Previous Update: May 15 - 21

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(if there are any to speak of)
May 22 - 28, 2012

If the Wife Calls...Not Home; Gonfanon with the Boiis
Maybe Do some Fishing in Sant'Antioco
How About some Deck Hun-ting with Global Warmers in Gorski
It's a Little Windisch in Merania, too Cole in Karlovac, and there's too many Rockefellers in Rijeka
But there's a Prime Spot in the Brenner Pass

Brotherhood man promises Islamic law in Egypt

When he joined the race for Egypt's presidency just five weeks ago, Mohamed Morsy was mocked as the Muslim Brotherhood's uncharismatic "spare tyre" after its first-choice candidate was disqualified.

But the 60-year-old engineer came first in the opening round, according to a Brotherhood tally after most votes were counted, thanks to a campaign that showed off the unequalled political muscle of Egypt's oldest Islamist movement.

The run-off on June 16 and 17 with second-placed Ahmed Shafiq, who served as deposed leader Hosni Mubarak's last prime minister, gives Egyptians a stark choice between a military man linked to the past and an Islamist whose conservative message appeals to some and alarms others in this nation of 82 million.

A Brotherhood official said that with votes counted from about 12,800 of the roughly 13,100 polling stations, Morsy had 25 percent, Shafiq 23 percent, a rival Islamist Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh 20 percent and leftist Hamdeen Sabbahi 19 percent.

The Brotherhood won most of rural Egypt, while the neo-Mubarak candidate won a very small geography, though the high population centers in Lower Egypt. It's much like the liberals versus conservatives in America. Jimmy Carter is promising good things:

The Muslim Brotherhood may seek to modify, but will not destroy, Egypt's 33-year-old peace treaty with Israel, former US President Jimmy Carter said Saturday [May 26].

Carter, 87, was speaking after initial vote tallies put the Brotherhood's candidate ahead in the first round of Egypt's presidential election, which his Carter Center helped monitor.

Yes, Jimmy, but that's only what we expect the Brotherhood to say while trying to get elected to the presidency. Before it won the bigger parliament pie, the Brotherhood promised not to run for the presidency at all, and here it now has the lead in that race too.

At the beginning of last update's bloodline topics (I won't repeat the super revelation here that heraldry coughed up at the time), Coverts were traced again to Habsburgs in the thick of identifying Maximilian I as a Cobb from the "corn cobs" in the Milian/Millier surname. I then said: "As the Happ/Apps/Abbs diamonds are called, fusils, I would trace the surname to Fussen, a place on the Lech river. The Habsburg Coat uses the same lion as the Ley/Legh Coat. I think I get it."

What do you see in "Milian" and "Lech" together? Years ago, when reading that Milyans were a tribe with Solymi, Lasonii, Cabelees, and Pisidians of the Lycian family, I didn't realize that "Milyan" was a term for Miletus in Caria. As I identified SARPedon (founder of Miletus and of Lycians) with Sorbs / Serbs, and as Coverts (use the same fesse as the Arms of Austria) were recently discovered to be of the Sorb / Serb family, I think I get it that Milian-related Cobbs were from Miletus while Habsburgs were from Lycians. I even recall that in Lycia there was a Mack-like (can't recall the spelling) Sea-People group.

This exercise, as presented in the last update, can reveal how Coverts were indeed the Caiaphas bloodline, for it seemed likely that the Happ/Apps/Abbs/Epp surname (uses the fesse that is the Arms of Austria) was a take on the HAPsburg variation of "Habsburg," while Happs/Apps/Abbs were found to use a version of the Capes Coat, suggesting perhaps the mythical Capys bloodline (Trojans) that ancients traced to Capua of the Campania area in Italy...the same area that traces to Champagne in France, where Bars ruled with Champagne elements at times. In fact, we saw that the Arms of Bar-sur-Aube uses, not only the Bar fish, but the Arms of Champagne. It means that "Aube" starts to look like an Abbs = Habsburg term, excellent because it was shown in the last update that Habsburgs had ancestry in the Bars.

I didn't realize while writing the last update that Aubes may have been Habsburgs, but instead linked some of their variations (e.g. Ober, D'Auber) to Dobys and Daubers/Dobers. I now see that Aubes also use "Hauber" and "HAUBERG." I'm assuming, because Daubers/Dobers and Aubes/Haubergs use the same colors, that Daubers/Dobers are also Habsburgs. After all, Daubers/Dobers were first found in Austria.

Before learning late in the last update that Zinzendorf was a descendant of Maximilian I, the Taupfer / Teupfer variations of the Daubers/Dobers were traced to "topf/teopfer" (German for pot/potter) and therefore to the place in Austria (Pottendorf) of Zinzendorf's family.

The Dauber/Dober griffin design is used by Leslies, and the latter use a bend in colors reversed from the Dauber/Dober bend. As I traced the Leslies to a Leslie-like location at the source of the Sava/Save/Sau river, and because the Leslie bend is colors reversed also to the Save Coat, it appears that Daubers/Dobers were from Austria's Sava area, where the red-lion Saiers/SAUers are said to come from, and to be named after. The Habsburgs also use a red lion, you see. It just so happens that the source of the Sava is where Japodes had lived. On this map of Roman-Illyria, you can see Japodes on the Colapis river, which was also called, "Kupa." I think this explains well that Habsburgs, Happs/Apps/Abbs, Aubes and Daubers/Dobers were ultimately named after "Kupa" elements. "Kupa" is stamped on this map of ancient Illyria.

It's possible that "Sava" was a corruption from the SERVITium location you can see on the Sava, itself smacking, not only of "Serb," but of "SARPEDon." The Save bend even shows a snake, which in Latin / Italian is a "SERPa."

One could get the impression from the "ColAPIS" term for the Kupa that "Capys" was a form of "Apis, the bull > bee cult. The Latovici shown beside the Japodes then suggest Latmus at honey-suspect Miletus. But as the father of Capys was made, AsSARACUS, by what coincidence do we find both a Ladesta and a Melita island off the coast of Epidaurus, where the SARACAs lived...who used the Bar fish?

It's got to be repeated now that the Scottish Millers use the same moline-cross design as Seagers/Sugars (in Save colors, snakes in Crest), for I lump Seagers and Sawyers (both from Norfolk) in with the Austrian Sauers from the Sava. It's got to be repeated because the Milyan-suspect Milian surname shows many Miller-like variations. (Drats, there has been yet another heraldic change by the heraldry people; the Miller and Seager moline crosses do not now match exactly as they did previously).

The "coelo" motto term of Scottish Millers smacks of "COLapis." In fact, the Coles use a bull, exactly what we would expect from "ColAPIS." The Coles' (with an 's') even use a green snake=serpa in Crest, the symbol of the Seagar crest, and then as I trace both Seagers and SIGRid the Haughty to the snake god, "Sugaar," the Haught Crest is a black bull, the color of the Cole bull. The Cole motto even uses "serva" as code for Serbs and/or Servitium. As this tends to prove that "Cole" was from the same elements that named "KOLodziej" (the term used for the mythical ancestry of Mieszko I, father of Sigrid the Haughty), it tends to trace Mieszko ancestry to the Colapis/Kupa river. However, as Kolodziej was "PIAST Kolodziej," I also trace Mieszko ancestry to BISTue a couple of rivers over from the Kolapis. Between Bistue and the Colapis are the Maezaei peoples. We get it.

By what coincidence does "Capys" smack of "Cappadocia" while Cappadocia had for its capital, Mazaca? It's very apparent that the Maezaei and Mieszko trace to Mazaca, while the Colapis/Kupa trace to Cappadocians of the Capys kind. And this is what traces Caiaphas ancestry to Cappadocia's Trojan elements...not forgetting that "Pharisee" traces to mythical "Paris" Trojans, while Paris was a brother of king Hector while the Haught surname shows a Hector variation.

What I'm seeing here is Caiaphas' Roman-dragon ancestry in the Capys elements that named the Colapis/Kupa river. The source of this river is at Histria/Istria, no doubt named after the Revelation harlot that sits on the seven hills of Rome. In the last update, the Traby-related Andechs were discovered, and they ruled at Istria and other parts of the very theater we are now discussing. It occurred to me that "Andech" was from "Antioch," the chief Seleucid city named after the son of Seleucus I, the Biblical runner-up to the anti-Christ. If this is correct, then we have multiple anti-Christ elements converging at the Japodes theater on the Colapis. Those Romo-Latin-Ishtar-Seleucus elements now include 666-suspect Trabys and even Caiaphas blood.

But what can we make of the inclusion of Mieszko ancestry into these anti-Christ elements? Reminder, Haughts use what look exactly like the three white-on-black bars that are the Arms of Trebizond Empire. You understand that the Traby ostrich feathers are used in the Arms of Andechs, and that Trabys were Poles like the Mieszkos. To help prove that Andechs were Seleucids from Antioch (Syrian capital of Seleucid empire), I traced the ancestry of Mieszko (also called "Dagome") to Sulcis on Sardinia...because Wikipedia's Dagome article suggestively traces Mieszko's ancestry to Sardinia, and because the Mieszko Piasts ruled Sulcis-like Silesia. THE POINT IS, Sulcis not only smacks of "Seleucus," but Sulcis was also called, "Sant'Antioco." For me, this almost clinches the Andech identification with Antioch elements.

Entering "Dech" gets the Dakins/Daikins (same lion as the Saires on the Sava), smacking of "Dagome." It can certainly suggest that Mieszko (and other Maezaei branches) was an Antioch bloodliner to the present/future creators of the 666 commercial system.

Let's now enter the Tabors, first found in Silesia, because I traced them to the Devors/D'Auvers said to be from Auvers-le-Hamon, while Mieszko-suspect Mascis / Masseys were ruled by Hamon de Masci/Massey. It just so happens that "Auver" smacks of the Habsburg-suspect Daubers that were just traced to the Kupa river. It could suggest that Tabers were Habsburgs, and then Zinzendorf, leader of Taborites, was himself a Habsburg of the MAXiMilian kind.

I opened an email yesterday (Monday) from GD on the so-called "gonfanon" symbol that is the Arms of Auvergne. It was an amazing coincidence that the last thing I did in yesterday's update (i.e. the last update published yesterday) was to give details on the Nechar river, the location of Tubingen. I noted that the Arms of Tubingen used the same basic gonfanon symbol as Auvergne. One could get the impression that Tubingen was named after Tabor elements. The gonfanon term is found as per a description of the Arms of Auvergne about a quarter-way down this heraldry page.

GD was telling me that she thought I was wrong to view the gonfanon as a loincloth symbol, and/or a variation of the Masonic apron. She said that her close relative was a Mason, and that she had seen his apron, which didn't look at all like a gonfanon. She quoted those who tell that a gonfanon is instead a form of flag / banner. But "gonfanon" can also be code for surnames. Entering "Gone" got the Gowans, which prompted me to enter "Gown," which got the same Coat. I then looked for the derivation of "gown" (a dress)m which for one was in a Latin term, "gunna." Pretty amazing coincidence there.

It's one thing to speculate on whether "gonfanon" was part-code for a gown / dress and therefore a piece of clothing worn over the hips, but I have a hard time imagining that Gowans were named after a gown. I suppose it's possible. A loincloth used by pagans had a central strip hanging down long from the crotch that a gonfanon may fit that picture.

German Tabers (with an 'e') use a woman in a blue dress, and though the Taber description does not mention the dress, it smacks of DRESdan, the place of Zinzendorf's birth in the Lusatia theater...where roughly the Tabors (with an 'o') were first found. However, if the TUBingen gonfanon links to "Tabor," I might rather trace the Tabor dress to the gonfanon gown theme than to "Dresdan." Tracing to both seems like a stretch. What about the similarity between Taber-suspect "D'Auver" and "Avergne"? [Later in the update, another gonfanon is come across happen-chance, in white, in Austria, not far from Tubingen.]

It just so happens that the Davor/D'Auver Crest is a blue jay while the Jay surname was from De Gai (Normandy), a term smacking of homosexuals...who probably like to wear loincloths when they're getting together for a sexual orgy (I shun the cruel thought). The Jay Coat is a white-on-red bend in colors reversed to the Dech/Dakin/Daiken Coat while "De Gai" smacks of the latter surname. A white-on-red bend is also the symbol of Dobermans/Tobermans (!), important because "D'Auver" seems to apply to "Dober." In fact, the griffin design in the Dauber/Dober Coat, and in the Doberman/Toberman Crest, is that of the blue griffin in the Jay Crest. The fact that the Jay Crest uses a blue griffin is evidence that the blue jay in the Davor/D'Auver Crest is code for the Jays of De Gai.

Okay, so the theory now is that the gonfanon is part-code for the Gones/Gowns/Gowans, which in itself has no homosexual connotations unless Gowans were known for it and/or named after gowns (I can't imagine). As the Gones/Gowns use a "decori" motto term, smacking of Deck elements, "Decker" was entered to find a red-on-white chevron, interesting where Fanons/Fannings use a red-on-gold chevron...the colors of the Auvergne gonfanon.

Gones/Gowns also use a "JUNcta" motto term, smacking of Jungs / Yonges ("jeune" motto term) that trace to "Juno," wife of the Japodes and representing the Una / Oeneus river (beside the Colapis/Kupa) where the Maezaei lived. As that was the Croatia - Serb theater that I trace to "Gareb," I note that the Fanon Crest has a "cherubim."

The Decker Coat shows ravens, a symbol used also by Mackay-suspect Mackies/Mackeys, and then Mackays have a Vain/Vane sept showing "Fane" as a variation and "fano" in the motto. It's pretty hard to argue against this identification of "gonfanon" as the Gones/Gowns with a Decker-like motto term, and Vains with a fano motto term. I think I have it right [and it plays excellently into the Andechs trace to the Dechs / Decks later in this update].

The Vains/Vanes/Fanes use the Macey gauntlet (= metal glove), and at one time the Scottish Mackays showed the same white-on-blue chevron as Maceys. As Masseys/Maceys and German Deckers/Daggers show the same-colored fleur-de-lys, while Mackays use a dagger, I'd have to be convinced that Deckars are a Dagome / De Gai = Jay bloodline. Think about that, for it traces Deckers and Mackay-Vains (and therefore the gonfanon bloodline) to the island where Sulcis = Sant'Antioco is located, so as to verify that "Andech" is from "Antioco."

There's even a Fann/Van(ce)/Vaux Coat using a bend in the colors of the Belgian Gone/Gohn bend, and colors reversed from the Jay bend. And, a Gay/Gayon surname of Belgium...though it's not certain in my mind that the Gay surname is due to homosexual links. If "De Gai" links to "Deck," then I would say that Decks came first and were later morphed by the French to D'Gai." If correct, this can trace Andechs to the Jays of De Gai, which is something to be expected just because the jay-using D'Auvers were from Massey-suspect Auvers-le-Hamon.

I've not heard a blue jay here since I heard one first thing in the morning about an hour before coming to the D'Auvers in the 2nd update of this month. I hadn't heard a jay here previous to that for a long time. It's remarkable that while a jay pertains very much to GD's name (for reasons I cannot say) in two different ways, she's the one who also sent in the gonfanon idea that traces to the Jay/Gai bloodline. Yes, her surname is like D'Auvers.

The Fanons/Fannings can, by their identification with Vains/Vanns, be traced to the Veneti of Vannes, Brittany. It explains why Fanons/Fannings are said to have lived in the Tipperary theater, where Veneti-suspect Kennedys were first found. In fact, Scottish Kennedys use a red chevron, the Fanon/Fanning symbol. Tipperary Kennedys showed, until recently, the same helmet design as D'Auvers-suspect Dobys. Scottish Kennedys were first found in the same place (Ayrshire, beside Dobys of Renfrew that traces to Rennes, Brittany) as Mackies/Mackeys who use ravens as does the Decker Coat around its chevron...that is in both colors of the Kennedy chevron.

Again, as Deckers are suspect as the Seleucid-suspect Andechs, let me say that while Salyes-rooted Sullivans were first found in Tipperary, the Sollace/Solas surname uses the Mackie/Mackey lion design that Irish Brians showed until it was recently changed to the Levi lion design. It means that a Sulcis-like term traces to the Salyes Ligures. And it just so happens that German Tabers use a "Sola" motto term.

[Later, another surname (Gore) tracing wildly to the heart of the Andechs theater is found with a "Sola salus" motto phrase. Moreover, Andechs of Ammer are suspect with the Ammer/EMERICK surname so as to seem linked to Richard Amerike, wherefore let me say here that the Sollace/Solas Coat looks much like one Arms of Richard Amerike, shown later. For this point, you might like to reflect on my trace of the SALian side of MERovingians to "Salyes."]

The "fin" motto term of Scottish Kennedys can therefore be suspect as part of the Fannon bloodline, and indeed the Fin surname shows "Fain." The Fin/Fain Coat is even the Haught Coat in colors reversed (the latter is identical to the Arms of Trebizond empire), and therefore traces to Trebizond/Trabzon...where I had once found a Genetes location that I suspected to be one of the Heneti. Isn't it remarkable how "Genetes" smacks of "Kennedy." Note that while the Salian/Saleman Coat uses gold-on-black eagles upon the Sale bend, the English Gents/Ghents use the same gold-on-black eagles. Plus, these Gents/Ghents were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as the Drakes whom I trace to the Draguignan location of the Salyes theater.

The way in which I arrived to Tubingen (on the Neckar) in the last update was as per the black martlets of the Cobbs used also by Rutherfords, while Rutherfords and Rod(h)ams/RODDENs both use a "nec" motto term that I think is for the Neckar river with ROTTENburg location. It doesn't necessarily mean that Cobbs trace to the Neckar, but as Cobbs are suspect as basic to "Habsburg," it'll be interesting to see whether Austrians of dragonline importance trace to Taborite-suspect Tubingen.

[Insert -- While proof-reading, it was thought to check the Bing Coat as per the idea of a D'Bing term coming from "Tubing," and what do you know, the Bings use a motto, "Tuebor." BINGO! The Bing Coat smacks of the HohenZOLLERn Shield, used by Zollerns, first found in Austria. The Sollace/Sola surname that links more-apparently now to the "Sola" motto term of Tabers shows a Sollars variation smacking of the Sollern variation of Zollerns. Tabers not only use the same-colored leopards as the Sollace/Sola lions, but were first found in the same place (Essex) as Gores that use, "Sola salus." How amazing that this Bing discovery comes just as I'm on the Zinzendorf topic, for he was a leader of Taborites.

The Bing-like Bins use a "diliGENTia" motto term, as well as a Moor in Coat and a "mortar" in Crest. Later, the Andech location of Gorski traces excellently to Gores and others first found in Essex, where the Morters/Mortes/Motts were likewise first found. The estoile in the Morter/Mott Crest is the symbol of Estes, and Andechs use the Este eagle. My impression is that Bins were of Ban, father of Lancelot, for I traced Ban to the Baines/Banes/ (first found in the same place as Bins) who use a "Vel arte vel marte" motto, as well as the same-colored crescent of the Morters/Motts. The short dagger in the Bains/Banes Crest suggests the Mackays because "Bain" smacks of the Vain sept of Mackays. Therefore, the father of Lancelot was a gonfanon entity. Reminder: the "gauntlet" of Mackay-related Maceys is trace-able to Gaunt/GHENT (the location) while Vains use that gauntlet too. End insert]

The Cobbs had been accessed in the first place by the corn cobs used by Maximilian-suspect Milians, and then it was realized that, when Zinzendorf married a Reuss/Ruthenus surname, it was the Rutherford bloodline. On the Max portion of "Maximilian, here is what I said after suggesting that it was from the Maxwells...first found in the same place (Maxton) as Rutherfords):

Tubingen is on the Neckar, and then in Maximilian's ancestry on his Austrian bloodline we find MECHtild of Tubingen (see family tree at bottom of page). Stuttgart is also on the Neckar, and then the raven line goes to Stout-surnamed vikings. Whether we enter "Mech" or "Makes", we get the same Coat (looks like the Masci bend), which may reveal that Mechtild was the Maxwell/Makeswell line that named Maximilian.

Hours later, I opened GD's email with the gonfanon topic, very conspicuous because Tubingen uses a gonfanon too, and in the same colors as the Auvergne gonfanon. But before that, I made mention that Plochingen, also on the Neckar, was the likely origin of Scottish Pollocks (first found in the same place as Dobys) that were a sept of Maxwells, thus adding to the evidence that Maximilian was named after Mechtild's bloodline. Already, we have one chief Austrian link to Tubingen, and then as Tubingen is in Baden-Wurttemberg, the Zinzendorf family operations were in Baden, Austria.

Aha! Just realized that Maxtons/Macktons/Makestons are in the colors of both gonfanons (!!!), and even use the same-colored chevron as Fanons!!!! That is enough to convince me that Maxtons/Macktons/Makestons and Maxwells were all over Mechtild of Tubingen, and in the meantime helps to trace the gonfanon line to Vains of the MACKays. The Maxton Coat compares very well to that of Scottish Kennedys suspect now from Ghent/Gaunt elements of the Maceys / Vains [the Kennedys use the Cassel Coat, and then later in this update, the chief priests of Israel are traced to proto-Khazars who become suspect in Cassel-and-similar surnames, which is important here where Mackays-et-al are Maccabee suspect. It's suggesting that Mechtild of Tubingen was a Maccabee entity].

Kennedy's were first found in the same place as Coons/CUNNinghams, who may be foundational to the GONfanon, for the "Over" motto terms of Cunninghams smack of "D'Auver." The Over surname was first found in Cheshire, where we'd expect the D'Auver line from Auvers-le-Hamon. The Over Coat is a bend in the colors of the Gay chevron, and so let's not forget that De Gai had linked squarely with Auvers-le-Hamon. I think we're all over de bad gais here. Daubers/Dobers had proven well-enough to have been Auvers, but as Daubers/Dobers have variations smacking of potters, by what coincidence is it that Dovers use a black-on-white cinquefoil, colors reversed from the Potter cinquefoil?

Again, Pottendorf was the Habsburg location of Nicolaus Zinzendorf...and I want you to understand something new now. In the last update, it was found that "Zinzen" was a version of "Sensen(brenner)," and with that the Sinson/Zanzan surname was found that suggested a Sin surname...which brought up the Sion/Swan/Swayne Coat using the Vain/Vane and Macey metal gloves, first found beside the KENNedys/KANNadys, CUNNinghams, Mackies/Mackeys, Dobys, and Pollocks. The same Sion/Swan/Swayne Coat comes up when entering "Sine," and then we may ask why the dragon woman of European myth was called, MeluSINE. That's the new thing: a ZINzendorf identification with MeluSINE. It's known that she was a symbol of inhabitants of LUSIGnan, but I trace her also to LUZICa = Lusatia, the theater where Zinzendorf was born.

Now Wends come from that Lusatian theater, and they are the root of Windsors who have their castle in Berkshire, where the Sinsons/Zinzans were first found. The latter use "royal blue" on their Shield, suggesting Windsors. [Later, by another act of God through JS, it will be discovered that the Andechs link smack to Windsor elements in Austria, smack beside Pottendorf and even in a Pottenburg location. The estoile used in the Sinson/Zanzan Coat should apply to the Andechs line of Este because it's in the gold-on-blue colors that Andechs will link to.]

I had reasoned that Zinzendorf's Moravians were Ammorites, and so let it be added that Taborite-suspect Tubingen is between the Neckar and Ammer rivers, and that Melusine is the big symbol on the German Ammer/Emerick Coat. It recalls Melusine in the Moray Crest. But it also evokes the Merik surname with sea horse in Crest, the symbol also in the Potter Crest (why had there been a satanism-themed series of fiction with Potter surname aimed at children?). As Daubers/Taupfers > Potters are tracing well to Taborites, it speaks for itself once again toward a Zinzendorf link.

The Tubingen vicinity of Plochingen, and then their link to Dobys and Pollocks of Renfrew is very Hitler-interesting where Adolf's nephew (with Glassl bloodline on his father's side) took on the Stuart-Houston surname as his alias, and where both Stuarts and Houstons were of Renfrew, the location of GLASgow. As Adolf's mother was a Polzl, and as some proto-Nazis were Austrians, we can ask what part the Maximilian bloodline may have played in Nazism, for my finding was that certain Mascis and Mieszkos (not to mention Mussolini) supported Hitler, but then some Maxwells are expected to have supported Hitler if Polzls were the Maxwell sept of Pollocks.

[Insert -- It had been decided, by what I considered an act of God, that Coverts were involved with Nazis, and so let me repeat that Coverts/Cofferts use a fesse that is also the Arms of Austria. We should expect the illusive kaiser Koffert to be from Austria's Nazi camp, but as Austria is on the border with Croatian elements, let me repeat that Croatian-based Cravens use a version of the Covert fesse. Cravens were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Banes' and Bins, and while Banes' use "marte" in their motto, Coverts use martlets/martins. It's a new clue to finding kaiser Koffert.

As Banes' are "Baines" and therefore part of the Vain gonfanon line, I would suggest the Veneti of Austria, which may lead to Austria's Vienna, but more-importantly, watch late in the update as we get to the Windsors of Austria (i.e. the Windisch-Gratz entity), for Coverts had been linked to Coburgs and Saxe's...who re-named themselves, Windsors. When we get to the Windisch entity, it turns out to have links to the wolf line all over Europe but stationed in two suspicious places, one smack beside Pottendorf, and the other in Saxony where we'd expect Saxe-Gotha and Coburg. The Baines/Banes use...a wolf head. As the gonfanon in Austria will be found in relation to the Lech river into Bavaria, while the Habsburg surname uses the same lion as the Leghs, by what coincidence does the Szafary variation of Szaparys smack of "Sforza," while the Sforza write-up traces to the idea of "force"...while the Legh motto uses "Force"?

Now you know, thanks to an act of God through JS on the Covert frontier, that the Habsburgs were fundamental with the Sforza line to the Szaparys. It lines right up to the Covert-suspect Windischs, who smack of Veneti that have just been found to be the basis of the gonfanon cult.

As you read the Nazi quote below with "Austrian-Hungarian" in it, keep in mind for late in the update that the Windisch entity will be found married to a count Szapary of Austrio-Hungary in the time (WW1) leading up to Nazis.

Another important point before going on; the Meschins were traced solidly to Fussen on the Lech river above, and the personal lion of Ranulf le Meschin is shown at his Wikipedia article to be the Lech lion, making sense because Lechs were first found in Cheshire, where Meschins ruled. The Windisch-linked wolf line that will be found all over Europe leads to Hugh Lupus, the one who gave Ranulf le Meschin his power in Cheshire. In this picture, it appears that the Habsburg surname was a Meschin one out of Fussen and/or the Lech theater. End Insert]

Yesterday, I opened an email from Tim sending in some potential Dresdan-branch surnames, one of which was "Drexler". Today, while seeking Nazi roots in Austria, I came to this:

Many people, especially those who get their historical knowledge from television documentaries and popular, mass-market history books, may be surprised to learn that the original German Workers Party (DAP) was not founded in Munich in 1919 by Anton Drexler. Nor was the original National Socialist Workers Party founded in Germany by Adolf Hitler. Both of these "movements" were originally founded in the Germanic hinterlands of the multi-ethnic Austrian-Hungarian Habsburg Empire.

Drexler variations include Drake-like terms, interesting where Moray-related Weirs/Veres of Drakenberg trace to the Melusine used in the Arms of WARsaw, capital of Poland's Masovia (the dukes of Masovia used the same red-on-white wyvern as Drakes). It all starts to sound so Drexler-Nazi. Then, the Taborite- and Pottendorf-suspect Potters were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Drakes.

The Potter sea horse must trace to the sea horse in the Arms of Budva because Veres located their Melusine in Avalon = Bute. Meriks -- who seem to be related to Ammers/Emericks (suspect on the Ammer river at Tubingen) -- also use a sea horse; it's the Irish Cohen sea horse, while Fers and Cohens both use the same Coat, and while "Jewish" Cohens/Kagans use the same-colored Moray stars as Weirs/Veres. If true that "ZINzendorf" links to MeluSINE, Moray elements may indeed be suspect in Zinzendorf's Moravian Church, reason enough in itself to expect some Drakenberg infiltration into the Moravian Church-ers.

Repeat: Pottendorf is in Austria's Baden sector, while Tubingen is in Germany's Baden-Wurttemberg...location of antler-using Veringens. The Arms of Tubingen use, not only the gonfanon, but antlers. Stuttgart (on the Neckar, the capital of Baden-Wurttemberg) uses a horse in the same fashion and colors as the Ferrari-car logo, suggesting Ferrari links to "VERingen." As "Ferrari" is a term fundamental to the code, "FREEmason," we have there a reason to link the Masonic apron to the Tubingen gonfanon. especially as the "mason" part of "Freemason" is for the Macey line that was just found to be at the roots of "gonfanon."

Another email from GD opened yesterday was for sending the Brienne Coat that she had found after I had reported that houseofnames does not show a Brienne Coat. The same page where the Auvergne gonfanon was found also shows the Brienne Coat, clearly the Coat of the Nassaus, which makes sense where Orange-Nassau is at the junction of the Rhone with the Durance while Briancon is on the Durance. The Naso variation of Nassaus could have something to do with "Nazi," but as Drakenberg was identified in the last update as Essenes in particular, what about that Nazareth location of the Essenes? There's a Draguignan location in Var of Provence smack beside the Durance river.

Along with showing Brenner links to Sinsons in the last update, the Bren surname was included using a white-on-blue lion, symbol in the German Brenner Coat. What I may not have said in the last update is that the Bren lion is also the Aube/Auber lion, and that once again makes a Tabor link to Zinzendorfs...if Aubes/Aubers were Daubers/Dobers et-al.

Rather than a white-on-blue lion, the Nassau and Brienne Coats use a gold-on-blue lion -- the same lion, in the same upright position -- which is the Ferrari lion too. I have a Masci grandmother (on my mother's side) and a Ferrari grandmother, meaning that I'm heavily from the chief priests of Israel. I have a Taddei great-grandparent, and Taddeis use the Bouillon flory cross while Bouillons trace to Bologna, the hub of Ferraris and other lines of chief priests. My mother's maiden name traces to Liguria, not just where the Briennes are suspect, but where Meschins / Mascis are suspect. This is being said because I've just found the Masci wings, in both colors, in the German Branden/Brandel Coat, of a surname suspect from "Brandenburg."

Now the Ley/Legh clan (Cheshire), to which Meschins were related, were Ligurians, and these Ligurians trace to Fussen, also called FOETes, which I've traced in the past to the Foots of Cheshire. I now find that the English Brand Coat uses the Foot Shield, providing extra support for a Foot and Meschin trace to "Foetes," though now I have the Mascis tracing to Foetes too. There seems to be a leg-and-foot play going on here (the son of Ranulf le Meschin was "de Gernon," and the Gernon motto uses "CyFOETH").

The Foot Crest is A demi griffin holding a flag. Isn't a gonfanon said to be a flag? Yes, though the flag in the Foot Crest must be code for the Flags/Flecks who use scallops in Meschin-scallop colors. Still, one can see how a flag may have become a major Meschin symbol, thus leading to the false (= codework) identity of the gonfanon with a flag / banner. In fact, we saw that Baines/Banes should link to the gonfanon, and they smack of "banner."

Insert -- It just so happens that another gonfanon was found in the Arms of Voralsburg, a city at the source of the Lech river. Moreover, the Banner surname is also "Bainer," wherefore look for the Banner/Bainer fleur-de-lys late in the update when showing it in the Baumgartner Coat, at which time Boener and similar other surnames will be dealt with. The Gartner and Garth surnames will also be touched upon as a result of Baumgartners, and so this is very good now, as there was, and still is, a homosexual cult amongst Templars called, "Order of the Garter." I've known by heart that the Garter Coat used the rule-breaking gold-touching-silver in its Coat, which I have just witnessed this moment in the English Banner Coat!!! Therefore, I feel vindicated for my "crazy" trace of the gonfanon to homosexuals.

The Garter-related Banners use "SINE Numine" in their motto, a clear sign of tracing to Sionist Templars of the Maccabee kind.

Also below, the Brenners will be traced to the Brenner Pass that cuts through the Austrian Alps from the Fussen / Voralsburg theater, important because the Brandons and Brands are tracing solidly to Mascis at the Lech river's gonfanon. As the Brenner Pass will be identified with Bohemians, there is a question of whether the Baumgartners, and similar others to be discussed, can trace to "Bohem(ia)." Bohemians are one root, in my opinion, of Maccabees. The other root is the Masci bloodline, you see...and the Brenner Pass exits in northern Italy on the side of the Bologna/Bononia theater...where Bohemians conquered into. End Insert]

The Drexler Coat is in English Taber/Tabor colors, and then while German Tabers show a woman in a blue DRESS, it smacks of "Drex" as well as of Dresdan (the location where the woman, MeluSINE, is now highly suspect in her Lusatian theater). In fact, two shown variations of Drexlers are: Dressler, Dressel. I don't know how possibly these dress-like surnames can trace so well to Taber elements of the Tubingen and Daver/D'Auver kinds, but as we saw that the Tubingen and Auvergne gonFANON traced to Vannes elements, so we find that the historical Arms of Vannes -- three large black ermines on a white Shield -- used by dress-like Trestans/Tressans.

Ermines trace to "Hermes," who was made anciently into the transvestite cult of, Hermaphrodite. In the case of the heraldic link of ermines to Heneti-line at Vannes, we can easily trace the whole package to Pelops, the ally of Hermes (code for Hermus river, Lydia) and ruler of Lydia and Eneti. I had thought that the Lydian place of Pelop's father, at TMOLus and SIPYLys, were versions of "Tubal," which may now play into "Tubin" and "Tabor." In the Bible, Tubal and Meshech are paired, and here I now find that the gonfanon used by Tubingen links to the Meschin / Masci bloodline.

Let's not forget the essene bee cult of Ephesus, city founded by Amazons of the Aphrodite-transvestite kind, for Amazons were from Meshech of Mazaca. In my current opinion, the DRESS-like surnames are tracing to the Essenes > Esus line that included the idea of DRYAS = tree. The trace of the Rodham/Rodden "nec" term to Rottenburg on the Neckar should also trace the tree stump in the Rodham/Rodden Crest to the Neckar (i.e. where Tubingen is located). I trace Rodhams/Roddens to Rutland, and then the axe-using Decks/Dakins were first found in Rutland. For the time-being, "Dakin" is being identified with "De Gai," that being the blue-jay line linked by heraldry to Tabor-suspect Devors/D'Auvers...from Auvers-le-Hamon, a place suspect with Hamon-de-Masci. I don't know whether Hamon wore skirts, but I do think Tabers have a dress symbol, and the woman in the dress holds a grape bunch, trace-able to Dionysus, high priest and transvestite of the transvestite Galli cult belonging to Aphrodite and her husband, Ephesus.

The Drake Crest is another axe. In the last update, the Dry/Dreigh/Dreye surname was suggested for a tree entity (of the Druid kind) that seems to be link-able to the Drakes/DRAYkes. The Dry/Dreigh chevron is in the colors of the Oxford-related Gay chevron. French Gays were first found in Savoy, at/beside Briancon, and they use the same symbol (rooster) as Briancon-suspect Brenners and realized as a branch of Mascis. For all I know, I might be a woman-Amazon in a man's body. One of my peculiarities while growing up was extra-long eyelashes, which many girls would comment on. When they said I had "beautiful eyes," I thought they were talking about my eye balls. There was not one comment ever from these girlies that didn't use the word, "beautiful," which for a boy / teen is like a derogatory word. The Amazon-irony is that "Masci" and the Masculine variation of Meschins smack of "masculine."

The Gay rooster links to Claros/Sinclairs, who have recently been traced, solidly, to Clarus at Ephesus. "Clarus" may have been from the combination, Galli-Ares; after all, Aphrodite was made the mistress of Ares, the Eros / Erotes cult that was symbolized by child molestation. I trace "Ares and his son, Eros, to "Hros" and therefore to the Rosh kin of Tubal and Meshech. This is putting a dark shadow over the Tabers in the shape of a queer gonfanon.

I don't know how far we can go in tracing ZINzendorf's Sion-suspect elements to any place that we find MeluSINE, but, long before claiming above that Melusine appears to have been heavily in Dresdan, I made a fundamental trace of Melusine to the Spree river...not far from Dresdan. The Spree surname uses the Speer crescents, and I feel strongly that Speers (first found in the same place as Dobys) can also trace to red-stag Spars/Sparhams (the red antler is used in Spree-Neisse). I now find that Dresdan-suspect Drys/Dreighs/Dreyes were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as the Sparham location of Sparhams.

Amazing now is that I typically link Sparham to neighboring Sprowston, which town has a town sign split vertically in half in the colors of the split Sprows Shield. The same Shield has just been found in the German Banner/Bayners Coat!!! And there you see a giant fleur-de-lys that should link to the Lusatian branch Melusine, especially as Banners/Bayners were "First found in East Prussia and Silesia...", while Melusine's mother was Pressina (or variants of that term). Reminder: English Banners link to the Garters, and then the "men" in the Order of the Garter, even the "male" kings who belonged to that disgusting cult, wore garter belts as a sign of their...affliction.

[Insert -- Later in this update, the Baumgartner and Banner fleur-de-lys will be found in the Losse/Lossing Coat, and though I traced the Lossings to Losinj (in the Gorski area of the Andechs), the surname also smacks of "Luzica." In any case, the Order of the Garter is a holding of the house of Windsor, and Andechs founded a sector of the Austrian Windsors, as you shall see. You will see that Gores trace to "Gorski," and that Gores use the same crosslet as the Windsor surname. Therefore, it appears that the Order of the Garter traces to the Andechs...whom are painted above as the stock of the De Gai family. The Order of the Garter is in honor of "St. George," but as I know how Masons think and act on their codework, compare "George" to "Gor." In this picture, St. George is code for a Seleucid entity from Andechs.

It's quite easy for me now to trace the Order of the Garter to the Sinclair-of-More line at Savoy, to Payens in neighboring Dauphine, and to the Levi-related proto-Hungarians in the Ticino theater, which is where I've been tracing Andechs. As the Order of the Garter is traced by others to Edward III, the Order must likely go back to the house of Savoy that the mother (Eleanor of Provence) of Edward I tied into. The motto of the Order of the Garter is helpful where it uses, "Mal y Pense," code for the Malahule-of-More line to D'EsPAINEs. The Paine Coat not only uses "Malo mori" as a revelation of Malahule and his descendant, D'Espaines, but it uses the fesse that is also the Arms of Austria. In fact, Paines were first found in the same place (Sussex) as the Coverts using the same fesse. As I link Payens both to Paines and to Pays/Pascels, note that the cross that is the Arms of the Garter is used in the Pass/Pascal Coat.

It's in colors reversed from the same cross in the Savoy Coat. The Savoy motto term, "Maurice," smacks of Maurice, son of George, son of king Andrew I of Hungary who traces to the Ticino theater, as does the Levi lion in the Pass/Pascal Coat. As Scotland uses "St. Andrew's Cross" that is secretly from Andrew I, the English flag, called "St. George Cross," is secretly for George, father of Maurice. It means that Maurice's line was in Savoy. It just so happens that while Garters were linked above to Banners, Scottish Banners (first found in the same place as Hungarian Leslies) use Andrew's cross! Not just any Scottish clan can use the Scottish flag, but only those lines tracing back to the origins of the flag.

Andrew's Cross is used also by Eugenes that trace to Euganeo beside Este, and then Estes are in the colors of Andrew's Cross. Moreover, this trace to Estes is one way to explain how the Garter organization can trace to Andechs. That's "GEORGE"-important because Andechs were in GORski. In fact, it was the Merania-branch Andechs that were in Gorski, who are being traced to Moray, what I say is a sister area to the More ruled by Sinclairs. It appears, therefore, that the "sacred" George-branch Hungarians were in the Merania fold of Andechs, and so note three things: 1) this insert and its George - Maurice topic was conceived and written after all the below, including the trace of Bohemians to the Brenner Pass, where Meran(o) is located; 2) George, son of Andrew I, married a woman from Podebrady, Bohemia; 3) the Drummonds entered the picture below exactly at the Merania / Meran discussion while Maurice, son of George, was the progenitor of Drummonds!

In the Drummond - Marin discussion, it leads importantly to Bissets, first found in Ross-shire, named after the Ross clan that is traced by historians to an uncertain "Andrew." Andrew I was linked maritally with a Varangian-Rus woman so that George was himself a Rus line. I traced George to the founding of the Ross clan for these reasons and more. I now find that the Banner surname using Andrew's Cross has a "Pro patria" motto, a phrase reflecting the patria-like Scottish Pattersons, who use "Pro rege" and were first found at Ross-shire. In other words, Pattersons of Ross-shire are honored by Garter- and gonfanon-related Banners who were first found in the same place as Hungarian Leslies, suggesting that Pattersons too trace to George. It's important because Scottish Pattersons use the same pelicans as the Pottens/Potingers (first found in the same place as Windsor castle) who trace all the way to Pottendorf, where we're going to find the Windisch-branch Windsors that were married to count Szapary of the Austrio-HUNGARIAN Habsburgs. Again, I'm now seeing that George traces to "Gorski," where the Andechs ruled who had founded Windisch-gratz. It sort of makes the skin creep to see Windsors linked to Seleucids, and to elements that seem to be the 666-lover bloodline.

As the Order of the Garter is traced by others to Edward III, father of the two rose entities, one of which was York and the other from John Gaunt, recall that the Ghents/Gaunts had been liked to the gonfanon entity, for while Gaunts had entered the picture from the gauntlet used by Vains/Fanes, "Gaunt" smacks of "gon." End Insert]

Heidelberg is on the Neckar river too, which could explain why I repeatedly sense that Rodhams/Roddens were linked to Hitler. In the last update, it was seen that Eidel-suspect Idels use the Doby helmet design. It was said: "...the Idels and Rods (linked earlier to "RODbot" of Nellenbourg elements) were first found in the same place (Herefordshire)..." One could get the impression now that Idels should trace to "Heidelberg." It was at the time of mentioning Idels that Essenes were being investigated for traces to Eidel- / Aethel-like terms, so why not also to HEIDELberg, seeing that tree-stump Rodhams, and Rottenburgs, were on the same river as Heidelberg? Certainly, if Rods/Hrods were Herods, known to be Edomites, Idels may have been related to Rods for being Essene-branch Edomites.

I've tried to trace the Hiedler/Hitler surname to various entities in the past, including Edomites, but a trace to Essenes in particular makes good sense. I'm keeping in mind that Essenes were found (in the last update or two) linked to scythians = Aryans of the Jordan-river theater. In fact, a swastika bracelet was found in the ancient land of the Gels/Geliki (see Wikipedia's swastika article), whom I traced to "Gilead" off the Jordan.

The idea is that Esau-ites came to be the metal makers, especially the Halybes who smack of "Eliphas," Esau's son. That could explain why metal was called, "aes/ais," the point being that Essenes may have been named after "aes." We even saw in the last update several reasons for linking Essenes to proto-HephAEStus of the Haifa / Acre / Galilee theater. And so if "Essene" had "ene" as a mere suffix, why couldn't Essenes have also been tacked with other suffixes, such as "el." The Hazels (use the same leaves as the Houses) come to mind, but what about the Housels/Housleys...using the same bend and bendlets as Belgian Gones??? Can the House's be traced to Essene lines at Ephesus by way of House linkage to gonfanon lines. Yes.

The gonfanon was traced, not only to Gones/Gowns and Gaunts/Ghents, but to KENNedys (trace-able to Ghent-like "Genetes"), and while I trace Kennedys to the Veneti, so the Fanons appear to trace to Veneti. Hephaestus was married to the Aphrodite Veneti, you see, and the two mythical characters did order the Galli cult of transvestites who, I image most of all, to have worn sexual gowns of some sort in their religious orgies. It suggests very strongly that the homosexual elements amongst Freemasons, for example the Order of the Garter, were in particular from Essenes. The Essenes proper of Israel did shun women, didn't they? And initiates were all handed a white hip covering, and an axe, upon acceptance into the Essene cult.

The Scottish Gone/Gown/Gowan Chief uses the colors of the Coffers/Coffeys and Coffers/Coffares, which is a fair accusation even if it is based merely on a color-scheme comparison, for the Gone/Gowen Crest is a thistle, while Thistles are also "Thissel," smacking of tassles worn by Israel's priests. Thistles use a blue lion in Crest, what has been identified as a Cappeo entity linking to "Caiaphas" elements. The Gone/Gown thistle is blue too, as are the eagles of the Tassles/Tassels. There's just a lot of blue here, starting with the blue jay of Devors, and the blue GRIFFin of the De-Gai Jays which may link to the GREIFswald location of the blue-dress Tabers, and the blue bend of Thistles should prove to link to the blue chevron and scallops of Gays of Gaye, Manche. It kind of Blois your mind, or even your blue blouse.

Why does the Bloise motto use "sola," the term used by the English branch of blue-dress Tabers?

The Essene Kaganate; The RottenEste Kind

As the house of Andechs is suspect for a Seleucid line, I'd like to investigate deeper [later in this update, some very good evidence surfaces to trace "Andechs" to Sant'Antioco, though at this time I didn't yet know it.] At some point, the house of Andechs must have merged with Estes in order to acquire an eagle in the white-on-blue colors of the Este eagle. The ancestry of the Estes is itself Essene-suspect on two fronts:

The origins of the [Este] family, probably{citation needed} of Frankish nobility, date back to the time of Charlemagne in the early 9th century when they settled in Lombardy. The first known member of the house was Margrave ADALbert of Mainz, known only as father of Oberto I, Count palatine of Italy, who died around 975. Oberto's grandson Albert Azzo II, Margrave of Milan, (996-1097) built a castle at Este, near Padua, and named himself after it. He had 3 sons from two marriages, two of whom became the ancestors of the two branches of the family:...

Not only do we see an ADAL term that became suspect in the last update as a d-version "Ess," and not only do we see the Azzo surname smacking of tree-depicted Esus, but Este origins are in the Lombards, a peoples (suspect as coining "lumber") with a name that was recently (late in the 2nd update this month) traced to "Qum(ran)" along with the Lombardy-colored Humes/Homes (it was decided that "Lom" was a form of something like "L'Home / L'Om," itself from "Qum".) The green-and-white colors of Lombardy are used also by the House families, who have the Hazel variation that is essentially a softer form of "Adal." If that's not enough, Azzo II was margrave of Milan while there is a tree stump in the Italian Milan Coat. Azzo's mother: ADELaide. Therefore, it seems roundly that the house of Este was an Essene one, and as it's tracing to Histria, I'm assuming that Histria was itself an Essene location. The house of Este had early ruled Carinthia in the Histria theater.

I could be wrong, but I could be right.

As we see that Estes had origins in Lombards of the 800s, it makes me confident that my trace of Estes to Merovingians was accurate. Not only did Merovingians of centuries earlier wed Lombards and Suebi kin in forming alliances, but I say Merovingians were all about Moray, who use the same white-on-blue as Estes. There seems to be a very wide area of connection to the Este colors, including Bavaria and the Cohens / Fers / Fulks. We are told that the younger branch of Este was from Italian Falcos, and they use checks in Cohen white and blue.

German Fulks were first found in Brandenburg, and we saw above that Masci wings are used in the German Branden Coat. As Tabors were suspect as Tubali while Mascis are suspect as Meshech, it requires, if true, evidence that Tabors and Mascis were related. Tabors use the black Fulk wings of Fulks that were first found in Brandenburg.

As the Fulk-related Italian Massis/MATTis (= Matthew) use a version of the Fulk Coat, and so let me remind that while Mascis are Maccabee-suspect, Maccabees had ancestry in a MATTathias, or Matthew.

Plus, as Veres claim to have ruled Anjou just before the Fulks, you can smell that it was a Ferrari / Ferrara merger with the Fulk-based Estes, explaining why Fers of Brittany use the Fulk checks, but also why the Stewarts from the Brittany Alans use the same checks. In other words, these checks trace the Essene-suspect house of Este to Stewarts, and it all goes back to the very hub wherein I see both Maccabees and Pharisees: "The younger branch of the House of Este included rulers of Ferrara (1240-1597), and Modena..." (Mattathias Maccabee lived in Modiin, Israel.) As it now seems that Essene lines were also in that Padova hub, let me repeat that proto-Merovingians trace to Padova's Veneti.

Merovingians trace without doubt in my mind to mythical Aedon, a bee-line cult from Kos. "Aedon" is highly suspect as the 'd'-version form of the "essenes (small 'e') bee-liners of Ephesus.

As HOUStons use the Stewart checks, shouldn't they be linked to the Essene-suspect House bloodline, regardless of the fact that Houstons may be traced by heraldry masters to "Hugh." Are those black martlets in the Houston Coat not those of Rutherfords and Cobbs'? As the latter two surnames traced to Maximilian, though the Maxwells did even better in that trace, it recalls my link of Houstons to KilPatricks using the Maxwell saltire. Houstons were first found in the same place as the Maxwell sept of Pollock, wherefore, yes, the Houston martlets are those of Rutherfords, first found in Maccabee-suspect Maxton. In this picture, it appears that Essenes have been to the moon to claim it for themselves, as per NASA in Houston, Texas. Why does that name smack of Nazareth, where Essenes are reported to have lived?

"Milan" smacks of "MaxiMILIAN" and of the Milians/Milliers surname using corn COBs. Reminder: Maximilian was a Habsburg, and Habsburgs trace to Bars that were Estes. The Estes are everywhere, and soon they will find water on the moon, even if they need to bring it there in a hoax. The Estes were ASTRologers of the distant past, were they not? And then astrologers became astro-physicists and other astro-theorists.

Now if we imagine "Texas" to have originated in the idea of D'Exas," it smacks of "Esus." It's not that wild of a theory at all, for I traced the Texas surname (Shield filled with checks) to the Ticino = TESSEN river, and then "D'Essen" smacks of "Essene." As the Tess surname was first found in Switzerland, which country had a Ticino canton, it's likely that the Tess surname was named after "Tessen," or vice-versa, the point being that the Tess Coat uses the same leaf design as was recently shown by the French House Coat and the Hazel Coat. Therefore, Houston, Texas, seems to be a very Essene-based place.

This is the first time that it's looking like Essenes actually named the Ticino river, easily explaining why the Laevi lived there (reminder: the Laevi predated Ananias and Caiaphas). The Tess saltire is colors reversed from the Annan(dale) saltire so that Tess-branch Essenes are shown linked to the Ananes Gauls (predated Ananias) suspect as Ananias' ancestry.

The Houston motto, "In time," is like a Moray motto ("DEUM time") no longer shown, and while I trace the Timms/Times to "Timna" (the EDOMite woman married by Eliphas), and while Annandales (and Houston-related Kilpatricks) were first found in DUMfries, it tends to trace Houstons (aside from the evidence in their Fulco / Fer checks) to the Moray line that seems linked by Merovingians to the house of Este. If you couldn't keep that train straight, just acknowledge the Esau lines all converging and crashing at Este. It's a thought, the Esau bloodline becoming Italians. This line of Esau-ites must have invented minestrone.

Eliphas seems definitely to apply to Houstons because they use the Cobbs martlets while the Cobb crest is an elephant...not to mention the "VirTUTis" motto term looking like the "Tout" used by Oliphants.

Where do you suppose that the Scottish Lombard surname was first found? In the same place (Renfrewshire) as Houstons!! It's making sense here, isn't it, with two Essene-suspect lines now found merged? The Lombard Coat is even in Houston colors, and it all tends to prove that the Houstons trace to the house of Este. Pavia/Papia is not only on the Ticino river, and was not only called Ticinum originally, but it's part of Lombardy. Scottish Lombards use the same colored eagle as the Fulco and Massi-Mattis Chiefs.

What do you get when you have trains, elephants and lumber? Not anything light. The train gets a flat tire, and when all the 'r' in the tire leaks out, the tracks are left without 'r', and that makes Tacks, which is no wonder that the train got a flat tire (okay, so that wasn't funny, but I got a laugh just trying. Forgive me if I didn't lighten things up for you). The Tacks/Thackarys (Zachary-branch Essenes?) were linked to Coffers/Coffeys and/or Coffers/Coffares (more heavy stuff), and the Tack/Thackary Coat uses a "cherub's head" as well as garbs, two symbols, I'm sure, for Amorites of mount GAREB. By an error in geographical thought, mount Gareb is located by most historians (and therefore probably some Masons as well) about two miles north of the walled Old Jerusalem (I say Gareb is west of), and as ancient Nob is thought to have been about 2-3 miles north of that same Jerusalem, note the "NOBiliTAS" motto term of the Tacks/Thackarys. Then, entering "Tass" gets a Tache/Tash surname, you see. In this picture, especially as there are ESToiles beside the Tack cherub, the Tacks/Thackarys look like the Essene-suspect Texas / Tess/Teck bloodline.

But then I'm compelled to view "Tash" as a D'Ash idea, and it just so happens that the English Ash/Esse surname is said to have lived in D'Esse Court (Devon). The Ash/Esse motto even uses "NOBis sed," and thus far the sed motto term is for the Sadducee-suspect Saids/Saddlers...who use the same lion colors as the Massins/Masons that I trace to Massis/Mattis'. The two Ash/Esse chevrons smack of the three Levi chevrons. German Ash's use three chevrons in the white-on-red colors of the Tess'. You just didn't know how many trainloads of Essenes are all over Europe, did Jew?

There are Jew-Jew trains all over the map, many of them built by Rothchildren who don't know what better to do with their vast sums of inherited Cash. As Rothschilds are Khazars, at least on one main side, what are the chances that the Cash/Cass surname is an Essene line, of the Ash kind, to "Khazar"? As Khazars were called, "Red Jews," by their Sephardic counterparts, and as Mayer Bauer decided to call himself RedShield, couldn't it explain why Cash's use a red shield? Didn't Mayer Bauer (son of a banker) steal his fortune from Hesse-CASSel? Aren't those red eagles in the Cassey Coat, the one with a garb in Crest, and a "casus" motto term? Scottish Casseys/Kasse's use crows, a symbol of German Roths. Isn't that a red Shield again in the French Casey/Casaile Coat? My my, the latter surname, using leaves, was first found in the same place as Levis and Chappes'. I think Rothschilds rail-roaded the Levite bloodline, don't Jew? What color is the Child Shield?

One Ash/Esse motto term: "Duce," perhaps another D'Ash clue. The Duce/Douse Coat uses the same lion as the Cabbage/Cobbold Chief, and then the French House surname uses a "cabbage leaf." It's just another Essincidence. The Douse variation may therefore be from "D'House." The lion above is what I usually call the Kent lion (because the Kent surname uses it), yet it's used also by Este-suspect Stormys/Esturmys...who were traced heavily to the Ishtar star of Rothschilds/Rothsteins (yes, a red Shield). The Esau-suspect and Houston-related Timms/Times were first found in Kent.

Kent Jew just get the feeling that "Casa" is a Khazar term linking to Essenes of the "House" and "Home" kind? Why did Mayer Bauer-Rothschild live in both a house called, Red Shield, on Jew Street, and in another house, Green Shield, also on Jew Street? Both Bauers and Bowers use a green Shield, and so do the Home-suspect Lombards as well as the Houses and Homes themselves. It's like the Mason Kabalists had nothing better to do, when not stealing everyone's money, than to make up pun-y surnames playing on the same theme. They use white-on-green, as does the Frey Coat, important for the red-Shielded HUMphrey/HUMfrey surname. The Freys use white horses, as does the Arms of Kent on a red Shield. The Franks use white on green too, and Mayer Bauer-Rothschild had his house's in Frankfurt.

If you could get the idea above that a garb is used by the Khazar-branch Essenes, recall my trace of Hesse-Cassel to "Cheshire" and it's capital, "Chester," for Cheshire's Arms are garbs. The Garb surname even uses stars in Bauer-star colors.

The question is, therefore, whether the house of Este is from Khazar-branch Essenes, or whether Khazars were Este-Branch Essenes. After all, the Este location is smack beside Auger- > Ugor-suspect Euganeo, and Khazars were of the Ugor family of Huns. There are two Hun Coats using red Shields, and one of them has a chevron in the colors of the Child chevron, thus tending to unveil "RothCHILD" all the more as a Child-honoring term. "Hun" was also "Kun," much like "Cohen," and then "Jewish" Cohens are also "Kagan," while Khazar kagans were also, "khan." Both Hun Coats use dogs, evoking the mythical blue wolf that traces to the Hun bloodline. I suppose it wouldn't have been hard for a Mason with time on his hands to make "Hun" into "Hum(e)/Home," while on the same day thinking that the Essenes who were his Khazar ancestry could become "House", while before going to bed that same day he toyed with making "Khazar" into "Casa." After all, a French house is a Maison.

Azzo (or "Ezzo") II (founder of Este) named his son, Hugh, and this may explain the Houston/HughSTOWne surname, yet I'm not at all dropping my suspicions that Houstons were also Houses. As Houstons are clearly related to Renfrew's Lombards, let me remind that English Houses, in the colors of the Arms of Lombardy, were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Windsor castle, while Windsors are known to have ancestry in Lombardy: "First found in Berkshire, where [Windsors] were descended from William FitzOTHO, who was son of ADALbert [caps mine] the second Duke of Lombardy." The Windsor saltire is in the colors of the Tess saltire (!) using the leaf design recently shown for the French House/Hause Coat. That leaf design was in green-on-white; the House/Hause leaves now showing are cabbage leaves in the colors of the Tess saltire, both surnames using a red Shield.

It's like for these guys, they knew just two Shield colors, green and red...the colors of the split Shield of English Fulkes/Folks...who trace to Este. Don't Italian Fulks use Cohen checks? Don't Cohens trace to Khazars? Then I'm seriously thinking of tracing the Essenes at Este to the Essenes that I now think ruled the Khazar kagans.

Entering "Cabbage" gets the COBBolds with other Cobb-using variations. We just saw that Houstons use the same black martlets as the Cobb Coat, and besides, the Cabbage/Cobbold Coat is in the two colors of the Houston martlets. Thus, Houstons are House's too. It may be that the proto-House / proto-Houston surname pre-dated the naming of Hugh by Azzo II, suggesting that "Azzo" itself was the House / Houston bloodline. After all, "Azzo" smacks of "Hazel." Reminder: Cobbs use the RUTHERford martlets, which helps to trace ROTHschilds to the House bloodline.

As Estes of Lombardy were Welfs (use a wolf symbol), I've noted in a previous update that Hugh D'Avranches is shown at his Wikipedia article with a WOLF in the white-on-blue colors of the Este eagle, suggesting that Hugh was an Essene line...which jibes very well with my years-old trace (i.e. long before my Essene topics) of Chester (the Cheshire city Hugh ruled) to "Hesse." Hazels/Hassals were first found in Cheshire.

It just so happens that while Cabbages/Cobbolds use holly, that's the symbol of the Hazel-related Islips/Haslops. In fact, as Cobbs were just linked with the Maxwell line to cob-using Milians, and therefore Maximilians, let's repeat that the Islip/Haslop Coat is a stag lying under a holly TREE (Ash's/Esse's are said to be from an Ash TREE), while Maxwells use a stag lying under a holly BUSH...while Bush's and Boschs use the white-on-blue of the Estes. Are you familiar with the symbol of the Huns? According to HUNgarians, a stag.

The Cobbs were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as the Tess'...who use the same leaves as Hazels and Houses recently showed (Hazels call their leaves, "hazel SLIPs," in honor of Islips/Haslips). There is no surprise in linking Habsburg-suspect Cobbs' with Este elements because Habsburgs were descended from the cities of the Treveri worshipers of Esus, and merged with rulers in the Lorraine theater where Este-related Bars ruled. Therefore, Cobbs and Habsburgs are looking like they too should trace to the Khazar Essenes.

Recalling that the gonfanon code was traced to the Veneti, in the land of whom we find the Este location, what about this: "Azzo II married Kunigunde (also called Chuniza), the daughter of Welf II, Count of Altdorf, in 1036. They had one known child: Welf...Duke of Bavaria..." KUNigunde smacks of Kun = Hun, but also of Cunninghams who use "Over fork over" as a motto. We saw that Overs (Cheshire) were likely from Auvers-le-Hamon, a location of the Davers/Dauvers, important because the gonfanon is used by Auvers-like Auvergne. I traced Cunninghams to "Cuneo" of Piedmont, which place may have been related to Kunigunde, for "Kunigunde married...Albert Azzo II, Margrave of Milan, Luni, and Tortona," while Tortona is near Cuneo.

Was Cuneo a Hun location? If you were wondering why Maxwells and Islips used holly with their stags, what about the torteaux (red roundels) in the Holly Coat. There you also see a white talbot dog, used in one on the Hun Coats. If torteaux are not code for Tortona, then what are they code for? Hollys were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as the Fulkes/Folks, and I definitely link the two to the Melusine bloodline. The Ellis' (who appear to use the witch, Holle/Holla) had also used a red Melusine, and both Ellis' and Huns were first found in Yorkshire. Melusine is in the Irish Holly Crest, and the hands in that Holly Coat (red Shield) should link to the Hun-like Annes/Hannes (red Shield) of Yorkshire. If you look at the Hun variations such as "Hungett," mythical Hengist, co-founder of Kent, comes to mind, and then both the Huns and the Arms of Kent are white on a red Shield.

Where does the Andechs Finger Point?

The following is a fantastic discovery because the realization is: the house of Andechs comes from the Saracas who lived at Ragusa, also called Laus, a location that I claimed (months ago) to be the origin of the fleur-de-lys when it wasn't yet a lily, when it was still the Saraca fish...which fish is in the colors of the Este spread eagle called an ADLer, smacking of "Adal/Adel." The fantastic part is that Aosta is the location of the Lys valley that I say gave birth to the fleur-de-lys from the Saraca fish. That's the importance of being able to trace Saracas of Ragusa/Laus to the Lys valley, and I'm about to do it now only by the works of God because it became obvious, in the past 10 minutes, that this find is His revelation.

Here's how it happened while I was at the Merania page (below), accessed in the first place from a statement in the Andechs page: "The House of Andechs...obtained territories in northern Dalmatia on the Adriatic seacoast, where they became Margraves of Istria and ultimately Dukes of a short-lived Imperial State named Merania from 1180 to 1248." The Saracas lived in Dalmatia further to the south. Then, in the Merania article: "The Duchy of Merania...was also called the Duchy of Dalmatia as it covered the northern Dalmatian seacoast." The statement goes on to say that Merania was in the area of "Rijeka, which belonged to the Imperial March of Istria.{citation needed}"

. Clicking to the Rijeka article, the first thing that occurred in the Rika/Reka variation was the Rag(usa)-like look. I hadn't yet noticed that the Arms of Rijeka show a rock in the colors of the Saraca fish, "rock" being perhaps important for "Reka." A two-headed black eagle stands on the rock pouring water into the sea from a pot. The county that Rijeka is situated in is "Primorje-Gorski kotar" ("kotar" in this case is a term for "district", but it's perhaps relevant that Kotor was a place where Saracas had been from before moving into Ragusa).

Clicking to that county's article, there in the Arms of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County was a white-on-blue ship that looked much like the Durant ship (the Italian Durantes use white on blue), but I wasn't ready to make that link at all. Seeing the Losinj location in the article, it was clicked due to similarity with the Loss(ing) surname that I tentatively trace to the heraldic "lozenge." I then went back to the Andechs article to read and contemplate: "The noble [Andechs] family originally resided in southwestern Bavaria at the castle of Ambras near Innsbruck, controlling the road to the March of Verona across the Brenner Pass..." I already knew that the Verona Coat uses the Saraca fish, and it was just in last few days that white-on-blue Brenners were dealt with...who are likely trace-able to the Durance river (where I trace Durants). That was the end of the 10 minutes, but it was enough to give me the gist of what's behind it all.

Now for further investigation. Rijeka is smack in the proto-Roman Japodes theater, while its two-headed black eagle became the symbol of the Roman empire. You can assume for the time being that the Rijeka eagle was the Este eagle too, but made white on blue for a reason, the colors of the Rijeka rock, and of the rocks in the French Rock/Roque Coat. The latter is definitely part of the Roquefeuil > Rockefeller line, and it was from Languedoc so that a trace to the Durance river is not unreasonable. The question is, what came first, Rijeka or Roquefeuils.

Both the English Rocks and Hollys use the treFOIL, part symbol for RoqueFEUIL. I trace Hollys to Holla/Holle, the witch cult of Holstein in the area that Trips/TREFFS were first found. We saw above that holly is used by Maxwells, but then the English Maxwell Coat is a two-headed black eagle, which now traces Maxwells into the Rijeka theater. Scottish Maxwells were first found in ROXburghshire, after all. English Maxwells were first found in Yorkshire, where Rooksby/Rokebys and Rooks/Rokes were first found who use the Rock rooks. The "sol" motto term of the Rooks/Rokes is important for the trace of the Gorski ship to the Durante ship, i.e. to the Salyes Ligures [we will see "Sola" terms below tracing smack to Gorski]. The garb in the Rook Crest speaks to be of the Garebites that I see in the Croatian theater of Gorski.

Therefore, as Rijeka/Reka traces to Maxwells, what I expect to find a trace of Andechs of Rijeka / Gorski to "Maximilian." What we are now seeing is that Andechs are Maxwell-suspect, important if Andechs trace to Sant'Antioco = Sulcis, where I had traced Mieszko's ancestry.

Recall that the SensenBRENNER surname was linked to ZINZENdorf, for at the Brenner Pass there is a Merano/Meran location that not only seems to apply well to the Andechs-related Meranians, but to Moravian elements. The Andechs controlled the road into the Brenner Pass from the INNSbruck theater, and then the Inns/Innes surname was first found in Moray.

AHA! Unbelievable. Asking myself whether "ZINZen" or "SINSon" could related to "Innes" because Moray was also called, Moravia, the Sinson/Zanzan Coat was re-loaded to find a bird on a white rock!!! I had forgotten about it. There is even an estoile in the Sinson Coat, suggesting links even better to Andechs / Meranians. Just like that, because Zinzendorf is said to be a Maximilian bloodliner, heraldry has traced Maxwells from the Andech bloodline to "Maximilian." Thank you, foolish heraldry, like a bird squawking from the roof tops what the royals don't want squawked. The Sinson bird is a "fALCon standing on a rock," squawking to us of the Fulk-Estes. [Later, Andechs trace smack to a neighbor of Pottendorf].

The Lossing surname was first found in the same place (Suffolk) as the Tess surname that traces to the Ticino. As the Laevi lived there, let me repeat that one Irish Brian Coat now uses the Levi lions, and that I always make a fundamental link of the Salyes to the Laevi. In Aosta (location of the Lys valley), the Salyes were known as "Salassi," and the Lossing surname uses fleur-de-lys in the colors of the fleur-de-lys of the Sales Coat. Therefore, as the Losinj location is in the Rijeka / Gorski theater, we have another reason to trace the Gorski ship to the Durant ship (used also by Gunns, who might just be part of the gonfanon bloodline).

The Brenner Pass goes to Verona while the Verona surname with Saraca fish (suspect as the proto-fleur-de-lys) was first found in the same place (Paris) as the Levi and Lys surnames. It can give the impression that the Lys bloodline went from Laus = Ragusa to Rijeka but also to Aosta by the traces now being made from Rijeka to the Salyes.

Checking for a Brimmer surname other than the variation shown in the English Brenner page, what a shocker that English Brimmers/Primmers, Clarks, and Cutters all share the same basic dragon heads. Reminder: the Clark sea horse is traced to the Butua sea horse, and Butua is smack beside Cutter-like Kotor. But that's not all; it's a curiosity that "Primmer" should reflect "Primorje-Gorski." "Primorje" is said to mean "sea-side," but that doesn't mean a Primmer surname couldn't have developed from it. Granted, Gorski is not very near the exit to the Brenner Pass, but then the Pass was early called, "Prenner." Moreover, the Brenner Pass has that Meran location (red Hohen eagle) smacking of the Merania kingdom of the Gorski Andechs.

Although I haven't clinched the Brenner link to Briancon, French (Burgundy) Prems/Primaeau' use the lion design of Irish Brians...and one Bruce Crest. It just so happens that on the west side of the exit of the Brenner Pass is Brescia, the place using the Bruce lion (or vice-versa).

English Dickensons use the same lion design in Coat (as that of the Prems and Bruces), as well as the blue Bruce lion in Crest. As AnDECHs are tracing not bad to Tess'/Techs and Dechs, by what coincidence did they become Andechs-DEISSEN, smacking of a soft version of "Dicken"? The cross type in the Prem Coat is almost that in the English Dicken/Digons Coat. I suppose it's possible that the Ticino river was originally like, Antiocino. If true, then I suppose that Dicks / Decks / Dickens / etc. were Seleucid lines. In that case, however, "Ticino" cannot trace to "Essene"...not at all meaning that "Essene" cannot trace to the other name of the river, "Tessen."

If Essenes controlled the Ticino before or after the Seleucids of Sant'Antioco arrived, we could expect surnames in honor of both entities to be merged. For example, the cross of the Ticino-suspect Dickens looks much like the same-colored Eaton cross so that what's coming to mind is the idea of "Essene" evolving into/from various Aedon / Eaton-like entities. It's hard to know at this early time whether Echen/Ichen-like (later D'Echen / D'Ichen) surnames link to "Ticino" or to hard-c versions of "Essene."

I don't think it's coincidental that while tracing the beginnings of the white-on-blue fleur-de-lys to the Saraca fish, the Belgian Dykes/Deickes use that fleur. Dutch Dykes use the Deck(er) squirrel, and the other Dutch Dyke Coat must use the Dutch Bush-lion design because German Bush's use the white-on-blue fleur-de-lys too. Bush's are definitely Esau-ites.

Thus, the very phrase, "Andechs-Deissen," becomes suspect as a Seleucid/Sulcis merger with Essenes. A proto-Andechs line out of Sulcis and into the Modena / Bologna theater may have gone into the Maccabee theater to merge there with certain priests that formed the Israelite Essenes proper. But it's too early to speculate too far on the mechanics.

The PREMyslid Bohemians come to mind because the Prenner/Brenner Pass brings one to northern Italy from Bavaria, the latter place thought to be founded by Bohemians. Meran, in the Brenner Pass, can then be traced better to Moravians (beside the Bohemians). Traffic of Bohemians through the Pass can certainly explain why both Bavaria and the Scottish Lombards use lozengy, for the Pass is in the Lombardy theater at the southern exit. The Boii far-more ancient than Premyslids had transgressed northern Italy just south of the Pass.

Why does the Prime Coat use a human leg? Because, the Lech river is in south-western Bavaria, the area from which the Bavarians access the Brenner Pass. I traced that river solidly to swan-depicted which group I include the Salyes on the Durance. Brian-incidence? This Lech trace to Ligurians helps us to understand why the Meranian kingdom seemed to link to the Durance river.

Have we seen any Huns around here? I think I have. I see them in the Brenner Pass, but I don't understand why they should be linked to Bohemians. All I know is that Estes, and therefore Andechs, are suspect as Huns. I also know that Seleucids of this area had merged with Hannibals in the days of the ancient Bohemians of northern Italy. The Brenner/Brimmer Coat itself uses hands, you see, and a chevron in the color of the Hand chevron, and in the colors of the Hannah stags. Hands use a stag too, symbol of the line to/through Attila the Hun, though the Hand stag, because it's the MacCARThy stag, must have belonged also to Hun- and Hand-like Hannibal line. Confused? I am.

Bavaria, in Este colors, was ruled by Estes, and moreover the blue-and-white Bavarian symbol is called "lozengy," likely from Losinj in Primorje-Gorski. The Bavarian lozenges are said to come from Wittelsbachs, and I traced Wittelsbachs to BudaPest without thought of the need, at this moment, of finding Attila elements in the Brenner Pass. Attila had ruled Budapest! Therefore, it really does look as though Attila's Huns were part of the ugly guts of the Estes. Aren't these the sorts of people who choke drunk on their own vomit? Only rolling stones do that. The Huns should have stayed put in their own land rather than seek to conquer the world, like fools. What a waste of, and disregard for, humanity.

Even the Bogens, also at the root of the Bavarian lozenges, seem to trace to the arrow symbol of Hungarians. But, the question is, were Huns at Losinj? Attila's brother, Bleda, now seems to have named the town of Bled in Slovenia, smack beside Gorje...and Lesce, the place to which I've traced the Leslies, otherwise known as HUNgarians! Bled is due north of Rijeka.

Why does the Arms of Bavaria include the so-called Franconian "Rake" smacking of "Rijeka = Reka"??? The Germo-Swiss Recks/Reichs/Rikes (in Franconia colors) could apply to both the rake and to Rika/Reka. Rakes/Raikes' use a black-on-white chevron, which recalls that I had found Rockefeller chevrons in those colors. Rakes/Raikes' have a Rake location in Sussex, where Primes and Coverts were first found (Coverts use the fesse that is the Arms of Austria). After writing that, the Ricks/Rixons were likewise found to use the fesse that is the Arms of Austria!

It looks very good for a trace of Primes to the Lech-river area of the Brenner Pass, exactly where Coverts had been traced earlier in this update. If you've forgotten, Coverts were traced to the gonfanon at the Lech end of the Pass, and that GON entity is now suspect as a Hun/Kun entity. Perhaps it's an error to trace the gon entity to Huns, but let's give it a shot momentarily. The two Gone Coats and the Gaunts all use red, and John of Gaunt was the red-rose line of Lancaster, an apt color for the Huns, especially if they had been Khazars with the Red-Jew ruling class. The gonfanon was traced to Banners and therefore to Baines/Banes, and they smack of Ban, father of Lancelot, while I trace the latter code to "Lancashire/Lancaster," where BANESters were first found. Does this mean that Gaunt was a Hun enterprise? Gaunts/Ghents were first found in Ghent-like Kent, which was founded by the Cantii, though mythically Kent was founded by HENgist.

[Insert -- You'll see some spectacular evidence below that Coverts trace to the Lech; it's new ground. But for this insert, I just wanted to mention that, due to the trace of Coverts below to ZURich, the Surbrook surname that Cathian Covert once had came to mind. I then re-loaded the Shurbrook Coat to re-find that it uses the same bend and stars as the Van/Vance Coat, important where I trace "gonFANON" to the Van/Vain bloodline.

Another point that goes well here is that we will see the Huns tracing to the Blate/Blade surname, and from that it's possible to trace Huns to the Danish ancestry of the Dol Alans. The point is, I had traced the Levines to Vannes, Brittany, while Levines use grapes as do German Blates/Plates (Brandenburg!) and German Dol(e)s (both Doles and Blates/Blades use a green Shield). If you're thinking that I should now accept error in my previous trace of Blates/Plates to the line of Pontius PILATE, just look at those white pheons in the English Blate/Blade Coat, for Pilates use white pheons too. What's that Hun-suspect HOUND dog doing in the Bleda-like Blate Crest? And how can we rectify a trace of Blates/Blades both to Attila's brother and to Pontius Pilate without scratching a deep gore into our foreheads? I think we had best ask the Khazars. End Insert]

Compare the Brimmer/Primmer Shield (red dragons, perhaps due to historians wrongly tracing Attila Huns to China) to that of the Regens/Reagans (both use an ermined symbol on gold Shield), for the Bavarian lozenges are known to trace to the Wittelsbachs with roots in Regensburg of Bavaria. This is not-bad evidence that the Prenner/Brenner Pass was named after the Brimmer/Prim(m)er bloodline, reinforcing the Prime trace to the same. There is a Reghin location on the Mures that should apply to Regensburg and Merania.

The Bavarian lozenges were also used early by Bogens, who are not only in the colors of the lozenges used by Scottish Lombards, but in the colors of the Saraca-like Saracens/Sarasins. The wolf in the Saracen Crest may indicate Welf-branch Estes that ruled in Lombardy, but as Gaunts also use the wolf, as do Baines/Banes, suddenly the blue wolf of the Huns comes to mind. It now recalls that early Stewarts / Alans of Dol worshiped or honored the dog, and "Dol" may be from Attila's house of "Dulo." After all, Attila was allied to Alan Huns.

Scottish Lombards call their lozenges,"fusils," perhaps code for Fussen on the Lech river. The Arms of Fussen are three human legs, probably link-able to the human leg of Primes. The Lech and Fussen locations are near to Basel in Switzerland, where German Brenners were first found.

As lozenges seem to trace to Losinje in Primorje-Gorski, it's conspicuous that fusils, a version of lozenges, smacks of Fussen while the Arms of Fussen use bent human legs (with feet) as do Primes who smack of "Primorje" and the Brenner-suspect Primmer surname. It continues to imply a fundamental link between Fussen and the Brenner Pass.

The Prime motto, "minerva," and the owl (with "scroll" in mouth) in Crest, suggests that Primes trace themselves to mythical Minerva, depicted by ancients as an owl. Minerva was thought to be the Greek Athena, who was just traced well a few updates ago to "Aedon," granddaughter of Merops of Kos. That's meaningful because "Kos" has been long thought to be an owl cult. The idea here is that Meran in the Brenner Pass links to Primes and therefore to Merops of Kos, meaning that Meran was indeed a Merovingian entity, fully expected where Este itself traces back to Merovingians. Half of (generally speaking) Merovingians came from Sicambrian Franks, and Sicambria was the Hun name for Budapest. Therefore, Merovingians look like Huns too.

Think about that in light of an Attila trace to Essene-suspect Khazars, for Merovingians formed alliances with Essene-suspect Lombards.

It just so happens that while Hephaestus raped Athena and spilled his semen on her thigh, the Prime description says: "...a black human leg, erased at the thigh." I have a feeling that the image created by the myth writer had something homosexual to do with the lameness that was given as symbol to Hephaestus.

The Prime Crest is "An owl proper...", which recalls the last time that the Prime surname was discussed, when it was suggested that the Proper/Robin surname linked to the Prophet surname using yet another bent human leg. Propers/Robins use an ostrich, wherefore lets not forget that Andechs and their Merania branch use five white ostrich feathers in Crest. As Propers use a fesse in colors reversed from the fesse that is the Arms of Austria, it helps to trace "ostrich" to "Osterreich," the Germanic name for Austria. But Merovingians had an Austrasia kingdom in and around the Esus cult.

Why OsterREICH? Does it have to do with Rijeka/Rika/Reka elements and/or the Swiss Reich/Rike surname?

I had no goal to link Habsburg ancestry to Andechs when starting out on Andechs. The other clan using fusils are the Happs/Apps/Abbs (using the Arms of Austria), suspect as a chief Habsburg bloodline. This surname was traced, before I arrived to the Rijeka topic, to "Kupa" river. I now find: "The Kupa originates in Croatia in the mountainous region of Gorski kotar, northeast of Rijeka..." Reminder: Habsburgs had ancestry in the Esus theater with alliances in Lorraine, home of the Este-related Bars. Bars had been in Bren-like Brunswick, and at one time I had the impression that "Bar" was related to "Brian."

The Brenner-Pass article: "The name Prenner is traced back to the German word for somebody who clears woodland [Esus-incidence?]. A name for the pass itself appears for the first time in 1328 as ob dem Prenner (German for above the Prenner)." I tend to shun that meaning / derivation for the Pass, and will tentatively view it as mere code for the Esus tree-cutter symbol, especially as lumber-like Lombards occupied the Italian theater at the exit of the Brenner Pass.

I don't think I've mentioned since the last update that German Brenners use "Esse" and "quam" in their motto as code, I think, of Qumran's Essenes. As "QUM" was traced to "Hum/Hom" and therefore to "LOM," isn't it relevant that the Brenner Pass is into the Lombardy theater? I realize that I can't trace Humes/Homes both to "Qum" and to "Hun," or can I? I get confused with the heraldic hand symbol and all the related Hand-like surnames, sometimes tracing them to Hannibals / Huns, and at other times tracing to Ananes / Ananias. It just so happens that while Brescia is at the exit of the Brenner Pass, the Ananes Gauls were very close to Brescia. I even trace the Brescia and Bruce lion to Caiaphas, and then Bruces also use the Annandale saltire, which of course traces to Ananes Gauls.

The German and "Jewish" Adel Coats use upright blue-on-white lions as do Bruces and Brescia. The Estes use the ADLer-style eagle. I still don't know for certain whether "Adel" is an Essene term.

ZOWIE, reading just now that the Lech has a source in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg, I clicked to find yet another red gonfanon. The flag of Vorarlberg is split in half red and white...just like the Reck/Reich/Rike Shield! As Rika/Reka was a location of the Meranian house of Andechs, see the location of Andechs in Bavaria at the lake of Ammer, very near to the Lech river. (Note that the Andechs location does NOT show the Este eagle in its Arms.)

[The day after writing that, an Ammerbuch location on the outskirts of gonfanon-using Tubingen was spotted. The Arms of Ammerbuch show some similarity to the Arms of Andechs. As per the discussion directly below, let it be reminded that the Ammer/Emerick Coat uses Melusine, as does the Walser Coat.]

AHA!!! The German (Bavaria) Walser Coat uses a Shield split in half, in the same horizontal way as the Recks and Vorarlberg, and the colors are the same though in reversed order; the flag of Bohemia is identical too the Walser Shield. It's known that Walsers (named after Wallis canton, Switzerland) live(d) in the Lys valley of Aosta! It's yet another way to trace the Andechs to the Salyes Ligures, not forgetting that "Salyes" may be from "Sulcis." That's the importance of tracing Gorski, Rijeka, and other Andechs elements to the Salyes bloodline. The Rijeka-related Rockefellers are even suspect now as part-Seleucid.

As Melusine is in the Moray Crest, we now have more solid reason for tracing the namers of Ammer to the namers of Moray. AND, to clinch that the two-tailed Melusine of Walsers links to the two-tailed lion of Montforts, the Montforts ruled Vorarlberg! [Keep in mind that Monforte and Montferrat are in the interior-Liguria area, for I've just found a Lika region to the east of Rijeki that will trace to Ligurians too.]

Another two-tailed lion is used by EnglishBrandons, suggesting that Brandons should link to Brenners of the Brenner Pass. If correct, it tends to verify that Bohemians were in the Pass, for the Arms of Bohemia use the two-tailed lion (or at least one of the same colors) of Montforts. We can now speak more confidently about the Bohemians and Moravians that were Taborites and Hussites, for not only did we see that the Sinson/Zanzan Coat used the Rijeka rock, or that the Rijeka entity was a Maxwell entity as was Nicolas Zinzendorf, but the SensenBRENNER surname just begs to be traced to the Merania kingdom of the Rijeka theater but extending into the Brenner Pass.

Did we see that Rijeka and Maxwells use a two-headed black eagle? The Brandenburg surname uses a black eagle that may be two-headed.

As "Verona" smacks of "Auvergne," the reason that the gonfanon is found in both Auvergne and Vorarlberg may have to do with the Vorarlberg links to the Brenner Pass leading to Verona, meaning that Verona elements probably named Auvergne. The Auvergne surname uses the same tower design as the Italian Durante Coat; another good strike. The latter's surname was first found in Mondovi of Cuneo, where Asti is located but also Monforte and Montferrat. That's important because Vorarlberg was ruled by Monforts. If Cuneo was named by Hun/Kun elements, then an Este link to Asti would once again suggest Hun blood in the house of Este. [Keep in mind as we get to Frankopans very shortly that the Hun blood in the house of Este is now suspect from Sicambrian Franks.]

VorARLberg" could be partly from Arles in southern France, beside Nimes that smacks of the Nimo surname that may trace to Nimrod, the very Biblical character to which Hungarians trace themselves. Arles is very close to the Durance river. Both Arles and Andechs (the location in Bavaria) use as their major symbols a gold-on-blue lion.

As the GONfanon was traced somewhat to "CUNNinghams," let me repeat that I traced Cunninghams to "Cuneo," for to now find Cuneo elements of the Monforte kind in gonfanon-using Voralberg is meaningful, especially as "gonfanon" appeared to be code for Veneti while the Brennan Pass leads from Vorarlberg into the Veneti theater. The "fork" in the Cunningham motto is traces easily to Forkers/Farquhars, first found in the same place as Cunninghams. The Forkers use hands, as do Brenners, and these hands are now suspect as Hun elements. As we saw two-tailed lions tracing to the Brenner Pass, it had better be repeated that the "Sto cado" motto phrase of Forkers/Farquhars gets a white two-tailed lion of the Stokes. Recalling the Montforts were in the Brenner Pass, by what coincidence do we find Saluzzo at the edge of Montferrat, while at/beside Montferrat is Monforte?

It is certain in my mind that "Cuneo" traces to "Cheney," because they use the Sales and Salian/Saleman bend, while Saluzzo is at Cuneo. Moreover, there is a Busca location smack beside Saluzzo that should trace to the Bush/Busch surname (SURPRISE) using the fleur-de-lys that I link to Saracas. It once again tends to make a trace of the Andechs-Estes to the Salyes bloodline. Not only do I recall making a fundamental link of Bush's to Mascis / Masseys apart from this Busca location found just now, but the Chaines/Chenays use the Masci wing.

[Insert -- Did you read where I hinted at a Covert link in Idaho to the Bush Nazis? I have a plan, Lord willing, to make the Covert surname a topic again in the next update because I think I have it's Leopard / Leopold ancestry, but for this moment I want to repeat that Coverts of Idaho are suspect with Clarks and Cutters who built Clark House at KOOTenai county, Idaho, where Aryan Nations had their "International headquarters." Not only did I just find the Clark dragon-head design in the Italian Leopold Coat, but the CUTTer Shield-and-Chief combination is also the Saluzzo Shield-and-Chief combination while Saluzzo is essentially in the COTTian theater.

I had not yet come to the Saluzzo topic when linking Coverts above to Primes with a reason aside from Primes and Coverts being first found in the same place. I now find that the Miner Shield-and-Chief combination is that of the Cutters and Saluzzos, important because it's the Primes who use MINERva. I hope to make sense of these new findings in the next update. It was Leopold III of Austria, mentioned earlier with Mechtild of Tubingen, that had me looking at the Leopold surname.

Checking into Leopold's ancestry, there was a Kyburg surname/location, important because I had linked "Covert" to "Coburg." It turned out that Kyburg is in Zurich (Switzerland) it uses gold lions/leopards, the color of the Covert leopard head. Also, Cathian Covert married a SURbrook, reflecting "ZURich." (I believe that Cathian Covert came into my email life because her bloodlines and relations are to tell us a story that God wants us to know.) Zurich is smack beside Swabia, where Hohenzollerns came from, important because Cathian said to me that her father was from a kaiser Koffert of Hohenzollern associations. Checking my atlas, there in downtown Swabia I saw a Kaufbeuren location just off the Lech river, and not more than 35-40 miles from Fussen. Reminder: Primes and Fussen both use bent legs. Therefore, Kaufbeuren, which is not far off (in spelling) from "Coburg" if the 'f' is ignored, is now suspect (along with Kyburg) as the location of kaiser Koffert and therefore of Coverts/Cofferts.

ZOWIE! Check out the similarity between the Arms of Zurich and the Coburg-surname Coat!!! Both use a split Shield diagonally (as do Hiedlers/Hitlers), and both have blue as the lower color. Zurich uses white as the upper color while Coburgs/Gobergs use gold. The Hitler Shield uses blue on the bottom and white on the top, as does Zurich. Zurich was anciently "Turicum," and Coburgs/Gobergs were first found in THURingia. Turin of Piedmont is very near Saluzzo.

Lest I forget in the next update, it had best be jotted down here that Coffers/Coffeys were traced to white-and-blue Taranto, the colors of the Saluzzos / Cutters / Miners. Doesn't Taranto smack of "Turin" and "Thuringia" and "Turicum"?

Zurich is near Basel, where Brenners/BRIMmers were first found who are suspect with Primes. These Brenners/Brimmers use a split Shield horizontally in colors reversed from the Coburg split Shield. End insert]

If true that the Brenners had Bremmer-like variations tracing to Bohemian Premyslids, it should be repeated that Bouillons, who smack of the Boii, were first found in Auvergne. The Bremmer Coat uses a hand holding a dagger, somewhat reflective of the Masci wing holding a sword in the Chaine/Chenay Coat that Masci wing was found also in the Dien Coat, and Cathian married a Dein). Wasn't Paul Bremer a chief Bush and Cheney man in their Iraq war? There are some Ches / Chass terms in the list of Chaine/Chenay variations that could trace to the Khazar fold.

The House of Andechs started off with a grandson of "Arnulf (died 14 July 937), called the Bad (German: der Schlimme) or the Evil (der Bose)..." As duke of Bavaria, Arnolf was "the son of Margrave Luitpold of Bavaria and Cunigunda..." CUNigunda? We saw earlier that "Azzo II [progenitor of the Estes] married Kunigunde (also called Chuniza) 1036. They had one known child: Welf...Duke of Bavaria.

That should explain why both the Estes and Andechs use an eagle in the colors of Bavaria (and in the colors of the Bos'/Boschs).

Arnolf ruled in Regensburg, where the Bavarian lozenges are said to originate, though I found a reliable online quote (recorded in my works) that traced the lozenges to Bogens at an earlier time than the Wittelsbachs of Regensburg. That's being said because I now peer deep into nicknames, such as the "bad = bose" one given to Arnulf, just in case the stated definition is false or a trick to fool the public. It just so happens that the German Bose/Bauze Coat is a single rose in the colors of the Bogen bow.

Moreover, I know that the Dutch Bos/Bosch surname gets the same fleur-de-lys as the German Bush/Busch Coat, meaning that Arnolf de Bose is suspect as a Bush bloodliner. It can explain why Arnulf was a son of Cuneo- and Cheney-suspect Cunigunda.

All-in-all, the links found in previous months between Liguria and Illyrian locations at the Sava have now become important in the house of Este. At the earliest times that the Sava became a topic, as soon as I read that Saiers/Sauers were of Austria yet named after the Sava, I instinctively knew that Bauers, first found in Austria, but of Bavaria too, were of the Sava region too. What I didn't realize was that the Sava's source area was accessed by Bavarians through the Brenner Pass. I didn't even know about the Pass. Between the Sava and the Pass are the Veneti who for some unknown length of time owned or catered to the lines to Israel's chief priests, probably before and after the time of Jesus. My senses tell me that, after 70 AD, the chief priests returned to Italy to become part of proto-Templars and proto-Masons.


I have the sense that "REGENsburg" links to the Reghin location on the Mures and that somehow one or both locations traces to "Ragn(vald)" of More, ruler of the raven-depicted vikings. Recall that the raven was used anciently as symbol for a ruler of Kos, where Merops ruled. We just saw that Merania should trace to Essenes of Merops. However, I have the problem of the apparent Este link to "Histria" that tends to identify Este with Ishtar rather than with Essenes, yet I do see Essenes in the Bar bloodline that was a major part of Estes. The trick is to find the Essenes in the house of Estes, and especially in the Este branches now heavily under discussion. That's where the Aedon line from Merops to Merovee should come in handy.

As the Welsh Maurice/Morys surname was first found in Herefordshire, I can trace it to the Dalmatia theater ruled to some degree by the Merania-branch Andechs. There is a coastal Herceg location less than 40 miles south of Dober-like DOBRovnik, the modern name of the Ragusa where Saracas live(d). As the Merania house was at Rijeki at the source of the Kupa, what about the Dobra tributary of the Kupa? The Dobra has a source in Gorski Kotar, still in the source-area of the Sava. We suddenly see the importance of the very-recent emphasis on Dobers et-al. Do you recall that the Dober/Dauber/Teupfer Coat is a white-on-blue bend like that of the Saves? Now you know why.

It's the Austrian Dober Coat. The Italian Botter surname, that I trace to Butua further down the Adriatic coast from Dobrovnik, uses the same fesse, suggesting perhaps that Butua's Boiotians were in the Sava area too, meaningful where Merovingians had been from mythical Aedon, queen in honey-depicted Boiotia. So, you see, the Essenes are suspect in the line through Butua and into the Sava area. The Dober griffin design is used by Leslies, who use a fesse in colors reversed to Dobers / Saves / Botter, and who trace to a Leslie-like location (Lesce) at the source of the Sava. If the Dauber variation of Dobers was originally, D'Auber," the bloodline could be the one that named Auvergne and similar others.

It's very interesting now that while Dobys were first found in the same place (Renfrew) as Pollocks, that the Pollock saltire is also that of the Frank surname while we find the Frankopan surname at Gorski: "The first known inhabitants of the Gorski kotar was the Illyrian tribe of the Iapodes, who lived in the area from the 9th century BC on [same time as founding of Rome]...In the 6th century, the Slavs began to settle the area, but hereafter the history of Gorski kotar is obscure until the 12th century when the noble family Frankopans began to rule much of Gorski kotar."

German Franks were first found in Bohemia, which may relate to the Bohemians that I think I'm finding in the Brenner Pass. I had seen links of the Saxon side of Pollocks specifically to Lombards years before finding that the Scottish Frank Coat uses the English Frank Coat in the colors of Lombardy. I can now report further that the lion tail in the Scottish Frank Crest is split into two, suggesting the two-tailed Bohemian lion. The Brenner Pass comes into Lombardy, you see.

Now, as Windsors trace themselves to Lombardy elements, by what coincidence did I just remember what sunk in only days ago, that Gores/Gorrs use the same Crusader crosslets (in the same colors) as the Windsor Coat. Doesn't it suggest that English Gores/Gorrs were form "Gorski"? (Hmm, the Windsor saltire is colors reversed from the Bohemian Frank saltire.)

[By sheer chance, not long after writing here, the English Blate/Blade Coat was loaded in search of Hun lines from Bleda (Attila's brother), and there was the same saltire as Scottish Franks!!! Remember, Sicambrian Franks were from Budapest, where Attila set up shop at one point. As Lombards are in the colors of the Blates while Blates ought to be fundamental to Bleda, it suggests that Lombards were heavily stacked with Sicambrian-Frank blood. And by the way, some Pollock investigators have traced the clan to Clovis himself.

As I tend to see the Alans of Dol merged with Huns, by what coincidence did I trace the Flaad term used by those Alans to BLATand Bluetooth of the Danes? It suggests that Blatand was named after Bleda elements, so scrap the idea that we're told, that "Blatand" means "blue tooth."]

The Gore/Gorr motto includes "Sola salus servire," smacking of Servitium on the Sava river. It just so happens that while Gores look like they honor the Salyes in their motto, Servitium is near the mouth of the Urbanus river where Lamatis is located that I trace to the "Lahm" motto terms of Salyes-suspect Sullivans and Salyes-related Brians. Note that on the road through Lamatis there is a Salvae location much like "Sullivan." The road leads further to SALonae.

[Insert -- Later in this update, I discover for the first time that this very road goes through a location called, Lika.

There's a bent arm in one of the Germo-Bohemian Frank Coats, a symbol also in the Arms of Karlovac. The Frank arm is in the colors of the red-and-white horizontal stripes in the Karlovac Shield, and then the Arms of Dobrovnik=Ragusa uses red and white horizontal bars too. As this area was that of the Moray-suspect Merania bloodline, and as the Karlovac arm is in the colors of the Arms of Merania and of the Moray stars, what about those red and white stripes in the flag of America, a flag that also uses stars in Moray-star colors? The Karlovac article is where I discovered the Lika area that I will promptly trace to Liguria; the latter uses an elephant-like Arms that I trace to the elephant logo of the Republican Party of the United States.

It's a fantastic coincidence that the Selkirk surname is mentioned soon below this insert, written the day before this insert, for having just read, "The [Karlovac] county itself extends towards the north to the water springs of JAMnica [caps mine], and towards the south all the way down to the mountainous regions of Gorski kotar and Lika," I searched to find what surname used a "jamais" motto term. It turned out to be the Salyes-suspect Selkirks, important because Jamnica is part of the Lika theater where I trace the Salyes. Therefore, SELKirks, suspect as SELEUCids, trace to Jamnica, smack where Seleucid-suspect Andechs ruled!

Another point is the star in the Arms of Karlovac, for both the proto-Washington Wassa Coat and the Arms of Liguria use such a star. End Insert]

The Core variation of Gores could suggest Corsica off the Liguria coast, and smack next to Sardinia where I suspect Andechs ancestry. And zowie, the Scottish Corse Coat (shown properly as "Carse/Cars") uses a saltire in colors reversed to the Scottish Frank saltire, and around the Corse saltire are crosslets much like those of the Gores/Cores. It suggests that Gores/Cores were in cahoots with Hun-suspect Frankopans.

Italian Corses/Corsis were first found in Saracen-based Syracuse, the Ragusa area of Sicily; they use a chevron in the colors of the Saraca fish. The chevron is also in the colors of the Macey chevron, important because Messina is in that part of Sicily.

Back now to the Maurice/Morys surname first found in Herefordshire that traces solidly to "Herze(govina)," not forgetting the Herceg location at Dubrovnik = Ragusa. [Didn't I just say that Ragusa should link to the American flag that probably uses the Moray stars in particular?] The Maurice/Morys Crest is a tree stump as evidence that the Esus cult had been engaged; we are on the Este bloodline here, after all, which traces to Bars of the Esus theater. (At the start of this section, it was said that we should look for Essenes in the Merovingian bloodline, and there we have some good evidence where the Morys surname links to Merovingians). The Maurice/Morys tree stump has a falcon, possible code for Fulcos (who were basis for the younger house of Este). The French Maurice Coat uses the Moray stars [!!!].

I almost missed it. The Sellicks/Seliocks, whom I've traced tentatively to Seleucids, were likewise first found in Herefordshire; it begins to make a link of "Andech" to "Antioch(us)" elements [this was written before the insert above made the Selkirk link to Andechs-Seleucids].

The Sellick/Seliock Coat looks much like the Selkirk Coat, and then Selkirkshire is beside pertinent locations including Peebles and Dumfries. The latter is where Annandale is located, and as the Peebles surname is also Peeples/People, I trace it to Pepins who I think named Pavia/Papia. This is excellent because "Andechs" has been looking both like Seleucids and the namers of Ticinum = Pavia. As I trace Pepins to Heneti Paphlagonians, compare "Heneti" or "Anat" to "ANTiochus."

The Selkirk HEART is central in the Coat and may link to HEREford elements. As the Selkirk Crest, a salamander in flames, is also the Douglas symbol, the Selkirk heart is also the Douglas heart, but then the Douglas Coat (and Douglas Aircraft) uses the Moray stars. The Selkirk motto (with "jamais" term) is also the Douglas motto, meaning that Douglas' too may trace to Jamnica, at the hub of the Merania kingdom. Doesn't that tend to verify that Moray traces to the Meran location (in the Brenner Pass) and to Merania as a whole?

If correct that the Duglass variation of Douglas' reveals them as a D'Glass bloodline, then I'll repeat that the Glass surname uses Melusine (as does the Moray Crest), and was first found in Buteshire so as to be trace-able to Butua's Boiotians, where I expect Essenes. The Essenes of Boiotia go back the Gileki > Galli line (probably through Galilee), and that's exactly to whom I trace the Glass surname. In my opinion, the Sellick Coat does not have a border, but is rather a white Shield on a red Shield, as is the Glass Coat. It tends to reveal Selkirks as a Glass-related bloodline so as to verify that Douglas' are Glass'. The Glaze surname even uses a red heart in Crest.

I should therefore seek the Glass bloodline in the Gorski theater, but to this it should be added that the Glass' use the Kyle stars while Kyles / Coles have already traced well to the same general area as Gores. Moreover, I trace the Gileki to mythical Glaucus who loved Scylla at Messina, and that's roughly where we find Saraca-suspect Syracuse and Sicilian Ragusa, the point being that I also trace certain Samsam-ruled Saracens of Sicily to Gloucestershire, where Samsons were first found who use the same cross as the Essene- and Aedon-suspect Eatons. That apparent link of Glass' to Gloucester should explain why the Gloucester surname is also GLOSter, and why the Gloucester/Gloster Shield smacks of the Shield used by Selkirk-suspect Sellicks. If this traces Seleucids and Essenes further to the Glass surname, then trace Seleucids also to the Glassl wife of Adolf Hitler's father.

I think I've already found evidence of a Glass trace to Gorski in that Rijeka is in Gorski while the Scott surname, which uses the same sort of Shield/border as Sellicks and Gloucesters, was first found in ROXburgh, a place traced solidly (earlier in the update) to rock-using "Rijeka/Reka." I identified Scotts as Talbots. It's not exactly a hard trace of Glass' to Gorski, but then DuGLASS' seemed to trace there too.

Here's another new revelation. The Walsers are from Wallis canton where Sion is located, and both Wallis and its Sion location use(d) stars in the colors of the Glass stars. As "Guilliam" was also "William," note how "Glass" can also be "Wallis." I've never noticed this before; it came to mind while just asking why Glass' seem to trace to Wallis canton. It explains Melusine used by both Glass' and Wallis'.

By the way, the Hereford surname uses white eagles (albeit on red), the color of the Andechs eagle. The Hereford eagles are in the colors of the Ragusa bars (not making a link but suggesting a possibility). The Here wings are identical to the Herzog/Herceg wing, and for a long time it escaped me that they are the Masci wing design. The wings of English Heres are different in design, and yet still blue. Look at that tree stump in the English Here Coat! Not just Essenes and Esau-ites, but Herods (known to be Edomites), should have been in the Herzegovina theater.

As Merovingians are tracing well to Butua's Boiotians / Essenes, while we have just seen the tree stump in the Herzegovina line to Heres, let's repeat that there's a tree stump used also by the Maurice/Morys Crest. The latter's stump looks like the one in the Rodham/Rodden Crest, and so let it be reminded that Rodhams trace well to the Necker river were Tubingen and AMMERbuch are located (Tubingen is where the Roxburgh Maxwells were traced who were also in Rijeka, suggesting that the Andechs had control of Tubingen too). As the Maurice/Morys clan is Welsh, the Welsh Merik surname and the Welshman, Richard Amerike, must be re-emphasized, for we will see below a clan using the same bars as those of Richard Amerike. The point in this paragraph is that the Dech/Dakin surname (axe in Crest jibes with Rodham / Maurice tree stump) was first found in Rutland, the location to which I trace the Rodham cinquefoils and therefore the Rodham name. It appears here that Dechs could have been the AnDECHs. (The reason that I trace Rodhams to Rutland is that I view the Rodham cinquefoil as the Leicester cinquefoil, and then the namers of Leicester were Ligurians (as for example, the swan used by the Leicester surname. This is another way to trace swan-line Ligurians to the Andechs theater).

The Merania branch ruled around the source of the Sava, and so let me repeat that I trace Seagars to the Saiers/Sauers at the Sava, for Dutch Walsers use the very same moline-style cross that Seagars were recently shown with (until it was changed to a different type moline cross). You can bring that to the bank, that Walsers were a part of the Meranians and likely also of the Andechs.

AHA! IT WAS REMEMBERED, after writing "Andechs" above, that the Decks also use a Shield split horizontally in white and red...just like the Walser Shield! And there you see the white-on-red fleur-de-lys in the Deck(er) Coat that must have been one of the original color schemes of the lily fleur because the Lys surname uses the fleur in those colors. The Deck(er)s are in the colors of the Tess Coat that I trace to the Ticino, and the Tess Coat even comes up when entering "Tech."

Selkirk is also beside Berwickshire, of the Bernicians whose country was called, Bryneich, smacking somewhat of Briancon and somewhat of Brunswick (where the Bar-Estes ruled). As I feel that Andechs are linking solidly to the Essenes > Esus bloodline, I'd like to go back to the Qumran-suspect Homes/Humes, first found in Berwickshire: "There were many branches of the Home family including the Homes of Cowdenknowes, the Homes of Wedderburn, the Homes of Manderston, the Homes of Renton, the Homes of Kames, and the Homes of Blackadder." Entering "Cowden," one gets the Cuttings using the lattice design of the Cotts/Cottins that I trace to Cottians; in this picture, I'm seeing the Cutters from Kotor, smack beside Essene-suspect Butua.

Keeping in mind here that I trace Essenes suspects at Butua to mythical "Aedon," see that Humes of WEDDERburn and BlackADDER may link to the Edders/Aeders showing Essene-suspect "Edel/Edle." The surname was first found in Silesia, which evokes that idea coming to mind before, that Essenes proper of Israel had merged with the Seleucid line of Antiochus IV, the one who invaded Israel that God appears to portray (in Daniel 11) as the runner-up to the end-time anti-Christ. The Edders/Aeders use a Shield split into the two colors of the Selkirk and Sellick Shield-and-Chief combinations.

The Edder/Aeder Shield is used also by the Dutch Sprows, important because the Sprowston town sign (shown at its Wikipedia article) is split vertically in half, white and black just like the Sprows Coat. The importance is that Sprowston is in Norfolk, where the Cowdens were first found, but also where English Fulkes/Folks (Shield split vertically in half) were first found who use "sera" motto terms that may now trace well to the Saraca involvement in the house of Fulco-Estes.

The Fulke spear is, I think, code for the Speers and related Sprees from Lusatia's Spree river, in the Silesia theater where Edders/Aeders were first found. Not only were Fulks at the root of the Estes who use the white-on-blue eagle that I link to the Saraca fish and therefore to the white-on-blue fleur-de-lys, but the only Fulke symbol is a white fleur-de-lys, wherefore the Fulks are showing multiple traces to Laus, the alternative name of Ragusa. To this, add the MANDERston location of the Humes, for the Mander Coat uses "Laus Deo" in its motto...wherefore the motto, and the Mander surname, should trace to Ragusa / Saracas. The Maeander river flowed to the Kos theater out of which mythical Aedon went (so to speak) before arriving to Butua, where roughly Saracas had come from. It's a tidy little theory that keeps on repeating itself no matter how I study the elephant from all sides.

The Manders use the Annan(dale) saltire, apparently, which is colors reversed to the GosPatrick/KosPatrick saltire, and chances are the latter were Kilpatricks (who were first found in the same place as Annan(dale)s). Here's more of the Hume write-up: "The rich saga of the Home family begins in ancient Scotland among the clans of the Boernician tribe. They lived in Berwickshire. They held the barony of Home from very early times and possibly predate the Norman Conquest in 1066. The Home family is part of a noble lineage descending from the Earls of Dunbar, and the family of the Earl of Northumberland, the great Gospatrick, a descendent of the Kings of Bernicia." Not only Gospatricks, but Mander-suspect Manners/Maness', were first found in NorthUMBERland.

I had traced Chemmites to Cumber/Umber-like some years ago, but only recently was it found that QUMran and should apply to Chemmites. For example, I reasoned that Chemmites had been Cimmerians who go by Cymbri terms, the name of the Welsh Cumbrians. Then, BudaPest, which I reasoned to be named after Egypt's Buto in conjunction with Buto's lion cult of Bast, had been alternatively called, SiCAMBRia, by the Attila Huns. Cimmerians were also "Cymri," or "Gamir," terms having vowel structure just like "QUMRan." It's a good bet that the Kamiros location on Rhodes applies to Cimmerians, but then shouldn't we keep look-out from our chariots in the skies for a Kamiros traces to Qumran / Essenes?

When I see "Wedder" in this case of the Humes, I see the UAT/Buto cult because the Kames (where one branch of Humes lived) bring up the Cams whom I traced to Chemmites (worshipers of Uat/Buto). The Cams/Kames were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Samsons and Kemmis', you see, while Chemmites lived in Chemmis locations (Egypt). Kemmis' even use the same "vair" design as Uat-like Whites.

Kemmis was the home of Yuya, the horse trainer of AkhenATEN, founder of the Atun sun god. I traced Egypt's Atun cult through mythical Aedon to Autun, and then by some fat chance the Edders/Aeders are also showing as "Aeden / Eden." The Eden Coat uses a "PRUDentia" motto term, and then entering "Home" gets the French PRUDhomms in Andech / Merania colors. The Humes/Homes use an "end" motto term that may apply to "prudENTia." I had even suggested that Atun should trace to the Helios sun god...on Rhodes, if that helps to trace Chemmites to Kamiros. On-shore of Rhodes, in Lycia, a Chimera dragon roamed. If that's not enough, mythical Aedon was a grand-daughter of Merops of KOS while Hume-related KOSpatricks look to apply. It's HUMongous evidence of Qumran's Gomerians flooded Kos and Rhodes.

The Essene-suspect Eatons of Essene-suspect Cheshire use the same axe-like cross as Kemmis-related Samsons. The Essene-suspect Cretan axe was called a "labrys," while Edders/Aedars use "LiberTAS" as a motto...perhaps part-code for the Essene-suspect Tess/Tech bloodline through Ticino. Moreover, the Edder/Aedar Coat uses stars in the colors of the Glass / Gleason stars while the Watts (all-seeing-eye, symbol of the Uat cult) show a pair of GLASSES worn by an oak tree, same tree as used in the Sprow Coat.

As the Ammers/Emericks are suspect as Meriks / Amerikes, here's one Arms of Richard Amerike showing vertical blue-and-white bars (why bars?) in the same number, width and positions as the same-colored bars of the Cams/Kames Coat, suggesting that the Humes of Kames can trace to the Ammer entities of the Andechs, and moreover it once again makes the Hume link to Andechs, important if true that the Ticino became "Tessen" after a D'Essene idea. The Amerike and Cams/Kames bars are in the colors of the eagle used by Bars, Estes, Ardechs, and Meranians.

I'm not forgetting that Richard Amerike helped John Cabot...having a surname using fish, and smacking of Caiaphas-suspect lines such as Chappes' (lived in the same place as Levis) and Capuas/Caputos. What's coming to mind (a little shabby, I'll admit) is Alessandria, a province beside Pavia/Ticinum, for it recalls the Lessines location in Hainaut's Wallonia (smacks of Wales, where Richard was from). After all, the Laevi lived on the Ticino while the Arms of Hainaut use the Levi triple chevron. The Arms of Lessines are red and gold horizontal bars, yet another symbol used in another Arms of Richard Amerike. The latter Arms also shows what I suspect is a version of the Hanan Shield, of the surname that I most-expect to be one honoring Ananias...who was "Hanan" to the Jews.

As per the Attila discussion below, it should be added that the same Shield as used by Amerike is used also by German Mans/Manners, and showing the Levi lions along with an Essene-suspect savage. Moreover, the Man/Manners surname was first found in Austria's Styria, another place where Andechs had holdings. Both the Arms of Styria and the Homes/Humes use a white-on-green lion, though the Styria animal is technically a panther. Does that once again conjure up a Seleucid link to Essenes? Could we get the impression that Essenes had been a dejected cult of priests in Israel with roots in Antiochus IV?

Ananias Ancestry in Proto-Khazars?

It's important that Attila passed through proto-Hungary and Budapest while Hungarians trace themselves to Attila, for I found proto-Hungarians on the Ticino. Attila had a father and/or brother named, Mundzuk, while the Mengzies/Menzies surname uses "I zal," smacking a little of "Attila." Mengzies/Menzies (dukes of Rutland, where Dechs/Dakins were first found) were first found beside Peebles(shire) that I trace to "Pavia"/Ticinum. While the Peebles surname is also "Peoples," there is a People variation used by Pepins, and in the Pepin/People motto we find, "Mens," a term bringing up the Mengzies/Menzies:

Mundzuk (rendered Mundzucus by Jordanes, Turkey-Turkish Boncuk, Kazak-Turkish Muncuk...) (Also called "Bendegúz" in Hungarian) was a Hunnic prince and brother of Hunnic rulers Optar (Octar) and Rugila (Ruas). Mundzuk was also father of Attila the Hun and Bleda. He is briefly mentioned in Jordanes (Getica 180): "Now this Attila was the son of Mundiuch, and his brothers were Octar and Ruas who are said to have ruled before Attila, though not over quite so many tribes as he." Nothing else is known about his personality. Hungarian legend has Mundzuk as a descendant of Nimrod.

Are we now supposed to entertain that Ragusa / Laus was a Hun entity of the Attila and Rugila kind? Perhaps, but what I see is that the Attila Huns merged with the Uat/Buto cult at Budapest=Sicambria, not forgetting that the Saracas were originally from Kotor, beside Buto-like Butua. We could therefore expect Buto elements of Budapest at Butua, and in the meantime some Attila blood came along to Butua. Terms like "Adal / Edel," which I've insisted were Essenes terms, are now smacking of "Attila." It could get confusing and complicated, and of course I'm open to being wrong at any point. Yet, it might be that Attila (post-Christian century) was named after Essenes...amongst the up-and-coming Khazars of Attila's time.

Did I make a mistake in tracing the Laus-using Manders to mythical "MeneLAUS" and the Maeander-river Maenads = Maeonians? Do Manders instead trace to Mundzuk, father of Attila? Entering "Mund," what comes up but blue Indian peacocks used in the Manner/Maness Crest! The latter surname was first found in the same place (Northumberland) as the Gospatricks who are in-turn said to be the ancestry of the Homes/Humes...meaning that Attila's father is linking tentatively here to Essene-suspect Humes.

The Attila trace to Nimrod could explain why a branch of Newmarches called themselves, Nimo/Nimmo. The point here is that the Newmarch/Nimmo Coat looks a little like the Mander/Manner Coat (important because we just saw a good reason for tracing Mens/Mengzies to Attila's father). The English Watt Coat not only uses the Mens/Mengzies Shield-and-Chief combination, but the Watt Chief uses a gold roundel on red, the colors of the roundels on the Mander saltire. As Watts were the Uat/Buto cult, it now makes sense to trace Watts to Budapest's Attila bloodline. The Scottish Watt Crest even uses the Botter bird for a trace to yet another Buto-suspect bloodline.

One could get the impression that the Ammer elements of the Andechs led to Richard Amerike who used the Man/Manner Shield because Andechs were somehow linked to Attila's elements at the Ragusa / Butua theater. Attila's House of DULO may even be related to "DALmatia."

As Atil/Itil was the capital of Khazars, one might want to conclude that the Khazars on the Mures river, who were directly ancestral to Hungarians, were from the Attila Huns. It makes too much sense to be wrong. It means that Huns were from Khazars while historians have been forced to feed us the bull of an Attila trace to China.

Ammer elements of the Andechs now look like the Mures-river kagans, and then the "Jewish" Cohen/Kagan Coat uses stars in Moray-star colors. The Andechs are in the same colors.

As there was a house of Andechs-Deissen, let's ask why there's a (blue) fish in the Arms of Deissen am Ammersee? Is it the Saraca white-on-blue fish in colors reversed? The house-of-Andechs article: "The noble [Andechs] family originally resided in southwestern Bavaria...controlling the road to the March of Verona across the Brenner Pass, at Dießen am Ammersee..."

For the purposes of tracing Nimos/Newmarch's to the Attila - Nimrod line, allow this exercise. The "show" motto term of Nimos could be code for the Shows/Schores, while Shores use the same-colored chevron as Peebles, while Mund-suspect Mounds/Monts were first found in Peebleshire, while Peebles are Peoples', while Pepins using Mengzies-suspect "Mens" are Peoples too. Shores use holly, as do Islips/Haslips who smack of the "I zal" term of Mengzies. As I identify Islips/Haslips with Essene-suspect House's who are in turn in the colors of the Homes/Humes, could it be that I've been wrong in tracing to Essenes, that instead "Islip" and "Hazel" should trace to "Attila / Itil"? It's a nasty problem, unless Attila was an Essene line from the Khazars. [As Coverts have started to look like a Hun line too, I had better mention again that Cathian Covert married a Maness surname, using a red Chief (colors of the Red Jews) as do the Mengzies. Coverts traced above to Turicum = Zurich, smacking of Turks. Khazars were Turks. Zurich faces the Hohens in Swabia, who trace to Khazars.]

The trace of Mengzies both to Attila's father and to the Maeander river is not necessarily contradictory, if his father was ultimately from the Maeander. Again, the Maeander flows toward Kos, and then "KHAZar" may apply to "Kos," for it was also "Kaus." Weren't the Essenes on Kos???

One more piece of evidence tracing Qumran-suspect Homes/Humes to Essenes is their "True" motto term, for the True write-up traces to a "tree." The True Crest is a "knight" that I've at times seen called a "squire," and then the Squire surname used (until recently) a squirrel in the design of the Deck(er) squirrel. It's that Seleucid-Andechs link to Essenes again.

The Mounds were in the past traced tentatively to Libya. The Hun-like Hannibals come to mind, and the Annabel/Hannibal Coat uses the stag as do Hands, Annes, and Hannas (MacCARTHYs use a stag too). One could get the impression that Hannibal Carthaginians had linked to the stag symbol that Hungarians used in tracing themselves to Attila. Paphlagonian- / Paphos-suspect Pepins also trace to the stag, that of the Venus cult that traces back to the Hun-like Heneti Paphlagonians. And the Pepins are traced to the Ticino area of the Laevi so that one could imagine Ananias/Hanan (of Israel) being named after Hannibal elements in northern Italy (Hannibals pre-dated Christ but Huns did not). That is just one way to realize an Essene merger with Hannibals who then seem to be proto-Huns of the Attila kind. Even the Islips/Haslips use a stag.

It assumes that Hannibal elements merged with proto-Attila Khazars, out of which popped up Israel's chief priest (Ananias) who had Jesus murdered. It tends to assume that proto-Khazars were in northern Italy before the time of Christ. I say northern Italy because I've already committed to finding the ancestry of the chief priests in the Bologna / Modena theater. It just so happens that Khazars are thought by most to have been Bulgers, who smack of "Bologna." In fact, this new idea recalls my trace of the Bulgarian, Gavril Radomir (he married a Hungarian), to areas of the proto-Hungarians in the Ticino theater. This may reveal the proto-Khazars as part of the Boii of Bologna. Here's the Italian Bologna Coat -- greyHOUNDs!!! -- with no write-up.

The Nimo-suspect Shows/Schores are also "Schaw," suggesting the Caiaphas-suspect Shaw bloodline. That tends to add to the evidence that the Attila bloodline was involved in the Israeli chief priests (Caiaphas was a son-in-law of Ananias). I am quite sure that the proto-Khazars in Italy (a difficult idea I've not considered until now) had something to do with the Spartan line of Menelaus that was known by ancients to be on the Hebros = Maritsa river, the river that I trace to the Mures, where Khazars-proper popped up. I'm not going to abandon the trace of Menelaus to the Manders and similar surnames now linking seemingly well to Attila's father. Remember, the German Mans/Manners use the Levi lion design and a savage wearing an apron, as I call it, and the same Shield as the Hanan Shield. Germans had a father god called, Mannus.

In the past, I've traced Bologna to the same peoples who named Belgians, but I can now add that the Levi chevrons are used in Belgian's HAINaut, the location of Lessines that for the first time is now suspect at "Alessan(dria)," the place of the Gavi location that I think had to do with Gavril Radomir. Assuming that a trace of "Lessenes" to "Alessandria" is out-to-lunch, and it probably is, it makes nonetheless sense that, if Belgians were at Gavi, Gavril's Bulgarians would have had reason to be there (many trace Belgians to ancient Fir BOLGS).

The Bolgers surname uses ears of rye, the symbol of the Saddocks. The Saddocks and Ryes both were first found in Sussex, assuring that the ears of rye are code for these Ryes, who show a Rise variation, excellent because I was contemplating only yesterday on the Rhyzon/Risinium location smack at Butua and Kotor (southern Dalmatia)!

As per the above, could we trace Sadducees (of the Saddock kind) to Bolgers and therefore to Bologna? You know that sounds good to me. Sadducees are known to be from a house of Boetus, who smacks of Boiotians, who I think trace to the Boii, who conquered Bologna! But I also trace Boiotians to Butua, where Rhyzon is located.

Where Ananias was a Hannibal bloodliner, it can be added that Hannibals had merged with Seleucid rulers in their mutual attempt to undo Romans. But Romans were opposing Seleucids even in Maccabee Israel, and that's where Ananias may have gotten some Seleucid blood himself. Reminder: the Hannibals were at Bologna too...the place that I see the Boii side of "MaccaBEE." The Andechs were ruling centuries later just around the Histria corner from the Bologna theater, and one may infer that proto-Andechs = Seleucids had also been in the Bologna theater.

I feel quite sure when looking at all I know thus far that these suspected Antioch elements had been part of the ones on Sardinia. It was discovered just this morning that the Sant'Antioco location (at the southern end of Sardinia, closest to Sicily) is smack beside Perdaxius, which sounds like it was named after mythical Perdix. Note that "AnDECHS" (always comes with the 's') has an ending much like "PerDAX." I traced Perdix to the Telchines because he was also called, "Talus." But that trace had nothing to do with my trace of "Seleucus" to mythical "Telchis," origin of Telchines. Although Telchines lived on Rhodes, and Crete too with their Curete relatives, Telchis was from Sicyon (beside Corinth), a place that I trace tentatively to Sicanians of Sicily. The Szekely Transylvanians on the Mures, you see, trace, in my strong opinion, to the Sicel founders of "Sicily. Sardinia is off of Sicily.

JUST FOUND. Perdaxius and Sant'Antioco are smack beside Giba, smacking of Giva! That could easily trace the Antioco Seleucids to Giva...beside Ticinum, where the Andechs have been tracing not too badly!

We read that Piscinas is beside Giba, but as Perdaxius is in that area too, while Perdix invented the saw when he saw the jaws of a fish, by what coincidence does Piscinas sound like "pisces"...or "pesci," the Italian for a fish? Now see that the Arms of Piscinas are in the colors of the Saraca fish, but also in the colors of the Pesci fish. The Pescis were first found in Venice, the Este theater.

I'm saying that because the Arms of Sant'Antioco use a white ship on a light-blue background, the same as the Arms of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, the place where Andechs came to rule, and the place suspect from the Kotor location of Saracas. Didn't I trace the white ship to the Durance river? Does it mean that Sant'Antioco Seleucids were on the Durance? I'll look for them there, but wait, shouldn't "Salyes" trace to "Sulcis"??? Yes. For sure. Now you know. From now on, Salyes will be viewed as Seleucids.

The thing about the fountain in the Arms of Piscinas is that I was wondering about the Cass bloodline when contemplating briefly on proto-Khazars of northern Italy. The Cass/Cash Coat uses heraldic "fountains." When contemplating Cass' earlier, I had no reason to link them to Khazars nor Seleucids, but I did have cause for linking proto-Khazars of Italy to Seleucids of the Antioco / Andechs kind, wherefore this Cass fountain is a welcome thing. But there's more, for the Cass/Cash Coat is a white Shield on red Shield, the colors of the Sellick Shield-on-Shield, and Sellicks smack of "Seleucus." Can we trace "AntioCHOS" to "Kos," since after all, the Cash's, if they are Khazars / Khosars, are tracing well to Kos at this time?

Don't Cheneys use the Salyes bend? Aren't Cheneys Seleucids, therefore? Aren't the Chaines/Chenays also "CHESneys"? Why?

The KISSanes are also CASHmans, and they use the Venus-style stag in red, the color of the MacCarthy stag, suggesting that Kissanes link back to Carthaginians of the Hannibal kind, the very ones suspect at the ancestry of Ananias. Khazar-incidence?

When I traced Khazars to Bologna above, it was a feel-good idea without much evidence beyond the Bulgarian nature of Khazars. It was such a feel-good idea that I saw it for fact already. But even after writing the above on the Piscinas and Cass fountains, I had not yet looked at the Italian Fontana Coat, which was on the agenda because I've known it to use a fountain in the colors of the Piscinas fountain (the Italian for "fountain" can be either "fontana" or a Piscinas-like term). Guess where the Fontana surname was first found? Bologna. Just like that, we have cause to trace Seleucids of Sant'Antioco to Bologna, which in the meantime discoverers them to be, probably, the Andechs.

It should be added that the Euganeo location beside Este was found initially in the motto of the Auger surname (Ferrari lion), a term smacking of "Ugor," a name applied to the Bulgar family of eastern Europe. Thus, the house of Este is suspect as from a Khazar entity that gave birth to Ananias.

The reason that Masons honor Perdix in their square and compass logo now looks to have everything to do with the lines of Israel's chief priests that Masons leaders have secretly honored. I do wonder, however, if any Masons still exist who know these secrets? It's not something that would be told widely in Masonry circles.

Did you notice the color of the eagle in the Fontana Chief? Did you note that the entire Fontana Coat looks like the Fulk/Fulcos Coat (the eagles are identical)? That's additional evidence that Fontana's were the Fulcos-Estes. The English Fountain surname happens to be first found in the same place (Norfolk) as English Fulkes/Folks. The Coat uses three horizontal red bars, as does the French Casse/Casser/Casset Coat (Khazars?); the latter uses the bars in the colors of the Haughts and the Arms of Trebizond Empire.

Spanish Fontanas use the same flory cross type as Bouillons, suggesting strongly that the Boulogne location (Belgian-French border) of Godfrey de Bouillon's family links to "Bologna." In whose name did Godfrey sack Jerusalem? In the name of Khazar Zionism.

The trace of Seleucids to Sicyon is interesting for where I trace Bellovesus and his brother, SEGOvesus, to Sicyon. Bellovesus was the Gaul leader, of several centuries before Ananias, who conquered into northern Italy. I see him as the namer of the Bells and Bellamys, and then I see Bellamys from the namers of Belgium. Those namers were the Bellovaci, smacking of "Bellovesus." Bellamys were in Maccabee-suspect Ferte-Mace as part-progenitors of the Maceys proper out of Ferte-Mace. But as Masseys/Maceys use a pegasus, Bellovesus can be traced to Bellerophon, ally of the mythical Pegasus. Bellerophon was a mythical character from Corinth, namely from the mythical-Sisyphus rulers of Corinth. By a lucky strike, I realized that "SISY" was play for "SICY(on)" some two miles from Corinth. Therefore, Bellovesus and Segovesus may have been of the Seleucid bloodline if their Sicyon elements had Telchis blood. This trace back to Corinth recalls that mythical Kodros of Corinth was depicted with a fish, and that he led to Kotor as a result. Kodrus' son was made the founder of Ephesus, out of which came Hephaestus to depict the movements of Ephesians into Lemnos and beyond into the Aeolian islands of Sicily. But I trace "Aeolus" to "Elis" at Greece's Pisa, founded by the Atlanteans otherwise known as Pisidians. These Pisidians at Pisa were married by Pelops, ruler of the (H)Eneti (= wife of Hephaestus) in Lydia, where the historical capital was Sardis, what I say named Sardinia. I'm trying to set up the logic for having Seleucids in Sulcis=Sant'Antioco of Sardinia, smack beside Pisa-like Piscinas. Pelops was named after the Peloponnesus because, apparently, Lydians conquered it. Sicyon was in the Peloponnesus. The reason that I'm suggesting a Pisa trace to Piscinas is Apis:

A son of Telchis, and father of Thelxion. He was king at Sicyon, and is said to have been such a powerful prince, that previous to the arrival of Pelops, Peloponnesus was called after him Apia.

What do you see? The place was called after Apis, and then Pelops' Lydians conquer it while Pelops was made the husband of a princess of Apis-like Pisa. In other words, there was a merger of the winners of the war with a chief element (the Pisans) among the losers; a truce by marriage, probably. As Apis was made a son of Telchis, the entire land had been ruled by Telchines, and so we should envision a merger of Lydians with Telchines, and as such we could imagine that the carriers of Sardis were ruling in Peloponnesia. We could then trace this Sardinian merger with Telchines to Sardinia, which could help to explain why, much later, Seleucids were on Sardinia.

I trace "Tantalus" (Pelop's father) to "Antalya," a city of Pisidians. And so see this from the Apis page above: "Apis was a king of Argos. He was a son of Phoroneus by the nymph Laodice, and brother of Niobe." Niobe was the daughter of Tantalus so that Apis was essentially a brother-tribe with Pelops. But as Apis was of Argos, he smacks of Abas of Argos, and of Apasus, the alternative name of Ephesus. And so we find that Pelops and Ephesus were brothers, explaining why Pelops ruled Eneti, "wife" of Ephesus. Recall that Jason of the Argo ship, symbol of Atlanteans out of Antalya, mated with Amazons of Lemnos, for Apis was also made a son of Jason. We read: "This Apis [son of Jason] participated in the funeral games of Azan and was accidentally killed by Aetolus..." I trace "Aetolia" to "Attaleia," the alternative name for Antalya. In this picture, the Apis bull / bee cults look like Pisidians.

After the "death" of Thelxion and Telchis, we may imagine that the Telchines retreated from the PeleponNESUS (what's that ending about if not DioNYSUS?) to their earlier homeland (= Antalya) amongst Pisidians, and that could explain how they got to Rhodes, near Antalya. Telchis was killed by Argus Panoptes, son of Arestor, son of Iasus. The Iasus page has a list of myth characters by that name, all of them suspect as various Essenes lines in and out of Ephesus' bee cult. Arestor was a father of a bull cult, but as it all links to HephAEStus and Aphrodite, he looks like an aspect of Ares, adulterer with Aphrodite. I would suggest that "Arestor" was an Ares-Taurus combo, and that it traces back to Haifa / Carmel, origin of essenes of Ephesus. "In Greek mythology, Argus Panoptes...or Argos, guardian of the heifer-nymph Io and son of Arestor..." There's that heifer term again.

As I see the Taurus cult at Haifa going through Crete to Ephesus via Eleuthia/Eileithyia, "mother" of Artemis, note (on the page above), Iasius, son of Eleuther. This line, as per taking a quick look at Iasius' son and that son's wife (Stratonice), looks to be a mixture of Carians and Lycians on the Maeander river. The Straton Crest shows a rising eagle while the motto includes, "tento," smacking of Tantalus, symbol of Atlanteans. It is thought that the rise of Atlantis is synonymous with the rise of the phoenix, you see, and the Straton motto, "Resurgere tento" means: "I strive to rise again." Good luck, says prophecy.

In Armageddon, the greatest military the world has ever seen will be like a stupefied bull in a china shop...when the Chinese come to Megiddo to drive that bull out of his senses. As the Apis liners were from Argos, see the Straton write-up: "... the notorious Adam de Stratton derives from Argouges from Manche in the arrondisement of Avranches in Normandy."

Habsburg Austrian Bedrock Looks Garebite

If you've forgotten, the Merania-branch Andechs were in the area of the source of the Kupa river where I had traced the Happs/Apps/Abbs surname that appears to be the root of "Habsburg." The fact that Japodes lived on the Kupa helps to identify "Rijeki" with Zeus' mother, Rhea, for I trace her to Rhagae/Ray way back in the Gileki theater of Armeno-Iran, though I also think that Rhagae elements traces to "Reggio" near Scylla (the latter was loved by Glaucus whom I identify with the Gileki). It also made sense that Rhagae elements named Sicily's Ragusa to the south of Scylla, and so where Rijeki is showing signs of linkage with the Croatian Ragusa of the Saracas, we have the first clue that Zeus' Curetes were at Rijeki.

The second clue is where Romans equated Jupiter with Zeus; it appears easy to figure that Jupiter was named after Japodes. The third clue (that Zeus' line was at Rijeki) is that Rijeki is where Tarsatica is stamped on this old Roman-Illyrian map. That location smacks of the Zeus Taurus, which explains why Jupiter and Zeus could be equated in that Tarsatica is at the source of the Kupa. Note that while Rhea was another name for the Great Mother goddess, Tarsatica = Rijeki is smack beside Istria, what is suspect as Ishtar, the former Great Mother goddess...whose veins will be popped open on the mountains of Megiddo, under the pressure of Jesus' feet. No mercy at that time.

The trace I now make (as of not many days ago) of the Zeus Taurus to Haifa becomes important where we see the Latovici on the north side of Japodes, for apart from any thought on this, I traced mythical "Elatus" through the Haifa theater to "Leuthia/Eileithyia" of Crete. It should also be said that I identified (with my best tentative shot) Zeus' father (and Rhea's husband) as the Carians, for Carinthia (also "Korotan / Koroska") is to the north of the Japodes / Latovici; note the "Carni" stamped on the old map between Histria and Taurisci. When I implied a trace of Meranians to the Mures river, and suggested that Rijeki may apply to Reghin on the Mures, I did not have the Murus river in mind that is shown at Taurisci.

The northern end of Lika overlaps KARlovac, and earlier it was seen that Gores/Cores and related Corses/CARses trace to this very area of Lika, namely to Gorski. Lika is a swath of land basically centered between the Kupa and Oeneus/Una rivers, wherefore we may ask whether Lika elements were central to mythical Jupiter and Juno. As Carinthia (now the southern section of Austria) and Karlovac evoke Carians, "Lika" smacks of neighboring Lycians. As Lycians are suspect in lycos = wolf, the wolf in the Gore/Core Crest might thereby be explained.

The naming of Karlovac after a Habsburg, duke Charles II of Austria (mother, Anna of Bohemia, Gediminid dynasty), can yet trace further back to the Aachen location of Carolingians and therefore to Euganeo. I found Euganeo initially thanks to emailer Patterson's tip on the Augers, who use an "agendo" motto term, and so see the "Agendo" motto term of the Like/Leek motto. This trace of Karlovac to Euganeo makes sense where Este is smack beside Euganeo. The "SpectoMUR Agendo" motto of Augers may even be part-code for "Merania" elements at the Murus river (not far north of Histria, the place to which I now trace "Este").

Isn't that a bent human leg I see in the Like/Leek Crest? Yes, it's "A silver human leg CHARged with two fleur-de-lys."

Now the Likes/Leeks smack to me of Lacys, whom I tend to lump into the Lacydon location of Lika-like Ligures. [Several minutes after writing that, it was found that the Lacy motto includes, "Meritas AUGENTur." Therefore, Likes/Leeks and Lacys were related.] I used to claim that Leslies and Lacys were related, and so I'll add that the Like/Leek bend is in the colors of the Leslie bend while Prophets, who likewise use a bent human leg, were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Leslies.

We saw that Gores were related to the Frank surnames, first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Frank-related English Pollocks and Likes/Leeks. The Prophet leg is in the colors of Scottish Franks, suggesting now that the Franks ought to trace to Lombards, to whom Prophets and their colors traced via linkage to leg-using Primes. The Frankopans are suspect...who ruled GORski; it makes too much sense not to be true. Prophets and Pollocks both use arrows, Hungarian symbols. Frankopans had been traced to Sicambrian Franks at proto-Hungary's capital.

The Like/Leek Shield is used by both English and Irish Leech's, and the latter (who smack of the Lech river) were related to Wexford, as were Lacys. The Irish Leech write-up: "First found in County Galway, where the family was first recorded, and members were chiefs of a district between Athenry and Athlone. Likely of this same lineage was St. Mogue, first Bishop of Ferns, in Wexford." The Lacy write-up: "The name of this place is derived from the Gaulish personal name Lascius, which is of uncertain origin, and the local suffix -acum. The Gaelic form of the surname Lacy is de Leis. However, there is a native Irish family of County Wexford named O Laitheasa who anglicize their surname as Lacy." To help prove that Leslies trace to Lesca at the source of the Sava/Save river, the Leech Crests use a snake similar to the one on the Save bend that is colors reversed to the Leslie and Like/Leek bends. Savers/Saviours/Severs (in Leslie / Like colors) were first found in the same place (Essex) as Gores.

Let's assume that Lessenes in Hainaut is to be understood as L'Essenes, and that Leslies came forth from Lessenes elements so as to have been Essenes. We're expecting Essenes in the Este / Andechs bloodline, and so what if they turn out to be in the Lesce locations of the Sava, one of which is in Slovenia on the north side of Karlovac? I saw (or thought I saw) that the Leslie bend had horseshoe-and-nail until a while later it was discovered that the horseshoes were round, only to discover later yet that the round Leslie symbols were called "buckles." But much later yet, the Austrian Asner/Eissner Coat was found with horseshoes on a bend in colors reversed to the Leslie bend, and in the colors of the Sava-suspect Save bend. The Asner/Eissner horseshoes are even in the gold color of the Leslie buckles. Might "Eissner" indicate an Essene bloodline? Very compelling, isn't it, to identify Leslies -- and Lesce -- with Essenes?

The Asner/Eissner trace to the Sava theater is assured in that the Crest uses the blue wings of the Herzogs/Hercegs and Heres. As these are the Masci wing design, let's not forget the Maezaei on the Urbanus river flowing to Servitium, the city to which Karlovac-related Kyles / Coles trace. But if we have doubts that the Asner/Eissner surname is a Leslie one, check out the half-blue wing in the Irish Leslie Crest, not neglecting the same-colored bend there as the Scottish Leslie bend. The "Suivez moi" motto of Irish Leslies convinces further that they were from the Sava.

The Irish Leslie write-up traces to a Gaelic "Loiste," but then the Lois Coat shows a large ostrich, suggesting Austrian roots. The Asners/Eissners are Austrian, and have a bend in the colors of the Lois ostrich, which are the colors of the Saraca fish. The Carricks use an ostrich, and they look like a hard-C version of "Saraca." The part-blue Irish Leslie wing (its the Fulk wing) is in the design of the blue English Here wing. The Heres above are the ones using a tree stump as likely code for an Essene > Esus bloodline. It's indicating that an Essene-like term got a capital 'L' to give the world the Leslies / Lazlos. Does this mean that Ligures, Lacydon, and Lycians were all L-less Essenes at one time? As I trace Lycians to "Lachish," and suggest that "Laish" was related, should we consider that proto-Essenes had been something like, Achish or Aish? I did trace Essenes suggestively to the "Aes" and "Aix" elements of HephAEStus, and there reportedly was an essenes bee cult at Ephesus. The problem is, Hebrews/Semites were not Franks that they should front terms with, L'.

As KARLOvac is very much a part of the Sava's source leading down to Servitium -- the Serb-suspect area to which I trace the Salyes Ligures -- check out the "salus" motto term of the Irish Carlos surname. The Carlos Coat uses the same crown design, in the same colors, as the Leech Chief. We are definitely on to some secrets here that only royals are supposed to know. The English Carlos Coat even uses a black-on-white bend, the colors of the Sale bend. The Salians/Salemans use the same bend but with the additional gold color found also on the Carlos bend.

Reminder: Gores use "Sola salus servire" as code for Salyes elements at Servitium. The French Gores/Jores use blue-on-gold stars, the colors of the Zionist star in the Arms of Karlovac. How many of you knew that Global Warmers trace to Karlovac, raise your crooked arms.

The bent arm-with-scimitar that's the Arms of Karlovac remind me that the arm-and-scimitar used at one time by Kyles. This is said because Kyle-related Coles use "serva" as code for Servitium. But as a part of the Karlovac theater covers the mouth of the Kupa = KULpa = COLapis river, it speaks for itself. The Culps/Colps/Kelps were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Leslies that trace to this same area. AND GUESS WHAT? Culps are also the Copes!!! I don't recall tracing the Copes or related Copps to the Kupa river with this Culp evidence.

The city of Karlovac uses two white anchors, and then the Kyle Crest is a white anchor. Is that a sleeping moon in the Karlovac Coat?

Aha! Having just seen the Italian Corse/Corsi Coat not long ago, I can report that it uses the same red roses around its chevron as the Culps/Copes, while the chevrons of each are colors reversed. The evidence if overwhelming for a trace of Gores and Cores to the Carlovac theater.

AHA! The Scottish Carls (pomegranates) were first found in Aberdeenshire. Their pomegranates are in the colors of the Karlovac Shield and Zionist star, but also in the colors of the Shield and Zionist star in the Arms of Zagreb (Croatian capital). Note the Gareb-like ZaGREB, for that was one good reason that I traced (years ago) Serbs and Croatians (= KREVati) to "Gareb."

The German (Austria) Garb surname uses stars and a garb in the colors of the Karlovac / Zagreb star. The Garb stars are the Bauer stars, I'm sure.

From the last update: "the Deiss(bach) Coat (Switzerland) is a bend in colors reversed from the bend of the Gripps/Grabners/Grabbers (Austria)..." That looks like a Gareb merger with the Deissen line that Andechs had allied with.

With KARlovac being not far from historic Carinthia (ruled by Estes), one could get the impression that the Carl / Charles names were from Carinthian elements, which, on account of neighboring Lika seem to trace to Carians. Reminder: Kos was in the Carian theater while Serbia's KOSovo traced solidly (in the second update this month) to "Kos." Miletus on the Carian Coast near Kos smacks of "Milo," meaning "apple" in Greek, while the French call an apple, "pome," meaning that the Carl-Coat POMEgranate may trace "Carl" to Carians of Miletus.

This is the place to mention the sleeping lunar crescent and six-pointed star of Kissingers. Their stars are in the colors of the Karlovac and Zagreb stars. The sleeping moon traces to the sleeping myth character (Endymion), lover of the moon goddess at Latmus = Miletus. Kissingers were first found in Saxony, and then the Hare-related German Fishers/Fisches (first found in Saxony) use a "Treu" motto term while entering "True" gets the German Zachreiss/Zecrest surname. Sax elements are suspect as Essenes, and then the Essene-suspect Homes/Humes use a motto, "True to the End," while English Fishers use "Respice finem," translated as "Regard the end." Why so many END themes, in the same pack of bloodlines, while Kissingers trace to "ENDymion"? It's because your world rulers have been tracing themselves to pagan heroes since the days that they started to war against your Creator, and because they love the fruits of satan in all his worldly pomp. And they come from Amorite Zion and mount Gareb while hoping to disguise themselves as holy Israelites so that you might serve them too, in a global busy-ness leading to satan's satisfaction. But there is no one in this world so poor as satan.

The Garbee variation of the Garbs suggests Harbiye, the city that was later Antioch, the city that founded Sulcis = Sant-Antioco, the place that founded the Andechs, the part-Merovingians who ruled at Carolingian-related Karlovac and surroundings, even down to the ancestors of those who created the American flag. And they were from Sarpedon of Crete, founder of Miletus, the city that founded the Irish and Scots, who in turn gave Thomas Jefferson his ideas on the American Constitution.

Here's a page with a map of the Sava river. You can see its source at the Austrian border (at Carinthia), and because it doesn't seem to flow at all in Austria, I stand corrected from the times where I located the river in Austria based on the Saier/Sauer write-up tracing the clan to that river while saying that they were first found in Austria. It should also be clarified that while a Lesce location is at Belgrade, the Serbian capital, where the Sava flows through, there is another Lesce location (Slovenia) at the Sava-source area: "The Sava is created by two headwaters, Sava Dolinka (left) and Sava Bohinjka (right) which join between the Slovenian towns of Lesce and Radovljica."

If Leslies were Essenes, and Lesce the city named by them, then it makes sense for Lesce to be in Serbia where Essenes were from Kos, for there is a Serbian Kosovo entity that has already traced well to Kos. The son of Merops of Kos, PanDAREUS, was traced to DARdanus, and Kosovo is from Dardania. Pandareus was made the the father of Essene-suspect Aedon. Kosovo is close to Butua's Boiotians. Here's the Arms of Kosovo, showing stars that may link to those of the United States and the EU.

The Szapary Factor

After writing all the above, and finishing yesterday, some emails were opened starting with one from JS sending in this Arms of Szapary showing a woman with scimitar (rounded sword) in hand, which I thought to be coincidental with the scimitar topic above, that of the Kyle link to the Arms of Carlovac [it turns out below, to my great surprise anyway, that Szaparys link to the Karlovac theater]. As you can see, there is a gold Zionist star on blue, same as on the Arms of Karlovac. JS did NOT know what I was writing on in this update, and Karlovac was not a topic in the last update (JS sent in the email as per its roses on stems).

Along with the Arms above, JS sent in this alternative Szapary / Szafary Arms. I wrote back telling that the scarlet color of the band around her waist impressed me as the Revelation woman, Ishtar, and that Histria came to mind. That was said confidently because there is an eight-pointed star in one of the Arms (an ancient symbol of Ishtar). But why a black star and crescent, so Illuminati-like? I noted that "Szafary" was like the Saver surname mentioned above, which added to my suspicions that the Szapary bloodline should trace to the Sava area, especially as I typically include the Safers/Savarys in with talk on Savers-et-al. But I have also lumped "Sforza" in with those surnames, and so compare the term with "Szafary." [In the next update, when a cascade of revelations takes place on Covert links to Nazis in the Fussen area, the Sforza lion and Visconti snake will, apparently, appear in the arms of DACHau! I didn't know this until this Szapary section was written; it was part of the investigation on the Covert trace to Kaufbeuren]. I recalled that I had traced (with good argumentation) the gold Sforza lion to the lion of Irish Leslies. Didn't I just finish discussing the Leslie trace to the Karlovac theater? I even recall that a Kyle Society webpage showed a gold lion, and Kyles do use a snake.

While seeking the update(s) where I had traced the Leslie lion to Sforzas, I came first to the 3rd update in September, 2011, where the Szekelys (proto-Hungarians on the Mures) were part of the discussion:

The Sforza lion holds a so-called "quince" [a flower], and then the Quince Coat uses seven mascles in the same colors as the seven mascles of the Romer Coat (Lincolnshire). This is being repeated due to another revelation being born before our gawking eye, for the German Romers use a sun, the symbol of the Szekely flag...i.e. of the Szekely clans of Transylvania, now ROMANia. As I claim that mascles are code for the Meschin/Masculine bloodline, what about the pine cone of the German Romers, used also by the Maskaly/Maschi surname, first found in Romer-like Rimini??? [Sforzas were first found in Rome]

...The Severs/Savers were first found in Essex, where the Blackamores [note MORES because Szekelys were on the Mures] were first found...The Sever/Saver surname enters the discussion as per Innes elements [of Moray]. It's in Save colors, a clan that I trace both to the Save/Sava river and Savona, the Ligurian capital. Entering "Savona" brings up the French Savard surname with Savary (heron) and Savarie variations.

It's then suspicious that a Sever/Saver [this is the same as what I call Saver/Saviour above] variation is "Sceviour," not far off from "Schubert." This wouldn't have been mentioned on that similarity alone, but as Schuberts come up when entering "Schuckert," what about the fact that Shucks and English Savonas both use pierced white stars ("mullets") on black??? It's the Shucks who use a blackamoor, suggesting strongly that Schuckerts/Schuberts were related to Severs/Sceviours (because the latter and the Blackamores were first found in Essex).

But I'm not prepared to trace "Schub(ert)" to "Savona" or "Sabine" because I was convinced already that "Schubert" and "Schu(c)h" are versions of "Schoe(field)/Schole(field)" and from "Eschol." To complicate the matter, or to add a key for an ultimate solution -- however it may strike you -- the Savone/Saffin Coat uses white crescents too, and they are on blue like the Szekely-flag crescent.

I have many comments on that piece alone. There we see white crescents, for starters, a symbol of the Szaparys/Szafarys. Here in this Arms of Szekely we see an odd eight-pointed star beside the white-on-blue crescent; it smacks of historical witchcraft, and of Ishtar worshiped by witches.

Next point: the BlackaMORES and the Szafary-suspect Savers were both first found in Essex, the location of COLchester (where king Cole ruled) to which Kyles trace their surname. The term "Illuminati" was found (by me) on the Kyle-Society website, and then Kyles use black candles as an Illuminati-suspect symbol. I failed to mention earlier that Gores, who traced well to the Karlovac theater, were first found in Essex so as to be link-able to the Kyle/Cole bloodline there. In fact, in many cases, 'l' terms become 'r' terms so that "Gore/Core" and "Cole" could have been equivalent (essentially). The point is, Kyles and Gores traced to the Sava / Karlovac theater so that Szafarys and Savers should too. You get it: Szafarys appear named after the Sava, wherefore Sforzas ought to have been too. That's not surprising (i.e. since Sforzas were first found in Rome) when we know that the Kyles trace to the Kolapis tributary of the Sava where proto-Roman Japodes had lived. [I've longed traced the Sava term to Sabine/Safina (and swan-Savona) elements whom I trace confidently to the Suebi known to have named Swabia, where Kaufbeuren is located (near the Schwan entities of Fussen).]

As Savarys/Saverys use a heron, it recalls that the Heron-Crest pelican-on-nest was traced to the same of Pottens and therefore to Zinzendorf's Pottendorf, while "Taber / "Tabor(ite)" smacks of "Savar/Saver" (Herons are also "Haveron," which may somehow apply to "Saver," in which case I'd serious consider tracing Eleazar Avaran Maccabee to Savar / Sforza / Szafary elements). As Saver-suspect Sforzas were first found in Rome, where the Tiber river flows, it seems to speak for itself in identifying Tabors from the Tiber, a river named after Tiberius elements...which many historians trace to "Tubal." As I link Eleazar's bloodline to that of Ananias, and as the new theory as of this update is that Ananias traces to proto-Khazars, whom were tentatively identified above as Caseys, though especially the French Caseys of Ile-de-France, by what cosmic coincidence does the heron in the Savar/Saver Coat hold the same branch as solely used by French Caseys???

Next point: the Szekely (= Khazars) and Savona/Saffin white-on-blue crescent is used by BLACKwoods, and it just so happens that while Nicholas de Vere (an advocate/protector of historical witchcraft in his own family) traced a Ralph and Thomas deVere to Blackwood in Lanarkshire, I traced them further to the earldom of Moray...which place I trace to the Mures in Transylvania. Nicholas de Vere has on online book: "From Tunbridge Wells to Transylvania"; it is in that book where he traces Veres to Blackwood. Blackwoods were first found in the same (Ayrshire) place as Kyles and their Kyle location.

Note the gold-on-blue stars in the Blackwood Coat, for that's the color of the eight-pointed stars in the Arms of Szekely (not to re-mention the colors of the Zionist star in the Arms of Karlovac). The Scottish Mores/Moors use the same-colored stars, and so when we combine "Blackamoor" to my claim that Vere-Masseys of Blackwood led to Thomas Randolph, first earl of Moray, we have symmetry. We even see a mascle in the Blackwood Coat, and the mascle is on the same fesse as used by Massey-related Bellamys. The Arms of Thomas Randolph use red-on-gold diamonds, colors reversed to the Quince mascles (= hollow diamonds).

The Quince/Quincy write-up traces to Saer de Quincy, smacking of the Saiers/Sauers named after the Sava. We saw that Quincys were linked to Maschis of Rimini, while Veres and Masseys had become one. It behooves (don't you just love that old word), as per the trace of Rimmon to Romans, to show the map of Galilee again, with ENDor not far south of Rimmon. It evokes the End-and-ENDymion topic above, the moon cult at Latmus, the area founded by Sarpedon whom I trace to Croatians and Serbs. I'm still assuming that ISHTAR/ASHTARte was worshiped at ESDRaelon, smack at Endor, and we can thereby easily see how a star or aster (sounds like "Ishtar/Ashtarte") and a moon could have become together one symbol of witchcraft. Ishtar must certainly trace to Rome from Histria (around the Veneti corner from Rimini), and that should explain why Szafarys (suspect from the Sforza / Quince bloodline from the Sava) use the Ishtar star and crescent.

We see the Nain location beside Esdraelon and Endor, and because the Illuminati likes to use checks, see the Belgian Nain Coat filled with checks. We will shortly see a Coat filled with black-and-white checks as per a Tim email.

Still on the map above, note Jiphtha at Rimmon, for it smacks of proto-Jupiter and therefore the Japodes. As Rimini is just around the Veneti corner from the Japodes, who lived at Histria, it's making sense to trace the latter to "Esdraelon." To the north of the Japodes were the Latovici, smacking of the Latmus location to which I now trace Endor. The "end" themes/terms are used by Essene-suspect clans. I've just realized that "Jiphtha" smacks of "Gypsy," while some Gypsies are called, Roma. More: I now note Cubul to the north side of Jiphtha, for it is a term that can furnish "Kupa."

"Cubul" is not unlike the terms to which I'm now tracing Habsburgs. Note that the crosslet types used by Gores are used by Cobbles/CubbelDIKs, and that all of the shown variations end with Dick/Dyke-like terms, for I've just finished tracing Gores to Gorski, the place ruled by Dyke-suspect Andechs. AND ZOWIE, the Rome-suspect Cobbles/Cubbeldiks were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Romers (!) who use the mascles that I trace to Maschis of Rimini! Let's not forget that the pine cone of the Maschis/Masskalis was used by Dionysus and his witchy Maenads, for Dionysus traces to Nazareth.

After writing the paragraph above, the Gobel surname was entered recalling that it was traced, because it uses the Masci wing design around a Macey chevron, to "Goplo" in Poland, the origin of the Mieszko / Piast royals...whom I trace to the Maezaei near the Japodes, and to the Bistue location on the Urbanus river where Maezaei lived. We thereby glean that Maschis of Rimini were from these Maezaei, perhaps even from LatMUS Carians. English Gobels/Gobbles (suspect from Cubul beside Rimmon and Jiphtha) listed with the Goodbolts/Gobats were first found in the same place (Essex) as Gores.

The Jeff Coat (upright Levi / Capua lion?) was loaded to check for links to "Jiphtha," but I decided to say nothing about it...until getting to the Masci wing of Gobels, for Heres and Herzogs use the Masci wing design too, while Jeffs were first found in Herefordshire. In this picture, Jeffersons may trace to the Jiphtha > Jupiter line. After all, the Sava-suspect Savages use the same lion as Jeffs, and French SAUvages were first found in the same place (Champagne) as the Gobels who use the Masci wing, and moreover both English Savages and Masseys/Maceys were found in Cheshire.

It could be added here that the Capuas (black-on-white lion too, as with the Jeffs / Savage lion) were first found in Naples, close to Campania that traces to "Champagne." In my current opinion, the Capuas/Caputos are suspect as a proto-Caiaphas line..which gets very important when we find below that Szaparys were Khazars on the Mures, for it was just in this update that proto-Khazars started coming up as the proto-Ananias line. As I'm seeking proto-Khazars in Cass-like terms, let me repeat that French Casa/Caseys/Cazalins were first found in the same place (Ile-de-France, PARIS) as Caiaphas-suspect Chappes'.

[Insert -- Spanish Casas use the German Cassel castle (used also my Martel-related Martins who should link to the Caputa-like Capetian dynasty that followed the CAROLingian dynasty named after Charles Martel, whose bloodline is possibly honored in the Charles II who named Karlovac." Italian Casas/Casels use the Italian Marina "wave" symbol, and were first found in Lombardy...meaning that they may link to the Merania elements (e.g. Merano, in the Brenner Pass to Lombardy) of Estes / Andechs.

I can't get into it all here, but MontMORENCYs were traced solidly to Drummond-related Damorys/Amorys (blue dog), while both they and Spanish Marinas/Marins use the Drummond waves. The point is to say that Morencys were first found in Ile-de-France, tending to trace these Merano-suspect clans to the Caiaphas line of Paris, where Lys' were first found who trace to the Laus location of Saracas, the entity that the Merania-Andechs were just found related to. Furthermore, I've just found that the MERAN/Marin Coat is identical to the Morency Coat, and this very cross is scheduled to be discussed later as per an email from GD.

Amazingly, as per Tim's new topic, the Este-related Pepoli surname of Bologna -- where the Ananias and Caiaphas lines are suspect from -- I now find that the Bassetts use a "Populo" motto term. The Bassets were re-loaded just now because it's known that the Damory waves are the Bassett waves. Bissets not only use a tree stump, but the Save bend, which I now say confidently because of the Bistue location at the Sava theater!!! It tends to trace Bassets, and therefore the Merania-suspect Damorys et-al, to the Sava theater.

Bissets were first found in the same place (Ross-shore) as Scottish Pattersons, and as I view Patricks and related Pattersons as Butteri, it should be added that the Bisset bend is also that of Italian Botters. Moreover, English Botters were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as the Merania-suspect Merans/Marins! The entry of Pattersons here is significant because I've been tracing the Cassanes, the alternative surname listed in the Irish-Patterson page, to the Cass/Cash surname that was suspect above with the proto-Khazars of the Ananias line. It jibes very well with my previous suspicions that the chief priests of Israel had been from Roman Patricians of the Botter kind in the veins of Pontius' Pilate and/or Valerius Gratus. Keep this in mind when we see below the Szaparys married to the line of Windisch-Gratz, for I trace Valerius Gratus (Roman governor of Judea immediately before Pilate) to Gratz-like surnames.

Where was I? Oh, yes, the Jeffs, Jiphtha > Japodes, and Kubul-suspect Gobels. Let's not forget here that in Goplo mythology, the Mouse Tower at Goplo (Poland) had belonged at first to a Pepin-suspect character: Popiel. He smacks of Tim's new topic, the Pepolis, and of the Bassett motto term. THIS IS EXCELLENT because it verifies that "Piast" traces to "Bistue," not just because Bissets seem to be Bassetts, but because it was the Piasts who took over rule at Goplo after Popiel was put down.

I am simply amazed that the Gobel topic took a turn to the other topics above while leading to Bassetts and Bistue, for it just so happens that Pepins use a camel in Crest, which was the very topic sitting below before this insert was conceived. End insert]

As the Kyle-branch Coles (use "serva") are tracing to Servitium (near the junction of the Sava with the Urbanus), and as "Cole" seems to be play on the COLapis river of the Japodes, let me repeat that Hares were first found in the same place as Kyles. Italian Gobels use a camel, smacking of Camulodunum = Colchester. It should also be said that some 'b' terms have been historically interchangeable with 'm' terms so that "Cubul" could morph into/from Camel-like terms. In that picture, I'd be tempted to identify Cubul with Kemuel, son of Nahor. This has the potential to trace a Kemuel line to the Kupa river, if "Kupa" is from "Cubul," making sense where the Kupa traces to Camulodunum. If this is correct, Jupiter looks linked to Kemuel-branch Nahorites.

It's a good theory because I trace Buz, son of Nahor, to the Bush bloodline, while Bush's and Bos'/Boschs use a white-on-blue fleur de lys. German Gobels use white-on-blue fish and a white-on-blue fleur-de-lys. Reminder: the Bus and Camel-suspect HAMELtons both use the same cinquefoil. Reminder: Campbells/CAMMELLs were first found in the same place, generally, as Camulodunum-related Kyles and Mackies/Mackeys, while the latter use a raven, important because Kemuel-suspect Eumelos was the raven symbol of Kos...offshore of Caria / Latmus. Do we see symmetry here?

Where was I? Oh, yes, on the Szapary / Szafary bloodline. I had said all the above on that topic to set up the quote below, though I stress that I said / thought all the above before finding the quote:

Count Frigyes Szapary de Szapar, MURASzombat [caps mine to emphasize Mures-like term] et Szcehy-Sziget [smacks of Szkeleys at the Mures]...was an Austro-Hungarian [Szekelys claim to be directly ancestral to Hungarians] diplomat of Hungarian origin serving as Ambassador at St. Petersburg at the outbreak of World War I and who played a key role during the July Crisis of 1914.

Born in Budapest on 15 November 1869 into a prominent Hungarian noble family as the second son of Laszlo [smacks of Leslies] (1831-1883), an Austro-Hungarian general who had played a leading role in the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1878 [that was a mind-blaster after having suspected Szaparys in the Karlovac theater], and his wife Marianne (nee Grafin von Grunne). He was also a cousin of Count Gyula Szapary [Gyula's were Khazars on the Mures!], a Prime Minister of Hungary from 1890 to 1892.

...Following studies in law, Count Szapary joined the Austro-Hungarian foreign service and began his diplomatic career in 1895 as an attaché in Rome [where Szafary-like Sforzas were first found], followed by postings in Berlin in 1899 and Munich in 1903 [where Nazis arose]...

Again, Savers/Saviours and BlackaMOREs were first found in Essex, where so many of the Karlovac / Sava lines had traced just before JS sent in of the Szaparys / Szafarys. As English Savarys use a heron, let's talk again on the Irish Heron Coat using the same pelican-on-nest design as Pottens/Potingers first found in Berkshire, where the Gore-related Windsors were first found. Count Frigyes Szapary married WINDisch-Gratz. As Pottens were traced not at all badly to Pottendorf, location of the Maximilian-rooted Zinzendorf, what about the fact that count Szapary was preceded as foreign minister by Maximilian Freiherr von Gagern?

[Insert -- In the next update, the Covert investigation is much at Allgau, which at first glace (I've only started to investigate) looks to be the Hall / Hill bloodline heavily in Lincolnshire as the Hollands. I've just noted that the Saver Coat, if the blue vair is removed from the fesse, is the fesse of the Saver-like COVERts (I hold different theories on the origin of "Cover", one of which is in "Over," a term to be found in the Kaufbeuren investigation smack at Allgau). As the Saver heron is being identified with the Heron/Haveran/Heffron surname, note how "Heffron" can become "Koffert." It may therefore be that Haverans/Heffrons (smacks of Hebrons/Hepburns) lost their capital 'S', in which case "Haveron" would have been "SHAVERon," smacking of the Shaves/Sheaves/Chiapponis to which I've traced "Caiaphas." A good point here is that I've repeatedly claimed that Coverts/Cofferts trace to "Caiaphas," very important if true that "Haveran" traces to Eleazar Avaran Maccabee. If it traces Eleazar to the Shave bloodline, it works great.

The above is the first time, I think, that its dawned on me that Haverans/Heffrons, and therefore "Shaves," were from "Hebron." It works well where Shaves were first found in ABRUzzo.

Not only is the rare Holland lion design that of the Evens/Ivans (Essene-suspect "NumQUAM" motto term, first found in Edom-suspect DUMbartonshire), but Evens/Ivans use an upright lion in the colors of the Sforza lion, which is also the colors of the Pharisee-suspect Ferraris. (the progenitor of Norwegian Hallands was an Ivan).

I take special note of the Evance variation of the Evan/Ivan clan because I'm confident that the Shurbook bend is that of the Vance bend while Shurbooks smacks of "Surboook" whom Cathian Covert apparently married. Remember, Coverts are now suspect at Kyburg in Surbrook-like Zurich. In the Kaufbeuren investigation, it turns out that neighboring Landsberg traces to the Landons (= Pepin ancestry) and to another gonfanon, important because I traced Coverts in this update to the gonfanon bloodline of that very Kaufbeuren theater before I knew of Kaufbeuren. The point here is that the Vance Crest is the Pepin horse head, suggesting that Vances, and therefore Evans/Ivans/Evances, may trace to Zurich along with Shurbrooks. Anything that links to Zurich in this investigation is Hitler-surname suspect, which is tending to trace the chief priests of Israel to the Hitler surname.

Evens/Ivans use the same Shield as Ananias-suspect Hanans and German Manns/Manners (Levi lion and Sava-suspect savage with apron / loincloth). Forgive for repeating that again, but English Herons were first found in the same place as English Maness'/Manners, and Cathian apparently married a Maness, the point in repeating that being the "Pour y" and "par" terms used in the Maness motto, for Herons use "per" and DesPERandum." I am sure that these terms are code for the Pears/Pearls of Oxfordshire (and Purys of Oxfordshire), who use the Covert leopard head, as well as the Abbott Shield. The Abbotts (Oxfordshire too) even use pears, and in the next update we will find an Abbott entity smack in the Kaufbeuren investigation, important because Cathian's husband with a Dein surname had a mother with Abbot(t) maiden name.

It all convinces me that the string of Revelations starting early in this year and continuing to this very Szapary tip, so timely, have been Intended (by God) for the Covert-related topic in the next update. I'm going to be vindicated for ever linking Coverts to Nazis at the cost of offending Cathian and her ex-husband(s). I am already vindicated if the Arms of Zurich are the makings of the Hitler Shield, or vice versa. I think we are about to enter the Nazi coven. End insert]

Before seeing the count-Szapary article above, I had traced the Szapary Arms somewhat to Karlovac elements. I now find:

The House of Windisch-Graetz...was a princely family in the Austrian Empire, serving the Habsburg dynasty. The name derives from the town of Windischgratz in the Duchy of Styria, which is today Slovenj Gradec in the Carinthia region of Slovenia [Karlovac is immediately south of tiny Slovenia]. According to the Almanach de Gotha, the family was first recorded in 1242.

Alfred Candidus Ferdinand zu Windisch-Graetz was elevated to the rank of Imperial Prince in 1804 [not too shabby by worldly standards]. The Holy Roman Empire having been abolished, he and his brother Veriand were both created Princes of the Austrian Empire in 1822...

Great Britain's Princess Michael of Kent is descended from this family through her maternal grandmother, while her husband, Prince Michael of Kent, is a first cousin once removed of HIRH Archduchess Sophie, Princess of Windisch-Graetz.

Here's the French (Provence) Gratz/Grass Coat, a lion wearing a crown (not allowed unless the family had royalty). Vallerys (i.e. as per Valerius Gratus) were first found in neighboring Dauphine, and they use the Payen chevron in colors reversed because Payens were likewise first found in Dauphine. Payens use the same Zionist-star (or hexagram) colors as the Zionist star in the Arms of Karlovac. I suspected, even before learning that Hugh de Payen married a Chappes, that Payens were themselves from Israel's chief priests.

In the Arms of Windisch-Gratz presented at the page below, see the white-on-red gonfanon, now in the white color of the Masonic apron [in the Kaufbeuren investigation, it was found that the gonfanon was the Arms of Montforts, and Montforts use a lion in white-on-red]. There's a fish at the center of the Arms using the gonfanon. In the same Arms, there a black-on-white bend used by Sales [Montforte / Montferrat is in the Saluzzo theater], but also by Avaran-suspect Evers and Hanans. I'm sure that the Windisch-Gratz bend is that of the Sale bloodline because the alternative symbol to the bend is a white-on-black chevron, the symbol of Pendragons who use the Sale fleur-de-lys on their chevron (because the Pendragon helmet traces to Helms who use the Sale pheon...a symbol of the Pilates). The mythical name, UTHER Pendragon, has already traced well to the Other surname (Lombards) at the root of the WINDsors, you see.

Pilates were first found in the Dauphine theater, where Vallerys and Payens were first found, and then Dauphine uses dolphins, as do Tippers (first found in same place as Payen-suspect PENdragons) that are represented in the Pendragon motto term, "teipsum." Pheons are used even by the Tipps'/Tippens with several PEN-like endings. The Herons/Haverans and Pottens/Potingers, who use the same pelican design -- seem also in the Arthur Crest -- both use "ardua" in their motto. It all traces well to Lusatia, the area where Wends lived that I see in Windsors, where Zinzendorf of Pottendorf was born; recall that Taberite-suspect Tobers/Taupfers are like "topf/teopfer" = pot/potter [a Tober location was found in the Kaufbeuren investigation].

Hmm, as Zinzendorf was born in DRESdan, which I traced to the dress of the German Tabers, by what coincidence does the other woman, in the Szapary Arms, also wear a dress (I suppose it can be viewed as a dress), though the larger point is the similarity between "Tabor" and "Szapar." Compare the wing in the Taber Crest with the one in the Irish Leslie Crest, for it tends to trace Tabers to Leslies of the Sava. Did we see Sava elements tracing to Essex (location of Colchester)? Entering "Tabar" (i.e. more like "Szapary") gets English Tabors/Tabers (same chevron as Payens) first found in Essex. It was the Gores of Essex that use "Sola salus servire," and now the Tabers of Essex likewise show "Sola."

Gores (aside from their Windsor crosslets) use a white wolf, the symbol in the Arms of Windisch-Gratz that comes in the quartered Shield with the chevron of the Pendragon bloodline (i.e. not necessarily the chevron of Pendragons-proper directly). This page describing the Arms of Windisch-Gratz says that the chevron belongs directly to Wolfsthal, and that the bend belongs to Schalleck (close enough to "Sale"). Wolfsthal is in extreme eastern Austria (close to Pottendorf), beside Pottenburg! On this map of Lower Austria, Pottendorf is in Baden, and Wolfsthal is in neighboring Bruck an der Leitha, smacking of mythical Leto the wolf line.

The Shield of the Wolfthal-suspect Gores, by the way, is a gold-on-red fesse, not a far cry from the white-on-red fesse that is the Arms of Austria. It may reveal that a gold-on-red fesse is an official Austria-related entity. Ask if "WolfTHAL" relates to German Talls/Thalls and/or "Thule," which is even more interesting where the blue wolf is a symbol traced by others to Hun elements while "Thule" may be from the house of "Dulo."

It just so happens that the Wolfs Coat (comes up also as "Welf") is in Gore-Coat colors. It may suggest that Gores were in the Merania-Andechs thick of things (i.e. in Gorski) because Gores were of the Welf-branch Estes. In fact, as I see the white-on-blue wolf of Hugh Lupus D'Avranches as the Este-color wolf, note that Wolfs/Welfs (use Clapton wolf design) were first found in Cheshire (where Hugh ruled). Moreover, I've just noted that the Arms of Lower Austria are gold-on-blue eagles, reflecting the white-on-blue Este / Andechs / Merania eagle.

It must be coincidental that "Bruck" smacks of "Barack" while Obama's mother was from the Wolflin > Wolfley bloodline (from Orsingen, Baden, Germany). Still, this is a good time to mention English Wolfleys (Cheshire) with blue wolves, the colors of the wolves of German Wolfs'. The latter Wolfs' write-up: "First found in the Rhineland...Chronicles mention Nivelung Wolf of Cologne as early as 1135, and Elbel Wolf of Bruenn in Moravia in 1365, showing the gradual eastward movement of the branches." "Bruenn in Moravia" smacks of the Bohemian-suspect Brenner Pass, where Moravian-suspect Meran(o) is located, and then German Wolfs' use a "praemium" motto term smacking of the Primes as well as the Primmer variation of Bren / Brenner bloodline.

As the Brenner Pass goes to white-on-green Lombardy, what about the white-on-green Dutch Wolfs surname, or the white-on-green in the Wolfley Coat??? Just who are these wolves who want to rob us with the excuse of global warming? Do they like the "green" term for the color of their Lombardy bloodline? Are Windsors in the green movement?

All of these wolf lines appear related. The blue wolf design of German-Wolfs Crest is an upright version of Wolfleys wolf. The blue wolves in the Coat of Geman Wolfs' is that also of Flemings, first found in Lower Saxony, where a Wolfsburg is situated. The Arms of Wolfsburg uses a gold-on-red wolf, the colors of the Cheshire Welfs/Wolfs whom are, in their write-up, traced to Hugh Lupus.

AHA-HA-HA! The son of Hugh Lupus has his personal Arms at his Wikipedia article, showing, not just a white-on-red wolf, but the Gore / Windsor crosslets! This comes immediately after the green question above, I kid thee not.

The Gore-suspect Wolfs of Cheshire use the same wolf design as Claptons (Cheshire too), and then the Clapton wolf is partly blue.

Recalling that this topic was kicked off by the Windisch-Gratz bloodline that made it big in the Masonic bastion of Kent, it recalls that I suggestively traced ORSingen to mythical Horsa, a founder of Kent. Both Kent and Lower Saxony use a white-on-red upright horse, the color of the wolf used by Hugh Lupus' son who just traced to Wolfburg in Lower Austria.

As it seems that Welfs are tracing to Saxony, note the clubs / clovers in the Arms of Saxony, for I identify "clover" with "Clovis," and "club" with "Clopton/Clapton." Yes, I did trace the Estes to Merovingians, wherefore the older house of Welf-Este should trace to Merovingians too. The Arms of Szapary use the clubs in a deck of cards.

Also note that the flag of Saxony, split in white and green, is identical to the flag of Styria in Austria. The Styria flag has a white-on-green panther shooting flames as likely code for the Flemings. The Arms of Graz use the Styria panther with even more flames, and perhaps this is the place that named Windsich-Gratz. After all, Windischgraz, the town, is in the Lower Styria area (albeit in Slovenia just outside the Austrian border).

Interesting here is that the German Manners were first found in Styria, while the loincloth worn by their savage is in the two colors of Styria. It could be that any surname displaying the savage is a surname tracing to the reasons for Styria's colors, used also by the Humes that I trace to Essenes...who are the very peoples to which I trace the heraldic loincloth. The savage is swinging...a club!!!

ZOWIE, I was just going to link "Styria" to the Arms of Szapary based on the similarity between "Ishtar" and "Styria," when "Styre" was entered to find the Stowers/Sturs of Hampshire, who are related to the French Esturmys/Esturs/ESTERmeyers. AND LOOK! Three red roses in the latter's Chief, the symbol in the hand of the woman in the Arms of Szapary that I viewed as Ishtar. Reminder: the Esturmys/Esturs and the Asters/Easters/Isters/E'Sturs were both first found in Tourlaville (Manche), and Astors are thought to be one of the chief 13 Illuminati families.

[As the gonfanon is the Arms of Montforts, note too that Monforte and Montferrat are in ASTI. Asti is in CUNeo, smacking of GONfanon. Maceys trace to Mascis of the Cuneo theater, and the GonFANON was traced to Fains/Vains using the Macey gloves. Masseys/Maceys, first found in Manche with the Asters-et-al, use the colors of Montforts and of the gonfanon of Windisch-Gratz. French Fains were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Gratis-suspect Pilates and Messeys/Messiers, and "Berkshire" (home of Windsors) is suspect from "Burgundy."]

The Merania-suspect Merans/Marins were first found in Hampshire too, along with Illuminati-suspect Drakes, and if you recall, the Meran topic led to Drummond bars of the wavy kind. The Styres/Stowers/Sturs use three bars in the colors of the Drummond bars (though without waves). The Damorys (Oxfordshire) that use a version of Drummond bars use a blue dog in Crest that could link to the blue wolves seen above.

As bars trace to the Berrys/Barrys after whom the heraldic "barry" is named, note that while Berry, France, is at Cher, the Esturmys/Esturs/Sturs (the ones with roses who should link to Szaparys) are from CHERburg. Then, Drummonds were first found in PERTHshire, a place that I've traced to mythical "PERDix," though I also traced Perdix to Berry, a trace having nothing to do with what you are now reading on the Drummond link to Sturs of Cherburg. I traced Perdix to Berry and Cher in-part because the Char(d) coat uses partridges, the ancient symbol of Perdix, and in-part because German Berrys / Barrys use fish, another symbol of Perdix. But then in this update, I think I've found Perdix at Sant'Antioco, the suspected root of the Bar-related Andechs. Barincidence? Don't Bars

I am amazed when more than one emailer sends tips that align with my topics, and with their own emails, even though they don't know what I'm writing on. Last night, when the Szapary email was opened, GD sent in the Turvey Coat for a reason that I could not then understand. She sent it because the three chevrons use vair fur. The Turvey surname is properly Tourville.

How interesting now that I've just traced Szaparys, and the entire wolf topic of Szapary-related Windisch-Graz, to the Esters-et-al of Tourlaville. Moreover, the Szafary-like Savarys use...vair fur! It's like music. No, more like a concert, for the Savary-Crest heron holds the same branch in mouth as the dove holds in the Turvey/Tourville Crest. It's the French Casey/Casa branch. If you don't recall, the Casa topic led to the Damory / Morency / Meran topic.

[As Masseys of the Tourlaville area are now being found merged with Astors, and as the French Casey bloodline is suspect as the ancestry of Ananias/Hanan, let's repeat that the Hanan Shield uses the Massey/Macey Shield. The leaves in the Casey Coat, in the colors of the Masseys, are suspect as code for the Levi, even as the Manner Coat (Astor-suspect Styria) uses the Levi lion design on yet another Massey/Maceys Shield. It's just the Maccabees in your face everywhere you read.]

This would be a good place to remind that the vair fur is used by German PAPPENheims, though they call it "kettle hats." [Pappenheims were of Bavaria, and the Kaufbeuren investigation has found, not only the Pepins of Bavaria, but a dancette in the colors of the Chees/CHEATLEs that should therefore trace to the "KETTLE hats" of Pappenheims.]

I hadn't realized until writing all the above that: "Slovenj Gradec [alternative name of Windisch-Gratz] was established by the Counts of Andechs..." Is that not AMAZING? JS did not know that the Szaparys had married Windisch-Gratz, nor that I would be emphasizing Andechs in this update. It floors me. All I can say is, there is a God who is still concerned with the Illuminati, and so, Illuminatists of the world, you had better succumb your sorry asses before He burns them irreparably.

The article above, which I didn't get to reading until I wrote that Stryia traced to Asters-et-al, says: "The history of the [Windisch-Gratz] town is closely linked to the village of Stari Trg, where a Roman settlement named Colatio..." The Star surname (ESToiles) is in the white-on-green of the Arms of Graz and the Arms of Styria! The Star description: "...a human eye proper between two green lozenges." Sounds about as Bavarian-Illuminatish as one can get.

Burning the Illuminati Baums

Now let me go on to the next story started last week when GD emailed to inquire on the bomb symbol in a surname that I've forgotten. I shared with her at that time the bomb in the Bomm Coat. Then, yesterday, I opened her follow-up, on the Baums. The first thing noted was the black horse head in the Baum Crest, the same as the Estes/Easts used to show. The second thing noted was that I traced the Baums to "Bamberg" many months ago, and that this was verging on Tim's Pepoli topic, for Bamberg was a Babenberg center while Babenbergs were founded by Poppo I.

JS said that the steps (dancetty) in the Baum bend were curious. I saw that the Baum-motto translation includes "steps," and that in the non-English version of the motto, that term was "pas." I knew that the Pass surname was also the Pascal surname (Essex again) using the black Levi lion (it was the fat red Pascel cross that I would find the next day in the Morency and Meran Coats). As she is seriously interested in the Payen / DuPAY bloodline, I wrote back telling that Pascals are likely related to the PAY/Pascel surname, first found in Bologna...where the Pepoli surname was first found and operated with Estes.

At that time, I loaded the Baumgarter Coat, as well as the English Bamburg Coat to find the same fat red-on-white cross as the Pass'/Pascals, suggesting very strongly that "pas"-using Baums were Bamburgs (I did not have this evidence, so far as I recall, when tracing Baums to Bamberg previously). Some caution is called for where the Bamburg surname is shown as Banbury / Bambury, but, still, it's in the colors of the German Bamberg Coat...which is from Bamberg.

The next email opened from GD was on the Loescher surname (I can't recall why she sent it in). It's shown properly as Loose / Loseker, smacking of the Losinj location and the Losse/Lossing surname that she did NOT know I was writing on in this update. So I re-loaded the Lossing Coat to see what it was, and there were fleur-de-lys in the colors of the "Jewish" BAUMgartner Coat! It suggested that Lossings were related to Bamberg, and, indeed, Bamberg is in Bavaria, a place using lozenges (Gartners were first found in Bavaria). I emailed this information to GD, but not before having opened a Tim email on Pepoli that came in 31 minutes before GM's Loescher email:

Hi John...I noticed today 24th May that there was an unusual swarm of minor quakes in northern Italy. Clicking on one of the two largest quakes I noticed it was at a location described as "galeazza pepoli". I had a look more closely and found that it is very near "Ferrara". There is a "Castello di Palata Pepoli" between Modena and Ferrara. I was just wondering if this was a sign of some sort.

The quakes were all within an area of Bologna, Modena, Mantua and Ferrara.

This was on the heels of Tim's important vision of the Pepi bloodline out of very-ancient Egypt that led to the Pepins and revealed some key new ideas. Years ago, I made it a point to report that Pepin- and Babenberg-related surnames from Paphlagonians used black and white in their Coats. I had read in an article that there was a Bilis river in Pamphylia, and another article claimed that PAMphylians were related to Paphlagonians, which is what explained the BAMberg location of Poppo-rooted Babenbergs. I had even found and reported on a Bils Coat using a Shield of nothing but black-and-gold checks, which seemed very Illuminatish to me, especially as Paphlagonian Heneti led to the Veneti amongst whom the Illuminati is thought by many to have its European roots.

Then, yesterday, Tim sends the Pepoli surname that uses nothing but a Shield of black and white checks! And all because of a series of quakes.

The Hohenzollerns use a Shield quartered in black and white, as one can see in this Germo-Austrian Zollern Coat. The same Shield is used by Bamms/Bommelbergs (Baden), who are in the colors of the Bomm bombs. The Bamms/Bommelbergs have variations looking much like "Bamberg." So, there you have the Hohen merger with Babenbergs of Austria in a grenade shell.

Dare we risk looking at the Boom/Beomer Coat? Relax, it's just an oak tree...just like the German Baumgartner/Bomgartner/Bogart Coat.

The Bils surname was first found in Austria, where some Babenbergs hung out their noble laundry. The Bils Crest is that eagle used in the chief of the Italian Fulcos, the basis of the Italian Estes.

Here's what I wrote in the 8th update of April, 2009:

I once found that the Bilis river flowed through Pamphylia, and checking the Bils/Billss Coat...You're not going to believe me. You're going to think I led into the above topic as though faking ignorance to what I've just found. Here's how it happened, I kid you not. I concentrated on the paragraph above for clues, and claiming that Pamphylia led to Bamberg (Germany), I checked for a Bamberg Coat (don't know if I'd ever tried it before), and got two red crescents on white, the exact symbols -- in the same colors -- as on the Blythe Coat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That must have been one very exciting moment. The true father of ex-president Bill Clinton was a Blythe. As Bils were first found in Austria, I now note that the Blythe fesse is colors reversed to fesse that is the Arms of Austria. And Blythes were first found in Berwickshire, of the Bernicians who had a queen Bebba of a Bamburgh Castle, home of British Bebbanburgs. I know when there are a couple too-many coincidences for something not to be true. Bill Clinton was from the Bilis river, that is, and that's probably why he was chosen by the Democrat Rhodians to lead the Western world.

Didn't Billy have something to do with that Croatian / Serbian theater??? Isn't that where I trace Garebites, who use garbs...just like the Blyth fesse!?

Bill even married a Rhodian of the Rodham kind. And Rhodians generally use red and white, as do Blythes (Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar, of a globalist institution founded by the Cecil-Rhodes Illuminati).

Now as Booms are easily linked to Baums et-al, could the Boons/Bones/Bohuns be related so as to trace to Bamberg? Yes they can, according to what has been just found. But then what does this do to my trace of Bones to Bononia? Can I have Bones tracing both to it and to "Bamberg." I don't think so, even if it's true that the Boii founded Bavaria and conquered Bononia. But this doesn't mean that Boons/Bones and Booms/Boemers couldn't have been related to Bamberg elements. Note that "Beomer" smacks of Bohemian-suspects such as Bohmers/Beones/Bohens of Bavaria, or the Boehners/Beoms/Bohems actually said to be from Bohemians.

The lion design in the Boon/Bone/Bohun Crest is the one used by both Garth Coats, and while Booms/Beomers use the BaumGARTNER tree, Garths smack of Gartners. Just like that, we have cause to trace "Boom" to "Boon." The Irish Garth surname is even Grath, smacking of Graz in Styria and therefore potentially linked to Windisch-Gratz.

As the Skull-and-Bones cult must trace to the Skulls who use six lions in the same way as the Boons/Bones/Bohuns, but also because Dutch Bones are in Skull colors, by what coincidence does the Bavarian Gartner surname use a giant SCALLop in Skull-Coat colors? The Habsburg-suspect Capes and Happs/Apps/Abbs use scallops in those colors, and Skulls use a bend in the colors of the fesse that is both the Arms of Austria and the Happ/Apps/Abbs Shield. Can we suppose that "Habs(burg)" is a term to be traced to "Hebron"? After all, Habsburgs are also "HAPsburg" while Hebrons (in Skull and Happs/Abbs colors) are also "HEPburn." And, the Dutch Bone chevron is also the Hebron/Hepburn chevron.

Why is the secretive Republican-elite camp called the Bohemian Grove while Groves use scallops in the colors of the Happs/Apps/Abbs and Capes scallops?

The Schole Shield is filled with black and white checks, almost. They are the colors of the Happ/Apps/Abbs "fusils." It can't be a coincidence that Schole-like Skills (albeit they are shown properly as "Gill") use a Shield filled with diamonds (as do Scholes) and an "In te Domine" motto phrase, the phrase also of the Happs/Apps/Abbs.

Both Skills/Gills and Scholes were first found in were Skelton-like Sheltons. Schells/Shells are in Skull colors and reflect the Skelton Coat which in-turn uses the Bonnie fleur which in-turn uses the Boon/Bone bend in colors reversed. And, of course, Shell Oil Company uses a SCALLop.

The Scholes are "associated with the village of Scholes in the parish of Barwick...", and then the Barwick Coat uses muzzled bears, and was first found in Northumberland, up-way of the Bernicians that had that Bamburgh castle (the present pope's Arms has a saddled bear and the same-colored scallop as Shell Oil). The Rhodian Illuminati was into diamond mining with DeBeers, and the English Beers also use a bear, but also a gold garb, symbol of the Blythes who gave birth to one who would become a Rhodes Scholar.

Why "Scholar" while entering "School" gets the Scholes? Doesn't that tend to link the Schole lozengy Shield to the same-colored checks of the Pepolis? And didn't we just trace the Blythes (first found in bear-depicted BERwickshire) to BAMberg ancestry on the Bilis river of PAMphylians?

Dutch Beers use a black saltire, what I think is the pirate skull-and-crossbone flag in heraldic disguise. The Bliss/Blois Coat is somewhat in Blythe colors, and aside from the vair fur, the Bliss/Blois Shield is the Skull Shield. The English Blois Coat is in Skull colors too, and if that's not enough, the French Blois Coat uses SCALLops, and the cross design of English Boners/Bonnars. There's more scallops in the Irish Boner/Neafsey/Crampsey Chief. Nepher a dull moment here in Pepi Land. The Pepi investigation led smack to...Hebron.

Hmm, as the Starr surname was traced to Austria's Styria, and as the Starr Coat uses what must be the all-seeing-eye, what about that Lewinski scandal when Kenneth Starr looked into prosecuting Bill Clinton but ended up slapping him on the wrist? Was Starr an Illuminatist charged with making it look good?

It's a good thing that there was evidence for a trace of Carinthia to Carians, for to the one side of Carians there lived the Pisidians with a capital of Antalya. Then, "Pamphylia, which corresponds to the modern province of Antalya..." That's how Pamphylians can be related to the Heneti Paphlagonians, for Tantalus, ruler at (H)Eneti, was code for "ANTalya." That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

If you're interested:

The Department of Homeland Security has been forced to release a list of keywords and phrases it uses to monitor social networking sites and online media for signs of terrorist or other threats against the U.S...

Your emails could be read just because you use some of the key words, and that stinks. Or, like the cops who sneak to some porn sites while on duty, there are bound to be government investigators, given the rights to spy on the nation, who sneak some looks at the emails and posts of a neighbor, or a friend at work, or anyone he/she so chooses to snoop on, in the name of suspicion. Once the floodgates are open, and they are already, there won't be any lines anymore.

The world has heard lots of the Milner surname in queries on the British Illuminati. The headline: "Sinister truth about Google spies: Web giant deliberately stole information but executives 'covered it up' for years," is about Google's pillaging of the British peoples' online activities, though hardly anything is being revealed in the article on the details. But, we do get:

...the Google programmer who wrote the Street View software...

Yesterday he was named as Marius Milner, 41, a British software engineer from Hove, East Sussex, who now lives in California. He has pleaded the fifth amendment against self-incrimination and refused to answer investigators' questions.

The Milner wolves were shown in Cheshire's Welf/Wolf Coat.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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