I'm a week ahead of schedule with the updates. This one shouldn't be out until next Monday, but as there isn't any news that appears prophetically important to speak of, it doesn't matter. Still, I'm going to proof read this update and have it out in pieces throughout the week to get back on schedule. This way, the very important discovery, late in this update, of the Cavii peoples who named Caiaphas, will likely get pushed into next week's update. Yes, I am relieved to have found this. The evidence is overwhelming.I didn't learn that the last update was inaccessible until after the week was out. I really need to be more careful when typing the address codes. The page is accessible now. I would have known earlier that the address code had one too many letters, but the new Yahoo email won't work from my dial-up Internet service. I therefore didn't discover the inaccessibility until going to town to read emails. If that happens again, and it will, you might be able to get to the page by spelling the correct address in your browsers box. Compare the faulty address with other addresses in pages that work, and you should spot the spelling problem.
In this update, were going to look at some old maps to help understand the movement of the Caiaphas bloodline through Moesia. The Illyrium and Caucasia maps are anciently drawn, not to geographical-correctness, but the other one, the Roman-Illyricum map, is correct in that regard. A read of the last update would be helpful with this discussion. I apologize to regular readers when repeating much for the sake of new readers jumping in. The Internet is such that people accidentally bump into these updates when searching an assortment of topics. Sooner or later, the queen might find herself on a page that does not bode well for the royal Stewart bloodline.
Below is a map of ancient Illyrium (I'm able to enlarge it greatly). The dating scheme looks to be at what Wikipedia calls "Roman Dacia," a couple of centuries AD, and yet the names of locations shown should often correspond deep into BC / pre-Christian times. Did you know that it offends some modern "intellectuals" for me to use "BC" instead of "BCE"?
BC BC BC BC BC. Go away if the word "Christ" offends you. You'd never measure up to His excellence, not even an inch of it; who do you think you are?
Loading all four maps below on separate browsers will save the loss of ten years off your life.
Seek and find Cuppae on the north side of the Payen-suspect Picensii (top-left area). These are suspect with the Paeoni/Paioni term as it developed into a hypothetical "Pajon>Pagon>Pacon" and similar variations. But even if I'm wrong about a Piceni identification with Paeoni, let's focus on last update's Pike / Picken trace to Cottius, of the family that Julius Caesar's father married. This was pegged as the line to Caiaphas via Caesar's affair with Servilia Caepio, and so here we see the Piceni smack in the Cuppae theater. Caepincidence?
http://www.tribwatch.com/mapAncientIllyrium.jpgYou need to be like a good student as I explain this, taking the time to go back and forth to the maps, reflecting all the while. It will be worth it to become more familiar with this topic than one who whips through it. This story needs to be explained to others, and what better way than by being very familiar with it yourself.
Arcidava is shown north of Cuppae, suspect as a line to the Arc river and its Hasmoneans (a Has location on the river of the Cavii will actually be found late in the update, probably moved to next week's update). The Pek river is the unmarked one flowing to the immediate left of Cuppae. It flows to a "Punicum" location at the mouth. A search for that term indicates the possibility that it was Phoenician, as I think the Paeoni were. I'm reading the phrase, "Phoenico Punicum".
Judging by the distance north of the Danube that Arcidava is placed, it must have been very near Anina on the Semenic mountain, important because I had little doubt (last update) of its trace to Anagni in the Samnite area of Italy, near also the land of the Marsi. See now that the river beside the Pek is the Maryas, and the one beside that is the Margus, suspect with the Margy/Mackie/Mackey and Margeson/Mackesy surnames. The upper parts of the Margus is stamped, "Moschius," in downtown Moesia. We should therefore expect the Biblical Gog here in Moesia, in times after Ezekiel. We are tracking the Gogi tail hare into AD times. AD AD AD. Does that offend you? Then you have a spiritual problem; sit down and get it fixed. It can take as little as a few seconds.
While Wikipedia mentions historians that located Dacia on the northern side of the Danube, there is a "Dacia Aureliana" shown on the southern side at this time. It's in the midst of upper Moesia. In the last update, it was learned that: "Caesar [the dictator's father] was married to Aurelia Cotta, a member of the Aurelii and Rutilii families..." After that, the Cottius family (which Wikipedia fails to link, even suggestively, to Aurelia Cotta) started to trace well to Dacians and related Getae. And here we are finding the possibly explanation for the Aureli surname.
The mountains shown to the right of Arcidava correspond to the Semenic system. At the northern end of these mountains, you can see a MASCHIanae location, which looks to have named Maschi's, first found at the northern end of Picenum. As Masci's developed into Masseys/Maceys, doesn't this trace Maschi's as well as Margys/Mackeys and Margesons/Mackesys to the Picensii area at the Pek? Was, therefore, the Maschianae location the proto-Maccabee center?
Maschianae is on a river that, on my atlas, is called the Timis river. The Massins/Masons were first found in the same place (Kent) as Caesars and Timms/Time's, and the latter use the same chevron design (rare) as the Julian-related Teague's. This surpasses the Coincidence Line into the Realm of Fact. This Semenic area can be considered Moesia's ground zero for both Masonry and the line to the killers of Christ via Hasmoneans/Maccabees. But there is more.
"Maschianae" is written on the map across a river that, on my "modern" atlas, is the Poganus. It's suggestive of a Masci-Payen alliance / merger. The Poganus flows to the Timis region, where it meets the Timis river that itself has a mouth at Pancevo, smack across the Danube from the mouth of the Sava. This PANCevo location, suspect with the Pan-line Paeoni, smacks of the PANICo variation of Panetta's/Pane's that I said, months if not years ago, were merged with Sadducee liners at Boii-conquered Bologna. The Boii were pegged years ago as the line to "Maccabaeus" along with an unknown Macca entity. I'm indicating what was concluded / or surmised years ago so that you'll know I'm not making this up at the present time to harmonize with the current discussion.
In the last update, before seeing this Illyrium map, Julius Caesar was tentatively traced to an ancient [about 800 BC) Geganii peoples, and so see Gaganae stamped on the map about 30 diameters of a Gog skull south of Maschianae. This Geganii entity was said to be from a mythical Gyas term that squared with the Guis variation of the Guido's, and then the latter have been discussed for many months in a close relationship with the Panico's, Pinks and Punch's. A reader wrote in a few years ago to say that elements from mythical Geryon, whom I traced to the Gegani only in the last update, had also gone by a Gyas-like term (that I cannot recall the spelling of).
I have not see this map again, after several months, until the last update was fully completed. I did not know that the map has an "Ad SEXTUM" location at the mouth of the Timis river. In the last update, we learned that: "Gaius Julius Caesar was a name used by men of the gens Julia in ancient Rome...Gaius was one of the three most common praenomina (first names) for the Julii Caesares, the other two being Lucius and SEXTUS." The Caesar surname was first found in the same place as Time's/Timms.
There is a modern Gradiste location at the mouth of the Pek today. It is clear that the Pink and Punch surnames, as well as the Reno surname and river, apply to the Pek:
Gradiste is placed on the left bank of the river Pek...During the Romans there has been a town named Pincum here, which the Byzantines later called Pincus. In Pajtinge stables this is a Roman place [i.e. a Roman fort] marked as a Punicum, 13 miles away from Viminakije. The name of this town, as well as the name of the river Pek (Pincus), will be associated with the name of Pikenezovacs [= Piceni], who were inhabited this area from the days of Ptolemy...Kanitz says that Pincum, as the main stock of the Roman metal production in the Pek area, in addition to the military, had economic significance too. There were several roads, that led from the interior to his dock. And on the left, Hungarian bank of the Danube, Pincum was protected by a small town, which walls were found by Marsigli near Hungarian Pozezeno. Which is opposite the Serbian village of the same name, just below the Gradiste.We can now trace Vestalis, son of Cottius, to the Pek river's Cuppae location (the latter was dubbed, "City of Doves"). You don't believe it? What would it mean if it's true? Would it trace Payens to Julius Caesar? That could explain why both surnames use stars in the same colors.
The trace starts with the fist in the Punch Crest, where "fist" already begins to suspect the Wests and Vestels, treated in the last update as Vestalis lines. I've known that there was a Fist surname showing a fist, and that's the Fist/Faust surname, using: "A blue shield with a hand CLENCHED into a fist at the center." The Punch surname uses: "A CUBIT arm in silver with the fist CLENCHED." The Vestel surname uses: "A CUBIT arm in red, holding a blue dove collared gold."
http://www.free-coat-of-arms.com/Perhaps "cubit" is code for Cuppae elements. It just can't be a further coincidence that while God revealed to tribwatch readers how Caiaphas traces to a blue "Cappeo" lion, which I found to be shown usually in blue on white, the Cubit/Cobbet/Cubbert surname shows a blue-on-white lion head.
I fully understand your skepticism when someone says, "God told me this or that." It's easy to mistaken our inner voices with that of God's. But the Cappeo-lion revelation was from another person that was to my instant understanding when shared with me. In order for God to verify that He is involved with a revelation, it is expected that such things occur. We see it in the book of Acts with Paul and Peter. I can't prove that God is involved in this revelation; it's your choice whether to believe it or not. I'm convinced. It was weeks or months, after the lion vision, before coming across Cuppae, and it turned out to be very meaningful.
A few weeks ago, I had a snap vision of a red-on-black bend. I waited to come across one, and finally did some ten days later. It was in the German Gar/Karen Coat, and to verify that this snap vision (less than a second long) was of God, the Irish Gars/Gearys showed blue-on-white lions, the same style showing now in the Cubit/Cubbert Coat. It had seemed, in the last update, that Gars were Geryon elements on the Gari river (south of Rome), the location of Anagni. But that assessment came BEFORE I located Anani for the first time at the Cuppae theater. With a trace of "Caiaphas" to "Cuppae," by what coincidence was Annas (Caiaphas' father in law) also know as Hanan / Ananias?
As Hugh de Payens married the Chappes surname, it is guaranteed that he was a line from the Pek's Paeoni / Piceni elements while Chappes' were from Cuppae. The formation of the first Templars is as simple as that, 1,000 years after Caiaphas died. It was insinuated, in the last update, that the blue doves of Vestals were blue for linking to the blue lion entity out of Cuppae. You can expect much out of Cuppae to trace to blue heraldic colors, and that's the color of Gog.
As the Roxolani are important to heraldry (I think) for being the proto-Alan-Stewarts (who turned out to be Cottius elements in the last update), see Dacians next to the Roxolani in a map at Wikipedia's Arcidava article:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ArgidavaYou can read there that Arcidava was a Dacian entity of BC times. It leaves open the possibility that the Arc river (Savoy) was named before the birth of Caiaphas. It may reveal that Dacians of Arcidava settled in the Cottians, the expectation from finds in the last update.
It was also shown (last update) that Arcidava was possibly the Orchomenos line to the Orco river, on the opposite side of the Cottians from the Arc river. This evokes the Argonautica myth with the Argo ship (filled with Orchomenos Boeotians) sailing up the Danube, with the Colchian navy, out of the river at Poti, chasing the Argo ship. This is interesting, not just because Arcidava was ARGIdava ("dava is a suffix"), but because a Putea location, which you can see on the Illyricum map, is just a few Gogi cubits north of Arcidava. The sailing of the Argo up the Danube was code for Colchian migrations into that watershed.
Cimmerians (had been found on the Arc river) and Danaans together were at Rhodes, and myth tells that Danaans were in Rhodes BEFORE they came to rule Argos. The idea here is that the two moved out of Rhodes to Argos, then to name the Danube after some Danaan element in or around Argidava. The Rhodope mountains not far south of the Danube are suspect in this movement, but there was also a Rhodopolis area in Colchis. Locate Phasis on the Black sea, and look south of its river to find Rhodopolis, but then see what looks like "ARCHASpolis between Phasis and Rhodopolis. The all-important Lazi are right there between Archaspolis and Rhodopolis.
The Cimmerians lived at Azov, which was also Maeotis, suspect with "Medea," the princess of the golden-fleece city that's itself highly suspect with the Soducena location at lake Sevan. On the shores of Maeotis, there was a Tanais location and river (now the Don) that must have housed the proto-Danaans. But, hush, we're not supposed to know this.
The impression I'm getting is that Colchians out of Poti (also called, Phasis) were at Putea while the Argos-related Boiotians were at Argidava. These Boiotians are suspect as the Boii at the roots of Maccabees (lived at Modi'in of Israel), important where Modane is on the Arc river. You can only take so many coincidences before you realize that you're busting through the Coincidence Line into the Realm of Fact.
In the last update, it was super to find good reason for a trace of "Cuppae" to what looked like Levi / Lapith elements at a lake Copais in Boiotia. Without any of this in mind (because I hadn't yet arrived to it) in the 3rd update of last month, here's what was said:
Going back to [mythical] Elatus, a Lapith...Recalling that potential trace, via Elatus elements, of Orchomenos Boiotians to ARCadia, what about the Arc river that Modane sits on??? As Cilnius elements, that I said should be at the founding of Maccabees, traced well to Cyllene of Arcadia, by what coincidence does the Chives Coat use the quarters in the colors of the same of Keele's/Kills? Cyllene elements were at Chivasso, weren't they, and at Modane, weren't they??The family of Elatus is said to have founded mount Cyllene. It was shortly after he was stressed last month, when it dawned on me that "Lapith" may have been a Levi term. There is another explanation for "Lapith," but for the time being, it's being entertained as an ancient line of pagan Levites into Greece. Whatever the Lapiths were, they are tracing to the formation of Caiaphas through Julius Caesar, and, as some proof, see a Lepidus surname married to Junia Caepio in this family tree:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junia_TertiaBy the time that the Poti topic was written above, I had viewed the Serge/Sargeant Coat because Argidava is also thought, by some, to have been, "Sargedava." I had nothing to say about the Serge Coat however, until the Poti / Putea topic arose, which reminded that Puttens, Putins, Pewters, and Potters are all in the colors of the Serge's. The natural thing after that was to check for a Poti surname, which, shocker, brought up no Poti-like variation, all looking instead like Pine's/Pyne's...whom I've equated with "Payen." Pine's/Pyne's even share pineapples with Poti's/Pini's/Pano's/Pinato's/Pennino's. Don't the latter smack of Panico's/Panetta's/Pane's?
Therefore, I'm convinced that this Poti/Pini/Pano surname traces to Pek-river Pincum liners at Putea. At this point, I'm viewing it as a Paeoni merger with golden-fleece Colchians = scythians.
It's very helpful that Poti's/Pini's/Pano's were first found in Bologna, where Panico's lived...as many as ten centuries after the Boii conquered the city.
I had ventured to trace Daphne to Cuppae, important now that dolphins are used in the Serge/Sargeant Coat. As Pine's/Pyne's were equated with Pendragons (Tipper kin), who traced (5th update in January) to the Apennines of Italy in the thick of the Marsi domain, the Serge/Sargeant dolphins could be the Tipper dolphins. After the Pendragon trace to the Salto river, the Croom surname cropped up, which traces well to Crimea, for GRIMaldi's, who share a Shield filled with lozenges with Scottish Crone's, had trace to "Crimea." That was the home of Cimmerians at Azov. I now find that Pine's/Pyne's (branch of Wayne's) appear to be using a version of the Crone/Croom/Crome Coat, suggestive of a Paeoni merger with scythians. It's exactly the theme when I was insisting that Panico's at Bologna had been a part of the founding of the Israeli priesthood (i.e. along with scythians in northern Italy).
In a Payen picture at Bologna, anything involving scythians is suspect as the proto-Sadducee Sittaceni. The Panico's lived in a Setta valley south of Bologna. The Croms/Crums were first found in Berkshire, where Buckingham is located, and the latter is where Serge's/Sargeants were first found. The namers of Windsor castle (Berkshire) had traced, in the last update, to the Vistula river, which river's name was suspect with "Vestalis" (Cottius' son). I think the queen should come out of the castle with her hands on her head for some questioning.
It just so happens that Grooms use "knights helmets," and then Knights were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Grooms and Blois', important because Blois' were found ( a few updates ago) on the Arc river too. It stands to reason, therefore, that the gauntlet glove of Crooms, shared by Wayne's and Veyne's, is that of Maceys expected at Modane. To put it another way, Pine's/Pyne's and Poti's/Pini's/Pano's were, to some degree, Crimean scythians in relation to Modane.
Herodotus said that Amazons (= proto-Moesians) migrated through the Crimea to form Sarmatians. Out of the Sarmatians came the Roxolani Alans, or so many writers claim. On the map at the Arcidava article, the Arpii have become the Carpi now on the Hierasus river...that the Illyrian map appears to call the "Agarus," smacking of Biblical Hagar, Abraham's concubine, and mother of his first child. As this Hierasus/Agarus river is now the Siret, it's interesting that I traced Hagar (years ago) to the goat cult of Seir (apart from knowing of this river's names).
Mount Cyllene was itself a goat cult-region, giving birth to Pan, the goat suspect with "Paeonia." Where the Paeoni trace to the formation of the Israeli priesthood, it underscores the importance of a "Cyllene" trace to "Cilnius." The question then becomes whether the mythical-Marsyas goat traces to the Maryas river smack beside the Pek. I think you know the answer. As things stand now, Cilnius elements had been the proto-Keele surname sharing a Shield with Chives/Shives who trace to "Chivasso" on the Orco, that being the location to which "Caiaphas" must trace with little doubt. I don't want to make mistakes, only to have to correct them.
Still on the map from the Arcidava article, Roxolani are stamped almost-exactly where the Cotesii are stamped (upper right) on the Illyrium map. As this was in the northern stretches of Thrace, the Cotesii must have been the mythical Cotys entity of Thracians. This Cotesii relationship with the Roxolani should explain why Alan-Stewarts seemed to link hard to Cottius.
As the Alan-Stewarts also trace to Arpad Hungarians and to the Neuri (who I say were merged with Roxolani), note that, on the Illyrium map, the Arpii are stamped way up toward the Bug = Neuri and Trypillian theater. Recently, it was suggested that the Bug river may be indication of Buz, son of Nahor, and here I find that the river upon which you see the Cotesii / Roxolani is, in my atlas, called the Buzau...flowing through a Buzau location about 75 miles from BUCHarest (Bug elements)?
There are quite a few "paratus" motto terms that might just be for elements on the Paratus/Pyretus river (modern Prut). On the Illyrium map, this river has a source at a term that looks like, TAMESidava (to the left of the Arpii), smacking of Themiscyra on the Thermodon river. This is a super supporting point for tracing the Trypillians, who lived smack at this river's Moldavian regions, to Trabzon (near the Thermodon). Moldavia (or Moldova) is between the Prut and the Siret; I gather that the latter river is the one marked, "Agarus," on the Illyrium map. The Agarus goes up to a CAUCOENsii peoples beside a COGAEONus river. (I didn't know yet, while writing here, that Cicones/Kikons lived at a Sale location that traces excellently to the Salyes Ligures.)
Thus, I think we have found the Amazons from Thermodon that Herodotus (a few centuries BC) traced to the northern shores of the Black sea. Their principal peoples are expected in the Trypillians, but as Herodotus said that these Amazons mated with Gargarians, whom I view as Georgians in general, it can now be assumed that they were the Gogi of Gogarene, as they evolved into the Caucasian namers of Cogaeonus. If we then ask where the Soducena elements are, expected with Gogarene elements, perhaps the Cotesii apply. Couldn't "SODUC" and "COTES" be the same term? If this is correct -- I couldn't have asked for a better situation over the last few updates. It should reveal that Cottius at the Cottian mountains was a proto-Sadducee line married by Julius Caesar. What a story.
There is a CUCUteni-Trypillian culture named after a Gog-suspect entity that should prove to be from the namers of the Cogaeonus. "Cucuteni...is a commune in Iasi County, Romania...Neighbouring villages and communes...COTnari [caps mine]...The name of the village is derived from Romanian word 'cucuta', meaning hemlock." It's hard to argue that this derivation is incorrect, when we don't know the Romanian language, but, perhaps, hemlocks were named after the Gogi peoples. It can work that way, sometimes. A better theory may be that the namers of the location were not exactly, but close to, "Cucuten," and for that reason they adopted a term as word-play on their term for "hemlock." The Cocker surname (looks to trace to Salyes Ligures, as does the Cottius family) is listed with Cockets, but, sorry, no hemlock tree in the Coat.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CucuteniLater in the update, I find the Cavii peoples at a Kukes location, beside a Has location, on a river that traces hard to lake Sevan. That's the story you should not miss. It will probably be pushed to the next update.
The Cuceteni article's implication is that Cucuteni was a Dacian locale. The Cotnari location may be evident in the Cotner variation of the Cotta surname. I think we have story. I think we have a Cottius trace to the Cotesii.
Aha! The Iasi county is on the Parata / Prut river. Then, Pratts were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Cockets, and are in the same colors. Irish Pratts, first found in the same place, use the same bird (a falcon, I think) in Crest as the Cottone Crest!!! You see, the heraldry masters knew where these families traced, at least at one time. Belgian Pratts use the Annandale Coat as used by Cappeo-lion Bruce's! There can be no doubt about it: Caiaphas traces with his Cottius bloodline to proto-Moldavia.
It is thus probable that proto-Sadducees in general trace to Iasi, in downtown Moldavia. There is a CODaesti location (perhaps should be read as CODAESti) just outside the southern Iasi border. The Arms of Iasi uses a five-pointed crown, and a white-on-red horse (the Thracian Horseman?), symbol also of the Saxon and Kent horses. (Saxons/Septons/SEXTons are suspect with the rose-using Septons, and therefore as a line from Julius Caesar's Sextus line.
There are many surnames using "Semper paratus," and as the Arms of L'viv (not far from the Paratus) use that motto (to the best of my recollection), it seems that it's code for elements off the Prut river. L'viv is less than 100 miles from the upper Prut. One Mire surname, which may trace to Magyars (who were in fact in Moldavia), use "Semper paratus." The full Sword motto is, "Paratus," which can explain why Siward of Northumberland (honored in the Sword surname) had traced to Polish rulers.
Likewise not far south of Iasi is a PUNGesti location that may be honored in the Payen-suspect Pung/Pagan/Pagnell surname (uses the bendy colors of the Guerra bendy). This surname traces to the Pek elements (such as Pinks / Panico's) suspect with Guido Guerra, and so it needs to be especially repeated that, directly across the Danube from the mouth of the Pek, there is, in my Atlas, a Moldova-Noua location (I'm assuming it means, New Moldova). Then, on the Pek, there is a KUCevo location (uses wolves, suspect with the Neuri and/or the Budini) smacking of the expected namers of the Cucuteni location in Iasi.
Compare the Arms of Pincum (nine blue vertical bars) with the Donnas Coat (nine bars total, five blue, in the colors of the Pung bars). Donnus was the name of Cottius' father.
The area around the Pek is BRANicevo, perhaps related to Briancon/Brigantium (about 20 miles from Modane) on the Durance. The Moldavia connection to the Pek can explain why Pratts use the Bruce Coat, in colors reversed to the Bryce Coat, and suspect with the Pike/Picken Coat. Bruces were from BRIXia, where the Cappeo-lion line comes out of that must be from Cuppae on the Pek. There is a Branicevo location of Golubac, the latter symbolized by doves: "Golubac, in Romanian as Golumbei or Columbaci, in Hungarian as Galamboc, in German as Taubenberg and in Turkish as Guvercinlik which means 'dovecote.' The name Golubac is derived from golub, which is Serbian for 'pigeon' or 'dove,' and is therefore often translated as 'the town of doves.'"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GolubacAnciently, Golubac was Cuppae. Should we expect Cuppae elements on the Durance, therefore? Exactly to be expected. Did these elements become the Caepio's? Did Julius Caesar have an affair with Servilia Caepio due to being close to her by his own Cotta blood?
The Bran/Brain surname (leopard faces) is said to be from a Brain location near Hainaut, location of Mons.
The Arms of Golubac uses an ancient ship, but the Pek river is far from the sea. Is it the Argo ship? One Durant Coat uses a ship too, and was first found in the same place (Dauphine) as Payens/Pagans. The dancette of English Durants (kin of Sale's) is a symbol now tracing (as of the last update) to "Donnus," father of Cottius.
The full Bran/Brain motto, "Enghien," must be code for Engains using another dancette as well as crosslets in the style of the Julian crosslet. The Engain Coat looks like a version of the Gore Coat, and the Gore Coat was traced solidly to the Trip Coat...from Trypillians in Moldavia. But the Gore motto traces to Servitium, where the Servilii bloodline is expected that Julius Caesar mated with. One may wonder how many illegitimate siblings Caiaphas had.
AHA! The GAGNE variation of Engains may resolve their mystery in the GEGANI elements expected at Gaganae, between Maschianae and Cuppae. It's where the Argo-ship-related Poti liners had traced. Both Gore's and Engains call their crosses: "crosses crosslet." Perhaps these crosslets are part-code for Creusa-based Cross' / Croze's / etc., and part-code for the Annas-suspect Letts/Laite's who use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Bruce's and Pratts in colors reversed. After writing that, it was learned that Letts and Brans/Brains were both first found in the same place (Gloucestershire), where Samsons were first found who use "Pejus letho" in their motto.
I had traced the heraldic organ to "ORKNey," but "Orkney" was traced to Orchomenos elements on the Argo ship (not a true ship, just myth code for migrations), and here I'm finding the Letts directly involved with Orchomenos, which is ideal because the Lett crest is "Three organ pipes, two in saltire, surmounted by the third, banded in green."
http://www.free-coat-of-arms.com/Continued from yesterday
On the Illyrium map, look to the north of Putea and Geganae for the large word, "POTULATENSII," what could be a Poti-Lazona combination, in-part from the Lazi Caucasians on / off the Glaucus river from the Poti location. I feel somewhat confident that "Glaucus" traces to "Gloucester," where the "Pejus letho" Samsons were first found, but even more confident that the namers of the Glaucus (passed through Sicily, where Samsons trace) were the Gileki, the Iranian people (Colchians?) to Julians/Gillians...and to Guillestre on the Durance. Therefore, the Letts/Laite's are now suspect in the namers of PotuLATENsii," that being suspect as the Ladon line to the Revelation dragon, even Julius Caesar. Letts/Laite's could be using the Pike/Picken saltire...not forgetting that English Pike's use a version of the Cottus Coat.
Look to the left of Potulatensii for a LIZisis location, and smack to the latter's left we find a JAZYges term, smacking of the namers of Iasi in Moldavia.
Why is there a Marisus river (not the Maryus) flowing across Potulatensii? We need to ask the Phrygian goat, Marsyas, for his god, Attis (sun god of Phrygia), was made a son of Cotys, and moreover "Attis" was a version of "Aeetes," the owner of the navy that chased the Argo ship up the Danube. The Marisus today is the Maros/Mures. What do you suppose is the connection between the Cotys > Attis line to Lydians, and the owner of the golden fleece? You need to ask the Sadducees out of Kutaisi.
Another piece of evidence for an Anagni trace to "Anani" is the Lom location on the Danube. I can't recall the reason(s), but I traced it tentatively to the naming of Lombards. I don't make serious traces on similarity of terms alone. I now find that the common denominator between Anagni and Anani, which is the very proof for their linkage, is the Sabines...who "disappeared" from Italy at an early time. As they developed into the Suebi (historians don't acknowledge / share this), in the Hercynian-Forest part of the Danube, by what coincidence are the Lombards said to be a branch of Suebi?
In short, Sabines were at the Lom theater in their transition into Suebi. It expects that the Marsi amid the Sabines, who were the Mars cult at the founding of Romans (800 - 1000 BC), were the namers of the Maryus river smack at the land of the Picensii. Mars even had a woodpecker symbol while the Piceni of eastern Italy are sometimes said to have been named after the woodpecker. It's a tight case for interplay between the Sabines of Italy and the Cuppae theater. Why? I can tell you this: these Marsi were expected weeks ago (i.e. before discovering the Anani on the Semenic) to furnish the line to Annas of Israel. Therefore, hearken to the Anani > Anagni connection, and let's go forward seeking other tidbits that can enlarge on the picture.
Lom was called "Almus" by Romans, and is on the Illyrium map as "Almum, a little down-river from Bononia. The Almus term strikes me as mythical Almos, father of Arpad, founder of Hungarians. If this is correct, then Lombards look to be from the same stock (Sabines, I gather) as Hungarians. Lombards had come south from the far-north Suebi to establish a capital at Milan, near the Ticino where I found proto-Hungarians. Hungarians were founded in-part by peoples on the Marisus, suggesting interplay between the Maryus at the Pek theater and Lom, which not only verifies a Marsi link to Lom, but applies a Marsi branch to the naming of the Marisus.
This Marsi entity into the makings of the Hungarians has been traced (by me) to Moray in Scotland. It's also in the white-and-blue stars of the American flag.
As Ottone Visconti (after the Lombards) founded the power structures of his family heritage at Milan, while Visconti's have been identified as a line of Chappes,' we thereby have good cause for tracing the Copais Boiotians though Cuppae to Visconti's. One has reason to view Visconti's as part-Lombard, and indeed the Windsors are said to be from certain Lombards (dukes of Lombardy) by the name of, Other," smacking of "Ottone." The Windsor write-up spells the Other surname as "Otho."
Now, the expectation is that Ottone Visconti was a Marsi liner in cahoots with Lom elements on the Danube. That is, proto-Suebi at Lom migrated to the coasts of Denmark / Sweden, and returned south, slashing as they went, as Lombards, ending up in Milan. And their Marsi elements are predicted to be the Marici on the Tessen/Ticino river, who were there as early as Pliny the Elder in the first century AD. Pliny said that Ticinum (the city) was founded by the Laevi and Marici together. Isn't that suspicious knowing that Annas and Caiaphas lines were from the Lom-to-Maryus stretch? Doesn't it seem as though Marsi in contact with Cuppae's Pek-ers came to the Ticino river? It could explain why the Lombards, their old cousins, ended up at neighboring Milan (less than 10 miles from the Ticino).
Wikipedia's article on Ticinum says that it was re-named, Papia, during the Lombard era at northern Italy. For me, this is evidence that Merovingians, who made alliances with Suebi elements, and who were governed by Pepins, were amongst the Lombards (6th century AD) at Lombardy. Merovingians were themselves traced to the Salto river in the land of the Marsi. In fact, there is evidence that Merovingians were named after the land of the Marsi, Maruvium. Therefore, we should probably equate Merovingians with the Marici, asking why Merovingians were merged with Laevi?
There are two Tease surnames, one of which is also Tess/Teck. One Tease surname is suspect in using the Annas star, and it's Coat is red-on-gold, the colors of the Other Coat, while the Tease/Tess/Teck Coat shares the white-on-red saltire of the Windsors (stag in Crest, Hungarian-ancestry symbol). And so there was a connection between Ottone Visconti and the lines from the killers of Christ on the Ticino. To put it another way, the queen at Windsor castle needs to come out with her hands on her head, to sign a confession concerning her Caiaphas roots. We promise to treat her gently, if she doesn't resist. The queen is known to be from the Teck surname.
There is an Ulm location in the German part of the Danube (where Suebi came to live that named Swabia), while Ulmans use the same lion design as Maud-suspect Monmouths, interesting because Mauds are also "Mold," smacking of Moldavians. It speaks of a Moldavian line to Modane, just as was suspect from information presented above. I assume that the name of this peoples was Moldova, where "dava" is the suffix, and in this way, these peoples (probably Thracians) are suspect as the line to Molle's, Moulins/Moline's, and to de-Molay himself.
English Stewarts, who showed the vertical bars of Carpenters for a few days, and therefore trace to the same stock as Arpad Hungarians, showed the Ulman-style lion for years, until recently. I can't be sure that Ulmans are from "Ulm," but that's the theory. This is a good reason to trace the stag in the English Stewart Crest to Hungarians, and yet there are several other reasons for tracing Stewarts to Attila. Attila's Huns (= proto-Hungarians), merged with Alan Huns, had sacked Ticinum (5th century) before the Lombards arrived. "[Ticinum] was pillaged by Attila in 452 and by Odoacer in 476..." Perhaps the Other/Otho Lombards were named after ODOacer's descendant. He was the Germanic king of Italy as per the fall of the Roman empire.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TicinumThe northern part of Ulm is JUNGINgen, smacking of the stag-using Jungs/Youngs (Hungarian suspects), and then the British Yonge's/Youngs were related to Ugrian-suspect Hogens; both share annulets in their Chiefs, in colors reversed to one another, and the Hogen annulets are in the colors of the Lett Chief. If correct for me to trace Letts to Potulatensii, along the Mures river, it's very notable that Arpad Hungarians were co-founded by Kabars on the Mures river. I trace Hungarian formation to Arad on the Mures because that location traces to Arados in Syria, otherwise called, Arvad/Arpad. The latter location was near Ugarit (also in Syria), the founding term for Ugrians to which Hungarians belonged. Don't historians realize this connection to Syria? Not if we judge by their silence.
The king of Italy above is said to have been partly a Scirian (Germanic peoples), perhaps a Germanic version of a Syria term, in the same way that "Sire" could become "Schire / Squire." In fact, this is important suddenly, for I've been linking the squirrel of Squire's fundamentally to that of Decks/Deckers and Dyke's, and have insisted that the latter surnames are after "Ticino" elements! Suddenly, Odoacer's Scirians are figuring into Ticino-related heraldry. This is new to me.
Both Skire's and Sire's use towers on a red Shield, and Sire's are the ones who had links with empress Justine of Picenum (4th century); she lived before Attila came through the Ticino theater. We'd like to know whether her line involved some Marsi elements that linked later with king Odoacer. Her son, emperor Valentinian II, was a puppet ruler of Merobaudes, who smacks of a Merovingian in times prior to Merovingians proper. Merobaudes had been a steward of emperor Julian (The Apostate), with plenty of Julia-like names in the family, making it suspect as the Caiaphas line to Ottone Visconti and the Windsors. Merobaudes then became a steward of Justine's husband. Valentinian III, who goes back three generations, on his mother's side, to Justine, was the son of a man (Constantius III) born in Naissus, on the Margus river flowing through the land of the Picensii. Everything in this paragraph calls for an investigation into whether the Julian > Caiaphas line came though Justine. Some day soon, I might go there.
There are men named HONorius in Valentinian circles who smack of the namers of the Huns. In fact, the Honor/Honan surname uses stags...as well as a "timeo" motto term tracing, likely, to the Timis river of the Dacians. Dacians are suspect with a dog symbol, and Huns had a blue-wolf symbol found in the Arms of Placentia, along with a square. It's just a square; I don't know what it's called officially, but I've found heraldic squares of sorts that I trace to the Placentia square. It just so happens that the Squire surname comes up as "Square." Then, Valentinian III was a son of Galla PLACidia, smacking of "Placentia."
Late in this update, after proving without a shadow of a doubt that Caiaphas stems from the Cavii (you need to be in my head to understand the full scope of the evidence; I'm trying my best to put it on paper), who in-turn stem from Paeonians by all indicators, I entered "Strime" seeking a possible Strymon-river surname, and up came a "sed caveo" motto term. The term is so like "Cavii / Caepio" that my antlers curled up. I was lamenting at that time that I rarely come across the stag design used by Stewarts, though there are many similar designs. I pointed out that the Strime stag had two features like that of the Stewart stag, but the direction of the head was not a match. The two features were the front legs both straight, and one rear leg shifted. I now find that the Strime stag shares those features with the Honor/Honan stag, and appears to be the same design aside from the direction of the head. Then both surnames use "timeo" in their mottoes!
Moreover, the Honor/Honan stag, though not identical, shares all three features with the Stewart stag! This is indicating that namers of Honorius were Caiaphas liners. This update ended shortly after finding the Strime Coat, and at that time I was struggling to understand how the Cavii trace to Hannibal, who had come down as far south as Cannae, across the Adriatic from the Cavii.
On Valentinian III: "His mother [suspect with blue-wolf Placentia] was the younger half-sister of the western emperor Honorius, while his father (born on the Margus] was at the time a Patrician and the power behind the throne." It's causing me to ask whether Honorius was a name after "Hanni(bal)." Honorius' brother was ARCADius. His mother was a Flaccilla surname, said to be from Spain, where Hannibal elements had been. However, the mother's ancestry is said to be uncertain, perhaps by design. His father's ancestry is likewise in the dark.
If it's not certain that the Honor surname, listed with Honans, is from "Honorius," let's look more closely. The stags make a good case. The surname, in any case, traces to the Timis area of Dacia, and probably to Huns. Moreover, the surname is suspect with the Caepio bloodline, and ought to trace definitely to the Strime's...possibly out of the Strymon river, beside the Paeoni. These are the expectations.
Late in the update, "Start" was entered as per the Strath(ecan) surname that the Strime write-up traces to, and found the black Julian cross on what could be the Annan(dale) saltire. The Start surname works into the topic at hand.
I have every inclination to link these surnames to Anne's/Hanne's and Windsors. In fact, the Strime's are said to be from a Strath Aan location, and the red Windsor Shield is red, as is the Anne/Hanne Coat. The Windsor-Crest stag head is that of Anne's, but Anne's showed very small stag heads, until recently, which is why the very small symbols in the red-Shielded Skire Coat suggest kinship with Anne's. The Start saltire is colors reversed from the Windsor saltire, and both surnames use the same crosslet design. The Annabel/Hannibal Crest shows a stag with all three features of the Strime/Strathan stag; in fact, it looks identical.
Plus, the double bars of the Annabel/Hannibal Coat should be a version of the Fleck/Flack Coat, for the two surnames were first found in the same place (Norfolk), and we just saw that Honorius' mother was a Flaccilla surname. Then, the Aflacks, first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Starts, share the same sort of cross (had straight edges until recently), in the same colors, as Conans, while the latter look like a variation from "Honan" (important because "Honor" is listed with Honans). Conans were first found in the same place (Kincardine, suspect with "Carthage") as Strime's.
I don't know how many coincidences a skeptic can bear before bending to the facts, but I'm doing my best. It looks like a Hannibal term named Honorius, while he named the Huns. The Huns ventured far and wide seeking alliances, slashing all the way, as Hannibal had done before them. I'm not convinced that Huns came from the Orient.
McCARTHy's use th stag too, and their Desmond kin use a version of the Windsor saltire, which is probably the Start / Annan saltire. McCarthys are said to be from a Desmond location, and are traced in their write-up to an early (3rd century) Olum surname. Was that from Lom / Ulm / Almos? Mr. Olum had a son, Eoghan, smacking of Eugene's that I tend to trace to Hungarian elements of the Ugrian kind. The suggestion in this paragraph is that Carthage elements of the Hannibal kind led to Almos of the Hungarians via the Huns.
As I've found the line of Valentinians tracing to Alan-related Pollocks, it's likely that there was a marital alliance with the Huns:
The Huns continued to pressure the Danubian provinces in the 440s. Sometime before 449, Valentinian [III] granted the honorary title of Magister militum of the western empire upon their chieftain, Attila the Hun...Attila received a message from Honoria, Valentinian III's sister, offering him half the western empire if he would rescue her from an unwanted marriage that his brother was forcing her into.Attila changed course and invaded to the footsteps of Valentinian headquarters, but was appeased in some way and sent off.
As we are dealing with elements from the golden-fleece city in this update, Flavius Aetius should be mentioned, whose name smacks of mythical Aeetes. He was a Roman general involved in the tussle during Attila's razing of the continent. Note his place of birth and his father's ancestry:
Aetius was born at Durostorum in Moesia Inferior (modern Silistra, Bulgaria), around 391. His father, Flavius Gaudentius [lets not forget that "Gaut" is listed with the Cotta surname], was a Roman general of Scythian origin...Aetius' mother, whose name is unknown, was a wealthy aristocratic woman of Italian ancestry. Before 425 Aetius married the daughter of Carpilio, who gave him a son, also named Carpilio.Much of what you are reading (this part included) is inserted during the proof read to fill in some gaps later in the update. Durostorum, on the maps on the southern side of the Danube, near the Black sea, is on the edge of what was called, Scythia Minor, where gold-fleece Colchians were suspect before this Aetius insert. Later in the update, after it becomes evident that Caiaphas and Sadducees trace to gold-fleece Colchians, the topic turns to Dor and Megiddo elements to Caiaphas, as per the Dorians and Macedonians in the Paeonia / Strymon theater. It distinctly appears as though there was a Dor-Colchian merger that led to Caiaphas, which is practically the same as a Tyre-Colchian merger, or a proto-Paeoni merger with the Soducena elements at the golden-fleece city. That's what it's all about, according to the findings in this update.
Durostorum could be a Dor entity. We will learn that Wears trace to the Arms of Argentera, at the Stura valley suspect with the goat elements from the STRYMON river, but then note "DuroSTORUM." As the Stura valley is near Saluzzo, suddenly the possibility arises for the Durance river of the Salyes to be from Durostorum elements. The Wear-related Drake's were first found in the same place as Sturs, who smack of the variations in the Start page. It could reveal that Stur-like terms go to "Strymon / Durostorum." Storms, first found in the Varni theater, look like they are using the Stur / Esturmy bars. We are progressing in our education. Only a few unlocked doors remain before we find the filthy holy grail within. By now, it should stink badly.
I'm a little helter-skelter here in reporting points, but that's because the full story isn't straight in my mind. I'm just picking up keys as I find them, to be sorted out later, by better writers, if they feel compelled, whom God will chose to get this message out to where it belongs.
Arad, on the Illyrium map, is about where "Potu" is found in the Potulatensii term. As this area is just north of the Timis area, while "Syria" ought to trace to "Seir," it appears that we have found the Timna Seir-ians here at Timis, and then, as Timna was a sister to Lotan, it appears that Lotan elements are in "(Potu)Latensii." I had identified the golden fleece (years ago) as the Laz Caucasians (out of the Poti area of Colchis) but connected it to the Lotan>Ladon dragon cult. And here we are.
The Yonge-related Hogens are said to be from "og," a term defined as "young," but that has got to be cattle plop, mere code for the Ugor/Ogur realities. We could be tracing Og / Rephaite elements here to the Riparia, not forgetting that Rippers use an indented, solid chevron much like the same of Timms/Times'. The Riparia is important to the discussion because Cottius' family ruled out of Segusio upon that river.
As the ancient area of the Hercynian Forest was conquered by the brother of Bellovesus, it's probably important that solid chevrons are called "PERCHevrons," for Bellamys lived at Perche (France). Bellovesus' brother (Segovesus) now traces to SEGusio (new discovery due to the logic), but as he was from Sicyon, that's where one could independently trace the Szekely peoples, who lived on the Mures river at one point, and claimed to be proto-Hungarians.
That is, I traced "Szekely" to the Sicels of Sicily, who are responsible for naming Scylla, the monster that was paired in myth with Charibdis. The reason for tracing the Szekely proto-Hungarians to Sicels is that CHARIBdis was traced (by me) to mythical CHAROPS in Thrace, known to be up the Hebros/Maritsa river...that I say named the Marisus/Maros/Mures. The Hebros theater verging upon the Carpathians, and so, yes, Charops was obviously myth code for the Arpii / Carpi that named the Carpathians, and therefore was a proto-Hungarian entity from Syria. And he was given a son, OEAGRus, the Ugrians, of course, now suspect as the Og line to Hogens and Yonge's, and therefore to mythical Juno. As she was on the Oeneus river, the proto-Yonge's that represented her likely trace with Aeneas to Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros. Expect Og elements at that area of the Hebros.
As "Yonge" therefore trace to mythical Oeneus, he is suspect as the naming of "Hun," but if not correct, he still looks like a line to Huns. As Oeneus was made a father of Mitanni-suspect Methoni, it's notable that German Ulmans use the double bars of Washingtons in colors reversed, which tends to trace Huns to the Mitanni capital (Wassukanni) on the Habur river. That makes Hebros-sense. Proto-Washington Wassa's/Gace's were at Gace on the Touques river, a term tracing to Touque's/Tooks (first found in the same place as Timms/Times') and related Teague's (i.e. the latter using the PERCHevron design of Rippers).
The Washington / Ulman bars are used by Annabels/Hannibals, but also by Ness'/Nests, who go to Nester of Pylos (beside Methoni), yes, but may also go Naissus on the Margus, now called, Nis. It looks like a DioNYSUS location, and so we may expect Methoni > Mitanni elements on the Margus, perfect because that's the area where the namers of Modane are expected. But if that's correct, we can expect Oeneus elements on the Margus too, the suspected proto-Huns. To put it another way, Washington DC, and the stars on the American flag, trace to the Margus and it's Mars-line namers.
The Hebros river is suspect with "Hebron," the area beside Jerusalem where Og / Rephaites can be expected, which is why mythical "Orpheus" is important, the son of Oeagrus, for "ORPHeus" must be a RAPH term. "[Oeagrus] was also sometimes called the father of Marsyas." That tends to trace the Charops > Oeagrus line to the Marisus = Mures river, you see, and it then traces Hungarian stock also to the Marsi, whose snake cult, Angitia, was just traced for the first time to "Anagni," suggesting that Marsyas Phrygians were also at Anani, near the Maryus river.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oeagrus"Hogen / Hagan" might just trace to "Geganii" and/or the "Gaganae location on the Timis river, and/or to the Cogaeonus river in Moldavia. The three arrows in the German Hogen/Hoger Coat are suggestive of the three Kabar tribes allied with the seven of the Arpad Magyars (all ten tribes were called, On-Ogur = "ten arrows", the reported derivation of "HUNGARy"). Hagans, using a version of the German Hogen quarters, are likewise said to be named after "young," but as the Hagan Crest is a "dagger," it suggests the Decks/Daggers. The latter can be suspect with the early Hungarian ruler, Taksony, a name like "Tessen/Ticino." Moreover, Hagans have a boot in the Coat, the symbol of Trips, wherefore Hagans and Hogers can trace to Trypillians, who lived at the Cogaeonus theater. Moldavia is between the PRUT and what was the Cogaeonus, and then Yonge's use a "PRUDentia" motto term.
Trips were found merged with Gores, first found in the same place as Yonge's, and both of Gore's and Yonge's trace to the Juno entity on the Oeneus river, at Serbia-suspect Servitium, important because the Pek and the Margus are now in Serbia.
The rams in the Hagan Coat are suspect with the golden fleece. The golden ram was ridden by a Phrygia code so that the Marsyas goat (skinned alive by Apollo) is highly suspect with golden-fleece codework. In other words, the golden-fleece carried away by the Argo ship is suspect on the Marisus river...flowing by Potulatensii. It makes too much sense not to be true. "Ram" is even traced to a Mar/More surname.
The Ram surname, using rams in the colors of the Mar/More scallops, show a "tibi vis" motto phrase smacking of the Tibiscum / Tiviscus area otherwise known as Timis. It may not be coincidental that the Ram Coat uses a chevron in the colors of the Cottone and Ottone chevrons, wherefore "vis" may be code for Visconti's. This would be a good place to remind of the mount Viso at the Italian side of the Cottian/Cozie Alps, at the very source of the Po river.
It just occurred that "Uts / Uz" could become "Cut / Coz." This is to suggest that "Uts" became "Cotys" and "Cotesii." Hmm, just looked up the Cuts (dog), using a version of the Sale Coat, apparently, for Cuts were first found in the same place as Julians, thus making Cuts suspect with the Cottius-Caesar marriage. The Cut "plates" (white roundels) are in Hound/Houn colors, and the Cut dog is a greyHOUND. The Neuri (expected as the mother stock of Uts liners) were wolf worshipers, and they should link to Huns...i.e. as would their Roxolani kin. Nahorites are expected out of Bozrah of Edom, and would therefore trace to the Buzau river...where the Cotesii are stamped!
I almost missed it. Looking up the Plate/Blatt Coat, it should be a version of the Mar Coat, of the Mar surname said to be from "a ram."
Uts liners can even be expected at the name of ODOacer, the Scirian, and later to Ottone's and Cottone's. The latter two use a chevron in the colors of the Plate chevron!!! Just like that, Ottone's and Cottone's/Cotens (use the Cut format) link to the Cuts. As Cottone's use "hanks of cotton," the Hanks are suspect, and because they use the bendy colors of the Guerra bendy, it's revealing that the green Guerra wyvern dragon is a symbol of ANGitia! I get it. The Marsi snake cult is a line to the Guerra's and Guerins, and to the wyvern of Drakes...who have been traced to Abruzzo, home of the Marsi!!! The Melusine snake woman is therefore expected to be the Angitia cult. But as "wyVERN" traces to the VARNi, it looks true after all that Angitia (and Hank liners) named the Angle's.
When reading the articles on the family of Valentinian, a Neratius surname was come across, much like "Nerthus," the Varni / Angle "mother-earth" goddess. She's expected to be a blend with Angitia, but, the point is, the peoples who made up the Varni / Angles are expected in the line to Justine: "Justina had two known brothers, Constantius and Cerealis. One of her daughters was named Galla. In 'La Pseudobigamie de Valentinien I' (1958) by J. Rougé, all three names were argued to be representative of their descent from the Neratius family, an aristocratic family connected to the Constantinian dynasty through marriage." Vere's were fundamental with Fulks of Anjou, one of whom was surnamed, Nerra, and while that term is said to mean "black," it could in reality be from "Nerthus."
Valentinian III, who descended from Galla, was a Flaccilla bloodliner, and then Belgian Flecks use a version of the Fulke Shield (must have the 'e' to come up), the latter surname said to be from Fulk Nerra in particular. There were not many centuries between the Varni and Justine of Picenum, the latter suspect in an age-old merger with the Marsi.
Neratius or Naeratius Cerealis (floruit 328-358) was a Roman senator and politician, Praefectus urbi and Consul.He was the brother of Galla, wife of Julius Constantius, and half-brother of Vulcacius [Fulk-like name] Rufinus, and probably had a son named Neratius Scopius...
There is a Scupi location off the north side of Paeonia that will be treated later in the update. If the Neratius family can be linked to Paeoni, the Scopus surname probably traces to Scopi (on the Margus river, upstream from Naissus). Going back earlier, we find a Neratius of a Marici-suspect line:
Lucius Neratius Marcellus (fl. 1st century - 2nd century AD) was an imperial Roman military officer...Neratius Marcellus was the son of Neratius Pansa [Payen suspect], who had been suffect consul around AD 75 [smack at the time when Israeli-priest liners may have escaped to Italy / Forum Allieni]. His mother was a Vettia [all-seeing-eye Uat suspect], probably the daughter of Marcus Vettius Marcellus, an imperial procurator.
This recalls my trace of Sabines and Samnites together, to "Sebennytos," also called Samannud, in the same place (Nile Delta) as the Uat/Buto cult. Just draw the line from Samannud to the Semenic mountain, location of Anani, kin of Hank-suspect Anagni at the home of the Samnites / Sabines, beside the Marsi. As the Anani area was just linked to the Panico's/Pane line at the Pek, finding the Pansa surname above is very welcome. The Vettius family can link to the Panico/Pane surname by way of the latter sharing the oak tree with Watts and Vatts/Watters. You are being illuminated here today.
From the same article: "Neratius Marcellus was a friend of Pliny the Younger and their letters discussing the Roman Principate are recorded. Pliny requested that Marcellus make Suetonius a tribune in Britain..." Suetonius, smacking of Seatons (green dragon) or Suttons (green lion, blue lion), is of unknown parents, apparently, and was born in 69 AD, just as the Romans were about to score the victory at Jerusalem, at which point the Sadducees may have freaked (just as God desired and Jesus predicted) and left the country for their old roots in northern Italy...which I traced to the Setta valley of the Panico's, shown also as "Pane." I had argued that the Holy Spirit came on Jesus in the form of a dove because that was the symbol of the priests who were gathered to watch the Baptism, and so see the doves in the Panse/Panza Coat, a symbol expected to be from Cuppae.
The Panse/Panza surname is traced to "mail coat," ha-ha, such bull plop. It's code for the Coat bloodline, same as the Cottius, right? The last time that I mentioned the Perusia location, where Ottone's were first found, and suspect with the naming of "Pharisee," I didn't know that Cottone's used the same chevron colors as the Ottone / Chappes chevron. Coats were first found in the same place (Staffordshire) as Stubbs, who will later trace to Stobi in downtown Paeonia.
If the Coats are using the Stur bars, it's very interesting that the Stur Chief could be the Caesar Chief. First of all, Samannud was near Sais, smacking of the Sesar variation of Caesars. As Sturs are suspect from DuroSTORum (center-right of the Roman-Illyricum map), its notable that the latter location is near Sensii, which will later trace to the namers of Swiss Sion, where Seatons trace in the alternative name of Sion. Then, a few miles upstream from Durostorum, there is the mouth of the ARDiscus river, important where Seatons use a "HazARD" motto term suspect in-part with "Has(monean)" and-in-part with Ard elements...that were traced to Arddu in the land of hammer-depicted Ordovices (Wales). I now find that the Ardiscus is also shown as the ORDessus!
It looks like we've just found Geryon's two-headed dog, Orthos, at the Ordessus river. Mount Sion in Phoenicia was also "Ardos," according to an ancient book (of Enoch or Jasher, I can't recall which). There is an ARUTela location near the source of the Ordessus that may ultimately have named mythical king Arthur. "Arutela" smacks of Rutulians at the city of Ardea south of Rome, land of the Butteri who were suspect a few updates ago as "Buzzeri," so to speak, and so note that Arutela is upstream, on the same river (Alutus), as Busidava! I suppose Uts elements were on that river too.
The Cut write-up suggests that Cuthberts (Alan Shield, in Vere colors for a reason, I'm sure) ought to apply to the same line. Cuthberts/CUDberts were first found in KirkCUDbrightshire, perhaps named in-part after Brigantium on the river of the Salyes. After all, Brights (suspect with Brigians = Phrygians) were first found in the same place as Sales and Maceys, explaining why Brights use the pierced Macey stars as well as the Macey gauntlet glove.
Are you seeing Maccabee elements in the Cuts / Cuthberts? That could explain why the Modane location is in the Cottian watershed. But wouldn't it mean that the Cotta > Caiaphas line derives in Uts liners, if Uts named Cottius? This new idea speak to Cop near UZgorod?
Here's one explanation: the CADUSii Armenians in the Cadmus line to Boeotia, location of lake Copais, is what named "Uts," or vice-versa. "Cadusii" is suspect with "Sadducee" while Sadducees must derive in Boeotians. To put it another way, Uts liners are suspect at both mythical "Cotys" and "Attis," founders of the Ladon-dragon Lydians, and at Kutaisi, location of the Lazi golden fleece. The Cut surname is also "Cuttes." I may or may not hold to this Uts = Cadusii theory, but it looks good.
The Tiviscus / Timis river has sources at the western end of Apulensus, named after Apulum on the Marisus. As it was Apollo who skinned Marsyas alive, Apollo should be at the root of "Apulum." There is more to this than meets the eye. The harp / lyre symbol of Apollo was given to Orpheus, of the Charops = Arpii bloodline, thus expecting that Apollo elements in Dacia (see Hyperboreans) were linked to the Arpii. However, I identified Apollo with Dacians because I trace them to a Dagestani-related peoples called, Dahae/Dehae (east side of the Caspian, same as MassaGETAE), a term that at least one writer defines as "dog," the Apollo symbol. Rams were first found in the same place (Essex) as wolf-using Gore's, from Chora, where the Apollo crow derives, on the same island to which the Mar/More scallops trace.
All that was to set up this point: the Harpis location on the Illyrium map, just south of "Arpii," can be a settlement of the wolf-depicted Hirpini who had a VIScellinus location in Hirpinum. This Viscellinus location is highly suspect with the line to Maccabee formation, while incorporating adjacent Capua elements to the naming of Caiaphas. It seems necessary to get Capua elements to the proto-Visconti's so as to develop into a Caepio surname in the Cottian theater. This is where mount Viso at the Cottians seems important. I'm going to bank on this picture, that VisCELLINus elements (suspect with Cyllene) merged with the namers of Capua (second-largest city in Italy at the time) to form the proto-Visconti's otherwise known as Caepio's.
I was just at my atlas looking at the Tisa river, a term like "Tessen," the alternative name of the Ticino. The Tisa has a source in the Carpathians smack at MaraMURES, and then flows through Hungary to the city of Szeged at the mouth of the Mures, meaning that the Szekely must have named Szeged. One spelling of "Tisa" incorporates a 'z', which links well to the Annas-suspect Tease surnames.
Another argument for tracing Lombards to Lom/Almus is where the Lombard surname was first found in Renfrewshire, where proto-Stewart Alans removed to when leaving Shropshire. French Lombards share a red-on-gold (Alan colors) chevron with Quints, no small point where Visconti's of Milan were Chappes liners.
I just noted that the Tisa river flows through a Cop location, simply meaning that Cop elements may have been on the Ticino. The red-on-white roses in the Cop/Copp Coat (branch of Cope's) might just be those of Caesars. Italian Lombards share the three stars of the French Alans and French Julians (all three surname use three identical stars in the Chiefs), and the latter share the white-on-red saltire (suspect with Annans) of German Tease's/Tess'/Tecks.
The Cop location is at the Hungary-Czech-USSR border (I have an old atlas, 1987), a few miles south of an UZ(gorod) location. It's a little interesting that Og had traced to Ogyges...of Boiotia, where the lake COPais was situated, but the point here is that Nahor's first son, Uts, is translated in Bible's as "Uz." The area around Cop corresponds to Moravia or the Ukraine. Uzgorod is about 120 miles from L'viv, the latter suspect with the Quint line to Fife's/ Five's.
This recalls my link to Pfiefers/Pfeyfers (ANCHor) to Fife's. As there is a Piephigi term opposite the Danube from the Durostorum location, it may be wrong to trace "Fife" to the five theme of Quints i.e. Fife's could trace to PIEPHigi instead. As the Veys/Vivians (same place as Pendragons) use a version of the Fife Coat, and as the Veys traced with mythical Morgan le Fay to Avalon (where Hirpini are expected to trace with their Avellino area), it's probably not coincidental that the Piephigi entity is smack at the Ardiscus/Ordessus river! That is a one good break, tracing the witch cult of Bute to the Piephigi. And it tends to trace the Boyds, likely namers of Bute, to the Busidava and/or Buzau river.
The Buzau is the river upon which the Sensii and Cotesii are stamped.
Reminder: Cottone's, sharing a white-on-blue chevron with Ottone's, use "paratus" in their motto, thus tracing to the Cotesii liners of Moldavia...not very far from Cop / Uzgorod. We need to find the Caepio line in the family of Cottius, you see, to help clinch the birth of Caiaphas in the Julian-Cottius marriage. It was already established by other methods that Caiaphas should trace to the Neuri. The Copps-related Cope's were first found in Leicestershire (traces to Ligurians), which place uses the Hamelton and Bus cinquefoil, and we just saw that the Cotesii are stamped on a river that is today called, Buzau. I say that "HAMEL" is a term from "KEMUEL," third son of Nahor (Buz was Nahor's second son).
L'viv is important for tracing via the purple lions of Veys/VIVians to the purple lions of Wrens, whom I view as the namers of Renfrew, where Hamiltons were first found. That's one way to trace Hameltons to the Neuri. But, the point at hand is, Vivians and related Fife's and Five's/Fifys were expected to be from play-on-words with "Quint," yet, to boot, the CINQUEfoil is itself a FIVE term. Therefore, as Hameltons and Bus' are playing right into the line of Quintus Caepio, what about that Cop location so near to Uzgorod? I'll keep open to the idea that the five theme traces to "PIEPH(igi)." Perhaps that was an Indo-European term.
The Hamilton Crest is a oak, perhaps code for Og / JOKtan elements. Cop is about 125 miles from the source of the COGaenous river.
At the map in the Vistula webpage below, look at the Narew tributary of the Bug, all pouring into the Vistula at Warsaw, where Vere's of the Drake kind operated who should trace to Vestalis, son of Cottius, and to a Draguignan location off the durance in the region of Var.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VistulaI'm surprised that there are no Caep / Kaep / Caip surnames in honor of Caepio lines, but I've found a Kaip surname shown properly as "Kaipff / Kaif," and it happens to use a tall chevron (from bottom-to-top of Shield), as does the Chappes chevron. Moreover, it's a curved chevron, just like the Ottone chevron. Therefore, I think we have found the Caepio > Caiaphas line, kin of Cottone's/Cotens ("paratus" motto term).
For the past several months, I've been speculating that the Israeli priesthood of Jesus' time should trace forward to Guido Guerra. Then, very recently, it was found that his line went back to Guerin of Provence just as I was given a snap vision concerning the Gars, whom traced to Guerin elements without a problem, and moreover traced to the Gari river where the Julian-Cottius line likewise traced. That river was suspect with Geryon and Cacus, wherefore we could expect a Gari-river trace to the Ordessus / Piephigi theater. There are plenty of ramifications if you care to contemplate further.
Again, Anagni is on the Gari, and in the Cottone Coat we have "hanks of cotton" while Hanks use the same bendy Shield as Guerra's. Therefore, I'm convinced, in less than two updates, that Caiaphas was a son of Julius Caesar with Servilia Caepionis, daughter of Quintus Caepio.
Hagar and the Soducena GoatsI'm not as familiar with the Illyrium map above as I am with what I call the Roman-Illyricum map below. I don't recall seeing the Aphrodite location on the Illyrium map before. It's where Lysimachia (lower left) is marked on the Roman-Illyricum map. It helps to assure that a trace of Aphrodite=Kypris to the Hebros river is correct, and that Hephaestus' other wife, Cabeiro, was code for the Hebros.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/Roman_provinces_of_Illyricum%2C_Macedonia%2C_Dacia%2C_Moesia%2C_Pannonia_and_Thracia.jpgThe names on both maps are not all alike. "Illyricum was a Roman province that existed between 167 BC and 10 AD," meaning that the place names on the map above are at an earlier time than on the Illyrium map. The Arpii near Harpis are now shown way over as "Carpi," not far north of Buda, the Hungarian capital (which is "Aquincum" on the map, in north-west Pannonia). We also see the HERCUNIATE's in Pannonia, suspect with the namers of the Hercynian Forest.
I'm going to assume that Pannonia was named by the Paeoni. It's probably not coincidental, in light of a Paeoni-Chappes picture, that the Pfiefers/Pfeyfers are in Coffer/Caffey colors. Later, we'll see why the latter surname links both to the "Cavii" Illyrians, and to Agrigento, wherefore the anchor in the Pfiefer Coat should be for the Anchors/Annackers using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Agrigento.
In the Roman-Illyricum map, Astibus of the Paeoni is marked, and there is a Doberus location to its east, on the Strymon river. Also on the Strymon there appears to be a "SINTI" term, important because a Sinti/Sindi peoples were from lake Maeotis together with the Sittaceni. I expect Sittaceni elements on the Strymon, therefore, and so see that Satrae are marked to the east of that river, for Satrae are suspect with "Soducena." Satrae are the ones suspect at the Stura river, and so consider tracing that goat cult to Stur-like surnames. It could very well be that "Cott" was a goat term of the proto-Angle peoples in very ancient history, for example the Guti Iranians.
This is how the Seatons and Gate- / Gaetuli-like terms can be one entity, as evidenced also by the gates in the Yate Coat, a surname honored in the "yet motto term of Seatons. The motto, "Hazard yet forward," now traces in-part to the Ardiscus river, the source of which corresponds nearly to the place where Cotesii are marked (we don't imagine that Cotesii were at the same spot forever). This is new to me, and very welcome. The Roman-Illyricum map (geographically correct) should be used to verify that the Cotesii on the other map were near the source of the Ardiscus.
As the Naparis river separates the Ardiscus from the Cotesii and Sensii together, one could expect the namers of the Naparis to be Seaton-related elements. It just so happens that Nappa's were first found in ANCona, important because Piephigi are stamped on and off the Ardiscus, and, in the Roman-Illyricum map, are at the Naparis river too. That tends to trace the Pfiefer anchor to the namers of Ancona (Picenum theater). The Nappa Chief can be gleaned as the Panico/Pane Chief because both use oak themes in their Coats.
Aha! The Arms of Ancona use the Panico/Pane Chief, by the looks of it!!! Both Shields are red to boot (this was a surprise coming AFTER the writing of the paragraph above). Both Chiefs use the sane fleur-de-lys, and the same label exactly, with four points. It tends to mean that the Ardiscus elements of Seatons can be traced to the Setta valley of the Panico's! Excellent.
Aha! The Napiers/Napers (Fife theater!) use "Sans tache" for a motto, part-code, surely, for the Sensii! Yet the write-up traces Napiers to tableclothes / linen ha-ha. The Napier saltire is colors reversed to that of Tecks/Tess, suggesting that "tache" is code for that family, and of course it's suspect with the Annan saltire. The Napier roses could suggest Caesars because Napps/Knapps (Capone colors) were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians, Chapmans and Capone's. It may give clue that the white Napier crescent is that of Chapmans.
The Lennox Coat is a version of the Napier Coat because Napiers are said to descend from earls of Lennox. Therefore, as the two surnames are using the Annan saltire, "Lennox" is suspect from the idea of L'Annas (which can explain the LEVENax variation). After all, Lennox' were first found in DUMbarton while Annandale is in DUMfries. Levens (Quint chevron?) are the ones using stars in Annas- and Angus-star colors, and were linked to Fife's Sibal surname stemming from Justine of Picenum.
There is no Ancona surname, but Ansons/Hansons are interesting for sharing a red crescent with Seatons, as well as using a Paeoni-suspect pheon in the Crest. Ancona is said to have been ruled a few centuries by Malatesta's of Rimini, whom I viewed as Malat-Esta rather than Mala-testa. That works because Este is near Rimini while Malatesta's were Guelphs i.e. a branch of Este's. The Arms of Malatesta use young boys, by the looks of it, which I recall was a symbol also of a Meschin-like surname, important because Meschin's are also "MASCULINE," like versions of the Maschi's, first found in Rimini. The young boys code be used, rather than men, to denote the Boii, or perhaps a trend toward Ares-based pedophilia in the family roots. The first Malatesta listed is styled, "dalla Penna."
Let's go back to the Siret river, anciently the Hierasus (upper right), smacking of "Hera" who was pegged (years before knowing of the Hierasus only now) as the Soducena entity at JEREVan, the latter term traced to "GAREB" at JERusalem, known to Greeks as "HIEROsolyma." It's not at all conclusive, on the face of it, that the Hierasus river should be named after Jerusalem, but by what coincidence did we see Carpi -- suspect from "Gareb" -- stamped on the Hierasus river in the map from the Arcidava article? Jerusalem elements are expected all over this dragon hunt, anyway.
It was Hera who threw her son (sometimes he has no father), Hephaestus (lord of the Cabeiri), away to Lemnos, where Sintians lived. He must have been a Hebe element, for Hera' had a daughter, Hebe, and so it's easy to identify Hephaestus with Aphrodite Hebrews on the Hebros. Hephaestus is herein the line back to the Benjamite-Jabesh alliance, and as such he's suspect with the stock of Jebusites of Jerusalem. Jabesh was in the Jordan area ruled by Sion-suspect Sihon, an Amorite king in the days of the Exodus, who may have predated Sion at Phoenicia. In any case, Jebusites lived at Zion of Jerusalem, which, in previous centuries was "Zedek."
The point is, the Hera cult (expected on the Hierasus) was traced to the Soducena entity, itself expected from the Sittaceni in the land of the Sinti. The Seatons, whose kin have just traced to the Ardiscus, and to the Cotesii, can thus be expected in the neighborhood of the Hierasus, or between it and the Ardiscus. All indicators now suggest that the Cotesii were the Soducena, which explains why a Seaton-like term is missing on the maps in this Thracian area. That's why the Hierasus can be suspect with the Hera cult.
The Hera entity was also Ares (both from the Aras river), and "Ares" is suspect from "Hros," the makings of mythical Horus, whom I identify confidently with Horites in Edom, merged with Seir (= Osiris), wherefore it appears correct to trace Hera elements to the Hierasus river, now the Siret. But then there is a SIRRhae location (Roman-Illyricum map) on the Strymon, just downstream from Sinti. Believe it or not. If it were not for myth and heraldry codes, these traces may be less convincing.
I ventured out on a limb when deciding to identify Biblical Hagar with agri = goat terms. I therefore lumped her Ishmaelite lines in with Seir lines to Satyrs of Greece, on the Strymon river, and so see the AGRIANES term at the source of the Strymon. Didn't we see "AGARus" as the name for the Hierasus on the Illyrian map? Probably, "STRYmon" was a SATRAE term. However, I've failed by-and-large to find definite Ishmael terms, and so, perhaps, the Agrianes entity may be, not so much from Hagar, but from the stock of peoples after whom she was named. The Ugrians come to mind that I trace to Ugarit in Syria, but Hagar probably pre-dates both.
Probably, Abraham's first son was from Gugar = Gogarene, whatever it was named in those days, and perhaps not in the same place as we see it on the old map of Caucasia. If that's correct, Ishmael seems symbol for God's arch enemy. Esau was God's arch enemy too, and perhaps there would not have been a twin born with Esau had God not decreed all-out war with the Abraham > Isaac > Esau line. Jacob was to be the game-changer, the reciprocal of both Esau and Ishmael. When God renamed Jacob to "Israel," perhaps it was play on the "Es" root of "Esau."
With Edomites found throughout these maps, there is a very good chance that proto-Herods (expected from Edomites) were from "RHODope," beside both the ARDa river and the Satrae. It's a good bet that an Arda branch named the Ardiscus.
As we know that "Peter" and "Perrot" can be identical entities in a consonant switch, it's interesting that the Paratus river is beside the Siret/Hierasus, for it may just be that Petra in Edom is involved on the Paratus. That would indicate (for me, anyway) lines out of Patmos. The Illyrium map has the Hierasus equated with the Paratus.
The river coming from the left of the Hierasus, at it's middle parts, is not marked. It is the area of the Cogaeonus river a couple of centuries after the time of this Roman-Illyricum map. On this map, there is a Gius location -- smacking of the Gyas roots of the Roman Geganii surname -- in Scythia Minor (along the Black sea). It's to be expected that Scythia minor was inhabited by remnants of Herodotus' "Royal Scythians," whom I pegged as Ezekiel's Gog. It's notable, therefore, that "GETAE" is stamped on the higher ground up from Scythia Minor, for the end-time mark-of-the-beast system is predicted to be strongarmed upon the world by, generally speaking, GOOGle and Bill-GATES technology, and by the Masonic line of Julius Caesar with the Cottians.
"HERODotus" may have been the origin of the proto-Herod name. The geographer / historian by that name was from Caria, i.e. near Rhodes.
I kid you not, that after writing to the point above, I went to town, at which time I get to the emails. Ms. Pollock sent in to say that the matriarch of the royal Stewarts, Eschyna de Londoniis, or Eschyna de Molle, is said by some to be from a Lumley surname. This email was opened on the same day that I wrote on the Lom location above, and linked it to the Alans. It was also the day when noting what I don't recall, that the Stewart Crest description is, "A pelican in her piety," which is the Lumley description too. Therefore, the Lumley bend is likely the red Allan bend, and, indeed, Lumleys can link to Eschyna.It was also the day when I looked for a Piet(y) surname, not finding one, and the day when I saw a Paeti peoples on the Hebros river (Roman-Illyricum map), though I wasn't going to say anything about it...because I don't feel inspired to making links on a single similarity of terms alone. There was no evidence for a link...until the Pollock email was read. The Lumley motto uses "Murus aeneus," you see, and then there was a mythical Aeneus (with a 'u') who did in fact represent Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros, just 50 miles from where the Paeti are stamped. The "Murus" motto term must therefore be for the very namers of "Maritsa" that migrated to the Mures/Marisus. The Hebros today is the Marica/Meric.
Therefore, I think we are finding that the Charops line to Hungary's mythical Almos (expected more than ever at modern Lom and/or Ulm), known to be at the Hebros river, included the Paeti peoples. Make no mistake about it, it's God that wants us to know this, and I expect to tell you the reasons. It just can't be coincidental that the email was timed is this way.
I wrote to Ms. Pollock last night, telling that the green parrots in the Lumley Coat are in the Peebles Coat too, but this morning, when checking the Petty surnames, I found the same green parrots in the Scottish Petty Coat! On the surface, it may only prove that Alans and Lumleys linked with Pettys, but I already think it's FACT that they all trace to the Paeti too.
I suggested to Ms. Pollock that "Parrot" (said to be from "Peter") may be a version of the three Peter surnames that were from Peter Pollock, and reminded her that two Peter surnames use the bend colors of the bend of Jacques de Molay i.e. proof that Eschyna de Molle, who married Peter Pollock's brother, was the line to Jacques de Molay, grand master of Templars just as Stewarts were ascending to the Scottish throne, and just as Templars in Europe were fleeing Vatican wrath to king Robert Bruce I.
Eschyna was married to Walter fitz Alan, first High Steward of Scotland. They birthed Christiana, who married the Bruce`s of Annandale. Then, their son, the second High Steward, married the earl of Mar, important because Mars trace to the namers of the Maritsa (Hebros) river.
"Eschyna" suggests the Eskins, listed with Erskins, a known branch of Scottish Mars using the two Strange lions exactly (how very interesting), same positioning, same colors too. The Eskins/Erskins were first found in the same place (Renfrew) as Pollocks
How many coincidences can historians stand before cracking at the realities? We are right back to the Panico - Sadducee lines. Heraldry always takes us there, especially when Alans are involved. The mention of the Panse/Panza surname above, and the related material, was an insert during the proof read; it wasn't in this update when writing this section. The Panse/Panza topic stemmed from a trace of Seaton and Panico elements to Ancona.
The Pense's/Poinsons/Pynsons (in Paine/Payne and Panico/Pane colors), from an early Pincon variation, was first found in the same place (Devon) as English Stewarts. They thus strike me as a Paeoni line at the Pek / Cuppae theater, i.e. not far from Almus/Lom. That works. But as the Pense/Pynson Coat likewise uses gyronny, it tends to trace Lumleys strongly to Lom.
The Arms of Jacques de Molay share the PATEE cross with Peks/Pecks in colors reversed, now revealing that the patee cross is code for the Paeti bloodline from the Maritsa! This find -- a miracle - is of great magnitude. Okay, so it's not a miracle on par with the Exodus, but enough to get Masons on the edge of their donkeys waiting to see what this amounts to.
The Paeti are stamped at the mouth of an Ergines river (modern Ergene), reflecting "Erskin" not badly. I had traced Mars and ERSkins (years ago) to the Ares > Mars bloodline, for as Aphrodite was on the Hebros, it was more than reasonable to trace the Ares > Mars line there too. We should therefore expect Paeti elements in the land of the Marsi, which has a modern Salto river, and then while Alan-related Boyds use "Confido" as an entire motto as code for lake Constance/Bodensee elements merged with Foetus/Fussen elements, the parrot-using Pettys show a "ConSULTO" as the entire motto!!!
I'm sure that quite a few Petro names came out of the Paeti in Abruzzo, but lets not trace Paeti's to "Peter" when it was likely the other way around. We should subpoena the Petty parrot to see if it will squawk a few more things whispered in the dark by the secretive Stewarts. None of these things would be coming to light had there not been a move of God through Ms. Pollock. Safe to say now, the Pettys are a line that named Peter Pollock, but perhaps that's being too hasty. Then again, Irish Pettys use a bend in colors reversed to the Peter bend.
I didn't know until months ago that the erect sword was a symbol of Ares, used, for example, by the ancient Bistones (around 700 BC). The Erskin Crest is an erect sword. There is an Arsus location off the Hebros that could apply to "Ares." As Ardahan at the Aras river can apply to Arda and the Ares cult in the Hebros, it's probably correct to trace both to the Ardiscus and the Hierasus respectively. The Soducena location was right there at the Aras theater that should supply proto-Seatons in the Ardiscus area. Later, I become very surprised when the Cotesii, against my expectations, appear to be at what could be considered New Lake Sevan on the river of the Cavii.
The Foetes/FUSSEN location was traced recently to lake "FUCINO" of the Marsi, and here we have just seen the evidence, where Alan-related Boyds traced to the namers of Bodensee near Fussen, and where Alan-honored Pettys traced to Fucino. Is that a small footnote, or a giant leap? What was that snake that the Marsi honored? Who made the Ares cult a "god of war"? Was that a nice thing to be depicted with? Even Zeus was turned off by Ares, which is to say that the myth writer had Zeus turned off by Ares because the latter was a horror for humanity.
The namers of the Ergines river might just be the line to the Arc river, and therefore to ARGidava/Arcidava. As some evidence already, Pettys were first found in the same place as dragon-using Blois'. Joan of Ark not only ruled at Blois, but her family changed their name to "Lys," a Laz-related term that I trace to Lysimachia, smack near the mouth of the Hebros (due south of the Ergines) at the Aphrodite-like location mentioned above. You can see APSinthii marked on the Roman-Illyricum map smack between Lysimachia and the mouth of the Hebros, and then Irish Pettys use an "APES" motto term, no coincidence at all.
Remember in all this that Eschyna's daughter married Robert Croc(e) (first found in the same place as Alans), which surname is said to descend from Blounts (first found in the same place as Blois' and Pettys)...expected to be the blond Boyds / Budini. The Crocs/Croke's share a white-on-red bend with Lomleys/Lume's (not "Lumley") and Lume's/Lambs. The latter look to need an entire section for explanation, if I ever get around to it. It's telling us that Lamb-liners and Lumleys were linked, begging the question of why Lamb liners should be tracing to Lom. The golden fleece is suspect here.
The Lume's/Lambs were introduced at this part of the discussion for their white-on-red cinquefoil, the symbol of Bus' and Hamiltons who trace lock-stock to Alans who are-in-turn fully expected from mythical Almos. The Buzau river's Cotesii and Sensii peoples should be able to explain why Lume's/Lambs use a "sine" motto term. The Cotesii are suspect from the golden-fleece city itself. Does this mean that Almus was a golden-fleece location? Could "Fleck" possibly apply to "fleece," since the Lume's/Lamb's use a "Palma" motto term suggesting English Palmers with a version of the Fleck/Flack Coat? It just so happens that Italian Palmers share the white-on-red fesse with Lume's/Lambs, Lume's/Lomleys and Crocs/Croke's.
The double bars used by Flecks and Palmers are used also by Ulmans. How about that.
The Croce's and similar surnames had traced to mythical Creusa, wife of Aeneas (with an 'a'), son of Aphrodite. The Lumley motto traces to the same exactly, which again tends to confirm a Lumley-Croc link.
I wrote Ms. Pollock back, saying that Lundys use the gyronny design in the colors of the same of Picards, and that the "sum" motto terms used by Lundys (their "gobonated" pattern looks like it may once have been the Picard gyronny) and Londons (both first found in Fife) trace to the Somme river in Picardy. I then reminded her that Lundys were merged with Levins / Levens at Balgoney (Fife), and with the Sibals of Balgoney who trace to Justine of Picenum. I also said that the Sibals use a moline cross in honor of the Moulins/Moline's (kin of the Molle's, now obvious), who are traced in their write-up to what looks like a son of Fulbert "the tanner" of Falaise, the very family to which I independently traced the first-known Pollock, Fulbert, father of Peter Pollock...and father also of Robert Pollock, husband of a daughter of Robert Croc(e). I also mentioned that there was a GlenROTHES location in Fife, but didn't mention that Picards were first found in Moray, where Peter Pollock was in charge of a Rothes castle.
The Somme river is about 25 miles from Hesdin, and then the husband of Eschyna Londonis-Molle had Aveline of Hesdin for a mother. As that husband was an Alan, we might like to know why Alans were in Hesdin. What Hes entity named it? We have yet to prove whether HESdins were Hasmoneans elements, but it's seriously on the table with the nearby Mons location. Hesdin variations suggest Houstons, a Stewart-related surname first found in the same place as Pollocks and Eskins/Erskins. Don't assume that Houstons came first, or that the line begins with a Hugh name.
With the Caeni stamped on the Ergines river, it can explain why Caens use a Shield filled with fretty lattice, the Moden/Modey symbol. That is a reason for equating the namers of the Ergines river with the namers of the Arc river. Caens happen to use a "PERIMus" motto term, which easily traces to mythical Priam at Parium, across the waters from Lysimachia. The latter was made part of the Priam household by myth writers. This line is suspect to "Pharisee." Right? It's suspect to the naming of Perusia, where the Chappes-based Visconti's are traced. You need to ask the city of Paris, where the Chappes' were first found, for further enlightenment. While you're in Paris, knock on the door of the Lys' and ask whether they were from Lysimachia? It's no petty thing to find fretty lattice tracing to the Priam-Paris household, for Cotta's use fretty too.
So what does this mean, that the Paris Trojans had hooked up with Cotesii. How? Was it a one-night stand? Or was it a long-time marriage? You need to ask the Trojan allies, the disgusting Lydians, why a myth writer made Cotys a part of Lydian ancestry. You should also ask why the Cotys cult of Thracians was so disgusting, and I'm sure you'll find Ares there, for his dragon protected the golden fleece. Don't think that just because it was gold that it was precious too. When you find the Ogyges dragon swimming in lake Copais, you'll see how rotten this thing was. Jesus witnessed how rotten it was when, upon performing heart-throbbing miracles that happened to fall on the Sabbath, the priests of Israel condemned him for working on the Sabbath. How can anyone be more disgusting than that? Yet the priests had golden cups in their glass houses, and all the decor of the household was perfect, paid in-part by money stolen via trickery at the Temple.
Although I mentioned to Ms. Pollock that there is a Lomley surname that should connect with Lumleys, I fell short of mentioning that the Croc Coat shares a white-on-red fesse with Lomleys. The latter were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Crookstons, the name of a location where the Croc(e) surname derives, and Crookstons share the white-on-red bend of Jewish Pollocks. Much of this is a repeat of what you can find in the 4th update of January.
The Good News is that Jesus came to steal members of the dragon bloodline, to make them clean within. It takes God a lot of work, let me speak from experience, to cleanse a rotten soul. It's not as "easy" as dying on the Cross, and letting all things fall into place after that by the "act" of forgiveness alone. There's work to be done in making people clean in practice. If you're wondering why God hasn't given us all the niceties that life can offer, it's because the Holy Spirit has his hands full dealing with our inability to be Godly. First is first, and then the niceties. It's not conducive to purifying us in practice for God to give us a joy-ride in this life. It's not a wonder that we were given so many years to live, for our propensity to get things right is about as fast as a turtle on ice. Our becoming old is probably a well-Designed plan to have some forsake the desires of youth in time to get it right before it's too late, but the world doesn't look at it in this way.
The same bend colors of Pollocks are used in the bend of Valentins, suspect with Valentinian I, born in Cibalae, a term that must trace to the Sibals of Balgonie, especially as Sibals use a "Justitia" motto. Cibalae is near the mouth of the Sava with the Danube, and therefore near Pancevo. You can see here that Lumleys are tracing to Valentinian's household. The Almus location on the Danube was there many centuries before mythical Almos, and one wonders what family it turned into within the fold of Rome or Rome's enemies.
If Ulmans apply to Lumley lines, and they appeared to do so the last time that Ulmans were mentioned shortly above, the Vettia family in the ancestry of Justine could be of help with this question, for Watts were first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as English Ulmans. Besides this, it seems likely that the Almus entity named Lombards, who conquered into Austria (before settling in Italy), where German Ulmans were first found. Wikipedia says that Lombards were traced by ancient historians to Scandinavian "Winnili [who] first dwelt near a river called Vindilicus..." However, I wouldn't view them (they should like Wends = proto-Windsors) as a branch of Almos elements, but rather a peoples who came to be merged with Almus elements in forming Lombards proper...explaining why Windsors trace to dukes of Lombardy.
It may not be coincidental that French Lombardys/Limbachs (Provence) use the chevron in the colors of the Quint chevron while "Quint" is like "Vind." As Windsors are said to trace to Wettins (in Lombardy / Quint colors), I think that could be from the Vettia family. Vatt do you think?
As the river of the proto-Lombards was the VINDILicus, it's interesting that Wendels/Windels were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Lomleys/Limbs/Lume's, and you can't argue against heraldry here when it shows the Windsor-stag design in the Wendel/Windel Crest. So why do modern historians keep these obvious connections hush? Let me repeat from above:
Neratius Marcellus was the son of Neratius Pansa, who had been suffect consul around AD 75. His mother was a Vettia, probably the daughter of Marcus Vettius Marcellus, an imperial procurator.That should explain why the Panza/Panse Coat is in the white-on-green colors -- Arms-of-Lombardy colors -- of the Wendels/Windels. Look at the following that tends to identify the Neratius surname with Nerthus: "Tacitus also counted the Lombards as a remote and aggressive Suebian tribe, one of those united in worship of the deity Nerthus, who he referred to as 'Mother Earth'..." There seems to be a Vettia link to the Nerthus line, expected where one is named after Nahorites while the Vettia are from "Uts," son of Nahor. It's not small point, for it expects Vettia's up in the land of the Varni.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LombardsAs the Varni and Angles are suspect with lines from Pharisees / Caiaphas / Annas, perhaps the Lombardy chevron is that of the Quints while Quints were from Quintus Caepio. Perhaps the Wends / Winnili were named after his surname. The Israeli priesthood on the run, with their speedy transition from Ferrara stock to the Varni proto-pirates, may be explained in that the gold bars of Quintus Caepio were involved. If you've been reading me, you can vouch that -- as crazy as I know it sounds -- I traced Pharisees from Ferrara through Langhe (and what became Montferrat) to the Varni, all by about 90-95 AD. And here I am now finding that proto-Lombards were involved, and they came to be called "LANGobards." I can understand the confusion where historians tended to identify that term with "long(beard)," but I think it's now obvious that they were named after Alans (of Forum Allieni), the same who named Langhe.
And that's why Stewarts and Windsors go foot in mouth, and why they dare not tell us anything about their origins, as far as it's possible to remain silent. Reminder: Levens, using the same chevron colors as Quints and Lombardy's, were first found in Shropshire, home of Alans. If the finding of French Lombardys in Provence is suspect with Guerin of Provence, it can explain why the Lombars/Lomers (Pula/Pullen kin) are said to be from Lomer-Sur-Guerne.
Lumbers/Lambs, in Lombar/Lomer colors, were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Lume's/Lambs, and they use a version of the latter's Coat. That tends to identify Lumleys and Lomleys as from Lombards (the people group), as expected. "Umber" was entered at the sight of "NorthUMBERland," to find Humbers in colors reversed to Lumbers and Lombars, and first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Haskins/Hoskins (this is wring here in the proof-read), who will later become a topic in linking to the namers of "Eschyna." I don't know what to do or say about with the apparent Umber - Lomber interplay.
The article, and probably most historians, assumed that "Lombard" was a version of "Langobard," but perhaps not. Perhaps the proto-Lumleys had merged with the Winnili. That might give clue of the Ulm / Lom entity in the Cuneo area of Italy (I can't yet venture a date). As the Caiaphas line is now clinched in the Cottian Alps in BC times, its presence in Cuneo makes all the sense. The earliest mention of the proto-Lombards, according to the Wikipedia article, is the first century AD, which allows them to be descendants of Caiaphas stock i.e. out of Langhe (Cuneo).
Now, it is no small thing to find Lomleys linked to Camps at this point in the hunt, because English Camps look linked to Capone's and Kaplans. Make of it what you will, but it's reinforcing a Lom presence in the Caiaphas line.
This discussion is immediately after the update wherein Cottius elements traced to the Vistula river, where the Venethi / Wends lives. It has me thinking that the ancient Polish location of Venethi was from a Veneti branch out of the Cottian Alps to begin with, then into Scandinavia as the Winnili, and later to Mieszko's Poland in forming the Pollock surname. That could explain why Mieszko's daughter married two Scandinavian rulers, one of them a Swede. Mieszko's daughter, Sigrid the Haughty, is honored by the Haught surname that is a colors-reversed version of the Umber/Humber Shield. Then, it was in January when Siward of Northumberland linked hard to Sigrid herself. Therefore, it appears that Lom elements in relation to Pollock liners merged with Northumberland's Umber/Humber surname, explaining why Lumleys were Pollock kin.
This entire picture has everything to do with the Pollock trace to Valentinian I, and the Vettia surname in the ancestry of his wife, for Mieszko I was derived in mythical SiemoWIT, the all-seeing-eye cult of Witkowo, same as the Wettin line, I am sure. The Umber / Haught bars may therefore be in play in the German Wettin Coat (and in the Arms of Saxony). It means that Vettia's (elitists in Rome about the time of the Crucifixion) should trace to Witkowo and probably to Venethi of Poland. Yet, I'm going to be keeping a third eye out for Vettia liners to the Varni theater in the first century.
There is a city of Plock (Masovia) on the Vistula. Pollocks trace to Mieszko, and Alans to Trabys of Poland. While Lestko was made the son of Siemowit, English Wettins, first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Samsons, share buckles with Leslie's. It is now more important than ever that Siemowit, in his Wikipedia article, is shown with lattice on his legs (on his stockings, I gather), for it signals his trace back to the Cotta family...meaning that Siemowit can trace to the children of the Cotta > Caepio affair (yes, that of Julius Caesar with Caepionis).
In the last update, Caus' and Case's, both suspect with "Caesar," were found to use buckles, and Case's use them in colors reversed from the Wettin buckles. Polish Sobeks, likewise using a buckle, and shown to be from the Vistula, were part of the topic, and they traced to Dobrawa, wife of Mieszko, where Pollocks and Dobys (both of Renfrew) also trace. When the same story repeats itself too many times to be coincidental, you know you have the facts. Building with the facts for a correct picture is harder than merely gathering them.
Irish Haughts (erect sword, same as Erskins) use a checkered Shield, symbol of Winders and Winters, and Winders (CUMBERland) share the bull head of English Haughts. German Winders use the same bend colors as the Pollock and Valentin bend. English Winders use the motto of Pula's/Pullens (pelican) that use a version of the Lombar/Lomer Coat. English Winters (Shield full of checks) were first found in the same place as Samsons and Wettins. Undeniable Goplo links to Windsor lines, which recalls my findings that Pepins were at Goplo prior to Mieszko's rising from them, but that Pepins also named Papia/Pavia (when the Lombards moved into that place).
Danish and Norwegian Winters use polar bears, but Polars (almost the Stewart stag) are listed with Pollards/PAW sharing red scallops with Pula's/Pullens and Lombars/Lomers (and Romneys). The Polar/Pollard/PAWlards stag looks identical with the stag of Powers (first found in the same place as stag-using Stewarts), and that recalls the Palins/Pawleys using a version of the Irish Power Coat...meaning that Palins/Pawleys are a branch of Pula's/Pullens...from Pula in Istria.
I link the red scallops of the surnames above to the large one of Savona's/Sabine's, very interesting now that Suebi of the proto-Lombard Winnili are at topic. Although I tend to trace this surname to lake Sevan, it should also go to the Savena river near the Setta valley. In any case, it's tending to lump the Sadducee line to the trace from Forum Allieni to the far north Suebi.
BEHOLD! The Savona/Sabine stars are in the colors of the same of Pulsiphers/Polesdons (Cheshire, where Mieszko lines and cousins lived), who have a Pulcipher variation that isn't listed. I know of their Pulcipher variation from a Wikipedia article (on Romulus, Michigan, I think it was) telling that Romulus was co-founded by Pulcipher and Pullen surnames, meaning that the Romney line named Romulus. The point is, I had identified "pelican," the Lumley symbol, as a code for "PULCipher," and here we are with Lumley lines involved, for the first time, with Pullens. Therefore, it seems certain that the Stewart pelican is for Pulsiphers/Polesdons too. Although the Pulsipher/Polesdon stag is not exactly that of Stewarts, it's the closest thing to it, with all three particulars (front legs, back legs, head direction) matching.
The deer (no antlers) of the English-Winter Crest has the same three particulars. I'm convinced that Windsors were from the Suebi-Winnili peoples, but I have yet to clinch their origin in the Israeli priesthood out of Langhe. I also have the problem of dating the migration out of Langhe, where in the range of 70 AD, or in times before the birth of Caiaphas. As the suspicion is a "Quint" root to "Winnili," note that Quinns, first found in LONGford, use a white-on-green (Lombardy colors) pegasus. This horse is in the colors of Caffeys/Coffers and reflects the horse-and-rider (same colors) of Cafferys (first found in the same place as Caseys) who will be linked hard to the Cavii later in this discussion.
The Cavii will by sheer force need to trace to the Cavari at the Orange theater (lower Durance area), and they smack of "Caffery" even better. The Orange area is where Quintus Caepio may have lost "his" gold bars, which he stole from Toulouse just before he was engaged in was at Orange by Boiorix, king of the Cimmerian Cimbri, who are known to have lived at Juteland = proto-Denmark, where we can expect the Suebi-Winnili! I think I get it. Boiorix, who won the battle against Caepio, retrieved / stole some of the bars, and had them shipped to the Juteland theater:
According to the Res gestae (ch. 26) of Augustus, the Cimbri were still found in the [Juteland] area around the turn of the 1st century AD:
My fleet sailed [said to be in 5 AD] from the mouth of the Rhine eastward as far as the lands of the Cimbri, to which, up to that time, no Roman had ever penetrated either by land or by sea, and the Cimbri and Charydes and Semnones and other peoples of the Germans of that same region through their envoys sought my friendship and that of the Roman people.The Semnones of that quote had been the Samnites! I expect Lom elements of the Marici kind amid the Suebi and Semnones. I half-expect the namers of Anani (at the Semenic mountains) in this picture. The Charydes, says Wikipedia, were also "Harudes," smacking of Herod liners. Or is this a coincidence? It's not necessary for the Charydes (said to be Germanics) to have been Edomite or Herodian, only that a Herod was amongst them with plenty of gold (i.e. enough to become the ruler of the people) so as to change their name to reflect "Herod."
In previous months, I traced Herods of the Toulouse area to viking pirates at Rostock (the river of the Varni flows to Rostock), which place I pegged with "Roxolani," for Nerthus was at Rostock, and I trace her to the Neuri. This cult of Nerthus worshipers later traces to Alans of Dol for the likely reason that the Varni and company had been the Allieni of Ferrara. The Roxolani of Rostock were pegged as the Roques/Rocks and Roquefeuils, beside Comminges, where Herod Antipas came to live about the time that the Romans sailed (as per the quote above) into the land of the Cimbri. Jesus was a boy at the time.
The Charydes, however, pre-dated this Herod, which may indicate that other Herods had moved north earlier, perhaps moving with the gold bars, or to find them. The interplay between the Comminges-Toulouse area with the vikings in the Varni theater (which is interplay that I see, not others) speaks to my theory that lines of the Israeli priesthood were with the Varni.
Years previous, I traced mythical Rig of the Scandinavians to "Rox(olani)," important because Maxwells/Maccuswells traced both to Mecklenburg (Varni theater) and to Rika/Rijeka (eagle on a ROCK), indicating that the latter was named by Rig elements. The Maxwell-Crest stag helps to trace Maxwells to the same as Stewarts, but the "holly bush" that the Maxwell stag rests with traces to Holstein, the southern part of Juteland, and quite possibly the location of the Cimbri and Suebi-Winnili. This recalls Tim sending in on a Maxwell-Ros clan (see 2nd and 3rd updates of June, 2012).
German Wettins use the Arms of Saxony. Not anyone can get permission to use the Arms of Saxony, you understand. Saxons developed from the Nerthus fold, we may gather, for Angles were Nerthus worshipers. But Saxons/Septons/Sextons and Sachs/Sax' are suspect in the line of Julius Caesar. German Julians (said to be Guelphs) were likewise first found in Saxony.
Here's from the pen of Julius Caesar, before 44 BC, on what may have been the proto-Saxons:
"But a worse thing had befallen the victorious Sequani [not far from lake Geneva]...Ariovistus, the king of the Germans, had settled in their territories, and had seized upon a third of their land, which was the best in the whole of Gaul, and was now ordering them to depart from another third part, because a few months previously 24,000 men of the Harudes had come to him, for whom room and settlements must be provided." (Commentaries on the Gallic War, I.31)In the following battle against Caesar near Vesontio (Besancon), the Harudes formed one of the seven tribal divisions of Ariovistus' host. After suffering a crushing defeat at the hands of the Romans, the Germans fled back over the Rhine.
The Harudes sound like they wished to change locations, but rather than asking Ariovistus, it sounds more like they compelled him, perhaps with a gold-bar deal he couldn't refuse. The article goes on: "Perhaps not all the Harudes left Jutland, and the Harudes could have been a constituent of the Jutes." As there is an Isere area (smacks of "Israel") where Herod Archelaus lived (when Jesus was a boy), and even a Jura (named after Jerusalemites?) mountain system in the Sequani / Besancon theaters, may the Jutes have been named after "Judah," the Israeli tribe that named Jews? I've never before succumbed to a Jute = Jew theory, though the thought had crossed my mind several times. There is now some evidence for that idea.
The quote goes on:
The central area in the east of jutland, a traditional district (syssel) of Jutland, is thought to be derived from Harudes. Its inhabitants were called harudes in Danish, and this tribe is suspected to be the founders of the first danish cityin the center of east Jutland, called harusam or just Arus(City of the Harudes). This particular city was situated by the sea inside a great bay(called Vik which led to the name vikings) and with a natural port, later became the center of the danish viking kings empire. The remainings of this ancient city and the tribe called Harudes, have been found under todays Capital of the danish mainland, Aarhus. In the 500 years of the Danish/British viking reign(700-1200) the city was known as Aros and is described by several written sources and the city name was stamped on all the coins, the viking kings had made in their capital.While its sloppy writing for an article, and may therefore indicate a personal theory (perhaps of an adherent of British-Israelism), yet I'm recording it here in case I find verification. The Harudes may turn out to be the Redones that formed "Rus." I don't think there is as good argument for tracing the ancestry of the first Herod ("the great") to "Harudes." If that were true, then, Antipater (the Stewart "piety" term?), Herod's father, would have been an Harudes transplant into Israel / Edom by an order of Julius himself. It's possible where the Harudes turned, after their defeat in war, and sided with Julius Caesar...the supposed grandfather of Caiaphas at this point. The mother of Herod "the great" was from an Aretas family that had ruled in Petra. I may revisit this topic in the future.
English Pettys were first found in Warwickshire. This can support my trace of "Warwick" to "Warsaw," the Mosovia capital. If you take the mirror of Melusine, who is in the Arms of Warsaw, and put "Petty" in front of it, doesn't it reflect back as "Wettin." In fact, the Irish Petty's ("MAGnetic needle pointing"), also first found in Warwickshire, knew what they were doing when deciding to use an "Ut" motto term. The "beehive and bees" of these Petty's could be code for Buz, brother of Uts/Uz. In case you've forgotten, it's the Stewarts and Lumleys who use a pelican "in her piety."
Watts, using the eyeball too, were first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Pattys. The latter are using a version of the Saddock Coat, aren't they? As Scottish Shepherds were first found in Peebles, where the Petty parrots trace, there's a good chance that the Shield-and-Chief color combination of English Shepherds is that of English Watt's'.
This traces the Paeti on the Hebros to "Uat,' the all-seeing-eye cult of Egypt. It's a real eye-opener, for it reveals that, even by as long ago as 2,000 years, "Uat" had evolved into a "Paet" term (I'm guessing, anyway, based on these findings). It's not very surprising where Uat was also "Buto." As this term traces to the namers of BUDApest, the MAGnetic needle of Pettys looks to be part-code for Magyar elements. "MagNETIC" could also be an extra code for Needle's/Nadlers, first found in Shropshire. In fact, the Pollock saltire is used by the Frank surname, showing a "nati" motto term. The NatBEE variation of Netts/Netbys may apply to the bee symbol of Pettys.
Netts/Natbys were first found in Lancashire, same as Lomleys and Wettys/Whaleys/Walleys; the latter, I'm guessing, are Uat-liners merged with Stewart-related Wallace's/Wallis'. The latter (upright lion in colors revered from the same of Petit's) are suspect with the Walsers (Lys valley, Aosta) using Melusine, and then her mirror was traced definitely to Mire's/Mireux's, wherefore the "MIRabile" motto term of Wettys/Walleys may apply.
Lancashire may have been named by Langhe elements, in which case the Langobards may have been involved.
So, the Peter surnames do not trace, to begin with, to anyone named, Peter, but rather "Peter" was used by a line of Paeti peoples. Pettys are said to be from "petit" (not the surname), but that's cattle plop. The lion of English Stewarts is likely that of the Petits most directly, and while Alans had traced to Pharisees at Ferrara, its notable that the other Petits use the same lion as Ferrari's.
I had linked the proto-Alans of Ferrara's Forum Allieni to Skits and Scheds, who I traced to Schio, very near Vicenza, and the latter location is where Valentins were first found. I traced the Mary-Magdalene code / hoax to Alans first and foremost, for the city (Cibalae) that Valentinian I was born in became VINKovci, where the Da-VINCI surname traces with no doubt (ask the "sibi" motto term of Vince's/Vinch's), and therefore this entity is suspect with "Vicenza" (because Vince and Vincenzo are identical names). As we saw two motto terms of Alan kin starting with "Con" but then acting as code for what follows that term, the "conSCIEntia" motto term of Alan-related Lumleys may be code for Schio elements.
The Magdalene cult issued largely out of Rennes-le-Chateau, beside Roquefeuil (founders of Rockefellers), important because there is a goat on a ROCK in the German LIMBaugh Coat. Then, while the heraldic scepter became suspect with "Septimania," location of Rennes-le-Chateau, the Lomleys/LIMBs use a scepter in Crest. Pollocks had traced to Foix, beside Roquefeuil, but that was after I realized that Pollocks were Fullers (from "FULbert"), and therefore Fellers, the same family to which the Lumley-related Molle's have traced. Fallis', you see, suspect with Wallis', and said to possibly be from Falaise (home of Fulbert), use a version of the Feller Coat (both use treFOILS). As Fullers can be linked to Carpenters, the surnames in this paragraph trace to Hungarians; yes, to Almos elements.
It just occurred to me that Italian Fallis', who use the same Coat as English Fallis,' look like a branch of Falts/Fauls, using stags and three arrows, two Hungarian symbols. The three arrows are crossed, the symbol of the Arcs before they became Lys', and then the Falt/Faul Coat shows a central fleur-de-lys. From this information, Joan of Arc traces to Rockefellers, the same stock as Fulbert of Falaise.
Recall the Roxolani seen at the same place as the Cotesii, on the Buzau river. Roxolani, suspect from the Biblical Rosh at and around Lake Van, did merge with Budini and Neuri, and I say they named Roxburghshire, where Molle's were first found with Scute-suspect Scotts; the latter show a bend likely from the same of Jacques de Molay. The Molle motto term, "funera," must be code for Funerius, one of the names of the father of Valentinian I.
The Skits and Scheds were lumped in with Scute's and Shute's for good reasons, afterwhich the Siward-suspect Sewers/Shute's entered the picture, important because Swords turned out to be a definite Siward line, while Shute's use the Sword swords. But so do the Skeens, I've just seen. Skeens were looked up as per the "conSCIENtia" motto term of Lumleys. It just so happens that, while Lumleys link with Molle's to Sibal(d)s, the Siward investigation pointed to a "Siward = Sibald" equation.
Skeens are said to have had their Skeen castle in the earldom of Mar. We now know that the Mars trace to the Maritsa along with Lumleys. The gold wolf heads at the points of the Skeen swords are identical to the heads in the Kaip/Kaipff Coat. The latter surname is, in my opinion, the best qualifier for a Caepio > Caiaphas line from the Cotta's. The "regia" motto term of the Skeens may therefore be code for the Reges surname, from the grandmother of Julius Caesar. She gave birth to a son who married a Cotta liner. The Caesar-suspect Caus'/Caustons use the same wolf-head design.
Lets go to the Roman-Illyricum map to see a Serdi peoples at a Serdica location beside the sources of the Hebros. Serdica is directly across the Rhodope hills from the Hagar-suspect Agrianes peoples (at the source of the Strymon).
There is a Lissae location at the source of the Hebros, to be suspect, along with the namers of the Ergines river, as the Arc-Lys entity to Joan of Arc. In other words, the Lissae entity should be of the Lazi Caucasians on the Argo ship, so to speak, and the Argives on the ship named the Ergines, where some Lazi settled. The Lazi here might just trace to "PotuLATENsii, not only because the latter is along the Marisus/Mures river, where the "Murus aeneus" motto phrase of "piety"-using Lumleys trace, but because the Paeti at the junction of the Ergines and Maritsa rivers can fulfill "Poti." The Paeti are thus looking like the namers of Poti/Phasis.
I assume that when the Argo crew stole the golden fleece from Colchians, they sailed away with it -- the Lazi Caucasians. But they also took Medea, who smacks of the Maedi area in Paeonia, on the west side of the Strymon, and on a river leading to Astibus. It provides the potential to trace Medea-based Colchians to Asti on the Tanaro river. But that would be viewed as a Colchian-Paeoni merger with the Colchian part being the proto-Sadducees.
Could this Paeoni-Colchian merger to the Tanaro be the ancestry of "the tanner"of Falaise? That could explain why Sinclairs were Caiaphas-related Templars, and why Hugh de Payen was involved with Sinclairs? Remember, the golden fleece was from KUTAISI, a Cotesii-like term. I'm become convinced that Kutaisi was named after some form of "Soducena." The Maedi are beside the DentheLAETI on the Strymon, and, certainly, this area wherein I see goat terms is an apt one for golden-fleece symbolism. Jason's origins (at Iolcus) was not far south of the Paeoni.
The three crossed arrows of the Arc family suggest the three Kabar tribes of proto-Hungarians, on the Mures river along Potulatensii, another reason for tracing the Paeti-Ergines-Laz entity to the Potulatensii area...which is a good picture for explaining Argi(dava)'s situation just 70-80 miles from the Mures river.
If you go downstream from Serdica, you come to the Triballi, looking like the makings of Trypillians / Traby's, perhaps even the namers of the Trebia river at Placentia, where Skits, Scute's, Scheds and Scotts were traced. What a coincidence that, after making that trace, I found Sword elements tracing to the same, and here we find a Serdi peoples within easy reach of the Triballi. That works. Wikipedia classifies the Serdi as Celts, not Thracians, as part of a Celt wave into Thrace a few centuries BC.
Look at how close the Agrianes peoples are to the Triballi, and then look smack to the left of the Triballi to find TIMAcum, on the Timacus river (it's not the Timis river). I had not found this situation on this map until AFTER identifying Hagar in Edom with Seir, the nation to which Timna belonged. It's undeniable that we have found Edomites here in Moesia. It's the Pettys who show an elephant head in a Crest, which can now suggest Eliphas, Timna's husband. You can't get more Edomite than that; you can't find the heads of the Lotan dragon better than that. It may suggest a Petty trace to Petra of Edom, which does not necessarily discredit a Petty trace to "Poti."
The bees in another Petty Crest can go to the Bessi peoples at the sources of the Hebros. As they were priests of the Satrae, they may be suspect from the namers of Bozrah, home of Eliphas. There is the problem that's been re-occurring on whether "Lapith" was a term from "Eliphas" or "Halybes," and so I need to hold off on hardening a Levi = Lapith equation. Junia Secunda Caepio may have married an Eliphas line when she marred a Lepidus surname.
Although I treated this map many months ago, I do not recall saying anything about a Scupi location, perhaps marked wrongly on the Margus river. The location may actually be south of the Margus at modern Skupje, very near Agrianes. A search for "Scupi" is not coming up in any of my files. This is new to me, and it may be the Scipio bloodline. I do think the Margus river links with Meschins, who did form kinship with Skiptons who share a purple lion with Laz-possible Lacy's.
If the Triballi were the Trypillians, then it's very notable that Trypillians were between the Prut and the SIREt (modern names), while the Siret was anciently the Agarus, smacking of Agrianes' south of the Triballi. It appears that they moved together. The fact that Cotesii lived at the mouth area of the Agarus can explain why both Goths and Hagar(d)s use the white-on-blue Zionist star. It makes the Goth surname (not necessarily from the Goth peoples) suspect as a Cottius line. The Hagar(d) star is in the colors of the white Pilate pheons, while Hagar(d)s were first found in Perthshire, the home, some say, of Pontius Pilate's mother. At this point, I'm definitely tracing the Pilate pheons to some Paeoni people, and later in the update, it appears that they may go to a Bylazora location in Paeonia, a term traced to the Blade's/Blate's (i.e. like "Pilate") using white pheons.
Look to the near north of the Triballi, and you'll see Almus and Bononia. These three elements trace to northern Italy, don't they, along with Cuppae's elements? Although the timing of this map is about the time that I see the Israeli priesthood escaping Israel, the place names were already established...probably as far back as the formation of the Sadducees and Pharisees.
Ultimately, to find proto-Sadducees as Soducena elements, we've got to follow swan liners. If Kutaisi led to the Cotesii, they could be swan liners to the Cottian Alps. That works. Or, we could look to the Kikons on the west side of the mouth of the Hebros, who I say evolved into Cycnus swan of Liguria. Again, Tyndareus, husband of the Leda swan line, can be seen on the Glaucus river a little ways inland from Phasis on the ancient map of Caucasia below; The Tyndaris location is smack at Kutaisi. With the swan line at Kutaisi, a Kutaisi = Soducena equation is possible.
http://www.tribwatch.com/mapCaucasiaOld.jpgThe Molle's are using a white-on-blue boar, colors of the boars of Gog-like Googe's, first found in the same place as Molle's, explaining why the Googe motto uses a term of the Pollock motto. That term is code for Aude's, who use the Skeen / Sword swords. The Skeens just became suspect above in a Reges > Cottius > Caiaphas line. If you look at the particulars in this paragraph, it does seem to indicate Soducena and Gogarene elements to a Kutaisi > Cotesii > Cottian line. The red eagle in the Molle Crest should even go to Lake Van, the reported namers of lake Sevan. The red phoenix of Lake Van must trace through the Paeoni, in my opinion, and the Paeoni take us to the Cuneo side of the Cottian Alps.
The Aude's are said to be from an Audeville in Savoy. While I have not been able to find that location, it just so happens that part of Savoy is at the Cottian Alps. The Arc river at those Alps is now tracing to the Archaspolis location, on the south of the river on which Tyndaris is located. Upon that river I see what looks like "Cyta." The Harudes, suspect with Redones to the north and/or west of Savoy, may even be from Rhodopolis, to the south of Archaspolis.
On the same map, see the Moschian mountains midway between Soducena and the Lazi. Wikipedia's article on Moschia tells of a fundamental link between the Moschi and the rider of the golden fleece:
Strabo mentions the Moschian Mountains as joining the Caucasus (Geography, 11.2.1). He says that the Moschian country lay above the rivers Phasis, Glaucus, and Hippus (Geography, 11.2.17). In it "lies the temple of Leucothea, founded by Phrixus, and the oracle of Phrixus, where a ram is never sacrificed; it was once rich, but it was robbed in our time by Pharnaces, and a little later by Mithridates of Pergamum."Aren't the Moschi the proto-Maccabees? That in itself could predict Sadducees from Soducena. The rider of the fleece, Phryxus, can be seen, as a location on the map, to the left of the term, "Iberia."
I'm struggling to understand why God wants you to know of this Molle / Lumley trace to the Hebros. Is it to speed things up? That is my fantasy. It first of all helps you to believe that the Hebros river is of importance. There are some missing pieces, however. For example, where are the Anaki, expected on the Hebros? Perhaps they were with the namers of the APSinthi, for Anu of Sumeria was of an Absu/Apsu entity. As Pettys use an "apes" motto term as well as bees (known to Greeks as "apis"), the Apsinthii may have been from the Ops bee cult of Sabines. The Anaki did trace to the Sabine theater, especially in Angitia. Herodotus mentioned the Apsinthii, locating them on the Hebros a few centuries, at least, in BC times. (An "essenes" bee cult in Apasa, otherwise known as Ephesus, did not come to mind while writing here).
There is a Cypsela location (Roman-Illyricum map) smack beside the Paeti peoples. Was that proto-Cuppae? Was it mythical Capys? Were the neighboring APSinthii responsible for a Caps variation? The Happs/Apps use lozenges, which trace to Losinj, a Colchian settlement thus far in the discussion. The Happs/Apps (branch of Habsburgs) even use the Capes' scallops.
On the Illyrian map, a couple of centuries later, only the locations are shown in the Hebros area, but not the people groups. It's very nice to see a Sale location (for the first time) where the Kikones lived, for I traced the Kikones to the Salyes Ligures! That helps to know, finally, where the Salyes originated. Wikipedia has a one-sentence article on this Sale location (not worth quoting).
On this map, the Paeti location is significantly off the Hebros, to the south-east of where they were on the other map. The nearby Apri location smacks of Hebrews, and the nearby location of SYRAcellae again suggests Edomite Hebrews. There are two Petra locations along the Strymon, a river that was already pegged as home to Edomites. One could start to view Thracians as Edomites.
Maedi is now on the east side of the Strymon. A large Edon area is at the mouth area of the Strymon, home of Edom-suspect Edoni, whom I trace (as per mythical Lycurgus, king of Edoni) to swan-Ligurians. This may again indicate that Soducena elements were in the Satrae, but it's not at all conclusive.
Taking Some Chaip ShotsAlthough I don't have a hard time with an Uts > Cotys > Cotesii evolution of terms, there is a glaring reason for hesitation when "Uts" and "Soduc(ena)" are compared. It they were one line, there must have been many terms between them. Or, perhaps I shouldn't be suggesting an "Uts" link to a proto-Sadducee term at all.
If we assume that LOZENges are code, not just for Colchians, but Lazi Colchians (lived in LAZONa), then note how the Cuttes' use plates on what should be the Sale and/or Helm bend. The white greyhound in the Cuttes Crest links to the Hounds/Houns because they use white lozenges in both colors of the Cuttes plates. The Sales in this picture provide the ability to track Cotesii-Colchian elements (i.e. the Cuttes) to the Cottian Alps, but not without the swan-liner Kikones who lived at Sale. The picture is becoming very clear. This WAS the Colchian-Paeoni line to Caiaphas, especially as Cuttes were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians.
Note how the Sale's are laughably traced to a "hall" or "dining hall," which may be play on "plates." It's probably not a coincidence that Plate's/Blatts are in the colors of the Pilate pheons, or that Blade's/Blate's share pheons with Sale's and Hall-liner-suspect Helms, or that Bylazora was in the land of the Paeoni, or that "Julian" traces thus far to a Gileki > Colchian line with Sale elements to Guillestre. This success story is a remarkable feat provided by heraldry.
It just so happens that Hall liners must be a part of the golden-fleece Colchians, and that the Cuttes greyhound is white, the colors of the Hall and Hull talbot dogs.
The "dining hall" code must be for the Donnus > Cottius family, for the French Dine's/Dinaux's (moline cross) were first found in the same place (Bourbonnais) as the Cottus'!!! The Halls must always link to Masseys, wherefore note that English Dine's/Diens use the Masci wing (in Hall / Hull colors), and were first found in Cheshire.
At this point, the Moline / Molle / de-Molay bloodline should be tentatively traced to what looks like "Molchi" on the northern side of the Moschian mountains. Molchi is not far from Soducena, where the moline-using Dine's are tracing. In other words, there seems to be an ancient Molle link to the Donnus > Cottius bloodline. Again, the Moulin/Moline write-up seems to trace the family to a son of "the tanner," and then Colchian-Paeoni liners have traced to the Tanaro, where Masci's are expected.
The Molchi area is along an ABSarus river leading to Absarus on the coast, smack where the Lazi are marked. Of skull-cracking interest here is that the lozenge-using Happs'/Apps' are also "Abbs." They use a white-on-red fesse, symbol of HABSburgs of Austria, and then Coverts/Cofferts, using the same fesse, were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Dine's/Diens. It even appears that Coverts are using a version of the Croc/Croke Coat (Dein crescent?), if that helps to link Coverts to Molle liners!
Therefore, it looks good for a Happs/Abbs / Capes' / Habsburg trace to the Absarus river...in which case the Apsinthii entity may trace to the same river. It's excellent because the Apsinthii are at LYSimachia, tending to clinch a Lazi migration to that the naming of that place. The Lumleys have traced, essentially, to the Apsinthii entity. This southern part of Thrace is at Marmara, a body of water attached to the Hellespont, where golden-fleece liners must trace, where I think Halls and Halls trace.
William of Moulins, in the Moulin/Moline write-up, is said to be the Conqueror's uncle, suggesting that he was a brother of Herleva of Falaise, which suggests that he's a son of "the tanner." However, I'm reading (in an article I'll share later) that William was the son of Walter of Falaise, brother of Fulbert and Herleva of Falaise, which insists on a different father for William than for his sister, Herleva. Note that while Eschyna de-Molle married a Stewart from the Picardy-Artois border region, the Moline's are themselves from Artois:
Molyneux (Old Norman: De Molines or De Moulins) is a surname of Anglo-Norman origin..By the 14th century the Molyneux family had become so large that it split into three main branches; the Lancashire line, who became the Earls of Sefton, the Nottingham line, and the Calais [Artois] line, from family still left over in Normandy.The Seftons (Lancashire) are listed with Septons, and may be of the Saxon/Septons/Sextons. Already, that's suggesting the Caesar line. Note at the article that the Arms of Molines of Sefton use four roses around the moline cross, similar to the Dine/Dinaut moline, no small point, as that traces Moline's to the Cotta > Caesar line. It's just as might be expected where Moline's trace to the Molchi area of Colchis. The Dine/Dinaut Coat has five roses, one in the middle of the cross, Rosicrucian style. In place of this fifth rose, the Molines use a square, and that makes it similar to the same-colored moline used by the Chives/Shives Coat (!), first found in the same place (Devon) as Moline's!! In case it disappears from Wikipedia, see the Arms here:
http://www.tribwatch.com/coatMolines.gifThe Moline's appear to be using the Mathis moline, shared by Chives/Shives. As Chivasso is on the Orco river, it once again suggests that Orchomenos elements on the Argo were at the Orco river. But as the source of the Orco is across a few Cottian peaks from the Arc, by what coincidence is Archaspolis just a lazy Sunday sail from Absarus? The greater point is the Moline link to the Caiaphas-liner Chives'/Shives.'
Just because Scottish Mills/Mylles'/Meiles' use the Molyneux moline in colors reversed doesn't necessarily mean that the family was named after a mill. English Mills/Mylles' (white-ermined Shield) use a mill rind and yet call it a "fer de moline." The latter's motto, "Honor virtutis pretium," smacks of Honorius elements (Valentinian fold to which Pollocks trace). "Written evidence suggests the de Moulins family supplied flour to William the Conqueror's army via a mill on the river Seine near present day Molineaux-sur-Seine, France prior to the 1066 invasion of England, although no archeological evidence exists to support the claim." This statement could have origin in the same sort of fabrication where "the tanner" is traced to a tanning occupation. Perhaps the Sinclairs were ashamed for merging with Italian kin from Cuneo. They have had hooked up with Abreu's of Evreux.
Here's why "the tanner" can be traced to Pallet/Palley liners: "The meaning of filia pelletarii burgensis is somewhat uncertain, and Fulbert [the "tanner") may instead have been a furrier, embalmer, apothecary, or a person who laid out corpses for burial." "PELLETarii" seems to be the term in question. Pellets were first found in the same place as Dine's/Dives'. Pellets use the Pillett/Pillot and Shaw/Sheaves Coats, while Pilate's were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Mathis' sharing the Chives/Shives moline.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HerlevaThe motto in the Arms of the Molines of Sefton, to the best of my ability to read it, is: "Divere sat Vincere." The first term may not be for the Vere's, but for the Divers, showing variations similar to the Dine's/Diens, and first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians. The Divers even show the Happs/Apps / Capes scallops!!! And they use a dancette, now suspect with Donnus, or the Donnas/Dance surname.
The gold wolf head in the Crest of Dutch Divers is the gold one in the Kaip/Kaipff Coat, tending to clinch the latter as a Caepio variation, and meanwhile supporting a Caepio trace to the Cottius family.
The Molyneux article traces the family, with DNA "evidence," to Nordics of 30,000 years ago, which is why you can disregard historians and stick to the Biblical view where all man originates at Armenia in about 2300 BC. You can also disregard them when they say the family derives in "mill." The article says that historians tend to reject the family trace to a certain Peter Abelard of Paris, and his mate, Heloise d'ARGENTeuil, the latter of "a lower social standing (probably the Garlande family...she was the ward of an uncle, a canon in Paris named Fulbert.". Peter's name is one clue that he connects to Pollocks / Pettys, and then Abelard was from Le Pallet in Brittany, where Pollocks are expected to derive. The "Pallet surname" (black boars) is listed with Palleys. The Pollock Crest is a boar.
Moreover, not likely by coincidence, the couple's bloodline went through Brittany, as expected if they were Pollock liners: "Abelard tells of their subsequent illicit relationship, which they continued until Heloise fell pregnant. Abelard moved Heloise away from Fulbert and sent her to his own sister in Brittany, where Heloise gave birth to a boy, whom she called Astrolabe. It is almost unknown what happened to Astrolabe in later life..." I don't see why a family would want to trace itself to this embarrassing relationship if there were no truth in it. Moline's were first found in the same place as English Stewarts, and they use goats.
The Argent surname (grails in the colors of the Fire/Feur half-goat creature), first found where Alan-related Julians were first found, may apply to Heloise's surname because Argents share an upright red lion with English Stewarts and Moline-related Mills/Mylles'. As Wears (suspect as a branch of Gars / Guerins) trace to Argentera near Langhe, that place may also apply, especially as it's beside Stura, where I trace goat elements. The goats in the Moline Chief are in the colors of the Pallet/Palley boars. Lumleys were first found on the Wear river.
Segni's/Segurana's, using a moline, were first found in Genoa, not far from Argentera, but then Segni's trace to Segni on the Gar river, where Garlands are expected to trace. Reminder: Segni's are a line to Sibals of Valentinian / Traby elements, and Molle's are a line to Sibals of Fife, beside where Garlands were first found.
Argenteuil ("Argentoialum" in the late 7th century), is in the Ile-de-France theater, in Val-d'Oise to be exact (not far from La Falaise), which permits contact with Chappes', the latter being the family that the early Normans are expected to have merged with, before the Conqueror, and therefore before William of Moulins.
Abelard seems to have been important enough to have created a surname, and the Belard/Balard/Bellard Coat happens to use the white (or silver) griffin head of Dobermans while Pollocks and Dobermans share a white-on-red bend. The Belard-Coat griffin is ermined, and then the same-colored ermines are the only symbols of French Balards/Ballots/Balls, first found in Brittany.
There is a separate Molyneux Coat with a moline cross and a beaver in Crest, first found in Lancashire, perhaps named after Langhe elements. The beaver is brown, the color of the Pollock boar. The Mollys, showing a boar in colors reversed to the identical Bard boar, are listed with Mally's. The Bards (Leslie suspects) have concocted (in their write-up) a story of killing a boar with an arrow, but a boar shot by an arrow is the symbol of the Pollock and Bole boars (Bole's trace to Boleslaw, son of Mieszko I, himself husband of Dobrawa, namer of Dobermans who use the same griffin-head design as Leslie's and Bards, the latter two both using it in green).
German Bole's, first found in the same area (Varni theater) as Dobermans, use compasses, a Petty theme. While Belgian Bole's (look like Bellamy's) use "wheat stalks," the Stock Coat is an ermined lion in the colors of the ermined griffin of Bel(l)ards. Unfortunately, I can't be sure whether the latter were from "Abelard," or whether he was named by Belards, but the heraldic evidence easily allows for it. I tend to link the two-tailed, white-and-ermined Stock lion to the white-and-ermined lion of Stake's/Stacks, and while the latter use their lion in the colors of the two-tailed Montfort lion, Montforts trace to Monforte at Montferrat...i.e. not only near Argentera, but at the Tanaro river where Moline's are expected to trace. The streams out of both Argentera locations in Cuneo flow to the Tanaro.
Tanners share the pine cone with Maschi's, and the latter were probably related to Justine of Picenum, and, moreover, Maschi's trace to the Moschian mountains, beside Molchi. I doubt that there was a flour mill at Molchi. Here's the Arms of Moulins (France), using what may be the Saluzzo Shield. "Before the French Revolution, Moulins was the capital of the province of Bourbonnais and the seat of the Dukes of Bourbon. " Repeat from above: "French Dine's/Dinaux's (moline cross) were first found in the same place (Bourbonnais) as the Cottus'!!!"
As Dine's/Dives' can link to Divers, note that the three ermines of the Belards are likely in play in one Diver Coat (shown properly as Dwyer"), and as these Divers were first found in Tipperary, wait to see how Moline's link to Tippers and kin.
The white-on-black roundels (plates) at the center of the moline crosses in the Arms of Moulins can now be traced to the same of Cuttes' (Sale bend, right?), and then Cutters use the Shield-and-Chief color combination Saluzzo's in colors reversed. Cuttes' were first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Argents...and Cottius-related Julians/Gillians (from the river of the Salyes).
The Divers (Capes scallops), suspect with the motto code of Moline's of Sefton, were first found in Cambridge, and that tends to clinch a Septon/Sefton trace to the Cotta-Julius bloodline i.e. from Sextus ancestry. Divers, as well as Stocks, are said to be from the Caen area of Normandy, and Caens share lattice with Cotta's. Thus, Dine's/Dinaux's are a branch of Dine's/Dives and Divers.
As I view Cheneys as a merger with Sale's, it should be added that while I trace Cheneys to the namers of Cuneo, Cheneys and Penns (white-on-black plates) were first found in the same place, Buckinghamshire, beside London. It's probably not coincidental that while Eschyna de Molle was also "de Londonis," Londons / Lundys and Alliers share gyronny while Moulins is in the Alliers part of France.
The small red Shield and red eagle of the Allier Coat shows kinship with the same of Holdens, especially as the beakless, two-headed red eagle in the Holden Crest is called an "allerion." Holdens were first found in Lancashire, i.e. where one branch of Moline's/Moulins' resided heavily.
http://www.free-coat-of-arms.com/Speke's/Spocks/Spacks (Lancashire) use a red, two-headed eagle (in the design of the Maxwell eagle), and then "The Molyneuxs later owned most of the districts of Speke and Rainhill" (article below). The porcupine in the Speke Crest may indicate that the black-on-gold boars of Pallets are those of Porcia's. The Speke location is traced to "brushwood"; of course, who in their right minds would argue with that? There must have been a brushwood nearby, of course.
The Speke's were suspect from "Syphax," and while he was the husband of Sophonisba, the Neve surname and Nevers bloodline had traced to her wholly independent of the Speke trace to Syphax.
Moulins is about 35-40 miles from Nevers (Burgundy). The Panico and Nappa Chiefs use three gold fleur on blue, the symbol in the Chief of the Arms of Moulins, and Nappa's use a red bend, the symbol in the Arms of Bourbon and Arms of Allier. Does this trace Nappa's to "Nevers? Yes. As Cotesii elements are now tracing to Moulins, it suggests that Nevers was named by the namers of the Naparis, which for me traces queen-Nefertiti lines to the Naparis (because I'm convinced that her husband's god named Autun, near Nevers). Here's a repeat from above:
As the Naparis river separates the Ardiscus from the Cotesii and Sensii together, one could expect the namers of the Naparis to be Seaton-related elements. It just so happens that Nappa's were first found in ANCona...That tends to trace the Pfiefer anchor to the namers of Ancona (Picenum theater). The Nappa Chief can be gleaned as the Panico/Pane Chief because both use oak themes in their Coats.In this picture, the Molle's are tracing well to Molchi-of-Colchis elements, but, unfortunately, it's the Sadducee / Caiaphas line. As the Sion-suspect Sensii are also marked beside the Naparis, note that Moulins moved to a Sensii-like river:
Other sources claim the de Moulin family originally came from Moulins, France and traveled to Normandy where they joined the Norman army and founded the mill on the SEINE. Wherever their origin, Robert de Moulins' son, William (Guillaume de Moulines Sir de Falaise as listed in many sources where Companions of William the Conqueror are noted) settled in Lancashire and was granted lands by Duke William of Normandy, his liege Lord, for his assistance at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.Sein is a surname listed with Symms/Sime's, first found in the same place (Lothian) as Seatons. We have just crashed through the Coincidence Margin into the Realm of Fact again. Those Cotesii-related Colchians are now tracing to the Seine river flowing from Troyes through Paris and Ile-d-e-France, to Rouen. And the Chappes' with Pharisee and Levite liners are expected smack in this Sadducee Realm of Fact.
The Napers/Napiers ("Sans" motto term), who appear to be using the Annan saltire, were first found beside Angus, where Nevers/Nevays/Neve's were first found who look like they use the Sinclair Cross. Navy's/Neve's were likewise first found in Angus. The latter not only use the Caffery horse-and-rider that's in the colors of the white, winged Quinn horse, but they use a white winged horse in Crest.
The Quinns are said to be from rulers of an Annaly entity, suspect with Annas / Angus elements. The Analy/Annally/Nally Coat (purple axe?), in the colors of the Other Quinn Coat, looks like a version of the Chaddock / Chadwick Coats.
As the Nons/Nevins apply here, the "Non sans" motto phrase of Shakespeare's should apply, especially as a "MOLE hill" is found in the Shake Coat.
The earls of Sefton, created for nobles of Molyneux, are said to be related to a house of Robert de Diable, thought to be the father of William the Conqueror i.e. the husband of "the tanner's" daughter, and, so, due to the Diable/Dipple/Tipple Coat using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners in colors reversed, we have more good reason to link the Tanners to "the tanner."
The Tipps'/Tippins (pheons, now expected from Tanaro-river elements), using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners, were first found in Lancashire (home of Molyneux's)...which by the way is where the Ribble rivers flows that traced well to the Riparia, home of Cottius. The Veys/Vivians were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Tippers, and so it is reasonable, now, to trace them to Vivian de Molyneux.
Let's go back to: "The Molyneuxs later owned most of the districts of Speke and Rainhill" this is fantastic. I wasn't going to mention that Rainhill is traced in its article to a Regan entity until I re-bumped into the Molton location (Devon) in the Moline write-up. The Moltons not only use lattice, the Cottius symbol, but a "regi" motto term now tracing to the Reges surname of Julius' grandmother. It not only explains why Irish Regans share the dolphin with Caesars, but tends to identify Ragnvald, Rollo's father, as a Cotta-Julian liner. That's why Sinclairs must be using a cross in the colors of the Julian cross. The two-headed eagle used by Speke's is one that Julian liners would be permitted to use for obvious reason.
English Regans were first found in the same place (Bedfordshire) as Argents, but the latter are said to have been first found also in the same place as Julians. Compare "Regan" with "Argen." The Bedford motto term "sequatur," may suggest Sequani > Saxon / Sextus elements.
Wikipedia has no link to an article on William of Moulins, the man in the Moulin/Moline write-up said to be the Conqueror's uncle. And so we can appeal to this for the possible facts:
William, Lord of Moulins-la-Marche, arrondissement of Mortagne, is mentioned by Wace as one of the combatants at Senlac...but neither Le Prevost nor Taylor enlightens us as to his pedigree, the latter merely describing him as the son of Walter of Falaise, as we already knew from Orderic, who is silent respecting the family of his father and his mother. In the absence of any information on the subject, I am strongly inclined to believe that this Walter of Falaise was the Walter son of Fulbert the burgess of Falaise, brother of Herleve and uncle of William the Conqueror, who with his daughter Matilda, wife of Raoul Taisson, witnessed the foundation charter of Fontenay as already stated.The title of De Moulins, borne by the son of Walter de Falaise, was obtained by him through his marriage with Alberede or Albrede, daughter and heir of a certain Guitmund, whose hand was bestowed by the Conqueror on William, with the whole of her father's fief of Molines, in reward of his services either at SENlac [caps mine] or elsewhere, he being, as Orderic informs us, "a gallant soldier."
If this is correct, then William of Moulins was a son of the tanner's wife but not a son of the tanner. If the historians had that wrong; perhaps William was a son of the tanner and therefore a full brother of Herleva. Fulbert Pollock "the Saxon" may have been a Sefton (of the branch expected to produce the Saxons/Septons), and therefore a brother of William of Moulins. Recall that Abelard's mistress (later his wife) was from the Garlande's, for Saxons/Septons use garlands, albeit they call them "chaplets." Thus, it would appear that Abelard and his mistress had children leading to Fulbert Pollock, and if that be correct, there wasn't enough time for Fulbert to have been anyone other than their son, Peter Astrolabe. See footnote at Wikipedia's Abelard article for comments on this Peter.
The Moulins family claims that Astrolabe's name was changed, perhaps to hide his identity. Perhaps, if Moulins didn't descend from a child of Abelard and Heloise, one of those two was a Moulin liner. But Fulbert of Pollock, who named his first son, Peter, is now seriously under the microscope as Peter Astrolabe, a term that may relate to Pula in ISTRia. The "STRenue" motto term of Pollocks may even be for Istria elements. We read in the footnote:
A 'Petrus Astralabius' is recorded at the Cathedral of Nantes in 1150, and the same name appears at the Cistercian abbey at Hauterive in what is now Switzerland, but it is uncertain whether this is the same man. However, Astrolabe is recorded as dying at Paraclete on 29 or 30 October, year unknown, appearing in the necrology as "Petrus Astralabius magistri nostri Petri filius".There are two HAUTerive's in Switzerland, both link-able to the Pollock motto term. AUDaciter." The Hauterive location smack beside Besancon / Doubs is very interesting because Alans and Doberman elements from Pollocks were traced there a few updates ago (there's a Dole location on the Doubs river). I now see that the Arms of Hauterive is a gold cross, same one as in the Arms of Pula. Plus, there is a Hauterive location also in Allier, location of Moulins. The Dobbs surname was first found in Lancashire, home of one Moline branch. The "summa" motto term of Dobbs likely traces to the Molle / Alan elements in the Somme theater of Picardy.
The other Swiss Hauterive location is near Berne, and then the Bernys location in Renfrew can apply. None of this discredits a trace of the Pollock motto to Aude in Languedoc, for the RoqueFEUIL location there was traced (by me) to FULbert "the Saxon." The Rooks and Rookby use so-called "rooks" with tops that are identical to the ends of the moline cross. I traced Rookbys to Rochdale in Lancashire.
The Hasken (also "Hoskin") surname was loaded seeking an Eschyna-possible term. The Hasken Coat is split vertically into the two colors o the Gates Shield, and both have upright lions. Anything linking to Gates' can be Sadducee suspect. Gates' were first found in the same place as Lumley-relayed Lomleys/Limbs, and Lumleys are thought to be the ancestry of Eschyna Molle. Haskens were first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Fullers, suspect with the Fulbert-Pollock line to Rockefellers.
That's just for starters. The Gates lion design (quite rare) is used by Hollands, and the latter were traced to "Hellespont," a golden-fleece-related location, and where Lysimachia sits that is suspect with the Lazi and Moschians. On the one map, "Paeti" was marked at the Lysimachia area, but on the Illyrian map, "Paeti" was at the Ergines river that links possibly to Mar-branch "Erskin" with an "Eskin" variation, much like "Hasken/Hosken."
Haskens/Hoskins are said to be from "Os," an Uz-like term. They are said to be a branch of Osgoods, and then the Osgood Coat uses gold garbs, what I tend to associate with Joseph-Caiaphas lines i.e. after 70 AD. The colors of the Osgood garbs are used by Uts-suspect Wheats/Wete's honored by the "ears of wheat" of Chappes'/Chaips, who themselves use a gold garb in Crest.
Now the Wheats/Wete's can be suspect with White's, and so let's go back to the marriage of Walter Moulins, or his son (the writer was not clear on which one) to a daughter of "a certain Guitmund," whose titles included Molines, and thus the Moline name was passed on to Walter (or his son, William). As Moulins are so important to the Templars and to heraldry, we could expect that the Guits, listed with White's, are from this Guitmund. The Guits/Wyatts (Sussex) give me the impression of being a Cottius-related clan on the Durance, expected at this point. They are said to be from "Guy," and that recalls the Gowers/Gore's from Gouy (Picardy), for they almost use a black moline (symbol of Moline's/Moulins).
I'm going to assume that Fulbert "the Saxon" gave birth to the Saxon/Septon surname using "chaplet" garlands, and then we take a look at the Chaplet write-up, noting that the five Chaplet swans are in the colors of the Moline's. The write-up says that Chaplets lived at a Paresse / Parez location in Lorraine, which is the makings of a Peter surname. In this way, Pharisee lines may have named Peter Astrolabe and Peter Pollock...and the Pettys.
The Chaplets ought to be a branch of Chappes' in Paris, and so lets not forget that Molle elements have traced from the Sensii to the Seine flowing through Paris, for Walter of Moulins' family received the Moline titles for his "services" at SENlac. The fact that we have swans in a Chap surname that lived at a Pharisee-suspect location is a strong argument for tracing this lot to the Cotesii (beside the Sensii), identified now with Soducena beside lake Sevan. But wait. The Moline's have already traced well to Cottius on multiple occasions. What's left to understand?
When starting this particular section, it wasn't yet realized that "Chaip" can be a Kaip/Kaipff branch. If correct that "Fife" was named after the five theme of "Quint," we might adopt the expectation of a Caepio trace to Londons of Fife, kin of Molle's / Lumleys, and so lets repeat that the mother of Sear de Quincy was from Lochars of Fife, but that her ancestry was from Cuinchy in Artois, not far from Hesdin, where Eschyna's husband's (first Steward of Scotland, a Walter) ancestry derived. And the Sensii at the Naparis were near the neighboring river of ARDiscus.
HESdin is itself suspect with such terms as "EScyn / HASkin," but also with the "HazARD" motto term of Seatons now tracing to the Sensii and the Ardiscus together. Seatons were first found in the same place as Faucets, who trace with Pollocks to Foix (beside Roquefeuil / Aude) at Septimania, and then Faucets share a checkered bend (rare) with Seftons/SEPTons, special Moline kin, likely a branch of chaplet-using Saxons/Septons. Have we smashed through the Coincidence Barrier again? Isn't it true that Saxons/Septons link to Fulbert "the Saxon" while he links to Roquefeuil? Why are the Saxon chaplets scarlet in color?
When starting this section on the Haskin term, I hadn't yet looked at the Heskin/Askin Coat. I didn't load it until after writing above. It's clearly a version of the Haskin/Hoskin Coat, but the Shield is split horizontally, making it suspect with the Cattons, the ones with a "Cautes" motto term that gets the lattice-using Cotta's. Yes, the expected ancestry of Caiaphas. I'm sure we're flying at twice the speed of Coincidence here.
Hesdins even use boar heads (blue) in colors reversed to the Molle boar heads (Mollys use the boar too). The Has/Haase/Heslin surname is suspect here, using only a hare, and then Haskins/Hoskins were first found in HEREfordshire...while, zowie, just found: Herefords use three white-on-red eagles, the Lomley/Limb symbol (see Childs too, for they are a merger with Hebrons). The Hereford eagles can be linked for obvious reasons to the same of the Pense's/Pinsons (London-kin suspects), who are honored in the "pense" motto term of Eskins/Erskins.
In the 5th update of January, the Sutys were found to use a "hazard" motto term too, clinching that it's a code special for the Seaton / Suty / Side bloodline. I assume that the term is part-code for Ard elements, wherefore, in this Lumley picture, Arda (on the Hebros) is suspect, which traces Arda very well to the Ardiscus river. To the near-west of lake Sevan, there developed at least two Arda-like areas, Artvin and Ardahan, the latter at the Moschi area. Ardahan is near RIZE, and then Saddocks/Sedwicks use "ears of rye" as code for the Rye/RISE's/Ryse's (first found in Sussex with Saddocks). I don't think that's coincidental.
A Gius location is at the mouth of the Naparis at a land called, Scythia. "Gius" is like mythical Gyas (see last update), founder of the Geganii surname of Romans. I don't think it's to be linked to "Guit," but if it is the proto-Geganii surname:
The first surviving record about this [Ardahan] region is attributed to Strabo, who calls it Gogarene (perhaps derived from Gugark) and mentions that it was a part of the Kingdom of Armenia.That would suggest a fundamental Ard link to Gog. "Has" has the look of the As / Assi peoples who named, Asia, and that probably explains the Seaton motto term. "CaucASIA" probably applies to those peoples, suspect from the Hayasa-Azzi in / beside the Ardahan region. I therefore think this Azzi element must explain the Seaton motto term because I trace Seatons themselves to the shores of Sevan facing Van. The Soducena are stamped smack where JereVAN sits. However, the Gate kin of Seatons are expected in the land of the Getae, and that's at the Ardiscus / Naparis theater.
Heraldry can take us to lake Geneva even apart from Seaton considerations. With the Gate surname apparently using the Heskin and Haskin Shields, as well as the Catton Shield that I link to the Geneva Shield, we have what looks like a Getae-Assi trace right to Sion/Sitten...with whatever the Cattons represented. It appears that Cattons are Getae. I haven't forgotten Porcius Cato; his lines had been expected in the Burgos > Conteville's to a marriage with "the tanners" mother...and that's why the black-on-gold boars of Pallets should be a Porcius line. Let's not forget that the term "tanner" derives in "pelletarii," and that Abelard, the reported Tanner-related ancestry of Moulins, was from Le Pallet.
It seems as though the Pallet and similar surnames arose from the tanner's line, and then the other surnames using boars, including Mollys and Hesdins, must be evidence of the Porcius line...from mythical Ceto > Phorcys expected on the southern shores of the Black sea, where mythical Cotys is expected. Lines from Porcius Cato must have been in Hesdin, where the mother of the first High Steward lived, whose name, Walter, was that also of Walter of Moulins.
in heraldry, "palets" are thin, vertical "pale" bars. They are used by Seeds/Cedes'/Seete's, first found in Lancashire i.e. where Moulins had a branch. I realize how incredible it is that heraldry can satisfactorily trace and connect ancient peoples, centuries in BC times. The Seeds/Cedes' even appear to be using the Caesar Chief so that they van be traced to the Cotta surname that Julius married. I am very surprised at how well this all works, even to the "coincidence" that the Tanaro river is downhill from the Cottians named by the Cotta bloodline.
I suggested that the Porci/Porcini bend is used by the Fes/Fay surname (Faucet suspects) whose fox links to Foys/Foix's at Ile-de-France. This suggests linkage also to Veys/Vivians now suspect in Vivian de Molyneux. In a genealogy page for the Molyneux's, we read: "...only our direct line from Vivian in the eleventh century to William who settled in Sullivan County will be numbered." It just so happens that Sullivans use boars, and that they trace to the Salyes with Brians (remember, the Guits/Wyatts, suspect with Guitmund, owner of the original Moulins titles, look like they trace to Sale's). Sullivans share a "Lamh" motto term with Brians, which my therefore be suspect with Lume's/Lambs (Lancashire again).
http://davenation.com/gene/molyneux.htmlThe Lume's using the "sine" motto term are said to have been from "Adam Lamb of Sympering", and then the Symper/Semper surname is said to be from a version of "Peter." This could indicate the naming of Peter Astrolabe Peter Pollock. The genealogy page above says that Vivian's firstborn son was, Adam, who lived at Mulling. The Mulls (shown properly as "Melody/Mallady/Mulledy") just happen to use the Morgan lion, important because of mythical Morgan le Fay. It is good evidence that Veys/Vivians link directly to the Molyneux line. But a tribwatch reader had found a Morges location, as well as a Vevey location, on the north shores of lake Geneva. I can add that, between them, there is a Pully location on the outskirts of Lausanne.
Vevey and Pully are near the Fribourg border, where there is the other Hauterive location. Let me re-quote: A 'Petrus Astralabius' is recorded at the Cathedral of Nantes in 1150, and the same name appears at the Cistercian abbey at Hauterive in what is now Switzerland... The Arms of Hauterive (of Fribourg) show three pale bars, perhaps even called "palets" officially, in the colors of the two palets used by Seeds/Cedes'/Seete's. That's very significant where Sion is upriver from Geneva just a few Gogi dog paddles.
This Hauterive article speaks on a Cisterian abbey, wherefore this location is where Peter Astrolabe was present / honored. Vevey is about 20 miles away, and then, downstream from Hauterive, there is a Moleson location about half that distance to Vevey. We have found the Morgan-le-Fay bloodline in the Moline's, all thanks to Ms. Pollock's message.
The Mulls/Mulladys smack of Mullets, who are honored in pierced stars called, mullets. Mullets were first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Fes'/Faye's and Bouillons (the latter use what looks like a version of a moline). Payens use Zionist mullets in the colors of the Zionist Mullet mullets, and the Mullet hunting horn is in the white color of the Pollock hunting horn. The Mullet horn is said to be "stringed red," which I take to be code for the String surname using the green griffin head of Leslie's (and Molly-related Bards), first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Molesons/Mollysons! The latter use red antlers, suggesting a trace to the Veringer cousins of Zahringens (the latter were founders of Berne in Fribourg).
The Hohens (either Hohenzollerns or Hohenstaufens, or both) had received the red Zahringer eagle, and so the red-and-white checks in the Moleson/Mollyson Chief must be the Hohen checks. All of this can explain why Swiss Berne's use a Coat similar with that of Fes'/Faye's, meaning that Porcius Cato does apparently trace to the Sion/Sitten theater.
As the Berne write-up says that branches of these Berne's stem from a Berna location in Lusatia, the LAUSanne location at Geneva can be suspect with Lusatians, which can explain the red antler in the Arms of Spree-Neisse (Lusatia). Again, I traced the Zahringers to Forst in Lusatia, and to Forst in Baden, while Forsts use the curved chevron, symbol of Kaips and Ottone's, but also of Gusts whom are traced in their write-up to "Gaut," a surname listed with the Cotta surname and suspect with the "Cautes" motto term of Geneva-related Cattons. Forsts can trace to a Furstenfeld location in Swabia, home of Hohens, not far north from the Berne theater.
I had the sense that the fitchee cross in the Moleson Coat links to the fitchee in the Quint Crest, but wasn't going to mention it until seeing that Dutch Forsts (annulets, Ottone symbol) share the same-colored chevron as Quints. If the Moleson Chief were white (instead of red-and-white checkered), its Shield-and-Chief color combination would be that of Quints. This is very important if Quints trace to Quintus Caepio, for the Kaips (Bavaria, part of Swabia and location of Furstenfeld) are seriously suspect with "Caepio."
The gold Kaip lion may even be the one in the Arms of Hauterive, for the Kaip lion is expected to be that of Sforza's (because the latter received Visconti titles), and then the Sforza lion holds a "quince" as code for the Quince/Quincy surname suspect with Quints. The Quints are suspect at Fife (where the Veys/Vivians trace for sharing the Fife and Five particulars), beside Aberdeenshire, where Molesons were first found.
Recall that Chaplets (FIVE swans) were from Paresse/Parez, for Chappes-based Ottones were first found in Perusia. I am sure, now, as one stubbing a toe into this new / sudden find, that Caepio liners were, with Porcius-Cato liners, at the Geneva theater. The Chaplet swans are even in the colors of the Porcia boars, important where "Pharisee" is from "Porcia / Phorcys" elements. Lines from Porcius Cato were suspect (and emphasized) with Seaton lines a few updates ago (around the 1st week of January).
If you haven't seen it, see (bottom of the page) that the son of Servilia Caepio married the line of Porcius Cato:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junia_TertiaServilia is now seriously suspect as the grandmother of Joseph Caiaphas.
The Chaplet swans are in the colors of Hohenstaufen eagle. We read:
The [Hohenzollern] family uses the motto Nihil SINE Deo (English: Nothing Without God). The family coat of arms, first adopted in 1192, began as a simple shield quarterly sable and argent. A century later, in 1317, Frederick IV, Burgrave of Nuremberg, added the head and shoulders of a hound as a crest.\The Hohenzollern hound is a good replica of the one in the Arms of Oettingen-Oettingen Arms (Bavaria), and so see the Ottinger/Otten quarters. The main point is, the sable-argent quartering -- that is, black and white quarters of Hohenzollerns -- the colors of the Keele/Kill quarters, and colors reversed from the same of Chives/Shives...the latter using the Moline moline, and first found in the same place as Moline's.
There is just no doubt about it: the Hohens and Cohens were in fact Jews (I had been wrong on this point years ago), worshiping a God not of Jesus Christ, and being of the Caiaphas line. The Illuminati must go here.
I realize that the Geneva surname (Ferrari / Sforza lion?) looks to trace more to Genoa than to Geneva, but the moline-using Segni's were first found in Genoa, and they can trace by their moline to Moleson and Hauterive of the Geneva area. I've never doubted that swan-liner Ligurians at Genoa/Genova named Geneva, and meanwhile co-founded Sion/Sitten. It's important to remind that Hohens and Cohens trace by their checks to Vairs and Fers/Ferrats i.e. the Visconti-Langhe merger at Montferrat. The Geneva white wings are upside down, like the white wing in the Coat of Dine's/Dive's who traced well to the Donnus > Cottius family.
The hound used by Hohens and Oettingens is a talbot, symbol of Halls and Hulls whom I trace to mythical Helen, suspect at Lausanne, for one. Her mate, Paris, is suspect as the proto-Pharisee line to Perusia...and Perez in Lorraine. I've noted that the Lorraine lions are colors reversed from the Mull/Mullady / Morgan lion while the Lorraine bend is in the red color of the Bourbon / Allier bend (that's where Moulins is located). As the Lorraine bend was traced to the bend that is the Arms of Baden, where Zahringers lived, the red allerion eagles of Holdens are likely those of Zahringens and Hohens. To put it another way, the Moline elements in Allier trace to Moleson, Morges and Vevey. In this picture, "Zahr" could be a Sawyer / Sauer / Seager term. The Lorraine eagles are in the style of the same-colored Piast eagle.
The Geneva wings were traced to the blue Bauer wings because both appear to use a fist-shape between the wings. The Bauer wings should connect with the blue Her(t)zog wings, and were, for years, identical to the Hertzog wings. Here's a piece from the 5th update in January:
The blue wing in the Hellen/Heller Crest is a Here / Hertzog symbol, and then, lest we should leave the House/Hauss and Hazel bloodline [same as HESlingtons] in the dust, it just so happens that the Has/Haase/HESLIN surname, first found in the same place as Hellens/Hellers and Hertzogs, uses a hare. Isn't this the bloodline encoded in the "hazard" term of Sutys and Seatons? Isn't this the Has term in "Hasmonean"? If so, Hellens and Hellers can be suspect with Kellers/Kelners and therefore from "Cilnius,' the ancestry of Cilnius Maecenas whose surname is suspect at the root of Maccabees. I'm sure you haven't glossed over the importance of Hall liners linking to Meakins.Halls and Hulls are traced to "Hellespont" along with Hollands and Hallands for circumstantial (not tight-case) reasons. I'll get to the Halls and Hulls later because they are suspect with the mythical Helen line to Pharisees, and of course to the Perez location of the swan-using Chaplets, for Helen was born from the egg of a swan. This makes Pully at Lausanne suspect with her brother, Pollux, while "LAUSanne" is itself suspect with Helen's husband, MeneLAUS. If you just heard a bang, it's for breaking the Coincidence Barrier. You are one of the few in the lonely Realm of Historical Fact, and it relates to the Story of Jesus.
Eschyna de-Molle traces with Pollocks to the north shores of Geneva, doesn't she? Pully, on those shores, traces to Pula in ISTRIA, reminding us of the ASTROlabe term. The purple lions in the Vey/Vivian Coat can even link to the purple lions of the Wrens (first found in the same place as Lumleys), said to be from "Rennes," but they are the namers of Renfrew, in my opinion, where Pollocks and Erskins/Eskins were first found. The pully seen on the ground beside the Guiscard brothers of Sicily may now be considered in a trace to Pully. As Guiscards are said to be from the line of Rollo, though I've never seen how, so far as I can recall, what about that GUITmund fellow at the root of Moline's? Could he be of the Guido/GUIS bloodline (in Guiscard/Wishart colors), and thus the namers of Guiscards, first found in the same place (Stirling) as Chappes'/Chaips?
Now, all the more interesting, as per Eschyna-suspect Haskins, first found in Herefordshire: the Hereford eagles (Lorraine-eagle colors) are in use by the Chills/Childs, in honor of the Childeric Franks who trace with Salyes Ligures to the Salto river of the Marsi, who in-turn trace back to the Maritsa version of the Hebros, where Petty-honoring Lumley's trace. It's the Pettys who use the "ut" motto term, as well as a "conSULTO" motto term. There is no question about it: the Petty elements on the Hebros, and others too, trace to the Salto river, and of course other entities, of the Marsi. We then find that Hasken-related Osgoods are traced to an "Angot" version of the surname, so much like "Angitia" (snake cult of the Marsi) that we seem to be on the Anagni bloodline to Annas of Israel.
There is a question here as to whether "Morg(es) / Morg(an)" is a "Moray" term to be traces to the Mures/Maros river of the Kabars/Khazars that I think created Hohens and Cohens. Swabia, remember, where Hohens came out of, traces to the Sabines, mother stock of the Marsi. I had pegged Cohens as Khazar "Jews"," NOT Israelites, but that was when I had no idea that Caiaphas liners were in the Cohens. They way to trace Caiaphas liners to Khazars is by way of proto-Casey Romans.
To this it could be added that Osgoods were first found in OXford, a term now suspect with "Og." King Og of the Rephaites was on the west side of Jerusalem, on the way toward Hebron, where Anaki lived. Although scholars locate mount Gareb on the north of Jerusalem, I did at an-length investigation, finding mount Gareb to be about 1.5 miles west of the Temple Mount, either at the hill where the Israeli parliament now sits, or the hill to it's immediate east. The garbs in the Osgood Coat, you see, should trace to Garebites.
The Has entity may also be suspect with Essenes, not necessarily meaning that the Azzi of Armenia do not apply. I traced Essenes to Assisi, near Arettium/Arezzo, and saw the two locations intimately connected with the sun god of Aziz(us) at Arethusa (Syria). That cult had been traced, with "Sohaemus," a descendant of Aziz, to the Somme river in PicARDy (beside Artois), where the London motto term, can trace, and where HESdin is located. What you are about to read is all new and explains it; it's lumping Eschyna and her Stewart husband into the SoHAEMUS bloodline...which smacks of the Haemus Mons location on the north of the Hebros, where the Serdi lived who trace to Siward of NorthUMBERland, a place I now trace to "Umbria," location of Assisi. Umbrians / Cumbrians are suspect, along with "QUMRan" (city of Essenes) with Gomerians = Cimmerians. Hereford-suspect Lorraine's were first found in Northumberland.
The Illyrium map shows an Assus location on the Hebros, at the mouth of an Assus river that also called, "Arsus." The two terms smack of "Arezzo" and "Assisi" all at once! The Assus location is even near the Arda river, which the Illyrian map calls the HarpASSUS. "Harp" is probably a Gareb entity, but then one wonders whether Hera relates, and I think it does because I identified "Hera" with "JERevan," a term that also modifies to "Gareb." And so, here we are, again, on the Jerusalem line to Jerevan, smack where Soducena is marked on the Old Caucasia map. "ARSus" could indicate Ares in particular, who's cult was from the Aras river, passing through the Jerevan theater. In other words, the mystery-Soducena elements are to be expected at or near Arsus / Assus.
The Erskin/Eskin Crest uses an erect sword, symbol of Ares. As the Bistones used such a sword in worship of Ares, note how near the Bessi (at Bessapara) are to Arsus. As Bistones lived in Cyrene, they are suspect with the Patmos crow line at Chora, and then smack beside the Paeti (on the Roman-Illyrium map) we find the CORpili, a term that modifies easily to "corv(os)," the Greek crow! That trends to clinch a Paeti trace to the namers of Patmos, as well as tending to clinch the crow = Garebite theory (that I developed).
Wikipedia has a one-liner article on the Corpili`"Korpiloi or Corpili is the name of a Thracian tribe that was located below the Brenae [a people]." Probably not by coincidence, the Brens/Brins (Lancashire, where Lancelot elements trace) share the upright white-on-blue lion with Haskens/Hoskins and Heskins/Askins. A Erskins come up as "Eskin," it seems absolutely undeniable that these surnames trace to the Ergines river (where the Paeti are marked), and that Brens trace to the Brenae Thracians.
Moreover, Brenners had traced to the Brenner Pass on the Alpine heights behind Brescia, revealing that the Brenner lion (in the colors of the Bren lion), along with another piece of evidence from the Bruce family, was a colors-reversed version of the lion in the Arms of Brescia, which lion transferred to the Bruces, and which lion was the Caepio lion. As this tends to trace the Caepio surname to the Brenae theater, the Cypsela location, smack where the Paeti are stamped, is of greater concern. Lest you've forgotten, its the Alans, suspect as taking on the Israeli priesthood in the ballpark of 70 AD, who share the pelican in her "piety" with Lumleys.
German Brens share the rooster (different design) with the Haskins and English Brenners. Lomleys were first found in the same place as Brens and BANESters; the latter (water bouget) were traced with the Banes' ("Arte" motto term) to Ban, father of Lancelot, but can now trace to the Benni shown smack between the Paeti and the Corpili. This can explain well enough why Lancelot is lumped into the Arthurian grail cult.
I've only just learned that the Banes wolf design and color is exactly that of the Kaips/Kaipff's! Excellent. If the design changes, rest assured, the wolf heads are identical at this time, which traces the Kaips and Chaips hard to "Cypsela." The other surname using this wolf, in the same colors, was the Skeen/Skin surname, now suspect with "HaSKIN / Heskin / Eskin." Skeens (Aberdeenshire) are the ones with the Sword swords, thus tracing to Serdica at the sources of the Hebros, beside the Bessi, and not far from Erskin-suspect Arsus. That works.
The Corps, said to be named after the raven, were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as the Banes'. Corbets (raven) were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Needle's/Nadlers, where proto-Stewarts lived who honor the Pettys who in-turn honor the Needle's. That should link the Corbet-Crest elephant to the Petty elephant, and so it tends to clinch a Corbet trace to the Corpili. In the Meschin write-up, we read of a Richard BANIStre holding lands in Shropshire.
This would be a good place to mention that Meschins lived in the Bessin, while the Bessin/Beaston surname uses both bees (a Petty symbol), and shares the erect sword with the Biston surname, thus tracing well to the Bessi. With Meschins potentially tracing that well to the Serdi theater, it may be that the Serdi named Cirte, the Numidian capital (i.e. of the Massena). The Meschin scallops trace to Messina, if that helps to make the Serdi trace to Cirte, but the scallop also traces to "Skala" on Patmos, explaining any Petty-Meschin links that we might find. I always link the raven to the Massina Numidians and to the Cyrene Meshwesh, so that Bistones of Cyrene are expected in the lump.
Cypsela Looks SeinTanned on Her ArmaThe Corbet raven is used by German Rothes, and then Peter Pollock, expected as a fundamental part of the Paeti > Petty bloodline, ruled a Rothes entity. The proto-Rothschild Bauers trace easily to the five, bunched arrows of the Scottish Bowers, first found in Peebles, important because the Petty parrots are used by the Peeble (and Lumley) surname. English Rothes were first found in Shropshire, and use what I'm sure is the Sale/Sallete bend. The Petty motto had traced to the Salto river, origin of the Salyes > Sale's, right?
The question is whether Rothes elements trace either to the Rhodope mountains, or perhaps to the Rhaedestus location (also called BISANthe) to the south side of the Ergines river. I can tell you that Dutch Rothes and Roets/Roedl's share the oak tree, and that Roet-related Reeds use a "copia" motto term while Rhaedestus is beside Cypsela. Hmm. The Reeds are even traced to an old Rufus surname while Ruffs/Rolphs use ravens. It looks like half of Masonry traces to lines through the Hebros, and someones knew it who held the secrets.
The oak tree is still tracing to Og / Joktan elements. The oak-using Watts / Vatts can trace smack to the Rhaedestus theater too. Let me repeat from above, for Shepherds are suspect with the Caiaphas line, making the Pattys/Pateys suspect, but perhaps tracing Shepherds to Cypsela (by the way, Wrens/Raine's use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Shepherds while Pattys/Pateys look like the use the Raines lions):
Watts, using the eyeball too, were first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Pattys. The latter are using a version of the Saddock Coat, aren't they? As Scottish Shepherds were first found in Peebles, where the Petty parrots trace, there's a good chance that the Shield-and-Chief color combination of English Shepherds is that of English Watt's'.
The fact that Wettins and Pettys were first found in the same place while Watts and Pattys were first found in the same place is a strong argument for tracing the naming of Patmos to "Uat/Buto." I was trying to make the argument earlier that king Og, because he was on the same side of Jerusalem as Garebites, was expected to merge with Garebites so that they could trace together to Garebites on the Hebros. As Og was a Rephaite, I'm thinking that "Ruf(us)" may apply to those giants so that Og liners are to be expected at Rhaedestus. English Reeds even use gold GARBS.
The 'f' may be the next consonant after the 'd' due to their being somewhat inter-changeable in the past. Or, the 'd' may be an upside-down 'p' because 'ph' was interchangeable with the 'd'. In other words, as "Reed' is said to be from "Rufus," so "Rhaed(estus)" may have been from "Reph." If "Og" is from "Gog," while Hera was from the swan-depicted lake Sevan, then Reeds can trace to Sevan elements, which is said because Ready's use nothing but swans in Gogi blue and white.
One great piece of evidence for a swan trace to Gogarene is the swan in the Gogue/Goguy/Goguin/Goguel Coat. The surname is from Nancy. The great thing about this find is that the Nancy surname is shown as "TrenGOFF/TrenGOVE," and because the Goffs are using the Googe Coat exactly (same colors even), Goffs, as well as white-on-blue Goffers/Govers (OXfordshire), are now identified certainly as Gog liners.
Aha! The Govans/Gowens come up as "Gove," and they use a shortened black saltire (not reaching the edges of the Shield) while Nancys/Trengoffs use a shorted black cross! It means that Gowens are a Gog line (new to me). Zowie, it's the Irish Gow(an)s/Gavins who were from Cavan, a term traced recently to "Sevan"!!! It looks like that's exactly correct. Both Gove's and Gows use an object at the tip of a sword, same as Skeens.
OGdens (oak tree) were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Lomleys and a branch of Moline's, all suspect with Eschyna de Londonis-Molle. The Ogden motto suggests that they're kin of Ostens, who were first found in the same place (Saxony) as Brens...using a version of the Bruce lion. That's one example of how Gog elements can morph to Os / Gos / Goz terms.
HEAD-SPLITTING THEORY: the reason for the Googe / Gogue boars is coming to light as a swine theme, i.e. as code for "Sevan," especially as "swine" is a Germano-English term while the Gogi Scythians (and Cimmerians) were the Germano-English peoples. As the maps we are dealing with are centuries after Ezekiel, the Scythia location upon them is suspect with Gog.
Catherine Roet married a Swynford surname, indicating the possibility that the Sevan Armenians were at the Rhaedestus entity. Catherine's sister (Philippa) is the one who married a Chaucer, a surname tracing because to Sevan's Caucasians. As the Roxolani lived where the Cotesii are stamped at a later time, while Roxolani trace to Roxburghshire, isn't it a hoot that one Scott surname was first found in Roxburghshire while using Catherine wheels, the known symbol of Catherine Roet herself? The other Scott surname was first found in the same place as Chaucers and swan-using Chalkers.
The Sion/Swan Coat (in Gog colors) showed a gauntlet glove for years, symbol of John Gaunt, Catherine Roet's other husband. This is the surname tracing to the Sensii, beside the Soducena-suspect Cotesii. The Sens surname (patee cross) was even first found in Switzerland, and shares a gold-on-blue crescent with German Roets. It's probably not coincidental that the Sens' share a patee cross (suspect with Paeti lines) with Peks. Catherine Roet was born in Somme of Picardy, which can explain why "Some" gets the Sion/Swan surname. There is much that can be repeated at every turn, but I'll spare you.
This is of welcome magnitude for proving the trace of Soducena Caucasians to the naming of Sitten. Note that while Catherine's father was Payne Roet, the Pagan-like Puecini (proto-Picenum?) are stamped in Scythia. It's on this Illyrium map that we find the PICENsii on the south side of Cuppae, where I expect proto-Payens. Reminder: Roet-related Reeds and PICKENs use the same saltire. The Raines' with Wrens trace to the Reno river, near the Setta of the Panico's, etc, etc...
The Sensii thus appear to be the Hermes Armenians -- which I have identified for many years as Cadusii -- out of mount Sion, which is smack at Panias, the suspected proto-Paeoni. There is little doubt left in my mind that Catherine Roet traces to the Sensii. As I identify the Cadusii as the namers of both Kutaisi and Hattusa, it's of obvious importance that Porcius Cato traces tentatively to the Hatti founders of Hattusa, for "Porcius" is another swine theme. The mythical Ceto > Phorcys line is thus suspect as a Gog one from Sevan.
During the proof read of the paragraph above, I looked for Cotesii-possible surnames that could show proof of Cato linkage. After seeing the Cotes and Kotes surnames, "Cates" was entered to find another moline cross in the Dutch Cat/Cates Coat. Their moline is in the colors of the Porci/Porcini bend, but that's not enough evidence for a link, though it's colors reversed to the moline of Porcia-suspect Burgs, first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Cotta's/Cottez' that just came up as "Kotes."
English Cates'/Catesbys (may be using a version of Strange lions) were first found in the same place (Northampton) as Quincy's, a good reason to trace the Cates'/Catesby's to Porcius Cato. That surname warranted a look at pheon-using Gatesbys (almost the Stewart stag design), who appear to be using a version of the Catter Coat. While Catters are traced to a "cater," "a buyer of groceries for a gentleman's house," ha-ha, Gatesbys are traced to "a sting." I would trace both Gatesbys and Catters to the Pendragon Coat (but see also the Gardner chevron).
With the Hebros-river peoples linking to Cotesii elements, we could expect Scythia-Minor lines to trace to Hebros-river entities. For example, the Scott surname, using a version of both Talbot Coats, traces to the talbot dog in the Sion/Swan Crest, but Scottish Scotts use the crescent in the colors of the same of Roets/Roedl's. That sharing of the crescent may not seem like much of a hard reason for a link, but Scotts use the Catherine wheel while Sions/Swans link to Catherine Roet's husband.
Reminder: The Ready Coat shows nothing but swans...in Gog colors. Then zowie, the Raed surname uses Zionist stars in the same colors, important because Hagar(d)s use one such Zionist star while the Cotesii are marked beside the Agarus river. That river is also shown as "Hierasus," while the Rhaedestus location is smack at a small Hieron mountain system (the Paeti are marked at these mountains in the Illyrian map). Nearby, beside Lysimachia (I trace this to "Laish" at Sion / Panias), there is an Agora location that may apply, as well as an Agrianes river to the near-north of mount Hieron. Imagine if Hagar of Abraham was the Hera entity.
It is very probable that the Roxolani that we see at the Cotesii theater are the proto-Alans at Forum Allieni. It was gleaned that these proto-Alans were amongst various scythians leading to the Scott and similar surnames. For other reasons that won't be repeated here, I have little doubt that this is the correct picture. It helps to explain why Alans were found fundamental with the Cottius / Cotta family (i.e. meaning that Cotesii elements can be expected at the Ferrara theater...near Copparo).
The above was written before finding the Cates/Catesbys during the proof read. It's important because this surname uses the double-lion format, and even the lion design, of Strange's, whom I equated with "Allieni" (thought by me to mean "foreigner / stranger"). As Strange's are said to be from a Guido le Strange, it suggests that Guido's, using what I gather is a version of the Skit/Skeoch Shield, are a Cates / Gates branch.
It probably means that a Goddi- / Gotti-like surname morphed into "Guido," and from that all the variations, including "Guiotti," in the Guido list were formed. It just so happens that the Gotti surname is listed with Gauthiers/Gothie's/Gautiez, first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Cotta's/Cottez'/Kotes' (in Guido colors). The Gotti's appear to be using the Alan Shield with footless martlets in the colors of the same of French Josephs. They could be expected to be honored in the Gust write-up, and may be a branch of Goths sharing the Zionist star of Hagars / Raeds / Vlads. Languedoc's Rodez is probably the best place to find Raed liners.
The Roxolani (same as "Ros-Alan") are to be lumped with the Thermodon Amazons that Herodotus traced through the Crimea to the founding of Sarmatians. Herodotus didn't give the timing of that migration, so far as I've read. The Cimmerians came south in the early 8th century BC, became stationed with Rusa-named kings at Lake Van (name of a city at lake Van), and were then chased out of Lake Van by the "Royal Scythians." The latter had lived on the northern side of the Black sea (in what is now the Ukraine), perhaps even where we find Scythia stamped on the maps under discussion. It was they who chased Cimmerians out of the proto-Ukraine so that Cimmerians ended up at Lake Van. Therefore, it seems that Cimmerians chased out of Van were the Amazon-Gargarian union that formed the Sarmatians and Alans, who then ended up as Roxolani on the Buzau river with the Cotesii. In this picture, the Ros-Alans were the Rusa bloodline that I expect to be the Biblical Rosh. It is expected to have named Rodez and the Redones.
Later, when Varangian Rus came to the Ukraine, these same Rosh-Alans may have been the co-founders, with Varangians, of Moscow. But wouldn't that suggest a trace of Varangian RUS to the Rusa bloodline? In fact, all my dragon hunting has identified the Alans of Dol both with Vere's and Varangians, as well as with the Neuri and Budini Nahorites expected on the Buzau river. This was Gog, and it formed Caiaphas. And that's my Chaip shot, take it or leave it.
There is a question of whether "Hagar" was named after "Gugar" elements (the Assyrian name for Gogarene). Note that "Modes," from the "Modesto" motto term of Hagars, gets the lattice-using Modens/Modeys, for Cotta's use lattice too. This is tending to trace the Zionist star in the Israeli flag to the Julian-Cotta bloodline to Caiaphas. Doesn't that stink to high heaven, that the killers of Christ, including the Roman dragon, should now be waving high in modern Israel?
As Rhaedestus is also "BISANthe," it may not be coincidental that Rothes' (could be the founders of modern Israel) and Bessins/Beastons both use a black-on-white bend. Moreover, while Letts share the gold-on-red saltire of English Reeds, Bessins/Beaston are said to be from a Leeds location, while the Leed surname (in Reed colors), suspect with Lotan / Ladon elements on its look alone, looks to be using a Lumley-Lomley Coat combination. It may be Caiaphas-important, especially if Leeds trace to Rhaedestus elements, that Leeds were first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Julians, Chapmans and Capone's. It may be Lomley-important because Lomleys use the Dutch-Camp eagle head while English Camps (Yorkshire, same as Corps) use the chevron in the colors of the Capone chevron.
You understand the importance of a "Capone" trace to "Caepionis" (the surname of Caesar's mistress). It's of greater importance where Lumleys and Lomleys are tracing to the Cypsela location smack in New Hebron (as I'll nickname the Hebros), otherwise known as Thrace. Italian Capone's are listed under the Capua surname, and Capua is said to derive in mythical Capys...now tracing tentatively to "CYPSela." Capua happens to be in CAMPania. I think we have it right, therefore, to identify Capys with Cypsela.
The gold griffin heads of the Camps are used by Kaplans in the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's, important because we just saw Rothes as a merger with Sale's. Saluzzo is beside Busca, and Bush's (from Edomites) were first found in the same place as Camps. It's about time that Hampshire entered the picture, where Kaplans were first found, for Odrysians on the Hebros trace to Atrebates at Hampshire and at Artois.
There is a chance that Camp elements named Hampshire, especially as Irish Hamps/Hansons are in Camp / Campbell colors. Note that Irish Hamps use a white-ermined Shield so as to reflect the white-ermined chevrons of Catters and Gatesbys, for while English Cates/Catesbys were first found in NorthAMPTON, the Hamp(ton)s/Amptons were first found in the same place (Staffordshire) as the Cotes'/Coats...using another white-ermined Shield. See also Champs (Picardy), with "ears of corn," while Corns/Cornalls (using the Camp chevron) were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Camps.
It might be that the Camp / Cornall chevron is the Levi chevron in colors reversed, for Cornells/Cornwalls use a "La Vie Durante" motto.
Now, having said all that, see the Cambyfene location ("fene" is a suffix) beside Soducena and contemplate, for Campbells are said to be a sept or branch of MacArthurs. Immediately below "Soducena," there is shown an ARTaxata location that could be of the Ardahan > Arda line, but in any case, MacArthurs should trace to Ardahan, which is about where the Molchi are stamped, and then, while Molchi are the closest thing to Cambyfene, the MacArthurs use yet another moline cross. The "ASIA MINOR" on this map (see "Hyssus" out to sea) refers to the land of the Hayasa-Azzi, in the land of Rize, where the Rye's/Rise's trace who are honored in the "ears of rye" of Soducena-suspect Saddocks/Sedwicks.
While at the map, note that lake Sevan is marked, "Lychnis," a term that could go to Ligurians. Above "Cambyfene," there is an Orch term that can be of the Orchomenos crew of the Argo ship. It's close enough to Soducena to include the latter on board the migration to the West, not forgetting that Sadducees proper were from a Boethus entity. Up beside "Iberia," suspect with Hebrews, which is in the Tubal theater, you can see "Thafia," the likely root of "Daphne." Thafia is basically at Tubal (modern T'bilisi).
There is a Camby surname listed with Chamberys, the name of a location on the Isere river, near the mouth of the Arc. Isn't that something. The source of the Arc is directly across a thin finger of Alps from the source of the Orco. Their so close, one Olympian Gogi could shot-put a cannon ball over the peaks from one river to the other, at a supersonic speed better than enough to crash through the Coincidence Barrier. Shouldn't the naming of both rivers go to that Orchi location at Cambyfene? This is new to me, and I'm sticking to it. I have a good feel for what's not coincidental.
Hmm, Gumbys/Gunbys were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Camps, and they use the Bruce / Halland = Caepio lion. This could mean that Gunns/GUINE's (Annas star?), using the Durant ship design, are Cambyfene elements, especially as Durants trace to the Durance river passing about 15 miles from the Arc at MontGENEVRE. This mountain smacks of mythical GUINEvere, king Arthur's wife, a very good point where I linked Arthurian elements in Wales (founded by Cymbri = Cimmerians) to what may have been proto-Hasmoneans Ordovices...now tracing to the Ordessus = Ardiscus river.
However, it may not be correct to trace "Gumby" to Cambyfene / Cimmerian elements. Gumbys are traced in their write-up to a Tison surname, which is listed with Tessons, and they use upright lions in colors reversed to the Touch/Tuff lion. Touch's are suspect with MacInTOCHS/TOSH's (Clan Chattan, "Touch" motto term) whose septs suggest Gomerians and Cimmerians...i.e. expected on the Arc. Near the mouth of the Ardiscus there is shown (Illyrium map) a Tiasum location smack across the Danube from a Tigra location! (That exclamation mark is for the tiger topic a few paragraphs below, written before this paragraph was inserted here.)
A little further downstream on the Danube, beside Durostorum (traces to the Durance), there's a TEGlicium location (proto-Teague's?), and, then, beside Tigri, there is what looks like a "SEXANtaprista" location, possible makings of the Segans...who share a salamander with Julians, the latter a branch of Teague's. But wait. The Touch's and Triggs share the green, upright lion, and them Teglicium is "TREGulicium" on the Roman-Illyricum map!!! Plus, Triggs were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians!
That is a good trace, but it can be added that, while Roxolani-suspect Fellers are shown as "FellTRAGER," the German Tragers/Trogens share the same sort of bend border with the Rocco's, suggesting the Roquefeuils...that I trace to Roxolani, who were seen stamped smack near Tregulicium! The Roxolani were on a map (from Wikipedia's Argidava article) about where the Sensii are stamped. The Drigs (version of the Trigg Coat) were first found in Cumbria.
Beside Teglicium, there is a Candidiana location which, in Gandia (Spain), became "Cattanei." It strongly links Clan Chattan to the Cattons/Cattens that have traced to Geneva's/Genova's. Moreover, there's a Candia location at the sources of the Baldea river, on the opposite side of the Alps from the lake-Geneva theater. If any of the terms above named the Ticino/Tessen, note how Segni's, also suspect with "Ticino," were first found in Genova. Down the Ligurian coast from Genova, there is a Taggia location (near Imperia) with a Leva suburb...important as per Laevi on the Ticino.
But what about that MontGenevre location on the Durance? After finding no Genevre surname, "Genn" was checked to find the three, black fleur-de-lys of June's/Jungs. Both the latter and the Genns/Jenns were first found in the same place as Julians/Gilians, and the June's/Jungs use their fleur in colors reversed from the Sale fleur. This has the ability to reveal that the Juno > Yonge bloodline named Genova, Genevre and lake Geneva. To help prove that Cheneys are using the Sale bend, the Genns/Jenns (in colors reversed from the Cheney martlets) are also "Chene" while Cheneys share "prudentia" with the Young/Yonge motto.
This motto term is now tracing to the Prud river, marked the "Porata" on the Illyrian map, and right beside the proto-Hungarian Arpii, helping to clinch a "Yonge/Jung" identification with "Hungary." Pratts (in Chives/Shives colors) share a black wolf in Crest with Youngs/Yonge's, and it's the wolf-head design of Teague's who in-turn share a black-on-white chevron with Pratts. The Pratt chevron with gold symbols must be the same of Shaw/Shave/Sheaves because the Pratt plates (black roundels) gets the grails of Pellets and Shaws (and Pilotte's).
Shaws were first found in the same place as Pontius Pilate's mother, where Hagar(d)s were first found too, important because the Porata is also marked "Hierasus" while, on other maps, the Hierasus is the next river over that's also marked, AGARus. That's pretty good stuff.
In the next update, Dents become a significant topic for Pilate-suspect lines, and so see the Dents (CUMBRIA) now, for the "prudentia" motto term of Yonge's and Cheneys may be honoring Dents. The ermined lozenges of Dents, apparently on the Cheney bend, are colors reversed from the same of English Shaws. The Dent tiger may be code for the same as the Yonge motto term, "Toujours." The Taggerts / Tigers / Togers/Tokers (Cimmerian suspects) might apply. Dents were first found in a SEDburgh area of Yorkshire.
I identify "patee" with the Patty surname using a version of the Saddock/SEDwick Coat. Perhaps the Saddocks named Sedburgh, though Caepio-lion Sadlars are the better suspects when it comes to Yorkshire. As Blois elements (suspect with Porcius Cato) traced the Arc river, it's notable that the Blois patee cross is in the colors of the same of the Sens patee. The Sens can be suspect with the Sensii trace to the Seine river flowing through Ile-de-France, and then the Sensii are near a Capidava location (Danube) that may apply to Chappes'. On the Roman-Illyricum map, the Sensii are moved closer to Capidava.
While off-topic, this is a good place to ask whether the "pelletarii" term, rendered by historians as "the tanner," is actually a reference to surname of the Pellet / Pilate bloodline. It just so happens that Fallis', said to be possibly from "Falaise" in Normandy (reported home of the tanner), use trefoils, symbol of pellet-using Pratts, and Shaws, in the colors of the Pilate pheons ("treFOIL" is an apt term for the Falaise / Feller / Feuil bloodline). It could indicate that the Pilate family was on the Tanaro river, whatever it was called beforehand.
In light of the emphasis on the Cavii peoples in the next update, the Ceva location on the Tanaro may be Pilate-important. This location may have named the Chiava surname listed with Sheaves'/Chiapponi's. Suddenly, it's not off topic. As the other river flowing past Cevo is the Cevetta, it should be noted that Cavetts/Cheve's/Shavo's are in Pilate colors.
To this it can be added that, while Pratts trace to Moldavia, Cevo elements might just have named nearby Kiev. If that's correct, Caiaphas blood goes with Varangians of Kiev to the founding of Moscow, an idea that's in the leopard of the Chives/Shives Crest, for it's the Mosca leopard. That can give you some paws.
The naming of Kiev by Cevo elements could be half-expected where the Sinclairs (i.e. suspect in a merger from Tanaro elements) were themselves a Varangian branch. In other words, we may just be learning that proto-Varangians trace to the Tanaro theater, which was implied by other means, where Varangians are traced to "Varni," and Varni to Montferrat. In this picture, Cevo elements are expected to migrate with proto-Varangians to the Rostock theater. Near Cevo, and also on the Tanaro, is Pollentia, perhaps the line to Pula's/Pullens. After all, Pollents (lozenges, trace to the Pula theater) use the Stewart / Langhe pelican-on-nest design, and are listed with Pollins/Paulins, and moreover they use bendlets with their bend, as do Pula's/Pullens.
In the next update, we will discover that Lumleys and Lume's/Lambs trace to "Lemberg," the alternative name of L'viv, for we will discover good heraldic evidence that Vivian de Molyneux led to the naming of L'viv (in spite of what they say on L'viv's naming). I'm telling you this here because Lumleys are the ones sharing the pelican in her piety with the Stewart Crest. That is, Lumley elements are expected at the Tanaro's Ceva / Pollent entity. Reminder: Lombars/Lomers use a version of the Pullen Coat. The Lume/Lamb trace to L'viv was found before investigating the historical rulers involved, and they turned out to trace to Mieszko II LAMBert, the same to which Pollocks and Pullens ought to trace.
In light of the Romneys using a version of the Lombar/Lomer / Pullen / Pullent Coats, the Ukrainian Roman(ov) surname should be mentioned here, with roses in Chief suspect with the Caesar-Chief roses (good Rus code in this case). This is a topic that I may investigate as per the pre-Communist Romanovs of Russia, now suspect as a Cotta-Julian > Caiaphas line. This is the same line suspect in forming the Varni.
This update has found many surnames tracing with little doubt to two theaters: the Thracian Hebros and the Thracian Danube, with identical entities in both expected. There can be a logical question as to whether the Corpili in the Hebros were proto-Carpi. Don't you think the Arpii / Carpi are responsible for "Harpassus" (another name for the Arda)? Doesn't this trace Arpad Hungarians to the Arda river? But, wait, for Arpads trace without doubt to Arvad/Arpad in Syria, what the Greeks called "ARADOS," thus clinching a trace of that place to "Arda" on the Hebros. From there, scoot on over to the Arad location off the Mures, where the "Murus aeneus" phrase of Lumleys could trace.
Also new to me is that a Daphaba location on the Harpassus, excellent because I traced Garebites to Harbiye (Syria), also called Daphne. It's quite obvious now that the Hebros was stacked by elements of Syria.
The Halab (Aleppo) location of Syria, said to be from the Mitanni of more than a dozen centuries BC, is suspect by me as a location of the (C)Halybes, and then the latter may trace to "Eliphas." The namers of "Halab" may be responsible for a host of Alba locations, and so while Eliphas lines are expected at Busca of Cuneo, Alba of Cuneo may thus prove to be a Halybe center. As I trace the ExCALIBUR sword to "CHALYBES," and as that sword was closely associated with Lancelot, whose father was Ban, see the Benni peoples at the mouth of the Arda on the Roman-Illyricum map.
Could we infer an Ardahan merger with Halybes that settled at Arda? Yes. And Ardahan could easily have been merged with Hayasa-Azzi at Lake Van, said to be named after a Biaini peoples...that could have named Benni. I still think that the Biaini evolved into Paeonians, and so the Asti location of Cuneo, in tracing to Astibus of Paeonia, suggests that the Arda-Halybes merger was in Paeonia too. King Arthur's wife has always been regarded (by me) as a Veneti line from Lake Van, and then while I've identified king Arthur with Merovingians in Britain, Merovingian roots were traced to Euganeo and neighboring Este.
The new realization that king Arthur's wife was from MontGenevre, from a Juno line, is not necessarily contradictory to she being a Veneti people, for Juno was from the Oeneus river (near the Veneti), a term said to mean "wine" to Greeks...that can therefore morph to "Ven(us)." Mythical Oeneus was, in my opinion, a Mitanni line through the Maeander river of the wine god, Dionysus, friend of Satyrs.
There was a Harpasa location in Caria, on a Harpasus tributary of the MAEANDer. Caiaphas' ancestry has traced to Carians with the blue-lion Gars, but so has the Gari river where we find Anagni and Segni. The latter is the root of Sagans/Segans who use a salaMANDER, the Julian symbol. Dionysus was worshiped by mythical Dryas in particular, whom I peg as code for Odrysians at Arda, the other Harpassus river. I think this is an excellent, though concise, picture of Caiaphas ancestry in a harp entity. It's going to the Arda junction with the Hebros river, and becomes important where Cypsela is nearby.
Then, while the piety code has traced to the Paeti smack at Cypsela, the Arthur Crest is itself a pelican-on-nest (the nest may be for Nestor, at Pylos beside mythical Oeneus at Methoni). The Arthur-Coat symbols are called "rests" in the Irish-Arthur description, suggesting elements from Orestia at the Arda-Hebros junction. The Arthur-Crest description: "A black pelican in her piety in a gold nest." I actually did not know that until now. I had neglected to check the official read of the Arthur Crest until now, AFTER "piety" had traced with little doubt to the Hebros.
http://www.free-coat-of-arms.com/Can Julians trace to the Maeander? Yes, by their salamander. However, Julians were traced to Gela on Sicily. Was that incorrect? I saw no clue in the Hebros theater as to whom proto-Julians may have been. I'll make a general trace from Cilician elements on the Maeander, to proto-Patricians of Patmos, through Athens and Epirus to Sicily, then with the Aeneas wave (out of Agrigento) into the Latin zone, and, later, to the Cottian theater of the Salyes (from Sale, mouth of the Hebros), indicating some Salto-river contacts of Julians before reaching Guillestre, the ground zero for the birth of Caiaphas.
The Caiaphas line should not be confused with the Cotesii line to Cottius. Irregardless of how the latter got to Cottius, the Caiaphas line needs to be tracked independently. The problem is, I see proto-Caiaphas lines through Cuppae on the Danube, and yet I sensed that proto-Caiaphas and proto-Annas lines were also in Syphax / Sophonisba / Massena. It looks contradictory.
The Cotesii were not far up the Danube river, and this is the route of the Argo ship out of Colchis, which is a good reason for identifying the Cotesii with Kutaisian Colchians. The proto-Caiaphas line is strongly suspect from Garebites (even Josephs use the garb), and therefore from the Arda / Harpassus river, and to its south in the Corpili. On the Illyrian map, there is a Crobyz region midway between the Hebros and Arpii theaters, and the Corpili are not marked at the Hebros. In this way, proto-Caiaphas Garebites out of Cypsela could have merged with Cotesii, and moved together up the Danube to Cuppae, then up the Sava to the Kupa river, location of the Latovici, the Breuci, and other elements suspect in Caiaphas lines.
The only apparent way to resolve the contradiction is by having Carthaginians / Numidians come into contact with Caiaphas liners out of the Kupa theater. It's made entirely possible by the presence of the Maezaei in the Kupa theater. One of king Massena's descendants was Juba, perhaps play on "Kupa."
It was very recent when Donnus, father of Cottius, was revealed with the dancette symbol tracing to Maeander elements. It made perfect sense where Cottius traced to mythical Cotys, son of Manes, symbol of Maeonians, namers of the Maeander. In this picture, Cotys ought to be the Cotesii when they were on the southern shores of the Black sea, rather than off the Danube. The Engaine's/Gagne's, perhaps from Gogarene, not only use a dancette, but the crosslets of the Julian/Gillian Coat. It's the motto of the Brains/Brane's that seem to honor Engaine's, perhaps a line from the Brenae...i.e. smack beside the Harpassus river and the Corpili. The Brains could trace to Briancon, upstream from Guillestre.
Engaine's look like the Gore's, while French Gore's share the Julian/Gillian stars. Moreover, Gowers/Gore's, first found in the same (Yorkshire) place as Corps, use the moline in the black color of the Moulin/Moline moline, and the latter is the line of Gog-suspect Molle's. We are talking Gorski elements here in the Gore's, so that we now have Yorkshire-reason (named by Gorgons?) to trace the Corps to the naming of Gorski.
Colchians were in Gorski (includes the Kupa theater). The Argo ship (see Argonautica) sailed off the Danube to the Adriatic (the river taken to the Adriatic is not revealed in the Argonautica myth), then north to the Gorski islands before entering the Po and taking it to lake Geneva, and finally down the Rhodanus into the Tyrrhenian sea. The voyage did not end there, but this is a means to trace the Cotesii to the Cottians.
The Argo then sailed across western Italy to the straight between Scylla and Charibdis (i.e. between Sicily and Calabria), suggesting that Arpii were dropped off at Charibdis, and so why not also at Scylla? That's how proto-Caiaphas and proto-Annas (i.e. mythical Aeneas) could have gotten to Sicily. The voyage near Sicily involved so-called Sirens, who can be traced back to Seir elements in the Hebros domain, not forgetting that Arpii were themselves from Syria.
The line to Cuppae is suspect with Daphne, whom I suspect as the dove entity at Cuppae. "Daphne," out of Harbiye, was from "Sophene / Saphon," in my opinion, a line that may have named both Sophonisba and Syphax. That works. We even saw the Daphaba location on the Harpassus tributary of the Hebros. As for the APSinthii peoples near the mouth of the Hebros, who may have been from "CYPSela," it is very notable that Colchians (supposedly chasing the Argo ship) settled at APSorus (marked on the Roman-Illyricum map on an island between Histria and Liburnia).
LOOK AT THIS. I've just gone searching for some evidence to show you that Colchians had settled at Apsorus, when I bumped into this quote: "Some [Illyrian] settlements may have a double entry i.e. Greek Pola and Roman Pietas Julia..." Pola is Pula at southern Histria, but when one hits the "Pietas Julia" link, it brings one to the Pula article. It just so happens that: 1) the Arms of Pula use a cross in the colors of the Pollock saltire; 2) Pollocks were merged with Eschyna de Molle; 3) she is said to be from "piety"-using Lumleys.
I do not know what "Pietas Julia" means, and the article doesn't say, but the Lumley motto term appears to trace to this place (not at all spoiling the trace to the Paeti on the Hebros).
The Pula article says: "Greek tradition attributed the foundation of Polai to the Colchians, mentioned in the context of the story of Jason and Medea, who had stolen the golden fleece. The Colchians, who had chased Jason into the northern Adriatic, were unable to catch him and ended up settling in a place they called Polai, signifying 'city of refuge'." I don't know who's idea "city of refuge" was, and I don't care either. Chances are, "Pula" was named after Pollux elements. There is a Pula/Pullen surname (Yorkshire!) showing a pelican in crest!!! The Pula/Pullen martlets are, as with the Petty martlets, on a gold background. Therefore, the Lumley and Stewart pelican "in all her piety" does trace to Pietas Julia. How about that! And there were Colchians there too!!! It looks like a Julius-Caesar trace is on target when going through a Gileki > Colchian line to the Pula location.
The Pettys must trace there, which can explain the Petty footless martlets in the colors of the Pula cross. These martlets are on a bend (= half a saltire) that is green on partial-gold, the colors of the Pollock saltire in Wikipedia's article on Clan Pollock. Thus, Peter Pollock was likely of this Pietas term. His father, "FULbert," is now suspect from "PULa."
The "culpa" motto term of Pula's/Pullens suggests "Colapis," the alternative name of the Kupa.
Aha! The Pett/PAET surname ("Ardens" motto) shares a stork in Crest with the Croce Crest! It tends to clinch the Eschyna de Molle trace to Lumleys (she married a Croce surname). The blue-on-white scallops of the Petts are a version of the Patterson scallops, explaining why Scottish Pattersons use pelicans!!! They all trace to Pietas Julia! And this must be what God wants us to know via Ms. Pollock. I expected the day to come when she would prove extra-special to this long dragon hunt. She's been checking in for maybe over a decade, and has been of help several times already. But this one takes the piety.
By the way, the Patterson Crest is: "A pelican feeding her young." If you bookmark the page below, and load it on a separate browser, you can read descriptions at will when you feel inclined.
http://www.free-coat-of-arms.com/The Patterson motto is one using "Rege" as code for the Reges surname of Julius Caesar's grandmother. This is a shut case. In fact, I'm guessing that the Case bend is closely related to the Pett bend for the reason that Case's are a Caesar line. These bends may be the Pollock bend in colors reversed. Petts were first found in the same place as Caesars, and that tends to clinch, with all the rest, a Julius-Caesar trace to the "Julia" term in "Pietas Julia." Case's were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Lomleys, kin of "piety"-using Lumleys.
"Pietas" is said to mean, submission, loyalty. I am convinced that the term has to do with a line to the Paeti peoples on the Hebros.
Crocs and Lomleys share a white-on-red fesse with Rush's (annulets), expected now because the Pett/Paet Crest is: "A silver stork beaked and legged red on a mount with bulRUSHES, and two blue mascles interlaced in front."
English Brens were likewise first found in Lancashire, wherefore German Brens appear to be using the quartered Shield of stork-using Croce's.
The footless martins in the Pula/Pullen Chief are in the colors of the same of the French Josephs. The Pula/Pullen Coat is a version of the Romney Coat, now expected from Romans of the Julian bloodline. This well explains why Maxwells, the clan that holds Pollocks as a sept, use the black double-headed eagle. Maxwells trace to the eagle in the Arms of Rijeka, the capital of Gorsky, beside the Kupa river, wherefore they are likely Julian-Caiaphas liners.
The rock in the Arms of Rijeka traces to Roxburghshire, where Maxwells, Molle's, and Googe's were first found, as well as Scottish Scotts sharing a bend in Petty-bend colors (colors reversed to the Peter bends). The other branch of Scotts was first found in the same place (Kent) as Caesars and Petts.
Now, see that the Tarent Coat could be a version of the Cottus/Coton Coat, for a red spread eagle appears in both the Tarent and Molle Crests. The Molle's are the ones using a boar in colors reversed to the Googe boars. While the Revelation dragon is suspect with Gog, the harlot is suspect with Ishtar, the apparent namer of Histria/Istria, perhaps named after the namers of the Ister = Danube river.
Romans built a strong fort in Pula: "Arch of the Sergii is an Ancient Roman triumphal arch located in Pula, Croatia. The arch commemorates three brothers of the Sergii family, specifically Lucius Sergius Lepidus, a tribune serving in the twenty-ninth legion that participated in the Battle of Actium and disbanded in 27 BC. This suggests an approximate date of construction : 29-27 BC." Perhaps the Sergii were from the Sargedava variation of "Argidava." If so, that could trace Pula elements to the Cuppae-Lom stretch of the Danube. Reminder: "ARGI(dava)" smacks of the Argo ship.
It can't be a coincidence that Letts use the same saltire colors as the Pike/Picken saltire while there is a Lederata location smack across the Danube river from Cuppae and the Pek river. The Annas / Annan elements evident in the Lett Shield-and-Chief color combination are surely evidence that Annas of Israel traces to this Pek theater along with a Caiaphas trace to "Cuppae," and as the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Letts is that of Annandale's, we can assume that Paeti elements were at the Pek theater too, as they led to KilPatricks of the Annandale theater, for Kilpatricks use a "LAIDIR" motto term jibing with "Lederata." Here's the Annandale Coat as used by Caepio-suspect Bruce's.
The Leder(man) Coat compares somewhat with the Packer Coat.
Compare the Nitt Coat (Dumfries) with the Pitt Coat, for Kilpatricks were on the Nith river of Dumfries, thus tending to identify Pitt's with Paeti elements. Then, check out the now-obvious fact that the Nitt Coat is a version of the Patty Coat. Compare Pitts with Putents/Puttens/Putocks, for this is surely the potent-cross bloodline to the flag of Templar Jerusalem. The Pitts share a stork with Croce's (trace to Aeneas and Creusa), and the latter use a "potent" cross while Paeti-honoring Lumley's, thought to be the line to Eschyna de Molle (wife of Mr. Croce), use "aeneus" in their motto. See the Patents/Putins, first found in Dumfries, for yet another Paeti candidate.
If the Romanovs of Russia were Caiaphas liners, as is Putin today, what should be make of it? Tzar Nicholas II was the last Russian ruler before Communists took over. He was a Romanov.
Ask why the lion in the Scottish Bruce Crest tends toward the purple color rather than straight blue, for Skiptons, likewise of Yorkshire, use purple lions. Is this evidence that Bruce's trace with Skiptons to the Scopi (modern Skupje) location between the Paeoni and Cuppae? Scope's (shown also as "Scrope") were first found in Yorkshire too, and they use the five ostrich feathers of Trabys (and Caens) while "Scupi," on the Roman-Illyricum map, is not far from the Triballi. Could we then venture a trace of "Scopi" to "Shepherd," the latter surname using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Annan(dale)s? After all, Shiptons (Chapman kin) are said to be from "scyp."
Shepherds were first found in the place (Peebles) that the Petty and Lumley parrots trace, and then Parrots, in Pert/Pett colors and suspect with Peter Pollock, use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Shepherds in colors reversed. The Scope/Scrope bend is in the colors of the Peter bends, a comparison made because the so-called swan in this Peter Crest looks like an ostrich.
By the way, some of the Annan variations look like versions of the Engaine/Gagne surname. It was the Bran/Brain motto, "Enghien," that was suspect with Engains, and Brans are suspect with Bruce-related Brenners / Brens tracing to the Brenae smack beside the Paeti in New Hebron?
There is a Mount Scopus about two miles or less north of the Old-Jerusalem walls. Anything that close to Jerusalem, and upon a road to Jerusalem, can be suspect as the hill upon which Jesus was murdered. Interestingly, that hill was "Gotha," interesting because Goths use the Zionist star in the colors of the same of Vlads (and Hagars and Raeds), who may be celebrated in the "wlad" motto term of Josephs. In the next update, this motto term will trace well to the namers of L'viv, which I've thought (as of a couple of years ago) to use a version of the modern Jerusalem flag.
"The "place of a skull"...A number of alternative explanations have been given for the name. It has been suggested that the Aramaic name is actually Gol Goatha, meaning mount of execution, possibly the same location as the Goatha mentioned in a Book of Jeremiah passage, describing the geography of Jerusalem.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CalvaryWho named Mount Scopus? There is an adjacent hill, French Hill, and then the French surname uses the Paine and Givord/Giffard motto. Proto-Paine's are expected with proto-Chappes' from way back at or before the Pek theater, and Givords are now suspect with the Gog > Gogue > Gough > Goff > Gove evolution of terms.
Let's go back to the old map of Caucasia (below) to see what looks like "Molchi" labeled on the north side of the Moschian mountains. Then, between Bologna and Rimini, where Maschi's were first found, there is an Imola location that may indicate Molle liners. You understand that, if Colchians at Kutaisi were merged with Gogi at lake Sevan, we expect Moschian/Meshech elements to come along with the migration to the Pula / Pietas-Julia theater. This migration may have named Moesia, logically enough. If correct that Googe-related Eschyna de Molle's was a Lumley liner, her Molle side could be of a Molchi > Imola line because Pietas Julia is across the thin sea from Rimini.
The Peter and Scope bends are in the colors of the bend used by Jacques de Molay, while the patee crosses used by Jacques de Molay, because he traces back to Hugh de Payen, should be those of Peks and Massena's. The latter use a version of the Masci Coat, and Masci's trace with Pollocks to proto-Mieszko liners i.e. the Maezaei at Bistue (proto-Piasts) on the Urbanus river, where Colchian settlements are expected.
http://www.tribwatch.com/mapCaucasiaOld.jpgI suppose what this may mean is that Meshech peoples of a Macca-like surname were in Imola, very near Bologna, where I see the formation of the "bee/baeus" part of "Maccabee." If this picture is correct, then I seem to have a lot of work yet in explaining why Maccabees should also trace to Modane. I suppose it would be due to Maccabee relations to Sadducees. If I knew when Modane was named, I'd have a better idea on how to draw the picture.
The Margus river, flowing to the west side of the Pek, has a Moschius tributary (see Illyrian map). At what I gather is the upper-most part of the Margus, I see a REMISiana location smacking of Remus (mythical brother of Romulus), whom I think was represented in Rimini. There is a Romula location shown between the Oeneus and Kupa rivers, but I don't know how far back the name goes.
Hmm, I've just checked the Rheims surname because I trace "Rimini" to that place, and up came a Rames/Rheims surname, said to be from a Rames location in Normandy. This is excellent because the Coat is, as with the Vair/Vers Coat, filled with checks. It can explain why heraldic "fur" is called "vair," for it now seems to be speaking secretly to the "fur" of the golden-fleece ram. Rames'/Rheims (checks in Vere-quarter colors) were first found in the same place as English Vere's. This is a very good find for tracing Rheims to "Rimini" because French Vere's lived in the same place (Manche) as Masseys, and then, to support a trace of Molle's to "Imola," the "maunch" used by one Croce surname traces to "Manche" without a doubt.
There is nothing better or faster than heraldry to prove the migratory movements of peoples and rulers. That last trace was done in a minute flat. The other heraldic fur (I know of only two) is ermine, code for Ermine's using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annandale's.
It's then interesting that, at Taggia, there is an Arma location. Keep in mind here that Taggia was accessed off the article on the Tanaro river. The Armer surname was traced (4th update of January) to an Armorbach/Amorbach location, where German Ottirs were traced, and I claimed at that point that the Ottirs use a version of the white-on-red Jewish Pollock bend, even though it was white on green. Since that trace, the Wears, using a bend in colors reversed from the Ottirs, have been traced to the same bend at Argentera, where the river there is related to the Stura flowing into the Tanaro. "The town [of Taggia] is divided into three parts: Taggia proper, the historical centre, in the Valle Argentina; Leva, including the industrial area; and Arma, a sea resort."
Taggia is in a wider region of Imperia, where I trace the Vere-related Drakenberg organization, because I think Drakenberg is in bed with modern Baphomet, which I trace to a Boofima cult that was overseen by an Imperi peoples...whom I figure named Imperia...not far from the Var / Draguignan part of France. The Wears are therefore suspect with Baphomet elements at the Taggia theater. It just so happens that Wears share the crosslet style of Teague's. The Fire's/Feurs, who use a goat on the bottom half of their unicorn, a symbol of Boofima, were traced to the Stura before I knew that Wears traced to Argentera.
Teague's are a branch of Tooks/Touque's tracing to the Touques river of Normandy, near Ferte-Mace, where Maschi's of Rimini trace. You understand that Togarmites and Meshech should be found migrating into Italy and France together.
Now, be stunned, if you think this little area of Cuneo has nothing to do with the tanner of Falaise, for the evidence is here. As the Burgos > Conteville's married the daughter of the tanner, while there is a Borghi location in Taggia (see the "Frazioni" part of the Taggia article), it's no coincidence that Berks/Bourgs/Gillicks use the same style cross, in the same colors, as the Arms of Taggia. Plus, while Conteville's traced to Conti's and Ville's, both first found in Languedoc, French Borgia's/Bourgs (Languedoc) use a cross in the same colors, but it's a moline cross!!!
These are the colors of English Otters (proto-Windsors), first found in BERKshire.
It should indicate that English Burghs (first found in the same place as Drake's) are using Wear colors in particular. Note that these Burghs use two green chevrons with their annulets, for English Josephs, first found in the same place, use alternating green and gold chevrons, as well as a "charo" motto term honoring the Charo/CLARO surname sharing a red bull with Spanish Borgia's. This link is clinched where Contevilles, and even their Burgos ancestors, ruled a Comyns location while Josephs and Comyns/Commings share three gold-on-blue garbs. Therefore, the Henrys, known to be at the root of the Hampshire Josephs, are predicted to use their eagle in Wear / Burgh colors in particular.
Let's not neglect that Wears are said to be a branch of Giffards while Givords/Giffords use the Paine motto, for Paine's show a "Malo mori" motto phrase.
It's now important that the Berk/Bourg write-up traces to a William, and a Richard Mor of Berk (names like those of the Claro Normans, who ruled at More), for the Armers/Amore's (suspect for the moment from Arma at the Borghi / Taggia theater), very traceable to Armorbach/Amorbach, use a "malis" motto term that may be suspect for Malatesta's at Rimini, who are in turn suspect with Malahule of More, the uncle of Rollo, founder of Normandy (i.e. whose family was destined to merge with "the tanner"). Then, the Armer/Amore motto also uses "cede," while Seeds/Cedes' are the ones showing palets, a code suspect with "pelletarii" (the term said to have named "the tanner"). If that's not enough, one Tanner Coat uses Moor heads, and the other Tanner Coat shares pine cones with Maschi's (Rimini). The Cone's even share antlers with the Conti's, and the Sinclair motto uses a term in honor of the Comites variation of Conti's.
Now, as it was just gleaned that the golden fleece traces to the Rames/Rheims surname, what about that "pelletari = tanner" term? Isn't this telling us that the tanner was a golden-fleece Colchian, and that the family knew it? There is even a gold fleece in the Dingwall Coat, important because Dingwall was a capital of Ross-shire, beside Moray, where the proto-Sinclairs ruled out of.
It's very feasible that the antlers of Conti's and Cone's are of the one antler, in Borgia-cross colors, in the Polish Casimir Coat, for this surname is from Casimir (just in time to produce Herluin de Conteville), ruler of Poland, son of Mieszko II LAMBert, whom in the next update will be traced to Lume's/Lambs, Lumleys, and related Moline's. By what coincidence is the Borgia cross a moline? I would therefore venture to think that John de Burgos, father of Herluin, had mated with a Mieszko liner.
The Drake-related Mieszko's had been traced via Sigrid the Haughty and Siward of Northumberland to Durham, where the Wear river flows. It's probably not coincidental that the red Casimir antler is used by Spree-Neisse of Lusatia, for the Spree > Speer line are likely in the spurs of the Dingwall Coat.
The Armor's (with an 'o') use a couple of symbols that I can trace to Mieske's / Mieszko's (including the Moray stars), as well as the helmet used by Dobrawa-suspect Dobys. That makes the "Cassis" motto term of Armors suspect with Casimir, especially as Lamberts (two chevrons) use a version of the Armor Coat. Dobys were first found in the same place (Renfrewshire) as Speers and Pollocks. Then, the two (green) chevrons of English Burghs become suspect with the two (white) Lambert chevrons because the white griffin head in the Burgh Crest is that of Dobermans (using the Pollock bend). In this picture, Josephs are directly related to Mieszko liners with Dobrawa, which can explain why Chapmans and German Lamberts use the same, large crescent.
The Spurrs, by the way, in Lambert colors, use garbs, and link easily to the Knight spur *(because Knights are now identified with Cnut, son of "the Haughty." As she was also, Swietoslawa, see that the Sweet/Sweit Coat (looks like a red version of the Lambert Coat) shares two white chevrons with Lamberts, but in the colors of the English-Lambert chevron. But as Lumleys are now figuring to be Lambert liners, by what coincidence are the three, red Knight "palets" in the color and positioning of the Garland palets? (We saw earlier that Moline's trace themselves to Heloise of a Garlande bloodline.)
The Garland description: " A gold shield with three red pales, and, on a chief divided perpale red and black, a CHAPLet and a silver demi-lion rampant." German KAPLans/Cappelns and German Gardners also use a Shield divided perpale (vertically) in red and black / black and red. These are the colors of the Gar/Karen bend. English Kaplans (use the Gardner griffin head design) were first found in the same place as Josephs.
You now have reason to trace the Garlande background of Heloise to the Gardner / Gar bloodline, tracing to the Gari river that produced the moline of Segni's, the kin of Segans and related Julians/Gillians. But Gars/Karens are easily traced to Carians at Latmus, near Clarus. It was also near Ephesus/Apasa that probably traces to the Apsinthii beside, and suspect with, the Cypsela location. The Scottish Arthurs, who traced without doubt to the Arda / Harpassus area of the Hebros, call their symbols "clarions" (the same symbols used by the Irish branch call them "rests", possibly tracing to "Rostock," the area where Mieszko's had some Griffin-surnamed elements).
Compare the Sweet Coat with the Seward Coat.
Thus, the Templar period was coming to a crusader head just as this Mieszko-Caiaphas line joined the Sinclairs. Is that meaningful? Where exactly did the Caiaphas line enter the Mieszko line? We need to ask the Drago river, and the Mosco's of Sicily seen in the Chives/Shives Crest. The answer will have to do with Josephs of Hampshire, and the Chaplets of Parez.
To help trace "ESCHYN" de Molle to the Eschol valley in Hebron, we find that Patents/Pattens, first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Lomleys/Limbs, use the lozengy Shield of Schole's (same colors). This is excellent because LIMBaugh's/LOMbards (Renfrew, one home of Eschyna's family) use a lozengy Shield too. We now have good reason to view Patents/Pattens as yet more Paeti liners...out of the "New Hebron." And it tends to verify that Schole's are indeed from Eschol.
Aha! The Patent/Patten motto is that of pelican-using Pula's/Pullens!!! Undeniable trace to Pietas-Julia. German Julians (Saxony) use bars in so-called "paly," while Pale's/Palys share a camel head with Pattersons.
Did you notice the Julian/Gillian cross in the Schole Coat? Did you see the Scayle variation implying a trace to Skala on Patmos? Do you understand the annulet in the Schole/Scayle Coat, as it traces to KilPatrick / Levi / Annas elements at Lederata? Schole's/Scayle's and Pula's were first found in Caepio-lion-studded Yorkshire.
It may not be coincidental that "Lederata" is like "ladder" while that's a "scala" to Latins. I wouldn't know how to explain it, unless Leto>Apollo elements at Skala were amongst Germano-English lines to the naming of "ladder." Apollo was definitely at the crow-depicted Chora location on Patmos, and mythical Scylla was a (multi-headed) wolf, the Leto and Apollo symbol. Note how "Pula" can be an Apollo line. Gore's out of Chora use the crosslets of Trips who in-turn use a "SCALING ladder".
http://www.free-coat-of-arms.com/It just so happens (no coincidence) that Lomleys use the fesse colors of Scofields/SCHOLEfields. As you can see, both fesses are surrounded by white symbols, same format as the Hebron-related Chills/Childs that share the three white-on-red eagles with Lomleys. And this trace of Lomleys to Childeric jibes with the trace that others make of Pollocks to Clovis...Childeric's son who ruled at Rheims! Consider also the spur in the Close/Clovse Coat, in the colors of the Spurr Coat. Scofields were first found in the same place as Lomleys and Patents/Pattens.
Heraldry can get this stuff done faster than a soft-headed historian can blink. Your typical soft-headed historian would trace "Clovis" to garlic if he could discover a garlic farm around Rheims. Understand that "expert" has to do with one whose trained, and training has to do with COPYING the teacher. If the teacher is wrong, so is the "expert." Training and brainwashing are not drastically-different concepts, and when Masons are the controllers of education, expect brainwashing.
As Childeric is usually placed at the bottom of the Septimania mysteries, lets remind of the SCEPTer in the Lomley Crest. There is a good chance that Lomleys trace to the proto-Windsor Lombardy rulers, who ruled out of Milan, a surname first found in Messina, location of Scylla to which Schole's/Scayle's ought to trace. The point is, however, that Scottish Milans/MULLENS smack of Moulins/MOLINE's to which Molle's trace. As while Lumleys are now figuring to be Mieszko-Lambert liners, or from whatever named Lambert, Mieszko's were traced to Visconti's of Sardinia, and expected to be of Visconti's of Milan...Chappes liners.
The Remisiana location on Moesia is starting to look important. It's in the midst of "Dacia Aureliana," where the Aurelia entity of Julius-Caesar's mother is expected to trace. Beside Remisiana is a Latina location that helps to identify this with mythical Remus, but also as a Leto line, important for verifying that far-north Apollo represented Dacians. By "far-north" Apollo, the mythical Hyperboreans are meant, who worshipped Apollo. As "Hyperborean" means "far northerner," this Apollo cult became suspect with the "far north" term/phrase used by Ezekiel (about 600 BC) in pointing to Gog. It works because Gog of that period was probably Gugys/Gugu of Lydia, and Leto is expected to be a Lydian branch (near Clarus). This is an interesting topic because "Rome" traces without a doubt to proto-Masci's (later, the Muses of Apollo) in Israel's Rimmon location, smacking of Rimini. Benjamites, with their 400 wives out of Jabesh Gilead, can be expected at Remisiana.
The Roman-Illyricum map has "Remesiana" on a tributary of the Margus (today the Morava river), a river that's "Nisava" today. The sources of this latter river are at the Serdica theater, and then, in my "modern" atlas, there's a Serdulica location on the upper Morava that may have to do with the Sword / Siward line. When Siward of Northumberland was treated a few weeks ago, he traced to the ruler of Picenum, important because the Picensii are marked at the lower Margus (i.e. downstream from Serdulica). In fact, Siward was traced to Sibals (moline crosses), the very entity that Eschyna de Molle married.
Nisava (ancient Naissus) is suspect with the Nysus elements of Dionysus (had a leopard skin as symbol for his golden-fleece involvement), and then the golden-fleece-suspect Rheims/Rames' (must have the 's' to come up) are said to be related to MANDevilles (the latter must be using the Vere Shield in colors reversed). Isn't that the Dionysus Maenads? Doesn't this tend to prove that Rheims' (and Rheims) trace to "Remisiana"? As Rheims' (first found in the same place as Vere's) are expected to be Vair / Fer kin, the METINges lands of Rheims' can be suspect with Mitanni, a line though Dionysus to Oeneus of Methoni, and later to the Oeneus river of the Japodes (i.e. who trace to "Jabesh" Gilead).
Although the surname is traced to Ramesdune of Sussex, it's also traced to a Rames location in Seine, a term now tracing to the Sensii. French Rames'/Reimbauts, first found in the same place (Brittany) as Fers/Ferrats), are said to be related to Rheims/Rames'. French Rames' (said to be from Dol) use stars in the colors of the French Alan / Julian stars. The surname is traced to Bolbec and Havre (near Rouen) at the mouth of the Seine.
The Rainbow variation of the Brittany Rames' can be encoded in the rainbow of check-using German Sage's/Saegers because English Sage's were first found in the same place as English Stewarts. The checks in the Sage/Saeger Coat are 2/3 in the colors of the Rheims/Rames checks. This can reveal that "Segan" and "Seine" are related terms, and then English Sage's use a chevron in the colors of the same of Halperts and Sein/Simms (in the colors of Wallis canton), first found in the same place as Seatons/Sittens, kin of Says using the same Shield as Mandeville's. The so-called "halpert" axe of Seins/Simms is used by Walsers, named after Wallis around the Sion/Sitten area. "Sien" gets the Sinclairs.
Note that Halberts are using the format and colors of Chills/Childs, for the Halperts are traced in their write-up to Cleopha Alberti, smacking of "Clovis"...of Rheims.
It's not necessarily true, and is apparently false, that Seins/Simms are named after Simons. It may be that a Simon name crept into the family as word play, but "Simon" was not the surname's origin, for this looks like a Sensii line. English Simons/Symons were first found in the same place as Stewarts. Other Simon surnames may therefore be Sensii lines. As Chills/Childs are related to Hebrons/HEPburns, note that SEMple's (Renfrewshire) use the Hebron motto, "Keep tryst." Trysts use the motto term, "TREPidum," while Italian Simons were first found in Trapani/Drepanum. Keeps use the same-colored bend as Lorraine's while French Simons ("C'est" motto term may indicate the Bars of Este in Bar-le-Duc of Lorraine) were first found in Lorraine.
Place your bets on whether Keeps and HEPburns trace to "CYPsela."
On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.
The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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