Previous Update: Nov 21 - 28

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November 29 - December 5, 2011

Fir-Bolg Pirates and Other Verogatory Terms
Skull and Bononia; the Bolg Ancestry of Templars
Faunus Atlanteans to the Ordovices
Where there's Keys, there's Zion's Sadducees
Rampant Fist-Fighting Leos on the EU Throne

The talk in the Egyptian elections is that the Muslim Brotherhood is coming up top dog. This is the anti-Israeli Muslim Brotherhood that many think Obama has favored. When recently the Egyptian military was giving the demonstrators a hard time, we find this statement from the Jerusalem Post: "" Washington and its European allies have urged the generals to step aside swiftly and make way for civilian rule."

By that time, the West must have realized that the Brotherhood was in a position to become a leading actor in the "civilian rule." The trick for Obama now is to appear not in love with the Brotherhood, unless he doesn't mind alienating the Jews. There was a poll out this past week telling that Obama's favorability in Israel is rising. That's because he hasn't intruded into Israeli affairs during the brunt of his political illness. And for the remainder of 2012, it appears he'll still have the illness. But that doesn't mean that he can't act against Israel in ways that are invisible to the voters. Spurring European powers who likewise despise Netanyahu is one way.

Chances are, with the de-throning of Assad, a Shi'ite Baathist, Syria will go to the Sunni majority. But with Russia and Iran in support of Assad, there's no telling how long he can hang on. Perhaps, with the boot from Iraq, and no invitation from the New Libya, Obama-ites were hoping to create a situation of sending Iraq's American military into Syria, and perhaps Russia caught wind of it, explaining why Russia is sending naval protection in for Assad.

Mass demonstrations were held in recent weeks in Syrian insurgent strongholds calling for the international NATO coalition in Libya to deploy in Syria.

The Arab League has been strongly considering suspending Syria. Arab League diplomats, speaking to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said that if Syria does not adhere to its demands for immediate reform, the organization will work to unify Syrian opposition groups into a coalition similar to that of Libya's National Transitional Council.

A next step, the diplomats said, would be to recognize the opposition as the sole representative of the Syrian people in a move that would symbolically isolate the Assad's regime.

The moves mimic the diplomatic initiatives taken to isolate Muammar Gadhafi's regime before the NATO campaign in Libya.

Damascus officials claimed to WND [World Net Daily] that NATO troops are currently training in Turkey for a Turkish-led NATO invasion of Syria.

Is this the new way forward for NATO to set up new governments? Is NATO the Revelation beast, taking country after country? Will Rasmussen, leader of NATO, convince Putin to join the new way forward rather than to oppose it?

The talk of bombing Iraq's nuclear facilities continues. This would be a good time to stock up on supplies if there is money for you to do so, for if the price of oil shoots higher than before, prices of everything else could rocket too.

The first heraldic topic up is expanding on ears of rye (found last update) in the Bulger Crest. Bulgers were discovered while on the topic of Bulgarian rulers, especially Gavril Radomir. I was thinking to link the Radomir line to Leslies out of Hungary by way of mentioning the Leslie buckles together with the Buckle/Bulkely surname...when the Bulger surname was entered to find white-on-black bull heads, the symbol also of the Buckly/Bulkeley Coat.

For what it could be worth in another discussion, Tim found black bulls, with gold horns even, in the Waldron/Walrand Coat, and as the surname was first found in Gloucestershire, it reminds of the Samson surname (also first found in Gloucestershire) that I trace to Mieszko Poles.

The Bulger motto: "Deus nobis Haec Otio Fecit." There's a good argument to be made for identifying the "fecit" term with Fawcetts (this is not the first time that I've made the link). Here's the Fawcett write-up: "The name Fawcett is derived from an ancient word meaning 'fox on a hillside.'...The [Fauxside] castle dates to 1189, when the monks of Newbattle Abbey granted land to Saer de Quincy, 1st Earl of Winchester to build the castle on the site." It was just in the 3rd update of November when Leslies were traced to Sforzas, who not only use the lion design of the Fawcetts, but the Sforza lion holds a "quince" that we may assume to be code for Quinces/Quincys, the write-up of which traces to the same Saer de Quincy above.

Besides, there is an argument to be made that Saer de Quincy traces to the Sauer clan that was named after the Sau/Sava river, upon which are at least two Leslie-like locations (Lesce) to which I've long traced Leslies. The article above: "A notable (left) tributary of it is the Radovna, which flows through a mountain gorge called Vintgar. " That's very conspicuous where we're linking Leslies to RADomir.

There is proof, therefore, that the "fecit" term of Bulgers is code for Fawcetts. But there is more. Here's the Quincy write-up: "First found in Northampton, where they held a family seat from very early times and the first of several to bear the name Saer de Quincy (Saer I) was lord of the manor of Long Buckby. Saer I was the second husband of Matilda of St Liz, stepdaughter of King David I of Scotland... BUCKby??? Liz??? And look at how the Quincy character links to David I, for as is explained in the first update of September, and re-mentioned in the last update, Gavril Radomir seems to link to the queen Margaret, mother of king David (I now, unlike recent updates, identify Gavril's wife, "Margareth of Hungary," as Agatha, wife of Gavril's father, and so I speculate that this Agatha=Margareth was the mother of queen Margaret).

To help prove that Leslies were of the Quincey bloodline, the Buckby Coat not only uses buckles (Leslie-Coat symbol), but a chevron in colors reversed to the chevrons of the Bucklys/Bulkeley and Buckles/Buchills .

It's very interesting that the "temere" motto term of both Bucklys/Bulkeleys and Buckles was traced (by me) to the Meres/Maires and Demeres who use the MacDonald ship, for MacDonalds us a "mare" motto term that must trace to the same. It was just in the last update, before conceiving the Buckly and Bulger links to Leslies, that MacDonalds were traced to Bulger-like Fir BOLGS. Coincidence?

Surprisingly, the MacDonald surname was not first found in Ireland, but in Kintyre, a peninsula "in the southwest of Argyll and Bute...The principal town of the area is Campbeltown..." That's very interesting for what was said in the last update, that though mythical Lug's Fomorian-Danann alliance (relatives of Fir Bolgs) had escaped war in Ireland to the Isle of Mann, they would be expected in the Bute theater too. I identified Fomorians as Troy elements, not just because Lug's Fomorian grandfather (Balor) was assigned a Tory location for his home, but because Fomorians et-al are traced (by some, anyway) to Greeks.

As an aside to the topic at hand, I've just read at the Balor article that Lugh was also called, "LAMHfada," and then I trace the "Lamh" motto code of Sullivans and Brians to Salyes Ligurians, if that helps to trace Lug to Ligurians. Salyes lived around/in Briancon/Brigantium.

Before coming to an extremely important point just discovered in Kintyre, let me mention the mascles of the Quince Coat, for as Saer de Quincy was at Fauxside, so we find in the Fawcett write-up that Fauxside castle is "located in East Lothian, approximately 2 miles southwest of Tranent, and two miles southeast of MUSSELburgh." That's good evidence that Meschins/Masculines and/or Maskaly/Maschis (Rimini) were namers of Musselburg. But there is a more-important point to be made in conjunction with the ears of rye: Seatons were first found in East Lothian too, and they were relatives, apparently, of Keiths/Mascals of the Musselburg theater.

That's important because, in the last update, Saddocks/Sedwicks, also using ears of rye, were traced to Seatons...and to Massin/Mason-related Saddles/Sadlars. I now find a Saddell location in Kintyre!

That's very good for the trace I make of Sadlars to Butteri, for Kintyre overlooks Bute. But the bigger point is that Saddocks and similar others are now being identified as part of the Sadducee line, and the latter in Israel were of a Beotus bloodline. Butincidence??? [Near the end of this update, the Maschis/Maskalys are going to prove to be a key aspect of Maccabees proper, a topic that will continue into the next update in search of how exactly proto-Maccabees arose in Italy. I've got some good ideas already that won't be found in this update.]

Saddles/Sadlars were first found in Wiltshire, not far from de-Quincys Northamptonshire, where de-Quincy's Buckbys were first found. It's the Bulgers who use ears of rye, and then that picture evokes my old trace of Fir Bolgs to proto-Veres in Bologna...the Ferrari theater that I say produced the Pharisee line of Ferraris. The thing of interest in Bologna were the Boii who conquered it, for they can trace to "Boetus," and moreover it can be suspect that "MaccaBEE" was in-part from the Boii, wherefore note that MacCabes/MacAbees of Arran (beside Bute) use green and white, the colors of Wiltshire, and the colors of the Wiltshire suspect as a Butteri horse symbol (used also by the Bute/Butt surname).

The Boii were near the Sava, and the Sava's source area is also called the Sava Bohinjka (after a location/lake of that name). There is no Bohin surname coming up, but the Bohun Coat (this is the Bone/Bonne/Boone surname) has a bend/bar in colors reversed to the Save and Leslie bend. In the Bohun Crest, the same lion design as the Scottish Bruce Crest (this Coat uses the Annan saltire), and Bruces are traced to the Breuci Celts at the source of the Sava i.e. near Bohinjka!

Bohuns (= Skull and Bones cult) were first found in Sussex, as with Saddocks...and Buckles. The latter are suspect in the Leslie buckle symbol.

I wonder, was the skull and cross bones symbol of Templar pirates that of the bones of Christ, a symbol that they were proud of because they had murdered the Son of God, and as such they thought themselves to be the mightiest peoples on earth? The idea that Templars were in possession of the bones of Christ also serves to dispel the Resurrection.

Bohuns were from Manche, Normandy, and as such are expected to be of the same-colored Maceys = Maccabees. Or, to put it another way, we saw in the last update that Ranulf le Meschin of the D'Avrances line in Cheshire was likely named after a Robert D'Avrances who, because he ruled the Macey location (Normandy) near Avrances, may also have been "Robert de Macey."Ranulf le Meschin's father had been a ruler of the Bessin/Bayeux that was founded, according to others, by the Boii.

[Not only do I think myself to be Called to this work to identify Mascis as the reason for "FreeMason," but am now sensing very strongly that emphasis and understanding on the Masci bloodline will reveal the origin details of Maccabees. See the next update for the start of that discussion as it links Ordovices to Maschis, where it asks why that link had been.]

It just so happens that MacCabes/MacAbees use salmon in the colors of the Wiltshire horse, and salmon are traced by me to the Salyes Ligurians, suggesting that MacCabes had linked up with the Lug-branch Ligurians of the Bute theater. It should be said that Northampton is beside both Leicestershire and Bedfordshire, two places to which I trace Ligurians.

The lock design used by the Arms of Northamptonshire is used by a Moray Coat no longer shown by houseofnames, where the motto was "Deum Time." I linked the hourglass symbol to Glasgow elements, and then the Scottish Glass surname (Moray's Melusine in Crest) was first found in Buteshire. The Glass Coat is a white Shield on red Shield, perhaps linked to the white Shield on black Shield of Saddocks.

The point is, the hour glass in the Bogue/Boge/Bogg Crest. The Coat uses a chevron in the colors of the Buckby chevron, you see, suggesting that Bogues/Boges were Fir Bolgs and/or Leslie-related Bulgarians. Bogues/Boges (also "Book") use stars in the colors of the Bacon stars, and Bacons use a "FIRma" motto term!!!

WHAT A STROKE OF LUCK that I should find the Bacon Coat immediately after wiring the first two sentences of that paragraph above. I searched through my files to find who else used the hour glass, and came to the 6th update of last January where I said: "Boggs use black-on-white stars like the Bacons, giving pause." I almost by-passed reloading the Bacon Coat because I had seen it many times, but loading it, there was the firma code...for Fir Bolgs.

Francis Bacon was from Fir Bolgs, a new discovery right out of the hot tribwatch oven, and as he wrote "New Atlantis," Fir Bolgs must have been Plato's Atlanteans. I traced Plato's Atlanteans to a peoples (as per mythical Geryon) in Britain that had been there prior to the arrival of British Danaan (as per Hercules Danaans). It just so happens that Fir Bolgs and Fomorians were in Britain before the Danann. [The Ordovices were part of Geryon's kingdom. At this point of this update, I still did not have the evidence that Maccabees were directly of Ordovices. See next update in case the Lord gives the ideas to crack this mystery wide open. It's Monday morning as I proof-read, and haven't the time to get that info into this update. Besides, I don't want to rush my thinking on that matter.]

[Insert -- I did not know the following when the below on the Bagge/Baggins surname was written: "The origin of the Fir Bolg name is the subject of some dispute. Older commentators consider them the 'men of (the goddess) Bolg' or 'men of bags' (compare Irish bolg meaning 'belly', 'bag')." As Fomorians were from Tory, note that the German Bagh/Begg surname was first found in Tyrol. The latter clan uses the Mieske arm and sword, making the Mieske bull a possible code for Bolg elements. I just entered "Meekins" because I recalled that some Mieszko elements traced to such terms, and as the Coat was loading, the Machen variation hit me, wherefore I was thinking Mechlenburg, beside Pomerania...where Fomorians are expected (by me). When the Meekins/Machen Coat (pelicans) finally loaded, there was, to my shock, a version of the Welsh Bagh Coat. The events in this Insert took place in the order that you find them written. No guff. Entering "Meekin" without the 's' get stags called, "bucks." The quote in the article above could be nothing but code; the Belly surname turns out to be in Bellamy colors, and I trace Bellamys to BELGians. It may be that Bellovesus was a Fir Bolg element to some degree. In this page of Polish heraldry, look for the Mieske bull within the chart under the "Pomian" heading, and then look across the row to "Stanislaw Sak," for Fir Bolgs are also said to derive in "men of sacks." The important info in this insert is treated further down, and will become part of the new view on Mieszko Poles. End Insert]

In the same January update where Boggs and Bacons are linked, the Bagge/Baggins surname was mentioned, and when seeing its blue-on-gold cinquefoils, it reminded of the cinquefoils, in colors reversed, of the Boquets/Bocquets. I had looked up the latter clan a couple of hours earlier when seeing the "water boguets" of the Yard Coat, and the Yards were looked up again because they use a "Facta" motto term that I had recently linked (1st update November) to the fagot or fasces symbol of the Vilnius Arms. I was wondering whether the "fecit" term of the Bulgers also linked to the Vilnius fagot. It was decided not to mention the Yards and Boquets for lack of any solid links to make...until finding the Bagge/Baggins Coat with "Spes est" motto phrase!!!

I love it when things like that happen. Not only is "spes" a motto term in of the Arms of Vilnius, but I view the fagot -- defined as a bundle of sticks -- as code for the Astikas family of Vilnius. The Astikas were even traced (by me) to the Bute/Butt-related Ests/Easts, suggesting strongly that the Bagges/Baggins link to the Astikas elements that were traced to Bute. Consider, therefore, the Baggins term used in Tolkien myth codes.

[Insert -- You are not going to believe this unless you see it for yourself. I had finished the paragraph above and moved on to the one below when, going to a houseofnames webpage to find another cinquefoil-using clan (turned out to be the Pines/Pynes), I happened to be at the Bagges/Baggins page when "bundle" caught my eye. I had not seen this when writing the paragraph above. It says: "Baggins is a name of Anglo-Saxon origin. It was a name given to a person who was a peddler, or great traveler. It denotes one who on his travels carried a bag, a pack or a BUNDLE." Liars! They know exactly what their codes refer to! PACK looks like yet another code, not forgetting that there is a Polish Pack surname that was emphasized in recent updates along with Vilnius elements. End Insert]

As soon as I saw the cinquefoils of the Boquets, I recalled that the (H)Ampton surname use white-on-blue cinquefoils, and so scrolling back through the houseofnames Coats to find who else had used them that were seen yesterday (last update), it turned out to be the French Pines/Pynes. It just so happens that, when Tim urged me to investigate the water boguets for the first time, there was an online article tracing the symbol to Bouchers, and now I add that Bouchers were first found in Champagne, where Hugh de Payen (suspect as the Pyne bloodline) had some special contacts. [When I treat the Maschi link to Ordovices in seeking how Maccabees arrived to Israel via Italy, the Pines/Pynes will be part of the clues, and so I can't wait to discover, if possible, how Hugh de Payen was a Hasmonean bloodliner.]

Bouchers are said to derive in a "butcher" (gave me the feeling of Bute elements instead), and entering "Butcher, what popped up but another Boucher Coat with estoiles, symbol also of the Butes/Butts! If that's not enough, the Bute/Butt chevron is in the colors of the Payen chevron!

The Butcher/Boucher motto: "be steady." The Steady/Steed Coat: another black-on-white chevron (used by Bogues), and muzzled bears, code for Bernicians. Steadys/Steeds use the MacCarthy stag in Crest, and Bogues use a stag in their Coat. The point is, Boques were first found in bear-depicted Berwickshire, meaning that Bogues were indeed linked to Butchers/Bouchers. It's important because the Alis surname also uses muzzled bears, and I trace "Alis' to "Alessandria," where also I trace Gavril Radomir lines (i.e. to Gavi in Alessandria).

Alis' use a FIR tree!!! The Bogues are the Boggs who use the same star colors as Bacons, and Bacons were just discovered as Fir Bolgs by their "FIRma" motto code. Therefore, the Alis' are to be lumped in with those Fir Bolgs.

Forbes use muzzled bears in Alis-bear colors, and then Forbes were first found in Aberdeen, where the Leslies were first found who are being traced now to Gavril Radomir, or at least to Bulgarians of his line. This is a good place to re-mention the Buchan/Buckan location and surname of the Aberdeen theater. Hmm, what sort of surname might we eventually expect if someone glued "Fir" to "Bolg"? Firbol? Firbog? Firboy?

GREAT TIMING FOR THAT QUESTION, for I just entered "Ferby" to get a black-on-white chevron (i.e. as with Bogues/Boggs), and a Fireby variation! Moreover, the Ferbys/Firbys use the same three lion heads as the Buchan/Buckan Coat!!!!!!!!!! I love it when things like that happen. I had not seen the Ferby/Firby Coat, nor was the surname yet conceived in my mind, when I decided (reluctantly) to introduce the Buchans...just seconds before asking the question above.

In the last update, while tracing Sadducee lines, it was surprising to find this in the South/Soeth write-up: ""First found in Lincolnshire where [the Souths] held a family seat from very ancient times, as Lords of the manor of Ferraby..." Pharisees and Sadducees, you see, but there is a question as to whether Fir Bolgs do in fact trace to Ferraris. The answer could be as easy as Ferraris first appearing in the near vicinity of BOLOGna.

But you might say, "Wait a minute, John, your wizardry isn't working here, because you traced Ferraris to Hephaestus metal makers, and now you're tracing them to Fir Bolgs. That's nuts, isn't it."

Didn't I trace Vulcan, the Roman Hephaestus, to the Balkans, where Bulgars named the place?

Why are their anchors and waves in the Furman Coat? And as Irish myth comes to us in-part from the so-called "Four Masters," what about the Fourman variation of Furmans? Is that green dragon on the Furman Crest the green Vere / Crichton-of-Bute dragon? Crichtons were first found in Midlothian, and Furmans were first found nearby in Edinburghshire. Is this further corroboration that Fir Bolgs set forth the Cree natives? Weren't the Cree natives traced recently to FURquharsons when Fir Bolgs were not yet the topic?

Some of the variations of Bochers end in "cher(e)," and so note that the latter Boucher Coat is in the colors of the Chere Coat (= Cree-like), suggesting the possibility of a Bute merger with Cheres, properly shown as "Chertsey/Chartsy." They were first found in Cher-like SURRey." The Sheres/Sheirs of Surrey use a black talbot (Carrick symbol) and Carrick colors, and as they are said to be from the name, "Essiras," the Esau-ites of the Seir kind come to mind. Hmm, are not natives called, "red skins," and wasn't Esau a red skin? Problem is, Esau was hairy, natives have bald chests. But then perhaps Lotan had a bald chest and a stronger chest gene than Esau. You get the evolutionary point.

In consideration that Esus should be symbolized by a tree stump, and that Bute elements trace back to Esau's capital at BOZrah, by what coincidence do we find a "stump" in the Bute/Butt write-up: "The ancient name Bute...was a name given to a nickname for the Middle English word butt meaning 'thicker end' or 'stump,' in other words a name for a thickset person [hey, honey, I'm fat, let's call ourselves the Butts]. Alternatively [thank God there's an alternative] the name could have been derived from the Middle English word "butt" or the Old French word "but" which both meant a target or mark for archery." Esau was an archer, and then, as Bute elements are known to have become the Bothwells, what about the black boar, an Esau symbol, in the Booth Coat???

Recently, the End/Ender surname has been emphasized, and it may be that the "thicker end" in the above write-up is code (or part-code) for them.

AHA!!! The Thicker/Thick Coat uses white ermined lozenges/diamonds. Where did we last see these? In the Dent Coat (with tiger in Crest that was just linked to Esso's Tony the Tiger code)!!! This is good evidence that Dents were indeed "D'Ent" and therefore the Ends/Enders.

I started on the Bulger topic and wanted to investigate it further, as per linkage to Gavril Radomir. It's hard to stay on topic because one thing leads to another. But then here I find that the blue-on-gold trefoils of the Bulgar Chief is a central symbol in the Thick(er) Coat. This is important because I tend to trace Ends/Enders to Alessandria's Caiaphas line, while the ermined Dent lozenges are traced (by me) to the same of the Shaw bloodline (that if trace to Caiaphas). THEREFORE, re-note the ears of rye in the Bulger Crest because ears of rye and ears of wheat have been traced to the Caiaphas line.

For new readers, Shaws (Sadducee-suspect. see last update) are also Sheaves, and Italian Sheaves are Chaves and other Caiaphas-like terms, and then heraldry uses "sheaves of wheat" or "sheaths of wheat." One Shaw variation uses "Sheath."

Where Bulgers link to Gavril Radomir, and where king David's Halyrood / Halyrod entity links to "Radomir, it's interesting that the Rod(e) surname uses trefoils, as do Bulgars. As I know that the Rod(e)s are those of Languedoc who merged with proto-Rockefellers, I'll add that I traced Rockefellers (long ago, not for the purpose here) to some surnames with black-on-white chevrons, including the Rookbys and Rices/Rhys.' The Steadys/Steeds shortly above use the same-colored chevron, and as with Rookbys (and Rooks), were first found in Yorkshire. It may be that "Steed" is a "Sithech" variation, especially as Thicks were already traced to "Sithech."

The Thicker Crest: A bittern settling in the reeds. Why SETTLing, so much like the Sadducee-suspect Sadlars? And Sadlars are traced to bittern-like Butteri. The Settle/Settel Coat? Just green-on-white lozenges...the colors of Washington state where Seattle is located.

I expect Settles to be of the Saddocks, and as the latter were first found in Sussex, what of the green-on-white Gabriels/Gabeles/Gabells, likewise first found in Sussex? There might not have been evidence otherwise of a link of the above surname to Gavril Radomir, but then furthermore the Italian Gabriels (Bolger colors) were first found in Bologna, and that's where I now expect the Bolgers who, not only use ears of rye as with Saddocks, but were linked already to...the Bulgarian, Gavril Radomir!!!

French Gabriels/Gavriels were of Calvados, Normandy, and as they use Macey white-on-blue, I would link them to the Macey location.

The flag of Seattle appears Gorgonic to me, and the worm-like lines remind of this old Parisii coin (i.e. it looks like a Sadducee-Pharisee merger). Seattle is beside Bainbridge island, perhaps named after the Bain sept of Mackays. Seattle is also beside Mercer island, and then I had found good reason for linking Mercer-like terms to Mesiers/Messeys. I would even trace Mercers to the Marici allies of the Laevi!

Seattle is also beside Bellevue, a Bellamy=Masci term, I'm assuming, and then the French Gabriel Chief shows a "label" symbol that I think is code for the LaBels / Bells (Bellamys use the Bell Shield). These Maccabee-evoking suggestions are made here because "Seattle" reflects the Chees/Cheatles (native-like dancette) of Cheshire.

It just so happens that the flag of Seattle uses a native, and then the motto of the Mercer/Mercier surname (besants, perhaps code for the Bessin in Calvados) shows a "Christi," a Cree-alternative term...that in the last update was linked to the Cree natives, and to septs of the Pharisee-suspect Farquharsons. It also just so happens that red-on-gold besants, the colors of the Mercer besants, are used in this Cree/Craith Chief!!! It means I was right-on the bag in that native discussion of the last update.

It was suggested (in the last update) that FarquHARSONs are named in part after Harris' / Harrisons, and Harris' ("riminisc" motto term) were at that time linked solidly to Maschi/Maskalys of Rimini. It just so happens that while Chester and Cheshire were traced recently to mythical Castor, brother of PUGilist, Pollux, there is a PUGet Sound near Seattle. The Harris (porcuPINEs) and Maschis (pine cones) were linked in-part by means of their "pine" codes, and that suggested mutual links to Pines/Pynes, which worked excellently because Harris' were then linked squarely to Penders/Pynders/Pinners (Cheshire, Macey Shield).

Amazingly, entering "Puget" gets the Dupuy surname that GD claims was the surname of Hugh de Payen! The Paget/Dupuy Coat uses what Wikipedia shows as the personal lion of Ranulf le Meschin.

The Dupuys were treated in the 3rd update of November, and this snippet should be repeated here: "I think I missed it in the Chappes and Chapman discussion, but the Chapman write-up includes: 'Chapman and Pugh Family History and Allied Lines by Minnie May Pugh.' The Pughs are probably the Puys, of the 'Pagan' variation of Payens."

That was an amazing find coming after the link of Chap-like surnames to Dupuys / Payens. GD was the one who informed us of online claims that High de Payen had married a Chappes surname. I felt that Chappes' were the Caiaphas line, and so I identified Hugh de Payen's Templar organization as a neo-Caiaphas priesthood. Remember too that Godfrey de Bouillon, smacking of Boii elements, was from a Bolg-like Boulogne surname near the Belgian border. Some trace Belgians / Bellovaci to Fir Bolgs, you see, but I trace them also to Bellamys.

The SammaMISH lake at Seattle smacks of the Samson-Meschin or Samson-Massey alliance (French Samsons were first found in Manche). I don't forget that the Simms Coat, in colors reversed to the other Craith/Cree Coat (uses a motto term like Farquharsons), use a stone axe (i.e. Indian symbol too) and ravens, not to mention a "labore" motto term that I typically traced to Crete's labyrinth and labrys terms (a labrys was the double-axe used on Crete, and the Samson Coat looks like it uses two double-axes). Note the "pejus" motto term of Samsons, too much like "Paget" Sound to be ignored. Let me repeat that "Labore" is the entire motto of the Maccabee-suspect Mackies/Mackeys (they likewise use ravens).

The Puget/Dupuy motto: "Vicit Leo e tribu Juda (The lion and the Tribe of Juda have conquered). But for me, that's not the true Israel, but the landlords of Jesus' day whose nation was taken away by Jesus, and will be given to others. Moreover, "tribe" may be used in that motto to indicate Pharisee / Sadducee lines to the American natives, yes especially those at Seattle's Puget Sound. Remember, Mormons, a dangerous-to-Christianity cult of Freemasons, claimed that American natives were Israelites.

It just so happens that, where the Chappes-and-Dupuy topic was discussed, I made links to Italian Pays...first found in Bologna! I linked their Pascel variation to the Pascels using the Levi lion, but then also made a solid link of Pays to Polish Packs (fleur-de-lys in Lys-fleur colors) and other Lys lines. It just so happens that the Lys' and Levis were first both found in Ile de France, which is Paris, where the worm-using Parisii Gorgons lived that were suspect shortly above in the Arms of Seattle! Moreover, the Puget/Dupuy lion is identical to the Lee/Ley lion.

You might want to re-visit the "Custos et pugnax" motto of the Marjorooms/Majoribanks, what I thought to be code for Castor and Pollux lines. It uses the Botter lone star that is in the colors of the Craith/Cree stars. The Marjoroom surname is a sept of Johnsons, suspect as Jonathan (book of Judges), the pagan-Levite line to the Laevi.

The Christy Coat uses the black-on-white Johnson (= Butteri) saltire. But it also uses black-on-white stars, the colors of the Bacon and Boggs stars that had been linked to Fir Bolgs. It begs the question again: did Fir Bolgs become American natives early on when no one in Europe was taking notice? Or better yet, did the Atlantean Fir Bolgs become the first American Atlantis to be followed by Francis Bacon's New Atlantis, by which he meant the founding of America by white Rosicrucians?

A Henry Sinclair, named identical with Henry Sinclairs of Roslin, was credited with voyages to Canada and even into MASSAchusetts. Roslin is Midlothian just six miles from Edinburgh, and didn't we just see Cree-suspect Crichtons first found in Midlothian, and FURmans first found in Edinburghshire??? Are we getting the red-skin picture, especially as I traced Edinburgh (Edom-like motto term) to Edomites long before this topic at hand arose.

I thought it to be suspicious that the Rooms/Romes, another Johnson sept along with MarjoROOMs, used the motto, "Pungit sed placit." The first term is much like the "pugnax" of the Marjorooms, you see, but it wasn't until now that I got round to entering "Pung" to see what would come up. Hold on to your feather head-dresses: The Pung surname shows a label, the French Cree/Crest Coat, and Pagan and Paganell variations!!!

Can you imagine the great cover up as Masons knew of their links to Cree natives, and yet didn't inform the world? What else are they hiding?

Why does the current EU "president" have a RomPUY surname? Is that a Room/Rome combo with the Puys / Payens? Are they hiding that too? Why did the former EU president, Javier Solana, have a mother who wrote a 666-page book of Francis Bacon? What the devil is wrong with our world? Masons. Murderous, power-hungry, slandering, thieving Masons...disguised as lambs. They even took the lands of the American natives, and turned their world into a money-making machine.

Rooms/Romes use a Coat like the Craiths/Crees/Reys, and a "sed" motto term suspect as some aspect of the Saddock bloodline. Seddans (bear paws in Crest) use a Shield on black Shield too (as with Saddocks), and another "sed" motto term. The entire motto: "None sino sed dono." Is that code for a Seddon-like entity aside from the surname? Sionism is suspect from the "sine" term alone, especially as Sion is also called, Sitten. I think we have just found a Sitten-related clan, have we not? As per the "dono" term, consider that Sithones > Sitones were an Edone tribe

For me this evokes mythical Cretheus, husband of Tyro and Sidon. Cretheus seems to be code for Tyrians of Crete, the same as Europa Tyrians to Crete as Zeus. But the Sithones were a tribe of Edinburgh-like Edones, and Seatons were first found in Lothian, the Edinburgh theater. How much sense does it make to trace Sadducees to Sion elements, and how much sense does it make that Templars would have wanted to keep this reality hush.

Hmm, the Cretien/Crestien Coat (surname made it to the throne of Canada not too many years ago) uses blue-on-gold lions of the type and colors in the Massin/Mason Coat. Remember, Cree natives were also Christ / Crest-like terms. "Crater" brings up Bavarian Kreutz-using surnames, and so the Cruz / Cruise and similar surnames could apply. Perhaps even mythical Creusa.

Compare the Crux Crest to the Montegue Crest and then read the Montegue links to the Cree-related Blacks in the last update...where it was discovered that the Montegue Shield is a version of the Saddock Shield (Cruz' use the same idea). Hey hey, Montegues were first found Wiltshire, where Saddles/Sadlars were first found!

The Black-surname link to Montegues was made as per Conrad Black, owner for a time of the Jerusalem Post. Can we suggest that the Sadducee line, therefore, had purchased that paper?

Saddocks use a white Shield on black Shield, and Seddons use a gold Shield on Black Shield. There's another Shield-on-Shield of the Saddock type in this other Pagnell Coat. It uses fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Time/Timm Coat, which was just arrived to thanks to the "timeo" motto term of the Pagenll motto. The goat in the Time/Timm Crest has got to refer to the Timna line of Seir-ians.

In the last update, the Rye/Ryse surname, first found in Sussex along with Saddocks (the latter use "ears of rye"), was linked to the Rie and similar variations of the Cree surname. We could then add that the Welsh Rice/Rhys Coat ("hardi" motto term) uses, not only ravens that should link to the Welsh John/Jones ravens, but a chevron in the colors of the Bulger chevron. That's important because Bulgers also use ears of rye. It suggests that Ryes and Rices/Rhys' were of one clan. If Bulgers were Fir Bolgs, it again traced Fir Bolgs to Cree natives, only now there is extra evidence that the Sion-related Sadducee line was involved.

If we look, we should be able to find Sadducee codes in the Book of Mormon. You can expect that book to be filled with codes for pagan entities. I can tell you this, that my investigation into Mormon codes, merely from Wikipedia's articles on Mormon characters, led to Lemnos. I can now add that Lemnos was the island of Balkan-like Vulcan. The problem is, American natives didn't have metal making. Why not? Let me think about it before giving an opinion.

German Rices/Ries/Reys (Bohemia) use croziers, smacking of the Cruz' and Cruises et-al that are suspect with Cree elements. But also, German Rices use the same oak tree as Irish Timothys. I don't assume that this surname was named originally after a Timothy. It shows variations such as: Tumalty, Tomalty, Timothy, Tumbelty amnd Tombelty. We then find a Belt/Beltie surname using more gold-on-red besants, as is used in one Cree/Craith Chief. The Mercers were the other clan using red-on-gold besants, and then both they and Belts/Belties use blue stars. This recalls the Bellevue and Mercer locations at Seattle.

I should go now to the discovery in an Insert above, where the Mieske surname turned out to be of the Fir Bolgs and Pomeranians. This is new to me. I don't want to do the Pisidian exercise below because I've done it so many times that I'm sick of it, but it needs to be said to make a few points of Atlantean importance. ,p. A trace of Mieszko and his Piast ancestry to Pomerania, Mechlenburg and the Fir Bolgs does not contradict my former trace of Piast Poles to the Pisa and Sardinia area of Italy, then back to Pisa and Elis of Greece, then back to the Pelops Pisidians from Antalya/Attaleia. What it shows is that Pisidians from Italy merged with Pisidians of the Mechlenburg theater.

Here's how it works. Plato made Poseidon the chief king of Western Atlantis, and assigned him a first-born son, Atlas, symbol of Atlantis. So far as I know, I'm the first outsider to recognize that Atlas was a depiction of Pisidians in Attaleia. In this theory, these Atlanteans sailed west to Britain and became Fomorians and Fir Bolgs. But on the way, the Lycian neighbors of Pisidians named LACYdon of the Ligurians, who became Lug Fomorians of Ireland. The idea then is that one Lug branch escaped to the Isle of Man, while another ended up in Pomerania, and from there formed the Poles -- and related LECKs -- at the Mouse Tower, Goplo. I never would have figured that Poles and Lecks derived from Ireland's Atlanteans, but's that is now the theory until further clues prove otherwise.

As we saw Sithones (tribe of Edones) working into the Fir Bolg topic, it should be added that I traced "Ligure" to mythical Lycurgus, king of the Edones.

There is no contradiction necessarily in a Mieszko trace to Merovingians. Yes, I did recently trace Mieszko ancestry at the Mouse Tower to Pepinid Merovingians (Mouse-Tower myth started at a certain Popiel character), but years before that I had traced Pepinids to Heneti Paphlagonians, and it just so happens that Pelops ruled Eneti, home of the Heneti.

That is, mythical Anat who founded Anatolia also founded ANTalya=Attaleia, and Pelop's father, TANTALus, was code for ANTALya, meaning that Pelops and his father were Pisidians, which proves correct where Pelops was given (by myth writers) a princess of Pisa to be his wife. Therefore, Paphlagonians had merged with Atlanteans of Pisidia, and together were the Pelops line to the West. Pelops was depicted as a cannibal, and then some natives were like that too. Along with cannibalism comes savagery and depravity, and unholy totem poles with Gorgonic faces. Cannibals and the like cannot find blessings from God to progress, and become scythians bent on the conquest of what others have worked for.

As we know, natives are largely lazy and non-ambitious. Metal making is hard and heavy work, starting with mining the cold hard rocks. It could be that metal making in native America became unbearable, and then, after some generations, the science was lost and forgotten. Besides, metal making requires a settling down at one spot rich in ore, but natives chose to keep on the move, following their food.

Pisidians trace further back to Poseidon at Tyre, and Pisa of Italy was in the land of TYRRhenians. Fomorians were located at a Tory location, remember. Poseidon was a branch of the CADmus Hyksos from Boscath, and I have traced both Boscath and POS(eidon) to Buzite founders of BOZrah in Edom. This was the bull and bee cult of Zeus, later out of Tyre and into Crete as the AMALthea bee cult, probably named after AMALekites, the barbarians of Israel.

The bull-or-bee theme probably started by the similarity of the bos=bull to buz=bee. In Egypt, an Apis bull cult, but in Italy, the Appian Way was named after the bee, and the Ops/Opis cult of eastern Italy was a bee cult. In Byzantium, BOSphorus was a bull cult. Thus, when we get to Bologna, depicted by a bull as well as conquered by the bee-line Boii, we have the same bee-or-bull theme applicable. Merovingians were from a sea bull, and yet used bees, and they trace to the Veneti near Bologna. The Mieske Coat is a bull to depict a line of Fir Bolgs, apparently, to Poland.

Now Anat goes back to Antu, wife of Anu, and Anu was the Anaki peoples found in-part in the Boscath theater. The bull that Cadmus followed to Boiotia is again a bee-or-bull theme, the goddess of Boiotia being Melia, meaning "honey," but suspect from AMALthea. Melia was married to Inachus, founder of Argos, and the Argos goddess, Io, is the white cow that reportedly founded Bosphorus on her way to Egypt.

Anu was related to mythical Abzu/Apsu, a water deity of Sumeria, who can be deemed the beginning of POS(Eidon), especially as Eden was the name of the Abzu/Apsu region on the Persian-gulf shores. Remove the 'A' from "Abzu/Apsu" and we are left with the makings of "Buz" or "Pos."

Wikipedia says that Baal was sometimes the husband of Anat, and so we can assume that Anat and Baal were together in Boscath's Anaki elements. Baal was a bull cult so that when we get to Anat elements amongst the Pelops Heneti/Pisidians, it's the same Anat-Baal cult of Hyksos coming to downtown Europe, starting in Boiotia, but also in the Bosphorus, the door to Europe. Inachus, who must link to Io of Bosphorus, must have been named after Enki, a relative of Anu. Therefore, when we read that Fir Bolgs were named after "belly," we should be wise to the Baal > Bel bull line that should be in play.

To possibly explain how Fir Bolgs may have been Fomorians, the latter were also FORmerians, as if to say Fir-mariners. Note the Bacon motto term, "Firma." I had even come across the idea that there were several firm-like motto terms as code for a Virm-like surname that I cannot recall the spelling of. Ah, yes, I remember, the Verman surname with Firman variations, and "Firmus in Christo" motto. Creeincidence?

I CAN NOW ADD that the Verman Coat (anchors, as with Hopes), using the Buchan lion heads, is a near match with the Ferby/Fearbie Coat!!!!! It happened just that way, no set-up intended. The Verman/Firman clan smacks of the Furmans already mentioned above, and both surnames use anchors...possible code for the Anaki. Anchor=Anaki is not a new idea just now, but has been presented a few times in the past. The Anchor surname is also "Annacker" and uses a...bull!!! I did not have the Anchor surname in mind at all when writing any of the above on an Anaki link to bulls, let alone it's red bull.

The Verman/Firman write-up may explain links to Hares/Garrys: "First found in Yorkshire where they held a family seat at Gateforth, which at the time of the taking of the Domesday Book in 1086 was known as Gereford, and granted by the King to Ilbert de Lacy." GEREford. Entering Gere brings up the Vere / Massey Shield of the Ivars/Eures, but also the mascles of an English Gere/Gear Coat that smacks of the Ferraby Coat. While Geres use a leopard, Ferrabys use goats, and for me that's two pieces of solid evidence for the Boofima > Baphomet cult that has in the past been traced to Vere dragonliners.

Fir Bolgs appear to have taken Fear terms, but then there is also the "fear" motto term of the Irish Hares/Garrys, who use a lizard (might just be code for a "Ligur" branch) like the Sullivans with the "Lamh" motto code that must apply to mythical Lugh LAMHfada, a sun god. Did you happen to see the sun in the Verman/Firman Crest?

Wikipedia's article on Fir Bolgs: "According to the model proposed by O'Rahilly: the Fir Bolg are linked to the historical Belgae, known from Gaul and Britain, and to the historical Builg of Munster; the Fir Domnann to the British Dumnonii..." Sulliuvans were first found in MUNster, and one could trace that term to Isle-of-Man elements, depicted in myth as "Manannan," part code for Lug's Danann allies.

The Hare/Garry write-up traces the fear term to "manly," and Veres claim that they were named after "man." The "Fir" in "Fir Bolg" is also said to mean, man (whether rightly or wrongly it doesn't matter at this point), and then we have the Lug Fomorians escaping to the Isle of Man (we wonder who named that place such). The Arms of the Isle of Man is used by the Foetes location on a Lech river (Bavaria), and then we have "LamhFADA" smacking of similar motto terms that I've traced to "Foetes" elements.

I am maintaining my trace to Polabia's Varni to Veres and Varangians, but am also tracing Varni back to Fir Bolgs, you see. The trace above of Fir Bolgs of the Mechlenburg theater to the nearby Varni jibes with the solid Vere trace made to Poland's Masovia and other Mieszko holdings. It also jibes with a trace of Mieszko / Masovia elements to Masseys who use the Vere Shield because the latter two both lived in Manche, which place I traced to the Manx peoples on the Isle of Man. Again, the Mackays use "Manu," and so what we have here is a revelation that Mieszko Poles were from the Varni Fir Bolgs. When so many things align this well, you can trust what it's telling you.

It's then easy to explain how the Welsh Bagh surname could use the Meekins/Machen Coat (i.e. of a clan strongly suspect from the Mieske-branch Fir Bolgs / Bagges) because Mieszko elements (i.e. Meschins) in Cheshire were in charge of keeping the Welsh in check. That job started with the D'Avranches whom I trace to "Varangi," and consequently, as of now, to the Varni-branch Fir Bolgs. If we think it's odd that "bolg" should mean "belly," then likely "Bolg" did not mean "bag / sack" either. We could consider those definitions to be Masonic code for Bel > Bellamys and Apachnas elements...the old Baal Cult of Exodus Hyksos who are determined at all costs to defeat the Creator-God of Israel in revenge.

You may have noted that Baghs and Meekins both share a bell=pattern called "vair" fur. Why is it a fur? Now you know.

Never mind that the Bagg/Baggins motto is translated, "My hope is in God, " for Tolkien had a bunch of Hobbit characters (as well as Baggins characters) that should prove to be part of the Hope bloodline (Hopes use an anchor too). The Hobbs/Hopp surname was first found near the Hopes, all in the Cornwall peninsula.

More could be said, but I've made the point that Atlanteans of Pisidia and Lycia made a full circle around Europe, first across the Mediterranean and into Britain, then to the Baltic above Germany, then down into Poland's Mouse Tower. The larger point is that these Atlanteans, whom in a nutshell define the several branches of Rosicrucianism and Masonry, were Fir Bolgs leading to certain Veres, perhaps the nastiest of Masons worldwide in that they wish to rule the Dragon cult to this day. Fir Bolg history comes to us in-part by the so-called "Four Masters," but the Masters surname has been unveiled as a Tolkien-beloved bloodline of the Massin/Mason kind.

The Masters, Tolkiens, Massin/Masons, and Ferbys were all first found in Kent [directly across the waters from BOULOGne]. Ferbys are interesting because they're definitely Fir Bolgs, and definitely linked to Buchans that were themselves traced to the Bulger surname. It's now a difficulty to me how the Bulger surname could have kicked off the topic so well on the Bulgarian ruler, Radomir, and yet it led to these discoveries on Fir-Bolg clans. Did the Fir Bolgs into Poland reach all the way south into Bulgaria? If Bulgarians are not named after those Fir-Bolg elements, then perhaps the Fir Bolgs reached as far as Bulgaria because the two peoples had been distantly related. It just seems to be that Radomir was a Fir Bolg-branch Bulgarian somehow.

I recall that Leslies, who easily link to Radomir, were recently traced in-part to Mouse-Tower Poles. And there were other Hungarian ties to Mieszko Poles, including the Yonges who were from both. The suspicion now is that the Fir-Bolg elements amongst both Hungarians and Poles were responsible for the royal ties. In the past, it was the Moravians who were suspect as the common bond between Poles and Hungarians, including the Khazar-based Moravians of the Mures river, and all of these Moravians were traced to Merovingians.

As we saw that Atlanteans were from Heneti Paphlagonians, and that they led to the Pepinid Merovingians, so Merovingians had claimed to be from Veneti, a major Heneti branch. Why shouldn't the Veneti-based Franks (suspect at Vannes / MORbihan in Brittany, for one) have merged with their distant cousins, the Fir Bolg / Fomorian Atlanteans? Basic Merovingian links to the Arthurian cult smacks of that merger. It would be hard to convince me that the Arthurian cult was not an Atlantean one.

Did I suggest a trace of the "belly" code for Fir Bolgs to Bellovesus, several centuries BC? (He was before Franks arose around the time of Christ.) I had traced Bellovesus (years ago) to mythical Bellerophon and Pegasus Gorgons in the Lycia = Atlantean theater. Another coincidence? In fact, Bellerophon's ally in his Lycian events was not only Pegasus, son of Poseidon and Medusa, but Poseidon himself. The neighboring Pisidians, you see, the proto-Fir Bolgs.

Further up this page, the Pisidians were proto-Fir Bolgs, but now it seems that proto-Fir-Bolgs can be defined even better as Bellerophon himself, or the Baal > Pelops cult that he was named after.

Well it just so happens that there's evidence of a Bellerophon merger with Heneti / Anat elements. At first, the Lycian king, Iobates, on the Xanthus river (a Heneti-like term) resisted Bellerophon, but in the end:

Iobates relented, produced the letter, and allowed Bellerophon to marry his daughter Philonoe, the younger sister of Anteia, and shared with him half his kingdom, with fine vineyards and grain fields. The lady Philonoe bore him Isander...

Interestingly, Iobates is also "Jobates," smacking of the Japodes who had merged with proto-Juno on the OENeus river. Pelops married the horse woman, Hippodamia, daughter of Pisan king OENOmaus, and of course Bellerophon was a horse entity himself as per his flying horse (I trace "Heneti" to "CENTaur" and to "Kent").

We are apparently dealing here, in Bellerophon, with the Dionysus = Bacchus cult of the Maeander river that splits Lycia from the Lydia of Pelops, which could explain why Fir Bolgs are also given a bag code (i.e. in depiction of Bacchus). "Bellero" may carry the idea of "beautiful = womanly," a theme that was definitely applied to Dionysus...the transvestite.

To put it another way, Hippodamia was an Amazon -- a peoples depicted as women for a gay reason -- and the Pegasus Gorgon was code for some Gargarians, whom Herodotus made the special lovers of Amazons. Hippodamia is easily identified as the Dionysus cult as per her wine-named father, but as Oenomaus was king of Pisa, it tends to reveal that Dionysus was, at least partly, a Pisidian peoples. It jibes with Dionysus' mother being from the Poseidon > Cadmus line.

Here's another example of an apparent bee entity depicted as a bull cult:

In Greek mythology Stheneboea or Stheneboia (...the "strong cow" or "strong through cattle") was the daughter of Iobates, king in Lycia, and consort of Proetus, joint-king in the Argolid with Acrisius, having his seat at Tiryns; she took a fancy to Bellerophon but was repulsed....Bellerophon later returned to Tiryns and punished Stheneboea.

Her three daughters were afflicted with madness, whether by Hera or by Dionysus, and ranged the mountains as maenads, assaulting travellers.

An alternative name for the consort of Proetus is Antea or Anteia.

There we have the Dionysus link to Iobates. We see that Iobates must be code for Io, the white cow of Argos, for Iobates cow-depicted daughter marries Argos elements (that traces Antea = Heneti elements to Argos). It tends to trace Io to the Japodes, which is what was claimed in the last update when Io / Ionian elements were linked to Inachus-like Ince elements suspected on Juno's Oeneus river. In other words, it seems true after all that Juno was Io or Inachus, the founders of Argos (a Danaan city), which allows us to trace Japodes with more certainty to Perseus Danaans at Joppa.

It's no secret that the Argo ship was a symbol of Atlanteans. The STHENEboia term reflects the Spartan, Sthenelus, a Gorgon (grand)son of Perseus with AndroMEDa from Joppa. That Spartan line led to swan-depicted Ligurians. You should be keeping in mind that while the "boia" term in "Stheneboia" is interpreted by others as "cow," Inachus of Argos was married to Melia of BOIOtia, and she was instead a honey goddess. In other words, Boiotians were depicted both with bees and with bulls/cows, Bacchus being a Boiotian bull cult.

In Italian. "vacca" (not sure if that's the precise spelling) means "cow," and I think Bacchus was named after that cow term. Dionysus was born in...Boiotia. In Athens, mythical Butes was of a Poseidon-related bull cult.

Now mythical Aeolus, son of Poseidon, was another Atlantean entity, and he was made a twin of a certain Boetus. I trace Aeolus to Elis at Pisa, and then to the Alis surname (said to be from "Aalis") with fir tree, which already begins to identify the Aeolus entity as a Fir Bolg one. As I traced Fir Bolgs to Varni, let it be repeated that Varni worshiped Nerthus, whom I traced to "Enarete," wife of "another" Aeolus. The latter Aeolus was brother to Dorus (male), and then there was a Doris female married to mythical Nereus, code for the Neretva/Daorsi line linked to the above-mentioned Nerthas. Nereus and Doris were equated by ancients with fishy Poseidon, that being code for mariners. In my mind, Poseidon and Nereus depicted Nahorite Hebrews, pagans of course, and not quite Israelites at all.

This story gets interesting where the MacDonalds were traced, in the last update, to Fir-Bolg elements. In this update, the KinTYRE location of MacDonalds was pointed out along with the neighboring MacCabes/MacAbees, first found on an island beside Bute, the latter being where we'd expect mythical Boetus elements above, twin of Aeolus. As a Saddell location was just discovered on Kintyre, which term almost certainly links to Saddocks of the Sadducee line, by what coincidence is it that ancient Sadducees proper were from a Boetus family??? Why do Sadducee-suspect lines trace again and again to Fir Bolg elements?

Did we note the Tiryns location of the Iobates entity, smacking of the Fomorian capital of Tory? And as "Iobates" is code for an Io line to Argos, what could the "bates" portion be code for? If code for Butes elements, it easily explains why Buteshire came to be beside Argyllshire.

Suspiciously, the Bates surname uses "manu" (= Mackay motto term) in the motto, and a "naked man" in the Crest, what in this picture seems like codework for the Isle of Man. The Bates surname was first found in Yorkshire (northeastern England), and the Macey-related Alis surname was first found in northeastern England. Iobates is link-able to the Pegasus, a symbol used by Masseys, though French Masseys use a boot as code for Vey / Fey elements on Bute (Dutch Veys likewise use a boot).

[I haven't time to proof-read further; expect some spelling errors that the spell-check doesn't catch; I often find myself typing "on" instead of "of", and similar things that I think is left-hand syndrome creeping in.]

The (Mac)Beth surname of Scotland was first found in Argyll and Bute, on the Isle of Islay to be exact. The island of Iona is not far off. Islay became a holding of MacDonalds (their ship symbol is the symbol of Argyllshire), but Wikipedia reports that Islay was at first in the hands of the Cenél nOengusa, which has an Oeneus look to it. It looks like the Gabrain side of the Arthur surname was involved here, as expected at Bute = Avalon:

The Senchus fer n-Alban, a census and genealogy of the kingdom of Dál Riata, lists the Cenél nOengusa as one of the three kin groups making up the kingdom in Argyll. The others were the Cenél nGabrain of Kintyre and the Cenél Loairn of Lorn. A fourth group, the Cenél Comgaill, of Cowal and the Isle of Bute, later split from the Cenél nGabrain.

It goes on to mention a Bolg-like entity:

As well as the descendants of Oengus, the Senchus places the Cenél Conchride, named for Conchriath, son of Bolc, son of Setna, son of Fergus Bec, son of Erc, on Islay.

The similarity between "Oengus" and "Angus" recalls the MacDonald-Somerled branches of Angus. That tends to reveal that "Angus" traces back to "Inachus," the mythical entity to which I traced the Ince / Inches with Inis-like variation, a variation smacking of the Angus-related Innis'. Remember, KinTYRE is tracing well to Tiryns, near Argos and often related to it by royal blood. This is not the first time that I've identified the MacDonald ship as code for the Argo ship. The article goes on to say: "The Fir Bolg were recorded as being ejected from Ireland and returning under a King named Aengus."

When clicking to the Dun Aonghasa article, wow, and Inis-like location immediately, something I had NOT read when writing the above paragraph in it's entirety:

Dun Aonghasa is the most famous of several prehistoric forts on the Aran Islands, of County Galway, Ireland. It is located on Inishmore at the edge of an approximately 100 metre high cliff.


Another main point in the last quote above is the Fergus character (suspect as a Pharisee line) and a SETna term smacking of Sadducee elements of the Sithech kind at Perthshire, beside Angus. The Bolc and Bec terms for this particular family suggest Fir Bolgs and related Baghs / Baggins / Bagges. The idea here is that the Caiaphas line in the area of Perthshire at the time of Pilate's birth made it's way to Bute with/as the king-Arthur entity, and that Maccabee lines followed to furnish the Mackies/MacKeys and MacCabes/MacAbees. Remember not only that the Caiaphas line was the key line of Perthshire (i.e. the Shaws Sheaves), who should link to MacKEYS, but that mascles and keys are used in the Betty/Beaty/Betay Coat, that surname smacking of the Beths of Islay. The latter are also "MacBee"!!

Check out the otter in the Beth/MacBee Crest, probably symbol of the same Other clan that Uther Pendragon represents. The Shield looks like the Bellamy / Bell Shield, and so didn't we just trace Fir Bolgs to Bellerophon??? The Beth/MacBee write-up even traces to Pharisee-suspect Frasers and to the Skye, where McLeod-branch Herod liners lived: "The Macbeths were concentrated in Islay and Mull, whereas the [related] Beatons were concentrated in Skye. However, the Beaton family was not restricted to the Isles and it later branched to other counties such as Fraser."

The list of Fraser septs shows many Bis/Bes terms, but also Levi-like terms. Frasers also show the Tuttel-like septs that I link to Valerius Gratus...and to the Rollo surname, first found in Perthshire.

Frasers also show (H)ABERNathys that could indicate the Irish Hibernia. Frasers are the ones with Covie, Cowey, and similar septs which reflect part of the above quote: "A fourth group, the Cenél Comgaill, of Cowal and the Isle of Bute, later split from the Cenél nGabrain." You may have read recently where Gabrain ancestry of Arthurs was traced to MacArthys, who may be the "Athy" on the end of "Abernathy." The "DebonNAIRE" motto of the Beths/MacBees suggests the Nahorites / Nairi that I see in the Nerthus cult, and it just so happens that I traced the Deas = Desmond part of the MacArthy circle to the Nairi (Lave Van).

The Cowie write-up is the one tracing to "cow" (= Bolg-suspect symbol) and "herd," and then the Irish Arthurs use so-called blue "hurts." The Cowies happen to use boars in the colors of the Arthur-Coat rests. When links fit this well, they're probably correct. The Hurt-surname stag is almost the MacArthy stag.

For this long I have been too busy when showing the MacArthy Coat to read its write-up. It traces to a term said to mean "loving," and then the Loving surname is also the Louvain surname (Laevi-suspect), first found in Kent, and using the Massin/Mason lion. That jibes with my trace of the MacCarthy circle, of MUSkerry, to Mus province at Lake Van. The Hurts, for me, are the Herod lines on Skye, and that trace was made before knowing that a Beaton branch of Beths/Bees had removed to Skye.

It just so happens that I traced the proto-Arthurs in the MacArthy circle to proto-Arthurs of the Pendragon / Gorlois kind in the Cornwall peninsula, whom were identified with the Badens and Baths of Somerset and therefore traced still further to Baden elements in Germany's Wurttemberg ("Wurt" was a suggested "Hurt" variation). The Leuvens, a known variation of "Louvain," were first found in Wurttemberg. What is excellent about this find is that Leuven variations are shown as: Lorfing, Laurfing, and Lauerfingen. It's excellent because the Lorraine surname and the Arms of Lorraine (France) both use the Arms of Baden!!! Lorraines had been linked to grail-using Lauries

Again, the Lorraine green-on-gold lions are possibly a colors-reversed version of the lion of the Morgans who trace to Morgan le Fay of Arthur-period Bute. Didn't we just read that a branch of Gabrains ended up on Bute? The green Shield of the Morgans can certainly be the green Shield of neighboring MacCabes/MacAbees, who are in turn suspect as a branch of Gabrain-related Beths/Bees/Beatons.

Morgans were first found in CaerNARvonshire, now the dragon-infested Gwynedd, which is the place that I traced the Atlantean kingdom (anciently "Erytheia," identified by me as Erethlyn in Gwynedd) of mythical Geryon, and his two-headed wolf. Orthos (identified as Ordovices of that Welsh region). But then Arthur had a wife, GUINEvere, whom I traced to the Veneti location of Vannes/Gwened (Brittany), you see, and that not only jibes with Arthur>Morgan links Caernarvon/Gwynedd, but with the trace of MacArthys to Lake Van elements.

But I also traced "Guinevere" to Guines in Artois...beside Belgium, where Leuven/Louvain is located. AND ZOWIE, Guines is smack beside Boulogne! How did I get there just after insinuating that the Arthur topic above was a Fir Bolg one? Guines and Boulogne are situated directly across Kent, i.e. where the Louvains were first found.

Remember here too that Beths/Bees/Beatons use the Bellamy Shield and that I trace Bellamys to Belgians and Flemings (of Belgium). I traced WILMA FLINTstone to Flemings/Vlaams, founders of FLANDers, and so note that BETTY Rubble reflects the Beth surname. If you haven't yet read it, the Betty and French Barney Coats use keys in colors reversed from one another. Both the Betty and German Barneys/Baernais' use swords that I view as the Excalibur. English Barneys use a red bend, the color of the Lorraine / Baden bend. One can almost sense that Bettys (who by the way use the blue and black colors of the dress and hair of Betty Rubble) are of the Baden bloodline (Wilma has a white dress and red hair, colors of the Flemings).

I don't think it's coincidental that while I trace Pendragon elements to Baden of Germany, I also trace Baden's Zahringers to Barney/Baernais-like Bernicians. The Arthur surname was first found in the Bernician location of Berwickshire. The German Barney Coat uses a red Chief, the color of the Fife Chief, and then the Fife Shield (Lorraine / Baden colors) is identical to the Vey/Vivian Shield. . I say the Veys/Vivians, first found in Cornwall, where Pendragons were first found, are part of mythical Morgan le Fay. On this map of Wales, see the Cornovii beside the Ordovices, and then read the article where it reads: "The Celtic name ordo-wik- could have a meaning in some way related to the word for 'hammer'; Irish 'Ord', Welsh 'Gordd' (with a G- prothetic) and Breton 'Horzh' (with a H- prothetic), all of which mean 'hammer.'"

The Cornovii are stamped in the FLINTshire (and Cheshire) theater where I think "Flintstone" has further relevance, meaning that I see Flanders / Bellamy elements there. The Rubble-like Ribble river is in that theater, if that helps to make the case. But as I trace Bellamys to Bellovesus, whose brother was Segovesus, how is it that Caernarvon was inhabited by a Segontiaci peoples???

The Seiont river (with a mouth at Caernarvon) was named after the Segontiaci, and then in Wikipedia's article on that river we find an nearby Arddu river! For me at present, this river should link to the Bellovesus / Segovesus elements (i.e. especially the Bellovaci founders of Belgium) in the Artois theater. That is, I guess that the Arddu river is named after Artois elements. It's known that Segovesus had conquered the Black Forest of Germany, and it just so happens that this forest is in Baden-Wurttemberg!

Hmm, a red-on-gold lion is also in the Arms of Calw, a Cowie-like term of a location in the Black Forest.

As it was already suspect that the Gabrain > Arthur line was linked to Maccabees as per the Beths/MacBees, not to mention that nearby MacAbees were on an island, Arran, that smacks of Arras, capital of Artois, by what coincidence do we now find that Arddu-like ORDOvices are said to be named after as hammer???

If correct to trace Ordovices to mythical Orthos, and if true that Ordovices were named after a hammer, then one must wrestle with the fact that Orthos pre-dated Maccabees. Either there is no Maccabee connection to Ordovices, or Maccabees were named after the Ordovices hammer because Maccabees were at least related to Ordovices. It just so happens that I traced Ordovices to a location near Samsun (I can't recall the name of the location but I aim to re-find it). This is a difficult thing, to trace Maccabees proper of Israel to Ordovices. But I'm sticking to it.

The Caernarvon article shows a Sein term: "[The Seiont river] is called Caer Aber Sei(o)n(t) ("the fort on the estuary of the river Seiont") in the medieval Welsh tale Breuddwyd Macsen ("Macsen's Dream")..." Why MACSEN?

Orthos was a wolf line, and then there is a wolf head shape between the wings of the Leuven wings. Italian Leuvens/Leivelli/Leifelly look very related by their variations, and of course smack of the Laevi, perfectly expected in a Maccabee picture. The Italian Leuven Coat just happens to use a triple red-on-white chevron, smacking of the triple white-on-red chevron used by the Welsh capital, Cardiff. Interesting along these lines is the description of the Caernarvon Arms: "The gold and red quarters bearing lions were the arms of Llewelyn the Last..." Was he of the Leuven / Louvain/Loving line to which Arthurs of Wales seem linked? It's the MacCarthys who are said to be from "loving."

Not only do I trace MacCARTHys/Arthys to Carthaginians, but the Covies/Coweys that are Gabrian-suspects were first found in KinCARDine. Then there is CARDiff. Then there is my trace of the Hanna and similar surnames to Hannibal Carthaginians, and it just so happens that the Flintstones were created by Hanna-Barbera.

To help prove that there is a wolf head in the Leuven Coat, the Leuven/Leivelli triple chevron is used exactly by the French Banes/Bannes, and then there is a wolf head in the English Banes Coat along with an "arte" motto code. The Bains/Vains/Vans are a Mackay sept, and of course Mackays are Maccabee suspects of likely the Kay/Key kind that could link to the Betty and Barney key symbols, a symbol that has already been linked to the Caiaphas / Sadducee line of Shaws/Sheaves. The "Sithech" root of the Shaws/Sheaves is said to mean "wolf," though I don't believe that's anything but code, and Sithechs could trace to Sion/SITTEN. I give endless "coincidences" so that these revelations must be true due to the overall weight of the evidence.

As per the Beths/Bees/Beatons that are definitely Gabrain elements, what about the Betus location (ignore Wikipedia's derivation of this term) in Caernarvonshire: "The earliest record of the name is 'Betus', in 1254. Betws-y-Coed lies in the Snowdonia National Park, in a valley near the point where the River Conwy is joined by the River Llugwy..." Is that Lug? It just so happens that Caernarvon is beside Mona (a large chunk of land jutting toward the Isle of Man), and Wikipedia even says that Caernarvonshire was named after a local term for Mona.

The idea gleaned above that Sithechs were of Sein/Seiont-river elements, coupled with the likelihood that Sithechs were a Sadducee line, brings the Boetus ancestry of Sadducees proper to bear, for the Betus location smacks of "Boetus"!!! Just like that, the Betty key symbol can be identified with certainty with the key of the Sheaves/Chaves that trace to Sithechs=Shaws. Is that not amazing? I was out of bed at 3 am this morning bringing to light these dark secrets. I kid you not, none of the above was arranged/fashioned special by me to make the links appear more viable. The things said in this paragraph were not conceived in my mind when I wrote two paragraphs above, nor when I wrote the paragraph above. Not until after writing the paragraph above did I see the Boetus-like term.

The English Banes motto: "Vel arte vel marte." Merlin was also "Myrddin," and then Covie-like Coverts use martins (a known Merlin symbol). I now see that the Covert Coat is a white-on-red fesse, used also by the Arms of Caernarvonshire. The same colors are used by Beads/Beadles who were first found in Yorkshire, where the Banes were first found. That makes the Beads/Beadles suspect as Boetus-line Sadducees. Entering "Beatle," a BEDfordshire Bedewell clan comes up, now making Bedford itself suspect. Mythical Bedivere, one of king Arthur's chief knights, is also Sadducee-suspect.

As Ban was made the father of Lancelot, and as I trace Lancelot to Lancashire elements, especially the Banesters (first found in Lancashire), what about the Bottle/Buthill/Bootle surname, first found in Lancashire? The write-up helps to trace to the Butteri of Poitou (where Bellovesus' Bituriges were located too), and to the Biden-branch Butteri: "First found in Lancashire...Conjecturally [that term at houseofnames can often be ignored] they are descended from Count Roger de Poitou, of Poitou. He was the son of Earl Roger of Poitou, who was one of the Norman nobles in the Battle of Hastings. The name of the hamlet was anciently Boltelai."

The Bidens/Buttens were traced, along with Botters and Puttens, to Poitou's Botters/Butteri that I say named Poitiers, and it was the Bidens/Buttins who were in Somerset's Bath and Wells location, where also the Illuminati-related Baden surname was first found. The Bath/Athas, first found in Somerset too, can be traced, not only to the Arthur-related Darths/Athas, and not only to the "Uther" Pendragon term, but to the bat-using Randolphs of Moray, for those Randolphs use the Bath/Atha cross. As Obama's mother was essentially a Randolph (Dunhams and English Randolphs share the same Coat), and as Obama chose Biden as his vice-president, can we not identify them as end-time Sadducees?

Biden was just in Iraq trying to salvage the best that can be for the U.S. military in Iraq. Quite a while ago, Biden was placed in charge of Iraq by Obama, and I trace the Baths/Athas to Baathist founders (I'm not going to repeat the reasons here). I see that the U.S. military has been forced to find alliances with the Baathists of Iraq because the Maliki Shi'ites have rejected Obama. Watching.

The Bottle-like Butlers use the English Randolph Coat, as well as grails, symbols of the Shaws. It can be deemed that the Butler Shield (Beatle/Bedwell colors) is quartered gold and red, the colors of the quarters in the Arms of Caernarvonshire (and the Arms of Gwynedd). The Say Coat uses the same quarters, and I trace Says to Sadducee-suspect Seatons/Satans of Saytown.

The Beatles band (Liverpool) dressed in black (and white, I think) when they first came out. The Bottle/Buthill Shield is black, and the surname is from a Bootle location in Liverpool. Didn't John Lennon glorify in seeing his band grow more popular than Jesus Christ? Why did he say that? What inner demon did he have? Why does the Lennon Coat use a heart? Why was one other band member a HARRISon surname? Harris' were just traced to Penders = Pendragons. Why was another band member was a MacCARTney? Why Lucy in the SKY with diamonds? Code for Skye's Beatons??? It just so happens that the Beatle/Bedwell Coat

There is a MacCartney/Artney surname...using another "sed" motto term. They were first found in Ayrshire, the Bute mainland. They even use the MacCarthy/Arthy stag. The clan is said to be PICTISH! I've not known this particular branch, at least not since tracing Arthurs of the Derth/Ayrth kind from Stirling to Ayrshire. It was my guess that the Stirling branch Derths/Ayrths went back to the Pictish woman that gave birth to Pontius Pilate. The Bottle/Buthill write-up, remember, traces to PICTones of Poitou.

As the Bottles/Buthills are said to modify to a Bolt-like term, one could investigate Bolt-like terms for more evidence of Sadducee clues. Both Bolt Coats use black- on white, colors reversed to Bottles/Buthills. The German Bolts not only use an arrow (nothing else), which in this picture is suspect as the Arrow/Arras surname of Artois' capital, but as they are suspect as Sadducee liners in cahoots with the Arthur-related Maccabee liners under discussion, so we find German Bolts first found in Mechlenburg.

The Arrow/Arras cross is the same one, in the same colors, as the Bitar and Aflack crosses, the latter two surnames being the ones I link to both co-founders of the Middle-East Baathists. Both surnames were first found in the Fife / Angus theater...where roughly the birth of Pilate (In Perthshire) took place. I had traced Pilate's father to Butteri. Coincidence? Doesn't it appear that Pilate traces to Arthur elements on both sides? Doesn't it appear that Pilate traces to Baathist elements?

The Bitar write-up traces to an Art-like location, and uses hearts for that reason, apparently: "The name was found in the counties of Perth and Fife (now in the modern regions of Tayside and Fife, respectively), and is likely from the village of Buttergask in the parish of Ardoch." Why the "gask" ending?

Irish Penders are PenderGASTs and PenderGRASS, suggesting for me the line of Valerius Gratus. The Enders, whom I now link to Penders, are also EnderGEEST and EnderGASSER. It just so happens that the Gast/Gasser surname uses the same duckling design as the Devon surname, while Arthurians of the Pendragon kind were heavily in Devon and Somerset. The Gascon variation of the Gasts/Gass' can explain ButterGASK because I in fact trace the "fat" cross of the Bitars/Butters to the fat cross of the Baths/Athas of Somerset. That's partly why I trace Baathists to Baths/Athas.

It should also be said that Gasts/Gass' are in the colors of the Wassa/Gace/Gash/Gasson surname (Cornwall), the proto-Washington surname. It's been a while since I've mentioned the hammer-like locations to which Maccabee lines seemed to trace well, and one of them was HAMburg, where the Gasts/Gass' were first found.

The Irish Penders are said to derive in a dragon-like term, Priondragas. The Drake coat is in colors reversed to the Gast/Gass Coat, and uses a dragon. The Drake write-up traced to a drake duck, and the Gast/Gass duck is called a sheldrake in the Sheldon description. The Sheldon ducks are identical, even in colors, to the Devon-surname ducks.

Sheldons were first found in Warwickshire, which traces to Warsaw, capital of Masovia, and the Drake wyvern dragon was used, in the same colors, by the rulers of Masovia. The line to the birth of Pontius Pilate was made though Cheshire's Diva, where "Devon" elements had been traced to "Duff." The Devon surname was first found in Sussex, where Saddocks were first found. Sadducees of Boetus ancestry, you see, have just been linked to Scottish Beths, and the German Beths, who use the Bellamy Shield as do Scottish Beths, use roughly the same Coat as Sheldon-like Skeltons, and both Coats use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the fleur of the Masci Coat. Mascis, you see, are suspect as Maccabee elements at Diva, and are moreover are related to the Bellamy-based Maceys, and to the Vere-based Masseys who smack of Masovia.

There is reason to repeat here the trace of Cornwall-theater Arthur elements to Lusatia, where the Spree river flows, the river that I trace to Speers honored by the Massin/Mason motto, and by the "Spero" motto term of the Devon surname. The trace of the Arthurs shortly above to Lorraines and Lauries was a trace to Daphne's laurel symbol, and it is Daphne that I identify Devon with.

I trace the Dunham surname of Obama's mother exactly to Down/Doun and Devon elements that I think named Cheshire's Dunham Masci. Devon gets us back to MacDonald Dumnonii, and we not only just saw that Beths were of the MacDonalds, but MacDonalds had been linked earlier to Maccabees around Bute, and to the birth of Pontius Pilate too.

My guess is that the raven in the Skelton Coat is that of the Mackie/Mackeys; the latter's ravens come with an arrow that should be code for Arthur's Artois elements. Again. Mackies/Mackeys were first found in Ayrshire, facing out to sea where the MacCabes/Abees of Arran were situated, and "Arran" might link to "Arras," the location that founded the Arrow surname.

I've been so busy that it has taken until now to look up the Islay surname (Beths were first found on Islay). They were first found in Somerset! That's a very good one for the Beth / Beaton link to king Arthur's Pendragon / Gorlois roots. And the Islay Chief uses three black-on-white fleur de lys, same as the Pendragon Coat!!! I love it when things like that happen.

The Islay surname is registered with the Eyles/Eeles/Eels, which reminds me of the eel in the Shipton Crest. The Shipton Coat uses bellows, which, I'll bet, is code for the Fir Bolg "belly" that the Arthur cult was from. The Shiptons, said to be from "scip," explain for me why Skiptons named their daughters, Alice. The Maccabee-related Alis/Alice surname, remember, uses muzzled bears (and a fir tree), symbol of the Bernicians, and the Arthur surname was first found in a bear-depicted Bernician location.

Do you know what I'm thinking? The fleur-using Islays trace to the fleur-using Lys surname of ILE-de-France (also ISLE-de-France), Paris, where the holy-grail Levi and Chappes' were also first found.

If you were to list, chart, categorize "coincidences" and links in this update alone, you'd have enough info for the makings of a very interesting book. Don't forget to send me a token of your appreciation, maybe $400 for a new laptop. Make it $430 and throw in a keyboard.

I know, I know, the silver bullet has not yet arrived. But that's a job not for me, but for my fellow elves. They are the ones who forward the clues that keep me writing. Soon, I hope, the silver bullet will arrive.

Look, more coincidences? Didn't I trace Pharisees to Parisii, Percivals and Percys? Didn't we just see that Beotus-related Sadducees were also Bolt-like terms of the Bootle/Buthill kind. Why do we read in the Bolten write-up: "...Bolton Castle, Bolton Percy..." There is an arrow in the Bolton crest too. The write-up traces to "boga," which recalls the Boggs/Boges (= Bacon-related Fir Bolgs) and Bagge-like Fir Bolgs.

I kid you not, that after seeing the Bolton write-up, "Bullet" dawned on me. As I had traced Fir Bolgs to a bull cult, especially the black bull of the Mieskes, so there is a black bull staring us in the face in the Bullet surname. I kid you not, that the Bullet surname was not on my mind when mentioning the silver bullet. Unbelievable: the Bullet bull design is identical to the Mieske bull design. It was just in this update when I had traced the Mieskes to the Bagh and similar surnames.

Bullets were first found in Huntingdonshire, where I trace the Traby bugle horn. That horn is in the colors of the Bullet cow and horns. Wikipedia's Traby page tells that the surname means "horn," but I guess that wasn't true, at least not to begin with. 'The horn symbol was taken on, nonetheless, by Trabys, and I now have evidence that they link to the bull horns of Mieskes and Bullets. Bullets are shown properly as Bullhead, Bullitt, Bullet, Boleheved, and Bullit. Mieszko's son, BOLEslaw, comes to mind.

Hmm, didn't we trace Mieskes to Meekins/Machens and therefore to Fir Bolgs of Mechlenburg? Yes, and I now find that German Boles were first found in Mechlenburg. Variations include Boeler, Boelert, and Bohlen, no doubt linked to the bull-using POHLands, first found in Silesia = Poland. The Pohland bull is also black with gold horns, and it uses three ostrich feathers, a Traby-Crest symbol too. The Traby location is beside Masovia.

The Bullet-like Bullheads support the trace of Bolts, who were accessed from Bottles/Buthills, to Fir Bolgs. I'm not going to trace Bute-like terms to "Bolg," however, and will instead assume that Bute-related Bottles/Buhills had merged with Bolt bloodliners that were themselves from Bullet-related Fir Bolgs.

OH JOY OH JOY! After saying all those things, "Boult" was entered as per the Boulton variation of Boltens, and what came up but the "bello" motto term of the Bouillons???!!! Excellent, because Bouillons were from rulers of Bolougne (near the Arrows from Arras), and moreover the "bello" motto term is additional evidence of a trace to Fir Bolgs.

Belts are in Boult/Bouillon colors, but then Belts were traced by the besants to the Crees/Craiths, and that for me is additional evidence that early Fir Bolg mariners had put forth some American natives.

WHAT EXCELLENT TIMING. Immediately after the paragraph above, "Bolgy" was entered to find a white-on-red chevron, same as the Belts. It looks very Hebron. Variations include Bogie and Boggie. The clan was first found in Fife.

Another arrow in the Bolder/Boulder Coat. Although the write-up traces to "boulder," it uses "cobblestone" in particular, and for me that's code for a cobble-like surname. There are two Cobble Coats coming up, one smacking of Goplo in Poland, the place to which Fir Bolgs were traced earlier. The English Cobble/Cupildicks Coat uses a chevron in colors reversed to the Belts and Bolgys, as well as a Crusader Cross in Crest that I think was the personal symbol of Godfrey the Bouillon. It is reported that he used the same cross as the Templar-Jerusalem flag, nearly the same as the Crusader Cross.

It was the Koppels and French Gobels that were traced with certainty to Goplo. The English GodBOLDs/GoodBOLTs come up as Gobels too, and they too use an arrow.

We have a whole new twist now, that Templars were largely Fir Bolg elements. Not that Atlantean elements were never expected in Freemasonry, but that I haven't stressed it in recently. Chances are, Fir Bolg do trace back to Boii Celts, however. If the Bononia alternative to "Bologna" does trace to Skull and Bones elements, i.e. to Hebron's Eschol valley, then it can explain why the Belts and Bolgys use the Hebron chevron. The Arthurian Fir Bolgs just discussed in the Bute theater seems a fundamental part of the Boii elements that I THINK trace to Bute. I say "I THINK" because there is always a chance that it's wrong to link Boii to Bute.

There is an Italian Bologna surname using two greyhounds on a Shield split vertically. I haven't a clue whose greyhounds in particular they would be. There is an Italian Ballon surname from Ballone of the Venice theater, and it too seems to use a Shield split vertically. The French (Brittany) Ballone/Ball/Ballet Coat uses the same three ermine spots as the Arms of Vannes, which jibes very well with Ballones of the VENeti. I think this could very well be a Bologna line to the Veneti at Vannes, therefore, and so note that ermine is one of two heraldic "furs." Why fur? I think we now know for certain: Fir Bolgs. I think we have just got the evidence that Fir Bolgs trace to Bologna (beside the Veneti).

EXCELLENT. There is an Italian Bono/Bonon surname using a Shield split vertically!!! Like the Bologna Shield, it has red on the left side, and blue on the right side. The English Bone/Bonne Shield is blue, and the Skull Shield is red, both using similar six-lion format around bends. The Bono/Bonon Coat uses a lion too, in the design of the Conte lion, which is said because both VisCONTEs and Bonos/Bonons were first found in Milan.

WOW! Not that I doubted a Skull and Bones trace to Bononia at this point, but three ermine spots are found also on the French Bonne Coat!!! In the least, it verifies that the French Ballons/Balls are from Bononia. For the first time ever, I have a trace of ermine spots to Bononia. Moreover, like the Contes, French Bonnes were first found in Languedoc. We are all over Skull and Bones secrets here, the pirates that were the Fir Bolg. Remember, though, that Dutch Bonnes use the Hebron Shield too.

None of the material in the three paragraphs above was yet conceived when I said: "If the Bononia alternative to "Bologna" does trace to Skull and Bones elements, i.e. to Hebron's Eschol valley, then it can explain why the Belts and Bolgys use the Hebron chevron." Heraldry has just revealed the ethnic realities behind Skull and Bones. One can trace from Hebron all the way to Fir Bolgs, and then it tends to explain the Irish HEBERites.

Didn't I trace Hebron's Boscath elements to Lake Van? And didn't I link Lake Van's founders, the Biaini, whom I also identify with mythical Pan, to the pheon? YES, and the ermine spot is a pheon, is it not? YES, I think so, and there has got to be a reason that the spot is called an ermine, suggesting Hermes, father of Pan! It works, and it traces Lake Van's Pan cult to mount Hermon, where Pan's city of Panias is located. This was Sionism. The proto Fir-Bolg of Lake Van evolved into Godfrey de Bouillon's Priory of Sion.

Perhaps I'm being too hasty to trace Bolgs to Lake Van. Perhaps Bolgs were picked up by Van elements along the route to Europe. But if Bolgs had been Boii, then the BIAini ("ini" is the suffix) are suspect as proto-Bolg. It's all working out excellently.

There's more. Finishing the above and not before, I saw the English Bonnie/Bonnet Coat, a blue bend with three gold fleur-de-lys, as with the Italian Masci Coat. The Bonneys/Bonnets were of Bedford and Leicestershire, two Ligurian entities that I link to Meschins (from Calvados), and moreover Bonnies/Bonnets "were originally seated in St. Bonnet in Normandy in the arrondisement of Calvados." The write-up presents "well built" in italics as one possibly derivation of the surname, but that smacks of the Bolts/Boults, especially as "Boult" brought up the Bouillon surname. There is no Built surname coming up, but it sure does smack of Bilderbergs.

Secondly, the Bonney/Bonnet write-up has "good" in italics, which reminds of the GoodBOLTS who come up when entering "Gobel." The French Gobels just happen to use the Masci wing that comes along with the same fleur-de-lys as the Bonneys/Bonets!!! EXCELLENT, because I have traced Mascis to Mus at Lake Van! Am I almost finished this revelation, Lord? It's been so long.

Italian Gobels/Gobis use a camel, symbol of the Pepins, which was the evidence needed for tracing Pepinids to mythical Popiel at Goplo, the originating location of Mieszko. Again, the Pepin Coat appears to use the horse head of the Masci Pegasus, which recalls that Heneti Paphlagonians were lumped in with Bellerophon Pisidians. Hmm, GoBEL. Hmm, a Goplo trace to Pisidians is warranted where I trace "Piast" to Pisidians. It was the Piasts who took over rule at Goplo from Popiel. It works! Trust me. Did you see that the Pepin Coat (Meschin-Coat colors) uses fleur in the same fashion as Bonneys/Bonnets?

I would now trace Mieszko (a Fir Bolg, remember) to Mascis of the Piedmont theater, rather than trace vice versa, which is also to say that Mieszko traces to Lake Van's Mus...the house of the Exodus pharaoh. It's not the first time that I've traced Mieszko to Hyksos, and in fact that trace was made (to Samson, actually) even before it dawned on me that the Exodus pharaoh was of the house of proto-Mascis.

Italian Gobels were first found in Mantova, founded by mythical Manto, the Hyksos-of-Avaris line of mythical Everes > Tiresias. Manto was daughter to Tiresias, and Tiresias owned the caduceus rod, the rod of Hermes, code for Cadusii Armenians. Lake Van is in Armenia to this day. If correct to identify TIRESias with Tyrus, since after all mount Hermon was not far east of Tyre, then the Tory location of Balor-branch Fomorians could trace to him, meaning that it could trace to Mantova, where Gobels of the Masci kind lived. I'm having a hard time trying to discover what "Gobel" could link to, but I do see that it's a twisted form of "Bolg."

In any case, I happened to trace Pepinids to Pavia/Papia, not far from Mantova, and then a Gavi location near Pavia might be the origin of "Gobi/Gobel." Pepins use a "Mens" motto term, which, in this picture, traces well to Isle-of-Man. It therefore seems that Isle-of-Man elements trace to MANtova. Even the Pepin Camel traces to Lake Van if correct to identify the heraldic camel with Kemuel, son of Nahor, for Lake Van was ruled by Nairi. After all, in some of my oldest writings, I trace Buz, son of Nahor, to the Biaini.

The trace of Mus to Muskerry in Ireland (and it's MacCarthy clan) can now be made more forcefully, because the MacCarthy stag probably a version of the Venus stag (both use gold Shields). Venus was, in all likeliness, named after the Heneti >Veneti line. As the Venus surname was first found in Kent, and as Kent is England's closest point to Europe -- at the Bologne location of the Artois theater -- it could be that MacCarthys/Arthys were named after "Artois." In the MacCartney write-up, the surname is traced to Artain or Arta.

As I tend to trace the bee line to the Biaini, note that the Kerry Crest is a bee hive, for that suggests a Kerry link to "Muskerry." Chances are, Kerrys are related to "(Mac)CARthy."

AHA! The Cart surname is definitely of the MacCarthys because it uses the Desmond saltire. The Cart write-up traces to "dwellers of the rough ground." I've been across that before, and so checking the Ground surname (elephant) again, what comes up but a Craney/Crayne clan first found on Islay, the place where some Gabrain elements of Arthurs lived. Wikipedia had reported a "Bolc" character on Islay, and then I traced the Islay surname to Levi in Ile-de-France, jibing now with the Cart / Desmond Coat, which is also the Annan(dale) saltire.

Excellent! After writing the paragraph above in its entirety, the English Ground/Grundy Coat was re-loaded, to find Levi lions!!! The last time (4th update September) that the Ground Coats came up, as per a ground term in the Solana write-up, it had traced Solanas and Navarres of Spain to the Novara location of the Laevi! That exercise had to do with the chains in the Arms of Navarre that were traced to chains used by two Mackays septs (both use wolves) that were assumed to be of the Masci-winged Chaine/Chenay surname that I insist traces to Khyan = Apachnas. I now find that a ground term (of Carts) linked to Mus elements at Muskerry! There you have it, that the pharaoh's daughter who named Moses/Musa was the daughter of Khyan.

The Ground/Grundy Coat evokes the Pascal Coat with four Levi lions in the same fashion. As I recently traced Pascals to Italian Pays/Paces/Pascels (Apachnas suspects), I re-checked the Pace Coats to find the Italian branch first found in Bologna! Then, English Paces (Cheshire) use a purple Shield, recalling the trace of the Islay/Eyles/Eeles surname to the eel of Shiptons, and consequently that led to an Islay trace to purple-lion Skiptons. (In this picture, Cravens of Skipton could be of the Ground/Cranny/Crayne surname.) It was the Beths/Bees/Beatons that were found on Islay.

In the September update, multiple terms in quotation marks in the Solana write-up were addressed, and the "plot" term was suggested as a Pilate code (the Pontius-Pilate topic took off from that point). But there is also a "soter" term in the Solana write-up that was not addressed at that time. It just so happens that Souters were treated in the last update and traced to Sadducees. I had said: "The 'site' term in the Solana write-up may be for the Sithech bloodline in some way. After all, 'Sithech' is said to mean, "wolf," and Solana's use the wolf." Sadincidence?

In short, Cravens look like Actons, and Actons could be Ectors who use the same sun design as Solanas.

Now the Desmonds were first found in MUNster, and use a MONKey for a Crest. Without going to Monk-like surnames, the point to make here is Isle-of-Man links that seem evident to "Munster." In this picture, the Manto elements from the Tiresias Armenians seem to be in play at Munster. It's known that the DES(mond) term traces to the Deas clan, first found in Angus, where Souters were first found.

I think Suters are as Jerusalem as we can get. I think the Sadducee-related terms trace to ancient Zedek, an Amorite name for Jerusalem. It's also logical that the Salyes Ligures, whom I identify as the Sale surname clearly related to Salems/Salemans, trace to "Salem," yet another name of Jerusalem. "Solana" is suspect as tracing to "Salem" just because they trace to the Laevi, but would we therefore trace the EU's bosses to Israelites where Javier Solana represented the power structures of the EU?

Think again. I wasn't going to mention the "Amor" motto term of the Grounds/Craynes until I got to the paragraph above. It was not at first on my mind to enter a discussion on traces to Jerusalem. The Amor term clearly indicates Amorites of Jerusalem, and as the "ground" term is in the Solana write-up, you just know what sort of Jerusalemites that the EU traces to. The Amor term happens to appear in the Ground surname using an elephant, and that traces to Esau, and to the Lotan dragon line.

The God of Zion has a bone to pick with the bosses of the EU, and it will be on a day of terrifying lightning strikes. The sounds alone will cause the bosses to cower, but then Gog will burn Europe with a hail of missiles...because the EU bosses are liars, who hide their agenda and even their roots, and who steal money from all the world's peoples, if possible, to make their rule over the universe more sure.

The Jerusalem discussion was spurred somewhat by the Ground write-up: "First found in the islands of Jura and Islay..." Jura??? Now we know. Amorites from Jerusalem and Hebron all over the western Coast of Scotland, probably from the Irish Heberites...who trace themselves to Scythians (Ionians?) of Miletus, in Caria.

Cravens, who could link to the Grounds/Craynes, are also "GRABhain," a Gareb-like term. Manto's sister, Daphne, traces to the city of Daphne, at Harbiye (later Antioch, Syria) which I trace without doubt to "Gareb" at Jerusalem. It's too early to link "Grabrain" to "Gabrain" of the Arthurs, but then the Islay Coat uses fleur-de-lys in Pendragon colors, and colors reversed to the Sale fleur. If per chance "IsLAY" traces to the Lay/Ley/Legh surname, it should be added that the latter uses an arm and spear, as does the Salman Coat.

AHA! Owls in the Slay Coat! The Hebron chevron also appears. The write-up tends to trace to Esau-ites of the Esse/Ash kind: "First found in Derbyshire where [Slays] held a family seat as Lords of the manor of Ashe from very ancient times." The German Ash Coat uses three white-on-red chevrons, the colors of the Slay chevron. The English Esse/Ash Coat uses two fat black chevrons, looking like the Levi chevrons.

Fife, and it just so happens that I see some Ph-versions of "Fife" as versions of "Pavia." Remember, Pavia was co-founded by Laevi. The point is that Fife is beside Angus, and then Angus traced earlier in this update to similar terms of the Gabrain and Islay families.

Now as I trace Salyes back to mythical Sol, what about the Solymi peoples? If you read the Bellerophon article shared way above, you may have gotten to the part where Bellerophon warred against the neighboring Solymi. But Solymi were a fellow tribe with Pisidians, and then Greeks called Jerusalem by "HieroSOLYMA." The idea now is that the Slay surname, and the ISLAY location, were named after Salem elements, explaining why Jura is near Islay.

Hmm, the Cabelees were also a fellow tribe with Solymi and Pisidians, and they smack of "Gobel." In that picture, Goplo was named after Cabelees (Apollo/Abello, I think) -- the Kybele cult -- and the Piasts who overcame the Popiels of Goplo were the Pisidians. That does tend to trace "GoBEL" to Bellerophon, as he was identified above as a Pisidian peoples.

So, no matter what they say about the naming of Jura ("Diura" to the Gaels), it looks to have taken on a Jerusalem look for a reason. In Wikipedia's Jura article, we even find the MacFies. The article says: "The modern name 'Jura' dates from the Norse-Gael era and is from the Old Norse Dyrřy meaning 'deer island'." First of all, I cannot trust such definitions at all, and secondly, the term looks Tyrian / Troyish / Dorian.

Interestingly, the Drew Crest use a black bull with what look like gold horns. The last time on that black-bull topic, it traced via the Bullets/Bullheads and Mieskes to Fir Bolgs. Now Mieskes are also "Mesech," indicating the Meshech, who lived at Troy. It was said that the Bullets/Bullheads of Huntingdon were Trabys, and then the English Troy surname shows "Trahy." I traced Trabys to Trabzon, which was another Meshech area, but then I also trace Trabzon's Amazons to Troy / Mysia.

The Slay surname was first found in DERBYshire.

I did trace Trabys and Trebys/Treebys to Trews/Trees, if that helps to make the link to Drews. The Troy surname was at a Try location of Gloucestershire, and Drews were first found in Gloucestershire. "Try" is much like the Tory location of bull-like Balor, mythical king of Fomorians.

Did we trace the Mieske Fir Bolg to Mechlenburg, beside Fomorian-suspect Pomerania? German Troys were first found in Mechlenburg! Did we trace the Fir Bolg to the Bologna surname with two greyhounds> There are two -- count'em, two -- greyhounds in the Trew/Tree Coat!

I should mention here that Balor is called "evil eye," insinuating one eye, code for Gorgons. Why did Balor-like Bellerophon use a Gorgon flying horse?

Didn't I stress the greyhound in the Crest of a Coat belonging to John Yonge, the Welshman merged with Welsh Trabys of the Trevor kind? The Troys/Trys are themselves traced to Welsh elements, but the point is, Bellerophon was allied to Iobates, who seemed like code for Japodes = Jupiter. The Yonges were traced by their "jeune" motto code to Juno, Jupiter's wife. Then, in Wikipedia's Jura article, we read of MacFies ruling the area with MacDonalds, and it just so happens that Irish Fies (also "Fey") were also "Duff" (think Daphne >Harbiye trace to Jerusalem), and Scottish Duffs were traced by their 'juvat" motto code to Jupiter! Moreover, both Duffs and Yonges were traced on separate tracks to the birth of Pontius Pilate...who ruled over Judea where Jerusalem was capital!

It could make Jura and Islay elements suspect as the elements leading to Pilate's mother, especially as MacDonalds were separately traced to the birth of Pilate!!! I'm actually laughing (not in derision) now at how this is all working out. I just can't wait for the punch line. It may just be that Pilate was allowed to rule Judea because he was descended from Jerusalem elements to begin with, you see. But I traced his father to the Butteri, and they were on Bute, were they not?

Irish Duffs not only use the Morgan lion as evidence of links to Feys of Bute, but Scottish Duffs use the Lay/Ley lion, and it may be that there is no contradiction to link "Islay" both to "Lay" and to "ILE/ISLE"-de-France, for that's where Ley-like Lys' were first found. ZOWIE, I kid you not, I had written that without remembering that the Lys Coat uses...greyhounds!!!

It's party time! I think I'm almost finished. I wonder what I'll do for the rest of my life. Should I get a toilet? I had the wood stove on for the past two days, and as it brought this well-insulated house to a scorching 60 degrees F, I had to shut it down to get some sleep last night. I awoke at 55 degrees, so much better. My fellow scythians, my property is not prepared sufficiently for an emergency. The toilet is the last thing on my mind.

The Ley and Duff lion is used also by Pugets/DuPUYs, and the current EU boss is a RomPUY surname. As Duffs trace to Romans, what about the ROM part?

This might be silly, but as I trace "Puget" to Pollux the pugilist = boxer, doesn't the Puget/Dupuy lion look like it's got its fists up for a boxing fight? Could all the same lion designs be code for Pollux lines? The upright lion is called, "RAMPant," much like "ROMPay." In the 4th update of September, when Solanas were traced to the Pilates of Burgundy, the trace included the Ram/Rom surname, which brought Rompuy to mind. The Paget/Dupuy motto is the one that uses "tribe of the lion of Judah."

Either it's an outright lie or codework for Judah-like surnames, or the clan, over time, changed views via oral traditions when tracing to Israel and Jesus rather than to Amorites of Jerusalem.

We of course want to know what "rampant" is code for. There is no Rampant surname coming up, but "Ramp" gets the same Rump surname as when one enters "Romp." AND GUESS WHAT??? I"M LAUGHING AGAIN. The Ramp/Romp/Rump Coat is the same rampant lion, only now there are two of them, face to face, like two lions boxing one another!!! Just look at it. It's so funny at times how things enter my mind and then show evidence a moment or two later. It's the part I like about this job.

As Rompuys foreign minister for the EU has an Ashton surname, see the same gold lion of the Ramp/Romp Coat is the German Ash Crest. Then ask why the Ash motto uses "Duce," as in "duking it out with fists." Just saying folks, it sure seems to be working out to a Pollux-y picture. Romans loved Pollux and his twin, Castor. As I trace the latter to Cheshire/Chester, what about the Ashleys/Astleys (in Davenport colors), first found in Cheshire? They use a rampant lion too! Cheshire is also home to an Astbury location, home to DAVENports ("Fear" motto term, and a black-on-white chevron used by some Fir-Bolg elements way above) that I link to Chester's old name, Diva, where Duffs of the Roman line under discussion were traced.

The DONARty variation of Davenports makes me more certain that the surname traces to Danann / Dumnonii of Devon. It just so happens that Pollux was Spartan, and that Spartans were LaceDAEMONians...which I trace to "Dumnonii." But I can now add (laughing again, shaking my head even) that the there are two foxes face to face in the DONER/Donahue Coat. looking like they too are having a boxing match! The foxes are important because I trace the Daemonians to "Timnah," home of fox-depicted Samson. Timna was a daughter of Lotan who married elephant-like Eliphas, son of Esau.

Ashtons and Astons (black bull and "Numine" motto term, together suggesting Fir Bolgs of Arran) are traced in the Aston write-up to Cheshire, and so one can glean that the surnames and similar others were named after "CASTor," and yet I'm convinced that they were named after "Esau." It can suggest that Esau-like terms morphed into "Cas(tor)." Again, the Esau line was merged with Lotan, and then the mother of these twins was Leda, from Leto / Latona. The Ashton Crest is a black boar -- Esau symbol -- and the star in the Coat is in Davenport colors again. There is a "lutio" buried in one Ashley motto term.

Pollux and Castor (and Helen) must have been a major line of Edomites, therefore, and the Rompuy partnership with Ashton gives the impression that Pollux and Castor -- even the Ladon dragon -- are now on the throne of end-time Rome.

The new idea coming to the fore is that Pollux traces to the Samson fox, which I identify with Avvites. I recall that I once stressed two lions facing one another in a discussion that included the O'Reilly Coat. Prior to that, while investigating the Fox News corporation, I learned that an O'Reilly surname was high up (can't recall perfectly but I think he was a part-owner). It made me suspect that Bill O'Reilly of Fox was also a part owner. It just so happens that the two foxes in the Doner Coat are on a green Shield, the color of the O'Reilly Shield.

The O'Reilly write-up traces to Rag-like term, and that reminds me of the motto in the Raines Coat (more rampant lions!), for that surname is traced to "Ragin." The motto: "Judicium parium aut leges terrae." As I traced the Raines to Renne, I also traced the Judicum term to Judicael/Judikael, a ruler of Rennes.

There are different kinds of rampant lions. The one used in all the relevant Coats above (not including the Ashley lion) use a so-called "fork-tailed" lion. The Forker sept of Farquharsons comes to mind. Pharisee liners, no? The Forker/Farquhar Coat: a rampant, fork-tailed lion. It also shows a hand, as did the O'Reilly Coat between its lions. As I traced Farquharsons to the Cree natives and therefore to Rhea on Crete, which goddess I trace to "Rhagae" in the Deylamite theater, what about those Rag-like terms that O'Reillys and Raines derive in?

What's interesting now is that, in the Judicael genealogy above, he traces to an Erisproe of Brittany that is alternatively named, HARISpogius. It just so happens that "pogius" smacks of "pugilist," and that FarquHARSONs were traced to Harrisons / Harris'. Moreover, the Harris surname was traced to Maschis of Rimini, which place I trace to mythical Remus, brother of Romulus (others trace Rheims to Remus). The Reim surname was first found in Prussia (where Mieske Fir Bolgs were first found) Pomerelia. That sentence was written before the Reim Coat was loaded, and so see the sword and arm, a symbol used by Mieskes, in the Reim Coat! Remember, Mieskes are of a Pomian circle of Poles.

One could get the impression that Fir Bolgs were in Rennes, and it just so happens that "Rennes" traces to "Renfrew," while Bolg-like Pollocks/Polks were first found in Renfrewshire. If that's not enough, Pollocks are a sept of Maxwells/Makeswells (from "Maccus"), and I traced them (years ago, before the Bolg topic here) to "Mechlen(berg)." It just so happens that Drakenberg-based Veres of the Melusine kind trace themselves to "Rainfrou," what appears to be code for "Renfrew," and Veres were (tentatively, anyway) Fir Bolgs.

The Judges/Judes appear to apply to Judicael because they were first found in Warwickshire...that traces to Warsaw (Melusine in Crest), where the Vere Drakenbergs ruled. Irish Judges/Judes use a Coat similar to the Raines Coat. The Randals use three rampant lions in the colors of the three rampant lions of the Raines.

EXCELLENT. Did we trace Veres to Israel's Pharisee line? The German Ra(i)ndals/Reindels use "ears of wheat," and "plates" (Pilate symbol?) They were first found in Bavaria, home of the Boofima > Baphomet cult, and then leopards, a Boofima symbol, are used by Judges/Judes. It is the Vere dragons that I think has at least some charge over the Baphomet cult.

Not forgetting the Oxford beaver ought to link to Vere elements of Bavaria, the Scottish Vere/Weir write-up traces the founder of Oxford earls to Sprowestun of Roxburghshire. But I trace Veres of Anjou (these were the Melusine-related Veres / Speers) to Sprowston in Norfolk, near Sparres. It just so happens that the town sign of Sprowstun (shown online) is split vertically black and white just like the Sprows Coat. This is being repeated because German Raindals use a Shield split vertically in colors reversed. Both the town sign and the Sprows Coat show white birds in the black side of the Shield, and then the Raindal Coat shows white roundels/plates equal in number to the Sprows birds.

The write-up: "There is a town called Rendel, in the Wetterau region of Hessen, to which the family may have lent its name, or from which the family name may come." I suspect that the Oxford elephant traces to Esau-ites of Hesse.

The Rand/Raynd Coat: another rampant lion with forked tail. On it's shoulder, what could be the Ash triple chevron.

I traced Veres to rulers of France of the Capetian bloodline, namely to the line of Robert the Strong of the Worms bloodline. The Worms Coat (dragons), I've just noted, uses the same colored bend, with very small symbol in the center, as the Over/Ower Coat, suggesting O-Vere or O-Worm. The small Over-Coat symbol is a fret. The Over surname became a topic in the last update in-part due to the "over fork over" motto of Cunninghams, which suggests an Over-surname link to Forkers/Farquhars = Pharisee line. Both Overs and Overtons were first found in Cheshire, and related to Hugh Lupus, himself related to Ferrers. By what coincidence is it that Overtons (Pepin horse head) use a white ermined chevron on blue, the symbol of Harris' (and Penders of Cheshire) while Forkers/Farquhars had a FarquHARSON branch?

Did we just trace Veres to Reims? Then what about that "riminisce" motto term of Harris'? Isn't that code for the Rimini line to Rheims? As the fret on the Over Coat is traced here to Fertes, this is a good time to show the Ferte eagle in colors reversed in the Harrison Coat. I find it difficult to believe that Harrisons are named, as their write-up tells, after "Henry." But, checking, there is a Henry surname first found in Brittany. It uses the sheldrake duck, which must be code for the Drake surname of the Vere line.

I also traced Veres to the Hartz mountains in Germany, and then the German Haar/Hares surname use the same Shield as Bellamys (i.e. Bellamys were related to Fertes).

Uh-oh, the Kerry surname came to mind at this point because Kerrys were first found in Montgomeryshire while the Haar/hares Coat uses the Montgomery fleur. And so I entered "Kares" as per "hares" to check for a relationship, and that's when another "ground" term was spotted, a term that traces to Jerusalem's Amorites. This time, the code uses "wet ground," and we just saw a Wetterau location in Hesse for the Raindals. I guess the ground gets wet when it rains, huh? Well, the Kares/Karres/Cares' show no obvious links to Haars/Hares, nor to Kerrys, but they do use leopard heads. The leopards are white on a black bend, the colors of the Sale fleur on their black bend.

Salyes Ligures trace to Lycians and to Sol on Rhodes, and Caria (i.e. Kares/Karre-like) is between Rhodes and Lycia. side Lycia. There is a sun = sol in the Carr Crest (and another "sed" motto term). Irish Carreys (lion design of the Oxfords) are also Harrys, not forgetting that Irish Garrys come up with "Hare," and the latter clan links by it's lizard to Salyes-based Sullivans. Irish Carr(y)s/Kerrs ("clavo" motto term) use the Harris chevron; the "clavo" term links apparently to the Close/Clovse surname, making sense where the latter were of the Kilpatrick-branch Butteri, whom were Botters using the colors of the Carrys/Kerrs and Harris.

Carians, apparently, all of them. Pirates that some historians link to Philistines. In some way, therefore, I would trace the Varangians that I see from Veres to Carians, but then I also trace Veres to Fir Bolgs, which tends to trace Fir Bolgs to Carians. We should be seeking a bull cult in Caria, therefore, to identify Fir Bolgs. Chances are, it will be an aspect of the Baal cult. Veres trace themselves to Mitanni, and I trace Mitanni to the wine man, Oeneus, father of Methoni, wherefore the bull-cult Bolgs look like the wine god, Bacchus, who was on the Maeander river with his Maenads, a river flowing right though Caria!

Remember too that Methoni/Modon (the real place) leads to Modena in the Ferrara / Ferrari theater, and then ask how Pharisees linked to Bacchus. Dionysus was a Galli priesthood, you see, and his Nyse cult may have named Nazareth. I hold a theory that Dionysus was a corrupt version of the Biblical Nazarites, who would not drink wine. Samson was a corrupt version of a man of God, and I trace his father (Manoah) to Maenads. Manoah may even have been mythical Manto.

There's a good argument for tracing Maenads -- Maeonians -- to Mannae in Armenia, and as we saw that Tiresias, father of Manto, traced to Hermes-based Armenians, I think it's safe to say that Manto was a code for a branch of Mannaeans. There were Mando-branch Avars that should apply because EVERes was father to Tiresias, and he was code for Avaris.

Does it frighten you that Dionysus should trace to Nazareth? Does it verify what the kooks try to convince us of, that Jesus was secretly of the Dionysus cult? What if God hated Dionysus more than any other god because his elements had branches that remained in Israel, corrupting the nation from first to last? It's not secret that the Messiah would come from a land of darkness, for Isaiah predicted it But out of the darkness a Light would come and preach the salvation of God, said Isaiah, and Jesus recited that very quote from Isaiah in a Nazareth synagogue, at the time that the Nazareth church rejected him.

What if God had His Son born in the pits of Dionysus' junkyard, for to come and destroy Dionysus? As the Apostle Paul went and preached to the Greeks in the halls of Dionysus, so to speak, does it necessarily follow that Paul was of the Dionysus cult? Wasn't he rather an enemy? What words from Jesus or his apostles can we use to show similarities between Jesus' religion and that of the Dionysus' wild abandonment? Can we compare may Magdalene to a Maenad? Did Jesus teach his disciples debauchery? Did they hunker down in the evening and perform sex acts with one another? Or with animals? Is that how we read Jesus? Only a kook would make the comparison, one bent on evil, the evil of persuading the world that Jesus is untrue, not the Son of God.

You might be thinking that it's wrong to trace Carr(y) terms to Caria because "Cary" is a version of "Carl," but then Carls are shown as "Carley," possibly a Car combination with Leys. There is only one Carl surname coming up, using pomegranates. For this discussion I will resort to my trace of the Charles' > Charlemagne to "Carlisle," which could itself be a Car-Isle combination. Entering "Isle" happens to bring up the IsLAY surname (I didn't know this until now) that was already traced not-badly to the Lay/Ley surname. Carlisle is on the right side of Britain for natural Islay alliances.

I'm writing as i find them. The above was written before finding the Bouillon cross design in the Carlisle Coat. If we were convinced that Islay was a settlement of Fir Bolgs, then the trace of Fir Bolgs also to the Bouillon surname could suggest that Fir Bolg were also in Carlisle. Didn't we just finish tracing Fir Bolg to Caria? It suggests that Carians named Carlisle, which would suggest that Carls and Charles' were themselves named after Carians.

I traced king Arthur to Carlyle, and emailer Patterson had found an Avalon-like location nearby (I can't recall the term or the details). The point here is the pomegranates, the only symbol, in the Carl Coat. The pomegranates are in the colors of the Bute/Butt Coat, which I say because of a hunch that POMME (apple in French) is code for the apple island of Avalon. The Apple surname uses exactly the same gold-on-blue colors, using footless martins of the type used by the Bonnet Crest. The Bonnie Coat uses fleur in the same colors again, and as they were discovered to be the Masci fleur, it speaks to my trace of Avalon's Muses to Mascis. Remember, there were Mackies/Mackeys and Maccabees/MacAbees all around Bute in early times, and probably in Bute.

Apples trace to "Appleman," and German Applemans use a bear, symbol of Maceys and Mackays, and of king Arthur's Bernicians. It's just the same old crap over and over again, beloved only by the fools of Masonry who haven't yet got their wits together. Applemans are said to have ruled MASENdorf. Entering Masen gets the Massin/Mason surname.

It just so happens that I identified the footless martin in-part with Foetes Ligurians, and then traced Meschins to Foetes and Footes in Guernsey, and moreover the Foot surname was first found in le-Meschin's Cheshire. It was le-Meschin's son, Ranulf de Gernon, that was traced to Foetes due to the "CyFOETH" motto term of Gernons. But, I kid you not, and my online records can testify to it, I traced the PomeGRANATE to Gernons and similar geranos-like surnames long before (many months. anyway) tracing Gernons to Foetes. It had to do with "geranos," the Greek for "crane," which recalls the Ground/Cranny/Crayne surname using a crane...and the all-important "Amor" motto term.

The same gold footless martins of the Apples then show up again in the English Ground/Grundy Coat, along with the Levi lions.

The trick to this heraldic exploration is to know the major players in Masonry, and always expect that symbols should trace to them. It gets less complicated when the circle of relevant peoples is reduced to the major players.

On the night (Friday) that the Bononia link was made above to Skull and Bones and Lake Van, GD's email was opened wherein she asked about my knowledge of the Roman Faunus, who is said to be a version if the Greek Pan. She also asked about certain Pan-related characters in Rome such as Bona Dea. I'll let you decide whether that's coincidental or, once again, a Direction from above to what He wants the world to know. The Day of the Lord is a day of discovery, of uncovering the sins of the world's rulers, and of their followers, who follow the piper to Hell.

The first thin I'd like to mention is this:

In fable Faunus appears as an old king of Latium, son of Picus, and grandson of Saturnus, father of Latinus by the nymph Marica...

Faunus was known as the father or husband or brother of Bona Dea (Fauna, his feminine side) and of Latinus by the nymph Marica (who was also sometimes Faunus' mother). Educated, Hellenizing Romans connected their fauns with the Greek satyrs, who were wild and orgiastic drunken followers of Dionysus, with a distinct origin.

Is that not amazing that we find a Marica character that I was not consciously aware of. I don't know my Faunus myth too well as I've not mentioned him much. I connected him to Veneti /Venus because I trace Pan of Van to Veneti. The Marici were only up-river along the Po from the Veneti, and it just so happens that Marici have played a major role in recent discussions, and link to the Laevi. Therefore, let's take a look at Faunus-related myth to see what more we can gather.

First, though Bona Dea is said to be named after "good," so that she may or may not be code for Bononia, note that Bononia is beside the Veneti while Bona Dea is always made closely related to Faunus. We don't forget that "bone" like elements can trace to the Biaini founders of Lake Van. Then, as per my trace of the Boii of Bononia both to the Biaini and to Boiotians, see this:

In his earliest appearance in literature, Pindar's Pythian Ode iii. 78, Pan is associated with a mother goddess, perhaps Rhea or Cybele; Pindar refers to virgins worshipping Cybele and Pan near the poet's house in Boeotia.

For Pan to appear first in Boiotia makes sense where I identify him as proto-Phoenicians, for CadMUS Phoenicians landed in Boiotia. Note the author's surname, Pindar, because we are going to see some pine symbols in this Faunus topic, and Penders/Pinders were just traced to the pine cones of the Maschis of Rimini, a location of the south side of the Veneti.

Note too that Pan is connected to Cybele, the goddess that was made both mother and wife of Attis. The latter was a code for the Hatti, of Cadusii-like Hattusa, and Hermes was a Cadusii Armenian. However, I identify the two snakes of his caduceus rod both with both Cadusii and neighboring Gileki. The city of Rhagae, which I see as Zeus' mother, is in the Gileki / Delymite theater. I had even identified Zeus with a Soducena-like location on the Tigris, on the frontier of Susa. It was Sittacene.

The reason that I made the Sittacene identification for Zeus is that I identified Hera as Jeravan elements (now the Armenian capital), and then on the west side of Lake Sevan (near Jerevan) there was a Soducena location, smack beside ARTAqata, and on the south side of Iberia. I had traced "Hera" or "Jera(VAN)" to "JeruSalem, and by that time I had identified Zeus in the Anatolia theater with the Solymi. That identification with Solymi had nothing to do with what I came to accept later, that Zeus' "Dion" alternative was code for Zion at JeruSalem. That is, Zeus' only wife was Hera because the two of them represented the JeruSolymi combination.

Hence, both Hera and Zeus were from Sadducee-like entities at Amorite Jerusalem, the same stock of peoples that I'm assuming became the Sadducees proper many centuries later.

It just so happens that Jerusalem was also Zedek, you see, very much like SODUCena and SITTACene. It was a major discovery that I didn't like at all, and I published it grudgingly after being a devout Christian for over 20 years. Why should the God of Israel value Zion forever, named after Zeus? Or why should the God of Israel value Zion forever, named after IXION, husband of Dion-like Dia, who made love to Hera? But then Zion was not necessarily named after Zeus or Ixion; it may have been vice versa. Zion may have predated them. But even if Zion had been a pagan term to begin with, and even if it was originally the chief satanic institution of the area, it makes for some sense that God would choose to take the spot from satan over the long-haul of history to make His sharp point to the devil in the end. By taking Zion as His own, God made it a hot-spot for satanic activity.

Zeus and Ixion carried the Zion term to mount Herman, we may assume, but it is standard practice for satan to run the things of God through the mud.

If we expect Soducena-like terms in Greece, what about "Satyr" and "Saturn"? Just like that we would have Sadducee elements tracing to Pan and Faunus. "Soducena" could itself be a Sod-Cen combo, whatever that could mean. If we take the Sittacene term, it smacks of "Sithech," the line to Shaws, and of Sutekh = Set(h) of Egypt. Per chance, the "cen" part had named pharaoh Khyan since after all, what I consider to be Khyan elements seem to trace to Israel's chief priests in a variety of ways.

I had traced the Khyan bloodline to the Caeni peoples of Thrace on the far lower right of this map. The Caeni are just off the Hebros river that can certainly trace to Caucasian/Georgian Iberia above. I had linked the Caeni to nearby Lysimachia, shown on the map across the waters from Parium/Parion, the place to which I traced mythical Paris and therefore the Parisii Gorgons i.e. the Pharisee line. Isn't that another stunning coincidence, seeing that I'm tracing Soducena elements here?

Hey hey, Gorgons of Greece trace to Gorgons of VerKANA/HyrCANIA beside the Gileki theater. I equate "Gileki" with "Colchis," another name for Georgia's Gorgons, and besides, the Kutaisi capital of Colchis smacks of "Cadusii" too. If that's not enough, it's known that the mythical king of Kutaisi was Aeetes, smacking of Attis and his Hattusa location. If that's still not enough, it's known that Aeetes, king of Corinth, placed the Hermes line (= Cadusii and Gileki merger) in charge of Corinth when He went to be king of Colchis. (Out of Corinth came Bellerophon, by the way, but also Susa-like Sisyphus).

With that trace of Verkana's Gorgons to Georgia = Colchis, and expecting the "cena" portion of "Soducena" to be of the "kana" or "cania" ending on "Verkana" and "Hyrcania," note on the map that, smack beside Soducena, is a Gogarene/Gugar location.

By the way, "Verkana" is said to mean "wolf land" not as per it's dog-like "kana," but as per the "verk" term also said to mean "wolf." It can be reasoned, however, that the Latin "canus" came from the same place, and then I note that Aeetes' Colchis was taken over by the Laz Caucasians that I link to Latins and their Lazio province at Rome...where many wolf peoples lived of the Apollo kind, including the Hercinians (also called, Hernici)! If that's not enough, a branch of Hercinians were smack beside Ardea of Lazio, suggesting that Ardea traces to Artaqata at Soducena. Then, the Caeni were not far south on the Hebros from Arda! AND, king Arthur, traced by me to Arda, was of "Apollo"-like Avalon elements.

I also trace the Laz Caucasians to the LYSimachia location near the Caeni, and a mythical Lysimache was wife to Agamemnon, brother of MeneLAUS who was code for Las/Laas in Sparta. Therefore, it seems rather certain that Sadducees should trace to the Caeni as much as they should trace to Soducena elements of Hera (she was the Greek Horus but also the Caucasian Hros/Heros, probably the Biblical Rosh). The Greek "HIEROsolyma" possibly traces Jerusalem to the Hros, and none of the Biblical writers seemed to know it. Certainly, God never made such a claim, and yet Ezekiel 38 says that end-time Israel will be overcome by Gog and Rosh elements.

But if the Caeni link fundamentally to Sadducees, then the Zedek name of Jerusalem was a short form of "Soducena / Sittacene that hides the Caeni-related portion. It's just as I had thought, that Hyksos, after Khyan's demise by the 10 Plagues, were in Jerusalem taking refuge with Amorites. Again, "Ixion" smacks not only of "Sion", but of "Khyan" and even of "Hyk(sos). By now I know that mythical code-play was regarded more highly if one term could have two or three relevant connections all at once.

Didn't the Sadducees just trace to the chief gods of the Romans before getting to the Faunus topic? "According to the epic poet Virgil, [Faunus] was a legendary king of the Latins who came with his people from Arcadia." To explain that idea, Arcadia was the birthplace of Hermes, father of Pan. But there is another fundamental link of Faunus to Latins in that he was made a father of mythical Latinus...though other myth writer(s) made Latinus a son of Circe, code for Circasia, in my opinion, an alternative name of Caucasia of the Laz theater. To trace Faunus to Kutaisi of Colchis (city of the golden fleece), and to the Marsyas goat cult that I've identified with the golden fleece bloodline (= the Laz bloodline), we have this: "Faunus revealed the future in dreams and voices that were communicated to those who came to sleep in his precincts, lying on the fleeces of sacrificed lambs."

Weren't the Sadducees from Boetus-branch Boiotians? We just saw that Pan was Armenian elements in Boiotia, though coming from Panias/Banias at mount Hermon, and as such Pan was part-and-parcel the Zeus-of-Sion cult in Phoenicia. The importance of the Butteri Latins trace to Boiotians is here clarified, because Butteri (goat and cow herders) were traced to the goat-skinning cult of Boofima > Baphomet, the symbol of satan to Templars. It's not unreasonable to trace "satan" to "Satyr/Saturn," and to the Soducena bloodline.
As Satyrs were shaggy, and as "Seir" is said to mean, "shaggy," even as Esau was said to be hairy, there seems to be reason for a Satyr trace to Seir-ians (whom Esau conquered and ruled, and merged with). I've concluded several proofs for that trace on circumstantial grounds. The Fauna cult can now be traced to mythical Sirens that I trace back to Seir-ians. "Syrinx was a lovely water-nymph of Arcadia, daughter of Landon, the river-god" (Wikipedia's Pan article). Syrinx appears to be a character noted only for Pan's mythology. Pan tried to seduce Syrinx, and she smacks of "Siren." Sirens were music-loving Muses, and Syrinx is the one who is credited with the invention of Pan's pipes.

It just so happens that in Argo-ship myth, Butes jumped off the ship to swim for the lovely music of the Sirens on the west-Italian coast. Doesn't that seem like a myth to explain the formation of the Butteri? I had traced Butes to the Trapani region of western Sicily. We then read that "Pan also loved a nymph named Pitys, who was turned into a pine tree to escape him." The pine symbol was that of mythical Attis, but also of Dionysus. "Pitys" might be a variation of "Butes," otherwise I don't know how to link him to a people group at this time. The reason that I mentioned Butes together with Syrinx is that both she and Pitys are treated similarly in Pan mythology, as though the two are related entities. Remember, I trace Butteri to Bozrah of Esau.

Why is there an elephant in the Crest of the Pety surname??? I didn't know this when writing the paragraph above! It just so happens that Eliphas married the Seir-ians.

BOZrah and Butteri are traced by me to satanic bee cults of the Boiotian kind, and then there are bees and a bee-hive in the Crest of the Irish Petys! I traced Bozrah's proto-Butteri to the Uat-Buto cult, and then the latter Pety surname shows a "Ut" motto term. It comes as "Ut apes geometriam," translated: "As bees geometry." The symbol on its bend looks Polish. The Petys term reminds of Peter-and-similar surnames that were linked to Patterson- and Patrick-branch Butteri. Pattersons, like Pepins and Pipes, use a camel head in Crest.

There is a sick punch line yet to come, so don't go away. First, let's ask why there was a mythical Landon as father to Syrinx. Pepinids (= bee-line Merovingians) were descended from a Landon entity in Belgium. I traced Pepinids only recently to the Marici founders of Pavia/Papia, and then a mythical Marica was made both the wife and mother of Faunus' bloodline. If that's not enough, the pipe symbol of Syrinx and Pan seems relevant to Pepinids because there is a Pipe Coat using the same symbols as the Pepin Coat!

This Marica character is excellent, not only because she traces to the Laevi theater, but because I trace the Marici peoples to the Marsi (Abruzzo) and therefore to the Marsyas goat cult (Phrygia). [Insert. the paragraph, and much else, below was written before I tried the Patch(es) surname (Davenport crosslet), first found in Devon, where the Pitt surname was first found. The Kilpatrick-branch Butteri show Patchy and Patchie variations, not to mention the Levi lion in Crest!!! For me, that's verification that Patches' were of the Pitys cult, and that Pitys did depict Butteri elements. As we saw that Pitys and Syrinx were equated in theme, and as I traced Syrinx to Seir, so the same Kilpatricks who show the Patchy variation also show Seir-like Sheera variations. These Kilpatricks were first found in Ossory. It seems, therefore, that Roman Patricians were of the Pitys cult. This would be a good place to mention that the black-on-white bugle of the Patch Coat is seen also in the Fawns/Faunes Coat. End Insert]

Recalling that Marici peoples traced well to Mark and Marx surnames, compare the Pitt Coat ("ardua" motto term) to the "Jewish" and French Mark Coats. All three use a fesse of checks, and the Pitt checks are in the colors of the French-Mark checks.

Carl Marx was in France carrying on his Bavarian-Illuminati business. The "Jewish" Marks/Marx' show a gold-on-blue Zionists star, used also by the Petys...and by the Bavarian Weis surname that I trace to Adam Weishaupt, "Jewish" founder of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Weishaupt Crest is an ibis goat!

And so that seems to clinch that mythical Pitys, who I didn't think would be this meaningful last night, led to both the Pety and Pitt surnames. We should expect mythical Pitys in the Marici / Marsi / Mars / Marsyas theater(s), therefore.

Both Pety pages show Warwickshire, a place tracing well to Drakenberg-related Veres of Warsaw / Masovia.

German Marks show the bent-necked eagle, in the same colors, as the Massi/Mattis Coat, which, like the Pitts and Marks, use blue and white checks. It just so happens that I opened an email from Tim last night where he found the "Maffina" surname bringing up the Massi/Mattis Coat. I then found that "Maffia" brought up the same Coat, meaning that it's no apparent error to find Maffinas in that clan. The Irish Fies/Feys/Duffs, which have been traced to Avalon = Bute, show Maffie and Maffy variations. That works very well in adding evidence for a Pitys trace to Butteri. In fact, Petys use the same footless martins/martlets as the Apples whom were traced to Avalon. Yes, martins/martlets can be symbol for the Mars, and therefore the Marici, bloodline.

ZOWIE!! After writing that, the Appleton Coat was loaded with a feel of urgency to it, and there in the Crest another elephant head! That clinches the Pety-martin link to Apple-martins because Petys also use an elephant head. The Appleton Shield is green, and the Pety martins are on a green bend.

The Appleman Coat uses a black-on-white bear head, symbol of the Landon Coat!!! If this bear traces to Bernicians, and I do think so by a landslide, then note that the Fawns/Faunes Coat, in the same colors, was first found in Berwickshire.

Do you see what God has done. He led me by way of emailer Patterson to the Euganeo of Padova (proto-Merovingian haunt), which led to the Pepinids of the Pavia theater and all sorts of new disclosures in relation to Israel's chief priests, and no sooner were those topics expounded upon that GD introduces for us Faunus-related myth codes that, due only to prior emphasis on Pavia elements, are identified and made sense of at this time.

It wasn't at all my idea to be on Faunus terms today; Faunus probably traces to Padova because it's in the land of Veneti. GD introduced the Faunus topics as soon as I was done tracing Bononia to Lake Van, and that's when I learned that Faunus was essentially the same as Bona Dea. It was Saturnus who was made married to Marica in order to produce Latinus. We get it. There was a Marici merger with Faunus goat elements from Pan in forming the Latins.

In this picture, "Landon" looks like a form of "Latin" for a Ladon reason, especially as Ladon was the dragon of an apple orchard (!) called, Hesperides. Not many updates ago, I traced Latins to Hesperides by a method above and beyond the similarity of "Latin" to "Ladon."

This Latin make-up by Marici is to be distinguished from Roman make-up according to Vigil, who had Mars, probably the Marsi of Sabine background, merging with the Trojan line of Aeneas (who smacks of Oeneus = Juno).

Therefore, the first Templar grand master was of this Picas > Faunus line. I'm saying that because Payens were traced solidly to Paces/Pacentis/Pascels. I'm saying that because the Pascel variation links to the Pascels that use the Levi lion, and who use the lamb that I view as a Templar golden-fleece symbol. Therefore, the Levis look like, to no surprise, the Laevi of Marici alliances. (Like the Pitts, English Paces (highly likely the Abruzzo line of Paces) use besants.)

Before coming to the Faunus topic, because I had not yet opened GD's email, it was said: "The same gold footless martins of the Apples then show up again in the English Ground/Grundy Coat, along with the Levi lions." The Grounds were important due to their Amorite code for Jerusalemites. As we have just seen Picas elements joined to the same Apple bloodline, what about Picas' love for mythical Pomona, named after "pomme" = apple? She was goddess of the orchards. Couldn't she have been a cult of the Hesperides elements amongst Latins?

It was just in the last update that the Piceni were discussed, part of my own bloodline(s). It was claimed that God chose me to do this dragon hunt due to by mother's Abruzzo town of Picenzo.

I had said that the Picente Italians and/or/ the Piceni Illyrians were given the woodpecker symbol, though it's known that Mars was assigned a woodpecker symbol, suggesting that the Marsi (of Abruzzo) had merged with Picente elements. I now learn that the father of Faunus was Picus, meaning "woodpecker." I have the feeling that GD saw the woodpecker topic in the last update, and so sent in the Faunus topic for that reason. In other words, though I've yet to ask her if it's true, we may not have been on the Faunus topic had it not been for my mother's birth in Picenzo.

As Faunus was linked to Bono Dea, who was also called "Fauna," we might expect Picus in Bononia. It just so happens that the Pace/Pacenti surname was first found in Bononia.

It's known that Mars was one side of the Roman make-up, and Faunus son of Picus was king of Latins. The father of Picus is given as Saturnus, code for Satyrs, we probably assume correctly.

Now, for the sick part from Wikipedia's Faunus article:

In ancient Roman religion and myth, Faunus was the horned god of the forest, plains and fields; when he made cattle fertile he was called Inuus.

This absolutely astounded me because it was very recent when I traced the Insubres -- thought to be the Ince clan -- to the Laevi in the Marici theater. On Inuus, Wikipedia quotes an ancient writer, Servius:

[Castrum Inui] is one and the same as the town (civitas) in Italy which is called New Fort (Castrum Novum). Vergil says 'Fort Inuus' for the place, that is, 'Fort Pan', who has a cult there. He is called Inuus, however, in Latin...from going around having sex everywhere with all the animals, hence he is also called Incubus.

"Incubus" certainly is an Insubre-like term, especially when Inces are in mind. Inuus was a sex-addict cult, one stooping even to bestiality. Men cannot get much more depraved. Interestingly, I trace Insubres to Incerum off the Sava river, and there beside Incerum, on the Sava near proto-Romans, is Servitium, perhaps the entity that named the writer above, Servius.

I would suggest Inuus links to the Oeneus=Una river that led to Uni of the Etruscans and Juno of the Romans. Servitium is near the mouth of the Oeneus. But it's the Hinch variation of the Inch / Ince bloodline that now concerns me, for Hinks had been found to use the same saltire as the Latins/Latonas (spurs), and it just happened to be the saltire of the Annans/Inyanees (albeit the Hinks use the Annan(dale) saltire on gold, as with Bruces and the Arms of Ayrshire).

The point is, Hinks had been traced to Hesperides due to the "hinc" motto term of Spaldings. The latter had been traced to Hesperides before I realized that the "Sperabo" motto of Annan(dale)s was code for Hesperides elements. The bigger point is that Picas, the first king of Latins (that's just myth code for a basic trace of Latins to Picas elements), was just traced above to Hesperides elements by his love for Pomona.

Now it just so happens that my mother's Picenzo town traces with certainty to a Picenti mountain system at Naples. And the Naples area was also the site of Avellino, the proto-Avalon, said to be an apple orchard (just code work, you see). The Picenti peoples "settled in the southern part of Campania, adjoining the frontiers of Lucania." That's exactly where Avellino is located.

It appears certain that Picenti were from Picenum:

Their name obviously indicates a close connection with the inhabitants of Picenum on the opposite side of the Italian peninsula; and this is explained by Strabo, who tells us that they were in fact a portion of that people who had been transported by the Romans from their original abodes to the shores of the Tyrrhenian sea.

In the Picenum article, more pomme terms, apparently:

Picenum was the birthplace of such notables as Pompey the Great and his father Pompeius Strabo. It was situated in what is now Marche [north of Abruzzo]. The Piceni or Picentes were the native population of Picenum...They maintained a religious centre in Cupra Marittima, in honor of the goddess Cupra."

Interestingly, the Picentes lived as far north as Rimini, where the Pendragon-important Maschi/Maskaly clan was first found (I trace Rimini to Rheims of Merovingians, who were closely related to the Pendragon cult). Who in the Faunus cult was depicted with pines? Pitys, but I don't see how she links directly to the Maschi pine cones. I can tell you this, that English Mascals use an elephant in Crest, as does the Pety surname, and that Pitys was related to mythical Landon, a proto-Merovingian element (quite apparently) of the Pepinid kind.

And here I was telling GD last night that I had no idea who Pitys could link to. It turns out to be my own bloodline. I was also telling GD that I had no idea who mythical Echo traced to, which was another victim of Pan in the same sense as the Pitys and Landon lines. Euganeo comes to mind now because I traced it to Aachen, a Pepinid stronghold of the Carolingian kind.

It turns out that Pan and Echo had a child, Iynx, a near-Ince term. Sometimes the mother of Iynx is made Peitho, a Pitys-like term. Mythical Phaethon comes to mind, a son, essentially, of king Merops of Ethiopia, but removed to the southern part of France as a Helios-related Redone. In this picture, Pitys seems like she should trace to Python, a city conquered by Apollo.

In the Peitho article, she is said to be the Greek version of the Latin, Suadela. Now that's interesting for the Saddel/Saddel trace I made to Butteri, for Pitys was showing well above as a Butteri bloodline. I'm pretty sure that Saddles/Saddels (who use the Massin/Mason lion) trace to Seatons, who are in turn Keiths, who in turn come up when entering "Mascal." That's another reason to link Pitys the pine entity to the Maschi/Maskaly pine cone.

The Saddle/Saddel motto uses "Servire," which jibes with Servitium mentioned shortly above as being near Incerum. In that picture, Iynx is code for the Incerum line to Insubres. The Saddle/Saddle motto also uses "sapere," a term that I tend to trace to the Saffers / Savarys that I in-turn traced to the Sava river...upon which Servitium was located! MOREOVER, I had trace InSUBRE to the "sapere" motto term of Saddles/Saddels. That can't all be coincidental.

If you'd like to check the map, you'll see the Maezaei to the south of Servitium.

I can now lay out an argument for linking the Inces to Ananes Gauls of the Anna(dale) kind. The Innieney variation of Annan(dale)s should link to the Innie surname shown properly as "Cammie" or "Simmie." It uses the Keith/Mascal stag design. (Keiths are also Marshalls, smacking of Marsi). The "Vincit" motto term of the Keiths/Mascals is now looking very Ince-like.

Thus, with an Ananes trace to Keiths, the "Je Suis PREST" motto of the Innies/Cammies should again be highlighted, for Israel had a chief PRIEST, Annas/Ananias, the one who helped get Jesus Crucified. By the way, I traced (years ago) Cammies to Kemmites/Chemmites of the Uat-Buto cult, which was the proto-Latona to Romans. The Caiaphas term traces to the Sithechs = Shaws, and that suggests Sadducees in particular. Didn't we just see the Saddles/Saddels trace to these elements?

There's an argument to be made that the Shay variation of Shaws traces to "Save/Sava," and then Shaws are traced to the Chaves/Sheaves surname that might likewise trace to "Sava," where also the Saddles are tracing right now.

I started on the Faunus topic, yet veered into the Soducena > Sadducee topic before coming back to Faunus elements. But now, recalling that SoduCENA elements were traced to the Caeni Thracians and similar terms, it just so happens that Faunus' mother was Canens: "Canens searched for her husband for six days and then threw herself into the Tiber river. She sang one final song and then died. They had one son, Faunus." A final song is called a swan song, and Soducena was on lake Sevan, the very lake that I trace to swan-depicted Ligurians. Remember, the Ligurian swan was mythical CYCnus, a Gog-like term, and Gogarene was also on lake Sevan.

I traced "Cycnus" to Kikons, and mythical Kikon, who smacks of Caucones who smack of Caucasia (where lake Sevan is located), was brother to Hebros, the river region in which the Caeni lived.

It's too early to suggest a PiCENI link to Caeni or SoduCENA elements, but it's there if ever needed. I do trace Maschis to Khyan's household, after all. And, there was such a thing in the Greek world of adding a "Bi" to the front of words. For example, Thyni is thought to be related to "Bithynia," and then Thynia is not only near the Caeni, but I trace it to "Tinia," the chief Etruscan god, husband of Uni.

It just so happens that, when I was tracing the Chemmites, they were traced to Camber and similar terms. Recalling that the Picentes worshiped Cupra: "Cupra (also spelled Cubrar, Ikiperu, Kypra or Supra) was a chthonic fertility goddess of the ancient pre-Roman population of the Piceni and the Umbri, and may have been associated with Etruscan Uni." Three points: 1) the Camber/Cumber-like Umbri; 2) The Supra version of "Cupra," smjacking of InSUBRES and the "supere" term of Saddles, and, 3) the Una=Oeneus river flows into the Sava.

It should also be said that the Cappeo-lion bloodline (of Caiaphas) was traced to Coupers/Coppers, who now smack of Cupra/Supra. There is a Kupa river (map above) beside the Una which also flows into the Sava. The English Lat(t)in saltire, engrailed, is identical, essentially, to the Super-Coat saltire. Kilpatricks with a "laidir" motto term have a black-on-white saltire too.

AHA! The English Latin Coat is split vertically in two, in white and black, as is the Sprows Coat. Recall the Sperabo motto term of Annandales, and that the latter clan uses the Hinks saltire-and-Chief combination, and that Hinks are related to Italian Latins/Latonas, all tracing to the Hesperides. That now tends to trace "Sprows" to "HeSPERides."

Keiths and Seatons were both first in East Lothian, as were same-colored Vans/Vances whom were just found as the Fanns. That's now Faunus fodder at this time. As Fanns/Vans use a "faithful" motto term, note that the English Faith(ful) Coat uses another black-on-white engrailed cross! The ermines in the Faithful saltire are in the colors of the ermines in a white-Shielded Arms of Vannes that I can no longer find. Wherever there are ermines, we should find Pan, right?

The Faith(ful) Crest is a tree stump. The surname was first found in Norfolk, the location also of Sprowston. There is a good argument to be made that the Fulkes'/Fooks/Fowkes' of Norfolk, who are traced to Anjou's powerful Fulks, were from "Faunus." The idea starts with the Faughnes variation of the Fawns'/Faunes'. It can be assumed that Fog- / Faug-like terms arose from that, and then the Falcon/Faucon Coat uses the Botter falcon design, and of course Butteri Latins fit right in with Faunus, king of Latins. The Faucon variation is much like "Faughnes." The Spanish Falco/Falcon Coat, in the colors of the Fawns'/Faunes', may apply.

Faunus the goat was a horn entity, remember, and the Fawns'/Faunes' use a hunting horn or bugle, which is a goat horn. The crescents in the Fawns/Faunus Coat smack to me of the Saracen/Sarason crescents, also black. The Fulkes' use "Qui sera sera" for a motto.

It was very recent when Falcons/FalCONDES/FalCONTES were traced to Contes and FOND de Villes. Hmm, if Faunus evolved Fond-like surnames, then an assortment of surnames already treated along those lines could apply, such as Ponds, Bundys, Bonds, Ponts, Fontanas, Fountains, etc. The Fountain surname was first found in...Norfolk!

Faunus was linked to the Marici fundamentally, and then the spear with two tips, used also by the Fulkes Coat, is found in the German Mark Coat. I traced split Shields largely to the Fulk bloodline, and the Mark Coat above is yet another one.

Picus was father to Faunus, and then we find another split Shield in the English Pike Coat. The Marsi / Marici were linked loosely to Marris', but I can now add that Scottish Pikes/Pickons use a saltire much like that of Marris.'

As was said, the eagle in the Mark Coat above is bent-necked, like the one in the Italian Massi/Mattis/Maffia Coat. There is an Italian Fulco Coat that is essentially the Massi/Mattis Coat. Both use blue and white checks, the colors of checks in another Mark Coat.

This reminds me of the Fuggers (another split Shield), said to derive in "sheep shear." In other words, a Faughnes-like surname that operated sheep-and-goat businesses. The surname is traced to a bad word with sexual connotations, and then the Faunus cult was filled with disgusting faggots. Yes, I am a homophobe; I'm afraid they might make mine and your sons like themselves.

The Fugit-like variations of Fuggers reminds of the Fawcetts/Faucets, who were first found in East Lothian too. As Fawcetts were traced to the Vilnius fagot or bundle of sticks, I am reminded that the Fond de Villes and Fontanas / Fountains were also traced to Vilnius. That does make the latter clans suspect as Faunus-based, especially as the Vilnius fagot/fasces traces to Roman imperialism.

Vilnius is Traby-important, and perhaps you saw the trefoils in the one Pike Coat. Moreover, PICtons use the same lion on ermine Shield, I am sure, as the Traby-related Trevor Coat. Again, a personal Arms of the Welshman, John Yonge, uses the Trevor Coat and a greyhound in Crest, which now recalls the greyhounds in the Arms of Vannes. You see, Faunus is turning up everywhere, and I even expect him in the Vain sept of Mackays. The Vains even use a "fano" motto term. In fact, they use "vile fano," as if possibly to indicate a Faunus line to Fond de Villes and/or Vilnius. (I closed here for the day, and awoke fresh Sunday morning with the paragraph below leading to amazing realizations. My Bible happened to open to the gospel of John last night, where Jesus was telling the chief priests that their father was the devil.)

THEREFORE YES, for how is it a coincidence that Faunus just seemed to trace to Vilnius aside from consideration of the black Fawns/Faunes bugle, which is the color of the Traby bugle??? The Fawns/Faunes bugle is striped too, but I can't make out the color of the stripe, whether white or gold. Aside from the Pitys-suspect Patches, I can recall only two other clans using a black bugle, the Brians (piles) and Burns. The latter are Bernicians, as the write-up suggests, and as Fawns/Faunes were first found in Berwickshire, we can now trace Burns (and possibly Bernicians as a whole) to the Faunus cult.

Ah, yes. Durans, who trace to the Durance river of the Salyes as do Brians, likewise use black bugles.

MORE!!! This is all new and fresh out of the seething tribwatch oven, so let me say that it's extremely "coincidental" that GD introduced Faunus to us immediately after Fond de Villes had been traced solidly to Vilnius. Even the Vilnius topic is fresh. It was just in the first update of November when the Proper/Robin surname was traced to Poland's Mieszko line, but the ostrich in the Proper/Robin Crest was traced to Trabys. SO LOOK at the three pheons in the French Robin Coat, because the Arms of Vannes that I saw (that I can't re-find) use only three large ermines (pheon-like arrowheads) of about the same size as the Robin pheons (the Proper Shield is ermined). French Robins happened to be first found in Brittany, you see!

The Arms of Vannes that I saw was exactly like the French Ballone/Ball/Ballet Coat, of a clan first found in Brittany.

Then, Scottish and English Robins use a "funera" motto term, too close to "Faunus" to be coincidence. Off the top of my head, Robins had linked closely to Rollo (married Valois elements), the Valerius line, and Esau-ites. Without going into details again, that trace was made by the white-on-blue crescents shared by Tuttels and Valois'/Valours, while the Rollos ("tout" motto term) use a Shield is that also the Valois/Valour Shield. The point is, Falcons/FalCONTES and Contes, who have just been traced to Faunus, also use crescents in those colors. AND, the Conte Coat above even uses the Rollo / Valois Shield...which I am sure is, in particular, the Shield of the Payens who are highly suspect in the Caiaphas line.

Therefore, it does seem as though the Robins and Propers/Robins trace to Faunus elements. To make the Robin link to Propers/Robins more sure, the Brittany-Robin write-up traces to "Robert," and then both French Roberts and Propers/Robins use (in the same colors) the Mackie/Mackey lion, a very KEY point to be re-hashed below. The point for now is that I had traced Mackays (definitely related to Mackies/Mackeys), who have that Vain/Fanes sept known to trace to "Vannes," to the Levi-like Levines, first found in Brittany. Note the "capac" motto term of the Levines, for we are about to see similar terms that I say link to the Caiaphas line.

Did you notice that the ermine in the Arms of Vannes above wears its ermines on a cape. Why a cape? The Cape Coat is in the colors of the Chapman Coat, and the latter's Crest ("broken lance") description uses "proper." The Chapman description also uses "point" and then the motto shows, "PONDere," evoking the Ponds-et-al that might just link to Fonds-et-al and therefore to Faunus. "Pontius" Pilate may apply there too. The Point(er)/Poynter Coat uses piles, after all. Romans had pagan priests called, pontiffs.

Contes ot only trace to Vilnius as per their merger with Fond de Villes in creating the Contevilles, but Contevilles trace to Hugh Lupus. See the ermined cross of the Macclesfield Coat, and read: "the [Macclesfield] surname is descended from the tenant of the lands of Macclesfield, held by the great Earl Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester...". I had forgotten, but this Arms of Macclesfield (no longer shown at Wikipedia) uses black bugles!!

That is very good evidence, not only for a Fawns/Faunes trace to Macclesfield, but for a trace of the Traby bugle to Macclesfield. It had been established several months ago that the blue-on-white lion of the Macclesfield Arms, along with its "copia" motto term, was the Cappeo lion tracing to Caiaphas. But that was before the discovery recently that ears of wheat and ears of rye trace to Israel's chief priests. The Macclesfield lion holds a (gold) wheat sheave, or garb as some call it, the Cheshire symbol.

The Chappes/Chaipes Coat uses "ears of wheat" while the Chappes/Chaipes Crest is a gold "garb"! Just like that, the Chappes are traced to the Macclesfield "copia" term.

It's not hard to realize why MACClesfield should link to Israel's chief priests. There is even a PRESTbury location beside Macclesfield, having locations such as BOSley, BUTley, CAPESthorn, HURDsfield, KETTLEshulme, POYNton, RAINow (Rennes suspect), SIDDington and SUTTon. Kerricks were first found in this Prestbury, and they use roughly the same symbol (similar to an ermine) as the Presley/Priestly Coat.

The POYNton location is interesting because Poytons use a "passa" motto term, recalling that "Pass" brought up the Pascal Coat...with Levi lions (!!) around a fat cross that is colors reversed to the fat Macclesfield cross!!! The Pascels were linked to Paces/Pascels/Pays of Bononia, and the latter were linked to DuPuys and PAYens, now bringing to the fore the POY of "Poynton." However, the Poynton term brings up clans shown as: Boynton, Boyntun, Bointon, Bointen, and Boynten, what now appear to be Boii elements from Bononia.

As Bona Dea was the wife or daughter of Faunus, and as Bona Dea traced surprisingly well to Bononia, by what coincidences are they that there is a goat in the Poytnon/Boynton Crest, while this alternative Arms of Macclesfield shows a "bona" motto phrase??? UNDERSTAND, I often write these things as I come to them, with no pre-planning, which surprises me after starting from a scratch, when it all pans out excellently with an hour or two of investigation (most of that time is taken up writing it down).

Aha! There was no pre-planning this either, but after writing the paragraph above, the "boy pulling down a green pine tree" was recalled. It's the Bothwell/Boduel Crest, of a Bute-based surname.

In the alternative Arms of Macclesfield, the stags stand on a black bugle and show a black crosslet hanging from their necks, the same black crosslet that is in the Crest of the Patches Coat with black bugles!!! That tends to verify (I had no doubt anyway) that Faunus elements trace to Macclesfield...if the Patches were from mythical Pitys...who was given a pine symbol!!!

I'm keeping in mind that both Maccles-like Maskalys/Maschis and the mythical Pitys entities used pine themes, and that Maschis/Maskalys were traced recently to Penders/Pynders of Cheshire...who use the Macey / Mackay Shield. It may therefore be that "Pender/Pynder" relates to "Poynter," and if so, Pendragons may have been Poyntons/Boyntons, which makes sense where Bothwells (i.e. Bute = Avalon elements) appear related to Boyntons.

It's very likely that Macclesfield's black crosslets are the ones used by Davenports (of the Macclesfield theater), meaning that Davenports trace to Faunus to some degree.

Remember the Patchie and Patchy variations of the KilPatricks, for they use the Levi lion, suggesting rather strongly now that Israel's priestly line was in Macclesfield. Moreover, the old "MAKESlesfield" spelling traces well to Maxwells/Makeswells, who are related to Kilpatricks with a "make" motto code. It's Maccabee-like terms all over this Faunus discussion. The Butteri (i.e. that are obvious at Macclesfield) were traced to the Bath/Atha surname that uses the same cross, in the same colors, as the Macclesfield cross. And I identify Pendragons with the Bath/Atha clan.

Poyntons/Boytons use a fesse in colors reversed to the Alan fesse, and you may have noticed some evidence of Macclesfield symbols (e.g. red lion in Crest, color of the Stewart lion) tracing to the proto-Stewart Alans from Dol. That can be explained in that Hugh Lupus, called "Flaith," traces to the "Flaad" names of those Dol Stewarts. GD provided the evidence needed for that trace when she sent in an article saying:

Robert d' Avranches [Hugh's cousin], who held the fief of Macey, south of Avranches (Loyd, 'Origins', pp. 11-12); who married, firstly, a daughter of Gelduin de Dol, and, secondly, Maud de Monville, daughter of William d'Arques and Beatrix Malet, daughter of William Malet and Hesilia Crispin.

Can ask whether the Robins / Roberts (both use the Mackie/Mackey lion), now tracing to mythical Faunus, were in honor of Roberts of Avrances, for even Hugh named his son, Robert. And why Butteri- and Beaty-like BEATRix while the Arques' likewise use the Kilpatrick saltire?

What's with the Malet surname in that Macey-related sentence. It makes it appear as though Malets were Maccabees (the latter are said to mean, "hammer"). Mackays are heavily suspect as Faunus elements via their Vain/Fanes sept alone, which use the Macey symbols, but now I can add that the Maschi/Maskaly write-up traces mentions a castle of MALATesta in Rimini. I DO NOT view that term as mala-testa (= "sick head"), but rather as a Malat-Este combination. As the Maschi pine cone is tracing to mythical Pitys, what about mythical Echo who was, as with Pitys, pursued by an uninvited and unwanted Pan? It just so happens that Este is smack beside Euganeo that I traced to Echo-like Aachen.

The trace was made to Euganeo via the "agendo" motto term of Augers, and I now see the Echo-like Eaches variation of Augers. It makes sense that Augers use the Ferrari lion because Ferraris were first found in Venice, the basic Faunus theater, in my current opinion. Roman priests were called, augurs, and so the idea here was that Pharisees traced to Roman augurs. But I can now add that the Maschi/Maskaly Chief is a gold-on-blue lion, the color of the Auger / Ferrari lion.

The Auger bloodline was also linked to proto-Arpad Hungarians of the Euganeo theater, and later the proto-Arpads were discovered to be a part of the Yonges as they traced back to Juno. You get it, augurs and Juno were partners. It just so happens that Booths (black boars) use a motto like that of Duffs, and Duffs were traced by their motto to Jupiter and Juno. are being brought up as per the Bothwell boy and pine tree that should trace to the Boii of Bona-Dea's Bononia. It can be assumed that the Maschi pine cone links to the Bothwell pine tree as per my identification of Bute's nine Muse-related witches as a Masci bloodline.

The Duff motto is, "Deus Juvat," what I see as "Jupiter is God." The Booth motto: "Deus adJUVAT nos." It just so happens that Duffs were traced solidly to Morgan le Fay of Bute = Avalon, suggesting that Booths were a branch of Bothwells.

The first inkling I had that Duffs traced to the birth of Pontius Pilate was via a Devon line of Daphne elements through Diva of Cheshire, which place I typically link to Davenports of Cheshire. The Faunus-related Patches' are now tracing to pine-symbolized Pitys, and Patches' not only use the DAVENport crosslet, but were first found in Devon, which builds the case further that Macclesfield was a Faunus entity.

I hadn't yet finished my trace of Macclesfield elements to proto-Stewarts. There are oak leaves in the Patches Coat, a symbol also in the Alan Coat. It's obvious from the Shropshire location of Alans that they were Dol's Alans, sons of a Flaad. You can see that French Alans use the same ducklings as the Devon surname, which can trace Davenports and Patches of Devon straight to Alans. That too tends to trace Hugh Lupus' Macclesfield elements to Flaads/Alans. Therefore, Stewarts are suspects of the disgusting Faunus cult, and both the old Stewart dog and the wolf of Hugh Lupus seem to trace thereby to Roman wolf lines.

The Stewart trace to Faunus is made more certain where one list of Mackay septs shows "Allan." From the 8th update of November, 2000:

At Wikipedia's Mackay article, one can see a list of Mackay septs, which include Bain, Baynes, Vains and Vanes:
"Allan, Allanson, Bain, Bayne, Kay, Key, Keyes, MacAllan, MacBain, MacCaa, MacCaw, MacCay, MacGaa, MacGaw, MacGee, MacGhee, MacGhie, MacKay, MacKee, McKee, Mackie, MacPhail, MacQue, MacQuey, MacQuoid, MacVail, MacVain, MacVane, Morgan, Neilson, Nelson, Paul, Pole, Poleson, Pollard, Polson, Reay, Scobie, Williamson."

There you see the Morgan sept listed, and Duffs use the Morgan lion. Therefore, the Jupiter roots of Duffs are suspect as some of the Faunus elements now gleaned in Cheshire's rulers. But really, if Faunus did depict the Veneti, then Faunus could be throughout Europe.

It's hard to say at the moment whether the "bona consilii" phrase in the motto of the alternative Macclesfield Arms traces to Contes. Skull and Bones has been traced to the Kilpatrick and Maxwell saltire, and as we just saw that Kilpatricks and Maxwells link well to Macclesfield, the motto is likely code for Skull and Bones.

Recalling that the Fawns/Faunes and Berns surnames trace to Bernicians, by what coincidence is it that I trace Bernicians to Zahringers of Berne, while English Contes use three antlers, the symbol of Zahringers? Don't Vain-related Mackays use bears as code for Bernicians? Wasn't king Arthur a Bernician element tracing to Ardea of the Latins?

The new discovery late in this update is that Israel's chief priests trace to the disgusting Faunus cult, Latins, the Ladon dragon. It's too logical. Barney-related Bettys/Beatys use a key, and MASCLEs, and they were just traced to the Betus / Boetus ancestry of Sadducees.

The Proper/Robin ostrich has a key in it's mouth, and then Propers/Robins and Roberts use the Mackie/MacKEY lion. It had been already established that the key symbol traces to the Caiaphas / Sadducee wolf line, but I can also add that the Barney key once again traces the chief priests to Bernicians.

Zahringers were traced to the Spree river, and the Spree was linked to the Speer surname, itself suspect from Hesperides that was home to the Ladon proto-Latins.

Atlanteans of the Hesperides were traced by ancients to some connection with two-headed Orthos, the dog that I say depicted the Ordovices of Wales, in the land of Gwynedd that was founded/named by a Venedotia peoples...that I said (years ago, not today) were from Vannes, also called, Gwened. In other words, disgusting Faunus ought to trace to dragon-infested Gwynedd too, and in that picture Orthos was just the Roman wolf, explaining why Hercules, immediately after killing Orthos, was in a war against a Cacus character in the Rome theater. Well, well, Cacus was on Rome's Aventine hill, where Faunus had a sacred location.

I didn't know the following when I linked the Maschis of Rimini to Augers. The article was only now fetched as per the paragraph above:

In Rome's founding myth, the divinely fathered twins Romulus and Remus [from a she-wolf] hold a contest of augury, whose outcome determines the right to found, name and lead a new city, and to determine its site. In most versions of the story, Remus sets up his augural tent on the Aventine; Romulus sets his up on the Palatine.

It just so happens that Rimini was traced (by me) to Remus rather than to Romulus. Lucky strike? No. For I read that Rheims was traced to Remus-branch Romans rather than Romulus, and then it seemed to me that Maschis of Rimini traced to Merovingians.

Earlier in this update, we saw that Ordovices are said to be named after "hammer," and if per chance Maccabees came forth from Ordovices elements, Ardea at Rome is suspect because the Ordovices theater had an Arddu region.

The Betus location that was thought to be related to the Beotus ancestry of Sadducees was in the land of Ordovices. That is, Betus is in Caernarvonshire, where there is a Sein/Seiont river that could trace back to Zion (= Jerusalem), where also I peg proto-Sadducees of the Zedek kind.

With so much said on lines of Maccabees and chief priests, I've yet to see the hard evidence that Maccabees proper, and their Pharisee-proper and/or Sadducee-proper agents, came forth from Romans. I don't think we're going to find anyone that has that evidence in writing. We can now ask whether Maccabees stemmed from the Latins who evolved into Celts, or the Romans-proper who killed the Celts (possibly not knowing that some Celts had been Lato-Romans in the past).

The alternative name of Maccabees, HasMONeans, could even suggest the Mona area on the sea-side of Gwynedd. That idea was not at all on my mind when writing the paragraph above. I did not trace Maccabees to Ordovices purely to set up that Mona link to Hasmoneans. In fact, it wasn't me who identified Ordovices as "hammers." Therefore, is this paragraph a monicidence? Or have I just hit the nail on its head?

I've just tried to think of surname that would honor Hasmoneans to see if those surnames traced to Gwynedd. I did not find a Hasmon surname, but it recalled an As(h)man surname that I've mentioned a few times as part of an Ishmael investigation. It just so happens that As(h)mans are said to be " an ancient Saxon name which meant warrior of the spear. Ash, another ancient Saxon name meant spear." Could that be so much junk and yet code for Hesperides-related Speers et-al?

The Ashman talbots look very Carrick, but then neither they nor Carricks were first found in Wales. Stonehenge is in Wiltshire, where Ashmans were first found, and conceivably, Stonehenge was an Atlantean worship center. Saddles/Sadlars were first found in Wiltshire, and then there is a Saddell location on Kintyre not far from Arras, home of MacCabes/MacAbees.

When I investigated whether "Hesperides" itself had morphed into surnames, Asbury was one contender. But then there is an Astbury location in East Cheshire, where Davenports were first found who were just traced to Faunus Latins. It just so happens that both Astburys/Asprys and As(h)burys use a white-on-red fesse.

In the next update, I'm going to try to find the proto-Maccabees / HasMONeans in Italy by the clue of the Ordovices at Mona.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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