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February 13 - 19, 2024

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It was nice while it lasted. Hall of Names is no longer showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names, but I have many of them recorded in my memory, and in past updates from which to find some.

As Isaiah calls the end-time anti-Christ the "king of Babylon," we could get the impression that Jeremiah's prophecy against ancient Jerusalem could be a connective forerunner to the anti-Christ's invasion of Jerusalem. The only difference is that God's main complaint against Jerusalem of Jeremiah's time is that the people were all worshipping "foreign gods." That's not the case today.

However, the crux of God's pain is not the gods so much as it is the "adultery" of Israel and Jerusalem in forsaking Him for these other religions, and of course end-time Israel is exactly such an adulteress first by denying the "Servant" of Isaiah 53, and secondly by a liberalized, lip-service attitude to the God of the Torah, a complaint of God we see in Jeremiah 5 as well. Plus, by forsaking Him, they also meandered into other sins such as literal adultery, and the cold-hearted sins of the Rothschild bankers who, instead of feeding the flock and healing its wounds, feed on them like parasites. It's like when a cult leader sets up a flock just to secure its wealth for his luxuries and pleasures.

When we read the first few chapters of Jeremiah, it may seem that God is cruel, especially when He says, at the end of chapter 4, that he's sending "murderers," the word used by the NIV version, to punish the towns. But He clears Himself of guilt when saying He'd not bring this destruction if there were even one decent and truthful person in Jerusalem. This is the wayward fate of a people who forsake God at any time; we see this theme in all the Prophets, the theme that calls for repeated complaints from God from the time of Moses. This is the chief teaching of Old-Testament history: forsake God, become evil.

We are witnesses in this generation that same calamity has overtaken Westerners who do not see that they are spiritual wretches while glorying in materialism. What generation has had as many gadgets as there are today? Yet evil is prevalent as ever, at least equal to Sodom's. Thus, the West is an adulteress...and a prostitute, another word used by Jeremiah against Israel. Jeremiah 5 talks about the ropes, so to speak, that God wants people to put on for their connection to Him, and Jesus likens these ropes to the branches of a Vine. "Poetry" is all over the Bible, and Jesus used much of it too. Pictures-in- words, in many different pictures, are all over the Bible for our contemplation, and I see no reason why we can't add our own pictures to convey the same messages. For example, one can say; put on the rope of God, be safe, be fruitful, be glad. Isn't this what God is saying in a myriad of ways? Here's the ropes of God: Jeremiah 5:5:

I will go to the great and will speak to them, for they know the way of the LORD, the justice of their God. But they all alike had broken the yoke; they had burst the bonds.

I don't see the word, "rope," but what's the difference? The point is, something that connects us to God is what God wants us to put on. If we are branches, we are connected to the Stem and Root. We produce flowers and fruit. If we are connected by a yoke, we make the soil productive for a harvest. We can do nothing for Him without Him. The first step to being a Christian is to get locked onto Him.

Read His requirements, and take them to heart, get to know how he thinks, and be inclined. As the Word enters your private parts, it changes you, transforms you, if you are inclined. "Born again" is a picture of transformation. You allow yourself to be changed from the hollow, the steely, and the rot that this world has made of you. You begin to see what really matters, but you also become a witness to how hollow, steely and rotten people are when they refuse to hear why you became a Christian. Before you can even begin to explain it, they say, "that could be great for you but it's not for me (so don't talk about it anymore)." They put their foot down on you, and paste a gag on your mouth.

God will show you why He burns with anger against them. You should not tell people that God loves them, because it's conditional love. He will love them only when they respect Him enough to put on the ropes. Plowing shallow dirt is not enough. A thin thread of lip service is not a rope. Tie the knot with Him, make it an eternal covenant, to the end, even when it hurts.

God's are not useless requirements, not brutal, but, in a nutshell: be of good will, and of help to each other while loving God your Life. This can't be brutal because it produces a worthy society that you too can enjoy, unlike the demented society the Western evolutionists have created, seen before you at this time. They think that loving each other is sufficient to produce an enjoyable society, but God will show them how their "love" for one another becomes a snake that bites them on the lip, for it is lip-service love, shallow, and when the faggots, Hindus, Muslims, evolutionists love each other in hopes of making a decent society, they invite demons into their souls who cause everything to crash. This is the prediction of prophecy: CRASH, The End.

But when God is the center of a society, the demons flee from souls, and the Spirit of God within people is Light and Health for all to share. Our demented, obstinate enemies wish for security by military might and a police state, but when the Spirit of God rules the souls, no military is needed, and the police offers are our humble friends, not pigs who speak down to us to make us conform to their steely bosses.

Deep-rooted Christians warned evolutionists decades ago, and now they would blame their horrible fruits on us. When they put off the yoke, they stomp the field rather than plow it; they make the soil hard so that it can't produce righteousness. When some of the seed does come up after we spread it against their will, the bulls trample and defecate upon the seedlings. They thought that they could enjoy the bountiful society even after parting ways with God, but nobody can enjoy the society now developing like a field of thick thorns.

The Bible is full of pictures. We can, with caution, repaint some of them. For example, when Jesus says that we shine the Light from upon a hill, we can re-illustrate it using a white horse whose bit at the mouth is connected to the hands of a brilliant God by a rope. We speak what the all-knowing God wants us to speak for the betterment of society. That's the Light Jesus refers to.

One of the things we enjoy in life is learning the mysteries of Creation, or learning anything. But God cannot enjoy this because he knows everything. And so God created people for His enjoyment, for he enjoys caring for His sheep. He especially enjoys "seeking" them when they become lost in the playground we call the world. But how can He enjoy seeking them if they refuse to come back to the fold? And by "seeking," I mean that he employs arguments and reasons, in their conscience, to get them to come back to their senses, and when He succeeds, there is pleasure for Him, because all is well again, the hunt was not in vain, and the lost sheep appreciates being found, offering thanks to Him, even utmost respect, and, hopefully, it will never stray again so that the Shepherd gets bonus pleasures. Bless God today with pleasure He can feed on, for this is His food. Ask the sinful woman at the well (John 4) about this food, for she was willing to become an excited lamb when Jesus "found" her.

The people today who insist on the belief that Creation created itself, who would force that belief upon our children even, are demented and cannot produce a bright future. Those who would wish for you to believe that humanist technology is salvation for a godless society are sorely disillusioned. They are going the way of tying their ropes to computers. They want a human-machine marriage, and wish to convince you that their man-made machines, their computers, are a type of "god" for creating super-humans. This is where their technology is taking the playful goats, to The Crash. Some goats defy death upon the ledges of cliffs, but when the Lord shakes the earth, they will all fall dead together, because they strayed and would not be found.

In a nutshell, God created people to be His pleasure, that He might educate them properly with truthful knowledge, that they might delight in mysteries when he shows them the solutions they couldn't figure out on their own. I don't think there will ever be an end to learning. I think the next "body" will have a mind much stronger then the one we have now, and much better than being tied to a computer, don't you think? I have no desire to be tied to computers, especially with wicked men crawling this earth who oversee computers, but for those who view these scorpions and snakes as the good guys, that's why they are disillusioned, and why they will put their feet into a trap.

That's why they took the vaccine gladly, because they don't see the scorpion in their pants. They have not been watching as God would have us watch, and the scorpion crawled up their pajamas as they slept. They have not been seeing the wickedness, but are trusting the snakes when they pretend to be the good guys. They play with snakes with a scorpion in their pants, and urge others to do the same like people licking ice-cream. They are about to kill each other in the next vaccination program, if they are lucky, for they might make their bodies a living hell instead. Then they will eat the pain of, "why didn't I listen to the anti-vaxxers?" They will dress themselves in shame while their bodies suffer things that bodies have never suffered before. It's all happening as we speak.

Hopefully, God will create an allowance for people to reject the vaccines if they so choose. But if the 666 is a vaccine enforcement, then He will not create the allowance, but will rather demand that we reject it in spite of the enforcement. It has already become obvious that the World Economic Forum is going toward skullchips, skinchips and vaccines. Isaiah's "king of Babylon" will not enforce the 666, at least not to begin with, but rather it will be enforced by a satanic man depicted with the horns of a lamb, a seller of scorpions up your pants.

Another thing God takes pleasure in is seeing our progress, if it's positive. Just as a parent rejoices to see the progress of a baby/child, so with God. And when we're adults in the Lord, we find ourselves in all sorts of winds that fly against us painfully, that we might develop strength and endurance. He takes pleasure when we remain faithful after the winds die down. It could be the wind of chaos, the stormfront of unexpected circumstances, the tempest of punishment, the whirlwind of disillusionment, the multi-directional winds of confusion, the toxic wind of betrayal. All sorts. To the conqueror goes the crown. I hope you're handling them all well enough. I know they can be tough.

In the February-15 show of David Knight this week, after the 30th minute (maybe as far as the 40th), there's a segment with a commercial-like message boasting that Ukraine is the foremost nation in digital money, and that it has already eradicated paper money. That's new to me. David goes on to say that this is an American/CIA vision. How interesting is that? The Ukrainian people have been made so powerless that this system can be foisted upon them without much resistance. President Zelensky has even canceled elections this year as proof of how powerless the people are. You now have a Nazified dictatorship in Ukraine, supported by multiple Western countries which I view as the Harlot. I'll talk about this the next time I hear about it.

I think I've treated Yaroslav Hunka twice with heraldry, the old Ukrainian Nazi who was recently applauded in the Canadian parliament. He was treated heraldically in my last update because it came out in the news about a couple of weeks ago that prime minister trudeau's office was the one which invited him to two political affairs along with the Ukraine president, Volodymyr Zelensky. Not enough humiliation has gone to trudeau for his denying he had anything to do with Hunka.

Zelensky's first name likely got introduced in Ukraine from king Vladimir "the great," father of king Yaroslav. Yaroslav Hunka. These kings were the proto-Russians of Moscow, as Putin explained in his interview with Tucker last week. The Hunka surname is suspect from Hungarians, whose Magyar ancestors were in proto-Ukraine. Plus, Hanks are in the so-called "hanks of COTTON" in the English Cotton Coat, and, long before I knew of Hunka, I traced the royal COTTIANs to the Cotesii peoples on Romania's BUZau river.

Load the Hank surname now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames so that you can follow better.

The English Cottons look related to the Coat of Nazi-like Nasi's, first found in Florence with Moscow-like Mosca's.

The last update also feature Mr. Kepke, an old teen friend of mine whose father is/was Ukrainian. I told that Kepke-branch Keips and Kopple's were first found in NURemberg, and it just so happens that a Neuri peoples were between Poland and Ukraine of the Bug river. I can see how descendants of BUZ, son of Nahor, could have named either the Bug or Buzau river. And here I can go to the "water BOUGets" of English Bugs because the water bouget is shared with Scottish Rose's while a Hros peoples were in Ukraine who likely named the hross = horse. Keips use a giant horse, and a horse head is used by Hebrons (Northumberland with Horse's/Horsleys) who in turn have a "Keep" motto term.

Wikipedia says that the Roxolani peoples, otherwise considered to be ROS-Alans, were on the Naparis-like Dnieper river, as well as on the Naparis, smack beside the Buzau. I had seen the Roxolani stamped across the Buzau on a map. This can explain why Scottish Rose's were first found in Neuri-like Nairnshire. The Dnieper flows through the Kiev region, where the Varangian kings above, Vladimir and Yaroslav operated.

Maria, Yaroslav's sister, married Casimir of Poland, and it just so happens that the Casimir surname shows only a red antler BENDwise in the colors of the Keep bend. This bend alone is the full Arms of Baden because the Varangian-like Veringers of Baden are known to have used the red antler for their symbol, and the blue antler was used by their kin, the Zahringers who happen to have used a bear, the Russian symbol, as symbol for Bern of Switzerland (south of Baden), a city that Zahringers founded. We were working at a GROCEry store, and Groce's, with the Ukraine flag in colors reversed, were first found in Baden.

Steve Stavro, owner / breeder of race horses, owned the Knob Hill Farms grocery store at which we worked. The Stavro-like Stave's are listed with Stevensons, first found in Northumberland with horse-using and Keep-loving Hebrons (share Horse/Horsley horse head). The Stave's/Stevensons share the Chief of Scottish Kidds while English Kidds share the Kepke goat.

I would ask you now whether you think the following things were arranged by God, in my life, to point to the things I've just shown you above, including Hunka and the Ukraine Nazis. Early at the age of 18 (Kepke was a day or two older than me), I threw a party for the young grocery-store workers , thanks to knowing Mary Nigro of BUTTONville, who was a cashier for this store. After I got the job there, I suggested to Kepke that he apply there, and he got the job.

So, Kepke and Mary came to the party, along with Mike DeNARDo who brought his DRUMs. German Drummonds, Hungarians in political cahoots with the first Henry Sinclair of Roslin, were first found in Hamburg with Trips/Treffs, from the Trypillians of the Kiev region. Hamburg is where German Bugs were first found who no doubt use the viking raven shared by German Rothes'/Rothschilds. Immediately after Kepke no longer worked at the grocery store, he got a job selling shoes, and while Trips/Treffs once showed the French-Massey BOOT as likely code for the Budini of Kiev, these Trips now show only three shoes. French Masseys no longer show the boots, but may now have the Chief of Dane-connectable Deins/Dene's, first found in Sussex with Keeps, Dans and Dane's.

German Dane's were first found in Wurttemberg (beside Baden), where the Veringers above operated, and they happen to share axes with Dennis' and Badens/Battins. The first-known Rose's of Scotland were near BADENoch, and the MacDonald Keppochs were named after Keppoch, some 30 miles west of Badenoch. Keeps and MacDonald's share a "galley" ship. Scottish Drummonds were first found to Badenoch's south, in Perthshire along with the Wings/Winks in the wings of Irish Dene's. The vertically-split Shield of German Dane's is shared by YARborough's/YEARbys, from YARoslav of Kiev. Drummonds were first found in Stirlingshire with YEARs, and with Scottish Bauds, suspect from the Budini of Kiev. French Bauds almost have the Kepke Coat.

Herodotus said that Budini were blonds, and Mr. Kepke was pure blond. Herodotus said that the Geloni lived among the Budini, and Keeps use a galley ship that can thus reveal the Galleys and Gale's (both in Yorkshire with Keppochs) as being from Geloni.

As I've said many times, Michael Zlochevsky, owner of Burisma gas in Ukraine, ran/runs a SHOE boutique that you can find online, in Kiev, where he sold/sells crocodile-leather shoes and boots. What are the chances that the other Irish Dene's would show a "crocoDILE" in Crest. I'll add that Dile's and Deins/Dene's share the lion of German Grimms. Were the latter from Russians in the Crimea? Crimms/Crombie's were first found in Aberdeenshire with the Scottish Deans while Deins/Dene's are Deans and Diane's too, and I've mentioned the Ukrainian, Diane MUSCHATov, my pure-blond, blue-eyed girlfriend at age 22, a million times.

Scottish Deans happen to share the moline cross, in colors reversed, of Segne's/Segurana's who in turn are in the "GOTT segni" motto phrase of Keep-beloved and wing-using Weavers/Webbers (Saxony with GOAT-using Kepke's) who in turn share the triple stars of Maceys/Mace's. Kepke's can be gleaned as kin of Wing-related Justins who in turn share the sword of Scottish Deans. Moline's were first found in Devon with wing-using and Segni-branch Seagars who in turn share the Dean moline.

Goats/Gothams are now interesting for having one of the four bends of Maria's, for the latter were first found in Genova with Segne's/Segurana's! English Weavers (Cheshire with Maceys/Mace's) have an "esto" motto term while Este's share the Segni/Segurana eagle.

Mr. Zlochevsky is known to be living now, or until recently, in Monaco with prince Grimaldi, and Genova is where Grimaldi's were first found. Monaco's share the hexagram of Kepke-connectable Hagars (Perthshire with Justins). Monaco-line Monks were first found in Devon with Seagars. I'm a Grimaldi on one side.

I'll add that I've told many times of a certain Jeffrey Dein's pointers / connections to Aryan Nation of Idaho. English Deins/Dene's have a giant lion in the colors of the giant cat/leopard of Mosca's. Interesting here is the other name of the Buzau; "...on the river Buzau. Attested in the antiquity as Mousaioc..." Deins/Dene's were first found in Sussex with Mascals.

Recall Steve Stavro, horse breeder, for "staves" are used by PilGRIMs, first found in Norfolk with Marys. English Grimms/Grime's were first found in Northumberland with horse-using Keep kin, Stave's/Stevensons, and with Horse's/Horsleys. Pilgrims were even first found in Norfolk with Stave-branch Steins (almost share the other Stevenson Coat). Steve Stavro has thus become more important than I'd known in the past, and we can add that Stave's/Stevensons share the Crest of Stein-like Stains who are said to have married Yarborough's i.e. from Yaroslav of Kiev, brother of Maria of Poland.

My time at Knob Hill Farms is pointing hard as nails to Ukraine corruption, right? It's certainly not pointing to anything good there. But, always, with the many pointers from my life to things-Ukraine, I wonder if this is to give us a heads up to a Ukrainian anti-Christ, perhaps of Russian background and allied to an American False Prophet toward the invasion of Israel. Will he be Joe Biden by some stroke of election-fraud luck at the end of this year?

Aside from myself, only three people stayed the night at the party, with Kepke and Mary staying in the basement alone. Mary is Italian, likely born MARIA, and so it seems that God set her up in my life to point to Maria of Kiev. Previous to this, Mary had taken a shining to me, but, though we went out a few times in my car, I kept the relationship strictly on a friendship level. I'm telling this because my GRIMaldi mother's mother was born Miss Masci, traceable to the namers of Moscow. Maschi's use the "pine cone" while Cone's, first found in Kent with Hamons and with Kiev-line Trips, share the white antler with Conte's and Maschi- / Masci-connectable Hamons.

Mike Denardo brought his drums. ROXburghs ("AUDax" motto term), with another horse head as likely code for Rus in Ukraine, were related to Roquefeuil in Aude province (Languedoc), location also of Narbonne. It just so happens that asking for a Narbonne surname brings up the Denardo/Nordi Coat. French Narbonne's (Coats/Cotes colors) were first found in Languedoc with Cottons/Cotta's/Cotys', and share the giant lion of Deins/Dene's (Sussex with Galley-loving Keeps). French Narbonne's share the Italian Gallus Coat (both can gave the Gallop lion), and German Gallus' share the rooster of Kopple's (Nuremberg with horse-using Keips).

Galli's and Gays (Savoy with French Masseys) were from king Gala/Gaia, father of king Massena, the line to Masseys who have another horse, with wings. The Keips share an upright and red horse with Dutch Macks/Mackays (share Massey quadrants). Scottish Macks (bear-depicted Berwickshire, beside Maxwells of Roxburghshire), can be gleaned with the sinister-rising bends of Massena's and Masci's.

Denardo's/Nordi's and Norths (Sussex with Keeps and Bone's), sharing the Maschi lion, can be entertained from the Neuri. Aside from the Denardo/Nordi lion and wheel, the surname is in Kepke colors and format. Sussex is beside the Maschi-beloved Cone's, and the Rush's, not far off in Suffolk, share the Norry and Rosco fesse. Meschins, descended from Rollo's uncle, Malahule, were related to Hugh Lupus of Varangi-like Avranches, and Lupus/Welfs can explain the wolf head of Norrys (Aberdeenshire with Hungarian Leslie's). The Rollo Danes, living in NORway, are thus suspect with the Varangian Rus of Kiev, and with the Neuri, and of course this can explain why Danes were likewise called, Rus. Marys (Norfolk with PilGRIMs) share the lion of Russells and Rossi's, in colors reversed with Ross' (almost the Mary Coat). The Drummonds descended from king Andrew I of Hungary and his Varangian wife.

My mother's father, Mr. Grimaldi, can be traced to Mr. Grimaldus, husband of Crispina, daughter of Rollo the RUS king. The Sinclairs of ROSlin come up as the Sun surname, probably explaining the sun in the German Grimm Coat. Hiedlers/HITLERs use the sun too. English Grimms/GRIME's (Northumberland with Keep kin) can be easily reckoned as a branch of Grimes'/Gormleys, and while mythical Gorm was a Dane Rus like Rollo, the party I threw for my fellow workers at the grocery store was in Gormley, Ontario. Previous to moving to Gormley at my age 13, we lived no more than about 300 feet from the home of the Kepke's.

If God arranged these things to point to things-Ukraine, why? As I've said many times, Mary Nigro lived in BUTTONville at the time that she worked at the grocery store (Knob Hill Farms) just 1.5 miles to her south, and Bidens happen to be listed with Buttons, first found in Hampshire with Keppe's/Kipps/Cheppe's. The Biden family is steeped in Ukraine corruption, and it just so happens that the first Biden-family scandal to drop was as per Hunter Biden's hiring to be on the board of Burisma gas, the company we saw above whose owner sold crocodile leather.

It's important that the Sea's, first found in Kent with English Trips, share the triple-wavy bends of German Drummonds, first found in Hamburg with Trips/Treffs. Sea's and Seamans look related to the GRIMbald Coat. Balds were Baud kin. Bauds can be linked to Kepke's while Seamans were first found in Suffolk with the Kidds sharing the Kepke goat. The Boats/Bauds could be in the boat shown for Nords/Norens/Norrbys. Norways/Northwoods/Narwolds almost use the Sinclair/Sun Coat, and both Norways and Rhodes' share the same engrailed cross.

The Biden/Button fesse is shared by Butts/Bute's/Boets who in turn use ROSES, and they were likely kin of Pierro's/Pero's, which can explain why Kepke's girlfriend of a couple of years was Miss Peare, whom he met two or three months after he left the grocery store under discussion. Pierre's were first found in Languedoc with French Cottons/Cotta's/Cotys', suspect from the Cotesii of the Buzau river. You can see them on the upper-right of this map:

Follow the Cotesii to the mouth of the river they are stamped upon. It's not shown to be the Buzau, but that's what it is. It's mouth is at the AGARus river, and Hagars are not only in Kepke colors and format, but were first found in Perthshire with Drummonds, Nairn-like Nairs/Neirs/Narrys, and the Justins who share the Kepke border. Not only is "Justin" trudeau's first name, but the upright Kepke goat is in the colors of the upright Justin sword while Swords were from Siward of Northumberland.

The "Paratus" motto of Swords is suspect with ancient names of Ukraine's Prut river. While Justins were from Justine of Picenum, wife of Valentinian of VINKovci, Wings/Winks (Perthshire with Justins) are in the wing of the Sword Crest. My mother was born and raised in Picenze, and the Picensii Illyrians/Moesians are on the map above near/at the Moschius and MARGus river (shown). While Masci's were a Massey / Macey branch, Margesons come up as "Mackesy" (Sussex with Keeps), and this Mackesy Coat has a sword.

Nairs/Neirs/Narrys have a Coat like that of Bush's/Boschs/Bos' (Rose-boar colors) while Rose's are said to have married Bosco's. German Boschs and German Bush's/Busch's share the fleur-de-lys of Trade's/TROTTe's, and I'm aiming to go to Trudeau-like Trots/Trude's. While Kepke's have a giant goat, Goths and Rads share the Hagar hexagram while Rats/Raids were first found in Nairnshire with Rose's. From the last update:

Keeps use a "weavers shuttle" while Weavers/Webbers ("GOTT" motto term) were first found in Saxony with Kepke's (giant GOAT). The Segne's in the "Gott segni UNS" motto phrase of Weavers/Webbers were first found in Genova with Fauci's. The UNS'/Lunds/Lwn's (probably the Lawn/Lane lion) were first found at Lund, about 35 miles from the Kippax location of Keppochs.

Midway up the Agarus river from the Buzau is the Trotus (another tributary of the Agarus), and, to prove that the Cotesii of the Buzau are to the Coats/Cotes surname, they share the six pale bars of Trots/TRUDE's/TRUTHs (bear), what begins to point to Trudeau's, I reckon, because prime mister trudeau was at the top of this discussion with Yaroslav Hunka while English Cottons use "hanks." Mike Denardo took my girlfriend away, Allison Bauer, and she was a cashier at the Knob Hill Farms grocery store we all worked at. Scottish Allisons use a "Truth" motto term. I was not yet with Allison during the party at my place.

Once we are at the Trotus, we are not very far from the Bug rivers. On the map above, we see "Augusta" on what I think is the Trotus river, for while the latter has a source in a Cuic region, the map shows COGaeonus tributary there, home of the CAUCoensii. It reminds of the Coggle's/Cockhills of the last update sharing the Cock (and Babcock) rooster while Cocks share the Grimaldi Shield.

Coggle's/Cockhills share the motto of Cremers, more Crimean suspects. The amazing thing now is that Cremers were related to French Faux's/Chollens' while English Faux's, first found in Essex with Cremer-beloved Rams, share the giant mascle of HUNKins. English Faux's use the falcon while French Falcons were first found in Languedoc with French Cottons/Cotta's while English Cottons use "hanks." ANCHors were kin of Angers (Essex with Faux's) who in turn share the lozenge of Fauci's, first found in Genova with Segne's/Segurana's and Cock-related Grimaldi's. Are the Nazi's of Ukraine, pointable to in this paragraph, part of the COVID scheme from American bio-weapons labs in Ukraine?

I had seen Augusta as "Angusta," and had read that Vrm, count of this Angusta, was father to Helena, wife of king Bela, brother of Andrew I of Hungary. The latter had been in Kiev under the protection of the Hungarians until he become the king.

While German Rose's share a Young Coat, Mr. Kepke lived directly beside RICK Young, one at 31 Henry Corson Place (Markham), and the other at 29. Kepke and I worked for Rick's father, at his furniture store in Toronto's Cabbagetown, and it just so happens that Cabbage's not only have an "angustis" motto term, but share the Chief of Bakers/Backers (Norfolk with Bus and Benjamins) while a Bacau county is off the Trotus river. French Bacons share the Bus cinquefoil. I trace Benjamins, probably sharing the Baker/Backer saltire, to the RIMNa river between the Buzau and Trotus. Maschi's were first found in RIMINi.

Repeat: "Scottish Macks (bear-depicted Berwickshire, beside Maxwells of Roxburghshire), can be gleaned with the sinister-rising bends of Massena's and Masci's." Scottish Macks (share Maceys/Mace stars) have eight of the six Trot/Trude pale bars, and Meschins share the Baker/Backer scallops. Tarrs, having ten of those pale bars, were first found in Somerset with the Backs in turn suspect with the eagle of L'Aquila. My Masci-line mother was born seven miles from L'Aquila. Meschin Normans (Rus) ruled Cheshire, where Steels were found looking related to a Becker Coat. The Baker/Backer lion is shared with Mackesys/Margesons.

My mother has green eyes, as do I, suggesting that we can descend from the Meschin Normans, explaining why the Alans of Dol (Shropshire with Meschins) married Saluzzo's of Piedmont, where Masci's were first found. Miss Dol married Robert D'Avranches of Ferte-Mace. The Massey fleur-de-lys (shared by Lys'/Lise's) should trace to the Lys river of Aosta, home of the Salassi, explaining why Sales' (Cheshire, beside Shropshire) use fleur-de-lys. In colors reversed, they are the fleur of Young-connectable June's and Jeune's. Lys'/Lise's were first found in Ile-de-France with Trudeau's.

Jeune's have the fleur-de-lys of Arrows/Arras' (and Mascals) in colors reversed, and while they were first found in Staffordshire with June's, Arras is near the Lys river of Artois. The Caute variation of French Cottons/Cotta's is in the English JUNkin/Jenkin motto, and the Jeune fleur are colors reversed from the same of Welsh Junkins. English Junkins/Jenkins were first found in Sussex with the Mascals whose fleur-de-lys the Welsh Junkins share. German Youngs/June's are also Jungs who can be linked to the stag of Sussex's Downs/Douns, and then the Trot-connectable Coats'/Cotes' were first found in County Down.

I've said a million times that Kepke left Miss Peare for Miss Walsh before returning to Miss Peare. Walsh's/Walchs (ROXburghshire) were kin of Benjamins, from Wallachia at the Rimna and Buzau rivers (the Trotus might have touched upon Wallachia). Babcocks share the lodged stag of Maxwells (ROXburghshire). Scottish Youngs, once said to be first found in Roxburghshire with their Leavell kin, share the Benjamin annulets.

Everytime I delve into this set of heraldry, there is so much to say that I get confused on what exactly I'm to be stressing from God, if anything.

Bricks on the Shingles

As French Benjamins use a giant bear, let's go to 2009, when I had a dream with a bear walking around with people in a community, a dream that had a small cottage or something that belonged to my mother. Why a bear with my mother? Due to this dream's circumstances, I think it lends evidence that she descends from the Varangian Rus, perhaps after they named Moscow:

This morning I was awake before dawn. I was still lying in bed, when I wondered whether Georgia was going to be in the news again as per the current political-opposition movement to unseat Saakashvili, it's president. I fell asleep again to be woken up by a mouse where the shoulder meets the neck. It was wiggling there, but as I tried to wake up, I couldn't move. Finally I was able to move, but there was no mouse.

The last time this happened was when, during sleep at about 4 am, I felt a mouse run along my leg. I got up to swat it, but there was no mouse. So I went online and found an article with a man's name adding up to 666. He was Saakashvili. Just before the "mouse" woke me on that morning (August 10), I had a dream about a bear attacking two deer, grasping one by the throat. On that day after I awoke, the Russians secured Georgia, and the Drudge Report had a headline: "Russian Bear Goes for West's Jugular."

So what does today's mouse mean? As soon as I awoke, I wondered whether the Russians were coming back down into Georgia...I got to the Georgian Times at noon to discover three articles on a Russian build-up of military muscle in Abkhazia.

In this picture, the mouse at my neck looks like a symbol of Moscow. But why did I feel the other mouse on my leg? Leggs were first found in Dumfries with Patents/PUTINs, and with Carsons/CORSONs (share BRIX lozenges). While Kepke lived on Henry CORSON with a my girlfriend at my age 20, Karen Whelan, Whelans not only have the Carson/Corson lozenges in colors reversed, but Whelans share the BRICK Coat, perhaps a pointer to the BRICS nations featuring Russia and China.

Although I moved from Senator Reesors drive near Kepke's place at 13, I met Karen Whelan at 20. Her home was about six properties from where I had lived on Senator Reesors drive. As I've said many times, at age 11 at that property, while waking up repeating, "no, I don't believe in you, God," lightning struck the chimney, scattering BRICKS all over our shingles. Reesors use a patee cross expected as code for the Massena-connectable Pattys/Pati's, very traceable to a Patti location in Messina. Once in Gormley, I met Patty RICE fairly immediately, and Reesors were a Rice branch. Reesors were first found in Lincolnshire with le Meschin's wife.

Scottish Patents are Putins too, and while English Patents are Pattens too, Pattons were once said (until 2023) to be first found in Shropshire with Meschins, but are now said to be first found in Cumberland, which was ruled by Ranulph le Meschin, very connectable to the Bricks, as I'll show as I get to it. Pattons have "James PaDYNE" in their write-up while Padyns are listed with Patents/Putins. DYNE's/Diens, once said to be first found in Sussex with Deins/Dene's who in turn share the giant Reesor lion, use patee crosses and probably the Masci wing.

Patents/Pattens share the Schole/SCAYLE Shield, and Scalia's, suspect in the "scaling ladder" of Trips, were first found in FLOREnce with Mosca's. Did God point things in this way to Putin in Moscow way back 50 years ago? Flore's (Sicily with Messina) and Flora's share the Patton and Masci fleur-de-lys. Flore's even have a Coat like that of Dane's (Sussex with Deins/Dene's).

Meschins descend from the Rollo Danes, and I've told a few times of when I (age 12/13) was talking to the Dane, Linda Henning, at her rear PATio door, who likewise lived on Senator Reesors drive! I think I now get that. Scottish Hennings/Hains have SCALLops and mascles. English Hennings (look like Seaman / Tucker kin) were first found in Norfolk with Roofs/Rolphs. The bricks were scattered on the roof. Rollo was also, Rolph.

Roofs/Rolphs have a Coat like that of Capes' while the latter share the SCALE scallops, in the colors of the Tailbois scallops. Le Meschin married Mrs. Taillebois.

There were CHIMney bricks all over our SHINgles'. Shings are listed with Irish Shine's while English Shins are also Chine's/Chings/CHIME's, a pointer to China, I reckon, making the chimney bricks look like a pointer to BRICS nations. But why? Is the 666 destined to be from BRICS? I hope not, because I don't see a 666 from BRICS nations happening anytime soon. Chimens are listed with Chimneys. Perhaps it's all a set of coincidences, not a pointer to anything.

Bricks were first found in Munster, which includes Waterford. Whelans were first found in Waterford with the Legg and Trump stag head in the Arms of Waterford County. Likewise first found in Waterford were the Corson-like Corrys/Currys while Scottish Corrys were first found in Dumfries with Leggs and Corsons. The Corry/CURRY Crest is a gold rooster, the color of the rooster on a TRUMPet in the Liver/Lever Crest. Curry is an Indian food while India is part of BRICS. Shins/Chings/Chime's have three fesses colors reversed from the three fessewise trumpets of the neighboring Calles'. While Waterfords are listed with Waterville's, the Waters/Waterville's show only three chevrons while Chimens/Chimneys show only a chevron in the same colors.

The lightning BOLT took the chimney down, and Boltons, first found in Lancashire with Bolts, Livers/Levers, GORsuch's and Such's, look like they share the Chimen/Chimney chevron. Waters/Waterville's were first found in Essex with the MOUSquette-branch MUSChats sharing their Coat, both showing nothing but triple chevrons in the colors of the triple fesses (show nothing else) of English GORmans. They are red fesses, same as the triple fesses of Shins/Chine's/Chings/Chime's. Chimneys use one chevron only, in the colors of those triple chevrons.

ZOWWWIE. While looking at "Gorman" above after writing it, I heard what sounds like, "president Gorman," on a video that was playing, that was a session of the ArriveCAN committee!!!! If you care to check, it's at 5:03 of this video dated February 13 (same day as I'm writing here), and so perhaps God's leading me to write today to point in-part to this scandal. The speaker (the chairman) in the video is referring to Canada Border Services Agency president, Erin O'Gorman. Is she another Nazi operative? Is this why I started on the Hunka-trudeau scandals this morning?

Welsh Gormans even share the Justin sword. The Primo's, likely in the "Primi" motto term of Welsh Gormans, were first found in Burgundy with the Sire's/SIRETs whom I link to Justins for multiple reasons. The Agarus river mentioned above is now the Siret, and Hagars were first found in Perthshire with Justins! Justins were related to the Wings/Winks in the wings of Gorhams, and the latter's fetterLOCKs are perfect because French Locks (in the colors and format of the Primo roses) were first found in Burgundy with Primo's. Fetterlocks are for FETTERs with more wings and a giant sun, and ProFETTs (beside Fothes'/Fette's/Fitts) share a giant leg (different color) with Prime's (not "Primo").

Are these things still looking like coincidences, or, if not, why should BRICS be pointed to along with Donald Trump? Why might Scottish Corrys be in Trudeau colors and format?

It's interesting that Feeters (not "Fetter") have two chevrons in the colors of the two BRAMton lions while Abrams/Abrahams, first found in BalFETH (Angus), share the Fetter Coat. The Abrams/Abrahams come up as "AdBURGHham," and so it appears that Dutch Bergers were married to Abrams because they have three of the Feeter chevrons. Feeters are listed with Clarens/Larins (Argyllshire with Campbells). Feeters/CLARens/Larins share the double fesses of Scottish Lise's/Lease's (Dumfries with Corrys and Corsons) while English Lease's ("CLARior"), sharing the sun (different color) with Fetters, use a "teneBRIS" motto term while Bris' are listed with Brick-branch Brix's sharing the lozenges of Corsons.

Corrys (Dumfries with BELLs and Corsons) look, by their Coat, like kin of Camps while the CampBELL motto looks related to the motto of Corsons (share Bell and Bellamy fesse). Bellamys share the crescents of Seatons (same place as Faux-branch Vaux's and Mascals/Keiths) who in turn share the green dragon in Crest with Corrys.

While Bricks were first found in Munster, location of County Cork, Hunkins, first found in Cornwall with Corks/CORE's, share the giant mascle of Faux's (Essex again) while Hank-loving Cottons were first found in Huntingdonshire with the Kemmis'/Kenys' sharing the Shin/Chine/Ching/Chime Coat. Kens' (Devon with Seaton location) have the Seaton / Bellamy crescents in colors reversed. Mythical Gorlois (part of Pendragon myth) of Cornwall was part-code for Gore's/CORE's sharing the crosslets of Windsors and Kiev-trackable Trips (Kent with Gore's/Core's). Windsors descended partly from Otters/Others (named mythical UTHER Pendragon), first found in Huntingdonshire.

I've told that I once managed a TILE store of Gorham drive. German Tile's are Tillers too. Corks/Core's use lion tails in the colors of the Tail/Tailor and Tiller lions while the latter Tillers (share Bellamy / Seaton crescents) were first found in Glamorganshire with Welsh Louis' and Lewis' (share green dragon with Scottish Corrys and Seatons), and then the French Louis'/Loys (Lorraine with Lorraine-related GORsuch's) share the lozenges of Bricks and Whelans (Waterford with Corrys/Currys and Corrins), which are in colors reversed from the lozenges of Corsons/Carsons (Dumfries with Scottish Corrys, Bells and Leggs). "Bello" is an Irish GORman motto term. This is how we can track the Legg stag head to the Arms of County Waterford. The Tintons use "royal tents" while "TENTamine" is a Legg motto term. Tintagel, in Cornwall with the first-known Tintons, is where Uther Pendragon mated with Gorlois' wife.

The lightning bolt scattered chimney bricks on the roof, and Bricks probably use the Massey fleur because Ranulph de Briquessart, ruler of the Bessin on behalf of the line from Malahule of More, was father to earl Ranulph le Meschin. This same line produced the Toeni's, and while English Tonys were first found in Leicestershire with Perkins, a Perching location is in the write-up of Waterfords/Waterville's whose "water lilies" are in the colors of the "flower" of Italian Tonys who in turn show water. Waterfords/Waterville's probably use a "talbot" dog in Crest because Talbots were from the Meschin kin of Tailbois' (Chief in Brick-Chief colors and format).

There is some possibility that Bricks were of the Brocks/Broke's and BolingBROKE's because le Meschin married Lucy Taillebois of Bolingbroke.

Perhaps there is a built-in pointer to ALEJANDRO MAYORkas, the Homeland Security chief (USA) i.e. in charge of the U.S. border. On a vote of 214-213, he was just impeached this week by the House run by Speaker Johnson. Mayors/Majors use a greyhound while Greys have the Talbot Coat in colors reversed, and then Belgian Alejandro's/Alessandro's happen to use only three dogs of the species often called, "talbots."

While Mayors/Majors are said to have married CorBEIL, the Beils share the Mayor/Major and Belly roses while Bellys share the Beil chevron, which is in the colors of the cross of Bailiffs/Bailiss', first found in Glamorganshire with Talbot-connectable Tillers. The Bailiff/Bailiss antelope design is the one of Single's/Singletarys and Muscats.

Beils were first found in Provence with French Majors/Majors, and with the French Larins sharing the scallops of Capes' who in turn share the giant Grey lion. Although I would have liked the Borders/BOARDers work into this, to convince me that it's an Arranged pointer to Mayorkas, the Boards/Bords, sharing the Single/Singletary martlets, happen to have another antelope. Obama's mother (Miss Dunham) descends from Jonathan Singletary-Dunham.

The Boards/Bords have a "PerFORATus" motto while Forets are listed with Forez's while French Bords were first found in Forez. Forets/Forez's have the Travers in their motto who in turn share the scallops of Talbot-related Meschins. According to the Travers write-up, Ranulph BRICesard was le Meschin's brother, and both their father is known to have been Ranulph de BRIQUESsart. Shards/Shirts were first found in Cheshire, where Meschins ruled, and where Hamon de Masci was a baron.

Le Meschin's heir was Ranulph de Gernon, and Gernons are said to have been at Montfitchet while Montfitchets are listed with Muschats. Muscats/Mousquette's (the ones with the Single antelope) were first found in Cambridgeshire with the Hounds suspect in the Mayor/Major greyhound. Meschins are also Masculine's while Masci's and Maschi's are listed with Mascelli's / Maskalys while Mascals were first found in Sussex with Boards/Bords while Mussels/Muscels were first found in Lincolnshire with Tailbois'. Mascals were likely kin of Saddocks who are in turn linkable to the Board/Bord / Chaddock Coat.

Mascals/Keiths can be of the Keats who in turn use the Alejandro Coat but with cats instead of talbot dogs. Cattans (Norfolk with cat-using Catch's and Roofs) have cats looking related to the lions of Tillers (same place as Bailiffs). Catch's share the scallops of French Mare's/More's (perhaps from Malahule of More, the Meschin ancestor). Mayor-connectable Bellys were first found in MORay. Scottish Mare's/Mars (Yorkshire with Chimneys) have two of the Roof lions, and the Mare/Mar Coat is almost the Gernon Coat. Some say Malahule was born in Maer (Norway).

Bailiffs/Bailiss' come up as "Balas" while English Balls were first found in Cheshire while French Balls share large ermines with Balas'/Bailiffs/Bailiss' while BALSo D'espaines (google is hiding the latter) was Malahule's grandson. Balso is said to have been a brother of Anschitil Toeni, and while Toeni's were at Les ANDELys, that's where I trace ANTELopes (used by Balas'/Bailiffs/Bailiss). The anteLOPE can be code also for the Lupus'/Welfs (Cheshire) expected in the "lupus" motto term of Cattans. Cheshire is where Mayor-like Mare's/Mayers' were first found, yet I still would have liked to see the Border/Boarder surname work into this MAYORkas section.

ALEXANDER BALAS was a Seleucid king suspect by me as the forerunner to the anti-Christ according to Daniel 11 prophecy. I'm noting ALEJANDRO Mayorkas.

Some do not show Malahule's descent to the Meschins possibly because they don't like to see Italians there. There were plenty of Italian kin by marriage of the Rollo-Norman line.

Below, we see parliamentarian, Larry Brock, unveiling that O'Gorman (whom he's addressing) was the one who should have known who contracted GC Strategies, the company under fire for laundering millions of ArriveCAN dollars. It seemed above that O'Gorman was being pointed to by God while I was writing on the bricks upon the shingles, and we know now that the Chinese had re-elected trudeau by election fraud and other unwarranted, intrusionary tactics:

Larry Brock said that "eight executives at the Public Health Agency of Canada, who worked on the ArriveScam App, were bonused $340,000..." That's an average of $40,000 each, but the point is, the heads of the very department tasked with keeping citizens safe were apparently paid off with this, and perhaps other unknown, bribes to kill and maim people by coercing them to become vaccinated before returning into the country.

The same wicked spirit then attacked all truckers re-entering, which, had they complied, would have come round to everyone else with the threat of imprisonment. Just the thought that, apart from God, the truckers would have complied, has me asking how safe it is to endure the tribulation period in this country.

Here's O'Gorman admitting that GC Strategies was hired by a pre-determined, rigged plot of the trudeau parasites, but she pretends that she's innocent of any of it when all along, while she was the president in place of the previous president who rigged it, she was keeping it all hidden from the investigative committee, and from others at earlier times who were demanding / requesting what the scandal entailed, or who was responsible for the illegalities:

Perhaps the money passed through GC Strategies was for illegally paying off the Chinese elements that gave trudeau his election win. Perhaps this is why I was writing on my shingles today. The italics below is what I was writing when I heard "president O'Gorman" in a video just as I was looking at the Gorman surname: "Waters/Waterville's were first found in Essex with the MOUSquette-branch MUSChats sharing their Coat, both showing nothing but triple chevrons in the colors of the triple fesses (show nothing else) of English GORmans." These triple chevrons are in colors reversed with Shingle-like Single's/Singletarys who in turn share the black antelope in Crest with Mousquette's/Muscats who in turn share two of the three Shin/Ching/Chime fesses, and moreover the lion heads of Mousquette's/Muscats are in the colors of the giant Shing/Shine lion.

The trudeau government was threatening Canadians with fines as large as $750,000 for refusing to re-enter the country via the ArriveCAN program. We can readily tell that this was a money-making scam in more than one way, a diabolical assault by a prime minister upon his own people based on a faked need for extravagant safety measures. DIABOLICAL.

Here's an explanation as to how ArriveCAN was an integral part of the COVID-vaccine scheme. When you hear that this system put thousands of people into quarantine by mistake, was it really a mistake, or a deliberate part of the software program that "incarcerated" the non-vaccinated? The woman is calling merely for the firing from political office for those responsible for this CRIME. Huh? Only that?

I've learned this week that GC Strategies, a two-man operation, was paid a walloping $250M in tax money on behalf of dozens of contracts with the trudeau government. Therefore, Conservatives are calling for a unique investigation into this company, which will only make trudeau squirm publicly all the more. He's going to be busy covering his criminal tracks and spouting off that he's done nothing wrong, and all of his top government spies will be found complicit, fellow leaches.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian FBI, is looking into ArriveCAN criminality as we speak, and trudeau's cabinet is, as we speak, saying that it's not prepared to fire anyone, no matter how unethically / irresponsible they have been, unless they are charged criminally. Will the RCMP destroy its credibility / respect further, by coming up with a slap on the wrist? The chief pigs will be despised around every dinner table.

Here's the latest scoop on the GC laundry machine:

The video above, in case you didn't watch it, was an official motion to investigate the more than $250M dollars of work allotted to GC Strategies, and the committee voted 9-0 i.e. even the liberals were forced to vote for it for fear of being scandalized before their constituents. That's how bad this is for trudeau, the one with excrement on his cheeks, yet he smiles in all jubilation before his accusers, while stomping his feet to the beat of the devil playing in his head, with smoke spitting out his nostrils he loudly proclaims he's done nothing wrong.

I've said a million times that the Justin surname is from Justine of Picenum, wife of emperor VALENTINian I, and here on Valentine's Day, news first comes out of law suits against those who enforced or abused justin's emergency act! However, while one court announced the Act to be illegal, the case will be appealed, and, with good chances, the next judges may decide that it wasn't illegal. On the other hand, by the time this issue returns to a higher court, trudeau's corruption will be so out in the open that it would be disastrous for the reputation of judges to side with his martial law based on zero.

Jesus Wants Division

Here's a Christian pastor making a prayer in Congress that wasn't allowed to be made there unless it was submitted in writing first to a speech governor of the House. Is that the right way to do it? Perhaps this prayer-request wouldn't have made in Congress had not the current Speaker of the House been a Christian.

I agree with the prayer above, a request for righteousness in the land. It's what I've grieved for ever since I became a Christian, which is why Trump disappoints me so badly, one who feigns a partnership with Christians. Why would God allow a leader such as he? Is He sorely disappointed with hypocritical believers, and is He causing them to side with Trump in order to condemn them with, "I never knew you"?

Here's Luke:

“I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled! I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished! Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three.

At first, it seems that his "baptism," by which He means His death, was out of place in this passage, but in fact, it's central because the Sacrifice is the very cause of the division, which He craves for. It's important that He's revealing that He craves for their punishment. he could pray for the Roman soldiers to be forgiven, but for the chief priests who saw His miracles, heard his righteous interpretations of Scripture, and who set up false witnesses to murder Him, He does not pray for their forgiveness, but wishes for the fire. He's "itching," to use street language, for the condemnation of those who cause the division. And after they killed Him, they did even divide Israel against His followers to the point of wanting the leaders dead.

He claims that He's caused the division, the same One who calls us to be peacemakers, yet He causes it, not by being impish or evil in any way, but by making peaceful disciples. It's those who hate these peacemakers who do the evil and cause division. That's why it's important that we "love" our enemies, that we might not be accused of causing the division, the war. The devil provokes people to anger, then accuses them of being angry misfits or "far-right extremists." And in this way do they cause division.

One can capsulize the entire Plot of God, from the foundation of the world, as one in which His making followers of Jesus causes His enemies to condemn themselves and thus be undeserving of ruling the planet. Through the fruits of the Sacrifice, the Creator is justified in removing the devil's sons from power in the earth. Therefore, it is necessary that the peacemakers in Jesus, who are very familiar with the essential value of righteousness everywhere, be persecuted that the devil can be de-throned.

Yet I become disturbed and downcast at the prospect of this persecution. I often lament to God that I would be perfectly fine with His condemning the enemy apart from our suffering severe persecution. I don't mind being hated or ridiculed, or even being jailed for a short while, but I become downcast at such things as John the Baptist beheaded, or James Zebedee put to the sword so early in his apostleship, or Stephen stoned to death. BUT, without question, when such things take place, the kingdom of darkness suffers immense backlashes, and the biggest backlash of all, the fire that Jesus kindles, is from what He suffered. This was the decision of God in going forward to the New Kingdom, and we may as well accept it as the best-possible one even if we can't be comfortable with it.

The Plot of God was to rectify, or justify, anyone who places themselves under persecution for the name of Jesus. Anyone who chooses Him over parents or spouses or children or cousins or bosses, or over anyone else who is prone to distancing us i.e. causing division, will be saved. And those who confess the supreme value of Jesus publicly will be honored before the angels of God, but anyone who is too ashamed to mention Jesus publicly, as is the case for most Canadians, will be Disowned before the angels.

When we understand that those who accuse Jesus do so in ignorance, what is there to be afraid of in opposing them? Why be afraid of a stupid person? Because they will make fun of us if we do? We can't let them get away with this. We can't stay silent just because they will think evil of us. Who cares what someone thinks of us in a little, 5-inch noggin. It's a noggin en route to destruction, so why be afraid of it?

On the other hand, Jesus did say not to share our pearls with pigs because they will then attack us. So, in some cases, when it's police pigs, for example, who are itching to persecute Christians, it's at times best not to share salvation with them. Like when Jesus stayed silent before Herod as the latter questioned him during His kangaroo trial. I venture to say that the Spirit of God will let you know the dire danger you are in when before the authorities so that you don't speak anything that will automatically hurt you in ways He doesn't want for you.

My problem is that I would rather lash out at an authority when being mistreated by him/her, something very much in the way John the Baptist spoke. I'm just like that. I can't help myself when I think I can get away with it. Even my wife disliked it when I blasted (on the phone) the editor of the local paper for allowing his employee to write an editorial calling political-active Christians, "nazis," for example, and opening the door to respecting faggots without acknowledging their sin.

I hate it when an auto mechanic / carmaker acts with corruption, but I hate it far more when authorities do so, and now, after the pitiless onslaught of armies of abortionists, over decades, the other doctors and politicians together have sunk to levels far lower than one who abuses / boobytraps merely your car to make extra money. The Fire is coming, but John the Baptist will get his head back much better than before.

We are the good dividers. Everytime we open our mouths to speak on Jesus' behalf, we inadvertently fuel division against ourselves. When Jesus prayed that we should be one in mind and purpose, the prayer will be answered when God eliminates the rotten dividers.

Tom Haviland Points to Trump, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab

THIS IS THE BIGGEST NEWS STORY OF THE DAY. John Campbell is once again talking about the long "clots" (not the best word) that have been found in deceased people, by embalmers, only since 2021, the first year of the COVID vaccines. These items are mysterious because they had never before appeared in bodies. They take the shape of the interior walls of blood vessels. Look at how frightening this is, how horrible, and yet the medical world refuses to tackle this terror from the vaccine tyrants, to expose it, which is why nobody should trust the medical establishment with their lives, I lament. Treat doctors far more carefully / eyes-wide-open than you would the corrupt car mechanic:

The guest in the video above says that these worm-like growths can take 6 to 18 months before they kill people suddenly by a stroke or heart attack, and this can explain the many sudden deaths seen from athletes who were in the midst of exerting their bodies. One can imagine that the tough treatment to the body in sports activities could break loose some piece of the "worm" so that it clogs an artery sufficient to cause cardiac arrest or a stroke. How horrible this is that the world which pretends to care about people, the politicians and the media, the police agencies and the courts, do not want to listen to what you hear in this video. It's the Twilight Zone we are now living in.

The speaker in the video says that, when he enquired around, 44 embalmers claimed to see these worms in 2020, BEFORE the vaccines were rolled out. But this speaker should be more careful in his analysis of those 44 claims, because there are likely more embalmers who are pro-vaccine than not, and some of those will lie when claiming the existence of these worms in 2020 for the sole purpose of quelling accusations against the vaccines. We could certainly expect that the vaccine companies paid off at least 44 embalmers to write in to this speaker to make the false claims.

Just look at what he's saying, that, in 2023, a year or two after people en-mass stopped receiving vaccines, 20 percent of the deceased who were embalmed had these worm-clots, and 30-percent in 2022. That is a huge percentage, suggesting that this thing is rivaling, if not surpassing, any other cause of death as the chief cause. It predicts that deaths of all kinds went up by about 30-percent due to the addition of COVID deaths to expected deaths by other causes, and some insurance companies even reported a 40-percent increase in death claims soon after the vaccine roll-out.

We can assume that most of those who died in 2023 received the vaccines in 2021. If you were vaccinated a year ago, you stand a good chance of dying in the next 12 months. If that doesn't make you feel like killing those responsible, you have no sense of proper justice. And then there's the question of the same poison(s) in vaccines being stuck into foods / livestock in the name of fighting the pandemic. The sooner the people responsible are rung through the courts, the better, the only problem being that many judges are supporting this crime. But, not for much longer, as things are now going, for we may have turned the corner, where even the spouses, children and friends of those ignorant judges are despising them. Apply and keep the pressure on dirty-rat judges.

Plus, there are people dying and become severely maimed (probably won't live as long as they would otherwise) in other ways by the vaccines, and still the entire world is hush on this killing machine. HELL IS JUSTIFIED ALREADY, yet world events will become more evil yet, you wait and see.

At the 21st minute of the video above, we see that, of 269 embalmers, only 73 percent saw the worm-clots into 2023, which can mean that the vaccines catering to this new "disease" were regional i.e. not distributed in all regions. Some of those saying they did not may be activist pro-vaxxers (such activists can be fueled by political / ideological / diabolical / self-interested concerns).

After the 21st minute, the speaker, Tom Haviland (deserves a medal), says that even more than 73-percent of the embalmers saw blood that looks like "coffee grounds," which reminds me on my coffee in Victoria, Texas, because the events of that day pointed to poison vaccines. I told that I bought a newspaper too, with the coffee, to check want-ads for vacant Texas property. I told many times that I did buy a Texas property (seven months later) directly on the Nueces river while News' are also Nuces', and then the Veins/Veyns (NEWman colors and format), I now see, use a tiger head. The property was purchased from Mrs. Teague, and I showed, in the last update, how Tigers were a Teeger branch.

Load the Vein surname now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames so that you can follow better.

The Veins/Veyns have variations suggesting a branch of the Veynes variation of Fane's/Vans, and while the latter were first found in Monmouthshire with Howells, Howls/OWLs are in the TEGGERt/Taggart owl, and were first found in Suffolk with Tigers. Mrs. Teague was born, Miss Friend, and the ermined-white chevron of Friends is shared by Fane-branch Wayne's/Weyns (share gauntlets of Fane). The pelican in the Wayne/Weyn Crest is likely code for the Pellicans who in turn show a giant tower colors reversed from the Howell towers. The Thors, having the Howell Coat in colors reversed, were first found in Devon with Fenns/Venns, Fauns and Gates'.

As an aside, i.e. not necessarily pointing to Bill Gates, the Gates Coat looks related to the one of Cage's/Cagers (same place as Kiss-branch Cass') while Teague's/Teegers/Cague's/KAIGs show a Caige variation, and share the brown wolf head in Crest with Reesors (same place as Kiss-branch Custs) who in turn share the vaired patee cross with Friend-like Ferrands. Mrs. Teague was born from Mr. Friend, and Friends are in the colors and format of Halperts/Halberts who happen to have a brown wolf in Crest. Halbert-like English Alberts use a "sledge" while Sledge's/Sleigh's, likewise in Halperts/Halbert colors and format, share the gold fitchee with Halpers/Halfpennys and Halps/Halfs, the latter first found in Lincolnshire with Reesors. Sledge's/Sleigh's share the owl (different color) with the brown one of Tegerts/Taggarts.

I suggest that Cohens/KAGans and Cohens/Cons were from Khazar kagans, and Cohens/Cons even share the Coat of Italian Ferrands and Cager-like Checkers.

Fawns (not "Faun") were first found in Berwickshire with Scottish Arthurs/Arters who probably share the Wayne/Weyn pelican for a related reason, because the latter's Coat is in the colors and format of Irish Arthurs. Compare "Arthur/Arter" to "artery," then compare Veins to Wayne variations. Coincidence, or Planned? Wayne's are in the colors and format of Irish Arthurs. Arthurs/Arturs and Wayne's share the pelican in Crest with Yards (Devon with Fauns/Vauns) while Yardleys share a Petty Coat while another Petty Coat uses a compass "needle." What are the chances? Yards are in Pater colors and format, and Paters share the KilPATRick and Patrick saltire.

Yardleys and Pettys share the quadrants of Lutts/Lute's. The latter were first found in Worcestershire with Wainers/WainWRIGHTs/Wayns (not far from the first-known Weins/Veyns), and share the Parr border. Rights/Wrights (Wainer colors), sharing the double fesses of Parrs, look like kin of nearby Doors. Parr-branch Parrys were kin of Hinds while the Perry hind is probably in the Yardley Crest holding the Parrot pear, for Pettys use the parrot.

Lutts/Lute's, sharing the Gates lion, as well as a Petit lion, were at a Hales area while the Hales Coat is much like the Gates and Door Coat. The Arrows/Arras' in the Hales Coat, from Artois, were first found in Staffordshire with Yardleys. The Draytons, likewise from this Hales area, have a near copy of the Gates Coat. Draytons were first found in Shropshire with Medleys and Motleys while Meads were first found in the same place as Pettys.

I see the "OBstantia" motto term of Scottish Arthurs/Arters as code for tiger-using Hobs' (Berwickshire with Arthurs), and while Hobbs use "hawks," Hawkeswells were first found in Suffolk with Tigers. Arthurs of Clapton are online in marriage to pelican-using Meads, a branch of tiger-using Medleys (share bars-gemel of Monmouths). Mead-branch Meadows (share the Wayne/Weyn chevron), in Friend colors and format, were first found in Suffolk with Vein-beloved Tigers.

Meads are also Meats, suspect in the "geoMETRiam" motto term of Irish Pettys (Warwickshire with Meads/Meats). Meters share the fleur-de-lys of Vein-connectable Wansteads/Weiners, and we might add that the double Meter fesses are shared by Wake's, the latter first found in Lincolnshire with Halps/Halfs who in turn share the Shield of Kerrys who in turn share the bees and hive with the Crest of Irish Pettys.

This worm-clot story from Mr. Haviland should be stopping the world. The killers are getting away with it, and are gearing up to re-vaccinate the world as they do drips-and-drabs even now. Social-media owners need to blow-horn this story. The sort of man I was hoping to come along, to expose the worm-clot assault as real and rampant, is this Tom Haviland. He's done the data gathering sufficient to prove guilt to any reasonable listener. This video has over a million views over the past week, and key social-media people can get that up to 50 million if they all cared enough to revisit this story's progression.

I can link Havilands to Halpers/HALFpennys and Halps/Halfs. The first thing I note with Havilands is their "Dominus" motto term, for they share the Domino tower. I also noticed that they share towers in both colors used for them by Hickenson-branch Higgins/Hickens. The latter's "Pro patria" motto should be code for Pero's (Piedmont with Domino's) and Peartree's/Patria's. The Pierro's/Pero's were first found on the Tessin river, where I trace the Tease's/Tess' and Tiss'/Teece's, and these elements are suspect in the "Dominus forTISSima" motto phrase of Havilands.

The Tiss-like Thistle's/Tissels, I kid you not, were first found in the Channel Islands, which includes Guernsey. The Havilands have: "The Haviland family lived in Somerset and Guernsey." Fauch's show nothing but thistles! Jewish Mayers share the fleur-de-lys of WAINrights/Wainers/Wayns (Worcestershire, beside Veins/Veyns and Halpers/Halfpennys).

Fauchys use a "grassHOPPER", and the Hopper Crest is essentially the white tower in the Haviland Crest!!! While MAYERs/Majors (Fauci-connectable anchor) were first found in Guernsey with Havilands, there's DittMAYERs. Hoppers (beside Veins/Veyns) use a "SubDITus" motto term while Ditts/Diots, likely a branch of Diems/Dittmayers (same place as German Teegers) in the "diem" motto term of Teague's/Teegers, use stripe-less tigers. Vein-connectable Wayne's use "acciDIT OMNibus" while Omens were first found in Sussex with Tigers. Hoppers use an "est" motto term while Italian Este's share the eagle of Fauns (Devon). We read: "The name of Hopper is also established in Cambridgeshire and DEVONshire."

Ditts/Diots share the giant tiger of Dwights, the latter first found in Derbyshire with Knee-branch NEEDhams/Knies' who are in turn in the write-up of Haviland-connectable Halpers/Halfpennys. The Knots/Cnuts in the "wake knot" of Meter-connectable Wake's were first found in Derbyshire. Hopper-like Hope's/Hopers, now said to be first found in Shropshire with NEEDle's -- a pointer to vaccine shots into veins -- were once said to be first found in Derbyshire (beside the Dol Alans and MEDleys of Shropshire) with their Hope location. Needhams/Knies' share the phoenix with Knee's, and Phoenix's/FENwicks look like a branch of Fane's/Veynes'/Phone's and thus a branch also of Veins/Veyns. Again, a "needle" is used by Pettys who share a beehive with bees in Crest with Kerrys who in turn share the Shield of Halps/Halfs. The Fane-branch Fiens/Finis' were first found in Kent with Petty-like Petits and Petts.

I've just noticed for the first time that the Needhams/Knies phoenix, once showing exactly like the Phoenix/Fenwick phoenix, has had a design change. I wonder why.

More. Vein/Veyn-connectable Fields have the Derby Coat in colors reversed. Dittons were first found in West Derby. Dittons have a griffin in Crest while the House of Griffin was first found in Pomerania with Deeters/Teeters and Dols, and then the latter share the fesse of Ditters/Dettlers (Bohemia with the matriarch of Dol-connectable Drummonds).

Dols share the Dutch Gaunt fesse, and the Griffins share "Ne vile" with Vein-connectable Fane's/Vans/Veynes' (GAUNTlets). Veins/Veyns almost have the Field Coat probably due to the following in the Field write-up: "Robert de Felde was listed as a Templar in Gloucestershire in 1185..." Veins/Veyns were first found in Gloucestershire, beside the first-known Hoppers in Wiltshire, and beside also the first-known Fane's/Vans/Veynes' of Monmouthshire.

Veins/Veyns are in Newman colors and format, and the "amor" motto term of Newmans is excellent because I aim to go to Amori's, first found in Sardinia with the Avezzano's who can in turn be connected to Haviland branches.

Back to the "PRO patria" motto of Higgins/Hickens, for while the Trump stag head is used by Patria's/Peartree's, Pero-branch Peare's were first found in Oxfordshire with their kin, the Teins, and so note "proTEIN," for Mr. Haviland says that the worm-clots are thought to be made of proteins. Teins share the Pavia martlets while Pierro's/Pero's were first found at Pavia. The Peare's and Teins are both in the colors and format of Arters for a good, potential pointer to "arteries," for the Arter Crest shares the pelican with the Pullen Crest. Pullens share the martlets of Landrys, first found in Lorraine with Clots and Perins while Pero's are also Perino's.

We're off to a good start, lots to work with, and there's much more. Hickensons and Higgins/Hickens were both first found in SLIGo, and then Slicks happen to share a gold fitchee cross with Halpers/Halfpennys and Halps/Halfs. The Halper/Halfpenny fitchee is held by a SEATed, brown lion while the Slick fitchee is held by a seated white lion. The Slicks use owls, and while Owls are also Howells, the HOWELLs have the Haviland/HAVIL Coat in different colors. The Hucks, once said to be first found in Yorkshire with Hicks, use owls too. Hicks are now said to be first found in Lincolnshire with Halps/Halfs.

Halps/Halfs were first found in Lincolnshire with Vicks/Vecks while Weeks/Wike's were first found in Somerset with Havilands. The Vicks/Vecks are in the colors and format of German CLOTs/Klotz's. See anything suspicious here? Clots/Klotz's were first found in Hesse with the Rasmussens who in turn share the giant Schwab unicorn. This is a decent pointer to Klaus Schwab because Klaus'/Claus' can be of the Clauds/Clausels/CLOTs! Zinger.

Klaus Schwab runs the WEF, and WEFers almost have the Coat of Vein-connectable Fauns/PHONES'. Wefers (Scottish-Door colors and format) were first found in Herefordshire with Gates-connectable English Doors. The Fauns are also Vauns while Vaughns are also vaccine-like Vychans.

Vick-like Vise's/Vice's (same place as Acorns) are connectable to Tromps who in turn share the acorns of Clauds/Clausels/CLOTs, what make ye of this trio: Bill Gates, Donald Trump and Claus Schwab? Can the Phones variation, and the Phone variation of Fane's/Vans/Veynes', point to murder by phone call to those having graphene-oxide in their bodies? Trump-connectable calls, by the way, were kin of SHOTs. Pointer to vaccine shots? Fane's/Vans/Veynes' come up as "Fien," as do the Finis' that substitute the Fane gauntlet gloves with lions in the colors of the Gates lions, which can explain why Gates' were first found in Devon with Fauns/Phone's. Veins/Veyns were first found beside the first-known Havilands.

As Tom Haviland above is exposing vaccine murders, it's very notable that Havilands have red GATES on their towers. Usually, in heraldry, towers do not have gates in a special color, and so we can assume that Havilands (Somerset with Ducks) were related to the neighboring Gates'. The latter were first found in Devon with Hick-branch Hooks, and with Hykes'/Hacks, which evokes Kent HECKENlively, another man whose revealed COVID-vaccine corruption. This is a possible pointer to Bill Gates. Heckens/Hacks (Holland) are even in the format of, and colors reversed from, DUCK-using Have's/Haafs (Belgium). Halps/Halfs are also Helps while the Helpe river is partially in Belgium.

WEFers (Wafer branch) were first found in HEREFORDshire who almost have the Faun/Vaun Coat. I'd like to go back to the Vaughns/Vychans who almost have the Maston/Meston/Marston Coat: "The surname Vaughn was first found in Shropshire, where they were descended from Tudor TREVOR, the Earl of HEREFORD,..." The Moses'/Moys (Shropshire with Vaughns/Vychans) tell of "Vychan, Lord of Mostyn." Mostyns, with almost the "Dominus" motto term of Havilands, and almost a motto term also of Halps/Halfs, share the Coat of Trevors/Trefors (Herefordshire), and then Mustans (Yorkshire with Tanks/Tancreds, Hicks, and Masters/MOSTers) are in the colors and format of Higgs and Tanks/Tancreds, the latter a branch of Tankerville's (Lincolnshire with Halps/Halfs).

A Tancred family was ancestral to the Guiscard kings of southern Italy, and though I don't know that history well, they may have been in control of SARDinia, which can explain the "amore" motto term of Granthams, for Tankerville's were at Grantham. Shirts/SHARDs are in Tank/Tancred colors and format, as are Mustans who use swords while Swords are also SWARDs.

Granthams almost have the Coat of CorBEILs who are in turn in the write-up of Majors/Mayers, the latter first found in Guernsey with early Havilands. This can explain why Spanish Majors share the checks of Halpers/HalfPENNYs, and may help to identify the Penny greyhound with the Major/Mayer greyhound. French Majors were first found in Provence, signalling GUERin of Provence as a Guernsey liner. Guernsey elements could be in the motto of Shots/Shute's/CHUTE's because the latter share swords of appropriate colors with Mustans (Shirt/Shard colors and format). Cute's, first found in Lincolnshire with Halps/Halfs and Tankerville's, have another greyhound. MontaCUTE's were first found in Somerset with Havilands. End of history lesson, back to pointers to poison vaccines.

Heckens/Hacks are in Vein/Veyn colors and format while Hykes'/Hacks were first found in Devon with Fenns/Venns and Fauns. The theme with Veins goes well with blood clots where Bloods/Bluds (lodged stags) can be realized as kin of Higgs. The Hake's, first found in Norfolk with the Higgs who are in their colors and format, once came up as "Hykes." The Tigers in the Vein Crest were first found in Suffolk with Blood-connectable Lodge's and Hawkeswells.

The Higgs probably use "bucks" because Hicks (Yorkshire with Hague's) have a "buck" head while English Bucks were first found in Norfolk with Higgs. The Tiss', who were suspect in the Haviland motto, share the Hake and Higg chevron, and were first found in Hampshire with the Hawks who in turn use a motto, "Strike." The Strike's/Strakers jibes with "Haco STEKE" in the Higg write-up, especially as Higgs were first found in Norfolk with the Pilgrims in the so-called "pilgrims staves" of Hawks. This nails the Hawks to the Hake's and Higgs, all-three branches.

The new-to-me Strecks/Strucks/StreichLEIGH's share the Coat of English BACKs, the latter first found in Somerset with Havilands and Ducks while Have's/Haafs show only ducks. Duce's (Staffordshire with Higgs-beloved Arrows) look like kin of Hatch's/Hacch's. Hicks' are said to have been at Low LEIGHton, and the Leighs/LEGHs/Leys share the Coat of Strike's/Strakers. Keep those Backs and Leghs in mind.

The Leigh/Legh and Streck/Struck lion is the giant one also of Claus'/KLAUS' while Clauds/Clausels (share acorns of Fauci-related Tromps) are also CLOTS, how about that. Leggs, first found in Dumfries with Kilpatricks, almost have the Trump Coat.

Sleeping Beauty

This topic can now go to Miss Hicks, who became Mrs. Kilpatrick (real person, married to a doctor), played "Sleeping Beauty," as I call her, in my 1979 dream, exactly 50 years, almost to the day, before the Apophis asteroid. King Apophis was a HYKSos.

She was hovering on her BACK, or LYing on her back, and while doing so, I leaned down to KISS her awake, but inadvertently touched her LEG instead, to wake her. Leghs are also Lye's/Lie's. Kiss'/Cush's, first found in Leicestershire with the LEGro river, use "fountains" while Fountains, kin of Higg-like Hugs/Hughes', were first found in Norfolk with Hake's, Higgs, Hewletts/HUGHlitts and Hatter-connectable Haydens and Heads/Heeds. Beautys were kin of Haydens and Hats/Hades' (Dorset with Beautys, beside Edricks). Hewletts/Hughlitts essentially share the Hatter/Hetterick Coat. The main point is the Hugs, for after she awoke, she popped into my arms, and while HUGGing, rising together into the sky, end of dream.

The heraldic fountains under discussion have the Coat of German Drummonds in colors reversed, inside roundels, and I say that Trumps (stag) were a Drummond branch, especially as Drummonds were from Hungarians who had claimed a mythical stag in their ancestry. The Dyke's are in the Coat of fountain-using Sichs/Sykes', and Dice's are Deise's too while Waterford County, at a Deise region, has the Trump stag head and the Drummond waves, and moreover Waterfords/Waterville's use fountains too.

Leicestershire is where Dexters were first found who share the double chevrons of Hug-like Hucks. The dream appears tailored to heraldry links between kin (married people were legally permitted to share heraldry).

[Insert -- The WHO (World Health Organization) can now be pointed to where Whoo's are also Hugh-like Hoo's who are in the colors and format of HUTTons. HUGHtons/Haughtons, with the Whoo/Hoo and Hutton fesse in colors reversed, were first found in Cheshire with Hugh Lupus. Huttons were first found in Preston while Prestons, with the double fesses of Sleeps in colors reversed, are in Beauty colors and format, and having the Head/Heed Coat in colors reversed. Heads/Heeds were a branch of Haydens who in turn share the bull of Beautys (Dorset with Hats/Hades'). I'll add that the stag heads of Huttons are in the colors of the Trudeau stags.

Huttons were first found in LEYland while Leghs/Leys (Cheshire with Hugh Lupus) were probably pointed to by Sleeping Beauty. Let me show you how. Prestons were first found in Lincolnshire with Halps/Halfs so that the tower in the Preston Crest could be the Haviland Crest. The World HEALTH Org can be pointed to by Helts/Helds because they share the HICKson Coat (both show only EAGle LEGs).

I had pointed the Helts/Helds to Fauci's EcoHEALTH, adding that Sleeping Beauty and I were holding each other (when hugging) as a pointer to Holds/Holts i.e. like Helts/Helds. Holds/Holts and Holders/Holdings were first found in Lancashire with Huttons of Leyton. The Hoo-like Hoe's have a Coat like that of Eggertons, the latter first found in Cheshire, where Eggs/Eage's were once said to be first found whose Coat looks related to the one of Ice/ECCO's/Icke's. I had pointed the Ecco's, with very good reasons, to "ECOhealth," and later realized that Hicks come up as "Icke" too. Eggs/Eage's of Cheshire may have been kin of Cheshire's Savage's/Sava's because the latter use the EAGle Coat in colors reversed.

Eggs were first found in Worcestershire with WAINERs/Wainwrights/Wayns while Childs, who share half the Egg eagle, were at Wanstead while Wansteads are also Weiners/Winners. Childs were first found in Hertfordshire with Preston-like Prests/Press', and with Nuse's/Newes' (possibly in Haviland motto) whose double pale bars can be the one of Biss' because Eggs were at Bisley, in Gloucestershire with Veins/Veyns (Biss colors). Bisleys were first found in Berkshire with Biks/BICHs, and with the Sava-like Shaws/Sheaves' while Veins/Veyns use wheat sheaves. Bessin-branch Bissons/Bistons were first found in Worcestershire with Wainers. Childs were first found in Hertfordshire with Becker-branch Beach's/Bechs while the other Beckers (Bessin / Bisson format) share the checks of French Bissons/BICHons. The first Beckers use a "Bis" motto term, and a stag head colors reversed from the Preston stag heads.

Hicks-connectable Ice's/Ecco's, first found in Mecklenburg with Trumps, share the eagle of Brandenburgs while Trumps are said to have been from a Trampe's of Brandenburg. In different colors, the Trump Coat is the one of German Hecks. The Brandenburgs happen to share a black eagle on one half of the Shield only, same with Dutch Tromps. The Tromp eagle is in the colors of the Helt/Held / Hickson eagle legs. End insert]

To be exact, I saw my hand brush her knee as I leaned to kiss her, and Knee's (County DOWN) share the stag head of Tromp-beloved Acorns. German Backs use a "steer" while the Nee variation of Knee's can be in the "ne" motto term of Steers. The English Back eagle is shared by Ice's/ICKE's (Mecklenburg with Trumps) while Hicks come up as "Icke" too. "Ne" is a motto term also of Vein-connectable Fane's/Vans/Phone's. Acorns were first found in Sussex with the Dunham-connectable Downs/Douns whose giant stag is in the colors of the Trump stag head. The Haviland-beloved Domino's can easily be of the Domine variation of Dunhams, first found in Norfolk with Haviland-connectable Hake's and Higgs.

As the Steer motto may have the Cedes variation of Seats while Seaton is a location in Devon i.e. near to the first-known Gates', one can begin to make the case that the Steer Coat is the Gates Coat in other colors. There seems to be plenty of evidence that the hovering on her back of Sleeping Beauty points to killer vaccines by Bill Gates. He can't sue anyone who labels him as a vaccine killer because the evidence is huge. Multiple African nations want his death on account of what his vaccine programs there have done.

Steers have a Stert variation in their write-up, and English Stewarts were first found in Devon with Gates'. The double pale bars of Cedes'/Seats are used in the Arms of Ille-et-Vilaine, which is the province where proto-Stewart Alans of Dol lived. The pale bars of Ille-et-Vilaine are wavy, and in colors reversed from the wavy fesse of Dols. Steers were first found in Surrey, where DOLfins were once said to be first found. Steers are said to be first found with HUGo de Villana (Somerset) while Miss Hicks and I were hugged in a rapture scene after I woke her up.

"Cede" is shared between Steers and English Amore's, the latter first found in Oxfordshire with "Godwin NIEweman listed in the Pipe Rolls of Oxfordshire in 1169... " (Newman write-up). This can explain why Nee-like Nie's/Neys (Newman colors) almost have the Amore / Damory/Amori Coat. Newmans also mention early "Nieuweman" in Sussex, where Knee-connectable Acorns and Vise's/Vice's were first found.

Leigh's/Leghs/Lye's/Lie's use a BROKen spear while Broke's/Brocks (Essex with Hicks of Low LEIGHTON) share the Stewart motto, and then the Dol Alans lived in Shropshire, where Leightons/Leytons were first found. And wow, Lytons/Littons, were first found in neighboring Cheshire with Leigh's/Leghs/Lye's/Lie's and Corons/CORONA's/Coroners while the latter share the Lyton/Litton crowns! Sleeping Beauty must have been sick or dead with the Coronavirus!

The Lytons/Littons, not very familiar to me (stumbled on them above), are in the colors and format of Anchor-branch Angers (Essex with Low Leighton) who in turn share the Fauci lozenge! This must be why God positioned Miss Hicks LYing down, to get me to Leighton-like LYtons, yet this is not a thing I've stressed over the years, since starting my heraldic investigations as per the Sleeping Beauty dream.

The Anchors even share the lozenges of Tauntons (Somerset) while the first-known Vilain liner was Hugo above, from Taunton of Somerset. And this must be why we hugged after she was lying down in the air, to get you to believe that God's pointing to Tony Fauci and Donald Trump via Lytons and Corona's. Italian Corons/Corona's were first found in TARVISium while Tarves' have a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Fauci's and Tromps! Incredible. Tarves' are also TarVIS' while Vise's/Vice's (same place as Acorns) share the stag head of Tromp-beloved Acorns. Tarrs were first found in Somerset with Tauntons and Hicks-connectable Havilands.

Domino's (in the Haviland motto) are also Damons while Damans have the HEXagram of Clots in colors reversed. Mr. Haviland is exposing murder by blood clots, and Bloods/Bluds share LODGEd stags/bucks with Slicks, and both surnames apply an arrow to their stag heads. The English Lodge's/Loge's, with the giant Klaus/CLAUS lion in colors reversed, were first found in Sussex with Acorns and Downs/Douns. Again. Clauds/CLAUSels/CLOTs share the Tromp acorns. Does all this look like a pointer to Trump's murders by vaccines in silent partnership with Klaus Schwab, since all of these heraldic links started with Havilands, and remain on Havilands and their branches?

The Blood/Blud stags are brown, same as the giant stag head of German Hecks, and as the stag head in the Done Crest. Done's were first found at Tarvin while Tarvins are listed with Tarves' above. The Mee's/My's suspect in the Done motto have a "numine" motto term while English Newmans/Numans are in VEIN/Veyn colors and format, and while German Newmans/Neumans share the Done arrow. Is this a pointer to blood veins?

She was hovering LEVEL while Levels/Leavells were first found in Somerset with Havilands, beside Beautys of Dorset (same as Beaumonts) whom I link to Walerans (Devon with Huckabee's) because of Waleran de Leavell. The latter married the Beaumonts of Meulan and Leicester, and Beaumonts share the Gates lion, suggesting a close Gates-Waleran relationship. The Beautys were resolved with Italian Boys/Boets/Boeddu's who share the Coat of German Backs.

Devon is where a Hooks, Gates' the FortiBUS' were first found while German Forts, expected in the Haviland motto, share the Gates lion. The Fort lion holds a club while Clubs/Clobbes' (same place as Shirts/Shards) look like Hake kin. The Fort / Gates lion is shared by Bone's while Hicks' use a "bon" motto term.

As I've said a million times, I saw myself without a SHIRT on when walking toward the car of Sleeping Beauty, but I said this a million times before knowing that Needhams share the Knee Coat, and therefore I didn't know, at first, that Needhams were first found at SHARDlow. Shardlows (Derbyshire) share the Shirts/Shard and Lakey chevron. I didn't know until late in this update that Needhams come up as "Knies" (share the Knee Coat and Crest almost exactly). I have no doubt about it, that my touching her knee with my HAND was Intended to get me to the Needhams/Knies' in due time. I'll back to my hand.

As Auto's/Otto's share the black bull with Beautys, I figured that her car is to be viewed also as an auto, and "aut" happens to be the Needham/Knies motto term. The Needs were first found in Lincolnshire with the Leaks/Leakeys (LEG in Crest) who share the engrailed bend of Needhams and Knee's, and with the LEG-using Prime's suspect in the motto of Lakeys (not "Leakey") who were in turn first found in DumBARTONshire with the Eure's ("oblivisCAR") suspect in the "heure" motto term of Hicks. Lakeys (Car chevron in colors reversed) even share "nunquam" with the Needham/Knies motto! Incredible coincidences, if they are not Arranged by God to fit the dream. The "obliVIScar" motto term of Eure's can be for the Vise's/Vice's sharing the Needham / Knee stag head. CAMPBELLs, sharing the Eure Crest, use "NE obliviscaris" while Nee's are listed with Knee's.

Shirts/Shards, first found in Cheshire with BARTONs and Leigh's/Leghs, are in the colors and format of Hake's and Higgs. Shirts/Shards use a "HosTIS" motto term while sharing the chevron of Tiss'/Teece's (Hampshire with Leigh-linkable Hawks). Hosts were first found in Somerset with Havilands (and "Hostis"-like HOSTs) while the Shard variation of Shirts can suggest kin of SARDinia's AVEZZANo's because the related location, AVESNes, is on a Helpe river while Halps/Halfs are also Helps.

Margaret of Flanders, who had some title over Avesnes, married the Dampierre's of CHAMPagne to explain why the potent-crutch pattern is shared between French Champagne's and Avezzano's. The point here is that Scottish Champagne's, first found in Leicestershire with Kiss'/Cush's and HUCK-connectable Dexters, share the Shield of BRACEbridge's, the latter first found in Lincolnshire with Crutch-branch Crose's, Halps/Halfs, and with the Custs sharing the Kiss/Cush Coat, both using "fountains" while Fountains share both the triple fesses and the lion of HUGs (Languedoc with Font-de-Ville's). Crutch's/Crooch's were first found in Somerset with Havilands. Thus, as I was about to kiss her awake just before we HUGGed and emBRACEd, perhaps this heraldic set with CHAMPagne's points to John CAMPbell, for Tom Haviland was featured on John's show when I started this heraldic investigation.

Can we say that Haviland on the Campbell show was a God-send? Haviland's message is a big deal. He could win court cases with his evidence against the most-tyrannical judges. Couldn't the Highwire use this evidence in its court cases? The evidence is at least capable of shutting down mRNA vaccinations at the pain of charging the vaccine companies with mass-murder if they refuse.

CUSTards/COSTers, in CAMP/Champ colors and format, were first found in Gloucestershire with Veins/Veyns, and beside Wainers/Wainwrights/Wayns, Camps/Champs, Campbell-connectable Hoppers/Happers, and Doors. CampBELLs can be of the bells in the Campanio Coat, and of the giant COST bell. The dog in the Custard/Coster Coat is in the Crest of Hopper/Happers-connectable Williams. Wainwrights can be linked to Wrights/RITE's (look like Door kin) suspect in the "veRITE" motto term of Williams (Wales).

[Insert -- I'd like to belabor a point above. As Custs were first found at BELTham while Bellet-branch Billets were first found in Devon with Gates', perhaps the Hug / Fountain lion is the Gates lion closely. In any case, Belts were first found in Essex with Thomas-branch TOMs/Thomes', with Crutch-/Crooch-connectable Fitch's, with potent-like Patents (a potent cross developed from upper crutches), and with the Pecks suspect in the Bellet motto, yet Pecks are said to have lived in Denbighshire with John-like Jones' who in turn share the giant lion of Italian Crose's. Denbighshire is in Wales while the John's (share the Belt besants), first found in CARmarthenshire (Wales), share the Welsh Thomas Coat. THOMAS Haviland and JOHN Campbell.

CARs, in case they named CarMARTHEN, look like Peck kin by the similarity of Coats. She was hovering in a car. French Martins/Martens share the castle of English Forts (Lancashire with Cars) while Fortibus' share the Car stars. The DOMINE's/Dunhams possibly in the Haviland motto use the marten between two spears, and Toms/Thomes' use two spears in the same way.

The "turRIS" motto term of Havilands can be for the Rice's sharing a Welsh Thomas and John Coats, or for the Risings/Risons / Rise's (both in Norfolk with FOUNTAINs) pointed to when Sleeping Beauty was rising out of the car and into the sky. Sky-like Sichs/Syke's share the Kiss / Cust "fountains." McLeods/Clouds of SKYE and Lewis share the Martin/Marten Coat while Lewis' were first found in Wales. While English Reesors are Rison-like Reasons too, and first found in Lincolnshire with Custs of Belton, Reesors/Rice's ("melioRIS") were first found in Carmarthenshire with Johns. The other Welsh Thomas' have the Billet / Bellet Chief in half its colors. Reesors/Reasons share the vaired patee of English Ferrands while Friends were first found in Somerset with Havilands.

Italian Crose's were first found in Vicenza with the Valentins, and while Valentinian I was the husband of Justine of PICENum, the Picensii Moesians lived at the PEK river while Pecks are also Peks. Jones' use red drops (originally blood drops) while Drops/Trope's were first found in Norfolk with Fountains. German Thomas' share the duck with Haviland-connectable Have's/Haafs, and German Thomas' even have six fesses while German Ducks, with the five fesses of VALENCE's in colors reversed, were first found in Westphalia with duck-using Velins, Valence's/Velens/Valens, German Camps/Campens, and with FACE-loving Hovers.

It can be added that Belts share the red fitchee with Vale's whose "Domine" motto term goes excellent with the "Dominus" of Havilands (share Domino tower). The Domino's were first found in Piedmont with Thomas of Saluzzo, the line to Welsh Thomas', and the line also, I feel sure, to the Sales' who are in turn in the Coat of Bracebridge-connectable and Door-loving Bee's. Brace's were first found in Herefordshire with bee-using Doors/Dorrs.

Sleeping Beauty was on a beach while Beach's were a Becker branch, and both almost have the Shield of Scottish Champagne's and Bracebridge's. English Becks (Peck colors) were first found in Berkshire with Peckers/Packers, and in Hertfordshire with the Nuse's/Newes' possibly in the "DomiNUS" motto term of Havilands (Somerset with Backs/Bache's). Hicks are said to be from a fellow of Sauteby while German Sauters share the hexagram of German Becks. She was hovering on her BACK while Bachs/Baggs were first found in DenBIGHshire with early Pecks while Biggs, first found in Essex with Pecks and the Low Leighton location of Hicks', share the Hicks fleur-de-lys. The Bigg border looks linkable to the John border.

Too many links becomes mesmerizing for suggesting potential pointers. The trick is to round-up the Intended pointers, if any, where they seem reasonable according to the props in the Sleeping Beauty dream. DORSTs/Dortons look linkable to Baths and Level-connectable Pierce's and Percivals, all four surnames first found in Somerset with Havilands and Have-beloved Ducks, and beside Dorst-like Dorset. End insert]

She was awake while hovering when I arrived to her car DOOR, but she then fell asleep (dead?). I've explained many times how Tromps share the eagle of Doria's (Genova with Fauci's, SEGURana's and Vain-connectable Fauns sharing the Segurana eagle). I've said that English Doors use a Coat like the one of Gates' (Devon with SEAGARs). Irish Doors and Dorals share the Gates lion.

I'll leave it up to you on whether Tom Haviland is God's pointer to Bill Gates, especially as the Bills (Somerset with Havilands) have a red-on-gold rose at the center of their Chief, same as the Halper/Halfpenny Chief. I find that remarkable. German Bills almost share the checkered Halper/Halfpenny Shield, and so the black eagle in the Crest of German Bills can be the one of Backs (same place as Havilands) and Hawk-connectable Strecks/Strucks. English Bills have a "soLUM patria" motto phrase while the Hawk-beloved Stave's/Stevensons ("solum") were first found in Northumberland with LUMs/Lambs and Reds/Reeds, recalling the RED Haviland gates.

Stave- / Stevenson-branch Steins were first found in Norfolk with Hake's, Higgs, Hawk-beloved Pilgrims (they use "staves" too)...and the Bus' who share the Lum/Lamb and Billet cinquefoils. While these Billets were first found in Devon (beside English Bills) with Gates', the Pellicans in the Chief of English Bills were first found in Maine with the French Billets/Billiards who in turn share the Stave/Stevenson stars. The giant Pellican tower can therefore be of the Haviland towers. I'm seeing Bill Gates at the bottom of the worm-clot vaccines.

As Tom Haviland surveyed emBALMERs to acquire his evidence of the killers, I checked for a Balmer surname, finding it listed with Palmers (Norfolk with Bus' and multiple Stave kin such as Steins). "Palma" is a motto term of the Lums/Lambs sharing the Bus cinquefoils, and expected in the "solum" motto term of Bills. Palms were first found in Yorkshire, where Stein-branch Stains were once said to be first found. Lums/Lambs share the fesse of Italian Palmers.

English Palmers almost have the Coat of Flags (Norfolk with Palmers, Hake's and Higgs) who in turn share the scallops of Hykes'/Hacks, the latter first found in Devon with Gates' while Eatons, kin of Hykes/Hacks, have an "omnia" motto term to go with the "Omne" of English Bills. The Kills/Keele's, suspect in the motto of Halps/Halfs/Helps, were first found in Lincolnshire with Halps/Halfs/Helps, and have the Hykes/Hack quadrants in colors reversed. Eaton-like Edons (share black scallops with Hykes'/Hacks) were first found in Suffolk with Omne-like Omens.

I'd like to go back to the car door because English Doors were first found in Herefordshire with Brace's, and we embraced after I touched her leg. Bracks, in Hicks colors and near format, and using HUNTING HORNs, were first found in Shropshire with the Sleap location of Sleeps, and with Hunts/Hunters (recently changed to Sussex) who share both saltires of Kilpatricks. Hunting(don)s have one of the Sleep fesses, as well as three hunting horns in the colors and format of Horns/Orne's.

Hunting(don)s have an old HuntingDONE location while Tromp- and Knee-connectable Downs/Douns were first found in Sussex with Huunting(don)s, a new thing because I've not seen the first-found location of Huntin(don)s before in Sussex. Done-like Dane's (Sussex again) share the Hicks fleur-de-lys!

German Dane's (Done colors), with almost have the split-Shield colors of Tromps, show axes while Axe-like Hake's (Norfolk with Flags) once came up as "Hykes" while Hykes'/Hacks (share Flag scallops) were first found in Devon with the Axe river. Heckers/Hackers (Austria with Haeks/Hache's) and Hatchet-loving Zehrs use the axe. The man in the Zehr Crest holding an "axe" looks like he has the Lively Coat on his shirt, and so note HeckenLIVELYs. Tarves-like Travers, sharing the Hykes/Hack scallops, are said to be of the Meschins, the latter having ruled in Cheshire, where the first-known Done's and Hykes-related Eatons were first found. English Dennis' (show only axes) have the HAWKeswell/AxelROD Coat in colors reversed. If we ignore all the Dennis-like forenames in the Dennis write-up, we come to a Dennis surname of Devon, making sense of the Dennis axes. Rods were first found in Devon with the Huckabys/Huxtable's who in turn use Asclepios RODs.

Why might Ache's share the Death and Mort/Mott crescents? A pointer to vaccine aches and deaths? "Le Morte d'Arthur," secret code for the Mort-Death relationship, is a myth about king Arthur. Arthurs are also artery-like Arters, and they were married to Hicks in Clapton.

The three, fessewise trumpets of Calls/Calles' (that's all they show) are in the colors of the two Sleep fesses (that's all they show), and the two Sleep fesses are white, as are the two fesses of DONE's (not "Doun"). The latter were first found in Cheshire, beside Sleap of Shropshire, and both Done's and Hykes-related Eatons (Cheshire with Done's) use an "Omnia" motto term. Calls/Calles' have a Coat version of the SHUTE's (Wiltshire with Calls/Calles') while Scottish Shuters/Suters can by of the German Sauters/Suters while Hicks are said to be from Yorkshire's "Hikke de SAUTEby." Thus, the sleep theme of Miss Hicks can point to Trump via the Call/Calles trumpets, and we can add that Dennis' were first found in Lancashire with trumpet-using Livers/Levers/Lovers, a possible branch of Levels/Leavells/Lovells.

Here's some new heraldry as of now, starting with the Hooks of Devon (same as Dennis family) who have the Coat of Hicks on a blue Shield. The Hooks are said to have been in Goole of Yorkshire, and Gole's are listed with McCALLs!!! Surprise. we read: "...'the M'Calls of Guffokland were an old NITHsdale family." Kilpatricks were first found on the Nith river of Nithsdale.

The Gole's/McCalls even almost have the Coat of Fortibus', first found in Devon (as counts) with Hooks and Gole-like Joels/Jewells! The latter use either "gillieflowers" or "gilly flowers," and Gillie's/Gillys were first found in Yorkshire with Goole. More precisely, Hooks (Devon with Flowers) named Hooke in Goole's Snaith area, and Snaiths nearly have the Coat of Ticks/Tucks/TOOKs (Yorkshire with Masters) who were once said to be first found in Kent with Masters, where Sleeps are now said to be first found. Masters are in Hook colors and format, and the Hook write-up tells that some in the family used "TOOKE."

The Snaith Coat is also like the one of Stumps/Stomps while Stamps show a Coat looking related to Veins/Veyns because the latter use wheat sheaves while English Shaws/Sheaves' were first found in Berkshire with Stamps. It would be amazing if the only symbol showing for German Clots/Klotz's is officially called a "stump" (but I don't know what it's called). I can't imagine that it would be called anything but a tree stump or a trunk, and as it's in the colors and format of Schwabs, note that the latter surname was first found in Franconia with Trunks/Trenks! We've just apparently pointed to Klaus Schwab -- the would-be vaccine king of the world -- because Klaus'/Claus' can be a branch of Clauds/Clausels/CLOTs!!!! PLUS, just found: Rake's, with an "HoneSTUM" motto term, almost have the Stump/Stomp Coat! Rake's were just looked up because the symbol of Franconia is called a "rake." In this picture, the Rake / Stump/Stomp griffins can be a pointer the "graphene."

The heraldry appears set up by God to point to that detestable Schwab character. Trunks/Trenks are also Tranks while Trains/Trane's share the giant Klaus/Claus lion! Beauty.

Rake's are also Raiks while Reichs were first found in Switzerland with Graffs/Graffens and the Davos location of Schwab's stomping grounds. Graffs/Graffens share a DEMI-lion in Crest (different color) with Reichs, and while Demys can be gleaned as May liners, English Mays were first found in Lincolnshire with Rake's/Raiks.

There's lots more here to contemplate as to why Sleeping Beauty should point to Trump, or why she was framed/positioned in the dream as I've described her as being, for a pointer to Trump. I've gone over and over these questions in my head, but only to become confused due to the many apparent / possible pointers to so many surnames. Plus, there were other scenes aside from her hovering in a car. I claimed that the dream was on Jeffrey Epstein's island before learning that Trump's current wife was involved with Epstein / Maxwell when Trump met her.

The Masters are also MEASters, and Meas'/Meigh's/My's were first found in Nottinghamshire, near TICKhill. "My" is a motto term of Ainsleys, first found in Nottinghamshire, and sharing the Hicks fleur-de-lys. Meas'/Meigh's/My's share the boar heads of McGee's, the latter first found in Dumfries with Kilpatricks. This is just for starters. Ainsleys use a "for my" phrase twice, and Fore's/Forez's love the Touts along with the Hicks motto, but Fore's/Forez's also love the Travers who share the Coat, almost, of Irish Judge's/Juge's while Meas'/Meigh's/My's share the boar heads of Judds/Juggs. I really wish to see God prepare judges in His wrath who will execute Fauci and company, including Trump. Fauch's were first found in Forez.

Tickhills were first found in Yorkshire with Ticks/Tucks and Masters/Maesters, and this, too, is new heraldry from the Meas link to Masters, excellent because the Meas/Meigh/My Crest not only shares the demi-lion of the Gates Crest while Gates' were first found in Devon with Hooks, but the Meas'/Meigh/My lion holds an anchor, as does the same-colored demi-lion in the Crest of Graffs/GRAFFENs!!!! The latter had pointed, along with Mr. Kepke of my last update, to graphene-oxide in COVID vaccines, and thus we can speculate well here that the worm-clots inspected by Tom Haviland are created by this magnetic poison, for graphene-oxide (high positive charge) creates clumps by attracting cellular material to itself, and these clumps become clots in the arteries.

Graffs/Graffens are also Gravs while Grave's/Greafs, with a "mea" motto term listed with Meas'/Meigh's/My's, were first found in Gloucestershire with Veins/Veyns. That looks like an apt pointer to graphene in the veins. I find it incredible that the Gates / Graffen / Meigh/My DEMI-lion under discussion (all in the same color) can be code for the Demys/DuMAYs/LeMays, making the My's look like a May branch. The Billets in the billets of English Mays were first found in Devon with Gates'. Dutch Grave's essentially share the Coat of Fauci-branch Face's/Fessys.

The Clot surname was first found in Lorraine with the Chaplets in the "chaplet" around the neck of the Hicks buck head. Chaplets show only swans while Swans are also Sions while Sion is a location in Switzerland along with the first-known Graffs/Graffens, and along with Geneva, a city that is home to globalist organizations (I think the World Health Organization is headquartered there). Miss Hicks adopted a daughter, Geneva, who I say received a pedophilia symbol.

There is a Geneva/Genova surname with wings in the colors of the eagle of Segurana's, first found in Genova with Fauci's. The same eagle is with Perins, first found in Lorraine, and with Fauns, first found in Devon with Seagars, Gates', and the Anchors in the Meas/Meigh/My anchor. Devon is also where Albins/Aubins were first found who share the fitchee of Meas'/Meigh's/My's. The latter use a motto term suspect with NEWmans/Numans, and News'/Nuces' share the chaplet with Hicks'.

CHAPLets can be of the CHAPLains / Caplans, both kin of English Josephs while French Josephs once showed a giant form of the black Chaplet swan. Caplans (Hampshire with Josephs) happen to share the Master/MAESter griffin head in the colors and format of the Anchor-branch Angers who in turn share the Fauci lozenge!

Angers were first found in Essex while Essex's share the SEGNE/Segurana eagle. The Segni's are in the motto of McGee-connectable Face's/Fessys who in turn share the Meas/Meigh/My cross. Irish McGee's use "leopard FACES," and Face's/Fessys (near Josephs) were definitely a Fauci branch, from the Fieschi of Genova.

I've mentioned many times that Julian Arthur married Hicks of Clapton, according to online articles, which can explain why Hicks are in Arthur colors. Might this point to worm-clots in ARTERies? Clapton (Somerset with Higgin-connectable Havilands) is at Gordano, and Gords/Gordans (Berwickshire with Arthurs) share the boar heads of Roets (Somerset) who in turn share a motto term of Maesters/Masters. Roets named Rothes on the Spey river, explaining why Roets share the Spear/SPEYer boars heads too, and German Rothes' share the raven with Meas'/Meigh's/My's. The latter thus look like they have a version of the Bath Coat, not only because Bath is beside Gordano, but because Baths mainly have the Rhodes Coat in colors reversed. Rodez is near an Aubin location while we saw the Albins/Aubins above sharing the formee-fitchee cross of Meas'/Meigh's/My's. The latter love the Anchors/Annackers who share a bull head in Crest (different color) with Albins/Aubins. The Rhodes Coat is much like the one of French Mee's, and Meas'/Meigh's/My's are Mee's too.

I touched Beauty's knee with my HAND. The Hands/Hanns are said to be from "Honde Cottrell" of Cheshire while Cottrells, with the Meschin scallops in colors reversed, are in the colors and format of Bessins (Cheshire). As the Meschin rulers of Cheshire were from the Bessin, it seems that Honde Cottrell was named by a Hand/Hans family. The Cottrell-like Cottars were first found in Oxfordshire with the Bee's in the Bessin bees, and Coats'/Cotes' were first found in County Down with Knee's. Downs/Douns probably have the Trump stag. It just so happens that while Knee's are connectable to Tromps, Hahns (Hann/Hawn branch) are in the colors and format of Trumps, both first found in Mecklenburg, and Donald Trump chose Stephen Hahn to be the chief of the Food and Drug Administration, which had much say/sway over the plandemic in Trump's final year in Office.

I've even shown many times how Hahns (white rooster) are in the Bibo write-up while the red Kiss/CUSH rooster is expected as the red rooster (Hann/Hawn symbol too) upon a CUSHion of Bibo's. It's stunning that Kilpatricks use "cushions", I kid you not, but only God knew that Miss Hicks would marry Dr. Kilpatrick when the heraldry was formed centuries ago. I was leaning over to kiss her, but my hand touched her knee while doing so, and she then woke up, and popped into my arms for a RAPTURE. The Rapps (Thuringia with bee-using Talls) use a giant "RAPTOR" in the colors of the giant Hann/Hawn rooster, and in the colors of the crossed Hickson eagle legs. Ropers (Derbyshire with Needhams/Knies'!) have a giant eagle in colors reversed.

Ahh, new: while Needhams/Knies' were first found in Shardlow, Shardlows share the fitchee of Leans/McLane's!!! I was LEANing over, and that's why I bothered to load Leans just now. The Lean/McLane fitchee is in a hand, symbol of DONALDs! It seems that God is intent on pointing Sleeping Beauty to Donald trump, the mass murderer, the fake Christian deceiver.

The Leans/McLANE's can now put us over to Lane's/LONE's because: "John O'Looney, peer reviewed author and funeral director at Milton KEYNES Family Funeral Services, England, discusses strange blood clots he has been seeing in the embalming process ever since the Covid-19 vaccine was introduced." The Patria's, sharing the Trump stag head, are in the Looney motto. The Keynes'/Keens use a "Felis" motto term while Looneys use "inFELICI" (looks like code for Felix's and Felice's). Scottish Looneys (Clune branch) were first found in Perthshire with Lyons/Lune's who in turn have a "Pro" and "patria" motto term.

Knee's are also Knees' while Kness'/Ness' were first found in Perthshire too. The rising white eagle in the Kness/Ness Crest suggests that the Kness/Ness (and Moray) Coat is related to the Faun/Vaun/Phones Coat.

I was leaning OVER as she was hovering, and Overs/Offers, first found in Cheshire, can be of the Hovers/Hoffers. Overs/Offers look like kin of Worms, and although I invented "worm-clots" to describe the clots that Haviland is concerned with, perhaps it was Inspired. I kid you not, the Lean/McLane Crest is the white tower in the Haviland / Hopper Crest, and so compare "Hopper" with "Hoffer."

Jesus talked about eagles / vultures at the time of the rapture, which are the birds invited to eat the flesh of the armies of the anti-Christ. The Rapp raptor is in the colors and format of the Sling/SintzenHOFFER "vulture." Eagle's/Hegels were first found in Lincolnshire with Halps/Halfs and Halls (Halper kin?) while Havilands were first found in Somerset with Hagels.

I had another dream, some years ago, that I claimed to be from God. It pointed to AIDS and poison vaccines too, for it's known that these COVID vaccines hack away at the immune system, and this is called, AIDS. The dream started with my PICKing up a SLEEPING bag, at which time I saw David MORLEY, an old friend in my 20s, circling the place where I had picked it up, in the woods on a HILL. The Woods share the rooted tree of Roots, the latter first found in Kent with the PICKs/Pix's who in turn share the Wood fitchees.

I'm repeating those things because Needhams/Knies' were first found in Derbyshire's Shardlow and MORLESton, and while Morles' are listed with Scottish Morleys/Mauls, English Morleys, sharing the symbol of David-related Aids'/Ade's, were first found in Derbyshire. The Hills, first found in Worcestershire with Halpers/Halfpennys, share the white tower in Crest with Havilands.

I'd like to end this section by saying that, the pro-maskers and pro-vaxxers of 2020 and 2021 were NOT all good people who just wanted to protect their children, etc. If they really were good people, they would be confessing their error by now (as others have), yet they do not admit their error even while they no longer receive COVID vaccines for fear of being hurt by them. What does this tell you, about their distorted hearts?

The good guys are those who have the decency to admit error so that others follow suit, because the one who admits error looks like the man, so to speak, and people tend to follow (do likewise) the man. The ones who will not admit error remain looking weak, who took a popular or political position rather than a good-for-humanity position. These choose to remain walking graves, to put it in other words, rather than becoming exemplary. They themselves will no longer receive vaccines, but neither will they warn others not to, because they don't want to admit their prior error. If this describes you, a pitiful monster who really doesn't care for others at all, hurry to become a winner, a human. Nobody on the anti-vaccine side will rub it in. You will be welcome to the winning side. Just keep it that way for the next plandemic.

There were many women who were playing "the man" in the pro-vaccine camp, and some of these can't wait for the next mask-goon society to that they can resume their leadership role. So much fun to be able to order people to lift the mask over the nose, no cheating. These fools refuse to admit error, and would vaccinate even their own children today in 2024. Like I said, monsters, the walking dead. Don't remain in their camp. Betray, become the wise, don't be the useful idiot of state media. Do not respect these fools, but rebuke them, pour shame on their heads, for it is now well known that a good portion of vaccines kill. Nobody knows this more than national leaders, but, monsters, they are ready to enjoy enforcing the next plandemic. I am happy to report that, to everywhere trudeau ventures, there are a few citizens who pour shame on his head in front of other citizens, beautiful act. Keep it up.

BUT, the power of the government is only through their useful idiots, the monster citizens, and it's these we need to convert first of all by showing them again and again that vaccines are killing and maiming even into 2024. Who in their right minds would continue to be pro-vaxx upon seeing the government statistics that expose the killings and maimings? The psychopaths, the government monsters. The pursuit of money and fame makes them unconvertible.


The video below has the embalmer who fist noticed the worm-clots, from Alabama, and he says that no other embalmer he contacted had seen these things, roughly in mid-2021, which can disclose that the particular vaccines causing these growths were first distributed in a certain part of Alabama. What reasoning could there be for this? Late in the 6th minute, he says that as many as 50-percent of the bodies he's tasked with have these "clots," meaning that roughly half the people dying in his area are vaccine deaths. Why such a high number in Alabama? Are the goons targeting the Bible / conservative belts? Shouldn't Americans arise in arms at such atrocities?

I've yet to see one pastor come out to admit that he inadvertently facilitated vaccine injuries either by not warning his church against vaccinations, or by urging vaccinations. Such people guilty of manslaughter become guilty of murder if they do not come out to admit guilt, because failure to admit wrong, or by staying the same course, can abandon the people to continue vaccinations without warnings. Publicly admitting manslaughter may not be good for maintaining the same church attendance, or for keeping the pastoral job, but if anyone should do the right things at a cost, the pastor should.

If pastors knew that vaccines were dangerous by seeing experts all over the world say so, and if pastors refused to warn the congregations for fear of offending pro-vaxxers, then we are talking something more than manslaughter. We are now talking accomplices to murder, accomplices to bodily maiming, accomplices to global demons in human bodies. Without repentance, this is an open wound for all to see that commits churches to instability, weakness. Such pastors need to step down, and such churches need to give their jobs to anti-vaxxers who recognize the mortal war being waged against people of God, before it's too late. Woe to the avid / militant pre-tribulationist when the 666 pops up its vulgar head.

John Campbell has a lot of viewers constantly, and youtube allows him to cautiously blow-horn on our behalf, and at times only minimal spouting is enough to catch the elite puppets of the vaccine killers in their duplicity. I don't think that anyone in the world has exposed the vaccine beast as well as, or more than, Mr. Campbell; I think he deserves a trophy along with others who don't have a youtube platform. youtube and google are guilty, and how I wish the fires of God were kindled even now to take them out:

If you start the Highwire video below in the 6th minute, you learn what I don't think the public has heard before, that vaccines reduce the bodily symptoms (clues) of a virus infection while not reducing the risk of spreading it, which is a situation that the population-control goons would naturally wish to present to mankind, because it spreads a virus far more than allowing a natural course from natural immunity. Most people who get infected with a flu bug do not show symptoms because the infection is light, and so the body handles the virus, killing it, and maintaining future immunity in individuals so as to contribute to herd immunity. But vaccinated people can carry the virus secretly to others, says this man, according to a study done on baboons, and so it "justifies" the "need" for more vaccines by secretly increasing the number of symptomatic infections. It's like a toothpaste company adding a secret substance in the paste to deliberately give you bad breath so that you brush your teeth more often and buy more paste:

In the 56th minute above, we are told that the people who were given the poisonous vaccines in Denmark felt dire arm pain at the time of injection, whereas those who experienced no illnesses felt no/mild pain at the injection site. Know anyone who had harsh pain in the arm? We shouldn't assume that all vaccine vials the world over were identical from any one company, but should assume that this was a test each company conducted with various product, including fake vaccines to the majority.

There is something wrong about the so-called shooting at Joel Osteen's Houston church. In the video below, the "woman" opened fire, and we can hear at least 5 rifle shots in the span of about a second, yet the only church-attendee injury reported was a man shot, not in the back, not in the upper body, but in the leg. How does a shooter miss all of the people expected in her vicinity, with at least 5 shots? It's not clear yet whether the shot to a leg was from an officer.

Then, Joel Osteen comes on camera to talk about the event, and he wears at least half his typical smile...which looks to me like he's so happy to be rolling in the dough and fame. As often happens with staged shootings, the shooter was killed on the spot (removes the need to seek (costs $$$) the suspect if he gets away):

NBC says the man fired "several dozen rounds," which convinces me that this was staged, and not a wonder that all mainline media are right on the story, as typical with staged shootings. The goal and purpose could be to get liberal Christians to support gun confiscations in Texas, making much sense at this time. What are the chances that the shooter was an immigrant? Perhaps this is the start of a deep-state attempt to begin a civil war with Christian militia, if others similar shootings start to roll out against Christians. Usually, with staged events, the FBI or police find some messages / photos / writings / objects of the shooter that is appropriate for the purpose. In staged events, the police yap a lot immediately afterward, on TV, to get sympathy, and to get viewers to spread the message and talk about it.

The U.S. supreme court, in a rare 9-0 decision, says that citizens can sue government organizations previously immune. Does this mean that the door is now open to sue for vaccine and lockdown damages? I hope so, but Roman says nothing about it:. Can Americans now sue the FBI for criminal harm? Can Americans now sue ICE and Homeland Security for neglecting border protections? Can Americans now sue for all the times that FOIA offices failed to deliver ALL the records, and wrongly redacted data upon records provided?

Be on the watch for the candida plandemic that the CDC may be involved in. The video below gives details, where we find the CDC denying (possibly falsely) that certain drugs can treat/kill this deadly fungus, but, lucky you, the CDC does have a special drug that will kill it, as long as people are willing to take it directly into the veins. Can we trust what the CDC recommends into the veins these days? Graphene-oxide, they say, won't work if taken orally, but can or will become a ticking-time bomb if taken into the veins.

Plus, the CDC is reporting that people with low immune resistivity are the ones likely to become dead with this "candida auris" strain. Didn't the CDC deliberately become a major player in spoiling immune systems with the mRNA shots? YES:

As you can see in the video above, there is potential for the population goons to kill doctors and other hospital staff with this fungus, leaving the country with a mega-shortage of medical healers. That would then exacerbate death cases for a multitude of other causes. Or, maybe, while I do not want to speak wrongly for God on this matter, I wonder whether He will send pro-vaccine doctors and nurses, the killers during the plandemic, a fungal infection as their "reward."

I probably would have mentioned this but for the fact that the Candida surname shares the giant, Dutch Tromp eagle. German Tromps are also the Trumps, and so I'm wondering whether a candida plandemic might be planned for Trump's second term.

I didn't know until now that True the Vote won a legal case in Georgia which could set a precedent in other states. The judge ruled that True the Vote is permitted to pay/reward people to watch ballot drop boxes for to catch Democrat cheaters who stuff the boxes with fake ballots.

Apparently, even the Fox boss is permitting a new-discovery story in which the CIA under John Brennan started the Russia-collusion hoax on Trump:

Here's a mother who was willing to publicize her own utter stupidity for risking the lives of her children by allowing them to be COVID-vaccine guinea pigs. The crux of this story is that it repeats how doctors were programmed or coerced not to admit that terrible health issues were from vaccines. How could this have come about? Easy: how much money did doctors receive gladly to become complicit with mass-murder and mass-illnesses:

The horrible thing is the many parents who will not admit that they killed / maimed their own children, which keeps the doctors and government leaders safer to continue to kill and maim. HORRIBLE SITUATION.

The video below says that a half-million children suffered by vaccines, and even has a headline sating that 120,000 of them "died suddenly," yet the people responsible are not warning people even now, meaning that there is a mass-murder program still going on, and Trump supporters are likewise quelling these reports, so mind-boggling, so evil. Nobody has a headline like the one you'll see here if there's no good evidence for it:

The Trump administration opened the door to a toxic pesticide, chlormequat, in oats and wheat from other countries when the United States had previously forbade its use:

No sooner did the gunsmoke clear at a Texas-church shooting that a Democrat anti-Christ introduced a legislative proposal to outlaw security teams because they can be deemed para-military units. This looks like a globalist plot to keep the people from protecting themselves so that chaos can help fulfill the globalist agenda of bringing the people to their knees:

In Canada, the Liberals, who are for big government expressly due to being for big-government spending under the guise of helping citizens with tax dollars in any- or every-which way, are, this week, saying they won't build anymore roads even if needed. Instead, all the money allotted for roads will now go to buying votes by lavishing hot, electronic money upon loyal-less immigrants popping up everywhere, whose votes can so-easily be bought for as little as a hundred smackaroos. I totally get this.

Wouldn't it have been great if, instead of men who look like they have a history of drinking/drugs, the frontline churches were featuring the following, excellent presentation in partial celebration of the successful vaccine fight against trudeau. I say "excellent" because the speaker has managed to be humble, mild, and bang-on in the points he stresses to advance the war against trudeau. It's also good that he looks like a pirate who would knife trudeau if the opportunity ever arose, hee-hee (trudeau lives in fear wherever he goes, perfect lockdown recompense):

There's a gathering in Ottawa this weekend for previous protestors to celebrate what they accomplished, to add to their concerns in going forward, and, hopefully this group will become the Perpetual Anti-Government Brigade for whenever it's needed in the's about time this country had such a group on stand-by. Too bad the churches couldn't have formed one 40 years ago when the anti-Christ movement was only taking root. I would have been proud to stand with them.

Nothing that I've heard developed from the trucker convoy to Texas and Arizona, and the whole gamut of border-news updates disappeared this week.

Here's a news report on a Rockefeller-group push to make churches accept vaccines and other globalist programs:


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
Also, you might like this related video:

Pre-Tribulation Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture