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Written 2003; upcoming chapters, if not in 2006, were written steadily afterward

The problem in the historical records is that Jews may call a people the "Tomato Pickers," while the Assyrians register them as "Cabbage Lovers," while the Greeks may call them "Skinny Guys." A further problem is that historians vary/conflict when translating the names of people groups. But the tracks found in mythology seem to be quite dependable, or at least helpful when the issues cannot be decided otherwise. Whereas the Gogi are difficult to find let alone trace by historical records, myth makes the task much simpler when one knows terms by which they were depicted. And so the myths, meant to conceal the Gogi, actually help us to trace them.

We find that Hercules was portrayed mating with the snake-woman (i.e. half snake) to produce three sons (i.e. main branches) from her belly at once, one of which was "Scythes." They were born just north of the Crimea, wherefore the myth does not intend to record the beginnings of the Iranian Saka (regarded as early Scythians), but only the beginnings of the western Scythians, those who formed in the cradle of the Russian peoples...who were called "Royal Scythians" by Herodotus.

The snake-woman, I conjecture, depicts a peoples belonging to the dragon bloodline, but more particularly to the peoples who extended from the Cecrops bloodline, for Cecrops was himself depicted as half snake. The Parthians/Gorgons are easily identified as being the root of that snake line, and Hercules depicts a major Gorgon bloodline, for his ancestor, Perseus, killed the Gorgon Medusa and then gave birth to "Gorgophone" illustration quite apparently of two Gorgon peoples that had been in mortal conflict.

Not only do the particular terms, Perseus and Medusa, evoke the Parthians and Medes (wherefore we can see that mythology is an attempt to put historical events into codewords), but Perseus mated with Andromeda ("men of Media"?) when producing Gorgophone. The easy conclusion is that Hercules was a Gorgophone as opposed to a Medusa Gorgon. Perhaps the Medusa Gorgons depicted the Meionians due to a Hercules line -- the Mysians -- having replaced them:

"The first king of this [Hercules/Mysian] dynasty was Agron, son of Ninus...Candaules [i.e. Sadyattes], son of Myrsus, was the last. The kings who reigned before Agron sprang from Lydus, son of Atys, from whom the people of the land, called previously Meionians, received the name of Lydians" (brackets mine).

Thus the entire Herculean line beginning with Agron was from Atti(s) and Manes. The following quote speaks to the same end but gives valuable information on Manes-Attis roots. Note also the date in which Hercules replaced the Meionians, very near the commonly-accepted date of the Trojan war (1200-1175 BC), suggesting that this famous war was a Gorgon civil war (round brackets not mine):

"According to the Greek researcher Herodotus of Halicarnassus, the [Lydian] house of Gyges replaced an older dynasty, the Heraclids, which had ruled for twenty-two generations or 505 years. (This dynasty claimed to descend from the Kuvav's escort, the god Sandon, called Heracles by the Greeks.) Adding 680 to 505, we arrive at 1195 [BC]..." .

It was the Lydians who regarded Hercules as the sacred Sandon. But as the Lydians were related to the Trojans, Sandon must have been the root of the Trojans as well. And Greek myth does reveal that the Trojans were from Cecrops. The Hercules line, known alternatively as the Danaans and the Mycenaeans, was thus from Trojan ancestry...even though Hercules and the Mycenaeans opposed the Trojans in the Trojan war. This is not contradictory at all, but merely reveals that the Greeks and Trojans were related. Indeed, note how "Mycenae" of Greece (founded by Perseus) is similar to "Mysia" of the Trojans. You might want to bookmark the following website, as you're going to find it useful; it's a navigational map of Greece and the surrounding theater:

If indeed there is a blood connection between Mysia and Mycenae, and if it's true that "Mysia" is a version of "Meshech, it reveals that the Hercules line, and therefore the Danaans, were (in part, anyway) Meshech blood.

Apparently, the Gorgons of Media were at one time based in an Aryan peoples living among the Babylonian sun-god line. The mythical Gilgamesh comes to mind, as he not only built the walls of Erech/Uruk (the Babylonian home of the sun-god cult), but he ventured to Iran with the help of the sun god, Utu. Moreover, his name seems to include "Mesh(ech)" in compound with "Gilga." Indeed:

"Uruk was founded by Enmerkar, who brought the official kingship with him from the city of Eanna. His father Mesh-ki-ag-gasher..."


Italics mine! to show that Utu was the father of Meshkiaggasher, which can be read either as Meshki-aggasher or Meshkiag-gasher in order to evoke "Meshech."

[Update July 2006 -- The problem is, it can also be read as Mash-Kiag-Gasher to evoke Mash and Gether, the latter term being extremely important to the base of the dragon line, as we shall see later. Gether was brother of Mash! I'll mention now that Gether was likely the "Kether" of the Kabala Tree. The same problem applies to “Gilgamesh,” that it may perhaps have meant Gilga-Mash rather than Gilga-Meshech. End Update]

Indeed, Gilgamesh was in Iran in search of the only survivor of the flood, "Ziasudra," a seemingly Aryan term meaning "god of the waters." In other words, Gilgamesh was in Iran looking for a Japheth bloodline. But why?

As proof that Jupiter/Zeus refers to the family of Noah, we find that Enki/Ea charged Ziasudra to build the ark. In the Greek-myth version of the flood, "Deucalion" was the only man to survive, and "Deuc" too evokes "Zeus." Apparently, then, the Romans decided to emphasize Japheth (rather than Noah) as their oldest god, whereas the Sumerians/Akkadians could not in that they were an Aryan-Semite mix...who therefore had to stress Noah instead (the father of both Japheth and Shem).

The Gilgamesh and Ishtar peoples, though at war initially, did form an alliance eventually, and this is made evident where she marries Enki's son, Tammuz. She then became the goddess of Erech, a city earlier built by Nimrod (from Ham, son of Noah) but not necessarily ruled by Hamites by this time.

Might all Gorgons/Gogi descend from Sandon. If so, we should like to know the historical identity of Sandon, but I confess, I'm stumped thus far, though the general region is the dragon sun-god cult. for:

E. S. G. Robinson suggested that [Lydia's] lion-with-sunburst was an attribute or symbol of Sandon (Sandan, Sandas, Sandes, Santesh, Shamash), the Hittite/Babylonian sun, storm, or warrior god who the Greeks equated with Herakles (Hercules) and who the Lydians believed their royal house descended from. Sardis (Sardes, Sardeis), the capital of Lydia, may have been named after Sandon."


If Robinson is correct in equating Sandon with Shamash, then Gorgons were from Utu the dragon sun god, for "Shamash" was the Akkadian version of (the Sumerian) Utu. The Utu dragon, otherwise known as the Mushussu dragon, had the body of a lion, and Lydia's pre-occupation with the lion must have connected to the same theme of importance, which I think is in "Ares," a term looking like it has roots in "ari," meaning "lion." In other words, the lion was an Aryan symbol, perhaps even a symbol depicting Aryans themselves. Yet Daniel 7 uses it to depict Babylon, by which I conclude that Aryans were tied in with that Babylonian symbol. The Lydian lion (see photo of coin) had a sun on it's forehead, between the two eyes, no doubt the all-seeing eye of paganism, representing Shamash/Utu and other sun gods related to him. Utu, remember, is likely Atti(s), the latter known as the Phrygia-specific sun god and an immediate ancestor of the Lydians.

In an article on Zeus, Britannica wrote: "Pausanias testifies to a very old image of [Zeus] at Argos which had three [eyes], two normally placed and the third in the middle of the forehead."


This not only implies that Zeus was a Gogi/Cyclops entity, but that all-seeing-eye secret societies today trace back to Zeus.

It's the term "ushus" that means "snake/dragon, and if "Utu" is a variation of "ushu," can't we see "Mushussu" as a Meshech-Utu combination? Can we see "Shamash" as "Ushu-Mesh"? [Mash needs to be considered too].

As yet more evidence that this cult was an Aryan-Babylonian mix, it was depicted as "Draco," and, as a constellation, Draco was placed by the astrologers in the very "center" of the universe -- i.e. encircling the North Star. That should tell you that the early astrologers/magi were of the dragon bloodline. But the north star was made part of the Little Dipper, wherefore that Dipper is extremely central to the dragon line. The Little Dipper was originally a bear, which in the Bible (Daniel 7) is an animal depicting the Medo-Persian empire.

In Greek myth, the Little Dipper was the son of Zeus, Arcas, the eponym/symbol of Arcadia (Greece), the home of the goddess, Atalanta, and therefore the root of Western Atlantis (I'll explain more several chapters from now). I see that "Arcas" can modify to "ursa" = "bear," and so we find that in one myth Zeus (or Artemis) changed Arcas into a bear and popped him into the sky as Ursa Minor. Therefore, Arcadia means "Bear Land." One is pressed to inquire as to whether Arcadia ties back to Akkadia, where Semites lived. That is, as Akkadia and Babylon were essentially the same region, might the Biblical Babylon of Daniel 7 be referring to Akkadia (i.e. to the Semites there), so as to connect the Babylonian lion symbol (of Daniel 7) with those Semite, or even Hebrew, elements?

At this website, you can see a coin (in illustration "b") whereupon Sandon is standing on the back of a lion. The curiosity of a snake growing out of each shoulder of the lion is on the Mushussu motif found on a jar dated 2100 BC. The Mushussu dragon is seen trailing behind a dragon god, Nin-gishzida, who is the one with a dragon growing out of each shoulder. In that manner he is approaching the god Enki on his throne.

This similarity of serpents growing out of shoulders can't be a coincidence, wherefore I confidently equate the Lydian lion with Babylonian sun-god families depicted as dragons. Notice that Nin-gish-zida and another figure at the rear are wearing bull horns on their heads, denoting the Taurus phallic cult...i.e. a cult that worshiped the Taurus bloodline. But we are now closer to identifying Sandon, for as the lion that he stands upon must be Nin-Gishzida, Sandon was kin to, or allied with, Nin-Gishzida.

[Update May 2006 -- I have found a variation of that god as "Ninnghizhidda," and as "nin" means "lord," the root is "Ghizhidda," this being the same as the god, Gizzida, he being a partner to Tammuz (husband of the Great Mother of All Whores, Ishtar) in Erech. This would locate Sandon in Erech. As I showed in a previous chapter (Asshur! Guzuntight), Gizzida was a friend of the Kabbalist peoples called "Cutha," and was in my opinion a depiction of the Aryan Guti. That is, the Kabbalists (non-Israelite Hebrews of Chaldee), were called by the name of Cutha/Guti because they had become allied to the Guti. End Update]

Britannica reveals that Tammuz was called "ama-ushumgal-anna," meaning "the heavenly dragon of the Mother," that Mother well-known to depict Ishtar...though I think further that she depicts her Eridu bloodline (Utu and Enki were gods of Eridu and were later allied to the said gods of Erech).

At the website above you can read that both Sandon and Perseus are honored as founders of the Cilician city of Tarsus. This Sandon-Perseus connection allows us to settle absolutely that the Perseus line of Gorgophones -- Mysians, Lydians and Cilicians -- were of Sandon elements. As evidence of Perseus ties to Cilicia, Britannica tells that Cilicia was settled by the Mycenaeans (Greek myth tells that Perseus founded the city of Mycenae).

Tarsus, the Biblical Tarshish, was south of the Halys river. Could it be a coincidence that "The Septuagint renders Tarshish in Isaiah 23:1 as Karkedonos (Karchedonos), which was the Greek form of the name Carthage in North Africa."

The implication is that the peoples who founded Carthage also founded Tarshish. It is known that Carthage was founded by Tyrians. And Greek myth reveals that the Tyrian, Cilix, is the eponym, and therefore founder, of Cilicia. It is my impression that the Trojans, when fleeing the Troy region after the Trojan war, settled Tarsus while the rest continued further east to settle and name Tyre. Note that "Karchedonus" might imply that Trojans and Tyrians were Gorgon peoples.

The quote above, therefore, helps us to equate the Tarshish of Isaiah 23:1 with Tarsus of Cilicia i.e. not Tartessos in Spain. It's possible that the peoples of Tarsus founded Tartessos in Spain, in relation to Mediterranean voyages to (and through) the "Pillars of Hercules" (i.e. Strait of Gibraltar), and you can see that these pillars are emphasized in illustrations "c". The fact that the two pillars support an arch didn't escape me, and brings me to say that "Hercules" may itself be rooted in "Arc," noting that the early dragon bloodline in Greece, called the "Cauconians," were home in the Greek district of Arcadia.

[Update July 2006 –I have recently found that the dragon line traces to the Aras river in Armenia and Georgia, known also as the Araxes, to which I trace the Hros. I would seriously consider tracing Hercules to the proto-Rus/Rosh of this is river. End Update] On the one hand, the father of king Gyges' of Lydia was said to be "Dascylus," which is no doubt an eponym for the Etruscans proper since they (in Italy) were called "Tusci." Thus, the Gyges Lydians were descended from Circe (i.e. Circasia/Caucasia) since the Etruscans are revealed as such. This moreover makes it all the more tempting to view the Gyges Lydians as an extension of the Biblical Gog (since the Biblical Gog is commonly located in Caucasia).

In illustration "d", Perseus holds Apollo in his outstretched hand, while Apollo in turn holds a wolf in each hand, this showing lineage from a certain wolf peoples to Apollo, and from Apollo to the Perseus Gorgons, showing also that Apollo and the wolf peoples were a depiction of Gorgons previous to Perseus. It is my confident opinion that the wolves in Apollo's outstretched hand depict the northern branch of Gorgons at Hyrcania/Verkana (meaning "wolf's land"). Verkana (on the south Caspian sea) was a city which to this day has been called "Gorgan."

Remember, then, that Apollo depicts an extension of Hyrcanians, who were previously Parthians (as even "Perseus" would suggest), that came to be the Taurus peoples of the Crimea, and, eventually, the Hyperboreans in the far north of Russia. Behold now, for "Hyperborean" literally means, "extreme northerners." Didn't Ezekiel say that Gog was from the "far north"?

The lion killing the bull behind Perseus (in illustration "d") depicts, in my opinion, the Perseus Gorgophones killing the Medusa, for the Medusa probably represented the early Gorgons of Taurus (it is made fairly clear in myth that the Medusa was related to the Hyperboreans). There was also a Taurus mountain range (not by coincidence but named by the same Gorgon peoples) that separated Cilicia from the Halys river.

Zeus and Io were both depicted as cattle, who are thus identified as the early Medusa Gorgons. Note in mythology that it's Zeus who gives birth to Perseus, showing that the Gorgophones are an extension of the Medusa Gorgons depicted by Zeus. Io, goddess of Argos (a city ruled by Perseus prior to his founding nearby Mycenae), was probably of the Ea (also "Enki") family of Babylon, especially as Io's father was made "Inachus," very much like "Enki."

This may come as a shock to Greek readers, but is there not some similarity between "Gorgo" and "Greco," and between "Gorgon" and Grecian"? The three Medusa sisters were called "Graeae," a term that is a near match with "Graioi," the latter being a term that Britannica claims is the root of "Graeci" which itself furnished "Greece."

As well as the Medusa (who had snakes for hair) and other Gorgons being depicted as snakes, you will note that things Gorgon come often in threes. The term "Thracian" itself appears to mean "three," as also "Troy" does. "Scythes" was the last of Hercules' three sons by the snake-woman of Taurus/Crimea, and while he depicted the Royal Scythians who retained the Crimea region as their own kingdom, another son, "Agathyrsus," was an eponym of the Agathyrsi peoples whom Herodotus described as "a race of men very luxurious, and very fond of wearing gold on their persons... In other respects their customs approach nearly to those of the Thracians" (IV.104)." (

Herodotus placed the Agathyrsi on the Danube river (IV.100), wherefore it is possible that the Moesi (who were also settled on the Danube) were related to the Agathyrsi. The Moesi were ancestral to the Mysians and the Lydians, all of whom I believe may very well have been the ancient Biblical Gog. Thus, my hunch appears true, that the Lydians under king Gyges, though far from Caucasia, were related to the Royal Scythians (i.e. Gogi) stationed in the Caucasus region in Ezekiel's day. Myth, at least, connects the Agathyrsus to the Royal Scythians.

Moreover, the Agathyrsus tribe of Scythians can be connected to Dionysus (of Greek myth) because he was depicted by a rod called a "thyrsos," that rod being a symbol (as we shall see) of the Manes-Attis body of peoples. It doesn't surprise me that the Agathyrsos were from Manes since Hercules (who was from Manes) is said to bring them forth. It should be said that Dionysus was depicted as a transvestite, and that the priests of Hercules wore female clothing. Hercules was given Thebes as his birthplace, the capital of the Galli (transvestite) cult.

It's natural, while mentioning "Scythes," to focus on the "Skythes" mentioned by Hesiod and repeated by Homer. Hesiod claimed that "Skythes" was an alternative term for "Delas," one of the inventors of bronze (the first metal to be invented). This means that Hesiod viewed Delas as a Scythian, or, more likely, as a patriarch of the Scythians.

Perhaps "Delas" was code for the Cyclade island of Delos, which was the island of Apollo, a god representing a wolf-worshiping peoples that incuded the Romans. Apollo's "mother," Leto, gave birth to him when migrating to Delos from Phrygia (i.e. where Lydia was located), and it might not be a coincidence that "Leto" reflects "Lydia" so well.

Hesiod revealed Skythes/Delas as a "Daktyloi," they being the ancestors of both the wild Curetes and the metal-engineering Trojans. Therefore, as Zeus was of the Curetes and Trojans, we can add the Scythians to the list of Zeus-line peoples. A migratory line, starting at Wolf Land (Hyrcania/Verkana), goes to Caucasia, then north into Azov and the Crimea. It then reaches westward into Thrace and north into Hyperborea. From Thrace it reached south into Troy, Mysia and Lydia before entering Greece on the one hand as Apollo, and on the other hand moving east into Tarsus of Cilicia and as far as Tyre to form the proto-Romans. This explains how Romans descended from Apollo and Lydia both. Meanwhile there was a second migratory route from Caucasia, along the south side of the Black sea, that came into contact with the northern branch.

The Hyperboreans were probably related to "Boreas" since the latter in myth was the north wind but commonly known to depict Thrace. Boreas married into the Cecrops bloodline (when he married Orithyia). The Cecrops family is important and will be dealt with later.

Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo, and because they were not depicted as standard brother and sister, the two would appear to depict the same peoples exactly rather than two divergent tribes from the same trunk of peoples. Many myth experts (according to Britannica) see Apollo coming into Greece as a foreign god from the far north of Russia, and along that vein we find that Artemis depicted an Amazonian peoples on the north of the Black sea. Artemis was worshipped at Taurus (of the Crimea), and from there she entered Greece. Something similar must be true of Apollo. Ancient records indicate that the Hyperboreans would bring gifts to Delos in honor of Apollo, but this can only mean that the Hyperboreans were related to the Apollo peoples on Delos (one of the Cyclade islands of Greece).

"Herodotus (i. 171) tells us that Lydus was a brother of Mysus and Car." Mythical brothers are branches of the same trunk. Carians play a key role in this story because they were associated with Rhodes, the island of Helios, that being a sacred hub of the Rose Line in my opinion. Helios was the Greek version of the Mesopotamian sun god. Note that Rhodes was likely the home of three Cimmerian branches brought forth by the Helios bloodline, for one of Helios' grandsons by the goddess Rhoda (she being the eponym of Rhodes) was "Kamiros," almost exactly what the Cimmerians of Phrygia were called in Armenian records: "Gamir."

This is not to say that Cimmerians originated on Rhodes, but that they, under other names, came to Rhodes. While it is possible for the Cimmerians proper of Taurus to have been from Gomer (son of Japheth), as virtually all Christian historians claim, they could certainly have amalgamated with the Amazons/Meshech of Taurus to produce peoples by other names prior to reaching Rhodes.

Carians may be viewed as the first rulers of Atlantis i.e. the Aegean sea, albeit as pirates. It's interesting that the Carians are credited with the creation of the coat of arms, something dear to Rosicrucians and other secret societies to this day.

The Athenian historian Thucydides wrote (website below) that half the graves (i.e. half the inhabitants) on Delos had been filled with Carians. They have been connected by blood to the Lelegians who were in turn related to the Caucones, the latter two peoples being some of the earliest immigrants into Greece. Lelegians were Trojan allies in the Trojan War, as expected since they descended from Attis (i.e. as had the Carians). And we read at the above website: "Gargara in the Troad also counted as Lelegian."

I'll bet that Gargara in the Troad was a settlement of the Caucasian Gargarians/Gorgons, and this now reveals the origin of the Lelegian-related Caucones. Caucasia, of course.

Britannica tells that the Mysians themselves claimed to be kin to the Carians, while in another Britannica article (on Caria) I learned that the Carians "claimed brotherhood with the Lydians and Mysians." Still another article shared that Carians claimed to be brothers of Etruscans, thus forming yet again a Phrygia-to-Rome connection.

Britannica says that the Apollo cult moved westward to Rome, and this cult must be of the proto-Lydians and their Perseus-friendly relatives in Greece. Note that Perseus first ruled, prior to ruling Argos, at nearby Tiryns, a term that is nearly the exact term used for the Etruscans -- "Tyrrheni" -- a term derived from Tyrrhenus (also "Tyrsenus") the Lydian descendant of Attis. Thus, the founders of Rome, whether we are referring to the Etruscans or to the Latins/Romans, descended from Attis and Manes...which is why the Romans and Etruscans both worshiped Hercules.

Myth writers made Tyrsenus son of Hercules so that Etruscans are indeed of the Hercules line. In still another version, Tyrsenus was the son of Telephus, son of Hercules, while Telephus, although born in Arcadia, ruled a Mysian kingdom by the Caicus river (Telephus may have depicted the historical Telepinus dynasty, last of the Old Hittite empire). Tyrsenus was appointed another brother, Tarchon, who depicted a major Etruscan god after which the Italian city of Tarquinia was named.

If "Tarchon" refers to the ancestors of the Turks, then the Turks ought to be viewed as descendants of the Gogi Phrygians, which seems to be the case in that the earliest Turks were, in historical records, the "Kok-Turks."

We now come back to Inachus, the first ruler in Argos, whose bloodline put forth Car. The "wife" of Inachus can disclose to us his geography and to whom he was allied. She was Melia, of the Meliae nymphs defined as the survivors of Uranus in his war against Kronos. Melia's son, Amycus, was the ruler of the Bebryces peoples, that latter term looking like it contains the early name of the Phrygians, "Bryges." The Bebryces lived near Troy, after all, in Bithynia to be exact, an important nation in this story because I see it as the origin of Odin and the Germanics stemming from him. Melia is also important as she depicts the bee-line peoples. Etruscan myth makes Hercules the son of "Tinia," which I view as the Thracian nation of Thynia. That is, I would root Etruscans in Thynia.

The Inachus peoples went on from Bithynia to become the first dragon bloodline in the Argos region. As such, we should find the Lelegians and Cauconians among his tribes since they too were early Greeks of the Argos region. Indeed, upon invading Asia Minor to found their nation, Bithynia, the Bithynians first defeated the Caucones who were already there.

Boreas (the north wind, Thrace) was named "Aquila" (eagle) by the Romans. This lends support to those who equate the eagle and the dragon symbols, for while we see the eagle as a symbol of Thrace, we must not ignore the similarity between "Thraco" and "Draco." One must therefore ask if the American eagle, no doubt a product of secret societies tied to ancient Greek societies, especially to the Cecrops bloodline that introduced Democracy, was not also a symbol of the Thracians.

If you're wondering how Europa fits into this Lydian picture of Roman roots, consider now Pasiphae (the daughter of Helios and Perse, as was Circe/Kirke). She was made "wife" of Minos (of Crete), who himself was the child of Zeus and Europa. Thus the same Caucasian/Gogi bloodline providing the Lydians and Romans was intermarried with the Trogo-Phoenician peoples who spread out into all of Europe.

[Update May 2006 -- In tracing the descendents of Dedan, he being a grandson of Abraham by his second wife Ketura, I seek them within the important branches of the dragon line in that I suspect them to have become the Kabbalists. The Bible mentions three peoples by name as Dedan's descendants: Asshurites, Letushites, and Leummites. When I asked myself what peoples Leum(m) might have become, under the condition that Letush became Lydus/Lydia, I could only think of wicked Lemnos, the island (near Troy) sacred/dedicated to the wicked Hephaistos, a land filled with Amazons and Etruscans. It has for a long time been my impression that Hephaistos was the creator of Greek myths, for he is reported as the founder of the Greek secret societies, known to have deep Caucone involvement, and more than that, his cult was called "Kabeiri," a term evoking "Abiru/Hebrew" if not "Kabala" itself. End Update]


The Wolf Peoples
Apollo depicted a wolf-line peoples of proto-Russia
that entered Greece as "Lyco" terms,
and then founded Rome.

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