Previous Update: Dec 13 - 19

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December 20 - 26, 2011

Making the Casey for the 666 Cheese Bloodline
The 666 Cast: the Ishtar Star, Rothschilds, and other Up-Steigers
Sternly Seeking 666 Codes Finds Ishtar of Samuha Naming the Sava
The Argo Crew in Orkney and Moray's Randolphs were Baat Bois
Roving Dorian Sea Peoples Roe-ing their Way to Armageddon's Munster Mash

I am so taken-up by these topics that I write on too near their due date on Monday mornings; when there is insufficient time to proof read for typed mistakes. I was only able to get down one third of this page, and only quickly. At times, especially in the last few weeks, I've forgotten to change the dates at the tops of pages.

In my Concordance dictionary, a Hebrew 's' is a "sigma," and yet it was a "stigma" at one time. Although the website below is from an Adventist site honoring the "prophetess," there are some good drawings on the chi-xi-stigma topic. You can see that the three letters side-by-side look like they spell "kes," and for this reason we could expect satanists to have taken on such terms. For example, the sicko-image rock band, Kiss.

Although a Greek 's' has the value of 200, it was also assigned the value of 6 because the alphabet jumps from e=5 to z=7. It appears that the 'f/v" was removed in favor of the phi near the end of the alphabet.

If you're jumping into this page without reading the last update or two, things may not be making sense.

"Kes" brought to mind the Cass/Cash/Cast surname that was traced solidly to the 666-suspect Astikas clan. I say this because entering "Kess" gets a Cassie/Casse clan...which by the way uses the same bend as Chattans. The Astikas were discovered as STIGweards/Stewarts, who use a stag in Crest, as does the Cassie/Casse Coat.

Then, entering "Kis(s)" gets the Kiss/Kish/Cuss/Cush surname using the same "fountain" symbol of the Cass/Cash/Cast Coat, which I did not consciously know when the latter surname came to mind with the "kes" = 666 theory. The Kiss Crest is the Sinclair-style rooster, and in the last update, Sinclairs traced to the very Candel/Candida clan that Stewarts had traced to. You'll note that both clans use black and white, the colors of the Kiss band.

For a long time we heard that "Kissinger" added up to 666. Coincidence? I don't agree with the method used to get 666 from that surname, but perhaps satanists invented the method for that very cause. The method claims that A= 6, B= 12, C= 18. See Kissinger=666 here.

I would not trace the Kes=666 to ancient kingdoms/locations such as Cush and Kish. If there were entities that named themselves after a kes-like term, I would suggest they arose after Revelation 13 was written to give the world, for the first time ever so far as I've read, the 666.

It seems that the Kess surname is registered with a branch of Chattan/Chatto that ought to trace to Cati and Hatti, and it just so happens that mythical Atti(s) married the great-mother goddess that I trace to the Revelation-17 harlot riding on the 666 beast.

When God wrote the Revelation, he was sending messages in code to the dragon bloodline, and recognizing the codes, the dragon bloodline took pride in being the Revelation harlot too. You may have agreed with me by now that the Cati derived from CadMUS, which was not only a Phoenician entity, but involving the Mus entity that I say was the proto-Massey, or proto-Massin, house of the Exodus pharaoh. The word "Phoenikia" adds up to 666 when using the Greek letter "phi" (numerical value of 500), and then there may have been a value of 656 in "Europa," the Tyrian goddess (sister of Cadmus and daughter of Phoenix) depicted riding on the back of the Zeus bull. It seems that God, by placing the harlot on the back of the dragon, was sending the Europa / Cadmus cult a message of their destruction and sins.

"Europia" = 666 using the numeral values of the Greek alphabet, if the "o" is taken for the omicron letter with a value of 70. The problem is, the Greek "Europa" is spelled with the other Greek 'o', the omega. (The official website for the European Union is called, "Europa," for the rulers thereof do not heed the Revelation message.)

Did I trace the Traby ostrich to Crete? Yes, but at the time, there was no thought of Europa in Crete. The white Zeus bull which carried her from Tyre to Crete was also depicted as an infant on Crete raised by a bee-and-goat cult, Amalthea, which was depicted with a goat horn, the symbol of the Traby-666 suspect. Cadmus followed a bull to his city of Thebes, and he settled there where the bull itself stopped. That's just myth code to explain by dragon methods what did take place in history: Tyrians settling in bee-line Boiotia, Melia married to Inachus, founder of white-cow Argos.

I just asked myself, after writing the above, how the Cass "fountain" symbol might trace to the 666 line of the Cadmus Cati. I recalled that it's a symbol of the Italian Fontana surname, which itself uses a fountain. But I entered "Font" instead, to find the write-up below, which I've not acknowledged before in the way that it's striking me now: "Noble surnames, such as Font, evoke images of the ancient homeland of the Spanish people...The Font family originally lived in the region of Fuentes which is a place-name that means fountains." Doesn't "Fuentes" smack of "Phoenicia", and isn't it known that Phoenicians had founded areas of Spain? Yes, in fact, some trace "Tarshish" to Atlantean Tartessos in Spain, though for me it's an obvious reference to Tarsus, at the Cati region of Cilicia.

You see, mythical Cilix, code for Cilicia, was made a brother of Cadmus and Europa, and as "cilix" looks like "chalice," I reasoned that the pagan grail cult started in Cilix and with the Cati of Cilicia. The Revelation harlot is portrayed with a grail, you see, which suggests that Ishtar ought to have been in the Cadusii Armenians.

THEREFORE, a new realization: heraldic fountains are code for Phoenicians. Did you notice that both Fonts and fountain-using Cass'/Cash's use Shield-on-Shield? Did you notice that while Cass'/Cash's use scales, Fonts use scallops? The Font cross design is used by Bouillons, and the latter are suspect from the Boii and/or Boiotian bee/bull cult. By what coincidence do I trace Godfrey de Bouillon (of Boulogne) to Bologna, where the Fontana surname was first found! Surprise, surprise.

Compare the Fontana Coat with the Massi/Mattis Coat, and view the latter as the CadMUS line. They were traced to the Maschis of Rimini, using a pine cone, symbol of mythical Atti(s). Coneincidence?

The Fonts/Fuentes' were first found in CASTile, which smacks of the Cast variation of the fountain-using Cash's/Cass'. French Casey variations include some reflecting "Cast," but they also show Cas(t)ile-like terms: Casault, Cazalet, Cazalin, Cazelle, Casaille, Cazelles, Cazot, Cazotte, Cazet, Chazot. The first two variations listed, Casavant and Casavan, suggest Veneti / Van elements, which is where I trace the Phoenix and Phoenicians.

The Casey Crest uses a cloud, a symbol that I link to Nibelungs and therefore to the Nobel surname. Recall the Font write-up using "noble." There is a very good chance that the garb in the CASey Crest is the GAScony garb, which I happened to trace to Ranulf le Meschin's Goz/Gois bloodline and therefore to the Cheshire garb. As Gascones were named after Vascones = Basques, what about the baskets surrounding the Font/Fuentes Shield...suggesting strongly that heraldic baskets are code for Basques. It just so happens that Basques call themselves "Euskals," smacking of the Meschin "escallop."

The Caseys above were first found in Cork, the MUSkerry theater. It just so happens that, without thought of the red Casey eagles, I traced red eagles to the phoenix, and then traced the phoenix to the Pan cult of Lake Van, where also a Mus province is located to which I traced Muskerry's Deas / Desmond clan.

Caseys appear to trace to Cati too: "In its ancient Gaelic form, the Irish name Casey was written O Cathasaigh, from the word 'cathasach,' which means watchful." Never mind that definition except that it could be code for a Watt (all-seeing-eye and seeing glasses) or similar surname. I had traced "Chester" (where le Meschin ruled) to "Hesse," founded in some capacity by the German Catti. The Casey Coat above uses the colors of the Cheshire Chee/Cheatle surname.

I routinely link Cheatles to Keiths/Keaths, said in their write-up to be "Catti." In the last update, I said:

I've always had trouble trying to understand the derivation of "Lviv," but Laevis come to mind. The "Semper fidelis" motto of the Lviv Arms has been spotted in Western heraldry. Checking just now, LOOKIE at what was found: the Anann(dale) saltire (!!!!!!) with leaves (!!!!!!) in the Keeting/Keating Coat using "Fidelissimus semper"!!!!!! This is a justifiably a 6-6-6- exclamaton paragraph.

Safe to say, Keetings/Keatings link to Keiths/Keaths, the point being that the Keeting saltire is used also by Desmonds! AND, lo and behold, both Keetings and Caseys above were first found in the same place (Wexford)!!! If that's not enough, the other Casey Coat uses...only leaves! [What do you see in the Casey leaves?]

The latter Caseys are in colors reversed to Wexford Caseys, and moreover were first found in Ile-de-France, where the Levi clan was first found!!! Astounding evidence, my fellow illuminated ones, that the 666 bloodline included the Levi and Laevi...which I have routinely traced to the Galli-cult transvestites, priesthood of the Kabeiri who were ruled by Attis and his great-mother harlot wife.

It just so happens that Attis was made the father of Lydus -- the Ladon dragon that I trace to the Revelation dragon -- and that Lydians are known from ancient records to have used their daughters as temple prostitutes. But that's not all, for the Lys surname was likewise first found in Ile-de-France, and I think Lydians were also Lazi and Lasonii. The Font and Bouillon cross uses fleur-de-lys at its ends, moreover, called a "flory" cross for that reason.

Did you notice that Ile-de-France is "L-Ile de France" in the Casey write-up, for the Lil(l)y Coat uses the same colored lilies, or fleur-de-lys, as the Lys Coat, and this white-on-red color scheme is that of the Casey leaves.

Near the Lys river of Artois there is a Lille location using for its Arms the same-colored fleur-de-lys, and then Boulogne is not far off. Godfrey de Bouillon was known to be of the swan cult, and the Lily Crest is a swan's head.

In the last update, just after the mention of Keeting's leaves and it's "semper" motto term, the leaf-using Linds were featured because there had been Lendians discovered in the Lviv part of the Ukraine to which the 666 proto-Stewarts of Dol were traced. The Linds use the same white-on-red color scheme above, which I tend to trace to Trabys/Sa(n)dowskis. The point now is that Linds use "semper vincit," the vincit term used also by Keith Catti. I have argued that the "vincit" term is code for the Vinces/Vinch's and therefore for the Da-Vinci cult. Recently, Mona LISA entered a HasMONian / Maccabee discussion, and the Lys surname shows "Lis(s)e."

If the "watchful" term in the Irish-Casey write-up is code for the pair of glasses in the Watt Coat, it should be added that both Watts and Lilys were first found in the same place (Worcestershire). The Botter eagle in the Watt Crest is the give-away that Watts trace to the Uat/Buto cult (Egypt)...that Romans called, Latona. In Syria, the Laton dragon had seven heads; i.e. we are again on the 666 bloodline when on the all-seeing-eye cult of Uat/Buto.

In the last update, symbols of the Thicks/Thecks were linked in various ways to the 666-bloodline, especially to Sithechs/Shaws, and they use the red eagle heads of the Caseys. My theory has been that "Sithech" traced to Set(h) of Egypt, also called "Sutekh." Many maintain that Set was Satan, and then it's known that Set was a fundamental part of the all-seeing-eye cult of Horus and Uat/Buto.

As I trace Botters to Butteri, and then trace Butteri to Patricks, who furnished Pattersons, I'll repeat that I traced the Cussane variation of Irish Pattersons to the 666-suspect Cass'/Cash's (Cussanes are said to be from "Casan"). To this I'll add that the Patch(es) surname, link-able to the Patchie variation of KilPATRICKs, uses leaves of the Alan-of-Dol leaf design, and a black bugle, the color of the Traby bugle. The leaf design is an oak leaf, and the Watt glasses are perched on an oak tree.

In the Lill Coat description: "...four red crosses pattee fitchee..." I didn't know this or have anything of the sort in mind when not many updates ago Patchies and Patches were traced to the "fitchee" cross. Here's the Lill Coat, showing a "sedulo" motto term that I see as code for Saddle/Saddal-branch Sadducee line. The Patterson/Cussanes are said to be from Sodhans, who are clearly from the Sodans/Sowdons of Devon, where Patches were first found.

Look at the devious Patterson write-up: "'Casan' means 'path,'..." But when we enter "Path," we get a Pett/Pert surname using blue-on-white scallops, colors of the Sodan/Sowdon scallops, and colors-reversed to the Patterson/Cussane scallops. The Path Crest is a stork, perhaps code for a similar surname of the Stur / Ishtar kind.

The Path/Pett write-up does not trace to a "path," but instead to a "spoiled or pampered child." I reasoned recently that "pampered" this was code for Bamburg Bernicians, but the Chill/Child surname also comes to mind...which I link to the Chillingham location of Hebrons/Hepburns. Once again, both Chills/Childs and Hebrons use white-on-red.

Bamburg Bernicians were named, "Bebbanburgh," and then in Germany there were Babenbergs of Bamberg. I traced these terms to "Pepin" because a Poppo I (of GRABfeld) was ancestor to Babenbergs. It just so happens that Pepinid Merovingians descended from a Landon entity (smacking of Linds and Lendians), and that both Pattersons and Pepins use camel heads. That's another reason to link "pampered" child" to Bamburg elements.

The same crosses used by Lills are used by English Smiths, and then Scottish Smiths were found in the last update to use the "Semper fidelis" motto of Lviv (Trabys/Sa(n)dowskis were of the Lviv region of Poland). The Lill Crest is a "A swallow in flight," and then the Swell/Swaile shows a version of the Dutch Gant Coat because "the first recorded date [1086] is of John Swale...He married Alice, daughter of Gilbert de Gaunt, and related to John of Gaunt about 1150. At this time he held the manor of West Grenton or Grinton in Swaledale. In the last update, the 666 bloodline was traced to Cantels and Candels, who were suggested as Sands of the Sandowski kind. But I also showed some evidence that "Gant" applies to "Sand / Cantel / Candel."

The greyhound design in the Swell/Swaile Crest is that of the Lys Coat. As Lys' link to Levis, what about that question of a Levi link to "Lviv", the question that seemed to prove accurate no sooner had it been asked? It proved accurate due to tracing Lviv's "semper" motto term, which right now is finding it's way via the Smiths to Lills. That's perty impressive, isn't it?

The Swell/Swaile motto: "Jesu, esto mihi Jesus." The Estes/Easts link to Butts/Butes, and I had ventured to link the Dutch Gant fesse to the Italian Botter bend, suggesting that the Swell/Swail bend, being that of the Gants (of Ghent), should link to Butteri too. English Gants were first found in Kent, where the Belgian elements of Louvain and Brabant had settled too, and so when we take a look at the Saddle/Saddel surname (in Lill colors) as per the Lill motto term, "sedulo," we find the Louvain and Massin/Mason lion...of two clans first found in Kent. If I recall correctly, the Butteri cowboys were saddle makers.

Now you may argue that Saddles/Saddlers, said to be from saddle makers, have nothing to do with "Sadducee," and I would tend to agree that it's a tough link to make. But from the last update: "Both the Frass/Fraser and Innie/Cammie Coats use "Je suis PREST" as motto, jibing excellently with the suspicion that Frasers and Freys/Phreeze's are Pharisee-priesthood lines." The Swells/Swailes use "Jesus," you see, and it's the sedulo-using Lills who show a swallow in Crest.

The swallow is link-able to a sparrow because Lills were first found in Norfolk, where Sparre and Sprowston are located...that I traced to the Speer bloodline in Fulk-ruled Anjou and neighboring Lusignan. The Massin/Masons use "Dum spiro spero," you see, as well as Melusine, symbol of Lusignan and Lusatians (there is a Spree river in Lusatia to which I traced Speers). The Saddle/Saddler motto shows, "sapere." The question is: when Fulks and Lusignans ruled Jerusalem (Templar era) as kings, were they neo-Sadducees by blood?

German Sparrs/Sperls, like Watts, use the Botter eagle, and then both Watts and Lilys were first found in the same place. The Sparr/Sperl crest uses another swallow, which tends to make the case well that Swells/Swailes were named after sparrow-using or sparrow-like surnames. The Botter eagles in the Sparr Coat are even called "sparrow-hawks."

We might ask why the Sperlich variation (said to be of Silesia, beside/in Lusatia) uses "lich," smacking of the Lichfield topic of the last update. The Lichfields, Litch's, and others had traced to Leslies...using the Italian Botter bend in colors reversed. I failed to say in the last update that MacBeth septs include: Leach, Leache, Leachey, Leachie, Leche, Leech, Leetch, Leich, Leitch, and Litch.

This is a good time to remind that "Saddle" smacks of an S-version "DUDLey," for the latter clan uses the Saddle lion too. Both the English Sparrs/Sparks and Dodds were first found in Cheshire, and then the Dodd Coat uses the same "swallow" (otherwise called a footless martin) seen in the German Sparr/Sperl Crest. Therefore, Dodds ("copia cautus" motto phrase) appear to be of the Dudleys. As Davids of Cheshire also use "copia," consider the similarity between some David variations (e.g. Dauid) and the Dudd variation of Dodds.

We might wonder who came first, Dodds or Davids, Dudleys or Davids, Dougals or Davids? Perhaps the evolution of terms was Saddle > Dudley / Dougal > Dudd > David. The "Jewish" Levi lion has a positioning and tail much like the same-colored David lion. The positioning is called, "passant," and then the Pass/Pascal Coat (more red eagles) uses the Levi lion in the same colors again!!! Moreover, the David motto, "PAX et copia," smacks of the Pagan/Payen / Pay/Pascel elements to which I trace Pass'/Pascals.

Scottish Sparrs use yet another red eagle (same as Ferte eagle), and trace by their motto to Meres of Cheshire, and no doubt to the Ferte-Maces of Cheshire, the Macey- Maccabee line. The "son of the purse" to which the Scottish-Sparr write-up traces is good indication that the Perche location of Bellamys, who moved into Ferte-Mace, links to mythical Percival, for entering "Purse" gets the Somerset Pierces that are no doubt linked to Somerset's Percivals. Chances are, these elements had linked to Somerled-branch MacDonalds, a Daphne line in my opinion from Devon's Dumnonii. The Davids are traced by me to these Daphne elements, which suggests that Davids came first followed by Dudds / Dudleys. Just guessing.

It was the Caseys at the top of this discussion who used red eagles tracing to the 666-suspect phoenix. While Caseys use a "casus" motto term, the Dodds use "copia cautus."The Casey write-up: "In its ancient Gaelic form, the Irish name Casey was written O Cathasaigh, from the word 'cathasach,' which means watchful." CATHAS??? Remember here that Caseys are suspect as a Cati line to surnames suspect as deriving from the theory of kes=666. As a reminder, the other Casey clan had linked to Levi in Paris, the place to which I trace "Percival/Parzival."

The reason that Butteri were stressed above is that the Botter bend is used by the Kess/Casey Coat. If you're wondering what birds are in the Kess/Casey Coat, they're said to be crows.

One of the major premises developed in the last update on "chi xi stigma" is that Kays/Keys belonged to it. This is repeated here because Kess'/Caseys are also "Kaseys," and then the German Kase surname shows Kas, Kese and Kees variations. The Coat shows an armored arm holding a sword (like the Mieske Coat does), but then the arm has wings, smacking of the Chaine/Chenay Coat (in Kess/Casey-Coat colors) using the Masci wing. The Kase/Kese/Kees write-up traces to one who makes cheese, but then Mieszko Poles, and even the Gobel surname using the Masci wing (of an eagle), were traced to the Mouse Tower at Goplo (Poland)!! Cheesincidence?

NO WAY, for the Chaine/Chenay surname is also "CHESney!!! It's even "Quesnay," and this would be the time to tell that the Greek letter, xi," is pronounced "zi" (according to the website at the top of this update) so that "chi xi" sounds like, Cheez, Keys or Kees. I kid you not that I do not ever recall being on the Kase surname; it just came up while on the Kess/Casey/Kasey clan. But searching my files, I find one instance on "Kase," in the 1st update of last October:

JUST FOUND. The Kees(e) Coat uses the arm-and-sword!! How better to make a Mieske link? AND, the Keese's were first found in Swabia, as with the Schecks. The Kees(e) write-up may insinuate Khazars as well as the Cheese/Cheser surname: "The name is derived from the Middle High German word 'kaeser,' denoting a person who made and sold cheese." The German Kaiser surname (billets) uses the crown of the Martel, Capet, and Clyde Coats. Sounds more French than German, and of course it's a very wealthy and powerful family. English Kaisers show no Coat, were first found in Oxfordshire, and show Kaser, Keaser, Kesser, and Keysar variations.

Either the Poles at Goplo were cheese makers, or cheese got to be code for a 666 Massey bloodline. The myth writer, Gallus AnonyMOUS, had a Popiel character die in the Mouse Tower by being eaten by mice. I myself chose John Anonymous as my online name, but having nothing to do with Gallus or the "mous" ending.

The Cheese/Cheser Coat uses the same lion as the Ferraris and Fergus', and was first found in Norfolk where Sparr lines were just traced. The Veres were Ferraris, in my opinion, and Veres / Weirs are said in one of their write-ups to be of SPROWEStun, smacking of Sprowston of Norfolk. The Chess variation could suggest the naming of Chester! The Chee/Cheatle surname re-arises now, traced to Keith Catti and therefore to the CadMUS line of Cati, the 666-Europa line.

Was the Cantel and Candel line traced to 666? The Chaine/Chenay/Chesne surname shows a Chande variation that could apply, especially as the Coat is in Dutch Gant colors.

I've been claiming for two years that the False Prophet and/or anti-Christ will be from a mouse=Massey bloodline. I've taken the risk of communicating to readers time and again that God has been using the mice at my new property as signs thereof. God knows that I'm a funning-around kind of guy, and He has definitely been funning with me using these mice, no matter how I pray and try to keep them out of the house. I built this house and would know any any mouse-size holes that they could get into, but there are none in the basement foundation nor on the first floor. I just wrapped slippery aluminum around all corners of the house in case mice have been climbing the corners into the second floor, but last week I had another mouse while that metal was on. The only other way is for mice to climb the trees with branches over the roof at a height of about 25 feet. Do mice do that?

In any case, the point is: I happen to use two foods to catch mice, cheese and peaNUT BUTTER. Again, the Gants are traced by me to Butteri, and the Chaines/Chenays with Masci wing were linked to Chanutes/Cheyneys and therefore to Canute/CNUT. I could be a nut, or God could be funning around with me (always with a purpose, of course). Either way, the anti-Christ system continues to trace to Masseys of the mouse kind.

The Chassaing variation of the Chaines/Cheneys could explain why the scallops of Pattersons/Cussains are in Chaine/Chenay colors. Quite apparently, Chaines had been Caseys too, but then note that the Chain surname (no 'e') was first found in Kerry, the MUSkerry theater, explaining the Masci wing.

The Duncans/Donkeys were featured in the last update, and found linked directly (by royal marriage) to the 666 Stewarts of the Suthen / Sutton kind (Suttons had been found to be a branch of 666 Stokes). It's notable that, when I first discussed the trace of the phoenix to Lake Van in particular (i.e. as Van evolved into Phoenicians), I also realized that heraldic red eagles were phoenix likewise tracing to Lake Van. I showed the red eagles of the Taran/Tarent Coat (in Trent colors) because the Mus province at Lake Van was also called, Taran/Tarun. Taran was linked to the Turan witchcraft entity of the Butteri theater, but the point here is that both Sutton and Stoke were just found to be cities on the Trent river.

The Taran/Tarent Coat uses the Casey chevron, suggesting that indeed Caseys trace to a CadMUS line (of Cadusii) out of Mus at Lake Van.

I see the following sentence at one Google-result page, but the webpage is not loading for me for further examination: "Taron (Taran) took part in the administrative Themasi." "Themasi" smacks of the Tomasso surname, first found in Cheshire. Just saying (there may be no connection). Italian Tomassos were first found in Naples, where my mother's town originated. She, with a Masci bloodline, might ultimately be from TheMASI, you see, and this term is excellent for my trace of Van's Mus region to what I call the proto-Massey house of the Exodus Hyksos.

It's time now to go to the pheons, which I also traced to Lake Van, in particular to the Biaini founders/namers of Van. We begin with this alternative Duncan Coat (Disce pati" motto) not mentioned in the last update. The write-up: "They claim descent from Dunchad, the 11th Abbott of Iona who died in 717. He was also the progenitor of the Robertsons." We then find the Robertson Coat with wolves (Astikas symbol) in Traby/Sadowski colors, and using such variations as MacConaCHIE, MaconaCHIE, MacConCHIE, MacConcKEY, MacConKEY, MacDonnaCHIE, MacDunnaCHIE (and MacInroy and MacLagan).

[Late in this update, I'm back to the ScorDISCI area of the Sava river, which may have to do with the Disce term of Duncans, for the Scordisci were along the DANube / Ister river.]

Over and over again, we find Chi-like terms at the end of those surnames, and then, like the Caseys that are said to be from "Cath," Duncans were early called DunCHAD, suggesting a Dane merger with Chads of some sort. Both Chads and Chats were first found in Norfolk, where Cheeses were first found, and I suspect the related Chandes for other reasons too. Consider the similarity between the "DuChaine" and "Duchand" variations of Chaines/Cheneys and "Duncan" and "Dunchad."

If you're asking how the (Mac)Con terms got into the Duncan surname, note the Maconachie variation suggesting the possibility that "MacCon" was initially "Macon." That certainly explains the "chie" and "key" endings as per the Kay/Key link to Mackays / Maceys.

Indeed, for French Roberts use the Mackie/Mackey and Mackesy lion in Duncan-chevron colors, and English Roberts use the same Shield as Maceys / Mackays. How many people know that white-on-blue Mackays and Maceys are at the root of Duncans, and the Dunkeld dynasty? Heraldry is bearing this out, my fellow honey seekers. Leifs/Leafs/Leaves use leaves on the same Shield as Roberts / Maceys, and on the Leif chevron, bees. Compare the Leif Crest to the Shand/Chand Crest (below).

Entering "Chand" gets two Coats both in white-on-blue, one being the Chaine/Cheneys/Chande surname, and the other (Scottish) having an interesting write-up: "First found in Aberdeenshire, where they held a family seat from ancient times, some say as early as the 12th century. In this county the name has been found in the parishes of Fyvie, Drumblade...The family is said, by C.F. Shand, the family historian, to be descended from Philibert de Shaunde, Earl of Bath in 1485, who in turn, was descended from a noble house in Normandy. The Earl of Bath, Philibert Shaunde, was created by King Henry II of England and Normandy. Philibert was styled by the King as 'Consanguineus noster.'." The latter phrase means "our own blood."

It just so happens that Henry II was of the blood of Margaret of Scotland, and that entering "Margy" gets the Mackie/Mackey Coat while entering "Mackesy" gets the Margeson Coat. Henry's mother (Matilda) was queen Margaret's granddaughter.

Matilda's mother was also named, Matilda, and so why would queen Margaret name her daughter by that term? My understanding is that "Matilda" was also "Maud," which terms smack of the Massi/Mattis line to the Mattiaci. In my opinion, the Mauds of Cheshire link to the Wassa surname as per a comparison of their Coats, and then the American flag's stars were traced to white-on-blue Moray, where same-colored Mackays ruled. I think that all of Scottish Freemasonry begins here, not neglecting that Margaret's cup bearer was Henry Sinclair of Roslin.

The fact that es were first found in Aberdeen, and linked there to Drumblades, suggests the Hungarian elements that came to Scotland with Margaret, when Maurice Drummond piloted the ship.

Here's the variations of the Chains (no 'e') using the same cross as Sinclairs: McShane, McShain, McShaen, MacShane, MacShain, MacShaen, MacCheyne, McCheyne, McSheyne...etc. Note the similarity to the Saan and Saen variation of Sinclairs. Let's go back to the Chand write-up to see old variations somewhat like those in the list above: ""The family is said, by C.F. Shand, the family historian, to be descended from Philibert de Shaunde, Earl of Bath in 1485..." It reminds me of the Mackay link to MacHETHs of Moray / Ross-shire whom I traced to the Bath/ATHA surname first found in Somerset. I claimed that the Baths/Athas were root to the Bitars/Buttars and Aflacks, both of whom use the same cross as Sinclairs and Chains. Coincidences? I don't think so, for both Bitars and Aflacks were of the Aberdeen frontier.

The Chands/Shands use a "comite" motto term, and the Sinclairs use "Commit." The Duncans appear to be Danes, and Sinclairs were Danes by blood. Meschins were from the Sinclair line. Mieszko's daughter married Danes. Does anyone see Samson's donkey hanging anywhere around here? I'm taking about his Danann-key? Perhaps it's coincidental that Donkey should have become a Duncan alternative. Perhaps not total coincidence.

Did we see the all-seeing-eye cult linked to Caseys? I had traced mythical Siemowit, Mieszko's ancestry in the Mouse Tower, to the WITkowo location in Poland, using an all seeing eye in its Arms.

Why did Jesus enter Jerusalem on a donkey on the weekend that He gave up his life? To whom was God sending a message?

When we find in the Duncan write-up that Duncans were "the progenitor of the Robertsons," and then find the Mackie/Mackey lion of the Roberts in the Proper/Robin Coat ("tyrannis" motto term), with a key in the crest, we have some very favorable climate for tracing Duncans to Poland's 666 cults. But I've come this distance on the Duncans to show the three white pheons of the French (Brittany) Robin Coat. I have a theory, as per "accidentally" typing ^^^ instead of 666 in the last update (see your keyboard for the reason). The three Robin pheons are pointed up to form, perhaps, the idea of ^^^, potential code for 666 that Illuminatists may use.

There are times when pheons are said by heraldry descriptions to point down, in which case they could represent vvv, or three Hebrew letters 'v' each with a value of 6. The three white Pilote pheons point down. I traced them to the downward Celt/Cult pheon, which I'm mentioning here because I traced "DunKeld" to Celts. If that's correct, I would expect the Celts/Cults to be related to Chands. Did we trace Chands just now to Sinclairs? The Celt stag design is exactly that of the Rollo stag (half way down the page).

Do Rollos use boars? A boar is the only symbol in the Chand Coat. The boar is in the colors of the Pilate pheon. Before tracing the birth of Pontius Pilate (said to be from to a Pict mother in Perthshire) to Celts/Cults, first found in Perthshire, she was traced to the Callus/Cole/Aul surname using the Celt/Cult pheon pointed up. The red-on-white stars in the latter Coat were traced to Kyles and others, but NOW LOOK, for the same colored stars are used by the Chand Chief!!!!!!

Spectacular. Just like that, we have traced Duncans/Dunkelds both to Celts/Cults and Chands, and to the mother of Pontius Pilate. Could the Chands help us to understand Pilate's birth in the Sands of time?

I traced Pilate's father to Butteri, and Chands are in Botter colors too. I had traced Pilate's father to an unknown immediate descendant of Valerius Gratus (Roman governor of Jerusalem before Pilate took over), and it just so happens that the Chand motto is translated with a "valor" motto term. I had traced such a term to Valerius because: 1) Rollo married a Poppa of Valois, and the Valois surname is also "Valour."; 2) the Rollo and Valery chevrons are identical, in colors reversed to the Valois/Valour chevron.

As the chevron is perhaps an upside-down letter 'v' in disguise, why is it that we hardly ever see upside-down chevrons? The only one I can recall is that of the Cheyney/Chanut/Shaynu Coat!!! Are not the latter clan Chand relatives??? Why is the Cheyney/Chanut chevron in the colors of the Valois/Valour chevron??? Wasn't Canute a Dane too, and from Mieszko's daughter???

Chands use "fortuna," and Rollos use "fortune." I tend to trace such motto terms to Fortriu, the alternative name of Moray.

Perhaps the "Disce pati" motto of Duncans is code for the Path/Pett/Pert surname that named Perthshire.

This link of Duncans to a proposed 666 codes of pheons and chevrons jibes well with Suthen, wife of Duncan I, who was traced to the STIGweards and Astikas. Moreover, as we saw the 777 code for 666 from Aleister Crowley, explained in that the Hebrew letter 'v' looks like a '7,' what about the Crowley boar, blue on white, colors reversed from the Chand boar?

Over and over again, 666 is tracing to Israeli priests, and I trace Suthen to Sadducees without fear of error. I now find that Chandes are also SHAWnds, what smacks of the Sadducee-suspect Shaws = Sithechs. Chands are in Dutch-Gant colors, and those Gants are suspect as Butteri (i.e. the people suspected by me as furnishing Pilate's father).

Did we see that Chands linked to Kess'/Caseys/Kaseys by way of German Kase's/Kese's? It was the Kess/Casey Coat using crows in the colors of the Chand boar. I had traced Pilate's father to Butteri of Ardea / Lanuvium, and Lanuvium was traced to Lanarkshire...where the Kess/Casey surname was first found. By what coincidence does the Kess/Casey Coat use the Italian Botter bend? The latter's bend uses a red-on-white star, the colors of the Chand and Callus/Cole/Aul stars. I had not known the Kess/Casey Coat when I traced Pilate's father to Butteri of Lanuvio.

So, who were the Chandes? The Cantels/Chantrells? The Rollo "tout" term was linked to the red canton of the Tout surname, and the Canton surname uses stars in their Chief that are colors reversed to the Chand-chief stars.

I had traced the Devauds/Devaux' to Davids in a round-about way that I cannot recall, and then Davidsons are a known branch of the Clan Chattan using the Botter bend. We have already traced the Kess/Caseys and similar others to Chattans. But now see that the pelican design is exactly that of the Cantels/Chantrells.

Did I just trace Chands to Perthshire before seeing the Davidson Coat just now? Yes, and Davidsons (MacCarthy/Arthy stag) were first found in Perth! The Paths/Petts/Perts use a stork, as does the Welsh Davy Crest. The Stork surname (in Davy-Coat colors) uses a chevron once again in the colors of the Valois/Valour chevron. The Storch variation could be hint of a Stock/Stoke branch.

French Davys use lilies and the Valois/Valour chevron again, not forgetting the "valor" term in the Chand-motto translation. Welsh Davys use the Proper/Robin and Robert lion in colors reversed, and as this is the Mackie/Mackey/MARGY lion too, the Welsh Davies are suspect as naming David I (son of queen Margaret). That would suggest that the bloodline of David I should use the white-on-red of the Welsh Davids, and Moray's Randolphs and Ruths/Rothers/Randolphs come to mind, but see also Rodhams.

It just so happens that the Randolph-Crest bat and Randolph-Coat cross has been traced (by me) to a Welsh surname, the Baths/Athas! SUDDENLY, we have verification of a Randolph (= major Obama bloodline) trace to Welsh Davids and Davis,' very important for my claim, and the claim of some others: that Obama's true father was Frank Marshall Davis.

As the birth of Pilate looks very much steeped in the Rollo bloodline, the pointers are aimed at this time to the Italian Candidas/Candels. But how can this jibe with a trace of his birth to the Celts/Cults and their assumed Caledonian-Pict ancestry? The Butteri were traced to Pictones who reportedly named Botter-like Poitiers, and in that theater there were the SANTones whom were traced, in the last update, to CANTels and Candidas. Scottish SANDals use a bend in colors reversed from the Botter bend.

The Masonic logo, the compass and square. Isn't it a 'V' and an upside-down 'V'? And when there is a 'G' placed between the compass and square, isn't that the 7th letter of the alphabet? Is that logo, therefore, a code for 777 = 666? The heraldic canton has been called a "square."

It all traces back to PERTHshire because the compass and square were invented by mythical PERDix. Of Crete, where the Europe-666 cult was infested with her filthy cup of blood, making human sacrifices to a devil, INSANE BEING.

I gleaned that Sinclairs use a "Commit" motto term for the Contes/Compts (Languedoc), and they were identified as partners with the Vilnius-related Fond de Villes (Lanquedoc). Herluin Conteville, who married a royal Sinclair (the Conqueror's mother), was a son of John de Burgo. The English Candels use the same fat cross as Irish Burghs. Then, as Sinclairs come up when entering "Saint," there is another Saint surname, first found in Yorkshire, as with English Cantels. That's further evidence that Sands / Saints were CANTels and Candidas. English Burghs are green on white, the colors of the fat cross of the English Sandals.

Pilates were first found in BURGundy.

If a chevron is a 'V' = 7 = 6 in disguise, why is it called a chevron? Doesn't "chevron" almost begin with "chi"? And why is there a 'v' in that word? Is a triple chevron code for 666? Clares use a triple chevron in Burgh colors (I have seen the Dutch Burgh chevron that's exactly the Clare chevron). The problem is, it seems certain that "chevron" is code for "Hebron." Hmm, wow, just realized, after saying that, that "bron" = 222, a third of 666. Wow. Three brons = 666! (b=2; r=100; 0=70; n=50).

Brons are Browns use a chevron, and three fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Masci fleur. Brunos are in the same colors and were from Asti (beside Cuneo) in Piedmont, the land of the 666, where Mascis were first found.

Again, a heraldic canton is also a "square." The Square/Squire Coat uses a "squirrel cracking his nuts" (i.e. possible symbol of Canute / Chands who smack of "canton" and of Candidas), and then if we assume that the Square/Squire clan traces to Cuneo just because the Candidas were traced there in the last update, what about the bear paw in the Square/Squire Crest. German Brons use bears. English Brons/Browns use the same-colored chevron as Cheyneys/Chanuts.

Hmm, as chi-xi-stigma spells "chiqs" (a Greek 'q' is the xi), what about the bank check. Canadians call it a "cheque." Is this why the Illuminati use checks or "checkerboards" in heraldry? I read that checkerboards were used by bankers to manage coins in some way. Have the 666ers known since the coining of "check/cheque" that it was a 666 term? Weren't Templars also bankers? It just so happens that the Check/Chick surname was first found in Suffolk, where Burg-related Sandals (and triple-chevron Clares) were first found.

Why does the Candie Coat use three small saltires? Can saltires also depict "chi-xi" as per an x-shape? The saltire was traced to the Sallete variation of Sales-of-Mascy, but that doesn't explain why its an x-shape. Hmm, the Sales Crest is a downward pheon, a potential 6 (as per the ^ above the 6 on your keyboard). Italian Salmons use a Shield full of checks. What about that Masonic claim that the "star of David" traces to Biblical king Solomon? Could that be code for a trace to Salyes Ligures and the surnames above? A "star of David" is a hexagram, having six points and made of one pyramid on an upside-down pyramid, much like the compass-and-square logo.

Why does the Stainer surname use two saltires made up of laurel branches? I checked the surname because it adds up to 666. Their is a dash between the two saltires, as if to indicate x - x. It uses a do the Paths/Petts/Perts and Welsh Davys. The Stork surname (in Davy-Coat colors) uses a chevron in the colors of the Valois/Valour chevron.

I am flattened by this one. After writing the above, I saw that "Stayner" could have developed from stigma-like surnames. The idea is that the x -x is code for chi - xi while the Stayner surname itself is the stigma part. Trust me, the idea of saltires being code for chi-xi occurred to me BEFORE I came across the Stainer Coat, but I wasn't going to mention the wild theory until then. Peering at the Stayner surname, and recalling from the last update the suggestion of a stigma link to stags, it was decided to enter "Stagner." I'm on dial-up Internet way out here in the land of sticks, and so the write-up loads before the Coat appears some seconds later. When the image finally loaded, there were three downward pheons!

When I get ^^^ as per these three pheons from a stig-like surname that is apparently related to a Stainer = 666 surname, and finding it only moments after introducing a possible 666 in three pheons, it doesn't seem coincidental.

The Stagner pheons are not only in the white color of the Sales pheon, but are on a black-on-white bend, what the Sale Coat uses!!! The paragraph above on Sales was written minutes BEFORE coming to the Stagners.

Earlier, I had suggested that the Storck variation of the Storks could be indication of links to 666-suspect Stocks/Stokes. I now find that Stagners, who smack of stork-using Stayners, are properly shown as Stockdale, Storkdale, and Stackdall. Isn't that wild? In the last update, Staggers were introduced, and now I find that they use a chevron in colors reversed to Storks (the latter's is in the colors of the 666-suspect Bron chevron).

If there is a difficulty in that Stocks should come up as "Stagner," it recalls the trace of Stocks/Stokes, in combination with stigma-suspect lines of the Stigweard kind, to Astikas > Trabys. Stewarts (who use a stag) were from Dol, which might explain "StockDALE." The Dale Crest is another stork (swan in the Coat), and Dales, as with Stockdales/Storkdales, were first found in stork-infested Yorkshire.

Staggers were first found in Devon (beside Stayners of Somerset), where Stayers/Stairs (Zionist stars in Traby-bugle colors) were first found.

It may sound corny, but I had imagined Stairs as per Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven, for Led Zeppelin was a satan-worshiping rock band. It was while viewing the Stayer Coat that it was decided to load the Stayner surname, after remembering that "Stainer" added up to 666. This all came immediately after writing the saltire bit on Sales.

Years ago, I traced a stork symbol used by Oettingers of Bavaria to Storkhouse in Yorkshire, where Odins/Oddies were first found. I now find that stork-related Stagners were first found in Yorkshire. There is no Storkhouse Coat, but the natural thing to do is try for a Stockhouse. A tree stump! And the wing design of Bavarian Bauers.

Both the wings and stump are in an odd pinkish hue. The surname was first found in Hesse, and uses the now-forbidden silver Shield on gold Shield. The Spanish Fonts/Fuentes that were traced to Phoenicians use a gold-on-silver Shield. The wings are described: "The wings of the Prussian eagle." I haven't known that before.

Checking the Prussia surname, it happened to have a Kissinger look to it. I recall finding the Kissinger style of six-pointed stars in south-east Poland, and that's where Lviv is located. There are a few Kisl-using variations shown that smack of Hesse-CASSEL, where Maier Bauer-come-Rothschild kicked off his fortune-making.

That brings us back to Casey-like terms linking to Catti, which draws a line to Keith Catti, relatives of Seatons who come up when entering "Satin," a Stain-like term. The other Satin Coat is the Sutton Coat, relatives of the Stocks. It's interesting here that while Sutton/Satins use a green lion, Seatons/Satins use a green dragon.

I've know for long that the Scottish Cassel Coat is a version of the Kennedy Coat, but note the key in the Cassel Coat. Cassels use the Casey chevron! Nailed it. It tends to prove that Caseys trace to Catti of Hesse-Cassel.

Earlier, I wrote: "There is a very good chance that the garb in the CASey Crest is the GAScony garb...As Gascones were named after Vascones = Basques, what about the baskets surrounding the Font/Fuentes Shield...suggesting strongly that baskets are code for Basques. That idea coupled with the Casey trace to Cassel suggests that Gascony was named after Cassel elements, or vice versa. French Casey variations had been listed earlier to check for links to "Castile," but now compare the following French-Casey variations to "Cassel": Cazalin, Cazelle, Casaille, Cazelles, Chazelle, Chazelles.

My mind is scanning quite a few things as I peruse the Coats, because it's becoming obvious that there are, as should be expected, more 666 codes than readily meets the eye. There are six leaves on the French-Casey branch, and three branches, amounting to 666.

The "Avise" motto term of Cassels adds up to 222, and there is a chevron in the Coat ("bron" had added up to 222 too, making three chevrons suspect as 666).

Kabbalists have all sorts of numbers to which they apply spiritual meanings, like fools trying to force spiritual virtues into their lives by playing games with numbers and letters, as if the universe (or universal Mind) somehow values the same by some fundamental laws. Its frightening to have humans like that creeping the earth, but if they are in powerful positions over us, it's no wonder the world is falling apart while the piper plays a promising song.

I had not re-seen the German Cassel Coat when I wrote the above on the Scottish Cassel Coat. I had been wondering why Scottish Cassels did not use three chevrons with their Avise=222. Clicking to the German Cassel surname (Bavaria), three chevrons!!! In the colors of the Clare triple chevron!

Checking the Clares for other signs of 666, there in the Crest is the stag of the Kess/Casse/Casey Crest!!! We are viewing all sorts of 666 codes unawares, all of which proves that heraldry is Illuminati-infested artwork. Earlier, it was said: "The Cheese/Cheser Coat uses the same lion as the Ferraris and Fergus'." I now find the same lion in the Clares of Spain, suggesting strongly that they are a branch of Kess-related English Clares.

Did we trace the 666 to Trabys? Irish Clares use five white ostrich feathers in Crest!!!

I'm just guessing at this time in an effort to find the realities. Noting that Clares were from Clere in the Vexin, some 666 possibilities struck me in "Vexin." I trace the term to "viking," and so let's look at a hypothetical "vichin" term. We have the 'v' that is a 6 in the Hebrew alphabet, or even the VI that is a 6 in the Roman numerals. The "chi" = 600, and "in" is 60 in the Greek alphabet. Just saying that, perhaps, an original viking term was patterned after 666. Vikings did use dragons on their ships.

As an aside from the 666 topic, or maybe not, I'd like to bring Marilyn Munroe into the picture, with whom John F. Kennedy had an affair. As Kennedys and Cassels share a Coat, and as the Cassel bloodline has just been revealed to include Caseys, it's first of all interesting that the Munroe Coat uses a red eagle, as does the Irish Casey Coat, a surname first found in Cork...where the Desmond-of-Muskerry lot lived that traced to Lake Van for more reasons that the Mus part of that term. The red eagle was traced independently to Lake Van, as was the heraldic rising eagle which I interpret as a phoenix. The Munroe Crest is a rising eagle!

But there is more, and this exercise should blow off your hats for the continued realization that heraldry is heaps and mounds of codework. "Munroe was first used as a surname by descendants of the Pictish people of ancient Scotland. The ancestors of the Munroe family lived near the foot of the river Roe in the Irish county of Derry. The Gaelic form of the name is Rothach, which means a man of Ro or a man from Ro." There is no mention of "MUNster," and yet we have just seen good cause for a trace of MUNroe to Munster, the home of the Desmond-of-Muskerry entity. Plus, it's known that Desmonds (MONkey in Crest) were "Deas" in the Munster theater, and the Deas clan is first found in Angus, where Picts lived.

The Dorney surname, first found in Kerry, could apply to Dorians suspect in the area.

This is a good place to mention that there is a Rhos location in Gwynedd, close to Mona and the Menai waters, for I trace the Venedotia founders of Gwynedd to Vannes-branch Veneti and therefore to Lake Van. In that picture, Munroes/MONroes trace to the very area to which I traced "HasMON(ena)." To facilitate the Munroe trace to Rhos, here's more of the write-up: "First found in Cromartyshire, where they were descended from Donadl O'Kane and his Irish sept, who left their homeland at the mouth of the river Roe, in Ireland and settler in Ferrindonald in Cromarty, in the 11th century. Other historians suggest the name was originally Monrosse..."

In this picture, the Desmond motto, "Crom aboo," should link to Munroe (and possibly other) elements of CromARTY (MacCarthy/ARTHY elements, very apparently). It can't be coincidental that Scottish Cromartys/Crommys use white on Green (Maccabee colors), and colors reversed to the Deas clan (Angus), for Cromartys were first found in Aberdeenshire, beside Angus. The point is, there is another red eagle in the Cromarty Crest!

The Scottish MacCabe/MacABEE Coat use white on green too, and then some Cromarty/Crommy variations use "CromBIE." The Deas Crest: "A bee feeding on a daisy."

It just so happens that the raven-depicted vikings (666 suspect as per their Stewart bloodline) took Rothesay while Munroes are traced to "Rothach." GD should like this topic because she seeks Rothesay links to Angus, but the point is the proof in the pudding where English Cromartys/Cromars use do German Rothes. MacCabes lived in the sea on Arran, smack beside Rothesay.

Therefore, Munroes of MUSkerry elements trace also to Bute = Rothesay, the island to which I traced the nine mythical Muses. Yes, the Massey bloodline, or the raven-using Mackies/MacKEYS first found in Ayrshire, which is continental Bute. It's very hard, in this picture, to deny that the arrow in the Mackie/Mackey Coat belongs to the Rothschild/Rothstein Coat.

I haven't yet got to the blow-your-hat-off part. It has to do in-part with all the green yet about to be encountered, and so I'll mention one chapter title in my Ladon book, "Who Pict Green for Lothian." The idea there was that I had gleaned a green color for Picts, and we are seeing much green here in the Munroe Picts. We of course want to keep a look-out for further clues on the Pict mother of Pontius Pilate.

When I saw that the Deas clan of Angus lived in Tayside, I checked my files for the other clan who lived in Tayside, and it turned out to be the Bitars/Butters. It just so happens that I found the Bitars (2nd update this month) where it said this: "Back to the Bitars/Butters of Tayside, who use the 'DiriGET' motto code for 'Taygeti.'" Taygeti had been a topic at the time because it was a mountain system providing for the Mani peninsula, and mythical Menelaus at Las, which entities I had been tracing to Mona and Menai, and to the Hasmonean line there.

It blew my hat off, therefore, to realize that "DIRIget" was part code for the Derry county of Ireland, where the Roe river was located on which MUNroes lived. Diriget = Derry was the theory anyway, and it checked out when green-on-white acorns (Deas / Cromarty colors) turned up in the German Derry Coat. But my hat was not completely blown off yet.

The Irish Derry Coat also use green on white, and now we find oak trees (that grow acorns) as well as a "Be watchful" motto that could be part code for MaccaBEEs / MacAbees. Did I trace Irish Caseys (red eagle, as with Munroes) to Muskerry? It was the Irish Casey write-up that uses "watchful": "In the same instance that I saw the Derry oak trees, it was recalled what was said earlier in this update:

Caseys appear to trace to Cati too: "In its ancient Gaelic form, the Irish name Casey was written O Cathasaigh, from the word 'cathasach,' which means watchful." Never mind that definition except that it could be code for a Watt (all-seeing-eye and seeing glasses) or similar surname.

It's that Watt Coat that uses glasses worn by an oak tree. That's what blew my hat off.

It just so happens that while both Deas' and Bitars/Butters lived in Tayside, the Watt Crest is the Botter eagle, and Botters lived in Hampshire, the very place to which I trace the Atreus > Menelaus line. IN FACT, I trace "Atreus" to "Odrysians" and identify the latter as Dorians. The Derry write-up traces to Dor-like term! MOREOVER, I and others have traced Druids ("men of the oak") to the Odrysian theater ("dryas" in Greek means "oak"), and the Munroe motto: "Dread God." That's blasphemy, is it not, to make Druids into God?

Well it just so happens that Drummonds were of Perthshire, and they lived at Drymen (Stirling), a Druid-suspect entity. In any case, it seems clear that MUNroes were a Menelaus bloodline to Ross-shire, or at least to the Ross clan of Ross-shire. It just so happens that I traced the Ross name and Ross-shire to the first Drummonds, George, son of king Andrew I of Hungary, and his son, Maurice, who were Varangian Rus on their mother's side.

As Maurice Drummond piloted the shop that brought Hungarians to Scotland, he was given a ship symbol. We find a ship in the Irish Derry Coat, and it's the DURant ship (!!!), which now identifies the Duran(t)s (green Shield) as Dorians of the Odrysian kind. That in turn identifies the Durance river (in Provence) as an Odrysian one. Italian Durants were first found in MONdovi, though it could be viewed as MONDovi. The city is in Piedmont, beside the Durance river. It can be traced to the Vick surname, which I suspect is a viking entity:

Founded on a hilltop in 1198 by survivors of the destroyed village of Bredolo and by inhabitants of the neighboring villages of Vico (now Vicoforte), Vasco (now Monastero di Vasco) and Carassone...: an independent comune named El Mont ed Vi, meaning "The Mount of Vico" in Piedmontese, was formed.

The Vasco location beside Vico smacks of Vascones, and the English Vick surname was early, "L'eveske," "Euske," and "Vesk." It not only smacks of the Vascones = Euskals, but it just so happens that while 666 Clares lived in the Vexin (Normandy), the Sinclair write-up traces to "St Clare, Pont d'Eveque, Normandy." In this picture, Basques were Rus, surprisingly enough.

The suspicion above is that the Candida-of-Savoy branch of Sinclairs was linked to Vico / Mandovi elements. It just so happens that Vicks are in the colors of the Candies.

After writing that, I realized that both Clares and Candies were first found in Suffolk. As that about knocks my socks off, I'll be stark naked soon if this continues.

Did Durants enter this discussion from the Derry ship? By what coincidence were the Vickers first found in DURham? Apparently, that place, once called, Dunholme, was re-named after Durante elements of the Mondovi kind. Were there red eagles and Mus elements in the Munroe and Derry discussion? The Vickers Coat is a so-called "fret," a mascle-and-saltire combination that I trace to Ferte-Maces and the red Ferte eagle. But I trace Fertes to Montferrat of Piedmont.

The Vickers Crest is a saltire-like "millrind," and then while Deas' were of Angus, the Rind surname was first found in Fife. Moreover, one Vick Coat uses a pale (vertical bar), the Deas symbol too (not to mention the Dutch Victors/Fichters). That Vick Coat uses a cloud-like border, and I trace mythical Nephele (depicted as a cloud) to Nibelungs that ruled the Vexin at one point, though Nibelungs of Friesland were part of the Varangian-viking make-up. The Caseys of Cork use a cloud along with their garb, and I traced Nibelungs to a hill in Jerusalem smack next to garb-like Gareb. I can't recall the spelling of the hill, but to the best of my recollection, it started with "Neph."

It was just found in the concordance, a hill, Nephtoah, mentioned in Joshua 15:9 and Joshua 18:15. Remember, I trace Nephele's husband, Ixion, to Amorite mount Zion on Jerusalem's south side. The Casey write-up traces to Irish Hebers, which ought to trace to mythical Hebros, brother of Kikon. It just so happens that I traced "Ixion" to "Kikon." Mythical Hebros was symbol for the Hebros river upon which Odrysians lived! "First found in County Cork, where [Caseys] were descended from the O'Carrolls, Princes of Ely, who in turn were descended from the Kings of Munster, descendants of the Heber line of Irish Kings."

The Rinds/Rynds mentioned above ought to link to Rynds/Rands, explaining the "fragRANTior" motto term of the Rinds/Rynds. Both Rands and pale-using Vicks were first found in Lincolnshire. Those are the Vicks using a cloud-suspect pale, which may trace "Frag" to elements of Frey, god of Frisians. As clans under discussion are from Lake Van > Muskerry elements, I would trace Rands to Randals and Raines' (both use roughly the same Coat), the latter being trace-able to Judicael, duke at Rennes, near Vannes.

The Raines motto: "Judicium parium aut leges terrae." The Rynd/Rand coat uses the same lion as the Ley/Ligh/Legh Coat. The "terrae" term could be code for elements of Tarun of Lake Van, not forgetting that the Taran/Tarent surname uses three red eagles too, on a chevron in the colors of the Casey chevron, the same Casey chevron surrounded by three red eagles. This traced Caseys, said to be from a Cath term, to CadMUS elements out of Lake Van, explaining why Caseys are linking well to Muskerry elements.

Did we find Dorians in this discussion? The Taran/Tarent surname was first found in DORset!!! I'm starting to feel cold here. Gladly but just barely, I still have my pants on. God forbid that... Pray ye all.

We'd like to check the Dorset Coat for links to Dorians of the Derry and/or Durham and/or Durant kind. We get a giant crescent, gold on blue, same as in the Prussia Coat that had me introducing the Kissinger Coat, at which time I traced the surname to Cassel-branch Caseys. The Dorset Coat also uses a sun (with its crescent), symbol of the Durant Coat, symbol that I trace to the Sol-suspect Salyes Ligurians on the Durance river. The salmon of the MacCabes could apply, especially as there were Sales-of-Masci in Stewart-controlled Shropshire.

Entering "Durhan" gets the Durham/Durame Coat, also using a crescent, and dolphin in Crest, as with the Cassel Crest. Dorsets are shown with more Dow(s) terms than Dor terms, and then we have the Durants of MondDOVi. Did we suppose a link of Durance-river elements to Montferrat as per the Durante surname in Mondovi? It could explain why the Durham Coat uses"Ultra FERT animus" as motto. The Dorset write-up traces to "dolz," possible code for Dol.

One thing's for sure, I'm hanging onto the rest of my apparel as I trudge forward into this unknown. At any moment, we all could be caught by terrible surprise.

Back to the Casey write-up where we they are said to be from kings of Munster, descendants of the Heber line. Immediately after that, we read: "O'Casey were also chiefs of Rathconan, in the barony of Pubblebrien, county Limerick." I was thinking that Rath elements might link to the Roth elements of Munroes, but in any case, look at what we get in a Rath investigation. More Dorians. Irish Raths/Graths not only use the MacCarthy/Arthy stag, but were first found in County Clare, named after the Clares of Wales, who were from St Clare, Pont d'Eveque, Normandy, i.e. a Vick entity from Vico / Mondovi, land of the Durance-branch Dorians.

It's the German Rath Coat that has me jumping up and down in my chair. I wasn't going to mention it at all had it not been a version of the Doris/Orris Coat, and had I not been on the Dorian topic at this time. I was about to say that the only thing missing in this Dor discussion is Megiddo. Then I got to the Rath-branch Dorians,evoking the Wrath of God.

As the Raths/Graths are of the 666 Clares, how is it coincidental that the write-up traces to "Craith," that being the surname that I trace to Crete, the island of 666 Europa, the woman riding the beast that dies in Armageddon after forcing all to receive his 666 skincode? And where does he die? He's thrown alive into the lake of fire in Edom, the home of Lotan, the seven-headed dragon that married Eliphas, a Hebrew line that was hated by God as the antithesis of Israel. The antithesis-Christ is coming, with limited fire from his snout, just enough fire to burn the harlot to death, but not to take the world from the King of the Jews.

Am I saying that Eliphas Hebrews evolved into Europa = EBRopa? Ask the Amalekites who evolved into AMALthea on Crete, for Cretans then evolved into the founding of Miletus, as history and myth disclose, and then Irish Hebers trace themselves to "scythians" (i.e. namers of SCOTland) of Miletus. If that traces Amalekites to the Irish-Scot Gaels, it's no wonder they were wild men, hacking each other apart over a piece of rocky land on the side of the world that nobody knew...except for the Tyrians called Pisidians and Atlanteans. Wasn't Europa from Tyre? Wasn't she a granddaughter of Poseidon there? Dor was not far from Tyre.

It was mythical Sarpedon of Crete that founded Miletus, and he was brother to RHADAmanthys who could apply to Raths, said to be from, "Ra't." The axe in the Irish Rath/Grath/Craith Coat could be a Cretan symbol. Don't Irish Raths also use the MacCarthy stag? Although I trace "CARTHy" to Carthage-branch Tyrians, it's likely that "Crete" and "Carthage" were related terms.

Did we trace Clares of Clere, in the Vexin, to Vicks? Then see the axes in the Wickers Coat. The Wickers use "Cari" and "carent" motto term. I had not yet come to the Wickers Coat when writing the above on CARthage. It just so happens that Miletus was in CARia, no doubt named after Crete elements that founded Miletus.

Were not the Raths made a part of this discussion as per Rynds/Rands? And were not the Rinds made a part of this discussion as per the millRIND of the Vickers Crest? That is one largesse coincidence already, but it gets still taller where MILLrind might be code for Miletus elements.

As the Vexin vikings were Varangians, in my guestimation, it makes sense that WarWICK was named after Varangian vikings, especially was Warwick traces well to Warsaw, the place using the Vere dragon woman, Melusine. Moreover, Warsaw is the Masovia capital, and the Drake wyvern was used by dukes of Masovia, starting with Mieszko I, I assume. The point is, the Warwick surname uses what looks like the Raines' and Randall Coats, as well as an axe like that of the Raths/Graths, and then, while both Raths and Durantes were found to be Dorians, the Scottish Durant Coat (colors reversed to Warwicks) were first found in Warwickshire, and use bugles in the colors of the 666 Traby bugles. Amazingly, this paragraph was written before the one below traced Clares to Stoke-branch Astikas.

Whenever the fitchee cross is held by a hand, as it is in the Rath/Grath Coat, it reminds of a stake. Entering "Stake" gets the 666-suspect Stock/Stoke clan ("qui" motto term) first found in Pembrokeshire (Wales), where Strongbow Clare, the namer of the Clare location of the Raths/Graths, was ruler. Clarincidence? That's thrice now that 666 Clares have traced to 666 Trabys / Astikas. And the whole discussion at this point appears to be wrapped up in 666-suspect Drakes, and 666-suspect Varangian vikings.

I traced Raines not only to Rennes, but to a Rainfrou character that Veres of Melusine-importance hold dear. I then had better reason for tracing Rennes to Renfrew, because the latter smacks of "Rainfrou." Pollocks, first found in Renfrewshire, were traced -- albeit it was the "Jewish" Pollock Coat -- to the Doris/Orris Coat. The wavy Pollock bend was then found to be of the Arms of Vienne, and possibly, "Vienne" was a "vikin(g)/wicing term that lost, or didn't yet have the 'c/k'.

The "Vyene" variation of Viennes could modify to "Vigen" or "Vagen," wherefore note that the Wayne Coat (Macey gauntlet) smacks of the Rye and Rodhams Coats below. For me it indicates that the Vain and Bain septs of Mackays were vikings, meaning that elements of Vannes were proto-Vikings. I see Nahorites in the Nairi of Lake Van, but then there was a mythical Nor of Norway, where vikings accumulated.

Both Waynes and Caseys use a "casus" motto term, and the use a chevron in colors reversed.

Ignoring how Wikipedia's article on vikings defines the old phrase, "fara í víking," I see it as a Vere-viking or Varangian-viking phrase. What is interesting is that the article traces to "vika" and says: "vika is the same word as a week 'seven days';..." The Wicks/Wikes surname is also "Weeks." Do Veres use a "nihil" motto term? The Wicks/Wikes/Weeks use "nihilo"! They were first found in Sussex, where Ryes were first found that I traced to Cretans of the Craith/Cree/Rie kind.

AHA! The Scottish Craith/Cree/Rie uses the 666-suspect leaves of the French Casey Coat !

The Ryes (RODam Shield) just happen to use a white-on red bend, as with "Jewish" Pollocks and Doris'/Orris'!! Danish Ryes use two white ostrich feathers (traced tentatively to Crete's ostrich eggs) in the shape of a 'V.' I'm not sure what kind of bird that is in the Coat, perhaps a young ostrich.

I use exclamation marks because I follow the leads one step at a time, and then the forthcoming heraldry information proves what had just been implied. It surprises me even after all these years of wearing the exclamation key down.

The new speculation at this point is that "nihil" is a NIBELung variation. It suggests that certain links ought to be apparent between the Neils/Nihills, the Nobels and Knobels, and perhaps also the Noels. When I checked those things out, the Knobells struck me as Gobels of Goplo elements, suggesting a trace of Nibelungs to Goplo. As Nibelungs were part of the French kings, ditto for the Pepinids that I traced to mythical Popiel at Goplo.

Neils/Nihills were first found in Tyrone and Clare. Nobels use the Oxford (i.e. think Veres of Oxford) lion and were first found in Cumberland, as with the Warwicks. Knobels use arrows, the theme also of English Gobels/Godbolts. German Gobels were first found in Bavaria, as with Knobels. Both Neils/Nihils and German Gobels use white-on-blue fish. Italian Gobels use a camel, as do Pepins. The latter Gobels were first found in Mantova, smacking of Mondovi in Piedmont, the city that was named by settlers of Vico! Mantova was traced by ancients to mythical Manto, granddaughter of Everes, code for Avaris. Varincidence? Avaris was the Hyksos capital ruled by pharaoh Khyan and/or his successor, Apophis/Apepi. I trace the latter to "Paph(lagonia)," and then to "Pepin." I trace Khyan's household to Masseys, and then the French Gobels use the Masci wing, as do Khyan-suspect Chaines/Cheneys. French Gobels show "Gobelin," and Knobels show "Knobelin." This is a first for me, and it's a double whammy, not only linking Masci-important Gobels to Nobels, but tracing Nibelungs to Goplo. It should ultimately explain a few key things, and new doors should open.

Did I trace lattice to Goplo's Siemowit? English Noel Coat uses lattice in the colors of the Knobels. Noels were first found in Staffordshire, where Stocks/Stokes and Thicks/Thecks (linked to qui-using Sithechs/Shaws) were first found. Were Stocks/Stokes identified as a 666-Astikas clan as even their "qui" motto term suggested? Noels use a "cuique" motto term, VERY REFLECTIVE OF CHI-XI-STIGMA!!!!!! There is a STAG in the Noel Crest. This finding comes to you on December 21, the shortest day of the year, a satanic holiday coinciding with...Noel!

The Clause of Heaven is about the shake the apples off the pine trees. The satanic star perched up high will fall to the ground. The worldly lights will go out before the white-bearded Ancient One. No one will open Walmart's gifts anymore. A New Tree will grow-grow-grow, with roots in the Ancient Law. The Gift of God will occupy, and the corporations will pack up their bags in humiliation. The size of their investments and monopolies will testify against them.

Hmm, might the lattice design carry the idea of 'v's and upside-down 'v's together?

French Noels use the colors of the Gobels.

There's a new discovery now if you care to bother your head about it (readers tell that I make their heads spin; things could be explained better at the cost of doubling the length up updates). It start with the "Ne vile" motto term of viking-suspect Vains. It looks like code for Nibelungs. Vains were first found in MONmouthshire, and of course I'm asking whether the term links to Mona of Wales, a HasMONean entity. The question jibes with the Macey gloves in the Vain Coat. A look at the Monmouth Coat reveals what appears to be the Shield of the Cheshire Mauds/Montaltos.

Checking the Neville Coat, it uses the flag granted by a pope to Gascony, and then we find that Nevilles lived in Gacey. That location happens to smack of the Gace variation of proto-Washingtons Wassas, who use Neville colors. Earlier in this update: "In my opinion, the Mauds of Cheshire link to the Wassa/Gasson surname as per a comparison of their Coats..."

The two paragraphs combined suggest that the "Ne vile" of the Vains of Monmouthshire is indeed code for Nevilles because both Monmouths and Nevilles trace to Wassa / Maud elements.

One point not originally intended for this discussion: Nevilles use the Oettingen saltire that was traced to Odins of Storkhouse and GISburn (Yorkshire), Gisburns being, I say, elements of Gascony. The stork lines, we haven't forgotten, link to the chi-xi-stigma bloodline of the Stagner/Stockdale (Yorkshire) kind. (It was Stayners who use the stork and a chi-xi-suspect Chief.)

The Stockhouses were found to use a tree stump, which is now found to be in the design of the Rodham stump, important because Rodhams were just lumped in with Waynes and Vains. I don't recall linking the "alter" term of the Rodham motto to "(Mont)Alto," but instead linked it to Altens. However, Montalto was just linked to Altens in the last update.

When was the last time that you heard a "clearing" (of land) called a "rod"? That's what the Rodham write-up traces play on both the tree stump and the Clear/Clere surname. The latter looks very Redone or Rhodian, as per the Rhode Coat.

If you didn't know before, now you know that Hillary Rodham Clinton is likely of elements of the Cecil-Rhodes Illuminati. It's well known that her husband is a Rhodes Scholar, you see, and it was Cecil Rhodes who started those globalist scholarships. You see, Bill married into the Rhodian Illuminati, and it is that Illuminati that might like to see her run against Obama. But then Obama has multiple Rhodes Scholars on his team (I've forgotten their names).

The Clears/Cleres were first found in Limousin, which recalls the identification (last update) of Candida-branch Sinclairs with Santones, relatives and neighbors of the Lemovices founders of Limousin. THEN, as the department of Vienne overlaps with Limousin, note the Arms of Vienne, for they were traced to the "Jewish" Pollock Coat could be designed like the Rodham Coat!

But the greater point is that the Doris/Orris Coat has been traced by way of the Pollock Coat to the Arms of Vienne, and the suspicion was that Doris'/Orris' were a line of Doris, wife of Herod the Great (for one Herod of Israel had been banished to Vienne). IF YOU CATH MY DRIFT, I had traced "Herod" to "Redones," and therefore he could link to "Rhodes"!!!

I'm suggesting excellent evidence for linking Hillary Rodham to Herod the Great. It's no wonder that, when she's not on her best behavior seeking the throne of the United States, she's typically a heavy-handed swiper and anti-Christian too (she needs Christian votes of middle America to find that throne). BEWARE. CAUTION. There are automated phone calls going out as we speak trying to get Democrats to dump Obama by getting Hillary into the 2012 race.

Obama is not so dangerous now that he's down with his face to the ground after being steam-rolled by his own people. The last thing America needs now is New Excitement in King Hillary. It'll be us Christians down with faces to the ground, puking. WARNING. FLASHING LIGHTS.

The Doris'/Orris' had been linked to Ores and Orells, both of which use torteaux, red roundels, probably a symbol of the Redone > Rus lines. I had found reason, thanks to Tim, for a link of Orells to the Rose clan, and it just so happens that French Roses were first found in...Limousin! They use Rodham colors, white-on-red, typical Rus/Rhodian colors.

The Dorian topic in this update started with Munroes, who are traced in their write-up to Ross'. The Doris surname is traced in it's write-up to Thessalie, which I'm assuming is Thessaly in Greece, ancient home of Dorians. I have no idea what route that trace may have taken, and for all I know it may be that Doris herself was from Dorians, which those who did the write-up may secretly know. The original point in stressing the Nevilles, in the same white on red, is that they were first found in DURham!

There was no plot in this update to introduce Nibelungs / Dorians for the purpose of linking Hillary to Herod the Great. It's just turning out that way. The first two times that Nibelungs were mentioned in this update had to do with Caseys and Vicks. I had no idea until this update that Vichs were from Dorians of the Durance / Durante kind in Mondavi = Mont de Vico. Nibelungs then got back into the discussion with the "nihilo" motto term of the Wicks/Wikes/Weeks. It's all Varangian, you see, and for as long as I've been writing about the dragon cult, Varangians have been traced to Redones of the Rodez kind.

I would have considered myself a complete nut in the beginning had I ventured to trace Redones to Herod the Great. But here I am, even tracing Hillary to that great dog.

When I was linking Clares to Caseys and to Nibelung's of the Vexin, I had no idea that I would be led within hours to the French Clears/Cleres by way of the Rodham write-up clue, "clearing." It just happened that way.

When I got to the Stockhouse Coat, I didn't check at first to see whether it's tree stump was that of the Rodhams. When I finally got round to making the comparison, I noted the "clearing" term and followed the leads to the Clares of Limousin. To this moment as I write, I haven't yet checked to see whether the Clear/Clare leopard is the Danish Bauer leopard, but I expect it to be so because the Stockhouse Crest is the German-Bauer wings.

There is another Week Coat with the same chevron as the Casey Coat.

Back now to the German Vicks (Bavaria) using a giant Zionist star used also by German Sterns. The Stirne variation adds up to 665 with the Greek alphabet. Only an 'a' is missing to hit the mark. The Stearne variation gets 661, one 'e' short of the mark. "Estearne" would do the trick, by which I mean to address the Easters / Estumys, yet another Ishtar-like bloodline. The Stern surname (said to be from "star") could ultimately be an Ishtar bloodline.

Recall Stainer = 666. "Stairne" also gets 666. But as a Greek 's' can have either a value of 200 or 6, Stirns = 666 (r, s, t add up to 600). English Sterns are in Traby-bugle colors, and sport the Kay / Kinner bird in Crest. Both Trabys and Kays/Keys are suspect as chi-xi-stigma bloodlines.

Entering "Rothschild," one gets the RothSTEIN Coat using the Ishtar star (eight points), as does the Dutch Stein Coat. for which reason Rothschilds can be linked to Steins. The point is, Steiner is very much like "Stainer." The Steins above also use a red rose, a Rhodian symbol. It happens to be red-on-gold, the color of the German Roses, first found in Silesia.

AHA! German Steiners use nearly the same goat design as stigma-suspect Stigers/Stiglers (featured in the last update) who are also "Steiger"!! I get it, I think. The question is why we have a surname, that can add to 666, related closely to a stigma-suspect surname. Which surname came first? Perhaps we should ask the bundle of RODS in the Arms of Vilnius. Compare the English Stein Coat to the Rodham Coat.

It may be no wonder that a fasces can be viewed as a bundle of rods (the official description) while a fagot, similar to the fasces, is a bundle of Astikas-like "sticks." There are plenty of gold garbs in heraldry, but in the case of the Casey gold garb, it could just link to the gold garb of the Stick Coat, the latter being in the colors of the Stoner Coat.

If some form of "phoenix" or "Phoenicia" was ever regarded as a 666 term, the three eagles in the Stoner Coat (Traby-bugle colors) might just be three phoenix as code for 6-6-6. The style of the Shield is used by Wheelwrights suspect as Mieszko Poles. The Stoner write-up: "First found in Oxfordshire...Lords of the manor of Stonor in the parish of Pushill, some say well before the Norman Conquest..." That could link Stoners to Poland- and Lusatia-related Veres, and then Pus-hill suggests a look at "pus" or "Push," the latter term getting German Bush's...traced in their write-up to "thicket or brush." Why "thicket"?

German Bush's are highly suspect as having zealous and powerful pro-Nazi agents. To now find possible linkage to Thicks is quite amazing because Thicks/Thecks link by their lozenges, and by their name. to SiTHECHs/Shaws, a clan that I am sure is from Sadducee blood. The Thicks (first found where Stocks/Stocks/Stakes were first found) use the same eagle-head design, in the same red color, as Muskerry-related and garb-using Caseys. MOREOVER, it's likely that Trents linked to the Tarans/Tarents who likewise use red eagles, and then Sithech-like Suttons were on the Trent river along with Stocks/Stokes/Stakes. The Caseys above, remember, were of the RATHconans.

WOW! BANG ON! After writing that, I found that the English Bush Crest uses the same goat head as in the Steiger Coat!!! By what coincidence could it be that Bush's were accessed from the Pushill location of Stoners just after Steigers were linked Stoner-like Steiners for the first time (that I can recall)? It's not a wonder that there were signs of ex-president Bush invading Iraq to feed more fortunes to Rothschilds.

You can find interesting evidence in the 4th update in last April that ex-president George Bush Sr. was a Nazi operative who controlled the CIA for Nazi purposes. It involves the theft of climate-changing or quake-inducing capabilities deriving from the scientific work of Tesla. I've shown many times that the Hiedler/Hitler Coat uses Bauer stars and the red and white stripes of the Danish Bauer Coat. Heidlers (vowels reversed) even use a Coat like that of Ishtar-suspect Osters/OSTEENs.

There is further evidence that Bush's were Steigers from the facts that Steigers were first found in Zahringer-founded Berne while German Bush's were in Weurtemburg, where Zahringers ruled. "The earliest individual bearer of this name to be mentioned in ancient chronicles was Cuentzlin in Busch of Wuerttenberg (1381).".

Zahringers used prairie buffalo horns doubling as elephant trunks seen in the German Stern Crest. Why trunks? Do they link to the Rodham tree trunk?

ZIKERS! In my investigations into the Scherf surname, which was the surname (I'm convinced) of the true father of George Bush Sr., I linked Scherf(f)s to Scheriffs and Sheriffs and consequently to Shicks and Schicks. None of this was on my mind when Bush's were found to link to Thicks/Thecks above by the "thicket" term in the Bush write-up, nor was it on my mind when in the last update I linked Thick/Thecks to Shicks/Shakerleys!!! That's yet more evidence that the president Bush's were in fact Scherfs.

The "Esse" motto term of Sheriffs suggests links to the Esse/Ash surname, and certainly the Schere surname coming up when entering "Scherf" seems likely rooted in "Asher/Ascher." It's hard to say at this point whether "Ascher" is rooted in "Ishtar," for "Esse/Ash" can also trace to "Hesse" and "Esau," especially as Bush's use black boars.

Esse's/Ash's use an "omniBUS" motto term, which I have traced to BOZrah because that Edomite city was ruled to Esse-like Esau. IF YOU DON'T YET KNOW, black boars are said by the book of Enoch (which I don't regard as Inspired) to be the symbol of Esau.

CHECK OUT THIS NEW EVIDENCE. Checking "Ascher," what came up but the red-on-gold saltire of the Bruce's? I know it belong's to Bruce's and Bush's because the Bush write-up traces both to "thicket" and "BRUSH." Entering "Brush," there's the Bruce saltire-and-Chief combination.

THEREFORE, it appears that Schers/Scerfs had been Aschers of a Bruce line of Abreu-related Hebrews. I trace Abreus to Aphrodite who was very likely a chief aspect the Ishtar cult on the Euphrates. It should be said here that Drakes use a motto term as code for Aquila, capital of Abruzzo, for not only is the Abreu surname also the Abruzzo surname, but the Ash/Esse Crest ("nobis" motto term) is a version of the Drake wyvern. The "muscus" motto term of the Drakes suggests the Mushussu dragon of Sumeria, for Vere's trace themselves to Anu of Sumeria. I identify Anu as Anakites.

The two fat black chevrons of the Ash's/Esse's give the impression that they link to the Levi chevron, which is important because the Bruce saltire is also the Annandale saltire tracing to Ananes Gauls whom I link to Laevi Gauls. For readers jumping into this page for the first time, the chief murderers of Jesus Christ were Annas/Ananias and his son Caiaphas, whom we assume were Levites. Was Annas/Ananias named after Anakites, also called, Anunnaki"?

It's interesting that German Ash's/Asch's use a triple chevron like that of the Clares, for both Clares and Brush's were first found in Suffolk. You may have noted that both the Bruce-Crest lion and Brush-Crest lion have a slight purplish hue. The Brush lion design is the one used by the Fond de Villes / FONT de Villes, which not only recalls the Phoenicia-suspect Fonts/Fuentes' at the top of this update, but recalls the trace of the Fond de VILles to the Arms of VILnius. The point is, Sinclairs use a "Commit" motto term that I tend to trace to the French Conte/Comites surname, and then because the Italian Conte Coat likewise has the lion design of the Fond de Villes, it's more certain that the Burgos > Contevilles who married the Sinclair line are in the "Commit" motto term. code. And because Clares use the same triple chevron, in the same colors, as Dutch Burghs (no longer shown at houseofnames), we can now be certain that the Brush lion is that of the Font de Villes and Contes/Comitis' just because Brush's and Clares were both first found in the same place.

I've claimed in the past that "CONTE" should link to the CANDida-branch Sinclairs, and now there arises evidence in the canton (small square) used by the Brush (and Bruce) Coat. Moreover, the canton surname was first found in Yorkshire, where English Bruces lived. In my opinion, Bruces, who were early called "Brusi," were from "Abrussi," and then we can be sure that the two lions (leopards officially) in the Arms of Normandy were chosen by the Sinclair rulers of Normandy. It just so happens that two lions in the same colors are used by the Abreu/Abruzzo Coat.

Did we trace Bush's of Wurttemberg to Zahringer bear liners? It just so happens that the Arms of Wurttemberg use three antlers taken from the Arms of Zahringers and Veringens. But English Contes also use three antlers, and then just gawk at the silliness of their write-up: "Such names were also occasionally bestowed as nicknames on those of undeservedly haughty or regal bearing." BEARing? We get it. But then the "haughty" term smacks of Sigrid the Haughty, whom I view as code for Hautevilles, the immediate Guiscard ancestry. It just so happens that I traced "Guiscard" (because they are also shows as "WISharts") to "VisCONTI."

Hmm, I've known that there is no Hauteville Coat coming up, but just now I found a Haught surname, first found in Cheshire, where Masseys and Mascis were from. Sigrid the Haughty was a daughter of Mieszko, you see, and just like the Mieskes/Mesechs, the Haughts uses a bull head! The clan was from Houghton, and then there are Hoctor and Hector variations!!! That is some excellent reason for tracing mythical Ector, father of Kay/Cai, to the Mieszko line in Cheshire! That is excellent corroboration that 666-suspect Mackays were from Mieszko Poles, themselves suspect from the 666-Traby Poles.

The Major/Magor surname is said to derive in "Maugier" or "Malgar." The Haught/Houghton motto, "Malgre le tort," smacks of my trace of proto-Magyars to Tortona. Indeed, it had been found that certain Hungarian elements had linked to Poles. The bigger point is that Mieszkos and Mieskes/Mesechs are traced to the Biblical Meshech while "Magyar" may have been a Magog bloodline.

ALSO, "Malgre" smacks of mythical Meleager, king of Calydon. I trace "Calydon" to "Khaldi" of Trabzon, and trace Trabys to Trabzon. BUT BEHOLD! The Arms of Trebizond Empire are three black-on-white horizontal bars of the same thickness as the three white-on-black horizontal bars of the...Haughts !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!! Count'em, 6-6-6.

Entering the "Hoctor" variation of Haughts gets the Ector/Hector surname. I've traced mythical Hector, king of Troy, to Trabzon's Amazons = Meshech multiple times. COMPARE THE HOCTOR/ECTOR Coat to the Hiedler/Hitler Coat!!! Not forgetting that Nazi-rooted Bush's traced to Esse/Ash's, who smack of Hesse, see the same sun in the German Hesse Coat, but also consider that "Hector" of Troy may have been a version of "Ishtar." The eight-pointed Ishtar star may have been a sun too.

Did you see the Hesler and Hessel variations of the Hesse's, smacking as they do of "Hitler." The "Jewish" Hesse Coat not only uses the diagonal style of the Hiedler/Hitler and Easter/Oster/OSTEEN Coats, but the same three colors used by the latter Coat. Didn't Nostradamus predict a terrible ruler by the name of Hister...which happens to be the alternative name of the Danube. Not that I think Nostradamus was a true prophet.

Amazingly, seconds before NostraDAMUS' Hister came to mind, I had been contemplating whether to repeat my views of TAMMUZ, husband of Ishtar!!! I can't yet figure whether "Tammuz," also called "Dumuzi," was named after "Edom" or after "Amazon," though I may settle on an EDOM-Mus combination even though African Amazons were also called Tamazons and similar terms. Very apparently, Nostradamus was from the Tammuz-Ishtar cult, and perhaps he knew that world rulers wanted to set up an anti-Christ from the Ishtar cult. It makes much sense now to trace Nazi "Aryans" to the Ishtar cult, but the point here is, still, the similarity between "Hesler" and "Hitler" and "Hister" as they seem to link to the Easter-rooted Osters/OSTEENs that may have produced 666-suspect Steins, Steiners, Stainers and Steigers.

I'm assuming that his "Nostradamus" is also after an Oster-like NOSTER. Did I suggest that three small saltires could indicate 6-6-6- when on the topic of the Stainer Coat? The PaterNOSTER Coat uses them in the black of the Stainer saltires. Clearly, they are the Patrick saltire.

Back now to the "thicket" term in the Bush write-up, as it links to Thicks/Thecks with a bitter in Crest said to be among "reeds." We saw that the "brush" term in the same write-up was code for the Brush-branch Bruces. AND SO BEHOLD the BRUCE saltire in colors reversed of the Reed Coat! I restrained myself from commenting above that the Paternoster Coat uses the same chevron as Caseys, but now I can't refrain from re-mentioning the gold garb in the Crest of that Casey Coat, for Reeds use gold garbs too.

If you've forgotten, Caseys and Kess'/Caseys became a topic as of the "kes" term that appears when viewing the letters, chi, xi and stigma, and then the two saltires of Stainers were suggested as a chi-xi code, with the stork below the saltires acting as the stigma-suspect bloodline of Stocks/Stocks. It was later discovered that Stainers/Stayners were themselves of the stigma-suspect Steigers, and to-boot let me remind that "Stainer" adds up to 666.

As the red Casey eagles (of the same Casey Coat inferred above) was traced to the phoenix, what about the rising eagle in the Reed Crest??? Moreover, as RODhams were traced to the David Coat with "Pax in copia" motto, note that the Reed motto is "Pax copia." That assures that the Reed garbs are the garbs of Cheshire...where Macclesfield, near ASTbury, uses a copia motto term. Astburys are suspect as Asters/Esters of Manche, where Cheshire's Masseys were from. Asters are said by at least one online writer on the 13 Illuminati families to be the chief Illuminati family. It all jibes with the current findings that the world-ruling Illuminati worships Ishtar.

I trace the blue lion holding the gold garb in this Arms of Macclesfield to Bruces, which jibes with the Reed link to Bruces seen above. There is (or was) a powerful Reed surname in the Democrat party of the United States.

Okay, so Reeds and Brushes were related, but then, having just found a Reed link to Caseys while earlier there was a Brush-lion link to the lion of Font de Villes, by what coincidence is it that the same lion is used by Carrols? The Casey write-up traces to those carols exactly, and they are shown as "GARVel" too, explaining the Casey garb!

Were Caseys linked earlier to Cassels? Definitely, and now we find that Carrols were first found in Tipperary, where Irish Kennedys were first found, which could have something to do with explaining why Scottish Kennedys use the Cassel Coat.

NOW BEHOLD SOME MORE. Scottish Reeds use the same stag design as Staggers! And, I didn't know until now that Scottish Reeds likewise use the Casey-colored chevron too, and to help prove that it is the Casey chevron, the Reed chevron shows the same crosset as the Cassel Coat that likewise uses the Casey-colored chevron. That crosslet belongs to Davenports, who are said in their write-up to be from Astbury of Cheshire, and moreover the same crosslet dangles from the stags in this other Arms of Macclesfield!! Just like that, stigma-suspect Staggers are traced to the Macclesfield stags.

Some say that "Visa" = 666 because of VI = 6, stigma = 6, and a - 6. I remarked earlier that the "Avise" motto term of Cassels adds up to 222, or one third of 666. That had been discovered after I conjectured that a cheVRON was a symbol of 222. The latter idea came from "BRON" = 222, for I trace "chevron" to "Hebron." The Cassel chevron just happens to be colors reversed from the Hebron chevron. And I trace "Hebron" to the "Hebros" river and therefore to Aphrodite, the root of Bruces.

Instead of the two chi-xi-suspect black saltires over the stigma-suspect stork of the stigma-suspect Stainers, it can now be said that Cassels use two black chi-xi-suspect crosslets, belonging to stigma-suspect Staggers, over a key. Keyincidence?

It came to mind just now that the Cassel motto, "Avise la fin," was part code for e Laff-like surname, and the first one I tried was "Laffy," where a LAUGHNer (i.e. very close to "la fin") variation was found amongst Lock/Lok-like terms. It was intriguing to find the Laffy/Locher Coat using the Guiscard/Wishart Coat exactly, but then Guiscards were from a Tancred of Hauteville while both Tancreds and Cassels use a red-on-white chevron,. It works. We now know that "GUIS" was a CASey and Cassel term tracing to Hesse's (or Hesse-Cassel's) Catti/Chatti.

Guiscards were first found in STIRlingshire.

BEHOLD. The Guiscards of Sicily allied themselves with Saracen rulers named Samsam and Timnah, a clear indication that they thought themselves to be from "Biblical" Samson. Samson was a mythical figure who was able to do what no one can do except mythical figures: capture 300 foxes. I now find that the Laffy/Laugher/Locher Crest is a fox!!! What a stroke of luck today.

The Lahore variation smacks of Loherengrin/Lohengrin, the Ligurian entity of the Arthurian cult that I linked to Locks / Lochs and Logens/Lokens. The Laugher/Locher clan was on "Lochore (Inchgall) Island," suggesting possible connection to Inch's / Inces as well as Ligures. We find this write-up:

Although the first on record was Constantin of Lochore about 1150, there is no trace of the line from which Constantin was descended in Normandy. Constantin was the first Lord of Lochore. The ancient Gaelic family seated on Lochore (Inchgall) Island in the Parish of Ballingry was superceded by these new Lords from Normandy. He was succeeded by another Constantinus, either a son or grandson in 1235."

The Laughers/Lochers were first found in Fife. It struck me at that moment, as I studied that "Constantin," that the Arthur motto term, "obSTANTia," could be code for these Constantins, although I probably would not have made mention unless I had already traced the 5-like symbols on the Arthur Coat to the Five and Fife surnames.

EXCELLENT! I just left the topic here to insert a bit above on the Carrols. It was while writing here that the Carrols of Casey ancestry entered my mind. I had traced Arthurs to Carlisle and identified that place with the proto-Carolingians. After writing above that Carrols/Garvels were first in Tipperary, wherefore Cassels can be linked once again to Caseys, I saw that Carrols were not only first found in Tipperary, but also in Offaly, and smacking of the Laffy term that was used to find the Constantins of Lochore, the Offaly surname (ravens) was checked to find the same 666-suspect leaves in Crest as the French Casey Coat!

Aside from the trace of Cassels and Caseys to Basques of GAScony, where we find the garb again, it needs to be repeated now that French Caseys use Cast-like terms. I had traced mythical Castor to "Chester," and as that was the Cheshire capital, I note that the current discussion has led to Cheshire elements. Some of the French-Casey variations, for example, Cazot, Chazot, and Chazet, smack of "Chester" I wasn't going to bring back the recent realization, that two upright lions facing one another with their dukes up are code for Pollux (brother of Castor) because Pollux was depicted as a boxer, BUT NOW WOW, the Carrols use two lions facing one another!

REMEMBER, the Cass/CAST surname use fountains, and Font de Villes use the Carrol lion. AND LOOK: the Spanish Fonts/Fuentes/Fontanas use the same fleur-y cross as Offalys!!! These are super keys for further findings.

The Offaly description reveals the 666-suspect leaves as an olive branch, and I link Olives and Olivers even without the leaves to Levi elements.

The Offaly ravens are called "Cornish choughs," and then the Cough Coat bears out some pertinent information. First, it's in Offaly colors and meanwhile "Off(aly)" appears related to the Couffe variation of COUGHs. Secondly, Offalys had linked to LAUGHers/Lochers, and "Laugh" smacks of a French version of "Off" and Cough. Thirdly, the Cough/Couffe bend looks like the Chee/Cheatle dancette between the bendlets of the Inces / Inches, and not only were both Chees and Inces of Cheshire, but I tend to link "Chee" to "Cheshire" and/or "Chester" which suggests that Chees are a Castor line of Caseys / Cassels.

RECALL that Laughers had occupied INCEgall. That suggests that Laughers were indeed a branch of Coughs and Offalys.

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL. The Cough/Couffe write-up: "...Irish bearers of Cough from the Gaelic form of O Duirnin. Although this name is usually Anglicized as Durnin, it had occasionally become 'Cuffe' through mistranslation, since the Gaelic word 'dorn' refers to 'a fist.'" Ha! I had not known this when I suggested above that the Carrols of Tipperary and Offaly use two fist-fighting lions. It very much appears that the fist-fighting symbol of Pollux carried way over into Ireland.

Hold on to your gloves. There is further proof for that idea in the Coffee Crest, a naked rider on a dolphin. Let's not forget that Tippers and Kennedy use dolphins, wherefore dolphin lines were in Tipperary. But I traced the Caffee rider to the naked rider, mythical Taras, who is on a dolphin of his own in the Arms of Taranto, a city of Puglia/Apulia. It was many years ago when I traced Pollux to "PUGLia" because he was a PUGIList (another word for boxer)! That can't be coincidental, meaning that Coughs/Couffes were, as with Coffees, from Taranto...and probably other parts of Puglia.

As Dorians are figuring large in this update, the Anglicized form of Coughs/Couffes, "Durnin," might just be a Dorian clue. It's conspicuous here that the Doris/Orris surname was traced to Orells who use a version of the Ince / Inch Coats. If that traced Herod bloodliners of Offalys, mark this: Offalys were first found in HERTfordshire.

Our beloved England is falling falling falling with every update into the laps of Herods and other dogs of Israel's enemies. This is not exactly as glorious as British-Israelism likes to portray itself. We all need redemption from the rulers who have ailed us.

The Cough Coat, moreover, uses what I've previously pegged as a version of the Sale Coat, and as Sales are traced to Salyes Ligurians, ditto for Lohengrin...who is suspect at the root of Laughers/Lochers. JUST REALIZED IF I HADN'T BEFORE, that Dorians on the DURANce river (where Salyes lived) trace to "TARANto!!! AND the latter location traces back in time, as with Caseys and others, to TARAN at Lake Van!!! Yes, for even the Coffees were first found in Cork, the MUSkerry theater!

Yes, one way to trace Catti from Taranto to the Clan Chattan and to Caseys is via Satyrion, the mythical wife of Taranto. I have already traced (1st update August) Satyrion to Saturnia in the Latin land of Butteri (this was the proto-Arthurian cult), and Italian Botters use the same bend as Chattans / Chatans.

I identify Butteri as Buzites, trace Buz, son of Nahor, to the Biaini founders/namers of Lake Van in the territory of the Nairi. And I identify POS(eidon) as Buzites, wherefore Poseidon must trace to Lake Van, which works very well when I trace Phoenicians, and Pan = Panias = Phoenix, to Lake Van, for Poseidon was father to Phoenix. THE POINT IS, Taras was made the son of Poseidon! THEREFORE, if I hadn't realized it before, TARANto traces to Taran, another name for Mus at Lake Van, and going forward in time from Taranto, we come to the Taran/TARENT (!!!) surname using phoenix.

It can be gathered that Satyrion was the satyr bloodline, and Pan was a satyr.

You may recall all the green and white earlier in this update in the lines to Muskerry. The Coffee Coat is white-on-green, and so is naked human leg in the Prophet/Profit Coat. It just so happens that the Coffee Crest has a naked man, and that the Coffee motto uses "PROVidentia." As this human leg smacks of the human legs in the Arms of the Isle of Man, it's not likely a coincidence that the Coffee Crest is described as, A man rising a green dolphin.

In the last update, we saw another man term in the Everard surname, and it was described as "A man's head in profile." Why Profile, I had asked, without realizing that it was code for the Prophet/Profit line to the Isle of Man.

I hadn't yet arrived to the Dorian topic in the last update, and so here you have yet another lie by another heraldic write-up: " a name for a hard and ever enDURing [caps mine] personality. The surname Everard originally derived from the Old German Eberhardt which referred to the enDURANCE and strength of a boar." Amazing lie, is it not? None of this was on my mind when I just traced Coffees and other Taranto elements to the Durance river.

I realize that "Everard" does smack of enduring, but it must be coincidental at times that codework happens to align with a fine-sounding definition of a surname. It is the task of the liar to trace the surname to a code word that also describes the surname well, not at all meaning that the surname actually derives in that code term. The surname links to another surname that is similar to, or exactly like, the code word, but neither surname derives in the code term (at least not necessarily).

As we have just seen, "providentia" and "profile" are codes for the Prophets/Profets and other branches of the Isle of Man. The Coffee motto uses "providentia sed," and for me now "sed" is code for SUTTONs, for Everards were traced (last update) to Everard, son of Duncan I and SETHUN.

What is starting to stagger me at this time is that, in the last update, the "profile" code of the Everards was linked to the "Propio" motto term of Cantels. The Staggering part is the last term in the motto: "Propio vos sanguine pasco." It smacks of a holy bloodline in the Pascal family, and it just so happens that Pascels use a well as the Levi lion that I think links to Suttons and Sithechs. Pascals even use red rising eagles (!) to help prove a link to Coffees and TARANto.

When I find a lamb linked to a Prophet surname, well, perhaps one could say it was bound to happen by coincidence eventually, but when we also find "man" all about this topic, it recalls that there may have been some 666 worshipers on Freemason land that read the last verse of Revelation 13 as linking the 666 to a Man entity. Even the Pascal Crest is described with a "man": A bearded man from the waist up. Isn't that just a little too much coincidence.

I've got to apologize to emailer Patterson right here and now for not taking it at all seriously when she sent in the Prophet surname as though it had any chance of connecting to the False Prophet. I don't want to encourage that sort of thing or I could be inundated with all sorts of similar ideas. But in the case of the Prophet surname, suddenly, it looks good at the moment for being created by a false prophet cult, even the False-Prophet bloodline.

Why a "bearded" man? The Beard/Baird/Bayard Coat shows a "fecit" motto term, much like the "Fac et spero" motto of the Mathies/MANNs. PLUS, I fully expect the False Prophet to be a Massey bloodliner of the Massin/Mason ("spero" motto term) kind, from the Massi/Mattis surname, just traced recently to the Mattiaci peoples on the Moselle river. (It appears that Beards/Barts are named after Bartholomew of Hungary, progenitor of the green-griffin Leslies).

By now you may know that I trace the "fac et" phrase of Mathies/Manns to the fagot of sticks, as I freely call them, in the Arms of Vilnius. These Arms also use "spes" in the motto, a term that I've traced to other spes terms. French Pascals, for example, use "spes" along with the same lamb as English Pascals. This is no small point where Astikas of Vilnius are suspect as a 666-loving bloodline, for it is the False Prophet who will enforce the 666 skincode.

It's as though there is a 666-loving bloodline that has also applied to itself a lamb symbol as per the lamb of Revelation 13. This can only mean that the surname was not originally "Pascal," but was modified to it in order to have recourse for using the lamb. It is of course not the Passover lamb as it claims. One theory is that the surname developed from a Christianized form of the Ishtar cult as it developed into Easter and similar surnames.

But it's possible that, by coincidence, Pascals also derived from Pas-like entities. The "Fac et" of the Mathies/Manns is nearly identical with the "Pax et" of the Cheshire Davids who use nearly the same Levi lion as Pascals. I would rather trace all of these clans to Polish Pachs, therefore, even as the "Fac et Spero" appears to trace to Vilnius and to the Spree river in Lusatia.

Polish Pachs use fleur-de-lys in colors of the Cheshire Masseys, but also in the colors of the fleur of the Lys of Ile-de-France, where Levis were first found along with Pagan/Payen-related Chappes. Payens were traced to the Pase/Pascel surname (spears) that comes up with "Pay," and it, as with Pasquales (stag), were first found in Bologna. Studying the Pase/Pascel list of surnames, the Pacenti one stands out as a major people group and location (of the Picente / Piceni). The Pikes were traced to Geddes (who use pike fish), and Geddes were traced (in November) to a Lithuanian peoples by nearly that name.

Recalling the MONroe surname (of Lake Van elements) at the top of this update, where it was learned to be from a Roe river, see the Pascal lambs in the Roe/Rowe Coat. Then check out the alternative Roe/Rowe Coat, and compare with the Pike Coat. The trefoils shared by both are Traby-ish, are they not? And expecting the False Prophet from Masseys, let's not forget the Massey boot used by Trips/Treffs. (Roes/Rowes are said to be from "le rous," and Munroes from the Ross'.

Keepa you eye on the fleur-de-lys that cropped up in the Pascel-suspect entities, for we're about to see some more when seeing that the banner of the Pascal lambs is used apart from the lamb in the Italian Pasco Coat. The Pasco surname was first found in Venice, as with the Pesce surname that is not said to be named after anything Easter or Passover. Pesces use the white-on-blue fish that I say was the makings of the first fleur-de-lys. German Banners/Bayners use nothing but a giant fleur-de-lys, the symbol also in the English Banner Coat. It could be coincidental, but the "Pro patria" motto of Scottish Banners could be at least part-code for, PROPHET.

The banner in the Pasco Coat is held by a "dexter arm," which is the right arm. Why did it bother to mention which arm? I've read that the makings of the modern electronic purchasing systems are for "dexterity" purposes, though some have pointed out that "dexter" is code for the right hand into which Revelation reveals the skincode burned / etched / implanted.

The first fleur-de-lys, I say, came from the fish symbol of Cadmus in Laus, a city also called, Ragusa, not far north on the Adriatic coast from Bar. I had traced it from the white-on-blue fish of the Saracas of Ragusa, to the white-on-blue fish of the Bars of Bar-le-Duc, Moselle river theater, where the Mattiaci peoples had lived whom I now suspect as the False-Prophet line. The white fish was then traced to the white-on-blue fleur-de-lys of the German Bush's/Buschs, and Boschs. But what I didn't know at the time was that there is a white-on-blue fleur-de-lys also in this Lyss Coat.

Again, as the Lys' and Levis were both first found in Ile-de-France, while Pascals use the Levi lion and link to Banners and others sporting large fleur-de-lys, the conclusion is unmistakable, that Pascals do not trace to Jesus-loving lambs of God, but Jesus-murdering Levi, and Pescis of Venice, where Pharisee-branch Ferraris were first found. The Bars were of Este elements, it is known, and the Pesce fish originated out of Butua/Budva (between Ragusa and Bar), the Illyrian home of mythical CadMUS. As Butes/Butts and Estes/Easts both use the same horse design, it becomes quite apparent that the Ishtar > Easter cult that created the Pascals from Pesces were the Estes, named after Este in Padova, the Venice theater. I had found proto-Leslies (evidence has been lost in my endless files) in Padova, I kid you not, and of course Leslies are suspect from Laus, the former name of Ragusa.

By what coincidence do we find an eight-pointed star in this MarkLISSA Coat? It's the name of a Polish city (Silesia), otherwise called, Lesna. It's in the gold-on-blue colors of the Leslie buckles.

Recalling the bearded man of the Pascal Crest, which led to Leslie-related Beards/Bards with Bayard variation, what about the Bayner variation of Banners? After all, Scottish Banners were first found in Aberdeenshire, where Leslies were first found.

I'd now guess that the end-time 666 will belong to an Ishtar bloodline, and indeed I view the Revelation harlot, not only as the Ishtar cult of the last days, but as the EU. Rothschilds, it is said by many, control the EU. I would put the False Prophet -- the enforcer of the 666 -- into the camp of the harlot rather than into the camp of the seven-headed dragon which she rides. It may even be that the harlot and the False Prophet are two ways to describe the same entity. Are we to be looking for a Rothschild-sponsored and Rothschild-elected American president to be the False Prophet?

I'm not suggesting that the False Prophet or anti-Christ will have a Stern-like surname, but that there might have been a fundamental 666 nature to the Ishtar cult at some time. Her name as spelled there = 619 where the 'h' is given the value of 8. Hmm, toying around just got "Misteria" = 666, which term not only smacks of "Ishtar" and her ancient Sumerian Mushussu dragon, but may explain why she's portrayed in Revelation 17 as "MYSTERY Babylon the Great, Mother..." I did not have "Mystery Babylon" on my mind when toying around. It could be the Greek "musterion" was used to depict her because she will be a Muster / Master in some way.

There was a period one to two years ago when, on the mouse theme, I had been suggesting a trace of the False Prophet to the Musket//Mousket/Mousquette surname that comes up when entering "Must," though it had nothing to do with "musterion." I don't recall ever linking the False Prophet to "musterion." In Strong's dictionary, musterion (# 3466) is directly below "Musia," the Greek for Mysia. The Mouse Tower in Poland appears to be named after Mysia.

The Myster/Master surname could apply to Mystery Babylon, or even a future Grand Master of Freemasonry. The clan's write-up traces to "maistre" or "maister," both of which add up safely to 656. Might there be a 666 version that wasn't published for fear that someone like a Tribwatch mouse catcher might catch? "Maisteri" gets 666 (there is no 'y' in the Greek alphabet; a Hebrew 'y' = 10, as with the Greek 'i').

You may have forgotten by now that Vicks are 666 suspect even aside from their use of the same hexagram as Stainers. The German Vick Crest: A man in blue holding a club. Why a "MAN" again? The surname shows Fedde, Feddema, and Feddercke variations, smacking of Bavaria's Fussen/FOETes location that uses a version of the Arms of the Isle of Man. It also recalls my trace to the LEGs and feet of Foetes, on the LECH river, to LIGurians and PIED(mont).

AND, the Prophet surname uses the same sort of leg. The Arms of Sicily are nearly identical to those of Man, but Sicily throws in a Gorgon's head. That Gorgon entry is no small point where we're tracing these Arms to a False Prophet that I say will ally with end-time Gog. I say that the sickle was a symbol of Sicels, the namers of Sicily, and I say that the sickle, called a drepani to the Greeks, was a symbol of the Trepani region of western Sicily, very likely from Trabzon elements where Meshech and Gogi lived side-by-side. Why is there a sickle in Revelation 14 as symbol of the Mother of all Battles that guessed it.

Note the pointed hat Ishtar is given in multiple images at her Wikipedia article. There is a pointed hat on the man of the Vick Crest. Also, if you saw the Arms of modern Jerusalem in the last update, as it was compared to the lion in the Arms of Lviv, see the lion symbol of Ishtar at her article nearly half way down the page. I see a gold-on-blue lion, don't you, like this alternative Arms of Jerusalem. Then see the two rows of bricks in the image of the Ishtar lion, as in this flag of Jerusalem. One could conclude that the differences are sufficient to make it not too-obviously the same lion designs.

I think the first image of Ishtar looks a little like Hillary, don't you? Note that she's decked out as a griffin, for the Mushussu dragon was a griffin. We might glean that all heraldry sporting a griffin is an Ishtar line. AMAZINGLY, when I wrote on the pointed hat above, I did not have Hillary in mind at all, nor the Rodham Coat. Searching for the other two surnames using a pointed hat, and one turned out to be on Robin Hood's head in the Alten Crest. I have linked the Rodham motto term, "alter," to Altens.

The other Coat with pointed hat is the Everard, using three estoiles of six points which could be code for 666. Pointed hats were of the Phrygians (proto-Frisians in my opinion), and they had the great-mother goddess as Cybele/Kybele, no doubt the origin of "Kabala," religion of satanic "Jews" to this day.

How would Jerusalemites feel to discover that their flag is symbol of the Ishtar lion? Kybele also had a lion symbol, and of course it was never in doubt that Jerusalem was founded by Kabalists...for which its destruction / desolation is Certain.

This is a good time to re-mention NostraDAMUS, the false prophet now suspect as being named after the Tammuz portion of the Ishtar cult. He's being addressed here because I recall linking the Noster surname to the Moster surname. "Moster" brings up the Mister/Master surname that was suggested as a possible representation of Revelation's "Mystery Babylon." The Coat uses...griffins.

The Mister/Master fesse is said to be "embattled," and then we get the same griffin style in the Battle Coat. As the Mister/Master griffins are used by Tooks/Tolkiens, the Mister/Master embattled fesse was identified with the same-style chevron in the Toker Coat. As evidence that Tokers trace to mythical Teucer, he was the father of Batia, and Battles are also "Battel," easily rooted in "Batt." The Toker sea horses had been traced to the German Troy unicorn, and that suggests a link to the Mister/Master unicorn. But the Toker sea horses were also traced to the sea horse in the Arms of Budva, and that tends to trace Budva / Butua to Batia, mother of Trojans.

As it's plain that Budva/Butua was named after Boiotians that Cadmus had settled amongst, it seems certain here that Batia depicted Boiotians. In a nutshell, this tends to reveal that Boiotians were mother to Trojans, but what we should not miss is that Teucer was code for Togarmites, partners in the end times with the Gog alliance. Why were Boiotians part of the Togarmite make-up in those days? Where are these Trojans today? I would suggest the Baathists, who are now coming to power in Syria with Assad's imminent downfall. Iraq's government should be terrified of this, especially as of this week when the Sunni faction of his government has just quit the government. I'll cover this in the next update.

In the last verse of Revelation 13, it says that the 666 will be the number of a man. Some have taken this to an extreme, suggesting that because "Charles" means "man," the anti-Christ will be prince Charles of Wales. Others might say that "Vere" means "man" because dragonline Veres desire to furnish the anti-Christ. Others may have used "man" in their heraldry as code for their own personal anti-Christ entity. For example, in consideration of Stairne = 666, the Vicks -- using a "man" with pointed hat -- use the same giant hexagram as Sterns.

You might be looking in the wrong place, to find the anti-Christ, if you're looking to viking Scandinavia or to viking England. Varangian vikings co-founded Moscow. What's more, the Vicks (Bavaria) look very Bauer-ish, for Bauers use stars in the same colors. But a "Jewish" Rothchild surname (no 's') shows a hexagram in Vick- and Stern-hexagram colors (albeit it with "royal blue"), and then this Rothchild Coat uses the same horse design as per the Odin Crest, suggesting that Oettingers of Bavaria were Bauers / Vicks in some way.

Rothschilds have been traced very well to the Ishtar cult, and then the Ishtar cult is now being traced to Misters/Masters, and was linked a while back to Musts too. By what coincidences are they that: 1) Masseys of the Mackay / Mackey kind were raven-depicted vikings into Rothesay while German Rothes/Rothchilds (no 's') use a raven; 2) the Must-style lion is in the English Roth/ROTHAM Crest' 3) "Jewish Rothchilds use the Massey Crest horse.

Rothschilds founded modern atheistic Russia. Right now in Russia there is a move to topple Putin, similar to an occupy movement like that in other countries around the world, and it's been fueled by the United States at the highest levels i.e. by Hillary RODHAM with surname nearly like "Rotham." Medvedev has given his blessing to Putin to run and be elected in a few months, you see, and Medvedev was a breathe of fresh air for the West as compared to Putin. Might Putin be forced by the West to accept a man under him who does the will of the West, the anti-Christ? Zhirinovsky, whose name can add to 666 with just a small twist, has decided to run against Putin again.

Did you see the owls in the Ishtar image, one on either side of her? Why owls? Do they represent the Kos cult in Edom? Hmm, recall that "kes" looks like the letters, chi-xi-stigma. I would never have considered a Seir link for "Zhirinovsky" had it not been for Seir elements found all over the dragon map. In any case, his real father was an EidelSTEIN!!!

ISN'T THAT SOMETHING? I kid you not that the paragraph above was not a set-up. I did not lead into the Stainer=666 topic, nor feature Steiners and similar surnames, with Zhirinovsky's father in mind. In fact, it did not come to mind until the end of writing the paragraph above, which is why I added exclamatons in full surprise. I have in the past mentioned the possible Stein and Rothstein link to Eidelsteins, but none of this update was written with it in mind...because I had totally forgotten about Zhirinovsky.

The Arms of Stoke uses a sickle, not only a symbol of Russia, but one in Revelation 14 describing the destruction of the Gog's armies in his Winepress. Now it just so happens that I traces Sicilians of Trapani to Ligurians, or at least to the mouth of the Rhodanus where Ligurians were founded. And then there developed the Salyes Ligures who may have been named after Sol of Rhodes. That's being repeated because I'm acquainted well enough with heraldry to the point that I can quickly spot the Salyes in the English Roth/Rotham Coat by a comparison with the Sale Coat. Both Sales and Roths were first found in the same area of Salop. In that picture, the Roths look like Rhodians.

You can spot the Durance-river Salyes in the English Durant Coat too. Where did we see a Coat like that recently? Ah, yes, in the Cough/Couffe Coat...having this write-up: "...Irish bearers of Cough from the Gaelic form of O Duirnin. Although this name is usually Anglicized as Durnin... You see, we just traced Caughs/Couffes to the Durance river Salyes. But Coffees had been in Taranto (i.e. near Sicily), and were linked to Laughers/Locher-branch Ligurians, the swan Ligurians of the Percival cult.

I can now see that black-bugle Scottish Durants, suspect as Traby Poles on one side, use the chevron of the Roe/Rowe Rus, and the latter use trefoils as evidence of their Traby side. Roes/Rowes use a stag head in Crest, the symbol of Staggs/Staggers who likewise use a blue chevron. That adds to the evidence that Stag-like entities were linked to the STIGweards > Astikas line. Remember, Stewarts are also Sturs/Stowers, and Ishtar-suspect line. We had seen that Steigers were Stainers linked to Rothschilds.

To clinch the Rothschild link to Roes/Rowes, both German Rothes/Rothchilds and Roves/Roffes use ravens, and so I don't forget my findings that George Bush was a Rothschild tool, for Carl Rove was suspect as George's chief advisor. Both Roves/Roffs and Roes/Rowes were first found in Norfolk. Need more? The Row/Rauer Coat shows red roses on a white bend going up from left to right, as does the "Jewish" Rothchild Coat.

The Jewish Rothschild Coat is therefore the Row roses with the Bauer star on one side of the bend, and the Massey horse on the other side. The Massey horse is on the upper part of the Shield, suggesting that Masseys are more important to Rothschilds than Bauers. That would suggest that Bauers came forth from Masseys, and indeed I have recently traced Rothschilds to Maccabees. We can at least trace Bauers to raven-depicted Mackies/Mackeys, the clan using an arrow with it's raven, the clan not far from the MacAbees of Arran, beside Rothesay.

Roves/Roffs are also "Rolph," and then Scottish Ralphs/Rolphs were first found in Nairnshire, where Geddes were first found! English Ralphs not only use ravens, were not only first found in Norfolk, but use the trefoil, as with Roes/Rowes.

AHA! The Rollo Coat uses a blue chevron, as with Geddes. AND, the blue Rollo chevron is on gold, as with the blue chevron of stag-using Staggers (!!!), excellent because half way down the Rollo page there is a stag head.

AHA! Both the Rollo and Bush Coats use black boars.

Did we see that Pikes use the same Coat, basically, as Roes/Rowes? Both Pikes and Staggs/Staggers were first found in Devon. As Pikes also use trefoils, you see, it is made more certain that they trace to Trabys, an idea that was discovered by other means as per the pike fish of the Geddes that trace to Lithuanians. As Dorians are being pegged at the Durance river, and as I link Dorians to Macedonians and therefore to Megiddo and Dor, what about a "Geddes" trace to "ArmaGEDDON" elements, loosely speaking?

John D. Rockefeller, Jr. financed the excavations at Megiddo. Why?

Rods/Rodes also use trefoils, and they are traces easily to the Rhode surname (Lanquedoc, Rodez) merging centuries ago with proto-Rockefellers (= RoqueFEUILs of the Roque clan). It's easily understood that Redones are named after Rhodes, but the Rod/Rode write-up would have us believe: "Alternatively, the name may be derived from the Old English 'roda,' meaning 'clearing in a forest';..." That's got to be code for the Rodham tree stump, and in fact the Rodham write-up is the one having an identical definition for "rod." The Clear/Clere surname is the one using the Danish Bauer leopard, and the besants used by the Rhodes Coat ...colors reversed to the torteaux used by German Rodes').

There is a Redon/Reddan surname first found in ROXburghshire, a place that I do think links to Roques.

The same besants were just found in the Irish Clark Coat after seeing that Irish Clears/Clareys (nettle leaves) are said to derive in "clerk," which of course is a lie because it is stark that they trace to Clares of the Rod kind.

The trace here of Megiddo/Macedonian and Dor/Dorian elements to Rhodians evokes the Doris/Orris surname (traces itself to Thessalie) that was linked to torteaux-using Oriels and Orrs. It makes sense that torteaux, RED roundels, were code first of all for Redones, and we just saw torteaux in the German Rodes' Coat. But I had argued that Doris' were Herods of the great dog kind, which idea came after I traced "Herod" suggestively to "Redone" and/or "Rhodes."

The Oriels are easily linked to Inces, and then the Roe/Rowe motto uses "Innocens." Incidence? That term is from the Roe/Rowe Coat using pascal lambs suspect as code for the False-Prophet or 666 bloodline. The MunRoe write-up: "In this case, their traditional origin is from the Siol O'Cain, an ancient Pictish tribe descended from Anselan O'Cain in North Moray..." It just so happens that there is an Innis clan of Moray.

It just so happens that Irish Kanes/Cains use the same pike as Geddes, and were first found in LondonDERRY. As with Munroes of Derry, the other Irish Cains were first found in Derry. The estoile in the this third Irish Kane/Cain Coat is proof that the fish traces to the CadMUS fish in Budva, for the second Kane/Cain Coat above uses the Botter bend. As there is a sea horse in the Arms of Budva, did you catch the sea horse in the Irish Clark Crest? It's the same sea horse as per the Irish Cohen/Coin Coat.

Having said that, English Clarks use the Roe/Rowe chevron, which is also the Derry-related Durant chevron.

So, Roes/Rowes use an "Innocens" motto code for Inces/Inices and/or Innes'. The latter use blue-on-white Zionist stars (as does modern Israel), though we gather that a branch of this clan must also use them in colors reversed because those are Moray-star colors. As Innes' were a branch of Angus', I would suggest the Zionist star of Perthshire's Hagar(d)s. Moreover, as per the Getae discussion below, see the same Zionist star in the Goth Coat.

I can trace Geddes to the Satyrs and therefore to the Getae Thracians that I linked to the goat symbol years ago. I don't recall how strong the evidence was for identifying Getae with goats, though some are convinced that Getae became Goths. I had traces Jutes, also called "Eotens," to Edones, who have a Mygdone branch, you see, and I also maintained, without much evidence, that Jutes trace to Getae, meaning that, somehow, Getae were from Edones. The Sithone-branch Edones were traced, along with mythical Lycurgus of the Edones, to Sthenelus Ligurians, the swan-line Ligurians...who furnished the Coughs/Duirnins, you see, at the Durance river, a branch of Laughers/Locher swan-liners. That is, we can expect Dorians proper to have been related to Edones, which is just what we find when a mythical Dryas was made either a son or father of Lycurgas. The theme there is an Edone trace to Dorian-related MacEdonians, suspect as Mygdone branch Edones that trace to Megiddo, beside Dor.

That helps to identify Geddes with "Megiddo," you see, suggesting that "Getae" was a term from "Megiddo" (very tentative idea that I'm not pushing). Let's not forget that Coughs/Duirins were traced, with Coffees, to Taran in the land of ancient Nairi, for Geddes were of Nairn. From the 3rd update in November: ""The [Geddes] family settled in this [Nairn] area in 1282, when Hugh Rose of Geddes married Mary, daughter of Sir Andrew de Bosco. Mary Bosco was the heiress of the Bissets of Lovat."" Roses??? Didn't we just see evidence that Pikes were related to Roes/Rowes said to be from a "rous" term?

But it's the Boscos and Bissets I'm focusing on, smacking of Bessi Thracians, priests of the Satrae Thracians. Didn't we just see that Coffees were of Taranto, mythically the husband of the Satyrion area of southern Italy??? Were Coffee elements just traced to Liguria? Italian Boscos were first found in Piedmont. Did we just see Boscos related to Rhodian-based Roses? The Italian Bosco Coat uses the RODham tree stump. As the tree stump was an Esus = Esau symbol, the Boscos were likely from Esau's capital, Bozrah, or at least from Bozrah elements somewhere. Didn't I trace the goat lines to Seir-ians of Edom? If that was correct, Geddes should trace to Seir-ians. When it was suggested above that Geddes trace to "MeGIDDo," I had not yet looked at the latter term in Strong's concordance. It's said to be rooted in "gedad," (# 1413), meaning that the "Me" portion of the term means something all it's own.

However, "Mygdone" would appear to be understood as Myg-Edone, and we might entertain that Megiddo (Greeks called it "Magaddon") was named originally after the idea of Mag-Iddo, for there was an Israelite by the name of Iddo. The latter term appears as "Iddow" at #112 in Strong's concordance, where we find it being linked suggestively to "Edowm." Below that says to see "Edom." Isn't Gog going to be destroyed in Edom at Armageddon?

It may even make sense to interpret Megiddo as Magog-iddo (or Magog-Gedad), for Armageddon refers to the end of Gog of Magog. The Kition / Kittim location in Cyprus came to mind in the "giddo" ending of the term, and by now I trust to a fair degree what comes to mind in this way. Doesn't Ezekiel 38 describe Gog as a crowd, a huge cloud to cover the land of Israel? Doesn't Ezekiel say that Gog should come assemble in Israel for the final onslaught. "Gedad" is said to mean: "a crowd; also to gash (as if by pressing into);- assemble (selves by troops), gather..." What comes to mind is an army, so crowded the men afflict one another, even as Ezekiel 38:21 describes Gog's destruction in-part with internal faction fighting against faction. The idea in a winepress is also a crowding and pressing.

Magyars seem to trace well to the Major/Magor/Mayer surname. The first Rothschild was a Mayer Bauer, and Rothschilds are highly suspect by me as a Gog entity for other reasons. The Geddes motto, "Capta majora." Magyars lived in the same general area as Getae Thracians. If Magyars were Magogians, then Geddes could indeed trace to Megiddo. As Geddes were from the Rose family, so we see roses in the Major/Magor Chief. The Geddes pikes are in the colors of the Ishtar stars of Rothschilds/Rothsteins, colors reversed to the Major/Magor roses (the Bosco=Rodham tree trunk uses the same colors). There's a white anchor in the Major/Magor Coat that I would link to Heidlers and Hoods/Hutts, and therefore to the Bauer-related Hiedlers/Hitlers/Hutters.

I link the greyhound in the Major/Magor Crest to Traby-related Yonges...who smack of "Hung" and use roses in the colors of the Major/Magor Chief. The MunRoes from "Rothach" use an eagle in the same colors...that I trace to Lake Van, where kings named Rusa ruled just before the life of Ezekiel, for which reason I identify the Rusa term with Ezekiel's Rosh, a Gog entity. Munroes lived in Dor-suspect Derry. In case you've forgotten, the Irish Derry Coat uses the French Durante ship...on a green Shield, the color of the Bauer and Bower Shields. The first Rothschild lived in a house called, Green Shield. Derrys are the ones using a "Be watchful" motto as code for the all-seeing-eye of the Watts.

There is a "majorum" motto term in the Dorr/Dors Coat.

The Geddes-related Pikes / Pickens can now be better identified with Pechenegs, partners at times with Magyars.

It is believed by many that the all-seeing-eye on the American dollar bill belongs to Rothschilds. More Rothschild = Ishtar evidence: I spy the tail of the Danish Bauer leopard in the Star Crest. In the Star Coat, I spy an all-seeing-eye. Fancy that, it's a on green Shield too (i.e. color of the Bauer and Bower Shields). Too bad for Rothschild fools who have taken the position of satan. Too bad for the losers. The more they swallow their environments, the greater the splatter on the Day of God's Winepress. Stand back.

And hide yourselves. Men of satan and money don't make for a good brew. They bring clouds and gloom to the human race; this global recession is proof of it, for we clearly see the big corps gobbling up all the wealth. And so the eagles will gobble up the flesh of Gog's corpses, and there will no longer be sufficient numbers of consumers to purchase their products after Armageddon effects its own "population control."

After writing all that, I paused, asked myself what surname might have honored Gog, hoping that whatever it was, there would show solid linkage to some Coats above. The first surname entered was "George," because it may be from Gorgons. Surprisingly, the English George surname was first found in DORset, and at this point I'm ready to trace Gorgons to Megiddo and Dor for the reasons stated above. REMEMBER, Gorgons were Parthians, and mythical Perseus and Andromeda, parents of GORGOphone, were located by at least one myth writer in Joppa, near Megiddo and Dor! Excellent!!

The George fesse is in the colors of the Roe and Durant chevron, important because Durants are highly suspect as Dorians. The George Coat also uses rising eagles, and besants that could trace to the Bessi satyrs...i.e. which were just linked to the Bosco and Bisset sector of the Geddes who themselves were just traced to MeGIDDO! None of this paragraph nor the one above was yet conceived when tracing Geddes to Megiddo.

German Georges are shown with variations such as: Gurganus, Gurganus, Gorges, Jorg, Gorgens, Gorgens, Jurgen, and YERKes. Didn't I claim that the Parisii, co-founders of YORK, were Gorgons from the Gorgons of Parion/Parium? Eventually, though it took years to do, I traced "Perseus" to mythical Paris (son of Priam), who by that time was already identified as code for Parion/Parium. Belgian Georges use what I would guess is the Botter bend, not forgetting that Butteri trace to Butua who in turn were just traced well to Batia, mother of Trojans.

Prior to this update, I don't recall joining Boiotians to Trojans in any fundamental way. However, as Cadmus was code for a peoples of TYRE, note similarity with TROY. It was Cadmus who was joined to Boiotians...which is why I trace Cadmus Boiotians to ancient Butua, now Budva. If you don't know, as i didn't until mere months ago, Butua was the hometown of Cadmus and Harmonia, daughter of Ares. For years I've maintained that Ares was a Hros = Rosh peoples, and in this update, we have featured the Hrod of Redone country.

AHA! The York Coat (another besant!) is a saltire in Durante / Roe and George colors! It just so happens that I've stressed the York bloodline as the so-called "Cappeo" bloodline tracing to Capys-related Trojans of Cappadocia, and to the Copper/Cooper surname (that uses the York saltire). I had traced Coppers/Cooper to the copper-named island of Cyprus. Didn't I just suggest that "Megiddo" traces in-part to Kition on Cyprus?

ONCE AGAIN we find the Roe / Durante chevron, now in the Copps Coat! It's a version of the Cope Coat (surname said to be from "cape"), both using roses, a symbol of Geddes ancestry in Roses.

Earlier, I had featured the similarities of Roes/Rowes to Roves and Ralphs and found that Rollos use the same chevron as Roes/Rowes. There was no doubt that all these clans were one stock. I then was able to ling the Rollo black boar to the Bush black boar. This is being repeated because I just asked myself what surname might honor Kition on Cyprus, which location is thought by some to be the Biblical Kittim. And so I found a black boar in the Kittin/Keeton Crest. I traced the Keetons to Keiths and therefore to Cilician Cati. Cilicia was between Cappadocia and Cyprus, and the Cati, now suspect as naming Kition, were from CADmus.

One of the main reasons that I believed the deathbed confession of a Nazi agent, where he said that president George Herbert Walker Bush was born as George Herbert Scherf(f), and adopted by Bush's, is that the Scherf Coat has similarity to the German Walker Coat. We can ask why the Bush presidents were named George, and as Gorgons are traced to York, so English Walkers were first found in Yorkshire.

Both roses in the Scherf and Walker Coats are on stems, a rare way to show the rose. It just so happens that Copps use a stem for their rose too. Weren't the Copps just traced to Coppers and Yorks?

Scherf-like Sherrifs also use roses, and they were first found in Warwickshire, as with the Dor-suspect Durants that use the York-colored chevron. By now you may know that I traced Perseus Gorgons to mythical Sthenelus of Liguria, father of Gog-suspect CYCnus, for a Sthenelus was the brother Gorgophone. In fact, there was a Mestor that was also Gorgophone's brother. Hmm, this is very very interesting for locating the Misters/Master on the Durance river, for when we enter "Mestor," we get a Swiss clan in Durant-chevron colors. After writing that, I realized that Mestors use a version of the Massi/Mattis Shield!!!

I have always traced Salyes to Sales-of-Masci, and I've known that Mascis were first found in Piedmont, but never have I found evidence of Mascis on the Durance, until now. As this find traces Mascis to Gorgophone in the Megiddo area, by what coincidence is it that Mascis were Meshech? Remember, Parion/Parium Gorgons were in Mysia, which I'm convinced was named by Meshech.

Did I identify Mascis as Maccabee blood or even proto-Maccabees? I had traced Maccabees to Cappadocia too, especially as Mazaca was the Cappadocian capital. Lately. Maccabees were traced to Mitanni of Modena, and it has just struck me that mythical Capys, whom I identified with Cappadocia, was related to king LaoMEDON! The latter was not only brother to Assaracus, father of Capys, but father to Priam Gorgons.

Laomedon had a daughter HeSIONe, who gave birth to Teucer (read Togarmites) of Cyprus! IN FACT, this Teucer was credited with the founding of Salamis, which easily traces Togarmites to JeruSALEM and ZION. But more, for as we are smack on the Dorian line to the Durance river, it must be the Laomedon > Teucer line that traces "Salamis" to the Salyes Ligurians. If this be so, I think I need to view a Salyes trace to Sol as erroneous, and trace instead to the Solymi peoples of Asia Minor.

This is quite revealing suddenly. I identified Zeus as the Solymi peoples in particular before realizing that Zeus' "Dion" alternative traced to "Zion," but as we here find a trace of Teucer to Zion, it seems that the Assi peoples, kin to Tocharians, named, not only Asia as some claim, but Zion. In other words, Zeus was code for the Assi peoples who gave Zion and Sion their names. That;s the theory now.

Tocharians and Assi were east of the Tigris, and I traced Zeus, not only to Sittacene / Sittake on the Tigris, but I traced his Taurus symbol to Turruku/Turukku (many spellings), east of the Tigris. I assume that the Tigris was named after Togarmites, and in all this it appears that Zeus was definitely a Togarmite / Tocharian peoples to a great extent. If Cimmerians were from "Gomer," Togarmah's father, then Azov, the home of Cimmerians, should link to Jerusalem's mount Zion. As that thought was occurring, I was rolling Crimea-like terms around on my tongue, and that's when mount Acra at Jerusalem struck me. I actually ventured a trace of "Taurus" (years ago, before the Megiddo topic at hand was conceived) to "Dor" as well as to nearby "Tyrus."

Yes, that tends to identify Zeus not only with Trojans, as Greeks identified him, but with Dorians...who lived around mount Olympus. I traced "Olympus," however, to "Solymi." It's as though Olympus was the Greek Mount Zion.

A trace of Zeus to mount Acra begs a trace to the Acre location of ancient Israel, not far north of Dor. I kid you not that this trace, based on a Zeus identity with Assi and Tocharians, was made before the following was re-realized:

The origins of Tjeker [Sea Peoples] is uncertain. A possible linguistic connection has been suggested with the Teucri, a tribe described by ancient sources as inhabiting northwest Anatolia to the south of Troy. However, this has been dismissed as "pure speculation" by Trevor Bryce.

The Tjeker conquered the city-state of Dor [in Israel]...

It may be "speculation," but it's not "pure speculation" because other Sea Peoples have been traced to Trojans.

Azov was also called, "Maeotis," and then in Colchis there was a Media character, a witch, as is fitting for Medes and related Magi. When we go to Perseus and AndroMEDA, after Perseus kills the Gorgon MEDusa, I think it's safe to say that Medes and Parthians / Persians were on the pre-Israeli coast along with Gorgons. In the Hebrew dictionary of Strong's concordance, not long before "Megiddo," there is a Mag term that is traced to another term meaning "magi" or "magician." The Magi were a Mede tribe along with Buzi and Budae, and I would suggest to you that Zeus and Poseidon were gods of just these fiends of satanic nature leading to scythians of the Gogi kind.

If we trace PosEIDON to Megiddo too, suddenly the Eidon in his name smacks of the Edones with Mygdone tribe, but because Poseidon was a Phoenician entity, Sithones can be traced to "Sidon." There is an entire science that deals with Zeus on the ancient Israeli / Phoenician coast, in case you think it's my novel idea.

Back to Gorgon-suspect Walkers of Yorkshire. I always maintain that Rothschilds were a Gogi peoples. "Jewish" Rothchilds (no 's') not only use the Massey horse, but the Odin horse, and Odins were first found in Yorkshire too. Just saying. It gives more reason to link Bush's to Rothschilds. The Rothchilld Coat also shows the Bauer star in the form of a hexagram, and German (and Scottish) Walkers use it too, in the same colors.

In fact, Walkers use theirs with a crescent, and then earlier the Ishtar star was shown with crescent in a Marklissa Coat, that being the Arms of Lesna/Marklissa, a Silesian location on/off the Kwisa river. REMEMBER HERE WITH SILESIA, that God links the end-time Gog to Seleucids. See also the Dorset Coat.

The same hexagram in the same colors is used by viking-suspect Vicks, Ishtar-suspect Sterns, and Bavarian-Illuminati-suspect Wise's/Weis' and Kissingers. The Kissinger Coat even uses the crescent, and as you know, the star and crescent is a chief symbol of witchcraft. It just so happens that, while I trace the Kwisa river to "Gewisse," the name of Wessex, home of Saxons, Kissingers were first found in Saxony. It just so happens that "Kwisa" smacks of "Wise/Weis."

Hmm, what about an identification of "Walker" with "Vicker."

AHA! The Scottish Walker Coat with the stars and crescent under discussion shows the French Estur/Stur Shield! I didn't know that when starting this paragraph, or ones above it. Total surprise found by following clues naturally. AND ZIKERS, the Estur/Stur Chief shows the roses again of the "Jewish" Rothchild Coat. Is there any difference between Stewarts and Rothschilds? Shouldn't we expect Rothschilds in England to be fingers crossed with Stewarts there? What are they up to with their zillions, beside making zillions more, that they might rule the universe?

Did the Rothschilds / Stewarts invade Iraq? Did Bush's impetus come from Rothschilds and similar others? Could it be true that there are some Rothschilds in this world who fund both sides of wars that they might make money? Think about it. The killing of millions over the years that fiends might make more money.

Isn't "Acre" the makings of "Asher" and similar terms, like "Ascher" and "Schere"? It just so happens that entering "Scherf" gets the Schere surname. As the Acker surname traces to "Acca" while Acre is also called, Akka, the Acker write-up could be code for Acre. As Ackers use acorns, they must be related to acorn-using Akkermans, and the latter, ZOWIE, were first found in DORset!!!

The only heraldic evidence at this time for linking Scheres/Scherfs to Ackers is the black-on-gold Dutch Akkermans, in the colors of the Schere/Scherf cross.

Aha! Did you happen to notice that the Ackers use their acorns on a black bend, a symbol also of the Sales? When entering "Acre," what comes up but black-on-white fleur-de-lys, colors reversed from the fleur of the Sales!!! ASTOUNDING!!! I have not enough bells and whistles for this. The Salyes were on the DURance river!!! Dor is just a Gogi spit downwind from Acre.

NEXT. French Acres use what could be the Botter bend. In any case, the colors are those of the hexagram used by Hagar(d)s. This is now very interesting as per the "arable land" used in the other Acre write-up. There are many ways to define an "acre," but why ARABable when it appears that Hagars may be Acres? The mother of Ishmaelites, who are usually lumped in with Arabs, was named, Hagar. That's not necessarily to say that Ishmaelites were in Acre, but that the heraldry people may have thought so. On the other hand, I thought that a trace of Biblical "Hagar" to agri = goat terms seemed correct.

Check out the goat in the Dutch Hacker/Heckel Coat. German Hackers use colors familiar to this discussion. English Hackers/Hatchers are in Hagar(d) colors.

I now recall the Ashmole/Ashmoal (greyhound, traces to north Africa, lots of Arabs there) and Ashman/Aschman Coats, both in the colors of the Dutch Ackermans and Scheres/Scherfs, that I ventured to trace to Ishmaelites. I now see that the Ashmans use fleur de lys, as does the Ashmole Coat, in the white colors of the sales, and moreover the Ashman fleur are on a bend, as with the sales. I had linked "Sale" to "Talbot," and now I see talbot dogs in the Ashley Coat. The idea here is that the two surnames in this paragraph as Asher-version Ackers but with an Ishmaelite tone.

Ashmoles were first found in Staffordshire, as with the same-colored Stubbs and Stubbings. As the latter were traced to the Esau cult depicted with tree stumps, what about the Biblical fact that Esau's bloodline had merged with Ishmaelites? Stubbs use pheons pointing down, as do Sales, and they use them in Sale-fleur white-on-black. It's very important when there is a Dor-suspect trace to Sales because they too are suspect as Dor-ians.

Stubbs use "labori" and Ackers use "liberte," perhaps code for the labyrinth maze and/or labrys axe symbols of Crete, the island to which the Zeus Taurus removed from the Israeli / Tyrian coast. Certainly, acorns are conveniently a Zeus theme (he had the oak for a symbol). Recalling the trace of Megiddo to Edones, here's the Stubb write-up: "First found in Staffordshire where they were granted lands at Water-Eaton..." A labrys axe is a double headed axe, and Eatons use a "cross" that looks like two double-headed axes! I hadn't yet gotten to that when suggesting the labrys above as the possible representation of "labori."

Ashers use the Bellamy Shield, and Stubbs are traced in their write-up to a Bellamy, sheriff of Salop/Shropshire, follower of a MontGOMERy. Fancy that, for I had traced Togarmites to Dor and to Salyes Ligures. Bellamys were first found in Shropshire but had Massey relatives in Cheshire (i.e. where Eatons were first found). Of special note here is that Samsons are related to Meschins of Cheshire while Samsons use the Eaton symbol, which can now suggest that the Samson cult may have been in Acre (though maybe only linked to Acre elements).

If I'm seeing right, German Hackers/Heiklers use a double-bladed axe! And they are in colors reversed from the Samson double-headed axes.

The Hatcher variation of English hackers could suggest that hatch's are from Acre elements. The Hatch Crest shows the lions of the Musts and English Rothes, prime candidates for furnishing the False-Prophet system. The Hatch Coat uses the same lions as Oxfords...and Nobels, together making up the Varangian vikings.

I refrain for the time being from tracing Ashers to the Israelite tribe of Asher, even though the tribe lived in the Acre theater. It would be easy to modify Acker surnames to "Asher." Keep in mind too that Acre became a topic when Assi elements were traced to Acra, and we can't equate the Assi with the Asher tribe.

I recall tracing Samson to Ass terms as per his donkey symbol, as silly as that sounds. It was Esau who was suspect in those terms, however, not the Assi. But, now, consider AshMOLE, for mule terms are also expected.

It can be gleaned that Astons (read as "As-town") are Acre-ites of the Asher kind, for they were likewise first found in Cheshire, and moreover they use Eaton colors. Were Stubbs first found in Staffordshire? The Aston write-up speaks of "...Aston, in the county of Stafford." THEN, lest we had any doubts, Asher were likewise first found in Staffordshire. AND, Ashtons (black boar) are in the same colors again as Astors.

The Asher write-up could indicate the birth of the Pascals et-al: "A John ap'Asser was canon of St David's in 1218 from which we they get the surnames Passer and Pasher." Something to keep in mind.

The idea that PosEIDON was an Edone entity that may have named the "iddo" on "Megiddo" becomes interesting where Bellamys were traced to Bellerophon, and where he was recently linked solidly to Pisidians. It's the Ashers who use the Bellamy Shield, and it's Ashers who use "Passer." As yet, I don't see heraldry indication to link Acre-like clans to Pascals.

You're not going to believe me. I was contemplating, just after writing the above, whether to trace the ass terms to Assisi, a city in UMBRIA, not a great distance from Pisidian-suspect Pisa. But as the distance between the two was far enough, I decided not to include that part. By that time I had taken note of "Umbria," and was asking whether I had seen any clans from CUMBERland. I thought I had seen one, but then I didn't even bother to scroll back to find it.

Instead, I carried forward with another search, this time entering "Ask." I was surprised to find that the clan was first found in Cumberland, and when the Coat loaded, I saw a Meschin-like or Samson-like Coat but could not make out what the animals were. Checking...DONKEYS!!!! What a great laugh this is.

Scrolling back, it was found that the other clan first found in Cumberland was the English Acres!!! Zowie, what electrifying fun this can be. It probably means that I was correct to trace Assi to Acre.

The Asks use a "Fac et spera" motto like that of the Mathies/Manns. They have an AisCOUGH variation that could link to Coughs. As Caughs and Coffees were traced to Pollux, what about the Acaster, Ackaster, Akaster, and Akester variations of the Ackers said to derive in "Acca"? Does this trace Pollux and castor to Acre? If so, the Leda > Ladon dragon ought to have been there too.

I traced the Assi to Aeson and his son, Iason = Jason, and they were at Lemnos with HephAEStus. "As" or "Aes" means "metal," but the point here is that Samson was already traced to Hephaestus. While I trace the Samson term to Beit Shemesh, here's Wikipedia's article on that place: "The most ancient iron workshop in the world was discovered here in 2003."

I recall emphasized Acre only once, but now see it as a major stepping stone for the Samson cult. Manoah had been identified with Minoans on more grounds than similarity of terms. Checking the Jason Coat, a black-on-white fesse, same as the Astons. But Astons use a bull in Crest, symbol of Minoans. Jason's Argo ship was filled with Minyae that I've traced to Minoans...because Jason's ancestry was in Cretheus (i.e. code for Crete), husband of Tyro and Sidon.

What should be added here is that Nereids are always linked to Poseidon, and the mother of Nereids was Doris. It just so happens that Nereids were in the Butua theater as the namers of the Neretva river and its Daorsi inhabitants, and then we might reason that Cadmus' fish symbol at Butua was a symbol for Nereids, depicted in ancient times as fish people.

The Jason surname traces to "Jordan" even though no such variations are listed. After viewing the Aeson Coat and deciding that it does not apply, "Ice" was entered to find several Akka-like terms. The Ice/Icke/Ecco Coat uses trefoils, and was first found in Rostock, which is amazing because this paragraph was not yet conceived until after writing the one above. It just so happens that I traced Nereids from the Neretva river to Nerthus, the earth-mother goddess in the Rostock theater! One of the Nerthus-worshiping peoples were the Eudoses, thought to be the Jutes = Eotens.

The Ice/Icke/Ecco write-up traced suggestively to "sharp sword blade." Why include "blade"? Why not just "sharp sword"? The Blades (branch of Veres) just happen to use a black talbot dog and downward pheons, as with Ashleys. Blades are Danes, as was Blatant "bluetooth." Danes trace to Samson. The idea here is that we're touching on vikings, especially as Ice's are said to be Frisians. In that picture, the Vicks may have developed from "Icke," which then tends to trace Vicks and Danish vikings in general to the Argo-ship cult.

AFTER WRITING THAT, it was recalled that I traced the Argo-ship ORCHOmenians to Orkney. And tracing the ORGAN symbol of Arthurs to "Orkney," a look at the Organ surname (in Arthur colors) seemed called for, and there was a white-on-red trefoil, the very colors of the symbol of the Ice's/Icke's. Is that not something? It was "Aeson" father of Jason that caused me to enter "Ice" in the first place.

Why would Acre, in Israel, use a viking ship in its Arms of Acre?

If the Organs are from Orchomenians (= Boiotians), so too must be the Vere-branch Hares/Garrys (fox!), for an Organ variation is Harrigan." Both Organs/Harrigans and Hares/Garrys use a lizard, and the latter likewise use trefoils.

It's not coincidental that Veres trace to Varni of the Nerthus cult, but that only suggests that the Argo ship was code for the Nereids and Dorians. It's not coincidental that other hare Coats use the Fisher Coat, for Fishers surely trace to the Cadmus fish that depicted Neretva / Daorsi elements, as well as Boiotians of suspect as Orchomenian Boiotians. I would suggest that sea-faring peoples in the Nerthus camp were Fir Bolgs and Fomorians of Pomerania. Atlanteans.

Recall the Hatch Coat using the same lions as "Oxfords...and Nobels, together making up the Varangian vikings." There was talk in some writing of an Oxonae peoples amongst the Varni crowd of peoples.

As Hackers/Hatchers use white scallops, as do Samsons and Flags/Flecks, (Samsons use a "flag" term buried), chances are that the AUCHlek-and-similar variations of Aflecks indicate Acre/Akka elements.

I kid you not, that it wasn't five minutes after writing the above on Aflecks that I discovered the Akenheads acorns, which should apply to Acre as per the acorns of Ackers. BUT THEY'RE GREEN ACORNS, which had come up near the top of the update:

It blew my hat off, therefore, to realize that "DIRIget" was part code for the Derry county of Ireland, where the Roe river was located on which MUNroes lived. Diriget = Derry was the theory anyway, and it checked out when green-on-white acorns (Deas / Cromarty colors) turned up in the German Derry Coat. But my hat was not completely blown off yet.

It is the Bitar/Buttar Coat that uses the "diriget" term, and they are the bloodline that I say co-founded Baathists along with Aflecks. Is that not amazing timing? AND TO BOOT, the Derrys were already traced to Dor, i.e. just a drunken sailer's voyage from Acre.

There was definitely a question as to whether Jasons (said to be from "Jordan" but I can't agree) do in fact fit into this Acre discussion. Assuming it to be correct, their roosters are of importance, not only because rooster-using Sinclairs were vikings too, but because Achens/Aitkins use roosters. The Aachen location in France is also AIK-la-Chappelle, smacking of the metal term.

It took this long to check the Jordan Coat, and it's more excellent timing, just after writing on Oxonae. Jordans use a fesse in the colors of the Jason fesse, suggesting a family link but not necessarily an equation. The Jordan write-up suggests Norman vikings: "First found in Normandy...An earlier branch of the family came to Ireland with the "English invaders" in 1168 and at that time were known as De Exeter because they came from Exonia or Exeter in England...O'Hart quotes: 'The De Exonias or De Exeters submitted to be called MacJordans, from one Jordan De Exonia, who was the first founder of the family.'" Does that not smack of the Oxonae? Is one not tempted to link Exeter in Devon to the Oxonae? Something to think about.

It's the septs of MacIntoshes/TOCHS, amazingly enough, who show Exon-like septs in the form of "Esson" and even "Aeson." How amazing is that when mythical Aeson was also Jason? (I might have second thoughts on the Aeson surname). There are many similar septs listed that should trace to the Assi friends of Tocharians, and we even find the Nobels there. As Dor was near Tyre, what about all the Tyre-like septs listed? Wasn't Teucer a Tocharian peoples at Troy?

As Assisi is in Umbria, how freaky is it that the MacIntosh sept even includes an Omber sept? And they show "Cumber" too. Man, these heraldry toffs had historical links all worked out, but they didn't inform us for fear of exposing their love of paganism. Am I betraying them? No, I've never been one of them.

I traced the Aeson Coat already via the Heth Coat to the Bath/Atha surname that I say is at the root of Baathists. Aesons are said to be named after "Aythe," suggesting that it can't trace to "Aeson." I just happened to shows that Baathist roots do trace to Acre, without any thought for anything in this paragraph. But that doesn't mean that "Aythe" didn't derive from the Aeson or other Assi bloodline.

Heths use two kinds of roosters. Jasons use a rooster (can't be coincidental). HETHS WERE FIRST FOUND in DURham!!!!!! SURPRISED YE BE TOO? Surprised me be too.

The evidence here of the Manoah > Samson cult in Acre's proto-Argo-ship cult recalls the trace of mount Acra in Jerusalem to "Ekron," a major Philistine city nearest to Samson's station near Timnah (at Beit Shemesh, I figure). "Ekron" was then suggested for mythical "Acrisius", a Danaan line of Argos, the city. At the time, I didn't have this update's evidence of an Argo-crew trace to Acre.

The reason that the Tjeker (read as "Tieker") attacked Dor, I assume, is that it had been their home previously. If the Tjeker were from Teucer, then we might expect Batia, his daughter, to be some people group from Dor. Where Batia was code for Boiotians, there we have another reason to trace Orchomenians back to Acre. Remember, Batia married DarDANUS, suggesting that she had been a Danaan peoples of the Samson kind. HERCules may even have been code or ORCHO(menian). Hmm, Hercules married Hebe, and Thebes was the Boiotian capital.

As I tend to see Sadducee blood in the Hy Many clan when it comes to their Sodhan line, and because "Many" was suspect as a HasMONian entity, what about the bees in the English Dore/Door Coat??? Then, the Door write-up traces to the Hy Many clan. MORE THROTTLING Direction, so amazing that if it ever ends I'll have withdrawal symptoms. This has got to be the Spirit acting once again, for our information. I finished the update yesterday in the paragraph above, just after ORCHOmenians and Batia, and went to the email box. One from GD sends questions on Haakon VI of Norway, and adds an article on the earldom of Orkney with questions on the Sinclairs of Orkney. She says "Haakaon" smacks of the Armenian god, Haik. I write to her telling that I usually ignore any Haakon link to Hyksos until there is reason to suspect his ancestry and family ass such (I truly misspelled "as" there, but no problem, as you will see). I suggested she look at the first-named Haakon to check things out, but in the morning, which is now, I was thinking that God may have something for us here because I was just mentioning Ass-like septs, and the Aeson > Argo-ship line to Orkney.

The Orkney article: "Harald I Harfagre, Harald I of Norway, claimed Orkney and Shetland for his kingdom around 875..." First, there may be about two too-many Hars in that sentence for my comfort level because his father was HalfDAN the Black GudRODARson, what smacks outright as a Redone line of Varangians. I once read (to be found in a few of my chapters, but the article borrowed from disappeared from online) that Varangians descended from a Rodskarlar peoples of Sweden, a term rooted in "rud'r". GudRODAR gets us back to the very time that Varangians proper first appear as per Rurik of Wieringen. Excellent. We are now able to identify Harald Harfagre as a Varangian branch or even the initial Varangian ancestry.

The point was, Harald's first wife: "Asa, daughter of Hakon Grjotgardsson, Earl of Lade" Isn't that wild donkey? Not only an Asa but she's of a Hakon character. Does the timing of GD's email mean that the Argo-ship line of Aeson led to Hakon? Lade, by the way, is in Norway, and this Hakon was ancestor to Haakon II...but not to Haakon III, supposed father of Haakon VI of Orkney. We may be asking what named Lade, the Old-Norse, Hlağir. Hmm, the "laidir" motto term of Kilpatricks comes to mind, and as they were identified as Butteri LATins, hmm.

This sudden suspicion that Butteri are involved is incredible, for GD was also asking what "Baat" could mean in the article on "Erengisle Sunesson of Hultboda, earl of Orkney (died 26 December 1392)..." HultBODA? Entering Bode gets the English Botters/Bodins/Bods', and the other two Bode Coats use Italian Botter colors.

While this man was grandson of a Sunes, entering "Sun" gets the Sinclair Coat with rooster. We are about to see more roosters, and so let me repeat that we saw roosters yesterday in the Jason and Heth Coats. When writing GD last night, I mentioned my trace of Heths to Baths/Athas, the root of BAAThists, in my opinion. BAATincidence???

By the way, entering "Sunes" gets the Swayne/Sion/Swan Coat with central heart of Lanarkshire. I trace Lanark to Lanuvium, very tentatively, but that's what I do. Lanuvium (now Lanuvio) was in Latin country..and it was founded by mythical Diomedes, from ARGOS!!! Is that not cause for some shrill? REMEMBER, Orchomenians were BOITian boatmen.

Just a passing point if needed later: jarls of Lade "were a dynasty of Norwegian rulers, who ruled Trondelag and Halogaland..." It brings the Trent river to mind, or the trace of the Trent to the Taran/Tarent surname and other Taran elements. Zikers! Just realized that I traced Taran elements to Turan, witch of the Butteri theater north of Rome (at Velch) on the Latin/Etruscan border. I therefore expect Mus elements from Lake Van, and then the Sunes Coat uses the Macey Shield and gloves. MOREOVER, Haik was a major, if not the chief, Armenian god!

At this point it's necessary to enter my old theory, that Sea Peoples who attacked Egypt (and settled Dor in the meantime) had been branches of Hyksos elements in Troy and elsewhere seeking to re-instate themselves in Egypt. Some of them were called, Shardana," traced by many to Sardinia, but I trace them to Sardis too, near Troy, capital of Lade-like Lydia, where Armenians named the Hermus river. Sardis had also been called, Hyde, no doubt after the Hatti (for mythical Lydus was made a son of Atti(s)).

Lydians had a mythical Tyrrhenus, brother of Tarchon, two proto-Etruscan entities that settled beside the Lydian-based Latins. Therefore, Turan of Velch traced to Lydians who had themselves been Taran's Armenians.

I had traced Hyksos, independent of these things, to Trojans and their Etruscan descendants. I am therefore feeling very comfortable with a Hyksos trace to "Haakon." And as we are back to the land of the Nairi in Taran, what about that mythical Nor (founder of Norway) who smacks of the Nairi, for we are dealing here with Norwegian rulers? And what about the BUDini who lived with Neuri in the Ukraine theater, where Varangians ended up at about the time to Gudrodar??? Did Varangians go to the Ukraine having something to do with the Neuri and/or Budini?

We read: "Trondheim was named Kaupangen (English: market place or trading place) by Viking King Olav Tryggvason in 997." Never mind "market place," and spot the Troy- and Trojan-like "Try(g)."

Amazingly, it was this very update where the Laugher/Locher (Ligurian swans) were featured, and they were traced to Coughs and Coffees, the latter traced to Taran with some convincing reasoning. I now find that "Hakon Grjotgardsson...nicknamed Hakon the Rich (Hakon jarl hinn riki) was the son and heir of Grjotgard Herlaugsson Lade." HerLAUGs??? It was this man who named his daughter, Asa, and so I'm tracing the family to the Assi (they are expected with Teucer-branch Trojans) that I and others trace to "Azov" and "Asia." Remember here that Teucer's daughter, Batia, should trace to Orchomenian Boiotians.

Never mind "Hakon the Rich," for Norsemen had a god, Rig, whom I traced (years ago, well before this discussion) to Roxolani peoples of the Ukraine theater, named in part after Alan Sarmatians. I had featured Roxolani perhaps a year or more ago as being fundamental partners with the Neuri. The theory was that Nahorites out of Haran had named Edom's Horites, while Buzites named Bozrah. Horites were Seir-ians too that I saw as Saracens, a line to Sarmatian scythians I reasoned, as per their Sauromata homeland at Azov and Tanais (Herodotus said that Sarmatians descended from Trabzon-region Amazons and Gargarians as they passed through the Crimea). I pegged "Thraco" being named after a Saracen-like term, and then it is thought that "Trojan" is a Thracian term. As "Thraco" evokes the Draco, and as I trace the dragon cult to Lotan of Edom, a Seir-ian, the theory works not bad at all.

A few hours after writing the above, I found a Rich Coat with a "Garde" motto term, smacking of Hakon GrjotGARDsson the Rich." The idea came to me while on the Richard variation of the Butlers.

When GD mentioned Maol Iosa, I failed to see how it smacked of "Iason.' In fact, as almost always, I failed to see anything relevant in her email at the time, as is the case with many emails from others but forwarded by God (yes, as I believe), until the next morning. It always hits me the next morning. JUST LOOK AT WHAT SHE SAID:

The Erengisle Sunesson of HultBODA article describes how Sinclairs got title of Earls/Orkney etc, "king Haakon VI of Norway granted the earldom of Orkney to Maol Iosa's (youngest) grandson, Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney" sure and read all the way to end where a clan Bonde is discussed, ref boat on shield and also byname HAAK--which says HAIK of Armenia all over to me. It notes a Haak-BAAT br and says Baat meant boat but I wonder. Does bat in a coat actually ref to a 'boat' ????

I didn't think that a heraldic bats are codes for boats, and I assumed that the Baat term was given a boat symbol, and like GD, I didn't think that it actually meant a boat. But that was before I realized -- this morning -- that God was communicating the Argo-ship bloodline through these Norwegians. It still doesn't mean necessarily that "Baat" was "boat," and yet the boat theme is very related.

Did I trace rising eagles to Lake Van? The English Bonde Crest is a rising eagle!!! Astounding. The article reads:

Erengisle's family's hereditary shield depicted a boat. He thus belonged to the extensive clan of the Bonde...[Erengisle] belonged to the Haak-Baat branch of the Bonde clan (the byname Haak was even used of his well-known uncle), mentioned as agnates of the Bonde...

The Bundy family is included in a list of the concept of "13 Illuminati families." From the 3rd update of August, where Sardinia was a featured topic: "Correct me if I'm wrong, but the sword design in the Sardinian Bundy Coat is that of the Bait/Beith Coat, the latter being the sword running through a black boar head." Didn't I just mention Sardinia in this update as regards the Sea Peoples tracing to the Norwegians under discussion?

The surname is shown also as "Bondy." There are also Blondelli and Blondetti variations while the Harald of Orkney who started this discussion was styled, "Fairhair." Some say that Trojans were blondes (though of course we'd expect some dark Greek hair in the mix). The Budini were said to be blue-eyed blondes. I don't think, however, that Bondys were named after blonde hair. The Biondi-like variations smack of the Biaini, namers of Lake Van. It might be important to realize that the Bondy sword is in the colors of the Pilate pheons, for I traced "pheon" (tentatively, lightly) to the Biaini line to Phoenicians. Alternatively, pheons may be code for the Fie/Fey/Duff bloodline that I see as integral to the Pict mother of Pontus Pilate.

The Geloni (reported by Herodotus) who retreated from Greece to live with Budini / Neuri were from Argos, and they were likely from mythical Hellen, what I suspect were proto-Alans. See also the Gelonus scythians related to Hercules Danaans, and keep in mind that Alans lived about Tanais.

The English Bundy/Bondy Coat uses a gold-on-black fesse, used also by Ladons/Ladds, who smack of the Lade / Hlağir location ruled by Hakons. The guys might all remember the blonde, Cheryl Ladd. The Leaders (DURham!) look like they apply as a colors-reversed form of Ladons/Ladds, and "Leader" smacks of "laidir" (the Kilpatrick-Butteri motto term). Let me repeat that I trace the Seleucid bloodline to Sulcis of Sardinia, and as the anti-Christ is going to be a neo-Seleucid in some way, what about my identification of the Revelation dragon as the Ladon dragon?

The "sufficit" motto term of the Bundys/Bondys may be code for Clares. first found in Suffolk.

GD was so taken up by the topic that she wrote another email:

...when you have a minute to come up for air, can you take a look at the Baat/boat Randolph question? It is sticking in my mind. If the baat as in BAT does ref to boat/ship which pts to -- I think Macdonalds--but the Sinclairs had a fleet of ships too...

She was wondering whether the bat in the Randolph Crest was a symbol of the Norwegian boatmen, especially the boat symbol of the Bondes. I didn't think so at the time of writing her back, but the morning changed all that. I wrote that the Randolph bat traces to the same bats in the Bat Coat , and that Bats (RUTland) can be traced to the Bath/Atha surname using the same cross, in the same colors, as the Randolph Coat. Bats us a Sinclair-like saltire which should link to the crosses of Baathist-suspect Bitars/Butters and Aflacks, but then Kilpatricks use the same-colored saltire as Bats.

I had forgotten that Bats are also "Baat." That's how important GD's email is. She has found for us the crucial Bat line. I wrote her to say that English Randolphs use a version of the Butler Coat, and that reminds me of the Butler on Batman. At the time that I did a thing on Batman and Robin, to uncover the show's codework, I did not have the greater understanding that I do now on the Robin surname/bloodline.

I also said to GD that Obama (his mother was from Randolphs) chose Joe Biden for his vice-president because Bidens/Buttins were in Bath and Wells (see write-up), first found in Somerset as with Baths/Athas. Bidens/Buttins were first found in Hampshire, as with Botters/Budins, two clearly related families...and both, therefore, tracing to Botters of Tuscany: the Butteri of the Turan theater. Even before finding that English Bondes were first found in...Somerset...(!), I traced them (as per the Hakon-et-al trace) to Lake Van.

Aside from any consideration of the Bonde family of surnames. I interpreted the Bundy/Bondy sword (as used by others) as the EXcalibur, which was identified partly as code for EXeter in Devon (i.e. beside Somerset) Bundyncidence? Then, German Bunts/Bundings are not only in the colors of Somerset Bondes, but show three black ducklings (I think), the symbol in the Devon Coat! Austrian Bunts/Buntins use stars in the colors of the Sardinian Bundys/Bondys, and a solid/filled chevron like that of Heths and Aythes/Aesons!!!

Do you recall the Arms of Hedmark county in Norway (wherein Hamar is located), looking like the spindles of a railing on a staircase? The German Bunt/Bunding Coat uses a symbol I've not seen before, that likewise looks like a railing on a staircase. The symbol is called is called "vergettes." Fergus surname?

The Hedmark / Hamar region is where the Rollo-line Sinclairs ruled Noway, and then near Hamar we find Loten. The Arms of Hamar is a grouse on a pine tree, and then the Lothian/Louden surname uses a Traby-colored bugle on a pine tree). The Arms of Loten" A bugle. It's called a "hunting horn, However, and then Harald Fairhair's grandfather is shown in his family tree as Gudrod the Hunter. Just saying. He's the one suspect as the father of Varangians proper.

Did I trace the Cass/Cast and Custis / Custes surnames to Vilnius? The Lothian/Louden motto not only uses a Cast-like term, and not only another term smacking of Darbys/Dermots (that were linked to the 666 bloodline of Crowleys), but yet another "qui" motto term that for me indicates the chi-xi-stigma lovers.

The Custes write-up traces to "Constantis," and then the French Constance uses a pine trees (that I've traced to a pine-using location, Fichten-something, near lake Constance, Germany). The English Constance/Custer/CUSTESon Coat used the MacDonald eagle, and this paragraph is an insert after the below on MacDonalds was already written.

We should fully expect 666 lovers in a Lotan-like entity, as the Lotan dragon in Syria had seven heads. Surely Revelation's dragon speaks to the Lotan dragon, therefore, but keep in mind that we are all over Varangians in this discussion, who co-founded Moscow. A Buttin-like surname is about to take the Russian helm once again, and last I heard, his people had fire billowing out of his mouth against the United States.

The Loten location near Hamar had previously been "Leuten" or "Leuthen" and even "Lautvin." Nearby are Elverum and Valer, smacking of JJ Tolkien's Valar elf-related fictional peoples. My first-ever attempt at deciphering Tolkien codes traced them to Daphne, foundress of Devon. Later, I traced Tolkien's mainline peoples to Rus vikings of the Rollo line (Danes).

I'm quite sure that we are dealing here with the Dumnonii of Devon and Somerset, tracing to the Irish Damnonn = Macdonalds. GD is correct, therefore, to ponder a trace of the Bonde boat symbol to Macdonalds and Sinclairs, and I had surmised that the MacDonald ship is code for the Argo ship long before this update. In some old myths, the Argo ship had even been round to Scandinavia.

There is another way to trace the Norwegian kings to Vilnius / Lithuania, who by the way had a Lada goddess. For this discussion, let me re-quote on the boat-line king, Erengisle SUNESson: "He was born in a noble family later called Baat (Old Swedish for boat) originally from Smaland [smacks of the Sami], as son of Sune Jonsson, the lawspeaker of Tioharad, and his first wife Cathrine Henriksdatter Glysing." Before going to the intended point, note that while Sune indicates Sinclairs to me, there had earlier been a Catherine Sinclair, supposed wife (or mistress?) of Hugh de Payen. Catherine was daughter of a Henry Sinclair (Lothian), the name also of a ruler of Orkney.

The "lawspeaker" term caught my eye as per the Lade / Hlağir location. That is, I had traced the "laidir" motto terms to LaidLaws/Laidlers and other Law terms, wherefore the Lawer surname is suspect. The Lawer Coat not only uses roosters (i.e. Sinclair symbol), but half the saltire of the Pikes. While Geddes (NAIRNshire) use the head of a fish/pike, the English Lawer Crest use the tail of a "turbot" fish. The fish designs are not the same, however, but I can add that the Lawer fish tail belongs to fish used, for example, by Scottish Hykes', who are shown properly as Hake, Hakke, and Hacke!!! Surely, that links Lawers to the Haakons of Norway, and to "lawspeakers."

The Lawer cross is said to be "raguli," smacking of some viking Ragn character, and then the English Ragin/Rakon Coat has a red-on-white chevron, as with Hykes/Haakes. Like the Ragins/Rakins, English Hicks/Hix' ("tout" motto term) use a stag head. They also use a wavy fesse like the Ladons/Ladds...and Dutch Gants, which is interesting because Touts use a CANTon. Plus, didn't I trace Tout to tout-using Oliphants, who were identified with Eliphas, the Esau-ite who married LOTAN's sister? The Oliphant write-up claims kinship with Bothwell, a Bute entity.

Didn't I insist that these Norse Baats link to the Bitars/Butters and Aflaqs / Aflacks that founded Syrian / Iraqi Baathists? It sounds crazy, I know. But then scallop-using English Hykes/Hacks (Devon!) look like Flecks/Flacks/Flags and Samsons with a flag-like motto term, and Meschins. The Ladds/Ladons, who look like their Meschins (descended from Rollo's grandfather), also use scallops, as do laidir-like Leaders.

I said: "'Sunes' gets the Swayne/Sion/Swan Coat with central heart." The Bitars/Butters use hearts (Herod-suspect code) too, as do Scandinavian Thors that I thought should trace to Doris-branch Herods. It just happens that the lawspeaker in the quote above was "the lawspeaker of TioHARAD." In the Arms of Tioharad I see a bow, symbol also in the Bitar/Butter Crest.

Douglas' also use the heart, and they have been traced, as with Geddes and Pikes, to Vilnius / Lithuanians.

Clicking to the lawspeaker article:

A lawspeaker (Swedish: lagman, Old Swedish: LAGHmaşer or a unique Scandinavian legal office. It has its basis in a common Germanic oral tradition, where wise men were asked to recite the law, but it was only in Scandinavia that the function evolved into an office. Two of the most famous lawspeakers are Snorri Sturluson and Şorgnır the Lawspeaker.

STURLuson??? As in the raven-depicted vikings of the Stout/Stow king that I link to Sturs/Stowers? The point was, the LAGH term that could link to Laugher/Locher swan-liners, for the "Sunes" term (or "Sune" itself) gets the swan-using Swanyes/Swans and central heart. There is a talbot in Crest, the Lothian-surname symbol too, and the Levi lion at the bottom. Earlier in this update, Laughers were linked to Offalys with ravens are called "Cornish choughs."

Then, with Lawers tracing well to lawspeakers, GD listed various surnames using a boat, and one was Laverty. The Laverty Coat hull (why just a hull??? Halland is beside TioHARAD) is used by MacDonalds. Lavertys are shown properly as "FlaHERTy." The Laverty variation smacks of the Lagh / Laugh term, itself suspect as the Leifs / Levi. See the Clare- and Burgh-suspect Lavers/Laufers/Lauvers with what I think is the same lion in Crest as the English Rothes and Musts/Muskats. The Luffs/Loves were first found in Suffolk, as with Clares. Compare "Laver" with "Lauer" below.

By now I know what's sacred to the Masonic lines: the Levi priesthood of Israel. In the Bible, their lot are called men of the Law. They had strict laws, men of every kind of Law. If you know modern Judaism, you know what I'm talking about. Priests of Jesus' day had a Corban law and then the Corbin Coat uses ravens (may be coincidental, maybe not).

GD also passed along the same hull/ship used by the Clare-suspect Clarence/Laren/Laurin Coat, of the same family of names as per the Lauri/LAWrie (link to Swayne-like Sweenys) and Lorraine surnames that are grail-pertinent. The Clarence/Laurin Coat uses two fat red chevrons, as with Scottish Olivers...who once again show the red heart, crowned like the Douglas heart. As Douglas' use the Moray stars, Randolphs of Moray come to mind as they link to boat-using Baats.

Some Douglas' are said to descend from one William the HARDY. The Hardy surname was first found in heart-using Lanarkshire. The black boars of the latter should link to the black boars of the lizard-using Sullivans, for the Douglas Crest uses a salamander.

Zowie, I think I'm spotting something new here of great interest to GD, for when the Hardy-Crest eagle reminded of the Montegue Crest (though they are not the same), I had the so-called Black Douglas' on the brain, as well as my trace of Randolphs back to Ralph de Vere and his son, Thomas. Nicholas de Vere claims that Ralph's line went to Blackwood in Lanarkshire, but what he didn't say, which I was able to deduce, was that they were a line to Thomas Randolph, first earl of Moray. I have in the past spoken on a Montegue name used by the Black family of Conrad Black, big-timer newspaper man. The point is that just now, while viewing the Montegue Coat, I saw the red diamonds used by Thomas Randolph.

It suggests that Douglas' were not named after the color, black, nor after dark hair/skin, but may have been integral to the proto-Randolph line of Bellamy-suspect Blackwoods. Both Blackwoods and Blakes/Caddells use mascles, though Blakes call it a "fret."

Irish Lowrys/Glorys (use the Laurie/Lawry grail) are said to be from the "Irish Gaelic name 'O Labhradha,' where 'Labraidh' means 'spokesman." The Labrador species of dog that talbot is shown as may have roots in that term or at least the Lowry bloodline, but in any case the "spokesman" smacks of the lawSPEAKers. Entering "Spoke" or "Speaker" gets the Speak/Speck/Speke surname (porcupine) using a two-headed red eagle with wings spread, as with the MacDonald eagle, and then the Sparks (swan in Crest) use a spread eagle too, important because the ancestry of Harald Fairhair includes the Spark surname.

It is probably pertinent to re-mention here that the Hercules Danaan, whom I trace loosely to the Dumnonii, were given the portrayal by a myth writer of sailing to the far west in a ship of Helios (I trace him to "helix") shaped like a cup/grail. It's a picture of the Danaans of Rhodes, from Adana of Cilix-depicted Cilicia. I trace "Helios" to "Halys" (where the Galli priesthood used snakes coiled in a helix), and on the Halyes lived the CHALYBes that I trace to Exeter, home of ExCALIBUR.

Lorraine used the Arms of Baden, and then, as with Bath and Wells and the Bath/Atha surname, the Baden/Batin surname ("human eye") was first found in Somerset. It uses "BATTLE axes. The Misters/Masters had been found earlier in this update with "emBATTLEd" fesse, at which time the Battles/Battels had been mentioned.

AHA! How things so often work out amazingly here at the Tribwatch desk (no credit at all to the Tribwatch writer, of course). I was struggling at the ores trying to find something of relevance in Battle-like surnames, and after viewing the Buttels/Butils, the Beetles were loaded, finding a filled chevron under an upside-down chevron. Scrolling back to see which other Coat uses it, it turned out to be the Austrian Bunts/Buntings (they call their red bars, "palets"). What's amazing is that the sentence below was written a ways back, and yet I had kept it in front of all my typing all along, wondering when I'd finally get back to it. As soon as I saw the Buttel Coat, I thought, great, it uses a lion/leopard with a tail like that of the Danish Bauer leopard, and so that will go well with the sentence below. But then the Beetles were loaded as that thought was still fresh, and so see how Beetles also go well with the sentence below. PLUS, the Buntings use German-Bauer stars.

Sardinian Bundys/Bondys use Zionists stars in the colors of the viking-suspect Vicks. I tend to view these gold-on-blue hexagrams as representing the Bavarian Illuminati, and Bauers.

Beetles, properly shown as Bedwells, use red and gold lozenges. I've been waiting to find red-on-gold diamonds because the first earl of Moray, Thomas Randolph, used them. Entering "Beddel" (more scallops) gets a staghead in Crest, the symbol of the Thomas-Randolph Crest.

The original amazing point was that Randolphs had been traced to Bats/Baats from the very start of this discussion, and it was the Norwegian Baat clan that use the Bonde boat symbol.

WHAT EXCELLENT TIMING to find the diamonds of Thomas Randolph again for the second time. As his diamonds had just traced to Montegues of the Black / Blackwood fold, check out the Blake/Caddel Crest, a cat with the same style tail as the Buttel cat. As English Randolphs use the same sort of dancette as Buttel-like Butlers, it seems that Buttels, and Beddels too, along with Butlers, are heavily suspect as part of the Baat line to Randolphs. The red Beddel stag head is even used by Scottish Caddels/Cadwells.

I think we definitely have something here, a reflection of REALITY discovered in the fog of heraldry. We have learned to decipher heraldic codes, and GD is on her way, which could be important because she is heavily into ancestral studies. Tribwatch of course gives her (and you) full freedom to make anything in this website available to anyone, including the king and queen. You don't even need to give me credits, because Credit is His. This is His story.

Just checked the Rich Coat as per the Richard variation of Buttel-like Butlers; here's the write-up: "Their name, however, is a reference to Riche, in Lorraine, France..." Lorraine is the grail bloodline somehow, and then Randolph-suspect Butlers use grails. There's a heart in the German Richard Crest, and the write-up defines the surname as "hardy and strong."

Now as I've suspected (or at least claimed) that the Russian anti-Christ will be allied to Baathists of the Middle East, let's take a look at how the Baat bloodline of the Norse might apply in that way, keeping in mind that the first-known Varangians, said to be from Sweden, did not at first settle Kiev, but Novgorod:

Baat was an important Swedish noble family, originally from Smaland in south-eastern Sweden.

The family is especially known for its long association with Viipuri/Vyborg castle in Finland (at present in Russia), the bulwark of the then Swedish realm, at the border against Novgorod/Russia. The late-medieval commanders and fief-holders of Viipuri, who were (almost always) descended from or married to the Baat Family...

That's about all the article says. I feel sure that Baats traced to Bath/Athas and therefore to Heths/MacHeths of the Moray area. I would include the Aythes/Aesons if they can be linked solidly to the mythical-Aeson line from Argo-ship pirates. These guys were no love-boaters, okay, but out for booty and similar evil deeds. You can bet your booties that they were of the same line that now sits on the American throne, both the president and vice-president. We are on the edge of our seats to see what happens next on that throne.

The Blacks had been traced recently to the Cree/Crae/Craith family of Crete-suspect sea voyagers who managed to get to the New world as its Cree "natives." Conrad Black of the Jerusalem Post was identified (by me) as an end-time Sadducee bloodliner, and then we read that the Cree/Crea/Craith family above, of far-northern Scotland, was friendly with Pharisee-suspect Frasers. I've already shown the ship in the other Cree/Craith Coat.

As I trace Leifrs (i.e. Norse name) and related Olivers to Levi, by what coincidence is it that the latter Crees/Craiths use the 666-suspect leaves called an "olive branch" in the description of the Offaly surname. It was in this update when the discovery first occurred like so: "There are six leaves on the French-Casey branch, and three branches, amounting to 666." The same symbol exactly is used by Crees/Craiths.

The Rie variation of Crees/Craiths was traced to the Ryes of Sussex, where Saddocks were first found who use "ears of rye," and so once again it seems that we are tracing the bloodline of Israel's priests to North American natives. Let me repeat for this purpose from above: "In 1379, when his Strathearn wife already was (long) deceased, king Haakon VI of Norway granted the earldom of Orkney to Maol Iosa's (youngest) grandson, Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney." If "Iosa" is a term taken from "Aeson" elements of the Argo ship, then recall that his peoples, Orchomenians and Minyae/Minyans, traced both to Orkney and to Crete's Minoans. Cree-incidence?

It was the very Henry Sinclair above that was credited by some for the discovery of Canada and even into what would become the 13-virgin United State.

Note the eyes of peacock feathers in the Arms of Haakon VI. Note the axe too, a Cretan symbol. My educ-gut-ed feeling was that the Coat is Arthur-ian, even before I saw that Haakon's father was Magnus Erikson, reflecting the Maghan/Mathuna surname that I trace to proto-king-Arthur. My educ-gut-ed guess was made aside from the earlier trace of "Haakon" to Lake Van, and so let me add that the proto-Arthur surname was traced to MacCarthys/Arthys of the Muskerry circle of Lake-Van bloodlines.

Magnus' mother was a daughter of Haakon V of Norway (there's a family tree there), suggesting that Haakon VI of Orkney was named after that line. Haakon V was of the dynasty of Harald Fairhair, way back centuries earlier to Orkney.

I kid you not that when I guessed that the Arms of Haakon VI were of the Arthur surname, I did not have in mind that I had traced the organs of the Arthur surname to "Orkney," but instead made the guess based on the five peacock feathers in conjunction with the gold and red colors, for the Arthur Coat uses the number '5' in my opinion, as code for Five / Fife elements (of the Vey / Fey line).

When getting back to Haakon III of Norway, of the royal line above, we find: "He was born as the second illegitimate son of the future king Sverre, then a Faroese adventurer, by his concubine Astrid Roesdatter, at some point in the 1170s." Roes daughter??? Recall the trace of Roes to Lake Van. The original point was "Faroese adventurer," named after the islands of Faroe. Just saying that we already suspect Israeli chief-priest terms in this royal line.

I just about fell off the chair when seeing the white-on-blue ram in the Arms at the Faroe article, for I had just seen it moments before in a surname. Finding it again, it happened to be the French Bode/Baut Coat. It was just minutes earlier that I decided not to mention Magnus VI LagaBOTE or "lagaboetlr," said to mean "law-mender" (though it looks more like "lake-boater" to me of we're going to play that game). I say that Magnus Lagabote was part of the French Bode/Baut surname from Faroe elements, and that "Lagabote" was after some important entity of that surname. (Hogens/Hogers also use white-on-blue rams.)

The Butteri come to find forcefully with "boetir" and with the Botter colors of the Bode Coats, including German Bodes/BOEDes. The latter's write-up is corny: "It is thought that the first Bode family may have lived in the bottom of a valley." But then the French Vaux write-up traces to valley, and I had come across a Baux entity that was also "Vaux," but it just so happens that "Baux" is a shown variation of French Bodes/Bauts. The Scottish Vaux/Vallibus/Vance surname (in Arthur colors) was first found in East Lothian. Sinclair-incidence?

Remember if you had read it, that Pendragon and Arthurian elements in the Cornwall peninsula had been found to be fundamentally the Baden and Bath/Atha surnames there, from Butteri liners linked to Baden-Wurttemberg. One such entity in the Cornwall peninsula was the Vey/Vivian bloodline that furnished king Arthur's Fey elements on Bute = Avalon. There is also a Bude location in northern Cornwall that must apply. The Veys/Vivians use the Fife Chief-and-Shield combination, you see, which explains the Arthur-Coat organs shaped as a number '5'. Clever, for it traces both to Orkney and Fife.

But I have read that Arthur's of Somerset used "clarions," an obvious code for Clares and/or Sinclairs. IN FACT, I read of their clarions when they married the Hicks clan of Clapton (Somerset)! It's published online in one of my chapters.

Let's go now to the grandfather of Henry Sinclair of Orkney. His name, Maol Iosa, smacks of the Aeson line. His father was also a Maol Iosa. At the younger's article: "A grandson named Alexander de l'Arde took seat in Caithness, whilst Erengisle Sunesson, the husband of one of his daughters (possibly named Agnes), received the earl's title of Orkney." That's Erengisle of the Baat / Bunde line, a Sinclair suspect, and did you notice the L'ARDE surname???

Entering "Arde" gets the Ords first found in SOMERSET! Were these Ordovices??? After all, there was/is an Arddu location in the land of Ordovices!!! (See 2nd update this month for details.) The Ardes/Ords use "Three fish haurient, in fesse." I don't see a fesse in the Coat, however, meaning that the term may be code for a similar surname. What comes up when we enter "Fessey" UNBELIEVABLE! (Well, not really). It's an engrailed version of the Bath/Atha cross!!!

Compare with the engrailed Macclesfield/Maxfield cross. Remember, Ordovices were HasMONians = Maccabee suspect, and Macclesfield links to Butteri-branch Maxwells/Makeswells and bee-using Maxtons.

Therefore, if we want more details of Randolph roots, take the leads from the Fessey/Vassey write-up, which traces to "Vesci" of a de Burgh branch. There's a "hoc" motto term which may be code for Hicks or Hacks or Hawk-like clans, but in any case, the first term coming to mind as per a surname honing "Iosa" was the Hose/Ouse/Ose surname, showing three human legs, and first found in Ligurian Leicestershire. The Argo ship was definitely in Liguria.

The Huseby and Husabie variations of the Hose's suggests Huckabys/Huckstaples (Devon), who use "a rod of Aesculapius in both the Crest and Chief. As the three human legs trace to the Arms of Sicily, I don't think it's coincidental that mythical Asclepius was in the Scylla /Messina region of eastern Sicily. To clinch the Fessey/Vessey link to Hoses/Husabys and Huckabys, the write-up of Huck (Huckaby colors) traces to "hoc," the motto term of the Fesseys/Vesseys (laurel branch in Crest).

Now the rod of Asclepius is a snake coiled around a rod, symbol of Hermes Armenians. Are we not seeking to trace Haakons of Orkney and Norway to Haik/Hayk, the Armenian god?

Again, I identified (many years ago) the two snakes coiled around the Hermes caduceus rod as the Cadusii and Gileki peoples combined, and I traced the Gileki to mythical Glaucus, friend of Asclepius. Glaucus loved Scylla, and so I traced the Gloucester location, where the Samson surname was first found, to Scylla and Glaucus as per the scallops of the Samsons. The Arthur-related Baths/Athas, you see, are said to have been found first in Somerset AND Gloucestershire. As Baths/Athas use the Fessey/Vessey cross, and as the latter have been traced to Scylla / Sicily. so it stands to reason that Baths trace to some extent to Scylla.

Scylla faces Calabria, the place to which I've traced the ExCALIBUR sword that I see in Exeter of Devon. Hose-related Huckabys were first found in Devon. Therefore, as Hoses are being linked to the Arthur bloodline in the Cornwall peninsula, there is a good chance that the Iosa clan of Orkney was of the Hose/Ose surname. To recap, there was Maol Iosa who produced an heir of an Arda surname, and Ardas linked to Vassey's hoc term which in-turn linked to Hucks' hoc term which in turn links to Hose's/Husabys.

When "Hawk" was entered, a clan with the motto, "Strike," appeared, which recalled the ridiculous write-up of English Botters who come up as "Bode": "Bode is an ancient Anglo-Saxon name. It was a name given to a person who was a person with a striking physique." The idea strikes me here that Hawks were from "Haik/Hayk," and then, as per my trace of the rising phoenix to Lake Van, the Hawk-Crest eagle is called "a hawk rising."

The hawk is said to be "with gold beak and BELL," and then the Bode/Botter eagle is said to be standing on a perch, which term was identified with Perche (Normandy), home of BELLamys.

Of special Bellamy-Mace-Cheshire note here is that Vasseys use both a laurel branch and the Macclesfield cross, while laurel-line-suspect Clarences/Laurins uses two fat red chevrons as with Scottish Olivers...and Perche's. The Vassey laurel is said to be in a hand, and then there is a Hand surname first found in Cheshire, using the MacCarthy/Arthy stag in Crest...that links to Lake Van Armenians.

I traced "Carthy" to Carthaginians, though more recently there was cause to trace them to Crete too, and so see a hand holding what could technically be a "wreath" in the Cree/Craith Crest, for it almost identical to the Vassey Crest. This is the Cree/Craith surname using the 666-suspect olive branch, and a ship in Chief. The Hands were linked to multiple similar surnames all using stags -- AnnaBELs/Hannibals, Annas, Hannas -- that I traced to Carthaginians (dastardly human-sacrificers worthy of special grand assault from God). It's typically where I traced the Arthurian cult for other reasons besides the MacCarthys/Arthys.

Recalling now that the Cree-related Blacks, fert-using Blakes (suspect as the Ferte-Mace Bellamys), and mascle-using Blackwoods had been part of the Thomas-Vere line to Thomas Randolph, by what coincidence did the Moray Randolphs use the same cross as Bath/Athas, Macclesfields, and Vasseys if the Randolphs did not link to Arthurs? The Baats that were the Baths/Athas were of the Iosa line to Erengisle of Orkney, the line that was brother to the L'Ardes linking to Arthurs / Arddu. THE POINT WAS, the Irish Hand Coat uses red-on-gold diamonds, the symbol of Thomas Randolph.

Earlier, these diamonds (or lozenges) had been found in the Beetle/Bedwell clan, said to be from a "picturesque hamlet lying to the north-west of Houghton village." That's in Bedfordshire, and so we glean that the Bedwell bloodline named Bedford. The point was, entering "Haught", as in Sigrid the Haughty, gets the Houghton/HOCtor/Hector Coat with what I presume is the Mieske bull head in Crest. Haughts/Houghtons were first found in Cheshire, once again suggesting the Bellamy-Mace bloodline. Recalling that Ordovices are named after a "hammer" in their own language (unless that's just code for Maccabees), note the "HAMlet" used in the Bedwell description.

Irish Haughts/Haughys use a Shield filled with checks in the colors of the Bedwell lozengy.

The fact that Luton is in Bedfordshire suggests the Latin-Butteri line to the naming of Bedford. Luton was traced to Ligurians years ago, and then the Hose's -- highly suspect now as the Arddu line of the Ordovices theater -- uses the three human legs suspect as Ligurians. The Bedwell description: "A shield divided gyronny of four, ermine and lozengy gold and red." The Grimaldis of Liguria, for starters, use the same lozengy in red and white, and as Hoc-like clans may have developed into "Cock, see the Sinclair-style roosters, and a red and white gyronny-like Shield, in the Cock/Koke Coat.

Both Cocks/Kokes and Cochs were first found in Cornwall, but the latter are also "Cork" and "Corc." Aside from my trace of Corks to an alternative name (using "Corrie") of ancient Liguria-based Leicester, we seem to be right back to the Muskerrys of Cork. That is, we are right back to Lake-Van Armenians so that once again, Hoc-like terms can trace to "Haik/Hayk." Hawkings/Haykings look like Maxwells both in the shape of their stag and in their black saltire.

Campbells use a different kind of "Gyronny," and in their write-up: "First found in Argyllshire. Researchers suggest a joint progenitor of both the Campbells and the MacARTHURs. The MacArthurs were the ancient senior sept of the Campbells. Arthur derives from the son of King Aedan MacGabhran, the 9th century Scots King of Argyll."

As we saw earlier that Arthurs had all the makings of the Argo-ship crew to Orkney elements, which is the very basis of the current discussion, how is it we now find Arthurs so important to ARGyll??? How were CampBELLs part of the Argo-ship bloodline? I traced them to Campania wherein sat ABELLinum/Avellino, and that latter location was traced to Avalon = Bute, the Argyll theater. But in Avellino were the Hirpini that I had traced to Arpi on Italy's east coast, a city said to have been founded by Diomedes, from Argos! That Diomedes also founded Lanuvium beside ARDea. Now you understand.

"Gyronny" smacks of le-Meschin's son, Ranulph de Gernon, also of Cheshire. The Gernon motto uses "cyfoeth," a code that I trace to "Foetes" on the Lech river (Bavaria), the place founded by Ligurians and using three human legs. Hixons, using eagles legs, a theme that traces to Lake Van, were first found in Cheshire and use motto terms that I trace to "Foetes." Recalling the Houghtons/HOCtors of Cheshire, as they relate to Houghton of Ligurian-suspect Bedford, what about the swan in the Hoch/Hok Coat? Wasn't it the Hose/Ose/Huseby surname with three human legs that had linked to hoc entities such as Hucks?

Quite apparently, the Iosa clan that apparently furnished the Hose's was a Ligurian entity. In the Argonautica, the Argo ship sails up the Po and then down the Rhodanus into the Tyrrhenian sea. This must have been the migrational path of the Orchomenian Boiotians. But as the ship was called, "Argo," it's apparent that these Boiotians were the same as Cadmus' lot. As he followed a bull to Boiotia, I had identified Cadmus' daughter, Ino, as that bull, and then traced "Ino" to "Inachus" of Argos, and to the white cow of Argos, the goddess, Io. And so I think that Iosa was named in particular after Io elements, or even Ionians. North of the Bute theater, in the Hebrides -- where the Arthur surname is said to derive -- there is an Iona island that should apply.

Jon-like terms may apply. Spanish Jans use the gyronny type of Campbells/MacArthurs, and what could be the Massey Shield. English Jans (Cornwall again) may use the Macclesfield lion, and as that these entities are all Maccabee-suspect, what about the SIMON Ianes character of 1297? Some Simon surnames were traced to Simon Maccabee with surprising solidity, and the "mon" term of French Simons was traced to Mona at the home of Ordovices. Italian Simons were first found in Sicily while Jans use scallops. The latter Simons were first in Trapani, the part that I trace to the mouth of the Rhodanus, where Ligurians had their start, and then a red lion is used also by Leys/Leghs/Lighs and Ranulf le Meschin.

The Jans use scallops in the color of Simon lion and the scallop of the Savona Coat. Liguria has a capital in Savona, the Ligurian-swan suspect. Italian Savonas use the Sullivan (= Salyes Ligurians), Kay and Kinner birds, and then let's not forget that Ector was made a father of mythical Kay, for Houghtons/Hoctors (Mieszko-suspect line of Ligurians) are also Hecters. This all smacks of my trace of Jonathan, the Biblical Levite priest of Judges, to "Ionian" and/or Io of Argos.

English Simons (Traby, Samson, and Meschin colors, trefoil) use a Shield divided like Wheelwrights and should therefore trace to mythical Siemowit, the Mieszko ancestry. These Simons were first found in Devon and Cornwall, and then Savones/Saffins were first found in Somerset. There seems to be a pattern all linking to Arthur elements of the Cornwall peninsula, now identifiable, not only as Maccabee bloodliners, but Argo-Ship bloodliners...which predated Maccabees by several centuries. I'm hoping that all this information is backdrop to future realizations that provide complete understanding of Maccabee roots. I hate to go in circles forever. Hurry Lord.

The Cocks/Corks use lion tails only, in the colors of the Levi lions of the Tails/Taylors, first found in Somerset! The lion in the Tail/Taylors Crest has that curve used also by Danish Bauers and Buttels/Bootles, the latter once again in the white-on black colors of the Tails/Taylors. The latter were traced to German Talls/Thalls (colors of French Talbots) using the Bessin-Coat bees, you see, and therefore linked with Maccabee-suspect Meschins (who married talbots).

I've been puzzled by the Bath/Atha surname because "Atha" is said to have come first, though I have maintained that the clan is derived in "Butteri" elements. But with the trace in this update of Baats to Argo-ship bloodlines, I would suggest that the Bath/Atha clan is a combination of two entities mixing surname terms to reflect one another. "Atha," as with "Aythe," should trace to mythical Aes / Aeson terms, and as mythical Aeson was a Boiotian peoples, Ath-like clans are expected to use Bote-like terms too. As we saw, (Laga)Botes / (Laga)Boeters were of the same basic Haakon lines as the Baats...and Baats were Bondes that traced to Sardinia, where Mieszko is traced by Wikipedia's article on Dagome.

In Wikipedia's Haik article:

...Some claim that the etymology of Hayq' from Hayk is impossible and that origin of the term Hay ("Armenian") is verifiable. Nevertheless, Hayk and Hayq are usually connected to hay and hayer...

...A connection was made in Armenian historiography of the Soviet era, with Hayasa mentioned in Hittite inscriptions.[4]

Clicking to the Hayasa article, we find them as "Hayasa-Azzi." Assincidence??? "Hittite inscriptions deciphered in the 1920s by the Swiss scholar Emil Forrer testify to the existence of a mountain country, the Hayasa and/or the Azzi, lying around Lake Van...Others see Hayasa and Azzi as identical."

On the map of the Hayasa, they are in the Ardahan theater. Arddu-incidence? They are on the Trabzon frontier, and may even have named the Halyes, home of the Azzi-like Hatti. The Hermus river in Lydia is perhaps the testimony of Armenian elements in the Hatti. I trace Sardis on the Hermus to "Sardinia," home of Shardana Sea Peoples that are very Argo-ship suspect, of the kind that settled neighboring Liguria. If we're looking for Siemowit in the Armenian line to Sardinia, perhaps Sames, a god of Armenia's Samosata, may apply. The Argo-ship on HephAEStus' Lemnos must have connected to SAMOthrace, where Hephaestus had another Kabeiri branch. But his mainland branch was at Thebes, of Boiotia.

We get it: the Argo-ship was filled with homosexual-trending peoples of the Kabeiri cult, and they sailed their filthy wares to every corner of the earth, bashing and conquering any peace-loving peoples with their metal weapons until their sins piled to Heaven. The modern world has been built on their treasures and lusts, on their crafty works and deeds, on their brand of crude wisdom.

In the Hayasa article: "Hattusili III records at this time that the Azzi had 'made Samuha its frontier'..." In the Samuha article: "In the treaty between the Hittite king Mursili II and Duppi-Tessub of Amurru (c. 1315 BC), the Hittites swear by the god Abara whose sanctuary was in Samuha." Abara = Kabeiri??? It makes sense here, especially as Samura was a Hatti (not truly Hittite) location. Mythical Atti(s) was a Kabeiri transvestite cult. Then:

In addition, the Hattusa tablets CTH 710-2 preserve festival rites to a goddess whom the scribes equated to Akkadian Ishtar. Mursili [Amurru peoples?] appointed his youngest son Hattusili III priest of the goddess of Hurrian name Sausga / Shaushka in Samuha, and when Hattusili was governing on behalf of the throne then sited at Tarhuntassa he adopted "the Ishtar of Samuha" as protector. It is thought that the Ishtar and Sausga are equivalent.


"Sausga" is interesting as per a hypothetical "Esaus" term that I invented to show, for one, why "Zeus" may have been "Esau" while "Uranus" was the Haran line to Horites of Edom. Remember here that Ishtar was paired with Edom-like Tammuz/Dumuzi, and that at her Wikipedia article she is shown with owls. The Esaus term was invented initially when thinking that Kos/Kaus, the owl god os Edom, may have been named after a hard-C form of "Esau(s)." At the same time, "Esaus" was traced to "Sais" (Nile delta), theater of Sebannytos = Samannud, the origin, I came to think, of "Biblical" Samson. That idea required that Samannud trace to Sames of Samosata, and because Sames was also in neighboring Sophine, the trace of Sebannytos / Samannud to Sabines and their Samnite tribe seemed all the more clinched. The proto-Samnites were supposed (by me) to name "Timnah."

There is a good possibility that mythical Tarchon of Lydia traces to TARHUNtassa, and that it in turn traced back to the Taran/Tarun area of Lake Van.

I linked Hayasa-Azzi to Hyksos in and around Sais. As the latter were called Heka Khasewet, I traced them to Kizzuwatna, but not before identifying them as the Samson cult as it linked to Cadmus Tyrians (Tyre easily links to "Tarsus" of the Kizzuwatna theater, but as Tyre (land of Zeus) was also "Surru," the land of Suria/Syria beside Tarsus may have been named by Tyrians, all from "Seir" initially). With these things in mind, read again from the Samuha article: "King Tudhaliya III 'ordered a new cult for the {Kizzuwatna} Deity of the Night to be established in Samuha." There you have a religious link between two Hyksos-suspect entities, and a deity of the night suggests the owl cult, the demoness (e.g. Lilith) that stole children by night, no doubt for the sort of human sacrifices to the Moloch bull that occurred in Tyre.

What bull shoot did Cadmus follow to Thebes? The Moloch bull, of course, the Tyrian shame, the crying shame, the wailing shame. Children gone missing from their parents who knew not that they had been burned in the Moloch furnaces at the request of fiendish rulers with the defecation of demons for brains. Ishtar, the urination of demons upon the earth, raising seedlings from Mother Earth that produce the intoxication smoked by blockheaded magicians...and "rock stars" who think they've found a better path to God while "high." Jesus has gone "out of style" precisely because he was sober and good. Whom have the moderns chosen, from the top down? The toxic bull shoot of Dionysus, anything but Jesus. Spiritual wimps who turn dangerous by infiltration of demonic thought patterns.

Azov and Crimea were called, as with the area north of Cilicia, Taurus. The Zeus Taurus, originally from way down on the Tigris, at Sittacene near Susa, where Scythians originated too, was in Azov, which is to say how the Tocharian-related Assi may have come to name Azov while also developing into the Azzi. Did we read that Haik was from "hayer"? By what coincidence do we find yet another rising eagle in the Hay/Haya/Hayer Crest? English Hayers (related to Ayers and Ayrshire) were first found in Trabzon-suspect Derbyshire. I would never have traced these clans to the Haik/Hayk cult had I not found recently that the rising eagle or phoenix traced to Lake Van. Haik elements obviously settled Ayrshire, continental Bute, where Argyllshire was too.

Check out the many Hay possibilities such as Hayman, Hayfield, etc. Hayers use "sola" and Hayfields use "Coelum non solum." That's got to be code for Coles, and related Kyles of Ayrshire. Both Coles and Hayers use "serva."

Haytons/Hightons use a black bull, as do Coles. The Hayton/Highton Crest shows the Say-Crest bull head, important because I trace Says to "Sais," though a trace to "Sausga" can now be considered.

The Haytons/Highton bull is reason to trace the Haughton/Hoctors/Hectors, who use the same white bull head as per the Hayton/Highton Coat, to Haik Armenians. That's important where Sigrid the Haughty was Mieszko's daughter while yet another black bull shows in the Mieske/Mesech Coat.

Again, the Haughton/Hoctor Coat is suspect as a colors-reversed form of the Arms of Trebizond Empire, and the "Malgre" motto term smacks of mythical Meleager, king of Calydon, a region that I trace to Khaldi at Trabzon (Meshech territory). In this picture, the Sausga = Ishtar cult was at THEMIScyra on the Thermodon river, a term smacking of "Tammuz." I see ArTEMIS as being named after Themis(cyra), and so she likely was the new Ishtar of the Thermodon Amazons.

Hayfields/Highfields (acorns) use a white-on-red chevron, as do Coles' (with an 's'). Both the latter and Kyles use coiled serpents, an Armenian symbol transferring to the Galli priesthood...that I trace to the Giliki snake on the Hermes caduceus. I tend to trace Kyles and Coles (and Callus'/Coles) to the Galli.

As we just saw that Haik elements evolved into "High" terms, the High/Hye/Heye surname itself may apply to the Haik bloodline. Years ago I had the impression that "Gog/Gug" modified to "Hugh" and therefore to "High." I now have reason to see "High" as the original that evolved into "Hugh."

In any case, there is obvious reason to link the Hay Shield to the Holden Shield, but then there are also a slew of red eagles in the Holden Coat as further proof of a trace to Lake Van. The red eagle in the Holden Crest is called an allerion (it typically has no beak). It's named after the German Aller surname (obviously). "Aller" sounds like what Germans call themselves, but then I trace "Germania" loosely to "Armenia," though I think that "German" traces more nearly to mount "Hermon," for Herminone-branch Germans worshiped a Zio smacking of Sion at Hermon's summit.

It looks like Haik hiked all over northern Europe like a wandering scythian always running from the law. Anything but the God of Moses, the Hyksos ruler decided, and even after God killed his firstborn, the Hyksos mentality was to continue the war. The suicidal Haik. The suicidal anti-Christ, who will bring his empire down with him, and as many other empires as possible, when the non-trendy Jesus returns to take him out before he has time to destroy all flesh. There's no way to destroy all flesh apart from massive numbers of nuclear weapons, and so the anti-Christ should prove to be a Russian rather than an Arab nation, or, at least, a Russia backed entity.

There's no way out for the dancers and laughers of the trendy world when the Appointed Time of the Madman comes to their party. He will cause them to blaspheme God in celebration of a new thing, but while they yet have the goblets to their lips, it'll be Suicide Time. The goblets will fall to the floor, and arms will go limp. They will acknowledge their mistake, and every knee shall bow to the Man of Sober. And the sky will appear a new blue when His Righteousness fills the earth, like the blue behind the Throne of God, and when peoples deal with one another in any way, there will the Spirit of God be with them to make all understand the good from the bad, that all peoples might once again agree to do the good together.

The Natural Law thrown down by satan will arise. And the peoples will be giddy to find how sweet it is, what they have been missing, true fellowship with one another, not gold and wine and flesh. A friendship unknown to this generation, unknown even to this age, a Friendship Spirit that fills every space so that even lions play with lambs. But for now, the peoples have angered God, and he withdraws the Friendship Spirit so that all goes cold between human interactions. And the peoples are being made like machines, like the cold dirty steel of money-making machines, and there is even talk of computerizing our nerves and brains into the land of no return.

Note the eagle in the Arms of Armenia. "A shield is held by a lion and an eagle, both symbols of historic Armenian royalty that goes back to the first Armenian Kingdom of Ararat (Urartu) in the latter half of the second millennium BC." Armenia has a few Art-like regions, and even the ancient "UrARTU" displays one. "The bottom left portion [of the Arms] represents the ARTaxiad Royal House, the insignia is particularly famously represented in the Armenian silver and gold coins of the Armenian emperor Tigranes the Great of the Artaxiad Dynasty..." "Tigranes" may have been in honor of Togarmites / Tocharians, not forgetting that their Assi allies may have named the Armenian Azzi of the Ardahan theater. "The upper right portion represents the Armenian Royal House of the Arsacids..." The term smacks of the Aras river.

Ancient Armenia had a second-in-line god, Ar, related to a chief proto-Hermes god, Aramazd. King Arthur had the ERMINed location of Vannes/Gwened for his wife, or so I've maintained. Vanincidence? It seems that Vannes/Gwened named Gwynedd in Wales where Arddu and Ordovices were located, not to mention Rhos.

"The upper left portion represents the Royal House of the Bagratids, under whose gifted leadership in the Middle Ages, Armenian culture blossomed, represented with the grandeur of towns such as Ani..." The latter term reminded me of the Una / Oeneus river leading to Uni, the chief Etruscan goddess that I equate with Juno, the chief Roman goddess, married to Jupiter, who not only represented the Japodes living beside the Una, but, some say, traced to "Japheth, son of Noah. That's interesting where Noah's boat landed at Ararat = Urartu, and then The Arms of Armenia even displays Noah's ark.

If we're thinking that the lion paired with the eagle (in the Arms) represents the Ishtar lion, note that to the left of the Japodes (top left of map) is stamped the Histria location, close to the Veneti that I say named the Veneti that are known to have named Vannes.

THEN WOW, JUST REALIZED, HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO DAFT UNTIL NOW? As Ishtar was also "Sausga" in Samuha, she must have named the Saus river, which is the Sava river that I have emphasized over and over again!!!!!! It drains into the Ister river!!!!!! As Coles use a bull, note "ColAPIS." I traced Coles to Piast KOLODziej, and traced the latter independently to Bistue on the Urbanus river where the Mieszko-like Maezaei lived.

Kyles / Coles were traced to the Colapis river on which Japodes lives, and their "serva" motto term was traced to Servitium further down the Sava. Not far to the north id "Jasi," smacking of Jason's Assi-suspect elements. Look over to the right of Bistue and see Argentaria, asking whether Arg-ship entitied were there as per the Aes-suspect Deasitiates beside it.

Leda and her husband were on the Urbanus as the Ladios location and the Dindara peoples. That's the Ladon dragon as it went through the "Sparti," whom in myth were given birth when CadMUS (another way to indicate the Hermes Cadusii at mount Hermon) in Boiotia merged with the Ares dragon. "In Greek mythology, Tyndareus or Tyndareos was a Spartan king, son of Oebalus (or Perieres) and Gorgophone (or Bateia)''' That suggests that Gorgophone, located by at least on myth writer at Japode-like Joppa, was essentially the same peoples as Batia (Boiotia-line suspect), daughter of Teucer.

AndroMEDA (think Medes), Gorgophone's mother, had for her mother an Assi-like CASSIopeia that I identify as a Kassite-Joppa code. There's a good chance that the Assi had been Kassites who lived on the Togarmah-like Tigris river, at Susa. If Zeus was related directly to Susa elements (one could suspect that proto-Zeus was Sausga = Ishtar), then the equation between Jupiter and Zeus has some teeth...where Zeus was in Cassiopeia, and Jupiter in Joppa. Remember here that Kassites had an Habira tribe while Zeus' wife had a daughter, Hebe, presumably with Zeus as father.

The difficulty is that "Perseus" smacks of Persians / Parthians, especially as he was involved with MEDusa and AndroMEDA, and with Gorgons that were from Parthians. Yet, perhaps coincidental, there were an Apiru / Abiru peoples of Babylon / Akkadia, presumably on the Habur river, who smack of the Habira of Kassites. The area on the Habur was Chaldea, which I trace to Khaldi and therefore to such mythical terms as CLYTemnestra, daughter of Leda and Tyndareus.

On this map of old Caucasia, there is a Tyndarus term stamped on the Glaucus river (where "Colchis" is stamped), this river being the site of the golden-fleece myth. The Lazi are seen not far off, smack at a ZYNDrite location, wherefore Leda and Tyndareus are hereby revealed as per their Georgian / Caucasian history. Under the Zyndrite term one can see what should be proto-Rhodope in the Hebros-river theater (where Arda is located too), and of course Iberi elements are suspect for the naming of that river.

Two rivers north of the Colchis term, I see a river that, to the best of my vision, looks like "Toigarmes."


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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