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January 14 - 20, 2025

Much Heraldry From Croatia
Apophis Looks to Be Landing at the Virgin Islands

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

For the past year, I had considered myself only half-convinced that God was using an heraldic methods to show that the Apophis asteroid will be landing in 2029 in what looks like the fulfillment of the 2nd Trumpet of Revelation. But, in writing the first two sections of the last update, I thought to myself, that this has got to be true with certainty. It's based on the bulldog, Spuds MacKenzie, a pointer through the MacKenzie surname to the asteroid. And it seems that God is even revealing why the asteroid is coming, partly because Spuds is the mascot for Bud Light beer.

You can load MacKenzie's now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames, to better follow the heraldic links.

About a year ago, there was a boycott of Bud Light because it was essentially pushing Sodomy. It makes total sense. When did God burn down cities because it was filled with thieves? But He did burn them down due to faggotry, and Jesus suggested that He burned Sodom as a warning to the end-time generation, because fire is returning, this time to fill the planet.

Compare the 2nd Trumpet's "mountain" falling into the sea with Jesus' warning against those who sin against children. Perhaps we can now know what particular sin he was speaking of, the sins of faggots and other sexual demonoids on children. He said that it would be better for such had they not been born, or better that they were tied to a millstone and drowned with it in the depths of the sea. It begs whether men often at sea turn into faggots due to the many fagots on board with them.

I told of my Popeye dream, in the last update, and how it points to the Apophis asteroid of 2029. Popeye was a seaman, you see, and my dream had me on the ocean floor, where I saw Popeye. I used to love watching Popeye as a little kid of about three, and for not remembering things before that, I may have been watching in earlier years too. My mother moved here from Picenze a year before I was born, and that village is just seven miles from L'Aquila, which city uses a black eagle for a symbol, the symbol also of Popleys/POPPEYS. The original Popeye was an Italian sailor.

Yorkshire is where Bruce's (Brusi / Brush's) are first known whom I trace to "Abrussi," the people of Abruzzo, and L'Aquila is the Abruzzo capital. Believing now that God has chosen me to send the message that Apophis is landing (this scares me), I should reflect on the possibility that God arranged the Popeye cartoon specially for my message, and so it could appear that He arranged the Popleys/Poppeys to descend from a noble family of L'Aquila that used the L'Aquila eagle for his/her personal symbol, which was then carried to official-Western heraldry.

Poppins/Pophams are first known in Basina-like Basingstoke while Basing(stoke)s share the black eagle with Popleys/Poppeys. Poppins/Pophams share the stag heads of Yorkshire's Anne's/Hanne's, and York was once called, Eboracum, while there was a Ebroicum people group (France), also called Eburovices, at Evreux. Compare the latter term to the Abreu variation of Abruzzo's. The latter surname is first known in Padova with an Este location, and Este's share the Aquila-surname eagle. Basina was a Merovingian queen, and I had read that Merovingians traced themselves to the Veneti, in the land of Este.

Pepins/Pepys were kin of English Este's (Essex with asteroid-like Asters and MacKenzie-beloved Mountains), and I watched Popeye in the home of Pepin. He with his wife, Miss Masci, lived on the bottom floor of the house, and my parents lived on the top floor. I may have been born while they were living there (I never asked).

The noble Pepins of France were Mayors of the Palace of the Merovingians, who gave themselves mythical Merovee as a symbol, as well as a SEA bull, the Quinotaur. They were of Maruvium, a region in northern Abruzzo, near L'Aquila, of the Marsi. When my mother spent the summer in Picenze, with me there too, she stayed in the home of Maria, mother of Mauro, looking so Marsi. It never dawned on me until recently that Maria may have been my mother's sister, for my mother was staying at her mother's home. My mother is Angela, and ANGitia was the Marsi snake goddess.

Some say that the fleur-de-lys of France originated with Clovis, the second Merovingian king, son of Basina above. Yet Masci's, the birth surname of my mother's mother, share those fleur-de-lys (same gold-on-blue colors). The Pepin horse head may therefore be in the Massey Crest, and Masseys share the fleur-de-lys in the Arms of Lille, a location near the LYS river, and Lys'/Lise's themselves share the Massey fleur-de-lys. Dunham Masci (location) in Cheshire is also Dunham Massey. The Lys river flows into Belgium, near the home of Pepin of Landen. The EBURones of Belgium could have been from Abruzzo.

So, you see, my mother's particulars jibe or connect with Popleys/Poppeys for the purpose of pointer to the asteroid that lands in a sea and destroys the ships of many sailors. The Sails/Sales'/SALLETTs (share DURANT fleur-de-lys) can be traced very well to the Salto river with sources in Maruvium. It flows beside the Durant-like Turano, and the Sales-like Salyes Ligures live on the Durance, yet they are suspect in naming the Saluzzo location, near Turano-like Turin...both in Piedmont, where Masci's are first known. The Merovingian Quinotaur may therefore have been code for Turin elements. The point at the start of this paragraph is that the Sail/Sales/Sallett Coat is similar to the Pepin/Pepy Coat.

The Chivasso location near Turin traces to the Chives', first known in Aberdeenshire with Turins/Thurins, and we can then trace Chives' to the Cavii Illyrians at Lisse-like Lissus, for the French Lisse's list "Lys" while a second Lys river is a tributary of the BAUTica, itself the location of Chivasso. BUD Light beer was linked to quite a few Baut-like surnames, in the last update.

Sails/Sales'/Salletts are first known in Cheshire with Dunham Masci. Tenants use both a "sail" and "mast," and Sailors have a "most" motto term while Masters/Mosters (share Sailor griffin heads) share an "est" motto term with Pepins/Pepys. The Sailor motto has "greatEST." Mosts are first known in Flintshire, beside Cheshire. The Domino's suspect in the Most motto are first known in Piedmont with Masci's, and Meschins, who ruled Cheshire, were kin of Travers while Trevors share the Most Coat.

The "Who" motto term of Sailors is likely for the Whoo's/Hoo's because they look extremely related to the fesse-with-stars of Cliffs (Cheshire with Wolfs/Welfs and Wolfleys/Wooleys) who in turn share the triple wolf heads of Sailors. Thus, it seems certain that Sailors were a Sail branch. Obama is a faggot married to a transvestite or transsexual. Obama is known to descend from a mayor Wolflin of Germany, and I've read that Wolflins changed their name to "Wolfley." Obama's mother was Anne Dunham, and Dunham Masci is in Cheshire with the first-known Wolfleys/Wooleys. Is this additional evidence that God is sending the asteroid against ruling or political-aspiring Sodomites in "high" places?

L'Aquila elements are suspect in the "Auxillium" motto term of Mosts, and Masters/Mosters are first known in Yorkshire with Popleys/Poppeys and Sailors. The latter are in the colors and format of Bessins (Cheshire again), and I had read that the father of queen Basina was in THURINgia.

King Apophis/Apepi was a Hyksos on the Nile delta, and Neils / Nails are interesting where the Clovis surname uses "five gold nails", though it's listed with Clovile's. Cheshire's Clobbes'/Clubs, in CHILD colors and format, are suspect from "Clovis" because CHILDeric was his father. This makes Cloptons/Claptons and Clapps/Clappers suspect from Clovis, and the latter's "pike" fish is suspect from a branch of the namers of Picenze. "Pike heads" are used by PICOTs, first known in Cheshire. PICTons (share Most lion) are first known in Flintshire with Mosts.

The Clobbes'/Clubs are in the club of Basina-like Bessens/Besants, and English Besants share the Massey and Bee quadrants. Bessins/Beasts and Bistons (Surrey with Clapps/Clappers) use bees in place of the Popley/Poppey eagles; all three surnames share the bend of Sails/Sales'/Salletts, and while the latter essentially share the Cuff Coat, the latter are first known in Wiltshire, where one Clapton/Clopton surname was once said to be first known, beside Clapton. The other Claptons/Cloptons are first known in Cheshire with Clobbes'/Clubs. Now you know to whom the heraldic club traces.

The Sailors use a "greatEST" motto term while Greats share the Neil/Nail saltire. Therefore, an Apophis-asteroid theme, the sea and its sailors, can take us to GRATian the Elder, where I trace Greats, father-in-law of Justine of PICENum, whose line I expect to the namers of Picenze, place of my mother's birth. Justine's share the gold border with Greats, yet the Justine border is in both colors of the MacKenzie border. The latter's "astra" motto term must be for Asters/Esters, first known in Essex with MacKenzie-beloved Mountains and Este's. Asters/Esters share the bend of Aquila-like Cheile's, first known in Lincolnshire with Keele's/Kills, and while Cheile's are in the Cameron motto, Camerons have the Coat of Aster-branch Sturs in colors reversed. Therefore, it seems that God arranged Sailor heraldry to point at the 2029 asteroid.

Although Apophis returns past earth every eight years roughly, I've got evidence that the 2nd-Trumpet asteroid lands on April 13, 2029, because Spuds MacKenzie jibes with my Sleeping Beauty dream (details in the last update), which took place at the end of March / beginning of April. The Popeye dream was as little as a week after the Beauty dream. I can't remember the dates exactly, but I did try to remember the date of the Beauty dream months after having it, and I remember, to this day, that I had settled on end of March / start of April. It's close enough to April 13, 1979, exactly 50 years from April 13, 2029. Both land on Fridays.

I don't remember knowing or telling readers this: "The 13th day of April in 1979 was Good Friday of that year." I have told readers that I became a Christian, filled with the Spirit, a couple of weeks at most before the Beauty dream, and also told that my first date as a Christian (about July of that year) was with Sharon Pasco/Pascal/Pascel. I can't remember which surname it was, but it jibes with Good Friday's representation of Passover = Paschal! The Pascal surname is even first known in Essex with Asters.

I didn't know until after being with her on the first day that she lived about six homes over from me on Demaine crescent. Demaine's share the Hicks fleur-de-lys. Miss Hicks appeared in the dream that I had at Demaine crescent. Demaine's are first known in Maine with French Billets while English Billets are first known in Devon with Maine's and Hicks-branch Hooks. Demaine's share the Coat of German Rench's while English Rench's/WRENch's share the crosslets of WRENs, and the latter are first known in Durham with the Bows/Bough's in the bows of BUDs, the latter first known in Cornwall with Pasco's!

For years, when mentioning Sharon, I said that her surname was "Pascal," but I then had a good-memory moment when I was sure it was "Pasco" instead, even though I had nothing much to link the Pasco Coat to. Suddenly, it comes up big in connection with Miss Hicks and Spuds of Bud Light.

Lights/Lite's are even first known in Somerset with Bough-related Roets; they both share a motto term with Masters/Mosters. The neighboring Letts/Late's share "organ pipes" with Dowtons, and the last update spoke on the Hicks and Arthurs of Clapton, connectable to the Dowton pipes. Mr. Hicks of Clapton (at GORDANo) had married Juliana Arthur, and while I've read that the two surnames shared "clarions," Scottish Arthurs, first known in Berwickshire with Roet-beloved Gords/GORDANs and Bough-like Books.

See my last update as to how Gord Winger, and the Winger-Clapton relationship, relates to my purchase of a British bulldog, the species of dog that was in the Sleeping Beauty dream, the one connecting to Spuds MacKenzie. Suddenly, I need to seek ways in which Sharon Pasco can point to Apophis.

Mythical king Arthur was given the Pendragon surname as his father, a surname first known in Cornwall with Pasco's. Then, PenderGRASS' are said to have become Sherone's, explaining why Pendergrass' share the SHARRON/SHEERing Coat, motto, and Crest. SHARON Pasco. Penders share the lion of English Grass', which is also the Alley lion while the last update shows how my miracle-alley shot, on my GRASS, points to Apophis. Alleys are first known in Worcestershire with Hicks-connectable Eggs, possibly in the "Ex" motto term of Penders. Egg-branch Ice's/Ecco's, sharing an Icke variation with Hicks, and looking like they trace to the L'Aquila eagle, are first known in Mecklenburg with Hicks-connectable Trumps who are in turn in Alley colors and format. Hicks' of Clapton can be linked to Trumps.

Alleys share the Kelly lion, and I dated Kelly immediately after Sharon Pasco. Keele-like Kellys almost have the Abreu/Abruzzo Coat, which is what convinces me that Cheile's and Keele's/Kills were L'Aquila liners.

Miss Hicks married Hamilton Kilpatrick while Irish Kilpatricks show a Sheera variation to go with Sharrons/Sheerings. He is in a Baytown-Sun photo with Spuds MacKenzie, with more details here along with his wife, the "TROPHy girl." Penders use drops, and Kilpatrick-beloved Drops are listed with TROPE's (Norfolk with Patricks). Kilpatricks use blood drops while Bloods/Bluds share the LODGED stag with Kilpatrick-related Maxwells. Blood's/Bluds call them bucks, same as Hicks'. Bleds (Burgundy with Loge's and Locks/Desloges') have, in colors reversed, the Coat of English Clare's, first known in Suffolk with LODGE's/Loge's. This gives appearances that the Apophis asteroid is coming for the likes of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

English Pascals share the lamb with English Lamberts, the latter first known in Surrey with Kilpatrick-connectable SHEERs. Sharon Pascal took us to Sharrons/Sheerings. French Lamberts almost have the Coat of Billets/Billiards, first known in Maine with Demaine's. So, yes, my first girl after the dream, with blond hair, could possibly have been a version of Sleeping Beauty in God's schematics.

As Passover is about a dozen days before April 13th, 2029, I can imagine the news sending out fearful news because, by then, NASA will recognize that the asteroid is not on the course they predict at this time, missing the earth by 2.5 earth diameters. Instead, the news people will probably come clean with the world, by that time, telling that the asteroid is about to strike the planet.

Penders are said to have become Pounders too, and Pounds (Hampshire with Ponds/Ponts and dragon-line Drake's) share the black dragon with Scottish Mans. The latter apply "water drops" to their dragon while Waters/Waterville's are first known in Essex with Man-loving Pascals, and with English Stevensons while the other Stevensons (Northumberland with Lams/Lambs) love the Lam variation of Lambs in their motto.

Waterfords/Waterville's are first known in Northamptonshire with spinach-like Spinks. In the last update, Popeye's spinach was pointed to in multiple ways by Ainsley Earhardt, the second fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty, and Ainsleys (share Demaine fleur) are first known in Nottinghamshire with Penders. Sharon Pasco, who I thought might be Sleeping Beauty because she was blond, is pointing to blond Sleeping Beauty.

Pascals love the Maine-like Mans, what are the chances? Miss Pasco/Pascal lived on Demaine with me. Maine is at Le Mans. DeMaine's were connectable to Rench's, first known in Cambridgeshire with Pond-branch Ponders/Ponters...who are in turn in the motto of CHAPmans (Cambridgeshire with Crabs!!!), and I've only just realized mid-sentence that Penders are in Crab colors and format!!! Apophis is returning from the crab constellation. Crabs share the dagger with Kilpatricks who in turn apply blood drops to the dagger. Hicks' use a "CHAPlet" while Chaplets use five swans in the colors that French Josephs (Maine) once showed their giant swan (now show a giant martlet). English Josephs are first known in Hampshire with Pounds and their Pond/Pont branch.

Kilpatrick castle is/was at CLOSEburn, and while I can trace Close's to that place via Walks/Wachs and Wakefields, Claws-like Clows' look related to the Coat of Close's (Yorkshire with Walkers, Close's and Wakefields). If "Clows" looks like "Clovis," so does the Clovse variation of Close's, but isn't it something that Close's/Clovse's share the triple stars of Brights and Bride's while Bridge's love the "claw"-using Crabs? So, you see, Mr. Kilpatrick and his wife point to the Apophis asteroid by this route too, case closed, for Case's (Norfolk with Patricks and Comyns) can be of the Chase's who in turn were a branch of cancer-like Chaunceurs/Chance's. Dagger-using Comyns share the Walk/Wach and Wakefield sheaf.

Comyns are in the write-up of Scottish Shaws/SAWs (Comyn colors and format), and both share the dagger with Kilpatricks. Hamiltons use a SAW (in a tree), and Hamilton Kilpatrick was in a photo with Spuds MacKenzie. I bought my fiberglass bulldog from Hamilton, Ontario months before seeing his wife for the first time. Hamilton-beloved Tree's use a "knight" while Knights, suspect with the namers of the Nith river, location of Closeburn, share the spur with Close's. The heraldry in this paragraph looks Arranged with parts of my life, for the Purpose of pointing to the asteroid. Hamiltons share the cinquefoil of Dogs, first known in Perthshire with Shaws/Saws, and Bullys are first known in Dumfries with Closeburn. Bully-Dog. What don't we understand about this paragraph? The Mine variation of the Means in the Shaw/Saw motto are in the motto of Leggs (Dumfries), and Miss Hicks got a leg symbol when she awakened.

Clows' are said to be from Cheshire, where Brights and their Macey/Mace kin are also first known, making the green lion in the Clowse and Close Crest look like the lion of Touch's (Cheshire), reminding that I was told to wake Sleeping Beauty, which I did with a TOUCH to her knee while Knee's share the red "phoenix" with Touch-branch Tufts/Tuffs' (Cheshire). We just saw WAKEfield. The giant Touch lion is in colors reversed with Hume's/Home's who in turn love the True variation of Tree's, and the motto of Tree-loving Hamiltons is True-like "through." Thus, even Hamiltons, who were of McBride's of Arran, are jibing with the Kilpatrick couple.

You will agree with me that, any Christian still "sleeping" because Jesus is taking so long to return in this evil generation, will wake right up with popping eyes when they see Apophis growing bigger, bigger, bigger, and then landing. What a gigantic fireball this will become.

I'm going to stress this. Please consider carefully. I'm in the dream waking up a woman who's framed as my bride, and Bride's apply to Apophis while Weddings can be gleaned as Hicks kin. Wedding-branch Weedins are first known in Lincolnshire with Wake's, and both share double-red fesses. God said to me in this dream, "what are you WAITing for, it's you she loves, go wake her." Waits/Weights share the striped Close hunting horns, by the way. BUT the point is, God is using me uniquely via this heraldic method to announce the landing of Apophis before it happens. Therefore, I'm the wake-you-upper watchman. I suppose God would have me ask you to blow the horn with me.

I first heard of Apophis landing from Tom Horn, though he thinks this asteroid fulfills the wormwood prophecy, the 3rd Trumpet. Heraldry reveals it to be the sky-mountain of the 2nd Trumpet. The 3rd Trumpet has a star falling, which could be a nuclear bomb that poisons the environment with heat-modified atomic materials of many kinds.

The ten virgins who fell asleep were woken, intent on entering the WEDDING Banquet in Heaven, and so, you see, Sleeping Beauty, from this heraldic perspective, represents the Church.

As Clows' share the Seaton crescents, it adds to my theory that the green Kilpatrick dragon is the one of Seatons. Seaton is a location on Devon's Axe river, and the green Clows / Close lion hold an axe. This lion-with-axe is in white in the Crest of Bauden-colored Bordens, the latter first known in Essex with Asters/esters and Mountains. Spuds MacKenzie took us to Mountains, and Baudens are first known in Cornwall with Bude's/Buds. Like that? Not if you don't want the asteroid to strike the planet.

English Popps/Papps (same place as Crabs) have a "TUFTed" tiger. As soon as I touched her knee, she POPPed into my arms. Knee-connectable Tufts/Tuffs' share the crosslets of Devon's Wears, and Phoenix's are listed with Fenwicks while Fenns and Fauns are both first known in Devon with Wearings. The Tous'/Tosini's, sharing the eight-pointed stars of Battistelli-connectable Stelli's, have a man "WEARING and shirt with "gold BUTTONs." Batti's/Botti's have red, eight-pointed stars. Thus, she popping into my arms is pointing to Apophis. Battistelli's even use a pyramid while king Apophis was of Egypt.

Fawns share the black hunting horn with Close's, Burns suspect in "CloseBURN," and with Patch's while Kilpatricks list Patchie's. Devon is also where Spurrs (share gold sheaf with Walks/Wachs and Wakefields) are first known expected in the Close "spur," and also where Spurr-like Supers are first known who share the Kilpatrick saltire.

The lion "claw" holding the Crab dagger can be for Klaus'/Claus' or Claws'/Clausels suspect from the Clausula river near BUDva (ancient BUTua). I trace the namers of that river to Glass', first known in Buteshire, and Glasgows (same place as Hamiltons and Paisleys) love the Glaze-connectable Lords/Lauds while Ladys/Laudymans are in "Lady Fortune" of Klassens/Class'. I was able to do a very good trace of these lines to the "classic" car (1950's model) that Sleeping Beauty appeared with, especially as Glassicks are listed with Glass' (share Car stars).

The "bearded man" in the Pascal Crest takes us to Beards/Bards, first known in Lanarkshire, beside the first-known Paisleys and Spears/Speyers, both kin of Pasi's/Pascels. Lanarkshire is beside the first-known Mounts, and English Pasleys, sharing the Coat of Montell-beloved Gambe's, are first known in Berkshire with the LESKs having the Beard/Bard boar in colors reversed. LESCE is on the SAVA river. The bearded MAN of Pascals took us here, to what look like Mountain branches. If Apophis is the Revelation mountain from the sky, it's scheduled (by NASA) about a dozen days after Paschal.

Lanarkshire is also where ALLISONs are first known while Clovis'/Clovile's have an "All IS IN God" motto phrase. "God" is also in the Mens motto, suspect as code for Good / Goth liners.

German Mans/Manners have a savage with club while Savage's/Sava's are first known in Cheshire with Clobbes'/Clubs. Savage's/Sava's have the Coat of Aquila-like and Poppey-beloved Eagle's/Hegels in colors reversed, and the latter are first known in the same place with Cheile's (share Aster bend) and Keele's/Kills. The Sturs are also Styre's while Styria is where German Mans/Manners are first known. English Manners/Maness' are first known in Northumberland with Store's/Storys. Steers are first known in Surrey with Clapps/Clappers. The bearded man of Pascals took us here.

German Backs have a "steer," and English Backs, sharing the Popley/Poppey eagle, are first known in Somerset with Clapton, and with Hegel-like Hagels. The latter are thereby traceable to historical nobles / rulers of L'Aquila, for heraldry is, by-and-large, a tracking system of nobles and rulers across Europe starting about 1000 AD.

To help prove that Backs have the L'Aquila eagle, Scottish BAXters have "wheat sheafs," though I think it should be "sheaves," for Italian Sheaves are first known in L'Aquila. English Baxters/Backsters almost have the Coat of Valentins, and one can trace the wife of emperor Valentinian I to a family(s) in Picenze i.e. seven miles from L'Aquila. Instead of the Valentin squirrels. Baxters use eagles.

Hagels are connectable to the Masci-beloved Wings/Winks, and English Wingers look like Clapton/Clopton kin. Wings/Winks (same place as Valentin-beloved Squirrels) are from Valentinian's family. English Valence's have the Coat of German Ducks in colors reversed, and the German Neils/Nails (Westphalia with German Ducks) share the saltire of Greats, the latter from Valentinian's father. This saltire is in colors reversed with eagle-using BACKus'/BackHOUSE's, and then English House's share the cross of Kingsleys. Winklers (probably Kingsley kin) are first known in Cheshire with Masseys of Dunham Masci, and with Kingsleys (major topic of last update in pointing to Apophis).

Actually, Clovis'/Clovile's show ten nails, five per chevron. Their description at Hall of Names says they use five, and here we can go to a Crail location in Fife, for Fife's can be gleaned as a FIVE/Fify branch. Crails are listed with Crabs, and Apophis will become visible to the eye in the crab constellation. Crails/Crabs are first known in Cambridgeshire with the nail-using Proctors (share Bird Crest), and where the Clobbes'/Clubs were once said to be first known. We then take this to Farndons (Cheshire with Clobbes/Clubs, Claptons, Birds, and Pace's) because Clobbes'/Clubs are first known in Farndon, and Farndons almost have the Coat of English Pace's while Pasi's'/Pascels are likewise Pace's. Birds are first known in Cheshire with Bride-branch and Bird-like Brights while Bridge's (Somerset with Clapton) use "crabs." Isn't that remarkable?

French Pascals are first known in Dauphine with French Page's, and with Payens/Pagans who use "spur rowells" while Rowells/Roswells/Rothwells share the double chevrons of both Clovis'/Clovile's and Ash's/Aschs, the latter first known in Devon with English Page's. The Lepage's are first known in Ile-de-France with Lys'/Lisse's and French Levi's. Jewish Levi's share the "PASSant" lion of English Pass'/Pascals. English Page's share the dove (different colors) with WAISTells while English Pass'/Pascals have a "bearded man from the WAIST up."

German Winklers are excellent for sharing the Justine (and Mountain) border, for Wings/Winks were once said to be first known in Perthshire with Justine's while VINKovci was home to Gratian the Elder, and also to his son, Valentinian I, husband of Justine of Picenum. Valentins are in the colors and format of English Stevensons/Stinsons, first known in Essex with Pascals, Mountains, and Este(r)'s. Perthshire is where Rollo's are first known who have a "passe" motto term while Passe's are listed with Pascals. It's also where Scottish and Irish Shaws are first known.

German Winklers (Saxony with Kepke's/Kopke's) share the border also of Koops/Kupe's and Kepke's/Kopke's while Keeps and Coopers are first known in Sussex with Paisley-related Packs, and with the Acorns in the Coat of Dutch Winklers. The French Beards/Bearts share the red bull with French Packs (share Paisley anchor). The bearded man took us here. I'll show below why Dutch Winklers are linkable to Poppins/Pophams. Sussex is also where Mascals are first known while Keiths/Mascals have a "VINCit" motto term.

Note Sodom and Gomorrah, for MontGOMERys (Renfrewshire with Paisleys) share the gold Paisley and Pack anchor. The anchor is a sea symbol, and Anchors/Annackers have a red bull head. English Packs have three anchors. The Montgomery "woman" with an anchor in one hand has a "savage's head" in the other hand, and Savage's/Sava's are first known in Cheshire with Hands and lines connectable to Obama the Sodomite. The latter picked John Kerry to replace the dastardly Hillary Clinton as his foreign minister, and Kerrys are first known in Montgomeryshire. Montgomerys look like kin of Leicesters (Cheshire), and the Woods of Leicestershire have another savage, as does the Crest of Duntons (Norfolk with Dunhams).

As I've said, my first girlfriend as a Christian was SHARON Pasco/Pascal/Pascel. I met her while sitting around a picnic table with friends at the edge of beach. It's therefore interesting that Clapp-related Beach's are first known in Hertfordshire with the Childs who in turn have the Passe/Pascal eagle in colors reversed. CHILDeric was father to Clovis, the line to Clapps, I assume. It's also interesting that Clobbes'/Clubs are first known in Cheshire with Overs. PassOVER.

Sheers (Carrick colors) share the dog of Craggs and Carricks; the latter almost have the Montgomery motto. Sheers are first known in Surrey with Clapps/Clappers who in turn share the Beach Shield. Sharrons (not "Sharon") are listed with SHEERings, and I met Sharon at the beach. Sharrons/Sheerings have a "VINCit" motto term, as do Sava-like Shaws/Sheaves' while Italian Sheaves'/Chiava's are first known in L'Aquila. What are the chances that Sharon Pascal could do that by mere coincidence? Shaws/Sheaves' are even first known in Berkshire with Pasleys.

Dutch Winklers share the Chief-Shield colors of Manner-branch Mens' and Poppins/Pophams, and the latter share "Mens" in their motto with Pepins/Pepys while Mens' are first known beside the Mascals/Keiths who have the two-word Sharron/Sheering motto in reverse, as do ALIS'. "All is" is a motto phrase of Clovis'/Clovile's (Berkshire with Pasleys, Shaws/Sheaves', and Beard-connectable Lesks) who share the Shaw/Sheaves chevron.

Sharon Quinn's Folly

The bearded man of Pascals took us here, and the Paschal date of Friday 13th, in April of 1979, took us to Pascals. I had mentioned years ago, long before knowing that this Friday was Good Friday, SHARON Quinn at the party of Steve Mellanson. I suspected that it was on Friday 13th, 1979.

Some few short weeks after the Sleeping Beauty dream, I woke up with a snap vision of an attractive blond woman having a head injury, as in a mental ailment, not a physical injury. I made nothing of it, because we all have quick pictures appearing in our heads, not surprising if we have them while waking.

Minutes after seeing this woman, while still in bed, I heard an "audible" voice saying something like, "write down that there will be a fight/disagreement at Steve's tonight." I got right out of bed and wrote it down. I was completely new to being a Christian, and this looked very exciting. I put the note into my pocket, and went on with my day. I can't remember any of that day until I was at Steve's party. And it was Sharon's punch to Barry's lip that partly causes me to remember that evening.

After the punch (Barry didn't fuss or retaliate), Sharon took off down the hall of the apartment building, and fell screaming at the front door of her brother's apartment. A few of us ran down, and when getting there, I found myself on one knee praying "Jesus," at which second she stopped screaming. They put her on a couch, and I then walked back to Steve's place, meeting him at his door, at which time I handed him the note from my pocket. He said something like, "get out, you just wrote that now." He didn't believe it was written in the morning.

It wasn't until I got home that evening that I sat down to ponder what had happened at the party, and that's when I recalled the blond woman in the morning vision, that she had some mental ailment. Sharon Quinn was an attractive blond. I was sitting at the dining-room (kitchen) table with her, when I suddenly began sensing the Spirit in the room, and that's when I broke it to these party friends that I had become a Christian. I was probably trying to share Jesus with them, when Sharon promptly cut me off and loudly said, "don't be a fool..."

When Barry piped up and said something to the effect of, "let him believe what he wants," she got up from the table, took a few steps toward him, then wound an arm up high in the air, and gave him a punch or slap to his face, drawing a little blood at the lip (nothing serious).

Nobody there had known I had become a Christian until that night. I had probably not seen any of them since becoming a believer so suddenly and so undeterred. As this event was so close to my conversion, roughly on April 1, I suggested that it was on Friday 13th, because we always attended parties (lots of them) on weekend nights. It could have been a Saturday night, but it just seems like a thing God would do, to have one of his arranged events on the 13th, if He's trying to convince me, and you, that He's warning about Apophis landing.

I'm trying to think up ideas as to how else to "prove" this heraldically. This method is not going to be considered capable of deriving hard proof by many, or by a court of law. But it's all I have.

The blood on the lip wasn't dripping much at all; I recall drops coming off the lip, and Kilpatricks have "...a dagger DIStilling drops of blood." Diss'/Dice's are first known in Norfolk with Drops/Trope's and Tiller-related Cetins/Cattans, and then we ought to read, "disTILLing," for Tillers share the lion of Tails/Tailors expected in the double-tailed lion of Follys. Drops/Trope's share black drops with Penders, and Sharon gets us to Pendergrass'. English Grass' are first known in Lincolnshire with Tailbois'.

Sharon said to me, "don't be a FOOL," and Follys are first known in Northamptonshire with spinach-like Spinks, Quinn-like Quince's, with Face's, and also with Cop-branch Cope's/Coaps. Sharon had been married (but divorced) to a police cop. Polis' even have a "vase" while Vase's are listed with Face's! That's new material. She pounded Barry on his face, and Pounds are first known in Hampshire with Cops!

That day with the morning blond and her evening punch took place very near my Popeye dream, and the way to link Spinks to Quinns is actually amazing, starting with the Quince's, but also going to the "snakes" of Quinns, for Spinks share the eagle of Snake's/Snooks, but also of Senns' and Snake-like Seneca's/SENESchals. The latter almost have the Coat of Quince's, similar also to the Spink Coat. There we have it, Popeye's spinach at topic, a pointer to Apophis landing on the sea floor. Senns' are first known in Switzerland with landing-like Landens/Lands.

The snake-using Quinns have a wolf head "FACE up", and Face's are first known in the same place as Quince's while Saer de Quincy is in the write-up of Face-like Faucets, as the builder of the Faucet/Fauxside castle. I've told readers before, several times, that when I had the snap vision of the blond woman, who turned out to be Miss Quinn, I thought she was Farrah Fawcett. Now we know why, because God knew the Quinn line to be related to Fawcetts, and He wants you and I to know that He gave that vision. The Seneca/Seneschal mascles are almost the Fauci lozenge.

The Shirran variation of Sharrons/Sheerings gives away, along with that surname's VAIR fur, that they were off the Siron variation of Sire's/Sirets, first known in Burgundy with French Vairs, and using another snake. Their Burgundy location may not be very far from Fauch's, first known in Savoy. Sire's/Sirets use a "Hope" motto term while Hope's are also Hopers.

Fauchys (not "Fauci") use a "grasshopper" while Hoppers are first known in Wiltshire with Calls/Calles' suspect in "SenesCHAL," but also with Dannys/Dance's while English Dance's share the fesse of French Dennis', important because I knew Sharon Quinn only because her brother, Dennis, became my friend. I see Dents (Yorkshire with Dance's) in the Denet motto, and Denets share the DONUT Shield, and Sharon said, "DON'T be a fool." French Denets/Jordans (probably a Jore-Dent merger) share a Dennis fesse, and look related to the English Dance Coat.

I've just remembered a dream of some five to ten years ago where Dennis Quinn (haven't seen him for 45 years) handed me an ice-cream cone while I was tying up my shoe laces. I took the cone in one hand, and was dumb-founded (felt like a fool), unable to finish tying the laces (needs two hands). I'm now thinking that this has to do with Follys, because Irish Lace's/Lacys share the purple Folly lion. English Lace's/Lacys use a "fret-KNOT," bringing us to NOTE's/Cnuts/Knots (Hoper/Hope kin) as per God's note in my pocket.

As the Sleeping Beauty dream of that same time period can be interpreted with the ten sleeping virgins, five of which are said to be "foolish," let's repeat: "don't be a fool."

Hopper-like Hopers/Hope's are excellent because they have a "broken globe" cracked down the northern Atlantic ocean. Follys share a purple lion with SKIPtons (Yorkshire with Dance's) while Skipps (share Hoper/Hope besants) are also Skippers, first known in Essex with the Broke's/Brocks expected in the Hoper/Hope globe. Follys have a two-TAILed lion while Talbots are first known in Shropshire with Hopers/Hope's. The latter were once said to be first known in Derbyshire (with their Hope location) with NOTE's/Cnuts, and God asked me to write Mellanson a note. God knew then that Sharon would call me a fool that evening, then punch Barry in the FACE.

Shropshire is also, SALOP, and Sharon may have SLAPPed Barry, for I can't remember whether her hand was fisted or open. Whatever it was, it was with hand top-to-bottom, not the typical side-to-side motion. Barry was sitting on the living-room FLOOR at the time, recalling Popeye at the sea floor.

The skipper of a ship is coming right at you, for while "Skipper" was a character on Gilligan's Island, Gilligans share the winged Quinn horse (both called a "Pegasus"). It would be even more amazing if Sharon Quinn gave me the fool line on April 13, for the flow of this discussion looks like a pointer to Apophis on April 13. Skipton-like Shiptons are listed with Ships, first known in Oxfordshire with Oyle's while Popeye's girl is Olive Oyl.

The Hoper/Hope Crest is "A BROKEn globe surMOUNTed by a RAINbow." Broke's/Brocks, MOUNTains, Skippers, and Rains are all first known in Essex with Asters, etc. The Chief-Shield colors of Brocks/Brocks is shared with BROCuffs, and the latter use a Spink-like "sphinx." Can we dig it? How can heraldry fall like this so square with an event in my life unless God arranged both the event and the heraldry, as a method of speaking to us? Wouldn't He want to speak to us about an asteroid landing in the final 1260 / 1290 days?

Mr. Kilpatrick pointed to Apophis, and the "I MAKE SURE" motto of Kilpatricks can be in "SURmounted." Make's almost share the Punch Shield. Sharon punched Barry at Mellanson's on the night of God's note to him, and Note's/Cnuts (Hoper/Hope colors and format) use gold drops while Kilpatricks use "drops of blood" while Bloods are Bluds while Popeye's enemy was BLUTo. Bloods/Bluds/BLUTs share the brown and lodged stag with Kilpatrick-related Maxwells/MAKESwells (share Kilpatrick saltire) of Maxton. That's pretty amazing.

Maxtons/Makestons (same place as Scottish Maxwells) love the Bee's, first known in Oxfordshire with the Islips/Haslips who in turn share a brown and lodged stag under a holly tree/bush with Maxwells. Hollys are first known in Norfolk with Bucks while Bloods/Bluds call their stags "bucks." Hollys are first known in Norfolk with the Patricks from La Lande, and the line of Pepin of Landen is coming straight for you.

The amazing thing now is that Maxtons share the chevron of Quince-connectable Quints (once in Essex with Este's), and while both share the fitchee (different color), Maxtons have an "esto" motto term, as do Hazel-related Weavers, for a sheer pointer to the Apophis asteroid. Hazels (once in Cheshire with Weavers) use "hazel SLIPs" as their code for their Islip/Haslip branch. German Weavers are also Webbers while English Webbers have the bend-with-fleur, in colors reversed, of "est" using Pepins/Pepys.

Weavers probably have the Fiddle's/Fidelows in their motto, first known in Surrey with the Sure's in the Kilpatrick motto. Weavers share "FIDELis" with the Close's...of "Closeburn," location of Kilpatrick castle.

Landens/Lands share the triple pale bars of Langleys while Quinns are first known at Longford while Langfords and Longfords have six pale bars of their own. Pale's/Palys share the camel with Pepins/Pepys. Longfords are first known in Derbyshire with Note's/Cnuts, you see, but also with the Pegs suspect in the Quinn pegasus. It's as though heraldry had eyes for God's note concerning the "fight/disagreement" of Sharon Quinn. Almost missed it: Hazels share the Note/Cnut crescents!

In the past, I've traced Langleys to Langhe of northern Italy, at Monforte, and Montforts happen to share the Coat of German Lipps, yet the Montfort lion is exactly like the one of Follys because both have two tails. See that? It recalls the lion with tail at mouth of Hips-connectable Italian Papps, and Hips' have a sphinx for pointing to Popeye's spinach. Montfort is in Brittany near MOTTE-Henry, and Motts can be in the heraldic MOUTH.

Did you notice "HasLIP." German Lipps share the lion of Claws/Clausels, and Albania has a HAS location near the Clausula river. Scottish Lipps are first known in Aberdeenshire with the Chives' who are from the Cavii Illyrians, and the latter were on the Drilon river with that Has location! This must be why Sharon punched Barry on the lip, for it recalls a Bar location west of lake Scodra. The Clausula's waters drain into lake Scodra.

Chives' were more exactly at Tarves while Tarvisium is where Vio's/Vita's are first known suspect in the "non vi" motto phrase of Scottish Lipps. The Nons are first known in Ayrshire with Scottish Bars who in turn share the giant Italian Este eagle. Bars of Bar-le-Duc were in Brunswick, probably explaining the brown lions and brown "MOUNTAIN cat" of Scottish Lipps!!! Chives' use the mountain cat too, a super-duper pointer to Apophis thanks to Sharon's punch on Barry's lip! Barrs are first known in the same place as HARE's/Hairs and Ayers while Eyers/Airs are first known in Derbyshire yet again. A HARE is with HAAS' and Haze's/Hase's! Haslips are also HAZlips.

That punch came with a note in my POCKet while Poke's are first known in Renfrewshire with Hamiltons who in turn have the Pocket cinquefoil in colors reversed. Renfrews have a giant ship in the colors of the Baud ship, all looking like a pointer to Spuds of Bud Light posing with Hamilton Kilpatrick. English Pocks are amazing for being in Clot/DuCLOS colors and format while Close's are of Closeburn, location of Kilpatrick castle. Pocks are first known in Leicestershire with Perkins who in turn share the Coat of Pugh's/Pews in turn sharing almost all the Mountain motto!

The Arrows/ARRAS' in the Blood/Blud Crest share the Webber fleur-de-lys, and ERAS'/Rasmussens, first known in Has-like Hesse, have the Webber bend-with-fleur in colors reversed. Eras'/Rasmussens have the Pepin and Pipe bend-with-fleur, and Arrows/Arras' are first known in Staffordshire with Pipe's. Popeye smokes a pipe, and his enemy is BLUTo while Haslip-connectable Bloods list Bluts. Haslips are first known in the same place as Oyle's, while Bluto was always after Olive Oyl. English Olive's are first known in Northamptonshire with spinach-like Spinks! Scottish Olivers are first known in Roxburghshire with Haslip-related Maxwells/Makeswells. Maxtons/Makestons share the Staff/Stafford chevron.

Wikipedia's Bluto article depicts him as "cruel," perfect because Cruels/Crials/Crows have two of the Maxton chevrons, and Crawls (Crow branch) are first known in Oxfordshire with Oyle's. Crawls and Crows share the camel with Pepins and Pipe's. If that's not enough, English Popps/Papps (same place as Crails/Crabs) share the double Cruel/Crials chevrons, and Crails are listed with Crabs! Suddenly, Crail looks like it was named by Crials. Those double chevrons are red, the color of the same of Scottish Olivers! Olive Oyl! Cruels/Crials and Popps/Papps both share a canton (square) with gold symbol within, the Popps suspect with the Duck star because Camels and Crab-loving Bridge's are first known in Somerset with them. Cantons are also GANTons. Bluto took us here, and Popeye's father is Pappy.

Notice the heraldic estOILE, for Este's are an Aster/Ester branch, we may assume, and this Olive Oyl is pointing with PopEYE to the asteroid because Stars use an EYE along with estoiles. Apophis will look like a star at first. Stars are first known in Wiltshire with Box's who in turn use a "fireball."

I didn't know until loading Box's right now that their fireball is in the "claws" of a griffin! The Crabs have a dagger held by a claw! Crabs go with Chaunceur's, first known in Essex with Este's and Asters/Esters. Claws' are said to have named Clawson, which was earlier "CLACHestone." Clacks, in Claws colors, have the Italian Este eagle in half its colors, and while the Este eagle is with WEFers, the latter are first known in Herefordshire (beside Box's) with Clacks.

Claws-like Klaus Schwab is the founder of WEF, the invisible, illegal rulers in canada, and he's still alive. Schwabs/Swabs share the giant unicorn (Claws colors and format) of Fire's in "fireball." Hurry, asteroid, fall on Davos (WEF headquarters). Daves' love the Jays (Herefordshire with WEFers), and the Balcons, first known in Crail, almost have the Jay Coat. Crails are listed with Crabs. Hurry, asteroid, the earth needs you to cripple the super-rich, and make waste of their dirty schemes. Jewish Rothchilds (not "Rothschild") incorporate the Jay Coat, and add nearly the Rasmussen / Schwab/Swab unicorn.

I've told why Balcons trace to Italian Botters/Bottini's, but I don't remember telling that the latter look related to German Baudens. This is excellent because English Baudens (look related to Bute/Butt Coat) are first known in Cornwall with Bude's/Buds. Bordens (Essex with Asters/esters and Bute-related Este's) have axes in Bauden et-al colors, suggesting a Baudin link to axe-using Battins/Badens. So, you see, just as Balcons took us to the Spuds-MacKenzie pointers to Apophis, Bordens took us to Asters and Este's, first known in the same place as Borden- and Burton-colored Mountains.

MacKenzie's show their "mountain" as a rock likely because Tongue's/Tongs use the rock. Tongue's/Tongs essentially have the Mountain Coat, but Tongue's/Tongs call their mutual martlets, "birds," while Birds/Burds are first known in Cheshire with Bridge-like Brights (share BATTIstelli stars).

The Clack border is said to be "enGRAILed" while Box's (same place as English Neals) share the English Neal lion. Grails are listed with Scottish Neals/Neils, and Irish Neals/Neils/O'NAILs have more estoiles, and in fact they have the ESToiles of Colchesters (Essex with Este's) because the Arms of Colchester (Essex) has nails.

We've arrived to Rockefellers with the Grail/Neal "rock," which MacKenzie's show but call a "mountain." The "vel" motto term of Grails/Neals gets Dutch Vels/Falls while Falls'/Fallis' are a Feller branch, both sharing trefoils (different colors) with Rocks and Sharks. The Vels/Falls share nearly the Coat of Asters/Esters (same place as Mountains and Este's), and the Vele's/Veils have the giant moline, in colors reversed, of Shark-line Sarasins. Sharks are first known in Tyrone with Irish Neals/Neils/O'Nails. We got here by following the Clack border.

The Vele's and Sarasins share the moline of Vallans while Valiants use a "shark." The parents of Dennis and Sharon Quinn owned a Valiant car when I first knew them (Dennis let me borrow it to date Miss Hanson). The British bulldog walked over the edge of the swimming pool, and FELL-jumped into the water with a shark, suggesting that the shark represents Rockefeller globalists. The Chief-Shield colors of Quinns is colors reversed from the same of Rocks (the latter use "chess rooks"). Sharrons share the Pendergrass Coat, and both Penders and English Grass' share the Falls/Fallis lion.

The Sure's expected in the "SURmounted" rainBOW of Hopers/Hope's are also SHORE's. They share the motto of Caens who in turn share the fretty Shield of Cavii-like Cave's. Langleys are first known in Durham with Book-connectable Bows/Bough's, linkable to Box's (beside Book-loving Roets).

I reckon that the wavy bars of Webbers betrays that heraldic waves are code for a Weaver line, and I reckon that Apophis will make some waves. Note that Olive Oyl is sister to Crude Oyl, for Apophis could easily snap some under-sea crude-oil pipes to long distances from where it hits the sea. Will it come down at a drastic angle such as to SKIPs on the sea surface? Skipps are first known in the same place as Asters.

CIA headquarters at Langley, VIRGINIA, might get swamped, if it's close enough to the shore, by the tidal waves we can expect. Virgin(ia)'s were Gaunt / Ghent kin, and Ghents (Hampshire with Sturs) share the eagles of English Bush's (Yorkshire with English Maxwells) in the "holly bush" of Maxwells. German Bush's share the Crab fleur. CIA headquarters is the "George Bush Center for Intelligence," which recalls the Maxwell spy family that teamed up with Jeffrey Epstein, owner of Little Saint James (island) in the Virgin Islands.

Epstein was hired at a Dalton high school when Bill Barr's father was its principal. Bill Barr was chosen by the first Bush president to be his Attorney General. The Nons (same place as Barrs) can be in the "nunquam" motto term of Virgin(ia)s. Nuns/Noons (Norfolk with Hollys) have a saltire colors reversed from the one of Shore-like Score's who in turn might have the Bush eagle because Score's share the Bois cinquefoils.

In the Sleeping-Beauty dream, I appeared suddenly at the shore of Epstein's island. Schore's could have been an Scherf/Schere branch, and the latter look like German Walker kin while English Walkers and Bush's are first known in Yorkshire with Scarfs. I believe that president George Herbert Walker "Bush" was born, George Herbert Scherff Jr. You can google that for more details.

Hope is in Derbyshire, and the Hope-beloved Besants/Bessens use a club, suggesting that the Hope "globe" is code for the line of Clobbes'/Clubs (Cheshire, beside Derbyshire). However, globe-like Glove's are in the Clan Chattan motto, in the phrase, "BOT a glove." It means "BUT [with] a glove," yet must be code for a Bot or Bot-branch family. French Bots/Bauds gets us to "bello"-using German Bauds, but also to "bello"-using Bouillons (same place as French Bots/Bauds), and then another "globe" is with Belli-loving Carpenters. The latter share the triple pale bars of Longfords, first known in Derbyshire. Glove's are in Catter colors and format.

Catters are first known in Berkshire with Sheaves'/Shaws. Gillie's have the Clan Chattan motto, and the Glove's within it are first known in Perthshire with the Shaws/Saws sharing a dagger with Gillie's. This goes to the Hamilton saw because Hamiltons share the cinquefoil of Dogs, first known in Perthshire.

Later in this update, I find the Cloe's/Clobberys/GLOBERYs, linkable to Closeburn of Kilpatrick castle (Dumfries with Bells). It caused me to find the Globers/Globs just now. The Hamilton cinquefoils are also with Bello's/BELLOWS', and the same-colored Globers/Globs are not only in BLOIS colors and format, but love the Birds (Cheshire with Bello's/Bellows') who in turn share the fleur-de-lys of Bless'/Blois'. Globe-using Hope's are first known in Shropshire with Bell-branch Bellamys.

The Shield of Quinns sharing the GILLIGan horse is in Gille colors, and Glass'/Glassicks (BUTEshire) are also GILLEGlass'. This recalls how Glass' can trace to the Clausula river near Budva. The Clausels are listed with the Claws' suspect in the Crab "claw," and while Sharon punched Barry on the lip a minute after saying "fool" toward me, German Lipps share the Claws/Clausel Coat. Isn't that looking like a pointer to the crab constellation, Cancer? The Lipp lion is with Greys too who have the Talbot Coat in colors reversed.

It recalls the Dent-connectable Denets and their Donut branch, linkable to Dennis'. Both Denets and Donuts use "guttee," but Donuts call them "guttee d'EAU" (translated, "water drops"), looking like code for Eu, for Donuts have a GREYhound in Crest while Dents share the Hound and Giffard lozenges. The Talbot write-up: "...their place of origin, the name was originally listed as D'Eu, a baronial name...Richard Talebot in 1086 held in Bedford from Walter GIFFARD..." I had read that Roets descended from Croys or Groys, both listed with Greys, and thus the Greys are suspect with the lion of Payne's, from Payne Roet, because Payne's share the Giffard motto.

Cancer-like Chaunceurs/Chance's, sharing the lion of Meschin-connectable Mascarelli's/Mascelli's (same place as Masci's), are first known in Essex with Skipps/Skippers while Follys share the purple lion with Skiptons. Meschins married the Rumilly-Skiptons while Rumillys are first known in Cambridgeshire with Crabs. Meschins list Mascelli-like Masculine's, and when she said "fool," she said it to a Masci liner. Meschins (same place as Talbots) married TAILbois', and Follys give two TAILs to their lion. The Montforts have two tails on the same lion as German Lipps, and both Monforte and Monferrat are in Piedmont with the first known Masci's.

The first I can find this punch to Barry is in the 4th update in March, 2017, before I knew of Apophis:

...Sharon, completely unexpected by all, stood up and punched Barry in the mouth!!! There was a bit of blood, but Barry, a gentleman, didn't fight back. And Sharon ran out the door, down the hall to Dennis' apartment, but collapsed at the door, screaming as though possessed,...

I saw the small amount of blood at his lip, and it may have been for the Lipps (same place as Tarves'), who happen to use the Chives motto. Both surnames use a mountain cat in Crest and cat-a-mountains in the Shield. If not for this punch, I would not have known the Lipps at this time.

I trace Chives' to the Cavii Illyrians who are placed on maps so close to the Clausula that they were likely there in some numbers! The update above tells that she was with Charlie that evening, her boyfriend, and Charlie's/Chorleys use BOTTles and Bottle's/Bootels may have been from "Butua." Charleys (not "Charlie") of Chorley share the giant Lipp / Claws/Clausel lion. It appears that God set that evening up long before I had the vision of Sharon Quinn that morning.

Bottle-like Butlers love the Cups, first known in Aberdeenshire with Scottish Lipps and Mellansons. The punch to the lip was at Mellanson's place, and French Mellans are first known in Ile-de-France with Lys'/Lisse's, from Lissus of the Cavii to the near-south of the Clausula.

As Barry got punched, I've told that Scottish Barrys almost have the Punch Coat.

Recall how Sharrons/Sheerings share the Coat of Pendergrass', and how Penders were also Pounders, and Pond/Pont / Ponder/Ponter branch. Then note the Pont-like variations of Punch's/Poyntz's: "In Somerset, 'LEIGHland, in the parish of Old CLEEVE, was the property of the Poyntz family....'" Cleeve/Cliffs and Clavers/Cleavers could easily have been from an l-version "Chiava" in the way Charo's are also Claro's, and Biondi's are also Blondi's. Chiava's/Sheaves' use keys, as does the Crest of Clavers/Cleavers.

English Sheaves' are also Shaws while Scottish Shaws are said to be from "Sithech" while Sticks and Stiche's, who are said to have married the Clive variation of Cleeve's/Cliffs, show only wheat sheaves. Sticks are first known in Somerset with the Cleave-of-LEIGHland location of Punch-branch Poytnz's, and Cleeve's/Cliffs were in Cheshire and neighboring Shropshire; the latter is where Leightons/Leyton are first know, a branch of Cheshire's Leghs/Leys who in turn share the giant Klaus/Claus lion.

The Frane's are amazing because they are first known in Shropshire while sharing that Klaus/Claus Coat, black border included. This border is share by Montacute's/MONTAGUE's (Somerset with Borders and Cleeve of Leighland), and so here's from the Punch/Poyntz wrote-up: "'...Linch in Sussex] afterwards became the property of Viscount Montague, and eventually of the family of Poyntz.'"

French Frane's almost have the Coat on English Lise's/Liss', the latter first known in Hampshire with Ponds/Ponts and Pounders. Sharon pounded Barry on the lip, on the face, and Fauchy-branch Face's are first known in Northamptonshire with the Ladys in the Klassen/Class Coat. Sharrons were of Pendergrass', and Fauchys use the "grasshopper."

Here's from the Cleeve/Cliff write-up: "James Clive with the heiress of Styche, of Styche, they settled in Shropshire at that place, which is in the parish of Moreton-Say, and has remained uninterruptedly in the Clive family." The Sea-like Says/Seys' share the Leighton/Leyton quadrants, and Sayers/Sarah's are first known in Essex with Asters, and with the Low Leighton location of Hicks' (see Hicks write-up).

Alan-connectable Hicks' share an Icke variation with Ice's/Ecco's, the latter first known in Mecklenburg with Dols. Sea's share the wavy fesse of Dols while the Alans of Dol removed to Shropshire, location of Mortone-Say. English Dole's (same place as Crabs) share the Crab fleur-de-lys. It's completely pointing to the asteroid.

Gilligan's Island is themed on a ship wreck, same as expected with the asteroid into the sea. I can now repeat the day when Miss Hicks reminded me of Lovey Howell on Gilligan's Island. I've written on this lots. I didn't yet know about Apophis when first telling readers of that story. It was in the spring of 2005, a year after someone discovered Apophis for the first time. The pastor had an outdoor church meet for Sunday morning, and everyone was to dress up cowboy style. I wore my new cowboy BOOTs and HAT, and it just so happens that Hats/Hades (Dorset with Beautys) were a branch of Haydens who in turn share the Beauty bull. It's black, like the Say/Seys bull head.

In the dream, God said to me, "'s you she LOVES, go wake her", and Loveys are listed with Love's/Luffs while black bull heads are with Lovicks/Lofwicks.

I've gone many times to THURston Howell, Lovey's rich husband. I've told that Thurstons are first known in Suffolk with Owls/HOWLs while English THORs share the triple Howell towers. Then, these towers are in colors reversed with Pellicans, the latter first known in Maine with DeMaine's. The pelican is with Arthur-connectable Wayne's (Essex with Skippers) while their Veynes/Fane/Van branch are first known in Monmouthshire with Howells. Arthurs of Clapton married pelican-using Meads, and the latter share the martlet of Maine's Josephs. Thurstons (Suffolk with Mead-branch Meadows and Medley-beloved Tigers) share the motto of Sheriffs, first known in Warwickshire with Meads. What can we make of this heraldic set from Gilligan's Island?

German Lipps share the Coat of Montforts: "The surname Montfort was first known in Warwickshire where the family claims descent from 'Hugh de Montfort, son of THURSTON de Basternbergh,..." He was granted estates partly in Suffolk.

She Clobbered Him

Clobbes'/Clubs (Cheshire with Pace's and Farndons) are first known at Farndon, and Farndons and Pace's share a purple Shield to go with the purple Folly lion. Pace's share the triple besants of Hopers/Hope's in the colors and format of the triple leopard FACES of Farndons. Sharon CLOBBERed Barry in the FACE after saying "fool" to me, and we got to Hopers/Hope's from the FAUCHy grassHOPPER.

There is a CLOBBERay/CloBERRy/CloBURY surname (probably Baton kin), so amazing, listing "Cloe," first known in Devon with Berrys, Burys, Bearings, and Beers. Cloberays/Cloberrys share the black bat with Bats, the latter first known in slap-like Salop. I suppose Sharon may have slapped Barry. However, let's remind that Scottish Barrys almost have the Punch Coat, yet I suppose that either a slap or a punch is a clobbering (probably derived from "club").

The Cert variation of Salop's Cards could be in the "Ceart" motto term of Irish Kilpatricks, the ones whose "boo" motto term can take us from Bo's to Beautys, the latter first known beside the Cary-branch Carts (Somerset). Sleeping Beauty hovering LEVEL points to Levels/Leavells of Castle Cary in Somerset, and as they were from Waleran de Leavell, that's why her hovering scene points also to Waleran-connectable Beautys.

The palm trees of Carts can indicate the open palm of Sharon's hand in a slap, especially as Palms (Yorkshire with Close's and Hicks) share the Quint Chief. Palms share the fleur-de-lys of Masseys who in turn share the "pegasus" with Quinns and Gilligans. Gilleglass' have the Palm / Massey fleur in colors reversed. See that? It's alluding the Sharon-scream event with Spuds MacKenzie's pointer to ship wrecks.

The other Irish Quinns share the snake with the Cart Crest, though Carts call it a "serPENT," possibly part-code for Penders in Sharron-related "Pendergrass." Carts share the Annandale saltire while Bruce's of Annandale can be in the Cert/Card lion. The nearby Carters were in Quinn-connectable WINchester, and Saer de Quincy ruled Winchester. Winchester share the blue lion with Certs/Cards and Bruce's, and behind the blue Winchester lion is the gold Quint fitchee.

The other Carters share the giant Sforza lion which itself holds a "quince". Sforza's are first known in Rome with Pool-related Rita's, and Pools share the Pender / Grass lion, colors reversed from the Bruce-et-al lions. Rome's/Rums/Rims are said to have been in Annandale. Sharon collapsed and screamed at Dennis' DOOR, and Rita-like Rite's share the Scottish Door leopard faces while Irish Doors share the giant Sforza lion. I walked down the hallway and was met by Mellanson at his door, and Mellansons are first known in Aberdeenshire with Rita-branch Reeds/Reids who in turn share a gold fitchee with Quints.

The heraldry in the paragraph above appears Arranged, but as there's no CloBARRY variation listed, even when spelled into the box, the heraldic set looks like a reference to Bud beer, for "Cloe" look like a branch of Clows' and Close's who take us to Kilpatrick castle. Cloe's even come up as "Cloes." Bats share the Kilpatrick and Patrick saltire, but also of the Supers (billets), first known in Devon with the Spurrs in the Close Coat, with Billets sharing the Hamilton cinquefoils, and with Cloe's. Hamilton Kilpatrick posed with Spuds MacKenzie of Bud beer. Cloe's share the black bats of English Batons/Bastons, first known in Cornwall with Bude's/Buds. See all that?

Cloe's/Clobberys/GLOBerys can be from the Glopeani Poles who named Goplo, origin of mythical Piast the Wheelwright, for Wheelwrights (Yorkshire with Close's) share the antelope (different color) in Crest with the Cloe/Clobberys. This Wheelwright character was made the ancestor of the real Mieszko II LAMBERT, husband of Richeza of Lorraine, and Clots/DuCLOS' are first known in Lorraine province. Lorraine's share the eagle that is the Arms of Piast, but they also share the WHEELer/Whaler lion, and the bend of Whale's/Whele's (Berwickshire with WRIGHTs). French Lamberts look related to the French Billet Coat.

The son of Mieszko Lambert was Casimir, the line to Casimirs that have the Lorraine bend as an antler, similar to the Krebs/Crebs Coat, in the colors of the fox of Voss' (Pomerania with Krebs/Crebs'). Crabs/Crails were related to Dole's while Dols (beside Pomerania) have one of the triple-wavy fesses of German Drummonds, the latter first known in Hamburg with German Crabbe's/Krabbe's.

It seems as though God had "clobber" in mind when Sharon raised her hand high, and came down on Barry's lip / cheek / face. The blood drop I saw was at the corner of the mouth, at the cheek. Kilpatricks use "DIStilling drops of blood." Kilpatrick castle is at Closeburn upon the Nith river, and while another spur is with Nith-like Knights/Nights, the latter are first known in Suffolk with an Eye location suspect in the "I" motto term of Kilpatricks, because Eye is near the Norfolk border, and DISS' with Patricks and Drops/Trope's are first known in Norfolk. Scottish Nights/Nite's/Naughts and Nitts/Naughts are first known near/on the Nith. GOLD drops are with Naught-like Note's/Cnuts, and Sharon's clobbering of Barry was as per God's note to me and Mellanson.

It took me seconds to run four or five apartments down the hallway to Sharon screaming outside her brother's door, from the time she started to scream. It took me two more seconds to get on one knee to pray, "Jesus," for her. It took a minute more to get her on the couch, when she stretched out her arm toward me and said, "I LOVE you." As she was fine, I immediately left her and walked back to Mellanson's place, where he was just inside his hall door, and I gave him the note right then.

Although, after reading the note, he said something like, "you wrote that earlier," he would later have realized that there was little chance that I could find a pen and paper, and write the note, in the couple of minutes or so while with Sharon at the floor. Plus, if he had later discussed the note with others, the roughly four others with me would have been witnesses that I didn't write it. I think God was after Mellanson's conversion using that note.

When Sharon said to me, "don't be a fool," it wasn't out of a desire to insult me, but I think it was rooted in her deep belief that Christianity is an illusion. However, I don't think people get hard to that belief unless they really dislike God. In any case, when she said, I love you," it was to say that she didn't mean to insult me. Love's/Luffs share the fitchee species, in the same red color, as Cheeks/Chicks, and both are first known in Oxfordshire, and so it seems that God wants to point here with her punch to Barry's cheek.

Mellanson was an avid beer drinker, probably en route to becoming an alcoholic. I don't remember what brand he liked. Whenever I dropped in on him, if even in the afternoon, he had a beer in his hand. The Mellanson Coat looks related to the one of English Butts/Bute's. That works, as if God arranged it. He told me there would be a fight at Mellanson's roughly on, or exactly on, Friday 13th, 50 years from Friday 13, 2029.

It's too bad that Five's/Fify's don't list a Fifty variation. tells of 34 people with a Fifty surname. Five's/Fifys share the chevron of VIVians/VEYS who in turn share the purple lion with Follys. By what coincidence is Five/Fify chevron-with-stars in Bute/Butt colors while Vivians/Veys are first known in Cornwall with Bude's/Buds and Baudens? Dutch Veys even have a BOOT. Five's/Fifys share the giant Fife lion, and Crail elements of Fife took up with Crabs somehow. We're still pointing to the asteroid by following Fifty-like Fifys. The Five/Fife chevron-with-stars is shared with BATTistelli's, and while Batti's are listed with Botti's, Battins are first known in Somerset with Crab-loving Bridge's.

In the Beauty dream, He told me, "it's you she loves," and so I assume I had intended to kiss her awake on her cheek. I think this involves the CHICHesters, because they are first known in Devon with Cloe's/CloBERRYs, Berrys, Beers, but also with the Bearings who share the Chichester Shield, and also with the Beauty-connectable Walerans to whom Beautys hovering pointed. We got here from the Chick variation of Cheeks, you see, and so, yes, the pounding on Barry's cheek gets us to Sleeping Beauty's role with Spuds MacKenzie, especially as per ChichESTER, for that points, along with Spud's name, to the Apophis asteroid. Plus, the Nitts/Naughts, first known in Dumfries with the Nith, share the checks of Checkers, first known in Hampshire with Aster-branch Sturs. See all that? Sarah's/Sayers are first known in Essex with Asters/Sturs.

While Knights/Nights are first known in Suffolk with Hicks-connectable Crauns/Crane's, English Cranes use a RAGully staff while Saraca's of Kotor had moved to Ragusa. The Shark crane is in the colors and format of the Till/Tile dragon, and while Bull-loving Beautys are first known in Dorset (beside Somerset) with same-colored Tills/Tile's, Kilpatricks have a dagger "DIS-TILLing" drops. Diss is near Eye (Suffolk with Crauns/Crane's), and Baton-like Battins (Somerset with Bulls/Bule's) use a "human eye" and share the axe with the Till/Tile Crest.

The ATINTanes were on the river having a BULLis location, beside the river having AntiPATRia, home of the Dagger-like Dexaroi, which is only partly why I trace PATRicks and KilPatricks (same place as Bullys) to Antipatria. Hamilton Kilpatrick was with a bull terrier. The Atintanes were at the Craun-like Ceraunii mountains (Epirus). Hamiltons love the COMYN-connectable Saws, and while all three use the dagger, KUMAN is a location in Fier county, down the Apsus river from Antipatria. Fiers/Fears almost have the Irish Fair Coat who in turn share the Sarasin moline.

Cloe's/Cloberrys are in the colors and format of TOWNS/TUNE's, first known in Suffolk with Knights/Nights and Clare's while Nights/Nite's/Naughts are in the format of, and colors reversed from, Shark-line Saracens who in turn share the triple crescents of TUNbridge's/TUNbridge's (Clare's were at Tunbridge Wells). Sharks are first known in Tyrone with Neils while "Nil" is a Night/Nite/Naught motto term.

Just realized: Saracens have the Cheek/Chick Coat in other colors, and the Saracens use their crescents in the colors of the BAUD crescent! Zikers, and these Bauds are first known in Stirlingshire while STIRlings/STURlings look like a branch of Sturs/STYRE's! Bauds even show a ship.

In a different color, the Cheek/Chick Crest is also the one of Hanna's, and the latter are first known beside the Nights/Nite's/Naughts! So, yes, God had arranged for me to kiss Beauty on her cheek, but while leaning over to kiss her, she awoke when my hand BRUSHed her leg, and Leggs, first known in Dumfries with the Nith, have stags colors reversed from the Hanna stags! Anne's/Hanne's, sharing buck heads with Hicks, are first known in Yorkshire with Brush-branch Bruce's and Hicks', and Brush's are first known in Suffolk with Knights/Nights. Bruce's lived at ANNANdale, in Dumfries.

Nobody knew of Miss Hicks = Mrs. Kilpatrick when heraldry was formed, aside from God.

Batons/Bastons (CORNwall with Bude's/Buds and Baudens) share the bat with Bugs (Dorset with Tills/Tile's) who are in turn in the colors of the Bogan bow, and Bude's/Buds have the bow too. Bullis' are first known in Wiltshire with eye-using Stars and English Cuffs ("battle axe") while Cows/Cough's have a "baton." English Cuffs are first known near the Axe river of Somerset, and beside the Chaffs sharing the giant Battle griffin. The nearby Axe river of Devon goes to Kilpatrick-connectable Seaton. Beauty was hovering over car SEATs when I leaned to kiss her cheek because it was me she loves, and Love-related Cheeks/Chicks share triple-red crescents with Seatons. Seats/Cedes' are suspect in the motto of Steers, possibly of the Styre variation of Sturs.

Seatons share the red-on-gold crescents of Bell-branch Bellamys (Salop with Legh-branch Leightons) while Bells are first known in Dumfries with Kilpatricks. Asters/Sturs, first known in Essex with Hicks' of Low Leighton, love the Labels/La Bells. BellAIRs/Blairs (Ayrshire with Air-branch Ayers), are in the colors and format of Kilpatrick-connectable Supers who are in turn in the motto of Michaels, first known in Surrey with Steers. The Thans in the "lighter than air" motto of Ayers are not only first known in Essex with Asters/Esters, but share the Coat of Basing(stoke's), and Basingstoke, in Hampshire with Sturs, is where Poppins/Pophams are first known!!!

Where Airs/Ayers use a leg, "Light" looks like a branch of the Ligh variation of Leghs/Leys. Sleeping Beauty was HOVERing in the AIR, and Overs are first known in Cheshire with Leghs/Leys.

The bull "steer" of German Backs/backs is the giant bull of Boys/Boets/BO's/Boeddu's, a branch of Beautys/Bowds, which not only goes to Button-branch German Bute's/Butts/Boets, but to the "boo" motto term of Kilpatricks. Nobody who put some heraldry together, aside from God, knew of my Sleeping-Beauty dream, nor the identification of Beauty in the real world.

Bellairs/Blairs share the mascle of Whaleys (Beauty and Waleran colors and format), and Walerans are first known in Devon with Supers. Whaleys share the mascle of Hansons, first known in Yorkshire with the Anne's/Hanne's who in turn link to the Legg-connectable Hanna's. Bells, same place as Leggs. The Thans and Basingstoke's have eagles in the colors of the eagle LEGs of Hicksons, the latter first known in Staffordshire with Fridays sharing the triple Seaton and Clows crescents (both colors)! Apophis is returning Friday 13, 2029, and entering the air, if it lands. Airs/Eyers have "A BOOTed and armed LEG on which there is a SPUR," all connectable to Kilpatricks.

Clows' (from Closeburn of Dumfries elements) are in Bellamy colors and near-format and Bells are first known in Dumfries. Ring the alarm bell.

BellAIRs look like kin of Spurr-branch Supers, perhaps a pointer to the Wedding Supper, because Supers and Spurrs are first known in Devon with Wedding- and Hicks-branch Hooks! That's new. Weddings, Hicks' and Hooks all have the same Coat, but in different colors, and Hookers share the Kilpatrick lion. She POPPed into my arms for a rapture event, and we just saw Poppins/Pophams, yet we can even take this to the Bull-related German Popps because the link is connectable to the Beauty bulls.

Hockeys are first known in Essex with Hicks' of Low Leighton, and Bude is in Cornwall with Hick's of Kiss-connectable St. Ewe. Ewe's are also Cuists while Kiss' (share Cust Coat) are also Cush's, expected to the "cushions" of Kilpatricks because Cussons and Constance's/CUSTers share the giant Ewe/Cuists eagle. "It's EWE she loves." Nobody but God knew that Miss Hicks would marry Hamilton Kilpatrick. Cousins are first known in Norfolk with Patricks and Kiss- Cust-beloved Fountains/Fonts. Constance's/Custers are said to have been CUTTance's too, and Cutts with Custs are both first known in Lincolnshire with the Annandale-connectable Armys/Armine's possibly in the armed boot of Airs/Eyers.

The Popp-related Cruels/Crows can take us to Crows, first known in Norfolk with Case's and Cousins, and then Scottish Caseys use crow heads. There is cause here to bring Case's / Caseys to Chase's, a branch of Cancer-like Chaunceurs, because Popps (almost have the Cruel/Crow Coat in full) are first known in Cambridgeshire with Crabs and DOLE's. The reason I've taken this paragraph to Cousins is that Cruels are said to have named Cheruel on the COUSNon river between Normandy and Brittany. Brittany's Alans of Dol can be expected to English DOLE's sharing the Crab fleur-de-lys. We also read of Robert de Cruel in Ashburn, and Ashburns almost have the motto of Poppin-beloved Mens'.

STANleys love the Chance-connectable Changers/Change's (Hampshire with Chase's), they are first known in Cambridgeshire with Crabs too. The Kyriel variation of Cruels are said to have been at STANfield. Stanleys are in the colors and format of Case-connectable Leslie's. Case's may have named the following location, as per the duke of Normandy, "in order to keep in check the people of the Pays de DOL, built in the year 1030 a castle at Cazel or Cheruel upon the Cousnon,..." (Cruel write-up).

The Comyns (Norfolk with Cousins) were kin of Scottish Shaws/Saws while the motto of Irish Shaws (and Pendragons) looks related to the motto of one Stanfield surname, which was at AudenSHAW Lodge. The other Stanfields (Yorkshire, where Stans/Stains were once said to be first known) share the Pendragon chevron. These Yorkshire Stanfields use hunting horns while Horns/Orne's are partly first known in Middlesex, where Stans/Stains are now said to be first known.

The "APPEtitus" motto term of Constance's/Custers can take one to Apps'/Epps, once said to be first known in Middlesex with Fiers/Fears, and thus traceable to the Apsus river at Fier county, location of Kuman. Apps/Epps are now said to be first in HUNTINGdonshire while Huntingdons share hunting horns while Hunts are first known in Shropshire with Dol Alans. Fier-branch Vere's ruled Oxford for a very long time, where Crow-branch Crawls are first known.

Comyns have a motto, "Courage," and Courage's share the triple fleur-de-lys of Weddings and Lasts. I've not known the Lasts until now, but loaded them to see whether God has some heraldry for "last trumpet," because the Wedding Dinner is the reward of the five wise virgins at the last-trumpet rapture.

Miss Hicks, when I woke her, popped into my arms, and we rose in rapture together into the sky. Dinners are first known in Northumberland with Herons while their Horn/Orne branch are first known in Middlesex. A trumpet is a horn. I can't see how Trumps or trumpet-using surnames can apply to this heraldic set, though Hicks' of Clapton used "clarions," thought to be trumpets, and provable to be so.

The last trumpet is at the end of the difficult 1260 days, and the virgins are to endure a "night," Jesus said, storing up their needs beforehand, in order to be saved to the Wedding Dinner. Otherwise, if they don't store, they will go out to buy their needs, receiving the mark of the beast to do so.

The last trumpet is when Michael the archangel stands up to prepare for the resurrection (Daniel 12), which is also the rapture of the living saints, and Michaels, first known in Surrey with Dine's/Diens, have a supper-like "supero" motto term. Dine's/Diens were once said to be first known on Sussex with Michael-beloved Mascals, but also with Deins/Dene's, Dane's, and Dans/Danes'. These Michaels share the mascles of English Peters, first known in Lincolnshire with Mussels/Muscels. Dinans are first known in Devon with Monks suspect in the Dan/Danes monkey, and Dane's share the fleur-de-lys of Dinan-branch Diamonds and Hicks'. Are these surnames pointers to the DANiel prophecy with Michael? Daniels have a Super-like "Sperno" motto term.

Somerset (beside Bullis'/Bulliards) is where Lights are first known, as per Bud Light, but also where English Bottins/Bodens (and Tints) are first known sharing the Cloe/Cloberry chevron, once again showing that Sharon CLOBBERing Barry points to the Bud-Light scenario. Somerset is where Tintons had a branch who are in Cloe/Cloberry colors and format. Tills/Tile's share the wyvern dragon (different color) with the neighboring Drake's, who likewise have an axe in Crest (as do Tills/Tile's), and Drake's are first known in Hampshire with Battin-like Buttons/Budins and Botters/Bodins, and with Caplans sharing the Bauden griffin heads.

Dennis and Charlie were at the Sharon-scream event, and Dennis was with me, watching me get on a knee to pray. Irish Prays are first known in County Down with Knee's. The Battin axes are in the format and colors of the Charlie "bottles," and Bottle's/BOOTels are first known in Lancashire Charlie's, and with Dennis' sharing triple axes (different color) with Battins. Bottle's/Bootels are in the format of, and colors reversed from, Cloe-connectable Batons/Bastons.

Cloe's/Cloberrys (Tinton colors and format) are said to have named a location in Cornwall, location also of Bude and TINTagel. Bude's share the hurt with Irish Arthurs. Mythical king Arthur was given Tintagel as his birthplace, in Cornwall with Tintons. The Tints are first known in Somerset with Arthurs of Clapton.

It's interesting that Hamilton Kilpatrick's middle name is William while Williams share the Hopper/Happer gyronny. English Hope's are Hopers too, and German Hope's can be linked to Farn-like Pharme's/Farme's. This goes back to the Clobbes' of FARNdon, for Farndon-related Pace's share the triple Hope/Hoper besants while German Besants/Bessens use the club. English Besants, first known in London with Middlesex, share the quadrants of Masseys, first known in Cheshire with Clobbes'/Clubs, Pace's and Farndons. Masci's share the fleur-de-lys of Kilpatricks, and the latter's Closeburn location is to the Close's with a Clovis-like Clovse variation. I showed how Clobbes'/Clubs can be from "Clovis." Williams love the Meschin-connectable Talbots, and MacWilliams were a sept of Mackays sharing the dagger with Kilpatricks.

Farns can be linked to the red lion heads of Irish Farmers (Essex with Broke's) because one lion head of Farns is shared in both colors with English Dance's. English Farmers share the Dance and French Dennis fesses; French Dennis' are first known in Champagne with Sauvage's while heraldic savages often come with clubs. English Savage's are first known in Cheshire with Clobbes'/Clubs.

The Dance Crest has been changed from the black horse head of English Bute's/Butts to a blue one. Hall of Names says that it's black but likewise shows a BLUE one. These Dance's are first known in Yorkshire with Bute-connectable Booths/Boths. English Dennis' are first known in Lancashire with BLUE BOTTle Charlie's. Sharon Quinn was at the party with Dennis Quinn and Charlie, and there may be a God-arranged reason that Charlie was a bank loan officer at the time. That is, will God be wanting to spoil the fortunes of international bankers with Apophis?

One night this week, I got to thinking. I went for a dive into the swimming pool to save the bulldog from the shark. As that British bulldog connects to Spuds MacKenzie, I was thinking that the British bulldog ought to point to the Apophis asteroid all on its own symbolism, aside from use of Spuds MacKenzie and the Kilpatricks.

So far, I've had British's/Brodicks/BRADDocks linked to Hamiltons of Brodick and McBride. I then take it to CakeBREADs, first known in the same place as Bridge-beloved Crabs. However, this bulldog-of-the-dream pointer to Apophis is solely from the British surname. What about some of the scenes that the British bulldog appears in?

British's are first known in Kent with Atlas', a possible pointer of Apophis landing in the Atlantic ocean. Will it land near the British coast? Reminder: Atlas'/Atleys share the Alley and Pool Coat while the bulldog WALKed to the EDGE of the KIDNEY-shaped swimming pool, then just kept walking, falling in. Edge's/Eggs are first known in Worcestershire with Alleys, but were once said to be first known in Cheshire with Eggertons and Breads/Bradds. The latter, sharing the Falls'/Fallis' and Pool lion, were once said to be first known in Midlothian with Falls/FALLIS', and Bud-connectable Bute's/Butts are said to be from FALAISE.

The bulldog just walked over the water, and went kerplunk. WAKEfield-branch Walks/Wachs are first known in the same place as Kilpatricks while Wake's are first known in Lincolnshire with Kidneys/Gedneys who in turn share the blue fish with Sea's, the latter first known in Kent with British's/Braddocks. That's remarkable.

Proto-Geddes Geds are online said to be on the Nith river (400 AD or earlier) of Kilpatricks, and Geds with Geddes' use pike fish wile Pike's share the trefoils of Hicks-connectable Ice's/Ecco's/Icke's, a branch of Edge's/Eggs. While the dog can be said to have taken a jump-fall into the pool, we can take it to Jumps because they share the stag head of Trumps, first known in Mecklenburg with Ice's/Ecco's/Icke's.

In this context, we might surmise that Trump and Musk might have something to do with Apophis, possibly firing some rockets into space to try to knock it off-course from striking earth. The dog fell into the water, and Waters with Muschats (both in the same place as Asters) were kin of Muscats/Musks (same place as Crabs/Crails). Geds are first known in Fife with Crail.

The Dure's suspect in the Ged motto, Durat," share the Saluzzo Coat while Saluzzo-branch Swallows are first known in Lincolnshire with Kidneys/Gedneys. The shark SWALLOWed the British bulldog to the point that only it's back end was still out of its MOUTH. ESToile-using Motts (Essex with Teasels and Muschats) share the crescents of Tesla-like and Tessel-branch Teasels. Elon Musk owns Tesla. Teasels and Tessels have the eagles of Aster-branch Este's in colors reversed. The Tessel Crest: "A falcon head, in the MOUTH a pine branch." The Tessel Shield has "eagles," not falcons.

I dove into the pool, but that's all I saw, the dog half in, and half out, of the shark's mouth. And while Dure's share the Clone Coat, Clone's share the black and upright wolf in Crest with Shark-branch Saracens. It tends to assure that the kidney-shaped pool is a pointer to Geds. The Rats expected in the "DuRAT" motto term of Geds are first known in Nairnshire with Geddes'/Geddys, and we may add that Geddys/Gideons are first known in Hampshire with Tiss'/TEESE's and English Pots while French Pots share the blue eagle with Teasels. The latter got related to estOILE-using Motts, and Oyle's almost have the Coat of French Pots.

After diving in, the dream instantly switched to Sleeping Beauty on Jeffrey Epstein's beach? However, while Virgins are first known in Kent with British's, his island (Little Saint James) is in the US Virgin Islands, not the British Virgin Islands. But, maybe, Apophis will land at the British Virgin Islands. They are both in the mid-Atlantic, and the path predicted by NASA for Apophis will fly roughly over these islands.

Epstein was a friend of Trump and Bill GATES, a surname possible of the Geddes' / Geddys. I tooted my horn at the GATE of Miss Hicks. This is being mentioned because Tortola is the main island in the British Virgin Islands while Turtle's are listed with TOOThills. They almost have the Tudy Coat which is itself almost the one of Tiss'/Teese's (Hampshire with Tudys) while the Tees river in Yorkshire with Touts/Toots and the Teys sharing the Tudy and Turtle/Toothill chevron. " Sir Baldwin TEUTONicus" is in the Tey write-up. The Turtle's: "The surname Turtle was first known in either Toot Hill, Essex; or Tothill, Lincolnshire and Middlesex;..." The latter is where HORNs/Orne's are first known, and while I tooted my horn, the Orne river is beside the Dives river while the Dives Coat looks linkable to the Totten Coat.

The Gates' share the lion of English Bone's suspect in the motto of Hicks as "Tout en bon," the phrase that got me to Tottens. It just so happens that the Bone Coat looks connectable to the other Toothills! The latter look related to the Davids, first known in Cheshire with Toot-connectable Tattons and BRADDs/Breads, and beside the Eytons of Shropshire who almost have the Toothill Coat. Bone's are first known in Sussex with Foss'/Voss' share in the red fox with Britains/BRADDocks.

Although I don't think the "tortoise" of Chaucers has anything to do with the naming of Tortola, it could be God's pointer to Tortola because Chaucers are first known in Kent with British's and Virgins...and Atlas'. The Irish Fox's in the British Coat share the giant Virgin lion (excellent), and while British's share the red fox with Todds, Tottens are also Toddens (excellent) while Todds are first known in Norfolk with Tute's/Tuits and their Twitt branch. Elon Musk bought Twitter for to help him rule the world. See that?

Jewish Fox's have a giant fox in Irish Fox colors and format, and red-fox Voss' are first known in Mecklenburg and Pomerania with Trumps. The Voss Coat is shared by Dutch Thigh's/Thy's, a pointer to the Legg kin of Trumps. Tyes' are listed with Teasel-connectable Tease's. Voss' are expected in the motto of Walerans, the latter first known in Devon with Gates'. I think Trump likes Bill Gates.

Musk, now that he's teamed up with Trump, will naturally get ideas on how best to dictate his plots upon the world. Big-money corrupts, makes dictators, often beyond a human's ability to control. Ask Bill Gates about that.

Recalling that Dole's were Crab kin during the pointer to Trump with the British bulldog, I forgot to say that Dols (not "Dole") are first known in Mecklenburg with same-colored Trumps. Dols happen to share the wavy fesse of Dutch Gaunts/Ghents while the Arms of Gaunt used a virgin, provable where English Gaunts are first known in Kent with Virgins and Sea's. The wavy Dol and Gaunt/Ghent fesse is three times in the Coat of Sea's. See that? And those wavy bars are with seahorse Tuckers, first known in Devon with Walerans and Gates'. Dols add a whale to their fesse, and Whale's share the canton square of Whalleys who are in turn in Waleran colors and format. I'll admit I can't find a decent Waleran-Gates link. English Ghents are first known in Hampshire with Geddys/Gideons whose torteaux can be a possibly pointer to Tortola.

Walerans are said to descend from "BRADfelle's/Bradfelde's," and British's are also BRADdocks, perfect where "vos" of a Waleran motto gets the Voss' sharing the red fox with British's/Braddocks. It's no surprise that Bradfields share the Bull/Bule annulets to go with the Waleran bull heads. Bulls/Bule's are first known in Somerset with the "Doultin[g] and Shepton MALLET" locations of Foss'/Voss', so amazing because Doultons/Doltons are listed with Daltons while the father of Bill Barr was the principal of a Dalton high school when Jeffrey Epstein was hired there as a TEACHER.

Mallets are first known in Suffolk with Teach(er)'s/Tache's, both sharing the gold estoile. Yet Suffolk is also where Sea-branch Seamans are first known connectable to the Tache-like Tuckers, the latter first known in Devon with Voss-loving Walerans. Tache-like Texas' share the Arms of Meulan while Waleran de Leavell married the Beaumonts of Meulan. Will Apophis land between Texas and the Virgin Islands? Tuckers (same place as Berrys) use "Barry" for an additional pointer to Bill Barr.

It just so happens that the Teach(er)/Tache scallops are in both colors of the Brigg and McBride cinquefoils. It's got the Crabs all over it. Hamiltons of McBride were of Brodick, a surname listed with British's. Brights and Bride's take us to Crab-beloved Bridge's, first known in Somerset with Doulting and Shepton Mallet, two locations of Foss'/Voss' sharing the British/Brodicks fox. We now seem to have a special reason to think that Apophis will land at the Virgin Islands, or at least swamp those islands with a tidal wave(s).

You are not going to believe this. You'll think I'm making this up, but one second, or less but no more, after finishing the last sentence, a song sang the line, "a wave tossed into the ocean." The song is, "Who am I," by Casting Crowns. Believe it or not. Does this mean that it's correct to peg Apophis at the Virgin Islands.

Seamans are first known in Suffolk with the Bull-connectable Crauns/Crane's who use the crown. The songline miracle is with CASTing Crowns. Casts/CASS' are first known in Cambridgeshire with Crabs, and the latter go together with Cancer-like Chaunceurs and their CHASE branch. See that? Casts/Cass' share the "fountains" and chevron of Sichs/Sykes' who in turn show a turtle / tortoise in Crest, for what you think it could be worth.

Is PopEYE's toot-toot pointing to the 2nd Trumpet? His one eye is popped when he toot-toots. Suffolk is the location of Eye while EYtons share the Toothill Coat, essentially. Turtle's list TOOTHills too. Tooths have a giant griffin in the colors of the Bridge griffin heads, and the other Bridge's have the crabs. Tooths share the giant griffin of Letters while their Lett/LATE branch use "organ pipes." Ladys are first known in Northamptonshire with spinach-like Spinks. Letter-branch Lauders are first known in Berwickshire with Tate's/Teets and Eyton-like Aytons. The shark in the Beauty dream showed its nasty teeth. That shark, by the way, looked like a cartoon character, not a real-life shark.

Tackers/Tackleys, perhaps a branch of Tickhills/Tickle's (Yorkshire with Toots and Ticks/Tucks/Tooks), are in Tott, Barr, and Trump colors and format. Totts share the swan of Palmans in the Letter motto. Teachers came from when Bill Barr's father hired Epstein. Trump and Barr together got Jeffrey Epstein either killed, or escaped from prison. Totts are suspect in the motto of Hamons, first known in Kent with Tucker-connectable Sea's, and where Ticks/Tucks/Tooks were once said to be first known whose variations are roughly those of Tuckers.

Teachers/Tache's share a greyhound (different color) in Crest with Tattons, and Hamons can be traced to Dunham Masci / Dunham Massey of Cheshire while Tattons (Cheshire with Masseys) are said to have married Massys. Hamon de Masci was a friend, or more, of Hugh Lupus D'Avranches, and his Wikipedia article once showed his personal symbol, the giant wolf head of Tackers/Tackleys (new surname to me). It belongs also to Scarfs, first known in Yorkshire with Ticks, Tickle's and Thackery-branch Tanks/Tancreds. The write-up: "William the Conqueror granted the manor of Tackley to Hugh d'Avranches, 1st Earl of Chester." The earldom passed soon to Meschins, first known in Shropshire with Toothill-connectable Eytons.

The songline miracle took place in the paragraph with Doulting and Shepton Mallet. Sheptons are listed with Ships/Shiptons, and DOULtons share the Dowell/DOUL, and therefore, the Dougal, lion, in Dol colors. We then take the Shepton/Ship eel to Ely, in Cambridgeshire with Crab-related Dole's, and we then remind that Crab-loving Bridge's are first known in Somerset with Doulting and Shepton Mallet. Doesn't this make the miracle look like a pointer to ships destroyed by Apophis?

Why Croatians?

Recently, I met a Croatian with Biljan surname. Intrigued with whether that name was a Bill-line merger with the Jane's, I looked into it and found evidence sufficient to convince me of its correctness. I'll share that evidence in the next section, but for now, I want to go to the TARZan and JANE book I gave to Andrea Fabian for her 11th birthday. I'm thinking that God arranged for me to give it to her. She and Tony were in the 3rd update of last month, and Tony is the one who pointed to Apophis, I think. He gave her a jewel for her same birthday.

We were all three in the same grade-FIVE class at Blacksmith school, and so I've just looked up Blacksmiths to see that they share the double fesses of Ness', first known in Fife while FIVE's are also Fifys. Plus, Blacksmiths share the red rooster with Cocks who in turn share the LOZENGy Shield with Italian Fabians. Her surname is, Fabian, and LOSINJ is an island off of Istria in Croatia. Coincidence? Istria is where I trace the Ister variation of asteroid-like Asters. It just so happens that Cocks are first known in Somerset with Bills! See that? Why Croatia?

As I said in the recent update, the father of my friend, BILL, drove me to the STORE to buy Andrea her birthday gift, and I ended up getting her a board game I can't recall the name of, and the Tarzan and JANE BOOK. BilJAN, a Croatian name. Roets, first known in Somerset with Bills and having a Chief in the colors and format of the Bill Chief, use a "book." Do you see how God could have arranged that trip to the Stur-like store?

Sturs were an Aster/Ister branch, and the latter even show a Stur variation. Asters/Isters use a label, and Labels list La Bells while Bills were a branch of French Billets/Billiards. Then, English Billets, a branch of BELLo's, have a Chief in the colors and format of the Blacksmith Chief (the roosters). English Billets are first known in Devon with Tony-connectable Flowers, and also with Jewels. Tony got Andrea a jewel for a Payne-connectable gift. Jewels use "gillie FLOWERs."

Gillie's share the BIRTH/Berts fitchee, and we're talking BIRTHday gifts. Births/Berts are first known in Devon.

We're not done. Jewel-like Jews (Somerset with Bills, Roets, Payne's and Stowells) use the Catherine wheel of Catherine Roet, daughter of Payne Roet. Payne's use lozenges, I kid you not, in the colors of the STOWell lozenges, and Sturs are also Store-like STOWers. I bought her the TARZan book at the store, and Stowells/Stowers are first known in Somerset with TARRS', indicating that the latter were from Croatia's TARSatica, now Rijeka at the north end of Istria. Why Croatia? Because, I assume, it gets us pointers to the asteroid.

Jews once showed the gold-on-blue griffin heads of Baudens (Bute/Butt and Bude/Bud colors), first known in Cornwall with Bude's/Buds. Hall of Names yet says that Jews have "gold griffin heads." They now show white-on-blue eagle heads instead, the colors of the Italian Este eagle. I saw with my own eyes that the black horse head in the Crest of ESToile-using English Bute's/Butts was in the Crest of English Este's and English Dance's. The latter share the fesse of Buttons/Budins and Butt/Bute's/Boets.

Incredible as it is, Devon is also where Were's/Wears are first known who tell of their fundamental relationship with Giffards, and while the latter come up as a "Gift" surname, they share the Payne motto. Tony and I both gave Andrea gifts, completely out of the ordinary for me at that young age. And for an 11-year-old boy to giver her a must have been God's doing for heraldic pointers.

I've just been reminded of what I've said a few times before, that Andrea was at my 11th birthday party, which can explain why I got her a gift, though I can't remember a gift from her. All I remember was she at the table in a pointed hat, and we were all blowing birthday whistles. Whistle's/Wissels, first known in Somerset with Payne's, almost have their Coat but use lozenges instead of the Payne fesse, how-bout that. They are the Stowell lozenges even. I see the Payens/Pagans as a Page branch, and then PACKers/Pecker/Pickers share the cross-by-lozenges with Stowells. I didn't know until now that Packers above come up as "Pager."

Almost missed it: Packers/Pagers are first known in Berkshire with Points. Pointed birthday hats. English Page's are first known in Devon with Gifts/Giffards.

Although I can't remember what game board I gave her, I had proposed Sorry, because I liked that popular game in those days. It may be correct because Sorrys have a Coat like that of Whistle's/Wissels, and moreover share the Packer/Pager rose. Sorrels (Leicestershire with the Soar river) share the double lions of Payne's and Whistle's/Wessels. Sorrys share a "simplex" motto term with Perkins, the latter first known in Leicestershire. Perkens (not "Perkin") are first known in Lancashire with Sorrys.

I can glean that Sorrys/Sawreys have the Sauer lion, which I say is the lion of "sara"-using Russells, the latter first known in Dorset with Shore-connectable Caens and Sors'/Soars. Andrea lived on SHOREham drive, which now looks like it jibes with the Sorry game and name. I don't remember it dawning on me before that the name of her street jibes with the Soar river of Leicester. Tony are first known in Leicester, and even have their sleeve/maunch in the Arms of Leicester.

Almost missed it: Sauer-like Sawers/Sawyers share the checks of German Bills!!! Bingo. I love proof that God arranged the heraldry. It's intriguing because we've got to figure out way. What's He pointing to with these links? First of all, this tends to convince me that I got her the game of Sorry.

The Soar is also the Legro, and as Legro's share the blue lion with Sors/Soars, it tends to prove that the latter was from a noble family on the Soar, or perhaps by a family that named it. Then, as some proof that I bought her a Sorry game BOARD, Boards have an ANTELope while Tonys were from Les ANDELys.

Moreover, I trace Les Andelys to ANTALya, smack beside Perga, and I trace Plancia Magna (a Herod) of Perga to PERKins, first known in Leicestershire!!! This is a new heraldic set for me, and you can verify, in the 3rd update of December (last month), that I was playing chess at the home of Harold, directly across the street from her, on Shoreland. I'm repeating this because Harolds are listed with Herods, and Plancia Magna was a Herod!

But the best part is right here: Antalya went by another name, Attalia, and I've claimed for years that this city named Atlas!!!!!! The Atlas' share the ALLEY Coat!!! Unbelievable. I smacked Tonys alley (details in December update), or his marble, and while Marble's share the giant griffin of Griffins, I've proposed that Griffins are from "Agrippa" i.e. Herod Agrippa! I smacked his marble directly across from Skye Court, and while "Hold fast" is a motto of McLeods of Skye, "GRIP fast" is a motto of the Hungarian Leslie's.

Dorset (beside Whistle's/Wissels) is where George's are first known whom I trace to George, son of king Andrew I of Hungary. George's son, Maurice Drummond, accompanied the first Leslie to Scotland!. George's share the blue dove with Whistle-like Waistells/Wessels. Dove's are first known in Berwickshire with Books and Macks/MAKE's. Kilpatricks use a "make sure" motto phrase, and Sure's are listed with Shore's. I got her gifts at the Istria-trackable store, and Store's/Storys share the stork with Shore's. Tidal waves at the sea shore, for German Drummonds share the triple-WAVY fesses of Sea's.

Again, Scottish Drummonds, with the Stur Coat but with triple-wavy fesses, named Drymen in Stirlingshire while Stirlings are STURlings, and asteroid-like Asters are also Sturs. We got here from The Sorry-like Sors/Soars first known in Dorset with George's who share the blue doves of Whistle-like Waistells.

Macks/Make's have 10 of the 12 TARR pale bars. TARZan and Jane book, a story. The Taro river flows near to Brescia, and the Arms of Brescia furnished the Bruce lion, which is also the Jane lion, in colors reversed from the Alley lion, connectable because Jane's were once said to be first known in Worcestershire with Alleys, and also with Square's/Squire's while Share's/Shire's/Sheers are first known in Surrey with James' sharing the Jane lion. A square is in the Arms of Piacenza, near the Taro river, and while Bill came with me to buy Andrea's gifts, German Bills share the checks of Pelaiz's/Paez's while Piacenza is also PLACentia.

Place's/Plaise's look related to the Coat of Scottish Claptons while Bills are first known in Somerset with Clapton. Bill was with me when buying the Tarzan and Jane book, but so was his father while Fathers/Feathers have a Coat like the one of Lights/Lite's (Somerset), and the motto of Fathers/Feathers is for lines from emperors Valens and his brother, Valentinian I. The latter married Justine of PICENum, highly traceable to the naming of "PIACENza."

The Perkens (not "Perkin") who incorporate the Father/Feather Coat are excellent because Perkins are first known in Leicestershire with Tonys! I showed the Board antelope, how it goes from Tonys of Les Andelys to Antalya, beside Perga, and here we find another antelope in the Father/Feather Crest! Bill's father, wow.

Plus, while looking at the Plunkett and Killin Coat, I saw the Antingham Coat, and while the latter are said to be on an Ant river, note "ANTelope." The Ant is in Norfolk, where Place's/Plaise's are first known. Killins got suspect with "L'Aquila," seven miles from Piacenza-like Picenze. The Square's in the Arms of Piacenza, and the Squirrels in the Valentin Coat, are first known in the same place as Alleys, and, I kid you not, that while Antalya is also ATTALia, Atlas' are first known in Kent with Valence's! The Volens'/Valens/Falens (Alan kin) in the Father/Feather motto are first known in Westphalia with duck-using Velins, and with the Ducks having the five Valence fesses in colors reversed. Valence is a location near Vienne-Isere, where Herod Archelaus was banished, brother of Herod Antipas.

Attalia is near Derbe, conquered by the Galatian king, Amyntes, and Plancia's father was Galatian. Derbys share the red antelope head with Fathers/Feathers. Amyntes-line Mynetts are first known in Kent with Atlas'!

[Insert -- On Tuesday evening after this update was let out to the public, I came across the Witneys from the Witney location of English Hamburgs. Witneys not only share the Father/Feather motto, but the checks of German Bills!!! End insert]

I forgot to mention above that mythical Atlas was made the first-born son of Poseidon, kings of Atlantis, and Attalia was in Poseidon-like Pisidia to prove my personal discovery, that Atlas was named after Attalia. Thus, my striking Tony's alley looks like a pointer of Apophis landing in the Atlantic ocean.

L'Aquila is in Abruzzo with mythical Maja of Mount Maiella, and Maia was the daughter of mythical Atlas. "Attalia" looks like "Italy." I can trace "Attalia" to Aetolia, the land, at least roughly, of mythical queen Atalantis. The Killins are telling me that the Herodian line of Plancia Magna was in L'Aquila. I wish I had a list of historical rulers of L'Aquila.

She was queen of Calydon while the Caledonian Picts lived in Perthshire, where Justine's are first known, but also where the father of Pontius Pilate is thought to have mated to produce Pontius Pilate. Heraldry affirms that claim in the Celt/Cult/Colt pheon, colors reversed from the Pilate pheon. "Perth" was probably named from the Perdryx peak of Mont Pilat (near Valence), and Perts/Petts are first known in Kent with Valence's.

The super thing now is that Place-like Placks are listed with Pollock-like Plocks, and the Pollock saltire, half in the Pelaiz/Paez Coat, was used in colors reversed, green-on-gold, the colors of the cross that is the Arms of Pola/Pula, a location on Aster-line Istria! Placks/Plocks even use lozenges while Losinj is off the Istria coast. Plus, the Plack/Plock martlets are not only those of Pullys/Pullens (pelican), but of French Josephs, first known in Maine with Bill-related Billets/Billiards and Pellicans.

The Plack/Plock write-up has the Plancia-like Plunketts. The latter are said to have named "Plouquenet in Ille-et-Vilaine in France." Ille-de-Vilaine is the location of Dol, and Wikipedia's article on Clan Pollock says that the father of the Pollocks was a vassal of the Dol Alans. Dols look like kin of German Drummonds. I trace Plancia Magna's husband, Turtle-like Tertullus, to Tertulla, mother of Flavius Sabinus, husband in turn of Vespasia Polla, whom I trace with certainty to Pullys/Pullens and Pollocks.

I've got to mention here what seems like an act of God, that when I first met emailer Pollock as she was reading my post-trib book, she told me that she was working with Robin in seeking the royal roots of the porphyria disease they shared. I'm pretty sure that Robin told me of her surname, Tuttle, which is listed with Turtle's/Toothills. As an act of God, this can trace the genetic-based disease to the Herod-Maccabee line in Plancia Magna's ancestry, and/or to the ancestry of her husband, Tertullus.

The Plunketts are said to have held the barony of Killin, explaining why Killins share the Plunkett Coat. They are in Keele/Kill colors, and Keele-branch Cheile's share the Aster/Ister bend while Sturs have the triple fesses of Cheile-loving Camerons in colors reversed. Thus, Plunketts could have passed through L'Aquila's nobles.

English Planks/Planque's share the Rothes and Raines lion, I reckon, and Rennes is in Ille-et-Villaine too while Rennes-le-Chateau is near Roquefeuil. The latter is smack beside Killin-like Quillan. All three are in Aude province suspect in the Pollock motto, and then the neighboring Foix province had the De-Pole's of Foix-Candale while Pools/Pole's are first known in Dorset, beside the Planks/Planque's of Wiltshire, where Hoppers/Happers are first known who share the Plunkett and Killin tower, as do Hills of Worcestershire i.e. where Rocks and Rooks are first known. In their motto, Pools/Pole's love the neighboring Pollets in turn having the Aude Coat on a black Shield.

Dorset is where Hayden-branch Hats/Hades' are first known while the Hayden Crest shares the Plank/Planque lion, and moreover the "foy" motto term of these Haydens has got to be for a FOIX/Foy surname. These lions are in the colors of the Cabbage lion while French Planque's/Plants have "cabbages." Herod Antipas of Israel was banished to COMMINGES, beside Foix province, and I played chess with Herod-pointing Harold while Chess' -- Norfolk with COMMINGs/Comyns and Leslie-connectable Case's -- share the Coat of German Planks.

[Insert -- I've just checked for a Chess-like Chass surname, finding it listed with CHAStons/Castings, first known in Cambridgeshire with Crabs!!! This seems arranged by God to assure that the Cancer-like Chaunceurs and their Chase branch point to Apophis returning beneath Cancer the crab. Chastons/Castings must be a branch of the Cast variation of Fountain-loving Cass' (Cambridgeshire with Chass'/Chastons). Chass'/Chastons share the Child Coat, and while Cass'/Casts use "scales," Scale's are first known in Herod-like HERTfordshire with Childs. Herald pointed us to Harolds/Herods.

Chess is a BOARD game, and Cass'/Casts have a BORDer. Boards use the antelope for a trace to mythical Atlas, more proof of Arrangement. The Cass/Cast Crest is "a pair of scales" while Pairs are listed curiously with German Paws/Pauers, and both Paw surnames have the peacock while Peacocks are first known in Essex with Asters and Mountains. Peacocks love the Fear variation of Fiers, and Commings/Comyns (Norfolk) are from Fier Albania while Albanys have the giant Chess lion in colors reversed. It doesn't seem coincidental because Chess' are said to be first known in Norfolk and Shropshire, and the latter location is where Albanys are first known, along with Dol Alans while Dole's were Crab kin!!! Lookie there.

Paws/Pauers are also PaurBUSCHs while German Bush's/Buschs share the Dole / Crab fleur-de-lys! Plus, Busca is beside Saluzzo while the Dol Alans of Arundel married Alice of Saluzzo. Arundel is in Sussex with the first-known Boards! Chess is a board game, using a checker board, and Checkers, having a Shield filled with checks, are first known in Hampshire with Sturs and Chase's! I didn't make the heraldry. Chichs/Chicks share the Atlas lion, and are first known in Essex with Asters/Sturs! ChichESTERs, first known in Devon with Albins and Powers, have another Shield filled with checks. I now see very clearly why God set me up at Harold's place, on at least two occasions, to play chess.

Sullivans, looking related to one Power Coat, share the black boar of English Bush's, for which reason I trace Sullivans to the Saluvii Ligures. Wikipedia thinks they were one and the same with the Salyes Ligures that I say were the namers of Saluzzo and the Sales/SALLETT surname. The boar-using Sullivans look related to the Coat of Hunts, first known in Shropshire. Hunts share both SALTires of Kilpatricks while the "abu" motto term of Sullivans jibes with the "a boo" of Kilpatricks, but see also the motto of Irish Brians (likely from Brigantium), for French Brians are said to derive from Alans of Brittany. Saltire's/Salters (HURTs) were once said to be first known in Shropshire with Powys' while Dutch Paws are also Pauwez's, reminding of the Paez/Pelaiz surname having half the Pollock/Poke saltire and the Bill / Sawer checks.

Paws/Pauers are also Paukers, Pollocks/Poke's had Peacocks as one of their septs. As Pollocks of Rothes were proto-RothsCHILDs while Chass'/Chastons share the Child Coat, while Cass'/Casts took us to Paws/Pauers, note that Danish Bauers are Pauers too, for the first Rothschild banker was Mayer Bauer ("Jewish"). Someone told me that bankers used a checker board to handle coins, for reasons I can't remember or didn't know. Harold was a Jew, and Rothschilds were likely from the KHAZar "Jews" whom I trace to Cohens and Hohens, both of whom use the checker / chess board! That is amazing. The Chass' and Chess' must have been from Khazars.

More. The Cass fountains look related to German Drummonds, and the Scottish Drummonds are linkable to Sturs, first known in Hampshire with Chase's, and with the Change's who share triple fesses with Drummonds and Sturs. Are we wondering whether the chess at Harolds applies to Apophis, and, if so, how?

The Chess lion is in the colors of the Chaunceur lion, and colors reversed from the Chase lion. The latter is in the colors of the Sors/Soar lion, and thus the gift to Andrea, if it was the Sorry game, can connect to the chess game across Shoreham from her home. The Perkins, from on/near the Soar river, were from beside Atlas-line Antalya, and while Perkens use feathers, Feathers are fathers too while Bill's father took me to buy Andrea the board game.

It was the Sawers/Sawyer who convinced me above that I did buy the game of Sorry. They were once said to be first known in Norfolk with Case's and Cass-beloved Fountains. Note the "CherCHES" motto term of Sawers/Sawyers. "The surname Chess was first known in the Hundredorum Rolls of 1273 where John Chese, Norfolk..." You decide? Is God pointing to Apophis? If so, what are you going to do to prepare for it, four years in advance? end insert]

Norfolk is also where English Bakers are first known who have a part of the Cabbage Chief, the lion, that is, that's in the colors of the lion in the Arms of Gaunt. John of Gaunt was at the root of Foix-Candale. This entity named the Kendalls, and Candle's/Kentwells (Suffolk with Candys) share the annulets of Ladys/Laudymans, first known in Northamptonshire with Cabbage's, near the first-known Sturs. Cabbage's share the STURmy/Stormy lion. The earliest listed Sturmy was in Hampshire.

This traces the line of Plancia Magna to Pola/Pula, I think, because I showed above how her family can trace to VesPASia Polla. The neighboring Pools/Pole's/Pulls definitely apply, and they share the Atlas Coat. See that? Atlas' must have been from Attalia, beside Tertullus, husband of Plancia. Vespasia was wife to Flavius Sabinus while Sabine's (Norfolk with Bakers) share the Pully/Pullen scallops. PAISleys are suspect to "VesPASia's naming, and Paisleys share the anchor of English Packs while French Packs share the red bull with Sabine's and Anchors. No mistake, I'm correct in these traces, and they went through Istria.

The Candle/Kentwell annulets are those too of English Walkers having a "Magna" motto term, wherefore one can trace this picture to Walks/Wachs and Closeburn of Kilpatricks, perfect because I can trace the Kilpatrick roots at Antipatria to Antipater, father of the first king Herod. The Dexaroi of Antipatria named the Kilpatrick and Commings/Comyn dagger, stick that in your hat, Mr. PlantaGENET (looks like the Ghents of Gaunt).

English Walkers ("HonESTA"), first known in Yorkshire with Touts/Toots, have the French Pine crescents, colors reversed from the Turtle/Toothill/Tuttle crescents. French Pine's share the Lord/LAUD pheons, connectable to the AMPTON pheons, and thus the Lords/Lauds get us to Ladys/LAUDymans of NorthAMPTONshire, same as Plant-beloved Cabbage's. The triple Walker crescents are with Jaycocks, first known in Suffolk with Candle's/Kentwells and Leslie-beloved Buckle's.

Leslie's became earls of Rothes only because they married Pollocks of Rothes. While Pollocks are also Poke's, the Pughs who share the Perkin Coat have an "Ad astra" motto phrase. We got to Perkins above in relation with things-Tony.

Plancia's husband, now tracing hard to Turtle's/Toothills, was related to a Mr. Simplex (it can be found online), and as "Simplex" is a motto term of PERKins, that's why I trace the latter to Tertullus, for he was of Perga. Simple's are first known in Renfrewshire with Pollocks and Speers/SPEYers, and while Rothes is on the SPEY river, Speers share the crescent of Spree's and Touts/Toots while "simple" is a Spree motto term. As unbelievable as it may seem, emailer Pollock was married to Mr. Speer.

Spree's are first known in Cornwall with Pully-connectable Jane's and Cough-beloved Batons, and then the other Toothills call their raven, a "Cornish chough," as do English Peters. Peter Pollock built the castle at Rothes, and German Rothes have a giant raven. Cough-branch Cuffs, in English Rothes colors and format, are first known in Wiltshire with Planks/Planque's.

The lion heads of English Rothes are "FACing FORWARDs," and the Peters above are first known in Devon with a Seaton location, and with HAZels, while "HAZard yet forward" is a Seaton motto term. BalFOURs (Fife with BALcons of Crail) use the "FORward" motto term. Fore's/Forez's are first known in Savoy while Savoys share the FACE Coat while Fauci-branch Face's are first known in Northamptonshire with Plancia-connectable Ladys/Laudymans, with Plancia-connectable Cabbage's, and with Wards. ForWARD. Fauch's are first known in Forez, and Wards have a "Comme" motto term while Balcons are also BalCOMBs while Come's are also Combs, and then Comme's/Gumms are first known in the same place as Crails/Crabs. German Gumms/Gomers can take us the MontGomerys, first known in Renfrewshire with Peter Pollock.

Balfours use the otter while Otters/Others are first known in Huntingdonshire with Ada of Warenne while Warrens share the Ward Shield. Ada married the grandson of king Malcolm III. "AD astra." "Ad" is a motto term of Rothschild-related Bowers. Prime minister ARTHUR Balfour was in cahoots with the house of Lord Rothschild, and Arthurs of Clapton can apply where one Clapton Coat shares the ermined bend of Balfour-beloved Wards. The other Claptons/Cloptons are first known in Warwickshire while the Wards have: "Some of the family were found at Barford in Warwickshire. 'Barford was for three centuries the residence of the ancestors of Charles Thomas Warde, Esq., now of CLOPTON, in the county.'"

The Ward write-up tends to reveal them from the Vardiae, an alternative name of the ARDiaei Illyrians of the Naro/Neretva river, and while Nero's/Neretti's can be gleaned related to the Coat of Blackys, it can explain the "black birds" of Varenne's/Varone's. While Blackys almost have the Bled/Bles Coat while Bled is at the theater of the Carni people group, Karens/Kerns share the Neretti/Neri hexagrams.

The Bled/Bles Coat is shared with English Mathie's/Matthews while Scottish Mathie's/Manns list Magna-like MAGHENs/Makens. The latter's "spera" motto term suggests Speers, and you just saw how Spree's were related to the husband of Plancia Magna. Both Speers and their Spire variation are in the motto of Masons/MACONs/Massins (Kent with Valence's) while Macon is a location not far from Valence. Maken-like Make's/Macks, who look like Tarrs kin, look like a Masci branch. English Mathie's share the red scallop with Jane's. TARZan and Jane. Mathie's/Maghens/Makens have a scimiTAR. The latter's Mann variation takes us to Scottish Mans because they were kin of Dragons/Drainers (Kent with Mynetts) having the Mynett helmets in colors reversed.

God showed me that Mynetts and BOCCI's/BROCATo's were from L'Aquila and/or Picenze because king BROGITarus (Galatian) was father to king Amyntes. I was living in Picenze about two months, as a child, in the home of a man (forget his name) who took me to his BOCCI-ball game (probably in L'Aquila), but tired of watching, I asked him a few times if we could go. He'd say, each, time, "in a minute, in a minute" ("UNO minuto, UNO minuto"). Minute's are listed with Mynetts, and Maezaei Illyrians were on the UNA river, also called the OENEUS river. Mr. Bocci Ball was married to Miss Masci. Mythical Oeneus was king of Calydon, father of the husband of mythical Atalantis. Mynetts are first known in Kent with Atlas'! See that? God arranged the bocci-ball game with me.

Oeneus was made the father of the real city of Methoni. in Messenia, and the latter named Messina (Sicilian province) while Masci's can be gleaned as a branch of Messina's. Amyntes conquered Derbe while Masseys and Mace's are first known beside Derbyshire. Any questions, class? I'm having more fun than a lawn bowler.

Mr. Bocci BALL points to Book-like Box's because they share the "fireball" with English Balls (Cheshire with Masci liners). Box's, with perhaps the Aquila eagle, are first known beside Book-loving Roets. French Balls use giant ermines while Ermine's are first known in Lincolnshire with Bowles' and Bole's, even BolingBROKE's. Broke's are listed with Brocato-like Brocks, a branch of Brocuffs. So much fun that Bowles' and Brooks share the scallops of Joke's, first known in Kent with Mynetts. Earl Ranulph le Meschin of Cheshire married Lucy Bolingbroke. Mercy. I'm Killin it. It's funny like Jack in the box, because Joke's were a Jack branch. It's so much faun because Fauns share the Aquila eagle. My gut is splitting because Guts, in Brook colors and format, have sheaves (called "garbs") while Italian Sheaves' are first known in L'Aquila.

Another amazing thing is that Magen (don't know the spelling) is the first name of the sister of Miss BilJAN, the Croatian I met recently, and Maezaei were in proto-Croatia. I'll show below how Bills and Jane's went together to form her surname. Tarrs' are suspect from the namers of Croatia's Tarsatica, at Istria, wherefore Jane's ought to trace to Istria (if I know how God works my heraldic-connective events), and while Pula is on Istria, Jane's share the Pully scallops. It tends to prove that the Tarzan and Jane book was God's idea for this trace, and related matters such as the asteroid. The Pully pelicans can be linked to Roet-connectable Bills. Rothes-branch Roets have the "book" while Rothschilds/Roddensteins have eight-pointed stars, the ancient symbol of Ishtar.

The asteroid cometh to spoil the powers of bankers who can cause Christians harm. It's going to be Jesus versus money, when the Revelation plagues begin, and English Moneys share the Arms of Croatia while French Moneys almost have the Coat of English Mountains, the pointer to the Apophis asteroid. French Moneys/Monets are first known in Savoy with Masseys/Masse's, and with the Manets (probably have the L'Aquila eagle) in the motto of the Arms of L'Aquila. The motto is, "ImMOTA manet," and Motts are first known in Essex with Asters, Mountains, and Skipps/Skippers. French Moneys/Monets share the besants of Skipps/Skippers, and of Hope's/Hopers who named Hope, in DERBYshire. Hope's/Hopers are first known in neighboring Shropshire with Froggs, and BROGITarus-like Froggits are first known in Derbyshire.

What do we suppose BrogiTARUS was named after, aside from the Phrygians that were also Brigians, suspect at Brigantium, in Savoy, the line of Bride's (Savoy) and Crab-loving Bridge's? Briggs, sharing the McBride cinqueoil, are partly in Bless/Blois colors and format, but share the besants of Moneys/Monets. I trace Besants to the Bassus', descendants of Brogitarus. Base's/Bassens/BasseMANNs use hunting HORNs while Horns/Orne's are first known in Middlesex with Broggers (roughly where English Besants are first known). German MANNs (share quadrants of English Besants) share the club with Besants/Bessens. Both Base surnames look related to Jewish Levi's while Bassus' married Lupus Laevillus.

Might that Tarus entity at the end of "Brogitarus" have named Tarsatica? As he was the high priest of Cybele, he looks named after the Zeus Taurus (BULL), and then God gave us a BRITish BULLdog for pointing to Apophis. British's/Brodicks are first known in Kent with Minute's/Mynetts, and with Sea's while a seahorse is with Broggers. The latter even share the scallops of Mallets, first known in Suffolk with Seahorse-using Seamans! Why should this royal Galatian look like an additional pointer to Apophis landing in the Atlantic ocean.

New-to-me-now Broggers look related to the Coats of both Hazels and Sea-connectable Seals, both first known in Devon with Sea-connectable Tuckers (more seahorses). Seals look related to the Quade's, from Quadratus Bassus, a descendant (roughly a great-grandson) of Amyntes. Hazels were an Islip/Haslip branch while the latter share the LODGEd stag of Bloods/Bluds in the "drops of blood" of Seals. Lodge's/Loge's are first known in Suffolk with Seamans.

So, the British bulldog points to the Taurus entity of royal Galatians (near that Taurus mountains of Cappadocia), and to the asteroid-in-sea theme, begging how Spuds MacKenzie of Bud Light beer can apply. For this, we go to the "horns" of Buttons/Budins because they share the "chapeau" with Este-related Capelli's (beside Este) while Tous/Tosini's/TONSo's have "buttons" while Cabyle, on the Tonzus river (Thrace), looks named after mythical Cybele. Brogitarus was the high priest of Cybele. I say her entity is the Revelation harlot, for she was the great-mother goddess of Phrygia, a continuation of Ishtar of Babylon, we may assume. The Orne-like Orions/Irons were at Arran-like Airaines (near Abbeville) while Arran has the McBride's and MacAbbe's/MacABEE's. English Boys use bees, as do Bessins.

Zeus' mother was a great-mother goddess too, and as three sons of Vespasia Pola are three heads of the Revelation-17 dragon, rulers in Rome (where Atlas-connectable Rita's are first known), it makes sense that the Brogitarus / Plancia Galatians were in the ancestry of Vespasia Polla, from Pola/Pula of Ishtar-like Istria.

Ishtar's symbol, the eight-pointed star, is with Tous'/Tosini's/Tonso's (Tuscany with Italian Tonys), suspect with the Tosni-line of English Tonys. Italian Tonys share the Chief of Boys/Boets/Boeddu's. Tous'/Tosini's even have an Amyntes-connectable "man." The Bleds/Bles' have a "tous" motto term while Briggs look like they have a Coat related to Bless'/Blois', and sharing the cinquefoil of McBride's. Hamiltons of McBride and Brodick castle posed with Spuds MacKenzie, we may gather, and I bought my fiberGLASS British bulldog from Hamilton, Ontario. Hamiltons are first known in Renfrewshire with GLASgow, and Glass' are first known in Bute. We can't argue with the facts.

The "STReNUE" motto term of Pollocks looks like it can be part-code for Asters, and maybe part-code for News' liners such as Newmans (Dorset again) who share the Rothes and Raines lion. The "leges" motto term of Raines' (Essex with Asters/Isters) could be for some person at the Legro river of Leicester, where I trace Dorset's Sors'/Soars. News' are first known in Cambridgeshire with WRENch's while Wrens were a branch of Raines' that I trace to "RENfrew," where Pollocks are first known. Renfrews use a giant ship while Ships are first known in Oxfordshire with Placks/Plocks.

But then NEWtons named STURminster Newton at the Stour river of Dorset (beside the Sturs). The Newton saltire-by-shin-bones is in the colors of the Scottish Frank saltire while English Franks, with the same saltire but in gold-on-green, share the Pollock saltire. And the George's of Dorset trace to George of Hungary, who married a woman of Podebrady, in Bohemia with the first-known German Franks. One of the German Franks has a column, and while Columns are listed with Malcolms, George's son, Maurice Drummond, married the sister of king Malcolm III. Malcolms are first known in Argyllshire with Herods/Harolds.

My miraculously smacking Tony's alley points, I postulated, to Apophis smacking the earth. Blacksmiths (listed with Blackstone's), not mentioned last month, happen to have a "Do well" motto phrase that can be code both for the Dow variation of Dover-like Dove's (Berwickshire with Books), and for Dowells sharing the Alley and Atlas Coat. It's remarkable because Dovers, first known in Kent with Atlas' and Tony-related Hastings, have the giant cinquefoil of Flowers in colors reversed. Italian Tonys love Flowers.

Jane's, once said to be first known in Worcestershire with Alleys, are now said to be first in Cornwall. Cornwall (traceable to Croatia) is where Bude is located, and where Bude's/Buds are first known who use the bow while Bows, with a Book-like Bough variation, share the motto of book-using Roets. Books use the hourGLASS, and Glass'/Gilleglass' are first known at Bute.

Croatia-line Cravens, along with their Rick kin, trace to RIJeka at Istria, and the Cornovii Celts were at Cornwall and Cheshire, the latter where Ricks (share orange crest with Blacks and their DRAIN kin) are first known. Cornovii were from the Ceraunii of proto-Croatia. Atlas' are first known in Kent with DRAINers/Dragons, and with the Axton location of Actons (Cheshire with Ricks) in the "AcTIONE" motto term of Cravens (Acton fesse in colors reversed). That motto term looks like part-code for Tonys, expected where Tonys share the red sleeve/maunch with Kent's Hastings.

Having said that, the Rick fitchee is with BIRTHs/Berts (Devon with Gifts/Giffards), and Tony and I got Andrea a BIRTHday gift. Tonys are from Tosni's, and Tous'/Tosini's can be in the "VirTUS" motto term of Cravens.

I've written to this point without loading Andrea's to check them out, and without remembering that Italian Andrea's are first known in Friuli, smack beside Istria!!! WOW! It's also beside Carnia, named by the Carni people. The Carni were at the upper Sava/Sau near the Austria border, and Sorry-branch Sauers are said to be from the Sau inside Austria! Bingo. I must have bought her a Sorry game board. The city of Aquileia in Friuli may have named L'Aquila. The Arms of Aquileia, and of Friuli, is the Aquila-surname eagle in half its colors.

Carneys share the pheons of Lords in the motto of Glasgows, and I've read that Pollocks from Istria were named by living at Pollok, which is either in Glasgow, or beside it. Perhaps they named Pollok, I can't be sure.

Compare "Friuli" to "Freeland," for CRYSTia Freeland just announced, a day ago as I write, that she's going to compete for the Liberal leadership position with Mark CARNEY!!! We need a wrecking-ball alley to the back of Carneys head. Freels/Friels share the "calvary" symbol, in colors reversed even, with CRYSTALs.

Goriza in Friuli, or Gorski in Croatia, may have named Gore's, once said to be first known in Essex with Asters/Isters. Gore's share the WRENch crosslets, and I trace Wrens with "Rennes" to "Renfrew," where Istria-derived Pollocks are first known.

Gorski includes the Rijeka part of Istria, and while I've traced the black, double-headed Maxwell eagle to the one in the Arms of Rijeka, Pollocks are said to be a Maxwells sept. The Rijeka eagle stands on what looks like a rock, and Maxwells with Maxtons are first known in ROXburghshire. The Rijeka eagle is pouring out water while Waters are first known in Essex with Asters/Isters. The "Audacter" motto term of Pollocks is for things in Aude province, location of Roquefeuils, and where Rocks/Roque's are first known that are probably in the rock of MacKenzie's (the other MacKenzie's have the "astra" motto term).

English Rocks and Rooks are first known in Worcestershire with Alleys. Alleyincidence? These Rocks use chess rooks, and I played chess with Harold on Shoreham drive. Rooks were once said to be first known in Oxfordshire with Plocks. German Terras' use rooks! Perhaps the TARZan book applies to Terras', for Jane's were once said to be first known in Worcestershire with Rooks! Tarrs are also Tarres'.

Tony and I attended Blacksmith school, and Schools/Schole's (Yorkshire with Blacksmiths, Croatia-line Cravens, Calvarys, and Crystals) share the LOZENGy Shield of Patents/Pattens', the latter first known in Essex with Asters/Isters and Cancer-like Chaunceurs/Chance's. Losinj is off the Istria coast. Patents/Pattens share the full motto of Pullys/Pullens, a surname possibly from Pula/Pola of Istria as long ago as BC times when going to Vespasia Polla of Rieti.

Cambridgeshire is where Jewel-like English Julians are first known who share the cross in the School/Schole Crest. But this becomes fantastic where Gillie's in the Jewel gillie flowers suggest the Gille's, not only first known in Yorkshire with Schools/Schole's, but sharing a lozengy Shield with them (though not in the same color).

I had come to the Gille surname above off of the Gilligan-like GilleGlass variation of Glass', and the latter share the stars of Blacks for likely connection to Blacksmiths. The Gillie's (not "Gille") show a ship, and Gilligan's Island points to shipwrecks from Apophis. School-connectable Patents/Pattens are first known in Essex with Skippers, and "Skipper" was the captain of the Gilligan ship. Skipton-like Ships/Shiptons use "bellows," and Bellows share the Coat of English Billets, linkable to Bills.

Recall the Sorry / Sauer-related lines in Dorset, for that's where Pools/Pole's/Pulls are first known, possibly from Pula/Pola of Istria. I trace Pools and their Rita kin to Vespasia Polla of Rieti, where I trace both Reeds/Reids and Roets.

New: one READs a book, and Books share the stag head of book-using Scottish Reeds/Reads, the latter first known in Aberdeenshire with Cups/COPE's/COLPs/CULPs while the COLAPis river in Croatia is also the Kupa. See that? The Pully/Pullen and Patent/Patten motto included "CULPa."

My book gift to Miss Fabian is taking us to Croatia's Japodes, on the COLapis river, and COLchester is in Essex with Asters/Isters. Jeepma's/JAPPa's share the black and double-headed eagle with the Arms of Rijeka, a location near the Colapis. Cole's/COLDs are first known in Cornwall, and COLTs/Cults/Celts share the Book and Read stag head.

But there's more, because English Reads/Reeds, with a "copia" motto term for linking book-using Reads to Cups/Cope's, are first known in Northumberland with Store's! I bought the book and the board game at a store. Cup-branch Copps are first known in Hampshire with Sturs...and Friuli-suspect Freelands/Frielands/Freelings.

Ahh, Pullys/Pullens share the pelican with Welsh Carne's! That brings Pullys to the vicinity of Pula/Pola. The Colts/Cults/Celts/Colts have the Pilate pheon in colors reversed due to a related reason, and Pilate's, first known in Burgundy with Save's, share the Carny pheon! The Sava is also the Save, and Carni peoples were on that river that runs further down through downtown Croatia! I had forgotten: Carnys share the Sauer / Sorry and Russell lion.

The Stars, beside Dorset, share the chevron of Carn-like Irish Kerns (MAYO with Carnys). Stars are first known in Wiltshire with the MAIO-beloved Tree's. Wiltshire is also where Freie-branch Freys are first known, possibly of the Freels. German Kerns/Karens share the sleeping crescent of German Roets, and Cressents are first known in Burgundy with Save's ("serpents"). The latter happen to be in the colors and format of Balcons, first known in Crab-connectable Crail. Crams get interesting where their red lion could be the Sorry / Sauer lion, and then Cramers are said to be from "Crainor," and Crone-branch Croms/Crums have a cat for connection to Clan Chattan. Scottish Crone's almost have the Grimaldi Shield while Grimaldi-related Fiscs share the Arms of Croatia.

I don't come by SERPents often, but two of them this week. The other was found above with Carts (beside Wiltshire). Serbs live beside Croatia. Balcons share the Coat of Chatans, first known in Limousin with early Charms/Carne's. Charms look like Carni elements because Carmens share the Chatan tower. Carmens are first known in Cumberland with Patten-like Pattons, where also Dolphins/DOLfins (Dol colors) are first known in the Coat of Limousin-like Limons/Lemons (I can trace Lemovices of Limousin to LEMNos, the metal makers of which were on the HALYS river). French Lemons are first known in Brittany with Dol. Balcons were at Crail while English Dole's share the triple fleur of Crails/Crabs. The latter (share Hell Coat, in Halys/Helys colors, and the latter's brown lion can explain why French lemons share the Brun Coat. Cumberland is also where Browns/Bruns are first known who have another brown lion.

Back to Chaunceurs/Chance's. They share the Pattens-like patonce cross of their Chace branch, and the latter are first known in Hampshire with Sturs/Stowers and Change's. The Chance and Chace patonce is in the colors of the cross-by-lozenges of Stowells. Stouts/Stows, with the triple fesses, in colors reversed, of Change's, are first known in Cambridgeshire with Crabs, a very-good pointer to Apophis returning in Cancer the crab.

The Stout-like State's have lozenges in colors reversed from those of Stowells, suggesting that Stows were a State-line merger with Stowell elements, especially as State's have a greyHOUND head while Hounds are first known in Cambridgeshire with Stouts/Stows. The thing is, I showed earlier in this update how Hounds share the GIFT/Giffard and Dent lozenges for a related reason. Losinj is between Istria and Croatia.

As State's are first known in Cheshire with Salyes-suspect Sales', I trace them to the STATielli Ligures (TORTona area), not far from the Salyes Ligures that I see in "Saluzzo." Cheshire's Shirts/Shards can apply with their "TORTeaux" in State-lozenge colors. Sales' even share the fleur of Losinj-like English Loose's who in turn look linkable to the Coat of Hound-like Hunts (Shropshire with Saluzzo-line Sallows). Lozenge-using Hounds are first known in Cambridgeshire with the Cake's/CakeBREADs sharing the Loose / Sales fleur, and Breads/Bradds are first known in Cheshire with Sales' and State's.

Statielli probably lived at Langhe and neighboring Asti, and German Loose's share the Asty lion, and are first known in Luneburg with German Langs who in turn share a giant pelican (different colors) with Carne's. Dutch Loose's are excellent for sharing the hexagram of Kerns/Karens, but also the crescents of French Pine's (Limousin with Carne's) who in turn share the Carney pheons! It tends to prove that Loose's are from Losinj. The Luce-like Lucks/Luke's have greyhounds, a pelican, and hollow lozenges (mascles). Pula on Istria can be to pelican-using Pullys/Pullens.

Hounds and Hunts, with Huns/Hungate's, Huns/Hundts and Hungars, are connectable to Greys, hence the heraldic greyhound. Atilla the Hun made an alliance with Alan Huns, and as he attacked into / through the Friuli / Carnia regions, and because his brother was Bleda, I expect the latter to have named Bled in the Carni theater. Bleds/BLES' have the Coat of English Clare's (Suffolk with Loose's and Blois) in colors reversed, and French Clairs are first known in Limousin with early French Carne's. Bless' are listed with Blois' while Blois in France was politically connected to Orleans, where French Carne's are first known.

The Bless/Blois Coat shares the vaired bend of CROWhursts who in turn love Suffolk's Tigers (beside Crawl-branch Crows). Hursts use a giant sun while SinCLAIRs are also Suns. CrowHURST. However, the latter are listed with Crouters/Crowters, who look like "Croatia." Crawls/Crowells/Croulls (same place as Oyle's) are first known in Oxfordshire with Hurst-like Hurts'/Horts. I took Cruels off of cruel BLUTo (Popeye cartoon), and Bleds/Bles' are also Bluts. Oyle's have two of the fesses of Palys/Pale's who in turn share the camel head with Crawls/Croulls, Crows, and Pipe's.

Popeye smokes a pipe, and uses it to go, toot-toot. Note that two toots, which Poppey makes, could be God's pointer to the 2nd Trumpet.

Pipe's are expected from Hyksos, and Hicks' (share Bless/Blois fleur) have the Touts/Toots/Tute's in their motto, and Tute's/Tuits are first known in Norfolk with Crows. Crawls/Crowells/Croulls are first known in Oxfordshire with Bonns/Bunns while Hicks' use a "Tout en BON" phrase. Bunnys are first known in Basford with Ainsleys sharing the Hicks fleur.

Crows are first known in Norfolk with Case's and Fountains while "fountains" are with Casts/CASS', first known in the same place as Crails/Crabs. The Sichs/Sykes', sharing the Cass/Cast "fountains" and chevron, show a turtle or tortoise in Crest (I don't know which), is that not remarkable? Yes, see the Caseys coming right for you.

I can now repeat, for the 10th time roughly, that I never saw Miss Hicks at her gate when driving past her place to shop in Uvalde roughly once a week or more. But one day, a few hours after Mr. Casey was at my house making a contract with me to sell my property, I saw him at Miss Hicks' gate when driving back home from Uvalde. I honked my horn as I passed by, just as Miss Hicks was coming out to greet him at the gate. He was out of his car, at the gate. Honking a car horn is a TOOT, you see, and Scottish Caseys use crow heads!!!

Mr. Casey was husband to Miss' Hicks' aunt, and we all went to the same church in BARKSDALE, where the pastor was Mr. Johnson. Scottish Johnsons essentially have a Kilpatrick Coat, and the BARKsdale's share the five, bunched Arms-of-Rothschild arrows in the same colors. What could this mean if not God sending Apophis to undo the nasty Rothschild bankers, and other money-grubbing corporations in the hands of their relations? Let this be their warning. Barks are first known in Norfolk with Crows and Case's, which doesn't appear coincidental because it gets us to Apophis-pointing Chase's and Chance's.

French Clairs share the Chief of Clermonts/Clements/CLONE's while Scottish Clone's share the Saluzzo Coat because the FitzAlans who married Alice of Saluzzo lived in Shropshire's Clun location. Scottish Clone's share the black wolf in Crest with Saracens/Sarasins while French Sarasins are first known in Brittany with Dol. Saraca's lived at Croatia's Ragusa.

French Hellys/Livelys show nothing but lozenges bendwise, similar to the State Coat, and while Statielli Ligures are connectable to Saluzzo elements, Saluzzo's married the Dol Alans while Dole's were kin of Crabs (share Hell Coat). Halys/Hellys are first known in Sligo with Hickensons and Hickens/Higgins while Hicks', with the Alan/ALLIN fesse in colors reversed, have an "All in" motto phrase for their English-version motto as per "Tout en." Miss Hicks = Mrs. Kilpatrick points to the Apophis asteroid.

AHHHH WOWWWIE! Tottens/Toddens were just looked up as per "Tout en," and not only do they use an "Ad ASTRA" phrase shared by Croatian-liner Fiscs (Norfolk with Tute's/Tuits), but they are first known in Middlesex with HornS/Orne's!!!! Nobody who put together some heraldry, aside from God, knew I'd be honking the horn at the gate of a woman born with a surname having the Tute's in their motto.

The Totten/Todden dancetty-fesses are on red, as is the one of the Haydens (Norfolk with fox-using Todds) sharing the Beauty bull!!! Ainsley Earhardt of Fox news, mother of Hayden, is the alternative Sleeping Beauty. These same Haydens use a "foy" motto term while one French Foix/Foy surname is first known in Auvergne with fox-using Fez's.

The dancetty-fesse of Haydens is shared by Dives', and while the Dives river is beside the Orne river, Dives' are first known in Cambridgeshire with Crabs. The Dives' scallops are shared with Capes', first known in London with Middlesex, yet the same scallops are with Scale's, first known in Hertfordshire. Horns/Orne's are said to be first known in both Hertfordshire and Middlesex!

The Apps'/EPPs, once said to be first known in Middlesex, are now first known in Huntingdonshire (Huntingdons use hunting horn) with ADa of Warenne. "AD astra." English Mountains almost have a four-word phrase in the Fisc motto, expect that Mountains use "as astra." They both use "sic" while Sichs/Sykes' mention Tatton Sykes while greyhound-using Tattons (Cheshire with greyhound-using State's) share the Tout/Toot/Tute crescent. Asters/Esters and Mountains are first known in Essex with the Waters and Muschats who both share the EPPstein Coat. Scale-connectable Apps'/Epps use lozenges in the colors of the School/Schole/SCAYLE and Patent (Essex) lozengy.

While Miss Hicks and her doctor husband point to Dumfries elements such as Patents/PATIENTs and Close's (same place as Hicks' and Patent-connectable Schools/Schole's), Clots/DuCLOS'/DuClauds share the pierced hexagram of the Crab-related Dole's. Patents/Patients are in the colors and format of Yorkshire's Popleys/POPPEYs, and Poppins/Pophams share the gold "buck's head" with Hicks.

Clots/DuClos' have a chevron in Alan/Allin colors, and while Patents/Patients are also Padyns, Padds/PadBERRYs/PATBURYs share the Alan/Allin fesse while having the look of the Clot/DuClos Coat all around. Pewters/PUTTERs are first known in Cornwall, beside the Potter-connectable Flowers, and also with BERRYs, BURYs and Beers. Padds/PadBrrys use mill rinds while Rinds use "gillyflowers, and then Jewels, with "Gillieflowers," are likewise first known in Devon. While Tony and I were playing POTsies with our alleys, and while English Pots are first known in Hampshire with Potters and Dumfries-connectable Porters/Pawters, the latter, along with French Pots, are first known in BERRY (France), ancient Avaricum, suspect with Hyksos of Avaris, where King Apophis/Apepi ruled.

I smacked Tonys alley for what could be a pointer to Apophis, and Towns/Tune's share the Popley/Poppey eagle, yet it's the eagle also of Pewters/Putters. The latter use "paly" (pale bars) with their eagle, and Pale's/Palys (Yorkshire with Popleys/Poppeys and Pullys/Pullens), sharing the bend of French Porters, share the camel head with Pepins/Pepys. Pale's/Palys share the lion of Rind-branch Rands/Rynds, the latter first known in Norfolk with the camel-head Crows, a branch of Cruel-like Crawls, and Cruels/Crials share nearly the Coat of Popps/Papps, first known in Cambridgeshire with Crails/Crabs.

Bled is beside Lesce, which I trace to Leslie's using a "Grip" motto term. Gripps are listed with Grabbers/CRAVers, and Croatians called themselves, KRVati. That's partly why Cravens were discovered as Croatians...along possibly with Grave's, Gravels and Graffs/Gravs, because Cravens are also Gravens. Crappers/Croppers are also CROWpers, recalling the Crow-branch Crawls and the Crail variation of Crabs. I suppose this can mean that Crabs had been Croatians. We saw Crabs linkable to Crow liners, and CrowHURSTs are listed with Croatia-like Crouters. Dutch Gravels share the Bath Coat while there are BatHURSTs ("Tien" motto term) who were early in Oxfordshire with HURTs/Horts and Tiens, and also had a branch in HORTon.

I'll now go back to Shepton Mallet, for Sheptons are listed with Shiptons while Skipton is in Craven. I can trace Mallets to Melita, an island off the Croatian coast near RAGUSa. Raggs' share the Crab fleur-de-lys. Raggs' and French Gravels share the three colors of this Arms of Saraca


If you're interested in work I did on the Croatian Biljan surname:

Hi. After you left this morning, I started wondering how I might link Bills to Jane's, for example, to see if the two bloodlines married in order to form "Biljan." And within a few minutes I was stunned with the heraldic evidence that the two surnames had been related. This is going to be long, but I'm doing it for my own interest, so you can excuse yourself from reading it if it's not interesting to you. Or, keep it saved for another time.

I became familiar with English Jeans/Jane's, noting that they share the blue lion of Jane-like James', possibly from the royal James' of Scotland and England. I therefore remember that Jeans/Jane's were once said, by houseofnames, to be first known in Worcestershire, which is where Hills, Hillarys and Squirrels are said to be first known. The Hillarys are mentioned because Hillards come up as "BILLiard" while French Billiards/Billets can apply to the Bill surname. The first point is that Billiards/Hillards are first known in Surrey with James'. This alone creates the possibility that Bills married both James' and Jane's.

English Bills use pelicans, which I've assumed is code for the Pellican surname because it was first known in Maine with French Billiards/Billets. The Maine surname is first known in Devon with English Billets, and beside Jeans/Jane's of CORNwall.

Pully/Pullens not only have the pelican too, but share the red scallops of Jeans/Jane's, so amazing. Pullys/Pullens are first known in Yorkshire, where Billiards/Hillards were once said to be first known, but also where CRAVens are first known whom I can trace with Ricks to the KRVati at Rijeka, also called Reka/Rika. That's a location in Croatia, and "Krvati" is what Croatians call themselves. You can see that Ricks almost have the Craven Coat, but it's also similar to the one of Jean/Jane-like Gains/Gayns.

The top part of the Bill Coat, called the "chief," has what heraldry often calls a "billet," defined as a metal bar, or bullion bar, suspect as code for Bouillons who in turn have a "bello" motto term. To nail down the Bouillon-link to Bello's, Bouillons are first known in the same place as French Bauds while German Bauds use another "bello" motto term.

I stressed "CORNwall above because the Cornovii who named it were also in Cheshire, where Bello's/Ballots are first know who share the English Billet Coat. This is where it gets interesting, because Bello's/Ballots are first known in Cheshire with Masci-branch Masseys and Maceys/Mace's, and in the meantime the ancient Maezaei Illyrians, of proto-Croatia, lived beside the CORNovii-like Ceraunii Illyrians. They both lived on the Sava river, which is amazing because the Savage/Sava surname, likewise first known in Cheshire, is in the so-called "savage" of Woods. It's amazing for this discussion because the English Bills use so-called "WOOD bills" as part-code for Woods. Therefore, I reiterate, Jeans/Jane's are first known in Cornwall, but were early in Worcestershire (not far from Cheshire) with Billiard-connectable Hillarys and Squirrels.

I'm mentioning Squirrels, not only for reasons above, but because Valentins use squirrels while the Roman emperor, Valentinian I, was born in VINKovci (or Cibalae by another name), in Croatia. The Wings/WINKs, you see, are first known in Worcestershire with Squirrels, and the "ferme" motto term in the Squirrel motto is likely code for rulers of Fermo because the latter is at least close to the southern end of Picenum, where Justine was from who became Valentinian's wife.

I'm very familiar with these surnames because my Masci parents were born in PICENze, like "PICENum." Plus, the Arms of Piacenza uses a square, likely code for the Square variation of Squirrels. The Picensii Moesians are called by some, Illyrians, and the latter were in proto-Croatia.

I figure that the "ferme" motto term of Squirrels is code for the bloodline of Azzo of Este, for he was born in Fermo. The Italian Este's share the giant Aquila eagle while Picenze is just seven miles from the capital city of L'Aquila. English Este's are first known in Essex with English Stevensons who are in turn in the colors and format of the Squirrel-loving Valentins. The latter are first known in Vicenza, beside Este.

But there's more, because the Este eagle is also with Segurana's, the latter first known in Genova with the Grimaldi's and their FIESCHi partners (the latter are in their Wikipedia article, said to be allied to Grimaldi's), and therefore the Grimaldi Coat is similar to the Fisc Coat while the latter's checks are the Arms of Croatia. I just find all of this amazing. Este is not very far from Rijeka, and the Arms of Rijeka has a black eagle, the color of the giant eagle in the Arms of L'Aquila.

The Rijeka-line Ricks are first known in Cheshire with Masseys and Mace's, yet this is where the earl, Ranulph le Meschin ruled, and his father was a ruler of the Bessin while the BOSNia river, anciently that Basante, is between the Maezaei and VINKovci. Masci's use WINGs for fairly-obvious reason, and Cheshire had a Dunham Masci location from Hamon de Masci, or Massey.

To nail the Maezaei Illyrians to their URBANus river, the Masci-branch Massena's share the bend-with-hexagrams with German Urbans. Then, the Meschins are first known beside Cheshire, in Shropshire with the first-known BELLamys who in turn share the fesse of Bells. I had read that Bellamys married Massys, suggesting that Bells and Bello's were of the Bills. The English Billets are first known in Devon with Moline;s, and also with Segurana-like Seagars who in turn have the moline cross of Segurana's, which is then linkable to the same moline cross of Cibalae-like Sibals.

I've had these links hammered out for years, but can now be used to show that Biljans were a Bill-line merger with Jeans/Jane's / Gains/Gayns. The Sawyers, with Seagar-like Sagyere's in their write-up, even share the checks of German Bills.

The Meschins out of Cheshire had a member who married the Rumilly-SKIPtons of Craven, and, as said, Cravens were Croatians. SHIPTONs, using fans they call "bellows," are first known in Oxfordshire with the Tiens' in the Squirrel motto. Bellows are listed with Cheshire's Bello's/Ballots. German Belows probably have the double-headed eagle in the Arms of Rijeka, and English Belows, with a Crest similar to the Arms of Rijeka, look related to the Coat of German Bills. English Belows are first known in Yorkshire with Jane-connectable Pullys, but also with Pauls who in turn share the crosslets of Belli-related Carpenters. Polesdons with Poltons are first known in Cheshire.

Cravens and Ricks can be linked to Ely's because Ely, in Cambridgeshire with the first-known Rumillys, is where Muscats are first known. Muschats (not "Muscat") are first known in Essex with SKIPPs, Este's, and Easters/Isters while Rijeka is at northern ISTRia, and Pully-like Pula/Pola is at southern Istria. The eagle in the Arms of Rijeka is pouring out water from standing upon a ROCK, interesting where Waters (Essex) share the Muschat Coat. English Rocks are first known in the Worcestershire with Squirrels, Hillards, and early Jeans/Jane's.

The "royal" Grimaldi's of Monaco married Grace Kelly, and Monaco's share the Kelly lion, though the other Monaco lion is with French and Spanish Jeans. The Monaco hexagrams are shared with Hillard-branch Billiards/Billets while English Billets are first known in Devon with Monaco-branch Monks (the Arms of the Grimaldi of Monaco has a monk).

No sooner did the marriage to Ms. Kelly take place that so-called "baron Massy" entered the Grimaldi's of Monaco. This was an historic title from Ireland's Dublin, at least roughly where Kellys are first known. The Kelly Coat and Crest is shared by Keveneys/GAINeys, you see, bringing us back to Jan-like terms. KEVENeys and their Keven branch are suspect with the namers of Kiev (Ukraine), home of the ROXolani Rus that I trace to Rocks, and therefore to the rock in the Arms of Rijeka.

The Keveney/Gainey Coat is almost the Abreu/Abruzzo Coat, and L'Aquila is the capital of Abruzzo. "Kelly / Keele" is thus suspect as a variation from "Aquila," especially as Eagle's/Hegels are first known in Lincolnshire with Cheile's and Keele's, but also with the wife of earl Meschin mentioned above. The Hagels are not only first known in Somerset with Bills, but share the lone pile of Vinkovci-Wings/Winks. The latter were once said to be first known in Perthshire with Justine's, from Justine of Picenum, wife of Valentinian i.e. from Vinkovci.

It just so happens that the lion of Keveneys/GAINeys and Scottish Kevens is the one of Jeans/Jane's in colors reversed. The Keveney/Gainey motto is shared my Maxwells, a branch of Maxtons, both from ROXburghshire, named by the Roxolani of Kiev. Maxwells and Maxtons are from a king Maccus, grandson of king Sitric of Dublin. Thus, that must have evolved into baron Massy of Dublin (never materialized into anything much), for Maceys are listed with Masseys (of a Ferte-Mace location near the Bessin. Kevens even use the wheat sheaf in the Arms of Cheshire, but in colors reversed.

There you go, Alice, at least some of the evidence that your surname was a Bill-line merger with Jane elements, and all connectable to my ancestry. If I remember correctly, it was William, a brother of Ranulph Le Meschin, who married ALICE of Skipton, and Alice's/Alis' even have "muzzled" bear for connection to Mussels/Muscels, first known in Lincolnshire with Tailbois', and with le-Meschin's wife, Lucy Taillebois. Talbots are first known in Shropshire with Meschins and Bellamys, and the Coat of Talls (Thuringia with queen Basina) looks related to Urbans and Massena's. Masci's are first known in Piedmont with Thuringia-like Turin, and "Basina" looks like "Bessin," suspect from the Bosnia river, beside the Urbanus of Croatia.

So, maybe your first name, especially if your father named you, traces back to ALICE Skipton, by which I mean to say that Alice's became a surname either from a descendant of Alice Skipton, or else she herself was named by the Alice surname from some other Alice. The Alans of Shropshire, who evolved into the royal James', married Alice of Saluzzo, a location in Piedmont and thus making her suspect as a Masci to explain why Meschins married Alice of Skipton. Saluzzo-line Sallows (Shropshire with Bellamys) look related to Italian Belli's. I trace these Alans to "Aulon," beside the Ceraunii mountains (of Epirus) expected in the naming of the Ceraunii Illyrians i.e. on the Urbanus river with Maezaei, on this map: English Allisons are said to be of "Alencon," which is a location near the Perche homeland of Bellamys. The "black birds" of English Allisons can take us to Birds/Burds, first known in Cheshire, beside the Bellamys and BURTons/Bertons of Shropshire. Berts are first known in Devon with Billets and Alan-line Stewarts, and Birds/Burds have the flory cross of Bello-loving Bouillons in colors reversed. Scottish Allisons love the Truths, first known in Surrey with Jane-connectable James'. Jeans/Jane's were once said to be first known in Worcestershire with Alleys' who in turn have the Jean/Jane lion in colors reversed.

This exercise took me only two hours this morning because I know the heraldic turf well. I enjoyed it, and so don't you be bothered a bit if you could care less to follow it. Cheers, John

I'd like to repeat what I said in the last section:

...and while Bill came with me to buy Andrea's gifts, German Bills share the checks of Pelaiz's/Paez's while Piacenza is also PLACentia.

The super thing now is that Place-like Placks are listed with Pollock-like Plocks, and the Pollock saltire, half in the Pelaiz/Paez Coat, was used in colors reversed, green-on-gold, the colors of the cross that is the Arms of Pola/Pula, a location on Aster-line Istria! Placks/Plocks even use lozenges while Losinj is off the Istria coast. Plus, the Plack/Plock martlets are not only those of Pullys/Pullens (pelican), but of French Josephs, first known in Maine with Bill-related Billets/Billiards and Pellicans.

The "STRenue" motto term of Pollocks looks like it can be part-code for Asters, and maybe part-code for the Newtons who named STURminster Newton at the Stour river of Dorset (beside the Sturs). The Newton saltire-by-shin-bones is in the colors of the Scottish Frank saltire while English Franks, with the same saltire but in gold-on-green, share the Pollock saltire. And the George's of Dorset trace to George of Hungary, who married a woman of Podebrady, in Bohemia with the first-known German Franks. One of the German Franks has a column, and while Columns are listed with Malcolms, George's son, Maurice Drummond, married the sister of king Malcolm III. Malcolms are first known in Argyllshire with Herods/Harolds.


After Ms. Smith, the Alberta premier, visited Trump's home last week, people were crying that she was stooping down to Trump, or helping him to push tariffs on Canadians. I assume that these sorts of off-the-wall comments are from NDPers or Liberals hoping to unseat her in the next election. It is disinformation because it's rather obvious as to why she went to see Trump, because she doesn't want tariffs on Alberta oil sales to the Unites States. Duh.

She may also have had the mission of finding out how serious Trump is in his exacting tariffs, because if he's serious, she could start looking for new customers abroad for that oil, for Alberta's oil taps are slated to be turned on when Conservatives run the federal government later this year.

The reason that a tariff war concerns me is that it's going to be a win-win for WEF, for its wants people of all Western countries as poor as possible, and mutual tariffs help to fulfill that goal. It concerns me because poorer Christians seeking to save foods for tribulation preparation will have a harder time of it, another reason that WEF wants food prices to soar.

trudeau did the WEF will to increase prices on everything with the carbon tax, and now trump-rump waltzes to power to throw his fat arse around at other countries like he's a Robbing Hood stealing from the poor and giving it to the sheriff, himself. His tariffs will make Americans poorer, and Canadian tariffs, in countering his tariffs pound for pound, will make American poorer too. See how that works? The only winners when exacting tariffs are a few corporations on the side of the country laying them out, but prices to consumers either don't change, or go higher. Trump is the self-professed master of the art of the steal.

There have been all sorts of signs that somebodies in European power structures are engineering threats to winter fuel, as the first steps in literally freezing populations to death. The blasting of the Russian pipeline was a threat to German households, lest we forget, not merely to Russia's government coffers. Division and poverty is where WEF wants the West, and so everything unusually bad that happens should be blamed on it.

Did you know that the gasoline tax, starting this April, will be a whopping $2.50 (approx.) per gallon? That's more than people should be paying for gasoline after the profits of the oil and gasoline producers combined. The Liberal government has no mercy.

Why do we think that the WEF government of trudeau doesn't want Alberta to take oil from the ground? Just think about it, that while trudeau's government would deny us oil security, it also increases oil taxes obscenely. It's not the Russians, stupid (so to speak). It's WEF and its China partner who are trying to wreck the West. BUT, NOW, add Trump to that robbing machine, the Tariff of Nottingham.

Here's just a sample of wicked, under-the-table propaganda programs of Rockefeller animals that go hand-in-hand with censorship programs:

A tactic for keeping people from reading anti-Rockefeller material is to get robots to spew obscene language in the comments sections of video platforms who don't curb such language, such as bitchute, obviously owned by an animal who could care less for cleaning his own platform of spiritual puke.

Where's Assad been? It seems incredible that he wouldn't make a video, even from his room, to thank those fighters who risked their lives to save his political skin. Is Assad even alive?

On January 15, I heard a report saying that Russia obliterated the electrical system Ukraine-wide, at the coldest time of the year. I don't know where this report comes from. I do not believe that the Russians are inclined to being so heartless, but rather NATO-Ukraine missile / drone attacks into Russia would have caused this retaliation, if indeed it happened, in order to stop the bombings. You will need to ask the Russian military if this response was warranted or wise, for we cannot believe anything the Western press says. My hope is that this war ends. NATO is using Ukrainian youth to fight its war against Russia. NATO is destroying Ukraine turf for its lust for unfettered global domination. No doubt about it.

Trump's secretary of defense may just be Pete Hegseth. He apparently did well in his appearance in the Senate this week, which will either vote him in, or out. He claims to be a Christian, but I'm confused about a Christian heading up the American military. I can't fathom God setting this up. I can't fathom God placing His child at the head of that massive killing machine. If Mr. Hegseth is a true child of God, wouldn't he reject Trump? What kind of Christians give thumbs up to Trumpist worldliness? This is frightening. It makes me uncomfortable. It will be interesting to see whether Hegseth succeeds in ceasing the Ukraine war, or if he survives doing so. The military is stacked with human demons who kill brutally with glee. I personally could never, as a follower of Jesus, be in charge of such a thing. Could you? Why didn't Hegseth turn down this job offer?

The Ukraine war started when Ukrainians were at war with Russians inside Ukraine. Russia then went in to protect the Russians, and the war should be confined to that particular theater. But NATO has now come to urge, or even force, Ukraine to take this war into Russian territory. The only thing this game-of-chicken picture can assure is escalation.

Pierre Poilievre never shoots bombs at Liberal corruption. He shoots bombs at Liberals for everything else, however. If he's afraid of being sued for accusing Liberals of corruption, or if he's afraid of getting into a campaign pickle on that topic, he could at least tell the people of the corruption uncovered by Conservative committees, members of which are not afraid to voice the many facets of Liberal corruption. The people need to hear of this corruption, and some of the nasty details. It is my belief that Liberals lost half their voters due to that corruption. So why is Poilievre shy on that topic? Is he hoping to cash in on conflict-of-interest schemes of his own, when he's prime minister?

My guess is that the one in five voters that Liberals still have are made up largely of people who badly need government assistance. The aged, depressed, and disabled, for example. The problem is, once Liberals discover that the weak are their most-loyal voters, Liberals are snakes enough to manufacture / promote weak and sick people just to maintain their votes. Beware the snakes, canada, and don't be surprised if God is giving you snakes due to your rejection of Him.

Give God the recognition and praise that He deserves, but once you get on his bad side such that he gives you calamity, it's very hard to appreciate him at that point. You'll have yourself in a trap. To get out, walk the other way, think differently, until God starts to bless you, when you can praise Him naturally. If your life is dim, heavy and unsatisfying, knock on God's door, and try walking His way, see how fast he reacts and RUNS to you to help you do things His way. He has given Jesus to make it possible to help you from your inner workings, by letting you possess His Spirit within you. Just think about that. Blessed are you, greatly blessed, if you admire this Plan. It's your ticket out of looming disaster.

Indeed, when people are wayward, it makes sense that God makes things hard for them in order to give them an opportunity to look to Him for help. In that case, He wants to help...meaning also that He doesn't deserve insults and rejection. God is big enough not to enjoy making things hard for people. He's hoping the best. His Law has been laid out, and He helps people to obey that Law because He's big enough to genuinely care for people.

Dr. John Campbell is still at it, questioning with great questions the governors of COVID "vaccines":

Here's word that election cheats in canada are using the same tricks as Democrats in the U.S.:

Good news: major American and canadian banks are quitting their commitments to climate-change plots, if only temporarily. Globalism is become the laughing stock, not because Trump is opposed to climate-change plots, but because the majority of people think it's a scam. trudeau did much to convince people that it's a scam even while he tried to turn them into climate-change fans. Sometimes the enemy is our greatest asset, when he makes the biggest ass of himself. Carney, an international-banker stooge, looks like he's going to carry trudeau's torch. The only problem, the flame's gone out, way to go, Carney:

If you would like to see an example of false prophets, see the two videos below, where someone is apparently trying to make youtube money from Christians. Both videos have the same catchy title, "She Died & Jesus Showed Her 4 Events Coming in 2025." The two same but different stories are from two youtube channels. Between the two videos, both female narrators claim to be nurses who died on April 3, 2023, and in both videos the woman dies in the same way, by a driver "distracted by their phone." But between the two videos, the names of these two nurses who died and came back to life are not the same. And the messages between the two videos, said to be obtained from Jesus in a Heavenly state, are not at all the same. Therefore, both messages from both videos are fabrications. How many such videos are online, and how badly wrong are the messages:

Below is yet a third video with the same title again. We now have a third name, still a woman. This time, it's a dream message, not from a death experience. This video came out this week. I would suggest that nobody in their right minds would tell three different stories under the same video name unless they wanted to get caught. The motive would be to get caught by Christians to send them the message that they can't trust many Christian videos. DISGUSTING. It's probably true because there are so many hard-up, disgusting people. MANY FALSE PROPHETS, said Jesus.

Now that I've clicked those three videos, youtube is stacking me with numerous other near-death experiences from professing Christians with messages from Heaven. Oh no, please get me out of here.

One video above shows many faces of Jesus by artists. I strongly suggest you never look at them, and never watch movies with an actor portraying Jesus. It's not good because it forms an erroneous personality of Jesus deep into your mind. Every painting, every actor, shows a personality.

News this week: the RCMP, the canadian FBI, purchased Chinese drones to keep watch over the canada-US border, meaning that the RCMP is firmly on WEF's side...which we already knew when it did not arrest any of the hundreds of Liberals involved in thieving billions of tax dollars, much of which must be going to WEF causes. This is a shadow government in the raw. In this purchase, the drones may be purchased at three times the going price, for example, in order that Liberalism pays China for some granted, or yet-to-be granted, political-corruption favors.

The people bringing trudeau to court to cease his prorogue plot is thus far going forward. If this court case succeeds in mid-February, there can be a federal election as early as March/April. Otherwise, if the Liberals get to pick their new leader through the prorogue plot, the NDP party may go back on it's promise to call an election, with the excuse that the promise was intended to get trudeau out of office:

The good news is that the judge is giving the anti-trudeau side the wins, not to be expected from a pro-Liberal judge. The case rests on the obvious fact that trudeau prorogued (suspended) the parliament illegally, merely to knock off an imminent no-confidence motion that would have sprung an immediate kerplunk him into his political grave.

The Good News that trudeau doesn't want you to hear: Draw near to the Father of Jesus, with your precious sentiments, in resect, and He will draw near to you. No better news can there be. He's waiting for you to draw near to Him; it should not be the other way around. Jesus did not say, wait for God to knock on your door. You lay out the invitation to Him, into your spirit.


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
Also, you might like this related video:

Pre-Tribulation Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture