Previous Update: June 26 - July 2

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July 3 - 9, 2012

The Rosy Kroes in the Eurpopean Commission
Krosnos, Sandomierz, and L'viv, Rus Land of the 666
At the Three Feet of the 666 there are Sick Legs
The Blue Color of 6

Do I trace the Coopers, first found in the same place as Coverts, to the Caiaphas line from Galli homosexuals:

After years of rumor and speculation, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper has come out of the closet to announce he is homosexual.

"The fact is, I'm gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn't be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud," Cooper wrote in an email to blogger Andrew Sullivan.

How can a sane person say such a thing with a straight face unless the global queer society has conditioned most of the world to accept his "lifestyle choice." How can there even exist a global queer society in the power structures, to the point of succeeding with this mind-control task, unless the globalist circles are filled with men who French kiss other men on the lips, then go to work and think they're normal? Imagine Anderson Cooper kissing another man on his lips, stroking his body, and you don't want to envision the rest. And he's proud of this??? The man's a nut, and because he knows he's sick, he covers over with "pride." There is a far greater difference between a sick man who confesses his sickness, and Anderson Cooper who is proud of it, and in the meantime he is the yeast in the societal loaf that works through the whole batch. Thankfully, I could never stomach watching his news shows.

As per a YS email dated June 23, about time of the crow event outside my home (details 4th update June) that I took to be a sign for us, and which led to the idea that Crows are a 666 bloodline, here's an article received on a Kroes surname, vice-president of the European Commission (= the commercial arm of the EU, what is practically the EU itself):

...The European Union is now moving to create a mandatory electronic ID system for all EU citizens...Neelie Kroes is the EU's Digital Agenda Commissioner, and is introducing legislation she hopes will force [the word "force" is not part of the quote, but well-taken] "the adoption of harmonised e-signatures, e-identities and electronic authentication services (eIAS) across EU member states."

...Neelie Kroes has been a long term Bilderberg attendee, showing up annually since 2005. She was on the official list for the 2006 meeting in Ottawa, Canada, then the 2007 meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, 2008 in Chantilly, Virginia, 2009 in Vouliagmeni, Greece and 2010 in Sitges, Spain as a delegate from the European Commission.

But in 2011, Kroes came to the table in St. Moritz, Switzerland with a new title: the EU's Commissioner for Digital Agenda...It dovetails with the creation of US CYBERCOM in recent years and the appointment of NSA head Gen. Keith Alexander, who also meets annually at Bilderberg, to wage offensive cyberwar across the globe. Further, technocrats from Silicon Valley and other locales have also converged around the secretive meetings to coordinate their developments with emerging regulations, new Internet laws and treaties, and to further the data mining efforts of the clandestine intelligence communities they work with.

If Bilderbergs are merely private businessmen, why do they invite politicians to their meetings? Aren't they expecting these politicians to support their business expectations? In that case, who rules the people, the politicians or the Bilderbergs? You know the answer. But where are the politicians speaking out against this situation? They're too afraid, obviously, for losing their positions, or worse, in retribution.

Here's a list of participants for the 2001 Bilderberg meeting. It included Henry Kissinger, several banking heads, China's foreign minister, Facebook co-founder, founder and CEO, David Rockefeller, Dutch Shell (Rothschilds), political heads of economies, and Council of Foreign Relations. The object of big business is by nature the manipulation of the consumer, and when government is in bed with big business, it's called fascism. Why are we not allowed to know what their discussions are about? Because we would buck against them, and they know it. Why can't the consumers get in on the debates? Because consumers are the target of the debates, the victims of the agendas. Why don't the people demand that attending politicians disclose what the agendas are? Because they have been brainwashed to be fools, to trust their globalist superiors, who in any case guard their agenda well by creating a false image of it for public consumption.

The object of God is to bring the Harlot to ruin in a single hour, and to watch the Bilderbergs weep and lament when no one buys their wares any longer.

Here's the Kroes/Kreuger Coat (Saxony), "jugs," looking like grails, however, possible code for the Crow-colored Jugg/Judd surname (red wyvern) and Judge bloodline (Gog?). The Irish Judge/Juge/Brehan Coat (scallops) is in Kroes/Kreuger colors. Keep in mind that if this is part of the Crow line, it traces to mythical Coronis at Chora in Patmos. As such, it can also trace to Lydians of Latmus, and it was Lydians who had a Gyges/Gugu ruler or mythical character not long before Ezekiel prophesied against Gog.

German Judes/Judens are the ones who can lead us to the Julian bloodline, if they use the cross of the Ville-related Burghs with "ung foy" motto phrase. By what crowincidence do we find the following in the Foy/Fee/Fey write-up: "The surname Foy originally appeared in Gaelic as 'O Fiaich,' derived from the word 'fiach,' which means 'raven.'" A raven is a crow. While there may have been a Fiach variation of the surname, I doubt very much that it was the original form, for this write-up should prove to be code for the Kroes/Kreugers.

I was very confident a few updates ago when the Fee/Fie/Fey/Duffy/Cuffie surname was found to be the Hof / Coffer(t) line. The Foys/Fees/Feys even use black and white vertical bars, colors-revered to the bars of the Haughts/HOUGHtons (pronounced Hofton). There is a very good chance that "Haught," and Sigrid the Haughty (Mieszko's daughter), trace to the Haute-Alpes area to which Guiscards (= a Mieszko branch without doubt) were traced solidly in the last update. Haute-Alpes is where the Guisane and Claree tributaries of the Durance flow, and the Claree must trace, I'm every sure, to the Clarus location beside Ephesus.

As there is a bull in the Haught/Houghton Crest, it's easy to identify German Hoffs, using a crowned black bull like German Mieskes, as part of the Mieszko > Haughty bloodline. The Hoff Crest even uses a leopard head in the white color of the Haught/Houghton-Crest bull. If we are convinced that Feys are Hoffs, English Hoffs (Cheshire, as with Haughts/Houghtons), are important for linking Foys/Fees/Feys to Yonges because both English Yonges and English Hoffs use the black Roman wolf. It's clear to me that English Hoffs use the Sale bend and therefore trace to the Durance dragon cult.

It's important that "UNG FOY" links both to Roman-rooted Yonges and Duffs of the theater of Pontius Pilate's mother. The vertical bars of the Foys/Fees/Feys are under a single, central red crescent, the color of the crescent of German Julians, first found in the same place (Saxony) as Kroes/Kreugers. The link found above of the Kroes to the raven code in the Foy/Fee/Fey write-up is important for two reasons. One, raven depicted vikings were conquerors of to Rothesay, which was Avalon, and, two, mythical Morgan le FAY was portrayed by Arthurian myth writers as the chief witch of Avalon. I traced the raven depicted bloodline, long before discovering that Sigrid the Haughty married Swedish and Danish royals, to a Mieszko line to Mackays, and later found raven-using Mackies/Mackeys at Ayrshire, the area over-looking the island of Rothesay.

It is said that Sigrid the Haughty gave birth to the Danish king, Canute, though she may have been mother to the Stout-surnamed vikings, for they are known to have used the raven symbol on their banners. The Stouts even use three horizontal bars, the Haught/Houghtons symbol. As "Stout" gets the Stow surname, note that Sturs/Stowers likewise use three horizontal bars, this time in the colors of the three Drummond bars, and in fact I identified the ship with raven flag in the Arms of Shetland with the Drummond ship symbol, and concluded that the Traby / Trebizond aspect of Drummonds was part of the raven vikings (Haughts/Houghtons use three bars in colors reversed to the three bars of Trebizond empire). This was your Morgan le Fay cult.

It's probably not coincidental that Morgans and both Coffer Coats use the same colors (Morgans use the Duffy lion), meaning that Caiaphas-suspect Coffers were part of, perhaps even the root of, the Hoff bloodline from Mieszko. This is the premise for the mythical crow bloodline going back to Chora on Patmos. But why should Mieszkos and Mackies/Mackeys be the premise? Because, they were the Gogi-bloodline Amazons...from Trabzon. The Biblical dragon came from the Manes > Cotys > Attis line to Lydians, but Lydians are said by historians to be a mix of Maeonians (= Manes) with Mysians, and Mysia was an Amazon-infested location. The nine Muses of Apollo were Mysians, and the Arthurian cult had these Muses at heart when making Morgan le Fay a chief over Avalon's nine witches. It means that Gog, Meshech and Rosh were on Rothesay, you see.

The crow line can be traced to Halybes in two ways. Coronis was made a daughter of the Lapiths, which I trace to "Aleppo/HALAB." Chora at Patmos was identified recently as a Corinthian peoples, whom by the way I identified several years ago as the boar of Artemis in Calydon. That is, Corinthians trace to the Khaldi of Trabzon, and/or the THEMIScyra location on the Thermodon that named ArTEMIS. Aleppo and Mazaca were not far off. In myth, Aeetes was a ruler of Corinth before he was a ruler in Colchis, but he was definitely the Hatti peoples as represented by Attis, and that tends to trace Corinthians to the Halys river, where both Hatti and Khaldi-related Halybes lived. Aeetes even left Corinth in the hands of a Hermes bloodline (not my idea, but of myth writers), and the Hermes caduceus traces to "Cadusia"...and to "Hattusa," the Hatti capital on the Halys.

As Asclepios was made a son of Coronis, hmm, note that AscLEPIOS reflects "Lapith." This suggests that the Eschol elements that I see in his name traces to proto-Lapiths in Hebron. I have the choice of identifying these proto-Lapiths with a Caleb of the tribe of Judah, or with Eliphas of Esau. Some Freemasons may have chosen Caleb because we are now seeing the Jugg/JUDD bloodline involved with the crow line. But the Corbetts/Corbins, who use a crow and a "corvos" = crow motto term, also show an Eliphas-like elephant.

I see Asclepios with the Glaucus line to the Julians. The Asclepios snake coiled around a rod is from the Hermes caduceus, and the Glaucus river was the one on which Hattusa-related Kutaisi is located, the city of Aeetes.

There is a good chance here that Corbins/Corbetts were from Corinthians (or proto-Corinthians) at Chora, part of the Patrician line to the Julians. French Corbins use ravens/crows, and were first found in the same place (Touraine) as the Sturs/Stowers that were traced above to the Stout-raven line (it's suggesting the Ishtar line linked to the crow line). Should we be asking why the crow line was linked to the Taurus line of Turin/Torino? Didn't we just see the Mieszko raven line using bulls? Does that trace Mieszkos to Turin's Mascis / Masseys? Looks like.

As Touraine is in Manche, where French Masseys lived, it's likely that Touraine was named after Turin. And Turin is near Pinerolo, the location that I link to the Pino/Pinto surname using the same crescents as French Masseys of Savoy. This is the crescent that was traced solidly to Latmos, where the founders of Patmos lived. It's telling me that the Chora-crow line was also at Latmos, fully expected where (proto)Corinthians were part of the Attis > Lydus line. The mythical crow was also associated with mythical Cyrene, a term I found on Cyprus. It could be that the Cyprian Cyrenians were proto-Corinthians.

The Pinerolo location is near GUILLESTRE and related to it by a common Julian thread. The latter location is now a prime location of Julians in the Briancon / Durance / Cottian / Salyes theater. It had been suggested that the Glaze/GLASIER surname, using the white-on-blue Pilate pheons, was a surname from Guillestre because it uses the Cutter Shield-and-Chief combination. Cutters had been traced from Cottians back to the founders of Ephesus, the Latmus theater, before finding in the last update that the Pino/Pinto red crescents trace to the Salyes-like moon goddess at Latmus. This was the religious / priestly Galli harlot -- the Cotys > Attis > Lydus line -- at Latmus. It was the harlot line from Kybele, and so this is a good time to ask why she is dressed in purple in Revelation 17. What in the Latmus > Patmos line was a purple entity?

The way to explain why the Revelation harlot is named, Babylon the Great, is by tracing the Galli-suspect Khaldi to "Chaldea," the Hebrew area of Babylon. It's telling me that the 666-tattoo bloodline of Celts and Picts are part of the EU harlot, fully expected where certain Picts were mother to the Pontius Pilate line. Reminder: the Pontus is at the mouth of the Halys river.

The Pillettes use grails, and the Kroes/Kreuger jugs are fashioned like their heraldic grails. If the Judes/Judens use the Burgh cross, then it should be added that the French Pilates/Pillettes were first found in BURGundy (the first quarter in the Arms of Burgundy uses the Arms of Touraine). The Glazes/Glasiers (the ones using the Pilate/Pillette pheons) show a heart in Crest, suggesting the Herod line. In the Bible, Jesus was made to wear the royal purple robe of Herod on the morning of his execution (at which time the rooster crowed three times. Why was a rooster part of the story? Isn't that the Galli symbol?). The Pilate and Glaze pheons are in the colors of the Rangabe Byzantines.

I had intended in this update to investigate the purple of heraldry as it may link to the Purple Room of Byzantines...or more specifically to Rangabe Byzantines, a fundamental part of the Masonic dragon. The Rangabe bloodline seems to be the topic as I speak, for English Foys use six "pellets" (yet another Pilate-suspect term) in the same fashion as the six pellets of purple-Crested English Lacys, who were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Glaze's. Plus, Irish Lacys use a purple lion, symbol too of Yorkshire's Skiptons ("Pro patria"), whom I link to Shiptons using the same symbol (an eel) in Crest as the Crest of Julian-suspect Foys/Fees/Feys. I don't come across many eels, and can only recall these two.

This is a good time to show again the identification of the FIE/Fee/Fey line to "pheon." It's expected where Feys trace as a Duff line to the naming of Fife (it looks, anyway, as though the Fife variation of a surname is in honor of "Fie", not necessarily meaning that Fifes were Fies / Feys to begin with). Pfeifers are even in the colors of Morgans, Duffys, and Coffers who have already traced to the Fey cult at Fife. The Vey/Vivian Shield-and-Chief combination is that of the Fife surname, you see, and then there are purple lions also in the Vey/Vivian Coat. The Vey/Vivian purple may be explained in that Rangabes were in the Rangen/Rangham surname ("SUPERata motto term), first found in Forfarshire, a Pfeifer-like location beside Fife.

The Fife lion is not only that of Scottish Duffs, but we saw it in the last update as the Buch/Bueche lion, a surname checked after finding the Buech tributary of the Durance. The Buch/Bueche Crest even uses the Masci wing design. Not only is the Rangen/Rangham Shield-and-Chief combination that of the Saluzzos, but the Chief uses besants on blue, the colors of the BUCKing(ham) besants. Cheneys (the Chaine branch of which uses the Masci wing) were first found in Buckinghamshire, and the Buech lion is also the Dutch Bush lion, highly suspect as the lion of Ranulph le Meschin.

Didn't we trace the Foy/Fee/Fey black and white bars to the same of German Julians? We now find the gold-on-red crescents of the same Julians in the center of the Fife Chief! Why should the Fife bloodline be linked to Pilate's mother, not neglecting the likelihood that Pilate's father was a Julian? As I trace "Fife" ultimately to "Pavia," I see the Fie - Fife relationship as a merger. If correct to trace the Duffy term at the root of the Fies to the idea of D'Hoff, than the merger was one between Pavia elements and the Haught/Houghton-of-Mieszkos in the Durance area.

Apparently, Fifes/Phyfes were named after the same as Vivians, anciently "Vyvyan." The VIVian/Vey chevron is in the colors of the WEAVer fesse, and then German Weavers/Webbers use stars in the colors of the same of French Julians, and were first found in the same place (Saxony) as German Julians (!) and Kroes/Kreugers. We have definitely proved here that Vivians / Feys of the Perthshire theater trace to Julius Caesar.

Hmm, this recalls the trace of Weavers to the namers (suspect as the Varangians) of Kiev in the Ukraine, for Vivian-like L'viv is also in the Ukraine. IN FACT, the trace of Weavers to Kiev's Varangians included Cheevers and therefore Hephers! This is another way to identify the Fey bloodline with the Hoffs. AHA! After writing that, the Cheevers Coat was loaded to find a "foy" motto term!!!

Compare the English Weaver fesse with to the same of Bellamys. English Weavers (Cheshire) use the fesse of Cheshire's Hazels, but then the same-colored fesse is used by Durhams, traced in the last update to "Durance." It's the river where I expect Julians, at Guillestre. The red-on-gold crescent of Durhams should therefore trace to the Pinerolo bloodline / location (Penders/Piners, using the Macey Shield, were first found in Cheshire too); the Durham crescent is colors reversed to the Bellamy crescents while Bellamys even use a fesse in colors reversed to the Durham fesse. The "Esto" motto term of Weavers traces them yet better to the Durance theater, for Estes originated at neighboring Aosta.

Durhams can trace to the Julian > Glass line by another method, as per the Moray stars in the Durham fesse, for the fesse is the Douglas/DuGLASS Chief, Moray stars included. And that's where the heart comes in the Crest of the Glazes/Glasiers (this is the coat using the Pilate pheons), meaning that it's the crowned Douglas heart. If you catch the drift, it's the Julian-related Herods. If this is tracing the Douglas' to Guillestre, the Herods are suspect there too. (The Douglas write-up traces the heart to a Hardy surname, first found not far from the Herod/Hurl surname.)

It's all telling me that Julians out of Guillestre were related closely to the Bellamy > Macey line out of the Durance / Savoy area, and that's where the Fie-like Fiens, first found in the same place (Kent) as English Julians, come in. We are seeing over and over again a Julian link to the Fey / Fife bloodline (which I now realize included Vivian-branch Weavers). That's what makes it very important to prove that "pheon" is code for the Fien bloodline, for if Pilate's father was a Julian, it appears that Pilate was born of the Fien bloodline.

It's the Arthurian Wayne bloodline, you see, from the Veneti, wife of king Arthur, otherwise known as the Fien/Vain/Van/Fane surname (both they and Waynes use the Macey gauntlet gloves). The Arthur Coat uses 5-like symbols as code for the Fife-related Fives (using the Vey/Vivian chevron). Compare the stars and chevron of the Fives to those of the Lures (Ayrshire, beside Argyllshire), for the Herods/Hurls (Argyllshire) use a "hawk's lure" as code for Lures. Herods/Hurls are in the colors of the Morgans / Duffys / Coffers / Pfeifers. Lures were part-and-parcel with the Leirs who trace from Leicester to Ligurians.

The Fien Coat (Ferrari-suspect lions) is a good reflection of the Scottish Fien/Vains/Van/Fane Coat. The latter are the gonfanon bloodline that therefore trace to Montferrat, a Ferrari-related entity, in my opinion, and therefore to Ferte-Mace, home of the Bellamys (previously from Perche) when they merged with Maceys. The Fiens/Vains use a "fano" motto term now tracing well to the Fano location...south of Rimini where the Macey bloodline lived as the pine-using Maschis, kin to the founders of Pinerolo.

This identification of the Fie / Fife bloodline with Mascis does not necessarily contradict the Fie / Fife identification with Coffers and bull-using Hoffs, especially as the Fien/Fein/Vain Crest is a white bull head, the color of the Haught/Houghton bull head. In fact, while I trace Mascis to Maccabees, jibing with a Coffer trace to Caiaphas, it just so happens that Fiens (Veneti, remember) can be traced to the very Boii city, Bologna (beside Venetio), that I see in the Boii side of MaccaBEE/MaccaBAEUS. Here's the Fien write-up: "First found in Kent where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor, Lords of the Cinque Ports, and Constables of Dover Castle. They are said to be descended from Conon de Fiennes, the Earl of Boulogne, of the county of Boulounais in Normandy."

This tends to prove that the Fien lions are those of the Ferraris, and by the way the Fien lions are colors reversed to the lion of the Massins/Masons, likewise of Kent. Reminder: the Gants/Gaunts were first found in Kent, and they must therefore be the reason for the Fien/Fein/Vain gauntet glove. A "glove" motto term is used by Gillies, who have a Coat similar to the Fie/Fee/Fey/DufFIE/CufFIE/MafFIE Coat. It's again identifying the Julians/Gillians with the Foy / Fie / Fey bloodline.

Compare the split Shields of both the Gillies and Fies to the same of Italian Romans, and ask whether the Ukrainian Romans are related to the Vivians / Fifes / Fies, who were just traced to the Ukraine. The Ukrainian Romans showed no Coat previously, but are now showing three red roses (Caesar/Sesare symbol) on a green Chief. The Coat is white without symbols. Scottish Romans (white Shield) were first found in Peebles-shire, a term that I've traced, along with Fifes, to "Pavia/Papia."

I had identified L'viv with the Levi bloodline, and here I find for the first time that L'viv likely traces to Vivians / Fifes whom I trace to Pavia on the Ticino river where the Laevi lived. The Arms of L'viv use "Semper fidelis," a motto seen commonly in my heraldry hunts. The fidelis term should link to the Fidelow/Fiddler surname (wolves), which may indicate that this surname is a Fie branch. The Fidelow wolf design is that also of the Cheshire Claptons, which I wouldn't have mentioned except that the Warwickshire Claptons use a patee cross in the colors of the same of the Crain Coat...meaning that "CRAIN" is suspect with "UKRAINE." I even trace Warwick to Warsaw in Poland, not far from L'viv on the Polish border.

As the English Crane crane stands on a "staff," the Fife-colored Staff Coat is of interest, especially as it uses a chevron in colors reversed to the chevron used by Arthurs, who show 5-like rests as code for Fife-related Fives. Arthurs are in the colors of the Hicks probably because a Hick family in the Clapton location of Somerset married an Arthur family.

The Hick fesse is even in the colors of the fesse of the Crains using the Clapton pattee cross. Note the garland/wreath around the stag's neck in the Hicks Crest, for Fidelows use a garland/wreath in Crest, and the Crains with Clapton cross use a crown around the neck of a deer. These colors are even used by Spanish Romans, the Shield of which is somewhat like that of Solanas.

I'm convinced: the Fidelows/Fiddles trace to the Ukraine's Caesar and Herod elements that likely got there via Varangians. It recalls the trace I made (one or two updates ago) of the Budini / Gelonii -- who lived in the Ukraine -- to Rijeka but through Poland on the way. The idea in that trace was to seek whether Julians traced to Gelonii. It turned out that Lusatia in Poland was a hot spot for this Gelonii migration, and then Lusatia is in Saxony, where German Julians were first found. Lusatia, especially its Spree river, is where the Arthurian cult (and Veringen-relater Zahringers who trace to Berwickshire, where Arthurs were first found) have long been traced, long before I traced the Caesars to the Spree river as per Sparrows using the Caesar roses.

I even traced emperor Nero to the Neuri neighbors of the Gelonii, and later realized that his fiddle playing in Rome may have named the Fiddle variation of Fidelows. I shared the idea that a Viola surname may have developed from Nero's fiddling, only to find that the Viola/Vilette surname was first found in Kent (where English Caesars were first found). I now see that the Viola/Vilette Crest shows a crown around the neck of a tiger, same theme as the Clapton Crest. It's hard to say for sure, but the Viola chevron could be colors reversed to the Nero chevron. If the Nero chevron is white on red, then it's in the colors of the Hebron/Hepburn chevron, important because I traced the "Keep" motto term of Hebrons to Kiev bloodliners.

The Arms of Kiev are in the colors of the Rangabes, and besides, the Byzantine rulers just after Michael I Rangabe had joined forces with Inger the Varangian, who married Melissena Rangabe. Inger was born (details reportedly unknown) roughly when Michael Rangabe was on the throne.

The Nairs/Nuirs were first found in Perth, the Fife theater roughly where the Ukrainian line under discussion is tracing, and where the Rangins/Ranghams were first found. The Nair/Nuir lion is even in the colors of the Fife and Five lions. The Geloni lived at purple-Shielded Poltava, not far off the river that Kiev was situated upon, suggesting perhaps that Poltava was a Byzantine outfit too. After all, I see the Buzites at the roots of Byzantines related to Buzites that furnished the Budini.

Couldn't "Nuir" stem from the Neuri? Might not the Clapton and Fidelow wolf be from the Neuri? The neighboring Norry (Aberdeen) use a wolf. Here's the Southern Bug river off of which the Neuri lived in the days of Herodotus. The source area of this river is in the face of L'viv. The Arms of L'viv remind me of the Arms of Jerusalem, which could mean that the Nahorites and/or Levi of L'viv are the ones who co-founded modern Jerusalem. The Norreys/Norris use ravens/crows, as well as a "FAYthfully" (!!!) motto term that means the same as the "fidelis" used in the Arms of L'viv. How about that??? Just as I'm discovering that Fies are from the Ukraine, and even while discussing the Neuri possibilities in that migration, the Norreys provide a Fay term. That can't be coincidental.

The Faithful Coat is a black-on-white saltire, a Julian/Gillian symbol, using white roundels = plates. The Supers/Soapers use the same-colored saltire and white symbols too. ZIKERS! The Faithful Crest uses a CRANE!!! This is the first time that I've known the crane symbols and surnames to trace to "Ukraine."

FEYthfulls/Faithfuls (FIVE plates with pheon-like ermines) were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as the Fulkes NERRA who trace solidly to Caesars. To help prove that Faythfuls/Faithfuls are a line to the Mieszko > Haughty line, the Faith/Veith/Feit surname uses the same arm-in-armor design as the Mieske Coat. This surname reminds of the Foots of Cheshire and similar-Coated Fidos/Fiddes/Fotheis' (Aberdeen) that should be a branch of Fidelows/Fiddles.

I suppose what the paragraph above may mean is that the Fay entity at Avalon was a Julian one. Reminder: I trace the Fay entity to Hoffs/D'Hoffs = Duffs, and German Julians use bars in the colors of the Haughts/Houghtons. I think that these terms trace to Hautevilles, named after the Haute regions of the Cottian Alps, suggesting Guillestre at those very Alps (traces back to Galli cult of mythical Cotys). Plus, both Duffs and Guiscards (piles) are suspect as the Pontius Pilate line to Perthshire (Guiscards were first found in Stirlingshire, beside Perthshire). I've traced "GUIS" (long before this subject, i.e. its not a convenient trace of the moment) to the Cussanes and related Kissanes/Guissanes, and Cussanes just happen to be Patterson-branch Patricians. I always link Cussanes to the Cass/Cash surname (suspect as a "Caesar" term as of a few updates ago) using fountains as code for Fond de Villes, a Julian-suspect line as of a few updates ago.

The Villes and their Conteville relations were both first found in the same place (Languedoc) as French Julians, and then the last update found that the Goz relations of the Contevilles traced to "Cozie," the Italian term for the Cottian Alps. Reminder: the English Guil surname was first found in the same place as Caesars/Sesares, and uses black-and-white vertical bars as do German Julians. Therefore, French Guils (Ishtar stars) must use the chevron of the Languedoc Contevilles in particular. These Contevilles use the crescents of the Valois/Valais and Falcon surnames, making the Valais/Valois surname suspect as Julians of the Ville kind, especially as the Valois/Valais Chief uses three roses in the colors of the same of Caesars/Sesares...which are the colors of the stars used by Valais/Wallis canton. In my opinion, the Valois/Valais line is from Rockefellers/Roquefeuils of Languedoc.

You may have noted that the French Guils were first found in Brittany. The Wallis/Wallace write-up: "Hence, Richard Wallensis was a vassal in 1174 of Walter FitzAlan, the Norman/ Breton who had settled in Salop in England and then moved north to Scotland." That explains why the upright Wallis/Wallace lion is colors reversed to the upright English Stewart lion, both in the colors of Wallis/Valais stars. The upright Fond de Ville lion is in the colors of the Stewart lion. The Wallace Crest uses the arm-in-armor (with sword) used also by Mieskes and Hoff-suspect Faiths/Veiths/Feits.

Shouldn't we have expected Stewarts to link to Julians since Stewarts are a core dragon bloodline? This now reveals that the French Alan Chief uses the stars of the French Julian Chief. What's that "VulNERE" motto term of Scottish Stewarts? Is it code for the Valois-Nerra line? After all, the Valois/Valais crescents are used by Falcons.

The ducklings in the French Alan Coat link to the Devon-surname ducklings because English Stewarts were first found in Devon. But the German Gass Coat (Wassa/Gasson-suspect) uses the ducklings too (colors reversed from the Alan ducklings), in the colors of the Wallis lion. For me, this is more indication that the French Julian saltire is an old flag of GAScony granted to it by a pope. I'm sure that it was a pope named Clement, and so see the black and white bars of German Clements, first found in the same place (Saxony) as black-and-white-bar Julians. What's that "Patriis" motto term of English Clements? And why do they use a rising eagle? One of the two English Clement pages says that they were first found in BRECKnock, which likely traces to Briancon/Brigantium, the location beside Guillestre.

As we are just learning that Julians also had the Wallis Canton under their belts, by what coincidence does the Guil motto use "Sine," for entering that term gets the Sion/Swan Coat. Moreover, it was suggested in the last update that the heart-using Glaze/Glasier surname traces to "Guillestre," by what coincidence is the Glaze and Douglas/DuGLASS heart also that of Lanarkshire (and Lanarks) while Sines/Sions/Swans were first found in Lanarkshire? See the red heart in the center of the Sine/Sion/Swan Coat, and don't miss the "FIDELitas" motto of that surname!

Italian Clements (black boar) were first found in Rimini. English Alans use a red fesse on a gold Shield, the color of the Shield of vulnere-using Stewarts. The Romes/Roams and Augusts use a red fesse, you see. It's expected that "Alan" and "Galli" are related peoples from way back.

It was noted that the colors of the Rome and August fesse is used by GUERNseys, important for the Footes location there. The Conteville-Goz line gave birth to Ranulph le Meschin and his son, Ranulph de GERNon, who link to the Foots and Fidos/Fiddes (in colors reversed to Meschins) surnames that I've traced to Foetes/Fussen, but now also to "Fossano" near Saluzzo. Therefore, we need to find the Fossano-line surnames to see what that may wring out.

The English Foss/Vosse surname uses a fox, evoking the Faucets said to derive in a fox term. The Faucett/Fawcett Coat uses the same lion as the French Grass/Grace Coat that comes up as "Gass." The Grass/Grace/Gass surname was first found in Provence, a location of the Durance, and I tend to link "Grace" to Valerius Gratus, whom I also see in the Valour variation of the Valois/Valais surname (chevron in colors reversed from the Vallery chevron).

It just so happens that Faucets/Fawcetts can be traced to the Meschin line so as to link them to the Foss surname and/or to the Fossano location (in Cuneo, where Mascis are expected). Faucets lived a couple of miles from MUSSELburgh, and are said to be linked to Saer de Quincy, while Quincys use mascles (in the colors of the Pade/Pert mascles), a symbol for the Musselburg line. The Mussels/Muscels (plates) use the Meschin/Masculine Shield, quite apparently. (The robin, after weeks of absence from my window, just knocked hard once on the window right in front of me as I write. I can see it from where I'm sitting. Checking, I don't see the Robin Coats especially relevant to the surnames at hand. The Cheshire key-using Propers/Robins, however, use the Mackie/MacKEY lion design, a fesse in the colors of the Rome / August fesse, and a "tyrannis" motto term that may link to the Tranent location in the Faucet write-up (below). Propers/Robins also use "Manus," like the Manu term of Mackays.)

The Fawcette write-up: "First found in East Lothian, at Fawsyde where one of the first records of the name was Aedmundus de Fayeside who witnessed the grant of Tranent church to Holyrood Abbey be Thos filius Swani (c. 1150.)" FAYside??? Moreover, the Ligurian swan line is traced to Schwangau and its Foetes/Fussen theater, suggesting that Faucets were indeed the Foss bloodline from Fossano in Cuneo = interior Liguria. The Cony and Conn Coats are even in the format of the Mussel Coat.

In fact, the swan-suspect Savona location on the Ligurian coast has highway cutting through the mountains -- where migrations would have occurred in ancient time -- straight to Fossano! It's all telling me that Footes / Fussen elements link to the Vey/Vivian > Five and Fay / Fey bloodlines...from lake Fucino of the Marsi. It's also telling me that the Sion/Swan surname, using Macey symbols and a "Fidelitas" motto, should apply. The Glaze-related Sions/Swans (white Levi lion) were traced not far above to Guillestre, and that clinches what I had already expected, a Fossano link to Guillestre.

Chances are, this link takes place via the Mascis of both locations, noting that the Masci bend is in the colors of the Julian / Alan stars, while I trace Dol's Alans to the Massi/Mattis Coat as an explanation for the Scottish Stewart Coat. It's telling me that Mattathias Maccabee (pre-dated Julius Caesar) was related to Julius Caesar and the Valerius line to Wallis canton, which the Roman / Guillestre eagle in the Massi/Mattis Crest verifies. The common denominator in both the Maccabee and Julian line is, I suspect, both the Saluzzo location near Fossano, and in the Salyes at/beside Guillestre. Those Seleucids could even be the ones who invaded Israel since there is a Modane location (smacking of Modiin, Israeli home of Mattathias Maccabee) in Savoy very near to Guillestre.

But, now, the Sion/Swan chevron may be immediately that of Penders/Piners (who trace to Masci-related Pinerolo), for they use "fide" in their motto. They use "fide fortis" while Mackays use "Manu forti," possibly for the forte idea said to be behind the Quincy-related Sforzas. The tip of the Mackay chevron has a stag head, as does the tip of the Fido/Fiddes chevron.

Irish Penders/Pendergasts even use a motto with terms reversed from that of the stag using Keiths, first found in Haddington, location of Musselburgh. Compare the Irish Pender Coat with that of Italian Neros, first found in Lucca (where Massars/Massais were first found), beside Massa-Carrara, one home of the Massi/Mattis surname.

Keith-rooted Marshals/Marescals could be the Marsi-of-Fucino line to Fossano-suspect Faucets, for Marshalls too were in Haddington. The Marshall write-up: "First found in Lothian, where the Clan is said to be descended from Robert, an early Chieftain of the Catti tribe..." Keiths are said to be of the Catti. English Marshalls use FIVE lozenges in the colors of the mascles (= hollow lozenges) of five-defined Quincy's, though lozenges are at times called, FUSils (see Fesseys below). Compare some Fusil variations to "Faucette."

As English Marshalls were first found in Wiltshire, where Yorks were first found, it's apparent that the Marshall blue-on-white saltire is that of the Yorks.

By what coincidence do Mussels/Muscels use five plates while the Quincy/Quince write-up traces to "Quintus, meaning 'fifth-born.'" Rather, I'd say that Quincys (honored in the Sforza "quince") should trace to Romans named after the number five. Interesting here is that the Vallery Coat uses a chevron in the colors of the same of the Fives and Five-related Veys/Vivians.

The Patrician suspect Pades/Perts (Perthshire suspects) use a bend in the colors of the Rome and August fesse, and were first found in the same place as Caesars/Sesares. The Pade/Pert scallops have already been traced to the Patterson / Sodan scallops. The Sodans/Sowdens were first found in Devon and are therefore suspect as the Devon element of the French Stewarts who use ducklings in honor of the Devon surname. This idea came to me before seeing the Sodan Coat again, which has the three stars of the French Alan and French Julian Chiefs!! The Pade scallops are even indication that they trace to Scala at PATmos. Both the Pades and Sodhans use enGRAILed bars.

Having linked the Pades this solidly to Julius Caesar, it begs the question of whether their Pert variation is in honor of their birthing Pontius Pilate. The Rollos were first found in Perthshire, and they too use the chevron in Valery / Vey / Five colors. The Sodhan fesse with Alan and Julian stars is used by Scottish Mores/Moors ("duris" motto term), and then Irish Mores/Moores use the lion in the colors of the Duffy and Morgan lion while Morgan le Fay traces to the Fives. This may suggest that Moors were the MARsi-of-Fucino line to the (Five-related) Fossano > Foss > Faucets lines. After all, French Mores show Maur terms including "Maurais."

Where did the Julians not connect in Freemasonry Land? To help prove that Sodans were a Sadducee line, French Moores were first found in the same place (Paris) as the Levis and Caiaphas-suspect Chappes, and then the Chappes Coat uses the black Moor heads of German Moors. If Caiaphas was not a Sadducee himself, he married one (of the Ananias line).

So, the Faucets at Musselburg, associated there with mascle-using Quincy Romans, where Meschin-related Mussels named the location, must have been associated with the Mascis from Fossano. The heraldic fesse is suspect as this line, and so let's take a look at Fesseys/Vasseys, first found in the same place (Northampton) as Quincys. The Fessey/Vassey write-up: "Other records show the name was originally De Vesci, which was a baronial name, a branch of the De Burgh family." We've already seen that Julians of the Ville kind were related to the Burgo > Conteville line to the Meschins. It's interesting here that the Fessey motto term, "Sub," evokes Suburu (birthplace of Julius Caesar).

An early Vassy with Veci alternative "won the hand of Alda, daughter of Gilbert, Lord of Alnwick in Northumberland and the family claim considerable prominence as the Lords of Vesey from which Lords Fitzgerald and Vesei claim descent." Mus-related Fitzgeralds/Desmonds (ANNANdale saltire) have already been traced to Ananias' line, itself suspect as a Maccabee line from Mattathias. Kilpatricks use a motto term like the "aboo" of Geralds/Desmonds, and Irish Mores/Moores use "a-bu," a term suspect in honor of MacAbees/MacCabes. Irish Mores/Moores were first found in the same place (Leicestershire) as one of the Fessey/Vassey clans, and Leicestershire traces to Ligurians, who lived at Guillestre and Fossano.

The engrailed Fessey/Vessey cross (used by Macclesfields and Macclesfield) is in the colors of the saltire of French Julians. To help prove that Fesseys were of the Fido / Footes / Foetes / Fossano entities, this Arms of Macclesfield shows a "copia" motto term, a uniCORN, and stags, while the Crest of stag-using Fidos/Fiddes' shows a CORNuCOPIA.

I have been years of heraldry topics, and didn't know that Julius Caesar and Nero are all over them. And I've known for 30 years that the Revelation dragon comes from the Julians / Patricians. Why did I take so long to discover Julians in heraldry? Was it because I needed background info first to make the case for proving Julian lines all over heraldry?

If correct to trace "Marseille" to the Marsi at lake Fucino, it appears that Fucino was named after Phocaeans, for the latter were involved in the founding of proto-Marseille, then called MASSALia. It smacks so much of MUSSELburgh that one therein has the proof for a trace of Fossano-suspect Faucets to Fucino's Phocaeans. In this picture, the MARSHALLs/Marescals are definitely the namers of MARSEILLe. Therefore, never mind the off-wall derivations given by others for Marshalls, but listen to what heraldry says instead. It's telling us that the Foetes / Fide / Fiddle terms are from Phocaeans...who predated Romans.

Lacydon myth includes a Protis character that I traced to Thesprotians of Epirus, the same place that I see proto-Aprutium/Abruzzo, where the Marsi lived.

Marseille is on the Rhodanus, and we can fully expect Redones in the Guillestre location. Romans were founded in-part by Mars = Marsi, and Romans were probably from Rimini where Maschis/Maskallys were first found, explaining why Masci lines are always found close to Julian lines. Again, I see them both related to Seleucids. We are definitely stepping on the devil's feet here while on the Fucino > Fossano topic.

If only we could find some iron mixed with clay in heraldry. Daniel 2 portrays end-time Rome with the two legs and two feet of a statue that stem from a divided Rome (i.e. historical Europe), and the feet include a bad mix of iron and clay. We know that the iron is the symbol of Rome, but what did the clay represent? The Arms of Foetes/Fussen use legs and feet, but I was wondering whether the Daniel codework was for a potter entity. I'm saying this here because I found Potters to be related to the Kroes below.

The Devil Probably has Kroes Feet when he Squints

Solanas and Madariagas were a significant topic in the last update, surnames of men who were higher up in EU affairs than Neelie Kroes. The Maderos/Materos Coat (Aragon) showing red-on-white roses (i.e. the Caesar/Sesare symbol) was found in the last update, but it can now be added that purple-lion Spanish Luz'/Lucios were first found in the same place as Maderos. There is reason here to link the Luz clan, not only to purple-lion Lacys, but to Lacydon, an ancient city near to, and associated with, proto-Marseilles. Where does the purple come into this Lacydon line, a purple used even by the lion of Veys/Vivians who just traced to the Fucino-Phocaean line? Sobeks, who use a purple buckle, symbol of Leslies, may now be traced suggestively to "Suburu." Leslies might be related to Lacys.

One Bruce lion has a purplish hue, and it's the lion style of the Rome Coat. The point here is that Bruces/Brusi's trace to Aprutium's "Abrussi," the co-founders, I think, of Lacydon / Massalia. Yes, the purple traces to Romans, as many know, but who had it before the Romans?

Recall that Foss' and Faucets, who trace to the Marsi and to Massalia, are linked to foxes, for Jesus called a Herod a fox, and was then dressed in mockery with that Herod's purple robe.

Did Phocaeans like purple, or was it that Phocaeans out of Massalia linked to the purple Lacy entity? Or was that purple color from the Marsi, who transferred purple to the Romans at the formation of Romans? The Abruzzo area has a mount Maiella, named after Maja/Maia, daughter of Atlas, who traces to Antalya/Attaleia, a capital city of Pisidians. That easily identifies the purple with Phoenicians, who made scarlet-colored dyes.

The purple / scarlet harlot has been identified with the Levi and Maccabees of the Masci kind, but Levis and Mascis don't use purple. Meschin-related Skiptons, first found in the same place as Lacys, do use a purple lion. My guess is that the purple line here belongs to Ladon-branch Lasonii (fellow tribe with Pisidians). Another thought is that the Marsi should trace to the Marici of Pavia, who were in cahoots with the Laevi on the Ticino river.

How can the Purple Room of Byzantines link to the Lasonii line? Byzantine Romans (from Constantine I) are suspect as being represented in the second leg of the Daniel 2 statue, but were they Latins too? If not, might Byzantine purple trace to Nahorites, since Byzantines should trace to Buz, Nahor's son? Shouldn't Nahorites be expected in the Lasonii / Pisidian family?

Fond de Villes use purple too, and they were from Piscinas, a location beside the Seleucid founders of Sulcis. The Lasonii are suspect as Lydians at SARDis, and so Piscinas (southern SARDinia) could trace to Pisidians at Italy's Pisa. The Cheshire Paces/Paces show a purple Shield and Byzantine-suspect besants; Italian Paces/Pases/Pascels use Rangabe colors. As Italian Pescis use Rangabe colors, it could be that Rangabe Byzantines merged with Seleucids at Piscinas to produce the 666 bloodline to the False Prophet via the Mieszkos (father of BEZprym) from Sulcis.

Daniel 7 has a prophecy about the statue's ten toes of clay and iron, and throws in an 11th king, different from the rest. Daniel 8 and 11 tell that the ten toes will be resurrected by an end-time ruler of Seleucid stripes, the 666-lover anti-Christ. It just became a good theory that the end-time EU must be ruled by a resurrected (not literally) Nero-bloodliner anti-Christ. It was found that the Nagles/Nails/Neils were Nero bloodliners, and so we can ask: why NEELie Kroes? Is she a Nahorite of the Nero kind, and does she wear purple nail polish too? On her ten toes?

It had been stipulated that the neo-Nero bloodline will put forth the 666, and meanwhile the Crow surname became suspect as a 666 bloodline. Plus, Crows were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Fulke Nerras, whom were identified with the Nero bloodline. Admittedly, the only proof thus far of a Kroes/Kreuger link to Crows is the white-on-red (Crow colors) of the Juggs/Judds, for Kroes use "jugs." Still, the fact that a Kroes surname is now overseeing digital Europe is an ominous finding. Thank you YS, great timing.

A few things can be added. Crows were discovered to be Corrs/Corries, who use the Leslie green griffin; The Corr/Corrie griffin uses a forked tail, and the Corks/Corrs use only forked tails (without an animal shown), which I previously assumed to be from the fork-tailed lion; they might instead be from a fork-tailed griffin. The Corr/Corrie Coat uses estoiles, as do Irish Neils. Estoiles have been found to be a symbol for Este, and while Bars were Estes, the president of the European Commission is a Barosso surname. Like the Pescis suspect from Piscinas, Bars use white-on-blue fish. Whenever the Bars are a topic, always think the families using bars / barry on their Shields, as for example Drummonds and Trebizonds.

The Este family originated in men with Azzo / Ezzo names, like the "esso" ending on Barosso. The House of Estes (eagle in Rangabe colors, see Italian Estes) were recently traced to Rangabes. The English Este Coat uses the Odin / Pepin / Massey horse in the colors of the Kroes/Kreuger jugs, important because the Pepin camels trace to Camulodunum's Nahorites, and the Coles of Camulodunum traced to the Histria theater. The Scottish Barrs, who use the Este eagle, also show stars in the white-on-black of Kroes/Kreugers, which is not being said without good cause.

Coles ("serva" motto term") were traced to Karlovac and the Servitium location (Croatia theater), and suspect on the neighboring Colapis river, where proto-Jupiter Japodes lived alongside the harlot lines, as for example the Latovici. There is a good chance here that "Kroes/Kreuger" is a Croatian term, for Croatians called themselves, "KRVati," a corvos-like term that to the Greeks means, "crow." I had traced CRAVens of purple-Skipton relations to "Krvati," and it just so happens that Cravens use the same-colored fesse as Romes and Augusts.

Estes showed until recently the horse design of Butes/Butts, who use estoiles as code for Estes. It traced them to Bar near Butua/Budva on the Illyrian coast, roughly where the Neretva-branch Nahorites lived that smacks of the Neriti variation of Italian Neros. As Estes use the Pepin horse design in the same colors, and as Estes are said to be from Colchester = Camulodunum, Estes are clearly related to camel-using Pepins ("est" motto term). This is a very good turn of events, for the Crow Crest is a camel too!!

The last update nailed the Madariaga line to Keeles/Kills and Kyles, and then Kyles trace themselves to king Cole of Colchester = Camulodunum. The Julian-suspect Guils are also "Kull." It's sort of a family affair up there in EU Land, isn't it? It's sort of a family plot to steal all of our savings by many taxation methods and heavy product-pricing so that The Family can have it's revived empire, and eat us for dinner too.

The Coles in the Servitium theater had been liked solidly to proto-Mieszkos of that same area, important because the arm-in-armor used in the Mieske Coat is seen even in the Kroes/Kreuger Crest.

Here's a Swiss variation of the Kroes/Kreuger Coat, but it adds little clues aside from the jugs possibly linking to Potters and/or Pottendorf, home of the leader (Zinzendorf) of the Taborites. Hmm, it just so happens that Tabors/Tabers were first found in Essex, location of Camulodunum. These Tabors use "Soles occidere et redire" for a motto phrase, where one of the terms can be code for the line of Javier Solana. Hmm, the "dere" and "dire" buried in the motto are in the "extenDERE" term of Neels/Neeles.

English Potters/Botts use a sea horse, used in the Arms of Budva, suggesting strongly that the Botts variation is from "Butua." Potters/Botts are even in Kroes/Kreuger colors. AHA! The pot of German Potters is between the same-style wings that are used on both sides of the Kroes/Kreuger arm!!! We have got significance of the Kroes bloodline now in the Maximilian bloodline of Zinzendorf. In fact, Zinzendorf was born in (Dresdan) Saxony, where the Kroes surname was first found!

The Maximilian bloodline should trace to Maxwells of Este-controlled Rijeka, beside Histria and the Japodes (!), in Croatia land!!! I now trace Maxwells to the same Maezaei peoples next to the Japodes, and in the Servitium theater (see left of map).

Hmm, "Microchip makers near Dresdan have given the region a nickname of 'Silicon Saxony'."

German Nagles/Nails/Neals use the same saltire colors as Yorks, and then both Yorks and same-colored Neels/Neeles (fork-tailed lion) were first found in Wiltshire, where purple-suspect Marshalls were first found. The Paces with purple Shield use the besant, as do Yorks.

The Neeles use greyhounds (a John-Yonge symbol) as well as the black wolf of the English Yonge Crest (= Caesar-related surname). Neeles use half their colors in Rangabe colors. The "Nomen" motto term of Neeles suggests the Newmans, who use the lions of Rangabe-suspect Raines, which lions are all in the colors of the Kroes jugs. German Newmans use an arm bent at the elbow and suited in armor, as does the Kroes/Kreuger Crest. Newmans were first found in Dorset, beside Wiltshire's Neeles. All this may indicate why the parent(s) of Neelie Kroes gave her that first name.

Newmans might be linked to Crows as well as to Kroes/Kreugers because, first off, the Newman Crest is a white fork-tailed lion, and then the Cork/Corr Coat uses white-on-black fork tails, the color of the Newman-Coat lions. Secondly, "Kreuger" suggests the Creuse/Crew surname, using the same style white lion as Newmans (it's the Dougal/Dowel lion, in Rangabe colors). This paragraph may mean that Creuse's/CREWS could be treated as Croatians, especially as they are in the colors of the Crotte peacocks.

Keep in mind, as you read the below, that the Peacock surname is a sept of Pollocks, who are in turn a sept of Roxburghshire Maxwells who were in Rijeka with Roxolani-suspect RockeFELLERS, who have been deemed a branch of Fullers = proto-Pollocks, a branch of Dol Alans. In fact, this, the above, and the below, cannot be coincidental.

Gareb-suspect Gripps/Grabbans are also "CRAVer," and therefore suspect as Gareb-rooted Croatians. I traced the "corvos" = crow term to Garebites years ago, and then traced "Gareb" to both "Sorb/Serb" and "Krvati." It just so happens that Gripps/Grabbans/Cravers use the same bend as Jells/Gillians, indicating a Croatian branch of Julians, which jibes with a Gelonii trace (from the Ukraine) to Rijeka that was suggested recently as the original proto-Julian line. We've already seen Julians and Alans related (both French surnames use the same stars in Chief), and I discovered quite solidly some months ago (before the Julian topic arose) that both Dol and its Alans had been in the Ukraine around L'viv. The Fives and related FAYthfuls (crane) just traced to the Ukraine, and then Faiths use five plates on a saltire in the colors of the billets of the same-colored Super/Soaper saltire, this being, surely, the Julian/Gillian saltire. The Fidos/Fiddes/Fothes use, not only the colors of the Gripp/Grabban/Craver bend, but stars in the colors of the Jell/Gillian stars.

Reminder: Fies/Feys had been identified as Mieszko-related Hoffs, and Mieszkos were from the same Maezaei that furnished the Maxwells at Rijeka (the Meshwesh were called Maxyes as well as Mazyes).

I traced the Gripps/Cravers to the Treveri peoples that has Esus as their god, who was depicted as a tree-stump god, and then the Faith Crest is a crane perched on a tree stump. I had also traced Gripps to Gripel in Brittany, which now assumes that Gripps/Cravers were the Croatian-Julian line (i.e. the Gelonii from Ukraine) to the Dol Alans. In the 3rd update of last December, I discovered a Doly location at L'viv, albeit that L'viv is not in the same area of the Ukraine as Poltava, the location of the Gelonii. Before quoting from the December update, let me repeat from the 2nd update of last March, when, for a few days, the English Alan Coat changed:

Lest the CARPenter Coat [caps mine here to indicate Garebites] disappear, it's described like so: "A shield divided paly of six silver and red with three gold..." That is, three white, and three red, vertical bars. The Alan and Belli Shields are likewise, except that the left side starts with a red bar while the right side ends with a white bar (Carpenters do vice-versa).

...The new Alan Coat shows the motto, "Je le tiendrai," perhaps part code for the Tiens/Thames of Oxfordshire.

In other words, the Dol Alans had shown the Carpenter bars exactly. The Carpenter bars are shown with the gold crosslets used by Gores ("servire" motto term traces to Servitium), important because Gores were traced to Gorski (beside Rijeka) without a doubt. What's excellent here is the Gores are also "Core," like the Corries and Corks/Corrs who were just linked to the Crows!!! As you can see, the Gore Shield (gold-on-red fesse) is a reflection of the other English Alan Shield (red-on-gold fesse) that's now being shown at houseofnames/com. Gores/Corrs were first found in Essex, location of king Camulodunum (where Kroes/Kreugers were just traced), and then Coles too use a motto term tracing to Servitium, not to re-mention that the Cole motto also shows "regem," likely code for "Reka" (an alternative name of Rijeka).

The Coles just happen to use a bull in the colors of the Gripps/Cravers and Jells/Gillians. It's also in the colors of the Mieske bull, which is itself beside the arm-in-armor used also by Kroes/Kreugers. In fact, I've mentions a few times over the years that a Kyle-Society webpage showed the arm-in-armor but with a curved scimitar sword.

The Pollocks enter this picture, not only because they trace to the Mieszko Poles, and not only because they were an integral part of the Dol Alans, but because I traced Pollocks to Fullers who use a horizontal version of the Carpenter bars/barry, as well as the German Belli beacon. This fact that the Belli - Carpenter bloodline uses their bars in both horizontal and vertical fashion suggests linkage to the same of the Sturs/Stows and Sturs/Esturmys, whom are suspect as a branch of raven-depicted Stouts/Stows (vertical bars). It means that Sturs trace to Garebites too, and then the Stewart-suspect Stow variation is once again indication that Alans were from Garebites somehow.

Look at the motto of English Alans that appeared for a few days. What do you see in its "Je le" motto phrase? Is it not an obvious code for the Jells/Gillians? As the latter use the Gripp/CRAVer bend, it not only traces the Alan-related CARPenters to the KRVati, but it links the Gripel location in Brittany to the Dol Alans, and identifies the location with Croatian-branch Garebites.

Gripel was discovered in the write-up of Voirs/Voyers as their home, who were in-turn discovered as per the "voir" motto term of Oliphants. The Grounds/CRAINS (show a crane), suspect from the Ukraine, use a white elephant, meaning that Grounds/Crains were part with Oliphants and Voirs in Gripel, meaning also that Grounds/Craines were the line from the Doly / L'viv theater in the Ukraine. This is excellent because Gripel kin had themselves traced (above) to the Ukraine by their own crane symbols.

By what coincidence do Corbins/Corbetts (first found in the same place as English Stewarts/Alans) use both crows and a white elephant?

The evidence for a trace of the Ukrainian lines to Croatia is solid now, and it's all tracing at the same time to Eliphas Esau-ites (probably from Budini-rooted Bozrah), and to ancient Amorites at Gareb, whom I identified as allies of Nahorites in Gareb.

French Cobins/Corbetts use their crows/ravens in Gripp/Craver / Cole / Jell/Gillian colors, and were first found in Touraine, where Sturs/Stows were first found. From the third update of last December:

WOOOWWWWIEEEE! Not only is there a Roman-like location in Doly, but a Sanok location on the San/Saan river once again smacking of the Saan sept of Sinclairs: "Important cities of this region include Biecz, Gorlice...Rymanow, Brzozow, and Sanok." In the Arms of Sanok, the green Visconti / Sforza snake swallowing an infant!!!. That is just an excellent find for linking the Save snake to Viscontis. Didn't I trace proto-Stewarts of Dol to the Massi/Mattis surname that I claim was of the Massino-Visconti location? It seems, therefore, that Dol was named after Doly elements! [Bellis use what should be the Massi/Mattis eagle, and Bellamy Shield colors.]

BEHOLD the Styr river, smacking of the Sturs/Stowers, found in the Lendians article. The Sanok article tells that it was the land of Lendians, you see, who smack a little of "Alan." It now recalls where one website claimed that "Alan" meant "snake." Alan Huns had joined Attila the Hun, from the House of DULo! The Styr goes through Brody, and then there is a sun also in the Brody Coat. [Sinclairs have a Sun variation.]

I had been disappointed for years when the Ukrainian Roman surname showed no Coat. Then, it appeared with three roses suspect as the Caesar roses. But it should also be said here the I view the Sinclair Rus as Varangians, and that Varangians of Kiev could therefore have been Sinclair-line vikings. Moreover, the Sinclair Rus had ruled from the Romerike theater of Norway, and these Roman-suspect elements were at Rouen, where Sinclairs ruled their Normandy.

For example, see that the Rouen surname (Brittany) uses the Romer mascles, but then the seven Romer mascles are in the colors of the seven Quincy mascles, linking Romers to Sforzas who us a "quince." It means that the Sforza snake in the Arms of Sanok is further evidence that Sinclairs were at Sanok. Compare "snake" to "Sanok," yet to Latins a snake is a Serb-like serpa. The eagle in the Arms of Sanok looks like the Piast eagle. Of further note, since I see Rangabe Byzantines at Kiev, is that the angel with satan on a chain is in the colors of the Rangabes.

Saer de Quincy was traced to the Sairs/Sauers (lion in the colors of the English Stewart lion), named after the Sava river flowing through downtown Croatia! ZOWIE, look at the Saier/Sauer write-up: "The family, which originated from the Sau [= Save/Sava] river region, became prominent in local affairs in the KRAIN [caps mine!!!], Carinthian, and STYRian [caps mine!!!] regions. Dieteri Galleri was the first to take on this name, and according to chronicles, appeared under the name Caspar Sauer as early as 1313."

Incredible. It's tracing the Styr river in the Ukraine to "Styria" elements (Sturs should trace to Stryia, therefore, which may have been named after Histria elements), and tracing the Ukraine to Krain...and therefore, likely, to CARINthia (north of Croatia). These terms evoke the Karens/Kerns with sleeping moon that traced to Latmus. Patmos, founded by Latmians, is where the CORINth-suspect location of Chora is situated that can now be traced to "Gorski," and to the Gore/Core and Crow / Kroes bloodline. Interesting here is that mythical Aeneas, founder of Romans, was married to a mythical Creusa, who can now be traced to Garebites of the Chora kind. If this is tracing Garebites to the naming of Corinth, and Carinthia, I'll keep it in mind.

It may reveal that Jesus sent the Apostle Paul to evangelize areas of Greece that traced back to the Amorite / Nahorite dragon cult. Take Ephesus as another example, which I trace via Hephaestus to Jerusalem Amorites, for Paul had a church of the Ephesians. See the article on the Lemko location beside Sanok (off the Gareb-suspect CARPathian mountains), and tell whether the man in the photo, in a dress and red boots, doesn't smack to you like the Galli transvestites on Lemnos. The church at Galatia was in the ancient land of the Galli/ Note the "Galiz" term on the map featured from the Lemko article.

That Galician area was also known as Red Rus or Halychina, later Galicia. From the article: "The jackdaw [a crow species] was used as a charge in [Galicia's] coat of arms..." Another crowincidence? The Arms use a red-on-white fesse under the crow, perhaps the Rome/Roam / August fesse.

Galicia is marked out in red on this map. L'viv is stamped as L'wow, and Sanok is also shown in the red section. Ask why the dukes of Masovia (Warsaw area on map) used a red-on-white wyvern dragon, for Varangians of Kiev, who named Red Rus and ruled it, used dragons too, and we can expect red dragons as per the red color of the Rus. By what coincidence do Drakes use a red-on-white wyvern while they were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Sturs/Stows??? It would appear that Drakes of Masovia moved together with Stry-river elements to Hampshire, or vice versa.

Potters were also first found in Hampshire, and while wings of German Potters had linked to the same of Kroes/Kreugers, suggesting that the Kroes jugs and Potter pots are related symbols, it can't be a coincidence that Doly Jasielsko-Sanockie, shown at times with "Pits" in brackets, is in KROSno county! The county is in Poland, beside Sanok county. As Sturs/Stows are traced (by me) to Stewarts, shouldn't the Doly location at the Styr-river theater trace indeed to "Dol"?

As French Sturs were first found in Manche, where Veres had a Ver(e) location, it clinches the Vere link to Drakes, but also the Massey-of-Manche trace to "Masovia." It moreover helps to identify Veres with Varangians, especially the Inger-Melissena Varangians, part Rangabes. The Arms of Krosno has a white-on-blue cross, the colors of the Rangabe cross.

The Neuri lived on the Southern Bug shown through Braclawskie. L'viv is at the source of the northern Bug, which river passes by Warsaw (and Pock, Pollock-suspect location). In fact, I now see that Warsaw is where the NERew river flows into the Bug, suggesting strongly that Neuri were at that river junction! As the mythical Nereids were a fish people, often depicted as mermen / mermaids, what about Melusine the mermaid being the main symbol in the Arms of Warsaw??? ZOWIE, this reveals that Melusine was a Nahorite bloodline.

L'viv is also at the source of the DnESTR, which looks to be named after the Danube - ISTER river. It tends to trace Sturs and company to the Revelation harlot, wherefore we need to ask again why Vivians (of the L'viv line) use purple lions.

The Belskie area off the north side of the red section may be the proto-Belli entity. In this picture, the Belli-related Carpenters look like they were named after Carpathian elements, which is excellent because I trace the Hungarians Arpads to "Carpae/Carpii/Arpii, who apparently named the mountains. It's excellent, not only because the Arms of Hungary uses red and white bars, as do Carpenters and Bellis, but because the lion design of English Stewarts, in the same colors, was found to be the Ulman lion at the time that the city of Ulm was traced to "Almos," the founder of the Hungarian Arpads! If either lion design changes, be assured they are identical at this time. German Ulmans even use red and white bars!!! It means that Alans were Hungarian Arpads, and the better thing about this is that Carpenters can be traced to Arados/Arpad, what I see as the proto-Rus city in Syria that founded Arad and Oradea (in ROMANia, origin of the mythical-Silva aspect of Romans) in the Carpathians near the Hungarian border.

The commonality between Hungarian Arpads and Varangians was there Khazar sides. Hungarians were from Khazars on the Mures river (passed by Arad), and Varangians were Khazars as per Melissena's mother's side.

The Ulm location was found as per the write-up of the German Leirs, and it just so happens that French Lears were first found in Brittany. It's a good bet that the Brittany Lears use the scallops of the Russells, and that the latter trace to Red Rus. Russells use "Che sara sara" for a motto, and the Sairs/Sauers use the Russell lion.

By what coincidence are Sairs/Sauers traced to a GALLeri surname??? Gallerys/Galloways were first found in Scotland's Galloway, or in Wigtown of Galloway (to be more specific), where same-colored Hannas were first found who are suspect as the Ananes Gauls from Annandale, not far away from Wigtown. To no surprise, Wigtons were first found in Yorkshire, as the blue-on-white lion of Gallerys would suggest, but it's not just the Bruces of Yorkshire who use that lion, but Hallands/Hallams too who I trace to the Galli bloodline. It can't be coincidental that Wigtons use the stars in the colors of the stars of Jells/Gillians, likewise first found in Yorkshire.

So you see, we've just found the Carpenter- and Alan-related Jells/Gillians in the same place as the Gallerys who furnished the Sairs/Sauers at the Sava, which once again traces Alans to Croatia, meaning that the Croatian Alans trace also to the Red Rus area of the Ukraine. In the Red Rus map above, note that the large yellow area is that of Lithuanian crown, for I traced Stewarts also to Vilnius of the Lithuania. The Alans really got around to all sides of the Europa elephant.

This is a good time to recall an years-old trace of Stewarts to Stubbs (white pheons) and Stubbings. It was thought that these terms link to "Stow," and the Stilb variation of one Stewart clan. I've had a hard time over the years clinching the Stubb(ing) link to Stewarts. but now that Alans were found to use a "Je le" motto phrase, and as its proving very true that its code for Jells, I can add that both Stubbs and Stubbings use a bend in colors reversed from the Jell bend. Stubbings (tree-stub theme) were even first found in Essex, the place that harbored the Gorski / Servitium lines.

If the whole of Red-Rus Galicians were from the Gelonii, what about the idea presented in the last update, that Roxolani and Gelonii were one? I traced Roxolani to Roquefeuils of Languedoc, where French Julians, who use the Alans stars, were first found. But Languedoc is also where Roussillon is located to which Russells must trace. And Roquefeuils married the Rhode surname of Roussillon's Rodez entity, which can then tend to trace the Lendians of Red Rus to Lindos on Rhodes. It's telling me that Red Rus was inhabited by Redones (also called, Ruthene), explaining why both areas had a Ruthene peoples. I've always felt that Varangians were from Redones, meaning that Redones had to trace to the proto-Varangian Varni. It just so happens that the Varn surname uses the Jell/Gillian bend.

The Varni were traced to the Treveri tree-stumpers, and then Stubbings, said to derive in a tree-stump theme, use a bend in colors reversed to the Varns. On top of that, I traced a Vere branch (can't recall spelling) to the Brocken mountain area (Germany) where tree stumps (and witchcraft) were a theme, as for example the Brock(en) Coat uses a tree stump. It was indicated at that time, for the first time, that Vere-related Stewarts were a Brock branch. Like Stubbings, Brocks (use the Stewart motto) were first found in Essex/Colchester.

It just so happens that Stubbs use buckles, a symbol of the Super-suspect Sobeks. The latter were from SandoMIERZ and Lubel, both locations (see map) right beside the Red Rus area. It can't be coincidental that we find this: "...and a Sobek family of Sandomiersz, who belonged to the clan BROCHwicz." As the Brocks/Brochs were clearly Stewarts, while proto-Stewarts were clearly Julians, there is an argument to be made in tracing Sobeks to Suburu (birthplace of Julius Caesar). Then, entering "Sober" gets oak leaves, a symbol of English Alans. The Sober rite-up: "Sober could also be Slavic in origin, possibly a patronymic form of the Slavic personal name Sobieslaw, which is represented in German as Sobisch or Zobisch." The Sobeks are also "SOBIEski".

Buckles are used on a bend in colors reversed from the Save bend by Leslies, and for this reason Leslies have been traced to Lesce, the name of two locations on the Sava river. Then, beside Sanok County there is a Lesko county (at Doly). As Lacys and Luz'/Lucios use purple lions. might Leslies trace to Lasonii? I don't recall off hand where Lasonii lived, but we are about to go to Phrygia, home of the Galli that I think trace to Red-Rus Galicia.

If we ask why Byzantines of the Rangabe kind are playing into this picture (Stubbings even use besants, which are likely those of Treebys, and therefore of the 666 bloodline), the Amorian emperors who ruled immediately after Michael Rangabe are coming to mind because they were from Phrygia's Amorium location off the SANGarius river, the namers of which I think named SANOK. I trace Amorites to Amorium, and this jibes well with the Garebite Amorites under discussion. By what coincidences are they that: 1) Sanok is beside SandoMIERskie; 2) the Mire/Mireux/MIERE surname was first found in Anjou, the location of Broc (see Brock write-up), where Brocks are said to have lived; 3) German Mires use "Semper paratus," the first term used in the Arms of L'viv and the second term suspect with Julian Patricians; 4) German Mires/MIEREs use a lion in the colors and style of the Sforza lion, conspicuous because the Visconti snake adopted by Sforzas is used in the Arms of Sanok; 5) the Sand surname, which can link to "Sanok" by way of saint = SANCtified, uses a fesse in the colors of the English Alan fesse; 6) the Sank surname was first found in the same place (Lancashire) as the Sands, and uses a "coeli" motto term while Gores and Coles trace to Gorski / Servitium (the king Cole entity was also "Coel").

As was implied that Dol and Doly trace to Attila's House of Dulo, one can glean Thule elements out of this discussion. I traced Thule elements tentatively to Talls/Thals and therefore to Talbots...known to be from the Taillebois clan. Here's the Romer write-up: "Hence, conjecturally, the surname is descended from the tenant of the lands of Revesby held by Ivor Tailbois who was recorded in the Domesday Book census of 1086." It just so happens that Rymanow is in the Sanok theater, and that the Ukrainian Roman(ov) Coat uses roses in the colors of the Caesar roses. The write-up even traces to Rouen so as to verify the trace to Romerike. I recall that the Hamar and Heidmark locations near Romerike use green and white, the colors of the Ukrainian Roman(ov) Shield and Chief combination.

Moreover, there's a GORlice location at the Sanok theater, said to be founded by peoples of Gorlitz in Lusatia, for which reason I would trace Gorlice to mythical Gorlois of Cornwall, the father in a way of king Arthur. Dolys (Pits) is partly in Gorlice county (and partly in Krosno county), which uses an upright lion in the colors of the upright Sforza lion.

I'm not sure yet why "Pits" is in brackets there, whether it describes an aspect of Dolys, or whether it's an alternative name of Dolys, but the Pitt surname uses a bend identical to the Stewart bend. That's no crowincidence, explaining why Stewarts should be part of the raven-depicted vikings. The Pitt Crest is a crane, thus clinching the crane trace to "Ukraine." It means that Alan-Stewarts were definitely in Doly. Here's a list of Doly locations in Poland.

Pitts use besants on black, the colors of the Treeby and Stubbing besants, and then Treebys were first found in the same place (Devon) as Pitts. It's suggesting that Traby were at Dolys, explaining why Stewarts traced to Vilnius, where Trabys also traced. Treebys and Stubbings both use white lions, which in Britain belong often to Dougals, wherefore the Dowel / Doule variations of Dougals looks to trace to "Doly." In this picture, Dougals may not be the same line as Douglas'.

The Corks/Corrs, suspect as the crow line, use white tails only that may belong to the white lion. The Doly/Douly/Dunlea Coat uses a peculiar/rare blue chevron within a gold chevron (both chevrons engrailed). The point is, Dolys were from Cork. As they are said to be from Fiants of Cork, I'm noting that French Feins/Feints use black-on-white bars like the Arms of Trebizond Empire. It appears that the white-on-black Cork/Corr tails are those of the white-on-black lions of the Tail/Tailor/Taillifer Coat, which appear on a pale (= vertical bar) in the colors of the pale of Russian (Varangian-Rus suspects) Alexanders.

Zowie, compare the German Heidler Coat to the German Fein Coat (no variations shown). The Shields (not including the symbols) are identical except that the white bends are in different directions. THIS IS EXCELLENT because the Tails/Taillefers are suspect as Taillebois/Talbots, a branch of German Talls/Thals suspect (and perhaps now verified) as Thule-Society elements known to support Adolf Hitler of the Hiedler bloodline!

AHA! German Feins use a white bend with central red star, the colors of the Botter bend with central red star. I traced the Botter star to Dolles'/Dulles' with DOLAY/DOLEY variation, suggesting that Corks/Corrs / Tails/Tailers / Talls/Thals / Talbots were DOLY elements!!! It's as though the Thules and Hitlers were of Doly-of-Ukraine elements. Not only do I trace the Hiedler/Hitler Coat (a sun) to the Hector Coat, but Dolles/Dulles/Doleys use a "semper" motto term, as does the Arms of L'viv. Reminder: L'viv traced to Vivians who were Fifes beside the Hectors of Angus.

Recall the Rymanow location of the Sanok theater, for I've found the Rymanow location in Poland's Krosno county. And the Arms of Rymanow uses an axe head like an executioners axe, evoking the fasces symbol (bundle of rods/sticks topped with a axe head) in the Arms of Vilnius, an old Roman-execution symbol. As Vilnius' Astikas were identified with the 666 bloodline, what about the be-headings of Christians laid at the feet of the anti-Christ dragon in Revelation 20? Or, what about the fact the Trabys merged with Astikas while entering "Traby" gets the Sadowski surname, known (from online articles) to have been SANDowski" too. Right at the Rymanow theater, there is the SANDomierz county, using gold stars on a royal-blue Shield, the colors of the EU stars. By what coincidence was the Traby/Sadowski surname (in the colors of the Rymanow axe) first found in L'wow = L'viv...near Sanok???

The Arms of Sandomierz use red-and-white bars, the colors of the Hector and Hitler bars. Hitlers use gold-on-blue stars too! Hitlers are traced to "carpenter," which must be code for the Carpenters using red and white bars, but they traced well to the Carpathian mountains of the Sandomierz / Sanok theater. If we're wondering how the Hitler Coat can trace to the Arms of Sandomierz as well as to the Arms of Zurich, there is an answer from Tim. He sent in evidence (see 3rd update June, 2010) that the Traby/Sandowski 'Q' is used also by a Sark-like surname (see Arms of Zarczynski) that was traced to Surrey for two reasons: 1) the Sandowski-related Gastons were first found in Surrey, and, 2) the Surrey surname comes up as "Sark." Since making that find, I've traced the Surrich variation of Surreys to "Zurich." It was in relation to that June update that the SANDowski variation of Sadowskis was found.

It's suggesting that Zarcyzinskis were the common Hitler elements between Zurich and Sandomierz. There is a good chance here that ZARcyzinski were of Kaiser / Khazar and/or Zahringer elements (the latter founded Berne, not far from Zurich).

The Traby/Sadowski write-up: "First found in Lemberg (Lwow,) a province of Poland...The main cities are those of Lemberg, Prezymysl, Drohobycz, Rzeszow, Jaraslow, Sambor and SANOCK." Jaraslow was named after Yaroslav, king of Kiev Varangians (Zahringers shared their antler with Veringens). I once read that Yaroslav's father, Vladimir "the great," had a red sun symbol, and then the Solana sun is not only red, but in the alternative Solana Arms we find green snakes, the colors of the Sanok snakes! This is linking Javier Solana to the 666-suspect Traby crowd.

ZOWIE...I WAS WRONG, telling YS that the three white ostrich feathers in the Solana Arms were likely fill-ins as when families opt not to have or show a Crest symbol (houseofnames uses five ostrich feathers for families not showing Crests). But Trabys use white ostrich feathers too!

The Italian Roman(ov) Shield is split in half in the same colors as the horizontally-split Shield of German Bellis. The white wolf in the Italian Roman(ov) Coat is upright, like the white wolf in the Gore Crest. Sanders/Centers were traced to Latters and Saintes, the Santones, that is, from Sintians of Lemnos. The other Center Coat uses a fesse in Gore fesse colors.

The Latter Centers were from London, a term like the Lendians/LANDZENeh of the Sanok theater. Reminder: LANuvium uses a green snake, the color of the Sanok snake, and I traced Lanuvium a few updates ago to Landen elements such as Landau and Landsberg of Swabia.

Interestingly, Londons were first found in Fife, the very area where the Ukrainians of the Vivian kind had been traced at the start of this discussion. Sanks even use a "Fides" motto term. As the Arms of Red-Rus Galicia uses a crow, we could expect branches of the Crows / Kroes/Kreugers in the Sanok theater. I'm saying this because Crows use a camel, symbol of the Pepins who had LANDON ancestry. As mythical Sangarius was a grandfather of the Attis cult, it means that Hatti lived on the Sangarius (as well as the neighboring Halys that looks like it named Halych(ina). The Hatti and the Galli were essentially one, you see, and where this cult linked to Lindos, it involved the Ialysos location at Rhodes, the one I trace to Helios = Sol. I suppose it's possible that our "sun" was already in existence (as a term) when the SANgarius was named.

Herodotus said that the Milyae (= Miletans, close to his home) had previously been called, Solymi, which brings a Sol-like entity close to Latmos and Patmos, the latter being where the crow-suspect location of Chora was located that traced to Hatti-related Corinth. Mythical Bellerophon, who married ISANDer, was from Corinthian elements, and he was said to have been sent (by Isander's father) against the Solymi (often, wars are family in-fighting). Bellerophon would be the one I'd peg as the Belli line to Belski at Red-Rus Galicia.

"Bel" often means white, especially in the Russia theater (e.g. Belarus), and Bellerophon was granted a white flying horse by Athena. An Athena link to Bellerophon evokes the Kodros line of Athens to the founding of Ephesus...of the Latmus / Miletus theater, where mythical Selene (the moon) lived who might just have been code for the Solymi. I trace Kodros to the Cottians, who lived at Guillestre amongst the Solymi-like Salyes that were related to Bell/Bellamy-related Masseys who use a white flying horse in Crest. It looks like we've just found the sun bloodline in the Salyes, and then the SANDers, who evoke Bellerphon's wife, use two chevrons in the colors of the piles of the Latters/Lattos who have already been traced to Latmus, and to the Sintian > SANTone line to sun-suspect Saintes.

If that's not enough, the Julian line at Guillestre jibes with "Iobates," father of Bellerphon's wife, for as he was also "Jobates," he smacks of proto-Roman Japodes. Jobates was a king of Lycia, and as such he may have been the Lycian line to Ligurians. If Iobate" was an Io-Bat combination, it suggests the Caucasian Bats living with/beside the Lazi that I trace to Lasonii, a fellow tribe with the Solymi. It may also be indication that Iobates was linked to mythical Batia, mother of the Trojans, and daughter of Teucer, son of ScaMANDER (Lydian elements). As one mythical Teucer was made a founder of Salamis, I identified the SALAMander with Teucer, meaning that the Julian salamander may trace to the Batia-Teucer suspect as the Iobates line to Jupiter.

The Maeander river had a source up by the Sangarius river, meaning that SCAmander looks like code for Saka-Mander, or a Sakarius-Maeander relationship. Keep in mind here before I get to Horites shortly below that DioNYSUS on the Maeander was from Nuzi, city of Horites. Nuzi was in the ZAGRoes mountains, and Dionysus had the alternative name of Zagreus, smacking of "Sakar." It's suggesting Saka scythians from Nuzi.

I traced the devilish Lazi god, Nergal, to a Nahorite alliance with the Galli, but that was after I traced the lion symbol of Nergal to the Hercules lion, other wise called the Lydian lion, otherwise called mythical SANDon. It's suggesting that Sandon elements were in the Sintians of Lemnos, the home of Dionysus out of Crete (this may have been the same Cretan line as Gareb-suspect Sarpedon, said to come out of Crete to found the Lycians and Milyae of the Maeander theater). The Lydian lion on coinage had a sunburst on the forehead (I saw it online). Nergal had a fire theme that is sometimes linked to Hell, and sometimes to the sun.

The question now, having traced the Chora > Kroes bloodline to Galicia elements, is whether the "Sola salus" phrase of Gores/Cores traces to the Solanas in particular (note that Al Gore is a "giant"). For example, might Solanas trace to the sun theme of the Sanok theater? The Brodys use a sun, and the Brody location is near Sanok. It was noted that the Sank Coat uses a bend with white fish (same style fish as the Salmon Coat), which is likely the Sale bend. The fish are in the colors of the Sach roses, perhaps important as per the SAKARius alterative name of the Sangarius. This evokes the coiled green snakes in the Seagar/Sugar/SAKAR Crest!!! It's the color of the Sanok snake, you see, and I did trace Seager/Sugars to: 1) the Saiers/Sauers and Sawyers; 2) Sugaar, the snake god, related to Mari, a Basque goddess that I trace to Amorites. Solanas were first found in northern Spain, a Basque area. Sages/Sacks use what in this picture could be the Crow chevron.

It means, in the least, that Seagars trace to Sanok...but a trace further to the Sakarius seems in order. By what coincidence do Seagars use a two-fingered cross in the colors of the three fingered Rangabe cross??? Doesn't that jibe with the Amorian-Byzantine emperors, the first of which was Michael II, same name as Michael I Rangabe?

We should expect coiled snakes in a Kroes bloodline because mythical Coronis (who traces to Chora with little doubt) was mother to Asclepios. Indications are that the namers of Chora were on the Sangarius river.

If Sagans are related to these Seager lines, it would help to link Julians to the Galicians of Red Rus (i.e. Gelonii suspects) because Sagans use a salamander in flames, the Julian symbol. As the flames are suspect in the Flemings, it's note-able that the Fleming double border is used in the Scottish London Coat. Reminder: Solanas / Madariagas were traced to Kills/Keeles, perhaps a branch of same-colored Jells/Gillians and Guils/Kulls. The Sanks are in the same colors, and they are tracing to Salyes, who lived at the Guillestre theater.

There is much black and white in the surnames under discussion. Irish and Scottish AleXANDERs use a chevron half white-on-black, and half-black-on-white, the colors of the chevrons of German Sanders and Irish Sanders respectively. The Irish Sander page traces to "Alexander." Under the Alexander chevron, a crescent that could trace to the Selene moon goddess. One Alexander variation, "Callestar," smacks of "Guillestre." "Alex" smacks of "Halych," and then there's even a RUSSIAN Alexander Coat using two bent-necked black eagles suggesting the two-headed Roman eagle.

The Russian Alexanders are likewise in the black and white colors, which are colors used by Kroes/Kreugers. Let me add here that I traced mythical Creusa to "Hros = Rus" years ago, and that Hros lived on the north shores of the Black sea. Creusa was made a wife of the founder of Romans, and then the arm-in-armor in the Kroes/Krueger Crest is bent in the same direction, and has a gold item at the elbow, just like the arm-in-armor in the Irish Alexander Crest. This means that the Kroes were related to the Sanders, and it just so happens that Irish Sanders use elephant heads, and that an elephant is used by crow-using Corbins/Corbets...suspect as part of the Crow > Kroes bloodline. This bloodline traces to GAREB, which place I identify with mythical Hera, from JEREVan on the Aras river, which is where I see the Ares (father of Eros) as a depiction of the proto-Rus Hros.

I suppose that "Chora" could be Hora variation, suggesting the Horites that I trace to Hros-like Horus. It just so happens that the elephant trace to Eliphas who married a Horite woman. As I traced Horites to Hurrians of Haran, home of Nahor, it suggested that Edom's Horites were related to Edom's Nahorites, and then years later it was discovered that Nahorites had a fundamental alliance with Amorites in Jerusalem and neighboring Gareb.

Hurrians of Haran were identified as mythical Uranus, father of Cronus, who smacks of Coronis, daughter of Peleg-like Phlegyas. I identified Cronus, therefore, as the Horites (it's suggesting that Corinthians were Horites of the Cronus kind). I had traced Corinthians to the boar long before I knew about Coronis, important because Peleg was a son of Eber, a term meaning "boar" to Germans. The German Eber Coat uses a black boar, but then that was an ancient symbol for Esau (a descendent of Eber). The boar symbol marks a sinful nation because the God of Israel marked pork a sin. There were special reasons that certain foods could not be eaten by Israelites, as a sign that they were different than Gentiles, and so it suggests that pork was forbidden due to the boar symbol being that of pagan Hebrews.

I trace the ox / bull to Joktan, brother of Peleg. Aside from the bulls of the Sanders, the point here is that the Kroes/Kreuger "jug" symbol smacks of "Jok." While the Kroes were just traced to Hera at Gareb / Jerusalem, she was the wife of Zeus, son of the crow-line Cronus, and I say that the Zeus bull had earlier been the Joktan ox. This is suggesting that Peleg's sons became the Coronis / Cronus crow line from Gareb, while Joktanites were made a fundamental spouse of that crow line all the way to Greece (Joktan was Peleg's brother). Therefore, the Kroes/Kreuger jugs are conspicuous along these lines. The fact that the Jugg / Judge bloodline is also Judah-like "Judd / Jude" is disconcerting, as when Masons attempt to trace themselves to blessed Israelites.

It's not likely a coincidence that while the Juggs/Judds use the red wyvern that was symbol to dukes of Masovia, Judges/Judes were first found in Warwickshire, a place I trace confidently to "Warsaw," capital of Masovia. The Judge/Jude Crest shows axes, another potential symbol of JOKtan. The Juggs/Judds use a fesse in the colors of the Joktan-like Actons/AXtons, whom I trace to sun-using Hectors, who were from the Hector (Teucer-line Trojan king), husband of Hecuba, daughter of mythical Sangarius. The Acton Crest is even that arm-in-armor used by Alexanders and Kroes/Kreugers.

Yes, I do trace king Hector of Hecuba, and the axe symbol, to Hyksos, but as they had a Mus-line household, note from the end of Genesis 10 that Joktanites lived between Mesha and Sephar. It's suggesting that Hyksos were from Joktanites, and that Moses was named by Mesha elements in the house of pharaoh Apachnas, whom I trace to the naming of the Pegasus. As we just saw that the Pegasus was a gift to Bellerophon from Athena, what about the Athenians being founded by snake-depicted CECrops, a Hyk-suspect term? In fact, Attica had earlier been the location of Acte, smacking of "JOKTan." Acte was ruled by a mythical OGYGes, what I identified as the Ares dragon that CadMUS slew, though the myth goes on to say that Cadmus formed an alliance with the dragon to form the "Sparti," who must have been the formation of Spartans...whom I traced to "Sephar."

Thus, Cadmus looks like the Joktanite-line Hyksos through Taurus-like Tyrus to the founding of the HECTor Trojans, and as Trojans are said to be from Thraco = Draco, the ACTE location (with the Ogyges dragon) must have been root to HECTor, jibing with the relationship that I see in Britain of the Actor and Hector surname. Reminder, Gareb-suspect Cravens use "actione" in their motto, and Joktanites were just seen in alliance with crow-liner Pelegites of Gareb. The Acton fesse is colors reversed to the Rome/Roam fesse, note that the EU is now run by a ROMpuy surname, whose foreign minister (i.e. second in command) is an Acton-like Ashton surname. It could suggest that Pelegites and Joktanites are at the EU helm, and that explains why there has been a false European-Israelism thread in Masonry, not because Europe traced to Israel, but because it traced to Hebrews (that later furnished Israelites).

The Crow Crest is a camel, suggesting a Hebrew bloodline from Kemuel, son of Nahor. The Crow chevron is in the colors of the Hebrew-suspect Hebron chevron. Reminder, I trace the "Keep" motto term of Hebrons to namers of Kiev, ruled by Varangians who ruled Red-Rus Galicia, where Trabys/Sadowskis were first found. The "tryst" motto term of Hebrons should be code for Trysts/Trusts who use a "trepidum" motto term as likely code for Traby / Trebizond elements.

The Crow chevron is also in the colors of the Acton/AXton Coat. The Rymanow location at KROSno county shows an AXE head in the colors of the Acton/AXton Coat. Reminder: the Spanish Roman/Romay Coat has a look of the Solana Shield, and Solanas just traced to the Traby fold suspect in Sandomierz, beside Rymanow. Sandomierz is in the SWIETOkrzyskie voivodeship, which may have to do with Swietoslava, the alternative name of Sigrid the Haughty, whose first name was traced to mythical Sugaar months before finding the Sugaar / Seager link above to Sanok's Sakarius elements. Sigrid was a Piast bloodliner, and then the Arms of Sandomierz city use the Piast eagle, as does the Arms of Sanok.

The Sweet/Sweit Coat should apply, not just because it's in the colors of the Traby/Sadowski 'Q' (my personal term), but because Trysts (first found near Sweets) use the same-colored rose and stars as Sweets. This was expected in that Trabys have already traced to Mieszkos.

As Piasts (= ancestry of Mieszko) traced to the Servitium location, especially to a Bistue location (near Servitium) at the source of an Urbanus river (home to the Maezaei) on which I see the Salyes Ligures, what about the SADLOWski variation of Trabys/Sadowskis as it should link to the SADDLE surname (Wiltshire) using "Servire" in the motto, as well as the Massin/Mason lion in the Coat? Saddles also use "sapere" as possible indication of Sephar elements amongst Romans...possibly to Suburu. Reminder: Actons, who were just traced to Joktanites from Sephar and proto-Massey Mesha, had an Axton location in Kent, where Massins/Masons were first found.

"SADLOW" might be a Sad-Lwow combination, and then the trace of the Arms of L'viv to Jerusalem suggests the SADDUCees, who I think named themselves after Zedek, the old name of Amorite Jerusalem. The "NEC Triste NEC trepidum" motto of the Trysts is translated, "Neither SAD nor fearful," and should be part-code for Pharisee-suspect Ferraris and part-code for the Neckar river, for the Ferrari-car logo is the same horse as in the Arms of Stuttgart, a city on the NECKer river that smacks of the raven-depicted Stout vikings. It's telling us that Gareb's Amorites -- as well as Israel's chief-priest line(s) -- were on the Neckar river. It's telling as that Trabys and Sadowskis were from Israel's chief priests, and that 666 belongs to them.

Both the Arms of Sandomierz city and L'viv use castle blocks and a gate, but the colors of the L'viv blocks, and it gold lion, was traced to the flag of Jerusalem, which sometimes uses a gold lion, as in this Arms of Jerusalem. It's suggesting the Amorites of Gareb, and the lion that was a symbol of Kybele on the Sangarius. That was the Sandon / Hercules lion, trace-able to the Samson cult, suggesting that SandoMIERz was named in-part after Sandon and in-part after Mire terms that belonged to Amorites (e.g. PalMYRA in the Amurru empire).

Compare the two blue bars in the Arms of Jerusalem, used also by the flag of Israel, to the two blue bars in the Arms of Krosno, for modern Israel was founded mainly by Rothschilds while German Rothes use nothing but a crow. Both the Jerusalem and Krosno Arms use a gold lion on blue.

The Roman Months

Did you note that Juno-respecting June and Julian-respecting July come together, just before August of the Augustus Caesar who followed Julius on the throne? Why didn't Romans name September after another Caesar? After all, October can be deemed after the Octavius bloodline to which Augustus belonged (August must be the 8th month for that reason). Could Septimania (Languedoc) apply to September? After all, I trace Oct-like JOKTan to OCCITAnia, which included Languedoc. Does this mean that the Ogyges dragon of Ares was in Septimania. Don't I trace Ares to proto-Rus, and weren't proto-Rus from the Rhodes line to the Redones of Languedoc / Roussillon? This is your Kabala-infested Rosicrucian cult.

But Occitania also included northern Spain around the Ebro river highly suspect from Eber, father of Joktan. The Solana's were from the Ebro area, and modern Sephardic "Jews" of Spain must therefore be named after the Sephar location of ancient Joktanites. You can see how important a location Sephar must have been to continue that long into history, right to the modern age. I trace Sepharvites to "Subartu," a very old domain in Mesopotamia, and then while we are taught that "Mesopotamia" was named after "middle of / between the two rivers," the Mesha location of Joktanites comes to mind with "Meso." I say Joktanites were the Hyksos Hebrews that were just traced to the Ares dragon, Ogyges of ACTE, wherefore I see the Octavians from that Gog-suspect Ares dragon and passing through the CadMUS-rooted Sparti. Could "Septimania / September," therefore, have been play on the Sparta line to Sephardic Hebrews?

The Suburu birth place of Julius Caesar looks to trace to Subartu elements.

Why was one Roman emperor named, Septimus SEVERus? He died in Eboracum (alternative name of York), a term like "Ebroicum," an alternative for the Eburovices of Evreux. After all, while I traced that latter location to the Abreu surname, March was named after Marsi of Abruzzo, and May seems to be named after Maja / Maia at mount Maiella in Abruzzo. Thus, we have March, April/Avril (smacks of "Evreux") and May seeming named after Abruzzo elements from which Romans descended. The mystery is why they didn't have a month for their Sabine/Safini ancestors? Or did they? Weren't they the Sepharvite line to Spartans? I often lumped Sever-like surnames to Safers, and of course Severs smack of "seven." It all smacks of the Sava river where proto-Jupiter and proto-Juno lived. More on the Sever / Seven theme below.

In the last update, the pine-using Aprils (Brittany) came up with the same Shield-and-Chief as Saluzzos (Bruce lion colors), suggesting a branch of Abreu/Abrussi > Bruce peoples in the Rimini / Cattolica area who moved to the Cottian Alps, and descending from the Cotys>Attis line that used a pine symbol. As Rimini is suspect as the proto-Roman (or a proto-Remus) entity, the fact that pine-symbolized Maschis were first found there tends to trace them to CadMUS, the Mesha-like Joktanites. Therefore, "Sephar" likely named the Safini.

Shouldn't February be from the Fabers / Fabians, whom I trace to the metal fabricators, the Hephaestus cult from mythical Samson? It was a big deal when I realized that metal "smith" was from "SAMSon," for Ii had already traced the Samson term to the Kabeiri on Samothrace, and for other reasons the Samson cult traced to Hephaestus. Eventually, I realized that "Samson" was related to Samannud, a location on the Nile Delta that was also called, Sebannytos ("Seven"-like), these two names being the founders, surely, of the Sabines and their Samnite tribe.

In that picture, Romans were largely from the Samson metal smiths, and you can see their importance in that February was made the second month, second only to Janus > January. There ought to be a Janus-honoring bloodlines, and so I see that the English Jan/Janes/Jane Coat uses the same lion as the Bruces, a lion used by Brescia to this day, home anciently of Eburovices. The Janes' even use a red scallop, the color of the Savona-surname scallop, suggesting that Janes' were swan-line Ligures, from mythical CYCNus the swan, whom I trace to "KIKON = Ixion" Hyksos. Apart from having anything to do with this discussion, I traced Jan / John terms to "Khyan" (said to be from "John" but that must be only part of the story), the Hyksos ruler (and Exodus pharaoh in my opinion). Khyan even named his first-born, Yanassi. The Janes' show a J'Anes variation, opening up a wide range of surname possibilities, including the Annan(dale)s to which Bruces linked because Brescia was near the Ananes Gauls.

As the infamous Israeli high priest, Ananias, was "Hanan" to the Jews of Israel, why does the Spanish Jan Coat use the same quarters as the Massey and Hanan Coats? The latter uses a version of the Sale bend that traces Hanans to the Sales-of-Mascy, not forgetting that Masseys were from the household of the Exodus pharaoh. It therefore traces Hanans to the Saluzzo theater, the Salyes Ligures that were involved with Laevi Ligures on the Ticino. As Decks / Tecks could apply to the Ticino and therefore to DECember, but what coincidence could NOVember apply to the NOVara location of the Laevi on the Ticino??? I had traced "Ticino" to "Ixion," though the Tessen alternative name of the river was traced to Essenes, and I see "Ixion" as a version of "Khyan" that may have named January.

I traced "Ixion" to "Kikons" on the Hebros river, and as mythical Kikon was made a brother of mythical Hebros, it's clear that the Sepharvite Hyksos-Hebrews to the Ebro river in Spain were on the Hebros. I've already traced Spartans of the ATREus kind to ODRYSians on the Hebros, and to mythical Orestes (close Spartan relative of Atreus; looks like an Ares/Eros bloodliner) that had an Orestia location in the Odrysian theater. I trace Atreus to Atrebates at Atrecht, other wise known as Arras, the capital of ARTois, and then the Arda river flowed into the Arda region in downtown Odrysia. The Dutch Smith write-up: "The name was first recorded in Utrecht, a city and capital of the province of Utrecht."

The Dutch Smith Coat use horseshoes, a common iron-smith symbol, but the point is that the Smith horseshoes are in the colors of the Ferrari lion, while other Ferrari lines, for example the Portuguese Abreus and Ferrers, use horseshoes. The Smith/Schmidt term smacks of Samannud / Samnite."

It's very good that Smiths have come up in this update, for English and Scottish Smiths use a crane, and then the Scottish branch shows a "Semper fidelis" motto that should trace to the same motto in the Arms of L'viv if only because the crane has just been discovered to be a Ukraine symbol. The SEMPer term of L'viv is linking solidly now to the Samson/SAMPson bloodline. The Smiths are right down the Doly line, therefore, but as Hephaestus-honoring Mormons were founded by Joseph a Smiths, they not only jibe with the Amorite trace to the L'viv / Doly theater, but with the Moray location where the Dolles/Dulles were first found.

The Scottish Smith write-up links them to February-suspect Fabers: " is asserted that [Smiths] descended from Neil Cromb, a Chieftain who flourished in 1150, third son of Murdoch, Chief of the Clan Chattan, a confederation of twenty-six Clans of which Smith was a member Clan. Faber and Ferro were Latin equivalents of the name Smith which were used in medieval documents." German Smiths even use the same lion as Ferraris. Weren't Smiths the Pharisee bloodline, therefore?

Irish Smiths (a torch) are shown as Gowans/Gavins, evoking the GONES/GOWNs/Gowens ("JUNcta" and "DECori" motto terms) that I traced to the GONfanon symbol of Montforts from MontFERRAT of CUNeo. Interesting here, as per the Smiths now tracing to the Ukraine, is that the Gones/Gowns use the Shield-and-Chief combination colors of the Ukrainian Romans/Romanovs. As we read above that Scottish Smiths descended from Crombs (the Crow-colored chevron), it's not likely coincidental that Crombys use a Shield-and-Chief combination in colors reversed to the Romans/Romanovs. The Cromby red eagle = phoenix traces to the same place as the Desmonds, to Mus of Lake Van.

It's tracing Smiths to the Rymanow location in Poland, the Sadducee-suspect Sadowski theater. It evokes the SANDON lion that was just traced to the SANDowski variation of Sadowskis, for the Sandon lion was the Hercules lion, trace-able thereby to the lion carcass with honey (symbol of sin and war against the God of Israel) in the Samson myth. The Arms of L'viv, traced to Jerusalem's Amorites, use a lion that should apply. But then the L'viv-related Vivians use purple lions, suspect with the Lydian lion because Lydians are the line to the purple harlot. If you recall, L'viv was traced to Vivian-branch Fifes and Fives, and it just so happens Crombys were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Fives.

The trace of L'viv to Fives included the Sforzas because their detestable snake is used in the Arms of Sanok (Sandon-suspect location). The Sforza lion, in the gold color of the L'viv lion, holds a "quince" that traces to the Quincys said to derive in "five." The German Smith lion is exactly like the Sforza lion, but holding a hammer instead. I have seen many gold-on-blue lions holding items, which gives the impression of Sforza-lion versions.

The hammer became a symbol of Maccabees, and then Desmonds use "Crom aboo" as a motto, partly code for the Cromb>Smith line, and partly code for MacAbees (salmon in Cromby colors)...whom I linked to the Desmond-related Deas clan of the Aberdeen / Fife theater (i.e. where Crombys were first found). To honor the MacAbees, the Deas' use a bee in Crest, and the reason I know that Smiths link to MacAbees is for the "Numine" motto term of English Smiths, for Newmans (lions in Smith colors), whom trace to Arran, where MacAbees were first found, likewise use motto terms honoring the MacAbees.

Let's not forget that the MacAbee salmon design was found above in the Sank Coat, and that the Sank salmon were on a Sale-colored bend, for English Smiths look like they use a version of the Pendragon chevron, which was traced to the Sale bend...suggesting again that Smiths trace to iron smiths in the Montferrat theater (location of Saluzzo). A Smith trace to the Durance-river Salyes can be made as per the Durham location that English Smiths were first found in.

To show further that Smiths were MacAbee relations, the latter's write-up: "The Cabe family's roots in Ireland stretch back to the year 1350, when they were imported to Ireland as mercenaries, or gallowglasses, from Scotland by the Irish chiefs of the O'Rourkes and the O'Reillys of Leitrim and Cavan." There are two points to be made: 1) O'Reillys (another gold lion) and O'Rourkes were first found in the same place (Cavan) as Smiths/Gowans/Gavins; 2) the O'Rourkes were Gowan-like Hohens that should trace to the first-known Varangian, Rurik, founder of the Kiev Varangians to whom the Smiths must be tracing in their trace to the Ukraine.

Interesting here, as per the Smith trace to Rymanow and the Ukrainian Roman surname, is that the Cavan surname (probably same as Gavin surname) uses the same red lion as Romes/Roams...who should prove to be the Romerike elements of Sinclair vikings, the vikings that I identify with the Varangians to Kiev. It's telling us that Rymanow was a Sinclair location of the Hohen kind.

The first-known Varangian (proper, anyway) may have been Inger (same generation as Rurik), who married a Rangabe, while the latter furnished the Cohens and Hohens (as well as Vairs / Fers), relative of the O'Rourkes ("SERViendo" motto term) who early used the black-on-gold HohenStaufen/Zollern lions. If O'Rourkes did not pre-date Inger / Rurik (mid 9th century), chances are they were founded by the Rangabe-based Varangians (see Rurik of Wieringen for further details).

Why OctOBER? Why not OctEMBER? Isn't it due to the Ebro river and Eber bloodline? There are two Ober/Hauber Coats, the French branch (BOURgundy) using a lion in the colors of the Dowel/Doule lion, which is colors reversed to the lion of Brescia, home of Ober-like Eburovices. It may mean that Obers were from InsUBERs of they were named after Eburovices. Seven-suspect Safers (five rising eagles, typical symbol of Rome) were first found in Burgundy too.

German Obers show a sun on what looks like a version of the split Hiedler/Hitler Shield. These are Rangabe colors, and then German Obers use the bee design that Sale-related Bessins (Rangabe-BYZANtine suspects) showed until recent weeks. Like the Insubres-suspect Innis, Bessins show a castle in Crest. The Ober bee design is that also of Thule-suspect Talls/Thals, and then Doly and the Alans of Dol have been clinched as a Traby bloodline while Talls/Thalls shows ostrich feathers in Crest. These Traby lines of the Doly kind were at the Sandomierz theater, where the Hitler Coat was traced above. Innes' were first found in Moray and are in the colors of the Moray Doley/Dulles ("Semper" motto term traces to L'viv, where Trabys/Sadowskis were first found).

The Talls/Thals even use a bend in the colors of the Doley/Dulles bend.

[Insert -- The Doley/Dulles Coat is identical to the Biggar Coat, and I traced "Biggar" (years ago; i.e. it's not a convenient idea for the moment) to "Biharia" in Transylvania, now called Romania. Biharia is off the Moray-related Mures/Maros river, on the other side of the Carpathian range from Rymanow. It's telling me that the Samson-cult Smiths were Romanians, probably from Biharia. Interesting here is that the scroll in the Arms of Biharia was traced (years ago) to a scroll in a Moray Crest (not shown any longer at houseofnames), of a Coat using "Deum Time" as motto that I traced to Time/Timms of Kent...who use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of Spanish Romans. I now find a TIMIsoara location about 100 miles south of Oradea, and just 25 miles south of Arad. It's suggesting that other Kent elements of the Edom kind should have been at Timisoara,

I had traced Times/Timms to Timnah, the location of Samson's wife, but also to Timna, the Horite sister of Lotan of Seir, and then I trace Arad to proto-Rus at Arados (in Seir-like Syria) but also see the proto-Rus in the Horites, wherefore it seems that the Horus cult of Horites -- the all-seeing eye cult of this modern age -- passed through Arados and into Rhodes before reaching Arad and Oradea. In other words, the Horites out of Edom were infested in western Romania, and are thus suspects in the proto-Roman Silva-Rhea cult. The Mures/Maros is therefore more suspect with Amorites than before. As these Amorites traced through Merops of Kos, it's interesting that between Oradea and Rymanow there is a KOSice location. As I traced Merops to "Merovee," it jibes with a trace of Moray to Merovingians. Kosice is at the western end of the Carpathians, and then Arados was "Arpad/Arvad" to the local Syrians. There's a good argument to make here, if true that the Salyes were the Salian Franks in Merovingian ancestry, that Salyes trace to Sullivan-like "Silva," the term that I see in TranSYLVania. Did we just see Edomites in Transylvania? Sullivans use a black boar.

The all-seeing eye of Horus was used by the Uat/Buto / Bast cult that I traced to BudaPest, not far from Biharia. The Uat/Buto cult was even in the Samannud theater. The Carpae/Carpi/Arpii lived not far north of Budapest. End Insert]

As Thules and Dowels/Doules are suspect in the Dol / Doly entity, by what coincidence do French Obers use an upright lion in the colors of the upright the Dowel/Doule lion? Reminder: the Adolf-Hitler agenda was traced to Julius Caesar's Roman empire, and before Julius became a topic here, Nazis were traced to the Gileki > Galli line...that also went to Julians.

There's a good chance that the Thuringia location of Talls/Thals traces to "Turin" in the Ticino theater, where I traced Decks, who in-turn were traced Munich's concentration-camp headquarters at Dachau. These terms are look like DECember, begging the question of whether a Roman family named after "dec = ten" may have named the Ticino? It evokes the DAKtyloi of Crete, who were given ten fingers as code; the Daktyloi are the ones who gave birth (as Rhea) to Zeus on Crete, and of course Jupiter traces to an aspect of Zeus.

Perhaps the Daktyloi were rooted in "Dact," or in the idea of D'ACTE, the Joktan-suspect line to Acte that I identify with Ixion, whom I thought should be the namer of the Ticino. As I trace "Ixion" to Kikons and therefore to the Cycnus/Cygnus swan of Liguria, it stands to reason that Cycnus elements founded the swan line at the Ticino river, but as I trace the "swan" to lake Sevan, by what coincidence did mythical OGYGes (smacks of CYGus) rule Acte while Gugar/Gogarene is at Lake Sevan???

There's no one in the world, anymore anyway, telling that Romans had been Hebrews fundamentally, but I think God is telling us through this work. It has got to be a secret that God kept until now, that he gave global rule to dragon-line Hebrews because he hated them, desiring to expose their unworthiness to rule and to even live. The worst revelations are yet to come, for which God will justify throwing the dragons into Hell, with no one feeling sorry for them.

August Relatives in Red-on-White

I've just checked the August Coat [this section was written several days ago and finally making it to print], seeing firstly that it's the same fesse as the one used by Romes/Roams/Rooms. As we just saw Edomites in Romania, and as Romes/Roams should trace there, what about the fact that Romes/Roams were first found in DUMfries, and use Annandale colors (Annandale is in Dumfries)? As the Romes/Roams are suspect as Varangians from the Red-Rus theater (are we seeing Edom-red Horites here?), what about that "fries" ending on "Dumfries, for Wieringen is beside Frisia while Frisians of the Ixion/Nephele kind (i.e. Nibelungs) made up some of the Varangians.

The August surname was first found in Languedoc, where Septimania was located, suggesting that Septimania was a Roman entity of the Roman number system in surnames. French Julians were also first found in Languedoc, thus tending to prove further that Augusts were Julian bloodliners. Interesting here is that the Ubii-Frank capital at Cologne was founded by Augustus, which for me reveals that Augustus was allied to, or had defeated, the Ubii responsible in-part for the Maccabee term (I'm not referring to the MacAbee surname in this case). The black eagle leg in the August Coat suggests the Roman eagle, but then this should explain the black eagle legs of English Contes, for French Contes were likewise first found in Languedoc, and moreover I view the Villes as Julians.

The SALfords, who came up unexpectedly with "Savard," use the black Yonge wolf (with collar, as with the Kent lion). Checking first the Seven surname at this point, there were besants in the Seven/Severn/Sefferin Coat, a symbol also of the French Savards (Poitou, home of the tattoo-bloodline Pictones). This is where I found the Yonge-related Savards/Salfords, and then Scottish Yonges use "praestat" while Sevens/Severns use "praestantior," code, apparently, for a priestly / Priestly entity.

The Yonges had been linked to Hogens for multiple reasons, one being that the Irish Hogen Chief has three rings (annulets) in colors reversed to the rings in the Scottish Yonge Chief. Another reason is that I had traced Yonge from the Roman Juno to proto-Hungarians Ugrians of northern Italy. I had pegged them in Euganeo, for example, where the Ugor-like Augers, with "agendo" motto term, had led me. This could suggest that the Yonge and Seven/Severn priesthood was the augur priesthood of the Romans.

German Hogens/HOGERs use (three) arrows, a symbol of the On-Ogur proto-Hungarians. They also use white-on-blue ram's heads, the colors of the Pilate pheons...and the colors also of French Mars (said to derive in "ram," but we know this is mere code for the Hoge/Hoger bloodline), first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Pilates (said to derive in "pile" but we know better) and Safers. Scottish Yonges (the ones using the Hogen rings) use "piles" in depiction, quite obviously, of the Pilate line of Romans. Mars, you must know, was fundamental to Roman make-up...when the mythical Romulas wolf mated with the Mars line, and yet Roman ancestry traces to the proto-Romania-Hungary border area, where the MARos river flowed. You understand here that Romans were from Amorites...the same Mures-river Amorites that much later furnished Merovingians, the first "Holy"-Roman emperors. It's suggesting that proto-Romans were at Merops of Kos.

It could even be that the Hogens are one of those Eggen-like Essene lines. Compare the Hogen/Hoger Shield to Hagen/Hegan Shield (Khazar-kagan suspects) and note the same lion as the Sforza lion.

Did we trace the Romes/Roams to Romania? Scottish Mars use the lion design of the Romes/Roams in colors reversed, It's strongly tracing proto-Romans to the Maros river, not forgetting that while proto-Romans had been from Abruzzo elements, I trace Abruzzo to Aphrodite, mistress of the Ares > Mars line of war-hog peoples.

We saw earlier that the "pungit" motto term of Romes/Roams traced to Paganels and to Pendragons of the Peng kind (Savards use the same chevron as Payens). Pendragons are the ones using the helmet that traces to the Sale bend of the Helms/Helions using the Pilate pheons (the Sale Crest has a black pheon, colors reversed to the Helm pheons). There is importance in thus identifying the Salfords/Savards with the Sevens/Severns, for as the latter use the Yonge wolf, a Roman story can be told...other than the likeliness of Severns / Savards being a branch of Roman Sforzas. The idea coming to me is that Salyes Ligures had been Romans of a Caesar-line merger with a line from the (defeated) Seleucid enemy.

The new trace now of Salyes to the Silva entity of proto-Romans gives some excellent insight on Seleucid migrations to TranSYLVania. It's known that Seleucids proper who carried on Alexander's Greek empire were from ThessPROTIAN associates in Epirus, and that suggests the Aphrodite line from Epirus to the Mures/Maros river, then finally to Aprutium in Abruzzo (and same-theater Rimini), where Romans proper developed, later going back to conquer Transylvania and re-naming it Romania after themselves (that last part is an historical fact). It's a new idea for me that Seleucids were the TranSYLVanians, whom I see as proto-Slavs or the namers of "SLAV." If you take the 'u' from "Seleucus" and make it a 'v,' you have a Seleuv(cus) term.

I'm assuming that when the Salford surname surfaced from the Salyes, the French rounded it off to Safor / Savard, which may mean that it was wrong to trace Savards et-al to "Sepharvites / Sephardics" (Hebrews). If Savards are instead a Salyes line, then they trace to the Sava river, as had the Salyes. But that's Croatia / Serbia, where Garebites lived, and Garebites were crow-line Pelegians, from sons of the brother of Joktan whose sons in-turn furnished Sepharvites. Might "Servitium" have been a corruption of "Sepharvite."

After Byzantines (not necessarily Rangabes) merged with the Salford line, relevant surnames were able to show the besant, as for example Severns/Sefferins and Savards do. The "Auro" motto term of Severns/Sefferins should be code for the Aurs, as they were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Hogens/Hogers, and besides the Aur surname looks like shortened form of "Auger"; the latter use the same lion as Safer-suspect SFORzas. The two red lions (different designs) in the Aur Coat versus Aur Crest look identical to the two red lions in the Rome/Roams Coat versus the Rome/Roam Crest. Reminder: the Rome/Roam fesse is also the August fesse, suggesting that Romes/Roams honor Augustus Caesar. Might the Aurs and Augurs be Augustus lines, therefore? Doesn't the OCTavian bloodline of Augustus trace to "JOKTan"? This paragraph works so well that I'm tracing Octavians to Occitanians...who named Aquitaine.

The Yonge - Hoger bloodline of Romans appears fundamentally one with the Severn/Sefferin line to Sforzas, but also going back to the Salyes so as to explain the Savard variation of Salfords (who use the Yonge wolf). This was the Juno line, and then Junes use a fleur in colors reversed to the Sale fleur. What does this mean" Why should Junos trace to Salyes? Ask CUNeo, and the Saluzzi of Cuneo.

Joves (an ancient play on Juno's husband), by the way, use a black-on-white saltire, not surprising since Julians/Gillians use the same. The Geeve variation of Joves suggests Ceva, in Cuneo. If correct, it traces Juno and Jupiter together to Cuneo. Might Ceva be a location of the Sheaves/Chiava/Chiapponi surname that I say was the Caiaphas line? The Shaws/Sheaves to which I trace that clan use black-on-gold eagles, the Roman symbol. The motto of the Irish Shaws/Sheaves above is a version of the Pendragon motto, who linked to Salyes...meaning that Shaws/Sheaves could indeed trace to Ceva of Cuneo, in the Saluzzo theater. If this is all correct, it's suggesting the chief Roman gods to be a fundamental part of the Seleucids, which was the idea implied earlier, when part of proto-Romans had traced to Seleucid-suspect (Tran)Silvanians.

In other words, while Romans had ancestry in Abruzzo, their chief gods trace to Seleucids out of Aphrodite-infested Epirus. It helps to explain why the anti-Christ in Daniel is traced to both Seleucids and to Romans. Alexander claimed to be from Achilles, whose line perhaps founded Guillestre and therefore the Julians. This idea is creating a bloodline through the winged Greek leopard (a griffin, apparently) to the Roman dragon beast.

An idea occurred as Achilles entered the picture just now. He may have had a foot symbol because his mother dumped him as a child into a vat of ambrosia (smacks of Ambracia in Epirus). Only his heel, by which she held him, was left uncovered in protective ambrosia. It's evoking the Galli-line Hephaestus, for he was made lame from birth, which provides for a weak-foot symbol via the creative works of myth writers. The point is, after that idea came to mind, it recalled that PIEDmont is named after "foot," and just as I was wondering whether Piedmont was named after Achilles' heel, the Foot Coat came to mind, at which moment it was realized that both it and the Irish Shaws above use the same-colored chevron (!), and moreover booth use trefoils!!

This tends to verify that Shaws trace to Ceva, but also that the Sheaves/Chiapponis were Galli, jibing with my trace to Caiaphas by other methods to the Galli priesthood. We are also discovering that the Foots -- and Fidos/Fiddes/Fothes, who use the Shaw / Foot chevron too -- trace to "Piedmont." We should therefore expect Achilles lines there and in Foetes/Fussen. I say that Achilles' mother, a Nereid, was at the Neretva theater, about midway between Epirus and the proto-Roman Sava theater. That theater was at and around Losinj, and then English Shaws/Sheaves use lozenges.

The Aurs were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Foetes/Fussen is located. The Doris line that Nereids married might apply, for "Aur" smacks of D'or = gold. The mythical Doris line has been discovered with the DAORsi at Neretva, a term like "AUR." Entering "Daur" gets the Shield-and-Chief combination of Cutters, who traced to Kotor near Neretva. The Julians had traced from Neretva to Guillestre at the Cottian Alps, suggesting that Achilles -- if indeed his line founded Guillestre -- was at Neretva. But we had just traced Achilles by another method to Neretva, by the mythical fact that his mother was a Nereid.

The red lions of Romes and Aurs should link to the red lion of the Duffs because they use a Jupiter-like motto term. In fact, zowie, just like the Romes and Aurs, Duffs use a red lion in the Coat as well as a different red lion in Crest. Duffs were first found in the same place as Scottish Shaws, and then here's the latter's write-up: "While some claim that the Clan originally descended from a MacDuff, one of the ancient Earls of Fife..." The Duff motto term: JUVAT!!! It's verifying that Shaws were from the Jove/Geeve surname. It's explaining why Caiaphas was an important Roman puppet.

Foetes/Fussen is on the Lech river while Duffs use the Ley/Legh lion.

MORE! Red lions and Rome/Roam colors are used also by the Spanish Cuevos, first found in the same place (Castile) as Spanish Romans. It's supporting the trace of Jove -- and Sheaves/Chiavas -- to "Ceva." Didn't we trace the proto-Romans to Abruzzo? The Sheaves/Chiavas (also "Cheaves") were first found in...Abruzzo! The Sheaves/Chiava write-up: "Originally of Castille in Spain..."

This link of Duffs to Auger-suspect Aurs and Romes is new to me. It's excellent because while the Yonge piles link with certainty to the Pilate line, Duffs were first found in Perthshire (the place suspected by others as the home of Pilate's mother). The Yonge-related Hogens use "annulets" possibly as code for a part of the Ananias line. The sparrow has shown up just now (1:47 pm, quite late) for the first time today, as I finish for the day. Why has it shown up now?

AHA! After writing that, I looked at the Rome Coat, and decided to give the "placet" motto term a crack. "Place" was entered to find a surname first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Sparrows. The Place/Plaise Coat uses the Levi lion in red and gold (= Duff lion colors), and an axe in Crest. Plaisance province (Italy) may apply, where Placentia/Piacenza (blue wolf) is located, where Ananes had lived. This is a good time to repeat what I've probably only said once in the past, that the Placentia Shield is split in the two colors of the Annandale Shield-and-Chief combination, and in the two colors of the Annandale saltire. It should be that the Placentia wolf is the Roman wolf because the Ananes also went by a Mari term:

Before its settlement by the Romans, the [Placentia] area was populated by other peoples; specifically, most recently to the Roman settlement, the region on the right bank of the Po River between the Trebbia River and the Taro River had been occupied by the Ananes or Anamari, a tribe of Cisalpine Gauls.

As Brescia was populated by Abruzzo's Hebrews, the same can be true of Placentia. It's hard to say whether "Anamari" is partly rooted in "Mari," but if so, the Marsi of Abruzzo are pegged. It would be the first time that I recall for tracing Ananes to the Marsi. The idea seems to be that proto-Romans out of Abruzzo were in Placentia, later acquired by Ananes Gauls that, centuries later, found merger with the Roman empire in producing Ananias. If the question is whether Julius Caesar found alliance with Ananes, check out the cross in the Gannan Coat, for it's in the style and colors of the Julian saltire...the one suspect as the proto-swastika. Reminder: the Patrician line of Kilpatricks uses a saltire in Julian-saltire colors and was first found in the Annandale area.

The Trebbia river definitely evokes Trabzon/Trebizond where we trace the Ananes (i.e. back to the Heneti). Fort example, in the Trabzon theater, there was an ancient GENETes location that I identify with the Heneti. Let me repeat what was said above (now in an earlier update): "A white ermined eagle (Sparr/Spark symbol) is used by the GENT/Ghent Crest, and in the Gent Chief there are eagles of the Sparr/Spark design. The colors and ermined Shield of the Gents reminds me of the Trevor and John-Yonge Shields." That's repeated because I ultimately trace Trevors to Trabzon, though now Trevors may trace to Romans of the Yonge kind at the Trebbia river. The rings in the Yonge Chief are in the colors of the eagles in the Gent Chief. It's complicated, but try to follow.

In searching for a surname honoring Jupiter, the Uptons (moline cross in Pendragon colors) look interesting for their apparent links to Pendragons. The two surnames were first found in the same place (Cornwall), and in fact I looked Uptons up initially while asking who the Liptons/Luptons could be related to. Liptons/Luptons not only use white lilies on a black chevron, the Pendragon symbol essentially, but a black wolf that should be the black Yonge / Salford wolf. Like the Liptons/Luptons and Pendragons, Gannans use white symbols (footless martlets) on a black chevron.

I'd suggest that Uptons came fist, followed by L'Uptons. The Upton motto: "Semper paratus." It's probably important that the Upton cross is in the colors of the Kroes'/Kreugers...who were traced to KROSno, in Poland facing L'viv with a Semper motto term. It just so happens that the Rook/Rock surname uses a raven that's called a "rook," and moreover the rooks in the Rook/Rock Coat have tops just like the ends of the Upton cross. There is little doubt in my mind that Romans had ancestry in Amorites at Gareb who came to be depicted with crows and ravens. Earlier it was shown that the Arms of Krosno should trace to the modern Arms of Jerusalem, at which time the crow of the Rothes was shown as indication that Rothschilds were from Krosno. It appears that there was little difference at one time between the Rothes and the Rockefeller-suspect Rooks/Rocks.

Reminder: the Yonges who use the Sparr/Spark-suspect Chief-and-Shield show a red lion in Crest, likely the red lion of Perthshire Duffs who use a Jove/Jupiter-like motto term, and the Perthshire location of Duffs becomes Pilate-interesting because the same Yonge Shield shows piles. Duffs were discovered very recently to be Hofs because Haughts/Houghtons use (probably) the Arms of Trebizond, and we are about to see what looks like an Arms of Trebizond in a Polish surname that should link to Placentia (where the Trebbia flows). What does it mean to have the 666 bloodline at the location of the Ananias bloodline? Why does "treb" look like the number three while the number of the beast is three 6's?

Was there a hek-like Roman clan for the number six? Shouldn't the Zionist star, a hexagram, be code for a hex-like bloodline? Were the Hyksos at Patmos?

Why are the colors of Trebizond in the colors of Patricks, Kilpatricks, Pattersons, and Patch's (bugles in black color of Traby bugles), who were Patricians, while the crow/raven (symbol of Chora on Patmos) is likewise black on white? The Pat surname even uses three R's (for a Raven / Rolph surname?) in black on white. Aren't these Illuminati colors? Why does the Pat crest use a stag head cabossed with a black raven wing ? The Pat write-up even traced to "pate = skull" while Scala was a city on Patmos. Surely, the 666 is a Patmos entity.

The Rolph and Raven surnames (English Rolphs use the ravens of Dutch Ravens) are both black on gold. I used to think that the water bouget was an 'M' due to some of their styles, but the three water bougets in the Rolph Coat look like three R's, suggesting that the Rolph raven line is honored in the Pat Coat and Crest. It's tracing the Rollo-Sinclair vikings to Patmos, or to an alliance with the Patmos lines of Illuminati concerns. The vikings were the ones using the skull-and-bones saltire in black and white, which I think the Patricks and Kilpatricks use in secret.

Water bougets were discovered only recently (thanks to YS) as water buckets, suggesting the Bucket surname using the Guiscard piles (i.e. Guiscards were a known part of the Rollo-raven line, and had a branch in the Cussanes / KISSanes/Guissanes that were also Pattersons, who use scallops (code for Scala at Patmos) in the colors of the Pilate pheons. The Pilate pheons (suspect as a tattoo symbol) are in the colors of the white-on-blue stars of the Boles and Bez' that I trace to two sons (Boleslaw and Bezprym) of Traby-related Mieszko, you see, and then while Pats were also PAYts in earliest times, Italian Pays/Pacentis (first found in Bone-suspect Bononia) use spears with large pheon-like tips in the colors and downward direction of the Pilate pheons. It could be indication that pheons were code for the PAYen / DuPAY bloodline...using hexagrams that in this case look like code for the Apachnas Hyksos (anciently HEKA KHASEwet)...because Payens are also "Pagan," and then Pagenells use the Arms of Burgundy, where Pilates were first found.

Why should Payens/Pagans trace to Patmos via the Pilate line? Isn't that indication of Pagan-branch Apachnas elements on Patmos...that ended up in Perth(shire), where the Rollo surname was first found? After all, entering "Pert" gets the Petts/Peats..whose scallops are in colors reversed from Patterson scallops, thus tracing Perts/Petts to Patmos. Scala was clearly the home of Asclepios who was symbolized with the coiled snake of Armenia). Stay with me here because the Hyksos Armenians, over two centuries in Egypt, became the black crow that myth traced to a white bird (i.e. a white-skinned people became dark). There's more to it, so just trust for the time being that the crow line in the Patmos capital, Chora (= the black Coronis crow line, mythical mother of Asclepios = Scala) was a Hyksos location suspect as the prime 666- location that the Apostle John was writing about. In this picture, 666 looks like code for a triple Haik or Heka.

Even the BUCKets are suspect as Apachnas Hyksos, and Buckinghams use Bez-like besants/bezants, while Boleslaw was named after a Bohemian Boleslaw that traces to the Boii of Bononia...not far the Placentia where Mieszkos of the Traby kind are now suspect. While Mieszko liners and Boii in Bononia can be construed as Maccabees, the Pays/PACENtis of Bononia can be identified with Apachnas.

Hmm, compare "Pacenti" to "Placentia/Piacenza." It could mean that Placentia was named after a Pacen-like entity. Entering "Packen" gets the Pagnells of Yorkshire, who use three blue bends, the colors of the bends used as international recognition for the number 6; see near end of this Six article). Three blue bends may therefore secretly mean 666.

Surnames using blue bends (probably countless and not all applicable to the number-6 bends) include Leslies, Dolles'/Dulles'/Doleys, and Biggars. Leslies, remember, are Hungarians, as were the Alans of Dol and the 666-suspect Drummonds. Blue is the color of Gog, and the Gogi empire surely touched upon Trabzon. The Leslie bend shows BUCKles, and then while Leslies settled Aberdeen, it is the location of Packen-like Buchan.

The Bucket piles (used by the Pile surname too) are an important part of the 666 bloodline to and from Pilates, who might be named after "Pelaiz" (they use half the Pollock saltire, and Pollocks are now suspect at Placentia's Trebbia river). The Pelaiz' are also shown as "Baez," suggesting that Bezprym was named after Placentia elements, or more generally that the Boii line to Boleslaw / Bezprym were not in Bononia only, but in Placentia.

Aren't black and white Goth colors, and didn't the rock band, Kiss, suspect as a 666 code (because chi-xi-stigma looks like "kes' in our alphabet), express a satanic Goth style? This is why "KISSane" was capitalized above, and then the Bucket piles are in the color and design of piles used by GUIScards, first found smack beside Perth.

Why does the Goth surname, first found in Thuringia and tracing tentatively to Thurii, use a Zionist hexagram in colors reversed from the one in the Israeli flag while modern Israel was founded largely by crow-using Rothschilds? (There is a crow cawing loudly outside my house as I write, like a crow has not cawed here for some two years.) The same hexagram is used by Heka-like Hagar(d)s of Perthshire, in the colors of the Pilate pheons and the Pay/Pacenti spears. It's suggesting again that Perthshire traced to Patmos, or that mythical Perdix was on Patmos as a Hyksos entity.

Thurii was known earlier as Sybaris, founded by hex-like Achaeans near the Laden river, and not far from Corinth, a Coronis-suspect location along with Chora. Were the Achaeans the Hyksos suspected in Patmos? Thurii was itself the new home of Herodotus from the Patmos theater. Sybaris is important because it looks to link to Sepharvites, and Suburu where Julius was born. It looks to trace to InSUBRES whom I suspect became the Innis' using Zionist hexagrams in the blue-on-white colors of the one in the Israeli flag.

[Insert -- I interupt the Placentia topic to bring you head-scratching news. There's a Triple Sick Skin tattoo and piercing shop in Ontario, Canada. It uses a 666 for a logo-like symbol. It begs the question of whether our "six" derived in "Sicily" elements. For example, I trace SICanians of Sicily to SICyon smack next to Corinth, and then while Corinth is suspect with Chora, the Scala location on Patmos smacks of "SICel," the tribe on Sicily that named the island. There's even a sickle in Revelation 14 just after the mention of 666 at the end of chapter 13. In fact, the first half of chapter 14 is a dire warning against the use of 666. The Greek word for sickle, used in Revelation 14, is "drepani," smacking of the Trabys who appear to use 666 with their sickle-shaped bugle horns. At the far-west of Sicily, Trapani. At the far east of Sicily, Scylla.

Moreover, I traced the Sicels to "Szkeley," a peoples on the Mures river that claim to be foundational to Hungarians.

As Cronus was traced to Chora / Corinth elements, what about the myth where Uranus castrated Cronus with a sickle? This is now tracing the triple six to Scala as well as to Chora. We can't neglect that the Arms of Sicily use THREE legs. Why three? Is it because "drepani" was a three theme? Yes, for the Apollo Oracle had a tripod symbol (i.e. term like drepani), derived in "three feet," and as a tripod has three legs, the Apollo tripod cult (out of Delphi) is the obvious root of Sicily's Arms.

Another interesting find has to do that the Crow surname became suspect recently as a 666 entity along with the Welch surname (pheons). I now find that a company, Six Sigma (the Greek letter sigma, S, was also "stigma"), has this write-up: "Six Sigma is a business management strategy, originally developed by Motorola in 1986. Six Sigma became well known after Jack Welch made it a central focus of his business strategy at General Electric in 1995, and today it is widely used in many sectors of industry." The article shows how a six is nearly the same as the Greek 's' used at the ends of words. It convinced me that the six was the sigma entity (letters were often named after people groups).

On the same day that I wrote this insert, I opened an email from emailer Pollock which led to the realization that "Pollock / Welch / Wallace" were variations of one another. This will be a longish topic in the next update for all that it might reveal. The discussion identifies Pollocks as Glasgow-related Walsers from the Lys valley, out of which came the Lys surname using the same fleur-de-lys as the Polish Pack surname. It just so happens that English Packs use the Saluzzo / Cutter Shield-and-Chief combination that can trace Packs to the Salassi of the Lys-valley theater.

Pre-tribulationism was a product of a Drummond church (Catholic Apostolic Church), soon-after advanced heavily by a Darby, and solidified in Christendom by a Scofield, whose surname has a SCHOLEfield variation. Scholefields are even in Crow colors, while Scholes/Scayles use Pat(rick) black and white, and even show the same cross design, in the same colors, as Julians. Can we spot a trace of pre-tribulation founders to Patmos??? Trips use the same cross type (in gold) around a ladder that could be construed as a scala.

To help prove that the Trabzon bloodline was on Patmos, German Trips/Treffs (first found in the same place as Trabzon-suspect Drummonds) use the boots shown until recently by Savoy's Masseys, whose Apachnas-related Mus ancestry (that named Moses) is fully expected in PatMOS. The Savoy Masseys now use the crescents of the Pinos/Pintos, who became suspect (last update) along with Payens/Paionts as a tattoo-loving bloodline (Meshech were scythians), and besides the Pinos/Pinto crescent was traced to LatMUS (founding location of PatMOS. There was a Tatton-of-Massey clan, and then while Tattons use the Massey / Pinos crescents, their name smacks of "tattoo." The Tates use...ravens! Scottish Tates use the Annandale Shield and Chief.

In a search just now for "Tatton-of-Masci," some interesting things were come across. First, a William Tatton (also called William Masci) of WithenSHAW (Chester) sounds like a white-Shaw location as opposed to a black-Shaw location, the latter suggesting the crow-line that had anciently been a Caucasian-white line. The Meshech were just such a white-turned-to-black line as the Meshwesh of Cyrene (= Coronis-like term). Mythical Cyrene was the mate of Apollo, leader of the Muses.

In the same search, there was found "Robert le Masci of Sale," which may indicate a Sale location. On the same page: "Hamon Masci, of Tatton (after svarda the first Masci of Rixton)..." So I checked for a Rixton surname, and it was found to use the Sale bend with white symbols (as with Sales), the symbols being grail cups (expected by the oath-making scythians), used also by Shaws who were just traced to Ceva in Cuneo, where we can expect Mascis.

? Rixton smacks immediately of Rijeka/Rika, where Meshwesh had been traced. Rixton is in Warrington of Cheshire.

JUST FOUND! As Rixtons are also Rickstons, the Rick/RIXON surname (use the griffin design of Scotts, of ROXburgh) was re-checked to find the same thin white-on-red fesse as used by Scholefields (!), and then both Scholefields and Rixtons were first found in Lancashire...the location ROCHdale. It's evoking the Rookbys / Rooks who use the raven, and tracing this lot to Scala and crow-depicted Chora. The Rick/Rixon grails are even in the colors of the Kroes jugs (that have the appearance of grails). Just like that, a trace of Scofields to Patmos, making the pre-tribulationist leaders all the more suspect as satanists dressed in Christian garb.

Reminder: the Sale bend is half a saltire in the colors of the saltire of Maxwells (Roxburghshire) who have traced solidly to Rijeka. Shaws use lozenges that trace to neighboring Losinj, and Shaws use lozenges in the same colors as Scholes/Scayles, while Meschins use SCALLops in the same colors. It's now begging the question of whether "Sale / Salyes" was a corruption from "Scale / Scala." If true, how long ago did the Scala term morph into "Sala." If true, does it mean that Seleucids had founded Scala? Was this the Seleucid link to the Latin = Ladon dragon suggested by Daniel?

Reminder: the crescents under discussion trace in particular to SELene (moon goddess) of Latmus. It begs the question of whether "Selene" (a term meaning "moon") was used for a Scalina-like entity that came to use a ladder symbol, for it's conspicuous that "ladder" smacks of "LATmos. The Scalia/Scaloni surname uses a ladder.

Here's an online description of the Rixton grails: "three covered cups of the Geld." Entering "Geld," the surname was first found in Hamburg, where Massey-suspect Trips/Trefs were first found that trace to Trabzon, home also of the Meshech. Moreover, I trace the trefoil symbol to Treffs on the one hand, and to ROQUEfeuils on the other. Another Rixton description says, "on the field" rather than "on the Geld," suggesting the garb-using Field surname (perhaps related to ScholeFIELDs).

Why are Rixton grails said to be "covered"? The Cover Coat is a bend in the colors of the Covert fesse...and the Rick/Rixon fesse. That's why.

AND ZOOMERS! If I'm seeing clearly through the magnifying glass, there is a bit of gold on the elbow area of the arm-in-armor of the Cover Crest, the same as per the arm-in-armor of the Kroes/Kreuger Crest!!! I didn't know this when suggesting above that the Rixton grails could be the Kroes jugs. How about that. The Judges/Juges/Judes even even use: 1) gold leopard heads, a Covert Crest symbol, and; 2) axes in Crest, a symbol also of the Cover Crest. It's tracing Coverts to Rijeka, jibing with my trace of Coverts to Craven-branch Croatians (and Serbs) before I knew of the Rijeka location. Cravens are the ones using the "actione" motto term for AXtons/Actons, who, like Cravens, Coverts, and Rixons, use a white-on-red fesse. I had even linked Coverts fundamentally to Mascis, and here we now uncover the Covert link to Rixton, the Chester area where Mascis ruled. Surprise!

It means that Coverts likely trace to the Hitler bloodline (a claim made previously) as much as Mascis trace to Polzls that gave birth to Adolf. In fact, I traced the Polzls to Cattolica of the Rimini area, then to Cottians at the Salassi theater. Aryan Nations founded themselves at KOOTENai county (Idaho), but Kootenai is said to be named after natives of America, it's my gamble that they were merged with a Cottian-respecting surname...such as the Cutters.

Incredible. Here's a new thought...because the chevron was traced to the 666 bloodline. Here's from the 4th update of last December:

If a chevron is a 'V' = 7 = 6 in disguise, why is it called a chevron? Doesn't "chevron" almost begin with "chi"? And why is there a 'v' in that word? Is a triple chevron code for 666?. Clares use a triple chevron in Burgh colors (I have seen the Dutch Burgh chevron that's exactly the Clare chevron). The problem is, it seems certain that "chevron" is code for "Hebron." Hmm, wow, just realized, after saying that, that "bron" = 222, a third of 666. Wow. Three brons = 666! (b=2; r=100; 0=70; n=50).

That was the gist of the discovery, that some Bron entity (English Brons/Browns use a chevron) had been from the chevron-depicted Hebrons, and that a chevron, found above the '6' on your keyboard, was a secret symbol of 6. I'm writing this because an architect with a Cutter surname designed Clark House at Hayden Lake, the location of Aryan Nations, for English Clarks use a blue-on-white chevron, the colors of the three bends that are the international symbol for 6. Moreover, I identify Clarks with French Clairs/Clerks (same roundels as Irish Clarks), jibing with the suspicion that the triple chevron of Clares is a 666 code. Another blue chevron is used in the Rollo/Rollock Coat (Nagles use a blue fesse), and Rollo was a SinCLAIR/Claro. Why is this tracing the 666 to Clarus at Ephesus?

Rollos were first found in Perthshire, suspected location of mythical Perdix, and then he was the founder of carpentry tools (not really, but there was a myth-code reason for this idea), including the compass and square that Masonic lodges use. Both the compass and square are fashioned on the logo like chevrons, you see. I think Perdix was given the craftsman symbol because he was part of Daedalus, the Cretan craftsman...that should trace to Hephaestus of Lemnos. I traced Lemnos (home of Sintians) elements to Limousin, where Clairs/Clerks were first found, and then I independently traced Perdix to Berry/Bourges in the Limousin / Santones / Pictone stretch.

Also found this: "Sankey, in the parish of Prescott in Lancashire, and he [individual not revealed] quartered with his own arms (sable three lynxes rampant argent) the arms of Rixton ..." As Rixton uses grails, it suggests the "holy blood" theme, as might the Sangarius river to which "Sankey" could trace. (The Pene/Penny Crest shows a lynx.)

AHA! After writing the above, "Sankey" was entered to find the Sank surname introduced earlier in this update when on the Sangarius topic, though I had forgotten what the Sank Coat looked like. It's the same bend, with three white symbols (salmon), as the Rick/Rixon bend (it's proving that Rixton traces to Sales). The Saints/Sinclairs / Santones had been part of the Sangarius topic.

The Rices/Rhys' (more ravens) are coming to mind as a branch of Rixton elements, who use the Rookby chevron (and Rook raven). Possibly, Rices trace to Rize at Trabzon. The "rushes" term in the Rick/Rixon write-up suggests the Rosh of ancient Caucasia, whom in Ezekiel are made part of the Gog / Meshech entity. The Rosh may have named the Roxolani...who I thought traced very well to Rijeka and Roxburgh. Back now to the Placentia topic written as many as three weeks ago. End Insert]

To clinch the idea that Yonges trace to Pontius Pilate, the "Roberi" motto term of pile-using Yonges should be code for the Rober surname, first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Pilates. The "vair fur" in the Rober Chief is important where it's a symbol of Chemmites (e.g. Kemmis surname uses it) to which Chamberlains traced, for Chamberlains use a small white Shield on a red Shield, the colors of the small square (on the red Shield) in the Arms of Placentia. The high tips of the Gent/Ghent eagle wings is used by Whites, who likewise use the vair fur, and then the Gents/Ghents use "ermine fur" on their Shield.

Scottish Whites, the ones using the high-tip eagle wings, have a Shield that is almost the Gent/Ghent Shield. The "parta" term of the Scottish Whites should trace to the Parts/Perrots because they were identified with Lepards while English Whites use leopards...and ZIKERS YES because the Crest of leopard-using Whites shows the same green dragon head as the Leopold Coat!!! (Clarks use the same dragon-head design). The Leopolds and Lepards/Leopards were just linked, from the 1st update of June, to Coverts, and the Lepard link to Parts/Perrots (Perdix suspects) has been a topic since then.

The "parta" motto term of the Masters was encountered in the 2nd update of June. The Master Crest is a mural crown", a symbol in the Arms of Placentia. Masters use "QUAM," a term used by CHAMberlands and tracing hard to "QUMran" due merely for the "ProESSE quam" phrase of Chamberlains. It just so happens that the mythical donkey, the Chamberlain Crest symbol, was in Phrygia where the Heneti lived [location of the Sangarius too]. That's important where the small Chamberlain Shield is being proposed as the small square used by the city housing the Heneti-suspect Ananes. (Chamberlains were first found in DORset, beside Gloucestershire where the Kemmis and CAM/Kames surnames were first found). Is this now tracing the proto-Essenes to the root of Ananias? Yes, possibly.

BINGO BANGO! Masters also use a "minor" motto term, and then the Miners/Minors (Minerva-suspect) not only use the high-tipped eagle once again, but also show the Cutter Shield-and-Chief combination...and while Cutters appear to use the same dragon-head design (virtually, anyway) encountered above, the dragon head in the Cutter Crest shows a mural crown (said to be a "mural coronet") around its neck! [Coronis comes to mind]. Cutters were first found in the same place as Chamberlains, meaning that Cutters (and related Clarks) are now definitely tracing to Placentia (or at least to Placentia's crown)!!! It explains why they should have relationship with Caiaphas-suspect Coverts!!! ZOWIE!

Chamberlains are even in the colors of the Places/Plaises, and as the latter were first found in the same place as Sparrows, note that the Sparrow Crest is the Master unicorn head (both unicorns are in the same mural crown). Yes, this is now tracing the Caesar-Sparrow line to Placentia, as expected, and Masters were even first found in the same place (Kent) as Caesars/Sesares...who use the same roses as Sparrows / Caesars. Sparrows call their crown a "mural coronet."

If there's a question of whether the small box in the Arms of Placentia is a small Shield so as to jibe with the small Chamberlain Shield, the Thiemes (who were encountered only in the last update [actually, the 2nd update of June] for the first time that I can recall) use "small shields" in the colors of the Placentia box, and the Thieme small Shields are simply square. It's already cause for making the Thieme link to Placentia, but furthermore the "blade tool" of the Thiemes alerted to a fairly solid link to the Thule-suspect Tools, and now we find that the Tool lion design is the same, in colors reversed, as the Rome/Roam lion, while it was the latter who use the "placit" motto term as code for Placentia!

If that's not enough, it's excellently corroborative that Ananes of Placentia do trace to Annandale (in Dumfries) because Romes/Roams were first found in Dumfries.

But there's more. But first I need to repeat that the Thiemes were first found as per a quote from a list of pre-tribulationist leaders. I was addressing the possibility that pre-tribulationist leaders were satanists disguised as Christians hoping to leave Christians unprepared to endure the final years wherein the 666 commercial skincode is enforced. I now find the Thiemes (also "Teem") tracing to Placentia where the Traby-suspect Trebbia flows. Possibly, "Thieme" is a corruption from "Thermodon" elements, the very elements to which I traced "Drummond" (pre-tribulationism was founded by a church started by a Henry Drummond banker of London, suspect partner with the Rothschilds of London).

"Thieme" recalls the time when I entered "Tien" as per a search for Dien / Dein kin, and got the Thames surname of Oxfordshire (because the Thames river flows through Oxfordshire). Not only was there a THEMIScyra at the Thermodon / Trabzon theater that smacks of "THAMES," but the Tien/Thames surname shows a Tharme variation smacking of "Therm(odon)." This means that the Thermodon / Trabzon Amazons had passed through Placentia and into Oxfordshire, a location suspect with Joktan's Sepharvites whom I trace to Sparrows. The Weir/Vere write-up tells that Oxford Veres were from Aubre de Vere in SPROWESton of Roxburgh. "Aubre" smacks of Eburovices out of Brescia, near Placentia.

As I'm now tracing Ixion's Hyksos though Patmos, the Ice/Icky/Ecco surname (Rostock, near the Varni), also one of a pre-tribulation leader, could be re-mentioned. It appears that the Ice/Icky/Ecco Coat should link to Dechs and Decks who trace to the Ticino river (Tecks/Tess' use the Annandale saltire in colors reversed).

It must now be repeated that the Abbot Coat is a version of the Tien/Thames/Tharm Coat, for an Abbot surname from West Islip married a Dein whose son (Jeffrey) married Cathian Covert. There were so many Nazi overtones in that marriage (whether by coincidence or not I may never know) that I went forward from that point, using the surnames with great benefits to the story you are now engaging. Abbots (Botters?) use a "patria" motto term suspect with Roman Patricians, and moreover are said to have been first found in Oxfordshire and Huntingdon, the latter suspect with the Traby "hunting horn." Abbots use another unicorn in Crest, of the design used by Furs who were traced to Firman lake (Idaho) near (or even very near) the home(s) of the Abbot-Dien-Covert families mentioned above.

We just saw the Parts/Perrots tracing to Placentia, and yet it's been months since I've been routinely linking the Parts/Perrots (pears in Coat) to Abbots (pears in Coat), Tiens/Thames, and leopard-using Pears/Perles (Oxfordshire). There feels to be something very nasty about all these coincidences, and I did predict that the Idaho families under discussion, especially as they may have inked to Aryans Nations at Hayden Lake (a short flight of a Nazi missile from Firman lake), would prove to be an activist 666-bloodline. And guess who uses small Shields / squares in colors reversed to the same of Thiemes / Placentia? The Hays/Heys...of Perthshire...who had estates in the same place (Sussex) where Coverts, Deins, Diens, and LePARDs were first found.

I've tentatively identified "Hay/Hey" with Coffert-suspect Hofs / Duffs=Feys=Cuffies at the Perthshire cradle of Pontius Pilate. There was a question of whether the "jugum" motto term of Hays/Heys traced to the Yonges, for Yonges trace to Pilate's cradle too [when this section was written for the third update of June, I had not yet come to the jugs of Kroes/Kreugers, who just linked shortly above to the Crest of Covert-related Covers.] As you can comprehend above, the small Hay/Hey small Shields trace to Placentia, where we'd expect Caiaphas elements, and we of course can comprehend a Pilate link to Caiaphas elements.

The Thieme trace to Placentia can be made again, aside from the use of the Thule-suspect Tools, because the Thieme symbol is a "blade tool," and then Blades use a Thule-suspect talbot (i.e. I trace French Talbots to Talls/Thalls). But Blades also use white pheons (Pilate symbol) on a white-on-green saltire, the color of the Scottish Frank saltire, of the clan that links easily and logically to the Traby-horn suspects: Pollocks/Polks (use hunting horns / bugles) and PolkingHORNEs (see Pollock saltire in the English Frank Coat).

If this is revealing that Pollocks trace to Placentia, it can be noted that some family researchers trace Pollocks to Clovis himself, who I say is honored in the Close/Clovse surname and at Closeburn in Dumfries, where we expect Placentia's Ananes. I'm spelling this out for you. GD just emailed recently the Polkinghorne Coat that I had never known, showing three black bars on white, the Arms of Trebizond! It's a strong case for a trace of the Pollock hunting horn to the Trebbia river. The Fullers that I see at the root of Pollocks are said to use "three red bars" that may be a red version of the Trebizond bars (however, the Fuller bars are not evenly spaced, and one bar may belong to the Chief rather than to the Shield).

I see the Bar bloodline in the green Burn-Crest bugle. The Burn Coat use a black bugle (color of Traby / Patch bugle) and should therefore link to CloseBURN, especially as Burns had a Burnys location in Renfrew, where Pollocks were first found. Burns were first found in CUMBERland, and use a chevron in the colors of the same of English Clarks, first found in NorthUMBERland. It's evoking the CHAMBERlain trace to Placentia.

Blades are said to have a Burseblades branch, and entering "Burse" (Eburovices?) gets another small white Shield! (The Blades, lest you've forgotten, were accessed from the "blade tool" of Thiemes who use a small white Shield.) It's not my doing that the Burses use "barry of six gold and black," meaning THREE BLACK BARS (and three gold bars) tracing to Trebbia at Placentia in PLAISance province. I didn't choose the black and gold colors (Traby bugle colors), which are used by the Baez/PELAIZ surname smacking of the Place/Plaise surname traced above to the Romes/Roams of Placentia, the city showing a small white square / Shield. Did I put half the Pollock saltire into the Baez/Pelaiz Coat?

The small Burse Shield is called an "inescutcheon," which may be part code for the Ince / Innis bloodline, and therefore for the Insubres of the Ticino theater. Leaving the "ines" out of the term, we're left with possibly a Cut-Keon combination, for I traced Cutters to "Kotor," the earlier location of the Saracas...whom I claimed time-and-again to use the Keon fish.

Do CHAMberlains use "ProESSE quam"? Yes, and CAMbridges use "Esse quam." The Cuts (and same-colored Julians/Gillians) were first found in Cambridgeshire, and use white roundels called "plates," while Blades are also "Blate." If the Blates were Plates (English Plates are also "Blatt"), we should have a Cut trace to Placentia's small square, of no surprise because Cutters already traced to Placentia's crown. Did Blades show a talbot dog in Crest? So do Cuts! Are we tracing "Pilate" to "PLACentia"?

As per "CamBRIDGE, I see that the Scottish Bridge Crest uses an eagle coming out of a tower, a design similar to the symbols coming from the mural crowns / coronets. Bridges were first found in the same (Somerset) place as Burses.

Now for the leopard-using Plates/Blatts (suspect with the Pilate line), who use the Mar scallops. It dawns on me only now that Plates are named after Placentia elements such as the Pelaiz' and Plais', for while Plates/Blatts appear to be related to Mars and Placentia-related BurseBLADES, the Ananes of Placentia were also called, AnaMARI. Reminders: French Mars were first found in the same place as Pilates, and use scallops in Pilate-pheon colors, while Blades use pheons in Pilate-pheon white. Yorkshire Mars use the lion of the Romes/Roams in colors reversed who in-turn use "placit."

The Bruces, of Yorkshire and Annandale, use the same lion as Romes and Mars but with a purplish hue. The upright blue lion in the small white-on-red square (!!!) in the Bruce Coat traces easily to the upright blue-on-white lion in the Arms of Brescia, and as Brescia is near Placentia, the Bruce square (called a "canton" in their description) is now so-highly suspect as the small square in the Arms of Placentia that it is fact in my mind.

It appears that Pilates are tracing to the Ananes as solidly as to a wash basin, though Masons would like to put a towel over it so that we don't see the blood of Jesus washed from Pilate's hands. The Carpenters have nailed together the vanity upon which the basin sits. Below the basin, and disguised as a Plumber, Ananias himself is catching the blood in a water bucket (Maxwell-brand buckets) so as to hide the evidence, or disguise it as the French "holy grail." GuisCARD-suspect Buckets/BuCHARDs use a pile, as do Guiscards, as secret code for Pontius Pilate's blood. While German Plumbs/PlumbBAUMs use a Hitler-style Shield much like the Hitler-suspect "Jewish" Zimmermans (a German carpenter is a zimmerman), Plumbers use the same motto term (audacter) as Hitler-related Pollocks, code for Hiedler-related Hoods and Audleys. Pollocks traced to Fullers who use the beacon of Carpenter-related Bellis. The Carpenter chevron is likely a version of English Clark chevron because Scottish Clarks use the BELL and Bellamy Shield.

[By the way, as the blue chevron of Clarks is suspect as the number-6 chevron, shouldn't we be asking who uses three blue chevrons? I can't think of a surname doing so, but Hucks use two blue-on-white, and Huckabees use five blue-on-white, chevrons, and these surnames are suspect from Hyksos who do in fact trace to the 666 bloodline.]

That latter point is no small one, for the Clark House should be under investigation as per being the place where the US navy may have protected Adolf Hitler and friends once he was finished with his assigned task in Europe. We ask, how could the navy in Clark House protect / help Hitler and friends? How much money does a new navy outfit require, and how easy would it have been for Franklin Roosevelt (who personally started the navy outfit at Lake Pend Orielle not far north of Clark House) to pull the strings in getting some money channeled to Hitler's hide-out? He may have been staying at the Clark House itself at times, in some professional / facial-makeover disguise of course.

The above on Franklin Roosevelt is detailed in the 1st update of April, where you can find this online quote: "In 1945, the Lund family allowed the U.S. Navy to begin using the [Clark] house. It served as a convalescent home for patients of the Navy hospital at Farragut." Farragut is the navy outfit at Lake Pend Orielle.
At the time, I didn't know that Coverts of the Hohenzollern kind traced to LANDsberg and LINDau, and besides, we would expect the Lunds at Clark House to be Hitler friendly if I'm correct about Hitler's use of the facilities there.

I had no plans when writing all of the above to share that quote with you, and here I now find that the Lunds use the same lion design as Romes/Roams / Bruces!!! Lunds were even first found in Yorkshire, where the Mars were first found who use the Rome/Roam lion in colors reversed!!! Aha! The Rome/Roam motto term, "pungit," was linked way above [now in an earlier update] to the Pungs, who use a black eagle from a "mural coronet"!!! The Pungs were first found in Yorkshire, furthermore, and were linked to the PENDragon-related Pengs, begging the question of whether Lake PEND Orielle was named after these elements. The Cuts (already traced to Placentia along with Cutters) use white symbols on a bend, as do the Helms.

This is the time to ask why the Rome/Roam and August fesses are colors reversed from the Arms of Austria and of the Covert fesse. Is it remotely possible that "Austria" (and "Austrasia") was a term going back to Caesar "August(us)"? Could "August" lose it's 'g' sound? I think so. Note that the August surname was first found in Ferrara, where I trace "Pharisee," though I also trace proto-Pharisees in the Parisii that co-founded York(shire) (also called, Eboracum) along with the Eburovices/Ebroicum from proto-Bruce Brescia. Look again that the AUGers use (probably) the Ferrari lion.

Compare the Swedish Lund Coat (horseshoe, typical fer-line symbol) to the Portuguese Ferrari Coat, for I see Vere lines all over the Clark House situation. It just so happens that while Lunds were in some possession-status of Clark House, the Irish Fergus Coat uses the Ferrari lion on a Shield like that of Clarks.

Like the Romes/Roams and related-others, Scottish Fergus' (from Gaul-suspect Galloway, not far from the Ananes Gauls in Annandale) use one red-lion style in the Coat, and another style of ruddy lion in the Crest. Under my magnifying glass, the latter lion appears to wear the same four-pronged mural crown that has been tracing to the same (Placentia) place as the Rome/Roam motto.

As to a secret meaning of "mural," it was just seen that the Augurs use "SpectoMUR," a term that I traced previously to a Mur region not far north of Euganeo. Check out the coronet-like symbol (three-pronged) in the Spanish Mur/Muriel/Murat Coat. French Murs/Murats use a small "diamond pattern," the symbol also of the Julian-suspect Gilles (Yorkshire). As Romes/Roams use the Mar lion, I'd say that the Mural crown is the Mur / Mar bloodline, even the Moray bloodline that I trace to the Murat-surnamed Khazars on the Mures/Maros river. That's where the 666-suspect Szekelys lived (that I trace to the Scala > Scylla line).

It's not commonly understood why the personal Arms of Charlemagne used a black eagle, though the Roman eagle seems very applicable. But as Charlemagne's dynasty ruled out of Aachen, which term I traced to "Euganeo," it's interesting that the August surname is tracing right to Euganeo via the Augers, for the August Coat uses a black eagle's talon...found also in the English Talon/Tallent Coat. In the same colors, the colors also of the Carrols, Irish Talons were from Charles-suspect Carlow. The English Charles motto even uses "auget." If I'm not mistake, the Irish Charles Crest shows a green mural coronet with four prongs (or whatever they're called).

The black August eagle talons are in the design of the black "eagles legs" of Hixons/Hicksons, and the latter are in the black-and-gold of the Talons and Carrols. The Hixon legs are in a black-saltire formation expected of Caesar lines. I recall reporting several times that Hixons/Hicksons were first found in Cheshire (they are no longer said to be first found there), wherefore the eagle LEGS are possibly code for the Leys/Leghs of Cheshire. This is very good for the proposed trace of the August fesse to the Arms of Austria, for an upright (or "RAMpant") red-on-gold lion is used by both Leys/Leghs and the Habsburg surname. It just so happens that Caesar-suspect Sparrs/Sparks of Cheshire use the white eagle (with high wing tips) seen also in the Crest of the Habsburg-suspect Happs/Apps/Abbs...who use the Arms of Austria, or a fesse in colors reversed to the August fesse. The Happs/Apps/Abbs even use a "SPERavi" motto term.

The colors of these fesses are used by the SCHOLEfield fesse -- and the Crow / Hebron / Skull / Child chevrons as well as the Skull bend -- so that the whole lot of them may trace to Patmos. It's suggesting that the Pat(mos) entity was in the Eschol valley, Hebron.

Then, Scottish Sparres use the Ferte-(Mace?) eagle and a "Per mare" motto phrase as code for the Meres/Mairs/Mayers of Cheshire who use the ship of MacDonalds who in-turn show their ship with the Sparre / Ferte eagle.

The Sparr / Speer bloodline can be traced to the Euganeo / August entity via the "SPECTomur" motto term of Augurs, if it's code for the Speccots/SPEYcots. Speers are also "SPEYer," you see. For suggesting again that "August" should trace to the Habsburgs and therefore to "Austria," the Ley/Legh Crest is a broken spear, and its spear tip is recognizable as the one in the Fulkes/Folk Crest, while the latter surname (first found where Sparrs/Sparhams and Sparrows were first found) had traced solidly [2nd update June] to the Julius / Augustus Caesar bloodline. I suppose what I'm doing here is bucking tentatively against the common claim that "Austria" was named after "east land."

What can we derive by a mix of Caesar Augustus with Hix-like elements? The Ectors/Hectors/Heckies use red-on-white bends, the colors of the August fesse. The ACTons/Axtons should apply who use a fesse in colors reversed to the Augusts. The idea here is that the OCT line of Romans, after which the Augustus must have been named, were from the Hyksos Trojans, i.e. from mythical Hector and his brother, Paris. Reminder: the Happs/Apps/Abbs use the Capes-Coat scallops [when this section was written, I hadn't yet found the scallop trace to Scala of Patmos] that trace to the mythical Capys line of Trojans...of the Hector bloodline.

Conspicuous here is that "Angus" (where Hectors/Ectors were first found) almost looks like "August," and moreover "Angus" could trace to "Angers / Anjou," where Fulks had the rule. Looking further into this theory, I find that the Angus Coat is in August-Coat red on white, and the Angus Chief is red, the color of the August fesse. The "est" motto term of the Angus motto could be code for Este, a location smack beside Euganeo. The Angus stars are colors reversed from the Eugene/Ewen stars, and the latter show a sun, symbol of the Angus Ectors. The Eugene Crest even uses the red lion shown by Fergus/Ferris" who trace to the Ferraris of the Euganeo theater.

' [For days, I've had a chipmunk coming into the house through the open door (it's been in and out say 30 times by now), and it gets right close to me and comes into the room where I type away. It generally acts like it owns half the house. I haven't been viewing this is a sign because chipmunks are known to be friendly. But the day after writing here on Placentia, I thought to check the Chip find three small Shields.]

The small square at Placentia became called a canton, and then the Canton surname not only uses red and white bars (colors of the Placentia square and the August Coat), but uses stars in Chief in the colors of the Angus stars. Where the Angus Ectors link to the Axton location in Kent, it's interesting that there was suggested a Candy link to the Caesar/Sesare surname of Kent because of the Cantii founders of Kent. I now find that Cantons are in Candy colors too. Moreover, the Italian Candidas were first found in the same place (Naples) as the Capuas known to be from mythical Capys (founder of Capua).

If we enter "Square," we find the squirrel (in the same colors again) used by the Ticino-suspect Decks/Deckers, who smack of "Auger" when the 'D' is ignored. As Laevi were on the Ticino, it makes sense that Squares/Squires/Squirrels should trace to Placentia. When I traced Thiemes to Placentia above, and even when showing links to the Tiens/Thames, I did not consciously know that "Tiens ferme" is the motto of the Squares/Squires/Squirrels.

There were an Euganei peoples before, by the sounds of it, the birth of Ananias from the Ananes. The Euganei are said to have been a branch with a Stoni peoples from Trentino, the latter location near Brescia / Placentia. The Stone and Stein surnames appear to apply for various reasons, which is important because I trace the Covert leopard to the Stein/Stem surname...which uses a bend in the colors of the August fesse. Stones use the eagle with high wing tips again. The point here may be that Augustus was named after the Euganei peoples, which recalls that the Habsburgs were at the root of the House of Este, or that Este should trace to Histria of the proto-Romans.

The Arms of Trentino is a white-on-red fesse (colors of the Arms of Austria and of the Happ/Apps/Abbs fesse), colors reversed from the August fesse. The Trent motto is simply, "AUGeo," and the Trents use a Shield split in August colors. Both the Trent and Tarent/Taran surnames use rising eagles, the latter using the high-tipped wings again. These terms bring to mind the Taro river at Placentia.

For those who didn't like to keep the 'g', the Aust surname may have developed from Augustus lines, which I add here only because the Aust motto uses "corona," perhaps revealing that the mural coronet is a symbol of the Augustus line [I hadn't yet gotten to the Coronis line from Chora/Patmos when writing here]. After all, Romes/Roams use the August fesse and trace to the same place (Placentia) as the mural coronet has been tracing my multiple means. The Aust chevron is red, like that of the Tarent/Taran Coat, and the latter is even in the two colors of the August fesse. As I trace Trents and Tarents/Tarans to Taran at Lake Van [that's where Mus was located that I trace to PatMOS], I need to ask whether I've traced Hyksos there because the Augusts are suspect as such (if correct, Angus and Anjou may be Hyksos locales). I do trace "HYKsos" to the Armenian god, Hyke/Haik, and Lake Van is in Armenia. Entering "Hike" and "Hykes" gets yet another red-on-white chevron in the Hake/Hack surname.

I've even traced the Hays/Heys to the Trent lot because Hays/Heys use the small Shield in colors reversed to the same of the Holdens, and Holdens are the ones using red eagles, symbol of the Trents. Not only do we see a potential Hay trace here to "Hayk," but as the small Hay/Hey Shield had traced to the same in the Arms of Placentia, it's conspicuous that the Taro flowed there while Trentino is not far off. The Holdens, therefore, should trace to the Trentino-to-Placentia stretch. Holdens use a "temere" motto code for the Meres and DeMeres (possibly candidates for the MURal coronet code), both of Cheshire and both using ships, the ship of the MacDonalds who likewise use the spread red eagle.

Aha, after writing that, the Corona surname was checked (as per the corona term of the August-suspect Austs) to find English Coronas/Coroners first found in Cheshire (i.e. where Meres and Demeres were first found). Italian Coronas (same crown almost as their English counterparts) were first found in Treviso, not far from Trentino, but then there is also a Treviso-Bresciana location smack next to Brescia and Trentino. As the Trebbia river at Placentia is important to this 666 hunt, what about the TARVisium variation of Treviso?

We saw some eagles with high-tipped wings in mural coronets, and now the Spanish Coronas use the same sort of eagles.

The MacDonald eagle is the Ferte eagle, and out of Ferte-Mace were the Bellamys, whom I trace to Bellovesus Gauls out of Provence and into Ligurian Italy. I trace these Bell lines to Bellerophon character of myth and his proto-Massey pegasus in the Lycia theater, and then the pegasus goes to the horse and war symbol of Hyksos of the Apachnas kind. The Bellamy Shield is showing in the French Auger/Auges Coat, of a surname first found in Provence and now suspect as a Hyksos surname.

One conclusion from the above is that AUGUStus was named after "HYKSos." Assuming that Augustus' OCTavius bloodline was from the same Hyksos, it's notable that OGDens/OKTens are in August colors and use an "ostendo" motto term, suggesting the Ostens too...who were traced to the ostrich bloodline.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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