Previous Update: Aug 23 - 29

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August 30 - September 5, 2011

Aethelings were Heths, and from the murderers of Jesus Christ
Queen Margaret Aetheling Looks Bulgarian
An Obama Trace to Gavril Radomir, the Bulgarian Bagratid
Bagratids and Other Messianic Fakes
The Gab on Euganeo's Egans

If there were any hope for Gaddafi, I don't think that Russia would have made this decision:

...Russia recognized Libya's ruling interim council as the country's legitimate authority on [September 1], moving to increase its influence on postwar reconstruction and protect its economic interests in the oil-producing North African nation.

...Moscow had billions of dollars worth of arms, energy and infrastructure deals with Libya under its deposed leader Moammar Gadhafi, and Russian officials have expressed concern that those deals could be lost in the transition.

"We proceed from the position that all previously agreed treaties and other mutual obligations … will be implemented in good faith," the Foreign Ministry said.

The article goes on to say that Russian foreign affairs does believe that the new Libyan authorities, catapulted to power by the West, will betray Russia in favor of the West. We shall have to see whose side they take. Russia is already lamenting lost business in Syria as Assad appears to be going down. There isn't any grave threat made by Russia at this time in retaliation for the looming fall of Assad. Safe to say, Putin hates the West for the related chain of events.

The West is complaining that Russia had made a long-term deal with Turkey to build four nuclear reactors...having the effect of keeping Turkey a Russian ally for decades. As consolation to the West, Turkey appears poised to allow a missile shield on its land.

In the last update (near the end where one finds "Spectemur agendo"), there were some interesting things tending to trace Merovingians (I was thinking proto-Merovingians) to places near Este (Javascript must be turned on or map won't appear), for example two Euganeo locations. I also claimed (lightly/tentatively) to find the black eagle used by Charlemagne, but neglected to realize until this morning (it was written yesterday) that "Euganeo" smacks of Aachen (German-Belgian border), where Charlemagne invested himself. Here's the black-on-gold eagle of the Arms of Aachen, and so note that the eagle that I linked to Charlemagne was also black on gold.

Euganeo was found as per the Auger/Eager surname's use of "Spectemur agendo." It was a long-shot at first to make this connection, but as things developed, it appeared, not only sensible, but a little sensational for tracing Merovingians to a specific Veneti locale. That's why this morning continues on the same topic, and already, there is a good-size mountain of new discovery to unveil. Aachen was named Aix(-la-Chappelle) in earlier centuries, and that easily modifies to an Aug(er) surname. Admittedly, there isn't one Aik-like variation in either Auger Coat.

We naturally want to see the Aachen surname; its white-on-black crescents at this time mean nothing much to me. The variation, Aken, as well as a Nibelung-like location nearby in Belgium, as well as close Nibelung relations with Merovingians, caused me to make an "Aachen" trace to AKHENAten, a pharaoh married to Nefertiti. But in the last update, it was suggested that Euganeo traced instead (as per the Egan/Kegan surname) to "kagan." I don't think we can trace both to "kagan" and to Akhenaten, but at this point it's too early to make a solid trace to either term. But that doesn't mean we can't poke around to see what comes up.

The Aachen-surname write-up: "Charlemagne, the Holy Roman Emperor, built his palace [in Aachen] in the 8th century, and the city was not only the place of coronation for many kings and emperors, but also a center of culture and learning." Read that as a "center of illumination," then look again at the white-on-black -- Illuminati colors -- crescents.

White on black is used also by the Eggars/Eagers, and it just so happens that the English Augers/Eagers are said to derive in "Eggar." The Eggar/Eager surname includes "Edgar," and we should perhaps not assume that the bloodline was rooted in "Edgar" or an Edgar. French Augers are said to derive in "Adalgarius, which means noble spear," and while that seems to be a half-truth or less, the "garius" portion is the "spear" portion. In that picture, "Eggar" seems to fit, but I'm very slow on tracing this bloodline to a spear. Recall from the last update that ADELajda (sister or daughter of Mieszko) figured into the Auger discussion by way of the Andrew-of-Hungary discussion. Much of what more I have to say on the topic now has to do with Andrew surnames.

In the last update, Augers/Agers were linked to Agers/Angers and therefore to Anjou, wherefore note that the Fulkes Crest is a spear. It's also important here to re-mention (my realization) that Fulk bloodlines (not necessarily by that name) use plenty of split Shields, for we are about to see a few more in relation to the split colors of the Agers/Angers. Remember, Andrew-related Hungarians entered the Auger>Anger discussion by way of the Inger/Ender surname (three arrows as code for three Hungarian-Kabar tribes).

Both Egg Coats use split Shields. The German Eggs/Eggers/Eggeners (said to be from "Ogier or Edgar"), use their Split Shield in Ager/Anger split colors. The Angers show a Lange variation that veers near to "lance=spear." In any case, there is another split Shield, with three arrows, in one German Lange Coat. This surname is said to have been first found in Luneburg of Brunswick, a region ruled by the Estes from Este of Padova. German Estes use a white-on-blue eagle, but then the same white eagle (on black-and-red split Shield) is used by the English Eggs/Eages/Eadges (Cheshire). The Langes use a blue-and-red split Shield (there is a Langhe location next to Asti in Piedmont).

Moreover, both Scottish Langes and Eggers/Eagers/Edzers were first found in Berwickshire...edzactly where I expect Brunswick elements.

Dutch Langes (Moray-colored stars) were "First found in border areas between the Netherlands, Westphalia and Lower Saxony," while Aachens were first found in Westphalia...not far upstream on the Rhine from the Salian Franks and Batavi that I'm in the midst of tracing to Euganeo of Padova. Therefore, it appears rather solid that the particular Lange surnames above do link to the Lange variation of the Agers/Angers, and therefore to the Anjou Fulks, and because I now know that Anjou Fulks do link to Butteri, that Butterello location to the immediate south of Euganeo is starting to look mighty Butteri-related.

Although Butterello is a small location, let's not forget that the Po=Padus river flowing through the Padova theater was also the BODENcus while the Italian Botters are also "Bottin" while English Botters (falcon) are also "Bodin." In this picture, it could be that Butteri had been so important in the Veneti theater as to name the Padus / Bodencus river. We may assume that Padua=Padova was named after the same elements that named the river. Therefore, when I was making Butteri links to Merovingians, it may not have been a trivial link, but more like a massive one.

Going next to the Eugene surname (which uses Ewan variations smacking of the Evans'), we find three interesting things: 1) the Butteri-colored star and Botter colors; 2) the Scottish flag called "Andrew's Cross; 3) a red lion in Crest, the color of the lion in the Aachen Crest. The Eugene write-up gives good reason for tracing to Euganeo: "...the Gaelic personal name Eogann, which comes from the Latin name, Eugenius." I didn't know it yet, but the sun in the Eugene Coat should be the Hesse sun for the reason that follows.

There are three Anders Coats using blue and whites. Danish Anders use a split Shield in those colors, as well as the German-Fleming wolf (in a different position). As German Anders were first found in Silesia, where the Mieszko royals had titles, what about that marriage of Mieszko's sister/daughter (Adelajda) to the ancestry of king Andrew I? It is this king Andrew whom I trace (without a doubt) to "Andrew's Cross." Aside from the blue and white of the Anders being the colors of the Botters, I have a notion that this king Andrew links to the Agers/Angers/Langes of Euganeo elements.

Recalling that I found the Mieszko royals using what I called the Moray star, the problem had been on how to explain it while also tracing Moray to the Mures river. The best I could do was to trace the Moray star of the Bole surname to Boleslaw I (son of Mieszko I), whose parentage was in Boleslaw I of Bohemia, himself of Moravian elements that easily trace to Moray (the latter was also called, Moravia). BUT NOW, the Khazar side of Hungarians had been on the Mures, and Hungarians leading to Andrew married the Mieszko line, this providing yet another reason why the Mieszko line should use the Moray star (or what became the Moray star).

The Moray star should link to the Botter star, for the Dallas clan -- first found in Moray -- using the Botter star and the Botter bend in a Coat exactly like the Coat of the Biggars whom I traced (years ago, before this topic at hand was conceived) Biharia on/off the Mures. As Botters are figuring to be the guts of Merovingians, it begins to look correct that Moravians (founded about 800, just as Charlemagne was persecuting Merovingians and sending them out of France) were Merovingians, but then one has cause to trace Merovingians to the Mures too.

Again, there is a Muro location beside Cinto Euganeo, and so see Santa Lucia to the latter's north side, for Botters were first found in Lucca (Tuscany).

If correct to trace Euganeo to Agers/Angers/Langes, then, again, be reminded that three Moray-colored stars in the Dutch Lange(n) Coat.

The next discussion is on the Sullivans, for the first Euganeo location (called Ospedaletto Euganeo) is beside the municipality of Saletto, smacking of the Sallete and Sallette variations of the Sales surname (I linked Sullivans to the Salyes Ligurians and they in turn to the Sales/Sallett clan). This is an important discussion because I maintain two things: that Salyes Ligurians are a crux of the Merovingian/Arthurian grail cult, and that the Butteri were somehow linked to them. A third related claim (of mine) is that Salyes link to the Seleucid>Silesia line that brought about the Salian Franks (let's not forget the Salassi of Aosta, almost certainly the Salyes)

In the last update, both Este in Padova and the Sullivans were linked (tentatively) to Hungary's Esztergom, earlier called Solva (Adelajda's husband, Michael (king Andrew's grandfather), was "Duke between Morava (March) and Esztergom...". This Morava location is not Moravia, but in the Hungarian theater and probably related to Moravia. The Solva-point is that, since the last update, I've entered Solivan to get the Sullivan Coat. I had traced the Sullivan stag to the mythical Hungarian stag but neglected to mention that it's the Plant(agenet) stag too, making sense where the Agers/Angers/Langes trace to the Fulks of Anjou.

Let's not forget that I've been adamant about tracing the "Lamh" motto term of the Sullivans to Mieszko II Lambert because smack beside Salviae on the Urbanus river (partly where the Piasts>Mieszkos were from, in my opinion) there is a Lamatis location (center-left of map). Yet, I am now tracing Sullivans to king Andrew, suggesting that Sullivans had been involved in the marriage of Adelajda to Andrew's grandfather. The following may not be a coincidence, therefore: "First found in Caithness. This [Andrew] family was strongly associated with the Clan Ross. It was originally known as the Clan Siol Andrea, meaning the race of Andrew." Then, in the Sullivan write-up: "The old Gaelic name used by the Solivan family in Ireland was O Suileabhain, which is partially derived from the word 'suil,' which means 'eye.' The surname probably means either one-eyed or hawk-eyed."

By now I know that heraldic write-ups are filled with codes; sometimes the writer's lie, concerning term definitions for example, in order to make links to kin. Where there is other cause to link the two clans together, one can't help but notice the Andrew term, "Siol," and the Sullivan term, "suil." One can glean that the Sullivans are linked subtly to the all-seeing-eye cult of Horus, which was also the cult of Uat/Buto. It seems evident by now that the Anders clans link to the Buto-based Butteri. The Andrews write-up continues: "However, from about the year 1100 the Andrews moved south to the Dumfriesshire..." That's where the Kilpatrick-branch Butteri were first found.

Sullivans use an "abu" motto term, while Irish Kilpatricks (white saltire, the color of the Andrew's Cross saltire) use "a boo." English/Scottish Kilpatricks were of Closeburn (Dumfries), and entering "Close" brings up a surname showing a Clovse variation (i.e. smacking of king Clovis). The Close/Clovse Coat is in Botter colors and even shows a spur of the type used by cowboys.

Then, in the alternative-Irish Sullivan Crest, a green lizard, a symbol also in the Irish Kilpatrick Crest. When I've said the "Sullivan boar" over the past months, I've been referring to the one in this latter Coat. We are about to see it again below in a Bole Crest...of a Bole Coat that seems to link to the king-Andrew bloodline.

Entering "Andrew" brings up only the Scottish clan, but entering "Anders" (must have the 's') brings up a few more. The Scottish Anders saltire is either gold on red or gold on green. It's likely gold on red because a red-on-gold saltire is used by French Andreas. But there is a reason that the Andrews/Anders surrounded their gold saltire with a green line, and then we find that a gold-on-green saltire is used by Pollocks...who not only link back to the Mieszko Poles, but are a sept of Maxwells who, like Kilpatricks, use a black-on-white saltire. In this discussion, since it includes the Sales/Sallette elements, it's important to re-mention that the heraldic saltire (pirate symbol) could be, should be, code for the Sales/Salette bloodline.

The Bole Coat showing the black Sullivan boar has an arrow shot through it, just like the Pollock boar. This is probably what convinced me best that Pollocks and Maxwells were from the Mieszko-Boleslaw line, but the point here is that a Pollock link to Scottish Andrews should be by way of the Andrew-line merger with Mieszkos. The Mieszko line in the Moray and Ross-shire theater has already been traced to Maceys/Mackays=MacEths, and ultimately we will see that everything in this Padova discussion comes back to Mackays.

The black Moor head in the Scottish Anders Crest is likely code for the Mores/Moors/Muirs (they use a white Moor head) of Moray elements, for Ross-shire, where the Andrews gave birth to the Ross clan, is beside Moray. The Mores/Moors/Muirs are easily linked to the Salyes Ligurians (on the Durance river) because they use a "Duris" motto term, code for the Durance river on which the Salyes lived. Irish Mores use an "a-bu" motto term, if that helps to link Mores to Sullivans=Salyes. We may wonder whether "bu" and "boo" refer to the Butteri>Bute line, for it just so happens that the Irish More-Coat lion is also the Morgan-Coat lion while Morgan le Fay was a chief ruler of Bute=Avalon.

Pattersons were yet another Butteri branch, and so it's not coincidental that Irish Pattersons use white-on-blue scallops, not only Botter colors, but the colors of the scallops in the Swedish Anders Coat. This is not the first time that I've trace Pattersons to Hungarians, for that trace was made in the first place due to Scottish Pattersons being first found in Ross-shire.

There is now ample proof that Butteri were linked to king-Andrew Hungarians. Remember, German Anders also use Botter colors AND were first found in Salyes-like Silesia.

It was amazing to see the big white-on-blue crescent of the Silver Coat, because I was looking for it in one of the Anders Coats, and found one in the Swedish Anders Coat! That tends to reveal that Silvers were of the Sullivan line and likely linked to Esztergom=Solva. The Silvers were first found in Hesse.

JUST FOUND. Italian Andreas (first found in Venice i.e. beside Padua / Torre / Este) use the Moratin tower, the same tower found in the last update as per the Italian Torre surname (a Torre location is smack between Este and Euganeo). The same Torres also use the Sullivan stag, which in the last update suggested that Sullivans should trace to Esztergom-Solva. That Sullivan trace went to king Andrew on a wing of skepticism, but is now proving to be wildly true. Is that the red Botter star in the Torre Coat???

The first-ever trace I made of Hungarians to Ross-shire was from George, son of king Andrew, father of the first Drummond (I assumed that Ross-shire was named in honor of the Varangian Rus of Kiev to which Andrew was merged and/or descended). Drummonds lived and reportedly named Drymen (Scotland), and so see the variations of the Italian Andrea clan: Dreas, Drei, Dreini, Dreoni, Dri, and Drius (I've skipped a few D-versions).

Next up was the Bazul/Basil Coat (also "Bazon/Bezon"), for Andrew's father was Vazul=Bazul=Basil. The Bazuls/Basils use crowns, appropriate/warranted for the king-Andrew line, and the clan was first found in Burgundy, beside Provence where the king-Andrew-related Andreas were first found.

It should be said here that I tended to link Salyes Ligurians to the Laevi Gauls/Ligurians (on the Po), and that I traced the Ananes Gauls (living beside the Laevi) to the red saltire of the Annan(dale)s. The Ananes and Annans smack of "Andrea," and it just so happens that the Andrea Coat is a red saltire. Although Annan(dale)s use a red-on-white saltire, the Bruces of Annandale use a red-on-gold saltire, the colors of the Andrea saltire. There's a good mystery to be solved, but I don't forget that I trace Bruces=Brusi to the Abreu/Abrussi surname, first found in Padova.

The mystery is that Bruces appear linked to the king-Andrew line, not surprising where the Andrew line represented the Scotland that uses Andrew's Cross, but then I'm thinking that Bruces were not linked to the Andrew line when Bruces were Scottish kings (14th century), but at an earlier time while they were yet developing into Bruges, Belgium, where Bruces got their blue lion, the blue lion of the Laevi-like Louvains...and Massins/Masons).

Here's a map of Provence. The Salyes lived on the Durance flowing north-east from Marseille, meaning that they were not fat from Aix-en-Provence. The Durance is shown to the north of Aix, flowing right past Salon-de-Provence. To no great surprise, the Salon/Saleman Coat compares well with the Sales Coat; they are easily connected because both use a black-on-white (Bazul/Basil and Bessin colors) bend. The Andreas use a saltire (i.e. a symbol I trace to Sales), and the Salons/Salemans, first found in Surrey, use half the Kilpatrick saltire. The "sure" motto term of Kilpatricks (that I linked to Kilpatrick kin in Surrey) then brings up another black-on-white Coat, of the Sures/Shores, indicating for me that Patrick-branch Butteri were indeed linked to the Salyes.

In the Bazul/Basil/Bezon Coat, just three black roundels (in Bessin/Beson colors) officially called "pellets" (white roundels are "plates" and should be related by blood). I realized that there was a fat chance that the Pellet surname could show signs of linkage to the Mieszko Poles, but in this case we luck-out because the Pellet Coat, grails in the colors of the French Bazuls/Basils, smacks of the same-colored bowls of the English Bole Coat, the Coat with the black Sullivan boar in the Crest. If indeed it's correct, as the book of Enoch claims (I don't view that book as Inspired), that Esau was anciently depicted by a black boar, what about an Esau-ite trace to the Sullivans and/or Mieszkos and/or Andrew lines? Whose black boar was it first of all? Irish Kilpatricks (clearly related to Sullivans) were of Ossory, an Esau-like term is ever we saw one. And we just saw that Sullivan-related Silvers were first found in Esau-like Hesse. Both Kilpatricks and Annan(dale)s were first found in Edom-like DUMfries, and as we just saw, there is a chance that Ananes Gauls put forth the Andrea clan that named king Andrew. In fact, the Bazuls/Basils, like the Bruces, were first found in Yorkshire, and that is now the second time that Bruces appear linked to the king-Andrew line.

Remember, the Andrea saltire is used in colors reversed from the Scottish Andrew/Anders saltire, and as we saw that the Scottish branch links possibly to Pollocks, note that Pollocks were first found in Renfrewshire, where Spears/Speers were first found, for the Annan(dale) motto is simply, "Sperabo." Renfrewshire is beside Argyllshire, and the latter is a part of the Bute theater.

The Eugene surname was first found in Argyllshire, and it uses the Botter-colored star as well as Andrew's Cross, but it also has a motto, "Audaciter," while Pollocks use "Audacter." We can then ask whether its coincidental that the Hector/Ector Coat (blue lion in Crest!) uses a sun, as does the Eugene Coat. If not, the motto terms are part-code for Hectors/Ectors (and likely part-code for Audes). This is the first time that I've been confident in identifying the Pollock term, "Audacter." Hectors/Ectors were first found in Angus, which is the Fife theater where Fay-of-Bute elements had lived.

I can now trace the Bute elements to the Ananes Gauls simply because the Annan(dale) Coat is a gold Shield with red Chief, as are the Fife and Vey/Vivian Coats. Moreover, the Vey/Vivian Coat uses purple lions, what seems to be the color of the lion in the English Bruce Crest. All of these Shields are red and gold, the colors of the cinquefoils in the French Vey surname, first found in Languedoc, beside the same-colored Andreas of Provence. In fact, Dutch Veys use a Moratin castle (in Bruce colors), the symbol of the Italian Andreas. The Dutch-Vey Crest is a boot (with spur).

These colors are those of the Masseys of Manche (and then French Masseys also use a boot), important because Bruces are traced to Brix in Manche, where also Veres lived. In the map of Provence, you can see the Var region to the east side of Aix-en-Provence. We wonder why it wasn't named "Aix-de-Provence, for "Aix-en" smacks of Aik>Aachen and Euganeo. It's important here to remember that Aachen was on the Belgian border, and that proto-Bruces issued out of Bruges, Belgium.

Here is what I'm seeing. The proto-Bruces, who were Eburovices of northern Italy, from a Brix-like Brixia/Brescia location there (at Botticino), were from the Ananes. They moved of course to Brix in Manche, but also to Belgium (or, they had a fellow branch in Belgium), which assumes for me that their Laevi relations settled and named Louvain/Leuven (Belgium). Proof that Bruces were linked to Louvains has been known as per both sharing a blue lion, but then a Louvain link to Brescia is obvious where the Arms of Brescia is a blue-on-white lion (nobody else seems to know or publicize this huge point)! Entering "Brug" brings the Brigs (pelican) with Bruce white on blue, and the Coat also uses a "vair" symbol, smacking of Var in Provence. Entering "Vair" brings the Veres from Ver(e) of Manche.

Var is the location of Draguignan, which was recently linked SOLIDLY to the Drakenberg organization ruled by Nichols de Vere von Drakenberg. I can't find the update where that link was made (there's quite a bit of Drakenberg material in the May 10-16). Remember, Veres and related Masseys of Manche were traced to Bellamys of Ferte-Mace and therefore to Bellovesus, and the latter could trace to the Bellovaci, the namers of Belgium itself. Remember too that its Nicholas de Vere and fellow spiritually-sick Illuminati ilk who put forth the idea that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had children who moved to southern France (i.e. where Var is located). The Bellamy Shield is used by Belgian Boles, fully expected where Boles were from the Mieszko Poles.

It's known that a wave(s) of Gauls into northern Italy came from Provence (I'm thinking Bellovesus Gauls especially), and so we could also expect Ananes and Laevi in Provence. Brescia is in Lombardy, and then we find the French Lombard surname first found in Provence. This Lombard Coat is in the red and gold of the Andreas of Provence, and as the latter were traced to Pollocks (use the Belgian-Bole Crest) of Renfrewshire, note that the English Lombard/Limbaugh surname was first found in Renfrewshire.

English Lombards also use that common black-on-gold eagle theme, used by the German Bez surname. French Bez' (related to the Boles) were first found in Languedoc, beside Provence. Chance are, this Bez surname linked to the Bazuls/Basils, and do note that Vazul (father of Andrew I) died in 1037 while Bezprym died in 1032. It was Vazul's father who had married the Mieszko>Boleslaw>Bezprym line, meaning that we could expect Andrew's line to have had alliances with Bezprym's line, which is what heraldry is telling me.

Further evidence that the Bazuls/Basils were named after king Andrew's father is that the Arms of Burgundy use bars on a diagonal direction, as are the bars in the Italian Andrea Coat. Moreover, the bars in the Andrea Coat are in the colors of the saltire of the Andrea clan of Provence. Remember, the Italain branch Andreas were first found in Venice, of the Padova theater.

Diagonal bars are also used by the Hectors/Ectors, the surname to which the near-identical motto terms of both Pollocks and Eugenes linked. This again tends to trace the Andrew bloodline to Padova's Euganeo (the first trace of king Andrew in this update was made to Euganeo). As the Bruces are traced (my me) to Abrussis/Abruzzos of Padova, we could expect that proto-Bruces were from Euganeo. In fact, Euganeo elements were traced above to Moray elements (beside Andrew elements at Ross-shire), and in the Bruce write-up: "The Earls of Elgin are descended from the Bruces of Clackmannan." The Elgin surname was first found in Morayshire, and it could conceivably derive in "Euganeo" elements, for Euganeo elements were traced to Merovingian elements in Moray. Let's not forget Moru beside a second Euganeo location.

It's now time to repeat my trace of the Mures river to Aphrodite and Ares as the latter morphed into Mars. Aphrodite and Ares, on the Hebros=Maritsa river, was traced to the Maros=Mures river, and these elements were traced further to the Marsi of Aphrodite-founded Abruzzo. I had also traced the Marsi (long before the discussion at hand was a topic) to the naming or Provence? Coincidence? In other words, the Mures-river elements that were part of king Andrew's Arpad bloodline were also at Marseille, tending to explain why we find the Andrea bloodline in the Marseille theater.

But then, as Drummonds came forth from king Andrew's seed, what about my trace of "Drummond" to "Teramo," the city in Abruzzo that was earlier, Aprutium, the Abruzzo capital???

We know that Bassets (use the Drummond waves) were both Drummonds and, judging from the Basset motto, Patterson-branch Butteri, but then what about the Bissets, using the Botter bend and first found in Ross-shire, where Scottish Pattersons were first found? Doesn't that trace Butteri to the Moray theater, as expected from the Butterello location at Euganeo? But then Ross-shire was founded, they tell us, by an Andrew, and that again tends to trace the Andrew bloodline to Euganeo.

Didn't I trace Bassets and Bissets to mythical Bast, which witch cult was also traced to BudaPest? There are simply heaps of reasons cropping up for a Butteri trace to Hungarians, and I have the feeling that emailer Patterson's emphasis on a Butteri=Csikos relationship is going to add important revelation to this story. Csikos horse trainers are/were of Hungarian elements, and it just so happens that Irish Pattersons (who use Anders scallops) have Cass, Cuss and Kiss variations that might just link to "Csikos." My best shot so far is to trace "Csikos" to mythical Cyzicus, what I'm assuming was the ancient Kaskas/Kaskians that may have evolved into the Cossacks.

The reason for the Butteri link to king Andrew may be via Bohemians. If it's correct to trace BEZprym and the French Bez surname to the Bessin, then they should trace to Bohemians if true that the founders (= BaioCASSES) of the Bessin were Boii=Bohemians. Remember too that Bezprym's father was from Boleslaw of Bohemia. The additional point is my trace of Boii to Boiotians, whom I view as proto-Butteri, the same Boiotians of the Cadmus line that founded and named (says myth, reliably) Budva/Butua.

We saw earlier that the Andreas of Provence were near the Salyes (at Salon) and likely linked to them. But then the Bessin/Beson Coat uses the black-on-white Sales and Salon/Saleman bend.

Let's go back to the Roman-Celt map and see Salonae near Bistue. look at the road from Salviae leading to Salonae, and of course don't miss the Maeazae that Mieszko must have been named after. The Maezaei are smack beside Salviae, explaining why the Sales were "Sales-of-Masci." The Mieszko line is said to be Slavic, and in fact I traced Salop to "Slav." But rather than tracing the Salyes to Slavs, it may be that Salyes were one branch of Salviae while Slavs were another branch.

While on that map, note the Breuci north of the Maezaei, for as the Bruces were just linked to Bellovesus, see Segestica on the south side of the Brueci (Segovesus was Bellovesus' brother and likewise a conqueror). Downstream on the Sava from Segestica there is MARSonia, then MURSa to its east, and then, jumping over the Romania border, the Mures river (stamped as "Marisus").

LOOK. The Mures-river Khazars were named "Marot," the name of king Andrew's grandson (i.e. Maurice Drummond), and then the Marot/Mauritz Coat is the French-Andrea saltire!! The English Marot/Marriotte Coat looks like a version of the Arms of Trebizond.

Clicking back in Vazul's ancestry, you'd find yourself on this Zoltan page, where you'll find the ancestry in Morat-named Khazars of the Mures, at Biharia. As Euganeo is traced to Moray, see again the Bottar-colored star of the Eugene Coat, and the blue on white, for the Dallas and Bihar-like Biggar Coats use both the same stars and the blue on white, while Dallas/Dulles' were first found in Moray. Don't be afraid to let your imagination wear feet. You can make the links that seem obvious here.

I traced "Drummond" to "Thermodon," and realized eventually that the latter was a variation of "Trebzond/Trabzon. This is being repeated because we're about to see the Ams of Trebizond empire come up in a certain surname. After I viewed the Moray star used by the French Bez clan (which I trace to Bezprym, son of Boleslaw I), I took another look at the German Bez Coat: a black-on-gold eagle, very suspect as the one leading to/from Charlemagne, for if you noticed, the black-on-gold eagle in the Arms of Aachen was a strong-arm type, as with the Piast eagle. The German Bez write-up: u"The surname Bez was an occupational name for a fine collector. Tracing the origin of the name further, we found the name Bez was derived from the German word buoze, which means fine."

Again, by now I am realizing that even the stated definitions of surname derivatiions are at times codes for related surnames. In this case, the Fine surname was suspected as Bez / Bezprym kin, and what did I find in the Fin/Fein Coat but the Arms of Trebizond on a red Shield, in a Coat smacking of the Bisset-style Coat? Then, entering "Fine" instead of "Fin," what was found but the same lions, in the same size and colors, as in the French Bez Coat!!! Now you know that "fine" in the Bez write-up is code for Bez kin.

Why is the Bisset Crest the Rod(h)am-Crest tree stump while Hungarians traced themselves to NimROD? Didn't I maintain that Butteri traced to Boofima, and therefore to Nimrod too? Boles also use a tree stump.

As I now believe that the first president Bush came into the United States as a spy for the Nazis, chances are, his son was also working for Nazi affairs:

Charles David Welch (born 1953) is an American diplomat who served as Assistant Secretary of State...On August 14, 2008 in Tripoli, Welch signed the U.S.-Libya Comprehensive Claims Settlement Agreement paving the way for the restoration of full diplomatic and commercial relations between the two countries after a 25-year break

David Welch was born in Munich in 1953 to U.S. foreign service parents, and lived with them in Germany, Brazil...He studied at the London School of Economics (1973-4), and is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service of Georgetown University (1975).

Born in Munich, huh? Didn't I link Munich to Ligurians on the Leck river? Not only does the Welch Coat use black pheons, a Sales symbol, but a swan (pierced with an arrow) in Crest. Welches were early found in Leix=Laois of Lug-based Leinster. One can even link Welches to Butteri, for Welches were "First found in Counties Kilkenny, [neighboring] Leix..." And: "The territory of the [Kilkenny] county was the core part of the ancient Irish Kingdom of Osraige which in turn was the core of the Diocese of Ossory." Kilpatrick-branch Butteri were first found in Ossory (same as Leix).

Also, Kilkenny and Leix are on the east side of Tipperary, and the Arms of Tipperary use the Butler Coat (grails), explaining why Butlers were first found in Kilkenny.

The Irish Welch Coat compares well with the Pater(noster) Coat (topic of the last update), the latter using black-on-white saltires (i.e. (Kil)Patrick symbol). Both they and Kilpatricks use a red-on-white chevron linka-able to the Hebron (of CHILLingham) and related Chill/Child Coats. NOTE: KILpatrick and KILkenny. AND, the Scottish Welch Coat uses a black-on-white saltire.

As Walsh is a shown variation of the Welches, what about David Welch being a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service???

Some of you may recall my link of Hebron elements to Coffees and similar terms (as per the "Keep" motto term of the Hebrons/HEPburns). As per "Phi Beta Kappa," is it coincidental that the Irish Fie/Fay surname was linked to the Morgan le Fay cult in Bute? The Fies are not only shown as Guffies and Cuffies, but they descend from a Dubh clan, which is how they can be linked to Veys=Fays of Fife, for the MacDuffs of Fife descended from "Dubh." Irish Duffs use the Morgan lion. Duncans were first found in the Fife theater.

The Morgan-and-Bute link to Welches/Walshes can now potentially trace back to Walsers, the peoples named after Wallis/Valais canton of Switzerland, beside the Vaud canton where Morges, Vey and/or Fay, and Vivian-like locations are located. Moreover, Walsers/Waelsers (looks like a Baphomet entity in Bavaria) lived in the Lys valley of Aosta (the latter location was well linked to Butua>Bute elements). Mythical Melusine was a LUSignan entity on Avalon=Bute, and that should explain why Walsers use a two-tailed Melusine.

Apparently, therefore, the Elvin-princess, Melusine, depicted the Butteri that were of the Welches/Walshes. In fact, Tolkien, who used magic rings (Melusine symbol) in his fictional codework, had a Numenor island (symbol of Atlantis rising) smack beside the island of Eressea (fictional), where his fictional city of Avallone was located, and then we not only find rings in the black-on-while saltire of the Scottish Welch Coat, but a "numine" motto code!

It was Tolkien's codework that initially allowed me to realize that Avalon was Bute, for "Eressea" smacks of "Rothesay," later called, Bute. As it turned out, the Avalon=Bute theory (that's all it was at first) proved to be correct by a multitude of methods. Tolkien's term was "Tol Eressea," and that for me indicates the Alans of Dol who took Bute as their own when ascending the Scottish throne with the Bruce bloodline.

Fies/Feys/Duffies/Cuffies were first found in COLONsay, and that for me links to the MalCalams/Malcolms (because Colons are also Cauleys and therefore Calams). Duncan, father of Malcolm III, was grandson of Malcolm II. On Malcolm II: "He was a son of Cinaed mac Maíl Coluim [= Malcolm]; the Prophecy of Berchan says that his mother was a woman of Leinster..." EXCELLENT. It suggests that the Butteri of Leinster featured above (i.e. the Welchs and Kilpatricks) got to Bute=Avalon as Morgan le Fay. Is it a coincidence that Laix/Laois uses the Arms of O'Rourk (variation of "Rory"), and that Bute adopted the symbol of Rory (a blue-on-white lion)? MOREOVER, as Fies/Feys=Dubhs were of Morgan le Fay, note the horse/unicorn design of the Dobbs Coat, for the Butes/Butts (and Ests/Easts)use the same one!!!

NOT ONLY do the Dubbes/Dubers use black upward arrowheads (technically "ermines"), reflecting the black upward pheon arrowheads of the Welches, but as we saw that Welches trace to Salyes Ligurians, so the Dubbes/Dubers were first found in Provence, where the Salyes lived!!! PLUS, recall where the Ananes Gauls were traced to Spears of Renfrewshire, for Dobys were first found in Renfrewshire. Dobers/Tobers use a Botter-like bar/bend (but it also reflects the "Jewish" Pollock bend), and so let's mot neglect the black Levi lion in one Kilpatrick Crest, the same Crest using a lizard linked earlier to the Sullivan lizard.

LOOK. The helmet in the Doby Coat suggests the Helm surname (first found in Surrey) because it uses white downward pheons on a black bend, the colors of the Sales bend!!! "Helm" smacks of "Callam" but even more of Hallams using a lion in the Arms-of-Bute lion colors.

NOW YOU KNOW FOR SURE THAT PHI BETA KAPPPA is code for Fies/Feys out of Ireland and into Bute. That is. "beta" is code for Bute elements. And let's not forget the vision that emailer Patterson passed onto us, on the blue-on-white lion named "Cappeo," which she thought (when she awoke) should link to the idea of "alpha," for that lion was easily identified as the Hallam/Halland lion (blood drops, as with the Patterson lion and the Kilpatrick dagger).

It all comes back around to Andrews Cross, for the Callam/Malcolm Coat uses it in colors reversed, the blue-on-white of the Hallam lion. It suggests that the king-Andrew Hungarians were linked to one of the king Malcolms, and indeed, the so-called "first" Leslie from Hungary married the sister of Malcolm III, and he in turn had been married to a Halland-bloodline woman (Ingibiorg).

Recalling that the Anders bloodline was traced to Euganeo, what about the Egens/Eagen/Keegan surname (swan in lower-right) being first found in Tipperary, beside the Welch/Walshes of Kilkenny? As it was re-mentioned above that Tipperary is the home of Butlers, what about Butterello smack beside Euganeo???

It seems impossible to identify Scottish Freemasonry apart from the Hungarian-Andrew line, and English Freemasonry, if it's based in Kent, should trace to Belgian Bruces and Louvains (blue lions again), but then Bruces were closely related to the Anders bloodline...which I now think derived in the Ananes. No kidding, I had suggested the Ananes link to "Anders" before investigating, and now that I finally got round to it, it was found that Vazul, father of king Andrew, had Katun ANAStazya for a wife!

This is all remarkable because, on a wholly different track, I traced Caiaphas, son of Ananias, the two Levite high priests who murdered Jesus Christ, to CAPPAdocia, and some years before that suggested that Phi Beta Cappa should be code for Cappadocia elements leading to Thomas Jefferson's Freemasonic cult (from Scotland). I had no idea then that the Fie/Fey/Guffie surname was the identification of the "Phi." I suppose that "Jeff" could link to "Guffie." The point is, there is good reason to suspect that the Ananes, living beside the Laevi, were named in honor of Ananias, or whatever he had been named after. I had traced "Caiaphas" to mythical Capys (a Trojan line from Assaracus), whom I assumed was symbol of Cappadocia because "Assaracus" smacks of Kaeisariya/Caesarea, capital of Cappadocia.

Think of it, that the Jefferson lot were from the murderers of Christ, and proud of it. I mentioned that "Assaracus" smacked of the Saracas of Herzegovina, but when I traced the latter to Hereford not many weeks ago, the Jefferson surname, no guff, first found in Herefordshire, was NOT on my mind. I haven't checked in with the Jefferson surname for years.

Here's what was said in the last update:

Butua was just a fisherman's cast from Kotor, where fish-using Saracas were first found. I traced "Saraca" to the Cerisy=HERIcy clan (they use a "Saracen's head"), noting that the Saracas lived in the HERZEgovina theater...

Checking the Alt surname: "John Alde was listed as servitor of the Earl of Carrick." I traced "Carrick (tentatively/conjecturally) to a hard-C "Saracen"...before finding the Hericys = Cerisys. The Alts are also shown as Aldas, and so here's what was said a day or two ago (above): "The Alda/Audi Coat is partially in Ottone white on blue, and then we find white pears on blue in the Perugia-surname Coat, even though the Arms of Perugia is a white-on-red griffin." It just so happens that the Alt/Alda Coat above uses white-on-red griffins!

I now find a white-on-red griffin on Jeffersons of Herefordshire, and moreover the Coat uses a "salus" motto term. The Jeffs/Jeffreys/Geoffreys (black-on-white lion) were first found in Herefordshire too. If we're convinced that Fies/Feys/Guffies were of the Cauley=Hallam=Halland bloodline, which as Halls and Hulls use white-on-black talbot heads, you may be interested in the black-on-white talbot heads of the Guff/Goff/Geff Coat.

Entering the Goffin variation of the latter brings up the English Coffin/Colvins/Chafens that are not only in the colors of English Jefferson, but both clans use gold-on-blue besants. I don't think it's a guffincidence that while the latter Jeffersons use a leopard centrally, the Goffins/Coffins use a "praemia" motto term (i.e. suggesting the Paramas entity of the leopard-honoring Boofima>Baphomet cult).

There is now cause to trace Jeffersons to the Coffees et-al that were traced to "Kiev" Varangians. In fact, the Goffins/Coffins use a raven, symbol of Varangians that conquered from northern Scotland into Rothesay=Bute. The Varangian that ventured to Kiev was Rurik, a variation of "O-Rourke=Rory."

PLUS, Jeffer-like Keffers, who use a griffin of their own, use the Morgan-colored lion. As Duffs/Duffers also use the same lion, might "Duffer" have been a D'effer surname in France, same as the Keffers? Entering "Effer" brought up the Ivar Coat that I've linked to the Norwegian-Halland bloodline, which I linked to the Sinclair Varangians (the Rollo Sinclairs were themselves from an Ivar, Rollo's great-grandfather).

It's hitting home now that I have a cousin who lived at the corner of St Clair and Dufferin streets, in Toronto. The Coffee-Crest dolphin with it's naked rider was traced to the same in the Arms of Taranto, and that place was linked rather solidly to Toronto. Toronto Maple Leafs were then linked to Bavaria (see 1st update in August), even before I realized that "Boof" traced to Bogens (i.e. like the Boughies/Boffies) of Bavaria. Taranto was mythically born from Taras and Satyrion, the latter being, apparently, the goat-cult Satyrs (Baphomet is depicted as a goat-headed satan).

The reason that the Welch surname was included at all today was for the news article below. Julie seeks historical/ancestral clues on the Silures of Wales, whom are from north Africa. As my investigations traces to the Salyes, so does the Welch surname. As Welch's were first found in Roxburghshire, where Maxwells were first from, it's likely that the black-on-white Welch saltire is also that of the Maxwells. That could conceivably trace Silures to Silesians...whom I trace to Sulcis of Sardinia. The rings on saltire of the Welches are in the same colors as the Moratin towers of the Spice Coat, mentioned because the Welch motto is, "AuSPICE numine."

The Spices use a hand holding a fire ball, but then a fireball is used also by the Balls/Balders (first found in Cheshire, Wales border), and for me that points to the Fleming Templars. I think that the Spice surname is on the right track for Welch relations because Scottish Balders use a "Crusader cross" in Welch-saltire colors.

Perhaps the best clue of Welch identity is the write-up's trace to the "breat(h)nach" term. Entering either "Breat" or "Breath" brings up the Brad/Bratt/Breed Coat, and for me that spells Britons and Brittany, the place to which many Welch peoples fled. In fact, the French Ball/Baland Coat was first found in Brittany (and uses only three, large ermines, a symbol from Vannes, Brittany).

Excellent! We can now be more confident of a Welch link to Spices because, while Brads/Bratts were first found in Edinburghshire (Lothian), Balders were first found in West Lothian. The Jerusalem-Templar cross in the Balder Crest indicates that this was the bloodline of the Balder-named kings (from Flanders) of Templar Jerusalem. Note how the "Baland" variation of Brittany Balls smacks of "Flanders," for the English Balls were just traced to Flemings of Flanders. Let's not forget that Fland-like Flint(shire) is beside Cheshire and likewise on the Welsh border.

The Flint-surname (estoile in Crest) uses "flint stones," and a "Sine Macula" motto smacking of "Sion" (i.e. the Sine/Sion/Swan surname of Macey relations). Irish Welch's use a swan, and link to Sales of Mascy=Macey of Cheshire. But didn't we already suspect that "Walsh" links to "Walser" and therefore to Wallis canton, where the city of Sion/Sitten is located? The Macula term could be code in particular for Maxwells/MaxWALEs (i.e. that I think the Welch saltire relates to).

I now recall my years-old trace of Brads/Bratts to Belgian Pratts (Flanders is in Belgium). The Belgian Pratts were important because they use the Scottish-Bruce saltire, and because I had found some very strong indication that proto-Bruces did link to Pratts...from PodeBRADY (Bohemia). At the time, I had linked Podebrady's elements to neighboring Lusatia, but then that's where Silesia is found too. Brads use a white-on-blue lion, colors reversed to the Bruce lion...that Bruces brought to England from Belgium.

Recall the Bruce link to king Andrew that is new and important with this update. It just so happens that Podebrady is where George Drummond, son of king Andrew I, got his wife, and it's known that George entered Scotland in 1055, just two years before Malcolm III killed Macbeth (i.e. it appears that George helped Malcolm win the war). After that, Malcolm made Hungarians part of his royal family, and it was George's son, Maurice, who brought Malcolm's wife from Hungary to Scotland. PLUS, the French Andrea Coat is likewise the Bruce and Pratt saltire.

Recall the Andrew trace to Euganeo, but also recall the proto-Leslie trace to Padova, where Euganeo is found, for Malcolm made Hungarian Leslies part of his royal family. Now see that the Brad/Bratt Crest is the same red lion as per the Aachen Crest. Aside from my trace of Euganeo to Aachen, the point is that Aachen is on the Belgian border with Germany.

Recalling that the Euganeo trace to spear-depicted Merovingians included a trace to Angers / Anjou and therefore to Fulks, some of whom ended up in Norfolk as spear-using Fulkes, what about the Spice-colored Pratts first found in Norfolk? In fact, the Pratts use Aachen colors (we expect Pratts in Belgium, where Carolingians and Pepin-rooted Merovingians originated). I wasn't sure whether to include the phrase, "Spice-colored Pratts," until the Space/Speccot surname popped into my head, for the latter, like the Pratts, use mascles (if you look closely, the so-called "fers de moline" of the Speccots/Spaces are mascles (hollow diamonds) at their centers).

Both the Spaces and Spices were first found in Devon, if that helps to make the link. In the last update, Spaces/Specots were traced to La Spezia, Liguria, beside Massa...that should explain the Space mascles. It therefore looks even better now for linking the "AuSPICE" motto term of Welches to the Spice>Space surname, for Welches traced to Ligurians already. It should also be said that the Space Coat is the Arms of Baden, for Bath and related Baden elements were in the Devon-Somerset theater. The Molines/Moulins (implied by the Space "fer de moline), were first found in Devon too. The latter clan is in Spice colors.

Did you notice the tree stump in the Scottish Welsh Crest (this is the one using "Auspice") is brown/gold with just one branch growing out the right side (other stumps show more than one branch)? Italian Milans (first found in Massa-like Messina) use a brown stump with growth only on the right side, and Scottish Milans are also Moulin-like "Mullen."

The Moline/Moulin write-up: "First found in at Dartington, in Devon, as well as twenty-nine other lordships throughout England. William of Moulins, Sire de Falaise, Lord of Moulins in 1030, in Normandy, uncle of William the Conqueror..." The point is, "Falaise," much like "Wallis/Valais." If I'm not mistaken, the Brad/Bratt lion head is a portion of the so-called "fork-tailed" lion, used, for example, by the Fallis surname. The Fallis lion is white-on-blue, the color of the Brad/Bratt lion head, and Scottish Fallis' were first found in Lothian too, where Brads/Bratts were first found.

It just so happens that both Fallis Coats use trefoils, a symbol that I trace to "RoqueFEUIL" (= proto-Rockefellers in Languedoc). mItalian Fallis' are also "Fallers," and they were first found in Venice i.e. the Padova theater that traced Andrea elements to Andreas of Provence, beside Languedoc. In fact, it was the Italian Andreas were first found in Venice (let's not forget that Provence Andreas use the Belgian-Pratt saltire).

Then, this recalls my tentative trace of the Roques/Rocks>Rockefellers to "Roxburgh," for we just saw that Welches were (or at least linked to) Maxwells of Roxburghshire. After finding that Rockefeller branch use white on blue, it was found that the Valais/Valois Coat uses white on blue too, but that was after finding other evidence of a Rockefeller trace to Wallis/Valais. This very much reveals that the Welches/Walshes were Walsers (i.e. namers of Wallis/Valais), or, to put it another way, they were Rockefellers. Or, Rockefellers were Walsers.

From the time that I suggested a Silure ancestry for the Welches (I had no idea whether that would pan out), I've had the German Silvers on my mind. I had the sense, without evidence aside from similarity of terms, that Silvers were Silures, but I often find that intuitive ideas like this prove correct. Earlier in this update, Silvers were traced to Sullivans, and therefore both to Salyes and to Este and Euganeo of Padova. I knew that German (Hesse) Silvers used only a large white-on-blue crescent, but at the time I did not have in mind the same-colored crescents of the Valais/Valois surname. Welchincidence?

If I'm not mistake, the lion of the English Silvers is that of the Silles/Sells. The latter use "frets," which are mascles on saltires. The frets are in the colors of the Pratt mascles, wherefore Silles/Sells and therefore Silvers could link to Welches. Sullys/Sillys were first found in Devon, and the Pratt mascles had just been linked to the Spices of Devon (not forgetting that Welches use "AuSPICE"). The Molines/Moulins (implied by the "fer de moline" of the Devon Spaces) were first found in Devon too, and, I'm assuming, Welches use the tree stump of the Milans. Moreover, the Silver-colored crescent is used (in "royal blue") by the Savones/Safins of neighboring Somerset.

The impression is that the Silure bloodline had been linked to the Sabines/Safini as they led to Savona of Liguria, and it's therefore conspicuous that the Sabine/Savona Chief (top-third of the Shield) uses two "mullets" on black, for the Sellicks also use two mullets on black in their Chief. Mullets are pierced (hollow?) stars.

The Sellick-style Coat was traced to Scotts, the Scottish branch of which was first found in Roxburghshire, where the Welches are suspect. Sellicks/Seliocks were traced to Silesia, beside the PodeBrody (and Moravia) theater of Bohemia. There is a SELkirk location in one Scott write-up, and then we find that the Selkirk-surname Chief uses stars in Sabine-mullet colors. Selkirkshire is between Roxburghshire and Lothian, yet another reason to trace Silures to Welches.

Selys/Scullys (evokes Eschol in Hebron) also use mullets, in Hebron- and Skull-Coat colors. The Skull Coat (much like the Bonne/Bone Coat) uses the Brad/Bratt lion heads in Sely-Scully-mullet colors. This find was just made, lending support for my suggestion that the black-on-white saltires under discussion are code for the black-on-white skull-and-bones flag of Templar-related pirates. One can't get more Illuminati than that bunch of "international bankers," and so see the Illuminati "checks" of the Scholes, with Jerusalem-Templar cross in Crest.

The lone Schole ring is in the colors of the rings in the Welch/Walsh black-on-white saltire!!!

I was just reading, for the first time, this part of the Welsh/Walsh write-up: "A John Walch was listed as a tenant of the earl of Douglas, in the Barony of Kylbouho in 1376." The Selkirk heart likely links to the heart in the Arms of Lanarkshire (beside Selkirkshire), but then also to the Douglas heart.

There is still a good question in my mind as to whether the Heart surname was derived from "Herod" (the king Herods were Edomites). One Heart Coat uses the gold-and-green colors of the Herods/Hurls, and because I was just convinced solidly that the Pollock clan traces to Esau-ites, note that the Scottish Heart Coat uses the Pollock-colored saltire.

It's now important to re-mention what I've never emphasized, that king Herod's bloodline had been traced (very tentatively but with good reasons) to Salonae in the Herzegovina theater, while Herzegovia was traced to Hereford. Both the Skulls and Sellicks were first found in Herefordshire. Lord-willing, I'll soon get back to the reasons for making the Herod trace to Salonae. It was just earlier in this update that Salons and Salonae was linked to the Salyes and to Sullivans. Julie insists that Herod blood came to Languedoc, and has directed me to find it there. The Salyes (the ones that I know of) lived beside Languedoc.

I can tell you this, that I traced Herods and Maccabees (smack of Maxwells, and of bee-using Maxtons ("esto" motto term) of Roxburghshire) a to Salonae partly due to "Salome," and so see the mullets in the Salome/Salamon Coat!!! It's not likely correct that this surname was in honor of "Solomon," for entering "Salon" (as per the location on the Durance river by that name) brings up the Saleman/Selemen surname using what should be a version of the Sales Coat.

According to Mark 6:21-29 (Salome is not mentioned by name in this passage so reference is incomplete), Salome was the stepdaughter of Herod Antipas. Salome danced before Herod and her mother Herodias at the occasion of his birthday, and in doing so gave her mother the opportunity to obtain the head of John the Baptist.

There may have been other Salomes of the Herod bloodline that led to Salonae elements.

With this idea that Heart=Herod and/or Max(ton)=Maccabee blood went along with a Salonae migration to Salyes Ligurians, not to mention the Saraca link to Butua elements that I trace to Butteri amongst Salyes kin, note that Irish Hearts were first found in Meath, for the mullet-using Selys/Scullyes were first found in Westmeath. The latter are also shown as "Scally," and then the Scale surname (scallops) was first found in HERTfordshire. Entering Herod-like "Hert" brings up the Pollock-related Hearts.

To help prove that Hearts were Pollocks, be reminded that the Heart=Herod topic began when quoting the Welch write-up: "A John Walch was listed as a tenant of the earl of Douglas, in the Barony of Kylbouho in 1376." The "(Kyl)bouho" term brought to mind the "a boo" motto term used by KILpatricks (Sullivans use "abu"), and entering it, the Bullock Coat came up, using the Chill/Child- and Hebron-colored chevron, and first found in Roxburghshire too. I've identified Bullocks with Pollocks because the Bullock bull looks like the one in the Mieske Coat. And, remember, Pollocks are a Maxwell sept while Maxwells were first found in Roxburghshire. The Kelso location of Roxburghshire smacks now of the Sel terms under discussion and traced to Mieszko's Silesia.

The Bullock description: "Five LOCHaber axes with gold handles and silver blades, bound with a scarf" (caps mine). You might want to investigate what might be a slew of codework there, even asking whether the silver color of heraldry is code for the Silvers and/or Silures.

It must be added that Sellers use a swan and grails, and that I traced the Lohengrin swan-and-grail cult to Salyes. The Sellers use a chevron in colors reversed from the Irish Welch Coat (and therefore the Hebron- and Chill-colored chevron), of the Welch clan that was first found in the Liguria-based Leix / Leinster theater. That Welch clan happens to use a swan in Crest too!!! One can't get much more Silure that "Seller."

The Seller swan design is used by the Scottish Lock Crest, first found in Peebleshire, beside Lothian. I trace "Lohengrin" (the mythical Swan Knight) to the swan-using Logens/Lokens/Lochs and therefore to the Locks above. Like the Welches and Maxwells of Roxburgshire, Locks use a black (engrailed) saltire. Selkirk is also beside Peebleshire, and the two are on the border of Dumfriesshire, where (Kil)Patrick-branch Butteri were first found (they use a black saltire too).

The Scotts are at first as mysterious as the Welches in that their names alone do not reveal who they otherwise were. But just now, by a stroke of luck, I was sitting next to a child called, Brody, which recalls that Welches were (according to their write-up) Breaths that bring up the Brads/Bratts...that I trace to PodeBrady/PodeBrody. It was therefore discovered that the Brode Coat (surname first in Cheshire), which uses mullets in the colors of the star of the Roxburghshire Scotts, uses the black English-Scott griffin!

The mystery is no more. Welches were Brodes...and closely linked to Scotts. But then the Brode mullets are in the color of the Sellick mullets, and that for me is additional evidence that Welches were Silures. If correct for me to trace Sellicks to Sulcis of Sardinia, the Silures may have been named after that Seleucid-founded location. In that case, Julie's promptings to have me investigate Silures looks like God's promptings to have us trace the Seleucids (= anti-Christ entity according to Daniel's chapters 8 and 11) also to Silures of Wales. (Julie has never said that she is led by God, and in fact I don't know whether she is a Christian in any way, but her emails to me have proven very important in many ways even though she had no idea of what I would muster, heraldry-wise, with her topics. She introduced Lohengrin to us, and stresses that he led to the swan symbol of Godfrey de Bouillon, the one who also loaned the Jerusalem-Templar cross that's come up twice thus far in this update) .

The Brodys (in colors reversed from Dallas' of Moray) use Moray stars in colors reversed, and were first found in Moray. The Brody Crest is three bunched arrows, what I tend to identify with the Kabars of Hungary's founding. The Andrew-born Drummonds were part-Kabars on Andrew's Vazul side (ultimately from the Gyula Kabars), and Varangian Rus on Andrew's wife's side; it was for the latter reason that I traced George>Maurice Drummond to "Ross(shire)." But as George's wife is said online to have been from PodeBrody, the Brody clan of Moray (beside Ross-shire) should apply to the Drummond line. Let's not forget that Vazul's father married the Mieszko Poles who I say led to the Moray star.

Sellers are traced to "sela" = "saddle," but for me that's code for same-colored Sitlers (trefoil)...first found in Prussia (where Mieskes were first found), but initially from Gorlitz...of Silesia!

Saddlers can be traced to the same Mieszko bloodline, but not only because the Saddler Coat uses the Massin/Mason lion. The "Servire" motto term of the Saddlers is conspicuous. The last paragraph of the last update said:

I did trace Sullivans to the Salviae location (center-left of map), but then I also traced Piast=Mieszko Poles to the Bistue location to Salviae's south-east. We could expect the proto-Coles somewhere in this theater if I'm correct to trace them to "Piast KOLODziej." Therefore, see the "serva" motto term of the Cole Coat, for if we follow the Urbanus river from Bistue, past Salviae, we find Servitium where the river meets the Sava. Previously, before emphasizing the Sava region, I traced the "serva" term of the Coles to Serbs, but then we are smack in the Serb theater here. Lucky strike on my part there.

The Sorb ancestors of the Serbs live(d) in Lusatia and Silesia, i.e. parts of Poland linked closely to Mieszko.

As we now know that "a boo" and "abu" Kilpatricks and Sullivans were nearly identical - a good expression of the Salyes links to Butteri -- what about that "Ceart laidir" motto phrase of Irish Kilpatricks? As these were first found in Esau-like Ossory, which is also Leix / Laois (the same place that Welches were early found), might the "Ceart" be of the Heart=Herod clan? In any case, we find (on the map above) Lamatis smack between Salviae and Servitium, and while Sullivans use a "Lamh" motto term along with their "abu," see the Ladios location to the north side of Lamatis, for it is now suspect as the essence of the "laidir" motto term of Kilpatricks.

Sullivans were first found in Tipperary, the Arms of which use the Butler Coat, yet another reason for suspecting Salyes links to Butteri, or Salonae links to Butua/Budva. as we are clearly in Ligurian lines with Sullivans, what about the "foistenach" motto term that sits between "Lamh" and "abu"? Is it code for Ligurians of Fussen-Foetes???

You are keeping in mind that I trace Butteri to Boscath (in Hebron theater), and that place in turn was traced to Bozrah, city ruled by Esau. Just want you to be on the same page.

From the time that I introduced the Balder surname above (linking it to the Welch kin of Spices / Spaces), I've been intending to seek out the clan found yesterday that used a red talbot in Crest. For, it was found today that the Walchar/Wallick Crest shows a red talbot. Scrolling back, I found the exact same talbot in the German Egen/Agen Coat! However, the Egen/Agen talbot wears a "SILVER collar." Therefore, let me re-quote what was said this morning:

From the time that I suggested a Silure ancestry for the Welches (I had no idea whether that would pan out), I've had the German Silvers on my mind. I had the sense, without evidence aside from similarity of terms, that Silvers were Silures, but I often find that intuitive ideas like this prove correct. Earlier in this update, Silvers were traced to Sullivans, and therefore both to Salyes and to Este and Euganeo of Padova. I knew that German (Hesse) Silvers used only a large white-on-blue crescent, but at the time I did not have in mind the same-colored crescents of the Valais/Valois surname. Welchincidence?
Put it this way, that since writing that, the Silure nature of the Welches/Walshes has been proven satisfactorily, and that Welches have also been identified as Butteri that must have, for certain, lived in Este (as per the Este-Bute alliance/equation). Therefore, the Welches. with Walch variation, must have been the Walchers who use the Egan/Agen talbot that should itself trace to Euganeo elements, and to Agen-like Aachen.

But how did Walchers link to talbots? Compare the French Talbot Coat with that of the Scottish Scotts. And then see that the English Talbot Coat is a variation of the English Scott Coat. That is, Scotts were Talbots, or in the least they were very closely merged. Now you know for certain that Walchers and Welches/Walshes were one bloodline.

There is a question as to whether the English Egans/Kegans and German Egans (with red talbot) are related? It just so happens that the English branch were first found in Tipperary, where Sullivans were first found who use a "foistenach" motto term. Sullivans trace not only to the Salyes and therefore to the Salassi of Aosta, but to Saletto, the region where Euganeo is located. In the German-Egan write-up: "...[the surname] was borne by Egeno of Furstenberg, Swabia in 1351." There was even a fast-lane prince, Egon of Furstenberg, in modern times, who grew up in Venice.

It should be said that antler-using Zahringers and Veringens of Baden were traced to the antler symbol of Forst, Lusatia, for there is a Forst in Baden-Wurttemberg too. Entering "Forst" brings up the Furst(enberg) Coat with curved chevron like the Swedish Gust chevron, not forgetting that I trace Veringens to Varangians...who did live in Sweden before king Andrew I merged with them in Kiev.

I can't be sure that the Sullivan motto term is code for Furstenberg, but there is some evidence for the idea. First, there was a Furstenberg-Baar county in Baden-Wurttemberg (where I expect the Butteri that named Baden). It was "in the historical territory of Baar." If you click the Baar link, you will find yourself at this Baar page showing the two curved fish that were traced to Bar in Montenegro, near, and related to, Butua. Remember here that Baars (of Brunswick) were of the Este bloodline of Padova, the region traced lately to Merovingians (or even proto-Merovingians). I had ventured to identify Baars with founders of the fleur de-lys, when it was yet a fish.

Having thus traced German Egans from Baden to Euganeo, see that German Egan Coat compares with the Dutch Putten Coat, for Puttens were linked to neighboring Botters/Bodins and Bidens/Buddens (they smack of the Bodencus river where we find Euganeo), while the Biden/Budden write-up traces to Buttons of Bath and Wells in Somerset, where the Baden/Battin surname (and a Buda location) was first found. Again, beside Euganeo we find Butterello.

The English Egen write-up: "Hundreds of years ago, the Gaelic name used by the Egan family in Ireland was Mac Aodhagain, which means son of Aodh, a personal name usually Anglicized as Hugh." It appears that the name was a combination of Aodh and Hagain entities. We then find that the Irish Hagen Coat uses the very fish that I traced to the fish of the Saracas (originated in Kotor, smack beside Butua) before I knew anything of Butua and Bar.

Both Hagens and Egens/Hagains use a quartered Shield. The Hagen boot can be assumed to be code for the boot of the Maceys=Masseys, for the Egens/Hagains use a Shield like the Massey Shield. The Hagen Shield is quartered in Macey / Mackay colors. Moreover, prince Egon of Furstenburg began his career working for Macy's, and I've just learned that the Macy logo is a red-on-white star, the color of the Botter lone star. Recalling that Botters trace to founders of "Texas," is it a coincidence that this prince (bisexual fashion designer) was the step-son of a Texan-oil gal (Cecilie Amelia Hudson)?

In any case, he married a Marshall surname, which had previously been the Keith/Mascal surname (a Catti clan that I traced to Esau-ites of Hesse) of the Musselberg theater (Lothian). English Mascals (elephant symbol that I trace to "Eliphas," son of Esau, who married the Lothian-like Lotan line) were first found in Sussex, where Puttens were first found that I trace to Boscath. Moreover, prince Egon was born in Lausanne, near the Morges location that definitely traces to Morgan le Fay of boot-like Bute, where Macey-related Muses lived that I trace to the Meuse/Maas river, where the Bar-le-Duc capital of the Baar domain is situated. Furstenincidences?

The prince's mother was of the Agnelli surname, smacking of Egans/Kegans/Hagains / Hagens. These Agnellis were the founders of the Fiat car company, founded in Turin, of Piedmont where the Mascis (= proto-Masseys / Maceys) were first found. Having said all this, what about the Scottish Mackay write-up: "The name MacEy [ignore the automatic "MacEy" that enters, as this occurs whenever any entry starts with "Mac") is derived from the personal name Aodh, a cognate of Hugh." It stands to reason, therefore, that Massey-Shielded Egans/Kegans, said to be from Aodhagains, were partly Maceys / Mackays...that use a "muzzled" bear that I trace to the Zahringer bear in Berne, Switzerland.

On the English Macey page (mullets!), you can see a Macy variation, of a clan traced to Cheshire and Manche, therefore corroborating that these were the Masseys of Dunham Massey/Mascy/Masci, Cheshire.

It just so happens that I traced Mackays/MacHeths of the Moray region to the Bath/Atha surname of Somerset, where the Badens and other Butteri were first found. But then there were the Aetheling royals of Britain, which included queen Margaret of Scotland. This potential link of Aethelings to (Mac)Heths is new territory for me as I compare "Aodh" to "Aeth":

Edward the Exile (1016 – Late August 1057), also called Edward Ætheling...was only a few months old when he and his brother were brought to the court of Olof Skotkonung, (who was either Canute's half-brother or stepbrother), with instructions to have the children murdered. Instead, the two boys were secretly sent to Kiev, where Olof's daughter Ingigerd was the Queen. Later Edward made his way to Hungary, probably in the retinue of Ingigerd's son-in-law, Andras [= king Andrew I] in 1046, whom he supported in his successful bid for the Hungarian throne.

Let's not forget that the Halland family of Ingibiorg was also in exile in Kiev, and that the first Varangians proper included an INGER. Note that Olaf was the son of Sigrid the Haughty, daughter of Mieszko I of Poland, wherefore Mieszko blood had found its way to Kiev's Varangians, for Olaf's daughter above was wife of the Varangian king, Yaroslav of Kiev. The latter became powerful enough before giving five of his daughters to various European kings, and his line led to the founding of Moscow, and may therefore be the blood root of Gog=AntiChrist. By the way, does Putin have sons?

It should be recorded here that Olaf was from a "house of Munso," for I have the feeling that it may be re-visited. Mackays use a "Manu" motto term that could apply. The Norman Munso(n) surname uses a moline cross, and is said to descend from a Bodo I. The Molines and French Bodes both use goats, and Bodes use the goat in Macey / Mackay and Botter colors. German Bode(n)s (from Brunswick, where we expect Butteri) use the same colors, and Dutch Bodes use the Irish-Mackay Shield.

Andrew married one of Yaroslav's five (or six) daughters. She was ANAStasia, and she gave birth with Andrew to a Solomon. Not long after the first invasion of Jerusalem, there also had been some Messianic Khazars by the alias', David and Solomon, who attempted, but failed, to deliver Jerusalem to the "Jews" of the Khazars. I say this because the Egans/Kegans/Aodhagains look like they may have been kagans, and we can meanwhile suspect that Tempar Zionism was all-around steeped in Khazar "Jews."

Varangians of Kiev had at first enjoyed some partnership with Khazars (= Bulgars) of Khazaria (this started in the period when Avar Huns ruled proto-Hungary), but when the two conflicted, the Varangians were successful and Khazaria fell, whereafter many Khazars escaped to Hungary and Germany, filling the ranks of so-called "Ashkenazi Jews."

It's not enough that Andrew married an Anastasia, for his father married Anastazya, daughter of Samuel of Bulgaria (let's not forget Samuel Aba, a Kabar or Khazar, who ruled Hungary from 1041-44, two years before Andrew took the throne). I found it interesting that the brothers of Bulgaria's Samuel were David, Moses and Aron, especially interesting as I had the inkling, earlier in the update, that both "Anders" and "Anastasia" were in honor of the Ananes beside the Laevi. Wanting to know why Samuel's family chose such Biblical names, it turned out that Samuel's mother (Ripsimia) was an Armenian-Bagratid princess, from a Bagratid dynasty that also ruled Georgia.

Georgian Bagratid kings by the name of David claimed to descend from the Biblical king David, and David IV of Georgia assisted the first Tempar invasion of Jerusalem. The Templar-Jerusalem flag is essentially identical to the flag of Georgia to this day. But why? What large part did Georgian Bagratids play in the quest for Jerusalem?

Add to this picture my trace of Rosicrucians in particular to Varangian Rus, and my identification of Templar-related Normans as raven-depicted Varangians along with Mackays/ the root of Egans/Kegans/Aodhagains. Also, the Norman-English kings definitely had symbolism in honor of Georgians, and even Andrew's son was named George, the one who I think is at the root of England's so-called "St. George's" saltire. I can now understand (I should have done this homework years ago) that England's ties to Bagratids may have been via the marriage of Andrew's father.

In a genealogy of the Hungarians, we find, under a son of king Andrew I: "F4. {illegitimate} Gyorgy, who, according to Europaeische Stammtafeln, went to Scotland in 1055 and became ancestor of the Drummond family. E.S.cites a 1959 work published in Warsaw as the source for this. I know that it has long been asserted that the Drummond family was founded by a Hungarian who returned to Britain with Edward Atheling, so this may be true." Henry Drummond, founder of the Catholic Apostolic Church that brought forth the Irvingites (and other cults) that invented/propagated the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine, also wrote that George was a son of Andrew (I don't have the document at my fingertips).

Again, George's son, Maurice, must link to the Dutch Marot/Maurtiz Coat, a version of the French-Andrea saltire. We then find: "The Marici were a Ligurian people. In the Third Book of his Natural History, Pliny the Elder identifies them as the co-founders, along with the Laevi, of Ticinum, the modern Pavia."

I realize that Andrew and Anastasia are names unto themselves that, at their origins, may have had nothing to do with Ananes, but one can also see that any (sur)name honoring Ananes could also evolve into those names. I found it very much in support of this theory that the Irish Stacy/Stasey Coat (Meath) is the French Andrea saltire, for "AnaSTASIa is an Ana-Stacy combination. Again, French Anders, and now the Stacys/Staseys, use a red saltire, symbol also of the Annan(dale) Coat.

The Stacy motto terms, "Cur" and "queris" suggest Carthaginians, and indeed the Stacy-Crest stag is the stag design of the Annabel/Hannibal Crest. But then stags were the symbol of Hungarians too. If you're scratching your brow in confusion already, what about the "Eustace" variation of the Stacy surname? Apparently, Hungarians and Hannibal Carthaginians merged in southern France i.e. where the French Anders were first found. In that picture, the Hungarian stag passed over to Hannibal lines. Entering "Eustace" brings up a fat "crusader cross" in the colors of the Stacys, and Eustaces (Irish) use the Stacy motto exactly. As Irish Burghs/Burks use the Eustace cross, and should therefore be related.

The fish symbol was traced (2nd update of August) ultimately to Budva/Butua, but in particular to Boiotians of the Cadmus line of Armenians (Cadmus and Armenia-like Harmonia founded Budva), and so we could expect that the Armenian Bagratids of the Andrew-and-Anastasia line were just these Cadmus-branch Armenians. We saw a white-on-blue fish belonging to Saracas of the Budva theater, and as Stacys are now easily identified as part of the Andrew-and-Anastasia line, let it be repeated that the Stacy surname was first found in Meath, for the Arms of Meath uses a white-on-blue fish...but also a light blue-green that looks like dark cian (Meath is in Leinster, founded by mythical Lug, son of Cian).

The Keon fish (that I've trace to Khyan-elements in the Saraca theater) is in white on blue too, and as Keon's were first found in Sligo, it should be said that both the Arms of Sligo and the Arms of Meath use a Celtic cross. Entering "Meath" brings up a quartered Shield in the blue and white colors of the Hagen quarters (amazing, for Anders had been linked to Egens/Kegans/AodHAGAINS), and then we find a light-blue-on-white fish in that Hagen Coat! Let's not forget that Cadmus was a grandson of Hagen-like AGENor, for this little clue could trace Euganeo (beside Butterello and Este) to Cadmus Boiotians...that named the Bodencus=Po river.

The Keon Chief uses eight-pointed stars that could be code for the Ishtar line to Este. The Keon fish is used (in different colors) by the Kanes/Kaynes/Cains, and the latter use an estoile, symbol of the Butes/Butts. Then, entering Cain brings up a Kane/Kean Coat with the Botter-colored (white-on-blue) bend! Botters trace to Budva/Butua.

THEN LOOK. The Irish Cohen/Coyne/Kyne/Koin Crest uses a sea horse, found also in the Arms of Budva/Butua!! The Cohen/Coyne bend is colors reversed to the Botter and Cain/Kane bends, and as the Cohen/Coyne bend shows white-on-blue symbols, the colors of the German and "Jewish" Cohens/Kagans, it's a sure bet that the Keons and Kanes et-al are in-part Khazars! But then blue and white is used also by the kagan-like Hagens/Hagans, the only problem being that I don't think we can trace both to "kagan" and to "Agenor." On the other hand, "Agenor" looks like a Greek goat term, and I once read that "Khazar/Kosar" is a goat term.

This all so bizzzzare, I realize, but here's more. Pontius Pilate also had a hand in murdering Jesus, and when we enter Pilate, white-on-blue downward pheons, the colors of the downward Cohen/Coyne pheons!!

Cohens are likely only be part-Khazar, and so what else were they? I traced them to white-on-blue Rangabes of Byzantium, who were part-Khazars, but even then, Cohens had to be something else. I also traced them to Varangians of the Fer>Vere line, even to Inger the Varangian (husband of Melissena Rangabe), and yet Cohens had to be something else as they came into the Inger-Rangabe merger. The finger is pointing to the Butteri Armeno-Boiotians...from the Agenor>Cadmus line. I did trace the Cadmus Tyrians to Lake Van, where the pheon was also traced (i.e. to the Biaini founders of Lake Van), and I maintain a trace of the Veneti (i.e. Euganeo) to Lake Van. Moreover, I ultimately trace Ana-like terms to "Heneti," for I see them named after mythical Anu>Antu>Anat. I also tend to trace the "antler" symbol, which may be at the heart of the Hungarian stag, to mythical "Antenor," symbol of the Heneti.

The Arms of Sligo show white-on-black scallops, the colors of the Flag/Fleck scallops, which is said because Hagens use a flag (with a hand symbol that I trace to Hannibals). In my books, this Keon-et-al topic looks like the pharaoh-Khyan line as it was merged with white-on-black-scalloped Meschins from ancient Meshwesh elements that had named Moses. Why does the Aron surname use a quartered Coat in the colors of the Meath/Metham and Hagen quarters? Who were the Bagratid imposters using the Aron and Moses names? Then again, all my sons are named after Biblical characters, and it has nothing to do with being a Israeli-bloodliner imposter. But when we are dealing with Bagratids, they actually claim(ed) to trace to Biblical David, and even English royals, we find online, have made the same claim.

This is a good place to mention that the Arms of the Bagratids is a white-on-red lion (England's Templar colors), and that some white-on-red lions of Western heraldry ought to be of Bagratid lines. Bohemians (and Montforts) use a white-on-red lion, and I maintain that Bohemians were Boiotians. I can't recall where I recorded the details, but the Sadducee priests of Israel were actually traced (by me) to Boiotians.

[Insert -- The day after writing that, the Keon>Cohen topic was inserted above, up until the Pilate topic. Investigating Pilates/Pilottes, we find them from the Old French word 'pilot,' meaning a 'stake,' or 'pile.'" By now I know that some definitions are themselves carefully-chosen kin-codes. Entering "Stake," a white-on-red lion! THEN clicking to the English Stake Coat, a white two tailed lion, same as the Bohemian (and Montfort) lion!! The latter Stake's write-up: "Their name, however, is a reference to Stock, near CAEN, Normandy..."!!! Entering Caen, Boofima markers, including gold leopard heads, used also by the Pile Coat that links to the Guiscard "piles." Again, there is a painting online of Robert and Roger Guiscard with a lattice design on one of their stockings; the Caen Coat uses lattice in Cohen/Pilate-et-al white on blue. The Caens/Canns are traced to Mortains, and then Mortains use the Boofima goat, and, moreover, Caens/Canns were first found in Dorset, where goat-using Russells (white-on-black scallops) and pile-like Palins/Pawleys were first found. The Stake Crest is a dove with OLIVE branch in beak (I trace Olives/Oliffs to Laevis), similar to the dove with "staff tree leaf" in its claw in the Lief/Leaf/Leve Crest. The latter also uses white on blue. The Staffs (in the colors of the French/Provence Andreas and Stacys/Staseys, and therefore suspect from king Stephen of Hungary) are easily traced to Leicester's Ligurians. Stephens (a Coat like the Leafs) were first found in Gloucestershire, where the Bagratid-suspect Stakes/Stacks (and Guiscard-related, white-on-black-scalloped Samsons) were first found. The Stephen pelicans are easily traced to the Dol Stewarts, and then the two-tailed Stake lion, if one tail is removed, is identical to the red-on-white English Stewart lion. I link this lion to the red-on-white (i.e. Bagratid?) lion of the Stiver/STURTevant Coat. The latter were first found in Nottingham, suggesting potential Stewart-of-Dol links to Cnut (of the Mieszko bloodline, itself merged with Bohemians), jibing with my trace of Dol Stewarts to king Blatand=Bluetooth, grandfather of Cnut. One Cnut/Knot Crest uses, as with one Stewart Crest, a white unicorn, and the Notting surname, in the same colors, was first found in Gloucestershire. Might we suspect that Bagratids were from the Mieszkos? Why is the Piast eagle white on red, the colors of the Bagratid and Bohemian lion? I do trace Mieszko-related Mackays to the Shetland vikings. End insert]

There are many Bag terms that could apply to Bagratids. The Arms of Shetland uses a white unicorn and a "Bygger" motto term. Hey hey. If correct to trace Biggars (= Flemings, guts of Templar Zionism) to Bihar(ia), then, possibly, Bagratids were in that place, and it just so happens that I trace the Kabar side of Hungarians to Biharia's Mures river. It should be very interesting to find the actual root of "Bagratid" (not sure whether the suffix is "tid" ot "id").

Bagratids can now be traced to certain Ligurians, for the "Giving and Forgiving" motto of the Biggars reveals that they were kin to the swan-using Givens/Giverns, who were first found in Lanarkshire (where Biggars were first found). This jibes with my trace of Biggars to the Botter-branch Butteri. ZIKERS, folks, this is shaking me up, for after writing that, I clicked to the Irish Givens/Gibbons (Gilbert colors), and there was nearly the Annandale Coat!!! Then, the latter's write-up traces to "Gilbert" (I don't think I believe that "Gibbon" and "Gilbert" were the same entities, but more likely the two were merged), while French Gilberts were first found in Provence, where the French Andreas were first found! That's where the Bellovesus Gauls lived, and we think "Gil" could be a Gaul/Gali term.

If you need evidence that the Annandales trace to the Ananes, I've just found some good stuff. The Laevi lived on the Ticini river, also called the Tessen. There is a German Tessen Coat (Pomerania), but it's the German Tess Coat (Switzerland) that seems very important, for it not only uses leaves, but the leaves are on a white-on-red saltire, colors reversed from the Given/Gibbon and Annandale saltires. That deserves ten exclamation marks, but I'll spare you the volume. The Teses variation smacks of "Texas," and then the Tessen Coat is colors reversed from the Botters that I trace to the founding of "Texas." The Tess/Teses leaf design is found in the French (Calvados) House/Houssay Coat, for what that may be worth.

The Tease term brings up the Tess/Teses surname, but also a red-and-gold Tyes surname. The Spanish Tejus/Texas Coat is in the same colors. IN FACT, the Tejas/Texas Coat uses nothing but red and gold checks, found also in the Chief of the Pavia-like Pavers (the Laevi and their Marici neighbors built Tecinum=Pavia)? Now we know. One Pavia Coat uses footless martins in Tease and Tejas/Texas colors, and the Italian Pavia Coat (Piedmont) uses what I gather are the Patterson=Butteri scallops.

The Tease/Tyes Coat (Nottingham) uses white-on-red stars, the colors of the Arms of both Wallis/Valais canton and its city of Sion/Sitten. That means that the Ligurians whom I trace to Sion/Sitten should include the Laevi and Ananes, as well as elements that carried the Ticino/Tessen term. It's quite amazing here that "Texas" appears to trace to the Ticino river.

As the Gilbert Crest uses the same red squirrel of the Dyke/Dyken Coat and Crest, I'd say that Dykes were of Ticino elements. There are four other Dyke Coats that could apply. The Scottish Dick/Dyck Coat is then what appears to be a version of the German Tessen Coat (!!!), and with stars in the colors of the stars of the Biggars and identical Dallas'. Dutch Dicks use the Logen=Lohengrin swan neck, which looks like part of the Givens swan (the latter entered the discussion as per the "Giving" term of the Biggars).

The bar/fesse (code for "Foetes/Fussen"?) of the Dick/Dyke and Tessen Shield is then in colors reversed to the bar/fesse of the Dickenson Coat, while Dutch Dickensons use footless (code for "Foetes?) martins in the same white-on-blue colors.

There are a slew of families from Ticini elements. The Thicks/Thackers (in the colors of Tess' and Tejas'/Texas') were, like the Dickens/Digons, first found in Staffordshire. Dackers use the same colors again. The Thick eagle head is the Scottish Coleson/Cullis Crest while the latter's Shield is that of the Scottish Dicks. The Thick Crest: "A bittern settling in the reeds." Reeds use a saltire in colors reversed to the Andrea and Stacy saltire, and the Botter falcon with "wings expanded." As per the "Pax copia" motto of the Reeds, the Cope Coat is much like the Cullis Coat, and the Copes use the Port chevron (see "portcullis" in the last update) while Ports (estoiles) are obviously a branch of Este-related Botters / Butes/Butts.

A bittern is a heron-type bird. Compare the Bitter Coat to the Dice Coat. THEN, the Ticino has a source in (Bitter- / Butteri-like) BEDRetto. There is a Beder/Bader Coat with Biggar-colored stars, and the latter are linked to Butteri. By now, you may have noticed links of the Este-and-Euganeo part of the Bodencus to the Laevi-and-Ananes part of the Bodencus, which is otherwise implied by my tracing of Andrew blood from one to the other.

ASTOUNDING. "Bedretto is a municipality in the district of Leventina in the canton of Ticino in Switzerland." King Andrew's brother was Levente, which of course smacks of the Laevi, which once again sends the message that Vazul (Andrew's father who bore/named Levente) was linked to an Ananes entity. Yet another brother with Andrew was Bela, smacking now of the Bellovesus Gauls that I think we are dealing with when in the Laevi theater.

It should be said that one genealogy has no parents known for Anastazya (Vazul's wife, Andrew's mother) in order to help prove whether her name links to Ananes. In Wikipedia's article on Samuel of Bulgaria, Anastazya is a his daughter, but she is not listed as his daughter in the Kosara article. In Wikipedia's article on Agatha, Samuel's' second wife (after Kosara), Agatha's children are listed the same as Kosara's children...and the list includes Anastazya. In Anastazya's article, she is Samuel's daughter. Apparently, it's not known for certain whether she was Kosara's or Agatha's daughter. In any case, as Samuel's brothers were Aron and Moses, might his Bulgarians, or perhaps one of his wives, have touched upon the Laevi and/or Ananes somehow?

Kosara leads, amazingly, to the Butteri-bloodline theater, for she was from Dyrrhachium=Epidaurum (map) not far south of Budva/Butua. Remember, Butua was founded by Cadmus and Harmonia Armenians, and then Kosara's father is said to have been Armenian, and Kosara's daughter married an Armenian from Tarun, Armenia, and so let's not forget the mythical Turan entity of the Butteri theater (at Velch) that I link to Tarun. Budva/Butua is in Montenegro, and so see this: "Theodora Kosara of Bulgaria, [Kosara's] daughter, fell in love with Jovan Vladimir of Doclea who was prisoner of her father Samuel of Bulgaria. She married him. Doclea is in present day Montenegro." (However, in Wikipedia's Agatha article, Theodora Kosara was Agatha's daughter.)

See how close Doclea is to Butua on the map above, and then ask whether that place (also "Duklja") and its Doclaetae peoples could link to the Dykes et-al of Ticino. "[The Doclaetae] had settle west of the Moraca river, up to Montenegro's present-day borders with Herzegovina." The Moraca sound much like the Marici on the Ticino river.

I should record that the Arms of Leventino uses two pointing fingers, a symbol that I'm concerned with.

If true that Andrew's wife (and mother) was of the Ananes Gauls, then the Ananes ended up in Sweden (i.e. where Andrew's wife was from). I traced "Olaf" to the Leifs/Leafs, who were in turn traced to Laevis. The Norwegian Olaf Coat even uses leaves (on a log). Andrew's wife was a daughter of an Olaf??? Laevincidence???

Are we onto something of a great secret here? The conclusion is that Vazul (son of a Mieszko, and cousin of king Stephen=ISTvan) married an Ananes element, and then named his son after the same (Vazul didn't name his son after the Biblical Andrew), whereafter Andrew himself married an Ananes element. Just think of it if it's correct to trace Ananes to Ananias, the priest that gave thumbs-up to the killing of Jesus.

Let's get back to Anastazya, because it makes sense that she should have been a daughter of Agatha, Samuel's second wife. I'm thinking that Agatha, mother of queen Margaret, was a sister or daughter of Samuel's Agatha (the latter was becoming old when Margaret was born). Samuel's Agatha was from Larissa (Thessaly), and then there was a mythical Larissa to describe that place, who was made a Pelasgian peoples: "...Strabo (Geographika, xiv) calls [Larissa] a daughter of Piasus, a Pelasgian prince." Perhaps mythical Piast, from whom Mieszko was from, led back to this Piasus entity. It certainly makes sense where Vazul's mother was a daughter or sister of Mieszko.

Then consider that Kosara, Samuel's other wife, gave birth (with Samuel) to Gavril Radomir. If per chance Radomir was the reason for HolyRood (originally "Halyrod") House that David built to Margaret, it would certainly jibe with the fact that Gavril had married a "Margareth of Hungary." At first, I failed to check the date of Radomir's death, which Wikipedia says was in 1015, a generation before the birth of David's mother. It was therefore incorrect to assume that Radomir had married queen Margaret of Scotland, and yet the fact that there had been a Margareth of Hungary a generation earlier seemed too coincidental, Might the Hungarian Margaret have been queen Margaret's myterious mother, typically known as Agatha?

In this picture, the mother of the Scottish queen Margaret married the Kosara line of Khazars (it could explain why Leslies and Drummonds appear to trace to the Khazar side of Hungarians), but traced back to Larissa elements. The question is whether these Larissa elements were indeed the Piasus>Piast elements leading to Mieszko.

Assuming that Radomir was married to Margaret's mother, we might expect a Radomir-like surname in his honor. There is a Rad/Rademacher surname using white-on-blue (Gaver-Coat colors) Zionist stars: "Rademacher" "is a name for a wheelmaker or wheelwright." It just so happens that mythical Piast was called, "the Wheelwright." The Wheelwright Coat was traced to the English Tate Coat, while Scottish Tates turned out using the Annandale Coat!

Let's not forget that the Gaver Coat is Andrew's Cross, and that Margaret's husband was king Malcolm III, for the Malcolm Coat is Andrew's cross in colors reversed.

Then, we find the Singletary antelope design in the Wheelwright Crest. It just so happens that Obama's mother was a Dunham as per a Jonathan Singletary changing his surname to "Dunham." AND, it's online that Obama traces to king David, builder of HalyROD House. In fact, it's Obama's Randolph (Moray) line that traces to king David, and the English Randolph Coat is identical to the Dunham Coat. I'm repeating this because I maintain that Obama's true father was Frank Marshall Davis, a pornographer wanna-be (and a Communist) who reportedly shot nude photos (they are online) of Obama's mother.

Here's why I'm repeating: The Irish David>Davis Coat uses green-on-white trefoils, the symbol also of the Rod/Rood Coat!! Then, compare the Welsh Davis Coat with the ROD(h)am Coat!!!

Why does the latter Davis Coat use a "digon" motto term? Is that code for Dagome-Mieszko? The Welsh David surname, using the Welsh Davis Coat, was first found in Cheshire, where the Mieszko-line Meschins were first found...that I trace to Randolphs (in David / Davis white-on-blue) of Moray. The Rods/Roods were first found in Herefordshire...that I trace to Herzegovina. The Dunham and Randolph Coats are versions of the Butlers that I trace to Butua of Herzegovina. This is the theater where Gavril Radomir's mother was from. Rotenincidence???

The Rod/Rood write-up has a code: "...which is itself derived from the German 'Hrod,' meaning 'fame.'" Entering "Fame," we find the Macey gloves/gauntlets of the Vains/Vanes, a Mackay sept. The Vain/Vane Crest is a bull head, not quite the bull-head design of the Mieske/Mesech Coat.

The Vain/Vane surname is also "Vein" and "Fane," and then we find that the Coat is like the Fiennes/Fine Coat. The Vain write-up: "The surname Fame is derived from the Middle English words 'fein,' 'fayn,' or 'fane,' which all mean 'glad'" (the Glad surname is suspect). It was the German Bez write-up that derived from "buoze, which means fine," and then Bezprym was Mieszko's grandson.

The Vain/Vane sept is known to be from Vannes, Brittany, a Veneti realm that includes a Merovech-like Morbihan. This recalls the Merovingian trace to the Este and Euganeo theater of the Veneti. But Mackays were also found (by me) to be the Levines/Levinges, first found in Brittany, and then the "Jewish" Levi Coat comes up when entering "Levine." The English Levine Coat looks like a version of the Randolph and Dunham Coats, and even uses the martlets of the Singletary Coat. The spear in the latter's Crest is the same spear as per the Dunham Crest, and so let's not forget that the Singletary antelope is used by Wheelwrights, who are suspect as the Rads/Rademachers and therefore as the Gavril Radomir line of Bagratid Armenians / Khazars.

It should also be said that the Rad Coat's Zionist stars are in the (white-on-blue) colors of Byzantine Rangabes (part Khazar) and Cohens/Kagans. The Rangabes were from Michael I of Byzantium, and it just so happens that the father of Vazul (a term that's also "Basil") was a Michael too (it was this Michael who married a Mieszko). Hmm, the Byzantine throne after Michael went to Leo the Armenian (died 820), who had named his son, Basil. "[Leo] ended the decade-long war with the Bulgars..." However, Samuel of Bulgaria (died 1014) and Vazul (died 1037) came later.

Inger, the Varangian guard of Byzantines, was born about the time Michael Rangabe died, and then entering Inger brings up three arrows in Rangabe colors, yet the surname shows as "Ender." It's a curiosity that seems link king Andrew, and Vazul, to Rangabe-based Byzantines. As Vazul traces for certain to Bulgarians, perhaps Rangabes were part of a Byzantine merger with Bulgarians when friendship was made via Leo...who also died about the time that Inger was born. Inger married a Rangabe from Michael Rangabe's line. I report, you get confused. Fair deal. (Both Bolgers/Bulgars and Bulkeleys (Cheshire) use white-on-black bull heads.)

Gavril looks like "Gabriel," and then we find that the French/Norman Gabriel Coat is white-on-blue too. Compare with the Eugene Coat!!! Those exclamation marks are due to Andrew's Cross appearing in the Eugene Coat. It suggests what is already known, that king Andrew was from Gavril's family. Note the 'G' in the Gabriel Coat, for Freemasons often use a 'G' amid their compass-and-square symbol.

Interestingly, I traced the sawtooth-like design in the Gabriel and Eugene Coats to the saw symbol of Perdix (Cretan bloodline), who was credited as the inventor of, not only the saw, but the compass and square! German Gabes/Goebs and English Gabes/Gabbers/Gablers (both use crossed swords, symbol of BritoMartis of Crete) also use white on blue. Gibsons/Gippsons use white-on-blue storks and should therefore apply.

Zowie: Leo's wife was also Armenian: "The name of her father indicates Armenian origins. However the names of his ancestors are not known. Genealogical theories suggest Kamsarakan ancestry." Could "KamSARAKAN" be the white-on-blue Sarakas...who lived beside (or even amongst) the Armenians of Doclae, i.e. the Armenians of Kosara's ancestry?? I did trace the Ragusa homeland of Sarakas to the Rhae cult on Crete!

The former trace of king Andrew to the Este theater gets us near the Ananes, but then shouldn't we ask why king Stephen was also "Istvan"? There is an ESTEvan/Esteve(n) surname (greyhounds) in French Andrea and Stacy (and Staff) red on gold, and Hungary was on the Ister river. The Staffs (swan) easily trace to Ligurians, and the Laevi Gauls have been called Ligurians too (Wikipedia calls them that). Red and gold are used also by Sturs/Stowers of the Aster/Ister/Easter bloodline.

Red and gold were also the common colors of Byzantine emperors, and Byzantines had controlled northern Italy centuries before the Hungarians.

We then find a greyhound in the (Tejas/Texas and Tease-colored, red and gold) Tass/Tash/Tache Crest. It was the Givens (Ananes-related) write-up that introduced the same-colored Gilberts with Dyke squirrel, and then we find "Teg yw" in the Gilbert motto.

The so-called "spear of destiny," code for the spear that was thrust through Jesus, should then follow the Ananes and/or Laevi Gauls. It is said that Hitler sought that spear for his purposes of world dominion. I've already noted the similarity between the last update's Ottel- / Attila- / Thule-like terms on the one hand (that were traced to "Hitler") and "Aethel(ing)" on the other. The Hitler discussion also traced to white-on-green Hams and to white-on-green Hamar of Norway, and so let me remind that English Egans/Kegans/Aodhagains use white on green too. Recalling that the German Egan Coat was compared with the Putten Coat, why were both Hams and Puttens first found in Sussex?

Hams use fish and a unicorn, a symbol of Shetland. Recalling that German Egans linked to Furstenburg and therefore to Baar using the curved fish, see more curved fish in the Pride/Prude Coat. That surname was looked up only due to the "prudentia" motto term of English Egans!!! Therefore, English and German Egans were definitely one bloodline.

Prides/Prudes were first found in heart-depicted Lanarkshire, and then the Olaf Coat above, with leaves, also use hearts. We are still wondering whether these hearts are code for the Herods that likewise played a role in killing Jesus. But then four hearts of the Olafs are used in the same position by the Bitars/Buttars, kin of the Baths/Athas to which I traced the Maceys / Mackays/MacHeths, relatives of the Egans/Kegans/Aodhagains.

The Pride/Prude fish are "lampreys haurient," which could be a triple code, one definitely for the Preys. Not losing sight of the Butteri that are in these lines, note that yet another Botter Shield is used by the French Preys. Biggars, first found in Lanarkshire (!), use the same bend in colors reversed. Prides are also "Pryd," if that helps to link Preys to Prides, and Irish Preys/Preiths use the Brian lion traced without doubt to Briancon on the Durance river (i.e. inhabited by Salyes and therefore suspect as a Butteri haunt).

Recall now that German Egans (of Furstenburg) were linked to Sullivans using a "Lamh foistenach" motto phrase, for the "lamprey" term seems to apply. By a stroke of luck, I happened to be scrolling back through some Coats when I noted that the 'Jewish" Aron Shield is quartered identical with the Hagen Shield, important where Hagens are Egans=AodHAGAINS. The "haurient" term of the Prides/Prudes is therefore suspect as code for the Arons, for Prides/Prudes are found in the motto of the Egans=AodHagains. I'm not forgetting that Aron was the name of a brother of Samuel of Bulgaria.

Prides/Prudes were granted titles in Lanarkshire by king David I, son of queen Margaret the Aetheling. Why did she name her son, David, the name of yet another brother of tsar Samuel of Bulgaria??? One of her other sons, born after David, was Anders-like AlexANDER, and we know already that king Andrew's grandmother was a daughter of this same Samuel. It could therefore be that Margaret's mother, whose ancestry is yet to be hammered down, was a daughter of Agatha, wife of Samuel of Bulgaria. WOWWIE!

Might this Agatha have become "Margareth of Hungary," and might Radomir have married the wife of his own father? Could this be the reason that her name was changed, or that the Agatha of Scotland's Margaret remains a mystery?

Tsar Samuel's first wife, Kosara, smacks of Khazars. If I'm not mistaken, Khazaria was also "Kozaria." Kosara's son (Gavril Radomir) married "Margareth of Hungary," but there is no Wikipedia article on who she may have been. I haven't the time at the moment to investigate further, but this genealogy may or may not be correct in making Geza of Hungary the father of Margereth, and Sarolt her mother. Sarolt was from the Gyula Kabars on the Mures.

ZOWIE, Gavril Radomir fits well with the "HalyRod" house that David I (Scotland) built in honor of his mother Margaret. It's a fat chance, but I'll record it anyway, that the Rad Coat is in Aron colors (i.e. meaning that Rads may have been from Samuel's bloodline, even as Gavril RADomir was), using white Zionist stars on the Hagar(d)s of Perthshire. The modern flag of Israel, no doubt tracing to Rothschild-branch Kabars, is a Zionist star in colors reversed.

Amazingly, the Athels/Athols (I'm assuming the Aetheling bloodline of queen Margaret) were first found in Perthshire too. I brought the Hagar(d)s into this picture due to similarity with the Hagain root of the Egans/Kegans.

AHA! VERY BIG FIND. AS PROOF that Scotland's flag, "Andrew's Cross" (= white-on-blue saltire) traces to king Andrew, see the same saltire in the Gaver/Gover/Gopher Coat!!! "Gaver" was of course entered as per "Gavril" Radomir. The Gaver/Gover Coat is in the colors of the Given Coat (the latter surname entered this discussion as per the "Giving" motto term of the Biggars that I trace to Khazars on the Mures!). The Gaver saltire shows blood drops, the Patterson and KilPatrick symbol.

What about the Giavarra location to the south-east of Euganeo and Este? Didn't we see that Gabriels were related to Eugenes?

Until we get proof, the Athel/Athol surname cannot be linked solidly to Aethelings. If the connection is true, one may assume that Egans/Kegans/AodHagains were Hagarites=Ishmaelites, and that the latter were fundamental to Khazars and other Bulgars, Huns, etc. It's known that Khazar kagans took on Biblical names, but the Aethelings under discussion were named Edgar, Edward, and Edmond. However, we found earlier that the Eger surname is also "Edgar," and Margaret's brother was Edgar Aetheling. The Edmond Coat is in Athel/Athol colors, and the Edmond-Crest ship is exactly the Durant Crest (traces to the Durance too).

Recalling that Egans/Kegans were Maceys, I now see (WOW) that the English Edward Coat is very much like the English Macey Coat. Moreover, the Edwards use stags, a central symbol of Scottish Maceys. The write-up: "First found in Wiltshire where Edward of Salisbury, also known as Edward the Sheriff (of Wiltshire) held land at the time of the Domesday Survey. He was an ancestor of Earls of Salisbury." Couldn't Salisburys have been a branch of Sales-of-Mascy?

The Aethelings were obviously in love with the Ed name, and wondering where that could have derived, what about the fact that the Tells/Tallers use the same Shield type as the Italian Oddis/Ottones??? Recalling now the link of Egans to Talbots (because German Egans use a red talbot), it must be added that I traced Talbots solidly to German Talls/Thals. There, I am sure, are the Aethelings...and the quartered Tall/Thal Shield is even a good comparison with the Egan/Kegan/Aodhagain Shield.

Tailers/Taillefers use the Levi lion in colors reversed. Were we not expecting the Aethelings to link to Laevis and Ananes??? Could that explain why Aethelings were in exile with Ananes of the Hungarian and Bulgarian kind? Could I at this point admit error when identifying Khazars as non-Israelites? Partly, I'm willing, but only to theorize that the murderers of Jesus went on to rule Khazars as "Red Jews," but then the murderers included Edomite Hebrews too. Might "Ed" and "Oddo" relate to "Edom"?

The Edgar/Eger/Eager lion is in the colors of the Tailer lions, and colors reversed to the Welsh Edward lion. Could this reveal that Edomites were in Euganeo? But of course, for Merovingians had been routinely traced to Edomites. Edgars were first found in Berwickshire, the place to which I trace the Mackay and Macey bears, suggesting again that Egans/Kegans/Aodhagains were part of the Aetheling bloodline, meaning also that the Aodhagains may indeed have been Mackays=MacHETHs.

After writing all the above, BINGO! I looked at the Heth Coat once again (haven't seen it in months), and realized that it was a version of the Edmond Coat!!! Spectacular revelation, that Aethelings were indeed Heths (Sinclair rooster) and therefore Mackays=Maceys=Masseys. It suddenly colors the queen-Margaret line with appropriate Masonic colors, and even explains why Margaret's cup bearer was a Henry Sinclair of Roslin (Lothian). Note that Heths are also "Heath," smacking of Keiths/Keaths of Lothian. By some very circumstantial arguments, the Egans had been traced to Keiths way above.

[The day after this section, the Olive/Oliff Coat (i.e. Laevi suspect, in Levi-Coat colors) was found to be yet another Edmond-and-Heth variation!!!]

I failed to view the Bath/Atha Coat throughout this update even though they were mentioned a few times. Recall the Ananes bloodline to which the Aethelings were being linked, and that the Bagratids figured into that Ananes picture. Then recall the white-on-red lion of the Arms of Bagratid, for the Bath/Atha Coat use them too. IN FACT, WOW! The Bath/Atha Coat use a fat white on red cross that can now be linked to the fat red-on-white saltire of the Annan(dale)s of DUMfries. The "Habere et DiSPERtire" motto of the Baths/Athas may even link to the "Sperabo" motto of the Annans.

ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDING. After writing that, "Tole" was entered as per "Athol," and there was a Coat, not only using "prudentia," but another white-on-red lion! "Prudentia" was used also by Egans/Kegans/Aodhagains!!! I had no intention whatsoever to stress the Egan/Kegan surname, and yet it looks pivotal in this revelation. It just so happens that the Tole/Tolle surname (pyramid in Crest) entered in the last update in a big deal concerning Hitler's Thule-related bloodlines. Attila was suspect, and that has much to do with Hungarians...and likely Khazars too. I picture Attila as a Bulgar.

French Prudes (in Heth, Athel/Athol, and Edmond colors) are also "Pratt/Prad," evoking the Brads/Bratts and Brodes that defined the Welches, meaning that Egans were linked to PodeBrady Bohemians, and likely the Drummonds from king Andrew. French Prudes were first found in Auvergne, where the Pride/Prude-related Preys were first found.

Then, entering "Pray" instead of "Prey" brings a Prater/Prather Coat in French Prude colors, AND using the Mackesy/Margeson and Mackie/Margy lion! I've always suspected that the latter two were related to queen Margaret.

Online we find: "Below the streets of Jerusalem's Old City lies the Praetorium (Matt. 17:27; Mark 15:16) where Jesus was condemned by Pontius Pilate." It's hard to believe that Prudes could have been named after elements of the Jerusalem Praetorium, but in this update it fits. "Praetor" is a Roman term meaning "chief," but I think its a loan term from "pretto" = priest." How interesting is that? AND entering "Praet" brings up the Belgian Pratts (they could use the Annan(dale) saltire) that are properly, Praet! This tend to identify the Laevi and Ananes as priests, exactly what would be expected if they were the entity that named, or descended from, Ananias the high priest of Jerusalem.

As Bruces were of Annandale, what about the fact that the lion-design in the Bruce Crest (much like the Levi lion) is found in the Praet-colored Pretty Coat??? But then why is the Pretty Crest like a Catholic priest holding the Eucharist? By what prudincidence is it that the Prettys were first found in Staffordshire, where the Prudentia-using Toles were first found.

Italian Prettos/Prettys (Veneti theater) appear linked to Ferraris. These Prettys bring us into the Euganeo theater, where expected as per Prude links to "prudentia"-using Egens. The Ferraris link to Veres who use the so-called "Vere star," a white star on red on a Massey Shield (i.e. same Shield used by Egans/Kegans/Aodhagains). It's the white star in the Arms of Italy, in my opinion, as per Fer>Vere links to Ferraris. Entering "Anas" as per "Anastasia" brings up what could be the Vere star. The write-up: "The rich and ancient history of the Anas family name dates back to the time of the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain (Aethelings were Anglo-Saxons]. It comes from the personal name Agnes, which itself is derived from the Greek name Hagne, which means pure and holy..." I would contend that "Hagne" is code there for the AodHAGAINs. In fact, the Anas/Annis Coat is in Egan colors.

After writing all of the above, while on the Ticino topic, I thought that the latter may have been a French-version (i.e. D'Ceno") of the Cenomani Gauls...who lived in/beside Ticino. In any case, I happened upon an Euganei peoples in the Cenomani article. Amazing, for I had no idea that Euganeo had an entire people group. I was so happy to read of potential links to Ed term, and even to "Aethel": "According to Livy [the Euganei] were defeated by the Adriatic Veneti and the Trojans. Their descendants settled west of the Athesis (Adige) river, around the lakes Sebinus, Edrus, and Benacus, where they occupied 34 towns, which were admitted by Augustus to the rights of Latin cities."

Here's the Adige river, a term that reminds of the Digons variation of the Dickens that were just traced to "Ticino/Tessen." Actually, there wasn't much evidence that Dickens traced to Ticino, bit rather the evidence lay with the Dicks and Dykes/Dykens. I may be prepared to link to mythical fish-tailed Dagon. As I traced Euganeo to Merovingians, Dagobert comes to mind, as does Dagome, the alternative name of Mieszko I (I traced Mieszko's mysterious ancestry to Merovingians). As Samsons use the Meschin scallops, and as mythical ancestry of Mieszko included Siem terms, we can be confident that Samsons -- who use the same "cross" as the Dickens/Digons -- trace to/from Mieszko. The Dickens cross is in the colors of the same cross used by Cheshire's (Ed-like) Eatons/Etons. Both the Eaton and Dickens Crests share the same gold lion.

This Eton surname evokes the potential trace of "Euganeo" and "Aachen" to pharaoh AkhenAten.

Remember, the Davis/David surname, linked to Rod(h)ams even as king David I was of a "holy" Rod entity, uses a "digon" motto term, perhaps code for the Dickens/Digons of Ticino elements. The following is from 1st update in April, 2000:

It's probably not a coincidence that the Order of Michael and George has a blue Rod...said to be a staff-like rod topped with a lion or perhaps some other symbol. The article has this quote: "The Usher of the Order is known as the Gentleman Usher of the Blue Rod; he does not, unlike his Order of the Garter equivalent (the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod), perform any duties related to the House of Lords."...I would venture a relationship to Scottish king David's "Haly Rod House."...

...A little search has brought this:

"The Usher of the Black Rod is a floor officer of the [U.S] Senate and is responsible for security in the Senate Chamber.

...The Usher of the Black Rod carries out a 600 year old parliamentary tradition as the personal attendant and messenger of the Sovereign or Her Representative when either person is in Parliament."

Another article told that the black rod of the Garter goes back to Henry VIII...[he was from Margaret's line]...

...Geoffrey [Plantagenet] had married Matilda, granddaughter of queen Margaret...

The English royals of the day, Templars, were called in honor of Geoffrey Plantagenet. But why? Could it have to do, specifically, with Margaret's trace -- that we are not supposed to know about -- to Gavril Radomir and his Bagratid ancestry? As king Andrew was from the same Samuel-Bagratid that gave birth to Gavril Radomir, what about the trace that Hungarians made of themselves to NimROD??? My best shot at tracing "Bagratid" was to Baghdad (20 miles from Babylon), and Nimrod had ruled that domain.

The Slav god, Rod, had the egg for a symbol, and then we find a white-on-red eagle (= egg-like term) both in the German Rod(er) and English Egg/Edge Coats? What kind of incidence is that?

Here's why the Welch surname became a topic in this update:

Secret files: US officials aided Gaddafi
Al Jazeera news producer Jamal Elshayyal recently gained access to the Tripoli headquarter of Libya's intelligence agency. Among the documents scattered throughout the demolished building were secret files indicating that influential Americans advised Muammar Gaddafi since the beginning of the Libyan uprising. Here is his account of the discovery:
...I managed to smuggle away some documents, among them some that indicate the Gaddafi regime, despite its constant anti-American rhetoric – maintained direct communications with influential figures in the US.

I found what appeared to be the minutes of a meeting between senior Libyan officials – Abubakr Alzleitny and Mohammed Ahmed Ismail – and David Welch, former assistant secretary of state under George W Bush. Welch was the man who brokered the deal to restore diplomatic relations between the US and Libya in 2008...

Welch now works for Bechtel, a multinational American company with billion-dollar construction deals across the Middle East. The documents record that, on August 2, 2011, David Welch met with Gaddafi's officials at the Four Seasons Hotel in Cairo, just a few blocks from the US embassy.

During that meeting Welch advised Gaddafi's team on how to win the propaganda war, suggesting several "confidence-building measures", according to the documents. The documents appear to indicate that an influential US political personality was advising Gaddafi on how to beat the US and NATO.

Minutes of this meeting record his advice on how to undermine Libya's rebel movement, with the potential assistance of foreign intelligence agencies, including Israel.

The documents read: "Any information related to al-Qaeda or other terrorist extremist organisations should be found and given to the American administration but only via the intelligence agencies of either Israel, Egypt, Morroco, or Jordan… America will listen to them… It's better to receive this information as if it originated from those countries..."

The papers also document Welch advising the Gaddafi's regime to take advantage of the current unrest in Syria. The documents held this passage: "The importance of taking advantage of the Syrian situation particularly regarding the double-standard policy adopted by Washington… the Syrians were never your friends and you would loose nothing from exploiting the situation there in order to embarrass the West." [= Coercion based on business interests.] ...According to the document, as the meeting closed, Welch promised: "To convey everything to the American [= Obama] administration, the congress and other influential figures."

...It took six months to topple Gaddafi's regime, but the colonel did rule for over forty years. During his reign thousands of people went missing, planes were blown up, and billion-dollar deals were struck in the most dubious of circumstances.

The question of course is whether Welsch was acting on Obama's behalf. Obama may have been playing both sides of the Libyan war to maximize the corporate spoils of war.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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