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Written later, with a new Hebrew theme, June 2006.
Reading previous chapters will make this one better understood.

Can it be another coincidence that Arthur's father was styled, "Uther Pendragon," where "Cutha" is once again evoked? If I'm correct in my understanding of "Atlantis" as Utu-Lantis and/or Atti-Lantis, then Uther could so depict the Atlanteans in mid-historical-stride. If these terms are in honor of Uts, elder son of Nahor (Genesis 22:21), then I have discovered something well worth my efforts. With a few hundred researchers the world over making contributions, we could break this thing wide open!

Arthur was given (by the myth writers) two lovers, Lisanor and Lionor (both having "nor" endings that may or may not be meaningful), where the "Lis" term may very well refer to the entity disguised in "Fleur de Lis." I learned from Greenway7x that the French phrase may secretly refer to the Levi(s) surname, wherefore "Lisanor" could do the same. Lionor, on the other hand, speaks for itself, since the leo/lion was/is a symbol of France, England and Scotland.

After reading Greenway7x's quote, "'Lee' is one of scores of names Europeanized from Lęvîy," I checked out her claim. And behold, the Levy coat of arms was, after viewing hundreds of Coats, only the third instance of a triple chevron. The other two were in the Taddei family (of Italy) Coat, and on the flag held by the red dragon of the Cardiff Arms (capital of Wales). I'll add here that an important Brittany ruler was known to the Welsh as "Tad," but otherwise known as Nominoe.

Behold that when I did a search on Levy-like names, I found that the Leve/Lief/Leaf Crest included, yes, three leaves (no surprise), but also three bees! This was the first instance of finding any bees over hundreds of searches of Coats/Crests. I will therefore make a claim that for the moment might seem like a stretch: "Jews" with Levy/Levi surnames are largely from Buz, second son of Nahor.

The email from Greenway (the first she had ever sent me) suggesting that "Lis" may disguise the Levis family, came on the same day that I had learned/discovered Stewart connection to the Cohen clan. Was that by chance, or does God want to expose the Merovingian blasphemy now circulating worldwide, regarding Jesus and Magdalene?

The German Cohen Coat is nothing but blue and silver checks, showing that the Stewarts originate from those German Hebrews. The Jewish Cohen family Coat (probably from the same German Hebrews) uses a sun-god without reservation, similar to the Solana family (i.e. Javier Solana, visible boss of Europe at this time and for many years previous). If the Cohens were from true Levites, shouldn't they be ashamed to use a sun on their Coat? But if Cohens were rooted in Kabalists, they would be expected to use a sun god. Even the Irish branch of Cohens displays a sun, albeit much more subdued.

The (Norman) Caen family Coat uses three gold panther heads and includes a background of silver lattice on blue, somewhat similar to the Cohen/Stewart blue-and-silver checks. The Lee family of Ireland uses 3 (black) panther heads. Hmm. If the Caens are Cohens, Lee could indeed be taken as a Levi variation.

"Cohen" means "priest," and is used to this day by Jews tracing their lineage to the Hebrew tribe of Levi (the priestly cast of Israel). But we should not make that mistake. The reality is that "Cohen" traces to Khazar blood, for Hebrew rulers of Khazaria were "kagans." I had suspected a few years ago that "kagan" was the same as "Cohen," and that's what floored me when I found that the Stewarts use the same blue and silver check pattern as the Cohen Coat, for it hit me then that Stewarts had been somehow related to Hebrew rulers of Khazars. With that realization came the time for me to prove my Cohen-kagan connection, and so I went online and immediately found a website entitled, "KAGAN/COHEN family." On that page was this (brackets not mine!): "Samuel's parents were... Miriam NEWMAN (it says "Mere Sheveleva" in Russian on her passport) and Abraham KAGAN ("KAGAN" got changed to "COHEN" when they came over; when my dad got married, he changed his name back to "KAGAN")." Note the Russian origin of this "Khazar" name.

There are a slew of "Kagan/Cohen" phrases online. If that's not enough, I've seen two websites using Cohen together with "Katz," as for example a line on a Leonard Cohen website, "Like many other Jews named Cohen, Katz, Kagan, etc.," The significance here is that the Khazars were called "Akatziri"!! (

The website verifies that the Kagan surname "comes from the Hebrew surname Cohen." Or could it be the other way around? The website goes on to say that many Russian Hebrews changed their name to Cohen to evade military duty.

The only symbol on the Jewish Katz-family Coat of Arms is a leopard, yes a large kat. The going line, apparently, is that the "Katz" surname derives from "Cohen Tsedek." I doubt it. Rather, as "Katz" is commonly associated with Cohen/Kagan, and is moreover evocative of "Akatziri," they must trace to those proto-Khazars...who were otherwise called "Agathyrsi" Thracians. These were mythically sons of Hercules, and this in itself reveals the raw Satanic nature of their cult. The cat paw points to the Cati/Cutha Kabala, and because "Katzir" is also a Hebrew surname, the paw points also to the Biblical Gether and/or Plato's Gadeirus (who, for reasons given elsewhere was Kemuel, son of Nahor).

The sad thing is that DNA tests used to find the lost ten tribes of Israel are based on similarities/matches with Cohen DNA. The article I am sharing from puts it this way: "Using the genetic markers of the Kohanim as a yardstick, these genetic archaeologists are using DNA research discover historical links to the Jewish people."

The obvious problems are the assumptions: the Cohen-specific marker found in over 100 Cohens are assumed to correctly trace back to a common ancestor in about 1300 BC, with the added assumption that this common man was Aaron (the Levite). This could be a ploy of certain Illuminatists, to make it appear that their Kabalist bloodline represents true Israelites (i.e. at the exclusion of the true Israelites) and that only they should therefore have the right to re-settle Israel (for the Biblical Millennium). Take a look at the two hands at the top of the article and ask if they don't look New-Age Illuminatist rather than Israelite.

The same website then claims that modern Levites have no common DNA marker, and yet makes no comment on the apparent conclusion: that this finding makes a sharp distinction between Levites and Cohens. If that's not enough, the article fails to tell whether the Levites had markers similar to Cohens, by which failure we can only glean that they did not. One like myself could get the impression that the true Levites are being discredited as being such, while the Cohens, who are not true Levites, are being made true Levites. That is exactly what I suspect the Illuminati to do.

A DNA report concluded that "The paternal ancestry of the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Levites is different, unlike the Cohanim from the two branches..." In that the Cohens of either Germany (Ashkenazi) or Spain (Sephardic) are from the same root, and because it's my suspicion that certain Hebrews and/or Cohens from Khazaria changed their names to "Levi/Levy," I will bet my very best Texan kippah (the one with a chrome spur at the rear) that a good percentage of Ashkenazi/German Levites will prove to be from the Khazars rather than from Israelites. Give me your best kippah, because the article continues: "A recent study by Skorecki and colleagues uncovered a subgroup of Ashkenazic Levites who have a Y-chromosome pattern that is not seen in other priests, or indeed any major Jewish group, but is common in people around the mouth of the Volga River" [i.e. where the Hebrew Khazars ruled!] ( ).

The assumptions that one would make on those conclusions are two: 1) that the Khazar Jews were from Israelites, and, 2) that the Spanish Jews are directly from Israel rather than Khazar Jews. It seems that the idea of non-Israelite Hebrews is so foreign to everyone that it doesn't enter the picture of that article, even though there were by far more of those Hebrews than Israelites. Could not the Sephardic "Jews" have been from Sepharvites of Subartu/Akkadia? Could not the Khazar "Levites" have been from Iberians rather than from Israelites? Why must it be true that those taking on the Levi surname were truly Levites? How many Khazaria Hebrews took on the Cohen surname, and how many of those in turn changed it to "Levy"?

I would point out that there are bound to be false/mistaken public reports given by Illuminatists who control genetic-engineering facilities, whose underlying purposes are politically motivated. The article ends with this: "May we soon see Kohanim at their service, Levites on their Temple platform and Israelites at their places." A wise Christian realizes the error in this, that Hebrews not looking for Jesus to rule Israel are hoping to set know.

The reason that I slammed my fist down into the air three or four times is because three or four major arteries of my work were verified on the spot. For example, I had earlier caught a glimpse of the possibility that Margaret, queen of Scotland, had brought in her veins Hebrew blood to Scotland, after being in exile in Kiev (i.e. under the protection of the Varangian Rus), and later under the protection of king Andrew of Hungary. I didn't have the evidence, and didn't put it in print too heavily, that I suspected her mother, Agatha, to have been of Hebrew-Khazar blood in that her chamberlain, Bartholomew, had a Hebrew name. There has been mild-to-wild debate as to Agatha's ancestral origins, but now I see that she was, though not directly from Hebrew-Khazars proper, from the dragon bloodline that put forth both the Khazar Hebrews and those Hebrews who took on the Cohen surname.

Stewarts became what they were, kings of Scotland and England, due to David I elevating them to the office of High Steward of Scotland (second in command). David was Margaret's son, and therefore of Agatha's blood. Notice his Hebrew, and even Messianic, name...that certainly didn't come from Malcolm's (Margaret's husband) pagan mindset. The reason that Stewarts were so taken in by David, is, as my theory now goes, because Stewarts, as cohens and therefore somehow tied to kagan blood, were related to David, he also being of kagen-cohen blood (I'm not using the capitalized version of the surname because it may not yet have existed at the time).

I had little hope of ever finding unknown Stewart roots, but to find them in the Khazar/Kassite dragon blood shared also by queen Margaret is an event worthy of some celebration...not because I like snakes, but because I am one big step closer to be able to dangle the snakes before the public. But to simultaneously discover that the Hebrew elements (suspected by many) in king-Arthur myth, the (historical) Merovingians, and the Stewarts are in Nahor, brother of Abraham, well, that lifts the work to a remarkable level, all the thanks be to God. But to then find that Atlantis itself is the very same bloodline, well well, it can only mean that someone could pick this up and make it a world-wide breakthrough, I can feel it in my internet-weary bones.

I found this quote: "Final resting place [of king Arthur] could be Rhosesmor, Flintshire..." (website below). I note how "Rhosesmor" is very much like "Rothesay," the original name of the island of Butes, and later the capital city. And look also at this quote from the same article: "One of the best known [Arthur-related locations] is Maen Huail in Ruthin..." Might "Ruthin" connect to the Ruthene/Redones (I've yet to research that possibility)? Then this: "Arthur's final resting place is known to most as Avalon, but Welsh texts record the name as Afallwch and at Rhosesmor there is a hillfort known as Caerfallwch (Fort of Afallwch) - could there be a connection?"

I'm suggesting that the Rhosesmor peoples of Flintshire settled Rothesay, and that it/Bute may thus have been the island of Avalon. Flintshire was once a part of the Clyde province, which I must reason was founded by the peoples that Plato called "Cleito." As he had Cleito in marriage with Poseidon, I'll assume that the marriage depicted an alliance between the founders of Clyde and the Nahorite peoples who named Bude/Bute. See how nice that works?

When we talk Wales, we must also talk Gwynedd, the ruler of which was often described as ruler of Aberffraw, a region in Mona. The progenitor of Gwynedd was king Cunedda (c.AD 386-c.460), which, because it meant "Kenneth," originated in the root of Kenneth: "Coinneach." Were these terms the beginnings of the Cohen surname?

One can see that "Gwynedd" derived from "Cunedda," or vice versa. Which? says this: “The territory was originally known as Venedotia, a name which mutated to Gwynedd over the next two centuries.”

You might (as I do) ignore good-intentioned thinkers who seek the definition of a man's name from word in the man's own language that most reflects his name, as for example "counodagos" ("good lord") reflects "Cunaedda" wherefore they say that his name derives from "good lord." I sometimes wonder if Rosicrucians provide simpleton methods of rooting Rosicrucian-important peoples and places, to keep us from getting on track to the realities. If Cunedda and Gwynedd were a major Rosicrucian root, you can bet that most writers on the topic will be Rosicrucians.

As Vannes in Brittany was alternatively, "Gwenea," I think the Gwynedd link to Vannes is obvious, especially as Vannes was founded by the Veneti while "Gwynedd" is said to derive from "Venedotia." One could thus conclude that "Cunedda" is ultimately from “Heneti,” the Phrygian region that was in fact the root of the Veneti. One can see the P-Celt modification to a Q-Celt type, since "Venedotia/Veneti" is a B/P term ("V"s and "B"s are interchangeable) while Cunedda/Gwynedd is the same term but using a C/G/Q. The question that I must ask, with absolutely no evidence to back up an affirmative answer except the fact that the Cati-branch Kabala lived in Phrygia, is this: Was there a hard-C variation of "Heneti," something like "Keneti," that was the makings of the Cohen surname? It never hurts to make a theory, and to keep one eye out for evidence that may pop out at you.

Cunedda lived in Manaw Gododdin, which in Roman times was "Votadini," showing once again the P-Celt versus Q-Celt variations. A search for "Tadini" family symbols on brings up the Taddei name. The Votadini ruled as far as Roslin (may not yet have had that name), and in fact had their capital at Edinburgh, which may have been the dragon bloodline's most cherished region since "Eden" (i.e. Utu's Eridu region) is where the line originated. The Edones (of Thrace) definitely come to mind, especially as I have traced the Druids (who gathered in Mona) to the "Dryas/Dryad" branch of Edones.

It was Cunedda's grandfather, Padarn Beisrudd, who ruled Votadini with Roman blessings. Opinion is divided as to whether Beisrudd was a Roman official, or a native of Scotland placed in charge by Romans. It is said that "Beisrudd" means "scarlet robe " because the name sounds like such, in one language or another, but I would also suggest Red Bees or Red Beis etc. I've noted that the (English) Beis family Coat of Arms is virtually identical to the Vere Coat (the Veres are known to have stemmed from the dragon bloodline). I could easily include the Beis family into the bee-line cult because the above link implies Beis origins in Byzantium, which I had earlier traced to the mythical Byzas of Megara (Greece), where moreover Bias ruled. For new readers, I trace these peoples to Buz, son of the Biblical Nahor (Genesis 22:21).

Cunedda extended Votadini into Wales and thus established the Gwynedd nation, no doubt a mix of his (Venetian?) peoples with the Cimmerian/Atlantean Welsh already there. Cunedda married the daughter of a popular personality named "Coel Hen" (a Welsh name, but never mind that it almost sounds like "Cohen" because it could be a coincidence), said to mean "Old Coel" (yes, king Cole). Geoffrey of Monmouth (author of Arthurian myths) wrote that Coel's daughter gave birth to Constantine I the Great, the first emperor to permit the flourishing of Christianity in an anti-Christian pagan Roman empire...and yet Constantine worshiped the sun god as Jesus Christ! This explains why Catholicism became a Babylo-Christian mix, a mix similar to that carried by Rosicrucian groups for centuries. Yet none did I know until recently that Constantine' sun god belongs to the Kabala! Yes, Catholicism was a mixing of Jesus Christ with the dragon bloodline, a most polluted state of affairs. The great wonder is not the cesspool itself, but how Catholics are blind to this reality that Protestants see so clearly. I will add here that queen Margaret was of the Catholic persuasion. Others, including Henry of Huntington, likewise claimed that Cole's daughter was Constantine's mother.

Proof for a David-Cole and a David-Cunedda connection is in the extremely interesting report that Constantine's wife, Helena Cole (Cole's daughter and Cunedda's wife), found pieces of Christ's cross. The Catholic clergy and many popes were infamous for these sorts of money-making this very day...and so this is not what is extremely interesting. But lo and behold that queen Margaret claimed to have brought back from Hungary/Kiev a piece of Christ's cross (which was supposedly the sacred item for which Holyrood House was built by her son, David I). My theory is now virtually verified, that Agatha and/or Margaret, centuries after Helena, was in sexual contact with a descendant of Helena. This is supported all the more by the fact that Henry Huntington was the son of Margaret’s son, David I! Henry Huntington knew that Helena was the daughter of Cole simply because Henry knew that he was from Helena’s blood.

But as Helena had Cunedda as her husband, therein is how the Cohen blood could have entered the Roman throne. If true, Constantine was the first Cohen emperor, wherefore one may also view him as a proto-Stewart of sorts.

Helene took on the title, "Augusta," which could certainly reveal that she (and the Cole bloodline) was from the Roman-Trojan blood of Caesar Augustus, the first Roman emperor (Julius was not an official emperor). Were the Kyles and/or Stewarts from Caesar Augustus, therefore??? Augustus was the patriarch of the caesar (Tiberius) under whom Jesus was crucified, not likely by chance, but by Design, so as to condemn that dragon bloodline absolutely. The Dragon of Revelation 12, which continued to pursue Christ even after He ascended to Heaven, is this Augustus bloodline/cult via seven Roman emperors (yes, the dragon's seven heads) beginning with Gaius in 37 AD.

The apparent contradiction in this chapter, that Cohens are from both Khazar kagans and Cunedda Veneti, should vaporize if I am correct on both counts. In order for both to be true, the Akatziri (of Thrace) need to connect with the Veneti and/or Heneti of Asia. As Agathyrsus was the son of Hercules while the western dragon line was definitely from Hercules, I fully expect a connection between Khazars proper and western Atlantis. Since the mother of Agathyrsus was Echidna the snake-woman, the Khazars and the western Atlanteans must both be from "she." Isn't she "Akkadia" = the Cati? In fact, "Akkadia" is close enough to "Akatziri" that I would consider the two one peoples.

At the McClintock family website, which family uses three silver shells, I read: "The escallop shell is the symbol of James, the disciple of Jesus Christ from the Bible..." Please, how does one get that idea? The Rosicrucians didn't support the Stewarts because they were disciples of Christ. The writer then picks up his good senses so as to ignore the Christian-slanted "bunk" that he's been told, and admits the reality that he must have known all along: "...[the shell] may also be significant of James VI of Scotland who also became King James 1 of Great Britain." Ahh, now we're talking, suggesting that the shell was a Stewart symbol (James was a Stewart king).

The Magdalene (surname) Coat uses nine gold shells. Hmm. Moreover, knowing that the Eaton family is related to the Stewarts, see that the Eden Coat used three black shells. The German Eden Coat uses a gold griffin. Here's a key: the shell symbol was around before any Stewart sat on British throne, for the afore-mentioned writer at the McClintock family website reveals one revealing piece of data:

"It was worn on the helmets of the Crusaders in their war to free the Holy Land from the barbarians."

How could the shell be tied to the dragon line any better? And see that the symbol is on the present pope's Papal Coat.

[Update August 2006 -- Just a week after publishing this chapter, I found that the Lad-family Coat uses three black shells. For this reason, the shell may root back to the Ladon dragon, a depiction of the Latin-family of peoples going back to the mythical Circe and Helios alliance. As the Mushussu Dragon of the Sumerian sun-god cult (to which Helios must have been connected) used a leopard's body, note the black leopard head on the Lad Crest. Moreover, the Lad surname was first found in Somerset (according to the above link), while "Somerset" was originally "Sumersaeton" (= house of Sumer)!

Knowing that Plato's Atlantis is dated by modern cults (e.g. Edgar Cayce) to roughly 12,000 years ago, see that the website above says: "Somerset has a prehistory going back at least as far as 11,000 bc when families lived in Gough's Cave, near Cheddar." Dream on modern pagans, for historical records in our possession do not go back further than 2400 BC; records prior to that were destroyed by Noah's Flood. The sooner that you -- modern Rosicrucians who established Evolution fantasy -- realize that whale fossils on mountain sides did not get there by the uplift of sea floors over millions of years of mountain formation, the less you'll look the fool when the Truth is revealed.

Is "Cheddar" from "Gether," son of Aram, the very one I suspect to be the beginning of the Kabala cult? As the Kabala was the Cutha-come-Cati, note that the next sentence speaks of a Cadbury Castle of 700 BC. Another website says: A wealth of local folklore links Cadbury with Camelot and Arthur." As Arthur is likewise thought to have been connected to the Somerset region, while Ladon was the dragon that protected the golden apples of western Atlantis, code-named, "Avalon," one can't ignore the Arthur-Ladon relationship that should be true also of the Cohens/Stewarts.

Although "Avalon" may have been defined as "apple land" for the sake of Ladon's apple symbol, I don't think it's a correct translation. If the "lon" = "land," then the "Ava" does not appear to mean "apple" at all. I would suggest we look to the Avvites from the city of Opis on the Tigris, the city to which I have traced Opis-worshiping Italians, the city that I think was origin to the Apollo symbol. It may certainly be a coincidence that "Apollo" reflects "apple," but I don't think it's a coincidence that "Avalon" and the Greek version, "Apollon," are a virtual match. As Apollo was the Phaethon sun god of Eridanus, look not for a golden apple to represent the Arthurian peoples, but rather a Latin serpent that makes rotten the entire garden.

At another website (below) we read that historian-author, John Leland, wrote: "At the very south end of the church of South-Cadbyri standeth Camallate." John Leland may very well have known the Rosicrucian truth, for was Henry VIII's "chief antiquarian." New-Atlantis Rosicrucians (e.g. John Dee's people) were in the courts of Henry VIII (a Tudor king) to set up the idea that Christ ruled on earth via English kings (i.e. the Anglican church) rather than via the Vatican popes. Moreover, the Leland surname would found Stanford University (California), an American extension of 19th-century British-Rosicrucian cults.

As those secret British cults are known to be extensions of the "Jewish" Bavarian Illuminati, we find that Stanford is home to the Hoover Institute, while the Hoover name was rooted in Bavaria. The Hoover link (above) shows that the name was earlier "Huber," very close indeed to "Iberi/Hebrew." A variation of "Huber" is "Hubbard," the name that became infamous with Scientology, and do know that Scientology, and it's Hubbard founder, worked together with Stanford Research Institute. Moreover, Scientology was the product of Aleister Crowley's Golden-Dawn cult that was an extension of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Crowley Coat uses a blue boar, suggesting connection to the Vere dragon line.

As Bavaria was Franconia, know that Franconia was held by Hohen Salians prior to the official formation (1776) of the Bavarian Illuminati. Just as the Hohen Coat uses red and silver (i.e. white) checks, so "red and white are regarded as state colours (Landesfarben) of Franconia."

Somerset is next/east to Devonshire, and while Wikipedia reports that "Devon" derives from the "Dewnans," I found that Devonshire was granted by the Conqueror to his war supporter, Walter de Douai, where "Douai" is known to refer to a region in Normandy. This can't be a coincidence. Indeed, as the variation of the Douai surname is Dewey (three gold griffin heads on Coat), and "Doway" to the English, I would suggest that the Dewnan founders of Devonshire were the same as the Douai of Normandy. Wikipedia reports that the Dewnans (Tuatha de Danann?) lived in Somerset as well as neighboring Devonshire.

Previous to learning of the Douai term, I had already traced Avvites of Opis to the Dahae ("dog") that named Daghestan. Both Avvites and Dahae were reported independently as wolf-depicted peoples. And as the Dahae were Biblically the "Dehava," which term I think is to be understood as Deh-Ava, a connection to Avalon seems feasible. I strongly suspect Dagon roots here, and just as I had caught glimpse of a Dagon-Nahor relationship, so the Neuri were also a wolf peoples. Is that Dagon's fishtail on the Arms of the Devon County Council.

Leland's identification of Camelot with Cadbury intrigues me in that I view Camelot as an entity named after Kemuel, son of Nahor, while I include Nahorites in with the Cutha Kabala. Bude may have been named by the same that named Bodmin in Cornwall (beside Devonshire). Proof that "bod" terms can modify to "bos/buz" (or vice-versa) is in the Bodmin's Cornish version: Bosvenegh. "It has been suggested that [Bodmin's] name comes from an archaic word in the Cornish 'bod' (meaning a dwelling; the later word is 'bos')" (round brackets not mine)

I've noted that Walter de Douai's father was Urso (= bear), perhaps leading back to Arthur.

Tavistock comes to mind as a variation of the Dew(nan)/Douai, for not only is Tavistock a town of Devonshire, but it is said to be rooted in "Tau." Tavistock is today a name associated heavily in the social-engineering sector of the Illuminati, namely the Stanford-connected Tavistock Institute, founded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Wikipedia reports that Tavistock was the location of the Sherlock Holmes fiction, The Hound of the Baskervilles, while "Tau" resembles the dog terms in the following list (found at the website below): daoi, daos, daules, daon, dhaunos, daunus, and daous. Daghestan is yet inhabited by Avars, remember, so that the Avvites of Avalon/Britain likely derive from Avar elements...which I think were the Iberians (i.e. Hebrews) of Caucasia.

Does the reader understand that Hebrew dogs wish to rule over us absolutely, and that these must be distinguished from true Jews? Does the reader understand that God wishes to purge modern Israel of the dogs? Does the reader understand that God is raising the anti-Christ to destroy the dogs not only in Israel, but in Britain, in Europe, and in America?

Years ago I wrote a chapter (The New Apostles) on the fathers of Pentecostalism, and it was then that I learned that a John Dowie was an extension of the Catholic Apostolic Church (the same one that wanted to rule Europe in the name of Israel via their own 12 apostles). This church was the first to introduce tongues and false miracles, and Dowie, who claimed to be the last-days Elijah, not only had the very same sort of movement going, but called his church, "Christian Catholic Apostolic Church." Three points: 1) "Dowie" is the Scottish form of "Douai," 2) dragon-line Rosicrucians/Gnostics are at the foundations of charismatic Christianity, and, 3) the pre-tribulation rapture was invented by the Catholic Apostolic Church. End Update

The McClintock article says that the Ulster rulers desired to, and in fact, changed the colors of the McClintock Coat, but after some debate the colors were restored, including the silver color of the shells (Coat shown at link below). This shows that Coats, even the smallest details, must be okayed by the Masters. The writer reveals that:

"In England, Henry the V issued a writ proclaiming that no man should assume a coat of arms unless he possessed or ought to possess one in right of his ancestors or by grant of some person competent to grant it. This was a way to control and identify the use of arms in the kingdom. Disputes concerning armorial matters were dealt with in the Court of Chivalry, presided over by the Constable and Marshal....A King of Arms was created giving the power to issue coats of arms on behalf of the Sovereign"

Can't get much more controlling than that. uses gold shells for the McClintocks; but it indicates that it's the Scottish branch of the family. Wouldn't that suggest that the Scottish branch is superior, since gold must take the cake over silver? McClintocks first appeared in Argyllshire, adjacent to the Stewart domains of Bute, Ayrshire, and Arran. Of course, I wonder about Clinton connection to this family. At another website (a primer for creating one's own Arms), we read:

There are three ways to acquire arms:

1. Inherit them.
2. Be granted them.
3. Assume them.

In the first case, you should make an attempt to ascertain as to whether an ancestor had legitimate arms. If there was such an ancestor, if you can prove line-of-descent and if that line-of-descent was in the male line, it is generally assumed you have a right to a coat-of-arms. Not the same one, necessarily, but similar. The catch is, you have to prove the line-of-descent.


Edom and Avva
I identify the Avvites here as Cutha-Kassites
who came to Israeli shores of Gaza
as proto-Merovingians.

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