Crest is that of the Wiltshire Mortons. If correct to trace Dyre's to Dorians at the Illyrian coast, its adds to the weight of evidence tracking Maccabees to the Mathis river.

Aha! Knowing that Stirlings use buckles, the symbol of the Cheshire Mortons, I've just loaded and noted that the Stirling Moor-head design is that of the French Chappes, assuring that Stirlings were kin to the Scottish Chappes'/Chaips. The other surname using the Chappes Moor-head design was the Darrels, from Manche (i.e. home of Masseys/Maceys). I think this is solid material. I think we now know the how-and-where of Hasmonean origins outside Israel. There's more to know, but this is an outline. The Stirlings, lest you've forgotten, are a branch of Stubbs / Stubbings from the Stobi Paeonians, and the STURling variation suggests the Sturs, first found in Manche.

One can ascertain in the goats here that Satrae Thracians are involved, and then "Maedi," suspect in the naming of Modi'in, is marked upon the Strymon river to the near-east of Stobi. Wiltshire, where I traced Alexander-related Morte's/MOTTs, is no more than about 50 miles from MonMOUTH, and it the Monmouths who use the Maid/Maud Coat. The Alexanders are the one's using a "terras" motto code for Dyre / Dryer / Tyre liners.

For those who don't know, Jonathans share the rooster with the Cheshire Mortons. Roosters are now suspect, perhaps earlier than any other surnames, with the Kooks/Cocks. Sinclairs came to use the rooster, and the engrailed Sinclair cross is used by Keirs, important as per Stirlings of Keir.

The Hasmonean article has a coin from Alexander Jannaeus, a Maccabee king of Judea during the years of Julius Caesar's youth. Jannaeus is of course suspect with the Jonathan-Seleucid merger, and the so-called "Seleucid anchor" (Wikipedia's phrase in the Jannaeus article) on one side of the coin proves it. The other side is an eight-spoked wheel, which should be expected in use by some surnames. The Catherine wheel has eight spokes. The article says that the wheel is a possible version of a "Macedonian star" used by an Argos line of Macedonians...until about the time of Seleucus I, ancestor of the Maccabee Seleucids. Didn't the Argos ship trace to the Maedi in Macedonia?

Scotts use the Catherine wheel, and to help prove that they trace to lake Scodra, to the near-north of the Cavii, I've got to repeat that I understood the fleur-de-lys to be secretly one central straight fish, and two curved fish on either side. It was only after realizing this idea, as per the Laus location of fish-using Saraca's, that I found the curved fish of Bars, as used, for example, in the Arms of Bar-le-Duc. The Bar fish are in the white-on-blue colors of the Saraca fish. I traced that curved fish to Bar, but didn't know anything at the time of lake Scodra, nor did I know that curved, white-on-blue fish are in the Chilham Coat. I've just loaded Chilhams now because the Scotts are said to descend from "ALEXANDER, a younger brother of JOHN de Baliol, king of Scotland, who had settled at Chilham Castle."

That seems monumental, especially as "Baliol" could, perhaps, be from "Balas."

I'm still waiting to find whether CHIL entities trace to "Cilnius," important where Baliols are Maccabee liners. I'm still waiting to clinch Cilnius' as the foundations of Maccabees. And here we are,

Just found:

Some other coins of Jannaeus are the lily/anchor prutah, with an anchor and a diadem on one side with Greek around, meaning "King Alexander", and on the reverse is a lily with ancient Hebrew around meaning "The king Yehonatan", the palm/lily prutah with a palm branch on the obverse with ancient Hebrew around meaning "The king Yehonatan" in a border of dots and a circle or square on the top, and a lily on the other side.

When the fish of the Bar area turned into the fleur-de-lys, it was made a LILY!!! Can you believe it? The Merovingians were Maccabee liners, yes. However, I traced the Lys entity first to Caracalla, though that "nickname" was traced to "Saraca"! It suggests that Merovingians were Caracalla liners, explained wherein CHILderic, suspect in the CHILham location, married Basina (i.e. Caracalla's Bassianus bloodline). This Maccabee lily is a monumental find, coming just at the right time for a Maccabee trace to the Bar theater! I've never known before that the Scotts trace to Maccabees, at least not so fundamentally. There are a wealth of new clues here.

Scotts use versions of both Talbot Coats, and Talbots were identified with bee-using Talls/Thalls using a bend-with-symbols in the colors of same of Talbots and Scotts. The Tailers were lumped into the Talbot fold because Ranulf le Meschin married a TAILeBOIS," which term was suspect with "MaccaBAEUS." But I do not recall telling that Tailers share a black pale bar, with three white symbols, with Russian Alexanders!!! It tends to clinch a trace of the Catherine wheel to Jannaeus Maccabee, especially as Tailers (Levi lions in colors reversed) were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Roets!!!

Scottish Tailors were first found in the same place (Kent) as one branch of Scotts. Scottish Alexanders, in Bessin/Beaston and Biston colors, share the erect sword with Bessins/Beastons, Bistons, and Bessins. These surnames are now all clinched as Maccabee liners, whereas they were previously in the suspect category.

According to my calculation in an atlas, Lissus is no more than ten miles from Bassania. The reason that Caracalla is a Maccabee liner should have to do with his mother, a sister of Julia Maesa, suspect with the surname of Cilnius Maecenas, the surname that I suppose (with heraldic evidence) founded Maccabees.

The river flowing past the southern side of lake Scodra is marked, "Clausula," and then the Claus Coat shares an upright red-on-gold lion with the Leys/Lee's/Lighs. Ranulf le Meschin supposedly uses this lion too, and it's the royal lion of Scotland. Habsburgs, the surname, use it too. To help prove that Leys/Lee's/Lighs trace to Leicester's Legro river, Claws/Claysons/Clasons were first found in Leicestershire. This, along with the swan of the Leicester/Leycester surname, tends to verify that Ligurians came from the Drilon theater's lake Lychnidus.

As Leicesters use "Pro rege" (suspect with the grandmother Julius Caesar, I may as well add that Chilhams are in Leicester colors, and first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians. Actually, it's more important that I realized when starting this paragraph, for Scotts came to live at Chilham, and Scotts traced to Scodra, the lake passed by the Clausula river! That tends to clinch the Scot trace to that lake, all the better, but there is yet the other point that I wasn't willing to make above: "Claus" and similar terms, such as "Class/Klass / Glass," could be the makings of "Guillestre," where Julians are from.

While Childeric named his son, CHLODEwig, Clauds use a chevron in the colors of the Chilham chevron. The Chilham fish are in the colors of the McLeod/CLOUD Coat. It's a little interesting that while McLeods use "flags," the Class/Klass Coat now shows "LADY Fortune" with a "banner," though, in the past, she had a so-called "blanket." It just so happens that the ermined-white on red cinquefoil in the Arms of Leicester is used by Blanks. Dutch Blanks use hammers, now understood.

French Blanks/BlanCOTs/Blanquets ("Sans" motto term) use a chevron in the colors of the Claus and Claud chevron, but with three white symbols surrounding it, same as Claus'. We definitely have a proto-Merovingian trace to Scodra and Clausula, perhaps 15-20 miles from Bassania. See Illyrium map:

The Wikipedia article on the coins of Jannaeus doesn't tell of the wheel. It mentions an " "8-pointed star in a diadem," and a "double cornucopiae meeting at base, pomegranate between, ribbons around." In case the wheel disappears from Wikipedia, access it here:

In this case, cornucopia are not to be considered as code for a Caepio line.

I'm having trouble finding surnames like "Drin/Drilon," but here's a Darrin surname using a red version of the Dorn/Dawn bend tracing, likely, to the bend of the counts of Blois. Dorns had been looked up as per the Durnium version of Epicaria, but, looking at it now, that seems to be named after the same as "Drin." One can imagine a "Durin" term applying, wherefore "Darrin" qualifies. The surname is also "Araines," as if that term was the original, with the Frankicized capital 'D' coming later, but I'm not convinced of this. It can work the other way around, losing it's 'D' because someone thinks it was added in the first place. The surname is said to be from an Arraynis location. Darwins/Derwents use roughly the same bend with bendlets, but are not said to be from a D-less term. Imagine Charles Darwin, a Caiaphas liner whose purpose was to destroy Christianity. Not far-fetched at all.

The Trents and Tarans/Tarents (who come up as "Tarin") may apply to these Dorian suspects, especially as the latter surname, in Darrin / Darwin colors, was first found in Durham. Suddenly, we have cause to link Tarun elements at Lake Van to Dor in Israel and to the Dorus Greeks. It's the same as claiming an Armenian foundation for Greeks. A Tarun link to Dorians is a new concept for me, but as Tarun elements seem to be in general play throughout my varied topics, it makes sense that they should figure large in Greek-ology.

Trains/Trane's were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Darrins, and the Train/Trane lion is also the Ley/Ligh/Leigh (i.e. traces to the Clausula / Lissus area), a surname easily connecting with some of the Lesh variations. Actually, Trains/Trans were first found in both Northumberland and DURham!

It may be indicating that the Nairi (of Lake Van, and proto-Pan himself) were at the Dor / Megiddo theater. If I follow my logic on the Essenes migration out to Crete and into Ephesus, it expects proto-Pan there, and indeed PANdareus was made a ruler of Ephesus.

ZOWWWIE, I didn't realize until writing to this point, that Trains/Trane's are said to have been associated with "Percie's, earls of Northumberland, and the Royal Balliol family". It was the Scott surname, tracing with little doubt to Scodra and Clausula, who are said to descend from "ALEXANDER, a younger brother of JOHN de Baliol, king of Scotland, who had settled at Chilham Castle." I have been linking the Tarents Coat to the Chill/Child Coat for weeks (because they are identical, though in colors reversed)!!!

As Hebrons, said to have lived in CHILLingham, use the same format as Chills/Childs and Tarents, it supports an old trace of Lake Van to Hebron's Boscath area (to the formation of proto-Cadmus). I can then add that Dutch Bos'/Bush's/Boschs, who were traced to Bar (!!!), use the Ley/Ligh lion too! They were traced to Bar because Bushs'/Boschs and Boschs share the white-on-blue fleur-de-lys, and that's all the two use. That fleur was the white-on-blue fish of the Saraca's that links to the same of Bars, and here we find Hebron elements, along with Chill-related Tarans/Tarents, tracing smack to Scodra, the very location of Bar! INCREDIBLE COINCIDENCE or (BOOM) JUST PLAIN FACT.

The Percie's spoken of beside "Balliol" suggests that Baliol's were Bellamy's of Perche. I have not known anything of Baliol's until reading on it just now, and so LOOK AT WIKIPEDIA'S FIRST SENTENCE: "Alexander de Baliol (fl. 1246?-1309?), was lord of CAVERS and Chamberlain of Scotland." It goes on: "Alexander de Baliol the Scottish chamberlain appears as Dominus de Cavers in the Scottish records in 1270." How do you call it when you go twice the speed of what it takes to bang through the Coincidence Barrier? Cavers' (axe in Crest) are listed with Cove's, said to be from a Cove Suffolk, where Blois' were first found.

IT JUST SO HAPPENS that Cavers/Cove's are using what looks like the Darwin bend and thick bendlets in colors reversed!!! Note the camel in the Darwin Crest, what I trace to Nahorites (i.e. the Doris-branch Dorians), for the Nairi are suspect as Nahorites. The arm in the Cavers/Cove Crest is said to be "embowed," and then the Bowed/Bowd surname was likewise first found in DORSet!!

Bowds thus speak of the Boyds who trace with ZERO doubt to the Neuri-related Budini!!! We are now nearing warp speed through a time tunnel, and perhaps Nahor himself will appear to tell us how it all happened. An embowed arm with sword is used by Jewish Netters, which may have to do with Bowds at NETHERbury of Dorset.

Aha! The gold Bowd bendlets are said to be "COTISed gold", and for that matter it turns out that the Darwin bendlets are "COTISed green." I kid thee not. I failed to see this term when on the Darwin mention earlier.

As Cotis' are listed with Curtis'/Cortes', it may reveal that they and same-colored Courts are Cotta liners.

On the first-known Balliol: "Guy himself originated in a frontier area, coming from Bailleul-en-Vimeu close to Abbeville..." Abbeville (ancient "Abbatis"), which may or may not link to the Maccabee-suspect MacAbee's, is on the Somme river, where Bassianus elements may have been that originate at Bassania, a few miles from Lissus that itself formed the Lys river not very far from the Somme. The source of the Lys is about 30-35 miles north of Abbeville. "Somme" traced excellently to "Sohaemus, an El-Gabal priest who married a line of the Numidian Massina's, expected in Julia Bassianus Maesa. The fleur-de-lys in the Massey/Macey Coat attest to this Lys link to Julia Maesa, but them Maceys are Maccabee suspects with some high certainty.

As Balliols are looking like Bellamys (who merged with Maceys at Ferte-Mace), recall that the Vim surname was listed with the Mackey sept of Bains'/Vains/VANs (another red-on-gold lion), it can suggest a Vim trace to Bailleul-en-VIMeu. Bains/Vains use the MacDonald ship, and MacDonalds use the Ferte eagle, but Alexanders, first found in KinTYRE, smack beside Arran, where MacAbee's were first found, share the same motto with MacDonalds.

Entering "Abbe," however, gets an Abey surname, from an Abbey location in Angus. It's in Angus / Annas colors, and uses the Happs/Apps/Abbs Coat in a slightly different version. These Coats share three white-on-red scallops with the Capes'. The Habsburgs share that red-on-gold lion too, and the fesse drawn with lozenges in the Abbe Coat is in the colors of the fesse that is the Arms of Austria, a symbol used by Habsburgs too.

"The House of Balliol (de Balliol) was a Picard and Anglo-Norman family who began to rule some estates in England in the reign of William Rufus." It stands to reason that the French Guy surname, first found in Picardy, is after this man. This Guy Coat shares black-on-white buckles with the Wiltshire Mortons, which helps to nail down the Abbeville location as part of a Maccabee line. It all depends on how early the Romans called it, Abbatis. If it was after 70 AD, I would consider the possibility. Gays, first found in Savoy, location of Modane, use a rooster, the Jonathan / Morton symbol. The Guy buckles. keep in mind, can link to the same of Chappes-related Stirlings.

If you don't mind, I'll take a moment on tracing Stirlings to the Stura valley in Cuneo by another method that is applicable to MacAbee's. The Stirling/STURling Coat looks to be using the Sale bend in the colors of the same of Cheneys, and I think the latter surname is after the namers of Cuneo. These bends with three gold symbols is used also by SALEmans. We then go to the salmon symbol of Salmons, using their salmon in the colors of the Saleman eagles, and from there we go to the salmon of MacAbee's (it's expected that Maccabee liners link to Salyes Ligures).

The red Train/Trane lion is likely the Stewart lion, because Trains are said to be "lords of Streatlam, Stewards of Richmondshire." Richmond was given to Alan the Red/Rufus of Brittany. The Streats/Streets (Stur elements such as Stubb-related Stirlings?) can now be revealed by their Catherine wheels as Balas-Maccabee liners. Streats were first found in the same place (Devon) as lion-using Stewarts, smack beside where Roets were first found who trace to the same Picardy area as Abbeville. The Stobi-suspect Staple's, from the Abbeville theater too, were likewise first found in Devon. Was Alan the Red more like Alan the Roet?

Was this Alan-Rufus line the same as William Rufus (son of the Conqueror) in the Balliol quote above? William Rufus traces by his mother (Herleva of Falaise) to Cuneo's Tanaro river, right? And we just saw why Abbeville might trace to Cuneo too.

The crown out of which the Staple lion emerges looks like the rare crown showing in the German Bessen Coat. Both arms in the Bessen Coat are bent and may therefore be "embowed" for a Bowd reason. I routinely link the Bessen arms to the Mieske arm, and so note that Mieske's share a black bull with Bowds (not to mention with Pollock-suspect Pohls).

Lest you've forgotten, it was the Darwin-related Cavers/Cove surname that got us on the embowed entity. The Cavii Dorians to Caiaphas, right, who gave the world the God-murdering theory of evolution, right? I've been identifying Stewarts as Nahorites for several years, and here it's starting to appear that Dorians were part of the Nairi Armenians. These Lake Van elements founded the red phoenix, in my opinion, and thus go to the Phoenician > Paeoni line to the original theater of Dorians. The red eagles in the Taran/Tarent Coat are likely code for the phoenix, and thus Darwins (red bend) should be viewed as a Phoenician line to the Dorians.

The cotised bendlets of both Darwins and Cavers/Cove's strongly suggests a Cavii trace to the Cottius family. It would not have been strongly suggestive if not for the Cavers surname, but there was all that Balliol evidence on top of this. It again points to a Caiaphas link to the Cottius family, suggesting again and again that Caiaphas was a descendant of Julius Caesar with his mistress, Servilia Caepio(nis). As I identified Cottius' father with the dancette a few updates ago, but what coincidence do I find a dancette, only now, in the Cotis/Curtis Coat?

The Balliol Coat (erect swords, symbol of Bessens, Bistons) may therefore be using the gold-on-black bend of the Capone's, first found in the same place as Julians. How about that.

Balliols were early, "BAILLeul." Then, Bails/Baille's share the same-colored roses in their Chief as per the Caesar Chief. How about that. It could be the Seleucid link to the Roman dragon line, important because Daniel prophecy traced the anti-Christ to both that Roman dragon and the Seleucids. Let's not forget the Capote/Chapus/Shaput Chief.

Entering "Balas" gets the Bailiss'/Bailiffs, in Bail-of-Provence colors. Of interest here is that the Balas/Bail cross looks like a version of the Winchester cross while Balliols are said to have owned the fief of VINoy. The Wins / Vins are suspect with "Quintus" Caepio because a Quincy surname ruled Winchester. The Balas ermine spots give away their linkage to the Balls/Balards, first found in Brittany.

The other Bails were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Grands, and so lets add that the Grand Coat has three bends in colors reversed from the Guerra bends, for one Bail surname was first found in the same place (Provence) as Guerin de Provence.

The crown design in the Cotis/Cortis Coat is the one showing in the Spanish Capet Coat and French Martel Coats, and then the Joseph martlet is expected to be for the Martel line, a line meaning "hammer, " same as "Maccabee" came to be known for. Note that English Capets gets the Capes, kin of the Balliol-related Abbe's.

Somewhere in this update there was a surname using the same hunting horn (different colors), in the same positioning, as French Courts. Perhaps you know, but I've forgotten that surname. I recall Grants/Grands showing the crown design used by Cotis'/Curtis', and then the English Courts (kin to Knights") use a "GRANDescunt" motto term. Grants now use the MacArthur / Mathie/Maken/Mann crown. Mathis-river peoples may apply here.

French Grands were from a Lagrand location in the same place (Hautes Alpes) as Guillestre and Briancon. French Brians were first found in Brittany, as is the case with Cours/Courts. Therefore, Cours are also suspect as Cotesii / Cottius liners. Recalling that Cockers/Cockets can trace to Kukes (ancient location of Gabuleum), it's interesting that "Coer" gets the Cockers/Cockets, especially as Cours/Courts use besants, a symbol tracing back to El-Gabal rulers.

Back to the Trains/Trane's, "lords of Streatlam, Stewards of Richmondshire." Alan Rufus (I don't know how or whether he was kin to Alans of Dol) was from rulers of Penthievre (Brittany) that birthed Joan Penthievre, who transferred the Penthievre titles (in 1337, before Joan of Arc) to her husband, Charles de Chatillon, count of Blois. Perhaps Ms. Pollock would like to look into whether Alan Rufus was linked to Dol. The article mentions a "Breton House of Dreux," perhaps Dorian / Tarun liners suspect now in the Trane's.

"Trans" bring up the Trents (suspect with the Arms of Wallis), first found in the same place (Somerset) as Roets. The Tran/Trent Coat uses crossed swords (as do Winchesters), perhaps a version of the crossed arrows of the Arcs. Walsh's, who had linked earlier to Stobi, and who definitely link to Wallis, use a "TRANSfixus" motto term, as well as a motto term honoring Mortons, first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Streat-suspect Strattons (rising eagle, a phoenix theme). The latter use a motto term suggesting the Reesors', who are listed with the raven-using Rhys', perhaps kin of Rye's/Ryse's honored by Stirling-related Chappes'/Chaips.

Where have we seen the horizontal blue-and-white bars of Strattons? Oh, yes, in the Chavo/Cavitt Coat!!! The latter was first found in Picardy! Similar and related bars were pointed out in the Terre Coat (Somerset), and here we are on the Trane's.

Dreux' use a lion in the colors of the Stewart lion, and perhaps "Dreux / Drake" can be considered for "DYRRACHium." Wears are tracing to Deuriopes elements, after all, and Stewarts with Vere's together have traced to Nahorites, suspect in the mythical Nereids at the Neretva river.

This is interesting because the Varni with Nerthus are mentioned in about 90-95 AD, and so the Nereids, probably with Doris elements, had already moved to the Rostock theater by that time. I think we can bank on the Doris elements naming the Durance river en route to the far north, but also being a part of the Cotta line to Caiaphas. This recalls the Cavaillon location at the lower Durance, suggesting that they were from the Cavii, for indeed Cavaillon liners were traced confidently to Sheaves/Chiapponi's (kin of Chavo's/Cavetts/Schavo's), while the latter were afterward found to be a branch of Chives/Shives now known to be from the Cavii. I have never stressed the Chives'/Shives' for lack of knowing their chief importance until very recently.

I don't know Celtic so I can't argue for or against on Wikipedia saying that "dour" means water to Celts. There are supposedly 999 different words for "water" that historians have created for themselves. No one's going to be lacking creativity to the point of naming a river, Water. Hey look, honey, there's a river, let's call it, Water. But that's what we are to believe about the naming of the Durance...which was called, Druentia, at the time of the mention of the Varni by Tacitus. As I said, the Salyes on the Durance were from the Salto river, beside the Turano river, way over in Abruzzo, suggesting that the namers of both rivers were of identical stock.

Wikipedia then says that the Dora river in Italy is likewise named after "water." Clicking on the Dora link, it takes us to the Dora Riparia, a river from the Cottian Alps. Another river prefixed with "Dora" is the Baldea / Bautica. But is the term really named after "water." Both of these rivers flow to Dora-like Turin, which city is like "Turano." Is Turin named after water too? There are a slew of rivers in this Alpine area said to be named "dora," but what did the term really derive in? "Dora" is not the Italian word for "river," so far as a quick online look tells. Perhaps it was a term used by the Gauls of the Alps to honor their Dorian past.

The Greeks called the Durance, "drouentios," for one, and it sure does evoke the Drew variation of the Dreux's. Then, the Dreux Crest is a bull, symbol of Turin, and a symbol on the coins of Dyrrachium. If, and only if, the Dreux's are a version of Drake's, the Dreux bull would trace to the Charo/Chiaro bull, (for Drake's honor the Mosca/Muscas surname in their motto, which married MonteChiaro). The thing about this now, after having traced the Charo/Chiaro surname to Caiaphas for several months, is that the Cavii had EpiCARIA as their very own city. I am not certain in this case, but I think "epi" means "over/on / of." Dyrrachium had been called, EPIdamnus.

While Drakes use a red wyvern dragon, Italian Drago's use a green one, and then the Drago surname was first found in the same place, Genova/Genoa, as Italian Segni's now tracing to the Cavii field. In fact, where "Cavii" named the Sava, which was also the Sau, which named the Sauers without a doubt, and therefore likely the Sawyers, it stands to reason that Seagers and Segni's (using the moline in colors reversed to one another) can thereby trace to "Cavii." It seems very unlikely, on the surface, to equate "Segni" with "Cavii," but there you have some good reasoning. It may mean that Cavii liners named the Ticino: Cavii > Sava > Sauer > Sawyer > Seager > Segan > Segni > Ticino. From the Ticino it's a short hop to the Cottius-Julian family, where other Cavii liners -- Caepio's -- are expected.

The Genova/Genoa term can trace to the Genusus location to the south side of Dyrrachium. To the south side of Genusus is Apsus, what can become "Hypsas," the alternative name of the Drago. That works.

We Need a Cavii Link to Agrigento's Numidians

The Drago is now the Sant'Anna (don't necessarily believe that the river was named after a "saint"), interesting where the Falts/Fauls use the stag design of Anne's/Hanne's. In fact, Aeneas-Creusa elements are fully expected at the Drago river (at Agrigento). Wears use croziers tracing to Creusa, Aeneas's wife.

Keep in mind that Aenus is at the mouth of the Hebros, where Sale and the swan-liner Kikones lived, who are tracing to the Drilon river as it circles the region of the Cavii. We should expect proto-Salyes and swan-line Ligurians at the Drago, therefore, and that should answer to Draguignan (in Provence) in the lower-Durance area. We have already started to make the Cavii connection to Agrigento, and it even goes further to where it's expected, to Ligurians at the lower Durance, where the Cavari lived. How about that.

In the past, I surmised that Cavari should trace to Numidians / Gaetuli at Aures. If correct that Cavari were named after "Aures/Awraba," or vice-versa, then, I suppose, Aures was a Cavii colony. We should expect a Caver-like surname after "AWR(aba)," and we saw one, aside from Caffery's, in the Cavers > Baliol line that traced without difficulty to the Scodra theater aside from the Cavii look to "Cavers."

This is important for the trace of Kenneths to Kanza, wife of Idris of Morocco. She was of the Awraba tribe, and Kenneths use the same stag design as Anne's/Hanne's and Falts/Fauls. The same can be said for swan-using Cadders ("non" motto term traces to Numidians), who are found in the write-up of Moorhead-using Stirlings. Kenneths use "non uro" for what looks like a Numidian-of-Aures code. The Vinoy fief of Baliols might just relate to the Whinney variation of Kenneths, for Kenneths share the erect sword (almost) with the Balliols.

This is the first time that I've seen the Anne stag heads so large; until the last time that Anne's were loaded, the stags were the size used in the Falt Coat. Falts were first found in Staffordshire, and may therefore trace to Stobi, on the Erigon, where the Wears can trace by their sharing the Arms of ARGENtera. The Stubbs share a version of the Stirling bend, you see, which is why the Falt stag can link to the Cadder stag. As Quintus Caepio was suspect with Quincys and WINchesters, perhaps the Whinney variation of Kenneths may apply, especially as the Staff Coat can be the Quint chevron.

The three crossed arrows of Falts warrants their trace to an Arc element, and the Erigon is one such suspect. Falts are said to have derived their lands from Henry de Ferrers, and Henrys (the surname) are suspect with Josephs. One Henry surname is in Wear colors, while the Brittany Henrys use the red Alan martlets. It's important because the Hips' (loaded as per "Hypsas") use the footless martlet, in the two colors of the Alan martlets. Hips' were first found in Norfolk and Suffolk, the latter where Blois' first found.

The Chief of this Alan Coat is suspect with the French-Julian Chief, indicating the Caesar-Caiaphas line. It's not likely coincidental, therefore, that while Hips' are shown as "Hipkin," the Hopkins show four signs of Julian relations: 1) the flames in Crest; 2) the roses in the Coat; 3) first found in the same place as Julians; 4) a chevron in the colors of the Capone chevron! The last time we saw a chevron is these colors, it was the Balliols! Hopkins can be figured as some Copp- / Cope-line branch of Caepio's.

It would do us very well to discover why this line named Caiaphas, Joseph. Were their Josephs in the Cottius family? If not, were their Josephs in the Reges family, or the Caesar family, or the Aurelia family, or in the Caepio family, or, if not, where were there some Josephs in this Roman fold? Hoppers, first found in Durham, happen to use a "regis" motto term.

Did you catch the similarity between "Aures" and "Aurelia"? It's thereby of some keen interest that Josephs and Auriels (Padova) share a gold-on-blue garb. I'm just falling onto this lead as I speak. One step at a time, it's working out. Josephs even trace to Montechiaro, not far east of Agrigento. And yet Josephs can trace smack to the Drago river by the Drake motto's link to Mosca'/Muscas', and then the latter's leopard is used by Chives/Shives. Don't you think we have some good leads here?

As we concentrate on Cavii topics, we need to find their trace to Servilia Caepio, and I think a Stobi merger with the Cavii, and then to Staffords, appears solid. That is, proto-Stafford elements are suspect. It just so happens that Stave's (Stevensons), using yet another "non" motto term, share white-on-blue stars with Aurelia's. Staufers then share the cup symbol with Caffeys/Coffers.

But there is yet more to indicate a Stobi-Cavii merger. I had recent reason to believe that Caiaphas linked closely to Gars, and Stave's use the garland wreath, while Julius-suspect Saxons/Sextons call their wreaths, chaplets. The, the Saxon/Sexton chaplets appear to be versions of the Orell torteaux, but, unfortunately, neither the Saxon nor the Orell bendlets are called, "cotised." That would have been a super-clincher.

Was the Aurelia family a Hebrew one?

The Auriol location in Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur looks like it can apply to Cavii liners, for this area included the Cavari theater of Avignon, and the Nice part of the Ligurian coast, which had traced to Nicia near lake Lychnidus. The Arms of Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur look strikingly like the Terre/Tarr Coat, lumper earlier in this update with the Donnas/Dance and Chavo/Cavett bars. Terre's are expected from the phoenix center of Tarun, while the Arms of Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur throws in a red eagle (Taran/Tarent symbol). This evokes a Vere trace to Terentius Varro Murena, for Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur includes the Var area of Provence. Plus, the Terentius surname is known to be from Taranto...where Caffeys/Coffers trace. The importance of the Terentius Varro Murena family is that Cilnius Maecenas married it.

Recalling how the Hopkins and Hips/Hipkins together tied the Joseph-Caiaphas line to Julians, and how Hoppers used a "regis" motto term for the Reges surname of Julius' grandmother, it's interesting that Hoppers use the Murena tower design. Hoppers are also "Happer" and may link easily to same-colored Cappers, said to be from a certain BALLivia Domini Gaufridi de Capella. A nice'a Italian name'a. It recalls that BALLiols (using the Hopkin-colored chevron) were from CAVERS!!! In short, Cavers, Cappers and Capelli's were all one stock of Cavii liners. That allows the Capelli trace to "Cavaillon/Cabello" at the Cavari theater. Did you ever have any doubt?

Tie your chair down with a steel cable before you hear that Pistols use a chevron in the colors of the Quint chevron, important because Hopkins use pistols! I didn't know this similarity until now, and it's been so long since I've seen the Quint Coat, I had forgotten that they were early in Durham!! The Hopkins are so-certainly part of the Julius-Caepio line that this tends to clinch a Quint trace to Quintus Caepio.

The Hopkin motto, translated, "Among the first," gives me the impression that they were the first at the birth of Caiaphas. They are the Caepionis line, pure and simple, from Servilia. The Hopper gyronny is important because its used by Campbells, in the colors of Camps/Champs, while the latter also use a chevron in the colors of the same of Hopkins and Capone's. German Camps: a dancette, and that is all. English Danse's/Dance's, with a fesse in colors reversed to that of German Camps, were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as English Camps, but French Danse's were first found in the same place as French Chappes'.

The "coincidences" in the paragraph above are not. For, Camps/Champs use the same griffin-head design as Kaplans (share a blue Chief with French Champs), first found in the same place as Josephs, and using the same Chief colors and format as the garbs in the Joseph Chief.

French Champs (Picardy) are, as with Camps/Champs, said to be named after a "field," but this is cow patties, for it's code for the Fields/Felds (garbs), first found in the same place as Camps/Champs. The Corns/Cornalls, honored in the "ears of corn" used by French Champs, were likewise first found in Yorkshire, and they too use the chevron in the colors of the Camp / Capone / Hopkin chevron.

The first thought is that Corns/Cornalls are a branch of Cornells with a Laevi-suspect motto, "La Vie Durante." But the Cawney/Cawn variations of Corns suggests the Cavan-suspect Cawans/Cowans (in Cornell colors) using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annandale's. I always link Ananes Gauls to Laevi Gauls, and so it should be reminded here that both of these Gaul tribes predated Caiaphas and his father-in-law, priest Annas/Ananias. One or both are expected, somehow, in the birth of Caiaphas, and so a Cornell link to the Capone-related Corns/Cornalls would be a good find. And here we are, perhaps. To add support for a Cornall link to Cornells, the Cavan lion is in the colors of the Cornell lion.

Cavans are important for being suspect with lake-Sevan elements, which swan elements are now expected at lake Lychnidus. This latter lake is where the swan-line Salyes are tracing whom I've always linked to Laevi Ligures, and so the Cornells (who seem to be honoring Laevi on the river of the Salyes) can surely trace to Lychnidus too. The red Cornell lion is even upright, like that of the red Ley/Ligh lion. We might even ask whether the Carlow location of Cavans is from "EpiCARia." It's of course possible that Cavans are from "Cavii," especially-important where Cavii were named after "Sevan." This can tentatively indicate that Cawans are Cavii liners.

There is now a further point to be made for linking these Cavii elements to Aures. The Falts/Fauls, suspect in using the Kenneth stag, may be a branch of the Fields/Felds that were just found to be a merger with Camps and Corn-honoring Champs. Scottish Falts (another erect sword, symbol of Ares, that traces well to "Aures") were first found in the same place, AYRshire (Aures-suspect), as Cawans/Cowans, and while the Arms of Ayrshire uses one version (with gold Shield) of the Shield-and-Chief combination of Annandales, the Cawans/Cowans use another version (with white Shield). The fleur-de-lys in the Cawan/Cowan Coat is in the colors of same of Falts/Fauls, but also in the colors of the Porci/Porcini/PorCARO fleur. Finally, Cawans/Cowans share "Sic itur" with the Kenneth motto, and "itur" is a code that I trace to Idris of Morocco, because I traced him to Itureans.

This is a good place to introduce the Moutier/Motiers/Mottier surname, checked some days ago when seeing the Moutiers location (Isere river) some 20 miles north of Modane. It was noted that the bend used is that also of the Porci's and Fes'/Fays, the latter first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Moutiere's/Motiers. There is a vair border around the Moutiers Coat in the colors of the Caepio vair.

Imagine if it's correct to view Cawans/Cowans as Cavii, for it may just be true that "Cohen" (means "priest" in Hebrew) was a version of "Cowen." This may be jumping to wrong conclusions, however.

ZOWIE, we are at Warp-2 speed (the roar is deafening) now that pomegranates have turned up, in the Carlow Coat! I used to seek surnames that "granate" might symbolize, but having just discovered that Jannaeus Maccabee used pomegranates on his coins has given me a change of mind. The Carlow pomegranates are in the colors of the Joseph garbs, and then Josephs use a "charo" motto term that may ultimately trace Charo's/Chiaro's/Claro's to "EpiCARia."

If ever you agreed that the Arthurian cult should be from Caiaphas and of the El-Gabal bloodline, here's some good proof with additional insights on Cavii importance within Masonry. It starts with the "sphinx" in the Hips Crest, and the Spink surname (mascles), first found in the same place (Northampton) as Quincy's (Mascles) and Penes'/Pennys. It's already fairly certain that Quince's trace to Cavii liners, but the Penes/Pennys were checked out as per a Penestae area stamped across the Drilon river in the Roman-Illyricum map. It seems certain that the Penes surname applies to this location because it shares two greyhounds, in the same design, as the Lys/Lisse Coat (Lissus is on the same river). As the MacArthur crown (five points) is in the Penes/Penny Crest, it tends to assure that this location led to the Pendragon cult, no small point. Pendragons even use fleur-de-lys.

Reminder, Mathie's, suspect at the Mathis river beside Lissus, also use the MacArthur crown.

By the way, Cornells are also "Cornwall." I traced mythical Gorlois of Cornwall, a facet of Pendragon, to CarLYSle, opposite the waters from Annandale. This paragraph is an insert in this section because much of the above was inserted in the proof read, including the Carlow pomegranates. Do you think Carlow and Carlisle are related entities, both tracing to Epicaria? Merovingians traced to the Cavii theater, and I claim that Carlyse was the proto-Carolingian Franks (half Merovingian when they began with Charles Martels). This may explain why Grants/Grands showed the Martel crowns but now show the MacArthur crown; i.e. Martels were an Arthurian line.

The black talbot in the Spink Crest can apply easily to the black talbot (same design) of Carricks because the latter trace to "Acragas," the old name of Agrigento...meaning that Hips' do trace well to "Hypsas." These black talbots could be versions of the half-black greyhound of Penes'/Pennys. The Spink mascles can be traced to the Bassania and Gabuleum locations on the Drilon, which I expect to go to the ancestry of Mieszko Pole's at Goplo. That is, the Gabuleum = Kukes location traces with Coppels to the Goplani founders of Goplo, meaning that Masci / Massey elements are expected on the Drilon, explaining why Masci's and Masseys/Maceys both use fleur-de-lys, and why Masci's are expected at Aosta's Lys valley.

Arthurians were discovered in the past year to have been fundamental Hasmonean liners. "Le Morte d'Arthur" is code for the Morte's/Motts. This recalls that the pomegranate was introduced a few years back when on the topic of the author of "Le Motre D'Arthur." I think his name was Thomas Malory (Malorys look like kin to the Leicestershire-associated Leys/Lighs). It may have been purely coincidental to suggest back then that "pomeGRANATE" should trace to "Gernon," the son of Ranulf le Meschin (i.e. a Maccabee liner). I've just checked my files for other surnames using the pomegranate. See how this instance (2nd update in May, 2011) leads to Maccabee liners:

It was while re-reading the paragraph above that the thought came that "Cauley" should have had a Cauleg-like variation. So I checked "College" (pomegranates) to find a white fesse on blue. Then I considered the same sort of thing for "Auley," and chose "Alex" as a potential "Auleg" term. It was pretty amazing to find another white fesse on blue in the Polish Alex Coat. The latter was first found in CRACow, smacking of the Carricks, Craigs, Creeks and others to which the Cauleys have already been linked.

Alex's are suspect with the Alexander-Balas merger with Maccabees, or, more simply, with king Alexander Jannaeus, the one who used pomegranates on his coins. Coincidence? Again, this paragraph, and the Carlow-pomegranate issue, are inserts into a section written several days earlier. I have just spotted something written shortly below that once again jibes with things I've said in the past on pomegranates.

The stab-in-the-dark idea in the 2011 update is that Alex's and Auleys were one line. The fesse-evidence was interesting but certainly not overwhelming. But I can enlarge on that now, thanks to some ideas above in the proof read. That is, Auleys are also "Cawley," reflective of "Cawan." As the latter was suspect with the Cawney/Cawny variations of Corns/Cornalls, it's notable that the Auleys share the upright red-on-white Cornell lion. How could Auleys be Cornells? It's feasible that "Cawley" was a Carley term even as Cawnys are listed with Corns...meaning that Auleys/Cawleys may have been Carlows...the ones using pomegranates! Isn't that something? Carlows even show as Carley!

As per that idea that Cawans/Cowans may have developed into Cohens and Hohens, it just so happens that checks in Hohen-check colors are used by Scottish Auleys/Cawleys (buckles).

It therefore looks like Auleys/Cawleys were indeed a branch of Alex Maccabees. While "Auley" can be an Alex variation, the surname looks to incorporate a Car / Cor entity. French Alex's/Alexandre's are using the red, two-headed eagle of Specks/Spocks/Spacks.

I've just found another pomegranate in the French Crepon Coat. This surname may have been a Car / Cor term of the Grapfeld/Crapfeld type (Gareb suspects). It uses a white-on-blue bend, reflective of the Alex / College white-on-blue fesses. Crepons are said to have originated in Parez (Lorraine), the Pharisee-suspect location where swan-using Chaplets were first found.

I've just found the update (3rd of February, 2010) wherein the pomegranate was introduced as per Tim's promptings:

Yesterday, I felt that God revealed the direction that He wants this revelation to go in. It started with Tim's timely email showing the pomegranate of the Malrou Coat, which led to the discovery of Malory and Meschin elements in North Africa...just as I was starting to emphasize, in previous days, Moratins-et-al from North Africa. Tim's email was read (by me) just as I had started to write on Thomas Malory's "Le MORTE d'Arthur." That could not have been a coincidence, happening on the day that John Murtha passed away.

I didn't know back then that Mortons were Maccabee liners. Moratins are also "Murena," but I didn't find Cilnius Maecenas, married to a Murena family, until mere months ago. And so, you see, even that Malrou discussion was all over Maccabee lines. In those days, I had little clue of anything Maccabee or Caiaphas. Malrou's are also "Malroy." Thomas Malory was writing myths on Maccabee liners, right? Here's the Maler/Maler Coat with the MacArthur crown. Did you notice that Malorys could be using the Cornell lion?

It's probably correct to trace the Spink mascles to the Mosca's expected at Agrigento. The gold-on-blue eagles of the Spinks can be traced to the same of Spanish Sans', for mascles alone are used on a blue Shield, as with the Spink mascles, by SENESchals. As the latter use a "macula sine" motto phrase that brings up the Macey-related Sions/Swans, while Spinks are tracing to the Apsus river beside Genusus, it starts to clinch a Genusus - Geneva relationship.

That works only where "Apsus" equates with "Hypsas" and/or the Hips surname. If it does, I'd be prone to tracing the Merops > Ephesus bee cult, though Apsus, to the Hypsas, and from "Drago" to "Draguignan" at the Durance theater, where Salyes lived who may have first been on the Salto river, in the land of Sabines, who had an Ops bee cult. Again, the Marusium location between the Apsus and the Genusus rivers should apply to the Marsi (in the land of the Salto).

By what coincidence does the Annas Coat come up as "Arniss"? In the Illyrium map, there is an Arnissa location on the Genusus river!!!

One of those exclamation marks is due to my trace to Annas to the Marici, which assumed an Annas trace to the Marsi, which was later discovered where the snake goddess of the Marsi traced to nearby Anagni, and here we are at Marusium, just a few snake wiggles from Arnissa! I had always wondered why the Annas Coat showed an Arness variation. This trace of Arnissa to the Marsi suggests rather boldly that the Angus stars are in the color of the Annas/Arness star due to Angus' tracing to "Anagni / Angitia"! The Quincy's (share the Spink / Seneschal mascles) were in Fife, beside Angus! Caepio's are expected in Fife!!! Remember, we are in Albania here, the place suspect in naming Alba = proto-Scotland. You can bet your kilts that Scodra has to do with "Scot(land)," but, the question: is "Scodra" a Kodros / Kodrium term? (Kodrium is off the Apsus.)

ZOWIE! I almost missed it, but on another tributary of the Apsus, there is a "Corragum" location!!! For me, that clinches a trace of "Apsus" to "Hypsas," and reveals that Acragas (and Craigs > Carricks) was named after Corragum elements. Online quote: "CORRAGUM a fortress of Illyria, of uncertain site, taken by the Romans in B.C. 200, along with the two other forts of Gerunium and Orgessus." GERUNium? Didn't the Garins/Guerins trace to the Gari river, location of Segni and Anagni?

This discussion, written several days before coming round to the pomegranate topic, needs another comment inserted here. Let me just quote from the 4th update of July, 2011:

It's very interesting that I had traced the pomeGRANate to surnames like, Gernon (in Greek myth, the pomegranate linked to a crane goddess whose name was after, "geranos," the Greek for "crane"). The Scottish Carls/Carleys use pomegranates while the English Caries (using a swan and a version of the Sale Coat) were from Guernsey. It just can't be coincidental that Ranulph le Gernon was the son of Ranulf le Meschin while Meschins too had fundamental links to the Ley/Legh surname that now traces, as with the Caries, to the Salyes.

Talk about Car / Cor terms. Carie's are said to be of Cornish origins, and from a Carrey location in Lisieux (Normandy). The swan in the Crest is of the design showing until recently in the French Joseph Coat. Perhaps the biggest point to the quote was the crane goddess. Do you think that Alexander Jannaeus Maccabee was using the pomegranate for his (or Alexander Balas') ties to the crane-goddess bloodline? Did that entity become the Gernon surname, and/or the namer of Guernsey? Was that crane entity at the location of Gerunium? The Gernon motto is in honor of Footes in Guernsey. The Guerra's and Guerrins are coming to mind as crane-goddess bloodliners. By the way, the Irish Carie surname uses the same lion as Maschi's.

A check of the Crane Coats is in order. The first point is that Scottish Crane's/Crans were first found in the same place as Mouds/Moodys and Blois', while the latter two are in the same colors. This is pomegranate-important because "Moud" reflects "Moudane," a location off the north shores of lake Geneva, while the Blois' trace to the river where Modane sits. Moreover, the Moud/Moody chevron, the only symbol showing, is used by Maccabee-liner Maceys and Sions/Sittens. Still more, the Crane's/Crans share the patee cross with Blois'.

That was all part of the first point. The second point is that Crane's/Crans look like they use a version of the Gore/Core Coat, and then the write-up may be correct in tracing to the Old-English, "cranuc / CORNuc," old terms for "crane." If the write-up is correct, it may indicate that this surname traced itself to the Greek crane line suspect for the moment at Gerunium. It just so happens that the Crane Crest is a Hind while Hinds use a white-on-blue fesse, the colors of the fesse of pomegranate-using College's (and Polish Alex's). These are the colors of the Mouds/Moodys and Maceys.

Crane's/Crans not only use a Coat like that of Gore's/Core's, but the terms are similar. To help prove that College's were kin to Crane's/Crans (very important for establishing a pomegranate link to crane liners), Gore's/Core's trace by their motto to Servitium with Kyles, Cole's and Coles'. Then, COLLege's are said to be from a Coldridge location (Devon), while Colds are listed with black-bull Cole's (first found in CORNwall, beside Devon). Cole's and Kyle's share the coiled snake, a symbol in the COLLege fesse.

By the way, the College snake-on-fesse is used by Shells on the same-colored (white) fesse. Then, to clinch, the Irish-alternative Quinns use the same snake design, as well as a white wolf head in crest, the color of the Gore/Core and (Gower/Gore) wolves. It's now important that while Quinns smack of Quints, the latter were first found in the same place (Essex) as Gore's. This has the effect of linking Quints to the Maccabee liners under discussion. If any of these three snake designs change, be assured, they are identical at this time.

Cole's / Colds / Kyle's trace to "KOLODziek" the Wheelwright, ancestor of the Maccabee suspects, the Mieszko's, and so what about those Catherine wheels, now equated with Jannaeus Maccabee's coins, of the Wheelwright Coat??? You know the answer. You know the secret now.

Thus, the Crane's/Crans have apparently linked very well both to a Jannaeus-pomegranate line and to a Jannaeus-wheel line. But there's more, for Crane's/Crans use annuLETs, and are in Lett colors. Then, Irish Crane's/Crans were first found in LEITrum, while Leits are listed with Letts. Moreover, as "Leitrum" suggests a look for a Leiter surname, it happens to use a Coat (curved, long chevron) much like the Kaip/Kaipff Coat. Both surnames were first found in Bavaria.

Some of the Leiter variations suggest kinship with Leechs'/Leitch's, who use a green snake in Crest, the color of the same of Coles', first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Wheelwrights and Gowers/Gore's. There is a question here as to whether "Gower/Gowar" developed as per Cawans/Gowans.

With Leits/Letts thus honored by the Crane annulets, and by their apparently naming Leitrum, where other Crane's/Crans were first found, the ORGan pipes in the Leit/Lett Crest may now be suspect with this quote: "CORRAGUM a fortress of Illyria, of uncertain site, taken by the Romans in B.C. 200, along with the two other forts of Gerunium and ORGessus." The "roll of paper" in one Crane/Cran Crest is for the Papers/Pepwells, a likely branch of Pipe's = Pepins, and while Rolls are related to Jannaeus-liner Roets, Pipe's were first found in the same place as Roets. There is an Organ/Horgan/Horrigan surname, but at this time I have no comment for linking it to this discussion.

I do now have comments for Roet links to the Caiaphas line. With Catherine Roet now clinched as a Jannaeus-wheel line, it's a good bet that the three boars in the Roet Chief are a version of the three garbs in the Joseph Chief (both Chiefs-and-symbol in the same colors). The Roet sleeping moon and the Roet motto was traced hard to Carians before clinching a Caiaphas trace to Carians, but here we have the Cavii at EpiCaria. The PorCARO variation of Porci's is now conspicuous where Porcia's use boars while Roet-suspect Josephs use "charo" in their motto. One could get the impression, even, that Porcius-Cato liners were in Epicaria.

Bough's/Bow's, first found in Durham, share a "Quaerere verum" motto with Roets. The Bough/Bow Crest is probably the Beaufort lion "holding in the dexter paw five arrows points downwards." The arrows are bunched at the center, and this makes them the symbol of Bowers (Peebles) and Rothschilds. Boughs/Bowes are said to be from Alan Niger (as opposed to Alan Rufus/red), of the Steward-of-Richmondshire family. It recalls the Trains/Trane's, "lords of Streatlam, Stewards of Richmondshire." The Trains/Trane's are not at all irrelevant to this crane / Gerunium discussion, for Gerunium is near Taranto.

Seeking info on Gerunium, it seems to involved with the Hannibal Carthaginians, which may now explain how Caiaphas elements got to them. If you read what looks like Spanish: "Gerunium fou una antiga fortalesa de la Pulla [Apulia] propera a Larinum, en la qual Anníbal Barca va establir els seus campaments d'hivern després de la campanya contra Quint Fabi Màxim Berrugós el 217 aC." I read that as a Gerunium fortress at a Pulla / Larinum area under the heat of a Rome-Carthage war in 217 BC. The article also says that the location was "Gerione / Girone." "...Geronum, i situada a uns 12 km de Larinum, a la via vers Bovianum..." Gerunium is situated eight miles from Larinum along the way toward Bovianum.

It turns out that Larinum is modern Larino, a Samnite Molise of Italy (opposite the Adriatic from Illyria), a term I trace to Molossians of Epirus (south side of the Apsus river). It just so happens that, somewhere in my Ladon book, I recorded that a brother of mythical Molossians was Pictus (very hard to find online). As it was Guerin of Provence who traced to the Pict-Scot transition, this looks very meaningful, especially as the Larin/Lauren/Lorren surname was first found in Provence! Did you overlook the "Guerin/Garin" trace to "Gerunium / Girone" in that statement. I don't want to take any chances, in case you missed it. It looks like an excellent trace, and, per chance, "Larino" meant, La Reno, for the marriage of Guido Guerra III to the family of Renier of Montferrat was traced to the Reno river.

Keep in mind that while Terentius traces to "Taranto," Terentius-Varro elements can now trace to Larino and Gerunium as well. If true that "Guerra" and "Vere / Varro" are the same term, I'd expect a Varro trace to "Gerunium." It would tend to identify Vere's with the crane line, wherefore lets take note that one Crane Coat is in Vere colors while the other Crane Coat uses a bend-with-symbols in the colors of the same of Lorraine's!

This particular Crane surname was first found in Leitum, and then the Leits/Letts use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas', while the latter uses what I guess is the so-called "Vere star," in the colors of the Crane crescents and the Lorraine eagles. These particular Crane's are also "Rynne," like "Renier / Reno / Raines'."These Crane's also show as "Ring" while another Ring Coat shares black scallops with Meschin-suspect Ladons/Ladds (Somerset), and then the latter's scallops are colors reversed from the same of Leaders, a surname like "Leitrum" and the Chappes-related Leiters/Leitens. Leaders were first found at the same place (Durham) as the Wear river. As Ladons/Ladds share the same-colored fesse with Leaders, the latter's boar heads may connect with the Roet boar heads (because Ladons/Ladd and Roets were first found in the same place).

I'll record here that the single white wing in the Arms of Larino may be where the white Masci wing is taken. The Larins likewise use scallops, three of them, in the colors and positioning of the three used by Capes', Abbe's and Happs/Apps/Abbs.

The Ladon surname is very important in a trace to Gerunium because it was also "Gerione," while Geryon mythology had a Ladon dragon protecting a far-west garden. Golden-fleece myth had Ares' dragon protecting the garden where the golden fleece was located, and that fleece and/or dragon depicted the Lazi, the same as Ladon. This led to the Latins of Lazio at the Gari river, right? In that case, there ought to be a connection between Gerunium and the Gari river, thus making the crane line suspect on the Gari too.

I now have a comment on the Organ/Horgan/Horrigan surname (thistles), which may be honored in the Leit/Lett "organ pipes," and which can therefore link to "Orgessus," the location lumped in with Gerunium in the quote above. The lizard design in the Organ and GARRY/O'Hara Coats are identical! It tends to trace Geryon also to Orgessus...which recalls my identification of "GERYON" with "GORGON." It's looking like the crane goddess and Geryon were one, and that this line was fundamental to that of Israel's monstrous priesthood.

In myth, the Pomegranate was the symbol of Persephone, queen of the underworld. As Hermes related to the pomegranate connection of Persephone, Hades, her husband, was obviously a Cadusii peoples, probably from "Attis / Aeetes". I think the Greek "phone" in myth terms is code for the Phoenix > Phoenician peoples (from Armenia, origin of the Cadusii). While the Cadusii are tracing to the Sadducees, don't we think that "PERSE(phone)" may be the proto-Pharisees? Jesus did say that the priests of Israel had satan for their father. And both Pharisees and Sadducees issued from Maccabee's. Isn't that something? Look at how important it suddenly is to have found that pomegranate symbol on Alexander Jannaeus' coins.

Geryon's dog, Orthos, which may now be identified with the Leto-Apollo wolf line, was traced to Ordovices of Wales, the same that I think furnished Maccabee elements. It's important because Maccabees are tracing to the Crane entity as well as to the pomegranate. If "Orthos" and/or Arddu near the Ordovices was responsible for the makings of king "Arthur," it's notable that the Coat of the Ladon-related and Crane-suspect Rings shares the same-colored chevron-and-symbols with PenDRAGONs.

Of further Geryon-interest is that the Organs show also as "Aragan," like Aragon in Spain. Then, the Arms of Aragon use red-and-gold bars, the symbol of Terre's/Tarrs that should trace to Taranto, where Cavii liners trace.

As the Organs are now tracing to Gerunium and Orgessus along with Guerin of Provence, let's recall that he traced immediately to the quasi-mythical story of king Alpin founding the Scots proper from Picts. As the Cappins/Alpins use a version of the sword-and-fir of Alis', might the latter be an Alex(ander) line? (I've corrected the three instances of "fur tree" in the first updates of last month. Gotta watch that.)

As scallops trace to Sicily, it should be correct that the Capes-reflective Larins trace to the Apsus > Hypsas line, for the latter goes to the Drago river while Draguignan and Var are in the same place as Guerin of Provence. It's suggesting that the Capes' and related Happs/Apps were named after "Apsus / Hypsas." This can indicate that the Cavii at Agrigento / Montechiaro evolved into "Caepio."

This is a good place to remind that the Capp(er) surname was first found in Ayncourt (Lincolnshire) while AynCOURTs share a Shield filled with checks in the colors of the Warren checks, the latter suspect from "Guerren." The last time this was mentioned, I had not yet begun to understand the Caiaphas-significance of "Cotis" listed with Curtis'/CORTis'. Ayncourts are traced in their write-up to the Seine - Oise parts of France, where Chappes were first found, generally, and where Sensii elements are now expected that lived beside the Cotesii.

Ayncourts are said to be from a Caux region of Normandy too. This recalls that Hercules stole the cattle of Geryon, but had a certain Cacus entity at Rome attempt to steal them from him. I suggested a Cacus trace to Cake's/Cacabreds because they were first found in the same place as Julians and Capone's. It can now be added that the Cause surname is traced in its write-up to a "Pays de Caux (Seine-Inferieur)". At the top-right corner of the Illyrium map (below), one can see a CAUCoensii term 100-150 miles north of the Cotesii. The Caucoensii are at the sources of the Agarus river, the entity that may have named GERYon / Gari / Gerunium.

In this picture, lines from Abraham and Hagar may have led to Geryon. Hagars use the Goth Zionist star, and Goths are suspect with Cotta elements. That's not a bad theory.

This is unbelievable. The above was an insert while the paragraph below was waiting to be proof-red, written days ago. I checked the Roman-Illyricum map (below) to see what was marked upon it at the spot of the Caucoensii, and there were the TEURisci. This "coincidence" comes just as I've traced Geryon to the Agarus, hours after tracing Geryon solidly to the Larino theater.

There is a good argument, though it seems poor at first, for tracing Mackays/CAWS to the Caucoensii > Cauk line. It may help to explain why Mackays must be Macey liners of the Mieszko kind, and yet traced in their write-up to some elements that seem foreign to Maceys. I'll start by saying that the Alex-suspect Alis' use a "muzzled" bear, identical to the Mackay/Caw bears. The Cause griffin is likely of the Griffin surname of Pomerania, Mieszko liners / kin. That tends to assure a Mackay link to Caux elements. Then, the Mackay write-up traces to M'ay family of UGAdale, a term that can link to the AGarus river and it's Gogi-suspect namers. It makes sense, not only where Maceys are Meshech liners, but where the Cogaeonus river is smack beside the Caucoensii. The Arpii / Carpi are nearby and they were UGrians at some point. The Mackar bears may be in the colors of Hagars for this reason.

Now, as the Courts are tracing to Cotesii, it's of some grand illumination that French Courts are in the colors of Harcourt while there is a Harcourt location near Ferte-Mace, and while Harcourts are honoring Mackeys / Macey lines. The stars of French Courts are therefore the Sutherland stars, important because Mackays were first found in Sutherland. The "viendre" motto term of Harcourts can be reckoned as code for Vienne's, using a spread eagle in colors reversed from the same of Ferte's. Harcourt and Ferte-Mace are also near Gace, probably explaining why the Harcourt bars are like (different colors) the Washington bars.

The Sutherland stars are used also by Cornells (ravens), and they use a fesse in the colors of the Bath/Atha cross, a cross used also by Randolphs of Moray, where Mackays ruled as raven-depicted Mieszko liners (from a Swietoslawa > Siward line). The Sutherland stars are said to be the Moray stars for that reason. MacHeths at the Moray theater thus look like a branch of Baths/Atha's, first found in Somerset...beside Devon, where the Sutherland-suspect Cornells were first found. And that should trace the foreign elements in the Mackay surname to Heths, and yet also to Caux liners such as AynCOURTS. That works.

One can go a little further here to explain why Mackays can trace to Ayncourts and the Capp(er) kin. Ayncourts come up as AGINcourts, and that should help to explain the UGadale location of some Mackays. The Cornells that apply here claim that their "Cornish chough" (bird) sits on the "face of a rock proper," and yet the rock looks like a boot, a symbol shown until recently by French Masseys. The HAGINS (share a "dagger" with Mackays) show a boot too, you see, and that tends to clinch the Mackay link to AGINcourts, and it meanwhile traces Hagins to Ayncourt. Dutch Hagens (with an 'e') may be using the Moray stars.

One can then trace the Bath's/Atha's to the "Bath and Wells" in the Biden write-up, for while Bidens use the "chapeau" cap of Capelli's, the Capp(er)s, said to be from an early Capella surname, were first found in Ayncourt. Thus, Mackays, as expected from their Maccabee past, are linking to Caiaphas Ayncourt.

One can expect Hagins to trace to what looks like "Eugenium" off the Isarius river, south of the Cavii. There just happens to be an Isere river near Vienne, and we just saw Mackays (they have a Vain/Van sept) link to Vienne. The Isere goes through Moutiers, while the Mouts/Moodys use the Macey chevron. For years, Mackays showed their chevron in the white-on-blue colors of the Macey chevron. Perhaps they (or certain Masons in general) wanted to hide, as the write-up even suggests, their links to Maceys. Wikipedia's article on Clan Mackay shows the Mackay chevron on white-on-blue. In case it disappears from Wikipedia, here it is from Wikipedia:

Mackay links to the Isere and to Vienne predicts links to Herod ARCHelaus (who was banished from Israel to Vienne of Isere). But Mackay links to Moutier's suggests that the Arc river (location of Modane) was named by ARCHelaus. This, if correct, may or may not wipe away a trace of the Arc river to Arcidava. It's possible that Arcidava elements got to the Cottian mountains with nearby elements such as Cuppae and Anani, and perhaps these elements even named the Archelaus family -- at CAPPAdocia -- or vice versa.

I've just noted that one of the Mackay septs listed at Wikipedia are the Scupio-suspect Scobie's. As Scupio was not far north of Stobi while the latter traced with Stubb-related Srirlings, it's notable that Stirling is smack beside Perthshire, where Scobie's were first found. Scobie's share a blue Shield with Scope's (Mackay colors), first found in the same place as Skiptons.

The Heth / Atha mystery that likely named "Aoidh" likely goes to the Death/D'Atha/Aeth surname using crescents in the colors of the Morte/Mott and Alexander crescents...Maccabee liners all of them.

Wikipedia: "According to Angus Mackay, sometime in the 1160s [about a century after Siward's implantation of Mieszko elements at/around Moray], the MacHeths [at Ross-shire] and their supporters after conflict with Malcolm IV of Scotland fled northwards over the hills of Ross into Strathnaver, where they were welcomed by the Norse Harald Maddadsson, Mormaer of Caithness who was then an enemy of the king." In this picture, ORKney may be named after the Orgessus location, especially as Gerunium led to Meschins. On the rebel, Maddadsson, he was a son of Matad, ruler at Athol (Perthshire), where Siward had traced, and roughly/exactly where Scobie's were first found.

On Matad: "According to the Orkneyinga Saga, Matad was the son of Mael Muire [see the Muir/Moor/More surname], who was son of king [Duncan] I and younger brother of King [Malcolm] III Cenn Mor...He married Margaret, the daughter of Haakon Paulsson [sound Polish enough, see Paulsons/Polsons/Pole's using the Mackay / Macey / Mout/Moody chevron and what should be the Molle / Googe boar heads]...He is called Maddadr in the Orkneyinga Saga, and some historians follow on from this and call him Maddad. He also features as a witness to charters of the reign of King David I, where he is called Madeth Comes and Maddoc Comes...Other names originating from the obvious difficulties encountered by his name are Madach and Maddad." It sure does smack of Mad Dog Mattis, and a surname that should trace with Mathis' to the Mathis river, about a dagger fling from Eugenium!

I argued once that Molle's and de-Molays were l-version "Morays" because Molle's use the Moray stars. I'm not sure now as the Molchi area of the Moschian mountains has entered the picture. The Muirs/Moors/Mores use a "Duris" motto term that can trace to Durres=Dyrrachium, smack south of the Mathis river.

Here's from the 4th update of last month:

...ZOWIE, while loading the HASdrubal page just now, "HESlington" came to mind, but when it had loaded, there was Hasdrubal with a head band just like head band on the white-skinned Moor or Saracen in the Heslington Crest!!! I've saved this image of Hasdrubal (on one of his coins), in case it disappears:

...Scottish More's/Muirs/Moors (AYRshire!), for example, use a "Saracen's head," the same one exactly as per the Heslington Crest.

It's suggesting a Syphax / Hasdrubal trace to the Mathis / Dyrrachium theater, but also forward in time to Matad above, son of Mr. Muire of Athol. Heslingtons were my concern for their link to Siward. One Siward-suspect surname, Sewer, is listed with Shuters, suspect with Sutherlands. Mackays had a Swedish branch, according to Wikipedia, and then Swedish Sewers use a large white rose reflective of the large crescent, in the same colors, of Morte's/Motts.

Now look at the Welsh Maddock/Maddix Coat (first found in the same place as Haskins). It's a version of the Haskin, Heskin, and Gate Coats (the latter suspect from Gaetuli Numidians). "Eschyna" de Molle was traced suggestively to "Haskin / Heskin." Maddocks/Maddix's are said to be from "Madog / Matoc." The write-up gives no hint to a link to Matad / Maddoc of Athol, but heraldry can make the connection where the Maddock Crest is the seated ("sejant"), winged lion of the Holder Crest, while Holdens are the ones using "allerion" eagles as code for Allier, location of Moulins, where the Moline's / Molle's had some origins. The gold Holder-Coat griffin design is found in the Death/Aeth Coat.

Mathis', lest you've forgotten, use a "special" moline cross, that of the Chives'/Shives.'

This is a good place to re-mention that HOLDers and HOLDens likely trace to KOLODziej the Wheelwright, for COLTers share Catherine wheels with Wheelwrights. Jannaeus-wheel liners, right? Colters use their chevron in colors reversed to Maceys / Mackays / Mouts.

You just read from Wikipedia on the Heths of Ross-shire; by what coincidence are the Mathie's traced to Ross-shire not long after Heths ganged up with Matad's family? Mathie's share the gyronny with Londons / Lundys, and then Eschyna de Molle was also styled, "de-Londonis." The gyronny pattern is now suspect with the Maccabee crane line from Gerunium. Note how the Mathie gyronny is in the colors of the Kaplans, Gardners, and Gari's/Karens, for the latter are suspect with Geryon which Mackays traced independent of other Maccabee suspects tracing to the same.

Campbells use gyronny, and then Munro's are showing the large eagle head of Dutch Camps, while other Camps/Champs were linked solidly to Capone's. The Munro's are listed as Mackay allies in their Wikipedia article. The CHAMBerlain donkeys had traced to king Duncan (i.e. to Duncans and related Donkeys), out of whose line this Maddad line issued. Chamber elements may trace to the Chambery location off the Isere river, where Mackays have now traced.

Back to the Larino. Scottish Larins use a "Creag" motto term for their Creag an TUIRc location, and yet we were just on the Corragum location, which is what brought us to the Geronum / Larino topic. The Craigs happen to share the horse-and-rider of the Caffreys now suspect with the Cavii, and with the Caffeys/Coffers whose Crest is the Arms of Taranto. Craigs trace with no doubt in my mind to "Acragas." It appears that the Larino line to Larins/Laurens/Lorrens (laurel branches) explains the laurel-filled grail used by Laurie's and Lowry's. That is, the grails are code for Caiaphas / Sadducee liners. The Grail King, Percival, traces to "Perche," and then the Perche and Larin/Laurin surnames both use double red chevrons. The Lorne entity of Lanarks looks to apply here. The Lorraine's also use laurel, and Lorraine is the location of Bar-le-Duc that traces to the Bar area on the Illyrian coast, at Scotland-suspect Scodris...exactly where Guerins are predicted to trace. This is new, and it works: Vere's derive in BC times at Geronum and Larino.

That was written before adding all pomegranate discussion in this update. As the pomegranate was a symbol of some aspect of PERSEphone, doesn't it now appear that she traces to "Perche / Percival / Pierce / Percy"?

Now watch this. The Feeter variation of Scottish Larins alerted to the Foot / Fothes surnames, and the Footes location of Guernsey, encoded in the Gernon motto term, "cyFOETH." It just so happens that both the Gernon and Larin Crests use a black lion...excellent not only for verifying what was suspect years ago -- that Gernons are a geranos = crane line -- but for clinching the crane trace Gerunium, eight miles from Larino!!! And that clinches a Larino trace to Scottish Larins to boot. It's a shoe-in.

It's time to shake a leg and take a guess at who the son or daughter of Julius Caesar and Servilia Caepionis married in the line to Caiaphas. However, I'd like to publish all that's been written in this update first. It may be a very interesting game of guess.

Something just happened. After writing the word, "guess," a feeling came to me, like one I've received many times, as when I think the Spirit is guiding me. On this occasion, I "knew," even before the Guess/Guest Coat loaded, though I could not recall anything about it, that this surname would apply to Caiaphas, and I expected it to apply to his immediate ancestry i.e. between him and Servilia. The Guests use swans, a Joseph symbol too, important because someone married by the son or daughter of Servilia is half-expected to have had a Joseph in the family. The Guess'/Guests even use a "Ferro" motto term. They strike me like the Gusts who trace to the Gauts/Cotta's!

The Gusts are the ones sharing the curved chevron with Caepio-suspect Kaips/Kaipff's and similar Leiters, the latter suspect with Leda, the mother of mythical swans. German Guess' are also "Guss/Cuss."

If I recall correctly, Gusts and Guests were pegged a Josy term, as when someone uses a short-form of "Joseph." It allows Goz'/Gos' and Jocelyns/Gozelyns to apply. None of this was on my mind when I wrote "interesting game of guess." The game of chess is coming to mind, especially as there was a surname presented above (which I have forgotten) that had a write-up tracing to derivation in the game of chess. The blue-apple riddle had to do with a chess theme too; that part of the riddle involved a "Knight's Tour" code, important as per the mythical Swan Knight, son of Percival!

Josy's ("voy" motto term, see Foys of Ile-de-France) use a blue eyeball in Crest, and blue-eyeball-using Watts were first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Guess'/Guests. That's a shake-a-leg way to make the link.

Joosts may be using the reserved white-on-red stars; reserved for Annas lines only. There must be all sorts of rules in Masonry to protect the leading families from outsider "creep". The real creeps are the leading families, however. Goss'/Joss' (Staffordshire) use stars in colors reversed.

AHA! The "gladio" motto term of Guess's/Guests must be for Glads (Staffordshire), a term that can alter to "Wlad," a motto term of English Josephs!!! I was just thinking a moment before seeing the Glad Coat that surnames using three gold symbols in a Blue Chief are not permitted unless they link to Josephs. Roets and Chaplins use this, and their blue Chiefs come with a white Shield, the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's and Glads! Neither of the latter two use symbols in the Chief. I think that's meaningful and pertinent to this shake-a-leg hunt. Vlads/Flattens/Lattens are the ones sharing the white-on-blue Zionists stars with Goths and Hagars.

Of probable importance for finding the parents of Caiaphas, the Cuneo-suspect and Masci-related Chaine's/Chenays/CHESneys should apply; they are in the colors of the Guest swans. The Chanuts/Chenu's/SHAYnu use a chevron (upside down) in the colors of the Guest chevron. Again, the upside-down wings of Geneva's/Genova's (probably swan-liner Ligurians) are in the colors of the Chaine/Chesny wing, which was the white Masci wing for years until recently. It looks like Chenays and Genova's were one.

We should be seeking an ancient Chain-like surname in the Cottian mountains of Roman times, but the Ches-using variations of this line likely stand for "Joseph" liners of the Guess/Guest kind. Reminder: Alba's use a swan, and Alba is in Cuneo. If you find the parents first, great work! Let the world know. I'd suggest looking for the namers of Genova. The term can mean, "young."

The Guess'/Guests are said to mean "stranger," which for me is code for Forum Allieni, the early name of proto-Ferrara. There is a Chess surname using nothing but the same lion as Ferrari's. English Guests/Gests use swans too, as well as a Shield split vertically in the colors of the same of German Kaplans/Cappeln's!!! Those exclamation marks are for English Kaplans, first found in the same place as English Josephs, and sharing three gold symbols on the same-colored Chief as Josephs.

The colors of these split Shields are red and black, reminding of the snap-vision I had of a red-on-black bend (rare colors) about ten days before coming across one in the Gar/Karen Coat. The Kerns/Karens happen to share a sleeping moon with Roets so as to both trace to Carians of the mythical-Endymion kind, and the Roet Chief, as of this update, is being equated with the Joseph Chief!

There's more. The swan in the English Guest/Gest Crest is black, the color of the FIVE swans in the CHAPLet Coat, thus making a hard KAPLan link to Chaplets. Moreover, the Guest chevron is half in the colors of the Capone chevron.

French Guests are listed with rooster-using Gays/Gauys (Savoy). The rooster is gold, as is the Guellies rooster. Here's from the 2nd update of last December (or see it in the 2nd update of last month):

The Prestwick surname uses the Glass-Crest mermaid (though in Kerrick colors), as well as the same motto as Velis'/Vails." It suggests that Velis'/Vails are a version of some Glass term, such as "Guellies" (rooster). The latter is using a version of the French Julian Coat (this is the first time that I've discovered it). Guellies' were first found in Dauphine, smack beside, or perhaps part of, Guillestre.

You don't need to wrap your head around everything in that quote. Prior to writing it, Guillestre was traced to Glass' while Julians/Gillians were traced to Velis', and so I feel the Julian trace to Guillestre was clinched, perhaps to prove vital when seeking the father and mother of Caiaphas. I had simply taken a wild stab at a Gu term that may have developed from "Velis," and that's how the Guellies' were discovered. The Velis Crest is another swan head, like the Guest swan-head design. I don't know what the red parts are in the Velis Crest. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Guellies is that also of Panico's/Pane's.


On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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