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July 2006.
Reading previous chapters makes this one better understood best.

Nicholas de Vere admits what I have been claiming in this book, that the Illuminati wants us to believe that it has a right to rule the world in the name of God and of the Israeli/Biblical Millennium: "The Dragons - and in the King James Version of the Holy Bible - the Daughters of the Owl (Lilith), are therefore - according to Isaiah - the true children of God; "A Chosen Generation, a Royal Priesthood, an Holy Nation, a Peculiar People..." "Astaroth is Ishtar, who was a draconian relation of Lilith the dragon queen, the ancestral grandmother of the Tuadha de Danaan..."

In Isaiah 34:15, the Hebrew for "owl" is "liylyth/lilith," but there was also a mythical Lilith that Vere refers to, a demonic character that was an infant thief. I have a theory that many children are abducted even today for human-sacrifice purposes, and by now you may have read that the Bohemian Grove conducts human sacrifices (whether using real persons or dummies is not known) before an owl called "Moloch." The latter was a god (mentioned also in the Bible) to which parents sacrificed their own children.

You will note that Nicholas attaches Lilith to the Danann peoples from which the Veres stem. Recall from a previous chapter (Vere-y Interestink) that I had suggested a Vere connection to the Celt mythical character, Lot/Lud, founder of Lothian (where Edinburgh/Roslin is found), and that I pegged this character as the Greek Ladon dragon. Recall also that I had connected Ladon to the seven-headed Lotan dragon of Syria, and that Lotan was the name of a literal son of Seir (Genesis 36:20). All this is to now say that these terms may all root in Lot (Abraham's nephew), whom God found to be righteous enough to save from Sodom's destruction. However, Lot's descendants, the Ammonites, were those who worshipped Molech, but as the Sepharvites are said to have sacrificed their children to the fire (2 Kings 17:31), it is reason to view Lot's ancestors as the Sepharvites, these peoples being the basis of the Kabala and Rosicrucian dragon cult.

The mythical Lot/Lud was a Breton/Welsh peoples, and so note that the Welsh called Nominoe, "Tad de Vro," which I think means "Tad of Vere," especially as Nominoe came to rule Vere domains in Brittany and Anjou. Note that Nicholas uses a "Tuadha" spelling above, instead of the common "Tuatha de Danann," possible revealing that Nominoe/Tad was of Danann ancestry.

It is the belief of some that the Veres were successful Merovingians after the Merovingian dynasty came to a close...when the "Holy" Roman empire went into the hands of Merovingian traitors, the Carolingian Franks. Not long afterward, the Roman empire went into the hands of the Salian Dynasty, "a dynasty of Germanic kings, also known as the Frankish dynasty after the family's origin and role as dukes of Franconia." This was a continuation of the Salian Franks, and appears to have been a Vere dynasty for the following reasons, and if true, then the Veres were rulers in Franconia...this having special meaning to me if I am correct in connecting my own bloodline to Franconia.

All the kings of the German Salian dynasty were Roman emperors. The dynasty was founded by Werner of Worms, this evoking the Vere breed of dragons known as "wyvern." I found that the Worm Crest is a green wyvern dragon with two front feet. Is it also a coincidence that the Vere dragon is green? The above link says that "Worm" is German for "snake/dragon." I can't make out the animal on the Worm Coat.

Werner's son was Conrad the Red, whose grandson in turn was pope Gregory V, a fine example of the dragon line installing their own blood on the papal throne. The page that displays the Conrad Coat says that the name drives from "kuehn im rat," but as often happens, the definitions given by the are considered by me as ridiculous, definitions that I think were created and publicized by family leaders to keep us in the dark. As you can see by the many Conrad variations (e.g. Konrad, Konrath, Konrat), the "kuehn im rat,"phrase is probably translated Red Cohenim. This will become more apparent below, but note also the red background in the Conrad Coat.

The Werner Coat uses six red roses, as does the German Bute Coat.

Now look at this statement: "The four Salian kings - Conrad II, Henry III, Henry IV, and Henry V - who ruled the Holy Roman Empire as kings from 1024 to 1125" ( ).

Because the first Hohenstauffen emperor was Conrad III (succeeded Henry V), grandson of Henry IV above, the Salian emperors are suspected by me to have been Cohens/Hohens of some sort. Note the blue and white checkered pattern on the rooves of houses in this 13th century painting of Conrad III, suggesting that an alliance with the Cohens existed at that time. Conrad III was the grandson of Henry IV (through Henry's daughter), but this in itself doesn't prove a Cohen background for Henry. It was Conrad's father (Frederick of Buren) that was the Hohen(staufen). However, Henry IV had appointed Conrad's father to be duke of Swabia, and for this reason some Cohen blood may have been in the Salian emperors.

The Salians stem from the so-called "Conradines" beginning with Conrad, father of Conrad I, duke of Franconia. The sister of the latter gave birth to Conrad the Red and the Salian dynasty. In that the Conrad name was that of the forthcoming Hohen emperor, Conrad III, wouldn't it this, too, make possible a Cohen/Hohen background for the Salians? Indeed, this coat of Conrad II (a Salian) used red checks on the roof, while red checks are a Hohen symbol. See a genealogical chart of the Salian dynasty. The Salian dynasty goes back through the male line of Werner of Worms to Rudolph of Franconia (born 820ish).

Some say that Agatha of Germany/ Hungary, the mother of queen Margaret of Scotland, was the niece of Henry III, and/or the wife of Conrad II, and/or the wife of king Stephen of Hungary. There is a high probability, therefore, that Margaret was of Salian/Franconian genes, and also a Vere if the Salians were Veres. Because Margaret's son (David I of Scotland) made the Stewart family great, and because I have found that Stewarts were from the Cohen surname, I suspect that Margaret was a Stewart herself, from the Franconian kings. Henry V, the last Salian emperor, married Margaret's granddaughter, the daughter of Henry I (of England) the Sinclair.

After the last Salian king died, there arose from that bloodline the Hohenstaufen, who, because they were named after their Swabian castle, Staufen," can be viewed more simply as "Hohens." Wouldn't that be a version of "Cohen"??? Some Hohenstaufens became emperors of Germany, and others dukes of Swabia. The German version of "Swabia" is "Schwaben," linguistically rooted in "Suebi," and so I will repeat that these terms are possibly rooted in Sheba, grandson of Abraham. Note that the German region of Baden was in Swabia, and that the German Bute name using six red roses may be related to that region's name, and that these may have been the Budini and Neuri, from Abraham's nephew and brother i.e. Buz and his father Nahor. (see Hohenstaufen Coat)

When the last Hohenstaufen was gone, a power struggle arose between another Hohen family (the Hohenzollerns), the Habsburgs, and the rulers of Baden. Note that the Baden-town Coat uses Vere colors. I suspect that the future German-royal promoters ("Illuminated Despots") of the Age of Illumination were forming in these parts; eastern Swabia is where Bavaria and the Bavarian Illuminati would form. On this map of Baden-Wurttemburg, what remains of Swabia is in pink; Bavaria is the non-colored region to the east.

Hohenzollerns ruled from Zollern castle on the summit of a mountain. They originated in the city of Hechingen at the foot of the mountain. This was merely the pro-Catholic Hohenzollern branch (and therefore not the proto-Rosicrucian branch). The non-Catholic Franconian branch came to rule Brandenburg (1415) , which in turn created Prussia, which in turn created the German empire (1871). "Zollern" derives from Tassilo von Zolorin. "The accepted origin of the counts of Zollern is that they are derived from the Burchardinger dynasty. Burkhard I (until 1061)" (website above).

The German Burkhard Coat uses a Negroid head on the crest, a symbol of the Moors, and a Moor head appears on the present Pope's Papal Coat...that also uses a boar! What is that, Mr. Pope? Why do you wear red shoes? Note the two keys as the papal symbol, that it was the main symbol on the coat of Gregory V while also appearing on the Arms of Prussia...which I loosely call the Hohen-family plaque in that the black phoenix that is the central feature of the Coat is the Hohenstaufen Arms, while the red phoenix on a red and white background that is the Brandenburg Arms is the second-most important. The third-most important Coat is the black-and-silver quadrant Coat (situated just above the red and silver checks), created by the Hohenzollern, Frederick I.

The above website tells that Frederick II Hohenzollern created for the duchy of Pomerania a red griffin on white background symbol, which can be seen on the Pomeranian plaque, it having some distinct style similarities with the Hohen plaque, especially the two men that evoke a naked Adam in Eden. While black and white checks are reknown as a Freemasonic symbol, so we can see (on the Pomerania plaque) the Rosicrucian cross surrounded by four roses. A new element is here seen, gold and blue checks, that I have yet to identify...but will assume that they belong to yet another Cohen branch. Other symbols of these plaques are revealed at the website above. A larger/expandable version of the Prussian/Hohen plaque is available at

Note also the shell symbol (on the Papal Coat) that I want badly to identify. The shell appears to depict a kept secret, since it's closed. It obviously has nothing to do with Jesus. I should also mention that the papal cap (seen in the Coat) is thought by some to be a fish-head, as in depicting a fish line. The fish design is more obvious in a side view of the cap, because the cap is as-though sliced in two so as to form a fish's open mouth. As Catholic bishops wear this fish-hat, it's pertinent that my dictionary roots "bishop" in "biscop," where that seems very much to be a variation of "pesce/pisces." says that surnames like Pesce/Pescara were first found in Venice.

To show some evidence that the Hohen name was a variation of "Cohen," see that the German Hohen Coat is a replica of the German Cohen Coat but with red and silver checks instead of the Cohen/Stewart blue and silver checks.

The formation of Brandenburg-Prussia in the hands of the Hohenzollerns was a major breakthrough in the dragon-infested Pomeranian region ( see map and Coats of Prussia). "The Margrave of Brandenburg held the ceremonial title of Arch-Chamberlain of the [Roman] Empire. From 1417 on, the title was vested in the House of Hohenzollern" (see red phoenix on the Electors of Brandenburg Coat).

Shortly after ward (in 1442), the house of Hohenzollern united with the house of Macklenburg, the latter being by ethnicity of the Wend branch of Obotrites/Obodrites (German and Polish versions respectively were "Abodriten" and "Obodryci"), which just may have been the Butes bloodline as "Butes" means "house/abode." Indeed, the Hungarian and Slavic versions were "Bodrog" and "Bodrici."

As Wends were Slavs, while some say the Slavs derived from the Neuri, the Obodrites may just have been of Buz, son of Nahor. The Avvites come to mind in the Abod/Obod root of the terms, especially as Avvites, like the Neuri, worshiped wolves. I think I'm making, not only a Nahor to Avvite link, but an Avvite link to the Vandals/Wends, and of course to the house of Macklenburg. It now seems irresistible to connect the Obodrites became the Batavians (I read that as Bat-Avi) that I had, previous to creating this chapter, interpreted as both Buz-branch Avvites and proto-Salian/proto-Merovingian Franks. See that the Mecklenburg Flag uses a crowned bull, and recall that the Oxford Coat used a red bull when Oxford was ruled by Veres. The griffin on the Mechlenburg flag depicts Rostock.

The Hohenzollern who joined Brandenburg to (the ducal) Prussia was John Sigismund, and so when I checked the Sigismund Coat I found three six-pointed stars (not quite the common "stars of David"), remembering that the Vere five-pointed (pentagram) star was initially a six-pointed one. The Sigismund Crest uses a single arrow (the Rothschilds?), and two cornucopia...positioned as the horns of the arrow so that the arrow depicts a horned animal. Recall from another chapter that heraldry connected the Rothschilds to the Bute name, and so now see that the English Bute Coat also uses the same six-pointed stars (in gold), and a horse on the Crest.

The German Bute Coat uses six red roses but also a central fish. So now look at the Irish Keen Coat and see a fish, a horse, and three six-pointed stars. The Kane/Cain Coat has three fish (on green background). The Werner Crest using two wings with a pentagram between them has got to show Werner kinship with the Brent surname in that the Brent Crest uses the same two wings in the same position but with a wyvern dragon-head between them instead of the pentagram. We can know the dragon head is of a wyvern-type dragon because the Brent Coat shows a wyvern dragon fully (defined as a winged dragon with only two feet (birdlike) and a pointed tail. Clearly, the Veres were part of the Werner Salian (i.e. Franconian) dynasty, and I would say that Veres continued up to the Brandenburg branch of Hohenzollerns (descendants of Werner) since it appears that "Brent" furnished "Brandenburg." Do you see an owl head in the Brand Crest?

Behold that the German Branden Coat uses just two wings on red background, and that these are the very two wings on the red Masci Coat. My mother is a Masci! Then look at this Franconia Coat and compare to the Grimaldi Coat and the Monaco Arms (Monaco is owned/ruled by Grimaldis, and my mother is a Grimaldi). Moreover, look first at the Scottish Weir Coat and statements to see that the Weir name is a version of "Vere" (note the gold boar on the crest), and then see the red and silver diamonds also in the Irish Weir Coat!!

The Berger Coat of Holland uses the red triple chevron design (on gold background), so now look at the German Berger page and read that "the Berger family emerged as Brandenburg-Prussia"! I can't quite understand that statement unless it means that the Hohens were in reality Bergers, which would then connect Cohens to the Berger red triple chevron. Note that the Berger/Burger Coat of Germany is similar, using three red horizontal stipes on a gold background, showing kinship to the Dutch Bergers.

The English Burger page says that the surname derived from the German Bergers, and as you can see the English Coat uses a gold spread phoenix with three arrow heads. On the Bergman page, we read that the family lived between Brandenburg and Prussia, and who knows but that the "Burg" ending on "Brandenburg" is from the Berg family. I've noted that the Bergman Crest uses a black wolf! The Swedish Bergman Coat uses an eight-spoke wheel, which appears on the Hohen plaque. Were these the wheel-line Redones/Rus, since the wheel line was depicted by Apollo and was therefore also the wolf line? The Bergman Coat also uses a single arrow (in the blue field), a symbol of the Rothschilds and their kin.

In the lower right of the Hohen-family plaque is the red triple chevron symbol, and above it is a white cross very much like the one on the Taddei Coat. To the left are the red and white Hohen checks, next to the red and white Grimaldi diamonds. The red hearts next to the red checks are found on the Buttar/Butter Coat. Just as the hearts of the Buttar Coat are surrounding a black cross, so there we see it above the red checks in the plaque. The red bull is above the black cross. See the ermine design (signifying Brittany) in the lining of the drapery. See that the drapery is covering two horns, of the devil I'm sure, but quite likely that of the bull, Molech.

During Mayer Rothschild's lifetime (the first Rothschild), the king of Prussia was the "illuminated" Frederick II the Great, and he was, yes, still a Brandenburg Hohenzollern. This line attempted and succeeded, in 1840, of installing a Bishop of Jerusalem office. However, it was an effort in conjunction with English royalty, and under the supervision of the Anglican church. It had been my opinion, covered in a coming chapter (The Jews' Society), that the Rothschilds were involved in this plot, since Rothschilds simultaneously re-settled Israel during that Prussia-England Bishopric effort, thus putting in motion the modern-Zionist wheels that put Israel on the map with a Kabala "Star of David" as its flag.

Mayer served another Frederick, landgrave/ruler of Hesse-Cassel, and he traces down through rulers of Hesse and into the dukes of Brabant, and earlier yet to Henry III of Leuven (1085/86 - 1095). I saw that "Leuven" might be a version of "Levi," and so I checked out the Leuven Coat of Arms, and my jaw dropped when I saw that the Italian Leuven Coat was the red triple chevron (on silver background)! And the German Leuven Coat uses two wings alone!! Apparently, the Leuven family was related to the Branden (and Masci) family that likely named Brandenburg. It's interesting that the "the title "Duke of Brabant" was created by the German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa in favor of Henry I, son of Godfrey III of Leuven."

Barbarossa was a Hohenstaufen, for which reason the Leuvens and the Brabant rulers may have been Cohen/Stewart-family members. The French Brabant Coat uses two cornucopia; the surname traces to the Brabant rulers, says the link above. Cornucopia trace back to the Sabina Italians, and my feelers tell me that this pack of names under consideration are connected to the Bruce name that stems from Abruzzo (of Sabina territory). The English Brabant Coat uses three white roses on a red banner/background, but a red rose on its Crest; the English branch also traces to the Brabant rulers.

Henry II of Brabant and Leuven then traces back to the counts of Hainaut/Hainaut (I've been following the family tree at the website below). "The counts of Hainaut had several historical connections with the counts of Flanders and Holland." Note the city of Bergen in this map of Hainaut, for the Dutch Berg(er) surname uses the red triple-chevron. The Hainaut family was first found in Belgium, and as the Bruce (Brusi) kings trace to Lambert I of Louvain (Leuven), might they have named the Belgian capital, Brussels? Might they have named Prussia too?

Within an hour of writing the above paragraph, I found that the Flanders Coat uses the triple-chevron symbol!! See the symbol at the Hainaut website below (the second-listed website). This important, for the chevron are black ("sable") on gold ("Or"), the very design of the French Levi Coat!! I read that the duchess of Flanders, Margaret, used a Coat of "Chevronny or and sable." "Chevronny" is defined at the third website as multiple chevrons.

Armed with this knowledge of what the multiple-chevron symbol is called, finally, I can do some pin-pointed searches. I found that one heraldry-correct phrase for the triple chevron is: "Or, three chevrons gules" (where "gules" is "red" and "Or" is the gold "field" i.e. background). The following is for your better understanding:

"You asked whether 'Chevronelly gules and Or' is an appropriate set of arms for a man in 13th century Scotland. Here's what we've found.

In an earlier letter, we explained that heraldic arms were used in Scotland in your period only by Norman settlers, so we'll focus on that culture...If you try to register this design with the SCA College of Arms, you may find that it is too similar to the historical arms of the English family Clare, Earls of Gloucester, 'Or, three chevrons gules'. If you do, we'd be happy to help you choose a different design that avoids conflicts...[In the footnote we read the following]: "A field chevronelly has partial chevrons cut off by the top of the far as we know three chevrons and chevronelly were not considered equivalent by period heralds. Indeed, it is significant that the Clare arms were changed from chevronny to three chevrons."

Apparently, the multiple-chevron symbol is important enough to identify certain (important) families (important to pago-heraldry, that is) that one can't use that symbol today merely out of fancy. Here's an example of Chevronny.

Take a look at the red triple-chevron on gold Clare Coat, and then ask if the Clares were related to the Claros that were later the Sinclairs? The above link does not make any Clare connection to the Sinclairs, but one never knows. The Italian Claro Coat uses a single sun, and the page says that the (Italian) Claro name derives from "clear," as does the Norman Claro name (that became the Sinclairs).

The question then is, is there absolutely no connection between a family using three red chevron on a gold field and a family (i.e. the Taddei) using three red chevron on a blue field? If there is a connection, do the Taddei descend from the Clare/Rollo Normans, or vice versa?

The first-recorded Clare dates only to the 11th century. And in the single following sentence I believe there is the explanation for the red-chevron-on-gold-field connection between the Clares and the Burgs: "Edward I’s daughter, Joan of Acre, married Gilbert "the Red [a Clare], and it was their son, yet another Gilbert, who was killed in 1314. His sister, Elizabeth de Burgh, inherited the Clare lands, and her granddaughter married Lionel of Clarence, son of Edward III." Behold that the Clarence Coat uses two red chevron on gold field. But this symbol also belongs to the Laren/Laurin/etc. surname that is evident in "Clarence." One of the major septs of MacLaren are the MacRorys of Bute from whom the royal Stewarts (in-part) descend. The MacRorys were from the Irish-Scots.

One Richard de Clare who invaded Ireland was nicknamed "Strongbow." The Clare family, though settled in Suffolk (England), were ruling also in the Welsh Marches, defined loosely as the border regions between Wales and England, especially Shropshire and sometimes Flintshire. Clare the Strongbow was a power in this border region. Some of the Welsh archers who joined him in the invasion of Ireland came to be surnamed "Walsh," and so see that the Irish Walsh Coat uses three arrow heads (about a single red chevron), and that all the arrow symbols connected to the Rothschild families that I cite in another chapter ("Codes of Arms") probably trace to the Strongbownian Clares! I see that the Walsh/Welsh Crest uses a swan shot through by an arrow, the Swan being a Stewart symbol.

The largest MacLaren septs are the Pattersons, named after "Patrick," and this of course evokes the patron "saint" of Ireland (Patrick), who I think may trace back to the Patricians of the Sabina dragon bloodline. In that the Patterson Coat and Crest use swans, a tie with Liguria is feasible, especially Savona, which appears to be a variation of Sabina. That is, the swan symbol is a Sabina symbol. The Irish Patterson Coat uses a green lion, which I found to be the symbol of the Lyon surname. tells that the Lyon surname of Britain is from Lyons-la-Foret (in Eure, Normandy). This green lion may be entertained as the green dragon belonging to the Veres and Crichtons. Another sept of the MacLarens is the Wright surname, the Scottish branch using the Stewart blue and silver checks, and the English branch using the blue and silver stripes of the Lusignan Arms.

Lusignan (western France) was the domain of the mythical Melusine, the snake-woman (probably having a green serpent tail), whom I suspect was the mythical Milouziana of Vere-roots (i.e. Pict-root) importance (see my chapter, Vere-Y Interestink, for details). Melusine's mother was made, "Pressina" (of Scotland), which evokes Bres (of Brigit-related Celt myth), whom I think refers to the proto-Brusi/Bruces. In fact, "Pressina" evokes Epirus, the Greek location that I trace the Bruces (and Picts) to. Indeed, Pressina was birthed in Albania, though I think this is because the myth writer traced Scottish Alba to Albania, for Melusine is typically located at first in Scotland.

I was happy to find that Melusine's husband (Raymond) belonged to a mountain called, Brandelois (website below), for that term alongside "Pressina" evokes Brandenburg-Prussia...the kingdom formed and ruled by the Hohens! In other words, the Melusine myth was invented by someone(s) who knew that the Hohens of Brandenburg-Prussia traced back to a royal marriage(s) with Vere-Melusine royals/nobles. It is almost irresistible, therefore, to peg Hohen roots in the Irish peoples at the roots of the Picts, though only by marraige. It seems pertinent that Conn terms of Ireland such as the Irish-branch Coyne/Cohen surname was first found in Connacht, and is said to derive from the Gaelic, "Caoine/Chaoine."

The Lady of the Lake, a mythical character of Avalon that has been identified by some as Melusine, should prove to be the Milouziana Veres. The Lady adopted Lancelot as a boy, wherefore there was a Lancelot-Vere alliance. As the Lady has been identified further with Thetis, the fish-woman of Greek myth and mother of Achilles, it's easy for me to identify the Lady (and the Veres) as the Epirus peoples furnished by Achilles. As she was the protector of the Excalibur sword, she lived in the midst of the dragon line from the Halys river, who I tend to identify as Helios, or, in the real world, the Halybes/Khaldi = Celts. In a coming chapter I share that the Bruces from Epirus became the Cenomani and Eburovices Celts that named Brescia/Brixia of north Italy.

With so much emphasis on Laz/Ladon terms, and especially as the god of Lothian (Scotland) was Lot, I suddenly realize that the English mythical codeword, "Lancelot," should be understood as Lance-Lot (I found that others are way ahead of me on this). Red-rose Lancaster/Lancashire comes to mind.

The Coyne/Cohen Coat uses the so-called "ermine" background, the symbol of Vannes, Brittany, and also other parts of Brittany. But the Coat also uses the Stewart blue and silver colors; the Stewarts were rulers in Brittany before working under the royal Scots. Since the German Cohens use the blue and silver Stewart checks, it's fairly clear that the Irish Cohens had been the Stewarts of Brittany.

When the Templars had to chose a king for Jerusalem upon successfully conquering the city (1099), the choices were Godfrey de Bouillon and Raymond de Saint-Giles. And so behold the English Giles Coat using three swans (in the Chief portion of the Coat) and four gold cups (holy grails?) around a cross. That design is essentially identical to the Templar flag using four small crosses around a large central cross, or the Rosicrucian cross of the Andreaes family surrounded by four roses.

Note the Scottish Anderson Coat using two blue boar heads and two pentagrams in the same fashion (around a Sinclair-like Scottish Cross), and therefore connecting very likely to the Vere blue boar and Vere pentagram. The Anderson surname is said at the above link to derive from the Greek "Andreas." Do consider that "Flanders" is perhaps to be understood as Fil-Anders (son of Anders), and that the Scottish flag, called "Andrew's Cross," is not named after the apostle of Jesus as claimed, but the same Anders that is the root of the blue-boar Anderson and/or Flanders term. I would suggest king Andrew of Hungary, whom queen Margaret of Scotland lived with in her and his exile; Andrew was in exile because Samuel Aba (a Khazar) was then ruling Hungary (Aba = Avvite???).

I just found that the white cross mentioned earlier, found on the Hohen-Brandenburg plaque is the only symbol on the Bouillon Coat (with red background)!! In fact, the Bouillon cross is exactly that in the Taddei Coat. Why does the Taddei Coat have two such crosses, and which family used the symbol first of all. Note that each end of the cross evokes a Fleur de Lis. The link roots the Bouillon surname in Auvergne, today Aveyron (Avviy-Ron???). "...according to a thirteenth-century chronicler, [Godfrey] was born at Baisy, in Brabant; see Haigneré, Mémoires lus à la Sorbonne, Paris, 1868, 213"

Could "Bowles" (as per the husband of Camilla Parker Bowles) be a version of Bouillon (variations are Bouille/Bouile). The Bowles Crest uses the two wings used by the Brents and Werners, but with a black boar head between them. The Bowles Coat uses three black boars like the Bush/Booth Coats.

The same bloodline (the one who Mayer Rothschild served) traces further back to the counts of Massgua (could that be the origin of the Masci surname)? Gainfroi of Massgua married Theidlindis (of Blois), who traces further back to the "Bert" Merovingians of Austrasia: Dagobert and his father Sigisbert...and then back to Clovis and the mythical Merovee! This was the line that Mayer Bauer served, under whom he became the first Rothschild, and under whom he partook in the public formation of the Bavarian Illuminati, the Illuminati that formed the United States of America, that gave America her eagle symbol, and many other Kabala/Gogi/dragon symbols.

That's why America is ruled to a great extent by a few "Jews," but they are not Jews; they are dragon-line Hebrews who got into the Christian game to use us for our money, and to distort our doctrines simultaneously, as the devil got into Judaism via the Pharisees installed by king Herod of Sepphoris (Samaria). America is thereby a twisted-Christian country, a perfect breeding ground for to give birth to the dragon-speaker False Prophet.

Our "king" derives from "koning," which looks like a "Cohen" variation. Was Europe (i.e. the Roman Empire divided by clay and iron) ruled by Cohen blood?? If so, expect a Cohen False Prophet, and perhaps also a Russian Cohen to act as the anti-Christ. These persons are spelled like so: NOT JEWISH, NOT ISRAELITE, BUT DRAGON HEBREW


Who Pict Green for Lothian?
It's no wonder I had trouble trying to distinguish
the roots of Picts versus Lothians.
They're the same.

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