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February 11 - 17, 2025

We Dream of Federal Reserve Audit
Larry Barrett's Fly Ball
Musk and DOGE
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Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

When Christians become sidetracked by all the talk of lowering taxes and improving the economy, which is what Conservatives claim they are for, we become sidetracked, what else? Taxes and economy is the religion of the Conservative campaign. But Christians are not to be sidetracked by this thing.

Yes, it's good to lower taxes and allow more money into pockets of the poor, but the Conservative camp has more than the poor, and much of the "lower class" is bought off by the Liberals, anyway. It's good to lower taxes and rents because all the liberal government across the West have collectively been on the same program, to steal tax dollars, meaning they are the real enemy of the people. It's not coincidental that they all do the same, but they are obeying people at the top, the globalists who seek to turn the people against Christians. They keep those people loyal to themselves by signalling that they will install anti-Bible values. This is why Bible-based Christians have come to support Conservatives, but it's also why Conservative politicians give feel-good promises, like candy, to Christians, to secure their votes in greater numbers.

It's impossible to live out the Christian life in a liberal society. We have no idea what life is like when EVERYONE is one-minded in the ways of God through Jesus. That's what our Real Candy will be, if we resist this world's temptations to seek a better economy as the "god" of this world. As you can see, Poilievre never mentions Jesus, and Trump is just Mr. Treasury. He's just a business-man president, nothing more special than that. Our enemies dream of a world where EVERYONE has a Christ-less oneness.

If you make $50,000 annually, you will not be better off making $52,500 thanks to Trump or Poilievre policies. This is not the war flag to raise and fight for. Ask Jesus about that. He says that the status or wealth of our lives is not based on money, what don't Bible readers understand about that? The Goal of Jesus is to produce an All-Christian Society. To usher in such a world best, God has decided to show that money can never make for a solid society.

We have big goofs telling Conservatives that America is the greatest nation in the world for the money it has, and that this condition is the blessing from God, when the reality is that America is a big money bag thanks to government gangsters printing obscene amounts of money, all of which has teased the average people by never-ending inflation for 50 years and counting. It started in the early 1970s. The average person is like a dog chasing its tail, going crazy. The rich and powerful make sure we get only the bones after they've eaten the choice cuts.

God can use this out-of-control condition to expose to the angels that the world won't turn happily when a nation is a pillow stuffed with 100-dollar bills. The American-Dream god dream should never be the chief goal of life, especially as people are generally never satisfied when they cherish the luxuries that money can produce. They always dream for the comforts from having more money.

As The Five won't tell you that we are in a Test, I thought I should remind you: we are in a test of God. How will we join, or resist, the big-money movement? Will we be fools following the secular business news, or will we place our hopes in the Everyone-is-a-Christian globalism?

Many that we are not hearing from, on Fox news especially, think that Trump is part of a plot. That's intended as a bad word. In procuring a plot that includes the influencing of the people (how else can it be a plot?), one needs to make the people love the key shakers of the plot, and so they give the people "candy" when abducting them, and more candy after abduction, if the candy works in the first place. The idea is to learn what it is that sways the people over so that they follow to where the plotters want to lead them.

Every once in a while, we hear Trump saying something that spills out one of his agendas that he's not told the people, or an agenda that his voters find strange. Taking over canada? STRANGE. He's mentioning the agenda either to test whether he thinks he can get his supporters to accept it, or to normalize what seems at first a strange thing the people didn't call for. So, he paints the agenda to look like a candy they would love to swallow.

What could be going on in the mind of one wanting to take a neighboring country that's not acting hostile? He's even trying to make canadians go for the idea. What kind of a snake is this? Does it matter what the species is? At his age, he should be preparing for his dying day, but here he's concerned with taking the neighboring country's resources. ANIMAL, to continue floating the "51st state." It's going to alienate his supporters all over the world, and thus it will help the Democrats to regain the White House.

I suggest he's been listening to the shadow government telling him that the United States needs some canadian resources, soon. The only thing coming to mind with an American president floating a 51st state is a take-over by military threat, because no canadian leaders are going to give him what he wants willingly. If the takeover were only a joke initially, he wouldn't have repeated it a few since then. I would go so far as to say that Trump has at least one lunatic spirit residing in, or visiting, his soul. What good is it if one gains the whole world and then gives up his soul eternally, five years later? There's a name for that, FOOL.

It is now the task of Pete Hegseth to expose military corruption since at least 9-11. As DOGE is now about to check out the data banks of the Pentagon, Pete said he welcomes it, which is a breath of fresh air as compared to Trump's picks in his first term. Pete can commission his own check of Pentagon expenditures and past plots, but if he doesn't, why not? If he, like Wray, fails to expose the company he heads, what do we call that but a betrayal of the people on behalf of getting along with his underlings in the company? That's equivalent to joining the enemy.

The military was a core part of 9-11, for it gave the wink to blow up the Pentagon, and there was much more evil done at that time to the country, including 100s of $billions gone missing. If we don't see the arrests of at least 100 key players in the deep state, then Trump is a farce. If Hegseth does nothing to expose the military's part in 9-11, then either Trump forbids him, or Hegseth himself is guilty of betraying the people. If we aspire to be a political leader and succeed, the onus is on us to act responsibly before God. If we don't, we get a nasty reward from God that looks like rot (or a withering away) in our lives.

The onus is on John Ratcliffe to reveal the CIA's part in 9-11. It is missing the mark for newscasters to covet the details of Kennedy's assassination but ignore the massive crime that was 9-11. Real people -- still alive now, still potentially in charge of powerful agencies -- murdered many people on 9-11. Many believe that the CIA overseen by George Bush Sr. murdered Kennedy due to his announcement of cleaning up corruption, and 9-11 took place under his son's government. Bushites were yet powerful in Trump's first term. If Trump doesn't ruin those key actors, those demonic snakes, then Trump is as good as one of them. Don't be deceived into a glorious happiness if the only thing taking place under Trump is the saving of a trillion dollars in corruption tax money. The deep state can "re-print" that in a day.

"canada first" and "America first" are selfish phrases. There are better slogans to indicate an anti-globalist platform. What about "God First"? "Jesus Globalism" would never work due to the majority rejecting it. What about "Honest Work and Charity"? Not exciting enough? It's as Solid as Jesus, unlike the shatter-prone Make America Greed-Lust Again. That's not going anywhere good. Doesn't it look as though "great" and "greed" are related terms? Don't be great-y. Be meek and solid, long-lasting, immovable, Protected. Trump is a Reaganomics, trickle-down policy maker, the flesh of Babylon the Great.

Billionaire corporations who want nothing less than unfettered capitalism would accuse "Honest Work and Charity" as sounding Communistic. They don't want the emphasis on the workers. They want the "economy" to be about big corporations. The bosses want to be highly honored for being highly rich. That's Trump's class, just like the Pharisees, or like the Freemasons, who specialize in, or utilize, lip-service to God to gain a following. and the gaining of the following has a secret goal.

The Cloud-Over-Sun Omen

I've suggested that the omen at the Galveston mugging could point to Jeffrey Epstein due to the Scottish Jeffreys having a cloud over a sun. People have been wondering who's filling the Intelligence void left by Epstein's death, if indeed he's dead. Epstein was merely a barracuda. The big sharks are still with us.

You can load Jeffreys now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames, to better follow the heraldic links.

The Jeffrey Crest is: "The sun beaming through a cloud." Beamans almost have the Irish Dalton/Alton Coat while Jeffrey Epstein was hired at a Dalton high school when Bill Barr's father was its principal. Bill Barr was the attorney general for president George Herbert Scherff-Bush.

When comparing the two Jeffrey Coats to the one of Palins, there seems to have been a relationship, and Palins are first known in Dorset with Beamans, yet nobody knew about my omen when these heraldic links took place. The eight fleur of Beamans are all over the Shield of English Pools/Pole's, first known in Dorset with Muggs and Beautys (Mugg colors and format), share the Dalton/ALTons lion. Muggs are first known with GEOFFREY Mugge. French Pole's share the giant lion of Beamans. Scottish Barrs are first known in Ayrshire with Scottish Alda's/Aults while Italian Alda's share the fesse of English Daltons/Altons. There seems to be a pointer to Jeffrey Epstein without a doubt when launching from the BEAMing sun of omen-using Jeffreys.

Plus, while Muggs have cockaTRICE's. Trice's/Trists are first known in Cornwall with Tristans while "Tristus" is a motto term of Irish Daltons/Altons. How might the mugging in Galveston relate to Epstein's island in the Virgin islands? Was he involved in human trafficking through Galveston?

German Aults have a single pale bar in the colors of the two pale bars of noose-like Nuse's/Newes', and while the Ault Coat is virtually the German Necker Coat, I bought a newspaper about 12 hours after the mugging, when the mugger had both his hands on my NECK (trying to get me to give him the truck keys). Bill Barr, without investigating the Epstein crime scene, very apparently, allowed the people to receive the report that Epstein had hanged himself by a NOOSE around his NECK. Evidence shows otherwise, that the hanging was staged fakery.

Scottish Barrs are first known in Ayrshire with Margys/Mackeys who share the raven "hanging" on an arrow with Murdochs, in case Rupert Murdoch applies here, for he allows Alan Dershowitz to contribute plenty to Fox news, and Dershowitz was Jeffrey Epstein's former lawyer. The Margy-like Margesons, who come up when entering Mackey-like "Mackesy," have a "Loyalite" motto term that appears to code for the Loyola's/LOLITA's, and Epstein's plane, a flying hooker house for elites, was dubbed, the "Lolita Express." Cauldron-like Calders have a giant stag head with red antlers, as do Dutch Neckers/Necks. The latter's stag head is all red, as is the one if Calder-branch Celts/Colts/Cults.

Loyola's Lolita's have a "cauldron HANGING by a hook," and Hooks may have been a Hooker branch. Muggs are Mudge's too, and were previously said to be first known in Surrey with Madge's/Mackets (share Hicks and Ainsley fleur-de-lys) who in turn look a little related to News'/Nuce's who in turn share the "chaplet" with Hook-branch Hicks'. I've claimed that Sleeping Beauty was on Jeffrey Epstein's island (though I think there are several ways to interpret her role in that dream).

Miss Hicks, who lived on the Nueces, near my Nueces property, fulfilled Sleeping Beauty. But so did Ainsley Earhardt of Fox news, and while share married Mr. McKinney, Hall of Names still has the omen-using Jeffreys first known in Peebles-shire with McKinneys. She had previously worked for KENS news (Texas with Miss Hicks and George Bush) while Kens (Devon with Hooks) have the crescents of German Julians who in turn share the six-pale bars of omen-using Jeffreys. These crescents are in colors reversed with Bellamys, and Beams/Beamish's appear to have been from a Bellamy variation.

Beams are said to have named "Beaumetz, near Abbeville." The Bellamy-like Baliols / Bellys are said to have been near ABBEville too, as well as the Orions/Irons of AIRAINES, and so we take this to ARRAN, where McABBE's/McCABE's are first known who look related to the Coats of both Coffee's/Coffers and the Irish McKinneys. Let's add that while Mrs. Teague sold me her Nueces property, Teague's are first known in Galveston-like Galway with MacKenzie-connectable Kennys.

As I've said, I bought a coffee when buying the newspaper, and while Coffee's/Coffers' share the green dolphin in Crest with French's, the latter are first known in Devon with Kens'. The latter are said to be first known possibly in Somerset, where Coffers/Coffare's are first known.

While Hicks are said to have been at Low LEIGHTon, and while Leightons/Leytons look like a Leigh/Ley/LEGH branch, the Beams, sharing a giant red lion with Leigh's/Leys/Leghs, have: "Beamish Hall was originally built as a present in 1268 for the wedding of Isabella de la Leigh and Guiscard de Charron." Bellamys are first known in Shropshire with Leightons/Leytons, and with "Roger de Beaumes in Shropshire." While Sleeping Beauty has a leg symbol, Leggs are first known in Dumfries' with Bells (share Bellamy fesses).

Jeffreys use a SUN beaming around a cloud, and my omen was the sun in an otherwise blue Texas sky "hiding" completely behind a tiny cloud not much larger than the sun. I imagine that the sunlight was radiant around the cloud; it gave me an ominous feeling. Suns are listed with Sinclairs while their Clare branch is first known in Suffolk with Omens/Omans, and with sun-using babe's, and with sun-using Blonds.

There needs to be a reason that Sleeping Beauty is blond, maybe because Miss Hicks / Earhardt is too, but maybe for the Blond bloodline too. Doge's/Dodge's share the six BARS of Blonds, but we can also take this to Blondville's (Suffolk) because they have the six fitchees of Clintons and Hillarys, which spells high-level corruption by Epstein-associated Bill Clinton.

Beams have trefoils colors reversed from the same of Ice's/Icke's while Hicks share an Icke variation. Beams share the trefoils of English Pike's while Scottish Pike's are first known in Ayrshire with Barrs and Murdochs, who might both just have the Beam lion in their Crests. I only-now loaded Murdochs to be reminded of their "omine" motto term!!! Zikers, the red Murdoch and Barr lion head could thus be the red lion of Beams because the omen points to the beaming sun of Jeffreys! Hall of Names places the latter in Peebles-shire near Ayrshire.

The Seconds suspect in the "Omine secundo" motto of Murdochs are even first known in Limousin with French Clairs. The Jeffreys use the beaming SUN.

I'm very glad that Blundville's were loaded while doing this investigation, for they are said to have been at Mutford, and so, what the heck, I thought, let's check for a Mutford surname just in case there is one; let's see what might pop up. And up popped up the MUGGS'/Muckfords (!) sharing the Mock/Moke Coat and motto. Wow, how might the mugging apply to this surname? German Mocks even share the giant Beaman lion! Jeffrey Epstein was a high-school teacher at Dalton. Mutfords/Muckfords are first known at Mogford of Somerset, beside the first-known Muggs/Mudge's (same place as English Jeffreys).

Scottish Mochs/Mochrys (between Ayrshire and Peebles) share the Beam lion, and even share the Kevel Chief, a surname that could be from Hugh Meschin of Kevelioc, father of the Blundville's. It explains why the lone and erect sword of Bondi's/BLONDi's is with French Mochs! I was mugged by a black man, not likely a pointer to Nazi's, but maybe to the migrants that Pam Bondi is now challenging side-by-side with ICE. Galveston is a prime location for illegal migrants coming by sea. They will be upon Houston and Baytown once coming off of the Galveston peninsula.

Kevels can have the Foot chevron in colors reversed because I link Foots to Kevelioc's father, Ranulph Meschin de Gernon. Foots are in the Blond Crest as: "An armed foot in front of the sun." Hugh was father to Maud, and while he was born i Kevelioc of Monmouthshire, Monmouths almost have the Maud/Maid Coat, both sharing the Beam and Moch/Mochry lions. Thus, my mugging is logically connecting with the Meschins of Chester, logical only if God set up the mugging. Blondville's even have a motto similar to the one of omen-using Jeffreys. The "nubes" motto term of Blondville's is translated "clouds," a perfect term for the omen in the Jeffrey Crest.

Blondeville's share "lux" with Blonds and Blacks while the other Blacks share the Moch/Mochry / Kevel Chief. Blacks share the Glass stars while Houstons/HUGHstons (at GLASgow) have an "hourglass." Houstons thus appear named after Hugh Kevelioc. The "In time" motto of Houstons probably had a Latin "ora" term as code for Orrs/Ore's, first known in Renfrewshire with Houstons. Orrs/Ore's have an omen-like "omnia" motto term. The triple Orr/Ore piles are with Guiscards, the latter first known in Stirlingshire with Nimo's/NewMocks/NewMoke's (share Bellamy crescents).

Mauds/Maids and Monmouths share bars-gemel while Gemels and Barrs are both first known in the same place. Gamble's/Gamals share the fleur of Mugg-branch Madge's/Mackeys. Monmouthshire is where Vans/Fane's are first known sharing GAUNTlets with Maceys/Mace's (married beam-Bellamys), and so the "maiden" in the Arms of Gaunt looks to descend from Maud of Chester, Kevelioc's daughter, the line also to/from Madge's and Muggs/Mudge's. It appears that Mock / Moch liners modified to "Madge" in honor of Maud of Chester.

As Scottish Mochs/Mochrys (and Ainsleys) have a SCIMitar, it appears that Schims/Schiens share the Moch/Mochry Chief. Mochs/Mochrys incorporate the Sheriff motto, which includes the Esse's while Hesse is where Epsteins are first known. Epsteins have the German Ash Coat in colors reversed while Esse's/Ash's are first known in Devon with Hazels/HESSELs while Hesse's/Hessels use a giant SUN.

Bondi's/Blondi's share the erect sword of French Mochs, both surnames now traceable to Meschin rulers in Cheshire with the first-known Shirts/SHARDs, suspect from Sardinia, where Bondi's/Blondi's are first known. In my last update, I suggested that Pam Bondi is in my shirtless scene, as I walked toward Sleeping Beautys car. I had called it the bare-breasted scene, and Brests/Brix's have the lozenges of Bricks (share Massey fleur) in colors reversed, and Meschins descended directly from Ranulph de BRIQuesSART, that looking like Brick-Sardinia element. Briquessart was ancestor of the Blundville's of CHESTer. See that? I was bare-chested in the shirtless scene. Blondville's share the Beach vair while I was on a sandy beach while shirtless.

The Mutfords/Muckfords/Muggs and their Mock branch have a "Cura" motto term while Cars are also Currs. I was walking to her car.

There is a pointer of Lorraine's PANT stain, which I pointed to on her BALCONy, to Obama's FBI, the director of which was James Comey, for Balcons are also BalCOLMs/BalCOME's (dove in Crest) while Irish Comeys/Combs/Come's have the Lorraine lion in colors reversed. Then, the Pansy/PANTzer doves are in the colors of the same of Peace's/Paise's who are in turn in McCabe colors and format. Andrew McCabe was Comey's deputy i.e. second in command of the FBI.

Lorraine had a feet symbol too while the Feet/Fate Coat is in colors reversed with Wrays, and Trump replaced James Comey with Christopher Wray! Wrays were at a Botton location, and Bottons are listed with BUTTons/Bidens, first known in Hampshire with English Botters while I see Balcons (share Chatan bend-with-roses) as kin of Italian Botters/Botini's. The stain was on the BUTT of her pants. Scottish Comeys use the Clan Chattan motto, and I can show how Botters/Botini's were of Clan Chattan. Compare Balcons to the English Castle's in the Chattan Coat.

This pointer of Lorraine to the FBI is new, so far as I can remember, but even it not new, it's not familiar to me. Barr's position, under Biden, was taken by Merrick Garland, and Scottish Steinsons have a "laurel of garland."

Plus, while Lorraine's stain pointed to Bar-le-Duc, Bill Barr was Wray's boss! Wow. It's now not a wonder why it was a stain, for we're pointing to their diabolical deep state, the spy agency of the homeland shadow government. Wray's even have an ostRICH while Rich's (same place as Bottons/Bidens) have bottony crosses, and named Riche in Lorraine. Unbelievable. The Humphreys, with a bottony cross, have a "vrai" motto term. It's taken me this many years to see this. I was blind.

I've just loaded Christophers to see if there's a pointer there, and while they are first known in Lancashire with Wrays, they are first known at "DALTON-In-Furness"! Again, Daltons are Altons too, and while one Dalton/Alton Coat has the fesse of Italian Alda's, Scottish Aults/Alda's are first known in Ayrshire with Barrs.

As the grass stain was from a lawn while Irish Lawns/Lane's share the Lorraine bend while Lyons/Lune's share a green lion with Lorraine's, note this headline: "Representative Anna Paulina LUNA To Lead Task Force On the Declassification of Federal Secrets." Everyone wants to know FBI secrets, which Wray meticulously withheld. Part of Luna's stated agenda is to look into 9-11 files. Robert Mueller, one of Trump's arch enemies due to his firing James Comey, was made the FBI directed, by George Bush Jr., just six days before 9-11.

Musk Wants to Look at the Federal Reserve

On Monday night, about the time, or during the time, that I was watching Ron Paul, I loaded the Lauro's in the Lorraine motto. Before loading, I had heard from other news headlines that Elon Musk called for Paul's becoming an auditor of the FEDERal Reserve, and this Ron Paul show was on that topic, where more than 40-million people saw that tweet from Musk, as of last might.

It brought to mind what I learned only about a year ago, that Ron Paul's political turf (22nd congressional district) is to the east of Victoria, Texas, an area I drove through on the morning of my being mugged in Galveston. The latter was part of Ron Pauls 14th congressional district, though not in the year (1994) when I drove through. I've stressed my stop-off in Victoria for years, which I intend to bring to topic below.

Wikipedia: "Paul is a critic of several of the federal government's policies, especially the existence of the Federal Reserve and tax policy,..." The Tax's/Dachs can be in an "AuDAX" motto term used my many surnames, including the Roxburghs, from Roxolani of Ukraine / Kiev.

I'm pretty sure the show was playing when checking the two Fedder surnames as per "FEDERal Reserve." It was immediately after loading Lauro's, and so, right away, I could see that Fedders were possibly a branch of Feets/Fate's, the symbol of Lorraine feet (she and they are plenty in my last update). With her pant stain, she pointed to Ducks/Dockers, first known in Westphalia with Velins and Velens, both of whom share ducks with French Henrys, though the latter no longer show them, but now show the martlets that Velens likewise show instead of their ducks.

The first point is: Velins / Velens are in the "Valens et Volens" motto of Fedders/Feathers (Sussex with Lorraine-related Keeps), and thus we seem to have a story here from God's arranged heraldry, especially as Henrys and Velens have the Feet/Fate's martlets in colors reversed. But there's more because I saw the French Alans using the same ducks as Henrys and Velens years ago, and these Alans too now show the Henry and Velen martlets. It's amazing because Elons, who happen to share the double fesses of Stains, look like they could be a branch of "Alan."

Fedders/Fetters even have ostRICH feathers whole Rich's/Richess' were related to Lorraine's.

Thus, it seems that Lorraine's pant stain is a pointer to Elon Musk and things-Ukraine together, the very thing that Diane MUSCatov pointed to when I KNOCKed on her window. Lorraine's descend from Ukraine's capital (Kiev) with Keeps. The Knocks list KNOX's, you see, and Fort Knox gold reserves probably has something to do with the Federal Reserve. Fort Knox is in Kentucky, where Rand Paul, Ron's son, is a senator!!!

Plus, by the time I got down to this realization, made only as I write, I had loaded Pollets/PAULets because I know that they have a black-Shield branch of the Aude Coat, and I found Aude's coming up as audit-like Audet last night!!! It's incredible because Elon Musk wants Ron PAUL to AUDIT the Federal Reserve, and Elon-branch Elms (share doubt Stain fesses) are first known in Somerset with Pollets/Paulets!!! I didn't realize that part until after this paragraph was started.

But there's more, tending to prove that my knocking on Muschatov's window is indeed a pointer to FORT Knox, for English Forts use an "AUDax" motto term. It can be a pointer to both Taxa's/Dachs and Dax's/Ducks (SOMERSET!), you see, for the latter share the star of Borders (Somerset) who in turn share the Tax/Dach swords in saltire. The Knocks/Knox's call their border a "GOLDie."

English Forts even share the castle of McLeods/Clouds in the Lorraine Crest, and McLeods/Clouds use flags while Flags/Flicks are going to be important as I go back to the Lauro's in the Lorraine motto, for I have another story from that. The point here is that Flags/Flicks share the double fesses of Stains / Elons / Elms.

To make it more compelling that God arranged the heraldic links now being peppered at us, Stains are said to have married Yarborough's, from king Yaroslav of Kiev, and the vertically-split Shield of Yarborough's happens to be in colors reversed with German Fedders. The latter, on one half their Shield, have the Cantel/Cantrel Coat, a giant pelican that's in the Crest of Pullys/Pullens, first known in Yorkshire with Cantels/Cantrels, Feets/Fate's, and PAULs!!! Surprise.

I'll now repeat that, the last time I saw Lorraine, a couple of years after dating her, she walked past PAUL Smith and I, sitting in a restaurant, carrying her infant CHILD, and while Lorraine's share the Child eagles, Childs are in Fedder/Feather colors and format. Thus, we have another link of Ron Paul to Lorraine.

In case it's important, Yarborough's are first known in Lincolnshire with Antons, and as the latter share the red leopard face with Noke's/Nocks, I assumed that God arranged the Antons to play with the TV ANTENna from upon which I knocked on Muschatov's window. I have told a few times before that, when Paul Smith had me over at his parents' place, he showed me their backyard TV antenna that had fallen down on his fence. I assume it was by the window-like wind, how else? If by a lightning strike, note that Lights/Lite's (Child colors and format), first known in Somerset with Audet-related Pollets/Paulets, look related to Fedders/Feathers. There we have Paul Smith again, now pointing to Fort Knox by his antenna event.

While the Sine's in the Yarborough motto are listed with swan-using Swans/Sions, Lights/Lite's share the swan of Italian Alba's while Alba of Italy is beside Lorraine-related Asti. Astys (share Lorraine lion) are first known in Lorraine-connectable Lanarkshire with Sine's/Swans/Sions, and here we must add that Yarborough's share the "falcon" with Knocks/Knox's.

Over the past days, when hearing of Ron Paul in the news, I reflected back on the keys I had put in my RUNNING shoes when a mugger, who was wanting the keys to steal my Nissan pick-up, was watching me pull them out (of the shoes), from in the back of the truck, where I had been sleeping. He tried to get the keys, but failed, long story short. I had parked on the side a Galveston neighborhood, but after the mugging, I checked into a motel. I then drove a ways through Ron Paul's political turf (22nd district) in the morning, and reached VICTORIA. RUNNINGs are listed with Rons, you see, and they share a white and wavy fesse with Dols, home of the Elon-like Alans that we saw above sharing the Henry / Velin / Velen ducks.

As I was on the Lauro/Laura surname (I'm sure I was watching Ron Paul at the time), I remembered Laura, whom I've mentioned before exactly as I'll re-tell again here. I tried to get her interested in me beside a baseball diamond after I played a baseball game there (weekly, organized baseball). The diamond was at a small location called, VICTORIA Square, you see. She turned me down, but later I would learn, for the first time, that she was dating LARRY Barrett. He was on my school bus, for we both lived in Gormley.

And it was a high and hard-hit FLY ball that I magically caught while RUNNING backward, then diving backward, from the bat of Larry Barrett. I've told this story before, but I now know that Runnings/Rons share the wavy fesse of WEFer-branch Wafers, both first known in Herefordshire with BARRels. The latter love the Talbots, first known in Shropshire with Bats, and while Barrett hit the ball at home plate, Wafers add heraldic plates (white roundels) to their wavy fesse.

Wafers and Wefers are first known near the English Webbers and Webbs while German Webbers/Weavers (Saxony with GOAT-using Kepke's) were Kepke kin, which we can glean from the "GOTT" motto term of Weavers/Webbers, and from the "weaver's shuttle" of Keeps. Therefore, as Wefers share the eagle of Italian Este's while "Esto" is a motto term of English Weavers, Wefers and Wafers, and their Way branch, look like Weaver branches. This plays well with my old friend, LARRY Kepke.

Flys of Flagi can take us to Stains sharing the double Flag/Flick fesses. Larrys/Laurie's share "laurel" with Lorraine's. Stain-branch Steinsons/Stevensons are first known in Essex with English Este's, but also in Northumberland with Lorraine's and Barrett-beloved Horse's. Therefore, it seems that my catching Larry's fly ball is a pointer to Lorraine's pant stain, FOR SOME REASON.

Not only are Yarborough's first known in Lincolnshire with barry-using English Barretts, but French Barretts/BARRE's have a giant white horse while Horse's are first known in Northumberland with Keep-loving Hebrons sharing a white horse head with Horse's. The import is in how I got from Victoria, Texas, to Larry Barrett at Victoria Square, to money laundering pointed to by Larry-connectable Lorraine.

The Square's are listed with Squirrels, and the Valentins, who can be traced to Velins and Velens, use squirrels in the colors and format of Stain-branch English Steinsons/Stevensons! The heraldry was obviously arranged to go with events and people in my life, but not arranged by any human. The Peare-related Tiens' in the Square/Squirrel motto share the Feet/Fate and Pavia martlets while Pero's/Pierro's are first known at Pavia. Less than a year after Larry Kepke was with Maria of Buttonville, he started to date Miss Peare of Unionville, and the latter is at the eastern border of Buttonville.

I was playing CENTER field when catching the fly ball, and the Federal Reserve is the so-called U.S. central bank. Barrett-like Bearts share the red bull with Centers/Sanders. Oh wow, Sandersons share the annulets of Bank-like Benjamins, the latter first known in Norfolk with Parsons in turn sharing the triple leopard faces of English Centers/Sainters! The Bank cross is colors reversed from the Benjamin saltire. It therefore does appear that there's a Larry-Barrett link to Victoria, Texas, though I don't know that Ron Paul had any political ties to Victoria.

The Peare's sharing the Parson / Center faces are excellent because they are first known in Oxfordshire with their two kin, the Tiens' and the Abbotts. The Tiens' are in the SQUARE motto! I played center field in Victoria SQUARE. An Abbott family of Idaho was directly related to the Scheriffs of Long Island, a pointer to Hitler's Nazi elements, and Square's look linkable to Scherfs/Schere's. I'll come back to the Scheriffs of Long Island to explain. Abbotts use pears for connection to Pears and Parsons.

I played center FIELD, and Fields/Felde's are first known in Gloucestershire with the Letts/LATE's suspect in the "RepulluLAT" motto of Letter-branch Lauders, yet the same motto is with Larrys/Laurie's; the latter share the brown tree stump with Lauders, but call it "the trunk of an oak" while Trunks have bull heads colors reversed from the same of German Centers/Sanders! Laundrys/Landrys use an "oak" tree. My center-field position is working for a pointer to the laundering operations of central bank(s). Trunks share the two hexagrams of Pero's/Perino's.

This now gets amazing, because Amy-Coney-BARRETT sits on the U.S. Supreme Court with SAMUEL Alito while Lett-like Leto's/Alitto's have a giant "crane DRINKing" in the colors of the giant Letter / Lauder griffin, and moreover the latter Coat is with Italian Ali's/Aliotta's to show that Leto's/Alitto's were an Aliotto branch. The latter are in the format of, and colors reversed, from Drinks/Drengs. The thing is, Trunks show a Drenker variation! The Larry trunk took us here, wherefore his pop fly looks like a pointer to the Supreme Court when caught by me. Samuels share the Square squirrel! Samuel Alito!

Drinks/Drengs share the giant lion of Dreux's/Drews, and while both are in the colors and format of FLY-loving Drake's, the latter are first known beside the Dreux's/Drews! The fly ball therefore does point to Samuel Alito and Coney-Barrett. Druckers (Drake colors and format) have "bull's horns" in colors reversed from the Trunk/Drenker and Bullock bull heads. Bullocks are first known in Roxburghshire while Roxburghs ("AUDax") share the lone pale bar of Drinks/Drengs, in the colors of the triple pale bars of Lizarts/Sarde's of DRAGuignan.

Drinks/Drengs are first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's whose Coat in turn links to Gorsuch's, and Neil Gorsuch is on the same court. Drinks/Drengs have "Dreng de Trocchelai" while Tracks/Tricks and Drigs have the Lorraine lion.

Larry Barrett lived at the corner of Leslie avenue and the Gormley sideroad, and so it's interesting that Leslie's are in Banker colors and format. Gormleys/Grimes' and their Grime branch have the Feet/Fate martlets, making sense where Clarens/FEETERs list Larry-like Larins (share Lorraine laurel branch), is that not amazing? It looks like Larry is a pointer to the FEDERal reserve, probably the biggest Democrat-globalist laundering machine. It can explain why God placed Coney-Barrett on the laundry line as a bra. But don't tell her that.

Why should Larry, and my catching his ball in center field, point both to the central bank and the Supreme Court? Judges sit on a "bench," and Bankers are also Benchers. The Rhodes-connectable Bench's probably share the Lums in their motto with Stain-branch Steinsons (Northumberland with Lums/Lambs and Lorraine's). Bench's are first known in Yorkshire with Rhodes' and their Ground/Grundy kin while Lorraine got her grass stain on the ground.

Lorne's are first known in Aberdeenshire with the Craigs possibly in the "Creag" motto term of Clarens/Feeters/Larins. The Turks in that same motto have a "flaming mount" while Scottish Flemings are first known in Lanarkshire while Lawn/Lane-like Lanarks were Lorne kin. The "bello" motto term of Turks ought to be for Bello's/Bellows in the "bellows" of the Ships in the "ship" of Clarens/Feeters/Larins.

Ships are amazing, not just because they are first known in Oxfordshire with Center-connectable Peare's and Bankers, but because they are listed with Shiptons while Skipton is in Craven with the first-known Banks! The Feeters took us here by bumping us to the Turks. German Turks are first known in Silesia with the Lise-branch Lists who both share the six pale bars of Center-connectable Sandersons. Repeat from above: "Oh wow, Sandersons share the annulets of Bank-like Benjamins, the latter first known in Norfolk with Parsons in turn sharing the triple leopard faces of English Centers/Sainters!"

The Banker bend is in the colors of the three Lauro bends, and the Lorraine motto is "Lauro RESERgo." Lauro's are first known in CATALonia while Cattle's/Cattels are first known in Norfolk with Benjamins while Cattolica is beside Rimini while I trace Benjamins to the Rimna river of Wallachia partly because Walch's/Walsh's almost have the Benjamin Coat. Lorraine got her stain while on a Walch-like walk while George Bush married LAURA Walsh (were her family roots of pro-Nazi Americans?). Rimmons/Crimmons were pipers of McLeods/Clouds in the Stain motto. Don't we think it likely that the Reserve bank was taken over by dastardly Nazi elements?

Repeat: "Fedders/Fetters even have ostRICH feathers while Rich's/Richess' were related to Lorraine's." Rich's/Richess' use the BOTTONy cross, and are first known in Hampshire with FLY's and POPPins, but also with Ukraine-line Bottons/Buttons/Bidens. Victoria Square is smack beside Buttonville. In fact, the Buttonville border may be on the southern side of Victoria Square, everything south of the 18th concession, and the baseball diamond was on the south side of the 18th concession. But why should Larry's fly ball point to Ron Paul's desire to audit the Federal Reserve? Why show this heraldry at all since I myself doubt that Ron Paul will audit the Federal Reserve?

I think logically that God wants to expose globalist corruption in time to justify taking the planet for King Jesus. He's what the world badly needs. The US experiment has been a dismal failure. Money corrupts. It attracts evil hearts. Democracy gives satan a big voice. Even Elon Musk censors voices to get himself the upper hand. Hearts are deceptive, and can become evil in an instant.

From the last update: "I told of Kepke sleeping in my basement alone with the Italian, Mary Nigro, of BUTTONville (I don't know what they did, never asked). She was likely born, Maria, and Buttons/Bidens/BUDINs are from the Budini of Kiev. We all three worked at the same grocery store at the time." They slept in the basement after a party I threw for the youth of Knob Hill Farms. Mary had suggested I apply for the job there when we were spending some time together, and I suggested later that Kepke apply there. It all looks Arranged to prove that Kepke's were, along with Keeps, from Maria of Kiev. A few months after Kepke and I left Knob Hill, we met Miss Peare, and he almost married her.

She lived in Unionville while Unions use millRINDs while Rinds can be shown to be a RAND/Rynd/RANCE branch. Rand Paul! Rands/Rynds/Rance's are first known in Norfolk with Alan-related Mileham, and Alans of Dol were near the Rance river to St. Malo. French Malo's are Mallets too while English Mallets share the Rind scallops. Rinds are first known in Perthshire with Kepke-connectable Justine's, from the wife of Valentinian I of Vinkovci. Milehams is said to be the home of Vlad-like Flaad, ancestor of the Dol Alans, and Flatts/Fletts can be linked to Norfolk's Floats while Fleets (Lincolnshire with Yarborough's and millrind-using Miles') almost have the Flag/Flick Coat.

Larry Barrett's fly ball looks like a pointer to Ron Paul's anti-globalist sentiments and/or Elon Musk's fight against laundered money. I caught the ball, and Catch's/Catchers (Norfolk with Flags/Flicks) are in the "fly-catcher" phrase on the English-version motto of Drake's, first known in Hampshire with Flys. Catch's/Catchers share the scallops, white like the Flag/Flick scallops, of fence-like Fens'/Venns, and the TV antenna was fallen onto the fence of Paul Smith's place.

There's more, because Flys are first known in the same place with English Josephs and Chaplet-like Caplans/Chaplains. Then, French Chaplains (Normandy with Runnings/Rons and French Barrets/Barre's) share the double chevrons of English Josephs while French Josephs once showed the black swan of Chaplets, first known in Lorraine with laundry-like Landrys who in turn share the martlet that French Josephs are now showing, in colors reversed in the Fly Coat.

See the last update for how Lorraine at my laundromat points with Landrys of the Bar-le-DUC area to money laundering. As Lorraine's are from Ukraine, it seems that the Federal Reserve is guilty of laundering money in the Ukraine war. Everything in this section thus far is pointing to Ukraine, including knocking on Muschatov's window, for both her parents are Ukrainian. And so is LARRY Kepke, who was in the last update, whose surname traces to Maria of Kiev along with Lorraine's, sister of king Yaroslav.

Yaroslav was the son of king VLADimir, and Vlads can be suspect in the "wlad" motto term of English Josephs. Vlads, in Kepke colors and format, share the Coat of Goat-connectable Goths/Gothels, and Kepke's have a giant goat. Vlads are first known in Westphalia with Ducks and duck-line Velins / Velens, the ones in the motto of Federal-like Fedders/Feathers. Westphalia is also where Pansys/Pantzers are first known, pointed to be Lorraine's pant/grass stain. It's also where Allers are first known in the Lorraine "allerions" (beakless eagles), and Beaks are first known in Wiltshire with English Neals who share the split Yarborough Shield, and even share the lion of Yarborough-beloved Sine's/Swans/Sions.

As Roxolani of Kiev had a branch on the Buzau tributary of the Siret, it appears that proto-Kepke's were amid the Roxolani of the Buzau area because the Siret was anciently the AGARus while Hagars (Perthshire with RATTerys) share the giant Goth / Vlad hexagram. When I knew him as a teen, LAWRENCE Kepke owned a pet white RAT while the same hexagram (in smaller form) is with Rads/Redders/Redlers (Bavaria with Kepke-connectable Weis'/Wise's) while Rats list Raids. Red/Reeds are first known in Northumberland with Roddens/Rodhams and Lorraine's, and Lawrence's love the Readys in their motto. Readings/Reddins (Sussex with Keeps) share the black boar with Bush's whom I can trace to "Buzau," and with Boths/Booths (Yorkshire with Bush's and Keppochs) while Bothwells are first known in Lanarkshire while Lanarks/Lurnacks, with the Lorne's in their write-up, share the BUS cinquefoils, as do Dogs/Doags/Docks (Perthshire with Hagars).

Here's Rand Paul calling for a DOGE review of Fort Knox, from a video out on February 17, after writing this entire update. I saw no calling for an audit of Fort Knox previous to this video:

The Shark's Tail Looks Stained

A way (new here) to find connection between Lawrence's are Lorraine's grass stain is where the Lawrence Coat is almost the one of Standish's/Stanage's (Lancashire with Lawrence's). The Grass stain was on her BUTT, and the "turbot" tail in the Lawrence Crest is for Turbots/TurBUTTS. The latter almost have the Coat of Geds ("DuRAT"), first known in Fife with Balcons, and her grass stain was on her BALCONy. The Dure's in "Durat" are first known in Perthshire with the Glove's in the Clan Chattan motto, "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

As said, Balcons (share Chatan bend-with-roses) look like kin of Chatan- / Chattan-connectable Botters/Botini's (Lucca), and Lucca's use a giant "cat." This paragraph is more compelling with Lawrence Kepke in the picture, especially as Larrys/Laurie's share laurel with Lorraine's. Clan Chattan uses a "bot" motto term in place of "but." TurBOT. I've shown how Tails/Tailer and Tillers were from the same Tilurius/Cetina river as cat-using Cetins/Cattans (Norfolk with Catch's/Catchers). The turbot TAIL of Lawrence's (Lancashire with Sassy-connectable Such's/Saucers) speaks. Laura was the girlfriend of Larry Barrett (they looked very serious together).

It was my tail-SUCKing cat, Sassy, that found the Sassy-Suck-Tail-Tiller links above, though I don't recall how the Cetins/Cattans entered that crew. This week, I came across Sassoons, not listed with Sassys, but with English Saracens. It just so happens that Saraca's of Ragusa were near the Tilurius river. Plus, Ragusa-like Raggs' are first known in Leicestershire with Tonys/Tone's while Sassoons/Saracens almost have the TONbridge Coat. Thus, it appears that Sassys, who share "Saracen heads" with Cetins/Cattans, were off of the Sassoon surname.

The Wragg variation of Raggs' (Wreck/Wrack colors) looks like the Wreck/Wrack surname, and it's interesting that the Wreck/Wrack Coat is almost the Deep Coat.

However, curiously, the Cautes' in Cetin/Cattan motto are listed with French Cottons/Cotta's while royal Cottians were at Sassy-like Susa. Julius Caesar's mother, Ms. Cotta, can take us to the RAGully symbol suspect partly with Julian-branch Gullys (Oxfordshire with Susans). It can argue that the Chatti Germanics, the line to Keith Catti, were through the royal Cottians. Keats (same place as Cetins/Cattans) have cats too. Kate's/Katterbachs, in the three colors of the Arms of Saraca, share the Chief-Shield colors of Shark-using Valiants (Yorkshire with Keith-branch Caddys). Valiant-like Vallans share the French Sarasin Coat.

Kate's/Katterbachs are first known in the same place as same-colored Trumps (Kepke colors and format). The shark and the bulldog. None of this is the Love of the Father, revealed in the Son. No, none of this is that. I gave Sassy away when going to Texas, and some two months later I received a black Lab, in Texas, which the kids named Katie. She got killed by a car chasing a cat. Kepke had a black Lab named Blacky, and Blackys can be gleaned with Nero's/Neretti's, probably from the Neretva river, midway between Ragusa and the Tilurius.

The shark was in a kidney-shaped pool, and the Arms of Saraca has a fish in the colors of the Ged fish, in colors reversed from the fish of Kidneys/GEDneys (Lincolnshire with Deeps and Blacks), and so I've only now, after so long, figured with certainty that Nerona (lower-left of map), a city on the Neretva, in a region called, "Narensus," must have named Nairnshire, for the Geddes' are first known there along with the rats/raids in the "Durat" motto term of Geds.

Nairns (sharing the Car/Curr motto) have a "chaplet" while Chaplets are first known in Lorraine. Plus, so amazing, the Nairn Crest has "a trunk of OAK", the Larry/LAWRie symbol too. His dog only-now has helped me to be on the Nairns. Lawers are listed with ragully Lawrence's. It appears that Saraca's were somehow related to Lorraine liners. While Sharks have a crane, English Crane's use a "GREEN staff ragully" while Staffs/Staffords were named by Tonys. Tunbridge's/Tonbridge's are first known in Kent with Greens. Staff-like Stave's were a Stain branch.

The shark in the pool had nasty TEETH, and Grape-loving Teeters are first known in Pomerania with Trumps. Laus'/Lauers (Bohemia) use grapes, so intriguing because I watched the Miss Simson of Texas, who married Mr. Teeter, run over and kill her cat. I've traced Simsons to Enotri peoples of Laus, near Saracena (southern Italy), and Ragusa was also called, Laus(a). Grape's/Gripps/Grabbers share the Coat of Kepke-beloved Goats/Gothams, and Goths/Gothels (Kepke colors and format) share the Kate/Katterbach hexagram.

As Lawer-like Laws (same place as Lorraine's) look related to the Coat of Sorrys (Lancashire with Lawers/Lawrence's), we can follow the "fasce" of Sorrys, and the "fasque" motto term of Laws, to the fasce of ASS', the surname pointable by Lorraine's butt stain, interesting because Ragusa, not shown on the map above, is at ASamum (shown). I'm wondering whether the entity naming AsaMUM also named MumMOLIN of Chalons. Moline's can be shown to share the goat of Kepke-related Weiss'.

Laus'/Lawers are first known in Bohemia, where I can trace separately all three, Babwells/Babels ("gold gate"), Babels/Babe's, and English Babe's. I'm referring to Podebrady of Bohemia, where I say the matriarch of the Drummonds lived. Babe's were kin of Podebrady-liner Beaks, and the latter are said to have been related to Baron Willoughby de Eresby. At the latter's Wikipedia article, his Arms are shown that include the Scottish Drummond Coat, tending to prove that I'm correct in seeing Drummond roots there, for the Beak Coat (Drummondish-like) is essentially over the "gold gate" in the Arms of Podebrady.

"The title of Baron Willoughby was created by writ in 1313 for Robert de Willoughby, lord of the manor of Eresby in the parish of Spilsby, Lincolnshire. He was the son of Sir William de Willoughby and Alice, daughter of John Beke, 1st Baron Beke of Eresby."

Babel-like Bible's/Bibo's, sharing the Law rooster, are first known in Mecklenburg with their Hahn kin, and with Kate's/Katterbachs. Then, while Bible's/Bibo's use a "cushion," Kiss'/Cush's (same red rooster) are first known in Leicestershire with Raggs/Wraggs and Sorry-branch Sorrels. The Soar river of Leicestershire traces to Soars/Sors', first known in Dorset with Bohemia-line Beaks. Leicester is where Hastings-related Tonys are first known, and the Beaks have: "Walter de Bec, one of the most distinguished knights at Hastings." Crispins (Oxfordshire with Harcourts) were at Bec Abbey. The Beak write-up: "...Lord Willoughby de Eresby; and Margaret, married to Sir Richard de Harcourt, progenitor of the Earls of Harcourt."

Sorrels are in Lawyer/Layard colors and format, and the latter have the double fesses of Sleeps, from the Selepitanoi Illyrians near Kotor, the previous home of the Saraca's of Ragusa. Kotor-like Cutters are first known in Dorset with Soars/Sors', and then Kate's are KATTERbachs to. The Lawyers/Layards (pointer to court cases?) have a canton square with millrind in the colors of the canton square with mascle of Whalleys, first known in Lancashire with Lawers/Lawrence's.

French LEIRs/Lairs happen to share the Coat of Irish Judge's, and so Lawyers/Layards could be pointing with Lorraine and Larry Barrett to the Supreme Court. Layard-like Layers/LEYRs may have been created off of the Ley variation of Leghs while the Soar of LEICester is also the Legro. The Legro's, sharing the Soar/Sors lion to be assumed, use more "laurel branches" (Lorraine symbol).

German Leirs/Layers could have the double Parr fesses because the latter are first known in Lancashire with Lawers/Lawrence's and Lawyer-connectable Sorrels. Leirs/Layers (almost the Italian Grassi Coat) are first known in Ulm while German Ulmans (no ermines) essentially have the Lawyer/Layard Coat. The latter add ermines while Ermine's are first known in Lincolnshire with Grasse's and Leyers/Leyrs. The Graus variation of Legro's can thus explain Lorraine's grass stain. It appears that Grass(e) elements were at the Legro river such that they developed a Legro variation from something like "LeGrass." The Grazi-connectable Crispins of Lorraine can therefore have the bend of English Grasse's.

I can make the heraldic links, but I can't be sure what they mean in the real world. Maybe you can figure it out better, because if I can't, God's wasting much of His time...if some choice readers can't either, choice readers whom God would be using in some ways in unison with this heraldic exposure. I'm in no position to alter politics, unless some readers do. This is how I see it. I tend to think that God wants to alter politics to protect the end-time Church, not to make America great out of the heap that it's now. Pity those Christians who praise America while God is exposing its snake guts. Don't confuse American Christians with America. And don't think that American Christians are better than third-world Christians unaffected by bounty.

To nail Laws and Lawers/Lawrence's to Lawyers/Layards, the latter are first known in Rhineland with the Salome's/Solomons sharing the bend-with-stars of Laws, but also of VANCE's/Vaux's in case God intends to point to Trump's vice-president. He gave a speech in Munich this week to European globalists with their ears wide shut. For the globalists, it's full-speed ahead to their crash site, with about half the continent on their train, if we include non-voters.

The Standish/Stanage write-up: "'The earliest recorded ancestor seems to be ThurSTAN de Standish'", wherefore TURbots may have been named from the Thur-like namers of Thurstans. With the possibility that TurBUTTs are in Lorraine's stain, note that Thurstans (hunting horns) use a "heron" while Herons (same place as Lorraine's) are a branch of Horns/Orne's, first known in Middlesex with Stains. Standish/Stanage (Lancashire with Bottle's/Bootels and Charlie's/Chorleys) are said to have been at Chorley while Charlie's of Chorley use Bottle/Bootels. TurBOT. Thurstans are said to be first known in Suffolk with Charles' who in turn look linkable to Eggs/AGE's. StandAGE.

Crails/Crabs are first known in the same place as News'/Nuces' who in turn use a "roll of silver parchment" while Parchments/Parkmans are in Charlie colors and format.

My Botter link to Balcons of Crail (near Aberdeen) could reveal that "Crail" is from "Charles," or from Carls of Aberdeenshire who share the pomegranate with French Crispins, for English Crispins are first known in Oxfordshire with Crawls/Crowells (Crow branch). This paragraph is a brand-new idea with a Crail link to Carls, and after writing the last sentence, Crowleys came to mind (not familiar with them) who happen to be in Charlie colors and format! Crowleys (listed with Crawleys) substitute the Charlie bottles with "cranes." After writing the last sentence, I was looking at "Botter" in this paragraph when a song ("WWJD") over my speakers sang, "buddy." Buddys are listed with English Botters.

Crowleys/Crawleys named a CrawLAWE in Northumberland, and as Lorraine's and Laws are first known there, note that Lorraine pointed, from her BUS stop, to Pepins and Pipe's sharing the camel in Crest with Crows and Crawls/Crowells. This is pointing to the Apophis asteroid with her grass streak, especially as Hawks love the Stain-branch Steinsons/Stave's while Streeks are listed with the Strike's in the Hawk motto. The streaking asteroid is going to strike. Stains are also Stands while Standish's were at Chorley of the Charlie's / Charleys. See that?

Crowleys/Crawleys also named Crawley in Buttinghill of East Sussex. Buttings are listed with Buttons/Bidens, first known in Hampshire with Botters/Buddys and Poppins/Pophams. Crails/Crabs are first known in the same place as Popps. Now do you see it better? As Kiev-line Keeps are first known in Sussex with Buttinghill, while Budini were at Kiev, note the Budin variation of "horn"-using Buttings (beside Sussex). As Lorraine's share the Keep bend, this part of the discussion explains (again) why God have her the BUTT stain, a streak pointing to a streaking asteroid.

Buttinghill is said to be in the "rape of Lewes", and while Welsh Lewis' were a Welsh Louis branch, note that French Louis'/Loys are first known in Lorraine.

Miss Hicks pointed us to Buddys when "buddy (STANLey) and I both sat beside her at the first anniversary memorial of 9-11, that our CHURCH put on.

As Lorraine, a pointer to Bush elements, got the grass stain when on a WALK on CHURCH street, suddenly, she's pointing to George Bush as per his part in his 9-11 crimes. Church's are in the colors and format of Bush's, the latter first known in Yorkshire with "lizard"-using Walkers. Lizarts/Sarde's are traceable to Lise's/Liss', first known in Hampshire with Buttings/Bidens and Botters/Buddys.

This picture can explain why God arranged the song word, "buddy," to come across to my ears while looking at "Botter." I was referring to Italian Botters/Botini's, who share the bend of Apophis-pointing Balcon. When the asteroid of Revelation lands in the sea, Christians will be able to raise their heads in great hope, watching God give His rewards to the destroyers of humanity.

"Buddy" in Texas took my seat beside Miss Hicks, when I left it. He was Stanley (don't know his surname). While Stains are also Stans, Stanleys are first known in Cambridgeshire with Crails/Crabs. The Changers in the Stanley motto are first known in Hampshire with Chase's, a branch in turn of Cancer-like Chance's/Chaunceurs. The Apophis asteroid is said to be coming visibly from Cancer the crab.

Years ago, I pointed Stanley to Morgan-Stanley bank offices directly under two maintenance floors (where criminals set up shop, to be assumed) in one of the Trade Towers, but also to "Loose Change," the first, or one of the first, video productions to expose 9-11 as an inside job. While German Loose's share the Morgan lion, in colors reversed from the Lorraine lion, English Loose's (counterCHANGEd colors) are first known in Suffolk with the PLAINs/Platters whose fleur-de-lys they share. They are also the fleur of English JUNE's who were once said to be first known in Cambridgeshire. There is no Plane surname coming up, but if there is such a surname, it can be of the Plains, a good pointer to the faked planes (just video doctoring) that hit the trade towers.

I'm now wondering whether this day's songline miracle is foretelling some God-directed justice against the ring leaders of 9-11.

The Plain variation of Platters is obviously from Palins, meaning that a Palin line married Platters, and then the other Platters (Norfolk with Stain-branch Steins and StanDISH-possible Diss') essentially have the Lauro Coat. German Platters/Plate's share grapes with Laus'/Lauers.

Oh wow, just as I was about to give up on presenting English Manders (share Standish/Stanage saltire) from knowing their "laus" motto term, I clicked to German Manders to find the Platter / Lauro Coat in reverse, with all three bends rising to the Shield's left side (instead of its right side). Maness'/Manners have the Omen-connectable Purys while "OMNiBUS" is a motto term of English Manders, kin of Rhodes'. The latter are first known in Yorkshire, where Stains were once said to be first known. While Manders are first known in Devon with Maine's, Mainers are first known in Suffolk with Plains/Platters. English Mans: London area with Stains.

To help prove that the Lawrence cross is the Standish saltire, the Lawrence cross has a raGULLY pattern while Gullys/GOLLY's and English Gulls share a "sine" motto term of Stain-related Yarborough's. I've said before that Lawrence Kepke's golf theme pointed to Golfins/Gulls while Kepke's hockey-goalie position pointed to Gollys. But I don't think I had the Lawrence ragully in mind at those times.

It thereby seems that the Keep-and-Lorraine line is welded together to both first names of Kepke, Larry / Lawrence, yet it also tends to prove that God ordained her pant stain, and then while Balcons were at Crail, it just so happens that Raggs/Wraggs, expected in the RAGully of Lawrence's, share the Crail/Crab fleur-de-lys. Kepke was born in late June, of the Cancer zodiac. See that? Kepke now seems to be pointing to Apophis even with her grass streak. We just saw the June's above; Hall of Names still has them, as well as Jeune's, first known in the same place as Crails/Crabs. The English Youngs, with a "jeune" motto term, and sharing a black wolf in Crest with Saracens, are first known in Essex with Wragg-like Wrecks/Wracks.

Gullys/Gollys and English Gulls can be gleaned as branches, or at least kin, of two Julian surnames, including the German branch, first known in Saxony with Kepke's and Weiss' while Walks and Wies' share the stars of Keep-connectable Weavers/Webbers. She was on a WALK when getting the streak. Gullys/Gollys even use a "Nil" motto term while Yarborough's were English Neal kin while Irish Neils/Neals are first known in Tyrone with Sharks, while Saraca's were at RAGUSa, suspect to the Raggs surname. German Neils/Nails were at Westphalia with Pansys/Pantzers. The asteroid must be coming to cut the deep-state shark down to size.

To find a potential link between English Julians and Crails/Crabs, both first known in the same place, the Julians share the crosslets of Teague's, first known in Galway while Galways love the Crab-loving Bridge's. I had a cloud-over-sun omen a few hours before being mugged in Galway-like Galveston, and then German Julians share the six pale bars of Scottish Jeffreys who in turn have a cloud covering the sun.

The day after the omen, on the day of the frightening mugging that was its fulfillment, I bought a newspaper that pointed to the News'/NUCES' (Cambridgeshire with English Julians) because that purchase was the first step to purchasing property on NUECES riverfront. One morning, upon asking a real estate agent, Mrs. Teague, whether she had riverfront property, she said yes, and I ended up buying it, on the Nueces river. Is that nuts or what? We just saw the Teague's with the Julian crosslets, and yet this omen is now looking like a sign in the sky of an impending Apophis soon to drop. Although I don't know the day of the newspaper purchase, I do know it was in April of 1994, and Apophis returns in April of 2029.

The Sleeping Beauty dream took place (don't known the date exactly) about the first of April, 1979, 25 years before the newspaper purchase, and the latter is 25 years before Apophis is scheduled to come visit.

New: the "frustra" motto term of English Gulls must be for Frosts sharing the Shark trefoil. Frosts happen to have an "old man's head between two sprigs of LAUREL", the Larry and Lorraine symbol! The Larrys love the Cups/Cope's in Aberdeenshire with Strachs, and with the Cups/Cope's in the "copia" motto term of Red/Reads (same place as Lorraine's), and while Lawrence's were at REDmaine, "Redit" is a Shark motto term.

Yaroslav is to Yarborough's, first known in Lincolnshire with Grasse's, and with Laundrys/Landrys as per "Gerard Landri." Gerards, sharing the Grasse lion, are first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's. GERARds recalls the bra-on-laundry-line event (last update) at JERRY Peterson's (maybe he was born, Gerard). I showed how he points to Jarrys/Garrys and Touch's, but, now, Touch's list TV-like Teve's. The two TV antennas above point with Muschatov to Fort Knox and Ukraine, and, for the moment, the antenna of Paul Smith points to Ron Paul for a reason I can't yet grasp. Pollets/Paulets are in the motto of Pools sharing the Gerard Coat.

As Lorraine has a babe symbol, it's notable that Babe's share a hand pointing with Teve's/Touch's while the latter share a green lion with Lorraine's. The Teve/Touch hand is red, and while Reds/Reeds are first known in the same place as Lorraine's, the "copia" motto term of Red/Reeds suggest the Cups/Cope's, beloved by Larrys/Laurie's. Fedder-connectable Fothes'/Fette's/Fitts and Knox-related Orrs/Ore's have a "cornuCOPIA." Babe's and their Foot-loving Blond kin share the sun with Fetters.

Lorraine's pant stain went from her butt into her thigh, and while Suns/Sinclairs use a "thy" motto term that can be for Thigh's/Thy's. The "tua" motto term of sun-using Blonds is translated, "thy." TYsons/Tessons, in Pansy/PANTzer colors and format, and with the Teve/Tow/Touch lion in colors reversed, are first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's. The Pansy/Pantzers doves are with Peace's/Paise's, first known in the Orkneys with Henry Sinclair, and the Ass' are first known in neighboring Shetland. The Pantzer-beloved Dove's are first known in neighboring Berwickshire with the Hume's/Home's sharing the Tyson/Tesson lion, and the Teve/Touch Coat is the Hume/Home Coat in colors reversed. Barrett's fly ball would have been a HOME RUN had I not taken a backward dive to catch it.

That is, I DOVE to catch it. Dive's share the triple scallops of Larry-like Larins. Dove's share a dancetty-fesse (different colors) with Dive's.

I did do a ROLL on the grass after diving back. As a thin kid, I was good at that, did it much as a kid, always in sports, and I can even remember knowing that, during the dive, I'd need to do a roll because this was going to be a heavy-duty one. That final second is plastered into my memory. While English Rolls/Role's are in Landry colors, and while German Rolls/Raels (possibly a Royal branch) share the lion of Scottish Roys, French Role's share triple-red pale bars with the Garlands (Perthshire with Rollo's and DOIGE's/Dogs!) in the "garland" of Stave's/Steinsons/Stevensons (shared as a "wreath" by Stains). In fact, Stave's/Steinsons/Stevensons (share DOUGlas Chief) have a "laurel garland." Scottish Roys are first known in Lanarkshire with Lorraine elements and Chaplet-beloved Swans.

French Role's are first known in Brittany with French Roys, and with a Landry branch according to the Landry write-up. Garlands show a garland but call it a "chaplet" while Chaplets (Landry colors) are first known in Lorraine with Landrys. Now we know why Barrett's girl was Laura.

Repeat from above: "Therefore, it seems that my catching Larry's fly ball is a pointer to Lorraine's pant stain, FOR SOME REASON." HumPHREYs have variations looking to be from Freys or Freie's (Tyson / Pantzer colors and format) who in turn have horses in Horse-gyronny colors. Hume's share "true" with the English-version motto of Humphreys. The latter, thus looking like they were named from a Hume-Frey marriage, share the bottony cross (different color) with Lorraine-related Rich's (Hampshire with Flys and Bottons). And the "aime" motto term of Humphreys can be a pointer to AMY Coney-Barrett! The "Aymez" motto term of Pollets/Paulets is interesting.

The Humphreys put a "wound" into the "shoulder" of an otter, and Shouldhams show a gold falcon just like the Knock/Knox falcon, but Shouldhams call it an "eagle." A woman's "shoulder" is mentioned by both Parrs and Elon-branch Elms, and I'm feeling pretty sure that, when I knocked on Muschatov's window, it's got something to do with Fort-Knox gold. I can see it's use in a bid for world control, which only makes the seekers of world control hungrier to obtain it. Parrs are suspect in the motto of Maness'/Manners, and "true man" is the English-version phrase of the "L'HOMME vrai" phrase of Humphreys. Keep the Maness' in mind, because they were part of the Galveston mugging and the related OMEN.

But first, I'd like to go to NEWsome's/NewsHOLME's from the newspaper that I bought in Victoria that seems arranged by God, for reasons I'll get to. They are said to have named Newsholme locations while Holms share the "wreath" with Yarborough's and Stains. Two Newsholme locations are mentioned in Yorkshire, where Stains were once said to be first known, and where Stains tell they married Yarboroughs. Stains are now said to be first known in London with Caps in the "cap of maintenance" of Home-like Holms (barry of eight). While Yarborough's love the Sine variation of Swans/Sions, they come up also as Some's, and so NewSOME's do look related to Yarborough's.

Hume's/Home's use "True TO THE end," suspect partly with the Letter-connectable Tooths. The English-version Holm motto uses "trust" while "Trustie to the end" is the motto of Seaton-connectable and Letter-like Leiths/Lethe's. It seems to be verifying that Home's and Holms were branch's. Letter-branch Lauders share the tree stump and motto of Larrys/Lawrie's, and thus the newspaper in Victoria seems to have taken us to Larry's would-be home run in Victoria Square, but I CAUGHT the ball just as he was on his way to first base celebrating a big slam. He hit the ball at home PLATE, and English Plate's share the Catch/Catcher scallops.

I better add that English Plate's share the leopard faces of antenna-like Antons, first known in Lincolnshire with Swan-connectable Yarborough's and English BRANDs and Brandens) while German Plate's (BRANDenburg) use a swan. Plus, Yarborough-related English Neals (share Sine/Sion/Swan lion) are first known in Wiltshire with Home-beloved TRUE's/Tree's who in turn have a knight "BRANDishing" a sword.

In case you think we are pointing to California's dastardly Gavin Newsome, Welsh Gavins are first known in Wiltshire too. Irish Smiths are listed with Gavins, and they seem to love the Pellets (Sussex with Hitler-connectable Oddie's/Hodleys) in their motto that are all over the Branden lion. Pellet-branch Pilotte's (Lincolnshire again) can take us to Pelosi's/Pilati's, and Nancy Pelosi of California is possibly in some corruption scheme(s) with Gavin Newsome.

Irish Smiths/Gavins use a "teneBRAS exPELLIT" phrase, and it was Lorraine with the grass stain who walked past Paul Smith and I in Vaughn. Vaughns are first known in Shropshire with Oddey-branch Hodnets. Newsome's were at Gisburn with Odins/Hoddys and Oddie's/Hoddys. See that? Oddeys/Odo's share the dove with Pansys/Pantzers, and audit-like Aude's/Audets (Paulet kin) are also Ode's. I DOVE to catch Barrett's fly.

That stain was connectable to Bush elements, owners of the Nazified CIA in Langley, and while Langhe is at Bra (beside first-known Pelosi's/Pilati's), Langleys share the six pale bars of Landry-like Landens/Landers, first known in Switzerland with Hitts. LARRY Barrett HIT the ball, and both his names are linkable to Lorraine elements at Bar-le-Duc (Barois). Landrys are first known in that Barois area, and Brands are in Landry colors and format. We got Brands from the Crest of Home-beloved True's, and Barrett hit his fly ball from home plate.

Her stain was also a streak pointing to the Apophis-asteroid, God's reward to the wicked of this planet. Barrett's fly BALL could be a symbol of Apophis coming down because English Balls use a "fireball." A "fireball proper" is with Box's (Wiltshire again) while Larry was standing in the batter's box when he hot the fly ball.

I'm writing this paragraph, and the one above, before getting to the Hitlers for the first time, written below. Brandens get Nazi-interesting where they share the double fesses of Nests/Nessens/Nassi's while I was mugged in my Nissan pick-up while sleeping in its cargo bed. Nissans share the double fesses of Parrs suspect in the motto of Maness'/Manners who will point to Nazi elements below. There are Nazi soldiers in Ukraine vying to have a piece of the New Ukraine. Larry Barrett HIT a home run, almost, and Hitts share the double bends of Hiedlers/Hitlers. Is that interesting or what?

Back to the Seaton-connectable Leith's/Lethe's, first known in Midlothian with Wreath-connectable Crichtons, and with Omen-like Mens', and with Suns/Sinclairs, all three using a "God" motto term while German Goods/Guts are first known in Switzerland with Sion, also called, Sitten. Seatons list Sittens (share Crichton dragon). Switzerland is also where Victoria-connectable Fechts are first known, as well as German and Swiss Hudders/Hadins. In fact, wow, Switzerland is also where Hitts were first known who share the double bends of sun-using Heidlers/HITLERS!!! Therefore, the newspaper in Victoria looks like a pointer to Nazified elements in the American deep state! It's exactly what Mr. Maness pointed to, whom I'll get to below.

Newsome's/Newsholme's were at Gisburn with the first-known Odins/Hoddys (white horse) and their Oddie/Hoddy branch, and Teve's/Touch's (Hume/Home Coat in colors reversed) were of AUDley, in case those elements were branches. Though not in the same colors, Audleys share the fret with Hoods/Hutts (Devon), and the latter's is probably the Oddie/Odin saltire. Leiths/Lethe's share the Seaton and FRYday crescents while Seaton in Devon is on an axe river to explain why English Hudders/Hooders (mention Hodd in Yorkshire) use axes, probably the blue Baden/Battin axes. I showed how Home's and OTTer-loving Humphreys together can get as to FREYs (Wiltshire with True's). Otters/Others, proto-Windsors, have the Leith/Lethe crescents in colors reversed, and Windsors are first known in Berkshire with Batters. Barrett was the batter.

Hudders/Hooders have "An angel praying" while Irish Prays (County Down with Knee's) share the six pale bars of Truths (Surrey with Stains) in the English-version motto of Oddeys/Odo's. Knee's are connectable to the Vice's (Sussex with Oddeys/Odo's and Downs) expected in the "vicimus" motto term of Hudders/Hooders. Auto's/Otto's were in the Sleeping Beauty dream with the auto's hood, and with Beauty's knee. The Patria's in the Oddey/Odo motto, and the Jumps, share the Trump stag head, in the colors of the Down stag. Patria's share the scallops of Pullys/Pullens (Yorkshire with Jumps and Pauls) who in turn share the pelican with Oddeys/Odo's.

Truths are first known in Surrey, where Dolphins were once said to be first known who are in the Coffee/Coffer Crest. The Coffee/Coffer "man" is said to be "riding" the dolphin while Ridings/Readings are first known in Sussex with Oddeys/Odo's and Coverts/Cofferts. It is the latter who point to Nazi elements along with Mr. Maness' of Markham, Texas, smack beside Victoria, where I bought the newspaper and coffee. "Victoria" is a motto term of Coffee's/Coffers.

As the Ridings/Readings have "Richard del Ryding at Wakefield, Yorkshire in 1227," their boars can be the same-colored boars of Bush's (Yorkshire). Wakefields share a green Crest with the Coffee dolphin, and Wakefields use a green dragon.

Scottish Mans (dragon) are first known in Aberdeenshire with Lorne's, and English Mans are first known in London with Stains. Thus, the goats of Scottish Mans can be expected to have been close to the Kepke goat, especially as the Kepke goat is in both colors with English Kidds (Suffolk with Omens/Omans) while Scottish Kidds are first known beside Aberdeenshire.

Kepke and I lived in Markham, Ontario. As I've said when relating the mugging, a Mr. Maness that I knew of from a Nazi-pointing emailer to me, had an address in Markham, Texas, which I passed on the way to Victoria on the morning of/after the midnight mugging. Markham (beside Victoria county) was part of Ron Paul's 22nd district. Mr. Maness' wife, the emailer above, was born Miss Covert, and while the Victoria-loving Coffee's/Coffers are shown above linkable to the Coffert variation of Coverts, the latter are first known in Sussex with COURTs/Coverts and Federal-like Fedders/Feathers. Victoria variations suggest a branch of Fetter-like Fechts whose swords are in the colors of the swords of Audet-connectable Pollets/Paulets.

[Courtois Insert -- With Larry Barrett in this picture, we should maybe ask whether Courts/Coverts suggest Amy Coney-Barrett. Lorraine's pant stain touches upon Coneys because they use the "pansy," and Lorraine's can be gleaned as kin of Gorsuch's. The Pansys connect with German Ducks, and "ducks" are used by French Courtois'. She with Neil Gorsuch are on the Supreme Court of the United States.

Courtois' (new to me now) are first known in Burgundy with Pilate's/Pilotte's while Plow-like Pillows/Pilotte's are thus discovered as a Plow branch because English Courtois'/Curtis' use a "plowSHARE." In keeping with the grass stain pointing to Apophis, we can add that Plows share the Crail/Crab fleur. Pillows/Pilotte's share the cups of Pellets, the latter first known in Sussex with Keeps (share Lorraine / Gorsuch bend), Coopers, and Courts/Coverts. As Keips/Keipers are first known in Nuremberg, is God telling us here that there will be somewhat of a Nuremberg II at the U.S. Supreme Court, since Nazi's are all over this discussion now?

French Courtois' are in Christmas colors and format, and the latter have a red-Shield version of the Coney Coat (shares wavy-gold fesses with Courtois'). Christmas' ("coneys") share the Landry martlets for a return to Lorraine elements. The Coneys are the ones with the pansy while Lorraine's pant stain, by pointing to Pansys, fundamentally pointed also to German Ducks at Bar-le-Duc, at the same Barrois area of the first-known Landrys. German Christmas' are even in Kepke and JUSTICE (!!) colors and format. Thus, COURTois' seem to prove that the touch-bra event (bra on LAUNDRY line above white-rabbit cage) at the Peterson residence points to Amy Coney-Barrett.

Yet that bra event also pointed to Peter Peterson (died 2018), banker and head cheese (1985-2007) of the Council on Foreign Relations. "Peterson was a CFR member for forty-seven years and a member of the Board of Directors for thirty-four years,..." He was the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. His wife was Mrs. Cooney.

German Christmas' have a giant swan, and while the Sine variation of Swans/SWEYNE's is in the motto of Stain-related Yarborough's, they are first known in Lincolnshire with Laundrys/Landrys and Barretts. The latter love the Trees whose "knight BRANDishing" can take us to Brands, in Landry colors and format. Plus, the Coons/Cunninghams (Ayrshire with Barrs) were found (by me) to be from king SWEYN Forkbeard, yet their "shakefork" is shaped as a 'Y', suspect with Yarborough's.

Compare English Barretts to English Crispins, then go to French Crispins near Bar-le-Duc. French, Grazi-connectable Crispins and French Paris' are said to be from a Parez/Paresse area (I can't find it at google) of Lorraine, and then English Paris' are first known in Lincolnshire with Barretts, Yarborough's, and Grazi-like Grasse's, tending to identify Barretts with Bar-le-Duc. French Barretts love the Horse's (same place as Lorraine's). I'll even add that English Crispins are likely in the Coat of Porch's (Norfolk with Bus') who share the giant Bus cinquefoil. Lorraine's are first known in the same place as Greats/GREEPs while Crispins are also CREPins. Belgian Paris' love the Squirrels with SQUARE variation.

Christmas-branch Christmans (Kepke colors and format) are first known in Hampshire with Flys (and Keppe's) whose martlets are colors reversed from the same of Landrys. It could seem that Larry Barrett should point to the Supreme Court too, or that whomever I represent will assure that Coney-Barrett will vote for the right thing when an important case is before her, even though she may have the inclination to vote otherwise. For I caught Barrett's pop-up. Or, how else can my catching it be interpreted with Coney-Barrett in the picture? Perhaps I represent Musk's lawyer for his DOGE activities.

Sine's/Swans/Sweyns share a white, DOGE-like dog with Barrels, and the latter were near the first-known, Yarborough-connectable Neals who share the Sine/Swan/Sweyn lion. Both dogs are called "talbots" while Talbots are also TalBUTTs while Greys, in Talbot/Talbutt format and colors reversed, are first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's and AIDs. The latter share a different-colors version of the English Stein Coat, and can point to USAID. GREYhounds are in the Coat of Church's, first known in Somerset with English Ducks.

I see a pointer to Nazi's with Scherfs/SCHERE's, and while English Courtois'/Curtis (share Sheriff fesses) may have been first in Warwickshire with Sheriffs/Shariffs. Curtis-beloved Share's share the fitchee cross of Scherfs/Schere's. I'm seeing Nazi squirrels in American Intelligence.

When asking google for Musk's lawyer, it gets Mr. Spiro and Chris Gober (male). Spiro's are in the Masons/Massin motto, and Gobers/Godberts (share Lorraine bend, look like Lawn kin) have the Gormley martlets while Larry Barrett lived in Gormley, as I did, during the pop-up fly. Gober (Texas) is ganging together (forming "Lex Politica") with other lawyers to see to it that Musk's job goes forward. Gormley-branch Grime's are first known in Northumberland with "Lauro"-using Lorraine's. Larry's girl was Laura (it seemed to me they were serious enough to have gotten married).

Actually, Grime's are first known in Cheshire as a surname. The Northumberland entry is with a forename, "Grim de LEUERtone," how-bout that. Lortons/LAWtons are first known in Cheshire too. Laws (similar to Gober Coat) are first known in the same place as Grim de LEUERtone, Lorraine's, and Stave's/Steinsons/Stevensons. PilGRIMs love the latter's Stave variation. Laws look like they have the Comps in their motto, first known in Warwickshire with Gobers. English Steinsons/Stevensons (almost the English Stein Coat) are first known in Essex with Gobels/Godbolts. English Steinsons/Stevensons are in the colors and format of squirrel-using Valentins, connectable to JUSTICE's/Justine's. End Courtois Insert]

Mr. Maness had another address at Post Falls, Idaho, home of Miss Covert. I'm not saying the two are/were Nazi's, but they lived beside Hayden Lake, headquarters at one time of Aryan Nations (White-supremacist group). She was married previously to a Jeffrey Dein, and I discovered that the Abbott family of his mother was directly related to Scheriffs of West Islip, Long island, right beside Patchogue, where William Hitler, Adolf's nephew, lived/lives.

William changed his name to William Stuart-Houston, and while proto-Stuarts were the Dol Alans who had the father (Fulbert) of the Pollocks as their vassal, Adolf's mother was Miss POLZl while Houstons are first known in Renfrewshire with Pollocks and Houstons. The Arms of Renfrewshire share the Stuart / Stewart and Houston checks. Therefore, to explain why Hiedlers/Hitlers share the Bauer/Bower stars, it seems that Hitler's mother was descended from Pollocks, the proto-Rothschilds. Renfrewshire is near the first known Scottish Bowers who have the Arms-of-Rothschild arrows in different colors.

I say that the presidential Bush's (Texas, right) are from a Nazi Scherff family. The fly ball at Victoria SQUARE can be a pointer to the Schare variation of Scherfs/Schere's. The other Schere's use a "stick" while Kepke-branch Koops/Kupe's have "candleSTICKs." Sticks share the sheaves of German Goods/Guts (Switzerland with Hitts).

Judge Scalia

I'm taking a detour here, but will return to the topic above afterward.

Amy-Coney-Barrett had worked for the murdered supreme-court judge. ANTONen Scalia. English Barretts are first known in Lincolnshire with ANTONs/Anthonys. She owes Scalia vengeance / retribution from those who killed him. He was invited hunting by John B. Poindexter to his Texas ranch, along with dozens of hunters from the International Order of Saint HUBERTus, the leader of which lived in Mexico at the time (may still be there). DOGE needs to check out how much money that Order's leader handles from USAID.

Scalia was murdered (reportedly in his sleep) in Texas near the Mexico border. Scalia's share the ladder with English Trips (Kent with Gore's, Deaths and Sleeps) while Gorsuch-connectable Gore's share the Trip crosslets, almost the Paul crosslets. HUBERTs share the Death and Mort crescents, and Morts are first known in Essex, where Gore's were once said to be first known.

The Hubertus Order has a hunting theme, the symbol of mythical Orion, and Horns/Orne's are first known in Hertfordshire with Scale's, but also in Middlesex with Stains. Scale-connectable Capes' are first known in London with Stains. Barrett- and Gorsuch-connectable Lorraine's are first known in the same place as Horn-branch Herons, and Irish Herons are in Pansy/Pantzer colors and format. Paul Smith points to Herons, and it was Paul's ANTENna that was downed on his fence. Trips use a "SCALing ladder". I walked past Lorraine's apartment with a ladder on my shoulder. I was carrying it to HUNT street, location of my new address. The ladder looks like a pointer to Scalia's killers somehow. I walked it down Church street to its northern end before turning to Yonge street. Church's are in Bush colors and format.

On the night I met Miss Peare, and kissed her, she pointed to judge Scalia in three ways. I'm repeating that here because Centers/Sainters share the Peare and Parson leopard faces, and because I was playing center field when catching Barrett's fly ball. German Centers/Sanders share the red bull with Barrett-like Bearts/Beards. This recalls Steve Scalise (upper-level Republican congressman), reportedly shot in the hip while in center field, when playing second base. Scalise's are listed with Scalia's.

The ladder was on my shoulder. Shouldhams look related to Knocks/Knox's, and I knocked on Muschatov's Ukrainian window, while she was sleeping, from her TV ANTENna. Noke's/Nocks share the red leopard face of ANTONs, colors reversed from the Peare / Parson / Center/SAINTer leopard faces. Scalia at second base gets us to Seconds/Segurs, first known in Limousin with Saint-branch Clairs.

Suddenly, it seems that Elon Musk at DOGE needs to investigate Poindexter's buddy in Mexico. Poindexter's share the lone Shoe star, and I showed how Kepke's shoe-sales job pointed to Zlochevsky's shoe boutique in Kiev. He owed the Burisma energy company that "hired" HUNTER Biden in a laundering operation that sent money to the Biden family. Biden is from the blond Budini of Kiev, and Kepke along with Muschatov are blue-eyes blonds.

When Muschatov came to the window, she said something close to: "Are you CRAZy, by BROTHER has a rifle and could have shot you." A hunting rifle, I assume, and Riffle's/Riffels/Riffs almost have the Coat of Ukrainian Kepke's. Brothers/Broders (Gardner kin) have a greyHOUND while sharing white lozenges with Hunt-like Hounds! Craze's are listed with English Grasse's!!!

Bothers/Broders (and Gardners) are first known in Oxfordshire with Clintons, and Hillary Clinton's circle had the prime motive for killing Scalia because she was expected to be the next president (later in that year of 2016) while he was tilting the Supreme Court to the Republicans...whereas it had been firmly in Democrat hands in previous years.

I'm sure she said the "crazy" word. The alternative is "nuts," but that's more offensive than "crazy," so, as she didn't resent me at the time, she probably used "crazy" respectfully to make her parents and brother happy, to distance herself from what I was in the act of doing. She would later leave her home to be with me, but I brought her back because I didn't have a place to stay, but at my parents' place at the time.

While Perins and Perrins are both linkable to Lorraine's, French Parents, sharing the rose-on-stem with Scherfs/Schere's, are first known in Picardy with Orions. Stems are listed with Stain-branch Steins (share Peare / Parson / Center leopard faces), and while Stains almost have the English Steinson Crest, the latter are first known in Essex with Muschats while Scottish Steinsons are first known in Northumberland with Perrins (leopard faces) and Lorraine's. Thus, her crazy boyfriend is pointing to Lorraine's pant stain, yet as Lorraine's are from Rus of Ukraine, we repeat that Muschatov's parents still have their Ukraine accent (she doesn't).

DIANE Muschatov. Leopards are first known in Sussex with Nazi-pointing Coverts/Cofferts and DIANE's/Deins, the latter having been part of the pointer's, with Irish Dene's and Mr. Kepke, to Zlochevsky's shoe store in Kiev. Miss Covert had been married to Mr. Dein, the pointer to Hayden Lake's Nazi types, and relative of the Long-Island Scheriffs. Coverts/Cofferts share the gold leopard face with the multitude above, and moreover they share the Feet/Fate martlets.

Next, the Diane/Dein Chief happens to be a colors-reversed version of the Chief of Tree-loving French Masseys/Massa's, first known in Savoy with rifle-like and Kepke-connectable Riffle's/Riffels. While English Trips have the scaling ladder, I personally saw, and recorded, that both German Trips/Treffs and French Masseys/Massa's had shown the same three, Budini-like boots, though Trips/Treffs changed them to the shoes you now see. Ancient Trypillians were probably in Kiev.

Diane and I parted soon after I took her home to her parents. I bumped into her by freak chance at a GROCEry store (in my home town) exactly 20 years later. She then said she was working in that town's COURT house. GROCE's/Greggs/Graggs, with the Ukraine flag in colors reversed (!), have the horizontally-split colors of Poindexters in colors reversed. And, by the way, the latter's "esquire" helmet can get us to the Squire variation of Square's, and thus to the Scherfs/Schare's. So, yes, my being on her antenna can point also to the killers of Antonin Scalia.

Helmet-using German Helms take us to English Helms, in Hubert colors and format! Lookie there. Plus, when seeing her at the grocery store, I invited her to drop in to my place, just as we were about to part ways, but I thought I had better tell her that I was with someone else, Helen. Helens are perfect here because they are said to be from a Helion element, yet Helions are listed with English Helms.

Huberts have the Curzons in their write-up, and Curzons have "popinjays" while Poppins are first known in Hampshire with Flys. Barrett's pop fly at Victoria Square. Jays are first known in Herefordshire with Barrels. AMY Coney-Barrett worked for Scalia. I walked the ladder on my shoulder, and Humphreys, with an "aime" motto term, have a "wound" in the "shoulder" of an "otter" while Otters/Others are first known in HUNTINGdonshire! Huntingdons use the hunting HORN.

After coming down from her antenna, I did a crazy thing. I got up on the privacy FENCE and walked its top in defiance of her parents, hoping they were looking at me through the living-room window. I was upset that they wouldn't let Diane see me, but walking their fence like that only made me look unworthy of their daughter. The good news may be that it was God's idea, because years later, Paul Smith had me over to see his downed antenna on his privacy fence.

The only heraldic fence I know of is with German BaumGARTNERs, and we just saw English and German Gardners looking related to the Brothers/Broders (taken from Diane's brother). The latter's fessewise lozenges look like they are in a modified form with Broads, and we may add that Boards are first known in Sussex with Diane's/Deins while I link Borders/Boarders to Tax's/Dachs, suspect from Dachau, Hitlers headquarters for Bavarian concentration camps. The Arms of Dachau shows a sling SHOT while Shots/Shute's (Wiltshire, beside Borders/Boarders) share the Tax/Dach and Boarder/Boarder swords.

Shots/Shute's are perfect, for Diane said, "my brother could have SHOT you." Shot's/Shute's are first known in Wiltshire with Tree's/True's, and German Baumgartners have a "green tree on green ground enCIRCLEd by a gold fence." Shots/Shute's are also Shitts while Sitlers/Schitners are first known in Silesia with Circle's/Kerchners in turn said to have a "church on a green mound" (it's showing as flat ground). I walked the ladder on my shoulder down Church street, to Hunt street, and Scalia was killed when on a hunting vacation with his rifle.

As I've said many times, the Hunt-street house had a fellow tenant -- a BOARDER -- who was a taxi dispatcher in town, and he suggested I apply for a job. I was then driving Tax-like taxi. Someone STOLE my ladder from the backyard, and Stole's, first known in Somerset with Tax-connectable Boarders and Ducks/Dacks, have a "Vis" motto term while Vise's are first known in Sussex with Boards. We shared the kitchen and bathroom, making us technically "boarders."

The dispatcher is Bill, and Bills can be gleaned as kin of Roets and Payne's, all three first known in Somerset too. Payne's (from Payne Roet) share the Stole lozenges. Bills use "wood bills," and Woods share the savage with Broads. The latter have "three arrows pointing" while Points/Pointers are first known in Somerset, though they were once said to be first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's while Lorraine-connectable Babe's have a hand pointing.

Savage's are listed with Sava's, and while I am many others think that Jack Sava, a Washington-hospital surgeon chief, had Seth Rich murdered, Steve Scalise was overseen by the same Jack Sava. Rich was murdered by the wink of the DNC (trying to get Hillary elected at the time) four months after Scalia. Rich's are Kiev-line Lorraine elements.

Seth Rich was a Stole-like stool-pigeon, an employee of the DNC when Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was in charge of the DNC. After that scandal broke, with Rich's suspicious death, she let way for Donna Brazile to take over the DNC. Schultz's (Switzerland with Hitts) are like the Shoultz variation of SHOULDhams, and I carried the ladder on my shoulder. The Hitts almost have the Coat of Dutch Schultz's/Schilds, and Hitt-branch Hiedlers/Hitlers share the stars of proto-RothSCHILD Bauers.

Back to Ron Paul

Maness'/Manners (same place as Lorraine's) share a "pour" motto term with French Barretts/Barre's, and as Maness'/Manners use "pour y," I think it ought to be code for Purys (Oxfordshire with Manner-connectable Bee's) who essentially share the Omen/OMAN Coat. The cloud-over-sun omen (bad / ominous feeling I had) took place as I was approaching BAYtown on Interstate #10, and I was mugged that night. While Mr. Maness had an address at Markham, at Bay City, English Bays share the double Maness/Manner fesses. The same Bays (Essex with Markham-connectable Maple's) even share the Paul crosslets for a very good pointer to Ron Paul. He maybe thinks Scalia was murdered too.

Oh wow, I'm writing this on Wednesday, February 12, and Scalia was murdered on February 13, they say, after midnight, but I say he was murdered before midnight, on the 12th!!!

Markhams (at MAPLEbeck) look like kin of Guerins, and then Guerin of Provence was in or near a Grasse location just outside the Provence border. Grace's/Grasse's and French Grass' are first known in Provence. The Lizarts/Sarde's of Provence's Draguignan can be traced to Lise'/Liss (Hampshire with Fly-beloved Drake's).

I woke Miss Muschatov from sleep, and Wake's (Lincolnshire with barry-using Barretts) not only almost have the Chief of Knox-related Orrs/Ore's, but have an "ora" motto term. Orrs/Ore's have the triple piles of Guiscards in colors reversed while Guiscards have a "desire" motto term while "desirer" is a motto term of French Barretts/Barre's. The Wake fesses are called, "red bars".

I knocked on Diane's WINDOW, and Gerards are said to have had a branch in WINDle and HARDshaw. Hardys, said in the DOUGLas write-up to be Douglas ancestors, are first known in Lanarkshire with Sine's/Swans/Sions, Astys, swan-using Locks, Lorraine-branch Lorne's, and Douglas-related Lockharts. DOUGALs/Medals and their Dowell branch share the Gerard lion. Dougals/Medals are first known in Stirlingshire with Years while Yarborough's are also Yearbys.

Hards share the double-tailed Montfort lion, and while Montfort is where French Henrys are first known who had used the Velen ducks, and now show the footless Velen martlets, Monforte is a location smack beside Bra and Asti. The red and blue Hard antlers are in the two colors of the Zahringers (blue antlers) and Veringers (red) of Baden, and Veringers descended from red-antler Casimirs (compare with Arms of Baden and the Keep bend) because Casimir of Poland married Maria of Kiev. Satellite-like Sattle's (Casimir colors) are first known in Baden), and I can link Keeps to satellite-like Settle's.

This would be a good place to say that the TOUCH-bra event had pointed to a Mrs. Cooney, wherefore Larry Barrett could conceivably point to Amy Coney-Barrett on the U.S. Supreme Court, for the many law suits already piling up against Trump, some trying to stop his auditing tasks, will surely get to that top court soon. She's on the court with Neil Gorsuch, and GorSUCH's (Lancashire with Gorsuch's) share the bend-with-eagles of Lorraine's, the latter first known in the same place as Barrett-beloved Horse's. I've shown how Such's/Saucers can be a branch of Sassys who in turn link to cat-using Cattans, first known in Norfolk with cat-using Catch's/Catchers. It is suggesting that I caught Barrett's fly ball as a pointer to some Musk-related winnings at the Supreme Court.

I caught two flies that game; I remember the second one because it was another good effort (I was impressed with), RUNNING fast forward and scooping a line drive just before it hit the ground, the grass. With the GLOVE. "Glove" and "Touch" are two motto terms of cat-using Clan Chattan! Zikers, I stepped right into that one. I was the one who touched the bra by stretching out my index finger (could barely reach it, I remember that), and Touch's have a hand pointing, though with two fingers.

It was the team's back-catcher who first asked me to join the team mid-season, in the year I caught Barrett's fly. Barrett lived at the corner of Leslie avenue and the Gormley side road. Gormleys/GRIMES' share the Henry / Velen martlets! Grimms/Grime's have them in colors reversed, and in fact they have the Feet/Fate Coat three times!

Larrys/Laurie's use a giant Cup while Cups/Kope's are first known in Aberdeenshire with Leslie's! Larry lived at Leslie avenue and Gormley sideroad while Leslie's have the Starlinck Coat perfectly, except that Starlincks use their buckles in a SQUARE shape!!! I caught Larry's fly ball at Victoria SQUARE, and Elon Musk owns Starlink satellite system!!!

Cups are also used by Coffee's who in turn have a "victoria" motto term. I bought both a newspaper and a coffee in Victoria, Texas. I did nothing else there, and bought nothing else there. I went in for a newspaper because I wanted to take a look at the prices of vacant Texas land. The News'/NUCES' share a "chaplet" with Hicks', and some eight months after buying the newspaper, I purchased a riverfront property on the NUECES river, 10 minutes from Miss Hicks whom I had not yet known. She was herself freshly moved to her Nueces-river ranch only earlier that year, and she moved there from Baytown, Texas, which, at first glance, looks like it was part of Ron Paul's 22nd district.

Kepke's have a version of the Koop/Kupe Coat, and thus even that looks Arranged as per Larry Kepke. It points to satellite-like Settle's and Shuttleworths/Shettleworths, first known in Lancashire with Lawrence'S. Both Larrys may have been born, Lawrence. The ragully cross of Lawrence's is, I'll bet, the ragully cross in the Arms of Colchester, for the latter put nails into the cross while Irish Neils (share Colchester estoiles) are also O'Nails. German Neils/Nails are first known in Westphalia with pointers from Lorraine. The latter Neils/Nails share the saltire of Greats (same place as Lorraine's and Keep-loving Hebrons) whom I see from emperor Gratian the Elder, father of Valentinian I. It can explain why Greats share the gold border with Justine's, Kepke's, and Koops/Kupe's.

Keppe's are first known in Hampshire with Flys, and beside the Coopers and Keeps, both first known in Sussex with Fedders/Feathers. Keeps share the "weaver's shuttle" with Shuttleworths/Shettleworths, and while the latter are first known in the same place as Settle's, the latter share the cinquefoils of STARs, first known in Wiltshire with Saddle's, and with English Neals whose split Shield is in colors reversed with German Fedders. As StarLINGs/Starlincks and their Buckle kin are first known in Suffolk with Lings, it seems that "Starlinck" was formed in a Star marriage to Lings, and thus Starlinck's are connectable to satellite-like Settle's. Official heraldic symbols were tranferable my marriage only.

As SAIDs are listed with Saddle's, note "USAID," the laundering company that Musk wants to audit. German Weavers/Webbers (Saxony with Kepke's and Weiss') can be gleaned as kin of the Kepke/Kopke goat, and while Elon Musk employed Ms. Weiss to discover / weed out some Twitter corruption, Weiss' share the goat with Kepke's/Kopke's and Kopff's.

Lawrence's are said to have been at Warton while Ron Pauls 22nd district included Wharton county. Lawrence's are first known in Lancashire with Ratcliffe's and Tipps/Tippins who both share the Warton/Wharton bull head. The latter's "fit" motto term can be either for the Feet-connectable and Foot-branch Fothes'/Fette's/Fitts, or the Fitts/Fitchets, first known in Essex with Muschats/Montfitchets. I don't know the spelling of Musca(h)tov's surname, and so it can point both to the above, or Muscats/Musks.

It just so happens that Fothes'/Fette's/Fitts, in Landry colors and near-format, share the cloud in Crest with Lorraine's. The McLeods/Clouds have a bull head too, and I've seen it in pure black. The Holds in the McLeod/Cloud motto are first known in Bury with Ratcliffs. Hold love the Square-branch Squirrels who in turn love the Tiens' who in turn share the Fothes/Fette/Fitt stars.

I'll now re-tell the story of Lorraine. A week or two after we split up on the night of her grass stain, Joe Oullette and his wife, Diane (same first name as Diane Muschatov), had planned on going to see a friend which he and I had met together in Warton-like Wiarton (Bruce Peninsula, Ontario). They asked me to come along, but she was now living in downtown Toronto, and so Joe/Diane decided to take the bus and subway. As soon as we got to the Finch subway station, I got off the bus first, and there was Lorraine, the first one in line to get on the bus. We eyed each other as I walked by her (but we didn't say anything in that surprise moment). It now appears that God set up that event as a pointer to Ron Paul of Wharton, because the next time I would see Lorraine, by "chance" again, was when she with CHILD walked by Paul Smith and I in the city of Vaughn, where Paul lived.

Vaughns/Vychans are in the colors and format of English Smiths, and while Vaughns/Vychans essentially share the Coat of Fish's (Lincolnshire with Yarborough's), Smiths have a "HERON" with "fish" in its mouth while Stains are first known in Middlesex and Hertfordshire, the latter where Lorraine-related Childs are first known. Middlesex is where Horns'/Orne's are first known who share the Coat of HERONs, first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's. The heraldry appears Arranged to go with Lorraine-with-child walking by Paul Smith.

Plus, Irish Smiths are listed with Gowins/GOWS, potentially of the Lorraine motto, "Lauro resurGO." Smith's/Gows use a motto phrase, "TeneBRAS exPELLIT" while Pellets (Sussex with Lorraine-related Keeps) love the Cups along with Larrys/Laurie's. Pellets share the Coat of Pilotte's (Lincolnshire with Fish's and Yarborough's), and Pelosi's/Pilati's are first known in Savigliano, beside Bra. Moreover, Gows/McGoo's (same place as Yarborough-beloved Wreaths, and Grands) share the cinquefoils of French Locks/Loches' who are first known in Burgundy with French Pilate's/Pilotte's and French Grands. The latter thus look like kin of Lauro's/Laura's because they have similar Coats.

It's interesting that, after the mugging in Galveston, I first drove through the neighboring county of Brazona, which looks named after Bra / Braswell elements, and Braswells almost have the Coat of French Grace's/Grasse's. Wikipedia says that Donna LEASE Brazile (Democrat demoness) descended from "Braswell," and she's in New Orleans (not very far from Brazona) while Orleans' share the red roundel with Orrs/Ore's and Orrels while Knocks/Knocks have an orle border.

Braswells were at Brogden while the Brogden motto, "ConSTANS et fideLIS" can get us to Scottish Lise's/LEASE's and Stans'/Stains. Lorraine's grass stain. And while I had an omen when seeing a small cloud covering the sun, hours before the Galveston mugging, English Lease's, first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's, have a cloud over a sun. Stains have a cloud with their "green wreath." Almost forgot: Lise's/Lease's share the double fesses of Clare-branch Clarens/FEETERs (and Popps), and Lease-beloved The "tuirc" motto term of Clarens/Feeters ought to be for Scottish Turks because they are first known in Dumfries with Lise's/Lease's. Lease-beloved Clare's (Suffolk with Sun-loving Blonds) have three of those fesses, and Lease-beloved Suns are in giant form in the Fetter (not "Feeter") Coat!!! Is the Federal Reserve pointed to here by Donna Brazile? Dons ("dona" motto term) have an omen-like "omnia" motto term, but so do Knox-related Orrs/Ore's.

It's not familiar to me that Clarens/Feeters use "branches of laurel" for connection to Lorraine's, but that should be a fundamental proof that it's God's will to give Lorraine a feet symbol for a pointer to the Federal RESERve. While Donna Lease Brazile descends from BRASwells, who almost have the Grace/Grasse Coat, English Lease's have a "tenebris" motto term while "teneBRAS" is with the Smith's/GOWS while "resurGO" is a Lorraine motto term. That's "RESERgo." Smiths/Gows share the "dagger" with Seths/Shaws, and Donna Brazile wrote a book on Seth Rich, but not to reveal his DNC murderers. She was made head of the DNC probably to cover for the killers.

Clarens/Feeters come up as "Larin," and then there's French Larins, first known in Provence with Lizards/Sarde's, perfect not only because they almost have the pale bars of English Lise's/Liss' and Babe-branch Babwells/Babels, but because Bondi's/Biondi's are first known in SARDinia. This is a paragraph to prove that God did give Lorraine her babe symbol at the second that she got her feet symbol. See "what a babe" in last update for explanation.

The Turks in the Claren/Feeter motto are said to have been first at Mochry-like Mochrum, and while Scottish Mochs are Mochrys, French Mochs share the lone and upright sword of Bondi's/Blondi's. German Turks are first known in Silesia with the Lists sharing the Liss/Lise Coat, suggesting that Turks were related with Claren-connectable Lise's/Lease's. English Lease's ("Clarior" motto term) are first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's.

Lizarts/Sarde's were at DRAGuignan, and Grasleys (not "Grassley") are said to descend from Drakelow, and before that from the Tony > Stafford line. The Stafford chevron is in the colors of the Claren/Feeter/Larin chevrons, and Crispins of Lorraine' share the GRAZI pomegranate.

French Larins share the scallops of Capes' and Scale's (Hertfordshire with Finch's, Lorraine-related Childs, and Beach's/Bech). It's notable that Feets were Pavia kin while Laevi founded Pavia while Capes' and Chaffs look like "Caiaphas." Capes' are first known in the London area with Stains, and then Chaffs (share the Chief/Shield colors of Capes'), a branch of ChafFINCH's, are first known in Dorset with Babe-related Beaks. Beach's/Bechs share the GRASley Coat! This could be a pointer to CHUCK Grassley, now the boss of the U.S. Senate, because Chucks are listed with Such's, first known in Lancashire with Lorraine-connectable GorSUCH's.

With Lorraine's pointer to the FBI sector of the deep state, and potential pointers here to Pam Bondi, Chuck Grassley and Neil Gorsuch, it could suggest that these people will do something to clean up the FBI, but unless I see arrests, some very-frightening action, to prevent the wicked from doing the same in the future without fear, I'll consider it a dismal failure, a waste of breath by those who merely attack the deep state with their words.

Cotta's/Cottons are suspect from the Cottians, who included king Donnus of Piedmont, whom I trace to Italian Dance's/Donnas'/DONNA's (Piedmont). The Brogdens came from the Bracewell location in Brogden, found in the Braswell write-up. Brogdens (Yorkshire with Braswells, Bruce's/Bruze's, and Rhodes') share the gold, blank Chief with Rods, and also have the fretty Shield of Cotta's/Cottons (Languedoc's with Rodez's), which can explain why English Grass' share the giant Rodez lion. The "girdle" in the Braswell Crest can be for Girtle's (Curtis / Court/Covert colors) because they have a Court-like Curtler variation.

Brogden elements can be of Brigantium, over the Cottian Alps from king Donnus, and Brigantium is in Savoy with the first-known French Bride's (see Brights too) who almost have the Girtle/Curtler Coat. The amazing thing now is that while my omen is essentially in the Coat of English Lease's, Omens (Suffolk with Lease-beloved Clare's!) have the Coat of English Bride's! Brigantium in now BRIANcon, which recalls my link of Brians to Grasse elements, and so let's repeat that Braswells almost have the Grace/Grasse Coat while the latter are first known in Provence, near Grasse.

The Omen Coat is incorporated with Purys suspect in the motto of Maness'/Manners (Northumberland with Perrins), and Purys are first known in Oxfordshire with Susans, and with Peare's while Pero's/Perino's (Piedmont with Dance's/Donnus'/Donna's) have one of the four Dance/Donnas'/Donna pale bars. Susa (Piedmont with Bra) was the Cottian capital of Donnus. The double fesses of Dons ("dona") are in the colors of the double Braswell chevrons, and Dons have an "OMNia" motto term looking very much like code for Omens/Omans.

The Pury fesse-with-stars is even in colors reversed for Scottish Jeffreys who have my omen better than do Lease's. Let's not forget that the omen had a cloud while Stains have a cloud. Scottish Jeffreys are now said to be first known in Aberdeenshire with Lorne's, where previously they were first known in Peebles-shire, beside Lanarkshire with Lanarks have the Lorne's. Thus, Jeffrey Epstein's beach, in the Sleeping Beauty dream, connects to Lorraine elements even with the Beaks (ostRICH), first known in Dorset with English Jeffreys and Palins/PAULeys. Not only do the latter two share the same giant lion, but Palins/Pauleys share the triple Pury stars, colors reversed from the three of Scottish Jeffreys.

The Omens/Omans look related also to the Poltons/Pooltons and Polesdons. Paulins/POWLins (see Powell lion) are first known in Somerset (beside Dorset) with Pollets/PAULets in the motto of Pools/Pole's (Dorset) who in turn share the giant lion of both English Grasse's, and the Posts in the motto of Scottish Jeffreys and Blondville's. The latter share the Beach and Grasley vair. Pollets/Paulets are the ones with the Aude/AUDET Coat on a black Shield. French Paula's share the rooster of French Galli's who in turn share the Chief of Italian Paulins, and Galli-branch Gays are first known in Savoy with Aude's/Audets. This paragraph looks like a pointer to Ron Paul, especially if he audits the central bank.

Italian Paulins are first known in Genova with Fauci's while Fauchys have the GRASShopper while Hoppers/Happers are first known in Dorset with Pools/Pole's.

The English Grasse lion is with Crichtons (share Bruce/Bruze lion) having variations like the Stain-beloved Wreath's. Stains married Yarborough's (same place as Grasse's). Crichtons even have a "grace" motto term that should be for French Grace's/Grasse's. Crichtons are first known in the same area as the second-mentioned Mr. Lorne in the Lorne write-up, which can explain why God gave Lorraine the grass stain i.e. Lorraine's had been Grasse kin.

I assumed she got the grass streak by messing on some freshly-mowed grass with a married MAN, but I can't know they did. The married man she was on a walk with looks like a pointer to Maria of Kiev, but we can take this to Manners/Maness' (same place as Lorraine's), a branch of Mens' (Midlothian with Crichtons).

As per the pointer of Diane Muschatov to Elon Musk, I'll take this to the Diane's, first known in Sussex with Fedders/Feathers and Courts / Cofferts. The Diane Chief is in colors reversed with Musk-connectable French Masseys/MASSA's, first known in Savoy with Aude's/Audets. The Fly's in the Drake motto are represented by a "muscas" motto term, and Muscas'/Mosca's are first known in Pisa, beside Massa-Carrara. I was able to trace "Carrara" to Meschin-connectable Carricks (Ayrshire with Barrs and Cords/McCOURTs) who share a "bien" motto term with Barretts/Barre's.

The Flys of Flagi can then take us to Irish Judge's because they share the Flag/Flick scallops. English Judge's look related to Fitts/Fitchets, kin of Muschats listing MontFitchets. It's looking like court cases on behalf if Musk's "controversial" clean-up agendas.

Time to roll up the sleeves, because if these novel efforts fail to cripple the deep state, it will come back with a brutal dictatorial backlash, and, in the name of their twisted justice, it will unjustly do to the good people what good people would now justly do to it: kill it. This is do or die. And may God be with you.

Back to Henrys, whom I trace to Henry of RODez, the line to Rods who share the trefoils of Knox-beloved Goldie's. English Golds share the Coat of Laurels, first known in Languedoc with the Rodez's who share a giant and gold lion with Laurels/Laure's. The window belonged to a Ukrainian, and Lorraine's were from Ukrainians. Fort Knox must be funding the Ukraine war illegally in efforts to rule the world by toppling Putin.

I KNOCKED on Diane's window from her TV antenna, and Irish Henrys (giant eagle), first known in Tyrone with Irish Neils/NEALs, are in the colors and format of Teve's/Touch's and Jarrys/Garrys. The English Teve's/Touch's (in their write-up) are first known in Cheshire with Windle-branch Winklers/Windlers, suspect from VINKovci, home of Valentinian I, the line to Velins, Velens/Valance's and English Valence's (Duck/Docker Coat in colors reversed).

I can now decipher, I think, part of the "resurGO" motto term of Lorraine's, for the Locks above reminded me that French Lochs/Loches' share the cinquefoils of Gows/McGoo's. The latter are first known in Inverness-shire with the Wreaths in the Yarborough Coat! Bingo.

The Teve variation of Touch's is excellent because Touch's are said to have been in AUDley. The Touch-branch of Tafts/Tuffs' (Cheshire) share the "phoenix" with Phoenix's/FENwicks, the latter first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's. Then, while Paul's TV antenna FELL on a fence, Fens'/Fenns/Venns look linkable to "FENwick." The Fens/Fenn/Venn Crest shares the green griffin in Crest with Starlinck-related Leslie's, and with the Powells while "Jay" Powell is the chairman of the Federal Reserve. The Welsh "fynw" motto term of Powells is suspect for Fenns.

Regardless of what houseofnames says of Powell roots, I suggest that they share the giant lion of Palins/PAULeys, first known in Dorset with Powell-like Pools who in turn love the Pollets/Paulets.

The Fells share the lozenges of Loys/Louis', first known in Lorraine, and "LOYaulte" is a motto term of Aude/Audet-connectable Pollets/Paulets! See that? Ron Paul maybe should audit Fort Knox as well as the Federal Reserve.

German Loys/Leyts/Eleys, even if they were not an Ely branch, can point to Elon Musk because Muscats/Musks are first known in Ely while having a version of the Ely Coat. Ely's are in the colors and format of Cravens, and Banks are first known in Craven!!! The Federal Reserve Bank! Musk is adamant, he wants to audit the Federal Reserve. This could be the biggest catch ever.

I knocked on Muschatov's window, and Windle is in Lancashire with Orrels who share the roundels of Orrs/Ore's, first known in Renfrewshire with Knocks/Knox's. The so-called "goldie" border of Knocks/Knox's is ordinarily called an "ORLE" border, and thus we can glean here that it's code for Orells, first known in Lancashire with Windle's, and with the Shake's sharing the Goldie chevron! The last update told of the milk shakes that MARIA, Jerry's mother, made us! We are now knocking on the front door of Fort Knox, asking what in tarnation is going on inside? How many gangsters are in there?

AHH, almost missed it. "Reserve" look pointable by the "RESURgo" motto term of Lorraine's! That motto can be part-code for the Gows, first known in the same place as Yarborough- and Stain-beloved Wreaths, yet as Stains married Yarborough's, I'll bet that those wreaths were once called "chaplets" because Chaplets are first known in Lorraine too while Chaplet-beloved Swans are first known in Lanarkshire while Lorne's are in the Lanark write-up. When Yarborough's marred Wreath-loving Stains, that's when the chaplets could have become wreaths.

Who prints American money? "The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) produces United States currency notes, operates as the nation's central bank, and serves to ensure that adequate amounts of currency and coin are in circulation." Ya-but, does it print money only to replace the dollar bills that go too bad to handle?

When Republicans talk about the dismal U.S. debt, bow said to be more than $300,000 per tax payer, why don't they also mention how much of the money was printed? It is ludicrous, criminal, for the central bank to print money, then charge the American people to pay it back, and moreover to pay the interest. But this is obviously what's going on, and Republicans are SHAMEFUL for not pointing this out. We don't expect Democrats to point it out. Then who? There has never been a bigger heist. Money doled out by USAID is a drop in the bucket.

Don't be deceived when you read online that the Federal Reserve doesn't do the money printing. "The Department of the Treasury prints bills based currency amounts set by the Fed." Ya-but, no need to print money anymore since money is now just electrons in a wire. So, why should the people pay back money to the Treasury or the central bank when the money given was not real money, but was from the gangsters who produced it out of thin air. Sure, the central bank will argue it's real money, but, no it's not, because the central bank didn't earn it. If it didn't earn it, it has no right to collect it back or to charge interest. It's a gangster racket.

There are many people now in the news saying that the American government is a laundering machine, but then what about Trump's Treasury secretary? Is he going to come clean on what the people actually owe, since they should not be charged for printed or electronically-whooped money? It's very convenient for the central bank to claim it's not a government entity, because, when the government supplies whooped-up money for any of the government agencies, or business corporations, it can't be charged to the people because the people own the government. How fiendish to give corporations bail-outs and then to charge the general population for the pay-back. The Federal bank is the head of the snake. Cut it off.

The Doge Surname

In case you haven't heard, Trump appointed Elon Musk to head up a new DOGE effort to weed out needlessly-spent tax dollars, but this inevitably catches corruption too. In this context, the bullDOG that got swallowed by a shark looks like the deep-state shark fighting back against DOGE. But me, a Masci liner, jumped / dove in to save the dog, and, maybe, that's a pointer to Musk. Just a theory.

Lawyer, Robert Barnes, said on VivaFrei late this week (Sunday) that proto-Doge was created by Obama in order to keep tabs on his government agencies. Obama got congressional approval for the body, but while he intended it for dictatorial / control-freak evil, it can now be used to undo the evil that he foisted into the agencies. Time to roll up the sleeves.

BARNES reminds me strongly of Mr. Brillinger of Gormley, father of LAURIE. When the latter got married, she lived directly across the street from a BARN immediately beside my home when I lived there (to age 16/17). I even finished Lawrie's basement, though I can't recall whether a laundry room was included. Robert Barnes and VivaFrei are both opposed to USAID's money laundering. Laurie's are listed with Larrys. Houseofnames doesn't list Brillingers, but German Billingers/Billings share the lone and erect sword of Bondi's/Blondi's and Justice's.

Laurie's brother, my close friend when I lived in Gormley and beyond, is Michael. One of the English Michaels have a "supero" motto term that I sometimes use as a pointer to "SUPReme Court." "SuPERO" can be for the Pero's/Perino's, first known in Piedmont with Pero-connectable and dancette-like Dance's/Donna's, and with Cuneo while these Michaels have a Coat much like the Coney Coat.

Barnes showed a document that REQUIRES every American president to KNOW where the money is being spend by USAID / Treasury.

The way to link the pale bars of all three, Beaks, Babe's, and Blonds, is by way of Dodge's/Dodge's, for they not only share the six pale bars of Blonds, but Blonds and Babe's are first known in Suffolk with an Eye location while Dode's/Dodge's add an "eye weeping". The "seadog" in the Doge/Dodge Crest jibes with Sea-branch Seamans, first known in Suffolk.

The Fins on the seadog share the triple Beak fesses. She got her Beak-connectable babe symbol from Mike Oullette, brother of Joe Oullette above, the one who was me at the Finch subway station, and Finchems (Norfolk, near Eye) share the triple Fin fesses, in the colors of the one Finch/Vince fesse.

There is therefore a question as to why this brand-new heraldry, as concerns or connects with Doge's/Dodge's, might point to Elon Musk and DOGE company. How does Lorraine point to Musk, that seems to be the big question.

Finch's/Vince's are first known in Hertfordshire with Childs, and when Lorraine had her child with her, she had her BABY (less than a year old, in a bag strapped to her neck). There is a Ukrainian Baby/Babenko surname, perfect for Ukraine-line Lorraine's. But Lorraine the babe had nothing to do with forming heraldry or its connections.

She was walking past Paul and I at the time, and this Paul can point to Musk's approval of, or calling upon, Ron Paul, to lock horns with the Federal Reserve to which Lorraine points. Again, the "RESURgo" motto term of Lorraine's can point to "RESERve" while the "go" at the tail end of that term can indicate the Irish Smiths, listed with Gowans/Gows. As Stains loved Yarborough's, we can add that Yarborough's are first known in the same place as REESORs. The latter look related to the Chief of English Ferrands, first known in Yorkshire with the Stains who married Yarborough's. Ferrands trace definitely to Tullia of Lyon, who married Decimus Rusticus of Clermont-Ferrand.

I lived on Senator Reesors drive when meeting Kepke. I had a NEWSPAPER route at the time, and I first saw him walking toward me, at my stack of papers, dropped off daily a small block from the corner of Senator Reesors and Wooten Way (Markham). He was across the street from my stack, cutting across the Fisher residence at the time, and English Smiths love the Fish's (same place as Reesors). Wootens, first known in Kent with Rusticus-like Rusts/Roosts, share the Rust/Roost saltire.

The stack of papers was at the corner of George Armstrong crescent and Wooten Way, and so it's interesting that Armstrongs have an "inVICTus" motto term, evoking the newspaper that I bought in Victoria, Texas. The News'/Nuces' love the Chaplets, first known in Lorraine, and the Nuse's/Newes' are first known in Hertfordshire with Lorraine-beloved Childs. Armstrongs share the Coat of Liss-branch Lizarts/Sarde's (almost have the Liss Coat) while Liss' share the six pale bars of Babe-branch Babwells/Babels. Scottish Lise's/Lease's list FEETERs.

Dogs/Doags (Perthshire with Butters) share the Bus cinquefoil, which begins to tease Doge pointer from Lorraine's bus stop. Lorraine got her babe symbol about a week after her Bus symbol, and while her bus stop points also to Stops/Stubbs, they are first known in Staffordshire with Tulls/Tolle's while French Tulls/Tullia's share the single pale of Doge's/Dodge's, upon which is the eye. Didn't we get to Tullia of Lyon and Clermont-Ferrand above? Tulls/Tolle's share the checkered Shield of Italian Ferrands and Checkers, the latter first known in Hampshire with Liss' and Flys. On their pale bar, Tulls/Tullia's use "BUTTerFLIES." A week or so after her babe symbol, she got the butt symbol.

The Tull/Tullia pale bar is twice in the Coat of German Steels while BattiSTELLI's (look related to Chief of English Steels) share the pyramid with Tulls/Tolle's. And while I asked Lorraine on out first date, at her bus stop, on my BIRTHday, Births are listed with English Berts while Italian Berts/Berta's share the griffin of German Steels. Plus, Mummolin (of Chalons-sur-Marne), a descendant of Tullia of Lyon, married Berthe.

Tulls/Tullia's are first known in Dauphine with Payens/PAIONs while Lorraine's bus stop pointed to STOBi and AstiBUS of the Paioni peoples. Astys and Lorraine's share the green lion with Lyons (Perthshire with Dogs/Doags and Tullia-connectable Butters), suggesting Tullia of Lyon, the line to Mummolin, the mayor of the Merovingian palace soon-after ruled by the Pepins (Stop/Stubb kin) to which Lorraine pointed [in pointing also to the Landrys].

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, after writing that (not including the square brackets), the Dodge-like Dodd/Dots came to mind. It took me a few seconds, after seeing the Dodd/Dot Coat, to realize that they almost have the Landry Coat!!! Elon Musk is the laundry inspector, so to speak!!! I totally get this. And DOD is the acronym for the biggest laundry machine of all: the Department of Defense! That was fun. We have seen their dirty, disgusting deeds, and we know they're murderous to retain what they have hammered out over decades, their machinery for conducting heists and robberies in broad daylight, with congressmen watching but not making a peep for fear.

The Landry write-up: "Although their first mention was in Lorraine, they branched north to Artois, south to LYONnais [around city of Lyon] and Bourgogne."

The Dons of Duddon is how I had discovered the Dudon variation of Dodingtons. The latter's hunting horns and flag can both link to Stains. Her pants went into the laundry machine, right? The Dudon/Dodington Coat is a near copy of the ThurSTAN Coat, and Thurstans came off of, earlier in this update, the Lawrence link to Stain-connectable Standish's/StanAGE's. I recall Dodds/Dots once said to be first known in Cheshire with Eggs/AGE's, both now said to be first in Worcestershire with DUDleys. Dons of Duddon are first known in Cheshire with a Dutton location. Duttons use the fret while Ferte-Mace is in Horn-related Orne (Dudons/Dodingtons use horns).

THURstans are first known in Suffolk with Doge-connectable Seamans, Doge-beloved Eye, and OULlette-connectable Owls/Howls. Howells have the THOR Coat in colors reversed. I don't yet know why the Doge eye is WEEPING, perhaps God's clue that the DOD launders via WEAPON sales, a no-brainer. There must be a weeping-like surname, but I can't find it.

However, none of this Doge-related heraldry has yet bumped into the Muscats/Musks. But it's still early. The Kiev line to Lorraine's goes through Veringers of Baden, and Badens/Battins (Somerset with Dudons/Dodingtons, and an Axe river) share the eye with Doge's, as do Stars that I link to Starlincks (Suffolk with Eye). Badins/Battins share the blue axe with the Crest of seahorse Tuckers (Devon with another Axe river and HOODs) whose Coat in turn looks very connectable to Sea's and Seamans. The Hudders/HOODers, sharing the blue axe head with Tuckers, are first known in Essex with Muschats/Montfitchets, in turn linkable to Blundville's while Blondville's (look like Clinton / Hillary kin) and Blonds (share six Doge bars) are first known in Suffolk. I think I'm making the case that things-Lorraine point to the DOGE clean-up crew.

Ahh, I almost forget what I've said a million times: Fitchets-beloved Love's/Luffs and Muscats/Musks were both once said to be first known in Suffolk, meaning they were at least there early. Houseofnames tries to get the earliest-possibly symbols for surnames, and so the seadog of Doge's could have been with Suffolk's Seamans (seahorse) who could therefore have possibly married Musks. That could have produced a Doge-line merger with Musk elements. I've just found Dude's/Dowtys (Yorkshire with early Stains) sharing the double fesses of Elons, Elms, Stains, and Dudon-beloved Flags.

I went looking into my files in case I had discovered what the "weeping" code could be for, and found it, apparently, with the Weeber variation of Kepke-related Weavers/Webbers. Then, English Webbers, sharing the fleur of Flys, happen to share the six fessewise bars of weeping-eye Doge's/Dodge's! The Crest of English Webbers has a "disc" while Disc is now Diss (Norfolk), very near Eye! The Flys can apply where butterflies are on a lone red pale bar, for so is the weeping eye of Doge's.

The dish-like Diss'/Dice's (probably have the Webb eagle) can suggest Musk's satellite dishes where Tree's/True's, first known in Wiltshire (beside Somerset) with Webbs and Stars, have a "knight in armor branDISHing a sword"" while English Knights are first known in Suffolk with Starlincks and Eye. It looks like Musk's spy-eyes in the sky, when he sells / rents his satellite systems to the Defense department. Scottish Nights list Nets. The InterNET is the "web."

German Brands (expected in "brandishing") are first known in Saxony with Weebers/Weavers, Kepke's and Weiss'. Weebers/Weavers share the Crest of Wies', almost the Crest of Weis'/Wise's. English Brands (Lincolnshire with Stain-related Yarborough's) are in the colors and format of Landrys (Lorraine). Here's from the 4th update in January, 2016:

A Doige variation of Dogs just put the Dodge's to mind, to find Doige's/Doge's, first known in the same place (Lancashire) as Chadocks [almost the Saddock Coat]. The Dodge's/Doge's have "an eye weeping" upon a pale bar, and, in Crest, a "demi SEADOG with collar and fins," suspect, I suppose, with Saddocks/Sedgewicks [same place as weaver-shuttle Keeps]. The Dodge/Doge [fessewise] bars can be those [pale bars] of Athols, first known in the same place as Dogs/Doags. As Athols are somewhat suspect with Hazels, kin of Weavers, the "weeping" code may be for [English] Webers, with bars in the colors of the Dodge / Athol bars. As Weebers are first known in Saxony, it's notable that the Arms of Saxony use the same-colored bars. The "Gott segne" motto phrase of Weebers...[goes to the goat of Kepke's I didn't yet know in 2016]

The DoD created the COVID scandal, with Trump loyal to it. The "segni" motto term of Weebers/Weavers takes us to the Segni's/Segurana's, first known in Genova with Tromp-connectable Fauci's. The Segni/Segurana eagle is with the beakless eagle of Perins, first known in Keep-related Lorraine. The Fauch's share the thistle with the Crest of Dogs/Doags sharing a Doige variation with Doge's/Dodge's. Dogs/Doags are in the colors and format of Fedders/Feathers/FATHERs (Sussex with seadog-like Saddocks/Sedgewicks), and Trump boasts that he's the "father of the vaccines" when in reality COVID "vaccines" were largely, if not exclusively, a military product.

Unfortunately, or maybe thankfully, I'm now back to undecided on whether Musk is a good or bad guy. Unfortunately, many pro-Trumpers would remain blind even if it becomes obvious to you and I that Trump is feigning the good guy. Would-be world rulers take money from here, to put it over there. I've heard that Trump gave Israel over $7B, and that's not yet the amount that Musk has saved by cancelling certain programs. Trump can view weapons money to Israel as part of his Gaza agenda. As he views Gaza as attractive seaside-resort property, according to his own words, he may have in mind to get his friends over there to do the building. That's not an accusation, but the thought comes to mind naturally.

You can't rule the world much, without much money, though, the fact is, no man or body can ever rule the world, but can only make life miserable for the people while trying. One can take the world only by making its people much weaker than his bulls. Nobody ever saw a rampaging bull that could make the arena tranquil. The war is not over when the war is over. The Ukraine war will not be over when Trump says it's over. Russia will not soon forget how he and NATO treated it. Trump wants energy dominance over Russia, and to get this, he will impoverish the Russian people i.e. make them weaker. It's an act of war on top of bombing the Russian pipeline.

Musk appears very sincere in cancelling corruption. But what aspirations may he have over the horizon of that goal? Generally, the gamut of pro-Trumpers are genuinely out to punish Democrat wolves (no offense to wolves intended), and to clean up the mess. But what will Trump aspire to, over this horizon, say, months from now? Is he good enough to actually serve sacrificially, as he claims he's aspiring to, or will he allow his pride to make him act world-class selfish? Will he convince himself that a little corruption money into his own pockets is what he deserves for saving America from Democrats?

Here's Rand Paul calling for a DOGE review of Fort Knox, from a video out on February 17, after writing this entire update:


There was an individual who claimed that trudeau was involved with a pedophile ring(s) in Vancouver, and neither he not the RCMP did anything to him (that we know of). Therefore, I believe the report below claiming that even the RCMP knows of Chinese fentanyl shipments through Vancouver, and then into the United States. This video, via a Canadian journalist who would be in trouble with his accusations if untrue, claims that Liberal politicians are in on the drug shipments:

How's Trump going to know whether trudeau's stopping the fentanyl across the border unless the American side catches the cross-border shipments? Is the threat of tariffs the best way to get trudeau to cease this activity? What does he care now, seeing that he's out of a political job? The best thing to do is threaten the RCMP at a world court. Get John Ratcliffe to discover the guilt of the RCMP, and blow this crime wide open on the world stage, as well as catch the king pins on both sides of the border. Biden's CIA left China alone, same as trudeau. Time for Ratcliffe to roll up his sleeves.

Wow, just minutes after writing the above, a story comes out in which Pam Bondi's department has charged a Federal-Reserve official (from Obama's terms) for giving secrets to China. Secret-selling is reportedly a means that Clintons used, not only the Bidens, and so how deep did it go:

Every politician who went from average total worth to tens of millions over the course of their political career needs to be called into a specially-made FBI office to explain how they got the money. Start with Democrats, then do Republicans.

Here's short proof of the Federal Reserve joining the globalist censorship movement. The written statement shown in the video intends to gang up Federal-Reserve workers against those who do not tow the world views or mentalities of the Federal-Reserve leadership, and/or of invisible people who sit over the leadership and force their hand to make such bad politically-grounded policies:

Republicans need to take chem-trails more seriously. This could be some military project having a fake, official purpose (given to politicians to keep them calm or silent) where the real purpose could be to reduce human lifespans. Environmentalist liberals should be spearheading the effort against it because all animals are probably suffering. Animals eat animals and thus eat metals that are being sprayed in the air. But, the problem is, liberals are evil and prone to becoming like globalist zombies, and would probably like the idea of murdering people slowly to reduce populations:

This video gives a good education on the purposes of USAID, its Democrat allies, and why it's now like a lame duck with a Republican congress (this may be true for only two years, if Republicans screw up):

Some will tell you that Trump likes Bill Gates.

I think the following message from David Knight is worth considering, and remembering for two or three years, even if he's wrong in accusing that Trump was a first-degree player in the vaccine murders (I suggest he was at least a come-onboard accomplice, but David could be correct):

Here's another side of Musk now making the news as a superstar. This side of Musk is the futurist, as is Trump. Pity those Christian newscasters who talk as though only country matters, as if there's nothing in sight that looks like the Return of Jesus:

On Friday, Trump signed an Executive Order such that any school which forces students to receive vaccines will lose federal funding. But if that funding is from the federal department of Education, and if he does away with it, as he wants to do, then won't the funding be obliterated anyway? Maybe not, but just asking whether this Order is a farce. Plus, if the Order is against COVID-19 vaccines only, future vaccines that are different won't be covered by the Order. The Order then amounts to a Trump trick.

Who but a world-control freak would start an "energy dominance" agency, as Trump has? Why use "dominant" in the name? Why not just sell oil and gas abroad without trying to be dominant? What kind of an animal wants dominance? The devil. What usefulness has dominance unless one is seeking to weaken others to make oneself the head cheese over them? He offers this energy dominance to his supporters as if it was mmm-good candy.

Prime minister Poilievre announced, rather silly-like, that he plans to build four, new ice-breaker military ships, as if this is going to scare Trump's plots in northern Alaska. Trump wishes to boat the Alaskan oil across Arctic canada for European purchasers, and my bet is that he'll try to provoke Poilievre to anger as justification for taking canada militarily. If Trump does this, what an utter loser. The alternative is to simply be amicable, and pay a small fee for using canada as an American shipping lane.

If I were the prime minister, I'd allow the Americans to use the Arctic for free, but to pay a deposit large enough to pay for the clean up in case a ship has an oil spill in canadian waters. It pays to be a nice guy, said Jesus. It will come back to you. But if Trump has plots to take his neighbor's house whose not causing any trouble, there's a special reward for that type of thing, from Jesus.

The story below is very suspicious. Why would the records of aged/retired Americans be "protected" underground? It looks more like a means to hide some form of corruption, to allow the fewest-possible outsiders into the area, where Democrats have access to, for example, discover the names and addresses of the dead, and thus to place the dead, or the too-sick-to-vote, on a list for making fraudulent ballots. Thus, if Democrats can't get access to official death records, they can keep track of deaths using applications for retirement, for these latter records no doubt indicate which people have passed away.

DOGE catches USAID secretly funding bio-weapons. Joni Ernst sounds very intelligent and capable:

Here's a new government program to reveal US-government secrets:

I wonder whether the RINOs are hiding under a rock, those Republicans who betrayed the people decade after decade, never raising a peep about Democrat-government corruption.

The exposure finally appears to be here, but shouldn't we expect assassinations sooner rather than later? I would be very surprised if the deep state didn't try it. Their problem, is, when hundreds of leaders are working publicly toward the same goals, assassinating one or two of them can make the remainder double-down and get tougher against the deep state. So, maybe it won't try murder tactics.

Here's president Lunatic on purchasing Gaza. After or before he steals canada:

Let me get this straight, that Trump is co-owning Gaza with Israel? The impression I'm getting is that Netanyahu, with Trump's son-in-law, devised a plot years ago to desolate Gaza for the purpose of giving a Trump administration the joy of re-building Gaza with grandeur, to feed Lunatic's pride, of course, what else? How will a new Gaza make a new Hamas lay down its guns?

The Gaza-like German Gas' have a giant "goose" partly in Trump colors, and in Trump format. These Gas' are in the colors of "goose"-using Letters/Lauders. As Goose's are listed with Googe's, it begs whether Trump's abuse of Gaza will bring the anti-Christ to the Egypt theater.

I suggest that Trump wants to decree tariffs in order to create American jobs for all the citizens he's going to "fire" by DOGE. I think it's a calculated need. By cancelling steel and aluminum sales from canada, government workers, now helping to build the bloated Democrat machine, can now become factory workers, beauty. Take off those white collars, put on blue. Put all the Democrats into the factories, and put all the good guys into government. Flip the tables.

No matter, if we are near the end of this history, the last thing we want to do is place hopes in the Trump USA. I'm glad if the Trump government can expose corruption, but I doubt the war will end against globalism in four short years, or even eight. Best thing, enter Jesus before the deep state has a chance to inflict vengeance on anti-globalists now rising and winning.

I don't like Poilievre's "canada first" platform. I didn't like his axe-the-tax over-emphasis, because the gas tax isn't the only problem that needs fixing. It's the morality, stupid. When canadians shunned God, they were left on their own, and the wicked moved in to overload them with groaning. Poilievre never mentions Jesus, a recipe for reaping shame. He may alleviate the financial burdens of the country, but as long as canadians don't put God first, the wicked will always be in play, always threatening, always looming, waiting for opportunities to pounce back to power.

I criticize American globalists for using their foreign gifts to exploit the nations who receive the funds, to force them if possible to do what America wants done, but this is EXACTLY what Trump is now doing, using American funds as a club held over their heads, or by withholding funds if they don't do what Trump wants. It's deep-state all over. Trump is now trying to force both Jordan and Egypt to receive Gazans in order to clear out Gaza in order to rebuild it. With whose money? The American taxpayers'? Whoever pays most will own Gaza the most.

Trump might even go so far as to hold his military as a club over unwilling nations. I'm waiting to see how Egypt will react to Trump's dictate to take Gazans? It's not so much that Egypt doesn't want the people, but Egypt probably thinks that Trump's Gaza plans/plots/schemes are obscene. Like, "who does this guy think he is to waltz into Gaza like the big construction boss?" The king of Jordan told him frankly that he wants Gazans to remain in Gaza.

I'm now drying beets, cabbage, bananas, and more apples, with my six-tray Cosori dehydrator. What are you drying? Are you thinking that you're entering the golden age of affluence? Beware the prophetic trap that Jesus warned about, a very serious matter.

There are 17 states joining together to investigate potential criminality by Fauci during the plandemic. I'll watch that.

On the Jaxen Report this week, we learn that the UK ORDERED Apple to allow the government a back door into ALL computer data of all APPLE users. Are you kidding me? There's nothing like the UK admitting what all the conspiracy theorists knew all along. Thank you, sinful UK, you just advanced our message a million-fold. Keep it up. The UK and Australia, and trudeau, wish to use a very hard fist against people who make online comments in opposition to globalist ideals. That is, hard jail time to frighten everyone else into compliance. This is probably what Christians will need to face as the "dark hour" arrives. The British people need to throw the bums out.

Think of it. Every comment you've ever made on a news platform is recorded in your very own file owned probably by more than your government, but many governments potentially, and non-governments too. If you make Christian comments, your file will point that out. If there comes an order from a national or International leader to persecute Christians, his people could use your online / telephone words against you in twisted ways, if the judge allows them to use them. If it's illegal to spy on people, the governments can't use your words against you in court, and so this could explain why the UK wants to legalize the recording of our words.

You therefore have the choice not to make the comments, or to make them for the love of Jesus, and risk some form of unjustified retribution. Watch your words. I don't watch my words very much. I lambaste what I see as sinful. I'm zealous. I want Jesus to rule. Prepare ye the way for your Lord. Let us all be John the Baptist. But we wise; if you feel danger, change course, or get away.

The Highwire is celebrating the confirmation of Robert Kennedy by a 52-48 vote. But I want to take this time to lambaste Kennedy, if true what I've heard, that he is pro-abortion to the very end of the ninth month. He's proposed an investigation into collusion, during the plandemic, between government medical boards/doctors and vaccine companies. If Trump think's he's guilty of facilitating that collusion, he should not want Kennedy's proposal. The people want justice for, and correction of, the coercion, manipulation, and/or suppression of doctors, by vaccine companies and their salesmen, the big media. For extra details, see the latter half of this video:

Ending the "weaponization of the justice department" for four or eight years is not ending it. Evil will not go away. For long-term success, the help of God is needed, and for God to help, the people genuinely need to be conscious of doing what He calls good and right. If this sounds to you too much like Sunday-school, something to ridicule, too simplistic for the political battlefield, then you need to look inward to see if you have any faith to speak of at all. The United States is the tree of good and evil, and God definitely does protect his genuine people from the worst, though not from the whole. Whatever evil touches your clothing or body, if God will not remove it when you repeatedly pray, then ask whether you need to change something in your thinking, attitude, or activities. But even if you are not guilty of anything as the reason for your ailment, live with it as best you can, but throw yourself on God if it becomes frightening. THROW YOURSELF ON GOD. That's more than merely speaking a prayer. STOP EVERYTHING, and throw your soul upon God. It's not a method, it's got to be a genuine event, and by nature it's got your humility.

Trump has chosen some Christian personalities to head government agencies, and they naturally expect him to pardon the Christians who were unjustly arrested for protesting at "abortion" slaughter houses. I'm very happy about that, but the tree of evil will swing back, don't you think, for the coming "dark hour"? Or do you think it's forever over for the evil, just because Trump says so? He's not "ending" the evil, when he says he's ending it. It's right in his face everyday, scratching like a lunatic cat. It's not the time to celebrate as though Jesus has returned to truly make an end of evil.

Pam Biondi has surprised me. I may need to admit I was wr-wr-wrong when saying the deep state would turn her into a push-over. She's a pit bull wearing stompin' cowboy boots on the rear paws, and boxing gloves on the front paws, right out of the gate:

I'll repeat from the last update, that Bondi's share the lone, vertical sword of Justice's. It's as though God provided this in her honor. Just think of how bad Biondi makes Trump look for his nominations between 2017 and 2020. Go Pam, bam-bam-bam. We could say, better late than never, Trump.

But, before I admit that I was wr-wr-wrong, let's give it a couple of months to see whether she tones down her pow-pow due to deep-state threats. It's what I expect. When the media fails, when the Democrat "idols" fail on late-night shows, there's nothing left but making secret threats to their bodies / lives.

"Progressives," keep on accusing, that's my advice, and make criminal fools of yourselves, all the better for the honest people to push you over as irrelevant to the future. Just consider what losers they are, defending corruption tax dollars in the name of keeping the deep state on their side. Yes, they made a pact with the Bush deep state since the Obama years. The two endured a merger, though they didn't like each other. They learned that they had evil, worldliness, in common. Then came the enigma, a worldly, lustful Trump, with Christians acting as his tassels. Very weird. It doesn't look right to me. Something seems very dangerous about this, like Christians feeding at the wrong table.

Much credit, and even key credit, goes to president Trump if he allows his nominees to fulfill the original plans he laid out for them. I haven't felt comfortable, in the past, to say, "president Trump." My question is: what strings are attached to his allowing a significant pro-Christian platform?

Bondi will be useless against the Democrat machine if the deep state successfully threatens into compliance just two Republican Supreme-Court judges. The Democrat machine was crafty enough to secure the courts heavily in their favor in their long-term battle to de-Christianize society, and crafty enough to become prosecution-happy. The Christian churches just ignored it and did not reciprocate. Now there's a need to turn the tables, and I'm glad to see it, yet nothing is forever in a democracy. It's an endless battle, and is now a battle between Biblical good and evil, the perfect stage for the glorification of the One who will return.

The Democrats think they are getting voter traction by accusing Musk of being unelected. Ya-but, so are many government appointees and employees. They can't all be elected.

Does anyone think that Musk will reveal Trump's vaccine-program corruption, how he wasted 10s of billions on vaccine companies and related measures? When is Trump going to announce that he's got billions of dollars to comfort the vaccine-injured? THROW TRUMP IN JAIL. When will Pam Bondi go against Trump's vaccine crimes? My prayer: let Trump's corruption seekers expose Trump. Let them betray this mass-killer. He may come to deserve some key credit for cleaning up government waste, but he needs to take credit for killing his own people and allowing the deep state to ravage the nation from January 2021 to January 2025. If it was just a true blunder, we can forgive him, but if it was first-degree criminality, then he can't speak "clean-up" with his own mouth while he himself is blood-red filthy.

What sort of special God-send does he think he is after letting his nation down like that? Does he think he's the only man who can order what he's now ordering? What if he's motivated by vengeance rather than helping the people? What if he allowed the deep state to trash the nation while hoping it would leave him unscathed? That's the impression he gave me in the first four years. The more his team now outshines Jeff Sessions, Bill Barr, Chris Wray, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, general Kelly, Mad-Dog Mattis, John Bolton, Dan Coats, the more dismal he appears. The worst of it is, he's not been good enough to admit his failure.

Had he won in 2020, he would have continued on the same path. But having lost painfully, he decided to do what his voters want done this time around. Yet, instead of giving him credit for it, give the credit to his nominees who wanted to see him do, starting eight years ago, what he's now doing. Trump's job is to keep his appointees honest, clean, and united while under the temptations that attack all politicians. If he succeeds, he should hold it secretly in his heart, the knowledge that he helped to fix what he at-first spoiled.

He knew that the only path to the White House again was to promise his voters what they wanted, but while he now needs to keep those promises lest he becomes a lame-duck leader, the question is: what aspirations does he have that were not made apparent, by design, on the campaign trail? Maybe none, maybe some, maybe many.

Here's a law suit against a crime ring siphoning off COVID dollars under the pretence of humanitarian aid. The speaker says that Bondi's justice department is now in charge of prosecution, yet, to my surprise, this case goes back to the Biden administration. Could this mean that the ring leaders were Republicans?

Devin Nunes has been made the head of an Intelligence advisory board. I wonder what such a job entails? Is it advice only, or is it a shadow-leadership role? Does Intelligence need to take his "advice" by force, and does his advice come straight from the president, or who? It would be interesting to sit in their meetings when the heads of Intelligence agencies are gathered. What do you think they say on the things they should spy out? Will they not spy out Democrat machinery, now that they know it to be the chief enemy of the United States? I sure hope so, yet Trump went and made Tulsi Gabbard the DNI chief, who's a former Democrat. Wouldn't it be just like Trump to chose another enemy-pickle for his key posts for dismantling the deep state?

It is not to be called "weaponization of the justice department" if Trump demands that Bondi and the FBI boss go after Democrat criminality. That's to be called straight-forward duty. Weaponization of justice is the phrase used to define the department going after innocent people for the advancement or defense of a political party and/or corporate people.

Amazing Polly is back after an absence of about a year, still trying to make sense of the big players. She's been thinking for quite a while that there's something nefarious with high-level Republican circles, and maybe there is, but, on the other hand, maybe a lot of powerful people are simply ganging together as part of a necessary mustering for war against the Democrat deep state. Expect infiltrators from the Democrats, a large part of their game. Polly was a pro-Trump hopeful, though I think she became disillusioned by pro-Trumpers.

I don't like the many lousy attitudes that I see in highly-successful media podcasters. Lousy attitudes make for a losing political team apt to give power back to the fake-angel Democrats. They feign good or professional attitudes to grab voters, while pro-Trumpers don't mind passing themselves off as gruff, as if to be gruff is to be real/genuine. Bongino, for example, has become a low-life, yet he's winning on social media. Even the successful Frank removed his suit and hair gel for a baseball cap and casual shirt, as if to play to another audience. Stew removed his suit in favor of a T-shirt that exposes the seedy tattoos from his sinful years. I could never understand a grown man painting his skin with pictures, especially when the paint job looks so reptilian or snakish.

DOGE probably did the right thing when cancelling the jobs of 3,600 people on probation at the Health department, for Bidenites probably checked these people to assure they are pro-vaccine. Democrats hire hire hire with the plan of accusing Republicans of being heartless to fire them. Democrats are responsible for over-hiring in order to buy more voters i.e. the people they grant jobs to. The bigger the government beast, the more voters Democrats can have, and the more fighters they can for policy controversies, if they can keep those people on-side. It hasn't been going too well for Dems, lately. We can thank the invisible people who propped Biden up, about the most-stupid thing they could do. If it was Obama behind the decision, and many think it was, what a just mess he made for his party. The tree of evil dropping fruit that's rotten before it hits the ground. Not even the rats want to eat it.

The law suit filed by New Mexico, with 13 other states joining, to stop DOGE, failed. The judge said that the plaintiffs did not show that Musk was breaking any laws, and thus she also refused to shut DOGE down on the argument set forth that he's breaking a constitutional technicality.

Congress is proposing a spending and tax cut of only $600B annually (and the vote may even fail). At that rate, the dept will never be paid back. Hopefully, it's just a start rather than a token gesture that intends to do almost nothing...the reason that the people just don't vote enough Republicans into Congress at times. This is why Matt Gaetz made it a big deal to get a House leader who makes big spending cuts. He failed because House Republicans failed him. Globalists depend on this over-spending. It fuels their machinery on the tax dollars which they can siphon to globalist agendas. The money doesn't come only from USAID.

The U.S. military, as well as USAID, have been caught giving untold amounts of money to Disney and other entertainment companies that the left regards as "educators." The people in cahoots with, or above, the military (i.e. probably the Democrat party or its invisible partners) may be trying to "buy" companies for a purpose, for example, to have Disney push faggot and transexual lifestyles. If Disney does it, it continues to get paid. That explains why companies are wiling to lose normal sales profits if the money bags through the illegality covers the losses. Just think of how worthy of martial execution that scenario is for the military people responsible.

When a government agency doles out money for a specific and stated reasonable/legal/proper purpose which turns out to be a facade, that's a form of laundering because they give the dirty work a clean tag/title. It's not money laundering strictly if the money goes to an acceptable purpose but where some of it is raked off illegally by those who don't have a right to it. That would be simple grand theft of tax dollars that generally involves "kick-backs" to the giver(s) of the money. "Laundering" is a term devised to express criminal activity the proceeds of which are made to appear legitimate (clean) by feigning its origin from some business or fake business.

The next level of DOGE investigations ought to include an army of workers going to the companies to which government money is officially reported as going, to see whether the money was used properly, or even for the officially-stated reasons. This is going to need thousands of people, judging by how grand this heist is collectively, in order to catch it quickly. Why quickly?

Good news: the wages paid to this army will be less than the money captured by the fraud, when those who took the money are forced to pay it back, with criminal prosecutions, preferably, to send a message for a couple of decades to other would-be fraudsters. The prosecutions will take years, but even the cost of those should be re-paid by the funds re-paid. The average heist case will probably be more than a million dollars. Americans want to get this done before Democrats re-take the White House.

The Trump justice department needs to make it politically detrimental to Democrats if they pardon these tax thieves once prosecuted. If the Democrats dare pardon them, they risk losing the next election. Therefore, prosecutions will empower the Republican party first by doing the right thing, then by holding that work over the Democrats (in campaign season) if they dare to undo it.

The auditing and scrutinizing of government spending in other Western countries needs to catch on, even in Israel. The people need to make it happen by clamoring for it until it does, until the political candidates make promises to do so as part of receiving sufficient votes to win. The people can easily send conservatives the message that they will be shoe-ins if they promise to audit previous government spending. The people need to front candidates who are zealously for that agenda. This can be done, absolutely, on the same steam now toppling globalist governments everywhere.

The globalists are now at the suicide point where the temptation, in order to regain popularity, is to front globalism as a good thing, same as when they tried to popularize wokeness as a good thing in efforts to normalize it. "Globalist" has become such a stench, I don't see how they will succeed.

I'm hearing this week that WEFer and central-bank man, the front-runner Liberal candidate in canada, is trying to give globalism a good face. The Liberal machine in canada is now putting out false polls where the Liberals and Poilievre are neck-and-neck. This tactic is to make voters believe that this Liberal front-runner, Mark Carney, is really well-liked. It's a trick, and the media putting out those numbers will pay the price for such weapons-grade misinformation.

If you're interested in the canadian prorogation hearing that transpired this week, though the judge has not yet given a decision:


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
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