December 2006
Nothing in this book was written with the "mysterious" Hyksos peoples in mind, and yet I am finding that they and the Danaans were one. This chapter explains.It must have been quite "coincidental" that less than a week after realizing the mount-Hermon roots of Herminone Germanics (who worshiped Tiwaz/Zio), I up and decided to see what Barbara Aho had been writing lately (her topics are similar to mine here), as I hadn't checked in a year or two, and behold I found that she was out spreading a message that certain modern Israelites are at this time prepared to spend eight million dollars on a Temple building in a theme/amusement park at mount Hermon. I learned her opinion that mount Sion (i.e. Hermon, not Jerusalem) was the sacred ground of Templars who formed the Priory of Sion...something that was beginning to cross my mind.
She claimed that mount Hermon was longitude 33 degrees when Paris was zero degree, wherefore she asserts that 33 has become sacred to Illuminatists because it was the longitude of Sion. She distinguishes between Sion and Zion of Jerusalem, implying that the Priory of Sion was not Jerusalem based. She believes as I do that Hermon was named after Hermes, evidenced by the fact that Panias is a city at the foot of Hermon and known to be named after Pan, the Greek god. some point in the past, the Hermes cult was in Panias, this fresh information supporting my aging claim, better than anything to date, that Pan depicted the Poeni = Phoenicians, for Panias was due west of Tyre. (The alternative name of the city, "Banyas," may be the reason for Tolkien's "Vanyar" term describing his superior elves in Ireland.) The overwhelming conclusions are that Phoenicians were Satyrs, and that Satyrs were from Egypt's Poseidon bloodline (i.e. because Phoenix was from Poseidon's line). Who were the Satyrs in Egypt? The Danaans. Proto-American Freemasons.
As we saw in the last chapter that Daphne was at Hermon and Tyre, everything that she represents -- Mandaean Avars -- also defines the Danaans/Freemasons. Can it be a coincidence that the Hyksos ruled from "Avaris" in Egypt, that was smack on the same part of the Nile delta with Tanis, the city after which mythical Danaus was named? In fact, some say that Tanis and Avaris were the very same city, while others put a distance of a few miles between them.
I did not know that the Hyksos lived at Avaris when I traced the Daphne Avars to both Danaans and Phoenicia. Nor did I know that the Hyksos worshiped only one god, Set, when I traced Set to Satyrs of Phoenicia. Nor did I know that Hyksos were called "Phoenicians" by Manetho. But what has me scratching my head is that I was on the verge of tracing Set to Jerusalem's Amorites when I finally got round to researching Hyksos...only to learn that Josephus and/or Manetho (pre-Jesus Egyptian historian) traced the Hyksos to Jerusalem. The reason for getting round to researching the Hyksos was the realization that they were the Hayasa-Azzi, a fundamental element making up the Armenian peoples.
It is widely believed that Hyksos were from Asia Minor, for the Egyptians called them "Asiatics," but do know that "Asia" itself is believed to be derived in the Asi/Assi peoples, who I think were Kassi(tes). Already the worshipers of Kothar-wa-Khasis, in Ugarit (Syria), are coming to mind (I typically hold out that "Ugarit" was a "Gogar" term, from Gogarene of Armenia). Of the first six Hyksos kings listed by Manetho, whom he calls "six foreign Phoenician kings", one was "Assis." I was suspecting that Daphne had to be in the Mediterranean region of Egypt (i.e. with/as the Danaans), I hadn't yet realized that Tanis was the home of the Danaans, nor that the river where Tanis was situated was called Pelusiac, and the region Pelusium (depicting Belus, father of Danaus). But I did claim by that time that Daphne depicted the Danaans who became the Dumnoni/Domnann Celts of Britain. And so behold what myth code I just found, as I write this chapter:
"According to Pherycides (3F21), Belus also had a daughter named Damno who married her uncle (Belus' brother) Agenor and bore to him Phoenix and two daughters named Isaie, and Melia, these becoming wives respectively to their cousins Aegyptus and Danaus...In the Eoiae (see Hesiod) Belus was also the father of a daughter named Thronia on whom Hermaon, that is Hermes, fathered Arabus, presumably the eponym of Arabia."
From this, one can extrapolate that the Celt god, Belus, way over in Britain, was named by the Tuatha de Danann who had originated on the Pelusiac river of Egypt, even the inhabitants of Tanis. The same goes for the MacDonald clan of Ireland, anciently "Domnail/Domnall." As these became the American Freemasons who built the Washington Monument, it explains why they use a phoenix symbol to this day, for the bloodline passed through fact, it founded the Phoenicians. Note that "Agenor" is said to derive from the Greek "goat," perhaps for the specific reason of depicting the Satyr Thracians = the Guti bloodline.
If Set had been worshipped in Egypt before the Hyksos got there, then relatives/ancestors of the Hyksos had long ruled Egypt. But even if Set was introduced to Egypt by the Hyksos, the latter are yet relatives of the older Egyptians by the fact that Set was made brother of Osiris. The idea wherein Set was made the evil conqueror of Osiris matches the hatred that Upper Egyptians (at Thebes) had for their Hyksos rulers in Lower Egypt. I remind you of my recent conclusion that Osiris/Horus depicted the Hermes cult from Hormuz.
Set's partner, Mehen, was a huge snake coiling itself around the sun god, evocative of the Armenian caduceus peoples. Mehen also wrapped himself around Apep, which I identified as mythical Epaphus before learning that one of the Hyksos kings was named "Apophis." Epaphus, an Egyptian entity, was said to be born on Euboea (far-eastern Greece), wherefore he depicted the Abantes (inhabitants of Euboea), who were an Argos peoples because the Abantes were said to be named after mythical Abas of Argos. Now Epaphus was made the mythical founder of Memphis, and since king Menes was the historical founder of Memphis, the Menes bloodline was in part from Argives of Euboea (and in part from Manes of Armenia). Clearly, as Epaphus was son of Io and Zeus, Menes was of the Apis the bull cult (Io and Zeus were made to mate on Euboea before Io came to Egypt as a white cow). feel confident in identifying Mehen as Manes/Min i.e. Mehen depicted not the Epaphus/Argive half, but the Manes/Armenian half, of the royal Egyptian bloodline. I'm assuming that Mehen depicted the Magans (now Oman) of southern Arabia (doesn't "Mehen" look like "Oman"?), and moreover I'm theorizing that Magans settled Jerusalem as the Magen David (hexagram) symbol of Zionism to this day. I realize that this is sensational and novel, but it works.
I know from the Bible that Jerusalem was called "Zedek" in those days, as early as Abraham (no later than 1880 BC). Centuries later, in 1450 BC, the Amorite king of Jerusalem whom Joshua warred against and expelled was Adoni-Zedek = "lord of Zedek." I kid you not, but just as I was keeping an eye out for a Zedek-like term tracing to Jerusalem in some way, I found a Wikipedia article claiming that the hexagram was called "satkona yantra or sadkona yantra" by the Indo/Avesta Aryans. is more than shattering to British-Israelists should their beloved Magen David symbol trace to Amorite (i.e. pre-Israel) Jerusalem, for it puts such a new twist on Zionism as to be smashingly revolutionary. The problem is, we can't bank on Freemason pawns to start the revolution, for they want dearly to trace back to YHWH. Nor can we bank on "enlightened" Illuminatist "scholars" who want the world to equate YHWH with the pagan gods. Therefore, if a revolution is to begin, it'll have to be spear-headed by YHWH Himself, and He will lay everything bare, as He promised, even a frazzled Serpent on a bare table, the biggest fool by far (I just lost readers, but they are only the enemy, who would twist facts, anyway).
This paragraph is what I wrote before researching the Hyksos: "The question is, after what element had they named the city, "Zedek." I don't yet know. But it may have been named by a righteous peoples whom YHWH approved of, along the lines of Melchizedek ("king of Zedek"). The city was then taken over by wicked Amorites whom YHWH did not approve of, for He told Abraham (living amongst Amorites of Hebron) that He would later punish Amorites when their sin was full. I would suggest that Amorites re-named the city Salem, after their Delymite/Solymi heritage, yet it would seem that the "sadkona" symbol for Zionism belonged to the Zedek name of the city."
Then, when reading up on the Hyksos, I learned that "King Apophis made Sutekh his Lord serving no other god." Wikipedia and others claim that Sutekh was a variation of "Set"; if that claim is true, I've just got to connect Set, and the Hyksos, to the Zedek term that was Jerusalem's earlier name! If you're reading me correctly, you're understanding that Zionism is based on the Hyksos!! One possible reason that the Hyksos peoples are said to be "mysterious" is my contention that Illuminatists expend themselves putting out disinformation in attempts to disguise their sacred bloodlines, for always their ancestors are the worst of humankind. an article on Amrit, possibly an Amorite city in Mediterranean Syria (5 miles south of Tartous/Tortosa), I found this:
"The Hyksos invaders of Egypt were verifiably Amorite. (See: Dictionary of the Ancient Near East, edited by Piotr Bienkowsky and Alan Millard, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000)."
Now behold, that as the central star in the Swan Constellation was named "Sadr," and as that Swan depicted lake Sevan and the Soducena off of that lake's shores, should not the sadkona-hexagram be identified with the Soducena peoples...since the two terms are identical apart from the vowels? There is only one website online using "Soducena, and it says only this: "Armeniae minoris regio Ptolem." I would not have known of that term had it not been on this old map of Caucasia. It is now beginning to look like a most-important term. I would suggest that Armenians of Soducena became the Sadducees of Zedek (i.e. Jerusalem), and much later the Sadducee officials of the Sanhedrin, the court which sentenced Jesus to death. Was Jesus crucified by an Armenian cult, therefore, a very logical idea if that cult was Set = Satan?
You'll recall from a recent chapter that certain Karaite Kabalists seemingly traced to Boethus-branch Sadducees...high priests of the Sanhedrin in the days of Jesus. Therefore, may I ask if Euboeans weren't ancestral to that Boethus bloodline? I would confidently suggest that Argives of Euboea were Boeotians because the mythical Argonauts were of Boeotia. I'm claiming that Boeotians were from Soducena's Armenians/Rukhs (another star in the Swan constellation is "Ruk," while Soducena was on the Arak river). As Argonauts were historically of the Orchomenos region of Boeotia, wouldn't "Orchomenos" be the basis of the Argos-Manes bloodline of Egyptian king, Menes?
The same article mentioning the sadkona (below) says that the hexagram traces back to Zoroastrianism, a Persian religion that is root of the modern Illuminati, as can be witnessed in this chief Zoroaster symbol (same as the Illuminati symbol). That religion included the "Mithra" cult, evoking Mittani, and indeed: "The first extant record of Mitra/Mithra is in the inscribed peace treaty between Hittites and the Hurrian kingdom of the Mitanni in the area southeast of Lake Van..." uses these variations: "Mithra...Mihr, Mehr, Meher". Is that last variation the Mehen god of Egypt? Special terms of this religion are "Magi," "Avesta" (evoking Avvites), and "Gathas" (Guti Satyrs?).
One picture coming to me is that YHWH chose the very throne of Saturn/Satan in Jerusalem to make a point in this history, for "Zion" means "conspicuous" = "a sign" in YHWH making Jerusalem an eternal sign of what happens to the throne of anyone who rebels against him? On the other hand, Satan may have known that YHWH chose this site as His own base, wherefore the serpent slithered in and took it as his own. God wanted his Jews to show Satan (and his world) how to be righteous, but instead the Jews let Him down again and again, turning even to Molech sacrifices in the Hinnom valley at the bottom of Jerusalem. God is about to raise up a generation of fire-refined Jews who will lead the way into getting the Job done, finally.
Is it a coincidence that Armenia is alternatively "Hyastan" (website below) because Armenians trace themselves to a certain "Hayq/Haik"? No, it's not a coincidence: Haik and Hyksos are one and the same. It was this realization that caused me to research the Hyksos just now. Armenia was also called "Hayasa," wherefore the Hayasa-Azzi are clearly the Hyksos Armenians. Wikipedia is not certain whether "Azzi" was just another name for the Hayasa, or whether they were two allied peoples. In Armenian opinion, Haik was of were the "Assi" of the Tigris river...wherefore these would seem to be the Aryan side of the Armenians. Yet among the Kassi(tes) were the Habiru so that the Hyksos should prove to have been part-Hebrew. and Samuha were both Hattusite cities, while the founder (Sames II) of Samosata was the king of Sophene. It seems compelling that Sapinuwa was of Sophene, therefore, and since I identify Sophene as mythical Daphne, I'd also say that her bloodline founded/names Sapinuwa. See map of Samosata environs.
Therefore, it's clear in my mind: it was the Hattusites and/or the Hayasa-Azzi of these cities who became the Samnian bloodline...including Samnian ancestors = the Spartan Daemonians; and Samnian descendants = the Dumnoni (of Devonshire). This was a super find because until then I didn't know who the Danaans of Italy were. Later I'll show that the Hayasa-Azzi were likely the Hyksos after they were ousted from Egypt. Remember that the Sabina/Samnians became the Suebi, wherefore the Hayasa-Azzi could prove to trace forward to the Aesir gods of Scandinavia.
"In the treaty between the Hittite king Mursili II and Duppi-Tessub of Amurru...the Hittites swear by the god Abara whose sanctuary was in Samuha." Wouldn't "Abara" be the same god/term that named Avaris? Wouldn't they be the "Abira" of the Kassite fold? If so, that Hebrew entity was the god of the Hattusites, and Hyksos in Avaris were predominantly Hebrews, or at least ruled by their Hebrew faction (same as the predominantly Togarmite Khazars were ruled by Hebrews!). I would suggest that Hattusites are rightly called "Hittites" only in Canaan, where their blood became Canaanized by the time that Genesis 10 was written.
Hattusites fought wars against the Hayasa-Azzi, and as these wars took place after the expulsion of the Hyksos from Avaris, I would trace the fleeing Hyksos to the formation of the Hayasa-Azzi. The Hyksos at that point were seeking to take over the empire of their old kin, the Hattusites. In fact, I can see that the Hattusites became Kybele's son and husband, Attis, wherefore Hattusites are the ones who founded Athens. Zowie! They were therefore tied to mythical Kybele and her historical Kabeiri cult, and indeed "Kabeiri" and "Abara" are likely the same entities (note that the Kabeiri cult was based on Samo-Thrace). These were the Khaldi=protoCelts, therefore. If it's not too hasty, I have the gumption to view the Hattusites also as Aphrodite and her sexually-perverted son, Eros, who must have founded the Rhodian city, Ialysos (named in my opinion after the Galli cult = proto-Gauls).
It was the Hyksos branch of Cadusii, however, who must have become the founders of the Danaan city on Rhodes -- Lindos (i.e. proto-Atlantis) -- before they came to rule Argos as mythical Perseus. Indeed, a Wikipedia article on the Hyksos tells that ancient Greeks held to the Hyksos=Danaan equation:
"The story of the Hyksos was known to the Greeks, whom attempted to identify it within their own mythology with the expulsion of Belus (Baal?) and the daughters of Danaos, associated with the origin of the Argive dynasty." is conspicuous that the Hayasa-Azzi were allied to the vicious Kaskas, for that term can itself modify to "Hyksos." Wikipedia uses the version, "Kaskian," and I do see that this is close to "Kassiya." Samuha (location unknown) was near the land/city of the Kassiyans, whom I would gather were the Khassi/Kassios of Cilicia, same as the Kizzuwatna. That is, Kaskas = Kassiya = Khassi = Kizzuwatna = Cati-Bat (where the Bats were of Colchis became the Cilicians = holy grail bloodline). I've been claiming for a while now that the Cadusii were the holy grail, not knowing until now that the Hebrew for "holy" is "kadesh/qodesh" (Strong's 6944). Recall that the Hebrew for "cup" is the same as the Edom god, Kos/Qos, that became the two sacred Cadusii snakes.
Surely the Kizzuwatna became the Catti (Hesse) of Germany known to have put forth the Batavians in Holland. Remember, the Caucasian Bats were of Poti (probably Ptah of Egypt). In this picture, Colchians were not Egyptians as claimed, but vice versa.
It seems plain enough that these Cilician peoples were of the Ptah-related craftsman god, Kothar-wa-Khasis, as per Ishputahshu (Ish-Ptah-shu), king of Kizzuwatna, or the Hattusi queen from Kizzuwatna, Puda-Hepa. These peoples either derive from, or stem to, Kotharu of Ugarit (Syria), and so note that in, or just outside, Ugarit was mount Saphon, what evokes the Safina = Sabina Italians (from whom came the Samnians). In other words, mount Saphon was an extension of Daphne = Sophene, wherefore it likely connected to Sapinuwa of the Hattusites (in Phrygia).
I'm also claiming that the Hyksos were of Kizzuwatna, even as Wikipedia reports that "The term "Hyksos" derives from the Egyptian expression heka khasewet (Rulers of Foreign Lands)." This is another fine example of all the wasted time spent by countless historians seeking the meanings (incorrectly) of people-group names, and then bickering over whose definition takes top-dog position in the text books. Is it not clear that "khasewet" refers to Kizzuwatna? I can see that historians viewing Egyptians as non-Aryans would have a problem answering that question in the affirmative.
The mythical "Danaus" is widely thought to be the historical Danuna, and the Danuna in turn are thought to be both the Danaans of Argos and the founders of Adana (anciently "Adaniya") of Cilicia. Kizzuwatna was just another name for the Adana region. If Tanis received that name long before the Hyksos invaded it, I would think it full-proof to view the Hyksos as merely a single branch of the Danuna attacking their Danuna kin ruling the Nile delta. On the other hand, the Danaans may have been none other but purely the Hyksos of Adana. The pressure is now on for those who insist on Israelite roots for the Danaans, for the root would be found most-likely in the root of the "Adana" term.
The mythical Perseus was a Danaan ruler of Argos, yet he was also located at Joppa of southern Phoenicia. I know that the tribe of Dan was near Joppa, but to equate the two peoples may be as incorrect as an historian a thousand years to our future making the claim that Mrs. Caroline North was founder of North Carolina just because he found evidence that she lived in that state. now the king of Jerusalem (as per the Amarna Letters), Abdi-Heba. Wouldn't that throne name be equivalent to Kizzuwatna's Puda-Hepa? Wouldn't these be the Abzu Amorites? Remember, the Abzu were allied to mythical Tiamat = the historical Atamti Elamites who became the basis for the Cadusii Armenians. I recall sticking my neck onto the chopping block of historians, many chapters ago, when I suggested that "Abdi" (in Abdi-Heba) referred to Buzi/Budii don't pull the rope just yet, fellas.
[Update February 2007 -- Consider the following "Abdi" ruler of Amurru : "The Amurru who troubled the Egyptians of the 18th Dynasty inhabited a kingdom that included the coastal plain of Syria between Ugarit and Byblos...Two kings from the Amarna period were Abdi-Ashirta and his son Azir." (italics mine). Amurru was not only a kingdom named after Amorites, but the god by the same name was a son of Anu! The exclamation mark is for the close relationship known to have existed between between Anu and Abzu. End Update] was astounding to find, just days after uncovering who the mythical Typhon depicted, that Josephus quoted Manetho like so: "According to the ancient mythology, Avaris was Typho's city..." This implies that pre-Hyksos Avaris was a town of Daphne, for she is not only historical Sophene, but mythical Typhon. It now explains why the Hyksos, while ruling Egypt, were by all cultural appearances Egyptians, for the Egyptians that the Hyksos removed from power were their old Armenian kin.
It's interesting that YHWH directed Moses to take the Israelites to the sea opposite Baal Zephon (Biblically "Tsephon"), the location where He would part the sea (Exodus 14:2). I'm assuming that they celebrated the Crossing in/beside Zephon, perhaps as a sign to Satan's city that He was God., in a Baal Zephon article, reports an Egyptian god, B'irati Dapuna (evoking Daphne). Historians have defined "Baal Zephon" as Baal of the North, but I'll ignore this definition too, and define it as the Baal-Daphne bloodline. One website says that Set was:
"A man with the head of a jackal-like animal...In art, Set was mostly depicted as a mysterious and unknown creature, referred to by Egyptologists as the Set animal or Typhonic beast, with a curved snout, square ears, forked tail, and canine body...The Greeks later linked Set with Typhon."
Aside from the obvious Set-to-Daphne connection, which deserves a Set-to-Danaan connection, we see that Set belonged to the dog cult, and was therefore an Avvite people (who worshipped Anubis the dog man). Therefore, the Set peoples in Jerusalem were not Israelites, but Daphne's three fathers, Tiresias, Ladon, and Penius: = Tyrus/Tyre, the Litani region east of Tyre, and Panias at mount Hermon. Therein are the roots of the Danaans, but I'll bet they were the Biblical Dinaites (Ezra 4:9), the same that in the time of Ezra opposed the Jews in their re-building of Jerusalem.
I'm beginning to see that the invading Hyksos were mythical Hephaistos, husband of Cabero = the Kabeiri-cult Hebrews, even his wife, Aphrodite from copper-mining Cyprus. I came to this conclusion when realizing that Hyksos were depicted by the craftsman god, Kothar-wa-Khasis (Hephaistos was the craftsman god). From this realization, I can see that the Hyksos were of the same peoples who founded/named Athens, for Hephaistos was quasi-founder of Athens. Now as the goddess Athena was located by myth in Libya, it's important that myth placed Danaus in Libya, for it tends to solidify the Athena-Danaan equation (I have no idea if anyone else makes this equation). [Update March 2008 -- I see that the above is hardly strong evidence of a Hephaistos-Hyksos equation, but much later I will add more, for I have come to the same conclusion by other means]
This equation is extremely important if the Aten cult of Egypt was of Athena. But even if not, I will present some evidence now that the cult was of the Danaans. The Aten cult came "out of the blue" from a long line of Egyptians who worshiped Amun, wherefore I suspected that it was the wife/mother of the first Aten pharaoh who introduced the Aten cult. I didn't realize this until I was writing the paragraph above, and thinking that this woman should have been both a Danaan and influential enough to introduce a new cult based on Danaan blood, I went to an article on the first Aten-worshiping pharaoh, Akhenaten, to check out the possibility. Behold, not only did I find that his mother was a queen who "appears to have been the power behind the throne, but that her name, "Tiye," evoked "Diyna." Then I learned that her father, Yuya, whose
"origins remain unclear. As the study of his mummy showed, Yuya had been a man of taller than average stature...Egyptologists speculated that Yuya was of foreign origin, although this hypothesis has never been proved. One possibility is that he had some Mitannian ancestry...It was also suggested Yuya was the brother of queen Mutemwiya, who was the mother of pharaoh Amenhotep III and may have had Mitannian royal origins."
Amenhotep III was the husband of Tiye! It looks like Tiye had Mittani ancestry on her father's side, while her husband had Mittani blood on his mother's side, which may then explain the turn to Aten of their son, Akhenaten...that is, if Aten can be traced to the Mittani. As of yet, I cannot find the Chaldean home of the Dinaites, but the Mittani kingdom was on the northern edge of Chaldea. "There is considerable archaeological and textual evidence indicating that Tutankhamun's probable grandmother was Queen Tiye." I have been wondering for a while now if Tut's name is from the Mittani city, Tuttul. ruler after Akhenaten was Smenkhkare (also a worshiper of Aten), whose title evokes the same root that produced the Samnians. Wouldn't this root be Damno on the Nile Delta, the mother of Phoenix? Smenkhkare was the son/daughter, some say, of Amenhotep III. The latter married a daughter of a Mittani king. said that the Hyksos settled the "Saite nome" of the Nile delta, while a second Mittani capital, aside from Washukanni, was "Taite." This may prove to serve as evidence for a Set and/or Satyr tie to Taite. Could this be the root of the "Tuatha" term? Nicholas de Vere claims that the Vere Illuminati extends from the Mittani to the Tuatha de Danann.
Mythical Aigyptos, because he ended up at Methoni (Greece), can be traced to the upper-Nile city of Coptos, for near Methoni was a location of Gyppe, the origin of the term, "Gypsy." Coptos likely traces to Cyprus. As the Aigyptos-Coptos equation is accepted widely, it explains why Aigyptos was associated with Ethiopia, for Coptos was far up the Nile in the range of Ethiopia. One could get the impression from these few points alone that Upper Egypt was related to both Methoni and Mittani. This may then be the reason that "Aphrodite" ("Afridi" in Afghanistan) evokes "Africa" (root = "Afri") for the Euphrates-river inhabitants (as were the Mittani) may just have named that entire continent. Remember, the Veres used an elephant on their Oxford Arms...which I think was Babar the elephant, a French elephant concerned with African issues!
I had never realized before that the sacred Egyptian cross, called an "anke," might refer to the Anakites. Yet see what it certainly symbolized: "The same symbol is used in astrology to represent the planet Venus, in alchemy to represent the element copper." Venus was Aphrodite (of Cyprus), but also the root of the Vanir Scandinavians. few more points before moving on, from an online work where the author equates Hyksos with Edomites. I agree and I don't, for while I view Hyksos as Cadusii Armenians, I had earlier seen that both the Asklepios and Gileki snakes (of Cadusia) trace to the owl god, chief cult of Edom. The author moreover has seen what I have, for this is what he says:
"On the monuments the Egyptians call the Hyksos "Asiatics" and "Barbarians." Manetho calls them "Arabians" and "Phoenicians...Sir Charles Marston in 'The Bible Comes Alive' argues that the Hyksos were a Hebrew people, though not Israelites..."
Finally, someone who takes my position regarding non-Israelite Hebrews. He goes on to say: "As Arthur Custance very keenly observed in a personal communication to the author, Joseph when talking to Pharaoh's butler says he was 'stolen out of the land of the Hebrews" (Genesis 40:15)." That is, merely Jacob and his 12 sons did not constitute the phrase, "land of the Hebrews." Israelites had moved into the land of the Hebrews, and while the author did not seem to realize, I have, that these Hebrews were among the Amorites themselves, and then became rulers of Argos, and finally the Celts.
He does say the following in supporting a Greek migration, though he may not have realized that migration: "Sir Flinders Petrie, when excavating Hyksos graves in Southern Palestine at Tell el Ajjul, near Gaza, found that horses had been buried evidently with their owners." I learned a while back that the Minyae (Argonauts) buried horse heads with their dead.
Let me remind the reader that the sea-faring Minyae were the Orchomenos Boeotians who became Tolkien's "Orks" (i.e. Rukhs) at the Orkney islands (north Scotland), and likely the first discoverers of Greenland and America. The Hyksos were among the (proto-Rosicrucian) Atlanteans, that is.
Tut is thought to have been the son of Smenkhkare by some, or of Akhenaten by others. Look at a bust of Akhenaten's daughter, Meritaten, and see her Aryan features. The article says that she probably married her father, meaning that these peoples whom the Illuminati would wish the world to honor were mentally deranged. Even the Hattusites recognized these obscenities when speaking against the Hayasa-Azzi, for:
In a treaty signed with Hukkana [king of the Hayasa-Azzi], Suppiluliuma I mentions a series of obligations of civil right:
"My sister, whom I gave you in marriage has sisters; through your marriage, they now become your relatives. Well, there is a law in the land of the Hatti. Do not approach sisters, your sisters-in law or your cousins; that is not permitted. In Hatti Land, whosoever commits such an act does not live; he dies. In your country, you do not hesitate to marry your own sister, sister-in law or cousin, because you are not civilized. Such an act cannot be permitted in Hatti."
Why did the Passover feast, wherein grails of wine are central, become called a "seder"? Satyrs were associated with Dionysus, the wine and orgy god (think something along the lines of Black Sabbath, heavy-metal poison for the soul). While there is thanks given to God for Moses' deliverance from Egypt's oppression, did Soducena and/or Sadducee non-Israelites slip in and cause true Israelites to partake in their pagan version of the feast, having secretly introduced dragonian symbolism into it?
I know that the same dragon cult slithers into Christian churches to slip in pagan ideas, as for example Freemasonic book, "The Masculine Journey," was slipped to the Promise Keepers membership (personally, I think Promise Keepers is a Freemasonic/homosexual organization hoping to corrupt Christian men). Barbara Aho claims that "The Feminine Journey," a sequel, moves Christian women toward sex with demons, as per ancient temple prostitution wherein mind-altering drugs were taken for the purpose. I've not read the book, but I trust Barbara to be truthful.
During the seder meal, a so-called "afikoman" is hidden, being a piece of "matzo" to be found by children before split into pieces and shared around the table. This hiding of something has no parallel in the Scripture, but does evoke secret societies (remember, "sod" means "secret"). I found one Yoga website claiming that ""koman" means
"king," while an etymology website ( says that "comet" is associated with "koman" = "let the hair grow long." Merovingian and Rosicrucians kings let their hair grow long! The following homosexual scenario, of Hellenic tradition, is an early version of the seder:
"In ancient Greece, an aristocratic banquet at which men met to discuss philosophical and political issues and recite poetry. It began as a warrior feast. Rooms were designed specifically for the proceedings. The participants, all male aristocrats, wore garlands [flowery wreaths] and leaned on the left elbow on couches, and there was much drinking of wine, served by slave boys. Prayers opened and closed the meetings; sessions sometimes ended with a procession in the streets. In Plato's famous Symposium, an imaginary dialogue takes place between Socrates, Aristophanes, Alcibiades, and others on the subject of love...In Greek Afikoman = epikomion – 'after dinner revelry', which apparently was the normal procedure at the end of a symposium...R. Saul Lieberman Z”L in his Tosefta Kefshuta notes that Afikoman is commonly understood as revelries where participants in a symposium, after the official party, migrated to a private home and continued partying there" (if you get the homosexual connotation).
The science-and-technology based Royal Society of London, consisting of Rosicrucian long-hairs such as Isaac Newton, was a club founded under a Stewart king (Charles II), for philosophical discussion. It was previously called "Invisible College," implying the invisible social engineers of our "Enlightenment" age. It led to the con-job of Evolution as a means to "murder God" (the phrase used by Charles Darwin). The college was the child of Francis Bacon, author of New Atlantis, wherein his Atlantis (= Utopia) was the United States and its high-technology! That is, the American Dream was rooted in the Snake, so let's do ourselves a favor and seek another dream, for snakes take, not give. How about waiting for Jesus to give us our dreams...that no tax-office will taketh away?
The Age of the Savior will be characterized with sincere good works everywhere, unlike the works of the dragon cultists who in their pride build skyscrapers (acting as temples to the money they have stolen by charging too much for their products), that they might build a name for themselves. One main reason that this world has so much pain and loneliness is that the snakes are sucking all the money to themselves, causuing too many to live from paycheck to paycheck. As soon as these snakes see that society has some money to spare, up go their prices for the things that we need. It's called "capitalizing" on the moment, and it assures that we lower-enders become their "free" and "equal" slaves all lifelong.
Uncle Sam on Samson's Donkey
I feel that the Samson story is a myth
of the dragon cult snaking
its way into the Bible.