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January 21 - 27, 2025

Predicting Where Apophis' Tsunamis Will Land
ApoPHIS Nails the Discoverer of Apophis to the Sharks

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

Cancer the Crab

I'd like to preface this section by saying that, if Apophis strikes the earth, it will not become visible at any constellation in particular to all people. I've read that it will become visible to the eye when Cancer is behind it, though I don't think this can be the case for both Australia and North America even if the asteroid did fly by without striking. I've read that Apophis will fly over Australia, then mid-to-north Africa, then across the Atlantic...which puts it on a trajectory roughly toward Washington DC. However, another website claimed it will cross the Atlantic by first flying over South America. Both cannot be correct.

The asteroid will come continuously closer to earth and reach the closest point, at which time it will becoming increasingly more distant, in it's fly-by situation. When it's at its closest, cancer will be behind it, websites say. I don't know where this claim originates.

But, if it strikes the earth, then it will apparently not get between anyone's eyes and Cancer, when it looks like a small star. Therefore, that thought should be a preface to my heraldic sets that include the Chance's, their branches, and the Crab surname. This update has quite a bit of these things, begging whether I'm stressing them for no God reason at all.

You can load Crabs now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames, to better follow the heraldic links.

Google isn't bringing me any articles telling of Apophis' relationship to Cancer, but this is likely because google assigns websites with priority levels so that certain articles come up first that the globalist leftists wish for, the articles approved by leftist slimes while everyone else gets less voice. If you hire leftists slimes to look after who gets priority, leftist thought gets the priority. Musk hired a leftist slime to be the X CEO, how can we explain this?

When asking google for "apophis asteroid cancer crab," the top website is merely a blog from Reddit. Is this the best the google computer can do? No, but leftist Reddit has been assigned priority is our searches. The second-top article granted by google is from Times of India, and canada loves to front Indian websites. See how this works? The leftist pigs are ever seeking to brainwash us with their biases, and that sort of thing is best defined with "pig." It's the appropriate term. The third offering from google is from yahoo. See how that works? I have "apophis" and "cancer" and "crab" in many webpages, but do we see my pages at the top of the google search? No, instead, google gives us articles devoid of "cancer" and "crab" at the very top. See that? Multiply this situation by billions of times, for google is GUILTY of billions of sins / infringements / violations. The asteroid of Revelation is coming from God on leftist pigs. Who else? On google's pigs, and on google itself. The asteroid marks the beginning of the end for gluttonous, lord-it-over-us corporations. Praise God, a new thing will develop afterward.

My thinking is that, NASA has predicted a path for Apophis such that, when it's closest to earth, a person standing closest to the asteroid, i.e. most-directly beneath it, will see the crab behind the rock. But if it's trajectory is to strike the planet, then it will curve toward it and never reach a point where the crab is behind it. The most we can say, if the prediction is correct, is that, wherever it lands, the crab will be directly above it.

If the prediction is correct, chances are it will fall in the Atlantic ocean, for that part of the planet will be facing the asteroid if it had mustard enough to avoid earth gravity, and thus fly past without a strike.

99942 Apophis (provisional designation 2004 MN4) is a near-Earth asteroid and a potentially hazardous object, 450 metres (1,480 ft) by 170 metres (560 ft) in size, that caused a brief period of concern in December 2004 when initial observations indicated a probability of 2.7% that it would hit Earth on Friday, April 13 ...

What do you think the invisible rulers of the planet would have told NASA after getting the news above? Clearly, the fat-cats would have told NASA, "are you nuts? Tell the people it's going to fly by." The panic-inducing message that it could hit earth is not good for their bank accounts, nor for their societal engineering. Any talk of an asteroid striking will bring people closer to God, not what the demonoid leftists are planning for.

Sun-Name and Soon-Amy

"...some tsunamis can cause damage and deaths on distant shores (more than 1,000 kilometers, 620 miles, away)." Ya-but, those oceanic rises of water are not from asteroids splashing down. How far do we think the waves will go when and if Apophis lands?

The Dol surname uses a whale while Dole's can be gleaned as Crab kin. But if the asteroid is striking, why bother doing Crab-related heraldry? I'm not sure how to answer that question. Due to a sick google computer system, I can't now find an article on Apophis as it relates to the crab constellation. I had read at least one telling that it appears in that constellation, and the only source for such a claim would be a professional astronomy center.

Look at "tsuNAMi," but look at it also as "TSUNami," because I'm going to stress the Rook sun, later in this update, as a pointer to the tsunamis that the Apophis rock will create. You will be floored by the heraldic sets that come off of that topic. But first, as the Chess surname is treated soon below, note that while Rooks use "chess rook," most surnames using rooks don't add "Chess." The Rooks were therefore related closely to Chess', first known in Kent with the Masons/Masons whose giant lion is colors reversed from the giant Chess lion. Then, the English Name's, looked up as per "tsuNAMi," happen to have lion heads in two colors schemes, the scheme used by Chess', and the scheme used by Masons/Massins. Kent is also where Atlas' are first known who share a giant lion on Blue with Chess'. Therefore, this paragraph suggests a tsunami in the Atlantic ocean, for mythical Atlas was king of Atlantis.

Fortunately, while seeking a Namy-like surname, the Ananys came to mind, who share the mermaid exactly in the Mason/Massin Crest.

However, fundamental Anany/Eneany variations such as Nerney and Nertney are not like "Name," and not even like "Nany," wherefore I felt it was failure to link Ananys and Masons/Massins for proving that the latter were Name kin. It's import to show evidence for a Mason-Name link if we want to get the chess rooks to Chess', Atlas' and Virgins, all three first known in Kent. There is a BELGIAN Nane/Nean surname, and the mermaid of Ananys/Eneanys and Masons/Massins (share Louvain Coat) thus goes well to the maiden/virgin of Gaunt/Ghent (near Louvain, Belgium).

The Virgin lion is in both colors of the Anany lions, you see, and I've been proposing that Apophis will land at the Virgin Islands, where Jeffrey Epstein had/has an island. The Epsteins, you see, are first known in Hesse-Nassau, and while Hesse's share the Rook sun, Nassau's share the giant Chess lion. TSUNami.

Suddenly, I've got to revisit my chess game with Harold to see how it might point to a tsunami. He lived an SHOREham drive at the time, and Shore's, where tsunamis end up, are first known in Surrey with Atlas- and Alley-connectable James'. The latter share the Jane Crest, a blue lion, same as the Mason/Massin lion. Surrey is also where Rush's (Ruck colors) are now said to be first known while Rucks are first known in Hesse! The Rish variation of Rush's is probably in the "flouRISH" term in the English-version motto of Rooks.

The pounding of the big rook from the sky will kill whales, and they will wash ashore. Whalers/Wheelers share the Herold/Herod fesse.

Although the reader may think it's cheap of me to use the Rook sun against "tSUNami," since there are so many other heraldic suns to act as candidates, The giant Ruck eagle is on red, same as the eagle head of Irish Name's [I didn't yet know while writing above the paragraph below that Irish Name's list McNANNYs. Irish Name's do not show up when entering "Nanny".]

About an hour after lamenting that the Ananys are no good for the pointers I wanted to see, I loaded Nannys. WOW, SHOCKER. They not only share the giant Mason/Massin lion, but they put it into their Crest so that it's the Jane and James Crest too!!! UNBELIEVABLE. We now have good cause to link the Name lion head to both Chess' and Masons/Massins, for "Nanny" is close enough to "Name" for my satisfaction. I hope you agree.

Nannys are first known in MERIONeth, and so it's stunning that Merions are listed with Marine's (Hampshire with Chase's) who share the cross of Marines' (not "Marine"), first known in Kent with Chess!!! My chess games with Harold are pointing to marine tsunamis. Herold, a Jew, lived on Shoreham, and Shore's are first known in Surrey with Rush's while Jews (eagle heads) are first known in Somerset with Eagle-branch Hagels (kin of Wings) while giant-eagle Rucks (Roach colors) have wings in Crest. Wings use billets, and by now, if you've been reading lately, you know that Billets get us to "sea billows." The Arms of ROQUEfeuil have billets in the colors of the English Rocks; the latter show a Rucker variation.

The Anany and Mason merMAID is excellent because the "virgin" I saw in the Arms of Ghent is usually called a "MAIDen." Maids share the Virgin lion.

WOW, I didn't know until now that Masons/Massins use "A mermaid with COMB and glass proper." The Balcons of CRAIL are listed with BalCOMBs, who not only share the Mason/Massin motto, but they are the pointers to the crab constellation because Crails are listed with Crabs!!!!! I suppose that, wherever Apophis lands, if one looks straight up, there will be Cancer the crab. Crails/Crabs are first known in Cambridgeshire with Dives' who in turn have the dancetty-fesse of COMBers in colors reversed. Combers even have an "ASTRis" motto term. Did God put that there? How many centuries ago?

The Rise's suspect in "Astris" have the Aster/Ister bend in colors reversed. Combers use ESToiles while Asters/Isters are also Esters, and first known in Essex with Este's. The latter once showed the black horse head of estoile-using Bute's/Butts (both in Crests), and Butua (now Budva) is beside RHIZON while Risons/Risings (probably Pollock kin) are first known in Norfolk with Rise's.

OH WOW, the Cancer-like Chaunceurs/Chance's share the lion of Mascarelli's/Mascelli's, who, until recently, listed Maschi's. In any case, they are first known in Piedmont with Masci's, a branch of Masseys/Maceys (Cheshire with Maids, Maceys/Mace's and Propers) who in turn have the fleur-de-LYS of Glass' in colors reversed, and while Jewish Glass' share wings with Masci's, we just saw "glass proper" with the mirror of the Mason/Massin mermaid. Maceys/Mace's have GAUNTlets, and Ghent/Gaunt, the place with a maiden, is at the end of the LYS river.

The mirror is code without doubt for Mire's/Mireux's/Mireurs, and they share the "tree" with French Masseys, the latter first known in Savoy with French Chance's. The latter not only have a Chief in the colors and format of the Chaunceur/Chance Chief, but the Chief of French Chance's shares the Rook sun!!!! TSUNami. There is nothing to celebrate about a Tsunami hundreds of feet tall, unless God sends it for a Cause. Still, let us not gloat over the destruction of the wicked and the obstinate.

Burns share the Crab fleur while Sun-loving Rooks, and Readys, share a "shine" motto term in their English-version mottoes. German Shine's share the giant fleur of Cake's/Cakebreads and Irish Conans, and while the Scottish Conans share the saltire of Suns/Saints/Sinclairs, Cake's/CakeBREADs are first known in the same place as Crabs and Musk-related Elys (red version of Irish Conan Coat). Breads were once said to be first in Midlothian with Suns/Saints/Sinclairs. Crabs use a "dagger" while Dagger-branch Acre's/Aikers share the Cake and Conan fleur. I'll leave it up to you as per what this paragraph can point to. I suspect there's something missing in this high-potential set.

The Dols share the wavy fesse of Dutch Ghents/Gaunts, and Dols even have a whale as on the sea. While Dol Alans married to line of Swallows, Sallows and Saluzzo's, that's why Swale's/Swells (said to have married Gaunts) share the Dol fesse (without the waviness). The sea will SWELL when Apophis strikes. The Strike's (almost the Virgin / Maid Coat) are in the motto of Hawks, first known in Hampshire with English Ghents. Swale's/Swells have an "esto" motto term, and Hawks love the Stave's, a branch of Steinsons/Stevensons, first known in Essex with Este's. Hawks (Hampshire with Poppins and Sturs) use "pilgrim" staves, symbol also of Pilgrims, first known in Norfolk with Steins and Rise's. The sea will rise. "Esto" is a motto term also of Weavers, whom I see in code with heraldic waves.

The Swale's named Swale at the Swale river, tributary of the Ure. The "uro" motto term of MacKenzie's can be linked very well to Ure's/Orreys, who use "stain" in their English-version motto, a Stein branch once said to be first known in Yorkshire i.e. with the Ure river. Ure's/Orreys share the giant and red Virgin lion, and while Virgins put a red lion head in Crest, Ure's/Orreys (same place as Este-related Barrs) put a red lion paw in Crest. Bars put a red lion head in Crest. AURES' have a red lion head in Crest, and a red lion head in Shield. Queen KENZa was from Aures (Numidia), and her line named MacKENZie's, obviously. Ure's/Orreys are first known in AYRshire, and while the Arms of Ayrshire has a "shaw" motto term, Shawia Numidians were at Aures.

The Swallows are now super for a new idea of the meaning of the bulldog in the swimming pool. It occurred to me only this week. If the dog is seem as walking to the pool, then going for a jump, I suggested it depicts Trump only-partly because Jumps share the Trump stag. The dog walked past my leg and knee, and while both Leggs and Knee's get us to Trumps and Dutch Tromps, the latter doing so fairly directly via Acorns and Downs. I saw it walk toward the pool (not slow), then simply continue walking in the air over the pool's edge, then FALL down into the water.

As this British bulldog pointed to Spuds MacKenzie, the pointer to Apophis, I suddenly realize that the British bulldog represents Apophis falling into the sea. I think I can tell you why God used a pool instead of a sea for his fall, since Falls/Fallis' share the Pool lion, also the Atlas lion. It still gets us to Sea's, however, because it was a kidney-shaped pool, and Kidneys/GEDneys share the blue fish with the Sea's (same place as Atlas').

Then, every dream to be treated heraldically needs heraldic proof that God gave it, or I just won't mention the dream to anyone. Kidneys/Gedneys have fish colors reversed from the Ged "pikes," and while Pike's (Devon with Fallis-connectable Rods) share the trefoils (Rockefeller symbol) if Ice's, the latter's Icke variation is shared by Hicks while Mrs. Kilpatrick, born Miss Hicks, fulfilled Sleeping Beauty. There's an "Origins of the Geddes" article online telling that proto-Geddes Geds were on the Nith river, where Kilpatrick castle is found, near the first-known Leggs. This reinforces the pointer of Spuds MacKenzie to the British bulldog enormously.

Note "asterROID," for an asteroid is a rock while English Rocks/Ruckers share the green trefoil with Rods while Fellers share the Falls/Fallis trefoils.

Kidneys/Gedneys use "wavy bars" while Scottish Bars are first known in Ayrshire with Scottish Pike's who in turn share the pierced stars of Salome's while Sea's (Kent with Picks/Pix's, British's, and Atlas') use a "salmon." This doubly points to the use of Sea's, perfect for Apophis, yet Kidneys/Gedneys, because they love Cross' in their description, get us to Italian Crose's sharing the Falls/Fallis, Pool, Atlas and Bradd lions. British's are listed with BRADDocks, and thus the use of the British bulldog tends to justify bringing the Atlantic-pointing Atlas' into the story / prediction.

Having justified the Croce's with this dream's props, we take it to the Crocs are first known in Shropshire with Sallows and Plows, and with the Dol Alans who married Alice of Saluzzo, and Dole's with Plows share the Crab fleur. Thus, we can reiterate: the sea will SWELL, as per the Swell variation of Swale's (share Dol fesse). An Alan of Dol married Eschyna de Molle, and her other husband was Robert Croc(e).

To prove further that God caused the British bulldog to be swallowed by the shark in the pool, Sharks share the Rod trefoils too, and Geds have a "DURat" motto term while Dure's share the Coat of Saluzzo-branch Swallows. The latter are first known in Lincolnshire with Fish, Kidneys/Gedneys and Croce's/Cross while Kidneys/Gedneys use "fish crossed." There's provision to show that "DuRAT" is code for kin where Rats are first known in Nairnshire with the Geddes'. Fish use a rare, WAVY chevron, and, without the wavy chevron, it's the Coat of Vaughns/Vychans, first known in Shropshire with Crocs.

"Durat" can also act in honor of English Durants sharing the fleur-de-lys of Sales' whom I trace to Salyes Ligures at the naming of Saluzzo. It's beside Busca, and German Bush's/Buschs are first known in Rhineland with Sea-connectable Salome's while German Bush's/Buschs share the Saleman eagle.

The remarkable thing now is that the new tsunami idea above seems possible in the swimming pool, where Kidneys love the Cross'/Crose who have two motto terms of Kent's Masons/Massins, the pointer to "tsuNAMi" along with the Name's. The thing is, the Name's are first known in Lincolnshire with Kidneys and Cross'/Croce's.

The dog FELL into the WATER, and Waters/Waterville's share the Coat of Hesse's Epsteins. Waterfords/Waterville's ("water lilies") take us to Whelans/FAILINs, first known in Waterford, because they share the Fell lozenges. The Arms of County Waterford interchangeably use the Legg and Trump stag, as if the swimming pool is determined to include Trump in the Apophis picture. Fells are first known in Dundee with Scottish KIDs, perhaps a branch of Kidneys, you see. The dog fell into the kidney-shaped pool, and Pools share the lion of Feller-branch Falls'.

Dundee is near Crail, and Crails/Crabs are in the colors and near-format of Geds, first known in Fife with Crail. It seems to be insisting a pointer to Apophis returning at the crab constellation. Although Apophis ordinarily moves across the planet, not toward it, and thus enters constellation after constellation as it flies by, it could remain in the crab constellation for some time, even when hitting, when it ends up coming directly TOWARD the planet.

Dundee's (near Scottish Dee's and Duns) can be construed as a Dun-Dee merger, and Duns (Gospatrick kin, suspect with Corrys of Waterford) can be of the Downs/Downs using a stag in the colors of the Trump / Legg / Arms-of-Waterford stag head, and then Waterfords/Waterville's have "water lilies" in the colors of the giant Dundee lily. Knee's, first known in County Down, share the black stag head of Tromp-beloved Acorns (Sussex with Downs/Douns and Vychan-like Vice's).

English Kidds are first known in Suffolk with the Crane's/Crauns in the Shark "crane." The other Crane's have a crane standing on a "staff RAGully", likely part code for the Raggs', and while the latter share the Dole and Crab fleur, I expect them from "Ragusa," home of Shark-like Saraca's who use a fish (don't know the species) in Ged-pike colors.

The Crane crane is as though perched on the staff while Kidneys/Gedneys have a "bird perched on an oak branch." The Bell-branch Bellamys of PERCHE can apply because the shark had its teeth ringed around the dog's belly when head-first into its mouth, and Bellys share the Jump roses as well as the eight-pointed Fell star in colors reversed. The dog fell into the pool, yet can be construed as jumping in too. Perche's share the double Popp chevrons for a pointer to APOPhis, yet note the fish-like "ApoPHIS," for Kidneys love the Fish's.

It makes the Arms of Saraca look like the "fish" of Carps/CARPENs (Pomerania, beside Dols), for Carpenters share the Belly motto. Italian Belli's and Carpenters are both linkable to the Coat of Swallow-branch Sallows! Thus, the shark in the pool was indeed of the Saraca family. The Carp/Carpen fish is in the colors of the Ged fish, and thus it's the Kidney/Gedney "fish." God's giving you proof that He's the author of the dream. I think this is a near-first for discovering the Saraca carp, if indeed it is a carp, because I'm not familiar with this set. The Carps/Carpens (Crab / Dole colors!) use the fish in the shape of the Dol Coat. Pomerania is where Trumps (Carp/Carpen colors) are first known, though they are also first known in neighboring Mecklenburg with same-colored Dols.

Rose's are first known in Nairnshire with Geddes', and Rose's are said to have married Bosco's, suspect from Busca, beside Saluzzo = the line of Swallow's (same place as Kidneys and Fish). Why should a shark represent Apophis" It's an apt symbol of SALT water, the sea, and I see Sales'/SALLETs from the Salyes LIGures expected to the naming of Saluzzo. Dutch Bush's/Boschs share the lion of LIGH/Leghs (same place as Sales'/Salletts and LEGRos-river-connectable Leicesters). It's interesting that German Bush's/Buschs share the Crail/Crab fleur while Balcons/Balcombs love the Rose's.

Bellys are first known in Moray with Douglas' who named Castle Douglas off the Nith river. In the Geddes article mentioned above, it begins: "Here in the upper Nith Valley, the Scottish Geddeses - chidren of Niall - made their first home in Caledonia [Scotland]. So wrote The Right Honorable Auckland Campbell 'Baron' Geddes in his book, The Forging of a Family, Geddes." The Nialls are the Neils/O'Nails, first known in Tyrone with Sharks, and then German Neils/Nails have a saltire in the colors of the Kidney/Gedney saltire-by-fish, and so how can I deny that it was God who put the shark into the kidney-shaped pool. He wasted no time, about a week after my conversion to Jesus.

[Insert -- The Neils/O'Nails are also Nihills while "nihilo" is a motto term of Wicks. FishWICKs look like a Fish merger with Vicks, the latter first known in Lincolnshire with both Kidneys/GEDneys and their Fish kin. Fishwicks have a gold-"fish" version of the Ged Coat, which nails the Sharks to Neils/O'Nails.

Fishwick was anciently "Fiscuic." Fiscs share a lone pale bar on red with Vicks. I was lucky to find Fishwicks, by the Fishwick location of the Dacre variation of English Daggers, when I was on the Crab dagger. The latter share the scallops of Joke-branch Jacks, and Joke's share the scallops of Tholens. The latter can point to David Tholen, a co-discoverer of the Apophis asteroid, and he'll come up later in this update more than once, always connectable to the shark in the pool, and here he's in with the Sharks round-about.

Dagger-loving Crabs are first known in the same place English Popps (and nail-using Proctors) while German Popps (Westphalia with Neils Nails!) share the red bull with Daggers!!!! Big sucker on the HOOK, here. It's convincing me that both Popp surnames are pointers, to no big surprise, but taken.

APOPhis can also be read, ApoPHIS, as if God may have arranged Fish liners to descend from Apophis Hyksos. Hyche's/Hake's (Norfolk with Fiscs) use fish. The Fish's are one of only two surnames I know of with a wavy chevron, and it's the wavy chevron of PIERs/Pierce's (Somerset with Wicks). A fish / ship pier comes to mind as some proof that God arranged Fish for pointers to the Apophis asteROID. Rod's (Devon with Hicks-branch Hooks) share a blank, gold Chief with Fishwicks! "Astra" is a motto term of Fiscs while Fishers/Fischers (Dagger colors) are first known in Essex with Asters!

As Fiscs share the Atha/Atty Shield, I suspected that the "AD astra" motto phrase of Fiscs is code for an Atha/Atty branch, and ADE's come up when entering "Atty." Atha's/Attys are first known in the same place as Crabs and Popps!

The Fisc "triANGLE" is like the Tull/TOOLE "PYRamid," the latter thus looking like part-code for Fish-connectable Piers! Fiscs are first known in the same place as Drops/Trope's sharing the Chief of Tulls/Tolle's ("ADversis"), and the big popping joke in the box is that both Chiefs share the lion of Tholen-like Tools/Tolens!!!! ANGLE's/Angels are even first known in Lancashire with Fishwick! Note the "AdVERSis" motto term, because Vere's/Vairs (Essex) have a "nihil" motto term while Vers'/Vairs share the Fisc / Atty Shield!

"ProSIS" is a motto term of Save's (Burgundy with Vers'/Vairs, wherefore note "adverSIS." The Save's come up later as per by trying to save the BRITISH bullldog from the shark, a scene that perplexes me, still not deciphered to my satisfaction. "CasSIS" is a motto term of Brittanys/Britains, a pointer to the asteroid along with Mountains (share four words of the Fisc motto, almost). Cass' are first known in the same place as Crails/Crabs while Save's are in the colors and format of Balcons of Crail. "Cassis" is a motto term also of Armors who look colors-reversed related to the Crab Coat. There is a Sis'/Sessions surname. End insert]

To link the swimming pool to the Atlantic ocean, we first note that Neils/O'Nails look related to the Keon/McCain and Keen Coats while those surnames are apt variations of the Oceans/Cains/Kane's. Another Kane Coat looks related to rock-using Roach's, and both Irish Kane's use "fish," the Kidney/Gedney symbol. Oceans/Cains/Kane's have wavy bends in the colors of the wavy Dol fesse.

Next, the swimming-like Swimins are first known in Saxony with the Kepke's sharing the upright goat of English Kidds! It's making it look like God arranged Swimins to link to Kidneys for obvious reason. He's throwing the evidence at you like a big rock to your heads, Rothschilds; when are you going to cease thieving the money of the poor? Don't you have enough yet, Trump? What is this, your lust for forming alliances with billionaires the world over? Is this the time to enrich America more than it's already the richest country?

Swimins are in Barnstaple colors and format, and Barnstaple's (Devon with Rods) share the Rod trefoils while Rodez is near Aubin while Albins/Aubins are first known in Barnstaple of Devon. Thus, the swimming pool appears to be used by God for a pointer to the Falls bloodline, or to the dog falling into the kidney-shaped swimming pool, and perhaps also a pointer to "asterROID," a rock.

Asters/Esters and Este's are first known in Essex with MOTTs/Morts while the dog ended up in the shark's MOUTH. Motts use the ESToile. Motts/Morte's are related to the crescent of Deaths (Kent).

The Crane's/Crauns have a "hind" in Crest, perfect because Rinds have the Brix lozenges while Fells incorporate the Brix Coat in colors reversed. In the meantime, Fells share the Brick Coat, which is also the Whelan/Failin Coat, and to this we can add that Dols have a whale. The Brix Coat uses a fesse-by-lozenges in the colors of the Dol / Swell / Hind fesse. The Brick and Failen Crests are the same stag, yet gold like the hind in the Crane/Craun Crest.

Crane's/Crauns and Kidds are first known in Suffolk with TSUNami-like Soons/Soams (mallets) and Mallets. The Sonnys/Stoneys share the Mallet scallops while Sunnys/Somins share the sun of Brady sun. Look at Soon-Amy, because I think God knows how to spell, and I think He knows what syllables are too. We can now go to the eagle head of Irish Name's, for Eagle's/Hegels (Lincolnshire with English Name's) can take us to Hagels whose lone pile in colors reversed from the lone Amy pile! I wouldn't have come to this without entertaining Soons/Soams.

Amys put "muzzles" on their bear heads, as do Alice's, and Alans of Arundel (Dol) married Alice of Saluzzo. Arundels use "swallows," as do Swallows (Lincolnshire with Mussels), but the Arundels use them in the colors and format of the Eagle's/Hegels. Alice's share a tree with the Swallows and Sallows.

Ahh, PERcivals, first known in Somerset with Hagels and PIERs/Pierce's, have "muzzled" bear heads, and this looks like a pointer to tsunami's flooding / wrecking ship piers. Percivals are even in the colors and format of Bellows/BILLOWS, in the "bellows" of Ships/Shiptons!! Bears are first known in Devon with Billets sharing the Bellow/Billow Coat. So, yes, God really does know what a syllable is. The Amy and Percival bear heads show idential, black-on-white heads with gold muzzles. Mussels/Muscels are first known in Lincolnshire with Hagel-branch Eagle's/Hegels.

The Amy bears are surprising for a super pointer to Apophis where the bulldog, Spuds MacKenzie, is mascot for a beer company. English Bears are listed with Beers, first known in Devon with Pike's, and with Albins while Alice's share the sword-with-fur-tree with Alpins. They say that king Alpin of the Pike-like Picts was father to king Kenneth, and Kenneths are listed with MacKenzie's, I kid you not. The tsunAMI-suspect Amys took us here.

The same Bears/Beers even share the Rook Crest! The sea floor is suspect in the motto of sun-using Rooks. Flore's/Flora's, that is, who share the Bird FLEUR-de-lys. Bears/Beers call their Crest raven a "bird," symbol of Kidneys/Gedneys, yet it's often called a Cornish chough, and while Cornish's are probably in the Rook motto, Cornwall (beside Devon) is where Buds are first known, at a Bude location there. Florence is where Bruno's are first known, suspect in the brown wolf head of Alix's i.e. like the Alis variation of Alice's, and Alis-like Alleys share the Coat of Atlas' who in turn have BROWN lion heads "addorSEE"!!! The Amy bears took us to Atlas', first known in Kent with Sea's and British's, suggesting (speculating) tsunamis in the Atlantic ocean, maybe upon the shores of Britain too.

The brown wolf happens to be in the Crest of Brittanys/Britains who have the Bright and Bride stars in the form of the Coat of MacKenzie-beloved Mountains!!! Amys took us here with their sharing the muzzled bear with Alice's/Alis'. Brights (Cheshire with Birds) and Bride's are the pointers with Bridge's (same place as Brits/Brets) to the Crabs, first known in the same place as Bird-connectable Proctors, Cass' and Chass' while "Cassis" is a Brittany/Britain motto term.

Berry-connectable Bears/Beers remind that German Barrys have "fish heads" looking related to the Geddy pike heads, and that the Geddes heads are in the colors of the Butt/Bute/Boet fish while Spuds is the mascot for Bud beer. The English Geddys are first known in Hampshire with Buttons/Bidens/Budins who share the Butt/Bute/Boet fesse.

I can now see why God included the British's in the swimming pool, not just because asteroid-pointing Mountains (Essex with Craun-beloved Hinds) were related to Brittanys/Britains, and not just because Brets/Brits are first known in Somerset with Amy-connectable Hagels and Crab-loving Bridge's, and not only because Bridge's are in the Galway Crest while Bradys are first known in Galway, but because British's/BRADDocks share the lion head of English Name's!!!! I've missed this. The latter needed to link to Masons/Massins (Kent with British'/Braddocks), and we got that from Nannys while Irish Name's are also Nannys. Nannys share the Massin Coat, a giant lion in the colors of the British/Braddock / Name lion heads!!!

To link the Sunny/Somin sun to the Brady sun like an asteroid to a sea floor, Bradys use a hand pointing while Points are first known in Berkshire with Sunnys/Somins.

Back to the Name-beloved Eagle's/Hegels, for they are in the colors and format of Swallows, both first known in Lincolnshire with Name's. Could we say that tsunami's swallow shorelines? Maybe that sounds corny. It doesn't sound right to suggest that the shark swallowing the apophis asteroid is a shoreline swallowing. On the other hand, I've mentioned the dog' belly many times, and coast-like Costs have a giant bell. I'll need time to think about that one.

I always say that the shark's teeth were RINGed around the dog's belly, and English Rings almost have the Tholen Coat while David Tholen is named as a co-discoverer of Apophis. Tholens share the chevron-with-scallops of James' (pointer to the Atlantic) in colors reversed, and the latter are first known in Surrey with Shore's while Surreys come up as "Sark." But, what am I to think, that the shark now represents the discoveres of Apophis? I don't think so, unless maybe there develops a rift between Trump and those who want to put a bomb to the asteroid, or vice-versa. Trump and Musk may want to bomb it. Maybe the shark represents something as-yet unknown in this context, while helping to point to Apophis in the way we've just witnessed.

Tolens/Tools were a Tull/Tolle branch, from Tullia of Lyon, and Tulls/Tullia's use butterflies while Butters are first known in Perthshire with Lyons. Fly's are first known in Hampshire with Botters, and with Checkers sharing the checkered Tull/Tolle Shield. They are also the checkered Shield of Italian Fulks while coast-pointable COSTners share the wing of German Fulks and Flake's, and then English Rings are first known in Norfolk with Fulke's and Fly-connectable Flags/Flicks.

Butter-like Botters use a "perche" while Bell-branch Bellamys were at Perche. Italian Botters can be linked to Crail's Balcolms via Chatans of Poitou, the line, I think, to Hampshire's Potters and Pots, but we also have the Potter-like Pawters/Porters (Potter colors), likewise first in Hampshire, who happen to share the Cost bell! Zikers, call the coast guard, sound the sirens. French Porters are even first known in Berry (France) with French Pots, and Amys love the Bears/Beers, first known in Devon with Berrys.

Shore's, sharing the motto of Cain-like Caens, and therefore linkable to Oceans/Cains, share the stork in Crest with Kidney-beloved Cross'/Croce's for yet another pointer of the swimming pool to the ocean / sea, especially as the Kidney fish are in the blue of the Sea fish. Caens almost have the Coat of coast-like Coste's, listed with Cotta's/Cottons probably because they are first known in Languedoc with Costs. English Cottons are first known in Huntingdonshire with the Others/Otters who in turn almost have the Irish Ring/CRANN Coat. That's interesting, especially as Sharks use a crane.

In that picture, Tholens look linkable to Sharks where Tholens almost have the Ring/Ringstead Coat, and where the Tull/Tolle Chief is shared by Drops/Trope's, first known in Norfolk with Rings/Ringsteads. That is, Irish Rings/Cranns get us to a Crane-like surname linkable to the Shark crane.

Online: "The meaning of Coast. 1. Americanized form of German Kost...English (Kent): variant of Coste." As Kent is where British's (share Name lion head) are first known, maybe the tsunami will be especially on the British coast. Recall Soon-AMY, for Soons are first known in Sussex the Crane's/Crauns while Rings/Cranns can take us to crane-using Grounds/Crannys. And Amys share black bear heads with Steads while English Rings are RingSTEADs too. The sea waters will rise, and Irish Rings/Cranns share the bend of Rise's (Norfolk with Rings/Ringstead). AND WOW, Irish Rings/Cranns place the crescents on their bend in the colors of the AIM crescents. TsunAMY! Inside the Aim crescents, blue-on-white waves, a typical symbol for sea water!

Aims are excellent for being listed with Hains/Ains. In their write-up, there are surnames like the variations of both Hannity surnames, and as English Hannitys/HEANage's are first known in Linconshire with Name's/NEAMs/NEANs, the other pointer to tsuNAMi's, note that Irish Name's are also Nannys, as though formed from an Ain- / Aim- / Hean-like surname but fronted with an 'N'. While Needs are curiously listed with another Name/Neam surname (Lincolnshire too), Neats (Anchor bull head) look possibly related to Shake's. The Neat bull head is "crined" while Crine's/Crone's (Yorkshire with Palms) share the triple fleur of Palms in the "palm" branch of Nons/NOME's/Nevins. The latter look like Kness/Ness kin while Knee's/Knees' share the NEEDham Coat, making it look as though Needhams merged with Name's. Knee's share the Vise stag head while "ViVIS" is a Non/Nome/Nevin motto term.

Kidneys are first known in Lincolnshire with Kidney-beloved Fish. The 2nd-Trumpet asteroid, which may explain why Trumps seem to be in the swimming pool, says that a third of the fish die by the "blazing mountain" falling into the sea. Blaze's (Yorkshire with Tongue's) share the Mountain and Tongue martlets while Tongue's essentially share the Mountain Coat. A tsunami from an asteroid is not going to be the same, at sea, as from an earthquake. It should be higher and more brief as opposed to slightly rolling and long like a true tsunami.

It may be that Donald Trump is NOT in the bulldog of the swimming pool. It may be that God is using Trumps in the pool as a pointer to the 2nd Trumpet. Trumpet-using Calls/Calles' are first known in Wiltshire with Shark-connectable English Neals. Irish Neils/O'Nails are also Neals. The GRAILs, listed with Neils/Neals, and having a brown rock (!) in Crest, may have named the Crail variation of Crabs, or vice-versa. This doesn't look coincidental.

Crails/Crabs are first known in Cambridgeshire with nail-using Proctors whom I link to the Crest of Kidney-beloved Birds!!! Everything is falling into place with these interpretations of the swimming pool. The Fetters (share Hesse Crest) in the Grail "fetterlocks" share the giant Hesse / Needle sun while Needle's are first known in Shropshire with the Crocs connectable to the "crossed" fish of Kidneys. Grails even have a castle on the "sea."

The motto of Croce's/Cross' points to the tsunami along with Suns/Sinclairs. The Soons (Suffolk with Sea-branch Seamans) look like Clare kin, and the Senters suspect in the "effloreSCENT" motto of sun-using Rooks have Saint-like variations. I see the ocean FLOOR in that same motto term, and while Oceans are listed with Caen-like variations, Caens and their Peare kin share the leopard faces of Senters and Parsons while Pero-suspect "PRObum" is a motto term of Sandys who can take us to the sandy beach I was on after trying to save the bulldog from the shark.

I don't recall going to the Save's for trying to save the bulldog, but this can work where "pro te" is a motto phrase of Sava's/Savage's (Eagle/Hegel Coat in colors reversed). Pierro's/Pero's are first known at the Tessin river of Tess'/Tease's, and Tee's suspect in the Sava/Savage motto are listed with English Tease's. Save's use a "PROsis" motto term perhaps related to the "CasSIS" of Brittanys/Britains.

Therefore, Sandys and their Sand branch look like a Senter / Saint branch, proof that I was on the beach at Little Saint James. Only after writing that did I realize that James', first known in Surrey with Sandy-branch Sands (!), share the Crest of Jane's, the latter once said to be first known in Worcestershire with Sandys!!! LOOKIE AT THAT, it's stunning.

Senters came off of the "efFLOREscent" motto term of Rock-branch Rooks that I think has the Hook- and Hicks-connectable Flore's / Flora's / Fleurs/Florida's in it too, and Ron DeSANTis, the Florida governor, is coming to mind as some evidence that the asteroid will strike near Florida. Spanish DeSantis' share the triple fesses of Fountains, first known in Norfolk with the Parsons sharing the triple Senter/Sainter leopard faces. Senters/Sainters are in Hicks colors and format.

Spanish Senters/Santos' share the "green tree" with BAUMgartners while the Bums/Boms are suspect in the "ProBUM" motto term of Sandys. English Gardners are first known in Oxfordshire, where Rooks were said to be first known. More leopard faces are with Fitch's in the Sandy and Sand fitchees.

To really nail the Sandy link to Suns/Saints/Sinclairs, the Save's share a snake with Sire's (Burgundy with Save's), though Save's call it a "SERpent," and then Sere's/SAIRE's look like a branch of Sauers, the latter said to be from the Sau river, another name for the Sava. Sauers are suspect in the "sara" motto term of Roslin-like Russells (Dorset with Caens sharing the Senter face) because they share Coats, and Suns/Saints/Sinclairs lived at Roslin. Roslins are first known in Lincolnshire with Sava-connectable Eagle's/Hegels (same place as Eagle-connectable Name's). Sheers were even first known in Surrey Sands (almost have the Sandy Coat).

Therefore, as Suns can be pointing to TSUNami, the Sleeping Beauty dream can indicate that a tsunami will strike that island. Russells and Sauers share the Coat of Virgins (same place Sire-beloved Snake's/Snooks)! Sarah's/Sayers (Essex with Sere-branch Seers) share the "Bear and forBEAR" motto of Barwicks who in turn share muzzled bear heads with AMYs (!!!) who in turn share the Hagel pile in colors reversed!!! TsunAMY! Sandys are first known in Worcestershire with the Wings/Winks sharing the Hagel pile! Wings/Winks were kin of Justine's, kin in turn of Sire's/Sirons. Mythical Sirens were pirates who attacked sailors.

So, I think I can now understand why I jumped or dove into the pool to save the dog, because, before I could see the outcome, I was instantly waist deep in a blue waters, indicating an ocean, not a typical lake. I did nothing in the water, suggesting a pointer to Waters (Essex with Sarah's/Sayers) sharing the Epstein Coat. Yet it can also be a pointer to Caen-connectable Oceans/Cains. So, I went from the save scene to the sandy scene, and we just saw those two things playing out together in heraldic linkage.

If the bulldog represents Apophis falling in the sea, then, obviously, I wasn't trying to save the asteroid. Yet, through these writings, God may be saving some people from the asteroid's tsunamis. There's four years left for sounding the sirens, but, even if NASA says in late 2028 that it's striking the planet, people will still stay on their ships, and in their low-lying coastal cities, taking their chances.

The Sandy motto term, "poeniTET" can help to prove that God gave the dream, for its first scene was the shark above the water surface showing me its nasty TEETH, as a cartoon artist would draw a nasty or mischievous look on its face. The Sandy Crest has a griffin half red, the color of the griffin in the Tooth Crest, and the griffin in the Tooth Shield is shared by Lauders, first known in Berwickshire with Tate's/TEETs. See that? Their Letter branch is now said to be first in Westmorland with Applebys (share Apple martlets) while the green tree of Spanish Senters/Santos' has "apples."

The Palmans in the Tooth motto share the swan with Lights/Lite's who in turn share the Tooth feathers. We might get a Bud Light here where Tine's in the Tooth motto are also BOTville's. The Tyne river is near Lauder or the Lauders. Fathers/Feathers love the line of Valentinian and Justine, the line to Sire's/Sirons (share green snake with Shore-connectable Schere's). Valentins are in Swimin colors and format, and Valentins love the Schere- and Shere-connectable Squirrels/Square's/Squire's (Worcestershire).

Sandersons (Durham) are excellent here if their "Veillant" motto term (translated "watchful") is for neighboring Valiants using the only heraldic shark I know of. Ah, Vallants are listed with English Valance's, probably a branch of Valentins in turn in Swimin colors and format! The Swimin Pool had the shark. I've known for years that Vallans share the moline of Shark-line Sarasins, and then Scottish Saracens (share Clun wolf) are first known in Cumberland, beside, or part of, Westmorland.

The Alans of Arundel who married the Swallow line were at Clun, and as Cluns share the Saluzzo Coat, the Shark line had merged with the Dol Alans of Clun, which can explain why Sarasins are first known in Brittany. Dure's in the Ged motto share the Clun Coat, both first known in Perthshire with Lyons, and the latter are the line to David Tholen, co-discoverer of Apophis. Lyons share the Whaler lion while Dols use the whale.

"PoeNITet" can be also for a family on the Nith river, such as the Nitts/Naughts, for Sandys are first known in Worcestershire with Knightons/Nitons, and then Knights/Nights are first known in Suffolk with English Tate's. It would make perfect kidney-shaped sense if the Geds at the Nith were related to Nitts/Naughts. The latter look like kin of Pattys (Worcestershire). Knightons/Nitons share the eight bars of Sea- and Seaman-connectable Tuckers, the surname of the discoverer of Apophis. Tooths are first known in London with Tottens whose "astra" motto term can indicate that the shark's teeth point to the asteroid swallowing shorelines. Shore's are also Sheers/Shire's while Irish Kilpatricks are also Sheera's while Scottish Kilpatricks, at least, were on the Nith.

Ahh, Vallants/Valence's (Kent with Picks/Pix's) use the rose while Rose's are first known in Nairnshire with the Pike-loving Geddes', and I trace Pike's and Pickens to Justine of PICENum, wife of Valentinian!

To put this in other words, I think God is pointing to their end-time bloodline at some high, global office that He wants to dispose of, whom He portrays as a nasty shark. Couldn't we guess that this is the 666 office? It was me who jumped / dove into the pool to oppose the shark, perhaps to show that my mother's home village of Picenze was named by the line of Justine and Valentinian. Valentinian lived near the Save/Sava river, and while I jumped in to save the dog, Maezaei, on the Save/Sava river, were the line to my mother's Masci grandmother, who lived in Picenze too.

Just realized: I trace GRATian, Valentinian's father, to the Greats (probably share Justine border) having a saltire in the colors of the saltire-by-fish of Kidneys/Gedneys! So, yes, the Geddes' pikes look like Picenum elements, and the shark looks like a bloodline descended from a Valentinian-Geddes merger. Bill Gates?

My Masci grandmother above owned a flour mill in Picenze, and Flowers share the cinquefoils of POTTERs (same place as Pots) while the Vallants/Valence's have this: "The [Valence] surname traces back to 'a place on the confines of Poitou {at POITIERs], in France, {which} gave name to William de Valance, who was son of Hugh le BRUN, Earl of March, and Isabel, widow of King John." It explains why French Bruns are first known in Poitou, and it just so happens that these Bruns have the Great saltire in colors reversed.

The Counters/Comitissa's suspect in the Sun/Sinclair motto are in the Name description as "counterchanged," and Change's are first known in Hampshire with the Chance's sharing the patonce cross with Cancer-like Chaunceurs/Chance's, and while the patonce cross can be assumed related bloodwise with the "potent" cross (upper-crutch shape), the latter invented in honor of the Crutch's/CROOCH's, Croce's/Cross' use a double-armed potent cross.

Plus, Name's have "counterCHANGEd" colors, and Change's are first known in Hampshire with Chance-branch Chase's. Quakers (listed with Vickers), share a gold eagle head with Irish Name's, and while the latter use illegal gold-on-silver (I call heraldic silver "white," just a habit), those are the colors of the Name eagle head. Eagle's/Hegels are first known in Lincolnshire with English Name's, and Irish Name's happen to be listed with McNanamys/McNANNYs (I didn't realize that until writing here), how super for proving that Name's were Mason/Massin kin and therefore likely related to Chess' too, suspect with the Chester / Cheshire location of Massey liners.

Quakers/Vickers have a "galley" ship in the colors of the ship of Cheshire's Mare's. The DeMere's have the same ship, and were once said to be first known in Cheshire, but now in Sussex with "galley"-using Keeps, and with Vicker-like Vise's/Vice's. DeMere's came up as "Deem," expected in the "TanDEM" motto term of Quakers, and by now you may have realized that, when ships get destroyed by Apophis, there's feasibly going to be some shaking going on in the earth's crust. Tans/Tanners share "pine cones" with the Mascarelli's in turn sharing the Chaunceur/Chance lion, and Cone's, a branch of Conte's/Counters in the counterchanged colors of Name's, are first known in Kent with Masons/Massins and Chess'. TsuNAMI.

I'm very happy now. You've got to understand my predicament. Writing these things comes with the risk or price of being judged a lunatic even by my own children, and especially them. This is why God needs to feed me heraldic evidences that keep me believing He's behind the claims. "COUNTERchanged" is in the description, at Hall of Names, for the Name surname. And while Counters/Conte's are COMITissa's too, French Conte's are Comites' too while "Commit" is in the SUN/Sinclair motto. See that? What do you see?

You see hard evidence that "TSUNami" is a word that God tackled heraldically, centuries ago, to make it fit with the Rook sun and the Name surname.

With Quakers getting us to the Mare's in the "mare" (translated "sea") motto term of MacDonalds, we now go to the Terras' in the same motto, for German Terrace's use rooks! See that? Rooks love Chess', and Rooks will do a lot more later in this update. Rook-branch Rookbys are first known in Yorkshire with Sailors (share Mast/Master/Moster griffin heads), and with the Masts/Masters/Mosters suspect in the "flames on a masthead" of Quakers, and in the "most" motto term of Sailors.

Quakers can point to Pfizer vaccines, and this makes sense for the shark in the pool if it's our arch-enemy, the 666 office. Vissers/Fisers have variations like the ones that Quakers/Vickers/Vicers are listed with, and Vychans/Vaughns share the Fish Coat while Vissers/Fisers use "fish." The latter have the Roach Coat on a green Shield, suggesting Rockefeller vaccine products, vaccine push, and anti-vaccine censorship. Trump gave these pushers all they wanted in 2020, and Vise's/Vice's, Acorns and Downs, all three connectable to Tromps, are first known in Sussex with the Hams using the Fisser/Fiser fish as "salmon." Roach's are in the colors and format of the Calls/Calles' showing nothing by trumpets.

Little Saint James

If the SUNS/Saints/Sinclairs are a pointer to TSUNami, then I'd expect more clues from their symbols. It just so happens that they lived in great wealth at Roslin, in Midlothian with the Falls'/Fallis' who can be a pointed to Apophis falling. The Falls'/Fallis' share the lion of Alleys and Atlas', and Alleys are first known in WORCestershire while the Sun/SAINT/Sinclair motto has "WORK." I already showed that their "Commit" motto term goes to Cone's, first known in Kent with Atlas' and Virgins, and then Roslin-like Russells share the Virgin Coat.

Roslins once showed square buckles, but houseofnames changed them recently (it does not always make the right decisions, and is very careless to customers when spreading disinformation on surname derivations). Square's are first known in Worcestershire too, such that Works look like they were from a noble Worcester family. Worcesters look like ROCHesters/WrochESTERs (Kent), and as Falls'/Fallis share the Feller trefoils, it's another reason for linking Works to Worcester, for that's where Rocks and Rooks are first known. Rochesters have scallops in the colors of the billets in the Arms of Roquefeuil. And Roslins are first known in Lincolnshire with Grasse's sharing the Falls/Fallis lion.

The only other surname I know, off-hand, with square buckles, are the Starlincks. They are first known in Suffolk with Sinclair-branch Clare's, and, moreover, while Lynch's/Linch's almost have the Feller Coat, Lings/Lyngs are first known in Suffolk with Buckle's and Starlincks, explaining why the latter are also StarLINGs. It's good evidence that Roslins did in fact use square buckles. Rooks were once said to be first in Oxfordshire with the Tiens' in the Square motto.

Tiens' share the Peare stars, and while Peare's are first known in Oxfordshire too, Pero's use "stars" while Stars/Stairrs are first known Wiltshire with the Tree's in both the Lothian Shield and the Bothwell Crest (both use pine trees). Lothians share the brown dog with Lots, first known in Kent with star-using Stairs. Bothwells share the Lynch/Linch Coat, and LINKletters are first known in the Orkneys, which came to be ruled by a Henry Sinclair of Roslin, which is more proof that Roslins had been Square kin by some relationship with the square buckles of StarLINCKs.

The Starlincks have the Leslie Coat, and Leslie's came to Scotland with Henry Sinclair. I read that he was the cup-bearer (butler) to queen Margaret, and you can find online that she came to Scotland with Bartholomew Leslie, the founder of Scottish Leslie's.

Roquefeuil is in Languedoc, location of ROUSSILLon, which Spaniards called, ROSELON. It looks like "Roslin," and I've just shown reasons for linking Sinclairs to Roquefeuil elements.

Next, the Sun/SAINT/Sinclair motto is, "Commit THY work to God," and while Thy's/Thigh's have a giant red fox, ditto for Jewish Fox's, in both colors of the giant lion of Irish Fox's, and now we have the Russell and Virgin lion. I haven't been able to show a solid Roslin-line link to Virgins in particular, yet anyway, and the reason I'm looking for it is that Suns/SAINTs can possible point to Little Saint JAMES in the Virgin Islands. This is roughly where I suspect Apophis to FALL.

As Virgins are first known in Kent with Gaunts, we now go to Gantons/Cantons, who named the heraldic canton that is sometimes called a "square." See that? It can trace Virgins to Roslins or Roslin, and Russells share the lion of Virgins, first found in Kent with Atlas'. I showed above how James' can link to both Alleys and Atlas'. And the remaining Little's use a "MagNUM" motto term that can be part-code for Name's. That tends to point to Apophis landing in the Atlantic ocean thanks to Atlas'.

IN FACT, JUST REALIZED WOW: "MAGNum" look like part-code for Maghens, who share the Anany/NANNY Coat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Te latter share the merMAID of Masons/Massins (Kent with Virgins), and the Maids share the Virgin Coat! Nanny share the Mason/Massin lion and moreover share the Jane and James Crests!!! This is a first. I can barely believe what has been hiding, all along, in the Little motto. Their Liddle branch is first known on ROXburghshire, and the "AUDax" motto term of Roxburghs betrays their trace to Roquefeuil because it's in Aude province.

Previously, I linked "Magnum" to Plancia Magna, who lived beside Atlas' Attalia. The English Planks/Planque's share the giant lion in the Arms of Gaunt/Ghent, which lion only sometimes comes with the maiden. Thus, it's revealing that Maghans/Manns might not only be using the Virgin lions, but descend from Plancia Magna. It's also revealing that her Herod line was in Gaunt/Ghent.

French Plants/Planque's can get us to the PlantaGENETs/Plants who share triple lions in pale with Maghans/Manns, only the ones of Plantagenets/Plants are in the colors of the triple greyhounds in pale of LYS'/Lise's. Gaunt/Ghent is at the end of the Lys river, and English Ghents are first known in Hampshire with Lise's/Liss'. Thus, this betrays that Geoffrey Plantagenet was named after Ghent elements. He was a direct Fulk of Anjou, explaining why they gave themselves a mythical Tertullus as an ancestor, because they knew they descended from Tertullus, Plancia's husband. Why were Fulks hiding this? Plantagenet was the son of Fulk V of Anjou, king also of Templar Jerusalem, which really tends to explain why Templars were digging at the Temple Mount, for Herods had not only built that temple, but adorned it with vast amounts of gold, some probably buried underneath it, or so the Templars thought.

I read that Hugh de Payens, the first grandmaster of the Templars, when he left Jerusalem after many years, went to see the Sinclairs of Roslin. Some say he married Catherine Sinclair. I read that he married Elizabeth Chappes' (google is very stingy / sinister on these topics), which works where Caiaphas-like Chappes' are first known in Ile-de-France with Lys'/Lisse's, Levi's, and La Falaise (looks like it named Falls'/Fallis', same place as Roslin). The Coat of French Levi's was used by the counts of Hainaut, at Mons and La Louvier. I see Chappes' from Joseph Caiaphas, the chief priest of Jerusalem who insisted on murdering Jesus.

Louvain/Leuven is in Belgium with Gaunt/Ghent and La Louviere, and Louvains/Louviers (Kent with Masons/Massins) share the Mason/Massin Coat. La Louviere is beside Mons while Monmouths share the Maid Coat, almost. Sometimes, the Arms of the Hainaut counts shows exactly like the Levi Coat, with three chevrons none buried into the top or bottom of the Shield, and sometimes it shows as the Italian Leuvens ("chevron of 6") show their Coat, turning the three into six chevrons of two colors.

German Leuvens have "bear paws FACing outWARD," and Face's are first known in Northamptonshire with WARDs, and with the Cabbage's in the French Plant/Planque Coat. Atlas' have lion heads facing outward (rare feature when facing in opposite directions), but call them "addorSEE," interesting where Maidens/Maddens have a "falcon SEIZing a silver mallard." Sea's/See's/Sees' are first known in Kent with Atlas', Virgins and Gaunts.

I've been neglecting to read the Sea write-up: "Hence, Seal at the Domesday Book was held by Geoffrey de Rots..." Jewish Rots'/Rothchilds look related to the Balcolms of Crail, but, in any case, Sea's are first known in Kent with English Rothes', and German Rots' are listed with German Rothes'. It just so happens that the lion heads of Kent's Rothes' are the colors of the lion in the Arms of Ghent, which now pulls the Sea's / Seals into the Ghent family. English Rothes' were once said to be first known in Shropshire with Leuven-like Levens/Leavens.

Wow, just found the progenitor of Jean/Jane line, apparently. Plantagenet descended, on his mother's side, from JEAN de la Flech, tending to explain why Fulke's are first found in Norfolk with Flecks/Flicks, and why Belgian Flecks (same place as Gaunt/Ghent) look related to the Fulke Coat. Norfolk is also where Lance's are first known while Jean de la Flech was son of Lancelin. Lance's are suspect with "Alan," making Lancelin look like an Alan descendant, and Alans tell of their early history at Norfolk's Mileham, and the Sabine's sharing the Jean/Jane scallops are first known in Norfolk too. Jeans/Jane's share the Bruce lion while Alans who married Bruce's became royal Stewarts. Spanish Jeans look related to a Dole Coat.

Jean de la Flech married nobles of Maine, and this Maine line continued to Plantagenet's mother. The Arms of La Flech share the tower of Pellicans, first known in Maine with Billets/Billiards (expected in the Arms-of-Roquefeuil billets), and then the pelican-using Pullys/Pullens (Yorkshire with Bruce's sharing the Jean/Jane lion) share the Jean/Jane scallops! They are also the scallops of Sabine's (Norfolk with Flicks/Flecks).

This can explain why I FLICKed my alley at Tony's alley about the time (as little as a week/month) I gave Andrea the Tarzan and Jane book. Italian Andrea's have the La Flech tower in colors reversed, and French Andrea's are first known in Provence with Lizards/SARDE's while La Flech is in SARTHE. Lizarts/Sarde's are in the lizard in the Crest of "magna"-using Walkers (Yorkshire). The Lizart/Sarde Coat is almost the one of Lise's/Liss', traceable to the Lys river at Gaunt/Ghent, and first found in Hampshire with Fly's of Flagi, Flicks/Flecks are also Flags, and with the Fly's of Flagi they trace to Flavius Sabinus with the Sabine's. See the Flavians in the Fly write-up.

Flavius Sabinus (in Rite-like Rieti) was the son of Tertulla of Rieti! That's got to be the line to Tertullus of the Fulks.

The Little's, with Plancia Magna in their motto, wife of Tertullus, add a "PARvo" motto term, and Parrs share the double fesses of English RITE's/Wrights. Though not in the same color, the Crest of Rite's/Wrights and Little's have a leopard face. The Little leopard face is gold, as is the leopard face of English Leopards (Sussex with Rite's/Wrights). Scottish Rite's/Wrights share the checks of Italian Fulks.

The leopard face in the Rite/Wright Crest is in the Crest of Brains/BRANE's (Norfolk with BRANtons, Hat-branch Haydens, and Sabine's), and while Plantagenet's symbol was a sprig of broom in his hat, Brooms/Brome's look linkable to the Brompton variation of Brantons. As Plunketts take us to Norfolk's Ant river, we've got to take special notice of Rita's, for while Rieti elements are compounded in Norfolk, Rita's share the giant Atlas lion. The Prats, some first known in Norfolk, are in the motto of the Arms of Rieti. Three Prat surnames use trefoils, the French branch sharing the ones of Rocks (same place as Alleys).

Rita's are first found in Rome with the Sforza's who almost have their Coat, and Sforza's share the giant Chess lion while Rooks use "chess rooks." The Sforza lion holds a "quince" (flower) while Quince's are first known in Northamptonshire with Planque-related Cabbage's. Italian Tonys have a "flower," and the Rita lion hold "pieces of wood" while Woods are first known in Leicester with Tonys of Les ANDELys i.e. tracing to Plancia's stomping grounds, the line to Atlas' (Kent with Chess'). Sforza's are suspect with Forts having a motto term as code for Aude province, location of Roquefeuil. We're Killin it.

The Engaine's suspect in the Brain/Brane motto look related to the WORCester Coat, which can take us to Alleys, suspect with the Jean/Jane lion in colors reversed due to a related reason. The WORKs (SUN/SAINT/Sinclair motto) share the double fesses of Flecks/Flicks! The Irish Gains'/Gainors, I kid you not, sharing the Rock trefoils, share the vertically-split Shield of Belgian Flecks, in colors reversed with Fulke's, and the Gains/Gainor Crest shares the Virgin Crest! The pointer to a TSUNami at Little Saint James, or the Virgins islands in general, by a cosmic rock grows stronger. German Gains' (not "Gain") even share the fleur of Crabs.

The Jean/Jane lion is colors reversed from the Kelly lion, and Kellys share the Keveney/GAINe Coat, comparable to Spanish Jeans/GEANs. It makes Gains look descended from Jean de La Flech.

The Pullys/Pullens and Plocks both share the martlet of French Josephs, the latter first known in Maine. Plocks have the Plancia-line Plunketts in their write-up. Flys, first known in Hampshire with English Josephs, have those martlets in colors reversed. Italian Fulks, sharing the checkered Shield of Checkers, are first known in Florence with the Muscas' in the translated "fly" term of Drake's (Hampshire with Fly's and Checkers). Having said all of that for the link to Plancia Magna, it's to be expected that her family linked to neighboring Attalia, the line to Atlas' and Alleys. LITTLE SAINT JAMES in the Atlantic ocean.

The flick shot of the alley was directly across the street from Skye Court, a pointer to McLeods/LUTTs of Skye for they use flags. Plus, I had forgotten that Lutts/Lute's are first known in Worcestershire with Alleys. The reason this is huge is that Lutts/Lute's essentially have the English Name Coat! To nail this down, they both share the Fast quadrants, and Fasts, in the "Hold fast" motto of McLeods/Lutts, are first known in Norfolk with Flicks/Flechs/Flags!!! One of the Lutt/Lute lions is blue, the colors of the Jean/Jane lion, and the latter surnames was once said to be first known in Worcestershire! Brilliant work, O Lord.

There were two brothers on Skye Court that I did not hang around with, a little older than me. One evening, I saw them sitting at their front steps, and ventured over to talk. The only brother's name I can remember is Cosmo, and while there is a Cosmos surname, Cosmo's happen to use "lilies" while Lily's are first known in the same place as Alleys, tending to make the alley shot against Tony point to McLeods of Skye even harder.

Cosmo's are first known in Padova with Abreu's/Abruzzo's, and the Cosmos' use a ship they call a "galleon" while Italian Galleons/Gallus' share the Abreu/Abruzzo lion.

If my striking Tony's alley is a pointer to Apophis striking the earth, note that Tonys use a "sleeve", otherwise called a "maunch." The English Channel off of Manche is called The Sleeve. In case Apophis lands in the English Channel, you heard it here first. The Poindexters, first known in the English Channel, share the FAUST fist. They could have been a Fast branch, you see, and Fasts are part of the alley set above, linkable to NAME's. The Fast quadrants are shared by Pettys who love the Needle's who in turn share the Hesse/Hessel Coat, a giant sun. tSUN-NAMi. Pettys are first known in WARWICKshire with "Esse"-using Sheriffs. Warwicks share the James Coat.

"FESTina" is a Plunk/Plunkett motto term. See "Quillan" below on how Plunketts link to Norfolk with Fasts.


[Insert Friday -- Today, I learned that the Cancer constellation is beside the Gemini stars, Castor and Pollux. God could maybe use Castor-like surnames in heraldic (blood) connections to the Chance and/or Crab surnames to get our attention for making an important pointer(s) to Apophis. Can't Pollock-like Pollux begin to jibe with Pola/Pula on Aster-line Ister? Haven't I been all over Aster / Istria liners lately?

The Apophis asteroid was discovered June 19, 2004, two or three days before the Cancer zodiac takes a place in astrology. June 19th falls on the Gemini zodiac.

Pollock-like Pellicans are loved by Pullys/Pullens, but also by Scottish Pattersons, first known in Ross-shire with Apophis-pointing and Aster-loving MacKenzie's. Irish Pattersons/Cassane's can be of Epstein-connectable English Cassane's, and therefore Pattersons can connect with Chase's, Casey-branch Case's, and Crail-like Crawls and their Crow branch. We're off to a roaring start.

Pattersons and their Kilpatrick branch were of Antipatria, near Pelagonia. On this map, Pelagonia is on the east of lake Lychnidus, and Antipatria is on that lake's west side. Both surnames use blood drops, possibly from Bled, near Istria. Drops/TROPE's (same place as Case's) can be from Tropoje, a Dardanian location not shown on the map, but on the north side of the northern-most part of the Drilon river (shown). On the south side of that part of the river is shown "Crevenia," and then I trace Cravens to Rijeka, between Pola/Pula and Bled. Beside Bled is Lesce, and Leslie's have a version of the Case Coat. Cass' are then Castor-like Casts.

Tropoje is near Decani and Has while Drops/Trope's are first known in the same place as Decans. Has-like Haslips share the lodged stag with Bloods/Bluds, and Lodge's/Loge's are first known in Suffolk with Deacons. Haslip-branch Hazels are first known in Devon with Dardania-liner Darts/Dards and Esse's/ASH's while German Ash's have the triple Cassane and Epstein chevrons in colors reversed. Hazels share a Hessel variation with Esse-like Hesse's, and Epsteins are first known in Hesse. It's interesting that I'm seeing a Bllate location at Tropoje while drop-using Pattersons/Cassane's share the Plate scallops.

Saffers, first found in Devon, remind that "Sparta" is like "Subartu," an ancient area of Assyria that I think may have been the Biblical Sephar, where Joktanite Hebrews (non-Israelites) are said to have lived. It seems one can trace Hadoram, one of Joktan's sons, to ADRAMmolech, god of SEPHARvites. Joktan's brother was Pollux-like Peleg. The Sephardic "Jews" of Spain can apply because they were probably in Joktan-like Occitania. This area covers the Ebro river, and Eber (founder of all Hebrew tribes) was father to Joktan and Peleg. Pelagonia, mentioned above, looks interesting, as do Pellicans.

Pelagonia is near LYNCestis, and then the Pennys/PENES' use the lynx while the Penestae people group were nearby, on the north of lake Lychnidus. Licks/Lucks share the greyhound with Pennys/Penes', and the Lynx constellation is smack beside Gemini, itself beside Cancer. Mythical Lynceus was a nephew if Danaus, myth symbol of Danaans of Argos, beside Sparta.

The Breuci of the Sava river were near the Ceraunii, and Bruce-branch Brush's are first known in Suffolk with CRAUNs/Crane's, and with Lings, suspect with lynx-using Linch's. Then, mythical PHLEGyas was father to Coronis (mated with Pollux-connectable Apollo), whom I trace to the Ceraunii mountains at Apollonia and Alan-line Aulon, all in Apiru-like Epirus opposite the thin sea from Apulia. Hebrews of the Euphrates were "Abiru/Apiru."

Saffers have uniCORNs, suspect as code created by a family from both the Una river and the neighboring CERAUNii, probably the Maezaei. One can trace the Saffer motto with Severs and Vita's to Julius Avitus (husband of Julia MAESa Bassianus), son-in-law of Julius Bassianus, who was in Dalmatia i.e. at least near the Una, a tributary of the Sephar-like Sava. Bassianus' other son-in-law was emperor SEVERus. Severs (share Vita annulet) are first known in Somerset with Tarrs/Tarres' while the Biblical Terah (father of Abraham) was a descendant of Eber.

Occitania went up into Languedoc, location of Roquefeuil in AUDE province. Vita's (Aquileia in Friuli) are first known in TARvisium, and Chiava-like Chives are first known in Tarves. Chiava's are first known in L'Aquila, and the L'Aquila eagle is with Manets/MANE's, first known in Savoy with AUDE's. Saffers are first known in Devon with MAINE's. Maine is the location of the first-known Pellicans who have the tower of Friuli's Andrea's in colors reversed.

While Roquefeuils married a noble of Rodez (at least once), Italian Andrea's, sharing the Rhodes lion, almost have the Kos/Kosinski bendy while Kos is beside Rhodes near the MEANDER river of MAEONia. We are now not far from ANTalya, and the Ant river is in Norfolk with the first-known, Kosinski-like Cousins. Manders (Devon with Maine's, Rods, and Pine's), with almost the Rhodes cross-with-besants, share the red saltire with French Andrea's and Scottish Andersons.

Aude's are first known in Savoy with tree-using Masseys. Kosinski-like Cussons share the giant eagle of English Constance's/Custers, and French Constance's (PINE tree) are first known in Languedoc. The giant Cusson and Constance eagle is also with "terras"-using MacDonalds, and with Masseys / Mace-connectable Ferte's while the fret-using Coat of Overs (Cheshire with Masseys and Mace's) is in the colors and format of L'Aquila line Kelners/Kellers. Killins and Plunkets look related to Antrims/Antinghams of the Ant river. German Terras' have rooks.

A chess rook is also a CASTle. There are three Castle surnames, and a castle-using German Cassel surname, from Hesse-Cassel. Rooks share the Hesse sun, and half this Cassel Coat shows the triple chevrons of English Clare's, a branch of Suns/Saints/Sinclairs...which are red, the color of the triple chevrons of Hesse's Epsteins. The latter are in both colors of the one chevron of Scottish Cassels.

Constance's/Custers (Bramton/Brompton) look like they have the Tonys of Les ANDELys in their motto because they are in Tony colors and format. Cousins are first known in Norfolk with Abram-like Bramtoms/Bromptons, and with the Cust-beloved Fountains/Fonts, a branch of Languedoc's Fond-de-Ville's and kin of Languedoc's (Occitania's) Hugs. The Arms of Roussillon (Occitania) look related to Tarrs'/Tarres', and Russells ("sara") share the lion of Sava-river Sauers. Colchians were on the upper Sava and at nearby TARsatica. The Sauer-related Sorrys goes with my Sorry game given to Andrea with the Tarzan book. Sorrels (Leicestershire with the Soar river, and Tonys) almost have the Bramton/Brompton Coat. Tarrs look like kin of Make's/Macks (same place as Books), first known beside Maxwells/Makeswells whose eagle (shared by Lots) I trace to Rijeka at Tarsatica. Lot was Abraham's nephew.

Soars were first known in Dorset with Russells who in turn almost have the Fulke motto suspect with the Kelner/Keller key, for English Sheaves' share the "qui" motto term of Fulke's while Italian Sheaves' have the Kelner/Keller key in colors reversed. The Soar is also the Legro while Leghs have a lion in Bramton-lion colors.

So, as Terah was father to Abram, one or more of Terah's sons may have started a tribe in his name that developed branches all over, and finally ended up as surnames such as the Terras' / Tarrs'/Tarres' to which God may like to point with the Tarzan and Jane book. Rothes-branch Roets love the Books. Terras' are in the motto of MacDonalds sharing the Cusson eagle while Cousins were first in Norfolk with Broom/Brome-like BRAMtons/Bromptons and Fulke's, ad Geoffrey Plantagenet-Fulk, traceable to Plunks/Plunketts from Plants/Planque's, had a broom symbol.

I won't go into it all again here, but I was able to trace Abraham's line with his other wife, Keturah, to the Priam-and-Paris Trojans, and so it's interesting that Troy was also Terras-like Tros. Note "BrogiTAROS," for Phrygians were Trojan allies. His son and heir, Amyntes, was "tetrarch of the TROCmi". One could get the impression that God steered Paul to the Galatians to save descendants of Abraham, for this would make Abraham happy at the Resurrection. Trocmi-like Tricks/Tracks and Drigs (both look related to a Rock Coat) use the dart while Darts/Dards are from Dardanians while mythical Dardanus was made the father of Trojans with Batia as his wife. The Caucasian Bats were at Colchis, home, I claim, of Abraham's line through his son, Medan, brother of Jokshan. Bats lived at RHODopolis, and Occitania has a Rhodanus river near Rodez. Tricks/Tracks love the Suns of Roussillon-like Roslin.

Apollo looks Hebrew. His twin sister was ArTEMIS, an Amazon from the THEMIScyra area at TRABzon, beside the Iberi that named Spain's Iberians, I assume. Custer-like Castors almost have the Chief of Trebys (same place as Saffers and Iberi-like Berrys, Beers, Burys, and Bearings). Bari is a major city in Apulia. The Saffer motto has "LiBERA."

Houseofnames shows the "hazel slips" (leaves) of Hazels identical to the "nettle leaves" of Irish Clears, and Needle's (Shropshire with Alans) share the Hesse Coat. Fulbert, the patriarch of the Pollocks, was a servant of the Dol Alans. Hazelwoods or Hazeltons, I can't recall which, was once said to be first known in Shropshire with Alans, and they both share oak leaves...for the honor Alans of Okehampton, in Devon with Hazels and Alan-line Stewarts. Hazeltons have an "aRIS" motto possibly for Rise's.

Pollocks look very related to Risings/Risons and Rise's, and Rhizon is not far west from Tropoje. Drops/Trope's almost have the lion of Bramtons/Bromptons (Norfolk with Drops/Trope's). I trace Abraham's wife, Keturah, to "Kotor," beside Rhizon, through mythical KODRos of Attica, and so note TarsATICA, for it looks like a Tars-Attica combination. Tarsatica is where Colchians settled, and I trace Medan, son of Abraham and Keturah, to mythical Medea of Colchis, for she rode her chariot to Athens, in Attica. Kodros was made the father of Medon. Medea's brother was given the name of an island off the coast from Pola/Pula i.e. near Tarsatica.

Risings/Risons and Rise's (share Jewish Pollock bend) are both known first in Norfolk with Drops/Trope's, and moreover, Troops are first known in Banffshire which itself shares a border with Moray. On that very border is Rothes, where Pollocks built a castle.

Proto-Dardanians in Mysia were mythically made the founders of Trojans, and a Trojan prince abducted Helen the Spartan, sister of Castor and Pollux. I wonder whether the real-world entity represented by the cosmic crab was related; whey else would the crab constellation have stars on either side named after Castor and Pollux?

The abduction of Helen was only myth code, likely for Helen-branch Spartans at the HELLESpont, the Troy theater. It then gets interesting where Hells (Kent) share the Crab Coat, very connectable to the Alan-suspect Dole's. Helens, first known in Brittany with Alans, even have the triple Este horse heads in colors reversed. Mythical Castor had a horse symbol, and Homer gave Troy a horse symbol from those who conquered Troy, which happened to be Helen's father and his brother.

Helens were first known near St. Brieuc, and the Breuci peoples were at the Sava river not far down-river from Bled. Bleds have, in colors reversed, the Coat of Clare's, first found in Suffolk with Bruce-branch Brush's. Suffolk is also where Lodge's/Loge's are first known who share the giant lion of French Clears.

I can trace Dol Alans from their Vilaine province to Astikas' of VILNius who married Traby in Pollux-like Poland. Whatever Pollux was code for, and I think it was for Apulia (at Spartan TARANTo), "he" (his worshipers) could have named the Poles too...and even Vespasia Polla or Apulia-like Pula. Pollux had a boxer symbol, a PUGIList that is, and Apulia is also, Puglia. The Treby Chief is almost the Castor Chief, and Castors are in colors of Sticks (Somerset with Tarrs', beside Tarants). It doesn't look coincidental, therefore, that Chass'/Chastons have the Taranto-like Tarrant Coat in colors reversed. The Polish Piasts even share the Chass/Chaston eagle.

Tarrants named Tarrant Crawford, and Crow-like Crawfords, with almost the Dart/Dard Coat, are first known in Lanarkshire with crow-head Caseys. The write-up tells that Crawfords took Loudon at the Lothian theater, and Loudons/Lothians are shaping up looking like they have the Castor "dog" in brown, as do Kent's Lots. But Lots and Loudons/Lothians call it a "talbot" while Talbots (Shropshire with Alans), sharing the Stewart lion, have the Grey Coat in colors reversed while Crawfords are also CRAYfords.

Crays (share Stable Chief) are listed with Craws/Wreath's (share Virgin / Buck lion) while Rothes'/WRATH's were once said to be first known in Shropshire, yet are now said to be first known in Kent with Lots, Sleeps and Staple's (and Virgins). The Crawford/Crayford motto uses "sleeps" in it English version. Loudons/Lothians happen to have a "CUSTodit" motto term while Custs share the Coat of now-Castor-connectable Cass'/Casts. End insert]

On Monday and Tuesday, after the last update was uploaded online, I added the following insert that floored me, in case you missed it. It's as per my being invited to Harold's home to play chess:

[Insert -- I've just checked for a Chess-like Chass surname, finding it listed with CHAStons/Castings, first known in Cambridgeshire with Crabs!!! This seems arranged by God to assure that the Cancer-like Chaunceurs and their Chase branch point to Apophis returning beneath Cancer the crab. Chastons/Castings must be a branch of the Cast variation of Fountain-loving Cass' (Cambridgeshire with Chass'/Chastons). Chass'/Chastons share the Child Coat, and while Cass'/Casts use "scales," Scale's are first known in Herod-like HERTfordshire with Childs. Herold pointed us to Harolds/Herods.

Chess is a BOARD game, and Cass'/Casts have a BORDer. Boards use the antelope for a trace to mythical Atlas, more proof of Arrangement. The Cass/Cast Crest is "a pair of scales" while Pairs are listed curiously with German Paws/Pauers, and both Paw surnames have the peacock while Peacocks are first known in Essex with Asters and Mountains. Peacocks love the Fear variation of Fiers, and Commings/Comyns (Norfolk) are from Fier Albania while Albanys have the giant Chess lion in colors reversed. It doesn't seem coincidental because Chess' are said to be first known in Norfolk and Shropshire, and the latter location is where Albanys are first known, along with Dol Alans while Dole's were Crab kin!!! Lookie there.

Pauer-like Powers share the Vilain Coat while Dol is in Vilaine province. The Tanner Coat looks applicable while Saluzzo is near the Tanaro river. The latter flows through MontFERRAT roughly at Langhe while Langleys share the six pale bars of DURRingtons/Dorringtons. Dure's share the Saluzzo Coat, and Saluzzo-branch Sallows are first known in Shropshire with a Doorington location. The Swallow branch is first known in Lincolnshire with Durringtons/Dorringtons. The Dols of Shropshire have the Poor fesse in colors reversed, and the Dol-line English Stewarts are first known in Devon with Power-branch Poors while Scottish Stewarts and Stuarts share the checks of FERRATs/Fers' (Brittany with Dol).

Poors were at Durrington (Wiltshire) while Durringtons/Dorringtons are first known in Lincolnshire with Cast-branch Custs. We're back to the Chass/Chaston line. Vilains are first known in Somerset (beside Durrington above) with the Chaucer-branch Chasers who almost have the Jewish Pollock Coat, and it's almost the Aster/Ister/Stur Coat too. Chaucers and Chalkers are first known in Kent with Atlas' sharing the Coat of Pollock-branch Pools/Pole's/Pulls. Chasers and Chaucers have gotten us yet another pointer to the Cancer-the-crab constellation at which Apophis will appear in 2029.

Paws/Pauers are also PaurBUSCHs while German Bush's/Buschs share the Dole / Crab fleur-de-lys. Busca is beside Saluzzo while the Dol Alans of Arundel married Alice of Saluzzo. Arundel is in Sussex with the first-known Boards! Chess is a board game, using a checker board, and Checkers (share Stewart checks), having a Shield filled with checks, are first known in Hampshire with Sturs and Chase's! I didn't make the heraldry. Chichs/Chicks share the Atlas lion, and are first known in Essex with Asters/Sturs! ChichESTERs, first known in Devon with Albins and Powers (and Stewarts), have another Shield filled with checks. I now see very clearly why God set me up at Harold's place, on at least two occasions, to play chess.

Sullivans, looking related to one Power Coat, share the black boar of English Bush's, for which reason I trace Sullivans to the Saluvii Ligures. Wikipedia thinks they were one and the same with the Salyes Ligures that I say were the namers of Saluzzo and the Sales/SALLETT surname. The boar-using Sullivans look related to the Coat of Hunts, first known in Shropshire. Hunts share both SALTires of Kilpatricks while the "abu" motto term of Sullivans jibes with the "a boo" of Kilpatricks, but see also the motto of Irish Brians (likely from Brigantium), for French Brians are said to derive from Alans of Brittany. Saltire's/Salters (HURTs) were once said to be first known in Shropshire with Powys' while Dutch Paws are also Pauwez's, reminding of the Paez/Pelaiz surname having half the Pollock/Poke saltire and the Bill / Sawer checks.

Paws/Pauers are also Paukers, Pollocks/Poke's had Peacocks as one of their septs. As Pollocks of Rothes were proto-RothsCHILDs while Chass'/Chastons share the Child Coat, while Cass'/Casts took us to Paws/Pauers, note that Danish Bauers are Pauers too, for the first Rothschild banker was Mayer Bauer ("Jewish"). Someone told me that bankers used a checker board to handle coins, for reasons I can't remember or didn't know. Harold was a Jew, and Rothschilds were likely from the KHAZar "Jews" whom I trace to Cohens and Hohens, both of whom use the checker / chess board! That is amazing. The Chass' and Chess' must have been from Khazars.

More. The Cass fountains look related to German Drummonds, and the Scottish Drummonds are linkable to Sturs, first known in Hampshire with Chase's, and with the Change's who share triple fesses with Drummonds and Sturs. Are we wondering whether the chess at Harolds applies to Apophis, and, if so, how?

The Chess lion is in the colors of the Chaunceur lion, and colors reversed from the Chase lion. The latter is in the colors of the Sors/Soar lion, and thus the gift to Andrea, if it was the Sorry game, can connect to the chess game across Shoreham from her home. The Perkins, from on/near the Soar river, were from beside Atlas-line Antalya, and while Perkens use feathers, Feathers are fathers too while Bill's father took me to buy Andrea the board game.

It was the Sawers/Sawyer who convinced me above that I did buy the game of Sorry. They were once said to be first known in Norfolk with Case's and Cass-beloved Fountains. Note the "CherCHES" motto term of Sawers/Sawyers (connectable to German Bills), interesting where Chess' share the giant lion of BILLet-loving Nassau's. "The surname Chess was first known in the Hundredorum Rolls of 1273 where John Chese, Norfolk..." You decide? Is God pointing to Apophis? If so, what are you going to do to prepare for it, four years in advance? end insert]

I'd like to go to the Crabs of Cambridgeshire, because the city of CamBRIDGE is on the Cam river while Game's are listed with Cams using the six pale bars of English Lise's/Liss' (Hampshire with Chase's and DRAKE's). It starts to get amazing and new, not just because Bridge's use crabs, and not only because Dragons are first known in Kent with Atlas', but because Lizarts/Sarde's (DRAGuignan) almost have the Lise/Liss Coat while Boards have the ANTELope as code for a family from Antalya while Bridge's are first known in Somerset with BILLs.

I'm not done with the amazing. I'm proposing that Antalya elements were at Cambridge along with Crabs because Cambridge's (Crab and SCARF colors) use a patee cross and a white lion in Crest, and Pattys are first known in the same place as white-lion Alleys and early Jane's. This is new. Not done. More new: Cambridge's share the motto of SHERIFFs...first known in Warwickshire, and Warwicks, sharing the Coat of James' (Surrey with SHERE's/Sheers), have three lions in the colors of the Alley / Atlas lion. The Shere's/Sheers share the fitchee of SCHERFs/Schere's who in turn have a Coat like German Walkers while English Walkers have a "magna" motto term. Plancia Magna of Perga! NOT DONE.

By the way, the "quam" motto term of Cambridge's reveals that it can be code for the Cams/Game's when used in mottoes of other surnames, for example, the Sheriffs. The triple wolf heads of Scarfs are in the colors and format of the triple Crab fleur. The triple Scarf wolf heads are shared by Bathers, first known in Denbighshire with English Brians, from Briancon = Brigantium, where I trace Crab-loving Bridge's.

The Esse's in the Sheriff motto are first known in Devon with English Hessels while Hesse's/Hessels have a giant sun that ought to be God's hint for a TSUNami at Little Saint James, island of Jeffrey Epstein (infamous pedophile), for Epsteins are first known in Hesse-Nassau. English Hessels were once said to be first known in Cheshire with their WEAVer kin, and a variation of the latter surname has been by best shot, over years and years of doing heraldry, at deciphering the heraldic wave. A Tsunami is a wave, and so, yes, Hesse's/Hessels are pointing well to a tsunami at Epstein's island.

Weaver-branch Webbers have wavy bars, and German Weavers/Webbers look like kin of Bride's and Brights, the pointers to Crabs. We then ask why the tsunami-pointing Name's have lion heads in the colors of the Nassau/NASO lion. Italian Naso's have millstones, and Stone's share the McBride and Brigg cinquefoil. Irish Name's love the Staggs, first known in Devon (beside Stone's and Bridge's) with the Billets in the Nassau/Naso Coat.

I bought Andrea a game board and a book on Tarzan and JANE for the one birthday. Jane's were once said to be first in Worcestershire with Alleys. The James Crest is the Jane Crest, with the Alley lion in colors reversed, and Little's have a "MAGNum" motto term so that we are starting to point to the island of Little Saint James, the part of the Atlantic ocean where the last update proposed the landing of Apophis. NOT DONE.

Bill-related Billets are in the Arms of Roquefeuil, a location in the same place as Rockets and French Rocks/Roque's. The latter show two rocks. Apophis is a rock. They are gold billets, possibly code for the Golds, who share the lion of Chess-beloved Rooks, which lion was shown connectable to the lion head of tsuNAMi-pointing Name's. Chess' are in Rocket (giant rook) colors and format. English Rocks are first known in the same place Atlas-branch Alleys and SUN-using Rooks: tSUNami. Rockincidences?

The Roquefeuil billets are in Herold/Herod colors while Roquefeuil is near the Comminges location of Herod Antipas of Israel. I played chess with Herold. Antipas-like Antibes is just some 15 miles from Nice while Nice's are possibly in the "corNICES" motto term of Rooks. Nice's/Ness' are also Nose's while the giant Nassau/Naso lion is also the Chess and Gold lion. On the Nassau/Naso Shield are GOLD billets. NOT FINISHED.

Kness'/Ness' have a "non" motto term and share the Non and Silver crescent while Silvers are first known in Hesse who share the Rook sun. Epsteins are first known in Hesse-Nassau!!! 'TSUNami" can point both to Suns and Name's while Nons are also Noms (means "name") and have a "sperandum" motto term, like the "Dum spiro spero" motto of Masons/Massins suspect in the Name lion. The Name's also use a lion head in the colors of the Nassau/Naso / Chess lion. Just look at all of that.

I don't know why Nons/Noms/Nine's are listed with Nevins, possibly a Neve-line merger with Name's/Neams. English Neve's are first known in Kent with Atlas' and Masons/Massins, and Scottish Neve's have a lily while Lilys, in the colors and format of English Nests, are first known in Worcestershire with Alleys, Rooks, and where Jane's were once said to be first known, now said to be first in Cornwall. Rooks have a "CORNices" motto term possibly suggesting Nice elements in Cornwall.

French Andrea's are first known in Provence, and Grasse is just outside the Provence border. I got Andrea a book on Jane, and Jane's, sharing the Bruce lion, are very connectable to the Alley lion, therefore. French Andrea's share the saltire of Bruce's. Alleys share the Grasse lion, and the Grasse location is even closer to Antibes than Nice. It was Bill, who was with me when buying the Jane book, who took us to the Roquefeuil billets that started the pointers to a tsunami.

Ness'/Nice's list "Nest" too, and Scottish Ness'/Nice's are first known in Fife with Crail. It gets interesting where Crails/Crabs are first known in the same place as Cake's/CakeBREADs who in turn share the fleur-de-lys of Scottish Neve's while Breads share the Grasse lion while these Grasse's are first known in Lincolnshire with Name's/Neams and Turtle's/Toothills. The Valour variation of Valois'/Valais' takes use to Valerys using a "wave," is that not wild? Apophis will destroy ships, and Navys are first known in Angus (near Crail) with Scottish Neve's. AHH, just fell upon it now, the Marte variation, of French and German Martins, is in the Navy motto. English Martins share the double fesses of Ness'/Nice's!!!!

Kness'/Ness' are first known in Perthshire with Rollo's, and the Kness/Ness and Non/Nom crescent is also with Rollo-connectable Valois'/Valais' and Turtle's/Toothills. I think I know why Rollo's are figuring in, because English Billets share the Coat of Ship-beloved Bellows/ BILLOWs. The sea billows will ROLL!!!! Rollo's are even first known in the same place as Dogs/DOCKs in turn sharing the Billet / Bellow/Billow cinquefoils! Ships at dock will be swamped and ruined, carried away. Dare they try to take them out to open sea to save them?

I had a dream with Popeye at the sea FLOOR, as little as a week or two from Friday 13, 1079, exactly 50 years from Apophis' closest approach. A Fifty surname could be listed with Five's/Fifys or Fife's. In any case, the point is that the cosmic rock will be on the sea floor, and TSUNami-pointing Rooks use an "EfFLOREscent CORNices" motto phrase while there is a Floor, Flora and Fleur surname. That heraldic set looks arranged by God.

"Cornices" looks like code for the Cornish's almost having the Coat of Lowers/LOUers (Cornwall). The Hoods (Devon with Cornish's and Zeals/Seals) have a "Cornish chough," often shown as a raven, but not always. Rooks show a raven but call it a "rook." The Hood motto, "ZeaLOUS," thus looks like part-code for Lous'/Lou's, tending to reveal their Lower/Louer branch. The Vis-de-Lou location of Fiddle's/Fidelows can apply, and Vise's share the stag head of Tristans (Devon and Cornwall) while Trists (Cornwall) share white roses with Lowers/Louers. Zeal/Seal variations take us to Sillys (Devon with Zeals/Seals) who in turn share the Epstein Coat, and while Epsteins are first known in Hesse-Nassau, let's repeat that Hesse's, sharing the Rook sun, share a Hessel variation with Hazels (Devon with Seals/Zeals).

The Rook motto term, "efflorescent," is translated as "flouRISH." Rish's are listed with Rush's, a branch of Rosco's/Risco's (CORNWALL!) who happen to share the cinquefoil of Kettle's (Perthshire with Dogs/Docks), colors reversed from the Dog/Dock cinquefoils. We are right back were we were shortly above.

Popeye was on the sea floor with me, and he toots a pipe while Pipe's are first known in Staffordshire with English Docks/Dox's sharing the Jane lion. Staffordshire is also where Duck-branch Duce's are first found while Ducks are first known in Somerset with Bills and Tarzan-like Tarrs. I wonder, will Apophis bring tar out from the sea floor? If tar is from organic matter buried in the Flood, it could be called "blood." Revelation says of the asteroid in the sea that a third of the sea turns to "blood."

I've just remembered that French Fleurs list Florida's. Florida was home to Jeffrey Epstein, near enough to the Virgin Islands that both ought to get tsunamis if the rock falls in the mid-Atlantic. Fleurs/Florida's share the Beach and Clapp/Clapper vair, and Clapps/Clappers share the Rook sun! We got to the Florida's from the Rook motto! The Sleeping-Beauty dream had her on Epstein's beach, and Jeffrey Epstein was a spy man, like JAMES Clapper. "Flourish" is also the Glasgow motto, and Glass' share the Masons/Massin and Anany mermaid. The latter use "A mermaid COMBing HER HAIR," and while Balcombs were at Crail, "hair" is in the description of Elis' who almost have the Scottish Neve Coat.

Popeye smokes a pipe, which recalls that Smoke's are listed with Roach-like Rauch's. German Rush's are also Raschs/Raush's! The latter use arrows while Arrows/Arras' are first known in Staffordshire with Pipe's! Roach's use a rock!! Popeye at the sea floor is pointing to an asteroid rook, so to speak, at the sea floor! It seems true. Pipe's were kin of Stops/Stubbs sharing the pheon of Nice-like Nickel's/Nichols, in case that applies.

Apophis' tsunamis will sink navy ships if it falls into the sea. The Navy Coat is on a blue Shield with Dutch Ruthers/Ruters (Rutt colors) while Rutherfords translate their "sorte" motto term as "chance." Mark Rutte, former leader of Holland, now heads up NATO. Holland is the NETHERlands, and Rutherfords use "neither" twice in their English-version motto, as do Roddens/Rodhams.

Rods were Rock kin when Hugh of Rodez married Isabel of Roquefeuil. Though not in the same colors, Rucks share a double-headed eagle with Maxwells, first fund in Maxton with Rutherfords. English Rocks are also Ruckers while Rooks share the Hesse sun while Rucks are first known in Hesse, thus nailing the Hesse sun to Rooks. Is Apophis dropping by the will of God to frustrate Mark Rutte? What's his agenda? Why are we on Russia like surnames here? The Rutherford rock as a Gog-connectable goose upon it, for Goose's are listed with Googe's (ROXburghshire with Rutherfords and Maxwells). Riggers (Goose/Googe colors) are first known in Bavaria with Goz's/Gose's.

You might want to grapple with why Rickers/Richards look like Nanny kin. Just for the record. The "amore" motto term of Rickers/Richards is "amor" in the Rudder/Rutty motto. Amore's are first known in Oxfordshire with Miltons suspect in the Rudder/Rutty motto, and with the Bellow-loving Ships. Military ships have rudders. Bellows (Cheshire with Rutters/Ruttys) are the ones with the Billow variation applicable with Name's to tsunami's. German Belows (not "Bellow") share a two-headed eagle (different colors) with Rucks, and English Belows are first known in Yorkshire with Rickers/Richards and the Bruce's suspect in their lion. It's also where Ticks/Tooks ("Militia") are first known who almost have the Milton-like "Melitae" motto term of Rudders/Ruttys.

Milton-like Millets are interesting where they share the cinquefoil of HaMILTONs, making the latter look like a Ham / Hamil line in marital merger with Miltons.

While the giant Millet cinquefoil is the one of Bus' too, it brings to mind Booz Allen Hamilton, a military establishment used by the U.S. government. As Hamilton Kilpatrick and his wife, were with Spuds MacKenzie, it's notable that Hicks' share the gold buck's head with Anne's/Hanne's of TICKhill, in Yorkshire with the "Militia"-using Ticks. Bucks are even first known in the same place as Bus' and Patricks. Hicks', with the Alan/ALLIN fesse in colors reversed, have an "ALL IN" motto phrase in their English-version motto. Is Apophis coming to frustrate Booz Allen Hamilton?

The Millet-like Miles share a blank, green Chief with English Rocks/Ruckers. I can trace the Rinds in the Miles mill rind to the Rance river (location of St. Malo) near Dol partly via the Rands/Rynds/Rance's (Norfolk with Millet-connectable Bus' and MILEham), and partly via the Millet-like Mallets (share Rind scallops) and Mallets/Malo's. The Rance is near Rennes, and Hamiltons are first known in RENfrewshire.

Plunketts share the Coat of Killins/KILLANs, who are in the Plunkett write-up, and Quillans are super because they are first known in Antrim county while Antrims are listed with Antinghams who almost have the Plunkett / Killin Coat. This now traces Plancia Magna to Quillan, beside Roquefeuil! The latter married Rodez to the Rods who happen to share a blank, gold Chief with Quillans. Norfolk is also where Hollys were first known who have a Coat similar to the one of Killins.

Antrim/Antinghams are said to have been on an Ant river, in Norfolk with Sabine's, Flicks/Flags, and others from the Rieti Flavians, but also the Fasts perhaps in the Plunkett motto. Reminder: the Rieti Flavians married Tertulla while Tertullus was Plancia's husband.

The Chief of Norfolk's Bakers shares the Plank-suspect lion in the Chief of Planque-beloved Cabbage's. The latter are first known in the same place as English Blanks who share the giant cinquefoil of Norfolk's Bus', and the Blank Crest happens to be the Crest of Little's who have a "MAGNum" motto term! Bingo. Perhaps Blanks are in-code with blank Chiefs and blank Shields.

English Millets, essentially sharing the Blank Coat, have "Humphrey Millet of Enys". Therefore, the giant Millet cinquefoil must be a substitute for the giant Annas/Ennis star, but I now find that Quillans, with a wolf even, are wholly in Annas/Ennis colors and format. I see priest Annas descending from the family of Lupus Laevillus, the line to heraldic wolves.

Mythical Tertullus was to the Fulks of Angers, and Angers share the lozenges of Angle's/Angels who in turn have an "ANTiquas" motto term. As we just saw Plancia Magna tracing to things on the Ant river.

Flynns, with a wolf very linkable to the blue wolf I saw in the Arms of Placentia, are first known in Antrim with wolf-using Quillans. The Flynn wolf is undoubtedly of the Scarf and Bather wolf heads for good reasons. A "scarf" is in the TRABY/Sadowski Coat in the shape of a Q, which I surmise as code for wolf-head Quade's, from Quadratilla Bassus, wife of Lupus Laevillus. Placentia is at the TREBia river, and it was home to ANANes Gauls while priest Annas was also, Ananus. His daughter married Joseph Caiaphas, killer of Jesus. The Flynn Chief is almost the Treby Chief.

I must now repeat from more than a year ago that NORMA, on one of my birthdays, gave me the gift of a TIE having treble-clefs as the design. There is a Treble surname, first known in Devon Trebys, and with Norma-beloved Billets. The "AuXILLIUM" motto term of Norma's (listed with Normans) looks like "Killin." And the Cleffs are listed with the Cliffs/Clive's/Cleave's who share the triple wolf heads of Quade's. Cleavers are first known in Norfolk with the Killin-connectable Antrims. The Clive's are said to have married Stiche's, whom I trace to the Astikas' in the Wikipedia article of the Traby horn. They married Traby of Poland, and Trabys/Sadowski's, with the Scarfs, are Polish.

It appears that God gave me that tie because Stiche's look like the "Sithech" entity said to be at the root of Shaws/Saws/SETHs, and Seth was the father of priest Annas. Why did God provide a tie, with the treble-clef design? Perhaps due to the Tie's/Thigh's/THY's in the Sun/Sinclair motto, who share the Coat of fox-using Voss' who point out their Voeske variation of Hamburg, where German Norma's/Normans are first known along with Leo's sharing the Irish Fox lion.

Norma gave me the tie only because she was a friend of my employee, Miss Abreu. The "AUXILLium" motto term of Norma's//Normans looks like code for "Aquila," and while L'Aquila is the Abruzzo capital, Abreu's are listed with Abruzzo's (almost the Kelly Coat). This reminds that Killin-like Kilners, in Killin colors, have a giant eagle colors reversed from the one in the Arms of L'Aquila. Then, German Norma's/Normans have a giant savage while Savage's/Sava's have the eagle/Hegel Coat in colors reversed. I trace Eagle's/Hegels to the Achelous river near Astikas-like Astakos.

As Bathers are first known beside Hugh Lupus D'Avranches, it's clear that his personal wolf head, white on blue, was the Bather and Scarf wolf head, in the colors of the Flynn wolf, and colors reversed from the blue wolf of Wolfleys/Wooleys (Cheshire with Hugh Lupus). His son and heir used a white-on-red wolf head (his Wikipedia article shows it), the colors of the Quillan wolf, and colors reversed from the wolf heads of Fiddle's/Fidelows of Vis-de-LOOP. Bathers are first known beside Flintshire, and Flints/FLANs could have named Flynns. Wolfleys/Wooleys use FLANches. What do we suppose flanCHES' are code for, besides the Flans? The Chee's/Cheatle's (Cheshire) come up as "Chees."

Let's Go to Turkey

While writing on Bill above, I just remembered the Bilis river from my files. Google won't re-find this river, but I have it recorded, "the Pamphylians of the Bilis river, Paphlagonia." The problem is, that's not someone else's quote, but just my words. I can't remember whether the Bilis river is in Pamphylia or Paphlagonia. That quote makes it look like it's in Paphlagonia with a branch of Pamphylians. The German Bills are also Bils'. Bill was with me when buying the TARZan and Jane book. Note where the TAURUS mountains are at this Wikipedia quote (brackets not mine):

Pamphylia was a region in the south of Asia Minor, between Lycia and Cilicia, extending from the Mediterranean to Mount Taurus (all in modern-day ANTALYA province, Turkey). It was bounded on the north by Pisidia...

Is that not wild? God must have arranged the Tarzan book as a pointer to mythical Atlas at Antalya! And He must have arranged the Jane's to point both to James' sharing the Alley / Atlas lions! Andrea's gifts, along with Tony's alley, are both pointing to Apophis landing in the Atlantic.

I've told that Plancia Magna's husband's name can go to Tertulla of Rieti, mother-in-law of Vespasia Polla, and I've told that Julia Polla was a royal Galatian while it's known that Plancius, Plancia's father, was Galatian. Brogitarus, the ancestor of Julia Polla was the chief priest of Cybele in the Paphlagonian theater, and Plancia Magna, along with her mother, were chief priestesses in Perga's temple to Artemis. Julia Polla was directly related to Julia Tyche, and we just saw the Ticks and the Anne's of Tickhill, begging why the Jane's have a J'Anes variation. They share the scallops of Pullys/Pullens (definitely from Vespasia Polla), first known in Yorkshire with Tickhill, and with "magna"-using Walkers.

French Millets share the giant, eight-pointed star of German TEEGERs. The eight-pointed star was an ancient symbol for Ishtar, suggesting Teeger elements Istria, location of Pola/Pula. Tick-branch Teague's/Teegers ("OPtem" motto term) trace to TIGRranes VI (king of Armenia), husband of the Galatian, OPgalli. Tigranes' family was directly in Plancia's ancestry. The descendants of Tigranes VI ruled in Cetis of Cilicia, and Cetis-like Cedes' are suspect in the "cede" motto term of Steers, the latter first known in Surrey with Jane-connectable James!

Were Jane's/J'Anes' an Anne-James merger? After all, Jane's and James' share the lion of Bruce's (Yorkshire), and while Andrea lived on Shoreham, and while Shore's are first known in Surrey too, French Andrea's share the Bruce saltire. However, the English Millets were at Enys, and that variation goes with the Annas'/Anes'. J'Anes.

It appears that God bought Andrea the Jane book partly for the heraldry under discussion, and I've said many times that Annas, the chief priest of Israel at whose home Jesus was sentenced to death (where the rooster crowed three times), is expected in the ancestry of king Laevillus of Cetis. The latter's wife's father was married to the line of Tigranes VI. Thus, either the Andrea and/or the Jane surname is expected from that Cetis / Pamphylia region.

French Andrea's share the red saltire with Scottish Andersons, and the latter share the ANNANdale saltire. Bruce's do to, but on a gold Shield. Priest Annas above was also, ANANus. Annandale is in Dumfries with Scottish Kilpatricks who share a "sure" motto term with Scottish Andersons, thus nailing Andersons and Andrea's to Annandale elements.

Lupus Laevillus is to heraldic wolves, and one blue but counterchanged one is with Danish Andersons. That wolf is also in the white-on-blue colors of the personal wolf head of Hugh Lupus D'Avranches, and in the colors also of the wolf heads of Scarfs (Yorkshire with Bruce's), who are in the "scarf" of Polish TRABYs/Sadowski's!!!! I saw the blue-on-white Anderson wolf in an Arms of Placentia!!! I get it. The Ananes Gauls were at Placentia, near Bruce-line Brescia. I think it's the Wikipedia article on the Ananes that places them there, between the TREBia and TARO rivers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tarzan is pointing to the Taro river as well as to Tarsatica at Istria, and so it seems that priest Ananus was descended somehow from the Ananes and Laevi Gauls. The Galatians were founded by Gauls of northern Italy about 250 BC (in time to name Ananus), and Lupus Laevillus married the royal-Galatian line. The Annas' and Ainsleys may have been named from Ananus' descendants, not his ancestors.

Scottish Andersons have a motto, "STAND sure," and Stands are listed with the Stains said to have married Yarborough's, who in turn share the vertically-split Shield of Danish and German Andersons (same place as Teegers, and Teague-connectable, tiger-using Ditts/Diots).

The eight-pointed star of German Teegers is NINE times in the DOUGan Coat, and in the center of them is the same crescent as the one of Nons/Noms/NINE's. It's also the one of German Silvers, first found in Hesse while the Hesse and Hast suns are part of the tsunami pointers to Epstein's island. We can see how Nons/Noms/Nine's may have been of the Name's (surprise, same place as English Silvers!). Recall the Anany's and Nannys!!! Lookie there. Apophis is coming to thwart the descendants of priest Ananus. I'm giving you this horror "movie" live, as I write, no preparations, as is my habit. Just going with the flow, and some reflecting in the meantime on familiar-to-me heraldry symbols.

Laevillus' wife was Quadratilla Bassus, and Base's/Baise's were probably kin of Jewish Levi's (Base/Bassen colors and format), but using the Jewish-Levi lions in the colors of the Silver and Lawn lions. The Walks/Wachs (same place as Annandale), looking like Bright and Bride kin, use "silver" to tie their wheat sheaf, and those sheaves are sometimes "garbs," code for sheaf-using Garbs/Garps who almost share the Walk/Wach Coat.

The Lawns have a motto connectable to the one of Carricks, from Charax Proculus, Laevillus' son. The triple Lawn lions are those of Irish Brians too, suspect from a Phrygian line to Brigantium. Scottish Bride's, from Brigantium, are first found in Angus while the Angus star is the one also of Annas' and Wiggons. Wigton is where Hanna's are first known, not far from Annandale, and Wigtons are first known in Yorkshire with Anne's/Hanne's. The Carrick-related Kennedys are from the Kennati priests of Cetis, at the cusp of Pamphylia.

Cilicia was mythically made, Cilix, brother of mythical Cadmus of Tyre, and the Bible says that Tarzan-like TARSus in Cilicia, and Tyre, were mother and daughter. The Zeus Taurus kidnapped Cadmus' sister from Tyre, and carried her away on his back in what looks like the base meaning of Revelation 17. The thing is, Cadmus descends from the Tyrian king, POSEIDon, brother of Zeus, and Antalya was in the land of PISIDians.

So, the Tarzan book is jibing with this picture in order to apply the Atlanteans to Andrea's 11th birthday, which I think is to say that she points to the falling of Apophis into the Atlantic. If God even created Tarzan and Jane without the author knowing it, it may have been to reveal that Jane's/J'Anes' and Annas'/Anes' (same place as Garp-like Crabs) were in the Taurus mountains.

Tarzan's monkey is in the Crest of Desmonds/Geralds because they share the Annandale / Anderson saltire. The Croms in the Desmond/Gerald motto use QUATRefoils, suspect from QUADRatilla Bassus and her father, Quadratus. I see heraldic foils from RoqueFEUILs because Fellers, Falls/Fallis', Rocks and Rods use treFOILs. Desmonds/Geralds are first known in Munster with Bricks who in turn share the Whelan/FAILIN Coat. Apophis is Failin into the sea. Croms were once said to be first in Berkshire with Windsor castle, probably due to Desmonds/Geralds (Windsor saltire in colors reversed) being Windsor kin.

It just so happens that while I can't remember 100-percent whether the Bilis river was in Pamphylia or Paphlagonia (it may have been in Pamphylia while Pamphylians moved to Paphlagonia), the latter was in the land of Phrygians, otherwise called Brigians or Briges', and that's going to get us to the Crab-loving Bridge's. On top of that, "PAPHlagonia" is suspect by me from "APOPHis" of the Hyksos.

The Paphlagonian Heneti are said to have named the Veneti from mythical ANTENor (i.e. like "Antonio"), and the Veneti lived beside Friuli, where Italian Andrea's are first known. In a quadrant, they have the Pellican Coat in colors reversed while English Bills use the pelican, as do Wayne's sharing gauntlets with Fane's/Vans/Veynes'. We are now at the Gaunt virgin.

Mythical Pelops (king of Lydia) was given Eneti as his royal base, which looks like it named the Heneti, which jibes with the myth writer who made Lydia a son of the Phrygians. The Heneti look like they named Anat-like Anatolia, but compare the latter with "Antalya" as well as a T-lee "Tantalus," the name given for Pelop's father. Anat was a goddess of proto-Israel. To prove that "Tantalus was the writer's part-play on Antalya, Pelops was made the husband of a princess of Pisa, and the PISidians were at Antalya. Myth writers built a tracking system, but useless for people who are deceived by myth "experts" who lead readers to different understandings of the names chosen by writers.

Anat was a war goddess, and thus we can link her to Ares, himself the mate of Aphrodite, whom the Romans turned into Veneti-like Venus. That's how one can trace "Anat" to "Heneti." "Considered a beautiful young girl, [Anat] was often designated 'the Virgin' in ancient texts." There were plenty of virgin themes in myth, and in many cases they could have been play on the people groups who named themselves after her, or from the people group who named her from the pen of a writer (that invented her name). I happen to be tracing Antalya elements to Atlas, first known in Heneti-like Kent with Virgins.

Kent is across the English Channel from FINIStere (Brittany), which takes us to Finis'/Fiens (Kent with Virgins), in the colors and format of Fane's/Vans/Veynes'/Fiens. Finistere is not far from the Celtic Veneti at Vannes. Veynes'-like Venus' (share brown with the Atlas Crest) are first known in Kent, where Fane-branch Finis'/Fiens and Dragons/Drainers are first known; the latter share the Coat, in colors reversed, of Mynetts, from king Amyntes of the Galatians (in Phrygia) under discussion. The Venus "buck" can link to Kent's Virgins and Cone's, wherefore it would be interesting to know the constellation behind Venus when Apophis returns.

Dragons/Drainers were kin of Scottish Mans who in turn have a "staBILIS" motto term, which looks like part-code for Stable's who in turn look related to Annandale's, and even more to Garden-branch Jardins (Angus with Gardens/Jardens and Phrygian Bride's). English Bills link to at least MAINE elements.

Mans can be traced with Manders to Maeonians on the Maeander river beside Lydia. Manders have a Coat like the Rhodes Coat while the mouth of the Maeander is near Rhodes, island of the sun god, and another sun god, Attis, was made father of Lydia. Dragon-using Drake's have a motto intended with L'Aquila elements, and the "manet" motto term in the Arms of L'Aquila now takes us to the Mane variation of Manets (share L'Aquila eagle). This, Scottish Mans had gone through L'Aquila with Drake's and Dragons/Drainers. See "Amyntes" and "bocci ball" in my last update for more insights on that, how it traces to Brogitarus, king of Galatia and high priest of the mother of Lydians.

The Plunketts, assumed to be of Antalya elements, take us to the Anat-like Ant river with Killins, and Kilners/Kelners have the Manet/Mane Coat in colors reversed, as evidence that Antalya elements named the Ant. Then, German Kelners/Kellers, in colors reversed, share the key of Sheaves'/Chiava's, first known in L'Aquila. And Kellys have the Atlas lion in the form of the Abreu/Abruzzo Coat. Why, really, did the Americans choose the bald eagle as their symbol?

Gardens have a "junGUNTUR" motto term while Gunters have more gauntlets, and the Stable's share the GANTon/Canton Chief. I found "stabilis" minutes ago when seeking any file of mine having "Bilis river". Stable's look like kin of Annas-branch Ainsleys, and almost have the Angus Chief with Annas star. Ainsleys have a SCIMitar while Schims/Schiens share the Googe boar while Gough's/Goux's, who list the Gouts/Goutes' suspect in the "gouttes" of Canters, share the Schim/Schien stars. The latter's stars are as per copy of the Washington Chief while Gantons/Cantons have the full Washington Coat in colors reversed.

While Jarden-like French Jarrets share the giant Garden/Jarden boar head, English Jarrets share the lion in the Arms of Gaunt/Ghent. The thing is, if we expect the Virgins in this picture, because she appears at times with the Arms-of-Gaunt lion, and especially because Canters share eight bars (in half the colors) with English Gaunts, Canterbury is a location in Kent, where Virgins and Gaunts are first known.

French Gants have a "man's bust," and that brings us back to the Man motto where Stable's took us to Gant liners. It just so happens that the Man dragon has "drops of water" upon it while Waters share the Epstein Coat. Little Saint James in the Virgin Islands is/was the island of Jeffrey Epstein. Drops/Trope's (black drops) are first known in Norfolk with Steins. EpSTEIN. Apps/Epps were once said to be first known in Middlesex with drop-using Players, and Epstein was/is the epitome of a "player" (sex predator).

Epsteins share the triple chevrons of English Cassane's (Hampshire with Chase's) while Kilpatrick-branch Irish Pattersons/Cassane's share "blood drops" with Kilpatricks. Drops/Trope's are first known in Norfolk with Case's, and with the Casey-beloved and Crawl-branch Crows sharing the camel head in Crest with Pattersons/Cassane's.

Behold: Kents share the lion of Chaunceurs/Chance's (Essex with Fane-branch Wayne's and Waters), yet it's also the lion of Mascarelli's/Mascelli's ("pine CONEs"), who were, for years until 2024, said to be first known in Rimini, beside Fano ("fano" is a motto term of Gaunt-related Fane's/Vans/Veynes'). Cone's not only use ANTLers, but are first known in Kent with ANTALya-trackable Atlas'. In the least, the Atlas surname is a pointer of God to Antalya/Attalia elements for the Purpose of foretelling Apophis' fate in the Atlantic.

"ATTALia" can be to such things as Talls/Thalls, Tails/Tailors and their Tiller branch from the Tilurius river of proto-Croatia. Tailbois' are very interesting for being in the colors and format of Stable's. Staple's (not "Stable") are first known in Kent with Virgins who in turn share the giant and red Talbot lion. See that? It's giving excellent cause to connect Virgins to Atlas'. Staple's, with a red lion head in Crest, even share the fleur-de-lys of Perkins! This is the first time I've proposed surnames from "Attalia." Perkins (sharing the Levi lion) can be traced very well to Attalia.

At the end of the last update, I did some heraldry on a BILjan surname, showing how it was a Bill-Jane merger. I met a Croatian woman with Biljan surname at the end of this past November. I met her mother, PAM. The Bilis river may have been in PAMphylia! Pam's other daughter is Maghen (not sure of the spelling), and Irish Maghens/MANNs share the Coat of Ananys. They have lions in Virgin-lion colors, and the Anany merMAID was shown, along with Nannys, linkable to the same of Masons/Massins (Kent with Virgins). Do we see tsunamis here?

Many years ago, I traced Crab-like "Gareb" (Biblical hill at old Jerusalem) to "KRVati" (Croatian) and "SERB." English Dole's can be gleaned as kin of Crabs, and German Dole's share the checkered Arms of Croatia.

As the line of priest Annas is suspect in the Pamphylian / Cilician theater, note that his father, Seth, is known to have been in Syria (beside Cilicia). We then take it to the Seth surname, listed with Shaws/SAWs, who are said to be from a "Sithech" entity. Then, Sawers/Sawyers share the Bils checks, I kid you not. The Sithech-like Sticks, in the colors of those checks, are first known in Somerset with English Bills! Bango. Bill was with me in purchasing the TARzan book, suggesting the taurus mountains of Cilicia / Pamphylia. His father was with me, and Fathers/Feathers (ANTELope) look like kin of Perkens while Perga is beside ANTALya. Pamphylia was at Antalya province.

Both Seagars and Sawers/Sawyers were once said to be first in Norfolk. The Loops who can be in "anteLOPE" are said to have been on the Sieg river in Westphalia. The Sawer/Sawyer write-up has a Sagyer variation. Seagars are now said to be first in Devon with Singers sharing the Stick sheaves. The triple Sawer/Sawyer martlets (Rock/Roque colors) are in the colors of the triple towers of Loupe's of "La ROCHelle, a port city, and capital of the former Aunis province of France." Is that location from "Annas"? Aunis' are listed with Annas'! Surprise. I didn't expect this when loading Loupe's. I had forgotten that they were at Aunis. I found Loupe's in the write-up of Allisons after being familiar with Loops gotten from "Vis-de-Loop of the Fiddle's/Fidelows (wolf heads).

It thus seems I was correct to peg the line of Annas with LUPUS Laevillus. I didn't even have him in mind when going to "anteLOPE." But it's making sense.

We now go to the "saw" of Hamiltons, recalling that the three Hamilton cinqueFOILs are in the colors of the giant Millet cinquefoil, and that Millets are said to have had a character of an ENYS location, making the giant Millet cinquefoil look like a substitute for the giant and same-colored star of Annas'/Aunis'/ENNIS'. There is an Enys surname too, which happens to share the white boar head with Rochelle's!

The Balcons are first known in Fife with Balfours who in turn use the otter head in the same way that Rochelle's use a boar head. Both the Balfour and Rochelle Coats are identical otherwise, and the Rochelle boar head is colors reversed from the giant one of the neighboring Gardens/Jardins. The amazing thing now is the "JUNGunter" motto term of Gardens/Jardens, for Junks share the Coat of Loupe's! LOOKIE THERE. Aunis'/Annas' share the star of Jardins (Angus with Gardens/Jardens).

The Mermaid's Comb

The Veneti may have named the Fenns/Venns, Fauns/Phones', Fane's/Van's/Phone's, and Phoenix's/Fenwicks, which look like they can trace to Phoenicia, location of Tyre. The Arms of Gaunt used a virgin, otherwise called a "maiden," and Maids (Cheshire with Maceys/Mace's), sharing the giant Virgin lion, almost have the Monmouth Coat while Fane's/Vans/Phone's ("fano" motto term), sharing GAUNTlets with Maceys/Mace's, are first known in Monmouthshire. Fano is a location to the south side of the Veneti.

Both Monmouths and Maids use bars-GEMEL, and Gamels, first known in Cheshire with Maids, have the stars of Stairs in colors reversed who are first known in Kent with Atlas' and Virgins. Stars/Stairrs are first known near Monmouth. Stairs are in the colors and format of Chester-like Castor/Cesters while Cass'/Casts are first known in Cambridgeshire with Crails/Crabs and Chass'/Castons. Both mermaids above are involved with a "comb," and Balcombs were at Crail.

I've only just discovered, live as I write, that English Combs share the Anany and Maghen/Mann Coat.

Reminder: Cancer the crab is beside Castor and Pollux.

While Talbots share the Maid / Monmouth / Virgin lion too, the Castors/Cestors use "HUNTing dog in BASE" for what may once have been a "talbot" dog until they married Hunts. Tailbois' were from the Bessin, home of BAIOcasses, and one Base surname is also BAISE. As Castors/Cesters use besants too, it tends to show that Besants/Bessens were a branch of Base's/Bassens who in turn use HUNTing horns. Talbots have the Coat of Hound-connectable Greys in colors reversed, and Hunts are first known in Shropshire with Talbots. Huns/Hundts use the greyhound in Grey-lion colors and format.

As Hamilton Kilpatrick pointed to the Apophis asteroid, I'll add that Hamiltons, first known in Renfrewshire with Pauker-like Poke's/Pollocks, use the "saw." Paws/Pauers are also Paukers. Saws/Shaws share the Kilpatrick and Commings/Comyn dagger. Kilpatricks share "laidir" with the Brian motto, and Brians share "Lamh" with Sullivans who in turn have "abu" while Kilpatricks have "a boo." The Pauker-like Pouchers/Pockets have the Hamilton cinquefoil in colors reversed, tending to assure that Peacock-related Paws/Paukers were a Pollock / Plock branch.

In the last update, I said: "The Dexaroi of Antipatria named the Kilpatrick and Commings/Comyn dagger, stick that in your hat, Mr. PlantaGENET." That was play on the dubious claim that Geoffrey Plantagenet was named after a sprig of broom in his hat. In reality, the idea was heraldic, from the "sprig of broom" of Brooms/Brome's. It may have been part-code for PLANTagenet links to Hats/Hades', for they are first known beside English Planks/Plaque's while French Planque's are listed with Plants. There is a Sprigg/Spragg surname using "ROSE leaves" while Leve's/Leave's are first known in Norfolk with Hat-branch Haydens and Heeds, with Commings/Comyns/COMBins, and also Bramtons/BRUMtons/BROMptons. The latter almost have the COMB Coat (a reflection of the Plantagenet Coat) while BalCombs use roses. Combers, shown to apply to Balcombs, love the Asters along with Ross-shire's MacKenzie's, and Ross-shire is near the first-known Rose's, both from Rus of Kiev, home of Budini whom I trace to Balcomb-related Botters/Botini's.

The original point was: I've just learned that Sullivans have a "sprig of laurel." As it turns out, Laurels are first known in Languedoc with the Genets suspect in "PlantaGENET." The BALcolms of Crails are first known in Fife with BALfours, and the latter's "ForWARD" motto takes us to Wards with a "Comme" motto term, and first known in Northamptonshire with Cabbage's in the "cabbages" of French Plants/Planque's. COMME's/Gumms are first known in Cambridgeshire with Crails/Crabs.

The Apophis asteroid is so large that it could form a coma at the front. Contrary to idiotic astronomers who are still keeping to the nonsense that comets are made of ice, even though astronomers now see them made of rock, a comet's furnace-like coma is not formed by the mere heat of the sun millions of miles away. That's idiotic. That's plain stupid.

Thanks to my truthful discovery that gravity force is from the simple-to-understand, electromagnetic force of freed electrons in planets and stars (which are constantly freed from destroyed / crippled atoms), I realized that comet comas are produced when solar / planetary gravity repels electrons in every atom, outside and inside, of a nearing cosmic rock. My discoveries included the truthful and unassailable fact that gravity force repels all free electrons (explains solar wind), but attracts all atoms because gravity repels some captured electrons from all atoms, making them all conveniently (by God's design, of course) net positive; hence gravity attracts all atoms.

So, as a large asteroid approaches toward earth, its captured electrons are repelled off of rocks atoms, and forced to move FREE through the pores in the rock to the outside. As they move through the rock, they heat the rock because the real definition of heat is not, as happily-blind and happily-proud physicists claim, kinetic energy, but is simply the presence of free electrons. Heat is the material of free electrons, full stop, nothing more. If an asteroid comes very close to earth, it increases the number of free electrons freed, and consequently increases the rock's temperature. Apophis might look larger than it otherwise would, if or when it develops a coma.

This idea came to me while on the Comme/Gumm surname above. The Comme/Gumm Chief looks related to the Arms of nearby Middlesex, where fiery-like Fiers/Fears are first known. Fier county in Albania is the location of Kuman, the line to Commings/Comyns/COMBins, and thus these Albanians may have named several Comb branches. Albanys share the Nanny and Mason Coat, and the latter have the mermaid with comb. Albins/Aubins can be traced to an Aubin location near Rodez, at the Languedoc theater with the Rocks/Roque's and Rockets. I'm wondering whether Musk will build a rocket-with-bomb to try to knock Apophis off-course, when NASA is certain that it's coming for the earth.

Houseofnames changed the first-found location of Muscats/Musks from Suffolk with Starlincks, to Cambridgeshire with Comb-related Crabs. Did God arrange that, knowing that Musk would propose a plan to knock the asteroid off course? Is that why I KNOCKed on Muschatov's window? In their Shield, Windows use "lion's paws" while both Paw surnames use peacocks while "fear" is a Peacock motto term.

The Window-Crest lion paw (called a "gamb") is blue, as are the lion paws of one Austin surname, and "SpaceX's Starlink factory in Bastrop, Texas, is now the company's largest hardware manufacturing unit,..." Bastrop is just 20 miles from Austin! That's a new idea. While English Austins use BLACK lion "gambs," Scottish Austins have "blue lion's paws." Both Austin Coat share the Quint chevron, and while Quints have a "black lion's paw" holding a gold fitchee, Windows have a blue gamb holding a gold fitchee! Quints were once said to be first known in Essex i.e. with Muschats. There we have it, perhaps the best thus far, if not the correct, translation of my knocking on Musc(h)atov's window (not sure of the spelling).

Later in this update, when returning to Muschatov's window, I propose that Apophis KNOCKS out one or more Starlink satellites. However, note how the Nocks/Noke's look like "nuke," suggesting a different kind of knocking. Nocks/Noke's are first known in Buckinghamshire, and Bucking(ham)s have a bend-with-besants in the colors of the bend-with-BUCKles of Starlincks!

English Austins are first known in Bedfordshire, and share the black lion paws of BEDfords. I knocked on Diane Muschatov's window when she was in bed. Bedfords have a "courage" term for their English-version motto, same as Commings/Comyns/Combins. Courage's are first known in Essex with Muschats and Asters. When Diane came to the window, opening it, she said, "are you crazy, my brother could have shot you." The risks of love. That's why I've just looked up Brothers/Broders, who might go with the Bedford border. Borders are first known beside the first-known Shots. Boards are first known in Sussex with Diane's/Deans. Brothers/Broders, looking related by their Coat to both English and German Gardners, are first known in Oxfordshire with English Gardners and Besant-loving Bucking(ham)s. We are now very close to Comme-connectable Middlesex, and to Besants of London. German Besants/Bessens share the crown of Corons and Corona's in the "corona" motto term of Austins.

Diano's/Deans (Placentia) share the Diane/Dean crescents, but the amazing thing now is that the Diano's/Deans essentially have the Coat of Cheeks/Chicks, kin of Love's/Luffs, both first known in Oxfordshire, and both sharing the same, red patee-fitchee. Love's/Luffs were kin of Muscats/Musks, both once said to be first known in Suffolk! So, yes, Ms. Muschatov points to Elon Musk. Muschats and Asters are first known in the same place with Chichs/Chicks.

More, live, no preparations: the gambs we saw with Windows and Austins can be for French Gamba's who happen to share the triple Love/Luff fesses!!!!! That's no accident. Muscats/Musks have two of those fesses, and share the red lion heads of Love's/Luffs. Italian Gamba's/Gambino's use a "red man's leg" while Leghs, first known in Cheshire with the Birds in the Love/Luff Crest, share the lion of Bucking(ham)s, the latter first known in Oxfordshire with Love's/Luffs! It was no accident. The Gamba/Gambino leg is in the colors and format of the Legh lion. The Gamba-like Game's/Cams are probably from the Cam river...through Cambridgeshire, where Muscat's/Musks are first known.

Shake a leg, Musk, you only have little more than four years to knock that rock away? In the meantime, let's store of foods, shall we? Because, I think it's going to land.

[Insert -- a few days after writing here, I looked up a Gemini-like surname, wondering whether it could tell a story due to Cancer the crab being at the two Gemini stars. After finding Gemins but with nothing to fish out, Gamins were loaded to find German Gamins/GeMENs sharing the French Gamba Coat exactly. Therefore, let's add that Crabs are first known at/near the Cam river with Castor-like Casts and Chass'/Chastons. (Castor is one of the Gemini stars). Game's/Cams are in Crab colors. GaMENs may have been formed by a member of the family soon after a Game-Mens merger. I'll show why promptly.

I place no importance in astrology, all bloodline-lust paganism. God places no value in astrology, and is not interested in heraldry aside from using it as a tracking system for my work, or others who might be doing the same. I'm getting the impression that He's also used some constellations to jibe with my heraldic work. Gemini represents Castor and Pollux, and Castors are first known in Gloucestershire with Game's/Cams.

Game's/Cams share the Coat of Lise's/Liss, first known in Hampshire (Southamptonshire) with TWINs (!) and English Gamins/GAMBons having "men's legs", and thus this goes to the "Mens" motto term of Hampshire's, Apophis-like Poppins/Pophams! Lise's/Liss share the triple-red fesses of Hampshire's Aster-branch Sturs!!! Twins and Gamins/Gambons have near-identical Coats, though I suggest that God arranged this to point to Apophis. I suppose it's possible that a proto-Gamin member knew their surname to trace to "Gemini."

Castor and Pollux were twins. To myth writers, twins had a meaning, probably near-similar and related people groups. The Twin-like Twine's have a Pollux-like pelican in Crest. Twine's have "poppinjays" while Poppins/Pophams are first known in the same place as Twins! No matter how you cut this, it looks ominous for money-grubbing, world-class thieves.

Gemini is smack beside the Lynx constellation, and a lynx is with Linch's/Lynch's while Starlings/Starlincks and Lings/Lyng are both first known in the same place. Linch's/Lynch's are first known in Galway while Galways have the Crab-loving Bridge's in their Crest! The crab is right there, beside Gemini. See second drawing on this page:

Note Canis Minor, beside the crab, for Canis Major (beside Canis Minor) is the "dog star," and Castors use a "dog." Therefore, a Cast liner may have named him/herself after mythical Castor. Cats use scales while Scale's share the scallops of Capes, the latter first known in London with the Besants in the Castor Coat. Scale's are first known in Hertfordshire with the Childs sharing the Chass/Chaston Coat! I wonder how that arranged.

These Gamins are also GamBONE's while English Bone's are a branch of Bunns/Bonns, the latter first known in Oxfordshire with the Bee's, but also with Love's/Luffs sharing the triple fesses of French Gambs' and German Gamins. Cancer the crab has a "Beehive Cluster." Honeys, showing a bee and hives, are first known in Worcestershire with bee-using Bistons. Honey-branch Hone's are first known in Hampshire with Gamins/Gambone's who in turn are in the format of English Mans, and colors reversed. Honeys share the double fesses of Parrs suspect in the Manner/Maness motto (because the latter almost have the Parr fesses).

Oxfordshire is where Oyle's are first known showing nothing but two bends, perhaps the family's secret code for the estOILE-using Twins. The Hitts and Rothschild-connectable Schilds show nothing but two bends. Hiedler/Hitlers (share Bauer stars) show a sun as well as the double Hitt bends. The Schild bends are in the colors of the lone Heid bend, and Heids place an arrow on that bend, a Rothschild symbol. Heidlers/Heidts use an anchor. Does this heraldic set somehow predict that Apophis will HIT the planet? The Plant variation of Planque's is like "planet." Oxfordshire is where Pollux-like and Plunkett-related Plocks are first known. Olive OYL is Popeye's gal, and I saw Popeye at the ocean floor.

Dutch Gamins have, in colors reversed, the double fesses of Oxfordshire's Harcourts, while Courts/Coverts, first known in Sussex with Bone's, almost have the Game / Liss pale bars, and share the eagle of Basing(stoke) while Poppins/Pophams are first known in Basingstoke. Meschin-related Bessins and Bistons use bees, and Biss' (share Meschin scallops) are first known in Surrey with Harcourt-branch Hare's/Hairs. Scottish Hare's/Hairs have the double fesses of Harcourts and English Hare's/Hairs but in the two colors of the Mens-branch Manners/Maness'.

English Bone's look related to Pollux-like Pullys/Pullens. English Bone's are first known in Essex with the Boards in "game board." Leg-using Gamens/Gambone's are first known in the same place as Tiss' possibly in the "DicTIS" motto term of Sorrys. The Board antelope traces to the Perga theater with the "SimpLEX" motto terms of Sorrys and Perkins, and the latter are first known in leg-depictable Leicestershire with the Soar/Legro river. French Bone's are first known in Provence with Andrea's and the Liss-connectable Lizarts/Sarde's (at Man- and Drake-connectable DRAGuignan). I see Shirts/Shards (Cheshire with Leghs and Leicesters) as Harcourt kin.

I've accidentally loaded "Gamon" (instead of Gamins) at Hall of Names, to find (with French Gamons) the Kilner/Kelner key along with the Aquila / Este eagle in colors reversed. It's the key of L'Aquila's Sheaves' in colors reversed. The Gamon eagles are "ALLERions" (beakless eagles) while Allers are first known in Westphalia with German Gamens/GamBERTs/GamBETTE's. Berts are listed with BIRTHs, and the board game was Andrea's BIRTHday gift. "Andro" is the Greek for "man."

Bettys share the Barney key in colors reversed. Bettys ("LuMEN coelESTE" goes with the Mens' in the Gamin/Gambone Coat) are first known in Northumberland with the allerion-using Lorraine's, and with the Stur-like Store's/Storys sharing the stork (different color) with Gamons. Lorraine's pants stain points to two surnames in Westphalia, and I met Lorraine on my BIRTHday.

Barneys were added above because English Barneys (Worcestershire) are in the colors and format of English Pollis'/Polleys/Polwhele's while Burns have A Bernys location in Renfrewshire with Pollux-like Pollocks/Pollicks. Pollis'/Polleys/PolWHELE's share the Whale/Whele bend while Dols use a whale while English Dole's were Crab kin! Gemini is at the crab constellation.

Gamons are first known in Picardy with Orions/Irons while the Orion constellation is beside Gemini. The inventors and lovers of heraldry may have been astrologers and demented diviners, or vikings in need of sky maps for sailing purposes. The English were conquered by vikings multiple times. Gamons share the chevron of Crabs (same place as Game's/Cams) such that the Store's suspect in the Gamon storks can point tho the Apophis asteroid said to be appeared in the crab constellation.

I can get another pointer to the beehive Cluster where Pollis/Polwhele's share the "hind" with Perrys (Hampshire with Gamins/Gambone's and Hone's) while Parrys, with one of the double Honey and Parr fesses, have the Hind Coat in colors reversed. Italian Pollis/Pollus' have Aster- and Brittany-connectable "mountains" and share a "tree" with Poloni's/Apollo's (share oak theme with Alans). This looks like a line from Avalon-like Apollonia and neighboring Aulon/Avlona (to the Alans).

"AVLONa" is suspect in naming mythical Avalon of mythical Morgan, daughter of Cornwall's GORlois, and Pollis'/Polwhele's (from Alans of Dol) are first known in Cornwall while sharing the GORE crosslets. While Avalon has been derived in "apple orchard," Apple's and Applebys share the Mountain martlets. The Morgan lion is in colors reversed with Whalers/Wheelers and Lorraine's. The motto of Whalers/Wheelers (Worcestershire) nearly has the Jore variation of French, Alan-connectable Gore's, both of whom share the Polis Chief.

Alans of Dol were in Vilaine with a branch of Plock-related Plunketts (see Plunkett write-up). I trace "Vilaine" to Astikas' of Vilnius, where mythical Perkunas had his stomping grounds, linkable to Plunketts i.e. from Plancia Magna of PERGa, the line to Perkins. Perga was at least near Lycia, and the Lada goddess of Lycians -- suspect with Leto, mother of Apollo, and with Leda, mother of Castor and Pollux -- is in Vilnius too (Lithuania). Astikas' married Traby of POLand while the Castor Chief looks related to the Treby Chief.

As Asters are suspect in the CAMBer/Comber motto, Gamba's and Cams may have developed from Cambers / Chamber(lain)s / Stur-connectable Camerons. "Cambridge" may have been from a Camber-Ridge merger. The Twins share the black estoile with Cambers/Combers, and Crabs can be linked to Comb liners. Sorry for disturbing the flow from above this insert. End insert]

The MAN's leg of Gambino's reminds that Scottish Mans were kin of Dragons/Drainers, first known in Kent with Virgins. The latter have another red lion head. The Muscat/Musk and Love/Luff lion heads are in the colors of the German Buck lion, which is the giant Virgin lion. I can't get a firm link to Virgins, however, but as they are first known in the same place with Atlas' and Cone's, we follow the antler of English Bucks to Antalya, city of mythical Atlas. Plus, the Buck antlers are in the colors of the Cone antlers. Thus, there is a feasible link between the Buck and Virgin lions, which then gets more meaningful where Muschats share the Epstein Coat.

The triple Cone antlers are in the colors and format of the triple scallops of Biss', the latter first known in Surrey with English hairs. This reminds that Kent's Masons/Massins use a comb with a mermaid while the same mermaid of Ananys is combing her hair. Then, Comb-line Crails/Crabs (same place as Muscats/Musks) were at Crail with Balcombs/BalCONE's, you see, who share the Mason/Massin motto.

Thus, especially as Masons/Massins share the Albany Coat, the Conte-branch Cone's were Comb liners, from Kuman elements in Albany's Fier county, and while Fiers/Fears were a Vere branch, Vere's (Essex with Peacocks) share the Massey, Besant and German Man/Manner quadrants while Manners/Maness' share the peacock with Hair-branch Harcourts (Oxfordshire again) while both Peacocks (same place as Muschats) and Irish Hare's use a "fear" motto term. Irish Hare's share the Lyon/Lion lion, and Austins use lion paws while both Paw surnames have peacocks. The Manner-branch Mens' tell of their branch at GlenLYON (Perthshire) of the Lyons/Lions (Perthshire).

English Albins/AUBINs are first known in BarnSTAPLE, and Barnstaple's share the trefoils of Italian Albins. As trefoils are a Roquefeuil-line symbol, it explains why Aubin is near Rodez, for the latter are to the trefoil-using Rods, first known in Devon with Barnstaple. Staple's are first known in Kent with Masons/Massins while Staplers (share Vere star) are listed with Stable's suspect in the "staBILIS" motto term of Scottish Mans. Sawers/Sawyers, sharing the checks of Bils (Austria with FIRE's), were once said to be first known in Norfolk with Albania-liner Commings/Combins. The latter love the Courage's sharing the fleur-de-lys of Staple's (share Masci fleur), and of the Mason-beloved Glass' (Massey fleur in colors reversed).

Apophis Peppering the Atlantic

Back to "a boo" of Irish Kilpatricks (share Little saltire), similar to a Sullivan motto term. "Boo" is highly suspect with Beauty-branch Boys/Bo's/Boets/Boeddu's, and from here we go to BOTHwells, who use a "boy," for Boths/Booths (Yorkshire with Pauer-connectable Bush's and Pullys) share the black Bush and Sullivan boar. The boar using Burleys/Bourlys can be gleaned with Bowers, Bauers, and the Shield of Pauker-like Pollock/Poke's. Bothwells use a boy "pulling" down a pine tree, and Pullys/Pullings trace to Vespasia Polla along with the namers of Pollok (village of Pollocks/Poke's).

Boys look Bohemian, and Pollocks can be traced to a Bohemian-Hungarian marriage. Even the Mieszko Poles married Bohemians. It's best you read the last update to get the full reasons for pointers to the Apophis asteroid here, especially Pola/Pula on Istria, the line to Asters/Isters/Sturs and Store's/Storys, I feel sure. Late in the last update explains how the line of Vespasia Polla through Istria is in Revelation 17 as the end-time partnership between the 8th head of the beast and the murderous harlot.

I showed how Vespasia's line was likely through PLANCia Magna, a Herod, and told that English Planks/Planque's link with French Planque's to STURmys/Stormys, but I neglected to tell of the LYSSE-Sturmy location in the Sturmy/Stormy write-up, in Hampshire with the first-known Sturs and Lise's/Liss'. I spoke on the GAME board I bought Andrea, and then went to the Herold's chess board because Andrea lived directly across the street from Harold. The point is, Game's/Cams (Cambridgeshire with Crabs and the Cam river) share the Coat of Lise's/Liss', first known in Hampshire with Checkers using a chess board. Herolds are listed with Herods, and have a Coat like the Cudds, first known in Northumberland with Store's/Storys. Plus, Gamons use storks, which are also with Store's/Storys.

Gamins/GamBONE's can take us to Bohemian-suspect Bone's/Bohums, and shin-bone Newtons share the saltire of Pollock-related Scottish Franks while German Franks are first known in Bohemia. Pollocks of Rothes were in contact with the line of Book-loving Roets, and while Gamins got linked well to the Gemini stars, some worshiper of the Pollux star of the Book bloodline could have named the Boxer variation of Box's (beside Roets and Bulls/Bole's) because Pollux was a boxer.

English Boys are first known in Berwickshire with Books. New-to-me-now Boyke's, sharing the motto of PLOCK-related Plunks/Plunketts (!!!), share the bull (different colors) with Boys/Bo's/Boets, and Ukrainian Boyks (not "Boyke") share scythes with a surname shortly above that I can't re-find. Boyks, with the giant English Bayer/Beyer rose in colors reversed, call them "scythes blades" while Blade's share the saltire of Scottish Franks. Suddenly, Books look like they were from the proto-Bohemian Boii. Scottish Bayers have a good reflection of the Gamon Coat.

This is a stunning find for proving further (don't need it but welcome it) that Sleeping Beauty was fulfilled by Miss Hicks. As Beautys/Bowds (bulls) can be gleaned as a Boy/Bo/Boet/Boeddu branch, by what coincidence are Boyke's (Dauphine with Roet-connectable Payens!) in Hicks colors, with both sharing a gold Crest? Hicks have a Book-like buck in their Crest. Boyks are even in Dauphine colors and format, yet Dauphine's are first known in Provence with Andrea's!!! That's why God gave the Jane book to Andrea, for Jane-connectable James' share the Dauphine dolphin in half its colors! Roets are from Payen Roet, and Pane's/Panico's were at Bologna/Bononia of the Boii.

It means that Beautys were a Book branch, which can check out where the two are first known near each other. Put this together with the "boo" variation of Kilpatricks, for she is also Mrs. Kilpatrick. I'm trying to understand why God would have a dream for pointing to Apophis with a Bohemian Beauty. Hick's even have a "bon" motto term while English Bone's list Bohums...which only-now reminded me that French Bone's (Provence again) have a dolphin!!! Can you believe it? Nobody who knew heraldry, aside from God, knew Miss Hicks would be Sleeping Beauty, a pointer to Boyke's and Boyke's. One of the Booker Coats even shares the Hicks fleur-de-lys!

This heraldic set could be a pointer to my post-trib book, the homepage of which includes a link to these updates. That is. God's going to use this book, and these updates, to spread the word on Apophis falling, to wake people up. He told me to wake Sleeping Beauty! The dream started with a BULLdog FALLING into the water!!! That bulldog proved to be a pointer to Spuds MacKenzie, who posed with Mr. Kilpatrick in BAYtown. BOO. The horror will arrive.

The Bums/Boms in "proBUM" motto term of Sandys look Bohemian, and Sandys proved to be on Beauty's beach with a pointer to tsunamis at Little Saint James, and while Sandys had taken us to Senters/Sainters, they are in the colors and format of Hicks', first known in Yorkshire with English Saints.

Repeat from above: "Senters came off of the "efFLOREscent" motto term of Rock-branch Rooks that I think has the Hook- and Hicks-connectable Flore's / Flora's / Fleurs/Florida's in it too, and Ron DeSANTis, the Florida governor, is coming to mind as some evidence that the asteroid will strike near Florida."

It was only hours ago while in a dozy state resting on the couch. I can't remember why I asked God, "could you show me something beautiful?" In a second or two, totally out of the ordinary, the word, in all capitals, flashed before my eyes (in my head), "ISRAEL." Happily shocked, I responded, "I know why it's beautiful: You." As soon as I saw the word, I felt it was the new Israel to come.

Do you know that when people speak to God, he takes it as our gifts, because most of the world curses Him with their voices. There's no greater gift you can offer God but intimate words. He soaks them up, enjoys them, it makes total sense.

The Hicks motto has "bon heure" ("good time"), and Books have an HOURglass.

Back to the Checkers, the checks of which (lets call it a chess board) are in the colors of the chess board of Ferrats/Fers (Brittany with Dol) while MontFERRAT is near Turin and Chivasso. Turins and Chives' are both first known in Aberdeenshire with Mellansons and Millens/Milans while French Mellans are first known in Ile-de-France with Lys'/Lise's while Chives-line Cavii Illyrians lived at Albania's Lissus (not far from southern Istria). Milan is where BONs/Bono's are first known i.e. in the Hicks motto.

I knocked on Andrea's door to deliver her book, and Knocks (same place as Orrs and Pollocks) can be gleaned as Orr kin while two Orr motto terms are surnames listed with Bons/Bona's. Orrey's share a Ure variation with heure-like Eure's, and "Uro" is in the MacKenzie motto where the Crest has the flaming mountain. It could be important that Orreys/Ure's and Aurs/Aures' both have red lions in both Crest and Shield, as do Virgins.

OH WOW. I've just tackled the English-version motto of MacKenzie's, "I shine not burn." I think I've been on this turf before, Burns, sharing the Crail/Crab fleur, have an "Ever READy" motto while Evers are listed with Ure's/Eure's. German Shine's (also in the Rook's English-version motto) share the giant fleur of Cake's, first known in the same place as Crabs, and the latter have a "dagger" while Dagger-branch Acre's/Aikers share the Cake fleur. And Readys (Crail/Crab colors, first known near Crail) use swans while Irish Shine's share the Coat of Irish Fox's who in turn have a "SIONnach" motto while Sions are listed with Swans. Scottish Reads (same place as Cope's) use a book! English Reeds have a "copia" motto term while Orrs, linkable to the Wake Chief, have a cornuCOPIA.

The "redDIE" motto term of Readys can be partly for Die's/Dee's (Aberdeenshire with Reads) having a "Hic LABor" motto term. The Labe river is in Bohemia, at Podebrady. Note "labOR." Labors (Yorkshire with Hicks) use an eye to likely explain the "aye" motto term of Readys. Eyes-branch Ayers are first known in Ayrshire with Hick-connectable Picks/Pickens who in turn look like English Read kin. Ayrshire is also where Bars and Gemels are first known in the "bars-gemel" of Labors. Gamble's/Gamals share the Hicks fleur.

As Paws/Pauers can be of the English Powers, both first known in Devon with Poors, might the "Pauper" motto term of Poors be of the line from HYKSos king, Apophis/Apepi? Devon is where HICKS-branch Hooks are first known, as well as Chives-related Hykes'/Hacks, and even Hick-like ChichESTERs while Hicks' are said to have a branch at Low Leighton, in Essex with Esters. Chives' were once said to be first known in Devon, and that's also where Pike's are first known who share the trefoils of Ice's/Ecco's who in turn share an Icke variation with Hicks. Suddenly, Chick / Chich liners are suspect from the Apepi-line Hyksos. Scottish Pike's/Pickens are first known in Ayrshire with the Nons in the Poor motto with "Pauper."

Papers/Pepperwells and Peppers could apply to that term. Papers/Pepperwells use "CARnations" while I see Cars/Currs in the motto of Denhams (share Car chevron) who are in turn in Pepper colors and format. And/or, heraldic carnations can be code for a family from the Carni at Lesce, where I see the proto-Leslie's.

Apophis ruled at Avaris, and the Danaans were from nearby Tanis at PELUSium, which I think named mythical Belas/Belus, father of Danaus, and so it strikes me now that Hyksos were on the Belas-like Bilis river. The "StaBILIS" of the Mans takes us to Maeonians, the line to Manders who share the Stable saltire, you see, yet it's also the Andersons / Andrea saltire...which takes us to king Anders I of Hungary, brother of king BELA. Pollocks married the Hungarian Leslie's so that both ruled Roet-branch Rothes', and Roets love the Books. Half the Pollock saltire is with Pelusium-like Pelaiz's who in turn share the Bilis/Bill checks! I don't remember seeing a Pelaiz similarity with Pelusium. Bill helped me to get Andrea's book GIFT, and Gifts/Giffards share the HOUND lozenges while the Hungar surnames can be gleaned with Huns/Hundts and greyhound-connectable Greys.

The Father/Feather motto gets us to Valens and his brother at Cibalae, near the Hungarian border, which looks named after Cybele, the wife of Attis, the son of mythical Manes, ancient code for Maeonians. When I took Andrea the gifts, her FATHER answered the door, and handing him the gifts, he didn't go get Andrea to come to the door (I don't blame him, she was only 11).

More. King Anders I was the grandfather of the Scottish Drummonds, first known in Perthshire with the Dogs/Doags sharing the cinquefoils of Bello's/Billows and Bill-branch Billets (Devon with man-like Maine's and Manders)! DOUGlas' were first known in Moray with Bellys while Billets/Billiards (Maine) and Billiards/Hillards share the Douglas and Moray stars.

I've told before that she and I were in a backyard at an intersection of Shoreham drive, directly across the road from my friend, Frank, where we did a fast hug. English Franks share the Pollock saltire, and German Franks were first known in Bohemia, location of the wife of George, son of Anders I, and father of Maurice Drummond. German Franks share the Anderson saltire and also use a column as code for Malcolms/Columns because Maurice married the sister of king Malcolm III.

Welsh Maurice's share the lion of Peppers while the Papers/Pepperwells have "carNATIONs" while Nations/Nathans can take one to Natts/Nathans suspect in the "nati" motto term of Scottish and English Franks; both share "nobis" with Irish Morris'/Maurice's ("nobiscum").

To nail Maurice's to Maurice Drummond, Welsh Morris'/Morrice's share the "scaling ladder" with English Trips (Kent with Sea's) while German Trips are first known in Hamburg with German Drummonds in turn sharing most of the Sea Coat, aside from the Sea salmon. Salmons and Salemans were in Surrey with the first-known Biss' suspect in "noBIS." French Maurice's (share Moray / Billiard stars) are in Marone and Mar/More colors and format while earls of Mar (Scotland) were at KilDRUMMy.

Why would God produce these heraldic links from my gifts to Andrea? As I'm now sure I gave her the Sorry board game, note that Peppers are first known in Leicestershire with the Soar river and the first-known Sorrels who in turn share the Scottish Mar Coat! And while Tony got her a jewel for her same birthday, note that Tonys (Leicestershire) share the red sleeve of Kent's Hastings. I didn't see the gift, only heard about it, and perhaps it had a fake Game-like gem as a pointer to Gemini, beside the crab.

As Andrea (blue-eyed blond, i.e. can't rule out Hungarian) was a petit girl (best description of her), I'll take it to the "ardua petit" motto phrase of Malcolms/Columns, and then to the English Petits (Kent with Virgins and Petts) sharing the Virgin Coat. Is this a pointer to Apophis peppering the Atlantic ocean at the Virgin Islands? Into how many pieces will it break up when entering the air? Petts share the stork with Pitts and Game-like Gamons. Pitts are first known in Dorset with Soars, with George's (from George, father of Drummonds), with Cutters/Gutters, and with Beaks while Gamons, sharing the Chief-Shield colors of Cutters/Gutters, use beakless eagles.

Petts have a motto, "Ardens," to go with "ardua petit," and Irish Arthurs are in Pepper colors and format. Perhaps the pointer of Andrea to Drummonds is that they share the WAVY fesses with Sea's. I see Apophis as God's gift to His Bride.

Malcolms/Columns share the Book stag head, and the Malcolm/Column saltire-with-stars looks connectable to both Stable's/Staplers and Staple's (Kent with Petits and Petts). We're back to "STABILis/StaBILIS" of Mans, the latter first known in Aberdeenshire with Leslie's and book-using Reeds who likewise share the Book stag head. The Leslie bend-with-buckles is in the colors of the bend-with-fleur of Staple's, not by coincidence because Payne Roet was from/at the Estaples area of France, and his line loves the Books. Leslie's were earls of Roet-branch Rothes.

Stable's/Staplers are first known in Somerset with Roets, Cibalae-like Cable's/Cabels, and with Wing/Wink-connectable Hagels. Cibalae is also VINKovci. It's where I'm linking Bills' and Andrea's fathers. Fathers/Feathers look related to Perkens and Lights/Lite's, all three having the same feathers. Lights/Lite's are first known in Somerset with Tarzan-like Tarrs' while Jane's were once said to be first known in Worcestershire with Wings/Winks. Having said all of this, we can add that English Fabians (Andrea's surname) share the fleur-de-lys of Staple's and Perkins (Leicestershire with the Soar). Italian Fabians share the lozengy Shield of Cocks (Somerset).

The Volens'/Valence's/FALINs in the Father/Feather motto are first known in Westphalia with the Allers in the Gamon allerions, and with Ducks. The Valens'/Valence's (wings) in the same motto, incorporating the German Duck Coat in colors reversed, are first known in Kent with Staple's, and English Ducks are first known in Somerset with Stable's/Staplers. Duck-branch Duce's are first known in Staffordshire with Fathers/Feathers.

Repeat from above: "...while Gamins got linked well to the Gemini stars, some worshiper of the Pollux star of the Book bloodline could have named the Boxer variation of Box's (beside Roets) because Pollux was a boxer."

If Apophis is Fallin, then it's Landen too. We now go to Pepin of Landen because Landens/Lands share the six pale bars of Durringtons while Poors were at Durrington. Therefore, "Pauper" (Poor motto) looks like code for a Pepin branch. Landons (not "Landen") share the bear with the Stormy/Sturmy Crest, and Store's/Storys are first known in Northumberland with bear-using BARwicks who in turn share the motto of Sarah's/Sayers, first known in Essex with Asters/Isters/Sturs. Sarah's/Sayers are in the colors and format of the Varns (Ayrshire with BARS) who in turn share the scallops of Joke's/YOKE's, first known in Kent with Aster-connectable Chaucers, and with Chalkers who in turn share the swan with Hochs/YOKE's (Switzerland with Landens/Lands).

Pepin of Landen can be a pointer to Apophis LANDING in the Atlantic ocean because Landons are first known in Worcestershire with Alleys whose Atlas branch is first known in Kent with Sea's, and with Chaser branches while Chasers are first known in Somerset with the Webbers having the Pepin bend-with-fleur in colors reversed. Webber-branch Weavers and Pepins both love the Este's (Essex with Asters/EASTers/Isters/Sturs). See that? Mythical Atlas was king of mythical Atlantis, which named the Atlas Mountains and the Atlantic ocean likely from Tyrians of Attalia.

Weavers even share the fesse of Sea-connectable Seals/Sealeys while Essex's Waters and Muschats share the Silly Coat. It's the Coat also of CASSane's, first known in Hampshire with Chase's and Sturs, but also with Changers who share the triple Casino fesses. One can then take the Casino fesse to Casano's, first known in Modena with Italian Albins.

Poors (Devon with English Albins) are also Poers and first known in Devon with Poe's/Pough's who not only share their chevron, but add crescents in flames, a symbol also of Scottish Patents/Patients (Dumfries with Kilpatricks) while English Patents/Pattens, pointable to the Apophis asteroid (see them last update), are first known in Essex with Hick's of Low Leighton. Pough-like Pughs/Pews (trace to Plancia Magna, see "Pugh" last update) use an "astra" motto term, and almost use the full motto of Essex's Mountains, another pointer to the Apophis asteroid.

Poe's/Pough's are first known in Devon with Sullivan-like Sullys/Sillys who in turn share the Coats of Water and Muschats, both first known in Essex again. Sullivans are first known in TIPPERary with Dolphin-connectable Irish Kennedys while dolphin-using Tippers (Cornwall) are in the colors and near-format of the neighboring Poe's/Pough's. The Cele variation of Sullys/Sillys suggest their being a branch of Devon's Seals/Sealeys who in turn share "drops of blood" with the Kilpatrick dagger.

Ah, Poors even share the black tower in Crest with Higgins/Hickens, and the latter use a Shield of black drops called "poix" (tar drops). Pollocks are also Poke's, and another Shield of black drops is with Drops/Trope's, first known in Norfolk with Higgs and Hyke's/Hake's! See that? We're not done, for Powers (trefoils) are said to be from POIS in Picardy. Pollocks built Rothes castle in Moray, and Moray is where Scottish Picards are first known, beside the Troops sharing a Trupe variation with Drops/Trope's. "Pois" thus looks formed from the Poke variation of Pollocks. English Pocks share the chevron of Dutch Paws/Pauwez's.

Poors are said to be from Picardy too, and French Picards share the giant lion of Irish Doors who may have been in the ancestry of the namers of the Durrington location of Poors (beside English Doors).

Paws/Pauwez's are in Charlie colors and format while the latter use bottles while Bute is where Glass' are first known while Pollocks were at Glasgow. Poors of Durrington share the triple Glass stars, shared with Blacks, the latter first known in Lincolnshire with Durringtons. Blacks use a "lux" motto term to go with the "Luctor" of Glass'.

In the video below, a small ways down the page where you see the satellites around the earth, NASA has the asteroid going in a direction opposite as per another NASA video, and from all that I've seen from NASA, the company is truly full of quacks. The asteroid goes TOWARD Africa in the video below, but another NASA video, offered at the top of a google search for "path of Apophis," has it going from Africa toward the Florida-Georgia border. Note below that, if it were to hit earth instead of fly by, it would hit smack around the Virgin Islands.

A thumbnail or cover for a you tube video, "What Would Happen if Apophis Hit the Earth," my the channel, "Space Sim," has a drawing in which the asteroid hits near the Virgin islands. The video is a hypnotic, new-age piece of trash, however, no use watching it (unless you like cheap entertainment). Why did the video owner chose to do a computer simulation of a crash about 350 miles north of the Virgin Islands?

Time to Re-Visit Lorraine

Repeat from above: "Pepin of LANDEN can be a pointer to Apophis LANDING in the Atlantic ocean because...Chasers..." This gets me to Chass'/Chastons sharing the Lorraine eagles. My date, Lorraine, met me at my LAUNDRomat for our first date, which pointed to the Lander variation of Landens/Lands because I asked her for the date at her bus STOP while Stops/Stubbs were kin of Pepin-branch Pipe's, and because her bus stop was at an Arnold street while Arnold of Metz was closely related to the wife of Pepin of Landen.

Stops/Stubbs, in Pepin and Pipe colors and format, share the "laurel branch" with Lorraine's, Larrys/Laurie's and Lowrys.

Years after first telling of that heraldic set, houseofnames had loaded a Laundry variation for French Landrys, but only for a short time, during which I tried and loaded the French Laundrys/Landrys, to discover that they are first known in Lorraine province. That floored me. Stops/Stubbs are very linkable to Sturlings/Stirlings, what are the chances if not arranged by God? STUBBings are first known in Essex with Asters/Isters/Sturs.

Stops/Stubbs and Sturlings/Stirlings both use buckles, as do STARlincks/Starlings (Suffolk with Lings), and Stars/STAIRRs can take us the star-using Stairs. Why do we want to go there? Because Stars are first known in Wiltshire with Poors of Durrington there, and with English Laundrys, while Stairs, in CASTor/Coster colors and format, are first known in Kent with Atlas' whose Alley branch is first known in Worcestershire with Square's. The Starlinck buckles are square, as were the Roslin buckles until recently. Roslins are first known in Lincolnshire with Durringtons/Dorringtons. Scottish Doors, with a "lion's PAW," are first known in Fife with Crail, and thus Lorraine is pointing to the crab constellation.

The Pairs in the Crest of Cass/Chaston-like Cass'/Casts (same place as Crails/Crabs) are listed with Paws/Pauers, and Power-branch Poors were at Durrington. But there's other reasons why things-Lorraine must include new-to-me-today Durringtons.

English Laundrys love the Tree's, first known in Wiltshire with the Poors of Durrington there. Durringtons are first known in Lincolnshire with Laundrys. Tree's were once said to be first known in Warwickshire with the Meads sharing the French Landry martlets, and Mead-branch Medleys and Motleys are first known in Shropshire with Doorington.

Our first date was on my 24th BIRTHday, which falls under the zodiac of Cancer the crab. French Arnolds share the BIRD/Burd flory while BIRTHs/Berts (Devon with Poors and Powers) share the Burt Coat (Norfolk with Chass-like Chess' and buckle-using Case's). Birds/Burds are first known in CHEShire with Chees'/Cheatle's, and with Chaston-like Chester, and with Bird-like Brights. Then, with all of those pointers to Cancer the crab, we also inform the eye-popping thingie wherein Bird-like Bridge's (Somerset with Brits/Brets) have the crabs!

As I've said a million times, on our last night together, Lorraine's pant stain was on her BALCONy, and that's how I began stressing the Balcons of Crail in the first place. Crails are listed with Crabs. So, even Lorraine can point to Apophis, only she points to Apophis landing. Where will it land? Her pant stain was from fresh grass, and Grasse's (Lincolnshire) share the Atlas lion. Is her grass stain pointing to the Atlantic ocean? To where in that ocean can / does it point?

The stain was from a lawn, and Lawns (Staffordshire with Stops/Stubbs) share the triple lions of Irish Brians, from Briancon, otherwise called, BRIGANTium, the line to Bride's / Brights / Bridge's! English Grass' (not "Grasse") and Irish Grasse's have a lion in the same colors as the Lawn / Brian lions. In fact, both the Crest of English Grass', and the Irish Grasse's, split their lion into the two colors that Irish Brians split them. Grasse in France is not very far from Briancon. English Grass' even share the Brigg and McBride cinquefoils. I'm shook because I started doing Lorraine-related heraldry years before knowing of the Apophis asteroid. Suddenly, she's pointing to it.

The triple Lawn lions in pale are also with PlantaGENETs/Plants, first known in London with Stains. Plantagenets were Fulks while Fulke's are first known in Norfolk with the Flicks/Flecks sharing the double fesses of Stains. Dutch GHENTs almost have the Dol Coat except that Dols add a whale while Whale's share the Lorraine and Irish Lawn bend. Whale's have a split-color lion in Crest.

French Brians are said to be from Alan the Red of Brittany, and he was granted RICHmond while I dated Lorraine in Richmond Hill. Rich's/Richess' were from Richeza of LOTHARingia, suspect to LAUDERs because the Scottish branch shares the tree stump and motto of Larrys/Lawrie's/LOWERys (share giant cup of Irish Lowrys) who in turn share "laurel" with Lorraine's. LOWERs/Louers were mentioned above with the Cornish's in the Rook motto. English Lauders/Letters have a "ROCK"! New one, good one. Lauders use a "tree stump BUDDING" while Lorraine's were from Maria of Kiev, location of the BUDINi.

I've told many times of carrying a 32-foot extension LADDER past Lorraine's apartment, but I may never have thought to ascribe it to the "LAIDIR" motto term of Irish Brians. I can now see why that can apply. Lorraine's are first known in Northumberland with Store's, and with the Greats sharing the saltire of French Brians. I had said that English Trips use a "scaling ladder" while TRYPillians were at Kiev. German Trips once showed BOOTS, we get it. Now you know why God caused me to buy a tall ladder, when I was asked to paint the rain GUTTERs of a three story apartment on Church street, her street too. Gutters/Cutters can trace to "Kotor," beside BUTua/BUDva! Tree STUMP BUDDING.

English Trips are first known in Kent with Atlas' and Sea's while German Trips are first known in Hamburg with Sea-connectable Drummonds (incorporate the Sea Coat). Kent is where Ticks/Tucks/Tooks were once said to be first, and they share the STUMP/Stomp Coat. CARDs must be using a LETTER because it's got a Stump-like stamp upon it. I sent Mrs. Kilpatrick a letter telling her of the Sleeping Beauty dream, and Irish Kilpatricks have a "CEART LAIDIR a boo" motto. She pointed with her husband to Spuds MacKenzie of BUD Light beer, and the motto of Lauders (share Letter Coat) is translated, "It BUDS afresh."

Stumps and Ticks share the white griffin with Letters and Lauders, but the latter's' are in both colors of the Bridge griffin heads. Scottish Kilpatricks love the Make's/Macks, first known in Berwickshire with Lauders, and the Maxwell kin of Kilpatricks are first known in neighboring Roxburghshire with Goose's/Googe's, and with the Rutherfords sharing a "goose" on a "rock" Letters/Lauders.

I can link the Trip-connectable Gore's (Kent) to Lorraine's via Gorsuch's. The same crosslets are used by all four surnames: Gore's, Trips, Hamburgs and Wrench's. The latter are first known in the same place as Cass'/Casts, Chass'/Chastons/Castons, and Crabs. The checkered Arms of Croatia is shared by Caston-like Gastons, a branch of English Gas'. I don't know whether Gastons were related to Castons, but as Gastons are first known in Surrey with a Staines location. That works very well with Lorraine's stain.

Castors, with almost the Treby Chief, are first known in Gloucestershire with Hamburgs. And the Treby / Castor besants are with STUBBings too. "TREPiDUM" is a motto term of Hebrons (same place as Lorraine's and Herons) while Dume's share the heron with Herons and Horns. The latter are first known in Hertfordshire with Childs, but also in Middlesex with Stains. Lorraine had a grass stain, and Hertfordshire is where Childs are first known who share the Lorraine eagle, and have the Chass/Chaston Coat exactly.

As I've said many times, the last time I saw Lorraine, a couple of years after we dated, she was carrying an infant child. I was sitting in a HAMBURGer restaurant, and she walked past in the order line, where there is a CASH register! I've never mentioned that part before, but it now fits. I was sitting with Paul Smith, and Smiths use a heron! Pauls/PALLAS' are first known in Yorkshire with Gastons, but also with Croatian-liner Pullys/Pullens ("PALLEScere" motto term!). Paul and I were sitting next to the order line, with a rail between us and the line, and she came into the door and lined up, walking right past me from behind my head. She may not have seen me, but I saw her. Paul was facing her, but didn't know who she was, and I didn't tell him who she was.

I'll repeat from years ago that Astys, sharing the Lorraine lion, are first known in Lanarkshire, while Lanarks, who in turn share the BUS cinquefoil, have the Lorraine-like Lorne's in their write-up. Her bus stop was at Yonge and Arnold, across the street from Yonge and Lorne (Richmond Hill, Ontario). She lived at Church and Lorne, and Church's are first known in SOMERset with Crab-loving Bridge's and Pepin-connectable Webbers.

I can now add that German Sommers share the sun with Asty-like Hasts/Asts while Somersets share the triple Lawn / Brian lions in pale!!! Pale's share the camel head with Pepins and Pipe's (same place as Stops/Stubbs and Lawns). Irish Lawns share the Lorraine bend.

I've told many times that Landens/Landers/Lands share the LANGley pale bars, now discovered also as the Durrington/Dorrington pale bars. I've told that Asty-like Asti is at Italy's LANGHE, while ASTIbus was a city of the Paioni along with Stubb-like Stobi. Her bus stop speaks. It made the Paioni suspect from the Apophis-line Hyksos. For excellent reasons, her pant stain pointed to Pansys/Pantzers, but then Panters/Panders use "spur rowells," the symbol also of Pans/Payens with a Paioni-like Paion variation. Penders are very linkable to English Grasse's via Pendergrass'.

Stops/Stubbs mention their laurel branch in a "beak" while the Lorraine eagles have no beaks, which heraldry calls, "allerions," code for Allers, first found in Westphalia with the Pansys/Pantzers. Holdens share the Aller escutcheon and use allerions colors reversed from the Lorraine allerions.

Panter-beloved Rowells share the double chevrons of Ash's/Esse's while Ashtons are in the colors and format of Dovers, first known in Kent with Hastings. Astons (Cheshire with Chesters) are also Hasting-like Astins, and the latter's lozenges trace to Losinj, off the Istria coast. The same lozenges are with English Sheaves'/Shaws who in turn share the ChESTER motto. It appears we've just found more lines out of Istria. Cestors/Castors are first known in GlouCESTERshire with Holders who have one of the two fesses of Holds (Lancashire with Holdens above).

Though not in the same colors, Esse-like Hesse's/Hessels share a giant sun with Hasts/Asts, and then Hessel is a variation of Hazels (Devon with Ash's/Esse's).

That makes Hazel-branch Islips/Haslips suspect from Istria too, and it works where I trace Haslip-connectable Maxwells to the Arms of Rijeka (northern Istria). "Rijeka" is suspect with RICHEZa of Lorraine, mother-in-law of princess Maria of Kiev, which is how Lorraine's trace to Kiev. While Rich's/Richess' are from Richeza, Ricks are from Rijeka, and the Rick Coat is almost the one of Longville's while Longeville-en-Barrois is in Lorraine about four miles from Bar-le-Duc. I'll add that Longs (Wiltshire with Planks/Planque's), looking related to the backdrop of the Longeville Shield, share the Plank/Planque Coat otherwise. Longville's (Huntingdonshire with Gains) almost have the Gaine and Peach/Peche Coats while Peks/Pecks, sharing the Massena patees, are first known in Essex with Croatian-liners Asters/Isters and Massena's (from Maezaei Illyrians). Then, Langleys were a branch of LONGfords and Langfords.

Asti elements may have been to Hastings, the latter first known in Kent with Atlas'. Hasts/Asts are first known in Norfolk with the Rings in the Crest of Hasters, and the latter are first known in Essex with Asters! If Hastings were Istria elements, then one can begin to suspect that God somehow made them related to Atlas' in order to point both to the asteroid falling into the Atlantic. The best I can do for now is to take it to Tony's alley (see last update), for while English Tonys essentially have the Hasting Coat, Italian Tonys love the Flowers (Devon with Ash's/Esse's) having the Dover Coat in colors reversed.

Again, as Ashtons are in Dover colors and format, it tends to find Hastings as Istria liners. Ashtons have a giant Istria-like STAR, related to Kent's star-using and Stairs, we may assume, and Stars/Stairrs are first known not far from Alleys of Worcestershire. Worcester-like RochESTERs share the Arms of Croatia. Rijeka is in the GORski area of Croatia, and Worcesters (same place as Alleys), looking like kin of Croatia-line Cravens, almost have the Gore Coat. Peach's/Peche's (Kent with Atlas') have a white-cross version of the Worcester Coat.

The bend-with eagles of Lorraine's is with GORsuch's, first known in Lancashire with Such's, and so Gorsuch's look like a Gore-Such merger while Gore's, once said to be first known in Essex with Stain-branch English Stinsons/Stevensons (Stein branch), and with Yonge's, are now said to be first known in Kent with Atlas'! Scottish Stevensons/Stinsons, first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's and Lams, have the Lams in their motto twice, and "Lamh" is a motto term of Grasse-related Irish Brians. This is some pretty amazing work arranged by your God (I don't believe it's all coincidental, or a bag of tricks from me).

Lancashire is also where trumpet-using Levers are first known, and trumpet-using Calles' are first known in Wiltshire with Poors of Durrington while Durringtons/DOORingtons share the six pale bars of Landers and Langleys while Langhe is beside Asti. Calles' are in Roach colors and format, and while Roach's have a rock, Rocks and Rooks are first known in WORCestershire. WORKs are in the motto of Suns/Sinclairs while Hasts/Ast's have a giant sun in red, possible code for Reds/Reeds (Northumberland with Lorraine's).

William the Conqueror attacked England at Hastings, and his mother was daughter to "the tanner," which I see as code for a family at the Tanaro river...flowing to the Asti theater. William may have had ancestors in Asti, therefore, and he wanted to take Hastings for them, i.e. if a branch of Asti's rulers named Hastings.

The tanner was of Falaise, and Fallis' share the Grasse / Atlas lion. Fallis' are first known in Midlothian with Suns/Sinclairs of Roslin. Roslins are first known in Lincolnshire with Grasse's and Lawn-like Laundrys. Lorraine put her grass-stained pants into the laundry machine.

To re-cap, in short, the grass stain on her Crab-pointing balcony connects with Atlas' (sharing Grasse lion) because Lorraine's share the lion of Hasting-like Astys while Hasting is in Kent with the first-known Atlas'. Lorraine's are first known in Northumberland with Horn-branch Herons while Horns are first known in Middlesex with Stains. The 2nd-Trumpet asteroid can be pointed to by Horns, I speculate.

Northumberland is where English Langs are first known having the Dover cinquefoil in colors reversed. The Durrington/DOORington link to Langleys and Landers/Landens gets us to Asti, I feel certain. Scottish Doors are first known in Fife with Crail, and the Balcons of Crail almost have the Coat of Jays, the latter first known in Herefordshire with English Doors. ' The Atlas Crest has lion heads "AdDORsee," likely code also for the Sea's/See's (same place as Atlas').

English Langs use six letters while one letter, 'A,' suspect with Arnold/Arnolf of Metz, is with Beggs. Begga was a daughter of Pepin of Landen. Lang-like LINKletters are first known in the Orkneys with a Henry Sinclair of Roslin. German Beggs are said to have a "green mound," yet it's not shown as a mound, but is rather shown as a lawn, grass. On this grass is an "armored arm" while Armys/Armine's are first known in Lincolnshire with Grasse's. Armys/Armine's share one of the three Lawn lions. Just saying.

Lorraine pointed to Arnold of Metz at her bus stop, and Stops/Stubbs have an "arma" motto term. Armors have a "CASSis" motto term. Lorraine- and Stop/Stubb-beloved Laurels share the Coat of Chess', first known in Norfolk with the Case's sharing buckles with Stops/Stubbs.

Norfolk is also where Hug-connectable and Cass-beloved Fountains are first known while Hugs and Font-de-Ville's are first known in Languedoc with Laurels, Rockets, Rocks/Roque's (Alley colors), and Roquefeuil. Alleys, Worcestershire with English Rocks and Rooks. Laurels are in Rocket colors and format. Worcesters look slightly related to the Ely Coat, itself a Coat version of Muscats/Musks, first known in Ely. An eel is in the Crest of Ships, first known in Oxfordshire with Cheeks/Chicks and Love's/Luffs, where Rooks were once said to be first known. Rockets have a giant rook, and as English Rooks have "chess rooks", it's pointing to the Chess' surname, in Rocket colors and format.

Scottish Arnolds share the triple crescents of Cheeks/Chicks sharing the fitchee of Bird-loving Love's/Luffs. The latter were once said to be first known in Suffolk with their Muscat/MUSK kin, and with Stubb-beloved Buckle's, but also with Buckle-loving Starlincks. Elon Musk has a Starlink company as a subsidiary of his SpaceX ROCKET company, begging whether God arranged this heraldic set, from the Laurel kin of Lorraine's, to snitch on Musk's commitments to Rockefellers (they want Internet censorship, and Musk employs plenty in spite of some celebrating to the contrary).

The cherry on top is where Space's/Speccots are in Lorraine colors and format. Rockets are in Laurel colors and format. Loretts/Laretts were once said to be first known in Suffolk with Starlincks. Lorraine turned out to be a Russellite by religion (which is why I didn't want to get serious with her), and Roslin-like Russells can get us to Suns/Sinclairs, said to be from an Elle river in Manche, and Elle's are listed with Elys. Rush's were, until recently, first known in Suffolk with Roslin-beloved Buckle's.

The Starlinck-related Lings (named the StarLING variation) can take us to Linch's who in turn look like Feller kin. As Linch's are first known in Galway while Galways use the bridge while Bridge's use crabs, let's add that Muscats/Musks (once said to be first in Suffolk with Starlincks) are now first known in Cambridgeshire with Crails/Crabs. I've been getting the impression that Apophis will KNOCK out Musk's satellites, and thus cease some key spying operations. <>P> My KNOCKing on Miss MUSCATov's window from upon her TV ANTENna had pointed to Musk's satellites, but I didn't realize at the time that it could be deciphered as a knocking out of his satellites. Satellite-like Settels share the lozenges of Stars/Stairrs, as if God arranged that link to point to Starlink satellites. Nocks share red leopard faces with antenna-like Antons, and that gets us to Antonys. I smacked the alley of Antonio, who preferred to be called, Tony. Knocks/Knox's have a giant falcon while French Falcons are first known in Languedoc with Rockets.

Mythical ANTENor was the founder of the Veneti, and if I'm right that Veneti were from Lake Van, then I can understand why God would make me climb Muscatov's antenna as a pointer to Musk, where Mus is at Lake Van.

Another letter ('P') is with Italian Popoli's, a surname suspect in the motto of Bassets, first known in Staffordshire with Stops/Stubbs and Pipe's. Bassets happen to share the Stur Coat, though in the form of Scottish Drummonds, and the latter named Drymen in Stirling while Stops/Stubbs almost incorporate the Stirling/Sturling Coat. The Pipe-connectable Pepoli's are first known in Bologna with Paioni-line Pane's/Panico's. Stobi was a Paioni city at the Axius river that traces to the Axe river of Somerset, where English Payne's are first known.

I've been keeping my eye out for a clue as to where Apophis will hit the ocean. I think it was the last update that suggested the Virgin Islands as per Jeffrey Epstein having his island there. This is therefore a good place to say that Russells share the giant lion of Virgins, the latter first known in Kent with Hastings who in turn use a giant, Manche-like maunch, but call it a "MAN's red sleeve." Tony's/Tone's call theirs a "red sleeve" too, but MANfields, in the colors and format of Towns/Tune's (Suffolk again), call their three, "maunches," as do Mansells/MAUNCells (share Manfield Coat).

On top of Poppin- and Pepin-beloved Men's being first known in Midlothian with Hast-connectable Suns/Sinclairs (both share a "God" motto term), Manfields are first known in Hampshire with Poppins and Ghents, the latter being important where I'd read that a "virgin" is used for the Arms of Ghent/Gaunt. Gaunts and Atlas' are first known in Kent with Virgins, Masons and Hastings. Atlas' share the lion of Feller-branch Fallis', first found in Midlothian with Suns/Sinclairs and Mens'. Lorraine's are first known in the same place as Mens-branch Manners/Maness' while German Mans/Manners share the quadrants of Masseys and Vere's, both from Manche. Scottish Mans were kin of Dragons/Drainers, first found in Kent, and both are in the colors and format of Potters (Hampshire with dragon-line Drake's).

The Manners/Maness' use the peacock, and Peacocks and Vere's are first known in Essex with Asters/Esters/Sturs, Pepin-related Este's, GAUNTlet-using Wayne's, and with Sarah's/Sayers expected in the Russell motto, "Che sara sara." We've got to keep the Russells central, because Lorraine, who points to the asteroid landing, was a Russellite when we were dating (about two weeks, maybe three). Russells share the giant Sauer lion, and Sorrys have six of them. Russells are first known in Dorset with Sors/Soars. The Russell lion is shared also my maiden-like Maids and their Monmouth kin, and Fane's/Vans, having GAUNTlets, are first known in Monmouthshire. Now you knew why the Arms of Ghent calls its virgin by another name, a "maiden." Maids share the Virgin lion too. But is all of this enough to indicate an asteroid landing at the Virgin Islands?

Maybe, yes, for Epstein's island is/was Little Saint James while Saints are listed with Suns/Sinclairs. James' share the Atlas lion, and Little's, first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's, have a "MagNUM" motto term suggesting the line of Plancia Magna, which goes to Perkins, first known in Leicestershire with Tonys/Tone's and the Soar river. However, her husband, Tertullus of Perga, goes to the Turtle variation of Tuttle's/Toothills, and the Turtle's were compared, in the last update, with the main island in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Tortola. Epstein's island in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Perkin-like Perga is smack beside Attalia, and the last update explains why mythical Atlas was named after that place. Then, I find the "MagNUM" motto term of Little's very interesting because I suspect there does exist a Num variation of the Nons/Noms/Nine's/Nevins, and they share the Turtle/Tuttle/Toothill crescents. See that? And Virgins have a motto, "NUNc aut NUNquam." Nuns are listed with Non-like Noons. Nons/Noms/Nine's/Nevins are first known in Ayrshire with Barrs who in turn share the Virgin Crest, and Jeffrey Epstein was hired as a high-school teacher at a Dalton school when the father of Bill Barr was its principal. Daltons/Altons come up as "DOULton," and they share the Dowel/Doul and Atlas lion.

At first, I missed the "aut" motto term of Virgins (same place as Atlas'). I've told several times that I was employed, at about age 20, as a driver for Atlas Auto Parts on EGlington avenue (Toronto). Eggs are first known in the same place with Alleys! That's smooth. Egglingtons use "rings" while English Rings are first known in Norfolk with Nuns/Noons suspect in "Nunc AUT NUNquam." That is smooth. It appears that God arranged my job at Atlas for this pointer to the Atlantic ocean at/near the Virgin islands.

I was dating Karen Whelan at age 20, and Whalens are also Failins. The asteroid is FALLING into the sea. Falls/Fallis' share the Atlas and Alley lion. Whalens/Failins are first known in Waterford while Waterfords share a Waterville variation with Waters who in turn share the Epstein Coat! See that? Waterfords/Waterville's use "water lilies" while Lilys are first known in the same place with Alleys! Zikers. Waters are first known in the same place as Asters while Sturs are first known in the same place with Cassane's sharing the triple fesses of Epsteins and Waters.

I've just checked for a Falling surname, but not finding it, I tried for Fallins and got them listed with Fulhams, first known in Middlesex with Stains!!! Fallins/Fulhams almost have the Sure/SHORE Coat, and I appeared in the ocean WATER waist deep, off of what I claim to be the SANDY SHORE of Epstein's island, in my Sleeping Beauty dream of 50 days to the month before the return of Apophis on April 13, 2029. Sandys, with a "non" motto term, are first known in the same place as Alleys! Nons share the Turtle crescents! It's raining clues. Sandys have a "ProBUM" motto term, and Lorraine's stain was on her bum!

The Sleeping Beauty dream opened with a shark, and Sands (almost have the Sandy Coat) are first known in Sure-like Surrey while Surreys are also SARKs, in Sand and Sandy colors. The dream ended with our RISING into the sky while Rhizon is beside Kotor, where Wikipedia's Saraka article has the Saraca's originally. God's giving more proof that He's the author of the dream.

Surreys/Sarks share the greyhound (different color) in Crest with Fallins/Fulhams, and Surreys/Sarks are first known in Devon with the Darlene's sharing the Sand and Sandy fitchees. Shore-like Shere's/Sheers are first known in Surrey, as well as James while Epstein's island is/was Little Saint James. The James scallops are colors reversed from those of Michaels (Surrey) while MICKLEover is where Sure's/Shore's are first known. Mickle's (first known on LIDDESdale of the LINE OF Little's and Liddle's) are super for sharing the spur (different colors) with LITTLe-branch Liddle's! LITTLE Saint James!! We arrived here launching off of the Fallins, which tends to reveal that the asteroid will fall at/near Little Saint James. Scottish Michaels (Surrey) have a "SUPERo" motto term while Spurrs and Supers are first known in Devon with Surreys/Sarks! English Michaels (Surrey) share the scallops of Tholens, the surname of Apophis' co-discoverer.

Darlene-branch Darlingtons are first known in Durham with Conte's/COMITissa's while French Conte's are Comites' while Saints/Suns/Sinclairs have a "Commit" motto term!!! Little SAINT James. It now underscores the giant sun of Hesse's, for Epsteins are first known in Hesse-Nassau. NASA-like Nassau's have a Shield filled with billets, and Billets are first known in Devon too. Nass' are listed with Dutch Ness' while Scottish Ness, sharing their Coat, are first known in Fife with Balcons of Crail. Repeat:

Billets are in the Arms of Roquefeuil, a location in the same place as Rockets and French Rocks/Roque's. The latter show two rocks. Apophis is a rock. They are gold billets, possibly code for the Golds, who share the lion of Chess-beloved Rooks, which lion was shown connectable to the lion head of tsuNAMi-pointing Name's. Chess' are in Rocket (giant rook) colors and format. English Rocks are first known in the same place Atlas-branch Alleys and SUN-using Rooks: tSUNami. Rockincidences?

Having just crossed the Barr family in relation to Epstein, now is the time to tell you how Lorraine pointed to Barrs with her pant stain. Pansys/Pantzers are first found in Westphalia with German Ducks/Dockers while the Arms of Bar-le-DUC, in Lorraine province, uses pansies. Are you not impressed?

For some years after telling readers that Lorraine met me at my laundromat for our first outing, I didn't know of the Landrys. One day, I loaded "Laundry," and at that time, houseofnames had added the surname to French Landrys. Shortly afterward, houseofnames removed Laundrys from the French Landry list. By that time, I had told the Pansy > Bar-le-Duc story many times. Then, loading French Laundrys/Landrys, I found this: "The surname Landry was first found in Lorraine at BARRois, part of the duchy of Bar, which in the Middle Ages was part of the duchy of Lorraine. Landry [I assume another Landry] is now a commune in the Savoie department..." Is that not wild? Laundrys were of the Bar-le-Duc area, wherefore God set up her pant stain, with grass stain, and English Grasse's, first known in Lincolnshire with English Laundrys/Landrys, share the James and Atlas lions.

The English Laundrys put roots on their tree, and Roots are first known in Kent with Atlas' and Picks/Pix's. The Tree-loving Woods of Leicestershire are related both to Roots and Picks/Pix's. The Tree's use a "knight in armor, BRANDishing a sword." Brands, first known in Lincolnshire with Laundrys and Armor-connectable Armys/Armine's, are in the colors and format of French Landrys. Armors share the stars of French Brands. None of the links in this paragraph are special to prove that God is pointing anywhere, for there's no solid Atlas link to Laundrys, yet, anyway. But the remarkable thing is that, while Laundrys put us on to the Armors, the latter's chevron-with-three-STARs are in the colors of the chevron-with-three-crescents of Turtle's/Tuttle's/Toothills. It could be construed as Lorraine pointing to Tortola in the Virgin Islands.

Indeed, let's go to the Turtle write-up: "The surname Turtle was first found in either Toot Hill, ESSEX; or Tothill, LINCOLNSHIRE and MIDDLESEX; or at Tootle Height, Lancashire." Essex is where Asters are first known who share a red bend with Lorraine's, as well as the Stain-branch Stinsons/Stevensons. Yet Lorraine's are first known in Northumberland with the other Steinsons/Stevensons, and also with the Greys in the Tree greyhounds. Stains and Bar-related Horns are first known in Middlesex, and Stains named a location at Surrey, where James' are first known who share the triple lions of WARWICKs, in the colors of the Atlas lion.

Next, Lincolnshire is where Brand-connectable Laundrys/Landrys are first known. The Brand-loving Tree's are first known in Wiltshire with Armor-beloved Stars/Stairrs, but were once said to be first known in WARWICKshire with Meads who in turn share the martlets of French Landrys. The Tree-beloved Knights are first known in Suffolk with Mead-branch Meadows. Meads are in the colors and format of the Star-beloved Stairs (Kent with Atlas'), and both are in the format of, and colors reversed from, Brands and French Landrys. I'd like a stronger link to Atlas', and the brown lions in the Atlas Crest remind that bars of Bar-le-Duc were in BRUNswick too. Both Bar branches shared the same Arms, and English Bruns are first known in Middlesex with Stains and Turtle's/Tuttle's/Toothills.

The two Atlas lions are facing away from each other, and the two brown lions of Rumps/ramps face each other, yet the latter surname is first known in Cumberland with the Dockers and daggers/Dackers while Lorraine's stain points to German Ducks/Dockers, and while Dogs/Docks share the Bus cinquefoil, Cumberland is also where Browns/BRUNs are first known who have another brown lion. Thus, the Bars of Brunswick are linking to the Atlas Crest, and this is the sort of strong link I needed, but have not yet found until now, from things-Lorraine, to prove she points to Apophis landing in the Atlantic. Bruns are first known in Middlesex with Stains and Tortola-like Turtle's, make sure you contemplate on that part, for Tertullus was beside Atlas-related Attalia.

The other Toothills essentially have the Coat of Eytons, first known in Shropshire with Levens, important because she met me at a laundromat at the corner of Yonge and LEVENdale. It's in RICHmond HILL, and Rich's/RICHESS' (Hampshire with Sturs) are said to have named a location in Lorraine province...because it was home to RICHEZa. Hills and Hillarys are first known in Worcestershire with Alleys, and with a Tree-connectable KNIGHTon location. Eyton-like Aytons are first known in Berwickshire with the Hume's/Home's having the True variation of Tree's in their motto. Hume's/Home's share the lion of the neighboring TYsons (same place as Lorraine's).

I'll remind here that her stain was seen by me on her BALCONY. She had just arrived home from being on a walk with a married man, and she left before I arrived to the balcony, which was accessed with outdoor stairs. She climbed up the stairs, and I saw this long grass stain at her butt, and into her THIGH, on her bright-white pants. TYsons. "Thy" is a motto term of Suns/Sinclairs, and Thy's are listed with Thigh's. We stopped seeing each other then. BALCONs, whom I link to butt-like Botters/Botini's, are first known in Crail. I know no other surname first known in Crail. BalCONs are also BalCOMBs, and the mythical merMAID is at times with a "comb."

Repeat from above while on the Doors: "The Atlas Crest has lion heads "AdDORsee," likely code also for the Sea's/See's (same place as Atlas' and Virgins)." If it's part-code for the Ade's/AIDs too, they are first known in Berwickshire with Aytons/AITons, and from there we go to EYtons, then Toothills, then Turtle's, then to Tortola in the Virgin Islands. Ade's/Aids have a different-colors version of the English Stein and Stinsons/Stevenson Coats. While Aytons/Aitons are in the colors and format of Deacons and Decans, Deacons are first known in Suffolk with an EYE location, while Decans are first known in neighboring Norfolk with English Steins. We can add that Ditch Steins have eight-pointed stars trackable to Istria while Asters/Isters are first known in Essex with Steinsons/Stevensons.

Both Deacons and Decans have the Bath Coat in colors reversed, and Bath is at the Axe river of Somerset to explain why both Deacons and Decans have battle-axes. Battle's are first known in the same place as Aytons/Aitons. Then, an eye is with axe-using Battins/Badens, first known in Somerset too. We did this heraldic set launching from the Atlas Crest, and the Virgin lion is shared with Deacons and Decans.

"Decens" is a motto term of Reckitts/Ricketts. I found this term when following the "REGE ET" motto phrase of Pauls when telling that Paul and I were sitting at a table as Lorraine walked past in the HAMBURGer restaurant. The Reckitts/Ricketts share the Coat of Reggits/Wreggits (new to me now), first known in Yorkshire with Pauls and Yarborough's, where Stains were once said to be first known. Wreggit-like Wrecks, a possible pointer to ship wrecks by Apophis landing, are first known in Essex with Asters, and Ships are first known in Oxfordshire with English HAMBURGs.

Hamburgs share the crosslets of Trips and Gore's, both first known in Kent with Atlas' and Virgins. Trips are from Trypillians of Kiev, and Lorraine's are from Maria of Kiev's Varangian Rus, sister to king YARoslav, and Stains are said to have married YARborough's, which I think proved to be from Yaroslav. Rus-expected Rush's are in Ruck and Roach colors, and the Ruck Crest is shared by Wies' while Weiss' were kin of Kiev-line Kepke's. The Ruck eagle is in the colors of the Lorraine eagle. Rucks are new to me this week (though I may have seen them, I've not stressed them). The Rigg dog has an arrow in mouth, and arrows in saltire are with German Rush's/Ruschs/Raush's.

Ah, new-to-me-now Ruggs (Ruck / Rauch colors) are in Child colors and format, and Childs likewise share the Ruck eagle. Ruggs look like they share the dog of Riggs (share Rush/Rish fesse).

As Bill's father took me to buy Andrea her birthday gift, the following was just added to the last update where I was on that topic: "Insert -- On Tuesday evening after this update was let out to the public, I came across the Witneys from the Witney location of English Hamburgs. Witneys not only share the Father/Feather motto, but the checks of German Bills!!! End insert"

English Bills were a branch of French Billets/Billiards, first known in Maine with the Pellicans sharing the lone tower of English Hamburgs. Paul-branch Pullys have a pelican, and share the martlets of Oxfordshire's Plocks, and of Maine's Josephs. Billiards/Hillards, once first known in Yorkshire with Pauls and Pullys, are now first known in Surrey with a Staines location. Hillarys and Hills are first known in Worcestershire with the Hambury location of Hamburgs, and with Alleys. The latter's Atlas branch is first known in Kent with Hamburg-connectable Gore's and Trips. It looks Miraculous. It seems that God set Lorraine up at the hamburger place to help assure that Apophis is landing in the Atlantic.

She had an infant child in a bag upon her chest, strapped around her neck. I forget what that item is called. Childs are in the colors and format of English Lamberts while French Lamberts almost have the two Billiard Coats. English Lamberts are first known in Surrey with Billiards/Hillards and Kiev-trackable Stains, excellent because Mieszko II Lambert was husband to Richeza of Lorraine! MIRACULOUS. They gave birth to Casimir, who married Maria of Kiev. It looks like God knows His history.

Childs are first known in Hertfordshire with the Horns/Orne's, yet the latter are also first known in Middlesex with Stains, and Horns/Orne's share the Coat of English Herons (same place as Lorraine's) in the Crest of Smiths. Paul Smith. He bought my Nissan pick-up, and Nissans are first known in Hamburg with English Trips! From the 5th update of September, 2017: "Paul bought my Nissan. The English Paul surname...shares the same fesse as Parrys, which are in the colors of the [double] Parr / Nissan fesses."

I have a surprise. I went looking for how close Landry is to Bar-le-Duc, but could not find it right away. Instead, google gave the Landry location in Savoy, which is also in the Landry write-up. Loading the Landry article, I saw that it's in ALBERTville. I first saw Lorraine while living at the apartment of Albert OoSTEYN. He looks like he applies to Lorraine's stain. And I think Alberts can get us to the asteroid landing in the Atlantic.

English Alberts, very conveniently first found in Kent with Atlas' (the suspense begins), use a "sledge hammer" while Sledge's, in Child and Halbert/Halpert colors and format, share a lion holding a gold fitchee with Halpers/Halfpennys. The Sledge lion is white like the Atlas lion, and the Halpers/Halfpennys are first known in Worcestershire with Alleys. Sledge's are first known in Essex with Asters/Isters and Stein-branch Stinsons/Stevensons who in turn have the Aster/Ister bend in colors reversed. OoSTEYN. Essex is also where Este's are first known who look related to Sledge-like Slade's. Thus, Albert Oosteyn is pointing to the asteroid, but, so far, there's no compelling reason that he's pointing to a splash-down in the Atlantic.

Heraldic halpert axes are also halberts, because Halperts/Halberts uses axes. They can be gleaned with heraldic battle-axes because Battle's share a giant, gold griffin with English Alberts. The Battle griffin is in both colors with Chaffs, and while the latter are first known in Dorset with Chaffins/ChafFINCH's, Finchems are first known in Norfolk with "battle-axe" Decans/DOCKINGs and STEYNs. Chaffins/Chaffinch's use a dog, and Dogs are also Docks. If we take this to English Docks, they share the Jane and James lion, and the two of them together get us to Alleys for the round-about Albert-Oosteyn pointer to the Atlantic ocean.

Steyns and Steinsons/Stevensons can connect to Ade's/Aids with their Coats, and the latter are first known in Berwickshire with Battle's and AITons. The latter are in Decan colors and format. As was said, Decans and Deacons share the Virgin lion. The Virgin and Maid lion is also with Dol-line English Stewarts (Devon with Devon's Axe river) while Dole's were Crab kin. Dols share the wavy fesse of Dutch Ghents/Gaunts while the Arms of Ghent/Gaunt has a virgin/maiden. Musys of Brittany share the Ghent eagle. And Dols are in DOLphin/DolFIN colors while the Fins/Feins share the triple fesses of Finchems. English Albert-beloved Hammer love the Dolphins/Dolphins.

The earliest British Alans (aside from Brittany) are in the Alan write-up at Norfolk's Mileham, and MileHAMs (Norfolk with Steyns) have another gold griffin, in the colors of the giant griffin of Marble's (Cheshire with Maids). Hams (Hammer colors) are first known in Sussex with Hammers, and the Ham-beloved Salmons are first known in Surrey with James, and in Cumberland with James-beloved Dolphins/Dolfins. I think we eked out another link to Atlas' there via Marble's. I struck Tony's marble, and Tonys of Les Andelys trace to Antalya. I can trace the Miles and Mill mill rinds to St. Malo and the Rance river, beside Dol.

Steyns, Stinsons/Stevensons and Ade's/Aids share leopard faces (different colors), and Leopards are first known in Sussex with Hammers, and Anchor-beloved Packs. Dolphins/Dolfins are first known in Cumberland with Quints who in turn have a lion paw holding a gold fitchee, perfectly linkable to Sledge's and Halpers, especially as Quints were once said to be first known in Essex and Dorset. Face's are first known in Northamptonshire with Quince's and Pennys. Halpers/HalfPENNYs.

Essex is where Anchor-branch Angers are first known who share the escarbuncle with Hangers/Angers (Hampshire with Sturs), and the latter almost have the giant Albert griffin. It's in the colors of the griffin heads of Masters/Mosters, once said to be first known in Kent with Alberts and Sea's. Mosters can be in the motto of Sailers (Yorkshire with Masters/Mosters) along with "greatEST," and Greats (Northumberland with Steinsons/Stevensons and Lorraine's) look related to Italian Alberts.

I trace Greats to Gratian the Elder, father of Valentinian I, and while Valentins are in the colors and format of the Essex Steinsons/Stevensons, Valance's, kin of Westphalia's Ducks -- the line to Bar-le-Duc! -- are first known in Kent with Alberts. Reminder" we launched off of Landrys to get to Alberts, and there is a Landry at/near Bar-le-Duc too. Halberts/Halperts are first known in Perthshire with Justine's, from Valentinian's wife along with the Wings in the Valence Crest. Valentins love the Squirrels, first known in the same place as Wings, Alleys, and Halpers/Halfpennys.

Valence's were a branch of Westphalia's Velins and Velens/Valence's (once showed ducks), and Velins share ducks with Have's/Haafs. Halpers/HALFpennys share the gold fitchee with Halps/Halfs. Thus, Albert liners are linking to elements at Bar-le-Duc, not too surprising where Landry of Savoy is in Albertville.

Albert lived on Levendale about four properties up from a strip mall. The other end of this mall, on Yonge street, had the laundromat that Lorraine met me at. Although I don't remember it, she and I must have walked to Albert's place to bring back my laundry, for I remember her walking into the place while I was doing laundry. LANDRY in Albertville. Her pant stain pointed to Pansys/Pantzers, in Westphalia with Bar-le-Duc's Ducks. See that?

Her bus stop points to Stops/Stubbs, first known in Staffordshire with Duce's having lions in the colors of the lion heads of English Ducks. And Docks/Doxeys (Staffordshire) are very interesting for having the Alley and Atlas Coat in colors reversed. In fact, Jeans/Jane's, sharing the Dock/Doxey lion, were once said to be first known in the same place as Alleys! Jeans/Jane's share the lion in the James Crest, but the James Shield shares the Alley / Atlas lion! Little Saint James in the Atlantic ocean.

Tending to assure a James-Dock link, dolphin-using James' share a "jamais" motto term with DOUGLas' while Dowells/Douls and their DOUGAL branch share the James lion too.

Scottish Docks/Dogs (Perthshire with Halberts/Halperts) share the Bus cinquefoil. While Stops/Stubbs were Pipe kin, and while Pipe's share the Pepin Coat, and while Pepin of Landen gets us to Landry-like Landers, Pepoli's (Bologna with Italian Alberts) share the Halper/Halfpenny Shield. English Laundrys/Landrys are first known in Lincolnshire with Halps/Halfs. Nobody who made some heraldry, aside from God, knew I'd be meeting Lorraine from Albert's apartment to the laundroMAT. Pepin of Landen married Itta of METZ, in Lorraine province, near the stomping grounds of Mummolin, Mayor of the Palace. Later, Pepins became Mayors of the Palace. This title was part of Merovingian royalty from king CHILDeric. Childs share the Lorraine eagle.

Mummolin operated at Chalons-en-Champagne, and French Chalons' have the Lorraine bend in colors reversed. The Welsh Chalons ("SEA wolf) use Crab-like "charubims" while English Saints use "cherubs." Little SAINT James. In fact, the Arms of Chalons-en-Champagne is the Coat Scottish Crozier's, first known in Liddesdale, the line of Little's and Liddle's!!! That snuck up on me. The Sea's are first known in Kent with Stairs who are in turn in the colors and format of sea-wolf Chalons'. Yet Kent is where James-connectable Atlas' are first known too. That is all quite amazing. But it will be embarrassing if Apophis doesn't land in 2029. I'm afraid to be doing this work, and afraid if I don't.

You saw the Jane logic above for connecting the James and Atlas lions. Yet more: we saw Mickle's first known in Liddesdale while Michaels (Surrey with James") have the James scallops in colors reversed. The Michael scallops are shared with Joke's, first known in Kent with Atlas'. Joke's have nearly the Coat of English Jacks, first known in Yorkshire with English Saints. It's looking undeniable that Lorraine is pointing to Little Saint James.

Rumble and Libby

As little as a week, or less, after our first date out of the laundromat, I moved out of Albert's place to Rumble and Libby. I've told before that Rumble's share the Bus cinquefoil, but Libbys (Yorkshire) are super for sharing the Jean/Jane lion i.e. the Atlas lion in colors reversed. My new place had a swimming pool, and Pools share the Atlas Coat.

The Libby "baton" comes from behind what I gather is a "rectANGLE," for Angle's/Angels use a "bastion" while Batons are listed with Bastons. A RECTangle can be code also for Reckitts/Ricketts, and they, with a "veRUM" motto term, share the Rumble/RumBold chevrons. Reckitts/RICKetts are first known in Kent with the Axton location of Actons, but the latter, suspect in the "actio" motto term of Rumble's/Rumbolds, are first known in Cheshire with Ricks. Rums/Rims/Rome's are first known in Annandale, home of royal Bruce's, and Libbys (Yorkshire with Bruce's) share the giant Bruce lion.

Note "RicKETT." Keath/Keiths are from the Catti tribe, and cat-using Keats are first known in Norfolk with the Ant river, and with the Bus' sharing the Rumble/Rumbold cinquefoil. It's shared also by Dogs/Docks, first known in Perthshire with Keith-branch Kettle's who have the cinquefoils in colors reversed.

Perthshire is also where Rollo's are first known, and king Rollo married POPPA of Valois. Valois'/Valais' are interesting for sharing the RUMilly/Romilly crescent, yet it's also the Turtle/Tuttle/Toothill crescent, likely because Crispins were at Tooting Bec while Rollo and Poppa had a daughter, Crispina. Rollo's use a "tout" motto term. The Valois Coat even looks related to the one of French Batons/Bastons and we saw the Libby baton and the Angle/Angel bastion. French Batons/Bastons (Poitou with Chatans) share the roses of Balcons and Chatans, both kin of Botters/Botini's, and Balcons of Crail were pointed to by Lorraine's pant stain.

Turtle's are expected from Tertullus of Perga, then to Tertulla, mother of Flavius Sabinus, then to mythical Tertullus, ancestor of the Fulks of Angers. We just saw Anger-related Angle's/Angels, and Fulke's are first known in Norfolk with the Ant river and Toot-branch Tute's/Tuits.

Crails/Crabs are first known in Cambridgeshire with same-colored Rumillys who in turn use both a rock and lilies while Rocks and Lilys are first known in Worcestershire with Alleys and Tume's. Lille's are first known in Oxfordshire with Crispins. After praying, I FLICKed the alley off of my Tume-like thumb, and hit Tony's alley bang-on some eight feet or more away in what I proposed was a pointer of God to Apophis striking the earth on the prayers of the Saints for God to intervene in their persecutions. I now come to POPPa of Valois.

I'll now take things to Belgian Flecks, because Pepin of Landen was in Belgium, and while Tony's alley was on the ground / grass, Irish Grounds and Belgian Flecks have split colors linkable to the same green-red split colors of Fleck-like Fulke's, the latter first known in Norfolk with English Flecks/FLICKs. See that? Tonys were from Les Andelys, the line from Antalya, beside the Tertullus ancestry of the Fulks of Angers. English Angers are first known in Essex with Pepin-beloved Este's and Asters/Esters.

I'll remind that the Bilis river is, I think, in Pamphylia, which may have named Bamberg, home of Poppo I Babenberg. In any case, Pamphylia covered Antalya province, and "staBILIS" is a motto term of Mans, connectable to the Mens' in the Pepin and Poppin mottoes. The Stable's may even have been from Stobi, for Stops/Stubbs are in Pipe and Pepin colors and format. Stable's look like kin of both Ainsleys and Annas' while Ainsleys are first known in Nottinghamshire with the Goats/Gothams in the Man Coat.

Papa's use the swan and the Valois/VALAIS roses while Swans/Sions can be from Sion in Valais canton. Papa's share the Dale swan while Dailys share the black and courant greyhound with the Valois/Valois' Crest. This is a first in making these links. Valois (Valery chevron in colors reversed) have a Valery-like variation, and the Valery Chief is a "wave," looking like a pointer to Apophis striking the ocean. Poppa is pointing to Apophis. The Valois/Valais Coat (minus the Chief) is shared by French Conte's/Comites' while English Conte's/Comitissa's share the Cone ANTLers for a trace to Antalya. That's the city for pointers of Apophis landing into the Atlantic ocean. "Commit" is in the Sinclair motto while Rollo's treaty with France was named after Sinclairs.

Italian Conte's share the Coat of Welsh Matts, first known in GlaMORGANshire with Tillers sharing the Tail/tailor lion, is that not amazing? Glamorgan was anciently Morgannwg, and Morgans have the Lorraine lion in colors reversed. Matts are to topic because God arranged for me to meet Lorraine at her bus stop, and she agreed to see me that evening. She met me at the laundroMAT, and Pepin of Landen married Itta of METZ. German Matts/MattMANNs, can we believe it, share the Pepin fleur-de-lys. Matts/Mattmanns are said to be "COUNTERchanged," and while Counters are listed with Conte's/Comitissa's, Change's are part of the Chase-Chance pointers to the crab constellation.

Centuries ago, when heraldry was being formed by the rulers of Europe, God was looking ahead to a nobody, me, and preparing the Matt heraldry for my encounter with Lorraine at a laundromat. Didn't God have better things to do with His time? Or, is it true that He's warning us about Apophis?

The Mattmanns suggest the Mathie's/Manns/Maghans, but there's also the Irish Maghans/Manns. Perhaps it doesn't apply that "Maghan" looks like "MACKENzie, but the latter share the "mountain" with the "MOORcock" in the Welsh Matt/Matthew Crest. MacKenzie's are first known in Ross-shire while the triple Ross lions are colors reversed with the triple lions in pale of Irish Maghans/Manns. While MacKenzie's can be linked to Kennys, Irish MACKENs are listed with MacKennys/McKinneys having lion heads in the colors of the Morgan and Moor lion, and we saw Matts/Matthews first known in Morgannwg. As even MacKennys/McKinneys have the Lorraine lion in colors reversed, we just repeat that Itta of Metz was in Lorraine province.

As Antalya was Attalia too, now suspect with such surnames as Talls and Tails, note that Papps put a lion's tail to the lion's mouth. This lion is the Matt / Conte lion in colors reversed.

I met Lorraine at Yonge and Arnold, and Arnold of Metz may have been Itta's father. German Arnolds are first known in Austria with Metz's. AUSTRIA may have been named after nearby Istria, and English Arnolds are in the colors and format of Wayne's (gauntlets depict Gaunt, near Landen), first known in Essex with Asters/Isters and Pepin-beloved Este's. Metz's use an "ORB" that's fashioned as a besant, and the URBanus river is beside the Basante (now the Bosnia).

Metz is on the Little Meuse river while Meuse's (Yorkshire with Hicks') share the gold patee cross with Metz's. Musys/Musics share the Ghent eagle, and the bars of English Gaunts look related to the pale bars of Meuse's. Pale's share the camel with Pepins. Therefore, when Miss Hicks gave me her MUSIC cassette, it looks like God's pointer to the Hyksos king, Apepi. She was pointing to Apophis, right? I remember slipping the Cast-like cassette into my shirt pocket. Cass'/Casts and Chass'/Castons can apply.

Musys and Meuse's together look to be in the Court/Covert Coat. Music's/Musys are first known in Brittany with Dol and Vannes while Dols share the wavy fesse of Dutch Ghents/Gaunts. I trace gauntlet-using Fane's/Vans to Lake Van, location of Mus. Aside from this paragraph, I've claimed that Hyksos (called "Asians") were from Mus of Lake Van, near or amongst the Hayasa-Azzi (Armenia) who likely named Asia and Hayastan (Armenia). Mythical CadMUS was husband to Armenia-like Harmonia. Armenians trace themselves to a Hike-like God while Hike's are listed with Hykes'/Hacks (share scallops of Massey-line Meschins) and Hyche's/Hake's.

Britannica says that Valois was related to the Vexin, where Rollo's capital of Rouen is. Rouens look like Quince kin except that Rouens use NINE mascles instead of seven. Nine's are listed with Nons sharing the Valois and Turtle/Toothill crescents, shared also by "non" using Kness'/Ness', the latter first known in Perthshire with Rollo's (and Keith-branch Kettle's). Rollo's have a "fortune" motto term while Scottish Fortune's (share gyronny with Rouen-like Rowens) are first known in East Lothian with the Fawcett castle built by Saer de Quincy. That castle is four miles from MUSSELburgh while Rouens and Quince's use mascles.

"Dynastically united with the Vexin (borderland between Ile-de-France and Normandy) in the early Capetian period, [Valois] passed, with Crepy as capital, in 1077 to the House of Vermandois." It explains why Crispins are also Crepons, and why French Crispins/Crepins (Lorraine) list "Crepy." They share the "pomegranate" with Grass-like Grazi's, and Lorraine had a grass stain that's in the throes of pointing to Apophis landing. Pepin of Landen married a woman of Lorraine province.

We saw Rollo and Poppa linking to Toothills. Their Turtle variation is expected, in the least, as a pointer of God to Tertullus of Perga, then to Tertulla, mother of Flavius Sabinus, then to mythical Tertullus, ancestor of the Fulks of Angers. We just saw Anger-related Angle's/Angels, and Fulke's are first known in Norfolk with the Ant river and Toot-branch Tute's/Tuits.

French Crispins are first known in Lorraine, and English Crispins look related to Porch's (Norfolk with Bus' and Sabine's) sharing the giant Bus cinquefoil. Romneys, looking like kin of Croatian-like Pullys/Pullens, share the scallops of Pullys/Pullens, Sabine's, and Peartree's/Patria's. The latter's Coat looks related to the Valois/Valais Coat, probably because Valais canton in Switzerland is near the first-known Pierro's/Pero's/Petri's. Perins (share beakless eagle with Lorraine's) are first known in Lorraine with French Crispins while English Crispins are first known in Oxfordshire with Peare's while Perrin's (not "Perin"), expected with the Perino variation of Pero's, are first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's. Lorraine came to visit me at Rumble and Libby. I was living there during her pant-stain event. Peare's and Parsons share the Rumble leopard face.

No sooner had I moved into the Rumble property that the landlady invited her friend over, Sharon Quinn. She was in the last update as an important topic. Quinns share the white "pegasus" with Angle's/Angels expected in the Libby Crest, which reminds of what I repeated in the last update, that Sharon Quinn turned out to be a woman in my morning vision that, at the time, I thought was Farrah Fawcett. It worked, because the vision was fulfilled with Sharon on the evening of having it, and Quince's built the Fawcett East Lothian, where Keaths/Keiths are first known!

The last update told that Sharon's boyfriend, Charlie, was with her when she fulfilled the morning vision. Some time after telling that story, I told readers that Farrah Fawcett played on the TV show, "Charlie's Angels." However, I don't think I used the Libby rectANGLE to play into that theme, though it works great. The Libby description doesn't mention what the item is, and for a long time I didn't have access to the descriptions of Coats of Arms at houseofnames. It looks like a rectangle, and wouldn't be the first heraldic rectangle I've bumped into. I showed above good reasons for guessing correctly that the family considered / intended it a rectangle.

Thus, my moving out from Albert's place to Rumble and Libby appears arranged by God to add to the pointers by Sharon Quinn. Reckitts/Ricketts (Kent with Alberts) are expected from Rijeka, near Losinj, and Angle's/Angels and their Anger and Anchor branches use lozenges. The Grimaldi's of Monaco claim that their Grimaldus ancestor married Crispina, daughter of Rollo and Poppa. Grimaldi's of Genova were partners with Fieschi, and it shows where Grimaldi's almost have the Fisc Coat. Fiscs share the Arms of Croatia. Grimaldi's share the Shield of Bags (Norfolk with Fiscs and Fulke's) while Bagleys (Shropshire with Baton-related Bats) share the lozenges of Fulk-connectable Angle's/Angels expected in the Libby Crest with a baton. Bagley was a location ruled by Hamon de Masci.

The last time I had seen Sharon, prior to seeing her at Rumble and Libby, was about 16 months earlier, when I dropped into her place with my girlfriend, Diane Muscatov. She is, I think, the pointer to Elon Musk's war contributions in Ukraine, yet Muschats share the Epstein Coat. Both of Diane's parents had a Ukrainian accent, and Lorraine's trace to Kiev, the Ukraine capital.

The Diane/Dean Chief is colors reversed from the Chief of French Masseys, first known in Savoy with Landry of Albertville. When the German Trips were showing three boots instead of three shoes, they were the boots exactly shown by French Masseys. The latter now show a tree. Boots are first known in Warwickshire, where Tree's were once said to be first known.

Hicks branches were early in Sligo, a location that may have been named by a variation of the Sledge's in the Albert Crest. The sledge is said to be over a "shoulder," and Shouldhams (Albert colors and format) are first known in Norfolk with Hicks branches that can apply well to the branches in Sligo. Sledge's come up as "Slick."

The Hicks must get their buck's head from the bucks of Higgs (Norfolk with English Bucks and Hyche's/Hake's), who are in Hyche/Hake and Shirt colors and format...which can cleanly explain why I had no shirt on while walking toward Miss Hicks when she was in the Sleeping Beauty dream. All I had on was my JEANs, a pointer, I assume, to Jeans/Jane's, who share the James lion yet James' have proved to be also of the Alley and Atlas lion! This helps my year-old claim that Sleeping Beauty was on Little Saint James.

As I see Hicks' as Alan kin, the red "red buck head" of Irish Dole's (share a Buck motto term) must be the red bucks of Higgs. English Dole's can be gleaned as kin of Crabs who in turn share the Hell Coat, and Halys'/Hellys are first known in Sligo with Higgins/Hickens and Hickensons/Higgensons. Hells are first known in Kent with same-colored Atlas', and then Dole-like Dowells/Douls share the giant Atlas lion! Did you get that? It's a strong Crab link to Atlas'. It reminds that Krebbs'/Crebs are first known beside the first-known Dols. Recall the "cherub" of Saints (Yorkshire with Hicks').

English Bucks use antlers for a trace to Antalya of Atlantis, and German Bucks share the Virgin lion!!!! I GET IT NOW. This is a first for this heraldic realization: my shirtless scene is pointing to Little Saint James in the Virgin Islands. I saw myself shirtless, as a spectator sees someone, otherwise the rest of the dream's scenes were seen through my eyes. I was WALKING toward her without the shirt, and Walks/Wachs share the sheaf of Wakefields, the latter first known in Yorkshire with Hicks, but also with Walkers who have the "magna" motto term and the lizard. Lizarts are Sarde's too while Shirts are also Shards!

Walks/Wachs (same place as Kilpatricks) share the Perkin fleur-de-lys to assure that Walkers use "magna" for the line of Plancia Magna of Perga. It tends to assure that Perkins were named after a ruler(s) of Perga, especially as Kilpatricks share the Perkin and Hooker lion. Perkins almost have the Coat of Hook- and Hicks-related Weddings (Yorkshire).

The "diTAT" motto term of Walks/Wachs along with their "wheat-sheaf TIED with silver," recalling my seeking a TIDAL-wave theme for Apophis. Scottish Tate's are also Tite's, but no Tide or Tied surname comes up. "Ditat" is translated, "enRICHES," suggesting Richeza of LOTHARingia (Lorraine), suspect by me with the Letter-branch Lauders, first known in Berwickshire with Tate's/Tite's. Lauders share the motto of Lorraine-related Larrys/Lawrie's, first known on Dumfries with Walks/Wachs. Wake's are first known in Lincolnshire with the Silvers (Rich/Richess colors) in "tied with silver." These Silvers look like English White/WIGHT kin, and DWIGHTs share the stripe-less tiger of Ditts/Diots suspect in "DITat." Clever motto. Tigers are first known in Suffolk with English Tate's.

Silvers share the Titus lion while Scottish Tate's come up as "Tites." And German Silvers are first known in Hesse with Epsteins while Apps'/Epps share the scallops of Scale's, first known in Hertfordshire with Titus. But I see no wave theme here. Don't you think God had time to develop a tidal-wave theme for Apophis warnings?

As per my shirt and jeans now pointing to Epstein's island, or to the Virgin Islands in general, let's repeat: "I remember slipping the Cast-like cassette into my shirt pocket. Cass'/Casts and Chass'/Castons can apply." Chass'/Castons share the Coat of Childs, first known in Hertfordshire with TITus'. I've told readers several times that, after Miss Hicks moved from my area of Texas, I wanted to send her a letter, and so I looked up her phone number, and found that her new home had been purchased from a Childs family. She was listed at this home alone, and so I thought that her husband, about 31 years older than she, had passed away. In the letter, of about 2011, I explained the Sleeping Beauty dream in full. She either didn't get the letter because her husband got it first, or she/he trashed it. I've not heard from her since. However, I didn't realize until 2016 that this dream is to be deciphered heraldically. I've been cracking away at it ever since. Now I see the deep import like never before.

The thing that jibes with she appearing on Epstein's island is that her husband, who pulled her out of her mother's womb at about age 31, married her at about her age 20, and so I assume they were sexually involved from as early as her age, 17, when she was a stripper, according to her own Christian testimony. That picture, of a 50-year-old doctor, with a teen, looks like what went on at Epstein's island. Plus, as I've said, their adopted daughter, Geneva, had gotten a pedophilia symbol at her age 13. Why Geneva?

The way to prove that the green lions in the Close and Clows Crests are the Lorraine lion is from Clots/DuClos' of Lorraine. Close's and Clows can be traced to Closeburn (see last update for that), location of Kilpatrick castle, near a Castle Douglas location. Douglas' are said to descend to Mortons, tending to explain why Scottish Mortons are first known in Dumfries with Castle Douglas. Plus, the Scottish Morton Coat looks related to the Clot/DuClos Coat.

English Docks (same place as Ducys) have the DOUGAL lion in colors reversed, and Doug-like Ducks, sharing the star of Scottish Mortons, are first known in Somerset with Clapton, beside the English Mortons of Wiltshire. Scottish Claptons are now said to be first known in Dumfries too, and Clapps/Clappers are first known in Surrey with Douglas-connectable James' sharing the Dougal lion. English Docks are first known in Staffordshire with the Fridays sharing the Clows crescents.

Lorraine's share the lion of Astys, first known in Dog/Dock- and Lorraine-connectable Lanarkshire with Hardys and Douglas-related Lockharts. Heart-using Douglas' of Morton are said to descend from the Hardy ancestry of Douglas'. Asti province is down the Tanaro river from where the Demonte-STURa meets it, and Demonte's have a giant unicorn in the colors of the Clows unicorn heads, tending to show that the Close and Clows Crests share the Asty lion as well as the Lorraine lion.

With Asti so near the Stura river, I'm seeing the Asters/Isters/Sturs. In the meantime, James' get us to Atlas', and Crabs can enter the picture where they share the Hell Coat while Haleys/Hellys share the boar head of Lockharts and Schims/Schiens ("DUCE" motto term). Cancer the crab needs the Chance's/Chaunceurs, and they share the lion of French Demonte's while Demonte is at the Aster-connectable Stura river. Sturs are first known in Hampshire with Chance-branch Chase's. The asteroid in the Cancer constellation is Apophis. Hells are first known in Kent with HASTings and Atlas'. Hasters share the swan with Locks (same place as Lockharts).

The Lockhart Chief is in the colors and format of the Douglas Chief, tending to assure that the Lanarkshire Hardys are in the Douglas heart, and in "LockHART." The Cords/McCOURTs in the Lockhard motto share the Lockhart and Douglas heart, as do Logans, first known in Ayrshire with Cords. Logans share the nails of Proctors, the latter first known in Cambridgeshire with Crabs. The Coverts/COURTs and in CURTis colors, and the latter have a "plowshare" while Plows (Shropshire with Dol Alans) share the Crab and Dole fleur-de-lys. Thus, we can get Crabs to the Cords in the Lockhart motto by way of Curtis'.

Plow-like Pillows/Pilotte's share the Coat of Pellets while English Plate's are in Crab colors and format. French Pilotte's/Pilate's are first known in Burgundy with French Locks/Loches'. German Plate's share the Crest of Scottish Locks.

The Lockhart fetterlock is shared by a Moray Coat that houseofnames no longer shows, and Douglas' (share Moray stars) are first known in Moray. Fetters share the giant sun of Shropshire's Needle's, and Pettys use a "needle" as well as a parrot to go with parrot-using Hastors. Pettys can thus be from Pietas-Julia, an alternative name for Pula/Pola on Haster-like Istria.

As Pollocks are from Pula/Pola, Pettys can be gleaned from Peter Pollock, builder of Rothes castle at Moray, for Hasters are in the colors and format of English Rothes' (Kent with Hells and Atlas'). Hasters even share the swan with one English Peter surname as well as Petersons. Pettys and English Peers/Peirs are first known in Warwickshire while Warwicks share the Coat of Aster- and Douglas-connectable James'. Haster-like Asters/Isters are first known in Essex with Sempers/St. Peers/St. Pierre's (share Duce Coat).

To really nail an asteroid landing at the Virgin Islands, we need the Epsteins to enter that set. Epsteins are first known in Hesse while Hesse's share a giant sun (different colors) with Hasts/Asts. The latter share the red sun with Solana's/Sols, and the latter are in the colors and format of Hastings. Hasts/Asts are in the colors and format of Tonys who share a giant sleeve with Hastings. English Antonys share the leopard faces of English Plate's.

On the page below, where there is the assurance that Apophis has no chance of striking earth, after all, note that it's based on one team alone: "A majority of the data that enabled the updated orbit of Apophis came from observations Dave Tholen and collaborators at the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy in Manoa made....Tholen made improved measurements of the asteroid's position in the images, enabling him to provide Chesley and Chodas with new data sets more precise than previous measures for Apophis." Hawaii? You can't trust woke Hawaii.

The Tholens have the James chevron-with-scallops in colors reversed, and Chess-like Chesleys share the McBride cinquefoils. Tholens are in the colors and format of Crede's while "Credo" is a Chesley motto term. "Near-Earth object scientists Steve Chesley and Paul Chodas at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, documented the new data" claiming that Apophis will not hit. California, land of leftist wipe-outs without a grip. NASA, a coven for mindless God killers.

Wikipedia's Apophis article features the asteroid circling the sun in the same direction as earth does, but there are videos with professional sounding narrators who have the asteroid's orbit going in the opposite direction. Wikipedia's video is simple, with Apophis catching up to the earth, then passing it.

This NASA video (I set the planets moving forward four months per one second) has Apophis passing the earth in September, 2028, afterwhich it keeps on going faster than earth until December, but then the earth catches up to it all the way until April of 2029, when they are side-by-side, which suggests that the earth can crash into the asteroid, not vice-versa. This picture does not look correct to me. In April, the asteroid is shown between earth and the sun, I.E. ON THE SUNLIT SIDE OF EARTH, not the other way around. Having the earth catch up to the asteroid can explain why some videos show the asteroid going "backward" across the earth landscape as compared to its frontward orbital direction.

But, honesty, the educators are going literally nuts these days, we can't trust anything they say or show. Some could be deliberate disinformation, especially on this topic, to keep people from learning too much.

If both the asteroid and earth travel in the same direction, the asteroid cannot hit the earth at whatever speed it's moving, but rather will hit at its own speed minus the speed of earth, which drastically reduces the impact. There are some videos showing asteroid impact with the earth orbiting the wrong way, meaning the two bodies collide head-on from opposite directions. What's wrong with our educators, if they can't even get that little thing done correct in a made-for-public video?

They think the earth travels at 67,000 mph. Although I don't agree, let us that figure. As Apophis (a mini-planet) comes round to pass earth every eight years roughly, on roughly the same orbital track as earth, it must be going 1.125 times faster, or 67,000 x 1.125 = 75,400 mph. If it hits, it'll come in at 75,400 - 67,000 = 8,400 mph = 2.3 miles per second (not including the extra speed from earth gravity). At that speed, it will take the asteroid 8,000 / 2.3 = 3,500 seconds = 58 minutes to pass the full 8,000-mile diameter of the planet.

Yet, one video below, showing the asteroid crossing the earth "backward," from Africa toward North America, and neither on the sunlit nor dark side of the planet(it needs to be one or the other), shows a speed of about 7 kph = 4.4 mph, or almost twice as my solid calculation above. I don't see anything wrong with my easy math. This video has chosen the closest to earth over the mid-Atlantic near the Virgin Islands. Why?

It seems to me that the closest approach would be near midnight, for the asteroid is on roughly the same track as earth (i.e. the two move parallel), the only difference being that the asteroid will either be closer or farther from the sun than earth. Therefore, if near midnight, will it be midnight on the 12/13th, or 13/14? If they can figure the right day, they should also have the right hour, roughly, of the day. A few hours earlier makes it's closest over Africa, as compared to over the Virgin islands.

It doesn't matter what specifics I ask google for concerning Apophis, I get the same videos and articles re-hashed. Google has become a useless tool because it gives priority to certain websites, and continually feeds them to me over and over. It wants to frustrate us all so that we buy AI instead. They want us to pay for the internet now, we should have known. They will get everyone's bank information when making purchases.


You might like this, where canadian police departments are thankfully exposing themselves as the fools they have been after decades of piggish, lord-it-over-you attitudes:

Even good police officers will instantly become pigs and bulls at the mere on-the-spot orders of evil rulers, and evil officers will relish the opportunities to push their weight.

On January 20th, Trump said he wants the American government to buy half of TikTok in return for Trump allowing TikTok to continue in the United States. This will give the deep state easy means to entrench itself deeply with spy capabilities in TikTok. As the American congress wants to end TikTok (within the U.S.) for good reasons, because TikTok can be a Chinese spy machine, what does it say about Trump as he ignores those ethical reasons just so he can boast that he bought half of TikTok, which by the way, is by a stroke of extortion that he views as a "deal."

He's saying he wants to say to TikTok: if you want to operate in the U.S., you need to give 50-percent ownership to the United States. What king of a scum president operates that way? Why stop at doing it only with TikTok? Why not "offer" to buy half of every foreign company under the option of booting them from within the United States if they refuse? Is this the new, friendly and principled face of America, or an immoral Gorgon sticking its snake tongue out of its mouth at everyone else? It looks more like a dictatorial WEF program than one for libertarians or freedom lovers.

Trump signed an Executive Order to remove the Unites States from the WHO, but by the way he spoke about it on the 20th, he's doing this only to get a better $deal for being part of it. That's like saying he'll be part of the Asclepius snake so long as he can have a great deal. That's not what Trump voters want. They want morals, to get out of WHO, period, because it's a snake. His voters want out of NATO, because it's a fire-breathing dragon. But Trump wants the European harlot to increase its donations to NATO by 250 percent. Trump, the Gorgon conclusion.

At the same press conference, he said he'll exact 25-percent tariffs on Mexico and Canada on February 1. No one's ever seen a monster like this, one who will destroy the bond of North American nations. Trump's looking like Schwab's best buddy. First he opposed illegal immigration, now he dreams of open borders as per purchasing both canada and Mexico. LUNATIC, with Medusa ferocity. So long as he can boast at being the first to do something, he'll do it by praising it one way or the other.

Wouldn't it be nice if we never heard from the left again? Don't worry, Fox and all the other conservative media, especially pro-Trumper media, will stick every nook and cranny of the left's activities, of every hour of every day, in our faces just to make media money for themselves. They do it in canada too, sticking trudeau's face all over their videos to boot. The enemy gives them something to make videos about daily, and we are their fools who load them daily, people who have nothing better to do.

Here's Trump happily attending a WEF meet in Davos. But he's giving Schwab and his fellow jokers and desperados the gears by openly opposing his climate-change and illegal-immigration plots. Who but a buffoon would push climate change when he knows there is no climate change to speak of. There's no evidence the globe is warming that doesn't have counter-evidence to refute it. Only a desperado wants illegal immigration to salvage the leftist, new-world-order platform as it takes on water like the Titanic with its nose in an iceberg:

It's a good sign that Trump is criticizing the EU, at Davos. It's like he's taking a circular grinder to the outer hull of the Titanic, as its taking on water, to take off the shine. And all of his voters have a drill in hand, each drilling 1/4-inch holes into the hull to speed the sinking. It's a good sign.

However, Trump wants to speed approval, with Executive Orders, for new nuclear power plants for AI, artificial intelligence, which of course is not intelligence, but rather is just a big data center. Another name for AI is a money-making machine, the next leg upon the "information highway." AI is going to put out as much disinformation as the leftists stuff it with. What else? AI is only going to speed the brainwashing of mankind, and Trump recklessly doesn't understand this. He's pushing AI like it were candy. He's always been for 5G. AI is a WEF project loved also by Musk the brainchip salesman, similar to the youth-tonic salesman. When Trump opposes climate change but advocates AI, it's like his throwing crumbs to his dogs, then abandoning them by jumping head first into the global swamp. His dogs don't yet know that AI is apt to becoming a demonic whirlpool. Trump's apt to urging his dogs to jump in with him.

A computer cannot think. If it can't think, it's got no intelligence. It can answer questions correctly only if the correct answers are in the databank from which its seeks answers. But if humans have the correct answers to plug into the AI machine, what good is AI in the first place? For discovering new and correct information? It's apt to finding as much incorrect new information as correct, about as good as a false prophet or diviner, because the machine doesn't even know what an apple is on the table until it photographs it and compares it to millions of photos in its data bank. It's a dumb machine. When it finds a photo match, it says, "that's an apple." DUH. And we're supposed to be amazed with this?

Trump is just throwing money to gangsters by throwing a half-trillion dollars for AI, and this is only a start. Lots of this money will be pocketed illegally, what else? But Trump needs friends because he's out of the gate acting like the world bully-boss, the Tariff of Nottingham. Throwing money around makes "friends," so long as he keeps throwing it their way. What a dope.

The good thing about AI is that the machine doesn't forget. We do. It can find info fast, unlike us. But to revolve the future round this thing is not what God has in mind. Can you see why not? It's not information, stupid, that makes the world go round, it's kindness and good will to others. Information can be used for killing schemes, thieving schemes, and power seeking. It's not knowledge alone, but wisdom that counts. A machine dog can be programmed to utilize some wisdom. It can "know" that, if I jump off this cliff, I'll break. Best not to. Wise choice, dog.

And wisdom tells us that, if we reject the Creator, we'll get wrecked. Best not to reject Him. We don't need AI, but we do need God. AI is the hope for "God" for all who hate The Authority. AI is the hope of man making "God" for himself. Trump is a grand thief for donating $.5T to AI. He didn't run on that platform, he didn't ask the people if this is what they want. He does what he thinks is right in his own eyes, but he does not have God in his spirit, though he thinks he's God's special savior of the United States. Why not be a savior of the world, Trump, you still have a few years to get it done, maybe.

The first episode of Trump's horror story, as soon as he's out of the gate, is his pushing a cancer "vaccine." What do you think this could mean? It means that global-wide providers of this technology will create cancers in people in order to sell more cures, and the governments will pay for it, same as the COVID "vaccines." Trump has opened wide the government wallet for them. This is going to be their business as usual, sabotage and sell, sabotage and sell, and they are willing even to sabotage your body. We know that cancers doubled, tripled or quadrupled due to COVID "vaccines, we get it. Unless God intervenes, this is going to be a horror show. He will intervene, but when? How much harm will He allow?

How can Christians escape it? Find self-sufficiency by storing tomorrow's foods now. Just for starters. Prepare to live as much in such a way that you won't need a store. But if you are having a yahoo of a time now, surfing the Trump wave, and if you want more of it, like a drunken sailor, then I suggest that a trap will snap shut upon you eventually. I hope I'm wrong, but Trumps is showing his hand right out of the gate, and it's not a good one. He's got some wild, big-tech jokers in that one hand. God opposes big-tech. Stay on God's side.

AI, they say, will check to see if you have cancer, and if you do, you take a cancer "vaccine" manufactured, tailored, just for your kind of cancer, by the AI machine. It sounds just like the faked-COVID testing of 2020/21. People who don't have cancer will be told they do, duh, in order to sell the cures. Trump thinks it's a good idea to entrust a machine for this purpose. The machine needs a blood test, oye, just think of how many illnesses the machine will find that you can buy drugs for, and if you get sicker, you can't sue the machine because you agree to trust it willingly at your own risk. The only thing better than this machine is a money-printing machine, but it's a close call.

What's Robert Kennedy going to say about this, now that he's on Trump's team, and therefore may feel or decide he needs to keep on good terms with him?

The good news is that Trump is falling out of favor with many of his supporters for this rubbing of his shoulders with gene-based "vaccine" pushers. These are illicit drugs. Trump opposes drugs from Mexico but supports Bill Gates' drugs. How could Trump not know that the COVID program was a killing and crippling machine? Of course he knows, but he won't admit it. Therefore, beware Trump the steel-headed killer.

Trump the exaggerator said that he stopped censorship in the United States by ceasing government intrusions into platforms where ideas are exchanged, though it's not gentlemanly exchange at all, but more like a political war. But just because the government doesn't ask facebook to bury or ban certain people doesn't mean that the platform leaders can't bury or band them.

He's also lying to promote his tariff scheme, by which he hopes to make foreign companies move operations to the U.S. He's exaggerating the harm that the United States is suffering due to imports. But imports make products cheaper. It gives the poor the choice of buying cheap, and they are the reason for cheap Chinese imports. Yet Trump makes it look as though China is at fault...because he has a scheme to work out.

Instead of being charitable to poorer countries, Trump wants to magnify the wealth of the wealthiest nation, and even to rob the corporations of other countries. Is that the Godly thing to do? No.

The Video below is a sit-down discussion on why evolution cannot be true. It's a good video to have on as you do some mindless thing away from the computer. At one point, a man tells that soft tissues have been found in rock fossils in EVERY geological strata, and that atheists have logged those tissues such that the evolution industry is well aware of them. Yet the two men do not shake their heads enough, in total disgust, about evolutionists refusing to admit defeat. Instead, these snakes try to make students believe that soft tissues can withstand soil / rock conditions for tens of millions of years. What kind of lunatic scientists are they? What respect do we owe them? This is a deep type of sin. God expects us to be furious at this species of sin. When are Christians going to pipe up with some human spine and trounce those snakes once and for all? Why are Christians afraid to insult these God haters. Why do Christians treat them with mildness, or even respect?

Imagine how vast the numbers of dollars have been wasted by anti-Creationists seeking to create a single cell from non-living matter? They were feverish to create it because they were feverish to convert the world away from Christianity. But nobody has told us how vast those efforts have been, because they obviously failed, all of them. The boneheads don't want people to know.

Therefore, if the accumulation of scientists the world over, over several generations, have not been able to create a cell, how did anything, devoid of intelligence, create cells that were able to replicate? If the first cell wasn't able to replicate FAST, it would have been a wasted fat-fat-fat-chance creation. Do you think the replication of cells is an easy-to-do thing? The boneheads want you to think that it's easy, but honest people know better. They are boneheads because they lie even to themselves, to their own children. It's worse than a waste of human life, it's tragic.

Evolutionists have enjoyed feeling like winners, like kings, because they toppled Christianity in the educational channels, and so they don't want to admit defeat because they then feel they need to sit in the corner, and sulk, and become less than nobody. But I counter: if you admit defeat, and become a Creationist, you are a great man, a great woman. To allow the truth to win in spite of your own losing, that makes you a somebody. Do it today. Praise God for the creation of cells, countless kinds. How can anyone go on living hating such a genius Creator? What is so terribly wrong with these people?


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
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