Previous Update: February 19 - 25

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February 26 - March 4, 2013

Lets do the Hypsas-Hypsas Shake
Proto-Caiaphas Jebusites Settled in the Hypsas River, Later Linked to the Cafferty Shake-ers

While proof-reading from Tuesday straight through to Friday, many inserts went into the last update that you may not have read. It saves much repeating myself to drop inserts rather than to add to topics in a following update. The inserts were, in most cases, extremely important for discovering the Varro-Massena root of the Israeli chief priests in a way so logical that it's very compelling, so much so that I can now claim it as fact. I was right all along, Pharisees are from Veres (of a Varro line), and Maccabees are from king Massena who merged, apparently, with Varro. I would suggest that, if you loaded the last update on Monday or Tuesday or even up until Thursday, that you reload it and search for all the [ brackets to find the inserts that you missed. I hate to think that you've been reading along for a long while on a fairly regular basis, and then missed perhaps the most-important and compelling revelation of all. See "Sauro" especially, and the "Aures" mountains that named the Awraba tribe, and read from that point if you haven't already.

[The topic below is from a few updates ago, where Agrigento was connecting to Cuneo and meanwhile starting to show signs that the Caiaphas parts of the Scipio bloodline were at Agrigento's Shepherd bloodline (the Shepherd Coat is in the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento). This was after the gleaning that Scipio's were Skiptons, kin of Shiptons/Sheeptons said to be from "scyp = sheep." The Chep/Jepp/Jabach surname had not yet been found at this time so as to warrant a Caiaphas link to Shep terms.]

Scottish Shepherds are now very interesting, and their Coat fits with all the data above so as to reveal an Alexander-Balas line to Sutherlands and Mackays, and you should also be able to see that this is the Shepherd Kings entity with Mus / Mesha household of the Exodus pharaoh, Khyan. Yes, tracing to Agrigento.

First, the Scottish Shepherds use a chevron in colors reversed to the Bails of Provence (where Bellovesus Gauls came out of). Second, the Shepherd chevron is surrounded by fleur in Masci-fleur colors, expected where Agrigento is beside Messina and where Masci's use a version of the Messina/Massina Coat. Third, the Shepherd stars are colors reversed from the Sutherland stars (looks like we finally found the reason for the Moray stars of Sutherlands in those colors). Fourth, the Shepherd chevron is in the colors of the Mackay chevron. Fifth, as Mackays were at Moray / Fortriu, here's from the Shepherd write-up: "One hundred years later we find a branch of the family in Morayshire, where Henricus Scyphard held land in Elgin in 1363." Sixth, the Shepherds were first found in Peebles, where the Pepins/People's trace who use the Massey horse design that itself has wings as code for Pegasus.

[The ram in the Scottish Shepherd Crest was traced solidly to Ramesses, son of Seti I, the line to Setta. However, late in the last update, the Amon god was come across (at the king-Massena theater) which was portrayed as a human-ram combination. RaMESSES was also "ParaMESSU," what looks to be in honor of the Meshwesh. Meanwhile, the Meshwesh had merged quite apparently with Berbers, using an Indo-European speech, perhaps, that included "ram." In other words, I'm suggesting that the Shepherd ram is a symbol both of Ramesses and of Amon. I had traced the Ramesses Meshwesh exactly to the 600 Benjamites, who mated with woman of Jabesh on the east side of the Jordan, where Ammonites lived who could have named the god, Amon.

Therefore, the likelihood is that the Amon god at the Aures mountains of Algeria, the spot also of king Massena's Numidia, was carried there by the 600 Benjamites (so to speak) and their Jabesh allies. It fits where Agrigento comes to be suspect with the same 600 Benjamites, especially important where Agrigento elements trace exactly to the area of northern Italy that formed the Israeli chief priests, the area that saw the Jefferson-branch Jabesh-ites in the last update. "Amon" is under scrutiny now for forming "HASMON(ean)."]

As a further point, both Bail Coats use red roses, symbol of the Belgian Shepps/Schupps, and it may be that Bellerophon / Bellovesus / Bellamys trace to the Bellovaci founders of Belgians. The English Scope's/Scrope's (five Traby feathers) use Shepherd colors and were first found in Yorkshire. [In the last update, asking who in the Imola theater used the bend of Jacques de Molay, I wasn't able to answer aside from a couple of surnames using the bend in colors reversed. I had forgotten that Scope's/Scrope's use the de-Molay bend and no other symbols in their Coat.]

I had traced the Exodus pharaoh to Eburovices/Ebroicum, namers of Eboracum, an early name of York. Scope's were mentioned earlier in this update [= 1st of February] like so: "The Scott surname (in the colors of Skippers), anyway, is a bend in colors reversed to the Scope bend. The Scott stag is the Hand (and MacCarthy) stag, and Hands use the same-colored chevron as Skippers...who look like a version of the Scippare variation of Scipio's." Let's not neglect the possibility of Scotts and Shots/Shuts/Shutts being the same Royal Scythian = Gorgon bloodline, but was it from the Gugu Lydians? Ah, yes, Gugu's descendant, ALYattes, may even trace to the Ali/Aliotti surname [first found in Messina, and uses the griffin of Jefferson-related Griffins, Scotts, Willis', and Wills, a topic of the last update all tracing to Faenza, smack beside Imola. Moreover, Gugu had been traced back to the Soducena and Gogarene at lake Sevan, and the Sevan Gogi swan-liners were found in the last update exactly at Numidia in the form of the proto-Chaucers and swan-using Chalkers. That was an eye-popper].

AHA DON"T SCIPIO THIS! As Kirks and Gergons are tracing to Agrigento's alternative names, what about the odd/unexpected CERCula and Scippacercola variations of Skipio's??? AND YES BEHOLD, for I had traced (years ago, not now for convenience) heraldic rings to the original Olympics at Elis (Greece), and so see that, just like the Olympic rings, the Scipio rings are intertwined!!! WOW! It really does trace Scipio's to Shepherds in the meantime...who I say were Sepharvites that made up the main slice of the Hyksos. So, yes, the Hyksos passed through Messina and other parts of Sicily.

[Tolkien's rings, belonging to his mythical Sauron character, were found in the last update as per the Sauro surname that was identified with the green Vere dragon, and with green-dragon Guerra's, and with the Melusine of MASSINs/Masons who were traced with strong evidence (see the Senet swans in the last update) to "MASSINissi," the alternative name of king Massena. You need to read all that. I neglected to say, in the last update, that I had traced Massins/Masons to Massino-Visconti (ruled by Ottone Visconti), important because the Ottone's use rings in Scipio ring colors. This is extremely important because the Ottone Coat is a version of the Chappes Coat while the Varro-Massena merger that was implied (by a combination of historical facts and heraldic clues) was discovered to be the proto-Pharisee/proto-Maccabee line that surely included the line to Scipio-suspect Caiaphas. The Sauro's/Saura's were discovered to be the proto-Shaws from the Shawia, a Chaucer-rooted peoples in the Aures mountains, and moreover Sauro's were found as a branch of Sarah's/Sayre's/THAYERs while I neglected to record that German Thayers use a long curved chevron, a symbol of Ottone's too. If all this is not yet a major discovery, I am on the verge. Stay tuned, and permit many inserts as I go along at the risk of losing your ability to stay on track.]

While Agrigento is tracing in multiple ways to Placentia, see yet more small shields (in the colors of the small Scute shields) in the Chip/Chipman Coat (explains why Sheeps/Shipmans use the eel as code for Ali elements). Remember now, that Scipio retreated to Placentia, which should explain, in a squirrels nutshell, why Agrigento traces to Placentia [Squirrels/Square's/Squire's of the last update linked to the Sauro line via assumed links to Share's/Sheers/Shire's, a branch of Sarah's/Sayre's. It's all undeniable, but the dragon will deny it just the same.]

It's likely that the Scute and Shepherd Chiefs are not red by coincidence, but as the Pepin-related Mens use the Shepherd Shield-and-Chief combination colors, let's not forget that I trace Pepin to "Apepi/Apophis," the Hyksos ruler immediately after Khyan. It appears that Apepi lines went from Agrigento to Peebles, where Shepherds were first found.

The Arms of Jacques de Molay use the patee cross in the colors of the same of Messina's, and a bend in the colors of the same of Shepherd-suspect Scope's. Jacques (scallops, trace to Messina) were first found in Yorkshire, wherefore a de-Molay trace to Agrigento seems feasible already. In Italian, "scopa" means "broom," and not far below we will see that Brooms -- Brome's and Bromels -- trace to two Alexander Coats, important because Bromels are in the Fisher-king myth, and will trace to the name of Ferrara when Jerusalem was conquered in 70 AD. You don't want to miss that part, like the nail that hangs up the picture on the wall for all the world to see. But if no one wants to act as such nails, how few will there be who see the true Masonic picture. Take any piece(s) of my arguments, and put them online. You don't need to give me credit or mention my website. Let's get this out: Freemasons = Caiaphas liners.

The Plantagenets were named after a "sprig of broom," though I say this was code. It behooves an investigation of whether Plantagenets trace to Agrigento's Scope line. First, the Broom/Brome surname (wyvern) uses three green broom sprigs. Secondly, the Spriggs/Sprecks/Spraggs (Shute sword in Crest?) use the Shield-and-Chief combination colors of Scute's and Kirks. The Scute's were first found in Lancashire, which was the red rose line of Plantagenets. Now we know where Plantagenet's Fulks had kin.

The two Bail surnames, the Plantagenets, and the Shepps all use red roses, yet the Agrigento area traces hard also to York, which was the white rose line. French Plante's/PLANQUE's use a patee cross. One Plank surname was first found in WILTshire...where Yorks were first found. The WILT/Wild surname shares the oak tree of the Plante's/Planque's.

Below, along with the mythical Fisher-King-of Bromel elements, you will see also Plech elements, a term like "Plank." It's important because the Shield-and-Chief combination colors of Fishers and Spriggs/Sprecks are colors reversed. The Fisher King lived (not in the real world) in a castle where there is a Sir Bromell la Pleche.

JUST REALIZED after writing the above: Fisks use what may be a version of the Russian Alexander Coat, in which case it's a version of the German Brome Coat!!! There you have part of the reason for the codework, Fisher King.

Were the Plante's a branch of Blanks? Yes. Scottish Blanks were first found in Shetland, probably important for the raven line vikings now tracing to Shetach elements. German Blanks share Ferrari lion colors with Planks. French Blanks use the Shepherd / Mackay chevron, which I wouldn't have mentioned had they not also used "Sans," the motto term of Sutherlands. Then, the Vance surname uses stars in the colors of the Sutherland stars while "AdVANCE" is a motto term of Speers (in Sprigg/Speck colors) who show a Speyer variation that can be from the Spreck term because Speers are an obvious branch of Spree's. That is, Spriggs can be traced to the Spree river, especially as I traced mythical Melusine at Anjou and Lusignan to Lusatia, location of the Spree. There you have the sweeping truth concerning the sprig of broom.

But there is more, for Plantagenets were Fulks of Anjou, found in the Fulke's/Folks of Norfolk, where SPARham is located (not to mention Sprowston that traces via the Sprows Coat to the Arms of Ferrara and to the Alexander Coat). The Sparham surname (first found in Norfolk) uses a red stag, the color of the Plantagenet stag. I've repeated this many times, that the Sparham stag traces to the red antler in the Arms of Spree-Neisse, at the Spree river of Lusatia.

[I hate to spoil the surprise with you that came to me below, but it's necessary here. It's important that Alexander's use the split Shield in the colors of the split Ferrara Shield for obvious reasons of linking the Seleucid-Maccabee line to Pharisees and to Caiaphas. The Brome Coat with sprigs of broom are in these colors too, and then the Chappes/Cheape's are showing the Brome sprigs of broom exactly, colors included. The designs may change in the future, but right now, they are identical. Whose gold garb is in the Chappes/Cheap Crest again? Ah, yes, the Joseph garb.]

The Sparrows, likewise first found in Norfolk, use three red roses (a Plantagenet symbol) as per the Belgian Shepp Coat. Although many Coats use red roses like this, the white unicorn in the Sparrow Crest suggests Shetland's unicorn.

The importance of the white-on-red cinquefoil acting as the entirety of the Scottish Blank Coat (Shetland) is that it's the Bus / Hamelton cinquefoil tracing to Nahorites, who are already suspect in the line from Ferrara to Shetland's raven vikings.

It's perhaps more than interesting that the reported founder of Plantagenets, "Geoffrey V (24 August 1113 - 7 September 1151), called the Handsome (French: le Bel) and Plantagenet, was the Count of Anjou, Touraine, and Maine..." Maine is where swan-using Josephs were first found, and while the other Josephs are decked out with green and gold chevrons, those are the colors given to Geoffrey Plantagenet at his Wikipedia article (below). The lions of Geoffrey's Shield are gold on blue, the colors of the Joseph garbs.

[The "wlad" motto term of Josephs is for the Vlads, I'm sure, because they use the Zionist star in the Chep/Jepp/Jabach Coat.]

Geoffrey married the line of queen Margaret of Scotland. We read further: "By his marriage to the Empress Matilda, daughter and heiress of Henry I of England, Geoffrey had a son, Henry Curtmantle [= Henry II]..." It just so happens that the Curt/Court surname was first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Fulke's/Folks and Sparhams, and besides, the Curt Coat looks like a version of the Spriggs/Spreck Coat. I didn't know this connection until now. It means that they are probably lying to us when they say Curtmantle was named after a short thing.

It's probably not coincidental that the Sparham stag design is in the Mantle Crest, but we can then ask why the Sinclair / Conan cross is used by Mantle's. Perhaps we can ask the Apachnas/Khyan elements that I say named Buckingham and Conans together. After all, Plantagenets have traced to the Exodus Hyksos at Agrigento. But if we break the latter term down, one could see it as Agri-Gent, and that sparks the question of: PlantaGENET? Didn't we see the Gents and Gaunts derived at Cento of Ferrara, and shouldn't Gaunts/Gants of Kent trace to mythical Ixion's centaur lines...that ruled the FreeMasons (i.e. the Mus household of Khyan) of Kent? John of Gaunt (married Catherine Roet in Candale) was even the first red-roser of Lancaster. Well, the French Gants and Gents are Tanner lines, and Tanners were married to Sinclairs.

[Insert -- The last update traced Tanners and Tonbridge Wells of Kent to the same line that went to THANET, the island of Kent where MASSINs/Masons were first found. That line was found to be in the ZENETes branch of Berbers, obviously from, or related to, King MASSINissi/Massena. The Chaucers and Chalkers of Kent traced to the alternative name of the Shawia Berbers, and the Chalker swan was found as a symbol also of SENETs/Sinnots (proto-Senussi suspects to the Sinclairs). It was a great find, a super key unlocking the Sheaves/Chiapponi > Shaw bloodline from Berbers. The point here is the importance of Kent to the particular Berbers at the root of "FreeMason," now understood (by me) to be a Varro-Massena mix.

That is, as the Varro character of the Romans turned out to be, I am very sure to this point, the proto-Pharisees, "Freemason" is itself code for the Varro-Massena alliance...that I have yet to find in historical documents, but one I assume took place for quite obvious reasons. Previously, it was understood that "Freemason" was code for the Freie/Vrey and Massin/Mason surnames together because they use the same upright lions in the same colors, but that doesn't necessarily contradict a Varro-Massin definition. As Freie's/Vreys were first found in Bavaria, from BaiuVARII, I took a quick look just now at some heraldry, as to whether Varro elements co-named Bavaria, and I saw some very good arguments.

For example, as Bavaria is Bayern to Germans, note that both Scottish Bayers (Macey Shield perhaps) and English Sauers/Sawyers (in Bavaria lozenge colors) use footless martins and a blue Shield (I trace "footless" to Foetes/Fussen of Bavaria). Sauers were traced without doubt (last update) to the Sauro/Saura entity of the Berbers. German Sauers were found to use both lions of the Aur Coat and Crest, and they are said to be from Austria's Sau=Sava river. As soon as I learned of the Sava river some years ago, I had inner knowledge that Bauers, first found in Austria but also in Bavaria, were from the Sava river. It appears to me that "Bauer" is a version of "Bavar(ia)."

English Bayers were first found in Lothian, and English Sauers use the talbot dog, in the same brown color, of the Lothian surname. Yet, the Sauro / Sauer lines included Shaw-related Sarah's/Sayre's (gold Shield, Varn bend) of St. Saire (Normandy), and the "Bear and Forbear" motto of the latter now suggests bear-using clans of Bavaria elements, for example, the German Bayers/Baiers (gold Shield), first found in Austria but said to be named after Bavaria.

English Beavers use what should be the Sauer lion but more in-particular the Guerre(n) lion, important because Guerre(n)'s (as with Sauro's) were discovered (tentatively, anyway) to be from "Varro" (the man).

German Beavers use a diagonally-split Shield (no symbols) in colors reversed of the same in the Arms of Zurich (no symbols), important because the Sauro-related Share's/Sheers/Shire's were first found in Surrey while the Surrey surname is also "Surrich." Therefore, Sauro = Varro liners named Zurich and Surrey. It's Varro-of-BaiuVARII important due to the gold-on-black upright lions shared by Kyburg (at Zurich) and found in the Arms of Bavaria. Plus, Kings share that lion too, and then the so-called "Franconian Rake" in the Arms of Bavaria looks like a version of the Fisher Coat (Guerre lions in colors reversed), important because of the code, "Fisher King." The German Fisher Crest has the same gold lion, and in the German Fisher Coat there is yet another gold-on-black lion.]

General Scipio's trace to Skiptons always includes the Craven area that Skiptons lived in, and the Cravens are known by me to be from "KRVati," otherwise known as Croatians. It just so happens that the Sava river in through Croatia. There you have more evidence that Varro was a root of Freemasonry.

As German Hagels use the Arms of Kyburg in essence (with King lion), should we trace Obama's new secretary of state, with Hagel surname, to the Massena bloodline in the Libya theater, where also Obama's Dunham line traces??? Obama is definitely a bloodline luster, meaning he doesn't care to do the work for the people, but cares to use the money of the people to build his empire on his bloodline lust, and to enjoy the ride while he has it.

The last update found that Austrian Schere's use the eagle design in the Tassel Coat, but it can be added here that the same eagle, in the black color of the Schere eagle, is used by Hagels. I would suggest that the inside Obama circle is the Varro Illuminati, same as the Bavarian Illuminati, same as the Boofima Illuminati. They should be scared. It's not we who should be afraid. We live, they die. We live even if we die. When they die, they will wish they were never born.

Hagels and Kyburg use bends in colors reversed to the Varn bend, the latter being in the colors of the Varro wolves, which are of the design in the same in Wolfley Coat. Obama's Wolfley line goes back to a mayoral Wolfin surname in Orsingen...of Baden-Wurttemberg, where Hagels were first found. Orsingen is in the Constance district, and then here's from the Hagel write-up: "Early chronicles also mention Conrat Hegelli of Constance in 1392..."

Hmm, note how the Obama logo has two curved stripes at the bottom of the 'O', while the Arms of Orsingen have two similar curved stripes on a white roundel. The ANTLer in the Chief of Orsingen jibes with the ANTELope of the Singletary Crest. The antler is even in the two colors of the Dunham / Randolph Coats. The cross in the Orsingen Arms is the same type, in colors reversed, as the Scottish Randolph cross (could be coincidental).

Sorry to get off topic, but I've just noted that while the Berlin flag is nothing but black and gold, the colors of the Point(er) Coat, the Point(er) Crest and the Arms of Berlin share a hand pointing in the same direction, at about the same angle, with the same two fingers. Berlin is where the Spree river which the antler in the Orsingen Chief traces via the Veringens of Baden-Wurttemberg. The Berlin colors are even the Varn / Hagel colors, and then the Zahringer kin of Veringens founded bear-depicted Berne near Zurich, a term like "Berlin." This entire picture is speaking to me of the Varro / Sauro bloodline, perhaps even to the Nazi sociopaths. A sociopath is one who doesn't understand the importance of living as a community; a sociopath thinks the object of life is to gain as much as possible for himself. Obama is a sociopath.

Pointers are suspect with Punch's/Poynts of the Bunch's and Panico's to the south side of Bologna. Moreover, the Italian BERNardo surname (oak tree, as with Panico's), looked up as per "Berlin," was first found in Bologna, and Portuguese Bernardo's are in the colors of the Arms of BERlin and the Berlin surname. The Berlin surname finds the bear design of the Berne surname, which effectively traces the naming of Berlin to ZAHRingers...who suddenly evoke the Sauro/Saura line. All three Bear surnames show signs of Caiaphas lines at Placentia.

By tracing Zahringers to Sauro lines (expected in merger with Varro of the Placentia area), I'm willing to admit error when tracing "Zahr(inger)" suggestively (not hard) to Czar > Khazars (on the Atil river). However, in recent months, I learned that Khazars proper were descended from Attila-Hun lines in the Terek river (Alania), and moreover I had traced Attila's Huns back to "Hannibal" before learning (thanks to GD) that Huns used a blue wolf as symbol, which was later found in the Arms of Placentia. It just so happens that, while Sauro/Saura lines from the land of the Hannibals are tracing to the Placentia theater, SAUROmatian Alans could be expected in Alania so that Khazars may have been either a branch of the same that named the Sauro surname, or, better yet, Khazars were directly descended from the Sauro bloodline in the land of the Hannibals, as they infested Placentia in the time of Varro.

If this is correct, figure on the 600 Benjamites from the Aures theater tracing to the Hebrew rulers of Khazars, but not without the same lines that, in Israel, came to rule the Sanhedrin. Hmm, compare "SANHEDrin" with "ZENETes." End Insert]

And Sinclairs honor the Conte's/Comite's in their motto, who have just got to be more Cento liners. Not just the Gaunts/Gants, but also the Cone's (colors reversed to Conans), were first found in Kent, and they use the Conte antlers. The common denominator between Ferrara's CENTO location and AgriGENTO appears to be the Khyan horse people [Orsingen smacks of Horsa, mythical co-founder of Kent according to a Bede surname that can trace to the Botr tribe of Berbers along with Beads / Beatle's / Beeters/Idders]. French Gents even use the Ferrari lions, apparently, in colors reversed to the lion of the Massins/Masons of Kent. Are we understanding clearly, that the demons who possessed the Exodus pharaoh, and hardened his heart, are still with us today after having killed Jesus?

As these lines traced to MontFerrat and to the Fers/Ferrats, is it coincidental that German Cone's/Cohens use a Shield filled with checks in the colors of the Fer/Ferrat checks? As these lines tracing to Montferrat also trace to other parts of CUNeo, shouldn't the gold-on-black eagles in the English Gent Chief trace to the same-colored eagle of Salemans from Cuneo's Saluzzo? Yes, for English Gents use the Tanner Shield-and-Chief combination, and the Tanaro river is in Montferrat. But as Joseph Caiaphas is tracing, and will yet trace below, to Argentera at Cuneo, what importance should there be when both the English Josephs and Gents were first found in Hampshire? That's yet another reason to suspect that Geoffrey PlantaGENET was a Joseph Caiaphas liner.

[After writing here, I found an Argens river flowing, in a Var region of southern France, past Draguignan, important because a Drago river was learned of flowing to Agrigento. The Sauro dragon likely links the Sauro bloodline of the Aures mountains to Drake elements on the Drago. The coast at the Aures mountains faces straight out to sea at Sant'Antioco, otherwise called Sulcis, the Seleucid location that I say named the Salyes on the Draguignan frontier. If a ship continues further out in a straight line, it reached the coastal area at Draguignan. This helps us to understand how Varro-Massena elements out of the Aures theater became the Seleucid-Maccabee line.]

Geoffrey Plantagenet's father was Fulk V, king of Templar Jerusalem. The first Jerusalem kings were the Bouillon bloodliners using a swan, as does the French Joseph Coat. Doesn't that mean anything? What mere Frenchman in his right mind would expend the tremendous effort to conquer far-away Jerusalem? But a sociopathic Caiaphas liner, that's suddenly a different story.

Geoffrey's mother was EremBURGA de La Fleche (probably a PLECHe liner ultimately out of PLACentia's Ananias line), daughter of Elias I of Maine. Isn't Maine where the French Joseph surname was first found? What in tarnation was going on there, Geoffrey? I think it explains why Flecks/Flacks were first found in Norfolk, English home of Fulke's/Folks. And "Fleche" looks like a branch of Fulks [I didn't yet know while writing here that the SHAKEspeare spear in the Fulke/Folk Crest was code for a line from ISHAQ, father-in-law of Idris of Morocco, or that the "Qui sera sera" motto of the same Fulke's/Folks was code for the Sauro/Saura / Sarah/Sayre line from the Aures mountains, where the origins of the Ishaq's Awraba tribe had been. And Vere's trace themselves exactly to counts of Anjou just before Fulks got to be counts of Anjou, suggesting again that Vere's (or Varro) founded the Aures/Awraba entity.]

It's been 900 years since the Templars got Jerusalem, and only now (thanks, really, to the Internet, and God imprisoning me to this keyboard) are we discovering what these "holy" boneheads were all about?

[Insert -- Amazing. I used "boneheads" many days ago as I wrote there, long before finding that there is a Bone location on the coast from the Aures mountains. I've just gone to the Bone article to find that it even has Arms, using a gold lion on blue, the colors of the six lions in the Bone Coat!!! Plus, as I have only started tracing the Botters to the Botri tribe of Berbers a day or two ago as I write, and here I re-find that the Bones and Botters share the same white-on-blue bend!

Yes, I traced Bones, and Skull and Bones, to Bononia at Bologna, but there is not necessarily a contradiction here. Quite the opposite. The Awraba term traced in the last update to "AUVERgne," where Bouillons were first found who ruled at the other Bononia, Boulogne of France. The Auvergne surname is the one using a tower in the "illegal" colors of the Joseph swan, and Godfrey de Bouillon had a swan symbol. I expect proto-Caiaphas in Italian Bononia, as the Boii of Italian Bononia may be the common factor between it, Maccabees, and the namers of Bavaria/Baiuvaria.

Recalling my suggestion that "Idris" led to the Etter/Atter / Itter / Idder/Beeter surnames, by what coincidence does the Bone article speak on an Ater hill just south of Bone??? The Botters just traced to Bone so that the Beeter variations of the Idder Coat should apply, wherefore "Idder" and "Ater" both look like Idris entities. Marvelous find.

Hey-hey, look, there is an Amon surname, I have just discovered, and it too was first found in the same place, Kent, that other Aures elements had traced. I looked up the Amon Coat just now only because I had traced Botters to Boofima (when I had no idea where Boofima in Africa was situated) while the Amon ram appears to be a distinct version of the Boofima goat. The Amons are Hamons/Hammonds too. The Amon description includes a "chevron pean," and Peans are also Payens (both Payens and Amons use "mullets"). When I first saw the Arms of Bone, it reminded me first of all as a the Shield-and-Chief color combination in colors reversed from the Panico's, a branch of Payens. Consider first of all that "Pean" and "Bone" are similar enough to warrant a look at a B-version "Pean," and it just so happens that the Bean/Veen/Van Coat is a version of the Etter/Atter Coat!! There is now no doubt that Bone's and Beans and Payens trace to this Bone location, and it explains why Payen elements were at the Setta valley 30 miles from Bononia/Bologna! Reminder; the Bean motto belongs to Clan Chattan, and Chattans and Chatans both use the Botter / Bone bend.

As the Shawia lived in the Bone theater, I'm noting that English Shaws/Shays/Sheaves and Amons both use ermined black, as well as the same-colored chevrons surrounded by three black symbols. This is no coincidence. The Shaws are from the Amon cult of the Aures mountains.

The Skull and Bone surnames each use six lions in the same format, and then I traced Skulls with Schole's/Scayle's (a single ring) to the Eschol valley in Israel's Hebron, but the point here is that Schole's use a Shield filled with black and white lozengy, the colors of the English-Shaw lozenges. This leads to another point, where the 600 Benjamites have been tracing to the Massena entity at the root of the Aures mountains. That point is, there were Ammonites on the east side of the Jordan, where also the 600 Benjamites got their wives. The Ammonites were child sacrificers, and then the story of the 600 Benjamites starts with a symbol, the cutting up into pieces of a human corpse, something we could expect in human sacrifice / cannibal cults. The one who cut the corpse into pieces was a Levite priest from Bethlehem overlooking the Hebron theater. Can we therefore trace his Levites to Bone?

Another point is that the Amons/Hamons use black-on-white stars, colors reversed to the Senussi / Libya star, and then the proto-Senussi are now looking to me like the Zenetes-branch Berbers about the Aures theater.

[Insert November 2013: The Shawia article has changed "Zenetes" to "Zenata," and "Awraba" to "Awarba," and "Medghassen" to Medghacen." I have "Zenetes" in eight articles to date, yet a Google search for that term does not bring up my pages on the first-page results even though eight out of ten webpages on that page do not show "Zenetes." I've known for years that Google punishes my website like this. There are easy ways for Google to reduce hits on webpages that Google considers outside of its desire for the world. Even when I search "zenetes tribwatch," only three of the eight pages come up. End Insert]

More amazing. I went out on a limb to say what you probably tended to reject, that the anchor theme in the Grey surname traces to Anaki in Bethlehem as per the Anchor/Annacker surname. There is nothing in the Anchor/Annacker Coat that would suggest a trace to Bethlehem. The idea came about when I found links of the Anu cult of Sumeria in Bethlehem, and due to the Biblical Anu cult, or the Anak, in Hebron. Let me remind that I've been tracing the Greys and greyhounds for years to the mythical Graeae Amazons of north-Africa, and usually identifying them with Meshwesh. Therefore, I strongly expected (moments ago) the Anaki of Hebron / Bethlehem at the Bone location at this time.

I first loaded the Anchor/Annacker Coat again to check it out. I didn't have anything to say about it toward a trace of Schole's / Skulls / Bone's to Bethlehem, so I went back to the Schole Coat, and concentrating, I recalled that I typically link that surname to Scofields/SCHOLfields. I loaded the Schofield Coat, wondering if it could help make the trace, and when it loaded, the Crest not only showed a red bull head, the colors of the Anchor/Annacker-Crest bull head, but as it was loading, I recalled the trace of "Bedolete" at the Setta theater both to Beatle's and to Bethlehem, a trace I made before being able to trace Beatle's, by way of recently-discovered Idders/Beeters, to the Bone / Ater area! So, there you go, I am Programmed to report.

There is more, because I only now recall that the lozenges in the Anchor/Annacker Chief are the colors of the Beatle lozengy!!! If that's not enough, the castle design in the Beatle Crest is that of the Bone- and Atter-related Chattans.

When Yale came to mind, home of the Skull-and-Bones cult, the Yale Coat (familiar saltire) was loaded to find the Biden/Button chapeau, important because Bidens/Buttons were first found in the same place as English Botters/Budins. Moreover, the Capelli's, first found in Ferrara, use the same chapeau. That should clinch the Bone-of-Algeria trace to Bononia's priestly lines.

It recalls the Popeye topic of the last update when "Olive Oyl" traced to the Olive owl as well as, possibly, to the Yell location on Setta-suspect Shetland. In fact, the Arms of Shetland use a Skull / Scayle-like motto term. I now find the Shatner/Chadbolt surname using what should be the Alexander split Shield because Yells/Yulls (of Shetland) use crescents in the Alexander-crescent colors. The "Numine" motto term of Yells/Yule's is now to be regarded as code for Numidian elements.

Sorry. The topic before this insert was the Flecks as they linked to Plantagenet Fulks. End insert]

Flickers are said to use a "A green stem with two leaves," and then Stems/Steins (Rhodians/Rus, in my opinion) were likewise [as with Fulke's] first found in Norfolk.

"Facebook" is made of two terms, and Books/Boggs, as with the "leopard faces" of Stems/Steins, traces to Boofima > Baphomet, the all-father of the satanists. The imitation God of this world. The all-seeing-eye father of this world is always connect-able to Rothschilds, and when one enters that term, RothSTEINS come up using the same Ishtar star as Dutch Steins. It's known that spies in this world are using Facebook and other such tools to gather information in hopes of keeping records forever. Twitts/Tweats (Sinclair cross?) were first found in Norfolk! Tweets (illegal color contact) were first found in Peebles (where Balds were first found), where Agrigento's Shepherd line settled. Bwa-ha-ha, the devil has a plan, but to no avail, because he's a lousy father, and because his sons don't know how to use the information they amass for the common good.

[I kid you not, the paragraph above was written on the evening of February 5, and on the 6th, I found this article out that day:

UK spy agencies want to install 'black box' surveillance devices across the country's communications networks to monitor internet use, it emerged implement a nationwide surveillance regime aimed at logging nearly everything Britons do and say online.

The spy network will rely on a technology known as Deep Packet Inspection to log data from communications ranging from online services like Facebook and Twitter, Skype calls with family members and visits to pornographic websites.

Elements in the UK have been doing this already, let's not kid around. Even your phone calls are being recorded. On trib matters, do not speak to anyone about your plans on any telephone line.]

Geoffrey's mother goes back to "de la Fleche - Baugency, with the latter term perhaps from the Bug river. Counts of Maine go back to vassals of Fulk III, who is said to be the founder of the Fulke's/Folks of Norfolk. Nahorites were on the Bug river, and so what were NOR-Folk and Suf-Folk really named after?

As Plante's and Flecks (see Belgian Flecks too in the colors of Fulke's) are tracing to the namers of Placentia, I would conclude that Plante's and Balas' were identical lines at some point so as to explain why Joseph Caiaphas, who must trace to Alexander Balas, is tracing to Plantagenets. I did not know the following when equating the Balas line with Bellamys: "From the time Herbert [ancestor of Plantagenets] became count [of Maine] in 1017, he was almost constantly at war with Avesgaud de Belleme, Bishop of Le Mans." Family squabble?,_Count_of_Maine

When clicking to the Bellamy article: "Both Seinfroy and Avesgaud belonged to the powerful and independent House of Belleme which controlled the borders of Perche, Seez and Alencon between the Ile-de-France and Normandy." Ile-de-France is not only where Levi's and Chappes' were first found, but where the Montmorency's lived, who were founded by Bouchard II, the one to whom I traced, without error, the water bouget symbol...which happens to be used by the Bug surname. Herbert of Maine above was a father-in-law of Jean de Flech-BAUGency. In German, "bogen" means "bow", and the Bug Coat (Nottingham, home of Robin-Hood Masonic lore) is in the colors of the Bavarian Bogen Coat (Robin Hood in Crest) with bow. In my opinion, Bogens were the proto Bauers and Bowers and therefore proto-Rothschild all-seeing-father no-good to you and me...takes from the poor with high prices and vast volumes and gives to his rich sons, daughters and cousins.

Here's a page on Massey ancestors showing Bellamys from a Fulk de Belasme of CORBONais. It's the Alexander-Balas line, isn't it? At this page, the Bellamys seem to be regarded as Beaumonts. We find, "John De Bourg De Tonsburgh Earl Of Comyn, son of Baldwin II De Blois II and Unknown, was born in 969 of Conteville, France. Another name for John was Jean De Conteville Lord Tonsburgh. General Notes: Descendants include Baldwin, 2nd King of Jerusalem." John's son was the Conteville whose son married Fulbert "the tanner's" daughter. However, John de Bourg (or Burgo) appears in the genealogy without linkage shown to Bellamys, as though, perhaps, we are to assume or conjecture it.

I recall tracing Plantagenets to the Beaumont HarCOURTS at Torville (shown on this page), who recall Curtmantle/COURTmantle, son of Geoffrey Plantagenet). Funny thing, the page is entitled "Ancestors of Massey," with no Masseys on the page. No doubt, it's tracing Conteville's to le Meschin but without mention of it. On John de Burgo, it says "General Of The French King's Forces & Governor Of His Chief Towns." What king?

[Again, in the last update, Tonbridge and Tanners traced to the Massinissa-related Zenetes Berbers as they named Thanet at Kent.]

Place your bets on whether Alencon, a Bellamy holding, was a station of the Alan / Roxolani Nahorites. Wikipedia's article on the earliest Alan of Dol: "Flaad and his son Alan [from Brittany] had come to the favourable notice of King Henry I of England [father-in-law of Geoffrey Plantagenet] who...gave him forfeited lands in Norfolk and Shropshire, including some which had previously belonged to Ernulf de Hesdin and Robert de Belleme."

The Hesdin/Heston surname is traced in it's write-up to "Hewstone," wherefore they are suspect as Stewart-related Houstons [traced to the Awraba tribe in the last update]. The Hesdin Coat (in Gog blue and white) has a Googe/Gooch look to it. The Geroie surname became suspect with mythical Geryon, a Gorgon entity that I traced to Mona / Erethlyn of north Wales, where I later traces Hasmoneans. From one of my updates: "Hesdin was in Picardy too, in North Pas-de-Calais [location of the Bononia / Bouillons], and was under the realm of Artois. Montreuil [probable origin / kin of Catherine Roet, born in Picardy] is the umbrella region around Hesdin, wherefore let me repeat from the last update that Geroie Montreuil had a son, Ralph Mala Corona Giroie. The point is, some think that the Geroie family descended from the Goz family." If correct, we are still all over Joseph Caiaphas / Maccabees in this discussion that comes from the Fleche counts of Maine as they warred with the Bellamy's at Le Mans. Was that a HasMONean settlement? Here's on early Le Mans, looking very related to Manche (home of Bellamy-related Masseys/Maceys):

First mentioned by Ptolemy, the Roman city Vindinium was the capital of the Aulerci, a sub tribe of the Aedui. Le Mans is also known as Civitas Cenomanorum (City of the Cenomani).

Just how far back could the Joseph Caiaphas line go in Maine? Le Mans was the capital of Maine. The Aedui were the peoples of Autun, from Keturah-line Boiotians suspect in the make-up of Sadducees. The Cenomani and Aulerci were kin / allies with Eburovices in Brescia/Brixia, where the Cappeo lion came out of, and moreover the Cenomani were in Cremona, where we could expect Caiaphas elements.

Maine went into the hands of Hugh, son of Azzo d'Este (ruler of Milan, born in Modena), founder of the house of Este, but Hugh sold Maine to Elias I of Fleche-Baugency (we met him above). By what coincidence did Hugh marry a GUIScard??? The Gois surname uses swans, as does the Joseph surname.

The Este's of Milan could certainly have been part with the up-coming Visconti liners, themselves a branch of (or at least married to) Scipio's and Chappes'. Este's, Visconti's, Ottone's and Scipio's share blue and white. The earliest known Este rulers of Milan were supported by OTTO I of Germany, suggesting that Ottone Visconti of Milan may have been an Otto bloodliner. I recall tracing Visconti's to Mieszko, but I do not recall doing so due to the black bull head in this German Otto Coat; the Mieske Coat uses it too. Seeking "German Otto Coat" in my computer brings up none of my files. I traced the WIShart variation of Guiscards to "VISconti" so that Hugh of Maine married a Visconti, likely. Guiscards were definitely Mieszko's.

The Milan surname was first found in Messina, and Ottone Visconti ruled Massino in Novara, where the Laevi Gauls lived. Here's the Masino/Mason Coat of Piedmont, in Italian Otto/Ottone colors but using the Macey-chevron colors, albeit the Ottone Coat is a long chevron in the same colors. It gives the impression that Maceys and Chappes were one, and of course Master Mason (i.e. Hugh de Payen) has everything to do with a Caiaphas line secretly.

Scottish Chappes use "ears of wheat" that the Broom Coat is now calling "springs of broom," thus clinching the Plantagenet trace to Caiaphas lines. I have checked and can assure you that on this day, the two designs are identical and in the same two colors. The gold garb in the Scottish Chappes Crest must therefore be the gold garb in the Joseph Coat. I've just checked to assure that they are identical in size, shape and color.

There is an Armeno location beside Novara that could be of the Ermine/Armine surname using the Annandale Shield and Chief.

With Telchines (from Rhodes) tracing to Agrigento, it supports a trace of the Hyksos there, in that proto-Danaans were at Lindos en route to Argos. I've wondered in the past whether "Argos" was from an Agri-term with consonant reversal. The Rhodian Danaan at Agrigento amounts to another reason for tracing to the raven-depicted Dane vikings, you see. As the Agrigento area has the location of Aragano, isn't that an Argos-like term? Yes, and as Aragon (in Spain) uses red and gold bars, see that Stouts/Stows use such bars too, but more importantly, see the bells of Dutch Stouts, for Bells and Bellamys use the same fesse, and so it tends to show that the Bellerophon > Bellovesus line was part of the line to Stout Dane's. Meschins became Danes, and heraldic Moors are a Dane-viking thing. I can see in many ways that the Moors of heraldic importance were at Agrigento; they even appear in the Arms of Aragon.

The Sturs use bars in Aragon colors, but then the three red bars of the Manche Sturs appear to be used by Ruthens (ram in Crest). We could expect anything Rus to be in Agrigento because Rus trace to Rhodes > Redones, and Redones of Rodez did live in Roussillon, called Rosellon by Spaniards. Again, that term should trace to Roslin, home of the Dane Sinclairs. Russells not only use the scallop colors of Meschins that trace to Messina's Scylla, but the goat design of Italian Cabrera's, first found at Aragona. Now you know where the Illuminati traces. Agrigento and Aragano were very sacred to the devil.

[Insert -- In the last update, Ruthers/Ruiters (we could expect such in the Shetland northlands as ravens) were found to use the horse and rider of Caffertys who themselves traced to Awraba = Aures, wherefore the ram of Ruthens may be code for the Amon cult at Aures, where we could expect the Apollo raven lines. When writing below concerning the "shaw" motto term of Ruthens, it was weeks before finding the Shawia at Aures. What a super surprise this Shawia find was...while simply following the Idris entity that heraldry claims to be Templar-important.

The Yells/Yule's of Shetland, with a single ear of wheat in the Crest, use a gold garb (symbol of the Coffer-colored Wheats/Wete's) on what should be the Craig / Hill / Tassel fesse. The Craigs (definitely Agrigento elements) were the third surname in the last update to use the Cafferty / Ruther horse and rider, with Herod's plumes of feathers, evoking the sprig of broom claimed by Plantagenets. I'm therefore assuming that the sprig of broom is in the Yell/Yule Crest. At this time, Yells/Yule's are suspect with Yale's tracing to Bone at the Aures theater, but in any case, where the Yell/Yull Crest is a take from the Chappes/Cheap ears of wheat that are otherwise called "sprig of broom," the Yell/Yule's look like Caiaphas liners too, which supports the idea that SHETland is named after the same that named the Setta valley. I had traced the namers of that valley to Seti I, father of RAMesses. Ramincidence?

"Yale" smacks of "Ialysos," a city on Rhodes that was lumped in by myth writers with Lindos and Kamiros. I identified Ialysos with the term, Helios. The Shaw-related Amons/Hamons use a sun on their chevron, and then Yale's are expected at the Bone region of the Shawia theater. I should point out that I see the garb, used by Ramesses-suspect Yells/Yule's, as the symbol of the Hyksos-Amorite-Garebite alliance, to be distinguished from the Meshwesh Benjamites. The Hyksos may rather have been the 600 Danites. Garbs are used by Veyns while Ruthens show also as "RothVEYN," important for the Vain/Van/Phone links to Jefferson Jabesh-ites, the line also to garb-using Josephs. It seems evident throughout history and in heraldry that the later Meshwesh had come to live with lines from the earlier Hyksos of royal Egypt.

I had identified Ramesses with the Meshwesh in Tanis. Now think about that. Where the Meshwesh in Tanis are expected with the Danaans proper at Mycenae at Argos, one could expect the Seti > Ramesses line at Rhodes too, when the proto-Danaans built Lindos, and for that reason we could expect Rhodians to use a ram, as do Ruthens. Moreover, by what coincidences is the Aures mountains, and the ram god, smack next to Tanis-like Tunis(is)? It therefore seems that the 600 "Danites" went from Egypt to Rhodes to Aures, but also off the coast of Bones to Gorgon-suspect Agrigento/Acragas.

But wait. Craigs are said (in the Carrick write-up) to be the ancestry of Carricks, who are definitely a branch of Share's/Sheer's/Shire's that traced to the Sauro / Aures entity (this union explained why Sauro's, Vere's and Crichtons share green dragons), but if it's correct to identify "Carrick" as a hard-C version of "Saracen," then suddenly Craigs and Carricks could trace to SAUROmatians who lived at Tanais. That is, we could fully expect Danaan elements at both Aures and Agrigento, especially in neighboring Tunis.

To put this another way, proto-Danaans are expected at Tanais, Tanis, Tunis and in the 600 Danites and 600 Benjamites, but also as sea farers across Rhodes to Sicily, and this is where the similarity between "Aragona" and "Argos" comes in, suggesting Danaan elements at Aragona and Aragon. The goat of the Kabeiri-suspect Cabrera's at Aragona should be suspect with the Amon ram at Aures, and indeed while Ruthens use the ram, Russells use the goat. Plus, the Arms of Aragon (Spain) and that of Roussillon show unity between the two, and Russells ought to be from the Rodez=Ruthene=Roussillon area, albeit their scallops trace some of their ancestry to Sicily. In other words, we should view a good part of Rhodian elements as the Meshwesh Danaans, yet Rosicrucians, we may gather, honored the Rhodian lines more than the Meshwesh lines.

The Hyksos lines of Khyan may not have been important to Masonry as much as the Meshwesh out of Tanis, and yet the two seem merged especially in Cuneo and Agrigento, fundamental parts, I am discovering, of the Idris / Awraba lines to the first Templars. End insert]

Did you notice the "shaw" motto term of Ruthens? Why are Caiaphas elements tracing to this line from the goat cult of Agrigento to the Stura di Demonte / Argentera valley? Didn't I say that Caiaphas was a Hyksos liner? Yes, and that was before understanding the garbs of the Joseph Crest and Coat. The Joseph garbs are used by Comyns/Commings (in MontGOMERy colors) who should trace to Cimmerians at Kamiros of Rhodes.

The Ruthen motto, "Deed shaw," must be code for the Deed/Dade/Dady surname, which, like the Joseph surname, uses a single gold garb in Crest! And the gold garbs of Deeds (in the colors of the Reed garbs) are also in the Coat so that we can trace Caiaphas to Deeds/Dadys very strongly. If you recall, the Thicks/Thecks, who are a branch of Setta-suspect Shaws, use a bitturn that I see as code for Bituriges of Bellovesus, while I traced the latter to mythical Bellerophon and his Pegasus ally in their successful war against a Khimera dragon looking like the Kamiros location on Rhodes.

[Insert -- Suddenly, Bituriges are suspect with the Idder/Beeter surname, from the Botri tribe of Berbers. This caused be to enter "Bitter" just now to find red roundels, the symbol of German Rhode's, as well as a sun in Crest that should be for Helios (god of Rhodes). Bitters were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Danners, Deins, Diens, Dans and others. It's supporting a trace of Danaan elements to the Botri Berbers.

I have only now gotten round to reading the Idder/Beater write-up, to find it tracing to "fuller," and then we find Fullers using what is almost exactly the Craig / Cafferty / Ruther horse!!! The horizontal Fuller bars are used in vertical by Italian Belli's (reminds of the two sets of Stur bars), and moreover the Belli bars are only in a slightly different position than the same-colored bars of Shawia-related Ruthens! Yes, we are tracing to Idris lines in Aures. And, yes, the Belli's are hereby revealed as the Bellovesus BITURiges just because the BEATERs got the Belli-related Fullers.

English Fullers and German Belli's share a so-called "beacon," code for the Beacon/Bacon surname that saw a Rosicrucian leader, Francis Bacon. It can't be coincidental, therefore, that Idders/Beaters and Scottish Belli's share a blue-on-gold chevron. The latter's Coat is clearly a version of the Bail/Beile/Debayle Coat (Provence), as both use the same chevron colors and the red rose, thus assuring that the Idders/Beaters had linked to Bails of Provence, location of Varro-suspect Var and Drago-suspect Draguignan.

The Moor heads in the Scottish Belli Chief are clear markers for the Awraba tribe, although Moor heads may indicate other Berbers tribes too. The Bouillons, with "bello" motto term and Moor heads, obviously apply. I'll add that Moor heads are suspiciously indicating the Zenetes Berbers most of all; I had that impression at some other point earlier. End insert]

The Rhodes' of Lincolnshire (it was named Lindsey earlier, after Lindos of Rhodes) use the leopard design of Suters, if that helps to trace Suters to Sturs and the Stura valley of Cuneo. Suters were first found in the same place (Angus) as Ruthens with the "Deed shaw" motto. As Russells use "Che sara sara" in their motto, the Sarah/Sayre leopard is likely the same one. Deeds/Dadys were first found in the same place as Folke's/Folks. As the Fulke/Folk motto is nearly identical to that of Russells, it once again traces PlantaGENETs to AgriGENTo. With Rhodes' tracing there, the Ananias-suspect Hannitys and Hains of Lincolnshire can better trace to "HanniBAL," (pre-dated Caiaphas and Ananias), and that's how "Ananias" can trace to "Hannibal." Scottish Hains were first found in the same place as Annandale.

[Insert -- The Bone location is alternatively called, "Annaba," where "aba" is probably the suffix, as with the ending on "Awraba." German Hains (Silesia) may be using the Sauer and Aur lion, in which case Scottish Hains are likely using the Avery fesse. All three -- Hains, Sauers and Aurs -- use the same-style lion in Coat, and the same-style (but different) lion in Crest. Averys can better be discovered with the Hain surname because Averys share gold-on-red roundels with Rhodes' (i.e. first found in the same place as English Hains). It's perhaps suggesting that "Hain" may trace to "Annaba."

Yes, for the colors of the Scottish-Hain mascles are in the colors of the Beatle lozengy, thus tracing Hains smack to the same that Idders/Beaters trace, at Ater near Bone. Recalling that the Bone's are related to the Chattans and Chatans who in-turn use the Beatle castle, note too that Beatle's use their castle on fire while the beacons of Belli's and Fullers are on fire. I identified Fullers with "Roquefeuil" and "RockeFELLER," and so it's no coincidence that the Beatle castle sits on the rock that French Roque's/Rocks showed until late last year. Roque's/Rocks were first found in the same place -- Roussillon -- as the Roquefeuil location. It's known that Roquefeuils had married Henry of Rodes and thus given birth to the treFOILs of the Rod surname.

It's not hard to understand here that proto-Templar pirates had been from shore-to-shore where Bone faces out to sea at Roussillon. "Bone" can trace to NarBONNe (coastal Roussillon), and moreover the Italian Narbonne/Nardo surname (a DeNardo branch that may have been in honor of the Nerthus cult) uses the same white-on-blue tower as the Bone-related Chatans, a clincher if ever we saw one.

As you can see, Denardo's use the same tower in the same colors, and then here's the Denardo write-up: "The Denardo surname was a patronymic name, created from the personal name Nardo, which was in turn, a shortened form of Bernardo." It doesn't matter whether that's true; what matters here is that Bernardo's (in Denardo colors) have an Italian branch first found in Bologna = BONOnia. Note the oak, a Panico symbol, in the Bernardo Coat, important because Payens are now suspect as a branch of Bone's, which is to say that "Bone" ultimately derives from "Payen / Paine" or something similar.

The Denardo's and related Narbonne's/Nardo's use the same lion, in the same colors, as the Maschi Chief, and while Maschi elements of the Fano kind were found to be linked to Guido Guerra, it should be reminded here that Maschi's and German Tans/Tanners share pine cones, important where Massins/Masons (from Thanet) just proved to trace to the Zenetes Berbers, for "Tanner" might just be a Zen > Thanet line.

Then, to support the trace all the more of Bononia to "Bone" at the Aures theater, the Orrs use the motto, "Bonia omnia bona," as well as the GUIScard piles that ought to link, with the Beatle hourglass, to hourglass-using GUIS'/Guido's at Panico and Setta. It's telling us that Templar-related Guiscards, as they conquered Sicily just before the first Templar invasion of Jerusalem, had merged with Awraba=Aures elements from the Bone area that became, for one, the Orrs...first found in Reno-suspect Renfrew. Again, the Reno flows from the Setta valley through Bononia.

The Hains have the markers of a Seleucid-Hannibal merger (but very suspect with Massena-branch Hannibals), not forgetting that the Bails of Provence were suspect in honoring the surname of the Seleucid king, Alexander Balas. Also, I haven't yet rejected the theory that "Seleucus" is from "Telchus," a Rhodian entity originally from Sicyon, where I had traced both Bellovesus and his brother, SEGOvesus, because mythical Bellerophon had ancestry in mythical SISYphus (king of Corinth), code for SICYon (beside Corinth). I then traced Sicyon elements to Sicanians, co founders of Sicily. If I recall correctly, Sicanians lived in central Sicily, the positioning of Agrigento. The Telchines of Rhodes smack of "Tolkien," and then the Tolkien/Touque surname was first found in Kent, where Aures-area Masonic elements were first found, including Massins and their Zenetes-based location of Thanet. End Insert.]

Suters (goat suspects of the satyr kind) use a Shield-on-Shield of the Fabers, apparently, the latter being first found in the same place as Clare's, a Dane peoples, they say, who lived in Norway. As the goat from Agrigento / Aragano to Stura is the Boofima goat, it is very revealing that Fabers use the Boeuf fesse colors while Faber-based Wrights use leopards in the colors of the Suter / Faber Shield-on-Shield. With both Boofima and Carthaginians at Agrigento, one should be compelled to view Boofima human-sacrificers as a branch Carthaginian human sacrificers, the love of satan, owner of the biggest brain ever created that became the smallest mind ever created.

[The Boeuf / Faber fesse is in colors reversed in the Coat of Italian Fabers, first found in Modena, where the line of Alexander Balas must trace, important because the colors of the Boeuf / Faber fesse is used in the fesse of the French Bail/Debayle Coat. I didn't know while writing here that Bails traced to Belli's who in-turn trace to the Aures Berbers, smack beside Carthage and amongst the Amon ram god.]

A Shield-on-Shield with a white one on top (use by Suters and Fabians) is used likewise by Saddocks shown properly as "SEDwick," what causes me to think of Shetach > Sithech line to Shaws, but with a wick=viking suffix. The "ears of rye" of Saddocks (Sussex) trace to the Rye/Rise/Ryse surname (Sussex, home of the Cappeo-lion Coppers/Coopers) using the Rodden/Rodham ermined bend, thus tending to trace Saddocks to Agrigento along with Rodham-related Reeds. The Docks/Doaks/Doegs are interesting in that they use Rodden/Rodham colors but with cinquefoils in colors reversed to the Rodden/Rodham cinquefoils, and besides, I trace Rodhams to the Leicester cinquefoil in the colors of the Dock/Doeg cinquefoils. You can glean a trace of these elements to the Tancreds-et-al at Langhe's Tanaro river.

[Insert -- Hmm, as Tancreds were the direct ancestors of Guiscards while the latter linked with the Aures Berbers amongst the Shawia, we should keep an eye out for Tancred links to the Zenetes Berbers. "TanCRED/TanCARD," like "GuisCARD," apparently use a suffix in honor of Carthage. It was explained shortly above that Tanners can link to Zenetes Berbers by way of the Maschi pine cones as well as the Maschi lion appearing in the Coat of the Narbonne's. Reminder: Guiscards had linked exactly to Orrs using a motto in honor of Bone. But with Guiscards tracing to Bone, while Hains appeared to trace Bone's alternative, "Annaba," it's interesting that Tancreds and Hains share red crescents, a symbol expected of Muslims.

Plus, the Guiscard / Orr piles were at one time lightning BOLTS, a code that may include ShatNers/Shatbolts/CHATbolts (in Bolt colors), possible kin of the Bone-related Chatans / Chattans who use the Narbonne tower. In fact, compare "Chatan" with "SHATN(er). The tower in the German Kirk/Gorcher Coat is in the same colors as the Chatan / Narbonne tower.

What's that "CHERCHes" term doing in the motto of Sauro-related Sauers/Sawyers?

Didn't William Shatner play captain Kirk of Star Trek? And didn't Kirks trace to Agrigento's Akragas alternative? Wasn't Star Trek a product of the Rodden/Rodham bloodline? Why do Scottish Kirks share the crosier with the Rosicrucian-based Reis surname smacking of the Rye's/Rhys'? Don't Stars use the green lozenges of Shat-like Settle's, while Settled are discovered in the Thick-Crest description to be a branch of Reeds first found in the same place as Roddens/Rodhams? Didn't "Trek" trace to the Terek river in Stewart-rooted Alania, suspect with Drake's first found in the same place as Star-related Sturs? Were not the French Sturs first found in Manche, where Drakenberg-related Vere's have a Ver(e) location? Didn't Stewart-loving Vere's just trace to the Varro-suspect and Aur-related Sauro surname? Isn't there a Drago river flowing to Agrigento? Why should Alania elements be at Agrigento? Ask Tanais, home of the SAUROmatian Alans.

I'll bet the Kirks/Gorchers were named after CIRCasia, an alternative name of CAUCasia / GEORGia, where the CHAUCers came from that were already traced to the Aures theater.

Back now to the interrupted DOCK topic, with SadDOCKs in mind because I had traced Chaucers to lake Sevan, location of SODUCena. It just so happens that while Kirks were not at all a part of the topic outside of this insert, the crosier-using Kirks share a thistle, and the same sword (in the same colors), with Docks/Doegs, which wildly supports the claim below, that Docks trace to Agrigento. To boot, the Angle crosier enters the Dock topic, written some three or four weeks before this insert that got on to Kirks without any thought of Docks or what was written below. It's a testament to how strongly heraldry traces to Aures Berbers, yet Masons didn't tell us. They were too ashamed of their own roots in which they secretly took pride, defined as an oxygen-depleted moron, or oxymoron if I should be kinder. The Dock-Crest thistle has the peculiarity of looking like the Joseph swan, but Masons wouldn't be that slippery, would they? It wouldn't be so bad if they lived in their secret holes and left us all alone, but, like Obama, they wish to keep their past a secret while being our dictators under the guise of democracy. End Insert]

It just so happens that Docks/Doegs (I say the Laevi - Caiaphas line on the Ticino) were first found in Perthshire, where Shaws were first found, and then Sadducee-suspect Suters/Shuters were first found in neighboring Angus. There's yet a question of whether "AnGUS" traces to D'Angulo / Angle lines at Agrigento, or even to GUIScard elements there? Look at how thin the red bend of Docks/Dox' is. I saw one just like that in the Angle/Angel Coat last year (they call it a "baston") before it was changed to a crosier-like design. It could give the impression that Cuneo's Caiaphas elements ended up in the Angus / Perthshire theater, and this recalls when GD, an explorer of Douglas history, traced Douglas' to Angus. It just so happens that while Angle's are also "Angel," the Douglas-related Dudleys [Deeds/Dade's?] use angels in the Arms of Dudley.

Dudleys and Docks/Dox' share an upright blue-on-gold lion (the Cappeo / Caiaphas lion, right?), the colors of the upright Massin/Mason lion, suggesting heavily that Docks trace to the Berbers. Look at the book in the hands of one of the supporters of the Dudley Arms, for Deed-related Scottish Reeds (Aberdeen, beside Perthshire / Angus) use a book too, symbol also of the Roet Boofima liners (the Arms of Berlin use what looks like a book). These Reeds (SUTHERland-colored stars) use the stag design of Pilate-based Celts/Colts, first found in Perthshire.

English Docks/Dox's use the Massin/Mason lion, a blue one, the Cappeo lion I assume. It's Douglas-important because the Dock/Dox lion is in the colors of the DOUGlas-related Dudleys, and besides, we just saw the English Docks as "DOEG." As Douglas' carry the "heart of Bruce," we note that the Bruce lion is also blue. Therefore, the Cappeo lion of Caiaphas is part of Saddock kin, expected where SADDOCks are part of the line to SADDUCees. The Dudley stag, by the way, is also the Clare stag, and Hanna's of WIGton must trace by their stags to Hannibals along with the Anna, Hand, and Annabel/Hannibal stags. [But suddenly, with "Annaba" in mind, the Annabel/Hannibal surname (Washington bars?) looks like it's from that place, which may reveal that Annaba was named after "Hannibal."]

Both Douglas' and Dudleys use salaMANDERs in flames, and you can check to see that Manders use a version of the Rhodes Coat, thus giving extra reason for a Douglas trace to Agrigento. But did you notice that "Dudley" smacks of Joseph-liner Deeds/Dade's/Dadys? If this was the line from king Tut, then it should include the line from Ramesses > Seti, what I claimed was the proto-Sadducee line via the Scythians > Skits > Scute's of Placentia. By what coincidence is it that Ruthens use a ram as well as "DEED shaw"? And here we are seeing small shields in use, for example that of Saddocks!

But as Suters/SHUTErs [the Kirks and Docks share their sword in the same colors] use the Saddock Shield-on-Shield, apparently, shouldn't they both be branches of Shots/Shute's and therefore the small-shielded Scute's of Placentia?

[Insert -- Shots/Shute's were initially found as per the sling shot in the Arms of DACHau (beside Munich). Dachs/Dax'/Taks' use a version of the Shot/Shute swords. AHA! Having just re-loaded the Shot/Shute Coat, it reminded that their motto term is, "guerre"!!! Ahhhhh, I get it. Recalling that Swords (Moor head) use the Shot/Shute swords in the same colors, and that they are said to be from "Suaird / Sourdes," aren't Swords the Sauer/Sour- and Sarah/Saire-related Sauro's/Saura's??? Looks like. And it means that all surnames using their swords are suspect as Berber lines. This is some very good evidence that "Guerra" is to be viewed as play on "Saura." However, one term will for the time-being be traced to the Paris > Pharisee line, and the other to the Sauromatian > Saracen line. Guerra links to Sauro's (both use green dragons) was a significant topic late in the last update, if you're interested in some elaboration.

As the Shot/Shute motto traces the surname Guido Guerra, it does get Shots/Shute's to Bologna (because, for one, Guerre's/Guerrons were Warrens using the checks of Bologna). Reminder: (this started out as a minor addition) Khazars are now tracing from proto-Huns, as well as from Sauro elements, at the Aures theater, which recalls that Attila's uncle, Rua, had traced to Roets and Boofima (then it got heavy). In the Rua - Attila investigation, the Tills and other surnames were found with rings, which I claimed were a symbol of Attila lines. Yet, I now find that rings are a symbol of Sauro's, as per JJ Tolkien's mythical Sauron character, the inventor of the power rings (code for Illuminati circles).

WA-wa-wa-WOW! Here I now re-find (what I had forgotten) a wyvern dragon in the English Till Coat! (The two Till Coats compare with the two Bolt Coats.) The Drake's not only use the Till wyvern (in a different color), but a version of the axe in the Till Crest. It's a good argument for tracing "Drake" to "Terek." But the bigger point is that Attila had linked up with the Sauro ring line somewhere, and I think it was in northern Italy.

The lion of the Strange's (from Guido le Strange) is not only in Till-ring colors, but it's exactly (colors included) the Tool lion, which traces Tools to the proto-Alans of Forum Allieni, extremely important because these Alans had to do with Doly, smacking of "Dulo," the household of Attila himself! It's known that Attila had conquered Alans, some of which joined him in his European conquests. Forum Allieni pre-dated Attila by at least four centuries. It's hard to know whether "Tool" is a version of "Dulo" or "Attila" or "Dol."

Ritters/Rutters (Roets?) use the Strange / Tool lion too, but then Ritters/Rutters also use garbs in white, the colors of the Veyn garbs, important where Veyns/Veins are expected with Vains/Vans/Phone's, the bloodline that I see at Faenza, in the area ruled by Guido Guerra. Reminder: Strange's were traced to Trypillians of the Ukraine / Doly area, as was the Guido hourglass symbol. End insert]

If you're interested, Duttons can be traced to the Masci-related Tattons at the top of the webpage below, where Duttons are traced to the earls of Cheshire, but also to Leicester. The importance of Leicester in this discussion is that, like the Joseph Coat, Leicesters use the swan (whose blood is that swan dripping with?).

The Reed and Dade garbs trace back exactly to where I had traced Hyksos, the Amorite-Garebite alliance that I see moving across Europe from satan's Jerusalem that God took from him. The Amorites in this picture must be the Moors / Mauritanians, whom I see in the Moratin tower (or other towers). So valuable does Agrigento regard towers that it has three god-like men holding towers up on a sacred platform. I trace the tower/turris to Tuareg-branch Berbers of the Mauritania theater, and then to the Merovingian Amorites at THURINgia, but I also see them naming Turin.

[Insert -- "The name Tuareg is possibly derived from Targa, the Berber name of Libya's Fezzan province." Targa??? I have never known the following. The Veens/Vane's, who use a version of the Idris-suspect Etter/Atter Coat, use the Clan-Chattan motto, but instead of the regular "bot a glove" phrase as a motto code for glove-using Vains/Vans/Phones, the Veens/Vane's use "bot a targe," a clear indication for a trace to the Botri and Tuareg Berbers. Whether or not Tuaregs are derived from "Targa" is not the point. The point is that heraldry people traced Veens/Vane's and Vains/Vans/Phone's to Tuaregs and Botri. This is the part I've never known before. It explains why Vains use the Macey gauntlet gloves: Meshwesh and Tuaregs.

Having thus traced some aspect of Vains-et-al to north Africa's Idris entity, it's interesting that the Targa homeland in Fezzan (south-west Libya) smacks of Fez/Fes, the Moroccan city founded by the Idris rulers. The Moulay Idriss location beside Fes was traced to Imola, smack beside Faenza, what I reasoned was named after the Vains/Vans/Phone's. I didn't know then that the Vains had ancestry in Tuareg elements linked to Idris. It's making sense. I don't know what it all means in the historical sense, but heraldry is blabbing this much to me. Entering "Target" gets the Taggerts/Tuggerts (owl), and I think, totally ignoring how the Wikipedia derives "Targa," there is a good argument in the Taggerts for tracing to "Togarmah," cousin of Meshech, the man.

Recall that Olive's use a brown owl, what was looking like "Olive Oyl" in code, and then Popeye codes linked hard to the Janszoon pirates, whose gangsters included a VEENboer surname, and here we find what appears to be Veen-related Targets/Taggerts using a brown owl of their own. The Owl/Howl surname uses the Target/Taggert owl design. And wouldn't you know it, that gets us to the Howells (Monmouthshire) using the Moratin towers! A-ha-ha-ha, it made me think to look for a Hoyle surname as oer "Oyl," and then Hoyle's/Hoile's were likewise first found in Monmouthshire...which is at the tip of the Bristol channel where I had traced the Idris line in retreat from Africa.

The Silures of southern Wales came to mind above, after which I tried the Hubble's (leopard faces) to find ostrich feathers, a Tudor symbol. Tudors and Silure-suspect Sellers use the same chevron, in the colors of the Hubble feathers and Howell towers.

The liars were at it again: "Hubble is an ancient Anglo-Saxon name that is derived from the Old French name Hubaut or one of the Old German names Hugibald or Hubald. These names have the literal meaning of mind-bold." But Bolds/Balts (the Griffin griffin in colors reversed) have already been discovered amongst Berbers suspects, and then the BaltiMORE's (in Owl colors) use a "Masghii" motto term, wherefore read from the Tuareg article: "The name of the Tuareg for themselves is Imuhagh or Imushagh (cognate to northern Berber Imazighen). The term for a Tuareg man is Amajagh (var. Amashegh..." In other words, these were (proto)Masci liners from a Targa area of Libya, or, to put it another way, Targa-branch Meshwesh.

There is an Ayr desert mentioned in the Tuareg article, interesting on two counts: the raven-using Mackies/Mackeys were first found in Ayrshire, which I think was also a Douglas homefront. If we're looking to trace dark-skinned Douglas' to Berbers, the Ayr desert might just be where to look. The so-called "bird bolt" is an arrow used by some surnames (example, the Netts/Natbys) as part code for the Bolts, and then the arrow of the German Bolt Coat might just be the arrow that goes through the Mackie/Mackey ravens.

Again, the Griffins are honored by the Jefferson griffin, and the Griffin griffin is the design, in colors reversed, of the English Bolt griffin, and then Jeffersons (use the Messey saltire) use the same Rosicrucian code, "cruce," as the Birds (in Rosicrucian style, it's the Bouillon flory cross in colors reversed). As you can again see that Jeffersons are linking to Masci liners (of the Mackie kind), that's why Jeffersons trace to the 600 Benjamites and their Jabesh allies. End insert]

After writing to this point in previous days, today found a Palma di MonteCHIARO beside Ravanusa (uses ravens) and Agrigento. It was named after: "The Chiaramonte are a noble family of Sicily, claiming descent from Charlemagne. They became the most powerful and wealthy family in Sicily. In the 13th century the marriage of Manfredi Chiaramonte to Isabella Mosca, united the two Sicilian counties of Modica and Ragusa. " Modica, hum?

This day is when the Cabrera's at Modica were found. If the Masci's can be found here, it could be said that Modica may have been a Maccabee station of the Maud kind.

[Insert -- You may know by now that Nicholas de Vere traces his beloved dragon blood of special illumination to Mitanni, whom I trace to Modena, and so look at this: "Modica became one of the thirty-five decuman ('spontaneously submitted') cities of the island and was oppressed by the praetor Verres [died 43 BC]." Why was a Verres surname of Rome appointed to this Sicilian area? I just finished tracing Vere's to a Varro Roman of a century before Verres, and Varro elements at the Aures theater can already be suspect at Agrigento for the several reasons in the inserts above.

When God gave us the fly Sign, the first thing coming to mind was the "muscas" term of the Drake's. I had no idea at the time that I would be on the Agrigento topic just days later, only to find, days after that, the Drago river flowing to Agrigento. Then I found the Mosca clan as it was presented above. It's the first time that I found the Mosca surname, even though its been mentioned a few times in inserts until now. Modica is beside Messina of Sicily. It simply smacks to me of Maccabee central: Modi-in. This just caused me to load the Maud surname, and LOOK! It uses the same two different red lions, one in the Coat and one in the Crest, as the Aur/Aures / Sauer lions!!!

BEHOLD! Recall from above that German Hains use the same lion scheme but with one red lion only, and then there's a short arrow in the English Hain Crest identical to the "bird bolt" in the Nett/Natby Crest. What timing (I did not know this when writing on the bird bolts above). The same short arrow is in the Bolt Crest.

As has been said, the Maud Coat is a version of the Monmouth Coat so that now, the Modica area can be traced to Monmouth. Or, perhaps, equating the Mauds with Modica is too hasty at this time. Not far above, just before the bolt topic, the owl lines that were first found in Monmouthshire started with the owls in the Veen-related Target/Taggert Coat, and they had traced (tentatively, anyway) to Targa, an area of the Tuaregs = Meshwesh. The Veens/Vane's trace Faenza and Fano, the Maschi theater, but then Faenza is about 60 miles distant from Modena, and even less to Bologna, where the Birds out to trace as per their Bouillon-suspect flory cross. In fact, it recalls where Berts (i.e. Bird-like) of the last update were linked to AlBERTS, the Alberts that traced to Bologna and area.

It's suggesting that some important Albert had linked to the Bouillons in Bononia.

Assuming that Mackie's/Maceys use the arrow of the Bolts, note that entering "Macie" gets a clan first found in Argyllshire, beside Ayrshire, where Mackie's/Mackeys were first found, and beside Arran, where MacAbee's were first found. The Macie's (shown properly as Ane/Kane/Kean/Kain) use two symbols in the Etter/Atter Coat, and then the Monmouth lion is of the same style, though not quite identical in position, as the Itter lion, in the two colors of the Etter/Atter Shield. Don't Itter / Etter/Atter terms trace with Idders/Beaters to Atar south of Bone? Aren't these Bononia elements?

Yes, and it was reasoned that the Sauro rings of power were from that Aures theater, and then Italian Alberts (Bologna) use a ring at the center of their Shield. But as Aures elements traced hard to Kent, we find that English Alberts were first found in Kent, and they use a hammer and the griffin design of Bolts / Griffins.

We shouldn't overlook the importance of finding the Mosca family married to Montechiaro, for the Caiaphas-suspect Josephs use a motto term in honor, apparently, of Montechiaro liners. That in itself suggests a Maccabee trace to these Mosca's at Modica. Let's leave it at that, and see what else comes up in what was written weeks ago. End Insert] We have a fly term -- evoking the "muscas" term of the Drake's -- as per the Mosca/Muscas surname in the quote above, and what do you know, it uses that Suter leopard. I would not have known had YS not emailed to have me study the face of the Suter leopard under a magnifying glass. But YS was not comparing the Suter lion with the Mosca lion because I had not yet written on Mosca's. YS had been comparing the Suter lion's small head with a large leopard head of another surname (that I cannot recall), but it now serves the purpose of making the Suter-Mosca link.

It's tracing to the Boofima cult to Mosca's as a priority because the Mosca's use no other symbol but the leopard. The importance is that Drakes, whose Drakenberg cult is highly suspect as the protector of Baphomet, uses "muscas" in their motto. So, we gather that the peoples living on the Drago river (now named after an Anna entity) had merged with Mosca's at Montechiaro (25 miles from Agrigento). This entire picture has the Vere Pharisees with the Montechiaro Caiaphas line with the Modica Maccabees and even the Hyksos and the 600 Benjamites. This was satan's favorite thing.

Jabesh at the Hypsos River

The ancient name of the Drago was Hypsas, wherefore I tried entering "Happy" to find the Happs/Apps/Epps using a version of the Capes Coat (scallops, trace to Sicily). It just so happens that I identify both surnames with "Caiaphas," and the Happs/Apps/Epps Coat even use their fesse in the colors of the Covert/Coffert fesse, made more important in that the Covert Crest is a gold leopard, the color of the Mosca leopard. It's been over a year now since I've made some 10 different links between Coverts and Vere's and Coverts and Massey liners, and here we are at their bedrock of Sicily.

Apparently, Happs and Capes were of the proto-Caiaphas surname from "Hypsas," or whatever named that. In any case, it appears that proto-Caiaphas was on the Hypsas = Drago river, and then the modern name, Sant'Anna, smacks of "Ananias."

[Insert -- EXCELLENT. Of further interest is that the Covert martin design is the Bird martin design while Birds use a fesse in colors reversed to the Covert / Happs fesse. This brings the Bolts into the Mosca picture, not forgetting the the Guiscard piles (code for Pilate's, right?) were lightning bolts at first (I had read this in an article speaking on the Scottish Wisharts, who are also "Guiscard"). Suddenly, a message is coming to mind, passed on to me by Julie, that a old story had Pontius Pilate in Sicily after killing Jesus.

I have the sense that the inclusion of Birds and Bolts into the Mosca picture will support a Modica trace to Modena, the birthplace, I think, of Maccabees proper, albeit their Boii side I trace from Bologna. Here's from above: " BEHOLD!...a short arrow in the English Hain Crest identical to the "bird bolt" in the Nett/Natby Crest. What timing (I did not know this when writing on the bird bolts above). The same short arrow is in the Bolt Crest." This recalls that the Arms of the County of Hainaut use the three chevrons of the French Levi surname, first found in the same place as the Chappes surname, suggesting that HAINaut was an Ananias line. It's suggesting that the Hains above can trace quite easily to the Sant'Anna river, where Ananias lines were staying too.

Don't be deceived just because certain geography is claimed to be named after saints, for the choosing of the saint's name can be for secret purposes, as for example when Scotland claimed saint Andrew when in reality it was for a king Andrew of Hungary. If it's correct to trace Caiaphas and Ananias to the Drago river, can you imagine how much heraldry ought to trace there too?

The Bolts can be brought into the picture at Irish Hannitys who use a version of the Shatner/ShatBOLT Coat (there are several bolt-using variations shown). English Hannitys, first found in the same place as Hains, use blue leopard faces, and for me that's the Cappeo leopard, so to speak, the very leopard of Caiaphas lines. It was Messey-related Jeffersons who likewise use a blue leopard face, and as Messeys are also "Messier," by what coincidence were English Messier's (no Coat shown) first found in the same place as Hains and Hannitys??? Even the Pillette's/Pilotte's, using the Shaw-colored grails, were first found in Lincolnshire.

Why do Welsh Jeffersons use "pellets" (black roundels are typically called such) if not for the Pilate line? Pellets, an obvious branch of Pellette's/Pilotte's that likewise use the Shaw-colored grails, were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Coverts and Cappeo-suspect Coopers/Coppers (more leopard faces). The Cooper/Copper Crest looks like a version of the upright Mosca leopard! The Cooper/Copper saltire is colors reversed from the Jefferson/ Messey/Messier saltire!!! It's amazing how much a fly on the wall can tell us.

We really do have something here, don't we, as if to assure you that the fly Sign was indeed from the God of Jesus Christ who wants to reveal The Killers' secret den in Sicily. That is, Jesus Christ really is the True God, unless you think that these discoveries are coming about by my own genius, and some fluky advice from a few readers. It's not a wonder that God chose a dummy to do this, so that it would be plainly understood to be His Work. If the Signs and the Guidance was from God in all of this, then the subject matter, leading to the killers of Christ, proves to you, doesn't it, that Jesus Christ is the beloved Son of God. It also means that His Reporters, the Gospel writers, and the writers of the Epistles, were not liars.

It appears that the Suter / Mosca leopard is in use, in a different position, in the Sarah/Sayre Crest. This is important where the Hains use a version of the Aur/Aures double-lion theme, for Sarah's/Sayre's are a branch of Aur-related Sauro's/Saura's. The others using the double-lion theme include, thus far, the Maud surname suspect at Modica, and the Sauers/Sours.

Seeking Modica-honoring surnames, the Motleys are interesting for several Medlicot-like variations, where the Cotts/GAUTs should be in play who use the same lattice design as Modens/Modeys (i.e. Modena-like term), the latter using their lattice (could be construed as hollow diamonds = mascles) in the colors of the Seneca/SeneCOT/SeneCAUT mascles. The "cura" motto term of Motleys could indicate the Guerra-suspect Currys/Corrys (possible Orrs) using what I deemed to be the Annandale saltire in colors reversed.

Aha! Entering "Curr" gets a "Sero SED serio" motto that surely stands for the Sarah/Sayre bloodline but also the Setta line likely. The Currs/Kerrs/Carrs are in Curry/Corry colors. Believe or not, this insert ended naturally at the last sentence before I went on to read (what was written weeks ago) concerning CARRicks and KERRicks. It's suggesting that Carrs/Kerrs and therefore Motleys trace to the Drago / Anne / Hypsas river! End insert]

As the other motto term of Drake's is for the old capital city of Abruzzo, it seems that the white tower symbols of the Abreu/Abruzzo surname traces to the same in the Arms of Agrigento. As Carricks trace to this place, by what coincidence do the Abreu lions and tower show in the Presley/Priestly Coat while the latter Coat also uses a symbol of Kerricks?

Why are Priestlys tracing to Agrigento [i.e. where the Caiaphas / Ananias priesthood is expected]? By what other coincidence do Drake's and Presleys/Priestly share a red wyvern? By what other coincidence did the fly Sign take place just days before arriving to this new Agrigento topic? Haven't I been saying for some years that Obama is a Masci bloodliner out of Dunham Masci?

[Insert -- Singletarys and Presleys/Priestlys both use "broken spears," and that's part code for Stewart-related Broke's/Brocks using the same motto term as Stewarts and Bernats. See Bernat Cabrera of Modica in the quote below. The Bernat/BurNETT Coat uses what I've deemed to be a grape-vine symbol on one side of a Herod-Archelaus coin, and this recalls the last update when the Awraba tribe traced exactly to that coin in many ways, including the "Touch" motto term of Clan Chattan now tracing to Bone at the Awraba / Aures shore.

It's the Pilate-suspect German Blate's/Platts (one grape bunch) who use a version of the Bernat/Burnett vine, and then the Blate Crest shows the Joseph swan! English Blate's/Blade's use white pheons, the Pilate symbol, but also a black talbot, the Carrick symbol, suggesting strongly that Blate's trace with Bernats to the Drago / Hypsas river of Caiaphas and Ananias. The Bernat/Burnett vine uses two grape bunches, and is identical to the one in the German Dol Coat, an obvious Stewart line from Dol.

This recalls when I could not make up my mind as to whether Blate's/Platts traced to Pontius Pilate or to "Bleda," brother of Attila, until it was discovered that Bleda was named after a Pilate line. I'm not going to go back into that now, suffice it to say that I think Huns have ancestry in this very Hannibal theater in which a key Pilate line is being found.

Presleys/Priestlys use "grappling hooks," and then the Grapps are also the Gripps/Grabbers with bend in Sarah/Sayre-bend colors. "Grappling" smacks of Gripel in Brittany, location of the Voirs/Voyers. The grape vine is used also by Levine's ("capac" motto term), first found in Brittany, and the Jewish Levine's come up also as "Levi."

French Bernats were first found in the same place (Provence) as Draguignan, tending to clinch the trace of Bernat Cabrera to the Drago river, especially as Cabrera's were first found at Aragano, in Agrigento. I would never have been on the Cabrera topic, nor the Agrigento topic, had not YS emailed concerning the Cabrera goat as it might link to the Stura valley in Cuneo. I can't take credit for this discovery. It's God's revelation via timely info from a few readers. Not an army, just a few readers. Satan now knows that his prized location has been discovered for what it was.

The Bernats may be using "BerNETT" due to the bird-bolted Netts/Natbys. The Nettle's, I recall, use two snakes the colors of the Netts/Natbys. Note that the Nett bird bolt is held by a lion paw, symbol of the 666, in my opinion, especially when it's the dexter = right hand. The Stewarts have often been traced to what I think is the 666 bloodline. Here is the description of Stewart-related Bernats/Bernetts: "A dexter hand with a pruning knife pruning a vine tree." Dexters/Decksters (look like a branch of Hucks and Huckabee's) are said to be makers of dyes, what one could expect of tattoo liners. Dexters link easily by their "weights" to Vilnius, home of 666-suspect Trabys and Astika's (as in stick it to you? Like the needle-suspect Nettle's who, like Huckabee's, use coiled snakes?).

The Arms of Ragusa uses the Hermes caduceus, with two coiled snakes. Modica is in Ragusa. The eagle in the Arms also holds a cornuCOPIA (a Caiaphas-suspect term), a symbol of the Orrs who have already traced to Sicily via sharing Pilate-suspect piles with Guiscards. If correct to link Orrs to Currys/Corrys, let's go back to the "cura" motto term of Motleys/Medlicotts, who entered this discussion for one reason, while I was seeking surnames honoring Modica. The Medlicott variation caused me to show the Cott and Moden lattice, followed by the Seneca/Seneschal mascles in the colors of the Moden lattice. By no coincidence, I do not think, the Seneca/Seneschal motto, "Macula sine macula," is code for Meschin/MASCULine's who ruled in MACCLEsfield, for Macclesfield uses a "copia" motto term, and the Cappeo lion. It's easy to see how Meschins could trace to Mosca's of Modica. I think I have the Caiaphas line at Modica clinched in this paragraph alone.

You haven't forgotten: Currys/Corrys are a branch of Charo's/Chiaro's/Claro's so that Currys can trace to namers of Chiaramonte, smack beside Ragusa, where the Orr cornucopia is tracing.

Earlier, the Currs/Carrs/Kerrs (in Corry/Curry colors) were brought up as per "cura," and they are in the colors of the Macclesfields, who use the cross of Randolphs, who are part of the line to Obama's Singletary > Dunham ancestry. I've just realized for the first time, when finding the Seneca surname as "SENEGAL" in another update, that SINGLEton/Singletary can apply, explaining why Dunhams trace to Dunham Masci. In a nutshell, the Singletary = SENESchal equation explains why Obama's Dunham line was tracing (in the past few updates) to the Senussi of Libya!!! That is a good key: Singletarys were a branch of Seneca's/Seneschals.

But there is more. The satanic band, Motley Crue, a phrase that define's pirates. It sure smacks of the surnames derived from the "cura" motto term of Motleys. Shall we check out the Crews? First found in Cheshire.

The "Crevit" motto term in the Arms of Ragusa is not likely random. It speaks of the Krvati = Croatians, for there is another Ragusa in the Croatia theater. I had traced the Craven Coat to the Covert Coat about a year ago, but it's only now that Coverts are tracing to the Mosca / Montechiaro theater of Sicily. There is a Chiaramonte location 5-10 miles north of Ragusa, and Modica is 5-10 miles south of Ragusa. It's evoking RAGnvald, father of Rollo Claro the pirate, and brother of Malahule, ancestor by about five generations of Ranulf le Meschin.

Let me go back to this: "Singletarys and Presleys/Priestlys both use 'broken spears,' and that's part code for Stewart-related Broke's/Brocks using the same motto term as Stewarts and Bernats. See Bernat Cabrera of Modica in the quote below." Like the Aur / Sauer / Maud Coats, the Broke's/Brocks use one red lion in the Coat, and then the fork-tailed lion in the Crest. It's always the fork-tailed lion in the Crest, in every instance that I've come across of this red-lion situation. The red lion in the Coat has always been what I've deemed an upright Levi lion, but in the case of the Broke's/Brocks, the Levi lion in Levi-lion positioning is used.

Brocks were first found in the same place as Vere's and Waters, important because Waters use the Singletary chevrons, and will show in an insert below as a part of the Boso > Charo/Chiaro/Claro line. End Insert]

A Masci trace from the Stura valley to the Mosca woman at Montechiaro seems a given here, like Maccabees kissing up to Caiaphas. Spit! Remember, the Cabrera goat traced to the Stura valley, but also to the goat of Russells who use the Meschin scallops.

The Chiaramonte family built many castles at Mussomeli [north of the Drago], Caccamo, Chiaramonte Gulfi, Ragusa and all over Sicily, in a very typical Gothic style....

A new count was created, i.e. Bernat IV de Cabrera, a Spanish condottiero who conquered Sicily for the new king Martin I [late 14th century]. The county of Modica was now bigger and stronger: it included the towns of Scicli, Spaccaforno (today's Ispica), Ragusa, Chiaramonte Gulfi...[Cabrera] built the Cabrera Tower, and Mazzarelli (today called Marina di Ragusa)...

As per the Mussomeli location, the Musso(lino) surname is very interesting for using a bend in lozengy in the colors of the Varn and Pembroke bends. Clare's ruled Pembroke!!!!!! It means that the Charo/Chiaro/CLARO surname traces to MonteChiaro [this was a big deal at the time. I now see that Pembroke's and Levi share black lions, while the Pembroke bend is in the colors of the Levi chevrons, and moreover the Levi chevrons were used by counts of HAINaut, a place that may trace to the Anna term at the Drago / Hypsas river.]

The Bricks, said to be from "Broc," use lozengy in the same fashion as Musso(lino)' and can therefore be identified as part of the PemBROKE term. As the Bricks use fleur-in Massey-fleur colors, they are probably from the BRIQUEssarts, who gave birth to Meschins proper. Thus, the MonteChiaro line traces to Cheshire, where Josephs of the "charo" term can trace if only by their use of the Cheshire garbs. Excellent.

ZOWIE, it explains why Bricks and Clare's use the same stag design in their Crests. Excellent, it has just identified Clare's with both the Montechiaro's and their marriage to Mosca's.

[Insert -- It shows that this marriage in particular was important to the Sinclair Templars. Meschin's were Sinclairs, so that what appears to have happened is a marriage of the Meschin line to the Caiaphas line on the Hypsas. However, a "Caiaphas" trace to "Hyps(us)" is not yet clinched; the idea is merely under exploration. I can add that, my execution dream revealed that the 600 Danites at Laish traced to the HIPPOdama Amazons (Meshwesh family) at Elis/Pisa. I can understand your being hesitant to accept evidence based on a dream, but the dream was just a good lead, with evidence following.

As per evidence in this case, note that Hippodama's father, Oenomaus, traces to mythical Oeneus, father of Methoni/Modon (a real city) in Messene of Greece, for Wikipedia says that the Messene area named Messina in Sicily. In my opinion, Methoni/Modon was the proto-Maccabee line though Modena and Modi-in, but for now, I'm entertaining a Methoni/Modon trace to Modica. I had traced "Pilate" to Pylos" beside Methoni/Modon, and here I am finding Pilate's in Sicily, as though Guiscard-branch Sinclairs married that Pilate line in Sicily.

I had understood mythical Oeneus to be the same as mythical "Aeneas / Aeneus," founder of the Romans. It just so happens that the Maezaei of the Japodes theater lived on or beside the Oeneus river. While Aeneas (with an 'a') co-founded both Romans and Carthaginians, Aeneus (with a 'u') was the symbol of Aenus (a real place at the mouth of the Hebros), mythical husband of Annette...whom we can entertain at the Hypsas that is now named after some Anna entity. The alternative name of the Oeneus river in Croatia (tributary of the Sava, where German Sauers lived) is "Una." As this river became mythical Uni, chief goddess of Etruscans, it stands to reason that the Una also named Juno, chief goddess of Romans, for the Una is smack beside the Japodes, the obvious line to Jupiter, Juno's husband.

Thus, the Japodes on the Una, and beside the Maezaei, were from the 600 "Benjamites" = Meshwesh that the execution dream revealed to be from Hippodamia, daughter of the Oeneus line to the Oeneus river. If Hippodamia Amazons can thus trace to the Maezaei, they can also trace to Messina elements in Sicily. Later, we'll come across a quote: "The most common surname in Mussomeli is Messina." Reminder from above: the Montechiaro family built many castle's at Mussomeli. It sounds as though Mussomeli was named by the Messina bloodline, and then Mussomeli is near the source of the Hypsas river, you see, which is why a trace of that name to HIPPOdama makes sense.

It needs to be stressed here, for when I get to the Scipio surname below, that I trace Elis of Greece (the location of Hippodamia) to the intertwined Scipio rings, a symbol of the modern Olympics, the games having origin exactly at mount Olympus in Elis. Moreover, I traced Elis to the Ali/Aliotti surname, first found in Messina, a part of Sicily overlooking the nine Aeolian Islands, and then mythical Aeolus was from Elis. It just so happens that the Ali/Aliotti griffin is used by Jefferson-related Griffins while Jeffersons were a line from the 600 Benjamites. In other words, Jeffersons are tracing to the Hippodamia Amazons expected on the Hypsas, which recalls the argument that "Caiaphas" was named after a form of "Jabesh." Therefore, were the Jeffersons/Jephsons on the Hypsas as the namers of Caiaphas?

I traced both the Jefferson/JEPHson-branch Benjamites and the "mago" motto term of Josephs (the same motto having "charo") to Magor, beside CHEPstow, while the Chep(s) surname is also "JEPP/Jabach." If we place a 'C' capital on "Hypsas," we get a Cheps-like term. And the Cheps/Jepp/Jabach Coat, as you can see, uses a blue square in the center of the Coat, while the Jefferson/Jephson Coat has a blue leopard at the center of the Coat suspect with what God told us was the blue Cappeo lion...that I assumed was for the Caiaphas line. The griffin in the Jefferson/Jephson Crest is of the design shared by Ali's/Aliotti's and the possible Ali line of Alberts.

Reminder: the Hannitys use the blue leopard face too, and their surname can trace to the Anna entity at the Hypsas river. Levi-suspect Hains and Tancreds share red scallops, important because Guiscard-rooted Tancreds are expected in the vicinity of the Montechiaro-Mosco marriage.

To absolutely prove that Josephs trace to Cheps/Jepps/Jabachs, the "wlad" motto term of Josephs gets the Vlads using the same white-on-blue Zionist star seen in the Chep/Jepp/Jabach Coat. If you recall that investigation, Jeffersons of the Chep kind were traced to Joplins, and then Gobelins were first found in the same place as Josephs with the motto: "Cas ni charo y wlad a'i mago."

But Hampshire is not only the place where Josephs and Joplin-related Gobelins were first found, but also the Drakes who trace exactly to the Drago = Hypsas river. It's convincing me that the Cheps/Jepps/Jabachs and Jeffersons/Jephsons were on that river with the ghost of Joseph Caiaphas. And when the Sinclairs (named "Claro" initially) arrived, they married the line of Caiaphas on that river, and settled MonteChiaro, named after themselves.

The Hamptons, who I'm assuming are related to Hampshire, use the wolf-head design of Pembroke's; both heads are in their respective Crests. The French Pine's/Lespinasse's happen to use the Hampton cinquefoils in colors reversed, but it should be added that the Pine cinquefoils are in the colors of the Chep/Jepp/Jabach Zionist star. This is excellent if we want to identify Pembroke's as PENdragons, themselves suspect from "BENjamin." Later, it turns out that Pembroke's link exactly with Bennings who are found in the investigation on Cheps/Jepps/Jabachs, when I found them for the very first time. I didn't know it at the time that the Benning Crest is, I'm fairly sure, the Cafferty / Ruther / Craig horse design (= Herod-Archelaus line) in the color of the Ruther / Craig horse, important because Craigs trace to Agrigento! Just like that, Benjamin and Caiaphas-suspect Bennings trace to the Hypsas river.

Bennings and Craigs are in the same colors! PLUS, while Craigs use the Senussi crescent, Bennings use the Senussi star!!! Excellent. Before finding this just now, I already knew what I was going to say on the Hampton - Pine relationship, and it leads exactly to the Senussi-suspect Seneca's/Seneschals.

I search surnames at houseofnames with Javascript turned off to make it faster, but with it turned off, the words, "Last name Search" in the search box does not disappear automatically so that I need to delete it before typing in a surname. I often fail to remove it all when typing in a surname. In this case, when loading the Pine surname, the "ch" was left in the box that is at the end of "Last Name SearCH," and for this reason i accidentally entered and found the Pinech surname. What a lucky strike, for it uses an hourglass Shield Coat, and has Panico-like variations, evocative of the Guido link to Panico's that I've been making for several days until now. English Pine's/Pyne's even use what should be the Wayne Coat, important where Vains-et-al traced to the area ruled by Guido Guerra.

This Pinech/Pinnock/Pinnick/Pinoke surname shows lions in the colors of the Pembroke dragon, as well as cinquefoils in the colors of the Hampton cinquefoils. The surname was first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Pendragons, where also mythical Gorlois was found whom myth writers (could have been Geoffrey of Monmouth) made a copy of Pendragon. There is a strong argument here for linking the Pendragons to the Pinechs and therefore to the Panico's. It's been years since identifying Pendragons with the Pine's/Pyne's and Payens/Pagans, and here I finally find the undeniable evidence. But the point is, Payen, the first Templar grand master, married a Chappes. Didn't Pembroke's just trace to Montechiaro?

Pinechs/Pinoke's, who smack of pins, a needle theme jibing with tattoo liners, use half the colors of the Guido hourglass. The Lords, honored in the motto of GLAsgows, use the same-colored fesse as Pine's, as well as cinquefoils in colors reversed to the same of Pine's, which are then in the colors of the Hampton cinquefoils.

The Guido lion is, probably, the Maud lion, because Mauds (and Monmouths) use double bars similar to the double bars of the Wassa/Gace bars while Guido's come up as "Guis". Moreover, Guis'/Guido's use Wassa / Washington colors. At this point, I'm reflecting off the time when a Joe Hampton emailed me (years ago) to say that the top of the Washington Monument has a "Laus Deo" phrase imbedded quasi-secretly; online articles verified it. I immediately traced the term to "Laish," and later to Las on the Mani peninsula which was in code in mythical Menelaus. I also traced "Laus Deo" instinctively to Dionysus...whose lunatic Maenads were on the Maeander river, the river that, eventually, I traced to "Menelaus," for I had found that Dionysus also went by the name of Lyasios, a Laish-like term. I had traced Maeonians to "Meon" in Hampshire because Hampshire was the home of ATREbates whom I saw from "Atreus," mythical father of Menelaus, but the point is that Atreus was the son of Pelops, husband of Hippodama! Years after tracing "Laus" to the Maeander-river lines, the "Laus Deo" motto phrase was found in the Mander surname.

A Levite priest from Bethlehem, cut his raped, dead concubine into pieces, and sent them to the 12 tribes of Israel egging them all to go to war against the Benjamites. I don't think that story is real. I think it's code. In myth, Pelops was cut into pieces by his father, and offered to the gods as food, a symbol of human sacrifice and cannibalism at the sacrifice feast. But I had not realized this Benjamite link to Hippodamia until the morning of the execution dream. II first saw execution papers with two names, Masci and Micah. There was a man being hung with a rope around his neck, and being lowered down a well by a furious man with flames (or something) firing out of his nostrils in fed-up anger. I awoke when having that vision.

That morning, while investigating mythical Laius as per his potential trace to "Laish," I was at an article wherein Laius was involved with a son-in-law of Hippodamia, a son of Pelops, by the name of ChrysIPPUS. Here is what I added that morning (5th update last December) from Wikipedia: "'According to some sources, mostly belonging to the Christian era, Laius abducted and raped the king's son, Chrysippus, and carried him off to Thebes while teaching him how to drive a chariot...' Homosexuals who abducted and killed their victims??? Where have we just read about things like that?" [i.e. it was the theme in the 600-Benjamite story.]

It should be added here that Laius was from the line of Cadmus, as was Dionysus.

Three paragraphs after quoting the above on Laius, I decided to share that morning's dream/vision, and in that paragraph it was added: "...where I was reading Wikipedia's article on Chrysippus, and I was getting a hint in the back of my mind that the dream had to do with the Masci bloodline somehow identifiable with Micah, the man who hired Jonathan [pagan Levite priest], the man in the story of the 600 men at Laish." In the next paragraph, a quote from the Chrysippus article: 'Atreus and Thyestes, together with their mother, were banished by Pelops and took refuge in Mycenae. There Hippodamia hung herself.''"

I still had not read the part shared three paragraphs later: "Something else coming to mind is that Micah elements can trace to such entities as Meschin-related Michaels, and to LYSimache (Laish - Micah combo?), wife of Agamemnon, son of Atreus. Let me repeat from the quote above: "Atreus and Thyestes [brothers who were granted golden lambs of power], together with their mother [= Hippodamia], were banished by Pelops and took refuge in Mycenae. There Hippodamia hung herself." But two sentences before that line, I read: "Hellanikos and Thucydides write that [Chrysippus] was killed out of jealousy by Atreus and Thyestes, his half-brothers, who cast him into A WELL." That's how I knew absolutely that the dream was from God."

But it wasn't just the Micah story with 600 Danites that traced to Pelops, for the rape and cutting-into-pieces theme in the story of the 600 Benjamites applied to Pelops too. I now find that Jeffersons, and likely Washingtons too, trace to the 600 and the 600. There is the question of whether "Chrysippus" traces to the "cruce" motto term of Jeffersons, but as it was already suspect above that Jeffersons traced to the Hypsas, by what coincidence is there an "Ippus" ending on "Chrysippus."

It just can't be coincidental that the same white-on-blue Zionist star of Cheps/Jepps/Jabachs and Vlads is in the CHRYSler Coat!!! Unbelievable, isn't it, that mythical characters made it to surnames such as that. It seems the dragon line liked to build cars.

I now suspect, therefore, that when a Joe Hampton relayed the tip on Laus Deo, it was a Sign (for this time) that the Laish entity ended up in Hampton and/or Hampshire, compelling because the Hypsas river traces easily to Drake's, first found in Hampshire. Oxford, ruled by Vere's, is smack between Northampton and Southampton. It's suggesting that lines from the Pharisees and Sadducees ought to be in the Hampshire region, not forgetting the chapeau used by Bidens/Buttons, first found in Hampshire. It now dawns on me that both the Arms of Oxford and the Charo/Claro Coat use red bulls! Whose blue lion is that, in the Oxford-Arms Crest, do we think?

Entering "Hipps" gets a Coat reflecting that of Coverts/COFFERTs, and so let's not forget that the CAFFERTy horse design was just found in the Crest of Bennings while Caffertys can trace to the Hypsas river with the trace of Craigs to Agrigento. The horse is of obvious importance where HIPPOdama and ChrysIPPUS was named after the Greek horse, but, apparently, this trace of Benjamites to the Hypsas reveals that the Greek ippos = horse was code for Jabesh / Jebusite elements.

Aha! That explains why the Hipps' Coat uses the sort of design seen in the Amore and Marina Coats. I say that Jebusites of Jerusalem were a branch of Amorites at Jerusalem, and then, BEHOLD, I didn't know this when starting this paragraph: the Amore bend is an engrailed black on white one, the colors of the same of theBENnings!!! I kid you not that this was not known when Bennings were introduced in the above paragraph. It means that, YES, we are tracing the Jabesh elements of Benjamins to and through the Hipp surname, a very strong argument for tracing to the Hypsas.

LOOK! An hour or two after writing here, the same so-called "nebuly" design was found in the Favara Coat (greyhound in Chief), which was looked up as per a Favara location smack beside Agrigento and Montechiaro! Excellent, thank you heraldry for this. Favara is so close (about five miles) to Agrigento that it must essentially be on the Hypsas-river watershed. Recall the Faber surname as it links to Wrights.

The Favara greyhound is in the colors of the Joseph swan, and the Favara nebuly is green, the color of the solid Joseph chevron. Fabers (= fabricators) can be traced to "ferrari," and that expects Pharisees at Favara with the Vere-suspects on the Dragon.

The Jebusites lived on the southern end of Jerusalem, called Zion, which is why I traced Templars (years ago) to Jebusites rather than to Israelites, figuring that they were honoring their lines from pagan Jerusalemites rather than Israelites. But what we have here seems to be a crossing of the Jebusites with Caiaphas, perhaps even Caiaphas ancestry in the Jebusites of the Hypsas. If I'm going to claim that "Caiaphas" was a variant of "Jabesh," then it seems that Caiaphas was from the stock of Jebusites that in Greece were given Ippo/Ippos terms by myth writers.

Consider what was just done and the reasons for it. First, noting that Hipps show a "Hipkin" and similar variation, the Hopkins (pistols) were recalled and loaded. They use a castle on fire in Crest, and by this time I recalled without seeking that it was the Beatle/Bedell Crest using a castle on fire. I didn't have much to say except that Beatle's had traced to the Botri Berbers, which doesn't for the moment add to the Hypsas-river investigation as it may regard Caiaphas.

I had to get offline then for a few hours, but in that period, the Anchors/Annackers had come to mind because I had traced them to Bethlehem, just 4 miles south of Jerusalem, so that the Jebusites on the south side of Jerusalem could have had relations with Bethlehem. In fact, if I recall correctly, in the story of the Levite who cut his concubine from Bethlehem into pieces, Jerusalem was called, Jebus." Per chance, Bethlehem was home to a cult that cut sacrificed humans for ritualistic "meals." According to the Bible, Moloch, an infant-sacrifice cult, had been worshiped even by unGodly Israelites on the south side of Jerusalem, smack at Zion, in the Kidron valley. I had traced the proto-centaurs to "Kidron" because, in Greece, a Folos centaur was from Kedron/Kendron. Therein is the potential horse symbol that could apply to which case Jebusites ought to have been a part of Ixion, the father of centaurs proper.

You now know why Favara's and Hipps/Hipkins use "nebuly," for Ixion's wife was Nephele (mother of centaurs), named after the Greek cloud / nebula. It just so happens that German Fabers (BAVARia, rhymes with "FAVARA") use anchors. German Fabers use a hammer while Italian Fabers were first found in Modena, smacking of Maccabee make-up all around.

I couldn't recall what Anchors/Annackers used as a symbol, but they were loaded when I got back to "work," and wouldn't you know it, they're the ones using lozenges in the colors of the Beatle lozengy!! I had forgotten that "BEATLe/BEDWELL had been traced earlier to "BETHLehem"! It was a staggering corroboration that it was correct to trace Anaki from Bethlehem to the Anchor/Annacker surname, but it was also a staggering revelation when the red bull was noted in the Anchor/Annacker Crest, the color of the Charo/Claro bull!!! Plus, Moloch was a bull cult, as was Baal, and that evokes the fly Sign again, because on the morning of that sign, I checked online to find which deity may have used a fly symbol, which turned out to be Baal.

So, there we have the trace of Hipkins / Hopkins to the Hypsas river beside MonteChiaro, where the Mosca surname was married that traces to the muscas-using Drake's on the Drago = Hypsas river, and meanwhile there is excellent heraldic evidence that Bethlehem's Anaki and Jebusites were in that picture, explaining: 1) why Nicholas de Vere traces his dragon Vere line to Anaki; 2) why the river smacks of "Jebus / Jabesh"; and, 3) why God would give the fly Sign about this place where the previous execution Sigh had already been about the Jabesh-related Benjamites.

Pause. Why is God giving this revelation? Is it merely to point out the 600 Benjamites and 600 Danites to the Masons? Or is it to reveal something about Caiaphas? Let's go on and see what else happens. But keep in mind that the red bull of Charo's/Chiaro's, an entity to be expected at Montechiaro, is used by Josephs who have already traced to Jabesh-like terms, as well as to Caph-like terms. Reminder, the Anchor-honoring Greys use the Joplin lion.

I need now to record that Greys became rulers of Dunham Masci, which is where I traced president Obama. On the morning of the fly Sign, there was a news article showing various photo's of flies on Obama's face or forehead. It meant that Obama traced to Masci's, and now means that he traces to Mosca's at Montechiaro. Right? Well, I learned something a day or two ago as I write, that Greys became important at Dunham Masci (a location no longer important today). I didn't know that before. It's huge. The execution dream revealed that Masci's were with Micah of the 600 Danites, and Obama is a DUNham. Moreover, the proto-Masci's were identified with the Jebusites of the 600 Benjamites who just traced to Anchors/Annackers honored in the Grey anchors and Grey motto, predicting that Greys should be related to Masci's, and indeed I have been claiming for years that greyhounds and Greys were Graeae-branch Amazons of the Meshwesh kind in north Africa. I am now arrived to the Botri Berbers who included lines to Bedford and Beatle's/Bedwells, the ones who use the Anchor/Annacker lozenges. So you see, the Botri / Botters / Bidens/Buttons were pagans from Bethlehem, right? Is that not huge???

"Dunham Massey is a civil parish in the Metropolitan Borough of Trafford, Greater Manchester, England. The parish includes Sinderland Green...along with Dunham Massey Park, formerly the home of the last Earl of Stamford and owned by the National Trust since 1976." Stamfords are Stanfords, and I predicted that Stanford Research Institute, or one of its Illuminati organs, will be involved with the expertise behind the 666 commercial system. The article goes on: "The George Harry Grey, 7th Earl of Stamford and 3rd Earl of Warrington...Roger Grey, 10th Earl of Stamford...The deer park at Dunham Massey is the only medieval park in Trafford to survive to the present."

I knew already that Hamon de Masci of Dunham Masci had a stag symbol, but so does the Coat of Downs/Douns who reflect the Downham/Dounham variations of the Dunham surname. I also knew that Hamon de Masci had charge of a Hopland location that I traced to "Opland," where Malahule of More and his Claro family ruled. But, suddenly, Opland and Hopland are looking like Hopkins and Hipkins from the Hypsas river! Excellent.

The Stamford Coat uses the same style lion heads that were at one time in the Mousquette Coat, and yet the latter's (six) lion heads are now those (same colors too) of the Aur/Aures Coat. That's excellent for tracing Mousquette's to the Meshwesh Berbers in cahoots with the Botri-line Bethlehemites. The Mousquette Crest is the one using the antelope design of the Singletarys, who have now been identified as a branch of Seneschals/Senegals with the nine (Muse symbol) gold-on-blue mascles, and then the Hipps/Hipkin crest is a "sphinx" that must be code for the Pine-related Spinks using five white-on-blue mascles. Make no mistake about it, the Hipps/Hipkins trace to the Hypsas-river Mosca bloodline.

The Musket and similar variations of the Mousquette's suggest linkage to the Muschets/Montfiquets that come up with "Mitch." This latter surname uses three chevrons in colors reversed from the Singletary chevrons. The Muschet/Montfiquet chevrons are shared in those colors by Bane's/Banes'/Baness Coat, now a Benjamite suspect from the Hypsas theater because the surname was introduced earlier upon seeing the banner held by the Bozo bull that is in the design of the Charo/Claro bull.

But why do the Muschets come up as "Mitch"? It just so happens that Mitchells (more mascles, Shield a version of Meschins), in Hopkin colors, are said to be Michaels, who I'm very suspicious of for being from "Micah." Remember, Obama's first diplomat to Israel was George Mitchell, who was slated to receive a heap of money to form a permanent presence in Jerusalem on behalf of Obama's mission there, which was to strip Israel of Old Jerusalem and Zion. We might even guess that the Obama-circle Illuminati has a certain bloodline chosen to rule East Jerusalem (on behalf of Palestinians) when they finally get it to go to the anti-Christ. Right now, Hamas-branch Palestinians are ruled by a Mashaal surname, much like the Michel variation of Mitchells.

As per Hopland and Opland, here's another anchor (and nothing else) in the German Hop(e) surname (Bavaria, same as Fabers that traced to Favara off the Hypsas). Whose blue lion is in the Hopp/Hobb Crest, and why are there three small shields in the Hopp Coat that can trace to Placentia? Why are the Hopp/Hobb eagles in the colors of the Chep/Jepp/Jabach eagles? Why are the Hopps/Hobbs in Hopkins colors? know why.

The Hobsons and Cope's share the same-colored chevron, and Copelands, using the double bars of Jansons and of the Washingtons, and of the Arms of Westmorland, show yet another thin bend, symbol of the Charo's/Claro's too. The "BENIGno numine" motto of Copelands sure does smack of "Benjamin." Didn't Coverts/Cofferts already trace to the Hypsas with the Happs/Apps/Epps...while Coverts were first found in the same place as COPPers/COOPers. It's becoming redundant. Reminder: "The "Numine" motto term of Yells/Yule's (SHETland) is now to be regarded as code for Numidian elements."

Note that both Hopkins and Pinechs/Pinoke's use a gold-on-black chevron while the latter use the hourglass Shield, as do Beatle's/Bedwells. It's telling us that Hopkins were related to Pine's/Pynes (whom Maschi's honor with their pine theme) and the like, from Panico. As I haven't been able to hammer down how or where Pine's / Payens trace in the Hypsas theater, yet they are expected there with a Chappes line, wherefore it may be important that Pine's and Fabers share a blue-on-white fesse, symbol also of Glasgow-related Lords with the Pilate pheons. Reminder: pheons trace to Vains/Vans/Phone's in the Panico theater, and then the Pine's/Lespinasse's use the ermined Wayne chevron.

The Hipps Crest is a "sphinx," evoking the Spinks who, not only use mascles, but traced to the Malahule > Espaines > Meschin line of Claro's. Can't mascles trace to the Mosco's who married Montechiaro? Ah, yes, Spinks (and Jansons) were first found in NorthAmpton! It recalls the Hampton topic as it linked to Lords / Pine's.

This is the place to repeat that Espaines/SPINEto's use the colors of the solid-green Joseph chevron topped with two gold chevrons, as well as a thin bend, a symbol of the Charo/Claro Coat. Spine-related Spoons (possibly the blue Vere boar in colors reversed) use a swan in Crest, symbol of French Josephs (Maine). Compare the Espaines/Spineto's with the Lespinasse variation of the French Pine's using the Hampton cinquefoils.

The Maine Coat uses two chevrons, perhaps interesting where the Joseph Coat appears to use two gold chevrons. We've already seen evidence that the Hypsas-river theater was that also of Pontius Pilate, wherefore the black pheons in the Maines Coat may speak to that. The Maine Crest happens to be a dart, and then Maine's and Darts/Derths (same-colored fesse as Coverts/Cofferts) were both first found in Devon. The Maine Coat is in the Exeter / Walsh / Morton theme of Coats, and Walsh's (looks like the Spoon swan in Crest) use black pheons too.

You may not have accepted my trace of "Walker" to "Kamenets," and therefore to the Komnenos and Comyns/Commings, but it's important as per the very-apparent Walsh link to Maine's above. President George Herbert Walker Bush had a son (George Bush) who married a WALK-liker WALSH surname. It just so happens that while Maine-related Walsh's share a swan with the Josephs of Maine, while the other Josephs, suspect from the Drago = Hypsas river, use the Comyns/Commings garbs.

The motto term of Walsh's is for the Mott/Morte bloodline that linked to Guido Guerra (= Pharisees who merged with Forum Allieni at Ferrara), and then both the Walker-related Wilkins and Guerra's use a green wyvern dragon (suspected symbol of mythical Modred/Mordred). The Guido's appeared solidly linked to Darts/Derths now found honored by the Maine dart, which brings Josephs of Maine over to the Morte/Mott sphere, if you had any doubts that Josephs were in honor of Joseph Caiaphas. The Morte's/Motts are said to be from the Touques-river area where Gace is located to which the Guis'/Guido's traced. But the Sinclairs were on the Touques river too, yet they had a Caiaphas-related branch at Montechiaro, just a pirate's paddle down the sea coast from the mouth of the Drago.

So, you see, Caiaphas founded the United States with Rosicrucians...who might ultimately be named in-part after Chrysippus lines at the Hypsas. In fact, as we saw that Laius and Chrysippus were queer-box nations, meaning they had alliance even if they warred eventually, it needs to be reminded that "Laus Deo" is atop the monument named after Washingtons. That monument (a Hermes temple) is a symbol of a male organ for a reason, and Freemasons are an all-men cult for a reason, certainly not in honor of God. It recalls that when Nicholas de Vere first emailed me with a kind note, he signed off, "Nickie." I thought it was rather of queer. Reminder: Jeffersons with the "cruce" motto term highly suspect from Chrysippus lines use a typical Rosicrucian symbol: a cross surrounded by four symbols. The Templar flag of Jerusalem was such, as was the Arms of Johannes Valentin Andreae (a cross surrounded by four roses).

If we strip (close your eyes) "Chrysippus" of his "ippus," we need to take a guess at what he stood for. I suggest mythical Creusa, wife of Aeneas, which may then reveal that the other name of the Hypsas, Sant'Anna, was named after Aeneas elements. It's so absurd, but (close your eyes again) what did the city of Aenus stand for, anyway? Near Aenus (lower-right on map) was Lysimachia, a Laius-suspect location, right? Perhaps the Hebros river was known for its fagots ("gay" is too kind and inappropriate a word for sick and demented men). I've been meaning to mention the ODRYSians (I traced them to Atreus, father of MeneLAUS) on the Hebros as root of "Idris." Odrysians worshiped Dionysus, the transvestite god who I think is the meaning of Laus Deo in the Washington Monument. If Templars and Masons trace to Idris, and they do, it suspects that Idris' empire was a queer nation.

As Hugh de Payen married a Chappes, lets assume that the Chappes' were named after the Hypsas entity. The Pine's/Pynes, whom have traced to the Hypsas already, were brought up initially (above) to suggest linkage with the pine theme of Maschi's of Rimini, the ones most suspect with the Drake motto term, "Muscas." English Pine's/Pyne's use PineAPPLES for a reason, and then the Apple surname uses footless martins, a symbol of the Hipps and Coverts too.

Again, the Lords (Pilate-colored pheons can trace to the Hypsas) and Pine's/Lespinasse's (could be from the Joseph-colored Espaines/Spineto's) look related, and can trace to the Hypsas with the sphinx of the Hipps Crest, and with the Spine-related Spinks. The Pine cinquefoils are in the colors of Zionist star of Chryslers, Vlads, and Cheps/Jepps/Jabachs, suggesting now that Chryslers and Josephs are kin, thus tracing Josephs to the Hypsas, where we expect Josephs anyway, as per their "charo" motto term. We can view this white-on-blue Zionist star as the Caiaphas Zionist star now on the Israeli flag. We can view the modern Israeli flag as stemming from the same Templar lines that conquered Jerusalem for the first time in 1099 on behalf of Caiaphas liners. That is, I am sure now that when Balders and Sinclairs found the Caiaphas line, they turned toward Jerusalem for to gain a certain prize. Who more than the Caiaphas line would have known about Temple treasures left behind in the Roman sack of the city?

It was Hugh de Payen (a Pine / Spine/Sping / Spink liner no doubt related to the Hipps') who led the treasure-seeking adventure for many years in Jerusalem, after which he headed out to stay with Sinclairs in Roslin, where Sinclairs built a fantastically-expensive Rosslyn Chapel. It is said by some that the Templars, disguised as poor men, dug 80 feet deep into the Jerusalem-Temple site.

Reminder: the Guido's / Alberts of northern Italy had traced (last update) to Kenneth MacAlpin in times before the Sinclairs of Lothian. The Alpin Coat shares the tree theme of the Lothian surname, suggesting that, when the Sinclairs arrived, they stayed with the Alpin bloodline because it too had been from a Caiaphas line in northern Italy. The Chip(man)s (smack of Shipmans) were first found in the same place as Spine's and Spoons, and use three small shields that I'll trace with Scute's and Mose's to Placentia. (Shipmans are a branch of Skulls.)

The question is, why is Montechiaro tracing by way of Strongbow Clare to Pembroke? So far as I can make out, the Pembroke dragon design is that of Vince's, Deaths/Darths, and Sauro's. The Deaths/Darths had everything to do with the Albert trace to MacAlpin. The Pembroke's and Deaths/Darths use the dragon in the same colors, which begs the question of why Pembroke's trace to the Motts/Morte's and Alberts (as Deaths/Darths do). It just so happens that Alberts and Musso(lino)'s were first found in Bologna, while the dictator, Mussolini, was born in the same place (Rimini) in which Maschi's were first found. If this traces Alberts to Mussomeli, where the Messina surname is the most used, it's possible that Alberts were of the Ali's, first found in Messina. That is an excellent theory, for I traced Ali's to the Alis surname (uses a Macey theme) with the Alpin fir tree! Wow. It traces Alberts to Elis of Pisa, location of the 600 Benjamites.

I have just learned that while Duke's/Dooks and English Alberts both use the same gold griffin, Duke's/Dooks and Italian Alberts share the same white-on-blue rings (albeit the Duke's/Dooks use in as a wreath/garland). So far as I can tell, the Albert and Duke/Dook griffins are the same gold griffins of Pembroke's and Deaths/Darths but in an upright position. Then, Duke's/Dooks and Deaths/Darths (and Albertons) were first found in the same place (Devon) while Alberts and Darts/Derths were first found in the same place (Kent), and it just so happens that the Duke's/Dooks and Alberts who share rings have them in the colors of the Ottone's who themselves use a version of the long Chappes chevron, excellent because Pembroke's (suspected Benjamite liners) are expected with Chappes liners at the Hypsas.

It just so happens that, ever since seeing the possibility that "Caiaphas" traced to the "Hypsas" (has a source near Mussomeli), when it was suggested that the Happs/Apps and related Capes traced there, the Capua surname had come to mind. I now find myself on the rings of two surnames that come also in blue-on-white, a symbol belonging also to Scipio's, who were suggested two or more weeks ago at the naming of "Caiaphas" as per the SHEPherds that I think Scipio's were a branch of; Shepherds just happen to use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento, but I did not know when tracing Shepherds to Agrigento that the Drago / Hypsas river flowed through it. It turns out that Scipio's and Capua's/Caputo's, who can easily name "Caiaphas," were first found in the same place (Naples). End Insert]

The Mazzarelli location (of the Cabrera's) smacks of the Masci variations, "Masciarelli / Mascarelli." The importance of having Masci's (use a version of Messina Coat) at Mazzarelli is that this area has traced to Cuneo and no doubt to other places of Piedmont, where Masci's were first found. Moreover, it traces the Masonic root to the Montechiaro / Chiaramonte. Unfortunately, the article on the Montechiaro family doesn't go back in time. Here's the Mazzar surname, first found in Sicily. I have no idea what to connect it to as far as heraldry goes.

The Marshalls use the same sort of lozengy design as Bricks and Musso(lino)'s, and they were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Yorks (where Agrigento lines have traced). But Marshalls are said to be a branch of Keiths who lived at MUSSELburgh, and that is the general area of Sinclairs = Claro's. Therefore, Musselburgh, and Mussels/Muscels, trace to Mussomeli. How about that.

Many [Mussomeli] townpeople also emigrated to the UK, to London and Woking, Surrey where the Madonna dei Miracoli (Madonna of Miracles) is celebrated every July. The most common surname in Mussomeli is Messina.

As the article says that the Lanza family took over, while the Lanza Coat is a bend in the colors of the bend of Jacques de Molay, I think the Lanza - Molay connection is clear now because the other symbol of de-Molay was the Messina patee cross. Possibly, "Molay" was in the "meli" tail of "Mussomeli."

As some Charo/Claro variations suggest "Carrot," note the lions of the Carrots/Carews [evoke's the Crews suspect with "cruce" > Chrysippus, a very important thing, if correct] in the colors of the Pembroke lions, colors reversed from the Carrol lions so that Charo's/Claro's can indeed trace to Charlemagne. But the founder of Carolingians was "the hammer," Charles Martel. A Maccabee liner? Looks like.

[It's not necessary for "Chiare(monte)" to trace to "Chrys(ippus)," but as it's to be expected that Chiaremonte merged with Chrysippus lines, it can explain the Chiarizia/Clarizia variations of the Charo surname. There was a Clarus location in ancient Caria at/near Ephesus, which is yet another place (the home of queer-box Hephaestus, an alternative character to Dionysus) that I traced Jabesh-ites. For the moment, therefore, I think a trace of the Charo's/Claro's goes to Clarus and Carians. The Maeander river that I traced "Laus Deo" to came right through Caria.

The Caruso surname (Placentia!) uses the Down/Doun stag design, but also shows the estoiles of the Singletary-related Balas'!!! The Balas cross is in the colors of the Dunhams. English Caruso's were first found in the same place as Dunhams! I would link the Caruso patee to the Eatons / Edens and related Samsons and Jansons, but also to same-colored patee of the Diens/Dives (of Diva, Cheshire), first found in the same place (Sussex) as Downs/Douns, Dans, Danners, Deins, and more. There you have yet more evidence that Obama traces to Dunham Masci.]

Some of the Charo/Claro variations smack of Clarks, who were indeed a Clare / Clair / Clerk branch.

But wait. If the Carrots can be a Charo/Claro branch, couldn't they go back to "Carthage." What about that CARTeret location in Normandy that uses the 5-like Arthur rests also called "CLARions."??? This caused me to enter the Cart surname, and what do you know, I was ready this time to recognize it's stag as the Clare stag!

[I get it, for as Sinclairs and Currys/Corrys were both first found in Lothian, and both use the same rooster design, Currys/Corrys (Annandale saltire in colors reversed, right?) were indeed part of the Charo bloodline. It's the Irish Currys/Corrys, first found in County Clare, who use a thin saltire, and the Charo's/Claro's who use a thin colors reversed to the de-Molay bend. One can really understand here why Templars included Sinclairs as a chief part. The implication is that the Guiscard branch of Sinclairs had found the Joseph Caiaphas line in Sicily, and that line revealed its secret to the Guiscards, at which time the family decided to invade Jerusalem. It's a very good bet that the Caiaphas line in Sicily, at that time, had plenty of money and power. Does anyone still want to be a Freemason anymore?]

The Carts (Wiltshire again) are another one of the clans using a saltire in Annandale-saltire colors. The Cart palm trees may be code for the Hand surname (to be lumped in with Hanna's, Anne's/Hanne's, and Annabels/Hannibals), or even better, for Palma di Montechiaro. [I had not yet discovered the importance of Parma, at Placentia, represented by Parm/Palm surnames].

The Cuneo Factor of Joseph Caiaphas

The Montechiaro's are called Angevins, from Anjou, explaining, apparently, why Plantagenets traced to Agrigento. This speaks to a period hundreds of years after Christ, and not to Caiaphas / Ananias ancestry. We can at least maintain that the Joseph Caiaphas line from Alexander Balas merged with Carolingian Franks as well as Sinclair Rus. This caused me to recall the Boso's who acted in Italy under Charlemagne, and what do you know, the Boso surname is now using the same upright bull ("holding a banner," however) as the Charo/Claro bull. [This was the initial discovery of this link. I should have had a couple of exclamatons there, but was too busy wondering what it could mean.]

One Banner Coat uses a fleur (basic French-royal symbol that I root in Aosta) in the colors of the Joseph swan. German Banners/Bainers could be using the Alexander split Shield because these banners were first found in Seleucid-suspect Silesia.

One Boso "of the Bosonid family who was related to the Carolingian dynasty and who rose to become King of Lower Burgundy and Provence." He seems to be a very good fit for Draguignan and neighboring Cuneo purposes.

[It just so happens that while one Banner Coat can be the split Shield of Shatners/ChatBOLTS, entering "Boson" gets three arrows erect, while German Bolts use an arrow erect too. That in itself has the potential to trace Bolts to Montechiaro. Moreover, English Bolts were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as BANESters who use "WATER bougets," while French Banns/Banness'/Banes', in Banner colors, use the three WATER chevrons. While Bosons were first found in the same place as Fulke's/Folks (i.e. Angevins), Waters were first found in the same place as Vere's (i.e. Angevins).]

The earliest Boso is "the Elder," a count of Turin and count of Valois in the 9th century. About a century later, an Arduin Glaber (Glaphyra / Cleaver liner?) was made a governor of Turin by another count, and he named an Arduinica region smacking of the "arduis" motto term of Pembroke's. Then it says, "Ulric Manfred II, the most powerful margrave...", which recalls, of centuries later, Manfredi Chiaramonte, husband of Isabella Mosca. It makes sense that "Manfred" should be used by both families where one became the other.

Ulric Manfred's daughter married Savoy. Without going over details, the Foots / Fido's/Fothe's use the same Coat (likely the Book/Bogg and Kelt chevron), in the colors of the Pembroke's because the two trace to "Foetes/Fussen" with the Meschins there, and therefore, the point is, the two likely trace to Fossano on the outskirts of Busca. (see Cuneo map, and for your convenience, put it on a separate browser.)

"The medieval county and duchy of Valois was located in northern France in northeastern Ile-de-France. Its capital was Crepy-en-Valois." That's where Caiaphas liners lived. Pepin-line Hyksos ruled Valois. The Crepy/Crepon surname [familiar bend used by Botri-suspect Botters suspect from Bethlehem) could be from the Gripps/Grebens with Grabber variation that could morph to "Glaber" above. In that picture, if correct, the Glaphyra line comes to Turin with Arduin Glaber apparently honored by the Pembroke's using the Gripp/Greben/Grabber Coat. The Gripps/Grabbers are in Foots / Fothe's colors and even use the same chevron colors as the Pembroke bend.

[Recall that Jebusites / Amorites were found in the nebuly symbol of Hipps and Favara's, for Garebite suspects such as Gripps/Grabbers and Crepons could trace there.

I've just noted that the English Botter eagle has been changed to a red color within the last few days. It'll come in handy for making other links. The Botter lone star, in the position of the same-colored Crepon cross, is the color of the Agrigento lone star, useful for tracing Bethlehem elements to the Hypsas river, where Bethlehem elements had traced by other means.

At this point, because Pembroke's are suspect with the 600 Benjamites that included Jebusites, GRABfeld (Bavaria) needs to be addressed, origin of Poppo I, the first-known Babenberg (of Germany). Babenbergs were also in BAMberg (Germany), and these entities trace to the queen-Bebba Bernicians at Bamburgh castle (Britain), of the Bernicians called Bebbanburgs...who predated the Babenbergs of Germany. I ventured to trace (years ago) "Pembroke" to "Bamburgh." If I'm not mistaken, Grabfeld was also "CRAPfeld." If this is revealing Pembroke's as Garebites, it explains why the Pembroke bend is in the colors of the Gripp/Grabber bend.]

Then, while pomegranate's were traced to the Gernon (Semper and/or Strange lions?) bloodline, which uses "cyFOETH" as a motto term for Foetes elements, it just so happens that the Crepy Coat use pomegranate's. Sempers trace to Sempeyre on the west side of Saluzzo. There is a Moira valley on the south side of Sempeyre, and then Scottish Moirs/Moyers and Fothe's were both first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Reeds, important because Reeds (= Caiaphas line) and Fothe's both use that stag design seen so often, used also by Celts/Colts / Books/Boggs.

[When writing here, Gernons were not yet suspect as a line of Guerra's, nor were Fothes and Foots suspect with the Put/Phut Libyans, nor was "Fussen" traces to "Fes" of Morocco. Since then, I came across Libya's Fezzan region (home of modern Tuaregs) that may be a better entity for to trace "Fussen" and "Fossano," especially as I think Tuaregs named Turin. It's a hard call at this time. The Foss surname with the fox suggesting Faucet lines uses the split Shield in the colors of the same of Turners and Guerren-suspect Warners, while Turners use a bend in the colors of the Turin bend.]

Until now, I have not realized that the bird in the Italian Alba Coat, which I cannot get to come up at the website I use to find descriptions, is the same bird in the Ready Coat, meaning that Alba's do use the swan. This is all very welcome because the Bacons were traced suggestively to the Tanaro river due to their white cinquefoils matching those of Tankerville's, and the Tanaro flows right by Alba. I now find that the "MEDiocria" motto term of Bacons is a near-match with the "Mediocriter" motto of Moirs/Moyers. Clearly, many surnames trace themselves to Cuneo locations as though it were their sacred groves. Bacons (suspect with "Apachnas") are the ones using a Shield-and-Chief combination in colors reversed to the same in the Arms of Agrigento.

[When writing here, I did not recall the Modica location that these motto terms may be insinuating. The "MediocRITER" term could be part code for the Ritter/Rutter bloodline, and to start with, German Ritters/Riders use the same horizontally-split Shield as Foss'. If the Foss fox is code for Herod lines, then recall the Herod-coin symbol in the Ruther/Ruiter Coat, complete with rider on a expected to be code for horse-depicted Jebusites at the Hypsas river, where Craigs, who use the same horse and rider, traced excellently.]

Right next to the Moira valley is the Grana valley, what the pomegranate and Gernons can trace to easily. Just found: the Spanish Grana/Granada surname uses a pomegranate! And it was first found in Granada. Now we know where the heraldic pomegranate goes.

Might not the Boso line have been from Busca in Cuneo? That location is from Alba , and so look at this string of large fleur-de-lys starting with the German Alba Coat. The fleur is in two colors split down the middle, as is the English Banner and German Banner Coat, and then the Boso bull holds a banner. The German Bush and Bosch Coats likewise use large fleur-de-lys, though not split in half color-wise. Still, the Bush and Bosch fleur are in the colors of the Boso bull, and for me this is sufficient to make the Boso link to Bozrah, the city of Esau (English Bush's use the black boar, symbol of Esau/Edom).

The English Banner fleur is split in the illegal colors used by the swan of Josephs. This must apply because we just saw the motto term of English Joseph's trace to Boso's as the ancestry of Montechiaro. Also, the Italian Alba Coat is now confirmed a swan.

The "Numine" motto term of English Banners must be for the Nimo/NewMarsh surname using a "boast" motto term that traces to the Boasts/Bois' (in Bush, Cheney and Saleman colors), a branch of Bush's from Busca, beside the Sale(man)s from Saluzzo.

That little white star by itself in the Boast/Bois Crest? Is it the Arms of Agrigento star?

As the Boasts are "Bois/Boys/Boze" too, see the Boy/Boin/Bove Coat with another bull, for the Argentera area of Cuneo is at a Boves location (see map below). It's right at DelMazzo, what could be from that Mazzar-like location of the Cabrera's, near Montechiaro. Boves is smack at Borgo (easily traces to the Charo/Claro bull and therefore to the Boso bull), but also at the city of Cuneo, where I trace "Cheney" (BUCKINgham) and pharaoh "Khyan." The Boy/Boin/Bovi bull is the steer design, in the same colors, used by German Bachs which surname and symbol I trace with little doubt to "Apachnas," the other name of Khyan.

The "show" motto term of Nimo's/NewMarsh's then leads to a Show/Schauer/Schaw surname that looks like a Shaw branch, expected in the Joseph Caiaphas bloodline (the surname reflects the Shawia Berbers who linked to the Sauro / Sauer / Share / Schere bloodline]. And, finally, the "major" motto term of Cheneys traces with the "mago" term of Joseph's very well to Magor of Monmouth, where I am now sure that Maccabee's lived who were related to the Alexander-Balas Maccabees in Glamorgan.

The Silvers use "vair fur" (official name of the bell pattern) as well as the Levi lion design in the colors of the same of the Place/Plaiz Coat. It means that Silvers could be an anglicized version of "Argent(era)."

Where is the Joseph swan in Cuneo? Note all of the blue and white in the topic that starts here, what I claim to be the colors of Gog from lake Sevan. These are the colors of the Kreis Zionist star [I did not know here that the Kreis/CHRYSler surname was from mythical-Chrysippus Jabesh-ites to the Hypsas river], which star was linked to Caiaphas / Israel earlier. The German Criss/Christman Coat (ironic) uses a swan in the same colors, and then the swan-line Bouillons use "bello Christi" in their motto [no small point; it's tracing Bouillons and swan-using Josephs to Chrysippus]. There is a CRISSolo location near Saluzzo (blue and white, no symbols), and it was established that Bouillons were linked with the Alexander-Balas Seleucids (i.e. expected at Saluzzo). See Crissalo on Cuneo map:

[Insert -- After that was written, I got around to checking what the other motto terms of the Joseph surname could be code for, and its "wlad" term behooved a look for a Vlad surname, and what came up? A single white-on-blue Zionist star. The surname is also "Flatten." Then, the Flatts/Flets were first found in Orkney, but "derived their name from the village of Flett in the parish of Delting in the Shetland Islands." There you have your Caiaphas trace to Shetland, where the Israeli Shetach-Maccabees of the Mackay kind are expected.

MORE!!! The Flatts/Flets use a chevron in Alexander colors, and then Fletchers/Flagers use the same colors but what looks like a version of the Balas Coat! AND LOOK AHAHAHA!!! I had forgotten the Fletcher/Flagers (in Flack/Fleck colors) write-up until seeing it again now: "First found in at the Forest of Hutton in Yorkshire. They were originally descended from Jean de La Fleche..." Again, the Plantagenets have just traced to the chief priests of Israel! [The Fleche / Pleche / Fisher King topic was at one time close to this section. The point may be falling flat, therefore, now.]

Before going on, let me repeat from above because the Billiards/Billets use a Zionist star in the colors of the Criss/Christman Zionist star: "...while I hardly find surnames first found in Maine, both the latter Billiards and the swan-using Josephs were first found there!...The Billiard white Zionist stars are colors reversed from the blue one on the Israeli flag, albeit the latter is hollow so as to be a white one too." [These are the colors of Este, important now that Este's had control of Maine, though Fleche-Baugencys bought Maine from that very Este family! Now you know.

[ZOWIE INSERT, another white-on-blue Zionist star was found when checking out locations at Monmouthshire, beside where the Balas surname was first found. After seeing that Chepstow was at Monmouthshire, it seemed that Cheps should be looked up due to similarity with "Chip" and "Shepherd," and then the Cheps show, not only that Zionist star, but the two-headed Roman eagle in the colors of the Pembroke bend, and in the colors of the Jonathan rooster. The crew down at Agrigento has already traced from proto-Arthur surname to the raven-depicted Varni vikings at rooster-depicted Rostock, and Pembroke's use their bend in the colors of the Varn bend. That raven line is expected from an Apollo bloodline in Cyrene (eastern Libya), and the wolf in the Pembroke Crest could be either the Apollo or the Roman wolf; they were identical. {This was the first-ever finding of the Chep/Jepp/Jabach surname, though it's been mentioned 100 times in inserts over the past few weeks}.

Moments after writing here, while at the atlas, a Ravanusa location was spotted beside Agrigento, using a raven in Crest, and situated beside Naro. "Ravanusa is near the Mount Saraceno site..." Sounds like Saracens lived there.

But when I saw some of the Chep variations, such as Jepp, Jappa, and especially Jabach, the 600 "Benjamites" with 400 wives from JABESH-Gilead came to mind, and indeed I traced them to the founding of Romans (I have no doubt about this claim) so that indeed the Cheps can use the Roman eagle. Moreover, Pembroke's are also "PENbroke," what opens the possibility that PEN terms, and especially the Pendragon entity, were BEN(jamin) terms.

Then, the Benjamin Coat was re-loaded to find it using Pembroke colors!

Recalling that SHEPherds use the Shield-and-Chief combination in the Arms of Agrigento, let's re-show the Penning/Pennon Coat with Shield-and-Chief combination in colors reversed to the same of Shepherds. The rings in the Benjamin Coat could jibe with the Scipio rings. Plus, the Alexander motto is that of MacDonalds whom I trace to Irish Domnanns and therefore to LaceDaemonian SPARTans, suspect at the root of SHEPHERDs. There is a good chance that Daemonians named Cuneo's Demonte in this picture.

Scottish Bennings (viewed for clues to Penning possibilities) use a bend in the black color of the Benjamin and Pembroke bends. The single Benning star on the bend is white, the color of the dragon on the Pembroke bend. The Chief in the Arms of Agrigento uses one white star. Bennings were first found in Lothian, location of Sinclairs (i.e. important because Clare's ruled at Pembroke).

[I didn't know here that the Benning horse was that of Craigs, so that Bennings can trace to Agrigento / Hypsas. The Craigs are the ones with crescents in Alexander- and Senussi-crescent colors so that the Benning star is suspect as the proto-Senussi star. The Pennings were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Clare's, and the Bennings were first found in the same place (Lothian) as Sinclairs, meaning quite obviously that the two are Benjamite elements at Montechiaro / Hypsas. Reminder: Pembroke (south Wales) was the chief capital of Strongbow Clare.]

German Bennings use the same colors, three black horizontal bars on white, and then the Mauds (use the Monmouth Coat) use virtually the same Shield except that all three black bars are split in half. There is a question of whether "mouth" is a Mott variant because Motts traced well to Modena / Modi-in. There is a Moth surname with the Narbonne tower.

The Benning Coat uses three bars in colors reversed to the three horizontal bars that are the Arms of Trebizond as ruled by KOMNenos, who should trace to the COMYNs that use three garbs in the colors of the Joseph garbs. Comyns and Mauds were both first found in Cheshire (beside north Wales). If I recall correctly, there was good evidence to trace the 600 Benjamites to "Gargarians" at Trabzon, before they became the Sarmatians and the Royal Scythians, the latter coming back south and ruling at Lydia, origin of Latins, the chief Biblical dragon. The Arthurian cult should trace to Ardea in the land of Latins, and then Pembroke's/Penbroke's use an "arduis" motto term. Another Pembroke motto term (as well as a Sinclair motto term) is for the Italian Conte's who use an upright lion in the colors of the same of Pembroke's.

Fletchers were at Yorkshire's Hutton, and then the Hutton Coat uses the stag of the Plantagenets and Sparhams. My educated guess is that Huttons were Hauteville's and Haughts/Houghtons (look like Benning kin, expected because Mieszko traces with other Massey liners to 600 Benjamites), and therefore the Mieszko's (i.e. includes Sigrid the Haughty) that had a branch with Guiscards, whom Hugh of Maine married before selling to Flechs. I also see Huttons as Gents of Hampshire.

NEW DISCOVERY! I was studying the Hawthorn Coat (use the Tankerville cinquefoils) because I knew the surname was a variation of the Hauteville's, ancestors of Tancreds/Tankerville's > Guiscards. I thought hard but had nothing to say about it, so I abandoned it and went stumbling back on a Crystal surname (fir tree) looked up earlier as a possible Crissalo clan. The write-up traced to "Christopher," and so I looked up that surname to find a red-on-white chevron...hmm, in the colors of the Tancred and Hawthorn chevron. One can make out that Christophers use pineapples [symbol of Pine's/Pynes who already traced to the Hypsas, where Kreis'/Chryslers traced].

Suddenly, I wondered whether TANcred ("TanCard" too, as per "GuisCard") was from the Tanaro river in Langhe downstream from Crissalo. I got out the map, and that's when it hit me, that German Tanners are the ones using pine trees and pine cones! Big Laugh. Lots of fun. It's the Pines/Pynes, Payen suspects, who use pineapples.

[Therefore, it appears that the Chrysippus liners ended up in Crissalo. The red Crepon cross appears to be in the Crystal Coat, important where Crepons were also "CRISpis," which suddenly traces the 600 Benjamites / 600 Danites to the Crispins, known kin of Clare's.]

Therefore, Tanners and Tancreds definitely trace to the Tanaro in Langhe, and Christophers almost-certainly to Crissalo (no other surnames, or surname details, or surname history, matter to heraldry masters but those linking up to their sacred groves and rulers). As Saluzzo is between Crissalo and Langhe, and as the Caseys were traced to the Saluzzo Seleucids, it's notable that the Casey chevron is in the colors of the Christopher / Tancred / Hawthorn chevrons. [The Joseph motto starts with "Cas," and Caseys were definitely Caiaphas liners.]

At the Langhe theater, there is an Alba location, and then while Spanish Alba's use the Hawthorne oak tree, I think I see a swan in the Italian Alba Coat. German Alba's show what I'll bet is the Massey/Macey and Ley/Lisse fleur.

[It's no small point here that Alba's link to Hawthorne's = Haughtville's, the root of GUIScards, for the Alba name of proto-Scotland had traced to the GUIS/Guido surname, that itself had same tracing to Stirling, where Guiscards were first found. In the Guido trace to the formation of Scotland from the Picts, it was noted that the Picts were from a Fergus, while Fergusons use the Ferrari lion, apparently, and then Alba of Cuneo is at MontFerrat.

UNBELIEVABLE. As I struggled to find further proof for the above, the Picton surname came to mind. It had a gold-on-black lion that I had seen earlier in the day, but I decided not to find its surname, and simply abandoned the Picton topic (it was hoped that Pictons would show signs of linking to Guido's / Panicos). I then wrote the following right here in this paragraph" "The crosslet designs of the Pinks and Point(er)s has just been found in an Alban/Hallibone/Auban Coat, important because the Guido's tracing to proto-Scotland were linked to Panico's." Suddenly, the mention of Panico's caused me to recall that the gold-on-black lion had been in the Pinech/Pinoke Coat (!!!)..using an hourglass as does the Guido Coat!!! YES YES, it's true, Guido's / Panico's were at the Picts and Pictones, ancestors of Kenneth MacAlpin.

Then, I recalled the Albany entity of Stewarts, and loading the Albany Coat, what came up but the lion that Massins/Masons used to show, important because the Melusine in the Massin/Mason Crest was the ELVIN-princess code for Alba lines to Alpins, I think.]

If one googles "pulley Guiscard," some of my pages come up (but not all, I wonder why) telling about and showing a photo of the Guiscards sitting beside a pulley, which is one clue of multiple ones tracing them to the Mieszko Poles. But entering "Pulley" gets the Pula/Pullen Coat (Ottone colors) with bend in the colors of the Casey bend with crows. That's the Joseph / Chappes garb in the Casey Crest, isn't it? To thus trace Pullens to Langhe is super because they and Langs both use pelicans.

The bend of Pula's/Pullens is showing in the Crise/Craise/Grasse surname (in the colors of the Arms of Grasse) with potential to be a branch of Crissolo elements/ The Crise/Grasse Coat looks like a distinct version of the Casey Coat with crows. Caseys had previously been traced from Boofima elements to the Imperia / Grasse theater. Compare the Crassus variation of the Crise/Grasse surname with "Gracchus" and suddenly we seem to be on the Scipio-Gracchus-Paullus bloodline.

[It should be added that the Crise/Grasse and Pula/Pullen bends are those of Botters and, as such, should trace to the Jebusites at the Hypsas, for that's where the Greys and related Anchors/Annackers traced, from Bethlehem now suspect in Botri > Botter Berbers. The point is, "Crise" looks like the Gris = Grey bloodline, yet another reason to suspect the 600 Benjamites at Crissolo. Greys (suspect with Joplins) are now suspect with lines to Dunham Masci, and Masci's (i.e. from Benjamites / Danites) are to be expected in Cuneo for various reasons. Here's the Criss/Cristman swan, fully expected in Cuneo = interior Liguria, and indeed it was already found with Alba's.]

The Crise/Crass/Grasse-colored Lamas surname out of Grasse location (southern France) gets one to the Ligurian coast, where also Savona is located that should have been the home of the Ligurian swan. If you recall, the Savona Crest shares a red bull with Borgia's and Charo's/Claro's, making it quite clear that Joseph Caiaphas had elements through Savona. Right beside Borgo of Cuneo is Boves, a bovine = bull term.

[Since writing here, the red Charo/Claro bull has become suspect with the same of Grey-honoring Anchors/Annackers using the Beatle lozenges, who in turn use the Chattan castle while Chatans are a branch of Botri Berbers. The red bull had been suspect years ago with the mythical Apis bull, a term somewhat like "Hypsas," important because "Hypsas" was traced suggestively (though strongly) to ippus = horse terms in depiction of Jebusites / Jabesh-ites. In other words, the Egyptian Apis bull cult looks like it belonged to Jabesh / Jebus elements.]

The Joseph motto led to the Borgia - Charo/Claro surnames, wherefore Borgo at Demonte could also find Caiaphas elements. Between Demonte and Boves, and cutting right through Borgo, is a Gesso river/stream that smacks of the Joseph-suspect Joost / Gos / Goz / Gois / Guis terms discussed earlier. To Italians, Josephs are "GUISepi." Entering "Gess" gets Cuss and Gus variations that can link to the Cass/Cast and Cuss/Kiss surnames (fountains) that linked to the Seleucid-suspect Font de Villes, the ones who merged with Conte's to form Contevilles (they were actually Burgo's) who married Richard Goz/Gos.

Plus, there is a MonVISO location between Sampeyre and Crissalo smacking of the Avis surname that gets the Comyn/Commings garbs, important because the Burgos/Conteville's ruled Comyn. The English Joseph Coat uses garbs in exactly these colors!!! The cuff [that holds an anchor!] in the Avis Coat [I hadn't yet conceived the APIS paragraph above when writing here] is suspect as code for "Caiaphas" or something from him. The Vise surname (Book / Celt/Cole / Rollo / Reed stag design) was first found in the same place as Coverts/Cofferts and Coopers/Coppers, not to re-mention the Diens using the white Masci wing.

[Coverts use the fesse in Apps-fesse colors, and, by the way, the Sabine cult of Ops/Opis used cornuCOPIA symbol. That is great, for if it's tracing the Jabesh-ites through the land of Sabines, that exactly where I traced the 600 Benjamites on the day I has the execution vision. I traced the story of the 400 wives from Jabesh to the so-called "Rape of the Sabine Women" by the Romans of Jabesh-like Jupiter. I claimed that the latter myth was carried through the centuries by the Benjamites, who had stayed at Rome-like Rimmon. There should be similar rape stories in Greek myth that can identify the tracks of the Jabesh-ites. Again, there was a rape event between Chrysippus and Laius, but not until now did I realize that Chrysippus was an Amazon element (as was Hippodamia, his mother-in-law) of the GRIS > Grey > Graeae kind.

One of the three Graeae hags/witches, Deino, smacks of Deins, first found in the same place as Coverts. Diens use the Masci wing!!! Just like my dream said, Masci's were from Jabesh-ites. Another Graeae sister was Pemphredo, perhaps the proto-Pembroke line. We read: "One might compare the Graeae with the three spinners of Destiny, (the Moirai)..." Didn't we just see the Moira valley in Cuneo? Irish Moirs/Moors use the Morgan Coat suggesting that the Graeae ended up as the chief witch of Avalon, Morgan le Fay. In this picture, the Berbers had been from the occult Gorgons / Parthians / Medes / Magi as depicted by Perseus, Andromeda and Medusa...after they passed through Joppa, where Perseus saved Andromeda.]

The Gesso has a source at Argentera, and then the Argent Coat shows grail cups!!! Ahaha, the Silver Coat shows one huge crescent in the colors of the Caiaphas Zionist star.

Remember, Cuneo elements had traced to/from the Ferrara area. Do you recall how we got to the Ferraruola topic? It's where the Charo/Claro surname was first found. Perhaps the Mesola location due east of Copparo applies to Musselburgh [I didn't yet know here concerning "Castello di Muzzolo de' Conti da Panico". This Muzzolo entity is suspect with Bedolete, the location allied to Panico's that was the first clue for tracing Beatle's to "Bethlehem."] "Vogue" was just entered as per the Voghiera location to the south of Ferrara, and there was a gold rooster, the Sinclair Crest symbol, in the Vogue Coat. That's interesting where Musselburgh and Charo-related Sinclairs were both of Lothian. And doesn't it mean that the line of Jonathan Maccabee (i.e. the Jonathan surname) was in Voghiera?

I only now realized that, due east of Voghiera, there is a Massa FISCaglia to which Fisks can trace. As Copparo is near Massa Fiscaglia, note that the "WahREIT" motto term of Fischs/Fishers could be for Reids/Reeds, who are the ones using a "copia" motto term. Copparincidence?

Reminder: Fisks are part of the Super Committee that include Sinclair liners. It means that the fiscal cliff crisis is a hoax to mis-manage the American economy by end-time pirates upon whom Armageddon is about to fall.

Sinclair-related Candida's were in Savoy, where we find Modane, and wherefore Maccabee's are suspect. One can now draw a migratory line from Cento to Modane, especially as Cento (near Copparo) is midway between Ferrara and Modena. Amazing logic, thank you heraldry. It all means that pharaoh Khyan, the mythical Ixion, father of centaurs, was at Cento. If the question is why the heraldic square became called a CANTon, I'd say it has to do with Cento elements in Placentia, home of the square. There is a Jolanda di Savoia location (see map) to the east of Copparo.

[Insert -- Ixion's centaurs were traced in a very compelling way earlier in this update, to the nebuly symbol used by Hipps and Favara's from the Hypsas river. Immediately after the trace of Ferrara elements to Cuneo, YS turned my attention to Agrigento, and after some obvious links were made between that place and Cuneo, I came across the Drago = Hypsas river, and yet it took several days to understand the significance of "Hypsas." So, in other words, the trace of Ixion to Cuneo several years ago looks very good at this point, from Ixion elements at Agrigento.

But I traced Ixion in particular to the Ligurian swan king, Cycnus. Where Ixion was at the river that I'm supposing to be the one naming Caiaphas, I could expect Caiaphas linked to the Ligurian swan, which is where the Joseph swan comes in. Then, long before Caiaphas was suspect in Masonry, I had traced STHENelus, the father of mythical Cycnus, to "SITTEN"/Sion, where indeed we could expect the Sadducee part of Caiaphas to trace. Entering "Sitten" gets the green-dragon Seatons of Lothian, and the Templar Zionism (or Sionism) of Charo's/Claro's must apply to Seatons. In other words, Seatons/Sittens/Satans (of Saytown and Say) ought to trace back through Sion at Switzerland to the Ligurian swan line of Caiaphas.

Having made that conclusion, I re-entered the Say Coat because I recalled that it's bull head design is identical to the red one on the Anchor/Annacker Crest!!! The latter had traced from the Jabesh-ites to the river that I suppose named Caiaphas. The Say Shield (could be the Massey Shield in colors reversed) is both in Seaton colors and in the colors of the Anchor/Annacker lozenges. This is tracing Jebusites straight through Sitten/Sion along with the namers of Caiaphas, important because Jebusites lived in Zion of Jerusalem.

Hmm, as Amorites must have named the Moriah hill at Jerusalem, what about the Moira location in Cuneo? End Insert]

To the west side of Ferrara is a Bondeno location, and then the Bond/Bundy Crest is also the Reed Crest. I had traced Bond's to Ponds/Ponte's, now interesting where Ponds were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Charo's/Claro's of Ferrara, but also where Drake's were first found. The Bonds and Ponts were first investigated as per the 13 Illuminati families, one of which is reported to be the Bundys...first found in Sardinia. Might Bondeno, therefore, have been a Seleucid location of the Sulcis kind?

CHAPmans, whom I trace to Caiaphas, use a "PONDere" motto term, thus tracing Chapmans to Ferrara. It's important, not only because a motto term of Joseph's led us to Ferrara in the first place, but because we just saw what should be the Jonathan rooster at Ferrara, while Jonathans were from a Freien entity (i.e. Pharisee) suspect in the makings of "Freemason." Then, the Swiss-Germo Fries use crescents in the colors of the Chapman crescent. If the shoe of Pontius Pilate fits here...

MiraBELLO is to the immediate south of Bondeno, off the road to Bologna, and then while Bouillons use a "bello" motto term, they can trace to Bologna elements. To trace Bouillons to Ferrara is of extreme importance where the Joseph surname links to its Charo/Claro kin, first found in Ferrara, for the other Joseph surname is the one using a swan, a symbol of Godfrey de Bouillon.

[Insert -- I didn't yet know here that the "Christo" motto term of Bouillons is for the Chrysippus line to the Hypsas. That idea was born in the inserts of this update.

Think hard. What does it mean? Wasn't Chrysippus a son of PELops? Wasn't Pelops the Baal cult? Wasn't Baal a bull cult that just traced to the Anchor/Annacker and Say bull? Wasn't Baal lord of the flies, the proto-Bel of European witchcraft, and wasn't the fly a symbol of the Bellamy-related Mascis' and therefore of the Mosca's at Chiaremonte and on the Hypsas? That explains why Bellamys and Seatons/Satans use crescents in the same colors, and why Bellamys and Says (and Meschins) were both first found in the same place (Shropshire).

Therefore, weren't Christo-using Bouillons from "Pel(ops)" = Baal? I am pretty sure that the first Templar invaders of Jerusalem, led by Godfrey de Bouillon, made their special home on mount Zion at Solomon's stables, where the horse had been a symbol in times of the Ixion-related Jebusites. It was Solomon's father who conquered the Jebusites and made Zion his own home. Baal had been worshiped even by Israelites in a valley of Zion, where Moloch was also worshiped. End Insert]

The Berra location on the north side of Copparo has a Berra surname, first found in Ferrara. It uses a bend that is thinner than most, in the blue color of the Charo/Claro bend that is thinner than most. What does it mean that Berra's should be linked to the Clare's? Should be ask Bernicians?

Scottish Berra's are listed as Neils living on the island of Barra. Irish Neils (look like a Keon version) show a Nihill variation tracing to the "nihil" motto term of Vere's. German Neils/Nails/Nagle's use a saltire in the blue color of the Copper/Cooper saltire, which are the colors of the thin Charo/Claro bend. Scottish Berra's therefore seem to apply to Ferrara's Berra's, which assumes that Scottish Coppers trace to Copparo. That traced Kypros, mother of Herod "the great" swine (poor woman), to the same place to which Joseph Caiaphas' Charo kin are tracing: the Berra / Copparo theater.

[Insert -- When Kypros' grandson, Herod Archelaus, was banished from Israel, Caesar likely gave him a choice of where to go. Herod ended up in Vienne Isere (I wonder whether "Isere" was named after "Israel"), smack beside Savoy, important because we see a Savoia location right beside Copparo and Berra (map below). It can suggest that Herods had kin or friends in Savoia and therefore in Savoy, who spread west into Vienne and Lyons.

The Isere river has a source at MOUTiers in Savoy, not far from Savoy's Modane location which is itself on a tributary of the Isere. There is some resemblance between the Moutier and Doris Coats, important if the Doris/Orris surname is from Herod "the great's" wife by that name. Moutier's were first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Bouillons. Other places of interest at the source of the Isere are Albertville and Bozel. Reminder: Alberts use a hammer (held by a savahge).

As for Bozel, let me repeat: "One Boso "of the Bosonid family who was related to the Carolingian dynasty and who rose to become King of Lower Burgundy and Provence."" That area can just about include Bozel too.

It's interesting that while "Moutier" just brought MonMOUTH to mind, I recalled that the Moth Coat is the same white tower used by Italian Berra's. While this may not necessarily trace Moutiers and Moths to Monmouthshire, it does seem to trace to Moths to Moutiers. The Jeffersons, however, whose kin traced to Monmouthshire, use a saltire in colors reversed from the Cooper/Copper saltire, and Jeffersons can thus be linked to the Charo/Claro bend, used by Berra's! Moreover, the Messeys/Messier's (first found in the Vienne-Isere theater), who use the same saltire as Jeffersons, were first found in Savoy!!! Sooo, it looks like "Messier" and "Moutier" are related surnames, all linking to Maccabee lines as well as to Herods in the Ferrara area. Prior to the Templar era, Copparo was "Massa in Copario", and then French Masseys/Massers were first found in Savoy. End Insert]

The two colors of the chevrons used by Josephs are in the colors of the Herod/Hurl Coat, but thus far I can't prove the two Coats are connected. However, on second thought, the garbs of that Joseph Coat trace to Comyns (Cheshire) and to the garbs in the Arms of Cheshire, while the Cheshire surname uses a hawks lure, symbol of the Herod/Hurl Crest. I suggested, before knowing the bulk of these new discoveries, that Caiaphas probably had the same ancestry as the Kypros > Herod bloodline. In other words, I maintained that Caiaphas traced to Cooper-like Coverts (both of them first found in the same place).

Chesters use the Shield-on-Shield colors (black and white) of the same of Tanners and Ghents, and Chesters use the motto ("Vincit qui patitur") of the black-and-white Shaws/Sheaves who must trace to Caiaphas.

Mirabello might just trace to Mire's/Mireux's, first found in Anjou and sacred to the Vere's. Mire's/Mireux's trace to the green mirror of Melusine. Aha! Another "semper" motto term, and the Ferrari lion, in the German Mire/Meier Coat! Reminder: the Alexander motto uses the MacDonald motto ("Per mare, per terras"), and MacDonalds use the ship of the Mere's/Meyers [smack of "Mire"), first found in Cheshire. The MacDonalds and French Alex's/Alexendre's (Normandy, location of Ferte-Mace) share the red spread eagle. But when we enter "Mare," we find the two Semper lions!

The last time the two Semper lions came up was in the Forham Coat suspect from Forum Allieni. The Frame's, who are round-about kin of Fresnals, use upright lions in the colors of the Semper lions. Frame's were first found in the same place as Vere's. The Fromms are in the same colors, and use a split Shield in the colors of the Place/Plaiz split Shield with a lion nearly that of the Semper lions. These are the colors of the Alans who lived at Forum Allieni. The Place's/Plaiz's were first found where Sprowston is located, and Sprows use a Shield split in the colors of the split Alexander and Arms-of-Ferrara Shields.

Ahahaha! The French Alans changed their Shield completely last year, now showing red footless martins instead of ducks. What a super help this has been, for I've just loaded the Frome's to find red footless martins of the very same design!!! That clinches the Frame-et-al trace to "Forum Allieni." And it traces the Alans smack to where the Joseph name traces its motto (Forum Allieni and Ferraruola were both at Ferrara).

The Aleng variation of French Alans suggested a look at the Lengs/Langs, who were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Reeds and Roddens/Rodhams. There are swans in the Ready/Reddie Coat. If you've forgotten, Reeds come from the motto of Shaw-related Thicks/Thecks using the fesse colors of Alans/AlanShaws. It means that Hillary Rodham is a Caiaphas liner. I'm sure she has a few dirty cups since she's never at home.

The Alans/Alanshaws use oak leaves, and Lengs/Langs use acorns = oak seeds. Lengs/Langs use white cinquefoils on black, and Roddens/Rodhams use black cinquefoils on white. Stewarts and German Langs both use pelican-on-nest, but as I have identified the da-Vinci cult with Stewarts more than any other surname by far, here I now find that the Vince/Vinch griffin design is used by the other German Langs. Dutch Langs use white Zionist stars in pale = vertical formation, as do Russian Alexanders. The Langs use their stars in the colors of the same of Billards/Billets

[Insert -- I came to call them the Caiaphas star; I hope to be proved right. If correct, then Langs are an expression both of the Da Vinci cult and of Caiaphas, and then this is probably the tenth time that Vinci elements proved to be a direct Caiaphas line.

The Lang Coat showing the Vince/Vinch griffin uses the German Bolt arrow, and then this English Bolt Coat shows the Vince/Vinch griffin, in the same colors, in an upright position. It's suggesting that the Allieni had merged with elements in Vinci of Florence, and whatever the Bolts were (the SHATners/CHATbolts might help to identify Bolts). Lets not forget the lightning bolts of Guiscards who can trace to Guido's, for Guido's have already been traced with the Allieni / Strange's to Trypillians.

After this insert, the Caiaphas-Pleche topic turns to Alan-related Pollocks of GLASgow, where Alans themselves came to live. Pollocks are now very trace-able from Pula (Istria) to Placentia. Pula is near Losinj where the Beatle / Anchor/Annacker lozenges are expected to trace, important because those two surnames were suspect at the naming of Caiaphas (on the Hypsas) from the proto-Roman Benjamites while Losinj and Istria are in the Japodes theater.

Pollocks are important in the Bolt-Vinci topic because Pollocks traced to emperor Valentinian, from the Sava river where Leslie's trace who use buckles and a bend, the symbol of Stirlings (a branch of Strange's?). Then, Bolt-related Guiscards were first found in Stirling, and moreover Vinci at Florence is beside Battifolle, where Fellers/Felltragers were traced in the last update while I trace Pollock ancestry to Fullers (kin of Belli's who now trace with Bouillons to Chrysippus). Moreover, here's the online statement that links Guis'/Guido's to the Vinci theater: "...Poppi along with Battifolle and Porciano was granted to the Count Guido Guerra dei Guidi."

In the Felltrager trace to Battifolle, it was said: "Fells, who look like their lozenges can link to Reno's, likewise use eight-pointed stars." Eight-pointed stars were Ishtar stars in ancient times that can therefore trace to "Istria," explaining the Fell lozenges. The dragon cult is consistently tracing to the Benjamites at one place or another.

The "Gang forward" motto of Stirlings (taken from the Drummonds of Stirling who named their motto after Leslie ties) evokes the "forward" term of Sittens/Seatons using a dragon in the green colors of the Leslie griffin. Reminder: Guerra's use a green dragon and are expected in the Setta valley, meaning that green-dragon Sittens/Seatons/Satans are expected from Setta. It recalls when Jesus called the Israeli priests, sons of satan.

Entering "Gang" gets the Gedge surname, perhaps a Sedgewick variation of Saddocks who should likewise trace to the Setta. The Gang/Gedge Coat reminds of the Bois/Boys/BOZE coat, and then it had been found that Bosons use the Bolt arrows, important because the Boso/Bosni/Bosoni surname using the Charo/Claro bull was called the BOSONid family. Vinci-related Bolts are thus linking to the surname honored by Josephs, once again making a Vinci link to Caiaphas suspects. The Cheneys use a version of the Bois/Boys/Boze Coat, in my opinion, and then Cheneys use a bull's scalp, what appears to be in play in the Bullet/Bullhed Coat, suggesting a Bullet=Bolt equation. Indeed, the Cheney birds are called, "birds," recalling the "bird bolt" arrow. The SHATners/ShatBOLTS (in Saddock/Sedgewick colors) are coming to mind, wherefore the Bullets / Bolts look like carriers of the Baal bull in the Crest of Seaton-related Says, which is a red bull like the bull of Boso-related Charo's/Claro's.

As Sittens/Seatons were first found in Lothian, it's interesting that the Roslin surname uses buckles too (perhaps for Buckingham, where Cheneys (and no doubt other Khyan / Ixion elements) were first found.

Alans and Belleme's were closely related, and then Bellamys ruled at Alencon. We just saw that Seatons and Bellamys share the same crescents for the reason of the Says being a branch of Beatle-related Anchors/Annackers (i.e. meaning that Baal-suspect Bellamys trace with other Pelops > Chrysippus lines to the Hypsas), but what a lucky stroke that, about the time of writing about it, I noted for the first time the new color of the English Botter eagle, now red-on-gold, the colors of the Bellamy crescents. That Botter eagle is now in the colors of the Ferte eagle, and then Bellamys of Alencon were merged with the Benjamite-based Maceys / Masseys of neighboring Ferte-Mace. The Botter eagle is also now in the colors of the Beatle lozenges, and Beatle's (found on the Hypsas-Drago) must trace with Drakes to Hampshire, where Botters were first found. Reminder: the Italian Botter lone star traces tentatively to the lone star of Agrigento, at the mouth of the Hypsas. End insert]

How excellent: German Brome's (linked to the sprig of broom of Chappes'/Cheaps) happen to use a red Shield with a black pale, the very design and colors of the Russian Alexander Coat. "Brome" was entered because I though it might be a Frome variation. It means that English Brome's/Brooms (Kent) use the Alexander chevron, as must Bromels. This is important as per the Fisher-king myth wherein "Corbenic has a town, and a bridge which Sir Bromell la Pleche..." He sounds like a Fulk / Pollock / Plock. [At the time of writing, it was very concerning to trace Alexander Balas to Placentia.]

Remember, Vere's and Stewarts were like two fingers crossed to no avail. Drake's traced to Abreu's, first found in Padova, location of Este that traces with Pollocks to Istria. The Vere write-up traced them to Sprowestun of Roxburghshire, but it can be gleaned that they were also in Spowston of Norfolk, where their Planta-Fulke/Folk cousins were first found. Then, Dutch Sprows (must have the 's') Coat is a Shield split in half in the colors of the Arms of Ferrara, but as it's split vertically, it's the Alexander Shield too, isn't it?

See the town sign of Sprowston, in the very same split colors (almost) of the Dutch Sprows Coat, and even using a white bird as does the Coat. Why is there a windmill in the Sprowston sign? For their Dutch ancestry, I presume. [The Shatners/Shatbolts use the same split Shield.]

I realized one day that the Alans of Dol were the Helions, who use the Este horses in colors reversed. It's clear now from this that the Helions are from Forum Allieni, and that they carried the Allieni name to the present.

I then found that Helms, to which the Pendragon helmet traces, were from Helion. As the Helms and Pendragons are an obvious branch of Sale's, it's telling us that Alans had merged with the Salyes Seleucids, even as the Caseys had done so, and here we are finding that Caseys and Alans are both in the ancestry of the Israeli chief priests.

The Halls and Hulls just happen to use talbot dogs in the format and colors of the Este horses, meaning that they are a branch of Helions. Catters traces earlier in this update [not any more] to the Pendragon chevron, wherefore note that the Hull chevron is likely the Catter chevron, itself likely the Alexander chevron because Catters (suspect with Atters/Tyre's and Macintyre's) traced to the MacAbee's beside the Alexanders at Kintyre. The white ermined chevron of Catters and Hulls can now be limped in with the same of Arthur-related Wayne's.

The CALLESter variation of Alexanders is interesting for getting the English Calles surname using trumpets, important because the Arthurs used "clarions," a form of trumpet. The "grata" motto term of the Calles can be traced to Valerius Gratus, the Roman governor of Judea immediately before Pontius Pilate. This is more than a feasible trace because the Scottish Callus/Cole surname (stars in Kyle-star colors) uses the pheon of the Celts/Colts that traces as a sheer certainty to Pontius Pilate. Then, Wayne's are expected to be a branch of Vains/Vans/PHONE's.

The Spanish Calles surname (first found in SantANDER) is excellent for using the Alis/Hallis "fir tree"! [I can't remember what that exclamation mark was for.] The Casey / Thick/Theck eagle design is in the Alis Crest so that we are seeing continually the Caiaphas line merged with that of the Alexander-Maccabees.

Going back to the Pergers accessed from the Belgian Flecks, I think I can solve the myth concerning the donkey and the diamond in an account of rabbi Shetach (story was in the 4th update of January, or thereabouts). The Pergers are also "Pergen," and then Dutch Bergens/Burgs use diamonds in the colors of the scallops of English Bergens. The Crest of the latter shows a key, symbol of the Sheaves > Shaw bloodline to Caiaphas. The English Bergen scallops are in the colors of the scallops of donkey-using Chamberlains. The English Bergen Shield is split by a dancette as in the Fisher Coat, and in the same colors. French Chamberlains are the ones showing a trace to Placentia, where Flecks / Plocks / etc. trace, and out of which the Shetach surname is expected. The Place/Plaiz Coat is split in the two colors of English Bergen Coat.

Masons loved Ananias, didn't they?

The key design of the Bergens is identical to the purple ones in the Crest of Portuguese Chaves', whose Coat is identical (essentially) with the Italian Sheaves/Chiapponi Coat.

Kelners/Kellers (Scott bend?) use a key in colors reversed to the Sheaves / Chaves', and then the eagle design of Caseys is used in Jonathan-rooster colors by the German Kellers/Cellers (both first found in Swabia). Linkage to the Seleucid-suspect Sellers is probably correct here seeing that Caseys traced both to Caiaphas lines and to Seleucid-Maccabees, but also because the Seller and Casey chevrons are in colors reversed to one another.

It's no coincidence that Thicks/Thecks use the Casey / Keller eagle design, proving that the Keller key is indeed the Sheaves / Chaves key. The Thicks/Thecks use the Shaw/Sheaves ermined lozenges in colors reversed to the Thick/Theck ermined lozenges as the first clue that Thicks/Thecks are the Sithech line of Sheaves/Shaws. But the latter even use a "qui" motto term as code for the Sheaves / Chaves / Keller key.

The Sinclair/Claro Crest is then the same rooster as in the Heath/Hethe Coat, important because the Heaths/Hethe's were accessed from the heath-cock of the Mounds who traced without doubt to the Levi and Maccabee-related Mons capital of Hainaut. The Hains and Hannitys were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as the Rhodes' who use the engrailed Sinclair cross in different colors. (Sean Hannity of Fox married a Rhodes surname, and I've never heard him mention Jesus once though he starts to quote Jesus in his shows by saying, "Let not your hearts be troubled." I never hear him arguing for God's positions either, unless it's coincidental.)

We've seen many "ferm"-like motto terms (Squirrel surname uses one), but then "firme" is used by Hannitys. If that suggests a trace of Hannitys to Placentia so as to prove that Hannitys were the namers of Hainaut or vice-versa, it can explain why the Place/Plaiz Coat is split exactly like the Irish Hannity/Heaney Coat...which itself used a red-on-gold lion, the color of the Hainaut lion. As you can see, the Irish Hannitys use two lions, both in the colors of the two sides of the Place/Plaiz lion, and just as the county of Hainaut originally used the three Levi chevrons, so the Place/Plaiz lion is the Levi lion design. DESIGN MATTERS. [I hadn't yet considered the Hain / Hannity trace to the Saint-Anna river at this point, the river that was the Hypsas.]

German Hains were first found in Silesia and appear to use one of the Hainaut lions. Scottish Hains were first found in the same place (Dumfries) as Annandale, thus tending to reveal that Hainaut was named after the same that named Ananias. Scottish Hains are in the colors of both Hannitys and moreover use the fesse in the colors of the Thick/Theck fesse.

The red scallops of the Hains are in the colors of the Bergon scallops, important because red scallops traced to Borgia's by way of the red scallop in the Savona Coat (of swan-suspect Savona). As the red Borgia bull is tracing straight to Caiaphas lines of the Charo/Claro kind, the red Savona bull is super evidence that the Joseph swan relates to Levi-related and Ananias-suspect Hains, amounting to super evidence that both Joseph surnames are in honor of Joseph Caiaphas.

The following article on the Joseph surname is titled, Asipenko for reasons I don't understand:

Either way the [Joseph] name was popular in England from Norman times...The rare patronymic 'Josephson' is recorded in the Subsidy Rolls of Cambridge for the year 1332 when John Josepsone is so recorded. The coat of arms granted in the former Welsh county of Breconshire has the blazon of per chevron blue and green, in chief three garbs, in base two gold chevronells. The crest is a golden garb, the motto 'cas ni charo y wlad a'i mago." The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Henry Joseph, which was dated 1191, in the pipe rolls of the county of Hampshire, during the reign of King Richard 1st, known as 'The Lionheart', 1189 - 1199.

Henry Joseph of Hampshire is therefore suspect as a Caiaphas liner who knew it [I hadn't yet traced the Caiaphas line to the Drago river, or to its Drake's, first found Hampshire!]. Checking the Henry surname, it was first found in the same place (Brittany) as the Balls and Blass', and moreover it uses a chevron in the colors of the Bails. The ducklings of the Henrys were a symbol showing until last year in the French Alan Coat [the Drake write-up traces the surname to the walk of a duck]. The Henry write-up: "First found in Brittany, where the family stems from Vaurouil and de la Motte-Henry, villages in Saint-Gilles, to the west of Rennes, in the former barony of Gael-Montfort." Motts/Morte's (not to mention German Bergens) use the crescent colors of the Alexander crescent. Balas-incidence?


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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