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December 1 - 9, 2013

The Geddes-Luce's Mystery -- Part Two

The principal Numidians from Aures/Awraba and into Ayrshire would seem to be the Shawia because they are honored in the motto of the Arms-of-Ayrshire. Shaws and Oliphants were both first found in Perthshire, however. Perthshire is also where Kettle's were first found who were looked up as per seeking "Gaetuli" terms. A version of the "vince" motto term of Kettle's is used by Shaws. This is extremely interesting, tending to reveal that the Setta valley, and Sitten of Sion, was named by the Gaetuli.

If you have come here from the end of the last update, you saw how Soducena / Sittaceni elements may have named Zedek, the name of Jerusalem under Amorites. Shouldn't we expect those elements passing through Harbiye, therefore? I trace mount Acra at Jerusalem to mount the modern mount Aqra, anciently Cassius but also Saphon. I traced "Saphon" to the Sophene area of greater Armenia, begging the question of whether Sophonisba was named after those elements. Later in this update, I discover that Sophonisba traces to the swan-line Ligurians. I prove it, but simultaneously come to the realization that she was named after "Sevan" elements.

This is incredible because it not only traces "Sophene" to "Sevan", but expects Soducena / Sittaceni elements from Sevan at Sophene...the ones who came to name Sion at Sitten! And that's why it was also named "Sion," because they had been from Zion at southern Jerusalem. But they didn't name it Sion in Switzerland until they first became the Sadducees. And somehow, they were also the Gaetuli, apparently, unless it's a coincidence of term similarity where both were at Sion, though largely unrelated to one another.

The Shaw motto shares a "vincit term with the Geddes, important because Shaws are traced to a "Sithech." The Stick(ley) surname can apply as it uses only garbs in the colors of the trefoils (Pike symbol) of Irish Shaws. At the top of the Geddes article, it reads, "Veritas vincit," and "Traditional Stag Crest and Motto of Geddie - Geddes" under a Coat of Arms showing nothing but a stag head.

The Kettle stags are related to the Keath stag due to similarity of terms, and Keaths were first found in the same place (Lothian) as SEATons/Sittens, who could therefore be a soft-C version of "Keath" and "Keaton." If Kettle's were Gaetuli, it stands to reason that Seatons were too. But I get confused at this point. The Shaw grails and the purple associated with the Gaetuli suggest the Revelation harlot, and therefore her trace to Sadducees is a profound mystery indeed, but to what do we trace "Gaetul" while keeping the possibility fluent that they were a Sadducee line. I'm no longer apt to trace to "Getai" Thracians. Perhaps heraldry can reveal the solution.

Heatons/Hetons use the Keath stags on what looks like the Sale bend, important where Sale's trace to the Salins neighborhood of Sion/Sitten. That suggests the Seatons at Sitten, not the Gaetuli, yet Gaetuli trace to Guido Guerra while both Guerra's and Seatons use a green dragon. Revelation 13 suggests that we could be seeking a scarlet / kokkinon dragon, and the Kikonian swan line to Sitten therefore seems to apply wildly. The seven heads of the scarlet dragon must be a between-the-lines code for the seven-headed Lotan dragon, for Baal, when he was lord of Cassius = Saphon, defeated the Lotan dragon (code for war between the carriers of Baal and the representation of Lotan).

In other words, we can expect the swan-line Sittaceni in the ranks of the Lotan side of that war. We could then expect the Sittaceni on the Ladon river of Greece, near the Kendron/Kedron river the namers of which I trace to "Kidron," the valley at south Jerusalem where the wickedness of Baal took place. No Sitt / Sett / Get term around these two rivers comes to mind, but I definitely do not know the entire geography of that ancient land.

As was revealed in the third update of this month, the Salins part of Sion uses gold garbs (Stick-garb colors) in the two colors of the Arms-of-Cheshire garbs, and Sale's were first found in were the Kettle-suspect Cheatles and Eatons who may apply to "Gaetuli" and "Seaton" respectively. Heatons were first found in Lancashire, on the north side of Cheshire.

Sheddens were first found in Ayrshire, and thereby qualify for soft-C Gaetuli lines. In fact, Sheddens are a prime example for proving that soft-C versions existed, for the red-on-white Shedden cinquefoils are used by Kettle's. This insight now has the ability to bring Scheds and related Skits (Ayrshire) into the Gaetuli fold, but as Sheddens were in Ayrshire, what about that "God Shaw the Richt" motto in the Arms of Ayrshire? Isn't "Shedden" like "Sithech"? Not good enough for you?

Look at the Stone's, suspect with "Sitone / Sithone," and compare their perpale Shield with that of Gate's. The Shields are identical, and both surnames use three gold symbols to boot (the Stone's using more cinquefoils). Stone's were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Geddys/Gideons, and Gate's were first found in the same place Heatons. It's as though there are Seaton - Gaetuli links all over the map. The Stone's use "Vive at vivas" for a motto, and then they were first found in the same place as purple-lion Veys/Vivians whom their motto honors. Definitely a Gaetuli line, right?

I'm in a helium balloon in the skies, and I don't know where this investigation is going to drop me off. If you were interested in the Harmon topic of two updates ago, as it could relate to Seatons and Hasmoneans in Cremona, see the Hermit/Armet surname (first found in the same place as Sheddens) as per the hermit in the Shedden Crest. Sheddens and Seatons seem to be one family stock, it tends to support the trace of Seatons to Cremona elements. That's where the army barracks of Scipio were located, from whom came purple-lion Skiptons. It's as though we should expect Seaton elements in the Cremona barracks, but, let's ask once again: were Seatons a Gaetuli peoples of the Sadducees??? Two updates ago, I was playing with the idea of a Cree-Mona / Rome-Mona meaning behind "Cremona," but then the last update found me talking in one breath about Crimea and the nearby Sittaceni. How about that!

I'm not ruling out a trace of Rome's/Rooms (Dumfries) and related Cree's to Cremona, especially as one of the Cree Coats looks like that of the Guerra's. I have lost sight of Cretans for a long while. I had traced Cree's/Rae's using Crete-like terms to mythical Rhea of Crete, whom the Romans equated with their chief goddess, Juno. I don't know whether Rhea elements were on the Oeneus river of Juno.

When get to the part where the Seaton motto term ("HazARD") was identified in-part with "Ard," see "arduis" in the Hermit/Armet motto. Ask whether the red lion in the Hermit/Armet Crest is that of the Guido's and/or Rome's. Shouldn't Armet trace to mount Hermon and its Sion summit? If so, shouldn't we expect the proto-Seaton's of Cremona to be at Sion/Sitten? No matter what we walk away with this, we now know from multiple evidences that Seatons named Sitten.

As the father of the Luce surname will be discovered at York, where purple Skiptons and Lacys were first found, ask whether the helmets of the Hermits/Armets helmets, first found in Yorkshire, and perhaps also the griffins of Sheddens, are in white-on-blue colors for tracing to the Gaet/Gede/Gedda crescents. It is a mind-blower to find that the same-colored quatrefoil of English Vincents (Leicestershire) should apply because French Vincents use a shield-on-Shield in colors reversed from the same of Hermits/Armets. The Vincent quatrefoils were linked to the same of Croms who were traced to Cremona! The "dabITUR" motto of Vincents ought to link to the Shaw motto, "Vincit qui patITUR." Shaws were honored in Ayrshire, while Ayers and Ears/Eyes/Heyers also use quatrefoils.

Not only do Geddes use "vincit" as their part for linking to the Da Vinci Cult, but as Geddes are related to Luce's who apparently put forth the Lys/Lise surname, by what coincidence are we finding Vincents tracing to CreMONA? Doesn't it suggest that Leonardo had Cremona elements on the brain with his Mona Lisa? Doesn't it reveal that the Da Vinci bloodline was from Geddes and Luces, the old creme de la crop of satan's puke?

It is now established that the Vincit-using Shaws are using the black-on-white chevron of Ears/Eyes/Heyers. "Ayer" can be tentatively traced to Hagar(t)s ("MODeste" motto term), first found in Perthshire, using a large Zionist star in the white-on-blue under discussion. The Hagar star is used by Goths, but suddenly it appears that we can add Goths to Geddes/Getty kin. Goths are also "Goeth / Goethel," the latter like "Gaetuli." As Goths were first found in Thuringia, and are in McCloud colors, linkage to Basina and Chlodewig is reasonable.

This was part of Saxe-Gotha, and so see the gold garbs in the Saxe Coat along with a "Sit saxum firmum" motto, translated as "Let the STONE be firm." As these very quatrefoil-related entities are tracing to Rennes-le-Chateau (in Septimania) as well as to Sion, it's interesting that the Saxon surname comes up as SEPton, while there is a Saxon location about a dozen miles downstream from Sion/Sitten.

Saxe's use "partridges," the symbol of a mythical craftsman, "PERdix," whose elements might just have named Perth(shire). Perdix (means "partridge), also known as "Talus," is typically equated with DaeDALUS on Crete, or with Hephaestus on Lemnos. It's bringing to mind the migration of Ariadne from Crete to Lemnos. The only other surname that I've found using a partridge is that of Char(d)s, which is why I traced Perdix to Berry, France, beside a Cher/Char location. It was on the north side of the Lemovices. Berry is said to have been founded by BITURiges, and then the Thick/Theck surname (uses the ermined Shaw lozenges) uses a A BITURn SETTLing in the REEDs.

The Lemovices are in the Gascony theater, where the Oettingen stork line went through to Odins and Oddie's of Storkhouse in Yorkshire. Then, the Dales, who smack of "Talus," were first found in Yorkshire, and they share a stork with the Crest of Perts/Petts. Perdixidence? I've checked; they both use storks. Perts/Petts (Kent) show a scallop in the colors of the Shedden scallop, not likely coincidental because the latter were first found in Ayrshire, a place linked to Perthshire by the glue of the Shaws.

If you are in doubt that Dale's trace to mythical PERDIX = TALUS, what about the "PARATUS" motto term of DALLAS'?

Here's the Pert/Pett Crest description: "A silver stork beaked and legged red on a mount with bulrushes, and two blue mascles interlaced in front." As Dale's use a swan in their Coat, I would have to say that the "legged" term is code for the Ley/Lee's/Lighs/Leghs, terms that should be at the Lee/Ligan river of Bedford. The stork is likely on a "mount' because the Mounts/Mons (Peebles-shire) are the one's using the Ley/Ligh lion (same colors). But the Dale swan can link to the Leicester swan and therefore trace the same families to the Legro = Soar river. The Soars use the same lion (same colors) as Dudleys who may have been after family calling themselves after "Daedalus."

When we come back to the partridge-using Saxe's, we need to ask why they use the colors of the Coffers who trace to Taranto in Apulia. Years ago, before much of what's under discussion was a topic, I traced Perdix to Bari in Apulia (I think it's the Apulia capital). It's known that Iapyx, the son of Daedalus, is code for Iapyges of Apulia, but for me the PUGlia version of "Apulia" was named by IaPYGes. Therefore, it appears that Saxe's trace to Perdix elements at Apulia / Bari and thus link to Coffers for that reason.

The lion in the Saxe Crest is said to be "holding a black dart," and then the Darts and Coffers/Coffeys/Caffeys share a white-ermined fesse. Plus, I now recall that the first-ever trace of Guido Guerra to Britain involved the Darts / Darths/Deaths. Darts were first found in Devon, beside the Coffers/Coffare's first found in Somerset. Darts show a flame in Crest, and then Dallas are using the Coat of the Flemish Biggars.

Darths, first found in the same place as Dallas-suspect Perts/Petts, are the ones using the lion design of Vince's/Vinch's, said comically to be derived in sellers of finches. And that brings us full circle to the Flemish Seatons, using the same lion design, and tracing with the Mona Lisa to Cremona and Rennes-le-Chateau.

Scottish Pikes were first found in Ayrshire, and use Seaton colors, gold and red. The Pickens variation smacks of the Piceni peoples. The article below says: "The Piceni lived in Le Marches' territory (and in part of the Abruzzi) between the 9th and the 3rd centuries B.C. Their origins are still unknown; Sabines or Illyrians, it seems they were called Piceni because of the woodpecker -- a bird sacred to Mars -- that towered over their emblem...The objects created by this population remained concealed in necropolises for centuries, between the rivers Foglia and the town of Pescara, and are now visible in museums. They bear witness to an aristocratic and warlike society, proud of its own strength and growing wealth." It sounds like the Geds. Pescara is named after fish. The Pescara/Pesci Coat uses the Verona fish, probably, because Pesci's were first found in Venice, not far from Vicenzo, which smacks of a Picenzo village in Abruzzo. The write-up laughably traces to people who looked like fish.

I'm assuming that the Piceni lived at the Foglia river, smacking a little of the lake Fucino of the Marsi. Assuming that "Lech" was a product from "Luce," and that the Lech river at Fussen applies, then where "Fussen" traces to "FUCINo," the Pike kin of Luce's are quite identifiable as Piceni. There is a Foglia surname listed with a Vogel/Fogel surname, first found in Thuringia, and said to be from "the Duchy of Gotha." I didn't know this when mentioning the Goths/Goethels as possible kin of Perthshire's Hagar(t)s. In this picture, Hagars could trace with Augers to Euganeo, i.e. near Vicenza, especially as the Hagar motto term, "modESTE," suggests Este smack beside Euganeo. The Foglia/Vogel Coat uses a gold rose, the rose color used by the French Rose surname, which has potential for linking to the Rose's of Geddy relations.

Purple Lacys use a motto term, "AUGENtur." As HOGENs use the Yonge rings in colors reversed, while Yonge's are honored in the Gard surnames, it evokes that Garda location at Schio / Vicenza. I'm very convinced already that Gards trace to this place.

Ultimately, the Pike's should trace to Pek elements in cahoots with Guido Guerra. That always involved the Strange's from Forum Allieni, the proto-Alans, and so we find that the Lech surname uses a pelican theme (a Stewart theme too), and a fesse in colors reversed to the Alan fesse. It was only as of today, as I write, that the Guido-related Skits/Skeochs and Scheds were traced to Schio, at Piceni-suspect Vicenza. Pekincidence?

What was northern Italy doing in Scotland by 400 AD? Were it running away from the police? Only the sea stopped it from going further. Or did it? The Gaetuli lived on the border of the Sahara, giving the impression that another unruly band had run from the police in that direction, stopped only by the desert. This is why they called them pagans, bandits running to the furthest corners of the earth, taking loot with them. But finding no casinos or hooker houses on the Atlantic coast or at Sahara water holes, they turned back, sneaking into society with different names, and maybe a fake mustache. They must fled through Sion, stopped only by the Alps. And there they opened Swiss bank accounts, not allowing the government any say on how many criminals could deposit how many dollars as many times daily as they wished. Pagans were otherwise "heathen," smacking of Heatons and Keatons, but how do we know that pagans and heathens were not named after the family names rather than family names named after "pagan" and "heathen"? Who would name themselves after derogatory terms? I say that members of the Pagan and Heaton families were an unruly, wild peoples, and so city people labeled them, "You Pagans"! or "You Heatons! It was the Veneti branch of Wends that was responsible for "You Vandals"! Let's read:

Gaetuli was the Romanised name of an ancient Berber tribe inhabiting Getulia, covering the desert region south of the Atlas Mountains, bordering the Sahara. Other sources place Getulia in pre-Roman times along the Mediterranean coasts of what is now Algeria and Tunisia, and north of the Atlas. The Zenatas are considered Gaetules.

Aha! The Romans gave them that name. But what Gaetuli were they before that? The term was also "Getuli." One webpage adds an ancient quote, where "purpura" is Greek for "purple": "Gaetulicus, a, um, adj., Gaetulian: purpura, Plin. 6, 31, 36, § 201: purpurissum, id. 35, 6, 26, § 45." It's as if the word came to mean, purple. There is basically nothing online concerning the Gaetuli. They must have had another name, or were simply unimportant. They were given a mythical king, Iarbas, which modifies to "Jarbas." Garebites? Iarbas wanted to marry the witch and human-sacrificer, mythical Dido, Tyrian founder of Carthage. The writers of the Swan Knight, Lohengrin, traced him to Dido, but I traced him also to the Adriatic coast. I feel that "Lohan" is code for the swan-using Lokens/Lochs and Locks. Here's the stuff on Iarbas:

In Roman mythology, Iarbas or Hiarbas was the son of Jupiter Hammon (Hammon was a North African god associated by the Romans with Jupiter, and known for his oracle) and a Garamantian nymph. He became the king of Gaetulia. According to Virgil's Aeneid, he fell in love with the Carthaginian queen Dido, who rejected his advances in favour of Aeneas. Variations of the story were narrated by Ovid, Macrobius, and Pompeius Trogus; in Justin's epitome of Pompeius he is king of the Maxitani.

There was also a historical king of Numidia called Hiarbas who reigned from 84-82 BC.

Jupiter Hammon can bring Hamon de Masci to mind as a Hammon de Maezaei concept.

Iarbas almost sounds as though he could be from the Harbiye elements that linked earlier to Peks/Pecks and Urbans. Right away, that jibes with what we read above, that Iarbas is associated with Aeneas, whom must have named the Oeneus river of Juno, and with Jupiter at the neighboring Colapis. The Maxitani may go to Maxwells or proto-Maxwells at Rijeka (using the two-headed Roman eagle). This was the land later of the Serbs and related Croatians.

For those who don't know, Croatians are said to have called themselves KRVati, and "Krv" is a Gareb-like term. I therefore think I can be a little dogmatic in tracing the Gaetuli to Garebites of the Serb kind. The Sophene topic was introduced as it may have led to Sophonisba, the Carthaginian. That works. Plus, it seems that "Sophene" and "Saphon" should be traced to Sevan, home of Soducena. That traces well to Lohengrin. But it also traces to Luce's where the Lusks/Luss' using the Rose boar head were from Loches (Normandy), while the Loches' are also "Lock" and similar terms. Apparently, the Loge's are related.

The original Loherangrin had a twin brother, Kardeiz, code for a Carthaginian entity. He lives in a land, Munsalvasche, and because he is associated with Brabant, "Muns" is suggesting Mons of Hainaut, where the lines of the Levi go. He has a daughter. Elsa, who tipped me off concerning his Carthaginian roots, for Dido is thought by some to be the true princess of Tyre, Elissa (I think I have that spelled right). The article tells that the Lohengrin swan entity led to Godfrey de Bouillon. Bouillons were first found in AUVERgne, what may trace to "Aures/Awraba, where I now think the Urbanus river traces. The Urbanus is one south of the Oeneus. Mons is likely a Maccabee entity, and the Maezaei on the Urbanus were of the Maccabee founding line with the Boii of Bologna, where Godfrey's noble house (Boulogne), near Hainaut, traces.

As "Zenata / Zenetes" named Thanet of horse-depicted Kent, where Massins/Masons were first found, see how the Gaetuli liked horses, but also note how they wore American natives, we may presume:

Getulia was the name given to an ancient district in North Africa, which in the usage of Roman writers comprised the nomadic tribes of the southern slopes of Mount Aures and the Atlas, as far as the Atlantic, and the oases in the northern part of the Sahara. They were noted for the rearing of horses, and according to Strabo had 100,000 foals in a single year. They were clad in skins, lived on meat and milk, and the only manufacture connected with their name is that of the purple dye that became famous from the time of Augustus, and was made from the purple shellfish Murex brandaris found on the coast, apparently both in the Syrtes and on the Atlantic.

It was mentioned in the last update how they were expected to manufacture inks as well, for tattooing, and then Picts are thought (due to their name) to have painted their bodies. Didn't American natives do the same? Some dispute that Picts painted themselves, but in any case, I have been wondering for years whether "Pict / Pictone" is a term from the Picenti. That latter term can also mean burnt-red, like some Italians I've seen with red skin. The woodpecker or anything sharp may have come to symbolize the Piceni, but there is also sharp-tasting things. "Picenti" to me means "spiced," as with foods in a spicy-hot bath. You know the burning sensation of hot peppers. PICKles were named such for a reason, not because they look like the beak of a woodpecker. Another word for spicy: picante.

Wikipedia's article on the Picentes says that the people were rooted in "Pic, not "Picen." Although the writer discusses the Sabine relationship to the Piceni, and moreover mentions their woodpecker symbol from ancient days, he/she seems deliberately misleading with an omission of the Marsi peoples. Hello? Why haven't historians long ago identified the Marsi with Mars, god of the woodpecker? What am I missing? The article tells of how Picenti got down to the Naples area, and it may be hinting at the ancestry of the dark-skinned Silurians of southern Wales. Why is the Welsh dragon red?

Ancona and Asculum [Eschol elements?] remained independent but the rest of Picenum was annexed. The Romans placed two more colonies to hold it: Ariminum in 268 and Firmum in 264. Between these years they moved large numbers of Picentes to Campania, giving them land at Paestum and on the river Silarus and assisted them to build a city, Picentia [did it have a big red sign out front?]. They also placed a garrison at Salernum to monitor them. Strabo reports that in his time they had depopulated the city in favor of villages scattered about the Salerno region. In Ptolemy's time (2nd century AD) a population named by him the Picentini were still at Salernum and Surentum.

Now recall that a Varro had been given the task, after the Campania area was settled with Picenti, to re-settling Campania and nearby Padua elements. It didn't say who exactly was re-settled, but it may have been this crowd. And it was just about the time of Caiaphas' birth: "[Marcus Terentius] Varro was born in or near Reate (now Rieti) to a family thought to be of equestrian rank...He was one of the commission of twenty that carried out the great agrarian scheme of Caesar for the resettlement of Capua and Campania (59 BC)." The Trents were first found in Somerset, just around the corner from southern Wales.

It just has to be true that the Marsi at Fucino had to be involved as the Phocaeans at Marseille. That was after the Lacydon location (about 700 BC). However, "Lacydon" may have been a mythical term. I've simply forgotten whether it was real or not. There was a mythical Gyptis there signifying Egyptian elements, with red skin who are prime candidates for making the skin of the Picenti red. I'm assuming that the Picenti moved with the Marsi to Marseille.

On the map below, top-left, one can see the Picentini and some locations in the Wikipedia quote above. But note the BUXENTum location that is also "Pyxus," a prime suspect for a PICENTini location that evolved into Picts. Note the bay of LAUS beside Buxentum, for the Luce surname will be discovered below as part of another Laus location having a fish. This stretch of Italy at the arch of the foot happened to be Poseidon country, as Posidonia can inform us. Posidonia was also "Paestum," where the Picenti were settled. It's where we might expect fish symbols. Therefore, this picture looks excellent for furnishing the Luce / Pike surnames. We are straight across the sea from the Gaetuli here, or whatever they were called before the Romans named them.

Let's go back to the horse theme of the Gaetuli, for the Geds lived near CANTyre, while Numidians infested horse-depicted Kent, founded by the Cantii. I had looked up the canter surname in search in Cantyre elements, but didn't realize that they are also Ganter/Gaunter when I was mentioning the Candie/Gandy surname that ought to link to the Candida region of the Geds. It must be just a freaky coincidence that Italian Candida's were first found at Naples. But if not, it looks like this area on the arch of Italy migrated to Scotland's Pictland. The Picts are said to be from a "Cruithne" peoples by the C-Celts, but called "Pretani" by the so-called P-Celts. That to me sounds like the makings of "Briton," and then the toe of Italy was Bruttium...which I traced to Aprutium, where the Marsi and some Picenti lived.

There was also a Pyxites river in the land of the Khaldi near Trabzon. I traced Khaldi to "Celt," but also to "CALEDonia," and Caledonians are regarded as a branch of Picts, wherefore the namers of Pyxus/Buxentum are suspect as the namers of the Pyxites...which tends to trace the Picenti to "PYXITES." The Khaldi are always lumped by historians with the (C)Halybes, whom I trace to the naming of Calabria, the alternative name of Bruttium. But the Caledonians must have come from Greek Calydon, and as the Calydonian boar (mythology) was shot through by an arrow, I say that the Pollock boar is a symbol of the Caledonian Picts. The Geddes article places the Geds specifically at Caledonia. The writer doesn't say, Alba, but says, Caledonia.

We have another "non" term in the Cantor/Gantor Coat. That term has consistently traced to Numidians so that I'm quite sure of Sophonisba's Carthaginians being behind the Canters/Ganters. They are said to be from "gaunter," a maker of gloves, but you must not be that naive. You know that it's code for the Macey gauntlet gloves, but used by others, such as the Swan/Sion surname. Gaunt/Ghent is in Belgium, the theater of Lohengrin, the Swan Knight. Gaunts/Gants were first found in Kent. To help show that Canters are a Geddes line, it uses "twelve gouttes counterchanged".

German Canters use a "rectANGLE, and then Angles use a flying horse, which in myth was a prime symbol for the horse-loving Gorgons, in Africa. The Cantors could have used some other angle thing or even an angel, but chose to use "RECTangle." I'm sure there was a big debate over what to use by all the family heads down at the lodge. There is a Rectors/Ricket/Recket surname, first found in Kent. It's in Canter/Gantor colors. We just read that horse-breeding Gaetuli were in the land of Zenata, which suggests that Numidian Gaetuli named Thanet in Kent. It's an island; maybe it has purple snails, I don't know, but they were there, weren't they?

By what coincidence do Rectors/Rickets use a Shield reflecting the ones used by Roses? French Rose's, who look to be using a Shield in colors reversed to the Rector/Ricket roses, were first found in Limousin, the theater of the Pictones, almost. Close enough. The Rectors/Rickets are suspect as a Rus line because the Ricks are said to be named after someone who lives near RUSHes, while Thicks/Thecks, in colors reversed, use a stork in the bulRUSHes. Ricks were not named after bulrushes, were they? Ricks are in the red-and-white colors expected of Rus / Redone lines, such as Reeds, and that's where the biturn SETTling in the REEDs comes into this picture, for SITHech-related Thicks/Thecks look to be using a version of the Rick Shield. A biturn seems to be code for the Bituriges in the theater of Limousin, where French Roses were found. Redones could be expected in that area.

Thicks/Thecks use the red Casey eagles, and the Cantor/Ganter Crest shows the Casey leaves / branch. Ricks share the fitchee cross with English Reeds, and Reeds use a book, symbol of the Crest of Redone-suspect Roets, first found in the same place (Somerset) as Ricks. Catherine Roet was married to John of Gaunt m(red rose symbol), the surname that we could expect with the Canter/Ganters. Scottish Reeds use a saltire and garbs in colors reversed to the Pike/Picken saltire and pierced stars. Don't we expect Pike's from the Limousin theater?

One of the things kept as a theory is that ermines, used by the Rector/Ricket Shield, are code for a peoples who pierced themselves in tattooing. The Picton Shield is filled with ermines too, you see. An ermine is a sharp point with three dots like ink spots. "Picenti" is said to mean "sharp." The Lemovices namers of Limousin should be where the Dionysus-Ariadne entity passed through to the naming of Dalriada, and the nearby Pictones could be expected in a merger with these Lemnites, while I've read that Redones were early called, "Aereda." I've read that Telchines of Rhodes were a satanic peoples, like savages, the very picture of Dionysus lunatic Maenads, who danced wildly clanging their weapons, and then American natives fashioned demonic faces in their totem poles, and danced wildly in the very style that we read on concerning Dionysus. The Maenads were code for peoples on the Maeander river that flows smack to the Carian shore overlooking Rhodes.

The Telchines were also on Crete, where we could expect other red skins. Philistines had origins in Crete, and then the Asculum location of the Picenti sounds like it may have been named after Ascalon/Ashkelon, a city of the Philistines. I've read that Philistines were related to Carian pirates, and sea-farers are expected in the formation of American natives. Rhodes is said to be named after it's roses, but, perhaps, red skin might apply. Pictones use a red lion in Crest, and that has always been suspect as a Rhodian symbol.

We could expect the Picenti to be in south Wales with the dark-skinned Silures. It just so happens that the gold Picton lion, on a black ermined Shield, is in the Trevor Coat, from Tudor Trevor of southern Wales. The wyvern dragon in the Trevor Crest, and the Drave-like look of the surname, suggests Traby elements who named a river something like "Dravi" in Polabia, where the Varni lived who are in code with "wyVERN." Nicholas de Vere, chief of Drakenberg, traces his Vere bloodline to Picts, and to Abruzzo, where Picentini lived. I recall that a ruler of Picenum traced by heraldry to the Trabys in Lithuania.

A couple of hours after writing here, the Pictone lion was found nearly in the colors of the lion of Welsh Getten/Gidden/Gittings Coat. Is that not something? Doesn't it look like a Pictone merger with Geddes'? The Getten/Gitting lion is colors reversed to the leopards of the Kittens/Keatons. Gettens are said to be descended from a Goch surname, lord of PenMACHNO. The surname is said to go back to a LLEISion character. Gettens are traced to a term meaning "dusky" or "dark," and while that's likely true, I reject the "cethin" term that's basis for that claim. It's clear that this surname is, not from "cethin," but from the Gaetuli.

Amazingly, Gochs (in Gopher colors) are also "Gough/Goff," smacking of the Gopher trace to "SOPHonisba." Isn't that where we expect Gaetuli lines to go? The Gochs/Goffs use boars in the colors of the same of Gooch's/Googe's (Roxburghshire), who use an "Audaces" motto term. Dutch Gochs use a double bend like Dutch Ness' (but in different colors). Keep your eye out for a similar motto term from Roxburghshire below.

The ermined lozenges of Thicks/Thecks trace to Losinj, what I perceive as a Colchian settlement. The Colchians lived beside Trabzon, where Trabys trace, and roughly where the Pyxites river flowed. I see the ancestry of Helios of Rhodes in Colchis, because his sister, Circe, seems to be code for Circasia, another name of Colchis / Caucasia. I also trace Helios to the helix symbol used by the Galli priests of Kabeiri; the Galli used a serpent coiled like a helix around a shaft. Dionysus was the chief priest of the Galli. The sister of Catherine Roet married a Chaucer surname from Kent. Catherine Roet's symbol was the "Catherine wheel," what we could expect from Helios, the chariot wheel in the sky.

I'm not contradicting myself when identifying these elements as the red dragon of Revelation, for that entity was from Laton to Ladon, and Lydians to Latins, while the Kabeiri / Galli were represented by the sun god, Attis, father of Lydus, myth code for Lydians. Lydians were co-founded by Maeonians, according to Historians. Atti(s) was the same entity as Aeetes, mythical king of Colchis, but Aeetes reveals that the Atti(s) peoples -- the Hatti of Hattusa (smacks of "Kutaisi") -- were at Corinth. Beside Corinth as Sicyon, where myth traces the origins of Telchines. It is known that a peoples near Corinth founded Laus of southern Italy.

It's my opinion that natives in America were often named, sometimes by late-coming Europeans, after European people-groups / surnames. The Cree natives may have been named after the Cruithne of Ireland, whom I trace to Curetes of Crete, partners with Telchines, and to the Cree / Crete / Craith surnames. As another example, the Iroquois look like they could be from Ricks or ermine-using Rickets/Reckets. The speculation goes on and on, but this is not anything that I've done more with than touch upon. In the same way that Masonic groups have kept family links secretive amongst themselves, they didn't tell us that certain tribes in America were named after European people-groups. We may assume that Mormons, from Lemovices, and known to be Freemasons, were deeply into studying the natives. And we know that the first Mormons were liars. They even fabricated the grand hoax that is the Book of Mormon. You can't get a more "illuminated" satanic people than that.

We cannot trust the educators, for Masons took over much government from before the time that evolution was entrenched. Due to their need to explain the formation of mountain peaks by something other than the receding global Flood waters, they created the grand hoax of an ice age, where glaciers are reportedly the creators of mountain peaks, even the equatorial mountain ranges (such stupids, liars). American natives are said to have been in America for far longer than is the reality, all due to the fantasy that is evolution.

Wikipedia's article on the history of tattooing says that Berbers / Amazighen did it, as well as peoples in Romania, where Amazon-based Trypillians lived. The article's tattoo shown from Romania was as per the "Pre-Cucuteni Culture" A click on that phrase brings one to the article on Cucuteni-Trypillian culture. The article has removed the reference to, and photo(s) of, the hourglass goddess of Trypillians. The symbol was one triangle over another, just as we see in the Guido / Skit Coat. One figurine of a goddess still shown has a saltire cross inscribed on her belly, surrounded by four objects, which was the Rosicrucian format, too, as seen, for example, in the Pike/Picken and Reed Coats. France and the Carpathians shared a peoples called, Ruthene, the proto-Rus of France, and likely the Rus of Kiev. The flag of Templar Jerusalem, a form of the flag of Caucasian Georgia, was similar. Another Rosicrucian symbol is one triangle on another, which is the hexagram at times too, the so-called "star of David." But the Templars took Jerusalem initially with support from the Georgian king, David IV. Rosicrucians are liars, aren't they? They are the Gypsy type that would sell your dying mother youth tonic, and laugh about it when they make their escape with her last pennies. They are the ones who coined, "buyer beware," as an acceptable method of doing retail business today.

You can read in the Cucutini-Trypillian article about Belgrade, not far from Noua Moldava at the mouth of the Pek river. I traced Peks/Pecks to the POINTs and Punches on the Reno river before I knew of nearby Schio. Pinks, Points, Punches, Panico's, and Payens were considered tattoo lines merging with lines of Israel's chief priests. But it might be worse; the Israeli lines may have had ancestry in the Trypillian culture, the one I peg as the 666 bloodline.

Centuries after Jesus, Hungarians, partly from Transylvanians, were conducting blood oaths in the Danube / Carpathian theater. But I happened to trace proto-Arpads to the Ticino, where the Marsi-related Marici lived, and then found proto-Arpads at Euganeo too, near Schio. The Picenti could be expected on the Ticino too, and "Marici" smacks of "mark." I though that the Tessen version of "Ticino," and the Tess/TECK and Tease surnames, should link to "Texas/Tejas," a surname that could be expected to name Texas, beside Mexico, founded by a Mexica peoples (branch of AzTECs) that can trace to "Mazices / Mazaca," Amazon locations / peoples. In fact, recall that Maxitani term of Mauritania to which the Gaetuli were linked.

The Rector/Ricket/Recket Coat uses the Craven Coat, and Cravens traced to "Krvati," the Croatians. Therefore, the Rectors/Rickets/Reckets were named after Rijeka, also known as Rika and Reka. It's where Maxwells and Roxburghs come from, who can be suspect from Maxitani Gaetuli. As expected from the horse them that got us to the Rickets/Reckets in the first place, the Roxburgh/Rokesby Coat uses a horse, and it's the Pepin / Pipe horse design, important because I trace Pepins to Pavia (also called Ticinum) on the Ticino, co-founded by Marici and Laevi. The Roxburghs even use small saltires of the kind used by Candys. The ROXburgh/Rokesby motto term, "audax," is one that includes the Maxwell-based Pollocks, who were in a de-Pol family in Foix, beside ROQUEfeuil, and partnered with John of Gaunt from CANDale.

I now see that the Tease/Tigh Coat must be a version of the Thick/Theck Coat, thus tracing "Thick" to "Ticino" while "Tease" goes to "Tessen"!!! I had not known that, so far as I can recall. It's huge for connecting the Thick-related Sithechs=Shaws to the Laevi on the Ticino!!! The Tease fesse even shows the white-on-red stars that I assume were reserved for Annas lines!!! The Tease Coat is even in the colors of the Shield-and-Chief combination of the Annas Coat!!! Moreover, Tease's were first found in NOTTINGham, a term now tracing to the Nith, beside the Annan river!!! German-Swisso Tease's are the Tess'/Tecks using LEAVES on a colors-reversed version of the Annan saltire!!!

It's no wonder these people were running from the police. Once they got to the Atlantic, they had to make a swim for it. Now you know that they were liars. Masons, who know how to read heraldry, are liars. It is their nature to lie and cheat, and to enjoy it, thinking that the rest of the world consists of their worthy fools, worthy to be taken advantage of, because we are all regarded as "stupid sheep." These sentiments against Masons are not new. Hard-core Masons are trained to be lamb-like (humanitarian, nice bunch of fellows) while secretly having the wicked nature of the Pharisees and Sadducees. It's your typical politician in high places, for Masons seek political power for to twist the world their way, wringing out the juices from our blood that pour down into their bottomless stomachs. That's why there is a tax around every corner of your life, or under every footstep that you take. When Jesus said, "Give to caesar what is caesars," God will fulfill, at Armageddon, what caesar has earned for himself. The empire builders want to build their empire with your blood, sweat and tears. Ask the global-warming fraud, a tax intended for every breathing thing, with no end in sight once established.

Here is the Notting Coat (ermined Shield), with the Pilate pheons, yet another tattoo-suspect symbol!!! Why are Nottings using SIX sections? Wheelwrights, suspect with Trabys of Poland, do the same. Tate's do the same, who smack of "tattoo." The Lucius'/Luz' do the same, wherefore see the Laus term shortly below. I now have reason to believe that Nottings were not named after "Canute," as we are told. I prefer to trace to Ness elements using the Washington double fesse, for Ness' are suspect with "Annas." Reminder: The Canton Coat (in Candy/Gandy colors) is a colors-reversed version of the Washington Coat. There are online articles telling that the streets of Washington DC are in the shape of a six-pointed hexagon. For further interest, look up 6666 along with "Washington monument," and include "tribwatch" in your search to get my writings on the topic.

Perhaps we can now explain why entering "Vannes" gets the Dutch Ness Coat. Perhaps there was some Annas blood in Vannes of Brittany, which place is an origin of the ermine symbol. Remember, the Ermines/Armys use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annans. Ermines appear named after Hermes, and the Washington Monument is a disgusting so-called "Hermes temple," symbol of homosexuals. There is a "Laus Deo" written at the top of the Washington Monument, a phrase that can now go to the Luce bloodline. I predicted that the Washington Monument was the penis of Dionysus years before finding a "Laus Deo" phrase in the motto of the Manders (Rhodes kin), excellent corroboration because that surname smacks of "Maenads" and the Maeander river. The Mander Coat looks to be the Annan saltire on an ermined Shield.

There is the possibility that "Annas" and "Ness" trace to "Nysa / Nysus," the place that named Dionysus. This idea does not conflict with a trace of "Annas" to "Aeneas / Oeneus," for Oeneus was the mythical wine man of Messene. The prediction is the peoples out of Aenus -- at the mouth of the Hebros, where swan-line Cicones lived who are suspect with the makings of the Sadducees -- were given an Oeneus alternative to "Aeneus" purely to indicate the wine god, Dionysus. "Aeneus" with a 'u' is a known symbol of the Aenus location. What this informs me of is that chief priest Annas was a Messene > Massena liner, all the more reason to expect Sadducees proper from Sophonisba...and the Gaetuli.

German Manders use three blue bends on white, the marine-flag symbol for six (see Wikipedia's article on "Six"). The Mander-Crest "plover" bird could be code for Plows (there is no Plover surname coming up), and then Plows happen to use a "dancette" that I traced first of all to the wild dancing symbol of the Maenads (I became no longer sure whether that was correct). But the dancette looks like an American-native / Aztec design. The Shops/Shawlands (Kent), who trace convincingly to SOPHonisba, use a dancette on the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Annas'.

The Plows are said to have received their two fleur from Richard the Templar king for their support in his battle of Acre. The Ackers, whom I traced to "Acre," use acorns, as do Manders: "A plover (bird) proper with a green slip of oak with gold acorns in its mouth." The Alans, from the same place (Shropshire) as Plows, use oak leaves, and Stewarts share the Plow stag.

The Laus term can trace to the Lasonii living on or about the Maeander. I always trace it to Menelaus, myth symbol of Las, a location on Sparta's Mani peninsula, and I always identify Menelaus with Maeonians on the Maeander. His father was Atreus, likely namer of the Adriatic, on both sides of which lived the Picenti Illyrians.

Tattooing has been a Eurasian practice at least since Neolithic times [the "stone age" was not a time period, liars, but was a geography where a peoples didn't have metal instruments]. Ötzi the Iceman, dating from the 5th to 4th millennium BC, was found in the Ötz valley in the Alps and had some 57 carbon tattoos consisting of simple dots and lines on his lower spine...

...The Picts were famously tattooed (or scarified) with elaborate, war-inspired black or dark blue woad (or possibly copper for the blue tone) designs...

...Various other cultures have had their own tattoo traditions, ranging from rubbing cuts and other wounds with ashes, to hand-pricking the skin to insert dyes."

Geds of Dalriada seemed to have taken on the character of wildmen due to connections with the Caledons and Pikes.

The entire section above beginning at the rectangle symbol was an addition during the proof read. Below that section was the following Geddes-MacPhail quote, waiting to be proof-read. As soon as I read, "MacPhail," the phial came to mind, because inks are held in phials. Entering "Phial," the Phail surname came up! Tattoo-incidence? The Phial/Phail surname (in Levi colors) was first found in InverNESS, named in-part after the Ness river. Annas-incidence? In this picture, I would not trace Phails to "Valentinian."

I'm going to hold off on getting to the Geddes-MacPhail quote for the following discussion. The Geddes page has a digest at the top where it lists Geddes septs / kin primarily as the Gordons and MacPhails. The Phails might just trace to Valents, first found at Vicenzo (it makes Picenti-sense), but that seems to obliterate the idea that "Phail" is a form of "phial," though, perhaps, the Phail bloodline named the phial ("fiola" to the French) due to their associations with jars.

The Whelans/Failins/Phalens (in Valens/Valance colors) use the Massey fleur-de-lys (as well as the Coat of the Briquessart-based Bricks who birthed le Meschin), tending to imply that the Luce fleur goes to the Lys valley of Aosta, where Walsers lived who must have been within throngs of Wallis-like surnames such as, Whelan. Per chance, Wallis canton (in the colors of the Valent(ino)s) was named after lines from emperor Valentinian.

There is a claim online that the progenitor of Pollocks, Fulbert "the Saxon," was really Fulbert "of Wallace":

Clan Pollock is an armigerous Scottish clan whose origin lies in a grant of land on the southern bank of the River Clyde, courtesy of King David I, to the sons of Fulbert "the Saxon" from Walter fitz Alan, the 1st High Steward of Scotland, in the 12th century....

The clan can trace its origin to Fulbert "the Saxon", a vassal knight of Walter fitz Alan from Oswestry, Shropshire, England. One of Walter fitz Alan's followers was a Richard Wallace of Oswestry, of whom Fulbert would've likely been aware. It is possible that "the Saxon" refers to the Futhorc spelling of the name Wallace. Fulbert came to Scotland with Walter fitz Alan in about 1136...

I don't have the strength right now to grapple with Wikipedia's article on Futhorc, which looks like some form of secret code devised to hide heraldry secrets. Wikipedia has the audacity too often to write articles that only people of a learned occupation can understand. It's as though the writers are educated mental cases. Why would anyone be so stupid as to write an article to those who already know about it? Is it to be impressive?

I can agree whole-heartedly with a Pollock alliance with the Wallace surname where it traces to Valents, who happen to be in Wallace colors. Where Pollocks and Valents trace to Placentia, it is reasonable to view their migration further to Sion/Sitten. At the Pollock article, the arrow in the boar is alternatively a "dart." The Dart surname is in Valent and Wallace colors, but then the Darths/Deaths use the same dragon as Seatons. Why should Pollocks trace to Sion?

Perhaps we should ask the Plows who are also "Plough," for Plows/Ploughs were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Pollocks/Polks. Plocks/Plucknets use the footless martin in the colors of the same of Josephs. Don't we expect all-things-Alan to trace to Caiaphas? While Morte's/Motts are suspect with Darths/Deaths due to the code, "Le Morte D'Arthur," English Blocks (roses in the colors of the Plow fleur) were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Walsh-related Mortons, while, as evidence that Blocks were Plocks, German Blocks use billets in the colors of the five squares found in the Plock Coat.

Do not miss the discussion later in this update on the Billet surname (first found in the same place as Josephs) tracing to mount Pilat, but let me say here that the Block chevron is somewhat in the colors of the Billet Coat. In that mount-Pilat discussion, you will see evidence, undeniable, that elements at Pilat trace to the Stephens (use the Chappes perchevron) and Stephensons, the latter first found in the same place as Rodhams who use a tree stump, symbol of the Blocks, the latter using the same-colored chevron as Stephensons. The Plows/Ploughs use "alteri" in their motto, while "alter" is in the Rodham motto.

The Settle's have been suspect with Sadducee lines. They named a Settle location on the Ribble river flowing out from Yorkshire into the place (Lancashire) where Gate's were first found. Settle's use LOSinges, suspect for reasons that you will see, with the Luce line in Losinj, near Pula, where Pollocks trace. The Settle lozenges are green, one color used by Pollocks. Settle's are said to be from a Poitvin surname in Settle, and it just so happens that the Poitvin Coat is a bird on a rock, like the Arms of Rijeka...where the Maxwell mother trunk of Pollocks was from. Poitvins are named after Poitou / Poitiers, the Pictone theater.

The Poitvin bird is a Jay, and then the Jay Coat is a bend in the colors of the same of Valents and Jewish Pollocks. Just like that, Settle's bring us to Pollocks from the theater of the Colchians and Japodes. The Jays (in Jefferson colors) were first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Jeffersons, and both Crests of both surnames use the same seated griffin design. The Jay griffin holds a small shield, recalling the Pollock and Valent trace to the Placentia square. Jeffersons trace to the Japodes beside / at Rijeka.

To support the identification of Settle's with Wallis canton and Sion, and therefore with Seatons, we turn to the Gemels, because the Welsh Jefferson griffin is "with a blue collar gemel and a lily in the beak." The Gemels (Ayrshire) use a swan shot through with an arrow, the Pollock-boar theme. The Gemel swan is used, arrow and all, by the Walsh's who recently traced very well to Wallis canton.

The Gemels use the chain, as do Irish Wade's/Quaids using surname variations of the Mackays. The Chaine's/Chenays look like a branch of Cheneys, first found in the same place (Buckinghamshire) as Melks/Milks/MilkSOPs/MillinSHOPs. It's important here that Shops/Shawlands are tracing to the wife of Massena. for I witnessed and recorded the fact that the Chaine's/Chenays used the white Masci wing until last year. This tends to support a trace of Shops / Sops to Sophonisba. Plus, Mackays and Geddes lived at Eriboll together, on the far-north of Scotland, where we also find the Orkneys. This is why should we expect Gaetuli / Sophonisba elements in the Orkneys, and from their, off to America, for Henry Sinclair, ruler of the Orkneys, is online as one of the first discoverers of America.

JJ Tolkien revealed to me that his mythical Orc/Orks were code for Greeks from Orchomenos in Boiotia. But it was also obvious that they were in the Orkney theater. Tolkien had a Sauron character, inventor of the magic rings, and this was a code for Saracens in Sicily, whom you well see below to be the stock or people from whom the Luces and Geddes derive. Sauron's counterpart was Melkor, ally of the Orcs. As Orchomenos elements were on the Argo ship along with many others, the myth was code for the westward migration of Colchian elements, first to the Losing area, and finally to Scotland, though we could expect Colchians in the American natives too. Colchians lived beside the Khaldi, whom I trace from Calydon of Greece to Caledonians of Scotland, and it was king Meleager of Calydon who shot the wicked Calydonian boar with an arrow, the symbol of the Pollocks and, sort of, the Gemels too.

That's how I figured out that MELKOR was an easier form of "MELEAGER." Therefore, Tolkien had a Caledonian merger with Orkney in mind with Melkor and the Orcs. But here I'm finding that the Melks, who were just looked up precisely as per "Melkor," are tracing to Sophonisba, and can therefore be expected with the Macey-related Mackays in their merger with the Geddes. It just so happens that the wife of Meleager was Atalantis, a term for the far-west kingdom of Atlantis.

After writing that, I got back to a topic on my slate for investigation: the Poponius term used for branch of Picenti. I wanted to know whether this was the makings of the Peponids expected at Pavia. I should have added this to the Ticino-river discussion earlier, but neglected it until now. The peoples were Poponians, and they lived, for one, at Aprutium, very interesting because I traced "Pepin" to "PAPH(lagonia), while Aphrodite, the suspected namer of Aprutium (now Teramo), was made born in the city of Paphos. This is a good place to have this topic because, it just so happens that the only Pope/Popp surname was first found in CaithNESS, the piece of mainland Scotland closest to the island of Orkney! We were expecting Picenti with the far-north Geddes, weren't we? There is a Rossal location up there, I think in Caithness, and that was the name of one of the original nine Templars. This Rossal location, which may link to the Roslin home of Henry Sinclair, may have been the Geddes-related Rose clan.

In this picture, the Gaetuli may trace to "Kittim / Kition."

Recall the discovery that the Rose-related Bosco's use the same pillar colors as the columns of the Shore's/Schore's, for the Shops/Shawlands/Schawlands are also "SHOREland." The latter share a red Shield with Pope's.

Aha! Shurbrooks/Sherbrooks use yet another "non" motto term, as well as the Pepin / Pipe horse head! Shurbrooks share a gold Chief with Shops and Annas'.

I'm uncertain about the Rossal spelling (it may be in Sutherland), and the location is not in my atlas, but what I just saw was a Reay location on the shore facing Orkney. Plus, the northern-most part of the Okney island group is called, WestRAY. There is even a PAPA Westray up there (which I don't imagine to be named after papa bear). This is indicating that the Cree/Crea/Rae surname suspect with the Cree natives may have been in a position to form the Cree. I take the Western claims on the naming of American tribes as seriously as I do heraldic write-ups. You understand that, if the truth was revealed, that the natives were from European surnames / people groups, the natives would appear rather young in the America's, too young for the theory of evolution. It's critical for the powers that be to lie to us to save their pet theory...designed for the purpose of murdering God.

Caithness is "Gallaibh" to the old Irish-Scots, smacking of the Halybes, Khaldi kin.

Having shown some evidence that the Picenti were related to Pepins, recall the Popoli / Pepoli topic as it may have related to the re-settling of Capua and Campania elements...which may have been the Picenti that had earlier been settled in the Campania / Capua theater. This program was apparently due to the Picenti being a threat / problem to the Romans. I cannot recall which Merovingian king was killed with a spear to the eye, though that seemed like mythical codework to me. The Pace's/Pacenti's use spears, an apt symbol for the SHARP Picenti. The other Pace's use a purple Shield. Can we expect Picenti within Merovingian ancestry of the Pepin kind?

The Popoli's (Naples) use a split Shield in colors reversed to the Schwerins of the VARNi/WARNi theater, and then Pope's use gold-and-blue checks, the colors of the WARREN checks. Doesn't that begin to prove that Popoli's were at Schwerin via their Pope/Popp branch that came to roost in northern Scotland? The Pepwells/Papwells (carnations), first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Dreux's, are in Pope / Warren colors. The Carnys then use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's, important because the Merovingian ancestry traced to Pepins on the Ticino as well as to neighboring Salyes Ligures.

It can be predicted that the Busca location at Saluzzo worked its way with Redone-Rus elements to become the Bosco-Roses of northern Scotland. If the Gaetuli were Seatons, then they are predicted to have landed at Lothian's Roslin with Sinclairs, and as such the Seatons are expected to have been the Geddes/Gettys of Bosco-Rose connection.

Here's how the Geddes article begins:

Septs of Clan Geddes: Gordon and Rose

Septs of Clan MacPhail: Cameron and Mackay


...The MacPhail's [:] FROM CLAN CHATTAN

CLAN PHAIL (MacPhail). Name taken from the Chief, Gilliechattan Mor, 'Great Servant of St. Catan. Lands in Glenlui, Loch Arkaig, Gellovie, Lochaber and Badenoch. One of the Chattan line, Ewan Ban, became the ancestor of Clan MacPherson.

I've always suspected MacPHERSONs as a Ferrara-suspect line of Pharisees, but it's only now, with the Kettle-et-al eye-openers, that "Chattan" and "Chatan" can be considered as part of the Seaton > Shedden terms. Chattans, in Shedden colors, come up as "Cheaton," and show Schatto and a Shatto variations, almost all of them shown ending in vowels, which is the rule of the Italian language. We read that Chattans intermarried with two families, the Percys and Potts. The Percys may be of the Pharisee-suspect Perche clans linked closely to Josephs and Chappes' (see "Percival" in the third update of November).

The Chattan-related Chatans show the Murena tower, and were first found in Poitou, home of the Pict-suspect Pictones. They don't show many variations suggesting Sheddens. Both they and Chattans show half the Scottish flag...interestingly enough. Note the red roses of the Chatans:

Geddes Geddes, and Geddess, is of territorial origin from the lands of Geddes in Nairnshire, which were in possession of the family of Rose before they obtained Kilravock. The three silver geds hauriant in the family arms are mere canting heraldry. Harrison's definition of the name as a Scots form of Gideon is nonsense [do we sense some disgust there?]...

...In the Home charters the name appears as Geddas (1494), Geddess (1522) and Gudhose (1474).

Canting Arms refers to using a symbol with sound-alikeness to the surname. But Geddes do not use canting Arms quite in the way that's claimed. They claim to be named after a ged = pike, but the reality must be that Gaetuli merged with Picenti / Pict lines that came to be the Pikes, and in the meantime the Gaetuli either took the ged = pike symbol as a clever means to honor both families, or else they named the pike a ged after their symbol adopted from Pike's. It suggests that Gaetuli had first to form a ged term to indicate their people group in Scotland. I have just looked for Gettel-like terms and have found the Bosch / Busch fleur-de-lys used by German Gatels/Gutle's/Gutels/Gotels/Gotens!!!

The fleur is just one huge one, and, as per the Goten variation, the German family should link to the same-colored Goth/Goethel hexagram! The Bosco-Rose links to the Geddes clinches their relationship to the Goths and Gutels. Queen Elizabeth II is recently from Tecks, but also from Saxe-Gotha.

A single fleur-de-lys is used also by GAEDers/Goders who come up as "GAITel." The Gate's come up as "Gait," and then Drakes claim to drive in a "duck-like gait." The Gaeder/Gaitel Shield is split diagonally, like the Coburg, Heid(l)er, and Hitler Shields, and then the Geider variation could suggest Heid terms, though Hitlers come up as Hiedlers. The latter were first found in Munich, the Bavarian capital, and Gaeders/Gaeders were first found in Bavaria.

When you see how the fleur-de-lys traces to the Luce's, you'll have more reason to link Gaitels and Gutels to Gaetuli. The first fleur suspect with the formation of Luce's is at Lille, and in the Lys valley, so that the colors of the Lys fleur are expected to be originals, as they are also in the colors of the Luce pikes...and of the Gaitel fleur. The Merovingians, we may assume, changed the fleur to gold on blue.

Heiders are also "Heidel, suggesting a Gaedel/Gaitel variation. Seatons and Keaths were first found in the area of Lothian where HADDington is located. Do you think there was a long-standing attempt by Numidians to take over Europe that culminated recently in Hitler's attempt? Isn't control of Europe what Massena and the Carthaginians were seeking in the beginning, when seeking to overthrow the Romans? The Rhodian Illuminati decided that take-over of the world should be slow and steady, by political intrusion rather than all-out war.

The Killing Keturah Question

Forgive me, but it took me this long to ask whether Gaetuli may have been from "Keturah." That would certainly explain Geddes links to Busca at Saluzzo (i.e. where Cutters trace). This flash caused me to re-enter "Catter," and, what do you know: fish. I had forgotten. Contrary to what you may think, I do not have pictures of Coats all around my desk. I resort to memory, and it's getting worse as the years roll on. The Catter fish is why it should be, with Cutters, from the Kotor fish. Chattans and Chatans are in Cutter colors, but that's not enough to identify Clan Chattan as a Kotor line with certainty.

It looks like Geddes' were at least merged at some point with Keturah liners. Catters look to be using a version of the Pendragon Coat, and we saw how the Pendragon motto traced to Tipaza at Numidia. The Catter Crest griffin design is in the Annan Crest. Does it make sense for Annas to be a Keturah liner? The oldest name in the Catter write-up is "Catur."

The Catter fish could be a symbol of the Saleman-related Salmons, but may not apply to the Geddes pike, though the same salmon is in the Geddes Crest. Perhaps we are being lied to when the Geddes Crest description calls it a "pike's head." Perhaps the Geddes-Crest fish is not like the one in the Coat because the Crest is in honor of the Salyes roots of Geddes.

The prediction is that God took a branch, Abraham, because He knew that the line of Abraham and Keturah were going to rule the earth under the flag of the devil. And so God would bring the Savior through the line of Abraham and Isaac to nullify the powers of the Keturah line. Mythical Kodros had a son, Medon, while Keturah had a son, Medan.

They say that democracy has it's foundation in Athens, where Keturah lines ruled. The line in Athens that founded Democracy was Theseus, the mate of Ariadne, before Dionysus took her away from him. In myth, Ariadne was made a daughter of Minos of Crete and Pasiphae of Rhodes, a daughter of Helios. This is simpleton language for a Crete-Rhodes merger, but the terms used are important. Ask whether the Pace's / Pass' are from whatever named Pasiphae. I traced the term to Phasis, the location in Colchis near the mouth of the Glaucus, where I see the origin of Helios as a Gileki peoples...who look like they named Glaucus and Colchis > Cilicia. There was one Glaucus character of myth who was made the son of Minos and Pasiphae, while the "other" Glaucus character (the fishman) was loved by Circe, Helios' sister. This Glaucus loved Scylla, a daughter of Crataeis, smacking of a Cretan origin for Scylla. We can view the two Glaucus' as two different aspects of the same Colchian people group from the Glaucus river.

There were many mythical men named, Lycus, including one of Athens but having associations in Crete. This Lycus was from a line of Pylia (daughter of mythical Pylos) who is from the real Pylos location beside Methoni in Messene. Another Lycus was involved with Dionysus, and I see mythical Oeneus, father of Methoni, to be a Dionysus line. Along with Lycus, Pylia bore a Nisus character too, a Dionysus entity that can be suspect at the Nith / Ness if this particular Lycus line named the Luce's. We are open, we are searching. "Lycus" translates to "Lucas."

There was another Lycus character (may have been from the same stock as Lycus of Athens) said to be mythical Ischys: "In Greek mythology, Ischys was the son of Elatus and Hippea, and also the lover of Coronis. While Coronis was carrying Apollo's child, a (then white) crow told Apollo of the affair between Ischys and Coronis. Apollo was so angry that he glared at the crow (burning its feathers black) and asked his sister, Artemis to kill Coronis." The mortal lover of Coronis was also known as Alcyoneus or Lycus." Coronis and Glaucus were, in my opinion, like mother and son out of Patmos.

If we expect the Masons to be from Medon, son of Kodros, simply because we expect world rulers from Keturah (remember, God said that Abraham would be the father of many nations), then we should take a close look at Medon's mythical affiliations. I found a Cilla term just now that may have been the Cilnia entity at Arettium:

One of the two female characters associated with Troy: Cilla, sister of Hecuba. She was married to Thymoetes, brother of Priam [son of LaoMEDON]. On the same day that Hecuba bore Paris, Cilla bore Munippus, to Priam...

[Another] Cilla, daughter of LaoMEDON. Her mother was either Strymo [Strymon river], daughter of Scamander, or Placia [proto-Placentia?], daughter of Otreus, or Leucippe.

Cilla, a city sacred to Apollo.

Thymoetus was himself a son of LaoMEDON, but another Thymoetus was "the last Athenian king descended from Theseus." Kodros and Medan are said to be the last kings of Athens. I am shocked by what I'm reading. I think I have found the mysterious Mon entity of the Hasmoneans in MUNippus, child of Cilla. It simply means that a Mun entity was closely related/associated with a Cilla area of the Troy theater. As Cilla was an Apollo possession, keep in mind that Massena lines are from the Apollo Muses, who were from the Gorgo-Mysian city of Parium/Parion which named Priam, son of LaoMEDON...suspect as a line from Keturah and Medan. This could explain why "Priam" smacks of "Abram/Abraham."

The point is, I've just finishing pegging Cilnius Maecenas of Arettium, from an ancient Cilnius family, as the founder of the Maccabee line amongst Hasmoneans. That's why it looks as though Cilnius elements are from Cilla.

Something curious or revealing in the Wikipedia Cilla page: "Cilla Fisher, member of the folk music group The Singing Kettle." It looks like what one could expect from people who knew their Masonic codes. It may reveal that Cilla elements were ancestral to the Kettle-suspect Gaetuli who came to use the Kodros > Kotor fish.

If you read my treatment on Drusilla of Numidia, of the Massena line, see this from the same Cilla article: "Cilla is an English female given name, originally the diminutive form of Priscilla and less frequently Drusilla. It first appeared in the 20th century." It could be that Drusilla was named after Cilla elements! Drusilla of Numidia was the one married to Sohaemus the priest-king of El-Gabal, out of which line came Julia Domna, mother of the Luce's and Geds, according to me. As you will see, the Luce's founded the Lys entity, or were at least cousins to it, and while I trace "Lys" to "LYSiMACHia," near and related to Parium, see a Mach entity in the article on Medon, son of Kodros:

Medon is the faithful herald of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey. Following the advice of his son TeleMACHus, Odysseus spares Medon's life...Ovid mentions the "cruel" Medon...

Medon, a "cunning craftsman" of Cilla...

That's how I first found Cilla! It's wrapped around Mach terms, like "Maecenas." "Another" Medon at the page above was made a son of AlciMACHE. But as Hasmoneans lived at Modi-in, I think Methoni/Modon of Messene was named after Medan > Medon, from Keturah!

To support the trace of Medan elements to Methoni, the latter Medon: "took over Philoctetes' army after Philoctetes was bitten by a snake and left on Lemnos because the wound festered and smelled bad. Medon was killed by Aeneas." That's typical myth terminology to expose a close relationship, where one branch of a family overcomes another to superiority. Aeneas in this picture is Oeneus at Methoni, and the character at Lemnos is highly suspect with Dionysus-Ariadne elements there.

Odysseus was captured by Circe (a witch) off the coast of Western Italy, and she kept him under lock as her sex toy. As Circe loved Glaucus, this story relates to Colchians of the golden-fleece myth, where there was a witch, Medea, whom Jason married in Corinth (highly suspect with Chora at Patmos). As Medea worshipped HECATe, Medea links to HECuba, wife of Priam and mother of HECTor. In other words, the Keturah > Medan line went to Medea (daughter of Aeetes), though it should be said that Keturah had Midian for another son (who may or may not apply).

Unfortunately, Wikipedia has no article on Munippus, son of Priam and Cilla. He is simply identified as a Mun horse peoples, very related to the Trojan horse. Cilla's husband's name, Thymoetes, was also an Athenian fathered by Oxyntas, perhaps a term from "Joktan." A third Thymoetes was "A Trojan and a companion of Aeneas, who was slain by Turnus." If you click over to the Turnus article, you may be able to glean that he, mythical king of Rutulians (Lanuvium theater), was the makings of mythical Turan, suspect with the Tarent and Terentius surnames. As Ardea was the Rutuli capital, both terms may trace to "Arettium," and thus we could expect Cilla elements at Ardea too.

Cilnius Maecenas in Arettium married Terentia of the Terentius bloodline. And: "Hailing from Lanuvium, [Lucius Lucinius Varro] Murena was the natural born son of Lucius Licinius Murena, who was Consul in 62 BC. He was adopted by Aulus Terentius Varro, whose name he took."

The GudHOSE variation claimed by the Geddes' opens up an entire avenue of Good-using variations. The Guds/Guders/Gutens/Guttenbergs (Hamburg) use just a large gold rose as evidence of Geddes roots. I expect Geddes liners in Hamburg because Guido's were linked to Trip lines. Watch how the Hose surname could apply. That fleur-de-lys used by Buschs and Gatels/Gutels/Gotels/Gotens is also in a HOSS/Hauser Coat! And that traces Chatan-related and Catter-suspect Geddes to the Cutters at the Busca theater. Could it be that "GED" and "KETura" are related terms? Were the Gaetuli a Keturah line?

If we're having a hard time believing that Seatons were Sadducees, the following evidence for Maccabee liners in the Geddes family of surnames is compelling. It begins with the idea that Nitts and Naughtens were clans on the Nith river, and likely from the Annas / Annan line. Something of interest cropped up at the sight of the Naughten/Notten Crest eagle, seen also in the Crest of Henry's with an "Enery" variation. It's the same bird exactly, used also in the Naughten Coat. I was wondering whether "Enery" was a take on "Annas" simply because English and French Henrys are a Caiaphas line. I hereby re-discovered that Naughtens are traced in their write-up to "AENEAS Lally" about 800 AD. Where do we think that Aeneas name came from? It wasn't long before 800 AD when the Geds on the Nith were likely eyeing the daughters of the namers of the Annan.

The write-up first calls the Lallys "Mulally," from "Ui Maine." Weren't French Josephs first found in Maine??? See the third update of last month for "Henry" to discover how Henrys link to lines of Joseph Caiaphas in Maine, France.

See that the Henry-Coat spread eagle is used by Noyers, who were looked up because the Hose surname was first found in Noyers, in Eure. Noyers were first found in Burgundy, where NEVERs is located. The Laevi were in NOVARa, which may indicate that Noyers are from that latter place too. The Levi, Chappes,' etc., out of the Paris area have been traced in-part to mergers in Eure. The Noys (in Leaf/Leve colors) show a dove in Crest with a leaf, as do the Leafs/Leve's. The Noys show a "pacis" motto term, and are in the colors of the Pace's/Pascels/Pacenti's suspect with Pike lines.

The paragraph above is unreliable because it's not knowable whether Noyers were from Nevers. But if correct, it recalls the trace of Nevers elements to Sophonisba in particular, which once again seems to find her ancestry in Gaetuli / Geddes families. It is reasonable, therefore, to trace Keturah to the Gaetuli where the line of Keturah's son was the namer of Methoni/Modon. But while "Messene" trace's to Sophonisba's husband, the Macha-based proto-Hasmoneans are suspect in-part from Methoni, which underscores the need to prove that Cilnius Maecenas was a line from king "Massena," likely from a son of Sophonisba.

Burgundy is where the Loges surname was first found, using just a saltire in the colors of the French Gettes Coat (Anjou). The latter, shown properly as "Jette," likewise uses no symbols. The Messeys/Messier's, first found in Burgundy too, use no symbols but a saltire in colors reversed to the Loges / Gettes saltire. That is an excellent method for tracing Geddes' to Sophonisba.

The Loges surname can be considered as part of the Loches-family of terms of the Lusks/Luss'. Again, the latter surname was first found in Loches of Normandy, but the Loches/Lock surname, that traces with Lohengrin the Swan Knight to Carthaginians, was first found in Burgundy, as with the Loges'. Later, when I get to the mount Pilat discussion, remember that it's in Burgundy, near Lyon, for the Loches'/Locks use Lyon / Lannoy colors.

The Lally Coat was loaded to find the four Taran/Tarent eagles, which is to say: three red-on-white ones in the Coat, and a red one in the Crest. Aeneas Lally thus traces excellently to the Aeneas relationship with Turnus. The blue-on-white crescents of Lallys may be of the one showing in a Rose Coat because German Loose's/Loseks use crescents in these colors. Were Lallys from Lille, or to be considered, LaLys? The Lille's/Lisle's/Lyals, with a fat cross in the colors of the Loges and Gettes crosses, happen to use a "Sodulo" motto term, something I would expect from a soft-C "Gaetuli."

I recognize the Loges saltire as one used by German Nails/Neils/Nagle's, important for two reasons: 1) Geddes' trace to Neils / Nialls; 2) the LOGans use NAILS (thought a heart). Therefore, Logans are a branch of Luce's of the Loges / Loches kind. Logans even use "majorum" in their motto, like the "majora" of the Geddes. Logans are also "Lohan," thus link-able with "Lohengrin." Scottish Logans/Lennans were first found in Ayrshire, as expected of Numidians (yawn). Hard to believe, but Luce's also became Lennans.

As AYRshire traces to "Aures," where the Shawia lived, what about Shuah, another son of Keturah? I'm not yawning anymore. Shaws and Geddes share a "vincit" motto term.

Pylia, mother of Lycus and Nisus, was from MEGARA, smacking of the Magor/Mager variations of Majors...who use roses in their Chief in the colors of the same of German Rose's/Roos'/Roosens. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Majors/Magors is that also of the Annas Coat. As Abraham and Keturah likely lived in Hebron, where Abraham was associated with the Anaki there, note that the anchor of the Major's ought to be code for the Anchors/Annakers. The greyhound of the Majors is code for the anchor-using Greys, but then the Lys' also use greyhounds, important because Lycus elements (that founded Lys') ought to trace to Lycians who I trace to Lachish in Hebron.

We can ask whether "Aeneus" (and "Annas") traces to the Anaki. In fact, Keturah's grandson, Dedan, had a tribe of LETushites (Genesis 25), now smacking of the Letts suspect with the annulet symbol. Another tribe of this same Dedan were the Leummites that could trace to the naming of Lemnos, where Myrina was located that likely traces to Murena's.

Lallys and Naughtens are said to be chiefs of MOENmoy. English Moens/Muns/Moyens (Kent) use a "vincit veritas" phrase, which is an entire Geddes motto. That's excellent evidence for a Naughten/Notten trace to "Nith." The Moens/Muns use the Murena tower, likely explaining the link above to Trents. Moens/Muns also use a "perchevron" (solid chevron) that can identify the surname with Perche / Maine; the latter location is also "Mayenne," like "Moyen."

Have we thus found the Munippus entity that was made a child of Cilla? Why do Keele's/Kills and Morte's/MOTTs share a moon crescent in colors reversed to one another? I don't know whether "ThyMOETus was rooted in "Moet," though I don't think so. You may come to know otherwise. Why are Killins in Mott colors while using the Murena tower? I traced that tower years ago to Turin, where we could expect mythical Turnus elements.

The Mund variations of Moens makes them look like HasMONeans of the Mons/Mound kind. In fact, while both the Arms of Hainaut's counts and French Levi's use three black-on-gold chevrons, and while Mons is the capital of Hainaut, here we find a gold-on-black perchevron in the Moen/Mun/Mund Coat. I think that's a match. It's suggesting what had crossed my mind earlier, that "Maine" may have been named by the Mon entity behind Hasmoneans. The Crest is described like so: "A dexter arm in armor holding a lion's paw." To verify, type "Moyen" in the search box at webpage below. It just so happens that the Mon entity suspect at CreMONA involved a discussion two updates ago that asked whether "Hasmon" was also "HARmon," and here we find an ARMer motto term in a Mon entity.

The "Tu ne cede" motto phrase of the Moorish Armer/Amoor surname seems to be a code for Tunis(ia), location of Carthage. The nebulee design of Armors has been traced as Nevers / Nibelung elements to Sophonisba. Is it a coincidence that I've been claiming for years that "Tu ne cede" is code for Tunis? This surname looks like it should link to the Paine motto and to the Mall/Malbone and Hanan Coats.

The fact that "vincet" is used by Moens is very suspicious where it's in honor of the Vince/Vinch surname, for Leonardo da Vinci had a MONA Lisa that the world fell in love with, though I never saw much in her. Why does the world razzle-dazzle over that simple painting of a common woman? She looks very homely, like she peels potatoes for fun.

In the third update of last month, it was found stronger than ever that the Molds/MAUDs were elements partly from Hasmonean entities of the MODena/MODane/MODiin kind. I have been showing for quite a while that the Mold/Maud Coat is a version of the MONmouth Coat. But here in the Moens we find a branch said to be from a manor of MAIDstone (Kent!), and then "Maid" is registered with the Mold/Maud surname. Perhaps it explains why Lisa looks homely. She was the maid. I had no idea until now that Hasmoneans got into the tap business. I suppose you need a tap to wash potatoes.

Now what do we think of when finding Moens with a Mun variation in horse-depicted Kent? Does Munippus come to mind ("ippus" is a Greek canting code for "horse").

Dutch Moens look like they could be using a version of the Pike Coat.

Aha! As Maccabees have traced to Massey/Macey liners, who lived in Manche, see the write-up of the Moons, tracing to a Moyon location of Manche!

Moons use a couple of crescents in the colors of the same of French Masseys/Massa's, first found in Savoy, as with Moners/Monets/Moneys (besants). Savoy just happens to be the location of Modane. How about that?

It would be interesting to discover who the Munippus character represented in historical terms. The Massey crescents may be a clue, as they link closely to Touts and related Oliphants. Moners are said to be shortened versions of either "Hamon" or "Emon," and while that may not be quite right, it brings Hamon de Massey to mind, of the family that named Dunham Massey in Cheshire, where crescent-using Tattons had alliance with Masseys. That is, Tattons use crescents in the colors of the Massey / Oliphant / Tout crescent.

The Tayton variation gives away the secret, that Tattons were a variation of Daytons, said to be named after Autun. Therefore, Tattons do trace to king Tut. Without going into it deeply, Touts trace to the line of king Tut and pharaoh AkhenATEN (Tut's father). Akhenaten and his wife, Nefertiti, were the Atun cult's founders, tracing to Autun and Nevers, thus disclosing (apparently) that the Tut line goes through Sophonisba.

It looks like all these white-and-red crescents are those of the Moon-branch Hasmoneans. It looks like the Oliphant Edomites are using the crescents of the Moon-branch Hasmoneans, and that the latter had a merger with Autun.

Daytons at Picot de Autun not only use the patee cross of Pek-branch Pike's, but the same red lion as the Dreux'/Drews. The Rose's use "true" in their motto as code for True's/Trews, using the Herod helmet and plumes. That's another reason for identifying the crescents under discussion with Hasmonean lines. Everything in this Geddes picture is screaming the Israeli enemies of Christ merged with Romans and Numidians. Never mind fear for "the Russians are coming." Watch out for "the Romans are already here," in Washington DC.

Not only Oliphants, but the Picots, use a "tout" motto term in honor of Touts/Toots. Picots, first found in the same place as Tattons, are said to derive in a mountain PEAK, and yet the Dayton patee crosses are used by Peks/Pecks in colors reversed. Never mind the peak, and look instead to the Pek river.

The white wolf design in the Picot Crest was found in two surnames of the 3rd update in November. One was the Scarf surname suspect from Muslim elements of Idris of Morocco, husband of a woman (Kanza) from Aures. Scarfs were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Daytons, and look to be using a variation of the Shedden Coat, wherefore it could appear that Idris' wife was a Gaetuli liner. Moreover, Scarfs use three trefoils in the same fashion as Pike's and Moens. Therefore, the Picots look like Pike liners. And they smack of Picts.

The Lucius Illuminati

Yuya, the horse trainer of pharaoh Akhenaten, is said by some to be from the Mitanni, and so we can for the moment entertain that he was the Mason-important line to Modena and Modane. This is so interesting. His wife or daughter was Tiye, what I traced to TayGETos, the mountain system in LAConia = Sparta that juts into the sea to become the Mani peninsula, location of LAS now tracing to Luce's. I'll bet Munippus was from Mani. Wikipedia's article on Taygetus says that horses were slaughtered in sacrifices made to Helios on a peak of Taygetus.

MeneLAUS lived the last years of his life in Messene, location of Methoni/Modon. But how does he relate to the Picts / Picenti suspect in the Tatton-related Picots? I would say that Laus, in southern Italy, is where the Yuya line came into contact with the Picenti. Laus, in the arch of Italy's foot, is very close to Messina of Sicily. It's known that Laus was founded by a nearby city of Sybaris, a term reflecting "Sparta." I therefore expect a Picenti merger with Spartans of the Las and TayGETus kind in forming the Geds, Luce's and Pikes. That makes so much sense that I feel I've got to abandon the previous certainty that Geds and Luce's were born and named from two sons of one Roman emperor. I'll let you decide which theory you think best.

Does this mean that "Keturah" terms, as they evolved over time, named TayGETus. While her son (Medan) has traced excellently to Trojans at Parium, note that the neighboring Hellespont is likely personified in "Helen of Troy," wife of Menelaus. The map at the link above shows Gythium, near Las; see Las at the map in the webpage below. I blast our educators for failing to deliver to us the truth of history. How possibly could it not be common knowledge that Gaetulia traces to Gythium due to what we read: "It is thought that Gytheio may have been the center of their purple dye trade because the Laconian Gulf had a plentiful source of murex."

The Gythium article locates Rachi near to it's west, and then, from the Geddes article: "The family of Geddes of Rachan in Peeblesshire have possessed that estate from time immemorial." It once again looks so much as though Geddes and Luce's were from the Las area that I'm thinking to re-consider the previous "certainty" that Geddes and Luces were named after the family names of one Roman emperor. On the other hand, that emperor was a Severus, wherefore compare his name with "Sybaris" at Laus or with "Sparta," for I traced Sepharvites to "Sparta." I think the Biblical Sephar was the old Subartu.

Where some say that Sabines had been Spartans, it should be said that "Aprutium" may have been named after "Evrotas," the main river of Sparta. If correct, it would trace Spartans to the chief area, Evreux, of Normandy. As Evreux's Eburovices have been pegged as Hebrews, so the Sephar area in genesis was home to Joktan, father of Eber, the founder of Hebrews. Eber's other son, Peleg, smacks of Pollux, a chief Spartan line, and then the PELICan in the is suspect with his lines. The Luck/Luke Crest uses a pelican.

The other side of Joktanite country is said to be Mesha, wherefore Meshwesh as the namers of Messene seems like a logical deduction.

I think it's acceptable to link "Aprutium" with "Bruttium," and then the latter is at Sybaris and Laus, though, technically, these two cities were in Lucania (Bruttium border), smacking of Laconia of downtown Sparta. Another Spartan development in southern Italy was Taranto, and so the mythical Satyrion at the founding of Taranto may have been from Keturah elements. See the Satyr topic below.

We may at first think that it was during, or after, the Menelaus Spartans got to southern Italy that they met up with Massena bloodliners (who were not Carthaginians to begin with). It is very likely that the Meshwesh out of Tanis (after about the 23rd Egyptian dynasty) became the Mysians while the Yuya / Akhenaten Egyptians became the Maeonians soon after, and thus they merged as the co-founders of Lydians. Mysians went to North Africa as the Libyan Meshwesh, and they likely named Tunis after Tanis. This was the Leto > Apollo line. But Maeonians went to Sparta as the Leda > Pollux line. You can see two branches of Apollo's Muses here. The two branches must have crossed paths in southern Italy, where they met the Picenti, living between Naples and Laus.

It just so happens that Sparta's other name was LACEdaemonia. We can only wonder how many other Spartans were in Normandy. I traced Spartans to Atrebates of southern England, where the king of Normandy conquered England, and to Atrebates in Artois. By what coincidence does it appear that Atreus, father of the Menelaus Spartans, smacks of Odrysia... at Arda on the Hebrew-suspect Hebros? There is an Orestia entity at Arda that was made (mythically) a part of the Atreus family. In this picture, Evrotas was named after the Hebrews of the Hebros.

I've always wondered whether Nibelung elements named Naples, but the historians insist it was named, "new polis." The Napiers are coming to mind; see them in the Geddes-article quote here:

The first recorded of this [Scott] surname, originally spelt Scot, was Uchtred filius Scoti ("son of a Scot", i.e. not Saxon or Norman) about 1124, and his grandsons are believed to have founded the branches of Buccleuch and of Balwearie in Fife...Septs: Geddes, Laidlaw, Langlands, Napier.

What do we think the big fat besants of the Laidlaws represent? The family that gave birth to Geds and Luce's. And just compare the Laidlaw besants to those of Pace's upon a purple Shield. They are identical in size and position. Just one of these besants is used, large, and with nothing else in the Coat, by Italian Lano's/Lancca's.

If you know the York verses Lancaster rose story, and if you know that York's Masons use the besant, then you have reason to trace the Lano's/Lancca's to Lancaster / Lancashire. You're going to see how the Luce's came out of York. Here's the York saltire (with central besant) which you can connect to the Nail / Loges / Gettes / Messey saltires discussed above.

The Laidlaw/Ladlyle surname looks like it should connect to same-colored Ladds/Ladons and Leaders, Latin liners such as Letts. "Napier" is Navy/Neve-interesting. In fact, after saying that, "Napier" was loaded to find the Nevay/Neve surname (from Nevay in Angus). Interpretation: Sophonisba Carthaginians in Angus. AND ZOWIE! Look at the English Neve surname: the Geddes-design pike fish!!! Yes, at this time, the fish (big lips) are of identical design, though the Geddes' show only the head.

When I focused on the Nevay/Neve and Nave/Neve surnames recently, the Geddes topic wasn't yet conceived, and so if I saw the Neve fish at that time, I may not have mentioned it. But since then, I have traced Geddes to Numidians, and so this Geddes pike showing up in a Neve surname just clinches the accuracy of tracing both surnames to Numidians / Carthaginians.

It's not a wonder they don't want to reveal their wild roots. Man-eating, human-sacrificing dogs disguised as human beings. They play symbol games to this day, like people proud and ashamed of their heritage all at once. Too utterly stupid to reject their heathen past, they seek to give it new life in a New Age of Bloodline Control. I know where they are going, plotting to de-humanize us all. In the not too-distant future, food will be proclaimed a health risk in order to save the soil, and we will be fed chemical vitamins instead, in the name of better health...if we are lucky to be chosen for the land if the living at all, after their population-control programs have taken effect. Whatever tranquility and fulfillment God intended for the Garden of Eden, humanists are intending to profane it.

Days after writing the above, "Napier" did not bring up the Nevay/Neve Coat. Perhaps I spelled "Napier" differently to get the Navy's. The Napier Coat is the Annandale saltire, with roses, and a "Sans Tache" motto suggesting the Annandale saltire of the Tecks/Tess'. I've wondered whether carriers of "Tiye," which can become "Tige," named Ticinum. The Pepins whom I trace to Ticinum use a horse in their Coat, perhaps indication that the Yuya horse lovers were at that location. The Picenti were suspect in a close relationship with these Pepinids. Lest you've forgotten or glossed over it, Tiye and Yuya were of a royal family that had NEFERtiti as queen, who traces to "Nevers." Napiers are also "Naper." The Texas surname that may trace to Ticinum is also "TEJA."

Scarfs were traced to more Numidians. Are there really any Europeans in Europe? Were they all swallowed / displaced by Numidians? When the Scarf write-up traces to a corMORANT, know rubbish when you see it, for this is code for Morants. The Morants look like Murena lines (big topic two updates ago), but it's only now that the Morant motto term, "LUCent," starts to reveal itself for what it is, part code for Luce's. However, Lucius Lucinius Varro Murena comes to mind, and others of his family using "Lucius."

Two updates ago, new insights on a trace of an Alan-Visconti merger to Brunswick-Luneburg came up. There was no disputing that Alans and Strange's were in both Brunswick and Luneburg, but it was not easy to prove that Alans of that place were merged with Visconti's. It is only this moment that the Loose's provide evidence, for not only were they first found in Luneburg, but they use the curved, solid, long chevron of the Ottone's. There is no doubt that the latter use a version of the Chappes chevron.

The least evidence presented was in the claim that Visconti's were a branch of Contevilles, but here we see that the blue Loose crescents are colors reversed from the Conte crescents. Moreover, the original Visconti snake was green on white, the color of the Loose "perchevron." If that's not enough, the very section that traced the Alan-Visconti's to Brunswick/Luneburg also traced them to Vis-de-lou, and here we are on a Loose surname with Loohs variation that could conceivable corrupt to "lou."

I am very convinced that the Loose Coat is a Visconti Coat (in Germany), and it even uses a gold, upright lion, the color of the Sforza lion. What could this mean but that Geddes elements were in the Alan-Visconti merger. It was noted that the first ruler of Brunswick-Luneburg, Otto, was a Welf liner, and then Guido Guerra was a leader of the Welfs. There must have been a Lucius involved, and the Scarf corMORANT reveals which sort of Lucius'. The Varro Murena's. There must have been some sort of devious plot by that Murena family to rule the world, being so close and all to ultimate Roman power.

Here we find that, along with Geddes, Napiers and Laidlaws, the Langlands were also a sept of Scotts. It recalls that the Alan-Visconti merger was from Alans of Langhe. How about that. The idea was that lines from the Israeli chief priests went as the Allieni of Ferrara to Langhe at Montferrat, but since discussing that, I have come to the theory that white-on-red stars are reserved for Annas liners, and so see more of these stars in the Langland Coat. The Langland motto is one word, "Spero," while the Annan motto is one word, "Sperabo."

When Mormon founders caught glimpse that their forefathers were some group of American natives, and when they traced them in the Book of Mormon to Israelites, we can expect that they realized from whom they came: Annas. They wrote in code, however, to disguise this knowledge, but their "Lamanite" code is easily deciphered as the Lemnites in Limousin, beside the Santones (Gauls) who named the city of Sainte, thus explaining why Mormons called themselves, "Latter Day Saints." The "Latter" term was, I sense, for a surname connecting to the "laidir" motto term of Kilpatricks, for the Kilpatrick saltire is used by Lattins while Italian Latins happen to use the Annandale saltire in the red-on-gold colors used for it in the Arms of Ayrshire. "Latter" gets the same-colored Latto's, first found in Ayrshire. Latters/Latto's show a red fesse that should trace to the same of the Augusts, and the Rome's/Room's first found in Dumfries.

Lydians were half Amazons after the latter migrated from Thermodon to Mysia. Turan of the Etsrucans is a term very similar to Etruscan ancestry in Tarchon and Tyrrhenus, sons / brothers of mythical Lydus. Taran of Armenia is not far from TherMODON. As Taran was also Mus, Taran and Mus elements look like the proto-Mysians and proto-Etruscans. Possibly, Thermodon can trace to the naming of Modon/Methoni. For this to be a viable theory, we need a Dionysus link to Thermodon.

While Celts ought to be from the Khaldi at Trabzon, Gauls/Gali are from the Galli priesthood officiated by mythical Dionysus, suspect as the ancestry of the DalRiada entity (Gaels) that should have sent out the wild natives of America. Dionysus was a wild-man symbol, as his Maenads (code for Maeonians on the Maeander river) reveal, and he wore leopard skins. His symbol was arousal, a systematic lifestyle with a hands-off-responsibility approach much like that of the hippies or related dopers. They all have long hair in common. Dionysus is the epitome of American "savages," and his wine symbol can be traced to mythical Oeneus (named after the Greek for "wine"), father of Methoni, and therefore he traces to the Amazons called, Maccabees. I don't which came first, the Maezaei off the Oeneus, or king Massena, but there is good evidence that one of these put forth the other.

Drummonds had a "Strathclyde" branch at the Clyde river beside Ayrshire. Strathclyde was named secretly in part after "struthios," the Greek for "ostrich," suggesting that the Traby ostrich feathers apply, for while "Drummond" traces to "Thermodon," Trabys trace to neighboring Trabzon. The ostrich is used by Carricks, first found in Ayrshire. As Carricks will be revealed below from the father of the Luce's, the Lois-surname ostrich could apply to "Luce."

I have always suspected the Lois surname, which I didn't realize to be potential Luce / Loose variation until now, to be a Luwian entity along with Lewis / Louis'. Luwians were proto-Lydians, but as Lydians were on one side of the Maeander river, with Lycians on the other, Lycians may have applied to Luwians. Lydians (said to be founded by Maeonians and Mysians = Amazons together) became the Latins. The most-effective world-control branch of the Lato-Romans were the Patricians. Lazio/Latium is where we find Lanuvium, where Lucius Lucinius Varro Murena had a power base, and for this reason the popular Lucius surname of the Romans may have been from Lycians.

I once suggested a trace of "Lanuvium" to Lanark" (Scottish variations of "Lanark" suggest a root in "Lan," not "Lanark"), the area where the Clyde river flows. I now find that the Lanark Coat could be a version of the Taran/Tarent Coat. When you get down to the revelation that the founder of Luce's and Geds was a proto-Carrick line (said to be from Craigs), it would be a good time to reflect back on the Gregors that Lanarks are said to stem from. Gregors are said to be from Kenneth the HARDY, son of MacAlpin. As Douglas' are said to be from Hardys too, it's not likely coincidental that Lanarks and Douglas' both use HEARTs. As Gregors show the MacArthur crown, it would appear that Arthurs were also "Hardy," and herein is the potential to trace Arthurs to "Ardea" while Lanarks trace to neighboring Lanuvium.

The Alpin Coat is a reflection of the Gregor Coat, but the Alpin sword touches a crown in the design of the Douglas crown, while the Gregor sword touches the MacArthur crown. It's the Excalibur sword, isn't it? While the Gregor sword crosses an oak tree, the Alpin Coat crosses a fir tree (that's right, it's not a pine), as does the Alis sword. The Alis motto, "Vincit veritas," is one used by Geddes.

One of the mythical founders of MorMONs (as per the Book of Mormon) was Moroni. He sure smacks of Murena's. Reminder: Spanish Marina's use the three Drummond waves, and Myrina was a chief Amazonian city on Lemnos. We thus have reason for tracing Murena's to Amazons of the Myrina kind, which was never in doubt.

The Pattersons (said to be a branch of Patricks) and Kilpatricks both use drops, which could be code for Trypillians of the Drop/Trope kind. Pattersons were first found in Ross-shire, where the Roses (Nairnshire) lived who merged with Nairnshire Geddes'. We could view Pattersons as a branch of Kilpatricks from Dumfries who had merged there with the early Geds of Nith. We would assume that Ananes Gauls of Placentia were in Sion with Trebbia-river Trypillians, and that, when some of the same arrived to the Nith river, they merged with lines from St. Patrick, who became the Kilpatricks.

Here's from the Geddes article again in times just after Niall the wildman; let's briefly focus on Ninian, Candida, and Patrick:

Among the captive Romano-Britains carried off by the Scots in one of Nialls raids was a boy of fifteen and his two sisters, whose father was a Rome civil servant and a deacon of the Christian Church. The boy, later known to fame as St. Patrick, was not enslaved in Hibernia, for he soon appears again in history as a pupil at the Candida Casa, as the bright whitewashed mission station of St. Ninian, at Whithorn in Wigtonshire, built in A.D. 397, was called. From the geographical juxtaposition of the Nith valley and the Candida Casa there is some plausibility in a tradition that young Patrick was actually captured by one of the Ged raiding parties...

If this version of St. Patrick's beginnings is correct, we have some very good evidence that Kilpatricks came from St. Patrick, and/or related kin, such as his sisters, who may have been named after the elite Roman "Patricians." Aside from the loyalty of St. Patrick to Catholicism, the Kilpatricks had a dragon branch that created the Arms of Kilpatrick. Their green dragon suggests the same of Seatons/Sittens, which may expect Seaton elements at the Nith. As Geds had been from the same that named Guidi's, the green Guerra dragon must apply to the Seaton dragon. I don't know whether it was green before it got to Scotland, but this green must have gotten to St. Patrick himself. It's his color. The green "Shamrock" clover / trefoil is his symbol, but Pike's use it too (though not in green). I trace "TREFoil" in-part to the Treff variation of Trips. We can see a Trypillian link to Geds / Kilpatricks in the Shamrock itself.

It's beginning to look like this Geddes version of St. Patrick's beginnings is the correct one.

Ask if "Ninian" is an Annan variation, for Candida Casa was/is in St. Ninian of Wigtonshire, and Wigtonshire is where the Hanna's were first found. Fancy that. Hanna's use the stag, a Geddes symbol too. Quoting from myself recently: "Seeking surnames from "Eriboll," we find Irvings (holly) first found in Dumfries. The Irving motto uses "Candide." Fancy that. Italian Candida's were first found in Naples, location of the Picentini mountains from which the Pike's/Pickens may be named.

But there was a House of Candie/Candida also in Savoy, and that can begin to expose the migration of the Picenti to nearby Sion, an idea we get where the split Shield of the Pike's matches that in the Arms of Sion. I'm trying to warp my head around a Picenti origin at the Pek, or with those who named the Pek, and because Payens/Paions/Paionts were traced there, I suggested origins in the Paeoni living beside the Satrae Thracians. By that time I was investigating whether a "Keturah" term named "Satyrs." The point here is that while Geddes' are tracing to Keturah, the Candida element is suspect as a Centaur line, kin of the Satyrs.

And Centaurs were traced through Ixion to pharaoh Khyan, whose other name was "Apachnas," a term I trace to "Pagan." The prediction is that "Apachnas" corrupted further from a Pagan-like term to "Paian/Paean. Assuming that the Picenti had been part of the namers on the Pek (in Moesia), we can therefore expect Picenti at Bologna along with the Pink and Panico branches of Pek-river clans, and that's where the Pace's/Pacenti's come in, first found at Bologna. They use spears said to be "points down," and then Pinks were merged with the Point surname having a theme we'd expect from sharp Picenti. In other words, the Picenti had been of the Pagan bloodline but were renamed Picenti as play-on-words with the sharp theme carried by Pagans / Paeoni. Or, maybe the Paeoni liked picante peppers.

Candida's and Geddes' can both be expected from the same Pharaoh, Khyan, as he evolved into "Ixion," father of Centaurs. "Ged" may have been a branch of Satrae, for that could explain why Gaetuli and Seatons seem to correspond. I'm suggesting that the Getai and Satrae Thracians were both from Keturah terms.

The article continues:

There is nothing known about the early doings of the Geds of the Nith valley except that St. Ninian wrestled with their heathenism, and at some uncertain date they became, nominally, Christian...It was not long before the whole of South-west Scotland was peopled by Scots, and this led to that district being called Galloway, which, being interpreted, means 'the land of immigrant strangers.'

Today, the area is "Galloway and Dumfries." You will often hear that Gaul / Wales terms mean "strangers / aliens." I don't know what prevented the writer from tracing Galloway to "Gali," the Roman word for Gauls. The Ananes were Gauls, and so were the Laevi, and the Kilpratrick Crest uses the Levi lion. Reminder: the Kilpatrick-honored Dexters trace to the Ticino river of the Laevi. Gaul was centered smack at Limousin, where the Galli priests who carried Dionysus (he never existed) are expected.

What follows is a means by which patee-cross liners can trace to PATricks in the Nith, starting from a quote in the second update of this month: "The Doves/Dows (trace to the Pek river and to Page's) use a motto, "Patiens," and the Patien/Padyn surname is also "Padgen," like "pigeon." Can we guess that "Padgen" is a Pagan variation? It seems here that the patee cross is symbol for this Patien-branch of Payens/Pagans, especially as we saw how the Pek/Peck coat uses a patee." It just so happens that Patiens/Padyns were first found in Dumfries, suggesting that Pek liners were linked to the offspring of St. Patrick. The Pike's, in other words, amongst the Geds at Nith, were these Pek-ers.

The pike fish of the Geds was in honor of the line that would furnish the first grand master of the Templars, by no will of God; it was going to happen anyway. Hugh de Payen was going to marry a Caiaphas liner anyway, and seek to re-take Zion in Jerusalem for eternity. It must have been from an inspiration of the devil.

Payens were first found near Sion, at Dauphine, a place suspect with the dove symbol of the Cuppae location at the Pek theater. The Murena bloodline can be gleaned at Dumfries where the Patiens/Padys (use half the Kilpatrick saltire) use the Murena tower in Crest.

Remember here that Templars are said by many to have become "international bankers" after pillaging and robbing, and later there arose Swiss bank accounts for world-class organized criminals to utilize without fear of capture. It was better than running for the Alps from the police; it was the conducting of illegal activity right under the noses of police departments...unable to do anything about it because the sons of the Templars came to control large European governments. It was going to happen, anyway. The sons of Caiaphas and Annan were going to rule the world anyway, by no will of God. He simply took a branch of those families for to slay his Son so that the violated Father could have legal recourse to open up a Police Department for the Appointed Time, for to capture the robbers, and lock them up for a good, long time. But not until the perfect number of God's sons were formed under the banner of Jesus Christ.

Again, the Pace besants, three of them on a purple Shield, are used on a black Shield by LAIDlers/Laidlaws (Meschin colors), suggesting Laidlaw connection with the "LAIDir" motto term of Kilpatricks. Laidlaws are traced to Ludlow of Shropshire (where Meschins were first found), but said to migrate north to Scotland, no doubt with the Meschin / Alan wave to Lanarkshire. As Leaders and Ladds/Ladons use the Meschin-Coat format / symbol, they can be applied to the Latin lines to which Kilpatricks trace, which should include Laidlaws. Here are the Ludlows, in the colors of Leaders. See Walter de Lacy in the Ludlow write-up.

The English Loose Crest uses "A lion's head erased...and four guttees counterchanged." It promises to be a Luce line of the Gutt kind. The "Losek" variation suggests a look at the Lusk surname, with Luss variation, and there we find the red-on-gold boar head of the Scottish Rose's, said to be of the Bosco's, probably the boar-using Bush's...Edomites. The water bougets of these Roses trace to Bouchard II, founder of MontMORENcy (I'm not suggesting that Bouchard used water bougets, however; see the Buckets/Boquets (holly), said to be from "Bouchard"). Was "Bouchard" a Busher/Boscher term? Apparently so. The Bosco's must have been from Bouchard lines, and the Bouchard leopards (in the colors of the Luce pikes) suggest Boofima elements of the Bough kind.

French Luce's/Lucets use the three triple chevrons in the colors of the same of Waters, the latter tracing to the "water bouget" that itself traces to Bouchard II of MontMORENcy. (The water chevrons are used in the Arms of Eure-et-Loir, where Montmorency elements were found). And so it appears that Luce's do trace to Lucius Murena.

Lusks/Luss' (who look like a branch of Leslie's of the Bard kind) are said to be from a Loches location of Normandy, wherefore further evidence of a Lusk/Luss link to Luce's is where the French Loches'/Locks/Lokes Coat use only three green cinquefoils that appear to be a version of the Pike trefoils, but meanwhile in honor of St. Patrick lines. On the other hand, the colors of these cinquefoils could be of the Lannoy / Lyon lions because the surname was first found in Burgundy. In that case, the Lusks/Luss' are linking to Herod Archelaus, the sons of whom are suspect in naming the Argyll/Arkell surname. The Herod surname (first found in Argyllshire) is a sept of McLeods/Clouds suspect at the Clyde river of Lanarkshire. A third possibility is that the Loches cinquefoils are in the colors of German Loose's/Loseks.

French Luce's, by some amazing coincidence, were first found in PICardy. It was the Artois theater, but for the first time I have the reason to identify "Picardy" with Pike liners of the Luce fold, but merged with Ard elements that named Artois. The Picard surname uses the gyronny symbol of Campbells, who are said to be a branch out of MacArthurs. We thus have five Arthur-like entities all seemingly in Arthur / MacArthur ancestry.

Lucks/Luke's (black greyhounds) were first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Arthurs, and they share a pelican with the Arthur Crest. The Luck/Luke greyhound head is identical (different colors) to the one in the Major Crest, important because Geddes honor the Majors in their motto, "Capta majora." This recalls my trace of Arthurian elements to Lusatia. As that place was "Luzica," perhaps the Lusks and similar variations apply.

The Lusks/Luss' look like a branch of Leslie's of the Bard kind because the Lusks use a boar in colors reversed from the Bards who must be named after Bartholomew, founder of Scottish Leslie's, for the green Bard griffin head is also in the Leslie Crest. Irish Leslie's use the gold lion seen also in the Loose/Losek Coat. Bards were first found in Lanarkshire. Can it be true that Leslie's were from "Lucius" elements? Why did Leslie's of the Bard kind come to live beside the Geds of Nith, and why did the same Bards join the Roses that Geds also merged with? It seems to suggest the way-back-when merger of Geds to Luce's, long before Leslie's came to Scotland. In this picture, Leslie's arrived from Hungary in the first place invited / attracted by their Luce kin.

The interesting thing now, as per finding Luce origins, is that the Irish Leslie motto term, "Suivez," suggests the Sava river because Irish Leslie's use a bend in colors reversed from the Save bend. There are two locations by the same name on the Sava to which I traced Leslie's. The first one by that name was found in the source waters of the Sava, which my Atlas shows as "Lasko," in Slovenia, on a Savinja tributary of the Sava river.

Aha! There is a Lask surname, first found in Aberdeenshire, where the Bartholomew Leslie's had settled.

Lasko is also called, "Lesce." I had read about another location by roughly that name on the main Sava waterway. The Sava is where the Severus and Bassianus lines were traced.

Ahahah! There are three fish in the colors of the Geddes and Lucy pikes in the Italian Luciano Coat! Don't try to tell me that the Geddes and Luce families don't know this. They must by now. They want you to think like a dumb donkey that their surname is from a fish. The Luciano surname was first found in the land of Latins, and it goes way back before the birth of Luce's. The Masonic clan leaders of the Luce's must have asked for the Luciano fish to be horizontal instead of vertical, for the Luciano description reads, "three fish in pale" (meaning three fish vertically), like the Luce fish.

Let me repeat: "The Luck/Luke greyhound head is identical (different colors) to the one in the Major Crest, important because Geddes honor the Majors in their motto, "Capta majora."" DESIGN MATTERS. The Majors are also "Magor," suggesting Magyars, the peoples who made up seven of ten tribes that made up the Hungarians. The blood oaths of the Arpads, where they drank blood from a cup, are said to have included only the seven Magyar tribe leaders. Leslie's are pegged as part of the three Kabar tribes. When tracing the Ugrian parts of proto-Hungarians to Euganeo at Padua, it was mentioned that I had found what seemed like a Leslie branch in Padua some time earlier.

The Pale's (camel head), in the colors of the Pile piles, fit excellently into this discussion as a key for proving that Majors/Magers trace to Megara, where myth made mythical Pylas, a king of Megara, the founder of Pylos. French Pile's/Pilets were first found in Normandy, where Spartan lines are expected. But this argues for a trace of Pontius Pilate to Pylos.

Due to their blue-on-white crescent, French Majors can be included in the Geddes family. Crescents in those colors are used by Lally's, Rose's, and German Loose's/Loseks. The Lally crescents are spread out with what I'm pegging as the Tarent eagles, thus suggesting again that Luce's trace to the Aulus Terentius Varro Murena bloodline (adopted by Lucius Varro Murena). The Lally's had not been linked to Geddes in particular, though it was assumed, when Lallys were found to be the ancestry of Naughtens tracing to the Nith river with Nitts/Naughts.

The owners of the blue-on-white crescents are now important because they link to the Terentius Varro line from Lucius. Of interest is that Julia DOMna of the El-Gabal cult had two emperor sons now suspect with the Geddes [although I mentioned this earlier a few times in the proof-read additions, it was here that this find originated):

Severus and Domna, married not so long after. Domna bore Severus two sons, LUCIUS Septimius Bassianus...and Publius Septimius GETA...

Caps mine. Who was that Geta name after? Why was one of the two sons given a Lucius name? Could the Geddes and Luce's trace to these particular emperors? Did the Varro-line plotters of a couple of centuries earlier finally succeed to the Roman throne in this El-Gabal family? Could we trace the "DOMfront" location of the Luce's to "Domna"? Could we then trace her surname to Dumfries?

In addition, as per afterthoughts, there was a mythical NEStor, king of Pylos, who may have been a version of Oeneus at Methoni. The latter character was by a requirement named after wine, but what his name stood for in the true world must have been Aenus at the Hebros, a term that could have become, "Anes / Nes." The possibility is that the Ness and Nith rivers were from Nestor lines. We often find a pelican on her NEST, used by Patrick-based Pattersons and Stewarts, as well as Arthurs, first found in the same place as pelican-using Lucks/Luke's. Dutch Ness' show also as "Nest." The Ness' use the Washington bars, supporting a trace of the "Wassa" root of Washingtons to the Mitanni capital, Wassukanni, thus tending to prove that: 1) Ness' trace to Nestor; 2) Methoni traces to "Mitanni," 3) Nestor was a version of Oeneus.

Note that Wassa's are shown also as "Gace," what may connect with "Geta." When I asked above what Geta may have been named after, none of any mention on Spartans was a part of this update so that TayGETus and Gythium were not suspects? It pays to proof read.

What does it tell us to trace the Hebrew-suspect Mitanni to Oeneus? It tells us that the Mitanni had been on the Maeander river with Dionysus elements. It suggests that "NEStor" was a NYSus entity. The sacred island of Dionysus, NAXos, smacks of NAUGHTens. If I'm not mistaken, "nax" means night, and then, in Caria, where the Maeander flows there is a night theme in mythical Endymion and Selene. I'm re-mentioning this because I've just been led to Endymion by looking up the Geren surname, as per Nestor's title, "Nestor of Gerenia." I think I have found the proto-Veres and Varni in Gerenia, which suggests that Vere's did not name "Guerra" so much as vice-versa.

The Gerens show a Garn variation and are in colors-reversed to Varns. The Karen variation brings up the Kerns using a sleeping moon and two Zionists stars suspect with the same of Weis', suspect with Wassa's from the Mitanni capital. The sleeping moon of Kerns/Karens is what alerts us to a trace to the Carians of the Endymion entity, wherefore we can trace Nestor of Gerenia there too, revealing that the Endymion cult at Latmus was a Dionysus- and Mitanni-related one. As the dragon-cult Vere's trace themselves to the Mitanni, I now expect Vere's to be from Gerenia.

As Yuya was a Mitanni (I became convinced), we can expect Yuya's and Tiye's (she was a queen in Egypt) descendants family passing by Sparta to name Taygetus, and then into Gerenia for the following reason: "GERE´NIA, a town of Messenia, where Nestor was said to have been brought up after the destruction of Pylos, and whence he derived the surname Gerenian, which occurs so frequently in Homer. There is, however, no town of this name in Homer, and many of the ancient critics identified the later Gerenia with the Homeric Enope." As I traced queen NEFERtiti (part of the Yuya circle) to Noble's, "Enope" looks very promising for being a proto-Nobel location. As we are looking for proto-Maccabees at Methoni, or amongst Mitanni elements, see this:

Under the Roman empire Gerenia was the most northerly of the Eleuthero-Laconian towns, and was situated on the eastern side of the Messenian gulf, upon the mountainous promontory now called Cape Kephali. It possessed a celebrated sanctuary of MACHON, which bore the name of Rhodon.

Reminder: "Gettens are said to be descended from a Goch surname, lord of PenMACHNO."

The Kephali area may trace with Spartans to Taranto, where the Caffeys/Coffers trace. As Caiaphas is predicted to stem from Maccabee lines of Israel's priest-kings, a trace of his name to Kephali is feasible. As queen Sophonisba traced to Nibelungs at Nevers, here is one way in which she can trace back to her husband's line expected from Messene. Her name, "Soph," may even be from a Kephali branch. She was recently traced to Avvites, whose god, Nibhaz, is thought by some to be from the Egyptian god, Anubis, now smacking of "Enope." The Meshwesh out of Tanis passed thought the land of Benjamin (north side of Jerusalem), where there was a Nob and a Neballat location. It makes great sense for Mitanni on the Habur to be in Hebron (southwest of Jerusalem).

As per "Kephali," Kepple's, Knobels, Hepburns/Hebrons and Hepps/Hepple's were looked up, all using red Shields. Hepps/Hepple's/Epple's were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Roddens/Rodhams, while both surnames share ermined white on red with the Ruths/Rothers. Thus, these three surnames may trace to Kephali and to Rodone=Machon. As the Ruths/Rothers (shown properly as Randolphs) were at Moray, the Mackays of Moray, and thus the Geddes-related Mackays, are coming to mind with "Machon." The ermines can trace to Hermes lines out of Arcadia, the area on the northern side of Sparta.

The Rodham tree stump, as it links to Esus, is very interesting as per my trace of Esus to Essenes at mount Carmel, for I traced them to mythical Eleuthia of Crete, while we find Kephali at the Eleuthero-Laconian district. One may be able to glean here that "LAConia" and "LACEdaemon" are terms from Lachish of Hebron. Carmel is at Haifa, which may relate to "Kephali." I traced Rodhams to Rutland at LEICester.

We could expect LysiMACHIA elements at Machon, for mythical Lysimache daugher ot Priam, kin to Menelaus. Menelaus has just become suspect as the Mon entity of Hasmoneans. Mach-incidence? Machons led to Massena, didn't it? And Massena led to Masseys using the fleur-de-lys in the colors of Lys' fleur, suggesting that Machon and Lysimachia were indeed related entities. Masseys were out of Ferte-Mace, near Gace. Mitannincidence?

Emperor Geta was murdered by his own brother, Lucius Septimius Bassianus. What a loser, in control of the entire continent. Imagine. It was Julia Domna's idea. What hopeless sickies rule the world over us. I've just learned that the murderer (Lucius) was born in Lyon, France...near Macon. I wonder if he was a Herod of the Archelaus kind. "Domna" sure does sound Edomite. Do you think she got that name from Edomites of the Herod line?

Lucius Bassianus and Geta were proclaimed co-emperors in York, when their father died there. This is one way to get some Geta blood to the Geds of about 400 AD. But the article doesn't say that Geds started out at 400 AD; it tends to start earlier with Niall. The brothers were proclaimed emperors in 211 AD. That gives enough time for some small families with a few black sheep. Remember, Logans use NAILs through a Herod symbol, a heart. Could this indicate that Niall was a Herod liner from Domna and Lucius? Yes it could.

Lucius Bassianus

What do sons of the emperor do when they're out of town conducting the business of war against Caledonian Picts? I don't know the details of the war, and don't really want to know, but assuming that they were stationed in York or some other place of England, I suppose they may have flirted with some of the looser local gals on lonely nights. There are a lot of fish in the sea, as they say. I just have to conclude that Luce's and Geds were from such loose local fish who hatched some vagabonds that went looting all the way north to the Nith river. And there they stole St. Patrick, turned him upside down, and emptied his pockets. The only thing that came out was clovers, and so they gave them to the pagan neighbors, the Picens. I think the Geds went pond-hopping and ended up in the Annas pool.

Remember, Scottish Pike's/Pickens use the Annandale satire in colors reversed, and English Pike's use the Shield of Sion and Wallis canton.

When the idea occurred that the Bassianus family may have named the bass fish due to being the founders of Luce's, the Bass surname was checked to find the black greyhound heads of the Luck's/Luke's. The Bass' were first found in the same place (Haddington) as the Keath-branch Seatons! As Headings/Headons (human heads in Luck and Bass colors) were first found in Nottingham, the reason that Geddes show only fish HEADS may apply. It may be revealing that Heads and Geds (and therefore Haddington) are from the same Gaetuli stock. Heads use unicorn heads. Heatons (in Head colors) are the ones using what looks like the Keath stag.

York was founded by the Ebroicum or Eburovices of Evreux in conjunction with the Parisii of Paris. You can just smell the cloak of Caiaphas from the Chappes' of Paris here. Both Caiaphas and Evreux are tracing to Spartans (which mythical Paris married / raped / abducted). In fact, as they are tracing to the Gerenia area, note that the GERNon Coat is two gold-on-red lions, the symbol of the Evreux-rooted Abreu's. Gernon was the name chosen by le Meschin, or the latter's wife, for his son. As Le Meschin was a Briquessart, see the Brick lozenges as compared to those of the German Hepp(en)s, for English Hepps/Epple's had traced to Moray's Randolphs, whom I identify as named after Ranulf le Meschin. As the lion of Le Meschin is shown red on gold at his Wikipedia article, which are the colors of the Lee/Ligh/Legh lion tracing likely to Leicester, see the Rhudlan surname in the write-up of Meschins, as they are said to be of Yorkshire elements of the Skipton kind suspect with the purple of the Gaetuli.

The Gernon / Ligh lion is in the colors of the same of Kepple's, shown as "Capel." The Cabellio location on the river of the Salyes Ligures is coming to mind, in Shawia-ville.

Should we expect some Luce fish in Yorkshire? Ask the Lassy/Lacy surname, first found in Yorkshire, using a purple "fret-KNOT" in their Crest. What could that be code for? Don't ask the Masonic leaders, because they're liars. Not even a lousy Mason would want to be associated with an emperor who plotted with his mother to kill his brother just so he could be sole ruler. Actually, I'm wrong. A lousy Mason would want to be, except that he knows better than to tell others about it. So he made up a story about a vicious pike fish because he was too ashamed to be associated with a lame pike fish. The more like a fierce dragon, the better, for Masonic stupids. Stupids want to scare everyone, like we should look up to them for being fierce.

Didn't Nott-like terms trace to the Nith? It therefore looks like emperor Lucius Bassianus named the Lacys. Irish Lassys/Lacys use the purple lion, and an "augentur" motto term suggesting kin from Euganeo elements. It suggests Lacy connection to Leslie suspects I had found in Padua. When we look at the Pellet surname due to the six "pellets" used by English Lacys, we find the three grails of the English Pilette's/Pilotte's (same Coat exactly, including the design and colors of the cups).

French Pilotte's/Pilate's trace to an early Pilotte of Chantrans of Burgundy. We are going to find later that Rodham elements of the Stephen kind trace heavily to the Burgundy home of Pilate's; both surnames were first found in the same place as Hepps/Epple's now tracing to the same place (Messene) as where Pylos was situated.

I wonder how the Lacys are related to Pilate liners. A couple of centuries earlier, the father of Pontius Pilate was off to Scotland on some official business with the Picts, when he came across a loose fish of his own. She is reportedly a Pict from Perthshire, mother of Pontius Pilate. So Pontius was sent far off to Israel so that the wife wouldn't hear of this affair, but no one knows what happened to the mother. Would Pontius' son have gone to Scotland to find his grandmother? Did Pontius himself go when his wife divorced him? The possibilities are there.

Lucius Bassianus was nicknamed, Caracalla, smacking of the Carricks. But how does one go about proving that his sons out of York also named Carricks? The Carrick Coat shows talbot dogs, and thus it traces to LUCY Taillebois. How interesting. Was Lucy herself a Caracalla bloodliner. How compelling. If Carricks trace to "Caracalla," is it wholly coincidental that they are in the colors of the Saracens/Sarsons? This is where it gets extremely interesting, because I had traced Pontius Pilate's mother first of all to Yonge's/Youngs.

It is highly likely that Carricks are a branch of Saracens/Sarsens because the latter use the black wolf of Yonge's (same wolf, different position). The Carrick motto term, "garde," must be for both Gard surnames because both link to Yonge's. Therefore, Carricks and Saracens/Sarsens are branches, both linking to Yonge's...Hungarian suspects that trace to Euganeo along with the "augentur" motto term of Lacy's. Yes, Euganeo, for the rings-in-Chief of the Scottish Yonge's are colors reversed from the rings-in-Chief of the Hogen rings. Irish Gards use the Yonge / Saracen wolf design, and English Gards share a "Toujours" motto term with Yonge's. Yonge's and Kerricks both use priest-like terms.

Clearly now, Carricks are linking so well to the same man suspect as naming Lacys that I would have to deny my years-long trace of Carricks and Saracens/Sarsens to the Muslim Saracen peoples of Sicily...unless Caracalla was nicknamed after Carrick liners, not vice versa. I didn't realize while writing here that it would prove true.

Oh, yes, Scottish Yonge's use "piles," which I linked to the piles of Guiscards, probably due to the Saracens that Guiscards merged with. And Guiscards were first found in Sterling, smack at Perthshire, suggesting that the Yonge and Guiscard piles were in honor of Pilate liners out of Perthshire. As proof that some families knew who Pilate's mother had been, the Celts/Colts, first found in Perthshire, use a pheon in colors reversed to the Pilate pheons.

Who were the Gards? (I didn't yet know of the Garda location at Schio.) The Crest of Irish Gards shares a "hawk's lure" with the Crest of Herods/HERALD/Hurls, first found in the same area as Carricks. It was already suspect from another consideration, where he was born in Lyon, that Lucius Bassianus was a Herod liner. The French Loches/Lock surname -- first found in the same place as Pilate's -- uses cinquefoils in the colors of the Lyon and French Lannoy lions, and then the plumed helmet of English Lannoys is used by Craigs, said in the Carrick write-up to be the ancestry of Carricks! HERALDry is now telling us that Craigs were either the namers, or the ancestors, of Caracalla. It is certain that Caracalla pre-dated Craigs proper, but what were the proto-Craigs in days before Caracalla?

Craigs are the ones using the Caffer(t)y horse and rider, and then English Locks use the French Joseph swan design. Moreover, as more evidence that Carricks were Lucys, Locks are in Carrick colors. Locks were first found in Peebleshire, on the east side of the Clyde; Carricks were first found on the west side of the same river.

As Caffertys are suspect with Caffeys/Coffers out of Sparta-founded Taranto, a trace back to Kephali may be in order. It's not inconceivable that Saracens had merged with Taranto's Spartans. Spartans can trace back to Hebron where it was Cadmus who birthed the "Sparti." I identify proto-Cadmus with Boscath of Hebron. As the Hebrons/Hepburns appear to be in this line from Kephali, we can link the Chillingham location of that surname to "Cilla." We can thus trace Childeric to Cilla because the latter was a proto-Maccabee element. The Sparti were birthed from the dragon of Ares that Cadmus defeated.

The LockLAIR variation of Locks led to a peep at the Lairs, which re-discovered that they are named after the idea of "L'Ayer / D'Ayer". Thus, they can be from Carricks of Ayrshire...who trace to Ares at Aures.

Craigs were traced to Agrigento on the south shore of Sicily because the city was also called, Akragas. Therefore, expect Lucius Bassianus to trace to that city. The Shield-and-Chief color combination in the Arms of Agrigento were suspect in several surnames, but the Lacks/Leach's were just found using it, possibly Lacedaemonian elements.

The "non" motto term of Locks is for the Nons/Nivens, but Dan Brown revealed that Sophonisba traces to the related Navys/Neve's...who use the Craig / Cafferty horse-and-rider. Carricks and Craigs can trace to Sophonisba where her line provided marital links to the El-Gabal cult, some one and a half centuries before the Bassianus family married El-Gabal. As Lucius Bassianus was thereby a Sophonisba liner, and as she is suspect with Gaetuli, by what coincidence was Lucius the father of Geti?

It was not long ago (may have been the last update) when speculating that the El-Gabal cult had merged with elements from Herod Archelaus up in Burgundy (so as to be connected with Clovis II). And here I find already that Julia Domna gave birth to Lucius Bassianus in Lyon. It must have been a lucky strike.

The Loches'/Locks were looked up only because Rose-related Lusks/Luss' were said to be from a Loches location in Normandy. Losinj just came to mind while looking again at the Lusk/Luss Coat. The Lossing term was then entered that I knew had brought up a Coat in the past, and it turned out to be the guttee one of the English Loose/Lose surname. A trace of Luce's to Losinj??? What's that? It could explain why Sava- and Padua-branch Leslie's are involved. Lusks/Luss' are the one's using the Bard boar, thus identifying them as Leslie's; their trace to Losing in Gorski is compelling because Lusks/Luss' were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Windsor castle, and Gore's/Core's (definitely from Gorski) use the Windsor crosslets, as do the Bass' sharing the greyhounds of Lucks/Luke's.

Did Lacy descendants name Losinj? I suppose some Leslie's might have. Shaws use both lozenges and a "hind," and Hinds likewise use lozenges. In fact, the Hind Coat is identical to the German Hepp(en) Coat.

Why would Leslie liners go to an island in the Adriatic? It just so happens that Colchians were in those islands. And the Ares dragon that became the Sparti was also in the land of Colchis protecting a fleece there. Wikipedia had an article telling that the Colchians ruled by Aeetes was defeated by a Lazi peoples. That's not true of course because there was no Aeetes. There were a Lazi people, however, and, the point is, they came to rule Colchis. In the golden fleece myth, where Jason defeats Aeetes, we may conjecture that it was a mythical representation (like a digest in code) of a real war wherein the Lazi partook and defeated the previous Colchian regime. When Jason fled and crossed the islands of the Losinj theater, we might expect it to be a code-studded digest of some Lazi migrating to that area. This can explain Lucy-line migrations to Losinj.

After writing that, a coincidence occurred, looking for guttee-like surnames. For this coincidence, you need to keep in mind that the surname using "guttee" is the one with Lossing variation that tends to trace it to Colchis, otherwise called CAUCasia. "Goddy" was entered to find green trefoils, which can identify it with the Pike trefoils, thus implying that Goddys/Goodie's/Gadys are Geddes liners. It was the so-called "tortoise" in the Goddy Coat that was the coincidence, for a "tortoise" is used also by CHAUCers, kin of Colchis-like CHALKers. I don't know of any other tortoises.

The Goddy/Goodie colors are those of the Lusks/Luss' who first evoked Losinj. Earlier, it was suggested that the green-on-white cinquefoils of the Lusks/Luss' were a form of same-colored trefoils, which is exactly what Goddys/Goodie's use. Therefore, I think it's correct to trace the guttee code of Lossings to Goddys/Goodie's...revealing, all on its own, that Geddes and Lucy liners both were at Lyon.

But these emperors were not Colchians, were they? Why should Lucy liners go to be with the Lazi in the Adriatic? First off, it needs to be said that I traced the Colchian Lazi to mythical Pelops. I identified disgusting Pelops as the golden fleece bloodline because his son, Atreus, and his son after him, Menelaus, were given lamb symbols. The first clue was that Atreus, who was apparently named after the same peoples that named the Adriatic, was given a golden lamb symbol, that, once grown, would be a golden ram.

What I'm seeing now is that the Lacy family of Lucius Bassainus Caracalla merged naturally with Numidians in the Ayrshire area. Recent updates, before knowing any of this Geddes topic, showed repeatedly why Numidians should be at Ayrshire. But Numidians had also been at Kent. And so Lacy mergers with Numidians at Ayrshire could inevitable lead to Lacy mergers with Kent's Numidians, and thus it must have brought Geddes in contact with the Chaucers and Chalkers, both first found in Kent. But why did the Goddy line from emperor Geta honor these particular Colchians rather than Numidians of Kent? The answer is that Numidians and Colchians were one and the same: Amazons merged with Gargarians = Georgians...which can explain why Massena elements seemed to have been amongst the Maezaei of Colchian territories.

Earlier, the land of the Maezaei was proto-Roman bedrock, but, they say, Romans were partly from Tubal, and mythical Latins were birthed from Circe. It's not a contradiction to trace Roman roots both to Lydians and to Circasians in Illyrium, if the Circasians were Lazi. If I recall correctly, Wikipedia identifies the Lazi with Circasian-branch Caucasians.

I have a map in my possession showing a Glaucus river going smack to the city of Kutaisi (find "Luzi" on map), the city of the golden fleece. None of this was on my mind when mythical Glaucus was a topic earlier in this update. Aeetes started out in Corinth, where Jason lived with Aeetes' daughter for some time (until she fled in a chariot pulled by dragons), which city may have named Gorski, the area where we find Losinj. As this daughter, Medea, is suspect with Keturah lines, we could trace her to Kotor, especially as the Attica area around Athens (origin of Kotor) is said to be named after Attis (father of Lydians).

It was very recently (probably the very large 3rd update in November) when it was felt I clinched a trace of both Septimius Severus (father of Caracalla and Geta) and the Bassianus line (included Julia Domna) to the Sava river. Therefore, Caracalla and Geta could have been a Colchian-Massena combination. The Chalkers not only use the three Drummond waves that trace to the very Thermodon Amazons that were merged with Gargarians (according to Herodotus), but the Chalker Crest is a swan, tracing to lake Sevan's Colchians. Sevan is the location also of Gogarene (shown on map) that may have named Gargarians.

We may conclude that Masonry is a Caucasian enterprise of the Chief Dragon. Satan seems to have had much power on earth through the enterprising blockheads, the Scythians. Had humanity been led by better craftsmen, the technological advancements would have been far superior, cleaner, healthier, and beneficial rather than threatening the very existence of the planet. Humanity has not achieved super technology to be proud of; it has merely created a bigger bomb...that will nullify all other advancement. Humanity does not get the credit for technology as much as electricity does, an invention not of humans, but of God. Energy was His idea. Invisible electrons repelling one another, making for work that can be applied to machines. You very body runs on the power of electrons. They keep cellular objects moving in your body, otherwise, you would be dead. The Creator is one fantastic Mind.

After writing all that, I saw a LOSSIEmouth location at the shore of the Nairn area.

Geta Behind Me, satan

Wikipedia's article on emperor Geta mentions nothing on "Geta" origins. "Lucius" is said to be of the Septimii tree of Romans, explaining Lucius Septimius Severus: a Latin praenomen, or personal name...The feminine form is Lucia. The praenomen was used by both patrician and plebeian families, and gave rise to the patronymic gentes Lucia and Lucilia, as well as the cognomen Lucullus. It was regularly abbreviated L.

Throughout Roman history, Lucius was the most common praenomen, used slightly more than Gaius and somewhat more than Marcus. Although a number of prominent families rarely or never used it, it was amongst the most frequently given names in countless others...

In De Praenominibus (Concerning Praenomina), Julius Paris asserts that Lucius is derived from lux, light, and that the name was originally given to children who were born at dawn....

...The Etruscan form of this praenomen is Lucie.

It appears that Luce's and Lucy's could very well trace to this Roman term.

Below is a family tree that tells nothing for why Geta got that surname. The tree starts at Julius Bassianus, father of the two Julia's: Maesa and Domna. Julius was born about a generation after the Massena line (Drusilla) married Sohaemus of El-Gabal. Note that a daughter of Julia Maesa is Julia Sohaemiae, thus tending to reveal that Massena liners became the Maesa surname. I did not consciously know, when suggesting late two updates ago that Sophonisba was an Avvite, that Julia Maesa married Julius AVITas. It made sense because "Severus" smacks of Sepharvites:

Here is how it happened in that 3rd update on November:

In my opinion, it is an excellent theory that "SOPH(onisba)" became the Coffers, because "nisba/niba" appears to be a second term aside from "Soph." Perhaps it was after "Nibhaz," the Avvite god. There is a Nisbet surname (black boars, "byde" motto term), and an author by that surname is found in an article on the Geddys.

I had no plan to do anything on Geddes until going to that Geddes article (below) after writing that last sentence. Here, the topic has become huge. I found the article in my files when searching for a Nisbet term that came to mind when seeking what "nisba" might be named after. I now see that NISbets may have named the Nith river.

The "byde" motto term smacked of the Budini line to Boyds. It may suggest that "NisBET" is a Nis-Boyd combination. The NesBETH variation warrants a look at Beths/Beatons (lozenges), a line to MacBeth, using a motto, "DebonNAIRE," suggesting Nairnshire, where Nith clans moved. Moreover, Nairn smacks of the Nairi / Neuri with whom the Budini were integral. King MacBeth (at Moray, beside Nairn) was from Bute, in my opinion, and as such he should be from the Budini. As Bothwells are known to be named after Bute, and as Booths share black boars with Nisbets, it seems that Nisbets were indeed a Nis-Bute combination.

Can we take NISbets all the way back to Nestor? Ask the Lucks/Luke's, first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Nisbets, and using a pelican, often paired with nests. Why should Edomites be with Nisbets? Ask the Horites of Edom, who trace to Horites of Nuzi (Zagros theater), where DioNYSUS (alternative name, Zagrius) originates.

The otter of the Beth/Beaton Crest is code for the Other surname, same as the "Uther" Pendragon code, and the French Lairs use what looks like a version of the Pendragon Coat. Bute was disguised as Avalon by Arthurian writers. To whom does the pelican-on-nest of Arthurs trace?

It's feasible that Budini named Bosnia, location of Sarajevo, and recently I traced the Bassianus bloodline to the old Bosnia river, called Basante (it's a Sava tributary). The Nairn motto, "Sero de serio," may apply at Sarajevo elements just because Lucius Bassianus is tracing to Saracen elements. Russells use "Che sara sara," as well as scallops in the white-on-black colors of the Lair/Layre/Dayer scallops. The latter surname is in honor of Ayers of Ayrshire. The Ayers share black-on-white quatrefoils with the Nairn Coat. The latter Coat has a Shield split vertically black-and-white, as does the English Lair/Leyer/Layer Coat (uses the cross of Julians/Gillians).

The latter Lairs were first found where I expect them, in Lincolnshire, land of Redones, origin of Russells. The Lairs came up at all due to the LockLAIR variation of the Luce-suspect Locks with the Joseph swan and Carrick colors. That was just after the question of whether Carricks and Saracens/Sarsons trace to emperor Bassianus = Caracalla. Therefore, it appears that this Bassianus bloodline was in Sarajevo history.

As the Lairs use the swan of Josephs suspect with Chappes', by what cosmic coincidence is the Nairn garland called a "CHAPlet"? Therefore, we have just found the sorry ghost of Joseph Caiaphas at Nairnshire. If Sophonisba traces to Nisbets, then it supports the theory that Caiaphas may have been named after a version of her Sophon term. That topic was in the midst of the sole mention of Nisbet in the November update.

Where Geddes were Guidi's, it can be fully expected that Caiaphas lines were in the Geddes circle of kin. Therefore, the Geds of Nith probably carried the sorry ghost of Caiaphas to Geddes of Nairnshire. The Nairn Crest shows nothing, but there is a Nairn Crest description: "A trunk of an oak tree sprouting leaves." The Levi seem to be included for obvious reason. The Trunk surname looks like a version of the English Felix Coat, and the surname (Trunk) could therefore be a version of whatever named Terentius. Felix (Roman governor of Judea, 52-58) was married to the woman who otherwise married Sohaemus, priest-king of El-Gabal.

If you go back to the Bassianus-Severus family tree above, it has a question mark on whether emperor Caracalla may have been the husband of Julia Sohaemae in birthing emperor Heliogabalus, the one named after El-Gabal. Heliogabalus' earthly name was Varius Avitus Bassianus. If his middle name was from Avith, the Avvite capital, then it should be added that Avith was in Edom. That could explain why Massins/Masons seem to have strong Edomite connections. This Avvite line is not necessarily a Herod line. An Avith-named or related location may have survived to the time of Felix.

I had pegged Apollo as an Avvite peoples, but not due to the Apollo-surname oak tree (eight acorns) shown in the Coat of Vitts/Watts/Watters, whom were just looked up seeking Avitus possibilities. Apollo was chief of the Oracle, divination that could be construed as the origin of the all-seeing-eye, which, we may assume is the eyeball on the Vitt/Vatt oak. The surname was first found in Herod-suspect Argyllshire, where we could expect other Edomite lines. See also the Avis garbs as they may link to Josephs.

Felix's cruelty and licentiousness, coupled with his accessibility to bribes (see Book of Acts 24:26), led to a great increase of crime in Judaea. The period of his rule was marked by internal feuds and disturbances, which he put down with severity.

After Paul the Apostle was arrested in Jerusalem and rescued from a plot against his life, the local Roman chiliarch Claudius Lysias transferred him to Caesarea, where he stood trial before Felix. On at least one further occasion Felix and his wife Drusilla heard Paul discourse, and later on frequently sent for Paul and talked with him (Acts 24:24-26). When Felix was succeeded as procurator, having already detained Paul for two years, he left him imprisoned as a favor to the Jews (Acts 24:27).

Felix and Drusilla [of Mauritania] had no children.

Let's assume that the Dreux location at Paris is from the second Drusilla and Felix, the Herod-liner Drusilla. Of all the Felix's in history, lets also assume that this Felix of Judaea goes to the English Felix surname, first found in the same place (Sussex) as the Herod-suspect Coopers. In Masonry, it makes sense that a Felix of Judaea, married to a Herod, is going to be tracked by the proto-Illuminati or similar group(s). Let's assume that the Trunk/Trenk/Tranke surname, using the same quarter colors as the English Felix Coat, is a Felix branch. The Trunks were first found in Bavaria, where an Illuminati group would arise from a Jew. Notice that the Trunk Coat uses TWO Zionist stars in the colors of the TWO Zionist stars of the Weis Coat, for the Bavarian Illuminati was founded by Adam WEIShaupt. The last time we saw these stars was in the Geren/Garn/Karen Coat, now suspect as the makings of the Varro surname; if correct, it tends to identify Terentius elements with Trunks.

Let's also assume that the Nairn Crest description, using "trunk" and "leaves," refers to this Trunk surname from Felix lines. The fact that the Italian Felix Coat uses the colors of the English Felix Coat, but with stars in the white-on-blue colors of the Moray stars, insists that we pay close attention, for Moray is beside Nairn. It's suggesting that something in Nairn links to the Bavarian Illuminati, and to some important Felix in Illuminati history. But then the Illuminati prides itself in the term, "light / illumination," the very meaning of "Luce / Lucy / Lucius."

The Trunks remind me of the Drinks/Drengs, who I now see using a version of the Dreux lion. Compare the Drink Coat to that of Charo's, and note the bull in both the latter and Dreux surnames.

I think it's a no-brainer that the dark lights of Nairn were from a multitude of enemies of Christ. These people may have found each other in early times, and may have stuck together throughout history on the basis that they killed Christ. That was their common glue.

Recall the Lacys, first found in Yorkshire, using six pellets that brought us to the line of Pontius Pilate. The Fletchers are also Fleche's, and as such they are suspect from Felix. The Fletchers were likewise first found in Yorkshire, and likewise use pellets (black roundels), but moreover there are white pheons inside the pellets, the color of the Pilate pheons. And Pontius Pilate was a governor of Judea until 36 AD, just 16 years before Felix took the job.

Little is known of Pilate and there are no formal records of his birth or early life.

There is an old tradition linking his birthplace with the small village of Bisenti, Samnite territory, in today's Abruzzo region of Central Italy. There are alleged ruins of a Roman house known as "The House of Pilate in Bisenti".

There is also a tradition in Scotland that Pilate was born in Fortingall, a small village in the Perthshire Highlands.

Look at that Bisanti term. It could be a form of "Picenti." Perhaps Pilate grew up in Bisante, but was born in Scotland. No one in his Abruzzo household would have told the neighbors that he was born out of wedlock in Scotland. I have it recorded that the Wikipedia article once added: "According to other legends it has been asserted that Pilate may have been born in Fortingall, Perthshire, in Scotland, the illegitimate son of a Roman ambassador sent to pacify the Picts and a Pictish girl." I felt that heraldry corroborated this "legend." But I have neglected the Bisenti term since speaking on this in September of 2011.

I've just checked my files for mention of that term, and found it in the 3rd update of March, 2010: "The Stewart Roots webpage goes on to say: 'I think the Macnaughtons and Robortsons are the people of longest descent in Fortingall.'" Nith elements, right? Nestor, Oeneus, Dionysus, Naxos. The dark lights, who bore into the dark sciences, and know the evil.

I either glossed over it a couple of years ago, or didn't know the significance yet, for what the article goes on to say: "Eusebius, quoting early apocryphal accounts, stated that Pilate suffered misfortune in the reign of Caligula (AD 37-41), was exiled to Gaul and eventually committed suicide there in Vienne. The 10th century historian Agapius of Hierapolis, in his Universal History, says that Pilate committed suicide during the first year of Caligula's reign, in AD 37/38."

When one clicks the link to "Vienne," it's to Vienne Isere! Apparently, Eusebius came to believe that Pilate followed to the home of the Herod Archelaus. I wonder why? What relationship was there between them?

"...Caiaphas was appointed High Priest of Herod's Temple by Prefect Valerius Gratus..." Gratus was the governor of Judaea immediately before Pilate. He was permitted to remain the priest during Pilate's years. In the year of (36), or the year after, Caiaphas' removal, Pilate was also gone. "Normally, Pilate resided in Caesarea [in his capacity as governor / prefect]..." It's a little hard to believe that history doesn't tell us more on these things and people. I would rather believe that the proto-Illuminati groups started to remove all historical writings, if possible, concerning their ancestral details. It may explain why we don't have record of letters sent to churches by other Apostles besides Peter, John and Paul. Paul's letters may have survived best because Caiaphas creepers couldn't get far off to persecute Greek churches. But any writings concerning Jesus in and around Israel could have been censored under pain of something, and, failing that, the letters could be confiscated. The first letter written by Peter is addressed to churches scattered in the Greek theater, but that is when he was old. He must have written many letters earlier. What happened to them?

The devil is the one who argues against censorship when it comes to porn in the milk stores, and books on witchcraft in libraries, then censors Christian writings from everywhere possible.

The island of Ponza in the Bay of Naples, Italy, is believed to be named after Pontius Pilate; his family built grottoes named after him.

The Pilat massif, in the French Massif Central to the south of Saint-Etienne, is also named after him.

Saint-Etienne is less than 30 miles due west of Vienne Isere. I do not imagine that everyone agrees as to what this mountain was named after, but it seems to be a good theory that it was named after Pilate. I trust Eusebius knew what he was talking about. The Arms of Sainte-Etienne are in the colors of the Pilate pheons. Saint-Etienne is in Burgundy, where the Pilate surname was first found. There is a Pilate surname; it's not legendary. There is a Pont/Ponz/Pond surname first found in Burgundy. English Ponts could be using the Rome/Room / Augustus fesse.

Wikipedia's article on Ponza tells that Strabo's "Geography" cites a "Pontia" location seemingly in place of "Ponza" in years before Pilate's birth, which would require that Pilate was named after it, not vice versa. But as Pilate operated out of Ceasaria of Cappadocia, while the Black-sea area of Cappadocia was the Pontus, perhaps he was named after it late in life to differentiate between he and another Pilate ruler elsewhere.

Ponza is a small island. On the mainland at that island, there is an Agro Pontino area (near Ardea / Lanuvium) where the Butteri cowboys rustled cattle. The Italian Botters are also in the colors of Pilate's. However, the name of this stretch of land seems certainly to be for the so-called "point" of land out to sea. I'd like to say that, some years ago, without this Ponza location to my knowledge, and having nothing to do with Agro Pontino, I took a jab and identified the father of Pontius Pilate with Ardea / Lanuvium. I cannot recall the reasons, but I do believe the Botters were responsible for it.

Now here is something very interesting. It starts with the Bond motto (the Bond Coat shows nothing that I know of for linking to Pilate lines): "Non sufficit orbis." This Coat was loaded within minutes of seeing a Givors location between Vienne and Lyon, at which time the Gopher/Gover surname came to mind, treated late in the 3rd update of November when seeking surnames after "Soph(onisba)." I was impressed with the ability of Gophers/Govers to trace to her. I did not have Pilates on the brain, but I can now add that Gophers/Govers are in the colors of the Pilate pheons too. I was not very keen on tracing Givors to Gophers, until the Bond Coat was loaded, where, not only the "Non" term, but the "SUFFicit" term, looked as though it should trace to Sophonisba. And, of course, the Bond surname itself looks like the Pond variations of the Pont/Ponz surnames.

In short, Sophonisba elements are tracing to Pilate's at the Vienne theater. Why? Was the finger of the Massena line in Syria involved in calling the shots in Judea, and for providing the rulers of Israel? Wouldn't that predict that Pilate and/or other governors of that area were Massena liners?

To this it MUST BE ADDED ZOWIE, that English Ponts/Ponds use two black boar heads, the symbol of NISBets who came up in the last update while seeking SophoNISBa-potential surnames.

The Ness surname traces to a headland, the same idea as "ponti," or a point of land. I got to thinking whether it's respectable to believe that Picts renamed Pilate elements after their term for point of land because they didn't want the world to know that they honor the killer of Christ. In this theory, the Nith and the Ness were named after Pilate at one time. Naw, that's too far-fetched, I concluded. Then it struck me that "ness" must have been from "Annas," and I saw that all Ness Coats (including the Dutch Ness') were either in the colors of Annan(dale)s or Annas'. But when the Annas/Anniss Coat was loaded, there was the Shield-and-Chief combination of Dutch Ponds in colors reversed.

It was already found earlier in this update that Annas' were first found in NOTTingham, wherefore they traced to the Nith with Nitts/Naughts of Dumfries. Then, after writing the paragraph above, I went back up to the Notting topics and re-discovered what I had forgotten, that Nottings/Nutts use three white-on-blue pheons...the colors of the Pilate pheons!!!

So, was the Nith named after Annas' or Pontius Pilate? Or, perhaps it's total fabrication by Masonic liars that "ness" means "headland." Perhaps it's code for the Pont-like surnames honoring Pilate...such as the Ponts/Ponds using the NISbet boar heads.

When I wrote that piece, I had not yet included the Sparta topic in this update, which recalled the Ness river tracing to Nestor at Pylos. I made that connection a few years ago, and included a Pilate trace to Pylos, but broadened upon it in this update.

Like the Ness Coats, Ponts/Ponds use a red-on-white fesse. Scottish Ness' were first found in Fife, beside the Angus'/Angas' using stars in the colors of the Annas star.

As per the Givors location between Lyon and Vienne, the Giffords/Givords may apply. They use ermined white lozenges on black, the colors of the Thick/Theck ermined lozenges, and as such they may be a branch of Shaws. The Shawia were traced a little ways up the Rhone, to Avignon = Avennio, a term like "Vienne." Might the Shawia of Avignon have moved further up-river to Vienne and Givors?

I did not know in the long November update, when the SHOPs/Shawlands traced very convincingly to SOPHonisba, that they use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas'. I didn't realize while mentioning Copelands at that time that they could be from "Soph" rather than from "Copper/Cooper." Copelands are the ones using "numine" for Numidians, and moreover they use the double Ness chevrons now highly suspect with Annas elements on the Nith and Ness rivers...where Numidians were found by other methods.

Note how the Copeland black bend is in the Hanan and related Mall/Malbone Coats. The Malbanks, just discovered as per the Copher write-up, were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Copelands! There is a third Coat using the same quartered Shield with a black bend running through, that of Eure's/Ure's who are shown also as "Iver/Ivor, smacking of Givors. It was suggested that "Ure" should trace to "Aures," as do the Ore's/Orrs, and then the Ivors/Eure's use a "NUMquam" motto term (Giffords/Givords use "quam"). That can now trace Giffords/Givords to the land of Sophonisba.

Cophers are properly "Copen/Cobben" and similar variations, and they use what I call an hourglass Shield. They were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Malls/Malbone's, and trace themselves to Coppenhall, held by a William Malbank. As Malls/Malbone's use the Massey Shield, I trace them to Malahule.

The Gifford/Givord motto (honoring Malahule of More) in its entirety is that of Paine's/Payne's (first found in the same place as Coppers/Coopers). Here we've just found a Gopher-like surname linking to the Payens who married Chappes' for to conquer Jerusalem. The Payens/Pagans were first found in Dauphine, a region on the Rhone extending from Lyon at the north almost down to Avignon, i.e. the whole of which is now suspect as Shawia territory. It looks as though Payens were in the very midst of the Shawia, whom I've insisted to be integral to the Sadducees, and somehow connected to the namers of Caiaphas.

"Gopher" was just the start of the hunt for how "Caiaphas" might trace to "Soph." Cophers/Copens are looking better for Caiaphas links, but it should be added that while Cophers/Coppens use the hourglass, Gophers/Govers use drops that should likewise link to Trypillians.

The Paine Coat shows the two Strange lions in the same colors, and a BROKEN spear as code for Broke's/Brocks using the lion in colors reversed. It's another argument for linking Strange's at Forum Allieni with the Panico's. Trypillians must always be a part of the Strange's at the Setta valley.

With Givors at the Vienne area, and Giffords/Givords tracing well to Givors, a clinching of Giffords/Givords with Gophers/Govers would reveal that Pilates were related to Sophonisba...if Gophers could be proven to trace to her name. If Vienne was a Shawia location, it explains why the other two branches of Pilates, the Pilotte's and Pellets, use the same grails as Shaws. The Arms of Vienne happens to be a tree with a grail in it. It's the Vatican cup and sungod, but it's still a grail. It's starting to appear as though Pontius Pilate was at Vienne after all.

Remember, Caiaphas was appointed by the Roman governor (Gratus) ruling ahead of Pilate, and he may have been related to Pilate (explaining why Pilate succeeded him). Caiaphas may thus have been related to Pilate if Caiaphas was related to Gratus.

Where are the Gaetuli in all of this? We are seeing what looks like a rash of Soph lines to Caiaphas family, but where are the Gaetuli? There is a round-tailed lion that I do not see very often. It's used by Gate's and Aven's. Gate's were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Shaw-related Giffords, and Avens smack of Avennio/Avignon, home of the Shawia.

"Etienne" is said to mean "Stephen," meaning that the Pilate mountain is at St. Stephen. Stephens are in the colors of the Arms of Etienne (as well as the Pilate's) and use the perchevron in the colors of the same of the Chappes'. The Etienne surname uses six billets in the same white-on-blue colors. There is a pattern here, tending to trace Chappes / Ottone's to St. Etienne, wherefore Payens are expected there. One could get the suspicion that Payen Templarism started with a Payen-Chappes relationship in the very family around Vienne where Pontius Pilate had stayed.

LOOK! It just so happens that the French Billet surname was first found in the same place as French Josephs, and I think we could expect a Joseph surname out of Etienne's family...where it's true that Joseph Caiaphas followed Pilate to that place. That makes sense. To boot, Pilates use pheons that may be code for a Payen / Paion variation, an idea that can suggest Payen elements smack at St. Etienne. "AND LOOK." The Billet Coat is a version of the Payen Coat, but in the colors of the Pilate pheons, and of the Stephen and Chappes PERCHevron, and of the Etienne billets!!!! Can you read that? It reads: Payens and Billets together were at / around Etienne with Joseph Caiaphas.

Reminder: the Zionists stars of Billets and Payens are possibly pierced in honor of the Pierce / Percival bloodline at Perche, which is beside Maine, where Billets and Josephs were first found. It speaks of the migration of Caiaphas lines to Somerset and neighboring Devon.

Who were the Billets? They can now be identified with "Pilat," the name of the mountain. It means that Payens were merged with Pilate's family. The Herod-Archelaus family was included to some degree as evidenced by the green-on-white (Lannoy / Lyon colors) of the Henry eagle. It's a mystery at this time was to why Henrys became a Joseph line, but Henry IV at Rodez is suspect. He traces to the royal Norman Henrys. The first king Henry was the name of the Conqueror's son. His mother married Falaise, probably elements out of La Falaise at Ile-de-France / Perche. This is starting to make a lot of sense. I truly feel that I have the Templar-bedrock secret right here and now.

It can be gleaned that, the reason the Norman kings became Templars is that Henry I was a Caiaphas liner. He was named after a Henry at Falaise, no doubt, in the family of "the tanner" of Falaise. As the name could have been something like, "Aner/Enery," see that "Anner" gets the Annas surname (!), which suggests that anyone named Henry Joseph in those parts was a Caiaphas-Annas combination line. The Josephs of Hampshire are online as descending from a Henry Joseph of Hampshire. I have that recorded in my updates. It tends to trace Drakes, first found in Hampshire, to the Dreux location.

The reason that English Josephs use garbs in the colors of the Comyns garbs is that Comyn was a place ruled by John de Burgo, who fathered HERLuin de Conteville, the second husband of HERLeva, the Conqueror's mother. If we ask why the two both had Herl names, we could ask the Hurl variation of the Herod/Herald surname, first found in Argyllshire, where the Arkell surname seems to connect because it comes up as "Argyll." Apparently, heraldry was coined after the Hurl / Herod / Herald surnames, all septs of McLeods using the white-on-blue of Pilate's, Billets, etc.

Luce Founders of Merovingians

As Herod "the great" psychopath married a Doris, it seems non-coincidental that a Doris/Orris surname was first found in the same place as Payens. It may not have seemed so stark a connection had it not been for what was showing above: a little nest of Christ-killers in Dauphine. I wonder what they talked about? I wonder what they plotted.

Jewish Pollocks use a wavy bend in the colors of the Doris/Orris wavy bend while Scottish Pollocks use the colors of Herods/Hurls, suggesting that Herods/Hurls may have come to the Argyll theater with the Alans of Dol from whom Scottish Pollocks have partial ancestry. While both Pollocks and Alans came out of Shropshire when removing to Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire, the Argyll/Arkell write-up traces to an Ercoll location in Shropshire, suggesting the Archelaus surname in Shropshire.

Recall the colors of the Henry eagle, in Lannoy / Lyon colors, for the Ark surname (arches in Doris/Orris colors) is said to have had a seat at East Henrith. While searching for an East Henrith location, there popped up a page showing the Archuleta version of the Arks/Arches! Why isn't the Archuleta variation shown in the write-up? There is a Spanish Archuleta surname from an Arechavalet location. It uses a pair of black wolves of the Yonge-wolf kind, an oak tree, and some sort of cauldrons.

VERY INTERESTINGLY, the Arecha variation of the Spanish branch smacks of the Ricks / Rickets/Reckets that were traced to Rijeka/Rika/Reka, which was the Juno theater of the proto-Yonge's. Two of the variations shown, Arechaga and Arechiga, even look like "Rijeka." Is this to say that Rijeka was a variation of "Archelaus"? In fact, the other Herod was banished to proto-Comminges, very near Roquefeuil, and while I trace the latter location of Rijeka, Arechavalet is at the northern-most, Basque part of Spain encroaching upon the French border, i.e. not very far from Comminges. The Maxwells, from Rijeka, use a holly bush and thus link to Edomites. Bushers/Buschers and Buckets are both implied as Boucher king while Buckets use holly. Bushers were first found in DORSet, a term like "Doris."

Scottish Archie's were first found in ROXburghshire! That's funny. What's going on here? They are in Roque colors. The Arthurs have a surname like the ones on the Archie page. The Ricks were the ones who clinched a trace to Rijeka because they use a version of the Craven Coat, a branch of Croatians. The crosses used by both Cravens and Ricks are called, "fitchee," and then the Fitch Coat (leopard faces) is in the colors of Herods/Hurls, first found in the same place as MacArthurs. The gyronny symbol of Campbells is used in blue-and-white by PicARDs and in the Arms of Gironde, a location in Basque France not far from Comminges.

There is an Arkel/Arkley surname using the garb in the colors of the same of Josephs / Comyns, which is expected in an Archelaus trace to Comminges. The Arkels/Arkelys are said to be from a Norse term, "Arnketill," seemingly from the family of Anketills/Ancitile's, important where Payens trace to the namers of Balso DesPAINE.

I am shocked to learn that Google brings up only one page (mine) in a search for "Balso Despaines," and brings up only some of my pages (no one else's) in a search for "Balso D'Espaines." That's because I've been spelling it wrong. It should be "Balso D'Espaine," no final 's'. However, Google must be punishing / suppressing my work because its computer should know to bring up pages for "Balso D'Espaine" with a search like "Balso D'Espaines." If one searches for "Paines," the Google computer knows enough to bring up pages showing "Paine."

Here's the results for "Balso D'Espaine". I've only had the heart to check results for the first four pages, where just one of my pages is presented, while many pages unrelated to Balso D'Espaine are presented using only "Espaine" but not "Balso." I see Google punishing tribwatch as a rule. If I search "tribwatch and "D'Espaine" together, four pages of mine show up using "Balso D'Espaine" without the final 's', but not one with "D'Espaines" with the 's'. This cannot be due to the Google computer not recognizing my other pages. Rather, Google has a program for websites it resents, treating them more strictly than others, and another program for flat-out ignoring some of its pages. It's called censorship, and I'm not even pushing child porn. Google allows child porn because Google is a corrupt and wicked society. The Censor in the Sky is coming, but not until the Herods of this planet set it on fire.

Balso D'Espaine was the grandson of Malahule. The son of D'Espaine was Ancitel. I don't know what relationship this name has with "Arnketill," but as the latter is said to form the Arkel(l) surname, it stands to reason that Arkells and Ancitels were one and the same, almost anyway. There were reasons for the small twists in differences. There is the possibility that Kettle liners, suspect as Gaetuli, were a part of this confusing name structure. I will come back to this shortly below in the Hebron topic as it applies to McLeod/CLOUD liners of the CHLODwig kind.

Just as McLeods are in topic with the septs of Herods and Hurls, we find that the English Herls (using a gold fesse, as with Herods/Hurls) leads right to them. But before getting to that, we should ask why Herods were merged with Herl / Hurl terms. The Orrels, who traced very-likely to "Orleans," use a version of the Ince / Inch Coats, and the latter two are, as of very recently, highly suspect from "Annas." Orleans, to the French, is "OrleANAIS," what looks like an Orle-Annas combination. Reminder: while Annas' and Angus' use the same stars, the Innus' are said to be a branch of Angus,' so that we can expect the Innis' of Moray, who smack of the Ines variation of Ince's, to be Annas lines too.

Just so you understand if you don't have a map out, the Caiaphas / Levi liners at Ile-de-France were somewhere on the northern suburbs of Paris. Ile-de-France extends to the north-west side of Paris, where I expect Chappes liners. To the immediate west of Ile-de-France is Evreux, in Eure, home of the Hebrew Gauls, the Eburovices, from whom the Drakes derive. Dreux (in Eure-et-Loir) is to the immediate south of both Evreux and Ile-de-France, on the Eure river. This is why we should view Drakes as a line from Dreux. On the south side of Ile-de-France, between Dreux and Paris, is La Falaise. Orleans is a considerable distance (about 50 miles) south of Paris. To the immediate west of Dreux and Evreux is a highland area called, Coll du Perche. Maine is to the near south-west of Perche, with Alencon between them. All of these areas, near the French capital, must represent the homes of the some chief / elite lines of the killers of Christ. One can glean that the Merovingians Franks lifted the killers of Christ to imperial power structures as early as 400-500 AD.

That's where the English Hurls come in, suspect from OrleANAIS. They use birds called, "shovellers." The Shovel/Shouler/Showler Coat is then a version of the Hebron/Hepburn and Chill/Child Coats that trace to "Childeric." The Shovel write-up says that the surname is derived from makers of shovels, but don't be naive. First off, recognize that the SHOWlers could be a branch of Shows/Schaws honored in the motto of Numidian-suspect Nemo's/Newmarches, the latter being suspect as a line of the Marsi out of Abruzzo and into Aures, home of the Shawia.

The Orrels are a branch of Orrs/Ore's tracing with Eure's/Ure's to Aures' Numidians, and so note that "Evreux" must also trace to "Aures." This now suggests that Aures was not named after Ares, but after Aphrodite, his special mate. Just compare "Avres" to "Abruzzo." The spirit of Ares and Aphrodite lives on in the child porn "industry."

Shovels/Shoulers are traced to an early Templar family named "Scoua." I already know where this topic is going before it's explained. It's going to Hebron, expected home of Keturah, mother of Shuah. Do you think Shuah got into the shovel industry? Shovels/Shoulers show the fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of German Shuelers/Scholers, but these are not said to be named after shovels or spades or even a weed whacker. The fleur used by both families is in the colors of the Lys-surname fleur, and while the fleur became a fundamental symbol of the Childeric family, his son, Chlodewig, made Paris the Merovingian capital. What losers do you do you know of, in Paris, who were thirsty for power?

We don't at first sight have stark reason for suspecting Childeric's wife (Basina) with the Etienne group of Christ killers, for she was way over in Thuringia. However, that place smacks of Tournai (Belgium), where the family of Childeric operated. "By 457 at the latest [Childeric] was the ruler of the Franks in the territory covering Tournai and the Lys valley." Yet, she must have been of the Bassianus line. This is what must have made Childeric anything to begin with. This Frank family must have become the crown of the Roman empire on the powers of the El-Gabal priesthood family that had sat on the Roman throne not long before. We could expect El-Gabal elements at Tournai and/or in the Lys valley too, in other words.

Tournai is in HAINaut, the counts of which came to use the Levi triple chevrons, and then Levi's were first found in the same place (Paris) as the Lys surname. These Levites were far away from Israel here; they so liked the idea of receiving free tithes from the population, they badly needed to become kings. How else could they afford a shovel business? Tournai was named after turning soil over with a shovel. Didn't you know that? You are just so dumb.

If you read recently, you saw Childeric's ancestry in the Salyes theater, where Salyes were merged with Laevi. And so we can reason that Merovingians already had Levi blood by the time they became kings. But the Laevi predated Caiaphas...unless Wikipedia is lying to us. Assuming that they did predate the Israeli priesthood, they could have been Old-Testament Levites, paganized, without hope of receiving tithes. Later, after a branch of them got to sit in the Sanhedrin, they sold their shovel business, but too soon, because before they knew, they were fleeing Israel. Where would they most-likely go at that time? They would go back to whence they came, amongst the Salyes, and to their proto-Merovingian kin of yester-year. There wouldn't be anyone more prone in all the world to start a "fact" that Jesus was just a man, married or maybe just fooling around.

We merely need to compare the Shueler/Scholar Coat to that of Decks/Daggers to see that Childeric traces to the Ticino river. In this picture, Childeric's son moved the capital of his father's kingdom to Paris to be with the Lys and Levi families. Or, if that's too hasty, some connection between Childeric and Clovis caused the Levi's to be counts of Hainaut. If Hainaut was already named in Childeric's day, I would expect that Annas lines were there already, wherefore Childeric could have been an Annas / Levi liner already, before he married Basina or gave birth to Clovis.

Now think about this. What else does a king, born with a silver shovel in his mouth, when he's on vacation from invading the neighbors? He'll think up clever symbols for himself. And so what symbol could Clovis have given his line from Shuah, son of Keturah? It must have hit him like a storm. He would proclaim that he was a son of the sons of Y'Shua. Well, maybe it didn't happen quite that way.

English Hains use crescents in the colors of the Lys / Shovel/Shouler / Shueler fleur-de-lys. It get's interesting where German Hains, in the same colors, were first found in Silesia, which overlaps LUSatia. The latter could link to the Luce family from Lucius Bassianus, a couple of hundred years before Childeric, whose lines were found out of Yorkshire's Lacys and into the Nith river at Dumfries, where the Scottish Hain surname was first found! That's pretty amazing, isn't it? And the scallops of the latter are even colors reversed to the scallops of the Earls/Ure's who smack of the Herls using shoveller birds, or of the same-colored Eure's/MacUre's -- DUMbartonshire -- using the Hanan Coat. Don't you see something quite a bit redundant here?

Eure's use the Bassan Shield, in the colors of Italian Bassans, and moreover Caracalla was renamed, with a throne name: Marcus AURELius. The Aurelius surname, sharing gold scallops with the Earls, is said to be from one Marco Aureli in 421 AD, at Aquileia (Venetio). French Aurels/Orelle's (Auvergne) show as "Haurele" too, recalling the Herls/Harrels using the shoveler birds. The shovelers are in the colors of the Aurelius stars. The Auriol location (mouth of the Rhone) of the besant-using DuMas', suspect from Julia Maesa, comes to mind.

This brings us to the Scholer variation of Shuelers, for an explanation of why the Shovel and Shueler Coats are a version of the Child and Hebron Coats. For there was in ancient Hebron (Israel) a valley of Eschol. It just so happens that the Schole surname (Julian/Gillian cross) was first found in Yorkshire too, co-founded by Parisii and Eburovices/Ebroicum, I might add. In other words, we expect Christ-killer lines of Hebro-Gorgons in Yorkshire. We are told a false thing when we're told that they named it Eboracum after the boar...unless the Eburovices used a boar symbol for themselves.

Once they got to Yorkshire, they used their shovels to row down the Ribble river into Lancashire, where the Scholars/Scolards were first found, using only two ostrich feathers in the Coat, and a "a dexter hand" in the crest. There are two ostrich feathers in the Schuh/Shua/Schewe/Shoo/Shoemaker Crest. And, yes, you guessed it; they were not really named after makers of shoes. It really starts to look like a Keturah > Shuah line with this surname.

Let's go back to the Decks/Daggers that appear for logical reasons to be from a merger with the Shuelers/Scholars. Both surnames trace to ancient Israelites, but now it's the squirrel of the Decks/Daggers that I want to focus on, as it could link to the squirrels of the Valents (Coat in Deck/Dagger colors). There happens to be a Valence location, and a Romans location, off the Isere river midway between Avignon and Lyon. This is where the proto-Merovingians of the Laevi kind are expected, not far from mount Pilat, in the land of the Shawia suspect with the Schuh's, Scholars et-el. And the squirrel connection to Valents suggests what was gleaned by other methods, that Clovis was linked to emperor Valentinian. The first Valentinian "was born in 321 at Cibalae in southern Pannonia (now Vinkovci in Croatia)."

The peoples at Avignon were at Cabellio, very much like "Cibalae." We wonder here whether there was a Cibalae connection to Julia Domna Bassianus, in Lyon, a little more than a century earlier? The Valent squirrels are even in Lannoy / Lyon colors, while Dutch Valences are in colors reversed. Cibalae is between the Sava and the Drava, and the latter river could explain the ostrich feathers above (i.e. where Trabys named the Drava). The German and Scottish Valence Coats (footless martins) already gave reason for linking to Sadducees, and these were not of the ancient Levites, the Laevi on the Ticino, but of later times. And we expect these Sadducees in the Valance theater, do we not, hiding out together, in their little nest, because everywhere they try to fly, they sense foreboding above their heads.

It was recently found: "Sibals, yet another surname from the Gibala [web]page, shows the Seager moline cross in colors reversed." As Seagers and Sawyers were from the Sava, it stands to reason that Sibals trace to Cibalae, especially as the motto of Sibals is a term I associate with the Arms of Vilnius, where Trabys had a merger with Astika's. The surnames at the Gibala page (see 3rd update of last month) seemed quite certainly to expose various parts of the El-Gabal bloodline, and so Cibalae does seem to apply to El-Gabal, especially as Bassianus' were traced to the Basante/Bosnia river, for Cibalae is across the Sava smack from the mouth of the Bosnia.

Don't you think this is an amazing find? We are tracing the first Merovingians to a merger, via Valentinian, to Julia Domna. It's no wonder Childeric married Basina.

The center of the Sibal cross is called "square pierced" as evidence that it links to the Valent squirrels, for the Squirrel surname is also the Square surname. The surname could have used just a square, but the fact that it's also pierced suggests the Pierce / Perche bloodline. The Skuyer variation of Squirrels/Squares suggests, very strongly, the Schuyler variation of the Deck-like Shuelers/Scholars. Thus, the Squirrels are from Eschol, aren't they?

The motto term of the Sibals, Justitia, should be due to Justine, the wife of Valentinian I. She was a daughter of Justus, of Picenum. I've been on this topic before, and had traced Justina to the motto term in the Arms of Vilnius. There was more to that trace. Unfortunately, the family tree of Valentinian does not go back beyond his father in Cibalae, two or three generations before Julia Domna. If he connects back to Domna, we would expect this to be the true-blue MASONic line, named after Massena. He was assassinated before he reached 30. I don't read of any wife he may have had, meaning he was free to make many mothers.

"The [Cheshire] Shield displays the trio of golden wheatsheaves [garbs] on blue which have been associated with the Earldom of Chester since the late 12th century...The Crest is a royal lion between two ostrich feathers...The feathers franking the shield are supported by gold lions derived from the arms of the third and fourth Earls of Chester."

That was Ranulf le Meschin and Ranulf le Gernon, but as Gernons use gold-on-red lions, red-on-gold is expected by kin. These Meschins had the task of keeping the Welsh in check, and therefore, I'm guessing, had some charge over Herefordshire, where Shovelers were first found using the Massey-colored fleur. The Trevor family had been in charge of Herefordshire, and I say they were not only from the Tudors (ostrich feathers), but from Trabys.

The father of Valentinian I, Gratian, was called, "Funarius," for which reason we could entertain the Vaughns as named after him. Vaughns ("non" motto term) seem to be using a version of the Pendragon Coat, were first found in Shropshire, where Archelaus elements are tracing, and "were descended from Trevor Tudor." Fauns use the same spread eagles as Childs, but on a blue Shield, and may therefore apply with a Gratian line to Childeric. Faunes'/Faughnes' were first found in the same place as Arthurs.

The Segni/SEGURano surname (Genoa) shows the moline cross design that Seagers showed until last year (why would houseofnames change merely the cross design but not the colors?), but the Seager moline design now showing is the one used by Sibals. The point is, the white-on-blue spread eagle of Fauns is shared by the Segni Crest, wherefore it looks undeniable that Fauns were named after Gratus Funarius...and perhaps after mythical Faunus of the Romans, the goat-cult after which Funarius' name is suspect.

It's then interesting that the Fauls use two spread eagles of the Faun-eagle design smack where the Fauns place their two eagles. These Falls are also "MacPhail, the close Geddes kin. It's as though Geddes trace both to Caracalla and to Valentinian, suggesting again that Valentinian linked up with the disgusting family of Bassianus.

I've been on this topic before. The Phone variation of the MacPhails/Fauls brings up the Mackay sept of Vains/Vane's/Veynes/Fane's (MONmouthshire), who use the Macey gauntlet gloves (used also by the Veynes-suspect Wayne's (pelican) having a version of the Irish Arthur Coat). This link of Phone's/Phails to Mackays has the tendency to indicate that the star of the Faun Coat is that of Moray, the area in which Geddes, Mackays, and MacPhails operated for a time.

The idea that the "Phial" variation of Phone's/Phails may link to the tattoo / ink theme may be evident where "Phone" is much like "pheon." In this Phone variation, we may be discovering that Payens out of mount Pilat played a part in Gratian's family, supporting the idea that "GRATian" was named in honor of GRATus, the surname of the Roman governor of Judaea immediately before Pontius Pilate. In fact, his name was VALerius Gratus, suggesting that Gratian named his son, VALentinian, after "Valerius" or a similar term in the family from Valerius Gratus.

To prove that Gratian's family was merged with Payens, I had shown how the Pagans/Paganell Coat shared blue-and-gold bendy with the Crete's/Craits, first found in Burgundy. When we enter "Grate," we get the Craiths/Creights, thus indicating that Crete's/Craits should link to "Grate."

When these things were discussed previously, I had no idea that they were linking to Geddes'. I now see that Grate's were first found in Inverness-shire, a Geddes theater where Fauls/Phails/Phone's were first found, while the Rome/Rooms sharing the Grate fesse were first found in Dumfries, where Geds had their start. The "Pungit" motto term of the Rome's/Rooms should be code for the Pung surname listed with the Pagans/Paganells, thus bringing Guido Guerra into a Geddes picture because Pungs (suspect with Panico's) use the Guerra bendy. It's very much suggesting that the Guerra's should go to the Gerland surname honored by the garland of Stephens out of mount Pilat...located in the same area as where the Crete's/Craits were first found. If you want to see another green dragon that can link to the Guerra dragon, see the Creightons ("grace" motto term), first found in Lothian, where Seatons were first found.

As you can see, with the Grate circle of surname's, we are right back to the Points, but now we have involvement of the Sibalds, the motto of which honors Justus of PICENum. "According to the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire the names Justus and Justina may also indicate a relation to the Vettus family." The Vett/Fetter Coat uses a sun, and the ancestral seat is said to have been near Cilley, two miles from an Austrian Graz location. The Graze's are listed with the Grasse's out of Grasse. Just like that, Gratian, whose son married Justus' daughter, can trace to Grasse and Creightons.

It just so happens that the Cilley surname uses the Waters triple chevrons! Thus, the Waters, and possibly the Vatts/Watters and Watts, trace to the Vettus family. The Cilley family is said to be from Constantine I and/or his close kin. The Cilleys are shown properly as "Silly / Sully." It is bringing to mind an old trace of the Sellers to both Childs and to the Silures. We saw earlier in this update that Silures (dark-skinned people of south Wales, Traby-related suspects of the Trevor-Tudor kind) may have been from the Picenti of SALERnum, and here we find the Cilley ancestry of Traby-related Picenum rulers looking like potential namers of Silurians.

Compare the Tudor Coat to that of Sellers, and then see the Cilley/Silly triple chevron, apparently, in the Arms of Cardiff, the Welsh capital. (Tudors and Trabys both use ostrich feathers). In the Tudor write-up we read that Trevor Tudor was lord of WHITTingham, very suspect with Vettus liners. The Whitting Coat (besants) uses the hourglass design, a symbol of Traby-related peoples. Julie's (a correspondent) ancestry is from the area of Trypillians (Ukraine), and it was she who badly wanted to know the origins of Silures.

The Vettus family may have been Avvite.

As the daughter (Justine) of Justus was an imperial queen, perhaps the Justine/Justice surname ("non sine" motto phrase and an erect sword tracing to north-Africa, birthplace of Caracalla's father), first found in Perthshire, applies to the Pilate family there. The weight scale's of the Justine Coat are used in the Arms of Vilnius too (and Weights use the Traby hunting horns). I had traced "Vilnius" to the Ville's (who use the Grasse/Graze lion in the same colors).

As the Annas line is now suspect with red-on-white stars as well as stars in colors reversed, the three stars in the Grate/Creight Chief should apply, for the same three are in the Washington Chief. I traced Wassa's/Gace's/Gassons to a white-on-red saltire (colors reversed from the Annan(dale) saltire) given to Gascony for its flag at one time, and here the Grate's link easily to Dumfries, location of Annandale. Moreover, the "Ne ville" motto term of Phone's/Vains suggests the Nevils/Neville's using that white-on-red saltire. We can read that Nevils were from a Neuville in the Norman canton of Gacey. The Valent Coat is half the Nevill saltire, adding support to the suspicion that Grate's are from Gratian Funarius. Meanwhile, it's adding support to the suspicion that Phones, who seem to be in the Phones variation of Fauns, are from "Funarius."

The Phones'/Fauns are even in the colors of the Pilate pheons and of the crosses in the Arms of Etienne. I don't know what kind of feathers or branches are showing in the Arms of Etienne, but a feather-like "branch of palm" is in the same colors in the Non/Nevin Coat while the rest of the Coat is in the white-on-blue of the Etienne crosses.

The "grace" motto term of Creightons makes the Grace surname suspect with Gratus Valerius. "Grace affie" is in the English Grace/Grass motto, suggesting DuMas-line Bassianus' from Auriol and La Mas, smack near and related to a Grasse location. French Grasse's/Grace's, definitely from Grasse, are showing the same lion now as Italian Conte's, important because Conteville's were Templar-important in Herluin de Conteville, which brings us right back the Herod-line Hurls, and the Herls/Harrels using the shoveler birds. As the Nevils/Neville's use crescents in the colors of the same of French Conte's, first found in the same place as purple-banner Ville's, the Nevills are suspect as Ville's that joined Conte's for form Conteville's. English Conte's were first found in the same place (Durham) as Nevils. As Nevils are seemingly honored in the motto of Phone's/Vains/Fano's, perhaps the Font/Fond terms used by Ville's apply to "Funarius."

As the Lamas surname uses lambs in the same colors as the Arms of Grass, they must be the namers of Le Mas, and so any talk in the Lamas write-up of a trace to anything but a Mas entity is rubbish. Julia Maesa, grandmother of the sick and demented emperor, Heliogabalus, must have been in play at Le Mas. As it was suspect earlier, the Bassianus priesthood in Syria may have been calling the shots in getting Valerius Gratus appointed governor in Judea. While his line ended up naming Grass, as the theory goes, the Bassianus line to Julia Maesa ended up at Le Mas.

The Lamas lamb has a staff with a banner, the same sort of banner in the Font-de-Ville Coat. It's arguable that the purple color of the Ville banner is indication of the Caracalla line. The Lamas lambs are in the colors of the Seagers, and both surnames were first found in the same place (Norfolk), a possibly indication that Lamas' had contact with the Sibal surname from Cibalae, home of Gratian Funarius. If it all makes too much sense...

I don't think it can be a further coincidence that "sibi" is found in the VINK motto, for Cibalae is VINKovci today. Therefore, other sibi motto terms are suspect in honor of Cibalae / Sibal lines from the Bassianus cult. The question is, did God allow the Bassianus cult to call the shots over the Israel of Jesus' day because He had a special disgust for it, and in preparation for what He would do to it at Armageddon? Armageddon is not the sole creation of God. In my understanding, mankind will bring the world to the brink of wholesale annihilation, at which time God engages his Wrath to make a horrendous situation yet more unbearable.

There is no word in the dictionary for the human feelings at Armageddon. In my opinion, God foresaw the man-made annihilation at a certain time, and used Jesus to save a portion of mankind from it. This is not a thing to tip a hat to. For the hard-hearted, there will no longer be mercy, especially when they witness with their own eyes the wickedness and duplicity of the world's rulers, and yet cling to them. God is not a lunatic. If He's that angry, there is just cause.

The Vink surname is the Vince/Vinch surname, said to be named after a seller of finches hahaha. The silly joke is on. The Vinks didn't only sell finches, they caught them too. I wonder how many people were in the market for purchasing finches. There must have been hoarders. The Vinks should have gotten into bird cages too, so lucrative.

I would have to say that the "Nil" motto term of Vinks/Vince's is for the Niall bloodline to the Geds. The namers of Vinkovci may have been from Vicenza ("Vicenzo" is the Italian for "Vince"), and that term may therefore have been a variation of "Picenti" as per the Sibal link to a ruler of Picenum. The Sibals are the one's using the Seager cross while Lamas' and Seagers were first found in the same place, indicating that elements from Cibalae/Vinkovci were at Norfolk...which is the location of Sparham and Sprowston, and where Sparrows were first found using a "solo Deo" motto phrase apparently for E-Gabal.

I suppose the Sparrows and the Vinks went into the small-bird business together. The Seager-related Sawyers use footless martlets, indicating that they didn't use bird cages. They just cut the feet off so the birds couldn't fly away and land on anything. It's obvious. How could anyone deny that these families were named after bird businesses? The whole world must have been in demand of sparrows. If that's not true, the same-colored Spurrs, in the colors of the Close/CLOVSE Coat using a "spur," can apply to a Seager line back to Cibalae, you see. Therefore, if Clovis named the Closeburn location on the Nith, we can trace Cibalae elements there too. The Claude's are also "Claux," what could become "Close," and then Claud's are said to derive in a family at BESANcon.

There are 11 billets, in the colors of the Close's, and of the Pilate's and Billets at same-colored Etienne, in the Besancon Coat! Besancons are listed with the Bessets/Besse's, in the colors of the Bissets, the latter first found at Ross-shire, beside the Nairn area of the Geddes. The Bissets share the same-colored bend of Spurrs, thus seemingly clinching the link of Clovis to Closeburn, to Clauds, and in the meantime tracing Bissets and Besancons to Basina, Clovis' mother. We expected the Geddes (from the brother of Caracalla) line to link to Clovis' fleur-de-lys, right?

Bassets use a "populo" motto term suggesting the Pepinid part of the Merovingian line, which was the Majordomo line, the surname of which uses the same black-and-white checkered Shield as Pepoli's. "Under the Merovingian dynasty, the mayor of the palace (Latin: maior palatii) or majordomo (maior domus) was the manager of the household of the Frankish king. The Pepins officiated at this palace. Bassets share the unicorn head of Sparrows, and the latter may be using the roses of the Rose's at Ross-shire.

French Bassets are listed with the Besancons/Bessets. It's fulfilling my expectations to find Basina > Clovis lines tracing to the Billets at Etienne. I very much expect to find that the line of Pontius Pilate went to Basina, but in this picture, Pilate's got related to Bassianus lines when Julia Domna gave birth to Caracalla in Lyon. Per chance, Pilate and Valerius Gratus together were related by blood to the proto-Bassianus line in Emesa, the Iamblichus > Aziz family.

An important point is that Bassianus lines were at Lyon at all in 200 AD or earlier. When the Christ-killer lines fanned out from mount Pilat / Vienne / Lyon, we could expect some Bassianus blood spreading out Childeric. I feel it in my skull and bones: it's true.

There was also an Eschol (not quite the same spelling as the Eshcol valley) in Hebron, an Amorite associate of Abraham. It has been my opinion for years that Merovingians were named after Amorites out of Merowe south of Egypt. They evolved into Merops at Kos, who gave birth to a ruler in Ephesus, founded by a son of Kodros, and thus the Keturah line merged with proto-Merovingians at least as early as that myth indicates. The son of Merops in Ephesus gave birth to Aedon in Thebes, suspect as code for the Keturah-line merger with the carriers of the Atun sun god to France.

As the Shovels/Shoulers are also Showler, and as they link to Shows/Schaws (may be using the three Hain crescents), it explains why the Schole lozenges are in the colors of the Shaw lozenges. If you recall, the Lacys / Lucy's from Julia Domna appeared to put forth the Losinj location. It simply appears to be factual that Shaws trace to Eshcol elements in Hebron.

It could even be that the Lys valley was a Luce entity (this was the first time that it came to mind), which could underscore the idea that the fleur-de-lys was originally a fish, the Luce pike fish. It was as per the city of Laus (also "Ragusa" in the Herzegovina theater) that tipped me off for the idea that the fleur was originally a fish. IN FACT ZOWIE, that fish belonged to the Saraca/Saraka family of Ragusa (see "Saraka" at Wikipedia), and Lucius was nicknamed, Caracalla!!! Recall that we just linked his nickname to Saracens/Sarsons!!! WOOOOOOWIE! (Laus/Ragusa was not far from Losinj.)

Lucius Bassianus is now linking to Childeric very strongly thanks to the fresh discovery that Lucius was at the root of the fleur-de-lys. That fleur is said to be originated in Clovis, but apparently it goes back, though as a fish, to Kotor and Ragusa. It is telling us again that Childeric is from Keturah out of Kotor, but he was not so unless his parentage is from Caracalla. This is what heraldry is blabbing to us. Caracalla carried the fish to Childeric, and Clovis changed it to the fleur.

The idea that Childeric is represented by the Child/Chill surname, from Chillingham, home of the Hebrons/Hepburns, is verified where the both surnames use a version of the Shovel/Shouler Coat tracing to Eschol (see also same-colored Scofields/SCHOLEfields). It would therefore not be surprising if "Lucius" was from Lycians, from Lachish in Hebron. But with Childeric now tracing to the Kotor fish, it is more viable that Shovels et-al trace to Shuah, the man.

NEW DISCOVERY: Schole's use an ANNuLET, theorized lately as code for Annas and Lett lines. I don't recall telling or seeing that the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Letts/Latts is that also of Annas'! That clinches the Lett saltire as the Annandale saltire in colors reversed (to the Annandale saltire as used by Bruce's).

As Romans under Augustus worshiped Latona, the Greek Leto, I would trace Letts/Latts to that entity, which was known also as Lada, a Lycian goddess. This was the Ladon-dragon line that included the Lazi Colchians whom I identified with the LASONii at the Lydo-Lycia theater. But Lada is also the name of a Lithuanian goddess (if you don't know, Vilnius is in Lithuania). Thus, the Letushites, from a grandson of Keturah, are being pegged by the annulet of the Schole's. The Ann entity should indeed from the Anaki of Hebron.

Schole's use a Shield filled with black-and-white lozengy, and HaSKELs (Monmouthshire) use a Shield filled with black-and-white "vair fur." Haskels are said to be from Norse terms such as ANKetill and Asketill. These are roughly the term that the Archelaus-suspect Arkel surname (one 'l'; two 'l's gets the Argylls/Arkells) is said to derive in. But the ANK term is now suspect with Anaki lines.

So, where Balso D'Espaine, who may have been more-correctly, desPaine, gave birth to Ancitel, he was a Paine liner honoring the Archelaus bloodline in the name of his son, and meanwhile his grandfather, Malahule, was of the Mall/Malbone surname using the Hanan Coat. How many killers of Christ can there be in one family? So far, Malahule's family has Herod, Annas and Pilate-suspect Paine's. But the Paine motto (includes "Malo mori") is that also of the Giffords/Givords, suspect as Ivors/Eure's using the same Coat again, as well as using the ermined Shaw lozenges in colors reversed. If the Shaw lozenges are those of Schole's, one can glean that "Eure" was ultimately a Hebron line.

The fact that Loops and Lys' both use the same greyhound design suggests that "Vis-de-lou" could be understood as Vis-de-Lys." The Loops use crescents in the colors of the Gaet crescents, important because Geds are now connecting with the Lys entity. When we are told that Geds became Luce's / Lucy's, it's not quite true, for the two were from two different sons of Septimius Severus, and thus the Geds were primary cousins of the Lys entity, though I don't know how long it took for the Lys entity to form. I assume that the Lys valley around Lille was already named in Childeric's days, explaining why he changed the Luce fish to a lily. Just think of how important this discovery is for undoing the Da-Vinci cult monsters.

The prediction is that Lacys in Yorkshire, who were the beginnings of the Luce's, migrated to Paris in that the Parissii had first co-founded York. From Paris, they found their way to the Lys valley and named it. A family named after Caracalla then founded Laus and became the Saraka family there. We could expect the Los-branch Luce's, for example at Lossiemouth of the Nairn theater, to have named Losinj. The Lossiemouth location was in the land of the Rose's, who are thus predicted to have given York it's white rose.

English Stephensons, first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Soph-suspect Copelands and Arkels, use the garb in the colors of the Arkel garb. It therefore appears that the family of Joseph Caiaphas at mount Stephen/Etienne led to these particular Stephensons using the bend of Rod(h)ams, likewise first found in Northumberland. The Stephenson / Rodham bend is in the colors of the same of Doris'/Orris', first found in Dauphine, where St. Etienne is located. That helps to support the idea that Doris' were from a wife of Herod "the great" abortionist.

It is possible that Rodhams are from H-less "Herod."

It is now clear that the other Stephenson Coat (Scottish) is a colors-reversed version of the French Billet Coat (!!!!), thus clinching the trace of Stephensons to mount Pilat / Etienne, and simultaneously verifying that "Billet" is a version of "Pilat." The Moray stars in the Stephenson Chief must be the stars also of the Baileys, likewise first found in Northumberland, and therefore suspect as a Billet branch.

English Billets had Skipton kin in Yorkshire who were in-turn purple-lion kin of Lacys, wherefore this makes a Ged-Lucy link back to mount Pilat, (for Bellows use the Billet Coat while Skipton-related Shiptons use "bellows"). The cinquefoils of the Billets and Bellows can thus be linked to the Rodham cinquefoils. If I was correct in tracing the Rodham cinquefoil to that of Leicestershire, then Archelaus Herods are suspect as the namers of Rutland at Leicestershire.

BUT LOOK AT THIS. The Stephen and Arkel garb can be traced via the Comyns/Cummings/Comings garbs to Herod Antipas at Comminges, near Roquefeuil, for the write-up tells that a Robert of Comyn (Comines) was made the earl of Northumberland by the Conqueror. Comminges was named about that time (I can't recall the year). In other words, as expected, there was a branch of the Archelaus family venturing down to the Herod-Antipas family, which may reveal that the Arkel Coat is a colors-reversed version of that of Cours', first found in Languedoc (location of Comminges), and honored in the "Courage" motto of the Comyns.

There is no way to deny it: the royalty across Europe was largely from the killers of Christ, and those who were not became targets of the killers of Christ until the entire world was swallowed up. They were a most selfish, wicked people even in the land of Israel; their sons didn't change, unless Christ stole them.

The difficulty is that I've traced Redones to the island of Rhodes (Greek theater) for years, not to "Herod." Herods may have been Rhodians / Redones, but if I suggest that the Redone city of Rodez was named by Herod, then it was no longer named by Redones in general. In consideration that Henri IV of Rodes married a Roquefeuil woman, what about those billets in the Arms of Roquefeuil?


On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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