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Written late, with a new Hebrew theme, June 2006
with additions in August

Those of you who have read previous chapters, please forgive my repetition, for some readers are jumping into this topic for the first time here. I use many brackets to "clue-in" new readers. As I showed that the Maiella mountains (named after Maia) in Abruzzo province (named possibly after Hebrews) is where the Taddei name still remains today, the peoples once living there (the Sabina) are identifiable as children of Atlas, for Maia was the daughter of Atlas. What I am suggesting is, that while Cimmerians were not Hebrews, yet Atlantis, based on Cimmerian blood, is starting to appear as though it had some pagan-Hebrew elements originating in Iran/Babylon, amongst the Comarians there. This chapter enlarges on this Cimmero-Kabala alliance.

Having shown that the Welsh Atlanteans were descended from Hermes, it's not surprising that Hermes was the son of Maia. She was alternatively "Fauna" to the Romans, no doubt because the Roman "Faunus" and "Faun" respectively refer to Pan and Satyrs. ("...where [Faunus] does appear in Latin literature He is more often identified as a kind of Pan"). It should be noted that these three similar terms easily modify from "Van."

It's interesting that, according to Plutarch, a certain Solon got home from Egypt (where he had learned the Atlantis story) and went immediately into the presence of the king of Lydia, who at that time was Croesus. One gets the impression that Lydia is important to the Atlantis story, and who knows but that the very term “Rosicrucian” (i.e. Rosi-Cross) may be rooted in “Croesus” and/or the mythical “Creusa” (e.g. the wife of Aeneas). It is my estimation that Creusa was a depiction of the “Hros,” and that the first syllable of “Rosicrucian” likewise depicts the Hros. That is, Aeneas (patriarchal symbol of the Romans), was allied to a Lydian branch of Hros, this making most-excellent sense if (as goes my personal discovery) the Latins (with whom the Romans were indeed mixed) stem from the Lydians. To so view the Latins as a Rus peoples is supported by the fact that the Etruscans (neighbors of the Latins) contributed significantly to the Russians proper (via the Ruthene/Redones).

Historians, albeit with some reservations in that historical evidence is less than rich, tend to trace Etruscans to Lydia, in which case we've got to root them in the Lydian gods: Atti(s), Cotys, and Manes. As Plato subtlety connected the Atlanteans to Athens, so one may view "Atlantis" as Atti-Lantis (Atti-Land?), even as Attica, the province surrounding Athens and after which Athens was named, was indeed named after Atti(s). That is, Attica and Athens were named after the peoples that Attis depicted, and we can be sure that these were, if not a branch of Lydians themselves, then close relatives of the Lydians. Always keep in mind that the Lydians, in my opinion, lead to the Biblical dragon. The question then becomes, which historical peoples did Atti(s) depict?

I've already equated Cotys and Manes with the Guti/Cutha and the Mannae Armenians. And I suspect that Atti was named after the dragon sun god, Utu. I moreover suspect that Utu was named after the firstborn son of Aram, “Uwts” (that's the way the Hebrew text spells it, not "Uz"), and that Nahor called his firstborn, “Uwts,” in honor of the Uwts/Utu cult. The idea that Atti(s) was an extension of the Hebrew Kabalists, an idea that might have neo-Nazi Aryans spitting at the page, is evident in his mother's name, "Kybele." As pagan Aryans well know that Kybele/Cybele was a re-naming of the Great Mother, Ishtar, it's evident that Attis and Kybele were together an importation of Ishtar and Utu into Asia Minor, wherefore Ishtar and Utu together must be suspected as having Kabala roots. One gets the impression, and in fact this is my important claim, that Phrygia became the new stomping grounds of the Chaldean Kabalists.

Therefore, ignoring the Aryan element that was later blended into the cult, the Atti/Utu gods translate to Arameans. The Cutha, which I suspect were from Gether, son of Aram, can be distinguished from their Atti tribe in that there was a distinction made between Cotys and Atti (though not always). That is, the distinction is simply Uwts versus his brother, Gether (Genesis 1023). I would therefore venture to say that their other brother, Hul, was the Greek sun god, Helios, a very neat package indeed.

I do not yet know to what extent these Aramean tribes contributed to the Hebrew-based Kabeiri cult of Hephaistos, but I am pressed to define the Kabala cult as more Aramean than Hebrew, at least at first. As it’s common knowledge that Kybele (i.e. an Aramean entity at first) was intricately tied to the Kabeiri cult, therein is the Aramean-Hebrew alliance at the point where the dragon line reached Asia/Phrygia. I should entertain that the alliance was already strong back in Mesopotamia/Armenia. Hence, Athens was injected with both Aramean and Hebrew elements, especially under codeword, “Hephaistos.” Incidentally, it was his wife who was given the name, “Cabeiro,” and moreover he was given another wife, Aphrodite, wherefore he himself may have depicted Arameans more than Hebrews. Cabeiro traces to the Habur/Khabur river in Mesopotamia, and as those peoples were “Apiru” in historical records, they must define Aphro(dite). There may therefore be no distinction between the two wives; myth writers merely chose two different terms to depict the same peoples. I will therefore see(k) Nahorites and/or Abramites within the Aphrodite term. And the finger points to the Abreu surname of Abruzzo province, so that indeed the Sabina (of the Abruzzo region) appear to have been none other than the sons of Sheba! That’s the rudimentary evidence I'm present in defining the Taddei surname as Sheba’s brother, Dedan.

Consider as per the following quote how the "powerful" Nairi (also "Nahir") peoples, living north of Assyria in Armenia, were mixed with Kurds (italics mine):

"Nairi was powerful and rivaled the Assyrian Empire. They had many wars with the Assyrians. Also they helped the Medes in defeating the Assyrians. The Nairi land is the same land that the Greek Historian Xenophon and his Army passed through in 401 B.C. and mentioned the people there as Kurdochi. After Xenophone, in the 4th century B.C., the historians referred to the Nairi land as Corduene.

This suggests a Nahor-Kurd alliance that stuck so tenaciously that modern Kurds must be viewed as part Nahorites. Note that while Kurds today are traced to the Medes that this distinction must be included. I have not been able to verify it, but it is said by some that Kurds trace to the Guti. I trace the Kurds to the Kartli/Kartvelian Georgians, the latter were definitely a part of the main vein of the dragon bloodline (as I will show when I connect them to infant-sacrificing Satanists). The following quote shows a good portion of the Kabala family of peoples, the Hurrians:

"Hurrians divided into many clans and subgroups, founding city-states, kingdoms and empires with eponymous clan names. These included the Gutis, Kurti, Khaldi, Mards, Mushku, Mannaeans (Mannai), Mitanni, Urartu, Lullubi and the Kassites among others."

While the Mushku, for example, refer to Aryans, Khaldi refers to Chaldea and therefore to the Semites there. “Khaldi” (i.e. by that very spelling) was made into a god, and it was in fact the god of the Nairi. Some do view the Khaldi as the inventors of metal, and while I do not hesitate to view them as the root of the Celts, I wonder if the Greek Calydonians were named after them as well. I can thus entertain that the Celts and Scottish Caledonians (a Pictish tribe) were Nahorites, at least in part, this then laying the foundation for my tracing Atlantis to Nahorites, in part.

That now brings me to a major point, since Poseidon was made the patriarch of Atlantis by Plato. I suspect strongly that second son of Nahor, Buz, was depicted as Poseidon. The third son of Nahor, Kemuel, was inadvertently revealed by Plato as an important peoples of western Atlantis, whom I identify as both a peoples of Camelot and the Hebrew-based ancestry of the Khazars and Cathars; this chapter begins to explain.

The god Pontus depicted a peoples who moved along the southern shores of the Black sea, from Armenia to Lydia (and perhaps founded the Punt nation). Pontus fathered the hideous monster, "Ceto," a variation of "Cotys" apparently. Indeed, for Ceto was the mother of the dragon, Ladon, a depiction of the Lydians (i.e. in the same way, the mythical Lydus was the descendant of Cotys). Moreover, Ceto was made the mother of the Gorgons, if that helps to prove that Lydians (and Latins) were a Gogi peoples. If Ceto refers to the Guti, then one may view the Guti as the base of both the Gorgons and the Latins. I suspect that in the latter two terms there translates a Gogi-Semite alliance, especially if I'm correct in pegging “Guti” as a derivative of “Gether,” in which case I would view equate “Cutha” with “Guti.” This suggests that the Guti were originally an Aramean/Semite peoples, and only afterward did they merge with Aryans. It may even be that the very term, “Gorgon,” specified, not Aryans alone, but this Aryan-Kabala mix. Yes, I do believe that feels correct, wherefore Ladon should prove to be the same.

We find that Ladon guards a garden in what must be Atlantis (details later), wherefore "Ladon" is a symbol for Atlantis; the Roman empire itself may be thus viewed as a major branch of Atlantis. It is fast becoming my position that the Atlantis concept passed through the Sabina to the Romans much more so than vice versa (after some mortal bickering, the two peoples merged as one). I will (unlike others who resist for the time being) connect the Romans to the Roma Gypsies, and because I trace the Gypsies to Hermes, I will view Romans as stemming from Thoth and therefore from Dedan. As the descendants of Abraham, Sheba and Dedan were part Aramean (i.e. the brothers qualify as part of the Aramean-based Kabala). Moreover, it will become evident that Sheba, at least, became a major player in the Kabala concept.

As for Nahorites, they must have injected themselves into the Roman domain (if indeed I'm correct in pegging Poseidon as Buz), for Poseidon/Atlas peoples were both among the Sabina and in Naples (especially in nearby Positano), a city that may have been named after Neptune, the Roman version of Poseidon. This being the bee-line that I expect to trace to Merovingian Franks, note here how “Napoleon” evokes Naples.

Plato wrote down Solon's story (supposedly), saying that the second son of Poseidon was Gadeirus (the first was Atlas). This son established a coastal region on the "island" of Atlantis, said (by Plato/Solon) to over-look the sea in the direction of "Gades," modern Cadiz. Because Gades had itself been "Gadir" to the Carthaginians, the Gadeirus mentioned by Plato must have been a second location by that name (both founded by the same peoples). (See Cadiz crest showing the two pillars with Hercules.)

I would suggest that Gadeirus was on the southern side of what is now England/Wales, for Gades is south of Britain. Plato said that, prior to having it's coasts fall into the sea, Atlantis was originally a long peninsula connected to a mainland, and I would expect that it still is, since I don't believe a word about the submerging of Atlantis. Southern Britain is indeed a long peninsula that ends with a sharp point at Cornwall, and so keep in mind that king Arthur chased away a wolf-line peoples at Cornwall, for the Atlanteans were a wolf-line peoples, even from the pre-Hercules era, as per Geryon's two-headed dog (Orthos). Already the finger points more pointedly to the Caduceus peoples in/beside Hyrcania/wolf land, they being a Hermes peoples (as explained previously).

Hesiod located Erytheia (of Hercules fame) at Cadiz because, I think, he and many others misunderstood Plato, thinking that he was locating Atlantis at Gades. I have not yet identified my hypothetical Gades/Gadir of southern Britain, but I suspect that this became the Eadon of Druid importance, eventually furnishing Edinburgh in what is to this day the region of Lothian. Are you with me? Lothian = Ladon!

The Caspian sea upon which lived the Cadusii was named by Kassites. If I'm correct in guestimating that the Guti of the Zagros mountains became the Kassites of the Zagros, the Cadusii are all the more identifiable as a (northerly) Kassite branch. If I'm also correct in rooting the Khazars in the Kassites, then the Cadusii may have been the Kassite-to-Khazar link. "Gadeirus" very much evokes Khazaria, wherefore I seek a “Gadeirus”-like peoples in the Mesopotamian/Iranian region. In that Plato’s Gadeirus will be shortly revealed as a Nahorite peoples, I seek a Nahorite peoples that sound like “Gadeir.” The finger points to the Agatziri, otherwise called “Agathyrsos,” what many historians view as the Khazars and/or proto-Khazars. That is, read as A-Katziri and A-Gathyrsos. In myth, these peoples were made the offspring of Hercules, thus solidifying my view that Plato was concerned with the Hercules-based Atlanteans, not Geryon’s Atlantis.

I can now venture to say that the Nahorites were found among the “Abira/Habira” tribe of Kassites. One article states that the "Khabiru" sect of the Kassites, "appear to be a class rather than an ethic group because their personal names reflect origins in a variety of cultures."

The author appears to be saying that the Hebrews were integrated among the Kassites to the point of being Kassites themselves. I should mention here that, if the Kassites prove not to be the extension of the Guti, that they may have been named after either Kesed or Chazo, two other sons of Nahor (Genesis 22:22). Yet, to satisfy the claim of Joseph, king of the Khazars, the Nahorites among the Kassites must have been inter-married with Togarmites. This is incredibly interesting where the reality may be that Nahorites are to invade end-time Israel along with Gog, for God may arrange for some of them to survive Armageddon and thereby contribute to the Millennial Israel. In any case, just how much Nahorite blood exists to this day in Russia?

The Kassite connection to the far west is not unsubstantiated by historical argumentation, for Khazars are thought by many to have furnished the Cathars of southern France, whom as the Gnostic friends of the Templars fit neatly into the dragon line. However, might the Cathars have been from the Gadeirus bloodline of Atlantis, rather than directly from the Khazars? Surely, the Norse and French supporters of the Templars must have been ancient Atlanteans. Not just any Atlanteans, but Atlanteans that had somehow gotten the idea (probably from the same source as the Khazar David-and-Solomon duo) that they were destined to rule the Biblical Millennium, for which reason they exploited everything to conquer Jerusalem.

It was the core of the movement that called themselves “Templars.” I would venture to say that they were cohens (i.e. priests), even the kagan priests of the Khazars, by which I mean to imply that they were the Stewart bloodline. Very likely Nahorites!

Plato said: " the direction of the continent, [the Atlanteans] extended as far as the heights of Cithaeron." The term "continent" here is not necessarily referring to Europe, but rather the mainland from which the Atlantean peninsula jutted out. The point is, "Cithaeron" reflects "Cathar" perfectly.

In a letter of response to a Hebrew diplomat in Spain, a Jewish king of Khazaria wrote (roughly 1,000 AD) that Togarmah had ten sons, a theme that keeps cropping up in this story. For example, the first Rothschild arranged five sons and five daughters; what happened to the rest I do not know. It's not only highly unlikely that he had five and five after only ten children, but it appears that he was arranging ten arrows (Rothschilds depict themselves with arrows) to depict his family, shooting for the same mythical situation as had the Kabeiri-based Daktyloi, who were depicted as five "sons" and five "daughters." Moreover, it’s plastered all over the Internet that “On Ogur,” a term referring to Hungary but more so to Bulgarians, means “ten arrows.” This theme is surely based in Hephaistos, the Roman Vulcan (Balkan?), at the head of the Daktyloi.

I'm not sure what to believe in Joseph's letter, for kings have little fear in acting with political expediency first, truth second. Three of the said ten sons of Togarmah were major people groups: Khazar, Bulgar, and Avar. I'll take this non-literally, but as meaning that Khazars were related by blood to Bulgars and Avars. The later in my opinion were the Iberi east of Tubal, even the wolf-line Avvites of Opis (on the Tigris in Gozan) that for bee-reasons may have been of Buz/Poseidon. Might “Poseidon” break down to Opis-Eden and/or Buz-Eden? Avars still live in Caucasia today, in what has become Daghestan (“dog land”), evoking the god, Dagon, the Tigris-river god that I think was a god of Nahorites. As “Tigris” evokes “Togarmah,” it may be that Dagon depicted Togarmites, wherefore the root of the wolf line may just be in Togarmah! I would expect that Teucer originated on the Tigris, but also Plato’s Atlanteans in that they, as for example, the Welsh, were from Cimmerians (Gomer was father to both Togarmah and Ashkenaz).

Nahor's son, Chazo ("Hazo" in the KJV and NIV), evokes Poseidon's son (as listed by Plato), "Azaes." Moreover, Plato mentioned the Atlantean river of "Asopus"; the root of that term is essentially "Azov," the latter being the Black-sea region founded by Cimmerians, not far from Khazaria's capital on the Caspian sea. In fact, the Khazar empire spread as far as Azov.

[Update August 2006 – I have independently traced Zeus to the Greek god, Asopus, and have tentatively understood the term to be Assi-Opis. I have not yet traced the Assi peoples to a solid connection, for I'm debating between the Asshurites of Dedan and the Ashkenazi, brothers of Togarmah. End Update].

Joseph went on to say (in his letter) that he was a fake Jew, as were all his ancestral kings going back several generations. He claimed to be from Khazar, son of Togarmah, which would not make him a Hebrew, but an Aryan. Yet he admitted that he was son of Aaron, son of Benjamin, son of Menahem, etc. (i.e. all Hebrew names). Therefore, as for his story as to how his fathers all came to possess Hebrew names while not being Hebrews, I'd have to conclude that he fabricated it. I think the man was covering up; either he didn't want to establish relations with the Spanish Hebrews, who were wishing to establish relations with his kingdom, and/or he didn't want Europe to know that Hebrews actually ruled somewhere, especially as the Khazars may have been just then plotting the invasion of Jerusalem. It is known that when the Templars set out for Jerusalem for the first time (1096 AD), they slaughtered and otherwise persecuted Spanish Hebrews (who may have wanted to join the Crusade). Why?
(Letter at

Joseph wasn't likely lying altogether, but was instead expressing the Aryan/Togarmite side of his Khazar bloodline. But because Joseph mentioned 10 sons, it is some reason to suspect that he was a descendant of Nahor...who had ten sons!! (Genesis 22:21-24) I don't think, therefore, that there was a man, Khazar, son of Togarmah.

I should point this out before I forget, that as Joseph said he lived at the mouth of the Volga river just so to protect the Caspian sea from northern invaders wanting to attack the Muslim villages on the Caspian shores, so an account of the Khazars reveals that when the Rus came down river, the Khazar ruler winked and let them pass into the Caspian, whereupon the Rus Vikings did exactly that: invaded and looted Muslin villages. Upon learning this, I realized that Khazars and the Rus must have been related.

As the other half of the Trojans (aside from Teucer) was the mythical "Dardanus," might he have been Dedan? While "Dardanus" evokes "Tartar," the earliest version of the term was "Tatar," which is feasibly rooted in "Dedan." Indeed, a Wikipedia statement regarding Tatar roots says: "The name is derived from Ta-ta or Dada, a Mongolian tribe..." I'll assume that Dedanites had settled Mongolia, and that they later spread out as the Tartars proper. As Tocharians had also been in Mongolia, a Dedan-Togarmite alliance, the same alliance (i.e. Dardanus-Teucer) that had formed the Trojans, is feasible.

Have you ever wondered why Aryans have been labeled, “Caucasians,” while Orientals are labeled “Mongoloids”? It seems to me that the people who devised these terms were of the dragon bloodline. I haven't proven it yet, but all intuitive indicators suggest to me that the red Chinese dragon is a product of the Caucasian dragon line in Mongolia. The "civilized" North-American Indians, who are thought to originate in the Orient, used eagles and dragons to depict themselves, and Mormons claimed that American Indians had descended from the Jews (albeit "non-Jewish Hebrews" is the correct way to say it). As the very wicked leader of the Mormons (Joseph Smith) was heavily involved in Freemasonry, one can easily determine that the secret societies knew all along where their bloodlines had gone, worldwide.

I previously believed that Mormons were completely crazy for making their Jew-Indian connection; this connection was shared to some degree by the Catholic Apostolic Church that attempted to set up twelve, pan-European Apostles of Jesus Christ. I had believed that such secret societies were attempting to convince the world that Gogi peoples were Hebrews in efforts to support a Gogi World Order in the name of a Biblical Millennium under the control of both Israel and Jesus. Now I am beginning to realize that what the secret societies claim(ed) to be Jews/Israel are in fact a Gogi-Hebrew mix, having no Israelite blood of importance. This sort of Christianity is surely to produce the False Prophet, and so beware, because the Catholic Apostolic Church is the very one that invented and/or advanced the pre-tribulation rapture and its Dispensationalism, as well as Latter-Rain Christian concepts of world domination, as well as the charismatic-tongues, false-prophecy and false-miracle movements, and was heavily involved in Zionism.

It is believed that the so-called “Kazan Tators” stemmed from the river named after Bulgarians, the Volga. The mouth of that river was home to the Khazar kings, wherefore the Kazan Tators appear as a Khazar branch of Dardanians, which is to say a Khazar branch of Dedanites. Support for this view would be in finding evidence of Sheba peoples in the same north-eastern parts of Russia. Can you think of any? It’s known that Tatars filled Siberia!

The reality is yet more shocking, for the flag of Tatarstan is simply a red and green mix, the very colors representing Wales. Notice that Scottish tartans are often green and red mixes. Notice that the flag of Italy is the red and green of Tatarstan, but with white between them. The flag of Ireland is a near-match to the Italian flag, but see the flag of Wales to learn that it uses exactly the three colors used by the Italian flag. What is going on here? Red, green, and white dragon lines, I reckon. The secret societies kept track, and that's where their invention of heraldry lays out on the table what they hoped to disguise. I'm suggesting that at least one of these colors on these particular flags depict Sheba and Dedan. As the chevron on the Taddei Coat are red, I would begin to view Dedan as the red.

I'm also suggesting that the Taddei surname in Italy was a European branch of the Tatar-Togarmite alliance...which is consistent with previous conclusions wherein Romans are rooted in Trojans and where Trojans were a Dardanus-Teucrian mix. I will later show that the Taddei surname in Italy stems from the mythical Tydeus, a Greek-Calydonian peoples and therefore possibly the ancestors of the Pictish Caledonians (of Scotland). As for Wales, I've considered the Tudors as the extension of Tydeus/Taddei. “ Sabir,” thought by some to be the same as the "Suar/Suwar," is a term that reflects the "Svi/Sviar" that became the Swedes. This indicates to me that Siberians and Swedes were related (and that both must have enjoyed the cold). All of these peoples may have been rooted in the main trunk of the ancient Subartu (commas mine because the author neglected them so as to create some confusion): "The inhabitants of southern Mesopotamia called Assyria, Shubir, in Sumerian, and Subartu in Akkadian; these names may point to a Subarean population that was related to the Hurrians."

The above website not only claims that Assyria was first of all named, Shubar, but that king "Ashur-uballit was the first to name Assyria the Land of Asshur." This contradicts the simplistic notion held to by some, that Assyria was named by Asshur, the Biblical son of Shem. It may be, therefore, that king Ashur-uballit was from the Asshurites that were sons of Dedan, in which case “Assyria” may have been named after Hebrews. In that light, I don't don't what to make of Biblical prophecy when it identifies the end-time anti-Christ as an Assyrian (e.g. Isaiah 10, 13, 30, 31). I have already identified that Assyrian as Gog, but should I/we expect that he be an Assyrian-Hebrew as well? Some of the biggest political names in Russia today are of Hebrew parentage, including Primakov and Zhirinovsky, and of course it is said by many that Communist Russia was itself founded by “Jews.”

I would at some point station the Sheba peoples at Lake Sevan, a lake still in Armenia today. I don't know if they went from there to become the Subartu, or vice versa. As Urartu (an Armenian domain) was a variation of "Ararat," and as "Subartu" seems a play-on words with "Urartu," it may be that Shebeans, known as “Subar,” became rulers over Ararat in earning the alternative “Subartu” title. Wikipedia shares this"Other sources have attributed to the Sabirs the founding of some cities on the Caspian Sea coast of Daghestan."

One could therein see that the Sabirs were the Shebeans who named Sevan, for Sevan is just west of Daghestan. One can also see that “Sabir” may devolve into “Iberi” and “Avar” (Avars still live in Daghestan today). Sevan’s ancient name, "Gegham" sea, was named by the Gogi, apparently, for the lake is currently in "the eastern Armenian province of Geghark'unik.'"

Geghark is in Azerbaijan, just south of Daghestan, and this term evokes the ancient seat of the Caucasian Gogi: Gogarene. The capital of Geghark today is Gavar, wherein one can see, in midstream, the modification of "Avar" to "Kabar" (or vice versa). The Kabars in northern Caucasia, although they were inter-married with Bulgarians, had a high Hebrew population that ended up in Hungary as the so-called “Ashkenazi Jews.” Kabars were smack next to the Khazars, and it is said by others that Khazars who ended up in Hungary and Germany were “Ashkenazi Jews.” The Kabar region was called “Bulkar-Kabardino,” and I would therefore suggest that the “Kabar” portion referred to the Hebrews while the “Bulkar” portion referred to Togarmites and their brothers, the Ashkenazi. As the Italian dragon line is rooted in the Iberi, it may be that the Kabeiri cult of Hephaistos was named after the Kabars. A common alternative is "Hephaestus," where one can see a possible Heph-Aes combination. If the Aes/Assi peoples are in view, then the Vulcan finger points to the Indo-Iranian Tocharians, where lived the Tocharian relatives, the Hephthalites:

"The later name Hephthal, which some sources indicate were originally one of the 5 Yuezhi families from Kushan, is supposed to have been a name derived from their ruling élite"

It's the Yuezhi peoples who are collectively connected to the Tocharians, which deceptively appears to indicate “Jews.” I would rather peg them as the Guti/Cutha, thus explaining their “Kushan” kingdom...which by the way reflects “Goshen” (of Egypt), itself known to derive from “Gozan” of Mesopotamia. "In China [the Yuezhi] were known as Yanda...also written Yedaiyiliduo/Yeda..." (above website), those latter terms modifying easily to "Geti." The Hephthalites called themselves simply "Uar," and this term has been identified by many as the Avars, and this supports my hunch that the “Heph” portion of “Hephaestus” is short for “Av” and refers to the Avvites. If indeed the “Aes” portion refers to the Assi, then I would point to the Avidia-branch Avvites, those in the region of Bactria, whom I think will become the Biblical Abaddon that comes to destroy Gog’s “Assyrian” empire.

As Hephthalites came to be called "Huna," albeit "White Huns," I would connect them to the Ugric languages that was shared by Hungarians and Siberians. I think "Hun/Kun" qualifies as a derivative of the “khan” version of "khagan," a term that may just have been identical to the "Cohen" surname. This coincides with my theory that the Stewarts, now known to be from the Cohen surname, were from Hungary and/or the Rus. The theory is this, that queen Margaret of Scotland was somehow a Stewart herself, through her mother Agatha, for which reason Margaret’s son, David I, was the first to elevate the Stewarts of Dol, Brittany to a position second only to the king. It may even be that David was named after the David(s) that was the Khazar attempting to conquer Jerusalem, and from whom I suspect the “Star of David” Zionism symbol originated.

Hungary was formed by the Arpad dynasty, a Magyar king from Khazar regions and migrating to Pannonia with reportedly seven Magyar and three Kabar tribes, ten in all. Thus, Andrew was a Magyar Hun of the Arpad dynasty, but previous to his rule there was a Khazar on the Hungarian throne (1041-44), with a Hebrew name: Samuel Aba. Might “Aba” have referred to Avvites? Avars? Kabars?

Connection of the Stewarts with Huns is made in two basic ways: one, in that they called themselves “Alan,” while Alans are regarded as white Huns, and two, Avars mixed with Bulgars to produce the House of Dul, which so smacks of "Dol" ” that it can't be ignored. One may then investigate to find whether the Atlantean term, “Thule,” doesn't derive from either/both of these Houses.

It should also be said that the money bags behind the said Catholic Apostolic Church, the London banker, Henry Drummond, was, as were all Drummonds, from a marriage between king Andrew of Hungary and a daughter of the Varangian-Rus king, Varoslav; that is, their son George was the first Drummond. Because the Drummond clan ended up in Drymen, Scotland, connection with the Dryas Edones (i.e. the Druids) is possible. When Margaret was in exile with her father (Edward the prince of England), she was in the protection of both Varoslav and king Andrew of Hungary. Coincidence, or was Margaret involved with the Catholic cult that brought forth pre-tribulationism and various demonic, Christian-counterfeit doctrines? It is thought that a semblance of the pre-tribulation rapture was copied by the Catholic Apostolic Church from a Catholic monk, and moreover the Drummonds were pro-Catholic. Margaret was also pro-Catholic when serving as queen of Scotland, even though her husband (Malcolm III) was not. It is understood that the Roman Catholic church (i.e. popery) was injected with pro-Merovingian/pro-Frank agents prior to the Margaret period, wherefore I suspect that various popes/bishops under the Franks had been of the Stewart bloodline. The Drummonds later formed part of the military-based Jacobites, the war cause of this group being specifically pro-Stewart!

Margaret had been born during her exile, and who knows but that she may have been a daughter of someone other than Agatha’s husband (Edward) i.e. she may have been a daughter of someone in the Stewart bloodline. But if not, there is online proof that Agatha’s father (a Roman emperor) was a Stewart from the Hohen royal bloodline, where that term is known by me to be an alternative of "Cohen," but moreover the Hohens traced (to my great surprise) to the Salian Franks that were the Merovingians (details later in the chapter, "It Was a Good Day for Cohen Salian"). This not only explains how Stewarts were Merovingians, but reveals that Stewarts, aside from making it to the throne of Scotland, England and finally Great Britain, were priests and rulers of the "holy" Roman empire.

It would be hard to find a bigger dragon than this, but underlying this beast was a Hebrew element, that of the “Cohen” name. The fin points to Dagon-worshipping Nahorites especially, for the miter (the long head-covering) of popery was (and still is) is in the shape of a fish. I've noted that the German-branch Bute family uses a central fish as its coat-of-arms symbol.

George Drummond came to Scotland (1055) about a decade before Margaret and Agatha, but I can find nothing on who he became as a people group, though I suspect the Scottish Ross clan (i.e. named after his Rus mother, I reckon), for it’s known that the Ross clan had a certain Andrew as patriarch. This Ross clan became close to (politically paired with) the Moray clan, which is alternatively “Moravia.” If Rosicrucianism proper was rooted in the Varangian Rus, a good possibility indeed, then Scottish Rosicrucianism may have been the product of George himself. The Templars arose in or within a few decades of George’s lifetime.

It is possible that the Varangians and Varoslav were named after the Avars (there is yet a “Varan” region where Avars live today), while it is known that the Avars of Europe had distinct Hebrew elements. Avars are, by the way, viewed as Huns, and as goes the belief that Avars were at the root of the founding of Moravia (of Europe), so I think that Moravia was named after Merovee, mythical progenitor of the Merovingian Franks. Moreover, Varoslav gave another of his daughters in marriage to Henry I of France, not to mention Hardraad III of Norway, where both kings may have been from Nahorite and/or Abramite Hebrews. If I'm correct here in rooting Franks in Avars – especially the Sicambrian Franks of proto-Hungary, from where both the Attila and Avars Huns had ruled Europe -- the Frank bee symbol would then seem to be, at least in part, in the Avvites...if indeed the Avars were Avvites. The Salian Franks, the other side of the Merovingian bloodline, are traceable to the Batavi (Bat-Avi?) peoples of the Rhine-river mouth (known to be a branch of “Catti”!!), and to that I can only add that Sicambria was the same city as Buda, an apparent root of both “Batavi” and the Bute name that Stewarts married.

If I'm correct in tracing Avvites to Opis of Gozan, then one may seek the root of the Frank Avars in the Ops/Opis cult of the Sabina. One shouldn't rush to identify the Opis cult as purely from Sheba, however, because it is said that the Opis cult was founded by a mythical Titus Tatius, a name that certainly reflects “Taddei” and the Calydonian character, Tydeus. It may be, therefore, that the Opis cult was both a Sheba and Dedan cult, by which I would point out that the Gozan city of Opis was likewise. The Vere clan (using a green dragon symbol) is a dragon-line Merovingian bloodline that would appear to be based in Avars. The Veres also use a blue boar symbol, and it’s pertinent that the mythical Tydeus was depicted with a boar symbol on his shield, wherefore he was from the Calydonian-Boar line. More on the Calydonian Boar later.

My reasoning is that the Khazars were exactly the Getae Thracians; after all, both terms are rooted in “goat”. For example, the term, "kasseri" (Greek "kasar") "is a medium-hard yellow cheese made from sheep's or goat's milk..." I would curiously stem the Getae from the Khazars, not vice versa, albeit not from Khazars proper (of the Caspian), but from Khazar ancestors on the Tigris, whom I think were from Gether, son of Aram, the same that named the Guti/Cutha, the same that was the root of the Kabala cult (which cult inadvertently claims a root in “Kether”). Note the ancient designation of the Khazars, "Akatziri" or "Agathyrsus," how they undress to "Katziri" or "Gathyrus," very reflective of the Biblical “Gether” and Plato’s mythical "Gadeirus," the latter of whom was inadvertently revealed (by Plato) as the second son of Nahor (details later). Is it a coincidence that wherever the Cohen surname is found today, the “Katz” surname is nearby? Even as the Atlantean city of Gadir is known to have modified to the "r"-less "Gades," so the same seems to have occurred in Thrace to net the "r"-less "Cotys" and "Getae."

Recall that the Cutha Kabalists settled Samaria, according to Kabala self-claims and to the Bible itself. These peoples in Israel were as Satan moving in to cause Israel to sin grievously, and not even the Israelites of Jesus' day wished to associate with Samaritans. I suggest that the Cutha were the founders of Gath, from which term comes "Gittite." The Anakites, said in the Bible to have been giants, were left by Joshua at three cities, one of them Gath. Goliath, a type of anti-Christ, was a Gittite. I'm suggesting that Gath was a Kassite/Guti settlement, but ditto for Gaza, for another of the three cities was in fact Gaza (Joshua 11:22).

I realize that these two cities were in Canaan, but they are not revealed in the Bible as being founded by Canaanites. It's true that Goliath was called both a Gittite and a Philistine, and that Philistines were Hamites by birth. But where Aryan-Hebrews had settled what later became Philistia, they may over time have become called "Philistines" even though they were not such initially. There is more to this Guti-Gath connection than the similarity of terms, to be shared as I go along. It leads to the Cati peoples of Cilicia that then became the Kybele Kabalists of Phrygia.

Note how "Kassi/Kazaro" evokes "Assi/Aesir," suggesting on the one hand that the Kassites and Khazars were indeed the same peoples (i.e. as much as the Assi were the Aesir), and on the other hand that Aesir Scandinavians were rooted in the same stock as the Khazars/Kassites. Thus I expect that the Cati, a term that I will use to depict this bloodline universally, traces to the Aesir cult, and indeed that is why the heart of the Aesir cult was in the Goths. It's no secret that Scandinavia has been forwarded by some as the true Atlantis, but it’s beginning to look as though everyone who's bickered over the true location of Atlantis has been correct.

The “Assi” connection to “Aesir” causes me to root the terms in the Dedanite Asshurites. I cannot say whether the Assyrians proper were from this Dedanite tribe, but I am more certain that the Syrian Asshurites were...which agrees with Ezekiel 38 wherein we read about a Sheba and Dedan existing in/near Tarsus of Cilicia. Note that the third city, along with Gath and Gaza, was Ashdod, what seems to be an Asshur-Dedan combination. Knowing that the Scandinavians were Germanics, it's of interest to me that the Italians call Germans, "Tedesco," where, because the root is "Ted" (as in "Franc" being the root of "Francesco"), it may identify Germanics (some, anyway) as descendants of Dedan. It’s possible that “Tedesco” is rooted in the Taddei surname of Italy, or in the root of Taddei. I'll give evidence later that a certain important ruler in Brittany, whom I think was a Vere, was known to the Welsh/Bretons as "Tad" (not the ruler's personal name, but likely a god-like title).


Atlantis Moves to Israel
When Kabalists in Babylon moved to Samaria,
the founders of Atlantis came along
to Gath, Gaza and Ashdod.

Table of Contents