Written later, with a new Hebrew theme, started August 2006
Reading previous chapters will make this one better understood.
I have been in contact with a porphyria victim (Robin) seeking the roots of the disease, which she has found in Rollo and his wife, Poppa of Bayeux, a city in the region of Bessin, which region I suspect was named after the Bessi Thracians, priests (proto-Cohens?) of the wicked Satrae Thracians that were depicted in myth as Satyrs. Bayeux itself was named after the Baiocasse Celts, which I figure must have been the proto-Bavarians in that "Bavaria" derived from "Baioari."
When Robin wrote this to me, "From Rollo and Poppa we descend to Michael le Fleming...", I immediately checked the Fleming Coat to find that it uses a blue and silver so-called "fur," which strikes me as a variation of the Stewart/Cohen checks. But the Fleming coat uses red and gold checks in the so-called "chief" (top one third of the coat), and I must conclude that red and gold checks are yet another branch of Cohens (third I've found so far). Fortunately, I had come across these checks before and had saved the name to which they belonged, so behold that the Baring Coat uses red and gold checks, but because they are throughout the Coat, it signifies in my mind that Flemings were a branch of Barings, not vice versa. The importance here is that "Fleming" is the root of the quasi-nation of Flanders and may therefore connect with the Salian Franks (originating at mouth of the Rhine, Netherlands) who became the Hohen emperors (using red and white checks throughout their Coat).
The Baring banking family of Britain is often connected to Illuminati activity. When I read this at encyclopedia.com: "Sir Francis [Baring], a close associate of William Pitt the Younger...", I found that the Coat of William Pitt used a band of (as does the Pitt family to this day) blue and silver checks. Per chance this name traces back to Phaethon, the son of Helios, in that the Pitt coat uses three gold spheres that may depict three branches of the sun god. The Pitt name was first found in Devonshire (according to houseofnames.com), which locality is central to this discussion.
It should be said that the woman who introduced me to Robin, the porphyria victim (my Pollock correspondent) that I had been writing to for years previous, believes (with many others) that the disease traces to Merovingians, meaning that we are, for different reasons, seeking to trace the same bloodline. We had not had significant discussions for a couple of years when, on the day that I was in the midst of tracing the Phaethon dragon to the Kyles of Ayrshire, which was the same day that I wrote for the first time, and only briefly, on the Danaans of Somerset/Devonshire, Robin was introduced to me. On that same day (August 20), Robin mentioned that she traced the disease to Somerled (II), ruler of Ayrshire. I wrote back mentioning that I suspected Somerled ties to Somerset.
When I looked into the matter, it first struck me that there wasn't likely a Somerled-Somerset connection because Somerled was from Ireland while Somerset was in Cornwall. But as I continued to read an article on Somerled, I found that he was the progenitor of the Donald/MacDonald clan, which spelling was at first "Domhnall." That's when I realized that the Donalds had been the Danann of Ireland called "Domnann"! You can see how it came as a shock to me because I had by then rooted the Domnann in the Dumnoni of Devonshire/Somerset!!
So, I figure that Somerled was a term honoring a Somer entity/peoples that was rooted in Somerset elements, and of course "Domnall/Donald" was a term honoring the Domnann Irish. In short, Somerled was a Domnann-branch Danann, and to prove this further, his grandfather was Gil-Adomnan. As Somerled was also a Viking name, and because there is other evidence that causes the historians to root him partly in Viking blood, I would venture to assert that his ancestry was in the Danes who had stemmed from the Somerset Danann.
Further reading showed that Somerled (died 1164) not only became the king of Ayrshire and Morven, but of Bute and Arran (not to mention much else on western Scotland). One website said that Somerled was killed by Stewarts of Renfrew (not identified by the author), and other websites say that he was killed by Malcolm IV, king of Scotland, a descendant of David I. It just so happens that the leading Stewarts of Renfrew were what David himself made the High Stewards of Scotland. This now explains why, as soon as a Renfrew Stewart later took the Scottish throne (as Robert Bruce II), he seized Bute, Arran and Ayrshire for the Stewart name. My question had for years previous been: were the pre-Conqueror peoples of Bute the ancestors of the royal Stewarts? Thanks to Robin's input, I have found that indeed they were, to be explained later in this chapter.
The point I want to make first is that the Somerled's Irish blood can be identified as Breton, for the Dumnoni of Cornwall were Bretons. At the website below, we can learn that the first peoples of Ireland were from Caucasia. The second peoples, the Parthalons (a mythic term), translates to the historical Pretani = Bretons. The third peoples, the Fomorians of Tory Island, may have been what were later called "Pomeranians," who depict themselves to this day by dragon symbols.
http://dedanaan.com/untilled-fields-of-irish-history/early-peoples-of-ancient-ireland/At the website above, we learn that the chief peoples of Parthalon were encoded, "Eber," but Parthalon was given yet another son, "Rudrraidhe" (Rudr-Areada/Rudr-Redones?). As these are mythical terms, they depict people groups, and it's interesting that one online author had written (article no longer online) that the Varangian Rus were based in a Swedish family called, "Rudr/Rud'r." In other words, the Parthalons (i.e. Bretons) appear once again as a Hebrew-Rus mix, but ruled by the Hebrew portion. The Varangians were those Rus that went later to live in Kiev, near the Khazars that were likewise a Hebrew-Rus peoples ruled by the Hebrew portion.
The Rus were the ones who eventually brought the Khazar empire down, at which time the Khazar cohens/kagans sought refuge in Hungary/Germany (as "Ashkenazi Jews"), and these represented (as goes my theory) the non-Bute side of the royal Stewarts. The Varangians and their Breton ancestors should therefore be viewed as distant dragon-line cousins of the Khazar-based Stewarts, so that the royal Stewarts descend from two dragon lines.
David I may be viewed as the closest thing to a Stewart without being a Stewart proper, for he was from queen Agatha (on his mother's side), who was in turn the daughter of the Salian/Hohen emperor, Conrad II. Hohen-branch Cohens descend from Salian-branch Merovingians (online genealogies verify this, and I'll share them later), but this line did not produce the Stewarts-proper of Dol/Scotland...since those Stewarts are from the blue-and-silver checked Cohens (Hohens used red and silver checks).
A branch of Parthalons called "Nemedians" lost a war to the Fomorians (of Tory Island), and "escaped to Britan with their chief, Britan, while two other groups returned to Ireland...as the Firbolgs and Tuatha de Danann." The writer(s) of this mythical story may not have realized that Bretons/Danann were already in Cornwall/Wales, for which reason he was seemingly rooting the Bretons (i.e. via "Britan") in the Nemedian-branch Parthalons of Ireland. In any case, we do see that Parthalons and Danann were both Bretons, and that Fir Bolgs were likewise.
The writer (as do many others) identifies the Fir Bolgs as Menapii Gauls of Belgica (now Belgium). As the Menapii have been identified historically as inhabitants of the Isle of Man (probably tracing back to the island's founders), it could be, and in fact I'm about to show, that Somerled (ruler of the Isle of Man) was a Fir-Bolg Danann. The writer tells that the Fir Bolgs of Green Island moved to Mayo county in Connacht, which is where the Fir Domnann lived, thus verifying that the Somerled/Donald peoples were just those Fir Bolgs. Somerled was actually from Donegal (extreme north-west Ireland), but this was smack beside Connacht to its south (Tory Island is in Donegal). It should be added that "The Fomorians were given the province of Connacht, and were allowed to marry some of the Tuatha de Danann."
http://www.skell.org/explore/text/celtdeityT.htmlThe writer includes a third Fir tribe along with the Bolgs and Domnann, the Fir Galian, evoking Galway of Connacht but possibly tracing back through the Gauls (historically, "Gali") to the Galli-branch Kabala cult. Note that the writer places the Fir Bolg in Ulster, and that the Ulster flag is a "star-of-David" design. Keep in mind that Khazars, to whom I trace the star, were of the Bulgar family of peoples.
The writer claims that the chief of the Fir Bolg was a son of Erc, and this I would definitely view as the myth writer's belief that Hercules was at the root of these peoples. If correct, Hercules was a depiction of the Bolg-branch of Danaan, to be distinguished somewhat from the Tuatha branch. The latter was of Thoth/Hermes (I say), stationed therefore at Great Ormos, Wales. It could therefore be that Geryon and his dog, Ortho (who were of Erethlyn near Great Ormos) was of the Tuatha branch.
I can now root the Taddei/Tatius terms of Sabina Italy (and their Quirinal Hill of Rome) to the Tuatha Danann (for which reason I would trace the Curetes, Carians, and Corinthians to Thoth/Hermes). The Coelius founders of Caelian Hill (of Rome), on the other hand, I would view as the root of the Fir Bolg, for the root of the Somerleds/Donalds (who were Fir Bolgs) was in a "Colla" term: "The Clan Donald...Members of the Clan Colla left Ulster in early times and settled in Argyle..." (website below). Another conclusion, therefore, is that Greek Calydonians and Scottish Caledonians (Picts) should be viewed as Bolgs.
Wouldn't the Colla-branch Danann have been the Coles/Kyles in Ireland, especially as an alternative name of Kyle was "Coila," by which I mean to identify Somerled as a Kyle bloodline? In fact, the district of Kyle was called "Coila Province."
http://members.tripod.com/bob_newcumnock/pontmaps/kyle.htmlSomerled (with his wife, Sabina) had a son, Gillecolum, reflecting the "Colla" term twice. It's therefore interesting that Wikipedia uses "Mael Coluim" to denote Malcolm III, father of David I. I would therefore view David as Hohen on his mother's side, and Kyle on his father's side. Both Somerled and his son, Ranald, named one of their sons, "Alexander," but houseofnames.com claims that the name was first imported to Scotland when queen Margaret (David's mother) brought it from Hungary. Margaret's son, Alexander I (ruled just before David), had a son named Máel Coluim (Malcolm) who married the sister of Somerled. This doesn't prove that Malcolm III was a Kyle of the Somerled line, but it increases the possibility.
Both the Somerled and Donald coats of arms are red and gold, the colors of Scotland. The Ranald Coat uses the same designs and colors, but what's extremely interesting is that Ranald gave birth to Donald, patriarch of the Donalds and MacDonalds, while those names together evoke Ronald MacDonald with the red and gold clown suit!! I don't think it's a coincidence.
http://www.geocities.com/judys-space/Vol1/macdonal.htm#Gille%20BrideCould the terms in the following quote be Irish for "Cohen": "The Clan Donald is known as the Clan Cholla or Siol Chuinn. Descended from the Conn of a hundred fights High King of Ireland..."?
http://www.drobrock.com/genealogy/4726.html"Conn" is said to mean "hound." He was from Connacht, thus supporting a Domnann origin. In the third century AD, the descendants of Conn were yet "Cola."
Somerled's son, Angus, was ruler of Bute and Arran. He had a son, Seuman, whose daughter Jean married Alexander, fourth High Steward of Scotland. Alexander' son, James, was fifth High Steward. James' son, Walter, was sixth, and he married the daughter of Robert Bruce II to produce the first Stewart king of Scotland, throne name = Robert Bruce II. Thus the royal Stewarts descended from Somerled's son, Angus, ruler of Bute and Arran. This is why the first Stewart king seized Bute, Arran and Ayrshire when he as king had the opportunity, for the people there had been his kin.
Somerled is often made the progenitor of the Macdonald clan, anciently "MacDonnell," from "Clann Domhnaill." Technically, the first MacDonald was Donald's first son, Angus Mor (whose mother was Margaret Stewart).
I soon learned that Ruari/Rory, son of Ranald, put forth the Rory surname, and when I saw that the Rorys use a crowned blue lion on a silver background, I suspected strongly that this was the origin of the blue and silver Stewart checks. I then found that "The original lands of Clan Rueri were in Butte"
http://members.aol.com/Tripmcl/MCCRORY.htmltA day later, I found solid but not absolute evidence that royal Stewarts descended from Rory, even though royal Stewarts descended from Angus, Rory's brother: "Alexander Stewart...He married Jean MACRORY of Bute."
http://www.geocities.com/janet_ariciu/ScottishStewart.htmlThis was the Jean of the Angus line, mentioned above as the daughter of Seuman, son of Angus. Yet, she is many times mentioned online as Jean MacRory. In fact, Angus himself is said to be "Angus MacRory." I haven't been able to find an explanation for this inconsistency. The problem is, even the family trees showing the lineage of "Angus MacRory" link him to Somerled, and yet Somerled is not shown as a MacRory in those trees, nor is the mother of Angus shown as a Rory. For example, see the tree at:
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jamesdow/s068/f350160.htmNow see that the modern symbol of Jerusalem is a blue lion on gold background. Can this be evidence for Stewart/Rory importance? Why a blue Star of David on the Israeli flag? If the Rothschilds did found modern Israel, why not a red lion and a red Star of David? Could it be that the Stewarts/Rories of Britain's Zionism movement had more power than the Rothschilds of the Zionism movement?
In recalling (previous chapter) that the kylesociety.org website claimed the white lion to be the symbol of the MacDowells, so know that the Dowells are said to be from Somerled's brother, Dubhghall. This name is the origin of the MacDougals, which use the white lion, as well as the black Donald ship, on their Coat. Note that the lion in both surnames is on a silver background/field. What's interesting is that houseofnames.com shows "Doull/Doul/Duil/Doule as variations of "Dowell," evoking Dol, Brittany, where the proto-Stewarts had been stewards in pre-Conqueror times.
http://www.geocities.com/judys-space/Vol1/macdonal.htm#SeumanThere is a blue lion on North Ayrshire Arms. It has the (gold) crown and sword as does the blue lion of the Rory Coat. Therefore, the Rory clan came to rule Ayrshire. But, the question is, were these Rorys the royal Stewarts that took Ayrshire? The North Ayrshire Arms also uses the Donald ship, and a blue lion holds a fleur de lis.
To prove again that the Donalds (and therefore the Somerled dynasty as a whole) descend from Kyles, you can see that the Donald ship (called the "Black Galley"), because of it's shape, is an anchor in disguise, as for example the Kyles use on an old Kyle family crest. The same anchor symbol, with serpent entwined, is used to this day, as you can see at the houseofnames.com. The serpent entwined around the cross-shaped shaft of the anchor must depict the same ancestral bloodline as the red phoenix placed over the cross-shaped mast of the Macdonald ship. The phoenix in that case somewhat obscures the cross-shaped mast, and so see that mast without phoenix on the North Ayrshire Arms.
I must say, however, that while other dragon line families make no bones about displaying the fact, the Kyle family has been "shy," and it would appear that they have taken that bent to feign Christian roots instead. I would now conjecture that the rose placed centrally on the Rosicrucian cross is the same design under discussion. It's also clear to me that these symbols represent the Rus-Hebrew alliance that is the dragon line.
The "black shakefork" on the North Ayrshire Arms is said to represent be the "Cunningham district" (north part of Ayr), which I verified at houseofnames.com. But as the Cunningham Cres uses a unicorn, it may be yet another Somerled/Donald symbol. I know that the Irish MacDaniel Coat uses the Donald ship while the Crest uses a red unicorn ("MacDaniel" is an official sept of "MacDonald"). The Scottish Daniel Coat uses the black Kyle diamonds, and sports the white unicorn on its Crest. My thinking is that "Cunningham" was the settlement of that part of the Donald clan that honored its ancestor, "Conn." On the East Ayrshire Arms, the black shakefork of the Cunnings is the large and central feature, but it appears in the quartered coat of the District of Kyle as well.
The Stewart checks are in another quarter of this coat, but the article doesn't say that they represent the Stewarts, but rather reads thus: "This checkered pattern, representing the District of Kyle, appears on the arms of Ayrshire..." That is, it's as though there is no difference between the Stewarts and the Kyles, by which I mean to imply again that the Stewarts proper, and those of Dol, were proto-MacDonalds (i.e. the Colla = Cole/Kyle). In the top-left quarter we see the Castle Tioram, the seat of the Ranald-branch Donalds. In another quarter, there is "a red chevron on silver for the Carrick district."
Carrick (Ayrshire, Scotland) evokes the Bruces, and so we find that the Bruce Coat uses a blue lion on silver background in the coat's chief. However, their non-Stewart side, that of the Brusi of Annandale, were of red and gold colors, for the original Ayrshire Arms "showed a red cross and in a chief on gold, the arms of Bruce, Lord of Annandale." In other words, the original Ayrshire Arms was essentially a Bruce Coat. The Arms added two lyres, thus exposing Irish roots (lyres depict Ireland). The Bruce Coat is centrally a red saltire cross, while the website says: "a red cross for Ireland."
There was a second Carrick in Donegal (Ireland), near Connacht, which may have been the home of the proto-Bruces. All this perhaps argues more strongly for Bruce ancestry in the Donald/Kyle bloodline, which would then make the Bruces themselves a Cohen bloodline if the Donalds/Kyles were.
It may even be that the red English cross is in honor of Irish-Scot roots rather than Anglo-Saxon roots, for indeed the English also use a red lion that is the symbol of Scotland/Wales/Bretons (Anglo-Saxons were the white dragon). This suggests that the English-respected entity among the Irish-Scots was in their Breton/Celt/Danann side rather than in their Gael side (the English in early-Templar times used a white cross, but then changed it to red). What is ironic is that the Scots came to honor their Anglo-Saxon side if indeed I am correct in identifying the white saltire of the Scottish flag as such.
The South Ayrshire Arms uses the Stewart checks, a blue lion, and a blue porpoise, and the red chevron of Carrick. The East Ayrshire Coat uses a white and blue lion (the MacDowell and the Rory clans respectively). There is also a black diamond that the website identifies as "coal" (no capital, as though we are being led to believe that it depicts charcoal rather than king Cole i.e. the Kyle family does not want to reveal that the diamond depicts king Cole). But what is important to me are the black and gold checks in the middle of the coat, said to be "lifted from the arms of the Boyds family of Kilmarnock" (Boyds were Earls of Kilmarnock)
http://www.kylesociety.org/Kyle_CoatofArms.htmIt was while going through the kylesociety.org website again, just a couple of days ago to gather information for this chapter, that I realized the Bute meaning of "Boyd." Then, last night (August 24), I found a website (arguing against the traditional (and too-simplistic) derivation of "Boyd" from "blonde") that said the same:
"It has been observed that the Gaelic word BOID is a genetive place-name, meaning "of Bute." It seems the family came to be called 'Boyd' from the Isle of Bute."http://www.geocities.com/janet_ariciu/ScottishStewart.html
The Boyd checks are red and white (silver) today (on blue background), and who knows but that the red and silver Hohen checks derive from the Bute/Boyd-branch Somerleds. In fact, since the Stewarts apparently borrowed from the Cohen design, not vice versa, the blue and silver Cohen checks must likewise derive from the Bute Somerleds (the Rorys). I'm thinking to link the Cohens and Hohens to the ancestors of Cunnings/Cunns (of Cunningham). I see that the Cunn Coat uses what appear to be three hounds, evoking king Conn, and that a variation of "Cunn" is "Queen," even as "Queen" was a variation of the "Cuinn" descendants of Conn. Red versus white is common in Irish lore, and one only needs to identify the blue of Ireland to identify the Cohens there.
Curiously, houseofnames.com roots "Cunn" is "Suibhne," and then shows variations of this name to be "Sween/Swan." The term appears to be a variation of Suebi (a major branch of Swedes), and as is my theory, the term is rooted in Sheba, grandson of Abraham, and in the Italian Sabina. Note (near the top of the website below) that Somerled was first married to "Sabina" (before re-marrying). The Chaonians of Epirus which I traced to the Abruzzo region of the Sabina peoples, and then to the Cenomani and Eburo(vices) Gauls, I would now trace to king Conn...known to have had "Heber" ancestors! While Heber (also Iberian and therefore possibly from the Eburovices) was patriarch of the Gaels, it is known that Gaels married Irish Celts to form the DalRiada (that became the Scots).
http://www.geocities.com/judys-space/Vol1/macdonal.htm#Seuman[Update -- A few days after publishing this chapter, I came across the Italian city of Brescia in a totally unrelated research project, and going to the link, I found that it had for its Arms a blue lion with red claws, which made me read up on the history of the city. Fortunately, Wikipedia had the ancient histopry, which said this:
"Brixia is the Latin name of the modern city of Brescia in Northern Italy. Its location was first settled in the 7th century B.C. by a tribe of Gauls (themselves part of the Celts), which were the original inhabitants...The name of the tribe was Cœnomani, and the name of the city comes from their language"!!! (exclamation marks mine).http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brixia
What's incredible is that the city that the Bruces are traced to, in Normandy, is Bres, alternatively "Brix"!!! The Bruces were Hebrews from Epirus! And if I'm right about Chaonians being Cohens, then the blue-and-white-checkered Cohens were probably from the Bruces, or vice versa. There was another city northern Italy (South Tyrol), by the name of Brixen, that the following website says was possibly founded by St. Cassian (4th century), bishop of Brescia. The article then reveals that "The diocese [of Brixen] received many grants from the [Salian/Hohen] German emperors." The article then says that Frederick I (Barbarossa), a Hohenstaufen emperor, placed the umbrella of the empire over the bishopric of Brixen, and together they deposed pope Gregory VII as part of the Investiture Controversy wherein the Salian emperors insisted on choosing church leaders (in opposition to the will of the Gregorian popes). The point is, there seems to have been a close relationship between the Salians/Hohens and the proto-Bruces.
http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02793d.htmTo support my theory that the Bruces originated in the "Abruzzo" term, or vice versa, the article has this to say: "The Diocese of Brixen is the continuation of that of Saben-Sabiona...The first Bishop of Saben vouched for by history...appears as suffragan of the Patriarch of Aquileia." Add to this that Abruzzo was in Aquila province of Sabina territory. It's true that Aquila was not the same geography as Aquileia, but the latter was in Padua while the houseofnames.com tells that the Abreu/Abruzzo/Brussi surname was first found in Padua. The ancient name of this Venetian city was Patavium, which may be the root of the Batavian (tribe of Catti) of the Rhine river that I suspect were the Salian Franks of that very region. Are you with me? The Patavians (of Veneto) were the proto-Bruces and also the Salian Franks that furnished one Frank side of the Merovingians and later the Franconian/Salian Cohens/Hohens!
Virgil made Chaon, mythical symbol of the Chaonians, son of Priam, king of Troy, which is apparently another "Apiru" term (i.e. as is "Epirus" itself), if not a codeword for "Abraham." Understand that before I had seen the similarity between "Priam" and "Abraham," I had already identified Helenus, son of Priam, as a Sheba peoples. Therefore, I will stick to the view that Helenus and Chaon depicted branches of Abraham's non-Israelite grandsons (Sheba and Dedan) by his wife, Keturah (Genesis 25:3).
Rosicrucians are not Israel, not Judah, not David, not Jesus, but the Kabala of Epirus, living in Greece long before the Israelites went into exile. And behold what Wikipedia says: "Little else is known of the Chaonians, except that the men wore white kilts (which are still used to this day..." (brackets not mine) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Himar%C3%AB End Update]
The original Ayrshire Arms (that was a near-copy of the Bruce Coat) is found on a Kilmarnoch website (below), wherefore it now seems evident that the red color of the Bruces ties to the red of the Boyds (to the red of the Donalds, apparently). But as the Bruce Coat used red and gold colors (instead of the Boyd red and silver), the Bruces may connect back to the red and gold checks of the Baring- and Fleming-branch Cohens. Indeed, while the Irish Fleming Coat uses the red and gold checks, the English Fleming Coat uses a red chevron, which is also the Carrick-Arms symbol ( http://freespace.virgin.net/kilmarnock.org.uk/kilmarnock.html )
Here is what I see. The Cohens of Ireland became the Celt rulers of Bute, Scotland, but afterward parked themselves at the mouth of the Rhine (around Rotterdam, Netherlands), either as, or with, the Batavi there. The red-and-gold Cohens became the Flemings of Flanders. The blue-and-white Cohens spread from Flanders to Flaad, first-known progenitor of the Stewarts proper. The red-and-silver Cohens became the Salian Franks and later the Salian Germans that became the Hohens. As it's well known that the Netherlands were filled with "international bankers" of Rosicrucian/Illuminati stripes, some of them "Jewish," perhaps (but not necessarily) the Barings bankers originate there.
My suspicions that the Cohens were Druids (and proto-Druids -- the Dryas/Dryad peoples -- as far back as the Bessi Thracians) are supported where the Cohens are identified as Celts. The Drummonds also became major bankers of London, and so note that they first lived in Drymen.
The kylesociety.org website exposes four "very rough drafts of different ideas for [Kyle] shield designs." These show Kyle roots in the Breton Celts. One draft has red dragon on green background (in the chief), signifying Wales. Another uses a gold griffin on blue background. Another uses blue and silver Stewart checks in chief. A fourth has a white lion outlined in red (on blue background) in the coat's chief, depicting the MacDowells (Dougal, son of Somerled). Recall that "The district or ancient kingdom of Kyle was said to take its name from Coel Hen [king Cole] the head of a Dark Age British [i.e. Breton] dynasty..."
http://members.tripod.com/bob_newcumnock/pontmaps/kyle.htmlI am considering a tracing of the king-Cole Kyles to Flanders simply because the pipe that the kylesociety.org website claims to be a symbol of king Cole appears in the mouth of a black (a favorite Kyle color) lion -- with red claws -- that is the symbol of Flanders! The lion can be seen at the Wikipedia article on Flanders below, or by clicking this red-clawed lion.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FlandersBecause the English Maxwell Coat uses a black double-headed phoenix with red claws, with a black saltire cross as part of the design. I would venture to identify the Maxwells as a Kyle bloodline. This is important for my Pollock email correspondent in that she knows Maxwells to be virtually the same as the first-recorded Polloks. Note that the Maxwell Crest (above link) uses a stag, an old Kyle symbol. There is yet more support in the fact that the Doon Coat uses two headed phoenix, while the kylesociety website tells that the Doon valley symbol (on the East Ayrshire Coat) is a fir tree; the Fir Bolg and Fir Domnann come to mind, as do the Veres...the blue-boar peoples that I'm sure are related to the boar-sporting Pollocks.
Other websites (e.g. below) call the East-Ayrshire fir a pine tree (same thing). The point is, isn't that a fir/pine tree in the Maxwell Crest??? I do believe so. Moreover, the website below shows the white and blue East-Ayrshire lion with red claws.
http://www.heraldry-scotland.co.uk/area_councils/gallery.asp?ID=104Now those who do not know that these symbols relate to the dragon line will define the fir tree as a symbol of forestry. Look at the Loudoun Coat and see that it is centrally a large pine tree. Then look at the variations of that surname and note the "Lothian" is the first one listed (the god of Lothian was Lot). This now more than likely traces back to the Ladon peoples. The dog beside the bottom of the pine tree (in the Lothian Coat) may be a benign depiction of Apollo since Daphne and Apollo had something going.
The black diamond beside the pine tree in the East-Ayrshire Arms is called a "lozenge" (apparently very benign) by the heraldry masters, and when I looked the term up in my dictionary, it mentioned that it was a heraldry term and rooted it in the French and Latin, "lapis, -idis stone." That doesn't make sense, unless we view "lozenge" as secret code for the lapis lazuli gem...that was a gem of the ancient Gorgons...who I think became the Laz peoples of Caucasia, the very peoples that I root the Ladon dragon in! The pine tree was sacred to the sun god, Atti(s), from whom the god Lydus stemmed, the symbol of Lydia.
At the kylesociety page, we can see an old-looking winged lion that I think depicts Old Cole himself. The lion is shown with a gold cup that I think refers to the holy-grail line connecting back to the Latin and Lydian lion, even the Ladon dragon itself. The website admits that the wings of this old lion refers to "King Cole's Roman connection." To this I'll now add that north East Ayrshire is called Kilmarnoch and Loudoun. Wikipedia reports that Loudoun was named after the god, Lug, who was half Fomorian and half Danann and therefore depicted a Fomorian-Danann alliance of Ireland. It is known that this alliance founded the Isle of Man, but it can be assumed that they moved to other regions of western Scotland. Of course, I root Lug in the Ligurian dragon line...essentially the Ladon dragon that furnished the Etruscans and Latins.
The wings of the lion are the same as the wings of the dragon, and denote the sun god, which is no doubt why the Kyle website places a big, bright sun smack beside the lion with chalice. The "Rosi-Cross" theme of Rosicrucians may just be the same as the emblem of count Dracula's Order of the Dragon: "Its emblem was a dragon, wings extended, hanging on a cross."
http://vampires.monstrous.com/dracula.htmI haven't been able to verify it as yet, but the kylesociety website asserts that the blue and silver checks originated in "a seal of Alan, High Steward of Scotland (1177-1204)." On his father's side there was heavy Hesdin blood, and so note that the Hesdin Coat includes three blue boar heads, on silver background, and a red chevron. What's more, on Alan's maternal line was the Molle surname, while the Scottish Molle Coat uses one central blue boar head on silver background, and a red phoenix on the Crest.
From Molech to the Bruce-Stewarts
If my immediate ancestry had not been from Abruzzo,
no one may ever have discovered Bruce roots
in the Hebrew-Rus that named Epirus.