Created 1997 but updated again in 2024

Continued from the previous chapter.

The King of the North must be very happy as he watches, from his living room, the Arab groups growing in passion. Perhaps he's already decided to use Muslims to win the Middle East. But how can he unless he's in a political position to pounce on the opportunity? Upon advertising that he's anti-Israeli and/or anti-West, a politically-aspired Gog can quickly secure swarms of angry looters for his own purposes. It'll probably be like another tyrannical insurgency. The Daniel prophecy:

With ease, even into the rich places of the province, he will enter. And he shall do what his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers. He shall plunder and spoil, and scatter goods among them. And he shall devise his plots against the strongholds, even for a time" (Daniel 11:24).

Why "province," and why singular? Why not more specific? We are left to guess at what region he arises in. Why? I suppose it's because God doesn't want Christians to yet know with certainty, until he arises. He builds a great force by sharing what appears to me to be plunder from the invasion of Iraqi peoples. The Kurds come to mind. One cannot keep such activity hidden from the world. He by that point will have decided to abandon any peacekeeping or other good-guy role that he may at first utilize, becoming his own boss with a trusted / bought-off inner circle.

The prophecy has a viper's nest: the leaders in the neo-Seleucid kingdom, after being ruined by a flood-like army, get under the protective wings of this incarnation of satan, resulting in swarms of fighters loosening their ties to national politics to become part of the anti-Christ league. It's a coup where the victims of the coup accept / tolerate the coup as the lesser of two evils. It implies that the anti-Christ league opposes the flooding army to a point where the victims can survive as part of the league. The swarms make a covenant with him, not necessarily on paper, because they want to. They never had life so good. They start to become rich, and to maintain the flow of spoils, they get brutal. THUGS. A killing machine.

If Nahum 1 is concerning him, he starts a base in Mosul, land of the Kurds, and because the Kurds had been the enemies of Saddam Hussein, the outflow of Saddam's loyalist Sunni can maintain conflict with the Kurds until the latter come to destroy the anti-Christ's neo-Seleucid domain after his 42 months of power. By now, in 2024, Saddam could be a forgotten thing by those who wanted to revive his Iraq. By now, the Sunni machinery has evolved, but I still have no indication, from the news, on whether the anti-Christ will side predominantly with the Sunni versus the opposing Shi'ites.

If he rules from Mosul, he could probably use some affinities with the Sunni of that Sunni-dominated area. It seems to me that, as he devises plots against rich provinces, Baghdad (downtown Babylon), now ruled by Shi'ites, will be his main target, and Sunni could be useful for conquering it. On the other hand, if he wars against Shi'ites, how does he partner with Iranians, who are Shi'ites?

Having said that, it makes more sense that he'll remain in conflict with the Sunni and Kurds of the Mosul area, and that the Shi'ites of Baghdad are the ones who will form a league with him for the invasion of Israel. Once that movement picks up zeal, Sunni could join in.

If the Apophis asteroid of April, 2029, is the fulfillment of the 2nd Trumpet, these verses of Daniel under discussion will come to pass shortly. By the end of 2025, we may begin to see movement.

Verse 24 (quoted above) begins to reveal that the size of the conspiracy will become sufficient to plot a Middle-Eastern conquest i.e. outside of Iraq as well, and verse 25 tells how so: there will be Gog-supporters among treacherous Egyptians, those willing to betray their Egyptian president on behalf of Gog's agenda. The prophecy tells further that the traitors, and he, are successful against Egypt.

Isaiah 10 reveals Gog's seizure of Syrian localities, which would require some tanks rather than mere pipe bombs. In 2013, the Russians forbade the West to bring in weaponry to be used by al-Qaeda and others against the Syrian president. The Americans wormed their way onto Syrian bases in spite of Russian presence because the Russians were unwilling to attack Americans directly. The Americans chose a base in south-eastern Syria, between Iraq and Israel, probably due to an Israeli request. Yet, it's not much of a base; its creation could be Obama lip service to Israel.

The Syrian situation under Trump became a stalemate awaiting an outcome. Bidenites were not able to advance the American cause in Syria, but severely ramped up rhetoric against Russia in Ukraine. Nothing suggests that this quagmire is the end of hostilities because even the American congress is pushing war with Russia. For Christians, this looks like a looming sign that we are at the brink, perhaps part of the "rumors of war" that Jesus mentioned.

Syrian president, Assad, is surviving. Russia has the option of betraying him in favor of supporting a rebel group, in a pact for future control of the country. It could be such a betrayal that makes a small anti-Christ horn grow into a formidable blow horn calling for fighters everywhere to unite against Israel. The Russian president could feign that he's not part of such a betrayal. If this is the correct picture, then we could assume that Putin's task was never to defeat the Syrian rebels, but to keep them at bay for future use. In this way, a Russian proxy could worm his way into becoming a Syrian powerhouse with hands on the Syrian treasury.

I was a news-stated fact that Sunni / Baathists of Mosul and other areas of northern Iraq were, along with the West, seeking to take Assad down. That effort had Iraqi and Syrian Sunni planning together, and therefore coalescing into a single fighting force, which was conducive to my view that the Baathist Sunni are most likely to constitute the end-time Seleucid empire. I believe that Putin was ready to be of good behavior if only the West would leave it alone, but with the up-scaled threats from the United States, Russia is being driven to become bad, to do things in desperation such as siding with Iran, and maybe even toppling Assad with a proxy anti-Christ.

The Daniel prophecy does not seem to touch on end-time Iran, and therefore I don't at this time know the particular timing in which Iran and the other nations listed in Ezekiel 38 will join Gog, whether during his Middle-East conquest in the first half of the Week (= seven-year period of Daniel 9), or only against his Israeli invasion in the second half.

Although Daniel does not give the reason, one modern nation is said to "escape" the anti-Christ: "Edom and Moab, and the chief of the sons of Ammon" (11:41). These three peoples are today identified collectively as Jordan. How telling, since Jordanian territory funnels from Iraq directly toward the Arab-inhabited West Bank territory of Israel (i.e. west bank of the Jordan river), which in turn leads right up to Arab East Jerusalem where the Temple site sits awaiting the arrival of the Abomination.

Here is how the Daniel-11 prophecy puts the initial invasion of Egypt:

"And he will stir up his power and his heart against the king of the south with a great army. And the king of the south will be stirred to battle with a great and very mighty army. But he shall not stand, for they shall devise plots against him. Yea, those who eat his food shall break him, and his army shall overflow. And many will fall down slain" (Dan. 11:25-26).

In that the king of the south is identified as Egyptian in the early segments of the prophecy, so also here in the end-time segment he must be a ruler of Egypt. As one reads on, the loser of this great war will be Egypt. Note the passion by which the king of Egypt will fight the King of the North, suggesting that Egypt will remain a firm ally of Israel up until that point. I'm assuming that the basis for the attack against Egypt is its toleration for the state of Israel.

Egypt's peace treaty with Israel came on the heels, and was an extension, of the Camp David Accord (1978), during which process Egypt and Israel swore peaceful co-existence. And that must surely explain why the Daniel-11 prophecy has the anti-Christ attacking Egypt just prior to, or in conjunction with, his attacking Israel. It is remarkable that the treaty has survived to this day.

At about the same time as the Camp David agreement, Muslims at the other end of the political spectrum removed the pro-West Shah of Iran and had him replaced with Khomeini (1979), he going on to create an anti-Israeli, Islamic State. Arabs have been divided ever since between those who continue to call for the wholesale destruction of Israel, and those who would tolerate in peaceful co-existence. Egypt (under Sadat) had led a war against Israel not long earlier, just in 1973. Greatly outnumbered, Israel won the war to the amazement of the world. Egypt, at that time desired by those who wanted it for Islamic statehood, went pro-peace with Israel, and West-friendly, instead.

Frustrated for decades by back-to-back war losses to the Israelis (1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982), and most recently to the pro-Zionist Americans, not to mention that Israel successfully bombed Iran's nuclear-bomb-making capabilities not long ago, all anti-Jewish Arabs -- orthodox Muslim or otherwise -- will experience mania when their hopes go ablaze at the anti-Christ's overpowering of the Egyptian military. A smoother invasion into Israel itself will then be much more assured. Yet, they must all enter the Holy Land with the watchdog of the West standing guard; it will, apparently, oppose Gog to some degree at that point.

The chilling defeat of Egypt reflects/fulfills Isaiah 30:3, where it says: "The stronghold of Pharaoh shall be a shame to you [Israel], and trusting on the shadow of Egypt a disgrace." It's going to be Israel's surprising oh-no moment. The anti-Christ league will build. The league of nations and its war hawks will contemplate without realizing that this is fulfilled prophecy, even though Christian writers will publish it as fulfilled prophecy...I hope.

You may read the writings of believers who share that the current peace between Egypt and Israel is favored by God, or is somehow a part of God's re-establishment of Israel in the last days. You will read more often those who see the establishment of Israel (in 1948) by the Rothschilds as favored by God. But Isaiah 30 may suggest differently. In verse 1, just before reprimanding Israel for seeking the shade of Egypt, God complains that Israel carries out plans/schemes that are not His, and makes alliances that are not by His Spirit.

Restrain your opinion, therefore, those of you who insist that Israel was re-established by God in 1948, for as yet we don't really know if that's true. What we do know for certain is that God will re-establish Israel at/after Armageddon. I do not believe that modern Zionism -- as initiated officially by Britain, supported by the Rothschilds and later by the United States, flavored all along by Orthodox/Pharisaic Jewry, and steered by her secular leaders -- is a movement that God supports. This explains why Isaiah 31:3 says that all who help Israel in the end times will perish/fall with her.

Verse 13 of Isaiah 30 goes on to say that the Assyrian King of the North will attack Israel "suddenly," and by the Lord's will, yet the Lord will grant the surviving Israelites the Millennium (touched on from verse 19 up until verse 26). After that, as of verse 27, Armageddon is the topic, while his end is illustrated skillfully beginning in verse 30. In verse 31, he is identified as "Assyria." That identification supports his having headquarters in Mosul, which was ancient Nineveh, the capital of Assyria.

According to Ezekiel 38-39, Gog is destined to cover Israel's mountains like a cloud. However, details of Gog's advance into Jerusalem are not given there. Daniel 11 provides the timing; in verse 28 we are shown what appears to be Gog's initial strike on Israel -- a small/short "act" -- immediately after the defeat of the Egyptian armies:

"And both of these kings [king of the north and king of the south], their hearts will seek to do evil, and they will speak lies at one table. But it shall not prosper, for the end will come at the appointed time. And he [king of the north] will return to his land with great wealth. And his heart shall be against the holy covenant. And he will act, and he will return to his land" (27, 28).

Aside from his pillaging in Iraq and elsewhere, he now becomes fabulously wealthy from the spoils of Egyptian war. I can't say whether the Egyptian conference is before or after the war, but I can predict that you will soon see a happy war-hog on his celebrated way from Egypt "to his own land." I suppose he returns to his own land to count his net-worth, and to discern how far that money can catapult him further, into Israel. For, before reaching home, this satan-incarnate "will act" against "the holy covenant."

The Holy Covenant, I believe, indicates God's promise to forever grant so-called "Palestine" to Abraham and his Israeli-line grandson (Jacob), not to Abraham and his son, Ishmael, as the Muslims insist. We might view the current world crisis leading to Armageddon as a family squabble on inheritance rights. But that's not the concern of Gog. Daniel prophecy tells that his primary concern will be precious gems and, bluntly, filthy lucre. Even Ezekiel 38 exposes him as a desperado who convinces himself into Israel merely to acquire her plunder. Still, by the time that he finds himself acting against Israel, the Muslims will have given him a large ego, and he will then act on their behalf, setting his own soul against the Holy Covenant, so that now he becomes a crusader of sorts, with a holy mission...though he probably doesn't realize that God is opening doors for him. He certainly won't give God the credit.

In my delving into ancient-historical topics, it was found that Kirkuk, near Mosul, was anciently called, Arrapachitis, apparently named after Arphaxad, an ancestor of Abraham. But Arrapachitis was corrupted to, "Arabkha," according to Wikipedia, which gives the impression that Arabs were named after that place. Then, "Mosul" smacks of "Muslim." We might ponder whether the anti-Christ sets himself up in Mosul just because the God of Israel has an end-time message that He wants to send Arab bedrock.

In my delving, I created the theory that the world was destined to be ruled by bloodlines from Abraham, and that God chose Abraham for that very reason, so that He could use his bloodline from Sarah to replace his other bloodlines destined to rule the earth. I find this concept logical.

The anti-Christ's initial act(ion) against the Holy Covenant is not his successful entry into Jerusalem. That mesmerizing event does not occur until verse 31. What we can resolve is the important detail that the "act" is a military jolt occurring prior to the mid-way point of the Week...thereby alerting us to the anti-Christ's arrival perhaps as much as years in advance of the skincode.

Most Christians of the recent past (I don't know the score in 2024) did not view Ezekiel's Gog as the anti-Christ, especially because Gog does not make a peace deal with Israel. Many Christians may thus interpret the anti-Christ's initial action against Israel as that from another man prior to the Week. Much of the American Church is being led to believe that the anti-Christ comes after Gog is killed in Israel, and that the Church won't need to live through the latter half of the Week anyway. This pitiful situation is so promising of pain upon the Church that it looks like a satanic plot from Bible-believing peoples. It's just so bizarre.

To me this situation in Prophecy Land is amazing with perplexity, that while prophecy experts know both -- 1) that the Abomination causing Desolation begins as Jerusalem is surrounded by foreign armies, and, 2) that Gog will cover Israel like a cloud -- yet the experts fail to equate Gog with the Abomination of Desolation. Those who hold tenaciously to the error of viewing Gog and the anti-Christ as distinct persons and distinct invasions fully expect Gog to fail in his Jerusalem invasion, because the success of that task is reserved for the anti-Christ alone. What happens to these Christians when they not only see Gog victorious at the temple mount, but find themselves walking into a 666 system about that very time? I hope God gives them undeserved Grace, but not if they receive the mark.

The good news is that many writers have long been teaching that the King of the North is the anti-Christ, wherefore when Christians see the king-of-the-north prophecy fulfilled as outlined as in these chapters, they, along with realizing that the Week has arrived, will understand that the King of the North cannot be Gog unless Gog is also the anti-Christ, for it is inconceivable that the anti-Christ should arrive before Ezekiel's Gog.

As Daniel 8 tells that Gog's military activities against Israel last for 2300 days, the start of those days is quite likely at the act above (of Daniel 11:28). This causes me to believe that Gog's successful strike on Egypt will occur just weeks or months prior to the 2300 days, or prior to the 70th Week altogether. In spite of the erroneous teachings now circulating, I believe that in those early days of the Week, God will show many believers the realities that I am here expressing, and I pray and expect God to raise many preachers and writers, before the invasion on Egypt, to echo what I'm saying.

It's not likely that the "ruler of the covenant" is broken within the 70th Week if Gog's first "act" on Israel starts the 2300-day period. For, the ruler is broken in verse 22, well before the "act" of verse 28. However, I don't know whether the act of 28 is the start of the 2300 days. If it isn't, then why do we see no military attack on Israel by the King of the North prior to verse 28?

Where Daniel has the 2300 days, they ALL seem to be defined as military attacks on Israel. For all we know, the latest attacks from Hamas and Hezbollah on Israel has the anti-Christ quietly behind them.

The best I can do is suggest that the successful invasion of Egypt seems at least a couple of years before the 666. Judging by the time that it could take for the events in verses 23-27 to take place, the breaking of Iraq and of the ruler of a covenant is likely before the Week. Is that a good thing? Only if we know it when it happens. Did it already happen with the fall of Saddam and Osama bin-Laden? If not, then I'd expect another invasion of Iraq to fulfill it. It doesn't look imminent as I write in September of 2024.

Here is yet another theory (i.e. not a sure fact) for your consideration: there will pass at least one year between Gog's invasions in Iraq (v 23) and his initial invasion on Egypt. This theory comes from the term, "a time," at the end of verse 24. That is, since "times, times, and half a time" is known to be a 3.5-year period (e.g. Daniel 12:7), "a time" in 11:24 could indicate "one year." If all true, then

1) the armies of both Iraq and the Ruler of a Covenant are broken well prior to the Week;

2) the King of the North joins the defeated armies of verse 23 still prior to the Week;

3) Iraq is seized militarily for a period of one year (i.e. "a time") ending at/near the start of the Week;

4) Near the start of the Week, and likely during that one year, the seven-year Daniel 9:27 war pact is confirmed between Gog and "the many" anti-Israelis

5) Gog attacks Egypt and succeeds prior to the start of the final 2300 days;

6) Gog acts against Israel for the first time to kick off the 2300 days, and,

7) Gog returns to his own land probably because he doesn't yet have what it takes to defeat Israel.

There is yet time, prior to the mid-way point of the Week, for Gog to plan and carry out the preliminary stages of a second strike against Egypt. Logically, he plans the attack while in "his own land." Isn't it by a deliberate act of God to withhold from the reader where his own land will be? This revelation is half a cover-up. Like a good General, God does not tell the enemy all His plans. Part of his plan is to use satan-incarnate to destroy satan's kingdom. It's perfect. Make the devil in human form think he's about to conquer God's turf, only to discover he himself has ruined his own global turf by seeking to manipulate a mere and stupid man. The Millennial chain is coming.

"At the appointed time he will return and come against the king of the south, but it will not be as the former or as the latter. For the ships of Chittim will come against him. And he shall be grieved, and turn [back], and be furious against the holy covenant. And he shall act, and will turn, and will regard those forsaking the holy covenant" (29-30).

My guess is that he will leave Islamic-State Arabs in charge of Egypt upon his initial victory over that nation, but that, soon after, pro-West factions will be in charge again, so that he feels it necessary to launch a second invasion. Between Egyptian battles, he becomes obsessed with Jerusalem while not realizing that he's a mere puppet in God's hand to punish Israel. He imagines himself to be a great one, for everything done to date has turned to gold, and in his mind he finds extraordinary intelligence. In being an atheist, he doesn't believe in the devil, and doesn't know the devil is manifesting in him.

When he is finally poised to re-attack, he apparently decides to take the Mediterranean coastal route to Egypt, from where he's able to harass Israel in the same thrust. But his fantasy is crushed as a nervous West is ready for him this time with Mediterranean fleets called, "ships of Chittim." They are parked at the Cyprus theater near the Russian naval base in Syria.

If it seems a difficulty to imagine Gog's armies driving across the coastal zone of Israel, right past the Israeli capital of Tel Aviv, we might instead imagine him going to Egypt by ship...which can explain opposition from ships of Chittim.

After his first success in Egypt, the armies of Hamas in Gaza, and of Hezbollah in Lebanon, should explode in size and power. We could even predict that Lebanon's peoples will be forced into accepting Hezbollah as the supreme governmental faction. An excited and robust Hamas and Hezbollah team may become capable of securing a land route down the Israeli coastal zones, though the Daniel prophecy mentions nothing of the kind. It's therefore fuzzy in my mind what the situation will look like at that time. It may be that the King of the North does his second Egyptian invasion only by sea, but with Hamas on Egypt's border agreeing to do the fighting along with radicals inside Egypt.

I can't decide whether the anti-Christ dons a white shirt and tie in Europe while entrusting his Mid-East military campaigns to commanders, or whether he is knee-deep in the mud of his Mid-East campaigns while entrusting his European rule to another -- e.g. the tentacles of the False Prophet. On the one hand we do have a scripture showing the False Prophet acting on his behalf (Revelation 13:12): "And [the False Prophet] exercises all the authority of the [anti-Christ] before it." Thus, the False Prophet could be the one in white shirt and tie while the anti-Christ is in his army gear.

On the other hand, we have the anti-Christ asking this question: "Are not all my commanders like kings" (Isaiah 10:8), suggesting that those whom he buys with the spoils of war in the first half of the Week could be ruling conquered Middle-East nations in the second half while he gives orders from a European desk.

On the other hand, how does a Russian work at a European desk? If it seems logical that he invades Egypt with ships from the Russian base, then, by that time, he's no longer a secretive Russian proxy. The world should, by then, know that Russia and he are one. How, therefore, does Daniel 7 portray him as a king of end-time Rome? Will the next president, Trump, urge Europeans to make a lip-service peace with Putin? Wouldn't that require from Putin his best behavior, meaning that invading Egypt becomes out of the question? This problem seems so unresolvable in 2024 that the time of fulfillment looks better in another generation entirely.

The invasion of Egypt by Gog is the one expounded upon in Isaiah 19, where it says that the Lord "will shut up Egypt into the hand of cruel lords; and a fierce king shall rule them" (v 4). As the fierce king translates to the King of the North, the "cruel lords" would translate into his bought-off commanders.

How could a small power in the Iraq, who becomes strong and large on war and looting, sit at a European desk? By that latter phrase, I'm insinuating a high political office. This is where I get confused. Does he also invade Iraq from a European desk? Perhaps I'm the problem when introducing the European desk. Daniel 7 doesn't necessitate his being European, nor holding a European political office. Daniel 7 says he "different" than the previous 10 kings of end-time Rome?

Kittim/Chittim plays an important role. By checking the advance of the anti-Christ when planning to go Egypt-way, it causes him to revamp plans, deciding to attack Israel itself. The idea from Ezekiel 38, that his armies enter from the north to swell the mountains of Israel with fighters, seems to suggest that the United States doesn't even exist at the time aside from a conquered nation. Conquered by Obama's rats? They've been eating away at the Jew-led nation for decades, from before Obama's time. They shifted from Bill Clinton to Obama, and before Clinton they practically owned the entire congress, both sides. Feasting on the treasury and living in debauchery, they ruined the country in the meantime, and hated its mainline peoples.

Compare an interesting phrase in Ezekiel 39:2 with a phrase in the Daniel quote above. The Ezekiel phrase reads, "And I [God] will turn you [Gog] back, and lead you on. And I will bring you up [to Israel] from the recesses of the north." The LORD will play yo-yo with Gog.

There's a yo-yo event in Daniel too, in verse 30, which says, "And he shall be grieved [by the ships of Kittim], and turn, and be furious against the holy covenant. And he shall act, and will turn, and will regard those forsaking the holy covenant." It appears that he decides to continue the exploitation of the Palestinian problem as a means to plunder Israel successfully. This will be a huge invasion. But where's the United States to keep it from even starting? Will Obama become the next de-facto president via Kamala Harris? Is he the False Prophet, a black sheep? It makes more sense to me than Trump the False Prophet.

How will the situation get from an invasion of Egypt be sea to a filling of Israel's mountains from the northern border? Can anyone even imagine Russian ships firing missiles into Israel? Is this what will preoccupy the Israeli army and air force so that Hezbollah can brings boots into the Israeli mountains? If you can imagine the hatred from Hezbollah at this opportunistic moment. DESOLATION TO ISRAEL, the long-overdue victory of Allah, the Muslims will believe. CONFIDENCE.

The Israeli leaders flee, leaving the people to fend for themselves. The woman in lip gloss and eye paint, the young men in the bars, the money-grubbers, the entrepreneurs, the liberals, the artists, the evolutionists - like New York in God's land -- will succumb to the horror of horrors on a day they did not expect.

In the phrase, "it will not be as the former or as the latter," the "former" refers to the first invasion of Egypt, and the "latter" to the first military stab against the Holy Covenant. Both the "former" and the "latter" are revealed to be successful in that both are contrasted with the anti-Christ's failure here in his second strike on Egypt and Israel. But the failure develops into a mad fury that lures him into an Israeli war. He doesn't realize that the hook of God is in his jaw.

Now look at what Daniel says concerning a plan to find sufficient support for crushing Israel. Instead of calling out for those who are already anti-Israeli, since he already has these firmly under his command, he calls out for those who "forsake" Israel. Those who were made to tolerate Israel will have a woke moment. The fashionable thing will become a mean turning on Israel because it's suddenly do-able.

Behold. When Gog does come southward again very near mid-Week, he comes with hordes of official soldiers i.e. not merely civilian fighters/terrorists donning aged rifles and running shoes. For Ezekiel 38:4 tells us that he comes to cover the mountains of Israel with hordes "dressed most perfectly." That sounds like official military to me rather than paramilitary terrorists without uniforms...not at all meaning that he won't also have the latter.

Togarmah does not likely refer strictly to Turks proper, for Ezekiel places Togarmah in the far north (with Gog), and for that reason would better refer to the Tocharians north of the Black and Caspian seas. In Christian centuries, Tocharians proper were in Russia but easterly so, in the face of China. However, they had western counterparts called by other names, the languages of whom are collectively called "Kuchean." Strabo described the "Tochari" as a major branch of Scythians in the vicinity of the "Massagetae" scythians east of the Caspian and due north of Aria (original home of the Aryans).

The Tocharians bring us back to the days of Ezekiel, and so they argue that Gog will indeed be Russia. Even as the western Tochari language, Kuchean (the root of which looks like "Kok"), was associated with the UGOR tribes of Turks (Turks proper were first called "Kok-Turks / Gok-Turks"), there was in far-north Russia an Aryan peoples called "UGRians" that I think is a corruption of "Gugar." The Caucasian locality of Gogarene was called "Gugar" in Assyrian.

As the Turkish government has been rabidly anti-Israel since the previous Gaza-Israeli war, why couldn't we expect Turkey's ships to join the Russian fleet? What's to say that the Turks are not right-now, in 2024, devising a counter attack against Israel's routing of Gaza over the last many months?

I see the Carpae/Carpii/Arpii peoples as those which named (or vice-versa) the Carpathian mountains between Hungary and Romania. The Royal Scythians were at least neighbors to proto-Romania. I think we can glean that the Arpii named king Arpad, founder of Hungarians. The latter's Magyar roots are known to be from Ugrians, and "Magy(ar)" resembles "Magog(ar)." A 'y' resembles a non-keyboard 'g' because they were inter-changeable letters.

The Lord brings end-time Gog to Israel with a delusion, saying, "and I will turn you back and put hooks into your jaws." And so Gog comes back to surround Jerusalem with Iranians, and all of his "many peoples" listed in Ezekiel 38, with whom he partakes in an anti-Israeli war covenant. That phrase, "many peoples," is found in Ezekiel 38:9, and it mirrors "the many" of Daniel 9:27 who make the war covenant that Christians foolishly preach as a peace treaty between Israel and the anti-Christ. This is so reckless.

In Isaiah 14:29-31, there is what appears to be an inconsistency when it reads as though the Palestinians are themselves attacked by the King of the North: "Do not rejoice, O Philistia [modern Gaza], all of you, because the rod of your striking is broken, for a viper comes forth from the root of a snake, and his fruit is a fiery flying serpent..." A chronology of events can be ascertained in this text.

The Palestinians are first struck by the anti-Christ, who is identified easily as "the rod of your striking" and "a snake." Then, the Palestinians rejoice over his destruction, seen in previous verses up until verse 28, where he is called both the "king of Babylon" and the "Assyrian."

One would think that this Abomination would employ the Palestinians as his allies in the invasion of Israel, as they would only be too glad to help, and while it is predictable that some of them will support him, the peaceful majority might oppose him because, in his invasion of Israel, Palestinian livelihood dependent upon the Israeli economy will also be at stake. We might even predict that any Palestinians not fighting alongside the anti-Christ cause will be spited, or worse.

The rejoicing of the Palestinians over his demise brings the times to brink of Armageddon, for his lights are put out (i.e. his kingdom is plunged into darkness) in the 5th Bowl of Revelation, just days prior to Armageddon. At that time, says Isaiah above, another serpent comes forth to put Israel and the Palestinians to more grief, which at that late stage can only be the Orientals who arrive for Armageddon, as per the sixth Bowl of Revelation, to kill the fighters of the King of the North. Indeed, because the Orientals have depicted themselves as a flying red dragon to this day, they suit the Isaiah phrase very well when it uses "a fiery flying serpent." And so we see that God will pit dragon peoples against dragon peoples for the Mother of all Battles.




Why the Apophis Asteroid Should Hit Earth in 2029
This visible-to-the-eye asteroid
is coming closer to earth
than astronomers claim.

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