A Really Bussari Story that's Fula Clues
The Butteri of Poitiers were Guinea Picts
Heraldry Coughs Up More Hebron Keys
The National Hockey Ligurians
Spaldings were Hesperides of the Mestor Kind from Mus
There's no word yet as to whether Iraq will decide to allow the Americans to remain in Iraq beyond this year, but if not, the Western torch will be handled by the UN:
The UN Security Council on [July 28] unanimously adopted a resolution to extend for a year the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) as the current mandate is set to expire on July 31, 2011.The resolution, which was drafted by the United States, stressed that "challenges to security in Iraq still exist and that improvements need to be sustained through meaningful political and national unity".
Whatever. The UN looks like it's being led by the Americans on this Iraq deal. With all the talk lately in these Iraq updates of the Carthaginian child-sacrifice god, Melkart, see how the above article ends: "Last week, Ad Melkert, who is UN Secretary-General's special representative for Iraq, said that there is ground for 'cautious optimism' in Iraq." In my mind, "cautious optimism" means real slow and steady, we need to stay in Iraq, but lets not admit why we're really here.
And then see the Bowen surname in Iraqi affairs:
The security situation in Iraq is more dangerous than it was a year ago, according to a government watchdog report issued [July 30] that cites more attacks on US troops, a continuing wave of assassinations targeting Iraqi officials, and [blah blah].'Iraq remains an extraordinarily dangerous place to work,'' Stuart Bowen, the US special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, wrote in his quarterly report to Congress and the Obama administration. 'It is less safe, in my judgment, than 12 months ago.'' Translation: the Illuminati wants to stay and keep un-named fingers working.
Irish Bowens were first found in Cork. That's where the Carthaginians were traced in the last couple of updates. In the last update, you may have noted that i traced the Boofima human-sacrifice cult to BOUGHies and Bogens of Bavaria, and so note the Boughan variation of the Bowens. Do you trust these fingers in Iraq?
You may have read that I trace the green heraldic mound to Libya and/or Cyrene, and that I trace a stag of several Hanni(bal)-like surnames to Carthaginians. The Welsh Bowens? A stag on a green mound. It's the same stag design used exactly by the Annabel/Hannibal Crest.
As incentive by Obama to Maliki in efforts to soften the latter, and to thereby use him to convince Iraqi lawmakers to extend the U.S. military presence, Obama seems to have offered Maliki some war machines in what must be a very good deal:
...Maliki also announced his government would buy 36 F-16 fighters from the US, doubling the number of aircraft it had initially planned to buy....Ali Mussawi, media adviser to Maliki, told the AFP news agency on [July 30] that a meeting of political leaders to debate whether or not any US soldiers should stay on, originally scheduled for [July 31], had been indefinitely delayed.
We don't hear Obama-ites and other Dem-ypocrites clamoring; "Bring the troops home."
What's this? Zhirinovsky being honored by Medvedev??? That's an unexpected one. I've long written off that Zhirinovsky will be the Russian anti-Christ. He got too soft against Israel and the West, and wasn't taken seriously enough by the Russian people to advance politically. The Moscow-Times article isn't about him, however, but on Russia's current dissatisfaction with the European missile system planned by the U.S. The Russians are now saying: ""They're practically not hiding the fact that the [NATO missile] system will be directed against Russia, not against some mythical state in the Middle East." This is very alarming, actually, because Obama cares so much for the reset button. It suggests that Russia is still dangerous under it's friendly facade. The article also tells about a bombing of the U.S. embassy in Georgia's capital last year, an event that I didn't see in the news (but then I no longer cover Georgian news).
In the last update, I suggested that president Medvedev might have ancestry in British families related to Putin-like British families. One may think that we should be able to prove or disprove that easily, but there's a strange pattern that's been cropping up. For example, the president Bushes are not really Bushes, but from Scherf(f)s, and Obama looks to me like he's from a Davis. There's been indication that the Nazi-ish Illuminati, or organized government crime or call it whatever you will, has given false parentage to some of its high-level operatives. And even Putin's stated parents are doubted by some people.
One of my jobs at present is to find some sort of evidence on how far, whether close or not at all, we may be to the prophetic 70th Week. The idea that the United States wants to distribute coins to replace paper dollars could indicate that we are not very close to a cashless society, unless coins are part of the plan to get the people to reject cash (doubtful). However, the American coins are not very popular, by which I mean to suggest that there may be some influential group(s) behind the issue that is working against them.
I had noted that the Canadian government, which I have a tendency to view as a UN pet, developed both one- and two-dollar coins many years ago, which I thought was not conducive to a cashless skincode program. It could therefore be that the skincode will be the product of a group not yet markedly visible on the tops of the UN mountain, so to speak, or of another world-government organ. The first Canadian coin came out in 1987, but the second coin was in 1996, i.e. at a time when many thought that global powers were bent on leading a path to a cashless society. Why go to all the trouble of minting coins if a country is dedicated to going cashless?
I'm starting to regret very much for having written so much to steadily-reading Christians in the past two years. I truly thought that we could be on the prophetic threshold as of Obama. It looked like it was truly panning out. As some consolation, others too thought the same. BUT, Obama may be back in 2011, and things could happen fast at that time. Putin is expected back in the presidential throne in 2012 too. Trying to predict the future Middle East is in limbo right now until we know who gets the U.S. throne in 2012. The expectations might be considerably different with a Republican "king." The Russians might become more hostile, and the Republican king might not be as scary to them as Bush was.
I apologize to Tim for not getting to the list of Lindsey septs that he found. But here I finally get to that topic. It was timely that I should open his aging May-30 email, with the Lindsey-sept list, when I was on the Briancon topic in July. One of the septs is Downey, and it just so happened that I opened the email just as I was showing the Downey lions in the Brian Coat. Amazing. As you can see that the Brian Coat shows "Lamh" and "laidir" evidence (see last update on the laidir term) to Briancon on the Durance river, it could just be that the Lindseys are therefore from the Ligurians (probably the Salyes) of that river.
When I was on the Brian topic last, I mentioned the "Fiat" motto term of the Bryce Coat (the latter also uses the Brians- and Downey-style lion). I used the Fiat term as evidence for a Salyes link to the Foetes location in Bavaria, but I failed to notice, until just this moment, that the Lindsey-sept list includes Fodderingay, Foderinman, Fotringham and other such variations.
The Ildowney sept of Lindseys could suggest that "Downey" developed as a variation of "Lindsey," but this is not conclusive. The swan in the Lindsey Crest (shown in the sept page) certainly reinforces a Lindsey trace to Briancon's Ligurians, and it may even be that Lindseys are a sept of Brians and/or Bryces. The swan in this Lindsey Coat is of the same design as per the English Carrey Crest (not to mention the Plate/Blatten Crest), and not only does the Irish Carrey/Harry Coat (Kilkenny) show just the Downey-and-Brian style lion once again, but the English Carreys (Sales-like Coat) were first in Somerset while the Lindsey-sept list shows variations such as Soamers, Somers, Somner, Sumer, and Summer.
I had even shown many times that the Ligurian-swan bloodline, which I view as the Ligurians who named Savona, were in Somerset as per the Savone/Saffin/Saven surname. If that's not enough, the "Endure" motto term of the Lindseys is a potential code for the Durance river.
In consideration of the Irish-Carrey Crest having the same spear as in the Dunham and Singletary Crests, we could probably guess correctly that the Downeys, Dooneys, Douneys, and Dunneys -- all Lindsey septs -- link to the Singletary>Dunham bloodline to Obama's mother. The Dunham Coat uses a dancette, as does the Somer/Summer Coat, and the latter's dancette is in the colors of the Wolfley Coat, yet another Obama bloodline in his mother's near-ancestry. There seems to be no doubt about it, that Obama was from the Lindsey bloodline.
The Annabel/Hannibal stag was shown again in the last update, identical in design to the Doun/Down stag. The Plow Crest (see last update for Plow links to the Butler-branch Butteri/Kilpatricks) uses a version of this stag and a Dunham-like dancette (Dunhams show "Downham" and "Dounham").
The same stag in the paragraph above is used by the Bowens mentioned not far above, and yet I had no idea that I would be on this comparison when I was writing on the Bowen stag. Like the Doun stag, the Bowen stag has a symbol on the shoulder, and the latter uses a trefoil, a symbol of the Rockefellers. Obama's mother (Anne Dunham) is a known worker for Rockefellers, and the Irish Davis Coat uses trefoils.
Technically, the Bowen stag has the trefoil in its mouth. As we're about to trace Lindseys to the Rhodes clan, remember that an ancient Rodes clan (different spelling) of Languedoc married the Roquefeuils (of Languedoc) and that the Rodes Coat therefore shows trefoils.
In the last update and the one before that, I had been showing how Anthonys and Toenis should link to Carthaginians. Now, in the Lindsey write-up: "First found in Lanarkshire where they were descended from Randolph Lord of Toeni..." I happen to know that the Toeni Coat uses the Hasting-Coat "sleeve," which symbol got to the Arms of Leicester...not forgetting that the Leicester/Leinster Crest also uses a swan.
? In the Toeni write-up: "First found in Leicestershire where Ralph de Toni received lands of the Lordship of Belvoir for his services as Standard bearer at Hastings in 1066 A.D." The sleeve may even have been on the flag that was used in the Norman/Sinclair invasion of the Hastings region (Sussex theater). That region was given a cinquefoil symbol, as I discovered, because Hastings and four other neighboring port locations were called, "Cinqueport." I was able to prove the theory in large part because the Dover Coat uses a huge cinquefoil while Dover was one of the Cinqueport cities.
The "sleeve" could be code for the Sullivan-branch Salyes (and/or Salassi of Aosta).
There's even a way to trace the Rhind, Rhynd, and Rind septs of the Lindseys to Ligurians. The Rind Crest's "flower pot," for example, could link to the Pot and Potter / Botter surnames, and while one Pot(t)s surname uses an "astute" motto term (smacks of "Hasting")" that for me indicates Asti and/or Aosta, where Ligurians lived, the French Pots (in the same colors) were first found in Berry, where the BITURiges lived and feasibly also the namers of neighboring Poitiers. The Potters are said to be from "potus," while the French Pots show a Potes variation.
It's important to add that the Bituriges were the root of the Bellovesus Gauls that invaded Ligurian realms, for as i trace Bellovesus to the Bells / Bellamys, so we find that the Pot Coat shown above is the Bell / Bellamy Shield in colors reversed. (For the record, variations of that Pot(es) surname include pelican-like Paulx and Peaulx.)
Several months ago I discussed the Medley tiger and linked it tentatively to the tiger that was given as a gift to president Putin of Russia (now the prime minister). I remarked on how "Medley" smacks of "Medvedev." It is therefore INCREDIBLE that when i mentioned the potential Medvedev and Putin link to British Illuminati families above, that I had not yet gotten to this bloodline topic perhaps an hour or less later. I now find that the English Pot Crest is the same design (though called a leopard) as the Medley tiger!!!
Back in the days when I was discovering the cinquefoil link to the Cinqueport cities, I noted that Potters use a cinquefoil in colors reversed to the Dovers, and boy-oh-boy does that ever fit into the discussion at hand. Potters were first found in Hampshire, beside the Sussex-theater Cinqueports. But Hampshire is also where the Bidens/Buttons/Buddins and Botters/Bodes were first found, while it's not a coincidence that Puttens were first found in Sussex. The Putins/Paddans were first found in Dumfriesshire, where the Kilpatrick Butteri were first found, and the Putins/Paddans use half the (Kil)Patrick saltire.
I don't know what's going through your head as I write these things down, but with Obama's man in Iraq being a Biden surname, and with all the Putin-like terms entering the picture, one could get the impression that there's an identical or related Illuminati group involved at the highest levels of the two "super-powers."
Did you happen to notice that the Putten Coat uses black-on-white stars, the colors of the Medley stars? The symbol on the shoulder of the Doun/Down stag is a black-on-white star too, and then the Bowen surname, using the Doun/Down stag, shows a "falcon" in Crest that is rather identical to the one in the English-Botter Crest.
On the Fodderingham sept of Lindseys, check out the "Beit Fast" motto of the Fodderingham Coat. As that clan was first found in Angus, beside Fife, I recalled the Baits/Beiths if Fife (i.e."Be it" is code for the latter surname). Compare the green dragon in the Bait/Beith Crest with the green griffin in the Fodderingham Crest (these green dragons should link to the same of the similar Waldwins and Baldwins, but even the Dover Crest is similar). Note how some of these green dragons are issuing from a turret/castle or similar coronet/crown, for the Lindsey swan is likewise.
The English Fort surname uses black-on-white stars in its Chief, but it too uses a symbol issuing from a turret/castle. Like the Pot motto, the Forts use "fortis," while Lindseys use "fort." That motto of the Pots is in the Pot Coat using the Medley tiger, and not only is that Coat in Dunham-Coat colors, but Pots were first found in Durham while I trace the Dunhams to Durham's old name, Dunholme.
I recall tracing Medleys to Maverleys / Maberlys that had a Med-like variation, but suffice it now to show yet another tiger in the Maybe Coat, for that tiger is on a split red-and-blue Shield, the colors of the split Fort Shield above. Should you be interested further, the Fort-colored stars are used by the Maver/Mayver Coat, and you might want to compare the Maberly variations (e.g. "Mapilard") with the Maple/Marple surname (another split Shield). There is even a Maypole surname registered under the Marples of Cheshire, which can certainly serve to prove LG's idea that "maple" derives in "May pole."
The Rind sept of Lindseys was first found in Fife too (as were the Baits/Beiths), and as added evidence that the Obama bloodline links to Lindseys, the Rand/Rynd Coat uses a white-on-red triple chevron -- the Singetary symbol -- on the shoulder of what I suppose is the Ley/Ligh lion. And just as I expect the Lindseys to have been the namers of the Lindsey/Lindsay location, otherwise known as Lincolnshire, so the Rands/Rynds were first found in Lincolnshire. (For those who don't know, a Jonathan Singletary in Obama's ancestry changed his surname to Dunham, which line led to Obama's mother). Remember, the Singletary spear is also the Dunham spear.
As the Baits/Beiths are interpreted (by me) as the Butteri in Bute, it does appear further that Lindseys were a part of the Butteri heart of the Illuminati. And how did Hal Lindsey get to sell so many books, anyway, on Zionism, pre-tribulationism, and erroneous views on prophecy? Wikipedia: "[Hal] Lindsey, the son of Percy Lacy Lindsey and Daisy Lee Freeman, was born in Houston, Texas." "Percy" and "Lacy" are two terms that I trace to Ligurians of the swan- and grail line. Irish Freemans were first found in Cork, and English Freemans (in Maple colors) were first found in Essex, where Maples were first found.
As I tend to trace the Maples to the beloved May pole symbol of the Bavarian Illuminati, isn't it suspicious that Freemans use "lozenges," the symbol of Bavaria/Bayern. Then, at the top of the Lindsey list of septs, we find Bayers, Berres, Beyers...but in between the Beyers and Buyers we find "Bushes." I had never thought of entering "Bushes" before, but doing so now brought up the bear of the English Beare/Bear/Beer clan.
This seems to vindicate what you may have doubted strongly. You may recall where I traced (3rd update in July) the Bush surname to the Barrs/Baars because I suspected that the white-on-blue fleur-de-lys of the Bush's (and Bosches) was a form of the white-on-blue fish of the Baars of Bar-de-Duc. In that update, it was surmised that Baars (of Brunswick's Este line) were of the bear line to Bernicians (the Baar surname shows a Baer variation). In the distant past, I linked the Rhodes clan of Lincolnshire to the Bears/Beers above, for both the deBeers and Rhodian Illuminatists were involved in diamond mining. Lozenges are diamonds. The bear is a symbol of Russia.
I recall, when first tracing the Rhodes clan to the Angus (many years ago), it had not to do with the Rinds, and yet the two surnames may actually be variations. It could explain why Rinds/Rhynds were first found beside Angus. It could explain why the Rands/Rinds use a red lion, as do the Rhodes'. That idea just led to an investigation, and so here is, WOW, a Rond surname using a Coat smacking of the Rodes-Coat trefoils, and showing many Rond-using variations but also "Redonet" and "Redonin." The Rodes clan was first found in Languedoc, where the Redones/Ruthene (or Rodez) lived, and surely the Rodes' were named after them. (For anyone tracking the cowboy-spur symbol, the Italian Rondas use them in Rind-Coat colors.)
The English Bushes/Beers use the same bear as the German/Bavarian Bayers, and moreover "Bushes" brings up the Scottish Byers/Byris Coat (white on blue again, colors of the Bavarian lozenges). It therefore appears that Bushes were Barrs / Beers / Bayers / et-al! I'll repeat that Baars of Este were traced to the St. Bernard region (Lys theater) of Aosta. (Lozenges are also used by Dutch Lynds).
The German Baar/Baher Coat looks connectable to the Rands/Rynds of Lincolnshire and therefore to the Singeletarys (one needs to have a little educated intuition to see it), but in any case the Baar write-up traces to a Bushes-like term: "Baar is a name for a person who was short and stout, as the name was derived from the Latin word 'Bassus,' which means 'thick' or 'wide." Never mind that simpleton "thick" derivation for the Baars. That write-up looks like code for the Bushes (who come up when entering "Basses")...who are not shown in any part of the Baar write-up, nor in the list of Baar variations. That could be a big secret of the Bush family...that Tim has been helpful in revealing by passing along the Lindsey list of septs; otherwise we may never have known that the president Bush's were from the Baar-of-Bavaria line.
After writing the paragraph above, I came to the red-on-old lion of the Dutch Boschs/Bos', the color of the Rand/Rynde lion.
Hmm, as Bar-de-Duc is in Mousson (north France in relation to the little Meuse river, and in the Lys-river theater of that region), I checked for a Moose surname (Bauer-colored star in Chief) just now to find one from the Bavarian theater, which is completely amazing because I was hoping that very minute (just before seeing the Moose write-up) to be able to link the Baars of Mousson to the Bushes line in Bavaria. Moreover, the Mousson surname was first found in Yorkshire, as with the same-colored Bush surname. As the Meuse river was the "Maas," note that the Maas surname is registered with the Marrs, likewise first found in Yorkshire.
If that's not enough, the Dutch Bosch/Bos Coat shows blocks, the symbol of the Moss Coat. The latter's Crest is once again a griffin in a turret/castle. SUDDENLY, we are not only able to trace the Bush's to the Baars of Mousson, but to the Lindsey line to which Obama traces. What have we wroughten here?
The "Esse" motto term of the Bowens deserves an investigation into possible links to the Catti peoples of East Lothian: i.e. the Keith clan there. I'm keeping in mind that Scottish Bowers were first found in Peebleshire (and will add as per the conclusion below that swan-using Locks were also first found in Peebleshire), beside Lothian. The Bowens were first found in PEMBROKeshire, by the way, a term I trace to "Bamburgh" of the Bebba/Bebbanburg-related Bernicians, and/or to Babenberg-related Bamberg of Bavaria. It looks like we're all over the Bavaria-Hesse Illuminati that many link the German Bauers>Rothschilds to. There were Catti peoples also at Hesse (Germany) , keep in mind. The Keiths of East Lothian then look like they ought to link to Basses/Bushes/Byers clan, first found in east Lothian. No? I say yes, and lookie, for in the Haddington region that Keiths live(d) in, there is a Musselburg, smacking of the Bushes link to Mousson et-al.
The Mussel surname (the Coat of which strikes my educated intuition as a Meschin-Coat variation) was first found in Lincolnshire, and while that in itself may not be enough evidence of a link to the Lincolnshire Lindsey clans, what about the fact that the white roundels in the Mussel Coat are called, "plates"? The German Plates/Blattens use the same swan design as the Lindsey Crest. NOW, let's go back to Hal Lindsey's father, Percy Lacy Lindsey. Ranulf le Meschin married Lucy of Lincolnshire, and meanwhile le Meschin's Massey bloodline was from Perche, which I traced to the Percys (lozenges), also first found in Yorkshire.
THEN, I had also traced "Perche" to the Percivals (MUZZLed bear like the Macey Muzzled bear) and Perses/Pierces/Peers (in Mussel colors) of SOMERset (!!!), out of which Lindseys had some septs, quite apparently. As mythical Percival was made the father of lozenge-like Lohengrin, the so-called Swan Knight, what about that swan in the Lindsey Crest???
It appears that the Lindseys were linked to the Mussels, does it not? But then by what coincidence can it be that Hal Lindsey's mother is a Freeman surname while the English Freeman Coat uses gold lozenges on blue, the colors of the Percy lozenges??? Moreover, both the Freemans and Mussels use wolves in Crest.
Then, as Irish Freemans were first found in Cork, where MUSkerry is located, one has very good reason for tracing Muskerry to the Mussel and/or Meschin bloodline of Ligurian swans. Those Ligurian elements in Muskerry were found (recent update) to be hooked up with MacCarthy-branch Carthaginians, and that now traces them to the known link (I know it, anyway) of mythical Lohengrin to Elissa/Tyrian-rooted Carthaginians.
You may be suspecting that Freemans were at the "Freemason" code, and indeed I identified that code with the Frey/Freie surname (Bavaria) because it uses the same lion as the Massin/Mason lion. But now we can add that those lions are in the colors of the Freeman lozenges.
It should be said that Hal Lindsey is opposed to Obama as a sort of anti-Christ figure. Hal now belongs to a Republican-minded World Net Daily. Hal's third wife (whom he divorced like the others, and married a fourth) was a Michaelsen (Norwegian?), and Michaels are clearly a Meschin bloodline. Norwegian Michaelsens are in Perse/Pierce colors.
Now look. The Rinds were a Lindsey sept and first found in Fife next to Angus where the Fodderingham sept of Lindseys were first found. But the Scottish Michaelsons were also first found in Angus. These Michaelsons show a MacGilliemichael variation, and then the Rinds use, not just any old flower pot, but a "A flower pot containing gillie flowers." The Gillie surname was then first found in Lothian, where the Mussels were first found. The Gillie ship has been shown before to be the DeMere ship. Somewhere on this update page (I can't recall the surname) there was a Coat using the "Temere" motto term that I see as code for DeMeres.
It should be added that Roussillon of the Languedoc's Redones was "Rosellon" to the Spanish, and that it's likely trace-able to "Roslin" of Lothian after considering this discussion.
A Gillie description tells that the Crest is a "mountain cat" while the motto is: "Touch not the cat bot a glove." That sounds like a connection to Lothian's Cati. The "mountain" may be code for the two Mountain clans (one first found in Essex, where Freemans were first found), both of which use what could be the Messey/Messier Shield. We then find the Mount/Monty surname using the Rand/Rynd (and Ley/Legh) lion, and first found in Peebleshire. The Mount/Monty lion is also the Scottish lion, and that explains why it's crowned. Note the mound under the lion, as though the mound in other Coats is code for this clan.
The English Michaels/Mitchells (Surrey) use gold scallops as do the Rinds, as well as a Coat in colors of the Perses. The related Scottish Michaels', instead of lozenges, use hollow diamonds called "mascles," and so not the Muscel variation of the Mussels...who use a Coat like the Meschins/MASCULines. Now you know many important Illuminati links, but there are slews of such links in the last many updates. Copy these things into your computers, world, before I and this website may disappear suddenly.
Am I claiming that Hal Lindsey is an Illuminatist on the Republican side, I don't know. He doesn't appear to have kept well to Godly principles, and has been accused of stealing books from others to make his fortunes. Even worldly media unexpectedly praised him, an evangelist.
Per chance the antelope in the Singletary Crest is code for the Antel/Anquetille surname (leaves) showing dancette-like variations. In the last update I remarked on how the Dance/Danse fesse evokes the Dutch Putten Coat, but now I see that Antel/Anquetille variations include Danctill, Danctille and Danquetil. If the Dunham dancette traces to this bloodline, then perhaps I was way out of line to trace the dancette to the dance symbol of the ancient mythical Maenads.
As the white-and-blue Lindsey checks can be gleaned as the checks of the Stewarts (the latter lived in Lanarkshire, where the Lindseys were first found), what about the red tiger (communist color) in the Irish Allen/Ellen/Hallion Crest??? Hal Lindsey sure liked the Gog=Russia topic, and even the Rhodes surname (Lincolnshire) uses red lions while we can suspect that the Russian Communists (starting with Lenin in 1917) were linked to the Rhodian elements of British-Rothschild circles.
One of the Allen/Hallion motto terms was traced in the past to the Friend surname (more stags, in Allen/Hallion colors), first found in Somerset where we expect some Lindsey-bloodline clans. The Friends use the Wayne Shield, (the two could be linked to the Fodderingham Coat) and, hmm, the Wayne-Crest pelican reminded me of the pelican-like variations of the Pots clan, noting to that one Pot Crest uses the leopard design that's also called a tiger. (by now you know that Stewarts also use the pelican on nest). This reminds me of a woman with Teague surname by marriage who was a Friend by maiden name. It turns out that Teagues use a "Summum" motto term as well as a "metuam" motto term, much like the "metam" term of the Rothschild-related Scottish Bowers/Beauers.
It can be added that the Soamer sept of Lindseys could link to the Alan-like Coat of the Soams (hammers/martels), said to be traced to a Soham location (Suffolk) held by a "Count Alan." Some Lindsey septs related to their Somer sept are shown as: Sumpson, Sumption, and Sumpton. We then find a "Semper" motto term (that I've never yet decoded strictly) in the Scottish Lynd/Line Coat. It's not beyond reason that the Somers are a Sam(p)son bloodline, especially as the Somer Crest is a fox.
I had remarked many months ago on how the Teague chevron is like the Toker chevron, and at that time I was already linking these two clans to the Puttens (and therefore to other Putten-like surnames that may apply).
Now is the time to go back to the Boscath/BozKETH location of ancient Israel, in the Hebron theater, that I ventured to trace (3rd update of July) to the Butteri and to the Keith and Hesse Catti. We saw a motto above using "cat" and "bot," which is the same motto of a cat-like surname of Ireland. I couldn't recall the spelling (something like "Chatan") and so I tried a few, coming to the very Butteri-interesting Chatan Coat. I was reading that they were first found in Poitiers (!!!) before realizing that the Coat is a red-on-white bar/bend with red symbols on the bend, just like the Italian Botter Coat!!!!! (Five marks means you're reading something extra-special.) I had given the Lucca location in which the Botters were first found as evidence of a Botter=Butteri trace to Boscath, for it was beside Lachish.
The paragraph above is great evidence of a "Butteri" trace to "Poitiers" and to the locale Bituriges.
The Catt/Kett surname should also apply because it was first found in Norfolk, where the Fulkes (from Anjou) were first found. The Butteri lived on a Fiori river leading to Velch, a term that i traced solidly to Fulks of Anjou, who were ruling in the Poitiers theater. Mystery solved. The English Norman/Plantagenet kings were Butteri from Boscath, Lachish, and neighboring Hebron.
In the second update of November, 2000, I was once again stumped by the clans that use the "touch not the cat bot a glove" motto, and finding it now, I see that I happened then on the Cattel surname, likewise first found in Norfolk. The update shows that motto in the Hagee Coat (looks like a branch of Teagues). The Glovers (i.e. as per the "glove" motto term") were first found in Norfolk too. In the Glover Crest, the Fulk wings.
The same motto is used by McIntoshes, where we see a "Petty" in the write-up. THEN, checking the Petty Coat, there is an elephant in Crest, very suspicious because Boscath was traced (by me) to Bozrah, the city ruled by Esau, father of elephant-like Eliphas. Scottish Pettys use parrots. Finally, I found that the McIntoshes were part of "Clan Chattan" (with two 't's), and so that's the bloodline using "Don't touch the cat bot a glove." The "touch" term appears to be code for the McinTOSHes.
The Chattans, like the Chatans, use a white-on-blue bar? And, the Chattans use an "omniBUS" motto term. The write-up tells what branches belonged to the Chattan alliance. Those of you who had read my first attempts to trace the Boscath region know that I traced it to Lake Van (Armenia), but that was an eternity ago it seems. It can now be added that the Beans are listed as a branch of Clan Chattan, and not only do Beans show that motto above, but they are showing Vain and Van variations. Other Bean variations (e.g. Bain) smack of the Biaini, the peoples thought to have founded/named Lake Van. Big point there, without an exclamation mark; it means that the obvious trace to Esau-ites has shaken me up and taken the wind out of me. It's remarkable to the point of deep reflection. It's a shame that Esau had to be an idiot, and that his sons had to war against God...to this day.
Davidsons are listed as a Clan- Chattan branch. The English Davidson/Daveyson Coat (where have we seen that stag before?) and write-up are interesting, traced therein to a Baden-like location. It's Badenoch of Inverness elements, and the place has a surname (in Arms of Baden colors). The Davids/Daveys could and should be a Dawney branch, all trace-able to mythical Daphne elements...way back to the Buto cult of the Sebennytos branch of the Nile. Badenochs are linked in their write-up to Picts, who may have been the Pictones of Poitiers. You get it: Butteri may have named Badenoch. I did trace Inverness to Nahorites in other ways.
The Dutch Catt surname uses the cross of the Burgs. From the last update:
...It's important because the Borgias are in the red and gold colors of the French Borgias, who are shown properly as Bourges. That's the name of Berry, France [where Bituriges lived].I can add that the Bourges/Borgias appear linked to Rockefellers [none of this update was then even conceived] in that the Bourges cross (called a moline and used by Molines), has the same ends as the rooks in the Rook Coat. The Rooks are Rockefellers from the Roquefeuils of Languedoc, where the Bourges/Borgia clan was first found.
Somewhere above in this update (not far up), the Borgias bull was used...which is also the Boss bull and Boso bull (the latter used Butteri / Chattan colors). The Boson/Bosni surname (arrows) was, yet again, first found in Norfolk. Recall that the Boschs, and therefore, the Bush's/Buschs were traced tentatively to "Boscath."
It's amazing that, immediately after this topic that started with the Lindseys, I had Scientiology cued as the next topic. Here it how that topic starts:
...That's just one of the takeaways from Janet Reitman's controversial book about the world's most controversial and secretive religion. "Inside Scientology" chronicles L. Ron Hubbard's creation of Scientology six decades ago and traces its development into the faith of choice for movie stars such as John Travolta and Tom Cruise.In an interview with TheWrap, Reitman, a Rolling Stone contributing editor, addressed blackmail rumors and talked about why Kabbalah may represent a bigger threat to it than any "South Park" parody.
...Q: There are all these rumors that celebrities like Cruise remain Scientologists because the church knows all their secrets and they fear blackmail. Any truth to that?
A: I didn't go into that too much in my book, but it seems obvious.
It was while reading that in the news days ago that it was realized how "Hubbard" smacks of the Hebburn location of the Hebburn/Hebron/Hepburn surname. Like the Chatan Coat, the Hebron Coat too uses a red rose, the symbol of Rhodes elements, and of the Kabalistic Rosicrucians. Cruise surname; the Rosy-Cross. Travolta? Possibly a Traby line. In any case, as we saw way above the Butteri trace to Sussex, so the Keep surname was first found in Sussex. That's important because "Keep" smacks of "HEPburn," while the Hebburn/Hepburn Coat uses a "Keep" motto term. And look, hard-of-believing, that the Keep Coat is the Arms of Baden (Germany).
The Keefes (of Cork) and therefore the same-colored Coffees had been traced to "Kiev" (Ukraine), and so I would suggest that the Hebron bloodline traces to the naming of Kiev. That is, the Varangians took Hebron elements to Kiev because Varangians -- the bear line out of Zahringen-and-Veringer Baden -- ruled in Kiev...before they co-founded Moscow with the Kievian locals (Slavs). That's the bear line to Russia's bear symbol. See last update for Coffee-like surnames and where they led to. The German Kauf Coat uses roses in Botter colors.
Therefore (but not just because of the last sentence), anyone who lives in Kaufman county beside Dallas is living with (loosely speaking) Edomites/Esau-ites of Hebron elements, for the Butteri trace to Dallas and other parts of Texas without question.
In the last update, the Coffey-like surname were linked to Baughie-like surnames even though the two terms may not have had the same derivation. The Baughies were found to be the Boofima link to Bauers (and probably Bogens) of Bavaria. I knew in my intuition that Bauers trace back to the Sava theater of Herzegovina, and there is even a Bohun-like region at the source of the Sava. Just a few days ago, I discovered that my son's girlfriend, has a Herzog surname, and checking it because it smacked of "Herzegovina," what was found but what looks like a version of the blue Bauer wings. Moreover, Herzogs were first found in Bavaria, and the Herzog Coat is split into the colors of the Bauer stars. The Herzog wings are uses by the Bachs , first found in Bavaria.
Then, as per the Hartzog variation, we find that the Hartz surname (red antlers, symbol of the Zahringens/Veringers) uses a heart in Herzog colors, and was likewise first found in Bavaria. This recalls that the heart symbol of the French Savidges was previously traced to Sava-river Saracens. Later, it was discovered that the Saracas of the Herzogovina theater use a white-on-blue fish, the colors of the Bavarian lozenges. After that, it was discovered that Hericys>Cerisys trace to "Herze(govina), and that they smack of "Saraca." After that, it was discovered that the English Fisher Coat (dancette) looks like two Hare Coats, and that the German Fishers/Fischs use the very fish design in blue that is presented by other Sava-suspect surnames in white-on-blue. After that, it was discovered that the Fisher-King grail cult should link to the white-on-blue (or gold-on-blue) Baar fish, and it just so happened that Baars looked like Bavarians but were trace-able to the bear-line Zahringers in Baden. If that's not enough, the Baar Coat looks like the makings of the Arms of Baden. That recalls where I suggested years ago, then retracted, the idea that "Zahr" derived in a Bahr=bear term. I retracted it because it made some sense to trace "Zahr" to "Khazar" (i.e. the Cohens/Kagans of Germany).
I had traced the grail cult to Dallens/DeLANEs, and so see that the lion in the German Fisher Coat is found in the Irish Lein/Lane Coat, and that the latter is also the Arms of Baden. There is a good chance that the Lein surname connects with the Ligurians of Leinster, and the grail cult must always trace to Lohengrin Ligurians. English Leins/Lanes (copper-colored horse in Crest) use stars in Bauer-star colors, and what appear to be the Brian / Bryce lions that trace to Briancon on the river that was home to the Salyes Ligurians. The latter Leins/Lanes are also "Lone," smacking of the Texas "Lone Star" that i trace to Botters of the Butteri theater.
By the time that I started seeing Butteri links to the Boofima/Baphomet cult, it was solidifying that the proto-Bauers of the Sava/Herzegovina theater were the Boofima cult entering Europe by way of the Carthaginian human-sacrifice cult. It was at that time that Butua was discovered, a location not far south of the Ragusa home of Saracas. At the same general time, it was becoming apparent that the Boofima cult had passed by way of Taranto, not just because there was food evidence of a Toronto Maple Leaf link to Bauers and the Bavarian Illuminati, and not only because there was good evidence of a Toronto link to Taranto, but because mythical Satyrion (smacks of the goat-depicted Satyrs) was made the mother/origin of Taranto, thus explaining the goat head used by Baphomet.
Then, last night, after a two-week absence from the tribwatch email box due to the many things I had to say, I finally got back to email to see if God had yet more direction. I know by now that He always seems to come through with more direction. I opened first of all emails from emailer Patterson, a Butteri-bloodliner herself who keeps horses. She shared the online page below:
If anyone in your family is horse crazy, they needn't pine for their favorite animal while they're in Italy. Did you know that Tuscany has its own breed of horses -- il maremanno -- and its own cowboys -- i butteri -- who have trained their mounts to accomplish seemingly impossible feats?...Throughout the year, weekend rodeos and equestrian shows are held in countless little villages in southwestern Tuscany (the area around Saturnia called La Maremma)...You just need to understand my goose bumps. I think it was in the very last update that the Butteri trace to Taranto was implied, and here we see the Butteri in their locale of Saturnia, smacking too much of "Satyrion" to be ignored. Moreover, in ancient times, the Molech>Melqart cult that stationed itself in Carthage was also identified as mythical Saturn. I am therefore banking on both a Butteri and Boofima trace to Taranto (not forgetting here that the Coffee Crest uses a naked rider on a dolphin, the symbol of the Arms of Taranto).
It was emailer Patterson that shared a God-given vision (I believe it) on a "Cappeo" term that proved to link to Cappadocia and the copper-cult out of nearby Cyprus, the evidence for that idea coming from various evidence that included the Copper/Couper surnames. It was emailer Patterson's message that "Cappeo" should link to "alpha" in some way, which means "chief/head/first," as we might suspect "Cappa(docia)" means too. To verify further that God was in this vision for very important reasons, emailer Patterson's horse has the name of Copperchief. I'm repeating this because the Coffees and Kaufs may derive from the Copper/Couper bloodline. I suspect the Copps.
The Copemans/Coopmans use a "salus" motto term, and were first found in Norfolk, where the Butteri are suspected. The Copeman bend is colors reversed to the Botter bend, and moreover uses estoiles as code for the Ests/Easts (the latter use a horse head, the same horse head as the Bute/Butt Coat). The Copeman bar is in the same color as the Arms-of-Baden bend. The Copeman Coat (engrailed fesses) is in the colors of the Copps chevron.
Now look, for it seems very apparent that the two engrailed Copeman bars are those of the two engrailed Annabel/Hannibal bars because the latter clan was likewise first found in Norfolk. Suddenly, we can trace Copemans to Carthaginians too. I don't think that it's coincidental that Copelands/Couplands use two red-on-white fesses, the colors of the Annabel/Hannibal fesses. The Copelands/Couplands use their fesses in the blue-on-white colors of the Cappeo>Copia entities such as Yorkshire Bruces and Hallands/Hallams, and Cheshire's Macclesfield, keeping in mind that Copeland, the region, traces to Meschin- and Massey-related Rus in Cheshire.
I didn't realize it until way past this section that Copemans are said to derive in "kaupmaor," while entering "Kaup" brings up the same Coat as entering "Kauf."
While Ranulf le Meschin's Cheshire family ruled Copeland, Hopland was ruled by Hamon de Masci of Dunham Masci (Cheshire). These locations were traced to Opland of Meschin ancestry, the same Opland that was ruled by the Sinclair Rus of More, related to the Norwegian Hallands. Are they coincidences that the Hop/Hopper surname was first found in Bavaria, and that it uses a large anchor, the symbol of the German Kaufman Coat??? Then, we see that the Hops/Hoppers also use a Haugh variation that easily modifies to Kauf and Coffee. I'm keeping in mind that Hops/Hoppers were traced long ago to the Heidler/Hitler (Bauer-colored stars, the Hesse sun) and Heidler surnames.
I can now add that the Hefner Coat (surname first found in Bavaria) smacks of the Heidler Coat!!!
Why does the same fish-design (said to be a salmon in some descriptions) usually under discussion here turn up in the Cobb Coat, where the Crest is an elephant? This discovery was just made this minute, AFTER I wrote the above on the Esau-ite trace to Kaufman county. The Cobbs were first in Suffolk, which is beside Norfolk, and the Cobb chevron is identical to the Hebron chevron, suggesting that Cobbs and Copps and the others are from Bozrah>Boscath elements of Esau.
The theory now is that Copemans and Kaufmans are identical bloodlines. Interestingly, the "Jewish" Kaufman write-up traces to a Lohen(grin)-like term: "The surname Kaufman...was given to a banker, pawnbroker, or usurer. It derives from the German word lehenen, which means to lend." It's rare when we even get a write-up in a "Jewish" Coat. Hmm, the first Rothschild, a Bauer, was a banker in Hesse-Cassel, and I also suggest a trace of "Esau" to "Hesse" while tracing "Boscath" to the Catti co-founders of Hesse.
The Copes (Lancaster, near Copeland) use a red rose as does the Hebron Coat (horse in Crest), and both Hebrons/HEPburns (said to be Bernicians) and Copelands were first found in Northumberland. Remember, the "Keep" motto term of the Hebrons was just traced to Kiev and Coffee elements, suggesting that Coffees and Kaufs were Varangian Rus vikings, exactly what I find in the Cope trace to Sinclair vikings. Remember, the Keep Coat is the Arms of Baden again, and the Hebron Bernicians must trace to the Berne-line Zahringens of Baden (it's known that Zahringers founded bear-using Berne, Switzerland). The Keep Crest is a "weaver's shuttle," in case you want leads on their ancestry, and Weavers ("Esto" motto term) are also Hebron-like Webers.
As additional evidence that Coffees trace to the Taranto-Satyrion Boofima cult, we see the goats in the weaver-like Cheevers Coat and Crest. The Cheevers are also shown as "Chevys" and "Cheves," smacking of the "chevron" that I trace fundamentally to "Hebron." Cheevers use "est" and so should indeed link to Weavers. Moreover, Cheevers are also "Chilvington," smacking of the Chillingham location of Hebburn, the location of named by/after the Hebron clan. The Cheevers write-up:
The Cheever surname is derived from the Anglo-Norman French word "chivere" or "chevre," meaning "goat." The Latin for a nanny goat "capra"...First found in Devon. The first known ancestor of the name was Roger de Chievre [sure does smack of "Kiev"] and Petronilla living circa 1000 A.D. in a town in the south of Belgium called by that name. Roger's sons William Chievre and his brother Ralf de la Pommeraie...A William Cheure, Capra was listed in the Domesday Book as holding land in both Devon and Wiltshire.
I think we have found the Cappeo root here amongst the Norman Sinclairs. Hard to say at this time whether "Petronilla" links to Patterson elements, but this is a good place to re-mention the possible Patterson trace to Petra in Edom, which of course implies a Butteri trace to Petra. There is an Italian Petronilla variation showing in the Petroni Coat. It uses a white rose and what look like the German-Drummond waves, for not only do Kaufs use white roses, but Kaufmans were first found in HANover (Hannibal entity?), near the Drummonds first found in Hamburg. Remember, the Drummond's are symbolized by both waves and a ship, while Kaufmans use an anchor. I don't forget that I traced Pattersons to Drummonds of Ross-shire.
The Petroni write-up takes us exactly to where I'm in the midst of tracing the Butteri: "First found in throughout Italy, although they most frequently appear in the southern Italian regions of Puglia and Sicily." Puglia is where Taranto is found.
As I'm now tracing the goat-using Cheevers both to Taranto's goat cult and to Heidlers, it should be mentioned that the white Heidler anchor was traced long ago (by me) to the same in the Hood/Hudd Crest. The latter surname was first found in Devon, where the Cheevers were first found. The Hoods/Hudds smack of the Huttler variation of Hiedlers/Hitlers, and it should then be re-mentioned that the Hops/Hoppers, using an anchor, are also shown as "Hood." We saw above that Cheever-like Hefners use a Coat like that of the Heidlers, which is itself somewhat like the Hiedler/Hilter Coat. We're on Nazi stomping grounds here, and it seems to trace them to the Varangian founders of Kiev and of Moscow.
As Nazis trace themselves to Aryans, what about the "giants" of the Hebron valley, Israel?
German Weavers/Wiebers use Bauer-colored stars and, in the Crest, the Fulk wings that I link to the Velch Butteri. German Weavers were first found in Saxony, where the German Fishers were first found. I have every inclination to link the Butteri to the fish line of the Arthurian Fisher king. By the way, the King surname (in the colors of the Hood/Hud Chief) was also first found in Devon, and that latter place was founded by fish-tailed Daphne>Dauphine elements.
I can now unmask the Hood/Hudd motto, "Zealous." The Coat uses a "fret," and that traces to the Ferrat region of Aosta, where the Salassi lived. Freemasons must always trace to the Salassi and Salyes.
The idea that the King surname would be behind "Fisher King" is not strange at all, but expected. That's what Freemasons do when they're not invading and pillaging the belongings of others: they think up clever codes and myths to indicate their beloved bloodlines. These are a sick people, obsessed with their own bloodlines. The idea of worshipping bloodlines was passed on from father to son.
BEHOLD. While I was writing the above, linking the King surname to Freemasons, I was waiting for the Sing Coat to load because Kings are said to be from "cyng." The Sings ("vincit" motto term), like the Kings, were first found in Devon, and they not only use (in Crest) the Butt/Bute horse which is also the Est/East horse (this jibes with the Hood/Hudd trace to the Salassi of Aosta, on the Butteri-like Buthier river), but the Sing-Coat horse is identical to the English Frey/Free horse!!! The German Freys/Freies are fundamental to the "Freemason" code; the Rosicrucians did the same when devising "Freemason" as they did when devising "Fisher King." It's all play on surnames. It makes it very easy to uncover their myth codes. Bank on it.
The English Freys/Frees above use a Moor head in Crest, and by now you may know that I link Varangians both to Frisians and to Rhodian Redones. It's time to repeat that Rurik, the Varangian who went into the Slavic-Rus Kiev theater (mid 800s), was also Rurik, the Varangian of Wieringen smack beside Frisia. But Varangians had been from Russi/Ruthene/Redones (Rodez, Languedoc), and so we find Ruthene peoples in the Slav theater. It was the Slav Rus that worshipped Rod, a god of ancestors, but we could imagine that cult stemming from Rhodes, origin of the Redones.
The Frey/Free Coat uses gold garbs, seen also in the English Weaver Coat (as Weavers were first in Cheshire, we assume it's the Arms-of-Cheshire garb). The Weaver motto, "Esto fidelis," smacks of the Frey/Free motto, "Fidelitas VINCIT." The Weaver-Crest description uses "foot," suggesting that "fidelis" here links to Foetes (Bavaria) and/or Footes (Guernsey). The Frey/Free garbs are technically called, "wheat sheaves," suggesting the Sheaves>Shay>Shaw grail bloodline.
LOOK. Italian Sheaves are also "Chaves," smacking of the Cheves variation of the Cheevers. That works, and even serves to explain that Weavers were Sheaves>Shaws...by which we can also trace the latter to Hebron (Israel). The English Sheaves/Shaw motto, "VINCIT qui patitur" (!), assuring linkage to the Freys/Frees. Italian Sheaves/Chaves are also Coffee-like "Cioffani" and Kiev-like "Chiava." The key symbol in the Sheaves Coat is as per the Chiava variation, meaning "key" in Italian (but we shouldn't assume that this was the original variation). As I trace this clan to the Shaw-like Keys/Kays, I'll add that the Key/Kay bird is used by the Hood/Hudd Crest.
I say the Butteri-like Betty/Beaty surname and the Baar-like Barney/Bernier surname use the Sheaves key symbol, and the latter surname uses that white-on-blue fish again that is under discussion. My suspicion that this fish links to Dauphine is highlighted where the Barneys/Berniers were first found there. English Barneys/Bearnays were first found in Norfolk, where Velch-branch Butteri are expected. The red Barney/Bearnay bar/bend should be that of the Copeland bend because both surnames were first found in Norfolk, but then the "salus" motto term and estoiles of the Copelands helps to trace the Barneys to the Baars that I trace to the Salassi-of-Aosta theater. The Barney/Bernier bar uses the round-tailed lion that I trace to the Norwegian-Halland bloodline founded in one IVAR.
Compare the "Nosce teipsum" motto of the Pendragons with the "Te ipsum nosce" motto of the Irish Sheaves/Shaws (eagle style of the Whites, from the Uat/BUTO cult). It suggests that Sheaves/Shaws also trace to Tippers (dolphins) and Tipperary, where the dolphin-using Kennedys were first found. The "patitur" motto term of the English Sheaves/Shaws should be code for the Peats/Petts because they show a Pert variation while Scottish Shaws were first found in PERTHshire. The Peats/Petts/Perts use "Ardens" for a motto, and because the clan links to Pendragons, one can assume that the motto is code for Pendragon's son, king Arthur.
What this shows is that Pendragons and Arthurs were either Varangian Rus or joined to Varangians of Kiev interests. Both Tippers and Pendragons were first found in Cornwall, near the Hoods/Hudds (Daphne-founded Devon), which I mention because both the latter and the dolphin-using Tippers use a white anchor in Crest. That anchor then links back to Kiev-like Kaufmans and related clans.
Scottish Kennedys (dolphins and DAVENport crosslet) were first found in Ayrshire, and that's the home of the Kyles using a white anchor entwined by a serpent, very reflective of the white Kaufman anchor entwined by a rope.
OKAY, SO, what we have now is a trace of Copelands and others to Taranto, right? And that should be why the English Smythe Coat uses "Benigno Numine" for a motto, because it's the Copeland motto exactly. Conn Smythe was one of the first general managers of the Toronto Maple Leafs, preceded only by Charlie Querrie. Copelands were first in Northumberland, and here's the Smythe write-up: "First found in Durham, in present day Northumbria..."
Did you happen to see the fish in the Smythe Crest? The Scottish Smythe Crest is the same, but the fish is now blue!
The English Smythe Coat uses a different motto, "Semper Fidelis," and that reminds us of the Semper term in the Lynd Coat. Earlier above I had said: "Some Lindsey septs related to their Somer sept are shown as: Sumpson, Sumption, and Sumpton. We then find a "Semper" motto term (that I've never yet decoded strictly) in the Scottish Lynd/Line Coat. It's not beyond reason that the Somers are a Sam(p)son bloodline, especially as the Somer Crest is a fox. I'm expecting the fox to be a symbol of the Samson-cult bloodlines, but the point here is that, wholly independent of these considerations, I traced "Smith/Smythe" to "Samson" because I view the Samson cult at Lemnos and Samothrace, where Hephaestus the metal smith was sacred. I reasoned that "smith" derived from "Sames / Samson," terms that I link to the Biblical Shem, and "Sumeria" too. The sun god developed from "Shem," as for example the known sun god, Shamash."
That should explain why the Somer Coat uses a sun, but then the Querrie Coat uses a sun too! And so it appears that Querries and Smythes are related, and that again shows that the Toronto Maple Leafs were a "family affair."
The fact that were tracing to Taranto should also trace to Carthaginians, and certainly "Querrie" smacks of such. That suggests strongly that we are dealing with the Boofima line from Carthage elements to Bavaria. The Querries were first found in Oxford, making the Veres suspect as Querries. Indeed, the Querrie Coat shows a lizard, the symbol of the Garry/Hare Coat too, but then the Garry/Hare Crest is another red fox! I've always identified the Garrys/Hares as Veres due to the "Fear" motto term, which connects to the Fer / Ferrari metals smiths.
Not only did Oxford use a green Beaver that should connect with the green Shield of the Bauers of beaver-like Bavaria, and not only does the Garry/Hare Coat use all green symbols, and not only is the Smythe-related Somers use a partially green Shield, and not only does the Querrie Coat use a green mound that i typically trace to Libyan elements, but the blue-colored Toronto Maple Leafs were originally green as per Querrie's management. The club was being ripped away from Leaf-like Livingstone, but Querrie also could not hold it, which is when it went to Smythe, but just look at the name that Querrie chose for the club, since after all I think I'm tracing the Taranto entity to the Butteri:
...The legal dispute forced the [Toronto] Arena Company into bankruptcy, and it was forced to put the Arenas up for sale. Querrie put together a group that mainly consisted of the people who had run the senior amateur St. Patricks team in the Ontario Hockey Association. The new owners renamed the team the Toronto St. Patricks (or St. Pats for short) and would operate it until 1927. This period saw the team's jersey colours change from blue to green, as well as a second Stanley Cup championship in 1922....After taking control on Valentine's Day 1927, Smythe immediately renamed the team the Maple Leafs (the Toronto Maple Leafs baseball team had won the International League championship a few months earlier and had been using that name for 30 years). The Maple Leafs say that the name was chosen in honour of the Maple Leaf Regiment from World War I.
I did not know that when I traced the Butteri to Patricks. The green color of the Toronto club would, it seems, have been Patrick green, but that doesn't necessarily contradict the trace to the green Bauer Shield. The Scottish Querrie Coat just happens to use a Shield half in Green. The Scottish Querrie/Wharrie motto includes, "Turris fortis," codes that I trace to north-African Amazons.
In consideration of Nicholas de Vere tracing Veres to both royal Picts and royal Scots while also tracing to an "Elvin" entity in Scotland, I supposed that the latter entity was king of Alpin, of the Pict transition to royal Scots. Therefore, see the Quarrie/Wharrie write-up: "First found in on the Isle of Ulva, where they were originally a branch of the 'Siol Alpin,' the descendants of Kenneth Mac Alpin, founder and first king of Scotland during the 9th century." It just so happens that Nicholas de Vere identifies the Elvin entity as mythical Melusine, fish tailed at times, in Avalon. That island was Bute, named that way after the Butteri, though previously the island had been Rothschild-like Rothesay. Are we getting the picture, that the proto-Bavarians and proto-Butteri of Taranto were also in Bute, and that the namers of this island produced the Quarrie clan that first ran the Toronto Maple Leafs...meaning that whoever named Toronto knew of its trace to Taranto (no matter what story they give us for the naming of Toronto).
Apparently, according to the quote above, there were other entities named "Maple Leafs," before the hockey club was named. Let's look at the May surname. German Mays use a turris/tower in white on blue, the symbol in the Quarrie/Wharrie Coat, but in the colors of the leaf of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Look at the border in this May Coat, the same shape and same location as per the Lucca Coat!!!!! Those exclamation marks are because I didn't know this until this minute, after the above was already suggested, and because Italian Botters (using a white-on-blue bar/bend !) were first found in Lucca.
Is that not wild? And I had totally forgotten about the cat in the Lucca Coat when tracing the Butteri to Clan Chattan and its "Touch not the cat bot a glove" motto.
MORE. As we're tracing the Butteri to Taranto's Boofima cult, which in Africa used a leopard as a theme, what about the leopard in the English May Crest? Or, why were these Mays first found in Sussex, where certain Butteri have already been found? English Botters were first in neighboring Hampshire.
Let me re-quote what I said above: "...If that's not enough, the Dutch Bosch/Bos Coat shows blocks, the symbol of the Moss Coat. The latter's Crest is once again a griffin in a turret/castle." I say this because blocks are also used by the English Mays. Emphasis on the May surname here is of course due to the good theory that "maple" is derived from "May pole."
I don't believe in coincidences like that one. It supports the Toronto Maple Leaf trace to the Butteri, which truly should explain why there was a St. Patrick hockey club in Toronto. I find it difficult to believe that latter part is also a coincidence.
Here's more "magic." The original but non-official name of the Toronto Maple Leaf hockey club was "Blueshirts." Checking the Blue surname, there was a Blouard variation, too similar to Ballard, one surname that owned the club after Conn Smythe sold it. Then, looking at the Ballard Coat, I asked myself where I had just seen that griffin, and finding it, it turned out to be in the Maypole Coat!!! WOW. It was under Ballard's ownership that Dave Keon and Johnny Bower were acquired. George Armstrong was already the captain of the Leafs at that time.
But the magic didn't stop there because after writing that, I remembered that the Toronto Maple Leafs owned the St. Louis Blues as a farm club before the St. Louis club made it to the NHL. That can't be another coincidence.
Consider too that along with Ballard, Smythe's sale went in-part to a Basset surname, which has already been traced to Pattersons and Drummonds. The related Bissets (first found in Ross-shire, as with Pattersons) use a white-on-blue bend, the Botter symbol.
Is it coincidental, therefore, the Smythe-Crest bird shows blood drops, as does the Patterson lion and the Kilpatrick dagger? For that matter, blood drops are used also by the Sam/Sammes lion, if that helps to trace "Smith" to the god, Sames.
There is a good chance that the NHL in it's near-entirety was owned by Illuminati families. The Boston Bruins (black and gold logo) are in the colors of the Bruin surname, and the latter uses the Brian lion, and was first found in Leicestershire, and those two points alone tracing the Bruin family to Ligurians. As Briancon was on the river where the Salyes, it can't be coincidental too that the Sales Coat and the Bruin Coat both use black-on-white bends. The Bruin lion is not quite the Brunswick-surname lion shown, but close.
As per the Detroit Red Wings, there is a Wing surname using a red pile ...and more blocks (called "billets." There are "blackamoor" heads in the pile). The Wing write-up: "First found in Perthshire where they were conjecturally descended from a Saxon Thane from Wing in Rutland (near Luffenham) in England." Is that Rutland at Leicestershire??? And why does "Luffenham" smack of the Leaf surname?
The Chicago Blackhawks could secretly be named after the Hawk surname, but the "Black" comes to mind because I link the term to the Block and Plock surnames using...blocks. I've already said that the Black Coat uses the (Kil)Patrick saltire and a lone star in the colors of the lone Botter star.
Both the English Blocks and Bissets use a tree trunk, as does the Rod(h)am Crest. I traced the Rodhams to "Rutland" long ago in-part for cinquefoil reasons. But look at how useful that trace is now that we've just found the Wing surname at Rutland while the Bruins were in neighboring Leicestershire? The Rodham cinquefoil is somewhat like the ermined Leicester cinquefoil. Is it another botincidence that the English Block Coat uses the English Botter falcon? The white-on-blue roses of the Blocks are used also by German Kaufs/Kaups, and that requires the mention that Rodhams and Copelands were first found in Northumberland, for Copemans are said to derive in "KAUPmaor".
WOW, both the Black and Hawk surnames were first found in Lincolnshire. The latter uses "pilgrim's staves," known code for the Pilgrim surname because the Pilgrim Coat uses the staves too. Pilgrims were first found in Norfolk, where the Velch=Fulk-branch Butteri are expected.
All the NHL teams above were part of the old, original six teams. A few days ago, it came to mind that the Montreal CanadDIENs were named after the Dien term, but it wasn't until now that i discovered what looks like the Masci wing in the Dien Coat.
Although the bird species of the Masci wing is not identified, the Dien wing is a "marlion's wing." That could be a spelling mistake, especially as no Marlion surname comes up. The problem is, there is a Marlin as well as a Marlon/Marley surname (from Morlaix, Brittany), the latter (with dolphins) identified by me as a Meschin-Coat variation. Either surname evokes the Toronto MARLborough junior hockey club. In fact, when entering "Marlborough," a Marbury surname (in the colors of the Marlon/Marley bend) comes up with a black Shield and four symbols (pheons) at the corners, just as the Dien Coat is a black Shield with four symbols in the corners. Moreover, I recalled coming across the Marlborough Coat when entering MAYberry. Like the Marlins, the Marburys/Marlboroughs/Mayberrys were first found in Cheshire, where the English Mascis=Masseys were first found.
In other words, it does seem to prove true that "CanaDIEN" is code for the Masci-winged Dien/Dyne/Dyon surname. However, the Montreal Canadiens are in red and white, not the colors of the Dien surname, though the Dean/Dene/Diane Coat is in red and white (with rounded-tail lion).
As we just traced the Canadiens to the Mascis of Piedmont, and as we saw the pheons, a symbol of the Sales-of-Masci, we suspect a trace back to the Salyes Ligurians. This bears out rather well because the Montreal Canadiens were founded by an O'Brien surname, the one that was traced to the Salyes and to Briancon. I think it was in the last update where the DOWNey/Dawney Coat was shown because it is exactly the (O')Brian Coat!!!
It's interesting that more white roses on blue are found when entering "Dawney." In fact, as Dawneys were first found in Yorkshire, I'd say their blue-on-white bend is half the York-surname saltire. For those of you who missed it some weeks ago, the Yorks use a "cupias" motto term, something that I found AFTER emailer Patterson had a vision with a blue-on-white lion named, to the best of her recollection, Cappeo." We understood that the lion was the Halland/Hallam lion, with blood drops, a clan first found in Yorkshire. The other two surnames above that use white-on-blue roses were the cupias-like Kaups/Kaufs, and the Patterson-like Petroni/Petronillas. Copincidence?
The Montreal Canadians also have the nickname, "Habs," and though this is said to be short for "Habitants," I now have another idea. The Hobbs Coat is suspiciously a black Shield with gold like the Dien Coat, but there is an alternative Hobbs Coat that's in red and white. AND YIKERS, the Crest of the second Hobbs Coat is a heron with white fish in beak! It just so happens that the Smythe Crest uses a heron with fish in beak!
As the Smythes were first found where the Copelands were first found, what of the Hopp variation of the Hobbs? Are we not back again to the Coffee bloodline from Taranto's Butteri>Boofima? Remember, Hopland was a domain granted to Hamon de Masci of Dunham Masci, but tracing to "Opland/Upland" of the Sinclair Rus, in Norway but to some degree Danes...i.e. like "Dien/Dyne" and "Dean/Bene." That should explain the rounded-tail lion (= Norwegian-Halland symbol) of the Deans/Denes, but can also explain the blue lion (= Copes-related Halland-surname lion color) of the Hobbs Crest.
It's interesting that Copemans/Coopmans use red, white and blue, the three colors of the Montreal-Canadien uniform. The Coopers/Coupers using the blue saltire (I say it links to the York saltire) were first found in Sussex, where both the Diens/Dynes and Deans/Denes were first found. Therefore, thelogo of the Montreal Canadiens, an 'H' inside of a 'C,' could be code for the Cope/Copp and Hopp bloodlines.
The "cupias" motto term of the Yorks is likely for the Coopers directly. Did I not suggest in the last update that the Brian lions were a symbol of metal smiths? How is it that the Montreal Canadiens appear to trace to the Coopers, named after copper smiths, while the club was founded by an O'Brien surname and moreover linked to the Smythes?
If you are convinced that the "metuam" and "metam" motto terms addressed earlier in this update are code for BaphoMET, what of the "metuas" motto term of the York surname? I trace the Boofima cult to Gorgons of north Africa, and feel sure that the Parisii co-founders of York were Gorgons so as to name that city after "Gorg." It was the Teagues who use the metuam term along with two instances of "nec": "Summum nec metuam diem nec optem" The "diem" is almost "Dien," but the point is, the York motto: "Nec cupias, nec metuas."
I thought I had a good argument for tracing "nec" to the Neckar/Nekkar river, Germany, when investigating the Teagues. The Neckar runs through Stuttgart and a nearby Plock-like location. The Plocks were first found in Oxfordshire, and many trace the Stuttgart logo, a horse, to the Ferrari (car) logo, which puts us right back to the metal-smith clans...but also traces to the Vere rulers of Oxford. Of course, amongst the Veres are protectors of the Baphomet cult.
Both Plocks and Blocks use blocks, and the latter once again uses white-on-blue roses, which are now suspect as the white rose of York as per their use by the Dawneys, first found in York. The Blocks were traced above to the Botters=Butteri, and you may be asking yourself whether the Stuttgart horse is a Butteri clue. That is, might the Plocks, a likely Block branch, have named Plochingen beside Stuttgart? When the Blocks were mentioned way above, I linked their tree stub to the Rodham tree stub, wherefore this is a perfect time to mention that the Rodham motto also uses "nec"!
NOW LOOK, for as yet I have not had the opportunity to mention that I traced Plocks, Blocks, and Blacks to the Pollock surname, itself from the Piast>Mieszko Poles. I had traced the Colters to the mythical founder of the Piasts: Piast Kolodziej the Wheelwright...yet another metal-smith entity. I'm adding this paragraph in because the Colter Coat came up when entering the "alter" motto term of the Rodhams, and ZOWIE the Colter Coat uses three white "Catherine wheels" on a blue chevron, just like the three white roses on the blue Block chevron! Therefore, on two counts right there, the Rodhams were linked to the Polish royals, something I don't recall discovering before.
Catherine wheels (a means to kill/torture criminals, or political opponents, at one time) are used also by the Wheelwright surname...first found in Yorkshire. As it was discovered in a recent update, the Wheelwright Crest uses the Singletary antelope design, while the Wheelwright Coat shows a dancette, as does the Dunham Coat. Also, entering "Antel" was just found above (for the first time) to bring up surname variations like "dancette."
It's not easy to find Danaans in Languedoc aside from tracing them to an old home, Rhodes, via the Redones. But if the Downey / Dawney clans are obviously linked to Brians, perhaps we have some Danaans there. Certainly, the Dynes and Deans/Denes could apply to Danes, but the Dunhams/Downhams are even more certain. As the latter are also Dounham, let me add what was just found, that entering "Douny" brings up the Downey/Dawney Coat too. One could imagine that the shown Eldowney variation morphed into "Eldon," and when I saw the black talbots in the Eldon Coat, I thought not only of the Carrick talbots, but of the blue Dallas bar/bend, for the German Talls and French Talbots also use a blue bend.
The Eldons, now suspect as a Danaan>Dane line, can be linked rather easily to Cheshire aside from their links to Talbots...not forgetting that Redones of Lindos (Rhodes) were in Lincolnshire, where Lucy Taillebois had her titles. Moreover, the Norwegian Hallands, who must have been part-Danes because they were related to the Rollo=Sinclair Rus up Upland, also concentrated themselves (I had found) in Lincolnshire. The Norwegian Hallands were also "Holland," and there was a noble Holland surname (see the round-tailed lion of the Holland Coat) formed from an Upholland region (Lancashire) near Copeland, though the Holland surname above was first found in Lincolnshire. It becomes apparent here that the Copia-associated bloodlines are Danaans>Danes too.
As I trace the Dunhams to Dunham Masci/Mascy/Massey (the location had various spellings), while the Norwegian Hallands had an Ivar for the earliest-known ancestor, so we find that the Ivar Coat uses a Massey Shield. It's becoming that I am a Dane from way back. If we ask whether the Poles to which I trace Meschins were of the Dane line, yes, didn't I reveal them as part of the Samson "Danite" cult? In the Bible, the Danites to which Samson belonged are "Daniy," close to"Dawney." I made a note that, if I recall correctly, the Israelite tribe of Dan is nowhere else, but in Judges, called "Daniy" (the Hebrew/Biblical "iy" suffix is often translated "ite" in English). It's possibly that Egyptians/Hyksos out of Tanis were called "Daniy."
If you're somewhat convinced that "Semper" is a code for the Sam(p)son line, it should be added that the Dallas motto is, "Semper paratus." Above, we had found the semper term used by the Lynds and Smiths/Smythes. In myth, in case you don't know, the Greek Danaans had built Lindos on Rhodes while they were en route to Argos from Egypt.
To connect Eldons to Cheshire, we see that Elton surname ("ArtiBUS" motto term) was first found in Cheshire (as were the Oltens). You can see the Elton black bend, used also by the Ivar Coat. If true that Eldons were of the Downeys/Dawney, this is good support for tracing Dunhams/Downhams to Dunham Mascy. It's Obama-important because his mother was partly a Wolfley (they were first found in Cheshire too), while the Eldon Coat uses a design feature similar to that of the Wolfley Coat.
The Wolfley "woolpacks" are linked to the Kilpatrick "cushions" so that we know the Butteri are tucked into this discussion somehow. The black bend of the Ivars and Eldons should link to the Sales bend because the Eldons use white symbols on their bend. The Dallas', who are now revealed as Talls / Tal(BOT)s, use stars in the color of the lone BOTter star. If "Talbot" is indeed a Tall-Botter alliance, it highlights the trace I've made of the Butteri to Dallas. elements.
Eldons use 'm' versions such as "Eldom" and "Eldum," and I claimed that Ivars were linked to Bar-using terms before seeing it in "DumBARtonshire." If we ask whether Dumbar(town) was named after the Downeys/Eldowneys that the Eldons are suspect of being, we find excellent evidence in the Dounbar/Dunbar variations of the Dumbar surname. The Dunbar Crest is a horse seen above...in the Hebron Crest!!! Those exclamation marks are for the mysterious Butteri trace I maintain to Hebron, Israel, where I also trace the Buz-related Edomites from Bozrah to Boscath. Moreover, the Dunbar Coat is colored reversed from the English Talbot Coat, and as it's plain that the Eldon talbots link to the Talbot line, it does appear indeed that Eldons and Dunbars are related. In this picture, Daniys and Edomites are, in the least, related, but then one could imagine that "Edom" named "Tanis."
What I think I'm discovering now is that the TailleBOIS version of the Talbots that Ranulf le Meschin married were the Butteri out of the Boii=Bohemians, but then the Butteri of POITiers could apply because I trace the Boii to "Boiotia." The bees used by the German Talls are also the Bessin-surname bees, and some historians will tell us that the Bessin was founded by Boii. As you must know, I am very confident that bees were a symbol of Buz, son of Nahor.
By now you may know that I trace the Samson Daniy to Hebron elements beside Samson's Timnah theater. The "tyrst" motto term of the Hebrons should link to the Tryst surname, which not only uses "nec" twice, but has for a crest a "A falcon holding in its mouth a fish." Trists use stars in colors revered from the Botter star.
Further evidence that Butteri are ticked into this Dane picture is in the Dumbar/Dounbar write-up: "First found in the barony of Dunbar in the Lothians where they held a family seat from very ancient times; ever since the 11th century, when Cospatrick was deprived of his Earldom of Northumberland by William the Conqueror, and fled to Scotland." Wow, a Gos term in a Lotan-like land and in a family that were just traced to Edomites (a chief god of Edom was, Kos). But the main point was that Kospatricks are Patrick-branch Butteri. Let's not forget that Kilpatricks were first found in DUMfries, and we just have too many Edom lights going on to be ignored.
Here's the Gospatrick Coat (saltire in Hebron-chevron colors), with write-up tracing to Northumberland, where Copelands and others in this discussion were first found. The only other variation listed is "COSpatrick." The white Kilpatrick saltire should prove to be linked to Gospatricks.
This would be a good time to mention that emailer Patterson insisted in a recent email that the Butteri horse trainers were related to the Hungarian so-called Csikos horse trainers, but I asked her for some evidence of a link. Perhaps she would like me to find some, and you can be sure my mind is on it as i go along. There was a mythical CyziCOS/Czicus that might be understood as Kos-Kos, or the Kaskas/Kaskian peoples. Wikipedia says that the Kaskians were in the Propontus, and the Scottish Dunbar motto uses "In promptu," a possible code for the Kaskians of Propontis because of the Dunbars links to Cospatricks.
In the Csikos link above, which is a Google search-result page, there is one heading, "The Csikos Cowboys in Budapest, Hungary" The Butteri in BUDApest??? It's what I've been saying all along, and not forgetting that I trace BudaPest to the Uat/Buto/Bast cult in the Nile delta, where Tanis was located, what about that DANube river upon which Budapest was built?
The Dunbars (in Tryst, Hebron, and Child colors) are traced in their write-up ultimately to the Scottish "DUNkelds," and while I traced the "Keld" portion to the Khaldi of Trabzon, note that I also traced the Tryst motto term, "TrepiDUM," to Trabzon. But let's not forget that the Hebrons are the ones using the "tyrst" motto term, for Hebrons/Hebburns lived in Chillingham (Northumberland), which I traced to the Chill/Child surname, itself traced back to "Khaldi" without any thought of this discussion or links to the Dunkelds. There is a reasonable possibility here that the KOLODziej term used for the Polish royals applies to the Khaldi.
In the earliest dealings with the Khaldi several years ago, I reasoned that they were responsible for the "cauldron" term. Many years later I found the Kell/Keld surname, said to derive from "cauldron." I can now add that Kelds were first found in Hampshire, where the English Botters/Bod(d)ys were first found, while both surnames use a gold Shield. Moreover, Kelds use red stars, the color of the Italian Botter star. In this picture, "KILpatrick" appears to apply indeed to the Childs / Kells/Kelds.
The Dunbar write-up tells that the clan was granted lands by Malcolm III CEANmore, who married Margaret from Hungary (some assume her mother was Hungarian), and then we fond the Mackesy/Margeson and Mackie/Margy lion in the Kell/Keld Chief. It's known that Hungarians with Margaret settled Aberdeenshire, including the Leslies with a bend in colors reversed from the Botter bend, and then, when entering "Kelp" as per "KILPatrick," there was found a clan first found in Aberdeen using a Cope variation and the Cope and Copp Shields too!
Dunkelds were probably responsible for the Duncan name in the Malcolm bloodline. As Samson was given a donkey symbol (possibly, "donkey" developed from "Daniy" elements), by what coincidence is it that the Donkey surname is registered under the Duncan surname? Like the Copelands and others, the Donkeys/Duncans were first found in NorthUMBERland (I traced the Uat/Buto cult Chemmites=Danaans to Cumber/Umber locations), and like the Hebrons and Chills/Childs, the Donkeys/Duncans/DOWNkens use a white-on-red chevron. That cannot be a dunkincidence.
The hunting-horn design in the Donkey/Duncan Coat is in the Brian Crest, of the Brian branch first found in DENbigh. And as you see piles (the Guiscard symbol too) in that Brian Coat, so we see white-on-red cinquefoils in the Donkey/Duncan Chief. As these colored cinquefoils belong also to the TANKervilles (i.e. like "DONK/DUNC"), who are a known branch of TANcreds/TANcards (scallops, a symbol of Sicilians), the known ancestry of the GuisCARDs, it's very apparent that the Samsam and Timnah-named Saracens that the Sicilian Guiscards linked up with (militarily) were related to the Samson-Danaan elements suspect in the Donkeys/Duncans.
The Guiscards, who I think are included in the "cushion" symbol of the Kilpatricks, were immediately descended from Hautevilles (from "Uat"?), whom Tim discovered as the Hawthorns (Tancred chevron and cinquefoils), first found in Durham of Northumbria. Durham, remember, was at first called, DUNhome.
Freemasonry always comes back to the Guiscard alliances, but we are seeing that Butteri are also in the main line to Freemasonry, and the connecting links are the Samson Danaans, always. This was the ancient dragon cult, the peoples despised by God, the Edomite Hebrews and their dark-pagan allies. It's probably not coincidental that the Donkeys/Duncans were from Iona in the Hebrides, for the Greek Danaans had ruled Argos where the Zeus-related goddess there had been, Io.
By senses are that the Butteri amongst the Donkeys/Duncans are in their hunting horn, trace-able to Briancon on the Durance river, a river that I trace to "Turan," Etruscan goddess in the Butteri theater. But I traced Turan to "Tarun" of the Lake-Van region, which I repeat here because I traced the Butteri to Boscath in the midst of which I was also seeing Boscath links to Lake Van. The Donkey/Duncan write-up may be using a code for Boscath: "In the mountains of Scotland's west coast and on the Hebrides islands, the ancestors of the Donkey family were born. Their name comes from the Gaelic personal name 'Donnchad,' which means 'brown warrior' [I would ignore that donkey dung]. The personal name Donnchad is composed of two elements; 'donn,' which means 'brown' [more dung] and 'cath,' which means 'warrior'."
Never mind "warrior," but do entertain the cat in the Lucca Coat, and that Chatans that the Butteri were traced to earlier in this update. And as Boscath was at Hebron (and Lucca-like Lachish), as by what coincidence it is that the Donkey/Duncan Coat is the Hebron-surname chevron? By what other coincidence is it that "Hebrides" smacks of "Hebron"? This is good argumentation for tracing Hebron elements to the Irish Hebers that named the Hebrides, and therefore to the Celtiberians of Iberia=Spain.
The Dunbars were front and center in protecting the Templars when the Vatican persecuted them brutally just after 1300:
...There he was granted the lands of Dunbar and Lothian, Cumnock in Ayrshire, and Mochrum in Wigtown by Malcolm Ceanmore, the King of Scotland. Traditionally, the [Dunbar] family descend from Crinan of Dunkeld, the Earl of Northumberland, ancestor of both King Duncan I (d. 1040) and the Earls Gospatrick, who were the later the Earls of March. Of this line, Patrick V, Earl of March (c.1285-1369) gave English King Edward II sanctuary at the fortress of Dunbar Castle following the Battle of Bannockburn. He was one of the Scottish nobles, who signed, the declaration of Scottish independence to the Pope dated at Arbroath on 6 April 1320. He was married to the infamous 'Black Agnes,' (Agnes Dunbar, 4th Countess of Moray)...Just before 1320, the Bruces gave refuge to Templars and CATHars fleeing the pope from France. Cathincidence?I had read, many years ago, that Khazars had two kings, one a kagan and the other a "big.? I sensed something to this when reading that "Ceanmore" is defined as "big head," as though it could link to the big Khazar kings. I left it at that and didn't make anything more of it. Later, I found Hungarian links to Malcolm III Ceanmore, and it's known that Hungarians had been the Magyar allies of Khazars. But now that I see Cathars behind the Dunkeld/Duncan dynasty to which Malcolm Ceanmore belonged, I just need to add that Cathars are also known as, Albigensians. The term could be meant as Albi-gensi, but still, the idea that some suggest, that "Cathar" was a version of "Khazar," argues for an Al-big view too.
And let's not forget that the Biggar Coat is identical to the Dallas Coat, while Shetland, a place I link to Hungarian Drummonds, uses a "bygger" motto term. MOREover, as we see "CeanMORE," I had traced the Biggars to the Bihar(ia) region on the Hungarian border, where the Maros/Mures river flows, where the Murat-named Khazars/Kabars lived that I traced to Moray. As Malcolm Ceanmore was married to Margaret, daughter of an unknown Agnes in the Hungarian and/or Kiev theater (Margaret was in exile in Kiev too), what about that "Black Agnes Dunbar" of Moray??? Could this reveal that Margaret's mother was from the Mures-river Khazars, whom the Spanish "Jews" called "red Jews"?
To what can we link "CEANmore"? To pharaoh Khyan? Or, to the "Jewish" Cohens with Kagan variation registered? Why is it that when we enter "Cean," a coat comes up with a Botter-colored bend? Those white-on-blue colors are also the Keon- and Kane-fish colors, while the page shows variations such as Cain, Kane, Cahan [like "kagan], Kean, and Kahan. Why does the write-up say: "The name Cean originally appeared in Gaelic as O CATHain" (caps mine)? Isn't this a clan Chatan branch?
I had initially traced pharaoh Khyan's line to the Sava/Save river aside from heraldic prompts. I now find again that the white-on-blue bend used by the Save Coat is in the Coat of the Khyan-like surnames above. Couldn't we therefore trace Khyan Hyksos to Malcolm Caenmore, especially as I had linked those Hyksos to the Samson cult that appears to trace to Malcolm's ancestry??
But which is it? Does "Caenmore" trace to Khazar kagans and bigs, or to Khyan Hyksos? What of the similarity between "Cohen" and "Khyan"? Or between "Kagan" and "Khyan"? We know that Cohens were Khazars (kagans were actually priest-kings) and not truly Levi priests of Israel as they claim, but couldn't this exercise reveal that Khazars had been a Khyan bloodline? Could the Samson cult near Timnah have merged with Khyan's bloodline at Boscath, that leading much later to Khazars, Cathars, clan Chatan, the Catti of Hesse, and to Lothian and the Cheatles of Chester/Cheshire? We could expect that the Buto cult (proto-Butteri) followed the Hyksos to Boscath, and we could then realize that the Butteri were horse lovers because the Hyksos had been.
I've just looked at the Chester surname again, and noting the "Vincit" motto term, I also saw that the Chester Chief uses the Vince/Vinch dragon/griffin. My hunch is that Cheshire/Chester was named by elements of "Hesse" and the Catti therein, but there may have been several Cati-related branches, meaning that Chester may have been named by the kin of Hesse Catti and not precisely the Hesse Catti. Chester was previously, Deva, and Hyksos were fundamentally the Daphne cult.
It's known that the Buto cult evolved into Latona and her son, Apollo. Fast-forward this line to Leto, mother of Pollux and Castor, and then know that Castor was a horse lover. It's easy to suggest that Chester- and Cassel-like terms were named after "castle," but what about Castor lines? Shouldn't they be expected, since Pollux and Castor were huge in Greek myth? As the Butteri have been linked both to Apollo lines in Bute and to Masseys, I'll repeat that Masseys were on Bute as the Apollo Muses. That is a very good argument for tracing "CASTOR" to horse-using Masseys of "CHESTER."
Castor and Pollux became the Gemini constellation, and then, as Pollux was likely Apollo in Sparta, note that the Apollo space program was preceded by the Gemini program. What does that tell us about American Freemasons in NASA? Was "NASA" deliberate to reflect mount "Nysa", "Nuzi," and/or "Nazi"?
Why are there horses and castles in the Cheshire-like game of Chess? Why does the Cohen Coat use what looks like a chessboard while Cohens are from Cheshire-like Khazars? What is that talbot dog, and those bezants (two Meschin-of-Cheshire symbols), doing in the Costar/Castor/Custard Coat? Why is that Coat like the Meschin Coat? Why are the Costers/Castors first found in Gloucestershire, where the Meschin-related Samson surname was first found. Why does the Samson Coat use gold on black like the Costor Coat? Why is the gold Samson symbol used by Eatons of Cheshire?
The French Costs use the bell of the Porters, and as Porters/Pawters were first found in Hampshire, they were linked to the Botters there. In other words, the Costs link to the Butteri lines as expected if mythical Castor was from Boscath. The French Porters were first in Berry, where BITURiges lived, and it just so happens that the French Porter Shield is also the French Talbot Shield. The Cost bell, in keeping with Castor links to Masseys and Meschins, is used also by the Bells (Dumfries).
Whereas castor was a horse expert, his brother Pollux was a pugilist/boxer, wherefore I link him to Puglia, where Taranto is located. That's where Bari is a major city that traces to Berry, where the Porters were first found, That supports my trace of the Butteri to Taranto again, but a further point is that Castor elements are expected in Puglia too. That's where the shared bell, in the same colors, of the Costs and Porters can come in handy, to be viewed as Castor and Pollux coming from Bari to Berry. In this picture, the Bells and related Bellamys, and therefore the Bellovesus Bituriges, are from a Bel cult stemming from "POLlux." I had traced Pollux to "Pole" (of Poland) long before I knew anything of the Bellamys, or that Bellamys were ancestral to the Masseys from Polish royals (not necessarily meaning that Bellamys were also from Polish royals; I don't think they were).
The Poland-related German Polk Coat uses a wavy bar in the white-on-blue color of the Botter bend, and then a wavy bend (in white on red) is used by "Jewish" Pollocks, also shown in their Scottish page as Polks.
Italian Castros (Piedmont) use, not only Masci-of-Piedmont colors, but a lion in the color scheme of the French Poll/Pohl lion. English Poles/Pooleys were first found in Cheshire, and while they use a lion in Botter colors, the Pullen/Pulley Coat uses the Botter bend. To what family this colored bend originally belonged is a mystery to me, but what now appears to be coming to the fore is that Cheshire was infested with Pollux and Castor, explaining why the Hallands, whom I traced to Helen, the sister of the two brothers, appeared linked closely to Masseys / Meschins in the recent Halland investigation.
The pelican in the Pullen Crest may even be a symbol for "Pollux," though I had traced it (years ago) to the Pulciphers/Pulsiphers/Poledons of Cheshire on a whim...or Spirit-induced understand.
There's a very good chance that Cheshire's As(h)tons, and Asts or Estes of all sorts, are Castor elements. That doesn't necessarily conflict with an Astor trace to "Ishtar," as "Castor" may have been just that Ishtar line.
The problem seems to be that there is no Butteri-like entity that was made Leda's descendants or near-ancestry, and yet the Butteri are predicted in her midst. But then as the Butteri are tracing rather strongly, even if a little ghost-like, to the Salyes Ligurians, while Leda's swan entity also traces to Ligurians, perhaps the swan that mated with Leda was just the Butteri peoples. Myth only tells that the swan was Zeus. But if "Zeus" was (as goes one of my theories for a Uranus=Haran>Horite reason) "Esaus," then yes the Esau-ites of Bozrah would be the carriers of Zeus. How interesting is that?
We can glean that the swan was Cycnus, but then I trace him to the Kikons, who I think were just the Ixion-based Hyksos, but Ixion was doubled up as a reflection of Zeus by one myth writer, and there had to be a reason. In the picture of a Hyksos-to-Cycnus line, the swan could very well have included the Buto>Butteri line. In fact, Cycnus was the son of Sthenelus (king of Liguria), and there was a Spartan Sthenelus too, a Gorgon line from the Perseus-CASSiopeia Danaans. Kikon's brother, Hebros, may have been the Hebron line to the Heber Irish, and don't think that there won't be proof for such an idea, because the Irish probably have it encapsulated somewhere.
Where the Butteri are linked to the Cati, we need to seek proto-Butteri in Cadmus, where he settles with a bull cult, proto-Io, in Boiotia. We know that the Ares dragon which he slew in Boiotia became his wife, and that they together became Sparti. The Boiotians of Sparta (whoever they were) are therefore suspect as the proto-Butteri. The Io-of-Argos bull cult is trace-able back to Tarsus in Cilicia, where Khassi/Kizzuwatna was located (home of the Cati=Cadmus), and that place may have been proto-Castor.
It was Melia of Boiotia that married Inachus, founder of Argos, and so the proto-Butteri may also have been in Argos under some name. It should be interesting to find out who they were. The theory over the past few weeks is that the Butteri were the Buz bee line, and it just so happens that Melia was the honey goddess of Boiotia (she was likely linked to Aedon of Boiotia, ancestor of bee-loving Merovingians). It's clear that Melia's name was play on honey, and not a reflection of a people group, unless she depicted peoples of Miletus, the place that the Heber Irish trace themselves to. Hebron/Lachish elements were traced to the Lycia theater via bull-cult Cretans, but also to neighboring Miletus (founded by the same Minoan Cretans), albeit I haven't proven that proto-Butteri were from Boscath.
We are seeing multiple bull entities here while hunting for Butteri: the Boiotian bull; the Argos bull/cow; the Minoan bull that traces to Libernia, at the south end of which was Butua; and the Zeus bull cult. Cowboys and cattle go together, let's not forget.
Melia mated with Apollo to give birth to Ismenius, the name of a river in Boiotia. This river was previously the Ladon river, as well as the Cadmus river. Ladon, remember, traces to Lazio, where the Butteri-proper lived, and as we are expecting the Butteri in the Cadmus cult, why not on the Cadmus river? It just so happens that Melia was one with the Ismenius river, making it more intriguing to suspect the Butteri in her fold too. The trick is to find a group of Boiotians that took that name, or something like it, out of Greece.
One myth writer made the Ladon river in Boiotia a grandson of the Ladon river in Arcadia. As the Hyksos of the Daphne line were in the latter Ladon, why not also in the Boiotian Ladon? The webpage below says "...the god Ladon, a son of the Boiotian river-god Asopos, and grandson of the like-named Arkadian river Ladon." Could "Asopos" have been "Cassiopeia." If so, then Asopos was from the Hyksos of Kizzuwatna, if I'm correct in tracing Cassiopeia to that Cilician place. In any case, if we think that Ladon was from "Lotan," then we could once again, as per the marital alliance between Esau and the Lotan Edomite, sense that Edomite Buzites (or Bosrah-ites) ought to have been in Boiotia's Ladon valley. Those Buzites could have been the proto-Butteri.
http://www.theoi.com/Potamos/PotamosIsmenos.htmlIn the same article: "The Ismenos River had its headwaters in the western foothills of Mount Kithairon." Another Cathar-like term. Might it have been from "Boscath"? Might Kithairon have been Castor? Too many questions, I know. Note too that another of Leda's four children was Clytemnestra, what looks like Clyt-MENEStra, similar to IsMENOS. I'm expecting a Ladon-Ismenos link to the Leda line, and yes I have identified Leda as the Ladon line itself. In this picture, it's very possible that Leda mated with Boiotians, meaning that the swan may have been amongst Boiotians of the Ladon-Ismenos theater. I did identify Zeus once as Asopos himself, on a whim or Spirit-directed intuition (I listen carefully to my inners when on this topic). The Zeus link to Asopos was in relation to Opis, a bee term. There are other ope terms in this picture, Metope, for one, daughter of Ladon.
In Wikipedia's Kithairon article: "The range was the scene of many events in Greek mythology and was especially sacred to Dionysus[citation needed]. Oedipus was exposed on the mountain, while Aktaion and Pentheus were both dismembered on its slopes." It sounds like code for cannibalism, but the point is my trace of Dionysus to the Hebron theater, which can then make possible a KITHairon trace to Boscath/BozKETH. Dionysus in the Miletus theater had Maenads as his symbol, on the Maeander (flowing by Miletus), a river of the Maeonians depicted by the god, Manes. This god seems easily traced to IsMENOS. Again: "The Ismenos River had its headwaters in the western foothills of Mount Kithairon." I realize that it bothers some readers, but I trace Manes to Manoah, father of Samson, but also trace the god to the Mannae Armenians.
Kithairon/Cithaeron was give Autonoe as a mother, no doubt the same entity as Aedon. I have yet to find solid evidence that Aedon (granddaughter of bee-cult Merops of Kos) was a version of "Edom," but that in a nutshell could trace Cithaeron to Boscath. In fact, it may even be possible that "Boscath" developed into "Boiotia. In the Argos theater there was a Bias and MelamPUS duo that appear to be the Melia-branch Boiotians in Argos, but then they also smack of "Buz." What are the chances that the AMALekite Edomites became the Melia cult? In Crete, a honey cult was AMALthea, a nurse of Zeus. Amalekites in Miletus. I think so, for myth traced the founding of Miletus to Minoan Cretans, i.e. to a brother of Minos: Sarpedon. Sarp-Edom?
In the Cithaeron article above: "{Pentheus, the enemy of Dionysos, calls out to the mountain:} 'Let old Kithairon (Cithaeron) receive {Bassaris} Hadryades {of Dionysos} to join his own Hadryades instead of Lyaios {Dionysos}'" (none of the brackets mine). What is that Bassaris, looking so much like "Butteri? Checking, I find a Bassari peoples in western Africa, including Mali, but no other Bassaris entity of the Greek world. Hmm, as I'm tracing the Butteri to the Boofima cult in an unknown area of Africa, night they have been from the Bassari? I do trace Meschins and possibly Hallands to Amazons of Mali. This may get some help from Julie.
It wasn't until writing all the above that I tried heraldry for help, and I think we HIT PAYDIRT HERE. There was neither a Bassari nor Basser Coat, but the B ass Coat brought up greyhounds, what I trace to African Amazons. Moreover, the greyhounds wear gold collars, as do the Hanna stags, while the Collar surname uses Moor heads. Moors are from Mauritanians, in the Mali theater! The suggestion is that the Bass clan was from the Mali theater but linked to the Hannibal Carthaginians, and for weeks now I've been led to believe that the Boofima cult was out of the Carthaginians.
Moreover, the Bass greyhound collar shows a chain, probable symbol of the Chains/Cheynes that were featured in the last update. I was convinced that Chains were named after "Khyan" elements. This is what I said at one point, which is important for the things about to be revealed below:
It was then argued that the skull and bones cross used by pirates translated to a black-on-white saltire, though we then imagine very correctly that some pirate families, for example the Sinclairs, would use the black-and-white saltire in upright fashion...the way that Aflecks/Aflacks, Bitars/Buttars, and Chains/Cheynes use it.In other words, the Chains/Cheynes appear to be part of proto-Baathist group of families, and that's where the Bass investigation led in about two minutes, all of which will be shown below in the sequence that it took place. But before getting to that, some major points. First, the Bass/Bassin surname was first found in Haddington shire, in Lothian! That's where the Keiths/Keths lived, and so how's that for a Bass trace back to Boscath/BozKETH??? I couldn't have asked for better evidence. Yes, "Bassin/Bassen" smacks of the Meschins in the Bessin, and I;m not forgetting that MUSselburg is in Haddington, for I linked Boscath to Mus province in Lake Van (that province was home to mythical Tarun).
The Bassari lived in-part in Guinea-Bissau (Arms uses a black-on-red lone star). The place is PORTuguese and speaks Portuguese. Recall the PORTs/Porters, that they appear to be Butteri, and let me remind that Porters use the Bell bell, a symbol also on the collar of the Hanna stag. The Hannibal-related stag has been traced to the Hungarian stag, and Hungarians trace their stag to Nimrod, said in Freemasonry to be depicted by a leopard, wherefore I trace Boofima to Nimrod elements.
I had traced the Dionysus leopard symbol to Boofima too, for it's know that Dionysus came out of Africa. We saw above the phrase, "...{Bassaris} Hadryades {of Dionysos}..." By what coincidence "Hadryades" reflects "Haddington," I don't know, but it certainly is interesting. It is said that "Hadryades" refers to "dryades," meaning trees such as oaks, but I see mythical Dryas, worshipers of Dionysus, and the Odrysians that I identified with mythical "Atreus" (an Argos ruler turned Spartan, just like the Cadmus line out of Boiotia) and traced to ATREbates...in Hampshire!!! AtreBATES???
Those exclamation marks are for what we are about to see: this Bass investigation leading to the Botters of Hampshire, wherefore let me say here that the English Porters were first found in Hampshire. But before getting to that, let's talk about the Bissau region and city (there's a Bissora town near Bissau). The Portuguese national anthem of Guinea-Bissau is: "Esta e a Nossa Patria Bem Amada. We are about to see an estoile, and by now we know that Butteri, whom I identify with Patria-like terms, trace to Asti and/or neighboring Aosta's Buthier river. It just so happens that the estoile comes on a Patrick-colored Coat of the Bethel/Bithell Coat.
We should keep in mind here that I traced Scottish Pattersons of Ross-shire to BISSETs of Ross-shire, and that we are about to a Uat-like motto term in the Bass investigation (if the Bassari of Bissau trace to proto-Butteri, then they must also trace to Uat/Buto/Bast (as far as I'm concerned). The Ross-shire and neighboring Moray connection is not likely coincidental to the Masonic trace of a Rus bloodline to Moors. I traced MALAhule of More (and Opland) to "Mali, and also considered a Mali trace to "Miletus," but shouldn't we already suspect that "Mali" traces to Melia of Boiotia on the Ladon river??? The motto of Guinea-Bissau even uses a Ladon/Leta-like "luta" term.
On the map in the Guinea-Bissau article, we see a Buba location near the city if Bissau that could modify to "Boof." To the north of Buba we see Bafata. The Arms of Bissora use a black Shield...and towers in the crest, a symbol that I traced to Tuareg Amazons that lived as far from the Atlas mountains as Mali. In Greek myth, Ladon was the multi-headed dragon of an Atlantean realm often linked to the Atlas mountains. We could be talking a very-ancient migration of Boiotians here to the Mali theater, in cahoots with a migration of the Samson>Hercules Danaan, and so I'll mention the Dandum location of Guinea-Bissau.
We are about to see the Boss investigation lead to DENbigh of Wales, and it just so happens that I traced the Geryon-and- Hercules-related Atlanteans to Wales. But later I found Geryon to be named (buy others) in extreme north-western Spain (i.e. A Coruna, a Geryon-like term) overlooking Cornwall and Wales. The Ladon of Atlantis was related to Geryon. Portugal is not far south of north-western Spain.
But I didn't introduce the Wales factor above for the reason stated alone. I had traced Geryon specifically to the Gwynedd region of North Wales (to Erethlyn, to be exact), and found that Gwynedd was named after the Venedotia peoples...whom I traced to Vannes/Gwened (Brittany), and at one point years ago suggested a link of those elements to African Guinea now under discussion.
The English-alternative Bass/Bassin Coat is just a black Shield, and certainly heraldic black can be surmised as code for African lines. The Crest here appears to use the German Fulk wings, if that helps to identify the Bass/Bassins' with Velch-based Butteri.
After seeing the Bass Coats, "Bather" was entered to find a clan first found in Denbighshire. It was absolutely astounding when getting to this point because the Bather Crest is the English-Botter falcon!!! This is why I think we've hit Freemason paydirt here.
Remember here that Bidens/Buttons/Buddins were, like the Botters/Bodys, first found in Hampshire, but that the Bidens/Button write-up traced them to Bath and Wells in Somerset, where the Bath/Atha surname (a Welsh surname using "ab Atha") was first found, for we now find that the Bathers show an "Ap Atha" variation. The Bath/Atha motto term, "Habere," should link to the Heber line that I'm now tracing to Hebron. In fact, the Bath/Atha clan is said to have been first found in both Somerset and Gloucestershire, the latter being where the Samson surname (that I link to Hebron elements) was first found.
I'd been on the Bather surname before, using its "vivas" motto term to trace them to the Vey/Vivians (= mythical Fay of Avalon) of Avalon=Bute, and the wolves in the Bather Coat should therefore link to the Leto-Apollo wolf cult, not forgetting that Apollo's twin sister, Artemis, was code for old Amazons of Thermodon whom I trace to African Amazons. Remember here too that I trace "Drummond" to "Thermodon," for the Amazons that trace to the Atlas mountains of Africa are known to be the Myrina-branch Amazons while there are Drummond waves in the Spanish Marina Coat. Moreover, we will shortly see the Moreno/Moratin (i.e. smacks of "Mauritania") tower in the Bass investigation.
As the Bathers are so-well identifiable as Butteri bloodliners, what of the "Ut" motto term in the Bather Coat? That's got to be code for the Uat/Buto cult. The Bathar and Bathaw variations smack of "Bassari" and "Bissau," and now is the time to repeat that Bassets, whom I link to Uat/Buto/Bast as well as to Bissets (use the Botter bend), use the Drummond waves too. I trace "Drummond" ultimately to the child-sacrificing Sepharvites, namely to their god, ADRAMmolech.
As the Bathers are therefore suspect as the Boofima cult from the Bafata and Bissau theater, their Bayther variation could lion to the Bauer>Bavaria sector of the Boofima cult, for the Bather wolves are in Bavaria-lozenge colors, not to mention that these are also Moray-star white-on-blue colors...and the colors of the Botter bend. Moreover, Wikipedia's article on Hugh D'Avranches shows a white-on-blue wolf as his personal symbol.
Next, "Bathe" was entered to find the German Beths/Bethins using the Bellamy Shield with fleur-de-lys in Masci-lys colors. This jibes with the bell in the Port/Porter Coat and the trace of the latter to Portugal's interests in the Bassari theater. "Bethin" is, after all, much like "Bassin."
Next, "Bethel" was entered to find another Welsh clan with "Ap Ithel" motto, and an estoile on a black chevron. Recall that I linked the Baars of the House of Este (of a Welf=wolf entity) to Aosta's Lys and Buthier valleys, meaning that there appears to be Este links to Butteri. Remember, Butteri are suspect as the Leda swan to Ligurians (Asti and Aosta are in the interior-Ligurian theater) while Est-like entities are now suspect as Leda's son, Castor. The Lazio/Latinus theater that Butteri-proper lived traces easily to Leto and Apollo, or the Leda-related Pollux cult, roughly the same, we can gather, as the Castor cult.
Bethels were first found in Herefordshire, a place that I trace to Herzegovina, where a Butua location sat (see under the "I" of "DALMATIA"). Below we will see the Bassari entities traced to the Dalmatia theater. The Hereford surname uses, no not a piece of beef to indicate Boofima, but white eagles on red, the symbol of the Busser Coat. That's not a busincidence. White eagles are used, on a gold Shield (the color of the Busser Shield), by the English Basings (Kent).
The heraldic eagle is likely the ancient phoenix. The latter was traced (4th update July) in the last update to the Biaini founders of Lake Van...whom I've always suspected as Buzites. As we are now treading on what appears to be the Bassari of the Guinea theater that links to Vannes=Gwened, harken thee well, my fellow bee hunters.
The Welsh-alternative Bethel shows the Fulk wings in Crest, evidence that we are treading also on the Butteri. The Bethel-Crest description: "out of a crown valery gold, an eagle's head black between two wings blue, and charged on the breast with estoile gold." Checking the Valery Coat, we find the same sort of border as in the Lucca Coat (i.e. Italian Botter were in Lucca). As evidence that Bethels link to Bass-like entities, the Bass/Bassin Crest is described thus: "Out of a ducal coronet [= crown] two wings proper."
As per "Bethel," the Bissel Crest's black eagle should have passing mention because it is the eagle design used by Whites...that I trace to "Uat."
The Busser Coat using white-on-red eagles uses them on a red bend, and it just so happens that the Bush Coat is a red bend with the same eagles (in gold). The black boars of the Bush Coat ought therefore to be the black boars on the Bethels, for we just saw that Bethels link to Bussers, and besides that the Bussers show a Bushee variation. We have thereby discovered, I think, that the Bushes who led America and the CIA were from Bassari / Butteri elements out of the Guinea theater. The Bush-Crest goat head now becomes extremely Boofima-suspect, and moreover Bushes look like Lake-Van Buzites. Dread Edomites in charge of the world's secret organizations.
We wonder whether Esau, when he gave up his God-sanctioned rights for a bowl of soup, was eating goat's-head soup. That's a phrase belonging to the satanist, Mic Jagger, of the Rolling Stones. The point is, Esau is said (in Genesis) to be "shaggy/hairy," as in goat-like. We could expect that Bozrah elements carried the goat symbol too. Compare "BOZRah to "Busser."
The Bouche/Boucher Coat uses red eagles on gold (colors reversed from the Bush eagles), wherefore the clan should link to the Boucey variation of the Bussers. The Boucher variation veers near to "Bassari." The Bouche/Boucher Coat also uses a black saltire, symbol of Patrick-branch Butteri.
As German Bush's/Busches were also Boschs, see the Busher surname's Boschier and Buscher variations. Recalling that Bushes were linked to Baars, it's conspicuous that the entering "Buffet," as per the Bafata location in Guinea-Bissau, brings up Ber- and Bar-terms (as well as Buford). German Barrs use the white-on-blue eagle of the House of Este and therefore are known to be the Baars. German Barrs then use bugles, one of them in black, the color of the German Bass/Bassen bugle. This is important because the English Bass/Bassens use the Jerusalem-Templar cross, as does the Buffet/Barford Coat. This now suggests that Baars and Barrs, too, trace back to the Guinea/Bissau theater, which should explain the estoile of the Bush-related Bethels.
We can't forget the horsehead and the estoile of the Butes/Butts (poss-like motto terms), for German Butes/Butts use a fish, a symbol also of the Baars. The Bute-rooted Bothwells (who use the Bute/Butt Shield) show a BORTHwell variation (perhaps play on "Port(er)"), suggesting possible links to Borts. The Bort/BortoLUCCI Coat uses a fesse in Bottar-of-Lucca colors, and moreover was first found in Piedmont, the Italian theater near the source of the Durance river. I say that due to the ObDURA motto term of the Bothwells/Buthwells.
The red flag of the white-on-blue Borts is McLeod-flag conspicuous because McLeods are also in white on blue. The McLeods were definitely found to be Edomites. The Bort-Coat symbol is the Moratin tower...that I trace to the Mauritanian theater, serving as evidence that Bute elements were indeed from, or at least linked in with, the Bassari of Guinea-Bissau. The flag could be code for the Flag/Fleck surname (first found in Norfolk, where Velch-rooted Butteri are expected) that should in turn link to the Aflaq/Aflack/Afleck surname at the root of Baathists.
From Wikipedia's Bassari-peoples article: "Most of the group are animists...They have close relations with the Fula people centered locally in the nearby hills of the Fouta Djallon." Animism is the underpinnings of New-Age witchcraft/paganism. Clicking over to the Fula article, there was a photo with a Fula woman at the left side resembling Obama's wife. Hmm, have I not traced Obama to the Butteri???
In the Bassari-peoples article: "The Bassari people are an African people living in Senegal, Gambia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau. The total population is between 10,000 and 30,000. Most of the Bassari are concentrated on either side of the Senegal-Guinea border southwest of Kedougou, Kédougou Region. This areas is referred to in French as Pays Bassari, or liyan in the Bassari language." TWO POINTS: 1) "Senegal" smacks of Obama's Singletary bloodline out of which his mother came; 2) if the "liyan" term is supposed to be, Liyan," it smacks of the Luhya tribe living beside/with the Luo tribe, the latter being the tribe that Obama Sr. belonged to.
In the Fula article there is mention of evidence of a Fula origin in the Egypt-to-Ethiopia stretch. Sudan, and therefore Merowe/Bedewe is in that stretch, and this speaks to the Moor trace that I make to the peoples of Merowe (or "Meroe"). There were an Ameru/Meru peoples in another Meroe of Kenya, the country where the Luo and Lihya live(d).
The Fula article tells that these people are also "Pullo" and similar terms. That was a surprising find as per my trace of the royal Mieszko Poles to the Meshwesh Amazons of Africa. Aside from that, I didn't have African details on these proto-Polish royals. Might they have been from the Fula, and were these of mythical Pollux? Greek myth located a Pallas entity in Libya. We read:
Fula and Fulani are commonly used in English, including within Africa. The French borrowed the Wolof term Pel, which is variously spelled: Peul, Peulh, and even Peuhl. More recently the Fulfulde / Pulaar term Fulbe, which is a plural noun (singular, Pullo) has been Anglicised...Is it not shocking to find the "Wolof" term there, as Obama's mother had a Wolfley grandparent!!! This could even explain the wolves of the (Bassari-like) Bather Coat. Clicking over to the Wolof article, straight away we find it integral to Senegal: "In Senegal, the Wolof form an ethnic plurality with about 40% of the population self-identifying as Wolof." Surely, Obama's ancestry traces to Senegal, the Wolof peoples, and to the Fula domains. Remember, Obama's mother's surname is traced to Dunham Mascy, while Mascys are traced to Mieszko Poles.
The Arms of Senegal use a green star on gold reflecting the center of the Wolfley Coat. The Senegal motto apparently has a Butteri code: "Un Peuple, Un But, Une Foi." The Este clan, remember, is of the Guelph=Welf bloodline, and that entity is now suspect as a Wolof one.
Let's not neglect that the Sinclairs, who are the Rus that appear to be from the Moors, use a Singular variation that is almost "Senegal." Sinclairs, like the Bass/Bassins, were in Lothian! Is that not wild???
Look at these Shunagh variations like "Senegal," and ask whether the write-up traces cleverly to Sionists: "This most ancient Irish surname is derived from Sionnach, the Fox, an epithet used by the Chief of the Irish CATHERnaigh Clann [caps mine], a branch of the northern Ui Fiachrach." The Irish Fox page shows a write-up similar to the above, but then both the "Jewish" and German Fox Coats show the same fox while the German variations, Fuchs, Fuchse, Fuchsen, and Fuechs, smacks of the Fulks.
Finally, that mysterious "Fulbert the Saxon," known to have founded the Pollocks (Senegal colors) of Scotland, might now be identified as a Fula entity...especially as the Fula entity was also "Fulbe." Is that not wild??? I'm floored! Who would have guessed? The German Bass'/Bassens use black bugles with white stripes, as do the Berts, and Pollocks use black and white bugles. Look at the bows in the strings of the Bass/Bassen bugles, for it smacks of the Bowers...who lived in Peebleshire, beside Lothian. MOREOVER, I now trace the Boofima cult to Bauers/Bowers of Bavaria (!!), and the bugle is known to be a goat horn. The Bass'/Bassens were first found, as with the Bauers, in Austria.
Peoples involved in sacrifices used to drink from goat horns, and in the Zeus cult, we can imagine drinking blood from them. The ceremonial goat horn becomes like the holy grail, and when murder is involved, it becomes like the cup held by Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17. Consider the word, "basin," where sacrifices would be washed, for the Basin/Bazine surname (pine cones) was first found in Poitiers, where Butteri are expected.
The Filby/Philbee Coat uses a BLACK Shield and goats!!! WOOOOOOOOW! When I get that excited, you know that this paragraph was discovered after writing the above.
WOOOOOW AGAIN. The Filby/Philbee goats war in the same design and configuration as the Cheevers (Varangian-of-Kiev line) goats!! I don't mention Cheevers often, but here they were treated above in this same update. When I quoted the Senegal motto, "Un Peuple, Un But, Une Foi," I know that there were others using "foy," and here I find the Cheevers using it too, who are said to be derived in "goat."
As I traced Cheevers to "Hebrons," how is it that the Philipson/Philly Coat uses a Hebron-colored chevron? The Philly write-up traces to horses, and emailer Patterson's horse, Copperchief, may want to know that the Philly chevron is nearly the Copper/Cooper chevron. Did you spot similarity between "Copper/Cooper" and "Cheever"? Suddenly, the Coppers/Coopers could be Hebron elements. Indeed, I did trace Caleb-ites of Hebron blood to the "(C)Halybes" on the Halys river, where CAPPAdocia was located. The problem is, "Eliphas" can also be at the root of "Halybes."
The blue wolf of the Phelps could trace to a Fula alliance with the Wolofs, for as the Welf write-up traces to Hugh Lupus D'Avranches, the Phelps wolf is in colors reversed to the one used by Hugh. The wolf head in the Phelps Crest is collared gold, a symbol now being traced to the Moor heads in the Collar Coat. The fact that "Phelp" is a little like "Wolof" and a little like "Fula" suggests what may have been obvious anyway, that Fulas and Wolofs were the same peoples but from divergent lines. As Welfs/Guelphs are of Este elements, I should add that Cheevers use "est." It can suggest that the Hebron elements were in western Africa, and that easily gets Hebron elements into Iberia=Spain.
The fact that Welfs/Wolfs are traced to Hugh, ruler of Chester in Cheshire, suggests links to Wolfleys of Cheshire. Then ask why the Wolfley-Coat wolves are blue-on-white??? Quite apparently, the Wolfleys were the Phelps too.
I had traced the Wolfley wolf (via the Gard wolf) to the Fiddle/Fidelow wolf. Although "Fide" is not quite like "Fula," let me re-quote: "...the Fula people centered locally in the nearby hills of the Fouta Djallon" Entering "Fout" gets us the Fouts/Foots of Cheshire, very link-able to Foetes in Bavaria. Their Coat is obviously a version of the Scottish Fouts/Fiddes/Fittes (black star, color of the Guinea-Bissau star).
The latter's Crest is a cornuCOPIA, yet another goat horn, and as this bloodline was in Cheshire, what about the "copia" motto term in one Arms of Macclesfield? It just so happens that thisArms of Macclesfield uses black-on-white bugles! LOOK. The Fouts/Fiddes/Fittes were from "Fothes or Futhos located in Foveran, KinCARDINEshire," and the Cardine surname (smacking of Carthaginians) was also first found in Cheshire. MOREOVER, 1) the Cardine crest is a BLACK wolf; 2) the motto includes "Fide"' 3) the Coat smacks all over of the Sales Coat (Sales were also of Cheshire). Thank you heraldry codes! They can make us much more able than the best historians/anthropologists to trace people groups.
Amazingly, I happened to enter "Card" only as per the last section in the above paragraph, and it (collared again) turned out to be a blue-on-white lion, the color of the lion in the Macclesfield Arms found in the first section of the above paragraph.
The German motto uses "cyFOETH," very close to some variations in the Fout/Fiddes/Fittes clan, and then there is a Footes location in German-like Guernsey. But now I can add that the German surname is traced by its write-up to MontFITCHet. (The German surname ruled Chester not long after Hugh D'Avranches.)
Consider now the motto of the Fitch/Fitts Coat: "Esperance." It sounds like mythical Hesperides, the garden of western Atlantis protected by Ladon...which some trace to the Atlas mountains. Shouldn't the Fitches/Fitts, Fouts/Fiddes/Fittes and Fidelows/Fiddles therefore trace to north Africa's Fouta entity where the Fula lived??? Therefore, why is the Fitch/Fitts Coat sporting leopards when I'm thinking that the Boofima cult is from that entity? Hmm, the Coat is in Pollock colors, and they have already been traced to the Fula peoples.
It should be added that as I link the Wolfley/Wooley "woolpacks" to Kilpatrick "cushions," the Fidelows were first found in Surrey, the place/surname to which Kilpatricks link themselves. There is still a chance that Surrey was named after the Saracens of Guiscard interests, and that they too had been from the Moors to some degree. The Kilpatrick cushions link to the Patterson Cussanes/Kissanes/GUISsanes, and could therefore indicate that the Patrick-and-Patterson Butteri clans (= Moors of Guinea-Bissau?) were allied to Guiscard's Saracens. It's important to keep in mind that African Amazons were in Europe long before the Sicilian Guiscards.
The Peulh alternative for the Fula entity smacks of the Pohl surname (a bull, as with the Mieske Coat) that I've related many times, first found in Silesia. I trace Mieszko's line out from Africa first to Sardinia's Sulcis location and then to Silesia, which I assume was named after Sulcis elements. As the latter is easily identified as a Seleucid domain, I'll repeat that Hannibal Carthaginians had alliances with royal/noble Seleucids. But recently it was found that the Mieszko line also went through Bistue on the Bosna/BASANte river (downtown Bosnia), which cannot be yet another bassincidence. It does tend to trace Mieszko Poles to the Bassari. Boleslaw, son of Mieszko I, named his son, BEZprym, and these lines were found to have a star in Moray-star colors...as though Moray was colored by Mieszko-line Moors.
Place your bets on whether the Fulks trace to the Fula!?!? I'll bet my fulla house. And so Fulks and Polks/Pollocks appear to be one and the same from the Fula Moors...even the Butteri of the Volci/Velch theater. It's even possible that the Fiori river (through Velch) was an l-to-r switch from "Fula."
You can't a fulla me no more. Masons were from the Fula entity. That's where their Aryan secrets lie, in black Aryans. The Black Madonna was a well-guarded Moor secret. The black sheep of humanity were Mauritanians mixing with Scandinavians, and they care not for Europeans or Americans or any good thing, but for their Atlantean roots in Africa. Ask Obama, the pillager of the American dollar that he re-distributes to his Masonic friends. The Atlantean purpose was always empire-hood by whatever means, because they have the bottomless stomach of satan.
I now recall that the Varangian family -- the lucre-sick guts of Rosicrucians -- were intimately related to FULda in Germany (Fulda supported Wieringen in the Netherlands). As Fulda is in Hesse, this is the time to show the Buff/Boff/Beofe surname first found in Hesse.
Entering "Foul," as per the Foulah spelling of the Fula entity, brings up a Foulds surname using a fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Bush fleur-de-lys, and Bushes have already proven to trace to the Bassari (good enough for me, anyway). But the Foul/Foulds Coat also has the very stag heads (in the same colors and configuration) used by the Annes/Hannes, suggesting a Fula alliance with Hannibals. Entering "Fald" brings up almost the same as entering "Foul" (for the record in case it's needed, both Crests use three crossed arrows, perhaps the same as three bunched arrows that I typically trace to Khazars in the Bauer>Rothschild bloodline).
French Faults were first found in PERIgord, where the Beef/Sambeofe surname was first found...that I was sure were from the ImPERI carriers of the Boofima cult. The problem is, there are no Fault-like variations shown. Instead, we see "Fages" and a purple Chief. It's worth recording, anyway.
The Pollock boar design is the Sullivan boar, but used also by the Bacons. The Bacons trace to the Fullers/Fullos like so; English Fullers use a "beacon on fire on a mount," and entering that first term brings up the Bacons...who use black stars, the color of the star in the Arms of Guinea-Bissau. The latter is on a red background, the color of the symbol-less Bacon Shield. The Bacon motto: "MEDiocria firma." The Fuller motto: "Fermiora futura." A "met" term is used by the Boof-rooted Bowers, and traces, I think, to "BaphoMET."
The Irish Fuller Crest shows a horse, with a lone star in the so-called "square," implying the Butteri. Entering either "Puller" or "Pullen" brings up a Botter-colored bend.
Stars in colors reversed from the Bacon stars are used by Palins/Pawleys, and these were first found in Dorset, where the Busser-related Bushers were first found.
"Portugal" appears to mean, "door of the Galli," and so "Senegal" could mean, "Sion of the Portugalli." It was after suggesting this that I looked up a Senegal surname, and not only was there one, but it uses a "Sine" motto term that I've previously identified as code for Sion. Entering either "Sine" or "Sion" brings up the swan-using Swan surname. Senegal variations include Seneschal. Proto-Stewarts of Dol, Brittany, were seneschals, and Wikipedia says that the term defines those in charge of ceremonies. Does this trace the Stewart dragon in-part to the Senegal theater?
Here's the Senegal write-up, tracing to a Tuareg-like surname: "First found in Normandy where this distinguished family held a family seat at Crevecoeur in the arrondissement of Lisieux where Hamon Le Senechal held a strong castle that still remains in the valley of Auge. He was directly descended from Hamon-Aux-Dents, Lord of Thorigny [there's the Tuareg-like name] who was killed in the battle of Val-es-Dunes in 1045. Hamon, his nephew of the family of Crevecoeur, was present at the battle of Hastings in 1066." The terms above smack of my Lacy trace to Skiptons of Craven (relatives of the Cheshire Meschins). The use of "Hamen" in the Senegal write-up could link to Hamon de Masci of Cheshire, especially as the Senegal Coat uses mascles. This supports my trace of Masseys and Meschins to the Mali theater. The Senegal motto: "Macula Sine Macula," evoking the Michael branch of Meschins. As the Bass/Bassin surname was first found in Haddingtonshire, where MUSSELberg is located, I think we have yet another cause here for a trace to the Guinea-Bissau theater in the Senegal surname. The Mussel surname (BLACK wolf in Crest, BLACK Shield) is also "Muscel," too much like "Macula" to be ignored. Like the Basin/Bazine Coat, the Italian Macelli/Maschi/Masciarelli/Maskaly surname uses pine cones.
I'll bet my 300-lb. barbells that this is not a muscelincidence. The Maskaly surname uses its pine cones in black, and on a red shield, the colors of the star in the Arms of Guinea-Bissau. "Macula" evokes Macclesfield and the Maccus-rooted Maxtons, the latter being the bloodline to which Pollocks belong.
Entering "Sene" as per "Senegal" brings up the Sinclair/Singular Coat! As Malahule was the brother of Ragnvald, father of Rollo, founder of Normandy and of the Norman-Templar kings of England, does not the similarity between "Senegal" and "Singular" support my trace of MALAhule to Mali elements? Yes, and when I first proposed the idea, you thought I was nuts, right? Yes, I'm sure.
The question is: who were the Bassari the or four thousand years ago in the Atlantean west? I had discovered that Atlanteans were Nahorites, and reasoned that Aeolus, because he was the western wind, was a depiction of Atlanteans too, and then realized that his wife, Enarete, was a depiction of Nahorites. And as you can see that I got to the Bassari of Mali from starting at Melia-based Boiotians on the Laden, what about the mythical twin of Aeolus called, Boiotus???
I went to Wikipedia's article on the Hesperides to see it that could help identify the ancient Bassari, and found a term that was better than I expected to find. As per the so-called "labor" of Hercules wherein he was commissioned to steal the apples ("milo" in Greek) of Hera's garden of Hesperides, we read: "Herodotus claims that Heracles stopped in Egypt, where King Busiris decided to make him the yearly sacrifice, but Heracles burst out of his chains." I kid you not, I did not know of this Busiris character, though I may have mentioned him in the past, when I was writing on the Bassari above. And we did read in the Fula article that they were a peoples originally from Egypt and Ethiopia.
"Busiris" appears to be a Buz-Iris combo. A little later in the article, a mythical Eris is mentioned. "Her Greek opposite is Harmonia, whose Latin counterpart is Concordia. Homer equated her with the war-goddess Enyo, whose Roman counterpart is Bellona." Obviously, Eris was Ares, father of Harmonia, but then Harmonia was the wife of Cadmus, of Boiotia.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eris_%28mythology%29One of the listed sisters of Eris, Thanatos (god of death), smacks of the island of Thanet (Kent), where the Massins/Masons were first found. In her article, Eris is involved, in a cannibal-related myth, with Aedon, thus tending to prove that Eris was at least associated with Boiotians. Aedon is given the sister, Khelidon, smacking of the Khaldi line to Calydon, where the queen was Atalantis. The latter's husband, MELEager, sounds like a honey term.
Another sister of Eris was Moros, smacking of the proto-Moors. As Eris was involved with Aedon, and because I trace her grandfather, Merops, to Merowe (the one now in Sudan), I glean that Moros was code for just the peoples of Merowe, even the proto-Merovingians. But Ares also developed into Mars=Marsi in Italy.
On Thanatos: "His name is transliterated in Latin as Thanatus, but his equivalent in Roman mythology is Mors or Letus/Letum..." Once again, the Moors come to mind, but also the Leto line that I trace to Ladon, not forgetting that Leto was Latona with root in the Uat/Buto cult. Thanatos mother was EriBUS, a term that seems the reverse of Busiris. In that alone, we have our Bassari link to proto-Moors!! In fact, I can't believe how fast and how well that little exercise was. It took only a half hour to discover it. I haven't even made my first coffee this early morning.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ThanatosRemember, the Irish trace themselves from Scythians first in Egypt, then along north Africa to Iberian Spain. It sounds like the tracks of the Atlanteans or those of Hercules Danaans.
In the Mors article, we find mythical cleverness revealed: "Mors is the offspring of Nox (Night), and sibling to the personification of sleep, Somnus.[" The trick was to get people groups to sound like certain words in keeping with a theme. Here the theme is death because Mors was the god of death, and so we see the Samnites of Italy depicted as "Somnus," the word for "sleep." Mors was apparently the Marsi that lived in Samnite realms. The Marsi and Samnites lived beside the Latins depicted as Latona. And the (Bassari-like) Butteri were in Latin lands.
The Marsi homeland is (Merovee-like) Maruvium, where they occupied a lake Fucino smacking of "Fussen" (= Foetes)). Isn't it therefore interesting that Moros was the brother of the so-called Moirae, otherwise called "Fates"? Myth writers cannot always be consistent historically when relying heavily on word-play like this. The Nox (= night) above can be gleaned as Dionysus' sacred island of Naxos, and Dionysus' wife, Ariadna, smacks of Arados, the likely origin of Tartarus = Hell
In the Thanatos article, I found evidence for the theory presented in the third update of July, that Apollo (i.e. the people whom he depicted) first migrated to Crete (from Arados/Arpad in Syria) and then continued to the Anatolian mainland. Homer wrote (brackets not mine): "Then (Apollon) gave him {Sarpedon} into the charge of swift messengers to carry him, of Hypnos and Thanatos, who are twin brothers, and these two presently laid him down within the rich countryside of broad Lycia." That is, Apollo was in charge of the dead (i.e. defeated in war) Sarpedon Minoans, and as Sarpedon's dead body was laid to rest in Lycia, it stands to reason that Apollo was considered by the myth writer to be an extension of Sarpedon Minoans...in Lycia, where there was a goddess, Lada.
Note similarity between "Arpad" and "Sarpedon" (not to mention the Arpii/Carpae to which I trace Apollo's harp symbol). The mainland at Arpad, Tartus, was named by the peoples of Arpad (who I identify as the Ares dragon), and smacks of the dead underworld, Tartarus. Apollo here should be viewed as the Baal cult of Syria, leading first to the PELopian Atlanteans (cannibals) out of Antayla/Attaleia, then to the Ares dragon, the Sparti = Pollux, and then to the Roman Bellona=Eris=Busiris.
As Apollo was the extension of Sarpedon, it stands to reason that Apollo was heavy in Miletus, the city said to be founded by Sarpedon. Miletus was in Caria, a term like "Cyrene" founded by an Apollo branch. Hence, as Apollo was leader of the Muses, we expect that the Meshwesh/Mazyes (= Amazons) of Cyrene were from Muses, and it then stands to reason that Artemis was an Amazon line to just these Meshwesh. In the Hesperides article, we find a THEMIS parentage for the mythical Hesperides characters (the latter were always depicted as women, suggesting Amazons). I trace "ArTEMIS" to "Themiscyra" on the Thermodon. Where we find that Zeus and Themis bore Carpo and the Moirae=Fates, it suggests an Amazon ancestry for the Moors, but an Amazon ancestry for the Mures river in the Carpathians is also suspect.
There is an Arad region on/off the Mures of the Carpathians which helped to convince me that peoples of Arados/Arpad had been ancestral to the Arpad Hungarians. Safe to say now, the Hungarian Arpads, aside from their Khazar bloodline, were Amazons of the Themis>Carpo line. Is it not amazing, therefore, that before coming to this Hungarian=Amazon discovery right here, I had traced "Drummond" to "Thermodon," while Drummonds are known to be from Hungarians???
In Hungarian myth, Nimrod had two sons, Magor and Hunor, which of course is baloney. What this tells us is that Hunor depicted Khazars in the minds of the Hungarians, for Magyars were allied to Khazars during the time that there was a Khazar empire stretching from Azov to east of the Caspian. Whether or not this reveals in truth that Huns were Khazars is questionable, but interesting because Turks call the Volga river (north side of the Caspian), Itil/Atil. It's known that Khazars and Huns were both related to Bulgars (that named the Volga or vice-versa):
Hunters like their father, [Hunor and Magor] were on a hunting trip [hunting is an Amazon symbol in Greek myth] when they saw an ethereal white stag before them (the Csodaszarvas) and chased it across the Sea of Azov. Finding the newly discovered region to their liking, they decided to stay and married the two daughters of Dula, King of the Alans. From them descended Attila the Hun and High Prince Almos, the father of Arpad.Never mind taking that lineage literally, but let it be pointed out that the Alan-named Stewarts of Dol were linked (by me) fundamentally to the Drummonds, and to queen Margaret from Hungary. It's interesting that Margaret's royal descendants came to rule at Huntingdon, for the term smacks both of Huns and of the hunting symbol. The hunting horn (or bugle) of heraldry could apply to this line. The point at hand is that this line from the Hungarian Amazons was related to the Moorish Amazons, and so the Moors may have be respected only because the Hungarians to Scotland respected them.
But these Hungarians to Scotland were identified by me also as certain vikings in raven-depicted Shetland, where we find a "bygger" motto term that I trace to "Bihar" on the Mures. The Halland-line Norwegians are highly suspect because some of their members were in exile in Kiev, where queen Margaret and king Andrew were also in exile. If we are to guess where in Sweden the Varangians lived, Halland would be a good guess.
It's important not to lose sight of the Biggar Coat's identicality to the Dallas Coat, both using the Botter star of the Velch-region Butteri, especially if the Hungarian Turul hawk traces to the Turan cult in falcon-like Velch. Note too that Khazars had their empire largely on the Velch-like Volga river. Aside from the Buda location in Hungary, which was beside some Carpae peoples, "Bihar" looks like "Bassari/Bissau."
In any case, see "Carpi" at the top of this map, near Budapest that is marked "Aquincum." To the right of the Carpi, see the "Biessi," otherwise known as Bessi priests of the Satyrs. Is that a goatincidence, that while Satyrs were depicted as goats, the Boofima cult was a goat-sacrificing cult before it started to sacrifice humans? Is this evidence that the Bassari of Africa were the spine of the Boofima cult?
I was just at the Volga article reading that there is a Mari peoples there. At roughly the same time, I noted that Budapest's earlier name, Aquincum," smacks of the mythical Quinotaur to which Merovingians traced themselves. Merovingians were partly Sicambrian Franks from whatever Budapest was called in those days, and it may have been called Aquincum by some. In other words, while the Salian side of Merovingians was from the Batavi (beside the Salians), trace-able to Padua/Padova in north-east Italy, the Sicambrian side of Merovingians Franks appears to be from a Buda(pest) line linked to north-west Italy's Butteri...of the fleur-evoking Fiori river, flowing into Volga-like Velch.
Were there any Mari-like peoples in the Butteri theater? Yes, mythical Mars, to whom I've longed traced Merovingians. But then I traced Mars (i.e. the Marsi ITALians) to the Mures/Maros for good Silvan reasons, a river shown on the map (to the south of Aquincum) as the "Marisus." Suddenly, the Sicambrian side of Merovingians is starting to look Khazar-ish...of the Attila type on the Volga.
BUT COULD IT BE that "Italy" was named after the Itil/Atil=Volga river??? Not necessarily, for mount Maiella in Abruzzo is said to be named after a goddess Maja, smacking of Maia of the Atlas line, meaning that Italy should have been named after "Atlas" elements...from Antayla=Attaleia. As I trace Merovingians to mythical Merops>Aedon, it can be added that Aedon was mother to Itylus.
Note in the map above the mount Sarmatica to the left of the Carpi, for Alans and other Huns were from Sarmatia. In fact, at the Azov shores of Sarmatia there was a Tanais location and river (now the Don) that I venture to trace to the namers of the Danube river. I entertain no other way of tracing Apollo both to this Russian theater once known as Hyperborea (="far-north") and to the Uat/Buto cult other than viewing him as part of the scythians out of Tanais and into Tanis on the Nile delta. You can bet your booties that the Meshwesh=Muses of Apollo were the Meshech scythians, the heart of world-encompassing Gog and Magog. Yes, the Magyars may have been named in honor of Magog, and Scythia-like "Scotia" became a name just as royal Hungarians were infesting the court of Scotland's queen Margaret.
In the Hesperides article, you will find that it concerns Cadiz/Gades, said to be a Punic=Phoenician island on the south-Spanish coast. Safe to say, this was a Cilician-Cati settlement because it is in relation to Tartessos, a term like "Tarsus." Hercules to the west was an Argive-branch Danaan peoples originally from Tarsus and neighboring Adana. By "Argive Danaans" I'm inferring the Argo ship filled with Boiotian Orchmenians and Amazons.
On mythical Busiris:
Busiris is the Greek name of a place in Egypt, which in Egyptian, was named djed (also spelt djedu)...The word Busiris was also used to refer to chief god of Busiris, an attribute of Osiris....the villainous king of Egypt named Busiris, a son of Poseidon and Anippe, daughter of the river-god Nilus, was the ancient founder of Egyptian civilization...The monstrous Busiris sacrificed all visitors to his gods. Heracles defied him, broke his shackles at the last minute and killed Busiris.
This Busiris connection to "Osiris" is evidence that Busiris depicted Bozrah's Edomites, for Esau's line had (according to Genesis) merged with Lotan's line of Seir-ians, and as Seir-ians were Horites while Osiris and Horus were nearly identical, it's obvious that Osiris was named after "Seir." Just compare "BUSIRis" to "BOZRah."
It's as if my task of tracing Buzites is coming to an end due to this very strong evidence that Bozrah's Edomites are at the root of the Moor/Saracen elements in Templar ancestry. But what might make us think that the non-African sides of Templars should not likewise link back to Nahorites? I identify Nahorites (biblically "Nachor" with Dionysus's island of Naxos. Safe to say, Dionysus-proper became part of the Cadmus wave into Illyria and therefore was part of the Celt founding of Europe, a non-African wave. Busiris' alternative mother was Lysianassa, what strikes me as a Dionysus entity.
In the Busiris article: "...Didorus confuses Osiris with another figure in his stories of Nysas and Dionysius, and this figure may be Belus, or Baal, who was equated with Montu, another deity of Thebes [of Egypt, not of Boiotia, but the two cities may be related]..." Here we are at proto-Apollo in Egypt, on the Pelusiac branch of the Nile, home of the proto-Danaans, where we find a Montu deity smacking of Manto, mythical granddaughter of Everes=Avaris, the Hyksos capital either on the Pelusiac or near it. Then we read: "In Paradise Lost, John Milton uses 'Busiris' as the name of the Pharaoh of the Exodus..."
Who was John Milton and what did he know? In his Wikipedia article: "During that time [John Milton] was introduced to Giovanni Battista Manso..." I've been claiming for years that the Exodus pharaoh was a Hyksos. But the idea that he was also merged with Esau-ites of Bozrah might allow us to understand why Israelites were enslaved/persecuted under the Hyksos 200-plus years of rule in Egypt. We know that Jacob's family came into Egypt and was received well by the pharaoh of that time, but then Esau was Jacob's brother whom Jacob feared and licked-up to...for a reason. Esau had became furious with Jacob for "stealing" his birthright.
We can assume that Bozrah had been founded before Esau came to overpower the Horites, but if Bozrah was . named by Buz, then Bozrah was named not long before, for Buz was the son of Abraham's brother and therefore equates with the generation of Isaac, Esau's father. This can certainly explain why Esau came to rule in Bozrah. If Isis -- a known part of the Osiris cult -- was named after Esau, then we realize that Esau of Bozrah made alliances with the Egyptian pharaoh, and out of these alliances the Osiris, Horus and Isis cults developed.
Isis should prove to be the Sais location on the Sebennytos/Samannud, and if correct, Esau-ites trace to the Sabines and Samnites of Marsi/Maruvium environments...and therefore to the Suebi and their fellow Semnones, but also to Suebi-founded Swabia and the Suebi-rooted Lombards...and therefore to Merovingians, for the latter made marital alliances with Suebi and Lombards.
Who were the Miltons? "However, there is strong evidence that the [Milton] family descended from the Norman family of De Camville. The latter surname smacks of Campbells/Cammells that I trace to "Kemuel," son of Nahor after Buz and Uts. I therefore reckon that Miltons were from "Miletus," for I traced the Chemmites at Sais and Buto nearby -- who I say were named after Kemuel -- to the goat-headed Chimera dragon in the vicinity of Lycia, not far from Miletus.
AMAZING. It came to me, after writing that, to check the Millet surname, and there was a big white-on-red cinquefoil!! UTTERLY AMAZING, for I know that the same symbol is used, not only by the Kemuel-like Hameltons, but by the Bus Coat!!!!!
Note that the Bus' were first found in Norfolk, where I expect the Velch>Fulk-related Butteri, but also note that the Miltons were of Oxfordshire, where the Fulk-related Veres ruled. By Fulk-related Veres I'm referring to the so-called, Milo de Vere, so-called first count of Anjou, and while Milo may have been a quasi-mythical code as per his mother, Milouziana/Melusine of Avalon-Bute, certainly "Milo" smacks of some of the variations listed in the French Millet page. "Milo" smacks of apple and could therefore be code for Miletus, and in fact Miletus elements are suspect as the apple symbol of the Hesperides.
John Milton must have known such things, that he was related to the Bus(s) surname, and the fact that he called the Exodus pharaoh, "Busiris," may suggest what we may expect generally of the original Templars>Freemasons, that he took pride in the Exodus pharaoh. John Milton was an ally of Oliver Cromwell, the English ruler who befriended Rosicrucians just as the latter had been making New-Atlantis (i.e. title of Francis Bacon's book) in-roads into the English royal court via Francis Bacon, William Shakespeare, and John Dee. The Fulk(e)s of Norfolk use the Shakespeare spear, remember (and Miltons likewise use a split Shield vertically). In this picture, it could be that the spear (and even the Speer surname) is symbol for "ESPERides."
Let me re-show the Mall/Mallibone/Marlibone Shield (surname first found in Cheshire), for it's not only colors-reversed to the Massey Shield, but to the Vere Shield. I showed this previously as some evidence for tracing Malahule to Mali, for as I was able to link Malahule to the Norwegian Halland line, so the Coat you see above, when the colors are revered, is identical to the Ivar Coat that I traced to Norwegian Hallands.
It is just so amazing that I find myself displaying the Mall/Mallibone Coat just before I was going to go to the Say surname, for the Say Shield is identical to the Mall/Mallibone Shield! I wanted to say that the Say-Crest bull is identical (aside from the throat area) to the Pohl bull. I had traced the Says and Seatons of Sayton to "Sais," but now that I view the Pohls (of Silesia) as descendants of the Fula peoples, said to originate in Egypt, it appears that Sais elements were one root of the Fula/Poehl peoples, neighbors of the Bassari. As the Mieske bull is also black (the color of Africa), it seems that the Meshwesh, who had in fact ruled Tanis, were another root of the Poehls.
The link I made between Boscath and Mus of Lake Van is extremely important in the trace to the Meshwesh, for it suggests that Esau-ites of Boscath were meshed with the Mus after-which the Exodus pharaoh named Mouses=Musa=Moses. The theory here is that, as Esau-ites had been making alliances with the Jacob-friendly Egyptians, they slowly became afraid that Jacob-ites would rule the land, wherefore, says the Bible, the Jacob-ites were suppressed by slavery. The Mus allies of Esau-ites must have been figuring into the Egyptian picture in the meantime, so that Mus-ites allowed the Esau-ites to gain access into royal-Egyptian spheres. It may be that the Mus elements amongst the Hyksos were the anti-Israeli instigators, inciting the Esau-ites against them too.
In any case, the Exodus pharaoh was booted out of Egypt at the end of the 17th dynasty (don't perfectly trust the dating system of historians on the timing of dynasties of that period and earlier ones), but the Meshwesh (read as "Meses" or "Mesoes") made a come-back as the pharaohs of the 21st dynasty:
Early records of the Meshwesh date back to the 18th dynasty of Ancient Egypt from the reign of Amenhotep III. During the 19th and 20th Dynasties of Egypt (ca 1295 - 1075 BC), the Meshwesh were in almost constant conflict with the Egyptian state. During the late 21st Dynasty, increasing numbers of Meswesh Libyans began to settle in the Western Delta region of Egypt. They would ultimately take control of the country during the late 21st Dynasty first under king Osorkon the Elder. After an interregnum of 38 years, during which the native Egyptian kings Siamun and Psusennes II assumed the throne, they ruled Egypt throughout the 22nd and 23rd Dynasties under such powerful kings as Shoshenq I, Osorkon I, Osorkon II, Shoshenq III and Osorkon III respectively. Their reign only came to an end with the invasion of the Kushite 25th Dynasty in Year 20 of Piye.There we have it, Meshwesh in Egypt from about the time of the last Hyksos king, sparring for power against the native-Egyptian dynasty but failing for a while. Later in the page above: "The Meshwesh are known from ancient Egyptian texts as early as the 18th Dynasty, where they are mentioned as a source of cattle provided to king Amenhotep III's palace at Malkata." The Fula peoples are likewise said to be pastoral herders of cows, goats and sheep, the makings of cowboys.
The two names that royal Meshwesh used, Shoshenq and Osorkon, could be in honor of Isis and Osiris respectively, with "enk" and "kon" being either suffixes or in honor of allied entities (Enki and "Khyan?). That in a nutshell now spells a Meshwesh alliance with Edomites of the Esau and Seir-ian kind. In that case, since Esau-ites merged with Lotan-branch Seir-ians, we are not surprised to find two other Meshwesh royal names, Takelot and Nimlot, apparently named in honor of Lotan (though for now I'm left guessing as to what "Tak" and Nim" refer to).
Lotan was of the Horites that I trace to Haran in the Hebrew empire of the Mitanni (Nazi Aryans might feel sick to know that they trace to Hebrews). I now know that Nicholas de Vere traces through this Meshwesh line to Anu, and I did trace (in July) Anu elements to Mus in Lake Van at a time when I showed a few eight-pointed Ishtar stars. The French Miltons with Milo-like variations use an eight-pointed star. And as de-Vere traces his bloodline to the Mitanni too, I should add that there was a (Miletus-like) Melitine (and a nearby Milid) region right there in the Mitanni domain. In the map at the Mitanni article, see how close the Khyan-like Mitanni capital is to the Nairi at Lake Van, keeping in mind that Hyksos had been from Hebrews of Haik-worshiping Armenians...if that helps to explain how Hyksos were allied to the Mus of lake Van.
It stands to reason that Hyksos entering Anatolia became the Atlanteans, and as such they parked their donkeys to the west of the Meshwesh in the Atlas-mountain region, spreading out from there as pirates on the northern frontier, and mixing with blacks in the interior of Africa. It's interesting that mythical Kay was a son of Ector while the latter was also, Cynyr/Kynyr, according to Wikipedia. I had traced this entity to the Exodus pharaoh, but the point here is that Kay was a seneschal of the mythical Arthurian court. If that was code for Kay's Senegal roots, I now note that both the Kinner-surname bird and the Kay bird are identical, while the Kinner bird is called, in reflection of that surname, a canary. But how is it that the Canary Islands are off of Africa to the north of Senegal??? Do the anchors in the Kinner Crest jibe with islands way out in the ocean? Why is the Kinner Shield black?
Whatever you took from the Hope and Cope investigation, now is the time to use it to glean other secrets, for the Kinner anchors are white, as is the Hope-Crest anchor, while Kinners use "hope" in their motto. This is the Hitler bloodline, remember. You may recall that Copes linked Cheevers and other to Kiev-Varangian elements, as had key-line Sheaves/Shays/Shaws...that I think were Keys/Kays too. The Scottish Kay motto uses two Kynyr-like motto terms, but then also a "kepe" term, smacking of the Kiev Varangians, ut also of the "Keep" motto term of the Hebron surname. I had a childhood friend, with Ukrainian father named, Kepke (Kiev is in the Ukraine).
JUST FOUND! Years ago I traced Kay, as per some variations in Wikipedia's Kay article, to Caux in Normandy. I just now entered "Kepper" to find the Cappe/Capper clan first found in Caux! The Cappe/Capper Coat uses BLACK caps, and emailer Patterson would be interested in the family's rooted in an early Capella version, meaning "hair."
Checking the Capello Coat, we find the same "chapeau" used by the Bidens/Buttons/Buddins...that I identify with Butteri at the root of the Baathists. The hunch is that Capellos were the Kabala cult from the harlot goddess, Kybele.
Gather what you can, but Kay's father was Cynyr Ceinfarfog. The Kay article says: "Cai or Cei is one of the earliest characters to be associated with the Arthurian cycle, appearing in a number of early Welsh texts, including...Pa Gur yv y Porthur and the Welsh Triads. His father is given as Cynyr..." It's the "Porther" term that I wish to highlight, too much like Porter to be ignored. Remember, the Porters were just traced -- before I got to this point -- to Portuguese of the west-African stretch down to Guinea, right past the Canary Islands. And English Porters ("portcullis" in Crest) were first found in Hampshire, where the chapeau-using Bidens/Buttons were first found, meaning that we have indeed found a Porter link to mythical Kay that should explain the Porthur term above. The Cullis Crest uses a "falcon's head," important where a falcon is used in the Coat of the Hampshire Botters/Bodys.
AM I EVER GLAD I took the time to see the Church Coat as per the "church bell" symbol of the Porters. There are three BLACK greyhounds with gold collars, which had been found, in the hunt for Guinea's Bassari people, in the Bass/Bassin Coat. This tends to link the Bassari with the Botters as well as the Porters. It was reasoned this moment that a Batter surname should apply, and checking, there was a Batter/Beater Coat in the colors of the French Porters, and using only a chevron in colors-reversed to the French Bede/Bedard chevron. In other words, the Bassari evolved into Bathers, Batters and Botters. Yes, for the Bather Crest is the Botter falcon!
Do I think that every heraldic chevron should link back to the Hebron-Coat chevron and therefore to Hebron, Israel? It's a good theory, but should be applied only loosely in most cases. I'm asking the question above in regards to the Batter/Beater/Beeter and Bede/Bedard chevrons. In the Kay article: "Along with Bedivere, with whom he is frequently associated, Kay is one of the earliest characters associated with Arthur." We can assume that "vere" was added to the root, "Bed."
While I was writing the last sentence, I was waiting for the Caix Coat to load as per the variations in the Kay article, and there was a chevron in the colors of the Batter/Beater chevron! It can be gleaned in two ways that the Caix/Caise Chief uses the "Vere star," suggesting that this is part of the Bedevere line linked to mythical Kay. The Caix page shows a Caise variation, similar to the "Caius" in the Kay article.
If true that Kays developed from "Mackay" and not vice-versa (that idea is presented in the Kay-Coat write-up too), it can be added that the same chevron under discussion is used by Irish Mackays. This in turn means that there isn't any use trying to trace surnames such as Kay and Caise to people-group entities or geographies. It should mean that all variations connecting with the Kay surname came after "Kay" was developed, including Sheaves, Cheevers, Capes, and all the rest. In this picture, Kiev (in the Ukraine) was named as a variation of the Mackays / Maceys, which theory I can't rule out off-hand. I don't neglect that the same Varangians who founded Kiev also named Moscow (which in itself could predict a Massey-rooted Russian anti-Christ). And I did trace Mackays of northern Scotland to raven-depicted vikings that I thought were Varangians.
It's of course unlikely that all Massey-like terms stem from the Meshwesh line through Mieszko. What about other Meshwesh lines? They could have named peoples and places long before Mieszko was born. There may have been such Meshwesh in Britain that invited the Mieszko Masseys there. The Avalon Muses, for example. If the Meshwesh of Africa carried the Busiris cult to the Bassari of Guinea-Bissau, and where we just found the Bassari in Hampshire's Botters et-al, and where the latter link to Bath-and-Wells and Buda of Somerset, but also to Bute=Avalon...are we getting the picture?
The Arthurian cult was thereby linked closely to the Hyksos entity that named Moses, the Hyksos entity that God's all-seeing-eye has been on for destruction ever since the time that He sunk Khyan's chariots into the Red sea, the same stubborn and stupid Khyan that went on in furious rage against the God of Israel, and taught his survivors to do likewise...until they got to the Kynyr-Kay cult, where they devised more magical arts and led Christians astray into their bottomless abyss.
In this picture, Mackays may actually not be Masseys from the Mieszko line. In this picture, Mackays may be named after the Maxyes variation of the Meshwesh/Mazyes. The Maceys, however, which use the Mackay Shield, are trace-able to the Maceys>Masseys, but per chance this doesn't mean that Mackays were Maceys>Masseys...if for example the Mackays merged with their distant-kin Maceys and took on their heraldry symbols. The same may be true of Macks, Mackesys, Mackies, and others: they were not from the Mieszko line (he ruled Masovia) to Meschins and Maceys, but from another Meshwesh migration. The Pollock clan must be from Mieszko, and Pollocks are a Maxwell sept, placing Maxwells and Maxtons in the Meschin fold.
A good way to trace one wave of Meshwesh is to track Apollo to Avalon. It suggests a line through Avellino in Campania to Avallon in Champagne, then possibly into the Mousson region of the Champagne (Pagan=Apachnas?) theater, at the little Meuse river, but consequently into Maastricht and the Meuse/Maas river. The question is, was this the proto-Massey line, or the earlier line to the Arthurian cult? My answer should perhaps not come so soon as right now. There could have been a merging of the two Meshwesh lines there. We find Artois to the west of Mousson, and Artois' Lys river should trace to the Lys river in Masci-infested Piedmont/Aosta.
It could even be that the difference between Meschins and Masseys is the Mieszko line verses the Muse-of-Avalon line. That would put the Masseys into the Mackay camp. This is confusing enough to require the hand of God. I'm laying off for now.
Tim sent the message that Spaldings use a tower. Spaldings are interesting because they are said to have been tenants of Ranulph le Meschin. The "salus" motto term and the buckles in this Spalding Coat would suggest that Spaldings eventually merged with the Sales-of-Mascy and the same-colored Bulkeleys-of-Mascy (they are shown also as "Buckley"). I'm stunned to find that the Coat of the latter uses the Mieske bull; I'm stunned because what's immediately above this paragraph was written yesterday while the Spalding topic comes first thing this morning with no intent to follow-up on the above, yet here I am on the Meschin and Mieske bloodline.
What makes this so much more intriguing in relation to the Massey-versus-Mack question is that the Spalding write-up either misspells Ranulf's name, or gives a variation used in ancient times: "Randolph Mechin, Earl of Chester." As you may read that I trace the Randolphs earls of Moray (Obama bloodline) to "Ranulph" le Meschin (no one that I've read makes that trace), so here we find good evidence, not just because the Spalding write-up uses "RanDolph," but because the Wikipedia article on the Spalding clan says that Spaldings were a sept of Murrays. Murrays are also Morays!!!
To that, it should be added that Ross-shire, beside Moray, had a DINGwall capital, meaning that "SpalDING" might be partly in honor of that place. Camel-using Pattersons were in Ross-shire, and below we come across a camel in the Spalding investigation.
The Spalding Coat shows a black "pale." Is that code for the Poles from the Fula= Poehls? After all, we just saw that Pohls also use a black bull like the Mieskes. Entering "Pale" (camel in Crest) brings up the French-Talbot Shield, expected because the Spaldings were first found in Lincolnshire, home of Ranulf le Meschin's Taillebois-surnamed wife. As per the Champagne mention above (i.e. where the Meshwesh to Avalon's Muses are expected), note that the French Taillebois surname was first found in Champagne. Note the Tailer-like variations on the Taillebois page, and then see a black pale (!) in the Tailor Coat (with the Levi lions in the pale). Possibly, Spaldings were named after "Pale."
So far, so good. Spaldings, suspect from the Salyes Ligurians, were merged with TalBOTs, the latter suspect as Dallas-branch Butteri (Dallas' use a blue bend too, like the Talbots).
Seeking the origin of Spaldings. Wikipedia reports that they were named after a Spaldingas tribe of Angles. As I was on the Muskerry topic for the first time just in the 3rd update of July, and especially on the Deas/Desmond surname there, I was surprised to find the following in Wikipedia's article on the Spalding family: "In 1615, David "Deas" Spalding started...In Gaelic he was called "Daidh Deas".
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_SpaldingThe Deas Coat uses....a pale!!! And look, the Deas clan was first found in Angus, where the Spaldings were concentrated when they moved from Spalding of Lincolnshire to Scotland:
In 1318, Peter Spalding helped followers of Robert the Bruce enter and seize the town of Berwick from the English...[Peter] was married to a cousin of Sir Robert Keith, Marshall of Scotland...He also received a flag with a gate upon it, having a portcullis half raised, and the motto 'Nobile Servitium'" (article above).I found that quote after finding evidence (shown below) of Spalding links to the Keiths, who lived in the MUSselburg area. There's just too many Mus' in this section to be ignored. And did you happen to note the "portcullis" term, one I don't recall ever mentioning in all my writings...until this update. Let me repeat what was said above: "English Porters ("portcullis" in Crest) were first found in Hampshire, where the chapeau-using Bidens/Buttons were first found...The Cullis Crest uses a "falcon's head," important where a falcon is used in the Coat of the Hampshire Botters/Bodys."
In other words, my hunch that Porters were from the Portuguese of the Fula=Poehl theater can be used here to support a trace of Spaldings, and other surnames using pales, to the same theater.
The Deas-surname write-up traces the term to "David," but I think that's incorrect. More likely, there were David Deas' after which that idea arose. The David Deas above lived in the 13th and 14th centuries, and the Deas write-up traces to that surname from the 13th century. Clan ancestry therefore amounts to the idea of David Deas Spalding, thus explaining the Deas pale, a symbol also of the Spaldings.
Remember from the third update of July, the Deas surname is from "Dhai," while the Mus province in Lake Van was inhabited by a Diau/Daia(ini) peoples. The Deas clan lived in TAYside of Angus.
As the Deas-Spaldings were revealed above as friends of the Scottish Bruce king, while those Bruces were of Annandale and even used the red-on-white saltire of the Annan(dale)s, what about the red-on-white saltire of the Irish Desmonds??? It's known that the Deas clan of Muskerry were Desmonds too. And as I've been tracing the Annan(dale)s to the Ananes Gaul on the Po, opposite the river from the Laevi Gauls/Ligurians, how was it that the Tailor-Coat pale used the Levi-lion design in colors reversed to the Levi lion?
The Wikipedia article on the Spalding clan shows the Spalding Arms as a long downward-pointing sword (evokes the Excalibur sword), reminding me of the suit of "Spada" on an Italian deck of cards, where the spada is a long downward-point sword. So "Spada" was entered and then "Speed" to find three Coats all in red and gold. Moreover, the Spanish Spada Coat uses a sun, the symbol of Hesse, the region that I trace to the Keith-Catti whom the Spaldings were allied to.
Still more, the Spanish Spadas were "derived from the name of a town located in the valley of Salazar, in the district of Aoiz (Navarre, Spain)." "Salazar' smacks of the Spalding motto term, "salus." If that's not enough, the sun in the Spada Coat shows a downward-pointing arrow, the symbol of the Sales Crest. It should be added that Spada variations include, Esparta. Per chance we are talking about the LaceDaemonian Spartans to Lacydon Ligurians, for the Speers, who I've traced to Spartans, show a Speyer variation, similar to the Spauyding variation show in the Wikipedia article. The French Desmonds, in colors reversed to Irish Desmonds, use variations such as Demon, Demons, and Demone, which may not be from D'Mon as we might at first suspect, but from Daemonians.
The evidence presented above that Spaldings were linked to Porters supports this Spalding trace to Speers, for I trace Speers from Melusine-related Lusatia to Melusine-depicted Lusignan, smack in the Porter and Poitiers theaters. Melusine's mother, Pressina, was traced by me to the Bruce namers of Prussia, and then we saw Spaldings supporting the Bruce royal that protected the Templars. Melusine is in the Moray crest, moreover, suggesting the possibility that she was code there for the Spaldings of Moray. French Desmonds were first found in Orleans, near Lusignan!
The Spanish Spada/Esparta sun is colors reversed from the Sol/Solana sun.
After seeing the two Spada and one Speed Coats, "Spate" was entered to delightfully find what was only suspect until then: the fundamental Spalding link to the Sales. The Spates/Speights use the downward arrows=pheons, the Sales-Crest symbol, in Sales-Coat colors. This tending to prove wildly that Spaldings were also Spadas / Speedes/Spedes and similar surnames.
The blue jay in the Speight/Spate Crest finds a blue symbol in the Jay-surname Crest, and then blue scallops are found in the Gay Coat as per the Jay trace to a "De Gai" location of Normandy. It just so happens that these Gays were from "Gaye le Manche" (Normandy) while being first found in Oxfordshire. Veres are from Manche and they ruled for England in Oxford, and beside the Jay/Gai motto term is one I typically see as code for Veres. We expect Veres wherever we are tracing Melusine.
I now recall that the blue-on-gold scallops of the Gays were traced to the gold-on-blue scallops in the Arms of A Coruna in the extreme north-west of Spain where mythical Geryon ruled his Hesperides (or neo-Hesperides) kingdom. Is it not amazing, therefore, that A Coruna was anciently Brigantia, for the Gay Crest is the Brian lion that I've traced solidly to Briancon on the river where the Salyes lived, and Briancom was also Brigantium!!!! Whammy points all over the place for this your humble servant. Score me more points because I did trace Meschins to A Coruna on an educated whim, where I linked "Brigantium" to Ranulph's father, Briquessart of Bayeux.
Then toss your nimble servant a pot of gold for tracing "Esperides" to "Sparta" some years ago, and LOOK, the Spada surname was not only first found in northern Spain's Basque region, but its Esparsa, Esparse, and Esparta variations smack of "Hesperides"!!! Slot machines are now pouring coins onto my lap, everything I touch is turning to gold. LOOK MORE, for the Spada surname was first found in Navarre, a place I traced to the Nevers region of France and therefore to the Nibelung Burgundians, and therefore to the Noble surname. Did you see the "Nobile Servitium" motto of the Deas-Spaldings? The Brian and Gay lion is used also by the Noble Coat!!! Score me more points, woudja? But it's not like I'm smart, just willing to make the geographical connections that others find impossible or far-fetched. I trace Nevers to queen "Nefertiti" of Egypt, and I'm sticking to it no matter that readers roll their eyes.
I had never known what the white rose on red in the Dutch Noble Coat linked to, until now. It strikes me as the white-on-red roses of French Desmond/Demon Coat.
Didja see the skull and crossbones in the Arms of A Coruna? Does it make sense to trace Hebron-and-Eschol elements -- which I trace to Skull and Bones -- to Spain? Ask the Iberians. Should we trace those Hebron-and-Eschol elements to Geryon at Coruna? Ask Hercules, the Danaan from Samson.
How amazing is it that, after ending yesterday's trace of Bassari peoples to the foundations of ancient Hesperides, I would go to my email box (last night) to catch up on old emails; the oldest one not yet opened was Tim's of June 12, and all he said was for me to see the tower of the Spaldings. Assuming he did see a tower in a Spalding Coat, let me say that I trace towers to Tuareg Amazons in the mount-Atlas = Hesperides theater, but the point is, how can it be coincidental that Spaldings themselves are named after "Hesperides"??? The slot machines themselves seem to be falling into my lap. Miracles keep happening through a few dedicated readers...and the real miracle is that they can keep-on skimming while I write mountains of material that not even God can keep up with.
I trace Nibelungs to Burgundians due to the Song of the Nibelungs: "The Nibelungenlied, translated as The Song of the Nibelungs, is an epic poem in Middle High German. The story tells of dragon-slayer Siegfried at the court of the Burgundians, how he was murdered, and of his wife Kriemhild's revenge." Wikipedia's article on A Coruna says: "There is another town named Coruna in Burgos Province." Burgos is to the east of A Coruna, close to Navarre.
Remember, Burgundy is where Nevers was found, and we are looking for the ancient Melia-related Boiotians, related to mythical Aedon, as they developed out from Egypt and Ethiopia into the Fula and Bassari peoples on Africa's west coast. Nefertiti (whom I figure related to "Nephele") was the queen of the pharaoh who introduced into Egypt the (Aedon-like) Aten/Atun as the sun god, and Autun is smack beside Nevers. This migration of Nefertiti and Atun elements has got to include the trace of Ethiopia's Merowe/Bedewe to the Moors and to the Merovingians and Batavi. Keep in mind that Atun was a god at Amarna (middle Egypt), smacking of (Moor-like) Myrina, the Amazon goddess of the Atlantean kingdom about the Atlas Mountains.
Studying the various Berg / Burg Coats now gives the impression of linkage to Butteri. The Jewish Berg Coat uses a collared stag, suggesting the Moors of the Collar Coat, wherefore the Hannibal stag appears to be in play. The German Bergs use the Tall and TalBOT bend, while the English Burghs were first found in Hampshire and use a falcon head similar in design to the one in the Cullis Crest. Here's what I said above: "The Cullis Crest uses a "falcon's head," important where a falcon is used in the Coat of the Hampshire Botters/Bodys."
The Cullis surname became a topic only due to the "portcullis" symbol of the Porters, and yet we find the portcullis now with the Spaldings of the Nobile line. The French Porters were first found in Berry=Bourges (home of the Poitiers founders), and that tends to link them to the Burghs/Burroughs of Hampshire. Or, shall I say, the Burghs/Burgos and Botters of Hampshire must have been linked as per mutual roots in the Berry/Poitiers part of France. AND, the English Burghs use white-on-green, the colors of the Arms of Burgos (Spain).
THUS THE MOOR IMPORTANCE of the Freemasons was in the old Hesperides=Atlantean empire, explaining why Rosicrucians came up with their concept of a New Atlantis...that is now the global government on the verge. But like all things built high on the burgs, it'll come crumbling down when the mountains shake on Omega Day.
The Irish Burghs/Burgos are the ones with a collared cat-a-mountain that I tended to link to the Butteri line. Also, the Irish Burgs use a "foy" motto term, while the Senegal motto is: "Un Peuple, Un But, Une Foi," what appears to be part code for the Butteri bloodline.
Let's get back to the Spaldings=Hesperides of the Nobile line, and assuming I'm correct to trace Nobels to Hesperides elements as well as to Nefertiti and Atun, one could guess that the Hesperides were defined purely as the Nefertiti and/or her Atun cult, especially as "Amarna" smacks of "Myrina." We could be looking for a Nobel-line link to the Bassari, therefore, just because both entities were from Egypt but later in west Africa. "Prevailing scholarly theories strongly suggest that the written Nibelungenlied is the work of an anonymous poet from the area of the Danube between Passau and Vienna..." Seeing the similarity between "Passau" and the Bissau region of the Bassari, I clicked on the Passau link: "Passau was an ancient Roman colony of ancient Noricum called Batavis, Latin for 'for the Batavi.' The Batavi were an ancient Germanic tribe often mentioned by classical authors, and they were regularly associated with the Suebian marauders, the Heruli."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PassauI long ago identified Merovingians with Nibelungs (i.e. the same peoples somehow), and about the same time proved (to myself, anyway) that the proto-Batavi of Bedewe/Merowe were proto-Merovingians too, and here I now find myself staring at the Batavi link to the Nibelung Song.
Passau is beside Sales-like SALZburg, and as the Spaldings use a "salus" term while tracing in others ways to the Salyes, the fact that I expect Butteri amongst the Salyes while tracing Butteri to the Bassari supports a Bassari trace to Passau. It's as if Nibelungs were among the Bassari, which is to make the Bassari link to Nefertiti and company.
It pays to follow the leads no matter how stretchy I fear they are in readers' minds. CONSIDER THIS. Nefertiti and her husband (pharaoh AkhenAten) are thought to be of a Mitanni family of horse trainers, the chief trainer being a Yuya, father of queen Tiye and husband of Thuya/Tjuya (they smack of the Diau), descendant of queen Nefertara. I didn't have this on my mind at all when tracing the Nefertiti line to Spaldiing-related Nobels. Why then were the Deas elements of the Spaldings settled in Tiye-like Tayside? Could we venture to trace Tiye and Yuya to the Diau/Daiaini at Lake Van, not far from the Mitanni capital?
I note that queen Nefertara (not to be confused with Nefertiti) was "AhMOSE-Nefertari," named, possibly, in honor of Van's Mus district. If you didn't read it in the past, let it be repeated that Yuya lived in the Kemmis location of Upper Egypt. I trace Kemmites to the heraldic camel symbol, used by the Merovingian Pepin surname, and yet another point is that I trace Kemmites to Nahorites while Nairi lived in Van. Nefertari was wife to pharaoh Ahmose I, the one whose family kicked the Hyksos out of Egypt, and it's peculiar that I should trace the Mus entity of Van to the Hyksos while they were ousted by a Mose entity. Perhaps the Mus of Van had also infiltrated the royal courts of the southern Egyptians, and then came to desire their fellow-Mus throne in the Nile delta.
I think it's true that AkhenAten was named in-part after "Akhmim," the alternative name of Kemmis. That means that Kemmites can be traced to Autun, and also to mythical Aedon in Grecian Thebes. And we would expect Nevers and Nibelungs to be Kemmites too.
By the way, the Nibelung Song is about "a dream of a falcon that is killed by two eagles." The falcon is said to be a symbol of the Gunther and/or his sister, Gunther being a mythical king of Burgundy in the Arthurian or pre-Arthurian period.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NibelungenliedNow look at what should be the historical Spalding / Speer/Speyer link to Nibelungs: "With the authority of the Gallic emperor that he controlled, Gundahar [= mythical Gunther of the Nibelung Song] settled on the left or western (i.e. Roman) bank of the Rhine, between the river Lauter and the Nahe, seizing Worms, Speyer, and Strasbourg."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GuntherApparently, "GUNther" is code for the Huns in France of his period. The Hungarian Magyars, who claimed to be from Attila the Hun, used a "turul" hawk that could be traced reasonably to mythical Turan in (falcon-like) Velch. In a flash, it suggests that Magyars had alliance with the Butteri, and if indeed Butteri were the epicenter of Africa's Boofima cult, one can see why Magyars also traced themselves to leopard-depicted Nimrod. As Magyars used a stag in tracing to Nimrod, note that Hannibal lines in Europe use stag symbols.
Therefore, the Magyar-Hannibal link that I've maintained while historians laughed can be made via a Butteri alliance with Hungary's founders, and we would look to BUDA(pest) for that link, the city also called Sicambria, out of which came the Burgundy-related Sicambrian Frank side of the Merovingians. As I said, Kemmites trace to Cambria-like terms such as "SiCAMBRIA."
It just struck me that "Hannibal" has resemblance to "Nibel(ung)." Amazingly, there is no contradiction at all when tracing either term. I traced both the stag's ANTler and "Hanna" to the Anat cult, realizing eventually that Aphrodite depicted the (H)Eneti-branch Anat cult because the Antenor-branch Heneti founded the Veneti (to whom Merovingians trace themselves), while the Veneti were, surely, encoded as "Venus," the Roman Aphrodite (the Venus surname even uses a stag). Later yet, I realized that "Aphrodite" and "Nefertiti" were nearly identical.
It just so happens that Sicambria was a Hun station as they murdered across Europe and into France. We could expect a Hun alliance with some Buda elements (neighboring Pest may not yet have been a city) at that time. The idea that Gunther took Speyer while the Speer/Speyer Chief uses stars in Botter star colors may be remote (and tiny) evidence of a Gunther-Buda alliance. If the Butteri bloodline (that could be loosely speaking) of Buda was of Hesperides elements, and I'm thinking that it was, we note that Speers/Speyers have just been identified with Hesperides fundamentally.
The Spree relatives of the Speers use a Coat much like the Tatton Coat, and the latter clan not only has a greyhound in Crest, but the Tayton and Teyton variations that could link to queen Tiye. I might not be so keen on that stretchy trace if it were not for the Speer link that I'm now seeing to the Nefertiti entity. The Tatton crescents being those of the Sprees and Speers then links Tattons to Hesperides elements, and not only because the latter were "Tattons-of-Mascy," but also because Spaldings/Spauydings show links to Sales-of-Masci and Bulkeleys-of-Mascy, I think it's very safe to say that ancient Meshwesh were the money bags of ancient Atlantis. That money would have come from many years of ruling Egypt.
In the Norse poem, Atlamal, the subject is Atli=Attila the Hun. Although a Hun-Hannibal link seems impossible given the typical description of the Huns from the far east, yet the fact that "Attila" smacks of "Atlantis" could somehow link his Dula house to the Hannibals (beside the Atlas mountains). In any case, let's take a look at some of the children of Atlantean Poseidon as assigned by Plato. The first son, Atlas, was given Gadeirus for a double, a code apparently for Gadir/Cadiz of southern Spain. Gadeirus was also, Eumelus, which I say was Kemuel elements just because I think Poseidon here refers to Buzites.
Another Atlantean son of Poseidon was Ampheres, smacking of the Imperi peoples that ran the Boofima cult. Another son, Mestor, can be investigated for Meshwesh links. One Mestor was the son of Perseus and Andromeda, and as they gave birth to Gorgons of Africa, it does fit the Meshwesh. This Mestor's sibling was Autochthoe, smacking of Atlantean-Poseidon son of Autochthon. We pretty much have the Atlanteans pegged as Gorgons already.
Recalling that I had traced the ImPERI to Priam and his son, Paris, note this from the Mestor page above: "Another Mestor was a son of King Priam." Then, as I' now trace Butteri to Meshwesh, and before that I traced the Boofima cult to Meshwesh, see what else the page says: "A third Mestor was a son of king Pterelaus." Ignore the "laus" and add a vowel to that last term, and we have a Potter/Putter-like term. Let's investigate, not neglecting that Busiris' mother was made LYSinassa.
Pterelaus sons included the island of Ithaca and it's city of Neritus. Ithaca is where Odysseus sprang out when he sailed to and had input into western Italy, in the land of the Tyrrhenians=Etruscans, where the Butteri lived! "Pterelaus may even be part-code for Lazio.
Neritus smacks of the Nerthus worshipers which included the Angli, the tribe out of which sprang the Hesperides-rooted Spaldings. The Ladon dragon of Hesperides can be found amongst sons of Pterelaus because another one was Taphius, symbol of the Taphian pirates...who I say were mythical Daphne, herself a peoples in the Ladon river...at the north side of Sparta (I say that last part because I traced Spaldings and Hesperiders to Sparta).
If we are convinced that Pterelaus was a proto-Butteri peoples, good, because he can now be traced straight to the Hyksos...aside from his links to Priam and his son, Hector, and aside from my trace of Hyksos to Trojans to Etruscans. We read: "Pterelaus was the grandson of the first Pterelaus, and son of Taphius...This Pterelaus, king of the Taphians, was the father of several sons (Chromius, Tyrannus, Antiochus, Chersidamas, Mestor, Everes)..." There you have Everes, grandfather of Daphne and code for the Hyksos capital.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PterelausBut note "Tyrannus" too as it could be code for Tyrrhenians, and don't overlook "Antiochus" because he could just be the ancestry of the anti-Christ related Seleucids. Here is one way that one could link the Rome of Daniel 7 to the Seleucids of Daniel 8, both said to be the underpinnings of the anti-Christ. Rome was founded by Etruscans, the historians tell us, and Rome is situated between the Etruscans and the Latins. In fact, Tusculus is between those two peoples, and I trace that place to mythical Dascylus (a real location near Parion/Parium (Muse-infested Mysia) of the Trojans), father of Gugu/Gyges of Lydia.
Therefore, in the nutshell of the paragraph above, the anti-Christ will be a Butteri entity if it's correct to identify them as Pterelaus. As the Butteri were cowboys herding cattle: "Pterelaus and his kin raided the cattle of the King of Mycenae..." It says that Pterelaus was killed raiding the cattle, meaning that the peoples he depicted were defeated in war, a good reason to flee their area (Taphians were in the Calydon theater).
The Pterelaus entity was replaced by the Cephalus (= "head", think Gorgon-head symbol) line to Odysseus. This Cephalus was personification of the Cephalus river near Athens, but we can view him as the Ethiopian line that Perseus (killer of the Gorgon head) had merged with in Canaan/Israel. This Athenian Cephalus, like the Perseus-related Cephalus, can be easily connected to Merops of Ethiopia in that he (Cephalus) was given Phaethon for a son. Cephalus' love of hunting with Artemis reveals him as the Gargarian partners of Thermodon Amazons.
But WOW, looksie at Cephalus' sons: "Some sources also give Tithonos and Hesperus as children of Cephalus and Eos." HESPERus!!! It should also be said that Cephalus was an Aeolian, i.e. the westward migration into Italy, and his wife (Enarete) to the Nerthus-cult Angles, Eudoses, Varni, etc. "Hesperus" had the "evening star" (or Venus) as code, i.e. the far west. .
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CephalusAnother way to link the Butteri to Atlanteans is via the Caledonian Picts, if Picts can be traced to the Pictones, founders of Poitiers. One can reason that mythical Atalanta, wife of the king of Calydon, moved west with Calydonians to found the Caledonian Picts. The Calydon-ians may have come by way of Africa, I don't know, but in that regard, the PERIgord location in the Poitiers theater can be traced to the Ampheres=Imperi theory (i.e. if that helps to trace African Atlanteans to the Perigord theater, where also we find Laus-like Lusignan (i.e. I'm thinking "PtereLAUS"), home of the Hesperides-rooted Sprees>Speers.
Recalling that mythical Kay was a Meshwesh entity if he derived from Mackays / Maceys, there is a king Cilydd, son of Celyddon, in Kay lore. In the myth, "The knights attack the castle by stealth, killing the nine porters and the nine watchdogs, and enter the giant's hall." Why Porters, and why the Muse-sacred number, nine? As Kay was traced earlier to a Caux location, and as he has the alternative, "Caix," what about this: "Eosphorus/Hesperus was said to be the father of Ceyx and Daedalion." It's possible for Kays to have been both Mackays and to have developed the "Caix" alternative just because they linked back to mythical Ceyx and/or Caux (Normandy).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HesperusCruel Daedalion (smacks of Daedalus of Crete) was made into a hawk by Apollo, and could certainly trace to the Turul hawk because that hawk was traced above to Turan. It means that we can trace also to Tarun of Lake Van...and it's Daiu peoples that smack of "DAEdalion!!!" This is excellent evidence that the same Daiu trace to Daedalus, as expected.
ZOWIE, as I just traced Kay and his father, Cynyr, to pharaoh Khyan, what about Daedalion's daughter, Chion??? Is that not like a painful sentence on skeptical readers?
Daedalion was killed on Parnassus, a Muse center in Thessaly, where Khyan-like Ixion lived with his Centaurs. AND YES, for Ixion was married to Dia!!! Busting myth codes gets to be a breeze after the 100,000th hours of practice. Actually, if left totally up to me, I wouldn't have gotten past 200 hours before giving up. From first to last -- to this day, anyway -- your Creator has been engineering my thoughts. There is no other explanation.
Chion was given a couple of sons, Autolycus by Hermes, and Philammon by Apollo. Remember, Apollo traces to Lycia, and AutoLYCUS would appear to be the Lycians...who I traced back to Lachish. That's important because I sensed that the fleeing Khyan Hyksos had been in Boscath, beside Lachish.
Get ready unbelievers, here comes a bolt: "[Autolycus} was the husband of Neaera..." That is just too much like the Nairi at a time when we just traced Autolycus' mother to Lake Van. MOREOVER, as lake Van is in Armenia, depicted by "Hermes, so we find that Autolycus' father was Hermes. I dare say that this was the Cadusii line to mount Hermon, but apparently passing through BosCATh and Lachish first.
WOWWWIE, this is now flooring me. As I emphasized Mus of lake Van and yet do not know what it was called anciently, SEE THIS: "Autolycus was husband to Mestra..." according to Ovid. So, a Lachish-like character in Lake Van's Daiu theater (the Daiu lived in Mus/Tarun) has two wives, on a Nairi-like one and the other a Mus-like one. And Mestra smacks of Mestor seen earlier, the Atlantean entity from Hyksos-line Trojans, son of Pterelaus. Note that "Pt" is an Egyptian term, as in the god, Ptah (Buto?)
Hmm, clicking over to the Mestra article, she was also "Mnestra." Perhaps this doubles as a Manes=Mannae code. Another of Poseidon's ten Atlantean sons was Mneseos. If we remove the 'n', we're left with "Meseos," a term like "Moses" (remember, I'm entertaining a trace of Moses' name to Mus elements from Lake Van).
FREEZE! Don't move. Did I say that I couldn't see the Meshwesh>Mysians in the family of Leda's children even though they should have been central there? What about the sister of Pollux, Castor and Helen? Her name was...Clytemnestra. AHA! In my mind, that's a Khaldi-Mysia (or Calydon-Mysia) combo now that the above Mestra=Mnestra has been learned.
I said don't move. This is important, for there has always been a question (in my mind) as to whether Mysians named Mycenae (outskirts of Argos). I now find that Clytemnestra was wife of Agamemnon, king of Mycenae! "In due time the brothers married Tyndareus' two daughters: Agamemnon marrying Clytemnestra and Menelaus marrying Helen." I traced Hellen to Hellespont in Mysia, and that again supports the Mycenae trace to Mysia. In short, Clytemnestra was a Mysian peoples in Sparta after Mysians had ruled at Argos. Clytemnestra's daughter, Iphigenia, was a human-sacrifice cult. Her other daughter, ChrysoTHEMIS, suggests the Themiscyra Amazons. Later in the article, as evidence that ArTEMIS was of Themiscyra elements: "...Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to the goddess Artemis." Clearly now, the Trojan war is revealed as Greek Mysians versus Trojan Mysians.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ClytemnestraAgamemnon was of the Pelops line, and Pelop's father depicted Antayla=Attaleia. Pelop's sister (Niobe) had seven daughters, the number of daughters appointed to Pleione, wife of Atlas = Attaleia. "Pleione" smacks of "Apollyon." Both Pleione and Clytemnestra were given daughters named, Electra/Elektra, important because Electra depicted the Hercules-related "giants" that was made mother (ALCmena) to Hercules. We glean that these giants trace to Hebron's giants, but as to how they got their Alki terms I don't yet know (from "Gileki"?). One mother appointed for Niobe was EuryTHEMISta (there is a MISTA in that too). Another mother of Niobe, Dione, smacks of the Dionysus Maeonians, and I think it's safe to say that AlcMENA was part Maeonian.
As evidence that Mneseos (on of the ten Atlantean sons of Poseidon, along with Mestor) linked to Mestra/Mnestra of AUTOlycus, Plato paired Mneseos with AUTOkhthon (the ten sons were all paired, as though Plato was happily obsessed with myth code, or as though he wanted to be as thorough as possible in defining his Atlantean lines). Moreover, Mestra was daughter of ErysiCHTHON (I trace this term to "Cutha" and to Cutha's god, Nergal, the latter now established firmly in my mind as the Nahorite entity of Nereus and Doris, viewed by me also in Xuthus and his brother, Dorus). Erysichthon and his daughter were of Thessaly, where Muses ruled. That's no musincidence.
"Demeter punished [Erysichthon] by placing Aethon, unrelenting and insatiable hunger, in his stomach." "Aethon" smacks of Aedon, who I think could trace to Edom. Remember, Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of stew when he came home famished. Perhaps the above is play on that theme. Note DEMeter, an Edom-like term.
So, because Mestra married AutoLYCUS (said to be a thief), the link of Lachish to Mus is suddenly supported, just days (no more than two weeks) after conceiving the Mus-Lachish link. Mestra's father was also a thief, stealing the trees of Demeter's grove (which is how he got the Aethon punishment).
As for Neaera (the other wife of Autolycus), if we're sure that she depicted the Nairi, we can trace the Nairi to a multitude of regions and people-groups as per the page at the link above. Of special note, a Neaera ("Neairi" in the original Greek) was made a wife of Aeetes, and as he was also Attis=Hatti, it traces the Nairi-Hermes alliance to Hattusa, as expected because the Nairi-Hermes alliance has just been exposed as the Cadusii (i.e. like "Hattusa") entity.
Another Neaera was made a daughter of Hermus, if we had any doubts about the Nairi-Hermes alliance. Clicking to the Hermus article, he's personification of the Hermus river in Lydia (Lydians were founded by mythical Attis on the mythical hand, and by Maeonians and Mysians together on the historian's hand).
Another Neaera was a descendant of Niobe, Phrygian sister of Pelops, king of Lydia. The Nahorites were definitely in Lydia in downtown DragonCult. I'm keeping in mind my trace of Lydians to Edomite Lotan. Where are the Edomite Horites of the Lydian entity? In Dionysus, for one, in Ares for two, in Hera>Hercules for three (the Hercules line from Mycenae ruled Mysia for over 500 years to the 8th century BC), but also there was one Orestes, son of Clytemnestra the Mysian.
As the caduceus was entwined by serpents, so the father of Mestra died entwined by a serpent (article below). As the same man was given both Mestra and Neaera as wife, it seems certain that the Cadusii were in Lake Van's Mus region, a new idea presented briefly in the 4th update of July. It had also been presented that the Mus Armenians were proto-Ixion simply because he was married to Dia, but a further Ixion-point is the Armenian god, Haik. It's not necessarily contradictory to trace "Ixion" both to Haik and to "Sion," for the Hermes Armenians were at mount Hermon=Sion.
http://www.theoi.com/Heros/Erysikhthon.htmlThe Neaera that married Strymon locates Nahorites on that river, where Edones lived. Another Neaera mated with Helios to produce the line to Phaethon (in the Eridanus = Rhodanus theater, where the Redones lived). In that picture, Helios' wife, Rhode, is just the Nahorites from Lake Van. Helios gave birth to Phaethon with the wife of Merops (Ethiopia), and here we see Helios and Neaera giving birth to Phaetusa. Doesn't that suggest that Merops was a Nahorite entity? Didn't we see a second location of Meroe in Kenya, where NAIRobi is located?
Another Neaera is made wife to Proteus, who was himself a son of Nereus and Doris. That traces Nahorites to the Nerensii and Daorsi peoples on the Neretva river.
Most of the downed and killed US SEALs over the weekend had been part of the SEALs unit that invaded bin-Laden's compound. The question is whether the Taliban really did down the helicopter, as claimed by the U.S., or whether it was an inside job to make sure certain SEALs can't tell the true story of what really happened in that compound bust.
(you have all week to dissect it)Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline TopicsHere's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew RoseOn this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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