February 3 - 10, 2025
Pointers To Trump's Newbies
Touch Bra and Milk Shakes
Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.
I think I can now say why God made Ainsley Earhardt of Fox and Friends a second fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty. To know what I'm talking about, see two updates ago. I'll assume that you've read that update, not giving elaborate explanations here.Now that Pete Hegseth has been confirmed as Trump's Defense chief, it makes a lot of sense as to why God made Miss Hicks the first fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty, followed by Ainsley Earhardt as the second, for Pete Hegseth went from a host on Fox and Friends to the military job this month.
I knew right away, from recent writings, that this picture would get us to a military-like motto term from following an Ainsley-surname branch that had also been connected to the Hicks surname.
If we look at "HegSETH," we can assume that it was a Hegg-line merger with Seths/Shaws, and the latter not only share a "dagger" with Kilpatricks, but I can practically link the two daggers by blood. Miss Hicks is Mrs. Kilpatrick, and while Hicks' have the Hook Coat in other colors, and while Hicks' share the fleur-de-lys of Ainsleys, Hegg-connectable Aggs have the Hicks and Hook Coat but with the fleur-de-lys of Dagger-branch Acre's.
You can load Seths now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames, to better follow the heraldic links.
The Means in the Seth/Shaw motto can even be linked to the six pale bars in each of the AINS crescents. The Ains Crest looks related to the Crest of Hanna's, and I trace the "ad" motto term of Hanna's to Ada of Warenne, who married an earl of Huntingdon, which is where Heggs/Aggs' are first known! You just Heggs/Aggs' linking to AINSley-like surnames as if arranged by God. Irish Hannitys/HEGneys even show a dagger, tending to explain why God chose Mrs. Kilpatrick to be Sleeping Beauty, as a pointer to Hegseth.
Heggs/Aggs' share a "Moor's head" in Crest with Aggs/Auge's, and Eggs/Edge's have a version of the ICE/Ecco Coat while the latter share an Icke variation with Hicks'! What can the Ice's do in this picture? I just saw, minutes ago as I write (Tuesday), Pete Hegseth, interviewed on Fox and Friends, when he was asked whether he would send the U.S. military into Mexico...to assist ICE against Mexican cartels!!! Amazing. That is amazing.
The CARTel surname even shares the saltire of Carts while "Ceart" is a Kilpatrick motto term. Plus, Cartels have a Coat version of the Cattels, kin of Blake's/Caddells, and Blacks, first known in Lincolnshire with a HAINton location, and expected in the "black" Moor head of Aggs/Auge's, share the Kilpatrick and Patrick saltire, expected in the Coat also of Cattels, the latter first known in Norfolk with Patricks and dagger-using, Seth-related Comyns. The latter surname is how I can link Seths/Shaws to Kilpatricks.
Cattels are first known in Norfolk with Hyche's/Hake's and their Higg branch, and while Heggs look like they can have the gold stag head of Hicks', Higgs call their stags "bucks," the name that Hicks' give their stag head. German Bucks share a giant Fox lion to assure that this heraldic set involving the Higgs was arranged by God to point to HEGseth.
As Sleeping Beauty appeared at a CAR, we take this now to the Castle Cary location of Carts, begging whether her car is somehow a symbol of Mexican cartels. If so, why a car? Is it due only to the Car surname being a Cartel branch, or is there more to it? The Cattels put a mascle on their saltire that is the giant mascle of Fauci-connectable Faux's, and while the Leavells of Castle Cary were from Walerans, the Vos'/DeVos' expected in the Waleran motto have a giant Faux-like fox. On top of this, Friends were once said to be first known in Somerset with Castle Cary and the Carts, but as they are now said to be first known in the same place as Ainsleys, it's spelling "Fox and Friends," and thus points to Hegseth fighting the Mexican cartels!
Whether relevant or not to this heraldic set, I'll add that while Denise CARTer has been chosen to be the temporary leader of the Education department, Betsy DeVos was Trump's previous Secretary of Education. She agrees with Trump's eradication of this department, in favor of granting education responsibilities to the states alone i.e. saves money and gets Washington out of the sea-to-sea schools. Perfect. French DeVos' are also BelliVAUX's.
Sleeping Beauty can point to more than one thing, in my estimation, when God arranges the heraldry and makes it coordinate with various events, dream props, or people-names. For example, "Betsy" is a version of "Betty," from "Elizabeth," and her full name is Elizabeth DEE DeVos. As Dee's use a "Hic" motto term, and as Miss Hicks is Sleeping Beauty while Bettys/Beatys look like "Beauty," I can see a pointer to Ms. DeVos from Beauty's pointer to Walerans. DeVos'/Bellivaux's are very linkable to BEAUmonts (BEAUTiful mount), listed with Bellmonts, first known in Dorset with Beautys. Or we can take it to giant-Fox German Vos'/DeVos and insert Ainsley Earhardt, the second fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty. The only reason I can see for a pointer to DeVos is all the rot she's learned of the Department of Education that can help tear it down now, and save children from satanic values.
In the past, I've shown how Sleeping Beauty points to Tony Fauci and company, which is why I'm now surprised to see this pointer to Hegseth, as if there's a connection between the designers of the plandemic and the American supporters of cartels seeking to de-stabilize the country. Faux-branch Vaux's are first known in East Lothian Vance's/VAUX's, which can now place Trumps vice-president, JD Vance, into this cartel picture.
East Lothian is also where Fauci-branch Faucets and Keith Catti are first known, and the latter come up as mascle-like Mascals such that Keiths can be identified as a Cattel / Cartel branch, especially as Cattels are first known in Norfolk with three cat-using surnames at least: the Keats, Catch's and Cattans.
Some individual/family at the Serio river is expected in the Car motto, and while Crema is on the Serio river, CREMers, who were pointed to by "ICE-CREAM" in a pointer to Fauci and company, look very related to the Coat of French Faux's/Fage's who in turn have a Collens-like Chollens variation for a pointer to Francis Collins of th NIH, Fauci's boss during the plandemic.
I see Ainsleys as a branch of Anne's/Hanne's because they were both first known near each other. Anne's/Hanne's (Yorkshire with Hicks' and TICKs) are first known in TICKhill, and Ticks use a "MILITia" motto term!!! It's a pointer to Hegseth, new chief of the American military. Both Ainsleys and Hicks' are involved here because the latter share the gold "buck's heads" with Anne's/Hanne's, and then while Hicks-branch Hooks are first known in Devon with Staggs/Stage's in the "stag heads" of Hegg/Aggs', Hanna's (near first-known Kilpatricks) share the blue stag head with Staggs/Stage's. If that's not enough, the Hanna stag head is the Trump stag head in colors reversed.
Hanna's call their stag head a "deer" while Deerings share the Anne/Hanne Coat, though Deerings call the Anne/Hanne bucks "roebucks" probably because Roe's and Rowe's are first known in Norfolk with Bucks and Seth-related Comyns/Comings (dagger).
I'll even repeat that Ainsley-branch Annas' almost have the Coat of Wiggons while Hanna's are first known in Wigton. Both Annas' and Wiggons are first known in Cambridgeshire with the June-branch Jeune's while English June's (Staffordshire with Hicksons) share the Agg/Auge fleur-de-lys. Then, German June's/Jungs have a giant stag in the colors of the Trump stag. Bucks share the antlers of Cone's (Kent with Deerings) while Irish Conans share's the June / Acre / Agg/Auge fleur-de-lys.
As the Sleeping Beauty dream started with a shark that had a bulldog in mouth that I've claimed to be Trump, we can take this picture to Sharks, the line from Saraca's of Ragusa, also called, "Laus(a)," and from there we go to the Laus bay in Italy because it's near Saracena, itself on the Sybaris river with a Morano location that uses Moor heads. We saw the Heggs/Aggs' and Aggs/Auge's with Moor heads, but the point is that Deerings are said to descend from Morinis' while Morinis' are first known in Modena with Morano's. The latter use Moor heads too.
I don't think we're done yet because Daggers and Acre's are first known in Cumberland with Dockers while English Docks are first known in Staffordshire with Duce's/DOOCYs while Steve Doocy works the same Fox and Friends show with Ainsley Earhardt.
I still don't think we're done because Scottish Docks are listed with Dogs/Doags, a possible pointer to Trump the bullDOG because he's overseeing DOGE, the attack dog of Elon Musk.
We can even take this to the "deers' heads EACH with a BELL around its neck," of Hanna's, because Bells and Bullys are first known in Dumfries with Kilpatricks and Trump- / Hanna-connectable Leggs. Hicksons (same place as English Docks) use eagle "LEGS." EACH's are listed with Auge-like Augers/Eagars. English Docks share lion of Bruce's of ANNandale (Dumfries). Annandale's can be sharing the Cart and Cartel saltire closely because Kilpatricks have a "Ceart" motto term while Cards/Certs have a giant lion head in the colors of the giant Bruce lion. Bruce's of Annandale married the Car- and Cart-branch Carricks, a branch in turn of CARROTs/Carews. What's up, doc?
The giant Bruce / Dock lion is also with Galloways while Galways share the bridge with English Dockers. The Hanna's are first known in Galloway with DOUGals/Medals who in turn have the lion in colors reversed. Galways even have a Cartel-connectable cat. Sleeping Beauty's husband, DOCTOR Hamilton Kilpatrick, connected with the bulldog in more ways than Hamiltons (Renfrewshire with Spears) sharing the Dog/Doag cinquefoil, or via the Doctor variation of spear-using Dockers.
Bridge's love the Crabs, the latter first known in Cambridgeshire with Dockets/Dogets and HOUNDs. I trace "Patrick" to "Antipatria," an old city near the PENEStae, which can explain why Dockets/Dogets share the two, courant greyHOUNDs of Pennys/PENES'.
I can't deny it, that both Sleeping Beauties are pointing to Pete Hegseth, and the bulldog may even be pointing suddenly to DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency). I would be more apt to entertaining the latter if the Musk/Muscat surname could be linked to Dogs/Doags or even Bulls/Bule's, but I don't see a way. However, Musks/Muscats, first known at Ely (Cambridgeshire), have a version of the Ely and Craven Coats, and Elys happen to share the fleur-de-lys of Weddings (Yorkshire with Hicks' and Cravens) who in turn have the Hicks / Hook / Agg/Auge Coat in other colors. That's not bad reason to have the Sleeping Beauty dream point to Doge, for Musk is running it.
Marco Rubio is now in charge of USAID, and it just so happens that Rube's/Rubi's look linkable to Earhardts/AirHARTs and their Here/Herr branch. That is completely amazing. Rube's/Rubi's share the Here/Herr scythe, and Jewish Harts, looking linkable to the Earhardt/Airhart Coat, share the Rube/Rubi hexagram. English Here's/Heyers, first known in Derbyshire with AIRs/Eyers, share blue wings with German Here's/Herrs. I'm not yet prepared to say that God chose certain people to dismantle USAID or expose it's criminal operations, but it certainly appears that He's pointing to the Trump-Musk-Rubio team.
Musk says that Trump gave him the okay to shut USAID down, the best thing I've seen from Trump. But I will not praise him for courageous things he may now do until he takes responsibility for mass-murder with the vaccines. On your knees, Trump, before the King. Apologize, and put Fauci and company where they belong to show you mean business (repentance) with the King. Then, turn yourself in, and go willingly to jail for the murder of the people you were voted in to protect. This gross sin can explain why the bulldog got swallowed by the shark. God's punishment can begin long before the sin if there's not enough time to punish fully after the sin. I don't think Trump's got the stuff to properly repent, but prove me wrong.
Rube's/Rubi's are first known in Westphalia with German Ducks/Dockers, and you saw above the Scottish Dogs/Doags come up as "Dock." Then, there's the deep-state animal, Rupert MurDOCH, owner of Fox news. You saw English Docks pointing to Peter Doocy, especially as Doocy-branch English Ducks are first known in Somerset, where Friends were once said to be first known, until recently, probably last year sometime. Doocys/Duce's share the Coat of Sempers in turn in the motto of English Dockers (Cumberland with Daggers/Dackers and Acre's).
Rubio has made it known that he wants to clean-up USAID, a good sign.
Let's remind that the bulldog in the dream was a British bulldog, and that British's/Brodicks/BradDOCKs not only have a FOX, but are first known in Kent with the Deerings (share Anne/Hanne Coat) who almost have the Coat of Friends (Nottinghamshire with Ainsleys). While Hegseth is now looking to use military on behalf of BORDer GUARDs, note BRODicks (Kent with Gards/Guards), for Borders are first known in Somerset with Brits/Brets and Docker-beloved Bridge's. Thus, the same dream's dog that can point to Doge can also point to Pete HegSETH of Fox and Friends, especially as Dogs/Doags are first known in Perthshire with Dagger-loving SETH's/Shaws. Almost missed that last one.
Kent is even where Valiant-like Valance's are first known who have the German Duck/Docker Coat in colors reversed. Valiants use a shark. Plus, Kent is where Petts are first known who have "BULrushes" while sharing the mascles of HEART-using Bullys and Hanna- / Anne-like Hains (Dumfries with Bullys and Hanna-connectable Leggs). Petts (Kent with Petits) can be a pointer to PETE Hegseth.
I've mentioned Katrina Hanson, the ICE-cream girl, a million times, and predicted that she would point to John Ratcliffe, who is now the new CIA director! She's the one who agreed to date me for the first time while handing me an ice-cream CONE at her place of work. Dennis Quinn loaned me his parent's red Valiant to take her for a drive (I was 16), and Valiants (Yorkshire with English HANSons and Anne's/Hanne's) use the only heraldic shark I know of.
I don't know how the shark in the dream is to be interpreted, however, in this context of fighting the deep state. Yes, I think the shark represents the deep state, but I'd like it to point hard to something more specific. The last time I saw Katrina, she was going into work at her ice-cream parlor, and I was looking at her from the entry into the parking lot of Ratcliff Lumber.
Ratcliffs are first known in Lancashire with Hanson-connectable Whaleys (Faux mascle in colors reversed) who in turn share the canton square of Whale's/WHELE's while "well" is a motto term of Seths/Shaws. It makes the Wells suspect in sharing the giant lion of FAUCets (same place as Vaux's/Vance's), and thus we could see a good partnership between Hegseth and JD Vance in fighting Cremer-like crime. Cremers even share a Kilpatrick Chief, having the Shee/Shea / Hanson / Hook / Earhardt fleur-de-lys.
English Sheaves'/Shaws share a Shea variation with Irish SHEE's who in turn almost have the Coat of Nordic Hansons and Faux-connectable Fuggers. Ratcliffs share the bull head of Walerans, in the colors of the BEAUTY bulls, and while Beautys are even in Waleran and Whaley colors and format, I said, in the Sleeping Beauty dream, "SHE's Beautiful." The "Sic" motto term of Walerans is translated "Such" when in the MacKenzie motto, and Such's with GorSUCH's are first known in Lancashire with Whaleys. Gore's were once said to be first known in Essex with MacKenzie-beloved Asters and Mountains.
Katrina pointed hard to Fauci and company, as did Dennis Quinn's sister, and while we could expect John Ratcliffe to help the effort against such foreign gangster clubs as USAID, we are learning that it funded Fauci's COVID scheme out of Wuhan. Her ice-cream pointed to ECOhealth via the Ecco variation of Ice's (Mecklenburg with Trumps and Hann-branch Hahns), and then, via "EcoHEALTH," I discovered that Helts/Helds share the Hickson Coat while Hicks' share the Icke variation of Ice's/Ecco's. See that? It appears that the ice-cream points both to vaccine crime and ICE border guards.
But there's more because Helt-like Holts/Holds are first known in Bury with Ratcliffs, and moreover the Squirrels in the Holt/Hold Crest are first known in Worcestershire with Ice-branch Eggs! Incredible.
Squirrels share the red squirrel with German Daggers. Miss Hicks married Dr. Kilpatrick while Kilpatricks use the dagger. She and he moved from my area of Texas to a home some ten miles from the home of John Ratcliffe, but this was almost 20 years ago, long before Mr. Ratcliffe was appointed by Trump to lead American Intelligence in 2020.
Pam Bondi
While writing the section above, Pam Bondi was voted in to be Trump's Attorney General, the new AG, and so the Heggs/AGGS' and Aggs/Auge's can point to her. Bondi's/Blondi's happen to share the lone and erect sword of Justine's who in turn use scales of justice but call them also a "pair of balances".
Babe-related Blonds and Blondville's are first known in Suffolk with Babe's, yet the latter were once said to be first known in Dorset with their Beak kin while Blondville's share the BEACH/Beck vair fur. As Sleeping Beauty, a pure blond, was at a car parked on Jeffrey Epstein's beach, note that Pam Bondi was the Attorney General of Florida, home of Jeffrey Epstein. It appears that God is pointing to her with Sleeping Beauty. Beach's were Clapper kin, and John Ratcliffe was nominated by Trump to take an Intelligence position was held by James Clapper during the Obama years.
The vair fur of Beach's/Bechs and Blondville's is even shared by Florida's/Fleurs, quite shocking i.e. very welcome because it seems God is pointing us to Pam Bondi, which could signal His entering the deep-state situation to strike it with key, federal-funded and widely-watched law suits.
As English Champagne's have the vaired Beach/Bech Shield in half its colors, and in both colors of the vaired BRACEbridge Shield, see the Florida/Fleur write-up: "One branch of the family established a seigniory in Fleurent, Champagne, for De Braux." It makes Bracebridge's (Lincolnshire with Dampierre's) look like they or their branch named De Braux. I've told several times that the Dampierre's of Champagne married Margaret of AVESNes, a line from AVEZZANo's who in turn share a potent pattern on a bend with French Champagne's, but, wow, Bondi's/Blondi's are first known in Sardinia with Avezzano's and Italian Amori's.
I now can't help but add that Braux-like Bra is beside SAVIGliano, and that French Sauvage's are first known in Champagne. Pelosi's are first known in Savigliano, and Nancy Pelosi was an engineer of January-6 crimes that Pam Bondi is expected to look at.
Moreover the Bondi/Blondi Chief is essentially the one of Braux's/BRAUDs/Breau's. The Sardinian-suspect Shirts/SHARDs -- who were in the Sleeping Beauty dream when I saw myself walking on the beach, without a shirt on, toward Sleeping Beauty -- are first known in Cheshire with the Breads/Bradds looking like a branch of the Braud variation of Braux's, and with English Savage's/Sava's, kin of Lincolnshire's Eagle's/Hegels (Lincolnshire with Swallows).
Perhaps it's off topic from Ms. Bondi, but the surgeon, Jack Sava, suspect in co-murdering Seth Rich, was a Clintonite, interesting here where Clintons and Hillarys look related to Savage's/Sava's and Swallow-related Arundels. The Trump bulldog was SWALLOWed by the shark. Suddenly the British's/BRADdocks come to mind with Trump represented by the British bulldog, and so let's remind that we got to BRAUDs, who almost share the Clinton Chief, by way of Florida's/Fleurs, for Trump lives in Florida too.
I see Shirts/Shards as kin of Oxfordshire's Harcourts, and the Sardinian Amori's were added to topic above because Clintons are first known in Oxfordshire with Amore's and their Damory/Amori branch...and Harcourts. Damorys/Amori's love the Dogs while a giant dog is with Italian Fortuna's/Fortune's suspect in the "misfortunes" term in the English-version motto of Amore's. You can bet that the Clinton Foundation is a laundering machine just as badly as USAID.
Plus, while Bill Clinton was a friend of Epstein, Blondville's share the six fitchees of Clintons and Hillarys (Worcestershire with Clent Hills). Blonds almost have the Damory/Amori Coat. Will Bondi go after the Clinton Foundation? Sleeping Beauty's CLASSIC car actually pointed to "Lady Fortune" of the Klassens/Class', and while Damorys/Amori's and Amore's look like Fortuna kin, Oxfordshire is where Love's/Luffs are first known who have a Coat version of Musks/Muscats, and can therefore be linked to the Muschats who in turn share the Epstein Coat.
Blundville's (share Shark trefoils, Rockefeller-line symbol) and Blondville's descended directly from earl Ranulph de Gernon (Cheshire), and Gernons are said to be of Montfitchet while Montfitchets (Essex with their Clinton-connectable Fitch/Fitchet branch) are listed with Muschats (Essex). In this picture, the shark looks like the Brito-Israeli Intelligence slimes behind Jeffrey Epstein. Surely, Trump knows who they are, and might like to go after them by now.
In the dream, God told me that Sleeping Beauty "LOVES" me, wherefore, He said, "go wake her." If she's a representation of Pam Bondi, then, maybe, this looks promising for finally getting proper justice against the shark that swallowed Trump.
However, I'm now seeing a pointer to Bill Barr from Sleeping Beauty, who once held Ms. Bondi's position under Trump's first term. This begins where both Washingtons and Sleeps call their fesses, "bars," strongly suggesting a Bar location at the coast of lake Scodra, smack where Selepitanoi had been. Heraldic bars called "fesses" suggest a Bar-line merger with Fessys/Face's, Fauci's, Faucets, Fiscs, and similar others.
In the dream, when I was shown a close-up of her FACE, I said, "She's beautiFUL," and Fullers (this is new) share the triple Love/Luff fesses, called "three red BARs" in colors reversed from the two of Sleeps, almost the Amore and Damory/Amori Coats who in turn look like Leavell/LEVEL/LOVell kin. She was hovering level while asleep. It strongly suggests that Beautys share the Lovick bull, but as it was me, a Masci liner she loves, it takes us to the Muscats/Musks having the double "red bars" of Sleeps in colors reversed. Why might she love Elon Musk? Or am I off the mark by even suggesting Musk's involvement?
Love's/Luffs, Amore's and Damorys/Amori's are all first known in the same place, near the first-known Shaws/Sheaves' who share a Shea variation with Irish Shee's (share Masci fleur). "SHE'S beautiful." It's making me think that God set me up with the Kilpatricks because Dr. Hamilton Kilpatrick is descended from a Dr. Masci that I read about, in Picenze, my mother's home village, seven miles from the first-known Sheaves'/Chiava's. For Kilpatricks share the Masci fleur too. I trace Chiava's to Chives', kin of Hykes'/Hacks, and first known in Tarves while the split Tarves Shield is colors reversed from the same of Kennys (share Shee fleur) likely because Shee's lived in KilKenny. Shee's were first known in Munster with Massey-like Bricks, but more in particular in Kerry, and Kerrys are first known in Montgomeryshire while Montgomerys (same place as Hamiltons) have the Shee / Kenny / Masci / Kilpatrick fleur too. Irish Carys/Keerys share the lion of Masci-branch Mascarelli's. Miss Hicks, Sleeping Beauty, points with her car to Castle Cary. They are suspect with Carricks/Kerricks who almost have the Montgomery motto. English Kerricks are first known in Cheshire with Masseys, and love the Pile's (Somerset with Castle Cary). Brick-like Birch's, with the Simple's expected in their motto, share the Coat of Montgomerys (Renfrewshire with Simple's).
To nail Love's/Luffs to Beautys, the Lofwick branch of Lovicks are in the Tower write-up, and are said to have been in Ely, where Muscats/Musks are first known: "The surname Tower was first known in Lancashire where they held a family seat from ancient times, and were the Lords of the manor of Lowick or Lofwick. William of Tours accompanied William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings, and was granted estates under tenant in Chief, the Baron of Kendall [like the Kentwell variation of Candels]...others branched south to Sowerby in Lincolnshire, and Isle of Ely. Others of this family adopted the name Lowick and Lofwick and remained in Lancashire."
Sowerbys, looking like they have a version of the Leavell/Level bars, share the annulets of Cary-like Cherrys/Charrys and Severs (Somerset with Castle Cary of Leavells). Severs were kin of Saffers, the latter first known in Devon with the Tower-loving Thors. Cherrys/Charrys are first known in Derbyshire with Haddens having a "Suffer" motto, and Beautys were kin of Haydens and Hats/Hades', a death theme. If Sleeping Beauty was representing death before being woken, what did her death represent? Did Musk wake her?
I claimed that Musk was being pointed to when I woke up my girlfriend, a beautiful blond, Diane Muschatov, when climbing her TV antenna to knock on the her bedroom window. Is Musk that romantic? I doubt it. He'd probably text her instead. The good news is, Diane wasn't dead when I knocked. But she said, "Are you crazy, my brother has a gun (in his hands right now?) and could have shot you?" Diane's parents still had Ukrainian accents, and the Ukraine war has crazy Nazis. This antenna event was less than a year after the Sleeping Beauty dream. Her father wouldn't let me see her anymore, because they had chosen a husband for her, like the old school.
A giant, red bull head is used by Russian Moscowitz's (and Larsons), meaning that, maybe, Diane was the real, first fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty. I didn't know of Moscowitz's until about a year ago, however. Plus, they have "buffalo horns" in Crest while a buffalo head was a symbol of the Zahringers who found bear-depicted Bern (Switzerland), suggesting that the bear was a symbol also of their Veringer kin, for Varangians of Kiev founded Moscow and thus may have given Russia her bear symbol. For what it could be worth, Diane has foxy-looking hair.
A giant black bull is with Auto's/OTTO's, and Richeza of Lotharingia was the niece of emperor, and king of Italy, Otto III. As Sleeping Beauty was with a car, it seems that God intended it also as an auto, for Beautys have the black bull too. It seems certain that, due to Richeza marring a Mieszko, the Auto/Otto bull head is the one also of Mieske's/Mesechs (Prussia with Auto's/Otto's). This can be a reason that I, a Masci liner, was at her car, to show that my mother descends from Mieszko II. I may assume that God put me with Lorraine to show the same.
Otto III was succeeded as king of Italy by Arduin of IVREA, and as Beauty points to Leavells of YVERY, it seems that God is informing us that Yvery was named by Ivrea elements. Hicks married Arthurs of Clapton, in Somerset with the first-known Leavells/Levels, at Castle CARy, and so her CAR applies there. It's not a wonder that God was so late in creating the universe, because He had to first figure out how to do all of these heraldic links.
As Veringers were from Maria of Kiev, I assume Zahringers were too. They both used antlers; the Veringer's are red, and Zahringer's blue, and Moscowitz's have a red-on-blue bull head. Berns have the Lorraine / Keep / Arms-of-Baden bend in colors reversed. Zahringer-like Zehrs have a "man" "CARRYing an axe" for a trace to Castle Cary (Somerset with axe-using Badens/Battins and bear-using Percivals) at/near the Axe river, and the Zehr man is "WEARING" a red "sash," suggesting they loved VERINGers (of Baden). Wears/Were's, first known in Devon with Wearings/Warings and Ware's, are said to have been on the Axe river. Now you know that the line of Maria of Kiev goes to Vere's / Weirs and their several branches. This Axe river is in Somerset with the first-known Payne's, and while Pans/Payens are in the "frying pan" of German Pole's/Pohls, German Pohls/Pohlmans have a giant "buffalo head."
Zahringers shared the red eagle either of Hohenstaufens or Hohenzollerns, and they with Cohens are suspect from the Khazars...who were overtaken by Varangians of Kiev. Khazars had Zahr-like czars.
The Zehrs have "hatchets" too, said to be in a 'X' shape, a possible pointer of God to Musk, for he loves the 'X'.
I didn't have any heraldry when mentioning Muschatov's foxy look, but when loading buffalo-like Buffs/Boeffs, I finally saw a split Shield that could be related to fox-using Foss' (Sussex with Keeps and Diane's, Dans and Dane's). I had eyes peeled for such a Shield. Just before loading Buffs/Boeffs (Beauty-branch Bo's have a giant bull on blue), I noticed that God may have arranged LARsons (includes Danish branch) to have the Moscowitz Coat exactly due to Larry Kepke, a Ukrainian friend in my youth. In fact, I last saw him about two months or less before I starting seeing Diane. The Pohl/Pohlman buffalo head is exactly the bull head of Mieske's/Mesechs while Mieszko Pole's married the Dane's and had king Cnut for a son.
Muscats/Musks have a "CHAINED" antelope while Chaine-connectable Candelers/CHANDlers have an "eagle RISING regardant proper", and Beauty pointed to Rhizon, near lake Scodra, when she awoke. She was rising into the sky with me, but how does this make any sense with Me representing Musk?
Candelers/Chandlers and German Barrys/Bari's use "fish heads," and Fish's almost have the Coat of Pierce's/Piers, the latter likely a branch of Percivals (Somerset with Pierce's/Piers and Leavells/Levels) who produced Waleran de Perceval of Leavell. Cantels/Cantrels, relatively new to me, share a "vos" motto term with Walerans (Devon with Billets). Dutch Voss' look connectable to Love's/Luffs and Fullers. English Voss' are listed with English Faux's, and French DeVos' are listed with the Billet-loving BelliVAUX's while Waleran de Percival married Beaumonts/BELLmonts (same place as Beautys). English Billets share the Coat of Bello's/Billows who in turn share the fox with German Vos', and the latter share the Coat of Dutch Thigh's/Thy's, both in the colors and format of Dutch, Vos-like BOS'/Bush's/Boschs. Bus' (Norfolk with Fiscs) share the Billet and Bello/Billow cinquefoil.
French Billets/Billiards are first known in Maine with the Pellicans in the Cantel/Cartrel Coat (almost the DeVAUX Coat). The latter add a nest (for their pelican) while Dutch Nests/Ness'/Nessens/NASSI's ("two red bars") have the Sleep Coat in colors reversed. Dutch Nassau's/Naso's (DeVaux colors and format) have billets all over their Shield. Is Beauty's sleep a symbol of death by Nazi elements? Is this why Deaths/Darths are first known in Kent with Sleeps?
I can link Fiscs and Fieschi (Genova with Fauci's) to Fessys/Face's. Fiscs are first known in Norfolk with Flags/Flecks, Risings and Fasts, and with the English Rings in the "ring" around the Musk antelope, the ring that the chain is attached to. Beauty was resting when sleeping, we could say, and Fish's are first known in Lincolnshire with Rising-branch Restons who in turn have leopard FACEs. We have a good connection here between the rising scene and the FISC court. Rings have the Meschin and Flag/Fleck scallops in colors reversed. Flags (used by Chand-connectable Danish Cnuts) are with the black bull (color of the Beauty bull) of McLeods/Clouds of SKYE. Beauty and I were rising into the SKY holding each other while "Hold Fast" is the McLeod/Cloud motto. Was she rising with Musk? If so, why? "Grip fast" is a motto term of Leslie's who essentially share the Starling/Starlinck Coat.
And so there's a question on whether God provided a heraldic link (for a reason) between Bondi and Musk where Bondi's are first known in Sardinia with Italian Amori's. The latter use stars while I say that Stars and Lings named the Starlings/Starlincks (Suffolk with Lings). Musk owns Starlink, in the sky, but how can a satellite system be good for the end-time Church? Lings have fish heads but call them "ling's heads erased perFESSE." PERO's/Perino's (Piedmont with Domino's) with "flaming STARs" share the Weis/Wise hexagram while the latter's Crest is also the one of German Barrys/Bari's. Domino's share the black tower in the Crest of Cantels/Cantrels using a "PROpio vos" motto term.
The Amore and Damory Coats, using a barry of six, are shared by Scottish Barrys. Washingtons have the Canton Coat in colors reversed, and Canton-loving Fullers are first known in Yorkshire with Cantons and Candeler-like Cantels/Cantrels. The latter almost have the Sleep Coat, yet Cantons call it a "barry of four" while Irish Barrys share the bars-GEMEL of Canton-loving Wassa's, and the latter were proto-Washingtons. Blonds use more barry of six.
Gemels and Barrs are first known in the same place with Kyle's having "candlestick," and while Scottish Porters are first known in Kyle, French Porters, first known in Berry, share the Candel/Cundel bend. Candelers/Chandlers share "fish heads" with Barrys/Bari's.
As I touched her leg when waking her, we now note the "legi" motto term of Scottish Barrys who almost have the Sleep Coat. It could signal that while Bill Barr contributed to swallowing Trump, Pam Bondi will actually support Trump.
Spanish Amors (not "Amore"), very connectable to Bondi's/Blondi's, are also Amo's while "Amo" is the motto of Scotts whom I trace to lake SCODra, into which the Clausula river flows that I link to Klassens/Class' and Glass'/Glassicks. I thought Beauty's classic car pointed to these lines. The Scotts above (ROXburghshire) share the Coat of Scottish Terras' who in turn use "Amore" for their motto. German Terras'/Terrace's love Rock-related Rooks.
[Insert -- I didn't know until writing on Blundville's later in this update that they are first known in Bunbury while Bunburys share the Terras/Terrace Coat (triple rooks). It can explain why Blundville's share the trefoils of Roquefeuil-liner Rods and Rocks. BUNbury is in Beeston while Beestons/Bessins almost have the Coat of Bistons, the latter first known in Worcestershire with Rocks and Rooks. Bunns/Bonns are first known in Oxfordshire, where Rooks were once said to be first known. It appears the Roquefeuil elements went from Bunns to Bunburys, and then to the Meschins out of the Bessin who named Beeston and produced the Blundville's.
Bunburys even use a "nihil" motto term while Neils/Nihills are first known in Tyrone with the Sharks who likewise share the Blundville trefoils. Masseys share the quadrants of Bessents and Vere's, and the latter use another "nihil" motto term. Trump's TREASURY secretary is Scott Bessent. Blonds and Blondville's are first known in Suffolk with Treasure's/Trashers, what could that mean? Is Bessent a money launderer's dream but faking otherwise? Republicans recently always campaigned on decreasing government expenditures, then spend just as crazy as Democrats.
Suffolk is also where Knights are first known that perhaps had a branch represented by the "Nid" motto term of Gernons. Ranulph de Meschin of Gernon was the Blundville ancestor. Nide's/Needs/Name's (Lincolnshire with Meschin elements and Kidneys/GEDneys) could apply. Nite's/Nets are also Nights/Naughts while Cnuts/Note's/Nuts are first known in Derbyshire with Needhams. Proto-Geddes Geds were on the Nith river, near the Nite's/Naughts ("Nil"), and closer yet to Nitts/Naughts. The shark appeared in a KIDNEY-shaped pool, and thus the Sharks look very related, suddenly, to the Gernon motto as well as to Blundville's, explaining why I (Masci mother) jumped or dove into the shark pool.
Later in this update, written prior to this insert, I propose that I, in the shark dream, represent Elon Musk trying to save Trump from the shark. I can't remember clearly whether I took a dive into the pool to save the bulldog, or a jump. I think it was a dive, yet Jumps share th Trump stag head. But Dive's/Dives' (Cambridgeshire with Muscats/Musks) are likely from the Dives river near Masseys / Mace's of Ferte-Mace. And Dine's (share white wing with Masci's), who list Dives', are first known in Surrey while Surreys are Sarks too. Sharks use a crane while Suffolk is where Crauns/Crane's are first known, as well as where Muscats/Musks were once said to be first known. Gernons were first known in Montfitchet while Montfitchets are listed with Muschats.
I don't think I'd ever realized that Masci's were closely related to Sharks until now. Meschins married Clare's of Tunbridge Wells, and while Clare's are first known in Suffolk too, with Towns/Tune's too, Tunbridge's/Tonbridge's share the SARACen crescents. The Saracens people group was likely in Messina, and Messina's can be gleaned as a Masci branch. Masons/Massins have a lion in the colors of the lion heads of British's/Brodicks/Braddocks (Kent with Masons/Massins), and I dove into the pool to save a British bulldog. The Craun/Crane annulets are linkable to those of Bulls/Bule's. Saraca's lived at Ragusa of Croatia, near the Craun-like Ceraunii and Maezaei Illyrians. But I didn't realize until now that Sharks were so close to the Meschin-Blundville's.
I hope that Pam Bondi and Elon Musk both save the bulldog this time around by urging him to operate differently than in his first four years. Do the right things, and prosper in your goals for God. Give thanks to God for assistance against the wicked, and stay clean under temptations. End insert]
Then, Glass-connectable Glaze's share the pheons of Pilate's while Pelosi's/Pilati's (Beauty bull in colors reversed) share a column (different colors) with Spanish Amors. The latter look like they have both the Malta lion and column in colors reversed, and while Malta (near Sardinia and the Shark-line Saracens) has a Valletti location. Valletti's are listed with the Vallans while a shark is used by Valiants while Shark-line Sarasins share the Vallan/Valletti cross. There seems to be a Pam-Bondi connection here to the bulldog and shark. It could be that Trump was swallowed in his first term, explaining why he's got a fist for the deep state now. Smash away.
Katrina Hanson pointed to the Valiant shark, and her ice-cream symbol can be viewed as a malt for a pointer to Malta elements under discussion. Malta's share the giant MowBRAY lion, tending to link the Malta column to the Pelosi/Pilati column, for the latter surname is first known beside Bra.
The Amor column is colors reversed from the same of German Franks, first known in Bohemia, and likely from Drummond ancestry at Bohemia's PodeBRADY. I can trace these very Podebrady elements to Babe's (compare with Bradys), Blonds and Beaks (Dorset with Beautys) without a doubt, and so let's remind that the write-up of Florida's (share Beach vair) took us to a Braud variation of Braux's/BREAU's. Then, Brays/Brae's are first known in Northamptonshire with the Klassen-beloved Ladys/LAUDymans while Lords/Lauds, in the GLASgow motto, share the Glaze and Pilate pheons, and are first known in Suffolk with Babe's and Blonds.
Babe's and Blonds were pointed to be the pure blond, Lorraine, my date for a couple of weeks who pointed to Barrs and money laundering. She pointed also to Barr-related Ducks/Dockers of Westphalia, where Beak-like Becks are first known while Babe's were Beak kin.
Back to Bra. I had a bra event at nine years of age that pointed to Peter Peterson of the Council of Foreign Relations, which is perhaps the head of the deep-state snake as concerns overseas money laundering and American globalism. Common Americans need to resist that snake, unless they want a globe controlled by gangsters who eventually eat them alive too.
I was standing on a laundry deck over a rabbit cage with white rabbit within, while reaching out to touch a bra hanging on a LAUNDRY line (belonged to a BLOND tenant). Bra is in the province of Cuneo (sounds like Italian word for "rabbit") while Coneys show white coney rabbits. I've told that a million times, but also told that Peter Peterson married Mrs. Cooney, a co-founder of Sesame Street. This week, we're discovering that USAID gave millions for a Sesame Street program in Baghdad (Iraqi capital). That's interesting, probably just a method of laundering money and/or re-routing it into pockets of those who dishing it out. Cooneys (not "Coney") may be using the MowBRAY lion in colors reversed.
The rabbit and laundry line belonged to Fred Peterson, a POLISH Jew. Swedish Petersons look related to the Bondi/Blondi Chief. Petersons with Peters are from Peter POLLOCK of proto-Rothschild Rothes'. Petersons share the lion of English Rothes', first known in Kent with Coney-like Cone's. Was was God pointing to international-banker Jews with my touch-bra event? As I said, the bra belonged to a single, young BLOND woman. Swedish Petersons, sharing the hexagram of Jewish Rothschilds (not "Rothschild"), use "ground" while Grounds/Grundys were a Rhodes branch. English Rothes' were once said to be first known in Shropshire with Rudes'/Rudge's. Scottish Petersons are first known in Aberdeenshire with the Conns sharing the Coney Coat.
There is a story this week telling that USAID funded Rothschild-owned Reuters, and the Reuter surname has a giant horse in the colors of the giant unicorn of Demonte's, first known in Piedmont with Cuneo, and in fact the Stura-Demonte river runs into the city of Cuneo i.e. near Bra. Now we know why I touched the bra. French Demonte's (Burgundy with Messeys) share the lion of Mascarelli's ("pine CONEs"), first known in Piedmont with Masci's, while Coneys with Conns are in Meschin colors and format.
The tenant came out to scold me for touching her bra. I didn't know she was looking out the basement window. I was just having boy fun. I link Windows to Fiens/Finis' (Kent with Cone's), a branch of Fiens/Fane's/Vans sharing the gauntlet with Mace's. Fiens/Finis' share the lion of Swedish Petersons. I lived on Jay street at the time (Toronto), and Jays (Herefordshire with Bra-connectable Brace's/Bras') share the bend-with-roses of Jewish Rothchilds, and the bend of Jewish Pollocks.
The Petersons lived on the adjacent Maple Leaf drive, and Maple's share the boar head of Roets and Spears/Speyers (same place as Pollocks) who likely named the Spey river at Rothes. Rothschilds/Roddensteins are first known in Speyer. Peter Pollock built Rothes castle, and Petersons share the swan with a Peter surname. It thus seems that God arranged the Petersons on Maple Leaf drive, and so Leafs/Leve's ought to apply somehow, though I can't see it yet.
I've told that Mrs. Peterson, Maria, would often volunteer to make her son and I a milk SHAKE, and I'm telling this now because Shake's use "molehills" while Eschyna de Molle's daughter, Isabel, married Peter Pollock's brother, Robert. That's amazing, as if God caused her to make the milk shakes. The son's name, my good buddy at the time, is Jerry, and this looks like a pointer to English Jarrets, first known in Shropshire with Crocs and the Dol Alans, and where English Rothes' (share Jarret lion) were once said to be first known. Eschyna de Molle had married both Robert Croce, and a Dol Alan. The Dol Jarrets are also Jarre's/Jarrys.
Years ago, because I reached out to TOUCH the bra, I figured that Jerry is a pointer to the Irish Jarrys/Garrys/HARE's, not just because a rabbit is a hare, but because that surname share's the giant lion of Touch's, first known in Cheshire with the Blundville's who in turn share the Jarry/Garry/Hare trefoils. The owner of the bra was a blond.
I don't recall taking the time to read the Jarrys/Garry/Hare write-up, but now see that they were the Garys of Devon (same place as Walerans) said to have become the Carys, and thus they were of Waleran de Leavell at Castle Cary. It explains why the Voss' in the Waleran motto share a red fox with the Jarry/Garry/Hare Crest.
I suspect that Jarrys/Garrys/Hare's use the Lyon and Lannoy lion because Lannoys are said to have been at Brittany's Nord, now Cotes-d'Armor with a border near Dol. Lyons are also Lune's and Lannoys can be of the English Lannys almost having the Coat of Irish Lane's/Lawns/Lone's, and the Scottish Lannys/Lennys are first known in Perthshire with Lyons. This gets milk-shake interesting because, after finding that Milks have no Coat showing (though they have a page), I tried Millikens to find them sharing a "bien" motto term with Cary-connectable Carricks and Carrots!!! I can't remember what I had fed Jerry's rabbits, either carrot or lettuce, but it now looks like carrot. Millikens must specifically have the Dol fesse in colors reversed.
BEHOLD. The following will prove that God caused me to reach out to touch the bra on the LAUNdry line, but keep in mind that this heraldic set is based on the milk shake. English Lane's/Lawns/Lone's (share "Garde" with Carricks), looking related to the Coat of Groce's/Greggs/Graggs, are first known in Staffordshire with Tulls/Tolle's, from Tullia of Lyon. Millikens use "ReGARDE bien" as compared to "Garde bien" of Carricks, and the French Jarre's/Jarrets (Dol) share the giant boar head of GARDens/Jardens. Jerry Peterson took us here. Brest in Brittany is near Lawn-like Launay, and Italian Lane's/Lano's are first known in Brescia/BRIXia while Brests are also Brix's. Then, compare Launays/Lawneys/Lune's with Laundrys and Landrys!!! Incredible. I do not recall doing these heraldic sets before from Jarrys/Garrys/Hare's. Landrys even share the martlets of Pollock-like Plocks!
It was Lorraine, whom came to meet me at my laundromat on our first outing, that pointed to the Astys of Lanarkshire, from the Asti location beside Bra. Lanarks/LURNacks have the Lorraine-like Lorne's in their write-up, and we first met, earlier on the day that she met me at the laundromat, at Lorne and Yonge street, a block from her apartment at Lorne and Church (Richmond Hill, Ontario). I'm repeating this because Launays are also DeLORNeys! Incredible. French Landrys are first known in Lorraine province.
Launays share the lozenges of Percys, and while Waleran of Leavell was a Percival, Percivals share the bear heads, I assume, of Scottish Lannys/Lennys.
Plus, I now know why Jerry's mother was Maria, for Lorraine's, sharing the bend of Irish Lawns/Lane's, are without doubt descended from princess Maria of Kiev!!! She married Casimir of Poland!!! Fred Peterson, Maria's husband, was Polish! Casimir was the son of Richeza of Lorraine. On my last night with Lorraine, she had a grass stain on her pants obtained from...a LAWN!!! It doesn't get better than this. She of course put those stark-white pants with grass streak into...the laundry machine!!!
I don't recall telling that Lorraine's and Stainers share "laurel branches"!!! I like it when things click like this. It gets even better with the Stainers sharing the "stork" with Store's/Storys, first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's and Herons!! Stains are first known in Middlesex with Horns/Orne (share Heron Coat)!!! After all these years of specifying her grass stain, look at what was missed.
I trace Orne's to mythical Orion at Schimatari, and I can make the case that Cheneys trace there who I think have the Lorraine-symbolized Feets/Fate's in there motto. Houseofnames always shows martlets as footless, a common heraldic feature indicating that Foots are from Charles Martel, a Pepin on his mother's side. His line led to the naming Lotharingia, where Richeza was. Stainers have a Coat like the one of Bash's (at "STANstead Abbots"!) who in turn have the Feet/Fate footless martlets in colors reversed. The Feets/Fate's share the French Charles martlets, and English Charles' are first known in Suffolk with Carlsons and Chickens, both of whom share the chevron of Shake's, who are in turn from Schimatari. Bash's are first known in Hertfordshire with Pepin-connectable Childs, near the first-known Stains/Stans.
I suspect the Israeli chief priest, Annans/ANNAS, to descend from Schimatari elements, and while Basfords are BASHfords too, Annas-branch Ainsleys are first known in Basford along with Bunnys. The milk shakes were had at the place with the white bunny under my FEET while I touched the bra. See that? I must descend from Annas too; I get that lousy feeling once in a while.
So, yes, the Peterson family is pointing to Peter Peterson of CFR globalism, the globalist laundering machine, husband of Mrs. Cooney. But why might certain globalists be descendants of the priestly killers of Jesus? Wouldn't those snakes be expected as the Jewish formers of the Bavarian Illuminati? It was founded by Adam Weishaupt, and while Weiss' were Kepke kin, Caiaphas-like Kepke's share the goat with Weishaupts and Weiss'. Weis'/Wise's are first known in Bavaria. English Wise's almost have the French Levi Coat.
I'm going to guess that Jerry was born Gerard or Jared, because Jareds/Gerard/Jarrats share the Coat of Pollock-branch Pools. The same giant lion is with German Fredericks, first known in Baden with the Veringers who were in turn from Maria of Kiev. Veringers (see online) share the red antler of Casimirs, and the latter make a bend out of the antler that is not only the Arms of Baden, but the Lorraine bend. Dutch Fredericks share the fleur of English Lannys.
I trace the antler to Antalya, beside Perga, and I trace the latter to Perkins who likewise share the Dutch Frederick fleur. Then, Perkins have a "Simplex" motto term while Simple's, first known in Renfrewshire with Pollocks, can be expected in the "simplicitas" motto term of English Fredericks.
I trace Pollocks, Pully-branch Polands/Paulins, Plancia Magna of Perga, Rothes-branch Roets, and Prude-connectable Pratts to Vespasia Polla of Rieti, and "PRUDens" is another motto term of English Fredericks. Palins (Dorset with Pools) share the giant lion of Danish Fredericks. Variations of Landry-connectable Plocks can be gleaned with the Plancia-like Plunketts. Vespasia's three sons were three Roman emperors in Revelation 17, the 4th, 5th and 6th heads. As Coneys and their Conn/Con branch can be of the Cohens/Cons, note emperor Frederick HOHENstaufen, for Cohens/Cons have a blue-checker version of the red-checkered Hohen Coat. I'm getting the impression that the Peterson laundry line, or rabbit, is pointing to the 8th head, the end-time anti-Christ. But how? Landrys share the Pully martlets.
In Daniel 9:27, the anti-Christ places abominations "on a wing" of the Temple Site, and Polands/Paulins (Patterson kin) have "A pelican, ON A WING a diamond shape..." Is that a clue from God? Is the 666 going to be foisted by CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)?
German Rothes' share the raven with Margys/Mackeys and their Murdoch kin, both first known in Ayrshire with Coons/Cunninghams. The latter love the Overs/Offers, first known in Cheshire with Masci-branch Masseys / Mace's, from FERTE-Mace, explaining the Fred-like "fert" of Overs/Offers. FRED Peterson owned the rabbits and the laundry line.
As Trump was buddies with Epstein too, it might explain why Trump nominated Pam Bondi, if he thinks she will protect him from Epstein scandals he was tied to. Previously, Trump had chosen Bill Barr to be his Attorney General probably because Barr's father was buddies with Epstein. Lorraine's pant stain pointed to Barrs of Bar-le-Duc (Lorraine) some years before I knew of the French Landrys, first known in the Barr area. Bill Barr's father was the principal of a Dalton school when Jeffrey Epstein was hired there as a teacher.
Lorraine's blond hair caused me to find the Blonds in the first place, to find that they use a "foot," a symbol that Lorraine got about a week after we met at the laundromat. French Landrys have a Coat looking related to the Foot and Fothes'/FITTs/Fette Coats, and English Fitts/Fitchets were the namers of the Montfitchets sharing the Epstein Coat. Muschats/Montfitchetts were first at STANsted Montfitchet, and Stans are listed with Stains who share the double fesses of Meschin-connectable Flags/Flecks.
I trace Foots (Cheshire with Welfs/Lupus') to Ranulph de Gernon (likely from Montfitchet), descendant of Hugh Lupus and ancestor of Blundville's / Blondville's. While Barrs of Bar-le-Duc had also been Este- / Welf- related rulers in Brunswick, Gernons, with a "cyFOETH" motto term, share the Brunswick Coat. Why might Blonds and Amore's / Damorys use BARS? Is Pam Bondi going to be another do-nothing Bill Barr, or the opposite?
OH WOW. NEW THING: Foots are said to have been at Harewood, and Harewoods share the bend-with-eagles of Lorraine's!!! That's why she had beautiful feet. On account of remembering her feet, I assigned her a foot / feet symbol because I sensed that God wanted me to, and it proved to be wildly correct as per heraldic links. And now the HAREwoods too. Jarrys/Garrys/HARE's share the green lion with Lorraine's, but the Jarry/Garry/HARE lion is in both colors of the lion of Touch's, first known in Cheshire with Foots!
Her beautiful feet on the PAVEment of YONGE street took me to Laevi Gauls of PAVia, the line to Leavells (share triple piles of Scottish Yonge's), and I've just discovered today that Jarrys/Garrys/Gare's were Garys of Devon who became the Carys of Castle Cary, where Leavells are said to have lived!!! INCREDIBLE. Next door to Devon were the CARROTs/Carews, you see, which goes with Jerry's rabbit, and Carrot-like Carts (Somerset with Castle Cary) are said to be from Castle Cary.
It was as though God fried the sight of her feet into my brain. Ask Him how he does it. Beautys are first known in Dorset with Beaks, where Babe's were once said to be first known. BEAUTiful feet. And Beautys almost have the Coat of Devon's Walerans, from Waleran de Leavell! See that? She had gotten her babe symbol at the instant she got her feet symbol, and Babe's were linked to Beaks years before I knew that Lorraine's use beakless eagles. Babe's share the sun in Crest with Blonds, and Blonds put a foot on that sun. She had a similar look to Pam Bondi, but much better looking.
I was walking past Mike Oullette at the street's curb when he first saw Lorraine behind me a ways getting out of a CAR (!), and he said (not too loudly), "what a babe." I turned around and spotted her beautiful feet. Oullette's look related to the Babe / Beak bars, and were from FALAISE at the Dives-river theater, suspect with the Falls/Fallis (share Pool lion). I took a dive into the pool with the money-laundering shark because Trump went for a FALL into the pool. Will Pam Bondi save Trump from the shark this time around?
Although I can't remember what she and I did with certainty after that event on the street -- it was Sunday, I remember someone was dropping her off from CHURCH to meet with me -- it must have been the day we went to her apartment on Church street. I remember a guy on Church street looking at us, very disappointed / concerned to see me outside her apartment with her. We broke up about a week after that, due to her grass stain, two weeks at the most. The point is, Church's (Beauty / Waleran colors) are first known in Somerset with English Leavells and Castle Cary. I can glean that Church's are in the colors and format of English Bush's because German Bush's are first known in Rhineland with the Schutz's who in turn share the black greyhound head, with gold collar, with Church's. Bussys (Leicestershire with WOODs) share the triple fesses of Beaks. Scutts/Scute's are first known in Lancashire with HareWOODs and Gorsuch's, both sharing the bend-with-eagles of Lorraine's.
Judge Gorsuch is on the U.S. supreme court with Amy CONEY-Barrett, and Pam Bondi is going to need both of them as she launches law suits, and if tentacles of the deep state takes her causes to court against her. Gorsuch is reliable for Conservative issues, but Coney-Barrett is not. Is the Peterson rabbit pointing to the supreme court? Peter Peterson, head cheese once of CFR, married Mrs. Cooney. Lorraine-related Astys are from Asti, beside Bra, and Astys share the giant and green lion with Jarrys/Garrys/Hare's.
The Haze's and their Haas branch use the hare, and Hazels are first known in Devon with Harewood- and Jarrys/Hare-connectable Walerans. See that? Epsteins are first known in Hesse while Hesse's (share sun with Blonds) share a Hessel variation with Hazels.
English Hare's are first known in Surrey while Surreys and Sarks too. Scottish Hare's are first known in Ayrshire with Barrs. Bill Barr, once the Bushite Attorney General, has his seat filled by Pam Bondi at this time.
Surrey was home to the father of ADa of Warenne, and Harewoods share the checkered Shield of Warrens. Plus, these checks are shared by BRADfields while Walerans are said to have been at a Bradfield location. Bradfields are first known in Suffolk with Rabbits, Towns/Tune's (Rabbit colors and format) and Blonds. It just so happens that Scottish Towns are first known in West Lothian with Tenants. The bra belonged to a blond tenant.
Plus, Towns/Tune's are linkable to Tunbridge's, first known in Kent with British's/BRADdocks, thus making Bradfields look related because they share the Bull/Bule annulets!! The British BULLdog! The Bradds share the Pool lion. Surrey is where we can find Sarks, yet Surreys/Sarks are first known in Devon with Walerans. Why is Jerry Peterson's rabbit bringing us to the shark in the pool, via the Rabbit surname? The Lorraine-related Astys/Hastys can thus link to Hastings (Kent) because they were kin of Tonys/Tone's.
The Biss' suspect in the Waleran and Bond motto are first known in Surrey. Todds (Norfolk with Bonds) share the red fox with British's/Braddocks and the Vos' in the Waleran motto, and Tottens/TODDens use an "AD" motto term in their "Ad astra" phrase shared by Fiscs (Norfolk with Todds and Bramtons). Ada was from Surrey. Rabbits are first known in BRAMfield, and Bramfields almost have the Lorraine Coat! Instead of the triple Lorraine / Gorsuch / Harewood eagles, Bramfields substitute with triple stars, on a red bend, symbol also of the Sardinian Amori's i.e. linkable to Bondi's/Blondi's.
Bramfields are listed with BAMfields, and as yet I've not seen a Pam-like surname, though Bamfields / Baums / Baumgartners/Paumgarts may have formed one. Jewish Baumgartners share the fleur of Cake's/CakeBREADs.
I was BARE-BREASTED on the beach, and while Barrs list Bare's, Brests/Brix's have the bottom half of the Italian Marco Coat in colors reversed. I'm seeing a pointer to Marco Rubio because Rubys have the six bars of Amore's and Damorys/Amori's in colors reversed! I really like that. Rubio is from Florida too, as is Pam Bondi. Upon reaching Sleeping Beauty's car, I was told that she LOVES me, and so that's the main scene that I see Marco Rubio. Love's/Luffs (same place as Amore's) are linkable to the bars of Amore's and Damorys/Amori's, and Amori's are first known in SARDinia with Bondi's/Blondi's. Amore's look related to the Coat of English Leavells.
Therefore, my approach to Sleeping Beauty, and especially the following love part, looks pointable to Trump's new administration. Yet these Florida elements can link in secret ways to the Epstein ring. Note Trump's Florida home at Mar-a-LAGo, for I woke Beauty by touching her leg, at the knee, and while Knee's are linkable to Trumps and Dutch Tromps, Leggs almost have the Trump Coat. As Democrats under the umbrella of Obama oppose Israel while needing to feign a pro-Israel stance, it can explain why they hate Trump so much, if they know he's for the Israeli elements that controlled Epstein.
OH WOW! I've just loaded the unfamiliar-to-me Lago Coat to find what looks related to the Coat of Bondi's/Blondi's, both first known in Sardinia!!! See also Swedish Lagers, essentially sharing the Clinton Chief, both with the stars of the Bondi/Blondi Chief. Repeat: "The rabbit and laundry line belonged to Fred Peterson, a Polish Jew. Swedish Petersons look related to the Bondi/Blondi Chief. As I said, the bra belonged to a single, young BLOND woman."
The wavy fesse of Swedish Lagers and Ghents/Gaunts can point to the Virgin islands (see "Virgin" two updates ago), and the Fix's/Ficks, with the same wavy bend in colors reversed, can be suspect in the "sufFICIT" motto term of English Bonds/Bundys.
That same motto term can also be for Clinton-beloved and Montfitchet-branch Fitchets/Fiquets, and Montfitchets are listed with Epstein-connectable Muschats while Love's/Luffs were Musk/Muscat kin. So, it appears that God arranged the Bond motto to point to things now well-connected to Pam Bondi's tasks in swamp clean-up, if indeed she undergoes that task. She's already going against illegal ALIENs, and "ALL IN" is a motto phrase of the English-version Hicks motto. It's a phrase translated from "Tout en," which could be code for Tottens because they look related to Love's/Luffs.
I've told many times of my climbing the TV antenna of Diane Muschatov to KNOCK on her second-story window (when we were dating), and Knocks/Knox's, with a semblance of the Bond Crest, and where both surnames look related to Orrs/Ore's, have a "proFICiOR" motto term. Bonds use "sufficit ORbis." The Bond Crest is an "eagle rising," and Sleeping Beauty and I were rising into the sky the second I woke her. I'm considering viewing myself, in the dream, as a representation of Elon Musk, wondering if he and Bondi will work together.
Lovicks/Lofwicks look linkable to the Beauty and Ratcliff bulls, and Luffkins are first known in Shropshire, where Sleeps were once said to be first known. I was shirtless on the beach, WALKing toward Sleeping Beauty, en route to waking her. It had looked like a pointer to Bondi's of SARDinia. Let's add that Shirts/Shards share red roundels with Wake's. Walks/WACHS are first known in Dumfries with Bruce's of Annandale. I had my jeans on while shirtless, and this may have had to purpose of pointing to the giant Bruce lion shared by Jeans/Jane's, for I woke her when inadvertently BRUSHing my hand against her LEG, and here we go to Hicksons sharing black eagle legs with Brays/Bree's while Breeze's can be gleaned with a form of the Scottish Bruce and Brush Coats.
More eagle legs are with HOOVERs while I woke her as she HOVERed in the car. For the first time I can recall, this may be God's way of pointing to Edgar Hoover of FBI fame, for Pam Bondi is now the head of the FBI. English Bunds show nothing but eagle legs. If KASH Patel gets nominated in a few days to lead the FBI, note that I was leaning over to KISS Beauty awake when inadvertently brushing her knee, for Kiss'/Cush' share the Coat of Cass'/CASH's who in turn share a "pair of scales" with Breeze's!!! The latter's English-version motto is, "Let justice be done"!!! If Sleeping Beauty is not pointing to some major justice by Pam Bondi and Kash Patel, I'll be extremely disappointed.
Both Kiss'/Cush's and Cass'/Cash's use "fountains" while Fountains/Fonts have triple fesses in the color of the triple bends of Spanish Marco's. Italian Marco's seemed to be applicable shortly above to Miami's Marco Rubio, and while Ron DeSantis is the Florida governor, DeSantis' (look related to Fontana's) almost share the triple Fountain/Font fesses! Rubio is Trump's new foreign minister, the Secretary of State.
Justice's/Justine's even share the lone and erect sword of Bondi's/Blondi's. The "causa" motto term of Justice's/Justine's has got to be for Cass'/Cash's or one of their branches. The latter's "PAIR of scales" can be part-code for the Pair variation of Paws, who share the peacock with Shirts/Shards. Peacocks have a motto phrase, "Be just." Cass-branch Custs are first known in Lincolnshire with "Be"-using Bracebridge's and Arundel-beloved Swallows, making me think that God let Trump get swallowed due to his peacock-like pride. Peacocks use roundels while Rundels/Roundels can easily be shown to be an Arundel branch.
Trump's Pride Swallows Him
I don't recall doing heraldry like what you are about to see. After writing some of the below yesterday, I woke up on Thursday morning (right now) with a brainstorm of heraldic links that are fascinating, to prove that God had Trump swallowed by the shark due to his pride. This brainstorm identifies the shark as the 17 Intelligence agencies of the United States.
The Bible says that "pride goes before a fall," and I've shown how the bulldog fell, and even jumped somewhat, into the pool with shark, to be regarded as the swamp that Trump claimed to be draining. This morning's brainstorm brings me to Dan Coats, a Bushite Republican RINO whom Trump chose to replace James Clapper as the DNI, the Director of National Intelligence, the 17th agency that oversees / manages the other 16.
This morning, I remembered a mouse from my COAT closet that represented DAN Coats (a story I've told several times). That's because a certain Dan was visiting me, and asked what the thing was in one of my coat closets. It's a tankless hot WATER HEATer. At about that time, I had noticed that some tissue paper had been disturbed by a mouse coming from the basement into the closet. I had packed the tissue in a hole in the FLOOR intended for a HOSE to drain the water tank in case it overheats. This hole was right beside the GAS pipe going up to FUEL the tank.
Note that the WATER tank points to Waters because they share the Coat of MUSchats (Essex with Waters) and Epsteins. The latter is suspect in working with James Clapper. Clappers are first known in Surrey while Surreys are also Shark-like Sarks. Dans share triple-green treFOILs with Sharks, yet Dans use them in both colors of the triple ROCK and PRUDE/PRAT trefoils. This was amazing to me because the Pride's are Prude's too, and because yesterday's work on Trump's pride started with English Pratts (Essex with MOUSquette-branch Muschats and Peacocks). These trefoils are code for proto-RockeFELLERs from fuel-like RoqueFEUIL, and the water heater is heated with gas FUEL.
The mouse that came into the coat closet was killed in a mouse trap the day after (if I remember correctly) I noticed the tissue paper disturbed. The trap was in my attic beside a RAT trap that represents John Ratcliffe. He was successfully nominated by Trump in 2020, to replace Dan Coats. I put the trap in the attic because the mouse did not touch a couple of traps, all night long, that I set on my main floor, the location of the closet. I reasoned that this mouse may be on the top floor or in the attic.
And so I found it dead right beside the rat trap that had caught 16 squirrels a few years before, in roughly four or five weeks. The soffits at the roof were not yet on this new house, and the squirrels were nesting in the roof rafter's pink insulation. John Ratcliffe lives in heater-like Heath, and he was the mayor there even. Thus, this makes John Ratcliff look like he's involved with the mouse at the water heater.
Indeed, for prior to this particular mouse, I told the story of catching the 16 squirrels, but not the last one, the 17th, and Mr. Ratcliffe was made the head of 16 Intelligence agencies, in the 17th one. The Heaters have three bull heads in the positions of the three Beauty bulls, and while the Beauty bulls are in the black of the Ratcliffe bull head, Beautys/Bowds were a branch of Boys/Boets/Boeddu's whose giant bull is in the colors of the three Heater bull heads. Thus, John Ratcliffe is predicted in the dream with Sleeping Beauty, the bulldog, and the shark.
In fact, Heaters are also Haters/Haitors, linkable to both Hague's/Hate's and Hats/Hades'. The latter were a branch of Haydens who share the Beauty bull, and Hague/Hate's (Yorkshire with Oddie's/HOODY) share the Oddie/Hoody saltire that Hoods/Hoots use as a fret. It just so happens that Heaters/Haters are first known in Devon with Hoods/Hoots.
As soon as I came onto Epstein's beach in the dream, I saw Beauty at the HOOD of a car, at the Rattery-like radiator. Hoods/Hoots are first known Rattery while Ratterys are first known in Perthshire, near the Rats/Raids. The latter are first known Nairnshire with the Rose's in the Hatter Coat. John RATcliffe, represented by the rat trap that caught, and killed most, of the squirrels. He had replaced Dan Coats, and is now the head of the CIA.
The Surreys/Sarks share the trefoils of Rocks and Prude's/Prats. Surrey is where Kilpatrick-connectable Shere's/Share's/Shire's are first known while Squirrels are also Square's/Squire's. I've explained why the first president Bush was born George Herbert SCHERFF Jr, son of a world-war Nazi, and then given unofficial adoption and assistance by the pro-Nazi banker, Prescott Bush. Bush was snuck into the United States, and came to overcome the CIA with fellow Nazis.
As Squirrel-like SCHERFs/Schere's (compare with Walkers) share the FITCHee of Shere's/Share's/Shire's, the shark in the pool looks like the Nazi elements in U.S. Intelligence. And Fitch's/Fitchets named the Epstein-connectable Montfitchets are listed Muschats, a branch of MOUSquette's/Musks, suggesting that Dan Coats, depicted by the dead mouse, was a Bushite loyalist in opposition to Trump. That entity is what swallowed Trump, so to speak, to ruin him, due to his pride. But nothing can humble Trump; he floats his pride at every instance of his having a news conference. He tells us how great or even perfect he is.
As Shere's/Share's/Shire's share the black DOG with Craggs and Carricks, we then note that Carricks share the dancetty-fesse of SEA-horse using Sherlands/Shirlands/Shorlands/SHAWlands/Shops (let's call them Shops for short), first known in Kent with Trail-beloved Sea's, and with the Snake's in the other Schere Coat. These Schere's have their snake around a "stick" while Seths/SHAWs are said to be of "Sithech." There is a "sea" in the Trail Crest, and God chose to have the squirrel bounce off by breast in the CAMPing trailer. Camps/Comps are first known in Warwickshire with Scherff-like Sheriffs. See that? However, it's not a good sign that Shops almost have the Dutch Bond Coat, if this is a pointer to Pam Bondi.
The 16 squirrels were invasive Nazis, but someone whom I represent, from the hand of God, will "kill" most of them, I must assume. Musk the agency killer? A "sea dragon" is in the Crest of Bussys, and Sea's are first known in Kent with Shops and Dragons/Drainers. Drain the swamp. But I don't think Bondi has it in her. Maybe Trump will push her, maybe he'll tell her to lay off.
I killed or caught them with a single rat TRAP, and Trapps/Trappers (Austria with Scherfs/Schere's and the other Schere's) share the "BUStard" with Bustards who in turn have the red-fesse Coat version of English Bush's (I have the red-fesse version in my files), first known in Yorkshire with English Walkers (and Drains/Drowns). One of the 16 squirrels died in my shorts pocket while Pockets have the BUS Coat in colors reversed. Shorts are first known in Dorset with Bushers. While Pockets are first known in Lincolnshire with Wake's (and Drain-related Blacks), Walkings/WAKElyns (Boast/Bois colors) have lions in the colors of the Busher lions, and German Walkers were Scherf/Schere and Wilkin kin.
Note that English Bois'/Boys' (probably share Dutch Bush/Bos/Bosch lion) look like a branch of the Boy variation of Italian Boets/Boeddu's, for they have a giant bull in the colors of the Heater bull heads while the squirrel died in my shorts because it went up my van's heater duct and would not come out. Shorts are first known in Dorset with Boeddu-branch Beautys/Bowds. Will John Ratcliffe "kill" Bushites, or side with them? We might shall see.
After WALKING beside my LEG, Trump the bulldog went for a fall into the shark pool. Thus, God had the dog WALKING to the pool to show that the shark was a Bushite / new-world-order shark. While Shorts share the griffin of Hangers (Hampshire with English Posts), I hung (or hanged) the shorts, with dead squirrel still in its pocket (unbeknown to me as yet), to dry on a nail nailed into a living-room POST while my house was under construction. English Posts share the giant lion of neighboring Pools (Dorset with Hats/Hades', Beautys and Shorts) who in turn share the lion of Falls/Fallis' who in turn share the Feller trefoils.
"Post" is a motto term of Blondville's (same place as Babe's and Blonds), but also of Scottish Jeffreys (share sun with Babe's and Blonds), who I thought could point to Jeffrey Epstein (won't explain elongated reason here).
Hangers are first known in Hampshire with Sturs/Styre's while Styria is where Trapps/Trappers are first known. Hangers share the "escarbuncle" with English Angers, the latter first known in Essex with Stur-branch Asters/Sturs and Bois'/Boys'. Thus, the dead squirrel in my pocket, caught by a rat trap, is pointing to Bushite, Nazified, American globalists that Mr. Ratcliffe needs to catch.
Note that cat-using CATCH's/Catchers, in the "catcher" motto term of Hampshire's Drake's, are first known in Norfolk with cat-using Keats while Musks are also MousKETTs. Drake's use "fly catcher" for their English-version motto, where "fly" is translated from "MUSCas." As the Drake dragon looks like it has a 666 in the tail, is this a good sign if God's pointing to Elon Musk with the Dan-Coats mouse? Tails/Tailors share the lions of Tillers, who are from the Tilurius river, also called the Cetina, and then cat-using Cetins/Cattans are likewise first known in Norfolk. Tillers are first known in Glamorganshire with the Scherf-connectable Wilkins (share Scherf split-Shield colors). The Cautes' in the Cetin/Cattan motto are listed with French Cotys/Cotta's/Cottons (Languedoc with Roquefeuil), an apparent pointer to Dan Coats. English Cottons, with Hanger-like "hanks of cotton," are first known in Huntingdonshire with Walkins/Wakelyns.
And the Fells are amazing now because the 17th squirrel bounced off my breast while Fells share the triple lozenges of BRESTs/Brix's in colors reversed, and so Fells share the lozenges of Bricks who in turn share the Coat of Whelans/FAILins, the latter first known in Waterford while Waterfords are listed with Waterville's, and then it's the Waters/Waterville's, pointed to by the hot water tank, who share the Epstein / MusCHAT Coat.
Brick-like Birch's are first known in old Salford with Ratcliffs!!! That's a brand new one, only because Birch's were to topic above with Montgomerys whose Coat they share, and while Montgomerys share the Carrick/Kerrick motto, almost, English Kerricks (Cheshire with Brick-related Masseys) use both a "calTRAP" and a "galTRAP", are we not impressed? CALTs/Colds (Cornwall with Carrick-branch Carrots/Carews) are in Carrick, Quarre, and Carrot/Carew colors.
The "GALTrap" can apply as well as "CALTrap," for German Galts (share the bend of Carrick-branch Craggs) are first known in Hamburg with Nissans while Nests are also Nessans! See that? Why would God include Carrick liners in with the pointer to National Intelligence and/or the CIA? The Trapps/Trappers link to Bush's, who came to de-facto rule the CIA.
The Brick lozenges suggest that they are from the Breuci people group (near Losinj) up the Sava from the Maezaei Illyrians. Montgomerys have a "savage's head" while Savage's/SAVA's are first known in Cheshire with Masseys.
Almost missed it: Montgomerys have a "woman" "HOLDing" the savage's head, and Hold/Holts, with a squirrel, are first known in Bury of Salford with Ratcliffs!!! INCREDIBLE. Burys share the Montgomery fleur-de-lys!!!! God has a sense of humor. I'll never forget that SCARED squirrel jumping out and bouncing off my chest. Square's are listed with Squirrels, and Schare's are listed with Scherfs/Schere's while the other Schere's share the green snake with Birch's!!! NEW ONE. Birch's call it a "serpent."
Marjory Carrick married Bruce's, suggesting that Bruce elements named Briquessart, home of Meschins. I was bare-breasted in the Sleeping Beauty dream, shirtless, and Shirts/SHARDs thus look like they named BriquesSART. Is that cool or what? As I've said a million times, I had my jeans on only, and Jeans/Jane's share the Bruce lion! I'm impressed. Masci's, sharing the MontGOMERy fleur, are from the Meshech, relatives of Gomer.
The Arms of Carrick is exactly the TEES/Tiss/Teace Coat, and Bruze's/Bruce's (share Jean/Jane lion) are said to have been on the Tees river. This is a new thing for me right here. It pits Abruzzo elements with Tessin/Ticino liners, which can explain why Pavers and Tie's are first known in Yorkshire, if they are from Pavia on the Tessin. Lorraine's are first known in Northumberland with TYsons/Tessons. Her feet on the PAVEment pointed to Feet-related Pavia's. Tease's list Tyes'. Pavers share the checks in the Arms of Meulan while Beaumonts (Dorset with Chaffs/Cheffs) of Meulan marred Waleran de Leavell while Laevi co-founded Pavia. Pavers share the Chaff/Cheff lozenges, suggesting Caiaphas links to Laevi liners.
It's amazing because the Arms of County Waterford use both the LEGG Coat and the Trump Coat, interchangeably. The mouse got through a hole in the FLOOR intended for my overflow water HOSE, and Hose's use human legs. Fleurs list Florida's, and Trump lives at Florida's Mar-a LAGo, an object of his pride. Hose's are first known in Leicestershire with the Bussys having three of the Bush fesses.
It's more amazing because I've told a few times about the 17th squirrel. After finding 16 in the attic as winter was approaching (November/December), I got right on to installing the soffits in the spring, to block more squirrels from getting into the attic. While up high on a ladder, I was pulling out some insulation where the soffits were to go, which was utterly smelly due to squirrel urine and crap. While reaching in between the rafters, the 17th squirrel jumped from its nest in fright, bounced off of a rafter, and hit my CHEST before falling straight down some 30 feet to the ground. I watched it spread its four legs out such that the skin between the legs were like an umbrella. It landed safe. These were red squirrels, not black.
It bounced of my chest, my BREAST, you see, and Brests/Brix's share the three Fell lozenges in colors reversed. Yet I came across the three of Fells earlier in this update with Italian Marco's, in a pointer to Florida's Marco Rubio, making this story more interesting, for we can expect both he and Ratcliff to work against illegal immigration, since both men are in charge of foreign matters. This looks like a valid pointer to Rubio because, while German Marks look linkable to Dutch Tromps, English Marks (Essex) share the fleur-de-lys of Flore's (Sicily with Marco's and Saracens) while Florida's are listed with Clapper-connectable Fleurs.
Italian Marco's are first known in Messina, land likely of the neighboring Saracens, the line to Sharks and Surreys/Sarks. The latter look related to the DAN Coat for an additional pointer to Dan Coats. I'm pretty sure that Ratcliffe's CIA, at least, will be under Rubio's authority, for the CIA is a FOREIGN-spy agency. And Surreys/Sarks are first known in Devon with Heaters, Burys, and Ratcliff-related Walerans. Plus, Ratcliffe's are first known in Bury with squirrel-using Holds/Holts. The 17th squirrel that survived the rat traps is John Ratcliffe. God is going to "kill" the other 16 using John Ratcliffe, this is how I interpret the rat trap that caught the 16.
Ahh, the style and colors of the Hold/Holt fitchee is shared by Pinks/Pincs! I was removing the smelly pink insulation when the squirrel jumped out from its nest! It was in a panic, and I know how to trace Pinks/Pincs with Pings/Pongs (both first known in Yorkshire) to PANICo's/Pane's!!! That is impressive.
As I've said, I dropped off about five or six surviving squirrels to a nearby brook, and Brooks get interesting because they are first known in Essex with Broke's/Brocks while a "BROKEn spear" is in the Heater Crest. The Spears are also spy-like Speyers expected to have named the Spey river at Rothes.
As I said, one squirrel that I took to the brook got away up my van's HEATER duct when I was opening the van door to let him go free. I had to take it home because it wouldn't come out. It died in the pocket of my shorts that I had left in the van. I didn't know it was in the pocket until after putting the shorts through the LAUNDRY machine. I think we can grasp the meaning here: Intelligence agencies laundering money. Pockets may be of a variation of Pollocks/Poke's of Rothes.
Later that year, I went into my old camping trailer to open or close the roof vent. The rain had gotten in such as to ruin the ceiling, making it droop. As I was at the roof vent with my hand, a frightened squirrel popped out of the ceiling, bounced off the bathroom wall, and then bounced off my chest! There's the second pointer, with the same squirrel I assume, to Fells and Brests/Brix's.
It landed on the floor, then ran across the KITCHEN COUNTER to a WINDOW screen that it had CHEWed a hole through. Chews list Jews, and Fellers are Jewish. It escaped out that hole. With the house roof no longer available to it, it made its nest in the trailer, and Trails can be gleaned related to the Feller / Fall/Fallis Coats! See that? I didn't see more than one squirrel at a time for the rest of that year, and so it could have been the 17th on every occasion of seeing it.
Dutch and German Nests share the Scottish Ness Coat, and the latter are first known in Fife with BALCONs while my ladder was on the BALCONy when I reached into the first nest (at the pink insulation). We are now back to the Nazi-like Nassi variation of Dutch Nests. We could surmise that God's about the scare some Nazis out of their holes via John Ratcliffe. Let's wait and see.
The last time the Nassi's were mentioned shortly above, it was with the concept of the millstone mentioned by Jesus, but presented speculatively by me as the Apophis asteroid. Recall that Italian Naso's use "mill stone." Crails/Crabs point to Apophis.
Ratcliffe lives in Heath while Heaths are first known in Durham with COUNTERs/Conte's, explaining why the second squirrel jumped onto the kitchen COUNTER. Counters/Conte's were a branch of Cone's, the latter first known in Kent with Countrys and Window-connectable Fiens/FINIS'. I trace the latter to the naming of Finistere province of Brittany, location of Brest!!! Can you dig it?
The Arms of Finistere share the upright ram in the Coat of French Bauds, and the latter are first known in Auvergne with the Prude's/Pratts sharing the Rock and Dan trefoils. Dans are first known in Sussex with the Arundels in turn sharing the SWALLOW swallows. The Intelligence agencies overseen by Dan Coats swallowed Trump as he hypocritically and criminally tried to make some sort of peace with it, BOASTing all the while in his greatness. Bush-branch Boasts/Bois' (cinqueFOILs) are in the motto of Nimo's, first known in Stirlingshire with French Bauds. See that?
Kitchens, first known in Lancashire with Ratcliffs and Levers, happen to use the WATER bouget, and Waters were Mousquette/Musk kin. Levers, sharing the double bends of Ratcliffs, share a gold rooster in Crest with Heaths, but Levers add a trumpet beneath the rooster. Waters were likely a branch of Waterfords, and Whelans/Failins of Waterford share the Brick Coat and Crest, both sharing the Fell lozenges. Waterfords (WATER lilies) share the lily of Dundee's, I assume, because Fells are first known in Dundee with Scottish Kidds while Kitts share the "tulip" with the Walking/Wakelyn Crest.
Walks are first known in Dumfries with Corsons/Carsons in turn having the Fell lozenges in colors reversed. I know that because my date at 20, Karen Whelan, lived on Henry Corson Place, in Markham, Ontario. Markhams share "AuDAX" with Roquefeuil-liner Roxburghs because Roquefeuil is in Aude province, but then Dax's/Dachs are suspect, along with red-squirrel Decks/Daggers, from Dachau, Hitler's concentration- camp headquarters. In their motto, Pools love the neighboring Pollets who have the Aude Coat in a black Shield. The swimming pool with shark look very Nazified. Markhams even share the Dutch Bos/Bush/Bosch lion.
Plus, while Dax's/Dachs are also Tax's, a certain character, Mr. Maness, lived in Markham, TEXAS, who pointed to Aryan Nations at HAYDEN Lake of Idaho. Hitlers are listed with Hiedlers. Markhams are said to have been first known at MAPLEbeck, near TUXford. Maple's, looking related to the split Shield of German Marks, are first known in Essex with English Marks, Peacocks, and English Pratts who in turn have the Peacock mascles in colors reversed. Maness'/Manners use a "peacock in its PRIDE." Trump was swallowed because he was proud even while giving his government to the Bushite shark.
Therefore, I claim that God used Rockefeller globalists in an effort to humble Trump, making him fall into the shark pool, where he was half swallowed, head first. As I jumped into the pool to save the bulldog, I assume that, afterward, God will save Trump with John Ratcliffe and similar, anti-globalist characters. Or so I'm hoping.
Auvergne is also where Bouillons are first known who share a "bello" motto term with German Bauds. This gets us to Bellys of Moray because they have the eight-pointed star of Fell in colors reversed, and because Morays love the Prat-like Prets/Prettys. French Prude's/Prats are first known in Auvergne too while I can link English and Irish Pratts to Peters, and this Peter Pollock of Rothes, in Moray. Prets are first known in Staffordshire with Coats'/Cotes', and the latter share the six pale bars of Trots/Trude's, first known in Shark-line Surrey with Clappers.
The SUTHERlands, sharing the Pret/Pretty, DUCK and Pike/POCK stars, tell that they use the Moray stars in different colors. Note the Sewer variation of Suthers while the other Sewers have a giant rose while Rose's married Bosco's.
SOUTHERns and Rothschild-branch Roddens/Rodhams are in AID colors and format, a possible pointer to USAID, the laundering machine. This gets interesting where the one squirrel died in my shorts POCKets that was put through my laundry machine. That one squirrel pointed to John Ratcliffe of Heath when it went up the heater DUCT. Ducks share the lions of Duce's/Doocys, first known in Staffordshire with Prets/Prettys and Tulls/Tolle's. The latter share the Pray/Preter and Drop/Trope/Trupe Chief while Troops/Trupe's are first known in Banffshire, which borders Rothes at the spy-like Spey river. The first squirrel DROPPed straight down about 30 feet to the Rhodes-related ground. Spears/Speyers are first known in Renfrewshire with Pollocks/POKE's. Speyer of Germany is where Rothschilds/RODDENsteins are first known who love the Arrows/Arras' (Staffordshire). Do the banker math, with the result being fascist-gangster globalism, thieves of your tax dollars in all, or almost every, Western country, and others too.
Southerns are first known at Blything while Mr. Blythe was Bill Clinton's birth father. Bill Clinton married Hillary RODHAM, and Southerns are in Rodham colors and format. The dead squirrel in my pocket is now pointing to the Clinton Foundation laundering machine. Blythe's share the garbs of Clints/Clents while Clinton-related Hillarys are first known in Worcestershire with the Clent Hills. I might even add that while Clints/Clents share the Dade Coat, Dade's are first known in Norfolk with Bags, a possible pointer to USAID's money for a Sesame Street project in BAGhDAD.
When Trump was in the shark's MOUTH and THROAT, it thus looks like a pointer to Trots/Trude's, which in turn looks like a pointer to Dan Coats. The Motts are first known in Essex with the MOUSquette-branch Montfitchets, you see, the bloodline that Dan Coats the dead mouse pointed to. Motts are also Morts, and while "mort" means dead, Motts/Morts share the crescents of Deaths/Darths (Kent).
The Pride's/Prude's use "lamPREYs" while Irish Prays/Preys, first known in County Down with Trump-connectable Knee's, share the six pale bars of Coats'/Cotes' and Trots/Trude's. Thus, it appears that God humbled Trump with Dan Coats spying on his every move, along with James Clapper, making a wreck of his administration. It appears that God did this due to his pride, for we just saw Pride's and Prets linking to Coats'/Cotes' while English Prays (Lincolnshire with Swallows and HALFs) are also Preters. Prays/Praters share the Chief of Tulls/Tolle's who in turn are first known in Staffordshire with Coats/Cotes' and Prets/Prettys. The latter have paws while Paws love Peacocks who in turn are connectable to Pride's, as you will see. French Preys are first known in Auvergne with Prude's/Prats.
Trump was head-first into the shark's mouth such that HALF his body was outside the mouth, from belly to ASS. The English-version Half/Halp motto, "ASSistance to help." Note "assiSTANCE," for Stans' are listed with Stains! The Ass' are first known in Shetland while the Arms of Shetland uses "byggar" while Biggars are first known in Lanarkshire with Pride's/Prude's. Ya see, Trump's biggest big-SHOT pride got him swallowed. Biggs are first known in Essex with their Mark kin, and with English Pratts. Shetland like Shitts/SHOTs/Shoots (Wiltshire with Calls/Calles") are in the colors and format of trumpet-using Calls/Calles'. SHETland-like Sheets are first known in Norfolk with Stain-connectable Flags/Flecks who are in turn in the motto of Stain-beloved Clouds. Biggars share the Coat of Morays' Dallas'/Dulles'.
Halfs/Halps and Halpers/Halfpennys share the gold fitchee in the lion paw of Windows. The squirrel bounced off my breast, and while the French / Italian word for "window" is like "Finistere, Brest is in Finistere while the Arms of Finistere share the ram of Bauds (Auvergne) while Rams are first known in Essex with Mousquette-branch Muschats.
Halfs/Halps share Jew/Chew eagle head. Whether the latter two were related or not, we note that Eagle's/Hegels (Lincolnshire with Halfs/Halps and Swallows) are in the colors and format of the Arundel "swallows." Thus, the Halfs seem to be in deliberate play by God's leaving half the bulldog unswallowed. The Lille Crest has a "swallow" while Lilys are first known in Worcestershire with Halpers/Halfpennys, and with Hagel-related Wings/Winks. I feel something's missing for this paragraph? Why would God emphasize the Halfs aside from what's been said so far.
What about: "...Stefan Halper is a longtime, well-known CIA operative, with ties to the Bush family and a shady past." (The Intercept). Halper got involved with Andrew McCabe. Halfs/Halps are first known in the same place as Weedins whose motto suggests Crede's who in turn share the chevron-with-leopard-faces of Urine's. The latter are first-known in Cornwall with Crede's and red-squirrel Samuels. The latter surname was used years ago as per the Clintonite, HEATHER Samuelson, as per the squirrel up the HEATER duct. This recalls the urine smell in the rafters when the red squirrel jumped out and off my breast. However, Heathers are listed with Heaths, which works good with my water heater's pointer to John Ratcliffe taking Dan Coats' job.
Plus, Halpers/Halfpennys happen to call their checks "black and silver square"! Square's are listed with Squirrels (same place as Halpers/Halfpennys)! The same FBI under McCabe's influence had paid Christopher Steele to swallow Trump, and English Steels share the Halper/Halfpenny checks.
So, yes, God must have trapped and killed McCabe's FBI, but why not also expose Wray's work at the FBI? Wrays were at Wray-with-Botton (Lancashire with Kitchens), which recalls what I've said a few times, that while destroying my camper trailer (to scrap it all but keep the metal frame and wheels), the previous owner's red buttons fell out of the kitchen cabinet into the kitchen sink. I'm not yet sure how Sinks or Singers can apply, but Bottons/Buttons/BIDENs use "horns" in Crest while I see Horns/Orne's as an Orion/Iron / Urine branch. Urine's use "Cornish CHOUGHs" while Coughs and Cuffs are in Sink colors and format. Pee's are listed with Peacocks, interesting where Wrays almost have the "just" motto term of Pee's/Peacocks. Wray's peeing his pants at this time, let's face it.
Orions/Irons of AIRAINES (near ABBEville) can be traced to McCabe's/McABBE's of ARRAN, you see. They share the "salmon" of Hams, the latter first known in Sussex with the ARUN location of Swallow-loving Arundels! See that? The Bushites were working with Andrew McCabe, the deputy-director of the FBI under Obama, to swallow Trump. Salemans share the bend of Sale's, and the latter are in Sink colors and format. Salemans are first known in Surrey, where Sink-beloved Dolphins/Dolfins were once said to be first known. Salmons are now said to be first known in Cumberland with Dolphins/DolFINs. Fins/Feins look related to Bussys.
Salemans (share Bush eagle) and Salmons are of Shark-line Surrey, and German Bush's are first known in Rhineland with Salome's/Solomons. Salemans are in Boast/Bois and Cheney colors and format. Cheneys have a "PRUDEntia" motto term to go with Trump's boastful pride. Cheney elements could be in the chain of MOUSquette's (pointer to Dan Coats), for the chain is with an antelope, a symbol also of Boards, the latter first known in Sussex. Houseofnames thinks that Mr. CALSned of Sussex was the first-known Cheney liner. Cheneys show bull horns but don't call them such (may have in the past). The Feets/Fate's suspect in the Cheney Crest look related to the martlets in the Wray Chief. Wrays are first known in Lancashire with KitCHENs.
Chaine's/Chands/CHESNOTs (Schim/Shand colors) may have been from Chanuts/Chenu's and Cnuts/NOTs (in the Pee/Peacock motto), the latter first known in Derbyshire with the Knee-branch NEEDhams who happen to be in the Halper/Halfpenny write-up. Then, note "CalsNED," for Needs/Name's are first known in Lincolnshire with Halfs/Halps.
The sharks TEETH were ringed around Trump's belly, and while Touts/Toots may have been a Tooth branch, the Moray motto is "Tout pret." Touts (Yorkshire with Belows) are in the motto of English Belows who in turn use water from a "chalice." Chalice's/CHALLES' probably named a location of English Bello's/Bellows, a branch of Roquefeuil-beloved Billets, and Calls/Calles', first known in Wiltshire with Tree's/TRUE's, show nothing but trumpets in Roach colors and format. Home's/Hume's (share BOSton Coat), first known in Berwickshire with teeth-like Teets/Tate's and Tooth-connectable Lauders, are suspect with the Tooth's in their motto, "True TO THE end." The Late variation of Letts is suspect in the Lauder motto, and Late's/Letts are first known in Gloucestershire with the Bumps sharing the giant Lauder and Tooth griffin. The other Lauders are Letters too.
The Help variation of Halfs/Halps traces to the Helpe river, location of Avezzano-branch Avesnes, and as Avezzano's are first known in Sardinia with Bondi's/Blondi's, perhaps God is saying that Pam Bondi will now pull Trump out of the shark's reach for his second term.
Halpers/Halfpennys have a "paw" "RESTing" on a "triANGLE," suggesting Restons (same place as Halps/Halfs). Reston-branch Risings/Risons are first known in Norfolk with triangle-using Fiscs. The latter share a checkered Shield (different color) with Halpers/Halfpennys. Angle's were Anger kin. Anger-branch Hangers share the griffin of TRYs/Troys, which could cough up "TRIangle" for being part-code for Try liners. Treys are listed with Trails, and the latter's mascles are in the colors of the similar lozenges of Angers, the latter's being colors reversed from the Angle lozenges.
In the section below written yesterday on Pride's and Peacocks, which I think points to Trump's pride, I started on the Pride-connectable Pratts, and so let's add here that Prets/Prettys, sharing the lion of Gernons of Montfitchet, share the lion paw with Windows, and that both Paw surnames, including the Paws/Pauers/PAUKERs/PauerBUSCHs, use the peacock. Samantha Powers comes to mind, the USAID Administrator for the past four years. The dead squirrel in my pocket, symbol of money laundering, points to Bus-connectable Pockets/POUCHERs. See that? It's looking like a pointer to Ms. Powers via the Pauker variation of Pauers. Here's from yesterday:
Pratts (Essex with Peacocks) share mascles and roundels (different colors) with Peacocks, and while I've seen "a peacock in its pride" in at least one surname's description (the Manners/Maness'), Pride's/Prude's are first known in Lanarkshire with the Sine's in the Justice/Justine motto. But Trump's pride has not subsided, meaning he's going for another fall into the deep-state pool.I've just found another peacock in its pride with Palmans/Pelhams ("amore" motto term) found in the motto of TOOTHs, and the shark in the swimming pool showed me its nasty teeth! I've just learned that Palmans/Pelhams do not use swans, but pelicans.
O wow, I can barely believe it. I had checked some weeks ago for a Patel surname, not finding one, but have just found Pattle's/Pateshalls not only sharing a pelican with Pullys/Pullens, but they both share red scallops with Jeans/Jane's! I was without a shirt, and with the jeans on. I was bare breasted, and Bare's are listed with Barrs. Brests/Brix's (Brees colors) might have been a Breeze branch. Pattle's are first known in Pattishall, a village in Northamptonshire, and the latter is where Brays/Brae's/Bree's are first known!
What could it thus mean that Kash Patel is linking to the shark's teeth? Is he going to be another do-nothing Bill Barr by order of Trump not to retaliate? In that case, it wouldn't be a wonder that he'll get swallowed all over again.
Pattle's/Pateshalls look related to the Coat of Walker-like Wagers (Yorkshire with Walkers and Pullys/Pullens), and I was walking while bare breasted. George Herbert WALKER Bush had made Bill Barr his Attorney General back in the 1990s, two deceptive scums. Walkers share the annulets of Ladys/Laudymans, first known in Northamptonshire with the Pattishall. Beauty and her car pointed to Ladys/Laudymans
A red version of the Wager and Pattle/Pateshall Coats is with Gemels (Shirt/Shard colors and format), first known in Ayrshire with Barrs to explain heraldic "bars-gemel." While Campbells are Cammells too, Campbellfords share the peacock with Shirts/Shards. The proto-Washington and Wach-like Wace's/Wassa's (Cornwall with Jeans/Jane's) use bars-gemel. Wace's/Wassa's love the Cantons (Yorkshire with Jean-connectable Bruce's). The Gemel chains can even point to Dick Cheney, beloved by both Bush presidents.
Lady Fortune can take us to the Fortuna's sharing the same DOG, almost, with Campbellford-branch Comforts/Comerforts (another peacock). The Swans/Sine's in the Gemel Crest are first known in Lanarkshire (near Glasgow) with Pride's and Gemel-connectable Lockharts, kin in turn of DOUGlas'/DouGLASS'. Halls, expected at PattisHALL, have "talbot" dog heads, which I think can suggest that Kash Patel might be Trump's bulldog in the justice department while Pam Bondi may be a sort of Sleeping Beauty of God suddenly awoken and installed as head of the justice department. Or is this just a dream? I suggest it's not cause for celebrations in anticipation of a better world financially and culturally, but only to give Christians time to prepare for the 666 while our worst enemies are grounded and out of official power. If God did not weaken our anti-Christ enemies, they would hurt us very badly in their last hour.
Most heraldic peacocks are blue Indian peacocks, and Kash is Indian. Cass'/Cash's use a PAIR of scales while peacock-loving Paws list Pairs.
Democrats, today, Wednesday, are trying extra hard to keep Patel from winning the Senate vote for to get the FBI job.
Back to what God said to me in the dream as I stood in front of a hovering Beauty who had fallen asleep as she hovered. "What are you waiting for, it's you she loves, go wake her." I've said many times that Love's/Luffs and their Muscat/Musk kin were both once said to be first known in Suffolk, and that's where Bondi-connectable Blonds and Blondville's are first know, along with the Starlings/Starlincks who can point to Musk's Starlink satellites. Muschats are first known in Essex with Tesla-like Teasels.
As my mother is a Masci on her mother's side, I'm going to propose that I represented Musk while in the dream. Can this then decipher the words of God as Pam Bondi loving Elon Musk, who wakes her up? Note that Wake's share double-red fesses with Musks/Muscats, and that, some nine months after the dream, I dated a pure blond, Diane Musc(h)atov, who I thought might be Sleeping Beauty, for in those days, I thought the dream was a promise from God to get me Beauty as my wife.
A possible problem to a bright picture is, the Musk/Muscat fesses are called "bars," and Barrs share the Musk/Muscat and Love/Luff lion head. Hopefully, God does not want Barr in this picture, unless Bondi wants to expose him for the unlawful things he did when he was Trump's Attorney General. For what it might mean, the Musk/Muscat antelope is "chained and ringed gold."
Note that while Musks/Muscats are first known in Ely, Ely's have a version of their Coat but with the fleur-de-lys of Weddings, which plays on the impression I got that Beauty would be my wife. But with Musk in the dream with Bondi, could it signal a strong partnership between the two, as per Musks' Doge work?
Weddings (Yorkshire with Hicks, Wagers, Walkers and WAKEfields) were a branch of Weedins, the latter first known in Northamptonshire with Brays/Brae's, the latter sharing black eagle legs with Hicksons. Eagle's/Hegels are first known in Lincolnshire with Wake's. Weedins share the double Musk/Muscat fesses, and are thus linkable to the double fesses of Wake's. Weddings have the Hicks Coat in other colors to nail Sleeping Beauty to Musks, and Masci's even share the fleur-de-lys of Kilpatricks and Hicks-branch Hooks.
Weedins are first known at Weedin BECK while Beauty was on a beach. Beautys are first known in Dorset with Blond-connectable Beaks and English Becks. It's pretty incredible that the Crede's, suspect in the "Credo" motto of Weedins, share the leopard face of Babe's and Beaks. German Becks share a giant and white "buck" with German Jungs/June's, and Bucks can link to Virgins (Kent with Buck-connectable Cone's), a pointer to the Virgin Islands, where Epstein pulled off his illegal business dealings.
Plus, Musks are first known in Cambridgeshire with the June-branch Jeune's and Wedding-connectable Proctors, while the June fleur are colors reversed from the same of Wedding-branch Waddings (Yorkshire). June's were once said to be first known in Cambridgeshire, but are now said to be first known in Staffordshire with Hicksons. Hall of Names still has June's first known in Cambridgeshire. While German Jungs/June's are listed with Youngs, "Jeune" is a motto term of English Youngs, first known in Essex with Muschats. It all sends me for a loop when the latter share the Epstein Coat, but, maybe, Musk has the morality and the courage to go against the Israeli-backed Epstein ring.
It was Epstein's beach I was on, and so if I am a symbol of Musk, then Musk was on Epstein's beach. English Becks/Bechs, who share a Bech variation with Beach's, share the giant moline cross of Shark-branch Sarasins, suggesting that the dream's shark is the Brito-Israeli spy ring that partnered with, or controlled Epstein. The Bech variation of Becks is said to be first known in Dorset with Beautys.
George Bush invaded the Middle-East with Britain as its key ally, with prime minister Tony Blair to be more exact. Blairs not only share a version of the Maxwell Crest (possibly the brown Scott stag too), but the Maxwell saltire, and the "Amo" motto term of Blairs is shared with the Scottish Scotts, first known in Roxburghshire with Maxwells. Epstein's partner, Ghislaine Maxwell, was daughter to the British-Israeli spy, Robert Maxwell. It appears that God had their numbers before they were born, when He arranged this heraldry.
The "Amo proBOS" motto of Blairs looks like it can be for the Bos variation of Dutch Bush's/Boschs. Maxwells put their brown stag under a "holly BUSH."
Lorraine pointed to Bush's, Bussys, and Bus', yet she also pointed by her laundry symbol, and her strong pointer to Pepin of Landen, to Landens having a Landry-like Lander variation. Even before knowing that Lorraine's share the Asty lion, I learned that Landens/Landers shared the six pale bars of Langleys, and would soon-after learn that Langfords and Langfords have six pale bars too. I didn't yet know that the CIA had headquarters at Langley, Virginia, but in those days I was tracing Langleys to Langhe, a location I had linked earlier to Brunswick. And I was telling readers that Langhe is beside Bra (and therefore beside Asti).
In the days (about a decade ago) when linking Langhe and Langs to Brunswick and Luneburg, I didn't yet know of Lorraine's link to Brunswick. That didn't happen until discovering (maybe three years ago) that the Arms of Bar-le-Duc uses the pansy, clinching the Pansys/Pantzers and Ducks/Dockers to Bar-le-Duc. I didn't know French Landrys until about a year ago or less. It just so happens that the six pale bars of Coats'/Cotes' are shared by Langfords, and thus this looks like God's revelation that the CIA, and Coats' National Intelligence, are, to nobody's big surprise, money-laundering machines. God put me together with Lorraine to reveal, perhaps, His crippling of these organizations, starting about now.
Stains have "black bars" while Blacks share the saltire of Bra-like Braughs/Broughs, Blake-connectable Cattle's, and Fate-like Faiths, the latter first known in Norfolk with the Fate-like Fasts, with Cattle's, and with Flags/Flecks (share double stain fesses) in the symbols of Stain-beloved Clouds along with Fasts. Blackys can be traced to Nero's with a Neret variation while Nerets have the triple bends of German Faiths/Feits/Veiths in colors reversed.
Ukrainian Kepke and Lorraine
It seems clear now, thanks to Lorraine's laundromat meet with me, that BRA was named by rulers of Lorraine at BAR-le-Duc, who then merged with rulers of neighboring Asti taking on the Asty name. Thus, my mother's green eyes can be explained by Masci's at Bra, explaining why I touched the bra. Touch's (same place as Dunham Masci and Meschin rulers) even share a green and giant lion with Astys.
Le Meschin's father was Ranulph de BRIQuesSART (ruler of the Bessin), a location looking named after the Sardinian elements suspect in Cheshire's Shirts/Shards, and thus we take this picture to Biondi's/BLONDi's of Sardinia, then go to the Bricks sharing the Massey fleur-de-lys. Thus, the Meschin-Blundville line is linking to Pam Bondi, and she looks like she's at my shirtless = bare-BREASTed scene. Bricks have the BREST lozenges in colors reversed! The Massey-related Bessents are in the besants of Bonds. See that? This Masci liner was in the Sleeping Beauty dream, where Pam Bondi is now expected too, even with blond Sleeping Beauty. This is getting very interesting.
My mother's maiden name, Grimaldi, was related to Fiscs, and the deep state has a FISC court, part of the FISA syndicate of rotten judges that do not publicize the cases that come before it, often from the FBI. Pam Bondi is now in charge of FISC. Isn't that something? Sleeping Beauty was laying flat in a hover when falling asleep, and Layards/Lawyers share the double-ermined fesses of Sleeps. Did God wake her up as a pointer to law suits galore against the deep state? I hope so.
Grimaldi's of Genova were political partners with Fieschi, and this brings to mind the husband-and-wife lawyer team, the DiGenova's, who appeared on Fox news much during the FBI-FISA scandals. Joe diGenova and his wife, VICTORIA Toensing, that is. Note that SNORING Magna is where Townsends were...in Norfolk with the first-known Fiscs. Layards/Lawyers are first known in Rhineland with the Salome's/Solomons who in turn have a Coat like the Laws, both sharing the Victoria stars.
Laws share the red rooster with the Grimaldi-related Cocks, the latter first known in Somerset with Courcys, and then Corsica is an island between Genova and Sardinia. Laws share the Aster bend while "astra" is a Fisc motto term.
Tonsings are incredible with their "candalABRAs", not only because Candle's and Candys are first known in Suffolk with Towns/Tune's, but because Sleeping Beauty's rising into the sky at wake-up taught me that she was asleep as a pointer to the SELEPitanoi Illyrians on this map below, near Rhizon that's shown, and then, to the immediate south of the Selepitanoi are the ABRI!!! Candle's are listed with KENTwells while Sleeps are first known in Kent. We were on these very elements earlier, including the Fisks, in this update surrounding Candelers/Chandlers. I trace Abreu elements from Evreux's Ebroicum to Yorkshire's Eboracum, where Candels/Cundels and Cantons/Gantons are first known along with BRUZE's/Bruce's.
The Abri are shown exactly at a Bar location, and then while Bars may have named Bra, note "candelaBRA," suggesting that Abri may have named Bra.
However, I haven't seen Joe DiGenova or Victoria Toensing for years. Are they going to make a come-back, or are they involved in something no one's heard about? Perhaps God is pointing to the work of the diGenova's versus the FISA court of the past, and not the future. We'll see if they re-surface.
The Cavii to the south of the Abri trace to Chivasso on the north side of Montferrat, on the Bautica river suspect with Butua/Budva, beside Rhizon (not shown). Sleeping Beautys CLASSIC car pointed to Glassicks/Glass (Bute), from the Clausula river (not shown) on the east side of lake Scodra (beside Selepitanoi). Sleeping Beauty pointed to "Lady Fortune" in the Klassen/Class Coat, and Ladys/Laudymans share the Candle/Kentwell annulets. Dardania is to the east of the Clausula, which I think explains why Sleeps (Kent with TUNbridge's/TONbridge's) almost have the Dard/Dart Coat. yet, the Dards/darts add an ermined CANTon square that's also in the Candle/Kentwell Coat. Therefore, it seems that Sleeping Beauty is pointing to Victoria Toensing. Tonsings use a "leaf" while Leafs are first known in Norfolk with Fiscs, and the latter share a lone, black pale bar, and gold stars, with Victoria's.
Towns/Tune's (Kendel colors and format) are first known in Suffolk with the Blondville's whose vair fur is shared by Beach's whose Coat looks linkable to the Grimaldi and Fisc Shield, especially as Fiscs share the checkered Shield of French Vairs/Fers'. They are suspect with the checkered Shield of Fers/FERRATs, from Montferrat, near Bra. Cuneo elements are suspect to Coneys and Conns/Cons while German Cons/Cohens share the Fer/Ferrat Coat, and then Hohens share the Vair/Fers Coat.
On the map above, the Daorsi and Ardiaei are shown near Rhizon, and then the Doria's, who married the Arduinici of Ivrea (Bautica river near Chivasso), share the giant Italian CANDEL/Candida eagle. The Leafs/Leve's we saw above can be a branch of Leavells/Levels, first because Sleeping Beauty was hovering level, and Leavells were at Ivrea-like Yvery. Ivrea-like Ivers/EURE's can be in the "heure" motto term of Hicks'. I trace Eure province and its Evreaux location of the Abreu's of Abruzzo, suspect from the Abri we saw above between the Selepitanoi and Cavii. The Abruzzo capital is where Chiava's are first known.
I don't yet know why the son of Ranulph le Meschin was styled "de Gernon," but I do know that Gernons share the Brunswick Coat, and though google won't let me find the articles telling and showing that "Baars" of Bar-le-Duc had the same Arms as Bar-le-Duc when they were at Brunswick, I saw those articles. Brunswicks share double lions with Abreu's/Abruzzo's. Cuneo-like Coneys, in Meschin colors, use the "pansy," and while Lorraine's PANT stain pointed to Pansys/PANTzers, they are first known in Westphalia with the Ducks who named Bar-le-Duc, for the latter's Arms has the pansy (as well as fish). That's how I know God set up the pant-stain event on my last night with Lorraine.
And while Ranulph le Meschin married Lucy of BOLINGbroke, that's a location in Lincolnshire along with the first-known Boleslaw-like Bole's/Bolls (almost have the Pollock Crest). She was Lucy TAILLebois, and the Arms of Bohemia has two tails on its lion, in the colors of the Grey lion while TALBOTs (Shropshire with Meschins) have the Grey Coat in colors reversed. Lorraine lived on Church street, and GREYhound-using Church's are first known in Somerset with Bulls/Bule's (Bole/Boll colors). Huns/HunGATE's ("talbot" dogs), Hound-like Hundts/Huns (greyhound in Grey colors and format), and Hungars are suspect from Kiev-Hungarian elements at Podebrady. HunGATE's are suspect from the Hungarian line in Podebrady, for a reasons I'll explain.
Church's are first known in Somerset with the Ducks whose lion heads are in the colors of the Duce lions, and Duce's have the Brunswick Coat in colors reversed (as do Bramtons and Peterson-connectable Sempers).
There were green-eyed Nordics in the Bra area, especially if they were from Lorraine province. Mieszko II Lambert, Casimir's father, was likely Masci. Mieszko I named his son, Boleslaw, after a Bohemian king of the same name, and the Arms of Bohemia is the two-TAILed lion of Montforts while there is a Monforte (and Montferrat) location beside Bra. The Babe's that Lorraine pointed to, and the Beaks, are from Podebrady of Bohemia without doubt (I've explained how-so many times), and Mieszko II birthed Casimir with Richeza of Lorraine. Thus, Masci's look Polish, and I touched a bra on the laundry line of a Jewish Pole.
As I've said a few times, I had to point at the bra with my index finger because I could barely reach it from the laundry deck apart from doing so, and I managed to touch it, wowie, success. I pointed to her grass stain accusatively when she came back to her balcony after a late-night walk with a MARRIED man. And the Babe's with Bradys use pointing hands, both pointing at a sun. Therefore, my mother's Masci line (first known by houseofnames in the Cuneo theater) must be from Mieszko or proto-Mieszko elements (i.e. Drummond Hungarians are suspect) in Podebrady. Touch's are first known in Cheshire with Breads/Bradds. I see German Drummonds as proto-Trumps (stag, symbol of proto-Hungarians).
Both Drummonds surnames share triple fesses with the Arms of Podebrady, and the ones above the "gold gate" in those Arms are the triple Beak fesses. Babe-like Babwells/Babels use a "gold gate." BathGATE's (West Lothian with Tenants) show suns, the Babe, Brady and Blond symbols.
The Gates' (Devon with the Blundville- and Lorraine-connectable Harewoods) are then suspect from "Agatha" of Podebrady, whom I see as the mother of queen Margaret of Scotland. I may be the first to identify Agatha her from Podebrady, and it works perfectly, for young Margaret had been in exile in Kiev (probably with her mother) with Andrew I of Hungary, father of George, father of the first Scottish Drummond (Maurice) who married the sister of Margaret's husband. Maurice's almost have the Montfort Coat, and while the Maurice lion is in the colors of the Brunswick lions, the Brunswick Coat is almost with Scottish Mars (lion in Montfort-lion colors) while earls of Mar (Scotland) were headquartered at KilDRUMMy.
The Maurice lion is also with German Mayers while English Mayers are listed with Hungarian-suspect Majors/Magors.
I assume that God arranged Lorraine to be on a walk with a MARRied man as per Maria of Kiev, for, a couple of weeks before I asked her on a date (the day of the laundromat meet), I walked by her at the corner of Lorne and Yonge, and said, "I'm going to marry you." It was an odd and forward thing to say to someone whom I had never met, but this young woman was exceptionally beautiful and radiant. I couldn't help myself, I didn't know what I was saying, but God obviously did. Let's not forget Maria, an Italian, Jerry's mother, the milk-SHAKE mom. Marys have the Ross Coat in colors reversed because Ross' are from the Varangian-Rus line of king Andrew I of Hungary. His wife was a Varangian of Kiev. Shake's have mole hills while Mole's share the boar head of the English Bole's (Lincolnshire with Lucy of Bolingbroke).
I've just looked up Bratons/Brattens, to find them sharing the Coat of English Jarrets, a branch of the Dol Jarre's/Jarrys'/Jarrets (near Montfort). I can't be sure whether Braton were named after Bra, or after the Bratt variation of Breads/Bradds, but I did touch a bra at the home of Jerry Peterson while Petersons were of Peter Pollock of Rothes. If Breads/Bratts and Bradys named Podebrady, they themselves may have been a variation from "Bra."
Bratons share the lion of Raines', suspect from Rennes, beside Montfort, and as Rennes elements are highly suspect in naming Renfrewshire, location of the first-known Pollocks who built a castle at Rothes, let's repeat that English Rothes (Kent with British's/BRADocks) have lion heads in the colors of the Raines (and Braton) lion.
While Kepke's and Keeps (share Lorraine bend) were from Maria of Kiev too, German Bratts are in Kepke colors and format. That's pretty amazing. When I first known Blonds, I was telling readers that both Lorraine and my Ukrainian friend, Larry Kepke, had "sun-bright" blond hair, and then I found the foot on a sun of Blonds that very minute. I didn't yet know the Kepke surname in those days by some sort of oversight or blind spot, or maybe houseofnames didn't yet list it, but it's amazing that the upright Kepke goat is shared by Kidds, first known in Suffolk with Babe's and Blonds.
Plus, I've told many times that Larrys/Lawrie's share "laurel" with Lorraine's. Larrys/Lawrie's (and Irish Lowrys) have a laurel form of the boar head in a cup of English Bole's/Bolls, and Bollys/Bullys (Chip colors and format) are first known in Dumfries with Larrys/Laurie's. The Kepke-branch Kupe's/Koops may have been named by the Cups/Cope's, Copps, Cope's/Coaps (same place as Brays/Brae's), or even Coopers/Coppers (Sussex with Keeps).
Kepke was born, Lawrence, and it just so happens that Lawrence's were first known at RedMAINE. While Reds/Reeds are first known in Northumberland with Keep-related Lorraine's, Maine is where French Josephs are first known whose giant, black-on-gold martlet is three times in the Coat of Landrys, first known in Lorraine. Many years ago, the French Joseph's were showing a giant black-on-gold swan, and Chaplets, first known in Lorraine, show nothing but five of those black swans. More black swans are with Bra-like Braugh's, though listed with Broughs/Brughe's. The Readys in the Lawrence motto use swans too, and Swans/Sions are first known in Lanarkshire with Lorraine-related Astys. Kepke and Lorraine together found the Blonds/Blunds for me, when I didn't know that my Masci line furnished Blundville's.
Lawrence's have a "BE ready" motto. Blundville's are first known in Harewood of Beeston, and Beestons/Bessins use bees. Clintons are first known in Oxfordshire with Hare-branch Harcourts, and with the Massey-related Bee's/Beas' expected in the "nuBES" motto term of Blondville's. German Bes'/Baez's share the giant Tromp eagle, and Trump said he liked the Clintons...just before the shark swallowed him, glug-glug-glug. "BE AS" is a motto term of Bracebridge's who almost have the Beach / Clapper Shield. Hopefully, Ms. Bondi won't protect anyone from further Epstein fall-out.
Brace's/Bras' are first known in Herefordshire with the BARRels using a Meschin-beloved "talbot," a picture that looks like it's from Barrs I suspect at Bra. My mother was born seven miles from L'Aquila while Barrs share the giant Aquila eagle, in Kepke colors and format (but minus the Kepke (and Kupe) border. The black Arms-of-L'Aquila eagle can be in the Coat of YEALands, and Lawrence's are first known in Redmaine-Yealand. Kepke-beloved Bee's are first known in Oxfordshire with YELLows, and while Kepke's were from Kiev, that was home of one branch of Roxolani Rus while another branch was on the ancient Naparis river, now the Yellow-like Ialomita. Yellows have the Bond fesse in colors reversed, and while Kepke's are in the colors and format, border included, of Justine's, the latter share the giant and erect sword of Bondi's/Blondi's! Lookie there. But what could it mean as applies to Pam Bondi? It was Kepke in-part who found for me the Blonds, you see.
The last time I saw Kepke, he was at my place when Kelly was there (about 18 months before Lorraine). While on the Bee's above, I remembered the French Bes'/Bez's suspect from "Bezprym," son of Boleslaw "the Brave," son in turn of Mieszko I. Boleslaw was a half-brother to Mieszko II, father-in-law in turn of Maria of Kiev. And so loading the French Bes'/Bez', I noted they have a version of the Kelly Coat, but with the Gates lions, perhaps. Bole's/Bolls are first known in Lincolnshire with Prime's. BezPRYM.
I then loaded Brave's as per Boleslaw "the Brave," and, shocker, they almost have the Bes/Bez Coat too, but now the Brave's put a white-on-blue tower between their two lions, the color of the Kelly tower between their two lions! Zikers, now I know that God sent Kepke to drop in on me unexpectedly while Kelly was over! This can't be for my entertainment only, in my old age. When God does something like this, take close note. What purposes can it have?
I've known for a long time that Kellys almost have the Abruzzo/Abreu Coat while L'Aquila is the Abruzzo capital. The Abruzzo/Abreu lion is shared with Italian Brave's, first known in Padua with Abruzzo's/Abreu's. Italian Brave's share the Coat of Maurice'[s (Herefordshire with Barrels), and I know that surname to be from Maurice Drummond, a Varangian-of-Kiev liner in his grandmother (queen of Hungary). One wonders whether "Brave" was a nickname, not having anything to do with his bravery, and perhaps Brave's are from some Bra variation such as "Braw." Brays/Brae's have eagle legs in the colors of the Zealand eagle heads.
French Maurice's, kin/branch of French Mars/More's and Marone's, share the Bes/Bez and Moray star. Bes'/Bez's come up as "Best," and then English Bests, who share a Beast variation with Bessins, share the white ostRICH in Crest with Podebrady-line Beaks. Rich's/RICHESS' are said to have named a location in Lorraine because Richeza of Lorraine was wife to Mieszko II. Now you know that heraldic ostriches will trace to Richeza. Osts/Hosts (in the Shirt/SHARD motto) share the bull head of Bole-like Bulls/Bule's (Somerset with Osts/Hosts and Carys of Castle Cary, beside Beaks). OSTrich. The Cary-connectable Carricks use the ostrich in Crest too.
German Osts/Osters/Ostens/OsterBRAUK's/OsterBROCKs/OsterBRINKs, with a Coat similar to Bruno's (on someone else's split Shield), are first known in Saxony with Kepke's. Let's remind that a BRAUX family was related to a Fleurent location of Florida's/Fleurs who in turn share the vair fur of Beak-like Beach's/Bechs. That looks like it was named by rulers of Florence, where Bruno's are first known who likely named Brunswick. Braux's thus appear like a branch of the namers of Bra. The Bruno Coat appears incorporated into the Pot Coat because it not only has "BARS" besides, but a brown Crest. The Brunswick Coat is almost shared by Irish Brians/BRINKs, and more so by the other Irish Brians.
While Pots are in the "flower pots" of Rinds, Dutch Osts use a "sunflower" for Sun connection to Podebrady elements, and while Italian Tonys have a "flower," English Tonys were kin of Asty-like Hastings. Astys are also Hastys. German Osts come up as Hasting-like Ostings.
Braux-like Brake's/BREAKERs (BROWN antelope), in the "flax breaker" of Brays/Brae's, have the Orange hunting horn in colors reversed, and BRIANcon is near Orange, on the opposite side of the Cottian Alps from Cuneo. French Brians are first known in Brittany with Alans, and Alans of Dol were at Shropshire, where Brake's/Breakers are first known, and then Braux's share the Chief of French Alans, first known in Languedoc with Cottian-like Cottons/Cotta's.
I told of Kepke sleeping in my basement alone with the Italian, Mary Nigro, of BUTTONville (I don't know what they did, never asked). She was likely born, Maria, and Buttons/Bidens/BUDINs are from the Budini of Kiev. We all three worked at the same grocery store at the time. Kepke and I were STOCKboys there, and Stocks with Stake's look like Montfort / Arms-of-Bohemia elements. Stocks share the giant lion of Bratons/Brattens, which reminds me that, on my first day on that job, I was assigned the BREAD isle! Breads are Bratts too! I've got to turn over every little rock in my life to do this heraldic work.
I've had evidence that Kepke is a symbol of Donald Trump, and perhaps it's specifically for Trump's dealing with the Ukraine war at this time. The Varangians named the Russians, and founded Masci-like Moscow.
Another symbol of Hungarian roots is the Turul falcon. When trying to think up a Turul-like surname, the Dorals came to mind. I bought a Doral boat at GEORGIAN Bay MARINA, in Parry Sound, Ontario, and while Italian Marina's almost have the Italian Maria Coat, Spanish Marina's happen to have the German Drummond Coat in colors reversed. Marine's are first known in Hampshire with Hawks, and the Hungarian Turul was called a hawk by some.
Dorals (and Irish Doors) have the Gates lion in giant form. GEORGE was the father of Maurice Drummond! GEORGian BAY Marina! See that? English George's are first known on DORset! It could appear that Daorsi Illyrians came to the rescue of Hungarians.
Here's Wikipedia on the Turul falcon: "In a second dream by the leader of the Hungarian tribes, in which eagles (the emblem of the Pechenegs, enemies of the Hungarians) attacked their horses and the Turul came and saved them." Pecheneg-like Picenze is where my mother was born and raised, and it's seven miles from eagle-depicted L'Aquila. I didn't know that the eagle was a PECHENeg symbol until now.
Justine of PICENum married Valentinian I from over by the Hungarian border, and Kepke's are in Justine colors and format, border included. The same border is with MacKenzie's who in turn have a giant stag head in Doral colors and format, half in the colors of the giant Trump stag head. MacKenzie's are first known in Ross-shire, and Ross' (Mary Coat in colors reversed) are said to descend from an Andrew character that I suspect was descended from king Andrew I, father of George! I took my Doral boat (sold it years ago) mostly to lake ROSSeau!!!
My boat is pointing to the Drummond Hungarians. English George's are first known in Dorset with Russells who share the Rossi and Mary lion. I've read that Daorsi were on the NERETva river of the Ardiaei, and Nerets happen to share on Rosseau Coat!!! Unbelievable. Things are just falling into place.
I've been on my Doral-Rosseau topic before, recalling that the other Rosseau's have the giant Doral lion in colors reversed. At that time, I was saying that my boss, back in the early 1980s (long before buying the boat in 2008), abruptly quit working as a sub-contractor for Frank on Saturday, when FRANK was building a boat house on lake Rosseau, which made me quit on Sunday (we were all renting a cottage next to the lake). Had that not taken place, I wouldn't have been back home to meet Lorraine at her bus stop, a couple of days after Sunday, when I asked if she'd like to get together, and we met that night at my laundromat.
I don't recall the Doral boat linking to Podebrady before, but both German Franks, one of which loves the Columns, are first known in Bohemia with Podebrady!!! The Columns are listed with Malcolms, and queen Margaret above married Malcolm III. English and Scottish Franks can be gleaned as Pollock kin.
The only thing I remember after Lorraine walked into the laundromat was our kissing at a PICNIC table, which I've said a few times before, but that now looks like a pointer to "Pecheneg"!!! Incredible. She must have been Hungarian.
The Lorraine lion is colors reversed from the giant Boat/BUDE lion head, and Spuds MacKenzie, the mascot for BUD Light beer, pointed to the Apophis asteroid landing on earth in 2029. I now have cause to seek Spuds pointers through Boats/Bude's instead of, or along with, Buds/Bude's. The latter are in Butt/Bute colors, and Lorraine had a grass stain on her BUTT while English Grasse's are first known in Lincolnshire with Doral-like Torals.
The Rosseau lion is also the Mason/Massin lion, in the colors of the lion head of British's/BRADdocks (looks like a PodeBRADY line), the latter first known in Kent with Masons/Massins and PICKs/Pix's and Roots. The latter two share the rooted tree, and a giant tree with some roots is with English Laundrys/Landrys! Spuds MacKenzie linked to a fiberglass British bulldog that I owned as part of my lawn-flamingo business. That was the species that appeared in the Sleeping Beauty dream 15 years before I bought it.
Another rooted tree is with Greeks, incredible because they are a branch of Gregors, kin of Alpins (all three have similar Coats), and while king Kenneth was said to be the son and heir of the PICT king, Alpin, MacKenzie's list Kenneths! It's amazing because I saw Lorraine about three times, before asking her for a date, out the large window of a restaurant owned by Jimmy, a Greek! I was renovating his washroom at the time, which is why I just looked up Greeks. She was outside the window at her bus stop, waiting for the bus.
Here's from my 3rd update in May, 2017: "As I said, I noticed Lorraine at least twice while sitting / working in the restaurant, in front of her bus stop, owned by Jimmy the Greek. I had therefore investigated whether the GREEK surname could apply, and it happens to use a canton with a Coat version of the Alba-like Alpins, and GREGors." Alba is at the Bra / Asti theater! Italian Alba's use a swan, and Swans are first known in the same place as Astys! Spanish Alba's probably share the Greek / Gregor tree. You can't believe this. Alpins have a Coat like Alice's/Alis (both have the "fir" tree), and Alice of Saluzzo was in Cuneo.
The thing about MacKenzie's that pointed hard to the blazing "mountain" ASTERoid, in the 2nd Trumpet of Revelation, is that the MacKenzie Crest is called a "mountain in flames"" while the other Scottish MacKenzie's have an "astra" motto term, but we can now note that Mountains and Asters are first known in Essex with Boats/Bude's!!! Incredible, for the asteroid of the 2nd Trumpet is said to destroy a third of boats. I should be advising the world to prepare foods in time for late 2028 at the latest, before there is a mad rush for foods in early 2029 as people get nervous (about the already-known, close encounter of Apophis with earth).
Semper-loving Jarrats/Garrats share the lion of Apophis-pointing Chance's/Chaunceurs (Essex with Sempers). Jerry Peterson can point to this because Sempers were Peter / Peer / Petty / Pierre liners. Pierre's share the Bruno Coat but add a lion in Jarrat/Garrat-lion color, and Sempers have the Brunswick Coat in colors reversed. Stains are first known in Middlesex with Bruns, you see, and her streak-shaped grass stain can point to a streaking Apophis because Streeks have a giant lion in Semper lion colors.
Previously, my miracle alley shot on my grass was pointed to Apophis, and so let's add that Streeks are first known in Worcestershire with Alleys who share the Grasse lion. Peartree's/Patria's ("Fide"), a branch of Pero's/Pierro's (PAVIA), were once said to be first known on Kincardineshire with Streek-like Stracks and Foot-branch Fothes/Fette's/Fido's, but Peartree's/Patria's are now said to be first known in neighboring Aberdeenshire with ProFETTs/Prophets (giant LEG) while Pavia's share a Feet/Fate Coat. This is exactly the Pavia picture that Lorraine's feet-on-PAVEment pointed to. Streeks (Thigh colors and format) share the LEGH Coat. Peers and Pettys are first known in Warwickshire with Pavia's.
Compare Feets/Fate's to German Butts/Bute's/Boets, then compare the latter to Pero's/Pierro's, and you will see that God arranged the grass streak on her butt! At least, this doesn't look coincidental. The thing is, with Stracks being new to me, this heraldic set appears God arranged to justify the stain as a grass streak.
Plus, while King Apophis/Apepi was a Hyksos king, the Hykes-like Hawks, first known in Hampshire with Apophis-like and Pipe-branch Poppins/Pophams (share "Mens" with Pepins/Pepys), have a "Strike" motto while Strike's, who list the Streeks, have the Irish Grasse lion, as well as the English Grass (not "Grasse") lion, in colors reversed. See that? English Grass' can be gleaned kin of English Marks, first known in Essex with Asters, etc.
Moreover, French Grasse's are first known in Provence with Lizarts/Sarde's of DRAGuignan that I can trace perfectly to Lise's/Liss', first known in Hampshire with Drake's. Therefore. Lorraine's grass streak is pointing to the shape of fire-streaking Apophis, but it won't streak unless it enters the air.
Greeks (look related to Butt/Bute Coat) not only share the Doral / Door lion, but have an "esto" motto term while English Este's, Butt/Bute kin, are first known in Essex with Boats/Bude's, Mountains and Asters/EASTers. Now I know why God caused me to get acquainted with Jimmy, not just to get interested in Lorraine, but to make these pointers from the Greeks. He and I talked a lot while I sat at his counter; he was the daily cook, which recalls that Cooks and Coke's both use an ostRICH, symbol from Richeza of Lorraine, and then a giant ostrich is with Lois', suspect from Luis of Ceva, mother of Alice of Saluzzo. However, Greeks are curiously listed with Greers. What could that be about? Greys are first known in Northumberland with Lorraine's.
As Italian Este's share the Aquila Coat, I'll bet the black eagle in the Greek/Greer Crest is the L'Aquila eagle.
As the Boat/Bude lion head is colors reversed from the Asty and Lorraine lion, Asters look like they named Asti! Astys are first known in Lanarkshire with the Flemings! And Kent's Hastings probably apply. The Masons/Massins (Kent with other Numidians) can be traced well to the Numidian king, Massena, and then, more than a thousand years after him, the Numidian queen Kenza is the line to flaming MacKenzie's.
I've told many times that Lorraine's pant stain was a thin, long streak, and so I now have cause, for the first time, to suggest that God made it that shape because it looks like an asteroid streaking through the air. Note asterROID, for Rods share a blank, gold Chief with Flame's. German Flamings/Flemings (giant wolf, likely from king Lupus Laevillus) are in Doral colors and format. Rods are first known in Devon with Walerans and Doral-connectable Gates', and Waleran de Laevillus-like Leavell married Beaumonts (share Doral / Gates lion) of Meulan while Dutch Flamings/Flamingo's share the Arms of Meulan.
Podebrady elements love the Suns, listed with Sinclairs, and I see Russells naming Roslin, home of the Sinclairs who descended from Henry Sinclair, the cup bearer of queen Margaret, daughter of Agatha of Podebrady! The Doral boat in lake Rosseau took us to Rossi's and Russells, and so let's add that MacKenzie's are first known in Ross-shire while the Ross' have the Russell and Rossi lion in colors reversed.
Kepke's (Trump colors and format) have a giant-white and upright goat, and while Dorals have a white goat head in Crest, Doral-like Torals (listed with Thorolds) have upright-white goats too, now in the colors of the giant KopFF goat. Kepke's are also Kopke's, and they say the Trump descended from DrumpFs. The Doral boat is miraculous.
Torals/THORolds (Lincolnshire with Roslins) must have been a branch of English THORs (Mary colors and format) because they are first known in Devon with Gates', and Dorals share the Gates lion! Why did God make my boat point to Agatha? Is Bill Gates in this? Thors love the Towers who are in turn in Doral and Door colors and format. Tower-like Dowers are listed with English Doors/Dors'. Towers were a Tour/Tors branch. The Door/Dors bees can connect to the "Be" motto term of Lawrence's/Laurence's (Lancashire with Towers).
AHH, German Dors'/Dorrs happen to have a "gloriam" motto term while Glorys/Lowrys essentially have the Larry/Laurie Coat! It appears that the Lawrence motto is very connectable to the Door bees. Keep-branch Lorraine's share the eagles of Childs, from king Childeric of the TOURnai theater, whose tomb was found with gold bees, probably in honor of his wife, Bessin-like Basina of Turin-like THURingia. It's got Masci's (share the fleur of France) of the Turin theater all over it. Masci-branch Massena's share the hexagrams of Talls, and the latter, first known in Thuringia, have bees. Talls look very much like a Talbot branch from Lucy Taillebois.
Childeric was a Merovingian, and those Franks had a mythical QuinoTAUR bull. I suggest that this was the bull of Beautys/Bowds and Boys/Bo's/Boeddu's who named "TailleBOIS." Bow-related Roets have a German branch, first known in Thuringia. Bows are first known in Durham with the Darlingtons who incorporate the Mason/Massin motto. Darlington-branch Darlene's share the "book" with Scottish Roets.
Glorys and Larrys, who both love the Laurels along with Lorraine's, use the giant cup while Hands/Hanns (Cheshire with le-Meschin of the Bessin) are in the colors and format of ROSE-loving Cups/Cope's while Copps share the Masci fleur. Kepke's/KOPke's are in Tour/Tors colors and format, and Laurels (Languedoc with Tours) share the Doral / Door Coat while the Doral Crest has a goat head in the white color of the Kepke goat! This paragraph has much new heraldry for me.
I didn't know Lorraine long enough to learn of her surname. I suppose it doesn't matter.
LAWRENCE Kepke had started to work at Plumbing Mart with his brother, and when a franchise opened in Richmond Hill, he put in a good word for me after I agreed to apply. I got the job. It was very close to directly across the street from Jimmy's restaurant, but memory fails as to the exact location. This was roughly at our ages, 21, three years or less before I met Lorraine. It was possibly how I met Jimmy, by going across the street from working Plumbing Mart.
The point is, Lorraine-branch Larrys/Lawrie's are first known in Dumfries with Greeks/Greers, and the latter's lion is in the colors of the lion heads of English Plumbers, and in the colors of the lions of Bolingbroke's. The latter are first known in Lincolnshire with Bole's/Bolls and Doral-like Torals. Again, the Greeks/Greers share the Doral lion. And the Bole's/Bolls have an item in their cup, as do Larrys/Lawrie's.
I now take us to the "sic" motto term of MacKenzie's, translated "Such." The Such's are first known in Lancashire with Lawrence's, and with the GorSUCH's sharing the bend-with-eagles of Lorraine's. Such's came to topic after someone gave me a kitten that I named from her personality, Sassy. She SUCKed her TAIL regularly as an adult, and so I found the Suchs/Saucers looking like a potential Sassy branch. Sassys are first known in Devon with the Blondville-connectable Harewoods likewise sharing the bend-with-eagle of Lorraine's! Blondville's are first known in Suffolk with SUN-loving babe's and SUN-loving Blonds. I'll show how Suns apply shortly to Lorraine's butt.
I learned that Sassys shared Shark-line Saracen heads with cat-using Cetins/Cattans, traceable to the Cetina river, also called the Tilurius, because the spotted Cetin/Cattan cats look related to the spotted Tiller lions in the same white color, and the Tiller lions are in both colors of the Tail/Tailor lions. Lucy of Bolingbroke had married Mr. Taillebois. Sichs/Sykes', suspect in the "Sic" motto term, are first known in Cumberland with the Saracen surname. Is God sending the asteroid to punish / weaken the deep-state anti-Christs? Of course, what else?
Can a streaking asteroid form a tail? Did Lorraine's pant streak point to Apophis? BolingBROKE's are first known in Lincolnshire with Roslins, and Broke's/Brocks are first known in Essex with Asters. The full MacKenzie motto is. "Sic itur AS astra," suspect with the Ass's/Assi's because Sichs/Sykes' have an "ASSiduus" motto term. Her streak started at her butt/ass, you see, and came down the backside of her thigh.
The Thigh's/Thys are in the Sun/Sinclair motto, and a HENRY Sinclair of Roslin became a ruler of the Orkneys, at Shetland, and the latter is where Ass'/Assi's are first known. Irish Henrys ("falcon") are first known in Tyrone with Sharks. French Henrys (near Dol Alans and Sarasins) have the Feet / Pavia martlets in colors reversed. Hall of Names still says that French Henrys have "ducks," and they were in the colors of the ducks once shown by French Alans and Velens, the latter first known in Westphalia with duck-using Velins, Ducks/Dockers, Pansys/Pantzers, and Lorraine-beloved Allers. French Alans (same place as French Falcons, and Roussillon) and Velens now show the same martlets as French Henrys. You just saw Lorraine's stain all over the surnames in this paragraph, starting with Tessin-river-connectable (i.e. Pavia-connectable) Thigh's/Thys.
Lorraine turned out to be a RUSSELLite by religion, a Jehovah's Witness, which is why I didn't mind much loosing her on the night she had the grass streak. I absolutely could not get serious with a JW, and was hoping I could change her views, but God had other plans, like nipping it in the bud before it got anywhere.
I bought the Doral boat at Georgian Bay Marina, and Italian Marina's share the three wavy fesses inside the "fountains" of Sichs/Sykes'. Lorraine had a babe symbol, and Babe's were once said to be first known in Dorset with George's, Sors'/Soars, and Russells. Is the asteroid aimed at the gangsters loyal to George SOROS?
The "sara" motto terms of Russells can be for Sarah's/Sayers (Essex again, with FAUX's and Boats/Bude's) because Russells share the Sauer and Sorry lions, and Sorrys share a "fasce" with Ass'/Assi's. Thigh's/Thy's use a giant FOX. The FAUCets (beside Roslin) suspect in the Sorry motto have a giant lion in the colors of the George lion heads. Sorrys look related to the Lorraine Coat. Sorrys look related also to the Coat of Laws (same place as Lorraine's) using a "fasque" motto term to go with the Sorry fasce, and Laws look related to the Coat of Lannys who in turn share the fleur-de-lys of Perkins who in turn share a "Simplex" motto term with Sorrys. I didn't make her a Russellite. Lorraine got her grass streak on a Lanny-like lawn, and Lannys have a version of the Irish Lawn/Lane Coat.
Laws look related to VAUX's (same place as FAUCets). Perkins are first known in Leicestershire with Sorrys, with the Soar river, and with the Kiss'/Cush's sharing the same-type fountains with Sichs/Sykes'. The asteroid-pointing MacKenzie's took us here along with Lorraine's streak that went down to the backside up her upper leg, and the Soar river is also the Legro. Legro's share the Sors/Soar lion, which is also the Rosseau lion, and the latter looks related to Dorals, the pointer to Boats/BUDE's. Spuds MacKenzie of Bud beer, the company that supports faggotry, same "woke" trash as George Soros and company supports.
Soros is the epitome of lawlessness, and Irish Lawless' are first known in GlaMORGANshire with Tillers. Tile's/Tilleys are first known in Dorset with Sors'/Soars and George's. My cat's tail speaks. Glamorgan was once called, Morgannwg, and the giant Morgan lion is in the colors of the giant Boat/Bude lion head. I bought the boat at a marina in Parry Sound, and Parrys are first known in Caernarvonshire with Morgans. Mythical Morgan le Fay was on Bute (Avalon). The great
English Falcons are first known in Cumberland with the Saracens in the Sassy Coat, and French Falcons are first known in Languedoc with ROUSSILLON. The Turul falcon is at times a Turul hawk, and Hawks/HAWKEYs have a motto, "Strike." Strike's (share Legh Coat) come up with "Streek." The Turul hawk is a Hungarian symbol, and George Soros is Hungarian. Present Hungary has barred him from entering the country. Bobby Orr was from Parry Sound, and Ure's/Orreys can apply to the MacKenzie motto. Bobby Orr was a HOCKEY player. Hockeys are first known in Essex with the Stave-branch Steinsons, a Stain / Stein branch, and Hawks/Hawkeys use "staves." Reminder: my Doral boat came up when seeking a Turul-like surname.
Georgian Bay is on lake Huron, and French Hurons/Hure's, possibly of the "uro" motto term of the other MacKenzie's, look like Blundville / Shark kin. English Hurons/Herons are first known in the same place as Lorraine's, and their Orne/Horn branch are first known in Middlesex with Stains. Lorraine's streak was a grass stain. English Grasse' may even have the Lorraine Coat in someone else's colors. Orne's/Horns are also first known in Hertfordshire with the Childs sharing the Lorraine eagles.
I've been repeating for about a year that when Stains are said to have married YARborough's, they married the line of king YARoslav of Kiev, Maria's brother. Therefore, as Lorraine's descend from Maria of Kiev, God must have given Lorraine her stain. This is an example of how you are to read heraldic links that I make when they seem non-coincidental. There must have been some good reasons for that stain aside from proving to me and reader that He is behind it.
Yarborough's are also Yearbys while Years are first known in Drummond- and Aster-related Stirlingshire with Boat-like Bauds. English Bode's/Botters/Bodins, first known in Hampshire (beside Keeps) with Buttons/Budins, CHASE's, and Strike-loving Hawks, are in CASimir and Strike/Streek colors and format. Casimir married Maria of Kiev.
Let's remind that Lorraine's streak was first seen by me as she came up to her BALCONy while Balcons, linkable to Italian Botters (the latter once showed a straight bend), are first known in Crail while Crails are listed with Crabs while the Apophis asteroid is said to be returning visibly in the constellation of Cancer the crab.
Balcons share red roses with English Youngs while a Young-clan webpage tells that some of the earliest-known Youngs included: "Between 1325 and 1327, Richard Young was granted the lands...Around the same time, Ralph Young is recorded as one of the first Lord Provosts of Crail." This plays well where English Youngs are known in Essex with asteroid-pointing surnames such as Asters. The Jeune's in the motto of English Youngs are first known in Cambridgeshire with Crails/Crabs. That works to suggest a Young-Crail relationship.
As I've said many times, Kepke lived next door to Rick Young. All three of us were the same age, and friends. We all worked for Rick's father at about age 20.
Wikipedia's article on Clan Young has: "In 1342 John Young of Dingwall..." That was the Ross-shire capital, and asteroid-pointing MacKenzie's (share Dingwall border) are first known in Ross-shire. I find this Apophis-interesting enough to explore further.
Houseofnames has "Wilfer seo lunga in 744" [is that supposed to be "Iunga") of Essex as the first-known English Young/Yonge, and Essex is where Cancer-like Chaunceurs are first known. Wikipedia says that the first-known Youngs of Scotland "appear at Dumbarton in 1271", where Lakeys/Leckys and Hicks-connectable Eure's are first known, and then Dutch Jongs share the Hicks ("heure" motto term) and Leak/Leakey fleur-de-lys. Miss Hicks is a strong pointer to Apophis. MacKenzie's are suspect with the Ure variation of Eure's.
The Lakeys have: "The first on record was "Murdoch Leckie..." Therefore, Lakeys can point to Ainsley Earhardt's LEG when she's Sleeping Beauty, not only because Rupert Murdoch is her boss, but because the Jongs above share the Ainsley fleur in the colors and format of Trells/TROWells/TRUEls (compare with TREEtons), first known in Nottinghamshire with Ainsleys. The latter's Annas branch of Arness' are first known in Cambridgeshire with Jeune's. Lakeys/Leckeys probably have the Prime's (Lincolnshire with Leaks/Leakeys and Cheile's) in their motto because they share the human leg with both Leaks/Leakeys and Cheile's (and Wake's).
If God intended the heraldic directly above, it can apply to my waking Sleeping Beauty by touching her leg, though it's notable that while Youngs have elements in Cambridgeshire with the first-known Muscats/Musks, the latter share the red lion with the Crest of Leavell-related Scottish Youngs. German Youngs/June's/Jungs almost have the Trump Coat, and Hicks love the Bucks, as do German Youngs/June's/Jungs. Is Musk the wakie-wakie guy, in terms of popularizing an activist assault against Democrat corruption, with Fox news fully on-board? I'm not sure whether I should be presenting that option. Elons are first known in Berwickshire with Home's/Hume's (Touch/Tuff Coat in colors reversed) having a "True" motto term.
Maybe my post-trib book, and the prediction of Apophis striking, makes me the wake-up guy, because I'm very rare in my message amongst post-tribbers in saying we need to store dried foods, just in case the 666 is a Western entity. Calling all wise virgins, calling all wise virgins...store your filled jars. The way I'm looking at things in my late 60s, the storing of jarred foods, if I'm wrong about the asteroid landing soon, can help me greatly in case old age lands my in a wheel chair or something similar, where slicing foods is difficult. The dried foods are already sliced or ground up, ready to pop into soups and stews. It would make it cheaper for someone to cook my meals, and may therefore spare me a nursing home. If you're retired, store away, and look at things like that so that it's insurance / security for more than trib-survival.
The Scottish Young motto ("praestat") suggests their relationship with Prude's/Prats (Auvergne with French Jeune's and French Prays/DuPrets) and English Prays/Preters and/or Essex's Pratts. Junks thus look to be using the Auvergne tower. Irish Prays are first known in County DOWN with Coats'/Cotes' and Knee's, and the latter are first known in the same place as Jeune-branch June's and Prets/Prettys, and even with Pret-connectable Doocys. Steve Doocy works daily with Ainsley Earhardt. Yet more: the Downs/Douns have a giant "buck" in the colors of the giant "buck" of German Youngs/June's/Jungs. It makes the red Young lion look possibly like the red Buck lion, yet the other Dutch Jongs have it too. Hall of Names still has the June's first known in Cambridgeshire with English Jeune's.
Kepke and I were born two days apart, both in the Cancer zodiac, in JUNE.
However, even though I met Lorraine on Yonge street, where she pointed to Pipe's and Pepins, kin of Poppins, and even though Popps are first known in Cambridgeshire with Young/Yonge elements, I can't see Apophis relevance in the Young or June surname itself. Scottish Youngs share the Benjamin and Walsh/WALCHs, and while I trace Benjamites of Israel's Rimmon to the Rimna river in WALLACHia, I trace their Jabesh kin to "Jupiter," husband of June-like Juno. But that's another story. I trace "Jupiter" to the Japodes at the northern side of Aster-line Istria. Perhaps this has a little to do with the Young-Crab relationship.
About age 21, perhaps while working for Rick's father, Kepke got engaged to Kim Walsh. Did God arrange for him to live beside the Youngs because both surnames were from Wallachia / Benjamite elements? Kepke can easily have linked to Roxolani at Roxburgh, where Scottish Walsh's/Walch's are first known who almost have the Benjamin Coat.
The Mascarelli's (once listed "Maschi") were, until late last year, said to be first known in Rimmon- and Rimna-like Rimini, and they share the lion of Cancer-like Chaunceurs. Mascarelli's are now said to be first known in Piedmont with Masci's, and then French Masseys are first known in Savoy with French Chance's (almost have the Chaunceur Coat).
I met Lorraine at a BUS stop, and she also pointed to BUSH's and their branches. God may have provided George Bush Jr. with a wife LAURA Walsh, to show that Bush's are from the Buzau river of Wallachia, a little south of the Rimna, all within the scope of the Kiev Varangians to which Lorraine's trace. Not only are Bus' first known in Norfolk with Benjamins, but Lorraine's have a "LAURO" motto term. I can see why God might like to reveal, by these clues, that wayward Benjamites were at the Rimna theater. Bus' even share the cinquefoil of Lorne-related Lanarks/Lurnacks, white cinquefoils like those of Kims. Kim Walsh.
Cheney-Line Magyars
Good morning Saturday. The section above was written yesterday. I got up this morning, wondering, just minutes ago, why God might want to point to the Ukraine war with Kepke and Lorraine, or maybe to the anti-Christ out of that country. I then thought of my off-the-wall statement above that Lorraine must have been Hungarian (just a wild guess), and remembered that proto-Hungarians in Ukraine were Magyars, which brought Majors/Magors to mind. Asking self who has a "major" motto term or similar, Cheneys came to mind. I then asked if the Cheney eagles were related to the Lorraine eagles (different colors), when the Cnuts came to mind who use the "inverted" Chanut/Chenu chevron right-side up. King Cnut/Canute was a grandson of Mieszko I!!! Lorraine's descended from him via Mieszko II Lambert! Can we believe it? Cnut was the son of SWIEToslawa, and Sweets/Sweits look related to two Lambert Coats.
Swietoslawa is said to have married a Swede and a Dane Rus, and so the Chaine's/Chands can possibly reveal that Schims/Schiens/SHANDS named Scandinavia or vice-versa. Imagine, peoples descended from Israel's Shechem, and married to Googe's, in Scandinavia. Just a guess, by following the logic. It makes "Canute" look derived in Shechem > Schim(atari) > Scandin > Shand > Chanut / Cheney, which can explain why Chains (not "Chaine") share the cross of ROSlin's Sinclairs.
It turns out I was wrong, it's not the Cheneys who have eagles, but the Bush's and Salome-connectable Salemans (Cheney colors and format) who do. They are the eagles also of Cnut-like Ghents (Hampshire with the Hangers in the description of Danish Cnuts). The "Fato" motto term of Cheneys is suspect with Fate variation of Feets because both surnames have gold martlets, and those of Cheneys are colors reversed from those of Landrys! The "pruDENTia" motto term of Cheneys is super because the Hounds share the Dent lozenges. "CONcordia" is a Dent motto term.
Plus, wow, while Lorraine linked to the Peterson-laundry-line bra while Petersons were of Pollocks, and while Cnut's father was Forkbeard, "fork" is a motto term of COONs/Cunninghams, who use a "skakeFORK."!!! That's why the Coons/Cunninghams share the unicorn head in Crest with Cnuts! Thus, it's true that God arranged my touch-bra event, with the white rabbit under my FEET (Lorraine symbol), as a pointer to coney-rabbit Coneys! Stunning. God has a sense of humor. He makes little kids touch bras only to get scolded by blonds. Blonds and Blondville's are first known in Sussex with Rabbits, Kepke-connectable Kidds, and Cheneys!!!
Why might Dick or Liz Cheney be pointed to by the bra, as per the Ukraine war? Are they laundering money there? Not surprising, since Dick was probably stuffing his pockets from Bush's use of Halliburton in Iraq. Ahh, while I've known for years that Halliburtons share the black boar with English Bush's, I've just seen the "Majores" motto term of Halliburtons!
It's indicating that Cunninghams were Cuneo elements. The Cunningham motto is, Over fork over," and Overs/Offers (Cheshire with Masci elements and Hands/Hanns) have a "fret." The laundry line belonged to the Jewish Pole, FRED. His wife would make Jerry and I milk SHAKES, and Coons/Cunninghams use a giant 'Y' which they call a SHAKEfork. Lookie: Spanish Gable's use a "Y shape", yet it's showing as a pitchFORK, and German Gable's (Silesia with Pitch's) even call theirs a "pitchfork." The great thing is, English Gable's share the Shake chevron!
German Gable's are first known in Silesia (touches on Poland) with Pitch's, and Cunninghams are probably from Forkbeard i.e. who had a Piast-Polish wife, SWIEToslawa. Sweets share double-white chevrons with French Lamberts, and are essentially in the colors and format of English Lamberts and Childs, and the latter share the Piast eagle (see online), which is proof that Lorraine's, and the Arms of Lorraine, use the Piast eagle (no surprise).
Thus, both of these Lambert surnames are from Mieszko Lambert, and while Stains were a Stevenson/Steinson/Stave branch, the latter love the Lums (in their motto) listed with Lambs or Lombs (the latter have the Piast eagle as heads). Thus, Lorraine's pant stain is conducive with the Mieszko roots of Lorraine's. Scottish Lums/Lambs ("pulVERE"), first known in Northumberland with Stevensons/Steinsons/Stave's and Lorraine's, share "sine" with Stain-related YARborough's, very helpful in tracing the latter to the brother of Polish queen, Maria of Kiev. Lums/Lambs even share the cinquefoils of Lanarks/LURNacks, the ones with the Lorne's in their write-up.
Thank you, Lord, those milk shakes were a thrill, and Maria knew it. Is that Gable 'Y' a code for Yaroslav? Yarboroughs/Yearbys or Years? I can't remember the special or general heraldic name for the Cunningham 'Y'.
Lumbers/Lambs have a fate-like "Faith" motto term translated from their "fide" motto term, and this is clever since Foot-branch Fothes'/Fette's list Fido's. Thus, Fate's/Feets and Foots look like branches, both applicable to Lorraine's BEAUTiful feet, especially as Beautys share the black bull with Mieske's/Mesechs and their Cole/Cold kin suspect in the Stevenson/Steinson/Stave motto. I trace mythical KOLODziej, the Piast, to Cole's/COLDs, first known in Cornwall with Jeans/Jane's sharing the scallops of Pullys/Pullings who in turn share the Landry and Joseph martlets.
Lumbers/Lambs remind that I was at Ratcliff Lumber when last seeing Katrina Hanson. The thing is, John Ratcliffe was pointed at in my squirrel-nest event at the soffits of the GABLE part of my roof, when the ladder was on the balcony. It's essentially a deck, and Decks/Daggers use a red squirrel.
I built that balcony for one reason only, to be able to re-STAIN the exterior siding, as well as install the soffits, for the roof line there was above three full stories (including the basement), too high for the 32-foot ladder (doesn't go 32 feet high) if planted on the ground. Is that not amazing, since Lorraine's grass stain was on her balcony? It suggests that her stain could involve John Ratcliffe too, for some reason related to the discussion on the 17th squirrel off my breast. I was using my 32-foot extension ladder at the squirrel nest, and I walked by Lorraine's place, decades earlier, with exactly the same-model ladder.
Stains have "a right hand emerging from a cloud...", and McLeods/Clouds have a motto, "HOLD fast." Holds/Holts have been integral to the Ratcliffe-squirrel discussion. The hand-using Hands/Hanns could have been from Huns / Hungarians because hands are used by German Dors'/Dorrs who have a "majorem" motto term.
This recalls that Chains share a CONan cross while the latter have it as the Sun/Sinclair cross. The latter's "Commit" motto term goes to variations of Cone-branch Conte's, both sharing the antler (different colors) with Casimirs and the Veringer of Baden (descended from Maria of Kiev).
I've just noted "MagYAR," in case it was named after an element that also named YARoslav. Previously, I held the theory that "Magyar" was a variation from a hypothetical "Magogar" term from "Magog." Perhaps a line from a ruler of Magog changed their name to "Magyar" because it was related to a Yar-like entity. Maybe Vladimir's wife was from that entity such that he/she named his son, Yaroslav.
The greyHOUND in the Major/Magor Crest is Hungarian. Magars/Meagermans (not "Magor") have MagGRAY/MaGRAY variations. They use seven plates while English Plate's are known in Lancashire with Shake's Danish-like Dennis'. German Plate's use the swan, which recalls that Swans/Sions were tracable to "Sweyn," Forkbeard's first name. He was a Danish king. Swans/Sions are first known in Lanarkshire while Lanarks/LURNacks have the Lorne's in their write-up.
Although the Magar/Magray lion is passant, it's in both colors of the Mary / Russell / Rossi lion, and then the three of Marys are with Milk-like Millikens. Until last year, Cheneys were said to be first known in Buckinghamshire, where Milks are said to be first known.
Dick Cheney was a CEO of Halliburton oil, and Oyle's are first known in Oxfordshire (Vere stomping grounds) with Magars/Magrays. While Chaine's/Chenays list Chands, the Halliburton write-up: "Haliburton, Ontario was named after Thomas Chandler Haliburton (1796-1865)." Chandlers have a bend-with-lions in the colors of the Cheney bend-with-martlets, and the Chandler lions are those of Bushers too! Chandlers look related to the Fiscs. As Chandlers have the Hohenstaufen lion (see google) in colors reversed, they likely have the Hohen Shield, suggesting descent from Khazars (Ukraine) if I'm correct in tracing Cohens to their Hebrew king-priests. Lines from Khazars could have been more valued by Rothschilds.
Oxfordshire is where Bunns are first known while Bunnys, with goats in Rabbit colors and format, are first known in Nottinghamshire, a place thought to be named after a Cnut/Note/Nott variation. Bunns almost have the Coat of Bone's, first known in Sussex with Cheneys. Thus, it seems that Cheneys were descended from Cnut and Mieszko, serving as additional evidence that, when God pointed to the bra through my out-stretched finger, He was pointing to the Bush-Cheney Nazis. Dorals share the white goat head in Crest with English Bush's, and Dorals share the giant Nassau/Naso lion.
The Timms/Time's, suspect in a Roe/Rowe Coat (Norfolk with Rove's/Roofs/ROLPH), share the white goat head with Bush's too, and Carl ROVE was partner to the Bush-Cheney team. Bosco's are in the write-up of Ralph-related Rose's. Bush's share the black boar with Rollo's. Roe's can be obtained where Danish Cnuts have "pot hangers tied with a ribbon," suspect with the Ribon variation of RAYburns ("ROEbuck"), for French Rays share the "escarbuncle" with Hangers and Angers (Essex with Vere's, Brocks and BROOKs). Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg (Jesus-distorting warlock) traced his satanic Vere family to Angers/Anjou. He reportedly died of cancer, and Chase-branch Chaunceurs/Chance's are first known in Essex too.
Ribons/Rayburns have "a ROEbuck DRINKing out of a BROOK," recalling the five or six Intelligence squirrels that I let loose at a brook, which pointed to Scherfs/Schere from Squirrel variations. Drinks/Drengs (same place as Magyar-connectable Lorraine's) look like kin of Dreux's/Drews, both in the colors and format of Drake's (Hampshire with Hangers and Pots and Dragon-connectable Potters). Drinks/Drengs and Dreux's/Drews happen to share the lone lion of Magars/MaGRAY (colors reversed from the Gray lion), and while Oyle's are first known in Oxfordshire with Magars/Magrays, the Oyle bends are in the colors of the Drink/Dreng pale bar.
The milk shake can point to the Scherfs/Schere's where Milks list MilkSOPs/MillinSHOPS while Shops list variations like those of Squirrel and Schere variation. The MillinCHOP variation is surprising where Chops are listed with Camps/Comps, first known in Warwickshire with Scherf-like Sheriffs. Shops almost have the Coat of Putin-like Dutch Putens, which can suddenly be a pointer of the Bush Nazis to the Ukraine war, where known Ukrainian Nazis are fighting for the Ukrainians.
English Putens/PutTOCKs, first known in Sussex with Cheneys, look related to the Pen/PENCE Coat (share plates with Magars/Magrays), and Pens/Pence's are first known in Buckinghamshire, where Cheneys were once said to be first known, and where Milks/MillinSHOPs are said to be first known along with Goat-loving Dorals. The milk shake, from Maria Peterson, a pointer to Maria of Kiev, the Ukraine capital. Goats/Gothans are first known in Nottinghamshire with goat-using Bunnys.
Mike Pence, a Bushite wart, owned a white rabbit that was named, MARLON BUNDo. Dutch Putens have the Dutch Bund Coat in colors reversed. Goats/Gothams and SHAKEspears, with almost the Marlon/Marley Coat, are in the colors and format of Rabbits, the latter first known in Suffolk with Shake-connectable Chickens and Kepke-connectable KIDDs. That is an interesting outcome because some say that Mike Pence is a pedophile. Pedophiles have gotten a white-rabbit symbol (see online).
As Diane Muschatov told me she almost CHOKEd on a chicken bone, I'm going to suggest that Chickens, Chocks/Chicks, as well as Choke's, Chalks and Chaucers, and maybe also Checks/Chicks, are Ukraine elements from CAUCasia. I'm also going to suggest that Maria Peterson gave Jerry and I CHOColate milk shakes, which likely had ice-cream. I've just recalled that I kissed Kepke's fiancee on the cheek while Cheeks are listed with Checks/Chicks. As she is Kim Walsh, her bloodline traces to Wallachia, near the Ukraine border. Kims are first known on Bute while Schimatari is in BOEOTia while Budini were at the Kiev theater while Buttons/Bidens/BUDIN share the fesse of ROSE-loving Butts/Bute's/BOETs.
I expect the line of the chief priests of Israel from Boeotians to the Maccabees, and while "Caiaphas" is suspect in heraldic Chiefs, Maccabees of Israel lived at Gabala while English Gable's share the Shake chevron. Dutch Putens have a blank Chief (which can emphasize the Caiaphas line) with an emBATTLEd border while Battle's share the giant Chaff/Cheff griffin. See that? Chaffs/Cheffs share the Chief-Shield colors of Capes'. The latter are first known in London with giant-griffin Tooths and Candelers/Chandlers (Pence colors and format). Tooths are suspect in the "to the" motto phrase of Home's/Hume's, first known in Berwickshire with Battle's and Tooth-connectable Lauders. The latter's Letter branch love the Goose's/Googe's who share the Schim/Schien boar.
The Reckitts/Ricketts (Kent with Cone's) suspect in the Pen/Pence motto use a SCIMitar while Schims/Schiens have variations like the Chaine/Chenay/Chand surname. And Schims/Schiens (Aberdeenshire with Hungarians) share the boar head of Bole's/Bolls, suspect from Boleslaw, half-brother to the father of Casimir, son in turn of Rickett-like Richeza of Lorraine. Another scimitar is with Ainsleys, first known in Basford with Bunnys. It appears that God arranged a pointer to Mike Pence, Trump's former vice-president who helped to swallow Trump, acting as a Bushite spy in White-House affairs.
I've told many times that the scimitar-like Schimatari location in Greece was home to the SHAKE-branch Shechemites of proto-Israel. Shake's use molehills while Mole's share the Schim/Schien boar head. See that? Schim-connectable Bole's/Bolls are first known in Lincolnshire with TANKERville's, and TANAGRa is at Schimatari.
As Maria of Kiev descends to Baden with the Casimir antler, we note that the Badens/Battins (Somerset with Axe river) share the axe (different colors) with Dennis', and the latter's are in the colors of the axes of French Biens (GASCONy) in the "bien" motto term of Millikens. German Biens share the Magar/Magray lion. German Gascons/Gas' (good pointer to Bush and Cheney oil/gas), first known in Hamburg with the Hungarian/Magyarite Drummonds, use a giant "goose" while Goose's/Googe's (Roxburghshire with Mole's) share the Mole boar. Magyars are suspect from "Magog." I trace king Og the giant of proto-Israel to the mythical monster, Ogyges, of the Schimatari area. King Gyges of Lydia (about 700 BC, shortly before Ezekiel's Gog prophecy) was also, Gugu.
Dans (share monkey with Geralds), Dane's and Deins are first known in Sussex with Cheneys. German Dane's share the split Shield of YARborough's. Dennis Quinn allowed me to borrow his parents' car to date the Dane, Katrina Hanson. Hansons are first known in Yorkshire with Keys, perhaps in "monKEY."
In case Jerry Peterson was born, Gerald, note that Geralds are first known in Munster with Bricks while the latter's Brix branch are also Brests while bras are for breasts. The Petersons are suspect from the Mieszko Poles that furnished Cnut. The Peters sharing the Staple motto are first known in Devon with MONKs expected in the Gerald / Dan monkey. The "flags" of Danish Cnuts can be of the "flax breaker" of Brays/Brae's, and Breakers/Brake's/Brechs could have been a Brick / Brix/Brest branch! That works. Geralds share the saltire of Jarret-connectable Jardins, the latter first known in Angus with Jarret-branch Gardens/Jardens.
Lookie. "ReGARDe" is a motto term of Milk-like Millikens. Jerry and I enjoyed MILK shakes. Kent is where Gards are first known along with Reckitts/Ricketts whose scimitar traces, or at least points, to Schimatari of the proto-Shake's! Schimatari elements to such things as Schims/Chands can explain why Candelers/Chandlers have an "eagle rising REGARDant proper." Therefore, the milks shakes seem Intended as a pointer to Millikens. Propers/Robins/Roberts have an "ostrich with a key in its beak" (Lorraine elements), and share the lion of French Roberts, same as the Brunswick lion.
Lookie. Candelers/Chandlers (London, near Pens/Pence's, Bruns and Stains) are in the colors and format of Pens/Pence's, first known in Buckinghamshire with Milks, and where Cheneys were once said to be first known while Chaine's/Chenays are also Shands!!!! Can we believe it? God really wants people to know of Schimatari elements in BOEOTia. I showed why they can descend to the Sadducee house of BOETHus, of the chief priest, Ananus/Annas, who held a midnight kangaroo court to condemn Jesus to death. Candelers/Chandlers have "fish heads" that can connect to the "fish" of German Butts/Bute's/BOETs. See that?
Lorraine's butt stain is crucial here because it's obvious that the touch-bra event needs to go with things-Lorraine. The ostRICh we saw above is a Lorraine element, and the key in its beak takes us to the key-using Chiava's, and that looks like Joseph "Caiaphas," who became the chief priest by marrying Ananus' daughter. Caiaphas was the official chief priest when Jesus was murdered. And Landrys of Lorraine share the Joseph martlet. Thus, for some reason, my pointing to the bra on the laundry line points to the killers of Jesus.
French Barretts (share black dog with Bien-loving Carricks/Kerricks) share "bien" with Millikens. I'll add that while Barrys/Bari's have fish heads, Amy CONEY-BARRett can be pointed to by the Bar-like bra for reasons that may yet need to be seen. Amys share a lone and white pile with English Kerricks. Cantels/Cantrels share "vos" with Percival-related Walerans. Cants have an "Aliis" motto term while Alis/Alice's share the muzzled bear head with Percivals and Amys. The latter are first known in Cornwall with Pasco's in the Cantel/Cantrel motto. Amys have the lone pile of Hagels in colors reversed, and thus the Amy bear heads are probably those of Percivals (Somerset with Hagels and Pierce's). The Eagle's/Hegels in the "rising eagle" of Candelers/Chandlers are first known in Lincolnshire with Pierce-connectable Fish's, with Rising branch Restons, and with English Barretts (barry of ten). Risings can be shown to be Pollock kin, as can Pasco-like Pasi's/Pascels.
The Propers/Roberts, in the description of the Candeler/Chandler eagle, share the lion of Roberts, the latter first known in Burgundy with the Sire's suspect in the "deSIREr" motto term of French Barretts, and Amy Coney-Barrett sits on the U.S. Supreme Court with chief-justice Roberts. He and she are both Republicans, yet both apt to betray Republican values when they make key decisions.
As per the "regarde" motto term of Millikens, Gardners are first known in Oxfordshire with Magars/Magrays having a lion in Milliken-lion colors. Val TROMPia is at lake Garda, but so is Brest-line Brescia/Brixia! So, yes, it seems that God arranged the Millikens for the milk shake.
I knew of Millikens only from knowing a Milliken area (Steeles avenue, Toronto), south of Unionville (Markham township), and Unions/Onions/Enions use MILL rinds while Rinds were kin of Mallets, the latter first known in Suffolk with the Chickens sharing the Shake/Shick chevron! Lookie there. The Carlsons (Suffolk with Buckle's and STARlincks) have the same chevron too while Carls/CARLOWs are known in Aberdeenshire with Buckle-loving Leslie's. Leslie's essentially have the Starlinck Coat while Stars/Stairrs have the Shake/Shick chevron in colors reversed. Star-using Stairs/Stayers are first known in Kent with Schimatari liners.
Cheneys are like the Chenays of Chands while Schims list Shands/Chands. Unions are first known in Sussex with Cheneys while Milks are first known in Buckingham with early Cheneys. Millikens share the double-wavy fesses of Hones', a branch of bee-using Honeys, and bees are used also by German Biens in the "Regarde bien" motto of Millikens. Hones-like Hanes'/Ains' have wavy-blue pale bars in the colors of the six pale bars of Liz-like Lise's/Liss' (Hampshire with Hones' and MILLs / Mile's). MILLikens are first known in Wigtonshire with Hanna's whom I link to Leggs, the latter first known in Dumfries with Hains, Scottish Lise's, and Putins/Patents. LIZ Cheney despises Putin, and wants to be a champion for the proto-Ukraine, money-laundering side.
Jesus said that men who sin against children (what was he inferring?) would be better off, as opposed to being born, with a MILLstone tied to them and drowned with it in the sea, and so I might view the 2nd-Trumpet asteroid, into the sea, as God's millSTONE because Milks are first known in Buckinghamshire with Grass' (not "Grasse") who in turn share the STONE cinquefoils. The "millstone" will SHAKE the sea floor, we could say. The milk shakes? Do they somehow point to end-time Rus, seekers of world control? The Rus king, Yaroslav, gave four or five daughters to various kings in Europe at about the time Norman Rus had taken over England and Italy on top of having Scandinavia.
Repeat from above: "...the Cantel/Cartrel Coat (almost the DeVAUX Coat). The latter add a nest (for their pelican) while Dutch Nests/Ness'/Nessens/NASSI's ("two red bars") have the Sleep Coat in colors reversed. Dutch Nassau's/Naso's (DeVaux colors and format) have billets all over their Shield. Is Beauty's sleep a symbol of death by Nazi elements? Is this why Deaths/Darths are first known in Kent with Sleeps?" Scottish Ness' (share Nest/Ness/Nassi Coat) are first known in Fife with Crail, and Crails/Crabs point to the Apophis asteroid.
BELIEVE IT OR NOT: Italian Naso's use "MILLSTONES"! When learning that William Hitler, nephew of Adolf, went into the U.S. navy, I wondered how many Nazi's did the same. Going back to John Ratcliffe's discussion on Nazified Intelligence represented by 16 squirrels, note the "huMILES" motto term of Squirrel-loving Holds/Holts (same place as Ratcliffs), for Miles' and Mills both have MILLrinds. STONEhouse's almost have the bend-with-items of Cliffs, and I can make the case that RatCLIFFs were a Rat-line merger with Cliffs. STONEhouse's are first known in Gloucestershire with Holders who in turn have one of the double Hold/Holt fesses! Eric Holder, Obama's Attorney General, comes to mind.
I had read that the Wells/Wellers, with the DeVaux Coat in other colors, were of the Vallibus variation of Vaux's. Faux's are first known in Essex with Death-related Morts. Both are in the myth, "Le Morte D'Arthur." Deaths are listed with Darths, we get it. Deaths/Darths are first known in Kent with Drummond-related Sea's and English Trips while German Drummonds (share most of the Sea Coat) are first known in Hamburg with German Trips/Treffs and Nissans. Nests/Nassi's list Nessans. The asteroid into the sea. English Wells have a two tailed lion, as does the Arms of Drummond-based Podebrady.
With English Trips having a scaling ladder, it's interesting that I walked a 32-foot LADDER past Lorraine's place, for Richeza of Lorraine was "of LOTHARingia." Lauders are in the colors and format of the German Wells/Wellers, first known in Westphalia with pointers from Lorraine's pant stain, especially Pansys/Pantzers. Stains are first known in the Middlesex and Surrey parts of London, and while Candelers/Chandlers and Tooths are first known in London, Cantels/Cantrels share the giant pelican-with-NEST (different colors) with Wells/Wellers. Lauders, sharing the giant griffin of Tooths, are first known in Berwickshire with Teets, and with the Dove's in both the Pansy/Pantzer and English Nest Coats.
I'll add that a giant "goose" in the colors and format of Wells/Wellers is with German Gas' (Hamburg with English Trips) while Lauder-branch Letters share the Rutherford goose on a rock. The "fato" motto term of Rutherfords and Nazi-pointable Cheneys (Sussex with Nests) can go to Lorraine's feet.
With the grass streak now pointing to Apophis, this discussion and paragraph appears a valid piece of reasoning, especially as Lorraine's bus stop pointed to Pepin of Landen and to Pipe's. This Pepin married Itta of Metz in Lorraine. Her bus stop at the corner of Yonge and Arnold (it turns to Lorne across Yonge street) pointed to Arnold of Metz, and to Stops/Stubbs (Staffordshire with Pipe's) in Pipe / Pepin colors and format. Stonehouse's, looking related to Teasels, are first known in Gloucestershire with "organ pipe" Letts/Late's. Tassel-branch Teasels, first known in Essex with Este's and Asters/esters, have the Italian Este eagle in colors reversed. Tassels named Tessall...in Worcestershire, where Streeks are first known.
It seems appropriate that Teasels and Tassels share the Mort and Death crescents, for in my sequences of the 21 plagues of Revelation, it goes 2nd Trump, 2nd Bowl, 3rd Seal, 3rd trump, 3rd Bowl, 4th Seal. The latter is the horse carries Death and Hades, while the 3rd Seal is a black horse, the color of the horse in the Crest of Aster-branch Este's, first known in Essex with Teasels and Morts. It makes sense that the black horse brings food rationing because an asteroid to the sea will destroy cargo ships. Cargo's happen to share the Gerald saltire.
I have an inclination not to delve into heraldry that could possibly connect with God's choice of terms in Revelation, because it's not wise to mess with Revelation. However, when I happen to have something coming to mind, when not specially looking to find connection to heraldry, I do at times do a light-duty treatment. For example, right now, it occurs to me that the 4th horse, having Death and Hades as its rider, is green while Greens are first known in Kent with Deaths and Wraths/Rothes'. It tempts me to do an entire study on all four horses, but, God warns against messing with Revelation, as in changing any of its Chosen terms.
The Hades' use "wreaths" while Wrath-like Wreath's are first known in Inverness-shire with the Gows/McGoo's who share the fleur-de-lys of Herods and Girls/Cruels/Criels. I found the Girls (new to me) from the McGirl variation shown for Cargo's (listed with Cargills). Then, the other English Cruels/Criels share the double chevrons of Apophis-like Popps (same place as Crails/Crabs) while Crails/Crabs are suspect as a pointer to Apophis. Caner-like Chaunceurs/Chance's are first known in Essex with Teasels sharing the Mort and Death crescents. "ConFIDO" can suggest the Fido's/Fette's/FITTs while English Fitts/Fitch's (Essex with Morts and Teasels) are in Girl/Cruel/Criel colors and format.
The Fitts/Fitch's use leopard faces while Leopards are first known in Sussex with Keeps and leopard-face Coopers while Keips (Nuremburg with Kopple's) use a giant red horse while I see the 2nd, red horse (= 2nd Seal) sending off the 2nd Trumpet asteroid. Just saying. I'm not trying to alter the words of Revelation. And God may not have had this heraldry in mind when doing the four horses.
The Reds/Reeds are first known in Northumberland with Horse's and Keep-related Lorraine's. Reds/Reeds use a "copia" motto term while Fido's/Fette's/Fitts have a "cornuCOPIA," as do Orrs/Ore's suspect in the "morOR" motto term of Girls/Cruels/Criels. Kepke-branch Kupe's/Koops could apply to the cornucopia because it's code for Cups/Cope's (same place as Scottish Reeds).
While Kepke's and Kupe's/Koops have Coats like the one of Justine's, the latter not only shows a single sword, the symbol of rider on a red horse, but are first known in Perthshire with Cargo's/McGirls. Just saying. And while Jesus may have been warning against men who have sex with girls or boys, Kidds, first known in Suffolk with CARLsons, share the Kepke Goat. Lorraine's share the Child eagles. Childrens are first known in Kent with Deaths.
It's amazing all what a milk shake can reveal at the home of the hanging bra touched by yours truly. Jarrats/Garrats (not "Jarret) use a "fideLIS" motto term, and are first known in CARLOW. It strikes me here that Crail is near the first-known Carls/Carlows, giving the impression that Crabs married Carls. The Sempers in the Jarrat/Garrat motto are first known in Essex with the Raines' using a "leges" motto term, and sharing the lion of English Jarrets. Mallets trace to St. Malo, on the Rance river near Rennes, and Rance's/Rynds/Rands (share Legh Coat) were a Rind branch. Millrinds go with millstones, and Rinds are first known in Perthshire with Cargos'/McGirls. Rinds love the Pots as do Danish Cnuts.
Rance's/Rynds/Rands (probably related to the Dunham-Randolph relationship) were at Clavering of Norfolk. Dunhams and Key-loving Clavers are first known on Norfolk, along with Date's suspect in the motto of Denhams (Union colors and format). Irish Gards have Union/Onion-like variations.
Geralds list Desmonds while the Demonte area of Cuneo could be in the "Domino CONfido" motto phrase of Keys and Cargo's (share Gerald/Desmond saltire), for Domino's are first known in Piedmont with Cuneo province and Masci's. MonKEY. These Keys use "A deer on a MOUNTAIN" to go with DeMONTE's. French Demonte's share the lion of Mascarelli's (Piedmont) and Jarrats/Garrats. Domine's/Dunhams must have named Dunham Masci of the Masseys. Deers are first known in Bedfordshire with Tassels who in turn share the crescents of Death's, the latter first known in Kent with the Mascarelli-beloved Cone's.
The other English Keys (Yorkshire with Dunham-related English Randolphs) use a "Faithful" motto term while Faiths/Faithfuls (Norfolk with Domine's/Dunhams) may have been of the Fate's/Feets expected in the Cheney motto. The Fido's in "confido" are the Foot-branch Fothes'/Fette's (same place as Dunham Masci). English Randolphs are said to be from Ranulph le Meschin, and Scottish Randolphs, in Obama's Dunham ancestry, are first known in MORay to go with the "more faithful" motto phrase of Keys. Irish More's have a motto, "CONlan a-bu" while Geralds use "aboo." Irish More's and Morgans have giant lions in the colors of the Boat/Bude lion head, colors reversed from the Lorraine / Asty lion, and we just saw an asteroid-pointing mountain with Keys.
My mother is a Grimaldi and a Masci, and Grimaldi's (share Cock Shield) are still princes of Monk-like Monaco while Monks have a "cockatrice." Cocks are first known in Somerset with OSTs/Hosts (share bull of French Mountains). Coke's almost have a Cheney motto term. Cooks (purple quadrant) and Coke's (Derbyshire with Cnuts) both share the OSTrich of Beaks, and the other English Keys (share purple with the throne of the Monaco Grimaldi's) have a key in a griffin's "beak."
Recall asteroid-pointing Streeks listed with Strike's in the motto of Hawks, first known in Hampshire with Lorraine-line Rich's/Richess' in "ostrich". Lorraine's grass streak. Hawks have purple "pilgrims staves" while PilGRIMs -- first known in Norfolk with Purple's, Cockers/CocKETTs, Keats, Bags, Gangs/Geggs and Domine's/Dunhams -- use staves of their own. Bags share the Cock / Grimaldi Shield and have the Cooksey cinquefoils in colors reversed. Beaks are from Podebrady along with Hungarian Drummonds, and while the Cooksey cinquefoils are with Gangs/Geggs, "Gang" is a Scottish Drummond motto term. I bought a Texas property, from Miss Cooksey, in MONTELL. The Cooksey cinquefoils look linkable to the Hungarian Leslie's.
Coke's not only share "qui" with Sheaves/Shaws while L'Aquila's Sheaves'/Chiava's show only keys, but Coke's share the Aquila and Este eagle while English Este's are first known in Essex with Mountains, Asters, Chance's, Cooks, and Chance-connectable Pattens/Pattens. Coke's even share the Lorraine eagle while we just saw Coke's with the Beak ostRICH. The Patiens' in the Coke motto get us the Scottish Patents/PUTINs! Lorraine is expected to point to the Ukraine-Russia war for some important development probably yet to be seen. Grimaldi kin with Keys are pointing to the Apophis asteroid. Keys use the deer while Deerings share the Poppin buck head, though Deerings call it a "roebuck."
Repeat: "The Peters sharing the Staple motto are first known in Devon with MONKs expected in the Gerald / Dan monkey." Devon is where Rods and BarnSTAPLE's are first known both sharing the trefoils of Rove-branch Ralphs and Danish Cnuts. While the latter's ribbon gets us to Roe's/Rove's sharing lambs on red with Lamberts, the other Rowe's (Norfolk with Roe's/Rove's) likely share the same green trefoils due to a blood relationship. The family of Mieszko Lambert was related to Cnut's mother.
TREFoils are highly suspect from the Trips/Treffs, from Trypillians of Ukraine at/near Kiev. Trevors/TREFors (cockatrice) are first known in Herefordshire with Maurice's (from Drummonds) and English Ralphs immediately above; the latter share the ravens of Rove's/Rolphs for a pointer to Carl Rove to Ukraine. Carls, first known in Aberdeenshire with Leslie's, share the "pomegranate" with French Crispins (Lorraine) and Grass-like Grazi's.
This recalls that Trevor and RICK Legge helped me to build a deck for Varangian-like VERNE Archibald, on Church street about six properties from Lorraine's apartment, though this was a year before I met Lorraine. I was probably walking to Verne's home when I passed Lorraine and said, "I'm going to marry you." I was headed down Lorne from Yonge street at the time, and Verne lived at Lorne and Church one block down.
I highlighted RICK Legge because Ricks may have been Richeza elements. Legge's are first known in Dumfries with Lorraine-branch Larrys/Lawrie's. The latter look related to Bole's/Bolls while the latter share the boar of Mole's and Goose's/Googe's, both first known in Roxburghshire with Archibalds. Trypillians lived south of Kiev with the Roxolani who named Roxburgh. While building the deck with Trevor and Rick, ROXanne, my new girlfriend, was there with us at times.
The red Major/Magor greyhound head shares a GOLD collar with the black greyhound heads of Church's, and Lorraine's apartment was on Church street, just a couple of properties from Lorne avenue. English Golds (Suffolk again) share the Doral Coat suspect with the Gates lion. While Lorne's show no Coat, they are said to be first known in Aberdeenshire with Hungarian Leslie's and Cups/Cope's while the Cunningham unicorn head is said to be "couped." I see "ABERDEEN" from KABARDINO, home in Ukraine of the Kabars who co-formed Hungarians with Magyars.
In August 2024, Trump said at a campaign event that, if he were elected, he would be open to giving Musk an advisory role. In response, Musk wrote a post on X saying "I am willing to serve", along with an AI-created image of him standing in front of a lectern marked "Department of Government Efficiency". The organization's acronym DOGE has been described as referring to dogecoin, a cryptocurrency that Musk promotes, and the DOGE website's official launch prominently featured the dogecoin logo of a Shiba Inu dog. Later, the suggestion was made by Trump of establishing such a department and for it to be headed by Musk.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Department_of_Government_Efficiency
The article goes on to tell that DOGE could act as a spy agency against the deep state, but, what happens if DOGE yet exists when the deep state takes back the White House? "...'DOGE teams' embedded within federal agencies consisting of at least four special government employees that would have 'full and prompt access to all unclassified agency records, software systems and IT systems' to the 'maximum extent consistent with law'." That sounds like Trump's spy service on the deep state. It can find which agencies the deep state has been using most, and cut them down to size or altogether shred them.
But, how far will the deep state allow this to go without some mortal attack? This is going to be a war, but if Trump backs out mid-stream, the deep state will come back and unleash fury on his people. It's do or die, trusting in his voter base to get his team another White House run in 2028. Use these next few years to weaken the deep state, take away its election fraud mechanisms, and assure another anti-globalism government and congress in 2026 and 2028.
Trump is just the right kind of guy to allow his enemies onto the DOGE team, who act like his friends. Worry. Starting now.
I wonder if Netanyahu visited Trump on the spur, the day after Musk's news broke on USAID. Netanyahu depends on the deep state, you see. I wonder if Netanyahu counseled Trump to reign in Musk. Keep eyes out for animosity between Musk and Netanyahu, or, an alliance.
Let's not forget that Musk, upon buying Twitter, didn't install a pro-Trumper to act as its CEO, but an anti-Trumper. Don't you think Musk would like to be the next president of the United States? If he's really a good man, let him stop taking taxes to shore up his car company. He'd get elected in a minute if he succeeds at cutting all waste and drowning swamp creatures simultaneously.
Let's never forget that Trump tried to work with the Bush deep state in his first four years, turning against it only because it refused his hand in a partnership. I say the thing the Bush deep state wanted most was revenge on America for defeating Hitler. That vengeance may yet be in its throes, from WEF, for example, with more fury now than ever.
Someone told that Obama's mother was working for USAID. Jesse Watters said that "Burisma got a contract with USAID." It was found that USAID is in the midst of granting Politico more money, on top of the secretive, $26M over the past four years in hundreds of separate payments, meaning that, indeed, the deep state buys and controls leftist news media, no surprise. Do the will of USAID, and you'll get more money in a couple of weeks. A racket. Pay to play.
More than $9M (for just one year?) went to Rothschild-owned Reuters news as "obligations" for a contractual "Active Social Engineering Defense" program, if we can believe it. This is the wicked witch of the West, the Western shadow government's poisonous concoctions to immoralize all peoples possible. It's the anti-Christ religion injected into the minds of all those who watch liberal media. Let us hold to our Christian obligations, to overcome this damned beast, for our great rewards await us if we conquer. Social-engineering DEFENSE sounds like money to fight against natural culture, especially Christian culture. See 7th minute here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJsu2XOdcyUI assume, to protect itself legally, The Hill says that USAID funded Wuhan through Ecohealth Alliance "inadvertently," but the female speaker tells otherwise in her long-version accusations:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka489L3FySQRand Paul on USAID funding of Wuhan and other Chinese elements:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoxM1fxsD90Rand Paul acts an empty blowhorn for lamenting COVID deaths never-endingly when the vaccines are what killed people along with a mass-murder program in hospitals and nursing homes. David Knight says that Rands wife had intere$t in vaccines, if I recall correctly. Mr. Paul's only concern seems to be proving that COVID-19 (classified as a "cold") escaped from Wuhan. Even if a dangerous version of COVID did escape from there, it didn't get far, because, after all was said and done, records showed that the COVID scare was from false-positive testing, as well as various flus and similar lung infections all lumped together and disguised as a dangerous COVID-SARS virus. To some weak and sick people, the flu is deadly, especially if doctors are handsomely paid to let people die of it, which is what did take place in the plandemic. Perhaps his father is much better on this issue.
By 2023, however, Rand Paul took the new and suddenly-popular side, saying: "I, frankly, wouldn't vaccinate my children for COVID...I think the risks of the vaccine are greater than the risks of the disease.
Here's Musk, Trump and company putting an end to a money-thieving operation by the American government, and with a female anchor wanting to make the team look heartless for swiftly ending the liberal, criminal enterprise:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSyqL6XsBWIThe Musk story is elaborated upon below, but only on the day it broke. It promises to unveil deep government corruption, but only if Trump allows the revelation; you can bet that forces will try to coerce him to muzzle and chain Musk. USAID looks like a means to funnel tax dollars into political pockets for all sorts of sins including the interference of the CIA in whatever nation it wishes to control fully or partially:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/OiB6h1SSRGReIn the 40th minute above, you see Trump creating a government-owned "wealth fund," which can perhaps explain his tariff fever (he wants tax money to go to the wealth fund). Then, after he dies, the deep state eventually gets both the wealth fund and half of TikTok. This is Trump the dangerous idiot. Place your bets on whether the deep state will give the common people even 1/10th of one-percent of the wealth fund.
It was revealed on day-one of the USAID story that this radical organization funded Ecohealth when the latter funded the bio-weapons programs in Wuhan. The next day, Bill Gates, worried about Musk's revelations, said that USAID partnered with good things such as his "nutrition" and vaccine programs...and so we can begin to wonder whether USAID was somewhat of a king-pin for engineering the global schemes to vaccinate the maximum people possible, then move into vaccinating livestock and pets to boot. That, in turn, begs whether USAID is part of the mass-murder programs and "Build Back Better." It wouldn't be surprising.
Just as the stock market began to tank, and Americans started to complain about higher prices, due to Trump's tariff threats, Trump announced that Mexico and canada caved, and therefore he would grant both countries another 30 days to shore up the border. In reality, Trump caved but tried to give appearances that Mexico and canada caved. The good news is, he's still sane enough to cave partially. I don't fault him for wanting to shore up the border, I only fear that he doesn't know how to admit defeat in a tariff bluff so that he might actually go through with it when canada shows it's not going to be pushed around.
In the video above, the Christian hosts seem to be cozy with Trump, even proud of him, especially if he makes a world-class alliance with Russia, for these TruNews hosts love Russia. The video gave me cause to keep an eye out for a Trump-Russia alliance developing soon. The problem with that hope is that Trump wanted to usurp fuel sales to Europe in place of Russia's customers.
For his good part, Pierre Poilievre announced that, with his retaliatory tariffs, he would not keep the tariff profits in canada's bank account, but give them back to companies and people who stand to lose by American tariffs. Way to go, Pierre, that is an excellent and kind policy. Trump's not been good enough to announce the same policy.
I haven't seen one thing that trudeau granted Trump, that wasn't already in place and offered from months ago, in order for Trump to call it a win. If trudeau merely promised to do something at the border, it means nothing. In fact, the most-likely scenario is that trudeau himself is involved in cross-border crimes, he and his fellow Liberals, judging by the enormity of criminal enterprises that the opposition parties have uncovered from Liberal schemes.
I'm writing this just three days into the tariffs. I say Trump is giving himself 30 days to see how best he can get himself out of his risky mess. He didn't see the potential damage that could be done to the United States until mere days ago. Where he celebrates the obtainment 100,000 Mexican troops, as part of a tariff deal, for stationing inside the U.S. as part of securing the border from there, think again, for this amounts to 100,000 Mexican spies inside the country for to spy out how ICE and other border agencies are operating. I'm thinking that Mexico offered the troops inside the U.S., i.e. not requested by Trump, but I don't know either way.
Would Trump agree to a demand from canada to use American border guards to protect canada from illegal things coming from the United States? No. Then why does the Trump bully think he has a moral right to demand that canada protect the American border on behalf of Americans? Isn't that the job of American border guards? Where the latter fail to catch the drugs, Trump blames it on canada's guards and demands that they start to protect the United States as well as their own country? Is that fair? Is that kind? Or is that a hard-headed and stupid bulldog? Pity the pro-Trumpers who are on his side on this move.
I certainly agree with Trump to punish / threaten Mexico for the free-flow of illegal immigrants over the past four years, but there's a question as to whether they are flowing into canada from the U.S. more than the other way around. If more are flowing into canada, would Trump agree to beef up his border guards to prevent that from taking place. Not likely. But he expects it of canada, not as a request, but as a demand backed up by the threat of crippling tariffs. Big and stupid bully, and he's proud of himself rather than ashamed.
At this time, with ICE trying to run illegals from the U.S., many are going to go escape to canada, not Mexico. Will Trump call for the expenditures to keep that from happening? trudeau wants them to come into canada as part of his swan song. In this regard, trudeau is ICE's best friend. The two may have come to a deal where trudeau secretly allows the illegals to flow north while feigning that he's beefing up the border for canada's benefit? He can pretend to be protecting canada because he's committing the new expenditures, at this very time, to the protection of the United States.
Here's a dummy canadian: "We Canadians must be very grateful for Trump initiative that finally got Trudeau to bend the knee as Mexico did. Our boarder MUST be safe." Ya-but, Trump didn't get trudeau to protect canada, so what exactly are you celebrating?
I don't remember Trump running for president on this tariff controversy. He must have been hiding it from his voters. Your voters voted you in to be a bulldog against the deep state, not neighboring nations. Go be a bullDOGE. Instead, Trump looks like a big baboon, threatening these high taxes suddenly on innocent companies. One day they were working hard, the next day Trump puts them out of business. In the meantime, he increases the price of food and gasoline to his voters. Way to go, as bright as a baboon.
Trump wants canadian border guards to stop canadian drivers as they cross into the U.S., to check their cars and suitcases for drugs, and to check their passengers for criminals, and they then get checked / stopped again by the American border guards. But Baboon doesn't want his border guards to do that to American drivers because he knows enough to know that it's abusive. So, he doesn't mind abusing citizens of other countries, which is not the way God wants people or rulers to decide things. If trudeau and the Liberals are guilty of paving the path for criminality into the United States, don't punish innocent companies and start tariff-bases resentment between the two countries (so reckless), but take them to a world-class court.
It was revealed this week that USAID gave regular payments, in 2023, to over 6,000 journalists and over 700 news agencies, meaning that the "conspiracy theorists" were right all along, that the deep state does purchase news organizations to control what they say. This has been the fundamental way in which activist anti-Christs have sought to cripple Christianity in the West. This is the demon that Trump needs to cripple. If he likes to be authoritatively bullish, do it against this anti-Christ cabal, because it deserves that sort of treatment.
I agree with Trump, and am glad he's saying it, that the Washington judge who curbed Musk's work, in spying out USAID documents and records, is wrong to do so. The president is in charge of government organizations, and if he has no right to see government documents, then it's illogically a wide-open door to indiclosable corruption. In his news show below, he simply says that he'll get Rubio to do what the judge has disallowed Musk to do, and this cannot be batted down by any judge, because Rubio is the USAID boss at this time. Hopefully, these adventures into saving rotten money is not a political charade, giving the voters only a token savings while making them believe there's massive savings:
NEXT UPDATEHere's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.
For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
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