Previous Update: May 1 - 7

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May 8 - 14, 2012

The House of Hussites
Rotten Lumbard and other Dry Trees
Out on a Limbaugh
This Update's a Real Qum-dinger

I've run out of time to quote or comment on the important article below, speaking to an illegal Obama plot in cahoots with Homeland Security. Please read:

The fact that the modern Moravian Church had to discuss whether the ordination of homosexuals is appropriate or Biblical only serves to show the deep hypocrisy in its membership / leadership. Out of 14 votes cast after an investigation outlined at the page below, seven were in favor of homosexual ordination.

Would the co-founder of the Moravian church, Nicolaus Zinzendorf, have approved? I don't know. He apparently had some sexual hang-ups of his own...which I haven't read much about yet. He viewed sex between a man and his wife as a sort of spiritual union typifying the oneness of Christ with God. For this idea as stated here, I'm not opposed. However, I wouldn't carry the comparison into the eroticism zone.

Homosexuality is not merely a sin or a bad-choice event like stealing or assaulting someone, but a condition, an aberration, an illness, an addiction. Homosexuals are dangerous not only because some of them work on making others like themselves (you might not think it's dangerous until your own son becomes one), but because they would like us all to believe that what they do is not ill, not negative, not humiliating, not weird, not sickening. It's one thing to allow a homosexual to sit in the pews of a church, hoping the best for his condition, but quite another to cook up their ordination, against the flow of Scripture, as allowable by Jesus Christ's standards. The dragons of the world are wanting us to move in the direction of "homosexuality is normal," but we must as Christians resist that deception.

This update starts on the Moravian Church and moves in whatever direction it may lead. In this update, I'm like the wind again, not knowing where it's coming from or going:

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania was founded in 1741 by a group of Moravians, members of a church that traces its heritage to pre-Reformation fifteenth-century central Europe. The first Moravians on the North American continent immigrated from their community in Herrnhut, Saxony (Germany) and arrived in Savannah in the new British colony of Georgia in 1735...

...For over one hundred years Bethlehem [Pennsylvania] was exclusively Moravian; however, it was not an isolated community.

It may not be true, as the quote above implies, that the Moravian church was linked to Hussites of the 15th century. What is true is that Zinzendorf, in the 18th century, got his early church to pattern itself after the writings of John Hus(s), which is not the same as the Moravians being a continuation from Hussites...though any Hussites yet remaining may have linked up with the Moravians. Julie must have been excited when relaying this message to me because "Hus" is much like "Essene / Esau." Conspicuously, the Hussites had their own Bethlehem location:

[John] Hus was born in Husinec, Kingdom of Bohemia in 1369...

...In 1400, he was ordained as a priest and became rector of the university in 1402-03. He was appointed a preacher at the newly built Bethlehem chapel around the same time.

As was seen in the last update, there was an 'O' version of "Essenes" reflective of "HUSINec." But this is just a shot in the dark as I start off; I wouldn't identify the location with Essenes based on that similarity alone. However, in recent updates, Saxony has been somewhat suspect as a location founded by Masons who traced themselves to John the Baptist's father (Zechariah), a priest of Israel (of the Abijah sect), and for me that can mean that Masons traced themselves to Essenes (because they lump John the Baptist in with Essenes). I would not tend to think that these Masons loved John the Baptist first, and only afterward took on an Essene vein, but rather I see them tracing to Essenes first, and only afterward do I see a Christianized branch of Masons who took on John the Baptist as though he were an Essene.

As John of Bohemia married an Elizabeth, the name of the wife of Zechariah -- mother and father of John the Baptist -- it became a theory that "Saxony" was named after the elements that had taken Zechariah to themselves. I realize how free-radical such a theory is, but it arose before Julie wrote in implying that I check out the Hussites and the Moravian Church. I now find that Moravians had ended up in Saxony before arriving to the United States. Moreover, as Zechariah's house of Abijah was traced tentatively to the Boii founders of Maccabees, whom I suspect gave the Essenes their priestly nature, it's of course interesting that JOHN Hus was born in Bohemia. I capitalized his fist name because I figure that Christians tracing themselves to the Zechariah > Baptist bloodline would use it.

[Insert -- As you will see, this update leads to the Sava river clans and to the Save surname. The Save surname is then addressed, which happens to be linked to Devors/DAVES, whom I assume are a branch of Tabors / Tabers. I then go one to link the Save and Savage surnames (first found in Burgundy) to mythical Esus. I didn't realize at all how important the Save topic may have been in tracing to the Moravian Church, for I had forgotten the quote above: "The first Moravians on the North American continent immigrated from their community in Herrnhut, Saxony (Germany) and arrived in Savannah in the new British colony of Georgia in 1735..." That quote with "Savannah" was not at all on my mind, and was therefore not the reason for veering into the Sava / Save topic.

The Sava is in the Herzegovina theater, the place to which I confidently trace the Here / Herr surname, and Hereford(shire). But what coincidence were the Moravians in HERRnhut of Saxony? Saxony is partly in Lusatia, home of Sorbs that founded Serbs in the Herzegovina theater. I'll mention below, but will mention it here too, that Essenes had been in Carmel, the ancient area leading to SARPedon of Crete. If there were ancient proto-Essenes by some name leading to Esus, as I've claimed there must have been by following the axe symbol through Crete, then we should expect those Essenes amongst the Sorbs...if correct to trace SARPedon to "Sorb." Suddenly, Julie's long-standing emphasis on Hussites and Moravians is starting to fit my own story, like a large piece in the Masonic puzzle. End Insert]

As Papes/Papenbergs and similar others were a topic in the last update, I thought it surprising to find a Pappenheim speaking with John Hus at the last moments of his life: :

The executioners undressed Hus and tied his hands behind his back with ropes, and bound his neck with a chain to a stake around which wood and straw had been piled up so that it covered him to the neck. At the last moment, the imperial marshal, Von Pappenheim, in the presence of the Count Palatine, asked him to recant and thus save his own life, but Hus declined...

If we're looking for the devil in this picture, our focus should be much more on the Catholic leadership than on Hussites:

...To perform worship without Catholic ceremonies was forbidden absolutely, under pain of death. The members of the church of the Brethren, in Bohemia and Moravia, were forbidden to assemble together. Some of their persecutors proposed imprisonment, and some recommended the punishment of death...

The article mentions the "warlike Taborites," whom some view as the root of the Moravian Church. Taborites (named after Tabor in Bohemia, a stronghold of Hussites) had fought wars along with Hussites for their Christian causes. I'll assume that war was deemed a necessary defence, though I'm uneasy about their decision to use war even as a protective tool. The following should reveal why the Tabor surname was first found in Silesia: "Composed in part of Taborites, with Calixtine priests and even nobles among them, they retired in a numerous body to the neighborhood of Lititz not far from the Silesian mountains." As the Pappenheim bloodline was tracing (in the last update) to the antler symbol of Paphlagonian Heneti, it's surprising to see the single antler in the Tabor Coat. I would trace that antler, perhaps too hastily, to the antler used on the Spree river of Lusatia.

This is not to demonize the Taborites (or to link their true Christian people to those who created heraldry symbols), but to point out that the Saxony / Lusatia theater was home to Heneti s (e.g. the Wends/Vandals) that were the satanic side of things. On the other hand, Rosicrucianism was a Protestant (i.e. anti-Catholic) movement, even using Luther for its cause. One leading Rosicrucian, a Lutheran, was JOHANN(es) Andreae (born in 1586). Here is the Andreae-family Arms, showing two wings in crest with a bear-head shape between them. The Tabor Crest uses two wings in Crest in the same fashion (though without the bear-head shape). As I trace the antlers of the Zahringers and related Veringens to the Spree-river antler, note that Zahringers developed a bear symbol for their Berne location. Moreover, Zahringers and Veringens were stationed in Baden-Wurttemberg, the location of Johann's birth in Herrenberg. (Johann's mother was a Moser surname, in case that becomes important).

Johannes Andreae was born at HERRENberg, smacking of the Moravian location of HERRNhut. The Arms of Herrenberg look like a royal loincloth, same as the Arms of Davor-suspect Auvergne (shown below).

I always trace ROSicrucianism to the Varangian Rus...who may have been a branch of Veringens. After all, the bear symbol of Russia is suspect in the Varangian founders of Moscow. Moreover, the red antler of the Spree river was used by Veringens in particular; Zahringers used a blue antler. Red is the color of Russian Communism, and of Rhodes. The latter is said to be named after roses, and while that's not true, it gave Rosicrucians their central symbol, a blasphemous rose, on a Christian cross, as secret symbol for the gods of Rhodes, the homosexual Galli priesthood otherwise called, Helios.

I've wondered whether information as is found in the article above, speaking in some detail of horrors faced by Protestants from Vatican agents, wasn't fabricated to blacken the Vatican all the more. In any case, I wouldn't oppose the idea that the Revelation harlot had slipped into the Apostle Paul's Roman church to make it the paganized Vatican that it became. Paul would have been horrified. But as I now view the harlot going through the chief priests of Israel, might the Vatican have been largely a product of just that entity? I would guess, yes, with huge ramifications: the secret plot to kill off all true Christians, in the same way that the chief priests of Israel went about persecuting the real Christians, even appealing to Caesar for that task. Paul himself was, at first, one of those Pharisee persecutors.

There's no doubt that the Vatican murdered many Christian leaders, the picture one gets when reading on the cup held by the Revelation harlot. In fact, in the case of Hussites, they were murdered by the Vatican for conducting the Lord's Supper on their own apart from a Catholic priest officiating. The Vatican didn't want Christians even to read the Scriptures, if possible. The Vatican became one of Satan's hardest tools to make his Roman empire conform to the spirit of hypocrisy, the spirit known very well by Israel's chief priests.

Not only were Taborites in Bohemia, but the Moravian Church (not including Zinzendorf) had its roots in Bohemia. It's very conspicuous, having just traced Maccabees to proto-Bohemians. Were not the Maccabees a war-like peoples too? On the page below, which details some Hussite roots with a bias toward Hussites, we find a JAN (same as "John") ROKYcana as leader of the "more conservative Hussites," the Utraquists. It has a Rosy or Rock ring to it. The article says that Taborites and Utraquists were together the root of the Moravian Church, though I take it from the Utraquist article that they were predominantly from the Tabor location.

Can we imagine that Rosicrucians, slippery infiltrators otherwise known as wolves in sheep's clothing, had moved into the Moravian Church? It might explain the Hussite war doctrine, and/or the latter-times of the Moravian church as it adopted homosexual ordination.

At the end of the last update, the Moravian church was introduced with the question of whether it leads to Essenes of the Carmel / Nazareth area. Julie had written in to say that members of the Moravian Church founded Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, but also lived in nearby Nazareth. Yet, she didn't know when sending the original email that the last update would be on the Nazareth-Carmel topic. She had written concerning my previous discussion on Northampton county, where Bethlehem is located. In that discussion, I traced (1st update April) the Cheney surname to the Northampton area, where also George Bush had decided to speak to celebrate Mitt Romney's impending victory in the Republican race. As Bush is/was a Skull-and-Boner, I can't help but think of Bononia, where the Boii had been just before the appearance of Maccabees proper in Israel. But then Romney is a Mormon, and the term smacks of Moravians. Could it be that the Rosicrucians in the Moravian Church led to Mormonism (founded 1830ish)?

[Insert -- Zowie, I had traced "Bononia" to "Bonn," Germany, where the Treveri worshipers of Esus had lived prior to being re-located on the other side of the Rhine.

The paragraph below was written before getting to the Sava / Save topic that caused me to show the Arms of Champagne...because they are the same-colored bend as in the Save Coat. Just compare the Romney Coat with the Arms of Champagne. If nothing more, this tends to trace Romneys to Esus, though I strongly see a Romney trace to Romans of the Butteri-Latin kind...because Botters use the same bend. End Insert]

The Romney Shield looks much like the Bone Shield. Both use a white-on-blue bend with bendlets on either side of the bend. The English Tabor Coat uses lions in the colors of the Bone lions. The Tabor chevron uses red-on-gold leopards, the colors of the lions in the Dutch Bush Coat.

[Insert -- The Bone bend uses gold bendlets, the colors of the Champagne bendlets. It's a good reason to trace the Bones to "Bonn," Germany, one home of the Esus cult. Entering "Bonn" gets a clan (Oxfordshire) that once again (i.e. as with the Bone Coat) uses six lions, three on either side of a bend.

I recall something more than a suggestion for a Tabor - Traby link or equation, and then "Traby" was traced to "Treveri." End Insert]

It just so happens that I've done investigations in the past few months on the Tabor surname. In the last investigation, the Davors were lumped in with Tabors, though I can't recall how hard that link was made. Davors/Daves use stars in the colors of the same of the French Bone Chief. The Davor write-up: "They were first found in the French region of Auvers or Auvers-le-Hamon. The name would have appeared there as D'Auvers, meaning "from Auvers." The Auvers location smacks of Auvergne/Auverne, where Bouillons were first found who must have been named after the Boii of Bononia, for GodFREY de Bouillon (major Templar suspect in Rosicrucian roots) had ancestry in Boulogne, a place in France smacking of "Bologna," the alternative name of Bononia.

Reminder: HUMphreys/HumFREYS are now suspect from "QUMran," and the Humphrey and Bouillon Coats share the same flory cross in the same colors.

The Arms of Auverne look a little like a loincloth, a symbol that Masons may have taken from the Essenes. The heraldic savages shown with loincloths (that I perceive as the ceremonial Masonic apron) must surely link to the Savage surname that was traced to the Sauvigeois peoples of Sauviat-sur-Vige (smacks of "Soviet") in central France, smack beside (or even part of historical) Auvergne! I didn't realize this detail until now.

None of this proves that Davers / D'Auvers" link to "Auvergne," but it's worth delving into the latter for a moment on its own merits. The Arverni Gauls who named or lived at Auvergne had a capital of GERGovia, and then the coin of an Arverni ruler shows his hair with snake-like curls, same as some Parisii coins that alerted me to their Gorgon background (Gorgons of Mysia depicted themselves with snakes for hair). The coin is the image of the ruler, Vercingetorix, whose name smacks a little of "Vering(en)."

The Auvergne surname shows such variations as Dauvern/Davern, and uses a BLUE jay in Crest. Then, the Jay Coat (BLUE griffin in Crest) is a white-on-red bend, the colors of the Skull bend. Both Jays and Skulls were first found in HEREfordshire. A third Coat using a BLUE symbol in Crest is that of the Vere/Dever surname. This shows that Tabors / Devors may all boil down to the Veres, which jibes with such terms as "ArVERNi, "AuVERN," and the VARNi relatives of Angles to which I trace Vere / VARANgian ancestry. The Varni lived in what was later Polabia (far-north Germany), where I had traced Polish Trabys to a Drave river. I've had the sense that both Trabys and Veres will be part of the 666 entity to confound the world.

[The oak tree design in the Verne Coat will be important much later in this update when on tree-suspect Dresdan, birthplace of Zinzendorf. The oak tree will be found in the Moroni Coat when on the Moravian hunt, and so note the Moray-colored stars of the Verne Chief. Also, Moroni's were first found in Verne-like Verona.]

Yet, the city of Verona is in the Bononia theater, where I see Pharisee-lines of other Vere branches. The Verona/Vair/Ver Coat, of a Pharisee-suspect surname first found in Ile-de-France, uses the same-colored chevron as English Tabors...which might prove little in making the link aside from the similarity between "Devor" and "Devere/Vere." The Auvers-le-HAMON location of the Davors/D'Auvers is between Angers/Anjou and Normandy, two places held by Veres. Their Normandy location of Ver is in Manche, the same place as the home of Gorgonic Masseys/Maceys, and then Masseys/Maceys were ruled early in England by HAMON de Massey / Masci / Mascy. Reminder: the Vere and Massey/Macey Shield is used by EVERs and related Hanans, two surnames that I trace to the Maccabee > Ananias line. Moreover, the Auver-like Over surname was first found in Cheshire, where Hamon de Massey's Dunham-Massey location was situated.

The Over bend is colors reversed to the French (Provence) Bonn bend, important because the Bonn bend has red spread eagles on gold, the colors of the Ferte spread eagle (Maceys were from Ferte-Mace). One can sense here that the Bonns were related to the French Masseys/Masse's, first found in Savoy, beside, or including parts of, Provence. It just so happens that the new-shown (as of this past month) Massey/Masse Coat has a tree, while the Treveri, who smack of both "tree" and the Veres, and who shared (or even owned) the tree-stump-depicted Esus cult, lived in Bonn (Germany). The Massey/Masse tree is even said to be "without leaves," as likely code for the Laevi Gauls of Piedmont, where the Mascis were first found. The Skulls are even in the colors of the Masseys, while Meschins use SCALLops.

Recall von Pappenheim, the Vatican's field marshall, for the Pappenheims of Bavaria used the blue "vair" fur, which they call "kettle hats" (no doubt for a kettle-like surname/entity). As Pappenheims are predicted to be Paphlagonian Heneti, Pappenheims are to be expected in the land of the Veneti, where the Verona location sits that I suspect led to the Verona/VAIR surname.

I heard a blue jay this morning while waking up. I know the jay's sound. It's been weeks since hearing a jay around here. It may be evidence that the blue jay of the Devors, found perhaps an hour after hearing the jay, is an emphasis to us from God. The emphasis may be for the Devors, or the Jays who use the same bend as Skulls. I can't find the location of De Gai in Normandy that Jays are said to be from. (I was born on a street called, "St Clair" (rulers of Normandy), and the next address moved to was a road called, Jay.)

The Gay surname (scallops) probably applies, and it's said to be from Gaye in Manche. The Gay chevron is in the colors of the Over bend, and Overs (Cheshire) likely trace to Auvers-le-Hamon, and therefore to the Masseys of Manche and Savoy. In fact, French Gays (Sinclair rooster) were first found in Savoy! AMAZINGLY, GAYS and DEVORS have just been found to be definitely related!!! Those exclamatons are for one of the updates' readers, though I'm not able to reveal the reason publicly. (The round-tailed lion of English Hollands is in the colors of the Dougal lion, and as a Dougal motto ("Buaidh") term smacks of the Boyds of Bute, I'd say that the next president of France is a Stewart / (Du)GLASS bloodliner, same as the bloodline that produced Hitler.)

The Guait variation of French Gays suggests the Gates, who use the round-tailed lion of the Deins and Hollands. Isn't a Hollande surname of France making headlines these days, the next "king" of France? The English Deins above (suspect as Danes as with Sinclairs and Meschins / Masseys) use three crescents in their Chief that are colors reversed from the three crescents in the new Chief of Savoy's Masseys/Masse's. Reminder: the Diens, first found in the same place as Deins, Danes and Danners, use the Masci wing. Does this make Bill and Robert Gates bloodliners of the Massey / Mason kind? Caution. Spyware expected from the people who create Bill Gates' software that virtually everyone online uses.

While Melusine-touting Veres were merged with Stewarts of Bute = Avalon, the Verona/Vair/Ver fish is that of Cadmus in Butua/Budva...the fish that the Vatican may use in it's fish-like papal hats. It's been highly suspect by countless Protestants that the Vatican honors Ishtar secretly, and there may be an Ishtar relationship to the fish-like hats. That is, Butua's Ishtar-suspect Est relatives, of the Este location in the Bononia theater. It's interesting that both Ishtar and fish-tailed Dagon were Amorite entities, while I traced the House of Este to Merovingians. As you must know, Samson was placed by myth writers in the temple of Dagon, and Samson was, in my opinion, the proto-Cadmus cult.

Samson's Dagon elements are important where we're concerned with Skull and Bones, not just because Dagon was in the Ascalon theater, and not just because the Samson surname uses "ESCALLops" that can trace to "ASCALon," but because Amorites didn't live in the Ascalon theater so much as they lived in Hebron, the location of ESCHOL.

EUGANeo (beside Este) was traced to French royals at AACHEN, the location of Carolingian Franks who were empowered by the Pepin Merovingians. That should explain why the new-shown English Este Coat uses the same white-on-black horse heads as the Pepin Coat. Pepins even use "est" in their motto (this is one good reason why the new changes in Coats recently is working to my favor). The horse heads are in the colors of the Pape/Papenberg talbot dogs (used also by Halls), while TailleBOIS'/Talbots trace to Levi-lion-using Tailers/Taylors and to BEE-using Talls/Thals. (Hollands were first found where the Taillebois surname was located.)

The English Est Coat above once used the same horse head design as the Butes/Butts (thus making the Este link to Butua rather solidly, especially as the two Bute/Butt surnames use a fish and estoiles), but someone in the world of heraldry has changed many Coat symbols in the past few weeks. It'll make readers scratch their heads to see that my descriptions don't describe the Coats they see. I can't go back to fix everything in every update (too much work).

To support the trace of "Tabor / Taber" to Veres/DEVERs and therefore to Verona elements, the Bute/Butt chevron is the Tabor/Taber chevron because Tabors/Tabers use "possint" in their motto while Butes/Butts use, "Possunt quia posse videntur." The Verona chevron is in the same colors too, wherefore, in the least, Tabors/Tabers can trace to the Butua fish cult, suspect from the Samson / Dagon Amorites. That's important where Taborites and Moravians merged to form the Moravian Church.

Moreover, it was determined in the last update that the Samson > Cadmus line to Tyre was also in Carmel's Esdraelon valley. It was the theory that Cadmus' sister, Europa, was taken to Crete by the Zeus bull having had a station in the Carmel theater. As the picture of Europa on the Taurus' back smacks of the Revelation harlot, it behooves to identify Europa as the myth writer's term for the Ishtar cult at Tyre, and then "ISHTaR" seemed like the reason for "ESDRaelon" (another name for the valley of Megiddo). When we fast-forward this Armageddon-suspect cult to Butua and its Este allies, where we find Tabers linked to them, it suggests that Tabors trace back to Carmel, exactly what the grape bunch in the German Taber Coat (with an 'e') tells me.

The Pepin camel definitely traces to Camulodunum = Colchester because Pepin-related Estes were first found in Colchester. Therefore, we could expect Pepins at Este, making perfect sense because Este is in the land of the Veneti, where Heneti PAPHagonians settled. In the last update, I started to get the impression that the Pepi Egyptians, to whom I trace the Pepin Merovingians, had been at mount Carmel. Then, as per the Galli trace to "Galilee," it should now be mentioned that I trace "Kyle" and "Cole" to Galli elements of the Gaul / Celt kind. The Celt/Colt/Cult surname was first found in the same place (Perthshire) as the Rollo/Rollock surname, which uses a "posse" motto term that must be evidence for a Rollo link to the similar motto terms of Tabor and Butes. It explains why the stag midway down the Rollo/Rollock page is the design of the stag shown by the Celts/Colts/Cults.

It just so happens that "Rollo" was a version of "Rolph," while Rolphs (and Ralphs) use a raven that traces to Eumelos of Kos (depicted anciently as a raven). I traced "Eumelos" to the Camulos cult for reasons other than what you've read above.

As the Posse Coat uses only suns that don't apply much in this discussion, I was going to pass on speaking to the "posse" and "possunt" motto terms of the Rollo's and Butes. I then reasoned that the "passant" term used in heraldry could apply (no Passant surname comes up), but even after finding that the Passan/Passton Coat uses essentially the Chill/Child Coat, I was going to mention this at another time. Then the Rolph and Ralph surnames were arrived to, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Passans/Passtons. That's why you're reading this.

It's important because the Chills/Childs use the same chevron as Hebrons while the latter were first found in CHILLingham. It's probably important that the Clovis-Merovingians derived from king CHILDeric. In other words, Amorite-suspect Merovingians trace to Amorites of Hebron if the Chill/Child surname was in honor of Childeric, father of Clovis...who loved bees. It's possible that Childeric knew that "Merovee" traced to Amorites of Hebron, but in any case they must have known that they traced to "Merops" of Kos. And that explains why the Rolphs should trace to the Eumelos raven: because camel-using Pepins were fundamental Merovingian elements. With the trace to Kos, suddenly the suns of the Posse Coat apply to neighboring Rhodes...and besides, Rollo RUS trace to Rhodes. "Chill" may even be a version of "Galli."

POSeidon comes to mind with the posse term and surname, whom I trace to Buz, second son of Nahor, born immediately before Kemuel (son of Nahor). As I view the heraldic camel line to be from "Kemuel," note that the Scottish Rolphs were first found in NAIRN. Pisidians lived in the Rhodes theater. (I'm keeping eyes out for how the "water bougets" of the Scottish Rolph Coat may link to the water bougets of the Zacharys/Sacherals.)

Another argument for linking Tabors / Tabers to Veres is that both Rollo's and Veres use a BLUE boar. That blue boar was implied way above when on the blue-jay topic, but now, even the German Taber woman, holding the grape bunch, is dressed in blue. The Tabors/Tabers who use "possint" also use "Soles" as apparent code for Helios. In fact, they use "redire possint," smacking of Redone-suspect lines such as the Redders/Readers, first found in...Norfolk! Both the Tabers/Tabers and Reders/Readers use leopards -- as do the English Rhodes' -- and the Redder/Reader Crest is even a BLUE leopard in keeping with the blue dress of Tabors/Tabers. French Rodes use a trefoil in the colors of the Ralph-of-Norfolk trefoil.

The only reason that Bethlehem in Pennsylvania had become a topic in the 2nd update of March (and re-visited in the 1st update of April) was for seeking Chris Nagle, the employee/owner of Rollock, Inc., which owed property at the faked flight-93 crash site on 9-11. One Chris Nagle was found in Bethlehem. Veres had become part of the Chris Nagle discussion in the March update, and I recall that one or two other surnames were found using the Nagle lozenges. Of special note because I think the Bush-Cheney team was complicit in the 911 plot, Rollos/Rollocks and English Bush's both use black boars, now a potential symbol of Essenes. Reminder: the presidential Bush clan traces to Mormon founders, while Mason-loving Essenes are now suspect in the dragon elements of the Moravian Church-ers at Bethlehem:

German Bush's/Buschs use a white-on-blue fleur-de-lys that I link to the Este eagle in the same colors, and to the Verona fish in the same colors. The Verona = Butua fish was used by Saraca's in Croatia, or the Herzegovina theater, and then more blue symbols are found in the Herzog and Here Crests. They use a blue wing...of the Masci wing design used also by Chaines/Chenays that are trace-able to Pennsylvania's Bucks country near Bethlehem (see 1st update April for details), where George Bush is slated to give Romney his victory speech. I traced Here's and Hereford(shire) solidly to "Herzegovina," and now find that both Jays and Skulls were first found in Herefordshire.

On Nazareth, some super insights:

Nazareth is located seven miles (11 km) northwest of Easton [smacks of the Este surname with East variation], four miles north of Bethlehem and twelve miles northeast of Allentown. It is located in the center of Northampton County, and is part of Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley region [the High/Heye surname was first found in the same place, Buckingham, as the same-colored Cheneys. Northampton county incorporated part of neighboring Bucks county, said to be named after Buckingham].

...The names of other places in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania are similarly inspired, including Bethlehem, Emmaus, Egypt, and Allentown's Jordan Creek...

...William Penn bequeathed this land to his daughter, Letitia, who under colonial law would have had to pay a single red rose each June 24, if so demanded by the trustees.,_Pennsylvania

Letitia??? The Taborites had settled at "Lititz not far from the Silesian mountains."

The Jordan river is where Qumran's Essenes must have spread out when they weren't living like goats on the cliffs overlooking the Dead sea. The article goes on to explain why Nazi elements may have been compounded in this area of Pennsylvania: "Initially, Nazareth was specifically Moravian by charter. Outside faiths were not allowed to purchase property within Nazareth, a basically all GERMAN [caps mine] Protestant community. Nazareth remained basically all German derivative in population until 1980..."

Here's a short history in the same article:

In 1735 a small group of the Moravian missionaries had begun work in the newly settled community of Savannah, Georgia. Their intent was to evangelize the native American tribes and minister to the settlers. Governor Oglethorpe, founder of Georgia, and John and Charles Wesley, founders of the Methodist Church and deeply interested in Moravian ideals, came along on the same boat.

The point there is the missions to natives. What natives in particular were they mixing with? The Savannah river and city are thought to be named after the SHAWnee natives. Hmm, aren't the Shaws a Caiaphas- and Sadducee-suspect bloodline? Ignore the Wikipedia writer and other dopes who say that American natives are many thousands of years old. They have an evolutionary mindset that requires making everything older than it really is, including humans. The motto in the Arms of Savannah: "The Hostess City of the South" The Host surname shows also as "Ost" and "Hust," smacking, not only of John Huss, but of the Os/Oss surname to be featured below when seeking Essene lines. Both the Os/Oss and Host/Ost/Hust Coat use white bull heads. ASTons also use a bull head.

The Host/Ost/Hust Coat even uses wings as do the Tabers. Scottish Shaws were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Rollos who use roughly the same motto term as Tabors/Tabers. English Shaws use three black lozenges , as does the Aston Chief, and Astons and Shaws use roughly the same pat-like motto term.

Didn't I trace these parts of Pennsylvania to the Pendragons? That should explain why Irish Shaws, also first found in Perthshire, use a version of the Pendragon motto. It helps to trace Shawnee to Shaws. The Shaw eagle is also the White eagle, and then, for a time, a Whitefield surname led the Moravians. This is not to suggest that George Whitfield, Charles Wesley and others were dragon preachers, but that related bloodlines were moving together into areas that their related natives had settled centuries earlier.

I did suggest that the "Shaw" might be from "Sava" elements, as were Savages who are tracing well to Essenes. We now find Shawnee of Savannah. Julie had stressed the SCHWANgau castle of Fussen (Bavaria), a Hohen holding named after the swan...that I trace to "Savona." I linked "Sava" to "Savona" by tracing similarly-named peoples between the two places. The point: the Shaw "fusils" smack of elements from "Fussen." While I trace Seagers / Sawyers to the Saiers that are said to be from the Sau = Sava river (it's in Austria, by the way), the Fussel Coat is the same moline-cross design as the one used by Seagers. [Much later, the fusil-using Lombards will be shown when Lombards are traced to Qumran.]

The motto term of Northampton county (Pennsylvania) is "Mercy," and then the Mercy surname uses cinquefoils, as do the Amptons/Hamptons. Just so you know more than ever that mottos are code for kin, though Masons aren't telling us in most cases.

The Mercy term gets the Maisy/Maysey surname. Doesn't it smack of the Mayans? [Later, it turns out that the Mercy/Maisy cinquefoils are used in colors reversed by the Dutch Maes/Maest/Mesta Coat]. Can you imagine the hunts of the early settlers for their long-lost relatives in America? Why did it become such a secret? Was it to protect evolutionism?

Where did Zinzendorf's family rule? Pottendorf (Austria), and then the Potters use the same-colored cinquefoils as Maes'/Maests. Moreover, Potters were first found in Hampshire, which, I think, is the area that named NorthAMPton.

Mercy's/Maisy's use the same dragon head as Clarks, and the latter were first found in the same place (NorthUMBERland) as Whitefields, which is where the Maness' surname was first found that, like the Whitefields, use a red Chief. In fact, the Mens/Mengzies use the same Shield-and-Chief combination as Whitefields. I trace "White" and "Umber" to the ancient Uat/Buto cult in Egypt, and some think that American natives can be descended from builders of Egyptian pyramids. Mayans built pyramids...and also sacrificed humans, just like the dragon cults out of Tyre, where mariners abounded that sailed to the furthest reaches. You can bet your favorite seven stars that Mayans trace to Maia, daughter of Atlas, symbol of Atlanteans.

Do you think the powers that be in the United States are racing to make 2012 significant to honor their ancient Maya relatives? I don't see how.

Hmm: "The Maya civilization extended throughout the present-day southern Mexican states of Chiapas, Tabasco, and the Yucatan Peninsula..." CHIAPAS??? Named after the Chiapas natives. Isn't that like the Chiava and Chiapponi variations of the Shaw-related Italian Sheaves/Shaves? While Italian Sheaves were first found in Abruzzo, the Maiella area of Abruzzo was named after mythical Maja, no doubt the Greek Maia. The Abruzzo area was inhabited anciently by Sabines/Safini who I've already been thinking to be the founders of Savannah. The Marsi were a Abruzzo tribe, and they smack of "Mercy."

The Lusatian Dragon, from Megiddo

In the last update, it seemed a certainty, though found on a "fluke," that EliPHAS, Esau's son, traced to such entities as Phasis, Phaistos, Phaethon, Python=Delphi, and HePHAISTOS, husband of the Pepi-stag line, or Aphrodite. I even mentioned the Poti variation for the Phasis location as per surnames that could link to it. I now find that Zinzendorf was from Pottendorf, in Austria where BABENbergs (founded by Poppo I) lived whom I link to the same Paphlagonian roots as Pepins. Chances are, Poppo I was related to Poppa, Rollo's wife, perhaps explaining why Rollo's use a stag in Crest for an alternative to their black boar.

It behooves to check out Pottendorf, which happens to be in Austria's Baden area...while Germany's Baden was home to Zahringers and Veringens who used antlers as their symbols. The Zahringer and Veringen antlers traced to Spree-Neisse in Lusatia, of the Silesian theater where Vere-suspect (i.e. Veringen-suspect) Tabors were first found. I even traced the bear symbol of Zahringers from Berne (Switzerland) to Bernicia/Bryneich, the British home of queen Bebbe and her BEBBANburg line.

Note that the Arms of Baden in Austria use the white-on-red fesse that is the Arms of Austria, used also by Coverts and related Axtons/Actons. The latter are suspect as Essenes of the highest order in Arthurianism. Coverts were recently traced to Croatians, you see, along with the Cravens who use: 1) an Acton-like motto term, and, 2) the Covert and Acton fesse in colors reversed. Croatians lived to the south side of Austrians...and across the waters from Abruzzo's Sheave's/Chiapponi's, who were in turn up the coast from the Taranto, where some aspect of Coffers/Coffeys originated.

Place your bets on whether "Sheaves" is from some version of "Safini," even as I think "Shaw" is a version of "Sava / Savona." Yes, I do trace the Chiapponi variation of Sheaves to "Caiaphas," but that doesn't mean that other variations couldn't have been in honor of Sabine elements. In fact, for all I know at this time, the Sabine-honoring terms may have come first, to be followed by the era that saw Caiaphas alive.

[If you're patient, you'll see a tribe of Scandinavian Sabines tracing to Qumran. I'll tell you right up front here that the Suebi I'm referring to will be traced to Covert company in Berkshire, where the fusil-using Shaws were first found. I didn't know this about Shaws until after tracing the Qumran elements to Berkshire. Both Shaws and Coverts are Caiaphas-suspect. Zinzendorf's area of influence was Pottendorf, not especially close to the Sava, but in the same country, and then the Potten surname was first found in Berkshire. Conspicuous, is it not?]

Zinzendorf may have been a mystic, though I can't find, from online information, the extents to which he may have been. Zinzendorf was born in Dresdan, SAXony, the place to which I trace the John-Baptist-no-but-really-the-Essenes line. Dresdan is in parts of Lusatia. On this page showing a good map of Saxony, you can see that all its east side is Dresdan. Saxony's southern border was with the Bohemians, and for all I know historical Bohemia may have reached into Dresdan.

Here's the German Taber Coat, the woman in blue carrying a bunch of grapes. Wasn't that the symbol of Dionysus who traced (last update) to Nazareth at Carmel? Wasn't another symbol of Dionysus the leopard, used by blue-Shielded English Tabors/Tabers??? German Tabers were first found in Greifswald, and then entering "Greif" gets Craven-like Greves/Greaves (Croatians are otherwise called, "KRVati"). You see, the Essenes-suspect and Craven-related Actons can now link to Taborite-suspect Tabors...yet another reason to trace Tabors to Essenes of Israel's Nazareth.

The Bible speaks of the "great tree of Tabor," which may be entertained as relevant to the tree theme of Essenes. Tabor was a location a few miles north of Jerusalem.

Years ago, "SARPedon" of Crete was traced to "Sorbs" of Lusatia / Silesia, and then it's known that Sorbs founded Serbs. It was only in the last update, however, that Sarpedon's Minoans were traced to Carmel (thanks to mythical Carmel). Remember, therefore, that Dionysus was made a grandson of Cadmus, and the latter ended up in the Croatia / Herzegovina / Serb theater. If we imagine the Dionysus wine line from Carmel going to the Tabor-surname grapes, we'd expect Tabor links to Sorbs of Lusatia. But in the Bible, there are mentioned giant grapes in the Eschol valley of Hebron, the place where I see Cadmus' ancestry.

Mount Gareb, where I trace "SARPedon," was between Hebron and Jerusalem. In fact, contrary to others who identify mount Gareb to the north of Jerusalem, I identified it after much careful analyses less than two miles west of the walls of Old Jerusalem. It turned out to be either the hill on which the Knesset sits, or the hill to the Knesset's immediate east. The KNESSet, Israel's parliament, may have been chosen to be on Gareb for a Masonic / Kabalistic reason. Note how there was a KNOSSos on Crete, where Sarpedon Minoans ruled the island.

If Tabers of Greifswald can be traced to German Greifs/Greiffens (use a griffin), then see them in colors reversed to Gripps/GRABbens/Cravers, first found in Austria, home of Babenbergs. Then, Babenbergs were also the elites of Grabfeld/Grapfeld, a city in extreme-north Bavaria closest to Lusatia. And, Greifs/Greiffens were first found in Bavaria. (These two clans use the colors of Bavaria's Bogens, origin of Bavaria's blue lozenges). One can see that "Krv" or "Grab" are hard-C versions of "Sarp / Sorb / Serb." Poppo I was styled, "Poppo of Grabfeld."

The Oliphant motto uses "tout" and "voir," while the Voirs/Voyers (suspect as Boyers = Boii the last time they were investigated) were first found in GRIPel (Brittany), while Taber-related Rollo's use "tout" too. It's code for the Tout surname using a "canton" square. Rollos and Oliphants were both first found in Perthshire, a place that I trace to "Perdix," who was the Cretan line traced in the last update to Essenes of Carmel / Nazareth. The "square," what some surnames call their canton, is a Masonic symbol tracing to the carpenter's square invented by Perdix.

Long before discovering that a Heraklion location near Knossos (suspect as root of "Gnostic" mystics) was also called, Candia, I had traced the canton square to the house of Candie/Candida at Savoy. It just so happens that the Oliphant unicorn head is the same horse head, not only of Este's and Pepins (i.e. both surnames have been tracing to Carmel), but of the English Massey pegasus horse. The great thing now is, that while French Masseys used to show a boot as symbol for Massey elements to Bute, they now use white-on-red crescents, the colors of the Oliphant and Tout crescents! And French Masseys were first found in Savoy!

It's not that hard to follow if I put it in the right words. The proto-Minoan Manoah > Samson > Hercules line that was partially of Amorites in Gareb (Hercules married a Hebe daughter of Hera = Gareb, you see) went from Hebron to the coast at Carmel and Tyre, then jumped the ocean to Heraklion and Knossos, ruling as Minoans until forced out to various mainland shores, some in Apulia, others at Butua...others at Miletus and Caria, both of which may have been named after CarMEL. The Daedalus-based Minoans at Apulia (to be identified with Pollux) can be traced to Poles, who were otherwise called Lechs, and in the meantime Sarpedon's Miletians had morphed (according to ancients) into Lycians. Therefore, if we can trace Lycians to "Lechs" of Poland, we could expect the Garebites that had at the time morphed to a Sarp-like term to follow Lycians to Poland...where the Sorbs had been settled.

Who were the hypothesized Sarps of the Caria theater? The Greeks called a crow a "corvos," and the CORBetts/Corbans (elephant in Crest) use a crow/raven and even a "corvos" motto term. Recall, therefore, the raven symbol on Kos, for Kos is off the Carian coast of Miletus. Therefore, the raven founded by Apollo must have been part of the Garebites, though that raven was called, Coronis. It makes one ask whether Cronus, Zeus' father, wasn't the Amorites of Gareb. You can see that the Corbett/Corbin elephant is extremely important because Kos traces to Edom, but the point of this paragraph is that Sarpedon's proto-SORB Garebites were on Kos as the mythical king (Eumelos) of Kos, and as the proto-CORB surname.

Did I trace Esau to Esus the tree-stump god? The Corp surname (Yorkshire), looked up only now, uses...tree stumps! The Corp write-up: "The name Corp...was a name for a dark-haired person. In Yorkshire and Suffolk, the surname Corp is derived from the Old Norse word korpr, which means raven; in Oxfordshire, the surname is derived from the Old French word corp, which has the same meaning."

The Garebites were likely in Austria as the Garb surname using a garb. You can bet that all other surnames using a garb trace in some way to this surname. The Bauers of Bavaria were first in Austria, where the Garbs were first found, and it just so happens that Garbs and German Bauers both use gold-on-blue stars...the colors of the EU stars. The first Rothschild was a Bauer, and as Rothschilds founded modern Israel, they likely had a say in choosing mount Gareb for the location of the Knesset.

While I trace "Eumelos" to Nahor's third son, I trace Esau's capital (Bozrah) to Nahor's second son, suggesting now that Nahorites out of Edom were on mount Gareb. It may even behoove me to identify Hera's daughter, Hebe, as the Nahorite Hebrews at Gareb. As Gareb was on the west side of Jerusalem, so further to the west was the Hebron home of Abraham, brother of Nahor. And as Abraham had developed a friendship with Hebron's Amorites, so Nahorites at Gareb may have developed friendships with Jerusalem's Amorites on mount Moriah. I trace Hera, remember, to Horites out of Edom.

As the Oliphant- and Tout-related Voirs use the Mackie/Mackey (and Mackesy) lion, it not only explains why the Savoy Masseys are related to them, but why Voirs should trace to the Bute theater, where the Mackies/Mackeys were first found. But Bute is what the Bush-related Boths/Booths were named after, and they use more black boars as do even the Buz-suspect Bush's. Reminder: the Bus and Kemuel-like Hameltons both use the same cinquefoil.

On the ancient Garebites:

Coronis ("crow" or "raven"), daughter of Phlegyas [smacks of Peleg, son of Eber the first Hebrew], King of the Lapiths [think Eliphas], was one of Apollo's lovers. While Apollo [think Baal = Zeus] was away, Coronis [think Cronus], already pregnant with Asclepius [think Ascalon and/or Eschol], fell in love with Ischys, son of Elatus. A white crow which Apollo had left to guard her informed him of the affair and Apollo, enraged that the bird had not pecked out Ischys' eyes as soon as he approached Coronis, flung a curse upon it so furious that it scorched its feathers, which is why all crows are black.

In the Ischys article: "The mortal lover of Coronis was also known as Alcyoneus or Lycus." Alcyoneus was the Alcmene > Hercules giant line out of Hebron, suggesting that Asclepios above is perhaps more code for Eschol than for Ascalon because Lycus traces to Lachish in Hebron. In the Coronis article above, we find other uses for "Coronis," one being for a sacrificial victim of the Cretan Minotaur. That's the Zeus Moloch cult in a human-sacrifice theme, meaning that Coronis is a human sacrifice is expected of Cronus. We also see that Coronis was made one of the Hyades -- daughters of Atlas -- thus tracing her both to Pisidians (= Nahorites) and to Hades, son of Cronus and brother of Zeus and Poseidon.

I'm convinced: Cronus was the black-crow line suspect from Gareb. But I also identified the crow with the Meshwesh to Tunis, where Tyrians founded their Carthage location for human sacrifice. I trace Tunis to the wealthy Meshwesh out of Tanis, not to Tyrians. Meshwesh had ruled Egypt for some time from the 21st dynasty. The Meshwesh became Apollo's Muses, an all female cult, even as Meshwesh were portrayed as all-female Amazons. That's why Coronis was also made a Maenad, the all-female cult of Dionysus in Caria.

Now that I know (as of the last update) that proto-Apollo was on Crete (i.e. as Eileithyia) after migrating from Carmel, I expect Meshwesh elements on Crete too, taking note that the Eileithyia = Britomartis cults on Crete were the founders also of the Artemis Amazons. Maccabee-suspect Mackies/Mackeys even use a motto, "Labore," a term that I trace to the Minoan "LABYRinth" or Minoan "LABRys" double-headed axe. The labyrinth is the maze that held the Minotaur. The point is not so much a Mason / Maccabee trace to Crete, but to Carmel. Reminder: CadMUS was at Carmel.

We saw (last update) that the axe and tree were symbols of Essenes, and this could explain why the new Massey Coat uses just a "tree" (without leaves), no species mentioned. The Leaf/Leve Coat uses bees on a Mackay-colored chevron. The point is that Carmel's mythical elements at under discussion pre-dated Maccabees proper of Israel, but even so, when the Maccabees and all their fellow priestly lines found themselves in trouble at God's wrath in 70 AD, they may have taken refuge in their old haunt of Carmel...which could explain why Haifa / Caipha was founded/named at about that time (Wikipedia says only that Haifa was founded in Roman times, not very specific as per a date).

Back now to Dresdan in Lusatia, but not before mentioning the absence of the Lotan line in the Eliphas-studded discussion above. I'm not sure whether Lotan was the mythical Elatus that we saw, whose line Coronis was in love with, but I'm more sure that Laish was named after Lotan elements of some kind. Reminder: the Eliphas term is now traced to "Phasis" of Caucasia, where the Lazi/Luzi lived. I assume Eliphas came first, then Phasis much later. The only point I'm trying to make here while certain Lusatians are tracing to Carmel is that I expect the Lazi/Luzi at Carmel, but as yet have not found them by any particular name. However, Laish was conquered and changed to the name, Dan, and so note: DresDAN.

"Dresdan" sounds a bit like "tree" or what Greeks called the tree, and then Meissen is in Dresdan. As the Samson proto-Danaans went forth as CadMUS, I'm compelled to trace Meissen to his Mus entity. The Meissen surname uses trefoils, a symbol (in my opinion) of the Trips/Treffs, who use the same boot as French Masseys were once shown with. The Trip-Massey relationship tends to trace to the Trabzon Amazons, founded from the Cretan proto-Artemis and proto-Apollo; you get it, the nine Muses named after the nine Curetes of Crete. Trips use a ladder, which may be code for the Lydians that Apollo belonged to, beside the Amazons of Mysia that had migrated from Trabzon. The tree line may be suspect from "Trab(zon)" only because there are Treeby and a Trow/Tree surnames that can link to Trips. Reminder: Masseys now use a tree, and the Esus tree-stump cult was in the Moselle / Meuse theater. However, there was another tree line not linked to Esus proper.

Long before the Carmel topic, I traced the Greek Dryas = tree line to Dor at Carmel, and then I identify mythical Nereus with Nahorites, whose wife was Doris. These NEREIDs were depicted as fish, which becomes Cadmus-fish important at NERETva (Illyrian coast), home of the Daorsi near Butua. In this picture, the Nahorites from interior Gareb trace straight-away to Carmel's port-city of Dor, where Nahorites became mariners, which is what I'm assuming got them their fish symbol. Nereus' Nereids were related by ancients to sea-depicted Poseidon, which is only one reason that I identify Poseidon's sea-faring Atlanteans with Nahorites. And so Nahorites must trace to Antalya/Attaleia, the Atlantean capital, and indeed it works well with the trace of Coronis = Garebites to the daughters of Atlas. I identify those daughters, called Hyades, with the Hatti / Cadusii, the Cadmus line into Greece.

If the above is correct, then the Dresdan birthplace of Zinzendorf traces to Dor. There is no Dresdan surname, but Trestans/Tressans use three large ermines, symbol of Hermes = Cadusii Armenians. Trestans/Tressans were first found in Languedoc, where the trefoil traces i.e. to the RoqueFEUIL merger with the Rodes', explaining why trefoils are used by the Rodes/Hrods (Herefordshire, Herod suspect). I traced the Dor elements of tree-importance to proto-Druids (said to be named after "oak") on the Hebros river: the ODRYSians. Further up the Hebros river from the Odrysians are the RHODope mountains, now into Slav territory, same as the Sorb and Serb theaters. I suppose what's happening here is a trace of sea-faring Dorians -- identified as the Nahorite-Amorite merger at Gareb -- up the Hebros = Maritsa to the founding of the Amorite-suspect Morava river in Serbia, and of Moravia of the Sorb theater. In fact, in the land of the Odrysians was the Arda region, and then I did find some aspects of the Arthurian cult in Lusatia, the location of Dresdan.

It should be mentioned that I traced Aphrodite to the Hebros river apart from anything to do with Aphrodite first appearing in Italy at Ardea. It tends to equate the Aphrodite Heneti with the Arthurian cult, which is why the latter traces to the Veneti / Vannes/Gwened of Brittany, and to related Gwynedd, location of Arduu. Gwynedd is where the Druids operated, symbolized by MERlin, who was initially "MYRddin," smacking of Marduk / Amorites. The above also explains why the Arthurian cult turned out to be the MERovingians in Britain, for the Peppinid Merovingians also trace to Heneti. I even caught glimpse that the Arthurian cult was a Rus entity of the Slavs, and then there is a Mures/Maris river in TranSYLVania, the place that may have created "Slav."

I apologize for hardly ever staying on topic. The point was supposed to be that Dresdan traces well to Odrysians...who by the way worshiped Dionysus perhaps like no other peoples. That's how Tabors might be confident in using their grape bunch: because they know to trace to Arda and Odrysians.

Mythical Dryas was made a father / son of the king (Lycurgus) of the Edones/Edonians, and then the proto-Sorbs of Crete were given the code, SarpEDON. It reminds one of MacEDONIANS (lived beside Dorians), whom I trace to the Mygdone tribe of Edones, and further back to Megiddo near Dor. I apologize for repeating this again, but this time it was important because Sarpedon was already traced by other means to the Megiddo = Carmel theater. Reminder: Megiddo's valley is EsDRAElon.

As the other tribe of Edones were the Sithones, and if they were Sidonians, we could expect the Sidonian city of Laish to follow the SarpEdon line out of Megiddo to Thrace, where Edones lived. But this assumes that Laish's survivors from their war with Danaans took refuge in the Megiddo theater rather than in Sidon. If we're convinced that Cadmus was in the Megiddo theater, then we should cite his descendant, Laius. It just so happens that Laius was the son of Labdacus: "In Greek mythology, Labdacus was the only son of PolyDORUS and a king of Thebes." Thus, Laius elements can trace back to Dor...but also back to Lachish because Laius was raised by Lycus.

Labdacus was a difficult term for me in the past, but is now smacking of Labaya, the historical man who wanted to conquer Megiddo (!!) with the help of a pharaoh:

Labaya...was a Habiru, possibly Canaanite, warlord who lived contemporaneously with Pharaoh Akhenaten...

Labaya was a local ruler who had control over the city of Shachmu (Shechem).{citation needed} He and his sons exerted influence over a wide region in Samaria, and threatened many powerful Canaanite towns, including Jerusalem, Gezer, (called 'Gazru'), and Megiddo.

The Amarna letters give an incomplete look at Labaya's career. In the first of Labaya's letters thus far discovered (EA 252), he defends himself to the Pharaoh against complaints of other city rulers about him (for example, the complaint that he has hired mercenaries from among the Habiru). Labaya further admitted to having invaded Gezer and insulting its king Milkilu. He denied any knowledge of his son's alleged collaboration with the Habiru...

Other Canaanite rulers, such as Abdi-Heba of Jerusalem, complained of Labaya's depredations...

There's a good reason for tracing mythical Hebe, wife of Hercules, to Amorite Jerusalem. But then Abdi-Heba must have been somewhat of the post-Hera cult at Jerusalem, and I trace her to Gareb.

In earlier times, or perhaps at roughly the same time, "Hapiru" of the Levant helped an Idrimi character with noble ancestry in Halab/Aleppos, which place I identify with "Eliphas" and/or "Halybes," wherefore "Labaya" seems to be in honor of the same Halab / Halybes elements...suggesting that his Habiru partners were not necessarily Israelites, but Edomites and/or Nahorites and/or Pelegites. I traced "Lapith" to "Aleppo," and PHLEGyas was a mythical king of Lapiths. The other Lapith, Ixion, is traced (by me) to "Kikons" out of Rhodope, which is not terribly far from Dorians and Macedonians.

"Idrimi" smacks of "Adram," a god of Sepharvites that I identify with "Hadoram," son of Joktan, himself the brother of Peleg, all the original Hebrews. It works excellently for a trace of Peleg to "Phlegyas" Lapiths out of Aleppo. The "Mushki" that Idrimi is said to have been courting smacks of post-CadMUS proper in this Syrio-Cilician picture. There are Amurru under-tones in the short story of Idrimi and his rule at Alalakh. For example, he had to escape to Emar: "Emar (modern Tell Meskene, Aleppo Governorate, Syria) was an ancient Amorite city..."

The theory now is that mythical Labdacus was the Cadmus line from tribes created in honor of Labaya in an area just outside Megiddo. As Labdacus was made the father of Laius, though Laius was raised by Lycus, I'm recalling my Lachish > Laish theory i.e. that Lachish's peoples named Laish. Hebron was no doubt named after Hapiru or Habiru. Note how Idrimi's AlaLAKH smacks of "Lach," not neglecting Amorites of Hebron as likely partakers of the Amurru empire around Alalakh. But ultimately, the father of Labdacus, PolyDORus (son of Cadmus), reveals that Labaya elements were at Dor. Polydorus was made to marry a Nycteis from the Atlantean line of Alcyone. "Alalakh" had an Allakh-like variation that was quite possibly the origin of the Alc / Alk entity of Greek myth, in which case the mother of Hercules was partly from Alalakh:

Alalakh was founded by the Amorites [ignore the 2.000 BC dating that follows, but do place it early in history not long after Abraham]...

The written history of the site may begin under the name Alakhtum...

Alcmene's father was ELECTryon, much like "ALAKHTum."

Laius was properly a ruling peoples in Thebes, and the Boiotian area surrounding that city can trace to Bohemia while Amorites in the Laius fold can trace to such places as Moravia...while Laius himself can be expected to break up into many migratory paths, one going to Lusatians. I wouldn't root "Laius" in "Lai," but in an historical root term that includes the final 's'. "Laz" and "Lus" are good examples.

There's another argument for tracing Laish to Dor in mythical Dorus, the man, brother of Xuthus, founders of Greece. The best I can do to trace "Xuth" is to Cutha(h) of Mesopotamia, where the god was Nergal, husband of Laz. Even back then, Nergal was portrayed as a furious devil of Hell, if that helps to describe what the Lazi were like:

Nergal was also the deity who presides over the netherworld, and who stands at the head of the special pantheon assigned to the government of the dead...In this capacity he has associated with him a goddess Allatu or Ereshkigal...

...Ordinarily Nergal pairs with his consort Laz. Standard iconography pictured Nergal as a lion...

"Allatu sounds like Elatus, the line that Coronis fell in love with. You'll recall that Coronis was made pregnant at the time with the child of Asclepios, which tends to make a close link between Asclepios and the Elatus line. I identified Asclepios' serpent with the Gels/Gileki, and then traced the Gileki both to mythical Glaucus, and to the Galli, before finding the Glaucus river in Caucasia smack where the Lazi lived (see map last update). Note that "NerGAL" was also "NirGALI." It's those Galli bad guys again, Hell's angels, the ones who love to transgress God, and eat Him up with burning anger.

"Glaucus is the one who loved the Scylla monster, and the Asclepios cult was even in Messina where Scylla was located so that we see the ASCLepios = Scylla equation, the peoples from Hebron's Eschol. I recall that there was a myth wherein Glaucus was at a certain place, with Asclepios at the place or somehow in the picture, and Glaucus was confronted at the time with a snake; it provided the means to equate Glaucus with Asclepios, meaning that the Gileki Iranians can be traced to Eschol. But as Asclepios and Elatus were made as one, it traces Elatus too to Hebron, and by now, if it's not too hasty, we can start to identify Elatus or Allatu as the Lotan and/or proto-Lazi Horites in Hebron.

Where the Nergal-Allatu cult is suspect with Cuthah > Xuthus, the latter being made a brother of Dorus, it jibes with PolyDorus, the grandfather of Laius. I had identified "Cutha" with the Cadusii, the second snake coiled around the caduceus along with the Gileki snake. It explains the Xuthus-Dorus picture linking to CADmus, father of PolyDorus. In Wikipedia's article on Nycteus (father of the woman that Polydorus married):"Nycteus and his brother Lycus were the sons of either Chthonius, one of the Spartoi..." Doesn't "CHTH" smack of "Cuthah"? We can even link the Mus of "Cadmus" with Nergal of Cuthah:

Ordinarily Nergal pairs with his consort Laz. Standard iconography pictured Nergal as a lion, and boundary-stone monuments symbolise him with a mace surmounted by the head of a lion.

...Nergal's chief temple at Cuthah bore the name Meslam...Amongst the Hurrians and later Hittites Nergal was known as Aplu, a name derived from the Akkadian Apal Enlil, (Apal being the construct state of Aplu) meaning 'the son of Enlil'...

Never mind "son of Enlil," for it's plain here that Aplu stood as it's own entity, even the proto-Apollo cult, for the Meslam entity was surely the proto-Muses of Apollo. Who was it that turned the white bird into a crow in the story of Coronis and her Elatus line? In one account, Apollo burned the white bird to a black crisp with merely a searing look, typifying the fiery rage or other hot themes adopted by Nergal. Therefore, the Elatus of the Greeks was the Allatu of the Babylonians, and Babylon's Cuthah does trace well to the Greek Xuthus, all going through Dor as the proto-Apollo Eileithyia cult on Crete (see last update for details). Compare "Allatu" to "Eileithyia" or her other name, "Eleuthia." Recalling that Eileithyia (= Leto, Apollo's mother) was made the goddess of childbirth, and that nine months was given her as a symbol possibly leading to the numbering of nine Muses, it should explain why Coronis was pregnant in her Apollo myth.

If correct to identify Leto, what the Romans called Latona, as the Lydians, then the Lydians are now tracing in a compelling way to Allatu, goddess of the cult of Aplu = Nergal, husband of Laz. How perfectly does that work out?

PolyDorus, the ancestry of the Laius line that traces the Lazi to the Xuthus-Dorus founding of Greece, was not only given CHTHonius for his father, but also Hyrieus, a son of ALCYone, mother also of Glaucus. It therefore makes a fundamental link between Glaucus, the Lazi of the Glaucus river, and Dor. As we saw that Nereus and Doris were likely given their fish symbol when they arrived from their interior homelands to coastal Dor, so we find that Glaucus was given a fish theme: "Athenaeus, referring to Aristotle's non-extant Constitution of Delos, related that Glaucus settled in Delos [Apollo's sacred island of his birth] together with the Nereids and would give prophecies to whoever asked for them. He also mentions, this time with reference to Nicander, that Apollo was believed to have learned the art of prophecy from Glaucus."

That Apollo-Glaucus relationship recalls that Scylla was made a monster of the wolf kind. It is a testament to a trace of Apollo to the Lazi, which helps to identify his mother (Leto the wolf) as a Lazi branch. And the link of Glaucus with the Nereids of Nereus-Doris not only traces Glaucus to Dor, but traces NERgal to "NEReus" at Dor, suggesting for me that Nergal in Babylon was a Nahorite entity (it should be said that there were other Nahors aside from Abraham's brother). It all tends to reveal that "POLYdorus," and other mythical names using "Poly" (e.g. Polydeuces = Pollox) is code for "Apollo."

If it's correct to identify Glaucus with the Gels/Gileki, it becomes more compelling to identify "Galilee" (in the Megiddo valley) with the (proto-)Galli coming to the region with NerGAL. It's then a testament to God's fury against this cult in northern Israel that He should locate Jesus in Galilee, like one moving his chess piece toward a lethal checkmate situation.

In another mythical codework: "...Glaucus seduced Ariadne as she was abandoned by Theseus on Dia (Naxos). Dionysus...overpowered him, binding his hands and feet with grape wines;..." Ariadne would become the wife of Dionysus, the god of Naxos...which smacks of NYCteis, the wife of PolyDorus. In any case, I trace Dionysus to Nuzi Horites / Iranians, while Glaucus is traced to Iranians too. "Naxos" suggests the Anaki Iranians passing through the Eschol valley, where giant grapes abounded.

It's important too that Glaucus was turned into a fish after finding a magic potion belonging to Helios, for it helps to trace the coiled snake of the Gileki to the Galli > Helios line.
The Slavic Arthurians

I hold a theory wherein Slavs were named after a soft-C "Chalybe." If correct, the Halab/Aleppo Hebro-Amorite elements above evolved into Slavs. I do trace Arthur's ExCALIBUR sword to "Chalybes" of the Calabria kind. Keep in mind in this discussion that Slavs are traced by some to Wends/Vandals, for the latter will link to Pendragons of the Windsor kind. Wends were in the Lusatian theater too.

Slavs are traced in their earliest times to the SCLAveni, otherwise called, Sclauini, smacking of "Ascalon." If correct to trace to Ascalon elements, it behooves a trace of Slavs to the Glaucus / Galli topic above, and I do think that Galli were a fundamental part of Halybes on the Halys river that I see as root for "Helios." In other words, Glaucus and Asclepios from Eschol were the makings of the Galli priesthood that first infested Greece with wickedness, and then moved up into TranSYLVania, what I see as the makings of their other name, "Slav" (whether or not the latter part is correct isn't important). As Glaucus and Asclepios were just found to be fundamental to Dor elements, read: "Daurentius (fl. 577-579) is the first Slavic chieftain to be recorded by name..."

Clicking to the Daurentius article: "His realm was situated in the basin of the Zala river, roughly in the territory of the old Roman province of Pannonia Prima, in present-day Hungary." It smacks of the Salyes Ligures on the Durance/Durantia river! It helps to make the link between the Slavic Ruthene and the Ruthene in the Redone area of France, for the Durance flows into the Rhodanus. This find tends to trace Dorians to "Durance," and we even have some Duran(t) surnames by which to add to the picture.

The Zala river is in south-western Hungary. Here's the Arms of Zala county on the Croatian border; it's a single arrows on a gold-on-green fesse, the colors of the stars in the French Durant Coat! There's a lot of blue and white in Durant and Dor-like surnames, the colors of the Arms of Zalaegerszeg, the city at the Zala river.

The Zala river evokes the "i zal" motto term of the Mens/Mengzies, which is "Lazi" backward, but for the time being I won't entertain any of this paragraph, though it brings to mind the Islips, the Hazels who use "hazel slips," and the related House's that may trace to "Hus."

The Zala is now trace-able to "Salian" Franks, whom I've linked in the past to the Salyes / Salassi. The Arthurian cult, related to Merovingians that were in large part Salian Franks, were traced in many ways heavily to the Salyes, suggesting again that Arthurianism was partly Slavic. The Arthurian period is dated by others roughly around the same time that Daurentius ruled at Zala. Reminder: Arda was in the land of ODRYSians that I identify as mythical-Dryas Dorians.

I'm not going to make a judgment on who was or wasn't a real Christian in the Moravian Church's leadership based on the little information I have on Zinzendorf. That's not my job. But I also feel compelled to discover false Christians if Masonry / Rosicrucianism considered Moravian Church-ers important. Rosicrucianism proper had some vague origins in Germany, and perhaps the Dresdan / Meissen theater was it because I'm sure that Lusatia played a large part in the dragon bloodline. No doubt Lusatians constituted the holy grail of Arthurianism. It just so happens that, as per Pottendorf (Zinzendorf's home region in Austria), we find pelicans and an "ardua" motto term in the Potten/Potinger Coat. We're off to a raving start.

The Potten pelican-on-nest is the design of the same in the Arthur Crest. Raving mad, I tell you.

In the last update, it was seen that the arm-and-SWORD, used also in the Potten/Potinger Crest, was shared by three related surnames: Anhalts, Mieske's, and Actons. See the same arm-and-sword as the only symbol of the Slaven Coat; it tends to confirm a trace of Slavs to ExCALIBUR and the (C)Halybes. The arm-and-sword of Slavens is in the colors of the wing-and-sword in the Chaine/Chenay Coat, and then the Slow surname (in Sale colors) was first found in Buckinghamshire, where the Cheneys were first found who use the Sale and Saleman/SALIAN bend!

AND ZIKERS LOOK! The Zala river flows also to KESzthely while the Chaines/Chenays are shown as CHESneys!!! They're even in the colors of the Kess/Cassie Coat!!! That traces "Keszthely" to "Cheshire / Chester," where Pendragon-related Sales were first found, though I argued many times that Salop, beside Cheshire, was named after Sale elements. I even traced "Salop" to "Slab = Slav! Good one, john. Yes indeed, for while Mascis were of Cheshire, the Chaine/Chenays/CHESney wing is the Masci wing, in Masci-wing colors even.

Keszthely was at first called, Castellum, same castle-idea as "Chester."

If you're thinking what I was, that the Kes terms trace to "Kos," just look at what those white birds are in the Kess Coat. CROWS! Yes, the Kess crows are white, like Apollo crows before he fumed and turned them black. Just like that, we have traced the Slavs of Keszthely to the raven king of Kos, Eumelos. And it verifies all the more that the crow-depicted GAREBites evolved into SERBian Slavs. Irish Caseys even use a garb in Crest. The Serbian entity: KOSova!!! Good one, john. So many things Cheshire can now trace to Kos through Kosovo.

Recall the trace of PanDAREUS of Kos to DARdanus: "In antiquity, [Kosovo] was known as the independent kingdom, and later Roman province, of Dardania." Keszthely is in PANnonia. Kosovo borders with Megiddo-suspect Macedonia.

Aha: " the Serbian neuter possessive adjective of kos 'blackbird'..." That explains the raven of Kos.

However, some say that Kos was an owl, and then there are owl species called, Ascalaphus. The mythical character under discussion was also, "Esculapius," but then there was this: "Ascalaphus" character, a son of Ares...Then there was "another" (i.e. same peoples) by the same Ascalaphus name, son of Acheron and Orphne...: "[Ascalaphus] betrayed the fact that Persephone had eaten a pomegranate in the underworld, something that she was forbidden to do. Ascalaphus was punished by being turned into an owl (Ovid V, 534)"

The "kos" term meaning "blackbird" to the Kosovites may have derived after (not before) the island of Kos was already given a blackbird symbol. One can probably trace the black color to Merops of Ethiopia, and may therefore imagine black-African Amorites passing through Gareb and into Kos, but also into the Myrina location of Lemnos. By that time, the black skin color may have worn off (though I see the Mysians around Lemnos and Aenus, and the Hephaestus'-related Athenians, going back to Libya / Tunis as the Meshwesh in the Aeneas train of proto-Romans).

As the Kess/Cassie surname is also "Casey," it recalls the trace made of Caseys to "Cassel" of the Hesse theater, wherefore let's not forget that "Huss" gets the Hesse Coat. It tends to trace KESzthely to "Hesse." The Arms of Keszthely use what looks like a stork. If it is a stork, it may be for the birthing theme of Eileithyia's carriers. The Kess/Casie Coat is the same bend as used by Saves (i.e. whom I trace to the Sava flowing through Slovenia toward Serbia), which now traces the Save snakes to Asclepios, apparent founder of the Sclaveni.

The idea now is that the namers of Scylla, where Asclepios had a cult, moved as the Sclaveni to the Zala / Keszthely area of Hungary in the footsteps of the Szekely Transylvanians who claim to be ancestral to Hungarians. Thus, the "Scla(veni)" can trace to "Szekely." The latter has the same "ely" ending as "Keszthely." It was furious Nergal and Lazi blowing through, the same cult that I'm going to lay the blame on for the burning hell of 911.

KISSinger, a fellow Republican with Bush and Cheney, has a surname first found in Saxony. The sleeping moon in the Kissinger Coat has been traced to the Selene moon goddess at Latmus, beside the Miletus that SARPedon conquered.

In this description of the Arms of Keszthley, where the bird is not mentioned, there is a second Arms shown with an ear of wheat having six wheat kernels that look similar to the six leaves in the French Casey Coat. It was from variations of French Casseys, such as Cazal, Cazelle, and Chazelle, that I traced the surname to "Cassel," though other shown variations such as Cazot, Cazotte, Cazet, Chazot, and Chazet may trace also to the Castellum version of "Keszthely." The second Arms on the page is a Shield split in half vertically blue and red, the colors of the vertically-split Shield of the Doors/Dore's/Doare's, first found in Herefordshire, the place I trace to Herzegovina, which is in the Illyrian-coastal theater that Daorsi of Neretva lived.

The most-recognized Nereid, Thetis, was made mother of Galilee-suspect Achilles. The latter term sounds like "Kelly," and then the Kelly's and related Kellogg's both use the greyhound theme in the same colors (although the Kellogg dogs don't look much like greyhounds, the Kellogg description says that they are "three blue greyhounds heads." The point is, the Galilee/Gallie Coat (black and white checks) uses greyhounds too. The Kelloggs dogs look, at this time anyway, more like "talbots" (Labradors), and then the Galilee/Gallie greyhounds are: 1) in colors reversed from the Pape/Papeleu/Papenburg talbots; in the colors of the Peppin/PeopleSHAW ducks, and: in the colors of the Pepin horses...while the Galilee/Gallie Crest is a version of the Pepin horse.

The Kelly Crest is an "enfield" griffin, which is partly a greyhound. The Enfield surname was first found in Berkshire, which brings us back to the Wend / Windsor topic. As Coverts were linked to the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha bloodline that was later called the house of Windsor, note that the Enfields use the same martin design as Coverts, and that the Hiedler/Hitler crest is an enfield griffin too. You can make up your own mind on whether the Windsors were merely related to, or on the other hand supporting, Adolf Hitler. Caiaphas-suspect Coverts were first found in the same place as Peppins/PeopleSHAWs.

The last time I mentioned Pottens/Potingers, it was with their arm-and-sword (i.e. Excalibur-suspect) symbol shared by Anhalts and Mieske's, both of whom trace to Haught term used in honor of Mieszko's daughter. It should trace Pottens/Potingers to the Mieszko Poles...reflecting the Arthurian trace to Lusatians. Pottens/Potingers were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Windsor castle, while I trace Windsors to "Wend," named after the Venethi theater of Poland. The Venethi Poles trace to the Heneti too, as do Pepins-et-al. "Today, ["Wend"] is used either in historical contexts or as a catch-all term for Lusatian Sorbs, and their descendants, like the Texas Wends...Mieszko I, the first historical legitimate ruler of Poland, also appeared as 'Dagome, King of the Wends'...It is believed that Germanic peoples originally applied the ethnonym to the ancient Veneti,..."

Potten(dorf) behooves a re-mention of the Lazi of Lazicum at Poti/Phasis, the golden-fleece line to Luzica = Lusatia. But that in no way, in itself, makes Zinzendorf a part of the dragon cult, for God calls anyone out from the Lotan bloodline to a Renewal. The questions are: whether Eliphas-Lotan elements had infiltrated the Hussites / Moravian Church; whether those elements trace to Essenes; and whether the 911 plotters of Pennsylvania were corrupted forms of Hussites honoring their wicked past in the (CH)alybes bloodline. And, can "Huss" be traced to "Esau / Essenes"?

It had been determined that the 911 plotters were of the Pendragon bloodline for more reason than "Pennsylvania." It also had to do with Penfold Capital, and the home of the presidential Bush family in Penfield in the area of New York state where Mormons were founded...namely, Palmyra, said to be named after PalMYRA in Syria very near to where we saw the Amorite-Hebrew alliances above.

Penfold Capital (see 1st and 2nd updates of March) was the alternative name PBS Coal, a company that owned land beside the faked flight-93 crash site, and where Rollock Inc. was operating a scrap-metal operation just a few hundred feet from the "crash site"...which initially had no plane parts, but did have scrap metal scattered all over the ground. It makes the owner of Rollock look guilty as sin, and so far, I know of only one employee of Rollock: Chris Nagle.

The faked crash site was in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, while the Pendragon bloodline had been heavily in Somerset, England. There was more to it, but we might ask here whether "Mormon" was related to "Moravian" Church? After all, George Bush is slated to celebrate Romney's victory near Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, while his father, the other George Bush president, a covert Nazi, gave an endorsement to Romney before the latter had clinched the Republican nominee position.

The main elements in Somerset (England) to which I linked Pendragons were the Bath/Atha and Baden/Battin surnames, as well as Bude / Bute elements to which Lusatians linked as per Nicholas de Vere telling that Melusine (symbol of Spree-river Lusatians) was on Avalon, an island that I claim was Bute. Lusatia's Bautzen/Budysin is in the area (Dresdan) where Zinzendorf was born, and "BautZEN" ends in "zen," same as "Zinzen." I traced the Gorlitz location near Bautzen/Budysin to mythical "Gorlois," the ruler of Cornwall (where Bude is located, and where Pendragons were first found) whom was made a copy of mythical Pendragon in the birth of King Arthur (i.e. Pendragon disguised himself as Gorlois in committing adultery with Gorlois' wife). Somerset is in the same peninsula of England as Cornwall.

The Badens/Battins were traced (by me) to Baden in Germany, especially the Zahringers whose bear line traced to Berwickshire, where Arthurs were first found. I now find that Pottendorf is in Baden, Austria. What's going on here? Just who were the allies of Zinzendorf's family at Pottendorf? As yet, I don't know.

I've just noticed that the Arms of Gorlitz use the same leaf, almost, as the new leaves shown with the Hazel and House Coats. And the English House surname was first found in Berkshire (!!), where Pottens/Potingers were first found. That's huge because "House/Hause" smacks of "Hus(s)." It could suggest that the Masonic Hussite bloodline was in Pottendorf (I doubt that true-Christian Hussites would engage with heraldry's Boneheads and knuckleSkulls).

The Potten/Potinger pelicans (used by Arthurs) are even in the white-on-green colors of the cross used by Berkshire's House's. For the first time, I can seriously entertain the importance of the House bloodline as from the Hussites. German Potters, in the colors of the Mieske's, were first found in Prussia, not only where Wends were heavy, but where Mieske's were first found.

Reminder: Anhalts and Actons (Ector/Hector suspect) were linked (last update) to the House bloodline, but also to the Haughts/Hectors. As the latter were from the daughter of Mieszko, let it be added that the Piast part of Mieszko's ancestry traced to a tributary of the Sava in downtown Bosnia, and the Sava may then trace to Shaws that in England were first found in Berkshire. We therefore have a Piast trace to Berkshire through the Shaws, and then there's the Wend-of-Mieszko trace to Berkshire's Windsor castle.

The Pepins and Poppins are the ones who use "Mens" in their motto for the Hazel-related Mens'/Mengzies. French Pepins use the same bird design as used by Ector-related Kays and Kinners (mythical Ector, also called "Cyner," was father to mythical Kay). The Kinner Coat uses the same-colored bend as English Pepin Coat. English Peppins/PeopleSHAWs (two 'p's) use ducks probably because they are the symbol of the Gascon Coat while French Pep(p)ins were first found in Gascony...where Martins and Martels were first found who linked to the martins of the Coverts who were first found where Peppins/PeopleShaws were first found. As I traced the Pepins to Pavia/Papia, where the Laevi lived, ask why the Levi-lion design is used on the Hohen and Cohen checks of the Gas Shield. Cathian Covert said that her father traced to associations with Hohenzollerns (= fake-Levi priest line).

The Bute elements of king Arthur were encapsulated by myth writers in Morgan le Fay, a witchy peoples followed on the island by Nicholas de Vere's Melusine of Avalon. The Fay entity had traced from Veys/Vivians of Cornwall (where Wassa's/Gassons were first found who were proto-Washingtons) to Fifes / Fives of the Fife-Angus theater even before I realized that the organ in the Arthur Coat is shaped like a '5' for reason of linkage to the Five / Vivian bloodline. Isn't it conspicuous that Lusatian elements trace both to the Cornwall peninsula and to the Melusine of Bute? But can we also trace Mieszko lines to Fife and Angus?

The Bautzen-suspect Baths/Athas and related Badens/Battins were traced to the Bitars/Butters (of Buttergask in Ardoch), first found in Fife and Perthshire, beside the Ectors/Hectors first found in Angus and the Kinners first found in Fife. Shouldn't Mieszko's Haughts/Hectors trace there too?

Mythical Ector of Arthurian myth was given Kay/Cai for a son, and then the English Sheaves/Shaws of Berkshire not only use "qui" in their motto, but the Italian Sheaves use keys as symbols, as does the Kay/Key Crest, but if that's not enough, Scottish Shaws were first found in Perthshire too.

Didn't I just mention the Piast-Shaws from the Sava's tributary at Bosnia? It jibes with the trace of Mieszko's daughter, SIGRid the Haughty, to the Seagers and Sawyers from Saiers/Sauers on the Sava.

The Saiers are colors reversed from Saires/Seres, who in turn use the same chevron as Seers. As the chevrons are in the colors of the Hebrons, one could get the impression that Seir-ian-branch Edomites were on the Sava as Saiers. I had traced Piasts to the Bistue locations on the same rivers to which I had traces Salyes Ligures. I believe one river was the Urbanus tributary of the Sava, beside the BOSna river where SARajevo is located.

Emailer Patterson was the first to make the link (suggestively) between the Hussian horse people (Hungary) and the Butteri cowboys. I can't find much online on the Hussians at this time (and I don't know why), but am not yet ready to link them to Hussites. The point is that Pottens/Potingers look like the Butteri bloodline that I trace to Botters/Budins, Bidens/Buttons and Potters (all first found in Hampshire), and consequently to the Bath/Athas and Badens/Battins of Somerset. The Putins/Padyns (Dumfries, same as Kilpatricks) and Puttens had both been linked to Butteri too.

The main evidence for the Potten/Potinger link to Butteri has to do with "PATRick" having been identified (via KilPatricks) with "BUTTERi." That is, Scottish Pattersons, said to be from "Patrick," use the same pelican-on-nest design as Pottens/Potingers. I haven't yet made the Potten/Potinger link to Pottendorf, but if it's correct, then it looks as though the Butteri bloodline was in Pottendorf. Then, as Hussites are suspect in Pottendorf as per the House bloodline tracing above to Pottens/Potingers, it just could be that there was a Butteri relationship with Hussian horse people...that had themselves evolved into the ones giving birth to, and naming, John Hus. John may have become a devoted Christian, but the question is, what about other parts of his people?

The scallops of Irish Pattersons (said to be from Irish Sodhans) trace to the scallops of Sodans, first found in Devon (between Somerset and Cornwall). I assumed in the last update that the arm-and-sword of Actons (and Anhalts) traces "ACTon/AXton" to "Exeter" of Devon, the reason for Arthur's EXcalibur sword. Reminder: the Arthur Crest uses the Patterson pelican design. (Pullens use a pelican but also use the Romney Shield).

Coverts and Actons had both been linked, especially as they use the same fesse (= Arms of Austria). Coverts and Puttens/Puttins were both first found in Sussex, beside the Hampshire Butteri on the one hand, and beside Kent on the other...where the Axton location of Actons sits. Puttens/Puttins use black-on-white stars, the sole Coat symbol of Aston-related Ashtons, and then I think "Axton" could apply to "Aston." Astons ("Numine" motto term traces to the Bute-theater MacAbees) were first found in Cheshire, a place that I've long traced confidently to "Hesse" and Hesse-Cassel. The Aston Crest even uses a black bull head, symbol of the Crest of Haughts/Hectors whom were just traced to Actons. Entering "Huss" gets the Hesse/Esse surname (first found in Austria) using a sun, the symbol of Ectors/Hectors. The Hesler variation of the Huss/Hesse surname suggests the Hiedler/Hitler surname because the Hidler/Hitler Coat also uses a well as the Ector/Hector bars/bends.

Reminders: the Ashton Crest is a black boar suggesting that AStons were named after Esau / Essenes elements; the Ash/Esse surname was first found in Devon too, where EX entities lived. The Ash surname, not surprisingly, is said to be named after an ash TREE.

Curiously, the write-up of the Irish Hessen/Hasson surname (looks like it uses the Bavarian lozenges) traces to "'os,' which means deer." But wait, caution, that smells wrong. The Dutch Os/Oz surname is implied, using bull heads again, and it was from Oss in Brabant, while the Brabant surname was first found in Kent . The Osborns ("bello" motto term, Hitler- and Bouillon-conspicuous) were first found in...Kent! Brabants of Kent even use a fesse in colors reversed from the Acton fesse, while there is an Axton location in Kent. Brabant is where the John-Baptist-not-but-really-the-Essene line of Elizabeth was located...the one whom John of Bohemia married (John's ancestry was in Luxembourg).

It all means that the trace of the Osborn surname to "bjorn" = bear, as suggested in its write-up, is not accurate for the origins of the surname. And the "os"=deer is not correct either. Rather, the surnames should trace to Esse / Hess / Huss elements. Holland even has an Edam region. Th Os/Oz bulls are even in the colors of the English (Berkshire) House surname. The Host/Ost/Hust surname uses the same white bull as the Oz/Os Coat, and then the French House's use a Housett variation. Reminder: the Arms of Savannah, where Moravian Church-ers settled Georgia, uses "Hostess" in the motto. The swan-using Hosters/Hesters/Hassters might apply. I'm recalling the Osters that were traced (2nd update of April) to the ostrich feathers of John's Brabant theater.

That ostrich symbol of John (and therefore of the Prince of Wales) was said by Wikipedia to likely be of the "OSTREhan" location of Hainaut. Osters were first found in Saxony, suggesting that Trabys may have been there too. [ I might expect Traby links to the part of Saxony that is tree-suspect Dresdan].

Arthur-related Polesdons (Cheshire) use stars in colors reversed to those of Ashtons. Savages of Cheshire use a black lion paw, and black lions. The Polesdon-colored stars are used by black-lion Palins/PAWleys. One can sense Polish lines here as they link to Esau suspects of the As/Ash kind. Paw liners are 666-suspect, as per the RIGHT paw of the black Levi lion on the HEAD of a green dragon that the lion rides the back of, in the Kilpatrick Crest (the Latin/Lattin surname uses two saltire colors, the colors of both Kilpatrick saltires). Then, entering "Hessian" gets black lion's paws. The Hessian surname is shown properly as "Usher," which could be from "Hus", or even from the secret meaning of "Uther" Pendragon.

I traced "Uther" to the Other surname, the write-up of which traces to Windsors. Moreover, the Other Coat (in Windsor-surname colors) uses a red-on-gold fesse, the only symbol in the Arms of Baden (Germany). It's compelling to trace Pendragons to Other's and Windsors, therefore, and we await to see whether the house of Windsor will have something key to do with providing the 666.

Reminder: Windsors entered this update as per Pottens/Potingers being first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Windsors, and Zinzendorf, from elite circles of Pottendorf of Baden, became a Hussite leader.

[The French Brabant Coat uses bugles in Traby-bugle colors, and a bend in colors reversed to the bend that is the Arms of Baden. For new readers, the Arms of Traby shows bugles with strings reflecting a 666. The Bars of Lorraine, who traced not bad to "BRA(bant)", and the Berns, who I think are Bars, also use bugles, but Burns use a black one like Trabys. Soon, probably in the next update, it'll be shown, thanks to FE, that the house of Este-Bar in BRUNswick leads back to Baden (Germany, but then probably Baden in Austria too), the origin of the BERNe line.

At that time, the Este-Bars are going to be shown as the ancestry of the Austrian Habsburgs. That's not my idea, but Wikipedia's. The topic should perhaps go here, but I haven't the time now as it's Sunday already while proof-reading. The only thing I hate more than proof reading is the spell checks at the last moments on Monday mornings.]

The crossbow pointing up in the Latin/Latton Crest was seen in a surname shown early in this update, but I can't recall which surname. Dragon-suspect Latins/Lattons were first found in Wiltshire (beside the Palins/Pawlins of Dorset), where Edwards and Yorks were first found to which Essene-suspect Zacharys/Sacheverals traced. Dorset is beside Somerset and has been traced (by me) to Dorians, and therefore to Dor. Essenincidence?

In this picture where the Dor theater traces to Lusatians, Dorset can trace to "Dres(dan)" of Lusatia, especially as I see Latins (the peoples) and Lusatians from the same Laish / Laz stock. The Dorset surname was first found in Wiltshire, and then the Wilts/Wilders (Bavaria) use a savage dressed in part with the Manner loincloth that I view as the Masonic apron now tracing to the white cloth used by Essenes...along with their axe (see last update for details). As I said in the last update, the Manner savage carries a tree probably for the reason that axe and tree were symbols of the Essene line to mythical Esus. Recall mythical Elatus / Allatu now identified as proto-Eileithyia of axe-symbolized Crete. (English Wilts use the Zionist stars, apparently, of the Bavarian Weis/Wise surname.)

Let it be repeated that Savages use a "paw," a term tracing to the Phasis entity of Esau's son, where the Lazi had lived. The German Manners use the Levi lion design (in white), and it just so happens that English Manners/Maness' use a blue Indian peacock that comes up twice in the two Paw / Paus surnames. German Paws/Pauers were first found in...Baden! The Paws/Pauers use the same chevron as Exeters. The Paws/Pauers are obviously related to Powers (use the Palin/Pawley Shield), first found in Devon, thus clinching the Paw/Pauer chevron as that of Exeters.

It just so happens that the Muskau location (in Gorlois) on the Polish border with Germany uses a savage in the same-colored cloth as the Wilt/Wild savage, and holding a red antler, symbol of Lusatia's Spree-Neisse and of Baden's Veringens.

It would be excellent if Dor / Carmel / Nazareth / etc. elements could be found in the Esus tree-stump cult as verification that whatever the Essenes were many centuries BC had become the Esus cult. Esus was often drawn / carved with axe in hand. We should keep eyes out for an Essene-like term in Greek / Roman / Gaul / Celt mythology. We already have Aison, Iason/Jason, and Iasion/Iasius, and their trace to the Aedon > Autun line, which gets us to the south of the Treveri. The Trevari were in the land of the house of Bar. One could start to trace the 666 to Essenes, too, therefore. Esus was also "HESus, much like "Hesse."

You can read for yourself at the link above that Esus was related to the Parisii, and the Trier/Treves/Treverorum location: "Trier lies in a valley...near the border with Luxembourg and within the important Mosel wine region." The house of Bar was in the Mosel theater, and the John-Baptist-not line(s) of John of Bohemia were from Luxembourg. The latter man is the pone who owned the Ich-Dien entity of Wales before the royal Edwards got it, while it was those Edwards who traced through Savoy to Macon of the Autun theater. "Ich Dien" is the motto of the entity called, "Prince of Wales," and I trace Trabys to the Tudor-Trevors of Wales, you see, who smack of "Treverorum." Both the Trabys and the Prince of Wales use white ostrich feathers, and I traced "ostrich" to "Austria." But then Austria is a fairly big place. We need to find the ostrich bloodline of Austria.

I traced the ostrich line to the Strauss surname because a Greek ostrich is a "struthios." See the STRASbourg location in this quote on the mythical origins of Trier:

According to the Gesta Treverorum, [Trier] was founded by Trebeta, an Assyrian prince, centuries before ancient Rome. He was the son of Ninus, King of Assyria, by a wife prior to his marriage to Queen Semiramis....After wandering for a time [isn't that code for the proto-Franks?], he led a group of colonizers to settle at Trier around 2000 BC in what is now Germany. Trebeta is also reputed to have been at Strasbourg, France.

Perhaps we won't need to go to Austria to find the Tudor ostrich feathers after all. Perhaps Strasbourg and Strauss surnames are at their heart. Yes, to my amazement, after I wrote the above, there were seen eight white ostrich feathers in the Crest of the Arms of Strasbourg! My senses are that the red bend of Strasbourg is also that of Baden's Arms, which I now know is used in the Arms of Lorraine.

Unbelievable. The Straus surname was just checked, which hasn't been viewed in months, and besides I've never had it burned in my head as to what the Coat uses. I now find that it uses the same leaf design as the new leaves shown by both Hazels and Houses!!! That does not so much suggest that "House/Hause" and similar variations trace to "Hesse" or "Hus," but to "Esus/Hesus" itself!!! It's no wonder that the direction of God seemed to be emphasizing the House surname...ever since I've been on the Covert - Nazi topic early this year.

As Salop became a topic above when on the Slavs of KESZthely in the Zala area of Hungary, let it be repeated that Hazels call their leaves "hazel slips," the latter term smacking of "Salop" as well as "Islip." Moreover, I'd like to re-mention that my trace of proto-Hungarians to the Ticino theater was SOLID ROCK in my mind, a trace made long before finding, in this update, that the Durance river of the Salyes traces to Daurantia, ruler of the Sclaveni at Zala. BUT ZOWIE, Hungarians traced themselves to Nimrod, who is thought by some to be the same as the quasi-mythical Ninus you read above as per the ancestry of the Treveri. There are insinuations all over this.

In case the leaves of the Straus and House Coats disappear, let me assure you that I've studied both of their Coats at this time to verify that they are the same leaf design, and moreover are colors reversed from one another. The Straus' just call theirs "red leaves"..that appear on a white bend. Didn't Hussites / Moravian Church-ers settle Bethlehem in Northampton county of Pennsylvania. The Cabbages were first found in Northampton, England, and the House leaves are called, "cabbage leaves"!!! That now convinces that the House surname was from Hussites too, meaning that John Huss traced back to Esus!!!!! Now I know that God has had Julie sitting-in-waiting on our behalf -- for the whole world to understand this very moment's revelation.

A ladder used Trips (Traby/Treveri suspect) could be important as code for "SCLAveni when the ladder is viewed as a "scala." Zacharys/Sacheverals, suspect now from Esus as well as from Essenes, were first found in DERBYshire. Reminder: Zacharys/Sacheverals are suspect from "Saxony," and could therefore trace to Lusatians / DRESdan.

Ask if the large key in the hand of the monk in the Arms of Trier is secretly an axe. If it is, then other heraldic keys, rather than being,as the Popes claim, for the keys of heaven given by Jesus to Peter, could instead be for the Esus cult. Imagine that, a supposedly Christian-protector church secretly honoring a human-sacrifice cult. Are the keys of the Sheaves/Chiapponi's secretly the Esus axe? See the Vatican cloth draped over the monk's arm, with a central long piece like a loincloth, or like the Arms of Auvergne.

Amazingly: "The Romans under Nero Claudius DRUSus [caps mine!] established a military outpost belonging to the Germania Superior Roman province at Strasbourg's current location, and named it Argentoratum." As Strasbourg was a Treveri location, by what coincidence did its Roman overseer have a tree-suspect name? As the Traby ostrich was in Poland, might not this Drusus character have put forth a bloodline(s) that named Lusatia's Dresdan?

On the Straus surname: "First found in the Altmark region, where the family emerged in mediaeval times as one of the notable families of the region. One source suggests that the earliest origin of the name was in fact the Principality of Cologne; but other chronicles suggest the true origin to be the ancient province of Altmark, later the duchy of Brunswick." Cologne was the home of the Ubii Franks that I say was the MaccaBEE entity. Trier is near Bonn, a city that I trace to Bononia, where lived the Boii-suspect proto-Maccabees that were also "MaccaBAEUS."

AHA! Just found: a surname using the Arms of Strasbourg, which is just a red bend on a white Shield, no symbols, just like the STUR/Aster/Estor/Ister Coat! Therefore, rather than Strasbourg being named after "street," as the Strasbourg article suggests, I would instead suggest Ishtar elements of the house of Bar / Este kind. It implies that the ostrich feathers of Strasbourg should link to the ostrich feathers suspect at Ostrehan of Hainaut. We could expect Strasbourg / Stur elements in Street-like surnames such as Stratten, first found in Wiltshire...where the Ich-Dien entity of John of Bohemia can trace (as per Edwards being first found there).

Back to the Exeter topic, the place that sounds like an axe, and the place for which related surnames should use the EXcalibur sword, as do AXtons, apparently. The Exeter write-up tells of Romans landing on the island of Thanet (Kent) as their first step to subduing the British tribes. Thanet is where the English Massin/Mason/Macon surname was first found, suggesting a Mason / Maccabee trace to Romans...who were the dragon-line peoples to which I trace the Arthurs. I trace "Arthur" to "Ardea" of the Kilpatrick-related Latins who were surely the Roman harlot riding the Revelation dragon. The Sturs/Astors/Isters above had an Esturmy branch first found in the same place (Hampshire) as the Kilpatrick-related Botters, which tends to support the Ishtar trace to Sturs / Esturmy's.

In that case, the ostrich symbol is fundamentally of Ishtar lines. In Mesopotamia, Ishtar became married to Ninus (= Nineveh), or in other words Ishtar was the same as Semiramis, and we just saw that the Treveri ostrich line traced themselves back to Ninus and Semiramis. Might "Exeter" be a corruption from "Ester"?

Documents dated around AD 900 call [Exeter] it Exanceaster. In the Domesday Book (1086), it was called Execestre. The place-name is derived from the Celtic word exe, which means water [what about the axe?]...The Romans first invaded the British Isles in AD 44, landing at Thanet and soon subduing all of the English tribes. They remained in control for two or three centuries, leaving an indelible mark upon the face of England. Town names like Bath are directly attributable to the period of Roman occupation..." (Exeter-surname write-up)

It would be good to know what the name of Exeter was in still earlier times. The Exeter surname, in Stur/Ister colors, mentions an Hexter variation, and then Ectors/Hectors use the same red-on-white colors again. In fact, Ectors/Hectors use three red bends, while Sturs/Esters (who are also "Easter") and Strasbourg use a single red bend.

We wonder why, in the quote above, Arthurian-related Bath is mentioned of all the places that had Roman elements in England. I assume that heraldry write-ups are written often by heraldry masters, men of the cults. The early "Exan" term for Exeter looks like it was linked to "Aachen," to the Aiken Coat uses the Exeter chevron while the Aachen Coat uses the colors of the Devons and Pendragons. Besides, I traced the Pendragon cult of the Devon area to the proto-Carolingians...who ruled out of Aachen. In fact, I identified mythical Gorlois of Cornwall as code for "Carol(ingian)."

While dolphin-using Tippers (encoded in the Pendragon motto) were first found in Cornwall along with Pendragons, Egans/Eagans/Kegans (smacks of "Exan" too) were first found in Tipperary, where the Pendragon-related Kennedy's (more dolphins in their Scottish branch) were first found. It's a no-brainer now to link Egans/Eagans with the Euganeo location of Padova -- smack beside Este -- in the downtown land of the Veneti who were from the Kennedy-like Heneti.

I trace "Devon" to "Davenports" of Cheshire's ASTbury, while tracing Cheshire / Chester to Hesse' Catti. The Ashbury/Ashbourne Coat was recently shown to be the white-on-red Acton fesse, but even the Astburys of Cheshire use the Acton fesse, though it's also the Covert fesse. Indeed, the Astbury fesse comes with the same mart lets as the Covert fesse, and moreover both Coverts and Ashbury's/Ashbourne's were first found in Sussex, as were the Devons (ducks). ( changed the Acton Coat recently, but then changed it back to its white-on-red fesse. It may change yet again).

What about that link I've made of Coverts to House's? The last time we saw ducks, not far above, it led to the Martels and Martins of Gascony because ducks are used by Gascons and English Peppins/PeopleSHAWs. Charles Martel was the founder of the Carolingians, and so when we find ducks uses also by the Devons, we realize that, indeed, mythical Gorlois of the Devon theater was code for Carolingians. As Coverts use martins/martlets, the surname now looks linked stronger-than-ever to Charles Martel and/or the Martins.

You realize that all these Ishtar and ASh-like terms can link to Essenes too. It recalls that "Ishtar" may have been in the naming of "ESDRAElon," the valley at Megiddo / Carmel. Can't that picture reveal that, whatever the Essenes were called in those early centuries, they were the Ishtar / Ashtarte / Asherah cult? If so, should we even be thinking of an Essene and Esus link to "Esau"? Can we really link "Esau" to "ISH(tar") / ASH(tarte)". If not, then perhaps ESdraelon was named in-part after Esau's tribes, and in-part after Drae(lon) elements such as the Dor-ians.

Here's another reason why Coverts should link to House's. As it seems that Coverts were Caiaphas bloodliners linking to "qui"-using Sheaves/Shaws and key-using Sheaves/Chiapponi's, what about the description of the English House Coat: " anchor in the sea, proper." The Proper/Robin surname uses a key in the mouth of an ostrich, as well as a fesse in colors reversed from the Covert fesse. Who else used a key? The Arms of Trier, and then ostrich feathers were found in Trier-related Strasbourg.

I've had a special sense that Coverts were of the Hohenzollern Illuminati. In fact, I can't think of any other German group that belongs fundamentally to the Illuminati of the "Illumination" movement other than Hohens. "Zollern" even smacks of "Sol." There is a Zollern surname, first found in Austria, and then the Covert fesse is also the Arms of Austria. Doesn't the Illuminati use black and white the Zollern Shield? These are even the colors of the Sol-suspect Salyes (who use Pendragon symbols), first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Propers/Robins. The latter are the ones using a "Manus" motto term. I'll be investigating Austria's Habsburg rulers in the next update to see what they can tell us on their part in the Illuminati. I already know that ancient Habsburg elements link to Baden elements in Lorraine, but then why not to Baden in Austria, where Pottinger is located?

Before I go on, it should be said that Hussites appeared to be moved by a proper Christian spirit, one of seeking to repair the Vatican's abuses and hypocrisies, and to turn Catholic hearts back to Biblical basics. If I'm linking things to Hussites here, it's not to speak malice of the true Christians in the Hussite movements.

Coverts were found rooted in the proto-Windsor Germans, mainly in their Saxe = Saxony elements, but also in the Coburg elements suspect in some variations of the House-related Cabbage surname. No matter where I go in discussions, Coverts are there.

The Windsor surname uses the same cross types, in the same colors, as Hamburgs and Trips/Treffs of Hamburg. The Windsor saltire is colors reversed in particular from the Desmond/Gerald saltire (Annandale-suspect), clinched where Geralds are found in the Other write-up. Aside from the trace this makes of Windsors and "ardua"-using Pottens/Potingers to Annandales, it tends to trace the TREFoils of the English Powers to the Traby-suspect Trips/TREFFs because the Power trefoils are around the MacCarthy/Arthy stag while MacCarthys and Desmonds were related at Muskerry, all part of Arthur ancestry. The Others and Windsors just happen to be in the colors of the Other-like Arthurs. The Arthur cult's links to Lusatians is what brings the Arthur cult into the 666 bloodline. The Arthur cult calls this Lusatian / Lys entity its "holy grail."

I'll tell you right up front, though it's next update's topic, that the Hab/Hobbies surname (in Pendragon colors) was first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Arthurs. It the Hab surname links to Habsburgs, we are on our way to lumping Habsburgs in with the vile dragon-cult Illuminati. It should also be said that "Covert" is not a far cry from "Hobbie." I even trace Coverts/Cofferts to "Coffey/Coffer." The Covie's/Cowey's use a fesse in colors reversed from the Covert fesse. Suddenly, the idea is coming to bear that "Cover(t)" was fundamental to the Hab(burg) surname. The Habsburgs are known to be from the house of Bar in Lorraine, and while Esus was in Lorraine, so we find a tree-stump in the Covie/Cowey Crest. Coves use Covert colors and an arm-and-axe in Crest (reflecting the arm-and-sword of AXtons who use the Covert fesse).

The black eagle in the Covie/Cowey Crest is even used by the Hobbs.

It could be that Habsburgs were Hobsburgs, so to speak, which easily morphs to "COBburg." When we think about it, what could "Co" of "Coburg" stand for? But if the root was "Cob," it makes much more sense. We can assume that things started out as Cob(b), then morphed into "Coburg," then "Covert." In the meantime (I'm guessing here, without much time allotted to it), there was a Cob > Hob > Hab > Habsburg morphing in another direction. The Cobbs use Covert colors once again, as well as martins. The elephant in the Crest of the Corbetts/Corbins (Salop, Slav-suspect) is in the Cobb Crest, which recalls that Corbetts/Corbins and Coverts were both traced to Sorbs > Serbs. As Corbetts were the crow line (their bird is called a raven), it not only explains why the write-up traces to "corbet"= "dark hair," but why the Cobb martins are black.

I'm assuming Cobbs and Habs all goes back to a Caiaphas-like term, suggesting that even Habsburgs go back to Caiaphas' tribes.

Were Coverts just linked to Propers/Robins? The Robins use thistles, the symbol of the Coven Crest, and moreover both Covie's/Cowey's and Covens use gold boar heads. Place your bets on whether Illuminati bloodlines kept to themselves in marriages so as to explain why Coverts are linked to just about every one of my dragon-line topics. The Coven Chief is in the colors of the Coffeys/Coffers and Coffers/Coffares...and Saxe's.

The reason that the Gareb-suspect garb in the Saxe Coat is a "WHEAT sheaf" may be as code for Saxe-related Wettins. Otherwise, the central symbol of Saxe's appears to trace them back to Garebites...that were identified as Nahorite-Amorites through Crete, where Perdix was located who was given the partridge symbol, the symbol used also around the Saxe garb. Recall that Perdix was made by ancients a branch of Daedalus while the latter had a son depicting the Iapyges of Apulia, where Taranto is located that has a naked rider on a dolphin as its Arms, symbol also of the Coffer/Coffey Coat.

The Cup has gone Dry

In a grail-line discussion, it's hard to know which came first, the Coffey variation of Coffers, or the cup in the Coffer/Coffey Coat. One might mistaken it for a coffer mug when in reality it's the filthy cup of the Israeli Chief priests, Coffey-like Caiaphas included.

Now Lusatia and Silesia are overlapped regions. Recall what was said earlier: "The following should reveal why the Tabor surname was first found in Silesia: "Composed in part of Taborites, with Calixtine priests and even nobles among them, [Moravians] retired in a numerous body to the neighborhood of Lititz not far from the Silesian mountains." The CALIXtines were named after "chalice," which is a grail cup. They were named thus because the Hussites had deemed it correct for themselves to celebrate the "Lord's Supper," including the drinking of wine from a cup, apart from a Catholic priest officiating. This movement had nothing seemingly to do with the pagan grail, and yet it's conspicuous that Arthurianism is tracing to Hussite settings.

I traced the pagan grail (years) ago to the Catti of Hesse, and here we are seeing that the Huss surname is also the Hesse surname. I traced the pagan grail to the Catti because CADmus' people in Cilicia were the Cati, and because mythical Cilix was made Cadmus' brother for that reason. "Cilix" was code for Cilicia, but smacked to me of "chalice"; it was from that single tidbit alone that I first chose to identify the pagan grail with the Cadmus line through Cilicia. Although the theory was based on whimsical grounds, yet it hardly failed me...when the pagan grail cult traced over and over again to Catti elements. For example, the Cati led to the Hatti, and there we find mythical Atti(s) married to the Great Mother harlot then going by the name of Cybele/Kybele. Cybele and Atti(s) were the parents of Lydia, the Ladon dragon to the Latins on whose back the Harlot rides while she holds the pagan grail in her hand.

The Phrygians that were the Cybele and Atti cults led to the Trojans, founded by Batia of mount Ida. It was the mount Ida of Crete from which the Great Mother, then under the name, Rhea, came to Troy. Batia probably traces to the Batavi, a tribe of the Catti at Hesse. But in the case of a Batia trace to BATAVI, she also traces to PADOVA in the Veneti theater, and it's in Padova that the Ishtar- and/or Esau-suspect Este location sits. Estes were related to the Bat-like Butes/Butts...from the Cadmus line at Butua leading to the Butteri Latins. There we are again at the Latin harlot riding the scarlet dragon.

We just saw how Merovingians of the Pepin kind trace to Este, and then the Merovingians are known to be from the Salian Franks who lived at the mouth of the Rhine, where the Batavi also lived. If that's not enough, Merovingians trace to Merowe in ancient Ethiopia, which city was also called (according to its Wikipedia article), BEDEWE, smacking of "Budva," modern name of Butua. That traces the Cadmus grail to Padova, and indeed the Veneti are thought by Illuminati experts to be the very bottom of the European Illuminati. But it then goes from Pepins to Merovingians/Carolingians on the one hand, and to Babenbergs of Austria on the other. We might say that just as Caiaphas-suspect Capetians followed Carolingians in the French throne, Caiaphas-suspect Habsburgs followed Babenbergs elements on the Austrian throne. Babenbergs became Hohen-related, and that's where we find Coverts/Cofferts, but then Babenbergs trace easily to Bernician Bebbanburgs while Habsburgs had ancestry in Bernicia-suspect Bars-Estes of BRUNswick.

You can glean in the above that Batia (daughter of Teucer which Dardanus married) was just another name of the Great Mother cult, and to explain it, one needs only to trace her to the Bats of Caucasia, who lived in the same area as the Lazi, who were in turn part of the Ladon / Revelation dragon. The underlying idea in Revelation seems to be that Bats rode on the back of the Lazi all the way to the Latins / Butteri. If correct, the anti-Christ could be a Georgian Bat. They say PUTIN's real mother comes T'ibilis, Georgia, though from a Bath-named part of that city. Interestingly, Zinzendorf's home region was POTTENdorf, while his Moravians settled first in Georgia (of the U.S.)

Could it be that Hussites stressed the Lord's Supper as the bone by which to pick a fight with the Vatican because they had been from the Arthurian "holy grail," which had been twisted over the centuries to become the cup of Christ? As I identify the Arthurian holy grail with the Lys entity of Merovingians, it goes also to Lusatia, where Zinzendorf was born.

Mythical Boeotus was made the twin brother of Aeolus, and the latter was from the area of the Ladon river in the Peloponnese. Even Hermes, to which the Lazi golden fleece belonged, was made born near the Ladon river...which flowed by the Peneus river, a river smacking of Panias beside Laish at mount Hermon. Hermes traces to the ermine symbol of heraldry used by the "wife" of king Arthur, GuineVERE. She was symbol for Gwenea/Vannes, a Veneti realm in Brittany not far from the Pharisee-suspect Veres of Ver, Normandy. It was Vannes that developed the ermine symbol, and the Arms of Vannes came to use three large ermines, just like the Trestan/Tressan Coat. Unfortunately, I don't know whether "Trestan" traces to "Dresdan" in the Lusatian theater.

For some reason, the Mormons came to mind after writing the last line. I didn't understand why, except that I am to link Zinzendorf (born in Dresdan) and/or Moravians to Mormons. A second after Mormons came to mind, "Moroni" came to mind, a character invented by Mormons. I recalled that there had been a Moroni surname mentioned recently. Loading the Moroni Coat, I first saw that the surname was first found in the Veneti city of Verona, grail-important because the Vair/Verona-surname fish traces to Hermes-related Cadmus at Butua. It's grail-important, not just because Cadmus is the pagan grail entity, but because the Vair/Verona surname was first found in the same place (Paris) as the Lys surname. It's grail important because we just traced Arthur's wife to Veneti elements. But then I also saw that the only symbol of the Moroni Coat was a tree, evoking that theory made earlier in this update: that "Dres(dan)" is a form of the Greek word for "tree."

The Greek tree went by such terms as dry and dryas, and so "Dry" was just entered to find the Arthur pelican design. The pelican is not in the Dry Coat, however, but in the Irish Heron/Haveran Crest. The Heron surnames (both use herons) were checked because the Dry Coat uses herons. Herons/HAVERANs were a major find in the 3rd update of April, when I was poking around at Verona-like surnames seeking clans that honored Eleazar AVARAN Maccabee.

I almost missed it: Irish Herons use the same ardua motto term, and even the same pelican-on-nest, as Pottens/Potingers!!! Meaning: we have a Heron link both to Dres-like Dry's and to Pottendorf-like Pottens. How can that be coincidental???

And so I'm becoming more convinced that the Moravian Church, which preceded Mormons by three centuries, had been infiltrated by Freemasons who started the Mormon cult. While Mormons stated that American natives were the lost ten tribes of Israel, Moravians, among the first things they did when moving to Bethlehem / Pennsylvania (not far from Mormon beginnings), evangelized natives. The founder of the Mormons (Joseph Smith) married a woman from Harmony, north-east Pennsylvania, though there is another Harmony in Pennsylvania close to Bethlehem.

The Herons and the Horns (in the colors of Trabys/Sadowskis) have identical Coats and identical mottos. The Trabys are said to be named after a "horn," explaining their hunting horns. Reminder: I'm still looking to trace the Traby ostrich feathers to "Austria," and that's where Pottendorf is located.

Now the Hussians (not to be confused with Hussites, at least not properly) were Hungarian military units that were expert in shooting the arrow on horseback. I've suggested in the past that the heraldic arrow, especially when bunched as per the arrows in the Arms of Rothschild, were from Hungarians, for they and others trace "Hungary" to a term, "On-Ogur," said to mean ten arrows or ten tribes. And as three of the original ten tribes of Hungarians were Kabars/Khazars, they ought to trace to the Mures river where the Khazars were living, which is where I trace Moor/More and similar surnames...such as Moremans/Mormans using three bunched arrows in Crest. I'll leave it to you deep thinkers and fishers (I no longer have time for deep thinking) to ponder whether this makes a Mormon link back to Hussite Protestants, but even if it does, would it be important?

This would be the place to re-mention that I trace "On-Ogur" to "Euganeo" and to the Auger surname using "agendo" as a motto term. As Merovingians trace to Euganeo, it was an Amorite theater of the "free" and wandering kind.

Reminder: the Bethlehem parts of Pennsylvania have to do not only with Bush honoring a Mormon as the next potential leader of the "free world," but even the Bush clan to which George was associated traces back to Mormon / Smith elements of the PalMYRA area of New York state, and then Wikipedia's article on Palmyra traces it to Palmyra in Syria, a location in ancient times of the Amurru = Amorite empire.

The Trestan/Tressan page shows b-less variations and yet they still smack of "Trabzon," which recalls that Traby-suspect Trips/Treffs trace to trefoils of Rockefeller elements in Languedoc, where Trestans/Tressans were first found. Tree-suspect Drys/Dreys were first found in Norfolk (Moremans/Mormans were first found in neighboring Suffolk), and Moroni's use an oak tree...the symbol of the Sprows who trace to Norfolk's Sprowston. Fancy that.

Moreover, while I not only link Drummonds to Trips/Treffs, but to "Thermodon" beside Trabzon, Drummonds lived at, and reportedly named, DRYmen (Perth / Stirling area of Scotland).

The Drys of Norfolk can be linked to the Leafs/Leves of Norfolk by way of the latter's bee design appearing in the Door/Dory Coat. Repeat: as Dorys were first found in Herefordshire, which traces to Herzegovina, the Daorsi peoples in the Herzegovina theater are pegged. It's a certainty thus far in my mind that Doarsi, who lived at NERETva, trace to mythical Nereus and Doris, founders of NEREIDs. Just like that, we have a good reason for a Dry trace to Dor at Carmel.

When seeing the Durward variation of Scottish Doors/Dormans, it recalled one surname seen above first found in Durham. It turned out to be the Hessians/Ushers that use lion's paws. It is meaningful because the Doors/Dormans also use a lion's paw in Crest. It's conspicuous that an usher can also be a doorman, yet neither the Usher and Doorman surnames should have been the originals, but rather play on one another's earlier surnames leading to a common theme. Ushers (and Uther) could have been the Essenes from Dor.

We can't yet shake way from Moor/More elements because the Durham surname uses the same Shield (with Moray stars) as the Scottish Moor/More Coat, and the Moors/Mores even uses a "Duris" motto term.

It wasn't until writing all the above that the first wife of Zinzendorf was discovered: Erdmuthe DORothea. I mean, I didn't know how to link Zinzendorf's Moravians to the Dorians even though the latter were linking to Amorites, and here I find Zinzendorf married to a Dor-suspect surname. The Dorothy/Dorothea surname (shows no Coat) was even first found in Durham! "Coincidences" like this just floor me. I was wondering above what use it was to go on the Dry > Dor tangent. Now I think I know.

Zinzendorf's second wife was of a Nitschmann surname, and there is a Nitsch Coat of a surname first found in Bohemia. It has the look of the Schere/Scherf Coat, and as Scheres/Scherfs were first found in Austria, they could be linked to Zinzendorf elements in Pottendorf. The Walkers use a Shield much like the Scheres/Scherfs, and recently the Wilkin Coat (green wyvern, links to the Morgan lion i.e. Morgan le Fay) was recently found to use the Schere/Scherf Shield too. ZOWIE, the Walker-like Wilkers/Wilkens, descended from "Robert de Wintona, of GlaMORGAN,", were first found in Durham! Compare the Wilker/Wilken wave with that in the Doris/Orres Coat.

Pause. With the first president Bush being born a Scherff, and then adopted by Nazi-element Bush's for to seize the American nation on behalf of Nazis, the Scherf link to Dor elements above causes me to reflect on the Dor location near Megiddo, for Nazi suspects were discussed in the last update at Nesher, at the foot of the Carmel mountains near Dor. Nesher's Nazi suspects had brought to mind the reason for Armageddon, you see, and what we may find is that the same people behind 911 (and the related Middle-East wars) are going to be pulled by God, hook-in-jaw, to the mountains of Megiddo. There they will find their reward for their deeds. It may be no wonder that God tells of Gog's BONES being gathered in Israel for seven months, after the Armageddon slaughter. It may be play on Skull and Bones. In the last update, it was told that the Nesher location was founded from a Geier surname using a vulture, and then vultures are a Biblical theme for Armageddon's dead soldiers too. It just so happens that Geirs/Gayre were first found in Saxony!

The Nesher topic had to do with a Pollack-surname Russian who (co)founded Nesher. Long before the last update, I had traced the "Jewish" Pollock Coat to the Doris/Orres Coat. I now find that Bush's Nazi elements (i.e. the Wilkers) trace well to Doris'/Orres'.

I've just noticed that the color of the fesse in the English Bush Coat has been changed from red-on-white to black-on-white. The Wilker/Wilkin wave is a white-on-red fesse, probably colors reversed to the Bush fesse for the reason of kinship. If we look up the Wintons as per the Wintona ancestry of Wilkers/Wilkins, we find a Shield in colors reversed to the Leaf/Leve and Macey Shields. The Leaf/Leve surname is being cited because it uses doves too, as do Wintons. The Macey surname is being cited, not just because Maccabees are expected within Levi associations, but because of the Maes term in the Wintona write-up: "...a Norman knight, de Winton, was granted vast estates on the English Welsh border including Maesllwch Castle."

"Maesl" evokes the Germo-Austrian Misl/Meisel/Maisel surname (same-colored fesse as Doris' and Pollocks) with the only heraldic mouse I've ever seen. That's one reason for my suspicions that I'm on the False-Prophet and/or anti-Christ bloodline as I write. Entering "Maes" gets the Dutch Maes/Maest/Mesta Coat with white-on-black cinquefoils, colors reversed from the cinquefoils of the English Maisy Coat. You may have read where Bush's were identified as Masci bloodliners, but then Adolf Hitler traced to Maschis of Rimini via his Polzl-surnamed mother. And Pollocks are a sept of a Masci / Macey bloodline too. It just so happens that the new fesse of the English Bush Coat is in the colors of the fesse in the Maisy Coat.

The Maes/Maest cinquefoils are in the colors of the Potter cinquefoils, and as the Potter Crest shows a sea horse, symbol of the Arms of Budva/Butua, I'd identify the Maes surname with the Meuse/Maas river as per a trace of the Bar location near Budva to Bar-le-Duc elements in the Lorraine / Moselle (= Little Meuse river) theater. The Bar and Este eagle are white-on-blue, the colors not only of the Bush/Busch and Bosch fleur-de-lys, but of the Geier/Gayre vulture.

As I've tentatively linked Coverts/Cofferts to Bush's Nazis, not to mention that the two surnames use fesse in colors reversed from one another, what about that Covert link made above to Habsburgs? The new Bush fesse is in the colors of the Hab/Hobbie (the latter's birds are said to be hawks). The old Bush red-on-white fesse had three gold symbols, as does the same-colored fesse of the Covie's/Cowey's. While Bush's use black boars for Esau, Covie's/Cowey's use the Esus-suspect tree stump (and Cove's use the axe).

Again, the Geiers/GAYre's were first found in Padeborn, and Pades ("Ardens" motto)use the same colored scallops as Gays. But the Pade Coat uses gold symbols on a red bend, smacking now of the Bush gold symbols on red fesse. I'm trying to add evidence to the theory that Bush's are somehow involved (or will be) at Megiddo. Bush's trace well to Esau, so why not to ancient Essenes of Megiddo?

Early in this update: "The Gay chevron is in the colors of the Over bend, and Overs (Cheshire) likely trace to Auvers-le-Hamon [named for the Devors surname with a blue JAY], and therefore to the [Hamon-de-Massey related] Masseys of Manche and Savoy." As French Gays were first found in Savoy while English Gays are said to be from Gaye in Manche, I've just got to re-stress that I expect Massey bloodliners with the False-Prophet link to the anti-Christ, and besides, Maccabees are expected in ancient Carmel too. There is a good chance that general Mattis, chief of Central Command in the United States, is part of the Massi/Mattis surname that I trace to Massino in Piedmont. There is a good chance general Mattis will be in charge of armies at Megiddo...if Armageddon comes sooner than his retirement. Reminder" general Mattis is known as the "Warrior Monk," and I trace Monk bloodliners to Munich and to Manche. Munich was home of Nazis, and so this paragraph, all-in-all, jibes with the Geier/GAYre link to Megiddo.

I thinks things have been shaping up under our noses for a long time at Megiddo. The grandfather of Guiscard of Sicily, named Tancred, became the Templar ruler of Nazareth and Galilee. Why the Guiscards? Why did they want that area? Or did God appoint them for an end-time cause? Were any of Guiscard's Samson-related Saracens in Nazareth with him? These questions are another job for you deep thinkers; but I have a story to write...though, maybe, I'll fall upon the answers as I write.

Let's go back to the Clarks of Idaho, who built Clark House with an architect having a Cutter surname. Mr. Clark built the mansion after a mansion style of an elite Hohenzollern (= kaiser Wilhelm II) suspect in Cathian Covert's ancestry (she said to me that her father was a Koffert-like surname from a kaiser/emperor of Hohenzollern association). We should also consider that Silesia and many Lusatian / Brandenburg areas use the black-on-gold Hohenzollern / Hohenstaufen eagle that was granted to Hohens by Zahringers (a red eagle at the time).

I just learned from an FE email yesterday that the first Savoy ruler listed on a genealogy page was styled, "Coda," smacking of the Catti-like Cottians to which I trace Cutters and the Kootenai area where Clark House was built. Savoy came to rule Aosta, where the Lys grail cult had lived (suggesting that Cottians trace back to the Cati > Hatti), but then there must have been some Savoy links to Viscontis whom I view as WISharts/Guiscards. Viscontis were a dragon-loving family with a snake symbol, and as the Saves use snakes, the latter may have been a Savoy branch. Clarks were Clairs, I'm sure, who had some merger with the house of Candida at Savoy. That's all basis of the Cutter-Clark relationship, I'm assuming, and Guiscards were...SinCLAIRs.

The dragon head in the Maisy Crest matches that in the Clark Coat, and the Clark-Crest dragon head matches the one in the Cutter Coat. And what do we now find but that Cutters were first found in DORset. It suggests Cadmus out of the Dor area, but then CADmus was the carrier, not only of the Cati > Hatti, but of the older Samson cult...which the Guiscard-allied Saracens traced themselves to. (Wintons of MAESllwch use the same chevron as the Clark Coat above).

The Bush-related suspects, the Wilkers/Wilkens of DURham (i.e. Dor / Essene suspect), who descend from Wintona, have a write-up tracing to "William" and Will-helm, the name of kaiser Wilhelm. AGAIN, the Wilker/Wilken Coat is (currently, but will it soon change?) a white-on-red fesse, the color of the Covert/Coffert Crest. It had only been a theory that kaiser Koffert (whom I cannot find online) was related to kaiser Wilhelm II Hohenzollern, but now the theory has more teeth. REPEAT: COVERTS/COFFERTS LOOK LIKE BUSH- AND WALKER- AND SCHERF-RELATED WILKENS. And like Walkers and Scherfs, the Wilhelm Coat uses red rosed ON STEMS.

If you care to look into it, the William motto looks like code for a Savoy / Savona entity and the William Coat uses the same gold lion as the Visconti-related Sforza's. It just so happens that in the next update, you'll see the ancestry of Covert-suspect Habsburgs in Savoy.

I had linked the Scherf Nazis to the Islip / House bloodline...which is now tracing tentatively to Hussites, while the Huss/Hesse/Hesler surname appears to be a version of the Hiedler/Hidler/Hitler surname because both use gold suns on blue Shields. It's quite difficult to see how even Adolf Hitler arose from Hussite roots, but that may be the extent to which Hussites had been infiltrated by satanic imps who don't know how to be happy with their own lot. No, they've got to mess up everyone's else's because they are self-condemned nut bars like the master demon who makes them so.

The Wilkers/Wilkens Coat uses the Paris-Coat unicorns, and while the Parisii were Gorgons, the unicorns are in the design of the Massey Pegasus (= Gorgon entity). Can we expect Wilker Gorgons at Megiddo? Isn't the dragon of Revelation a Gog?

The same unicorn is used in the Masters Crest, suggesting that Masters should be a branch of the Maes'/Maests. Therefore, Masters should link to the Maesllwch location of Wilkers/Wilkens. It recalls my prediction (about two years ago) that the anti-Christ mouse details in my life would end up with the Must surname.

Some proof that the Maisy black-on-white fesse belongs to the new same-colored English Bush fesse is where Scottish Masters use a black boar, symbol of English Bush's. The green cross in the Coat of the Scottish Masters looks to me to be a colors reversed form of the white-on-green cross in the House Coat. We're looking for a House mouse, aren't we?

If you're catching the drift, we are all over Pharisee and Caiaphas lines here, but now linked to the Dor of which Zinzendorf married. His first wife with Dorothea surname traces to the Dorothea surname first found in Durham, where the all-important Wilkers/Wilkens were first found. It can suggest that Cathian Covert's father was from the Zinzendorf fold.

Zinzendorf's second wife with Nitschmann surname led to the Bohemian Nitsch Coat that uses a black-on-gold eagle (the Hohen eagle) on the Scherf / Wilkin / Walker Shield. That can easily explain why Coverts seemed to me to be some sort of indication of neo-Nazis and Hitler's friends in the Idaho theater. The Nitsch write-up: "The Nitsch surname comes from a popular Silesian short form of the personal name Nikolaus." Nicolaus was Zinzendorf's first name, but in any case, I'm not so easily convinced that Nitschs were short for Nikolaus.

Wilkers were introduced in a long chapter wherein the Mormon founder (Joseph Smith) had for my first time been traced to the ancestry of the Bush clan that fostered the two president Bush's. Wilkens became important because Laura Bush had "Welch" for a maiden name, smacking even of the Bush-related Walkers:

Welch's and Wilkers both use a "sed" motto term. To help assure that Welch's were Walkers of the Bush kind, the Welch motto includes "mortuus," which in my mind is the MORmon bloodline, elements of Moray that included the Mortons/Myrtons...using the very same goat as the English Bush Crest. Scottish Mortons (Cheshire) use the same chevron and colors as the Welch's with "mortuus" motto code. Saids/Saddlers and Mortons/Myrtons were first found in the same place (Wiltshire).

As the black boar, used by the Bush Coat above, is an ancient symbol of Esau (easily verified online), by what coincidence is the Scottish Welch Crest a tree stump, a symbol of mythical Esus (human sacrifice cult in Gaul)?

...Wilkers/Wilkens and English Smiths [I trace them to "Samson"] were first found in the same place (Durham). Wilkers/Wilkens use the same unicorn design, on a red Shield, as the red-Shielded Paris Coat. The Spanish Paris Coat uses the same red-on-gold lion as the Dutch Bush Coat...

Bush-Related Nazi Agents

I can now add that the Saids/Saddlers, because they use the same-colored lion as Masons/Macons, are to be linked to the line of royal Edwards, first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Saids/Saddlers and traced well (in April) to Macon, France. As Bush-related MORtons were likewise first found in Wiltshire, while the Moravian Church must for the time being be suspect from the same Moravians that named Moray, it should be added that both Morays and Masons/Macons use Melusine, the symbol of Lusatians from the Spree river (I link Melusine fundamentally to the Spree > Speer bloodline).

As for the Welch chevron, it's the same as the Aiken and Exeter chevron (if you recall, Exeter was anciently "Exan(caster)"], and the Aiken Crest is yet another tree, even an "oak tree proper." Propers were the one's using the Covert fesse in colors reversed, and therefore in the colors of the Welch and Aiken / Exeter chevron. The Proper Crest is the one with key in ostrich mouth, making the clan suspect from the Trier / Strasbourg Esus cult. Aikens even use a "Robore" motto term as likely code for the Robin / Robert variations of Propers.

If you didn't read, from the 2nd update of April, the robin incidence at my window, where it flittered away there for 5 hours one morning, then you don't know that it became a Sign having to do with Bush-related Amorites and the Bethlehem area of Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the Mormon lines of the Bush's. I had no idea then that I'd be back in this update on the same topics.

The dove in the Spree Crest is identical to the one in the Winton Crest, and Wintons became a topic only for the Wintona ancestry of Wilkers/Wilkins. As you saw earlier that Lusatians had moved to the Cornwall peninsula to merge with Arthurian elements there, so the Spree surname was first found in Cornwall. The uniCORNs of the Wilkers may ultimately represent Cornwall elements; otherwise the unicorns might only be horse heads. The Cornell/Cornwall motto even uses "La Vie Durante" (smacking of the Salyes-Levi relationship), and in the Coat the same red lion as Dutch Bush's/Bos'.

I'm very comfortable now with a trace of Bush's/Buschs / Boschs / Bush's/Bos' to BOZcath" of Hebron. But what's all new and very key is that the Bozcath Amorites trace through Dor. The Covert/Coffert topic that dovetails with the Dor topic must surely be from "Haifa" elements (to the near-north of Dor). I have the sense that Caiaphas-proper tribes came out of Haifa after 70 AD, and then got to Apulia as the Coffer/Coffey bloodline. However, I don't know what Coffer/Coffey entity traces to Taranto, whether themselves or the surname they merged with responsible for the Coffer/Coffey Crest. They use yet another "sed" term, and their "Victoria" term can be for queen Victoria of England, grandmother of kaiser Wilhelm II.

However, my first inclination many weeks ago was to trace the Israeli chief priests, with the Maccabees, to the Modena / Bononia theater. While I figured that they went from Italy to Israel in becoming the chief priests in the first place, I figured that they might come back to their old Italian theater after 70 AD. It just so happens that while queen Victoria was married to Albert, the Italian Alberts were first found in Bononia. And the Victoria Coat is in the gold-on-red colors of French Alberts, while Germo-Austrian Alberts (Ishtar star) use the same colors again and are said to be from Covert-suspect Habsburgs of the Albert name. Moreover, as Maccabees are said to be named after a mace / hammer, the English Albert Crest is a naked savage (reflects the naked rider in the Coffer/Coffey Crest) "with a sledge hammer over his shoulder."

As I tend to see the Apulia entity of Coffers/Coffeys in the Sheaves/Chiapponi's of Abruzzo, and as the latter evolved into Sheaves/Shaws/SHAYS, note that Italian Alberts use "chains," while the Chain (no 'e') surname (in Cheney colors) shows SHAYne and Cheyne variations. The Shawnee natives, remember, were at savage-like Savannah, where Moravians first settled in America...before moving to the Bucks-county theater where Cheneys are expected. If there appears to be a fundamental link between Coffers and Cheneys, note too that while Cheneys use the Sale / Saleman/Salian bend, the Sale bend with white fleur-de-lys is well reflected in the Cuff/Couff Coat. The latter's write-up gives an explanation for why the surname derived from "dorn," but for me it's further evidence of Dor ancestry. The Chains/Shayne's, Coffers/Coffeys, and Cuffs/Couffs were all first found in the Cork / Muskerry theater. (We're finding that both Bush's and Cheneys had fundamental links to Caiaphas-suspect lines).

Revelation mentions a Nicolaitian group hated by Jesus. Do you think some Nicolaus surnames might apply? Two things I wish were clarified in the New Testament are the Nicolaitians and Paul's "circumcision group," whom Paul seems to rail against for more than their strict adherence to circumcision. Wikipedia: "Hippolytus of Rome states that the deacon Nicolas was the author of the [Nicolaism] heresy...Irenaeus discusses them but adds nothing to the Apocalypse except that 'they lead lives of unrestrained indulgence.'...Bede states that Nicolas allowed other men to marry his wife and Thomas Aquinas believed that Nicholas supported either polygamy or the holding of wives in common. Eusebius said that the sect was short-lived."

Short-lived, perhaps, but that doesn't mean some couldn't have resurrected it in later times. It sounds a bit like the polygamous Mormons. Revelation locates Nicolaitians in Ephesus, the Amazon location that I see as the reason for "Hephaestus," whose sacred island had an Amorite-suspect Myrina location...with an African Amazon/Mazices branch from MAZACA, wherefore it went to MORmon-like entities otherwise called (Free)Masons. And Masons are suspect as Caiaphas bloodliners too.

Let's go back to the Nitsch surname that Zinzendorf married, because Coverts seem to link closely to Veres (and therefore Masseys) who are ruled today by Nicholas de Vere. Scottish Cornells use the same-colored fesse as Caiaphas-suspect Coverts, but then the French Nicolaus Coat uses the Cornwall fesse with footless martins, a symbol also of Coverts. Therefore, if the Nitsch's (who say they are a short-form for "Nikolas") trace to the Nicolaus surname, then one could say that Nicolaus Zinzendorf married a Nicolaus and Covert bloodline. German Nicolaus' were first found in Austria, and the Arms of Austria uses the fesse used also by Coverts and Cornwalls.

Moreover, the Maness surname must link to Covert-related Propers/Robins who use a "Manus" motto term, and then the Maness motto uses "Pour y parvenir," much like the Nicolaus motto term, "espoir." Why ES(poir)? See Esus cropping up below. The German Nicolaus Coat is a good reflection of the Maness Coat, and then while Maness' are shown properly as "Manner," there is a Manner Coat using the Vere/Massey Shield with Levi-lion design and the savage in a white loincloth. The Manner/Maness peacock links to the Paws / Paus bloodline, which for multiple reasons may have been founded of "Powys" of Wales.

The Manner/Maness motto (En bon espoir) can be suspect in Bononia elements where I expect the Covert-line Caiaphas elements. Reminder: Propers/Robins use an ostrich that links them to Treveri and Esus. We saw that Bononia linked for Maccabee reasons to Bonn, Germany, the location where Treveri lived before moving to the other side of the Rhine, and then the Nicolaus write-up: "First found in Brittany where they held a family seat in the seigneurie of TREVidy..." Tudor-Trevors were Welsh while the Welsh were forced to take refuge in Brittany. There is a Trevett/Triffet surname (Somerset), with a symbol (called "trivets") I've not seen before...except inside the glass part of scanner systems at check-out counters of retail stores. Reminder: Trabys are suspect as 666 lovers.

The Trevett surname is traced to an old "Truet" variation, smacking of the True/TREE/Trow surname, though the German True surname is listed under the family shown properly with such names as Zachreiss, Zecrest,and Zachrest. I'm getting an Essene feel here.

The Trevett trivet is shown as a small black-on-white saltire with a black fesse going through it's middle. I identify the pirate flag, a black-on-white saltire, with "Skull and Bones," and then the new Bush Coat now being shown at is a black-on-white fesse. The Kilpatrick black-on-white saltire is very suspect in Skull and Bones, and then they were first found in the same place (DUMfries) as the Nitts/Naught surname. I can't be sure at this time whether that surname links to the Nitschs, though the Naughtons use three swords much like the trivet symbol (two of the Naughton swords are in saltire, with the third going through their center in the vertical direction).

The Nitts/Naught Coat uses checks in the colors of the Fer / Cohen checks, and these are the colors of the Scottish Nitch/Neash/Ness Coat (Perthshire). The latter (whose "animo" motto term links to the neighboring Nimos/Newmarsh's) use MORAY/MORAVIA stars, as do Weirs/Veres. It's possible that Nimo's were named after the Nimrod, whom some feel was Ninus, the one to which the Treveri traced themselves! The Nimo's are obviously related to the Tancred - Guiscard bloodline.

For the record, three surnames first found in Treviso (Venetia) are the Picasso's/Picardi's, the Vito's/Bittini's, and the Angels with Levi-lion design. The Angels are a topic below in the assumed discovery of Qumran lines leading to Windsors. That's where I go out on a Limbaugh.

It wasn't my plan to focus on Bush / Nazi links in this Zinzendorf discussion, but I was led to it by the Scherf Shield used by Nitsch's. All in all, just as was the suspicion when Julie first presented me with the Moravians of Bethlehem, Mormon-suspect Bush lines are tracing to Moravians. And it has all led to new clues on Covert ancestry in Bush-suspect Wilkers. Cathian Covert even had a SURbrook surname that I traced to Shurbrooks and Sherwoods/Shurwoods, terms smacking of the Scheres/Scherfs. Again, as Scheres/Scherfs were first found in Austria, they were possibly linked to Zinzendorf's family out of Pottendorf.

Do you recall what two surnames use "sed" in their motto? The Welch's and Wilkers. But now the Nickel/Nicholl motto has been found with "sed," and the Nickel/Nicholl Coat uses a giant pheon in colors reversed from the Welch pheons. And I'll bet you thought that "sed" just couldn't be code for anything.

English Mor(e)tons (Bush goat head), who use the Welch chevron, were first found in the same place as Saids/Saddlers. German Nickles/Nicholls, like German Nicolaus', were first found in Austria, and use the same-colored chevron as Wintons who are the ancestry of sed-using Wilkers. Scottish Mortons were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as English Nickles/Nicholls who likewise use "sed'!!!

The Wilker write-up: "They were descended from Robert de Wintona, of Glamorgan, one of twelve knights who came into Glamorgan with Robert FitzHAMON, a Norman noble, in 1066. Fitzhamon was Sheriff of Kent and founder of TEWKesbury." "Hamon" is capitalized by me to highlight Hamon de Masci of Cheshire (where Nickels/Nichols were first found), for Saids/Saddlers use the same-colored lion, in the same position, as Masons/Macons of Kent. "Tewk" is capitalized by me because Masters (who are related to the Maes/Maest surname that must link to the Maesllwch location of Wintons) use the same griffin design as the Tooks/Tolkiens of Touques, Kent.

As the Wintons use the same dove in Crest as the Spree Crest, it's a near-certainty that Wintons trace to Wends of the Lusatia theater. In other words, Wintons and Windsors are related, and that traces Wilkers to Lusatia / Wends too. While Wilker-related Coverts had traced in an earlier investigation to Croatians of the Craven kind, it's yet possible to link the Croatian Covert line to the Wend Covert line by way of Sorbs in Lusatia and Serbs in Croatia. It brings us back to the Sarpedon line proto-Minoans out of the Carmel theater, where Haifa became a location that I think Coverts and Coffers trace to.

A further point if we're hoping to trace Moravians to Essenes at Carmel is that Tooks/Tolkiens use a motto, "Militia mea multiplex," in honor of Miletus, the place founded by mythical Sarpedon traced to "Sorb." It was in the last update that Sarpedon elements on Crete were traced back to Carmel's proto-Minoans. Reminder: it seemed to me in the last update that the Heneti-related Pepi Egyptians were at Carmel before much of anything had happened in Europe. I trust it didn't escape you that Wintons were of the Heneti > Veneti line to Wends???

Reminder: Windsors were the Saxe-Gotha and Coburg bloodline. As Wintons are the root of Wilkers while Wilkers are looking like Coburg-suspect Coverts, note the Wind/Windle's Coat's martlets, the same style as the Covert martlets. BUT ZOWIE, the Wind/Windle Coat is a green-on-white cross, colors reversed, and in the same style, as the House cross. It not only helps to link Coverts to House's, but helps to trace House's to "Huss(ites)."

The Wind/Windle Crest uses the same stag-head design as the Windsor Crest, and that's a bonus for tracing them to the stag symbol of the Heneti > Venus line. The Windsor motto includes "fie en," smacking of the Veneti line to "Vienne" and/or the Vains / Veyns/Veins. The latter use the same Crest, almost, as the May/Mai Crest, while the latter is not only said to be a leopard (the Covert Crest symbol), but both Mays/Mai's and Coverts were first found in Sussex. The May/Mai fesse is gold on red, almost the Covert white-on-red fesse.

The Italian Maio Coat uses the same tree as the Italian Moroni Coat. Reminder: it was as though God put "Moroni" in my head earlier in this update for identifying Mormons with Moravians, perhaps even with the Moravian Church. But the Moroni tree seemed exceptional for a trace back to the Essenes of Carmel. By now, I have trained sensors for this type of "guesswork."

The Arms of Husinec (John Hus'' birthplace) is like a long blue chevron of the solid type used in the Chappes Coat. In fact, the Husinec "chevron" (I don't know that it's technically a chevron) is colors reversed to the Chappes chevron. There you see Moor heads in the Chappes Coat if that helps to trace to Moravians. Then, the Chappes' were first found in the same place as the Verona's, and the Moroni surname was first found in Verona!

I definitely link Coverts to French Chappes'/Chaips who use ears of wheat in English House colors, while Wheats/Wete's use the gold garb of the Chappes/Cheap Crest. Wheats/Wete's [Wettins?] are in the colors of the Coffers/Coffeys and Coffers/Coffares. Garbs are suspect for Garebites leading to SARPedon of the Carmel theater.

In the last update, the long blue chevron in the Arms of Haifa was linked to the Chappes' chevron because Haifa also went by the name of, Caifa. So, you see, not only does it seem that the Chaip surname leads back to a Caipha term for Haifa, it does seem possible to trace Moroni's to Haifa and therefore to Essenes of adjacent Carmel.

Hephers/Evers and Coverts were first found in the same place, and then we find red garbs in the Hepher/Ever Coat. It came to mind in the last update that the horn-shaped landmass lon Israel's coast, where Haifa is located, might have been a Taurus location at some point because "Haifa" smacks of "heifer." In any case, these garbs may trace to mount Gareb at Amorite Jerusalem, which presumes Amorites at Haifa, the same assumption made in the Moroni trace to Carmel. Moreover, I traced "Gareb" to Sorbs and "Serb" years ago, long before the idea occurred only today that Coverts/Cofferts may be from both Sorbs and Serbs (they say that Sorbs, who lived in Lusatia, were founders of Serbs down south).

The Coffer/Coffey Crest traces to the Arms of Taranto, but the Apulia area around Taranto traces largely to Minoans on Crete. This expects Sarpedon's proto-Sorbs in Apulia, and then I independently traced Pollux elements from Apulia/PUGLia to Poles (Pollux was anciently made ma PUGIList). Makes sense, but to make further sense, Apulia overlooks the ocean waters toward the Serbs.

As the Check surname uses crescents in the colors of the Spree crescents, while the Spree river is in relation to Czechoslovakia, it might just be that Checks were from Czechs. This idea may put a whole new twist on Hohen and Cohen checks.

Hmm, the Check surname (uses same crescents as Sprees / Speers) was first found in the same place (Suffolk) as check-using Moremans/Mormans (and beside the Wheats of Norfolk). Moravia just happens to be half of Czechoslovakia. Hmm, the Surreys use a Coat reflective of Moremans, and as Surreys were first found in Devon, where Lusatians have been tracing, perhaps Surreys were named after Sorbs. In that case, Cathian's Surbrook surname (by marriage, I assume) may have been from Sorbs. Checks use three crescents in the colors of the Dein crescents, and Cathian had also a Dein surname (by marriage).

Wheats/Wetes do look like Wettins of Saxony, and then Saxony holds part of Lusatia. Here are the two Wettin Coats. One of them is in Check colors.

Checking the Sorry surname, it shows a Sawrey variation smacking of Sawyers and Saiers that were from the Sava river flowing toward downtown Serbia! The Sorry Coat uses a bend and six lions all in colors reversed to the bend and six lions of the Skull Coat. Skulls were first found in Herefordshire, which traces to Herzegovina. Skulls must also trace to Hebron, explaining why they use the colors of Hebrons/Hepburns, but then Serb-suspect Coverts use the same colors while Hebrons ("Keep" motto term) are kin to Covert-related Hephers and similar others. Thus we are back to the Amorite land of Hebron so that Serbs may indeed be from mount Gareb.

Hebrons were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as the Maness' surname that Cathian Covert married. As Hebrons are also "Hepborn," I note that Hepps/Hepples/Epples were also first found in Northumberland.

Sawyers and related Seagers were first found in Norfolk, not only where Wettin-suspect Wheats/Wetes were first found, but where Sprowston and Sparhams are first found, places to which I've traced Spree-related Speers. I traced the Speers/Sprees to Norfolk from Lusignan (because Fulkes/Folks of Norfolk ruled neighboring Anjou), the sister region of Lusatia. The Spar(ham) surname even uses a stag with red antlers, the symbol of the Arms of Spree-Neisse in Lusatia.

The Spree motto uses "sage," while German Sages (checks) are also Segers/Saegers. English Sages (Devon, where I expect Lusatians) use the same-colored chevron as Hebrons.

Explanations on Difficulties

The fact that "Hebron" is registered with the Hepborn surname is meaningful, not by chance. But even if the family had roots in Hebron, how did it know? One reason that I trace the surname to Hebron is for its "chevron," which is likely code for something, but the term sounds more like "Hebron" than "Hepborn."

I was convinced that Hebron in Israel was the root of the Hebron surname because of "Skull and Bones," for Eschol was a Biblical valley in Hebron. When seeing that Skulls use a white bend with three lions on either side of the bend, what the Bone's use too, I realized the Skull and Bones cult was named after the two surnames. When seeing that Dutch Bones use a chevron in Skull colors, it was realized that it was the Hebron chevron too. It may have been a known fact in Messina that Sicels, the namers of Sicily, and/or the namers of Scylla, were from Ascalon (Israeli coast), and that Ascalon was named from Eschol (Israeli interior). It could certainly explain why Dagon, though worshiped in the Ascalon region, was an Amorite god.

The new idea presented here, that heraldic checks are code for Czechs needs to me examined with my previous theory that the Cohen and Hohen checks had come from the Byzantine imperials who used a checkerboard pattern on their coins. The checkerboard pattern appears, with what look like checkers, on their royal robes. I was told that old bankers used checkerboards for handling coins, and coins look like checkers. It made sense that the Cohen checks were from Byzantines because I had traced Cohens / Kagans to the Khazar line of the Byzantine noble, Melissena Rangabe (when one enters "Kagan," the same "Jewish" Coat comes up as when one enters "Cohen").

To now trace the checks to Czechs, after first tracing them to Byzantines, seems contradictory, but there could be explanations. By the way, Byzantines came to conquer northern Italy a few centuries after the Boii had conquered Bononia...which place I happen to trace to the Bone surname, and there was a BOZcath location at Hebron that should prove to be ancestral to the Byzas entity that named Byzantium. In my opinion, that Byzas entity was the same Buzite line to the Bush / Bos bloodline. The Bush red fesse, I now realize, uses gold symbols, while red and gold were the official colors of the Macedonian dynasty of Byzantine imperials. The German Bush fleur-de-lys is in the colors of the Rangabe cross, and the Dutch Bush/Bos lion is red on white.

I traced the checkerboard pattern of Byzantines to the Amorian dynasty (officially started with Michael II almost immediately after Michael I Rangabe), named after Amorium in Phrygia, what I considered to be an Amorite location that perhaps proto-Merovingians had lived in.

In order to link Cohens to Bohemians of Czechoslovakia, I appeal to my trace of Cohens to the Khazars on the Mures river, near a Morava river region. It can explain why "Jewish" Cohens/Kagans use three stars in Moray-star colors (though they use them on "royal blue"). The Moravia that was founded about 800 AD (so says Wikipedia), at about the same time that Michael I Rangabe (811-13) had been on the Byzantine throne, was half of check-suspect Czechoslovakia. The Cohen checks are in the colors of the Rangabe cross.

In this picture, the Amorian Byzantines may have had something to do with naming Morava and/or Moravia, especially as the Byzantine "Romans" (founded by Constantine I of Rome) had control of much of eastern Europe. At the page above on Michael I, one sees the checkerboard pattern on his coins; he looks like an Amorian just because the first official Amorian was named Michael too (the region from which the Rangabe's were from is not told by Wikipedia).

It seems to me that because French Fers and German Cohens both uses a Shield filled with blue and white checks, they were one and the same family. To boot, Veres claim a mythical Melusine in ANGERs/Anjou, smacking of Melissena Rangabe, wife of INGER the VARangian. While the Melusines (peoples) of Lusignan can be traced to Luzica/Lusatia, the latter was on the border with Moravia where I figure Cohens had their Czech beginnings. But to explain why they named themselves, Cohen, meaning "priest," it was either after the kagan priesthood of Khazars, or a new theory here: after the Pharisees that I trace to Veres / Ferraris of northern Italy...where Byzantines ruled prior to the Veres / Fulks of Anjou.

I don't leave Merovingians out of the Moravia picture, for Merovingians disappeared from contention for the French throne (late 700s) just before Moravia was being founded. I even keep theories on why the Amorians of Byzantium became allied to Merovingians. Again, the latter's roots were in Padova, at and around Este, a place tracing to, or linking with, Butua, which uses a sea horse as symbol, as does the Irish Cohen Crest. In fact, the Bar location near Butua that became the Bar branch house of Este smacks of the BARnicle variation of Irish Cohens. Note the Coyn variation, smacking of "coin." Byzantines had a lot of money flowing in order to rule half of Europe for centuries.

Ask why Hungarians had traced to Euganeo, beside Este, while Andrew's Cross (seen in the Eugene Coat) is in the white-on-blue colors of the Rangabe cross. Eugene's even use a sun, symbol of Cohens/Kagans. In this picture, it appears that Rangabe Byzantines were at the root of the Hungarian king, Andrew I, and so I point the finger at the Cohen-branch Fer checks, for Ferraris were in the Euganeo theater, and Este holdings became ruled by Ferrara. Yes, Andrew was in exile in Kiev while waiting his throne, but Kiev is was ruled by Varangians, and Inger was a Varangian guard for the Byzantines. It seems that someone very close to Andrew was a Varangian with Byzantine blood, which easily links that someone to the Rangabe line. It's known that Andrew's wife was a Varangian of Kiev, but then did he have sexual relations with Melissena too, to produce a Rangabe line of Hungarians? Did that Rangabe line become the Rangabe-colored Drummonds, or the Drummond-associated Leslies in colors reversed from Rangabe's?

The Drummond patriarch, George, a son of king Andrew, married a noble of Podebrady in Bohemia, and apparently named his son, Maurice/Marot, after the Moravian Khazars named Murat. The London Drummonds of the 19th century started the New Apostolic cult (European-Israelism) at roughly the same time, and apparently in cahoots with, the founding of the Mormons in New York state...who claimed American natives for Israelites. Doesn't it sound as though these lines, tracing back to Inger and Melissena, were secretly from Israel's chief priests?

If Irish Cohens/Coyns were indeed part of the "Jewish" Cohens (they use the same colors, after all), note that the Irish branch uses white-on-blue pheons, the colors of the Pilate pheons.

It must have been a complete fluke that I was on the Nickel surname just before coming to "Barnicle." I almost missed it, but by some miracle, it was after writing shortly above that I realized the possibility that "Barnicle" may be for Bar-Nickel / Bar-Nicholl. So I hurried to re-enter "Nickel" because I had forgotten the symbol that Nickels/Nicholls use: a white pheon!!!!! Zowie.

Aha! German Nickels/Nicholls use black roundels called, pellets, a term that I've traced to "Pilate"! The French Nicolaus Coat (white-on-red fesse, Hebron, Skull and Bones colors) uses "bon" in the motto, and I have plans already to show the white-on-red fesse of the Lomb Coat, at which time I will link it to the same fesse of the Caiaphas-suspect Coverts. The Covert surname is proving invaluable, and I must trust that it is indeed indicative of Caiaphas-line connections.

It's no secret by now that Coverts linked closely to Vere lines, but to this add that Veres who rule Drakenberg today are headed by a NICHOLAS de Vere. I traced "Drakenberg" to "Draguignan" in Provence, where the Salyes lived, and then the white pheon, used by Nickels/Nicholls, is used also in the Sale Crest. If that's not enough, both the Sales and Nickels/Nicholls were first found in Cheshire.

When finding myself at the Lomb Coat, a new idea was taking shape: a tracing of Eschol / Hebron elements to the Lombards (tribe of Suebi) who ruled northern Italy, even to the Lombards to which the Windsors trace themselves. For the Other surname traces Windsors to an Otho of Lombardy (northern Italy). Keep in mind here that while Chappes' and Ottones/Ottos both use a long, solid chevron in white-on-blue (Cohen, Rangabe colors), in colors reversed from the royal blue chevron in the Arms of Haifa, Ottones/Ottos are predicted to be from Ottone Visconti (Milan), a ruler of the same theater in Italy ruled by Lombards. Plus, Ottones/Ottos were first found in Pharisee-like Perusia. Coverts had just been traced to Wends/Windsors so that Covert linkage to the Lombs is somewhat expected aside from their using the same fesse.

Lombards invaded Italy about the time Byzantines had a hold on parts of northern Italy. "The last and most effective [Italian invasion] was that of the Lombards, or Longobardi, who came [to Italy] around 570s and whose long-lasting reign (whose capital was set in Pavia) gave the current name to the region. There was a close relationship between the Frankish, Bavarian and Lombard nobility for many centuries." The round brackets are not mine.

Out on a Limb

We gather that Lombards, whose relationship was with "Frankish" nobility, were merged royally with Merovingian Amorites. Pavia/Papia just happens to be on the Ticino river where the Laevi lived, and the place to which I trace "Pepin." The Pepi line of Egyptians to the Pepins was the line highly suspect (last update in April) for furnishing Ananias, Caiaphas' father-in-law. As Pepinids were from Heneti, we can trace Pavia down the Po to the Veneti (root of Merovingians), but then we can trace them through the area on the Po where Ananes lived whom I say named Ananias somehow. Note that the "pheon" symbol in the Nickel/Nicholl Coat is a 'V' and with what looks like a pipe, for it suggests the Pepinid Veneti (the Pipe and Pepin surnames show the same symbols).

It's not just the Nicolaus motto that uses "En bon," but the Zachary/SachEVERAL motto too. Keep in mind that I view the Zacharys not only from the Ananias / Caiaphas priesthood, but as the John-Baptist-not-but-really-the-Essenes line. As I was wondering what "Lom" might have been named after, the "L-homme" motto term (used by Bouillon- and EVERAL-suspect HUMphreys) came to mind, what I perceive as code for the HUMes/Homes bloodline, which in the last update was traced to "QUM(ran)." In fact, SURPRISE, the Humes/Homes are in white on green, the colors of the Arms of Lombardy (see Lombardy link above)! This paragraph may be the most-revealing ever on Masonic secrets.

It explains why the Humphrey Crest uses an otter, symbol of the Dutch Other surname...meaning that Humphreys were indeed named in-part after the Lombards that produced the Other line to Windsors! Or, shall I say, Lombards were named after a L'om-like entity. If that entity did have a hard-C start so as to trace to "Qumran," we could suspect the Combs, Commers, and similar others to be Essene lines from "Qumran." After writing that, it was found that, while Cummers/Comers/Combers were first found in Sussex, where Coverts were first found, the Comer/Comber Crest uses the same leopard design as the Mai's, likewise first found in Sussex (Coverts use a leopard in Crest). The Mai fesse is even colors reversed to the Comer/Comber Crest.

So, let's reflect back on the Italian Mai tree being the tree of the Moroni Coat, and recall that Moroni's seemed to trace to Amorites of Carmel, which, if true, would have been the Pepi-Meryre line passing through.

The problem, or key, is that I had suggested a Gomer root for the Comers. It's a long shot for "Qumran" to have been named after Gomerians, unless Gomerians can be traced to Esau-ites. Wasn't Dionysus traced to Carmel's wine-making industry, and to "NAZareth? The Comer/Comber leopard could suggest proto-Dionysus of Edom's Horites, which trace to Horites of Nuzi in the Iranian theater. Historians will tell you that Cimmerians, who are thought by Christian historians to be from Gomer (non-Christian historians are asleep at the wheel when it comes to "Gomer"), had origins in Iran.

I traced Edom's Horites to Nahorites in Haran (though suspect at Nuzi too), and then Nahor's third son, Kemuel, was traced to "Camulos" and other similar entities...such as Camelfords/CUMMERfords/Comerfords who use the same blue Indian peacock design in Crest as Irish Cummerfords/Comerfords.

Don't Pepins use a camel in their Crest??? Didn't Pepi's of Egypt trace to the Atun cult at Amorite-suspect Amarna? It just so happens that the Atun cult belonged to the family of Yuya, who lived in Chemmis, the town of Chemmites that I traced many months ago to Cimmerians. I traced them to the goat-headed Chimera dragon of Lycia, for example, and Lycians trace to Lachish in Hebron. Couldn't that trace Cimmerians to Hebron? After all, Cimmerians are listed by some as ancient giants, while Hebron was home to giants.

Let's not forget the peacocks used by the Paws / Paus' who traced (last update) for the first time to EliPHAS' / Lotan's Edomites of the Lazi-dragon kind. The Qumran-suspect Lomb/Lumb surname uses the same eagle design as the French Paus/Pot Crest, and as the latter was traced to Poti = Phasis in the Lazi theater, so it behooves us to consider that Cimmerians came to live in Caucasia when moving away from Iran. We could expect Gug-Cimmerians in the lake Sevan / Gugar area (Gogarene was "Gugar" to Assyrians).

When I was investigating Cimmerians years ago, I found Gug-branch Cimmerians, now smacking of "Yuya." In fact, now that I think on it, Yuya's family used names like "Tiye," smacking of "Tigris" elements that I say were named after TOGarmah, son of Gomer. Nuzi was east off the Tigris, and everything east of the Tigris became Iranian / Aryan. It is the place to which I trace "Uranus," father of giants. However, I traced "Uranus" and "Aryan" also to "Haran," which was the Mitanni theater, and Yuya is said by some to have been a Mitanni. It just so happens that one variation of the Italian Mai surname is "Maitani."

The Maiella-like variations ought to trace to mount Maiella in Abruzzo, said by local Italians to be named after a goddess, Maja, who lost her children. It sounds like Maia of the Greeks, a daughter of Atlas out of Antalya/Attaleia (off the Lycian coast). I had traced Atlas' Atlanteans, one of which was Eumelos, to Nahorites. If you have forgotten, a mythical Eumelos was also a king of Kos, depicted there as a raven = dark-line Aryans. It should also be added that I trace "Abreu/Abruzzo" to "Aphrodite" and therefore to the Habur river where the Mitanni had their empire.

A coincidence took place earlier in this update between studying the Nagle surname and the Lombard investigation that took place immediately afterward, but that was aside from the similarity between "Nagle" and "Nickel," which was realized just this minute as I write. But it wasn't realized until a second after seeing the "sed" motto term of Nagles, a term also in the Nickel motto! For this discussion, it's important if the motto term is code for the Saids/Saddlers of Wiltshire, an Essene-suspect location on at least two counts: 1) the trace of royals Edwards, Yorks, and Zacharys/Sacherals to Wiltshire; 2) the Wilt/Wild loincloth. You understand that Saids/Saddlers are suspect as Sadducees. Reminder: Edwards trace to Maccabee-suspect Macon, and Saids/Saddlers use the same-colored lion as Masons/Macons.

The first thing noticed while looking at Nagle variations was its trace to "Gilbert D'Angulo." It recalls that Nagles were linked (1st update of March) to the "nihill" motto of Veres, which is code for Irish Nihills/Neils and therefore likely for German Neils/Nails/Nagles. The D'Angulo term immediately alerted me to Angers/Anjou, the location that Veres claim was ruled by a count Milo de Ver, son of mythical Melusine from Avalon. Nicholas de Vere further traces his Vere lines to the Angles, and so I started an investigation in Angle-like surnames, coming quickly to the English Angel/Angle using the Massey pegasus design in Crest. It was a bingo-moment because the Angel/Angle Coat uses (royal blue) lozenges in colors reversed from the Nagle lozenges. Therefore, Angulo-rooted Nagles and Angles were one bloodline.

The Massey / Angle pegasus is not only a Gorgon symbol, but it's the entity that fought the Chimera dragon of Lycia. We can sense Cimmerians in this picture, or even the Gug-suspect Yuya Chemmites. It just so happens that historians trace Gomerians / Cimmerians to Germanics i.e. while Anglo-Saxons are categorized as Germanics. The red line in the Angel/Angle Coat is called a "baston," evoking Bast, the Egyptian lion goddess linked to the Chemmites. The latter worshiped the Uat/Buto cult in the name of Perseus, the father of Gorgophone, though Perseus was also the Pepi line through (pre-)Israel to the Aphrodite Heneti. Joppa, where Perseus was located by at least one myth writer, is about 50 miles from Carmel. The mythical Pegasus fought the Chimera with BelleroPHON, a term having the same ending as "Gorgophone," a term that I trace tentatively to Phoenicians...who must have been in Carmel at the time. As even Gorgophone's mother was AndroMEDA, you can glean lots of Iranians floating around the pre-Israeli landscape.

"JORdan" may even have been a GORgon term, in which case we could expect GOMERians at QUMRan. Gordons may apply, who use the same motto (with "Animo") as the Nitch/Neash/Ness Coat. The Jordan/Shurdane surname uses a black-on-white fesse, part of the "trivet" used by Trevetts, who became a topic as per the Trevett-like location of the French Nicolaus surname. French Jordans were first found in the same place (Brittany) as the French Nicolaus surname. As the Trevett surname was suspect with the tree-liner Treveri, whose Esus cult is being traced to Essenes, the Jordan surname(s) is in fact tracing well to the Jordan river, the area of Qumran.

The Danon variation of Brittany's Jordans smacks of the Deins / Diens / Danes / Danners etc. of Sussex, and then the Jordan/Danon fesse is colors reversed from that of the fesse used by Coverts, likewise first found in Sussex. The Crest of the English Jordans uses the Roque rock and "a scroll with the family's motto," suggesting symbol possibly for the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Now the Germanics, who worshiped Zio and were called Herminones, trace to "Sion" at mount "Hermon," and as such Germanics were Armenians, so to speak. The Armenians had a god, Angl-Thork. German Neils/Nails/Nagles use the same saltire as Zacharys/Sacherals and Yorks (Sachs use the York white rose), and so ask why Angles should link to them. If Zacharys/Sacherals trace to "Saxony," then we could answer with the Anglo-Saxons. But if the Zachary surname does trace to "Saxony," then the Lusatian area of Saxony comes forcefully to mind...i.e. the Melusine-of-Lusatia that Veres trace to Angers/Anjou (I don't know whether Veres trace Melusine to Lusatia, but I do).

There is a good chance that "York" was named after Gorgons because the Parisii co-founders of York were Gorgons. Saxons are traced by many to Saka > Scythians, but it's uncertain in my mind.

The saltires above are all in Cohen / Rangabe colors, which is mentioned because the York saltire (and the Arms of York) uses a besant centrally, a symbol said to represent Byzantine gold coins (however, words can develop more than one meaning). Don't lose sight of Rangabe's being suspect as the mythical Melusine line to the Angles/Angels and Nagles, for it will link Nagles too to the Israeli chief priests and/or Essenes. It just so happens that the Besant/Bezant surname uses the Massey / Vere Shield, the Shield also of Scottish Evers who should link to SachEVERals, suspect from Eleazar Avaran Maccabee. And the same Shield and bend used by Evers is used by Ananias-suspect Hanans (Ananias' line named their sons, Eleazar too). The other/English Evers clan are the Haifa-suspect Hephers.

The Scottish Ever motto, "NumQUAM ObLIVIScar," is like a mishmash of codework. I did trace other quam terms to Chemmites, but now QUMran is coming forcefully to mind too. It's not necessarily a contradiction because I did identify Chemmites (long before any thought of "Qumran" similarity with "Gomer") as Gomerians. This Ever motto, therefore, has the potential to reveal Qumran as a city of the Chemmites. How amazing. We shall have to keep an all-seeing-eye on whether more evidence to that idea surfaces.

Mythical NUMenor (of JJ Tolkien) is traced (by me) to Arran, home of MacAbees, and to "ubi"-using NEWMans...who use the lions of the Rennes-related Rains and Randals whom I've trace to "Rangabe." The Obliviscar term is either code for Levi's and Car(mel) elements, or the Wiscarts/Guiscards (who were first found in the same place as animo-using Nitch's and the Nimo' tracing to Treveri ancestry in Ninus.

German Angles, like English Angles, use royal blue, and then Italian Angles/Angelos (Treviso in Venetia) use the Levi lion design. As Nagles are said to derive in "D'Angulo," and as Nagles use the same saltire as Zacharys/SachEVERals, I do think that Nagles trace to the chief priests. It's a given, even by the Nagle link to the Vere motto term, for Veres trace to Pharisees of the Veneti theater. But as Zacharys are suspect in the Essenes, ask why "Treviso" smacks of the Trevari, the worshipers of Esus.

The Lombard topic was arrived to after seeing the Schole Coat's lozenges. The lozenges fill the Shield like the Cohen / Fer checks. And by the way, Scholes were first found in Yorkshire. Their lozenges recalled the same of the Lombard/Limbaugh surname (officially called "fussily" by the latter surname), and when seeing the Lombard/Limbaugh Coat again, it suddenly had the look of the Schere/Scherf Coat, or even better, the Nitsch Coat. Both the Scherf and Nitsch Shields use white on the left half, while the Lombards/Limbaughs use gold on that half, but if the Lombard lozenges were the Schole lozenges, it would provide a white half so as to conform to the Nitsch Shield. And it just so happens that while Nagles proved above to be a branch of Nickels/Nicholls, the Nitsch write-up traces to "Nikolaus."

What I see above is a Schole link to Lombards, which makes sense where Scholes trace to Hebron's Eschol valley while Lombards trace to Qumran. The Schole Coat even uses an "ANNUlet," while Hebron had Anaki giants...that Nicholas de Vere traces to "Anu."

English Lombards/Limbaughs were first found in Renfrew, and it just so happens that Nicholas de Vere had a RAINFROU character in his Melusine story that I traced from the Rain line in Rennes to "RENFREW." The Wren write-up: "First found in Durham...originally descended from Ralph de Raines who was granted lands by William, Duke of Albany in that shire. They were originally from Rennes in Normandy where they also held lands from their Lord, William de Aubigny of Belvoir." It's known that Renfrew was named after Rennes (the Renfrew surname shows no Coat).

The cross type in the Crest of the Scholes is the type used by Windsors and Wrens, and the latter two use them in the same colors, colors reversed from the Coats of the Others and French Lombards. You get it: French Lombards use a chevron in Windsor / Other colors because the three are related. But this branch of Lombards was first found in Provence, where Draguignan and Var are located.

I once read an article that traced the word, "lumber," to Lombards...who by the way show a Lumbard variation. That is conspicuous where Essenes and Esus both had emphasis on trees, yet another reason to trace "L'Um" to "QUMran."

When we come back around to the Lomb/Lumb/LIMB/Loom Coat, we find that it's the same white-on-red fesse as used by axe- and Essene-suspect AXtons/Actons. AND AMAZING, even the Actons use "l'omme" in their motto!!! This now convinces me that Ectors, Astons, and several others that can link to Actons, were from Essenes. Or, at least, that some Masonic families decided to trace themselves to Essenes so as to resurrect Essenes in the modern age.

The Lomb/Lumb Crest is a "scepter," which should be code for Sciptons/Skiptons, for the latter were related to the Cravens that use "actione" in their motto, as well as a fesse in colors reversed from the Acton and Lomb fesse. The Craven crosslets are almost those of Windsors. Both Skiptons and Rennes-related Wrens use purple lions.

The French Nicolaus Coat is again the same fesse as used by Actons, and the Nicolaus surname was first found in Brittany, where Rennes is located. This is the time to mention Rennes-le-Chateau in Languedoc / Septimania, for "scepter" and "Scipt(on)" may have been from "Sept." The mysterious Magdalene church in Septimania has/had black and white checks for floors, the colors of the Schole lozenges.

Now that Actons are tracing with less doubt to Essenes, and especially to Qumran's Essenes, my old trace of Astons, Ashtons, and similar others to "Ascalon" elements can have more teeth, especially if Ascalon is traced to "Eschol."

My best attempt to trace "lozenge" to a surname is the Lossing variation of the Losse/Loosse surname. It's in the colors of the Schole lozenges, which may be telling, and moreover the surname may derive from the idea of, L'Os, L'Oss, or L'Oos. It recalls the Dutch Os/Oss/Oos surname earlier in this update, which happens to use bull heads the colors of the Arms of Lombardy.

It's possible that the Ottos/Others are a branch of the Os'. If we recall the Ottone/Otto Coat having similarity with the Arms of Haifa, and if true that the Zeus-Taurus cult was responsible for the Heifer-like name of Haifa, it can not only explain the bulls in the Os/Oss Coat, but the black bulls in this German Otto/Auto Coat. As the surname was first found in Prussia, where the black-bull Mieske's were first found, it speaks for itself in linking to the black bull of Haughts/HECTORs, the surname honoring Mieszko's daughter (Sigrid). This find recalls that I traced the Mieszko Poles to the Viscontis.

Yes, and that trace was aside from the green snake in the Seager/Sugar Crest (the original Visconti snake was green on white), of a surname that I traced to "Sigrid" (actually, I first traced "Sigrid" to mythical Sugaar, the snake god, which then suggested Sigrid links to Seagars/Sugars).

I am sure that the article on Michael I showed the Rangabe Arms, yet it's not there now. I had saved the Arms of Rangabe for just such an event. It's a white-on-blue cross (same style as Bouillon cross) in the colors of the Saves, Sawyers and Seagers.

I was wanting to mention the Sawyers anyway, so it's a good thing that I've arrived to Seagers, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Sawyers. Norfolk is where the Anjou Counts came to live, not just the Fulkes/Folks, but the Veres too. Although the Weir/Vere write-up traces the clan to Sprowestun in Roxburghshire, the Sprowston location in Norfolk should apply. The reason for wanting to mention Sawyers is for the ancient Isaurians that I came across this morning while reading up on the history of Michael I Rangabe...whose surname I trace tentatively to "Rennes." On Michael's father, TheoPHLACt(us), who smacks of "Fulk": "He is known only from his participation, along with several other high-ranking officials, in a failed conspiracy in 780 to wrest the throne from Empress-regent Irene of Athens and to raise in her stead Nikephoros, the eldest surviving son of Constantine V "

Clicking to Nikephorus, we find that Leo IV was his half-brother, and that Leo was of the Isaurian dynasty. I might not have mentioned this except that the Sawyers just worked into the discussion as per the Visconti snake. I had traced Sawyers to the Sava/Save river, and then there's yet another snake in the Save Coat.

As we just got hint above that these clans should link to Essenes of the Hector / Acton kind, note the Sawyer motto term, "trouveras," for it smacks of the Trevari worshipers of Esus. The Saves were first found in Burgundy, the south side of the Treveri theater.

It's possible that Saves were the D'Auvers/Davers/DAVES (treated earlier in this update) and therefore a branch of Davids / SAVIDges of Cheshire, for the Misl/Maisel Coat shows a mouse on a bend that I've traced repeatedly to the David bend, and the Treveri were on the Moselle river that could link to "Misl/Maisel/Meisel." The Treveri could very well link to Trips/Treffs of Hamburg, noting here that both Hamburgs and Trips/Treffs use the same crosses, in the same colors, as Essenes-related Windsors.

AHA! The Mosell surname was just loaded to find them first found in the same place (Suffolk) as the D'Auvers/Davers/Daves (the latter are the ones with a blue jay, and who I think link to Taborites). The Mosell Coat even uses black boar heads, the suspected symbol of the Esus cult!

French Sauviges were first found in Champagne, roughly the Treveri theater; see map with Treveri at DIVO(dunum) = Metz, capital of laurel-using Lorraine. The Save Coat is, as is the Arms of Champagne, a white-on-blue bend. Can't you sense the trace of DIVOdunum to the Daffy/David line (of Daphne = laurel elements) that named Diva in Cheshire? It recalls the Masci wing in the Coat of the Diens/Dives...who linked to royal Edwards that I traced to Mascis in the Macon / Salines theater to the south of Divodunum.

Earlier in the update, the Devors/Daves were linked to Bones / Bonns on some shallow grounds; I was thinking to remove that part. But I now find that French Bonns, first found in Provence, use a dolphin, a symbol of Dauphine. Moreover, English Bonns, who use a Coat like the Skulls and the Bones, were first found in Oxfordshire, location of Vere rulers suspect in Drakenberg and in the Var area of Provence.

The TREVOR-Tudors of Wales come to mind here, especially as the Ich-Dien entity of royal Edwards use ostrich feathers, symbol of Tudors, and of Trabys that I trace to "Trevor." That now makes the Trabys suspect as Essenes, and it fits where I traced Trabys to Crete, for I now trace Minoans back to Carmel.

I'm glad that exercise was done because the Arms of Metz, just a Shield split vertically in white and black (without symbols), is the same Shield as that of Dutch Sprows...who I trace to Sprowston (Norfolk) with no doubt at all. Not forgetting that the Sprees of Renfrew trace to Spree elements of the Veres / Fulks of Anjou, let's add that the Coat of the Spree-suspect Sprows shows the oak tree used, for example, by Moroni's and Mai's. It evokes the Mire's/Mireux', first found in Anjou.

In fact, because "Mireux" smacks of "mirror," it was a no-brainer to identify them with the green mirror held by Melusine (for example in the Moroni-suspect Moray Crest). The Mireux Coat uses green holly to possibly explain the green mirror. In fact, ZOWIE, one German Mire/Meier Coat uses the Mai oak tree (but with a longer trunk)! These Mire's may trace to "Mai" because German Mire's are also "Meier," and one can imagine "Maier" too. As Veres lived in Sprowestun, Roxburghshire, when they moved from England to Scotland, it's likely that the holly of the Mires links to the holly BUSH in the Maxwell Crest. It's a no-brainer to link the Moray stars of Scottish Weirs/Veres to the Melusine with mirror in the Moray Crest.

The alternative-German Mire/Meier Coat uses a blonde woman dressed in blue (similar, but not quite, the Taber woman), and Melusine (the mermaid) is also a blonde.

Years ago, I traced the Rangabe Byzantines to the Veres / Fulks of Anjou in some detail, but I can't go over it all now. Suffice to say for this new theory -- that Sawyers link to the Isaurian Byzantines -- that Sawyers were first found in Norfolk, where the Fulkes/Folks were first found who are traced in the write-up to the devilish Fulk Nera of Anjou. You may have noted that German (Silesia) Tabors use the black wings of German Fulks/Falks.

The Sorrys/Sawries appear to use the six Skull lions and the Skull bend in colors reversed, wherefore one can trace all the Sawyer-related branches to Eschol. In my opinion, the Isaurians were named after the "Taurus" mountains (Cilicia theater) in which they lived, and besides, I trace "Taurus" to "Tars(us). But I now see the root of the Tyrian Zeus-Taurus at Haifa. What I'm suggesting is that Sawyers-et-al trace to Haifa / Carmel, es expected in this Essene-laden discussion.

Not just German Tabors, but German Tabers (with an 'e') use the Fulk wing in Crest, but then Tabers also show a woman in blue (linked earlier to the blue jay of Devors and to the blue boar of Devers/Veres) carrying a grape bunch that was traced tentatively to Carmel's vineyards. This is important now that Saves-et-al are tracing to Carmel with Sawyers, for Devors are also shown as "Daves." The Tabor trace to Carmel came with insinuations on Masonic / Rosicrucian infiltrators into the Protestant movements of Hussites and the Moravian Church.

I can't tell you how exciting it is to find Lombards tracing to Qumran. It's still not a clinched theory, but I'm open. It opens up a whole new field, and it looks huge. The Italian Lombard Coat hasn't been dealt with. It reminds of the Scottish More Coat. As Veres were just traced to Moray (anciently called, Moravia), compare the Weir/Vere Coat to the More Coat.

Do you recall what surname was first found in Provence? It was the French Lombards, and then the Scottish Mores use "Duris" as code for the Durance river in Provence. That clinches the More link to Lombards. And because Mores are also "Moorman," the Moravian link to Mormons is a potential here, especially as the Moroni Coat uses the same tree as the Sprows and Mire-suspect Mai's.

The French Mores have variations such as "Maurais" reflecting "Mireux" like a mirror. In any case, French Mores were first found in the same place as Chappes, Levis, Lys...all chief-priest lines. There isn't any reason that these lines can't trace to the Moravian Church since Tabors have been involved with Fulks. Besides, English Tabors/Tabers and English Veres were first found in the same place (Essex).

It seemed "mystical" that I went from the Nagle topic to the Lombard topic today like a cascade. I had not known before, so far as I can recall, that Nagles were Angles; I must have failed to read the Nagle write-up. I'd like to bring back the Anglo-Saxon link suggested for the Angel/Angel surname, because when I looked again at the SCEPTer of the Lomb/Lumb Crest just now, "Septon" was entered to find a surname, at which time I recalled that entering "Saxon" gets the Septon/Sexton surname. Both the Saxons/Septons/Sextons and the new-found Septons/Sephtons were first found in Lancashire, but the latter use a thin red bar diagonally, as do the Angels/Angles. (Reminder: the latter's Coat uses lozenges in colors reversed from the Nagle Coat.)

I wrote all that before realizing that Lombs/Lumbs (and Angles/Angles) were likewise first found in Lancashire! That clinches the scepter = Septon link.

While the Septons/Sephtons call their thin red bar just a "bend," Angels/Angles call theirs a "baston." One can tell that both Baston surnames are Bat entities from the bats in one Baston Coat, and the Bat-using variations of the other Baston Coat in Botter colors. In fact, the French Baston in Botter colors were first found in Poitou, which is the location of Botter-like Poitiers. It's not far from Anjou. Of all the Botter branches, I'd probably trace Bastons, as per their Baton variation, to the Batton variation of what I've called Badens/Battins of Somerset. They use axes in colors reversed to Botters, and were first found in the same place as Baths/Athas whom I've linked (for good reasons) to the Bats/Baats that likewise use bats.

It's then Septimania-interesting that French Bats/Labatts were first found in Languedoc.

I was going to go to the Lossings/Losse's next as per the lozenges of the Angels/Angels. That decision was made before seeing the black-on-white saltire of the Bats/Baats. The Lossing/Losse Coat shows a saltire that is half black on white and half white on black. I wanted to say that Kilpatricks, a branch of Butteri / Botters, use both a black-on-white and white-on-black saltire. Another surname using a saltire that's half black, half white is the Latins/Lattons. Kilpatricks -- of great importance for understanding the Masonic cult in love with the Biblical anti-Christ -- may not have become a topic at all in my work had I not lived near a woman with a Hicks maiden name married to a Kilpatrick. The Hykes/Hack Coat likewise uses a cross half black, half white.

We see above a fundamental link between the Anglo-Saxons and the Butteri Latins, with a coming together possibly at the Poitiers / Anjou theater. As the Butteri are the ones suspect in the Biblical harlot riding the dragon, it can explain why Veres out of Anjou became the dragon bloodline too. But I see those Veres as Varangian Rus, the founders of Moscow. Yet, I also see Drakenberg Veres as part of the chief priests of Israel coming back to haunt us.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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