Previous Update: Sept 13 - 19

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September 20 - 26, 2011

Dagoberts, Martels and the Roman Murderers of Christ Now on the EU Throne
Javier Solana, the End-Time Pontius-Pilate Bloodline
You Can't Wash Your Hands Enough
The Holy Grail Spills its Dirty Secrets: the Caiaphas bloodline in Novara

I watched the Fox-Google Republican debate this past week, where front-runner Rick Perry looked a little fake-stiff in his suit. Second-place Mitt Romney unfortunately "won" the event. I thought that Herman Cain could defeat Obama by taking much of his black vote away. None of the Republicans have much chance of taking the Mexican vote. The Jewish vote is up for grabs now that Obama has lost it. In a Florida straw poll after the debate, Herman Cain got nearly 40 percent, more than double both Perry and Romney. His hallmark is a 9-9-9- tax plan.

It's important to remember that Christian talk among leaders is not necessarily evidence of Accepted or Desired Christian walk. The Pharisees had the "Christian talk" of the day, and the Jews looked up to them as Godly spirituals, yet Jesus thought they had a self-interest problem that made them sufficiently inappropriate and undesirable for the kingdom of God. Many of them were Rejected by God because they were more concerned for their political positions than for the will of God for the nation. They were creating their own thing for their own nation. They were not developing a nation as God would want it.

I suggest that, if any Christian leader says that he/she loves America, there will be a personal problem with God. Even the Russians, Chinese and terrorist Arabs are appalled with America's obvious liberal problems. Do we really think that God is concerned with the cornerstone of America: freedom of expression? Did Jesus come preaching the "Israeli dream"? Was his message one of expending oneself on a middle-class home with all the furnishings and luxuries?

If Christian leaders portray themselves as repairmen of economic problems so that the peoples can attain their middle-class "dream," how can we expect Jesus to support their presidential aspirations? If even Jesus himself came running for the presidency, it's hard to say whether, in all his ultimate wisdom and knowledge, he could win the election. For, the media would make light of his moral-speak, and liberals would reject his dream for America. Independents would not be comfortable with His endless criticisms of the American way of life, and libertarians would view him too threatening. Mexicans would reject (I'm being general) his brand of Christianity because he doesn't respect the pope, and prosperity-gospelites would stay at home on voting day because He would insult them by warning people not to be like them.

I understand that Christo-Republicans are using the bad economy at this time to trounce Democrats in an effort to keep them from running America further into the spiritual gutter. I support that aspiration and that goal. But I think Jesus would rather see it done differently, not by offering America the "correct" ways to fix the economy, which is by and large the method employed by all the Republican presidential candidates at this time, but by addressing the spiritual pollution of the Democrats.

Jesus would point out that while the Democritics clamor for a clean environment, they rejoice in the filthy moral environment of their own productions. Jesus would point out their hypocrisy, for they accuse their political enemies of every craftiness that they themselves are guilty of. Do we imagine that He would have anything good to say to New York "Jews" who empower Democrats against Bible-belt America? Democrats change colors as needed; they are demonically insincere in their promises and in their stated plans. Like the Pharisees, they know what to say to, not only to hide, but to beautify, their selfish ambitions.

It's the Democrat liberals who justified prostitution by calling it the "oldest profession." It's things like this that God is concerned about. Canada is about to tax prostitution. It's the liberals who are making sexual deviants into respected persons, and yet not one Republican candidate has the Christ-hood to address the gay movement now sweeping dirt over the American face. Exactly what sort of special rights / appreciation / recognition do men deserve just because they commit indecent acts with one another? Disgusting porn is sufficiently available online to any computer user at any time of day, every day, and yet the Christo-Republicans feel that in order to survive as candidates, they must lay off of such issues for fear of being labeled morality nuts. That's exactly how the devil would want it. He knows what's truly important, and it's not the economy, stupid.

The destruction of the masses comes morally. Poverty and related hardships do not in themselves destroy a peoples, but wealth and immorality go hand-in-hand, just before God's wrath arrives to destroy without hope, to make a rich peoples poor and ashamed, and sometimes leading to annihilation of the peoples. The Pharisees were in no way guilty as American liberals are guilty today. The Pharisees would not have permitted gays and porn, or liberal teenage sex and wild rock concerts. Not even Michael Jackson's nose job or his goony appearance would have been tolerated. But the Pharisees, like the Democrats today, were guilty of falsely accusing God's people, or of accusing them for gnat-sized sins while they themselves were guilty of camel-sized sins.

As they could not find any sin in Jesus or his apostles, they accused Him of healing on a Sabbath, or for eating with unwashed hands. For his message of change to the masses, Pharisees accused him of being demon-possessed, just as Democrats today accuse Christians of being Nazi-like dictators in efforts to keep the masses from joining the message of Christian change. And guess what the result is? Christo-politicians don't get the message out of Christian change for fear of being labeled. It's perfectly fine to tell that masses that the devil is the father of the John Stewarts of the world. It's perfectly fine to be a political leader and point out the hypocrisies of leftist talk shows.

It's glorious to lose candidacy because a candidate points out the things that God is concerned with. But if a presidential candidate refuses to speak His concerns for fear of losing his political status, how is he/she any different than the Pharisees...who, in the end, had to kill Jesus to keep Him from taking away their political positions. Isn't it true that Christian politicians end up "killing" Jesus too? That is, they kill their faith and walk in Jesus for their unwillingness to lose all that comes with power. That's what Jesus meant when he said that we can't serve both money and God, for we will love the one and hate the other. There are many Christian shipwrecks in politico-land.

Should we rejoice to see a Christo-Republican defeat Obama in 2012? Better him than the Democrats, to be sure, but what is there to rejoice in if that Republican president doesn't address the spiritual pollution of the nation? We hear Republicans saying that there's no sin in becoming super wealthy so long as it's done honestly and legally. But wouldn't God find a company guilty of sin if, after selling a product for ten dollars when selling 300 annually, it then sold the same product for ten dollars when it grew to selling a million annually? Isn't making too much money in that way a sin? Shouldn't a company reduce the prices of their products when they are selling country-wide or even internationally?

Shouldn't a company owner limit his annual income in such an environment as American businessland, giving the remaining benefits to his customers and employees after a certain point? Instead, every corporate owner unashamedly aspires to equal Bill Gates in profits. And that's why the economy is stalling. The way to "fix" the economy is to reduce prices of products so that more workers will be needed to manufacture and sell the heightened level of sales. The problem then is, the country becomes material- and toy-happy, which destroys Faith. Therefore, why is everyone trying to "fix" the economy? Is it really for the sake of the unemployed, or is there a materialism-happy dream at the root?

There is this false idea that work can be created if someone invents a new thing. Lets imagine that the light bulb was invented yesterday. The powers that be have agreed to build a country-wide system of electric posts and wires down every street, and even dog houses will be outfitted with air conditioners. The need for workers is magnificent. There will be no more unemployment for years to come, right? Not necessarily. For the money to build the system will be borrowed from banks, who will then need to deny loans to others that would have received the money instead for their projects. Jobs gained in the electric-wire system will be lost elsewhere.

Jobs can be created either by injecting money (and using it rather than letting it lie unused) into a nation, or by reducing prices. If America would cease purchasing oil abroad, and purchase from Alaska instead, it would not only create jobs at home but inject more money at home. But Democrats refuse to allow home-grown oil in America...because, I think, Democrats are ruled by Rhodians and other anti-American forces from England, whose purpose it is to cripple and overtake various sectors of the nation not yet under their controls. Moreover, if the country now depends largely on oil obtained by Rhodian-controlled corporations, the last thing they'd want is oil obtained in Alaska by non-Rhodians.

Here is what Obama has been doing while in bed with global-warmers. The latter have been buying up stock and ownership in the "green" industry, and simultaneously convincing world politicians to force the masses to use green energy. Companies that manufacture green-energy products have been funded by these world politicians, not out of the politician's own pockets, but by the peoples' tax money. When the green companies still can't make a profit because their products are too expensive to achieve sufficient sales, the same world politicians offer consumers money, again from the tax payers, to help them make the purchases.

Therefore, people who are not buying nor selling foot much of the bill for someone else's green purchase. How obscene is that? Fox news has just reported that there is $7,500 in tax-payer money offered to the consumer toward the purchase of an electric car having a retail price tag of some $50,000, but even then the electric cars are not selling as hoped. What next? Hopefully, a full exposure.

While offering tax-payer dollars to green-product manufacturers, Obama has the goal of shoring up his political base. Therefore, it's not a free-enterprise system that he's running, but a criminal-enterprise system. He's using the peoples money to buy voters, something that fascist dictators and mafiosa do. He's giving your money to his political friends, hoping to make jobs by force of your money so that you will re-elect him. This is the savior who promised to be different than the typical Washington fraud.

If only the Republicans under George Bush had been clean, the world would not have the O-crat problems to deal with today. Bush carried the nation much deeper into debt, sending Christian men to die valiantly in far-away Arabs lands on behalf of globalist business interests (their global interests are, in my view, business interests). From the last update:

The avowedly right-wing [Jerusalem Post] is owned by Hollinger, Inc. Due to their holdings in Hollinger, Conrad Black and his wife, Barbara Amiel, are frequently described as former owners of the Jerusalem Post, however, Black is now undergoing a trial in Chicago where he is accused of defrauding Hollinger of sixty million dollars. One ranking neoconservative with strong ties to the Bush White House and the Pentagon, Richard Perle, is a Co-Chairman of the board of Hollinger.

For those who missed it, the last update was updated like so:

The Perle Coat uses a tower with "portcullis half open," and then the Cullis surname has Coll/Coles variations. A portcullis half open was the symbol given early to Peter Spalding. Details on the Spalding surname -- their identification with Sales-of-Mascy and links to ancient Hesperides elements in Africa -- can be found in the first update of August. This tends to trace Perles to the ancient Atlanteans at the Atlas mountains, where the Tuaregs lived that I say are depicted in heraldry with towers. Portcullisincidence?

I didn't have the tower symbol of the Spaldings in the first update of August, but Tim sent it in afterward. Here it is. Couple that with the leopards in the English Perle Coat, and it tends to identify the ImPERI entity of the Boofima cult with the Tuaregs as they led to the Perle surname. But then compare the Perle Coat with the Tien/Thame Coat, recalling from the last update that the latter surname was after the Thames river, and that the surname was on the Thames in Vere-infested Oxfordshire. The Veres are suspect as carriers of Baphomet, and moreover one Weir company was caught having illegal business dealings with Saddam Hussein that may have been just the tip of the iceberg.

And guess what? Perles were also first found in Oxfordshire. If you read the last update, you saw that Veres were involved in a line to Blackwood, that place being linked to Conrad Black (as well as African BlackaMoors). We could ask, therefore, whether the purchase of the Jerusalem Post by Conrad Black was an invasion of the paper by dragon-line Veres.

Just how extensive is Vere activity in the Middle East, anyway? Are the related Masseys operating schemes there too? Will the False Prophet secretly enter Middle East affairs to prop up Vere-Massey schemes? From the last update:

As per "Dien," "Tien" brings up the Thames-river surname using Covert martins in Covert-martin colors. Also, the mascles of the Tien/Thame Chief will become a re-occurring topic below. The colors of the Tiens/Thames are Vere colors...The Coverts, remember, use a leopard head.

It's Boofima-important that Spaldings were linked to Sales-of-Mascy, that Tiens/Thames use mascles, and that the Diens use the Masci wing, for my first attempt to identify Boofima in Africa was with the Meshwesh...who I claim became the Masseys and therefore the Mascis / Mascys. But Masseys lived in Manche with the Veres, and both use the same Shield. On the Manche border with the Bessin, there is Calvados, where Meschins were first found.

When I spent two months in Italy as a child, in my mother's hometown, I stayed in a Masci household (she is a Masci on one side). The owner of the house was an iron worker, and then my grandmother is a Ferrari on one side. The town is in Abruzzo, named after Aphrodite, the iron-worker cult (though it started as a copper-working cult in Cyprus) of the Halybes. I had traced metal workers to the Brian surname, itself from Briancon/Brigantium on the Durance river, beside Draguinan (possible root of de-Vere's Drakenberg) in the Var region of Provence, itself beside Piedmont where Mascis were first found. By the time one gets from Piedmont to the Massins/Masons of Kent, which I'm assuming was ground zero for "FreeMason," the Massin/Mason lion is colors reversed to the Ferrari lion, and moreover the Massi/Mattis checks are in the colors of the French Fer checks.

The Aphrodite cult has historically been the cult of war, and in the end-times the Aphrodite cult will cause the world to puke in sickness beyond repair. The end-time cult of war will be "worshiped" in fear of what would otherwise overtake the masses. We await the dictators of the Aphrodite cult to come out and announce their crisis. With welding torches in hand, they will promise to strengthen the joints that have loosened on their global idol, and their hammers will come down on those who object.

But simultaneous with being a war cult, Aphrodite and Ares were a sex-pot cult, no doubt making the entire military into a queer nation. Yet it was worse, for Ares was a man-with-boy society. Even Zeus the adulterer despised Ares for his ways. The Roman queers, you've heard about them, and the fall of their empire. Their sons are seeking to raise it up as we speak, and they will succeed in making the world awe over it. But they will awe while dark clouds loom overhead, while they see the finger writing doom on the wall.

Later in this update, I could hardly believe my eyes, I found evidence that the rulers of Europe -- both Javier Solana and "president" Rompuy -- linked both to the Roman Ares and to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who signed the execution papers of Jesus Christ. And I thought to myself that this is exactly how God would want it at the time that end-time Rome falls. The very ones who killed Christ were of the bloodline that will rule Rome when Christ slices down the European tree.

Much emphasis was placed in the last update on the bloodlines of Cathian Covert Maness, at one time called, "Cathi Dein." The Maness surname was itself linked to Massey elements of the Mesniers kind, and to the Masseys assumed at MUSkerry...who were traced to child-sacrificing Carthaginians. But now I can make a Maness link to Masseys proper because the latter were also Maceys. The Macey metal glove is called a "gauntlet," and no doubt that's code for the Gaunt/Gant surname. How is it that the Gaunt Coat looks so much like the Maness Coat?

We might chalk that similarity up to coincidence, but then the French Gant Coat is almost exactly the Mens/Menzies Coat, and the latter was linked to Maness'...partly because of the Mens/Menzies write-up: "The earliest known forbear of the surname is Robert de Manieres, a Norman from Mesnieres..." The Maness write-up: "They lived in Mesnieres..."

Seeking gauntlet-like surnames, I tried "Cantel," but wasn't going to mention it nor its pelican-on-nest...until I saw the gauntlets in the Wayne Coat with pelican-on-nest in the Crest! However, the Cantels are properly shown as "Cantrell." However again, the pelican is in black...and so is the tower in the Crest. Moreover, the Gaunts/Gants were first found in Cant-like Kent, named after a Cantii peoples.

A Wayne link to the Candidas can now be made (first time I've done so), and it comes at the perfect time for tracing the Cantels to Candidas/CANDELoris. At first, I thought that the "tempus" motto term of the Waynes should link to the Thames surname, and it may very well do so, but then the Temples of Cheshire came to mind, who were, like the Sales, linked to Mascys/Mascis. The black Temple eagle is identical to the Italian Candida eagle, and, chances are, it's a version of the eagle in the Massi/Mattis Chief.

The Maness motto phrase, "Pour y" was traced to the Purr/Pury surname using the Covert martins. But I now discover that Purys were first found in Oxfordshire (i.e. where the Covert-related Perles and Tiens/Thames were first found).

There is a question as to whether "Templar" derives from the Temple clan rather than vice-versa. The black martin in the Temple Crest is officially a "black martlet," a term that could indicate the Martels. Interestingly, Veres claim to be from the Martel-founded Carolingians, and then the French Martel Coat uses a white-on-blue crescent exactly where the Blackwood Coat (another mascle) shows one. Then, the stars in the Blackwood Coat reflect the same of the French Temple Coat. Therefore, when Nicholas de Vere writes on a Thomas de Vere of Blackwood, he may have been from the Temple / Martel bloodline.

Remember, the personal symbol of Charlemagne (himself a Martel) was a black eagle, suggesting that Martels were Candidas as well as Temples. The Temple martlet is a "footless" one, and then the Temple Coat is in the colors of the Foot Coat, the latter surname likewise (as with Temples) first found in Cheshire, English home of Mascis.

It's only natural to take another look at the Charles and Carol Coats. Not only do the French Charles' use the Covert martins in Covert-martin colors, but the Charles Coat is very reflective of the Tien/Thames Coat. And the latter uses the martin style of the Temple "martlet." We have stumbled onto an important find.

Hmm, I was just telling emailer Patterson early this morning that I would like to know which Martin surname the Dunham martin (the mammal) links to. Both French Martins and Martels were first found in Gascony, and then the Martels just traced to Cheshire. I trace Dunhams to Dunham Mascy.

Although the Temple and Candida topic comes to us via the gauntlet symbol and not the Perle surname, it just so happens that the Temple and Candida eagle is in the German Perle Crest! Remember, Temples came to mind as per "Thames," the river upon which the Thames-related Perles must have lived. Could we say that Thames-river clans invaded the Jerusalem Post with the same aims as the ancient Templars before them?

How is that while the Crusader-like Creuse surname was first found in Cheshire too, the Cruise/Cruse Coat uses the Tien/Thames chevron in colors reversed? In the last update, the Crux surname was found linked to the Blacks / Montagues. One Black Coat (red stars, as with the Crusies/Cruses) even uses a "Crux" motto term.

The Cross Coat is the Vere / Massey Shield! The motto, "Cruce dum spero fido," smacks of the Massin/Mason motto. The Cross surname was first found in Lincolnshire, as with the Blacks. The Cross Crest is "A stork holding a cross formy in its beak, and then the formy cross (which I think is the same as the Clapton patee cross) is used in the Crux Coat (surname first found in Kent!).

LOOK! Storks are used also by the Rosy surname!!!

The Cross Coat uses a cross called, "potent," but as there is no Potent surname coming up, I found a pelican-on-nest (!!!) in the Potten/Pottinger Coat. The Potten motto uses "ardua," and I can now mention that I was wanting to link the Cruise/Cruse Coat to the Arthur Coat but didn't have sufficient evidence at the time to mention it.

As Waynes are identified (by me) with Arthurs, I'd say that the English Perle -- and therefore the Tein/Thames Coat -- is an Arthur variation. The Tein/Thames martins, therefore, and the other martins, can in that way link to mythical Merlin=Myrddin. I've read that martins are code for Merlin.

When I discovered (yesterday) that the Solanas (and likely Rompuys too) were related to the Pilate surname as well as to the Laevi Ligurians, the bloodlines of which I think had common parts in murdering Jesus, and when I found them to be of the Macey / Mackay bloodline in Burgundy (details way below), the Messeys/Messiers, came to mind. I would keep a look-out for clans that link to the Messeys/Messiers, first found in Burgundy, I thought, and I would check to see whether they might trace to the same elements that I link to Pharisees. I just saw that the Cruce Coat (surname first in Languedoc) could be essentially the Messey/Messiers Coat, and moreover, English Messiers, who don't show a Coat, were first found, as with the Crosses, in Lincolnshire.

Is there anything about crosses that could link to the murder of Jesus Christ? What is the secret meaning of the rose placed centrally on the Rosy-Cross=Rosicrucian cross, anyway?

The "Croche" term brings up a Crich/Crick surname using a "pale" like that of the Crux Coat. But Cricks were traced not long ago to Lincolnshire-related Carricks, and that's exactly whom the Blackwoods were connected to in the last update. As Carricks are said to have been Craigs, note that the Craig fesse could be construed as a version of the Crux pale.

Suddenly, Carricks enter the Cross-fold of surnames, and as per the fresh theory above that these surnames link to the murderers (and proud of it) of Jesus Christ, what about the fact that the Carrick-related Kerricks (from PRESTbury) use the Priestly/Presley symbol? Just what priests did they come from, anyway?

I had linked Praters to Priests because, when my mother mentions her Catholic priest in Italian, he's a "praeto" (my spelling, as it sounds to me). Way below, when I was linking Solanas to the Pilates, it started with the three wolf heads of the Quoids and MacQueys, as they linked to wolves of the Navarre/Novara Coat (= the Laevi Ligurians). I now find the same wolf heads in the Prater Coat, and that the Prater Chief is the Mackesy and Mackie lion, terms smacking of the Maccabees who, probably, put the Pharisees into priestly power in Israel. Praters were first found in Lincolnshire, the place to which the black Carrick talbot dogs trace.

The Prater Crest: "A black pegasus courant ducally gorged, gold." The Masseys use a pegasus, symbol of the gorged-like Gorgons in black-depicted Africa.

As for the "courant" term, the Courts/Coverts were first found in Norfolk, as with the Praters. In the last update, Courts were linked suggestively to Sheriffs, wherefore the Prater write-up may be insinuating that Sheriffs (derived from "shire reeve") are their kin: "The Prater surname comes from the word Latin 'praetor,' and was a term used for a reeve, the chief magistrate or bailiff of a district." Does this trace the Nazi Scherffs to the killers of Christ?

It was just last night that I saw a Schiff surname that I thought could be a variation of the Sheriffs and/or Scheriffs / Scherffs, and as links of the latter group to the Mens/Menzies Coat, how is it coincidental that the German Schiff Coat is colors reversed to the Mens/Menzies Coat?

The same wolf head of the Praters is in the Crest of English Pratts, in case we doubted a kinship between the two, and then Belgian Pratts use the Bruce saltire while Bruces use the Annandale saltire!!! When I trace the wolfhead-using Solanas to the Laevi, as it includes a trace to the Pilates of Burgundy, it involves the Mars/Meres (Irish Mackay Coat) and Rom/Ram surnames (the latter uses the Macey / Mackay Shield). Pratts use MARtins and mascles. Does this not all spell that Praters and Pratts were a priesthood in some way that lead to Ananias, high priest of Israel yet alive, and therefore officially responsible, when Jesus was murdered?

The Mar/Mere (also "More") surname is said to be from "a ram," and then ram-like goats in Mar/Mere colors are used by Italian Martins (in Brison/Brix colors), first found in Brescia/Brixia, the place to which the Bruces trace. The Martin write-up traces way back into the Carolingian era, to a Leopardi.

If you're catching the cold drift, the Martels>Carolingians are hereby predicted to be part of the bloodline that killed Jesus Christ. It's not coincidental, but makes sense that God arranged for His murderers to be the very ones whom He foreknew as rulers of the world one day.

Tomorrow's Herods, Pharisees and Pilates may not be held guilty for yesterday's, but then tomorrow's will do to Christ's brothers what yesterday's did to him.

[It's Monday noon, I haven't the time to proof-read the rest. Forgive any errors. I rarely have the time to proof read updates recently. My eyes will in the near-future be peeled on the same murderous theme here.]

For some reason, entering "Tein" (as well as "Tien") brings up the Thames surname, which is in the colors of the Dean/Dene Coat (Scottish Deans use "Vel arte, vel marte"). Fortunately, the Dein/Dean Chief uses crescents in the colors of the same that make up the entire Italian Dean/Degani Coat. The latter surname shows several Dag terms, which evokes the Merovingian, Dagobert. We read: "When Chilperic II died the following year (720), Charles [Martel] appointed as his successor the son of Dagobert III..." Suddenly, the Deins may have been named in honor of Dagobert's Merovingians. I'm ignoring the write-up for the time being, where the surname is traced to a dean / deacon.

OH YES. The Diani variation of the Dean/Degani surname suggested a look at Diane Coats, one of which is the Dien/Dean Coat using the Dean/Degani crescents. THEN, on the next click, the Italian Diane Coat brought up the crown design of the Martel Coat!!!

Hmm, the Dagg Coat uses crescents in Chief too, but in colors of the Diane crowns.

The only possible glitch is that the Diane Coat shows only one Diane-like variation, while the rest are Natali, Dinatali, Di Natile, Nadali, etc. The last variation shown, however, is "Dianatale." It's hard to make out the original form of the surname at this point. The clan may in earlier times have been a Dian-like term and only later Frankified to D'Na terms. The Donato surname came to mind because, when I was just 17, a Mike Donato took my Bauer-surnamed girlfriend away. I wouldn't have mentioned that except that the Donato/Dona Coat uses the red and white bars of the DANish Bauer Coat! Even the upper halves of both the Donato and Bauer Coats are black (!!), and both use a gold lion / leopard respectively.

The point was, the Donatelli/Donatello variations are very similar to some variations of the Natali/Diane surname, and as the former link to Danish Bauers, why not also the latter? Arrows are used by English Dons/Doans, and the "dona Dei" motto phrase looks Dein-suspicious.

The Naders/Nadels (Bohemia) use the same Shield as Coverts. On the Nader/Nadel bar there is an "AVE". "Jewish" Naders use the Roque rock.

I recall saying that I regretted forgetting who else used the Spanish Capet crown. It's the Martel and Diane/Natali crown!!! As the Capetian dynasty of Franks followed the Carolingian kings, you can be sure that the Spanish Capet (uses the Fulkes Shield) surname was from French Capetian royals.

Not forgetting that Coverts look like Tiens and moreover link well by their martins (used also by a Charles surname) to Charles Martel, note that Coverts and Deins/Deans were both first found in Sussex, and that both use the same three colors (the Dane, Daners, and Danos/Dan surnames were first found in Sussex). Then the Covert martin design is used by a Christmas Coat (Essex, beside Sussex) that could very well use a version of the Covert Shield, this being important because the Natali term means "Christmas" in Italian. Therefore, it appears that the Natali/Dianatale surname was in fact a Dein/Dean bloodline. Indeed, for the same Fulk wings used by one Irish Dean(e) Coat shows in the Christ/Christman Crest.

The Christmas "coney" suggests Cuneo (interior Liguria) elements to me, which can explain why the other Christmas Coat, as well as the Chris/Christman Coat, use swans.

The Christ Coat (white roses) is much like the French Desmond Coat (itself like the Reeve Coat). The same white roses, though on a blue Shield, are found in the French Danis Coat.

HEY-HEY, Italian Deans/Degans were first found in Piacenza, the city of the Ananes Gauls, and Irish Desmonds use the Annan(dale) saltire.

We may even see how "Annandale" lost the third 'n' to become "Natale/Nadali" while the Dianatale variation could be explained by the clan's links to the Deans/Degans (also "Diani") of Piacenza. But what were Deans/Degani doing at the city of the Ananes, and why are the Ananes, important in recent updates, coming up so unexpectedly?

Thinking that the Annan surname may have been from "Danen," the term was entered to find an Annan-colored Coat. There are two possibilities: 1) the Danen/Denham/Denholme surname came first, tending to identify Ananes as a Danaan entity; 2) the Ananes came first, tending to identify the Deans/Degani/Diani, not as Danaans necessarily, but as Frankified D'Ananes. If 2) is correct, we might identify Dagobert (if only tentatively) as an Ananes bloodline.

As the Italian Natalis/Dianes and Deans/Degani/Dianis of Piacenza are indeed tracing well to Dagobert, son of CHILDebert, what about the Child Shield coming up as the Danen Coat above??? No joke, folks, there is a very good chance that the Childs link to Childebert because the Child Coat uses the English Charles eagle (!!) in the same colors. And Danens were first found in Suffolk, where the English Charles surname was first found! The cross in the Childers Coat looks like it could stem from northern Italy.

That's not all. Recalling the trace of "Euganeo" to "Aachen, the city that Charlemagne ruled in, what about the "auget" motto term of the English Charles Coat??? I had been led to the Euganeo location by the Auger/Eagers surname, and its "agendo" motto term. You can read about that at the end of the 4th update of August, a topic then emphasized in the updates between then and now, a topic that included Egg and similar surnames.

Danens (in Deacon colors) were first found in Suffolk, where the Deacons were first found!! Those exclamation marks are for the assumption that the Deans/Degans (said to derive in "decanus") became the Deacons. The Deacon Crest shows the German-Dane and English Denys battle axes. In agreement with an identification or merger of Deans/Degans with the Ananes, Deacons use a the Annan(dale) saltire in an upright position. One can see even how "Deacon" could have modified to "Deas" or "Desmond."

That traces the latter to the Degans (as expected from their use of the Annandale saltire), but tends to deny my trace of "Deas" to Dias-named Deylamites of Lake Van. On the other hand, those Deylamites were called, not only "Diau," but "Daiaeni." Cool. For me, that with the above heraldic facts is absolute proof that the Diani variation of the Deans/Degans traces to the Daiaeni. IT DOES NOT, IN THIS CASE, TRACE TO THE ISRAELI TRIBE OF DAN.

Two snakes are use by the Nettles. It can be argued on the one hand that these were the Israeli Danites of the Natali/Diane surname, for in Genesis, Dan (son of Jacob=Israel) was said to be like a serpent on the road. However, the Nettle snakes are entwined around one another, and that was the symbol of the Hermes caduceus = Cadusii Armenians. But I had identified, many years ago before the fact would prove key today, one of the caduceus serpents as the Gileki Iranians, who lived among Deylamites. Daincidence???

Remember, Deans/Degani are important because they use the Martel crowns, and to this we can add that both the Lys and Levi surnames were first found in Ile de France (Paris). That is an excellent piece of data because the Merovingian/Pepin bloodline of Charles Martel traces back to the fleur-de-lys of Merovingians. It therefore shows once again that Merovingian and subsequent Carolingian Franks (probably of the Parisii-grail kind) were linked to the Laevi and Ananes.

Deans/Degani are important also due to their Dago(bert)-like variations. The Mary-Magdalene cult (or the idea that she was married to Jesus) hangs off of mysteries on Dagobert's Merovingian line. We are seeing that, rather than tracing to Danites of Israel, Dagobert elements are tracing better to Armenians. It matters nothing if certain Merovingians eventually got the false idea of tracing to Danites. If the world is after the realities, here are some right here.

This is very important to my dragon hunts. I've maintained the belief that one of my missions on these topics from God was to reveal the true Magdalene and Da-Vinci cult. How is it that the Deins were introduced in the first place as per linkage to the family of Cathian Covert Manning, while her bloodlines traced (independent of the topic here) in the last update(s) to the Desmonds of Muskerry?

Then, we get another black-on-gold eagle (assumed here to be a Carolingian symbol) in the English Dias/Dyas Coat (there is no write-up at this page), and, as with the Christmas' and Chris Coats, there's a swan in the Dias/Dyas Crest. The Spanish Dias/Diaz Coat uses what could be a version of the DIAGonal bars of the Danish Bauers and related Donatos. A variation of the Dias/Diaz surname is, Diago! Similar diagonal bars are used by the French Meres/Merits/Merys...who can be gleaned as Merovingians.

The DIAGONal term now sits well as code for the Degani > Deacon bloodline. Deacons are also "Diakne."

As Dean/Degani-related Danens use cranes, it's not surprising that Danens and Cranes were first found in the same place (Sussex). Let me quote from the last update where Cranes were linked to Chemmites that Pepinid Merovingians linked to. And remember, Pepinids have just been traced to Pavia=Papia, the city of the Laevi Gauls...who lived across the Po from the Ananes:

The Quam/Queen/Swan surname [think Ligurians] uses the motto, "Constant and faithful."...

Faithfuls/Feyths (in the colors of the English Cranes and Stumps) use ""A crane perched on the stump of a tree proper.." We saw the patee cross come up at least three times in the (last update) in the Sherriff-kin investigation, and one of them was in the Cambridge Coat [the latter linked to Quams] while another was in the Clapton Coat [months ago, "Clap(ton)" traced to "Clovis" Merovingians]. We now find a patee cross again, in the Crane Coat, and it's not only in the colors of the Clapton patee, but the other Clapton Coat uses the wolf design of the Quams/Queens/Swans.

It needs to be addressed that Pepins were traced by their camel to Camelot elements that I equate with Chemmites of Egypt (from Kemmis locations). Shouldn't the CAMbridges stem from that bloodline? And why does the Kemmis surname use kettle hats [used also by Clopps/Claps]??? The Reeves use them too with the additional red color of the Kemmis Coat thrown in, and Reeves were first found, as with Cranes, in Suffolk, beside Camulodunum. The latter location is in Essex, and then the Rivers surname (in the colors of the Reeves kettle hats) was first found in Essex.

As Chemmites were Danaans (not my idea only), how is it that the crane-using Danens were first found in Suffolk too, where Cranes and Reeves were first found? Are not the Danaans a Rhodian peoples so as to explain the roses that have just come up in this investigation? If Danens link to Camelot elements and therefore to the Pepin camel, doesn't that jibe with the Dein/Diane-et-al trace just made to Dagoberts and Martels (Charles Martel was directly related to Merovingian Pepins)?

I apologize for that complicated mess in the quote. The Faithfuls are Salyes-branch Ligurians linked both to Foetes and to the Foots surname of Cheshire, where the Sales-of-Mascy lived who I say link to neighboring "SALop"...named after "Clap(ton)" elements, apparently (i.e. Claptons look like Salyes). The Faithful stump is the Rodham-Crest stump, link-able to Rutland of Ligurian-rooted Leicestershire. Foetes (Bavaria) was traced to the motto of the Gernon surname (son of Ranulf le Meschin) before finding a Footes location in Guernsey, and before either of those two traces, the Gernons were linked to the mythical crane of Greece, "geranos." Keep in mind here that I tended to trace the Rodham surname to Nazi elements, and that Ligurian-rooted Foetes, near Munich, is suspect as such.

It therefore would not be surprising to find the Sheriffs, Reeves, and related clans, working into the topic at hand. Christmas' were, like the Rivers, first found in Essex, and beside the Suffolk Charles' and related Denans. That makes sense where Christmas' were Natalis/Dianes. But beside Suffolk is Norfolk, where both the Faithfuls and Courts/Coverts were first found. And the DUNhams were first found in Norfolk too.

I mention the Courts because of the "Cura dat" motto phrase of the Danens. At first I tried "Curd" to find a pheon, symbol of the Sales. The Curd(y)s use the footless martlet in the black color of the footless Temple martlet, the martlet that traced well to Charles Martel because the Temple Coat (in Foot colors) use a black eagle too, the symbol of Charlemagne (= grandson of Charles Martel). The Courts/Coverts, like the Temples, use a black-on-gold eagle.

The Courts were introduced in the last update on a whim as per the Sheriffs and Judges, and found to be Montagues (a central topic in the last update). In the very paragraph after the mention of the Courts, the Krueger surname, nominated by Obama to lead his economic-advisory team, came up. At that time, I knew, but didn't mention, that reversing the consonants, as "Kreuger," brought up a crane in a Krohn/Crone surname (said to derive in a "crane"). The Danens who use the "cura dat" phrase, like the Deans/Degani, use a crane.

I happened to recognize the Curd sword as that of the Scottish Dean/Dene Coat. As the latter uses "vel arte vel marte," one can identify the Curds as Hurts=Arthurs, for one Curd variation is "WerARTHy." Another is "BerARTHy," smacking of Berwickshire, where the Arthurs (who use blue hurts in their Irish Coat) were first found. The Curds/Werarthys were first found in Bute=Avalon. The crown that the Curd sword pierces is probably the Charles-surname crown, and if so it's likely a symbol of Carolingians.

What we see above is that the Deans/Denes once again link to Carolingians. Earlier, I decided not to share that the Dean/Dene sword was the Excalibur sword...but now, its seems self-evident in that Arthurian Curds use it too. The "marte" term of the Deans/Denes should link to the Curd martin/martlet. The Courts, because they use an eagle in the color of the Charlemagne eagle, should therefore trace to Curd-branch Arthurs.

Shouldn't the Cords/BerArthys trace to the MacCarthys/Arthys of the Desmond clan? Indeed. Muskerry is traced from the Cadusii in Mus of Lake Van to the CadMUS Phoenicians, and they were made married in myth to the Ares-cult Armenians...whom I traced to the Hebros>Maritsa river. On that river were the Odrysians at an Arda (and Orestae) location, who I traced to Ares' dragon called Sparti=Spartans. More in particular, I traced the Ares dragon to the Atreus>Menelaus lamb/fleece line, and then traced "Odrysia>Atreus" to Atrebates of Hampshire, though it's known that Atrebates there were also in Belgium, beside the Hebros-like Eburones and the Mani-like Manapi.

I therefore feel that Atrebates named Atrecht=Arras in Artois (France-Belgian border), for that is the theater in which we find the Las-like Lys river. I identified Menelaus as the Las city on the Mani peninsula (Sparta), and then traced his wife, Helen, to "Holland."

It appears therefore that Spartans of Menelaus, son of Atreus, were in the Menapi and Atrebates. But there is a Utrecht location in Holland that could apply, and that place could be in view in the Deacon motto phrase, "utrumque utroque." Deacons use a "fat" cross in colors reversed to the Utrecht fat cross.

It should be said that Daiaini-related Deylamites of the Aras=Ares region of Armenia were identified (by me) as mythical Dia, wife of Ixion, the latter depicting the Kikons of Hebros-river elements. Ixion was equated (by me) with Ares, and "Kikon" traces to the swan-king of Liguria, "Cycnus," while I trace "swan" to Savona and to lake Sevan of the Aras theater of Armenia. Didn't we just find swans in Diane-related and Dias Coats?

Time now to re-mention my initial trace of the MagDalene code to the red-on-white lion of the Irish Dallens/Delanes. I found related clans to use the red-on-white lion, and at the end of that initial investigation claimed that the Magdalene cult was primarily the French Mer(e)y clan above using diagonal bars. I didn't know until today that the diagonal bars were code for Deganis, Deacons and Dias'/Diagos. I didn't know until today that diagonal bars were code for Dagobert's Merovingians. And today I took note that the Deacon Coat lions!!!

The trace of Deacons to the Ananes is therefore important for understanding the true nature of the Magdalene cult. They may have mistakenly traced themselves to Danite Israelis on their Dean/Degani side, and to Levite Israelites on their Laevi side. I traced the Dallans to the idea of "D'Allen" and therefore to red-on-white-lion Alans>Stewarts, and the Alans do use leaves.

The question as to whether Laevi and Ananes somehow link to Ananias and his son, Caiaphas -- the high priests (i.e. Levites) of Israel under whom Jesus was murdered -- causes me to mention a Soducena location between lake Sevan and the Aras/Araxes river. it smacks of the Sadducees, a major group of priests who had a hand in condemning Jesus.

I didn't know what I was going to say after writing that. I was hoping that something would come to mind as an additional key. I was staring at the Deacon surname after writing it, wondering what Sadu-like surname to try. That's when I saw that "Deacon" may have been a shortened form of "SoDUCENA." Didn't I just trace Deacons to the Dia-branch Deylamites (in the Ardahan theater) near lake Sevan??? I then entered "Duck" to find some interesting points. First, the German Ducks/Duckens use bars much like those of the Italian Dance/Danse Coat. Secondly, the Scottish Duck Coat is the Lohan/Logan surname, smacking of LOHENgrin the swan king. Didn't I just say that lake-Sevan traced to the Ligurian swan cult?

WOOOOOW!! I've known that German Logens use a swan neck, but I just saw one in the English Dias/Dyas Crest, and then the Spanish Dias/Diago Coat uses DIAGONal bars in Dance/Danse-bar colors. Plus, lake Sevan is on the DAGestani frontier, now suggesting that Dia depicted the Dagestani bloodline.

I now recall that I linked the family of Charles Martel to Avar kagans, important where the remnants of Avars in Caucasia live today in Dagestan in particular. And, when Carolingians routed Merovingians, they simultaneously routed Avars. The Veres were suspect in the Avars linked to Martel, and so note the nails in the Logen/Duck Coat (Vere-Coat colors), for they were identified as Neals/Niels/Nihills while the Vere Coat use a "nihil" motto term in honor of the Neals.

The nail-using Ducks have their nails in a red heart, symbol of the DOUGlas Coat. The other Ducks are in the colors of the Dougals and Dagens/Dougans (eight-pointed estoiles). The latter's write-up apparently traces to the Hare/Garry surname with fear motto term. That is, Dagens/Dougans are said to descend from the Fer-like Fergus/Farris clan (it proves out in one Fergus Coat) and earlier from a Heremon. The Farr Coat looks one Dane Coat.

The Dagen/Dougan crescent is in the colors of the Savone crescent, jibing with a Dean/Degani>Deacon trace to lake Sevan. But the question as to whether "Soducena" links to S-less Deacon- and Duck-like surnames still needs to be proven. The Sithech term said to be at the root of the Shaw surname is interesting because one Shaw Coat uses black-on-gold eagles.

A new insight was just found, that Thicks, entered as per an S-less "Sithech," uses ermined diamonds in colors reversed to the ermined diamonds of the Sithech/Shaw Coat The Thick page even shows a Thecker variation, suggesting that there were S-less SiTHECHS. Is it not amazing that this surname should come up at all, for "Sithech" is trace-able to "Zedek," the name of Jerusalem under pre-Israeli Amorites? It should be noted that the Sheaves diamonds are technically, "fusils."

The Thick Coat is much like the Christmas Coat! It uses white symbols too around its fesse. That tends to link the Shaws to the Ananes if indeed the Natalis/Dianes do.

WOW, I've just realized. I was wondering how the "Shaw/Sheaves" term could possibly relate to the Ananes / Laevi theater when the similarity between "Caiaphas" and "Chavez" struck me. The Shaws are also Sheaves, and while the Italian Sheaves show a "Chaves," Spanish Sheaves use "Chavez." Isn't that wild? It's the second piece of decent evidence that Caiaphas and Ananias did in fact link to the Laevi and Ananes!!! [This section was written before the wolf-using Pratts and Praters were linked to Pharisees of the Laevi / Ananes kind, and so it should be said that one Shaw Coat looks like one Pratt Coat.]

Note the "qui" motto term, an obvious code for the keys in the Italian and Spanish Sheaves/Chaves Coats.

I had just suggested above a Christmas-Coat link to the Covert Coat. Now I learn that entering "Chave" (no 's') brings up the same Peacock in Crest as the Maness Crest!!! Excellent, the Chave Chief uses diamonds and ermines, assuring a connection to Sheaves/Shaws. The surname is properly, Chafy/Chafe (possibly related to Kiev-related terms such as "Coffee," Keefe," etc.) The Key/Kay Crest shows a griffin head belonging to the griffin in the Chave Coat.

Asking what importance it could be that the Keys/Kays were first found in Yorkshire, the Parisii co-founders of York came to mind. The other co-founders, the Eburovices/Ebroicum, trace to the Abreu/Abruzzo surname, which fits because the Italian Sheaves were first found in Abruzzo. I link the Parisii to mythical "Percival," the so-called grail king, and then one Shay/Shave Coat uses grails (all Shaw Coats come up when entering "Shave"). Didn't Jesus say that Pharisees had filth in their cups, just like the filth in the grail held by Babylon the Great?

Remember, Percival was made the father of Lohengrin the co-called swan knight, and then the Christmas and Christ(man) Coats use swans. Add to this the "Vincit qui patitur" motto of the particular Shaw Coat that just linked to the Christmas Coat, and we have what appears to be a Caiaphas bloodline linked to a Christ bloodline with a Da Vinci-like motto term. That spells the so-called "Da Vinci code," the idea that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, whose children ended up in France. This is not of course true, and no doubt comes from a satan-inspired delusion.

How is it a further coincidence that Jesus died under Parisii-like Pharisees? In this picture, Percival was a Pharisee line to the West. We could begin to surmise that the Jesus-Magdalene hoax comes from this Pharisee line to the West. It is logical that the Resurrection message of the 12 Apostles was denounced systematically by the Pharisees for as long as it was preached in Jerusalem.

It's not contradictory that I trace Parisii to the Paris and Priam Trojans. In fact, Paris' brother was Hector, and then the father of mythical Kay (Arthurian myth) was Ector, code for the Hector/Ector surname with the same diagonal bars as the Mereys/Merits!!! STUNNING! And I haven't even gotten to the point yet. The Ectors were first found in Angus, beside the grail-using Shaws first found in Perthshire. The Crest of those Shaws shows a dagger, possible code for the Deans/Degani clan first found in Piacenza. In fact, I will be coming to the Dagger surname, as it has been on my plate since prior to this Chaves>Caiaphas discovery.

The point was, the Paris Trojans were traced to mythical Capys, son of the Trojan, Assaracus. I traced these terms to Kay-like Kaisariyah (later "Caesaria") in Capys-like Cappadocia. The "sariyah" in that city smacks of the "saracus" in the mythical Trojan. "Capys" is much like "Caiaphas," and that now gives cause to trace Capys elements to the Shaves/Chaves! But thanks to the "Cappeo" vision that I believe God gave emailer Patterson, where she was Told that a Cappeo-like term (spelling/pronunciation to the best of her recollection) links to the blue lion in her vision, we can link the blue lion in the Ector/Hector Crest to the very Cappadocia elements under discussion.

It is said in the Capys article above that the city of Capua was named after him. Capua is near Naples, and then we find a crowned lion in the Caputa/Capo Coat (surname first found in Naples). This could very well be the Capet bloodline. Remember, Spanish Capets use the same crown design as Martels...and Deans/Degani!!! That is excellent evidence for a Capet and Capys trace to the Ananes theater!

EXCELLENT. Entering "Capua" brings up the Caputa clan! AND, in the genealogy at the Capys webpage above, there was another mythical Capys of Roman myth, father of Capetus!!! The grandson of the latter was made, "Agrippa," a term used by the Herods who killed Christ. This Capys>Caputo>Agrippa bloodline is that of Aeneas, founder of Romans, that jibing with the Roman identification of Babylon the Great in the last verse of Revelation 17 (where she is identified as the city, in the first century, that rules over all the kings of the earth).

To help trace this Capys character to Caiaphas, the mother (and sometimes wife) of Capys was made Hieromneme. In Greek, "Jerusalem" is/was "HIEROsolyma." But mythical Capys pre-dated Ananias and Caiaphas, suggesting that these Israeli priests were from a Jerusalem-rooted bloodline of the Greco-Trojan world, i.e. from whomever Hieromneme depicted in that world.

She was made a daughter of Simoeis, who "had two daughters who were married into the Trojan royal family. One daughter, Astyoche, was married to Erichthonius (Athens line], and the other daughter, Hieromneme was the wife of Assaracus." When we get to the Astyoche page, she's a "Daughter of Laomedon by Strymo, Placia or Leucippe..." Piacenza is also "Placentia."

Strymo was code for the Strymon river in Thrace. The Satrae Thracians (real peoples) lived nearby, and so I tend to link "Satrae" to "Stry(mon)." The SATrae had a priesthood, called, Bessi. I recall my trace of SADDucees to Boiotians And by the way, "Astyoche" smacks of "Antioch," a city founded by the proto-AntiChrist entity, king Seleucus.

I now recall my trace of mythical Satyrs to the Stura valley in southern Cuneo. The Kikons lived in the Strymon theater, and so it made sense to trace Strymon elements to Cuneo (= interior Liguria) because I traced Kikons to the Cycnus swan. When I linked Strymon elements to the Stura, I didn't know that there was an Imperia location on the southern border of Cuneo. The goat-symbolized Boofima cult of Imperi elements was recently traced to Imperia. Sturincidence?

The Stur bloodline is also Ester and Easter, and then to east side of Cuneo is the Asti province. I think if there were a choice between the two, I would trace Sturs to the Stura more than to Asti. Later, the Mayer surname comes up big as a Magyar one, and so note the Estermeyer variation of French Sturs.

Remember here, Sadducees are being tentatively traced to Soducena, at Savona-like lake Sevan. The Kikon>CYCnus line is thereby linked to Gogarene, to the right side of Soducena. The Erichthonius character to which the Hieromneme entity was linked was of a CECRops dragon line. By what coincidence is it that while Hephaestus (of Lemnos) was made father to Erichthonius, there is a Limone location shown at the Stura valley? Isn't it true that Lemnos is near the mouth of the Strymon?

I should re-mention that, before I knew of Soducena, I traced "Jeru(salem)" to "Jere(van)/Yerevan," the Armenia capital smack where Soducena is located. Moreover, it's known that the Yervand dynasty named the Orontes river in Syria that leads to the Antioch theater. Antioch was earlier called Daphne and Harbiye, and as the nearby Daphne-rooted mount Saphon is today called, Aqra, I traced "Harbiye" to ancient "Gareb" in Jerusalem, almost beside mount Acra at Jerusalem. Before making that trace, I had traced "Gareb" to "Jerevan" (which was the main reason for the Jerevan trace to "Jeru(salem)."

Why is the flag of Jerusalem a blue-on-gold lion, the color of the lion in the seal of Jerevan???

In this picture, Sadducees look like Gogo-Armenian Hebrews (the same that were depicted in myth as Hebros, brother of Kikon), and Pharisees look like Paris Trojans who linked up with the latter in the Strymon/Kikon theater. In the first update of June, the Boofima cult was spread on the table and investigated with great results. It's where I found this ancient myth statement: "That the Silenoi [= mythical goats] are a mortal race you may infer especially from their graves, for there is a tomb of a Silenos in the land of the Hebrews, and of another at PERAMOS" It is stated online that the Imperi elements of the African Boofima cult were of a Paramas entity, and so the Peramos location must apply.

The Peramos location was at the Strymon theater, and moreover that June update linked "Priam," father of Paris, to "Paramus," and not only because "Imperi" appears to link to "Paris." I trace both the Priam and Paris terms to the one location, Parium/Parion (Mysia), where Pari Gorgons lived. There is a New Peramos location in Attica/Athens, and that was the center of Astyoche, sister of Hieromneme. Keep in mind here that while I trace "Hiero" to "Jere(van," this Armenian region was on the Aras/Arak/Araxes river, smacking of ERICHthonius, the Athenian king that was made married to Astyoche.

The two sisters were made daughters of Simoeis, and as I traced Manoah, the father of Samson, to the Manes>Attis>Lydus line, so it appears that Simoeis was of that line. Beyond the Samson-Simoeis similarity, there are at least three additional reasons for that trace: 1) mythical Attis is thought by some to have named "Attica"; 2) I trace Mnes-like Greek terms to "Manes," and then there is "(Hiero)mneme"; 3) mythical Capys (son/husband of Hieromneme in the Greek world) of the Romans was made a son of Atys, which was another spelling for "Attis."

It is important to keep in mind that while Samson was in Israel, there was a Sames god of the Armenians, and that a Mannae region of Armenia was likely the origin of the god, Manes. In other words, don't assume that Samson depicted an Israelite peoples. It looks like the Armenian Hebrews that he depicted led to the Sadducees and Pharisees.

Amazingly, before starting up on the Chaves=Caiaphas topic, I was going to get to Degani-like surnames such as Dickens...which led to the Dykes. In fact, the first such term that came to mind was "Dickens" (showing a Digons variation) and they use, not only a leopard head, but the same "cross" used in the Samson Coat!

A further point is that Samson was associated with Philistines of a Dagon cult. But Dagon was an Amorite god amongst the Philistines, and it can be assumed that the Amorites of the Jerusalem/Hebron theater brought Dagon to the Philistines. We now have the first piece of evidence that the Deans/Degani at Piacenza trace back to Samson and Dagon. This is immaculate because I had ventured to trace the Laevi to the pagan Levite priest, Jonathan, found in Judges after the Samson account.

The Welsh Jones Coat, like the Sam/Sammes Coat, uses blood drops on its lion. Samson had a lion in what I view as his mythology. We saw axes used by a few Dan-like clans, and then we see axes also in the Welsh John Crest. It suggests that the axes are specifically the symbols of the Samson>Hercules Danaans.

The John motto includes "corvos," the Greek name for crow/raven, and then the John Coat uses ravens. The Pharisees had a law called, Corban, that could apply somehow. The Corban term is listed with the Corbett surname, using not only a raven alone in the Coat, but the Crest is an elephant. The Corbett/Corban motto ("Deus pascit corvos") is identical to the John motto. The Corban/Corbett elephant is identical in design to the Cobbs Crest.

Later in this update, the Cobbs will be traced to Halybes by a reasonable method. The Cobbs Shield is possibly the Hebron Shield, important for the trace of "Caleb," of Hebron elements, to "(C)Halybe." The problem is that "Eliphas" could also trace to "Halybe," and the Cobb elephant suggests Eliphas more than Caleb. We can assume Edomites living in Hebron. The Scottish Hykes/Hacke/Hakes Coat (smacks of "axe") appears related to the Cobb Coat, and then the English Hykes/Hacks uses Samson-colored scallops. I can't think of any better people group other than the Hyksos as the root of that clan.

The Hicks Coat (version of the Arthur Shield) uses a "bon" motto term, expected as per "Skull and Bones," or, as I see it now, "Eschol and Bones."

Note that the two axes in the John Crest are black, the color of the Eaton axe-like "cross." Did you see the gold lion in the Dickens Crest? It's the same lion in the Eaton/Eton Crest, and the latter use the Dickens "cross" (they look like two double axes in saltire to me), used also between the Samson scallops. As the Edones lived on the get it!

Edones had a Sithones tribe smacking of "Sithech," and I have Sviones / Sabines reasons for tracing both the mythical Set(h) in Sebanyttos (Egypt). Eatons use a "vincit" motto term that I routinely link to the Da-Vinci cult.

While Eatons/Etons were first found in Cheshire, Edons/Edens use a Cheshire symbol, a garb, symbol, I conjecture, for Gareb-based Jerusalemites. The Edon/Eden scallop is colors reversed to the Samson and Meschin scallops. The Edon/Eden Coat has got to be a version of the Perle Coat, not only because the Eaton-related Dickens/Digons use a gold leopard head, the Perle symbol too.

When the Cobbs are traced below to Halybes, Perle-like surnames are used, as well as the Covert Coat...which has previously been linked to the Perle Coat.

It can now be added that Perles were discovered above to be Tiens/Thames', and that the latter's write-up links to a Chinnor location, a term like the Kinner surname (using the Kay bird) that I link to mythical Kay and Ector (the latter was also "Cyner/Kyner"). Moreover, as we saw that Kays and Ectors linked to Sithech elements, the Edon motto is, "Si sit prudentia." Prudes use the same gold lion in Crest. Edons were first found in Suffolk, where the slew of Dan-like surnames listed above --including Danens -- were first found. Deacons were also first found in Sussex.

Where the Samson cult (I view it as the Hyksos out of Egypt) gave birth to Sadducees and Pharisees, doesn't that tend to identify the Ananes at Piacenza with Ananias, the high priest under whom Jesus was executed? What is that blue lion doing in the Samson Crest??? Isn't it the Cappeo lion of Yorkshire? If one goes down the Halys river through Cappadocia, one finds the city of Samsun, also called, Amisos. You may know that the Samson account of the honey in a lion carcass has a riddle using a "sweeter" theme, and then the Amis/Amos Coat (white roses in Samson-scallop colors) uses a the motto: "Fama candida rosa dulcior", translated: "Fame is sweeter than the white rose."

Aha! The Candida surname was first found in Naples, as with the Caputa/Capo(ni) surname. Possibly, "Capet" is a take from "Cappadocia." The Spanish Caputa surname is shown properly with d-version "Cepeda."

It can now be claimed again that Piacenza=Placentia was named after Philistines. The Greek-Capys line leading to the Roman-Capys line went through Aeneas and Aphrodite (there was an Aenus location at the mouth of the Hebros), and a chief Aphrodite>Abruzzo line was the Bruce/Brussi clan...that lived in Annandale! Does that not link the Capys line to Ananes??? It's no small point where we want to discover Ananias and Caiaphas from the same line.

The Place/Plaise surname (Kent / Stormy lion) likely applies to Placentia. The write-up: "This name can be traced to the Old French word plais, which meant an enclosure or coppice surrounded by a fence of living wood." That coppice term looks like Capys code, does it not? But for you riddle-cracking problem solvers, what do you think the hidden meaning is in "living wood." I'd say that Laevi elements to such surnames as Levins and Leuven apply. The Leuven-related Louvains were first found in Kent, beside Suffolk. The Livingstons even use cinquefoils, symbol of the Cinque-Port cities on the Kent-Suffolk border.

After seeing the Dickens/Digon Coat, I tried a look at the Decker surname as per "Sithech." German Deckers happened to be the Daggers too, and it just so happens that a dagger, usually defined as a short sword, is found in one Sithech/Shaw Crest.

Our hunt for the people group that murdered Jesus is then facilitated all the more in that the red squirrel used by the Deckers/Daggers is found in one (Dutch) Dyke Coat. Plus, the Dutch-alternative Dyke Coat uses the white fleur-de-lys of the Dickens/Digon Coat. But then the white fleur-de-lys is a symbol of the Lys surname that I link to the Levi surname (both first found in Ile de France>Paris).

The Lily Coat also uses white-on-red fleur-de-lys, explaining why the fleur-de-lys became a lily (think the Lille location off the Lys river in Artois, smack beside Belgium). I traced that lily to a fish design, in particular to the fish-like fleur-de-lys of the Bush and Bosch Coats. It just so happens that the Belgian Dyke Coat is that very fleur in Bush- and Bosch-fleur colors! Leuven/Louvain is in Belgium.

I was having trouble deciding whether the fish-like fleur traced to Dagon. It now looks good for that theory. Remember, I trace the Bush and Bosche fish to the Cadmus cult at Budva/Butua (where the white-on-blue fish that initially depicted Cadmus was used by the Assaracus-like Saracas), and Cadmus was a carrier of the Samson-cult Armenians.

As expected of a Samson-Dagon merger, the Dickenson Crest is the Samson-Crest blue lion. (There are a couple of Dick Coats that look relevant). This must be the Cappeo lion that God wants us to recognize as important to His purpose through this revelation.

The idea behind the Dean surname being listed with the Degani clan seems to be that the terms were not identical, and yet related or inter-changeable as per a Danaan link to Dagon elements.

In the first attempts to find the Cappeo bloodline, after it was realized that it was code for the blue-on-white lion of the Yorkshire Hallands/Hallams and related Malcolms/Callams, led to the York Coat using the same blue-on-white saltire as the Malcolms as well as a "copias" motto term. By that time, the Cappeo lion had been linked also to the blue-and-white lion of the Macclesfield Arms with "copia" motto term. The point now is that Dutch Dicks use white roses (the main symbol of York) with their swan, and the swan links to Percival of York-founding Parisii.

Moreover, the Malcolm and York saltire was found in the Cooper/Couper Coat, and that surname was traced to Aphrodite's Cyprus (named after copper mining and coupers), important here because the other co-founders of York, the Eburovices, trace to Aphrodite. The Eburovices of Italy (difficult to find online) lived in Abruzzo/Abrussi-like Brescia/Brixia (the blue-lion Bruce/Brusi surname is traced to such a term), and the Arms of Brescia/Brixia is a blue-on-white lion. There are no exclamation marks there because it has already been told before, but now it's time to repeat that Brescia is very near the Laevi and Ananes, and that the Brescia article above traces to Hercules Danaans, the Greek faction of the Samson line.

We also read: "According to a further myth, the founder [of Brescia] was the king of the Ligures, Cidnus..." I can't find much on Cidnus, but "Cidnos" brought this up: "Bergamo is a city of a very ancient origin, perhaps even pre-roman. According to an ancient legend, Bergamo was founded by Cidno, son of Ligure..." Bergamo/Bergomum is near the Ticino river, where the Laevi Ligurians lived!

The Ticino is marked coming out of the southern tip of lake Maggiore. There you see Novara, the home of the Laevi. But on the east side of the lake, there is a Laveno location, and when one enters "Lavin," the blue lion of the Louvains/Lavainges comes up. The same lion in the same colors is used by the Docks/Dox. Note my determination that the blue Samson-Crest lion is the Cappeo or CappaDOCia lion.

Another consideration is the Hebron Shield used by Scottish Docks/Doaks/Dogs. Samson was traced to an alliance in the Hebron theater (it belonged to the tribe of Judah), for in his account, he is seen in an alliance with Judah-ites. Caleb, a Judah-ite, was of the Hebron bloodline, and his name means, "dog." In this picture, "CappaDOCia" may have founded "dog." It works very well where the Chalybes, who lived on the Halys river through Cappadocia, look like they may have been named after "Caleb." I recall that I identified Chalybes/Halybes as a wolf line before the Chalybe-Caleb equation struck me. (I call them Judah-ites rather than Jews because I suspect that they were God-less pagans rather than true Jews.

Tim has found Ark-(of the Covenant)-like objects in Mycenae=Argos. The Danaans founded Mycenae. I am wanting to know who brought the Ark-like objects to Mycenae before emphasizing the topic. Others may feel that Danites brought it there, but I say it was the Samson line.

Amazing. I just went to the email box to retrieve Tim's recent photo of another Ark-like object in an excavation called, Grave Circe A. But instead of finding it, there was an unopened email from Tim with "DUKES" as the subject heading. In the email, he says: "Hi John, have you noticed that the Bible mentions that the leaders of Edom were called dukes?" The he quoted from one of my updates: "When Welf III died childless, the dukedom of Carinthia went to Conrad III, a son of Azzo-like Hezzelin, the brother of Azzo-like Ezzo." I had been asking at the time whether "Esau" was behind "Azzo." Then Tim quotes from the King James Version: ""Gen_36:15 These were dukes of the sons of Esau: the sons of Eliphaz the firstborn son of Esau; duke Teman, duke Omar, duke Zepho..."

Of course, "duke" is merely the choice of the KJV translators, and so one may ask whether the term was used because the Duke (and similar) surnames was important to their bloodline. Little about the translators was disclosed by those who conducted the translation. Why? Why, in the KJV, is "shake" the 46th word in the 46th Psalm, while the 46th word backward in the same Psalm is "spear." William Shakespeare was alive in England during the translation, and so we may ask how many other chief Rosicrucians partook in the translation. We may even ask whether it's the same Rosicrucians who are today insisting that the KJV is the only version from God (all other versions are satanic counterfeits, they say).

This is a good place to re-mention that "Halybe" smacks also of "Eliphas," son of Esau. As I suspect that the elephant symbol is code for his bloodlines, what about the Keith surname (in Lotan-like Lothian) coming up when entering "Mascal," while the other Mascal surname shows an elephant in Crest? This is repeated because Caesaria (capital of Cappadocia was previously called, Mazaca, a term that easily provides for "MASCal." The elephant-using Mascals were first found in Sussex, where a slew of Dan-like surnames were first found.

By now you know that the Samson-related Meschin surname is also "Masculine." And, there are pine cones in the Italian Maskaly/Maschi Coat, symbol of mythical Att(s), code for the Hatti. Then, in Wikipedia's article on Caesarea: "Kayseri was originally called Mazaka or Mazaca by the Hattians. It was changed to Eusebia after Ariarathes V Eusebes, King of Cappadocia (163–130 BC)." Ask why "Eusebia" smacks of "Esau".

As I've repeatedly traced Edomites to Merovingians in multiple different ways, I now find that Eusebias was used as a name for a Merovingian, and again for a saint in Bergamo.

Tim ends the email: "Notice that the only place duke is mentioned is in relation to Edom hmm.... ." Good point! And what excellent timing that I should discover this email right after the Dock surname, at which time I was wondering whether the Duke Coat would figure in. I tend to trace the Duke Coat to the Ottone Coat, and I identify the latter with the Viscontis of Milan, who were part of the line to duke Azzo. Don't lose sight of the "candida" term in the Amisos-like Amis Coat, for the Candida clan was in relation to Visconti elements in Piedmont.

WOW, after writing all the above, "Duchess" was entered to find a Coat in the white-on-blue colors of the Dukes and Ottones, and using the Masci (Piedmont) wing! However, it's a case of what came first, for the surname is also Chisne, Chesne, Chesneau, Chenay, Chene, Chaine, Chesnot, etc. One can see how "Cheshire" could relate. "Chesne" (and the French "chene") means "oak," and the heraldic oak tree may therefore apply in some cases.

The German Duch Coat is in Duchess colors, and with what could be the red Ince (of Cheshire) roundels/torteux. The Ince surname was just linked tentatively to the "D"Ance" variation of the Italian Dance/Danse clan, first found in Piedmont. That helps to trace the Duchs to Dean/Degani fold.

An oak will be seen in the Italian Maggiore Coat later below, and then the Ticino river from lake Maggiore flows toward Tortona (Piedmont), the place that in the last update was linked tentatively to the torteux. ZOWIE, you may have read in the last two updates that the Hungarian Arpads, who were mainly Magyars, traced to the Ticino river, and now I find that the Maggior surname is also Magis and Magio.

Seeing the Maganini and Maggioni variations, "Megan" was entered to find another Coat (Irish) like the Tien/Thames Coat, important because I traced "Thames" long ago to "Themiscyra," of the Amazon theater in which Samsun=Amisos is found. It just so happens that, jibing with the "dog" theme that I'm now seeing in Cappadocia and in the Halybes, the Amazon goddess, ArTEMIS, who I trace to "Themiscyra," was depicted in myth with a throne covered in wolf fur. The heraldic fur is a Vere theme, and the Thames river, once called the Isis, flows through Vere-infested Oxfordshire. I'm not losing sight that Veres and Mascis>Masseys were one in Normandy, and that Masseys trace to Cappadocia's capital city.

The Amis/Amos quatrefoil is used, in the same colors, by the Scottish White Coat. We might expect Scottish Whites to have been named after Alba, the former name of Scotland. But then Alba may have been named after the Silver/Silber aspects of Transylvanian elements that I see in early Scotland. Those elements included white-star Morays, and then German Silver/Silbers use only a large crescent in Moray colors.

Both the Megan and Tien/Thames Chiefs use mascles in the colors of Veres / Masseys. It should be said, however, that the only variations shown in the Magen page are: Finn, O'Finn, Maginn, Fynn, and O'Fynn. Yet, as the surname is said to derive in "fionn" = "fair," we then find the Irish Fair Coat smacking of the Italian Masci Coat. The similar French-Fair Coat belongs to the Fers/Veres/Vairs, and "vair" is one heraldic-fur term (Whites and English Silvers both use vair). Chances are, therefore, that the Finn terms are from the Macey-related Fiens/Vanes/Vains...which now makes great sense because the latter surname is for-certain out of Vannes, Brittany, where the other heraldic fur, the ermine, had it's origin.

Vannes was founded by Brittany's Veneti, and didn't we trace Veneti to Lake Van of ermine-like Armenia? If this suggests an Armenia link to the dog elements of Mazaca and Artemis, think the wolf god of the Nairi-like Neuri (for Nairi ruled at Lake Van = Mus).

By what dogincidence is it that the other/English Fien/Finnes surname uses a wolf in Crest? And as the Amis/Amos surname is traced to dogville Cappadocia too, note its "fama" motto term, for "Fame" brings up the Fien/Vane/Vain Coat. It shouldn't be coincidental that while the latter clan uses a "Ne vile" motto phrase, the Nevilles/Navelles use the Annandale saltire in colors reversed. This paragraph is an insert and therefore written after the paragraph below.

Entering "Ermine," what do we find but an ermine in the Crest, and the Annan(dale) Coat and Chief!!! It should be said here that "duke" was a term used for a military officer. See how the Ermine/Army Coat smacks of the ermined Phillip Coat coming up when entering "Phillis." The clan may have been named by Dagon-related PHILIStines that I expect at PLACEentia. Remember, the duke-like Degani were first found at Placentia. In this picture, the duke term was in honor of Dagon elements (or at least those peoples who traced themselves to Dagon / Philistines).

At the source of the Ticino, at Maggiore, a Sesto location smacks of Sestus across from Dardania, the latter being where the Aeneas>Capys line of Myso-Trojans originated before founding Romans. The Samson cult led to mythical Dardanus, and the out-flowing secret-society Kabeiri, an Aphrodite cult, was from Dardanus elements on Samothrace.

As the Ticino also empties into lake Maggiore at its northern tip, the long lake is essentially part of the Ticino waterway. We might expect to find a Major surname named in honor of the lake, and it's therefore interesting that the Spanish Major surname (just black and white checks) was first found in Navarre!!! That's a huge point linking Navarre to the Novara end of lake Maggiore.

The northern end of the Ticino is in Ticino canton of Switzerland, and as FE is our Swiss helper (she's been taking a break from these topics), I want to mention that she stressed the Spanish Major surname (many months ago) when I didn't know what to do about it. She may have had some intuitive sense at that time for its importance.

So, Spanish Majors were likely Laevi from Novara, and then there are other part-black checks used in the Spanish Pelaiz Coat, not forgetting that the Place/Plaise/Plaiz Coat uses the Kent / Stormy lion. It was FE who first found the Stormy lion and reported it with a flare. The surname turned out to be as important as the Esturmy / Ester surname to which it links. The Spanish Pelaiz surname was first found in ASTERias.

French Majors (Provence) should apply to lake Maggiore. There is a Maggiore surname first found in Cremona: "...Cremona and nearby Placentia...were founded in the same year...The famous poet Virgil, who went to school in Cremona, had to forfeit his ancestral farm ('too close to wretched Cremona')..." It was Virgil who gave the world Aeneas mythology on the founding of Romans from Trojans merged with Aphrodite>Venus.

By now it's clear that the Ananes were named after the same Heneti that named Aeneas and the Veneti. As Venus can be identified as ancient code the Veneti, I identified Aphrodite as a Heneti peoples...that founded Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros. Therefore, I am not at all sure that the Ananes were originally a Danaan-like term. But I do think that they were a Heneti merger with Danaan elements, and in fact I traced both Danaans and the Anat-root of the Heneti to the Hyksos out of Egypt.

The Maggiore Coat uses white-on-blue lions (royal blue is used), which are colors reversed to the Brescia>Cappeo lion. Excellent, for the Maggiore Coat happens to be the DOUGal-style lion in Dougal colors.

As crazy as it seems, I'm convinced already that the Magyars (or proto-Magyars) of the Ticino / Novara theater had a Major branch in Spanish Navarre. The Ebro river though northern Spain is easily traced to Eber, founder of Hebrews, because the mouth region of the Ebro was part of Occitania, named after Joktan, son of Eber. I identified the heraldic "oak" with "JOK(tan)" long before finding an oak tree in the Maggiore Coat. Oakincidence? French majors were first found in Provence, a part of French Occitania.

Moreover, the Khazar side of the Magyars were Hebrews, and part of those Khazars gave birth to Mayer Rothschild, the point being that the Major-named Magyars gave birth to the Mayer term. French Majors are also "Mayer." English Meyers bring up the Cheshire Meres, in the black and white colors of two Major Coats. English Majors/Maugers/Magors/Mayers (first found in Guernsey) use an anchor, jibing with the Meyer/Mere ship.

I trace mythical-crane elements to Guernsey. The Maggiore surname was first found in Cremona, and then the Cramer/Creamer surname is said to be Anglicized to "Crainor/Creanor." I wouldn't have mentioned this had I not entered "Magg" to find a Mogg/Moke Coat in Major colors and a "Cura" motto term. Checking what other surname used that term earlier in the update, here's what was written: "The Danens who use the "cura dat" phrase, like the Deans/Degani, use a crane." It just so happens that the Magg/Mogg Crest is the same rooster as in the Cramer Crest.

It's fully logical that Hungarian elements in the Ticino theater had merged with the Degani of Placentia, and of course we wouldn't limit the Degani to Placentia only. But if you go back through the 1st and 2nd updates of September, you will find that my first inklings of Hungarians in northern Italy were among the Ananes, and here we now find a Hungarian merger with Degani of Placentia, the city of the Ananes.

The Spanish Majors/Mayors are also "Majordomo," and so we need to find out why. The Dome Crest is a stag, a Hungarian symbol, and the Domne Coat, rather than a crane, is a heron (possibly, it was initially a crane but altered for word-play on behalf of a Heron-like clan to which it was related). The Majordomos were first found in Baztan, and then the Hungarian city of Pest is evoked. Or, Baztan is possibly named after Esau-ite elements of Bozrah, explaining the Edom-like domo term.

In one Heron-surname write-up, the term "steed" is suggested as a derivation. The Steed Crest is then another stag (used also by the Dome surname showing a heron), and the Steed Coat (bears) is a chevron in the colors of the chevron of the French Majors.

Emailer Patterson may be wondering whether the Steeds (said to derive in "stud" or stallions) link to the Csikos horse experts. The Stallion Coat is a chevron in colors reversed to the Steed chevron. The Stallion Coat uses crossed called, "botonnee fitchee," and that smacks of the Butteri that emailer Patterson wants to link to the Csikos. Entering "Botton" brings up the Bidens/Buttons, first found in Hampshire, where Botters were first found.

Hungarians trace themselves to leopard entities of the Nimrod kind, and then there are leopard heads in the Fitche Coat. Fitches were first found in Suffolk, beside Hampshire. I had traced NimROD elements to Arad on the Hungary-Transylvania border, and then linked the Rod entity to Gavril Radomir, tracing him to Gavi in Alessandria province, near the end-run of the Ticino river at Pavia/Papia.

The Steed-Coat bears look conspicuously similar to the Landon Coat, and then Landons were ancestral to the Pepins that were traced to Pavia/Papia...on the Ticino river! Therefore, the Steeds do appear related to the Hungarians (or should I say Magyars) that I traced to the Ticino.

I haven't decided whether the Hungarian elements on the Ticino were before or after the formation of Hungarians proper from the Khazar-theater Magyars. It could be that Magyars originated in northern Italy. The turul hawk, symbol of Hungarian ancestry, was traced tentatively to mythical Turan of the Butteri theater, especially at falcon-like Velch, home of Turan. But Turin in Piedmont also comes to mind.

I happened to try "Mavor" hoping for further info on the Major>Mayor link to Hungarians of northern Italy. And there before my eyes was the Oliver Coat and Crest, almost. I traced the olive leaves of the Olivers to the Laevi, and then the Mavors also use olive leaves. The Olive chevrons use the same-style chevrons as in the French Levi Coat. The Laevi lived on the Ticino river. Another Magyarincidence?

Having now a solid Oliver-Magyar link, add to it the owl of the Spanish Oliver Coat, for the Spanish Majordomos were just traced (tentatively) to Edomites. Italian Olivers use the fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Cramers, and the Maggiore surname was first found in Cremona, beside Placentia. The Arms of Cremona, white and red bars, is the symbol also of the Arms of Hungary. The English Oliver Coat? Just the oak tree (on a green mound) that is almost the Maggiore oak!

Then there is the Olive Coat using the same greyhound design as the English Major Crest!!! The Olive Crest is a cockatrice, evoking the rooster in the Magg/Mogg and Cramer Crests. Olives were first found in Northampton, the Hampshire theater (where Steeds were first found; Steeds entered the discussion as per the MajorDOMO discussion).

The Hungarian language is traced by historians to Finno-Ugrics. But I trace Budapest's founders, prior to the arrival of Hungarians, to the Uat/Buto cult that formed the White surname...that from Budapest formed the Wittelsbachs and the related Hiedlers/Hitlers (English Majors use a white anchor, same as the Heidlers and related Hoods). "Uat" may even have formed the white term. The point is that Finns, who are traced by historians to Finno-Ugrics, are traced to the Scandinavian term, "white" (recall the "fair" derivation of the Finn/Magen surname). But I say that "Finn" traced to Lake "Van," home of the wolf-line Nairi, named after Nahor, father of Uat-like Uts (Uz) and Buto-like Buz.

I trace the Uat/Buto cult up the coast of the Levant to Arpad/Arados and beyond. Arados is where the proto-Apollo cult was found recently by me, important because the Uat/Buto cult is known to have evolved into the Apollo>Latona cult. It seems that proto-Arpad Hungarians were in Arpad/Arados, and that their distant kin had founded Arad and related Oradea in the Mures theater of Transylvania. Later, when Magyars in the Khazar theater got into military trouble, they fled to the Arad theater to be with their Arpad kin (I'm assuming), and merging, they became the Arpad Magyars. But by that time, the Arpad kin had been in northern Italy.

In the 2nd update of this month, it was mentioned that king Arpad (Hungarian founder) had a son, Levente, and that king Andrew had a son, also Levente, which I thought (1st update of September) should link to the Leventina region on the Ticino/Tessen river (a cousin of Levente was, Tas). In the Levant, defined by historians as the Mediterranean coast from Syria to Egypt, we find Ugarit near Arpad, thus clinching the Ugric>Hungarian link to Arpad/Arados, and suggesting strongly that Budapest was named after the Buto=Bast cult.

The Levant was likely named after Leviathan, the mythical dragon of the sea that was "Lotan" in relation to the Syrian coast. The Laevi of Leventina were likely that Leviathan>Lotan dragon after it evolved into Apollo's mother, Latona. I trace "Apollo" itself to the "Abila" location in the Syrian theater.

In the Hungarian theater, I identified Apollo (harp symbol) as both the harp-like Arpads and the neighboring Dacians from dog-rooted Dagestani. Cappadocia was known as "White Syria," and I think it's safe to say that the Latona-Apollo wolf symbol entered Cappadocia as the Artemis wolf symbol. The Halybes, apparently evolving into "alba=white," look like the Albanians (or proto-Albanians) beside Dagestan.

This Hungarian link to northern Italy is fascinating for me. It's an entirely new and major element in the Biblical Ladon cult. As Merovingians were tracing to the same locations of northern Italy simultaneous with the Hungarian traces to northern Italy, it is very conspicuous that one Major surname is also the Mere surname that I tend to link to Merovingians. You get it, that the Arpad roots of the Hungarians was in Pepinids>Merovingians of northern Italy.

Pepins were traced years ago to Paphlagonians, and Heneti -- who I now say named the Ananes -- were Paphlagonians. It was to the Ananes that I linked Hungarians. Merovingians claimed to trace to the Veneti that were previously Heneti. It works. Arpad, father of Hungarians, was a Merovingian, and Mures-river Khazars (named "Marut") had merged with the namers of the Mures: distant kin of Merovingians, chances are.

Just for the record, Alvins/Elvins look like Olive(r)s of the Leif/Lief kind and linked to the Hoods of Devon. I was staring at the Olive surname when "Alvin" came to mind as yet another Laevi branch. It is said to be rooted possibly in "elf," but that thought brought to mind my trace of the Vere elf/elvin symbol to Alba entities. Therefore, "Alba" was entered to find the Maggiore oak tree in the Spanish Alba Coat. I know it's the Maggiore tree because the Albas were first found in Navarre, as with the Majordomo surname.

Insert -- Entering Navaro brings up a Spanish surname from Navarre, using wolves.

The Alba oak has a wolf at it's base, supporting the wolf trace to Halybes. When I saw the red and white fleur-de-lys of another Alba Coat, Hebron elements came to mind. Biblical Caleb was of Hebron elements. The Albano surname was first found in Messina (Sicily), a place to which I trace the Vere-line Mitanni, and the Albano Coat is in the colors of the Ban/Bant(es) oak leaves and the Banes-Coat wolf head. That wolf head is in the colors of the Navaro/Navarre wolves!

The Solana Coat uses (small) wolf heads too, and the codes in its write-up trace to the Levi lion. Novarincidence??? Solanas were first found in Catalonia, the same general region of Spain as Navarre. It's write-up:The Solana family originally lived in any of the numerous village and towns named Soler. This place-name is derived from the word "soler," which means "site" or "plot" and it is ultimately derived from the Late Latin word "solarium," which means "bottom" or "ground." That doesn't sound correct. Let's undress it bare.

The English Bottom/Bootham/Bodham Coat uses the English Lacy Coat. Irish Lacys use a purple lion that was traced to the purple lions of the Spanish Luz surname, first found in Aragon, smack beside Navarre. The shirt is off. Now for the pants.

The English Ground/Grundy Coat uses Levi lions, fully expected where Navarre traces to Novara, home of the Laevi. To support the trace of nearby Ananes to the Annandale saltire, the Ground/Grundy Coat uses a cross (filled with martins) in the colors of the Annandale saltire. As per the Cobbs elephant below, it should be added that the Coby/Cobbin Crest uses the Levi lion in a reddish hue, red being the color of the Ground/Grundy lions. Lest you miss it, the Cobbin term should link to the Cappadocia topic.

The Scottish Ground surname is registered with Crane-like variations, and there's a crane, and a grey elephant, in the Coat. As the Mascals use a grey elephant too, the Gerins may be at the root of the Grounds/Craneys, for they use mascles...and a leopard, symbol of the Ground/Grundy Crest.

I suppose if we would like to take the underwear off too, we would need to decipher the "plot" term in the Solana write-up. The Pilots use downward pheons, as does the Sales surname that I've traced (via the Salyes Ligurians) to mythical Sol, that being the Helios cult in relation to Phaethon mythology i.e. the Rhodes line to southern France = Catalonia. The Solana sun should apply to that particular Sol. Phaethon founded the Eridanus river in the Ligurian theater.

Is it not amazing here that, while this update stresses a Laevi and Ananes trace to the murderers of Christ, the Pilot surname should evoke Pontius Pilate, the one who handed Jesus over to the Pharisees? Entering "Pilate" brings up the same Pilot Coat!

By what coincidence is it that the co-called "boss of Europe" is Javier Solana? He is still involved in EU affairs, though I hear less of him now. We wonder what he's up to. I wonder whether God has an axe to grind against his bloodline. Will the tall tree of Europe make a sound if there is no one left alive to hear its thud when it comes crashing down? There will only be one thing left to do at that point: cast lots for Solana's underwear.

Pilots/Pilates were first found in Burgundy, where the same-colored French Mars were first found...who are said to derive in "a ram." Nay, not true, but then there are same-colored rams in the Rom/Ram Coat, and when Solana stepped down, the throne of Europe went to a Rompuy surname. As "puy" is a term meaning "town/village," the root of his surname appears to be "Rom." How appropriate, for the Romans had a hand in killing Christ too, and in fact Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor.

The "site" term in the Solana write-up may be for the Sithech bloodline in some way. After all, "Sithech" is said to mean, "wolf," and Solana's use the wolf.

Julie may be correct when she asserts that the Biblical Herods ended up in Languedoc. In fact, they may have originated in Rhodians of Languedoc. That is, Herod=Rhodes. In Jesus' day, the Roman empire was sending agents from all over to all over, and Israel was over-shadowed by the empire. That's one way for how Sadducees and/or Pharisees may have merged with lines out of northern Italy. But I'll refrain from speculation aside from some evidence.

This section, starting with the Novara wolves and leading into the Solana wolves, is an insert after the below on the Quoid (wolves) and Quey (wolves) variations of the Mackays was dealt with. It was at that time that I realized where the chains in the Quoid and MacQuey Coats traced; to Navarre. The point is: it just so happens that the Rom/Ram Coat is the Mackay Shield, while the Rom/Ram motto uses "Quod." Let's not forget the Masci wing in the Chain/Cheney Coat. We may assume that if George Bush was a Nazi agent, ditto for Dick Cheyne.

As per the Grounds/Grundys above that led to the Grenins, the Rom/Ram write-up: "First found in Essex where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor of Metinges. Roger de Rames was granted sixteen acres at Metinges, as well as land at Ramesdune under Robert Grenon." It's almost the Gernon surname. End insert

I trace the Banes (and Banester) surname to Ban(t), father of Lancelot, and as the Banes motto has allusions to the Arthurian cult, it evokes Melusine, the so-called Elvin princess of Avalon. This exercise may reveal that the Banes>Ban entity was originally the Alba bloodline. This, I think, is a new idea for me, and it looks good.

I did trace "Chalybe" to "Calabria" facing Messina, and I found evidence of mythical Ban(t) in Lucania (see Bantia on map), beside Calabria. The ExCaliber sword was very-much related to Lancelot and the Lady of Lak, and as that sword was also called, "Caliburn(us)," see mount Alburnus on the Lucania map.

The Banes Crest is a hand-and-dagger identical to the Scottish Sithech/Shaw Crest. This is the Shaw Coat using the the colors of the Banes wolf. And in the Shaw write-up: "The surname Shaw is derived from the Gaelic first name Sithech, which means wolf." Now we know the Banes reality of that fanciful codework. As we would badly like to trace the Sithech term and its Caiaphas-like variations (i.e. the Chiava and Chaves surnames) to where it belongs, the Banes' are now important to that end. In what way could the Alba and/or Banes bloodline link to "Caiaphas" and/or Cappadocia?

Hmm, in Italian, a cup/grail is a "coppa," and the Copps and Copes surnames use fleur in Shaw-grail colors. As "Eliphas" is suspect in a trace to "Halybes," why is there an elephant in the Cobbs Crest? The trick is to find the Halybes branch in Cappadocia by whatever name it used.

Halybes of the Halys can be traced to the neighboring Parthenius river, for In Greek myth, Parthenopeus was made a son of Meleager of Calydon, whom traces to the Khaldi tribe of Halybes. To help prove that Calydon linked both to the Khaldi and to the Kleito terms applied by myth writers to Agamemnon: "Agamestor's son Kleitos {an ally of the Trojans}, a bright-haired Nymphe had given him birth beside Parthenios..." Agamemnon's wife was KLEITOmnestra. As the mythical Paris Trojans had been traced (by me) to "Perseus" elements, note that Mestor was made a son of Perseus, and that Paris had much to do with the family of Agamemnon. It took me some time to realize that "Aphrodite" was also the Perseus line, and so note that while I identify Aphrodite>Venus as a Heneti>Veneti peoples, Heneti lived on the Parthenius river.

[I didn't know that Heneti were also "(H)Enetler" until after this update had been piublished. The term smacks of the Natali/Diane surname, especially as Perseus was a Danaan peoples.]

I note that a Parton Coat uses the Mens Shield and Chief. The latter was linked to the Maness surname, which uses a "pour y" motto phrase traced (in the last update) to the Pury Coat using the Cobbs martins. The Cobbs Coat is like the Covert Coat, itself like the Tien, Thames Coat, the latter smacking of THEMIScyra of the Cappadocia theater, and first found in Oxfordshire, where the Purys were first found. In that picture, Purys were from the Parthenius, meaning that Cobbs, Coverts, Maness', Diens, Deins, and Copps are suspect as Halybes and/or Heneti, who were also on the Partheneus. Parthenius elements were traced by ancients to Argos, suggesting that Argos was founded by those Khaldi-related peoples.

If correct that Arpad Hungarians were rooted in northern Italy's Ticino, then they may have earlier roots on the Ebro river among pagan Hebrews there that came to be the Spanish Iberi. There is an Iber Coat with a fesse in colors reversed to the Albano fesse, and the Iber Coat uses knight's helmets, a symbol of the Pendragon Crest. I have every inclination to trace Pendragons and related Arthurs to the Heberite Irish, thought by many to descend from Spanish Iberi. The Pendragon motto term traces to Tipperary (and to the Tipper surname, in Albano colors) because Irish Kennedys (probably a major Heneti bloodline), who also use helmets, were first found in Tipperary. Scottish Kennedys ("fin" motto term now suggesting Finno-Ugrics) use a dolphin (as with Tippers) that likely traces to the Dauphine dolphins...that are in the colors of the dolphins in the Arms of Romania.

Romania is where the Khazar side of Arpad Hungarians originated. Those Khazars, especially the Szekely, trace to Scylla at Messina, where the Albano surname was first found. The Skeltons may have been of the Szekely line, and so I now see that they too use a rooster in Crest, like the Cramers, and fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Cramer fleur. Cramers were linked above to the Magyars. Like the Majors, Tippers use a white anchor.

As we suspect that the Albanos of Messina link to the dragon-line Veres, it explains why the Skelton-like Sheldons (Warwickshire) use a sheldrake duck as play on words, while the Vere-related Drake surname is said to be named after a "drake, which also means male duck..." We can ask whether the Duck surname and/or Degani-related clans apply here. Certainly, the axe in the Drake Crest can link to the Dan-like terms using the axe too, terms linking well to the Deans/Deganis.

The Ali surname that I trace to the Alis names of Meschins in Yorkshire (where the Ellis' and Skeltons / Sheltons were first found) was first found in Messina. It's possible that the Ali griffin is the griffin used in the Arms of ALESsandria. The Milan surname was first found, not in northern Italy, but in Messina. Therefore, the Deans/Deganis et-al of the Milan theater should trace to Messina=Scylla, for this jibes with my old trace of "Scylla," and to its escallop symbol, to "Ashkelon/Ascalon," a Philistine city of Dagon. In short, the Sicel founders of Sicily were Philistines of Ascalon, and they evolved into Szekelys, Skeltons, Degani, Dans, Meschins, Samsons, and many others who use the scallop symbol.

This would be a place to show the Ali griffin used in the Cobbin Coat, with a question as to why the Cobbin Crest is the Levi lion. Better yet, why is the Levi lion "standing on a wheat sheaf fessways"? The wheat sheaf was the symbol of Dagon and his wife, Shala, ancient code for Ascalon.

The Drake axe is in the black color of the John axe, link-able to the black double-axes of the Dickens and Eatons. Therefore, Drakes (no doubt a major part of de-Vere's Drakenberg) look very much like the Samson-Danaan bloodline as it went though the Minoans and into southern Italy, merging in Messina with the Spartan/fleece line of the same Samson Danaans coming by the continental route (as Cadmus) through Asia Minor and Peloponnesia.

The Drake link to Transylvania seems certain from Nicholas de Vere's work, "From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells," but as that book is in support of vampires, Transylvania's count Dracula is apparently honored. We then find that the vair fur is used by Silver(stein)s, but as the same vair is used by Whites, it could be that the silver=white color of heraldry is in their honor. And it should prove true that the Silvers and Whites were both from TranSYLVania. Contrary to what you've been told, Transylvania may not have been named after forests, but after "white."

Consider Silva Rhea, one mythical bloodline of the Romans that I trace to TranSYLVania, what the Romans re-named "Romania" probably due to Roman roots there. Rhea on Crete was mother to the white bull.

In Cuneo of Piedmont, where we find an Alba location at MontFerrat, there is also an Argentero region smack at Limone. Hephaestus of Lemnos was a metal smith from the Halybes, and while they are credited with the founding of the white metal, iron, isn't silver/argent also a white metal? Couldn't a white metal have been named "(C)alba" as a result of the (C)Halybes? Then, I suppose, when the Halybes got to Peloponnesia, they settled and named their town, Argos, perhaps after argent, for the goddess of Argos was a white cow.

The Silverstein surname was checked because I felt urged to re-visit the 9-11 disaster that was definitely an inside-job. One of the mysteries of all time is that the American people, who know that 9-11 was an inside job, are unable or unwilling to clamor about it. The same gag applies in most circles of the "civilized" world.

At the time, the owner of the New-York twin towers was Larry Silverstein. He purchased the buildings only a couple of months before they came crashing down inexplicably, and it can therefore be assumed that the previous owner permitted controlled-demolition teams into the building with the express purpose of carrying out the disaster. Then, the previous owner sold to Silverstein with an under-the-table deal of some sort. Silverstein must have obtained insurance, either from an insurance company, or from government assurance via an under-the-table (not on official paper) wink.

Much of the evidence for the inside-job has vanished from online, as can be expected (threats made by the plotters puts a quick end to the most-damning evidence laid out before the public). When I shared the evidence (see 1st update of January, 2011, for example), I hadn't yet arrived to the 4th update in April, where I caught wind of the Scherff realities of president George Bush Sr. Knowing now that Bush was a Nazi operative, and knowing further that his president son was involved in the 9-11 inside job, it's beginning to make sense that the buildings were downed by Nazi operatives. In fact, George H. Scherff (known to us as president George H.W. Bush), headed the CIA, and in all conspiracy theories on 9-11, it's the CIA that is found at the root of the inside-job.

Think about it. The CIA a Nazi-controlled operation, but with non-Nazi agents who are not supposed to know. One can imagine that the Nazi elements in the CIA spy more on Americans than on foreign enemies. Isn't it true that George W. Bush insisted on, and succeeded in, spying on the American people? Hasn't Obama insisted on having a White-House spy industry?

The driving of America into extraordinary dept started with Ronald Reagan, who chose George H. Scherff as his vice president. Might not the goal have been to drive the nation bankrupt? Look at where that situation sits today. The using of Christians for getting the vote started with Ronald Reagan. Ronald's second wife was a Davis surname, and his first wife was a Wyman (she was born a Mayfield). The Wyman Coat uses the same on-fire crescents as the Putin/Paddon Coat, in the same colors, and Wymans were first found in Sussex, where same-colored Puttens were first found. It had been determined that Putins/Paddons were Butteri, not only for having half the Kilpatrick saltire, but for being first found in Dumfries, where Kilpatricks were first found.

This past week, the pro-Palestinian Obama has had to fake a pro-Israeli stand, this being a statement on why it may have appeared to us that both George Bush's were pro-Israel. I realize how crazy I sound to be speaking "Nazi agent" in this way. If we imagine a ring of Nazi agents, that included George Bush Sr., in a meeting of the minds, wouldn't they have decided to put on a pro-Israeli front in order to maintain the Christian vote and moreover to avoid anti-Semitic accusations? Yet, wasn't it George W. Bush who insisted first on a Palestinian state??? YES.

My expectation (which could be wrong) is that America will abandon and betray Israel at the appointed time. One could suspect that God's appointed time for Israel is not yet just because Obama is doing so bad politically that he can't afford to be as pro-Palestinian as he was a year or two ago. If Obama was as politically mighty as he hoped to be by this time, we would be seeing a different situation at the UN vote. But with New York Jews voting against Obama in a recent election to replace the Weiner, who was a friend of Democrats in very high places, Obama's hopes of a Palestinian state will need to wait and take a different track than the coming UN vote.

Things may not change if Obama wins in 2012, nor even if he regains popularity. Obama has no choice but to veto the vote because his Democrat advisors are insisting that he come out appearing as pro-Israel as possible. Netanyahu and his fellow leaders praised Obama's speech this past week as he explained why he must not support the UN vote. Obama took the Netanyahu position exactly.

Ironically, Obama is now the only impediment to the forced formation of that state, and so one can suspect that God is behind his poor numbers at this time. That, coupled with a different Obama than I expected, has me thinking that he's not the False Prophet. In the run-up to his election, and in the first year of his presidency, he appeared to me as an excellent candidate for the False Prophet, especially as other world events at the same time seemed to be ringing the Appointed-Time clock.

The question now is what happens after the spring of 2012, when Putin will regain, in all likeliness, the Russian presidency. He's just announced that he will run again. Medvedev took some rather pro-West positions in the past term, but Putin may feel that it was more than time-lost for his personal foreign policy. He doesn't strike me as the boastful, blasphemous anti-Christ, but that doesn't mean that Putin's Russia can't provide him. The Syria situation is becoming critical just as Putin is slated to re-take the Russian throne, and the fall-out in Arab-ville against American for vetoing the Palestinian vote will yet be floating dust as Putin takes the Seat.

To the best of my ability to see, the Putin-Crest castle is that of the German Perle (Moratin) castle with portcullis half open. I had traced the "port" portion of that term to the Butteri-based Ports. French Ports were first found in Berry, where the Butteri-like Bituriges lived, and English Ports (the Bute/Butt estoiles) were first found in Hampshire, where the Botters and related Bidens/Buttins were first found. I can now add that English Porters use a portcullis!

What does this all mean? Richard Perle, a Republican "Jew" in high places who got control of the Jerusalem Post with fellow Nazi agents??? A Perle surname that appears linked to what I consider the Baathist bloodline slated to merge with the end-time anti-Christ. From Wikipedia:

...At some point (usually said to be during his time in the Reagan Administration) Perle acquired the nickname "The Prince of Darkness", which has been used both as a slur by his critics and as a joke by supporters. (Time, 23 March 1987, "Farewell Dark Prince") However, he has been quoted saying that; "I really resent being depicted as some sort of dark mystic or some demonic power....

Perle was considered a hardliner in arms reduction negotiations with the Soviet Union...

As it's known, London Rothschilds of the Christo-Illuminati kind were involved with socialist Fabian-related societies. These are the kind that founded modern Israel and set up Stanford University (California) as a Republican bastion on behalf of their English agency. The Republican-controlled Bohemian Grove is also in California. And then the Fabian societies were also Cecil-Rhodian, while Obama is a wild supporter of Cecil's exclusive Rhodian Scholars, a class of globalists seeking to fulfill Cecil's world dreams (though we can assume that the dream has changed somewhat since then). What exactly has been going on in Fabian circles all these decades, the circles that once desired to destroy the United States, deciding instead to take it from within?

[Richard] Perle earned a B.A. in International Politics in 1964 from the University of Southern California. As an undergraduate he studied in Copenhagen at Denmark's International Study Program. He also studied at the London School of Economics and obtained a M.A. in political science from Princeton University in 1967 (article above).

Clicking to the article on London School of Economics:

The London School of Economics was founded in 1895 by Beatrice and Sidney Webb, initially funded by a bequest of £20,000 from the estate of Henry Hunt Hutchinson. Hutchinson, a lawyer and member of the Fabian Society, left the money in trust, to be put "towards advancing its [The Fabian Society's] objects in any way they [the trustees] deem advisable". The five trustees were Sidney Webb, Edward Pease, Constance Hutchinson, William de Mattos and William Clark.

I know nothing on those personalities, but the Mattos surname could explain why general Mattis today is in charge of America's Central Command. Entering "Mattos" brings up the Welsh Mattix/MadDOCKs surname, as well as one I call the Massi/Mattis Coat. I traced the latter to Massino Visconti, and then to the Massin/Mason surname using the same lion, in the same colors, as the Docks Coat. Dockincidence? One can see how "MADdocks" could be a Mattis-Docks combo.

We've seen black battle axes in this update, and there are more in the Maddis(on) Coat. Entering "Matson" brings up a "Spera" motto term, reflecting the "Dum spiro spero" of the Massins/Masons, if that helps to link the latter to the Massi/Mattis surname (the latter shows many variations of the Mat kind). I tend to link the Matson surname, previously shown as the Mathie/Mann/Maghan surname, to Munich / Monk elements, and therefore to the so-called "Warrior Monk" = general Mattis.

Richard Perle was called the dark one due to his extreme privacy, the same idea as "monk." What are these secretive men doing in the name of your tax dollars? Are they for you or against you, really?

I say that the Mathie/Mann/Maghan surname developed into "Matthew," and not from it. There is even a Scottish Matthew surname using the same design. It's the Campbell design called, gyronny. But looking at it now, I can see a hidden swastika. In fact, the Nazi swastika was black too. If one removes the four diagonal lines of the black part of the gyronny, only a swastika remains. Possibly, "gyronny" is code for the Gernon surname with "cyFOETH" motto code that I trace to Foetes near Munich, and to Footes of Guernsey.

We saw above that English Majors/Maugers, first found in Guernsey, use a white anchor, as does the German Heidler Coat (and Hood/Hutt Coat). Safe to say, the Hiedler/Hitler/Hutter Coat (Bauer-colored stars with Danish-Bauer DIAGONal bars) is related to the Heidler Coat. The diagonal bars were traced earlier in this update to the Dean/Degani family of names that I think include the Docks.

Ranulf de Gernon was a ruler of Cheshire from the Avranches>Meschin line of rulers whose task it was to protect Norman England from the neighboring Welsh. The Gernon Coat uses two gold-on-red lions like the Welsh Mattos/Maddix/MadDOCKS Coat. The Matson/Mathie/Mann Coat also uses a gold lion on a part-red background, used in colors reversed (black on gold) by the Welsh Matthew Coat with "fudd" motto term that should again be code for Foetes / Footes elements, as well as for the same-colored Foots/Fouts' of Cheshire.

The griffin in the Foots Crest looks like the Ali and Cobbins griffin. The latter, first found in Lincolnshire where Ranulf de Gernon's father had titles by marriage, smack of the Copes and Copelands that I trace to alliances with Ranulf le Meschin (father of de Gernon above), a character who attempted to wrestle England from the Conqueror's heirs. As the Welsh Matthews use the Sam/Sammes lion while the Gernon-Crest griffin holds a "flag," the Samson and Flag/Fleck/Flack scallops, in the colors of the Meschin scallops, come to mind (the Samson Coat uses a flag-like motto term).

Again for new readers, Meschins were linked to Butteri, while the Baath party of Syria was co-founded by a Bitar surname as well as an Aflaq surname. Both the Bitar and Aflack/Afleck Coats use the same black cross, likely the Sinclair cross, and Ranulf le Meschin was from the Sinclair bloodline, from Malahule of Opland (i.e. like "Copeland"), brother of Rollo's father.

On his mother's side, Ranulf was from the Burgos>Contevilles, and Dutch Burgs have the same symbol exactly as the Clare-Coat triple chevron, of a Clare surname that included Strongbow Clare of Wales. It suggests that the Strongbow Clares were related to the Meschins, does it not? Why did I, of the Meschin bloodline, marry a Dutch Burg? And so I ask myself why, after stating in multiple webpages that the Dutch Burgh Coat was the Clare Coat, the Dutch one was replaced at with another design.

Strongbow conquered into Ireland, setting up his allies there. Irish Clares use five white ostrich feathers, the symbol also of the Polish Traby Crest (this clan uses a 666-like bugle design). Tudors, a Welsh clan from a Traby-like Tudor Trevor, also use ostrich feathers. The story is obvious, that Polish Trabys were in cahoots with the Meschin line in Wales because Ranulf le Meschin was himself from Mieszko I of Poland. And that Polish-Bohemian entity for me spells the root of the Bohemian Grove.

The Traby Arms is shown (at the Traby link above) in the SANDOmiers castle. Then, when we enter "Traby" at houseofnames, we get the Sadowski surname that is also "SANDOWski." The Irish Sanders (elephant heads) have this write-up: "First found in County Wicklow, where they were granted lands by Strongbow, Earl of Pembroke, for their assistance in the invasion of Ireland in 1172." It should be said that Cobbs also use the elephant, and they could be related to the Coby/Cobbin clan just linked to le Meschin's son's bloodline.

The Irish Clare write-up: "Some say the family was originally from Clere, in Vexin, Normandy..." I trace "Vexin" to "viking" and to the Vicks and Wicks surname. I wasn't going to say this until I found the Sanders in Wicklow a moment ago.

German Sanders (Sinclair colors) use the same bull-head design, as far as I can make it out, as in the German Mieske/Mesech Coat, thus solidifying the Traby link to Mieszko and to the Clare-Meschins of Wales. The Centers variation of the German Sanders links easily to the English Centers/Santers/Sainters (leopard heads in Covert-leopard colors), and then entering "Saint" brings up the Sinclair Coat. We get it: Trabys were linked to Sinclairs and Clares.

It just so happens that I trace Covert and Cope terms to "Kiev," founded to some extent by the same Varangian Rus that I see at the door of the Vexin Sinclairs. Those Kiev Varangians co-founded Moscow, the city from which we might expect a Meschin-related (or Mieske/Mesech-related) antiChrist-Gog. Make sense?

As Sinclairs were first found in Lothian, the Sein surname, also first found there, must be a Sinclair branch, especially as the Sainters above trace possibly to "...'seintier,' meaning 'bell founder'..." However, the Seins are listed amongst the Simms/Symms surname, and that smacks of the quasi-mythical Siem terms to which Mieszko I is traced. I did trace the Mieszko line to raven-depicted Mackay vikings of the Moray theater, and here in the Sein/Simms Coat we find ravens, not to mention another axe and what I think is an ostrich feather in crest.

The Symms can now be traced to the Seine river flowing past Evreux and Rouen (= downtown royal-Normandy), right through the Vexin. Remember, Evreux is the Aphrodite>Hebrew side of Norman-ville, and "Siene" smacks of "Sion." It should explain why the Seins/Simms use Zionists stars.

Why is Troyes also on the Seine river along with Paris? As the Priam>Paris Trojans were related to mythical Capys, why is the Coby/Cobbin Crest the Levi lion while the Levi surname was first found in Paris?

As the Welsh John/Jones surname uses battle axes and ravens too (i.e. as does the Sein/Symms Coat), shouldn't the surname trace to the Yonne region (tributary of the Seine) shown on the Seine-river map? I recall that Hyksos pharaoh, Khyan (said by others to be a form of "John"), had named his son, "Yanassi." The English Johns, using the same Coat as the Welsh branch, were first found in Lincolnshire, as with the Cobys/Cobbins! That is some rather excellent evidence for a John / Jones trace to the pagan Levite priest, Jonathan.

By what linconincidence is it that the Armancon river (shown) is a tributary of the Yonne while the Ermine/Armen surname, using the Annan(dale) Shield and Chief, was likewise first found in Lincolnshire??? Have we found the bloodline here that murdered Jesus? Didn't John the Baptist prophesy: the axe (of God) is already at the root/base of the tree"? Why did he use those terms against the Pharisees and/or Sadducees? What is that Auxerre doing between Yonne and Armancon???

Should we trace the Ermine/Armen surname to Hermes...the god at Sion, the summit of mount Hermon? Makes sense. But Hermes was not an Israelite nor Levite entity. Don't make the mistake of trying to twist things to make it fit an Israelite shoe. There were Hebrews aside from Israelites, a dark peoples with a bad track record of deception. Even Jacob, founder of Israel, was portrayed in the Bible as a clever deceiver. But God wrestled with Him and changed his spirit. Is God wrestling with you and causing you pain? You're loved.

The Seins/Simms should be related to the Italian Simons who use an "armatus" motto term translated as "armed." The "Jewish" Simons use a fox and should therefore trace to Samson elements. It's conspicuous that Italian Simons were first found in Traby-like Trapani/Drepanum (western Sicily), for the Simms were just traced to Polish Siemowit and Siemomysl, legendary kings leading to Mieszko I. There were Saracens of Sicily named Samsam and Timnah whom Robert Guiscard, of the Sinclair-Rus clan, allied with in his quest to conquer southern Italy.

Recall the Ali surname of Sicily as it was linked (by me) to the Alis name (and surname) amongst the Meschins of Yorkshire, for while one Simson/Symson Coat uses "Alis" as a motto term, another Simson Coat uses a lion in the colors of the Sam/Sammes lion. This is all good cause to link the Simsons to the legendary Siemomysl Poles, especially as I trace those Poles to Mackays while the Alis surname ("vincit" motto term) uses the Mackay (and Macey) muzzled bear. Compare "muzzle" to "mysl."

Now you know for certain that the Polish royals trace to the Alis-using Simsons of the Samson bloodline-Saracens who linked also to the Sein-river Simms, partners of the Sinclairs who likewise lived in Lothian. In fact, Simms were first found in East Lothian, where mysl-like Musselburg is located, where also the elephant-using Mascals/Keiths lived. Have we found Jacob's brother, Esau, the God-forsaker whose elephant-like son merged with the Lotan dragon line? Why are Simms among them in Lothian? Didn't I insist that the Samson cult at Timnah was linked to Timna in Edom? Lotan's sister was, Timna. Are you still going to trace Freemasons and Merovingians to Israelites? Or, are you truly enlightened by now?

Did we trace the Alis / Alis terms to "ALESsandria" for the first time in this update? Yes, and that's where Pavia/Papia is located, where the Pepins have been found to originate, though they were more-directly from the Landons...who also use bear heads. Didn't I say that the Mieszko Poles were Merovingians?

It's not easy to find that the Mackay bears are muzzled, but the term is found in the Alis-Coat description.

Why do the Simms/Symms use the Hebron chevron? Didn't I trace "Biblical" Samson to Hebron elements? Was I also correct to identify those Hebron elements with Khyan, the Exodus pharaoh? Is the axe in the Symms Coat a symbol for Hyksos? The axe was a symbol of Cretans, and then the Simms/Symms use a "labore" motto term, what I routinely trace to the Cretan labrys (a double axe, used by Samsons and Eatons) and/or to the Minoan labyrinth. I believe to be correct when tracing Samson's father to "Minos" of Crete. I had traced Trabys to Crete many months ago, and now find them linked to the Simms/Symms.

As further evidence that the Simms/Symms link to the Siemo terms of the Poles, the German Siemen/Siems/Siemssen Coat uses the three colors of the Simms/Symms Coat. The so-called "slab" of the Siemens is perhaps code for the Polish Slabodas (salamander in flames). The Douglas Crest uses the salamander in flames: "First found in Moray...The Douglasses of Drumlanrig [smack of king-Andrew-related Drummonds that I locate in neighboring Ross-shire] claim descent from Sir William Douglas...The first [son], William, was the progenitor of the Douglases of Morton [sounds Moor related] and was granted the Earldom of Morton in 1458 by King James II. The second, Andrew, and his family became known as the Black Douglases."

It can be assumed that the Siemen slab, as it leads to the salamander of the Polish Slabodas, was a "Moor" bloodline in cahoots with Douglas' (Moray stars), themselves related to the Mieszko bloodline from which I traced the Moray stars in the first place. Let's not forget that the Mackays of Moray and Ross-shire, whom I identify as the Mieszko Poles, use a "dagger" [Dagon elements?] that is "pointing at a BUCK's head." The Simsons were first found in BUCKingham.

I don't buy that "Douglas" derived in "black," as that is more likely code for Moors / Saracens. Merovingian elements are also apparent in the write-up: "Some claim the [Douglas] name is derived from a knight of 770 who after aiding King Solvathius of Scotland in his great battle with Donald Bain, King of the Western Isles was granted the lands of Clydesdale...In Gaelic, the name is Dudhglas means 'black stream.'" "Solvathius" smacks of "Slaboda," and Clydesdale is, my bet anyway, a term after the Clode-like variations of king Clovis. Isn't that the Mieske/Mesech bull head in the Clode/McLeod Crest?

It is said by others that the Pollock clan of Renfrewshire trace to Clovis himself, who smacks of "Solva(thius)." But I trace Pollocks to the Mieszko Poles (all of this is reinforcing my claim that Moray was a term after Merovingians). Moreover, Glasgow is in Renfrewshire, and I therefore see the Gaelic, "Dudhglas," as a term for a Douglas clan of Glasgow and/or Glas(gow) elements. It can't be coincidental that the Dudleys also use a salamander in flames. At houseofnames, the Dudley Coat is the Massin/Mason Coat with the same Melusine in Crest as the Moray and Glass Coats.

The Massin/Mason motto ("Dum spiro spero") is traced to the Speers, first found in Renfrewshire, and, I do think, Speers were Edomites, as were the McLeods. The McLeod castle is used by the Innes clan of Moray.

I would rather trace "Dud" to Daedalus of the Cretan labyrinth than to "black."

The Slaboda write-up: "First found in Slepowron in Polesie, the largest province of Poland. It is inhabited by Ruthenians, called Polesians, of Ukrainian descent." Think the Ukranians of Kiev, for as I trace Varangians to French Redones=Ruthenes, so the Varangians of Kiev likely merged with, or even evolved into, the Ruthene of Kiev. The latter are regarded as Slavs. I ventured to trace "Slav/Slab to "Salop," and quite a time later, FE, after seeing the Siemen slab, emailed the Slaboda Coat with the SLEPOwron term. I thought that was very neat. But another emailer with Pollock bloodline insists that Pollocks, before moving to Renfrew with the Stewarts of Renfrew and Glasgow, were in Shropshire=Salop, where the Stewarts originated too.

FE is also the one to introduce the Kent lion of the Stormy/Esturme Coat. The Sturs of Hampshire show also as "Stowar" and "Stouer," smacking of Stewarts, and then the Dudley-Arms page tells: "...The chevron was part of the arms of Stourbridge and Coseley. The pears are taken from the Stourbridge arms...The chain is taken from the Stourbridge and Halesowen arms and represents the chain nail and anchor making industries [cow-patties]...the salamander in the base is taken from the old Dudley arms. It symbolises the metal working industry [cow-patties]..."

I trace the Chain/Chaney surname (probably the Sinclair cross) to pharaoh Khyan (I had traced Khyan to the proto-Masseys of his time before finding the Masci wing in the Chain/Chenay Coat). The surname was "First found in County Kerry, where they were granted lands by Strongbow when he invaded Ireland in 1172." We read the same basic line of the Sanders, of Polish elements. The chain symbol is used also by the Quoids and MacQueys/Kays/Coys, two surnames found listed in the Mackay page (i.e. more Polish elements). In the Quoid write-up: "The original Gaelic form of Quoid was Mac Uaid, which means son of Wat." Isn't that the all-seeing-eye Uat cult to which I link the Hyksos? The Watts, remember, use the all-seeing-eye, and Watts were first found in Worcestershire, as with Dudleys.

Then, as I just linked the "DudhGLAS" version of Douglas' / Dudleys to Glasgow, why does the Watt oak tree wear a pair of seeing glasses? (In this picture, it may be wrong to trace "Douglas" to "Doug terms, or, it could be that Douglas' were Dougals and that Glasgow and the Glass surnames were after the "glas" portion that Douglas' were wrongly thought to derive in.) The Watt oak is essentially the Glasgow-surname oak.

If it was a mystery as to why Mackays, who were Maceys=Masseys, should use variations of the Watt bloodline, we can at least explain it as per a Mackay merger with Dudleys / Douglas'. The Coy variation of the Mackays brings up the pheon of the Sales Crest, and for me that spells a Coy / Quoid / Quay merger with the Meschins, first found in Salop. One assumes that "Quay" is a version of the Kays/Keys, and so lets not forget that the Kays and Shays/Shaws trace, tentatively, to the bloodline of Caiaphas, murderer of the Son of God. Remember, Meschins trace to Mazaca, also called, Kaisariyah.

A key symbol (that of the Shaves / Shaws) is used also by Clover/Claver Crest, while I've maintained that the Clover/Claver Coat (Moratin castle) is a version of the Meschin Coat. I've supposed that Clovers were of the Clovis bloodline to Clairs / Clares. I had linked Clovers/Clavers/Cleavers to Cliffs/Cleaves (trefoil=clover), and can now add that the Cliff wolf heads are also the Quoid and MacQuey/Kay/Coy wolf heads.

[The wolf had been found above in the Novara/Navarre Coat, but now I can add that the Arms of Navarre uses chains!!! Zowie, this is fun. The Quoids and MacQueys use chains with their wolves! This paragraph is an insert after this section was written, and it wasn't until after writing the section that the Navaro/Navarre wolves were found and slipped into the appropriate place way above.]

While the Scottish Mackays trace to "Aodh"=Hugh (probably Hugh Lupus), the Irish branch has the following write-up: "The MacQuey surname was an Anglicized form of the Gaelic 'Mac Aodha' from the word 'adoha,' which means 'fire,' as well as being the name of a pagan god." I would now suggest that the term traces to "Uat."

The other Watt Coat uses blocks, a symbol that I trace to Pollocks, Plocks and Blocks. If you follow the "book(binder)" code in the English Block Coat, you will find an hourGLASS in the Book Crest. The Uat=Buto cult was linked closely to Horus, sometimes, "Hour." There is an hourglass shape in the "Jewish" Glass Coat. The "shoemaker" term in the same Block write-up leads to ostrich feathers and more axes, suggesting the Traby bloodline out of Crete (ostrich eggs were important there). The Shoemaker surname was Nazi / Scherff important in the last update. The Scottish Glass Coat was first found in Buto-like Buteshire.

Earlier, we read that "the Putin-Crest castle is that of the German Perle (Moratin) castle with portcullis half open." The Porters -- a Butteri peoples -- were then shown to use a portcullis. It was added that a portcullis half open was a symbol granted to the Spaldings...who were traced in an earlier update to the mythical Hesperides garden (guarded by the Ladon dragon) in northern Africa. The Heth motto: "Espere mieux."

Some say that MacHeths of Moray / Ross-shire were Mackays, and I think I had recently found the evidence for it. I traced Heths (Sinclair rooster) to the Welsh Bath/Atha surname (though I can't recall how hard the evidence for that trace was, but it included the trace of Baths/Athas to Randolphs of Moray). The Bath/Atha surname was linked solidly to the surnames co-founding the Baath Party, and it seems certain in my mind by now that Butteri and Putin-like surnames link to the Baathist bloodline. The Heth stars are black, the color of the Putten stars.

Heths are also "Heath," indicating links to the Keaths of Sinclair-laden Lothian (choice of words intended). Isn't it suspicious that while Heths use an Hesperides-like motto term, they trace to Lotan/Ladon-like Lothian? "Heth" ought to trace to the Uat/Buto cult, which was later mythical Leto and Latona. The Heth Coat is in the colors of the Dutch Others, and then the English Others use a motto: "Watch." To me, that seems like code for the all-seeing-eye Uat cult...which was also called, "Wadjet." Then, entering "Watch" brings up a Wadge surname.

The Welsh Bath/Atha clan (first found in Somerset, where there is a Bath and Wells) was traced to Baden (Germany) at about the time that the Baden/Batton surname (more axes) was discovered, first found in Somerset too. Not only is there a human eye in the Baden/Batton Crest, and not only does the Biden/Button write-up trace to Bath and Wells, but the Arms of Baden is found in the Others Coat!!!

I've just tried "Heather" to get the Heth/Heath Coat.

As the Others are said to be at the root of the Windsor, one can suspect that Windsors of England -- who are also "prince of Wales" -- put forth the Baath Party in Syria.

The Others are said to be from a Lombardy, and as Lombards were a Suebi people (both had alliances with the Clovis sector of Merovingians), they are traced by me through the Sabines to Sebannytos/Samannud, a city of the Uat cult.

I've just learned (if I hadn't already) that the Windsor Coat is the Neville saltire, for the Windsor motto shows a "fei en" phrase that links to the Feins/Vains with "Ne Vile" motto phrase. Thank you, heraldry codes, for making it easy.

As the Vains/Vanes above were Veneti elements in Vannes, t is more certain that Windsors were from Wends, also called Vandals and traced by many to the Italian Veneti. The Windell Crest is the Windsor Crest stag, and the Windell Coat is in the green and white colors of the Arms of Lombardy.

The idea coming to the fore, when the Putin surname was mentioned way above, is the one where Putin of Russia is linked to Baathist elements in Britain, and that Ronald Raegan belonged to them too. Putin, the man, can be traced to English clans via the seizing of Russia (1917) by British Rothschilds. Putin was given a tiger as a birthday gift, though he wouldn't reveal from whom it came. I can't recall which came first, the tracing of "Putin" and "Medvedev" to Sussex elements, or the finding of the Medley-Crest tiger (Medleys were first found in Sussex). The English Pot Crest is the same tiger design, though called a leopard.

It just so happens that the Mayfield-Crest "lion" is the May-Crest "leopard" while the latter's Crest was found elsewhere (can't recall where) as a "tiger." Again, Ronald Reagan married a Mayfield. Mays were first found in Sussex.

Mayfields use the Macclesfield cross...which was traced to the Moray Randolph cross. It was pointed out that the Randolph Crest is a bat linking to the Baathist elements under discussion (because the Randolph Cross is used by the Bath/Atha Coat). See the Randolph bats in the Bat surname of Rutland, and then ask why the Ruths/Ruthers/Randolph Coat, surname of Moray, looks like the Rodham Coat.

It seems that Moray's Randolphs were from the Rodham bloodline that I trace to Rutland. Obama is traced by others too to the Moray Randolphs and to the bloodline there of king David I, who built HalyROD House. Obama has a Rodham in charge of the nation's foreign affairs. I say that Obama's father was, like president Reagan's second wife, a Davis, and then the Welsh/Cheshire Davis/David Coat is much like the Rodham and Coat. Hmm, the "digon" motto term of that Davis Coat could link to Deans/Digans.

I've repeatedly traced Obama's bloodlines to Nazi elements. It speaks loudly that while Obama acted like an enemy of the Bushes, his administration does not seek to link Bush to the 9-11 inside-job. Perhaps the politicians on both sides of the left-v-right spectrum, when they are of common Nazi elements, have the agreement of biting hard against one another when it comes to the task of winning American "thrones." There's no telling how many Illuminati circles there may be, not all seeing eye-to-eye.

If political leaders are not afraid to imply an inside-job or inside cover-up, why are the media slow to do the same? Bringing the 9-11 "conspiracy theories" to the news would make huge stories for long periods, bringing media companies much business. Yet, we have not seen anything at all of what is justified:

9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: “It is a national scandal”; “This investigation is now compromised”; and “One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this [Bush] White House wants to cover it up”

The Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (John Farmer) – who led the 9/11 staff’s inquiry – recently said “At some level of the government, at some point in time…there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened“ He also said..."There were interviews made at the FAA’s New York center the night of 9/11 and those tapes were destroyed. The CIA tapes of the interrogations were destroyed. The story of 9/11 itself, to put it mildly, was distorted and was completely different from the way things happened”

The web page goes on and on with similar statements. We read: "There are numerous other whistleblowers with key information about 9/11. But no one in the government or media wants to hear what they know." How can this not be a cover-up by conspirators? Again, BBC, Fox and CNN all reported that building seven came down about a half before it fell. How could they have known that it was going to fall? There is no way, say the experts, that a building like could fall merely from the heat of fire. It was obviously a controlled demolition. The Nazis, I say, must have greater plots in mind.

If one wants to control a country, one must control the country's media. If the major news media is controlled by Nazi plotters, they will more likely get away with their plots. The coming tribulation-plot will likely include Nazi-controlled media. It is our Biblical duty to reject the robotic skincode system. God has not called the masses to become robots. It is the corporations who want us to be robots enslaved to their financial interests. We are all being trained to be concerned with the economy, to become better agents for uplifting the economy. The happier we are as slaves, the better for the corporations that we work for. The pursuit of the "American Dream" is nothing but a method employed to make us happy slaves.

I hurt for the conditions of this world. I can't celebrate what others celebrate. They think the world has never been better. Biblical Christians think the world has never been worse. They emphasis material things; we emphasize moral pollution. We say that everything is being turned upside-down by they who are happily re-building the modern world. They say that the world is a better place because gays now have rights, and because woman have been freed from the home and from the Biblical role of tending to the husband's leadership. More and more men are refusing to get married as a result. The modern woman can now be as sexually liberal, and proud of it, as the feminists of the 60s were accusing the husbands. Women are now killing their born children and escaping jail time. What will ten years down the road bring? Wasn't I correct to say that the decade of 2010-020 will be for liberalizing sex in children? Hasn't it already begun?

It's going to get biting cold for the Christian. There will be some warmth in false-Christian movements, but in the end those movements will betray with a back-lash, and in the meantime they will lead Christians into a Christo-materialistic compromise. God wants to test us, to see who will resist materialism; do we dare become prosperity-gospelites?

Right now, there is a marriage taking place between economy-minded politics and Christianity. Do not touch. We learned from George Bush that it was a scam. The False Prophet is coming, like a lamb, speaking like the economy. The False Prophet is coming from his dragon's den.

Solyndra LLC's chief executive and chief financial officer will invoke their Fifth Amendment rights and decline to answer any questions put to them at a Congressional hearing on Friday [Sept 23], according to letters from their attorneys obtained by Reuters.

In the letters sent to the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, attorneys for Solyndra CEO Brian Harrison and CFO W. G. Stover said they advised their clients not to provide testimony during the hearings.

The bankrupt company's $535 million federal loan guarantee is being investigated by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Solyndra sounds guilty, and hopes to minimize how much guilt gets out. A related article talks about the global move for green energy that many see as a scam to take more taxes from the global worker on behalf of a global government mission:

Former President Bill Clinton said Tuesday that the success of the alternative energy movement is hampered by a lack of financing. His comments came as world leaders attending his annual philanthropic conference expressed fears about rising seas.

The ex-president's three-day Clinton Global Initiative...

Clinton's Global IniShitive comes right out of the bull's backside. He appears ready to go to his grave sounding the rising-seas bell. But the Bible talks about the peoples of the world hanging limp from the tossings of the seas. These "seas" are the masses themselves, helpless to do anything about the hopeless situation that they see coming upon them. Our hands are already becoming limp; we all barely see hope of avoiding catastrophe in the near-term. But the False Prophet will assure a way out, and deceive the ones on the high seas. And the world will start to play in the high seas, and play and play, not knowing that the waves will become their sudden and horrific graves. That's how I read prophecy. Even Israel will say, let's drink and be merry, for we see our end coming soon.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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