Previous Update: Aug 9 - 15

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August 16 - 22, 2011

Samson's 30 Code
The Bute-Este Relationship Right Down to Padua-rooted Merovingians
Estes and Viscontis were Piasts in Sardinia
Malaspinas Reveal Sinclair Roots in the Este-Visconti Family
This is Actually a "Short" Update

Ever since Israel gave Hamas an infamous beating a couple of years ago, Hamas has been of much better behavior. We can assume that the strategy, as dictated or directed by the "evil axis" (i.e. Iran-Syria), has been to re-arm a low-lying Hamas for the next offensive. The question, therefore, is what happens to the strategy as Syria appears to be losing Assad to a West-friendly replacement. Does Hamas in Gaza start to act on its own direction, ignoring direction from Syria? Does this explain the recent escalation in Israel?

Or, as Iran sees Assad slipping away, has there formed a leaning in the evil-axis to begin hostilities before it's too late? The chief leader of Hamas lives in Syria, and he too must be wondering what his fate will be if Assad is forced to step aside.

We cannot use current events such as the current escalation to discover the timing of the last seven years. Escalation can come and go an unknown number of times before the final escalation arrives. But we can always ask questions and watch for the signs. Are the sudden changes in Egypt as per Obama's will part of God's removal of Israel's hedge? Israel says that Egypt is no longer protecting the Gaza border from terrorist infiltrations since Mubarak was ousted. Does Hamas, which knows the situation there like no other group, feel that the time is nearing for another war with Israel? Is the future outlook that "good", and is the latest escalation a signal to other anti-Israelis that the time for gearing up a new round of offensives has arrived?

The Russian president came out to support the stepping aside of Assad, which for me indicates Medvedev's break with Putin, for the latter came out not long afterward to call America a parasite. It's merely my prediction (there's not much else, that I've seen, to go on) that Putin is for Assad's survival.

Putin used "parasite" in relation to the threat of America's poor economy/dollar on the world economy, but the term seems out of place for that situation. "Parasite," however, is the perfect term for Putin if he wishes to express disgust with the infiltration of American military and para-military activity in Middle-East nations. And he used the term at the time that Gaddafi's fate appeared suddenly grim. AND, the parasite article above is dated August 19, the day after Obama called on Assad to step down.

The day before this update was due, there was news of Gaddafi's fall, or at least that his capital was taken by Nato-friendly rebels. Or are they really Western-friendly? The last decade has definitely seen a Western shift in the Middle East, but it has been a forced shift, with nation after nation taken on the powers of internal pro-Western Arabs. That means that the Arabs placed into power have had to sign deals with the Western powers that helped them come to power. We are not likely privy to all the deals, but we have little doubts that the long-term aim is to supersede Russia in Middle-Eastern affairs, and thereby to take the lion's share of Middle-East business pickings.

No sooner was Gaddafi's fall announced that we find the headline: "Russia in talks to build more nuclear plants in Iran: report."

Evil rulers love to use the peoples' money:

...By 2008, the housing market's collapse forced [the big banks] to take more than six times as much, $669 billion, in emergency loans [they were not necessarily loans, but means to gift the companies with tax-payer dollars] from the U.S. Federal Reserve. The loans dwarfed the $160 billion in public bailouts the top 10 got from the U.S. Treasury, yet until now the full amounts have remained secret.

Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke's unprecedented effort to keep the economy from plunging into depression included lending banks and other companies as much as $1.2 trillion of public money, about the same amount U.S. homeowners currently owe on 6.5 million delinquent and foreclosed mortgages. The largest borrower, Morgan Stanley (MS), got as much as $107.3 billion...

...Almost half of the Fed's top 30 borrowers, measured by peak balances, were European firms. They included Edinburgh-based Royal Bank of Scotland...Dexia SA (DEXB), Belgium's biggest bank by assets...

...The balance was more than 25 times the Fed's pre-crisis lending peak of $46 billion on Sept. 12, 2001, the day after terrorists attacked the World Trade Center...

...James Clouse, deputy director of the Fed's division of monetary affairs in Washington.

When you have that kind of money tossed into the laps of big banks around the world, with big banks suspect within the Illuminati, you may be able to get the sense that the big banks, in cahoots with the controllers of the Federal Reserve, are now the invisible global rulers sitting pretty in a position to bring on an enforced skincode. And that's what we should expect as part of the global economic "crisis" still being suckered at us to this day.

It was Obama's and the Fed's job to make it appear that they were angry with the bad behavior of the banks, but were they really angry? Isn't it true that bailing out companies nets control over the ones saved? Is it any different than bailing out the pro-Western Arab populations from dictatorial Arab rulers? Why should the ones bailing bail for free? Bail-out is an opportunity. Playing the savior can be very lucrative. Therefore, why not manufacture crises in order to have multiple opportunities to play the savior? Isn't that Obama all over? But where did he get the idea?

We would know a lot more of the brute facts if the popular media were not hiding news stories that harm Obama's re-election. If Obama does win re-election, chances are that he'll be a lame quack on homefront issues, but with House-Republican support in the "war on terror," he could focus on establishing some success stories in the Middle East, meaning that we could see Obama, the war president, increasing his Middle-Eastern take-overs between 2012-16. The Syrian take-over looks like it will be on this side of 2012.

How many know that the Samson account in Judges uses the numbers 30, 300, and 3000? The numbers seem to be codes from other works/traditions that meant something in the day, but not until now did I realize that a Greek myth featuring Hercules uses the 30 code. In Judges 14:12, Samson offers a riddle to his 30 companions at his wedding (where he is breaking the Law of God by marrying a Philistine woman), and makes a bet wagering 30 linen garments and 30 sets of clothes. The riddle and bet had to do with honey and a lion (seen earlier in 14:6-9). Then in a Hercules myth:

The Nemean lion...was a vicious monster in Greek mythology that lived at Nemea. It was eventually killed by Heracles. It could not be killed with mortal weapons...

The lion is usually considered to have been the offspring of Typhon (or Orthrus) and Echidna; it is also said to have fallen from the moon as the offspring of Zeus and Selene, or alternatively born of the Chimera. The Nemean lion was sent to Nemea in the Peloponnesus to terrorize the city.

The first of Heracles' twelve labours, set by King Eurystheus (his cousin) was to slay the Nemean lion.

...Heracles wandered the area until he came to the town of Cleonae. There he met a boy who said that if Heracles slew the Nemean lion and returned alive within 30 days, the town would sacrifice a lion to Zeus, but if he did not return within 30 days or he died, the boy would sacrifice himself to Zeus [code for child sacrifice practiced by the Samson>Hercules cult at Tyre]. Another version claims that he met Molorchos [Moloch-like term with an "orchos" ending], a shepherd who had lost his son to the lion, saying that if he came back within 30 days, a ram would be sacrificed to Zeus [= the Moloch/Melqart bull cult at Tyre that was transferred to Crete and Carthage]...

...Heracles stunned the beast with his club and, using his immense strength, strangled it to death...After slaying the lion, he tried to skin it with a knife from his belt, but failed....Finally, Athena, noticing the hero's plight, told Heracles to use one of the lion's own claws to skin the pelt. Others say that Heracles' armor was, in fact, the hide of the lion of Cithaeron...

As this was Hercules's first labor, it can be assumed that it was the EARLY Hercules cult born in Greece after evolving from the Samson cult. Hercules was officially born in Thebes, and also because Hera placed two snakes in his crib to kill him, we realize that Hercules was the Cadusii peoples in Boiotia, and therefore an evolution from the Cadmus Tyrians. But when I see Boiotians and Cadusii together, I entertain Boscath elements from the Hebron theater...not far from Timnah where Samson was married. In this picture, Hercules' wife, Hebe (daughter of Hera), certainly looks like Hebron elements.

By what coincidence was Hercules made born in Thebes, where a honey cult of Boiotia, Melia, was married to the founder of Argos? The latter was a location from Cilicia, in Tarsus/Adana where a Cati peoples lived, but Argos was also where the Hercules' line of Danaans would rule. Bank on it: Melia was the Samson>Hercules honey cult at the root of the lion-and-honey riddle.

From the very start of my Ladon book, I claimed that Buzites -- who I now think named Boscath -- were foundational to the bee/honey cult of mythological importance. There is a very good chance that the lion and honey themes were combined in the Samson account because the Nergal (looks like "Hercul") cult at CUTHA was involved, and if true, it reveals that Boscath was a merger of Buzites with the peoples of Cutha(h) (Babylonian or Assyrian theater)...who then evolved into the Cadmus Phoenicians in Cilicia's Cati/Adana region. The god, Nergal, was depicted at times as a lion, otherwise he was a Hades-like god, and I even trace "Hades" to "Cadusii."

Did you notice that Hercules himself wore a lion skin from the CITHaeron lion?

Kithairon is a mountain range...standing between Boeotia in the north and Attica in the south...Its northeast side is formed by the mountain Pastra.

...It was also the place where Heracles hunted and killed the Nemean lion, in the first of his long series of heroic deeds.

The fact that the Hercules myth uses a lion with a 30 code harkens back to Samson's lion symbol. The Boofima cult would wear leopard skins when sacrificing their humans, and they would have leopard paws on their hands to act-out a killing by the claws along the necks of their victims, very similar in theme to Hercules taking the Nemean lion's own claws to rip into its pelt. And I did trace the Boofima cult to the Marsyas pelt symbol, even the golden-fleece theme, wherefore note that the Nemean lion also had a golden pelt. We of course didn't fail to see that Hercules killed the lion with his own bare hands, as with Samson and his lion.

This news item, wherein a statue of Hercules was just found in Israel's northern area of Jezreel, is what got me on the Nemean lion. A Hercules statue in northern Israel is explained in that Hercules was a child-sacrifice god of Tyre. It's possible that the Samson myth was a take on the Hercules of Tyre (i.e. rather than vice versa, Hercules evolving from Samson).

I trace Samson's father, "Manoah," to Hercules' mother, AlcMENE, but also to the Tyre-rooted Minoans (because Hercules was in Sicily at a Minos-like location). I feel that the Minoan bloodline contributed to the Minyae of Boiotia, merging there with the Cadmus wave of Samson-ite elements. I don't see the Cadmus wave in Crete, but rather trace his "sister" to Crete. It's known that the Minyae were ORCHO-menians, and so let's recall the MolORCHOs term in the Nemean-lion myth. Did you notice the ram in the Molorchos myth, for the golden fleece was a ram.

There is no other dragon cult of importance. We are on it right here. It came with many symbols, but it was always the same Cadmus and Europa wave to Greece. The many symbols only add to our understanding of to the nature of that cult, from step to step as it migrated across Europe. As per the Merops>Aedon line in Thebes, we can even trace the dragon to roots in Ethiopia, where the Poseidon>Cadmus line originated, and where honey is yet a major production to this day. All of Greek myth seems to be touching upon the dragon cult.

I trace the Cutha entity to Xuthus, brother of Dorus, mythical founders of Greece. Dorus was depiction for Dorians, and because Dorians were related to MACEDONians, I trace the two to Megiddo and the low end of Jezreel. You understand my implications, that Greeks trace to Jezreel, where the Cutha cult was migrated. Should we ask how great an affront this Jezreel cult was to the true God, that He should call the Final Battle after the Megiddo?

I suspect that MacEDONIans were also the Edoni because the latter had a Mygdones tribe. Let's not forget that mythical Aedon in Thebes could have depicted Edoni in Thebes. The Edoni had a mythical king LYCURgus that I've viewed as proto-Ligurians, but now we can add another Lycurgus into the picture: "Lycurgus was the mythological king of Nemea, son of Pheres and Periclymene, brother of Admetus. He was the husband of Eurydice (or Amphithea) and father of Opheltes. His tomb was in the grove of the Nemean Zeus."

I was stunned by the Pheres and PERIclymene terms, because I was already developing a Boofima outlook for this Hercules discussion.

It's a long-shot, perhaps, that "pelt" was named after "Opheltes," but then there was a gold-rich region of Ophel that could apply both to the golden-pelt theme and to Opheltes. That would trace the golden-fleece bloodline to royal Nemea (at Corinth). Interestingly, the so-called "City of David," the southern-most part of Jerusalem that I think was Zion proper, was called, Ophel.

Opheltes was depicted as an infant strangled, and presumedly eaten, by a serpent, smacking of the symbol of the Visconti family...beside the Liguria-theater. I now trace Ligurians, as of July, back to Lachish, beside Boscath. I had found that a Mus entity had been in Boscath, evolving into the Massino region...out of which Viscontis came.

By what coincidence is it that the parents of Lycurgus (Pheres and Periclymene) were both given IMPERIa-like names? Imperia was discovered for my first time, in the last update, to be in Liguria! You can bet your 30 pair of wool socks that the Imperi entity in Africa, that was steward to the Boofima cult proper, was the Samson>Hercules cult in Nemea before arriving to Liguria's Imperia.

By what coincidence is it that I linked "Ixion" to "Zion," as well to the "Kikon" line to mythical king CYCNus of Liguria? If Opheltes was from Ophel at Zion, we might thereby expect Opheltes elements in Liguria, exactly what's being found here. This in turn tends to trace the golden fleece to Zion. And so let's not forget that the golden fleece was owned by Iason/Jason, son of Aeson, for "Ixion" easily modifies to "Iason."

As the Boofima cult was proto Baphomet, and as I recently traced the BaphoMET term in-part to a Met=Medusa entity in Africa, how is it that the son of Pheres was AdMETus??? From the 4th update in July: "The Peebleshire Bowers use "Ad Metum" for a motto, which evokes BaphoMET. I wouldn't have proposed that idea seriously had it not been for suggesting right above that "Boof(ima)" evolved into "Bower."

Without going over the details again, I trace mythical Pheres to mythical Paris Gorgons and therefore to the Parisii-Gorgon founders of Gorgon-like York (England), and so I suggested (5th update of July) that the "Metuas" motto term of the York surname should also link back to Baphomet Gorgons of the Medusa kind. It stands to reason, therefore, that mythical AdMETUS, son of Pheres of Nemea, was just that MEDUSa cult to the Parisii and to Yorkshire. As we know that Medusa was given a head symbol, and as "head" is also "cappa," what about the York-surname motto: "Nec cupias, nec metuas"?

As I'm going to be stressing the Este surname in this update, what about the wife of Admetus: Alcestes? She is obviously play on "ALCmene" in combination with some Estes entity. I kid you not that I was planning on showing links of the early Este clan to the Viscontis before writing all the above. The plan was in the works since Sunday, while all the above was written this Tuesday morning only because of the Hercules-statue news item I bumped into (this morning). Unbelievably, the two topics now seem to merge.

It turns out that Alcestes was a daughter of a king of Iolcus, where the Argonaut-related Minyae came forth before settling in Boiotia. Recalling the strangling of Opheltes by the snake, and the snakes in Hercules' crib, see this: "After the wedding, Admetus forgot to make the required sacrifice to Artemis, and found his bed full of snakes." This has obviously to do with the serpent symbol of the Medusa Gorgons. It's possible that "Admetus" is a C-less form of CAD-Medusa.

Admetus and Alcestes had a son, Eumelus, a term that I've long traced to "Kemuel" (brother of Buz) and therefore to Camulos and Camelot. It just so happens that Camulos and Camelot elements were traced (for the first time), in the last update, from Imperia (Liguria). That easily stands the chance of identifying AlcESTES with the Asti and Aosta regions of the Ligurian theater, and of course with the Este-Welf clan that was rooted in northern Italy.

In short, Eumelus-son-of-Alcestes was the Camulos entity in Imperia, explaining why the daughter of Eumelos was PERImele (= a honey cult amongst Imperi elements from the Samson>Hercules line). Imperia was apparently named after elements of Pheres and Perimele. If true that ALCestes was the Alcmene>Hercules line, we thereby trace it (in a merger with Kemuel elements) to Imperia. Compare "Alcestes" to "Colchester," the latter being the older name of Camulodunum.

According to Wikipedia, the oldest known Este member was Oberto I Obizzo. We wonder what "Obizzo" was named after. Oberto/Otbert was "the oldest known member of the Obertenghi family. He was, by heredity, Count of Milan from 951. Otbert's father was Margrave Adalbert, about whom nothing is known other than his name and title." Further study made it expected that an Adalbert=Albert surname(s) should be from this line of Obertenghis.

As you can see, the earliest-known part of the Este line was in Milan, where Viscontis ruled too. As you can therefore glean, because Oberto ruled in Milan only by marriage to a Milan clan, he could have married a Visconti woman. Although Viscontis didn't start ruling Milan until 1277, this proposed Este link to Viscontis should explain why Viscontis came to power in Milan. Look at the names of the Viscontis:

The first Visconti of note in Pisa was Alberto [12th century], who bore the title patrician...

It is said that the Milanese Visconti had their origins in a family of capitanei (cfr. the modern surname Cattaneo) whom archbishop Landulf of Milan (978-998) had granted certain feudal holdings known as caput [= "head"] plebis...the [fief] which gave the Medieval lords of Milan is said to be descended from Umberto (d. in the first half of the 12th century)."

That sure does seem to jibe with the Obertos and Adalberts of the Este line. There is a Cattaneo/Capitaneo Coat showing a gold-on-black eagle. The surname is said to derive first in the Capitan spelling, evolving later into the Cattan spelling, but by now I hardly trust surname write-ups. The lower half of the Coat uses a tower, as does the Clan-Chattan Coat. The Cattan Coat (leopards) uses a Shield split horizontally in two, as with the Cattaneo/Capitaneo Shield. The Cattan motto: "Cautes metuit fovean lupus." Another MET term, and a lupus=wolf term...right down the Este-Welf alley.

The Chattan page shows a list of Chattan septs. Entering "Ailery," "Aleery" (Leir/Lear elements?) or "Allery," all terms shown in the list of Chattan septs, brings up the Clery/Cleary/Claree/Clark Coat. It uses "nettle leaves," and entering "Nettle" brings up two entwined snakes.

The Chattan septs include the Artney/Cartney surname (stag) that I would trace to Carthaginians. In fact, the Annes/Hannas of Yorkshire use a stag, while Artneys/Cartneys were first found in Yorkshire. As I just finished discussing the Parisii of York's founding, and because I identify mythical Percival with the Parisii, what about the Chattan write-up: "The Chattos intermarried with the two distinguished Northumbrian families of Percy and Potts, and became involved in border warfare." Remember, the Chattan Coat uses a bend in the colors (Visconti colors) of the Botter bend. The Potts (another leopard, in Crest) use an ASTutus motto term, not forgetting that Butes/Butts are solidly linked with Ests/Easts.

Checking to see whether an Albert surname uses Visconti white-on-blue, sure enough, we find white-on-blue chains in the Italian Albert Coat. If we argue that this Albert surname may link to Viscontis but not necessarily to Astes of Milan, what about the German Alberts/Adalberts using an eight-pointed star, symbol of ISHTar...suggesting that Estes (and mythical AlcEstes) were of the Ishtar cult? The Ishtar star is used also by the Stein and Rothschild/Rothstein Coat, and German Alberts were first found, as with Bauers, in Austria.

Austria is beside Corinth-like Carinthia, where the Estes had holdings. It was my son (involved with Guelph elements) that suggested Carinthia links to Corinth, but at the time (Sunday) I had no reason for the link. BUT NOW, as Nemea was at Corinth, we could entertain Nemea elements in Carinthia just because Alcestes was of Nemea elements. Understand here that while Julie introduced us both to the Boofima and Este topics, I have no predisposed plot/desire to trace Boofima to Estes elements in Nemea. It just happens to be working out that way.

Did the Oberti clan that was the proto-Este family have elements in Imperia? Yes: "...the marca Obertenga of Oberto...consisted of eastern Liguria and was also known as the marca Januensis or March of Genoa." Imperia is the eastern-most part of Liguria.

We read further that the Obertenga domain "consisted of Tuscany with the cities of Genoa, Luni, Tortona, Parma, and Piacenza." As the House of Este came to Brunswick-Luneburg (Germany), shouldn't Luneburg link to Luni (in Massa-Carrara and La Spezia)? As the proto-Estes in Obertenga would soon become Welfs, note that the prince of Luneburg was also "Prince of Wolfenbuttel":

In 1235, as part of the reconciliation between the Hohenstaufen and Welf families, Henry's grandson, Otto the Child, transferred his estates to Emperor Frederick Barbarossa [a Hohenstaufen] and was enfeoffed in return with the newly created Duchy of Brunswick-Luneburg...In 1269 the duchy was divided, Albert receiving the southern part of the state around Brunswick and John the northern territories in the area of Luneburg. The towns of Luneburg and Brunswick remained in the overall possession of the House of Welf until 1512 and 1671 respectively.

Remember here that the Baars were from Brunswick elements, and Barrs were traced a few updates ago to Aosta. In the last update, the Ests/Easts were traced solidly, along with Butes/Butts, to Butua, near a Bar location in Montenegro. And so what about the term, "WolfenBUTTEL"? Yet another leopard in the Buttel/Bottle Crest. The write-up: "The name of the hamlet was anciently Boltelai. The Count Poitou (Pictaviens) held Boltelai and numerous other Lordships in Lancashire and the West Riding of Yorkshire." These look like the Beatles of Liverpool.

Boltens were first found in Lancashire and Yorkshire, yet the write-up fails to mention links to Buttels of Boltelai, even though the Bolten write-up traces to a "BODELtone" location. You can see why we shouldn't trust surname write-ups when the Boltens are traced to "boga and land." The Botel/Bothwell surname could apply here.

The German Bodel Coat uses the Masci-of-Piedmont wing, and the Moray-colored stars that will become a topic below. The topic will be the Moray stars of the Mieszko line, and so I'll add here that Bodels were first found in Prussia, where the Mieske surname was first found. It means that the Estes of Wolfenbuttel were linked to Piast Poles. When the Piasts crop up again below, it will be in relation to Viscontis.

You saw the Parma location listed with the Luni location. It smacks of Parium/Parion, where the Priam-Paris Trojo-Gorgons were from. The Boofima cult proper (i.e. Africa) was from a Paramas entity, and now suspect in Parma (near Modena). I've entertained but never emphasized a possible Melia link to Emilia-Romagna, the latter being the region in which Parma is found. The Cattaneo/Capitaneo surname was also first found in Emilia. In case you've forgotten, Wikipedia said that the Viscontis of Milan originated in Cattaneo elements.

Obherto named his son, Adalberto/Albert, and he in turn named a son Albert Azzo (died 1097, the first/second year of the first Crusade to Jerusalem), the latter founding the House of Este. All three men ruled Milan. My son suggested that Azzo derived in "Otto" of Germany, and then I found this: "The March of Genoa or Eastern Liguria was created in 961 by the Emperor Otto I. It was originally called either the marca Obertenga after its first holder, Oberto I..." It look like my son was right, and I then remarked that the first Visconti of Milan was Ottone Visconti, and I showed him the Otto variation of the white-on-blue Italian Ottone Coat. We both acknowledged the rings in the Ottone/Otto Coat, for we had just seen the same ring centrally (with chains) in the German Albert Coat.

The Ottone/Otto write-up traces to Parma: "First found in Perugia or anciently Perusia [smacks of mythical Paris and Pheres]...In the 9th century A.D the city was a papal territory but remained true to the Guelphs [same as the Welfs]. Records are found in 1280, when Oddo Oddi was mayor of Parma."

In the last update, the Batavi were linked to Butua/BUDVa, wherefore the Batavi were linked solidly to the Butes/Butts and Ests/Easts (the latter two share symbols). If my trace of "Batavi" to "Padova"/Padua is correct, we could expect Est/East blood in Padova (on the Padus/Bodencus river), and LO! The above-cited Albert Azzo II (his father was Albert Atto, the term that my son thought could be linked to "Otto") was count of Padua, and there in the Padua theater we find his city of Este (from which the Este surname derived).

The House-of-Este eagle evokes the Piast eagle. I did trace Viscontis to the Piasts, and both were traced to the Samsam- and Timnah-named Saracens of Guiscard elements. These Saracens were in Messina, and the Milan surname was first found in Messina, while the first Visconti was of Massino in the Milan theater. The child in the mouth of the Visconti serpent is a Saracen, says Wikipedia's article on Viscontis. Clearly, this Visconti serpent is the Samson-line serpent from the Cadusii Armenians.

Albert Azzo II first married Cuniza (Hun elements?), daughter of Welf II (count of Altdorf). That's how Welfs got to be part of the Este line. The couple named their son, Welf. When one enters "Welf" with, the Hugh Lupus D'Avranches Wolf surname comes up. Wikipedia's article on Hugh Lupus shows his personal symbol to be a white-on-blue wolf, the colors of the Este eagle (and Visconti serpent). Moreover, Azzo's second marriage (to Maine elements) gave birth to a Hugh.

Again, Hugh Lupus was of a Goz/Gois bloodline, smacking of "Guiscard." Hugh Lupus was also of a CONTEville surname, smacking of "VisCONTI." The Guiscard surname is also "WIShart." I think we get it, that Hugh Lupus was an Este-Welf bloodliner, meaning that Estes-Welfs got to Avranches in Normandy somehow. I've never emphasized a Hugh-Lupus trace to Estes, but have linked Hugh Lupus to Baathist and Bute elements. The white-on-blue wolf is in fact used by the Bathars/Bathos of Wales, which we can assume were related to the Baths of Wales (the latter use a cross popular in Savoy Italy). Note that Italian Battas (first found in/near Padova/Padua) use the small saltire used also by Candidas/Candys.

Both the Arms of Normandy and the Arms of Brunswick-Luneburg use two gold passant lions on red (Wolf/Welf colors), these lions belonging to Brunswick in particular. The Luneburg side of the Arms uses a blue-on-gold lion, the color of the Massin/Mason lion. Massins/Masons were first in Kent, where the English Alberts (a savage throwing a hammer in Crest) were first found.

As Ottone Visconti of Milan was succeeded by Matteo I Visconti, I would identify Matteo with the Massi/Mattis/Matteo surname that was traced solidly in the last update to Massa-Carrara (in the part of Tuscany nearest Liguria). Immediately after Matteo, we find GaleAZZO I Visconti, and then an AZZOne Visconti, both of Milan and apparently named in honor of Azzo II of Este.

There is an Italian Azzo Coat using nearly the Massi/Mattis/Matteo eagle. The Azzo Coat is an obvious variation of the Cattaneo/Capitaneo Coat, the latter using a gold-o-black eagle, the Massi/Mattis/Matteo symbol too.

Some of the Azzo variations, for example, Azzoni, Azzone, Assoni, Asoni, look like they may have derived in a Mason-like term, and yet that's very tentative because another theory (below) traces "Azzo" to "Hesse." The Azzo Coat is split into the two colors of the Alberts and Massins/Masons of Kent. The same colors are used, along with the white-on-blue of the Viscontis, Estes, Ottones and Massis, by French Masons/Massons. Italian Masons are said to derive in "Tommaso/Thomas," but I think this is very incorrect, for the Coat uses the Macey and Mackay Shield (albeit with royal/dark blue). However, "Tom-maso" evokes the "Dum" motto term of the Massins/Masons.

Wikipedia's article shows the Arms of another Visconti clan to be a black-on-white rooster, and then mythical Lug was also assigned a rooster. With all the Albert links to Viscontis now being made, why is the Ilbert Crest a rooster? Why is it the Sinclair-style rooster? Perhaps due to links of Sinclairs to the House of Candy/Candida (Visconti theater). In the last update, the CantaLUPO location in Imperia was noted and traced to a wolf/lupus line. It was noted that the Italian Candida/Candelori Coat is once again a black-on-gold eagle. Beside Cantalupo is Massabovi, and together they smack of Massins/Masons of KENT, which could suggest that the Cantalupo location was founded by Centaur lines too.

Visconti links to Piasts is obscure but can be made out in multiple ways. For example, I had traced "Piast" to "Pisa" while the first historical Piast ruler (Mieszko I) was from peoples in Sardinia (across the waters from Pisa): "The first Visconti of note in Pisa was Alberto, who bore the title patrician. Alberto's son, Eldizio, bore the titles patrician and consul from 1184 to 1185. It was Eldizio's sons, Lamberto and Ubaldo I, who brought the family to the height of its influence in Pisa and Sardinia." Earlier, Mieszko I named his son, Mieszko Lambert.

In this picture, Viscontis of Sardinia were Piasts. But as I traced the Sardinian Mieszkos to Seleucid elements in Sulcis, I'd say that Viscontis are linka-able to the Seleucid bloodline. As the anti-Christ is linked in Daniel 8 and 11 to Seleucids, what about speculating on whether Viscontis and/or Mieszko Poles furnish the False Prophet?

In Visconti colors, French Lamberts use the white-on-blue star used also by French Masons, the same star that I had traced to the Mieszko Poles before I knew that Lamberts (Dauphine) and Masons (Provence, beside Dauphine) also used it. It seems impossible to divorce Masons, and therefore Freemasonry, from the Piast-Mieszko Poles. Again, I trace the Mieszko white-on-blue star to Moray, and the Moray Crest is also the Masson/Mason Crest. The same star is on the American flag, at first numbering 13 stars.

Back to the Ilbert rooster and it's proposed trace to the Visconti rooster. If you read the last update, you may have noted the Spine and Spoon surnames...of Warwickshire, traced to Warsaw/Massovi of Poland where we again find the same Melusine that are the Moray and Massin/Mason Crests. Now I find that the Ilbert motto uses a "sine spinis" phrase.

The Clan-Chattan write-up: "First found in on the lands of Chatto in Roxburghshire...But records also reveal that the Chattan Clan originated in Warwickshire where they were recorded at Bromwich with manor and estates in that shire. They were originally of Chatou in Normandy." Again, the Chattans use Visconti white-on-blue, and Viscontis were from Cattaneo/Capitaneo. Reading the Bromwich and Broom write-ups. you'll see that the clan was of the Anjou Fulks as they ended up in Norfolk, where the leopard-using Cattans were first found. The Cattan Crest is a "A Saracen's head emerging from a castle..."

You can glean in that write-up that the Viscontis of Chattan elements were linked to Spines and Spoons of Warwickshire. The Spines and Spoons (Visconti white-on-blue) were traced to the MalaSPINA clan of Massa-Carrara, smack beside Pisa. With the Ilberts now tracing both to Viscontis and to MALAspinas, what about the Sinclair side of the Meschins? Ranulf le Meschin was a descendant of MALAhule (I'm seeing Malaspinas here), of the Sinclair bloodline, wherefore one is now tempted to trace the Sinclair rooster, indeed, to the Ilbert / Visconti rooster.

Viscontis trace to Bromwich, quite apparently. Castle Bromwich is in SoliHULL, and the Bromwich chevron is colors reversed from the Broom chevron (the latter's write-up traces to the sprig of broom in Plantagenet's hat), itself in the colors of the Hull chevron. I tend to trace MalaHULE to the Hull / Hall bloodline. [Don't lose sight of this paragraph because the Spines turn out to trace (below) to Malahule's line after all.]

The black-on-gold double-headed eagle in the Arms of Massa-Carrara could be the same in the Arms of the House of Este (see bottom of article).

The Bottars and related Massars of Lucca were smack beside Massa-Carrara, and Lucca is itself beside Pisa, wherefore let's not forget the trace of Pisa to Pisidians living in the Lycian theater, for this traces Pisa and Lucca back to Poseidon=Buzite elements at Lachish and Boscath. Beside Pisa is Siena, perhaps the item in code in the "sine" motto term of the Ilberts. Were Sion and/or Zion elements in Siena? I do trace swan-line Ligurians and Genoa elements to lake Geneva and its Sion/Sitten location.

The Spences appear to be of the Spine / Spoon bloodline. One Spence/Spends Coat uses a boar head, as does the Spoon Coat. The other Spence surname (millstones) was first found in Yorkshire, and said to be of the GUISburns there. The Oddy surname, first found in Yorkshire, is said to be of "Storkhouse, GISBURN [caps mine], and Withernsea." I once had a childhood friend with a WitherSPOON surname, which seems to link to Spences=Spoons of Withernsea. As you can see, the Oddy Coat is in Ottone-Coat colors.

I've traced the Oddy surname to Bavaria's Oettingen bloodline (symbolized by a stork), and for years have linked Oettingens to the Wassa (= proto-Washington) surname. I now find that the Washington Shield is used nearly by the Scottish Spence Coat. The Gaish and Gasson variations of the Wassa surname smack of the Guisburns/Gisburns.

It can be shown that the Scottish Spences, with "potior" motto term, were of the Poitevins, for in the Gisburn write-up, Gisburns succeeded a Roger de Poitevin. We then find that the English Poitevins/Potwins/Portwines, like the Gisburns and Spences, were first found in Yorkshire. The Ilbert name is in the Poitevin write-up: "Hence, conjecturally, the surname is descended from the tenant of the lands of Headingly, which William de Poitevin acquired through marriage to the daughter of Ilbert de Lacy who was recorded in the Domesday Book census of 1086. They were originally from Poitou in Normandy." In this picture, it's a good bet that the Malaspina>Spence line was linked to Butteri from Lucca, perhaps explaining why the Yorkshire Spences use a MILLstone.

I thought that the millstone might be play on the Stone surname too, and the "Vive ut vivas" motto looked like Vey/Vivian elements in Fife, especially as Scottish Spencers were first found in Fife while Veys/Vivians use the Fife-surname Shield. Immediately after viewing the Stone surname, "Aspen" jumped into my head (as per a Spine surname), and viewing the Aspen Coat, wow, the same split Shield exactly as the Stone Shield. The Asmall variation of the Aspens is much like the Ashmall variation of the Ashmoles, and I do trace Ishmaelites to Perthshire, beside Fife. Some Aspen variations have a "shaw" suffix while Shaws were also first found in Perthshire.

'' [Insert -- An email was just opened from one Peter living in Loudun, some 30 miles from Poitiers. Entering "Loudin" brings up the Lothian surname first found in Perthshire. The Lothian/Loudin Coat uses a pine tree, wherefore know that the Aspen / Spine topic, that veers below to the pine theme, was written before opening his email. I wrote him telling that Lothian, the region, was founded, according to some, by a Pict king with a Loth-like name. That evoked the Pictones of Poitiers, suggesting that Lothian's history was linked to Pictones in Loudun. This could be a very important tip that could reveal, amongst other things, some things on the Sinclairs of Roslin, Lothian. In the Loudin/Lothian write-up: "the Lothian surname is a habitational name derived from the place Loudoun near Cunningham in Ayrshire."

If you were interested in the Cosar / Corser topic in the last update, there is a Corsehill location mentioned in the Cunnignham-surname page. Entering "Corse" brings up the Carseys first found in Perthshire (Carsons are conspicuously first found in DUMfries). Italian Corses/Corsis (first found in Tuscany and in Botter colors), who look like Copes', recalls the trace (last update) of the Corsers to the Butteri and/or Botter bloodline of Tuscany.

The Carson write-up: "They held a family seat at Accarsane." The Corsi write-up traces to "the Latin form of the name Accirsus."

The Cunningham write-up: "Two of the most prominent branches of the Cunningham Clan, the Cunninghams of Corsehill and the Cunninghams of Caprington..." The Cunninghams are in the color scheme of the Italian Capri surname (Piedmont)...using a goat. End Insert]

Therefore, Spines were Aspens too, and here's how we can link them to Guiscards, as expected from Spence links to Gisburns. The Espinall variation of Aspens smacks of the Espinola/Espinoza surname, and we find: "The place-name Espinosa is derived from the word 'espino,' which means 'hawthorn'..." Safe to say, "espina" means "thorn" and may apply to any thorn tree or bush, but the hawthorn may have been chosen for the Espinoza write-up because, thanks to Tim, we can know that the Hawthorn surname is a branch of the Hautevilles...who brought about the Guiscards of Sicily.

It's known that GuisCards were from Tancreds/TanCards. We not only see that the Tancred chevron is used by Hawthorns, and not only see that the Tankervilles (Tancred branch) use the Hawthorn cinquefoils, but the oak tree used by the Espinozas is "fructed," while the olive tree used by Tancreds is likewise "fructed." That's how we can know that Espinozas, Aspens and likely Malaspinas were Guiscards somehow. Tancreds, like the Spences, were first found in Yorkshire.

Although I've yet to decide what the Spines et-al were named after (the Sabines are a possibility), we can conclude that they were linked to the Samsam- and Timnah-named Saracens of Guiscard and Visconti alliances. A look at the Spencer (with an 'r') Coat shows the Samson- and Meschin-Coat scallops that I trace to Messina of Sicily. Spensers also use a "fret," which in my view is partly a mascle (= hollow diamond) tracing to the Meschin/Masculine bloodline. Moreover, the Spencer Shield might be a variation of the Mallibone Coat, of a Cheshire clan that could trace to "Malaspina."

I happened to see some pine cones in a Pina Coat moments ago, which reminds me that Italian Maskalys/Maschis (smack of "mascle" too) use pine cones, and they were first found on the east side of Italy, where Sabines lived. The possibility now is that Spines et-al were also Pines, and recalling that I first came to the Pine/Pyne surname via the Penders/Pinners, how is it that the Spines and Penders/Pinners both use a white-on-blue chevron? As Penders were first in Cheshire, and because Masseys seem to figure in to Spencers, I would say that the Pender and Spine chevrons are the Macey and Mackay chevrons. The Spanish-Espinoza oak tree has keys dangling from its branches, perhaps code for the Mackay-related Kays/Keys.

NOW THE SECRET COMES OUT. As I linked Pines/Pynes to Payens/Pagans and Paines/Paynes, what about my trace of Paines/Paynes to Balso "D'Espaines," the name of MALAhule's grandson? It makes a lot of sense: Spines and Malaspinas were from "D'Espaines," not vice versa, and these Sinclairs were therefore in Massa-Carrara.

But Malaspinas were not in Massa-Carrara only, but also in neighboring La Spezia, which I traced to the Space/Speccot surname also using frets. Who else use frets? The Spencers. I realize that readers may not be too keen on a Space/Speccot trace to "Spezia," but see the write-up: "Hence, conjecturally, the surname is descended from the tenant of the village and lands of Speccot, held by Gosbert from Theobaold FitzBerner, a Norman noble, who was recorded in the Domesday Book census of 1086." The Godbert Shield is exactly the Space/Speccot Shield, and Godberts were first found in Warwickshire, where Spines and Spoons were first found.

This is now the second time (in this update), by two different routes, that Spines / Malaspinas have been traced to Malahule's line. I feel very comfortable with a Spina trace to "Espaines." Entering "Espaines" shows Espayne, Espinay, Spineto, and Espagne variations (i.e. suggesting possible links to Paynes, Pinays, Pin(e)tos, and Pagnes/Pagans). In the write-up: "Alfred d'Espagne was a great Norman Baron, brother of Roger Toeni, from Eespagne, Pont Audemer who was granted twenty lordships in Somerset" (white-on-blue Savones/Saffins were first in Somerset too). The brother of Balso D'Espaines was Anschitel de Toeni, thus clinching the link between Balso D'Espaines and the Eespagne location. The Toeni surname was of Leicestershire (more Ligurians there), where the Spencers were first found. Like the Spencers, the Espaines use a quartered Shield and a bar/bend running through it.

By the time that the paragraph above was written, the three paragraphs below were already there, perhaps meaningful to the paragraph above because I had traced Malahule to the Altmuhl river in Bavaria, especially at Weissenburg, but not confining the Bavarian links of the Malahule line to that river only. The Lech river on the map above was home to Ligurians at Foetes, and we see that the Paine/Payne surname, using "Malo mori" as code for Malahule (of More), also uses "foedari" as code for Foetes. As per expected Weissenburg links to the Weis/Wise family of Bavaria, see that the German Spon/Spontin Coat is almost the Weis/Wise Coat.

The Este clan got to Bavaria too, which is not surprising if what I suspect is true, that Estes in Carinthia were merged with proto-Bauers of Bavaria, the latter traced by me to the source area of the Sava river (i.e. in the Carinthia theater). "The elder branch of the House of Este, the House of Welf...produced dukes of Bavaria (1070–1139, 1156–1180)..." More specifically, the son of Azzo II (founder of the House of Este ) was Welf IV d'Este:

"...moved to Germany, first to Carinthia and then to Bavaria, giving rise to one of the most important families in European history, the Guelphs. This in turn ultimately led to the ascension to the English throne in 1714 with George I of England.",_Margrave_of_Milan

Welf had married a daughter of Otto II, duke of Bavaria. If you happened to have gone out and caught 300 foxes last night alone, then you can bet them all that this Otto II was the makings of the Oettingens of Bavaria. If you lose the bet, you can just go out and catch 300 more foxes the next night. It's easy. Ask Samson's myth writer.

Okay, so what we have is an Azzo de Este of Milan elements spreading out to Carinthia and Bavaria on the one hand, and to Sinclair Rus on the other. As Sinclairs were of the Candidas of Savoy, how is it a coincidence that the Aude surname (more white-on-blue, like the Ottones/Ottos) was first found in Savoy while the Eespagne location above was in Pont AUDEmer? And as we're finding that the D'Espaines were from Malaspinas of Massa(-Carrara), what about the French Masses/Masseys likewise being first found in Savoy?

But am I correct in tracing Estes to Sinclairs? Is a trace of Malaspinas to Sinclairs the same thing as a Malahule trace to Estes? Taddea Malaspina was an Este on her mother's side, but I don't know how far back that merger went. My suspicions are that Taddea was of Florence's Taddei surname (using the Bouillon flori cross symbol).

Convinced that the rooster of the Viscontis is also the Sinclair rooster, the coupled fact that the Sinclair rooster is for-certain the Ilbert rooster could link Sinclairs to Estes if Ilberts were named in honor of the Alberts that were Estes. But more dog-bone digging is needed to prove the link.

It was just realized above that the Masse/Massey Coat uses the gold-on-red chevron of the Welf/Wolf Coat. Welfs/Wolfs, like Masseys, were first found in Cheshire, and if the Welf/Wolf write-up is correct in tracing to Hugh Lupus, then let me remind that Hugh was the uncle of Ranulf le Meschin (because both were from a Conteville-Goz marriage).

The Welf/Wolf write-up: "First found in Cheshire where they were descended from Hugh Lupus (Wolf,) the Earl of Chester, and chief subject of King William the Conqueror." "Chief" subject of the Conqueror Sinclair? No doubt, he was the chief subject due to being closely related. The Conqueror was from Ragnvald, brother of Malahule.

Compare Hugh's CONTEville bloodline to "Candy/Candida," and recall the location of CantaLUPO (in Imperia, Liguria), beside Massabovi. The Cantwells/Kentwells use rings in the gold-on-red colors of the Welfs/Wolfs. A ring is used also by Italian Alberts (not to mention Gascony's Godberts), while English Alberts were first found in Kent. Cants/Kants (first in Fife as with Spencers) use the eight-pointer star, as with German Alberts, and both German and French Alberts are in Welf/Wolf colors.

It just hit me. I used to think that "Eystein" (father of Malahule and Ragnvald) should be understood as Ey-stein. But what about "Eyste-in"??? As in Easton? Even if it's to be understood as Ey-Stein, it could link to the Stone surname (same Shield as the Aspens) as per the Spence millstone code, which symbol may now be conjectured as a mala-stein combination code.

Eystein (surnamed/nicknamed "Glumra") was a ruler of Hedmark (also known by a Heid term), and then in Hedmark we find a Hamar/Hamarr location, apparently encoded by "A savage with a sledge hammer over his shoulder" in the English Albert Crest. German Hamars/Hamarrs/Hemers are in the colors of English Alberts.

Moreover, as per the pine theme, the Arms of Hamar show "a Black Grouse sitting in the top of a pine tree..." The French Graus/Groue surnameshows a blue-on-white fesse, as does the French Pine Coat. Coincidence? English Pines use a white-on-red chevron, as with the Sledge/Sleigh(t) surname; the latter has owls, not forgetting that I trace a white-on-red chevron to Hebron. German Hamarrs use the same lion design (though holding a hammer) as the French Gross/Graue clan, and the latter throws in a greyhound that I think ought to link to the Grous/Groue surname. The latter is said to derive in "...Greoul. This name is composed of the Germanic elements 'gred,' which means 'desire,' and 'wulf,'" which means 'wolf." I suggest that the Greoul term could instead be from the idea of grey-owl, and that the "wolf" term is included in the write-up as code for the Este-Welfs. The Sledge/Sleigh(t) Coat uses silver owls.

I tried a little but failed to find a gred-like surname that could apply, but then thought to check with the Gray surname (in Sledge/Sleight white-on-red)...finding a write-up tracing to "Gratus" (i.e. a very gred-like term). The anchor in the Gray Crest, as well as the "Anchor fast anchor" motto, reminds me of the Heidler and Hood/Hudd anchors because Hedmark (where Hamar is located) is "Heidmork" to the Norwegians. "The first element is heidnir, the name of an old Germanic tribe." Hoods/Hutts (another fret) and English Pines were both first found in Devon, while Dutch Heids use a fesse in colors reversed from the French-Pine fesse. German Heids show a HagelsHEIMER variation.

The latter, as well as German Hoods, were first found in Bavaria, and because the Heids use an arrow that I trace to the Rothschild/Rothstein arrow and to Bauers/Bowers, I suspect that what we have in these Heid and Hood elements are the Bauer-linked Este-Welf bloodline in Bavaria.

The Dutch Wolf Coat shows a wolf in white on green, the colors of the Arms of Hedmark/Heidmork. But then Wolfleys (Obama's bloodline to his mother) also use white on green as well as a wolf, and because Wolfleys were first found in Cheshire, they ought to link to the Welfs/Wolfs from Hugh Lupus. The Wolfley wolf is blue, the color of the wolves in the German Wolf Coat. The latter uses a "praemium" motto term that could be code for the Paramas entity of the Boofima cult proper. After all, I trace "Boof" to "Bower" and/or "Bavaria," not forgetting that both German Bauers and Scottish Bowers use a green Shield.

One question is: were the Estes of the Boofima cult aside from their proposed links to Bauers? The CantaLUPO location being in Imperia suggests that, yes, Estes were central to Boofima. I trace the neighboring MassaBOVI location to "Boof," and the Massa term itself to Libyan Meshwesh, and then theorize that the green of heraldry is at least sometimes the color of Libya / Cyrene in particular.

By a stroke of luck at this point, it entered my mind to check the Heimer surname (Switzerland) as per the Hagelsheimer variation of the Heids, and there were three foxes...except that the design is exactly that of the wolves in the German Wolf Coat. Moreover, the foxes are red on gold, the color scheme of the Catherine Wheel in the German Wolf Coat. This definitely clinchs the Wolf-surname trace to Heidmork and its Hamer region.

As the Heimer surname is listed with the Heim clan, one could check the Home surname for links, and there we find that English and Scottish Homes/Humes' use white on green again.

At this time, I happened to check "Amar as per possible Hamar links, and there was a double-tailed Melusine. It was recalled that the Walsers also use a double-tailed Melusine, and because Walsers were named in honor of Switzerland's Wallis/Valais region, the Swiss Heimers/Heims should apply to Amars. The latter are an Italian clan of Amari/Amaro, first found in Sicily; their Crest is only a Bauer-colored star. Walsers, first found in Bavaria, use a goat holding an axe and ready to strike, evocative of the Boofima murderers.

As there is a link of Boofima now being made to Heid-like elements, this is a good time to repeat that the Hiedler/Hitler surname, first found in Munich, uses Bauer-colored stars. Does anyone suspect that Adolf Hitler's crew were from human-sacrifice agents, lovers of death? Did they think they could be empowered by the devil if they could kill enough? That's what satanists and other blockheads actually believe, forgetting the Biblical Law, that if one kills by the devil, by the devil he must be killed. And why is it that this Hitler topic comes up immediately after mention of Obama's German bloodline (Wolfleys were previously Wolflins of Germany)? I have repeatedly found Obama links to Nazis.

Earlier, I had concluded (conjecturally) that Malahule's line merged with the Piast>Mieszko line in order to make Ranulf le Meschin a Mieszko bloodliner. One way in order for that to be true, Mieszko's Nordic daughter, Sigrid, born about 950, could have been married to Balso D'Espaines, born about 930. We see in this page that D'espaines wife was a Poppa Sulzbach of Bayeux, though I can find no article on either Balso or Poppa of Sulzburg to verify any historical details. As both she and he were born around 930, why is Balso's successor and son, Ancitel of Bayeux, born so late in about 992? It would make Poppa about 50 years old. Was there another mother for Ancitel, and was she Sigrid?

Ancitel above was the line to Ranulf le Meschin. Assuming that Sigrid was not the Meschin link to Mieszko, what other options are open? As I traced the line of Boleslaw (Mieszko's son) to Bayeux before knowing anything about Malahule, should I ask why Ralnulf, Malahule's son, named his son, Balso? That is, was Boleslaw (born one generation after Balso) named after Balso? I thought Boleslaw was named after Boleslaw of Bohemia.

Balso was born about the same time as Mieszko, likewise about 930. As Mieszko's ancestry is mythical, his parents are unknown. Might Mieszko have been the son of Ralnulf, and brother to Balso??? Could this explain why Mieszko's daughter was of Swedish and Dane marital alliances?

It's amazing that I started looking at surnames, potentially in honor of Sigrid, so soon after mentioning the Walsers, for the Dutch Walsers use nothing but the same moline cross as the Sugars/Seagers. (When I had traced "Sigrid" to the snake god, Sugaar, I didn't realize that Sigrid's first husband, Eric the Victorious, was also "Erik Segersall.") Checking the Moline surname, there were goats in the Crest, black on gold just as in the Walser Coat.

The question now was whether the Molines were also Malahules, and it turns out to be so, apparently, for the Molines were from William of Moulons (brother of the Conqueror's mother), while French Moulins (in Sugar/Seager colors) use a Coat like that of the Espinoza/Espina's...who were already traced to Malahule's grandson, Balso D'Espaines. Mythical Sugaar was married to the Basque goddess, Mari, and so we not only find the Espinozas in the Spanish land of the Basques, but the Moulins who share the Espinoza Shield were first found in Gascony, the French home of Basques.

To the west of Gascony, French Basques have a homeland in Biscay, and meanwhile the Visconti snake, in the colors of the Moulin-and-Espinoza Shield, is called a "biscione." As the Sugars/Seagers use the same colors again, and as they show (entwined) snakes in their Crest, we can assume that the Visconti snake is likewise code for the god, Sugaar. One could now link the Molines/Moulins to "Milan," where Viscontis ruled.

It's astounding now that, while I was viewing the Dutch Walser page (showing a moline cross) before coming to the Moulins with Falaise surname, it occurred to me that the Felser variation of those Walsers was a Falaise variation. In the Moline write-up: "William of Moulins, Sire de Falaise, Lord of Moulins in 1030, in Normandy, uncle of William the Conqueror, was granted many lands by King William." The Conqueror's mother was a daughter of the "tanner of Falaise." I had traced "Falaise" to the "Valois/Valais" surname (Poppa of Sulzburg is said by at least one genealogy to be from Valois) and consequently to the Valais/Wallis canton, and that trace now proves to appear correct.

Poppa above (who may have been mistaken for the "Poppa of Valois" that Rollo married) was wife to Bolso D'Espaines, and so see the similarity between the tree stump (white on green, like the wolf in the Dutch Wolf Coat) in the Dutch Bole Coat and the tree stump on the green and white Milan Shield. Then see that Scottish Milans are Moulin-like Mullens from an old MacMolan surname.

Once again, we see a Malahule trace to the Viscontis, and as I also trace Malahule's blood to Bavaria, so the German Walsers were first found in Bavaria. But I don't forget that Walsers were also in the Lys valley of Aosta, where I'm fairly sure the Este clan of Milan originated. Therefore, the Malahule line of Bavaria must have been linked to Este-Welfs of Bavaria.

In the Scottish Milan/Mullen write-up: "However, tradition may more properly ascribe the origin [of Millans/Mullens] from a particular tribe in Moray that has descended from the ancient Pictish tribe of Kanteai, thought to have existed in the first half of the second century AD." Bet all your M-and-Ms that the Kanteai tribe was from the Candys of Savoy and/or from CantaLUPO in Imperia. Remember here too that the Moray star is used by the Belgian Boles while German Boles use a black-on-gold lion, the colors of the Milan/Mullen lion. As the English Bole Crest is the shot-through Pollock-boar design, you can bet your entire bowl of M-and-M's that this particular Bole clan, at least, was from "Boleslaw" of Poland, possible brother of Balso D'Espaines. This paragraph tends to trace Boleslaw, by no design of my own, to the Viscontis of Milan, something that I've already found by other methods.

[INSERT -- The day before this update was due, an old email from Tim was opened where he said that, whatever we may think on the merits or Inspiration value of the Book of Enoch, the fact is, Esau was said in that book to be a black boar (I checked and found it to be true), and we may therefore expect some Freemason elements to use that symbol if they think they were from Esau-ites. Therefore, this paragraph begins an insert just because the Bole Crest uses a black boar.

The same black boar (it's the Sullivan-boar design) is used in the Bush/Boush Coat. Black boar heads are used by the Booth surname, and they, like Bushes, were first found in Yorkshire. A black boar head is in the Bait/Beith Coat (see also the Fays), and while I trace Baits and Fays to the island of Bute, the islanders there were surnamed BOTHwell. This now stands as further evidence that the namers of Bute were from Bozrah, Esau's capital city in Edom. As I trace the namers of Bute to Butteri, who I found to be in the Potter surname, what about the pots (used by German Potters) in the German Bore/Bors Coat???

The German boar is an "ebor," and then we find yet another black boar in the Eber Coat, which clinched my years-old theory (not necessarily correct) that the boar was a symbol of the Eburovices/Ebroicum of Evreux, co-founders with the Parisii of York/Eboracum. The theory was also that the boar, an affront to the God of Israel, was used by Hebrews of a non-Israelite kind who were at spiritual war with the God of Israel (keeping in mind my trace of Parisii to Hyksos-branch Trojans). I had traced the Eburovices/Ebroicum to the Abreu/Abruzzo surname first found in Padova, i.e. where we expect the Budva>Batavi line.

In a recent email, Tim highlighted the sea horse in the Arms of Budva/Butua, by which he meant to relate to the Butteri cowboys, but now we find the sea horse in the Crest of English Potters!! In case you've forgotten, the Potters were first in Hampshire, where the English Botters/Bodes were first found. It just so happens that the Ponds/Ponts, also first found in Hampshire, use black boar heads. The Ponts/Ponds were linked (in a recent update) to the Bundys, the latter being listed as one of the 13 Illuminati families...along with Este-like Astors whom I trace to Isters/Esters>Sturs of Hampshire. "The ancestors of the Astor family lived in Hampshire in the south of England having derived from the area of Stur, in Normandy, where the family lived prior to the 1066 invasion."The Pontin/Bontinton Coat compares well with the Astor Coat.

It's probably coincidental, though not likely unrelated, that entering "Boar" brings up the Scottish Bower Coat (green Shield as with German Bauers/Bowers); compare the bows in the latter Coat with those in the Bude/Budd Coat, and then compare the seven-pointed star in the Bude/Budd Crest with the stars in the Arms of Budva and in the Bute/Butt Coat. Also, compare the dancette in the Bude/Budd Coat with the Butler Coats.

Let's not forget the Rothschild strongarm-and-bow in the Butter/Bitar Crest, and to that let me add the Butterick surname (butterfly symbol on green bend) found recently by emailer Patterson. The Buttericks are in the gold-on-green colors of English Budes/Bouds Coat, and it's very amazing that, in another email of emailer Patterson opened yesterday, she pointed out the garbs of both the Saxe and Edon/Edin Coats; while I didn't know what to do with that surname combination, I now see that the Saxe Coat uses the garbs in the gold-on-green colors of the Buttericks, while both Buttericks and Saxes (partridges) were first found in Lincolnshire!

A gold garb is used also in the Bear/Beer/Bushes Crest, and while there's a bear in the Coat, the surname may have originally been of the ebor=boar theme.

The Italian Biondi/Bundy/Blondelli surname was first found in...Sardinia, and uses Visconti white-on-blue. English Blondes/Blunds are in the colors of English Bundys. The Ballins/Balons (first found near Bundys) might be related, and it should be added that the latter use a black lion, feeding into the Flanders topic below that was written days before this insert. Bundys were first found in Somerset, where a Bundy-like Bude location is found, and then we find that Italian Bundys/Blondellis use Bute/Butt and Arms-of-Budva colors. Somerset Bundys are in Flanders colors.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the sword design in the Sardinian Bundy Coat is that of the Bait/Beith Coat, the latter being the sword running through a black boar head. End Insert]

I've been hoping to find a surname in honor of "Balso," and so here's a Flemish Balls surname (Cheshire) using a black lion too. I identify the flaming ball in the Coat as code for Flemings (of Flanders), and the Baldwin variation of the Balls seems to clinch the Fleming nature of this surname. Baldwins were counts of Flanders, the Arms of which use a black-on-gold lion. That should then link the Balls to the black-on-gold lion Boles.

I trace "Wilma" FLINTstone to "Flemings=Vlaams" of FLANDers because she was given red hair and a white dress, the colors of the Flemings (though German Flemings use a wolf!). I can now add that Lucille Ball was also a red head (or was it really?).

At this time, the Oostyen surname came to mind as per a Dutch friend by that name. I knew there was no Coat for that surname, and so entered "Osten" instead to find the Oster clan named reportedly after "Easter." Compare the Oster Coat with the Coat of the Heidlers, first found in Oster-like Austria.

As I was thinking about the Oostyen surname, it was being checked for links to "Este," and it therefore dawned on me that Austria (Osterreich to Germans) was not named after "east," but after the Este bloodline. Austria borders the Este domain of Carinthia, but even days ago this fact brought Histria to mind as the origin of the Estes. Histria (top-left of map) is not far south of Austria, and even closer to Carinthia.

The theory here is that Histria was from "Ishtar" elements that named the nearby Ister/Hister (= Danube) river. Recall the eight-pointed Ishtar star seen in some heraldry earlier in this update. The wife of Azzo II (= founder of Este at Padua, also not far from Histria), was sister to Welf III, duke of Carinthia. When Welf III died childless, the dukedom of Carinthia went to Conrad III, a son of Azzo-like Hezzelin, the brother of Azzo-like Ezzo. What is going on here? Was Azzo of Milan a member of the Conrad line? It had been a theory earlier in this update that Azzo was named after an "Otto," but what about Ister>Azzo?

Hezzelin got into the Carinthian theater by marriage to Conrad I of Carinthia, himself a son of Otto of Carinthia. Conrad and his father were of the German Salian dynasty, and I think it's safe to say that these Salians, known to be from Franks, were from the Salian Franks, the same Salian-Frank Merovingians who had traced themselves to the Veneti, the owners of Padua. Did we not already trace Ests/Easts to the Budva-based Butteri, and therefore to the Batavi amongst the Salian Merovingians? Glean, therefore, in the history of the Este bloodline:

The origins of the family, probably of Frankish nobility, date back to the time of Charlemagne in the early 9th century when they settled in Lombardy. The first known member of the house was Margrave Adalbert of Mainz, known only as father of Oberto I, Count palatine of Italy, who died around 975. Oberto's grandson Albert Azzo II, Margrave of Milan, (996–1097) built a castle at Este, near Padua...

Is it not possible there that proto-Estes were of the Salian Franks as they were evolving into Salian Germans? If so, it wasn't by coincidence that the Milan house of Este merged with both Padua and Carinthia. It was all in the family. The mother of Otto of Carinthia was a daughter of the emperor, Otto I. Otto of Carinthia married into Bavaria, where Estes of Carinthia would also have titles. Yet more, Otto was given Carinthia by emperor Otto II.

Otto of Carinthia was from Lotheringian=Lorraine elements, "holy grail" territory. Otto's father in Lotheringia was a Conrad, a term that I identify as "red Cohen," or red-and-white checkered Hohens. Khazars ruling the "holy" Roman empire? Think of it, and the importance of identifying who the Hebrews were that ruled Khazars. You need not ask anymore how Khazar "Red Jews" got so rich...when they ruled the Roman empire. How many Khazar "Jews" got favors from the emperors and their puppets all over Europe?

Salzburg, now in Austria, was a holding of the Carinthians. The Arms of Salzburg show yet another black-on-gold lion. Might Poppa of Sulzburg have been from here? After all, Babenburgs originated in Austria but are known to descend from Poppo I of Grabfeld. The Duchy of Carinthia adopted the black-on-gold Hohen lions.

By the 1919 Treaty of Saint-Germain the main area of the duchy [of Carinthia] formed the Austrian state of Carinthia, a small southeastern part (the present-day region of Slovenian Carinthia) was included into the newly created Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes...

It just so happens that I traced the Grab-like Craven surname to "Hrvati=Croats," while the Craven Coat and the Arms of Austria are identical: a white fesse on red Shield. Cravens were first in Yorkshire, where the Histers/Hesters (parrot in Crest with ring in mouth) were first found. The latter's Coat uses swans in a Sales-Coat configuration. I suggest that the parrot used by Goodchilds links to the Histers/Hesters, both using the colors of the Perrots.

Speaking of Carinthia in northern Croatia, we are close to Budva=Butua in Montenegro, at the southern end of Croatia. We are in the city of the Cadmus Cati when in Budva (see details last update), as they evolved into the Catti of Hesse, a fellow tribe with Batavi. Therefore, were Hezzelin and Ezzo of the Carinthian theater, and/or Azzo II of Milan, named after Hesse elements? Didn't we just read that Azzo was from Mainz, itself on the Rhine between historical France and Germany, the river that the Batavi and Salian Franks were on?

In 1816, the part of the former French Departement which is known today as Rhenish Hesse (German: Rheinhessen) was awarded to the Hesse-Darmstadt, Mainz being the capital of the new Hessian province of Rhenish Hesse.

That's how close and important Hesse is to Mainz. Didn't we see in the Insert above that the proposed black boar line of Esau-ites linked to Astors? Here we now find Esau-like Hesse to be the possible root of the Este family of Padova.

Finally, as per the city of Bar in Montenegro (topic in the last update), I neglected to share this: "The name of this [Bar] city is connected to Bari, Italy as those cities are located on the opposite side of Adriatic sea." If correct to trace mythical Perdix to Bari (it's a very good case), we could then trace Perdix (and his Cretan elements) to Bar too, where I expected Cretans. I feel that it's a solid trace from Perdix to the location of Berry/Bourges in the Pictone theater, which once again gets us to a Butteri fold (Bar is near Budva/Butua).

(you have all week to dissect it)

Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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